#ifndef REPREPRO_OVERRIDE_H #define REPREPRO_OVERRIDE_H #ifndef REPREPRO_ERROR_H #include "error.h" #warning "What's hapening here?" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_STRLIST_H #include "strlist.h" #endif #ifndef REPREPRO_CHUNKS_H #include "chunks.h" #endif struct overridefile; struct overridedata; /* to avoid typos */ #define PRIORITY_FIELDNAME "Priority" #define SECTION_FIELDNAME "Section" void override_free(/*@only@*//*@null@*/struct overridefile *); retvalue override_read(const char *filename, /*@out@*/struct overridefile **, bool /*source*/); /*@null@*//*@dependent@*/const struct overridedata *override_search(/*@null@*/const struct overridefile *, const char * /*package*/); /*@null@*//*@dependent@*/const char *override_get(/*@null@*/const struct overridedata *, const char * /*field*/); /* add new fields to otherreplaces, but not "Section", or "Priority". * incorporates otherreplaces, or frees them on error */ /*@null@*/struct fieldtoadd *override_addreplacefields(const struct overridedata *, /*@only@*/struct fieldtoadd *); /* as above, but all fields. and may return NULL if there are no overrides */ retvalue override_allreplacefields(const struct overridedata *, /*@out@*/struct fieldtoadd **); #endif