/* * Copyright 2024 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mime_headers.h" #include "smtp_parsers.h" #include "mime_encoding.h" #include "received.h" #include "contrib/uthash/utlist.h" #include "libserver/mempool_vars_internal.h" #include "libserver/cfg_file.h" #include "libutil/util.h" #include KHASH_INIT(rspamd_mime_headers_htb, gchar *, struct rspamd_mime_header *, 1, rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal); struct rspamd_mime_headers_table { khash_t(rspamd_mime_headers_htb) htb; ref_entry_t ref; }; static void rspamd_mime_header_check_special(struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_mime_header *rh) { guint64 h; const gchar *p, *end; gchar *id; gint max_recipients = -1, len; if (task->cfg) { max_recipients = task->cfg->max_recipients; } h = rspamd_icase_hash(rh->name, strlen(rh->name), 0xdeadbabe); switch (h) { case 0x88705DC4D9D61ABULL: /* received */ if (rspamd_received_header_parse(task, rh->decoded, strlen(rh->decoded), rh)) { rh->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_RECEIVED; } break; case 0x76F31A09F4352521ULL: /* to */ MESSAGE_FIELD(task, rcpt_mime) = rspamd_email_address_from_mime(task->task_pool, rh->value, strlen(rh->value), MESSAGE_FIELD(task, rcpt_mime), max_recipients); rh->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_TO | RSPAMD_HEADER_RCPT | RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; break; case 0x7EB117C1480B76ULL: /* cc */ MESSAGE_FIELD(task, rcpt_mime) = rspamd_email_address_from_mime(task->task_pool, rh->value, strlen(rh->value), MESSAGE_FIELD(task, rcpt_mime), max_recipients); rh->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_CC | RSPAMD_HEADER_RCPT | RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; break; case 0xE4923E11C4989C8DULL: /* bcc */ MESSAGE_FIELD(task, rcpt_mime) = rspamd_email_address_from_mime(task->task_pool, rh->value, strlen(rh->value), MESSAGE_FIELD(task, rcpt_mime), max_recipients); rh->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_BCC | RSPAMD_HEADER_RCPT | RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; break; case 0x41E1985EDC1CBDE4ULL: /* from */ MESSAGE_FIELD(task, from_mime) = rspamd_email_address_from_mime(task->task_pool, rh->value, strlen(rh->value), MESSAGE_FIELD(task, from_mime), max_recipients); rh->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_FROM | RSPAMD_HEADER_SENDER | RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; break; case 0x43A558FC7C240226ULL: /* message-id */ { rh->flags = RSPAMD_HEADER_MESSAGE_ID | RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; p = rh->decoded; len = rspamd_strip_smtp_comments_inplace(rh->decoded, strlen(p)); rh->decoded[len] = '\0'; /* Zero terminate after stripping */ /* Strip surrounding spaces */ rh->decoded = g_strstrip(rh->decoded); end = p + len; if (*p == '<') { p++; } if (end > p) { gchar *d; if (*(end - 1) == '>') { end--; } id = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, end - p + 1); d = id; while (p < end) { if (g_ascii_isgraph(*p)) { *d++ = *p++; } else { *d++ = '?'; p++; } } *d = '\0'; MESSAGE_FIELD(task, message_id) = id; } break; } case 0xB91D3910358E8212ULL: /* subject */ if (MESSAGE_FIELD(task, subject) == NULL) { MESSAGE_FIELD(task, subject) = rh->decoded; } rh->flags = RSPAMD_HEADER_SUBJECT | RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; break; case 0xEE4AA2EAAC61D6F4ULL: /* return-path */ if (task->from_envelope == NULL) { task->from_envelope = rspamd_email_address_from_smtp(rh->decoded, strlen(rh->decoded)); } rh->flags = RSPAMD_HEADER_RETURN_PATH | RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; break; case 0xB9EEFAD2E93C2161ULL: /* delivered-to */ if (task->deliver_to == NULL) { task->deliver_to = rh->decoded; } rh->flags = RSPAMD_HEADER_DELIVERED_TO; break; case 0x2EC3BFF3C393FC10ULL: /* date */ case 0xAC0DDB1A1D214CAULL: /* sender */ case 0x54094572367AB695ULL: /* in-reply-to */ case 0x81CD9E9131AB6A9AULL: /* content-type */ case 0xC39BD9A75AA25B60ULL: /* content-transfer-encoding */ case 0xB3F6704CB3AD6589ULL: /* references */ rh->flags = RSPAMD_HEADER_UNIQUE; break; } } static void rspamd_mime_header_add(struct rspamd_task *task, khash_t(rspamd_mime_headers_htb) * target, struct rspamd_mime_header **order_ptr, struct rspamd_mime_header *rh, gboolean check_special) { khiter_t k; struct rspamd_mime_header *ex; int res; k = kh_put(rspamd_mime_headers_htb, target, rh->name, &res); if (res == 0) { ex = kh_value(target, k); DL_APPEND(ex, rh); msg_debug_task("append raw header %s: %s", rh->name, rh->value); } else { kh_value(target, k) = rh; rh->prev = rh; rh->next = NULL; msg_debug_task("add new raw header %s: %s", rh->name, rh->value); } LL_PREPEND2(*order_ptr, rh, ord_next); if (check_special) { rspamd_mime_header_check_special(task, rh); } } /* Convert raw headers to a list of struct raw_header * */ void rspamd_mime_headers_process(struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *target, struct rspamd_mime_header **order_ptr, const gchar *in, gsize len, gboolean check_newlines) { struct rspamd_mime_header *nh = NULL; const gchar *p, *c, *end; gchar *tmp, *tp; gint state = 0, l, next_state = 100, err_state = 100, t_state; gboolean valid_folding = FALSE, shift_by_one = FALSE; guint nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_MAX]; guint norder = 0; p = in; end = p + len; c = p; memset(nlines_count, 0, sizeof(nlines_count)); msg_debug_task("start processing headers"); while (p < end) { /* FSM for processing headers */ switch (state) { case 0: /* Begin processing headers */ if (!g_ascii_isalpha(*p)) { /* We have some garbage at the beginning of headers, skip this line */ state = 100; next_state = 0; } else { state = 1; c = p; } break; case 1: /* We got something like header's name */ if (*p == ':') { nh = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(task->task_pool, sizeof(struct rspamd_mime_header)); l = p - c; tmp = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, l + 1); rspamd_null_safe_copy(c, l, tmp, l + 1); nh->name = tmp; nh->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_EMPTY_SEPARATOR; nh->raw_value = c; nh->raw_len = p - c; /* Including trailing ':' */ p++; state = 2; c = p; } else if (g_ascii_isspace(*p)) { /* Not header but some garbage */ if (target == MESSAGE_FIELD(task, raw_headers)) { /* Do not propagate flag from the attachments */ task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_BROKEN_HEADERS; } state = 100; next_state = 0; } else { p++; } break; case 2: /* We got header's name, so skip any \t or spaces */ if (*p == '\t') { nh->flags &= ~RSPAMD_HEADER_EMPTY_SEPARATOR; nh->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_TAB_SEPARATED; p++; } else if (*p == ' ') { nh->flags &= ~RSPAMD_HEADER_EMPTY_SEPARATOR; p++; } else if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') { if (check_newlines) { if (*p == '\n') { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_LF]++; } else if (p + 1 < end && *(p + 1) == '\n') { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_CRLF]++; } else { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_CR]++; } } /* Process folding */ state = 99; l = p - c; if (l > 0) { tmp = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, l + 1); rspamd_null_safe_copy(c, l, tmp, l + 1); nh->separator = tmp; } next_state = 3; err_state = 5; c = p; } else { /* Process value */ l = p - c; if (l >= 0) { tmp = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, l + 1); rspamd_null_safe_copy(c, l, tmp, l + 1); nh->separator = tmp; } c = p; state = 3; } break; case 3: if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { /* Hold folding */ if (check_newlines) { if (*p == '\n') { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_LF]++; } else if (p + 1 < end && *(p + 1) == '\n') { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_CRLF]++; } else { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_CR]++; } } state = 99; next_state = 3; err_state = 4; } else if (p + 1 == end) { state = 4; } else { p++; } break; case 4: /* Copy header's value */ /* * XXX: * The original decision to use here null terminated * strings was extremely poor! */ l = p - c; tmp = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, l + 1); tp = tmp; t_state = 0; while (l--) { if (t_state == 0) { /* Before folding */ if (*c == '\n' || *c == '\r') { t_state = 1; c++; *tp++ = ' '; } else { if (*c != '\0') { *tp++ = *c++; } else { c++; } } } else if (t_state == 1) { /* Inside folding */ if (g_ascii_isspace(*c)) { c++; } else { t_state = 0; if (*c != '\0') { *tp++ = *c++; } else { c++; } } } } /* Strip last space that can be added by \r\n parsing */ if (tp > tmp && *(tp - 1) == ' ') { tp--; } *tp = '\0'; /* Strip the initial spaces that could also be added by folding */ while (*tmp != '\0' && g_ascii_isspace(*tmp)) { tmp++; } if (p + 1 == end) { nh->raw_len = end - nh->raw_value; } else { nh->raw_len = p - nh->raw_value; } nh->value = tmp; gboolean broken_utf = FALSE; nh->decoded = rspamd_mime_header_decode(task->task_pool, nh->value, strlen(tmp), &broken_utf); if (broken_utf) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_BAD_UNICODE; } if (nh->decoded == NULL) { /* As we strip comments in place... */ nh->decoded = rspamd_mempool_strdup(task->task_pool, ""); } /* We also validate utf8 and replace all non-valid utf8 chars */ rspamd_mime_charset_utf_enforce(nh->decoded, strlen(nh->decoded)); nh->order = norder++; rspamd_mime_header_add(task, &target->htb, order_ptr, nh, check_newlines); nh = NULL; state = 0; break; case 5: /* Header has only name, no value */ nh->value = rspamd_mempool_strdup(task->task_pool, ""); nh->decoded = rspamd_mempool_strdup(task->task_pool, ""); nh->raw_len = p - nh->raw_value; if (shift_by_one) { nh->raw_len++; } nh->order = norder++; rspamd_mime_header_add(task, &target->htb, order_ptr, nh, check_newlines); nh = NULL; state = 0; break; case 99: /* Folding state */ if (p + 1 == end) { state = err_state; /* Include the last character into the next header */ shift_by_one = TRUE; } else { if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { p++; valid_folding = FALSE; } else if (*p == '\t' || *p == ' ') { /* Valid folding */ p++; valid_folding = TRUE; } else { if (valid_folding) { debug_task("go to state: %d->%d", state, next_state); state = next_state; } else { /* Fall back */ debug_task("go to state: %d->%d", state, err_state); state = err_state; } } } break; case 100: /* Fail state, skip line */ if (*p == '\r') { if (p + 1 < end && *(p + 1) == '\n') { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_CRLF]++; p++; } p++; state = next_state; } else if (*p == '\n') { nlines_count[RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_LF]++; if (p + 1 < end && *(p + 1) == '\r') { p++; } p++; state = next_state; } else if (p + 1 == end) { state = next_state; p++; } else { p++; } break; } } /* Since we have prepended headers, we need to reverse the list to get the actual order */ LL_REVERSE(*order_ptr); if (check_newlines) { guint max_cnt = 0; gint sel = 0; rspamd_cryptobox_hash_state_t hs; guchar hout[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES], *hexout; for (gint i = RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_CR; i < RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_MAX; i++) { if (nlines_count[i] > max_cnt) { max_cnt = nlines_count[i]; sel = i; } } MESSAGE_FIELD(task, nlines_type) = sel; rspamd_cryptobox_hash_init(&hs, NULL, 0); LL_FOREACH(*order_ptr, nh) { if (nh->name && nh->flags != RSPAMD_HEADER_RECEIVED) { rspamd_cryptobox_hash_update(&hs, nh->name, strlen(nh->name)); } } rspamd_cryptobox_hash_final(&hs, hout); hexout = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, sizeof(hout) * 2 + 1); hexout[sizeof(hout) * 2] = '\0'; rspamd_encode_hex_buf(hout, sizeof(hout), hexout, sizeof(hout) * 2 + 1); rspamd_mempool_set_variable(task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_HEADERS_HASH, hexout, NULL); } } static void rspamd_mime_header_maybe_save_token(rspamd_mempool_t *pool, GString *out, GByteArray *token, GByteArray *decoded_token, rspamd_ftok_t *old_charset, rspamd_ftok_t *new_charset) { if (new_charset->len == 0) { g_assert_not_reached(); } if (old_charset->len > 0) { if (rspamd_ftok_casecmp(new_charset, old_charset) == 0) { rspamd_ftok_t srch; /* * Special case for iso-2022-jp: * https://github.com/vstakhov/rspamd/issues/1669 */ RSPAMD_FTOK_ASSIGN(&srch, "iso-2022-jp"); if (rspamd_ftok_casecmp(new_charset, &srch) != 0) { /* We can concatenate buffers, just return */ return; } } } /* We need to flush and decode old token to out string */ if (rspamd_mime_to_utf8_byte_array(token, decoded_token, pool, rspamd_mime_detect_charset(new_charset, pool))) { g_string_append_len(out, decoded_token->data, decoded_token->len); } /* We also reset buffer */ g_byte_array_set_size(token, 0); /* * Propagate charset * * Here are dragons: we save the original charset to allow buffers concat * in the condition at the beginning of the function. * However, it will likely cause unnecessary calls for * `rspamd_mime_detect_charset` which could be relatively expensive. * But we ignore that for now... */ memcpy(old_charset, new_charset, sizeof(*old_charset)); } static void rspamd_mime_header_sanity_check(GString *str) { gsize i; gchar t; for (i = 0; i < str->len; i++) { t = str->str[i]; if (!((t & 0x80) || g_ascii_isgraph(t))) { if (g_ascii_isspace(t)) { /* Replace spaces characters with plain space */ str->str[i] = ' '; } else { str->str[i] = '?'; } } } } gchar * rspamd_mime_header_decode(rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const gchar *in, gsize inlen, gboolean *invalid_utf) { GString *out; const guchar *c, *p, *end; const gchar *tok_start = NULL; gsize tok_len = 0, pos; GByteArray *token = NULL, *decoded; rspamd_ftok_t cur_charset = {0, NULL}, old_charset = {0, NULL}; gint encoding; gssize r; guint qmarks = 0; gchar *ret; enum { parse_normal = 0, got_eqsign, got_encoded_start, got_more_qmark, skip_spaces, } state = parse_normal; g_assert(in != NULL); c = in; p = in; end = in + inlen; out = g_string_sized_new(inlen); token = g_byte_array_sized_new(80); decoded = g_byte_array_sized_new(122); while (p < end) { switch (state) { case parse_normal: if (*p == '=') { g_string_append_len(out, c, p - c); c = p; state = got_eqsign; } else if (*p >= 128) { gint off = 0; UChar32 uc; /* Unencoded character */ g_string_append_len(out, c, p - c); /* Check if that's valid UTF8 */ U8_NEXT(p, off, end - p, uc); if (uc <= 0) { c = p + 1; /* 0xFFFD in UTF8 */ g_string_append_len(out, " ", 3); off = 0; U8_APPEND_UNSAFE(out->str + out->len - 3, off, 0xfffd); if (invalid_utf) { *invalid_utf = TRUE; } } else { c = p; p = p + off; continue; /* To avoid p ++ after this block */ } } p++; break; case got_eqsign: if (*p == '?') { state = got_encoded_start; qmarks = 0; } else { g_string_append_len(out, c, 1); c = p; state = parse_normal; continue; /* Deal with == case */ } p++; break; case got_encoded_start: if (*p == '?') { state = got_more_qmark; qmarks++; /* Skip multiple ? signs */ p++; while (p < end && *p == '?') { p++; } continue; } p++; break; case got_more_qmark: if (*p == '=') { if (qmarks < 3) { state = got_encoded_start; } else { /* Finished encoded boundary */ if (*c == '"') { /* Quoted string, non-RFC conformant but used by retards */ c++; } if (rspamd_rfc2047_parser(c, p - c + 1, &encoding, &cur_charset.begin, &cur_charset.len, &tok_start, &tok_len)) { /* We have a token, so we can decode it from `encoding` */ if (token->len > 0) { if (old_charset.len == 0) { memcpy(&old_charset, &cur_charset, sizeof(old_charset)); } rspamd_mime_header_maybe_save_token(pool, out, token, decoded, &old_charset, &cur_charset); } qmarks = 0; pos = token->len; g_byte_array_set_size(token, pos + tok_len); if (encoding == RSPAMD_RFC2047_QP) { r = rspamd_decode_qp2047_buf(tok_start, tok_len, token->data + pos, tok_len); if (r != -1) { token->len = pos + r; } else { /* Cannot decode qp */ token->len -= tok_len; } } else { if (rspamd_cryptobox_base64_decode(tok_start, tok_len, token->data + pos, &tok_len)) { token->len = pos + tok_len; } else { /* Cannot decode */ token->len -= tok_len; } } c = p + 1; state = skip_spaces; } else { /* Not encoded-word */ old_charset.len = 0; if (token->len > 0) { rspamd_mime_header_maybe_save_token(pool, out, token, decoded, &old_charset, &cur_charset); } g_string_append_len(out, c, p - c); c = p; state = parse_normal; } } /* qmarks >= 3 */ } /* p == '=' */ else { state = got_encoded_start; } p++; break; case skip_spaces: if (g_ascii_isspace(*p)) { p++; } else if (*p == '=' && p < end - 1 && p[1] == '?') { /* Next boundary, can glue */ c = p; p += 2; state = got_encoded_start; } else { /* Need to save spaces and decoded token */ if (token->len > 0) { old_charset.len = 0; rspamd_mime_header_maybe_save_token(pool, out, token, decoded, &old_charset, &cur_charset); } g_string_append_len(out, c, p - c); c = p; state = parse_normal; } break; } } /* Leftover */ switch (state) { case skip_spaces: if (token->len > 0 && cur_charset.len > 0) { old_charset.len = 0; rspamd_mime_header_maybe_save_token(pool, out, token, decoded, &old_charset, &cur_charset); } break; default: /* Just copy leftover */ if (p > c) { g_string_append_len(out, c, p - c); } break; } g_byte_array_free(token, TRUE); g_byte_array_free(decoded, TRUE); rspamd_mime_header_sanity_check(out); rspamd_mempool_notify_alloc(pool, out->len); ret = g_string_free(out, FALSE); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor(pool, g_free, ret); return ret; } gchar * rspamd_mime_header_encode(const gchar *in, gsize len) { const gchar *p = in, *end = in + len; gchar *out, encode_buf[80 * sizeof(guint32)]; GString *res; gboolean need_encoding = FALSE; /* Check if we need to encode */ while (p < end) { if ((((guchar) *p) & 0x80) != 0) { need_encoding = TRUE; break; } p++; } if (!need_encoding) { out = g_malloc(len + 1); rspamd_strlcpy(out, in, len + 1); } else { /* Need encode */ gsize ulen, pos; gint r; const gchar *prev; /* Choose step: =?UTF-8?Q??= should be less than 76 chars */ guint step = (76 - 12) / 3 + 1; ulen = g_utf8_strlen(in, len); res = g_string_sized_new(len * 2 + 1); pos = 0; prev = in; /* Adjust chunk size for unicode average length */ step *= 1.0 * ulen / (gdouble) len; while (pos < ulen) { p = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(in, pos); if (p > prev) { /* Encode and print */ r = rspamd_encode_qp2047_buf(prev, p - prev, encode_buf, sizeof(encode_buf)); if (r != -1) { if (res->len > 0) { rspamd_printf_gstring(res, " =?UTF-8?Q?%*s?=", r, encode_buf); } else { rspamd_printf_gstring(res, "=?UTF-8?Q?%*s?=", r, encode_buf); } } } pos += MIN(step, ulen - pos); prev = p; } /* Leftover */ if (prev < end) { r = rspamd_encode_qp2047_buf(prev, end - prev, encode_buf, sizeof(encode_buf)); if (r != -1) { if (res->len > 0) { rspamd_printf_gstring(res, " =?UTF-8?Q?%*s?=", r, encode_buf); } else { rspamd_printf_gstring(res, "=?UTF-8?Q?%*s?=", r, encode_buf); } } } out = g_string_free(res, FALSE); } return out; } gchar * rspamd_mime_message_id_generate(const gchar *fqdn) { GString *out; guint64 rnd, clk; out = g_string_sized_new(strlen(fqdn) + 22); rnd = ottery_rand_uint64(); clk = rspamd_get_calendar_ticks() * 1e6; rspamd_printf_gstring(out, "%*bs.%*bs@%s", (gint) sizeof(guint64) - 3, (guchar *) &clk, (gint) sizeof(guint64), (gchar *) &rnd, fqdn); return g_string_free(out, FALSE); } struct rspamd_mime_header * rspamd_message_get_header_from_hash(struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *hdrs, const gchar *field, gboolean need_modified) { if (hdrs == NULL) { return NULL; } khiter_t k; khash_t(rspamd_mime_headers_htb) *htb = &hdrs->htb; struct rspamd_mime_header *hdr; if (htb) { k = kh_get(rspamd_mime_headers_htb, htb, (gchar *) field); if (k == kh_end(htb)) { return NULL; } hdr = kh_value(htb, k); if (!need_modified) { if (hdr->flags & RSPAMD_HEADER_NON_EXISTING) { return NULL; } return hdr; } else { if (hdr->flags & RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED) { return hdr->modified_chain; } return hdr; } } return NULL; } struct rspamd_mime_header * rspamd_message_get_header_array(struct rspamd_task *task, const gchar *field, gboolean need_modified) { return rspamd_message_get_header_from_hash( MESSAGE_FIELD_CHECK(task, raw_headers), field, need_modified); } gsize rspamd_mime_headers_count(struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *hdrs) { if (hdrs) { return kh_size(&hdrs->htb); } return 0; } bool rspamd_mime_headers_foreach(const struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *hdrs, rspamd_hdr_traverse_func_t func, void *ud) { const gchar *name; struct rspamd_mime_header *hdr; kh_foreach(&hdrs->htb, name, hdr, { if (!func(name, hdr, ud)) { return false; } }); return true; } static void rspamd_message_headers_dtor(struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *hdrs) { if (hdrs) { kfree(hdrs->htb.keys); kfree(hdrs->htb.vals); kfree(hdrs->htb.flags); g_free(hdrs); } } struct rspamd_mime_headers_table * rspamd_message_headers_ref(struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *hdrs) { REF_RETAIN(hdrs); return hdrs; } void rspamd_message_headers_unref(struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *hdrs) { REF_RELEASE(hdrs); } struct rspamd_mime_headers_table * rspamd_message_headers_new(void) { struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *nhdrs; nhdrs = g_malloc0(sizeof(*nhdrs)); REF_INIT_RETAIN(nhdrs, rspamd_message_headers_dtor); return nhdrs; } gsize rspamd_message_header_unfold_inplace(char *hdr, gsize len) { /* * t - tortoise (destination) * h - hare (source) */ char *t = hdr, *h = hdr, *end = (hdr + len); enum { copy_chars, folding_cr, folding_lf, folding_ws, } state = copy_chars; while (h < end) { switch (state) { case copy_chars: if (*h == '\r') { state = folding_cr; h++; } else if (*h == '\n') { state = folding_lf; h++; } else { *t++ = *h++; } break; case folding_cr: if (*h == '\n') { state = folding_lf; h++; } else if (g_ascii_isspace(*h)) { state = folding_ws; h++; } else { /* It is weird, not like a folding, so we need to revert back */ *t++ = '\r'; state = copy_chars; } break; case folding_lf: if (g_ascii_isspace(*h)) { state = folding_ws; h++; } else { /* It is weird, not like a folding, so we need to revert back */ *t++ = '\n'; state = copy_chars; } break; case folding_ws: if (!g_ascii_isspace(*h)) { *t++ = ' '; state = copy_chars; } else { h++; } break; } } return t - hdr; } void rspamd_message_set_modified_header(struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_mime_headers_table *hdrs, const gchar *hdr_name, const ucl_object_t *obj, struct rspamd_mime_header **order_ptr) { khiter_t k; khash_t(rspamd_mime_headers_htb) *htb = &hdrs->htb; struct rspamd_mime_header *hdr_elt, *existing_chain; int i; if (htb) { k = kh_get(rspamd_mime_headers_htb, htb, (gchar *) hdr_name); if (k == kh_end(htb)) { hdr_elt = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(task->task_pool, sizeof(*hdr_elt)); hdr_elt->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED | RSPAMD_HEADER_NON_EXISTING; hdr_elt->name = rspamd_mempool_strdup(task->task_pool, hdr_name); int r; k = kh_put(rspamd_mime_headers_htb, htb, hdr_elt->name, &r); kh_value(htb, k) = hdr_elt; if (order_ptr) { /* * This iterates over all headers in O(N), but we have no other options here, as the * list is already set. */ LL_APPEND2(*order_ptr, hdr_elt, ord_next); } } else { hdr_elt = kh_value(htb, k); } } else { /* No hash, no modification */ msg_err_task("internal error: calling for set_modified_header for no headers"); return; } if (hdr_elt->flags & RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED) { existing_chain = hdr_elt->modified_chain; } else { existing_chain = hdr_elt; } const ucl_object_t *elt, *cur; ucl_object_iter_t it; /* First, deal with removed headers, copying the relevant headers with remove flag */ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "remove"); /* * remove: {1, 2 ...} * where number is the header's position starting from '1' */ if (elt && ucl_object_type(elt) == UCL_ARRAY) { /* First, use a temporary array to keep all headers */ GPtrArray *existing_ar = g_ptr_array_new(); struct rspamd_mime_header *cur_hdr; /* Exclude removed headers */ LL_FOREACH(existing_chain, cur_hdr) { if (!(cur_hdr->flags & RSPAMD_HEADER_REMOVED)) { g_ptr_array_add(existing_ar, cur_hdr); } } it = NULL; while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(elt, &it, true)) != NULL) { if (ucl_object_type(cur) == UCL_INT) { int ord = ucl_object_toint(cur); if (ord == 0) { /* Remove all headers in the existing chain */ PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(existing_ar, i, cur_hdr) { cur_hdr->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED | RSPAMD_HEADER_REMOVED; } } else if (ord > 0) { /* Start from the top */ if (ord <= existing_ar->len) { cur_hdr = g_ptr_array_index(existing_ar, ord - 1); cur_hdr->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED | RSPAMD_HEADER_REMOVED; } } else { /* Start from the bottom; ord < 0 */ if ((-ord) <= existing_ar->len) { cur_hdr = g_ptr_array_index(existing_ar, existing_ar->len + ord); cur_hdr->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED | RSPAMD_HEADER_REMOVED; } } } } /* * Next, we return all headers modified to the existing chain * This implies an additional copy of all structures but is safe enough to * deal with it */ hdr_elt->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED; hdr_elt->modified_chain = NULL; PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(existing_ar, i, cur_hdr) { if (!(cur_hdr->flags & RSPAMD_HEADER_REMOVED)) { struct rspamd_mime_header *nhdr = rspamd_mempool_alloc( task->task_pool, sizeof(*nhdr)); memcpy(nhdr, cur_hdr, sizeof(*nhdr)); nhdr->modified_chain = NULL; nhdr->prev = NULL; nhdr->next = NULL; nhdr->ord_next = NULL; DL_APPEND(hdr_elt->modified_chain, nhdr); } } g_ptr_array_free(existing_ar, TRUE); /* End of headers removal logic */ } /* We can now deal with headers additions */ elt = ucl_object_lookup(obj, "add"); if (elt && ucl_object_type(elt) == UCL_ARRAY) { if (!(hdr_elt->flags & RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED)) { /* Copy the header itself to the modified chain */ struct rspamd_mime_header *nhdr; hdr_elt->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_MODIFIED; nhdr = rspamd_mempool_alloc( task->task_pool, sizeof(*nhdr)); memcpy(nhdr, hdr_elt, sizeof(*hdr_elt)); nhdr->modified_chain = NULL; nhdr->next = NULL; nhdr->ord_next = NULL; nhdr->prev = nhdr; hdr_elt->modified_chain = nhdr; } /* * add: {{1, "foo"}, {-1, "bar"} ...} * where number is the header's position starting from '1' */ it = NULL; while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(elt, &it, true)) != NULL) { if (ucl_object_type(cur) == UCL_ARRAY) { const ucl_object_t *order = ucl_array_find_index(cur, 0), *value = ucl_array_find_index(cur, 1); if (order && value && (ucl_object_type(order) == UCL_INT && ucl_object_type(value) == UCL_STRING)) { int ord = ucl_object_toint(order); const char *raw_value; gsize raw_len; raw_value = ucl_object_tolstring(value, &raw_len); if (raw_len == 0) { continue; } struct rspamd_mime_header *nhdr = rspamd_mempool_alloc0( task->task_pool, sizeof(*nhdr)); nhdr->flags |= RSPAMD_HEADER_ADDED; nhdr->name = hdr_elt->name; nhdr->value = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, raw_len + 1); /* Strlcpy will ensure that value will have no embedded \0 */ rspamd_strlcpy(nhdr->value, raw_value, raw_len + 1); gsize value_len = rspamd_message_header_unfold_inplace(nhdr->value, raw_len); nhdr->value[value_len] = '\0'; /* Deal with the raw value */ size_t namelen = strlen(hdr_elt->name); char *rawbuf = rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, namelen + raw_len + sizeof(": \r\n")); /* Name: value */ nhdr->raw_value = rawbuf; memcpy(rawbuf, hdr_elt->name, namelen); rawbuf += namelen; memcpy(rawbuf, ": ", sizeof(": ") - 1); nhdr->separator = rspamd_mempool_strdup(task->task_pool, " "); rawbuf += sizeof(": ") - 1; memcpy(rawbuf, raw_value, raw_len); nhdr->raw_len = raw_len; if (MESSAGE_FIELD(task, nlines_type) == RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_LF) { rawbuf[raw_len++] = '\n'; } else { rawbuf[raw_len++] = '\r'; if (MESSAGE_FIELD(task, nlines_type) == RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_CRLF) { rawbuf[raw_len++] = '\n'; } } rawbuf[raw_len] = '\0'; nhdr->decoded = rspamd_mime_header_decode(task->task_pool, raw_value, nhdr->raw_len, NULL); /* Now find a position to insert a value */ struct rspamd_mime_header **pos = &hdr_elt->modified_chain; if (ord == 0) { DL_PREPEND(hdr_elt->modified_chain, nhdr); } else if (ord == -1) { DL_APPEND(hdr_elt->modified_chain, nhdr); } else if (ord > 0) { while (ord > 0 && (*pos)) { ord--; pos = &((*pos)->next); } if (*pos) { /* pos is &(elt)->next */ nhdr->next = (*pos); nhdr->prev = (*pos)->prev; (*pos)->prev = nhdr; *pos = nhdr; } else { /* Last element */ DL_APPEND(*pos, nhdr); } } else { /* NYI: negative order is not defined */ msg_err_task("internal error: calling for set_modified_header " "with negative add order header"); } } else { msg_err_task("internal error: calling for set_modified_header " "with invalid header"); } } } } } gsize rspamd_strip_smtp_comments_inplace(gchar *input, gsize len) { enum parser_state { parse_normal, parse_obrace, parse_comment, parse_quoted_copy, parse_quoted_ignore, } state = parse_normal, next_state = parse_normal; gchar *d = input, *end = input + len, *start = input; gchar t; int obraces = 0, ebraces = 0; while (input < end) { t = *input; switch (state) { case parse_normal: if (t == '(') { state = parse_obrace; } else if (t == '\\') { state = parse_quoted_copy; next_state = parse_normal; } else { *d++ = t; } input++; break; case parse_obrace: obraces++; if (t == '(') { obraces++; } else if (t == ')') { ebraces++; if (obraces == ebraces) { obraces = 0; ebraces = 0; state = parse_normal; } } else if (t == '\\') { state = parse_quoted_ignore; next_state = parse_comment; } else { state = parse_comment; } input++; break; case parse_comment: if (t == '(') { state = parse_obrace; } else if (t == ')') { ebraces++; if (obraces == ebraces) { obraces = 0; ebraces = 0; state = parse_normal; } } else if (t == '\\') { state = parse_quoted_ignore; next_state = parse_comment; } input++; break; case parse_quoted_copy: *d++ = t; state = next_state; input++; break; case parse_quoted_ignore: state = next_state; input++; break; } } return (d - start); }