--[[ Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] -- local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local dkim_sign_tools = require "lua_dkim_tools" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local rspamd_rsa_privkey = require "rspamd_rsa_privkey" local rspamd_rsa = require "rspamd_rsa" local fun = require "fun" local lua_auth_results = require "lua_auth_results" local hash = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash" local lua_mime = require "lua_mime" if confighelp then return end local N = 'arc' local AR_TRUSTED_CACHE_KEY = 'arc_trusted_aar' if not rspamd_plugins.dkim then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "cannot enable arc plugin: dkim is disabled") return end local dkim_verify = rspamd_plugins.dkim.verify local dkim_sign = rspamd_plugins.dkim.sign local dkim_canonicalize = rspamd_plugins.dkim.canon_header_relaxed local redis_params if not dkim_verify or not dkim_sign or not dkim_canonicalize then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "cannot enable arc plugin: dkim is disabled") return end local arc_symbols = { allow = 'ARC_ALLOW', invalid = 'ARC_INVALID', dnsfail = 'ARC_DNSFAIL', na = 'ARC_NA', reject = 'ARC_REJECT', } local settings = { allow_envfrom_empty = true, allow_hdrfrom_mismatch = false, allow_hdrfrom_mismatch_local = false, allow_hdrfrom_mismatch_sign_networks = false, allow_hdrfrom_multiple = false, allow_username_mismatch = false, sign_authenticated = true, domain = {}, path = string.format('%s/%s/%s', rspamd_paths['DBDIR'], 'arc', '$domain.$selector.key'), sign_local = true, selector = 'arc', sign_symbol = 'ARC_SIGNED', try_fallback = true, use_domain = 'header', use_esld = true, use_redis = false, key_prefix = 'arc_keys', -- default hash name reuse_auth_results = false, -- Reuse the existing authentication results whitelisted_signers_map = nil, -- Trusted signers domains adjust_dmarc = true, -- Adjust DMARC rejected policy for trusted forwarders allowed_ids = nil, -- Allowed settings id forbidden_ids = nil, -- Banned settings id } -- To match normal AR local ar_settings = lua_auth_results.default_settings local function parse_arc_header(hdr, target, is_aar) -- Split elements by ';' and trim spaces local arr = fun.totable(fun.map( function(val) return fun.totable(fun.map(lua_util.rspamd_str_trim, fun.filter(function(v) return v and #v > 0 end, lua_util.rspamd_str_split(val.decoded, ';') ) )) end, hdr )) -- v[1] is the key and v[2] is the value local function fill_arc_header_table(v, t) if v[1] and v[2] then local key = lua_util.rspamd_str_trim(v[1]) local value = lua_util.rspamd_str_trim(v[2]) t[key] = value end end -- Now we have two tables in format: -- [arc_header] -> [{arc_header1_elts}, {arc_header2_elts}...] for i, elts in ipairs(arr) do if not target[i] then target[i] = {} end if not is_aar then -- For normal ARC headers we split by kv pair, like k=v fun.each(function(v) fill_arc_header_table(v, target[i]) end, fun.map(function(elt) return lua_util.rspamd_str_split(elt, '=') end, elts) ) else -- For AAR we check special case of i=%d and pass everything else to -- AAR specific parser for _, elt in ipairs(elts) do if string.match(elt, "%s*i%s*=%s*%d+%s*") then local pair = lua_util.rspamd_str_split(elt, '=') fill_arc_header_table(pair, target[i]) else -- Normal element local ar_elt = lua_auth_results.parse_ar_element(elt) if ar_elt then if not target[i].ar then target[i].ar = {} end table.insert(target[i].ar, ar_elt) end end end end target[i].header = hdr[i].decoded target[i].raw_header = hdr[i].value end -- sort by i= attribute table.sort(target, function(a, b) return (a.i or 0) < (b.i or 0) end) end local function arc_validate_seals(task, seals, sigs, seal_headers, sig_headers) local fail_reason for i = 1, #seals do if (sigs[i].i or 0) ~= i then fail_reason = string.format('bad i for signature: %d, expected %d; d=%s', sigs[i].i, i, sigs[i].d) rspamd_logger.infox(task, fail_reason) task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason) return false, fail_reason end if (seals[i].i or 0) ~= i then fail_reason = string.format('bad i for seal: %d, expected %d; d=%s', seals[i].i, i, seals[i].d) rspamd_logger.infox(task, fail_reason) task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason) return false, fail_reason end if not seals[i].cv then fail_reason = string.format('no cv on i=%d', i) task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason) return false, fail_reason end if i == 1 then -- We need to ensure that cv of seal is equal to 'none' if seals[i].cv ~= 'none' then fail_reason = 'cv is not "none" for i=1' task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, fail_reason) return false, fail_reason end else if seals[i].cv ~= 'pass' then fail_reason = string.format('cv is %s on i=%d', seals[i].cv, i) task:insert_result(arc_symbols['reject'], 1.0, fail_reason) return true, fail_reason end end end return true, nil end local function arc_callback(task) local arc_sig_headers = task:get_header_full('ARC-Message-Signature') local arc_seal_headers = task:get_header_full('ARC-Seal') local arc_ar_headers = task:get_header_full('ARC-Authentication-Results') if not arc_sig_headers or not arc_seal_headers then task:insert_result(arc_symbols['na'], 1.0) return end if #arc_sig_headers ~= #arc_seal_headers then -- We mandate that count of seals is equal to count of signatures rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'number of seals (%s) is not equal to number of signatures (%s)', #arc_seal_headers, #arc_sig_headers) task:insert_result(arc_symbols['invalid'], 1.0, 'invalid count of seals and signatures') return end local cbdata = { seals = {}, sigs = {}, ars = {}, res = 'success', errors = {}, allowed_by_trusted = false } parse_arc_header(arc_seal_headers, cbdata.seals, false) parse_arc_header(arc_sig_headers, cbdata.sigs, false) if arc_ar_headers then parse_arc_header(arc_ar_headers, cbdata.ars, true) end -- Fix i type fun.each(function(hdr) hdr.i = tonumber(hdr.i) or 0 end, cbdata.seals) fun.each(function(hdr) hdr.i = tonumber(hdr.i) or 0 end, cbdata.sigs) -- Now we need to sort elements according to their [i] value table.sort(cbdata.seals, function(e1, e2) return (e1.i or 0) < (e2.i or 0) end) table.sort(cbdata.sigs, function(e1, e2) return (e1.i or 0) < (e2.i or 0) end) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'got %s arc sections', #cbdata.seals) -- Now check sanity of what we have local valid, validation_error = arc_validate_seals(task, cbdata.seals, cbdata.sigs, arc_seal_headers, arc_sig_headers) if not valid then task:cache_set('arc-failure', validation_error) return end task:cache_set('arc-sigs', cbdata.sigs) task:cache_set('arc-seals', cbdata.seals) task:cache_set('arc-authres', cbdata.ars) if validation_error then -- ARC rejection but no strong failure for signing return end local function gen_arc_seal_cb(index, sig) return function(_, res, err, domain) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'checked arc seal: %s(%s), %s processed', res, err, index) if not res then cbdata.res = 'fail' if err and domain then table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('sig:%s:%s', domain, err)) end end if settings.whitelisted_signers_map and cbdata.res == 'success' then if settings.whitelisted_signers_map:get_key(sig.d) then -- Whitelisted signer has been found in a valid chain local mult = 1.0 local cur_aar = cbdata.ars[index] if not cur_aar then rspamd_logger.warnx(task, "cannot find Arc-Authentication-Results for trusted " .. "forwarder %s on i=%s", domain, cbdata.index) else task:cache_set(AR_TRUSTED_CACHE_KEY, cur_aar) local seen_dmarc for _, ar in ipairs(cur_aar.ar) do if ar.dmarc then local dmarc_fwd = ar.dmarc seen_dmarc = true if dmarc_fwd == 'reject' or dmarc_fwd == 'fail' or dmarc_fwd == 'quarantine' then lua_util.debugm(N, "found rejected dmarc on forwarding") mult = 0.0 elseif dmarc_fwd == 'pass' then mult = 1.0 end elseif ar.spf then local spf_fwd = ar.spf if spf_fwd == 'reject' or spf_fwd == 'fail' or spf_fwd == 'quarantine' then lua_util.debugm(N, "found rejected spf on forwarding") if not seen_dmarc then mult = mult * 0.5 end end end end end task:insert_result(arc_symbols.trusted_allow, mult, string.format('%s:s=%s:i=%d', domain, sig.s, index)) end end if index == #arc_sig_headers then if cbdata.res == 'success' then local arc_allow_result = string.format('%s:s=%s:i=%d', domain, sig.s, index) task:insert_result(arc_symbols.allow, 1.0, arc_allow_result) task:cache_set('arc-allow', arc_allow_result) else task:insert_result(arc_symbols.reject, 1.0, rspamd_logger.slog('seal check failed: %s, %s', cbdata.res, cbdata.errors)) end end end end local function arc_signature_cb(_, res, err, domain) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'checked arc signature %s: %s(%s)', domain, res, err) if not res then cbdata.res = 'fail' if err and domain then table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('sig:%s:%s', domain, err)) end end if cbdata.res == 'success' then -- Verify seals for i, sig in ipairs(cbdata.seals) do local ret, lerr = dkim_verify(task, sig.header, gen_arc_seal_cb(i, sig), 'arc-seal') if not ret then cbdata.res = 'fail' table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('seal:%s:s=%s:i=%s:%s', sig.d or '', sig.s or '', sig.i or '', lerr)) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'checked arc seal %s: %s(%s), %s processed', sig.d, ret, lerr, i) end end else task:insert_result(arc_symbols['reject'], 1.0, rspamd_logger.slog('signature check failed: %s, %s', cbdata.res, cbdata.errors)) end end --[[ 1. Collect all ARC Sets currently attached to the message. If there are none, the Chain Validation Status is "none" and the algorithm stops here. The maximum number of ARC Sets that can be attached to a message is 50. If more than the maximum number exist the Chain Validation Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here. In the following algorithm, the maximum ARC instance value is referred to as "N". 2. If the Chain Validation Status of the highest instance value ARC Set is "fail", then the Chain Validation status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here. 3. Validate the structure of the Authenticated Received Chain. A valid ARC has the following conditions: 1. Each ARC Set MUST contain exactly one each of the three ARC header fields (AAR, AMS, and AS). 2. The instance values of the ARC Sets MUST form a continuous sequence from 1..N with no gaps or repetition. 3. The "cv" value for all ARC-Seal header fields must be non- failing. For instance values > 1, the value must be "pass". For instance value = 1, the value must be "none". * If any of these conditions are not met, the Chain Validation Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here. 4. Validate the AMS with the greatest instance value (most recent). If validation fails, then the Chain Validation Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here. 5 - 7. Optional, not implemented 8. Validate each AS beginning with the greatest instance value and proceeding in decreasing order to the AS with the instance value of 1. If any AS fails to validate, the Chain Validation Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here. 9. If the algorithm reaches this step, then the Chain Validation Status is "pass", and the algorithm is complete. ]]-- local processed = 0 local sig = cbdata.sigs[#cbdata.sigs] -- last AMS local ret, err = dkim_verify(task, sig.header, arc_signature_cb, 'arc-sign') if not ret then cbdata.res = 'fail' table.insert(cbdata.errors, string.format('sig:%s:%s', sig.d or '', err)) else processed = processed + 1 lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'processed arc signature %s[%s]: %s(%s), %s total', sig.d, sig.i, ret, err, #cbdata.seals) end if processed == 0 then task:insert_result(arc_symbols['reject'], 1.0, rspamd_logger.slog('cannot verify %s of %s signatures: %s', #arc_sig_headers - processed, #arc_sig_headers, cbdata.errors)) end end local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('arc') if not opts or type(opts) ~= 'table' then return end if opts['symbols'] then for k, _ in pairs(arc_symbols) do if opts['symbols'][k] then arc_symbols[k] = opts['symbols'][k] end end end local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = 'ARC_CHECK', type = 'callback', group = 'policies', groups = { 'arc' }, callback = arc_callback, augmentations = { lua_util.dns_timeout_augmentation(rspamd_config) }, }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = 'ARC_CALLBACK', -- compatibility symbol type = 'virtual,skip', parent = id, }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = arc_symbols['allow'], parent = id, type = 'virtual', score = -1.0, group = 'policies', groups = { 'arc' }, }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = arc_symbols['reject'], parent = id, type = 'virtual', score = 2.0, group = 'policies', groups = { 'arc' }, }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = arc_symbols['invalid'], parent = id, type = 'virtual', score = 1.0, group = 'policies', groups = { 'arc' }, }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = arc_symbols['dnsfail'], parent = id, type = 'virtual', score = 0.0, group = 'policies', groups = { 'arc' }, }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = arc_symbols['na'], parent = id, type = 'virtual', score = 0.0, group = 'policies', groups = { 'arc' }, }) rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_CHECK', 'SPF_CHECK') rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_CHECK', 'DKIM_CHECK') local function arc_sign_seal(task, params, header) local arc_sigs = task:cache_get('arc-sigs') local arc_seals = task:cache_get('arc-seals') local arc_auth_results = task:cache_get('arc-authres') local cur_auth_results local privkey if params.rawkey then -- Distinguish between pem and base64 if string.match(params.rawkey, '^-----BEGIN') then privkey = rspamd_rsa_privkey.load_pem(params.rawkey) else privkey = rspamd_rsa_privkey.load_base64(params.rawkey) end elseif params.key then privkey = rspamd_rsa_privkey.load_file(params.key) end if not privkey then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'cannot load private key for signing') return end if settings.reuse_auth_results then local ar_header = task:get_header('Authentication-Results') if ar_header then rspamd_logger.debugm(N, task, 'reuse authentication results header for ARC') cur_auth_results = ar_header else rspamd_logger.debugm(N, task, 'cannot reuse authentication results, header is missing') cur_auth_results = lua_auth_results.gen_auth_results(task, ar_settings) or '' end else cur_auth_results = lua_auth_results.gen_auth_results(task, ar_settings) or '' end local sha_ctx = hash.create_specific('sha256') -- Update using previous seals + sigs + AAR local cur_idx = 1 if arc_seals then cur_idx = #arc_seals + 1 -- We use the cached version per each ARC-* header field individually, already sorted by instance -- value in ascending order for i = 1, #arc_seals, 1 do if arc_auth_results[i] then local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Authentication-Results', arc_auth_results[i].raw_header) sha_ctx:update(s) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s) end if arc_sigs[i] then local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Message-Signature', arc_sigs[i].raw_header) sha_ctx:update(s) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s) end if arc_seals[i] then local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Seal', arc_seals[i].raw_header) sha_ctx:update(s) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s) end end end header = lua_util.fold_header(task, 'ARC-Message-Signature', header) cur_auth_results = string.format('i=%d; %s', cur_idx, cur_auth_results) cur_auth_results = lua_util.fold_header(task, 'ARC-Authentication-Results', cur_auth_results, ';') local s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Authentication-Results', cur_auth_results) sha_ctx:update(s) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s) s = dkim_canonicalize('ARC-Message-Signature', header) sha_ctx:update(s) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'update signature with header: %s', s) local cur_arc_seal = string.format('i=%d; s=%s; d=%s; t=%d; a=rsa-sha256; cv=%s; b=', cur_idx, params.selector, params.domain, math.floor(rspamd_util.get_time()), params.arc_cv) s = string.format('%s:%s', 'arc-seal', cur_arc_seal) sha_ctx:update(s) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'initial update signature with header: %s', s) local nl_type if task:has_flag("milter") then nl_type = "lf" else nl_type = task:get_newlines_type() end local sig = rspamd_rsa.sign_memory(privkey, sha_ctx:bin()) cur_arc_seal = string.format('%s%s', cur_arc_seal, sig:base64(70, nl_type)) lua_mime.modify_headers(task, { add = { ['ARC-Authentication-Results'] = { order = 1, value = cur_auth_results }, ['ARC-Message-Signature'] = { order = 1, value = header }, ['ARC-Seal'] = { order = 1, value = lua_util.fold_header(task, 'ARC-Seal', cur_arc_seal) } }, -- RFC requires a strict order for these headers to be inserted order = { 'ARC-Authentication-Results', 'ARC-Message-Signature', 'ARC-Seal' }, }) task:insert_result(settings.sign_symbol, 1.0, string.format('%s:s=%s:i=%d', params.domain, params.selector, cur_idx)) end local function prepare_arc_selector(task, sel) local arc_seals = task:cache_get('arc-seals') if not arc_seals then -- Check if our arc is broken local failure_reason = task:cache_get('arc-failure') if failure_reason then rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'skip ARC as the existing chain is broken: %s', failure_reason) return false end end sel.arc_cv = 'none' sel.arc_idx = 1 sel.no_cache = true sel.sign_type = 'arc-sign' if arc_seals then sel.arc_idx = #arc_seals + 1 local function default_arc_cv() if task:cache_get('arc-allow') then sel.arc_cv = 'pass' else sel.arc_cv = 'fail' end end if settings.reuse_auth_results then local ar_header = task:get_header('Authentication-Results') if ar_header then local arc_match = string.match(ar_header, 'arc=(%w+)') if arc_match then if arc_match == 'none' or arc_match == 'pass' then -- none should be converted to `pass` sel.arc_cv = 'pass' else sel.arc_cv = 'fail' end else default_arc_cv() end else -- Cannot reuse, use normal path default_arc_cv() end else default_arc_cv() end end return true end local function do_sign(task, sign_params) if sign_params.alg and sign_params.alg ~= 'rsa' then -- No support for ed25519 keys return end if not prepare_arc_selector(task, sign_params) then -- Broken arc return end if settings.check_pubkey then local resolve_name = sign_params.selector .. "._domainkey." .. sign_params.domain task:get_resolver():resolve_txt({ task = task, name = resolve_name, callback = function(_, _, results, err) if not err and results and results[1] then sign_params.pubkey = results[1] sign_params.strict_pubkey_check = not settings.allow_pubkey_mismatch elseif not settings.allow_pubkey_mismatch then rspamd_logger.errx('public key for domain %s/%s is not found: %s, skip signing', sign_params.domain, sign_params.selector, err) return else rspamd_logger.infox('public key for domain %s/%s is not found: %s', sign_params.domain, sign_params.selector, err) end local dret, hdr = dkim_sign(task, sign_params) if dret then arc_sign_seal(task, sign_params, hdr) end end, forced = true }) else local dret, hdr = dkim_sign(task, sign_params) if dret then arc_sign_seal(task, sign_params, hdr) end end end local function sign_error(task, msg) rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'signing failure: %s', msg) end local function arc_signing_cb(task) local ret, selectors = dkim_sign_tools.prepare_dkim_signing(N, task, settings) if not ret then return end if settings.use_redis then dkim_sign_tools.sign_using_redis(N, task, settings, selectors, do_sign, sign_error) else if selectors.vault then dkim_sign_tools.sign_using_vault(N, task, settings, selectors, do_sign, sign_error) else -- TODO: no support for multiple sigs local cur_selector = selectors[1] prepare_arc_selector(task, cur_selector) if ((cur_selector.key or cur_selector.rawkey) and cur_selector.selector) then if cur_selector.key then cur_selector.key = lua_util.template(cur_selector.key, { domain = cur_selector.domain, selector = cur_selector.selector }) local exists, err = rspamd_util.file_exists(cur_selector.key) if not exists then if err and err == 'No such file or directory' then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'cannot read key from %s: %s', cur_selector.key, err) else rspamd_logger.warnx(task, 'cannot read key from %s: %s', cur_selector.key, err) end return false end end do_sign(task, cur_selector) else rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'key path or dkim selector unconfigured; no signing') return false end end end end dkim_sign_tools.process_signing_settings(N, settings, opts) if not dkim_sign_tools.validate_signing_settings(settings) then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'mandatory parameters missing, disable arc signing') return end local ar_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('milter_headers') if ar_opts and ar_opts.routines then local routines = ar_opts.routines if routines['authentication-results'] then ar_settings = lua_util.override_defaults(ar_settings, routines['authentication-results']) end end if settings.use_redis then redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server('arc') if not redis_params then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'no servers are specified, ' .. 'but module is configured to load keys from redis, disable arc signing') return end settings.redis_params = redis_params end local sym_reg_tbl = { name = settings['sign_symbol'], callback = arc_signing_cb, groups = { "policies", "arc" }, flags = 'ignore_passthrough', score = 0.0, } if type(settings.allowed_ids) == 'table' then sym_reg_tbl.allowed_ids = settings.allowed_ids end if type(settings.forbidden_ids) == 'table' then sym_reg_tbl.forbidden_ids = settings.forbidden_ids end if settings.whitelisted_signers_map then arc_symbols.trusted_allow = arc_symbols.trusted_allow or 'ARC_ALLOW_TRUSTED' rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = arc_symbols.trusted_allow, parent = id, type = 'virtual', score = -2.0, group = 'policies', groups = { 'arc' }, }) end rspamd_config:register_symbol(sym_reg_tbl) -- Do not sign unless checked rspamd_config:register_dependency(settings['sign_symbol'], 'ARC_CHECK') -- We need to check dmarc before signing as we have to produce valid AAR header -- see #3613 rspamd_config:register_dependency(settings['sign_symbol'], 'DMARC_CHECK') if settings.adjust_dmarc and settings.whitelisted_signers_map then local function arc_dmarc_adjust_cb(task) local trusted_arc_ar = task:cache_get(AR_TRUSTED_CACHE_KEY) local sym_to_adjust if task:has_symbol(ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.reject) then sym_to_adjust = ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.reject elseif task:has_symbol(ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.quarantine) then sym_to_adjust = ar_settings.dmarc_symbols.quarantine end if sym_to_adjust and trusted_arc_ar and trusted_arc_ar.ar then for _, ar in ipairs(trusted_arc_ar.ar) do if ar.dmarc then local dmarc_fwd = ar.dmarc if dmarc_fwd == 'pass' then rspamd_logger.infox(task, "adjust dmarc reject score as trusted forwarder " .. "proved DMARC validity for %s", ar['header.from']) task:adjust_result(sym_to_adjust, 0.1, 'ARC trusted') end end end end end rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = 'ARC_DMARC_ADJUSTMENT', callback = arc_dmarc_adjust_cb, type = 'callback', }) rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_DMARC_ADJUSTMENT', 'DMARC_CHECK') rspamd_config:register_dependency('ARC_DMARC_ADJUSTMENT', 'ARC_CHECK') end