path: root/tools/ocft/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/ocft/')
1 files changed, 893 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ocft/ b/tools/ocft/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d7f645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ocft/
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Novell Inc, John Shi
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
+# free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
+# or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
+# otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
+# any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
+# other software, or any other product whatsoever.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ local str
+ str="$1"
+ echo "ERROR: $str" >&2
+ exit 1
+ local str
+ str="$1"
+ echo "WARNING: $str" >&2
+ local str
+ str="$1"
+ agent_parse_finish
+ die "${agent}: line ${line_num}: ${str}"
+# add quotes to string for Here Documents
+ local typ str a b
+ typ="$1"
+ str="$2"
+ case "$typ" in
+ 1) a=\'; b=\";;
+ 2) a=\"; b=\';;
+ esac
+ echo "$str" | sed "s/$a/$a$b$a$b$a/g; 1 s/^/$a/; $ s/$/$a/"
+# split strings
+ local str
+ str="$1"
+ echo "$str" | awk -F'"' '{
+ if (NF > 0 && NF%2 == 0)
+ exit(1);
+ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
+ if (i%2 == 0)
+ print $i;
+ else {
+ len = split($i, str, /[ \t]+/);
+ for (j=1; j<=len; j++) {
+ sb = sub(/#.*/, "", str[j]);
+ if (str[j] != "")
+ print str[j];
+ if (sb)
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }'
+# phase 1: parse the string to 'command' and 'argument collection'.
+ trunk[0]="${line%%[[:blank:]]*}"
+ trunk[1]="${line#*[[:blank:]]}"
+# phase 2: split the argument collection.
+ local IFS
+ # Some of statements need one parameter at least.
+ if [ "$line" = "${trunk[0]}" ]; then
+ parse_die "missing parameter."
+ fi
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ branch=($(explode "${trunk[1]}"))
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ parse_die "missing '\"'."
+ fi
+ local agent line trunk branch macro num host
+ agent="$1"
+ if [ ! -r "$opt_cfgsdir/$agent" ]; then
+ die "${agent}: configuration file not found."
+ fi
+ line_num=0
+ while read -r line; do
+ let line_num++
+ num=" $line_num"
+ case "$line" in
+ ""|\#*) continue;;
+ esac
+ line2trunk
+ case "${trunk[0]}" in
+ trunk2branch
+ macro="$CASES_DIR/${agent}_macro.${branch[0]}"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ Include|Include@*)
+ host=$(echo "${trunk[0]}" | awk -F@ '{print $2}')
+ trunk2branch
+ if [ ! -r "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_macro.${branch[0]}" ]; then
+ parse_die "Macro '${branch[0]}' not found."
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$host" ]; then
+ line="$(sed -e 's/^\([^[:blank:]]*\)@[^[:blank:]]*/\1/' -e "s/^[^[:blank:]]*/&@$host/" "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_macro.${branch[0]}")"
+ else
+ line="$(<"$CASES_DIR/${agent}_macro.${branch[0]}")"
+ fi
+ num=
+ ;;
+ *[!A-Z-]*)
+ :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ macro=
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ -n "$macro" ]; then
+ echo "$line$num" >>"$macro"
+ else
+ echo "$line$num" >>"$CASES_DIR/${agent}_preparse"
+ fi
+ done <"$opt_cfgsdir/$agent"
+ local host
+ if [ -n "$sh" ]; then
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo
+# Cleanup and exit
+ for host in $hosts; do
+ echo "backbash_stop $host" >>$sh
+ done
+ echo "quit 0" >>$sh
+ fi
+ atexit_num=0
+ hosts=
+ sh=
+ cfg_agent=
+ cfg_agent_root=
+ cfg_install_package=()
+ cfg_hang_timeout=20
+ local suf
+ for suf in preparse setup cleanup var hosts; do
+ rm -f $CASES_DIR/${agent}_$suf
+ done
+ rm -f $CASES_DIR/${agent}_macro.*
+ init_cfg_vars
+ local src_time obj_time
+ if [ ! -f "$CASES_DIR/0_${agent}.sh" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ src_time=$(stat -c '%Y' "$opt_cfgsdir/$agent")
+ obj_time=$(stat -c '%Y' "$CASES_DIR/0_${agent}.sh")
+ test $src_time -ge $obj_time
+ local agents i line stat sh trunk branch atexit_num host hosts
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ agents=($opt_cfgsdir/*)
+ else
+ agents=("$@")
+ fi
+ for agent in "${agents[@]}"; do
+ agent="$(basename "$agent")"
+ if ! need_make; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ agent_obj_clean $agent
+ agent_parse_finish
+ i=0
+ echo "Making '$agent': "
+ preparse_cfg "$agent"
+ while read -r line; do
+ line_num="${line##* }"
+ line="${line% *}"
+ line2trunk
+ # state switch
+ case "${trunk[0]}" in
+ case_parse_finish
+ stat=1
+ continue
+ ;;
+ case_parse_finish
+ stat=2
+ continue
+ ;;
+ case_parse_finish
+ stat=3
+ continue
+ ;;
+ case_parse_finish
+ stat=4
+ continue
+ ;;
+ case_parse_finish
+ trunk2branch
+ echo " - case ${i}: ${branch[0]}"
+ sh="$CASES_DIR/${i}_${agent}.sh"
+ cat >$sh <<EOF
+# Agent: $cfg_agent
+# Summary: ${branch[0]}
+. $OCFT_DIR/caselib || {
+ echo "ERROR: '$OCFT_DIR/caselib' not found."
+ exit 2
+$(test -r $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var)
+$(test -n "$cfg_install_package" && echo "agent_install ${cfg_install_package[@]}")
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo -e $(add_quotes 1 "Starting '\\033[33m${agent}\\033[0m' case $i '\\033[33m${branch[0]}\\033[0m':")
+ echo -n "${agent}: ${branch[0]} - "
+ chmod a+x $sh
+ let i++
+ stat=5
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$stat" in
+ 1)
+ case "${trunk[0]}" in
+ Agent)
+ trunk2branch
+ cfg_agent="${branch[0]}"
+ ;;
+ AgentRoot)
+ trunk2branch
+ cfg_agent_root="${branch[0]}"
+ ;;
+ InstallPackage)
+ trunk2branch
+ cfg_install_package=(${cfg_install_package[@]} ${branch[@]})
+ ;;
+ HangTimeout)
+ trunk2branch
+ if ! echo "${branch[0]}" | grep -qxE '[0-9]+'; then
+ parse_die "numeric argument required."
+ fi
+ cfg_hang_timeout="${branch[0]}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ parse_die "unimplemented statement: ${trunk[0]}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ if echo "$line" | grep -q '^__OCFT__'; then
+ parse_die "reserved key word '__OCFT__'."
+ fi
+ echo "declare $line" >>$CASES_DIR/${agent}_var
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ echo "$line" >>$CASES_DIR/${agent}_setup
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ echo "$line" >>$CASES_DIR/${agent}_cleanup
+ ;;
+ 5)
+ host=$(echo ${trunk[0]} | awk -F@ '{print $2}')
+ if [ -n "$host" ]; then
+ if ! echo "$hosts" | grep -q "$host"; then
+ echo "$host" >>$CASES_DIR/${agent}_hosts
+ hosts=$hosts$'\n'$host
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+# Initialize remote shell
+backbash_start $host
+backbash $host <<CMD
+backbash $host <$OCFT_DIR/caselib
+backbash $host <<'CMD'
+$(test -r $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var)
+__OCFT__showhost="${host}: "
+$(test -n "$cfg_install_package" && echo "agent_install ${cfg_install_package[@]}")
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "
+# CASE statement: $line" >>$sh
+ if [ -n "$host" ]; then
+ echo "backbash $host <<'CMD'" >>$sh
+ fi
+ case "${trunk[0]}" in
+ Env|Env@*)
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Setting agent environment: export ${trunk[1]}")
+export ${trunk[1]}
+check_success \$? $(add_quotes 1 "export ${trunk[1]}")
+ ;;
+ Unenv|Unenv@*)
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Removing agent environment: unset ${trunk[1]}")
+unset ${trunk[1]}
+check_success \$? $(add_quotes 1 "unset ${trunk[1]}")
+ ;;
+ AgentRun|AgentRun@*)
+ trunk2branch
+ if [ -z "${branch[1]}" ]; then
+ if [ "${branch[0]}" = "start" ]; then
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+agent_run $(add_quotes 1 "$cfg_agent") monitor $cfg_hang_timeout
+if [ \$__OCFT__rc -eq \$OCF_SUCCESS -o \$__OCFT__rc -eq \$OCF_RUNNING_MASTER ]; then
+ : #The status I want, so I can do nothing.
+elif [ \$__OCFT__rc -eq \$OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then
+ if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Running agent: ./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+ fi
+ agent_run $(add_quotes 1 "$cfg_agent") start $cfg_hang_timeout
+ check_success \$? $(add_quotes 1 "./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+ check_success \$__OCFT__rc $(add_quotes 1 "./$cfg_agent monitor")
+ elif [ "${branch[0]}" = "stop" ]; then
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+agent_run $(add_quotes 1 "$cfg_agent") monitor $cfg_hang_timeout
+if [ \$__OCFT__rc -eq \$OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then
+ : #The status I want, so I can do nothing.
+elif [ \$__OCFT__rc -eq \$OCF_SUCCESS -o \$__OCFT__rc -eq \$OCF_RUNNING_MASTER ]; then
+ if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Running agent: ./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+ fi
+ agent_run $(add_quotes 1 "$cfg_agent") stop $cfg_hang_timeout
+ check_success \$? $(add_quotes 1 "./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+ check_success \$__OCFT__rc $(add_quotes 1 "./$cfg_agent monitor")
+ elif [ "${branch[0]}" = "monitor" ]; then
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Running agent: ./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+agent_run $(add_quotes 1 "$cfg_agent") $(add_quotes 1 "${branch[0]}") $cfg_hang_timeout
+ else
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Running agent: ./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+agent_run $(add_quotes 1 "$cfg_agent") $(add_quotes 1 "${branch[0]}") $cfg_hang_timeout
+check_success \$? $(add_quotes 1 "./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+ fi
+ else
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+test -n $(add_quotes 2 "\$${branch[1]}")
+check_success \$? $(add_quotes 1 "test -n \"\$${branch[1]}\"")
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Running agent: ./$cfg_agent ${branch[0]}")
+agent_run $(add_quotes 1 "$cfg_agent") $(add_quotes 1 "${branch[0]}") $cfg_hang_timeout
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo -n " \${__OCFT__showhost}Checking return value:"
+if [ -n "\${__OCFT__retval[__OCFT__ret]}" ]; then
+ __OCFT__retstr="\${__OCFT__retval[__OCFT__ret]}"
+ __OCFT__retstr=\$__OCFT__ret
+if [ \$__OCFT__ret -eq \$${branch[1]} ]; then
+ if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo -e $(add_quotes 2 " \\033[32mOK\\033[0m. The return value '\\033[34m\$__OCFT__retstr\\033[0m' == '\\033[34m${branch[1]}\\033[0m'")
+ else
+ echo -e "\\033[32mOK\\033[0m."
+ fi
+ if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo -en $(add_quotes 2 " \\033[31mFAILED\\033[0m. The return value '\\033[34m\$__OCFT__retstr\\033[0m' != '\\033[34m${branch[1]}\\033[0m'. ")
+ else
+ echo -en "\\033[31mFAILED\\033[0m. Agent returns unexpected value: '\$__OCFT__retstr'. "
+ fi
+ echo "See details below:"
+ cat /tmp/.ocft_runlog
+ echo
+ quit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ Bash|Bash@*)
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Setting system environment: ${trunk[1]}")
+check_success \$? $(add_quotes 1 "${trunk[1]}")
+ ;;
+ BashAtExit|BashAtExit@*)
+ let atexit_num++
+ cat >>$sh <<EOF
+ if [ -n "\$__OCFT__VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo $(add_quotes 2 " \${__OCFT__showhost}Setting system environment: ${trunk[1]}")
+ fi
+ ${trunk[1]}
+let __OCFT__atexit_num++
+ ;;
+ *)
+ parse_die "unimplemented statement: ${trunk[0]}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ -n "$host" ]; then
+ echo 'CMD' >>$sh
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ parse_die "unimplemented statement: ${trunk[0]}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done <$CASES_DIR/${agent}_preparse
+ if [ -r "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_setup" ]; then
+ cat >$CASES_DIR/setup_${agent}.sh <<EOF
+# Agent: $cfg_agent
+# Summary: SETUP before test
+echo "Initializing '$cfg_agent' ..."
+. $OCFT_DIR/caselib || {
+ echo "ERROR: '$OCFT_DIR/caselib' not found."
+ exit 2
+$(test -r "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_var" && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var)
+$(test -n "$cfg_install_package" && echo "agent_install ${cfg_install_package[@]}")
+ for host in $(test -r $CASES_DIR/${agent}_hosts && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_hosts); do
+ cat >>$CASES_DIR/setup_${agent}.sh <<EOF
+# Initialize remote shell
+backbash_start $host
+backbash $host <<CMD
+backbash $host <$OCFT_DIR/caselib
+backbash $host <<'CMD'
+$(test -r "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_var" && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var)
+__OCFT__showhost="${host}: "
+$(test -n "$cfg_install_package" && echo "agent_install ${cfg_install_package[@]}")
+$(cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_setup)
+check_success \$? "SETUP-AGENT"
+backbash_stop $host
+ done
+ cat >>$CASES_DIR/setup_${agent}.sh <<EOF
+$(cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_setup)
+check_success \$? "SETUP-AGENT"
+echo "Done."
+quit 0
+ chmod a+x $CASES_DIR/setup_${agent}.sh
+ fi
+ if [ -r "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_cleanup" ]; then
+ cat >$CASES_DIR/cleanup_${agent}.sh <<EOF
+# Agent: $cfg_agent
+# Summary: CLEANUP after test
+echo "Cleaning '$cfg_agent' ..."
+. $OCFT_DIR/caselib || {
+ echo "ERROR: '$OCFT_DIR/caselib' not found."
+ exit 2
+$(test -r "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_var" && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var)
+$(test -n "$cfg_install_package" && echo "agent_install ${cfg_install_package[@]}")
+$(cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_cleanup)
+check_success \$? "CLEANUP-AGENT"
+ for host in $(test -r $CASES_DIR/${agent}_hosts && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_hosts); do
+ cat >>$CASES_DIR/cleanup_${agent}.sh <<EOF
+# Initialize remote shell
+backbash_start $host
+backbash $host <<CMD
+backbash $host <$OCFT_DIR/caselib
+backbash $host <<'CMD'
+$(test -r "$CASES_DIR/${agent}_var" && cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_var)
+__OCFT__showhost="${host}: "
+$(test -n "$cfg_install_package" && echo "agent_install ${cfg_install_package[@]}")
+$(cat $CASES_DIR/${agent}_cleanup)
+check_success \$? "CLEANUP-AGENT"
+backbash_stop $host
+ done
+ cat >>$CASES_DIR/cleanup_${agent}.sh <<EOF
+echo "Done."
+quit 0
+ chmod a+x $CASES_DIR/cleanup_${agent}.sh
+ fi
+ case_parse_finish
+ agent_parse_finish
+ done
+ local sh shs testsh agents line ret
+ local rc=0
+ local varlib
+ local rc_f
+ if ! cd $CASES_DIR >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ die "cases directory not found."
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d logs ]; then
+ mkdir logs
+ fi
+ export __OCFT__VERBOSE=$opt_verbose
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ agents=($(ls -1 *.sh 2>/dev/null | sed 's/.*_\([^_]*\)\.sh$/\1/' | sort | uniq))
+ else
+ agents=("$@")
+ fi
+ for shs in "${agents[@]}"; do
+ if [ -z "$opt_incremental" ]; then
+ testsh="setup_${shs}.sh
+ $(ls -1 [0-9]*_${shs}.sh 2>/dev/null | sort -n)
+ cleanup_${shs}.sh"
+ else
+ testsh="setup_${shs}.sh
+ $(ls -1 [0-9]*_${shs}.retest 2>/dev/null | sed 's/retest$/sh/' | sort -n)
+ cleanup_${shs}.sh"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$opt_trace_ra" ]; then
+ varlib=${HA_VARLIB:="/var/lib/heartbeat"}
+ export OCF_RESKEY_trace_ra=1
+ echo "RA trace on, output in $varlib/trace_ra"
+ fi
+ rc_f=`mktemp`
+ (for sh in $testsh; do
+ if [ -r "$sh" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$opt_trace_ra" ]; then
+ export OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE="`echo $sh | sed 's/_.*//'`"
+ fi
+ ./$sh
+ ret=$?
+ case "$sh" in
+ setup*)
+ rc=$((rc|ret))
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ warn "SETUP failed, break all tests of '$shs'."
+ break
+ fi
+ ;;
+ cleanup*)
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ warn "CLEANUP failed."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ [0-9]*)
+ case $ret in
+ 3) die "core function failed, break all tests." ;;
+ 2) warn "core function failed, break all tests of '$shs'."; break ;;
+ 1) touch ${sh%.*}.retest ;;
+ 0) rm -f ${sh%.*}.retest ;;
+ esac
+ rc=$((rc|ret))
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ done 2>&1; echo $rc > $rc_f) | while read -r line; do
+ echo "$line"
+ echo "$(date '+%F %T'): $line" | cat -A |
+ sed -r 's/\^\[\[[0-9]+m|\^I|.$//g' >>logs/$shs.log
+ done
+ done
+ rc=`cat $rc_f`
+ rm -f $rc_f
+ return $rc
+ local typ ra
+ typ=$1
+ shift
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ rm -f $CASES_DIR/*.$typ
+ else
+ for ra in "$@"; do
+ rm -f $CASES_DIR/*_${ra}.$typ
+ done
+ fi
+ agent_clean retest "$@"
+ agent_clean sh "$@"
+ cat <<EOF
+$0 ACTION [OPTION] [agent1 [agent2] [...]]
+ACTIONs include:
+ make [-d dir] Generate the testing shell scripts.
+ -d The directory that contains
+ configuration of cases.
+ test [-v|-i|-X] Execute the testing shell scripts.
+ -v Verbose output mode.
+ -i Incremental mode, skip case
+ which succeeded. If cleaning
+ the status of incremental mode
+ is needed, try to '$0 clean RA_NAME'.
+ -X Trace the RA
+ clean Delete the testing shell scripts.
+ help [-v] Show this help and exit.
+ -v Show HOWTO and exit.
+Version 0.44
+See '$OCFT_DIR/README' for detail.
+ cat <<EOF
+ - Ocft is a testing tool for resource agents. Instead of the policy of HA,
+ it mainly concerns whether resource agents run correct locally. It can
+ design types of complicated environments to test the reliability of
+ resource agents. Precisely, it is to display whether resource agents can
+ return to correct or expected value. The advantage of the tool provides
+ us with competence to design conditions which can be recorded or reproduced.
+ Hence it is useful to debuggers.
+* Components
+ ** Test case generator (/usr/sbin/ocft)
+ - Turning configuration files of test case to executable scripts.
+ ** Configuration file ($CONFIGS_DIR/)
+ - Every configuration file directs only one resource agent and share the same
+ name with resource agent but contains more test cases.
+ ** The testing script ($CASES_DIR/)
+ - After the generator reads configuration files and generates many testing
+ scripts and the script is underway, the test begins.
+* How to customize the environment of testing
+ - Ocft designs the running conditions through two ways, one is changing the
+ environment variables of resource agents (it is the interface left by OCF itself),
+ the other is modifying the OS environment of resource agents, such as altering
+ the permission of some key file or IP address of the machine.
+* How to test
+ - Firstly, you need to sketch the all complex and uncommon environments against
+ a certain resource agent and keep in mind what consequences may be caused by
+ these uncommon environments.
+ Secondly, write the designed conditions and foreknown consequences into
+ configuration files, and then run the generator to translate the test case to
+ executable scripts.
+ Finally, you need running these scripts to observe the output and learn
+ the running status of each test case, which will compares the predicated result
+ with the actual one. If they differ, you will be able to find the bugs of the
+ resource agent.
+ - All of the output with test will be recorded into the log files, you can find them
+ in $CASES_DIR/logs.
+export LANG=C
+# system variable
+# global variable
+# default configuration
+# default option
+case "$command" in
+ make)
+ if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
+ if [ ! -d "$2" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ opt_cfgsdir="$2"
+ shift 2
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "$CASES_DIR" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$CASES_DIR" || die "Can not create directory: ${CASES_DIR}."
+ fi
+ parse_cfg "$@"
+ ;;
+ test)
+ for v in 1 2 3; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -v)
+ opt_verbose=1
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -X)
+ opt_trace_ra=1
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -i)
+ opt_incremental=1
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ die "bad option $1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ start_test "$@"
+ ;;
+ clean)
+ agent_obj_clean "$@"
+ agent_retest_clean "$@"
+ ;;
+ help)
+ if [ "$1" = "-v" ]; then
+ howto
+ else
+ usage
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# vim:ts=2:sw=2:et: