path: root/lualib/lua_redis.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lualib/lua_redis.lua')
1 files changed, 1817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_redis.lua b/lualib/lua_redis.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..818d955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lualib/lua_redis.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1817 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+local lutil = require "lua_util"
+local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
+local ts = require("tableshape").types
+local exports = {}
+local E = {}
+local N = "lua_redis"
+local common_schema = {
+ timeout = (ts.number + ts.string / lutil.parse_time_interval):is_optional():describe("Connection timeout"),
+ db = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Database number"),
+ database = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Database number"),
+ dbname = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Database number"),
+ prefix = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Key prefix"),
+ username = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Username"),
+ password = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Password"),
+ expand_keys = ts.boolean:is_optional():describe("Expand keys"),
+ sentinels = (ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string)):is_optional():describe("Sentinel servers"),
+ sentinel_watch_time = (ts.number + ts.string / lutil.parse_time_interval):is_optional():describe("Sentinel watch time"),
+ sentinel_masters_pattern = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Sentinel masters pattern"),
+ sentinel_master_maxerrors = (ts.number + ts.string / tonumber):is_optional():describe("Sentinel master max errors"),
+ sentinel_username = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Sentinel username"),
+ sentinel_password = ts.string:is_optional():describe("Sentinel password"),
+local read_schema = lutil.table_merge({
+ read_servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string),
+}, common_schema)
+local write_schema = lutil.table_merge({
+ write_servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string),
+}, common_schema)
+local rw_schema = lutil.table_merge({
+ read_servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string),
+ write_servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string),
+}, common_schema)
+local servers_schema = lutil.table_merge({
+ servers = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string),
+}, common_schema)
+local server_schema = lutil.table_merge({
+ server = ts.string + ts.array_of(ts.string),
+}, common_schema)
+local enrich_schema = function(external)
+ return ts.one_of {
+ ts.shape(external), -- no specific redis parameters
+ ts.shape(lutil.table_merge(read_schema, external)), -- read_servers specified
+ ts.shape(lutil.table_merge(write_schema, external)), -- write_servers specified
+ ts.shape(lutil.table_merge(rw_schema, external)), -- both read and write servers defined
+ ts.shape(lutil.table_merge(servers_schema, external)), -- just servers for both ops
+ ts.shape(lutil.table_merge(server_schema, external)), -- legacy `server` attribute
+ }
+exports.enrich_schema = enrich_schema
+local function redis_query_sentinel(ev_base, params, initialised)
+ local function flatten_redis_table(tbl)
+ local res = {}
+ for i = 1, #tbl, 2 do
+ res[tbl[i]] = tbl[i + 1]
+ end
+ return res
+ end
+ -- Coroutines syntax
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ local sentinels = params.sentinels
+ local addr = sentinels:get_upstream_round_robin()
+ local host = addr:get_addr()
+ local masters = {}
+ local process_masters -- Function that is called to process masters data
+ local function masters_cb(err, result)
+ if not err and result and type(result) == 'table' then
+ local pending_subrequests = 0
+ for _, m in ipairs(result) do
+ local master = flatten_redis_table(m)
+ -- Wrap IPv6-addresses in brackets
+ if (master.ip:match(":")) then
+ master.ip = "[" .. master.ip .. "]"
+ end
+ if params.sentinel_masters_pattern then
+ if then
+ lutil.debugm(N, 'found master %s with ip %s and port %s',
+, master.ip, master.port)
+ masters[] = master
+ else
+ lutil.debugm(N, 'skip master %s with ip %s and port %s, pattern %s',
+, master.ip, master.port, params.sentinel_masters_pattern)
+ end
+ else
+ lutil.debugm(N, 'found master %s with ip %s and port %s',
+, master.ip, master.port)
+ masters[] = master
+ end
+ end
+ -- For each master we need to get a list of slaves
+ for k, v in pairs(masters) do
+ v.slaves = {}
+ local function slaves_cb(slave_err, slave_result)
+ if not slave_err and type(slave_result) == 'table' then
+ for _, s in ipairs(slave_result) do
+ local slave = flatten_redis_table(s)
+ lutil.debugm(N, rspamd_config,
+ 'found slave for master %s with ip %s and port %s',
+, slave.ip, slave.port)
+ -- Wrap IPv6-addresses in brackets
+ if (slave.ip:match(":")) then
+ slave.ip = "[" .. slave.ip .. "]"
+ end
+ v.slaves[#v.slaves + 1] = slave
+ end
+ else
+ logger.errx('cannot get slaves data from Redis Sentinel %s: %s',
+ host:to_string(true), slave_err)
+ addr:fail()
+ end
+ pending_subrequests = pending_subrequests - 1
+ if pending_subrequests == 0 then
+ -- Finalize masters and slaves
+ process_masters()
+ end
+ end
+ local ret = rspamd_redis.make_request {
+ host = addr:get_addr(),
+ timeout = params.timeout,
+ username = params.sentinel_username,
+ password = params.sentinel_password,
+ config = rspamd_config,
+ ev_base = ev_base,
+ cmd = 'SENTINEL',
+ args = { 'slaves', k },
+ no_pool = true,
+ callback = slaves_cb
+ }
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect sentinel when query slaves at address: %s',
+ host:to_string(true))
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ pending_subrequests = pending_subrequests + 1
+ end
+ end
+ addr:ok()
+ else
+ logger.errx('cannot get masters data from Redis Sentinel %s: %s',
+ host:to_string(true), err)
+ addr:fail()
+ end
+ end
+ local ret = rspamd_redis.make_request {
+ host = addr:get_addr(),
+ timeout = params.timeout,
+ config = rspamd_config,
+ ev_base = ev_base,
+ username = params.sentinel_username,
+ password = params.sentinel_password,
+ cmd = 'SENTINEL',
+ args = { 'masters' },
+ no_pool = true,
+ callback = masters_cb,
+ }
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect sentinel at address: %s',
+ host:to_string(true))
+ addr:fail()
+ end
+ process_masters = function()
+ -- We now form new strings for masters and slaves
+ local read_servers_tbl, write_servers_tbl = {}, {}
+ for _, master in pairs(masters) do
+ write_servers_tbl[#write_servers_tbl + 1] = string.format(
+ '%s:%s', master.ip, master.port
+ )
+ read_servers_tbl[#read_servers_tbl + 1] = string.format(
+ '%s:%s', master.ip, master.port
+ )
+ for _, slave in ipairs(master.slaves) do
+ if slave['master-link-status'] == 'ok' then
+ read_servers_tbl[#read_servers_tbl + 1] = string.format(
+ '%s:%s', slave.ip, slave.port
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(read_servers_tbl)
+ table.sort(write_servers_tbl)
+ local read_servers_str = table.concat(read_servers_tbl, ',')
+ local write_servers_str = table.concat(write_servers_tbl, ',')
+ lutil.debugm(N, rspamd_config,
+ 'new servers list: %s read; %s write',
+ read_servers_str,
+ write_servers_str)
+ if read_servers_str ~= params.read_servers_str then
+ local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list"
+ local read_upstreams = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ read_servers_str, 6379)
+ if read_upstreams then
+ logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'sentinel %s: replace read servers with new list: %s',
+ host:to_string(true), read_servers_str)
+ params.read_servers = read_upstreams
+ params.read_servers_str = read_servers_str
+ end
+ end
+ if write_servers_str ~= params.write_servers_str then
+ local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list"
+ local write_upstreams = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ write_servers_str, 6379)
+ if write_upstreams then
+ logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'sentinel %s: replace write servers with new list: %s',
+ host:to_string(true), write_servers_str)
+ params.write_servers = write_upstreams
+ params.write_servers_str = write_servers_str
+ local queried = false
+ local function monitor_failures(up, _, count)
+ if count > params.sentinel_master_maxerrors and not queried then
+ logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'sentinel: master with address %s, caused %s failures, try to query sentinel',
+ host:to_string(true), count)
+ queried = true -- Avoid multiple checks caused by this monitor
+ redis_query_sentinel(ev_base, params, true)
+ end
+ end
+ write_upstreams:add_watcher('failure', monitor_failures)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function add_redis_sentinels(params)
+ local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list"
+ local upstreams_sentinels = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ params.sentinels, 5000)
+ if not upstreams_sentinels then
+ logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot load redis sentinels string: %s',
+ params.sentinels)
+ return
+ end
+ params.sentinels = upstreams_sentinels
+ if not params.sentinel_watch_time then
+ params.sentinel_watch_time = 60 -- Each minute
+ end
+ if not params.sentinel_master_maxerrors then
+ params.sentinel_master_maxerrors = 2 -- Maximum number of errors before rechecking
+ end
+ rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(_, ev_base, worker)
+ local initialised = false
+ if worker:is_scanner() or worker:get_type() == 'fuzzy' then
+ rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, 0.0, function()
+ redis_query_sentinel(ev_base, params, initialised)
+ initialised = true
+ return params.sentinel_watch_time
+ end, false)
+ end
+ end)
+local cached_results = {}
+local function calculate_redis_hash(params)
+ local cr = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash"
+ local h = cr.create()
+ local function rec_hash(k, v)
+ if type(v) == 'string' then
+ h:update(k)
+ h:update(v)
+ elseif type(v) == 'number' then
+ h:update(k)
+ h:update(tostring(v))
+ elseif type(v) == 'table' then
+ for kk, vv in pairs(v) do
+ rec_hash(kk, vv)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rec_hash('top', params)
+ return h:base32()
+local function process_redis_opts(options, redis_params)
+ local default_timeout = 1.0
+ local default_expand_keys = false
+ if not redis_params['timeout'] or redis_params['timeout'] == default_timeout then
+ if options['timeout'] then
+ redis_params['timeout'] = tonumber(options['timeout'])
+ else
+ redis_params['timeout'] = default_timeout
+ end
+ end
+ if options['prefix'] and not redis_params['prefix'] then
+ redis_params['prefix'] = options['prefix']
+ end
+ if type(options['expand_keys']) == 'boolean' then
+ redis_params['expand_keys'] = options['expand_keys']
+ else
+ redis_params['expand_keys'] = default_expand_keys
+ end
+ if not redis_params['db'] then
+ if options['db'] then
+ redis_params['db'] = tostring(options['db'])
+ elseif options['dbname'] then
+ redis_params['db'] = tostring(options['dbname'])
+ elseif options['database'] then
+ redis_params['db'] = tostring(options['database'])
+ end
+ end
+ if options['username'] and not redis_params['username'] then
+ redis_params['username'] = options['username']
+ end
+ if options['password'] and not redis_params['password'] then
+ redis_params['password'] = options['password']
+ end
+ if not redis_params.sentinels and options.sentinels then
+ redis_params.sentinels = options.sentinels
+ end
+ if options['sentinel_masters_pattern'] and not redis_params['sentinel_masters_pattern'] then
+ redis_params['sentinel_masters_pattern'] = options['sentinel_masters_pattern']
+ end
+local function enrich_defaults(rspamd_config, module, redis_params)
+ if rspamd_config then
+ local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('redis')
+ if opts then
+ if module then
+ if opts[module] then
+ process_redis_opts(opts[module], redis_params)
+ end
+ end
+ process_redis_opts(opts, redis_params)
+ end
+ end
+local function maybe_return_cached(redis_params)
+ local h = calculate_redis_hash(redis_params)
+ if cached_results[h] then
+ lutil.debugm(N, 'reused redis server: %s', redis_params)
+ return cached_results[h]
+ end
+ redis_params.hash = h
+ cached_results[h] = redis_params
+ if not redis_params.read_only and redis_params.sentinels then
+ add_redis_sentinels(redis_params)
+ end
+ lutil.debugm(N, 'loaded new redis server: %s', redis_params)
+ return redis_params
+-- @module lua_redis
+-- This module contains helper functions for working with Redis
+local function process_redis_options(options, rspamd_config, result)
+ local default_port = 6379
+ local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list"
+ local read_only = true
+ -- Try to get read servers:
+ local upstreams_read, upstreams_write
+ if options['read_servers'] then
+ if rspamd_config then
+ upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ options['read_servers'], default_port)
+ else
+ upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(options['read_servers'],
+ default_port)
+ end
+ result.read_servers_str = options['read_servers']
+ elseif options['servers'] then
+ if rspamd_config then
+ upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ options['servers'], default_port)
+ else
+ upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(options['servers'], default_port)
+ end
+ result.read_servers_str = options['servers']
+ read_only = false
+ elseif options['server'] then
+ if rspamd_config then
+ upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ options['server'], default_port)
+ else
+ upstreams_read = upstream_list.create(options['server'], default_port)
+ end
+ result.read_servers_str = options['server']
+ read_only = false
+ end
+ if upstreams_read then
+ if options['write_servers'] then
+ if rspamd_config then
+ upstreams_write = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config,
+ options['write_servers'], default_port)
+ else
+ upstreams_write = upstream_list.create(options['write_servers'],
+ default_port)
+ end
+ result.write_servers_str = options['write_servers']
+ read_only = false
+ elseif not read_only then
+ upstreams_write = upstreams_read
+ result.write_servers_str = result.read_servers_str
+ end
+ end
+ -- Store options
+ process_redis_opts(options, result)
+ if read_only and not upstreams_write then
+ result.read_only = true
+ elseif upstreams_write then
+ result.read_only = false
+ end
+ if upstreams_read then
+ result.read_servers = upstreams_read
+ if upstreams_write then
+ result.write_servers = upstreams_write
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ lutil.debugm(N, rspamd_config,
+ 'cannot load redis server from obj: %s, processed to %s',
+ options, result)
+ return false
+@function try_load_redis_servers(options, rspamd_config, no_fallback)
+Tries to load redis servers from the specified `options` object.
+Returns `redis_params` table or nil in case of failure
+exports.try_load_redis_servers = function(options, rspamd_config, no_fallback, module_name)
+ local result = {}
+ if process_redis_options(options, rspamd_config, result) then
+ if not no_fallback then
+ enrich_defaults(rspamd_config, module_name, result)
+ end
+ return maybe_return_cached(result)
+ end
+-- This function parses redis server definition using either
+-- specific server string for this module or global
+-- redis section
+local function rspamd_parse_redis_server(module_name, module_opts, no_fallback)
+ local result = {}
+ -- Try local options
+ local opts
+ lutil.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'try load redis config for: %s', module_name)
+ if not module_opts then
+ opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(module_name)
+ else
+ opts = module_opts
+ end
+ if opts then
+ local ret
+ if opts.redis then
+ ret = process_redis_options(opts.redis, rspamd_config, result)
+ if ret then
+ if not no_fallback then
+ enrich_defaults(rspamd_config, module_name, result)
+ end
+ return maybe_return_cached(result)
+ end
+ end
+ ret = process_redis_options(opts, rspamd_config, result)
+ if ret then
+ if not no_fallback then
+ enrich_defaults(rspamd_config, module_name, result)
+ end
+ return maybe_return_cached(result)
+ end
+ end
+ if no_fallback then
+ logger.infox(rspamd_config, "cannot find Redis definitions for %s and fallback is disabled",
+ module_name)
+ return nil
+ end
+ -- Try global options
+ opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('redis')
+ if opts then
+ local ret
+ if opts[module_name] then
+ ret = process_redis_options(opts[module_name], rspamd_config, result)
+ if ret then
+ return maybe_return_cached(result)
+ end
+ else
+ ret = process_redis_options(opts, rspamd_config, result)
+ -- Exclude disabled
+ if opts['disabled_modules'] then
+ for _, v in ipairs(opts['disabled_modules']) do
+ if v == module_name then
+ logger.infox(rspamd_config, "NOT using default redis server for module %s: it is disabled",
+ module_name)
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ret then
+ logger.infox(rspamd_config, "use default Redis settings for %s",
+ module_name)
+ return maybe_return_cached(result)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if result.read_servers then
+ return maybe_return_cached(result)
+ end
+ return nil
+-- @function lua_redis.parse_redis_server(module_name, module_opts, no_fallback)
+-- Extracts Redis server settings from configuration
+-- @param {string} module_name name of module to get settings for
+-- @param {table} module_opts settings for module or `nil` to fetch them from configuration
+-- @param {boolean} no_fallback should be `true` if global settings must not be used
+-- @return {table} redis server settings
+-- @example
+-- local rconfig = lua_redis.parse_redis_server('my_module')
+-- -- rconfig contains upstream_list objects in ['write_servers'] and ['read_servers']
+-- -- ['timeout'] contains timeout in seconds
+-- -- ['expand_keys'] if true tells that redis key expansion is enabled
+exports.rspamd_parse_redis_server = rspamd_parse_redis_server
+exports.parse_redis_server = rspamd_parse_redis_server
+local process_cmd = {
+ bitop = function(args)
+ local idx_l = {}
+ for i = 2, #args do
+ table.insert(idx_l, i)
+ end
+ return idx_l
+ end,
+ blpop = function(args)
+ local idx_l = {}
+ for i = 1, #args - 1 do
+ table.insert(idx_l, i)
+ end
+ return idx_l
+ end,
+ eval = function(args)
+ local idx_l = {}
+ local numkeys = args[2]
+ if numkeys and tonumber(numkeys) >= 1 then
+ for i = 3, numkeys + 2 do
+ table.insert(idx_l, i)
+ end
+ end
+ return idx_l
+ end,
+ set = function(args)
+ return { 1 }
+ end,
+ mget = function(args)
+ local idx_l = {}
+ for i = 1, #args do
+ table.insert(idx_l, i)
+ end
+ return idx_l
+ end,
+ mset = function(args)
+ local idx_l = {}
+ for i = 1, #args, 2 do
+ table.insert(idx_l, i)
+ end
+ return idx_l
+ end,
+ sdiffstore = function(args)
+ local idx_l = {}
+ for i = 2, #args do
+ table.insert(idx_l, i)
+ end
+ return idx_l
+ end,
+ smove = function(args)
+ return { 1, 2 }
+ end,
+ script = function()
+ end
+process_cmd.append = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.auth = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.bgrewriteaof = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.bgsave = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.bitcount = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.bitfield = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.bitpos = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.brpop = process_cmd.blpop
+process_cmd.brpoplpush = process_cmd.blpop
+process_cmd.client = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.cluster = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.command = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.config = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.dbsize = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.debug = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.decr = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.decrby = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.del = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.discard = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.dump = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.echo = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.evalsha = process_cmd.eval
+process_cmd.exec = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.exists = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.expire = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.expireat = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.flushall = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.flushdb = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.geoadd = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.geohash = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.geopos = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.geodist = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.georadius = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.georadiusbymember = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.get = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.getbit = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.getrange = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.getset = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hdel = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hexists = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hget = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hgetall = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hincrby = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hincrbyfloat = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hkeys = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hlen = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hmget = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hmset = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hscan = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hset = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hsetnx = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hstrlen = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hvals = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.incr = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.incrby = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.incrbyfloat = process_cmd.set = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.keys = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.lastsave = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.lindex = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.linsert = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.llen = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.lpop = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.lpush = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.lpushx = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.lrange = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.lrem = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.lset = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.ltrim = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.migrate = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.monitor = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.move = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.msetnx = process_cmd.mset
+process_cmd.multi = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.object = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.persist = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.pexpire = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.pexpireat = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.pfadd = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.pfcount = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.pfmerge = process_cmd.mget = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.psetex = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.psubscribe = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.pubsub = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.pttl = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.publish = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.punsubscribe = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.quit = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.randomkey = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.readonly = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.readwrite = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.rename = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.renamenx = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.restore = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.role = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.rpop = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.rpoplpush = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.rpush = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.rpushx = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.sadd = process_cmd.set = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.scard = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.sdiff = process_cmd.mget = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.setbit = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.setex = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.setnx = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.sinterstore = process_cmd.sdiff
+process_cmd.sismember = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.slaveof = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.slowlog = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.smembers = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.sort = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.spop = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.srandmember = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.srem = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.strlen = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.subscribe = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.sunion = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.sunionstore = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.swapdb = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.sync = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.time = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.touch = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.ttl = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.type = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.unsubscribe = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.unlink = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.unwatch = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.wait = process_cmd.script = process_cmd.mget
+process_cmd.zadd = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zcard = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zcount = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zincrby = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zinterstore = process_cmd.eval
+process_cmd.zlexcount = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrange = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrangebylex = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrank = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrem = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrembylex = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrembyrank = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrembyscore = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrevrange = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrevrangebyscore = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zrevrank = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zscore = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zunionstore = process_cmd.eval
+process_cmd.scan = process_cmd.script
+process_cmd.sscan = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.hscan = process_cmd.set
+process_cmd.zscan = process_cmd.set
+local function get_key_indexes(cmd, args)
+ local idx_l = {}
+ cmd = string.lower(cmd)
+ if process_cmd[cmd] then
+ idx_l = process_cmd[cmd](args)
+ else
+ logger.warnx(rspamd_config, "Don't know how to extract keys for %s Redis command", cmd)
+ end
+ return idx_l
+local gen_meta = {
+ principal_recipient = function(task)
+ return task:get_principal_recipient()
+ end,
+ principal_recipient_domain = function(task)
+ local p = task:get_principal_recipient()
+ if not p then
+ return
+ end
+ return string.match(p, '.*@(.*)')
+ end,
+ ip = function(task)
+ local i = task:get_ip()
+ if i and i:is_valid() then
+ return i:to_string()
+ end
+ end,
+ from = function(task)
+ return ((task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1] or E)['addr']
+ end,
+ from_domain = function(task)
+ return ((task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1] or E)['domain']
+ end,
+ from_domain_or_helo_domain = function(task)
+ local d = ((task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1] or E)['domain']
+ if d and #d > 0 then
+ return d
+ end
+ return task:get_helo()
+ end,
+ mime_from = function(task)
+ return ((task:get_from('mime') or E)[1] or E)['addr']
+ end,
+ mime_from_domain = function(task)
+ return ((task:get_from('mime') or E)[1] or E)['domain']
+ end,
+local function gen_get_esld(f)
+ return function(task)
+ local d = f(task)
+ if not d then
+ return
+ end
+ return rspamd_util.get_tld(d)
+ end
+gen_meta.smtp_from = gen_meta.from
+gen_meta.smtp_from_domain = gen_meta.from_domain
+gen_meta.smtp_from_domain_or_helo_domain = gen_meta.from_domain_or_helo_domain
+gen_meta.esld_principal_recipient_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.principal_recipient_domain)
+gen_meta.esld_from_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.from_domain)
+gen_meta.esld_smtp_from_domain = gen_meta.esld_from_domain
+gen_meta.esld_mime_from_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.mime_from_domain)
+gen_meta.esld_from_domain_or_helo_domain = gen_get_esld(gen_meta.from_domain_or_helo_domain)
+gen_meta.esld_smtp_from_domain_or_helo_domain = gen_meta.esld_from_domain_or_helo_domain
+local function get_key_expansion_metadata(task)
+ local md_mt = {
+ __index = function(self, k)
+ k = string.lower(k)
+ local v = rawget(self, k)
+ if v then
+ return v
+ end
+ if gen_meta[k] then
+ v = gen_meta[k](task)
+ rawset(self, k, v)
+ end
+ return v
+ end,
+ }
+ local lazy_meta = {}
+ setmetatable(lazy_meta, md_mt)
+ return lazy_meta
+-- Performs async call to redis hiding all complexity inside function
+-- task - rspamd_task
+-- redis_params - valid params returned by rspamd_parse_redis_server
+-- key - key to select upstream or nil to select round-robin/master-slave
+-- is_write - true if need to write to redis server
+-- callback - function to be called upon request is completed
+-- command - redis command
+-- args - table of arguments
+-- extra_opts - table of optional request arguments
+local function rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, key, is_write,
+ callback, command, args, extra_opts)
+ local addr
+ local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data)
+ if err then
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ addr:ok()
+ end
+ if callback then
+ callback(err, data, addr)
+ end
+ end
+ if not task or not redis_params or not command then
+ return false, nil, nil
+ end
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ if key then
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key)
+ end
+ else
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(key)
+ end
+ end
+ if not addr then
+ logger.errx(task, 'cannot select server to make redis request')
+ end
+ if redis_params['expand_keys'] then
+ local m = get_key_expansion_metadata(task)
+ local indexes = get_key_indexes(command, args)
+ for _, i in ipairs(indexes) do
+ args[i] = lutil.template(args[i], m)
+ end
+ end
+ local ip_addr = addr:get_addr()
+ local options = {
+ task = task,
+ callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb,
+ host = ip_addr,
+ timeout = redis_params['timeout'],
+ cmd = command,
+ args = args
+ }
+ if extra_opts then
+ for k, v in pairs(extra_opts) do
+ options[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if redis_params['username'] then
+ options['username'] = redis_params['username']
+ end
+ if redis_params['password'] then
+ options['password'] = redis_params['password']
+ end
+ if redis_params['db'] then
+ options['dbname'] = redis_params['db']
+ end
+ lutil.debugm(N, task, 'perform request to redis server' ..
+ ' (host=%s, timeout=%s): cmd: %s', ip_addr,
+ options.timeout, options.cmd)
+ local ret, conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(options)
+ if not ret then
+ addr:fail()
+ logger.warnx(task, "cannot make redis request to: %s", tostring(ip_addr))
+ end
+ return ret, conn, addr
+-- @function lua_redis.redis_make_request(task, redis_params, key, is_write, callback, command, args)
+-- Sends a request to Redis
+-- @param {rspamd_task} task task object
+-- @param {table} redis_params redis configuration in format returned by lua_redis.parse_redis_server()
+-- @param {string} key key to use for sharding
+-- @param {boolean} is_write should be `true` if we are performing a write operating
+-- @param {function} callback callback function (first parameter is error if applicable, second is a 2D array (table))
+-- @param {string} command Redis command to run
+-- @param {table} args Numerically indexed table containing arguments for command
+exports.rspamd_redis_make_request = rspamd_redis_make_request
+exports.redis_make_request = rspamd_redis_make_request
+local function redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, cfg, redis_params, key,
+ is_write, callback, command, args, extra_opts)
+ if not ev_base or not redis_params or not command then
+ return false, nil, nil
+ end
+ local addr
+ local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data)
+ if err then
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ addr:ok()
+ end
+ if callback then
+ callback(err, data, addr)
+ end
+ end
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ if key then
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key)
+ end
+ else
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(key)
+ end
+ end
+ if not addr then
+ logger.errx(cfg, 'cannot select server to make redis request')
+ end
+ local options = {
+ ev_base = ev_base,
+ config = cfg,
+ callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb,
+ host = addr:get_addr(),
+ timeout = redis_params['timeout'],
+ cmd = command,
+ args = args
+ }
+ if extra_opts then
+ for k, v in pairs(extra_opts) do
+ options[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if redis_params['username'] then
+ options['username'] = redis_params['username']
+ end
+ if redis_params['password'] then
+ options['password'] = redis_params['password']
+ end
+ if redis_params['db'] then
+ options['dbname'] = redis_params['db']
+ end
+ lutil.debugm(N, cfg, 'perform taskless request to redis server' ..
+ ' (host=%s, timeout=%s): cmd: %s',,
+ options.timeout, options.cmd)
+ local ret, conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(options)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx('cannot execute redis request')
+ addr:fail()
+ end
+ return ret, conn, addr
+-- @function lua_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, redis_params, key, is_write, callback, command, args)
+-- Sends a request to Redis in context where `task` is not available for some specific use-cases
+-- Identical to redis_make_request() except in that first parameter is an `event base` object
+exports.rspamd_redis_make_request_taskless = redis_make_request_taskless
+exports.redis_make_request_taskless = redis_make_request_taskless
+local redis_scripts = {
+local function script_set_loaded(script)
+ if script.sha then
+ script.loaded = true
+ end
+ local wait_table = {}
+ for _, s in ipairs(script.waitq) do
+ table.insert(wait_table, s)
+ end
+ script.waitq = {}
+ for _, s in ipairs(wait_table) do
+ s(script.loaded)
+ end
+local function prepare_redis_call(script)
+ local servers = {}
+ local options = {}
+ if script.redis_params.read_servers then
+ servers = lutil.table_merge(servers, script.redis_params.read_servers:all_upstreams())
+ end
+ if script.redis_params.write_servers then
+ servers = lutil.table_merge(servers, script.redis_params.write_servers:all_upstreams())
+ end
+ -- Call load script on each server, set loaded flag
+ script.in_flight = #servers
+ for _, s in ipairs(servers) do
+ local cur_opts = {
+ host = s:get_addr(),
+ timeout = script.redis_params['timeout'],
+ cmd = 'SCRIPT',
+ args = { 'LOAD', script.script },
+ upstream = s
+ }
+ if script.redis_params['username'] then
+ cur_opts['username'] = script.redis_params['username']
+ end
+ if script.redis_params['password'] then
+ cur_opts['password'] = script.redis_params['password']
+ end
+ if script.redis_params['db'] then
+ cur_opts['dbname'] = script.redis_params['db']
+ end
+ table.insert(options, cur_opts)
+ end
+ return options
+local function load_script_task(script, task, is_write)
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ local opts = prepare_redis_call(script)
+ for _, opt in ipairs(opts) do
+ opt.task = task
+ opt.is_write = is_write
+ opt.callback = function(err, data)
+ if err then
+ logger.errx(task, 'cannot upload script to %s: %s; registered from: %s:%s',
+ opt.upstream:get_addr():to_string(true),
+ err, script.caller.short_src, script.caller.currentline)
+ opt.upstream:fail()
+ script.fatal_error = err
+ else
+ opt.upstream:ok()
+ logger.infox(task,
+ "uploaded redis script to %s %s %s, sha: %s",
+ opt.upstream:get_addr():to_string(true),
+ script.filename and "from file" or "with id", script.filename or, data)
+ script.sha = data -- We assume that sha is the same on all servers
+ end
+ script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1
+ if script.in_flight == 0 then
+ script_set_loaded(script)
+ end
+ end
+ local ret = rspamd_redis.make_request(opt)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx('cannot execute redis request to load script on %s',
+ opt.upstream:get_addr())
+ script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1
+ opt.upstream:fail()
+ end
+ if script.in_flight == 0 then
+ script_set_loaded(script)
+ end
+ end
+local function load_script_taskless(script, cfg, ev_base, is_write)
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ local opts = prepare_redis_call(script)
+ for _, opt in ipairs(opts) do
+ opt.config = cfg
+ opt.ev_base = ev_base
+ opt.is_write = is_write
+ opt.callback = function(err, data)
+ if err then
+ logger.errx(cfg, 'cannot upload script to %s: %s; registered from: %s:%s, filename: %s',
+ opt.upstream:get_addr():to_string(true),
+ err, script.caller.short_src, script.caller.currentline, script.filename)
+ opt.upstream:fail()
+ script.fatal_error = err
+ else
+ opt.upstream:ok()
+ logger.infox(cfg,
+ "uploaded redis script to %s %s %s, sha: %s",
+ opt.upstream:get_addr():to_string(true),
+ script.filename and "from file" or "with id", script.filename or,
+ data)
+ script.sha = data -- We assume that sha is the same on all servers
+ script.fatal_error = nil
+ end
+ script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1
+ if script.in_flight == 0 then
+ script_set_loaded(script)
+ end
+ end
+ local ret = rspamd_redis.make_request(opt)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx('cannot execute redis request to load script on %s',
+ opt.upstream:get_addr())
+ script.in_flight = script.in_flight - 1
+ opt.upstream:fail()
+ end
+ if script.in_flight == 0 then
+ script_set_loaded(script)
+ end
+ end
+local function load_redis_script(script, cfg, ev_base, _)
+ if script.redis_params then
+ load_script_taskless(script, cfg, ev_base)
+ end
+local function add_redis_script(script, redis_params, caller_level, maybe_filename)
+ if not caller_level then
+ caller_level = 2
+ end
+ local caller = debug.getinfo(caller_level) or debug.getinfo(caller_level - 1) or E
+ local new_script = {
+ caller = caller,
+ loaded = false,
+ redis_params = redis_params,
+ script = script,
+ waitq = {}, -- callbacks pending for script being loaded
+ id = #redis_scripts + 1,
+ filename = maybe_filename,
+ }
+ -- Register on load function
+ rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(cfg, ev_base, worker)
+ local mult = 0.0
+ rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, 0.0, function()
+ if not new_script.sha then
+ load_redis_script(new_script, cfg, ev_base, worker)
+ mult = mult + 1
+ return 1.0 * mult -- Check one more time in one second
+ end
+ return false
+ end, false)
+ end)
+ table.insert(redis_scripts, new_script)
+ return #redis_scripts
+exports.add_redis_script = add_redis_script
+-- Loads a Redis script from a file, strips comments, and passes the content to
+-- `add_redis_script` function.
+-- @param filename The name of the file containing the Redis script.
+-- @param redis_params The Redis parameters to use for this script.
+-- @return The ID of the newly added Redis script.
+local function load_redis_script_from_file(filename, redis_params, dir)
+ local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+ local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+ if not dir then
+ dir = rspamd_paths.LUALIBDIR
+ end
+ local path = filename
+ if filename:sub(1, 1) ~= package.config:sub(1, 1) then
+ -- Relative path
+ path = lua_util.join_path(dir, "redis_scripts", filename)
+ end
+ -- Read file contents
+ local file =, "r")
+ if not file then
+ rspamd_logger.errx("failed to open Redis script file: %s", path)
+ return nil
+ end
+ local script = file:read("*all")
+ if not script then
+ rspamd_logger.errx("failed to load Redis script file: %s", path)
+ return nil
+ end
+ file:close()
+ script = lua_util.strip_lua_comments(script)
+ return add_redis_script(script, redis_params, 3, filename)
+exports.load_redis_script_from_file = load_redis_script_from_file
+local function exec_redis_script(id, params, callback, keys, args)
+ local redis_args = {}
+ if not redis_scripts[id] then
+ logger.errx("cannot find registered script with id %s", id)
+ return false
+ end
+ local script = redis_scripts[id]
+ if script.fatal_error then
+ callback(script.fatal_error, nil)
+ return true
+ end
+ if not script.redis_params then
+ callback('no redis servers defined', nil)
+ return true
+ end
+ local function do_call(can_reload)
+ local function redis_cb(err, data)
+ if not err then
+ callback(err, data)
+ elseif string.match(err, 'NOSCRIPT') then
+ -- Schedule restart
+ script.sha = nil
+ if can_reload then
+ table.insert(script.waitq, do_call)
+ if script.in_flight == 0 then
+ -- Reload scripts if this has not been initiated yet
+ if params.task then
+ load_script_task(script, params.task)
+ else
+ load_script_taskless(script, rspamd_config, params.ev_base)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ callback(err, data)
+ end
+ else
+ callback(err, data)
+ end
+ end
+ if #redis_args == 0 then
+ table.insert(redis_args, script.sha)
+ table.insert(redis_args, tostring(#keys))
+ for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
+ table.insert(redis_args, k)
+ end
+ if type(args) == 'table' then
+ for _, a in ipairs(args) do
+ table.insert(redis_args, a)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if params.task then
+ if not rspamd_redis_make_request(params.task, script.redis_params,
+ params.key, params.is_write, redis_cb, 'EVALSHA', redis_args) then
+ callback('Cannot make redis request', nil)
+ end
+ else
+ if not redis_make_request_taskless(params.ev_base, rspamd_config,
+ script.redis_params,
+ params.key, params.is_write, redis_cb, 'EVALSHA', redis_args) then
+ callback('Cannot make redis request', nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if script.loaded then
+ do_call(true)
+ else
+ -- Delayed until scripts are loaded
+ if not params.task then
+ table.insert(script.waitq, do_call)
+ else
+ -- TODO: fix taskfull requests
+ table.insert(script.waitq, function()
+ if script.loaded then
+ do_call(false)
+ else
+ callback('NOSCRIPT', nil)
+ end
+ end)
+ load_script_task(script, params.task, params.is_write)
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+exports.exec_redis_script = exec_redis_script
+local function redis_connect_sync(redis_params, is_write, key, cfg, ev_base)
+ if not redis_params then
+ return false, nil
+ end
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ local addr
+ if key then
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key)
+ end
+ else
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(key)
+ end
+ end
+ if not addr then
+ logger.errx(cfg, 'cannot select server to make redis request')
+ end
+ local options = {
+ host = addr:get_addr(),
+ timeout = redis_params['timeout'],
+ config = cfg or rspamd_config,
+ ev_base = ev_base or rspamadm_ev_base,
+ session = redis_params.session or rspamadm_session
+ }
+ for k, v in pairs(redis_params) do
+ options[k] = v
+ end
+ if not options.config then
+ logger.errx('config is not set')
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+ if not options.ev_base then
+ logger.errx('ev_base is not set')
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+ if not options.session then
+ logger.errx('session is not set')
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+ local ret, conn = rspamd_redis.connect_sync(options)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx('cannot create redis connection: %s', conn)
+ addr:fail()
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+ if conn then
+ local need_exec = false
+ if redis_params['username'] then
+ if redis_params['password'] then
+ conn:add_cmd('AUTH', { redis_params['username'], redis_params['password'] })
+ need_exec = true
+ else
+ logger.warnx('Redis requires a password when username is supplied')
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+ elseif redis_params['password'] then
+ conn:add_cmd('AUTH', { redis_params['password'] })
+ need_exec = true
+ end
+ if redis_params['db'] then
+ conn:add_cmd('SELECT', { tostring(redis_params['db']) })
+ need_exec = true
+ elseif redis_params['dbname'] then
+ conn:add_cmd('SELECT', { tostring(redis_params['dbname']) })
+ need_exec = true
+ end
+ if need_exec then
+ local exec_ret, res = conn:exec()
+ if not exec_ret then
+ logger.errx('cannot prepare redis connection (authentication or db selection failure): %s',
+ res)
+ addr:fail()
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ret, conn, addr
+exports.redis_connect_sync = redis_connect_sync
+-- @function lua_redis.request(redis_params, attrs, req)
+-- Sends a request to Redis synchronously with coroutines or asynchronously using
+-- a callback (modern API)
+-- @param redis_params a table of redis server parameters
+-- @param attrs a table of redis request attributes (e.g. task, or ev_base + cfg + session)
+-- @param req a table of request: a command + command options
+-- @return {result,data/connection,address} boolean result, connection object in case of async request and results if using coroutines, redis server address
+exports.request = function(redis_params, attrs, req)
+ local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+ if not attrs or not redis_params or not req then
+ logger.errx('invalid arguments for redis request')
+ return false, nil, nil
+ end
+ if not (attrs.task or (attrs.config and attrs.ev_base)) then
+ logger.errx('invalid attributes for redis request')
+ return false, nil, nil
+ end
+ local opts = lua_util.shallowcopy(attrs)
+ local log_obj = opts.task or opts.config
+ local addr
+ if opts.callback then
+ -- Wrap callback
+ local callback = opts.callback
+ local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data)
+ if err then
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ addr:ok()
+ end
+ callback(err, data, addr)
+ end
+ opts.callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb
+ end
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ local is_write = opts.is_write
+ if opts.key then
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key)
+ end
+ else
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(attrs.key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(attrs.key)
+ end
+ end
+ if not addr then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot select server to make redis request')
+ end
+ = addr:get_addr()
+ opts.timeout = redis_params.timeout
+ if type(req) == 'string' then
+ opts.cmd = req
+ else
+ -- XXX: modifies the input table
+ opts.cmd = table.remove(req, 1);
+ opts.args = req
+ end
+ if redis_params.username then
+ opts.username = redis_params.username
+ end
+ if redis_params.password then
+ opts.password = redis_params.password
+ end
+ if redis_params.db then
+ opts.dbname = redis_params.db
+ end
+ lutil.debugm(N, 'perform generic request to redis server' ..
+ ' (host=%s, timeout=%s): cmd: %s, arguments: %s', addr,
+ opts.timeout, opts.cmd, opts.args)
+ if opts.callback then
+ local ret, conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(opts)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis request')
+ addr:fail()
+ end
+ return ret, conn, addr
+ else
+ -- Coroutines version
+ local ret, conn = rspamd_redis.connect_sync(opts)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis request')
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ conn:add_cmd(opts.cmd, opts.args)
+ return conn:exec()
+ end
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+-- @function lua_redis.connect(redis_params, attrs)
+-- Connects to Redis synchronously with coroutines or asynchronously using a callback (modern API)
+-- @param redis_params a table of redis server parameters
+-- @param attrs a table of redis request attributes (e.g. task, or ev_base + cfg + session)
+-- @return {result,connection,address} boolean result, connection object, redis server address
+exports.connect = function(redis_params, attrs)
+ local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+ if not attrs or not redis_params then
+ logger.errx('invalid arguments for redis connect')
+ return false, nil, nil
+ end
+ if not (attrs.task or (attrs.config and attrs.ev_base)) then
+ logger.errx('invalid attributes for redis connect')
+ return false, nil, nil
+ end
+ local opts = lua_util.shallowcopy(attrs)
+ local log_obj = opts.task or opts.config
+ local addr
+ if opts.callback then
+ -- Wrap callback
+ local callback = opts.callback
+ local function rspamd_redis_make_request_cb(err, data)
+ if err then
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ addr:ok()
+ end
+ callback(err, data, addr)
+ end
+ opts.callback = rspamd_redis_make_request_cb
+ end
+ local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis"
+ local is_write = opts.is_write
+ if opts.key then
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(attrs.key)
+ end
+ else
+ if is_write then
+ addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(attrs.key)
+ else
+ addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(attrs.key)
+ end
+ end
+ if not addr then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot select server to make redis connect')
+ end
+ = addr:get_addr()
+ opts.timeout = redis_params.timeout
+ if redis_params.username then
+ opts.username = redis_params.username
+ end
+ if redis_params.password then
+ opts.password = redis_params.password
+ end
+ if redis_params.db then
+ opts.dbname = redis_params.db
+ end
+ if opts.callback then
+ local ret, conn = rspamd_redis.connect(opts)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis connect')
+ addr:fail()
+ end
+ return ret, conn, addr
+ else
+ -- Coroutines version
+ local ret, conn = rspamd_redis.connect_sync(opts)
+ if not ret then
+ logger.errx(log_obj, 'cannot execute redis connect')
+ addr:fail()
+ else
+ return true, conn, addr
+ end
+ return false, nil, addr
+ end
+local redis_prefixes = {}
+-- @function lua_redis.register_prefix(prefix, module, description[, optional])
+-- Register new redis prefix for documentation purposes
+-- @param {string} prefix string prefix
+-- @param {string} module module name
+-- @param {string} description prefix description
+-- @param {table} optional optional kv pairs (e.g. pattern)
+local function register_prefix(prefix, module, description, optional)
+ local pr = {
+ module = module,
+ description = description
+ }
+ if optional and type(optional) == 'table' then
+ for k, v in pairs(optional) do
+ pr[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ redis_prefixes[prefix] = pr
+exports.register_prefix = register_prefix
+-- @function lua_redis.prefixes([mname])
+-- Returns prefixes for specific module (or all prefixes). Returns a table prefix -> table
+exports.prefixes = function(mname)
+ if not mname then
+ return redis_prefixes
+ else
+ local fun = require "fun"
+ return fun.totable(fun.filter(function(_, data)
+ return data.module == mname
+ end,
+ redis_prefixes))
+ end
+return exports