#!@BASH_SHELL@ # # eDirectory Resource Agent (RA) for Heartbeat. # This script is only compatible with eDirectory 8.8 and later # # Copyright (c) 2007 Novell Inc, Yan Fitterer # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is # free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement # or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or # otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if # any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with # other software, or any other product whatsoever. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. # # # OCF parameters: # OCF_RESKEY_eDir_config_file - full filename to instance configuration file # OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_ldap - Should we monitor LDAP (0/1 - 1 is true) # OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_idm - Should we monitor IDM (0/1 - 1 is true) # OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap - Value of the DHOST_INITIAL_HEAP java env var # OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap - Value of the DHOST_MAX_HEAP java env var # OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_options - Value of the DHOST_OPTIONS java env var ############################################################################### ####################################################################### # Initialization: : ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR=${OCF_ROOT}/lib/heartbeat} . ${OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR}/ocf-shellfuncs test -f /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndspath && . /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndspath 2>/dev/null >/dev/null # Parameter defaults OCF_RESKEY_eDir_config_file_default="/etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/nds.conf" OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_ldap_default="0" OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_idm_default="0" OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap_default="" OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap_default="" OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_options_default="" : ${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_config_file=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_config_file_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_ldap=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_ldap_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_idm=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_idm_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap_default}} : ${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_options=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_options_default}} ####################################################################### usage() { ME=$(basename "$0") cat <<-EOFA usage: $ME start|stop|status|monitor|validate-all $ME manages an eDirectory instance as an HA resource. The 'start' operation starts the instance. The 'stop' operation stops the instance. The 'status' operation reports if the instance is running. The 'monitor' operation reports if the instance is running, and runs additional checks. The 'validate-all' operation checks the validity of the arguments (environment variables). EOFA } eDir_meta_data() { cat <<-EOFB 1.0 Resource script for managing an eDirectory instance. Manages a single instance of eDirectory as an HA resource. The "multiple instances" feature or eDirectory has been added in version 8.8. This script will not work for any version of eDirectory prior to 8.8. This RA can be used to load multiple eDirectory instances on the same host. It is very strongly recommended to put eDir configuration files (as per the eDir_config_file parameter) on local storage on each node. This is necessary for this RA to be able to handle situations where the shared storage has become unavailable. If the eDir configuration file is not available, this RA will fail, and heartbeat will be unable to manage the resource. Side effects include STONITH actions, unmanageable resources, etc... Setting a high action timeout value is _very_ _strongly_ recommended. eDir with IDM can take in excess of 10 minutes to start. If heartbeat times out before eDir has had a chance to start properly, mayhem _WILL ENSUE_. The LDAP module seems to be one of the very last to start. So this script will take even longer to start on installations with IDM and LDAP if the monitoring of IDM and/or LDAP is enabled, as the start command will wait for IDM and LDAP to be available. Manages a Novell eDirectory directory server Path to configuration file for eDirectory instance. eDir config file Should we monitor if LDAP is running for the eDirectory instance? eDir monitor ldap Should we monitor if IDM is running for the eDirectory instance? eDir monitor IDM Value for the DHOST_INITIAL_HEAP java environment variable. If unset, java defaults will be used. DHOST_INITIAL_HEAP value Value for the DHOST_MAX_HEAP java environment variable. If unset, java defaults will be used. DHOST_MAX_HEAP value Value for the DHOST_OPTIONS java environment variable. If unset, original values will be used. DHOST_OPTIONS value EOFB return $OCF_SUCCESS } # # eDir_start: Start eDirectory instance # eDir_start() { if eDir_status ; then ocf_log info "eDirectory is already running ($NDSCONF)." return $OCF_SUCCESS fi # Start eDirectory instance if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap" ]; then DHOST_JVM_INITIAL_HEAP=$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap export DHOST_JVM_INITIAL_HEAP fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap" ]; then DHOST_JVM_MAX_HEAP=$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap export DHOST_JVM_MAX_HEAP fi if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_options" ]; then DHOST_JVM_OPTIONS=$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_options export DHOST_JVM_OPTIONS fi $NDSMANAGE start --config-file "$NDSCONF" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ocf_log info "eDir start command sent for $NDSCONF." else echo "ERROR: Can't start eDirectory for $NDSCONF." return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi CNT=0 while ! eDir_monitor ; do # Apparently, LDAP will only start after all other services # Startup time can be in excess of 10 minutes. # Leave a very long heartbeat timeout on the start action # We're relying on heartbeat to bail us out... let CNT=$CNT+1 ocf_log info "eDirectory start waiting for ${CNT}th retry for $NDSCONF." sleep 10 done ocf_log info "eDirectory start verified for $NDSCONF." return $OCF_SUCCESS } # # eDir_stop: Stop eDirectory instance # This action is written in such a way that even when run # on a node were things are broken (no binaries, no config # etc...) it will try to stop any running ndsd processes # and report success if none are running. # eDir_stop() { if ! eDir_status ; then return $OCF_SUCCESS fi $NDSMANAGE stop --config-file "$NDSCONF" >/dev/null 2>&1 if eDir_status ; then # eDir failed to stop. ocf_log err "eDirectory instance failed to stop for $NDSCONF" return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC else ocf_log info "eDirectory stop verified for $NDSCONF." return $OCF_SUCCESS fi } # # eDir_status: is eDirectory instance up ? # eDir_status() { if [ ! -r "$NDSCONF" ] ; then ocf_log err "Config file missing ($NDSCONF)." exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi # Find how many ndsd processes have open listening sockets # with the IP of this eDir instance IFACE=$(grep -i "n4u.server.interfaces" $NDSCONF | cut -f2 -d= | tr '@' ':') if [ -z "$IFACE" ] ; then ocf_log err "Cannot retrieve interfaces from $NDSCONF. eDirectory may not be correctly configured." exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi # In case of multiple IP's split into an array # and check all of them IFS=', ' read -a IFACE2 <<< "$IFACE" ocf_log debug "Found ${#IFACE2[@]} interfaces from $NDSCONF." counter=${#IFACE2[@]} for IFACE in "${IFACE2[@]}" do ocf_log debug "Checking ndsd instance for $IFACE" NDSD_SOCKS=$(netstat -ntlp | grep -ce "$IFACE.*ndsd") if [ "$NDSD_SOCKS" -eq 1 ] ; then let counter=counter-1 ocf_log debug "Found ndsd instance for $IFACE" elif [ "$NDSD_SOCKS" -gt 1 ] ; then ocf_log err "More than 1 ndsd listening socket matched. Likely misconfiguration of eDirectory." exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi done if [ $counter -eq 0 ] ; then # Correct ndsd instance is definitely running ocf_log debug "All ndsd instances found." return 0; elif [ $counter -lt ${#IFACE2[@]} ]; then ocf_log err "Only some ndsd listening sockets matched, something is very wrong." exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi # No listening socket. Make sure we don't have the process running... PIDDIR=$(grep -i "n4u.server.vardir" "$NDSCONF" | cut -f2 -d=) if [ -z "$PIDDIR" ] ; then ocf_log err "Cannot get vardir from nds config ($NDSCONF). Probable eDir configuration error." exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi NDSD_PID=$(cat $PIDDIR/ndsd.pid 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$NDSD_PID" ] ; then # PID file unavailable or empty. # This will happen if the PIDDIR is not available # on this node at this time. return 1 fi RC=$(ps -p "$NDSD_PID" | grep -c ndsd) if [ "$RC" -gt 0 ] ; then # process found but no listening socket. ndsd likely not operational ocf_log err "ndsd process found, but no listening socket. Something's gone wrong ($NDSCONF)" exit $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi ocf_log debug "ndsd instance is not running, but no other error detected." return 1 } # # eDir_monitor: Do more in-depth checks to ensure that eDirectory is fully functional # LDAP and IDM checks are only done if reqested. # # eDir_monitor() { if ! eDir_status ; then ocf_log info "eDirectory instance is down ($NDSCONF)" return $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi # We know the right ndsd is running locally, check health $NDSSTAT --config-file "$NDSCONF" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then return 1 fi # Monitor IDM first, as it will start before LDAP if [ $MONITOR_IDM -eq 1 ]; then RET=$($NDSTRACE --config-file "$NDSCONF" -c modules | egrep -i '^vrdim.*Running' | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$RET" != "vrdim" ]; then ocf_log err "eDirectory IDM engine isn't running ($NDSCONF)." return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi if [ $MONITOR_LDAP -eq 1 ] ; then $NDSNLDAP -c --config-file "$NDSCONF" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ocf_log err "eDirectory LDAP server isn't running ($NDSCONF)." return $OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi fi ocf_log debug "eDirectory monitor success ($NDSCONF)" return $OCF_SUCCESS } # # eDir_validate: Validate environment # eDir_validate() { declare rc=$OCF_SUCCESS # Script must be run as root if ! ocf_is_root ; then ocf_log err "$0 must be run as root" rc=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC fi # ndsmanage must be available and runnable check_binary $NDSMANAGE # ndsstat must be available and runnable check_binary $NDSSTAT # Config file must be readable if [ ! -r "$NDSCONF" ] ; then ocf_log err "eDirectory configuration file [$NDSCONF] is not readable" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS fi # monitor_ldap must be unambiguously resolvable to a truth value MONITOR_LDAP=$(echo "$MONITOR_LDAP" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]) case "$MONITOR_LDAP" in yes|true|1) MONITOR_LDAP=1;; no|false|0) MONITOR_LDAP=0;; *) ocf_log err "Configuration parameter eDir_monitor_ldap has invalid value [$MONITOR_LDAP]" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS;; esac # monitor_idm must be unambiguously resolvable to a truth value MONITOR_IDM=$(echo "$MONITOR_IDM" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]) case "$MONITOR_IDM" in yes|true|1) MONITOR_IDM=1;; no|false|0) MONITOR_IDM=0;; *) ocf_log err "Configuration parameter eDir_monitor_idm has invalid value [$MONITOR_IDM]" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS;; esac # eDir_jvm_initial_heap must be blank or numeric if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap" ] ; then if ! ocf_is_decimal "$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap" ; then ocf_log err "Configuration parameter eDir_jvm_initial_heap has invalid" \ "value [$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_initial_heap]" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS fi fi # eDir_jvm_max_heap must be blank or numeric if [ -n "$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap" ] ; then if ! ocf_is_decimal "$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap" ; then ocf_log err "Configuration parameter eDir_jvm_max_heap has invalid" \ "value [$OCF_RESKEY_eDir_jvm_max_heap]" rc=$OCF_ERR_ARGS fi fi if [ $rc -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ] ; then ocf_log err "Invalid environment" fi return $rc } # # Start of main logic # ocf_log debug "$0 started with arguments \"$*\"" NDSBASE=/opt/novell/eDirectory NDSNLDAP=$NDSBASE/sbin/nldap NDSMANAGE=$NDSBASE/bin/ndsmanage NDSSTAT=$NDSBASE/bin/ndsstat NDSTRACE=$NDSBASE/bin/ndstrace NDSCONF=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_config_file:-/etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/nds.conf} MONITOR_LDAP=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_ldap:-0} MONITOR_IDM=${OCF_RESKEY_eDir_monitor_idm:-0} # What kind of method was invoked? case "$1" in validate-all) eDir_validate; exit $?;; meta-data) eDir_meta_data; exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; status) if eDir_status ; then ocf_log info "eDirectory instance is up ($NDSCONF)" exit $OCF_SUCCESS else ocf_log info "eDirectory instance is down ($NDSCONF)" exit $OCF_NOT_RUNNING fi;; start) : skip;; stop) : skip;; monitor) : skip;; usage) usage; exit $OCF_SUCCESS;; *) ocf_log err "Invalid argument [$1]" usage; exit $OCF_ERR_ARGS;; esac # From now on we must have a valid environment to continue. # stop goes in the list above as it should ideally be able to # clean up after a start that failed due to bad args eDir_validate RC=$? if [ $RC -ne $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then exit $RC fi case "$1" in start) eDir_start;; stop) eDir_stop;; monitor) eDir_monitor;; esac exit $?