= librnp(3) RNP :doctype: manpage :release-version: {component-version} :man manual: RNP Manual :man source: RNP {release-version} == NAME librnp - OpenPGP implementation, available via FFI interface. == SYNOPSIS *#include * + *#include * == DESCRIPTION *librnp* is part of the *RNP* suite and forms the basis for the _rnp(1)_ and _rnpkeys(1)_ command-line utilities. It provides an FFI interface to functions required for operations needed by the OpenPGP protocol. Interface to the library is exposed via __ and __ headers. You will also need to link to _librnp_. Please see its headers for the full function list and detailed documentation. == EXAMPLES A number of examples are provided in *src/examples* folder of the *RNP* suite source tree. *generate.c*:: Demonstrates generation of an OpenPGP keypair using the JSON key description mechanism. May be used to generate any custom key types that are supported by the *RNP* suite. *encrypt.c*:: Demonstrates how to build OpenPGP-encrypted messages. A message is encrypted with keys, generated via *./generate*, with a hardcoded password. *decrypt.c*:: Demonstrates how to decrypt OpenPGP messages. Running this example requires the *./encrypt* example to be first run in order to produce the sample encrypted message for decryption. *sign.c*:: Demonstrates how to sign OpenPGP messages. Running this example requires the *./generate* example to be first run in order to generate and write out secret keys. *verify.c*:: Demonstrates verify OpenPGP signed messages. Again, running this example requires the *./sign* example to be first run in order to generate a signed OpenPGP message. == BUGS Please report _issues_ via the RNP public issue tracker at: https://github.com/rnpgp/rnp/issues. _Security reports_ or _security-sensitive feedback_ should be reported according to the instructions at: https://www.rnpgp.org/feedback. == AUTHORS *RNP* is an open source project led by Ribose and has received contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. == RESOURCES *Web site*: https://www.rnpgp.org *Source repository*: https://github.com/rnpgp/rnp == COPYING Copyright \(C) 2017-2021 Ribose. The RNP software suite is _freely licensed_: please refer to the *LICENSE* file for details. == SEE ALSO *rnp(1)*, *rnpkeys(1)*