path: root/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPInstance
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1 files changed, 630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPInstance b/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPInstance
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c64e021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/SAPInstance
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+# SAPInstance
+# Description: Manages a single SAP Instance as a High-Availability
+# resource. One SAP Instance is defined by one
+# SAP Instance-Profile. start/stop handels all services
+# of the START-Profile, status and monitor care only
+# about essential services.
+# Author: Alexander Krauth, June 2006
+# Support:
+# License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
+# Copyright: (c) 2006, 2007 Alexander Krauth
+# An example usage:
+# See usage() function below for more details...
+# OCF instance parameters:
+# OCF_RESKEY_InstanceName
+# OCF_RESKEY_DIR_EXECUTABLE (optional, well known directories will be searched by default)
+# OCF_RESKEY_DIR_PROFILE (optional, well known directories will be searched by default)
+# OCF_RESKEY_START_PROFILE (optional, well known directories will be searched by default)
+# OCF_RESKEY_START_WAITTIME (optional, to solve timing problems during J2EE-Addin start)
+# OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER (optional, automatic startup recovery using cleanipc, default is false)
+# OCF_RESKEY_PRE_START_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed before the resource is started)
+# OCF_RESKEY_POST_START_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed after the resource is started)
+# OCF_RESKEY_PRE_STOP_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed before the resource is stopped)
+# OCF_RESKEY_POST_STOP_USEREXIT (optional, lists a script which can be executed after the resource is stopped)
+# Initialization:
+if [ -f $(dirname $0)/.ocf-shellfuncs ]; then
+ . $(dirname $0)/.ocf-shellfuncs
+elif [ -f $(dirname $0)/ocf-shellfuncs ]; then
+ PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
+ . $(dirname $0)/ocf-shellfuncs
+ echo Could not find ocf-shellfuncs!
+ exit 1
+usage() {
+ methods=`sapinstance_methods`
+ methods=`echo $methods | tr ' ' '|'`
+ cat <<-!
+ usage: $0 ($methods)
+ $0 manages a SAP Instance as an HA resource.
+ The 'start' operation starts the instance.
+ The 'stop' operation stops the instance.
+ The 'status' operation reports whether the instance is running
+ The 'monitor' operation reports whether the instance seems to be working
+ The 'validate-all' operation reports whether the parameters are valid
+ The 'methods' operation reports on the methods $0 supports
+ !
+meta_data() {
+ cat <<END
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE resource-agent SYSTEM "ra-api-1-modified.dtd">
+<resource-agent name="SAPInstance">
+<longdesc lang="en">
+Resource script for SAP. It manages a SAP Instance as an HA resource.
+<shortdesc lang="en">SAP instance resource agent</shortdesc>
+ <parameter name="InstanceName" unique="1" required="1" primary="1">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The full qualified SAP instance name. e.g. P01_DVEBMGS00_sapp01ci</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">instance name: SID_INSTANCE_VIR-HOSTNAME</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="DIR_EXECUTABLE" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The full qualified path where to find sapstartsrv and sapcontrol.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">path of sapstartsrv and sapcontrol</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="DIR_PROFILE" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The full qualified path where to find the SAP START profile.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">path of start profile</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="START_PROFILE" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The name of the SAP START profile.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">start profile name</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="START_WAITTIME" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">After that time in seconds a monitor operation is executed by the resource agent. Does the monitor return SUCCESS, the start is handled as SUCCESS. This is useful to resolve timing problems with e.g. the J2EE-Addin instance.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">Check the successful start after that time (do not wait for J2EE-Addin)</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="3600" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="AUTOMATIC_RECOVER" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The SAPInstance resource agent tries to recover a failed start attempt automatically one time. This is done by killing running instance processes and executing cleanipc.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">Enable or disable automatic startup recovery</shortdesc>
+ <content type="boolean" default="false"/>
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="PRE_START_USEREXIT" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed before this resource gets started.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">path to a pre-start script</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="POST_START_USEREXIT" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed after this resource got started.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">path to a post-start script</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="PRE_STOP_USEREXIT" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed before this resource gets stopped.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">path to a pre-start script</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+ <parameter name="POST_STOP_USEREXIT" unique="0" required="0">
+ <longdesc lang="en">The full qualified path where to find a script or program which should be executed after this resource got stopped.</longdesc>
+ <shortdesc lang="en">path to a post-start script</shortdesc>
+ <content type="string" default="" />
+ </parameter>
+<action name="start" timeout="180" />
+<action name="stop" timeout="240" />
+<action name="status" timeout="60" depth="0" interval="120" start-delay="240" />
+<action name="monitor" depth="0" timeout="60" interval="120" start-delay="240" />
+<action name="validate-all" timeout="5" />
+<action name="meta-data" timeout="5" />
+<action name="methods" timeout="5" />
+# methods: What methods/operations do we support?
+sapinstance_methods() {
+ cat <<-!
+ start
+ stop
+ status
+ monitor
+ validate-all
+ methods
+ meta-data
+ usage
+ !
+# setup_limits: If sapstartsrv needs to be started by this resource agent we need to ensure that any resource
+# limits configured in /usr/sap/sapservices are applied.
+# Since sapstartsrv is started as root and then it downgrades its privileges by calling setuid() and
+# setgid() any PAM limits at /etc/security/limits.conf are not applied.
+# Should sapstartsrv need to be started, we look for values configured at /usr/sap/sapservices (as
+# per SAP note 1437105) and, if found, we apply them before starting sapstartsrv.
+# Instance processes are started by sapstartsrv and will inherit resource limits from it.
+setup_limits() {
+ if [ -r $SAPSERVICES ]
+ then
+ descriptors=`grep "^limit.descriptors" $SAPSERVICES | sed -e "s/limit.descriptors=//" `
+ if [ -n $descriptors ]
+ then
+ ocf_log info "found valid open file descriptors limit at ${SAPSERVICES}: ${descriptors}, applying..."
+ eval ulimit -n $descriptors
+ fi
+ stacksize=`grep "^limit.stacksize" $SAPSERVICES | sed -e "s/limit.stacksize=//" `
+ if [ -n $stacksize ]
+ then
+ ocf_log info "found valid stack size limit at ${SAPSERVICES}: ${stacksize}, applying..."
+ eval ulimit -s $stacksize
+ fi
+ datasize=`grep "^limit.datasize" $SAPSERVICES | sed -e "s/limit.datasize=//" `
+ if [ -n $datasize ]
+ then
+ ocf_log info "found valid process data segment size limit at ${SAPSERVICES}: ${datasize}, applying..."
+ eval ulimit -d $datasize
+ fi
+ fi
+# check_sapstartsrv : Before using sapcontrol we make sure that the sapstartsrv is running for the correct instance.
+# We cannot use sapinit and the /usr/sap/sapservices file in case of an enquerep instance,
+# because then we have two instances with the same instance number.
+check_sapstartsrv() {
+ restart=0
+ runninginst=""
+ chkrc=$OCF_SUCCESS
+ output=`$SAPCONTROL -nr $InstanceNr -function ParameterValue INSTANCE_NAME -format script`
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ runninginst=`echo "$output" | grep '^0 : ' | cut -d' ' -f3`
+ if [ "$runninginst" != "$InstanceName" ]
+ then
+ ocf_log warn "sapstartsrv is running for instance $runninginst, that service will be killed"
+ restart=1
+ fi
+ else
+ ocf_log warn "sapstartsrv is not running for instance $SID-$InstanceName, it will be started now"
+ restart=1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$runninginst" ]; then runninginst=$InstanceName; fi
+ if [ $restart -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ pkill -9 -f "sapstartsrv.*$runninginst"
+ setup_limits
+ # now make sure the daemon has been started and is able to respond
+ srvrc=1
+ while [ $srvrc -eq 1 -a `pgrep -f "sapstartsrv.*$runninginst" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ $SAPCONTROL -nr $InstanceNr -function GetProcessList > /dev/null 2>&1
+ srvrc=$?
+ done
+ if [ $srvrc -ne 1 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log info "sapstartsrv for instance $SID-$InstanceName was restarted !"
+ chkrc=$OCF_SUCCESS
+ else
+ ocf_log error "sapstartsrv for instance $SID-$InstanceName could not be started!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $chkrc
+# sapuserexit : Many SAP customers need some additional processes/tools to run their SAP systems.
+# This specialties do not allow a totally generic SAP cluster resource agent.
+# Someone should write a resource agent for each additional process you need, if it
+# is required to monitor that process within the cluster manager. To enable
+# you to extent this resource agent without developing a new one, this user exit
+# was introduced.
+sapuserexit() {
+ NAME="$1"
+ VALUE="$2"
+ if [ -n "$VALUE" ]
+ then
+ if [ -x "$VALUE" ]
+ then
+ ocf_log info "Calling userexit ${NAME} with customer script file ${VALUE}"
+ eval "$VALUE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ ocf_log info "Exiting userexit ${NAME} with customer script file ${VALUE}, returncode: $?"
+ else
+ ocf_log warn "Attribute ${NAME} is set to ${VALUE}, but this file is not executable"
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+# cleanup_instance : remove resources (processes and shared memory) from a crashed instance)
+cleanup_instance() {
+ pkill -9 -f -U $sidadm $InstanceName
+ $DIR_EXECUTABLE/cleanipc $InstanceNr remove
+ return 0
+# sapinstance_start : Start the SAP instance
+sapinstance_start() {
+ loopcount=0
+ while [ $loopcount -lt 2 ]
+ do
+ loopcount=$(($loopcount + 1))
+ check_sapstartsrv
+ output=`$SAPCONTROL -nr $InstanceNr -function Start`
+ rc=$?
+ ocf_log info "Starting SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName: $output"
+ if [ $rc -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log err "SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName start failed."
+ fi
+ startrc=1
+ while [ $startrc -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ waittime_start=`date +%s`
+ output=`$SAPCONTROL -nr $InstanceNr -function WaitforStarted $OCF_RESKEY_START_WAITTIME 10`
+ startrc=$?
+ waittime_stop=`date +%s`
+ if [ $startrc -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ if [ $(($waittime_stop - $waittime_start)) -ge $OCF_RESKEY_START_WAITTIME ]
+ then
+ sapinstance_monitor NOLOG
+ if [ $? -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ]
+ then
+ output="START_WAITTIME ($OCF_RESKEY_START_WAITTIME) has elapsed, but instance monitor returned SUCCESS. Instance considered running."
+ startrc=0; loopcount=2
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ $loopcount -eq 1 -a $OCF_RESKEY_AUTOMATIC_RECOVER -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log warn "SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName start failed: $output"
+ ocf_log warn "Try to recover $SID-$InstanceName"
+ cleanup_instance
+ else
+ loopcount=2
+ fi
+ startrc=-1
+ fi
+ else
+ loopcount=2
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if [ $startrc -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log info "SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName started: $output"
+ else
+ ocf_log err "SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName start failed: $output"
+ fi
+ return $rc
+# sapinstance_recover: Try startup of failed instance by cleaning up resources
+sapinstance_recover() {
+ cleanup_instance
+ sapinstance_start
+ return $?
+# sapinstance_stop: Stop the SAP instance
+sapinstance_stop() {
+ check_sapstartsrv
+ output=`$SAPCONTROL -nr $InstanceNr -function Stop`
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ output=`$SAPCONTROL -nr $InstanceNr -function WaitforStopped 3600 1`
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log info "SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName stopped: $output"
+ else
+ ocf_log err "SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName stop failed: $output"
+ fi
+ else
+ ocf_log err "SAP Instance $SID-$InstanceName stop failed: $output"
+ fi
+ return $rc
+# sapinstance_monitor: Can the given SAP instance do anything useful?
+sapinstance_monitor() {
+ check_sapstartsrv
+ rc=$?
+ if [ $rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ]
+ then
+ count=0
+ LOCALHOST=`hostname`
+ output=`$SAPCONTROL -nr $InstanceNr -host $LOCALHOST -function GetProcessList -format script`
+ # we have to parse the output, because the returncode doesn't tell anything about the instance status
+ for SERVNO in `echo "$output" | grep '^[0-9] ' | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u`
+ do
+ COLOR=`echo "$output" | grep "^$SERVNO dispstatus: " | cut -d' ' -f3`
+ SERVICE=`echo "$output" | grep "^$SERVNO name: " | cut -d' ' -f3`
+ case $COLOR in
+ esac
+ case $SERVICE in
+ disp+work|msg_server|enserver|enrepserver|jcontrol|jstart)
+ if [ $STATE -eq $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]
+ then
+ if [ "$MONLOG" != "NOLOG" ]
+ then
+ ocf_log err "SAP instance service $SERVICE is not running with status $COLOR !"
+ fi
+ rc=$STATE
+ fi
+ count=1;;
+ *);;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ $count -eq 0 -a $rc -eq $OCF_SUCCESS ]
+ then
+ if [ "$MONLOG" != "NOLOG" ]
+ then
+ ocf_log err "The SAP instance does not run any services which this RA could monitor!"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ return $rc
+# sapinstance_validate: Check the symantic of the input parameters
+sapinstance_validate() {
+ if [ `echo "$SID" | grep -c '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]$'` -ne 1 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log err "Parsing instance profile name: '$SID' is not a valid system ID!"
+ fi
+ if [ `echo "$InstanceName" | grep -c '^[A-Z].*[0-9][0-9]$'` -ne 1 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log err "Parsing instance profile name: '$InstanceName' is not a valid instance name!"
+ fi
+ if [ `echo "$InstanceNr" | grep -c '^[0-9][0-9]$'` -ne 1 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log err "Parsing instance profile name: '$InstanceNr' is not a valid instance number!"
+ fi
+ if [ `echo "$SAPVIRHOST" | grep -c '^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*$'` -ne 1 ]
+ then
+ ocf_log err "Parsing instance profile name: '$SAPVIRHOST' is not a valid hostname!"
+ fi
+ return $rc
+# 'main' starts here...
+ ( [ $# -ne 1 ] )
+ usage
+ exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS
+# These operations don't require OCF instance parameters to be set
+case "$1" in
+ meta-data) meta_data
+ exit $OCF_SUCCESS;;
+ usage) usage
+ exit $OCF_SUCCESS;;
+ methods) sapinstance_methods
+ exit $?;;
+ *);;
+US=`id -u -n`
+US=`echo $US`
+ [ $US != root ]
+ ocf_log err "$0 must be run as root"
+ exit $OCF_ERR_PERM
+# parameter check
+if [ -z "$OCF_RESKEY_InstanceName" ]
+ ocf_log err "Please set OCF_RESKEY_InstanceName to the name to the SAP instance profile!"
+ exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS
+SID=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_InstanceName" | cut -d_ -f1`
+InstanceName=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_InstanceName" | cut -d_ -f2`
+InstanceNr=`echo "$InstanceName" | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9]\)$/\1/'`
+SAPVIRHOST=`echo "$OCF_RESKEY_InstanceName" | cut -d_ -f3`
+# optional OCF parameters, we try to guess which directories are correct
+ if [ -x /usr/sap/$SID/$InstanceName/exe/sapstartsrv -a -x /usr/sap/$SID/$InstanceName/exe/sapcontrol ]
+ then
+ DIR_EXECUTABLE="/usr/sap/$SID/$InstanceName/exe"
+ SAPSTARTSRV="/usr/sap/$SID/$InstanceName/exe/sapstartsrv"
+ SAPCONTROL="/usr/sap/$SID/$InstanceName/exe/sapcontrol"
+ elif [ -x /usr/sap/$SID/SYS/exe/run/sapstartsrv -a -x /usr/sap/$SID/SYS/exe/run/sapcontrol ]
+ then
+ DIR_EXECUTABLE="/usr/sap/$SID/SYS/exe/run"
+ SAPSTARTSRV="/usr/sap/$SID/SYS/exe/run/sapstartsrv"
+ SAPCONTROL="/usr/sap/$SID/SYS/exe/run/sapcontrol"
+ else
+ ocf_log warn "Cannot find sapstartsrv and sapcontrol executable, please set DIR_EXECUTABLE parameter!"
+ fi
+ if [ -d /usr/sap/$SID/SYS/profile/ ]
+ then
+ DIR_PROFILE="/usr/sap/$SID/SYS/profile"
+ else
+ ocf_log warn "Expected /usr/sap/$SID/SYS/profile/ to be a directory, please set DIR_PROFILE parameter!"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -r $SAPSTARTPROFILE ]
+ then
+ ocf_log warn "Expected $SAPSTARTPROFILE to be the instance START profile, please set START_PROFILE parameter!"
+ fi
+ esac
+# as root user we need the library path to the SAP kernel to be able to call sapcontrol
+if [ `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | grep -c "^$DIR_EXECUTABLE\>"` -eq 0 ]; then
+sidadm="`echo $SID | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`adm"
+# What kind of method was invoked?
+case "$1" in
+ start) sapinstance_start
+ exit $?;;
+ stop) sapinstance_stop
+ exit $?;;
+ status|monitor)
+ sapinstance_monitor
+ exit $?;;
+ validate-all) sapinstance_validate
+ exit $?;;
+ *) sapinstance_methods