# Test Case Guidelines for `rnp` The document aims to describe and capture various use cases for `rnp` in the form of the test cases. These can be used as acceptance tests for the maintenance of the project. ## Naming conventions The test case name is composed of the three parts. * First being the module under test, * Second being the feature and third details the motivation of the test. Naming structure looks like: `__`. For example, when testing the `generatekey` feature of `rnpkeys`, the test case name would be `rnpkeys.generatekey.`. ## Test Case Specification Template The following template **SHOULD** be used for describing a test case. ~~~~~~ md # Component : Feature : ## Objective % Objective of test case ## Description % Describe test case briefly ## Preconditions % List of conditions prior to testing * condition 1 * condition 2 * condition 3 ## Test steps and expected behavior 1. Test step 1 1. Test step 2 Expectation: expectation here ## Verification steps and logic 1. Verification step 1 * Rationale: verification logic 1. Verification step 2 * Rationale: verification logic ## Comments % if any ~~~~~~