path: root/src/client
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 3000 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/CMakeLists.txt b/src/client/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edf3cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Librspamdclient
+# rspamc
+SET(RSPAMCSRC rspamc.cxx)
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(rspamc rspamd-server)
diff --git a/src/client/rspamc.cxx b/src/client/rspamc.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e3cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/rspamc.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2380 @@
+ * Copyright 2023 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "libutil/util.h"
+#include "libserver/http/http_connection.h"
+#include "libserver/http/http_private.h"
+#include "libserver/cfg_file.h"
+#include "rspamdclient.h"
+#include "unix-std.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <optional>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "frozen/string.h"
+#include "frozen/unordered_map.h"
+#include "fmt/format.h"
+#include "fmt/color.h"
+#include "libutil/cxx/file_util.hxx"
+#include "libutil/cxx/util.hxx"
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#define DEFAULT_PORT 11333
+static const char *connect_str = "localhost";
+static const char *password = nullptr;
+static const char *ip = nullptr;
+static const char *from = nullptr;
+static const char *deliver_to = nullptr;
+static const char **rcpts = nullptr;
+static const char *user = nullptr;
+static const char *helo = nullptr;
+static const char *hostname = nullptr;
+static const char *classifier = nullptr;
+static const char *local_addr = nullptr;
+static const char *execute = nullptr;
+static const char *sort = nullptr;
+static const char **http_headers = nullptr;
+static const char **exclude_patterns = nullptr;
+static int weight = 0;
+static int flag = 0;
+static const char *fuzzy_symbol = nullptr;
+static const char *dictionary = nullptr;
+static int max_requests = 8;
+static double timeout = 10.0;
+static gboolean pass_all;
+static gboolean tty = FALSE;
+static gboolean verbose = FALSE;
+static gboolean print_commands = FALSE;
+static gboolean humanreport = FALSE;
+static gboolean json = FALSE;
+static gboolean compact = FALSE;
+static gboolean headers = FALSE;
+static gboolean raw = FALSE;
+static gboolean ucl_reply = FALSE;
+static gboolean extended_urls = FALSE;
+static gboolean mime_output = FALSE;
+static gboolean empty_input = FALSE;
+static gboolean compressed = FALSE;
+static gboolean profile = FALSE;
+static gboolean skip_images = FALSE;
+static gboolean skip_attachments = FALSE;
+static const char *pubkey = nullptr;
+static const char *user_agent = "rspamc";
+std::vector<GPid> children;
+static GPatternSpec **exclude_compiled = nullptr;
+static struct rspamd_http_context *http_ctx;
+static gint retcode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+static gboolean rspamc_password_callback(const gchar *option_name,
+ const gchar *value,
+ gpointer data,
+ GError **error);
+static GOptionEntry entries[] =
+ {
+ {"connect", 'h', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &connect_str,
+ "Specify host and port", nullptr},
+ (void *) &rspamc_password_callback, "Specify control password", nullptr},
+ {"classifier", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &classifier,
+ "Classifier to learn spam or ham", nullptr},
+ {"weight", 'w', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &weight,
+ "Weight for fuzzy operations", nullptr},
+ {"flag", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &flag, "Flag for fuzzy operations",
+ nullptr},
+ {"pass-all", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &pass_all, "Pass all filters",
+ nullptr},
+ {"verbose", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &verbose, "More verbose output",
+ nullptr},
+ {"ip", 'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &ip,
+ "Emulate that message was received from specified ip address",
+ nullptr},
+ {"user", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &user,
+ "Emulate that message was received from specified authenticated user", nullptr},
+ {"deliver", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &deliver_to,
+ "Emulate that message is delivered to specified user (for LDA/statistics)", nullptr},
+ {"from", 'F', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &from,
+ "Emulate that message has specified SMTP FROM address", nullptr},
+ {"rcpt", 'r', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, &rcpts,
+ "Emulate that message has specified SMTP RCPT address", nullptr},
+ {"helo", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &helo,
+ "Imitate SMTP HELO passing from MTA", nullptr},
+ {"hostname", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &hostname,
+ "Imitate hostname passing from MTA", nullptr},
+ {"timeout", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE, &timeout,
+ "Time in seconds to wait for a reply", nullptr},
+ {"bind", 'b', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &local_addr,
+ "Bind to specified ip address", nullptr},
+ {"commands", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &print_commands,
+ "List available commands", nullptr},
+ {"human", 'R', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &humanreport, "Output human readable report", nullptr},
+ {"json", 'j', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &json, "Output json reply", nullptr},
+ {"compact", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &compact, "Output compact json reply", nullptr},
+ {"headers", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &headers, "Output HTTP headers",
+ nullptr},
+ {"raw", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &raw, "Input is a raw file, not an email file",
+ nullptr},
+ {"ucl", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &ucl_reply, "Output ucl reply from rspamd",
+ nullptr},
+ {"max-requests", 'n', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &max_requests,
+ "Maximum count of parallel requests to rspamd", nullptr},
+ {"extended-urls", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &extended_urls,
+ "Output urls in extended format", nullptr},
+ {"key", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &pubkey,
+ "Use specified pubkey to encrypt request", nullptr},
+ {"exec", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &execute,
+ "Execute the specified command and pass output to it", nullptr},
+ {"mime", 'm', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &mime_output,
+ "Write mime body of message with headers instead of just a scan's result", nullptr},
+ {"header", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, &http_headers,
+ "Add custom HTTP header to query (can be repeated)", nullptr},
+ {"exclude", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, &exclude_patterns,
+ "Exclude specific glob patterns in file names (can be repeated)", nullptr},
+ {"sort", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &sort,
+ "Sort output in a specific order (name, weight, frequency, hits)", nullptr},
+ {"empty", 'E', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &empty_input,
+ "Allow empty input instead of reading from stdin", nullptr},
+ {"fuzzy-symbol", 'S', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &fuzzy_symbol,
+ "Learn the specified fuzzy symbol", nullptr},
+ {"compressed", 'z', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &compressed,
+ "Enable zstd compression", nullptr},
+ {"profile", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &profile,
+ "Profile symbols execution time", nullptr},
+ {"dictionary", 'D', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &dictionary,
+ "Use dictionary to compress data", nullptr},
+ {"skip-images", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &skip_images,
+ "Skip images when learning/unlearning fuzzy", nullptr},
+ {"skip-attachments", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &skip_attachments,
+ "Skip attachments when learning/unlearning fuzzy", nullptr},
+ {"user-agent", 'U', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &user_agent,
+ "Use specific User-Agent instead of \"rspamc\"", nullptr},
+ {nullptr, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}};
+static void rspamc_symbols_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj);
+static void rspamc_uptime_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj);
+static void rspamc_counters_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj);
+static void rspamc_stat_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj);
+enum rspamc_command_type {
+struct rspamc_command {
+ enum rspamc_command_type cmd;
+ const char *name;
+ const char *path;
+ const char *description;
+ gboolean is_controller;
+ gboolean is_privileged;
+ gboolean need_input;
+ void (*command_output_func)(FILE *, ucl_object_t *obj);
+static const constexpr auto rspamc_commands = rspamd::array_of(
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "symbols",
+ .path = "checkv2",
+ .description = "scan message and show symbols (default command)",
+ .is_controller = FALSE,
+ .is_privileged = FALSE,
+ .need_input = TRUE,
+ .command_output_func = rspamc_symbols_output},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "learn_spam",
+ .path = "learnspam",
+ .description = "learn message as spam",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = TRUE,
+ .command_output_func = nullptr},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "learn_ham",
+ .path = "learnham",
+ .description = "learn message as ham",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = TRUE,
+ .command_output_func = nullptr},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "fuzzy_add",
+ .path = "fuzzyadd",
+ .description =
+ "add hashes from a message to the fuzzy storage (check -f and -w options for this command)",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = TRUE,
+ .command_output_func = nullptr},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "fuzzy_del",
+ .path = "fuzzydel",
+ .description =
+ "delete hashes from a message from the fuzzy storage (check -f option for this command)",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = TRUE,
+ .command_output_func = nullptr},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "fuzzy_delhash",
+ .path = "fuzzydelhash",
+ .description =
+ "delete a hash from fuzzy storage (check -f option for this command)",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = FALSE,
+ .command_output_func = nullptr},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "stat",
+ .path = "stat",
+ .description = "show rspamd statistics",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = FALSE,
+ .need_input = FALSE,
+ .command_output_func = rspamc_stat_output,
+ },
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "stat_reset",
+ .path = "statreset",
+ .description = "show and reset rspamd statistics (useful for graphs)",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = FALSE,
+ .command_output_func = rspamc_stat_output},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "counters",
+ .path = "counters",
+ .description = "display rspamd symbols statistics",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = FALSE,
+ .need_input = FALSE,
+ .command_output_func = rspamc_counters_output},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "uptime",
+ .path = "auth",
+ .description = "show rspamd uptime",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = FALSE,
+ .need_input = FALSE,
+ .command_output_func = rspamc_uptime_output},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "add_symbol",
+ .path = "addsymbol",
+ .description = "add or modify symbol settings in rspamd",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = FALSE,
+ .command_output_func = nullptr},
+ rspamc_command{
+ .name = "add_action",
+ .path = "addaction",
+ .description = "add or modify action settings",
+ .is_controller = TRUE,
+ .is_privileged = TRUE,
+ .need_input = FALSE,
+ .command_output_func = nullptr});
+struct rspamc_callback_data {
+ struct rspamc_command cmd;
+ std::string filename;
+template<typename T>
+static constexpr auto emphasis_argument(const T &arg) -> auto
+ if (tty) {
+ return fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold, "{}", arg);
+ }
+ return fmt::format("{}", arg);
+template<typename T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, bool> = false>
+static constexpr auto emphasis_argument(const T &arg, int precision) -> auto
+ if (tty) {
+ return fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold, "{:.{}f}", arg, precision);
+ }
+ return fmt::format("{:.{}f}", arg, precision);
+struct fmt::formatter<rspamd_action_type> : fmt::formatter<string_view> {
+ auto format(rspamd_action_type c, format_context &ctx) const
+ {
+ return formatter<string_view>::format(std::string_view{rspamd_action_to_str(c)}, ctx);
+ }
+template<typename... T>
+static inline void rspamc_print(std::FILE *f, fmt::format_string<T...> fmt, T &&...args)
+ static auto try_print_exception = true;
+ auto wanna_die = false;
+ try {
+ fmt::print(f, fmt, std::forward<T>(args)...);
+ } catch (const fmt::format_error &err) {
+ if (try_print_exception) {
+ if (fprintf(stderr, "Format error: %s\n", err.what()) < 0) {
+ try_print_exception = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (std::system_error &err) {
+ wanna_die = true;
+ if (try_print_exception) {
+ if (fprintf(stderr, "System error: %s\n", err.what()) < 0) {
+ try_print_exception = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ wanna_die = true;
+ if (try_print_exception) {
+ if (fprintf(stderr, "Unknown format error\n") < 0) {
+ try_print_exception = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (wanna_die) {
+ }
+using sort_lambda = std::function<int(const ucl_object_t *, const ucl_object_t *)>;
+static const auto sort_map = frozen::make_unordered_map<frozen::string, sort_lambda>({
+ {"name", [](const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2) -> int {
+ const auto *elt1 = ucl_object_lookup(o1, "symbol");
+ const auto *elt2 = ucl_object_lookup(o2, "symbol");
+ if (elt1 && elt2) {
+ return strcmp(ucl_object_tostring(elt1),
+ ucl_object_tostring(elt2));
+ }
+ else if (ucl_object_key(o1) != nullptr && ucl_object_key(o2) != nullptr) {
+ return strcmp(ucl_object_key(o1),
+ ucl_object_key(o2));
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }},
+ {"weight", [](const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2) -> int {
+ const auto *elt1 = ucl_object_lookup(o1, "weight");
+ const auto *elt2 = ucl_object_lookup(o2, "weight");
+ if (elt1 && elt2) {
+ return ucl_object_todouble(elt2) * 1000.0 - ucl_object_todouble(elt1) * 1000.0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }},
+ {"score", [](const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2) -> int {
+ const auto *elt1 = ucl_object_lookup(o1, "score");
+ const auto *elt2 = ucl_object_lookup(o2, "score");
+ if (elt1 && elt2) {
+ return std::fabs(ucl_object_todouble(elt2)) * 1000.0 -
+ std::fabs(ucl_object_todouble(elt1)) * 1000.0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }},
+ {"time", [](const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2) -> int {
+ const auto *elt1 = ucl_object_lookup(o1, "time");
+ const auto *elt2 = ucl_object_lookup(o2, "time");
+ if (elt1 && elt2) {
+ return ucl_object_todouble(elt2) * 1000.0 - ucl_object_todouble(elt1) * 1000.0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }},
+ {"frequency", [](const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2) -> int {
+ const auto *elt1 = ucl_object_lookup(o1, "frequency");
+ const auto *elt2 = ucl_object_lookup(o2, "frequency");
+ if (elt1 && elt2) {
+ return ucl_object_todouble(elt2) * 1000.0 - ucl_object_todouble(elt1) * 1000.0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }},
+ {"hits", [](const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2) -> int {
+ const auto *elt1 = ucl_object_lookup(o1, "hits");
+ const auto *elt2 = ucl_object_lookup(o2, "hits");
+ if (elt1 && elt2) {
+ return ucl_object_toint(elt2) - ucl_object_toint(elt1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }},
+/* TODO: remove once migrate to C++20 standard */
+static constexpr auto
+sv_ends_with(std::string_view inp, std::string_view suffix) -> bool
+ return inp.size() >= suffix.size() && - suffix.size(), std::string_view::npos, suffix) == 0;
+template<typename T>
+auto sort_ucl_container_with_default(T &cont, const char *default_sort,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_same_v<typename T::value_type, const ucl_object_t *>>::type * = 0) -> void
+ auto real_sort = sort ? sort : default_sort;
+ if (real_sort) {
+ auto sort_view = std::string_view{real_sort};
+ auto inverse = false;
+ if (sv_ends_with(sort_view, ":asc")) {
+ inverse = true;
+ sort_view = std::string_view{sort, strlen(sort) - sizeof(":asc") + 1};
+ }
+ const auto sort_functor = sort_map.find(sort_view);
+ if (sort_functor != sort_map.end()) {
+ std::stable_sort(std::begin(cont), std::end(cont),
+ [&](const ucl_object_t *o1, const ucl_object_t *o2) -> int {
+ auto order = sort_functor->second(o1, o2);
+ return inverse ? order > 0 : order < 0;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+static gboolean
+rspamc_password_callback(const gchar *option_name,
+ const gchar *value,
+ gpointer data,
+ GError **error)
+ // Some efforts to keep password erased
+ static std::vector<char, rspamd::secure_mem_allocator<char>> processed_passwd;
+ processed_passwd.clear();
+ if (value != nullptr) {
+ std::string_view value_view{value};
+ if (value_view[0] == '/' || value_view[0] == '.') {
+ /* Try to open file */
+ auto locked_mmap = rspamd::util::raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(value, O_RDONLY, PROT_READ);
+ if (!locked_mmap.has_value() || locked_mmap.value().get_size() == 0) {
+ /* Just use it as a string */
+ processed_passwd.assign(std::begin(value_view), std::end(value_view));
+ processed_passwd.push_back('\0');
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Strip trailing spaces */
+ auto *map = (char *) locked_mmap.value().get_map();
+ auto *end = map + locked_mmap.value().get_size() - 1;
+ while (g_ascii_isspace(*end) && end > map) {
+ end--;
+ }
+ end++;
+ value_view = std::string_view{map, static_cast<std::size_t>(end - map + 1)};
+ processed_passwd.assign(std::begin(value_view), std::end(value_view));
+ processed_passwd.push_back('\0');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ processed_passwd.assign(std::begin(value_view), std::end(value_view));
+ processed_passwd.push_back('\0');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Read password from console */
+ auto plen = 8192;
+ processed_passwd.resize(plen, '\0');
+ plen = rspamd_read_passphrase(, plen, 0, nullptr);
+ if (plen == 0) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "Invalid password\n");
+ }
+ processed_passwd.resize(plen);
+ processed_passwd.push_back('\0');
+ }
+ password =;
+ return TRUE;
+ * Parse command line
+ */
+static void
+read_cmd_line(gint *argc, gchar ***argv)
+ GError *error = nullptr;
+ GOptionContext *context;
+ /* Prepare parser */
+ context = g_option_context_new("- run rspamc client");
+ g_option_context_set_summary(context,
+ "Summary:\n Rspamd client version " RVERSION "\n Release id: " RID);
+ g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, entries, nullptr);
+ /* Parse options */
+ if (!g_option_context_parse(context, argc, argv, &error)) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "option parsing failed: {}\n", error->message);
+ g_option_context_free(context);
+ }
+ if (json || compact) {
+ ucl_reply = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Argc and argv are shifted after this function */
+ g_option_context_free(context);
+static auto
+add_client_header(GQueue *opts, const char *hn, const char *hv) -> void
+ g_assert(hn != nullptr);
+ g_assert(hv != nullptr);
+ auto *nhdr = g_new(rspamd_http_client_header, 1);
+ nhdr->name = g_strdup(hn);
+ nhdr->value = g_strdup(hv);
+ g_queue_push_tail(opts, (void *) nhdr);
+static auto
+add_client_header(GQueue *opts, std::string_view hn, std::string_view hv) -> void
+ auto *nhdr = g_new(rspamd_http_client_header, 1);
+ nhdr->name = g_new(char, hn.size() + 1);
+ rspamd_strlcpy(nhdr->name,, hn.size() + 1);
+ nhdr->value = g_new(char, hv.size() + 1);
+ rspamd_strlcpy(nhdr->value,, hv.size() + 1);
+ g_queue_push_tail(opts, (void *) nhdr);
+static auto
+rspamd_string_tolower(const char *inp) -> std::string
+ std::string s{inp};
+ std::transform(std::begin(s), std::end(s), std::begin(s),
+ [](unsigned char c) { return std::tolower(c); });
+ return s;
+static auto
+rspamd_action_from_str_rspamc(const char *data) -> std::optional<int>
+ static constexpr const auto str_map = frozen::make_unordered_map<frozen::string, int>({
+ {"add_header", METRIC_ACTION_ADD_HEADER},
+ {"add header", METRIC_ACTION_ADD_HEADER},
+ {"rewrite_subject", METRIC_ACTION_REWRITE_SUBJECT},
+ {"rewrite subject", METRIC_ACTION_REWRITE_SUBJECT},
+ {"soft_reject", METRIC_ACTION_SOFT_REJECT},
+ {"soft reject", METRIC_ACTION_SOFT_REJECT},
+ {"no_action", METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION},
+ {"no action", METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION},
+ });
+ auto st_lower = rspamd_string_tolower(data);
+ return rspamd::find_map(str_map, std::string_view{st_lower});
+ * Check rspamc command from string (used for arguments parsing)
+ */
+static auto
+check_rspamc_command(const char *cmd) -> std::optional<rspamc_command>
+ static constexpr const auto str_map = frozen::make_unordered_map<frozen::string, int>({
+ {"learn_spam", RSPAMC_COMMAND_LEARN_SPAM},
+ {"learn_ham", RSPAMC_COMMAND_LEARN_HAM},
+ {"fuzzy_add", RSPAMC_COMMAND_FUZZY_ADD},
+ {"fuzzy_del", RSPAMC_COMMAND_FUZZY_DEL},
+ {"fuzzy_delhash", RSPAMC_COMMAND_FUZZY_DELHASH},
+ {"stat_reset", RSPAMC_COMMAND_STAT_RESET},
+ });
+ std::string cmd_lc = rspamd_string_tolower(cmd);
+ auto ct = rspamd::find_map(str_map, std::string_view{cmd_lc});
+ auto elt_it = std::find_if(rspamc_commands.begin(), rspamc_commands.end(), [&](const auto &item) {
+ return item.cmd == ct;
+ });
+ if (elt_it != std::end(rspamc_commands)) {
+ return *elt_it;
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+static void
+ guint cmd_len = 0;
+ rspamc_print(stdout, "Rspamc commands summary:\n");
+ for (const auto &cmd: rspamc_commands) {
+ auto clen = strlen(;
+ if (clen > cmd_len) {
+ cmd_len = clen;
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &cmd: rspamc_commands) {
+ rspamc_print(stdout,
+ " {:>{}} ({:7}{:1})\t{}\n",
+ cmd_len,
+ cmd.is_controller ? "control" : "normal",
+ cmd.is_privileged ? "*" : "",
+ cmd.description);
+ }
+ rspamc_print(stdout,
+ "\n* is for privileged commands that may need password (see -P option)\n");
+ rspamc_print(stdout,
+ "control commands use port 11334 while normal use 11333 by default (see -h option)\n");
+static void
+add_options(GQueue *opts)
+ std::string flagbuf;
+ if (ip != nullptr) {
+ rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr = nullptr;
+ if (!rspamd_parse_inet_address(&addr, ip, strlen(ip),
+ /* Try to resolve */
+ struct addrinfo hints, *res, *cur;
+ int r;
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* Type of the socket */
+#ifdef AI_IDN
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICSERV | AI_IDN;
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICSERV;
+ hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ if ((r = getaddrinfo(ip, "25", &hints, &res)) == 0) {
+ cur = res;
+ while (cur) {
+ addr = rspamd_inet_address_from_sa(cur->ai_addr,
+ cur->ai_addrlen);
+ if (addr != nullptr) {
+ ip = g_strdup(rspamd_inet_address_to_string(addr));
+ rspamd_inet_address_free(addr);
+ break;
+ }
+ cur = cur->ai_next;
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(res);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "address resolution for {} failed: {}\n",
+ ip,
+ gai_strerror(r));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamd_inet_address_free(addr);
+ }
+ add_client_header(opts, "Ip", ip);
+ }
+ if (from != nullptr) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "From", from);
+ }
+ if (user != nullptr) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "User", user);
+ }
+ if (rcpts != nullptr) {
+ for (auto *rcpt = rcpts; *rcpt != nullptr; rcpt++) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Rcpt", *rcpt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (deliver_to != nullptr) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Deliver-To", deliver_to);
+ }
+ if (helo != nullptr) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Helo", helo);
+ }
+ if (hostname != nullptr) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Hostname", hostname);
+ }
+ if (password != nullptr) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Password", password);
+ }
+ if (pass_all) {
+ flagbuf += "pass_all,";
+ }
+ if (raw) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Raw", "yes");
+ }
+ if (classifier) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Classifier", classifier);
+ }
+ if (weight != 0) {
+ auto nstr = fmt::format("{}", weight);
+ add_client_header(opts, "Weight", nstr.c_str());
+ }
+ if (fuzzy_symbol != nullptr) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Symbol", fuzzy_symbol);
+ }
+ if (flag != 0) {
+ auto nstr = fmt::format("{}", flag);
+ add_client_header(opts, "Flag", nstr.c_str());
+ }
+ if (extended_urls) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "URL-Format", "extended");
+ }
+ if (profile) {
+ flagbuf += "profile,";
+ }
+ flagbuf += "body_block,";
+ if (skip_images) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Skip-Images", "true");
+ }
+ if (skip_attachments) {
+ add_client_header(opts, "Skip-Attachments", "true");
+ }
+ auto hdr = http_headers;
+ while (hdr != nullptr && *hdr != nullptr) {
+ std::string_view hdr_view{*hdr};
+ auto delim_pos = std::find_if(std::begin(hdr_view), std::end(hdr_view), [](auto c) {
+ return c == ':' || c == '=';
+ });
+ if (delim_pos == std::end(hdr_view)) {
+ /* Just a header name with no value */
+ add_client_header(opts, *hdr, "");
+ }
+ else {
+ add_client_header(opts,
+ hdr_view.substr(0, std::distance(std::begin(hdr_view), delim_pos)),
+ hdr_view.substr(std::distance(std::begin(hdr_view), delim_pos) + 1));
+ }
+ hdr++;
+ }
+ if (!flagbuf.empty()) {
+ if (flagbuf.back() == ',') {
+ flagbuf.pop_back();
+ }
+ add_client_header(opts, "Flags", flagbuf.c_str());
+ }
+template<std::size_t maxlen, std::size_t indent>
+static auto
+rspamc_print_indented_line(FILE *out, std::string_view line) -> void
+ static_assert(maxlen > 0, "maxlen must be > 0");
+ static_assert(maxlen > indent, "maxlen must be more than indent");
+ using namespace std::literals;
+ constexpr const auto whitespace = " \f\n\r\t\v"sv;
+ constexpr const auto break_begin = " \f\n\r\t\v?,;<({[~!#$%^&*+:=/\\|"sv;
+ constexpr const auto break_end = " \f\n\r\t\v?,;]})>~!#$%^&*+:_=/\\|"sv;
+ for (size_t pos = 0; pos < line.size();) {
+ auto len = pos ? (maxlen - indent) : maxlen;
+ auto s = line.substr(pos, len);
+ if ((pos + s.size()) < line.size() && // reached EOL?
+ break_begin.find_first_of( + s.size())) == std::string_view::npos// new word next?
+ ) {
+ auto wrap_at = s.find_last_of(break_end);
+ if (wrap_at != std::string_view::npos) {
+ s = line.substr(pos, wrap_at + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (indent && pos) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{:>{}}", " ", indent);
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}\n", s);
+ pos = line.find_first_not_of(whitespace, pos + s.size());//skip leading whitespace
+ }
+static void
+rspamc_symbol_human_output(FILE *out, const ucl_object_t *obj)
+ auto first = true;
+ auto score = 0.0;
+ const char *desc = nullptr;
+ const auto *key = ucl_object_key(obj);
+ const auto *val = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "score");
+ if (val != nullptr) {
+ score = ucl_object_todouble(val);
+ }
+ val = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "description");
+ if (val != nullptr) {
+ desc = ucl_object_tostring(val);
+ }
+ auto line = fmt::format("{:>4.1f} {:<22} ", score, key);
+ if (desc != nullptr) {
+ line += desc;
+ }
+ val = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "options");
+ if (val != nullptr && ucl_object_type(val) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ line += fmt::format("{}[", desc == nullptr ? "" : " ");
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(val, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ if (first) {
+ line += fmt::format("{}", ucl_object_tostring(cur));
+ first = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ line += fmt::format(",{}", ucl_object_tostring(cur));
+ }
+ }
+ line += ']';
+ }
+ rspamc_print_indented_line<78, 28>(out, line);
+static void
+rspamc_symbol_output(FILE *out, const ucl_object_t *obj)
+ auto first = true;
+ rspamc_print(out, "Symbol: {} ", ucl_object_key(obj));
+ const auto *val = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "score");
+ if (val != nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "({:.2f})", ucl_object_todouble(val));
+ }
+ val = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "options");
+ if (val != nullptr && ucl_object_type(val) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ rspamc_print(out, "[");
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(val, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ if (first) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}", ucl_object_tostring(cur));
+ first = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(out, ", {}", ucl_object_tostring(cur));
+ }
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, "]");
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, "\n");
+static void
+rspamc_metric_output(FILE *out, const ucl_object_t *obj)
+ int got_scores = 0;
+ bool is_spam = false;
+ double score = 0, required_score = 0, greylist_score = 0, addheader_score = 0;
+ auto print_protocol_string = [&](const char *ucl_name, const char *output_message) {
+ auto *elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, ucl_name);
+ if (elt) {
+ if (humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, ",{}={}", output_message, emphasis_argument(ucl_object_tostring(elt)));
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}: {}\n", output_message, emphasis_argument(ucl_object_tostring(elt)));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (!humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "[Metric: default]\n");
+ }
+ const auto *elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "required_score");
+ if (elt) {
+ required_score = ucl_object_todouble(elt);
+ got_scores++;
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "score");
+ if (elt) {
+ score = ucl_object_todouble(elt);
+ got_scores++;
+ }
+ const auto *thresholds_obj = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "thresholds");
+ if (thresholds_obj && ucl_object_type(thresholds_obj) == UCL_OBJECT) {
+ const auto *action_obj = ucl_object_lookup(thresholds_obj, "greylist");
+ if (action_obj) {
+ greylist_score = ucl_object_todouble(action_obj);
+ }
+ action_obj = ucl_object_lookup(thresholds_obj, "add header");
+ if (action_obj) {
+ addheader_score = ucl_object_todouble(action_obj);
+ }
+ action_obj = ucl_object_lookup(thresholds_obj, "reject");
+ if (action_obj) {
+ required_score = ucl_object_todouble(action_obj);
+ }
+ }
+ if (humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out,
+ "{}/{}/{}/{}",
+ emphasis_argument(score, 2),
+ emphasis_argument(greylist_score, 2),
+ emphasis_argument(addheader_score, 2),
+ emphasis_argument(required_score, 2));
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "action");
+ if (elt) {
+ auto act = rspamd_action_from_str_rspamc(ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ if (act.has_value()) {
+ if (!tty) {
+ if (humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, ",action={}:{}", act.value(), ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ }
+ else {
+ print_protocol_string("action", "Action");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Colorize action type */
+ std::string colorized_action;
+ switch (act.value()) {
+ colorized_action = fmt::format(fmt::fg(fmt::color::red), "reject");
+ break;
+ colorized_action = fmt::format(fmt::fg(fmt::color::green), "no action");
+ break;
+ colorized_action = fmt::format(fmt::fg(fmt::color::orange), ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ break;
+ colorized_action = fmt::format(fmt::fg(fmt::color::gray), ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ break;
+ default:
+ colorized_action = fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold, ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, ",action={}:{}", act.value(), colorized_action);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Action: {}\n", colorized_action);
+ }
+ }
+ is_spam = act.value() < METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST ? true : false;
+ if (!humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Spam: {}\n", is_spam ? "true" : "false");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, ",action={}:{}", METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION, ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ }
+ else {
+ print_protocol_string("action", "Action");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!humanreport) {
+ print_protocol_string("subject", "Subject");
+ }
+ if (humanreport) {
+ auto is_skipped = 0;
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "is_skipped");
+ if (elt && ucl_object_toboolean(elt)) {
+ is_skipped = 1;
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, ",spam={},skipped={}\n", is_spam ? 1 : 0, is_skipped);
+ }
+ else if (got_scores == 2) {
+ rspamc_print(out,
+ "Score: {} / {}\n",
+ emphasis_argument(score, 2),
+ emphasis_argument(required_score, 2));
+ }
+ if (humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Content analysis details: ({} points, {} required)\n\n",
+ emphasis_argument(score, 2),
+ emphasis_argument(addheader_score, 2));
+ rspamc_print(out, " pts rule name description\n");
+ rspamc_print(out, "---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------\n");
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "symbols");
+ if (elt) {
+ std::vector<const ucl_object_t *> symbols;
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(elt, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ symbols.push_back(cur);
+ }
+ sort_ucl_container_with_default(symbols, "name");
+ for (const auto *sym_obj: symbols) {
+ humanreport ? rspamc_symbol_human_output(out, sym_obj) : rspamc_symbol_output(out, sym_obj);
+ }
+ }
+ if (humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "\n");
+ }
+static void
+rspamc_profile_output(FILE *out, const ucl_object_t *obj)
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ std::vector<const ucl_object_t *> ar;
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(obj, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ ar.push_back(cur);
+ }
+ std::stable_sort(std::begin(ar), std::end(ar),
+ [](const ucl_object_t *u1, const ucl_object_t *u2) -> int {
+ return ucl_object_compare(u1, u2);
+ });
+ for (const auto *cur_elt: ar) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "\t{}: {:3} usec\n",
+ ucl_object_key(cur_elt), ucl_object_todouble(cur_elt));
+ }
+static void
+rspamc_symbols_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj)
+ rspamc_metric_output(out, obj);
+ auto print_protocol_string = [&](const char *ucl_name, const char *output_message) {
+ auto *elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, ucl_name);
+ if (elt) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}: {}\n", output_message, ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ }
+ };
+ if (!humanreport) {
+ print_protocol_string("message-id", "Message-ID");
+ print_protocol_string("queue-id", "Queue-ID");
+ }
+ const auto *elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "urls");
+ if (elt) {
+ char *emitted;
+ if (!extended_urls || compact) {
+ emitted = (char *) ucl_object_emit(elt, UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT);
+ }
+ else {
+ emitted = (char *) ucl_object_emit(elt, UCL_EMIT_JSON);
+ }
+ if (humanreport) {
+ if (emitted && strcmp(emitted, "[]") != 0) {
+ rspamc_print_indented_line<78, 4>(out, fmt::format("Domains found: {}", emitted));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Urls: {}\n", emitted);
+ }
+ free(emitted);
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "emails");
+ if (elt) {
+ char *emitted;
+ if (!extended_urls || compact) {
+ emitted = (char *) ucl_object_emit(elt, UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT);
+ }
+ else {
+ emitted = (char *) ucl_object_emit(elt, UCL_EMIT_JSON);
+ }
+ if (humanreport) {
+ if (emitted && strcmp(emitted, "[]") != 0) {
+ rspamc_print_indented_line<78, 4>(out, fmt::format("Emails found: {}", emitted));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Emails: {}\n", emitted);
+ }
+ free(emitted);
+ }
+ print_protocol_string("error", "Scan error");
+ if (humanreport) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "messages");
+ if (elt && elt->type == UCL_OBJECT) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t mit = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cmesg;
+ while ((cmesg = ucl_object_iterate(elt, &mit, true)) != nullptr) {
+ if (ucl_object_type(cmesg) == UCL_STRING) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Message - {}: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_key(cmesg), ucl_object_tostring(cmesg));
+ }
+ else {
+ char *rendered_message;
+ rendered_message = (char *) ucl_object_emit(cmesg, UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT);
+ rspamc_print(out, "Message - {}: {:.60}\n",
+ ucl_object_key(cmesg), rendered_message);
+ free(rendered_message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "dkim-signature");
+ if (elt && elt->type == UCL_STRING) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "DKIM-Signature: {}\n", ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ }
+ else if (elt && elt->type == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(elt, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "DKIM-Signature: {}\n", ucl_object_tostring(cur));
+ }
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "profile");
+ if (elt) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Profile data:\n");
+ rspamc_profile_output(out, elt);
+ }
+static void
+rspamc_uptime_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj)
+ int64_t seconds, days, hours, minutes;
+ const auto *elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "version");
+ if (elt != nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Rspamd version: {}\n", ucl_object_tostring(elt));
+ }
+ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "uptime");
+ if (elt != nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Uptime: ");
+ seconds = ucl_object_toint(elt);
+ if (seconds >= 2 * 3600) {
+ days = seconds / 86400;
+ hours = seconds / 3600 - days * 24;
+ minutes = seconds / 60 - hours * 60 - days * 1440;
+ rspamc_print(out, "{} day{} {} hour{} {} minute{}\n", days,
+ days > 1 ? "s" : "", hours, hours > 1 ? "s" : "",
+ minutes, minutes > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ }
+ /* If uptime is less than 1 minute print only seconds */
+ else if (seconds / 60 == 0) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{} second{}\n", seconds,
+ seconds > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ }
+ /* Else print the minutes and seconds. */
+ else {
+ hours = seconds / 3600;
+ minutes = seconds / 60 - hours * 60;
+ seconds -= hours * 3600 + minutes * 60;
+ rspamc_print(out, "{} hour {} minute{} {} second{}\n", hours,
+ minutes, minutes > 1 ? "s" : "",
+ seconds, seconds > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ }
+ }
+static void
+rspamc_counters_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj)
+ if (obj->type != UCL_ARRAY) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Bad output\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ std::vector<const ucl_object_t *> counters_vec;
+ auto max_len = sizeof("Symbol") - 1;
+ {
+ ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(obj, &iter, true)) != nullptr) {
+ const auto *sym = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "symbol");
+ if (sym != nullptr) {
+ if (sym->len > max_len) {
+ max_len = sym->len;
+ }
+ }
+ counters_vec.push_back(cur);
+ }
+ }
+ sort_ucl_container_with_default(counters_vec, "name");
+ char dash_buf[82], sym_buf[82];
+ const int dashes = 44;
+ max_len = MIN(sizeof(dash_buf) - dashes - 1, max_len);
+ memset(dash_buf, '-', dashes + max_len);
+ dash_buf[dashes + max_len] = '\0';
+ rspamc_print(out, "Symbols cache\n");
+ rspamc_print(out, " {} \n", emphasis_argument(dash_buf));
+ rspamc_print(out,
+ "| {:<4} | {:<{}} | {:^7} | {:^13} | {:^7} |\n",
+ "Pri",
+ "Symbol",
+ max_len,
+ "Weight",
+ "Frequency",
+ "Hits");
+ rspamc_print(out, " {} \n", emphasis_argument(dash_buf));
+ rspamc_print(out, "| {:<4} | {:<{}} | {:^7} | {:^13} | {:^7} |\n", "",
+ "", max_len,
+ "", "hits/min", "");
+ for (const auto [i, cur]: rspamd::enumerate(counters_vec)) {
+ rspamc_print(out, " {} \n", dash_buf);
+ const auto *sym = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "symbol");
+ const auto *weight = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "weight");
+ const auto *freq = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "frequency");
+ const auto *freq_dev = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "frequency_stddev");
+ const auto *nhits = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "hits");
+ if (sym && weight && freq && nhits) {
+ const char *sym_name;
+ if (sym->len > max_len) {
+ rspamd_snprintf(sym_buf, sizeof(sym_buf), "%*s...",
+ (max_len - 3), ucl_object_tostring(sym));
+ sym_name = sym_buf;
+ }
+ else {
+ sym_name = ucl_object_tostring(sym);
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, "| {:<4} | {:<{}} | {:^7.1f} | {:^6.3f}({:^5.3f}) | {:^7} |\n", i,
+ sym_name,
+ max_len,
+ ucl_object_todouble(weight),
+ ucl_object_todouble(freq) * 60.0,
+ ucl_object_todouble(freq_dev) * 60.0,
+ (std::uintmax_t) ucl_object_toint(nhits));
+ }
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, " {} \n", dash_buf);
+static void
+rspamc_stat_actions(ucl_object_t *obj, std::string &out, std::int64_t scanned)
+ const ucl_object_t *actions = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "actions"), *cur;
+ ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr;
+ if (scanned > 0) {
+ if (actions && ucl_object_type(actions) == UCL_OBJECT) {
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(actions, &iter, true)) != nullptr) {
+ auto cnt = ucl_object_toint(cur);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "Messages with action {}: {}, {:.2f}%\n",
+ ucl_object_key(cur), emphasis_argument(cnt),
+ ((double) cnt / (double) scanned) * 100.);
+ }
+ }
+ auto spam = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "spam_count"));
+ auto ham = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "ham_count"));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "Messages treated as spam: {}, {:.2f}%\n",
+ emphasis_argument(spam),
+ ((double) spam / (double) scanned) * 100.);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "Messages treated as ham: {}, {:.2f}%\n",
+ emphasis_argument(ham),
+ ((double) ham / (double) scanned) * 100.);
+ }
+static void
+rspamc_stat_statfile(const ucl_object_t *obj, std::string &out)
+ auto version = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "revision"));
+ auto size = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "size"));
+ auto blocks = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "total"));
+ auto used_blocks = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "used"));
+ auto label = ucl_object_tostring(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "label"));
+ auto symbol = ucl_object_tostring(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "symbol"));
+ auto type = ucl_object_tostring(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "type"));
+ auto nlanguages = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "languages"));
+ auto nusers = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "users"));
+ if (label) {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "Statfile: {} <{}> type: {}; ", symbol,
+ label, type);
+ }
+ else {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "Statfile: {} type: {}; ", symbol, type);
+ }
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "length: {}; free blocks: {}; total blocks: {}; "
+ "free: {:.2f}%; learned: {}; users: {}; languages: {}\n",
+ size,
+ blocks - used_blocks, blocks,
+ blocks > 0 ? (blocks - used_blocks) * 100.0 / (double) blocks : 0,
+ version,
+ nusers, nlanguages);
+static void
+rspamc_stat_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *obj)
+ std::string out_str;
+ out_str.reserve(8192);
+ auto scanned = ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "scanned"));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Messages scanned: {}\n",
+ emphasis_argument(scanned));
+ rspamc_stat_actions(obj, out_str, scanned);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Messages learned: {}\n",
+ emphasis_argument(ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "learned"))));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Connections count: {}\n",
+ emphasis_argument(ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "connections"))));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Control connections count: {}\n",
+ emphasis_argument(ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "control_connections"))));
+ const auto *avg_time_obj = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "scan_times");
+ if (avg_time_obj && ucl_object_type(avg_time_obj) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ std::vector<float> nums;
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(avg_time_obj, &iter, true)) != nullptr) {
+ if (ucl_object_type(cur) == UCL_FLOAT || ucl_object_type(cur) == UCL_INT) {
+ nums.push_back(ucl_object_todouble(cur));
+ }
+ }
+ auto cnt = nums.size();
+ if (cnt > 0) {
+ auto sum = rspamd_sum_floats(, &cnt);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str),
+ "Average scan time: {} sec\n",
+ emphasis_argument(sum / cnt, 3));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pools */
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Pools allocated: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "pools_allocated")));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Pools freed: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "pools_freed")));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Bytes allocated: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "bytes_allocated")));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Memory chunks allocated: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "chunks_allocated")));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Shared chunks allocated: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "shared_chunks_allocated")));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Chunks freed: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "chunks_freed")));
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Oversized chunks: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "chunks_oversized")));
+ /* Fuzzy */
+ const auto *st = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "fuzzy_hashes");
+ if (st) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ std::uint64_t stored = 0;
+ while ((cur = ucl_iterate_object(st, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ auto num = ucl_object_toint(cur);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Fuzzy hashes in storage \"{}\": {}\n",
+ ucl_object_key(cur),
+ num);
+ stored += num;
+ }
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Fuzzy hashes stored: {}\n",
+ stored);
+ }
+ st = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "fuzzy_checked");
+ if (st != nullptr && ucl_object_type(st) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ out_str += "Fuzzy hashes checked: ";
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(st, &iter, true)) != nullptr) {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "{} ", ucl_object_toint(cur));
+ }
+ out_str.push_back('\n');
+ }
+ st = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "fuzzy_found");
+ if (st != nullptr && ucl_object_type(st) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ out_str += "Fuzzy hashes found: ";
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(st, &iter, true)) != nullptr) {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "{} ", ucl_object_toint(cur));
+ }
+ out_str.push_back('\n');
+ }
+ st = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "statfiles");
+ if (st != nullptr && ucl_object_type(st) == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(st, &iter, true)) != nullptr) {
+ rspamc_stat_statfile(cur, out_str);
+ }
+ }
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out_str), "Total learns: {}\n",
+ ucl_object_toint(ucl_object_lookup(obj, "total_learns")));
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}", out_str.c_str());
+static void
+rspamc_output_headers(FILE *out, struct rspamd_http_message *msg)
+ struct rspamd_http_header *h;
+ kh_foreach_value(msg->headers, h, {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}: {}\n", std::string_view{h->name.begin, h->name.len},
+ std::string_view{h->value.begin, h->value.len});
+ });
+ rspamc_print(out, "\n");
+static void
+rspamc_mime_output(FILE *out, ucl_object_t *result, GString *input,
+ gdouble time, GError *err)
+ const gchar *action = "no action", *line_end = "\r\n", *p;
+ gdouble score = 0.0, required_score = 0.0;
+ gboolean is_spam = FALSE;
+ auto headers_pos = rspamd_string_find_eoh(input, nullptr);
+ if (headers_pos == -1) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot find end of headers position");
+ return;
+ }
+ p = input->str + headers_pos;
+ if (headers_pos > 1 && *(p - 1) == '\n') {
+ if (headers_pos > 2 && *(p - 2) == '\r') {
+ line_end = "\r\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ line_end = "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (headers_pos > 1 && *(p - 1) == '\r') {
+ line_end = "\r";
+ }
+ std::string added_headers;
+ if (result) {
+ const auto *res = ucl_object_lookup(result, "action");
+ if (res) {
+ action = ucl_object_tostring(res);
+ }
+ res = ucl_object_lookup(result, "score");
+ if (res) {
+ score = ucl_object_todouble(res);
+ }
+ res = ucl_object_lookup(result, "required_score");
+ if (res) {
+ required_score = ucl_object_todouble(res);
+ }
+ auto act = rspamd_action_from_str_rspamc(action);
+ if (act.has_value() && act.value() < METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST) {
+ is_spam = TRUE;
+ }
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Scanner: {}{}",
+ "rspamc " RVERSION, line_end);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Scan-Time: {:.3}{}",
+ time, line_end);
+ /*
+ * TODO: add milter_headers support here
+ */
+ if (is_spam) {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam: yes{}", line_end);
+ }
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Action: {}{}",
+ action, line_end);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Score: {:.2f} / {:.2f}{}",
+ score, required_score, line_end);
+ /* SA style stars header */
+ std::string scorebuf;
+ auto adjusted_score = std::min(score, 32.0);
+ while (adjusted_score > 0) {
+ scorebuf.push_back('*');
+ adjusted_score -= 1.0;
+ }
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Level: {}{}",
+ scorebuf, line_end);
+ /* Short description of all symbols */
+ std::string symbuf;
+ const ucl_object_t *cur;
+ ucl_object_iter_t it = nullptr;
+ const auto *syms = ucl_object_lookup(result, "symbols");
+ while (syms && (cur = ucl_object_iterate(syms, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ if (ucl_object_type(cur) == UCL_OBJECT) {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(symbuf), "{},", ucl_object_key(cur));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Trim the last comma */
+ if (symbuf.back() == ',') {
+ symbuf.pop_back();
+ }
+ auto *folded_symbuf = rspamd_header_value_fold("X-Spam-Symbols", strlen("X-Spam-Symbols"),
+, symbuf.size(),
+ 0, nl_type, ",");
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Symbols: {}{}",
+ folded_symbuf->str, line_end);
+ g_string_free(folded_symbuf, TRUE);
+ res = ucl_object_lookup(result, "dkim-signature");
+ if (res && res->type == UCL_STRING) {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "DKIM-Signature: {}{}",
+ ucl_object_tostring(res), line_end);
+ }
+ else if (res && res->type == UCL_ARRAY) {
+ it = nullptr;
+ while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(res, &it, true)) != nullptr) {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "DKIM-Signature: {}{}",
+ ucl_object_tostring(cur), line_end);
+ }
+ }
+ if (json || ucl_reply || compact) {
+ unsigned char *json_header;
+ /* We also append json data as a specific header */
+ if (json) {
+ json_header = ucl_object_emit(result,
+ }
+ else {
+ json_header = ucl_object_emit(result,
+ }
+ auto *json_header_encoded = rspamd_encode_base64_fold(json_header,
+ strlen((char *) json_header), 60, nullptr, nl_type);
+ free(json_header);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers),
+ "X-Spam-Result: {}{}",
+ json_header_encoded, line_end);
+ g_free(json_header_encoded);
+ }
+ ucl_object_unref(result);
+ }
+ else {
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Scanner: {}{}",
+ "rspamc " RVERSION, line_end);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Scan-Time: {:.3f}{}",
+ time, line_end);
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(added_headers), "X-Spam-Error: {}{}",
+ err->message, line_end);
+ }
+ /* Write message */
+ /* Original headers */
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}", std::string_view{input->str, (std::size_t) headers_pos});
+ /* Added headers */
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}", added_headers);
+ /* Message body */
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}", input->str + headers_pos);
+static void
+rspamc_client_execute_cmd(const struct rspamc_command &cmd, ucl_object_t *result,
+ GString *input, gdouble time, GError *err)
+ gchar **eargv;
+ gint eargc, infd, outfd, errfd;
+ GError *exec_err = nullptr;
+ GPid cld;
+ if (!g_shell_parse_argv(execute, &eargc, &eargv, &err)) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "Cannot execute {}: {}", execute, err->message);
+ g_error_free(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes(nullptr, eargv, nullptr,
+ static_cast<GSpawnFlags>(G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH | G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD), nullptr, nullptr, &cld,
+ &infd, &outfd, &errfd, &exec_err)) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "Cannot execute {}: {}", execute, exec_err->message);
+ g_error_free(exec_err);
+ }
+ else {
+ children.push_back(cld);
+ auto *out = fdopen(infd, "w");
+ if (cmd.cmd == RSPAMC_COMMAND_SYMBOLS && mime_output && input) {
+ rspamc_mime_output(out, result, input, time, err);
+ }
+ else if (result) {
+ if (ucl_reply || cmd.command_output_func == nullptr) {
+ char *ucl_out;
+ if (json) {
+ ucl_out = (char *) ucl_object_emit(result,
+ }
+ else {
+ ucl_out = (char *) ucl_object_emit(result,
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}", ucl_out);
+ free(ucl_out);
+ }
+ else {
+ cmd.command_output_func(out, result);
+ }
+ ucl_object_unref(result);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}\n", err->message);
+ }
+ fflush(out);
+ fclose(out);
+ }
+ g_strfreev(eargv);
+static void
+rspamc_client_cb(struct rspamd_client_connection *conn,
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg,
+ const char *name, ucl_object_t *result, GString *input,
+ gpointer ud, gdouble start_time, gdouble send_time,
+ const char *body, gsize bodylen,
+ GError *err)
+ struct rspamc_callback_data *cbdata = (struct rspamc_callback_data *) ud;
+ FILE *out = stdout;
+ gdouble finish = rspamd_get_ticks(FALSE), diff;
+ auto &cmd = cbdata->cmd;
+ if (send_time > 0) {
+ diff = finish - send_time;
+ }
+ else {
+ diff = finish - start_time;
+ }
+ if (execute) {
+ /* Pass all to the external command */
+ rspamc_client_execute_cmd(cmd, result, input, diff, err);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (cmd.cmd == RSPAMC_COMMAND_SYMBOLS && mime_output && input) {
+ if (body) {
+ GString tmp;
+ tmp.str = (char *) body;
+ tmp.len = bodylen;
+ rspamc_mime_output(out, result, &tmp, diff, err);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_mime_output(out, result, input, diff, err);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (cmd.need_input && !json) {
+ if (!compact && !humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Results for file: {} ({:.3} seconds)\n",
+ emphasis_argument(cbdata->filename), diff);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!compact && !json && !humanreport) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "Results for command: {} ({:.3} seconds)\n",
+ emphasis_argument(, diff);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result != nullptr) {
+ if (headers && msg != nullptr) {
+ rspamc_output_headers(out, msg);
+ }
+ if (ucl_reply || cmd.command_output_func == nullptr) {
+ if (cmd.need_input) {
+ ucl_object_insert_key(result,
+ ucl_object_fromstring(cbdata->filename.c_str()),
+ "filename", 0,
+ false);
+ }
+ ucl_object_insert_key(result,
+ ucl_object_fromdouble(diff),
+ "scan_time", 0,
+ false);
+ char *ucl_out;
+ if (json) {
+ ucl_out = (char *) ucl_object_emit(result,
+ }
+ else {
+ ucl_out = (char *) ucl_object_emit(result,
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}", ucl_out);
+ free(ucl_out);
+ }
+ else {
+ cmd.command_output_func(out, result);
+ }
+ if (body) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "\nNew body:\n{}\n",
+ std::string_view{body, bodylen});
+ }
+ ucl_object_unref(result);
+ }
+ else if (err != nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}\n", err->message);
+ if (json && msg != nullptr) {
+ gsize rawlen;
+ auto *raw_body = rspamd_http_message_get_body(msg, &rawlen);
+ if (raw_body) {
+ /* We can also output the resulting json */
+ rspamc_print(out, "{}\n", std::string_view{raw_body, (std::size_t)(rawlen - bodylen)});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rspamc_print(out, "\n");
+ }
+ fflush(out);
+ }
+ rspamd_client_destroy(conn);
+ delete cbdata;
+ if (err) {
+ retcode = EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+static void
+rspamc_process_input(struct ev_loop *ev_base, const struct rspamc_command &cmd,
+ FILE *in, const std::string &name, GQueue *attrs)
+ struct rspamd_client_connection *conn;
+ const char *p;
+ guint16 port;
+ GError *err = nullptr;
+ std::string hostbuf;
+ if (connect_str[0] == '[') {
+ p = strrchr(connect_str, ']');
+ if (p != nullptr) {
+ hostbuf.assign(connect_str + 1, (std::size_t)(p - connect_str - 1));
+ p++;
+ }
+ else {
+ p = connect_str;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ p = connect_str;
+ }
+ p = strrchr(p, ':');
+ if (hostbuf.empty()) {
+ if (p != nullptr) {
+ hostbuf.assign(connect_str, (std::size_t)(p - connect_str));
+ }
+ else {
+ hostbuf.assign(connect_str);
+ }
+ }
+ if (p != nullptr) {
+ port = strtoul(p + 1, nullptr, 10);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * If we connect to localhost, or ::1, then try controller
+ * port first
+ */
+ if (hostbuf == "localhost" ||
+ hostbuf == "" ||
+ hostbuf == "::1" ||
+ hostbuf == "[::1]") {
+ }
+ else {
+ port = cmd.is_controller ? DEFAULT_CONTROL_PORT : DEFAULT_PORT;
+ }
+ }
+ conn = rspamd_client_init(http_ctx, ev_base, hostbuf.c_str(), port, timeout, pubkey);
+ if (conn != nullptr) {
+ auto *cbdata = new rspamc_callback_data;
+ cbdata->cmd = cmd;
+ cbdata->filename = name;
+ if (cmd.need_input) {
+ rspamd_client_command(conn, cmd.path, attrs, in, rspamc_client_cb,
+ cbdata, compressed, dictionary, cbdata->filename.c_str(), &err);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamd_client_command(conn,
+ cmd.path,
+ attrs,
+ nullptr,
+ rspamc_client_cb,
+ cbdata,
+ compressed,
+ dictionary,
+ cbdata->filename.c_str(),
+ &err);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot connect to {}: {}\n", connect_str,
+ strerror(errno));
+ }
+static gsize
+rspamd_dirent_size(DIR *dirp)
+ goffset name_max;
+ gsize name_end;
+#if defined(HAVE_FPATHCONF) && defined(HAVE_DIRFD) && defined(_PC_NAME_MAX)
+ name_max = fpathconf(dirfd(dirp), _PC_NAME_MAX);
+#if defined(NAME_MAX)
+ if (name_max == -1) {
+ name_max = (NAME_MAX > 255) ? NAME_MAX : 255;
+ }
+ if (name_max == -1) {
+ return (size_t) (-1);
+ }
+#if defined(NAME_MAX)
+ name_max = (NAME_MAX > 255) ? NAME_MAX : 255;
+#error "buffer size for readdir_r cannot be determined"
+ name_end = G_STRUCT_OFFSET(struct dirent, d_name) + name_max + 1;
+ return (name_end > sizeof(struct dirent) ? name_end : sizeof(struct dirent));
+static void
+rspamc_process_dir(struct ev_loop *ev_base, const struct rspamc_command &cmd,
+ const std::string &name, GQueue *attrs)
+ static auto cur_req = 0;
+ auto *d = opendir(name.c_str());
+ if (d != nullptr) {
+ struct dirent *pentry;
+ std::string fpath;
+ fpath.reserve(PATH_MAX);
+ while ((pentry = readdir(d)) != nullptr) {
+ if (pentry->d_name[0] == '.') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ fpath.clear();
+ fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(fpath), "{}{}{}",
+ pentry->d_name);
+ /* Check exclude */
+ auto **ex = exclude_compiled;
+ auto skip = false;
+ while (ex != nullptr && *ex != nullptr) {
+ if (g_pattern_spec_match(*ex, fpath.size(), fpath.c_str(), nullptr)) {
+ if (g_pattern_match(*ex, fpath.size(), fpath.c_str(), nullptr)) {
+ skip = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ ex++;
+ }
+ if (skip) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto is_reg = false;
+ auto is_dir = false;
+ struct stat st;
+#if (defined(_DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE) || defined(__APPLE__)) && defined(DT_UNKNOWN)
+ if (pentry->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) {
+ /* Fallback to lstat */
+ if (lstat(fpath.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot stat file {}: {}\n",
+ fpath, strerror(errno));
+ continue;
+ }
+ is_dir = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
+ is_reg = S_ISREG(st.st_mode);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (pentry->d_type == DT_REG) {
+ is_reg = true;
+ }
+ else if (pentry->d_type == DT_DIR) {
+ is_dir = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lstat(fpath.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot stat file {}: {}\n",
+ fpath, strerror(errno));
+ continue;
+ }
+ is_dir = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);
+ is_reg = S_ISREG(st.st_mode);
+ if (is_dir) {
+ rspamc_process_dir(ev_base, cmd, fpath, attrs);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (is_reg) {
+ auto *in = fopen(fpath.c_str(), "r");
+ if (in == nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot open file {}: {}\n",
+ fpath, strerror(errno));
+ continue;
+ }
+ rspamc_process_input(ev_base, cmd, in, fpath, attrs);
+ cur_req++;
+ fclose(in);
+ if (cur_req >= max_requests) {
+ cur_req = 0;
+ /* Wait for completion */
+ ev_loop(ev_base, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot open directory {}: {}\n", name, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ closedir(d);
+ ev_loop(ev_base, 0);
+static void
+rspamc_kwattr_free(gpointer p)
+ struct rspamd_http_client_header *h = (struct rspamd_http_client_header *) p;
+ g_free(h->value);
+ g_free(h->name);
+ g_free(h);
+int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
+ auto *kwattrs = g_queue_new();
+ read_cmd_line(&argc, &argv);
+ tty = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (print_commands) {
+ print_commands_list();
+ }
+ /* Deal with exclude patterns */
+ auto **exclude_pattern = exclude_patterns;
+ auto npatterns = 0;
+ while (exclude_pattern && *exclude_pattern) {
+ exclude_pattern++;
+ npatterns++;
+ }
+ if (npatterns > 0) {
+ exclude_compiled = g_new0(GPatternSpec *, (npatterns + 1));
+ for (auto i = 0; i < npatterns; i++) {
+ exclude_compiled[i] = g_pattern_spec_new(exclude_patterns[i]);
+ if (exclude_compiled[i] == nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "Invalid glob pattern: {}\n",
+ exclude_patterns[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto *libs = rspamd_init_libs();
+ auto *event_loop = ev_loop_new(EVBACKEND_ALL);
+ struct rspamd_http_context_cfg http_config;
+ memset(&http_config, 0, sizeof(http_config));
+ http_config.kp_cache_size_client = 32;
+ http_config.kp_cache_size_server = 0;
+ http_config.user_agent = user_agent;
+ http_ctx = rspamd_http_context_create_config(&http_config,
+ event_loop, nullptr);
+ /* Ignore sigpipe */
+ struct sigaction sigpipe_act;
+ sigemptyset(&sigpipe_act.sa_mask);
+ sigaddset(&sigpipe_act.sa_mask, SIGPIPE);
+ sigpipe_act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
+ sigpipe_act.sa_flags = 0;
+ sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigpipe_act, nullptr);
+ /* Now read other args from argc and argv */
+ FILE *in = nullptr;
+ std::optional<rspamc_command> maybe_cmd;
+ auto start_argc = 0;
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ start_argc = argc;
+ in = stdin;
+ maybe_cmd = check_rspamc_command("symbols");
+ }
+ else if (argc == 2) {
+ /* One argument is whether command or filename */
+ maybe_cmd = check_rspamc_command(argv[1]);
+ if (maybe_cmd.has_value()) {
+ start_argc = argc;
+ in = stdin;
+ }
+ else {
+ maybe_cmd = check_rspamc_command("symbols"); /* Symbols command */
+ start_argc = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ maybe_cmd = check_rspamc_command(argv[1]);
+ if (maybe_cmd.has_value()) {
+ auto &cmd = maybe_cmd.value();
+ /* In case of command read arguments starting from 2 */
+ if (argc < 4 || argc > 5) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "invalid arguments\n");
+ }
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ add_client_header(kwattrs, "metric", argv[2]);
+ add_client_header(kwattrs, "name", argv[3]);
+ add_client_header(kwattrs, "value", argv[4]);
+ }
+ else {
+ add_client_header(kwattrs, "name", argv[2]);
+ add_client_header(kwattrs, "value", argv[3]);
+ }
+ start_argc = argc;
+ }
+ else {
+ start_argc = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ maybe_cmd = check_rspamc_command("symbols");
+ start_argc = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!maybe_cmd.has_value()) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "invalid command\n");
+ }
+ add_options(kwattrs);
+ auto cmd = maybe_cmd.value();
+ if (start_argc == argc) {
+ /* Do command without input or with stdin */
+ if (empty_input) {
+ rspamc_process_input(event_loop, cmd, nullptr, "empty", kwattrs);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamc_process_input(event_loop, cmd, in, "stdin", kwattrs);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ auto cur_req = 0;
+ for (auto i = start_argc; i < argc; i++) {
+ add_client_header(kwattrs, "Hash", argv[i]);
+ }
+ else {
+ struct stat st;
+ if (stat(argv[i], &st) == -1) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot stat file {}\n", argv[i]);
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ /* Directories are processed with a separate limit */
+ rspamc_process_dir(event_loop, cmd, argv[i], kwattrs);
+ cur_req = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ in = fopen(argv[i], "r");
+ if (in == nullptr) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "cannot open file {}\n", argv[i]);
+ }
+ rspamc_process_input(event_loop, cmd, in, argv[i], kwattrs);
+ cur_req++;
+ fclose(in);
+ }
+ if (cur_req >= max_requests) {
+ cur_req = 0;
+ /* Wait for completion */
+ ev_loop(event_loop, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rspamc_process_input(event_loop, cmd, nullptr, "hashes", kwattrs);
+ }
+ }
+ ev_loop(event_loop, 0);
+ g_queue_free_full(kwattrs, rspamc_kwattr_free);
+ /* Wait for children processes */
+ auto ret = 0;
+ for (auto cld: children) {
+ auto res = 0;
+ if (waitpid(cld, &res, 0) == -1) {
+ rspamc_print(stderr, "Cannot wait for {}: {}", cld,
+ strerror(errno));
+ ret = errno;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ /* Check return code */
+ if (WIFSIGNALED(res)) {
+ ret = WTERMSIG(res);
+ }
+ else if (WIFEXITED(res)) {
+ ret = WEXITSTATUS(res);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto i = 0; i < npatterns; i++) {
+ g_pattern_spec_free(exclude_compiled[i]);
+ }
+ g_free(exclude_compiled);
+ rspamd_deinit_libs(libs);
+ /* Mix retcode (return from Rspamd side) and ret (return from subprocess) */
+ return ret | retcode;
diff --git a/src/client/rspamdclient.c b/src/client/rspamdclient.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85f4749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/rspamdclient.c
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "rspamdclient.h"
+#include "libutil/util.h"
+#include "libserver/http/http_connection.h"
+#include "libserver/http/http_private.h"
+#include "libserver/protocol_internal.h"
+#include "unix-std.h"
+#ifdef SYS_ZSTD
+#include "zstd.h"
+#include "contrib/zstd/zstd.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_FETCH_H
+#include <fetch.h>
+#elif defined(CURL_FOUND)
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+struct rspamd_client_request;
+ * Since rspamd uses untagged HTTP we can pass a single message per socket
+ */
+struct rspamd_client_connection {
+ gint fd;
+ GString *server_name;
+ struct rspamd_cryptobox_pubkey *key;
+ struct rspamd_cryptobox_keypair *keypair;
+ struct ev_loop *event_loop;
+ ev_tstamp timeout;
+ struct rspamd_http_connection *http_conn;
+ gboolean req_sent;
+ gdouble start_time;
+ gdouble send_time;
+ struct rspamd_client_request *req;
+ struct rspamd_keypair_cache *keys_cache;
+struct rspamd_client_request {
+ struct rspamd_client_connection *conn;
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg;
+ GString *input;
+ rspamd_client_callback cb;
+ gpointer ud;
+#define RCLIENT_ERROR rspamd_client_error_quark()
+ return g_quark_from_static_string("rspamd-client-error");
+static void
+rspamd_client_request_free(struct rspamd_client_request *req)
+ if (req != NULL) {
+ if (req->conn) {
+ req->conn->req = NULL;
+ }
+ if (req->input) {
+ g_string_free(req->input, TRUE);
+ }
+ g_free(req);
+ }
+static gint
+rspamd_client_body_handler(struct rspamd_http_connection *conn,
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg,
+ const gchar *chunk, gsize len)
+ /* Do nothing here */
+ return 0;
+static void
+rspamd_client_error_handler(struct rspamd_http_connection *conn, GError *err)
+ struct rspamd_client_request *req =
+ (struct rspamd_client_request *) conn->ud;
+ struct rspamd_client_connection *c;
+ c = req->conn;
+ req->cb(c, NULL, c->server_name->str, NULL,
+ req->input, req->ud,
+ c->start_time, c->send_time, NULL, 0, err);
+static gint
+rspamd_client_finish_handler(struct rspamd_http_connection *conn,
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg)
+ struct rspamd_client_request *req =
+ (struct rspamd_client_request *) conn->ud;
+ struct rspamd_client_connection *c;
+ struct ucl_parser *parser;
+ GError *err;
+ const rspamd_ftok_t *tok;
+ const gchar *start, *body = NULL;
+ guchar *out = NULL;
+ gsize len, bodylen = 0;
+ c = req->conn;
+ if (!c->req_sent) {
+ c->req_sent = TRUE;
+ c->send_time = rspamd_get_ticks(FALSE);
+ rspamd_http_connection_reset(c->http_conn);
+ rspamd_http_connection_read_message(c->http_conn,
+ c->req,
+ c->timeout);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (rspamd_http_message_get_body(msg, NULL) == NULL || msg->code / 100 != 2) {
+ err = g_error_new(RCLIENT_ERROR, msg->code, "HTTP error: %d, %.*s",
+ msg->code,
+ (gint) msg->status->len, msg->status->str);
+ req->cb(c, msg, c->server_name->str, NULL, req->input, req->ud,
+ c->start_time, c->send_time, body, bodylen, err);
+ g_error_free(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tok = rspamd_http_message_find_header(msg, COMPRESSION_HEADER);
+ if (tok) {
+ /* Need to uncompress */
+ rspamd_ftok_t t;
+ t.begin = "zstd";
+ t.len = 4;
+ if (rspamd_ftok_casecmp(tok, &t) == 0) {
+ ZSTD_DStream *zstream;
+ ZSTD_inBuffer zin;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer zout;
+ gsize outlen, r;
+ zstream = ZSTD_createDStream();
+ ZSTD_initDStream(zstream);
+ zin.pos = 0;
+ zin.src = msg->body_buf.begin;
+ zin.size = msg->body_buf.len;
+ if ((outlen = ZSTD_getDecompressedSize(zin.src, zin.size)) == 0) {
+ outlen = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize();
+ }
+ out = g_malloc(outlen);
+ zout.dst = out;
+ zout.pos = 0;
+ zout.size = outlen;
+ while (zin.pos < zin.size) {
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zstream, &zout, &zin);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ err = g_error_new(RCLIENT_ERROR, 500,
+ "Decompression error: %s",
+ ZSTD_getErrorName(r));
+ req->cb(c, msg, c->server_name->str, NULL,
+ req->input, req->ud, c->start_time,
+ c->send_time, body, bodylen, err);
+ g_error_free(err);
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zstream);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (zout.pos == zout.size) {
+ /* We need to extend output buffer */
+ zout.size = zout.size * 2;
+ zout.dst = g_realloc(zout.dst, zout.size);
+ }
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeDStream(zstream);
+ start = zout.dst;
+ len = zout.pos;
+ }
+ else {
+ err = g_error_new(RCLIENT_ERROR, 500,
+ "Invalid compression method");
+ req->cb(c, msg, c->server_name->str, NULL,
+ req->input, req->ud, c->start_time, c->send_time,
+ body, bodylen, err);
+ g_error_free(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ start = msg->body_buf.begin;
+ len = msg->body_buf.len;
+ }
+ /* Deal with body */
+ tok = rspamd_http_message_find_header(msg, MESSAGE_OFFSET_HEADER);
+ if (tok) {
+ gulong value = 0;
+ if (rspamd_strtoul(tok->begin, tok->len, &value) &&
+ value < len) {
+ body = start + value;
+ bodylen = len - value;
+ len = value;
+ }
+ }
+ parser = ucl_parser_new(0);
+ if (!ucl_parser_add_chunk(parser, start, len)) {
+ err = g_error_new(RCLIENT_ERROR, msg->code, "Cannot parse UCL: %s",
+ ucl_parser_get_error(parser));
+ ucl_parser_free(parser);
+ req->cb(c, msg, c->server_name->str, NULL,
+ req->input, req->ud,
+ c->start_time, c->send_time, body, bodylen, err);
+ g_error_free(err);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ req->cb(c, msg, c->server_name->str,
+ ucl_parser_get_object(parser),
+ req->input, req->ud,
+ c->start_time, c->send_time, body, bodylen, NULL);
+ ucl_parser_free(parser);
+ }
+ if (out) {
+ g_free(out);
+ }
+ return 0;
+struct rspamd_client_connection *
+rspamd_client_init(struct rspamd_http_context *http_ctx,
+ struct ev_loop *ev_base, const gchar *name,
+ guint16 port, gdouble timeout, const gchar *key)
+ struct rspamd_client_connection *conn;
+ gint fd;
+ fd = rspamd_socket(name, port, SOCK_STREAM, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ conn = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct rspamd_client_connection));
+ conn->event_loop = ev_base;
+ conn->fd = fd;
+ conn->req_sent = FALSE;
+ conn->http_conn = rspamd_http_connection_new_client_socket(http_ctx,
+ rspamd_client_body_handler,
+ rspamd_client_error_handler,
+ rspamd_client_finish_handler,
+ 0,
+ fd);
+ if (!conn->http_conn) {
+ rspamd_client_destroy(conn);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Pass socket ownership */
+ rspamd_http_connection_own_socket(conn->http_conn);
+ conn->server_name = g_string_new(name);
+ if (port != 0) {
+ rspamd_printf_gstring(conn->server_name, ":%d", (int) port);
+ }
+ conn->timeout = timeout;
+ if (key) {
+ conn->key = rspamd_pubkey_from_base32(key, 0, RSPAMD_KEYPAIR_KEX,
+ if (conn->key) {
+ conn->keypair = rspamd_keypair_new(RSPAMD_KEYPAIR_KEX,
+ rspamd_http_connection_set_key(conn->http_conn, conn->keypair);
+ }
+ else {
+ rspamd_client_destroy(conn);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return conn;
+rspamd_client_command(struct rspamd_client_connection *conn,
+ const gchar *command, GQueue *attrs,
+ FILE *in, rspamd_client_callback cb,
+ gpointer ud, gboolean compressed,
+ const gchar *comp_dictionary,
+ const gchar *filename,
+ GError **err)
+ struct rspamd_client_request *req;
+ struct rspamd_http_client_header *nh;
+ gchar *p;
+ gsize remain, old_len;
+ GList *cur;
+ GString *input = NULL;
+ rspamd_fstring_t *body;
+ guint dict_id = 0;
+ gsize dict_len = 0;
+ void *dict = NULL;
+ ZSTD_CCtx *zctx;
+ gboolean ret;
+ req = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct rspamd_client_request));
+ req->conn = conn;
+ req->cb = cb;
+ req->ud = ud;
+ req->msg = rspamd_http_new_message(HTTP_REQUEST);
+ if (conn->key) {
+ req->msg->peer_key = rspamd_pubkey_ref(conn->key);
+ }
+ if (in != NULL) {
+ /* Read input stream */
+ input = g_string_sized_new(BUFSIZ);
+ while (!feof(in)) {
+ p = input->str + input->len;
+ remain = input->allocated_len - input->len - 1;
+ if (remain == 0) {
+ old_len = input->len;
+ g_string_set_size(input, old_len * 2);
+ input->len = old_len;
+ continue;
+ }
+ remain = fread(p, 1, remain, in);
+ if (remain > 0) {
+ input->len += remain;
+ input->str[input->len] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ if (ferror(in) != 0) {
+ g_set_error(err, RCLIENT_ERROR, ferror(in), "input IO error: %s", strerror(ferror(in)));
+ g_free(req);
+ g_string_free(input, TRUE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!compressed) {
+ /* Detect zstd input */
+ if (input->len > 4 && memcmp(input->str, "\x28\xb5\x2f\xfd", 4) == 0) {
+ compressed = TRUE;
+ }
+ body = rspamd_fstring_new_init(input->str, input->len);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (comp_dictionary) {
+ dict = rspamd_file_xmap(comp_dictionary, PROT_READ, &dict_len,
+ TRUE);
+ if (dict == NULL) {
+ g_set_error(err, RCLIENT_ERROR, errno,
+ "cannot open dictionary %s: %s",
+ comp_dictionary,
+ strerror(errno));
+ g_free(req);
+ g_string_free(input, TRUE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ dict_id = -1;
+ }
+ body = rspamd_fstring_sized_new(ZSTD_compressBound(input->len));
+ zctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ body->len = ZSTD_compress_usingDict(zctx, body->str, body->allocated,
+ input->str, input->len,
+ dict, dict_len,
+ 1);
+ munmap(dict, dict_len);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(body->len)) {
+ g_set_error(err, RCLIENT_ERROR, ferror(in), "compression error");
+ g_free(req);
+ g_string_free(input, TRUE);
+ rspamd_fstring_free(body);
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(zctx);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ZSTD_freeCCtx(zctx);
+ }
+ rspamd_http_message_set_body_from_fstring_steal(req->msg, body);
+ req->input = input;
+ }
+ else {
+ req->input = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Convert headers */
+ cur = attrs->head;
+ while (cur != NULL) {
+ nh = cur->data;
+ rspamd_http_message_add_header(req->msg, nh->name, nh->value);
+ cur = g_list_next(cur);
+ }
+ if (compressed) {
+ rspamd_http_message_add_header(req->msg, COMPRESSION_HEADER, "zstd");
+ if (dict_id != 0) {
+ gchar dict_str[32];
+ rspamd_snprintf(dict_str, sizeof(dict_str), "%ud", dict_id);
+ rspamd_http_message_add_header(req->msg, "Dictionary", dict_str);
+ }
+ }
+ if (filename) {
+ rspamd_http_message_add_header(req->msg, "Filename", filename);
+ }
+ req->msg->url = rspamd_fstring_append(req->msg->url, "/", 1);
+ req->msg->url = rspamd_fstring_append(req->msg->url, command, strlen(command));
+ conn->req = req;
+ conn->start_time = rspamd_get_ticks(FALSE);
+ if (compressed) {
+ ret = rspamd_http_connection_write_message(conn->http_conn, req->msg,
+ NULL, "application/x-compressed", req,
+ conn->timeout);
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = rspamd_http_connection_write_message(conn->http_conn, req->msg,
+ NULL, "text/plain", req, conn->timeout);
+ }
+ return ret;
+void rspamd_client_destroy(struct rspamd_client_connection *conn)
+ if (conn != NULL) {
+ if (conn->http_conn) {
+ rspamd_http_connection_unref(conn->http_conn);
+ }
+ if (conn->req != NULL) {
+ rspamd_client_request_free(conn->req);
+ }
+ if (conn->key) {
+ rspamd_pubkey_unref(conn->key);
+ }
+ if (conn->keypair) {
+ rspamd_keypair_unref(conn->keypair);
+ }
+ g_string_free(conn->server_name, TRUE);
+ g_free(conn);
+ }
diff --git a/src/client/rspamdclient.h b/src/client/rspamdclient.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27597df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/rspamdclient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "ucl.h"
+#include "contrib/libev/ev.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+struct rspamd_client_connection;
+struct rspamd_http_message;
+struct rspamd_http_client_header {
+ gchar *name;
+ gchar *value;
+ * Callback is called on client connection completed
+ * @param name name of server
+ * @param port port for server
+ * @param result result object
+ * @param ud opaque user data
+ * @param err error pointer
+ */
+typedef void (*rspamd_client_callback)(
+ struct rspamd_client_connection *conn,
+ struct rspamd_http_message *msg,
+ const gchar *name,
+ ucl_object_t *result,
+ GString *input,
+ gpointer ud,
+ gdouble start_time,
+ gdouble send_time,
+ const gchar *body,
+ gsize body_len,
+ GError *err);
+struct rspamd_http_context;
+ * Start rspamd worker or controller command
+ * @param ev_base event base
+ * @param name server name (hostname or unix socket)
+ * @param port port number (in host order)
+ * @param timeout timeout in seconds
+ * @return
+ */
+struct rspamd_client_connection *rspamd_client_init(
+ struct rspamd_http_context *http_ctx,
+ struct ev_loop *ev_base,
+ const gchar *name,
+ guint16 port,
+ gdouble timeout,
+ const gchar *key);
+ *
+ * @param conn connection object
+ * @param command command name
+ * @param attrs additional attributes
+ * @param in input file or NULL if no input required
+ * @param cb callback to be called on command completion
+ * @param ud opaque user data
+ * @return
+ */
+gboolean rspamd_client_command(
+ struct rspamd_client_connection *conn,
+ const gchar *command,
+ GQueue *attrs,
+ FILE *in,
+ rspamd_client_callback cb,
+ gpointer ud,
+ gboolean compressed,
+ const gchar *comp_dictionary,
+ const gchar *filename,
+ GError **err);
+ * Destroy a connection to rspamd
+ * @param conn
+ */
+void rspamd_client_destroy(struct rspamd_client_connection *conn);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* RSPAMDCLIENT_H_ */