path: root/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua')
1 files changed, 685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua b/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792672b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/lua/dmarc.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov <>
+Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Andrew Lewis <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+-- Dmarc policy filter
+local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
+local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
+local lua_redis = require "lua_redis"
+local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+local dmarc_common = require "plugins/dmarc"
+if confighelp then
+ return
+local N = 'dmarc'
+local settings = dmarc_common.default_settings
+local redis_params = nil
+local E = {}
+-- Keys:
+-- 1 = index key (string)
+-- 2 = report key (string)
+-- 3 = max report elements (number)
+-- 4 = expiry time for elements (number)
+-- Arguments
+-- 1 = dmarc domain
+-- 2 = dmarc report
+local take_report_id
+local take_report_script = [[
+local index_key = KEYS[1]
+local report_key = KEYS[2]
+local max_entries = -(tonumber(KEYS[3]) + 1)
+local keys_expiry = tonumber(KEYS[4])
+local dmarc_domain = ARGV[1]
+local report = ARGV[2]'SADD', index_key, report_key)'EXPIRE', index_key, 172800)'ZINCRBY', report_key, 1, report)'ZREMRANGEBYRANK', report_key, 0, max_entries)'EXPIRE', report_key, 172800)
+local function maybe_force_action(task, disposition)
+ if disposition then
+ local force_action = settings.actions[disposition]
+ if force_action then
+ -- Set least action
+ task:set_pre_result(force_action, 'Action set by DMARC', N, nil, nil, 'least')
+ end
+ end
+local function dmarc_validate_policy(task, policy, hdrfromdom, dmarc_esld)
+ local reason = {}
+ -- Check dkim and spf symbols
+ local spf_ok = false
+ local dkim_ok = false
+ local spf_tmpfail = false
+ local dkim_tmpfail = false
+ local spf_domain = ((task:get_from(1) or E)[1] or E).domain
+ if not spf_domain or spf_domain == '' then
+ spf_domain = task:get_helo() or ''
+ end
+ if task:has_symbol(settings.symbols['spf_allow_symbol']) then
+ if policy.strict_spf then
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(spf_domain, hdrfromdom) then
+ spf_ok = true
+ else
+ table.insert(reason, "SPF not aligned (strict)")
+ end
+ else
+ local spf_tld = rspamd_util.get_tld(spf_domain)
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(spf_tld, dmarc_esld) then
+ spf_ok = true
+ else
+ table.insert(reason, "SPF not aligned (relaxed)")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if task:has_symbol(settings.symbols['spf_tempfail_symbol']) then
+ if policy.strict_spf then
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(spf_domain, hdrfromdom) then
+ spf_tmpfail = true
+ end
+ else
+ local spf_tld = rspamd_util.get_tld(spf_domain)
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(spf_tld, dmarc_esld) then
+ spf_tmpfail = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(reason, "No valid SPF")
+ end
+ local opts = ((task:get_symbol('DKIM_TRACE') or E)[1] or E).options
+ local dkim_results = {
+ pass = {},
+ temperror = {},
+ permerror = {},
+ fail = {},
+ }
+ if opts then
+ dkim_results.pass = {}
+ local dkim_violated
+ for _, opt in ipairs(opts) do
+ local check_res = string.sub(opt, -1)
+ local domain = string.sub(opt, 1, -3):lower()
+ if check_res == '+' then
+ table.insert(dkim_results.pass, domain)
+ if policy.strict_dkim then
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(hdrfromdom, domain) then
+ dkim_ok = true
+ else
+ dkim_violated = "DKIM not aligned (strict)"
+ end
+ else
+ local dkim_tld = rspamd_util.get_tld(domain)
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(dkim_tld, dmarc_esld) then
+ dkim_ok = true
+ else
+ dkim_violated = "DKIM not aligned (relaxed)"
+ end
+ end
+ elseif check_res == '?' then
+ -- Check for dkim tempfail
+ if not dkim_ok then
+ if policy.strict_dkim then
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(hdrfromdom, domain) then
+ dkim_tmpfail = true
+ end
+ else
+ local dkim_tld = rspamd_util.get_tld(domain)
+ if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(dkim_tld, dmarc_esld) then
+ dkim_tmpfail = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(dkim_results.temperror, domain)
+ elseif check_res == '-' then
+ table.insert(, domain)
+ else
+ table.insert(dkim_results.permerror, domain)
+ end
+ end
+ if not dkim_ok and dkim_violated then
+ table.insert(reason, dkim_violated)
+ end
+ else
+ table.insert(reason, "No valid DKIM")
+ end
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task,
+ "validated dmarc policy for %s: %s; dkim_ok=%s, dkim_tempfail=%s, spf_ok=%s, spf_tempfail=%s",
+ policy.domain, policy.dmarc_policy,
+ dkim_ok, dkim_tmpfail,
+ spf_ok, spf_tmpfail)
+ local disposition = 'none'
+ local sampled_out = false
+ local function handle_dmarc_failure(what, reason_str)
+ if not policy.pct or policy.pct == 100 then
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols[what], 1.0,
+ policy.domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, policy.dmarc_policy)
+ disposition = what
+ else
+ local coin = math.random(100)
+ if (coin > policy.pct) then
+ if (not settings.no_sampling_domains or
+ not settings.no_sampling_domains:get_key(policy.domain)) then
+ if what == 'reject' then
+ disposition = 'quarantine'
+ else
+ disposition = 'softfail'
+ end
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols[disposition], 1.0,
+ policy.domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, policy.dmarc_policy, "sampled_out")
+ sampled_out = true
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task,
+ 'changed dmarc policy from %s to %s, sampled out: %s < %s',
+ what, disposition, coin, policy.pct)
+ else
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols[what], 1.0,
+ policy.domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, policy.dmarc_policy, "local_policy")
+ disposition = what
+ end
+ else
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols[what], 1.0,
+ policy.domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, policy.dmarc_policy)
+ disposition = what
+ end
+ end
+ maybe_force_action(task, disposition)
+ end
+ if spf_ok or dkim_ok then
+ --[[
+ DMARC evaluation can only yield a "pass" result after one of the
+ underlying authentication mechanisms passes for an aligned
+ identifier.
+ ]]--
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols['allow'], 1.0, policy.domain,
+ policy.dmarc_policy)
+ else
+ --[[
+ If neither passes and one or both of them fail due to a
+ temporary error, the Receiver evaluating the message is unable to
+ conclude that the DMARC mechanism had a permanent failure; they
+ therefore cannot apply the advertised DMARC policy.
+ ]]--
+ if spf_tmpfail or dkim_tmpfail then
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols['dnsfail'], 1.0, policy.domain ..
+ ' : ' .. 'SPF/DKIM temp error', policy.dmarc_policy)
+ else
+ -- We can now check the failed policy and maybe send report data elt
+ local reason_str = table.concat(reason, ', ')
+ if policy.dmarc_policy == 'quarantine' then
+ handle_dmarc_failure('quarantine', reason_str)
+ elseif policy.dmarc_policy == 'reject' then
+ handle_dmarc_failure('reject', reason_str)
+ else
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols['softfail'], 1.0,
+ policy.domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str,
+ policy.dmarc_policy)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if policy.rua and redis_params and settings.reporting.enabled then
+ if settings.reporting.exclude_domains then
+ if settings.reporting.exclude_domains:get_key(policy.domain) or
+ settings.reporting.exclude_domains:get_key(rspamd_util.get_tld(policy.domain)) then
+, 'DMARC reporting suppressed for sender domain %s', policy.domain)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if settings.reporting.exclude_recipients then
+ local rcpt = task:get_principal_recipient()
+ if rcpt and settings.reporting.exclude_recipients:get_key(rcpt) then
+, 'DMARC reporting suppressed for recipient %s', rcpt)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local function dmarc_report_cb(err)
+ if not err then
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'dmarc report saved for %s (rua = %s)',
+ hdrfromdom, policy.rua)
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'dmarc report is not saved for %s: %s',
+ hdrfromdom, err)
+ end
+ end
+ local spf_result
+ if spf_ok then
+ spf_result = 'pass'
+ elseif spf_tmpfail then
+ spf_result = 'temperror'
+ else
+ if task:has_symbol(settings.symbols.spf_deny_symbol) then
+ spf_result = 'fail'
+ elseif task:has_symbol(settings.symbols.spf_softfail_symbol) then
+ spf_result = 'softfail'
+ elseif task:has_symbol(settings.symbols.spf_neutral_symbol) then
+ spf_result = 'neutral'
+ elseif task:has_symbol(settings.symbols.spf_permfail_symbol) then
+ spf_result = 'permerror'
+ else
+ spf_result = 'none'
+ end
+ end
+ -- Prepare and send redis report element
+ local period ='%Y%m%d',
+ task:get_date({ format = 'connect', gmt = false }))
+ -- Dmarc domain key must include dmarc domain, rua and period
+ local dmarc_domain_key = table.concat(
+ { settings.reporting.redis_keys.report_prefix, policy.domain, policy.rua, period },
+ settings.reporting.redis_keys.join_char)
+ local report_data = dmarc_common.dmarc_report(task, settings, {
+ spf_ok = spf_ok and 'pass' or 'fail',
+ dkim_ok = dkim_ok and 'pass' or 'fail',
+ disposition = (disposition == "softfail") and "none" or disposition,
+ sampled_out = sampled_out,
+ domain = hdrfromdom,
+ spf_domain = spf_domain,
+ dkim_results = dkim_results,
+ spf_result = spf_result
+ })
+ local idx_key = table.concat({ settings.reporting.redis_keys.index_prefix, period },
+ settings.reporting.redis_keys.join_char)
+ if report_data then
+ lua_redis.exec_redis_script(take_report_id,
+ { task = task, is_write = true },
+ dmarc_report_cb,
+ { idx_key, dmarc_domain_key,
+ tostring(settings.reporting.max_entries), tostring(settings.reporting.keys_expire) },
+ { hdrfromdom, report_data })
+ end
+ end
+local function dmarc_callback(task)
+ local from = task:get_from(2)
+ local hfromdom = ((from or E)[1] or E).domain
+ local dmarc_domain
+ local ip_addr = task:get_ip()
+ local dmarc_checks = task:get_mempool():get_variable('dmarc_checks', 'double') or 0
+ local seen_invalid = false
+ if dmarc_checks ~= 2 then
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, "skip DMARC checks as either SPF or DKIM were not checked")
+ return
+ end
+ if lua_util.is_skip_local_or_authed(task, settings.auth_and_local_conf, ip_addr) then
+ rspamd_logger.infox(task, "skip DMARC checks for local networks and authorized users")
+ return
+ end
+ -- Do some initial sanity checks, detect tld domain if different
+ if hfromdom and hfromdom ~= '' and not (from or E)[2] then
+ -- Lowercase domain as per #3940
+ hfromdom = hfromdom:lower()
+ dmarc_domain = rspamd_util.get_tld(hfromdom)
+ elseif (from or E)[2] then
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols['na'], 1.0, 'Duplicate From header')
+ return maybe_force_action(task, 'na')
+ elseif (from or E)[1] then
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols['na'], 1.0, 'No domain in From header')
+ return maybe_force_action(task, 'na')
+ else
+ task:insert_result(settings.symbols['na'], 1.0, 'No From header')
+ return maybe_force_action(task, 'na')
+ end
+ local dns_checks_inflight = 0
+ local dmarc_domain_policy = {}
+ local dmarc_tld_policy = {}
+ local function process_dmarc_policy(policy, final)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, "validate DMARC policy (final=%s): %s",
+ true, policy)
+ if policy.err and policy.symbol then
+ -- In case of fatal errors or final check for tld, we give up and
+ -- insert result
+ if final or policy.fatal then
+ task:insert_result(policy.symbol, 1.0, policy.err)
+ maybe_force_action(task, policy.disposition)
+ return true
+ end
+ elseif policy.dmarc_policy then
+ dmarc_validate_policy(task, policy, hfromdom, dmarc_domain)
+ return true -- We have a more specific version, use it
+ end
+ return false -- Missing record
+ end
+ local function gen_dmarc_cb(lookup_domain, is_tld)
+ local policy_target = dmarc_domain_policy
+ if is_tld then
+ policy_target = dmarc_tld_policy
+ end
+ return function(_, _, results, err)
+ dns_checks_inflight = dns_checks_inflight - 1
+ if not seen_invalid then
+ policy_target.domain = lookup_domain
+ if err then
+ if (err ~= 'requested record is not found' and
+ err ~= 'no records with this name') then
+ policy_target.err = lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. err
+ policy_target.symbol = settings.symbols['dnsfail']
+ else
+ policy_target.err = lookup_domain
+ policy_target.symbol = settings.symbols['na']
+ end
+ else
+ local has_valid_policy = false
+ for _, rec in ipairs(results) do
+ local ret, results_or_err = dmarc_common.dmarc_check_record(task, rec, is_tld)
+ if not ret then
+ if results_or_err then
+ -- We have a fatal parsing error, give up
+ policy_target.err = lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. results_or_err
+ policy_target.symbol = settings.symbols['badpolicy']
+ policy_target.fatal = true
+ seen_invalid = true
+ end
+ else
+ if has_valid_policy then
+ policy_target.err = lookup_domain .. ' : ' ..
+ 'Multiple policies defined in DNS'
+ policy_target.symbol = settings.symbols['badpolicy']
+ policy_target.fatal = true
+ seen_invalid = true
+ end
+ has_valid_policy = true
+ for k, v in pairs(results_or_err) do
+ policy_target[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not has_valid_policy and not seen_invalid then
+ policy_target.err = lookup_domain .. ':' .. ' no valid DMARC record'
+ policy_target.symbol = settings.symbols['na']
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if dns_checks_inflight == 0 then
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, "finished DNS queries, validate policies")
+ -- We have checked both tld and real domain (if different)
+ if not process_dmarc_policy(dmarc_domain_policy, false) then
+ -- Try tld policy as well
+ if not process_dmarc_policy(dmarc_tld_policy, true) then
+ process_dmarc_policy(dmarc_domain_policy, true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local resolve_name = '_dmarc.' .. hfromdom
+ task:get_resolver():resolve_txt({
+ task = task,
+ name = resolve_name,
+ callback = gen_dmarc_cb(hfromdom, false),
+ forced = true
+ })
+ dns_checks_inflight = dns_checks_inflight + 1
+ if dmarc_domain ~= hfromdom then
+ resolve_name = '_dmarc.' .. dmarc_domain
+ task:get_resolver():resolve_txt({
+ task = task,
+ name = resolve_name,
+ callback = gen_dmarc_cb(dmarc_domain, true),
+ forced = true
+ })
+ dns_checks_inflight = dns_checks_inflight + 1
+ end
+local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('dmarc')
+settings = lua_util.override_defaults(settings, opts)
+settings.auth_and_local_conf = lua_util.config_check_local_or_authed(rspamd_config, N,
+ false, false)
+-- Legacy...
+if settings.reporting and not settings.reporting.exclude_domains and settings.no_reporting_domains then
+ settings.reporting.exclude_domains = settings.no_reporting_domains
+local lua_maps = require "lua_maps"
+lua_maps.fill_config_maps(N, settings, {
+ no_sampling_domains = {
+ optional = true,
+ type = 'map',
+ description = 'Domains not to apply DMARC sampling to'
+ },
+if type(settings.reporting) == 'table' then
+ lua_maps.fill_config_maps(N, settings.reporting, {
+ exclude_domains = {
+ optional = true,
+ type = 'map',
+ description = 'Domains not to store DMARC reports about'
+ },
+ exclude_recipients = {
+ optional = true,
+ type = 'map',
+ description = 'Recipients not to store DMARC reports for'
+ },
+ })
+if settings.reporting == true then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'old style dmarc reporting is NO LONGER supported, please read the documentation')
+elseif settings.reporting.enabled then
+ redis_params = lua_redis.parse_redis_server('dmarc', opts)
+ if not redis_params then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot parse servers parameter')
+ else
+ rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'dmarc reporting is enabled')
+ take_report_id = lua_redis.add_redis_script(take_report_script, redis_params)
+ end
+-- Check spf and dkim sections for changed symbols
+local function check_mopt(var, m_opts, name)
+ if m_opts[name] then
+ settings.symbols[var] = tostring(m_opts[name])
+ end
+local spf_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('spf')
+if spf_opts then
+ check_mopt('spf_deny_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_fail')
+ check_mopt('spf_allow_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_allow')
+ check_mopt('spf_softfail_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_softfail')
+ check_mopt('spf_neutral_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_neutral')
+ check_mopt('spf_tempfail_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_dnsfail')
+ check_mopt('spf_na_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_na')
+local dkim_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('dkim')
+if dkim_opts then
+ check_mopt('dkim_deny_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_reject')
+ check_mopt('dkim_allow_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_allow')
+ check_mopt('dkim_tempfail_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_tempfail')
+ check_mopt('dkim_na_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_na')
+local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ name = 'DMARC_CHECK',
+ type = 'callback',
+ callback = dmarc_callback
+ name = 'DMARC_CALLBACK', -- compatibility symbol
+ type = 'virtual,skip',
+ parent = id,
+ name = settings.symbols['allow'],
+ parent = id,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ type = 'virtual'
+ name = settings.symbols['reject'],
+ parent = id,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ type = 'virtual'
+ name = settings.symbols['quarantine'],
+ parent = id,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ type = 'virtual'
+ name = settings.symbols['softfail'],
+ parent = id,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ type = 'virtual'
+ name = settings.symbols['dnsfail'],
+ parent = id,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ type = 'virtual'
+ name = settings.symbols['badpolicy'],
+ parent = id,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ type = 'virtual'
+ name = settings.symbols['na'],
+ parent = id,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ type = 'virtual'
+rspamd_config:register_dependency('DMARC_CHECK', settings.symbols['spf_allow_symbol'])
+rspamd_config:register_dependency('DMARC_CHECK', settings.symbols['dkim_allow_symbol'])
+-- DMARC munging support
+if settings.munging then
+ local lua_maps_expressions = require "lua_maps_expressions"
+ local munging_defaults = {
+ reply_goes_to_list = false,
+ mitigate_allow_only = true, -- perform munging based on DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW only
+ mitigate_strict_only = false, -- perform mugning merely for reject/quarantine policies
+ munge_from = true, -- replace from with something like <orig name> via <rcpt user>
+ list_map = nil, -- map of maillist domains
+ munge_map_condition = nil, -- maps expression to enable munging
+ }
+ local munging_opts = lua_util.override_defaults(munging_defaults, settings.munging)
+ if not munging_opts.list_map then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot enable DMARC munging with no list_map parameter')
+ return
+ end
+ munging_opts.list_map = lua_maps.map_add_from_ucl(munging_opts.list_map,
+ 'set', 'DMARC munging map of the recipients addresses to munge')
+ if not munging_opts.list_map then
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot enable DMARC munging with invalid list_map (invalid map)')
+ return
+ end
+ if munging_opts.munge_map_condition then
+ munging_opts.munge_map_condition = lua_maps_expressions.create(rspamd_config,
+ munging_opts.munge_map_condition, N)
+ end
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ name = 'DMARC_MUNGED',
+ type = 'normal',
+ flags = 'nostat',
+ score = 0,
+ group = 'policies',
+ groups = { 'dmarc' },
+ callback = dmarc_common.gen_munging_callback(munging_opts, settings),
+ augmentations = { lua_util.dns_timeout_augmentation(rspamd_config) },
+ })
+ rspamd_config:register_dependency('DMARC_MUNGED', 'DMARC_CHECK')
+ -- To avoid dkim signing issues
+ rspamd_config:register_dependency('DKIM_SIGNED', 'DMARC_MUNGED')
+ rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_SIGNED', 'DMARC_MUNGED')
+ rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'enabled DMARC munging')