path: root/lualib/lua_meta.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lualib/lua_meta.lua')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_meta.lua b/lualib/lua_meta.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..340d89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/lua_meta.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+local exports = {}
+local N = "metatokens"
+local ts = require("tableshape").types
+local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+-- Metafunctions
+local function meta_size_function(task)
+ local sizes = {
+ 100,
+ 200,
+ 500,
+ 1000,
+ 2000,
+ 4000,
+ 10000,
+ 20000,
+ 30000,
+ 100000,
+ 200000,
+ 400000,
+ 800000,
+ 1000000,
+ 2000000,
+ 8000000,
+ }
+ local size = task:get_size()
+ for i = 1, #sizes do
+ if sizes[i] >= size then
+ return { (1.0 * i) / #sizes }
+ end
+ end
+ return { 0 }
+local function meta_images_function(task)
+ local images = task:get_images()
+ local ntotal = 0
+ local njpg = 0
+ local npng = 0
+ local nlarge = 0
+ local nsmall = 0
+ if images then
+ for _, img in ipairs(images) do
+ if img:get_type() == 'png' then
+ npng = npng + 1
+ elseif img:get_type() == 'jpeg' then
+ njpg = njpg + 1
+ end
+ local w = img:get_width()
+ local h = img:get_height()
+ if w > 0 and h > 0 then
+ if w + h > 256 then
+ nlarge = nlarge + 1
+ else
+ nsmall = nsmall + 1
+ end
+ end
+ ntotal = ntotal + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if ntotal > 0 then
+ njpg = 1.0 * njpg / ntotal
+ npng = 1.0 * npng / ntotal
+ nlarge = 1.0 * nlarge / ntotal
+ nsmall = 1.0 * nsmall / ntotal
+ end
+ return { ntotal, njpg, npng, nlarge, nsmall }
+local function meta_nparts_function(task)
+ local nattachments = 0
+ local ntextparts = 0
+ local totalparts = 1
+ local tp = task:get_text_parts()
+ if tp then
+ ntextparts = #tp
+ end
+ local parts = task:get_parts()
+ if parts then
+ for _, p in ipairs(parts) do
+ if p:is_attachment() then
+ nattachments = nattachments + 1
+ end
+ totalparts = totalparts + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return { (1.0 * ntextparts) / totalparts, (1.0 * nattachments) / totalparts }
+local function meta_encoding_function(task)
+ local nutf = 0
+ local nother = 0
+ local tp = task:get_text_parts()
+ if tp and #tp > 0 then
+ for _, p in ipairs(tp) do
+ if p:is_utf() then
+ nutf = nutf + 1
+ else
+ nother = nother + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return { nutf / #tp, nother / #tp }
+ end
+ return { 0, 0 }
+local function meta_recipients_function(task)
+ local nmime = 0
+ local nsmtp = 0
+ if task:has_recipients('mime') then
+ nmime = #(task:get_recipients('mime'))
+ end
+ if task:has_recipients('smtp') then
+ nsmtp = #(task:get_recipients('smtp'))
+ end
+ if nmime > 0 then
+ nmime = 1.0 / nmime
+ end
+ if nsmtp > 0 then
+ nsmtp = 1.0 / nsmtp
+ end
+ return { nmime, nsmtp }
+local function meta_received_function(task)
+ local count_factor = 0
+ local invalid_factor = 0
+ local rh = task:get_received_headers()
+ local time_factor = 0
+ local secure_factor = 0
+ local fun = require "fun"
+ if rh and #rh > 0 then
+ local ntotal = 0.0
+ local init_time = 0
+ fun.each(function(rc)
+ ntotal = ntotal + 1.0
+ if not rc.by_hostname then
+ invalid_factor = invalid_factor + 1.0
+ end
+ if init_time == 0 and rc.timestamp then
+ init_time = rc.timestamp
+ elseif rc.timestamp then
+ time_factor = time_factor + math.abs(init_time - rc.timestamp)
+ init_time = rc.timestamp
+ end
+ if rc.flags and (rc.flags['ssl'] or rc.flags['authenticated']) then
+ secure_factor = secure_factor + 1.0
+ end
+ end,
+ fun.filter(function(rc)
+ return not rc.flags or not rc.flags['artificial']
+ end, rh))
+ if ntotal > 0 then
+ invalid_factor = invalid_factor / ntotal
+ secure_factor = secure_factor / ntotal
+ count_factor = 1.0 / ntotal
+ end
+ if time_factor ~= 0 then
+ time_factor = 1.0 / time_factor
+ end
+ end
+ return { count_factor, invalid_factor, time_factor, secure_factor }
+local function meta_urls_function(task)
+ local has_urls, nurls = task:has_urls()
+ if has_urls and nurls > 0 then
+ return { 1.0 / nurls }
+ end
+ return { 0 }
+local function meta_words_function(task)
+ local avg_len = task:get_mempool():get_variable("avg_words_len", "double") or 0.0
+ local short_words = task:get_mempool():get_variable("short_words_cnt", "double") or 0.0
+ local ret_len = 0
+ local lens = {
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 5,
+ 6,
+ 7,
+ 8,
+ 9,
+ 10,
+ 15,
+ 20,
+ }
+ for i = 1, #lens do
+ if lens[i] >= avg_len then
+ ret_len = (1.0 * i) / #lens
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local tp = task:get_text_parts()
+ local wres = {
+ 0, -- spaces rate
+ 0, -- double spaces rate
+ 0, -- non spaces rate
+ 0, -- ascii characters rate
+ 0, -- non-ascii characters rate
+ 0, -- capital characters rate
+ 0, -- numeric characters
+ }
+ for _, p in ipairs(tp) do
+ local stats = p:get_stats()
+ local len = p:get_length()
+ if len > 0 then
+ wres[1] = wres[1] + stats['spaces'] / len
+ wres[2] = wres[2] + stats['double_spaces'] / len
+ wres[3] = wres[3] + stats['non_spaces'] / len
+ wres[4] = wres[4] + stats['ascii_characters'] / len
+ wres[5] = wres[5] + stats['non_ascii_characters'] / len
+ wres[6] = wres[6] + stats['capital_letters'] / len
+ wres[7] = wres[7] + stats['numeric_characters'] / len
+ end
+ end
+ local ret = {
+ short_words,
+ ret_len,
+ }
+ local divisor = 1.0
+ if #tp > 0 then
+ divisor = #tp
+ end
+ for _, wr in ipairs(wres) do
+ table.insert(ret, wr / divisor)
+ end
+ return ret
+local metafunctions = {
+ {
+ cb = meta_size_function,
+ ninputs = 1,
+ names = {
+ "size"
+ },
+ description = 'Describes size of the message',
+ },
+ {
+ cb = meta_images_function,
+ ninputs = 5,
+ -- 1 - number of images,
+ -- 2 - number of png images,
+ -- 3 - number of jpeg images
+ -- 4 - number of large images (> 128 x 128)
+ -- 5 - number of small images (< 128 x 128)
+ names = {
+ 'nimages',
+ 'npng_images',
+ 'njpeg_images',
+ 'nlarge_images',
+ 'nsmall_images'
+ },
+ description = [[Functions for images matching:
+ - number of images,
+ - number of png images,
+ - number of jpeg images
+ - number of large images (> 128 x 128)
+ - number of small images (< 128 x 128)
+ },
+ {
+ cb = meta_nparts_function,
+ ninputs = 2,
+ -- 1 - number of text parts
+ -- 2 - number of attachments
+ names = {
+ 'ntext_parts',
+ 'nattachments'
+ },
+ description = [[Functions for images matching:
+ - number of text parts
+ - number of attachments
+ },
+ {
+ cb = meta_encoding_function,
+ ninputs = 2,
+ -- 1 - number of utf parts
+ -- 2 - number of non-utf parts
+ names = {
+ 'nutf_parts',
+ 'nascii_parts'
+ },
+ description = [[Functions for encoding matching:
+ - number of utf parts
+ - number of non-utf parts
+ },
+ {
+ cb = meta_recipients_function,
+ ninputs = 2,
+ -- 1 - number of mime rcpt
+ -- 2 - number of smtp rcpt
+ names = {
+ 'nmime_rcpt',
+ 'nsmtp_rcpt'
+ },
+ description = [[Functions for recipients data matching:
+ - number of mime rcpt
+ - number of smtp rcpt
+ },
+ {
+ cb = meta_received_function,
+ ninputs = 4,
+ names = {
+ 'nreceived',
+ 'nreceived_invalid',
+ 'nreceived_bad_time',
+ 'nreceived_secure'
+ },
+ description = [[Functions for received headers data matching:
+ - number of received headers
+ - number of bad received headers
+ - number of skewed time received headers
+ - number of received via secured relays
+ },
+ {
+ cb = meta_urls_function,
+ ninputs = 1,
+ names = {
+ 'nurls'
+ },
+ description = [[Functions for urls data matching:
+ - number of urls
+ },
+ {
+ cb = meta_words_function,
+ ninputs = 9,
+ names = {
+ 'avg_words_len',
+ 'nshort_words',
+ 'spaces_rate',
+ 'double_spaces_rate',
+ 'non_spaces_rate',
+ 'ascii_characters_rate',
+ 'non_ascii_characters_rate',
+ 'capital_characters_rate',
+ 'numeric_characters'
+ },
+ description = [[Functions for words data matching:
+ - average length of the words
+ - number of short words
+ - rate of spaces in the text
+ - rate of multiple spaces
+ - rate of non space characters
+ - rate of ascii characters
+ - rate of non-ascii characters
+ - rate of capital letters
+ - rate of numbers
+ },
+local meta_schema = ts.shape {
+ cb = ts.func,
+ ninputs = ts.number,
+ names = ts.array_of(ts.string),
+ description = ts.string:is_optional()
+local metatokens_by_name = {}
+local function fill_metatokens_by_name()
+ metatokens_by_name = {}
+ for _, mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do
+ for i = 1, mt.ninputs do
+ local name = mt.names[i]
+ metatokens_by_name[name] = function(task)
+ local results = mt.cb(task)
+ return results[i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function calculate_digest()
+ local cr = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash"
+ local h = cr.create()
+ for _, mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do
+ for i = 1, mt.ninputs do
+ local name = mt.names[i]
+ h:update(name)
+ end
+ end
+ exports.digest = h:hex()
+local function rspamd_gen_metatokens(task, names)
+ local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+ local ipairs = ipairs
+ local metatokens = {}
+ if not names then
+ local cached = task:cache_get('metatokens')
+ if cached then
+ return cached
+ else
+ for _, mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do
+ local ct = mt.cb(task)
+ for i, tok in ipairs(ct) do
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, "metatoken: %s = %s",
+ mt.names[i], tok)
+ if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then
+ logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity',
+ mt.names[i], tok)
+ tok = 0.0
+ end
+ table.insert(metatokens, tok)
+ end
+ end
+ task:cache_set('metatokens', metatokens)
+ end
+ else
+ for _, n in ipairs(names) do
+ if metatokens_by_name[n] then
+ local tok = metatokens_by_name[n](task)
+ if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then
+ logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity',
+ n, tok)
+ tok = 0.0
+ end
+ table.insert(metatokens, tok)
+ else
+ logger.errx(task, 'unknown metatoken: %s', n)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return metatokens
+exports.rspamd_gen_metatokens = rspamd_gen_metatokens
+exports.gen_metatokens = rspamd_gen_metatokens
+local function rspamd_gen_metatokens_table(task)
+ local metatokens = {}
+ for _, mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do
+ local ct = mt.cb(task)
+ for i, tok in ipairs(ct) do
+ if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then
+ logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity',
+ mt.names[i], tok)
+ tok = 0.0
+ end
+ metatokens[mt.names[i]] = tok
+ end
+ end
+ return metatokens
+exports.rspamd_gen_metatokens_table = rspamd_gen_metatokens_table
+exports.gen_metatokens_table = rspamd_gen_metatokens_table
+local function rspamd_count_metatokens()
+ local ipairs = ipairs
+ local total = 0
+ for _, mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do
+ total = total + mt.ninputs
+ end
+ return total
+exports.rspamd_count_metatokens = rspamd_count_metatokens
+exports.count_metatokens = rspamd_count_metatokens
+exports.version = 1 -- MUST be increased on each change of metatokens
+exports.add_metafunction = function(tbl)
+ local ret, err = meta_schema(tbl)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx('cannot add metafunction: %s', err)
+ else
+ table.insert(metafunctions, tbl)
+ fill_metatokens_by_name()
+ calculate_digest()
+ end
+return exports