path: root/heartbeat/exportfs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/heartbeat/exportfs b/heartbeat/exportfs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..435a196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/heartbeat/exportfs
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# exportfs
+# Description: Manages nfs exported file system.
+# (c) 2010 Ben Timby, Florian Haas, Dejan Muhamedagic,
+# and Linux-HA contributors
+# License: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) and later
+# Initialization:
+: ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat}
+. ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs
+# Defaults
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_unlock_on_stop=${OCF_RESKEY_unlock_on_stop_default}}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_wait_for_leasetime_on_stop=${OCF_RESKEY_wait_for_leasetime_on_stop_default}}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup=${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup_default}}
+exportfs_meta_data() {
+ cat <<END
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM "ra-api-1.dtd">
+<resource-agent name="exportfs" version="1.0">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+Exportfs uses the exportfs command to add/remove nfs exports.
+It does NOT manage the nfs server daemon.
+It depends on Linux specific NFS implementation details,
+so is considered not portable to other platforms yet.
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+Manages NFS exports
+<parameter name="clientspec" unique="0" required="1">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+The client specification allowing remote machines to mount the directory
+(or directories) over NFS.
+Note: it follows the format defined in "man exportfs". For example, in
+the use case to export the directory(-ies) for multiple subnets, please
+do config a dedicated primitive for each subnet CIDR ip address,
+and do not attempt to use multiple CIDR ip addresses in a space
+separated list, like in /etc/exports.
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+Client ACL.
+<content type="string" />
+<parameter name="options" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+The options to pass to exportfs for the exported directory
+or directories.
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+Export options.
+<content type="string" />
+<parameter name="directory" unique="0" required="1">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+The directory or directories to be exported using NFS. Multiple
+directories are separated by white space.
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+The directory or directories to export.
+<content type="string" />
+<parameter name="fsid" unique="0" required="0">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+The fsid option to pass to exportfs. This can be a unique positive
+integer, a UUID (assuredly sans comma characters), or the special string
+"root" which is functionally identical to numeric fsid of 0.
+If multiple directories are being exported, then they are
+assigned ids sequentially starting with this fsid (fsid, fsid+1,
+fsid+2, ...). Obviously, in that case the fsid must be an
+0 (root) identifies the export as the root of an NFSv4
+pseudofilesystem -- avoid this setting unless you understand its
+special status.
+This value will override any fsid provided via the options parameter.
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+Unique fsid within cluster or starting fsid for multiple exports.
+<content type="string" />
+<parameter name="unlock_on_stop">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+Relinquish NFS locks associated with this filesystem when the resource
+stops. Enabling this parameter is highly recommended unless the path exported
+by this ${__SCRIPT_NAME} resource is also exported by a different resource.
+Note: Unlocking is only possible on Linux systems where
+/proc/fs/nfsd/unlock_filesystem exists and is writable. If your system does
+not fulfill this requirement (on account of having an nonrecent kernel,
+for example), you may set this parameter to 0 to silence the associated
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+Unlock filesystem on stop?
+<content type="boolean" default="${OCF_RESKEY_unlock_on_stop_default}" />
+<parameter name="wait_for_leasetime_on_stop">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+When stopping (unexporting), wait out the NFSv4 lease time.
+Only after all leases have expired does the NFS kernel server
+relinquish all server-side handles on the exported filesystem.
+If this ${__SCRIPT_NAME} resource manages an export that resides
+on a mount point designed to fail over along with the NFS export
+itself, then enabling this parameter will ensure such failover
+is working properly. Note that when this parameter is set, your
+stop timeout MUST accommodate for the wait period. This parameter
+is safe to disable if none of your NFS clients are using NFS
+version 4 or later.
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+Ride out the NFSv4 lease time on resource stop?
+<content type="boolean" default="${OCF_RESKEY_wait_for_leasetime_on_stop_default}" />
+<parameter name="rmtab_backup">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+Back up those entries from the NFS rmtab that apply to the exported
+directory, to the specified backup file. The filename is interpreted
+as relative to the exported directory. This backup is required if
+clients are connecting to the export via NFSv3 over TCP. Note that a
+configured monitor operation is required for this functionality.
+To disable rmtab backups, set this parameter to the special
+string "none".
+<shortdesc lang="en">
+Location of the rmtab backup, relative to directory.
+<content type="string" default="${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup_default}" />
+<action name="start" timeout="40s" />
+<action name="stop" timeout="120s" />
+<action name="monitor" depth="0" timeout="20s" interval="10s" />
+<action name="meta-data" timeout="5s" />
+<action name="validate-all" timeout="30s" />
+return $OCF_SUCCESS
+exportfs_methods() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ start
+ stop
+ status
+ monitor
+ validate-all
+ methods
+ meta-data
+ usage
+reset_fsid() {
+ [ -z "$CURRENT_FSID" ] && CURRENT_FSID=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_options" | sed -n 's/.*fsid=\([^,]*\).*/\1/p'`
+bump_fsid() {
+get_fsid() {
+# run a function on all directories
+forall() {
+ local func=$1
+ shift 1
+ local fast_exit=""
+ local dir rc=0
+ if [ "$2" = fast_exit ]; then
+ fast_exit=1
+ shift 1
+ fi
+ reset_fsid
+ for dir in $OCF_RESKEY_directory; do
+ $func $dir "$@"
+ rc=$(($rc | $?))
+ [ $NUMDIRS -gt 1 ] && bump_fsid
+ [ "$fast_exit" ] && continue
+ [ $rc -ne 0 ] && return $rc
+ done
+ return $rc
+backup_rmtab() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local rmtab_backup
+ rmtab_backup="$dir/${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup}"
+ if [ -r /var/lib/nfs/rmtab ]; then
+ grep ":$dir:" /var/lib/nfs/rmtab > ${rmtab_backup}
+ fi
+restore_rmtab() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local rmtab_backup
+ rmtab_backup="$dir/${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup}"
+ if [ -r ${rmtab_backup} ]; then
+ local tmpf=`mktemp`
+ sort -u ${rmtab_backup} /var/lib/nfs/rmtab > $tmpf &&
+ install -o root -m 644 $tmpf /var/lib/nfs/rmtab
+ rm -f $tmpf
+ ocf_log debug "Restored `wc -l ${rmtab_backup}` rmtab entries from ${rmtab_backup}."
+ else
+ ocf_log warn "rmtab backup ${rmtab_backup} not found or not readable."
+ fi
+exportfs_usage() {
+ cat <<END
+ usage: $0 {start|stop|monitor|status|validate-all|meta-data}
+format_exports() {
+ # exportfs output wraps lines for long export directory names.
+ # We unwrap here with sed.
+ # We then do a literal match on the full line (grep -x -F)
+ exportfs |
+ sed -e '$! N; s/\n[[:space:]]\+/ /; t; s/[[:space:]]\+\([^[:space:]]\+\)\(\n\|$\)/ \1\2/g; P;D;'
+is_exported() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local spec=$2
+ local rc
+ format_exports | grep -q -x -F "$dir $spec"
+ rc=$?
+ if [ $rc -ne 0 -a "$spec" = "*" ]; then
+ # on some platforms, exportfs may print
+ # "<world>" instead of "*"
+ format_exports | grep -q -x -F "$dir <world>"
+ rc=$?
+ fi
+ # log something only for monitors
+ if [ $rc -ne 0 -a "$__OCF_ACTION" = "monitor" ]; then
+ local sev="info"
+ ocf_is_probe || sev="err"
+ ocf_log $sev "$dir not exported to $spec (stopped)."
+ fi
+ return $rc
+exportfs_monitor ()
+ local spec
+ if ! ha_pseudo_resource "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}" monitor; then
+ fi
+ # IPv6 addresses and networks are encased in brackets that need
+ # to be removed
+ case "$OCF_RESKEY_clientspec" in
+ *:*:*)
+ spec="$(echo "$OCF_RESKEY_clientspec" | tr -d '[]')"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ spec="$OCF_RESKEY_clientspec"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if forall is_exported "$spec"; then
+ if [ ${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup} != "none" ]; then
+ forall backup_rmtab
+ fi
+ return $OCF_SUCCESS
+ else
+ fi
+testdir() {
+ if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ ocf_exit_reason "Unable to create directory $1"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+export_one() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local opts sep
+ sep=""
+ if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_options" ]; then
+ opts="$OCF_RESKEY_options"
+ sep=","
+ fi
+ if echo "$opts" | grep fsid >/dev/null; then
+ #replace fsid in options list
+ opts=`echo "$opts" | sed "s,fsid=[^,]*,fsid=$(get_fsid),g"`
+ elif [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_fsid" ]; then
+ #tack the fsid option onto our options list.
+ opts="${opts}${sep}fsid=$(get_fsid)"
+ fi
+ opts="-o $opts"
+ # if any of directories fails to export we can exit
+ # immediately
+ ocf_run exportfs -v $opts "${OCF_RESKEY_clientspec}:$dir"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ ocf_exit_reason "exportfs failed - exportfs -v $opts ${OCF_RESKEY_clientspec}:$dir"
+ fi
+ ocf_log info "directory $dir exported"
+ return $OCF_SUCCESS
+exportfs_start ()
+ if ! forall testdir; then
+ fi
+ if exportfs_monitor; then
+ ocf_log debug "already exported"
+ return $OCF_SUCCESS
+ fi
+ ocf_log info "Exporting file system(s) ..."
+ ha_pseudo_resource "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}" start
+ forall export_one
+ # Restore the rmtab to ensure smooth NFS-over-TCP failover
+ if [ ${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup} != "none" ]; then
+ forall restore_rmtab
+ fi
+unlock_fs() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local unlockfile
+ unlockfile=/proc/fs/nfsd/unlock_filesystem
+ if [ -w ${unlockfile} ]; then
+ echo "$dir" > ${unlockfile}
+ ocf_log info "Unlocked NFS export $dir"
+ else
+ ocf_log warn "Unable to unlock NFS export $dir, ${unlockfile} not found or not writable"
+ fi
+wait_for_leasetime() {
+ local leasetimefile
+ local sleeptime
+ leasetimefile=/proc/fs/nfsd/nfsv4leasetime
+ if [ -r ${leasetimefile} ]; then
+ sleeptime=$((`cat ${leasetimefile}`+2))
+ ocf_log info "Sleeping ${sleeptime} seconds to accommodate for NFSv4 lease expiry"
+ sleep ${sleeptime}s
+ else
+ ocf_log warn "Unable to read NFSv4 lease time from ${leasetimefile}, file not found or not readable"
+ fi
+cleanup_export_cache() {
+ # see if the cache is blocking unexport
+ local contentfile=/proc/net/rpc/nfsd.export/content
+ local fsid_re
+ local i=1
+ fsid_re="fsid=(echo `forall get_fsid`|sed 's/ /|/g'),"
+ while :; do
+ grep -E -q "$fsid_re" $contentfile ||
+ break
+ ocf_log info "Cleanup export cache ... (try $i)"
+ ocf_run exportfs -f
+ sleep 0.5
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+unexport_one() {
+ local dir=$1
+ ocf_run exportfs -v -u ${OCF_RESKEY_clientspec}:$dir
+exportfs_stop ()
+ local rc
+ exportfs_monitor
+ if [ $? -eq $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then
+ ocf_log debug "not exported"
+ return $OCF_SUCCESS
+ fi
+ ocf_log info "Un-exporting file system ..."
+ # Backup the rmtab to ensure smooth NFS-over-TCP failover
+ if [ ${OCF_RESKEY_rmtab_backup} != "none" ]; then
+ forall backup_rmtab
+ fi
+ forall unexport_one
+ rc=$?
+ if ocf_is_true ${OCF_RESKEY_unlock_on_stop}; then
+ forall unlock_fs
+ fi
+ if ocf_is_true ${OCF_RESKEY_wait_for_leasetime_on_stop}; then
+ wait_for_leasetime
+ fi
+ if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then
+ cleanup_export_cache
+ ha_pseudo_resource "${OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE}" stop
+ ocf_log info "Un-exported file system(s)"
+ return $OCF_SUCCESS
+ else
+ ocf_exit_reason "Failed to un-export file system(s)"
+ fi
+exportfs_validate_all ()
+ if echo "$OCF_RESKEY_fsid" | grep -q -F ','; then
+ ocf_exit_reason "$OCF_RESKEY_fsid cannot contain a comma"
+ fi
+ if [ $NUMDIRS -gt 1 ] && [ -n "$(reset_fsid)" ] &&
+ ! ocf_is_decimal "$(reset_fsid)"; then
+ ocf_exit_reason "use integer fsid when exporting multiple directories"
+ fi
+for dir in $OCF_RESKEY_directory; do
+ # strip off trailing '/' from directory
+ dir=$(echo $dir | sed 's/\/*$//')
+ : ${dir:=/}
+ if [ -e "$dir" ] ; then
+ canonicalized_dir=$(readlink -f "$dir")
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ if [ "$__OCF_ACTION" != "stop" ]; then
+ ocf_exit_reason "Could not canonicalize $dir because readlink failed"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ case "$__OCF_ACTION" in
+ stop|monitor|validate-all)
+ canonicalized_dir="$dir"
+ ocf_log debug "$dir does not exist"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ocf_exit_reason "$dir does not exist"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ directories="$directories$canonicalized_dir "
+OCF_RESKEY_directory="${directories%% }"
+NUMDIRS=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_directory" | wc -w`
+OCF_REQUIRED_PARAMS="directory clientspec"
+ocf_rarun $*