diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
266 files changed, 119697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.cirrus.yml b/.cirrus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33e2685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cirrus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ name: FreeBSD
+ freebsd_instance:
+ image_family: freebsd-13-1
+ env:
+ PATH: /usr/local/bin:$PATH
+ prep_script:
+ - dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zpool bs=1M count=1024
+ - zpool create -m `pwd`/testtmp zpool /tmp/zpool
+ - pkg install -y bash autotools m4 xxhash zstd liblz4 wget
+ - wget -O git-version.h
+ configure_script:
+ - CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/ LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib/ ./configure --disable-md2man
+ make_script:
+ - make
+ install_script:
+ - make install
+ info_script:
+ - rsync --version
+ test_script:
+ - RSYNC_EXPECT_SKIPPED=acls-default,acls,crtimes,protected-regular make check
+ ssl_file_list_script:
+ - rsync-ssl --no-motd || true
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6313b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+* text=auto eol=lf
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e59c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb19ef2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+permission to dynamically link rsync with the OpenSSL and xxhash
+libraries when those libraries are being distributed in compliance
+with their license terms, and to distribute a dynamically linked
+combination of rsync and these libraries. This is also considered
+to be covered under the GPL's System Libraries exception.
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/Doxyfile b/Doxyfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e8d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doxyfile
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Doxyfile 1.2.15
+# General configuration options
+STRIP_FROM_PATH = *source
+# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
+WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
+# configuration options related to the input files
+INPUT = .
+ *.h
+EXCLUDE = proto.h \
+ zlib \
+ popt
+# configuration options related to source browsing
+# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
+# configuration options related to the HTML output
+# configuration options related to the LaTeX output
+PAPER_TYPE = a4wide
+# configuration options related to the RTF output
+# configuration options related to the man page output
+# configuration options related to the XML output
+# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
+# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
+# Configuration::addtions related to external references
+PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
+# Configuration options related to the dot tool
+# Configuration::addtions related to the search engine
+CGI_NAME = search.cgi
+BIN_ABSPATH = /usr/local/bin/
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1605ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# How to build and install rsync
+When building rsync, you'll want to install various libraries in order to get
+all the features enabled. The configure script will alert you when the
+newest libraries are missing and tell you the appropriate `--disable-LIB`
+option to use if you want to just skip that feature. What follows are various
+support libraries that you may want to install to build rsync with the maximum
+features (the impatient can skip down to the package summary):
+## The basic setup
+You need to have a C compiler installed and optionally a C++ compiler in order
+to try to build some hardware-accelerated checksum routines. Rsync also needs
+a modern awk, which might be provided via gawk or nawk on some OSes.
+## Autoconf & manpages
+If you're installing from the git repo (instead of a release tar file) you'll
+also need the GNU autotools (autoconf & automake) and your choice of 2 python3
+markdown libraries: cmarkgfm or commonmark (needed to generate the manpages).
+If your OS doesn't provide a python3-cmarkgfm or python3-commonmark package,
+you can run the following to install the commonmark python library for your
+build user (after installing python3's pip package):
+> python3 -mpip install --user commonmark
+You can test if you've got it fixed by running (from the rsync checkout):
+> ./md-convert --test
+Alternately, you can avoid generating the manpages by fetching the very latest
+versions (that match the latest git source) from the [generated-files][6] dir.
+One way to do that is to run:
+> ./prepare-source fetchgen
+## ACL support
+To support copying ACL file information, make sure you have an acl
+development library installed. It also helps to have the helper programs
+installed to manipulate ACLs and to run the rsync testsuite.
+## Xattr support
+To support copying xattr file information, make sure you have an attr
+development library installed. It also helps to have the helper programs
+installed to manipulate xattrs and to run the rsync testsuite.
+## xxhash
+The [xxHash library][1] provides extremely fast checksum functions that can
+make the "rsync algorithm" run much more quickly, especially when matching
+blocks in large files. Installing this development library adds xxhash
+checksums as the default checksum algorithm. You'll need at least v0.8.0
+if you want rsync to include the full range of its checksum algorithms.
+## zstd
+The [zstd library][2] compression algorithm that uses less CPU than
+the default zlib algorithm at the same compression level. Note that you
+need at least version 1.4, so you might need to skip the zstd compression if
+you can only install a 1.3 release. Installing this development library
+adds zstd compression as the default compression algorithm.
+## lz4
+The [lz4 library][3] compression algorithm that uses very little CPU, though
+it also has the smallest compression ratio of other algorithms. Installing
+this development library adds lz4 compression as an available compression
+## openssl crypto
+The [openssl crypto library][4] provides some hardware accelerated checksum
+algorithms for MD4 and MD5. Installing this development library makes rsync
+use the (potentially) faster checksum routines when computing MD4 & MD5
+## Package summary
+To help you get the libraries installed, here are some package install commands
+for various OSes. The commands are split up to correspond with the above
+items, but feel free to combine the package names into a single install, if you
+ - For Debian and Ubuntu (Debian Buster users may want to briefly(?) enable
+ buster-backports to update zstd from 1.3 to 1.4):
+ > sudo apt install -y gcc g++ gawk autoconf automake python3-cmarkgfm
+ > sudo apt install -y acl libacl1-dev
+ > sudo apt install -y attr libattr1-dev
+ > sudo apt install -y libxxhash-dev
+ > sudo apt install -y libzstd-dev
+ > sudo apt install -y liblz4-dev
+ > sudo apt install -y libssl-dev
+ - For CentOS (use EPEL for python3-pip):
+ > sudo yum -y install epel-release
+ > sudo yum -y install gcc g++ gawk autoconf automake python3-pip
+ > sudo yum -y install acl libacl-devel
+ > sudo yum -y install attr libattr-devel
+ > sudo yum -y install xxhash-devel
+ > sudo yum -y install libzstd-devel
+ > sudo yum -y install lz4-devel
+ > sudo yum -y install openssl-devel
+ > python3 -mpip install --user commonmark
+ - For Fedora 33:
+ > sudo dnf -y install acl libacl-devel
+ > sudo dnf -y install attr libattr-devel
+ > sudo dnf -y install xxhash-devel
+ > sudo dnf -y install libzstd-devel
+ > sudo dnf -y install lz4-devel
+ > sudo dnf -y install openssl-devel
+ - For FreeBSD (this assumes that the python3 version is 3.7):
+ > sudo pkg install -y autotools python3 py37-CommonMark
+ > sudo pkg install -y xxhash
+ > sudo pkg install -y zstd
+ > sudo pkg install -y liblz4
+ - For macOS:
+ > brew install automake
+ > brew install xxhash
+ > brew install zstd
+ > brew install lz4
+ > brew install openssl
+ - For Cygwin (with all cygwin programs stopped, run the appropriate setup program from a cmd shell):
+ > setup-x86_64 --quiet-mode -P make,gawk,autoconf,automake,gcc-core,python38,python38-pip
+ > setup-x86_64 --quiet-mode -P attr,libattr-devel
+ > setup-x86_64 --quiet-mode -P libzstd-devel
+ > setup-x86_64 --quiet-mode -P liblz4-devel
+ > setup-x86_64 --quiet-mode -P libssl-devel
+ Sometimes cygwin has commonmark packaged and sometimes it doesn't. Now that
+ its python38 has stabilized, you could install python38-commonmark. Or just
+ avoid the issue by running this from a bash shell as your build user:
+ > python3 -mpip install --user commonmark
+## Build and install
+After installing the various libraries, you need to configure, build, and
+install the source:
+> ./configure
+> make
+> sudo make install
+The default install path is /usr/local/bin, but you can set the installation
+directory and other parameters using options to ./configure. To see them, use:
+> ./configure --help
+Configure tries to figure out if the local system uses group "nobody" or
+"nogroup" by looking in the /etc/group file. (This is only used for the
+default group of an rsync daemon, which attempts to run with "nobody"
+user and group permissions.) You can change the default user and group
+for the daemon by editing the NOBODY_USER and NOBODY_GROUP defines in
+config.h, or just override them in your /etc/rsyncd.conf file.
+As of 2.4.7, rsync uses Eric Troan's popt option-parsing library. A
+cut-down copy of a recent release is included in the rsync distribution,
+and will be used if there is no popt library on your build host, or if
+the `--with-included-popt` option is passed to ./configure.
+If you configure using `--enable-maintainer-mode`, then rsync will try
+to pop up an xterm on DISPLAY=:0 if it crashes. You might find this
+useful, but it should be turned off for production builds.
+If you want to automatically use a separate "build" directory based on
+the current git branch name, start with a pristine git checkout and run
+"mkdir auto-build-save" before you run the first ./configure command.
+That will cause a fresh build dir to spring into existence along with a
+special Makefile symlink that allows you to run "make" and "./configure"
+from the source dir (the "build" dir gets auto switched based on branch).
+This is helpful when using the branch-from-patch and patch-update scripts
+to maintain the official rsync patches. If you ever need to build from
+a "detached head" git position then you'll need to manually chdir into
+the build dir to run make. I also like to create 2 more symlinks in the
+source dir: `ln -s build/rsync . ; ln -s build/testtmp .`
+## Make compatibility
+Note that has a rule that uses a wildcard in a prerequisite. If
+your make has a problem with this rule, you will see an error like this:
+ Don't know how to make ./*.c
+You can change the "proto.h-tstamp" target in to list all the \*.c
+filenames explicitly in order to avoid this issue.
+## RPM notes
+Under packaging you will find .spec files for several distributions.
+The .spec file in packaging/lsb can be used for Linux systems that
+adhere to the Linux Standards Base (e.g., RedHat and others).
+## HP-UX notes
+The HP-UX 10.10 "bundled" C compiler seems not to be able to cope with
+ANSI C. You may see this error message in config.log if ./configure
+ (Bundled) cc: "configure", line 2162: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
+Install gcc or HP's "ANSI/C Compiler".
+## Mac OS X notes
+Some versions of Mac OS X (Darwin) seem to have an IPv6 stack, but do
+not completely implement the "New Sockets" API.
+[This site][5] says that Apple started to support IPv6 in 10.2 (Jaguar). If
+your build fails, try again after running configure with `--disable-ipv6`.
+## IBM AIX notes
+IBM AIX has a largefile problem with mkstemp. See IBM PR-51921.
+The workaround is to append the following to config.h:
+> #ifdef _LARGE_FILES
+> #endif
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1253e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# The Makefile for rsync (configure creates it from
+.SUFFIXES: .c .o
+ aclocal.m4 rsync.1 rsync.1.html \
+ rsync-ssl.1 rsync-ssl.1.html rsyncd.conf.5 rsyncd.conf.5.html \
+HEADERS=byteorder.h config.h errcode.h proto.h rsync.h ifuncs.h itypes.h inums.h \
+ lib/pool_alloc.h lib/mdigest.h lib/md-defines.h
+LIBOBJ=lib/wildmatch.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o lib/mdfour.o lib/md5.o \
+ lib/permstring.o lib/pool_alloc.o lib/sysacls.o lib/sysxattrs.o @LIBOBJS@
+zlib_OBJS=zlib/deflate.o zlib/inffast.o zlib/inflate.o zlib/inftrees.o \
+ zlib/trees.o zlib/zutil.o zlib/adler32.o zlib/compress.o zlib/crc32.o
+OBJS1=flist.o rsync.o generator.o receiver.o cleanup.o sender.o exclude.o \
+ util1.o util2.o main.o checksum.o match.o syscall.o log.o backup.o delete.o
+OBJS2=options.o io.o compat.o hlink.o token.o uidlist.o socket.o hashtable.o \
+ usage.o fileio.o batch.o clientname.o chmod.o acls.o xattrs.o
+OBJS3=progress.o pipe.o @MD5_ASM@ @ROLL_SIMD@ @ROLL_ASM@
+DAEMON_OBJ = params.o loadparm.o clientserver.o access.o connection.o authenticate.o
+popt_OBJS=popt/findme.o popt/popt.o popt/poptconfig.o \
+ popt/popthelp.o popt/poptparse.o
+TLS_OBJ = tls.o syscall.o util2.o t_stub.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o lib/permstring.o lib/sysxattrs.o @BUILD_POPT@
+# Programs we must have to run the test cases
+CHECK_PROGS = rsync$(EXEEXT) tls$(EXEEXT) getgroups$(EXEEXT) getfsdev$(EXEEXT) \
+ testrun$(EXEEXT) trimslash$(EXEEXT) t_unsafe$(EXEEXT) wildtest$(EXEEXT)
+CHECK_SYMLINKS = testsuite/chown-fake.test testsuite/devices-fake.test testsuite/xattrs-hlink.test
+# Objects for CHECK_PROGS to clean
+CHECK_OBJS=tls.o testrun.o getgroups.o getfsdev.o t_stub.o t_unsafe.o trimslash.o wildtest.o
+# note that the -I. is needed to handle config.h when using VPATH
+ $(CC) -I. -I$(srcdir) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< @CC_SHOBJ_FLAG@
+# NOTE: consider running "packaging/smart-make" instead of "make" to auto-handle
+# any changes to and the main Makefile prior to a "make all".
+all: Makefile rsync$(EXEEXT) stunnel-rsyncd.conf @MAKE_RRSYNC@ @MAKE_MAN@
+.PHONY: all
+.PHONY: install
+install: all
+ -$(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ $(INSTALLCMD) $(INSTALL_STRIP) -m 755 rsync$(EXEEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ $(INSTALLCMD) -m 755 $(srcdir)/rsync-ssl $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ -$(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
+ -$(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5
+ if test -f rsync.1; then $(INSTALLMAN) -m 644 rsync.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1; fi
+ if test -f rsync-ssl.1; then $(INSTALLMAN) -m 644 rsync-ssl.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1; fi
+ if test -f rsyncd.conf.5; then $(INSTALLMAN) -m 644 rsyncd.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5; fi
+ if test "$(with_rrsync)" = yes; then \
+ $(INSTALLCMD) -m 755 rrsync $(DESTDIR)$(bindir); \
+ if test -f rrsync.1; then $(INSTALLMAN) -m 644 rrsync.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1; fi; \
+ fi
+install-ssl-daemon: stunnel-rsyncd.conf
+ -$(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)/etc/stunnel
+ $(INSTALLCMD) -m 644 stunnel-rsyncd.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc/stunnel/rsyncd.conf
+ @if ! ls /etc/rsync-ssl/certs/server.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then \
+ echo "Note that you'll need to install the certificate used by /etc/stunnel/rsyncd.conf"; \
+ fi
+install-all: install install-ssl-daemon
+ $(MAKE) INSTALL_STRIP='-s' install
+rsync$(EXEEXT): $(OBJS)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+rrsync: support/rrsync
+ cp -p $(srcdir)/support/rrsync rrsync
+tls.o xattrs.o: lib/sysxattrs.h
+usage.o: version.h latest-year.h help-rsync.h help-rsyncd.h git-version.h default-cvsignore.h
+loadparm.o: default-dont-compress.h daemon-parm.h
+flist.o: rounding.h
+default-cvsignore.h default-dont-compress.h: define-from-md.awk
+ $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/define-from-md.awk -v hfile=$@ $(srcdir)/
+help-rsync.h help-rsyncd.h: help-from-md.awk
+ $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/help-from-md.awk -v hfile=$@ $(srcdir)/
+daemon-parm.h: daemon-parm.txt daemon-parm.awk
+ $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/daemon-parm.awk $(srcdir)/daemon-parm.txt
+rounding.h: rounding.c rsync.h proto.h
+ @for r in 0 1 3; do \
+ if $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o rounding -DEXTRA_ROUNDING=$$r -I. $(srcdir)/rounding.c >rounding.out 2>&1; then \
+ echo "#define EXTRA_ROUNDING $$r" >rounding.h; \
+ if test -f "$$HOME/build_farm/build_test.fns"; then \
+ echo "EXTRA_ROUNDING is $$r" >&2; \
+ fi; \
+ break; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @rm -f rounding
+ @if test -f rounding.h; then : ; else \
+ cat rounding.out 1>&2; \
+ echo "Failed to create rounding.h!" 1>&2; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ @rm -f rounding.out
+git-version.h: ALWAYS_RUN
+ $(srcdir)/mkgitver
+simd-checksum-x86_64.o: simd-checksum-x86_64.cpp
+ @$(srcdir)/cmd-or-msg disable-roll-simd $(CXX) -I. $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(srcdir)/simd-checksum-x86_64.cpp
+simd-checksum-avx2.o: simd-checksum-avx2.S
+ @$(srcdir)/cmd-or-msg disable-roll-asm $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I. @NOEXECSTACK@ -c -o $@ $(srcdir)/simd-checksum-avx2.S
+lib/md5-asm-x86_64.o: lib/md5-asm-x86_64.S lib/md-defines.h
+ @$(srcdir)/cmd-or-msg disable-md5-asm $(CC) -I. @NOEXECSTACK@ -c -o $@ $(srcdir)/lib/md5-asm-x86_64.S
+tls$(EXEEXT): $(TLS_OBJ)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(TLS_OBJ) $(LIBS)
+testrun$(EXEEXT): testrun.o
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ testrun.o
+getgroups$(EXEEXT): getgroups.o
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ getgroups.o $(LIBS)
+getfsdev$(EXEEXT): getfsdev.o
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ getfsdev.o $(LIBS)
+TRIMSLASH_OBJ = trimslash.o syscall.o util2.o t_stub.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o
+trimslash$(EXEEXT): $(TRIMSLASH_OBJ)
+T_UNSAFE_OBJ = t_unsafe.o syscall.o util1.o util2.o t_stub.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o lib/wildmatch.o
+t_unsafe$(EXEEXT): $(T_UNSAFE_OBJ)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(T_UNSAFE_OBJ) $(LIBS)
+.PHONY: conf
+.PHONY: gen
+gen: conf proto.h man git-version.h
+.PHONY: gensend
+gensend: gen
+ if ! diff git-version.h $(srcdir)/gists/rsync-git-version.h >/dev/null; then \
+ ./rsync -ai git-version.h $(srcdir)/gists/rsync-git-version.h && \
+ (cd $(srcdir)/gists && git commit --allow-empty-message -m '' rsync-git-version.h && git push) ; \
+ fi
+ rsync -aic $(GENFILES) git-version.h $${}:/home/ftp/pub/rsync/generated-files/ || true
+aclocal.m4: $(srcdir)/m4/*.m4
+ aclocal -I $(srcdir)/m4
+ aclocal.m4
+ @if test -f; then cp -p; else touch; fi
+ @if test -f; then cp -p; else touch; fi
+ autoconf -o
+ autoheader && touch
+ @if diff >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ echo " is unchanged."; \
+ rm; \
+ else \
+ echo " has CHANGED."; \
+ fi
+ @if diff >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ echo " is unchanged."; \
+ rm; \
+ else \
+ echo " has CHANGED."; \
+ fi
+ @if test -f || test -f; then \
+ if test "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" = reconfigure; then \
+ echo 'Continuing with "make reconfigure".'; \
+ else \
+ echo 'You may need to run:'; \
+ echo ' make reconfigure'; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi \
+ fi
+.PHONY: reconfigure
+ ./config.status --recheck
+ ./config.status
+.PHONY: restatus
+ ./config.status
+Makefile: config.status
+ @if test -f Makefile; then cp -p Makefile Makefile.old; else touch Makefile.old; fi
+ @./config.status
+ @if diff Makefile Makefile.old >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+ echo "Makefile is unchanged."; \
+ rm Makefile.old; \
+ else \
+ if test "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" = reconfigure; then \
+ echo 'Continuing with "make reconfigure".'; \
+ else \
+ echo "Makefile updated -- rerun your make command."; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi \
+ fi
+stunnel-rsyncd.conf: $(srcdir)/ Makefile
+ sed 's;\@bindir\@;$(bindir);g' <$(srcdir)/ >stunnel-rsyncd.conf
+.PHONY: proto
+proto: proto.h-tstamp
+proto.h: proto.h-tstamp
+ @if test -f proto.h; then :; else cp -p $(srcdir)/proto.h .; fi
+proto.h-tstamp: $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c daemon-parm.h
+ $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/mkproto.awk $(srcdir)/*.c $(srcdir)/lib/compat.c daemon-parm.h
+.PHONY: man
+man: rsync.1 rsync-ssl.1 rsyncd.conf.5 @MAKE_RRSYNC_1@
+rsync.1: md-convert version.h Makefile
+ @$(srcdir)/maybe-make-man
+rsync-ssl.1: md-convert version.h Makefile
+ @$(srcdir)/maybe-make-man
+rsyncd.conf.5: md-convert version.h Makefile
+ @$(srcdir)/maybe-make-man
+rrsync.1: support/ md-convert Makefile
+ @$(srcdir)/maybe-make-man support/
+.PHONY: clean
+clean: cleantests
+ git-version.h rounding rounding.h *.old rsync*.1 rsync*.5 @MAKE_RRSYNC_1@ \
+ *.html daemon-parm.h help-*.h default-*.h proto.h proto.h-tstamp
+.PHONY: cleantests
+ rm -rf ./testtmp*
+# We try to delete built files from both the source and build
+# directories, just in case somebody previously configured things in
+# the source directory.
+.PHONY: distclean
+distclean: clean
+ for dir in $(srcdir) . ; do \
+ (cd "$$dir" && rm -rf Makefile config.h config.status stunnel-rsyncd.conf \
+ lib/dummy popt/dummy zlib/dummy config.cache config.log shconfig \
+ $(GENFILES) autom4te.cache) ; \
+ done
+# this target is really just for my use. It only works on a limited
+# range of machines and is used to produce a list of potentially
+# dead (ie. unused) functions in the code. (tridge)
+.PHONY: finddead
+ nm *.o */*.o |grep 'U ' | awk '{print $$2}' | sort -u > nmused.txt
+ nm *.o */*.o |grep 'T ' | awk '{print $$3}' | sort -u > nmfns.txt
+ comm -13 nmused.txt nmfns.txt
+ @rm nmused.txt nmfns.txt
+# 'check' is the GNU name, 'test' is the name for everybody else :-)
+.PHONY: test
+test: check
+# There seems to be no standard way to specify some variables as
+# exported from a Makefile apart from listing them like this.
+# This depends on building rsync; if we need any helper programs it
+# should depend on them too.
+# We try to run the scripts with POSIX mode on, in the hope that will
+# catch Bash-isms earlier even if we're running on GNU. Of course, we
+# might lose in the future where POSIX diverges from old sh.
+.PHONY: check
+ rsync_bin=`pwd`/rsync$(EXEEXT) $(srcdir)/
+.PHONY: check29
+check29: all $(CHECK_PROGS) $(CHECK_SYMLINKS)
+ rsync_bin=`pwd`/rsync$(EXEEXT) $(srcdir)/ --protocol=29
+.PHONY: check30
+check30: all $(CHECK_PROGS) $(CHECK_SYMLINKS)
+ rsync_bin=`pwd`/rsync$(EXEEXT) $(srcdir)/ --protocol=30
+wildtest.o: wildtest.c t_stub.o lib/wildmatch.c rsync.h config.h
+wildtest$(EXEEXT): wildtest.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o @BUILD_POPT@
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ wildtest.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o @BUILD_POPT@ $(LIBS)
+ ln -s chown.test $(srcdir)/testsuite/chown-fake.test
+ ln -s devices.test $(srcdir)/testsuite/devices-fake.test
+ ln -s xattrs.test $(srcdir)/testsuite/xattrs-hlink.test
+# This does *not* depend on building or installing: you can use it to
+# check a version installed from a binary or some other source tree,
+# if you want.
+.PHONY: installcheck
+installcheck: $(CHECK_PROGS) $(CHECK_SYMLINKS)
+ POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 TOOLDIR=`pwd` rsync_bin="$(bindir)/rsync$(EXEEXT)" srcdir="$(srcdir)" $(srcdir)/
+# TODO: Add 'dist' target; need to know which files will be included
+# Run the SPLINT (Secure Programming Lint) tool. <>
+.PHONY: splint
+ splint +unixlib +gnuextensions -weak rsync.c
+.PHONY: doxygen
+ cd $(srcdir) && rm dox/html/* && doxygen
+# for maintainers only
+.PHONY: doxygen-upload
+ rsync -avzv $(srcdir)/dox/html/ --delete \
+ $${}:/home/httpd/html/rsync/doxygen/head/
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb65628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,4770 @@
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.7 (20 Oct 2022)
+## Changes in this version:
+- Fixed the client-side validating of the remote sender's filtering behavior.
+- More fixes for the "unrequested file-list name" name, including a copy of
+ "/" with `--relative` enabled and a copy with a lot of related paths with
+ `--relative` enabled (often derived from a `--files-from` list).
+- When rsync gets an unpack error on an ACL, mention the filename.
+- Avoid over-setting sanitize_paths when a daemon is serving "/" (even if
+ "use chroot" is false).
+- Added negotiated daemon-auth support that allows a stronger checksum digest
+ to be used to validate a user's login to the daemon. Added SHA512, SHA256,
+ and SHA1 digests to MD5 & MD4. These new digests are at the highest priority
+ in the new daemon-auth negotiation list.
+- Added support for the SHA1 digest in file checksums. While this tends to be
+ overkill, it is available if someone really needs it. This overly-long
+ checksum is at the lowest priority in the normal checksum negotiation list.
+ See [`--checksum-choice`](rsync.1#opt) (`--cc`) and the `RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST`
+ environment var for how to customize this.
+- Improved the xattr hash table to use a 64-bit key without slowing down the
+ key's computation. This should make extra sure that a hash collision doesn't
+ happen.
+- If the `--version` option is repeated (e.g. `-VV`) then the information is
+ output in a (still readable) JSON format. Client side only.
+- The script `support/json-rsync-version` is available to get the JSON style
+ version output from any rsync. The script accepts either text on stdin
+ **or** an arg that specifies an rsync executable to run with a doubled
+ `--version` option. If the text we get isn't already in JSON format, it is
+ converted. Newer rsync versions will provide more complete json info than
+ older rsync versions. Various tweaks are made to keep the flag names
+ consistent across versions.
+- The [`use chroot`](rsyncd.conf.5#) daemon parameter now defaults to "unset"
+ so that rsync can use chroot when it works and a sanitized copy when chroot
+ is not supported (e.g., for a non-root daemon). Explicitly setting the
+ parameter to true or false (on or off) behaves the same way as before.
+- The `--fuzzy` option was optimized a bit to try to cut down on the amount of
+ computations when considering a big pool of files. The simple heuristic from
+ Kenneth Finnegan resuled in about a 2x speedup.
+- If rsync is forced to use protocol 29 or before (perhaps due to talking to an
+ rsync before 3.0.0), the modify time of a file is limited to 4-bytes. Rsync
+ now interprets this value as an unsigned integer so that a current year past
+ 2038 can continue to be represented. This does mean that years prior to 1970
+ cannot be represented in an older protocol, but this trade-off seems like the
+ right choice given that (1) 2038 is very rapidly approaching, and (2) newer
+ protocols support a much wider range of old and new dates.
+- The rsync client now treats an empty destination arg as an error, just like
+ it does for an empty source arg. This doesn't affect a `host:` arg (which is
+ treated the same as `host:.`) since the arg is not completely empty. The use
+ of [`--old-args`](rsync.1#opt) (including via `RSYNC_OLD_ARGS`) allows the
+ prior behavior of treating an empty destination arg as a ".".
+- The checksum code now uses openssl's EVP methods, which gets rid of various
+ deprecation warnings and makes it easy to support more digest methods. On
+ newer systems, the MD4 digest is marked as legacy in the openssl code, which
+ makes openssl refuse to support it via EVP. You can choose to ignore this
+ and allow rsync's MD4 code to be used for older rsync connections (when
+ talking to an rsync prior to 3.0.0) or you can choose to configure rsync to
+ tell openssl to enable legacy algorithms (see below).
+- A simple openssl config file is supplied that can be installed for rsync to
+ use. If you install packaging/openssl-rsync.cnf to a public spot (such as
+ `/etc/ssl/openssl-rsync.cnf`) and then run configure with the option
+ `--with-openssl-conf=/path/name.cnf`, this will cause rsync to export the
+ configured path in the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable (when the variable
+ is not already set). This will enable openssl's MD4 code for rsync to use.
+- The packager may wish to include an explicit "use chroot = true" in the top
+ section of their supplied /etc/rsyncd.conf file if the daemon is being
+ installed to run as the root user (though rsync should behave the same even
+ with the value unset, a little extra paranoia doesn't hurt).
+- I've noticed that some packagers haven't installed support/nameconvert for
+ users to use in their chrooted rsync configs. Even if it is not installed
+ as an executable script (to avoid a python3 dependency) it would be good to
+ install it with the other rsync-related support scripts.
+- It would be good to add support/json-rsync-version to the list of installed
+ support scripts.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.6 (9 Sep 2022)
+## Changes in this version:
+- More path-cleaning improvements in the file-list validation code to avoid
+ rejecting of valid args.
+- A file-list validation fix for a [`--files-from`](rsync.1#opt) file that ends
+ without a line-terminating character.
+- Added a safety check that prevents the sender from removing destination files
+ when a local copy using [`--remove-source-files`](rsync.1#opt) has some files
+ that are shared between the sending & receiving hierarchies, including the
+ case where the source dir & destination dir are identical.
+- Fixed a bug in the internal MD4 checksum code that could cause the digest
+ to be sporadically incorrect (the openssl version was/is fine).
+- A minor tweak to rrsync added "copy-devices" to the list of known args, but
+ left it disabled by default.
+- Rename `--protect-args` to [`--secluded-args`](rsync.1#opt) to make it
+ clearer how it differs from the default backslash-escaped arg-protecting
+ behavior of rsync. The old option names are still accepted. The
+ environment-variable override did not change its name.
+- The configure option `--with-protected-args` was renamed to
+ `--with-secluded-args`. This option makes `--secluded-args` the default
+ rsync behavior instead of using backslash escaping for protecting args.
+- The mkgitver script now makes sure that a `.git` dir/file is in the top-level
+ source dir before calling `git describe`. It also runs a basic check on the
+ version value. This should avoid using an unrelated git description for
+ rsync's version.
+- The configure script no longer sets the -pedantic-errors CFLAG (which it
+ used to try to do only for gcc).
+- The name_num_obj struct was modified to allow its dynamic name_num_item list
+ to be initialized in a better way.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.5 (14 Aug 2022)
+## Changes in this version:
+- Added some file-list safety checking that helps to ensure that a rogue
+ sending rsync can't add unrequested top-level names and/or include recursive
+ names that should have been excluded by the sender. These extra safety
+ checks only require the receiver rsync to be updated. When dealing with an
+ untrusted sending host, it is safest to copy into a dedicated destination
+ directory for the remote content (i.e. don't copy into a destination
+ directory that contains files that aren't from the remote host unless you
+ trust the remote host). Fixes CVE-2022-29154.
+ - A fix for CVE-2022-37434 in the bundled zlib (buffer overflow issue).
+- Fixed the handling of filenames specified with backslash-quoted wildcards
+ when the default remote-arg-escaping is enabled.
+- Fixed the configure check for signed char that was causing a host that
+ defaults to unsigned characters to generate bogus rolling checksums. This
+ made rsync send mostly literal data for a copy instead of finding matching
+ data in the receiver's basis file (for a file that contains high-bit
+ characters).
+- Lots of manpage improvements, including an attempt to better describe how
+ include/exclude filters work.
+- If rsync is compiled with an xxhash 0.8 library and then moved to a system
+ with a dynamically linked xxhash 0.7 library, we now detect this and disable
+ the XX3 hashes (since these routines didn't stabilize until 0.8).
+- The [`--trust-sender`](rsync.1#opt) option was added as a way to bypass the
+ extra file-list safety checking (should that be required).
+- A note to those wanting to patch older rsync versions: the changes in this
+ release requires the quoted argument change from 3.2.4. Then, you'll want
+ every single code change from 3.2.5 since there is no fluff in this release.
+- The build date that goes into the manpages is now based on the developer's
+ release date, not on the build's local-timezone interpretation of the date.
+- Configure now defaults GETGROUPS_T to gid_t when cross compiling.
+- Configure now looks for the bsd/string.h include file in order to fix the
+ build on a host that has strlcpy() in the main libc but not defined in the
+ main string.h file.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.4 (15 Apr 2022)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - A new form of arg protection was added that works similarly to the older
+ `--protect-args` ([`-s`](rsync.1#opt)) option but in a way that avoids
+ breaking things like rrsync (the restricted rsync script): rsync now uses
+ backslash escaping for sending "shell-active" characters to the remote
+ shell. This includes spaces, so fetching a remote file via a simple quoted
+ filename value now works by default without any extra quoting:
+ ```shell
+ rsync -aiv host:'a simple file.pdf' .
+ ```
+ Wildcards are not escaped in filename args, but they are escaped in options
+ like the [`--suffix`](rsync.1#opt) and [`--usermap`](rsync.1#opt) values.
+ If your rsync script depends on the old arg-splitting behavior, either run
+ it with the [`--old-args`](rsync.1#opt) option or `export RSYNC_OLD_ARGS=1`
+ in the script's environment. See also the [ADVANCED USAGE](rsync.1#)
+ section of rsync's manpage for how to use a more modern arg style.
+ - A long-standing bug was preventing rsync from figuring out the current
+ locale's decimal point character, which made rsync always output numbers
+ using the "C" locale. Since this is now fixed in 3.2.4, a script that
+ parses rsync's decimal numbers (e.g. from the verbose footer) may want to
+ setup the environment in a way that the output continues to be in the C
+ locale. For instance, one of the following should work fine:
+ ```shell
+ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+ ```
+ or if iconv translations are needed:
+ ```shell
+ if [ "${LC_ALL:-}" ]; then
+ export LANG="$LC_ALL"
+ export LC_CTYPE="$LC_ALL"
+ unset LC_ALL
+ fi
+ export LC_NUMERIC=C.UTF-8
+ ```
+ - A fix for CVE-2018-25032 in the bundled zlib (memory corruption issue).
+ - Fixed a bug with [`--inplace`](rsync.1#opt) + [`--sparse`](rsync.1#opt) (and
+ a lack of [`--whole-file`](rsync.1#opt)) where the destination file could
+ get reconstructed with bogus data. Since the bug can also be avoided by
+ using (the seemingly redundant) [`--no-W`](rsync.1#opt) on the receiving
+ side, the latest rsync will now send `--no-W` to a remote receiver when this
+ option combination occurs. If your client rsync is not new enough to do
+ this for you (or if you're just paranoid), you can manually specify `--no-W
+ -M--no-W` (when not using [`--whole-file`](rsync.1#opt)) to make sure the
+ bug is avoided.
+ - Fixed a bug with [`--mkpath`](rsync.1#opt) if a single-file copy specifies
+ an existing destination dir with a non-existing destination filename.
+ - Fixed `--update -vv` to output "is uptodate" instead of "is newer" messages
+ for files that are being skipped due to an identical modify time. (This was
+ a new output quirk in 3.2.3.)
+ - When doing an append transfer, the sending side's file must not get shorter
+ or it is skipped. Fixes a crash that could occur when the size changes to 0
+ in the middle of the send negotiations.
+ - When dealing with special files (see [`--specials`](rsync.1#opt)) in an
+ alt-dest hierarchy, rsync now checks the non-permission mode bits to ensure
+ that the 2 special files are really the same before hard-linking them
+ together.
+ - Fixed a bug where [`--delay-updates`](rsync.1#opt) with stale partial data
+ could cause a file to fail to update.
+ - Fixed a few places that would output an INFO message with
+ [`--info=NAME`](rsync.1#opt) that should only have been output given
+ [`--verbose`](rsync.1#opt) or [`--itemize-changes`](rsync.1#opt).
+ - Avoid a weird failure if you run a local copy with a (useless)
+ [`--rsh`](rsync.1#opt) option that contains a `V` in the command.
+ - Fixed a long-standing compression bug where the compression level of the
+ first file transferred affected the level for all future files. Also, the
+ per-file compression skipping has apparently never worked, so it is now
+ documented as being ineffective.
+ - Fixed a truncate error when a `--write-devices` copy wrote a file onto a
+ device that was shorter than the device.
+ - Made `--write-devices` support both `--checksum` and `--no-whole-file` when
+ copying to a device.
+ - Improved how the [`--stop-at`](rsync.1#opt), [`--stop-after`](rsync.1#opt),
+ and (the deprecated) [`--time-limit`](rsync.1#opt) options check to see if
+ the allowed time is over, which should make rsync exit more consistently.
+ - Tweak --progress to display "`??:??:??`" when the time-remaining value is so
+ large as to be meaningless.
+ - Silence some chmod warnings about symlinks when it looks like we have a
+ function to set their permissions but they can't really be set.
+ - Fixed a potential issue in git-set-file-times when handling commits with
+ high-bit characters in the description & when handling a description that
+ might mimic the git raw-commit deliniators. (See the support dir.)
+ - The bundled systemd/rsync.service file now includes `Restart=on-failure`.
+ - Use openssl's `-verify_hostname` option in the rsync-ssl script.
+ - Added extra info to the "FILENAME exists" output of
+ [`--ignore-existing`](rsync.1#opt) when [`--info=skip2`](rsync.1#opt) is
+ used. The skip message becomes "FILENAME exists (INFO)" where the INFO is
+ one of "type change", "sum change" (requires [`--checksum`](rsync.1#opt)),
+ "file change" (based on the quick check), "attr change", or "uptodate".
+ Prior versions only supported `--info=skip1`.
+ - Added the [`--fsync`](rsync.1#opt) option (promoted from the patches repo).
+ - Added the [`--copy-devices`](rsync.1#opt) option. Compared to the
+ historical version from the rsync-patches repo, this version: properly
+ handles `--checksum`; fixes a truncation bug when doing an `--inplace` copy
+ onto a longer file; fixes several bugs in the `--itemize` output; and only
+ the sending side needs the enhanced rsync for the copy to work.
+ - Reduced memory usage for an incremental transfer that has a bunch of small
+ directories.
+ - The rsync daemon can now handle a client address with an implied "%scope"
+ suffix.
+ - Added support for [`--atimes`](rsync.1#opt) on macOS and fixed a bug where
+ it wouldn't work without [`--times`](rsync.1#opt).
+ - Rsync can now update the xattrs on a read-only file when your user can
+ temporarily add user-write permission to the file. (It always worked for a
+ root transfer.)
+ - Rsync can now work around an [`--inplace`](rsync.1#opt) update of a file
+ that is being refused due to the Linux fs.protected_regular sysctl setting.
+ - When [`--chown`](rsync.1#opt), [`--usermap`](rsync.1#opt), or
+ [`--groupmap`](rsync.1#opt) is specified, rsync now makes sure that the
+ appropriate [`--owner`](rsync.1#opt) and/or [`--group`](rsync.1#opt) options
+ are enabled.
+ - Added the [`--info=NONREG`](rsync.1#opt) setting to control if rsync should
+ warn about non-regular files in the transfer. This is enabled by default
+ (keeping the behavior the same as before), so specifying `--info=nonreg0`
+ can be used to turn the warnings off.
+ - An optional asm optimization for the rolling checksum from Shark64. Enable
+ it with `./configure --enable-roll-asm`.
+ - Using `--debug=FILTER` now outputs a caution message if a filter rule
+ has trailing whitespace.
+ - Transformed rrsync into a python script with improvements:
+ - Security has been beefed up.
+ - The known rsync options were updated to include recent additions.
+ - Make rrsync reject [`--copy-links`](rsync.1#opt) (`-L`),
+ [`--copy-dirlinks`](rsync.1#opt) (`-k`), &
+ [`--keep-dirlinks`](rsync.1#opt) (`-K`) by default to make it harder to
+ exploit any out-of-subdir symlinks.
+ - A new rrsync option of [`-munge`](rrsync.1#opt) tells rrsync to always
+ enable rsync's [`--munge-links`](rsync.1#opt) option on the server side.
+ - A new rrsync option of [`-no-lock`](rrsync.1#opt) disables a new
+ single-use locking idiom that is the default when [`-ro`](rrsync.1#opt) is
+ not used (useful with [`-munge`](rrsync.1#opt)).
+ - A new rrsync option of [`-no-del`](rrsync.1#opt) disables all `--remove*`
+ and `--delete*` rsync options on the server side.
+ - The log format has been tweaked slightly to add seconds to the timestamp
+ and to output the command executed as a tuple (making the args clearer).
+ - An rrsync.1 manpage was added (in the support dir with rrsync).
+ - Added options to the lsh script to facilitate rrsync testing. (See the
+ support dir.)
+ - Transformed the atomic-rsync script into a python script and added the
+ ability to ignore one or more non-zero exit codes. By default, it now
+ ignores code 24, the file-vanished exit code. (See the support dir.)
+ - Transformed the munge-symlinks script into python. (See the support dir.)
+ - Improved the rsync-no-vanished script to not join stdout & stderr together.
+ (See the support dir.)
+ - Work around a glibc bug where lchmod() breaks in a chroot w/o /proc mounted.
+ - Try to support a client that sent a remote rsync a wacko stderr file handle
+ (such as an older File::RsyncP perl library used by BackupPC).
+ - Lots of manpage improvements, including better HTML versions.
+ - Give configure the `--with-rrsync` option if you want `make install` to
+ install the (now python3) rrsync script and its new manpage.
+ - If the rrsync script is installed, its package should be changed to depend
+ on python3 and the (suggested but not mandatory) python3 braceexpand lib.
+ - When creating a package from a non-release version (w/o a git checkout), the
+ packager can elect to create git-version.h and define RSYNC_GITVER to the
+ string they want `--version` to output. (The file is still auto-generated
+ using the output of `git describe` when building inside a non-shallow git
+ checkout, though.)
+ - Renamed configure's `--enable-simd` option to `--enable-roll-simd` and added
+ the option `--enable-roll-asm` to use the new asm version of the code. Both
+ are x86_64/amd64 only.
+ - Renamed configure's `--enable-asm` option to `--enable-md5-asm` to avoid
+ confusion with the asm option for the rolling checksum. It is also honored
+ even when openssl crypto is in use. This allows: normal MD4 & MD5, normal
+ MD4 + asm MD5, openssl MD4 & MD5, or openssl MD4 + asm MD5 depending on the
+ configure options selected.
+ - Made SIMD & asm configure checks default to "no" on non-Linux hosts due to
+ various reports of problems on NetBSD & macOS hosts. These were also
+ tweaked to allow enabling the feature on a host_cpu of amd64 (was only
+ allowed on x86_64 before).
+ - Fixed configure to not fail at the SIMD check when cross-compiling.
+ - Improved the IPv6 determination in configure.
+ - Compile the C files with `-pedantic-errors` (when possible) so that we will
+ get warned if a static initialization overflows in the future (among other
+ things).
+ - When linking with an external zlib, rsync renames its `read_buf()` function
+ to `read_buf_()` to avoid a symbol clash on an unpatched zlib.
+ - Added a file.
+ - Made it easier to write rsync tests that diff the output while also checking
+ the status code, and used the idiom to improve the existing tests. (See the
+ `checkdiff` and `checkdiff2` idioms in the `testsuite/*.test` files.
+ - The packaging scripts & related python lib got some minor enhancements.
+ - Use setenv() instead of putenv() when it is available.
+ - Improve the logic in compat.c so that we don't need to try to remember to
+ sprinkle `!local_server` exceptions throughout the protocol logic.
+ - One more C99 Flexible Array improvement (started in the last release) and
+ make use of the C99 `%zd` format string when printing size_t values (when
+ possible).
+ - Use mallinfo2() instead of mallinfo(), when available.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.3 (6 Aug 2020)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a bug in the xattr code that was freeing the wrong object when trying
+ to cleanup the xattr list.
+ - Fixed a bug in the xattr code that was not leaving room for the "rsync."
+ prefix in some instances where it needed to be added.
+ - Restored the ability to use [`--bwlimit=0`](rsync.1#opt) to specify no
+ bandwidth limit. (It was accidentally broken in 3.2.2.)
+ - Fixed a bug when combining [`--delete-missing-args`](rsync.1#opt) with
+ [`--no-implied-dirs`](rsync.1#opt) & [`-R`](rsync.1#opt) where rsync might
+ create the destination path of a missing arg. The code also avoids some
+ superfluous warnings for nested paths of removed args.
+ - Fixed an issue where hard-linked devices could cause the rdev_major value to
+ get out of sync between the sender and the receiver, which could cause a
+ device to get created with the wrong major value in its major,minor pair.
+ - Rsync now complains about a missing [`--temp-dir`](rsync.1#opt) before
+ starting any file transfers.
+ - A completely empty source arg is now a fatal error. This doesn't change
+ the handling of implied dot-dir args such as "localhost:" and such.
+ - Allow [`--max-alloc=0`](rsync.1#opt) to specify no limit to the alloc sanity
+ check.
+ - Allow [`--block-size=SIZE`](rsync.1#opt) to specify the size using units
+ (e.g. "100K").
+ - The name of the id-0 user & group are now sent to the receiver along with
+ the other user/group names in the transfer (instead of assuming that both
+ sides have the same id-0 names).
+ - Added the [`--stop-after`](rsync.1#opt) and [`--stop-at`](rsync.1#opt)
+ options (with a [`--time-limit`](rsync.1#opt) alias for `--stop-after`).
+ This is an enhanced version of the time-limit patch from the patches repo.
+ - Added the [`name converter`](rsyncd.conf.5#opt) daemon parameter to make it
+ easier to convert user & group names inside a chrooted daemon module. This
+ is based on the nameconverter patch with some improvements, including a
+ tweak to the request protocol (so if you used this patch in the past, be
+ sure to update your converter script to use newlines instead of null chars).
+ - Added [`--crtimes`](rsync.1#opt) (`-N`) option for preserving the file's
+ create time (I believe that this is macOS only at the moment).
+ - Added [`--mkpath`](rsync.1#opt) option to tell rsync that it should create a
+ non-existing path component of the destination arg.
+ - Added [`--stderr=errors|all|client`](rsync.1#opt) to replace the
+ `--msgs2stderr` and `--no-msgs2stderr` options (which are still accepted).
+ The default use of stderr was changed to be `--stderr=errors` where all the
+ processes that have stderr available output directly to stderr, which should
+ help error messages get to the user more quickly, especially when doing a
+ push (which includes local copying). This also allows rsync to exit quickly
+ when a receiver failure occurs, since rsync doesn't need to try to keep the
+ connection alive long enough for the fatal error to go from the receiver to
+ the generator to the sender. The old default can be requested via
+ `--stderr=client`. Also changed is that a non-default stderr mode is
+ conveyed to the remote rsync (using the older option names) instead of
+ requiring the user to use [`--remote-option`](rsync.1#opt) (`-M`) to tell
+ the remote rsync what to do.
+ - Added the ability to specify "@netgroup" names to the [`hosts
+ allow`](rsyncd.conf.5#opt) and [`hosts deny`](rsyncd.conf.5#opt) daemon
+ parameters. This is a finalized version of the netgroup-auth patch from the
+ patches repo.
+ - Rsync can now hard-link symlinks on FreeBSD due to it making use of the
+ linkat() function when it is available.
+ - Output file+line info on out-of-memory & overflow errors while also avoiding
+ the output of alternate build-dir path info that is not useful to the user.
+ - Change configure to know that Cygwin supports Linux xattrs.
+ - Improved the testsuite on FreeBSD & Cygwin.
+ - Added some compatibility code for HPE NonStop platforms.
+ - Improved the info.
+ - Added a few more suffixes to the default skip-compress list.
+ - Improved configure's error handling to notify about several issues at once
+ instead of one by one (for the newest optional features).
+ - Use a simpler overflow check idiom in a few spots.
+ - Use a C99 Flexible Array for a trailing variable-size filename in a struct
+ (with a fallback to the old 1-char string kluge for older compilers).
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.2 (4 Jul 2020)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Avoid a crash when a daemon module enables `transfer logging` without
+ setting a `log format` value.
+ - Fixed installing rsync-ssl script from an alternate build dir.
+ - Fixed the updating of from an alternate build dir.
+ - Apple requires the asm function name to begin with an underscore.
+ - Avoid a test failure in the daemon test when `--atimes` is disabled.
+ - Allow the server side to restrict checksum & compression choices via the
+ same environment variables the client uses. The env vars can be divided
+ into "client list & server list" by the "`&`" char or the same list can
+ apply to both.
+ - Simplify how the negotiation environment variables apply when interacting
+ with an older rsync and also when a list contains only invalid names.
+ - Do not allow a negotiated checksum or compression choice of "none" unless
+ the user authorized it via an environment variable or command-line option.
+ - Added the `--max-alloc=SIZE` option to be able to override the memory
+ allocator's sanity-check limit. It defaults to 1G (as before) but the error
+ message when exceeding it specifically mentions the new option so that you
+ can differentiate an out-of-memory error from a failure of this limit. It
+ also allows you to specify the value via the RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC environment
+ variable.
+ - Add the "open atime" daemon parameter to allow a daemon to always enable or
+ disable the use of O_NOATIME (the default is to let the user control it).
+ - The default systemd config was changed to remove the `ProtectHome=on`
+ setting since rsync is often used to serve files in /home and /root and this
+ seemed a bit too strict. Feel free to use `systemctl edit rsync` to add
+ that restriction (or maybe `ProtectHome=read-only`), if you like. See the
+ 3.2.0 NEWS for the other restrictions that were added compared to 3.1.3.
+ - The memory allocation functions now automatically check for a failure and
+ die when out of memory. This eliminated some caller-side check-and-die
+ code and added some missing sanity-checking of allocations.
+ - Put optimizations into their own list in the `--version` output.
+ - Improved the manpage a bit more.
+ - Prepared the checksum code for an upcoming xxHash release that provides new
+ XXH3 (64-bit) & XXH128 (128-bit) checksum routines. These will not be
+ compiled into rsync until the xxhash v0.8.0 include files are installed on
+ the build host, and that release is a few weeks away at the time this was
+ written. So, if it's now the future and you have packaged and installed
+ xxhash-0.8.0-devel, a fresh rebuild of rsync 3.2.2 will give you the new
+ checksum routines. Just make sure that the new rsync package depends on
+ xxhash >= 0.8.0.
+ - Moved the version number out of into its own version.h file so
+ that we don't need to reconfigure just because the version number changes.
+ - Moved the daemon parameter list into daemon-parm.txt so that an awk script
+ can create the interrelated structs and accessors that loadparm.c needs.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.1 (22 Jun 2020)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a potential build issue with the MD5 assembly-language code by
+ removing some non-portable directives.
+ - Use the preprocessor with the asm file to ensure that if the code is
+ unneeded, it doesn't get built.
+ - Avoid the stack getting set to executable when including the asm code.
+ - Some improvements in the SIMD configure testing to try to avoid build
+ issues, such as avoiding a clang++ core dump when `-g` is combined with
+ `-O2`. Note that clang++ is quite buggy in this area, and it does still
+ crash for some folks, so just use `--disable-simd` if you need to avoid
+ their buggy compiler (since the configure test is apparently not finding
+ all the compilers that will to crash and burn).
+ - Fixed an issue in the md2man script when building from an alternate dir.
+ - Disable `--atimes` on macOS (it apparently just ignores the atime change).
+ - The use of `--backup-dir=STR` now implies `--backup`.
+ - Added `--zl=NUM` as a short-hand for `--compress-level=NUM`.
+ - Added `--early-input=FILE` option that allows the client to send some
+ data to a daemon's (optional) "early exec" script on its stdin.
+ - Mention atimes in the capabilities list that `--version` outputs.
+ - Mention either "default protect-args" or "optional protect-args" in the
+ `--version` capabilities depending on how rsync was configured.
+ - Some info on optimizations is now elided from the `--version` capabilities
+ since they aren't really user-facing capabilities. You can still see the
+ info (plus the status of a couple extra optimizations) by repeating the
+ `--version` option (e.g. `-VV`).
+ - Updated various URLs to be https instead of http.
+ - Some documentation improvements.
+ - If you had to use `--disable-simd` for 3.2.0, you might want to try removing
+ that and see if it will succeed or auto-disable. Some buggy clang++
+ compilers are still not auto disabled, though.
+ - The MD5 asm code is now under its own configure flag (not shared with the
+ SIMD setting), so if you have any issues compiling it, re-run configure with
+ `--disable-asm`.
+ - Merged the file into
+# NEWS for rsync 3.2.0 (19 Jun 2020)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Avoid a potential out-of-bounds read in daemon mode if argc can be made to
+ become 0.
+ - Fix the default list of skip-compress files for non-daemon transfers.
+ - Fix xattr filter rules losing an 'x' attribute in a non-local transfer.
+ - Avoid an error when a check for a potential fuzzy file happens to reference
+ a directory.
+ - Make the atomic-rsync helper script have a more consistent error-exit.
+ - Make sure that a signal handler's use of exit_cleanup() calls `_exit()`
+ instead of exit().
+ - Various zlib fixes, including security fixes for CVE-2016-9843,
+ CVE-2016-9842, CVE-2016-9841, and CVE-2016-9840.
+ - Fixed an issue with `--remove-source-files` not removing a source symlink
+ when combined with `--copy-links`.
+ - Fixed a bug where the daemon would fail to write early fatal error messages
+ to the client, such as refused or unknown command-line options.
+ - Fixed the block-size validation logic when dealing with older protocols.
+ - Some rrsync fixes and enhancements to handle the latest options.
+ - Fixed a problem with the `--link-dest`|`--copy-dest` code when `--xattrs`
+ was specified along with multiple alternate-destination directories (it
+ could possibly choose a bad file match while trying to find a better xattr
+ match).
+ - Fixed a couple bugs in the handling of files with the `--sparse` option.
+ - Fixed a bug in the writing of the file (w/`--write-batch`) when the
+ source & destination args were not last on the command-line.
+ - Avoid a hang when an overabundance of messages clogs up all the I/O buffers.
+ - Fixed a mismatch in the RSYNC_PID values put into the environment of
+ `pre-xfer exec` and a `post-xfer exec`.
+ - Fixed a crash in the `--iconv` code.
+ - Fixed a rare crash in the popt_unalias() code.
+ - The default systemd config was made stricter by default. For instance,
+ `ProtectHome=on` (which hides content in /root and /home/USER dirs),
+ `ProtectSystem=full` (which makes /usr, /boot, & /etc dirs read-only), and
+ `PrivateDevices=on` (which hides devices). You can override any of these
+ using the standard `systemctl edit rsync` and add one or more directives
+ under a `[Service]` heading (and restart the rsync service).
+ - Various checksum enhancements, including the optional use of openssl's MD4 &
+ MD5 checksum algorithms, some x86-64 optimizations for the rolling checksum,
+ some x86-64 optimizations for the (non-openssl) MD5 checksum, the addition
+ of xxHash checksum support, and a negotiation heuristic that ensures that it
+ is easier to add new checksum algorithms in the future. The environment
+ variable `RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST` can be used to customize the preference order
+ of the negotiation, or use `--checksum-choice` (`--cc`) to force a choice.
+ - Various compression enhancements, including the addition of zstd and lz4
+ compression algorithms and a negotiation heuristic that picks the best
+ compression option supported by both sides. The environment variable
+ `RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST` can be used to customize the preference order of the
+ negotiation, or use `--compress-choice` (`--zc`) to force a choice.
+ - Added a `--debug=NSTR` option that outputs details of the new negotiation
+ strings (for checksums and compression). The first level just outputs the
+ result of each negotiation on the client, level 2 outputs the values of the
+ strings that were sent to and received from the server, and level 3 outputs
+ all those values on the server side too (when the server was given the debug
+ option).
+ - The `--debug=OPTS` command-line option is no longer auto-forwarded to the
+ remote rsync which allows for the client and server to have different levels
+ of debug specified. This also allows for newer debug options to be
+ specified, such as using `--debug=NSTR` to see the negotiated hash result,
+ without having the command fail if the server version is too old to handle
+ that debug item. Use `-M--debug=OPTS` to send the options to the remote side.
+ - Added the `--atimes` option based on the long-standing patch (just with some
+ fixes that the patch has been needing).
+ - Added `--open-noatime` option to open files using `O_NOATIME`.
+ - Added the `--write-devices` option based on the long-standing patch.
+ - Added openssl & preliminary gnutls support to the rsync-ssl script, which is
+ now installed by default. This was unified with the old stunnel-rsync
+ helper script to simplify packaging. Note that the script accepts the use
+ of `--type=gnutls` for gnutls testing, but does not look for gnutls-cli on
+ the path yet. The use of `--type=gnutls` will not work right until
+ gnutls-cli no longer drops data.
+ - Rsync was enhanced to set the `RSYNC_PORT` environment variable when running
+ a daemon-over-rsh script. Its value is the user-specified port number (set
+ via `--port` or an rsync:// URL) or 0 if the user didn't override the port.
+ - Added the `proxy protocol` daemon parameter that allows your rsyncd to know
+ the real remote IP when it is setup behind a proxy.
+ - Added negated matching to the daemon's `refuse options` setting by using
+ match strings that start with a `!` (such as `!compress*`). This lets you
+ refuse all options except for a particular approved list, for example. It
+ also lets rsync refuse certain options by default (such as `write-devices`)
+ while allowing the config to override that, as desired.
+ - Added the `early exec` daemon parameter that runs a script before the
+ transfer parameters are known, allowing some early setup based on module
+ name.
+ - Added status output in response to a signal (via both SIGINFO & SIGVTALRM).
+ - Added `--copy-as=USER` option to give some extra security to root-run rsync
+ commands into/from untrusted directories (such as backups and restores).
+ - When resuming the transfer of a file in the `--partial-dir`, rsync will now
+ update that partial file in-place instead of creating yet another tmp file
+ copy. This requires both sender & receiver to be at least v3.2.0.
+ - Added support for `RSYNC_SHELL` & `RSYNC_NO_XFER_EXEC` environment variables
+ that affect the early, pre-xfer, and post-xfer exec rsync daemon parameters.
+ - Optimize the `--fuzzy --fuzzy` heuristic to avoid the fuzzy directory scan
+ until all other basis-file options are exhausted (such as `--link-dest`).
+ - Have the daemon log include the normal-exit sent/received stats when the
+ transfer exited with an error when possible (i.e. if it is the sender).
+ - The daemon now locks its pid file (when configured to use one) so that it
+ will not fail to start when the file exists but no daemon is running.
+ - Various manpage improvements, including some html representations (that
+ aren't installed by default).
+ - Made `-V` the short option for `--version` and improved its information.
+ - Pass the `-4` or `-6` option to the ssh command, making it easier to type
+ than `--rsh='ssh -4'` (or the `-6` equivalent).
+ - Added example config for rsyncd SSL proxy configs to rsyncd.conf.
+ - More errors messages now mention if the error is coming from the sender or
+ the receiver.
+ - Add installed bash script: /usr/bin/rsync-ssl
+ - Add installed manpage: /usr/man/man1/rsync-ssl.1
+ - Tweak auxiliary doc file names, such as:,, &
+ - The rsync-ssl script wants to run openssl or stunnel4, so consider adding a
+ dependency for one of those options (though it's probably fine to just let
+ it complain about being unable to find the program and let the user decide
+ if they want to install one or the other).
+ - If you packaged rsync + rsync-ssl + rsync-ssl-daemon as separate packages,
+ the rsync-ssl package is now gone (rsync-ssl should be considered to be
+ mainstream now that Samba requires SSL for its rsync daemon).
+ - Add _build_ dependency for liblz4-dev, libxxhash-dev, libzstd-dev, and
+ libssl-dev. These development libraries will give rsync extra compression
+ algorithms, extra checksum algorithms, and allow use of openssl's crypto
+ lib for (potentially) faster MD4/MD5 checksums.
+ - Add _build_ dependency for g++ or clang++ on x86_64 systems to enable the
+ SIMD checksum optimizations.
+ - Add _build_ dependency for _either_ python3-cmarkcfm or python3-commonmark
+ to allow for patching of manpages or building a git release. This is not
+ required for a release-tar build, since it comes with pre-built manpages.
+ Note that cmarkcfm is faster than commonmark, but they generate the same
+ data. The commonmark dependency is easiest to install since it's native
+ python, and can even be installed via `pip3 install --user commonmark` if
+ you want to just install it for the build user.
+ - Remove yodl _build_ dependency (if it was even listed before).
+ - Silenced some annoying warnings about major() & minor() by improving an
+ autoconf include-file check.
+ - Converted the manpages from yodl to markdown. They are now processed via a
+ simple python3 script using the cmarkgfm **or** commonmark library. This
+ should make it easier to package rsync, since yodl is rather obscure.
+ - Improved some configure checks to work better with strict C99 compilers.
+ - Some perl building/packaging scripts were recoded into awk and python3.
+ - Some defines in byteorder.h were changed into static inline functions that
+ will help to ensure that the args don't get evaluated multiple times on
+ "careful alignment" hosts.
+ - Some code typos were fixed (as pointed out by a Fossies run).
+# NEWS for rsync 3.1.3 (28 Jan 2018)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a buffer overrun in the protocol's handling of xattr names and ensure
+ that the received name is null terminated.
+ - Fix an issue with `--protect-args` where the user could specify the arg in the
+ protected-arg list and short-circuit some of the arg-sanitizing code.
+ - Don't output about a new backup dir without appropriate info verbosity.
+ - Fixed some issues with the sort functions in the rsyncstats script (in the
+ support dir).
+ - Added a way to specify daemon config lists (e.g. users, groups, etc) that
+ contain spaces (see `auth users` in the latest rsyncd.conf manpage).
+ - If a backup fails (e.g. full disk) rsync exits with an error.
+ - Fixed a problem with a doubled `--fuzzy` option combined with `--link-dest`.
+ - Avoid invalid output in the summary if either the start or end time had an
+ error.
+ - We don't allow a popt alias to affect the `--daemon` or `--server` options.
+ - Fix daemon exclude code to disallow attribute changes in addition to
+ disallowing transfers.
+ - Don't force nanoseconds to match if a non-transferred, non-checksummed file
+ only passed the quick-check w/o comparing nanoseconds.
+ - Added the ability for rsync to compare nanosecond times in its file-check
+ comparisons, and added support nanosecond times on Mac OS X.
+ - Added a short-option (`-@`) for `--modify-window`.
+ - Added the `--checksum-choice=NAME[,NAME]` option to choose the checksum
+ algorithms.
+ - Added hashing of xattr names (with using `-X`) to improve the handling of
+ files with large numbers of xattrs.
+ - Added a way to filter xattr names using include/exclude/filter rules (see
+ the `--xattrs` option in the manpage for details).
+ - Added `daemon chroot|uid|gid` to the daemon config (in addition to the old
+ chroot|uid|gid settings that affect the daemon's transfer process).
+ - Added `syslog tag` to the daemon configuration.
+ - Some manpage improvements.
+ - Tweak the `make` output when yodl isn't around to create the manpages.
+ - Changed an obsolete autoconf compile macro.
+ - Support newer yodl versions when converting manpages.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.1.2 (21 Dec 2015)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Make sure that all transferred files use only path names from inside the
+ transfer. This makes it impossible for a malicious sender to try to make the
+ receiver use an unsafe destination path for a transferred file, such as a
+ just-sent symlink.
+ - Change the checksum seed order in the per-block checksums. This prevents
+ someone from trying to create checksum blocks that match in sum but not
+ content.
+ - Fixed a with the per-dir filter files (using `-FF`) that could trigger an
+ assert failure.
+ - Only skip `set_modtime()` on a transferred file if the time is exactly
+ right.
+ - Don't create an empty backup dir for a transferred file that doesn't exist
+ yet.
+ - Fixed a bug where `--link-dest` and `--xattrs` could cause rsync to exit if
+ a filename had a matching dir of the same name in the alt-dest area.
+ - Allow more than 32 group IDs per user in the daemon's gid=LIST config.
+ - Fix the logging of %b & %c via `--log-file` (daemon logging was already
+ correct, as was `--out-format='%b/%c'`).
+ - Fix erroneous acceptance of `--info=5` & `--debug=5` (an empty flag name is
+ not valid).
+ - Added `(DRY RUN)` info to the `--debug=exit` output line.
+ - Use usleep() for our msleep() function if it is available.
+ - Added a few extra long-option names to rrsync script, which will make
+ BackupPC happier.
+ - Made configure choose to use Linux xattrs on NetBSD (rather than not
+ supporting xattrs).
+ - Added `-wo` (write-only) option to rrsync support script.
+ - Misc. manpage tweaks.
+ - Fixed a bug with the Makefile's use of `INSTALL_STRIP`.
+ - Improve a test in the suite that could get an erroneous timestamp error.
+ - Tweaks for newer versions of git in the packaging tools.
+ - Improved the m4 generation rules and some autoconf idioms.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.1.1 (22 Jun 2014)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - If the receiver gets bogus filenames from the sender (an unexpected leading
+ slash or a `..` infix dir), exit with an error. This prevents a malicious
+ sender from trying to inject filenames that would affect an area outside the
+ destination directories.
+ - Fixed a failure to remove the partial-transfer temp file when interrupted
+ (and rsync is not saving the partial files).
+ - Changed the chown/group/xattr-set order to avoid losing some security-
+ related xattr info (that would get cleared by a chown).
+ - Fixed a bug in the xattr-finding code that could make a non-root-run
+ receiver not able to find some xattr numbers.
+ - Fixed a bug in the early daemon protocol where a timeout failed to be
+ honored (e.g. if the remote side fails to send us the initial protocol
+ greeting).
+ - Fixed unintended inclusion of commas in file numbers in the daemon log.
+ - We once again send the 'f' sub-flag (of `-e`) to the server side so it knows
+ that we can handle incremental-recursion directory errors properly in older
+ protocols.
+ - Fixed an issue with too-aggressive keep-alive messages causing a problem for
+ older rsync versions early in the transfer.
+ - Fixed an incorrect message about backup-directory-creation when using
+ `--dry-run` and the backup dir is not an absolute path.
+ - Fixed a bug where a failed deletion and/or a failed sender-side removal
+ would not affect the exit code.
+ - Fixed a bug that caused a failure when combining `--delete-missing-args`
+ with `--xattrs` and/or `--acls`.
+ - Fixed a strange `dir_depth` assertion error that was caused by empty-dir
+ removals and/or duplicate files in the transfer.
+ - Fixed a problem with `--info=progress2`'s output stats where rsync would
+ only update the stats at the end of each file's transfer. It now uses the
+ data that is flowing for the current file, making the stats more accurate
+ and less jumpy.
+ - Fixed an itemize bug that affected the combo of `--link-dest`, `-X`, and
+ `-n`.
+ - Fixed a problem with delete messages not appearing in the log file when the
+ user didn't use `--verbose`.
+ - Improve chunked xattr reading for OS X.
+ - Removed an attempted hard-link xattr optimization that was causing a
+ transfer failure. This removal is flagged in the compatibility code, so if a
+ better fix can be discovered, we have a way to flip it on again.
+ - Fixed a bug when the receiver is not configured to be able to hard link
+ symlimks/devices/special-file items but the sender sent some of these items
+ flagged as hard-linked.
+ - We now generate a better error if the buffer overflows in `do_mknod()`.
+ - Fixed a problem reading more than 16 ACLs on some OSes.
+ - Fixed the reading of the secrets file to avoid an infinite wait when the
+ username is missing.
+ - Fixed a parsing problem in the `--usermap`/`--groupmap` options when using
+ MIN-MAX numbers.
+ - Switched Cygwin back to using socketpair `pipes` to try to speed it up.
+ - Added knowledge of a few new options to rrsync.
+ - Tweaked the temp-file naming when `--temp-dir=DIR` is used: the temp-file
+ names will not get a '.' prepended.
+ - Added support for a new-compression idiom that does not compress all the
+ matching data in a transfer. This can help rsync to use less cpu when a
+ transfer has a lot of matching data, and also makes rsync compatible with a
+ non-bundled zlib. See the `--new-compress` and `--old-compress` options in
+ the manpage.
+ - Added the rsync-no-vanished shell script. (See the support dir.)
+ - Made configure more prominently mention when we failed to find yodl (in case
+ the user wants to be able to generate manpages from `*.yo` files).
+ - Have manpage mention how a daemon's max-verbosity setting affects info and
+ debug options. Also added more clarification on backslash removals for
+ excludes that contain wildcards.
+ - Have configure check if for the attr lib (for getxattr) for those systems
+ that need to link against it explicitly.
+ - Change the early dir-creation logic to only use that idiom in an
+ inc-recursive copy that is preserving directory times. e.g. using
+ `--omit-dir-times` will avoid these early directories being created.
+ - Fix a bug in `cmp_time()` that would return a wrong result if the 2 times
+ differed by an amount greater than what a `time_t` can hold.
+ - We now include an example systemd file (in packaging/systemd).
+ - Tweaked configure to make sure that any intended use of the included popt
+ and/or zlib code is put early in the CFLAGS.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.1.0 (28 Sep 2013)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The protocol number was changed to 31.
+ - Output numbers in 3-digit groups by default (e.g. 1,234,567). See the
+ `--human-readable` option for a way to turn it off. See also the daemon's
+ `log format` parameter and related command-line options (including
+ `--out-format`) for a modifier that can be used to request digit-grouping or
+ human-readable output in log escapes. (Note that log output is unchanged by
+ default.)
+ - The `--list-only` option is now affected by the `--human-readable` setting.
+ It will display digit groupings by default, and unit suffixes if higher
+ levels of readability are requested. Also, the column width for the size
+ output has increased from 11 to 14 characters when human readability is
+ enabled. Use `--no-h` to get the old-style output and column size.
+ - The output of the `--progress` option has changed: the string `xfer` was
+ shortened to `xfr`, and the string `to-check` was shortened to `to-chk`,
+ both designed to make room for the (by default) wider display of file size
+ numbers without making the total line-length longer. Also, when incremental
+ recursion is enabled, the string `ir-chk` will be used instead of `to-chk`
+ up until the incremental-recursion scan is done, letting you know that the
+ value to check and the total value will still be increasing as new files are
+ found.
+ - Enhanced the `--stats` output: 1) to mention how many files were created
+ (protocol >= 28), 2) to mention how many files were deleted (a new line for
+ protocol 31, but only output when `--delete` is in effect), and 3) to follow
+ the file-count, created-count, and deleted-count with a subcount list that
+ shows the counts by type. The wording of the transferred count has also
+ changed so that it is clearer that it is only a count of regular files.
+ - Fixed a bug in the iconv code when EINVAL or EILSEQ is returned with a full
+ output buffer.
+ - Fixed some rare bugs in `--iconv` processing that might cause a multi-byte
+ character to get translated incorrectly.
+ - Fixed a bogus `vanished file` error if some files were specified with `./`
+ prefixes and others were not.
+ - Fixed a bug in `--sparse` where an extra gap could get inserted after a
+ partial write.
+ - Changed the way `--progress` overwrites its prior output in order to make it
+ nearly impossible for the progress to get overwritten by an error.
+ - Improved the propagation of abnormal-exit error messages. This should help
+ the client side to receive errors from the server when it is exiting
+ abnormally, and should also avoid dying with an `connection unexpectedly
+ closed` exit when the closed connection is really expected.
+ - The sender now checks each file it plans to remove to ensure that it hasn't
+ changed from the first stat's info. This helps to avoid losing file data
+ when the user is not using the option in a safe manner.
+ - Fixed a data-duplication bug in the compress option that made compression
+ less efficient. This improves protocol 31 onward, while behaving in a
+ compatible (buggy) manner with older rsync protocols.
+ - When creating a temp-file, rsync is now a bit smarter about it dot-char
+ choices, which can fix a problem on OS X with names that start with `..`.
+ - Rsync now sets a cleanup flag for `--inplace` and `--append` transfers that
+ will flush the write buffer if the transfer aborts. This ensures that more
+ received data gets written out to the disk on an aborted transfer (which is
+ quite helpful on a slow, flaky connection).
+ - The reads that `map_ptr()` now does are aligned on 1K boundaries. This helps
+ some filesystems and/or files that don't like unaligned reads.
+ - Fix an issue in the msleep() function if time jumps backwards.
+ - Fix daemon-server module-name splitting bug where an arg would get split
+ even if `--protect-args` was used.
+ - Added the `--remote-option=OPT` (`-M OPT`) command-line option that is
+ useful for things like sending a remote `--log-file=FILE` or `--fake-super`
+ option.
+ - Added the `--info=FLAGS` and `--debug=FLAGS` options to allow finer-grained
+ control over what is output. Added an extra type of `--progress` output
+ using `--info=progress2`.
+ - The `--msgs2stderr` option can help with debugging rsync by allowing the
+ debug messages to get output to stderr rather than travel via the socket
+ protocol.
+ - Added the `--delete-missing-args` and `--ignore-missing-args` options to
+ either delete or ignore user-specified files on the receiver that are
+ missing on the sender (normally the absence of user-specified files
+ generates an error).
+ - Added a `T` (terabyte) category to the `--human-readable` size suffixes.
+ - Added the `--usermap`/`--groupmap`/`--chown` options for manipulating file
+ ownership during the copy.
+ - Added the `%C` escape to the log-output handling, which will output the MD5
+ checksum of any transferred file, or all files if `--checksum` was specified
+ (when protocol 30 or above is in effect).
+ - Added the `reverse lookup` parameter to the rsync daemon config file to
+ allow reverse-DNS lookups to be disabled.
+ - Added a forward-DNS lookup for the daemon's hosts allow/deny config. Can be
+ disabled via `forward lookup` parameter (defaults to enabled).
+ - Added a way for more than one group to be specified in the daemon's config
+ file, including a way to specify that you want all of the specified user's
+ groups without having to name them. Also changed the daemon to complain
+ about an inability to set explicitly-specified uid/gid values, even when not
+ run by a super-user.
+ - The daemon now tries to send the user the error messages from the pre-xfer
+ exec script when it fails.
+ - Improved the use of alt-dest options into an existing hierarchy of files: If
+ a match is found in an alt-dir, it takes precedence over an existing file.
+ (We'll need to wait for a future version before attribute-changes on
+ otherwise unchanged files are safe when using an existing hierarchy.)
+ - Added per-user authorization options and group-authorization support to the
+ daemon's `auth users` parameter.
+ - Added a way to reference environment variables in a daemon's config file
+ (using %VAR% references).
+ - When replacing a non-dir with a symlink/hard-link/device/special-file, the
+ update should now be done in an atomic manner.
+ - Avoid re-sending xattr info for hard-linked files w/the same xattrs
+ (protocol 31).
+ - The backup code was improved to use better logic maintaining the backup
+ directory hierarchy. Also, when a file is being backed up, rsync tries to
+ hard-link it into place so that the upcoming replacement of the destination
+ file will be atomic (for the normal, non-inplace logic).
+ - Added the ability to synchronize nanosecond modified times.
+ - Added a few more default suffixes for the `dont compress` settings.
+ - Added the checking of the `RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS` environment variable to allow
+ the default for the `--protect-args` command-line option to be overridden.
+ - Added the `--preallocate` command-line option.
+ - Allow `--password-file=-` to read the password from stdin (filename `-`).
+ - Rsync now comes packaged with an rsync-ssl helper script that can be used to
+ contact a remote rsync daemon using a piped-stunnel command. It also
+ includes an stunnel config file to run the server side to support ssl daemon
+ connections. See the packaging/lsb/rsync.spec file for one way to package
+ the resulting files. (Suggestions for how to make this even easier to
+ install & use are welcomed.)
+ - Improved the speed of some `--inplace` updates when there are lots of
+ identical checksum blocks that end up being unusable.
+ - Added the `--outbuf=N|L|B` option for choosing the output buffering.
+ - Repeating the `--fuzzy` option now causes the code to look for fuzzy matches
+ inside alt-dest directories too.
+ - The `--chmod` option now supports numeric modes, e.g. `--chmod=644,D755`
+ - Added some Solaris xattr code.
+ - Made an rsync daemon (the listening process) exit with a 0 status when it
+ was signaled to die. This helps launchd.
+ - Improved the `RSYNC_*` environment variables for the pre-xfer exec script:
+ when a daemon is sent multiple request args, they are now joined into a
+ single return value (separated by spaces) so that the `RSYNC_REQUEST`
+ environment variable is accurate for any `pre-xfer exec`. The values in
+ `RSYNC_ARG#` vars are no longer truncated at the `.` arg (prior to the
+ request dirs/files), so that all the requested values are also listed
+ (separately) in `RSYNC_ARG#` variables.
+### EXTRAS:
+ - Added an `instant-rsyncd` script to the support directory, which makes it
+ easy to configure a simple rsync daemon in the current directory.
+ - Added the `mapfrom` and `mapto` scripts to the support directory, which
+ makes it easier to do user/group mapping in a local transfer based on
+ passwd/group files from another machine.
+ - There's a new, improved version of the lsh script in the support dir: it's
+ written in perl and supports `-u` without resorting to using sudo (when run
+ as root). The old shell version is now named
+ - There is a helper script named rsync-slash-strip in the support directory
+ for anyone that wants to change the way rsync handles args with trailing
+ slashes. (e.g. arg/ would get stripped to arg while arg/. would turn into
+ arg/).
+ - The I/O code was rewritten to be simpler and do bigger buffered reads over
+ the socket. The I/O between the receiver and the generator was changed to be
+ standard multiplexed-I/O (like that over the socket).
+ - The sender tries to use any dead time while the generator is looking for
+ files to transfer in order to do sender-side directory scanning in a more
+ parallel manner.
+ - A daemon can now inform a client about a daemon-configured timeout value so
+ that the client can assist in the keep-alive activity (protocol 31).
+ - The filter code received some refactoring to make it more extendable, to
+ read better, and do better sanity checking.
+ - Really big numbers are now output using our own big-num routine rather than
+ casting them to a double and using a %.0f conversion.
+ - The `pool_alloc` library has received some minor improvements in alignment
+ handling.
+ - Added `init_stat_x()` function to avoid duplication of acl/xattr init code.
+ - The included zlib was upgraded from 1.2.3 to 1.2.8.
+ - Rsync can now be compiled to use an unmodified zlib library instead of the
+ tweaked one that is included with rsync. This will eventually become the
+ default, at which point we'll start the countdown to removing the included
+ zlib. Until then, feel free to configure using:
+ ./configure `--with-included-zlib=no`
+ - Added more conditional debug output.
+ - Fixed some build issues for Android and Minix.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.9 (23 Sep 2011)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fix a crash bug in checksum scanning when `--inplace` is used.
+ - Fix a hang if a hard-linked file cannot be opened by the sender (e.g. if it
+ has no read permission).
+ - Fix preservation of a symlink's system xattrs (e.g. selinux) on Linux.
+ - Fix a memory leak in the xattr code.
+ - Fixed a bug with `--delete-excluded` when a filter merge file has a rule
+ that specifies a receiver-only side restriction.
+ - Fix a bug with the modifying of unwritable directories.
+ - Fix `--fake-super`'s interaction with `--link-dest` same-file comparisons.
+ - Fix the updating of the `curr_dir` buffer to avoid a duplicate slash.
+ - Fix the directory permissions on an implied dot-dir when using `--relative`
+ (e.g. /outside/path/././send/path).
+ - Fixed some too-long sleeping instances when using `--bwlimit`.
+ - Fixed when symlink ownership difference-checking gets compiled into
+ `unchanged_attrs()`.
+ - Improved the socket-error reporting when multiple protocols fail.
+ - Fixed a case where a socket error could reference just-freed memory.
+ - Failing to use a password file that was specified on the command-line is now
+ a fatal error.
+ - Fix the non-root updating of directories that don't have the read and/or
+ execute permission.
+ - Make daemon-excluded file errors more error-like.
+ - Fix a compilation issue on older C compilers (due to a misplaced var
+ declaration).
+ - Make configure avoid finding socketpair on Cygwin.
+ - Avoid trying to reference `SO_BROADCAST` if the OS doesn't support it.
+ - Fix some issues with the post-processing of the manpages.
+ - Fixed the user home-dir handling in the lsh script. (See the support dir.)
+ - Some minor manpage improvements.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.8 (26 Mar 2011)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed two buffer-overflow issues: one where a directory path that is exactly
+ MAXPATHLEN was not handled correctly, and one handling a `--backup-dir` that
+ is extra extra large.
+ - Fixed a data-corruption issue when preserving hard-links without preserving
+ file ownership, and doing deletions either before or during the transfer
+ (CVE-2011-1097). This fixes some assert errors in the hard-linking code, and
+ some potential failed checksums (via `-c`) that should have matched.
+ - Fixed a potential crash when an rsync daemon has a filter/exclude list and
+ the transfer is using ACLs or xattrs.
+ - Fixed a hang if a really large file is being processed by an rsync that
+ can't handle 64-bit numbers. Rsync will now complain about the file being
+ too big and skip it.
+ - For devices and special files, we now avoid gathering useless ACL and/or
+ xattr information for files that aren't being copied. (The un-copied files
+ are still put into the file list, but there's no need to gather data that is
+ not going to be used.) This ensures that if the user uses `--no-D`, that
+ rsync can't possibly complain about being unable to gather extended
+ information from special files that are in the file list (but not in the
+ transfer).
+ - Properly handle requesting remote filenames that start with a dash. This
+ avoids a potential error where a filename could be interpreted as a (usually
+ invalid) option.
+ - Fixed a bug in the comparing of upper-case letters in file suffixes for
+ `--skip-compress`.
+ - If an rsync daemon has a module configured without a path setting, rsync
+ will now disallow access to that module.
+ - If the destination arg is an empty string, it will be treated as a reference
+ to the current directory (as 2.x used to do).
+ - If rsync was compiled with a newer time-setting function (such as lutimes),
+ rsync will fall-back to an older function (such as utimes) on a system where
+ the newer function is not around. This helps to make the rsync binary more
+ portable in mixed-OS-release situations.
+ - Fixed a batch-file writing bug that would not write out the full set of
+ compatibility flags that the transfer was using. This fixes a potential
+ protocol problem for a batch file that contains a sender-side I/O error: it
+ would have been sent in a way that the batch-reader wasn't expecting.
+ - Some improvements to the hard-linking code to ensure that device-number
+ hashing is working right, and to supply more information if the hard-link
+ code fails.
+ - The `--inplace` code was improved to not search for an impossible checksum
+ position. The quadruple-verbose chunk[N] message will now mention when an
+ inplace chunk was handled by a seek rather than a read+write.
+ - Improved ACL mask handling, e.g. for Solaris.
+ - Fixed a bug that prevented `--numeric-ids` from disabling the translation of
+ user/group IDs for ACLs.
+ - Fixed an issue where an xattr and/or ACL transfer that used an alt-dest
+ option (e.g. `--link-dest`) could output an error trying to itemize the
+ changes against the alt-dest directory's xattr/ACL info but was instead
+ trying to access the not-yet-existing new destination directory.
+ - Improved xattr system-error messages to mention the full path to the file.
+ - The `--link-dest` checking for identical symlinks now avoids considering
+ attribute differences that cannot be changed on the receiver.
+ - Avoid trying to read/write xattrs on certain file types for certain OSes.
+ Improved configure to set `NO_SYMLINK_XATTRS`, `NO_DEVICE_XATTRS`, and/or
+ `NO_SPECIAL_XATTRS` defines in config.h.
+ - Improved the unsafe-symlink errors messages.
+ - Fixed a bug setting xattrs on new files that aren't user writable.
+ - Avoid re-setting xattrs on a hard-linked file w/the same xattrs.
+ - Fixed a bug with `--fake-super` when copying files and dirs that aren't user
+ writable.
+ - Fixed a bug where a sparse file could have its last sparse block turned into
+ a real block when rsync sets the file size (requires ftruncate).
+ - If a temp-file name is too long, rsync now avoids truncating the name in the
+ middle of adjacent high-bit characters. This prevents a potential filename
+ error if the filesystem doesn't allow a name to contain an invalid
+ multi-byte sequence.
+ - If a muli-protocol socket connection fails (i.e., when contacting a daemon),
+ we now report all the failures, not just the last one. This avoids losing a
+ relevant error (e.g. an IPv4 connection-refused error) that happened before
+ the final error (e.g. an IPv6 protocol-not-supported error).
+ - Generate a transfer error if we try to call chown with a `-1` for a uid or a
+ gid (which is not settable).
+ - Fixed the working of `--force` when used with `--one-file-system`.
+ - Fix the popt arg parsing so that an option that doesn't take an arg will
+ reject an attempt to supply one (can configure `--with-included-popt` if
+ your system's popt library doesn't yet have this fix).
+ - A couple minor option tweaks to the rrsync script, and also some regex
+ changes that make vim highlighting happier. (See the support dir.)
+ - Fixed some issues in the mnt-excl script. (See the support dir.)
+ - Various manpage improvements.
+ - Added `.hg/` to the default cvs excludes (see `-C` & `--cvs-exclude`).
+ - Use lchmod() whenever it is available (not just on symlinks).
+ - A couple fixes to the `socketpair_tcp()` routine.
+ - Updated the helper scripts in the packaging subdirectory.
+ - Renamed to
+ - Fixed configure's checking for iconv routines for newer OS X versions.
+ - Fixed the testsuite/xattrs.test script on OS X.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.7 (31 Dec 2009)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a bogus free when using `--xattrs` with `--backup`.
+ - Avoid an error when `--dry-run` was trying to stat a prior hard-link file
+ that hasn't really been created.
+ - Fixed a problem with `--compress` (`-z`) where the receiving side could
+ return the error "`inflate (token) returned -5`".
+ - Fixed a bug where `--delete-during` could delete in a directory before it
+ noticed that the sending side sent an I/O error for that directory (both
+ sides of the transfer must be at least 3.0.7).
+ - Improved `--skip-compress`'s error handling of bad character-sets and got
+ rid of a lingering debug fprintf().
+ - Fixed the daemon's conveyance of `io_error` value from the sender.
+ - An rsync daemon use seteuid() (when available) if it used setuid().
+ - Get the permissions right on a `--fake-super` transferred directory that
+ needs more owner permissions to emulate root behavior.
+ - An absolute-path filter rule (i.e. with a '/' modifier) no longer loses its
+ modifier when sending the filter rules to the remote rsync.
+ - Improved the "`--delete does not work without -r or -d`" message.
+ - Improved rsync's handling of `--timeout` to avoid a weird timeout case where
+ the sender could timeout even though it has recently written data to the
+ socket (but hasn't read data recently, due to the writing).
+ - Some misc manpage improvements.
+ - Fixed the chmod-temp-dir testsuite on a system without /var/tmp.
+ - Make sure that a timeout specified in the daemon's config is used as a
+ maximum timeout value when the user also specifies a timeout.
+ - Improved the error-exit reporting when rsync gets an error trying to cleanup
+ after an error: the initial error is reported.
+ - Improved configure's detection of IPv6 for Solaris and Cygwin.
+ - The AIX sysacls routines will now return ENOSYS if ENOTSUP is missing.
+ - Made our (only used if missing) getaddrinfo() routine use `inet_pton()`
+ (which we also provide) instead of `inet_aton()`.
+ - The exit-related debug messages now mention the program's role so it is
+ clear who output what message.
+ - Got rid of type-punned compiler warnings output by newer gcc versions.
+ - The Makefile now ensures that proto.h will be rebuilt if config.h changes.
+ - The testsuite no longer uses `id -u`, so it works better on Solaris.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.6 (8 May 2009)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a `--read-batch` hang when rsync is reading a batch file that was
+ created from an incremental-recursion transfer.
+ - Fixed the daemon's socket code to handle the simultaneous arrival of
+ multiple connections.
+ - Fix `--safe-links`/`--copy-unsafe-links` to properly handle symlinks that
+ have consecutive slashes in the value.
+ - Fixed the parsing of an `[IPv6_LITERAL_ADDR]` when a USER@ is prefixed.
+ - The sender now skips a (bogus) symlink that has a 0-length value, which
+ avoids a transfer error in the receiver.
+ - Fixed a case where the sender could die with a tag-0 error if there was an
+ I/O during the sending of the file list.
+ - Fixed the rrsync script to avoid a server-side problem when `-e` is at the
+ start of the short options.
+ - Fixed a problem where a vanished directory could turn into an exit code 23
+ instead of the proper exit code 24.
+ - Fixed the `--iconv` conversion of symlinks when doing a local copy.
+ - Fixed a problem where `--one-file-system` was not stopping deletions on the
+ receiving side when a mount-point directory did not match a directory in the
+ transfer.
+ - Fixed the dropping of an ACL mask when no named ACL values were present.
+ - Fixed an ACL/xattr corruption issue where the `--backup` option could cause
+ rsync to associate the wrong ACL/xattr information with received files.
+ - Fixed the use of `--xattrs` with `--only-write-batch`.
+ - Fixed the use of `--dry-run` with `--read-batch`.
+ - Fixed configure's erroneous use of target.
+ - Fixed configure's `--disable-debug` option.
+ - Fixed a run-time issue for systems that can't find `iconv_open()` by adding
+ the `--disable-iconv-open` configure option.
+ - Complain and die if the user tries to combine `--remove-source-files` (or
+ the deprecated `--remove-sent-files`) with `--read-batch`.
+ - Fixed an failure transferring special files from Solaris to Linux.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.5 (28 Dec 2008)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Initialize xattr data in a couple spots in the hlink code, which avoids a
+ crash when the xattr pointer's memory happens to start out non-zero. Also
+ fixed the itemizing of an alt-dest file's xattrs when hard-linking.
+ - Don't send a bogus `-` option to an older server if there were no short
+ options specified.
+ - Fixed skipping of unneeded updates in a batch file when incremental
+ recursion is active. Added a test for this. Made batch-mode handle `redo`
+ files properly (and without hanging).
+ - Fix the %P logfile escape when the daemon logs from inside a chroot.
+ - Fixed the use of `-s` (`--protect-args`) when used with a remote source or
+ destination that had an empty path (e.g. `host:`). Also fixed a problem when
+ `-s` was used when accessing a daemon via a remote-shell.
+ - Fixed the use of a dot-dir path (e.g. foo/./bar) inside a `--files-from`
+ file when the root of the transfer isn't the current directory.
+ - Fixed a bug with `-K --delete` removing symlinks to directories when
+ incremental recursion is active.
+ - Fixed a hard to trigger hang when using `--remove-source-files`.
+ - Got rid of an annoying delay when accessing a daemon via a remote-shell.
+ - Properly ignore (superfluous) source args on a `--read-batch` command.
+ - Improved the manpage's description of the `*` wildcard to remove the
+ confusing `non-empty` qualifier.
+ - Fixed reverse lookups in the compatibility-library version of getnameinfo().
+ - Fixed a bug when using `--sparse` on a sparse file that has over 2GB of
+ consecutive sparse data.
+ - Avoid a hang when using at least 3 `--verbose` options on a transfer with a
+ client sender (which includes local copying).
+ - Fixed a problem with `--delete-delay` reporting an error when it was ready
+ to remove a directory that was now gone.
+ - Got rid of a bunch of `warn_unused_result` compiler warnings.
+ - If an ftruncate() on a received file fails, it now causes a partial-
+ transfer warning.
+ - Allow a path with a leading `//` to be preserved (CYGWIN only).
+ - Made the atomic-rsync script able to perform a fully atomic update of the
+ copied hierarchy when the destination is setup using a particular symlink
+ idiom. (See the support dir.)
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.4 (6 Sep 2008)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a bug in the hard-linking code where it would sometimes try to
+ allocate 0 bytes of memory (which fails on some OSes, such as AIX).
+ - Fixed the hard-linking of files from a device that has a device number of 0
+ (which seems to be a common device number on NetBSD).
+ - Fixed the handling of a `--partial-dir` that cannot be created. This
+ particularly impacts the `--delay-updates` option (since the files cannot be
+ delayed without a partial-dir), and was potentially destructive if the
+ `--remove-source-files` was also specified.
+ - Fixed a couple issues in the `--fake-super` handling of xattrs when the
+ destination files have root-level attributes (e.g. selinux values) that a
+ non-root copy can't affect.
+ - Improved the keep-alive check in the generator to fire consistently in
+ incremental-recursion mode when `--timeout` is enabled.
+ - The `--iconv` option now converts the content of a symlink too, instead of
+ leaving it in the wrong character-set (requires 3.0.4 on both sides of the
+ transfer).
+ - When using `--iconv`, if a filename fails to convert on the receiving side,
+ this no longer makes deletions in the root-dir of the transfer fail silently
+ (the user now gets a warning about deletions being disabled due to IO error
+ as long as `--ignore-errors` was not specified).
+ - When using `--iconv`, if a server-side receiver can't convert a filename,
+ the error message sent back to the client no longer mangles the name with
+ the wrong charset conversion.
+ - Fixed a potential alignment issue in the IRIX ACL code when allocating the
+ initial `struct acl` object. Also, cast mallocs to avoid warnings.
+ - Changed some errors that were going to stdout to go to stderr.
+ - Made `human_num()` and `human_dnum()` able to output a negative number
+ (rather than outputting a cryptic string of punctuation).
+ - Rsync will avoid sending an `-e` option to the server if an older protocol
+ is requested (and thus the option would not be useful). This lets the user
+ specify the `--protocol=29` option to access an overly-restrictive server
+ that is rejecting the protocol-30 use of `-e` to the server.
+ - Improved the message output for an `RERR_PARTIAL` exit.
+ - The Makefile will not halt for just a timestamp change on the Makefile or
+ the configure files, only for actual changes in content.
+ - Changed some commands in the testsuite's xattrs.test that called `rsync`
+ instead of `$RSYNC`.
+ - Enhanced the release scripts to be able to handle a branch release and to do
+ even more consistency checks on the files.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.3 (29 Jun 2008)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a wildcard matching problem in the daemon when a module has `use
+ chroot` enabled.
+ - Fixed a crash bug in the hard-link code.
+ - Fixed the sending of xattr directory information when the code finds a
+ `--link-dest` or `--copy-dest` directory with unchanged xattrs -- the
+ destination directory now gets these unchanged xattrs properly applied.
+ - Fixed an xattr-sending glitch that could cause an `Internal abbrev` error.
+ - Fixed the combination of `--xattrs` and `--backup`.
+ - The generator no longer allows a '.' dir to be excluded by a daemon-exclude
+ rule.
+ - Fixed deletion handling when copying a single, empty directory (with no
+ files) to a differently named, non-existent directory.
+ - Fixed the conversion of spaces into dashes in the %M log escape.
+ - Fixed several places in the code that were not returning the right errno
+ when a function failed.
+ - Fixed the backing up of a device or special file into a backup dir.
+ - Moved the setting of the socket options prior to the connect().
+ - If rsync exits in the middle of a `--progress` output, it now outputs a
+ newline to help prevent the progress line from being overwritten.
+ - Fixed a problem with how a destination path with a trailing slash or a
+ trailing dot-dir was compared against the daemon excludes.
+ - Fixed the sending of large (size > 16GB) files when talking to an older
+ rsync (protocols < 30): we now use a compatible block size limit.
+ - If a file's length is so huge that we overflow a checksum buffer count (i.e.
+ several hundred TB), warn the user and avoid sending an invalid checksum
+ struct over the wire.
+ - If a source arg is excluded, `--relative` no longer adds the excluded arg's
+ implied dirs to the transfer. This fix also made the exclude check happen in
+ the better place in the sending code.
+ - Use the `overflow_exit()` function for overflows, not `out_of_memory()`.
+ - Improved the code to better handle a system that has only 32-bit file
+ offsets.
+ - The rsyncd.conf manpage now consistently refers to the parameters in the
+ daemon config file as `parameters`.
+ - The description of the `--inplace` option was improved.
+### EXTRAS:
+ - Added a new script in the support directory, deny-rsync, which allows an
+ admin to (temporarily) replace the rsync command with a script that sends an
+ error message to the remote client via the rsync protocol.
+ - Fixed a testcase failure if the tests are run as root and made some
+ compatibility improvements.
+ - Improved the daemon tests, including checking module comments, the listing
+ of files, and the ensuring that daemon excludes can't affect a dot-dir arg.
+ - Improved some build rules for those that build in a separate directory from
+ the source, including better install rules for the manpages, and the fixing
+ of a proto.h-tstamp rule that could make the binaries get rebuild without
+ cause.
+ - Improved the testsuite to work around a problem with some utilities (e.g.
+ `cp -p` & `touch -r`) rounding sub-second timestamps.
+ - Ensure that the early patches don't cause any generated-file hunks to
+ bleed-over into patches that follow.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.2 (8 Apr 2008)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a potential buffer overflow in the xattr code.
+ - None.
+ - The RPM spec file was improved to install more useful files.
+ - A few developer-oriented scripts were moved from the support dir to the
+ packaging dir.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.1 (3 Apr 2008)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Added the 'c'-flag to the itemizing of non-regular files so that the
+ itemized output doesn't get hidden if there were no attribute changes, and
+ also so that the itemizing of a `--copy-links` run will distinguish between
+ copying an identical non-regular file and the creation of a revised version
+ with a new value (e.g. a changed symlink referent, a new device number,
+ etc.).
+ - Fixed a crash bug when a single-use rsync daemon (via remote shell) was run
+ without specifying a `--config=FILE` option.
+ - Fixed a crash when backing up a directory that has a default ACL.
+ - Fixed a bug in the handling of xattr values that could cause rsync to not
+ think that a file's extended attributes are up-to-date.
+ - Fixed the working of `--fake-super` with `--link-dest` and `--xattrs`.
+ - Fixed a hang when combining `--dry-run` with `--remove-source-files`.
+ - Fixed a bug with `--iconv`'s handling of files that cannot be converted: a
+ failed name can no longer cause a transfer failure.
+ - Fixed the building of the rounding.h file on systems that need custom
+ CPPFLAGS to be used. Also improved the error reporting if the building of
+ rounding.h fails.
+ - Fixed the use of the `--protect-args` (`-s`) option when talking to a
+ daemon.
+ - Fixed the `--ignore-existing` option's protection of files on the receiver
+ that are non-regular files on the sender (e.g. if a symlink or a dir on the
+ sender is trying to replace a file on the receiver). The reverse protection
+ (protecting a dir/symlink/device from being replaced by a file) was already
+ working.
+ - Fixed an assert failure if `--hard-links` is combined with an option that
+ can skip a file in a set of hard-linked files (i.e. `--ignore-existing`,
+ `--append`, etc.), without skipping all the files in the set.
+ - Avoid setting the modify time on a directory that already has the right
+ modify time set. This avoids tweaking the dir's ctime.
+ - Improved the daemon-exclude handling to do a better job of applying the
+ exclude rules to path entries. It also sends the user an error just as if
+ the files were actually missing (instead of silently ignoring the user's
+ args), and avoids sending the user the filter-action messages for these
+ non-user-initiated rules.
+ - Fixed some glitches with the dry-run code's missing-directory handling,
+ including a problem when combined with `--fuzzy`.
+ - Fixed some glitches with the skipped-directory handling.
+ - Fixed the 'T'-flag itemizing of symlinks when `--time` isn't preserved.
+ - Fixed a glitch in the itemizing of permissions with the `-E` option.
+ - The `--append` option's restricting of transfers to those that add data no
+ longer prevents the updating of non-content changes to otherwise up-to-date
+ files (i.e. those with the same content but differing permissions,
+ ownership, xattrs, etc.).
+ - Don't allow `--fake-super` to be specified with `-XX` (double `--xattrs`)
+ because the options conflict. If a daemon has `fake super` enabled, it
+ automatically downgrades a `-XX` request to `-X`.
+ - Fixed a couple bugs in the parsing of daemon-config excludes that could make
+ a floating exclude rule get treated as matching an absolute path.
+ - A daemon doesn't try to auto-refuse the `iconv` option if iconv-support
+ wasn't compiled in to the daemon (avoiding a warning in the logs).
+ - Fixed the inclusion of per-dir merge files from implied dirs.
+ - Fixed the rrsync script to work with the latest options that rsync sends,
+ including its flag-specifying use of `-e` to the server. (See the support
+ dir.)
+ - Added the `--old-dirs` (`--old-d`) option to make it easier for a user to
+ ask for file-listings with older rsync versions (this is easier than having
+ to type `-r --exclude='/*/*'` manually).
+ - When getting an error while asking an older rsync daemon for a file listing,
+ rsync will try to notice if the error is a rejection of the `--dirs` (`-d`)
+ option and let the user know how to work around the issue.
+ - Added a few more `--no-OPTION` overrides.
+ - Improved the documentation of the `--append` option.
+ - Improved the documentation of the filter/exclude/include daemon parameters.
+ - Fixed a couple minor bugs in the included popt library (ones which I sent to
+ the official popt project for inclusion in the 1.14 release).
+ - Fixed a stat() call that should have been `do_stat()` so that the proper
+ normal/64-bit stat() function gets called. (Was in an area that should not
+ have caused problems, though.)
+ - Changed the file-glob code to do a directory scan without using the `glob`
+ and `glob.h`. This lets us do the globbing with less memory churn, and also
+ avoid adding daemon-excluded items to the returned args.
+ - The configure script tries to get the user's compiler to not warn about
+ unused function parameters if the build is not including one or more of the
+ ACL/xattrs/iconv features.
+ - The configure script now has better checks for figuring out if the included
+ popt code should be used or not.
+ - Fixed two testsuite glitches: avoid a failure if someone's `cd` command
+ outputs the current directory when cd-ing to a relative path, and made the
+ itemized test query how rsync was built to determine if it should expect
+ hard-linked symlinks or not.
+ - Updated the testsuite to verify that various bug fixes remain fixed.
+ - The RPM spec file was updated to have: (1) comments for how to use the
+ rsync-patch tar file, and (2) an /etc/xinetd.d/rsync file.
+ - Updated the build scripts to work with a revised FTP directory structure.
+# NEWS for rsync 3.0.0 (1 Mar 2008)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The protocol number was changed to 30.
+ - The handling of implied directories when using `--relative` has changed to
+ send them as directories (e.g. no implied dir is ever sent as a symlink).
+ This avoids unexpected behavior and should not adversely affect most people.
+ If you're one of those rare individuals who relied upon having an implied
+ dir be duplicated as a symlink, you should specify the transfer of the
+ symlink and the transfer of the referent directory as separate args. (See
+ also `--keep-dirlinks` and `--no-implied-dirs`.) Also, exclude rules no
+ longer have a partial effect on implied dirs.
+ - Requesting a remote file-listing without specifying `-r` (`--recursive`) now
+ sends the `-d` (`--dirs`) option to the remote rsync rather than sending
+ `-r` along with an extra exclude of `/*/*`. If the remote rsync does not
+ understand the `-d` option (i.e. it is 2.6.3 or older), you will need to
+ either turn off `-d` (`--no-d`), or specify `-r --exclude='/*/*'` manually.
+ - In `--dry-run` mode, the last line of the verbose summary text is output
+ with a "(DRY RUN)" suffix to help remind you that no updates were made.
+ Similarly, `--only-write-batch` outputs `(BATCH ONLY)`.
+ - A writable rsync daemon with `use chroot` disabled now defaults to a
+ symlink-munging behavior designed to make symlinks safer while also allowing
+ absolute symlinks to be stored and retrieved. This also has the effect of
+ making symlinks unusable while they're in the daemon's hierarchy. See the
+ daemon's `munge symlinks` parameter for details.
+ - Starting up an extra copy of an rsync daemon will not clobber the pidfile
+ for the running daemon -- if the pidfile exists, the new daemon will exit
+ with an error. This means that your wrapper script that starts the rsync
+ daemon should be made to handle lock-breaking (if you want any automatic
+ breaking of locks to be done).
+ - A daemon with `use chroot = no` and excluded items listed in the daemon
+ config file now properly checks an absolute-path arg specified for these
+ options: `--compare-dest`, `--link-dest`, `--copy-dest`, `--partial-dir`,
+ `--backup-dir`, `--temp-dir`, and `--files-from`.
+ - A daemon can now be told to disable all user- and group-name translation on
+ a per-module basis. This avoids a potential problem with a writable daemon
+ module that has `use chroot` enabled -- if precautions weren't taken, a user
+ could try to add a missing library and get rsync to use it. This makes rsync
+ safer by default, and more configurable when id-translation is not desired.
+ See the daemon's `numeric ids` parameter for full details.
+ - A chroot daemon can now indicate which part of its path should affect the
+ chroot call, and which part should become an inside-chroot path for the
+ module. This allows you to have outside-the-transfer paths (such as for
+ libraries) even when you enable chroot protection. The idiom used in the
+ rsyncd.conf file is: `path = /chroot/dirs/./dirs/inside`
+ - If a file's data arrived successfully on the receiving side but the rename
+ of the temporary file to the destination file failed AND the
+ `--remove-source-files` (or the deprecated `--remove-sent-files`) option was
+ specified, rsync no longer erroneously removes the associated source file.
+ - Fixed the output of `-ii` when combined with one of the `--*-dest` options:
+ it now itemizes all the items, not just the changed ones.
+ - Made the output of all file types consistent when using a `--*-dest` option.
+ Prior versions would output too many creation events for matching items.
+ - The code that waits for a child pid now handles being interrupted by a
+ signal. This fixes a problem with the pre-xfer exec function not being able
+ to get the exit status from the script.
+ - A negated filter rule (i.e. with a '!' modifier) no longer loses the
+ negation when sending the filter rules to the remote rsync.
+ - Fixed a problem with the `--out-format` (aka `--log-format`) option %f: it
+ no longer outputs superfluous directory info for a non-daemon rsync.
+ - Fixed a problem with `-vv` (double `--verbose`) and `--stats` when `pushing`
+ files (which includes local copies). Version 2.6.9 would complete the copy,
+ but exit with an error when the receiver output its memory stats.
+ - If `--password-file` is used on a non-daemon transfer, rsync now complains
+ and exits. This should help users figure out that they can't use this option
+ to control a remote shell's password prompt.
+ - Make sure that directory permissions of a newly-created destination
+ directory are handled right when `--perms` is left off.
+ - The itemized output of a newly-created destination directory is now output
+ as a creation event, not a change event.
+ - Improved `--hard-link` so that more corner cases are handled correctly when
+ combined with options such as `--link-dest` and/or `--ignore-existing`.
+ - The `--append` option no longer updates a file that has the same size.
+ - Fixed a bug when combining `--backup` and `--backup-dir` with `--inplace`:
+ any missing backup directories are now created.
+ - Fixed a bug when using `--backup` and `--inplace` with `--whole-file` or
+ `--read-batch`: backup files are actually created now.
+ - The daemon pidfile is checked and created sooner in the startup sequence.
+ - If a daemon module's `path` value is not an absolute pathname, the code now
+ makes it absolute internally (making it work properly).
+ - Ensure that a temporary file always has owner-write permission while we are
+ writing to it. This avoids problems with some network filesystems when
+ transferring read-only files.
+ - Any errors output about password-file reading no longer cause an error at
+ the end of the run about a partial transfer.
+ - The `--read-batch` option for protocol 30 now ensures that several more
+ options are set correctly for the current batch file: `--iconv`, `--acls`,
+ `--xattrs`, `--inplace`, `--append`, and `--append-verify`.
+ - Using `--only-write-batch` to a daemon receiver now works properly (older
+ versions would update some files while writing the batch).
+ - Avoid outputting a "file has vanished" message when the file is a broken
+ symlink and `--copy-unsafe-links` or `--copy-dirlinks` is used (the code
+ already handled this for `--copy-links`).
+ - Fixed the combination of `--only-write-batch` and `--dry-run`.
+ - Fixed rsync's ability to remove files that are not writable by the file's
+ owner when rsync is running as the same user.
+ - When transferring large files, the sender's hashtable of checksums is kept
+ at a more reasonable state of fullness (no more than 80% full) so that the
+ scanning of the hashtable will not bog down as the number of blocks
+ increases.
+ - A new incremental-recursion algorithm is now used when rsync is talking to
+ another 3.x version. This starts the transfer going more quickly (before all
+ the files have been found), and requires much less memory. See the
+ `--recursive` option in the manpage for some restrictions.
+ - Lowered memory use in the non-incremental-recursion algorithm for typical
+ option values (usually saving from 21-29 bytes per file).
+ - The default `--delete` algorithm is now `--delete-during` when talking to a
+ 3.x rsync. This is a faster scan than using `--delete-before` (which is the
+ default when talking to older rsync versions), and is compatible with the
+ new incremental recursion mode.
+ - Rsync now allows multiple remote-source args to be specified rather than
+ having to rely on a special space-splitting side-effect of the remote-
+ shell. Additional remote args must specify the same host or an empty one
+ (e.g. empty: `:file1` or `::module/file2`). For example, this means that
+ local use of brace expansion now works: `rsync -av host:dir/{f1,f2} .`
+ - Added the `--protect-args` (`-s`) option, that tells rsync to send most of
+ the command-line args at the start of the transfer rather than as args to
+ the remote-shell command. This protects them from space-splitting, and only
+ interprets basic wildcard special shell characters (`*?[`).
+ - Added the `--delete-delay` option, which is a more efficient way to delete
+ files at the end of the transfer without needing a separate delete pass.
+ - Added the `--acls` (`-A`) option to preserve Access Control Lists. This is
+ an improved version of the prior patch that was available, and it even
+ supports OS X ACLs. If you need to have backward compatibility with old,
+ ACL-patched versions of rsync, apply the acls.diff file from the patches
+ dir.
+ - Added the `--xattrs` (`-X`) option to preserve extended attributes. This is
+ an improved version of the prior patch that was available, and it even
+ supports OS X xattrs (which includes their resource fork data). If you need
+ to have backward compatibility with old, xattr-patched versions of rsync,
+ apply the xattrs.diff file from the patches dir.
+ - Added the `--fake-super` option that allows a non-super user to preserve all
+ attributes of a file by using a special extended-attribute idiom. It even
+ supports the storing of foreign ACL data on your backup server. There is
+ also an analogous `fake super` parameter for an rsync daemon.
+ - Added the `--iconv` option, which allows rsync to convert filenames from one
+ character-set to another during the transfer. The default is to make this
+ feature available as long as your system has `iconv_open()`. If compilation
+ fails, specify `--disable-iconv` to configure, and then rebuild. If you want
+ rsync to perform character-set conversions by default, you can specify
+ `--enable-iconv=CONVERT_STRING` with the default value for the `--iconv`
+ option that you wish to use. For example, `--enable-iconv=.` is a good
+ choice. See the rsync manpage for an explanation of the `--iconv` option's
+ settings.
+ - A new daemon config parameter, `charset`, lets you control the character-
+ set that is used during an `--iconv` transfer to/from a daemon module. You
+ can also set your daemon to refuse `no-iconv` if you want to force the
+ client to use an `--iconv` transfer (requiring an rsync 3.x client).
+ - Added the `--skip-compress=LIST` option to override the default list of file
+ suffixes that will not be compressed when using `--compress` (`-z`).
+ - The daemon's default for `dont compress` was extended to include: `*.7z`
+ `*.mp[34]` `*.mov` `*.avi` `*.ogg` `*.jpg` `*.jpeg` and the name-matching routine was also
+ optimized to run more quickly.
+ - The `--max-delete` option now outputs a warning if it skipped any file
+ deletions, including a count of how many deletions were skipped. (Older
+ versions just silently stopped deleting things.)
+ - You may specify `--max-delete=0` to a 3.0.0 client to request that it warn
+ about extraneous files without deleting anything. If you're not sure what
+ version the client is, you can use the less-obvious `--max-delete=-1`, as
+ both old and new versions will treat that as the same request (though older
+ versions don't warn).
+ - The `--hard-link` option now uses less memory on both the sending and
+ receiving side for all protocol versions. For protocol 30, the use of a
+ hashtable on the sending side allows us to more efficiently convey to the
+ receiver what files are linked together. This reduces the amount of data
+ sent over the socket by a considerable margin (rather than adding more
+ data), and limits the in-memory storage of the device+inode information to
+ just the sending side for the new protocol 30, or to the receiving side when
+ speaking an older protocol (note that older rsync versions kept the
+ device+inode information on both sides).
+ - The filter rules now support a perishable (`p`) modifier that marks rules
+ that should not have an effect in a directory that is being deleted. e.g.
+ `-f '-p .svn/'` would only affect `live` .svn directories.
+ - Rsync checks all the alternate-destination args for validity (e.g.
+ `--link-dest`). This lets the user know when they specified a directory that
+ does not exist.
+ - If we get an ENOSYS error setting the time on a symlink, we don't complain
+ about it anymore (for those systems that even support the setting of the
+ modify-time on a symlink).
+ - Protocol 30 now uses MD5 checksums instead of MD4.
+ - Changed the `--append` option to not checksum the existing data in the
+ destination file, which speeds up file appending.
+ - Added the `--append-verify` option, which works like the older `--append`
+ option (verifying the existing data in the destination file). For
+ compatibility with older rsync versions, any use of `--append` that is
+ talking protocol 29 or older will revert to the `--append-verify` method.
+ - Added the `--contimeout=SECONDS` option that lets the user specify a
+ connection timeout for rsync daemon access.
+ - Documented and extended the support for the `RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG` variable
+ that can be used to enhance the client side of a daemon connection.
+ - Improved the dashes and double-quotes in the nroff manpage output.
+ - Rsync now supports a lot more `--no-OPTION` override options.
+ - The file-list sorting algorithm now uses a sort that keeps any same-named
+ items in the same order as they were specified. This allows rsync to always
+ ensure that the first of the duplicates is the one that will be included in
+ the copy. The new sort is also faster than the glibc version of qsort() and
+ mergesort().
+ - Rsync now supports the transfer of 64-bit timestamps (`time_t` values).
+ - Made the file-deletion code use a little less stack when recursing through a
+ directory hierarchy of extraneous files.
+ - Fixed a build problem with older (2.x) versions of gcc.
+ - Added some isType() functions that make dealing with signed characters
+ easier without forcing variables via casts.
+ - Changed strcat/strcpy/sprintf function calls to use safer versions.
+ - Upgraded the included popt version to 1.10.2 and improved its use of
+ string-handling functions.
+ - Added missing prototypes for compatibility functions from the lib dir.
+ - Configure determines if iconv() has a const arg, allowing us to avoid a
+ compiler warning.
+ - Made the sending of some numbers more efficient for protocol 30.
+ - Make sure that a daemon process doesn't mind if the client was weird and
+ omitted the `--server` option.
+ - There are more internal logging categories available in protocol 30 than the
+ age-old FINFO and FERROR, including `FERROR_XFER` and FWARN. These new
+ categories allow some errors and warnings to go to stderr without causing an
+ erroneous end-of-run warning about some files not being able to be
+ transferred.
+ - Improved the use of `const` on pointers.
+ - Improved J.W.'s `pool_alloc` routines to add a way of incrementally freeing
+ older sections of a pool's memory.
+ - The getaddrinfo.c compatibility code in the `lib` dir was replaced with some
+ new code (derived from samba, derived from PostgreSQL) that has a better
+ license than the old code.
+ - Rsync is now licensed under the GPLv3 or later.
+ - Rsync is now being maintained in a `git` repository instead of CVS (though
+ the old CVS repository still exists for historical access). Several
+ maintenance scripts were updated to work with git.
+ - Generated files are no longer committed into the source repository. The
+ autoconf and autoheader commands are now automatically run during the normal
+ use of `configure` and `make`. The latest dev versions of all generated
+ files can also be copied from the web site (see the prepare-source
+ script's fetch option).
+ - The `patches` directory of diff files is now built from branches in the
+ rsync git repository (branch patch/FOO creates file patches/FOO.diff). This
+ directory is now distributed in a separate separate tar file named
+ rsync-patches-VERSION.tar.gz instead of the main rsync-VERSION.tar.gz.
+ - The proto.h file is now built using a simple perl script rather than a
+ complex awk script, which proved to be more widely compatible.
+ - When running the tests, we now put our per-test temp dirs into a sub-
+ directory named testtmp (which is created, if missing). This allows someone
+ to symlink the testtmp directory to another filesystem (which is useful if
+ the build dir's filesystem does not support ACLs and xattrs, but another
+ filesystem does).
+ - Rsync now has a way of handling protocol-version changes during the
+ development of a new protocol version. This causes any out-of-sync versions
+ to speak an older protocol rather than fail in a cryptic manner. This
+ addition makes it safer to deploy a pre-release version that may interact
+ with the public. This new exchange of sub-version info does not interfere
+ with the `{MIN,MAX}_PROTOCOL_VERSION` checking algorithm (which does not
+ have enough range to allow the main protocol number to be incremented for
+ every minor tweak in that happens during development).
+ - The csprotocol.txt file was updated to mention the daemon protocol change in
+ the 3.0.0 release.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.9 (6 Nov 2006)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - If rsync is interrupted via a handled signal (such as SIGINT), it will once
+ again clean-up its temp file from the destination dir.
+ - Fixed an overzealous sanitizing bug in the handling of the `--link-dest`,
+ `--copy-dest`, and `--compare-dest` options to a daemon without chroot: if
+ the copy's destination dir is deeper than the top of the module's path,
+ these options now accept a safe number of parent-dir (../) references (since
+ these options are relative to the destination dir). The old code incorrectly
+ chopped off all `../` prefixes for these options, no matter how deep the
+ destination directory was in the module's hierarchy.
+ - Fixed a bug where a deferred info/error/log message could get sent directly
+ to the sender instead of being handled by rwrite() in the generator. This
+ fixes an `unexpected tag 3` fatal error, and should also fix a potential
+ problem where a deferred info/error message from the receiver might bypass
+ the log file and get sent only to the client process. (These problems could
+ only affect an rsync daemon that was receiving files.)
+ - Fixed a bug when `--inplace` was combined with a `--*-dest` option and we
+ update a file's data using an alternate basis file. The code now notices
+ that it needs to copy the matching data from the basis file instead of
+ (wrongly) assuming that it was already present in the file.
+ - Fixed a bug where using `--dry-run` with a `--*-dest` option with a path
+ relative to a directory that does not yet exist: the affected option gets
+ its proper path value so that the output of the dry-run is right.
+ - Fixed a bug in the %f logfile escape when receiving files: the destination
+ path is now included in the output (e.g. you can now tell when a user
+ specifies a subdir inside a module).
+ - If the receiving side fails to create a directory, it will now skip trying
+ to update everything that is inside that directory.
+ - If `--link-dest` is specified with `--checksum` but without `--times`, rsync
+ will now allow a hard-link to be created to a matching link-dest file even
+ when the file's modify-time doesn't match the server's file.
+ - The daemon now calls more timezone-using functions prior to doing a chroot.
+ This should help some C libraries to generate proper timestamps from inside
+ a chrooted daemon (and to not try to access /etc/timezone over and over
+ again).
+ - Fixed a bug in the handling of an absolute `--partial-dir=ABS_PATH` option:
+ it now deletes an alternate basis file from the partial-dir that was used to
+ successfully update a destination file.
+ - Fixed a bug in the handling of `--delete-excluded` when using a per-dir
+ merge file: the merge file is now honored on the receiving side, and only
+ its unqualified include/exclude commands are ignored (just as is done for
+ global include/excludes).
+ - Fixed a recent bug where `--delete` was not working when transferring from
+ the root (/) of the filesystem with `--relative` enabled.
+ - Fixed a recent bug where an `--exclude='*'` could affect the root (/) of the
+ filesystem with `--relative` enabled.
+ - When `--inplace` creates a file, it is now created with owner read/write
+ permissions (0600) instead of no permissions at all. This avoids a problem
+ continuing a transfer that was interrupted (since `--inplace` will not
+ update a file that has no write permissions).
+ - If either `--remove-source-files` or `--remove-sent-files` is enabled and we
+ are unable to remove the source file, rsync now outputs an error.
+ - Fixed a bug in the daemon's `incoming chmod` rule: newly-created directories
+ no longer get the 'F' (file) rules applied to them.
+ - Fixed an infinite loop bug when a filter rule was rejected due to being
+ overly long.
+ - When the server receives a `--partial-dir` option from the client, it no
+ longer runs the client-side code that adds an assumed filter rule (since the
+ client will be sending us the rules in the usual manner, and they may have
+ chosen to override the auto-added rule).
+ - Added the `--log-file=FILE` and `--log-file-format=FORMAT` options. These
+ can be used to tell any rsync to output what it is doing to a log file.
+ They work with a client rsync, a non-daemon server rsync (see the manpage
+ for instructions), and also allows the overriding of rsyncd.conf settings
+ when starting a daemon.
+ - The `--log-format` option was renamed to be `--out-format` to avoid
+ confusing it with affecting the log-file output. (The old option remains as
+ an alias for the new to preserve backward compatibility.)
+ - Made `log file` and `syslog facility` settable on a per-module basis in the
+ daemon's config file.
+ - Added the `--remove-source-files` option as a replacement for the (now
+ deprecated) `--remove-sent-files` option. This new option removes all
+ non-dirs from the source directories, even if the file was already
+ up-to-date. This fixes a problem where interrupting an rsync that was using
+ `--remove-sent-files` and restarting it could leave behind a file that the
+ earlier rsync synchronized, but didn't get to remove. (The deprecated
+ `--remove-sent-files` is still understood for now, and still behaves in the
+ same way as before.)
+ - Added the option `--no-motd` to suppress the message-of-the-day output from
+ a daemon when doing a copy. (See the manpage for a caveat.)
+ - Added a new environment variable to the pre-/post-xfer exec commands (in the
+ daemon's config file): `RSYNC_PID`. This value will be the same in both the
+ pre- and post-xfer commands, so it can be used as a unique ID if the
+ pre-xfer command wants to cache some arg/request info for the post-xfer
+ command.
+ - Did a code audit using IBM's code-checker program and made several changes,
+ including: replacing most of the strcpy() and sprintf() calls with
+ strlcpy(), snprintf(), and memcpy(), adding a 0-value to an enum that had
+ been intermingling a literal 0 with the defined enum values, silencing some
+ uninitialized memory checks, marking some functions with a `noreturn`
+ attribute, and changing an `if` that could never succeed on some platforms
+ into a pre-processor directive that conditionally compiles the code.
+ - Fixed a potential bug in `f_name_cmp()` when both the args are a top-level
+ `.` dir (which doesn't happen in normal operations).
+ - Changed `exit_cleanup()` so that it can never return instead of exit. The
+ old code might return if it found the `exit_cleanup()` function was being
+ called recursively. The new code is segmented so that any recursive calls
+ move on to the next step of the exit-processing.
+ - The macro WIFEXITED(stat) will now be defined if the OS didn't already
+ define it.
+ - The acls.diff and xattrs.diff patches have received a bunch of work to make
+ them much closer to being acceptable in the main distribution. The xattrs
+ patch also has some preliminary Mac OS X and FreeBSD compatibility code that
+ various system types to exchange extended file-attributes.
+ - A new diff in the patches dir, fake-root.diff, allows rsync to maintain a
+ backup hierarchy with full owner, group, and device info without actually
+ running as root. It does this using a special extended attribute, so it
+ depends on xattrs.diff (which depends on acls.diff).
+ - The rsync.yo and rsyncd.conf.yo files have been updated to work better with
+ the latest yodl 2.x releases.
+ - Updated config.guess and config.sub to their 2006-07-02 versions.
+ - Updated various files to include the latest FSF address and to have
+ consistent opening comments.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.8 (22 Apr 2006)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a bug in the exclude code where an anchored exclude without any
+ wildcards fails to match an absolute source arg, but only when `--relative`
+ is in effect.
+ - Improved the I/O code for the generator to fix a potential hang when the
+ receiver gets an EOF on the socket but the generator's select() call never
+ indicates that the socket is writable for it to be notified about the EOF.
+ (This can happen when using stunnel).
+ - Fixed a problem with the file-reading code where a failed read (such as that
+ caused by a bad sector) would not advance the file's read-position beyond
+ the failed read's data.
+ - Fixed a logging bug where the `log file` directive was not being honored in
+ a single-use daemon (one spawned by a remote-shell connection or by init).
+ - If rsync cannot honor the `--delete` option, we output an error and exit
+ instead of silently ignoring the option.
+ - Fixed a bug in the `--link-dest` code that prevented special files (such as
+ fifos) from being linked.
+ - The ability to hard-link symlinks and special files is now determined at
+ configure time instead of at runtime. This fixes a bug with `--link-dest`
+ creating a hard-link to a symlink's referent on a BSD system.
+ - In daemon mode, if rsync fails to bind to the requested port, the error(s)
+ returned by socket() and/or bind() are now logged.
+ - When we output a fatal error, we now output the version of rsync in the
+ message.
+ - Improved the documentation for the `--owner` and `--group` options.
+ - The rsyncstats script in `support` has an improved line-parsing regex that
+ is easier to read and also makes it to parse syslog-generated lines.
+ - A new script in `support`: file-attr-restore, can be used to restore the
+ attributes of a file-set (the permissions, ownership, and group info) taken
+ from the cached output of a `find ARG... -ls` command.
+ - Removed the unused function `write_int_named()`, the unused variable
+ `io_read_phase`, and the rarely used variable `io_write_phase`. This also
+ elides the confusing 'phase "unknown"' part of one error message.
+ - Removed two unused configure checks and two related (also unused)
+ compatibility functions.
+ - The xattrs.diff patch received a security fix that prevents a potential
+ buffer overflow in the `receive_xattr()` code.
+ - The acls.diff patch has been improved quite a bit, with more to come.
+ - A new patch was added: log-file.diff. This contains an early version of a
+ future option, `--log-file=FILE`, that will allow any rsync to log its
+ actions to a file (something that only a daemon supports at present).
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.7 (11 Mar 2006)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The letter 'D' in the itemized output was being used for both devices
+ (character or block) as well as other special files (such as fifos and named
+ sockets). This has changed to separate non-device special files under the
+ 'S' designation (e.g. `cS+++++++ path/fifo`). See also the `--specials`
+ option, below.
+ - The way rsync escapes unreadable characters has changed. First, rsync now
+ has support for recognizing valid multi-byte character sequences in your
+ current locale, allowing it to escape fewer characters than before for a
+ locale such as UTF-8. Second, it now uses an escape idiom of `\#123`, which
+ is the literal string `\#` followed by exactly 3 octal digits. Rsync no
+ longer doubles a backslash character in a filename (e.g. it used to output
+ `foo\\bar` when copying `foo\bar`) -- now it only escapes a backslash that
+ is followed by a hash-sign and 3 digits (0-9) (e.g. it will output
+ `foo\#134#789` when copying `foo\#789`). See also the `--8-bit-output`
+ (`-8`) option, mentioned below.
+ Script writers: the local rsync is the one that outputs escaped names, so if
+ you need to support unescaping of filenames for older rsyncs, I'd suggest
+ that you parse the output of `rsync --version` and only use the old
+ unescaping rules for 2.6.5 and 2.6.6.
+ - Fixed a really old bug that caused `--checksum` (`-c`) to checksum all the
+ files encountered during the delete scan (ouch).
+ - Fixed a potential hang in a remote generator: when the receiver gets a
+ read-error on the socket, it now signals the generator about this so that
+ the generator does not try to send any of the terminating error messages to
+ the client (avoiding a potential hang in some setups).
+ - Made hard-links work with symlinks and devices again.
+ - If the sender gets an early EOF reading a source file, we propagate this
+ error to the receiver so that it can discard the file and try requesting it
+ again (which is the existing behavior for other kinds of read errors).
+ - If a device-file/special-file changes permissions, rsync now updates the
+ permissions without recreating the file.
+ - If the user specifies a remote-host for both the source and destination, we
+ now output a syntax error rather than trying to open the destination
+ hostspec as a filename.
+ - When `--inplace` creates a new destination file, rsync now creates it with
+ permissions 0600 instead of 0000 -- this makes restarting possible when the
+ transfer gets interrupted in the middle of sending a new file.
+ - Reject the combination of `--inplace` and `--sparse` since the sparse-output
+ algorithm doesn't work when overwriting existing data.
+ - Fixed the directory name in the error that is output when `pop_dir()` fails.
+ - Really fixed the parsing of a `!` entry in .cvsignore files this time.
+ - If the generator gets a stat() error on a file, output it (this used to
+ require at least `-vv` for the error to be seen).
+ - If waitpid() fails or the child rsync didn't exit cleanly, we now handle the
+ exit status properly and generate a better error.
+ - Fixed some glitches in the double-verbose output when using `--copy-dest`,
+ `--link-dest`, or `--compare-dest`. Also improved how the verbose output
+ handles hard-links (within the transfer) that had an up-to-date alternate
+ `dest` file, and copied files (via `--copy-dest`).
+ - Fixed the matching of the dont-compress items (e.g. `*.gz`) against files
+ that have a path component containing a slash.
+ - If the code reading a filter/exclude file gets an EINTR error, rsync now
+ clears the error flag on the file handle so it can keep on reading.
+ - If `--relative` is active, the sending side cleans up trailing `/` or `/.`
+ suffixes to avoid triggering a bug in older rsync versions. Also, we now
+ reject a `..` dir if it would be sent as a relative dir.
+ - If a non-directory is in the way of a directory and rsync is run with
+ `--dry-run` and `--delete`, rsync no longer complains about not being able
+ to opendir() the not-yet present directory.
+ - When `--list-only` is used and a non-existent local destination dir was also
+ specified as a destination, rsync no longer generates a warning about being
+ unable to create the missing directory.
+ - Fixed some problems with `--relative --no-implied-dirs` when the destination
+ directory did not yet exist: we can now create a symlink or device when it
+ is the first thing in the missing dir, and `--fuzzy` no longer complains
+ about being unable to open the missing dir.
+ - Fixed a bug where the `--copy-links` option would not affect implied
+ directories without `--copy-unsafe-links` (see `--relative`).
+ - Got rid of the need for `--force` to be used in some circumstances with
+ `--delete-after` (making it consistent with
+ `--delete-before`/`--delete-during`).
+ - Rsync now ignores the SIGXFSZ signal, just in case your OS sends this when a
+ file is too large (rsync handles the write error).
+ - Fixed a bug in the Proxy-Authorization header's base64-encoded value: it was
+ not properly padded with trailing '=' chars. This only affects a user that
+ need to use a password-authenticated proxy for an outgoing daemon-rsync
+ connection.
+ - If we're transferring an empty directory to a new name, rsync no longer
+ forces `S_IWUSR` if it wasn't already set, nor does it accidentally leave it
+ set.
+ - Fixed a bug in the debug output (`-vvvvv`) that could mention the wrong
+ checksum for the current file offset.
+ - Rsync no longer allows a single directory to be copied over a non-directory
+ destination arg.
+ - Added the `--append` option that makes rsync append data onto files that are
+ longer on the source than the destination (this includes new files).
+ - Added the `--min-size=SIZE` option to exclude small files from the transfer.
+ - Added the `--compress-level` option to allow you to set how aggressive
+ rsync's compression should be (this option implies `--compress`).
+ - Enhanced the parsing of the SIZE value for `--min-size` and `--max-size` to
+ allow easy entry of multiples of 1000 (instead of just multiples of 1024)
+ and off-by-one values too (e.g. `--max-size=8mb-1`).
+ - Added the `--8-bit-output` (`-8`) option, which tells rsync to avoid
+ escaping high-bit characters that it thinks are unreadable in the current
+ locale.
+ - The new option `--human-readable` (`-h`) changes the output of `--progress`,
+ `--stats`, and the end-of-run summary to be easier to read. If repeated, the
+ units become powers of 1024 instead of powers of 1000. (The old meaning of
+ `-h`, as a shorthand for `--help`, still works as long as you just use it on
+ its own, as in `rsync -h`.)
+ - If lutimes() and/or lchmod() are around, use them to allow the preservation
+ of attributes on symlinks.
+ - The `--link-dest` option now affects symlinks and devices (when possible).
+ - Added two config items to the rsyncd.conf parsing: `pre-xfer exec` and
+ `post-xfer exec`. These allow a command to be specified on a per-module
+ basis that will be run before and/or after a daemon-mode transfer. (See the
+ manpage for a list of the environment variables that are set with
+ information about the transfer.)
+ - When using the `--relative` option, you can now insert a dot dir in the
+ source path to indicate where the replication of the source dirs should
+ start. For example, if you specify a source path of
+ rsync://host/module/foo/bar/./baz/dir with `-R`, rsync will now only
+ replicate the `baz/dir` part of the source path (note: a trailing dot dir is
+ unaffected unless it also has a trailing slash).
+ - Added some new `--no-FOO` options that make it easier to override unwanted
+ implied or default options. For example, `-a --no-o` (aka `--archive
+ --no-owner`) can be used to turn off the preservation of file ownership that
+ is implied by `-a`.
+ - Added the `--chmod=MODE` option that allows the destination permissions to
+ be changed from the source permissions. E.g. `--chmod=g+w,o-rwx`
+ - Added the `incoming chmod` and `outgoing chmod` daemon options that allow a
+ module to specify what permissions changes should be applied to all files
+ copied to and from the daemon.
+ - Allow the `--temp-dir` option to be specified when starting a daemon, which
+ sets the default temporary directory for incoming files.
+ - If `--delete` is combined with `--dirs` without `--recursive`, rsync will
+ now delete in any directory whose content is being synchronized.
+ - If `--backup` is combined with `--delete` without `--backup-dir` (and
+ without `--delete-excluded`), we add a `protect` filter-rule to ensure that
+ files with the backup suffix are not deleted.
+ - The file-count stats that are output by `--progress` were improved to better
+ indicate what the numbers mean. For instance, the output: `(xfer#5,
+ to-check=8383/9999)` indicates that this was the fifth file to be
+ transferred, and we still need to check 8383 more files out of a total of
+ 9999.
+ - The include/exclude code now allows a `dir/***` directive (with 3 trailing
+ stars) to match both the dir itself as well as all the content below the dir
+ (`dir/**` would not match the dir).
+ - Added the `--prune-empty-dirs` (`-m`) option that makes the receiving rsync
+ discard empty chains of directories from the file-list. This makes it easier
+ to selectively copy files from a source hierarchy and end up with just the
+ directories needed to hold the resulting files.
+ - If the `--itemize-changes` (`-i`) option is repeated, rsync now includes
+ unchanged files in the itemized output (similar to `-vv`, but without all
+ the other verbose messages that can get in the way). Of course, the client
+ must be version 2.6.7 for this to work, but the remote rsync only needs to
+ be 2.6.7 if you're pushing files.
+ - Added the `--specials` option to tell rsync to copy non-device special files
+ (which rsync now attempts even as a normal user). The `--devices` option now
+ requests the copying of just devices (character and block). The `-D` option
+ still requests both (e.g. `--devices` and `--specials`), `-a` still implies
+ `-D`, and non-root users still get a silent downgrade that omits device
+ copying.
+ - Added the `--super` option to make the receiver always attempt super-user
+ activities. This is useful for systems that allow things such as devices to
+ be created or ownership to be set without being UID 0, and is also useful
+ for someone who wants to ensure that errors will be output if the receiving
+ rsync isn't being run as root.
+ - Added the `--sockopts` option for those few who want to customize the TCP
+ options used to contact a daemon rsync.
+ - Added a way for the `--temp-dir` option to be combined with a partial-dir
+ setting that lets rsync avoid non-atomic updates (for those times when
+ `--temp-dir` is not being used because space is tight).
+ - A new support script, files-to-excludes, will transform a list of files into
+ a set of include/exclude directives that will copy those files.
+ - A new option, `--executability` (`-E`) can be used to preserve just the
+ execute bit on files, for those times when using the `--perms` option is not
+ desired.
+ - The daemon now logs each connection and also each module-list request that
+ it receives.
+ - New log-format options: %M (modtime), %U (uid), %G (gid), and %B (permission
+ bits, e.g. `rwxr-xrwt`).
+ - The `--dry-run` option no longer forces the enabling of `--verbose`.
+ - The `--remove-sent-files` option now does a better job of incrementally
+ removing the sent files on the sending side (older versions tended to clump
+ up all the removals at the end).
+ - A daemon now supersedes its minimal SIGCHLD handler with the standard
+ PID-remembering version after forking. This ensures that the generator can
+ get the child-exit status from the receiver.
+ - Use of the `--bwlimit` option no longer interferes with the remote rsync
+ sending error messages about invalid/refused options.
+ - Rsync no longer returns a usage error when used with one local source arg
+ and no destination: this now implies the `--list-only` option, just like the
+ comparable situation with a remote source arg.
+ - Added the `--copy-dirlinks` option, a more limited version of
+ `--copy-links`.
+ - Various documentation improvements, including: a better synopsis, some
+ improved examples, a better discussion of the presence and absence of
+ `--perms` (including how it interacts with the new `--executability` and
+ `--chmod` options), an extended discussion of `--temp-dir`, an improved
+ discussion of `--partial-dir`, a better description of rsync's pattern
+ matching characters, an improved `--no-implied-dirs` section, and the
+ documenting of what the `--stats` option outputs.
+ - Various new and updated diffs in the patches dir, including: acls.diff,
+ xattrs.diff, atimes.diff, detect-renamed.diff, and slp.diff.
+ - We now use sigaction() and sigprocmask() if possible, and fall back on
+ signal() if not. Using sigprocmask() ensures that rsync enables all the
+ signals that it needs, just in case it was started in a masked state.
+ - Some buffer sizes were expanded a bit, particularly on systems where
+ MAXPATHLEN is overly small (e.g. Cygwin).
+ - If `io_printf()` tries to format more data than fits in the buffer, exit
+ with an error instead of transmitting a truncated buffer.
+ - If a `va_copy` macro is defined, lib/snprintf.c will use it when defining
+ the `VA_COPY` macro.
+ - Reduced the amount of stack memory needed for each level of directory
+ recursion by nearly MAXPATHLEN bytes.
+ - The wildmatch function was extended to allow an array of strings to be
+ supplied as the string to match. This allows the exclude code to do less
+ string copying.
+ - Got rid of the `safe_fname()` function (and all the myriad calls) and
+ replaced it with a new function in the log.c code that filters all the
+ output going to the terminal.
+ - Unified the `f_name()` and the `f_name_to()` functions.
+ - Improved the hash-table code the sender uses to handle checksums to make it
+ use slightly less memory and run just a little faster.
+ - The diffs in the patches dir now require `patch -p1 <DIFF` instead of the
+ previous `-p0`. Also, the version included in the release tar now affect
+ generated files (e.g. configure, rsync.1, proto.h, etc.), so it is no longer
+ necessary to run autoconf and/or yodl unless you're applying a patch that
+ was checked out from CVS.
+ - Several diffs in the patches dir now use the proper `--enable-FOO` configure
+ option instead of `--with-FOO` to turn on the inclusion of the newly patched
+ feature.
+ - There is a new script, `prepare-source` than can be used to update the
+ various generated files (proto.h, configure, etc.) even before configure has
+ created the Makefile (this is mainly useful when patching the source with a
+ patch that doesn't affect generated files).
+ - The testsuite now sets HOME so that it won't be affected by a file such as
+ ~/.popt.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.6 (28 Jul 2005)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The zlib code was upgraded to version 1.2.3 in order to make it more secure.
+ While the widely-publicized security problem in zlib 1.2.2 did not affect
+ rsync, another security problem surfaced that affects rsync's zlib 1.1.4.
+ - The setting of `flist->high` in `clean_flist()` was wrong for an empty list.
+ This could cause `flist_find()` to crash in certain rare circumstances (e.g.
+ if just the right directory setup was around when `--fuzzy` was combined
+ with `--link-dest`).
+ - The outputting of hard-linked files when verbosity was > 1 was not right:
+ (1) Without `-i` it would output the name of each hard-linked file as though
+ it had been changed; it now outputs a `is hard linked` message for the file.
+ (2) With `-i` it would output all dots for the unchanged attributes of a
+ hard-link; it now changes those dots to spaces, as is done for other totally
+ unchanged items.
+ - When backing up a changed symlink or device, get rid of any old backup item
+ so that we don't get an `already exists` error.
+ - A couple places that were comparing a local and a remote modification-time
+ were not honoring the `--modify-window` option.
+ - Fixed a bug where the 'p' (permissions) itemized-changes flag might get set
+ too often (if some non-significant mode bits differed).
+ - Fixed a really old, minor bug that could cause rsync to warn about being
+ unable to mkdir() a path that ends in `/.` because it just created the
+ directory (required `--relative`, `--no-implied-dirs`, a source path that
+ ended in either a trailing slash or a trailing `/.`, and a non-existing
+ destination dir to tickle the bug in a recent version).
+ - Made the `max verbosity` setting in the rsyncd.conf file settable on a
+ per-module basis (which now matches the documentation).
+ - The rrsync script has been upgraded to verify the args of options that take
+ args (instead of rejecting any such options). It was also changed to try to
+ be more secure and to fix a problem in the parsing of a pull operation that
+ has multiple source args. (See the support dir.)
+ - Improved the documentation that explains the difference between a normal
+ daemon transfer and a daemon-over remote-shell transfer.
+ - Some of the diffs supplied in the patches dir were fixed and/or improved.
+ - Made configure define `NOBODY_USER` (currently hard-wired to `nobody`) and
+ `NOBODY_GROUP` (set to either `nobody` or `nogroup` depending on what we
+ find in the /etc/group file).
+ - Added a test to the test suite, itemized.test, that tests the output of `-i`
+ (log-format w/%i) and some double-verbose messages.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.5 (1 Jun 2005)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Non-printable chars in filenames are now output using backslash-escaped
+ characters rather than '?'s. Any non-printable character is output using 3
+ digits of octal (e.g. `\n` -> `\012`), and a backslash is now output as
+ `\\`. Rsync also uses your locale setting, which can make it treat fewer
+ high-bit characters as non-printable.
+ - If rsync received an empty file-list when pulling files, it would output a
+ `nothing to do` message and exit with a 0 (success) exit status, even if the
+ remote rsync returned an error (it did not do this under the same conditions
+ when pushing files). This was changed to make the pulling behavior the same
+ as the pushing behavior: we now do the normal end-of-run outputting
+ (depending on options) and exit with the appropriate exit status.
+ - A crash bug was fixed when a daemon had its `path` set to `/`, did not have
+ chroot enabled, and used some anchored excludes in the rsyncd.conf file.
+ - Fixed a bug in the transfer of a single file when `-H` is specified (rsync
+ would either infinite loop or perhaps crash).
+ - Fixed a case where the generator might try (and fail) to tweak the
+ write-permissions of a read-only directory in list-only mode (this only
+ caused an annoying warning message).
+ - If `--compare-dest` or `--link-dest` uses a locally-copied file as the basis
+ for an updated version, log this better when `--verbose` or `-i` is in
+ effect.
+ - Fixed the accidental disabling of `--backup` during the `--delete-after`
+ processing.
+ - Restored the ability to use the `--address` option in client mode (in
+ addition to its use in daemon mode).
+ - Make sure that some temporary progress information from the delete
+ processing does not get left on the screen when it is followed by a newline.
+ - When `--existing` skips a directory with extra verbosity, refer to it as a
+ `directory`, not a `file`.
+ - When transferring a single file to a different-named file, any generator
+ messages that are source-file related no longer refer to the file by the
+ destination filename.
+ - Fixed a bug where hard-linking a group of files might fail if the generator
+ hasn't created a needed destination directory yet.
+ - Fixed a bug where a hard-linked group of files that is newly-linked to a
+ file in a `--link-dest` dir doesn't link the files from the rest of the
+ cluster.
+ - When deleting files with the `--one-file-system` (`-x`) option set, rsync no
+ longer tries to remove files from inside a mount-point on the receiving
+ side. Also, we don't complain about being unable to remove the mount-point
+ dir.
+ - Fixed a compatibility problem when using `--cvs-ignore` (`-C`) and sending
+ files to an older rsync without using `--delete`.
+ - Make sure that a `- !` or `+ !` include/exclude pattern does not trigger the
+ list-clearing action that is reserved for `!`.
+ - Avoid a timeout in the generator when the sender/receiver aren't handling
+ the generator's checksum output quickly enough.
+ - Fixed the omission of some directories in the delete processing when
+ `--relative` (`-R`) was combined with a source path that had a trailing
+ slash.
+ - Fixed a case where rsync would erroneously delete some files and then
+ re-transfer them when the options `--relative` (`-R`) and `--recursive`
+ (`-r`) were both enabled (along with `--delete`) and a source path had a
+ trailing slash.
+ - Make sure that `--max-size` doesn't affect a device or a symlink.
+ - Make sure that a system with a really small MAXPATHLEN does not cause the
+ buffers in `readfd_unbuffered()` to be too small to receive normal messages.
+ (This mainly affected Cygwin.)
+ - If a source pathname ends with a filename of `..`, treat it as if `../` had
+ been specified (so that we don't copy files to the parent dir of the
+ destination).
+ - If `--delete` is combined with a file-listing rsync command (i.e. no
+ transfer is happening), avoid outputting a warning that we couldn't delete
+ anything.
+ - If `--stats` is specified with `--delete-after`, ensure that all the
+ `deleting` messages are output before the statistics.
+ - Improved one `if` in the deletion code that was only checking errno for
+ ENOTEMPTY when it should have also been checking for EEXIST (for
+ compatibility with OS variations).
+ - Added the `--only-write-batch=FILE` option that may be used (instead of
+ `--write-batch=FILE`) to create a batch file without doing any actual
+ updating of the destination. This allows you to divert all the file-updating
+ data away from a slow data link (as long as you are pushing the data to the
+ remote server when creating the batch).
+ - When the generator is taking a long time to fill up its output buffer (e.g.
+ if the transferred files are few, small, or missing), it now periodically
+ flushes the output buffer so that the sender/receiver can get started on the
+ files sooner rather than later.
+ - Improved the keep-alive code to handle a long silence between the sender and
+ the receiver that can occur when the sender is receiving the checksum data
+ for a large file.
+ - Improved the auth-errors that are logged by the daemon to include some
+ information on why the authorization failed: wrong user, password mismatch,
+ etc. (The client-visible message is unchanged!)
+ - Improved the client's handling of an `@ERROR` from a daemon so that it does
+ not complain about an unexpectedly closed socket (since we really did expect
+ the socket to close).
+ - If the daemon can't open the log-file specified in rsyncd.conf, fall back to
+ using syslog and log an appropriate warning. This is better than what was
+ typically a totally silent (and fatal) failure (since a daemon is not
+ usually run with the `--no-detach` option that was necessary to see the
+ error on stderr).
+ - The manpages now consistently refer to an rsync daemon as a `daemon`
+ instead of a `server` (to distinguish it from the server process in a
+ non-daemon transfer).
+ - Made a small change to the rrsync script (restricted rsync -- in the support
+ dir) to make a read-only server reject all `--remove-*` options when sending
+ files (to future-proof it against the possibility of other similar options
+ being added at some point).
+ - Rsync now calls `setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")`. This enables isprint() to better
+ discern which filename characters need to be escaped in messages (which
+ should result in fewer escaped characters in some locales).
+ - Improved the naming of the log-file open/reopen/close functions.
+ - Removed some protocol-compatibility code that was only needed to help
+ someone running a pre-release of 2.6.4.
+ - Added configure option `--disable-locale` to disable any use of setlocale()
+ in the binary.
+ - Fixed a bug in the `SUPPORT{,_HARD}_LINKS` #defines which prevented rsync
+ from being built without symlink or hard-link support.
+ - Only #define `HAVE_REMSH` if it is going to be set to 1.
+ - Configure now disables the use of mkstemp() under HP-UX (since they refuse
+ to fix its broken handling of large files).
+ - Configure now explicitly checks for the lseek64() function so that the code
+ can use `HAVE_LSEEK64` instead of inferring lseek64()'s presence based on
+ the presence of the `off64_t` type.
+ - Configure no longer mentions the change in the default remote-shell (from
+ rsh to ssh) that occurred for the 2.6.0 release.
+ - Some minor enhancements to the test scripts.
+ - Added a few new `*.diff` files to the patches dir, including a patch that
+ enables the optional copying of extended attributes.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.4 (30 March 2005)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The protocol number was changed to 29.
+ - When rsync deletes a directory and outputs a verbose message about it, it
+ now appends a trailing slash to the name instead of (only sometimes)
+ outputting a preceding "directory " string.
+ - The `--stats` output will contain file-list time-statistics if both sides
+ are 2.6.4, or if the local side is 2.6.4 and the files are being pushed
+ (since the stats come from the sending side). (Requires protocol 29 for a
+ pull.)
+ - The `%o` (operation) log-format escape now has a third value (besides `send`
+ and `recv`): `del.` (with trailing dot to make it 4 chars). This changes
+ the way deletions are logged in the daemon's log file.
+ - When the `--log-format` option is combined with `--verbose`, rsync now
+ avoids outputting the name of the file twice in most circumstances. As long
+ as the `--log-format` item does not refer to any post-transfer items (such
+ as %b or %c), the `--log-format` message is output prior to the transfer, so
+ `--verbose` is now the equivalent of a `--log-format` of '%n%L' (which
+ outputs the name and any link info). If the log output must occur after the
+ transfer to be complete, the only time the name is also output prior to the
+ transfer is when `--progress` was specified (so that the name will precede
+ the progress stats, and the full `--log-format` output will come after).
+ - Non-printable characters in filenames are replaced with a '?' to avoid
+ corrupting the screen or generating empty lines in the output.
+ - Restore the list-clearing behavior of `!` in a .cvsignore file (2.6.3 was
+ only treating it as a special token in an rsync include/exclude file).
+ - The combination of `--verbose` and `--dry-run` now mentions the full list of
+ changes that would be output without `--dry-run`.
+ - Avoid a mkdir warning when removing a directory in the destination that
+ already exists in the `--backup-dir`.
+ - An OS that has a binary mode for its files (such as Cygwin) needed
+ `setmode(fd, O_BINARY)` called on the temp-file we opened with mkstemp().
+ (Fix derived from Cygwin's 2.6.3 rsync package.)
+ - Fixed a potential hang when verbosity is high, the client side is the
+ sender, and the file-list is large.
+ - Fixed a potential protocol-corrupting bug where the generator could merge a
+ message from the receiver into the middle of a multiplexed packet of data if
+ only part of that data had been written out to the socket when the message
+ from the generator arrived.
+ - We now check if the OS doesn't support using mknod() for creating FIFOs and
+ sockets, and compile-in some compatibility code using mkfifo() and socket()
+ when necessary.
+ - Fixed an off-by-one error in the handling of `--max-delete=N`. Also, if the
+ `--max-delete` limit is exceeded during a run, we now output a warning about
+ this at the end of the run and exit with a new error code (25).
+ - One place in the code wasn't checking if fork() failed.
+ - The `ignore nonreadable` daemon parameter used to erroneously affect
+ readable symlinks that pointed to a non-existent file.
+ - If the OS does not have lchown() and a chown() of a symlink will affect the
+ referent of a symlink (as it should), we no longer try to set the user and
+ group of a symlink.
+ - The generator now properly runs the hard-link loop and the dir-time
+ rewriting loop after we're sure that the redo phase is complete.
+ - When `--backup` was specified with `--partial-dir=DIR`, where DIR is a
+ relative path, the backup code was erroneously trying to backup a file that
+ was put into the partial-dir.
+ - If a file gets resent in a single transfer and the `--backup` option is
+ enabled along with `--inplace`, rsync no longer performs a duplicate backup
+ (it used to overwrite the first backup with the failed file).
+ - One call to `flush_write_file()` was not being checked for an error.
+ - The `--no-relative` option was not being sent from the client to a server
+ sender.
+ - If an rsync daemon specified `dont compress = ...` for a file and the client
+ tried to specify `--compress`, the libz code was not handling a compression
+ level of 0 properly. This could cause a transfer failure if the block-size
+ for a file was large enough (e.g. rsync might have exited with an error for
+ large files).
+ - Fixed a bug that would sometimes surface when using `--compress` and sending
+ a file with a block-size larger than 64K (either manually specified, or
+ computed due to the file being really large). Prior versions of rsync would
+ sometimes fail to decompress the data properly, and thus the transferred
+ file would fail its verification.
+ - If a daemon can't open the specified log file (i.e. syslog is not being
+ used), die without crashing. We also output an error about the failure on
+ stderr (which will only be seen if `--no-detach` was specified) and exit
+ with a new error code (6).
+ - A local transfer no longer duplicates all its include/exclude options (since
+ the forked process already has a copy of the exclude list, there's no need
+ to send them a set of duplicates).
+ - The output of the items that are being updated by the generator (dirs,
+ symlinks, devices) is now intermingled in the proper order with the output
+ from the items that the receiver is updating (regular files) when pulling.
+ This misordering was particularly bad when `--progress` was specified.
+ (Requires protocol 29.)
+ - When `--timeout` is specified, lulls that occur in the transfer while the
+ generator is doing work that does not generate socket traffic (looking for
+ changed files, deleting files, doing directory-time touch-ups, etc.) will
+ cause a new keep-alive packet to be sent that should keep the transfer going
+ as long as the generator continues to make progress. (Requires protocol 29.)
+ - The stat size of a device is not added to the total file size of the items
+ in the transfer (the size might be undefined on some OSes).
+ - Fixed a problem with refused-option messages sometimes not making it back to
+ the client side when a remote `--files-from` was in effect and the daemon
+ was the receiver.
+ - The `--compare-dest` option was not updating a file that differed in (the
+ preserved) attributes from the version in the compare-dest DIR.
+ - When rsync is copying files into a write-protected directory, fixed the
+ change-report output for the directory so that we don't report an identical
+ directory as changed.
+ - Rsync now supports popt's option aliases, which means that you can use
+ /etc/popt and/or ~/.popt to create your own option aliases.
+ - Added the `--delete-during` (`--del`) option which will delete files from
+ the receiving side incrementally as each directory in the transfer is being
+ processed. This makes it more efficient than the default,
+ before-the-transfer behavior, which is now also available as
+ `--delete-before` (and is still the default `--delete-WHEN` option that will
+ be chosen if `--delete` or `--delete-excluded` is specified without a
+ `--delete-WHEN` choice). All the `--del*` options infer `--delete`, so an
+ rsync daemon that refuses `delete` will still refuse to allow any
+ file-deleting options (including the new `--remove-sent-files` option).
+ - All the `--delete-WHEN` options are now more memory efficient: Previously an
+ duplicate set of file-list objects was created on the receiving side for the
+ entire destination hierarchy. The new algorithm only creates one directory
+ of objects at a time (for files inside the transfer).
+ - Added the `--copy-dest` option, which works like `--link-dest` except that
+ it locally copies identical files instead of hard-linking them.
+ - Added support for specifying multiple `--compare-dest`, `--copy-dest`, or
+ `--link-dest` options, but only of a single type. (Promoted from the patches
+ dir and enhanced.) (Requires protocol 29.)
+ - Added the `--max-size` option. (Promoted from the patches dir.)
+ - The daemon-mode options are now separated from the normal rsync options so
+ that they can't be mixed together. This makes it impossible to start a
+ daemon that has improper default option values (which could cause problems
+ when a client connects, such as hanging or crashing).
+ - The `--bwlimit` option may now be used in combination with `--daemon` to
+ specify both a default value for the daemon side and a value that cannot be
+ exceeded by a user-specified `--bwlimit` option.
+ - Added the `port` parameter to the rsyncd.conf file. (Promoted from the
+ patches dir.) Also added `address`. The command-line options take precedence
+ over a config-file option, as expected.
+ - In `_exit_cleanup()`: when we are exiting with a partially-received file, we
+ now flush any data in the write-cache before closing the partial file.
+ - The `--inplace` support was enhanced to work with `--compare-dest`,
+ `--link-dest`, and (the new) `--copy-dest` options. (Requires protocol 29.)
+ - Added the `--dirs` (`-d`) option for an easier way to copy directories
+ without recursion. Any directories that are encountered are created on the
+ destination. Specifying a directory with a trailing slash copies its
+ immediate contents to the destination.
+ - The `--files-from` option now implies `--dirs` (`-d`).
+ - Added the `--list-only` option, which is mainly a way for the client to put
+ the server into listing mode without needing to resort to any internal
+ option kluges (e.g. the age-old use of `-r --exclude='/*/*'` for a
+ non-recursive listing). This option is used automatically (behind the
+ scenes) when a modern rsync speaks to a modern daemon, but may also be
+ specified manually if you want to force the use of the `--list-only` option
+ over a remote-shell connection.
+ - Added the `--omit-dir-times` (`-O`) option, which will avoid updating the
+ modified time for directories when `--times` was specified. This option will
+ avoid an extra pass through the file-list at the end of the transfer (to
+ tweak all the directory times), which may provide an appreciable speedup for
+ a really large transfer. (Promoted from the patches dir.)
+ - Added the `--filter` (`-f`) option and its helper option, `-F`. Filter rules
+ are an extension to the existing include/exclude handling that also supports
+ nested filter files as well as per-directory filter files (like .cvsignore,
+ but with full filter-rule parsing). This new option was chosen in order to
+ ensure that all existing include/exclude processing remained 100% compatible
+ with older versions. Protocol 29 is needed for full filter-rule support, but
+ backward-compatible rules work with earlier protocol versions. (Promoted
+ from the patches dir and enhanced.)
+ - Added the `--delay-updates` option that puts all updated files into a
+ temporary directory (by default `.~tmp~`, but settable via the
+ `--partial-dir=DIR` option) until the end of the transfer. This makes the
+ updates a little more atomic for a large transfer.
+ - If rsync is put into the background, any output from `--progress` is
+ reduced.
+ - Documented the `max verbosity` setting for rsyncd.conf. (This setting was
+ added a couple releases ago, but left undocumented.)
+ - The sender and the generator now double-check the file-list index they are
+ given, and refuse to try to do a file transfer on a non-file index (since
+ that would indicate that something had gone very wrong).
+ - Added the `--itemize-changes` (`-i`) option, which is a way to output a more
+ detailed list of what files changed and in what way. The effect is the same
+ as specifying a `--log-format` of `%i %n%L` (see both the rsync and
+ rsyncd.conf manpages). Works with `--dry-run` too.
+ - Added the `--fuzzy` (`-y`) option, which attempts to find a basis file for a
+ file that is being created from scratch. The current algorithm only looks in
+ the destination directory for the created file, but it does attempt to find
+ a match based on size/mod-time (in case the file was renamed with no other
+ changes) as well as based on a fuzzy name-matching algorithm. This option
+ requires protocol 29 because it needs the new file-sorting order. (Promoted
+ from patches dir and enhanced.) (Requires protocol 29.)
+ - Added the `--remove-sent-files` option, which lets you move files between
+ systems.
+ - The hostname in HOST:PATH or HOST::PATH may now be an IPv6 literal enclosed
+ in '[' and ']' (e.g. `[::1]`). (We already allowed IPv6 literals in the
+ rsync://HOST:PORT/PATH format.)
+ - When rsync recurses to build the file list, it no longer keeps open one or
+ more directory handles from the dir's parent dirs.
+ - When building under windows, the default for `--daemon` is now to avoid
+ detaching, requiring the new `--detach` option to force rsync to detach.
+ - The `--dry-run` option can now be combined with either `--write-batch` or
+ `--read-batch`, allowing you to run a do-nothing test command to see what
+ would happen without `--dry-run`.
+ - The daemon's `read only` config item now sets an internal `read_only`
+ variable that makes extra sure that no write/delete calls on the read-only
+ side can succeed.
+ - The log-format % escapes can now have a numeric field width in between the %
+ and the escape letter (e.g. `%-40n %08p`).
+ - Improved the option descriptions in the `--help` text.
+ - Added atomic-rsync to the support dir: a perl script that will transfer some
+ files using rsync, and then move the updated files into place all at once at
+ the end of the transfer. Only works when pulling, and uses `--link-dest` and
+ a parallel hierarchy of files to effect its update.
+ - Added mnt-excl to the support dir: a perl script that takes the /proc/mounts
+ file and translates it into a set of excludes that will exclude all mount
+ points (even mapped mounts to the same disk). The excludes are made relative
+ to the specified source dir and properly anchored.
+ - Added savetransfer.c to the support dir: a C program that can make a copy of
+ all the data that flows over the wire. This lets you test for data
+ corruption (by saving the data on both the sending side and the receiving
+ side) and provides one way to debug a protocol error.
+ - Added rrsync to the support dir: this is an updated version of Joe Smith's
+ restricted rsync perl script. This helps to ensure that only certain rsync
+ commands can be run by an ssh invocation.
+ - Added better checking of the checksum-header values that come over the
+ socket.
+ - Merged a variety of file-deleting functions into a single function so that
+ it is easier to maintain.
+ - Improved the type of some variables (particularly blocksize vars) for
+ consistency and proper size.
+ - Got rid of the uint64 type (which we didn't need).
+ - Use a slightly more compatible set of core #include directives.
+ - Defined int32 in a way that ensures that the build dies if we can't find a
+ variable with at least 32 bits.
+ - A 16-bit flag-word is transmitted after every file-list index. This
+ indicates what is changing between the sender and the receiver. The
+ generator now transmits an index and a flag-word to indicate when dirs and
+ symlinks have changed (instead of producing a message), which makes the
+ outputting of the information more consistent and less prone to screen
+ corruption (because the local receiver/sender is now outputting all the
+ file-change info messages).
+ - If a file is being hard-linked, the `ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS` bit is enabled in
+ the flag-word and the name of the file that was linked immediately follows
+ in vstring format (see below).
+ - If a file is being transferred with an alternate-basis file, the
+ `ITEM_BASIS_TYPE_FOLLOWS` bit is enabled in the flag-word and a single byte
+ follows, indicating what type of basis file was chosen. If that indicates
+ that a fuzzy-match was selected, the `ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS` bit is set in the
+ flag-word and the name of the match in vstring format follows the basis
+ byte. A vstring is a variable length string that has its size written prior
+ to the string, and no terminating null. If the string is from 1-127 bytes,
+ the length is a single byte. If it is from 128-32767 bytes, the length is
+ written as ((len >> 8) | 0x80) followed by (len % 0x100).
+ - The sending of exclude names is done using filter-rule syntax. This means
+ that all names have a prefixed rule indicator, even excludes (which used to
+ be sent as a bare pattern, when possible). The `-C` option will include the
+ per-dir .cvsignore merge file in the list of filter rules so it is
+ positioned correctly (unlike in some older transfer scenarios).
+ - Rsync sorts the filename list in a different way: it sorts the subdir names
+ after the non-subdir names for each dir's contents, and it always puts a
+ dir's contents immediately after the dir's name in the list. (Previously an
+ item named `foo.txt` would sort in between directory `foo/` and `foo/bar`.)
+ - When talking to a protocol 29 rsync daemon, a list-only request is able to
+ note this before the options are sent over the wire and the new
+ `--list-only` option is included in the options.
+ - When the `--stats` bytes are sent over the wire (or stored in a batch), they
+ now include two elapsed-time values: one for how long it took to build the
+ file-list, and one for how long it took to send it over the wire (each
+ expressed in thousandths of a second).
+ - When `--delete-excluded` is specified with some filter rules (AKA excludes),
+ a client sender will now initiate a send of the rules to the receiver (older
+ protocols used to omit the sending of excludes in this situation since there
+ were no receiver-specific rules that survived `--delete-excluded` back
+ then). Note that, as with all the filter-list sending, only items that are
+ significant to the other side will actually be sent over the wire, so the
+ filter-rule list that is sent in this scenario is often empty.
+ - An index equal to the file-list count is sent as a keep-alive packet from
+ the generator to the sender, which then forwards it on to the receiver. This
+ normally invalid index is only a valid keep-alive packet if the 16-bit
+ flag-word that follows it contains a single bit (`ITEM_IS_NEW`, which is
+ normally an illegal flag to appear alone).
+ - A protocol-29 batch file includes a bit for the setting of the `--dirs`
+ option and for the setting of the `--compress` option. Also, the shell
+ script created by `--write-batch` will use the `--filter` option instead of
+ `--exclude-from` to capture any filter rules.
+ - Handle an operating system that use mkdev() in place of makedev().
+ - Improved configure to better handle cross-compiling.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.3 (30 Sep 2004)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - A bug in the `sanitize_path` routine (which affects a non-chrooted rsync
+ daemon) could allow a user to craft a pathname that would get transformed
+ into an absolute path for certain options (but not for file-transfer names).
+ If you're running an rsync daemon with chroot disabled, **please upgrade**,
+ ESPECIALLY if the user privs you run rsync under is anything above `nobody`.
+ OUTPUT CHANGES (ATTN: those using a script to parse the verbose output):
+ - Please note that the 2-line footer (output when verbose) now uses the term
+ `sent` instead of `wrote` and `received` instead of `read`. If you are not
+ parsing the numeric values out of this footer, a script would be better off
+ using the empty line prior to the footer as the indicator that the verbose
+ output is over.
+ - The output from the `--stats` option was similarly affected to change
+ `written` to `sent` and `read` to `received`.
+ - Rsync ensures that a filename that contains a newline gets mentioned with
+ each newline transformed into a question mark (which prevents a filename
+ from causing an empty line to be output).
+ - The `backed up ...` message that is output when at least 2 `--verbose`
+ options are specified is now the same both with and without the
+ `--backup-dir` option.
+ - Fixed a crash bug that might appear when `--delete` was used and multiple
+ source directories were specified.
+ - Fixed a 32-bit truncation of the file length when generating the checksums.
+ - The `--backup` code no longer attempts to create some directories over and
+ over again (generating warnings along the way).
+ - Fixed a bug in the reading of the secrets file (by the daemon) and the
+ password file (by the client): the files no longer need to be terminated by
+ a newline for their content to be read in.
+ - If a file has a read error on the sending side or the reconstructed data
+ doesn't match the expected checksum (perhaps due to the basis file changing
+ during the transfer), the receiver will no longer retain the resulting file
+ unless the `--partial` option was specified. (Note: for the read-error
+ detection to work, neither side can be older than 2.6.3 -- older receivers
+ will always retain the file, and older senders don't tell the receiver that
+ the file had a read error.)
+ - If a file gets resent in a single transfer and the `--backup` option is
+ enabled, rsync no longer performs a duplicate backup (it used to overwrite
+ the original file in the backup area).
+ - Files specified in the daemon's `exclude` or `exclude from` config items are
+ now excluded from being uploaded (assuming that the module allows uploading
+ at all) in addition to the old download exclusion.
+ - Got rid of a potential hang in the receiver when near the end of a phase.
+ - When using `--backup` without a `--backup-dir`, rsync no longer preserves
+ the modify time on directories. This avoids confusing NFS.
+ - When `--copy-links` (`-L`) is specified, we now output a separate error for
+ a symlink that has no referent instead of claiming that a file `vanished`.
+ - The `--copy-links` (`-L`) option no longer has the side-effect of telling
+ the receiving side to follow symlinks. See the `--keep-dirlinks` option
+ (mentioned below) for a way to specify that behavior.
+ - Error messages from the daemon server's option-parsing (such as refused
+ options) are now successfully transferred back to the client (the server
+ used to fail to send the message because the socket wasn't in the right
+ state for the message to get through).
+ - Most transfer errors that occur during a daemon transfer are now returned to
+ the user in addition to being logged (some messages are intended to be
+ daemon-only and are not affected by this).
+ - Fixed a bug in the daemon authentication code when using one of the
+ batch-processing options.
+ - We try to work around some buggy IPv6 implementations that fail to implement
+ `IPV6_V6ONLY`. This should fix the `address in use` error that some daemons
+ get when running on an OS with a buggy IPv6 implementation. Also, if the new
+ code gets this error, we might suggest that the user specify `--ipv4` or
+ `--ipv6` (if we think it will help).
+ - When the remote rsync dies, make a better effort to recover any error
+ messages it may have sent before dying (the local rsync used to just die
+ with a socket-write error).
+ - When using `--delete` and a `--backup-dir` that contains files that are
+ hard-linked to their destination equivalents, rsync now makes sure that
+ removed files really get removed (avoids a really weird rename() behavior).
+ - Avoid a bogus run-time complaint about a lack of 64-bit integers when the
+ int64 type is defined as an `off_t` and it actually has 64-bits.
+ - Added a configure check for open64() without mkstemp64() so that we can
+ avoid using mkstemp() when such a combination is encountered. This bypasses
+ a problem writing out large temp files on OSes such as AIX and HP-UX.
+ - Fixed an age-old crash problem with `--read-batch` on a local copy (rsync
+ was improperly assuming `--whole-file` for the local copy).
+ - When `--dry-run` (`-n`) is used and the destination directory does not
+ exist, rsync now produces a correct report of files that would be sent
+ instead of dying with a chdir() error.
+ - Fixed a bug that could cause a slow-to-connect rsync daemon to die with an
+ error instead of waiting for the connection to finish.
+ - Fixed an ssh interaction that could cause output to be lost when the user
+ chose to combine the output of rsync's stdout and stderr (e.g. using the
+ `2>&1`).
+ - Fixed an option-parsing bug when `--files-from` got passed to a daemon.
+ - Added the `--partial-dir=DIR` option that lets you specify where to
+ (temporarily) put a partially transferred file (instead of overwriting the
+ destination file). E.g. `--partial-dir=.rsync-partial` Also added support
+ for the `RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR` environment variable that, when found,
+ transforms a regular `--partial` option (such as the convenient `-P` option)
+ into one that also specifies a directory.
+ - Added `--keep-dirlinks` (`-K`), which allows you to symlink a directory onto
+ another partition on the receiving side and have rsync treat it as matching
+ a normal directory from the sender.
+ - Added the `--inplace` option that tells rsync to write each destination file
+ without using a temporary file. The matching of existing data in the
+ destination file can be severely limited by this, but there are also cases
+ where this is more efficient (such as appending data). Use only when needed
+ (see the manpage for more details).
+ - Added the `write only` option for the daemon's config file.
+ - Added long-option names for `-4` and `-6` (namely `--ipv4` and `--ipv6`) and
+ documented all these options in the manpage.
+ - Improved the handling of the `--bwlimit` option so that it's less bursty,
+ more accurate, and works properly over a larger range of values.
+ - The rsync daemon-over-ssh code now looks for `SSH_CONNECTION` and
+ `SSH2_CLIENT` in addition to `SSH_CLIENT` to figure out the IP address.
+ - Added the `--checksum-seed=N` option for advanced users.
+ - Batch writing/reading has a brand-new implementation that is simpler, fixes
+ a few weird problems with the old code (such as no longer sprinkling the
+ batch files into different dirs or even onto different systems), and is much
+ less intrusive into the code (making it easier to maintain for the future).
+ The new code generates just one data file instead of three, which makes it
+ possible to read the batch on stdin via a remote shell. Also, the old
+ requirement of forcing the same fixed checksum-seed for all batch processing
+ has been removed.
+ - If an rsync daemon has a module set with `list = no` (which hides its
+ presence in the list of available modules), a user that fails to
+ authenticate gets the same `unknown module` error that they would get if the
+ module were actually unknown (while still logging the real error to the
+ daemon's log file). This prevents fishing for module names.
+ - The daemon's `refuse options` config item now allows you to match option
+ names using wildcards and/or the single-letter option names.
+ - Each transferred file now gets its permissions and modified-time updated
+ before the temp-file gets moved into place. Previously, the finished file
+ would have a very brief window where its permissions disallowed all group
+ and world access.
+ - Added the ability to parse a literal IPv6 address in an `rsync:` URL (e.g.
+ rsync://[2001:638:500:101::21]:873/module/dir).
+ - The daemon's wildcard expanding code can now handle more than 1000 filenames
+ (it's now limited by memory instead of having a hard-wired limit).
+ - Some cleanup in the exclude code has saved some per-exclude memory and made
+ the code easier to maintain.
+ - Improved the argv-overflow checking for a remote command that has a lot of
+ args.
+ - Use rsyserr() in the various places that were still calling rprintf() with
+ strerror() as an arg.
+ - If an rsync daemon is listening on multiple sockets (to handle both IPv4 and
+ IPv6 to a single port), we now close all the unneeded file handles after we
+ accept a connection (we used to close just one of them).
+ - Optimized the handling of larger block sizes (rsync used to slow to a crawl
+ if the block size got too large).
+ - Optimized away a loop in `hash_search()`.
+ - Some improvements to the `sanitize_path()` and `clean_fname()` functions
+ makes them more efficient and produce better results (while still being
+ compatible with the file-name cleaning that gets done on both sides when
+ sending the file-list).
+ - Got rid of `alloc_sanitize_path()` after adding a destination-buffer arg to
+ `sanitize_path()` made it possible to put all the former's functionality
+ into the latter.
+ - The file-list that is output when at least 4 verbose options are specified
+ reports the uid value on the sender even when rsync is not running as root
+ (since we might be sending to a root receiver).
+ - Added a `gen` target to rebuild most of the generated files, including
+ configure,, the manpages, and proto.h.
+ - If `make proto` doesn't find some changes in the prototypes, the proto.h
+ file is left untouched (its time-stamp used to always be updated).
+ - The variable `$STRIP` (that is optionally set by the install-strip target's
+ rule) was changed to `$INSTALL_STRIP` because some systems have `$STRIP`
+ already set in the environment.
+ - Fixed a build problem when `SUPPORT_HARD_LINKS` isn't defined.
+ - When cross-compiling, the gettimeofday() function is now assumed to be a
+ modern version that takes two-args (since we can't test it).
+ - The scripts in the testsuite dir were cleaned up a bit and a few new tests
+ added.
+ - Some new diffs were added to the patches dir, and some accepted ones were
+ removed.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.2 (30 Apr 2004)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fixed a major bug in the sorting of the filenames when `--relative` is used
+ for some sources (just sources such as `/` and `/*` were affected). This fix
+ ensures that we ask for the right file-list item when requesting changes
+ from the sender.
+ - Rsync now checks the return value of the close() function to better report
+ disk-full problems on an NFS file system.
+ - Restored the old daemon-server behavior of logging error messages rather
+ than returning them to the user. (A better long-term fix will be sought in
+ the future.)
+ - An obscure uninitialized-variable bug was fixed in the uid/gid code. (This
+ bug probably had no ill effects.)
+ - Got rid of the configure check for sys/sysctl.h (it wasn't used and was
+ causing a problem on some systems). Also improved the
+ broken-largefile-locking test to try to avoid failure due to an NFS
+ build-dir.
+ - Fixed a compile problem on systems that don't define `AI_NUMERICHOST`.
+ - Fixed a compile problem in the popt source for compilers that don't support
+ `__attribute__`.
+ - Improved the testsuite's `merge` test to work on OSF1.
+ - Two new diffs were added to the patches dir.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.1 (26 Apr 2004)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The protocol number was changed to 28.
+ - Paths sent to an rsync daemon are more thoroughly sanitized when chroot is
+ not used. If you're running a non-read-only rsync daemon with chroot
+ disabled, **please upgrade**, ESPECIALLY if the user privs you run rsync
+ under is anything above `nobody`.
+ - Lower memory use, more optimal transfer of data over the socket, and lower
+ CPU usage (see the INTERNAL section for details).
+ - The `RSYNC_PROXY` environment variable can now contain a `USER:PASS@` prefix
+ before the `HOST:PORT` information. (Bardur Arantsson)
+ - The `--progress` output now mentions how far along in the transfer we are,
+ including both a count of files transferred and a percentage of the total
+ file-count that we've processed. It also shows better
+ current-rate-of-transfer and remaining-transfer-time values.
+ - Documentation changes now attempt to describe some often misunderstood
+ features more clearly.
+ - When `-x` (`--one-file-system`) is combined with `-L` (`--copy-links`) or
+ `--copy-unsafe-links,` no symlinked files are skipped, even if the referent
+ file is on a different filesystem.
+ - The `--link-dest` code now works properly for a non-root user when (1) the
+ UIDs of the source and destination differ and `-o` was specified, or (2)
+ when the group of the source can't be used on the destination and `-g` was
+ specified.
+ - Fixed a bug in the handling of `-H` (hard-links) that might cause the
+ expanded PATH/NAME value of the current item to get overwritten (due to an
+ expanded-name caching bug).
+ - We now reset the `new data has been sent` flag at the start of each file we
+ send. This makes sure that an interrupted transfer with the `--partial`
+ option set doesn't keep a shorter temp file than the current basis file when
+ no new data has been transferred over the wire for that file.
+ - Fixed a byte-order problem in `--batch-mode` on big-endian machines. (Jay
+ Fenlason)
+ - When using `--cvs-exclude`, the exclude items we get from a per-directory's
+ .cvsignore file once again only affect that one directory (not all following
+ directories too). The items are also now properly word-split and parsed
+ without any +/- prefix parsing.
+ - When specifying the USER@HOST: prefix for a file, the USER part can now
+ contain an '@', if needed (i.e. the last '@' is used to find the HOST, not
+ the first).
+ - Fixed some bugs in the handling of group IDs for non-root users: (1) It
+ properly handles a group that the sender didn't have a name for (it would
+ previously skip changing the group on any files in that group). (2) If
+ `--numeric-ids` is used, rsync no longer attempts to set groups that the
+ user doesn't have the permission to set.
+ - Fixed the `refuse options` setting in the rsyncd.conf file.
+ - Improved the `-x` (`--one-file-system`) flag's handling of any mount-point
+ directories we encounter. It is both more optimal (in that it no longer does
+ a useless scan of the contents of the mount-point dirs) and also fixes a
+ bug where a remapped mount of the original filesystem could get discovered
+ in a subdir we should be ignoring.
+ - Rsync no longer discards a double-slash at the start of a filename when
+ trying to open the file. It also no longer constructs names that start with
+ a double slash (unless the user supplied them).
+ - Path-specifying options to a daemon should now work the same with or without
+ chroot turned on. Previously, such a option (such as `--link-dest`) would
+ get its absolute path munged into a relative one if chroot was not on,
+ making that setting fairly useless. Rsync now transforms the path into one
+ that is based on the module's base dir when chroot is not enabled.
+ - Fixed a compatibility problem interacting with older rsync versions that
+ might send us an empty `--suffix` value without telling us that
+ `--backup-dir` was specified.
+ - The `hosts allow` option for a daemon-over-remote-shell process now has
+ improved support for IPv6 addresses and a fix for systems that have a length
+ field in their socket structs.
+ - Fixed the ability to request an empty backup `--suffix` when sending files
+ to an rsync daemon.
+ - Fixed an option-parsing bug when `--files-from` was sent to a server sender.
+ - Most of the I/O is now buffered, which results in a pretty large speedup
+ when running under MS Windows. (Craig Barratt)
+ - Optimizations to the name-handling/comparing code have made some significant
+ reductions in user-CPU time for large file sets.
+ - Some cleanup of the variable types make the code more consistent.
+ - Reduced memory requirements of hard link preservation. (J.W. Schultz)
+ - Implemented a new algorithm for hard-link handling that speeds up the code
+ significantly. (J.W. Schultz and Wayne Davison)
+ - The `--hard-link` option now uses the first existing file in the group of
+ linked files as the basis for the transfer. This prevents the sub-optimal
+ transfer of a file's data when a new hardlink is added on the sending side
+ and it sorts alphabetically earlier in the list than the files that are
+ already present on the receiving side.
+ - Dropped support for protocol versions less than 20 (2.3.0 released 15 Mar
+ 1999) and activated warnings for protocols less than 25 (2.5.0 released 23
+ Aug 2001). (Wayne Davison and J.W. Schultz, severally)
+ - More optimal data transmission for `--hard-links` (protocol 28).
+ - More optimal data transmission for `--checksum` (protocol 28).
+ - Less memory is used when `--checksum` is specified.
+ - Less memory is used in the file list (a per-file savings).
+ - The generator is now better about not modifying the file list during the
+ transfer in order to avoid a copy-on-write memory bifurcation (on systems
+ where fork() uses shared memory). Previously, rsync's shared memory would
+ slowly become unshared, resulting in real memory usage nearly doubling on
+ the receiving side by the end of the transfer. Now, as long as permissions
+ are being preserved, the shared memory should remain that way for the entire
+ transfer.
+ - Changed hardlink info and `file_struct` + strings to use allocation pools.
+ This reduces memory use for large file-sets and permits freeing memory to
+ the OS. (J.W. Schultz)
+ - The 2 pipes used between the receiver and generator processes (which are
+ forked on the same machine) were reduced to 1 pipe and the protocol improved
+ so that (1) it is now impossible to have the `redo` pipe fill up and hang
+ rsync, and (2) trailing messages from the receiver don't get lost on their
+ way through the generator over to the sender (which mainly affected
+ hard-link messages and verbose `--stats` output).
+ - Improved the internal uid/gid code to be more portable and a little more
+ optimized.
+ - The device numbers sent when using `--devices` are now sent as separate
+ major/minor values with 32-bit accuracy (protocol 28). Previously, the
+ copied devices were sent as a single 32-bit number. This will make
+ inter-operation of 64-bit binaries more compatible with their 32-bit
+ brethren (with both ends of the connection are using protocol 28). Note that
+ optimizations in the binary protocol for sending the device numbers often
+ results in fewer bytes being used than before, even though more precision is
+ now available.
+ - Some cleanup of the exclude/include structures and its code made things
+ clearer (internally), simpler, and more efficient.
+ - The reading & writing of the file-list in batch-mode is now handled by the
+ same code that sends & receives the list over the wire. This makes it much
+ easier to maintain. (Note that the batch code is still considered to be
+ experimental.)
+ - The configure script now accepts `--with-rsyncd-conf=PATH` to override the
+ default value of the /etc/rsyncd.conf file.
+ - Fixed configure bug when running `./configure --disable-ipv6`.
+ - Fixed compilation problem on Tru64 Unix (having to do with `sockaddr.sa_len`
+ and `sockaddr.sin_len`).
+ - Fixed `make test` bug when build dir is not the source dir.
+ - Added a couple extra diffs in the `patches` dir, removed the ones that got
+ applied, and rebuilt the rest.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.6.0 (1 Jan 2004)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The protocol number was changed to 27. The maximum accepted protocol number
+ was increased from 30 to 40.
+ - `ssh` is now the default remote shell for rsync. If you want to change this,
+ configure like this: `./configure --with-rsh=rsh`.
+ - Added `--files-from`, `--no-relative`, `--no-implied-dirs`, and `--from0`.
+ Note that `--from0` affects the line-ending character for all the files read
+ by the `--*-from` options. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Length of csum2 is now per-file starting with protocol version
+ 27. (J.W. Schultz)
+ - Per-file dynamic block size is now sqrt(file length). The per-file checksum
+ size is determined according to an algorithm provided by Donovan Baarda
+ which reduces the probability of rsync algorithm corrupting data and falling
+ back using the whole md4 checksums. (J.W. Schultz, Donovan Baarda)
+ - The `--stats` option no longer includes the (debug) malloc summary unless
+ the verbose option was specified at least twice.
+ - Added a new error/warning code for when files vanish from the sending side.
+ Made vanished source files not interfere with the file-deletion pass when
+ `--delete-after` was specified.
+ - Various trailing-info sections are now preceded by a newline.
+ - Fixed several exclude/include matching bugs when using wild-cards. This has
+ a several user-visible effects, all of which make the matching more
+ consistent and intuitive. This should hopefully not cause anyone problems
+ since it makes the matching work more like what people are expecting. (Wayne
+ Davison)
+ - A pattern with a `**` no longer causes a `*` to match slashes. For example,
+ with `/*/foo/**`, `foo` must be 2 levels deep. [If your string has BOTH `*`
+ and `**` wildcards, changing the `*` wildcards to `**` will provide the old
+ behavior in all versions.]
+ - `**/foo` now matches at the base of the transfer (like /foo does). [Use
+ `/**/foo` to get the old behavior in all versions.]
+ - A non-anchored wildcard term floats to match beyond the base of the
+ transfer. E.g. `CVS/R*` matches at the end of the path, just like the
+ non-wildcard term `CVS/Root` does. [Use `/CVS/R*` to get the old behavior in
+ all versions.]
+ - Including a `**` in the match term causes it to be matched against the
+ entire path, not just the name portion, even if there aren't any interior
+ slashes in the term. E.g. `foo**bar` would exclude `/path/foo-bar` (just
+ like before) as well as `/foo-path/baz-bar` (unlike before). [Use `foo*bar`
+ to get the old behavior in all versions.]
+ - The exclude list specified in the daemon's config file is now properly
+ applied to the pulled items no matter how deep the user's file-args are in
+ the source tree. (Wayne Davison)
+ - For protocol version >= 27, `mdfour_tail()` is called when the block size
+ (including `checksum_seed`) is a multiple of 64. Previously it was not
+ called, giving the wrong MD4 checksum. (Craig Barratt)
+ - For protocol version >= 27, a 64 bit bit counter is used in mdfour.c as
+ required by the RFC. Previously only a 32 bit bit counter was used, causing
+ incorrect MD4 file checksums for file sizes >= 512MB - 4. (Craig Barratt)
+ - Fixed a crash bug when interacting with older rsync versions and multiple
+ files of the same name are destined for the same dir. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Keep tmp names from overflowing MAXPATHLEN.
+ - Make `--link-dest` honor the absence of `-p`, `-o`, and `-g`.
+ - Made rsync treat a trailing slash in the destination in a more consistent
+ manner.
+ - Fixed file I/O error detection. (John Van Essen)
+ - Fixed bogus `malformed address {hostname}` message in rsyncd log when
+ checking IP address against hostnames from `hosts allow` and `hosts deny`
+ parameters in config file.
+ - Print heap statistics when verbose >= 2 instead of when >= 1.
+ - Fixed a compression (`-z`) bug when syncing a mostly-matching file that
+ contains already-compressed data. (Yasuoka Masahiko and Wayne Davison)
+ - Fixed a bug in the `--backup` code that could cause deleted files to not get
+ backed up.
+ - When the backup code makes new directories, create them with mode 0700
+ instead of 0755 (since the directory permissions in the backup tree are not
+ yet copied from the main tree).
+ - Call setgroups() in a more portable manner.
+ - Improved file-related error messages to better indicate exactly what
+ pathname failed. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Fixed some bugs in the handling of `--delete` and `--exclude` when using the
+ `--relative` (`-R`) option. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Fixed bug that prevented regular files from replacing special files and
+ caused a directory in `--link-dest` or `--compare-dest` to block the
+ creation of a file with the same path. A directory still cannot be replaced
+ by a regular file unless `--delete` specified. (J.W. Schultz)
+ - Detect and report when open or opendir succeed but read and readdir fail
+ caused by network filesystem issues and truncated files. (David Norwood,
+ Michael Brown, J.W. Schultz)
+ - Added a fix that should give ssh time to restore the tty settings if the
+ user presses Ctrl-C at an ssh password prompt.
+ - Eliminated vestigial support for old versions that we stopped supporting.
+ (J.W. Schultz)
+ - Simplified some of the option-parsing code. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Some cleanup made to the exclude code, as well as some new defines added to
+ enhance readability. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Changed the protocol-version code so that it can interact at a lower
+ protocol level than the maximum supported by both sides. Added an
+ undocumented option, `--protocol=N`, to force the value we advertise to the
+ other side (primarily for testing purposes). (Wayne Davison)
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.7 (4 Dec 2003)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fix buffer handling bugs. (Andrew Tridgell, Martin Pool, Paul Russell,
+ Andrea Barisani)
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.6, aka "the dwd-between-jobs release" (26 Jan 2003)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The `--delete-after` option now implies `--delete`. (Wayne Davison)
+ - The `--suffix` option can now be used with `--backup-dir`. (Michael
+ Zimmerman)
+ - Combining `::` syntax with the `--rsh`/`-e` option now uses the specified
+ remote-shell as a transport to talk to a (newly-spawned) server-daemon. This
+ allows someone to use daemon features, such as modules, over a secure
+ protocol, such as ssh. (JD Paul)
+ - The rsync:// syntax for daemon connections is now accepted in the
+ destination field.
+ - If the file name given to `--include-from` or `--exclude-from` is `-`, rsync
+ will read from standard input. (J.W. Schultz)
+ - New option `--link-dest` which is like `--compare-dest` except that
+ unchanged files are hard-linked in to the destination directory. (J.W.
+ Schultz)
+ - Don't report an error if an excluded file disappears during an rsync run.
+ (Eugene Chupriyanov and Bo Kersey)
+ - Added .svn to `--cvs-exclude` list to support subversion. (Jon Middleton)
+ - Properly support IPv6 addresses in the rsyncd.conf `hosts allow` and `hosts
+ deny` fields. (Hideaki Yoshifuji)
+ - Changed exclude file handling to permit DOS or MAC style line terminations.
+ (J.W. Schultz)
+ - Ignore errors from chmod when `-p`/`-a`/`--preserve-perms` is not set.
+ (Dave Dykstra)
+ - Fix `forward name lookup failed` errors on AIX 4.3.3. (John L. Allen, Martin
+ Pool)
+ - Generate each file's rolling-checksum data as we send it, not in a separate
+ (memory-eating) pass before hand. This prevents timeout errors on really
+ large files. (Stefan Nehlsen)
+ - Fix compilation on Tru64. (Albert Chin, Zoong Pham)
+ - Better handling of some client-server errors. (Martin Pool)
+ - Fixed a crash that would occur when sending a list of files that contains a
+ duplicate name (if it sorts to the end of the file list) and using
+ `--delete`. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Fixed the file-name duplicate-removal code when dealing with multiple dups
+ in a row. (Wayne Davison)
+ - Fixed a bug that caused rsync to lose the exit status of its child processes
+ and sometimes return an exit code of 0 instead of showing an error. (David
+ R. Staples, Dave Dykstra)
+ - Fixed bug in `--copy-unsafe-links` that caused it to be completely broken.
+ (Dave Dykstra)
+ - Prevent infinite recursion in cleanup code under certain circumstances.
+ (Sviatoslav Sviridov and Marc Espie)
+ - Fixed a bug that prevented rsync from creating intervening directories when
+ `--relative-paths`/`-R` is set. (Craig Barratt)
+ - Prevent `Connection reset by peer` messages from Cygwin. (Randy O'Meara)
+ - Many code cleanups and improved internal documentation. (Martin Pool, Nelson
+ Beebe)
+ - Portability fixes. (Dave Dykstra and Wayne Davison)
+ - More test cases. (Martin Pool)
+ - Some test-case fixes. (Brian Poole, Wayne Davison)
+ - Updated included popt to the latest vendor drop, version 1.6.4. (Jos
+ Backus)
+ - Updated config.guess and config.sub to latest versions; this means rsync
+ should build on more platforms. (Paul Green)
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.5, aka Snowy River (2 Apr 2002)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - With `--progress`, when a transfer is complete show the time taken;
+ otherwise show expected time to complete. (Cameron Simpson)
+ - Make `make install-strip` works properly, and `make install` accepts a
+ DESTDIR variable for help in building binary packages. (Peter
+ Breitenlohner, Greg Louis)
+ - If configured with `--enable-maintainer-mode`, then on receipt of a fatal
+ signal rsync will try to open an xterm running gdb, similarly to Samba's
+ `panic action` or GNOME's bug-buddy. (Martin Pool)
+ - Fix situation where failure to fork (e.g. because out of process slots)
+ would cause rsync to kill all processes owned by the current user. Yes,
+ really! (Paul Haas, Martin Pool)
+ - Fix test suite on Solaris. (Jos Backus, Martin Pool)
+ - Fix minor memory leak in socket code. (Dave Dykstra, Martin Pool.)
+ - Fix `--whole-file` problem that caused it to be the default even for remote
+ connections. (Martin Pool, Frank Schulz)
+ - Work around bug in Mac OS X mkdir(2), which cannot handle trailing slashes.
+ <> (Martin
+ Pool)
+ - Improved network error handling. (Greg A. Woods)
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.4, aka "Imitation lizard skin" (13 Mar 2002)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Additional fix for zlib double-free bug. (Martin Pool, Andrew Tridgell) (CVE
+ CAN-2002-0059)
+ - Merge in changes from zlib 1.1.3 to zlib 1.1.4. (Jos Backus) (Note that
+ rsync still uses a custom version of zlib; you can not just link against a
+ system library. See zlib/README.rsync)
+ - Additional test cases for `--compress`. (Martin Pool)
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.3, aka "Happy 26" (11 Mar 2002)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Make sure that supplementary groups are removed from a server
+ process after changing uid and gid. (Ethan Benson) (Debian bug
+ #132272, CVE CAN-2002-0080)
+ - Fix zlib double-free bug. (Owen Taylor, Mark J Cox) (CVE CAN-2002-0059)
+ - Fixed problem that in many cases caused the error message unexpected read
+ size of 0 in `map_ptr` and resulted in the wrong data being copied.
+ - Fixed compilation errors on some systems caused by the use of `unsigned
+ int64` in rsync.h.
+ - Fixed problem on systems such as Sunos4 that do not support realloc on a
+ NULL pointer; error was 'out of memory in "flist_expand"'.
+ - Fix for rsync server processes hanging around after the client unexpectedly
+ disconnects. (Colin Walters) (Debian bug #128632)
+ - Cope with BSD systems on which mkdir() will not accept a trailing slash.
+ - Merge in changes from zlib 1.1.2 to zlib 1.1.3. (Note that rsync still uses
+ a custom version of zlib; you can not just link against a system library.
+ See zlib/README.rsync)
+ - Command to initiate connections is only shown with `-vv`, rather than `-v`
+ as in 2.5.2. Output from plain `-v` is more similar to what was historically
+ used so as not to break scripts that try to parse the output.
+ - Added `--no-whole-file` and `--no-blocking-io` options (Dave Dykstra)
+ - Made the `--write-batch` and `--read-batch` options actually work and added
+ documentation in the manpage (Jos Backus)
+ - If the daemon is unable to fork a child to accept a connection, print an
+ error message. (Colin Walters)
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.2 (26 Jan 2002)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Signedness security patch from Sebastian Krahmer <> -- in
+ some cases we were not sufficiently careful about reading integers from the
+ network.
+ - The protocol number was changed to 26.
+ - Fix possible string mangling in log files.
+ - Fix for setting local address of outgoing sockets.
+ - Better handling of hardlinks and devices on platforms with 64-bit `dev_t` or
+ `ino_t`.
+ - Name resolution on machines supporting IPv6 is improved.
+ - Fix for device nodes. (dann frazier) (Debian #129135)
+ - With `-v`, rsync now shows the command used to initiate an ssh/rsh
+ connection.
+ - `--statistics` now shows memory heap usage on platforms that support
+ mallinfo().
+ - "The Ted T'so school of program optimization": make progress visible and
+ people will think it's faster. (With `--progress`, rsync will show you how
+ many files it has seen as it builds the `file_list`, giving some indication
+ that it has not hung.)
+ - Improvements to batch mode support. This is still experimental but testing
+ would be welcome. (Jos Backus)
+ - New `--ignore-existing` option, patch previously distributed with Vipul's
+ Razor. (Debian #124286)
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.1 (3 Jan 2002)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - Fix for segfault in `--daemon` mode configuration parser. (Paul Mackerras)
+ - Correct `string<->address` parsing for both IPv4 and 6. (YOSHIFUJI Hideaki,
+ SUMIKAWA Munechika and Jun-ichiro `itojun` Hagino)
+ - Various fixes for IPv6 support. (Dave Dykstra)
+ - rsync.1 typo fix. (Matt Kraai)
+ - Test suite typo fixes. (Tom Schmidt)
+ - rsync.1 grammar and clarity improvements. (Edward Welbourne)
+ - Correction to ./configure tests for `inet_ntop`. (Jeff Garzik)
+ - `--progress` and `-P` now show estimated data transfer rate (in a multiple
+ of bytes/s) and estimated time to completion. (Rik Faith)
+ - `--no-detach` option, required to run as a W32 service and also useful when
+ running on Unix under daemontools, AIX's SRC, or a debugger. (Max Bowsher,
+ Jos Backus)
+ - Clearer error messages for some conditions.
+# NEWS for rsync 2.5.0 (30 Nov 2001)
+## Changes in this version:
+ - The protocol number was changed to 25.
+ - Martin Pool <> is now a co-maintainer.
+ - Support for LSB-compliant packaging <>
+ - Shell wildcards are allowed in `auth users` lines.
+ - Merged UNC rsync+ patch to support creation of standalone patch sets. By
+ Bert J. Dempsey and Debra Weiss, updated by Jos Backus.
+ <>
+ - IPv6 support based on a patch from, on systems including modern
+ versions of Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX. Also includes IPv6 compatibility
+ functions for old OSs by the Internet Software Consortium, Paul Vixie, the
+ OpenSSH portability project, and OpenBSD.
+ - Include/exclude cluestick: with `-vv`, print out whether files are included
+ or excluded and why.
+ - Many error messages have more friendly explanations and more details.
+ - Manual page improvements plus scanty protocol documentation.
+ - When running as `--daemon` in the background and using a `log file`
+ rsyncd.conf directive, close the log file every time it is open when going
+ to sleep on the socket. This allows the log file to get cleaned out by
+ another process.
+ - Change to using libpopt rather than getopt for processing options. This
+ makes the code cleaner and the behaviour more consistent across platforms.
+ popt is included and built if not installed on the platform.
+ - More details in `--version`, including note about whether 64-bit files,
+ symlinks and hardlinks are supported.
+ - MD4 code may use less CPU cycles.
+ - Use mkstemp on systems where it is secure. If we use mktemp, explain that we
+ do it in a secure way.
+ - `--whole-file` is the default when source and target are on the local
+ machine.
+ - Fix for various bugs causing rsync to hang.
+ - Attempt to fix Large File Summit support on AIX.
+ - Attempt to fix error handling lockup bug.
+ - Give a non-0 exit code if **any** of the files we have been asked to
+ transfer fail to transfer.
+ - For log messages containing ridiculously long strings that might overflow a
+ buffer rsync no longer aborts, but rather prints an ellipsis at the end of
+ the string. (Patch from Ed Santiago.)
+ - Improved support for UNICOS (tested on Cray T3E and Cray SV1)
+ - autoconf2.52 (or later) is now required to rebuild the autoconf scripts. It
+ is not required to simply build rsync.
+ - Platforms thought to work in this release:
+ - Cray SV1 UNICOS cc
+ - Debian Linux 2.2 UltraSparc gcc
+ - Debian Linux testing/unstable ARM gcc
+ - FreeBSD 3.3-RELEASE i386 cc
+ - FreeBSD 4.1.1-RELEASE i386 cc
+ - FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE i386 cc
+ - HP PA-RISC HP-UX 10.20 gcc
+ - HP PA-RISC HP-UX 11.11 cc
+ - IRIX 6.5 MIPS cc
+ - IRIX 6.5 MIPS gcc
+ - Mac OS X PPC (`--disable-ipv6`) cc
+ - NetBSD 1.5 i386 gcc
+ - NetBSD Current i386 cc
+ - OpenBSD 2.5 Sparc gcc
+ - OpenBSD 2.9 i386 cc
+ - OpenBSD Current i386 cc
+ - RedHat 6.2 i386 gcc
+ - RedHat 6.2 i386 insure++
+ - RedHat 7.0 i386 gcc
+ - RedHat 7.1 i386 (Kernel 2.4.10) gcc
+ - Slackware 8.0 i686 (Kernel 2.4.10)
+ - Solaris 8 UltraSparc cc
+ - Solaris 8 UltraSparc gcc
+ - Solaris 8 i386 gcc
+ - SuSE 7.1 i386 gcc2.95.2
+ - SuSE 7.1 ppc gcc2.95.2
+ - i386-pc-sco3.2v5.0.5 cc
+ - i386-pc-sco3.2v5.0.5 gcc
+ - powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.3.0 cc
+ - i686-unknown-sysv5UnixWare7.1.0 gcc
+ - i686-unknown-sysv5UnixWare7.1.0 cc
+ - The existing script by Phil Hands has been merged into a
+ test framework that works from both `make check` and the Samba
+ build farm.
+## Partial Protocol History
+| 20 Oct 2022 | 3.2.7 | | 31 |
+| 09 Sep 2022 | 3.2.6 | | 31 |
+| 14 Aug 2022 | 3.2.5 | | 31 |
+| 15 Apr 2022 | 3.2.4 | | 31 |
+| 06 Aug 2020 | 3.2.3 | | 31 |
+| 04 Jul 2020 | 3.2.2 | | 31 |
+| 22 Jun 2020 | 3.2.1 | | 31 |
+| 19 Jun 2020 | 3.2.0 | | 31 |
+| 28 Jan 2018 | 3.1.3 | | 31 |
+| 21 Dec 2015 | 3.1.2 | | 31 |
+| 22 Jun 2014 | 3.1.1 | | 31 |
+| 28 Sep 2013 | 3.1.0 | 31 Aug 2008 | 31 |
+| 23 Sep 2011 | 3.0.9 | | 30 |
+| 26 Mar 2011 | 3.0.8 | | 30 |
+| 31 Dec 2009 | 3.0.7 | | 30 |
+| 08 May 2009 | 3.0.6 | | 30 |
+| 28 Dec 2008 | 3.0.5 | | 30 |
+| 06 Sep 2008 | 3.0.4 | | 30 |
+| 29 Jun 2008 | 3.0.3 | | 30 |
+| 08 Apr 2008 | 3.0.2 | | 30 |
+| 03 Apr 2008 | 3.0.1 | | 30 |
+| 01 Mar 2008 | 3.0.0 | 11 Nov 2006 | 30 |
+| 06 Nov 2006 | 2.6.9 | | 29 |
+| 22 Apr 2006 | 2.6.8 | | 29 |
+| 11 Mar 2006 | 2.6.7 | | 29 |
+| 28 Jul 2005 | 2.6.6 | | 29 |
+| 01 Jun 2005 | 2.6.5 | | 29 |
+| 30 Mar 2005 | 2.6.4 | 17 Jan 2005 | 29 |
+| 30 Sep 2004 | 2.6.3 | | 28 |
+| 30 Apr 2004 | 2.6.2 | | 28 |
+| 26 Apr 2004 | 2.6.1 | 08 Jan 2004 | 28 |
+| 01 Jan 2004 | 2.6.0 | 10 Apr 2003 | 27 (MAX=40) |
+| 04 Dec 2003 | 2.5.7 | | 26 |
+| 26 Jan 2003 | 2.5.6 | | 26 |
+| 02 Apr 2002 | 2.5.5 | | 26 |
+| 13 Mar 2002 | 2.5.4 | | 26 |
+| 11 Mar 2002 | 2.5.3 | | 26 |
+| 26 Jan 2002 | 2.5.2 | 11 Jan 2002 | 26 |
+| 03 Jan 2002 | 2.5.1 | | 25 |
+| 30 Nov 2001 | 2.5.0 | 23 Aug 2001 | 25 |
+| 06 Sep 2000 | 2.4.6 | | 24 |
+| 19 Aug 2000 | 2.4.5 | | 24 |
+| 29 Jul 2000 | 2.4.4 | | 24 |
+| 09 Apr 2000 | 2.4.3 | | 24 |
+| 30 Mar 2000 | 2.4.2 | | 24 |
+| 30 Jan 2000 | 2.4.1 | 29 Jan 2000 | 24 |
+| 29 Jan 2000 | 2.4.0 | 28 Jan 2000 | 23 |
+| 25 Jan 2000 | 2.3.3 | 23 Jan 2000 | 22 |
+| 08 Nov 1999 | 2.3.2 | 26 Jun 1999 | 21 |
+| 06 Apr 1999 | 2.3.1 | | 20 |
+| 15 Mar 1999 | 2.3.0 | 15 Mar 1999 | 20 |
+| 25 Nov 1998 | 2.2.1 | | 19 |
+| 03 Nov 1998 | 2.2.0 | | 19 |
+| 09 Sep 1998 | 2.1.1 | | 19 |
+| 20 Jul 1998 | 2.1.0 | | 19 |
+| 17 Jul 1998 | 2.0.19 | | 19 |
+| 18 Jun 1998 | 2.0.17 | | 19 |
+| 01 Jun 1998 | 2.0.16 | | 19 |
+| 27 May 1998 | 2.0.13 | 27 May 1998 | 19 |
+| 26 May 1998 | 2.0.12 | | 18 |
+| 22 May 1998 | 2.0.11 | | 18 |
+| 18 May 1998 | 2.0.9 | 18 May 1998 | 18 |
+| 17 May 1998 | 2.0.8 | | 17 |
+| 15 May 1998 | 2.0.1 | | 17 |
+| 14 May 1998 | 2.0.0 | | 17 |
+| 17 Apr 1998 | 1.7.4 | | 17 |
+| 13 Apr 1998 | 1.7.3 | | 17 |
+| 05 Apr 1998 | 1.7.2 | | 17 |
+| 26 Mar 1998 | 1.7.1 | | 17 |
+| 26 Mar 1998 | 1.7.0 | 26 Mar 1998 | 17 (MAX=30) |
+| 13 Jan 1998 | 1.6.9 | 13 Jan 1998 | 15 (MAX=20) |
+\* DATE OF COMMIT is the date the protocol change was committed to version
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a86c771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool for
+both remote and local files.
+Rsync uses a delta-transfer algorithm which provides a very fast method
+for bringing remote files into sync. It does this by sending just the
+differences in the files across the link, without requiring that both
+sets of files are present at one of the ends of the link beforehand. At
+first glance this may seem impossible because the calculation of diffs
+between two files normally requires local access to both files.
+A technical report describing the rsync algorithm is included with this
+Basically you use rsync just like scp, but rsync has many additional
+options. To get a complete list of supported options type:
+ rsync --help
+See the [manpage][0] for more detailed information.
+If you need to build rsync yourself, check out the [INSTALL][1] page for
+information on what libraries and packages you can use to get the maximum
+features in your build.
+Rsync normally uses ssh or rsh for communication with remote systems.
+It does not need to be setuid and requires no special privileges for
+installation. You must, however, have a working ssh or rsh system.
+Using ssh is recommended for its security features.
+Alternatively, rsync can run in `daemon' mode, listening on a socket.
+This is generally used for public file distribution, although
+authentication and access control are available.
+To install rsync, first run the "configure" script. This will create a
+Makefile and config.h appropriate for your system. Then type "make".
+Note that on some systems you will have to force configure not to use
+gcc because gcc may not support some features (such as 64 bit file
+offsets) that your system may support. Set the environment variable CC
+to the name of your native compiler before running configure in this
+Once built put a copy of rsync in your search path on the local and
+remote systems (or use "make install"). That's it!
+Rsync can also talk to "rsync daemons" which can provide anonymous or
+authenticated rsync. See the rsyncd.conf(5) manpage for details on how
+to setup an rsync daemon. See the rsync(1) manpage for info on how to
+connect to an rsync daemon.
+For more information, visit the [main rsync web site][2].
+You'll find a FAQ list, downloads, resources, HTML versions of the
+manpages, etc.
+There is a mailing list for the discussion of rsync and its applications
+that is open to anyone to join. New releases are announced on this
+list, and there is also an announcement-only mailing list for those that
+want official announcements. See the [mailing-list page][3] for full
+The [bug-tracking web page][4] has full details on bug reporting.
+That page contains links to the current bug list, and information on how to
+do a good job when reporting a bug. You might also like to try searching
+the Internet for the error message you've received, or looking in the
+[mailing list archives][5].
+To send a bug report, follow the instructions on the bug-tracking
+page of the web site.
+Alternately, email your bug report to <>.
+If you want to get the very latest version of rsync direct from the
+source code repository, then you will need to use git. The git repo
+is hosted [on GitHub][6] and [on Samba's site][7].
+See [the download page][8] for full details on all the ways to grab the
+Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and is currently
+maintained by Wayne Davison. It has been improved by many developers
+from around the world.
+Rsync may be used, modified and redistributed only under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License, found in the file [COPYING][9] in this
+distribution, or at [the Free Software Foundation][10].
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c243574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Security Policy
+## Supported Versions
+Only the current release of the software is actively supported. If you need
+help backporting fixes into an older release, feel free to ask.
+## Reporting a Vulnerability
+Email your vulnerability information to rsync's maintainer:
+ Wayne Davison <>
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66ae838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+-*- indented-text -*-
+FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------
+Use chroot only if supported
+Allow supplementary groups in rsyncd.conf 2002/04/09
+Handling IPv6 on old machines
+Other IPv6 stuff
+Add ACL support 2001/12/02
+proxy authentication 2002/01/23
+SOCKS 2002/01/23
+FAT support
+--diff david.e.sewell 2002/03/15
+Add daemon --no-fork option
+Create more granular verbosity 2003/05/15
+DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------
+Keep list of open issues and todos on the web site
+Perhaps redo manual as SGML
+LOGGING --------------------------------------------------------------
+Memory accounting
+Improve error messages
+Better statistics Rasmus 2002/03/08
+Perhaps flush stdout like syslog
+Log child death on signal
+verbose output David Stein 2001/12/20
+DEVELOPMENT --------------------------------------------------------
+Handling duplicate names
+Use generic zlib 2002/02/25
+TDB 2002/03/12
+Splint 2002/03/12
+PERFORMANCE ----------------------------------------------------------
+Traverse just one directory at a time
+Allow skipping MD4 file_sum 2002/04/08
+Accelerate MD4
+TESTING --------------------------------------------------------------
+Torture test
+Cross-test versions 2001/08/22
+Test on kernel source
+Test large files
+Create mutator program for testing
+Create configure option to enable dangerous tests
+Create pipe program for testing
+Create test makefile target for some tests
+RELATED PROJECTS -----------------------------------------------------
+rsyncable gzip patch
+rsyncsplit as alternative to real integration with gzip?
+reverse rsync over HTTP Range
+FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------
+Use chroot only if supported
+ If the platform doesn't support it, then don't even try.
+ If running as non-root, then don't fail, just give a warning.
+ (There was a thread about this a while ago?)
+ -- --
+Allow supplementary groups in rsyncd.conf 2002/04/09
+ Perhaps allow supplementary groups to be specified in rsyncd.conf;
+ then make the first one the primary gid and all the rest be
+ supplementary gids.
+ -- --
+Handling IPv6 on old machines
+ The KAME IPv6 patch is nice in theory but has proved a bit of a
+ nightmare in practice. The basic idea of their patch is that rsync
+ is rewritten to use the new getaddrinfo()/getnameinfo() interface,
+ rather than gethostbyname()/gethostbyaddr() as in rsync 2.4.6.
+ Systems that don't have the new interface are handled by providing
+ our own implementation in lib/, which is selectively linked in.
+ The problem with this is that it is really hard to get right on
+ platforms that have a half-working implementation, so redefining
+ these functions clashes with system headers, and leaving them out
+ breaks. This affects at least OSF/1, RedHat 5, and Cobalt, which
+ are moderately important.
+ Perhaps the simplest solution would be to have two different files
+ implementing the same interface, and choose either the new or the
+ old API. This is probably necessary for systems that e.g. have
+ IPv6, but gethostbyaddr() can't handle it. The Linux manpage claims
+ this is currently the case.
+ In fact, our internal sockets interface (things like
+ open_socket_out(), etc) is much narrower than the getaddrinfo()
+ interface, and so probably simpler to get right. In addition, the
+ old code is known to work well on old machines.
+ We could drop the rather large lib/getaddrinfo files.
+ -- --
+Other IPv6 stuff
+ Implement suggestions from
+ and
+ If a host has multiple addresses, then listen try to connect to all
+ in order until we get through. (getaddrinfo may return multiple
+ addresses.) This is kind of implemented already.
+ Possibly also when starting as a server we may need to listen on
+ multiple passive addresses. This might be a bit harder, because we
+ may need to select on all of them. Hm.
+ -- --
+Add ACL support 2001/12/02
+ Transfer ACLs. Need to think of a standard representation.
+ Probably better not to even try to convert between NT and POSIX.
+ Possibly can share some code with Samba.
+ NOTE: there is a patch that implements this in the "patches" subdir.
+ -- --
+proxy authentication 2002/01/23
+ Allow RSYNC_PROXY to be, and do
+ HTTP Basic Proxy-Authentication.
+ Multiple schemes are possible, up to and including the insanity that
+ is NTLM, but Basic probably covers most cases.
+ -- --
+SOCKS 2002/01/23
+ Add --with-socks, and then perhaps a command-line option to put them
+ on or off. This might be more reliable than LD_PRELOAD hacks.
+ -- --
+FAT support
+ rsync to a FAT partition on a Unix machine doesn't work very well at
+ the moment. I think we get errors about invalid filenames and
+ perhaps also trying to do atomic renames.
+ I guess the code to do this is currently #ifdef'd on Windows;
+ perhaps we ought to intelligently fall back to it on Unix too.
+ -- --
+--diff david.e.sewell 2002/03/15
+ Allow people to specify the diff command. (Might want to use wdiff,
+ gnudiff, etc.)
+ Just diff the temporary file with the destination file, and delete
+ the tmp file rather than moving it into place.
+ Interaction with --partial.
+ Security interactions with daemon mode?
+ -- --
+Add daemon --no-fork option
+ Very useful for debugging. Also good when running under a
+ daemon-monitoring process that tries to restart the service when the
+ parent exits.
+ -- --
+Create more granular verbosity 2003/05/15
+ Control output with the --report option.
+ The option takes as a single argument (no whitespace) a
+ comma delimited lists of keywords.
+ This would separate debugging from "logging" as well as
+ fine grained selection of statistical reporting and what
+ actions are logged.
+ -- --
+DOCUMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------
+Keep list of open issues and todos on the web site
+ -- --
+Perhaps redo manual as SGML
+ The man page is getting rather large, and there is more information
+ that ought to be added.
+ TexInfo source is probably a dying format.
+ Linuxdoc looks like the most likely contender. I know DocBook is
+ favoured by some people, but it's so bloody verbose, even with emacs
+ support.
+ -- --
+LOGGING --------------------------------------------------------------
+Memory accounting
+ At exit, show how much memory was used for the file list, etc.
+ We also do a weird exponential-growth allocation in flist.c. I'm
+ not sure this makes sense with modern mallocs. At any rate it will
+ make us allocate a huge amount of memory for large file lists.
+ -- --
+Improve error messages
+ If we hang or get SIGINT, then explain where we were up to. Perhaps
+ have a static buffer that contains the current function name, or
+ some kind of description of what we were trying to do. This is a
+ little easier on people than needing to run strace/truss.
+ "The dungeon collapses! You are killed." Rather than "unexpected
+ eof" give a message that is more detailed if possible and also more
+ helpful.
+ If we get an error writing to a socket, then we should perhaps
+ continue trying to read to see if an error message comes across
+ explaining why the socket is closed. I'm not sure if this would
+ work, but it would certainly make our messages more helpful.
+ What happens if a directory is missing -x attributes. Do we lose
+ our load? (Debian #28416) Probably fixed now, but a test case would
+ be good.
+ -- --
+Better statistics Rasmus 2002/03/08
+ <Rasmus>
+ hey, how about an rsync option that just gives you the
+ summary without the list of files? And perhaps gives
+ more information like the number of new files, number
+ of changed, deleted, etc. ?
+ <mbp>
+ nice idea there is --stats but at the moment it's very
+ tridge-oriented rather than user-friendly it would be
+ nice to improve it that would also work well with
+ --dryrun
+ -- --
+Perhaps flush stdout like syslog
+ Perhaps flush stdout after each filename, so that people trying to
+ monitor progress in a log file can do so more easily. See
+ -- --
+Log child death on signal
+ If a child of the rsync daemon dies with a signal, we should notice
+ that when we reap it and log a message.
+ -- --
+verbose output David Stein 2001/12/20
+ At end of transfer, show how many files were or were not transferred
+ correctly.
+ -- --
+ Change to using gettext(). Probably need to ship this for platforms
+ that don't have it.
+ Solicit translations.
+ Does anyone care? Before we bother modifying the code, we ought to
+ get the manual translated first, because that's possibly more useful
+ and at any rate demonstrates desire.
+ -- --
+DEVELOPMENT --------------------------------------------------------
+Handling duplicate names
+ Some folks would like rsync to be deterministic in how it handles
+ duplicate names that come from mering multiple source directories
+ into a single destination directory; e.g. the last name wins. We
+ could do this by switching our sort algorithm to one that will
+ guarantee that the names won't be reordered. Alternately, we could
+ assign an ever-increasing number to each item as we insert it into
+ the list and then make sure that we leave the largest number when
+ cleaning the file list (see clean_flist()). Another solution would
+ be to add a hash table, and thus never put any duplicate names into
+ the file list (and bump the protocol to handle this).
+ -- --
+Use generic zlib 2002/02/25
+ Perhaps don't use our own zlib.
+ Advantages:
+ - will automatically be up to date with bugfixes in zlib
+ - can leave it out for small rsync on e.g. recovery disks
+ - can use a shared library
+ - avoids people breaking rsync by trying to do this themselves and
+ messing up
+ Should we ship zlib for systems that don't have it, or require
+ people to install it separately?
+ Apparently this will make us incompatible with versions of rsync
+ that use the patched version of rsync. Probably the simplest way to
+ do this is to just disable gzip (with a warning) when talking to old
+ versions.
+ -- --
+Splint 2002/03/12
+ Build rsync with SPLINT to try to find security holes. Add
+ annotations as necessary. Keep track of the number of warnings
+ found initially, and see how many of them are real bugs, or real
+ security bugs. Knowing the percentage of likely hits would be
+ really interesting for other projects.
+ -- --
+PERFORMANCE ----------------------------------------------------------
+Allow skipping MD4 file_sum 2002/04/08
+ If we're doing a local transfer, or using -W, then perhaps don't
+ send the file checksum. If we're doing a local transfer, then
+ calculating MD4 checksums uses 90% of CPU and is unlikely to be
+ useful.
+ We should not allow it to be disabled separately from -W, though
+ as it is the only thing that lets us know when the rsync algorithm
+ got out of sync and messed the file up (i.e. if the basis file
+ changed between checksum generation and reception).
+ -- --
+Accelerate MD4
+ Perhaps borrow an assembler MD4 from someone?
+ Make sure we call MD4 with properly-sized blocks whenever possible
+ to avoid copying into the residue region?
+ -- --
+TESTING --------------------------------------------------------------
+Torture test
+ Something that just keeps running rsync continuously over a data set
+ likely to generate problems.
+ -- --
+Cross-test versions 2001/08/22
+ Part of the regression suite should be making sure that we
+ don't break backwards compatibility: old clients vs new
+ servers and so on. Ideally we would test both up and down
+ from the current release to all old versions.
+ Run current rsync versions against significant past releases.
+ We might need to omit broken old versions, or versions in which
+ particular functionality is broken
+ It might be sufficient to test downloads from well-known public
+ rsync servers running different versions of rsync. This will give
+ some testing and also be the most common case for having different
+ versions and not being able to upgrade.
+ The new --protocol option may help in this.
+ -- --
+Test on kernel source
+ Download all versions of kernel; unpack, sync between them. Also
+ sync between uncompressed tarballs. Compare directories after
+ transfer.
+ Use local mode; ssh; daemon; --whole-file and --no-whole-file.
+ Use awk to pull out the 'speedup' number for each transfer. Make
+ sure it is >= x.
+ -- --
+Test large files
+ Sparse and non-sparse
+ -- --
+Create mutator program for testing
+ Insert bytes, delete bytes, swap blocks, ...
+ -- --
+Create configure option to enable dangerous tests
+ -- --
+Create pipe program for testing
+ Create pipe program that makes slow/jerky connections for
+ testing Versions of read() and write() that corrupt the
+ stream, or abruptly fail
+ -- --
+Create test makefile target for some tests
+ Separate makefile target to run rough tests -- or perhaps
+ just run them every time?
+ -- --
+RELATED PROJECTS -----------------------------------------------------
+ Write a small emulation of interactive ftp as a Pythonn program
+ that calls rsync. Commands such as "cd", "ls", "ls *.c" etc map
+ fairly directly into rsync commands: it just needs to remember the
+ current host, directory and so on. We can probably even do
+ completion of remote filenames.
+ -- --
+ -- --
+rsyncable gzip patch
+ Exhaustive, tortuous testing
+ Cleanups?
+ -- --
+rsyncsplit as alternative to real integration with gzip?
+ -- --
+reverse rsync over HTTP Range
+ Goswin Brederlow suggested this on Debian; I think tridge and I
+ talked about it previous in relation to rproxy.
+ Addendum: It looks like someone is working on a version of this:
+ -- --
diff --git a/access.c b/access.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6afce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/access.c
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ * Routines to authenticate access to a daemon (hosts allow/deny).
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include <netgroup.h>
+static int allow_forward_dns;
+extern const char undetermined_hostname[];
+static int match_hostname(const char **host_ptr, const char *addr, const char *tok)
+ struct hostent *hp;
+ unsigned int i;
+ const char *host = *host_ptr;
+ if (!host || !*host)
+ return 0;
+ if (*tok == '@' && tok[1])
+ return innetgr(tok + 1, host, NULL, NULL);
+ /* First check if the reverse-DNS-determined hostname matches. */
+ if (iwildmatch(tok, host))
+ return 1;
+ if (!allow_forward_dns)
+ return 0;
+ /* Fail quietly if tok is an address or wildcarded entry, not a simple hostname. */
+ if (!tok[strspn(tok, ".0123456789")] || tok[strcspn(tok, ":/*?[")])
+ return 0;
+ /* Now try forward-DNS on the token (config-specified hostname) and see if the IP matches. */
+ if (!(hp = gethostbyname(tok)))
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; hp->h_addr_list[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(addr, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)(hp->h_addr_list[i]))) == 0) {
+ /* If reverse lookups are off, we'll use the conf-specified
+ * hostname in preference to UNDETERMINED. */
+ if (host == undetermined_hostname)
+ *host_ptr = strdup(tok);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int match_binary(const char *b1, const char *b2, const char *mask, int addrlen)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < addrlen; i++) {
+ if ((b1[i] ^ b2[i]) & mask[i])
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void make_mask(char *mask, int plen, int addrlen)
+ int w, b;
+ w = plen >> 3;
+ b = plen & 0x7;
+ if (w)
+ memset(mask, 0xff, w);
+ if (w < addrlen)
+ mask[w] = 0xff & (0xff<<(8-b));
+ if (w+1 < addrlen)
+ memset(mask+w+1, 0, addrlen-w-1);
+ return;
+static int match_address(const char *addr, const char *tok)
+ char *p;
+ struct addrinfo hints, *resa, *rest;
+ int gai;
+ int ret = 0;
+ int addrlen = 0;
+ long int bits;
+ int bits;
+ char mask[16];
+ char *a = NULL, *t = NULL;
+ if (!addr || !*addr)
+ return 0;
+ p = strchr(tok,'/');
+ if (p)
+ *p = '\0';
+ /* Fail quietly if tok is a hostname, not an address. */
+ if (tok[strspn(tok, ".0123456789")] && strchr(tok, ':') == NULL) {
+ if (p)
+ *p = '/';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
+ if (getaddrinfo(addr, NULL, &hints, &resa) != 0) {
+ if (p)
+ *p = '/';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ gai = getaddrinfo(tok, NULL, &hints, &rest);
+ if (p)
+ *p++ = '/';
+ if (gai != 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "error matching address %s: %s\n",
+ tok, gai_strerror(gai));
+ freeaddrinfo(resa);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (rest->ai_family != resa->ai_family) {
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ switch(resa->ai_family) {
+ case PF_INET:
+ a = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)resa->ai_addr)->sin_addr;
+ t = (char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)rest->ai_addr)->sin_addr;
+ addrlen = 4;
+ break;
+#ifdef INET6
+ case PF_INET6: {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6a, *sin6t;
+ sin6a = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)resa->ai_addr;
+ sin6t = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)rest->ai_addr;
+ a = (char *)&sin6a->sin6_addr;
+ t = (char *)&sin6t->sin6_addr;
+ addrlen = 16;
+ if (sin6t->sin6_scope_id && sin6a->sin6_scope_id != sin6t->sin6_scope_id) {
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ rprintf(FLOG, "unknown family %u\n", rest->ai_family);
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ bits = -1;
+ if (p) {
+ if (inet_pton(resa->ai_addr->sa_family, p, mask) <= 0) {
+ char *ep = NULL;
+ unsigned char *pp;
+ bits = strtol(p, &ep, 10);
+ if (!*p || *ep) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "malformed mask in %s\n", tok);
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ for (pp = (unsigned char *)p; *pp; pp++) {
+ if (!isascii(*pp) || !isdigit(*pp)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "malformed mask in %s\n", tok);
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ bits = atoi(p);
+ if (bits == 0) {
+ ret = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (bits < 0 || bits > (addrlen << 3)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "malformed mask in %s\n", tok);
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ bits = 128;
+ }
+ if (bits >= 0)
+ make_mask(mask, bits, addrlen);
+ ret = match_binary(a, t, mask, addrlen);
+ out:
+ freeaddrinfo(resa);
+ freeaddrinfo(rest);
+ return ret;
+static int access_match(const char *list, const char *addr, const char **host_ptr)
+ char *tok;
+ char *list2 = strdup(list);
+ strlower(list2);
+ for (tok = strtok(list2, " ,\t"); tok; tok = strtok(NULL, " ,\t")) {
+ if (match_hostname(host_ptr, addr, tok) || match_address(addr, tok)) {
+ free(list2);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ free(list2);
+ return 0;
+int allow_access(const char *addr, const char **host_ptr, int i)
+ const char *allow_list = lp_hosts_allow(i);
+ const char *deny_list = lp_hosts_deny(i);
+ if (allow_list && !*allow_list)
+ allow_list = NULL;
+ if (deny_list && !*deny_list)
+ deny_list = NULL;
+ allow_forward_dns = lp_forward_lookup(i);
+ /* If we match an allow-list item, we always allow access. */
+ if (allow_list) {
+ if (access_match(allow_list, addr, host_ptr))
+ return 1;
+ /* For an allow-list w/o a deny-list, disallow non-matches. */
+ if (!deny_list)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* If we match a deny-list item (and got past any allow-list
+ * items), we always disallow access. */
+ if (deny_list && access_match(deny_list, addr, host_ptr))
+ return 0;
+ /* Allow all other access. */
+ return 1;
diff --git a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62b3bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aclocal.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# generated automatically by aclocal 1.16.5 -*- Autoconf -*-
+# Copyright (C) 1996-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+m4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [m4_defun([_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [])m4_defun([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS($@)])])
diff --git a/acls.c b/acls.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cf12ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acls.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
+ * Handle passing Access Control Lists between systems.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "lib/sysacls.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int read_only;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int orig_umask;
+extern int numeric_ids;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int preserve_devices;
+extern int preserve_specials;
+/* Flags used to indicate what items are being transmitted for an entry. */
+#define XMIT_USER_OBJ (1<<0)
+#define XMIT_GROUP_OBJ (1<<1)
+#define XMIT_MASK_OBJ (1<<2)
+#define XMIT_OTHER_OBJ (1<<3)
+#define XMIT_NAME_LIST (1<<4)
+#define NO_ENTRY ((uchar)0x80) /* Default value of a NON-name-list entry. */
+#define NAME_IS_USER (1u<<31) /* Bit used only on a name-list entry. */
+/* When we send the access bits over the wire, we shift them 2 bits to the
+ * left and use the lower 2 bits as flags (relevant only to a name entry).
+ * This makes the protocol more efficient than sending a value that would
+ * be likely to have its highest bits set. */
+#define XFLAG_NAME_FOLLOWS 0x0001u
+#define XFLAG_NAME_IS_USER 0x0002u
+/* === ACL structures === */
+typedef struct {
+ id_t id;
+ uint32 access;
+} id_access;
+typedef struct {
+ id_access *idas;
+ int count;
+} ida_entries;
+typedef struct {
+ char *name;
+ uchar len;
+} idname;
+typedef struct rsync_acl {
+ ida_entries names;
+ /* These will be NO_ENTRY if there's no such entry. */
+ uchar user_obj;
+ uchar group_obj;
+ uchar mask_obj;
+ uchar other_obj;
+} rsync_acl;
+typedef struct {
+ rsync_acl racl;
+ SMB_ACL_T sacl;
+} acl_duo;
+static const rsync_acl empty_rsync_acl = {
+static item_list access_acl_list = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+static item_list default_acl_list = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+static size_t prior_access_count = (size_t)-1;
+static size_t prior_default_count = (size_t)-1;
+/* === Calculations on ACL types === */
+static const char *str_acl_type(SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ switch (type) {
+ return "ACL_TYPE_ACCESS";
+ return "ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT";
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return "unknown ACL type!";
+static int calc_sacl_entries(const rsync_acl *racl)
+ /* A System ACL always gets user/group/other permission entries. */
+ return racl->names.count
+ + 1
+ + (racl->mask_obj != NO_ENTRY)
+ + 3;
+/* Extracts and returns the permission bits from the ACL. This cannot be
+ * called on an rsync_acl that has NO_ENTRY in any spot but the mask. */
+static int rsync_acl_get_perms(const rsync_acl *racl)
+ return (racl->user_obj << 6)
+ + ((racl->mask_obj != NO_ENTRY ? racl->mask_obj : racl->group_obj) << 3)
+ + racl->other_obj;
+/* Removes the permission-bit entries from the ACL because these
+ * can be reconstructed from the file's mode. */
+static void rsync_acl_strip_perms(stat_x *sxp)
+ rsync_acl *racl = sxp->acc_acl;
+ racl->user_obj = NO_ENTRY;
+ if (racl->mask_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->group_obj = NO_ENTRY;
+ else {
+ int group_perms = (sxp->st.st_mode >> 3) & 7;
+ if (racl->group_obj == group_perms)
+ racl->group_obj = NO_ENTRY;
+ if (racl->names.count != 0 && racl->mask_obj == group_perms)
+ racl->mask_obj = NO_ENTRY;
+ }
+ racl->other_obj = NO_ENTRY;
+/* Given an empty rsync_acl, fake up the permission bits. */
+static void rsync_acl_fake_perms(rsync_acl *racl, mode_t mode)
+ racl->user_obj = (mode >> 6) & 7;
+ racl->group_obj = (mode >> 3) & 7;
+ racl->other_obj = mode & 7;
+/* === Rsync ACL functions === */
+static rsync_acl *create_racl(void)
+ rsync_acl *racl = new(rsync_acl);
+ *racl = empty_rsync_acl;
+ return racl;
+static BOOL ida_entries_equal(const ida_entries *ial1, const ida_entries *ial2)
+ id_access *ida1, *ida2;
+ int count = ial1->count;
+ if (count != ial2->count)
+ return False;
+ ida1 = ial1->idas;
+ ida2 = ial2->idas;
+ for (; count--; ida1++, ida2++) {
+ if (ida1->access != ida2->access || ida1->id != ida2->id)
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+static BOOL rsync_acl_equal(const rsync_acl *racl1, const rsync_acl *racl2)
+ return racl1->user_obj == racl2->user_obj
+ && racl1->group_obj == racl2->group_obj
+ && racl1->mask_obj == racl2->mask_obj
+ && racl1->other_obj == racl2->other_obj
+ && ida_entries_equal(&racl1->names, &racl2->names);
+/* Are the extended (non-permission-bit) entries equal? If so, the rest of
+ * the ACL will be handled by the normal mode-preservation code. This is
+ * only meaningful for access ACLs! Note: the 1st arg is a fully-populated
+ * rsync_acl, but the 2nd parameter can be a condensed rsync_acl, which means
+ * that it might have several of its permission objects set to NO_ENTRY. */
+static BOOL rsync_acl_equal_enough(const rsync_acl *racl1,
+ const rsync_acl *racl2, mode_t m)
+ if ((racl1->mask_obj ^ racl2->mask_obj) & NO_ENTRY)
+ return False; /* One has a mask and the other doesn't */
+ /* When there's a mask, the group_obj becomes an extended entry. */
+ if (racl1->mask_obj != NO_ENTRY) {
+ /* A condensed rsync_acl with a mask can only have no
+ * group_obj when it was identical to the mask. This
+ * means that it was also identical to the group attrs
+ * from the mode. */
+ if (racl2->group_obj == NO_ENTRY) {
+ if (racl1->group_obj != ((m >> 3) & 7))
+ return False;
+ } else if (racl1->group_obj != racl2->group_obj)
+ return False;
+ }
+ return ida_entries_equal(&racl1->names, &racl2->names);
+static void rsync_acl_free(rsync_acl *racl)
+ if (racl->names.idas)
+ free(racl->names.idas);
+ *racl = empty_rsync_acl;
+void free_acl(stat_x *sxp)
+ if (sxp->acc_acl) {
+ rsync_acl_free(sxp->acc_acl);
+ free(sxp->acc_acl);
+ sxp->acc_acl = NULL;
+ }
+ if (sxp->def_acl) {
+ rsync_acl_free(sxp->def_acl);
+ free(sxp->def_acl);
+ sxp->def_acl = NULL;
+ }
+static int id_access_sorter(const void *r1, const void *r2)
+ id_access *ida1 = (id_access *)r1;
+ id_access *ida2 = (id_access *)r2;
+ id_t rid1 = ida1->id, rid2 = ida2->id;
+ if ((ida1->access ^ ida2->access) & NAME_IS_USER)
+ return ida1->access & NAME_IS_USER ? -1 : 1;
+ return rid1 == rid2 ? 0 : rid1 < rid2 ? -1 : 1;
+/* === System ACLs === */
+/* Unpack system ACL -> rsync ACL verbatim. Return whether we succeeded. */
+static BOOL unpack_smb_acl(SMB_ACL_T sacl, rsync_acl *racl)
+ static item_list temp_ida_list = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry;
+ const char *errfun;
+ int rc;
+ errfun = "sys_acl_get_entry";
+ for (rc = sys_acl_get_entry(sacl, SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY, &entry);
+ rc == 1;
+ rc = sys_acl_get_entry(sacl, SMB_ACL_NEXT_ENTRY, &entry)) {
+ SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type;
+ uint32 access;
+ id_t g_u_id;
+ id_access *ida;
+ if ((rc = sys_acl_get_info(entry, &tag_type, &access, &g_u_id)) != 0) {
+ errfun = "sys_acl_get_info";
+ break;
+ }
+ /* continue == done with entry; break == store in temporary ida list */
+ switch (tag_type) {
+#ifndef HAVE_OSX_ACLS
+ if (racl->user_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->user_obj = access;
+ else
+ rprintf(FINFO, "unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate USER_OBJ entry ignored\n");
+ continue;
+ if (racl->group_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->group_obj = access;
+ else
+ rprintf(FINFO, "unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate GROUP_OBJ entry ignored\n");
+ continue;
+ case SMB_ACL_MASK:
+ if (racl->mask_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->mask_obj = access;
+ else
+ rprintf(FINFO, "unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate MASK entry ignored\n");
+ continue;
+ if (racl->other_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->other_obj = access;
+ else
+ rprintf(FINFO, "unpack_smb_acl: warning: duplicate OTHER entry ignored\n");
+ continue;
+ case SMB_ACL_USER:
+ access |= NAME_IS_USER;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rprintf(FINFO, "unpack_smb_acl: warning: entry with unrecognized tag type ignored\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ ida = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&temp_ida_list, id_access, -10);
+ ida->id = g_u_id;
+ ida->access = access;
+ }
+ if (rc) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "unpack_smb_acl: %s()", errfun);
+ rsync_acl_free(racl);
+ return False;
+ }
+ /* Transfer the count id_access items out of the temp_ida_list
+ * into the names ida_entries list in racl. */
+ if (temp_ida_list.count) {
+ if (temp_ida_list.count > 1) {
+ qsort(temp_ida_list.items, temp_ida_list.count, sizeof (id_access), id_access_sorter);
+ }
+ racl->names.idas = new_array(id_access, temp_ida_list.count);
+ memcpy(racl->names.idas, temp_ida_list.items, temp_ida_list.count * sizeof (id_access));
+ } else
+ racl->names.idas = NULL;
+ racl->names.count = temp_ida_list.count;
+ /* Truncate the temporary list now that its idas have been saved. */
+ temp_ida_list.count = 0;
+ return True;
+/* Synactic sugar for system calls */
+#define CALL_OR_ERROR(func,args,str) \
+ do { \
+ if (func args) { \
+ errfun = str; \
+ goto error_exit; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define COE(func,args) CALL_OR_ERROR(func,args,#func)
+#define COE2(func,args) CALL_OR_ERROR(func,args,NULL)
+#ifndef HAVE_OSX_ACLS
+/* Store the permissions in the system ACL entry. */
+static int store_access_in_entry(uint32 access, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry)
+ if (sys_acl_set_access_bits(entry, access)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "store_access_in_entry sys_acl_set_access_bits()");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Pack rsync ACL -> system ACL verbatim. Return whether we succeeded. */
+static BOOL pack_smb_acl(SMB_ACL_T *smb_acl, const rsync_acl *racl)
+ uchar mask_bits;
+ size_t count;
+ id_access *ida;
+ const char *errfun = NULL;
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry;
+ if (!(*smb_acl = sys_acl_init(calc_sacl_entries(racl)))) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "pack_smb_acl: sys_acl_init()");
+ return False;
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_OSX_ACLS
+ COE( sys_acl_create_entry,(smb_acl, &entry) );
+ COE( sys_acl_set_info,(entry, SMB_ACL_USER_OBJ, racl->user_obj & ~NO_ENTRY, 0) );
+ for (ida = racl->names.idas, count = racl->names.count; count; ida++, count--) {
+ if (!(ida->access & NAME_IS_USER))
+ break;
+ COE( sys_acl_create_entry,(smb_acl, &entry) );
+ COE( sys_acl_set_info,
+ (entry,
+ ida->access & ~NAME_IS_USER, ida->id) );
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_OSX_ACLS
+ COE( sys_acl_create_entry,(smb_acl, &entry) );
+ COE( sys_acl_set_info,(entry, SMB_ACL_GROUP_OBJ, racl->group_obj & ~NO_ENTRY, 0) );
+ for ( ; count; ida++, count--) {
+ COE( sys_acl_create_entry,(smb_acl, &entry) );
+ COE( sys_acl_set_info,(entry, SMB_ACL_GROUP, ida->access, ida->id) );
+ }
+ mask_bits = racl->mask_obj == NO_ENTRY ? racl->group_obj & ~NO_ENTRY : racl->mask_obj;
+ COE( sys_acl_create_entry,(smb_acl, &entry) );
+ COE( sys_acl_set_info,(entry, SMB_ACL_MASK, mask_bits, 0) );
+ if (racl->mask_obj != NO_ENTRY) {
+ COE( sys_acl_create_entry,(smb_acl, &entry) );
+ COE( sys_acl_set_info,(entry, SMB_ACL_MASK, racl->mask_obj, 0) );
+ }
+ COE( sys_acl_create_entry,(smb_acl, &entry) );
+ COE( sys_acl_set_info,(entry, SMB_ACL_OTHER, racl->other_obj & ~NO_ENTRY, 0) );
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (sys_acl_valid(*smb_acl) < 0)
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "pack_smb_acl: warning: system says the ACL I packed is invalid\n");
+ return True;
+ error_exit:
+ if (errfun) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "pack_smb_acl %s()", errfun);
+ }
+ sys_acl_free_acl(*smb_acl);
+ return False;
+static int find_matching_rsync_acl(const rsync_acl *racl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type,
+ const item_list *racl_list)
+ static int access_match = -1, default_match = -1;
+ int *match = type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS ? &access_match : &default_match;
+ size_t count = racl_list->count;
+ /* If this is the first time through or we didn't match the last
+ * time, then start at the end of the list, which should be the
+ * best place to start hunting. */
+ if (*match == -1)
+ *match = racl_list->count - 1;
+ while (count--) {
+ rsync_acl *base = racl_list->items;
+ if (rsync_acl_equal(base + *match, racl))
+ return *match;
+ if (!(*match)--)
+ *match = racl_list->count - 1;
+ }
+ *match = -1;
+ return *match;
+static int get_rsync_acl(const char *fname, rsync_acl *racl,
+ SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type, mode_t mode)
+ SMB_ACL_T sacl;
+ /* --fake-super support: load ACLs from an xattr. */
+ if (am_root < 0) {
+ char *buf;
+ size_t len;
+ int cnt;
+ if ((buf = get_xattr_acl(fname, type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, &len)) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ cnt = (len - 4*4) / (4+4);
+ if (len < 4*4 || len != (size_t)cnt*(4+4) + 4*4) {
+ free(buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ racl->user_obj = IVAL(buf, 0);
+ if (racl->user_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->user_obj = (mode >> 6) & 7;
+ racl->group_obj = IVAL(buf, 4);
+ if (racl->group_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->group_obj = (mode >> 3) & 7;
+ racl->mask_obj = IVAL(buf, 8);
+ racl->other_obj = IVAL(buf, 12);
+ if (racl->other_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ racl->other_obj = mode & 7;
+ if (cnt) {
+ char *bp = buf + 4*4;
+ id_access *ida = racl->names.idas = new_array(id_access, cnt);
+ racl->names.count = cnt;
+ for ( ; cnt--; ida++, bp += 4+4) {
+ ida->id = IVAL(bp, 0);
+ ida->access = IVAL(bp, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ free(buf);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((sacl = sys_acl_get_file(fname, type)) != 0) {
+ BOOL ok = unpack_smb_acl(sacl, racl);
+ sys_acl_free_acl(sacl);
+ if (!ok) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "get_acl: unpack_smb_acl(%s)", fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (no_acl_syscall_error(errno)) {
+ /* ACLs are not supported, so pretend we have a basic ACL. */
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS)
+ rsync_acl_fake_perms(racl, mode);
+ } else {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "get_acl: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s)",
+ fname, str_acl_type(type));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Return the Access Control List for the given filename. */
+int get_acl(const char *fname, stat_x *sxp)
+ sxp->acc_acl = create_racl();
+ if (S_ISREG(sxp->st.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ /* Everyone supports this. */
+ } else if (S_ISLNK(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (IS_SPECIAL(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!preserve_specials)
+ return 0;
+ } else if (IS_DEVICE(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!preserve_devices)
+ return 0;
+ } else if (IS_MISSING_FILE(sxp->st))
+ return 0;
+ if (get_rsync_acl(fname, sxp->acc_acl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS,
+ sxp->st.st_mode) < 0) {
+ free_acl(sxp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ sxp->def_acl = create_racl();
+ if (get_rsync_acl(fname, sxp->def_acl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT,
+ sxp->st.st_mode) < 0) {
+ free_acl(sxp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* === Send functions === */
+/* Send the ida list over the file descriptor. */
+static void send_ida_entries(int f, const ida_entries *idal)
+ id_access *ida;
+ size_t count = idal->count;
+ write_varint(f, idal->count);
+ for (ida = idal->idas; count--; ida++) {
+ uint32 xbits = ida->access << 2;
+ const char *name;
+ if (ida->access & NAME_IS_USER) {
+ xbits |= XFLAG_NAME_IS_USER;
+ name = numeric_ids ? NULL : add_uid(ida->id);
+ } else
+ name = numeric_ids ? NULL : add_gid(ida->id);
+ write_varint(f, ida->id);
+ if (inc_recurse && name) {
+ int len = strlen(name);
+ write_varint(f, xbits | XFLAG_NAME_FOLLOWS);
+ write_byte(f, len);
+ write_buf(f, name, len);
+ } else
+ write_varint(f, xbits);
+ }
+static void send_rsync_acl(int f, rsync_acl *racl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type,
+ item_list *racl_list)
+ int ndx = find_matching_rsync_acl(racl, type, racl_list);
+ /* Send 0 (-1 + 1) to indicate that literal ACL data follows. */
+ write_varint(f, ndx + 1);
+ if (ndx < 0) {
+ rsync_acl *new_racl = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(racl_list, rsync_acl, 1000);
+ uchar flags = 0;
+ if (racl->user_obj != NO_ENTRY)
+ flags |= XMIT_USER_OBJ;
+ if (racl->group_obj != NO_ENTRY)
+ flags |= XMIT_GROUP_OBJ;
+ if (racl->mask_obj != NO_ENTRY)
+ flags |= XMIT_MASK_OBJ;
+ if (racl->other_obj != NO_ENTRY)
+ flags |= XMIT_OTHER_OBJ;
+ if (racl->names.count)
+ flags |= XMIT_NAME_LIST;
+ write_byte(f, flags);
+ if (flags & XMIT_USER_OBJ)
+ write_varint(f, racl->user_obj);
+ if (flags & XMIT_GROUP_OBJ)
+ write_varint(f, racl->group_obj);
+ if (flags & XMIT_MASK_OBJ)
+ write_varint(f, racl->mask_obj);
+ if (flags & XMIT_OTHER_OBJ)
+ write_varint(f, racl->other_obj);
+ if (flags & XMIT_NAME_LIST)
+ send_ida_entries(f, &racl->names);
+ /* Give the allocated data to the new list object. */
+ *new_racl = *racl;
+ *racl = empty_rsync_acl;
+ }
+/* Send the ACL from the stat_x structure down the indicated file descriptor.
+ * This also frees the ACL data. */
+void send_acl(int f, stat_x *sxp)
+ if (!sxp->acc_acl) {
+ sxp->acc_acl = create_racl();
+ rsync_acl_fake_perms(sxp->acc_acl, sxp->st.st_mode);
+ }
+ /* Avoid sending values that can be inferred from other data. */
+ rsync_acl_strip_perms(sxp);
+ send_rsync_acl(f, sxp->acc_acl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, &access_acl_list);
+ if (S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!sxp->def_acl)
+ sxp->def_acl = create_racl();
+ send_rsync_acl(f, sxp->def_acl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, &default_acl_list);
+ }
+/* === Receive functions === */
+static uint32 recv_acl_access(int f, uchar *name_follows_ptr)
+ uint32 access = read_varint(f);
+ if (name_follows_ptr) {
+ int flags = access & 3;
+ access >>= 2;
+ if (am_root >= 0 && access & ~SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS)
+ goto value_error;
+ if (flags & XFLAG_NAME_FOLLOWS)
+ *name_follows_ptr = 1;
+ else
+ *name_follows_ptr = 0;
+ if (flags & XFLAG_NAME_IS_USER)
+ access |= NAME_IS_USER;
+ } else if (am_root >= 0 && access & ~SMB_ACL_VALID_OBJ_BITS) {
+ value_error:
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "recv_acl_access: value out of range: %x\n",
+ access);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ return access;
+static uchar recv_ida_entries(int f, ida_entries *ent)
+ uchar computed_mask_bits = 0;
+ int i, count = read_varint(f);
+ ent->idas = count ? new_array(id_access, count) : NULL;
+ ent->count = count;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ uchar has_name;
+ id_t id = read_varint(f);
+ uint32 access = recv_acl_access(f, &has_name);
+ if (has_name) {
+ if (access & NAME_IS_USER)
+ id = recv_user_name(f, id);
+ else
+ id = recv_group_name(f, id, NULL);
+ } else if (access & NAME_IS_USER) {
+ if (inc_recurse && am_root && !numeric_ids)
+ id = match_uid(id);
+ } else {
+ if (inc_recurse && (!am_root || !numeric_ids))
+ id = match_gid(id, NULL);
+ }
+ ent->idas[i].id = id;
+ ent->idas[i].access = access;
+ computed_mask_bits |= access;
+ }
+ return computed_mask_bits & ~NO_ENTRY;
+static int recv_rsync_acl(int f, item_list *racl_list, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type, mode_t mode)
+ uchar computed_mask_bits = 0;
+ acl_duo *duo_item;
+ uchar flags;
+ int ndx = read_varint(f);
+ if (ndx < 0 || (size_t)ndx > racl_list->count) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "recv_acl_index: %s ACL index %d > %d\n",
+ str_acl_type(type), ndx, (int)racl_list->count);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ if (ndx != 0)
+ return ndx - 1;
+ ndx = racl_list->count;
+ duo_item = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(racl_list, acl_duo, 1000);
+ duo_item->racl = empty_rsync_acl;
+ flags = read_byte(f);
+ if (flags & XMIT_USER_OBJ)
+ duo_item->racl.user_obj = recv_acl_access(f, NULL);
+ if (flags & XMIT_GROUP_OBJ)
+ duo_item->racl.group_obj = recv_acl_access(f, NULL);
+ if (flags & XMIT_MASK_OBJ)
+ duo_item->racl.mask_obj = recv_acl_access(f, NULL);
+ if (flags & XMIT_OTHER_OBJ)
+ duo_item->racl.other_obj = recv_acl_access(f, NULL);
+ if (flags & XMIT_NAME_LIST)
+ computed_mask_bits |= recv_ida_entries(f, &duo_item->racl.names);
+ /* If we received a superfluous mask, throw it away. */
+ duo_item->racl.mask_obj = NO_ENTRY;
+ (void)mode;
+ if (duo_item->racl.names.count && duo_item->racl.mask_obj == NO_ENTRY) {
+ /* Mask must be non-empty with lists. */
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS)
+ computed_mask_bits = (mode >> 3) & 7;
+ else
+ computed_mask_bits |= duo_item->racl.group_obj & ~NO_ENTRY;
+ duo_item->racl.mask_obj = computed_mask_bits;
+ }
+ duo_item->sacl = NULL;
+ return ndx;
+/* Receive the ACL info the sender has included for this file-list entry. */
+void receive_acl(int f, struct file_struct *file)
+ F_ACL(file) = recv_rsync_acl(f, &access_acl_list, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, file->mode);
+ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ F_DIR_DEFACL(file) = recv_rsync_acl(f, &default_acl_list, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, 0);
+static int cache_rsync_acl(rsync_acl *racl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type, item_list *racl_list)
+ int ndx;
+ if (!racl)
+ ndx = -1;
+ else if ((ndx = find_matching_rsync_acl(racl, type, racl_list)) == -1) {
+ acl_duo *new_duo;
+ ndx = racl_list->count;
+ new_duo = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(racl_list, acl_duo, 1000);
+ new_duo->racl = *racl;
+ new_duo->sacl = NULL;
+ *racl = empty_rsync_acl;
+ }
+ return ndx;
+/* Turn the ACL data in stat_x into cached ACL data, setting the index
+ * values in the file struct. */
+void cache_tmp_acl(struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp)
+ if (prior_access_count == (size_t)-1)
+ prior_access_count = access_acl_list.count;
+ F_ACL(file) = cache_rsync_acl(sxp->acc_acl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, &access_acl_list);
+ if (S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ if (prior_default_count == (size_t)-1)
+ prior_default_count = default_acl_list.count;
+ F_DIR_DEFACL(file) = cache_rsync_acl(sxp->def_acl, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, &default_acl_list);
+ }
+static void uncache_duo_acls(item_list *duo_list, size_t start)
+ acl_duo *duo_item = duo_list->items;
+ acl_duo *duo_start = duo_item + start;
+ duo_item += duo_list->count;
+ duo_list->count = start;
+ while (duo_item-- > duo_start) {
+ rsync_acl_free(&duo_item->racl);
+ if (duo_item->sacl)
+ sys_acl_free_acl(duo_item->sacl);
+ }
+void uncache_tmp_acls(void)
+ if (prior_access_count != (size_t)-1) {
+ uncache_duo_acls(&access_acl_list, prior_access_count);
+ prior_access_count = (size_t)-1;
+ }
+ if (prior_default_count != (size_t)-1) {
+ uncache_duo_acls(&default_acl_list, prior_default_count);
+ prior_default_count = (size_t)-1;
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_OSX_ACLS
+static mode_t change_sacl_perms(SMB_ACL_T sacl, rsync_acl *racl, mode_t old_mode, mode_t mode)
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry;
+ const char *errfun;
+ int rc;
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode)) {
+ /* If the sticky bit is going on, it's not safe to allow all
+ * the new ACL to go into effect before it gets set. */
+ if (mode & S_ISVTX)
+ mode &= ~0077;
+ if (mode & S_ISVTX && !(old_mode & S_ISVTX))
+ mode &= ~0077;
+ } else {
+ /* If setuid or setgid is going off, it's not safe to allow all
+ * the new ACL to go into effect before they get cleared. */
+ if ((old_mode & S_ISUID && !(mode & S_ISUID))
+ || (old_mode & S_ISGID && !(mode & S_ISGID)))
+ mode &= ~0077;
+ }
+ errfun = "sys_acl_get_entry";
+ for (rc = sys_acl_get_entry(sacl, SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY, &entry);
+ rc == 1;
+ rc = sys_acl_get_entry(sacl, SMB_ACL_NEXT_ENTRY, &entry)) {
+ SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type;
+ if ((rc = sys_acl_get_tag_type(entry, &tag_type)) != 0) {
+ errfun = "sys_acl_get_tag_type";
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (tag_type) {
+ COE2( store_access_in_entry,((mode >> 6) & 7, entry) );
+ break;
+ /* group is only empty when identical to group perms. */
+ if (racl->group_obj != NO_ENTRY)
+ break;
+ COE2( store_access_in_entry,((mode >> 3) & 7, entry) );
+ break;
+ case SMB_ACL_MASK:
+ /* mask is only empty when we don't need it. */
+ if (racl->mask_obj == NO_ENTRY)
+ break;
+ COE2( store_access_in_entry,((mode >> 3) & 7, entry) );
+ break;
+ COE2( store_access_in_entry,(mode & 7, entry) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rc) {
+ error_exit:
+ if (errfun) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "change_sacl_perms: %s()",
+ errfun);
+ }
+ return (mode_t)-1;
+ }
+ /* Ensure that chmod() will be called to restore any lost setid bits. */
+ if (old_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX)
+ && BITS_EQUAL(old_mode, mode, CHMOD_BITS))
+ old_mode &= ~(S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX);
+ /* Return the mode of the file on disk, as we will set them. */
+ return (old_mode & ~ACCESSPERMS) | (mode & ACCESSPERMS);
+static int set_rsync_acl(const char *fname, acl_duo *duo_item,
+ SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type, stat_x *sxp, mode_t mode)
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT
+ && duo_item->racl.user_obj == NO_ENTRY) {
+ int rc;
+ /* --fake-super support: delete default ACL from xattrs. */
+ if (am_root < 0)
+ rc = del_def_xattr_acl(fname);
+ else
+ rc = sys_acl_delete_def_file(fname);
+ if (rc < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "set_acl: sys_acl_delete_def_file(%s)",
+ fname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (am_root < 0) {
+ /* --fake-super support: store ACLs in an xattr. */
+ int cnt = duo_item->racl.names.count;
+ size_t len = 4*4 + cnt * (4+4);
+ char *buf = new_array(char, len);
+ int rc;
+ SIVAL(buf, 0, duo_item->racl.user_obj);
+ SIVAL(buf, 4, duo_item->racl.group_obj);
+ SIVAL(buf, 8, duo_item->racl.mask_obj);
+ SIVAL(buf, 12, duo_item->racl.other_obj);
+ if (cnt) {
+ char *bp = buf + 4*4;
+ id_access *ida = duo_item->racl.names.idas;
+ for ( ; cnt--; ida++, bp += 4+4) {
+ SIVAL(bp, 0, ida->id);
+ SIVAL(bp, 4, ida->access);
+ }
+ }
+ rc = set_xattr_acl(fname, type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, buf, len);
+ free(buf);
+ return rc;
+ } else {
+ mode_t cur_mode = sxp->st.st_mode;
+ if (!duo_item->sacl
+ && !pack_smb_acl(&duo_item->sacl, &duo_item->racl))
+ return -1;
+ mode = 0; /* eliminate compiler warning */
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS) {
+ cur_mode = change_sacl_perms(duo_item->sacl, &duo_item->racl, cur_mode, mode);
+ if (cur_mode == (mode_t)-1)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (sys_acl_set_file(fname, type, duo_item->sacl) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "set_acl: sys_acl_set_file(%s, %s)",
+ fname, str_acl_type(type));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS)
+ sxp->st.st_mode = cur_mode;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Given a fname, this sets extended access ACL entries, the default ACL (for a
+ * dir), and the regular mode bits on the file. Call this with fname set to
+ * NULL to just check if the ACL is different.
+ *
+ * If the ACL operation has a side-effect of changing the file's mode, the
+ * sxp->st.st_mode value will be changed to match.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 for an unchanged ACL, 1 for changed, -1 for failed. */
+int set_acl(const char *fname, const struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp, mode_t new_mode)
+ int changed = 0;
+ int32 ndx;
+ BOOL eq;
+ if (!dry_run && (read_only || list_only)) {
+ errno = EROFS;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ndx = F_ACL(file);
+ if (ndx >= 0 && (size_t)ndx < access_acl_list.count) {
+ acl_duo *duo_item = access_acl_list.items;
+ duo_item += ndx;
+ eq = sxp->acc_acl
+ && rsync_acl_equal_enough(sxp->acc_acl, &duo_item->racl, new_mode);
+ if (!eq) {
+ changed = 1;
+ if (!dry_run && fname
+ && set_rsync_acl(fname, duo_item, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS,
+ sxp, new_mode) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!S_ISDIR(new_mode))
+ return changed;
+ ndx = F_DIR_DEFACL(file);
+ if (ndx >= 0 && (size_t)ndx < default_acl_list.count) {
+ acl_duo *duo_item = default_acl_list.items;
+ duo_item += ndx;
+ eq = sxp->def_acl && rsync_acl_equal(sxp->def_acl, &duo_item->racl);
+ if (!eq) {
+ changed = 1;
+ if (!dry_run && fname
+ && set_rsync_acl(fname, duo_item, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT,
+ sxp, new_mode) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+/* Non-incremental recursion needs to convert all the received IDs.
+ * This is done in a single pass after receiving the whole file-list. */
+static void match_racl_ids(const item_list *racl_list)
+ int list_cnt, name_cnt;
+ acl_duo *duo_item = racl_list->items;
+ for (list_cnt = racl_list->count; list_cnt--; duo_item++) {
+ ida_entries *idal = &duo_item->racl.names;
+ id_access *ida = idal->idas;
+ for (name_cnt = idal->count; name_cnt--; ida++) {
+ if (ida->access & NAME_IS_USER)
+ ida->id = match_uid(ida->id);
+ else
+ ida->id = match_gid(ida->id, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+void match_acl_ids(void)
+ match_racl_ids(&access_acl_list);
+ match_racl_ids(&default_acl_list);
+/* This is used by dest_mode(). */
+int default_perms_for_dir(const char *dir)
+ rsync_acl racl;
+ SMB_ACL_T sacl;
+ BOOL ok;
+ int perms;
+ if (dir == NULL)
+ dir = ".";
+ perms = ACCESSPERMS & ~orig_umask;
+ /* Read the directory's default ACL. If it has none, this will successfully return an empty ACL. */
+ sacl = sys_acl_get_file(dir, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT);
+ if (sacl == NULL) {
+ /* Couldn't get an ACL. Darn. */
+ switch (errno) {
+ case EINVAL:
+ /* If SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT isn't valid, then the ACLs must be non-POSIX. */
+ break;
+#ifdef ENOTSUP
+ case ENOTSUP:
+ case ENOSYS:
+ /* No ACLs are available. */
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (dry_run && errno == ENOENT) {
+ /* We're doing a dry run, so the containing directory
+ * wasn't actually created. Don't worry about it. */
+ break;
+ }
+ rprintf(FWARNING,
+ "default_perms_for_dir: sys_acl_get_file(%s, %s): %s, falling back on umask\n",
+ dir, str_acl_type(SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT), strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return perms;
+ }
+ /* Convert it. */
+ racl = empty_rsync_acl;
+ ok = unpack_smb_acl(sacl, &racl);
+ sys_acl_free_acl(sacl);
+ if (!ok) {
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "default_perms_for_dir: unpack_smb_acl failed, falling back on umask\n");
+ return perms;
+ }
+ /* Apply the permission-bit entries of the default ACL, if any. */
+ if (racl.user_obj != NO_ENTRY) {
+ perms = rsync_acl_get_perms(&racl);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(ACL, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "got ACL-based default perms %o for directory %s\n", perms, dir);
+ }
+ rsync_acl_free(&racl);
+ return perms;
+#endif /* SUPPORT_ACLS */
diff --git a/authenticate.c b/authenticate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7f6ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/authenticate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ * Support rsync daemon authentication.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+extern int read_only;
+extern char *password_file;
+extern struct name_num_obj valid_auth_checksums;
+encode a buffer using base64 - simple and slow algorithm. null terminates
+the result.
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void base64_encode(const char *buf, int len, char *out, int pad)
+ char *b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
+ int bit_offset, byte_offset, idx, i;
+ const uchar *d = (const uchar *)buf;
+ int bytes = (len*8 + 5)/6;
+ for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
+ byte_offset = (i*6)/8;
+ bit_offset = (i*6)%8;
+ if (bit_offset < 3) {
+ idx = (d[byte_offset] >> (2-bit_offset)) & 0x3F;
+ } else {
+ idx = (d[byte_offset] << (bit_offset-2)) & 0x3F;
+ if (byte_offset+1 < len) {
+ idx |= (d[byte_offset+1] >> (8-(bit_offset-2)));
+ }
+ }
+ out[i] = b64[idx];
+ }
+ while (pad && (i % 4))
+ out[i++] = '=';
+ out[i] = '\0';
+/* Generate a challenge buffer and return it base64-encoded. */
+static void gen_challenge(const char *addr, char *challenge)
+ char input[32];
+ char digest[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int len;
+ memset(input, 0, sizeof input);
+ strlcpy(input, addr, 17);
+ sys_gettimeofday(&tv);
+ SIVAL(input, 16, tv.tv_sec);
+ SIVAL(input, 20, tv.tv_usec);
+ SIVAL(input, 24, getpid());
+ len = sum_init(valid_auth_checksums.negotiated_nni, 0);
+ sum_update(input, sizeof input);
+ sum_end(digest);
+ base64_encode(digest, len, challenge, 0);
+/* Generate an MD4 hash created from the combination of the password
+ * and the challenge string and return it base64-encoded. */
+static void generate_hash(const char *in, const char *challenge, char *out)
+ char buf[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+ int len;
+ len = sum_init(valid_auth_checksums.negotiated_nni, 0);
+ sum_update(in, strlen(in));
+ sum_update(challenge, strlen(challenge));
+ sum_end(buf);
+ base64_encode(buf, len, out, 0);
+/* Return the secret for a user from the secret file, null terminated.
+ * Maximum length is len (not counting the null). */
+static const char *check_secret(int module, const char *user, const char *group,
+ const char *challenge, const char *pass)
+ char line[1024];
+ char pass2[MAX_DIGEST_LEN*2];
+ const char *fname = lp_secrets_file(module);
+ int ok = 1;
+ int user_len = strlen(user);
+ int group_len = group ? strlen(group) : 0;
+ char *err;
+ FILE *fh;
+ if (!fname || !*fname || (fh = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
+ return "no secrets file";
+ if (do_fstat(fileno(fh), &st) == -1) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "fstat(%s)", fname);
+ ok = 0;
+ } else if (lp_strict_modes(module)) {
+ if ((st.st_mode & 06) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "secrets file must not be other-accessible (see strict modes option)\n");
+ ok = 0;
+ } else if (MY_UID() == ROOT_UID && st.st_uid != ROOT_UID) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "secrets file must be owned by root when running as root (see strict modes)\n");
+ ok = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ fclose(fh);
+ return "ignoring secrets file";
+ }
+ if (*user == '#') {
+ /* Reject attempt to match a comment. */
+ fclose(fh);
+ return "invalid username";
+ }
+ /* Try to find a line that starts with the user (or @group) name and a ':'. */
+ err = "secret not found";
+ while ((user || group) && fgets(line, sizeof line, fh) != NULL) {
+ const char **ptr, *s = strtok(line, "\n\r");
+ int len;
+ if (!s)
+ continue;
+ if (*s == '@') {
+ ptr = &group;
+ len = group_len;
+ s++;
+ } else {
+ ptr = &user;
+ len = user_len;
+ }
+ if (!*ptr || strncmp(s, *ptr, len) != 0 || s[len] != ':')
+ continue;
+ generate_hash(s+len+1, challenge, pass2);
+ if (strcmp(pass, pass2) == 0) {
+ err = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ err = "password mismatch";
+ *ptr = NULL; /* Don't look for name again. */
+ }
+ fclose(fh);
+ force_memzero(line, sizeof line);
+ force_memzero(pass2, sizeof pass2);
+ return err;
+static const char *getpassf(const char *filename)
+ char buffer[512], *p;
+ int n;
+ if (!filename)
+ return NULL;
+ if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) {
+ n = fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin) == NULL ? -1 : (int)strlen(buffer);
+ } else {
+ int fd;
+ if ((fd = open(filename,O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "could not open password file %s", filename);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (do_stat(filename, &st) == -1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "stat(%s)", filename);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if ((st.st_mode & 06) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: password file must not be other-accessible\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (MY_UID() == ROOT_UID && st.st_uid != ROOT_UID) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: password file must be owned by root when running as root\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ n = read(fd, buffer, sizeof buffer - 1);
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ if (n > 0) {
+ buffer[n] = '\0';
+ if ((p = strtok(buffer, "\n\r")) != NULL)
+ return strdup(p);
+ }
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: failed to read a password from %s\n", filename);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+/* Possibly negotiate authentication with the client. Use "leader" to
+ * start off the auth if necessary.
+ *
+ * Return NULL if authentication failed. Return "" if anonymous access.
+ * Otherwise return username.
+ */
+char *auth_server(int f_in, int f_out, int module, const char *host,
+ const char *addr, const char *leader)
+ char *users = lp_auth_users(module);
+ char challenge[MAX_DIGEST_LEN*2];
+ char line[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ const char **auth_uid_groups = NULL;
+ int auth_uid_groups_cnt = -1;
+ const char *err = NULL;
+ int group_match = -1;
+ char *tok, *pass;
+ char opt_ch = '\0';
+ /* if no auth list then allow anyone in! */
+ if (!users || !*users)
+ return "";
+ negotiate_daemon_auth(f_out, 0);
+ gen_challenge(addr, challenge);
+ io_printf(f_out, "%s%s\n", leader, challenge);
+ if (!read_line_old(f_in, line, sizeof line, 0)
+ || (pass = strchr(line, ' ')) == NULL) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "auth failed on module %s from %s (%s): "
+ "invalid challenge response\n",
+ lp_name(module), host, addr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *pass++ = '\0';
+ users = strdup(users);
+ for (tok = strtok(users, " ,\t"); tok; tok = strtok(NULL, " ,\t")) {
+ char *opts;
+ /* See if the user appended :deny, :ro, or :rw. */
+ if ((opts = strchr(tok, ':')) != NULL) {
+ *opts++ = '\0';
+ opt_ch = isUpper(opts) ? toLower(opts) : *opts;
+ if (opt_ch == 'r') { /* handle ro and rw */
+ opt_ch = isUpper(opts+1) ? toLower(opts+1) : opts[1];
+ if (opt_ch == 'o')
+ opt_ch = 'r';
+ else if (opt_ch != 'w')
+ opt_ch = '\0';
+ } else if (opt_ch != 'd') /* if it's not deny, ignore it */
+ opt_ch = '\0';
+ } else
+ opt_ch = '\0';
+ if (*tok != '@') {
+ /* Match the username */
+ if (wildmatch(tok, line))
+ break;
+ } else {
+ int j;
+ /* See if authorizing user is a real user, and if so, see
+ * if it is in a group that matches tok+1 wildmat. */
+ if (auth_uid_groups_cnt < 0) {
+ item_list gid_list = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+ uid_t auth_uid;
+ if (!user_to_uid(line, &auth_uid, False)
+ || getallgroups(auth_uid, &gid_list) != NULL)
+ auth_uid_groups_cnt = 0;
+ else {
+ gid_t *gid_array = gid_list.items;
+ auth_uid_groups_cnt = gid_list.count;
+ auth_uid_groups = new_array(const char *, auth_uid_groups_cnt);
+ for (j = 0; j < auth_uid_groups_cnt; j++)
+ auth_uid_groups[j] = gid_to_group(gid_array[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < auth_uid_groups_cnt; j++) {
+ if (auth_uid_groups[j] && wildmatch(tok+1, auth_uid_groups[j])) {
+ group_match = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (group_match >= 0)
+ break;
+ rprintf(FLOG, "your computer doesn't support getgrouplist(), so no @group authorization is possible.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ free(users);
+ if (!tok)
+ err = "no matching rule";
+ else if (opt_ch == 'd')
+ err = "denied by rule";
+ else {
+ const char *group = group_match >= 0 ? auth_uid_groups[group_match] : NULL;
+ err = check_secret(module, line, group, challenge, pass);
+ }
+ force_memzero(challenge, sizeof challenge);
+ force_memzero(pass, strlen(pass));
+ if (auth_uid_groups) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < auth_uid_groups_cnt; j++) {
+ if (auth_uid_groups[j])
+ free((char*)auth_uid_groups[j]);
+ }
+ free(auth_uid_groups);
+ }
+ if (err) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "auth failed on module %s from %s (%s) for %s: %s\n",
+ lp_name(module), host, addr, line, err);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (opt_ch == 'r')
+ read_only = 1;
+ else if (opt_ch == 'w')
+ read_only = 0;
+ return strdup(line);
+void auth_client(int fd, const char *user, const char *challenge)
+ const char *pass;
+ char pass2[MAX_DIGEST_LEN*2];
+ if (!user || !*user)
+ user = "nobody";
+ negotiate_daemon_auth(-1, 1);
+ if (!(pass = getpassf(password_file))
+ && !(pass = getenv("RSYNC_PASSWORD"))) {
+ /* XXX: cyeoh says that getpass is deprecated, because
+ * it may return a truncated password on some systems,
+ * and it is not in the LSB.
+ *
+ * Andrew Klein says that getpassphrase() is present
+ * on Solaris and reads up to 256 characters.
+ *
+ * OpenBSD has a readpassphrase() that might be more suitable.
+ */
+ pass = getpass("Password: ");
+ }
+ if (!pass)
+ pass = "";
+ generate_hash(pass, challenge, pass2);
+ io_printf(fd, "%s %s\n", user, pass2);
diff --git a/backup.c b/backup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..686cb29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ * Backup handling code.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+extern int am_root;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int preserve_devices;
+extern int preserve_specials;
+extern int preserve_links;
+extern int safe_symlinks;
+extern int backup_dir_len;
+extern unsigned int backup_dir_remainder;
+extern char backup_dir_buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+extern char *backup_suffix;
+extern char *backup_dir;
+/* Returns -1 on error, 0 on missing dir, and 1 on present dir. */
+static int validate_backup_dir(void)
+ if (do_lstat(backup_dir_buf, &st) < 0) {
+ if (errno == ENOENT)
+ return 0;
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "backup lstat %s failed", backup_dir_buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ int flags = get_del_for_flag(st.st_mode) | DEL_FOR_BACKUP | DEL_RECURSE;
+ if (delete_item(backup_dir_buf, st.st_mode, flags) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Create a backup path from the given fname, putting the result into
+ * backup_dir_buf. Any new directories (compared to the prior backup
+ * path) are ensured to exist as directories, replacing anything else
+ * that may be in the way (e.g. a symlink). */
+static BOOL copy_valid_path(const char *fname)
+ const char *f;
+ int val;
+ BOOL ret = True;
+ stat_x sx;
+ char *b, *rel = backup_dir_buf + backup_dir_len, *name = rel;
+ for (f = fname, b = rel; *f && *f == *b; f++, b++) {
+ if (*b == '/')
+ name = b + 1;
+ }
+ if (stringjoin(rel, backup_dir_remainder, fname, backup_suffix, NULL) >= backup_dir_remainder) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "backup filename too long\n");
+ *name = '\0';
+ return False;
+ }
+ for ( ; ; name = b + 1) {
+ if ((b = strchr(name, '/')) == NULL)
+ return True;
+ *b = '\0';
+ val = validate_backup_dir();
+ if (val == 0)
+ break;
+ if (val < 0) {
+ *name = '\0';
+ return False;
+ }
+ *b = '/';
+ }
+ init_stat_x(&sx);
+ for ( ; b; name = b + 1, b = strchr(name, '/')) {
+ *b = '\0';
+ while (do_mkdir(backup_dir_buf, ACCESSPERMS) < 0) {
+ if (errno == EEXIST) {
+ val = validate_backup_dir();
+ if (val > 0)
+ break;
+ if (val == 0)
+ continue;
+ } else
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "backup mkdir %s failed", backup_dir_buf);
+ *name = '\0';
+ ret = False;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* Try to transfer the directory settings of the actual dir
+ * that the files are coming from. */
+ if (x_stat(rel, &, NULL) < 0)
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "backup stat %s failed", full_fname(rel));
+ else {
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ if (!(file = make_file(rel, NULL, NULL, 0, NO_FILTERS)))
+ continue;
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ get_acl(rel, &sx);
+ cache_tmp_acl(file, &sx);
+ free_acl(&sx);
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ get_xattr(rel, &sx);
+ cache_tmp_xattr(file, &sx);
+ free_xattr(&sx);
+ }
+ set_file_attrs(backup_dir_buf, file, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ unmake_file(file);
+ }
+ *b = '/';
+ }
+ cleanup:
+ uncache_tmp_acls();
+ uncache_tmp_xattrs();
+ return ret;
+/* Make a complete pathname for backup file and verify any new path elements. */
+char *get_backup_name(const char *fname)
+ if (backup_dir) {
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ int ret;
+ if (backup_dir_len > 1)
+ backup_dir_buf[backup_dir_len-1] = '\0';
+ ret = make_path(backup_dir_buf, 0);
+ if (backup_dir_len > 1)
+ backup_dir_buf[backup_dir_len-1] = '/';
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ initialized = 1;
+ }
+ /* copy fname into backup_dir_buf while validating the dirs. */
+ if (copy_valid_path(fname))
+ return backup_dir_buf;
+ /* copy_valid_path() has printed an error message. */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (stringjoin(backup_dir_buf, MAXPATHLEN, fname, backup_suffix, NULL) < MAXPATHLEN)
+ return backup_dir_buf;
+ rprintf(FERROR, "backup filename too long\n");
+ return NULL;
+/* Has same return codes as make_backup(). */
+static inline int link_or_rename(const char *from, const char *to,
+ BOOL prefer_rename, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ if (!prefer_rename) {
+ if (S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode))
+ return 0; /* Use copy code. */
+ if (IS_SPECIAL(stp->st_mode) || IS_DEVICE(stp->st_mode))
+ return 0; /* Use copy code. */
+ if (do_link(from, to) == 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "make_backup: HLINK %s successful.\n", from);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /* We prefer to rename a regular file rather than copy it. */
+ if (!S_ISREG(stp->st_mode) || errno == EEXIST || errno == EISDIR)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (do_rename(from, to) == 0) {
+ if (stp->st_nlink > 1 && !S_ISDIR(stp->st_mode)) {
+ /* If someone has hard-linked the file into the backup
+ * dir, rename() might return success but do nothing! */
+ robust_unlink(from); /* Just in case... */
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO, "make_backup: RENAME %s successful.\n", from);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Hard-link, rename, or copy an item to the backup name. Returns 0 for
+ * failure, 1 if item was moved, 2 if item was duplicated or hard linked
+ * into backup area, or 3 if item doesn't exist or isn't a regular file. */
+int make_backup(const char *fname, BOOL prefer_rename)
+ stat_x sx;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ int save_preserve_xattrs;
+ char *buf;
+ int ret = 0;
+ init_stat_x(&sx);
+ /* Return success if no file to keep. */
+ if (x_lstat(fname, &, NULL) < 0)
+ return 3;
+ if (!(buf = get_backup_name(fname)))
+ return 0;
+ /* Try a hard-link or a rename first. Using rename is not atomic, but
+ * is more efficient than forcing a copy for larger files when no hard-
+ * linking is possible. */
+ if ((ret = link_or_rename(fname, buf, prefer_rename, & != 0)
+ goto success;
+ if (errno == EEXIST || errno == EISDIR) {
+ STRUCT_STAT bakst;
+ if (do_lstat(buf, &bakst) == 0) {
+ int flags = get_del_for_flag(bakst.st_mode) | DEL_FOR_BACKUP | DEL_RECURSE;
+ if (delete_item(buf, bakst.st_mode, flags) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((ret = link_or_rename(fname, buf, prefer_rename, & != 0)
+ goto success;
+ }
+ /* Fall back to making a copy. */
+ if (!(file = make_file(fname, NULL, &, 0, NO_FILTERS)))
+ return 3; /* the file could have disappeared */
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ get_acl(fname, &sx);
+ cache_tmp_acl(file, &sx);
+ free_acl(&sx);
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ get_xattr(fname, &sx);
+ cache_tmp_xattr(file, &sx);
+ free_xattr(&sx);
+ }
+ /* Check to see if this is a device file, or link */
+ if ((am_root && preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(file->mode))
+ || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(file->mode))) {
+ if (do_mknod(buf, file->mode, < 0)
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "mknod %s failed", full_fname(buf));
+ else if (DEBUG_GTE(BACKUP, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "make_backup: DEVICE %s successful.\n", fname);
+ ret = 2;
+ }
+ if (!ret && preserve_links && S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ const char *sl = F_SYMLINK(file);
+ if (safe_symlinks && unsafe_symlink(sl, fname)) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(SYMSAFE, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "not backing up unsafe symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n",
+ fname, sl);
+ }
+ ret = 2;
+ } else {
+ if (do_symlink(sl, buf) < 0)
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "link %s -> \"%s\"", full_fname(buf), sl);
+ else if (DEBUG_GTE(BACKUP, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "make_backup: SYMLINK %s successful.\n", fname);
+ ret = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ret && !S_ISREG(file->mode)) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(NONREG, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "make_bak: skipping non-regular file %s\n", fname);
+ unmake_file(file);
+ uncache_tmp_acls();
+ uncache_tmp_xattrs();
+ return 3;
+ }
+ /* Copy to backup tree if a file. */
+ if (!ret) {
+ if (copy_file(fname, buf, -1, file->mode) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "keep_backup failed: %s -> \"%s\"",
+ full_fname(fname), buf);
+ unmake_file(file);
+ uncache_tmp_acls();
+ uncache_tmp_xattrs();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO, "make_backup: COPY %s successful.\n", fname);
+ ret = 2;
+ }
+ save_preserve_xattrs = preserve_xattrs;
+ preserve_xattrs = 0;
+ set_file_attrs(buf, file, NULL, fname, ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME);
+ preserve_xattrs = save_preserve_xattrs;
+ unmake_file(file);
+ uncache_tmp_acls();
+ uncache_tmp_xattrs();
+ success:
+ if (INFO_GTE(BACKUP, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "backed up %s to %s\n", fname, buf);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/batch.c b/batch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..accc4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/batch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ * Support for the batch-file options.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 Weiss
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Shoemaker
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+extern int eol_nulls;
+extern int recurse;
+extern int xfer_dirs;
+extern int preserve_links;
+extern int preserve_hard_links;
+extern int preserve_devices;
+extern int preserve_uid;
+extern int preserve_gid;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int always_checksum;
+extern int do_compression;
+extern int inplace;
+extern int append_mode;
+extern int write_batch;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int raw_argc, cooked_argc;
+extern char **raw_argv, **cooked_argv;
+extern char *batch_name;
+extern char *iconv_opt;
+extern filter_rule_list filter_list;
+int batch_fd = -1;
+int batch_sh_fd = -1;
+int batch_stream_flags;
+static int tweaked_append;
+static int tweaked_append_verify;
+static int tweaked_iconv;
+static int *flag_ptr[] = {
+ &recurse, /* 0 */
+ &preserve_uid, /* 1 */
+ &preserve_gid, /* 2 */
+ &preserve_links, /* 3 */
+ &preserve_devices, /* 4 */
+ &preserve_hard_links, /* 5 */
+ &always_checksum, /* 6 */
+ &xfer_dirs, /* 7 (protocol 29) */
+ &do_compression, /* 8 (protocol 29) */
+ &tweaked_iconv, /* 9 (protocol 30) */
+ &preserve_acls, /* 10 (protocol 30) */
+ &preserve_xattrs, /* 11 (protocol 30) */
+ &inplace, /* 12 (protocol 30) */
+ &tweaked_append, /* 13 (protocol 30) */
+ &tweaked_append_verify, /* 14 (protocol 30) */
+static char *flag_name[] = {
+ "--recurse (-r)",
+ "--owner (-o)",
+ "--group (-g)",
+ "--links (-l)",
+ "--devices (-D)",
+ "--hard-links (-H)",
+ "--checksum (-c)",
+ "--dirs (-d)",
+ "--compress (-z)",
+ "--iconv",
+ "--acls (-A)",
+ "--xattrs (-X)",
+ "--inplace",
+ "--append",
+ "--append-verify",
+void write_stream_flags(int fd)
+ int i, flags;
+ tweaked_append = append_mode == 1;
+ tweaked_append_verify = append_mode == 2;
+ tweaked_iconv = iconv_opt != NULL;
+ /* Start the batch file with a bitmap of data-stream-affecting
+ * flags. */
+ for (i = 0, flags = 0; flag_ptr[i]; i++) {
+ if (*flag_ptr[i])
+ flags |= 1 << i;
+ }
+ write_int(fd, flags);
+void read_stream_flags(int fd)
+ batch_stream_flags = read_int(fd);
+void check_batch_flags(void)
+ int i;
+ if (protocol_version < 29)
+ flag_ptr[7] = NULL;
+ else if (protocol_version < 30)
+ flag_ptr[9] = NULL;
+ tweaked_append = append_mode == 1;
+ tweaked_append_verify = append_mode == 2;
+ tweaked_iconv = iconv_opt != NULL;
+ for (i = 0; flag_ptr[i]; i++) {
+ int set = batch_stream_flags & (1 << i) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (*flag_ptr[i] != set) {
+ if (i == 9) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "%s specify the --iconv option to use this batch file.\n",
+ set ? "Please" : "Do not");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (INFO_GTE(MISC, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "%sing the %s option to match the batchfile.\n",
+ set ? "Sett" : "Clear", flag_name[i]);
+ }
+ *flag_ptr[i] = set;
+ }
+ }
+ if (protocol_version < 29) {
+ if (recurse)
+ xfer_dirs |= 1;
+ else if (xfer_dirs < 2)
+ xfer_dirs = 0;
+ }
+ if (tweaked_append)
+ append_mode = 1;
+ else if (tweaked_append_verify)
+ append_mode = 2;
+static int write_arg(const char *arg)
+ const char *x, *s;
+ int len, err = 0;
+ if (*arg == '-' && (x = strchr(arg, '=')) != NULL) {
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, arg, x - arg + 1) != x - arg + 1;
+ arg += x - arg + 1;
+ }
+ if (strpbrk(arg, " \"'&;|[]()$#!*?^\\") != NULL) {
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, "'", 1) != 1;
+ for (s = arg; (x = strchr(s, '\'')) != NULL; s = x + 1) {
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, s, x - s + 1) != x - s + 1;
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, "'", 1) != 1;
+ }
+ len = strlen(s);
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, s, len) != len;
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, "'", 1) != 1;
+ return err;
+ }
+ len = strlen(arg);
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, arg, len) != len;
+ return err;
+/* Writes out a space and then an option (or other string) with an optional "=" + arg suffix. */
+static int write_opt(const char *opt, const char *arg)
+ int len = strlen(opt);
+ int err = write(batch_sh_fd, " ", 1) != 1;
+ err = write(batch_sh_fd, opt, len) != len ? 1 : 0;
+ if (arg) {
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, "=", 1) != 1;
+ err |= write_arg(arg);
+ }
+ return err;
+static void write_filter_rules(int fd)
+ filter_rule *ent;
+ write_sbuf(fd, " <<'#E#'\n");
+ for (ent = filter_list.head; ent; ent = ent->next) {
+ unsigned int plen;
+ char *p = get_rule_prefix(ent, "- ", 0, &plen);
+ write_buf(fd, p, plen);
+ write_sbuf(fd, ent->pattern);
+ if (ent->rflags & FILTRULE_DIRECTORY)
+ write_byte(fd, '/');
+ write_byte(fd, eol_nulls ? 0 : '\n');
+ }
+ if (eol_nulls)
+ write_sbuf(fd, ";\n");
+ write_sbuf(fd, "#E#");
+/* This sets batch_fd and (for --write-batch) batch_sh_fd. */
+void open_batch_files(void)
+ if (write_batch) {
+ char filename[MAXPATHLEN];
+ stringjoin(filename, sizeof filename, batch_name, ".sh", NULL);
+ batch_sh_fd = do_open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR);
+ if (batch_sh_fd < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Batch file %s open error", full_fname(filename));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ batch_fd = do_open(batch_name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
+ } else if (strcmp(batch_name, "-") == 0)
+ batch_fd = STDIN_FILENO;
+ else
+ batch_fd = do_open(batch_name, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
+ if (batch_fd < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Batch file %s open error", full_fname(batch_name));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+/* This routine tries to write out an equivalent --read-batch command
+ * given the user's --write-batch args. However, it doesn't really
+ * understand most of the options, so it uses some overly simple
+ * heuristics to munge the command line into something that will
+ * (hopefully) work. */
+void write_batch_shell_file(void)
+ int i, j, len, err = 0;
+ char *p, *p2;
+ /* Write argvs info to file */
+ err |= write_arg(raw_argv[0]);
+ if (filter_list.head) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 29)
+ err |= write_opt("--filter", "._-");
+ else
+ err |= write_opt("--exclude-from", "-");
+ }
+ /* Elide the filename args from the option list, but scan for them in reverse. */
+ for (i = raw_argc-1, j = cooked_argc-1; i > 0 && j >= 0; i--) {
+ if (strcmp(raw_argv[i], cooked_argv[j]) == 0) {
+ raw_argv[i] = NULL;
+ j--;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < raw_argc; i++) {
+ if (!(p = raw_argv[i]))
+ continue;
+ if (strncmp(p, "--files-from", 12) == 0
+ || strncmp(p, "--filter", 8) == 0
+ || strncmp(p, "--include", 9) == 0
+ || strncmp(p, "--exclude", 9) == 0) {
+ if (strchr(p, '=') == NULL)
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(p, "-f") == 0) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(p, "--write-batch", len = 13) == 0
+ || strncmp(p, "--only-write-batch", len = 18) == 0)
+ err |= write_opt("--read-batch", p[len] == '=' ? p + len + 1 : NULL);
+ else {
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, " ", 1) != 1;
+ err |= write_arg(p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(p = check_for_hostspec(cooked_argv[cooked_argc - 1], &p2, &i)))
+ p = cooked_argv[cooked_argc - 1];
+ err |= write_opt("${1:-", NULL);
+ err |= write_arg(p);
+ err |= write(batch_sh_fd, "}", 1) != 1;
+ if (filter_list.head)
+ write_filter_rules(batch_sh_fd);
+ if (write(batch_sh_fd, "\n", 1) != 1 || close(batch_sh_fd) < 0 || err) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Batch file write error", batch_name);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ batch_sh_fd = -1;
diff --git a/byteorder.h b/byteorder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..059cc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byteorder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Simple byteorder handling.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* We know that the x86 can handle misalignment and has the same
+ * byte order (LSB-first) as the 32-bit numbers we transmit. */
+#if defined __i386__ || defined __i486__ || defined __i586__ || defined __i686__ || __amd64
+#define CVAL(buf,pos) (((unsigned char *)(buf))[pos])
+#define UVAL(buf,pos) ((uint32)CVAL(buf,pos))
+static inline uint32
+IVALu(const uchar *buf, int pos)
+ return UVAL(buf, pos)
+ | UVAL(buf, pos + 1) << 8
+ | UVAL(buf, pos + 2) << 16
+ | UVAL(buf, pos + 3) << 24;
+static inline void
+SIVALu(uchar *buf, int pos, uint32 val)
+ CVAL(buf, pos) = val;
+ CVAL(buf, pos + 1) = val >> 8;
+ CVAL(buf, pos + 2) = val >> 16;
+ CVAL(buf, pos + 3) = val >> 24;
+static inline int64
+IVAL64(const char *buf, int pos)
+ return IVALu((uchar*)buf, pos) | (int64)IVALu((uchar*)buf, pos + 4) << 32;
+static inline void
+SIVAL64(char *buf, int pos, int64 val)
+ SIVALu((uchar*)buf, pos, val);
+ SIVALu((uchar*)buf, pos + 4, val >> 32);
+/* This handles things for architectures like the 386 that can handle alignment errors.
+ * WARNING: This section is dependent on the length of an int32 (and thus a uint32)
+ * being correct (4 bytes)! Set CAREFUL_ALIGNMENT if it is not. */
+static inline uint32
+IVALu(const uchar *buf, int pos)
+ union {
+ const uchar *b;
+ const uint32 *num;
+ } u;
+ u.b = buf + pos;
+ return *u.num;
+static inline void
+SIVALu(uchar *buf, int pos, uint32 val)
+ union {
+ uchar *b;
+ uint32 *num;
+ } u;
+ u.b = buf + pos;
+ *u.num = val;
+static inline int64
+IVAL64(const char *buf, int pos)
+ union {
+ const char *b;
+ const int64 *num;
+ } u;
+ u.b = buf + pos;
+ return *u.num;
+static inline void
+SIVAL64(char *buf, int pos, int64 val)
+ union {
+ char *b;
+ int64 *num;
+ } u;
+ u.b = buf + pos;
+ *u.num = val;
+#endif /* !CAREFUL_ALIGNMENT */
+static inline uint32
+IVAL(const char *buf, int pos)
+ return IVALu((uchar*)buf, pos);
+static inline void
+SIVAL(char *buf, int pos, uint32 val)
+ SIVALu((uchar*)buf, pos, val);
diff --git a/case_N.h b/case_N.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6e0fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/case_N.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Allow an arbitrary sequence of case labels.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* This is included multiple times, once for every segment in a switch statement.
+ * This produces the next "case N:" statement in sequence. */
+#if !defined CASE_N_STATE_0
+#define CASE_N_STATE_0
+ case 0:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_1
+#define CASE_N_STATE_1
+ case 1:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_2
+#define CASE_N_STATE_2
+ case 2:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_3
+#define CASE_N_STATE_3
+ case 3:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_4
+#define CASE_N_STATE_4
+ case 4:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_5
+#define CASE_N_STATE_5
+ case 5:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_6
+#define CASE_N_STATE_6
+ case 6:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_7
+#define CASE_N_STATE_7
+ case 7:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_8
+#define CASE_N_STATE_8
+ case 8:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_9
+#define CASE_N_STATE_9
+ case 9:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_10
+#define CASE_N_STATE_10
+ case 10:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_11
+#define CASE_N_STATE_11
+ case 11:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_12
+#define CASE_N_STATE_12
+ case 12:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_13
+#define CASE_N_STATE_13
+ case 13:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_14
+#define CASE_N_STATE_14
+ case 14:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_15
+#define CASE_N_STATE_15
+ case 15:
+#elif !defined CASE_N_STATE_16
+#define CASE_N_STATE_16
+ case 16:
+#error Need to add more case statements!
diff --git a/checksum.c b/checksum.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60de365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checksum.c
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+ * Routines to support checksumming of bytes.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+ * permission to dynamically link rsync with the OpenSSL and xxhash
+ * libraries when those libraries are being distributed in compliance
+ * with their license terms, and to distribute a dynamically linked
+ * combination of rsync and these libraries. This is also considered
+ * to be covered under the GPL's System Libraries exception.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include <xxhash.h>
+# define SUPPORT_XXH3 1
+# endif
+extern int am_server;
+extern int whole_file;
+extern int checksum_seed;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int proper_seed_order;
+extern const char *checksum_choice;
+#define NNI_BUILTIN (1<<0)
+#define NNI_EVP (1<<1)
+#define NNI_EVP_OK (1<<2)
+struct name_num_item valid_checksums_items[] = {
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ { CSUM_XXH3_128, 0, "xxh128", NULL },
+ { CSUM_XXH3_64, 0, "xxh3", NULL },
+ { CSUM_XXH64, 0, "xxh64", NULL },
+ { CSUM_XXH64, 0, "xxhash", NULL },
+ { CSUM_SHA1, NNI_EVP, "sha1", NULL },
+ { CSUM_NONE, 0, "none", NULL },
+ { 0, 0, NULL, NULL }
+struct name_num_obj valid_checksums = {
+ "checksum", NULL, 0, 0, valid_checksums_items
+struct name_num_item valid_auth_checksums_items[] = {
+ { CSUM_SHA512, NNI_EVP, "sha512", NULL },
+ { CSUM_SHA256, NNI_EVP, "sha256", NULL },
+ { CSUM_SHA1, NNI_EVP, "sha1", NULL },
+ { 0, 0, NULL, NULL }
+struct name_num_obj valid_auth_checksums = {
+ "daemon auth checksum", NULL, 0, 0, valid_auth_checksums_items
+/* These cannot make use of openssl, so they're marked just as built-in */
+struct name_num_item implied_checksum_md4 =
+ { CSUM_MD4, NNI_BUILTIN, "md4", NULL };
+struct name_num_item implied_checksum_md5 =
+ { CSUM_MD5, NNI_BUILTIN, "md5", NULL };
+struct name_num_item *xfer_sum_nni; /* used for the transfer checksum2 computations */
+int xfer_sum_len;
+struct name_num_item *file_sum_nni; /* used for the pre-transfer --checksum computations */
+int file_sum_len, file_sum_extra_cnt;
+const EVP_MD *xfer_sum_evp_md;
+const EVP_MD *file_sum_evp_md;
+EVP_MD_CTX *ctx_evp = NULL;
+static int initialized_choices = 0;
+struct name_num_item *parse_csum_name(const char *name, int len)
+ struct name_num_item *nni;
+ if (len < 0 && name)
+ len = strlen(name);
+ init_checksum_choices();
+ if (!name || (len == 4 && strncasecmp(name, "auto", 4) == 0)) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 30) {
+ if (!proper_seed_order)
+ return &implied_checksum_md5;
+ name = "md5";
+ len = 3;
+ } else {
+ if (protocol_version >= 27)
+ implied_checksum_md4.num = CSUM_MD4_OLD;
+ else if (protocol_version >= 21)
+ implied_checksum_md4.num = CSUM_MD4_BUSTED;
+ else
+ implied_checksum_md4.num = CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC;
+ return &implied_checksum_md4;
+ }
+ }
+ nni = get_nni_by_name(&valid_checksums, name, len);
+ if (!nni) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "unknown checksum name: %s\n", name);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ return nni;
+static const EVP_MD *csum_evp_md(struct name_num_item *nni)
+ const EVP_MD *emd;
+ if (!(nni->flags & NNI_EVP))
+ return NULL;
+#ifdef USE_MD5_ASM
+ if (nni->num == CSUM_MD5)
+ emd = NULL;
+ else
+ emd = EVP_get_digestbyname(nni->name);
+ if (emd && !(nni->flags & NNI_EVP_OK)) { /* Make sure it works before we advertise it */
+ if (!ctx_evp && !(ctx_evp = EVP_MD_CTX_create()))
+ out_of_memory("csum_evp_md");
+ /* Some routines are marked as legacy and are not enabled in the openssl.cnf file.
+ * If we can't init the emd, we'll fall back to our built-in code. */
+ if (EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx_evp, emd, NULL) == 0)
+ emd = NULL;
+ else
+ nni->flags = (nni->flags & ~NNI_BUILTIN) | NNI_EVP_OK;
+ }
+ if (!emd)
+ nni->flags &= ~NNI_EVP;
+ return emd;
+void parse_checksum_choice(int final_call)
+ if (valid_checksums.negotiated_nni)
+ xfer_sum_nni = file_sum_nni = valid_checksums.negotiated_nni;
+ else {
+ char *cp = checksum_choice ? strchr(checksum_choice, ',') : NULL;
+ if (cp) {
+ xfer_sum_nni = parse_csum_name(checksum_choice, cp - checksum_choice);
+ file_sum_nni = parse_csum_name(cp+1, -1);
+ } else
+ xfer_sum_nni = file_sum_nni = parse_csum_name(checksum_choice, -1);
+ if (am_server && checksum_choice)
+ validate_choice_vs_env(NSTR_CHECKSUM, xfer_sum_nni->num, file_sum_nni->num);
+ }
+ xfer_sum_len = csum_len_for_type(xfer_sum_nni->num, 0);
+ file_sum_len = csum_len_for_type(file_sum_nni->num, 0);
+ xfer_sum_evp_md = csum_evp_md(xfer_sum_nni);
+ file_sum_evp_md = csum_evp_md(file_sum_nni);
+ file_sum_extra_cnt = (file_sum_len + EXTRA_LEN - 1) / EXTRA_LEN;
+ if (xfer_sum_nni->num == CSUM_NONE)
+ whole_file = 1;
+ /* Snag the checksum name for both write_batch's option output & the following debug output. */
+ if (valid_checksums.negotiated_nni)
+ checksum_choice = valid_checksums.negotiated_nni->name;
+ else if (checksum_choice == NULL)
+ checksum_choice = xfer_sum_nni->name;
+ if (final_call && DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, am_server ? 3 : 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s%s checksum: %s\n",
+ am_server ? "Server" : "Client",
+ valid_checksums.negotiated_nni ? " negotiated" : "",
+ checksum_choice);
+ }
+int csum_len_for_type(int cst, BOOL flist_csum)
+ switch (cst) {
+ case CSUM_NONE:
+ return 1;
+ /* The oldest checksum code is rather weird: the file-list code only sent
+ * 2-byte checksums, but all other checksums were full MD4 length. */
+ return flist_csum ? 2 : MD4_DIGEST_LEN;
+ case CSUM_MD4:
+ case CSUM_MD4_OLD:
+ return MD4_DIGEST_LEN;
+ case CSUM_MD5:
+ return MD5_DIGEST_LEN;
+ case CSUM_SHA1:
+ case CSUM_SHA256:
+ return SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+ case CSUM_SHA512:
+ return SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+ case CSUM_XXH64:
+ case CSUM_XXH3_64:
+ return 64/8;
+ case CSUM_XXH3_128:
+ return 128/8;
+ default: /* paranoia to prevent missing case values */
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Returns 0 if the checksum is not canonical (i.e. it includes a seed value).
+ * Returns 1 if the public sum order matches our internal sum order.
+ * Returns -1 if the public sum order is the reverse of our internal sum order.
+ */
+int canonical_checksum(int csum_type)
+ switch (csum_type) {
+ case CSUM_NONE:
+ case CSUM_MD4_OLD:
+ break;
+ case CSUM_MD4:
+ case CSUM_MD5:
+ case CSUM_SHA1:
+ case CSUM_SHA256:
+ case CSUM_SHA512:
+ return -1;
+ case CSUM_XXH64:
+ case CSUM_XXH3_64:
+ case CSUM_XXH3_128:
+ return 1;
+ default: /* paranoia to prevent missing case values */
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ return 0;
+#ifndef USE_ROLL_SIMD /* See simd-checksum-*.cpp. */
+ a simple 32 bit checksum that can be updated from either end
+ (inspired by Mark Adler's Adler-32 checksum)
+ */
+uint32 get_checksum1(char *buf1, int32 len)
+ int32 i;
+ uint32 s1, s2;
+ schar *buf = (schar *)buf1;
+ s1 = s2 = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < (len-4); i+=4) {
+ s2 += 4*(s1 + buf[i]) + 3*buf[i+1] + 2*buf[i+2] + buf[i+3] + 10*CHAR_OFFSET;
+ s1 += (buf[i+0] + buf[i+1] + buf[i+2] + buf[i+3] + 4*CHAR_OFFSET);
+ }
+ for (; i < len; i++) {
+ s1 += (buf[i]+CHAR_OFFSET); s2 += s1;
+ }
+ return (s1 & 0xffff) + (s2 << 16);
+void get_checksum2(char *buf, int32 len, char *sum)
+ if (xfer_sum_evp_md) {
+ static EVP_MD_CTX *evp = NULL;
+ uchar seedbuf[4];
+ if (!evp && !(evp = EVP_MD_CTX_create()))
+ out_of_memory("get_checksum2");
+ EVP_DigestInit_ex(evp, xfer_sum_evp_md, NULL);
+ if (checksum_seed) {
+ SIVALu(seedbuf, 0, checksum_seed);
+ EVP_DigestUpdate(evp, seedbuf, 4);
+ }
+ EVP_DigestUpdate(evp, (uchar *)buf, len);
+ EVP_DigestFinal_ex(evp, (uchar *)sum, NULL);
+ } else
+ switch (xfer_sum_nni->num) {
+ case CSUM_XXH64:
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, XXH64(buf, len, checksum_seed));
+ break;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ case CSUM_XXH3_64:
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, XXH3_64bits_withSeed(buf, len, checksum_seed));
+ break;
+ case CSUM_XXH3_128: {
+ XXH128_hash_t digest = XXH3_128bits_withSeed(buf, len, checksum_seed);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, digest.low64);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 8, digest.high64);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSUM_MD5: {
+ md_context m5;
+ uchar seedbuf[4];
+ md5_begin(&m5);
+ if (proper_seed_order) {
+ if (checksum_seed) {
+ SIVALu(seedbuf, 0, checksum_seed);
+ md5_update(&m5, seedbuf, 4);
+ }
+ md5_update(&m5, (uchar *)buf, len);
+ } else {
+ md5_update(&m5, (uchar *)buf, len);
+ if (checksum_seed) {
+ SIVALu(seedbuf, 0, checksum_seed);
+ md5_update(&m5, seedbuf, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ md5_result(&m5, (uchar *)sum);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSUM_MD4:
+ case CSUM_MD4_OLD:
+ case CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC: {
+ md_context m;
+ int32 i;
+ static char *buf1;
+ static int32 len1;
+ mdfour_begin(&m);
+ if (len > len1) {
+ if (buf1)
+ free(buf1);
+ buf1 = new_array(char, len+4);
+ len1 = len;
+ }
+ memcpy(buf1, buf, len);
+ if (checksum_seed) {
+ SIVAL(buf1,len,checksum_seed);
+ len += 4;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i + CSUM_CHUNK <= len; i += CSUM_CHUNK)
+ mdfour_update(&m, (uchar *)(buf1+i), CSUM_CHUNK);
+ /*
+ * Prior to version 27 an incorrect MD4 checksum was computed
+ * by failing to call mdfour_tail() for block sizes that
+ * are multiples of 64. This is fixed by calling mdfour_update()
+ * even when there are no more bytes.
+ */
+ if (len - i > 0 || xfer_sum_nni->num > CSUM_MD4_BUSTED)
+ mdfour_update(&m, (uchar *)(buf1+i), len-i);
+ mdfour_result(&m, (uchar *)sum);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: /* paranoia to prevent missing case values */
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+void file_checksum(const char *fname, const STRUCT_STAT *st_p, char *sum)
+ struct map_struct *buf;
+ OFF_T i, len = st_p->st_size;
+ int32 remainder;
+ int fd;
+ fd = do_open(fname, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ memset(sum, 0, file_sum_len);
+ return;
+ }
+ buf = map_file(fd, len, MAX_MAP_SIZE, CHUNK_SIZE);
+ if (file_sum_evp_md) {
+ static EVP_MD_CTX *evp = NULL;
+ if (!evp && !(evp = EVP_MD_CTX_create()))
+ out_of_memory("file_checksum");
+ EVP_DigestInit_ex(evp, file_sum_evp_md, NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i + CHUNK_SIZE <= len; i += CHUNK_SIZE)
+ EVP_DigestUpdate(evp, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, CHUNK_SIZE), CHUNK_SIZE);
+ remainder = (int32)(len - i);
+ if (remainder > 0)
+ EVP_DigestUpdate(evp, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, remainder), remainder);
+ EVP_DigestFinal_ex(evp, (uchar *)sum, NULL);
+ } else
+ switch (file_sum_nni->num) {
+ case CSUM_XXH64: {
+ static XXH64_state_t* state = NULL;
+ if (!state && !(state = XXH64_createState()))
+ out_of_memory("file_checksum");
+ XXH64_reset(state, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i + CHUNK_SIZE <= len; i += CHUNK_SIZE)
+ XXH64_update(state, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, CHUNK_SIZE), CHUNK_SIZE);
+ remainder = (int32)(len - i);
+ if (remainder > 0)
+ XXH64_update(state, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, remainder), remainder);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, XXH64_digest(state));
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ case CSUM_XXH3_64: {
+ static XXH3_state_t* state = NULL;
+ if (!state && !(state = XXH3_createState()))
+ out_of_memory("file_checksum");
+ XXH3_64bits_reset(state);
+ for (i = 0; i + CHUNK_SIZE <= len; i += CHUNK_SIZE)
+ XXH3_64bits_update(state, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, CHUNK_SIZE), CHUNK_SIZE);
+ remainder = (int32)(len - i);
+ if (remainder > 0)
+ XXH3_64bits_update(state, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, remainder), remainder);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, XXH3_64bits_digest(state));
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSUM_XXH3_128: {
+ XXH128_hash_t digest;
+ static XXH3_state_t* state = NULL;
+ if (!state && !(state = XXH3_createState()))
+ out_of_memory("file_checksum");
+ XXH3_128bits_reset(state);
+ for (i = 0; i + CHUNK_SIZE <= len; i += CHUNK_SIZE)
+ XXH3_128bits_update(state, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, CHUNK_SIZE), CHUNK_SIZE);
+ remainder = (int32)(len - i);
+ if (remainder > 0)
+ XXH3_128bits_update(state, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, remainder), remainder);
+ digest = XXH3_128bits_digest(state);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, digest.low64);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 8, digest.high64);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSUM_MD5: {
+ md_context m5;
+ md5_begin(&m5);
+ for (i = 0; i + CHUNK_SIZE <= len; i += CHUNK_SIZE)
+ md5_update(&m5, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, CHUNK_SIZE), CHUNK_SIZE);
+ remainder = (int32)(len - i);
+ if (remainder > 0)
+ md5_update(&m5, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, remainder), remainder);
+ md5_result(&m5, (uchar *)sum);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSUM_MD4:
+ case CSUM_MD4_OLD:
+ case CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC: {
+ md_context m;
+ mdfour_begin(&m);
+ for (i = 0; i + CSUM_CHUNK <= len; i += CSUM_CHUNK)
+ mdfour_update(&m, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, CSUM_CHUNK), CSUM_CHUNK);
+ /* Prior to version 27 an incorrect MD4 checksum was computed
+ * by failing to call mdfour_tail() for block sizes that
+ * are multiples of 64. This is fixed by calling mdfour_update()
+ * even when there are no more bytes. */
+ remainder = (int32)(len - i);
+ if (remainder > 0 || file_sum_nni->num > CSUM_MD4_BUSTED)
+ mdfour_update(&m, (uchar *)map_ptr(buf, i, remainder), remainder);
+ mdfour_result(&m, (uchar *)sum);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid checksum-choice for --checksum: %s (%d)\n",
+ file_sum_nni->name, file_sum_nni->num);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ unmap_file(buf);
+static int32 sumresidue;
+static md_context ctx_md;
+static XXH64_state_t* xxh64_state;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+static XXH3_state_t* xxh3_state;
+static struct name_num_item *cur_sum_nni;
+int cur_sum_len;
+static const EVP_MD *cur_sum_evp_md;
+/* Initialize a hash digest accumulator. Data is supplied via
+ * sum_update() and the resulting binary digest is retrieved via
+ * sum_end(). This only supports one active sum at a time. */
+int sum_init(struct name_num_item *nni, int seed)
+ char s[4];
+ if (!nni)
+ nni = parse_csum_name(NULL, 0);
+ cur_sum_nni = nni;
+ cur_sum_len = csum_len_for_type(nni->num, 0);
+ cur_sum_evp_md = csum_evp_md(nni);
+ if (cur_sum_evp_md) {
+ if (!ctx_evp && !(ctx_evp = EVP_MD_CTX_create()))
+ out_of_memory("file_checksum");
+ EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx_evp, cur_sum_evp_md, NULL);
+ } else
+ switch (cur_sum_nni->num) {
+ case CSUM_XXH64:
+ if (!xxh64_state && !(xxh64_state = XXH64_createState()))
+ out_of_memory("sum_init");
+ XXH64_reset(xxh64_state, 0);
+ break;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ case CSUM_XXH3_64:
+ if (!xxh3_state && !(xxh3_state = XXH3_createState()))
+ out_of_memory("sum_init");
+ XXH3_64bits_reset(xxh3_state);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_XXH3_128:
+ if (!xxh3_state && !(xxh3_state = XXH3_createState()))
+ out_of_memory("sum_init");
+ XXH3_128bits_reset(xxh3_state);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_MD5:
+ md5_begin(&ctx_md);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_MD4:
+ mdfour_begin(&ctx_md);
+ sumresidue = 0;
+ break;
+ case CSUM_MD4_OLD:
+ mdfour_begin(&ctx_md);
+ sumresidue = 0;
+ SIVAL(s, 0, seed);
+ sum_update(s, 4);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_NONE:
+ break;
+ default: /* paranoia to prevent missing case values */
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ return cur_sum_len;
+/* Feed data into a hash digest accumulator. */
+void sum_update(const char *p, int32 len)
+ if (cur_sum_evp_md) {
+ EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx_evp, (uchar *)p, len);
+ } else
+ switch (cur_sum_nni->num) {
+ case CSUM_XXH64:
+ XXH64_update(xxh64_state, p, len);
+ break;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ case CSUM_XXH3_64:
+ XXH3_64bits_update(xxh3_state, p, len);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_XXH3_128:
+ XXH3_128bits_update(xxh3_state, p, len);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_MD5:
+ md5_update(&ctx_md, (uchar *)p, len);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_MD4:
+ case CSUM_MD4_OLD:
+ if (len + sumresidue < CSUM_CHUNK) {
+ memcpy(ctx_md.buffer + sumresidue, p, len);
+ sumresidue += len;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sumresidue) {
+ int32 i = CSUM_CHUNK - sumresidue;
+ memcpy(ctx_md.buffer + sumresidue, p, i);
+ mdfour_update(&ctx_md, (uchar *)ctx_md.buffer, CSUM_CHUNK);
+ len -= i;
+ p += i;
+ }
+ while (len >= CSUM_CHUNK) {
+ mdfour_update(&ctx_md, (uchar *)p, CSUM_CHUNK);
+ len -= CSUM_CHUNK;
+ p += CSUM_CHUNK;
+ }
+ sumresidue = len;
+ if (sumresidue)
+ memcpy(ctx_md.buffer, p, sumresidue);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_NONE:
+ break;
+ default: /* paranoia to prevent missing case values */
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+/* The sum buffer only needs to be as long as the current checksum's digest
+ * len, not MAX_DIGEST_LEN. Note that for CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC that is the full
+ * MD4_DIGEST_LEN even if the file-list code is going to ignore all but the
+ * first 2 bytes of it. */
+void sum_end(char *sum)
+ if (cur_sum_evp_md) {
+ EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx_evp, (uchar *)sum, NULL);
+ } else
+ switch (cur_sum_nni->num) {
+ case CSUM_XXH64:
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, XXH64_digest(xxh64_state));
+ break;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ case CSUM_XXH3_64:
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, XXH3_64bits_digest(xxh3_state));
+ break;
+ case CSUM_XXH3_128: {
+ XXH128_hash_t digest = XXH3_128bits_digest(xxh3_state);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 0, digest.low64);
+ SIVAL64(sum, 8, digest.high64);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CSUM_MD5:
+ md5_result(&ctx_md, (uchar *)sum);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_MD4:
+ case CSUM_MD4_OLD:
+ mdfour_update(&ctx_md, (uchar *)ctx_md.buffer, sumresidue);
+ mdfour_result(&ctx_md, (uchar *)sum);
+ break;
+ if (sumresidue)
+ mdfour_update(&ctx_md, (uchar *)ctx_md.buffer, sumresidue);
+ mdfour_result(&ctx_md, (uchar *)sum);
+ break;
+ case CSUM_NONE:
+ *sum = '\0';
+ break;
+ default: /* paranoia to prevent missing case values */
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+#if defined SUPPORT_XXH3 || defined USE_OPENSSL
+static void verify_digest(struct name_num_item *nni, BOOL check_auth_list)
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ static int xxh3_result = 0;
+ static int prior_num = 0, prior_flags = 0, prior_result = 0;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_XXH3
+ if (nni->num == CSUM_XXH3_64 || nni->num == CSUM_XXH3_128) {
+ if (!xxh3_result) {
+ char buf[32816];
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < (int)sizeof buf; j++)
+ buf[j] = ' ' + (j % 96);
+ sum_init(nni, 0);
+ sum_update(buf, 32816);
+ sum_update(buf, 31152);
+ sum_update(buf, 32474);
+ sum_update(buf, 9322);
+ xxh3_result = XXH3_64bits_digest(xxh3_state) != 0xadbcf16d4678d1de ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ if (xxh3_result < 0)
+ nni->num = CSUM_gone;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (nni->num == prior_num && nni->flags == prior_flags) {
+ nni->flags = prior_result;
+ if (!(nni->flags & NNI_EVP))
+ nni->num = CSUM_gone;
+ } else {
+ prior_num = nni->num;
+ prior_flags = nni->flags;
+ if (!csum_evp_md(nni))
+ nni->num = CSUM_gone;
+ prior_result = nni->flags;
+ if (check_auth_list && (nni = get_nni_by_num(&valid_auth_checksums, prior_num)) != NULL)
+ verify_digest(nni, False);
+ }
+ }
+void init_checksum_choices()
+#if defined SUPPORT_XXH3 || defined USE_OPENSSL
+ struct name_num_item *nni;
+ if (initialized_choices)
+ return;
+#if defined SUPPORT_XXH3 || defined USE_OPENSSL
+ for (nni = valid_checksums.list; nni->name; nni++)
+ verify_digest(nni, True);
+ for (nni = valid_auth_checksums.list; nni->name; nni++)
+ verify_digest(nni, False);
+ initialized_choices = 1;
diff --git a/chmod.c b/chmod.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bbf791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chmod.c
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ * Implement the core of the --chmod option.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Scott Howard
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+extern mode_t orig_umask;
+#define FLAG_X_KEEP (1<<0)
+#define FLAG_DIRS_ONLY (1<<1)
+#define FLAG_FILES_ONLY (1<<2)
+struct chmod_mode_struct {
+ struct chmod_mode_struct *next;
+ int ModeAND, ModeOR;
+ char flags;
+#define CHMOD_ADD 1
+#define CHMOD_SUB 2
+#define CHMOD_EQ 3
+#define CHMOD_SET 4
+#define STATE_ERROR 0
+#define STATE_1ST_HALF 1
+#define STATE_2ND_HALF 2
+#define STATE_OCTAL_NUM 3
+/* Parse a chmod-style argument, and break it down into one or more AND/OR
+ * pairs in a linked list. We return a pointer to new items on success
+ * (appending the items to the specified list), or NULL on error. */
+struct chmod_mode_struct *parse_chmod(const char *modestr,
+ struct chmod_mode_struct **root_mode_ptr)
+ int state = STATE_1ST_HALF;
+ int where = 0, what = 0, op = 0, topbits = 0, topoct = 0, flags = 0;
+ struct chmod_mode_struct *first_mode = NULL, *curr_mode = NULL,
+ *prev_mode = NULL;
+ while (state != STATE_ERROR) {
+ if (!*modestr || *modestr == ',') {
+ int bits;
+ if (!op) {
+ state = STATE_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ prev_mode = curr_mode;
+ curr_mode = new_array(struct chmod_mode_struct, 1);
+ if (prev_mode)
+ prev_mode->next = curr_mode;
+ else
+ first_mode = curr_mode;
+ curr_mode->next = NULL;
+ if (where)
+ bits = where * what;
+ else {
+ where = 0111;
+ bits = (where * what) & ~orig_umask;
+ }
+ switch (op) {
+ case CHMOD_ADD:
+ curr_mode->ModeAND = CHMOD_BITS;
+ curr_mode->ModeOR = bits + topoct;
+ break;
+ case CHMOD_SUB:
+ curr_mode->ModeAND = CHMOD_BITS - bits - topoct;
+ curr_mode->ModeOR = 0;
+ break;
+ case CHMOD_EQ:
+ curr_mode->ModeAND = CHMOD_BITS - (where * 7) - (topoct ? topbits : 0);
+ curr_mode->ModeOR = bits + topoct;
+ break;
+ case CHMOD_SET:
+ curr_mode->ModeAND = 0;
+ curr_mode->ModeOR = bits;
+ break;
+ }
+ curr_mode->flags = flags;
+ if (!*modestr)
+ break;
+ modestr++;
+ state = STATE_1ST_HALF;
+ where = what = op = topoct = topbits = flags = 0;
+ }
+ switch (state) {
+ case STATE_1ST_HALF:
+ switch (*modestr) {
+ case 'D':
+ if (flags & FLAG_FILES_ONLY)
+ state = STATE_ERROR;
+ flags |= FLAG_DIRS_ONLY;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ if (flags & FLAG_DIRS_ONLY)
+ state = STATE_ERROR;
+ flags |= FLAG_FILES_ONLY;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ where |= 0100;
+ topbits |= 04000;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ where |= 0010;
+ topbits |= 02000;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ where |= 0001;
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ where |= 0111;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ op = CHMOD_ADD;
+ state = STATE_2ND_HALF;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ op = CHMOD_SUB;
+ state = STATE_2ND_HALF;
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ op = CHMOD_EQ;
+ state = STATE_2ND_HALF;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (isDigit(modestr) && *modestr < '8' && !where) {
+ op = CHMOD_SET;
+ state = STATE_OCTAL_NUM;
+ where = 1;
+ what = *modestr - '0';
+ } else
+ state = STATE_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case STATE_2ND_HALF:
+ switch (*modestr) {
+ case 'r':
+ what |= 4;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ what |= 2;
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ flags |= FLAG_X_KEEP;
+ case 'x':
+ what |= 1;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (topbits)
+ topoct |= topbits;
+ else
+ topoct = 04000;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ topoct |= 01000;
+ break;
+ default:
+ state = STATE_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (isDigit(modestr) && *modestr < '8') {
+ what = what*8 + *modestr - '0';
+ if (what > CHMOD_BITS)
+ state = STATE_ERROR;
+ } else
+ state = STATE_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ modestr++;
+ }
+ if (state == STATE_ERROR) {
+ free_chmod_mode(first_mode);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(curr_mode = *root_mode_ptr))
+ *root_mode_ptr = first_mode;
+ else {
+ while (curr_mode->next)
+ curr_mode = curr_mode->next;
+ curr_mode->next = first_mode;
+ }
+ return first_mode;
+/* Takes an existing file permission and a list of AND/OR changes, and
+ * create a new permissions. */
+int tweak_mode(int mode, struct chmod_mode_struct *chmod_modes)
+ int IsX = mode & 0111;
+ int NonPerm = mode & ~CHMOD_BITS;
+ for ( ; chmod_modes; chmod_modes = chmod_modes->next) {
+ if ((chmod_modes->flags & FLAG_DIRS_ONLY) && !S_ISDIR(NonPerm))
+ continue;
+ if ((chmod_modes->flags & FLAG_FILES_ONLY) && S_ISDIR(NonPerm))
+ continue;
+ mode &= chmod_modes->ModeAND;
+ if ((chmod_modes->flags & FLAG_X_KEEP) && !IsX && !S_ISDIR(NonPerm))
+ mode |= chmod_modes->ModeOR & ~0111;
+ else
+ mode |= chmod_modes->ModeOR;
+ }
+ return mode | NonPerm;
+/* Free the linked list created by parse_chmod. */
+int free_chmod_mode(struct chmod_mode_struct *chmod_modes)
+ struct chmod_mode_struct *next;
+ while (chmod_modes) {
+ next = chmod_modes->next;
+ free(chmod_modes);
+ chmod_modes = next;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/cleanup.c b/cleanup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d26ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cleanup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ * End-of-run cleanup routines.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int am_receiver;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int io_error;
+extern int keep_partial;
+extern int got_xfer_error;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int output_needs_newline;
+extern char *partial_dir;
+extern char *logfile_name;
+int called_from_signal_handler = 0;
+BOOL shutting_down = False;
+BOOL flush_ok_after_signal = False;
+static struct sigaction sigact;
+ * Close all open sockets and files, allowing a (somewhat) graceful
+ * shutdown() of socket connections. This eliminates the abortive
+ * TCP RST sent by a Winsock-based system when the close() occurs.
+ **/
+void close_all(void)
+ int max_fd;
+ int fd;
+ int ret;
+ max_fd = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) - 1;
+ for (fd = max_fd; fd >= 0; fd--) {
+ if ((ret = do_fstat(fd, &st)) == 0) {
+ if (is_a_socket(fd))
+ ret = shutdown(fd, 2);
+ ret = close(fd);
+ }
+ }
+ * @file cleanup.c
+ *
+ * Code for handling interrupted transfers. Depending on the @c
+ * --partial option, we may either delete the temporary file, or go
+ * ahead and overwrite the destination. This second behaviour only
+ * occurs if we've sent literal data and therefore hopefully made
+ * progress on the transfer.
+ **/
+ * Set to True once literal data has been sent across the link for the
+ * current file. (????)
+ *
+ * Handling the cleanup when a transfer is interrupted is tricky when
+ * --partial is selected. We need to ensure that the partial file is
+ * kept if any real data has been transferred.
+ **/
+int cleanup_got_literal = 0;
+static const char *cleanup_fname;
+static const char *cleanup_new_fname;
+static struct file_struct *cleanup_file;
+static int cleanup_fd_r = -1, cleanup_fd_w = -1;
+static pid_t cleanup_pid = 0;
+pid_t cleanup_child_pid = -1;
+ * Eventually calls exit(), passing @p code, therefore does not return.
+ *
+ * @param code one of the RERR_* codes from errcode.h.
+ **/
+NORETURN void _exit_cleanup(int code, const char *file, int line)
+ static int switch_step = 0;
+ static int exit_code = 0, exit_line = 0;
+ static const char *exit_file = NULL;
+ static int first_code = 0;
+ if (!exit_code) { /* Preserve first error exit info when recursing. */
+ exit_code = code;
+ exit_file = file;
+ exit_line = line < 0 ? -line : line;
+ }
+ /* If this is the exit at the end of the run, the server side
+ * should not attempt to output a message (see log_exit()). */
+ if (am_server && code == 0)
+ am_server = 2;
+ /* Some of our actions might cause a recursive call back here, so we
+ * keep track of where we are in the cleanup and never repeat a step. */
+ switch (switch_step) {
+#include "case_N.h" /* case 0: */
+ switch_step++;
+ first_code = code;
+ if (output_needs_newline) {
+ fputc('\n', stdout);
+ output_needs_newline = 0;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "[%s] _exit_cleanup(code=%d, file=%s, line=%d): entered\n",
+ who_am_i(), code, src_file(file), line);
+ }
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (cleanup_child_pid != -1) {
+ int status;
+ int pid = wait_process(cleanup_child_pid, &status, WNOHANG);
+ if (pid == cleanup_child_pid) {
+ status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ if (status > exit_code)
+ exit_code = status;
+ }
+ }
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (cleanup_got_literal && (cleanup_fname || cleanup_fd_w != -1)) {
+ if (cleanup_fd_r != -1) {
+ close(cleanup_fd_r);
+ cleanup_fd_r = -1;
+ }
+ if (cleanup_fd_w != -1) {
+ flush_write_file(cleanup_fd_w);
+ close(cleanup_fd_w);
+ cleanup_fd_w = -1;
+ }
+ if (cleanup_fname && cleanup_new_fname && keep_partial
+ && handle_partial_dir(cleanup_new_fname, PDIR_CREATE)) {
+ int tweak_modtime = 0;
+ const char *fname = cleanup_fname;
+ cleanup_fname = NULL;
+ if (!partial_dir) {
+ /* We don't want to leave a partial file with a modern time or it
+ * could be skipped via --update. Setting the time to something
+ * really old also helps it to stand out as unfinished in an ls. */
+ tweak_modtime = 1;
+ cleanup_file->modtime = 0;
+ }
+ finish_transfer(cleanup_new_fname, fname, NULL, NULL,
+ cleanup_file, tweak_modtime, !partial_dir);
+ }
+ }
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (flush_ok_after_signal) {
+ flush_ok_after_signal = False;
+ if (code == RERR_SIGNAL)
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ }
+ if (!exit_code && !code)
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (cleanup_fname)
+ do_unlink(cleanup_fname);
+ if (exit_code)
+ kill_all(SIGUSR1);
+ if (cleanup_pid && cleanup_pid == getpid()) {
+ char *pidf = lp_pid_file();
+ if (pidf && *pidf)
+ unlink(lp_pid_file());
+ }
+ if (exit_code == 0) {
+ if (code)
+ exit_code = code;
+ if (io_error & IOERR_DEL_LIMIT)
+ exit_code = RERR_DEL_LIMIT;
+ if (io_error & IOERR_VANISHED)
+ exit_code = RERR_VANISHED;
+ if (io_error & IOERR_GENERAL || got_xfer_error)
+ exit_code = RERR_PARTIAL;
+ }
+ /* If line < 0, this exit is after a MSG_ERROR_EXIT event, so
+ * we don't want to output a duplicate error. */
+ if ((exit_code && line > 0)
+ || am_daemon || (logfile_name && (am_server || !INFO_GTE(STATS, 1)))) {
+ log_exit(exit_code, exit_file, exit_line);
+ }
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "[%s] _exit_cleanup(code=%d, file=%s, line=%d): "
+ "about to call exit(%d)%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), first_code, exit_file, exit_line, exit_code,
+ dry_run ? " (DRY RUN)" : "");
+ }
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (exit_code && exit_code != RERR_SOCKETIO && exit_code != RERR_STREAMIO && exit_code != RERR_SIGNAL1
+ && exit_code != RERR_TIMEOUT && !shutting_down) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 31 || am_receiver) {
+ if (line > 0) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] sending MSG_ERROR_EXIT with exit_code %d\n",
+ who_am_i(), exit_code);
+ }
+ send_msg_int(MSG_ERROR_EXIT, exit_code);
+ }
+ if (!am_sender)
+ io_flush(MSG_FLUSH); /* Be sure to send all messages */
+ noop_io_until_death();
+ }
+ else if (!am_sender)
+ io_flush(MSG_FLUSH); /* Be sure to send all messages */
+ }
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (am_server && exit_code)
+ msleep(100);
+ close_all();
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (called_from_signal_handler)
+ _exit(exit_code);
+ exit(exit_code);
+void cleanup_disable(void)
+ cleanup_fname = cleanup_new_fname = NULL;
+ cleanup_fd_r = cleanup_fd_w = -1;
+ cleanup_got_literal = 0;
+void cleanup_set(const char *fnametmp, const char *fname, struct file_struct *file,
+ int fd_r, int fd_w)
+ cleanup_fname = fnametmp;
+ cleanup_new_fname = fname; /* can be NULL on a partial-dir failure */
+ cleanup_file = file;
+ cleanup_fd_r = fd_r;
+ cleanup_fd_w = fd_w;
+void cleanup_set_pid(pid_t pid)
+ cleanup_pid = pid;
diff --git a/clientname.c b/clientname.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea94894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clientname.c
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+ * Functions for looking up the remote name or addr of a socket.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Andrew Tridgell <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+ * This file is now converted to use the new-style getaddrinfo()
+ * interface, which supports IPv6 but is also supported on recent
+ * IPv4-only machines. On systems that don't have that interface, we
+ * emulate it using the KAME implementation.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+extern int am_daemon;
+static const char default_name[] = "UNKNOWN";
+static const char proxyv2sig[] = "\r\n\r\n\0\r\nQUIT\n";
+static char ipaddr_buf[100];
+#define PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE ((int)sizeof proxyv2sig - 1)
+#define PROXY_V2_HEADER_SIZE (PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE + 1 + 1 + 2)
+#define CMD_LOCAL 0
+#define CMD_PROXY 1
+#define PROXY_FAM_TCPv4 0x11
+#define PROXY_FAM_TCPv6 0x21
+#define GET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(ss) ((struct sockaddr*)ss)->sa_family
+static void client_sockaddr(int fd, struct sockaddr_storage *ss, socklen_t *ss_len);
+static int check_name(const char *ipaddr, const struct sockaddr_storage *ss, char *name_buf, size_t name_buf_size);
+static int valid_ipaddr(const char *s, int allow_scope);
+/* Return the IP addr of the client as a string. */
+char *client_addr(int fd)
+ struct sockaddr_storage ss;
+ socklen_t length = sizeof ss;
+ if (*ipaddr_buf)
+ return ipaddr_buf;
+ if (am_daemon < 0) { /* daemon over --rsh mode */
+ char *env_str;
+ strlcpy(ipaddr_buf, "", sizeof ipaddr_buf);
+ if ((env_str = getenv("REMOTE_HOST")) != NULL
+ || (env_str = getenv("SSH_CONNECTION")) != NULL
+ || (env_str = getenv("SSH_CLIENT")) != NULL
+ || (env_str = getenv("SSH2_CLIENT")) != NULL) {
+ char *p;
+ strlcpy(ipaddr_buf, env_str, sizeof ipaddr_buf);
+ /* Truncate the value to just the IP address. */
+ if ((p = strchr(ipaddr_buf, ' ')) != NULL)
+ *p = '\0';
+ }
+ if (valid_ipaddr(ipaddr_buf, True))
+ return ipaddr_buf;
+ }
+ client_sockaddr(fd, &ss, &length);
+ getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *)&ss, length, ipaddr_buf, sizeof ipaddr_buf, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
+ return ipaddr_buf;
+ * Return the DNS name of the client.
+ *
+ * The name is statically cached so that repeated lookups are quick,
+ * so there is a limit of one lookup per customer.
+ *
+ * If anything goes wrong, including the name->addr->name check, then
+ * we just use "UNKNOWN", so you can use that value in hosts allow
+ * lines.
+ *
+ * After translation from sockaddr to name we do a forward lookup to
+ * make sure nobody is spoofing PTR records.
+ **/
+char *client_name(const char *ipaddr)
+ static char name_buf[100];
+ char port_buf[100];
+ struct sockaddr_storage ss;
+ socklen_t ss_len;
+ struct addrinfo hint, *answer;
+ int err;
+ if (*name_buf)
+ return name_buf;
+ strlcpy(name_buf, default_name, sizeof name_buf);
+ if (strcmp(ipaddr, "") == 0)
+ return name_buf;
+ memset(&ss, 0, sizeof ss);
+ memset(&hint, 0, sizeof hint);
+ hint.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
+ hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ if ((err = getaddrinfo(ipaddr, NULL, &hint, &answer)) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "malformed address %s: %s\n", ipaddr, gai_strerror(err));
+ return name_buf;
+ }
+ switch (answer->ai_family) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ ss_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
+ memcpy(&ss, answer->ai_addr, ss_len);
+ break;
+#ifdef INET6
+ case AF_INET6:
+ ss_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6);
+ memcpy(&ss, answer->ai_addr, ss_len);
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOISY_DEATH("Unknown ai_family value");
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(answer);
+ /* reverse lookup */
+ err = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)&ss, ss_len, name_buf, sizeof name_buf,
+ port_buf, sizeof port_buf, NI_NAMEREQD | NI_NUMERICSERV);
+ if (err) {
+ strlcpy(name_buf, default_name, sizeof name_buf);
+ rprintf(FLOG, "name lookup failed for %s: %s\n", ipaddr, gai_strerror(err));
+ } else
+ check_name(ipaddr, &ss, name_buf, sizeof name_buf);
+ return name_buf;
+/* Try to read a proxy protocol header (V1 or V2). Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure. */
+int read_proxy_protocol_header(int fd)
+ union {
+ struct {
+ char line[108];
+ } v1;
+ struct {
+ char sig[PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE];
+ char ver_cmd;
+ char fam;
+ char len[2];
+ union {
+ struct {
+ char src_addr[4];
+ char dst_addr[4];
+ char src_port[2];
+ char dst_port[2];
+ } ip4;
+ struct {
+ char src_addr[16];
+ char dst_addr[16];
+ char src_port[2];
+ char dst_port[2];
+ } ip6;
+ struct {
+ char src_addr[108];
+ char dst_addr[108];
+ } unx;
+ } addr;
+ } v2;
+ } hdr;
+ read_buf(fd, (char*)&hdr, PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE);
+ if (memcmp(hdr.v2.sig, proxyv2sig, PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE) == 0) { /* Proxy V2 */
+ int ver, cmd, size;
+ read_buf(fd, (char*)&hdr + PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE, PROXY_V2_HEADER_SIZE - PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE);
+ ver = (hdr.v2.ver_cmd & 0xf0) >> 4;
+ cmd = (hdr.v2.ver_cmd & 0x0f);
+ size = (hdr.v2.len[0] << 8) + hdr.v2.len[1];
+ if (ver != 2 || size + PROXY_V2_HEADER_SIZE > (int)sizeof hdr)
+ return 0;
+ /* Grab all the remaining data in the binary request. */
+ read_buf(fd, (char*)&hdr + PROXY_V2_HEADER_SIZE, size);
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case CMD_PROXY:
+ switch (hdr.v2.fam) {
+ case PROXY_FAM_TCPv4:
+ if (size != sizeof hdr.v2.addr.ip4)
+ return 0;
+ inet_ntop(AF_INET, hdr.v2.addr.ip4.src_addr, ipaddr_buf, sizeof ipaddr_buf);
+ return valid_ipaddr(ipaddr_buf, False);
+#ifdef INET6
+ case PROXY_FAM_TCPv6:
+ if (size != sizeof hdr.v2.addr.ip6)
+ return 0;
+ inet_ntop(AF_INET6, hdr.v2.addr.ip6.src_addr, ipaddr_buf, sizeof ipaddr_buf);
+ return valid_ipaddr(ipaddr_buf, False);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* For an unsupported protocol we'll ignore the proxy data (leaving ipaddr_buf unset)
+ * and accept the connection, which will get handled as a normal socket addr. */
+ return 1;
+ case CMD_LOCAL:
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(hdr.v1.line, "PROXY", 5) == 0) { /* Proxy V1 */
+ char *endc, *sp, *p = hdr.v1.line + PROXY_V2_SIG_SIZE;
+ int port_chk;
+ *p = '\0';
+ if (!strchr(hdr.v1.line, '\n')) {
+ while (1) {
+ read_buf(fd, p, 1);
+ if (*p++ == '\n')
+ break;
+ if (p - hdr.v1.line >= (int)sizeof hdr.v1.line - 1)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *p = '\0';
+ }
+ endc = strchr(hdr.v1.line, '\r');
+ if (!endc || endc[1] != '\n' || endc[2])
+ return 0;
+ *endc = '\0';
+ p = hdr.v1.line + 5;
+ if (!isSpace(p++))
+ return 0;
+ if (strncmp(p, "TCP4", 4) == 0)
+ p += 4;
+ else if (strncmp(p, "TCP6", 4) == 0)
+ p += 4;
+ else if (strncmp(p, "UNKNOWN", 7) == 0)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ if (!isSpace(p++))
+ return 0;
+ if ((sp = strchr(p, ' ')) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ *sp = '\0';
+ if (!valid_ipaddr(p, False))
+ return 0;
+ strlcpy(ipaddr_buf, p, sizeof ipaddr_buf); /* It will always fit when valid. */
+ p = sp + 1;
+ if ((sp = strchr(p, ' ')) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ *sp = '\0';
+ if (!valid_ipaddr(p, False))
+ return 0;
+ /* Ignore destination address. */
+ p = sp + 1;
+ if ((sp = strchr(p, ' ')) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ *sp = '\0';
+ port_chk = strtol(p, &endc, 10);
+ if (*endc || port_chk == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Ignore source port. */
+ p = sp + 1;
+ port_chk = strtol(p, &endc, 10);
+ if (*endc || port_chk == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Ignore destination port. */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Get the sockaddr for the client.
+ *
+ * If it comes in as an ipv4 address mapped into IPv6 format then we
+ * convert it back to a regular IPv4.
+ **/
+static void client_sockaddr(int fd, struct sockaddr_storage *ss, socklen_t *ss_len)
+ memset(ss, 0, sizeof *ss);
+ if (getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr *) ss, ss_len)) {
+ /* FIXME: Can we really not continue? */
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "getpeername on fd%d failed", fd);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ }
+#ifdef INET6
+ && IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ss)->sin6_addr)) {
+ /* OK, so ss is in the IPv6 family, but it is really
+ * an IPv4 address: something like
+ * "::ffff:". If we use it as-is, then the
+ * reverse lookup might fail or perhaps something else
+ * bad might happen. So instead we convert it to an
+ * equivalent address in the IPv4 address family. */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
+ struct sockaddr_in *sin;
+ memcpy(&sin6, ss, sizeof sin6);
+ sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)ss;
+ memset(sin, 0, sizeof *sin);
+ sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ *ss_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
+ sin->sin_len = *ss_len;
+ sin->sin_port = sin6.sin6_port;
+ /* There is a macro to extract the mapped part
+ * (IN6_V4MAPPED_TO_SINADDR ?), but it does not seem
+ * to be present in the Linux headers. */
+ memcpy(&sin->sin_addr, &sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[12], sizeof sin->sin_addr);
+ }
+ * Compare an addrinfo from the resolver to a sockinfo.
+ *
+ * Like strcmp, returns 0 for identical.
+ **/
+static int compare_addrinfo_sockaddr(const struct addrinfo *ai, const struct sockaddr_storage *ss)
+ int ss_family = GET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(ss);
+ const char fn[] = "compare_addrinfo_sockaddr";
+ if (ai->ai_family != ss_family) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s: response family %d != %d\n",
+ fn, ai->ai_family, ss_family);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* The comparison method depends on the particular AF. */
+ if (ss_family == AF_INET) {
+ const struct sockaddr_in *sin1, *sin2;
+ sin1 = (const struct sockaddr_in *) ss;
+ sin2 = (const struct sockaddr_in *) ai->ai_addr;
+ return memcmp(&sin1->sin_addr, &sin2->sin_addr, sizeof sin1->sin_addr);
+ }
+#ifdef INET6
+ if (ss_family == AF_INET6) {
+ const struct sockaddr_in6 *sin1, *sin2;
+ sin1 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *) ss;
+ sin2 = (const struct sockaddr_in6 *) ai->ai_addr;
+ if (ai->ai_addrlen < (int)sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s: too short sockaddr_in6; length=%d\n",
+ fn, (int)ai->ai_addrlen);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(&sin1->sin6_addr, &sin2->sin6_addr, sizeof sin1->sin6_addr))
+ return 1;
+ if (sin1->sin6_scope_id != sin2->sin6_scope_id)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif /* INET6 */
+ /* don't know */
+ return 1;
+ * Do a forward lookup on @p name_buf and make sure it corresponds to
+ * @p ss -- otherwise we may be being spoofed. If we suspect we are,
+ * then we don't abort the connection but just emit a warning, and
+ * change @p name_buf to be "UNKNOWN".
+ *
+ * We don't do anything with the service when checking the name,
+ * because it doesn't seem that it could be spoofed in any way, and
+ * getaddrinfo on random service names seems to cause problems on AIX.
+ **/
+static int check_name(const char *ipaddr, const struct sockaddr_storage *ss, char *name_buf, size_t name_buf_size)
+ struct addrinfo hints, *res, *res0;
+ int error;
+ int ss_family = GET_SOCKADDR_FAMILY(ss);
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
+ hints.ai_family = ss_family;
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ error = getaddrinfo(name_buf, NULL, &hints, &res0);
+ if (error) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "forward name lookup for %s failed: %s\n",
+ name_buf, gai_strerror(error));
+ strlcpy(name_buf, default_name, name_buf_size);
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* Given all these results, we expect that one of them will be
+ * the same as ss. The comparison is a bit complicated. */
+ for (res = res0; res; res = res->ai_next) {
+ if (!compare_addrinfo_sockaddr(res, ss))
+ break; /* OK, identical */
+ }
+ if (!res0) {
+ /* We hit the end of the list without finding an
+ * address that was the same as ss. */
+ rprintf(FLOG, "no known address for \"%s\": "
+ "spoofed address?\n", name_buf);
+ strlcpy(name_buf, default_name, name_buf_size);
+ } else if (res == NULL) {
+ /* We hit the end of the list without finding an
+ * address that was the same as ss. */
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s is not a known address for \"%s\": "
+ "spoofed address?\n", ipaddr, name_buf);
+ strlcpy(name_buf, default_name, name_buf_size);
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(res0);
+ return 0;
+/* Returns 1 for a valid IPv4 or IPv6 addr, or 0 for a bad one. */
+static int valid_ipaddr(const char *s, int allow_scope)
+ int i;
+ if (strchr(s, ':') != NULL) { /* Only IPv6 has a colon. */
+ int count, saw_double_colon = 0;
+ int ipv4_at_end = 0;
+ if (*s == ':') { /* A colon at the start must be a :: */
+ if (*++s != ':')
+ return 0;
+ saw_double_colon = 1;
+ s++;
+ }
+ for (count = 0; count < 8; count++) {
+ if (!*s)
+ return saw_double_colon;
+ if (allow_scope && *s == '%') {
+ if (saw_double_colon)
+ break;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strchr(s, ':') == NULL && strchr(s, '.') != NULL) {
+ if ((!saw_double_colon && count != 6) || (saw_double_colon && count > 6))
+ return 0;
+ ipv4_at_end = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!isHexDigit(s++)) /* Need 1-4 hex digits */
+ return 0;
+ if (isHexDigit(s) && isHexDigit(++s) && isHexDigit(++s) && isHexDigit(++s))
+ return 0;
+ if (*s == ':') {
+ if (!*++s)
+ return 0;
+ if (*s == ':') {
+ if (saw_double_colon)
+ return 0;
+ saw_double_colon = 1;
+ s++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ipv4_at_end) {
+ if (allow_scope && *s == '%')
+ for (s++; isAlNum(s); s++) { }
+ return !*s && s[-1] != '%';
+ }
+ }
+ /* IPv4 */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ long n;
+ char *end;
+ if (i && *s++ != '.')
+ return 0;
+ n = strtol(s, &end, 10);
+ if (n > 255 || n < 0 || end <= s || end > s+3)
+ return 0;
+ s = end;
+ }
+ return !*s;
diff --git a/clientserver.c b/clientserver.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c897ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clientserver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1538 @@
+ * The socket based protocol for setting up a connection with rsyncd.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Andrew Tridgell <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+extern int quiet;
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int output_motd;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int msgs2stderr;
+extern int rsync_port;
+extern int protect_args;
+extern int ignore_errors;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int kluge_around_eof;
+extern int munge_symlinks;
+extern int open_noatime;
+extern int sanitize_paths;
+extern int numeric_ids;
+extern int filesfrom_fd;
+extern int remote_protocol;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int io_timeout;
+extern int no_detach;
+extern int write_batch;
+extern int old_style_args;
+extern int default_af_hint;
+extern int logfile_format_has_i;
+extern int logfile_format_has_o_or_i;
+extern char *bind_address;
+extern char *config_file;
+extern char *logfile_format;
+extern char *files_from;
+extern char *tmpdir;
+extern char *early_input_file;
+extern struct chmod_mode_struct *chmod_modes;
+extern filter_rule_list daemon_filter_list;
+extern char *iconv_opt;
+extern iconv_t ic_send, ic_recv;
+extern uid_t our_uid;
+extern gid_t our_gid;
+char *auth_user;
+char *daemon_auth_choices;
+int read_only = 0;
+int module_id = -1;
+int pid_file_fd = -1;
+int early_input_len = 0;
+char *early_input = NULL;
+pid_t namecvt_pid = 0;
+struct chmod_mode_struct *daemon_chmod_modes;
+#define EARLY_INPUT_CMD "#early_input="
+/* module_dirlen is the length of the module_dir string when in daemon
+ * mode and module_dir is not "/"; otherwise 0. (Note that a chroot-
+ * enabled module can have a non-"/" module_dir these days.) */
+char *module_dir = NULL;
+unsigned int module_dirlen = 0;
+char *full_module_path;
+static int rl_nulls = 0;
+static int namecvt_fd_req = -1, namecvt_fd_ans = -1;
+static struct sigaction sigact;
+static item_list gid_list = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+/* Used when "reverse lookup" is off. */
+const char undetermined_hostname[] = "UNDETERMINED";
+ * Run a client connected to an rsyncd. The alternative to this
+ * function for remote-shell connections is do_cmd().
+ *
+ * After negotiating which module to use and reading the server's
+ * motd, this hands over to client_run(). Telling the server the
+ * module will cause it to chroot/setuid/etc.
+ *
+ * Instead of doing a transfer, the client may at this stage instead
+ * get a listing of remote modules and exit.
+ *
+ * @return -1 for error in startup, or the result of client_run().
+ * Either way, it eventually gets passed to exit_cleanup().
+ **/
+int start_socket_client(char *host, int remote_argc, char *remote_argv[],
+ int argc, char *argv[])
+ int fd, ret;
+ char *p, *user = NULL;
+ /* This is redundant with code in start_inband_exchange(), but this
+ * short-circuits a problem in the client before we open a socket,
+ * and the extra check won't hurt. */
+ if (**remote_argv == '/') {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "ERROR: The remote path must start with a module name not a /\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((p = strrchr(host, '@')) != NULL) {
+ user = host;
+ host = p+1;
+ *p = '\0';
+ }
+ fd = open_socket_out_wrapped(host, rsync_port, bind_address, default_af_hint);
+ if (fd == -1)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ setup_iconv();
+ ret = start_inband_exchange(fd, fd, user, remote_argc, remote_argv);
+ return ret ? ret : client_run(fd, fd, -1, argc, argv);
+static int exchange_protocols(int f_in, int f_out, char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int am_client)
+ int remote_sub = -1;
+ int our_sub = get_subprotocol_version();
+ output_daemon_greeting(f_out, am_client);
+ if (!am_client) {
+ char *motd = lp_motd_file();
+ if (motd && *motd) {
+ FILE *f = fopen(motd, "r");
+ while (f && !feof(f)) {
+ int len = fread(buf, 1, bufsiz - 1, f);
+ if (len > 0)
+ write_buf(f_out, buf, len);
+ }
+ if (f)
+ fclose(f);
+ write_sbuf(f_out, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* This strips the \n. */
+ if (!read_line_old(f_in, buf, bufsiz, 0)) {
+ if (am_client)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync: did not see server greeting\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(buf, "@RSYNCD: %d.%d", &remote_protocol, &remote_sub) < 1) {
+ if (am_client)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync: server sent \"%s\" rather than greeting\n", buf);
+ else
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: protocol startup error\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (remote_sub < 0) {
+ if (remote_protocol >= 30) {
+ if (am_client)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync: the server omitted the subprotocol value: %s\n", buf);
+ else
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: your client omitted the subprotocol value: %s\n", buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ remote_sub = 0;
+ }
+ daemon_auth_choices = strchr(buf + 9, ' ');
+ if (daemon_auth_choices) {
+ char *cp;
+ daemon_auth_choices = strdup(daemon_auth_choices + 1);
+ if ((cp = strchr(daemon_auth_choices, '\n')) != NULL)
+ *cp = '\0';
+ } else if (remote_protocol > 31) {
+ if (am_client)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync: the server omitted the digest name list: %s\n", buf);
+ else
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: your client omitted the digest name list: %s\n", buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (protocol_version > remote_protocol) {
+ protocol_version = remote_protocol;
+ if (remote_sub)
+ protocol_version--;
+ } else if (protocol_version == remote_protocol) {
+ if (remote_sub != our_sub)
+ protocol_version--;
+ }
+ else if (protocol_version < remote_protocol) {
+ if (our_sub)
+ protocol_version--;
+ }
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ rl_nulls = 1;
+ return 0;
+int start_inband_exchange(int f_in, int f_out, const char *user, int argc, char *argv[])
+ int i, modlen;
+ char line[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ char *sargs[MAX_ARGS];
+ int sargc = 0;
+ char *p, *modname;
+ assert(argc > 0 && *argv != NULL);
+ if (**argv == '/') {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "ERROR: The remote path must start with a module name\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!(p = strchr(*argv, '/')))
+ modlen = strlen(*argv);
+ else
+ modlen = p - *argv;
+ modname = new_array(char, modlen+1+1); /* room for '/' & '\0' */
+ strlcpy(modname, *argv, modlen + 1);
+ modname[modlen] = '/';
+ modname[modlen+1] = '\0';
+ if (!user)
+ user = getenv("USER");
+ if (!user)
+ user = getenv("LOGNAME");
+ if (exchange_protocols(f_in, f_out, line, sizeof line, 1) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (early_input_file) {
+ FILE *f = fopen(early_input_file, "rb");
+ if (!f || do_fstat(fileno(f), &st) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to open %s", early_input_file);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ early_input_len = st.st_size;
+ if (early_input_len > (int)sizeof line) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "%s is > %d bytes.\n", early_input_file, (int)sizeof line);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (early_input_len > 0) {
+ io_printf(f_out, EARLY_INPUT_CMD "%d\n", early_input_len);
+ while (early_input_len > 0) {
+ int len;
+ if (feof(f)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Early EOF in %s\n", early_input_file);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ len = fread(line, 1, early_input_len, f);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ write_buf(f_out, line, len);
+ early_input_len -= len;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+ server_options(sargs, &sargc);
+ if (sargc >= MAX_ARGS - 2)
+ goto arg_overflow;
+ sargs[sargc++] = ".";
+ if (!old_style_args)
+ snprintf(line, sizeof line, " %.*s/", modlen, modname);
+ while (argc > 0) {
+ if (sargc >= MAX_ARGS - 1) {
+ arg_overflow:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "internal: args[] overflowed in do_cmd()\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (strncmp(*argv, modname, modlen) == 0 && argv[0][modlen] == '\0')
+ sargs[sargc++] = modname; /* we send "modname/" */
+ else {
+ char *arg = *argv;
+ int extra_chars = *arg == '-' ? 2 : 0; /* a leading dash needs a "./" prefix. */
+ /* If --old-args was not specified, make sure that the arg won't split at a mod name! */
+ if (!old_style_args && (p = strstr(arg, line)) != NULL) {
+ do {
+ extra_chars += 2;
+ } while ((p = strstr(p+1, line)) != NULL);
+ }
+ if (extra_chars) {
+ char *f = arg;
+ char *t = arg = new_array(char, strlen(arg) + extra_chars + 1);
+ if (*f == '-') {
+ *t++ = '.';
+ *t++ = '/';
+ }
+ while (*f) {
+ if (*f == ' ' && strncmp(f, line, modlen+2) == 0) {
+ *t++ = '[';
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ *t++ = ']';
+ } else
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ }
+ *t = '\0';
+ }
+ sargs[sargc++] = arg;
+ }
+ argv++;
+ argc--;
+ }
+ sargs[sargc] = NULL;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CMD, 1))
+ print_child_argv("sending daemon args:", sargs);
+ io_printf(f_out, "%.*s\n", modlen, modname);
+ /* Old servers may just drop the connection here,
+ rather than sending a proper EXIT command. Yuck. */
+ kluge_around_eof = list_only && protocol_version < 25 ? 1 : 0;
+ while (1) {
+ if (!read_line_old(f_in, line, sizeof line, 0)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync: didn't get server startup line\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(line,"@RSYNCD: AUTHREQD ",18) == 0) {
+ auth_client(f_out, user, line+18);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(line,"@RSYNCD: OK") == 0)
+ break;
+ if (strcmp(line,"@RSYNCD: EXIT") == 0) {
+ /* This is sent by recent versions of the
+ * server to terminate the listing of modules.
+ * We don't want to go on and transfer
+ * anything; just exit. */
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (strncmp(line, "@ERROR", 6) == 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "%s\n", line);
+ /* This is always fatal; the server will now
+ * close the socket. */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* This might be a MOTD line or a module listing, but there is
+ * no way to differentiate it. The manpage mentions this. */
+ if (output_motd)
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s\n", line);
+ }
+ kluge_around_eof = 0;
+ if (rl_nulls) {
+ for (i = 0; i < sargc; i++) {
+ if (!sargs[i]) /* stop at --secluded-args NULL */
+ break;
+ write_sbuf(f_out, sargs[i]);
+ write_byte(f_out, 0);
+ }
+ write_byte(f_out, 0);
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < sargc; i++)
+ io_printf(f_out, "%s\n", sargs[i]);
+ write_sbuf(f_out, "\n");
+ }
+ if (protect_args)
+ send_protected_args(f_out, sargs);
+ if (protocol_version < 23) {
+ if (protocol_version == 22 || !am_sender)
+ io_start_multiplex_in(f_in);
+ }
+ free(modname);
+ return 0;
+#if defined HAVE_SETENV || defined HAVE_PUTENV
+static int read_arg_from_pipe(int fd, char *buf, int limit)
+ char *bp = buf, *eob = buf + limit - 1;
+ while (1) {
+ int got = read(fd, bp, 1);
+ if (got != 1) {
+ if (got < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (*bp == '\0')
+ break;
+ if (bp < eob)
+ bp++;
+ }
+ *bp = '\0';
+ return bp - buf;
+void set_env_str(const char *var, const char *str)
+ if (setenv(var, str, 1) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("set_env_str");
+ char *mem;
+ if (asprintf(&mem, "%s=%s", var, str) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("set_env_str");
+ putenv(mem);
+ (void)var;
+ (void)str;
+#if defined HAVE_SETENV || defined HAVE_PUTENV
+static void set_envN_str(const char *var, int num, const char *str)
+ char buf[128];
+ (void)snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s%d", var, num);
+ if (setenv(buf, str, 1) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("set_env_str");
+ char *mem;
+ if (asprintf(&mem, "%s%d=%s", var, num, str) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("set_envN_str");
+ putenv(mem);
+void set_env_num(const char *var, long num)
+ char val[64];
+ (void)snprintf(val, sizeof val, "%ld", num);
+ if (setenv(var, val, 1) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("set_env_str");
+ char *mem;
+ if (asprintf(&mem, "%s=%ld", var, num) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("set_env_num");
+ putenv(mem);
+/* Used for "early exec", "pre-xfer exec", and the "name converter" script. */
+static pid_t start_pre_exec(const char *cmd, int *arg_fd_ptr, int *error_fd_ptr)
+ int arg_fds[2], error_fds[2], arg_fd;
+ pid_t pid;
+ if ((error_fd_ptr && pipe(error_fds) < 0) || pipe(arg_fds) < 0 || (pid = fork()) < 0)
+ return (pid_t)-1;
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ char buf[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ int j, len, status;
+ if (error_fd_ptr) {
+ close(error_fds[0]);
+ set_blocking(error_fds[1]);
+ }
+ close(arg_fds[1]);
+ arg_fd = arg_fds[0];
+ set_blocking(arg_fd);
+ len = read_arg_from_pipe(arg_fd, buf, BIGPATHBUFLEN);
+ if (len <= 0)
+ _exit(1);
+ set_env_str("RSYNC_REQUEST", buf);
+ for (j = 0; ; j++) {
+ len = read_arg_from_pipe(arg_fd, buf, BIGPATHBUFLEN);
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ if (!len)
+ break;
+ _exit(1);
+ }
+ set_envN_str("RSYNC_ARG", j, buf);
+ }
+ dup2(arg_fd, STDIN_FILENO);
+ close(arg_fd);
+ if (error_fd_ptr) {
+ dup2(error_fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
+ close(error_fds[1]);
+ }
+ status = shell_exec(cmd);
+ if (!WIFEXITED(status))
+ _exit(1);
+ _exit(WEXITSTATUS(status));
+ }
+ if (error_fd_ptr) {
+ close(error_fds[1]);
+ *error_fd_ptr = error_fds[0];
+ set_blocking(error_fds[0]);
+ }
+ close(arg_fds[0]);
+ arg_fd = *arg_fd_ptr = arg_fds[1];
+ set_blocking(arg_fd);
+ return pid;
+static void write_pre_exec_args(int write_fd, char *request, char **early_argv, char **argv, int exec_type)
+ int j = 0;
+ if (!request)
+ request = "(NONE)";
+ write_buf(write_fd, request, strlen(request)+1);
+ if (early_argv) {
+ for ( ; *early_argv; early_argv++)
+ write_buf(write_fd, *early_argv, strlen(*early_argv)+1);
+ j = 1; /* Skip arg0 name in argv. */
+ }
+ if (argv) {
+ for ( ; argv[j]; j++)
+ write_buf(write_fd, argv[j], strlen(argv[j])+1);
+ }
+ write_byte(write_fd, 0);
+ if (exec_type == 1 && early_input_len)
+ write_buf(write_fd, early_input, early_input_len);
+ if (exec_type != 2) /* the name converter needs this left open */
+ close(write_fd);
+static char *finish_pre_exec(const char *desc, pid_t pid, int read_fd)
+ char buf[BIGPATHBUFLEN], *bp, *cr;
+ int j, status = -1, msglen = sizeof buf - 1;
+ if (read_fd >= 0) {
+ /* Read the stdout from the program. This it is only displayed
+ * to the user if the script also returns an error status. */
+ for (bp = buf, cr = buf; msglen > 0; msglen -= j) {
+ if ((j = read(read_fd, bp, msglen)) <= 0) {
+ if (j == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ break; /* Just ignore the read error for now... */
+ }
+ bp[j] = '\0';
+ while (1) {
+ if ((cr = strchr(cr, '\r')) == NULL) {
+ cr = bp + j;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!cr[1])
+ break; /* wait for more data before we decide what to do */
+ if (cr[1] == '\n') {
+ memmove(cr, cr+1, j - (cr - bp));
+ j--;
+ } else
+ cr++;
+ }
+ bp += j;
+ }
+ *bp = '\0';
+ close(read_fd);
+ } else
+ *buf = '\0';
+ if (wait_process(pid, &status, 0) < 0
+ || !WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
+ char *e;
+ if (asprintf(&e, "%s returned failure (%d)%s%s%s\n%s",
+ desc, status, status < 0 ? ": " : "",
+ status < 0 ? strerror(errno) : "",
+ *buf ? ":" : "", buf) < 0)
+ return "out_of_memory in finish_pre_exec\n";
+ return e;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static int path_failure(int f_out, const char *dir, BOOL was_chdir)
+ if (was_chdir)
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "chdir %s failed", dir);
+ else
+ rprintf(FLOG, "normalize_path(%s) failed\n", dir);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: chdir failed\n");
+ return -1;
+static int add_a_group(int f_out, const char *gname)
+ gid_t gid, *gid_p;
+ if (!group_to_gid(gname, &gid, True)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Invalid gid %s\n", gname);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: invalid gid %s\n", gname);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ gid_p = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&gid_list, gid_t, -32);
+ *gid_p = gid;
+ return 0;
+static int want_all_groups(int f_out, uid_t uid)
+ const char *err;
+ if ((err = getallgroups(uid, &gid_list)) != NULL) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "%s", err);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: %s\n", err);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#elif defined HAVE_INITGROUPS
+static struct passwd *want_all_groups(int f_out, uid_t uid)
+ struct passwd *pw;
+ gid_t *gid_p;
+ if ((pw = getpwuid(uid)) == NULL) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "getpwuid failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: getpwuid failed\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Start with the default group and initgroups() will add the rest. */
+ gid_p = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&gid_list, gid_t, -32);
+ *gid_p = pw->pw_gid;
+ return pw;
+static int rsync_module(int f_in, int f_out, int i, const char *addr, const char *host)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv, **orig_argv, **orig_early_argv, *module_chdir;
+ char line[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ struct passwd *pw = NULL;
+ uid_t uid;
+ int set_uid;
+ char *p, *err_msg = NULL;
+ char *name = lp_name(i);
+ int use_chroot = lp_use_chroot(i); /* might be 1 (yes), 0 (no), or -1 (unset) */
+ int ret, pre_exec_arg_fd = -1, pre_exec_error_fd = -1;
+ int save_munge_symlinks;
+ pid_t pre_exec_pid = 0;
+ char *request = NULL;
+ set_env_str("RSYNC_MODULE_NAME", name);
+ iconv_opt = lp_charset(i);
+ if (*iconv_opt)
+ setup_iconv();
+ iconv_opt = NULL;
+ /* If reverse lookup is disabled globally but enabled for this module,
+ * we need to do it now before the access check. */
+ if (host == undetermined_hostname && lp_reverse_lookup(i))
+ host = client_name(client_addr(f_in));
+ set_env_str("RSYNC_HOST_NAME", host);
+ set_env_str("RSYNC_HOST_ADDR", addr);
+ if (!allow_access(addr, &host, i)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "rsync denied on module %s from %s (%s)\n",
+ name, host, addr);
+ if (!lp_list(i))
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: Unknown module '%s'\n", name);
+ else {
+ io_printf(f_out,
+ "@ERROR: access denied to %s from %s (%s)\n",
+ name, host, addr);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (am_daemon > 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "rsync allowed access on module %s from %s (%s)\n",
+ name, host, addr);
+ }
+ if (!claim_connection(lp_lock_file(i), lp_max_connections(i))) {
+ if (errno) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "failed to open lock file %s",
+ lp_lock_file(i));
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: failed to open lock file\n");
+ } else {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "max connections (%d) reached\n",
+ lp_max_connections(i));
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: max connections (%d) reached -- try again later\n",
+ lp_max_connections(i));
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ read_only = lp_read_only(i); /* may also be overridden by auth_server() */
+ auth_user = auth_server(f_in, f_out, i, host, addr, "@RSYNCD: AUTHREQD ");
+ if (!auth_user) {
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: auth failed on module %s\n", name);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ set_env_str("RSYNC_USER_NAME", auth_user);
+ module_id = i;
+ if (lp_transfer_logging(module_id) && !logfile_format)
+ logfile_format = lp_log_format(module_id);
+ if (log_format_has(logfile_format, 'i'))
+ logfile_format_has_i = 1;
+ if (logfile_format_has_i || log_format_has(logfile_format, 'o'))
+ logfile_format_has_o_or_i = 1;
+ uid = MY_UID();
+ am_root = (uid == ROOT_UID);
+ p = *lp_uid(module_id) ? lp_uid(module_id) : am_root ? NOBODY_USER : NULL;
+ if (p) {
+ if (!user_to_uid(p, &uid, True)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Invalid uid %s\n", p);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: invalid uid %s\n", p);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ set_uid = 1;
+ } else
+ set_uid = 0;
+ p = *lp_gid(module_id) ? conf_strtok(lp_gid(module_id)) : NULL;
+ if (p) {
+ /* The "*" gid must be the first item in the list. */
+ if (strcmp(p, "*") == 0) {
+ if (want_all_groups(f_out, uid) < 0)
+ return -1;
+#elif defined HAVE_INITGROUPS
+ if ((pw = want_all_groups(f_out, uid)) == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ rprintf(FLOG, "This rsync does not support a gid of \"*\"\n");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: invalid gid setting.\n");
+ return -1;
+ } else if (add_a_group(f_out, p) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ while ((p = conf_strtok(NULL)) != NULL) {
+ if (pw) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "This rsync cannot add groups after \"*\".\n");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: invalid gid setting.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (add_a_group(f_out, p) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (am_root) {
+ if (add_a_group(f_out, NOBODY_GROUP) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ module_dir = lp_path(module_id);
+ if (*module_dir == '\0') {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "No path specified for module %s\n", name);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: no path setting.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (use_chroot < 0) {
+ if (strstr(module_dir, "/./") != NULL)
+ use_chroot = 1; /* The module is expecting a chroot inner & outer path. */
+ else if (chroot("/") < 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "chroot test failed: %s. "
+ "Switching 'use chroot' from unset to false.\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ use_chroot = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (chdir("/") < 0)
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "chdir(\"/\") failed");
+ use_chroot = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (use_chroot) {
+ if ((p = strstr(module_dir, "/./")) != NULL) {
+ *p = '\0'; /* Temporary... */
+ if (!(module_chdir = normalize_path(module_dir, True, NULL)))
+ return path_failure(f_out, module_dir, False);
+ *p = '/';
+ if (!(p = normalize_path(p + 2, True, &module_dirlen)))
+ return path_failure(f_out, strstr(module_dir, "/./"), False);
+ if (!(full_module_path = normalize_path(module_dir, False, NULL)))
+ full_module_path = module_dir;
+ module_dir = p;
+ } else {
+ if (!(module_chdir = normalize_path(module_dir, False, NULL)))
+ return path_failure(f_out, module_dir, False);
+ full_module_path = module_chdir;
+ module_dir = "/";
+ module_dirlen = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!(module_chdir = normalize_path(module_dir, False, &module_dirlen)))
+ return path_failure(f_out, module_dir, False);
+ full_module_path = module_dir = module_chdir;
+ }
+ set_env_str("RSYNC_MODULE_PATH", full_module_path);
+ if (module_dirlen == 1) {
+ module_dirlen = 0;
+ set_filter_dir("/", 1);
+ } else
+ set_filter_dir(module_dir, module_dirlen);
+ p = lp_filter(module_id);
+ parse_filter_str(&daemon_filter_list, p, rule_template(FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT),
+ p = lp_include_from(module_id);
+ parse_filter_file(&daemon_filter_list, p, rule_template(FILTRULE_INCLUDE),
+ p = lp_include(module_id);
+ parse_filter_str(&daemon_filter_list, p,
+ p = lp_exclude_from(module_id);
+ parse_filter_file(&daemon_filter_list, p, rule_template(0),
+ p = lp_exclude(module_id);
+ parse_filter_str(&daemon_filter_list, p, rule_template(FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT),
+ log_init(1);
+#if defined HAVE_SETENV || defined HAVE_PUTENV
+ if ((*lp_early_exec(module_id) || *lp_prexfer_exec(module_id)
+ || *lp_postxfer_exec(module_id) || *lp_name_converter(module_id))
+ && !getenv("RSYNC_NO_XFER_EXEC")) {
+ set_env_num("RSYNC_PID", (long)getpid());
+ /* For post-xfer exec, fork a new process to run the rsync
+ * daemon while this process waits for the exit status and
+ * runs the indicated command at that point. */
+ if (*lp_postxfer_exec(module_id)) {
+ pid_t pid = fork();
+ if (pid < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "fork failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: fork failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (pid) {
+ int status;
+ close(f_in);
+ if (f_out != f_in)
+ close(f_out);
+ if (wait_process(pid, &status, 0) < 0)
+ status = -1;
+ set_env_num("RSYNC_RAW_STATUS", status);
+ if (WIFEXITED(status))
+ status = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ else
+ status = -1;
+ set_env_num("RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS", status);
+ if (shell_exec(lp_postxfer_exec(module_id)) < 0)
+ status = -1;
+ _exit(status);
+ }
+ }
+ /* For early exec, fork a child process to run the indicated
+ * command and wait for it to exit. */
+ if (*lp_early_exec(module_id)) {
+ int arg_fd;
+ pid_t pid = start_pre_exec(lp_early_exec(module_id), &arg_fd, NULL);
+ if (pid == (pid_t)-1) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "early exec preparation failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: early exec preparation failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ write_pre_exec_args(arg_fd, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
+ if (finish_pre_exec("early exec", pid, -1) != NULL) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "early exec failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: early exec failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* For pre-xfer exec, fork a child process to run the indicated
+ * command, though it first waits for the parent process to
+ * send us the user's request via a pipe. */
+ if (*lp_prexfer_exec(module_id)) {
+ pre_exec_pid = start_pre_exec(lp_prexfer_exec(module_id), &pre_exec_arg_fd, &pre_exec_error_fd);
+ if (pre_exec_pid == (pid_t)-1) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "pre-xfer exec preparation failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: pre-xfer exec preparation failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*lp_name_converter(module_id)) {
+ namecvt_pid = start_pre_exec(lp_name_converter(module_id), &namecvt_fd_req, &namecvt_fd_ans);
+ if (namecvt_pid == (pid_t)-1) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "name-converter exec preparation failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: name-converter exec preparation failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (early_input) {
+ free(early_input);
+ early_input = NULL;
+ }
+ if (use_chroot) {
+ if (chroot(module_chdir)) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "chroot(\"%s\") failed", module_chdir);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: chroot failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ module_chdir = module_dir;
+ }
+ if (!change_dir(module_chdir, CD_NORMAL))
+ return path_failure(f_out, module_chdir, True);
+ if (module_dirlen)
+ sanitize_paths = 1;
+ if ((munge_symlinks = lp_munge_symlinks(module_id)) < 0)
+ munge_symlinks = !use_chroot || module_dirlen;
+ if (munge_symlinks) {
+ char prefix[SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN]; /* NOT +1 ! */
+ strlcpy(prefix, SYMLINK_PREFIX, sizeof prefix); /* trim the trailing slash */
+ if (do_stat(prefix, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Symlink munging is unsafe when a %s directory exists.\n",
+ prefix);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: daemon security issue -- contact admin\n", name);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ }
+ if (gid_list.count) {
+ gid_t *gid_array = gid_list.items;
+ if (setgid(gid_array[0])) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "setgid %ld failed", (long)gid_array[0]);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: setgid failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Set the group(s) we want to be active. */
+ if (setgroups(gid_list.count, gid_array)) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "setgroups failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: setgroups failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* pw is set if the user wants all the user's groups. */
+ if (pw && initgroups(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "initgroups failed");
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: initgroups failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ our_gid = MY_GID();
+ }
+ if (set_uid) {
+ if (setuid(uid) < 0
+ || seteuid(uid) < 0
+ ) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "setuid %ld failed", (long)uid);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: setuid failed\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ our_uid = MY_UID();
+ am_root = (our_uid == ROOT_UID);
+ }
+ if (lp_temp_dir(module_id) && *lp_temp_dir(module_id)) {
+ tmpdir = lp_temp_dir(module_id);
+ if (strlen(tmpdir) >= MAXPATHLEN - 10) {
+ rprintf(FLOG,
+ "the 'temp dir' value for %s is WAY too long -- ignoring.\n",
+ name);
+ tmpdir = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ io_printf(f_out, "@RSYNCD: OK\n");
+ read_args(f_in, name, line, sizeof line, rl_nulls, &argv, &argc, &request);
+ orig_argv = argv;
+ save_munge_symlinks = munge_symlinks;
+ reset_output_levels(); /* future verbosity is controlled by client options */
+ ret = parse_arguments(&argc, (const char ***) &argv);
+ if (protect_args && ret) {
+ orig_early_argv = orig_argv;
+ protect_args = 2;
+ read_args(f_in, name, line, sizeof line, 1, &argv, &argc, &request);
+ orig_argv = argv;
+ ret = parse_arguments(&argc, (const char ***) &argv);
+ } else
+ orig_early_argv = NULL;
+ /* The default is to use the user's setting unless the module sets True or False. */
+ if (lp_open_noatime(module_id) >= 0)
+ open_noatime = lp_open_noatime(module_id);
+ munge_symlinks = save_munge_symlinks; /* The client mustn't control this. */
+ if (am_daemon > 0)
+ msgs2stderr = 0; /* A non-rsh-run daemon doesn't have stderr for msgs. */
+ if (pre_exec_pid) {
+ write_pre_exec_args(pre_exec_arg_fd, request, orig_early_argv, orig_argv, 0);
+ err_msg = finish_pre_exec("pre-xfer exec", pre_exec_pid, pre_exec_error_fd);
+ }
+ if (namecvt_pid)
+ write_pre_exec_args(namecvt_fd_req, request, orig_early_argv, orig_argv, 2);
+ if (orig_early_argv)
+ free(orig_early_argv);
+ am_server = 1; /* Don't let someone try to be tricky. */
+ quiet = 0;
+ if (lp_ignore_errors(module_id))
+ ignore_errors = 1;
+ if (write_batch < 0)
+ dry_run = 1;
+ if (lp_fake_super(module_id)) {
+ if (preserve_xattrs > 1)
+ preserve_xattrs = 1;
+ am_root = -1;
+ } else if (am_root < 0) /* Treat --fake-super from client as --super. */
+ am_root = 2;
+ if (filesfrom_fd == 0)
+ filesfrom_fd = f_in;
+ if (request) {
+ if (*auth_user) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "rsync %s %s from %s@%s (%s)\n",
+ am_sender ? "on" : "to",
+ request, auth_user, host, addr);
+ } else {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "rsync %s %s from %s (%s)\n",
+ am_sender ? "on" : "to",
+ request, host, addr);
+ }
+ free(request);
+ }
+#ifndef DEBUG
+ /* don't allow the logs to be flooded too fast */
+ limit_output_verbosity(lp_max_verbosity(module_id));
+ if (protocol_version < 23 && (protocol_version == 22 || am_sender))
+ io_start_multiplex_out(f_out);
+ else if (!ret || err_msg) {
+ /* We have to get I/O multiplexing started so that we can
+ * get the error back to the client. This means getting
+ * the protocol setup finished first in later versions. */
+ setup_protocol(f_out, f_in);
+ if (!am_sender) {
+ /* Since we failed in our option parsing, we may not
+ * have finished parsing that the client sent us a
+ * --files-from option, so look for it manually.
+ * Without this, the socket would be in the wrong
+ * state for the upcoming error message. */
+ if (!files_from) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (strncmp(argv[i], "--files-from", 12) == 0) {
+ files_from = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (files_from)
+ write_byte(f_out, 0);
+ }
+ io_start_multiplex_out(f_out);
+ }
+ if (!ret || err_msg) {
+ if (err_msg) {
+ while ((p = strchr(err_msg, '\n')) != NULL) {
+ int len = p - err_msg + 1;
+ rwrite(FERROR, err_msg, len, 0);
+ err_msg += len;
+ }
+ if (*err_msg)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "%s\n", err_msg);
+ io_flush(MSG_FLUSH);
+ } else
+ option_error();
+ msleep(400);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if (!iconv_opt) {
+ if (ic_send != (iconv_t)-1) {
+ iconv_close(ic_send);
+ ic_send = (iconv_t)-1;
+ }
+ if (ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1) {
+ iconv_close(ic_recv);
+ ic_recv = (iconv_t)-1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!numeric_ids
+ && (use_chroot ? lp_numeric_ids(module_id) != False && !*lp_name_converter(module_id)
+ : lp_numeric_ids(module_id) == True))
+ numeric_ids = -1; /* Set --numeric-ids w/o breaking protocol. */
+ if (lp_timeout(module_id) && (!io_timeout || lp_timeout(module_id) < io_timeout))
+ set_io_timeout(lp_timeout(module_id));
+ /* If we have some incoming/outgoing chmod changes, append them to
+ * any user-specified changes (making our changes have priority).
+ * We also get a pointer to just our changes so that a receiver
+ * process can use them separately if --perms wasn't specified. */
+ if (am_sender)
+ p = lp_outgoing_chmod(module_id);
+ else
+ p = lp_incoming_chmod(module_id);
+ if (*p && !(daemon_chmod_modes = parse_chmod(p, &chmod_modes))) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Invalid \"%sing chmod\" directive: %s\n",
+ am_sender ? "outgo" : "incom", p);
+ }
+ start_server(f_in, f_out, argc, argv);
+ return 0;
+BOOL namecvt_call(const char *cmd, const char **name_p, id_t *id_p)
+ char buf[1024];
+ int got, len;
+ if (*name_p)
+ len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s %s\n", cmd, *name_p);
+ else
+ len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s %ld\n", cmd, (long)*id_p);
+ if (len >= (int)sizeof buf) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "namecvt_call() request was too large.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ while ((got = write(namecvt_fd_req, buf, len)) != len) {
+ if (got < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Connection to name-converter failed.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ }
+ if (!read_line_old(namecvt_fd_ans, buf, sizeof buf, 0))
+ return False;
+ if (*name_p)
+ *id_p = (id_t)atol(buf);
+ else
+ *name_p = strdup(buf);
+ return True;
+/* send a list of available modules to the client. Don't list those
+ with "list = False". */
+static void send_listing(int fd)
+ int n = lp_num_modules();
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (lp_list(i))
+ io_printf(fd, "%-15s\t%s\n", lp_name(i), lp_comment(i));
+ }
+ if (protocol_version >= 25)
+ io_printf(fd,"@RSYNCD: EXIT\n");
+static int load_config(int globals_only)
+ if (!config_file) {
+ if (am_daemon < 0 && am_root <= 0)
+ config_file = RSYNCD_USERCONF;
+ else
+ config_file = RSYNCD_SYSCONF;
+ }
+ return lp_load(config_file, globals_only);
+/* this is called when a connection is established to a client
+ and we want to start talking. The setup of the system is done from
+ here */
+int start_daemon(int f_in, int f_out)
+ char line[1024];
+ const char *addr, *host;
+ char *p;
+ int i;
+ /* At this point, am_server is only set for a daemon started via rsh.
+ * Because am_server gets forced on soon, we'll set am_daemon to -1 as
+ * a flag that can be checked later on to distinguish a normal daemon
+ * from an rsh-run daemon. */
+ if (am_server)
+ am_daemon = -1;
+ io_set_sock_fds(f_in, f_out);
+ /* We must load the config file before calling any function that
+ * might cause log-file output to occur. This ensures that the
+ * "log file" param gets honored for the 2 non-forked use-cases
+ * (when rsync is run by init and run by a remote shell). */
+ if (!load_config(0))
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ if (lp_proxy_protocol() && !read_proxy_protocol_header(f_in))
+ return -1;
+ p = lp_daemon_chroot();
+ if (*p) {
+ log_init(0); /* Make use we've initialized syslog before chrooting. */
+ if (chroot(p) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "daemon chroot(\"%s\") failed", p);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (chdir("/") < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "daemon chdir(\"/\") failed");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ p = lp_daemon_gid();
+ if (*p) {
+ gid_t gid;
+ if (!group_to_gid(p, &gid, True)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Invalid daemon gid: %s\n", p);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (setgid(gid) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "Unable to set group to daemon gid %ld", (long)gid);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ our_gid = MY_GID();
+ }
+ p = lp_daemon_uid();
+ if (*p) {
+ uid_t uid;
+ if (!user_to_uid(p, &uid, True)) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Invalid daemon uid: %s\n", p);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (setuid(uid) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "Unable to set user to daemon uid %ld", (long)uid);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ our_uid = MY_UID();
+ am_root = (our_uid == ROOT_UID);
+ }
+ addr = client_addr(f_in);
+ host = lp_reverse_lookup(-1) ? client_name(addr) : undetermined_hostname;
+ rprintf(FLOG, "connect from %s (%s)\n", host, addr);
+ if (am_daemon > 0) {
+ set_socket_options(f_in, "SO_KEEPALIVE");
+ set_nonblocking(f_in);
+ }
+ if (exchange_protocols(f_in, f_out, line, sizeof line, 0) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ line[0] = 0;
+ if (!read_line_old(f_in, line, sizeof line, 0))
+ return -1;
+ if (strncmp(line, EARLY_INPUT_CMD, EARLY_INPUT_CMDLEN) == 0) {
+ early_input_len = strtol(line + EARLY_INPUT_CMDLEN, NULL, 10);
+ if (early_input_len <= 0 || early_input_len > BIGPATHBUFLEN) {
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: invalid early_input length\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ early_input = new_array(char, early_input_len);
+ read_buf(f_in, early_input, early_input_len);
+ if (!read_line_old(f_in, line, sizeof line, 0))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!*line || strcmp(line, "#list") == 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "module-list request from %s (%s)\n",
+ host, addr);
+ send_listing(f_out);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (*line == '#') {
+ /* it's some sort of command that I don't understand */
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: Unknown command '%s'\n", line);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((i = lp_number(line)) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "unknown module '%s' tried from %s (%s)\n",
+ line, host, addr);
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: Unknown module '%s'\n", line);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ sigact.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;
+ SIGACTION(SIGCHLD, remember_children);
+ return rsync_module(f_in, f_out, i, addr, host);
+static void create_pid_file(void)
+ char *pid_file = lp_pid_file();
+ char pidbuf[32];
+ STRUCT_STAT st1, st2;
+ char *fail = NULL;
+ if (!pid_file || !*pid_file)
+ return;
+#ifdef O_NOFOLLOW
+ /* These tests make sure that a temp-style lock dir is handled safely. */
+ st1.st_mode = 0;
+ if (do_lstat(pid_file, &st1) == 0 && !S_ISREG(st1.st_mode) && unlink(pid_file) < 0)
+ fail = "unlink";
+ else if ((pid_file_fd = do_open(pid_file, O_RDWR|SAFE_OPEN_FLAGS, 0664)) < 0)
+ fail = S_ISREG(st1.st_mode) ? "open" : "create";
+ else if (!lock_range(pid_file_fd, 0, 4))
+ fail = "lock";
+ else if (do_fstat(pid_file_fd, &st1) < 0)
+ fail = "fstat opened";
+ else if (st1.st_size > (int)sizeof pidbuf)
+ fail = "find small";
+ else if (do_lstat(pid_file, &st2) < 0)
+ fail = "lstat";
+ else if (!S_ISREG(st1.st_mode))
+ fail = "avoid file overwrite race for";
+ else if (st1.st_dev != st2.st_dev || st1.st_ino != st2.st_ino)
+ fail = "verify stat info for";
+ else if (do_ftruncate(pid_file_fd, 0) < 0)
+ fail = "truncate";
+ else {
+ pid_t pid = getpid();
+ int len = snprintf(pidbuf, sizeof pidbuf, "%d\n", (int)pid);
+ /* What can we do with a too-long file and no truncate? I guess we'll add extra newlines. */
+ while (len < st1.st_size) /* We already verified that st_size chars fits in the buffer. */
+ pidbuf[len++] = '\n';
+ /* We don't need the buffer to end in a '\0' (and we may not have room to add it). */
+ if (write(pid_file_fd, pidbuf, len) != len)
+ fail = "write";
+ cleanup_set_pid(pid); /* Mark the file for removal on exit, even if the write failed. */
+ }
+ if (fail) {
+ char msg[1024];
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof msg, "failed to %s pid file %s: %s\n",
+ fail, pid_file, strerror(errno));
+ fputs(msg, stderr);
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s", msg);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ /* The file is left open so that the lock remains valid. It is closed in our forked child procs. */
+/* Become a daemon, discarding the controlling terminal. */
+static void become_daemon(void)
+ int i;
+ pid_t pid = fork();
+ if (pid) {
+ if (pid < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to fork: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ _exit(0);
+ }
+ create_pid_file();
+ /* detach from the terminal */
+ setsid();
+#elif defined TIOCNOTTY
+ i = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ ioctl(i, (int)TIOCNOTTY, (char *)0);
+ close(i);
+ }
+ /* make sure that stdin, stdout an stderr don't stuff things
+ * up (library functions, for example) */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ close(i);
+ open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
+ }
+int daemon_main(void)
+ if (is_a_socket(STDIN_FILENO)) {
+ int i;
+ /* we are running via inetd - close off stdout and
+ * stderr so that library functions (and getopt) don't
+ * try to use them. Redirect them to /dev/null */
+ for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
+ close(i);
+ open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
+ }
+ return start_daemon(STDIN_FILENO, STDIN_FILENO);
+ }
+ if (!load_config(1)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse config file: %s\n", config_file);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ set_dparams(0);
+ if (no_detach)
+ create_pid_file();
+ else
+ become_daemon();
+ if (rsync_port == 0 && (rsync_port = lp_rsync_port()) == 0)
+ rsync_port = RSYNC_PORT;
+ if (bind_address == NULL && *lp_bind_address())
+ bind_address = lp_bind_address();
+ log_init(0);
+ rprintf(FLOG, "rsyncd version %s starting, listening on port %d\n",
+ rsync_version(), rsync_port);
+ /* TODO: If listening on a particular address, then show that
+ * address too. In fact, why not just do getnameinfo on the
+ * local address??? */
+ start_accept_loop(rsync_port, start_daemon);
+ return -1;
diff --git a/cmd-or-msg b/cmd-or-msg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ccf9527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd-or-msg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+srcdir=`dirname $0`
+echo "$*"
+if ! "${@}"; then
+ echo "If you can't fix the issue, re-run $srcdir/configure with --$opt."
+ exit 1
diff --git a/compat.c b/compat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a6afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+ * Compatibility routines for older rsync protocol versions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1996
+ * Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1996
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int local_server;
+extern int inplace;
+extern int recurse;
+extern int use_qsort;
+extern int allow_inc_recurse;
+extern int preallocate_files;
+extern int append_mode;
+extern int fuzzy_basis;
+extern int read_batch;
+extern int write_batch;
+extern int delay_updates;
+extern int checksum_seed;
+extern int basis_dir_cnt;
+extern int prune_empty_dirs;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int protect_args;
+extern int preserve_uid;
+extern int preserve_gid;
+extern int preserve_atimes;
+extern int preserve_crtimes;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int xfer_flags_as_varint;
+extern int need_messages_from_generator;
+extern int delete_mode, delete_before, delete_during, delete_after;
+extern int do_compression;
+extern int do_compression_level;
+extern int saw_stderr_opt;
+extern int msgs2stderr;
+extern char *shell_cmd;
+extern char *partial_dir;
+extern char *files_from;
+extern char *filesfrom_host;
+extern const char *checksum_choice;
+extern const char *compress_choice;
+extern char *daemon_auth_choices;
+extern filter_rule_list filter_list;
+extern int need_unsorted_flist;
+extern iconv_t ic_send, ic_recv;
+extern char *iconv_opt;
+extern struct name_num_obj valid_checksums, valid_auth_checksums;
+extern struct name_num_item *xfer_sum_nni;
+int remote_protocol = 0;
+int file_extra_cnt = 0; /* count of file-list extras that everyone gets */
+int inc_recurse = 0;
+int compat_flags = 0;
+int use_safe_inc_flist = 0;
+int want_xattr_optim = 0;
+int proper_seed_order = 0;
+int inplace_partial = 0;
+int do_negotiated_strings = 0;
+int xmit_id0_names = 0;
+struct name_num_item *xattr_sum_nni;
+int xattr_sum_len = 0;
+/* These index values are for the file-list's extra-attribute array. */
+int pathname_ndx, depth_ndx, atimes_ndx, crtimes_ndx, uid_ndx, gid_ndx, acls_ndx, xattrs_ndx, unsort_ndx;
+int receiver_symlink_times = 0; /* receiver can set the time on a symlink */
+int sender_symlink_iconv = 0; /* sender should convert symlink content */
+int filesfrom_convert = 0;
+#define MAX_NSTR_STRLEN 256
+struct name_num_item valid_compressions_items[] = {
+ { CPRES_ZSTD, 0, "zstd", NULL },
+#ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4
+ { CPRES_LZ4, 0, "lz4", NULL },
+ { CPRES_ZLIBX, 0, "zlibx", NULL },
+ { CPRES_ZLIB, 0, "zlib", NULL },
+ { CPRES_NONE, 0, "none", NULL },
+ { 0, 0, NULL, NULL }
+struct name_num_obj valid_compressions = {
+ "compress", NULL, 0, 0, valid_compressions_items
+#define CF_INC_RECURSE (1<<0)
+#define CF_SYMLINK_TIMES (1<<1)
+#define CF_SYMLINK_ICONV (1<<2)
+#define CF_SAFE_FLIST (1<<3)
+#define CF_AVOID_XATTR_OPTIM (1<<4)
+#define CF_CHKSUM_SEED_FIX (1<<5)
+#define CF_INPLACE_PARTIAL_DIR (1<<6)
+#define CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS (1<<7)
+#define CF_ID0_NAMES (1<<8)
+static const char *client_info;
+/* The server makes sure that if either side only supports a pre-release
+ * version of a protocol, that both sides must speak a compatible version
+ * of that protocol for it to be advertised as available. */
+static void check_sub_protocol(void)
+ char *dot;
+ int their_protocol, their_sub;
+ int our_sub = get_subprotocol_version();
+ /* client_info starts with VER.SUB string if client is a pre-release. */
+ if (!(their_protocol = atoi(client_info))
+ || !(dot = strchr(client_info, '.'))
+ || !(their_sub = atoi(dot+1))) {
+ if (our_sub)
+ protocol_version--;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (their_protocol < protocol_version) {
+ if (their_sub)
+ protocol_version = their_protocol - 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (their_protocol > protocol_version)
+ their_sub = 0; /* 0 == final version of older protocol */
+ if (their_sub != our_sub)
+ protocol_version--;
+void set_allow_inc_recurse(void)
+ if (!local_server)
+ client_info = shell_cmd ? shell_cmd : "";
+ else if (am_server) {
+ char buf[64];
+ maybe_add_e_option(buf, sizeof buf);
+ client_info = *buf ? strdup(buf+1) : ""; /* The +1 skips the leading "e". */
+ }
+ if (!recurse || use_qsort)
+ allow_inc_recurse = 0;
+ else if (!am_sender
+ && (delete_before || delete_after
+ || delay_updates || prune_empty_dirs))
+ allow_inc_recurse = 0;
+ else if (am_server && strchr(client_info, 'i') == NULL)
+ allow_inc_recurse = 0;
+void parse_compress_choice(int final_call)
+ if (valid_compressions.negotiated_nni)
+ do_compression = valid_compressions.negotiated_nni->num;
+ else if (compress_choice) {
+ struct name_num_item *nni = get_nni_by_name(&valid_compressions, compress_choice, -1);
+ if (!nni) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "unknown compress name: %s\n", compress_choice);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ do_compression = nni->num;
+ if (am_server)
+ validate_choice_vs_env(NSTR_COMPRESS, do_compression, -1);
+ } else if (do_compression)
+ do_compression = CPRES_ZLIB;
+ else
+ do_compression = CPRES_NONE;
+ if (do_compression != CPRES_NONE && final_call)
+ init_compression_level(); /* There's a chance this might turn compression off! */
+ if (do_compression == CPRES_NONE)
+ compress_choice = NULL;
+ /* Snag the compression name for both write_batch's option output & the following debug output. */
+ if (valid_compressions.negotiated_nni)
+ compress_choice = valid_compressions.negotiated_nni->name;
+ else if (compress_choice == NULL) {
+ struct name_num_item *nni = get_nni_by_num(&valid_compressions, do_compression);
+ compress_choice = nni ? nni->name : "UNKNOWN";
+ }
+ if (final_call && DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, am_server ? 3 : 1)
+ && (do_compression != CPRES_NONE || do_compression_level != CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s%s compress: %s (level %d)\n",
+ am_server ? "Server" : "Client",
+ valid_compressions.negotiated_nni ? " negotiated" : "",
+ compress_choice, do_compression_level);
+ }
+struct name_num_item *get_nni_by_name(struct name_num_obj *nno, const char *name, int len)
+ struct name_num_item *nni;
+ if (len < 0)
+ len = strlen(name);
+ for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) {
+ if (nni->num == CSUM_gone)
+ continue;
+ if (strncasecmp(name, nni->name, len) == 0 && nni->name[len] == '\0')
+ return nni;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+struct name_num_item *get_nni_by_num(struct name_num_obj *nno, int num)
+ struct name_num_item *nni;
+ for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) {
+ if (num == nni->num)
+ return nni;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void init_nno_saw(struct name_num_obj *nno, int val)
+ struct name_num_item *nni;
+ int cnt;
+ if (!nno->saw_len) {
+ for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) {
+ if (nni->num >= nno->saw_len)
+ nno->saw_len = nni->num + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!nno->saw) {
+ nno->saw = new_array0(uchar, nno->saw_len);
+ /* We'll take this opportunity to set the main_nni values for duplicates. */
+ for (cnt = 1, nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++, cnt++) {
+ if (nni->num == CSUM_gone)
+ continue;
+ if (nno->saw[nni->num])
+ nni->main_nni = &nno->list[nno->saw[nni->num]-1];
+ else
+ nno->saw[nni->num] = cnt;
+ }
+ }
+ memset(nno->saw, val, nno->saw_len);
+/* Simplify the user-provided string so that it contains valid names without any duplicates.
+ * It also sets the "saw" flags to a 1-relative count of which name was seen first. */
+static int parse_nni_str(struct name_num_obj *nno, const char *from, char *tobuf, int tobuf_len)
+ char *to = tobuf, *tok = NULL;
+ int saw_tok = 0, cnt = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ int at_space = isSpace(from);
+ char ch = *from++;
+ if (ch == '&')
+ ch = '\0';
+ if (!ch || at_space) {
+ if (tok) {
+ struct name_num_item *nni = get_nni_by_name(nno, tok, to - tok);
+ if (nni && !nno->saw[nni->num]) {
+ nno->saw[nni->num] = ++cnt;
+ if (nni->main_nni) {
+ to = tok + strlcpy(tok, nni->main_nni->name, tobuf_len - (tok - tobuf));
+ if (to - tobuf >= tobuf_len) {
+ to = tok - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ to = tok - (tok != tobuf);
+ saw_tok = 1;
+ tok = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!ch)
+ break;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!tok) {
+ if (to != tobuf)
+ *to++ = ' ';
+ tok = to;
+ }
+ if (to - tobuf >= tobuf_len - 1) {
+ to = tok - (tok != tobuf);
+ break;
+ }
+ *to++ = ch;
+ }
+ *to = '\0';
+ if (saw_tok && to == tobuf)
+ return strlcpy(tobuf, "INVALID", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ return to - tobuf;
+static int parse_negotiate_str(struct name_num_obj *nno, char *tmpbuf)
+ struct name_num_item *nni, *ret = NULL;
+ int best = nno->saw_len; /* We want best == 1 from the client list, so start with a big number. */
+ char *space, *tok = tmpbuf;
+ while (tok) {
+ while (*tok == ' ') tok++; /* Should be unneeded... */
+ if (!*tok)
+ break;
+ if ((space = strchr(tok, ' ')) != NULL)
+ *space = '\0';
+ nni = get_nni_by_name(nno, tok, -1);
+ if (space) {
+ *space = ' ';
+ tok = space + 1;
+ } else
+ tok = NULL;
+ if (!nni || !nno->saw[nni->num] || best <= nno->saw[nni->num])
+ continue;
+ ret = nni;
+ best = nno->saw[nni->num];
+ if (best == 1 || am_server) /* The server side stops at the first acceptable client choice */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret) {
+ free(nno->saw);
+ nno->saw = NULL;
+ nno->negotiated_nni = ret->main_nni ? ret->main_nni : ret;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* This routine is always called with a tmpbuf of MAX_NSTR_STRLEN length, but the
+ * buffer may be pre-populated with a "len" length string to use OR a len of -1
+ * to tell us to read a string from the fd. */
+static void recv_negotiate_str(int f_in, struct name_num_obj *nno, char *tmpbuf, int len)
+ if (len < 0)
+ len = read_vstring(f_in, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, am_server ? 3 : 2)) {
+ if (am_server)
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Client %s list (on server): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf);
+ else
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Server %s list (on client): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf);
+ }
+ if (len > 0 && parse_negotiate_str(nno, tmpbuf))
+ return;
+ if (!am_server || !do_negotiated_strings) {
+ char *cp = tmpbuf;
+ int j;
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Failed to negotiate a %s choice.\n", nno->type);
+ rprintf(FERROR, "%s list: %s\n", am_server ? "Client" : "Server", tmpbuf);
+ /* Recreate our original list from the saw values. This can't overflow our huge
+ * buffer because we don't have enough valid entries to get anywhere close. */
+ for (j = 1, *cp = '\0'; j <= nno->saw_len; j++) {
+ struct name_num_item *nni;
+ for (nni = nno->list; nni->name; nni++) {
+ if (nno->saw[nni->num] == j) {
+ *cp++ = ' ';
+ cp += strlcpy(cp, nni->name, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN - (cp - tmpbuf));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!*tmpbuf)
+ strlcpy(cp, " INVALID", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ rprintf(FERROR, "%s list:%s\n", am_server ? "Server" : "Client", tmpbuf);
+ }
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+static const char *getenv_nstr(int ntype)
+ const char *env_str = getenv(ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? "RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST" : "RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST");
+ /* When writing a batch file, we always negotiate an old-style choice. */
+ if (write_batch)
+ env_str = ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? "zlib" : protocol_version >= 30 ? "md5" : "md4";
+ if (am_server && env_str) {
+ char *cp = strchr(env_str, '&');
+ if (cp)
+ env_str = cp + 1;
+ }
+ return env_str;
+void validate_choice_vs_env(int ntype, int num1, int num2)
+ struct name_num_obj *nno = ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? &valid_compressions : &valid_checksums;
+ const char *list_str = getenv_nstr(ntype);
+ char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN];
+ if (!list_str)
+ return;
+ while (isSpace(list_str)) list_str++;
+ if (!*list_str)
+ return;
+ init_nno_saw(nno, 0);
+ parse_nni_str(nno, list_str, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ if (ntype == NSTR_CHECKSUM) /* If "md4" is in the env list, all the old MD4 choices are OK too. */
+ nno->saw[CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC] = nno->saw[CSUM_MD4_BUSTED] = nno->saw[CSUM_MD4_OLD] = nno->saw[CSUM_MD4];
+ if (!nno->saw[num1] || (num2 >= 0 && !nno->saw[num2])) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Your --%s-choice value (%s) was refused by the server.\n",
+ ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? "compress" : "checksum",
+ ntype == NSTR_COMPRESS ? compress_choice : checksum_choice);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ free(nno->saw);
+ nno->saw = NULL;
+/* The saw buffer is initialized and used to store ordinal values from 1 to N
+ * for the order of the args in the array. If dup_markup == '\0', duplicates
+ * are removed otherwise the char is prefixed to the duplicate term and, if it
+ * is an opening paren/bracket/brace, the matching closing char is suffixed.
+ * "none" is removed on the client side unless dup_markup != '\0'. */
+int get_default_nno_list(struct name_num_obj *nno, char *to_buf, int to_buf_len, char dup_markup)
+ struct name_num_item *nni;
+ int len = 0, cnt = 0;
+ char delim = '\0', post_delim;
+ switch (dup_markup) {
+ case '(': post_delim = ')'; break;
+ case '[': post_delim = ']'; break;
+ case '{': post_delim = '}'; break;
+ default: post_delim = '\0'; break;
+ }
+ init_nno_saw(nno, 0);
+ for (nni = nno->list, len = 0; nni->name; nni++) {
+ if (nni->num == CSUM_gone)
+ continue;
+ if (nni->main_nni) {
+ if (!dup_markup || nni->main_nni->num == CSUM_gone)
+ continue;
+ delim = dup_markup;
+ }
+ if (nni->num == 0 && !am_server && !dup_markup)
+ continue;
+ if (len)
+ to_buf[len++]= ' ';
+ if (delim) {
+ to_buf[len++]= delim;
+ delim = post_delim;
+ }
+ len += strlcpy(to_buf+len, nni->name, to_buf_len - len);
+ if (len >= to_buf_len - 3)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); /* IMPOSSIBLE... */
+ if (delim) {
+ to_buf[len++]= delim;
+ delim = '\0';
+ }
+ nno->saw[nni->num] = ++cnt;
+ }
+ return len;
+static void send_negotiate_str(int f_out, struct name_num_obj *nno, int ntype)
+ char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN];
+ const char *list_str = getenv_nstr(ntype);
+ int len;
+ if (list_str && *list_str) {
+ init_nno_saw(nno, 0);
+ len = parse_nni_str(nno, list_str, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ list_str = tmpbuf;
+ } else
+ list_str = NULL;
+ if (!list_str || !*list_str)
+ len = get_default_nno_list(nno, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN, '\0');
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, am_server ? 3 : 2)) {
+ if (am_server)
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Server %s list (on server): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf);
+ else
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Client %s list (on client): %s\n", nno->type, tmpbuf);
+ }
+ /* Each side sends their list of valid names to the other side and then both sides
+ * pick the first name in the client's list that is also in the server's list. */
+ if (do_negotiated_strings)
+ write_vstring(f_out, tmpbuf, len);
+static void negotiate_the_strings(int f_in, int f_out)
+ /* We send all the negotiation strings before we start to read them to help avoid a slow startup. */
+ init_checksum_choices();
+ if (!checksum_choice)
+ send_negotiate_str(f_out, &valid_checksums, NSTR_CHECKSUM);
+ if (do_compression && !compress_choice)
+ send_negotiate_str(f_out, &valid_compressions, NSTR_COMPRESS);
+ if (valid_checksums.saw) {
+ char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN];
+ int len;
+ if (do_negotiated_strings)
+ len = -1;
+ else
+ len = strlcpy(tmpbuf, protocol_version >= 30 ? "md5" : "md4", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ recv_negotiate_str(f_in, &valid_checksums, tmpbuf, len);
+ }
+ if (valid_compressions.saw) {
+ char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN];
+ int len;
+ if (do_negotiated_strings)
+ len = -1;
+ else
+ len = strlcpy(tmpbuf, "zlib", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ recv_negotiate_str(f_in, &valid_compressions, tmpbuf, len);
+ }
+ /* If the other side is too old to negotiate, the above steps just made sure that
+ * the env didn't disallow the old algorithm. Mark things as non-negotiated. */
+ if (!do_negotiated_strings)
+ valid_checksums.negotiated_nni = valid_compressions.negotiated_nni = NULL;
+void setup_protocol(int f_out,int f_in)
+ assert(file_extra_cnt == 0);
+ assert(EXTRA64_CNT == 2 || EXTRA64_CNT == 1);
+ /* All int64 values must be set first so that they are guaranteed to be
+ * aligned for direct int64-pointer memory access. */
+ if (preserve_atimes)
+ atimes_ndx = (file_extra_cnt += EXTRA64_CNT);
+ if (preserve_crtimes)
+ crtimes_ndx = (file_extra_cnt += EXTRA64_CNT);
+ if (am_sender) /* This is most likely in the file_extras64 union as well. */
+ pathname_ndx = (file_extra_cnt += PTR_EXTRA_CNT);
+ else
+ depth_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt;
+ if (preserve_uid)
+ uid_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt;
+ if (preserve_gid)
+ gid_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt;
+ if (preserve_acls && !am_sender)
+ acls_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt;
+ if (preserve_xattrs)
+ xattrs_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt;
+ if (am_server)
+ set_allow_inc_recurse();
+ if (remote_protocol == 0) {
+ if (am_server && !local_server)
+ check_sub_protocol();
+ if (!read_batch)
+ write_int(f_out, protocol_version);
+ remote_protocol = read_int(f_in);
+ if (protocol_version > remote_protocol)
+ protocol_version = remote_protocol;
+ }
+ if (read_batch && remote_protocol > protocol_version) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "The protocol version in the batch file is too new (%d > %d).\n",
+ remote_protocol, protocol_version);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(PROTO, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "(%s) Protocol versions: remote=%d, negotiated=%d\n",
+ am_server? "Server" : "Client", remote_protocol, protocol_version);
+ }
+ if (remote_protocol < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION
+ || remote_protocol > MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,"protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?\n");
+ rprintf(FERROR,"(see the rsync manpage for an explanation)\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (remote_protocol < OLD_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,"%s is very old version of rsync, upgrade recommended.\n",
+ am_server? "Client" : "Server");
+ }
+ if (protocol_version < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "--protocol must be at least %d on the %s.\n",
+ MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION, am_server? "Server" : "Client");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (protocol_version > PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "--protocol must be no more than %d on the %s.\n",
+ PROTOCOL_VERSION, am_server? "Server" : "Client");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (read_batch)
+ check_batch_flags();
+ if (!saw_stderr_opt && protocol_version <= 28 && am_server)
+ msgs2stderr = 0; /* The client side may not have stderr setup for us. */
+ if (preallocate_files && !am_sender) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "preallocation is not supported on this %s\n",
+ am_server ? "Server" : "Client");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (protocol_version < 30) {
+ if (append_mode == 1)
+ append_mode = 2;
+ if (preserve_acls && !local_server) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--acls requires protocol 30 or higher"
+ " (negotiated %d).\n",
+ protocol_version);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs && !local_server) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--xattrs requires protocol 30 or higher"
+ " (negotiated %d).\n",
+ protocol_version);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (delete_mode && !(delete_before+delete_during+delete_after)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ delete_before = 1;
+ else
+ delete_during = 1;
+ }
+ if (protocol_version < 29) {
+ if (fuzzy_basis) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--fuzzy requires protocol 29 or higher"
+ " (negotiated %d).\n",
+ protocol_version);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (basis_dir_cnt && inplace) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "%s with --inplace requires protocol 29 or higher"
+ " (negotiated %d).\n",
+ alt_dest_opt(0), protocol_version);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (basis_dir_cnt > 1) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "Using more than one %s option requires protocol"
+ " 29 or higher (negotiated %d).\n",
+ alt_dest_opt(0), protocol_version);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (prune_empty_dirs) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--prune-empty-dirs requires protocol 29 or higher"
+ " (negotiated %d).\n",
+ protocol_version);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ } else if (protocol_version >= 30) {
+ if (am_server) {
+ compat_flags = allow_inc_recurse ? CF_INC_RECURSE : 0;
+ compat_flags |= CF_SYMLINK_TIMES;
+ compat_flags |= CF_SYMLINK_ICONV;
+ if (strchr(client_info, 'f') != NULL)
+ compat_flags |= CF_SAFE_FLIST;
+ if (strchr(client_info, 'x') != NULL)
+ compat_flags |= CF_AVOID_XATTR_OPTIM;
+ if (strchr(client_info, 'C') != NULL)
+ compat_flags |= CF_CHKSUM_SEED_FIX;
+ if (strchr(client_info, 'I') != NULL)
+ compat_flags |= CF_INPLACE_PARTIAL_DIR;
+ if (strchr(client_info, 'u') != NULL)
+ compat_flags |= CF_ID0_NAMES;
+ if (strchr(client_info, 'v') != NULL) {
+ do_negotiated_strings = 1;
+ compat_flags |= CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS;
+ }
+ if (strchr(client_info, 'V') != NULL) { /* Support a pre-release 'V' that got superseded */
+ if (!write_batch)
+ compat_flags |= CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS;
+ write_byte(f_out, compat_flags);
+ } else
+ write_varint(f_out, compat_flags);
+ } else { /* read_varint() is compatible with the older write_byte() when the 0x80 bit isn't on. */
+ compat_flags = read_varint(f_in);
+ if (compat_flags & CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS)
+ do_negotiated_strings = 1;
+ }
+ /* The inc_recurse var MUST be set to 0 or 1. */
+ inc_recurse = compat_flags & CF_INC_RECURSE ? 1 : 0;
+ want_xattr_optim = protocol_version >= 31 && !(compat_flags & CF_AVOID_XATTR_OPTIM);
+ proper_seed_order = compat_flags & CF_CHKSUM_SEED_FIX ? 1 : 0;
+ xfer_flags_as_varint = compat_flags & CF_VARINT_FLIST_FLAGS ? 1 : 0;
+ xmit_id0_names = compat_flags & CF_ID0_NAMES ? 1 : 0;
+ if (!xfer_flags_as_varint && preserve_crtimes) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Both rsync versions must be at least 3.2.0 for --crtimes.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (am_sender) {
+ receiver_symlink_times = am_server
+ ? strchr(client_info, 'L') != NULL
+ : !!(compat_flags & CF_SYMLINK_TIMES);
+ }
+ else
+ receiver_symlink_times = 1;
+ sender_symlink_iconv = iconv_opt && (am_server
+ ? strchr(client_info, 's') != NULL
+ : !!(compat_flags & CF_SYMLINK_ICONV));
+ if (inc_recurse && !allow_inc_recurse) {
+ /* This should only be able to happen in a batch. */
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Incompatible options specified for inc-recursive %s.\n",
+ read_batch ? "batch file" : "connection");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ use_safe_inc_flist = (compat_flags & CF_SAFE_FLIST) || protocol_version >= 31;
+ need_messages_from_generator = 1;
+ if (compat_flags & CF_INPLACE_PARTIAL_DIR)
+ inplace_partial = 1;
+ } else if (!am_sender) {
+ receiver_symlink_times = 1;
+ }
+ if (read_batch)
+ do_negotiated_strings = 0;
+ if (need_unsorted_flist && (!am_sender || inc_recurse))
+ unsort_ndx = ++file_extra_cnt;
+ if (partial_dir && *partial_dir != '/' && (!am_server || local_server)) {
+ if (!am_sender || protocol_version >= 30)
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, partial_dir, rule_template(rflags), 0);
+ }
+ if (protect_args && files_from) {
+ if (am_sender)
+ filesfrom_convert = filesfrom_host && ic_send != (iconv_t)-1;
+ else
+ filesfrom_convert = !filesfrom_host && ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1;
+ }
+ negotiate_the_strings(f_in, f_out);
+ if (am_server) {
+ if (!checksum_seed)
+ checksum_seed = time(NULL) ^ (getpid() << 6);
+ write_int(f_out, checksum_seed);
+ } else {
+ checksum_seed = read_int(f_in);
+ }
+ parse_checksum_choice(1); /* Sets file_sum_nni & xfer_sum_nni */
+ parse_compress_choice(1); /* Sets do_compression */
+ /* TODO in the future allow this algorithm to be chosen somehow, but it can't get too
+ * long or the size starts to cause a problem in the xattr abbrev/non-abbrev code. */
+ xattr_sum_nni = parse_csum_name(NULL, 0);
+ xattr_sum_len = csum_len_for_type(xattr_sum_nni->num, 0);
+ if (write_batch && !am_server)
+ write_batch_shell_file();
+ init_flist();
+void output_daemon_greeting(int f_out, int am_client)
+ char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN];
+ int our_sub = get_subprotocol_version();
+ get_default_nno_list(&valid_auth_checksums, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN, '\0');
+ io_printf(f_out, "@RSYNCD: %d.%d %s\n", protocol_version, our_sub, tmpbuf);
+ if (am_client && DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Client %s list (on client): %s\n", valid_auth_checksums.type, tmpbuf);
+void negotiate_daemon_auth(int f_out, int am_client)
+ char tmpbuf[MAX_NSTR_STRLEN];
+ int save_am_server = am_server;
+ int md4_is_old = 0;
+ if (!am_client)
+ am_server = 1;
+ if (daemon_auth_choices)
+ strlcpy(tmpbuf, daemon_auth_choices, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ else {
+ strlcpy(tmpbuf, protocol_version >= 30 ? "md5" : "md4", MAX_NSTR_STRLEN);
+ md4_is_old = 1;
+ }
+ if (am_client) {
+ recv_negotiate_str(-1, &valid_auth_checksums, tmpbuf, strlen(tmpbuf));
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(NSTR, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Client negotiated %s: %s\n", valid_auth_checksums.type,
+ valid_auth_checksums.negotiated_nni->name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!parse_negotiate_str(&valid_auth_checksums, tmpbuf)) {
+ get_default_nno_list(&valid_auth_checksums, tmpbuf, MAX_NSTR_STRLEN, '\0');
+ io_printf(f_out, "@ERROR: your client does not support one of our daemon-auth checksums: %s\n",
+ tmpbuf);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ }
+ am_server = save_am_server;
+ if (md4_is_old && valid_auth_checksums.negotiated_nni->num == CSUM_MD4)
+ valid_auth_checksums.negotiated_nni->num = CSUM_MD4_OLD;
+int get_subprotocol_version()
+ return protocol_version < PROTOCOL_VERSION ? 0 : SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/config.guess b/config.guess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92bfc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.guess
@@ -0,0 +1,1684 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Attempt to guess a canonical system name.
+# Copyright 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that
+# program. This Exception is an additional permission under section 7
+# of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3").
+# Originally written by Per Bothner; maintained since 2000 by Ben Elliston.
+# You can get the latest version of this script from:
+# Please send patches to <>.
+me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]
+Output the configuration name of the system \`$me' is run on.
+ -h, --help print this help, then exit
+ -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit
+ -v, --version print version number, then exit
+Report bugs and patches to <>."
+GNU config.guess ($timestamp)
+Originally written by Per Bothner.
+Copyright 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+Try \`$me --help' for more information."
+# Parse command line
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+ case $1 in
+ --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
+ echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
+ --version | -v )
+ echo "$version" ; exit ;;
+ --help | --h* | -h )
+ echo "$usage"; exit ;;
+ -- ) # Stop option processing
+ shift; break ;;
+ - ) # Use stdin as input.
+ break ;;
+ -* )
+ echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2
+ exit 1 ;;
+ * )
+ break ;;
+ esac
+if test $# != 0; then
+ echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
+ exit 1
+# CC_FOR_BUILD -- compiler used by this script. Note that the use of a
+# compiler to aid in system detection is discouraged as it requires
+# temporary files to be created and, as you can see below, it is a
+# headache to deal with in a portable fashion.
+# Historically, `CC_FOR_BUILD' used to be named `HOST_CC'. We still
+# use `HOST_CC' if defined, but it is deprecated.
+# Portable tmp directory creation inspired by the Autoconf team.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2172
+trap 'test -z "$tmp" || rm -fr "$tmp"' 0 1 2 13 15
+set_cc_for_build() {
+ # prevent multiple calls if $tmp is already set
+ test "$tmp" && return 0
+ : "${TMPDIR=/tmp}"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2039
+ { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
+ { test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp" 2>/dev/null) ; } ||
+ { tmp=$TMPDIR/cg-$$ && (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp" 2>/dev/null) && echo "Warning: creating insecure temp directory" >&2 ; } ||
+ { echo "$me: cannot create a temporary directory in $TMPDIR" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
+ dummy=$tmp/dummy
+ case ${CC_FOR_BUILD-},${HOST_CC-},${CC-} in
+ ,,) echo "int x;" > "$dummy.c"
+ for driver in cc gcc c89 c99 ; do
+ if ($driver -c -o "$dummy.o" "$dummy.c") >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ CC_FOR_BUILD="$driver"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if test x"$CC_FOR_BUILD" = x ; then
+ CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found
+ fi
+ ;;
+ ,,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$CC ;;
+ ,*,*) CC_FOR_BUILD=$HOST_CC ;;
+ esac
+# This is needed to find uname on a Pyramid OSx when run in the BSD universe.
+# ( 1994-08-24)
+if test -f /.attbin/uname ; then
+ PATH=$PATH:/.attbin ; export PATH
+UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -m) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_MACHINE=unknown
+UNAME_RELEASE=`(uname -r) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_RELEASE=unknown
+UNAME_SYSTEM=`(uname -s) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_SYSTEM=unknown
+UNAME_VERSION=`(uname -v) 2>/dev/null` || UNAME_VERSION=unknown
+case "$UNAME_SYSTEM" in
+ # If the system lacks a compiler, then just pick glibc.
+ # We could probably try harder.
+ LIBC=gnu
+ set_cc_for_build
+ cat <<-EOF > "$dummy.c"
+ #include <features.h>
+ #if defined(__UCLIBC__)
+ LIBC=uclibc
+ #elif defined(__dietlibc__)
+ LIBC=dietlibc
+ #else
+ LIBC=gnu
+ #endif
+ eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null | grep '^LIBC' | sed 's, ,,g'`"
+ # If ldd exists, use it to detect musl libc.
+ if command -v ldd >/dev/null && \
+ ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -q ^musl
+ then
+ LIBC=musl
+ fi
+ ;;
+# Note: order is significant - the case branches are not exclusive.
+ *:NetBSD:*:*)
+ # NetBSD (nbsd) targets should (where applicable) match one or
+ # more of the tuples: *-*-netbsdelf*, *-*-netbsdaout*,
+ # *-*-netbsdecoff* and *-*-netbsd*. For targets that recently
+ # switched to ELF, *-*-netbsd* would select the old
+ # object file format. This provides both forward
+ # compatibility and a consistent mechanism for selecting the
+ # object file format.
+ #
+ # Note: NetBSD doesn't particularly care about the vendor
+ # portion of the name. We always set it to "unknown".
+ sysctl="sysctl -n hw.machine_arch"
+ UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`(uname -p 2>/dev/null || \
+ "/sbin/$sysctl" 2>/dev/null || \
+ "/usr/sbin/$sysctl" 2>/dev/null || \
+ echo unknown)`
+ armeb) machine=armeb-unknown ;;
+ arm*) machine=arm-unknown ;;
+ sh3el) machine=shl-unknown ;;
+ sh3eb) machine=sh-unknown ;;
+ sh5el) machine=sh5le-unknown ;;
+ earmv*)
+ arch=`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH" | sed -e 's,^e\(armv[0-9]\).*$,\1,'`
+ endian=`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH" | sed -ne 's,^.*\(eb\)$,\1,p'`
+ machine="${arch}${endian}"-unknown
+ ;;
+ *) machine="$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH"-unknown ;;
+ esac
+ # The Operating System including object format, if it has switched
+ # to ELF recently (or will in the future) and ABI.
+ earm*)
+ os=netbsdelf
+ ;;
+ arm*|i386|m68k|ns32k|sh3*|sparc|vax)
+ set_cc_for_build
+ if echo __ELF__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -q __ELF__
+ then
+ # Once all utilities can be ECOFF (netbsdecoff) or a.out (netbsdaout).
+ # Return netbsd for either. FIX?
+ os=netbsd
+ else
+ os=netbsdelf
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=netbsd
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Determine ABI tags.
+ earm*)
+ expr='s/^earmv[0-9]/-eabi/;s/eb$//'
+ abi=`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH" | sed -e "$expr"`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # The OS release
+ # Debian GNU/NetBSD machines have a different userland, and
+ # thus, need a distinct triplet. However, they do not need
+ # kernel version information, so it can be replaced with a
+ # suitable tag, in the style of linux-gnu.
+ case "$UNAME_VERSION" in
+ Debian*)
+ release='-gnu'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ release=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/[-_].*//' | cut -d. -f1,2`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # contains redundant information, the shorter form:
+ echo "$machine-${os}${release}${abi-}"
+ exit ;;
+ *:Bitrig:*:*)
+ UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/Bitrig.//'`
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH"-unknown-bitrig"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:OpenBSD:*:*)
+ UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/OpenBSD.//'`
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH"-unknown-openbsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:LibertyBSD:*:*)
+ UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH=`arch | sed 's/^.*BSD\.//'`
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH"-unknown-libertybsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:MidnightBSD:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-midnightbsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:ekkoBSD:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-ekkobsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:SolidBSD:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-solidbsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:OS108:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-os108_"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ macppc:MirBSD:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-unknown-mirbsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:MirBSD:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-mirbsd"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:Sortix:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-sortix
+ exit ;;
+ *:Twizzler:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-twizzler
+ exit ;;
+ *:Redox:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-redox
+ exit ;;
+ mips:OSF1:*.*)
+ echo mips-dec-osf1
+ exit ;;
+ alpha:OSF1:*:*)
+ case $UNAME_RELEASE in
+ *4.0)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'`
+ ;;
+ *5.*)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # According to Compaq, /usr/sbin/psrinfo has been available on
+ # OSF/1 and Tru64 systems produced since 1995. I hope that
+ # covers most systems running today. This code pipes the CPU
+ # types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0.
+ ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^ The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1`
+ case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in
+ "EV4 (21064)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alpha ;;
+ "EV4.5 (21064)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alpha ;;
+ "LCA4 (21066/21068)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alpha ;;
+ "EV5 (21164)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;;
+ "EV5.6 (21164A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;;
+ "EV5.6 (21164PC)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
+ "EV5.7 (21164PC)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca57 ;;
+ "EV6 (21264)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;;
+ "EV6.7 (21264A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;;
+ "EV6.8CB (21264C)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
+ "EV6.8AL (21264B)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
+ "EV6.8CX (21264D)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
+ "EV6.9A (21264/EV69A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev69 ;;
+ "EV7 (21364)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev7 ;;
+ "EV7.9 (21364A)")
+ UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev79 ;;
+ esac
+ # A Pn.n version is a patched version.
+ # A Vn.n version is a released version.
+ # A Tn.n version is a released field test version.
+ # A Xn.n version is an unreleased experimental baselevel.
+ # 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r.
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-dec-osf"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`"
+ # Reset EXIT trap before exiting to avoid spurious non-zero exit code.
+ exitcode=$?
+ trap '' 0
+ exit $exitcode ;;
+ Amiga*:UNIX_System_V:4.0:*)
+ echo m68k-unknown-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:[Aa]miga[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-amigaos
+ exit ;;
+ *:[Mm]orph[Oo][Ss]:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-morphos
+ exit ;;
+ *:OS/390:*:*)
+ echo i370-ibm-openedition
+ exit ;;
+ *:z/VM:*:*)
+ echo s390-ibm-zvmoe
+ exit ;;
+ *:OS400:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-ibm-os400
+ exit ;;
+ arm:RISC*:1.[012]*:*|arm:riscix:1.[012]*:*)
+ echo arm-acorn-riscix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ arm*:riscos:*:*|arm*:RISCOS:*:*)
+ echo arm-unknown-riscos
+ exit ;;
+ SR2?01:HI-UX/MPP:*:* | SR8000:HI-UX/MPP:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp
+ exit ;;
+ Pyramid*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:OSx*:*:* | MIS*:SMP_DC-OSx*:*:*)
+ # (Earle F. Ake) contributed MIS and NILE.
+ if test "`(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`" = att ; then
+ echo pyramid-pyramid-sysv3
+ else
+ echo pyramid-pyramid-bsd
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ NILE*:*:*:dcosx)
+ echo pyramid-pyramid-svr4
+ exit ;;
+ DRS?6000:unix:4.0:6*)
+ echo sparc-icl-nx6
+ exit ;;
+ DRS?6000:UNIX_SV:4.2*:7* | DRS?6000:isis:4.2*:7*)
+ case `/usr/bin/uname -p` in
+ sparc) echo sparc-icl-nx7; exit ;;
+ esac ;;
+ s390x:SunOS:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-ibm-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ echo sparc-hal-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ echo sparc-sun-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ i86pc:AuroraUX:5.*:* | i86xen:AuroraUX:5.*:*)
+ echo i386-pc-auroraux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ i86pc:SunOS:5.*:* | i86xen:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ set_cc_for_build
+ SUN_ARCH=i386
+ # If there is a compiler, see if it is configured for 64-bit objects.
+ # Note that the Sun cc does not turn __LP64__ into 1 like gcc does.
+ # This test works for both compilers.
+ if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then
+ if (echo '#ifdef __amd64'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \
+ (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
+ grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null
+ then
+ SUN_ARCH=x86_64
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$SUN_ARCH"-pc-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ sun4*:SunOS:6*:*)
+ # According to config.sub, this is the proper way to canonicalize
+ # SunOS6. Hard to guess exactly what SunOS6 will be like, but
+ # it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4.
+ echo sparc-sun-solaris3"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ sun4*:SunOS:*:*)
+ case "`/usr/bin/arch -k`" in
+ Series*|S4*)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`uname -v`
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'.
+ echo sparc-sun-sunos"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/-/_/'`"
+ exit ;;
+ sun3*:SunOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-sun-sunos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ sun*:*:4.2BSD:*)
+ UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null`
+ case "`/bin/arch`" in
+ sun3)
+ echo m68k-sun-sunos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ ;;
+ sun4)
+ echo sparc-sun-sunos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ exit ;;
+ aushp:SunOS:*:*)
+ echo sparc-auspex-sunos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ # The situation for MiNT is a little confusing. The machine name
+ # can be virtually everything (everything which is not
+ # "atarist" or "atariste" at least should have a processor
+ # > m68000). The system name ranges from "MiNT" over "FreeMiNT"
+ # to the lowercase version "mint" (or "freemint"). Finally
+ # the system name "TOS" denotes a system which is actually not
+ # MiNT. But MiNT is downward compatible to TOS, so this should
+ # be no problem.
+ atarist[e]:*MiNT:*:* | atarist[e]:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-mint"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ atari*:*MiNT:*:* | atari*:*mint:*:* | atarist[e]:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-mint"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *falcon*:*MiNT:*:* | *falcon*:*mint:*:* | *falcon*:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-mint"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ milan*:*MiNT:*:* | milan*:*mint:*:* | *milan*:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-milan-mint"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ hades*:*MiNT:*:* | hades*:*mint:*:* | *hades*:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-hades-mint"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:*MiNT:*:* | *:*mint:*:* | *:*TOS:*:*)
+ echo m68k-unknown-mint"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ m68k:machten:*:*)
+ echo m68k-apple-machten"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ powerpc:machten:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-apple-machten"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ RISC*:Mach:*:*)
+ echo mips-dec-mach_bsd4.3
+ exit ;;
+ echo mips-dec-ultrix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ VAX*:ULTRIX*:*:*)
+ echo vax-dec-ultrix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ 2020:CLIX:*:* | 2430:CLIX:*:*)
+ echo clipper-intergraph-clix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ mips:*:*:UMIPS | mips:*:*:RISCos)
+ set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <stdio.h> /* for printf() prototype */
+ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
+ #if defined (host_mips) && defined (MIPSEB)
+ #if defined (SYSTYPE_SYSV)
+ printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssysv\\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+ #endif
+ #if defined (SYSTYPE_SVR4)
+ printf ("mips-mips-riscos%ssvr4\\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+ #endif
+ #if defined (SYSTYPE_BSD43) || defined(SYSTYPE_BSD)
+ printf ("mips-mips-riscos%sbsd\\n", argv[1]); exit (0);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ $CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" &&
+ dummyarg=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` &&
+ SYSTEM_NAME=`"$dummy" "$dummyarg"` &&
+ { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+ echo mips-mips-riscos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ Motorola:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-motorola-powermax
+ exit ;;
+ Motorola:*:4.3:PL8-*)
+ echo powerpc-harris-powermax
+ exit ;;
+ Night_Hawk:*:*:PowerMAX_OS | Synergy:PowerMAX_OS:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-harris-powermax
+ exit ;;
+ Night_Hawk:Power_UNIX:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-harris-powerunix
+ exit ;;
+ m88k:CX/UX:7*:*)
+ echo m88k-harris-cxux7
+ exit ;;
+ m88k:*:4*:R4*)
+ echo m88k-motorola-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ m88k:*:3*:R3*)
+ echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ AViiON:dgux:*:*)
+ # DG/UX returns AViiON for all architectures
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+ if [ "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = mc88100 ] || [ "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = mc88110 ]
+ then
+ if [ "$TARGET_BINARY_INTERFACE"x = m88kdguxelfx ] || \
+ then
+ echo m88k-dg-dgux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ else
+ echo m88k-dg-dguxbcs"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo i586-dg-dgux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ M88*:DolphinOS:*:*) # DolphinOS (SVR3)
+ echo m88k-dolphin-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ M88*:*:R3*:*)
+ # Delta 88k system running SVR3
+ echo m88k-motorola-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ XD88*:*:*:*) # Tektronix XD88 system running UTekV (SVR3)
+ echo m88k-tektronix-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ Tek43[0-9][0-9]:UTek:*:*) # Tektronix 4300 system running UTek (BSD)
+ echo m68k-tektronix-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ *:IRIX*:*:*)
+ echo mips-sgi-irix"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/-/_/g'`"
+ exit ;;
+ ????????:AIX?:[12].1:2) # AIX 2.2.1 or AIX 2.1.1 is RT/PC AIX.
+ echo romp-ibm-aix # uname -m gives an 8 hex-code CPU id
+ exit ;; # Note that: echo "'`uname -s`'" gives 'AIX '
+ i*86:AIX:*:*)
+ echo i386-ibm-aix
+ exit ;;
+ ia64:AIX:*:*)
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/oslevel ] ; then
+ IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/oslevel`
+ else
+ fi
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-ibm-aix"$IBM_REV"
+ exit ;;
+ *:AIX:2:3)
+ if grep bos325 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
+ #include <sys/systemcfg.h>
+ main()
+ {
+ if (!__power_pc())
+ exit(1);
+ puts("powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" && SYSTEM_NAME=`"$dummy"`
+ then
+ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"
+ else
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5
+ fi
+ elif grep bos324 /usr/include/stdio.h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.4
+ else
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix3.2
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ *:AIX:*:[4567])
+ IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+ if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El "$IBM_CPU_ID" | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ IBM_ARCH=rs6000
+ else
+ IBM_ARCH=powerpc
+ fi
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/lslpp ] ; then
+ IBM_REV=`/usr/bin/lslpp -Lqc bos.rte.libc |
+ awk -F: '{ print $3 }' | sed s/[0-9]*$/0/`
+ else
+ fi
+ echo "$IBM_ARCH"-ibm-aix"$IBM_REV"
+ exit ;;
+ *:AIX:*:*)
+ echo rs6000-ibm-aix
+ exit ;;
+ ibmrt:4.4BSD:*|romp-ibm:4.4BSD:*)
+ echo romp-ibm-bsd4.4
+ exit ;;
+ ibmrt:*BSD:*|romp-ibm:BSD:*) # covers RT/PC BSD and
+ echo romp-ibm-bsd"$UNAME_RELEASE" # 4.3 with uname added to
+ exit ;; # report: romp-ibm BSD 4.3
+ *:BOSX:*:*)
+ echo rs6000-bull-bosx
+ exit ;;
+ DPX/2?00:B.O.S.:*:*)
+ echo m68k-bull-sysv3
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:1.*:*)
+ echo m68k-hp-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ hp300:4.4BSD:*:* | 9000/[34]??:4.3bsd:2.*:*)
+ echo m68k-hp-bsd4.4
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*)
+ HPUX_REV=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
+ case "$UNAME_MACHINE" in
+ 9000/31?) HP_ARCH=m68000 ;;
+ 9000/[34]??) HP_ARCH=m68k ;;
+ 9000/[678][0-9][0-9])
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
+ sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null`
+ sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null`
+ case "$sc_cpu_version" in
+ 523) HP_ARCH=hppa1.0 ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0
+ 528) HP_ARCH=hppa1.1 ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_1
+ 532) # CPU_PA_RISC2_0
+ case "$sc_kernel_bits" in
+ 32) HP_ARCH=hppa2.0n ;;
+ 64) HP_ARCH=hppa2.0w ;;
+ '') HP_ARCH=hppa2.0 ;; # HP-UX 10.20
+ esac ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [ "$HP_ARCH" = "" ]; then
+ set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
+ #define _HPUX_SOURCE
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ int main ()
+ {
+ #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
+ long bits = sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS);
+ #endif
+ long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
+ switch (cpu)
+ {
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC2_0:
+ #if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
+ switch (bits)
+ {
+ case 64: puts ("hppa2.0w"); break;
+ case 32: puts ("hppa2.0n"); break;
+ default: puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
+ } break;
+ #else /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */
+ puts ("hppa2.0"); break;
+ #endif
+ default: puts ("hppa1.0"); break;
+ }
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`"$dummy"`
+ test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa
+ fi ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$HP_ARCH" = hppa2.0w ]
+ then
+ set_cc_for_build
+ # hppa2.0w-hp-hpux* has a 64-bit kernel and a compiler generating
+ # 32-bit code. hppa64-hp-hpux* has the same kernel and a compiler
+ # generating 64-bit code. GNU and HP use different nomenclature:
+ #
+ # $ CC_FOR_BUILD=cc ./config.guess
+ # => hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.23
+ # $ CC_FOR_BUILD="cc +DA2.0w" ./config.guess
+ # => hppa64-hp-hpux11.23
+ if echo __LP64__ | (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) |
+ grep -q __LP64__
+ then
+ HP_ARCH=hppa2.0w
+ else
+ HP_ARCH=hppa64
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$HP_ARCH"-hp-hpux"$HPUX_REV"
+ exit ;;
+ ia64:HP-UX:*:*)
+ HPUX_REV=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
+ echo ia64-hp-hpux"$HPUX_REV"
+ exit ;;
+ 3050*:HI-UX:*:*)
+ set_cc_for_build
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ int
+ main ()
+ {
+ long cpu = sysconf (_SC_CPU_VERSION);
+ /* The order matters, because CPU_IS_HP_MC68K erroneously returns
+ true for CPU_PA_RISC1_0. CPU_IS_PA_RISC returns correct
+ results, however. */
+ if (CPU_IS_PA_RISC (cpu))
+ {
+ switch (cpu)
+ {
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: puts ("hppa1.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: puts ("hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC2_0: puts ("hppa2.0-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ default: puts ("hppa-hitachi-hiuxwe2"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CPU_IS_HP_MC68K (cpu))
+ puts ("m68k-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
+ else puts ("unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2");
+ exit (0);
+ }
+ $CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" && SYSTEM_NAME=`"$dummy"` &&
+ { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+ echo unknown-hitachi-hiuxwe2
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/7??:4.3bsd:*:* | 9000/8?[79]:4.3bsd:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.1-hp-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ 9000/8??:4.3bsd:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.0-hp-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ *9??*:MPE/iX:*:* | *3000*:MPE/iX:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.0-hp-mpeix
+ exit ;;
+ hp7??:OSF1:*:* | hp8?[79]:OSF1:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.1-hp-osf
+ exit ;;
+ hp8??:OSF1:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.0-hp-osf
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:OSF1:*:*)
+ if [ -x /usr/sbin/sysversion ] ; then
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-osf1mk
+ else
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-osf1
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ parisc*:Lites*:*:*)
+ echo hppa1.1-hp-lites
+ exit ;;
+ C1*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C1*:*)
+ echo c1-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ C2*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C2*:*)
+ if getsysinfo -f scalar_acc
+ then echo c32-convex-bsd
+ else echo c2-convex-bsd
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ C34*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C34*:*)
+ echo c34-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ C38*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C38*:*)
+ echo c38-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ C4*:ConvexOS:*:* | convex:ConvexOS:C4*:*)
+ echo c4-convex-bsd
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*Y-MP:*:*:*)
+ echo ymp-cray-unicos"$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*[A-Z]90:*:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-cray-unicos"$UNAME_RELEASE" \
+ | sed -e 's/CRAY.*\([A-Z]90\)/\1/' \
+ -e y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ \
+ -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*TS:*:*:*)
+ echo t90-cray-unicos"$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*T3E:*:*:*)
+ echo alphaev5-cray-unicosmk"$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ CRAY*SV1:*:*:*)
+ echo sv1-cray-unicos"$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ *:UNICOS/mp:*:*)
+ echo craynv-cray-unicosmp"$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$/.X/'
+ exit ;;
+ F30[01]:UNIX_System_V:*:* | F700:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
+ FUJITSU_PROC=`uname -m | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`
+ FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/\///'`
+ FUJITSU_REL=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
+ exit ;;
+ 5000:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
+ FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/\///'`
+ FUJITSU_REL=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
+ echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:BSD/386:*:* | i*86:BSD/OS:*:* | *:Ascend\ Embedded/OS:*:*)
+ exit ;;
+ sparc*:BSD/OS:*:*)
+ echo sparc-unknown-bsdi"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:BSD/OS:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-bsdi"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ arm:FreeBSD:*:*)
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
+ set_cc_for_build
+ if echo __ARM_PCS_VFP | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -q __ARM_PCS_VFP
+ then
+ echo "${UNAME_PROCESSOR}"-unknown-freebsd"`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"-gnueabi
+ else
+ echo "${UNAME_PROCESSOR}"-unknown-freebsd"`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"-gnueabihf
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ *:FreeBSD:*:*)
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`/usr/bin/uname -p`
+ case "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" in
+ amd64)
+ i386)
+ esac
+ echo "$UNAME_PROCESSOR"-unknown-freebsd"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ i*:CYGWIN*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-cygwin
+ exit ;;
+ *:MINGW64*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-mingw64
+ exit ;;
+ *:MINGW*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-mingw32
+ exit ;;
+ *:MSYS*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-msys
+ exit ;;
+ i*:PW*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-pw32
+ exit ;;
+ *:Interix*:*)
+ case "$UNAME_MACHINE" in
+ x86)
+ echo i586-pc-interix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ authenticamd | genuineintel | EM64T)
+ echo x86_64-unknown-interix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ IA64)
+ echo ia64-unknown-interix"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ esac ;;
+ i*:UWIN*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-uwin
+ exit ;;
+ amd64:CYGWIN*:*:* | x86_64:CYGWIN*:*:*)
+ echo x86_64-pc-cygwin
+ exit ;;
+ prep*:SunOS:5.*:*)
+ echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ *:GNU:*:*)
+ # the GNU system
+ echo "`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-$LIBC`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`"
+ exit ;;
+ *:GNU/*:*:*)
+ # other systems with GNU libc and userland
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE-unknown-`echo "$UNAME_SYSTEM" | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"``echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ *:Minix:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-minix
+ exit ;;
+ aarch64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ aarch64_be:Linux:*:*)
+ UNAME_MACHINE=aarch64_be
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ alpha:Linux:*:*)
+ case `sed -n '/^cpu model/s/^.*: \(.*\)/\1/p' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null` in
+ EV5) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev5 ;;
+ EV56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev56 ;;
+ PCA56) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
+ PCA57) UNAME_MACHINE=alphapca56 ;;
+ EV6) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev6 ;;
+ EV67) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev67 ;;
+ EV68*) UNAME_MACHINE=alphaev68 ;;
+ esac
+ objdump --private-headers /bin/sh | grep -q
+ if test "$?" = 0 ; then LIBC=gnulibc1 ; fi
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ arc:Linux:*:* | arceb:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ arm*:Linux:*:*)
+ set_cc_for_build
+ if echo __ARM_EABI__ | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -q __ARM_EABI__
+ then
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ else
+ if echo __ARM_PCS_VFP | $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null \
+ | grep -q __ARM_PCS_VFP
+ then
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"eabi
+ else
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"eabihf
+ fi
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ avr32*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ cris:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-axis-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ crisv32:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-axis-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ e2k:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ frv:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ hexagon:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ ia64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ k1om:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ m32r*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ m68*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ mips:Linux:*:* | mips64:Linux:*:*)
+ set_cc_for_build
+ test x"${LIBC}" = xgnu && IS_GLIBC=1
+ sed 's/^ //' << EOF > "$dummy.c"
+ #undef CPU
+ #undef mips
+ #undef mipsel
+ #undef mips64
+ #undef mips64el
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && defined(_ABI64)
+ LIBCABI=gnuabi64
+ #else
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && defined(_ABIN32)
+ LIBCABI=gnuabin32
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && defined(__mips64) && defined(__mips_isa_rev) && __mips_isa_rev>=6
+ CPU=mipsisa64r6
+ #else
+ #if ${IS_GLIBC} && !defined(__mips64) && defined(__mips_isa_rev) && __mips_isa_rev>=6
+ CPU=mipsisa32r6
+ #else
+ #if defined(__mips64)
+ CPU=mips64
+ #else
+ CPU=mips
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) || defined(MIPSEL)
+ #else
+ #if defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(MIPSEB)
+ #else
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null | grep '^CPU\|^MIPS_ENDIAN\|^LIBCABI'`"
+ test "x$CPU" != x && { echo "$CPU${MIPS_ENDIAN}-unknown-linux-$LIBCABI"; exit; }
+ ;;
+ mips64el:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ openrisc*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo or1k-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ or32:Linux:*:* | or1k*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ padre:Linux:*:*)
+ echo sparc-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ parisc64:Linux:*:* | hppa64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo hppa64-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ parisc:Linux:*:* | hppa:Linux:*:*)
+ # Look for CPU level
+ case `grep '^cpu[^a-z]*:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2` in
+ PA7*) echo hppa1.1-unknown-linux-"$LIBC" ;;
+ PA8*) echo hppa2.0-unknown-linux-"$LIBC" ;;
+ *) echo hppa-unknown-linux-"$LIBC" ;;
+ esac
+ exit ;;
+ ppc64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo powerpc64-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ ppc:Linux:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ ppc64le:Linux:*:*)
+ echo powerpc64le-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ ppcle:Linux:*:*)
+ echo powerpcle-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ riscv32:Linux:*:* | riscv64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ s390:Linux:*:* | s390x:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-ibm-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ sh64*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ sh*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ sparc:Linux:*:* | sparc64:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ tile*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ vax:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-dec-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ x86_64:Linux:*:*)
+ set_cc_for_build
+ if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then
+ if (echo '#ifdef __ILP32__'; echo IS_X32; echo '#endif') | \
+ (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
+ grep IS_X32 >/dev/null
+ then
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-linux-"$LIBCABI"
+ exit ;;
+ xtensa*:Linux:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-linux-"$LIBC"
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:DYNIX/ptx:4*:*)
+ # ptx 4.0 does uname -s correctly, with DYNIX/ptx in there.
+ # earlier versions are messed up and put the nodename in both
+ # sysname and nodename.
+ echo i386-sequent-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:UNIX_SV:4.2MP:2.*)
+ # Unixware is an offshoot of SVR4, but it has its own version
+ # number series starting with 2...
+ # I am not positive that other SVR4 systems won't match this,
+ # I just have to hope. -- rms.
+ # Use sysv4.2uw... so that sysv4* matches it.
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-sysv4.2uw"$UNAME_VERSION"
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:OS/2:*:*)
+ # If we were able to find `uname', then EMX Unix compatibility
+ # is probably installed.
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-os2-emx
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:XTS-300:*:STOP)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-stop
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:atheos:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-atheos
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:syllable:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-syllable
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:LynxOS:2.*:* | i*86:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | i*86:LynxOS:4.[02]*:*)
+ echo i386-unknown-lynxos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*DOS:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-msdosdjgpp
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*:4.*:*)
+ UNAME_REL=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed 's/\/MP$//'`
+ if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-univel-sysv"$UNAME_REL"
+ else
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-sysv"$UNAME_REL"
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*:5:[678]*)
+ # UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6.
+ case `/bin/uname -X | grep "^Machine"` in
+ *486*) UNAME_MACHINE=i486 ;;
+ *Pentium) UNAME_MACHINE=i586 ;;
+ *Pent*|*Celeron) UNAME_MACHINE=i686 ;;
+ esac
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:*:3.2:*)
+ if test -f /usr/options/; then
+ UNAME_REL=`sed -n 's/.*Version //p' </usr/options/`
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-isc"$UNAME_REL"
+ elif /bin/uname -X 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
+ UNAME_REL=`(/bin/uname -X|grep Release|sed -e 's/.*= //')`
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep i80486 >/dev/null) && UNAME_MACHINE=i486
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium' >/dev/null) \
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pent *II' >/dev/null) \
+ (/bin/uname -X|grep '^Machine.*Pentium Pro' >/dev/null) \
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-sco"$UNAME_REL"
+ else
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-sysv32
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ pc:*:*:*)
+ # Left here for compatibility:
+ # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about
+ # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i586.
+ # Note: whatever this is, it MUST be the same as what config.sub
+ # prints for the "djgpp" host, or else GDB configure will decide that
+ # this is a cross-build.
+ echo i586-pc-msdosdjgpp
+ exit ;;
+ Intel:Mach:3*:*)
+ echo i386-pc-mach3
+ exit ;;
+ paragon:*:*:*)
+ echo i860-intel-osf1
+ exit ;;
+ i860:*:4.*:*) # i860-SVR4
+ if grep Stardent /usr/include/sys/uadmin.h >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ echo i860-stardent-sysv"$UNAME_RELEASE" # Stardent Vistra i860-SVR4
+ else # Add other i860-SVR4 vendors below as they are discovered.
+ echo i860-unknown-sysv"$UNAME_RELEASE" # Unknown i860-SVR4
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ mini*:CTIX:SYS*5:*)
+ # "miniframe"
+ echo m68010-convergent-sysv
+ exit ;;
+ mc68k:UNIX:SYSTEM5:3.51m)
+ echo m68k-convergent-sysv
+ exit ;;
+ M680?0:D-NIX:5.3:*)
+ echo m68k-diab-dnix
+ exit ;;
+ M68*:*:R3V[5678]*:*)
+ test -r /sysV68 && { echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv'; exit; } ;;
+ 3[345]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??/*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4400:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0 | SDS2:*:4.0:3.0 | SHG2:*:4.0:3.0 | S7501*:*:4.0:3.0)
+ OS_REL=''
+ test -r /etc/.relid \
+ && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid`
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3"$OS_REL"; exit; }
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3"$OS_REL"; exit; } ;;
+ 3[34]??:*:4.0:* | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:*)
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4; exit; } ;;
+ NCR*:*:4.2:* | MPRAS*:*:4.2:*)
+ OS_REL='.3'
+ test -r /etc/.relid \
+ && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid`
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | grep 86 >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i486-ncr-sysv4.3"$OS_REL"; exit; }
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep entium >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3"$OS_REL"; exit; }
+ /bin/uname -p 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep pteron >/dev/null \
+ && { echo i586-ncr-sysv4.3"$OS_REL"; exit; } ;;
+ m68*:LynxOS:2.*:* | m68*:LynxOS:3.0*:*)
+ echo m68k-unknown-lynxos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ mc68030:UNIX_System_V:4.*:*)
+ echo m68k-atari-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ TSUNAMI:LynxOS:2.*:*)
+ echo sparc-unknown-lynxos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ rs6000:LynxOS:2.*:*)
+ echo rs6000-unknown-lynxos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ PowerPC:LynxOS:2.*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:3.[01]*:* | PowerPC:LynxOS:4.[02]*:*)
+ echo powerpc-unknown-lynxos"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ SM[BE]S:UNIX_SV:*:*)
+ echo mips-dde-sysv"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ RM*:ReliantUNIX-*:*:*)
+ echo mips-sni-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ RM*:SINIX-*:*:*)
+ echo mips-sni-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:SINIX-*:*:*)
+ if uname -p 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then
+ UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-sni-sysv4
+ else
+ echo ns32k-sni-sysv
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ PENTIUM:*:4.0*:*) # Unisys `ClearPath HMP IX 4000' SVR4/MP effort
+ # says <Richard.M.Bartel@ccMail.Census.GOV>
+ echo i586-unisys-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:UNIX_System_V:4*:FTX*)
+ # From Gerald Hewes <>.
+ # How about differentiating between stratus architectures? -djm
+ echo hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ *:*:*:FTX*)
+ # From
+ echo i860-stratus-sysv4
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:VOS:*:*)
+ # From
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-stratus-vos
+ exit ;;
+ *:VOS:*:*)
+ # From
+ echo hppa1.1-stratus-vos
+ exit ;;
+ mc68*:A/UX:*:*)
+ echo m68k-apple-aux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ news*:NEWS-OS:6*:*)
+ echo mips-sony-newsos6
+ exit ;;
+ R[34]000:*System_V*:*:* | R4000:UNIX_SYSV:*:* | R*000:UNIX_SV:*:*)
+ if [ -d /usr/nec ]; then
+ echo mips-nec-sysv"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ else
+ echo mips-unknown-sysv"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ BeBox:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on hardware made by Be, PPC only.
+ echo powerpc-be-beos
+ exit ;;
+ BeMac:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Mac or Mac clone, PPC only.
+ echo powerpc-apple-beos
+ exit ;;
+ BePC:BeOS:*:*) # BeOS running on Intel PC compatible.
+ echo i586-pc-beos
+ exit ;;
+ BePC:Haiku:*:*) # Haiku running on Intel PC compatible.
+ echo i586-pc-haiku
+ exit ;;
+ x86_64:Haiku:*:*)
+ echo x86_64-unknown-haiku
+ exit ;;
+ SX-4:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx4-nec-superux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ SX-5:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx5-nec-superux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ SX-6:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx6-nec-superux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ SX-7:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx7-nec-superux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ SX-8:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx8-nec-superux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ SX-8R:SUPER-UX:*:*)
+ echo sx8r-nec-superux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ echo sxace-nec-superux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ Power*:Rhapsody:*:*)
+ echo powerpc-apple-rhapsody"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:Rhapsody:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-apple-rhapsody"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:Darwin:*:*)
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
+ unknown) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc ;;
+ esac
+ if command -v xcode-select > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && \
+ ! xcode-select --print-path > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+ # Avoid executing cc if there is no toolchain installed as
+ # cc will be a stub that puts up a graphical alert
+ # prompting the user to install developer tools.
+ CC_FOR_BUILD=no_compiler_found
+ else
+ set_cc_for_build
+ fi
+ if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then
+ if (echo '#ifdef __LP64__'; echo IS_64BIT_ARCH; echo '#endif') | \
+ (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
+ grep IS_64BIT_ARCH >/dev/null
+ then
+ i386) UNAME_PROCESSOR=x86_64 ;;
+ powerpc) UNAME_PROCESSOR=powerpc64 ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # On 10.4-10.6 one might compile for PowerPC via gcc -arch ppc
+ if (echo '#ifdef __POWERPC__'; echo IS_PPC; echo '#endif') | \
+ (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -E - 2>/dev/null) | \
+ grep IS_PPC >/dev/null
+ then
+ fi
+ elif test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = i386 ; then
+ # uname -m returns i386 or x86_64
+ fi
+ echo "$UNAME_PROCESSOR"-apple-darwin"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:procnto*:*:* | *:QNX:[0123456789]*:*)
+ UNAME_PROCESSOR=`uname -p`
+ if test "$UNAME_PROCESSOR" = x86; then
+ fi
+ exit ;;
+ *:QNX:*:4*)
+ echo i386-pc-qnx
+ exit ;;
+ echo neo-tandem-nsk"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ echo nse-tandem-nsk"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ echo nsr-tandem-nsk"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ echo nsv-tandem-nsk"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ echo nsx-tandem-nsk"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:NonStop-UX:*:*)
+ echo mips-compaq-nonstopux
+ exit ;;
+ BS2000:POSIX*:*:*)
+ echo bs2000-siemens-sysv
+ exit ;;
+ DS/*:UNIX_System_V:*:*)
+ exit ;;
+ *:Plan9:*:*)
+ # "uname -m" is not consistent, so use $cputype instead. 386
+ # is converted to i386 for consistency with other x86
+ # operating systems.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2154
+ if test "$cputype" = 386; then
+ else
+ UNAME_MACHINE="$cputype"
+ fi
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-plan9
+ exit ;;
+ *:TOPS-10:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-tops10
+ exit ;;
+ *:TENEX:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-tenex
+ exit ;;
+ KS10:TOPS-20:*:* | KL10:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE4:TOPS-20:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-dec-tops20
+ exit ;;
+ XKL-1:TOPS-20:*:* | TYPE5:TOPS-20:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-xkl-tops20
+ exit ;;
+ *:TOPS-20:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-tops20
+ exit ;;
+ *:ITS:*:*)
+ echo pdp10-unknown-its
+ exit ;;
+ SEI:*:*:SEIUX)
+ echo mips-sei-seiux"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+ *:DragonFly:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-dragonfly"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ *:*VMS:*:*)
+ UNAME_MACHINE=`(uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+ case "$UNAME_MACHINE" in
+ A*) echo alpha-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+ I*) echo ia64-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+ V*) echo vax-dec-vms ; exit ;;
+ esac ;;
+ *:XENIX:*:SysV)
+ echo i386-pc-xenix
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:skyos:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-skyos"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/ .*$//'`"
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:rdos:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-rdos
+ exit ;;
+ i*86:AROS:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-aros
+ exit ;;
+ x86_64:VMkernel:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-esx
+ exit ;;
+ amd64:Isilon\ OneFS:*:*)
+ echo x86_64-unknown-onefs
+ exit ;;
+ *:Unleashed:*:*)
+ echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-unleashed"$UNAME_RELEASE"
+ exit ;;
+# No uname command or uname output not recognized.
+cat > "$dummy.c" <<EOF
+#ifdef _SEQUENT_
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#if defined(ultrix) || defined(_ultrix) || defined(__ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__)
+#if defined (vax) || defined (__vax) || defined (__vax__) || defined(mips) || defined(__mips) || defined(__mips__) || defined(MIPS) || defined(__MIPS__)
+#include <signal.h>
+#if defined(_SIZE_T_) || defined(SIGLOST)
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+main ()
+#if defined (sony)
+#if defined (MIPSEB)
+ /* BFD wants "bsd" instead of "newsos". Perhaps BFD should be changed,
+ I don't know.... */
+ printf ("mips-sony-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#include <sys/param.h>
+ printf ("m68k-sony-newsos%s\n",
+#ifdef NEWSOS4
+ "4"
+ ""
+ ); exit (0);
+#if defined (NeXT)
+#if !defined (__ARCHITECTURE__)
+#define __ARCHITECTURE__ "m68k"
+ int version;
+ version=`(hostinfo | sed -n 's/.*NeXT Mach \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null`;
+ if (version < 4)
+ printf ("%s-next-nextstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+ else
+ printf ("%s-next-openstep%d\n", __ARCHITECTURE__, version);
+ exit (0);
+#if defined (MULTIMAX) || defined (n16)
+#if defined (UMAXV)
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-sysv\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (CMU)
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-mach\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("ns32k-encore-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (__386BSD__)
+ printf ("i386-pc-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (sequent)
+#if defined (i386)
+ printf ("i386-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (ns32000)
+ printf ("ns32k-sequent-dynix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (_SEQUENT_)
+ struct utsname un;
+ uname(&un);
+ if (strncmp(un.version, "V2", 2) == 0) {
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx2\n"); exit (0);
+ }
+ if (strncmp(un.version, "V1", 2) == 0) { /* XXX is V1 correct? */
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx1\n"); exit (0);
+ }
+ printf ("i386-sequent-ptx\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (vax)
+#if !defined (ultrix)
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#if defined (BSD)
+#if BSD == 43
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3\n"); exit (0);
+#if BSD == 199006
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd4.3reno\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+ printf ("vax-dec-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined(_SIZE_T_) || defined(SIGLOST)
+ struct utsname un;
+ uname (&un);
+ printf ("vax-dec-ultrix%s\n", un.release); exit (0);
+ printf ("vax-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined(ultrix) || defined(_ultrix) || defined(__ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__)
+#if defined(mips) || defined(__mips) || defined(__mips__) || defined(MIPS) || defined(__MIPS__)
+#if defined(_SIZE_T_) || defined(SIGLOST)
+ struct utsname *un;
+ uname (&un);
+ printf ("mips-dec-ultrix%s\n", un.release); exit (0);
+ printf ("mips-dec-ultrix\n"); exit (0);
+#if defined (alliant) && defined (i860)
+ printf ("i860-alliant-bsd\n"); exit (0);
+ exit (1);
+$CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null && SYSTEM_NAME=`$dummy` &&
+ { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
+# Apollos put the system type in the environment.
+test -d /usr/apollo && { echo "$ISP-apollo-$SYSTYPE"; exit; }
+echo "$0: unable to guess system type" >&2
+ mips:Linux | mips64:Linux)
+ # If we got here on MIPS GNU/Linux, output extra information.
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+NOTE: MIPS GNU/Linux systems require a C compiler to fully recognize
+the system type. Please install a C compiler and try again.
+ ;;
+cat >&2 <<EOF
+This script (version $timestamp), has failed to recognize the
+operating system you are using. If your script is old, overwrite *all*
+copies of config.guess and config.sub with the latest versions from:
+year=`echo $timestamp | sed 's,-.*,,'`
+# shellcheck disable=SC2003
+if test "`expr "\`date +%Y\`" - "$year"`" -lt 3 ; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+If $0 has already been updated, send the following data and any
+information you think might be pertinent to to
+provide the necessary information to handle your system.
+config.guess timestamp = $timestamp
+uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/uname -X = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null`
+hostinfo = `(hostinfo) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/universe = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/bin/arch -k = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null`
+/bin/arch = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/bin/oslevel = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null`
+/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null`
+exit 1
+# Local variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
+# time-stamp-end: "'"
+# End:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5fea77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
+/* Generated from by autoheader. */
+/* Define if building universal (internal helper macro) */
+/* Define to 1 if link() can hard-link special files. */
+/* Define to 1 if link() can hard-link symlinks. */
+/* Define to 1 if chown modifies symlinks. */
+/* Undefine if you do not want locale features. By default this is defined. */
+/* Define to 1 if using 'alloca.c'. */
+#undef C_ALLOCA
+/* Define to 1 if using external zlib */
+/* Used to make "checker" understand that FD_ZERO() clears memory. */
+/* Define to the type of elements in the array set by `getgroups'. Usually
+ this is either `int' or `gid_t'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the `getpgrp' function requires zero arguments. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `aclsort' function. */
+/* true if you have acl_get_perm_np */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <acl/libacl.h> header file. */
+/* true if you have AIX ACLs */
+/* Define to 1 if you have 'alloca', as a function or macro. */
+/* Define to 1 if <alloca.h> works. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <arpa/inet.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <arpa/nameser.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `asprintf' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `attropen' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <attr/xattr.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if readdir() is broken */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <bsd/string.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if vsprintf has a C99-compatible return value */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `chflags' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `chmod' function. */
+#undef HAVE_CHMOD
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `chown' function. */
+#undef HAVE_CHOWN
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <compat.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the "connect" function */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <ctype.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_CTYPE_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dirent.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'.
+ */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dl.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_DL_H
+/* Define if posix_fallocate is efficient (Cygwin) */
+/* Define to 1 if errno is declared in errno.h */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `extattr_get_link' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the fallocate function and it compiles and links
+ without error */
+/* Define if FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE is available. */
+/* Define if FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE is available. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `fchmod' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <fcntl.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <float.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_FLOAT_H
+/* True if you have FreeBSD xattrs */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `fstat' function. */
+#undef HAVE_FSTAT
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `ftruncate' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the "getaddrinfo" function and required types. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getattrlist' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getcwd' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getegid' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `geteuid' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getgrouplist' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getgroups' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpass' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpgrp' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if gettimeofday() takes a time-zone arg */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getxattr' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <grp.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_GRP_H
+/* true if you have HPUX ACLs */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <iconv.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_ICONV_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `iconv_open' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `id_t'. */
+#undef HAVE_ID_T
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `inet_ntop' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `inet_pton' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `initgroups' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `innetgr' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+/* true if you have IRIX ACLs */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <langinfo.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lchmod' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lchown' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `acl' library (-lacl). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `attr' library (-lattr). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <libcharset.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `inet' library (-linet). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `nsl' library (-lnsl). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `nsl_s' library (-lnsl_s). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `popt' library (-lpopt). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `resolv' library (-lresolv). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `sec' library (-lsec). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `socket' library (-lsocket). */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `z' library (-lz). */
+#undef HAVE_LIBZ
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <limits.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `link' function. */
+#undef HAVE_LINK
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `linkat' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <linux/falloc.h> header file. */
+/* True if you have Linux xattrs (or equivalent) */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `locale_charset' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <locale.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if the type `long double' works and has more range or precision
+ than `double'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the type `long double' works and has more range or precision
+ than `double'. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lseek64' function. */
+#undef HAVE_LSEEK64
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lutimes' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <lz4.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_LZ4_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mallinfo' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mallinfo2' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <malloc.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <mcheck.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `memmove' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mkfifo' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mknod' function. */
+#undef HAVE_MKNOD
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mkstemp64' function. */
+#undef HAVE_MKSTEMP64
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mktime' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `mode_t'. */
+#undef HAVE_MODE_T
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mtrace' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `nanosleep' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <ndir.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'. */
+#undef HAVE_NDIR_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <netdb.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_NETDB_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <netgroup.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <netinet/in_systm.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <netinet/ip.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `nl_langinfo' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `off_t'. */
+#undef HAVE_OFF_T
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `open64' function. */
+#undef HAVE_OPEN64
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <openssl/md4.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <openssl/md5.h> header file. */
+/* true if you have Mac OS X ACLs */
+/* True if you have Mac OS X xattrs */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `pid_t'. */
+#undef HAVE_PID_T
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <popt.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_POPT_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <popt/popt.h> header file. */
+/* true if you have posix ACLs */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `posix_fallocate' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `putenv' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `readlink' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if remote shell is remsh, not rsh */
+#undef HAVE_REMSH
+/* Define to 1 if mkstemp() is available and works right */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setattrlist' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setenv' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `seteuid' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setgroups' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setlocale' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setmode' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setsid' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `setvbuf' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `sigaction' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `sigprocmask' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `size_t'. */
+#undef HAVE_SIZE_T
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `snprintf' function. */
+/* Do we have sockaddr_in6.sin6_scope_id? */
+/* Do we have sockaddr_in.sin_len? */
+/* Do we have sockaddr.sa_len? */
+/* Do we have sockaddr_un.sun_len? */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the "socketpair" function */
+/* true if you have solaris ACLs */
+/* True if you have Solaris xattrs */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdio.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_STDIO_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strcasecmp' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strchr' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strerror' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strftime' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strlcat' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strlcpy' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strpbrk' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtol' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct addrinfo'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct sockaddr_storage'. */
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `struct stat64'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `st_mtimensec' is a member of `struct stat'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `st_mtimespec.tv_nsec' is a member of `struct stat'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `st_mtim.tv_nsec' is a member of `struct stat'. */
+/* Define to 1 if `st_rdev' is a member of `struct stat'. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the "struct utimbuf" type */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/acl.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_SYS_ACL_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/attr.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/dir.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'.
+ */
+#undef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/extattr.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the SYS_fallocate syscall number */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/fcntl.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/file.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/filio.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ioctl.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/mode.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ndir.h> header file, and it defines `DIR'.
+ */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/param.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/select.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/socket.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/unistd.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/un.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_SYS_UN_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/wait.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/xattr.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `tcgetpgrp' function. */
+/* true if you have Tru64 ACLs */
+#undef HAVE_TRU64_ACLS
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+/* true if you have UnixWare ACLs */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `unsetenv' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `usleep' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `utime' function. */
+#undef HAVE_UTIME
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `utimensat' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `utimes' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <utime.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_UTIME_H
+/* Define to 1 if `utime(file, NULL)' sets file's timestamp to the present. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `vasprintf' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `va_copy' function. */
+#undef HAVE_VA_COPY
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `vsnprintf' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `wait4' function. */
+#undef HAVE_WAIT4
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `waitpid' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <xxhash.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <zlib.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <zstd.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_ZSTD_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `_acl' function. */
+#undef HAVE__ACL
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `_facl' function. */
+#undef HAVE__FACL
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `__acl' function. */
+#undef HAVE___ACL
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `__facl' function. */
+#undef HAVE___FACL
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `__va_copy' function. */
+#undef HAVE___VA_COPY
+/* Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const. */
+/* Define if you want the --iconv option. Specifying a value will set the
+ default iconv setting (a NULL means no --iconv processing by default). */
+/* true if you have IPv6 */
+#undef INET6
+/* Define to 1 if `major', `minor', and `makedev' are declared in <mkdev.h>.
+ */
+/* Define to 1 if `major', `minor', and `makedev' are declared in
+ <sysmacros.h>. */
+/* Define to 1 if makedev() takes 3 args */
+/* Define to 1 if mknod() can create FIFOs. */
+/* Define to 1 if mknod() can create sockets. */
+/* unprivileged group for unprivileged user */
+/* unprivileged user--e.g. nobody */
+/* True if device files do not support xattrs */
+/* True if special files do not support xattrs */
+/* True if symlinks do not support user xattrs */
+/* True if symlinks do not support xattrs */
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+/* Define to the home page for this package. */
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+/* location of configuration file for rsync server */
+/* location of rsync on remote machine */
+#undef RSYNC_PATH
+/* default -e command */
+#undef RSYNC_RSH
+/* Define to 1 if --secluded-args should be the default */
+/* Define to 1 if sockets need to be shutdown */
+/* Define to 1 if "signed char" is a valid type */
+/* The size of `char*', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `int', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_INT
+/* The size of `int16_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_INT16_T
+/* The size of `int32_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_INT32_T
+/* The size of `int64_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_INT64_T
+/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `long long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `off64_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_OFF64_T
+/* The size of `off_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_OFF_T
+/* The size of `short', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `time_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of `uint16_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_UINT16_T
+/* The size of `uint32_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_UINT32_T
+/* If using the C implementation of alloca, define if you know the
+ direction of stack growth for your system; otherwise it will be
+ automatically deduced at runtime.
+ STACK_DIRECTION > 0 => grows toward higher addresses
+ STACK_DIRECTION < 0 => grows toward lower addresses
+ STACK_DIRECTION = 0 => direction of growth unknown */
+/* Define to 1 if all of the C90 standard headers exist (not just the ones
+ required in a freestanding environment). This macro is provided for
+ backward compatibility; new code need not use it. */
+/* Define to 1 to add support for ACLs */
+/* Undefine if you do not want LZ4 compression. By default this is defined. */
+#undef SUPPORT_LZ4
+/* Define to 1 to add support for extended attributes */
+/* Undefine if you do not want xxhash checksums. By default this is defined.
+ */
+/* Undefine if you do not want zstd compression. By default this is defined.
+ */
+/* Define to 1 if you want rsync to make use of iconv_open() */
+/* Define to 1 to enable MD5 ASM optimizations */
+#undef USE_MD5_ASM
+/* Undefine if you do not want to use openssl crypto library. By default this
+ is defined. */
+/* Define to 1 to enable rolling-checksum ASM optimizations (requires
+ --enable-roll-simd) */
+#undef USE_ROLL_ASM
+/* Define to 1 to enable rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations */
+/* String to pass to iconv() for the UTF-8 charset. */
+#undef UTF8_CHARSET
+/* Define WORDS_BIGENDIAN to 1 if your processor stores words with the most
+ significant byte first (like Motorola and SPARC, unlike Intel). */
+# if defined __BIG_ENDIAN__
+# endif
+# endif
+/* Number of bits in a file offset, on hosts where this is settable. */
+/* Define _GNU_SOURCE so that we get all necessary prototypes */
+#undef _GNU_SOURCE
+/* Define for large files, on AIX-style hosts. */
+#undef _LARGE_FILES
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+#undef gid_t
+/* Define to `__inline__' or `__inline' if that's what the C compiler
+ calls it, or to nothing if 'inline' is not supported under any name. */
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#undef inline
+/* Define to `unsigned int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+#undef size_t
+/* type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined */
+#undef socklen_t
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+#undef uid_t
diff --git a/config.sub b/config.sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..973a298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.sub
@@ -0,0 +1,1793 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Configuration validation subroutine script.
+# Copyright 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that
+# program. This Exception is an additional permission under section 7
+# of the GNU General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3").
+# Please send patches to <>.
+# Configuration subroutine to validate and canonicalize a configuration type.
+# Supply the specified configuration type as an argument.
+# If it is invalid, we print an error message on stderr and exit with code 1.
+# Otherwise, we print the canonical config type on stdout and succeed.
+# You can get the latest version of this script from:
+# This file is supposed to be the same for all GNU packages
+# and recognize all the CPU types, system types and aliases
+# that are meaningful with *any* GNU software.
+# Each package is responsible for reporting which valid configurations
+# it does not support. The user should be able to distinguish
+# a failure to support a valid configuration from a meaningless
+# configuration.
+# The goal of this file is to map all the various variations of a given
+# machine specification into a single specification in the form:
+# or in some cases, the newer four-part form:
+# It is wrong to echo any other type of specification.
+me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
+Canonicalize a configuration name.
+ -h, --help print this help, then exit
+ -t, --time-stamp print date of last modification, then exit
+ -v, --version print version number, then exit
+Report bugs and patches to <>."
+GNU config.sub ($timestamp)
+Copyright 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
+Try \`$me --help' for more information."
+# Parse command line
+while test $# -gt 0 ; do
+ case $1 in
+ --time-stamp | --time* | -t )
+ echo "$timestamp" ; exit ;;
+ --version | -v )
+ echo "$version" ; exit ;;
+ --help | --h* | -h )
+ echo "$usage"; exit ;;
+ -- ) # Stop option processing
+ shift; break ;;
+ - ) # Use stdin as input.
+ break ;;
+ -* )
+ echo "$me: invalid option $1$help" >&2
+ exit 1 ;;
+ *local*)
+ # First pass through any local machine types.
+ echo "$1"
+ exit ;;
+ * )
+ break ;;
+ esac
+case $# in
+ 0) echo "$me: missing argument$help" >&2
+ exit 1;;
+ 1) ;;
+ *) echo "$me: too many arguments$help" >&2
+ exit 1;;
+# Split fields of configuration type
+# shellcheck disable=SC2162
+IFS="-" read field1 field2 field3 field4 <<EOF
+# Separate into logical components for further validation
+case $1 in
+ *-*-*-*-*)
+ echo Invalid configuration \`"$1"\': more than four components >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *-*-*-*)
+ basic_machine=$field1-$field2
+ os=$field3-$field4
+ ;;
+ *-*-*)
+ # Ambiguous whether COMPANY is present, or skipped and KERNEL-OS is two
+ # parts
+ maybe_os=$field2-$field3
+ case $maybe_os in
+ nto-qnx* | linux-gnu* | linux-android* | linux-dietlibc \
+ | linux-newlib* | linux-musl* | linux-uclibc* | uclinux-uclibc* \
+ | uclinux-gnu* | kfreebsd*-gnu* | knetbsd*-gnu* | netbsd*-gnu* \
+ | netbsd*-eabi* | kopensolaris*-gnu* | cloudabi*-eabi* \
+ | storm-chaos* | os2-emx* | rtmk-nova*)
+ basic_machine=$field1
+ os=$maybe_os
+ ;;
+ android-linux)
+ basic_machine=$field1-unknown
+ os=linux-android
+ ;;
+ *)
+ basic_machine=$field1-$field2
+ os=$field3
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *-*)
+ # A lone config we happen to match not fitting any pattern
+ case $field1-$field2 in
+ decstation-3100)
+ basic_machine=mips-dec
+ os=
+ ;;
+ *-*)
+ # Second component is usually, but not always the OS
+ case $field2 in
+ # Prevent following clause from handling this valid os
+ sun*os*)
+ basic_machine=$field1
+ os=$field2
+ ;;
+ # Manufacturers
+ dec* | mips* | sequent* | encore* | pc533* | sgi* | sony* \
+ | att* | 7300* | 3300* | delta* | motorola* | sun[234]* \
+ | unicom* | ibm* | next | hp | isi* | apollo | altos* \
+ | convergent* | ncr* | news | 32* | 3600* | 3100* \
+ | hitachi* | c[123]* | convex* | sun | crds | omron* | dg \
+ | ultra | tti* | harris | dolphin | highlevel | gould \
+ | cbm | ns | masscomp | apple | axis | knuth | cray \
+ | microblaze* | sim | cisco \
+ | oki | wec | wrs | winbond)
+ basic_machine=$field1-$field2
+ os=
+ ;;
+ *)
+ basic_machine=$field1
+ os=$field2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Convert single-component short-hands not valid as part of
+ # multi-component configurations.
+ case $field1 in
+ 386bsd)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ a29khif)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=udi
+ ;;
+ adobe68k)
+ basic_machine=m68010-adobe
+ os=scout
+ ;;
+ alliant)
+ basic_machine=fx80-alliant
+ os=
+ ;;
+ altos | altos3068)
+ basic_machine=m68k-altos
+ os=
+ ;;
+ am29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-none
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ amdahl)
+ basic_machine=580-amdahl
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ amiga)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ os=
+ ;;
+ amigaos | amigados)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ os=amigaos
+ ;;
+ amigaunix | amix)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ apollo68)
+ basic_machine=m68k-apollo
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ apollo68bsd)
+ basic_machine=m68k-apollo
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ aros)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=aros
+ ;;
+ aux)
+ basic_machine=m68k-apple
+ os=aux
+ ;;
+ balance)
+ basic_machine=ns32k-sequent
+ os=dynix
+ ;;
+ blackfin)
+ basic_machine=bfin-unknown
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ cegcc)
+ basic_machine=arm-unknown
+ os=cegcc
+ ;;
+ convex-c1)
+ basic_machine=c1-convex
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c2)
+ basic_machine=c2-convex
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c32)
+ basic_machine=c32-convex
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c34)
+ basic_machine=c34-convex
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ convex-c38)
+ basic_machine=c38-convex
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ cray)
+ basic_machine=j90-cray
+ os=unicos
+ ;;
+ crds | unos)
+ basic_machine=m68k-crds
+ os=
+ ;;
+ da30)
+ basic_machine=m68k-da30
+ os=
+ ;;
+ decstation | pmax | pmin | dec3100 | decstatn)
+ basic_machine=mips-dec
+ os=
+ ;;
+ delta88)
+ basic_machine=m88k-motorola
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ dicos)
+ basic_machine=i686-pc
+ os=dicos
+ ;;
+ djgpp)
+ basic_machine=i586-pc
+ os=msdosdjgpp
+ ;;
+ ebmon29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=ebmon
+ ;;
+ es1800 | OSE68k | ose68k | ose | OSE)
+ basic_machine=m68k-ericsson
+ os=ose
+ ;;
+ gmicro)
+ basic_machine=tron-gmicro
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ go32)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=go32
+ ;;
+ h8300hms)
+ basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
+ os=hms
+ ;;
+ h8300xray)
+ basic_machine=h8300-hitachi
+ os=xray
+ ;;
+ h8500hms)
+ basic_machine=h8500-hitachi
+ os=hms
+ ;;
+ harris)
+ basic_machine=m88k-harris
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ hp300 | hp300hpux)
+ basic_machine=m68k-hp
+ os=hpux
+ ;;
+ hp300bsd)
+ basic_machine=m68k-hp
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ hppaosf)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ os=osf
+ ;;
+ hppro)
+ basic_machine=hppa1.1-hp
+ os=proelf
+ ;;
+ i386mach)
+ basic_machine=i386-mach
+ os=mach
+ ;;
+ isi68 | isi)
+ basic_machine=m68k-isi
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ m68knommu)
+ basic_machine=m68k-unknown
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ magnum | m3230)
+ basic_machine=mips-mips
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ merlin)
+ basic_machine=ns32k-utek
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ mingw64)
+ basic_machine=x86_64-pc
+ os=mingw64
+ ;;
+ mingw32)
+ basic_machine=i686-pc
+ os=mingw32
+ ;;
+ mingw32ce)
+ basic_machine=arm-unknown
+ os=mingw32ce
+ ;;
+ monitor)
+ basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ morphos)
+ basic_machine=powerpc-unknown
+ os=morphos
+ ;;
+ moxiebox)
+ basic_machine=moxie-unknown
+ os=moxiebox
+ ;;
+ msdos)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=msdos
+ ;;
+ msys)
+ basic_machine=i686-pc
+ os=msys
+ ;;
+ mvs)
+ basic_machine=i370-ibm
+ os=mvs
+ ;;
+ nacl)
+ basic_machine=le32-unknown
+ os=nacl
+ ;;
+ ncr3000)
+ basic_machine=i486-ncr
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ netbsd386)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=netbsd
+ ;;
+ netwinder)
+ basic_machine=armv4l-rebel
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ news | news700 | news800 | news900)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sony
+ os=newsos
+ ;;
+ news1000)
+ basic_machine=m68030-sony
+ os=newsos
+ ;;
+ necv70)
+ basic_machine=v70-nec
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ nh3000)
+ basic_machine=m68k-harris
+ os=cxux
+ ;;
+ nh[45]000)
+ basic_machine=m88k-harris
+ os=cxux
+ ;;
+ nindy960)
+ basic_machine=i960-intel
+ os=nindy
+ ;;
+ mon960)
+ basic_machine=i960-intel
+ os=mon960
+ ;;
+ nonstopux)
+ basic_machine=mips-compaq
+ os=nonstopux
+ ;;
+ os400)
+ basic_machine=powerpc-ibm
+ os=os400
+ ;;
+ OSE68000 | ose68000)
+ basic_machine=m68000-ericsson
+ os=ose
+ ;;
+ os68k)
+ basic_machine=m68k-none
+ os=os68k
+ ;;
+ paragon)
+ basic_machine=i860-intel
+ os=osf
+ ;;
+ parisc)
+ basic_machine=hppa-unknown
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ pw32)
+ basic_machine=i586-unknown
+ os=pw32
+ ;;
+ rdos | rdos64)
+ basic_machine=x86_64-pc
+ os=rdos
+ ;;
+ rdos32)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=rdos
+ ;;
+ rom68k)
+ basic_machine=m68k-rom68k
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ sa29200)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=udi
+ ;;
+ sei)
+ basic_machine=mips-sei
+ os=seiux
+ ;;
+ sequent)
+ basic_machine=i386-sequent
+ os=
+ ;;
+ sps7)
+ basic_machine=m68k-bull
+ os=sysv2
+ ;;
+ st2000)
+ basic_machine=m68k-tandem
+ os=
+ ;;
+ stratus)
+ basic_machine=i860-stratus
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ sun2)
+ basic_machine=m68000-sun
+ os=
+ ;;
+ sun2os3)
+ basic_machine=m68000-sun
+ os=sunos3
+ ;;
+ sun2os4)
+ basic_machine=m68000-sun
+ os=sunos4
+ ;;
+ sun3)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sun
+ os=
+ ;;
+ sun3os3)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sun
+ os=sunos3
+ ;;
+ sun3os4)
+ basic_machine=m68k-sun
+ os=sunos4
+ ;;
+ sun4)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ os=
+ ;;
+ sun4os3)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ os=sunos3
+ ;;
+ sun4os4)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ os=sunos4
+ ;;
+ sun4sol2)
+ basic_machine=sparc-sun
+ os=solaris2
+ ;;
+ sun386 | sun386i | roadrunner)
+ basic_machine=i386-sun
+ os=
+ ;;
+ sv1)
+ basic_machine=sv1-cray
+ os=unicos
+ ;;
+ symmetry)
+ basic_machine=i386-sequent
+ os=dynix
+ ;;
+ t3e)
+ basic_machine=alphaev5-cray
+ os=unicos
+ ;;
+ t90)
+ basic_machine=t90-cray
+ os=unicos
+ ;;
+ toad1)
+ basic_machine=pdp10-xkl
+ os=tops20
+ ;;
+ tpf)
+ basic_machine=s390x-ibm
+ os=tpf
+ ;;
+ udi29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-amd
+ os=udi
+ ;;
+ ultra3)
+ basic_machine=a29k-nyu
+ os=sym1
+ ;;
+ v810 | necv810)
+ basic_machine=v810-nec
+ os=none
+ ;;
+ vaxv)
+ basic_machine=vax-dec
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ vms)
+ basic_machine=vax-dec
+ os=vms
+ ;;
+ vsta)
+ basic_machine=i386-pc
+ os=vsta
+ ;;
+ vxworks960)
+ basic_machine=i960-wrs
+ os=vxworks
+ ;;
+ vxworks68)
+ basic_machine=m68k-wrs
+ os=vxworks
+ ;;
+ vxworks29k)
+ basic_machine=a29k-wrs
+ os=vxworks
+ ;;
+ xbox)
+ basic_machine=i686-pc
+ os=mingw32
+ ;;
+ ymp)
+ basic_machine=ymp-cray
+ os=unicos
+ ;;
+ *)
+ basic_machine=$1
+ os=
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+# Decode 1-component or ad-hoc basic machines
+case $basic_machine in
+ # Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types. It is in
+ # some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular.
+ w89k)
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=winbond
+ ;;
+ op50n)
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=oki
+ ;;
+ op60c)
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=oki
+ ;;
+ ibm*)
+ cpu=i370
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ orion105)
+ cpu=clipper
+ vendor=highlevel
+ ;;
+ mac | mpw | mac-mpw)
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=apple
+ ;;
+ pmac | pmac-mpw)
+ cpu=powerpc
+ vendor=apple
+ ;;
+ # Recognize the various machine names and aliases which stand
+ # for a CPU type and a company and sometimes even an OS.
+ 3b1 | 7300 | 7300-att | att-7300 | pc7300 | safari | unixpc)
+ cpu=m68000
+ vendor=att
+ ;;
+ 3b*)
+ cpu=we32k
+ vendor=att
+ ;;
+ bluegene*)
+ cpu=powerpc
+ vendor=ibm
+ os=cnk
+ ;;
+ decsystem10* | dec10*)
+ cpu=pdp10
+ vendor=dec
+ os=tops10
+ ;;
+ decsystem20* | dec20*)
+ cpu=pdp10
+ vendor=dec
+ os=tops20
+ ;;
+ delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \
+ | 3300-motorola | delta-motorola)
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=motorola
+ ;;
+ dpx2*)
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=bull
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ encore | umax | mmax)
+ cpu=ns32k
+ vendor=encore
+ ;;
+ elxsi)
+ cpu=elxsi
+ vendor=elxsi
+ os=${os:-bsd}
+ ;;
+ fx2800)
+ cpu=i860
+ vendor=alliant
+ ;;
+ genix)
+ cpu=ns32k
+ vendor=ns
+ ;;
+ h3050r* | hiux*)
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=hitachi
+ os=hiuxwe2
+ ;;
+ hp3k9[0-9][0-9] | hp9[0-9][0-9])
+ cpu=hppa1.0
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k2[0-9][0-9] | hp9k31[0-9])
+ cpu=m68000
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k3[2-9][0-9])
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k6[0-9][0-9] | hp6[0-9][0-9])
+ cpu=hppa1.0
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k7[0-79][0-9] | hp7[0-79][0-9])
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k78[0-9] | hp78[0-9])
+ # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k8[67]1 | hp8[67]1 | hp9k80[24] | hp80[24] | hp9k8[78]9 | hp8[78]9 | hp9k893 | hp893)
+ # FIXME: really hppa2.0-hp
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k8[0-9][13679] | hp8[0-9][13679])
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k8[0-9][0-9] | hp8[0-9][0-9])
+ cpu=hppa1.0
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ i*86v32)
+ cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
+ vendor=pc
+ os=sysv32
+ ;;
+ i*86v4*)
+ cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
+ vendor=pc
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ i*86v)
+ cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
+ vendor=pc
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ i*86sol2)
+ cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
+ vendor=pc
+ os=solaris2
+ ;;
+ j90 | j90-cray)
+ cpu=j90
+ vendor=cray
+ os=${os:-unicos}
+ ;;
+ iris | iris4d)
+ cpu=mips
+ vendor=sgi
+ case $os in
+ irix*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=irix4
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ miniframe)
+ cpu=m68000
+ vendor=convergent
+ ;;
+ *mint | mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | *MiNT[0-9]*)
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=atari
+ os=mint
+ ;;
+ news-3600 | risc-news)
+ cpu=mips
+ vendor=sony
+ os=newsos
+ ;;
+ next | m*-next)
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=next
+ case $os in
+ openstep*)
+ ;;
+ nextstep*)
+ ;;
+ ns2*)
+ os=nextstep2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=nextstep3
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ np1)
+ cpu=np1
+ vendor=gould
+ ;;
+ op50n-* | op60c-*)
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=oki
+ os=proelf
+ ;;
+ pa-hitachi)
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=hitachi
+ os=hiuxwe2
+ ;;
+ pbd)
+ cpu=sparc
+ vendor=tti
+ ;;
+ pbb)
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=tti
+ ;;
+ pc532)
+ cpu=ns32k
+ vendor=pc532
+ ;;
+ pn)
+ cpu=pn
+ vendor=gould
+ ;;
+ power)
+ cpu=power
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ ps2)
+ cpu=i386
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ rm[46]00)
+ cpu=mips
+ vendor=siemens
+ ;;
+ rtpc | rtpc-*)
+ cpu=romp
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ sde)
+ cpu=mipsisa32
+ vendor=sde
+ os=${os:-elf}
+ ;;
+ simso-wrs)
+ cpu=sparclite
+ vendor=wrs
+ os=vxworks
+ ;;
+ tower | tower-32)
+ cpu=m68k
+ vendor=ncr
+ ;;
+ vpp*|vx|vx-*)
+ cpu=f301
+ vendor=fujitsu
+ ;;
+ w65)
+ cpu=w65
+ vendor=wdc
+ ;;
+ w89k-*)
+ cpu=hppa1.1
+ vendor=winbond
+ os=proelf
+ ;;
+ none)
+ cpu=none
+ vendor=none
+ ;;
+ leon|leon[3-9])
+ cpu=sparc
+ vendor=$basic_machine
+ ;;
+ leon-*|leon[3-9]-*)
+ cpu=sparc
+ vendor=`echo "$basic_machine" | sed 's/-.*//'`
+ ;;
+ *-*)
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2162
+ IFS="-" read cpu vendor <<EOF
+ ;;
+ # We use `pc' rather than `unknown'
+ # because (1) that's what they normally are, and
+ # (2) the word "unknown" tends to confuse beginning users.
+ i*86 | x86_64)
+ cpu=$basic_machine
+ vendor=pc
+ ;;
+ # These rules are duplicated from below for sake of the special case above;
+ # i.e. things that normalized to x86 arches should also default to "pc"
+ pc98)
+ cpu=i386
+ vendor=pc
+ ;;
+ x64 | amd64)
+ cpu=x86_64
+ vendor=pc
+ ;;
+ # Recognize the basic CPU types without company name.
+ *)
+ cpu=$basic_machine
+ vendor=unknown
+ ;;
+unset -v basic_machine
+# Decode basic machines in the full and proper CPU-Company form.
+case $cpu-$vendor in
+ # Here we handle the default manufacturer of certain CPU types in canonical form. It is in
+ # some cases the only manufacturer, in others, it is the most popular.
+ craynv-unknown)
+ vendor=cray
+ os=${os:-unicosmp}
+ ;;
+ c90-unknown | c90-cray)
+ vendor=cray
+ os=${os:-unicos}
+ ;;
+ fx80-unknown)
+ vendor=alliant
+ ;;
+ romp-unknown)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ mmix-unknown)
+ vendor=knuth
+ ;;
+ microblaze-unknown | microblazeel-unknown)
+ vendor=xilinx
+ ;;
+ rs6000-unknown)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ vax-unknown)
+ vendor=dec
+ ;;
+ pdp11-unknown)
+ vendor=dec
+ ;;
+ we32k-unknown)
+ vendor=att
+ ;;
+ cydra-unknown)
+ vendor=cydrome
+ ;;
+ i370-ibm*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ orion-unknown)
+ vendor=highlevel
+ ;;
+ xps-unknown | xps100-unknown)
+ cpu=xps100
+ vendor=honeywell
+ ;;
+ # Here we normalize CPU types with a missing or matching vendor
+ dpx20-unknown | dpx20-bull)
+ cpu=rs6000
+ vendor=bull
+ os=${os:-bosx}
+ ;;
+ # Here we normalize CPU types irrespective of the vendor
+ amd64-*)
+ cpu=x86_64
+ ;;
+ blackfin-*)
+ cpu=bfin
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ c54x-*)
+ cpu=tic54x
+ ;;
+ c55x-*)
+ cpu=tic55x
+ ;;
+ c6x-*)
+ cpu=tic6x
+ ;;
+ e500v[12]-*)
+ cpu=powerpc
+ os=$os"spe"
+ ;;
+ mips3*-*)
+ cpu=mips64
+ ;;
+ ms1-*)
+ cpu=mt
+ ;;
+ m68knommu-*)
+ cpu=m68k
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ m9s12z-* | m68hcs12z-* | hcs12z-* | s12z-*)
+ cpu=s12z
+ ;;
+ openrisc-*)
+ cpu=or32
+ ;;
+ parisc-*)
+ cpu=hppa
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ pentium-* | p5-* | k5-* | k6-* | nexgen-* | viac3-*)
+ cpu=i586
+ ;;
+ pentiumpro-* | p6-* | 6x86-* | athlon-* | athalon_*-*)
+ cpu=i686
+ ;;
+ pentiumii-* | pentium2-* | pentiumiii-* | pentium3-*)
+ cpu=i686
+ ;;
+ pentium4-*)
+ cpu=i786
+ ;;
+ pc98-*)
+ cpu=i386
+ ;;
+ ppc-* | ppcbe-*)
+ cpu=powerpc
+ ;;
+ ppcle-* | powerpclittle-*)
+ cpu=powerpcle
+ ;;
+ ppc64-*)
+ cpu=powerpc64
+ ;;
+ ppc64le-* | powerpc64little-*)
+ cpu=powerpc64le
+ ;;
+ sb1-*)
+ cpu=mipsisa64sb1
+ ;;
+ sb1el-*)
+ cpu=mipsisa64sb1el
+ ;;
+ sh5e[lb]-*)
+ cpu=`echo "$cpu" | sed 's/^\(sh.\)e\(.\)$/\1\2e/'`
+ ;;
+ spur-*)
+ cpu=spur
+ ;;
+ strongarm-* | thumb-*)
+ cpu=arm
+ ;;
+ tx39-*)
+ cpu=mipstx39
+ ;;
+ tx39el-*)
+ cpu=mipstx39el
+ ;;
+ x64-*)
+ cpu=x86_64
+ ;;
+ xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-*)
+ cpu=`echo "$cpu" | sed 's/^xscale/arm/'`
+ ;;
+ # Recognize the canonical CPU Types that limit and/or modify the
+ # company names they are paired with.
+ cr16-*)
+ os=${os:-elf}
+ ;;
+ crisv32-* | etraxfs*-*)
+ cpu=crisv32
+ vendor=axis
+ ;;
+ cris-* | etrax*-*)
+ cpu=cris
+ vendor=axis
+ ;;
+ crx-*)
+ os=${os:-elf}
+ ;;
+ neo-tandem)
+ cpu=neo
+ vendor=tandem
+ ;;
+ nse-tandem)
+ cpu=nse
+ vendor=tandem
+ ;;
+ nsr-tandem)
+ cpu=nsr
+ vendor=tandem
+ ;;
+ nsv-tandem)
+ cpu=nsv
+ vendor=tandem
+ ;;
+ nsx-tandem)
+ cpu=nsx
+ vendor=tandem
+ ;;
+ s390-*)
+ cpu=s390
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ s390x-*)
+ cpu=s390x
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ tile*-*)
+ os=${os:-linux-gnu}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Recognize the canonical CPU types that are allowed with any
+ # company name.
+ case $cpu in
+ 1750a | 580 \
+ | a29k \
+ | aarch64 | aarch64_be \
+ | abacus \
+ | alpha | alphaev[4-8] | alphaev56 | alphaev6[78] \
+ | alpha64 | alpha64ev[4-8] | alpha64ev56 | alpha64ev6[78] \
+ | alphapca5[67] | alpha64pca5[67] \
+ | am33_2.0 \
+ | amdgcn \
+ | arc | arceb \
+ | arm | arm[lb]e | arme[lb] | armv* \
+ | avr | avr32 \
+ | asmjs \
+ | ba \
+ | be32 | be64 \
+ | bfin | bpf | bs2000 \
+ | c[123]* | c30 | [cjt]90 | c4x \
+ | c8051 | clipper | craynv | csky | cydra \
+ | d10v | d30v | dlx | dsp16xx \
+ | e2k | elxsi | epiphany \
+ | f30[01] | f700 | fido | fr30 | frv | ft32 | fx80 \
+ | h8300 | h8500 \
+ | hppa | hppa1.[01] | hppa2.0 | hppa2.0[nw] | hppa64 \
+ | hexagon \
+ | i370 | i*86 | i860 | i960 | ia16 | ia64 \
+ | ip2k | iq2000 \
+ | k1om \
+ | le32 | le64 \
+ | lm32 \
+ | m32c | m32r | m32rle \
+ | m5200 | m68000 | m680[012346]0 | m68360 | m683?2 | m68k \
+ | m6811 | m68hc11 | m6812 | m68hc12 | m68hcs12x \
+ | m88110 | m88k | maxq | mb | mcore | mep | metag \
+ | microblaze | microblazeel \
+ | mips | mipsbe | mipseb | mipsel | mipsle \
+ | mips16 \
+ | mips64 | mips64eb | mips64el \
+ | mips64octeon | mips64octeonel \
+ | mips64orion | mips64orionel \
+ | mips64r5900 | mips64r5900el \
+ | mips64vr | mips64vrel \
+ | mips64vr4100 | mips64vr4100el \
+ | mips64vr4300 | mips64vr4300el \
+ | mips64vr5000 | mips64vr5000el \
+ | mips64vr5900 | mips64vr5900el \
+ | mipsisa32 | mipsisa32el \
+ | mipsisa32r2 | mipsisa32r2el \
+ | mipsisa32r6 | mipsisa32r6el \
+ | mipsisa64 | mipsisa64el \
+ | mipsisa64r2 | mipsisa64r2el \
+ | mipsisa64r6 | mipsisa64r6el \
+ | mipsisa64sb1 | mipsisa64sb1el \
+ | mipsisa64sr71k | mipsisa64sr71kel \
+ | mipsr5900 | mipsr5900el \
+ | mipstx39 | mipstx39el \
+ | mmix \
+ | mn10200 | mn10300 \
+ | moxie \
+ | mt \
+ | msp430 \
+ | nds32 | nds32le | nds32be \
+ | nfp \
+ | nios | nios2 | nios2eb | nios2el \
+ | none | np1 | ns16k | ns32k | nvptx \
+ | open8 \
+ | or1k* \
+ | or32 \
+ | orion \
+ | picochip \
+ | pdp10 | pdp11 | pj | pjl | pn | power \
+ | powerpc | powerpc64 | powerpc64le | powerpcle | powerpcspe \
+ | pru \
+ | pyramid \
+ | riscv | riscv32 | riscv64 \
+ | rl78 | romp | rs6000 | rx \
+ | score \
+ | sh | shl \
+ | sh[1234] | sh[24]a | sh[24]ae[lb] | sh[23]e | she[lb] | sh[lb]e \
+ | sh[1234]e[lb] | sh[12345][lb]e | sh[23]ele | sh64 | sh64le \
+ | sparc | sparc64 | sparc64b | sparc64v | sparc86x | sparclet \
+ | sparclite \
+ | sparcv8 | sparcv9 | sparcv9b | sparcv9v | sv1 | sx* \
+ | spu \
+ | tahoe \
+ | tic30 | tic4x | tic54x | tic55x | tic6x | tic80 \
+ | tron \
+ | ubicom32 \
+ | v70 | v850 | v850e | v850e1 | v850es | v850e2 | v850e2v3 \
+ | vax \
+ | visium \
+ | w65 \
+ | wasm32 | wasm64 \
+ | we32k \
+ | x86 | x86_64 | xc16x | xgate | xps100 \
+ | xstormy16 | xtensa* \
+ | ymp \
+ | z8k | z80)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo Invalid configuration \`"$1"\': machine \`"$cpu-$vendor"\' not recognized 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+# Here we canonicalize certain aliases for manufacturers.
+case $vendor in
+ digital*)
+ vendor=dec
+ ;;
+ commodore*)
+ vendor=cbm
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+# Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems.
+if [ x$os != x ]
+case $os in
+ # First match some system type aliases that might get confused
+ # with valid system types.
+ # solaris* is a basic system type, with this one exception.
+ auroraux)
+ os=auroraux
+ ;;
+ bluegene*)
+ os=cnk
+ ;;
+ solaris1 | solaris1.*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'`
+ ;;
+ solaris)
+ os=solaris2
+ ;;
+ unixware*)
+ os=sysv4.2uw
+ ;;
+ gnu/linux*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'`
+ ;;
+ # es1800 is here to avoid being matched by es* (a different OS)
+ es1800*)
+ os=ose
+ ;;
+ # Some version numbers need modification
+ chorusos*)
+ os=chorusos
+ ;;
+ isc)
+ os=isc2.2
+ ;;
+ sco6)
+ os=sco5v6
+ ;;
+ sco5)
+ os=sco3.2v5
+ ;;
+ sco4)
+ os=sco3.2v4
+ ;;
+ sco3.2.[4-9]*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'`
+ ;;
+ sco3.2v[4-9]* | sco5v6*)
+ # Don't forget version if it is 3.2v4 or newer.
+ ;;
+ scout)
+ # Don't match below
+ ;;
+ sco*)
+ os=sco3.2v2
+ ;;
+ psos*)
+ os=psos
+ ;;
+ # Now accept the basic system types.
+ # The portable systems comes first.
+ # Each alternative MUST end in a * to match a version number.
+ # sysv* is not here because it comes later, after sysvr4.
+ gnu* | bsd* | mach* | minix* | genix* | ultrix* | irix* \
+ | *vms* | esix* | aix* | cnk* | sunos | sunos[34]*\
+ | hpux* | unos* | osf* | luna* | dgux* | auroraux* | solaris* \
+ | sym* | kopensolaris* | plan9* \
+ | amigaos* | amigados* | msdos* | newsos* | unicos* | aof* \
+ | aos* | aros* | cloudabi* | sortix* | twizzler* \
+ | nindy* | vxsim* | vxworks* | ebmon* | hms* | mvs* \
+ | clix* | riscos* | uniplus* | iris* | isc* | rtu* | xenix* \
+ | knetbsd* | mirbsd* | netbsd* \
+ | bitrig* | openbsd* | solidbsd* | libertybsd* | os108* \
+ | ekkobsd* | kfreebsd* | freebsd* | riscix* | lynxos* \
+ | bosx* | nextstep* | cxux* | aout* | elf* | oabi* \
+ | ptx* | coff* | ecoff* | winnt* | domain* | vsta* \
+ | udi* | eabi* | lites* | ieee* | go32* | aux* | hcos* \
+ | chorusrdb* | cegcc* | glidix* \
+ | cygwin* | msys* | pe* | moss* | proelf* | rtems* \
+ | midipix* | mingw32* | mingw64* | linux-gnu* | linux-android* \
+ | linux-newlib* | linux-musl* | linux-uclibc* \
+ | uxpv* | beos* | mpeix* | udk* | moxiebox* \
+ | interix* | uwin* | mks* | rhapsody* | darwin* \
+ | openstep* | oskit* | conix* | pw32* | nonstopux* \
+ | storm-chaos* | tops10* | tenex* | tops20* | its* \
+ | os2* | vos* | palmos* | uclinux* | nucleus* \
+ | morphos* | superux* | rtmk* | windiss* \
+ | powermax* | dnix* | nx6 | nx7 | sei* | dragonfly* \
+ | skyos* | haiku* | rdos* | toppers* | drops* | es* \
+ | onefs* | tirtos* | phoenix* | fuchsia* | redox* | bme* \
+ | midnightbsd* | amdhsa* | unleashed* | emscripten* | wasi* \
+ | nsk* | powerunix* | genode*)
+ # Remember, each alternative MUST END IN *, to match a version number.
+ ;;
+ qnx*)
+ case $cpu in
+ x86 | i*86)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=nto-$os
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ hiux*)
+ os=hiuxwe2
+ ;;
+ nto-qnx*)
+ ;;
+ nto*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'`
+ ;;
+ sim | xray | os68k* | v88r* \
+ | windows* | osx | abug | netware* | os9* \
+ | macos* | mpw* | magic* | mmixware* | mon960* | lnews*)
+ ;;
+ linux-dietlibc)
+ os=linux-dietlibc
+ ;;
+ linux*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'`
+ ;;
+ lynx*178)
+ os=lynxos178
+ ;;
+ lynx*5)
+ os=lynxos5
+ ;;
+ lynx*)
+ os=lynxos
+ ;;
+ mac*)
+ os=`echo "$os" | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'`
+ ;;
+ opened*)
+ os=openedition
+ ;;
+ os400*)
+ os=os400
+ ;;
+ sunos5*)
+ os=`echo "$os" | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'`
+ ;;
+ sunos6*)
+ os=`echo "$os" | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'`
+ ;;
+ wince*)
+ os=wince
+ ;;
+ utek*)
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ dynix*)
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ acis*)
+ os=aos
+ ;;
+ atheos*)
+ os=atheos
+ ;;
+ syllable*)
+ os=syllable
+ ;;
+ 386bsd)
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ ctix* | uts*)
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ nova*)
+ os=rtmk-nova
+ ;;
+ ns2)
+ os=nextstep2
+ ;;
+ # Preserve the version number of sinix5.
+ sinix5.*)
+ os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'`
+ ;;
+ sinix*)
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ tpf*)
+ os=tpf
+ ;;
+ triton*)
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ oss*)
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ svr4*)
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ svr3)
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ sysvr4)
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ # This must come after sysvr4.
+ sysv*)
+ ;;
+ ose*)
+ os=ose
+ ;;
+ *mint | mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | MiNT[0-9]*)
+ os=mint
+ ;;
+ zvmoe)
+ os=zvmoe
+ ;;
+ dicos*)
+ os=dicos
+ ;;
+ pikeos*)
+ # Until real need of OS specific support for
+ # particular features comes up, bare metal
+ # configurations are quite functional.
+ case $cpu in
+ arm*)
+ os=eabi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ nacl*)
+ ;;
+ ios)
+ ;;
+ none)
+ ;;
+ *-eabi)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo Invalid configuration \`"$1"\': system \`"$os"\' not recognized 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# Here we handle the default operating systems that come with various machines.
+# The value should be what the vendor currently ships out the door with their
+# machine or put another way, the most popular os provided with the machine.
+# Note that if you're going to try to match "-MANUFACTURER" here (say,
+# "-sun"), then you have to tell the case statement up towards the top
+# that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating system. Otherwise, code above
+# will signal an error saying that MANUFACTURER isn't an operating
+# system, and we'll never get to this point.
+case $cpu-$vendor in
+ score-*)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ spu-*)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ *-acorn)
+ os=riscix1.2
+ ;;
+ arm*-rebel)
+ os=linux
+ ;;
+ arm*-semi)
+ os=aout
+ ;;
+ c4x-* | tic4x-*)
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ c8051-*)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ clipper-intergraph)
+ os=clix
+ ;;
+ hexagon-*)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ tic54x-*)
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ tic55x-*)
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ tic6x-*)
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ # This must come before the *-dec entry.
+ pdp10-*)
+ os=tops20
+ ;;
+ pdp11-*)
+ os=none
+ ;;
+ *-dec | vax-*)
+ os=ultrix4.2
+ ;;
+ m68*-apollo)
+ os=domain
+ ;;
+ i386-sun)
+ os=sunos4.0.2
+ ;;
+ m68000-sun)
+ os=sunos3
+ ;;
+ m68*-cisco)
+ os=aout
+ ;;
+ mep-*)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ mips*-cisco)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ mips*-*)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ or32-*)
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ *-tti) # must be before sparc entry or we get the wrong os.
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ sparc-* | *-sun)
+ os=sunos4.1.1
+ ;;
+ pru-*)
+ os=elf
+ ;;
+ *-be)
+ os=beos
+ ;;
+ *-ibm)
+ os=aix
+ ;;
+ *-knuth)
+ os=mmixware
+ ;;
+ *-wec)
+ os=proelf
+ ;;
+ *-winbond)
+ os=proelf
+ ;;
+ *-oki)
+ os=proelf
+ ;;
+ *-hp)
+ os=hpux
+ ;;
+ *-hitachi)
+ os=hiux
+ ;;
+ i860-* | *-att | *-ncr | *-altos | *-motorola | *-convergent)
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ *-cbm)
+ os=amigaos
+ ;;
+ *-dg)
+ os=dgux
+ ;;
+ *-dolphin)
+ os=sysv3
+ ;;
+ m68k-ccur)
+ os=rtu
+ ;;
+ m88k-omron*)
+ os=luna
+ ;;
+ *-next)
+ os=nextstep
+ ;;
+ *-sequent)
+ os=ptx
+ ;;
+ *-crds)
+ os=unos
+ ;;
+ *-ns)
+ os=genix
+ ;;
+ i370-*)
+ os=mvs
+ ;;
+ *-gould)
+ os=sysv
+ ;;
+ *-highlevel)
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ *-encore)
+ os=bsd
+ ;;
+ *-sgi)
+ os=irix
+ ;;
+ *-siemens)
+ os=sysv4
+ ;;
+ *-masscomp)
+ os=rtu
+ ;;
+ f30[01]-fujitsu | f700-fujitsu)
+ os=uxpv
+ ;;
+ *-rom68k)
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ *-*bug)
+ os=coff
+ ;;
+ *-apple)
+ os=macos
+ ;;
+ *-atari*)
+ os=mint
+ ;;
+ *-wrs)
+ os=vxworks
+ ;;
+ *)
+ os=none
+ ;;
+# Here we handle the case where we know the os, and the CPU type, but not the
+# manufacturer. We pick the logical manufacturer.
+case $vendor in
+ unknown)
+ case $os in
+ riscix*)
+ vendor=acorn
+ ;;
+ sunos*)
+ vendor=sun
+ ;;
+ cnk*|-aix*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ beos*)
+ vendor=be
+ ;;
+ hpux*)
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ mpeix*)
+ vendor=hp
+ ;;
+ hiux*)
+ vendor=hitachi
+ ;;
+ unos*)
+ vendor=crds
+ ;;
+ dgux*)
+ vendor=dg
+ ;;
+ luna*)
+ vendor=omron
+ ;;
+ genix*)
+ vendor=ns
+ ;;
+ clix*)
+ vendor=intergraph
+ ;;
+ mvs* | opened*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ os400*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ ptx*)
+ vendor=sequent
+ ;;
+ tpf*)
+ vendor=ibm
+ ;;
+ vxsim* | vxworks* | windiss*)
+ vendor=wrs
+ ;;
+ aux*)
+ vendor=apple
+ ;;
+ hms*)
+ vendor=hitachi
+ ;;
+ mpw* | macos*)
+ vendor=apple
+ ;;
+ *mint | mint[0-9]* | *MiNT | MiNT[0-9]*)
+ vendor=atari
+ ;;
+ vos*)
+ vendor=stratus
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+echo "$cpu-$vendor-$os"
+# Local variables:
+# eval: (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp)
+# time-stamp-start: "timestamp='"
+# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d"
+# time-stamp-end: "'"
+# End:
diff --git a/configure b/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..51c3fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# This configure script ensures that the script exists, and
+# if not, it tries to fetch rsync's generated files or build them. We
+# then transfer control to the script to do the real work.
+dir=`dirname $0`
+if test x"$dir" = x; then
+ dir=.
+if test "$dir" = '.'; then
+ branch=`packaging/prep-auto-dir` || exit 1
+ if test x"$branch" != x; then
+ cd build || exit 1
+ dir=..
+ fi
+if test ! -f; then
+ if ! "$dir/prepare-source" build; then
+ echo 'Failed to build and/or -- giving up.' >&2
+ rm -f
+ exit 1
+ fi
+exec ./ --srcdir="$dir" "${@}"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c9955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1445 @@
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+AC_INIT([rsync],[ ],[])
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/fcntl.h sys/select.h fcntl.h sys/time.h sys/unistd.h \
+ unistd.h utime.h compat.h sys/param.h ctype.h sys/wait.h sys/stat.h \
+ sys/ioctl.h sys/filio.h string.h stdlib.h sys/socket.h sys/mode.h grp.h \
+ sys/un.h sys/attr.h arpa/inet.h arpa/nameser.h locale.h sys/types.h \
+ netdb.h malloc.h float.h limits.h iconv.h libcharset.h langinfo.h mcheck.h \
+ sys/acl.h acl/libacl.h attr/xattr.h sys/xattr.h sys/extattr.h dl.h \
+ popt.h popt/popt.h linux/falloc.h netinet/in_systm.h netgroup.h \
+ zlib.h xxhash.h openssl/md4.h openssl/md5.h zstd.h lz4.h sys/file.h \
+ bsd/string.h)
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS([netinet/ip.h], [], [], [[#include <netinet/in.h>]])
+PACKAGE_VERSION=`sed -n 's/.*RSYNC_VERSION.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' <$srcdir/version.h`
+AC_MSG_NOTICE([Configuring rsync $PACKAGE_VERSION])
+dnl define the directory for replacement function since AC_LIBOBJ does not
+dnl officially support subdirs and fails with automake
+# We must decide this before testing the compiler.
+# Please allow this to default to yes, so that your users have more
+# chance of getting a useful stack trace if problems occur.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include debugging symbols])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-debug],[disable to omit debugging symbols and features]))
+if test x"$enable_debug" = x"no"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ dnl AC_DEFINE(DEBUG, 1, [Define to turn on debugging code that may slow normal operation])
+ # leave ac_cv_prog_cc_g alone; AC_PROG_CC will try to include -g if it can
+dnl Checks for programs.
+AC_PATH_PROG([PERL], [perl])
+AC_PATH_PROG([PYTHON3], [python3])
+ [Define _GNU_SOURCE so that we get all necessary prototypes])
+if test x"$ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc" = x"no"; then
+ AC_MSG_WARN([rsync requires an ANSI C compiler and you do not seem to have one])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-profile],[enable to turn on CPU profiling]))
+if test x"$enable_profile" = x"yes"; then
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([if md2man can create manpages])
+if test x"$ac_cv_path_PYTHON3" = x; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(no - python3 not found)
+ md2man_works=no
+ md2man_out=`"$srcdir/md2man" --test "$srcdir/" 2>&1`
+ if test $? = 0; then
+ md2man_works=yes
+ else
+ md2man_works=no
+ echo "$md2man_out"
+ fi
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([if we require man-page building])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-md2man],[disable to omit manpage creation]))
+if test x"$enable_md2man" != x"no"; then
+ if test -f "$srcdir/rsync.1"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(optional)
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(required)
+ if test x"$md2man_works" = x"no"; then
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- You need python3 and either the cmarkgfm OR commonmark python3 lib in order"
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl to build manpages based on the git source (manpages are included in the"
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl official release tar files)."
+ no_lib="$no_lib md2man"
+ fi
+ fi
+ MAKE_MAN=man
+# Specifically, this turns on panic_action handling.
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-maintainer-mode],[enable to turn on extra debug features]))
+if test x"$enable_maintainer_mode" = x"yes"; then
+# This is needed for our included version of popt. Kind of silly, but
+# I don't want our version too far out of sync.
+# If GCC, turn on warnings.
+if test x"$GCC" = x"yes"; then
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-openssl-conf=PATH],[set default OPENSSL_CONF path for rsync]))
+case "$with_openssl_conf" in
+ *[^-/a-zA-Z0-9.,=@+_]*) AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid path given to --with-openssl-conf]) ;;
+ /*) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DSET_OPENSSL_CONF=$with_openssl_conf" ;;
+ no|'') ;;
+ yes) AC_MSG_ERROR([No path given to --with-openssl-conf]) ;;
+ *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Non absolute path given to --with-openssl-conf]) ;;
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-rrsync],[also install the rrsync script and its manpage]))
+if test x"$with_rrsync" != x"yes"; then
+ with_rrsync=no
+ MAKE_RRSYNC='rrsync'
+ MAKE_RRSYNC_1='rrsync.1'
+ GEN_RRSYNC='rrsync.1 rrsync.1.html'
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-included-popt],[use bundled popt library, not from system]))
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-included-zlib],[use bundled zlib library, not from system]))
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-secluded-args],[make --secluded-args option the default]))
+if test x"$with_secluded_args" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(RSYNC_USE_SECLUDED_ARGS, 1, [Define to 1 if --secluded-args should be the default])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-rsync-path=PATH],[set default --rsync-path to PATH (default: rsync)]),
+ [ RSYNC_PATH="$with_rsync_path" ],
+ [ RSYNC_PATH="rsync" ])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(RSYNC_PATH, "$RSYNC_PATH", [location of rsync on remote machine])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-rsyncd-conf=PATH],[set configuration file for rsync server to PATH (default: /etc/rsyncd.conf)]),
+ [ if test ! -z "$with_rsyncd_conf" ; then
+ case $with_rsyncd_conf in
+ yes|no)
+ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="/etc/rsyncd.conf"
+ ;;
+ /*)
+ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="$with_rsyncd_conf"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(You must specify an absolute path to --with-rsyncd-conf=PATH)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="/etc/rsyncd.conf"
+ fi ],
+ [ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="/etc/rsyncd.conf" ])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(RSYNCD_SYSCONF, "$RSYNCD_SYSCONF", [location of configuration file for rsync server])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-rsh=CMD],[set remote shell command to CMD (default: ssh)]))
+if test x$HAVE_REMSH = x1; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_REMSH, 1, [Define to 1 if remote shell is remsh, not rsh])
+if test x"$with_rsh" != x; then
+ RSYNC_RSH="$with_rsh"
+ RSYNC_RSH="ssh"
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(RSYNC_RSH, "$RSYNC_RSH", [default -e command])
+# Some programs on solaris are only found in /usr/xpg4/bin (or work better than others versions).
+AC_PATH_PROG(SHELL_PATH, sh, /bin/sh, [/usr/xpg4/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH])
+AC_PATH_PROG(FAKEROOT_PATH, fakeroot, /usr/bin/fakeroot, [/usr/xpg4/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-nobody-user=USER],[set the default unprivileged user (default nobody)]),
+ [ NOBODY_USER="$with_nobody_user" ],
+ [ NOBODY_USER="nobody" ])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-nobody-group=GROUP],[set the default unprivileged group (default nobody or nogroup)]),
+ [ NOBODY_GROUP="$with_nobody_group" ])
+if test x"$with_nobody_group" = x; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([the group for user "nobody"])
+ if grep '^nobody:' /etc/group >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ elif grep '^nogroup:' /etc/group >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ NOBODY_GROUP=nogroup
+ else
+ NOBODY_GROUP=nobody # test for others?
+ fi
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NOBODY_USER, "$NOBODY_USER", [unprivileged user--e.g. nobody])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NOBODY_GROUP, "$NOBODY_GROUP", [unprivileged group for unprivileged user])
+# rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-roll-simd],[enable/disable to control rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations (requires c++)]))
+# Clag is crashing with -g -O2, so we'll get rid of -g for now.
+CXXFLAGS=`echo "$CXXFLAGS" | sed 's/-g //'`
+m4_define(SIMD_X86_64_TEST, [[#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <immintrin.h>
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_ssse3(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_sse2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_avx2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("ssse3"))) int test_ssse3(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("sse2"))) int test_sse2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("avx2"))) int test_avx2(int x) { return x; }
+typedef long long __m128i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(16), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+typedef long long __m256i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(32), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) void more_testing(char* buf, int len) { }
+__attribute__ ((target("ssse3"))) void more_testing(char* buf, int len)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (len-32); i+=32) {
+ __m128i in8_1, in8_2;
+ in8_1 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i + 16]);
+ }
+if test x"$enable_roll_simd" = x""; then
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *linux*) ;;
+ *) enable_roll_simd=no ;;
+ esac
+if test x"$enable_roll_simd" != x"no"; then
+ # For x86-64 SIMD, g++ >=5 or clang++ >=7 is required
+ if test x"$host_cpu" = x"x86_64" || test x"$host_cpu" = x"amd64"; then
+ AC_LANG(C++)
+ if test x"$host" = x"$build"; then
+ AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([SIMD_X86_64_TEST],[[if (test_ssse3(42) != 42 || test_sse2(42) != 42 || test_avx2(42) != 42) exit(1);]])],
+ [CXX_OK=yes],[CXX_OK=no])
+ else
+ fi
+ if test x"$CXX_OK" = x"yes"; then
+ # AC_MSG_RESULT() is called below.
+ ROLL_SIMD="$host_cpu"
+ elif test x"$enable_roll_simd" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(error)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(The rolling-checksum SIMD compilation test failed.
+Omit --enable-roll-simd to continue without it.)
+ fi
+ elif test x"$enable_roll_simd" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(unavailable)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(The rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations are currently x86_64|amd64 only.
+Omit --enable-roll-simd to continue without it.)
+ fi
+if test x"$ROLL_SIMD" != x""; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_ROLL_SIMD, 1, [Define to 1 to enable rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations])
+ # We only use c++ for its target attribute dispatching, disable unneeded bulky features
+ CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti"
+ # Apple often has "g++" as a symlink for clang. Try to find out the truth.
+ CXX_VERSION=`$CXX --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 2`
+ case "$CXX_VERSION" in
+ *clang*) CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-slp-vectorize" ;; # avoid a performance hit
+ esac
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([if assembler accepts noexecstack])
+CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wa,--noexecstack"
+AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[ ]], [[return 0;]])],
+[ NOEXECSTACK='-Wa,--noexecstack' ; AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) ],
+# arrgh. libc in some old debian version screwed up the largefile
+# stuff, getting byte range locking wrong
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for broken largefile support],rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_LARGEFILE,[
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+# include <fcntl.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H
+# include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+int main(void)
+ struct flock lock;
+ int status;
+ char tpl[32] = "/tmp/locktest.XXXXXX";
+ int fd = mkstemp(tpl);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ strcpy(tpl, "conftest.dat");
+ fd = open(tpl, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600);
+ }
+ lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+ lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ lock.l_start = 0;
+ lock.l_len = 1;
+ lock.l_pid = 0;
+ fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&lock);
+ if (fork() == 0) {
+ lock.l_start = 1;
+ _exit(fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&lock) == 0);
+ }
+ wait(&status);
+ unlink(tpl);
+ return WEXITSTATUS(status);
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_LARGEFILE" != x"yes"; then
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable ipv6])
+AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-ipv6],[disable to omit ipv6 support]),
+[ case "$enableval" in
+ no)
+ ;;
+ *) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
+ AC_DEFINE(INET6, 1, [true if you have IPv6])
+ ;;
+ esac ],
+ AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[ /* AF_INET6 availability check */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+ if (socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0) < 0)
+ exit(1);
+ else
+ exit(0);
+ AC_DEFINE(INET6, 1, true if you have IPv6)],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT(no)],
+dnl Do you want to disable use of locale functions
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-locale],[disable to omit locale features]))
+[Undefine if you do not want locale features. By default this is defined.])
+if test x"$enable_locale" != x"no"; then
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to call shutdown on all sockets])
+case $host_os in
+ *cygwin* ) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
+ [Define to 1 if sockets need to be shutdown])
+ ;;
+ * ) AC_MSG_RESULT(no);;
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable use of openssl crypto library])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-openssl],[disable to omit openssl crypto library]))
+[Undefine if you do not want to use openssl crypto library. By default this is defined.])
+if test x"$enable_openssl" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_openssl_md4_h" = x"yes" && test x"$ac_cv_header_openssl_md5_h" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_SEARCH_LIBS(MD5_Init, crypto,
+ enable_openssl=yes],
+ [err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find MD5_Init function in openssl crypto lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib openssl"])
+ else
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find openssl/md4.h and openssl/md5.h for openssl crypto lib support."
+ no_lib="$no_lib openssl"
+ fi
+ if test x"$enable_md5_asm" != x"yes"; then
+ enable_md5_asm=no
+ fi
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable MD5 ASM optimizations])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-md5-asm],[enable/disable to control MD5 ASM optimizations]))
+if test x"$enable_md5_asm" = x""; then
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *linux*) ;;
+ *) enable_md5_asm=no ;;
+ esac
+if test x"$enable_md5_asm" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$host_cpu" = x"x86_64" || test x"$host_cpu" = x"amd64"; then
+ MD5_ASM="$host_cpu"
+ elif test x"$enable_md5_asm" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(unavailable)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(The ASM optimizations are currently x86_64|amd64 only.
+Omit --enable-md5-asm to continue without it.)
+ fi
+if test x"$MD5_ASM" != x""; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($MD5_ASM)])
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_MD5_ASM, 1, [Define to 1 to enable MD5 ASM optimizations])
+ MD5_ASM='$(MD5_ASM_'"$MD5_ASM)"
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable rolling-checksum ASM optimizations])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-roll-asm],[enable/disable to control rolling-checksum ASM optimizations (requires --enable-roll-simd)]))
+if test x"$ROLL_SIMD" = x""; then
+ enable_roll_asm=no
+if test x"$enable_roll_asm" = x"yes"; then
+ ROLL_ASM="$host_cpu"
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_ROLL_ASM, 1, [Define to 1 to enable rolling-checksum ASM optimizations (requires --enable-roll-simd)])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable xxhash checksum support])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xxhash],[disable to omit xxhash checksums]))
+[Undefine if you do not want xxhash checksums. By default this is defined.])
+if test x"$enable_xxhash" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_xxhash_h" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_SEARCH_LIBS(XXH64_createState, xxhash,
+ [err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find XXH64_createState function in xxhash lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib xxhash"])
+ else
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find xxhash.h for xxhash checksum support.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib xxhash"
+ fi
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable zstd compression])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-zstd], [disable to omit zstd compression]))
+[Undefine if you do not want zstd compression. By default this is defined.])
+if test x"$enable_zstd" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_zstd_h" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_SEARCH_LIBS(ZSTD_minCLevel, zstd,
+ [err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find ZSTD_minCLevel function in zstd lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib zstd"])
+ else
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find zstd.h for zstd compression support.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib zstd"
+ fi
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable LZ4 compression])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-lz4], [disable to omit LZ4 compression]))
+[Undefine if you do not want LZ4 compression. By default this is defined.])
+if test x"$enable_lz4" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_lz4_h" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_SEARCH_LIBS(LZ4_compress_default, lz4,
+ [err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find LZ4_compress_default function in lz4 lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib lz4"])
+ else
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find lz4.h for lz4 compression support."
+ no_lib="$no_lib lz4"
+ fi
+if test x"$no_lib" != x; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Configure found the following issues:"
+ echo "$err_msg"
+ echo ""
+ echo "See the INSTALL file for hints on how to install the missing libraries and/or"
+ echo "how to generate (or fetch) manpages:"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "To disable one or more features, the relevant configure options are:"
+ for lib in $no_lib; do
+ echo " --disable-$lib"
+ done
+ echo ""
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Aborting configure run)
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([if makedev takes 3 args],rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mkdev.h>
+# if !defined makedev && (defined mkdev || defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__)
+# define makedev mkdev
+# endif
+#elif defined MAJOR_IN_SYSMACROS
+#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
+int main(void)
+ dev_t dev = makedev(0, 5, 7);
+ if (major(dev) != 5 || minor(dev) != 7)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+if test x"$rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS, 1, [Define to 1 if makedev() takes 3 args])
+AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long)
+if test $ac_cv_c_long_double = yes; then
+ AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE],[1],[Define to 1 if the type `long double' works and has more range or precision than `double'.])
+if test "$cross_compiling" = no; then
+ AC_DEFINE([GETGROUPS_T],[gid_t],[Define to the type of elements in the array set by `getgroups'. Usually this is either `int' or `gid_t'.])
+AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct stat.st_rdev,
+ struct stat.st_mtimensec,
+ struct stat.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec,
+ struct stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec],,,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for errno in errno.h],rsync_cv_errno, [
+ AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <errno.h>]], [[int i = errno]])],[rsync_cv_errno=yes],[rsync_cv_have_errno_decl=no])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_errno" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ERRNO_DECL, 1, [Define to 1 if errno is declared in errno.h])
+# The following test taken from the cvs sources
+# If we can't find connect, try looking in -lsocket, -lnsl, and -linet.
+# These need checks to be before checks for any other functions that
+# might be in the same libraries.
+# The Irix 5 has connect and gethostbyname, but Irix 5 also has
+# which has a bad implementation of gethostbyname (it
+# only looks in /etc/hosts), so we only look for -lsocket if we need
+# it.
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_connect" = x"no"; then
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-lnsl*) ;;
+ *) AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl_s, printf) ;;
+ esac
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-lnsl*) ;;
+ *) AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, printf) ;;
+ esac
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-lsocket*) ;;
+ *) AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, connect) ;;
+ esac
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-linet*) ;;
+ *) AC_CHECK_LIB(inet, connect) ;;
+ esac
+ dnl We can't just call AC_CHECK_FUNCS(connect) here, because the value
+ dnl has been cached.
+ if test x"$ac_cv_lib_socket_connect" = x"yes" ||
+ test x"$ac_cv_lib_inet_connect" = x"yes"; then
+ # ac_cv_func_connect=yes
+ # don't! it would cause AC_CHECK_FUNC to succeed next time configure is run
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CONNECT, 1, [Define to 1 if you have the "connect" function])
+ fi
+AC_SEARCH_LIBS(inet_ntop, resolv)
+# For OS X, Solaris, HP-UX, etc.: figure out if -liconv is needed. We'll
+# accept either iconv_open or libiconv_open, since some include files map
+# the former to the latter.
+AC_SEARCH_LIBS(iconv_open, iconv)
+AC_SEARCH_LIBS(libiconv_open, iconv)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for iconv declaration])
+AC_CACHE_VAL(am_cv_proto_iconv, [
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iconv.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
+size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);
+size_t iconv();
+]], [[]])],[am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1=""],[am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1="const"])
+ am_cv_proto_iconv="extern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1 char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);"])
+ am_cv_proto_iconv=`echo "[$]am_cv_proto_iconv" | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/( /(/'`
+ }[$]am_cv_proto_iconv)
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ICONV_CONST, $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1,
+ [Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const.])
+dnl AC_MSG_NOTICE([Looking in libraries: $LIBS])
+AC_REPLACE_FUNCS([inet_ntop inet_pton])
+AC_HAVE_TYPE([struct addrinfo], [#include <netdb.h>])
+AC_HAVE_TYPE([struct sockaddr_storage], [
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+# Irix 6.5 has getaddrinfo but not the corresponding defines, so use
+# builtin getaddrinfo if one of the defines don't exist
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether defines needed by getaddrinfo exist],
+ AC_EGREP_CPP(yes, [
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
+#include <netdb.h>
+#ifdef AI_PASSIVE
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_GETADDR_DEFINES=yes,
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_GETADDR_DEFINES=no)])
+AS_IF([test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_GETADDR_DEFINES" = x"yes" && test x"$ac_cv_type_struct_addrinfo" = x"yes"],[
+ # Tru64 UNIX has getaddrinfo() but has it renamed in libc as
+ # something else so we must include <netdb.h> to get the
+ # redefinition.
+ AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getaddrinfo, ,
+ [AC_MSG_CHECKING([for getaddrinfo by including <netdb.h>])
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netdb.h>]], [[getaddrinfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);]])],[AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ [Define to 1 if you have the "getaddrinfo" function and required types.])],[AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+ AC_LIBOBJ([getaddrinfo])])])
+ ],[AC_LIBOBJ([getaddrinfo])])
+AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct sockaddr.sa_len],
+ [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN, 1, [Do we have sockaddr.sa_len?]) ],
+ [],
+ [
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct sockaddr_in.sin_len],
+ [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_LEN, 1, [Do we have sockaddr_in.sin_len?]) ],
+ [],
+ [
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct sockaddr_un.sun_len],
+ [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOCKADDR_UN_LEN, 1, [Do we have sockaddr_un.sun_len?]) ],
+ [],
+ [
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct sockaddr_in6.sin6_scope_id],
+ [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SCOPE_ID, 1, [Do we have sockaddr_in6.sin6_scope_id?]) ],
+ [],
+ [
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+AC_HAVE_TYPE([struct stat64], [#include <stdio.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <stddef.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# endif
+# if we can't find strcasecmp, look in -lresolv (for Unixware at least)
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_strcasecmp" = x"no"; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(resolv, strcasecmp)
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_aclsort" = x"no"; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(sec, aclsort)
+dnl At the moment we don't test for a broken memcmp(), because all we
+dnl need to do is test for equality, not comparison, and it seems that
+dnl every platform has a memcmp that can do at least that.
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(waitpid wait4 getcwd chown chmod lchmod mknod mkfifo \
+ fchmod fstat ftruncate strchr readlink link utime utimes lutimes strftime \
+ chflags getattrlist mktime innetgr linkat \
+ memmove lchown vsnprintf snprintf vasprintf asprintf setsid strpbrk \
+ strlcat strlcpy strtol mallinfo mallinfo2 getgroups setgroups geteuid getegid \
+ setlocale setmode open64 lseek64 mkstemp64 mtrace va_copy __va_copy \
+ seteuid strerror putenv iconv_open locale_charset nl_langinfo getxattr \
+ extattr_get_link sigaction sigprocmask setattrlist getgrouplist \
+ initgroups utimensat posix_fallocate attropen setvbuf nanosleep usleep \
+ setenv unsetenv)
+dnl cygwin iconv.h defines iconv_open as libiconv_open
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_iconv_open" != x"yes"; then
+ AC_CHECK_FUNC(libiconv_open, [ac_cv_func_iconv_open=yes; AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV_OPEN, 1)])
+dnl Preallocation stuff (also fallocate, posix_fallocate function tests above):
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for useable fallocate],rsync_cv_have_fallocate,[
+AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#endif]], [[fallocate(0, 0, 0, 0);]])],[rsync_cv_have_fallocate=yes],[rsync_cv_have_fallocate=no])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_have_fallocate" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FALLOCATE, 1, [Define to 1 if you have the fallocate function and it compiles and links without error])
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+ #include <linux/falloc.h>
+ #error FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE is missing
+ #endif
+ ]])], [
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ ], [
+ ]
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+ #include <linux/falloc.h>
+ #error FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE is missing
+ #endif
+ ]])], [
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+ ], [
+ ]
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for SYS_fallocate],rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate,[
+AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#endif]], [[syscall(SYS_fallocate, 0, 0, (loff_t)0, (loff_t)0);]])],[rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate=yes],[rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate=no])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SYS_FALLOCATE, 1, [Define to 1 if you have the SYS_fallocate syscall number])
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_posix_fallocate" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether posix_fallocate is efficient])
+ case $host_os in
+ *cygwin*)
+ [Define if posix_fallocate is efficient (Cygwin)])
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+dnl End of preallocation stuff
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getpgrp tcgetpgrp)
+if test $ac_cv_func_getpgrp = yes; then
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-iconv-open],[disable to avoid all use of iconv_open()]),
+ [], [enable_iconv_open=$ac_cv_func_iconv_open])
+if test x"$enable_iconv_open" != x"no"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(USE_ICONV_OPEN, 1, [Define to 1 if you want rsync to make use of iconv_open()])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-iconv],[disable to omit the --iconv option]),
+ [], [enable_iconv=$enable_iconv_open])
+[Define if you want the --iconv option. Specifying a value will set the
+default iconv setting (a NULL means no --iconv processing by default).])
+if test x"$enable_iconv" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$enable_iconv" = x"yes"; then
+ else
+ fi
+ AC_DEFINE(UTF8_CHARSET, "UTF-8", [String to pass to iconv() for the UTF-8 charset.])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether chown() modifies symlinks],rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink,[
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+int main(void) {
+ char const *dangling_symlink = "conftest.dangle";
+ unlink(dangling_symlink);
+ if (symlink("", dangling_symlink) < 0) abort();
+ if (chown(dangling_symlink, getuid(), getgid()) < 0 && errno == ENOENT) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }]])],[rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink=yes],[rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink=no],[rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink=no])])
+if test $rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink = yes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(CHOWN_MODIFIES_SYMLINK, 1, [Define to 1 if chown modifies symlinks.])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether link() can hard-link symlinks],rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink,[
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+# include <fcntl.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H
+# include <sys/fcntl.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define FILENAME "conftest.dangle"
+int main(void) {
+ unlink(FILENAME);
+ if (symlink("", FILENAME) < 0) abort();
+ unlink(FILENAME "2");
+ if (linkat(AT_FDCWD, FILENAME, AT_FDCWD, FILENAME "2", 0) < 0) return 1;
+ if (link(FILENAME, FILENAME "2") < 0) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }]])],[rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink=yes],[rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink=no],[rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink=no])])
+if test $rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink = yes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(CAN_HARDLINK_SYMLINK, 1, [Define to 1 if link() can hard-link symlinks.])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether link() can hard-link special files],rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special,[
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define FILENAME "conftest.fifi"
+int main(void) {
+ unlink(FILENAME);
+ if (mkfifo(FILENAME, 0777) < 0) abort();
+ unlink(FILENAME "2");
+ if (link(FILENAME, FILENAME "2") < 0) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }]])],[rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special=yes],[rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special=no],[rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special=no])])
+if test $rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special = yes; then
+ AC_DEFINE(CAN_HARDLINK_SPECIAL, 1, [Define to 1 if link() can hard-link special files.])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working socketpair],rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+int main(void) {
+ int fd[2];
+ return (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd) != -1) ? 0 : 1;
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOCKETPAIR, 1, [Define to 1 if you have the "socketpair" function])
+if test x"$with_included_popt" != x"yes"; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(popt, poptGetContext, , [with_included_popt=yes])
+if test x"$ac_cv_header_popt_popt_h" = x"yes"; then
+ # If the system has /usr/include/popt/popt.h, we enable the
+ # included popt because an attempt to "#include <popt/popt.h>"
+ # would use our included header file anyway (due to -I.), and
+ # might conflict with the system popt.
+ with_included_popt=yes
+elif test x"$ac_cv_header_popt_h" != x"yes"; then
+ with_included_popt=yes
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use included libpopt])
+if test x"$with_included_popt" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($srcdir/popt)
+ BUILD_POPT='$(popt_OBJS)'
+ CFLAGS="-I$srcdir/popt $CFLAGS"
+ if test x"$ALLOCA" != x
+ then
+ # this can be removed when/if we add an included alloca.c;
+ # see autoconf documentation on AC_FUNC_ALLOCA
+ AC_MSG_WARN([included libpopt will use malloc, not alloca (which wastes a small amount of memory)])
+ fi
+# We default to using our zlib unless --with-included-zlib=no is given.
+if test x"$with_included_zlib" != x"no"; then
+ with_included_zlib=yes
+elif test x"$ac_cv_header_zlib_h" != x"yes"; then
+ with_included_zlib=yes
+if test x"$with_included_zlib" != x"yes"; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(z, deflateParams, , [with_included_zlib=yes])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use included zlib])
+if test x"$with_included_zlib" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($srcdir/zlib)
+ BUILD_ZLIB='$(zlib_OBJS)'
+ CFLAGS="-I$srcdir/zlib $CFLAGS"
+ AC_DEFINE(EXTERNAL_ZLIB, 1, [Define to 1 if using external zlib])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for unsigned char],rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK,[
+AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[]], [[signed char *s = (signed char *)""]])],[rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK=yes],[rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK=no])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(SIGNED_CHAR_OK, 1, [Define to 1 if "signed char" is a valid type])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for broken readdir],rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+int main(void) { struct dirent *di; DIR *d = opendir("."); di = readdir(d);
+if (di && di->d_name[-2] == '.' && di->d_name[-1] == 0 &&
+di->d_name[0] == 0) return 0; return 1;} ]])],[rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR=yes],[rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR=no],[rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR=cross])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR, 1, [Define to 1 if readdir() is broken])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for utimbuf],rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <utime.h>]], [[struct utimbuf tbuf; tbuf.actime = 0; tbuf.modtime = 1; return utime("foo.c",&tbuf);]])],[rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF=yes],[rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF=no])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF, 1, [Define to 1 if you have the "struct utimbuf" type])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([if gettimeofday takes tz argument],rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ,[
+AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#endif]], [[struct timeval tv; return gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);]])],[rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ=yes],[rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ=no])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ" != x"no"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ, 1, [Define to 1 if gettimeofday() takes a time-zone arg])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for C99 vsnprintf],rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+void foo(const char *format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ int len;
+ static char buf[] = "12345678901234567890";
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ len = vsnprintf(0, 0, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if (len != 5) exit(1);
+ if (snprintf(buf, 3, "hello") != 5 || strcmp(buf, "he") != 0) exit(1);
+int main(void) { foo("hello"); return 0; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF, 1, [Define to 1 if vsprintf has a C99-compatible return value])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for secure mkstemp],rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP,[
+AC_RUN_IFELSE([AC_LANG_SOURCE([[#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+int main(void) {
+ struct stat st;
+ char tpl[20]="/tmp/test.XXXXXX";
+ int fd = mkstemp(tpl);
+ if (fd == -1) return 1;
+ unlink(tpl);
+ if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) return 1;
+ if ((st.st_mode & 0777) != 0600) return 1;
+ return 0;
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP" = x"yes"; then
+ case $host_os in
+ hpux*)
+ dnl HP-UX has a broken mkstemp() implementation they refuse to fix,
+ dnl so we noisily skip using it. See HP change request JAGaf34426
+ dnl for details. (sbonds)
+ AC_MSG_WARN(Skipping broken HP-UX mkstemp() -- using mktemp() instead)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP, 1, [Define to 1 if mkstemp() is available and works right])
+ ;;
+ esac
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([if mknod creates FIFOs],rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS,[
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+int main(void) { int rc, ec; char *fn = "fifo-test";
+unlink(fn); rc = mknod(fn,S_IFIFO,0600); ec = errno; unlink(fn);
+if (rc) {printf("(%d %d) ",rc,ec); return ec;}
+return 0;}]])],[rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS=yes],[rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS=no],[rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS=cross])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS, 1, [Define to 1 if mknod() can create FIFOs.])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([if mknod creates sockets],rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS,[
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+int main(void) { int rc, ec; char *fn = "sock-test";
+unlink(fn); rc = mknod(fn,S_IFSOCK,0600); ec = errno; unlink(fn);
+if (rc) {printf("(%d %d) ",rc,ec); return ec;}
+return 0;}]])],[rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS=yes],[rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS=no],[rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS=cross])])
+if test x"$rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS, 1, [Define to 1 if mknod() can create sockets.])
+# The following test was mostly taken from the tcl/tk plus patches
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether -c -o works],rsync_cv_DASHC_WORKS_WITH_DASHO,[
+rm -rf conftest*
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+int main(void) { return 0; }
+${CC-cc} -c -o conftest..o conftest.$ac_ext
+if test -f conftest..o; then
+rm -rf conftest*
+if test x"$rsync_cv_DASHC_WORKS_WITH_DASHO" = x"yes"; then
+ OBJ_SAVE="#"
+ CC_SHOBJ_FLAG='-o $@'
+ OBJ_SAVE=' @b=`basename $@ .o`;rm -f $$b.o.sav;if test -f $$b.o; then mv $$b.o $$b.o.sav;fi;'
+ OBJ_RESTORE=' @b=`basename $@ .o`;if test "$$b.o" != "$@"; then mv $$b.o $@; if test -f $$b.o.sav; then mv $$b.o.sav $$b.o; fi; fi'
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(_acl __acl _facl __facl)
+# check for ACL support
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to support ACLs])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-acl-support],[disable to omit ACL support]))
+if test x"$enable_acl_support" = x"no"; then
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *sysv5*)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using UnixWare ACLs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_UNIXWARE_ACLS, 1, [true if you have UnixWare ACLs])
+ AC_DEFINE(SUPPORT_ACLS, 1, [Define to 1 to add support for ACLs])
+ ;;
+ solaris*)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using solaris ACLs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOLARIS_ACLS, 1, [true if you have solaris ACLs])
+ ;;
+ *irix*)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IRIX_ACLS, 1, [true if you have IRIX ACLs])
+ ;;
+ *aix*)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_AIX_ACLS, 1, [true if you have AIX ACLs])
+ ;;
+ *osf*)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using Tru64 ACLs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TRU64_ACLS, 1, [true if you have Tru64 ACLs])
+ LIBS="$LIBS -lpacl"
+ ;;
+ darwin*)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OSX_ACLS, 1, [true if you have Mac OS X ACLs])
+ ;;
+ *hpux*|*nsk*)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HPUX_ACLS, 1, [true if you have HPUX ACLs])
+ ;;
+ *)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(running tests:)
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(acl,acl_get_file)
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for ACL support],samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_SYS_ACL_H
+#include <sys/acl.h>
+#endif]], [[ acl_t acl; int entry_id; acl_entry_t *entry_p; return acl_get_entry( acl, entry_id, entry_p);]])],[samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS=yes],[samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS=no])])
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(ACL test results)
+ if test x"$samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using posix ACLs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_POSIX_ACLS, 1, [true if you have posix ACLs])
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK([for acl_get_perm_np],samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP,[
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_SYS_ACL_H
+#include <sys/acl.h>
+#endif]], [[ acl_permset_t permset_d; acl_perm_t perm; return acl_get_perm_np( permset_d, perm);]])],[samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP=yes],[samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP=no])])
+ if test x"$samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP, 1, [true if you have acl_get_perm_np])
+ fi
+ else
+ if test x"$enable_acl_support" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Failed to find ACL support)
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(No ACL support found)
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# check for extended attribute support
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to support extended attributes)
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xattr-support],[disable to omit extended attributes]),
+ [], [case "$ac_cv_func_getxattr$ac_cv_func_extattr_get_link$ac_cv_func_attropen" in
+ *yes*) enable_xattr_support=maybe ;;
+ *) enable_xattr_support=no ;;
+ esac])
+[Define to 1 to add support for extended attributes])
+if test x"$enable_xattr_support" = x"no"; then
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *linux*|*netbsd*|*cygwin*)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using Linux xattrs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LINUX_XATTRS, 1, [True if you have Linux xattrs (or equivalent)])
+ AC_DEFINE(NO_SYMLINK_USER_XATTRS, 1, [True if symlinks do not support user xattrs])
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(attr,getxattr)
+ ;;
+ darwin*)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using OS X xattrs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OSX_XATTRS, 1, [True if you have Mac OS X xattrs])
+ AC_DEFINE(NO_DEVICE_XATTRS, 1, [True if device files do not support xattrs])
+ AC_DEFINE(NO_SPECIAL_XATTRS, 1, [True if special files do not support xattrs])
+ ;;
+ freebsd*)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using FreeBSD extattrs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FREEBSD_XATTRS, 1, [True if you have FreeBSD xattrs])
+ ;;
+ solaris*)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using Solaris xattrs)
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOLARIS_XATTRS, 1, [True if you have Solaris xattrs])
+ AC_DEFINE(NO_SYMLINK_XATTRS, 1, [True if symlinks do not support xattrs])
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test x"$enable_xattr_support" = x"yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(Failed to find extended attribute support)
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(No extended attribute support found)
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+if test x"$enable_acl_support" = x"no" || test x"$enable_xattr_support" = x"no" || test x"$enable_iconv" = x"no"; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CC supports -Wno-unused-parameter])
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-unused-parameter"
+ AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <stdio.h>]], [[printf("hello\n");]])],[rsync_warn_flag=yes],[rsync_warn_flag=no])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([$rsync_warn_flag])
+ if test x"$rsync_warn_flag" = x"no"; then
+ fi
+case "$CC" in
+' checker'*|checker*)
+ AC_DEFINE(FORCE_FD_ZERO_MEMSET, 1, [Used to make "checker" understand that FD_ZERO() clears memory.])
+ ;;
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile lib/dummy zlib/dummy popt/dummy shconfig])
+AC_MSG_RESULT([ rsync $PACKAGE_VERSION configuration successful])
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00da71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,13395 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
+# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71 for rsync.
+# Report bugs to <>.
+# Copyright (C) 1992-1996, 1998-2017, 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.
+# This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+## -------------------- ##
+## M4sh Initialization. ##
+## -------------------- ##
+# Be more Bourne compatible
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+if test ${ZSH_VERSION+y} && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1
+then :
+ emulate sh
+ # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
+ alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+else $as_nop
+ case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #(
+ *posix*) :
+ set -o posix ;; #(
+ *) :
+ ;;
+# Reset variables that may have inherited troublesome values from
+# the environment.
+# IFS needs to be set, to space, tab, and newline, in precisely that order.
+# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would have the
+# side effect of setting IFS to empty, thus disabling word splitting.)
+# Quoting is to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
+export as_nl
+IFS=" "" $as_nl"
+PS1='$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS4='+ '
+# Ensure predictable behavior from utilities with locale-dependent output.
+export LC_ALL
+export LANGUAGE
+# We cannot yet rely on "unset" to work, but we need these variables
+# to be unset--not just set to an empty or harmless value--now, to
+# avoid bugs in old shells (e.g. pre-3.0 UWIN ksh). This construct
+# also avoids known problems related to "unset" and subshell syntax
+# in other old shells (e.g. bash 2.01 and pdksh 5.2.14).
+do eval test \${$as_var+y} \
+ && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || :
+# Ensure that fds 0, 1, and 2 are open.
+if (exec 3>&0) 2>/dev/null; then :; else exec 0</dev/null; fi
+if (exec 3>&1) 2>/dev/null; then :; else exec 1>/dev/null; fi
+if (exec 3>&2) ; then :; else exec 2>/dev/null; fi
+# The user is always right.
+if ${PATH_SEPARATOR+false} :; then
+ (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
+ (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ }
+# Find who we are. Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
+case $0 in #((
+ *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ test -r "$as_dir$0" && as_myself=$as_dir$0 && break
+ done
+ ;;
+# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
+# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
+if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
+ as_myself=$0
+if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
+ exit 1
+# Use a proper internal environment variable to ensure we don't fall
+ # into an infinite loop, continuously re-executing ourselves.
+ if test x"${_as_can_reexec}" != xno && test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x; then
+ _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec;
+ # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a
+# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also
+# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables.
+# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell.
+(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV
+case $- in # ((((
+ *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;;
+ *v* ) as_opts=-v ;;
+ *x* ) as_opts=-x ;;
+ * ) as_opts= ;;
+exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"}
+# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail
+# out after a failed `exec'.
+printf "%s\n" "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2
+exit 255
+ fi
+ # We don't want this to propagate to other subprocesses.
+ { _as_can_reexec=; unset _as_can_reexec;}
+if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" = x; then
+ as_bourne_compatible="as_nop=:
+if test \${ZSH_VERSION+y} && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1
+then :
+ emulate sh
+ # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on \${1+\"\$@\"}, which
+ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
+ alias -g '\${1+\"\$@\"}'='\"\$@\"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+else \$as_nop
+ case \`(set -o) 2>/dev/null\` in #(
+ *posix*) :
+ set -o posix ;; #(
+ *) :
+ ;;
+ as_required="as_fn_return () { (exit \$1); }
+as_fn_success () { as_fn_return 0; }
+as_fn_failure () { as_fn_return 1; }
+as_fn_ret_success () { return 0; }
+as_fn_ret_failure () { return 1; }
+as_fn_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_success failed.; }
+as_fn_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_failure succeeded.; }
+as_fn_ret_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_success failed.; }
+as_fn_ret_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_failure succeeded.; }
+if ( set x; as_fn_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" )
+then :
+else \$as_nop
+ exitcode=1; echo positional parameters were not saved.
+test x\$exitcode = x0 || exit 1
+blah=\$(echo \$(echo blah))
+test x\"\$blah\" = xblah || exit 1
+test -x / || exit 1"
+ as_suggested=" as_lineno_1=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_1a=\$LINENO
+ as_lineno_2=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_2a=\$LINENO
+ eval 'test \"x\$as_lineno_1'\$as_run'\" != \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\" &&
+ test \"x\`expr \$as_lineno_1'\$as_run' + 1\`\" = \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\"' || exit 1
+test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2 || exit 1"
+ if (eval "$as_required") 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ as_have_required=yes
+else $as_nop
+ as_have_required=no
+ if test x$as_have_required = xyes && (eval "$as_suggested") 2>/dev/null
+then :
+else $as_nop
+for as_dir in /bin$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ as_found=:
+ case $as_dir in #(
+ /*)
+ for as_base in sh bash ksh sh5; do
+ # Try only shells that exist, to save several forks.
+ as_shell=$as_dir$as_base
+ if { test -f "$as_shell" || test -f "$as_shell.exe"; } &&
+ as_run=a "$as_shell" -c "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ CONFIG_SHELL=$as_shell as_have_required=yes
+ if as_run=a "$as_shell" -c "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_suggested" 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ break 2
+ done;;
+ esac
+ as_found=false
+if $as_found
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if { test -f "$SHELL" || test -f "$SHELL.exe"; } &&
+ as_run=a "$SHELL" -c "$as_bourne_compatible""$as_required" 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL as_have_required=yes
+ if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" != x
+then :
+ # We cannot yet assume a decent shell, so we have to provide a
+# neutralization value for shells without unset; and this also
+# works around shells that cannot unset nonexistent variables.
+# Preserve -v and -x to the replacement shell.
+(unset BASH_ENV) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset BASH_ENV ENV
+case $- in # ((((
+ *v*x* | *x*v* ) as_opts=-vx ;;
+ *v* ) as_opts=-v ;;
+ *x* ) as_opts=-x ;;
+ * ) as_opts= ;;
+exec $CONFIG_SHELL $as_opts "$as_myself" ${1+"$@"}
+# Admittedly, this is quite paranoid, since all the known shells bail
+# out after a failed `exec'.
+printf "%s\n" "$0: could not re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL" >&2
+exit 255
+ if test x$as_have_required = xno
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "$0: This script requires a shell more modern than all"
+ printf "%s\n" "$0: the shells that I found on your system."
+ if test ${ZSH_VERSION+y} ; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$0: In particular, zsh $ZSH_VERSION has bugs and should"
+ printf "%s\n" "$0: be upgraded to zsh 4.3.4 or later."
+ else
+ printf "%s\n" "$0: Please tell and
+$0: about your
+$0: system, including any error possibly output before this
+$0: message. Then install a modern shell, or manually run
+$0: the script under such a shell if you do have one."
+ fi
+ exit 1
+export SHELL
+# Unset more variables known to interfere with behavior of common tools.
+## --------------------- ##
+## M4sh Shell Functions. ##
+## --------------------- ##
+# as_fn_unset VAR
+# ---------------
+# Portably unset VAR.
+as_fn_unset ()
+ { eval $1=; unset $1;}
+# as_fn_set_status STATUS
+# -----------------------
+# Set $? to STATUS, without forking.
+as_fn_set_status ()
+ return $1
+} # as_fn_set_status
+# as_fn_exit STATUS
+# -----------------
+# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context.
+as_fn_exit ()
+ set +e
+ as_fn_set_status $1
+ exit $1
+} # as_fn_exit
+# as_fn_nop
+# ---------
+# Do nothing but, unlike ":", preserve the value of $?.
+as_fn_nop ()
+ return $?
+# as_fn_mkdir_p
+# -------------
+# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary.
+as_fn_mkdir_p ()
+ case $as_dir in #(
+ -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;;
+ esac
+ test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || {
+ as_dirs=
+ while :; do
+ case $as_dir in #(
+ *\'*) as_qdir=`printf "%s\n" "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'(
+ *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
+ esac
+ as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs"
+ as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" ||
+$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+ X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+ X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+ X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+printf "%s\n" X"$as_dir" |
+ sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\).*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ s/.*/./; q'`
+ test -d "$as_dir" && break
+ done
+ test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs"
+ } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir"
+} # as_fn_mkdir_p
+# as_fn_executable_p FILE
+# -----------------------
+# Test if FILE is an executable regular file.
+as_fn_executable_p ()
+ test -f "$1" && test -x "$1"
+} # as_fn_executable_p
+# as_fn_append VAR VALUE
+# ----------------------
+# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take
+# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over
+# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive
+# implementations.
+if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ eval 'as_fn_append ()
+ {
+ eval $1+=\$2
+ }'
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_append ()
+ {
+ eval $1=\$$1\$2
+ }
+fi # as_fn_append
+# as_fn_arith ARG...
+# ------------------
+# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the
+# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments
+# must be portable across $(()) and expr.
+if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ eval 'as_fn_arith ()
+ {
+ as_val=$(( $* ))
+ }'
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_arith ()
+ {
+ as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1`
+ }
+fi # as_fn_arith
+# as_fn_nop
+# ---------
+# Do nothing but, unlike ":", preserve the value of $?.
+as_fn_nop ()
+ return $?
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are
+# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the
+# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0.
+as_fn_error ()
+ as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1
+ if test "$4"; then
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4
+ fi
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: $2" >&2
+ as_fn_exit $as_status
+} # as_fn_error
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+ test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+ as_expr=expr
+ as_expr=false
+if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
+ as_basename=basename
+ as_basename=false
+if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ as_dirname=dirname
+ as_dirname=false
+as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
+$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
+ X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+ X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+printf "%s\n" X/"$0" |
+ sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ s/.*/./; q'`
+# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
+ as_lineno_1=$LINENO as_lineno_1a=$LINENO
+ as_lineno_2=$LINENO as_lineno_2a=$LINENO
+ eval 'test "x$as_lineno_1'$as_run'" != "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'" &&
+ test "x`expr $as_lineno_1'$as_run' + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'"' || {
+ # Blame Lee E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax. :-)
+ sed -n '
+ p
+ /[$]LINENO/=
+ ' <$as_myself |
+ sed '
+ s/[$]LINENO.*/&-/
+ t lineno
+ b
+ :lineno
+ N
+ :loop
+ s/[$]LINENO\([^'$as_cr_alnum'_].*\n\)\(.*\)/\2\1\2/
+ t loop
+ s/-\n.*//
+ ' >$as_me.lineno &&
+ chmod +x "$as_me.lineno" ||
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: cannot create $as_me.lineno; rerun with a POSIX shell" >&2; as_fn_exit 1; }
+ # If we had to re-execute with $CONFIG_SHELL, we're ensured to have
+ # already done that, so ensure we don't try to do so again and fall
+ # in an infinite loop. This has already happened in practice.
+ _as_can_reexec=no; export _as_can_reexec
+ # Don't try to exec as it changes $[0], causing all sort of problems
+ # (the dirname of $[0] is not the place where we might find the
+ # original and so on. Autoconf is especially sensitive to this).
+ . "./$as_me.lineno"
+ # Exit status is that of the last command.
+ exit
+# Determine whether it's possible to make 'echo' print without a newline.
+# These variables are no longer used directly by Autoconf, but are AC_SUBSTed
+# for compatibility with existing Makefiles.
+case `echo -n x` in #(((((
+ case `echo 'xy\c'` in
+ *c*) ECHO_T=' ';; # ECHO_T is single tab character.
+ xy) ECHO_C='\c';;
+ *) echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null
+ ECHO_T=' ';;
+ esac;;
+ ECHO_N='-n';;
+# For backward compatibility with old third-party macros, we provide
+# the shell variables $as_echo and $as_echo_n. New code should use
+# AS_ECHO(["message"]) and AS_ECHO_N(["message"]), respectively.
+as_echo='printf %s\n'
+as_echo_n='printf %s'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
+if test -d conf$$.dir; then
+ rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
+ rm -f conf$$.dir
+ mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then
+ if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+ as_ln_s='ln -s'
+ # ... but there are two gotchas:
+ # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
+ # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
+ # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'.
+ ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
+ as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+ elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+ as_ln_s=ln
+ else
+ as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+ fi
+ as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
+rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
+ as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"'
+ test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
+ as_mkdir_p=false
+as_test_x='test -x'
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
+as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
+as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+test -n "$DJDIR" || exec 7<&0 </dev/null
+exec 6>&1
+# Name of the host.
+# hostname on some systems (SVR3.2, old GNU/Linux) returns a bogus exit status,
+# so uname gets run too.
+ac_hostname=`(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+# Initializations.
+# Identity of this package.
+# Factoring default headers for most tests.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# include <inttypes.h>
+# include <stdint.h>
+# include <strings.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+ ac_precious_vars='build_alias
+# Initialize some variables set by options.
+# The variables have the same names as the options, with
+# dashes changed to underlines.
+# Installation directory options.
+# These are left unexpanded so users can "make install exec_prefix=/foo"
+# and all the variables that are supposed to be based on exec_prefix
+# by default will actually change.
+# Use braces instead of parens because sh, perl, etc. also accept them.
+# (The list follows the same order as the GNU Coding Standards.)
+for ac_option
+ # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
+ if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
+ eval $ac_prev=\$ac_option
+ ac_prev=
+ continue
+ fi
+ case $ac_option in
+ *=?*) ac_optarg=`expr "X$ac_option" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;;
+ *=) ac_optarg= ;;
+ *) ac_optarg=yes ;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_dashdash$ac_option in
+ --)
+ ac_dashdash=yes ;;
+ -bindir | --bindir | --bindi | --bind | --bin | --bi)
+ ac_prev=bindir ;;
+ -bindir=* | --bindir=* | --bindi=* | --bind=* | --bin=* | --bi=*)
+ bindir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -build | --build | --buil | --bui | --bu)
+ ac_prev=build_alias ;;
+ -build=* | --build=* | --buil=* | --bui=* | --bu=*)
+ build_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -cache-file | --cache-file | --cache-fil | --cache-fi \
+ | --cache-f | --cache- | --cache | --cach | --cac | --ca | --c)
+ ac_prev=cache_file ;;
+ -cache-file=* | --cache-file=* | --cache-fil=* | --cache-fi=* \
+ | --cache-f=* | --cache-=* | --cache=* | --cach=* | --cac=* | --ca=* | --c=*)
+ cache_file=$ac_optarg ;;
+ --config-cache | -C)
+ cache_file=config.cache ;;
+ -datadir | --datadir | --datadi | --datad)
+ ac_prev=datadir ;;
+ -datadir=* | --datadir=* | --datadi=* | --datad=*)
+ datadir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -datarootdir | --datarootdir | --datarootdi | --datarootd | --dataroot \
+ | --dataroo | --dataro | --datar)
+ ac_prev=datarootdir ;;
+ -datarootdir=* | --datarootdir=* | --datarootdi=* | --datarootd=* \
+ | --dataroot=* | --dataroo=* | --dataro=* | --datar=*)
+ datarootdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -disable-* | --disable-*)
+ ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*disable-\(.*\)'`
+ # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+ expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+ as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: \`$ac_useropt'"
+ ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+ ac_useropt=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+ case $ac_user_opts in
+ *"
+"*) ;;
+ *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--disable-$ac_useropt_orig"
+ ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+ esac
+ eval enable_$ac_useropt=no ;;
+ -docdir | --docdir | --docdi | --doc | --do)
+ ac_prev=docdir ;;
+ -docdir=* | --docdir=* | --docdi=* | --doc=* | --do=*)
+ docdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -dvidir | --dvidir | --dvidi | --dvid | --dvi | --dv)
+ ac_prev=dvidir ;;
+ -dvidir=* | --dvidir=* | --dvidi=* | --dvid=* | --dvi=* | --dv=*)
+ dvidir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -enable-* | --enable-*)
+ ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*enable-\([^=]*\)'`
+ # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+ expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+ as_fn_error $? "invalid feature name: \`$ac_useropt'"
+ ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+ ac_useropt=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+ case $ac_user_opts in
+ *"
+"*) ;;
+ *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--enable-$ac_useropt_orig"
+ ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+ esac
+ eval enable_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;;
+ -exec-prefix | --exec_prefix | --exec-prefix | --exec-prefi \
+ | --exec-pref | --exec-pre | --exec-pr | --exec-p | --exec- \
+ | --exec | --exe | --ex)
+ ac_prev=exec_prefix ;;
+ -exec-prefix=* | --exec_prefix=* | --exec-prefix=* | --exec-prefi=* \
+ | --exec-pref=* | --exec-pre=* | --exec-pr=* | --exec-p=* | --exec-=* \
+ | --exec=* | --exe=* | --ex=*)
+ exec_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -gas | --gas | --ga | --g)
+ # Obsolete; use --with-gas.
+ with_gas=yes ;;
+ -help | --help | --hel | --he | -h)
+ ac_init_help=long ;;
+ -help=r* | --help=r* | --hel=r* | --he=r* | -hr*)
+ ac_init_help=recursive ;;
+ -help=s* | --help=s* | --hel=s* | --he=s* | -hs*)
+ ac_init_help=short ;;
+ -host | --host | --hos | --ho)
+ ac_prev=host_alias ;;
+ -host=* | --host=* | --hos=* | --ho=*)
+ host_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -htmldir | --htmldir | --htmldi | --htmld | --html | --htm | --ht)
+ ac_prev=htmldir ;;
+ -htmldir=* | --htmldir=* | --htmldi=* | --htmld=* | --html=* | --htm=* \
+ | --ht=*)
+ htmldir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -includedir | --includedir | --includedi | --included | --include \
+ | --includ | --inclu | --incl | --inc)
+ ac_prev=includedir ;;
+ -includedir=* | --includedir=* | --includedi=* | --included=* | --include=* \
+ | --includ=* | --inclu=* | --incl=* | --inc=*)
+ includedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -infodir | --infodir | --infodi | --infod | --info | --inf)
+ ac_prev=infodir ;;
+ -infodir=* | --infodir=* | --infodi=* | --infod=* | --info=* | --inf=*)
+ infodir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -libdir | --libdir | --libdi | --libd)
+ ac_prev=libdir ;;
+ -libdir=* | --libdir=* | --libdi=* | --libd=*)
+ libdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -libexecdir | --libexecdir | --libexecdi | --libexecd | --libexec \
+ | --libexe | --libex | --libe)
+ ac_prev=libexecdir ;;
+ -libexecdir=* | --libexecdir=* | --libexecdi=* | --libexecd=* | --libexec=* \
+ | --libexe=* | --libex=* | --libe=*)
+ libexecdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -localedir | --localedir | --localedi | --localed | --locale)
+ ac_prev=localedir ;;
+ -localedir=* | --localedir=* | --localedi=* | --localed=* | --locale=*)
+ localedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -localstatedir | --localstatedir | --localstatedi | --localstated \
+ | --localstate | --localstat | --localsta | --localst | --locals)
+ ac_prev=localstatedir ;;
+ -localstatedir=* | --localstatedir=* | --localstatedi=* | --localstated=* \
+ | --localstate=* | --localstat=* | --localsta=* | --localst=* | --locals=*)
+ localstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -mandir | --mandir | --mandi | --mand | --man | --ma | --m)
+ ac_prev=mandir ;;
+ -mandir=* | --mandir=* | --mandi=* | --mand=* | --man=* | --ma=* | --m=*)
+ mandir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -nfp | --nfp | --nf)
+ # Obsolete; use --without-fp.
+ with_fp=no ;;
+ -no-create | --no-create | --no-creat | --no-crea | --no-cre \
+ | --no-cr | --no-c | -n)
+ no_create=yes ;;
+ -no-recursion | --no-recursion | --no-recursio | --no-recursi \
+ | --no-recurs | --no-recur | --no-recu | --no-rec | --no-re | --no-r)
+ no_recursion=yes ;;
+ -oldincludedir | --oldincludedir | --oldincludedi | --oldincluded \
+ | --oldinclude | --oldinclud | --oldinclu | --oldincl | --oldinc \
+ | --oldin | --oldi | --old | --ol | --o)
+ ac_prev=oldincludedir ;;
+ -oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedir=* | --oldincludedi=* | --oldincluded=* \
+ | --oldinclude=* | --oldinclud=* | --oldinclu=* | --oldincl=* | --oldinc=* \
+ | --oldin=* | --oldi=* | --old=* | --ol=* | --o=*)
+ oldincludedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -prefix | --prefix | --prefi | --pref | --pre | --pr | --p)
+ ac_prev=prefix ;;
+ -prefix=* | --prefix=* | --prefi=* | --pref=* | --pre=* | --pr=* | --p=*)
+ prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -program-prefix | --program-prefix | --program-prefi | --program-pref \
+ | --program-pre | --program-pr | --program-p)
+ ac_prev=program_prefix ;;
+ -program-prefix=* | --program-prefix=* | --program-prefi=* \
+ | --program-pref=* | --program-pre=* | --program-pr=* | --program-p=*)
+ program_prefix=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -program-suffix | --program-suffix | --program-suffi | --program-suff \
+ | --program-suf | --program-su | --program-s)
+ ac_prev=program_suffix ;;
+ -program-suffix=* | --program-suffix=* | --program-suffi=* \
+ | --program-suff=* | --program-suf=* | --program-su=* | --program-s=*)
+ program_suffix=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -program-transform-name | --program-transform-name \
+ | --program-transform-nam | --program-transform-na \
+ | --program-transform-n | --program-transform- \
+ | --program-transform | --program-transfor \
+ | --program-transfo | --program-transf \
+ | --program-trans | --program-tran \
+ | --progr-tra | --program-tr | --program-t)
+ ac_prev=program_transform_name ;;
+ -program-transform-name=* | --program-transform-name=* \
+ | --program-transform-nam=* | --program-transform-na=* \
+ | --program-transform-n=* | --program-transform-=* \
+ | --program-transform=* | --program-transfor=* \
+ | --program-transfo=* | --program-transf=* \
+ | --program-trans=* | --program-tran=* \
+ | --progr-tra=* | --program-tr=* | --program-t=*)
+ program_transform_name=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -pdfdir | --pdfdir | --pdfdi | --pdfd | --pdf | --pd)
+ ac_prev=pdfdir ;;
+ -pdfdir=* | --pdfdir=* | --pdfdi=* | --pdfd=* | --pdf=* | --pd=*)
+ pdfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -psdir | --psdir | --psdi | --psd | --ps)
+ ac_prev=psdir ;;
+ -psdir=* | --psdir=* | --psdi=* | --psd=* | --ps=*)
+ psdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+ | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
+ silent=yes ;;
+ -runstatedir | --runstatedir | --runstatedi | --runstated \
+ | --runstate | --runstat | --runsta | --runst | --runs \
+ | --run | --ru | --r)
+ ac_prev=runstatedir ;;
+ -runstatedir=* | --runstatedir=* | --runstatedi=* | --runstated=* \
+ | --runstate=* | --runstat=* | --runsta=* | --runst=* | --runs=* \
+ | --run=* | --ru=* | --r=*)
+ runstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb)
+ ac_prev=sbindir ;;
+ -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \
+ | --sbi=* | --sb=*)
+ sbindir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedir | --sharedstatedi \
+ | --sharedstated | --sharedstate | --sharedstat | --sharedsta \
+ | --sharedst | --shareds | --shared | --share | --shar \
+ | --sha | --sh)
+ ac_prev=sharedstatedir ;;
+ -sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedir=* | --sharedstatedi=* \
+ | --sharedstated=* | --sharedstate=* | --sharedstat=* | --sharedsta=* \
+ | --sharedst=* | --shareds=* | --shared=* | --share=* | --shar=* \
+ | --sha=* | --sh=*)
+ sharedstatedir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -site | --site | --sit)
+ ac_prev=site ;;
+ -site=* | --site=* | --sit=*)
+ site=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -srcdir | --srcdir | --srcdi | --srcd | --src | --sr)
+ ac_prev=srcdir ;;
+ -srcdir=* | --srcdir=* | --srcdi=* | --srcd=* | --src=* | --sr=*)
+ srcdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -sysconfdir | --sysconfdir | --sysconfdi | --sysconfd | --sysconf \
+ | --syscon | --sysco | --sysc | --sys | --sy)
+ ac_prev=sysconfdir ;;
+ -sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdir=* | --sysconfdi=* | --sysconfd=* | --sysconf=* \
+ | --syscon=* | --sysco=* | --sysc=* | --sys=* | --sy=*)
+ sysconfdir=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -target | --target | --targe | --targ | --tar | --ta | --t)
+ ac_prev=target_alias ;;
+ -target=* | --target=* | --targe=* | --targ=* | --tar=* | --ta=* | --t=*)
+ target_alias=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -v | -verbose | --verbose | --verbos | --verbo | --verb)
+ verbose=yes ;;
+ -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | -V)
+ ac_init_version=: ;;
+ -with-* | --with-*)
+ ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*with-\([^=]*\)'`
+ # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+ expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+ as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: \`$ac_useropt'"
+ ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+ ac_useropt=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+ case $ac_user_opts in
+ *"
+"*) ;;
+ *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--with-$ac_useropt_orig"
+ ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+ esac
+ eval with_$ac_useropt=\$ac_optarg ;;
+ -without-* | --without-*)
+ ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*without-\(.*\)'`
+ # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+ expr "x$ac_useropt" : ".*[^-+._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+ as_fn_error $? "invalid package name: \`$ac_useropt'"
+ ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
+ ac_useropt=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
+ case $ac_user_opts in
+ *"
+"*) ;;
+ *) ac_unrecognized_opts="$ac_unrecognized_opts$ac_unrecognized_sep--without-$ac_useropt_orig"
+ ac_unrecognized_sep=', ';;
+ esac
+ eval with_$ac_useropt=no ;;
+ --x)
+ # Obsolete; use --with-x.
+ with_x=yes ;;
+ -x-includes | --x-includes | --x-include | --x-includ | --x-inclu \
+ | --x-incl | --x-inc | --x-in | --x-i)
+ ac_prev=x_includes ;;
+ -x-includes=* | --x-includes=* | --x-include=* | --x-includ=* | --x-inclu=* \
+ | --x-incl=* | --x-inc=* | --x-in=* | --x-i=*)
+ x_includes=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -x-libraries | --x-libraries | --x-librarie | --x-librari \
+ | --x-librar | --x-libra | --x-libr | --x-lib | --x-li | --x-l)
+ ac_prev=x_libraries ;;
+ -x-libraries=* | --x-libraries=* | --x-librarie=* | --x-librari=* \
+ | --x-librar=* | --x-libra=* | --x-libr=* | --x-lib=* | --x-li=* | --x-l=*)
+ x_libraries=$ac_optarg ;;
+ -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$ac_option'
+Try \`$0 --help' for more information"
+ ;;
+ *=*)
+ ac_envvar=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x\([^=]*\)='`
+ # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
+ case $ac_envvar in #(
+ '' | [0-9]* | *[!_$as_cr_alnum]* )
+ as_fn_error $? "invalid variable name: \`$ac_envvar'" ;;
+ esac
+ eval $ac_envvar=\$ac_optarg
+ export $ac_envvar ;;
+ *)
+ # FIXME: should be removed in autoconf 3.0.
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: you should use --build, --host, --target" >&2
+ expr "x$ac_option" : ".*[^-._$as_cr_alnum]" >/dev/null &&
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: invalid host type: $ac_option" >&2
+ : "${build_alias=$ac_option} ${host_alias=$ac_option} ${target_alias=$ac_option}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
+ ac_option=--`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`
+ as_fn_error $? "missing argument to $ac_option"
+if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts"; then
+ case $enable_option_checking in
+ no) ;;
+ fatal) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" ;;
+ *) printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2 ;;
+ esac
+# Check all directory arguments for consistency.
+for ac_var in exec_prefix prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datarootdir \
+ datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir includedir \
+ oldincludedir docdir infodir htmldir dvidir pdfdir psdir \
+ libdir localedir mandir runstatedir
+ eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+ # Remove trailing slashes.
+ case $ac_val in
+ */ )
+ ac_val=`expr "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*\)'`
+ eval $ac_var=\$ac_val;;
+ esac
+ # Be sure to have absolute directory names.
+ case $ac_val in
+ [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) continue;;
+ NONE | '' ) case $ac_var in *prefix ) continue;; esac;;
+ esac
+ as_fn_error $? "expected an absolute directory name for --$ac_var: $ac_val"
+# There might be people who depend on the old broken behavior: `$host'
+# used to hold the argument of --host etc.
+# FIXME: To remove some day.
+# FIXME: To remove some day.
+if test "x$host_alias" != x; then
+ if test "x$build_alias" = x; then
+ cross_compiling=maybe
+ elif test "x$build_alias" != "x$host_alias"; then
+ cross_compiling=yes
+ fi
+test -n "$host_alias" && ac_tool_prefix=$host_alias-
+test "$silent" = yes && exec 6>/dev/null
+ac_pwd=`pwd` && test -n "$ac_pwd" &&
+ac_ls_di=`ls -di .` &&
+ac_pwd_ls_di=`cd "$ac_pwd" && ls -di .` ||
+ as_fn_error $? "working directory cannot be determined"
+test "X$ac_ls_di" = "X$ac_pwd_ls_di" ||
+ as_fn_error $? "pwd does not report name of working directory"
+# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
+if test -z "$srcdir"; then
+ ac_srcdir_defaulted=yes
+ # Try the directory containing this script, then the parent directory.
+ ac_confdir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_myself" ||
+$as_expr X"$as_myself" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+ X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+ X"$as_myself" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+ X"$as_myself" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+printf "%s\n" X"$as_myself" |
+ sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\).*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ s/.*/./; q'`
+ srcdir=$ac_confdir
+ if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
+ srcdir=..
+ fi
+ ac_srcdir_defaulted=no
+if test ! -r "$srcdir/$ac_unique_file"; then
+ test "$ac_srcdir_defaulted" = yes && srcdir="$ac_confdir or .."
+ as_fn_error $? "cannot find sources ($ac_unique_file) in $srcdir"
+ac_msg="sources are in $srcdir, but \`cd $srcdir' does not work"
+ cd "$srcdir" && test -r "./$ac_unique_file" || as_fn_error $? "$ac_msg"
+ pwd)`
+# When building in place, set srcdir=.
+if test "$ac_abs_confdir" = "$ac_pwd"; then
+ srcdir=.
+# Remove unnecessary trailing slashes from srcdir.
+# Double slashes in file names in object file debugging info
+# mess up M-x gdb in Emacs.
+case $srcdir in
+*/) srcdir=`expr "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*\)'`;;
+for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
+ eval ac_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
+ eval ac_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
+ eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set=\${${ac_var}+set}
+ eval ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value=\$${ac_var}
+# Report the --help message.
+if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
+ # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
+ # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
+ cat <<_ACEOF
+\`configure' configures rsync to adapt to many kinds of systems.
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
+To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as
+VAR=VALUE. See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables.
+Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.
+ -h, --help display this help and exit
+ --help=short display options specific to this package
+ --help=recursive display the short help of all the included packages
+ -V, --version display version information and exit
+ -q, --quiet, --silent do not print \`checking ...' messages
+ --cache-file=FILE cache test results in FILE [disabled]
+ -C, --config-cache alias for \`--cache-file=config.cache'
+ -n, --no-create do not create output files
+ --srcdir=DIR find the sources in DIR [configure dir or \`..']
+Installation directories:
+ --prefix=PREFIX install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
+ [$ac_default_prefix]
+ --exec-prefix=EPREFIX install architecture-dependent files in EPREFIX
+By default, \`make install' will install all the files in
+\`$ac_default_prefix/bin', \`$ac_default_prefix/lib' etc. You can specify
+an installation prefix other than \`$ac_default_prefix' using \`--prefix',
+for instance \`--prefix=\$HOME'.
+For better control, use the options below.
+Fine tuning of the installation directories:
+ --bindir=DIR user executables [EPREFIX/bin]
+ --sbindir=DIR system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin]
+ --libexecdir=DIR program executables [EPREFIX/libexec]
+ --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
+ --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com]
+ --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var]
+ --runstatedir=DIR modifiable per-process data [LOCALSTATEDIR/run]
+ --libdir=DIR object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib]
+ --includedir=DIR C header files [PREFIX/include]
+ --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include]
+ --datarootdir=DIR read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share]
+ --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR]
+ --infodir=DIR info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info]
+ --localedir=DIR locale-dependent data [DATAROOTDIR/locale]
+ --mandir=DIR man documentation [DATAROOTDIR/man]
+ --docdir=DIR documentation root [DATAROOTDIR/doc/rsync]
+ --htmldir=DIR html documentation [DOCDIR]
+ --dvidir=DIR dvi documentation [DOCDIR]
+ --pdfdir=DIR pdf documentation [DOCDIR]
+ --psdir=DIR ps documentation [DOCDIR]
+ cat <<\_ACEOF
+System types:
+ --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed]
+ --host=HOST cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
+if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
+ case $ac_init_help in
+ short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of rsync:";;
+ esac
+ cat <<\_ACEOF
+Optional Features:
+ --disable-option-checking ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options
+ --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no)
+ --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes]
+ --disable-debug disable to omit debugging symbols and features
+ --enable-profile enable to turn on CPU profiling
+ --disable-md2man disable to omit manpage creation
+ --enable-maintainer-mode
+ enable to turn on extra debug features
+ --enable-roll-simd enable/disable to control rolling-checksum SIMD
+ optimizations (requires c++)
+ --disable-largefile omit support for large files
+ --disable-ipv6 disable to omit ipv6 support
+ --disable-locale disable to omit locale features
+ --disable-openssl disable to omit openssl crypto library
+ --enable-md5-asm enable/disable to control MD5 ASM optimizations
+ --enable-roll-asm enable/disable to control rolling-checksum ASM
+ optimizations (requires --enable-roll-simd)
+ --disable-xxhash disable to omit xxhash checksums
+ --disable-zstd disable to omit zstd compression
+ --disable-lz4 disable to omit LZ4 compression
+ --disable-iconv-open disable to avoid all use of iconv_open()
+ --disable-iconv disable to omit the --iconv option
+ --disable-acl-support disable to omit ACL support
+ --disable-xattr-support disable to omit extended attributes
+Optional Packages:
+ --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes]
+ --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no)
+ --with-openssl-conf=PATH
+ set default OPENSSL_CONF path for rsync
+ --with-rrsync also install the rrsync script and its manpage
+ --with-included-popt use bundled popt library, not from system
+ --with-included-zlib use bundled zlib library, not from system
+ --with-secluded-args make --secluded-args option the default
+ --with-rsync-path=PATH set default --rsync-path to PATH (default: rsync)
+ --with-rsyncd-conf=PATH set configuration file for rsync server to PATH
+ (default: /etc/rsyncd.conf)
+ --with-rsh=CMD set remote shell command to CMD (default: ssh)
+ --with-nobody-user=USER set the default unprivileged user (default nobody)
+ --with-nobody-group=GROUP
+ set the default unprivileged group (default nobody
+ or nogroup)
+Some influential environment variables:
+ CC C compiler command
+ CFLAGS C compiler flags
+ LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
+ nonstandard directory <lib dir>
+ LIBS libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
+ CPPFLAGS (Objective) C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
+ you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>
+ CPP C preprocessor
+ CXX C++ compiler command
+ CXXFLAGS C++ compiler flags
+Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
+it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.
+Report bugs to <>.
+if test "$ac_init_help" = "recursive"; then
+ # If there are subdirs, report their specific --help.
+ for ac_dir in : $ac_subdirs_all; do test "x$ac_dir" = x: && continue
+ test -d "$ac_dir" ||
+ { cd "$srcdir" && ac_pwd=`pwd` && srcdir=. && test -d "$ac_dir"; } ||
+ continue
+ ac_builddir=.
+case "$ac_dir" in
+.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+ ac_dir_suffix=/`printf "%s\n" "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'`
+ # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
+ ac_top_builddir_sub=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'`
+ case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
+ "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+ *) ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
+ esac ;;
+# for backward compatibility:
+case $srcdir in
+ .) # We are building in place.
+ ac_srcdir=.
+ ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
+ ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
+ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) # Absolute name.
+ ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
+ ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
+ ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
+ *) # Relative name.
+ ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
+ ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
+ ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
+ cd "$ac_dir" || { ac_status=$?; continue; }
+ # Check for configure.gnu first; this name is used for a wrapper for
+ # Metaconfig's "Configure" on case-insensitive file systems.
+ if test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu"; then
+ echo &&
+ $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure.gnu" --help=recursive
+ elif test -f "$ac_srcdir/configure"; then
+ echo &&
+ $SHELL "$ac_srcdir/configure" --help=recursive
+ else
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: no configuration information is in $ac_dir" >&2
+ fi || ac_status=$?
+ cd "$ac_pwd" || { ac_status=$?; break; }
+ done
+test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
+if $ac_init_version; then
+ cat <<\_ACEOF
+rsync configure
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71
+Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+ exit
+## ------------------------ ##
+## Autoconf initialization. ##
+## ------------------------ ##
+# ac_fn_c_try_compile LINENO
+# --------------------------
+# Try to compile conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded.
+ac_fn_c_try_compile ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ if { { ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.err
+ ac_status=$?
+ if test -s conftest.err; then
+ grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+ cat conftest.er1 >&5
+ mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+ fi
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; } && {
+ test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+ test ! -s conftest.err
+ } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext
+then :
+ ac_retval=0
+else $as_nop
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+ ac_retval=1
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+ as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_c_try_compile
+# ac_fn_c_try_run LINENO
+# ----------------------
+# Try to run conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded. Assumes that
+# executables *can* be run.
+ac_fn_c_try_run ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ if { { ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; } && { ac_try='./conftest$ac_exeext'
+ { { case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }; }
+then :
+ ac_retval=0
+else $as_nop
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: program exited with status $ac_status" >&5
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+ ac_retval=$ac_status
+ rm -rf conftest.dSYM conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+ as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_c_try_run
+# ac_fn_c_check_header_compile LINENO HEADER VAR INCLUDES
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# Tests whether HEADER exists and can be compiled using the include files in
+# INCLUDES, setting the cache variable VAR accordingly.
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $2... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${$3+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <$2>
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "$3=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ eval "$3=no"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+eval ac_res=\$$3
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_res" >&6; }
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+} # ac_fn_c_check_header_compile
+# ac_fn_c_try_link LINENO
+# -----------------------
+# Try to link conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded.
+ac_fn_c_try_link ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest$ac_exeext
+ if { { ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_link") 2>conftest.err
+ ac_status=$?
+ if test -s conftest.err; then
+ grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+ cat conftest.er1 >&5
+ mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+ fi
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; } && {
+ test -z "$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+ test ! -s conftest.err
+ } && test -s conftest$ac_exeext && {
+ test "$cross_compiling" = yes ||
+ test -x conftest$ac_exeext
+ }
+then :
+ ac_retval=0
+else $as_nop
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+ ac_retval=1
+ # Delete the IPA/IPO (Inter Procedural Analysis/Optimization) information
+ # created by the PGI compiler (conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo), as it would
+ # interfere with the next link command; also delete a directory that is
+ # left behind by Apple's compiler. We do this before executing the actions.
+ rm -rf conftest.dSYM conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+ as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_c_try_link
+# ac_fn_c_try_cpp LINENO
+# ----------------------
+# Try to preprocess conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded.
+ac_fn_c_try_cpp ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ if { { ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>conftest.err
+ ac_status=$?
+ if test -s conftest.err; then
+ grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+ cat conftest.er1 >&5
+ mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+ fi
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; } > conftest.i && {
+ test -z "$ac_c_preproc_warn_flag$ac_c_werror_flag" ||
+ test ! -s conftest.err
+ }
+then :
+ ac_retval=0
+else $as_nop
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+ ac_retval=1
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+ as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_c_try_cpp
+# ac_fn_cxx_try_compile LINENO
+# ----------------------------
+# Try to compile conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded.
+ac_fn_cxx_try_compile ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ rm -f conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ if { { ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_compile") 2>conftest.err
+ ac_status=$?
+ if test -s conftest.err; then
+ grep -v '^ *+' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+ cat conftest.er1 >&5
+ mv -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+ fi
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; } && {
+ test -z "$ac_cxx_werror_flag" ||
+ test ! -s conftest.err
+ } && test -s conftest.$ac_objext
+then :
+ ac_retval=0
+else $as_nop
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+ ac_retval=1
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+ as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_cxx_try_compile
+# ac_fn_cxx_try_run LINENO
+# ------------------------
+# Try to run conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded. Assumes that
+# executables *can* be run.
+ac_fn_cxx_try_run ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ if { { ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; } && { ac_try='./conftest$ac_exeext'
+ { { case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }; }
+then :
+ ac_retval=0
+else $as_nop
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: program exited with status $ac_status" >&5
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+ ac_retval=$ac_status
+ rm -rf conftest.dSYM conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+ as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_cxx_try_run
+# ac_fn_c_compute_int LINENO EXPR VAR INCLUDES
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Tries to find the compile-time value of EXPR in a program that includes
+# INCLUDES, setting VAR accordingly. Returns whether the value could be
+# computed
+ac_fn_c_compute_int ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
+ # Depending upon the size, compute the lo and hi bounds.
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) >= 0)];
+test_array [0] = 0;
+return test_array [0];
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_lo=0 ac_mid=0
+ while :; do
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) <= $ac_mid)];
+test_array [0] = 0;
+return test_array [0];
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_hi=$ac_mid; break
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_arith $ac_mid + 1 && ac_lo=$as_val
+ if test $ac_lo -le $ac_mid; then
+ ac_lo= ac_hi=
+ break
+ fi
+ as_fn_arith 2 '*' $ac_mid + 1 && ac_mid=$as_val
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ done
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) < 0)];
+test_array [0] = 0;
+return test_array [0];
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_hi=-1 ac_mid=-1
+ while :; do
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) >= $ac_mid)];
+test_array [0] = 0;
+return test_array [0];
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_lo=$ac_mid; break
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_arith '(' $ac_mid ')' - 1 && ac_hi=$as_val
+ if test $ac_mid -le $ac_hi; then
+ ac_lo= ac_hi=
+ break
+ fi
+ as_fn_arith 2 '*' $ac_mid && ac_mid=$as_val
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ done
+else $as_nop
+ ac_lo= ac_hi=
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+# Binary search between lo and hi bounds.
+while test "x$ac_lo" != "x$ac_hi"; do
+ as_fn_arith '(' $ac_hi - $ac_lo ')' / 2 + $ac_lo && ac_mid=$as_val
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+static int test_array [1 - 2 * !(($2) <= $ac_mid)];
+test_array [0] = 0;
+return test_array [0];
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_hi=$ac_mid
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_arith '(' $ac_mid ')' + 1 && ac_lo=$as_val
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+case $ac_lo in #((
+?*) eval "$3=\$ac_lo"; ac_retval=0 ;;
+'') ac_retval=1 ;;
+ else
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+static long int longval (void) { return $2; }
+static unsigned long int ulongval (void) { return $2; }
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+main (void)
+ FILE *f = fopen ("conftest.val", "w");
+ if (! f)
+ return 1;
+ if (($2) < 0)
+ {
+ long int i = longval ();
+ if (i != ($2))
+ return 1;
+ fprintf (f, "%ld", i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned long int i = ulongval ();
+ if (i != ($2))
+ return 1;
+ fprintf (f, "%lu", i);
+ }
+ /* Do not output a trailing newline, as this causes \r\n confusion
+ on some platforms. */
+ return ferror (f) || fclose (f) != 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ echo >>conftest.val; read $3 <conftest.val; ac_retval=0
+else $as_nop
+ ac_retval=1
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f conftest.val
+ fi
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+ as_fn_set_status $ac_retval
+} # ac_fn_c_compute_int
+# ac_fn_c_check_type LINENO TYPE VAR INCLUDES
+# -------------------------------------------
+# Tests whether TYPE exists after having included INCLUDES, setting cache
+# variable VAR accordingly.
+ac_fn_c_check_type ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $2... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${$3+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ eval "$3=no"
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+if (sizeof ($2))
+ return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+if (sizeof (($2)))
+ return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ eval "$3=yes"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+eval ac_res=\$$3
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_res" >&6; }
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+} # ac_fn_c_check_type
+# ac_fn_c_check_member LINENO AGGR MEMBER VAR INCLUDES
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Tries to find if the field MEMBER exists in type AGGR, after including
+# INCLUDES, setting cache variable VAR accordingly.
+ac_fn_c_check_member ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2.$3" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $2.$3... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${$4+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+static $2 ac_aggr;
+if (ac_aggr.$3)
+return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "$4=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+static $2 ac_aggr;
+if (sizeof ac_aggr.$3)
+return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "$4=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ eval "$4=no"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+eval ac_res=\$$4
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_res" >&6; }
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+} # ac_fn_c_check_member
+# ac_fn_c_check_func LINENO FUNC VAR
+# ----------------------------------
+# Tests whether FUNC exists, setting the cache variable VAR accordingly
+ac_fn_c_check_func ()
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $2" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $2... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${$3+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Define $2 to an innocuous variant, in case <limits.h> declares $2.
+ For example, HP-UX 11i <limits.h> declares gettimeofday. */
+#define $2 innocuous_$2
+/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+ which can conflict with char $2 (); below. */
+#include <limits.h>
+#undef $2
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+char $2 ();
+/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
+ to always fail with ENOSYS. Some functions are actually named
+ something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias. */
+#if defined __stub_$2 || defined __stub___$2
+choke me
+main (void)
+return $2 ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "$3=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ eval "$3=no"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+eval ac_res=\$$3
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_res" >&6; }
+ eval $as_lineno_stack; ${as_lineno_stack:+:} unset as_lineno
+} # ac_fn_c_check_func
+for ac_arg
+ case $ac_arg in
+ *\'*)
+ ac_arg=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+ esac
+ as_fn_append ac_configure_args_raw " '$ac_arg'"
+case $ac_configure_args_raw in
+ *$as_nl*)
+ ac_safe_unquote= ;;
+ *)
+ ac_unsafe_z='|&;<>()$`\\"*?[ '' ' # This string ends in space, tab.
+ ac_unsafe_a="$ac_unsafe_z#~"
+ ac_safe_unquote="s/ '\\([^$ac_unsafe_a][^$ac_unsafe_z]*\\)'/ \\1/g"
+ ac_configure_args_raw=` printf "%s\n" "$ac_configure_args_raw" | sed "$ac_safe_unquote"`;;
+cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
+This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
+running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
+It was created by rsync $as_me, which was
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71. Invocation command line was
+ $ $0$ac_configure_args_raw
+exec 5>>config.log
+cat <<_ASUNAME
+## --------- ##
+## Platform. ##
+## --------- ##
+hostname = `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+uname -m = `(uname -m) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -r = `(uname -r) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -s = `(uname -s) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+uname -v = `(uname -v) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/uname -p = `(/usr/bin/uname -p) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/bin/uname -X = `(/bin/uname -X) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/bin/arch = `(/bin/arch) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/arch -k = `(/usr/bin/arch -k) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/convex/getsysinfo = `(/usr/convex/getsysinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/hostinfo = `(/usr/bin/hostinfo) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/bin/machine = `(/bin/machine) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/usr/bin/oslevel = `(/usr/bin/oslevel) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+/bin/universe = `(/bin/universe) 2>/dev/null || echo unknown`
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ printf "%s\n" "PATH: $as_dir"
+ done
+} >&5
+cat >&5 <<_ACEOF
+## ----------- ##
+## Core tests. ##
+## ----------- ##
+# Keep a trace of the command line.
+# Strip out --no-create and --no-recursion so they do not pile up.
+# Strip out --silent because we don't want to record it for future runs.
+# Also quote any args containing shell meta-characters.
+# Make two passes to allow for proper duplicate-argument suppression.
+for ac_pass in 1 2
+ for ac_arg
+ do
+ case $ac_arg in
+ -no-create | --no-c* | -n | -no-recursion | --no-r*) continue ;;
+ -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+ | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil)
+ continue ;;
+ *\'*)
+ ac_arg=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_pass in
+ 1) as_fn_append ac_configure_args0 " '$ac_arg'" ;;
+ 2)
+ as_fn_append ac_configure_args1 " '$ac_arg'"
+ if test $ac_must_keep_next = true; then
+ ac_must_keep_next=false # Got value, back to normal.
+ else
+ case $ac_arg in
+ *=* | --config-cache | -C | -disable-* | --disable-* \
+ | -enable-* | --enable-* | -gas | --g* | -nfp | --nf* \
+ | -q | -quiet | --q* | -silent | --sil* | -v | -verb* \
+ | -with-* | --with-* | -without-* | --without-* | --x)
+ case "$ac_configure_args0 " in
+ "$ac_configure_args1"*" '$ac_arg' "* ) continue ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ -* ) ac_must_keep_next=true ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+{ ac_configure_args0=; unset ac_configure_args0;}
+{ ac_configure_args1=; unset ac_configure_args1;}
+# When interrupted or exit'd, cleanup temporary files, and complete
+# config.log. We remove comments because anyway the quotes in there
+# would cause problems or look ugly.
+# WARNING: Use '\'' to represent an apostrophe within the trap.
+# WARNING: Do not start the trap code with a newline, due to a FreeBSD 4.0 bug.
+trap 'exit_status=$?
+ # Sanitize IFS.
+ IFS=" "" $as_nl"
+ # Save into config.log some information that might help in debugging.
+ {
+ echo
+ printf "%s\n" "## ---------------- ##
+## Cache variables. ##
+## ---------------- ##"
+ echo
+ # The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
+ for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n '\''s/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'\''`; do
+ eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+ case $ac_val in #(
+ *${as_nl}*)
+ case $ac_var in #(
+ *_cv_*) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_var in #(
+ _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
+ BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #(
+ *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;;
+ esac ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ (set) 2>&1 |
+ case $as_nl`(ac_space='\'' '\''; set) 2>&1` in #(
+ *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
+ sed -n \
+ "s/'\''/'\''\\\\'\'''\''/g;
+ s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\''\\2'\''/p"
+ ;; #(
+ *)
+ sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
+ ;;
+ esac |
+ sort
+ echo
+ printf "%s\n" "## ----------------- ##
+## Output variables. ##
+## ----------------- ##"
+ echo
+ for ac_var in $ac_subst_vars
+ do
+ eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+ case $ac_val in
+ *\'\''*) ac_val=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
+ esac
+ printf "%s\n" "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
+ done | sort
+ echo
+ if test -n "$ac_subst_files"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "## ------------------- ##
+## File substitutions. ##
+## ------------------- ##"
+ echo
+ for ac_var in $ac_subst_files
+ do
+ eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+ case $ac_val in
+ *\'\''*) ac_val=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
+ esac
+ printf "%s\n" "$ac_var='\''$ac_val'\''"
+ done | sort
+ echo
+ fi
+ if test -s confdefs.h; then
+ printf "%s\n" "## ----------- ##
+## confdefs.h. ##
+## ----------- ##"
+ echo
+ cat confdefs.h
+ echo
+ fi
+ test "$ac_signal" != 0 &&
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: caught signal $ac_signal"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: exit $exit_status"
+ } >&5
+ rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* &&
+ rm -f -r conftest* confdefs* conf$$* $ac_clean_files &&
+ exit $exit_status
+' 0
+for ac_signal in 1 2 13 15; do
+ trap 'ac_signal='$ac_signal'; as_fn_exit 1' $ac_signal
+# confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
+rm -f -r conftest* confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "/* confdefs.h */" > confdefs.h
+# Predefined preprocessor variables.
+printf "%s\n" "#define PACKAGE_NAME \"$PACKAGE_NAME\"" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define PACKAGE_TARNAME \"$PACKAGE_TARNAME\"" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define PACKAGE_VERSION \"$PACKAGE_VERSION\"" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define PACKAGE_STRING \"$PACKAGE_STRING\"" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT \"$PACKAGE_BUGREPORT\"" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define PACKAGE_URL \"$PACKAGE_URL\"" >>confdefs.h
+# Let the site file select an alternate cache file if it wants to.
+# Prefer an explicitly selected file to automatically selected ones.
+if test -n "$CONFIG_SITE"; then
+ ac_site_files="$CONFIG_SITE"
+elif test "x$prefix" != xNONE; then
+ ac_site_files="$prefix/share/ $prefix/etc/"
+ ac_site_files="$ac_default_prefix/share/ $ac_default_prefix/etc/"
+for ac_site_file in $ac_site_files
+ case $ac_site_file in #(
+ */*) :
+ ;; #(
+ *) :
+ ac_site_file=./$ac_site_file ;;
+ if test -f "$ac_site_file" && test -r "$ac_site_file"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: loading site script $ac_site_file" >&6;}
+ sed 's/^/| /' "$ac_site_file" >&5
+ . "$ac_site_file" \
+ || { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "failed to load site script $ac_site_file
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ fi
+if test -r "$cache_file"; then
+ # Some versions of bash will fail to source /dev/null (special files
+ # actually), so we avoid doing that. DJGPP emulates it as a regular file.
+ if test /dev/null != "$cache_file" && test -f "$cache_file"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: loading cache $cache_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: loading cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+ case $cache_file in
+ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) . "$cache_file";;
+ *) . "./$cache_file";;
+ esac
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating cache $cache_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: creating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+ >$cache_file
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C89 (global declarations)
+/* Does the compiler advertise C89 conformance?
+ Do not test the value of __STDC__, because some compilers set it to 0
+ while being otherwise adequately conformant. */
+#if !defined __STDC__
+# error "Compiler does not advertise C89 conformance"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+struct stat;
+/* Most of the following tests are stolen from RCS 5.7 src/ */
+struct buf { int x; };
+struct buf * (*rcsopen) (struct buf *, struct stat *, int);
+static char *e (p, i)
+ char **p;
+ int i;
+ return p[i];
+static char *f (char * (*g) (char **, int), char **p, ...)
+ char *s;
+ va_list v;
+ va_start (v,p);
+ s = g (p, va_arg (v,int));
+ va_end (v);
+ return s;
+/* OSF 4.0 Compaq cc is some sort of almost-ANSI by default. It has
+ function prototypes and stuff, but not \xHH hex character constants.
+ These do not provoke an error unfortunately, instead are silently treated
+ as an "x". The following induces an error, until -std is added to get
+ proper ANSI mode. Curiously \x00 != x always comes out true, for an
+ array size at least. It is necessary to write \x00 == 0 to get something
+ that is true only with -std. */
+int osf4_cc_array ['\''\x00'\'' == 0 ? 1 : -1];
+/* IBM C 6 for AIX is almost-ANSI by default, but it replaces macro parameters
+ inside strings and character constants. */
+#define FOO(x) '\''x'\''
+int xlc6_cc_array[FOO(a) == '\''x'\'' ? 1 : -1];
+int test (int i, double x);
+struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);};
+struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);};
+int pairnames (int, char **, int *(*)(struct buf *, struct stat *, int),
+ int, int);'
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C89 (body of main).
+ok |= (argc == 0 || f (e, argv, 0) != argv[0] || f (e, argv, 1) != argv[1]);
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C99 (global declarations)
+// Does the compiler advertise C99 conformance?
+#if !defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L
+# error "Compiler does not advertise C99 conformance"
+#include <stdbool.h>
+extern int puts (const char *);
+extern int printf (const char *, ...);
+extern int dprintf (int, const char *, ...);
+extern void *malloc (size_t);
+// Check varargs macros. These examples are taken from C99
+// dprintf is used instead of fprintf to avoid needing to declare
+// FILE and stderr.
+#define debug(...) dprintf (2, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define showlist(...) puts (#__VA_ARGS__)
+#define report(test,...) ((test) ? puts (#test) : printf (__VA_ARGS__))
+static void
+test_varargs_macros (void)
+ int x = 1234;
+ int y = 5678;
+ debug ("Flag");
+ debug ("X = %d\n", x);
+ showlist (The first, second, and third items.);
+ report (x>y, "x is %d but y is %d", x, y);
+// Check long long types.
+#define BIG64 18446744073709551615ull
+#define BIG32 4294967295ul
+#define BIG_OK (BIG64 / BIG32 == 4294967297ull && BIG64 % BIG32 == 0)
+#if !BIG_OK
+ #error "your preprocessor is broken"
+#if BIG_OK
+ #error "your preprocessor is broken"
+static long long int bignum = -9223372036854775807LL;
+static unsigned long long int ubignum = BIG64;
+struct incomplete_array
+ int datasize;
+ double data[];
+struct named_init {
+ int number;
+ const wchar_t *name;
+ double average;
+typedef const char *ccp;
+static inline int
+test_restrict (ccp restrict text)
+ // See if C++-style comments work.
+ // Iterate through items via the restricted pointer.
+ // Also check for declarations in for loops.
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; *(text+i) != '\''\0'\''; ++i)
+ continue;
+ return 0;
+// Check varargs and va_copy.
+static bool
+test_varargs (const char *format, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start (args, format);
+ va_list args_copy;
+ va_copy (args_copy, args);
+ const char *str = "";
+ int number = 0;
+ float fnumber = 0;
+ while (*format)
+ {
+ switch (*format++)
+ {
+ case '\''s'\'': // string
+ str = va_arg (args_copy, const char *);
+ break;
+ case '\''d'\'': // int
+ number = va_arg (args_copy, int);
+ break;
+ case '\''f'\'': // float
+ fnumber = va_arg (args_copy, double);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ va_end (args_copy);
+ va_end (args);
+ return *str && number && fnumber;
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C99 (body of main).
+ // Check bool.
+ _Bool success = false;
+ success |= (argc != 0);
+ // Check restrict.
+ if (test_restrict ("String literal") == 0)
+ success = true;
+ char *restrict newvar = "Another string";
+ // Check varargs.
+ success &= test_varargs ("s, d'\'' f .", "string", 65, 34.234);
+ test_varargs_macros ();
+ // Check flexible array members.
+ struct incomplete_array *ia =
+ malloc (sizeof (struct incomplete_array) + (sizeof (double) * 10));
+ ia->datasize = 10;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ia->datasize; ++i)
+ ia->data[i] = i * 1.234;
+ // Check named initializers.
+ struct named_init ni = {
+ .number = 34,
+ .name = L"Test wide string",
+ .average = 543.34343,
+ };
+ ni.number = 58;
+ int dynamic_array[ni.number];
+ dynamic_array[0] = argv[0][0];
+ dynamic_array[ni.number - 1] = 543;
+ // work around unused variable warnings
+ ok |= (!success || bignum == 0LL || ubignum == 0uLL || newvar[0] == '\''x'\''
+ || dynamic_array[ni.number - 1] != 543);
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C11 (global declarations)
+// Does the compiler advertise C11 conformance?
+#if !defined __STDC_VERSION__ || __STDC_VERSION__ < 201112L
+# error "Compiler does not advertise C11 conformance"
+// Check _Alignas.
+char _Alignas (double) aligned_as_double;
+char _Alignas (0) no_special_alignment;
+extern char aligned_as_int;
+char _Alignas (0) _Alignas (int) aligned_as_int;
+// Check _Alignof.
+ int_alignment = _Alignof (int),
+ int_array_alignment = _Alignof (int[100]),
+ char_alignment = _Alignof (char)
+_Static_assert (0 < -_Alignof (int), "_Alignof is signed");
+// Check _Noreturn.
+int _Noreturn does_not_return (void) { for (;;) continue; }
+// Check _Static_assert.
+struct test_static_assert
+ int x;
+ _Static_assert (sizeof (int) <= sizeof (long int),
+ "_Static_assert does not work in struct");
+ long int y;
+// Check UTF-8 literals.
+#define u8 syntax error!
+char const utf8_literal[] = u8"happens to be ASCII" "another string";
+// Check duplicate typedefs.
+typedef long *long_ptr;
+typedef long int *long_ptr;
+typedef long_ptr long_ptr;
+// Anonymous structures and unions -- taken from C11 Example 1.
+struct anonymous
+ union {
+ struct { int i; int j; };
+ struct { int k; long int l; } w;
+ };
+ int m;
+} v1;
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C11 (body of main).
+ _Static_assert ((offsetof (struct anonymous, i)
+ == offsetof (struct anonymous, w.k)),
+ "Anonymous union alignment botch");
+ v1.i = 2;
+ v1.w.k = 5;
+ ok |= v1.i != 5;
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C11 (complete).
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ int ok = 0;
+ ${ac_c_conftest_c89_main}
+ ${ac_c_conftest_c99_main}
+ ${ac_c_conftest_c11_main}
+ return ok;
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C99 (complete).
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ int ok = 0;
+ ${ac_c_conftest_c89_main}
+ ${ac_c_conftest_c99_main}
+ return ok;
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C89 (complete).
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ int ok = 0;
+ ${ac_c_conftest_c89_main}
+ return ok;
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " stdio.h stdio_h HAVE_STDIO_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " stdlib.h stdlib_h HAVE_STDLIB_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " string.h string_h HAVE_STRING_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " inttypes.h inttypes_h HAVE_INTTYPES_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " stdint.h stdint_h HAVE_STDINT_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " strings.h strings_h HAVE_STRINGS_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " sys/stat.h sys_stat_h HAVE_SYS_STAT_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " sys/types.h sys_types_h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H"
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " unistd.h unistd_h HAVE_UNISTD_H"
+# Test code for whether the C++ compiler supports C++98 (global declarations)
+// Does the compiler advertise C++98 conformance?
+#if !defined __cplusplus || __cplusplus < 199711L
+# error "Compiler does not advertise C++98 conformance"
+// These inclusions are to reject old compilers that
+// lack the unsuffixed header files.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <exception>
+// <cassert> and <cstring> are *not* freestanding headers in C++98.
+extern void assert (int);
+namespace std {
+ extern int strcmp (const char *, const char *);
+// Namespaces, exceptions, and templates were all added after "C++ 2.0".
+using std::exception;
+using std::strcmp;
+namespace {
+void test_exception_syntax()
+ try {
+ throw "test";
+ } catch (const char *s) {
+ // Extra parentheses suppress a warning when building autoconf itself,
+ // due to lint rules shared with more typical C programs.
+ assert (!(strcmp) (s, "test"));
+ }
+template <typename T> struct test_template
+ T const val;
+ explicit test_template(T t) : val(t) {}
+ template <typename U> T add(U u) { return static_cast<T>(u) + val; }
+} // anonymous namespace
+# Test code for whether the C++ compiler supports C++98 (body of main)
+ assert (argc);
+ assert (! argv[0]);
+ test_exception_syntax ();
+ test_template<double> tt (2.0);
+ assert (tt.add (4) == 6.0);
+ assert (true && !false);
+# Test code for whether the C++ compiler supports C++11 (global declarations)
+// Does the compiler advertise C++ 2011 conformance?
+#if !defined __cplusplus || __cplusplus < 201103L
+# error "Compiler does not advertise C++11 conformance"
+namespace cxx11test
+ constexpr int get_val() { return 20; }
+ struct testinit
+ {
+ int i;
+ double d;
+ };
+ class delegate
+ {
+ public:
+ delegate(int n) : n(n) {}
+ delegate(): delegate(2354) {}
+ virtual int getval() { return this->n; };
+ protected:
+ int n;
+ };
+ class overridden : public delegate
+ {
+ public:
+ overridden(int n): delegate(n) {}
+ virtual int getval() override final { return this->n * 2; }
+ };
+ class nocopy
+ {
+ public:
+ nocopy(int i): i(i) {}
+ nocopy() = default;
+ nocopy(const nocopy&) = delete;
+ nocopy & operator=(const nocopy&) = delete;
+ private:
+ int i;
+ };
+ // for testing lambda expressions
+ template <typename Ret, typename Fn> Ret eval(Fn f, Ret v)
+ {
+ return f(v);
+ }
+ // for testing variadic templates and trailing return types
+ template <typename V> auto sum(V first) -> V
+ {
+ return first;
+ }
+ template <typename V, typename... Args> auto sum(V first, Args... rest) -> V
+ {
+ return first + sum(rest...);
+ }
+# Test code for whether the C++ compiler supports C++11 (body of main)
+ // Test auto and decltype
+ auto a1 = 6538;
+ auto a2 = 48573953.4;
+ auto a3 = "String literal";
+ int total = 0;
+ for (auto i = a3; *i; ++i) { total += *i; }
+ decltype(a2) a4 = 34895.034;
+ // Test constexpr
+ short sa[cxx11test::get_val()] = { 0 };
+ // Test initializer lists
+ cxx11test::testinit il = { 4323, 435234.23544 };
+ // Test range-based for
+ int array[] = {9, 7, 13, 15, 4, 18, 12, 10, 5, 3,
+ 14, 19, 17, 8, 6, 20, 16, 2, 11, 1};
+ for (auto &x : array) { x += 23; }
+ // Test lambda expressions
+ using cxx11test::eval;
+ assert (eval ([](int x) { return x*2; }, 21) == 42);
+ double d = 2.0;
+ assert (eval ([&](double x) { return d += x; }, 3.0) == 5.0);
+ assert (d == 5.0);
+ assert (eval ([=](double x) mutable { return d += x; }, 4.0) == 9.0);
+ assert (d == 5.0);
+ // Test use of variadic templates
+ using cxx11test::sum;
+ auto a = sum(1);
+ auto b = sum(1, 2);
+ auto c = sum(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
+ // Test constructor delegation
+ cxx11test::delegate d1;
+ cxx11test::delegate d2();
+ cxx11test::delegate d3(45);
+ // Test override and final
+ cxx11test::overridden o1(55464);
+ // Test nullptr
+ char *c = nullptr;
+ // Test template brackets
+ test_template<::test_template<int>> v(test_template<int>(12));
+ // Unicode literals
+ char const *utf8 = u8"UTF-8 string \u2500";
+ char16_t const *utf16 = u"UTF-8 string \u2500";
+ char32_t const *utf32 = U"UTF-32 string \u2500";
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C++11 (complete).
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ int ok = 0;
+ ${ac_cxx_conftest_cxx98_main}
+ ${ac_cxx_conftest_cxx11_main}
+ return ok;
+# Test code for whether the C compiler supports C++98 (complete).
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ int ok = 0;
+ ${ac_cxx_conftest_cxx98_main}
+ return ok;
+as_fn_append ac_header_c_list " utime.h utime_h HAVE_UTIME_H"
+# Auxiliary files required by this configure script.
+ac_aux_files="install-sh config.guess config.sub"
+# Locations in which to look for auxiliary files.
+# Search for a directory containing all of the required auxiliary files,
+# $ac_aux_files, from the $PATH-style list $ac_aux_dir_candidates.
+# If we don't find one directory that contains all the files we need,
+# we report the set of missing files from the *first* directory in
+# $ac_aux_dir_candidates and give up.
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: looking for aux files: $ac_aux_files" >&5
+for as_dir in $ac_aux_dir_candidates
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ as_found=:
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: trying $as_dir" >&5
+ ac_aux_dir_found=yes
+ ac_install_sh=
+ for ac_aux in $ac_aux_files
+ do
+ # As a special case, if "install-sh" is required, that requirement
+ # can be satisfied by any of "install-sh", "", or "shtool",
+ # and $ac_install_sh is set appropriately for whichever one is found.
+ if test x"$ac_aux" = x"install-sh"
+ then
+ if test -f "${as_dir}install-sh"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: ${as_dir}install-sh found" >&5
+ ac_install_sh="${as_dir}install-sh -c"
+ elif test -f "${as_dir}"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: ${as_dir} found" >&5
+ ac_install_sh="${as_dir} -c"
+ elif test -f "${as_dir}shtool"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: ${as_dir}shtool found" >&5
+ ac_install_sh="${as_dir}shtool install -c"
+ else
+ ac_aux_dir_found=no
+ if $ac_first_candidate; then
+ ac_missing_aux_files="${ac_missing_aux_files} install-sh"
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ if test -f "${as_dir}${ac_aux}"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: ${as_dir}${ac_aux} found" >&5
+ else
+ ac_aux_dir_found=no
+ if $ac_first_candidate; then
+ ac_missing_aux_files="${ac_missing_aux_files} ${ac_aux}"
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ if test "$ac_aux_dir_found" = yes; then
+ ac_aux_dir="$as_dir"
+ break
+ fi
+ ac_first_candidate=false
+ as_found=false
+if $as_found
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_error $? "cannot find required auxiliary files:$ac_missing_aux_files" "$LINENO" 5
+# These three variables are undocumented and unsupported,
+# and are intended to be withdrawn in a future Autoconf release.
+# They can cause serious problems if a builder's source tree is in a directory
+# whose full name contains unusual characters.
+if test -f "${ac_aux_dir}config.guess"; then
+ ac_config_guess="$SHELL ${ac_aux_dir}config.guess"
+if test -f "${ac_aux_dir}config.sub"; then
+ ac_config_sub="$SHELL ${ac_aux_dir}config.sub"
+if test -f "$ac_aux_dir/configure"; then
+ ac_configure="$SHELL ${ac_aux_dir}configure"
+# Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same
+# value.
+for ac_var in $ac_precious_vars; do
+ eval ac_old_set=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_set
+ eval ac_new_set=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_set
+ eval ac_old_val=\$ac_cv_env_${ac_var}_value
+ eval ac_new_val=\$ac_env_${ac_var}_value
+ case $ac_old_set,$ac_new_set in
+ set,)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&2;}
+ ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
+ ,set)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was not set in the previous run" >&2;}
+ ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
+ ,);;
+ *)
+ if test "x$ac_old_val" != "x$ac_new_val"; then
+ # differences in whitespace do not lead to failure.
+ ac_old_val_w=`echo x $ac_old_val`
+ ac_new_val_w=`echo x $ac_new_val`
+ if test "$ac_old_val_w" != "$ac_new_val_w"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' has changed since the previous run:" >&2;}
+ ac_cache_corrupted=:
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: warning: ignoring whitespace changes in \`$ac_var' since the previous run:" >&2;}
+ eval $ac_var=\$ac_old_val
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: former value: \`$ac_old_val'" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: former value: \`$ac_old_val'" >&2;}
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: current value: \`$ac_new_val'" >&2;}
+ fi;;
+ esac
+ # Pass precious variables to config.status.
+ if test "$ac_new_set" = set; then
+ case $ac_new_val in
+ *\'*) ac_arg=$ac_var=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_new_val" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+ *) ac_arg=$ac_var=$ac_new_val ;;
+ esac
+ case " $ac_configure_args " in
+ *" '$ac_arg' "*) ;; # Avoid dups. Use of quotes ensures accuracy.
+ *) as_fn_append ac_configure_args " '$ac_arg'" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+if $ac_cache_corrupted; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: changes in the environment can compromise the build" >&2;}
+ as_fn_error $? "run \`${MAKE-make} distclean' and/or \`rm $cache_file'
+ and start over" "$LINENO" 5
+## -------------------- ##
+## Main body of script. ##
+## -------------------- ##
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}gcc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}gcc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then
+ ac_ct_CC=$CC
+ # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="gcc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+ CC=""
+ else
+ case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+ CC=$ac_ct_CC
+ fi
+ CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC"
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}cc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}cc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}cc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ fi
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+ ac_prog_rejected=no
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ if test "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
+ ac_prog_rejected=yes
+ continue
+ fi
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
+ # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
+ set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
+ shift
+ if test $# != 0; then
+ # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
+ # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
+ # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
+ shift
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$as_dir$ac_word${1+' '}$@"
+ fi
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ for ac_prog in cl.exe
+ do
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ test -n "$CC" && break
+ done
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ ac_ct_CC=$CC
+ for ac_prog in cl.exe
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_prog"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ test -n "$ac_ct_CC" && break
+ if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+ CC=""
+ else
+ case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+ CC=$ac_ct_CC
+ fi
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}clang", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}clang; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}clang"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then
+ ac_ct_CC=$CC
+ # Extract the first word of "clang", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy clang; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="clang"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+ CC=""
+ else
+ case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+ CC=$ac_ct_CC
+ fi
+ CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC"
+test -z "$CC" && { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C compiler version" >&5
+set X $ac_compile
+for ac_option in --version -v -V -qversion -version; do
+ { { ac_try="$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5") 2>conftest.err
+ ac_status=$?
+ if test -s conftest.err; then
+ sed '10a\
+... rest of stderr output deleted ...
+ 10q' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+ cat conftest.er1 >&5
+ fi
+ rm -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files a.out a.out.dSYM a.exe b.out"
+# Try to create an executable without -o first, disregard a.out.
+# It will help us diagnose broken compilers, and finding out an intuition
+# of exeext.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the C compiler works" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether the C compiler works... " >&6; }
+ac_link_default=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_link" | sed 's/ -o *conftest[^ ]*//'`
+# The possible output files:
+ac_files="a.out conftest.exe conftest a.exe a_out.exe b.out conftest.*"
+for ac_file in $ac_files
+ case $ac_file in
+ *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
+ * ) ac_rmfiles="$ac_rmfiles $ac_file";;
+ esac
+rm -f $ac_rmfiles
+if { { ac_try="$ac_link_default"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_link_default") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }
+then :
+ # Autoconf-2.13 could set the ac_cv_exeext variable to `no'.
+# So ignore a value of `no', otherwise this would lead to `EXEEXT = no'
+# in a Makefile. We should not override ac_cv_exeext if it was cached,
+# so that the user can short-circuit this test for compilers unknown to
+# Autoconf.
+for ac_file in $ac_files ''
+ test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+ case $ac_file in
+ *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj )
+ ;;
+ [ab].out )
+ # We found the default executable, but exeext='' is most
+ # certainly right.
+ break;;
+ *.* )
+ if test ${ac_cv_exeext+y} && test "$ac_cv_exeext" != no;
+ then :; else
+ ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
+ fi
+ # We set ac_cv_exeext here because the later test for it is not
+ # safe: cross compilers may not add the suffix if given an `-o'
+ # argument, so we may need to know it at that point already.
+ # Even if this section looks crufty: it has the advantage of
+ # actually working.
+ break;;
+ * )
+ break;;
+ esac
+test "$ac_cv_exeext" = no && ac_cv_exeext=
+else $as_nop
+ ac_file=''
+if test -z "$ac_file"
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+{ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "C compiler cannot create executables
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C compiler default output file name" >&5
+printf %s "checking for C compiler default output file name... " >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_file" >&6; }
+rm -f -r a.out a.out.dSYM a.exe conftest$ac_cv_exeext b.out
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for suffix of executables" >&5
+printf %s "checking for suffix of executables... " >&6; }
+if { { ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }
+then :
+ # If both `conftest.exe' and `conftest' are `present' (well, observable)
+# catch `conftest.exe'. For instance with Cygwin, `ls conftest' will
+# work properly (i.e., refer to `conftest.exe'), while it won't with
+# `rm'.
+for ac_file in conftest.exe conftest conftest.*; do
+ test -f "$ac_file" || continue
+ case $ac_file in
+ *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
+ *.* ) ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
+ break;;
+ * ) break;;
+ esac
+else $as_nop
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "cannot compute suffix of executables: cannot compile and link
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+rm -f conftest conftest$ac_cv_exeext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_exeext" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_exeext" >&6; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+main (void)
+FILE *f = fopen ("conftest.out", "w");
+ return ferror (f) || fclose (f) != 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files conftest.out"
+# Check that the compiler produces executables we can run. If not, either
+# the compiler is broken, or we cross compile.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether we are cross compiling" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether we are cross compiling... " >&6; }
+if test "$cross_compiling" != yes; then
+ { { ac_try="$ac_link"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }
+ if { ac_try='./conftest$ac_cv_exeext'
+ { { case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }; }; then
+ cross_compiling=no
+ else
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = maybe; then
+ cross_compiling=yes
+ else
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot run C compiled programs.
+If you meant to cross compile, use \`--host'.
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ fi
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $cross_compiling" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$cross_compiling" >&6; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext conftest$ac_cv_exeext conftest.out
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for suffix of object files" >&5
+printf %s "checking for suffix of object files... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_objext+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+rm -f conftest.o conftest.obj
+if { { ac_try="$ac_compile"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_compile") 2>&5
+ ac_status=$?
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }
+then :
+ for ac_file in conftest.o conftest.obj conftest.*; do
+ test -f "$ac_file" || continue;
+ case $ac_file in
+ *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM ) ;;
+ *) ac_cv_objext=`expr "$ac_file" : '.*\.\(.*\)'`
+ break;;
+ esac
+else $as_nop
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+{ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+rm -f conftest.$ac_cv_objext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_objext" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_objext" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the compiler supports GNU C" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+ choke me
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_compiler_gnu=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_compiler_gnu=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
+if test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes; then
+ GCC=yes
+ GCC=
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC accepts -g" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether $CC accepts -g... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_g+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_save_c_werror_flag=$ac_c_werror_flag
+ ac_c_werror_flag=yes
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
+ CFLAGS="-g"
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
+ CFLAGS="-g"
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&6; }
+if test $ac_test_CFLAGS; then
+ CFLAGS=$ac_save_CFLAGS
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_cc_g = yes; then
+ if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+ CFLAGS="-g -O2"
+ else
+ CFLAGS="-g"
+ fi
+ if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+ CFLAGS="-O2"
+ else
+ fi
+if test x$ac_prog_cc_stdc = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CC option to enable C11 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CC option to enable C11 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_c11+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c11=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -std=gnu11
+ CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c11=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" >&6; }
+ CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c11"
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc=$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11
+ ac_prog_cc_stdc=c11
+if test x$ac_prog_cc_stdc = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CC option to enable C99 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CC option to enable C99 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_c99+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c99=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -std=gnu99 -std=c99 -c99 -qlanglvl=extc1x -qlanglvl=extc99 -AC99 -D_STDC_C99=
+ CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c99=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" >&6; }
+ CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c99"
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc=$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99
+ ac_prog_cc_stdc=c99
+if test x$ac_prog_cc_stdc = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CC option to enable C89 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CC option to enable C89 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_c89+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -qlanglvl=extc89 -qlanglvl=ansi -std -Ae "-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE" "-Xc -D__EXTENSIONS__"
+ CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&6; }
+ CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89"
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc=$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89
+ ac_prog_cc_stdc=c89
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_header= ac_cache=
+for ac_item in $ac_header_c_list
+ if test $ac_cache; then
+ ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" $ac_header ac_cv_header_$ac_cache "$ac_includes_default"
+ if eval test \"x\$ac_cv_header_$ac_cache\" = xyes; then
+ printf "%s\n" "#define $ac_item 1" >> confdefs.h
+ fi
+ ac_header= ac_cache=
+ elif test $ac_header; then
+ ac_cache=$ac_item
+ else
+ ac_header=$ac_item
+ fi
+if test $ac_cv_header_stdlib_h = yes && test $ac_cv_header_string_h = yes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define STDC_HEADERS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether byte ordering is bigendian" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_c_bigendian+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=unknown
+ # See if we're dealing with a universal compiler.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#ifndef __APPLE_CC__
+ not a universal capable compiler
+ #endif
+ typedef int dummy;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ # Check for potential -arch flags. It is not universal unless
+ # there are at least two -arch flags with different values.
+ ac_arch=
+ ac_prev=
+ for ac_word in $CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS; do
+ if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
+ case $ac_word in
+ i?86 | x86_64 | ppc | ppc64)
+ if test -z "$ac_arch" || test "$ac_arch" = "$ac_word"; then
+ ac_arch=$ac_word
+ else
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=universal
+ break
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ac_prev=
+ elif test "x$ac_word" = "x-arch"; then
+ ac_prev=arch
+ fi
+ done
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ if test $ac_cv_c_bigendian = unknown; then
+ # See if sys/param.h defines the BYTE_ORDER macro.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/param.h>
+main (void)
+#if ! (defined BYTE_ORDER && defined BIG_ENDIAN \
+ bogus endian macros
+ #endif
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ # It does; now see whether it defined to BIG_ENDIAN or not.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/param.h>
+main (void)
+ not big endian
+ #endif
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ fi
+ if test $ac_cv_c_bigendian = unknown; then
+ # See if <limits.h> defines _LITTLE_ENDIAN or _BIG_ENDIAN (e.g., Solaris).
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <limits.h>
+main (void)
+#if ! (defined _LITTLE_ENDIAN || defined _BIG_ENDIAN)
+ bogus endian macros
+ #endif
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ # It does; now see whether it defined to _BIG_ENDIAN or not.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <limits.h>
+main (void)
+#ifndef _BIG_ENDIAN
+ not big endian
+ #endif
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ fi
+ if test $ac_cv_c_bigendian = unknown; then
+ # Compile a test program.
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ # Try to guess by grepping values from an object file.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+unsigned short int ascii_mm[] =
+ { 0x4249, 0x4765, 0x6E44, 0x6961, 0x6E53, 0x7953, 0 };
+ unsigned short int ascii_ii[] =
+ { 0x694C, 0x5454, 0x656C, 0x6E45, 0x6944, 0x6E61, 0 };
+ int use_ascii (int i) {
+ return ascii_mm[i] + ascii_ii[i];
+ }
+ unsigned short int ebcdic_ii[] =
+ { 0x89D3, 0xE3E3, 0x8593, 0x95C5, 0x89C4, 0x9581, 0 };
+ unsigned short int ebcdic_mm[] =
+ { 0xC2C9, 0xC785, 0x95C4, 0x8981, 0x95E2, 0xA8E2, 0 };
+ int use_ebcdic (int i) {
+ return ebcdic_mm[i] + ebcdic_ii[i];
+ }
+ extern int foo;
+main (void)
+return use_ascii (foo) == use_ebcdic (foo);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ if grep BIGenDianSyS conftest.$ac_objext >/dev/null; then
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=yes
+ fi
+ if grep LiTTleEnDian conftest.$ac_objext >/dev/null ; then
+ if test "$ac_cv_c_bigendian" = unknown; then
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=no
+ else
+ # finding both strings is unlikely to happen, but who knows?
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=unknown
+ fi
+ fi
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ /* Are we little or big endian? From Harbison&Steele. */
+ union
+ {
+ long int l;
+ char c[sizeof (long int)];
+ } u;
+ u.l = 1;
+ return u.c[sizeof (long int) - 1] == 1;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=no
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_c_bigendian=yes
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_bigendian" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_c_bigendian" >&6; }
+ case $ac_cv_c_bigendian in #(
+ yes)
+ printf "%s\n" "#define WORDS_BIGENDIAN 1" >>confdefs.h
+;; #(
+ no)
+ ;; #(
+ universal)
+printf "%s\n" "#define AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;; #(
+ *)
+ as_fn_error $? "unknown endianness
+ presetting ac_cv_c_bigendian=no (or yes) will help" "$LINENO" 5 ;;
+ esac
+for ac_hdr in dirent.h sys/ndir.h sys/dir.h ndir.h; do
+ as_ac_Header=`printf "%s\n" "ac_cv_header_dirent_$ac_hdr" | $as_tr_sh`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_hdr that defines DIR" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_hdr that defines DIR... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${$as_ac_Header+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <$ac_hdr>
+main (void)
+if ((DIR *) 0)
+return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "$as_ac_Header=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ eval "$as_ac_Header=no"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+eval ac_res=\$$as_ac_Header
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_res" >&6; }
+if eval test \"x\$"$as_ac_Header"\" = x"yes"
+then :
+ cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+#define `printf "%s\n" "HAVE_$ac_hdr" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
+ac_header_dirent=$ac_hdr; break
+# Two versions of opendir et al. are in -ldir and -lx on SCO Xenix.
+if test $ac_header_dirent = dirent.h; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing opendir" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing opendir... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_opendir+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char opendir ();
+main (void)
+return opendir ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' dir
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_opendir=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_opendir+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_opendir+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_opendir=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_opendir" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_opendir" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing opendir" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing opendir... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_opendir+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char opendir ();
+main (void)
+return opendir ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' x
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_opendir=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_opendir+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_opendir+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_opendir=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_opendir" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_opendir" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for sys/wait.h that is POSIX.1 compatible" >&5
+printf %s "checking for sys/wait.h that is POSIX.1 compatible... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+# define WEXITSTATUS(stat_val) ((unsigned int) (stat_val) >> 8)
+#ifndef WIFEXITED
+# define WIFEXITED(stat_val) (((stat_val) & 255) == 0)
+main (void)
+ int s;
+ wait (&s);
+ s = WIFEXITED (s) ? WEXITSTATUS (s) : 1;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/fcntl.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_fcntl_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_fcntl_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/select.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_select_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_select_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "fcntl.h" "ac_cv_header_fcntl_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_fcntl_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/time.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_time_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_time_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/unistd.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_unistd_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_unistd_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_UNISTD_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "unistd.h" "ac_cv_header_unistd_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_unistd_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "utime.h" "ac_cv_header_utime_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_utime_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UTIME_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "compat.h" "ac_cv_header_compat_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_compat_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_COMPAT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/param.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_param_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_param_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "ctype.h" "ac_cv_header_ctype_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_ctype_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_CTYPE_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/wait.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/stat.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_stat_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_stat_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/ioctl.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_ioctl_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_ioctl_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/filio.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_filio_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_filio_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "string.h" "ac_cv_header_string_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_string_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRING_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "stdlib.h" "ac_cv_header_stdlib_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_stdlib_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/socket.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_socket_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_socket_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/mode.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_mode_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_mode_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_MODE_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "grp.h" "ac_cv_header_grp_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_grp_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GRP_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/un.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_un_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_un_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_UN_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/attr.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_attr_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_attr_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_ATTR_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "arpa/inet.h" "ac_cv_header_arpa_inet_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_arpa_inet_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ARPA_INET_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "arpa/nameser.h" "ac_cv_header_arpa_nameser_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_arpa_nameser_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ARPA_NAMESER_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "locale.h" "ac_cv_header_locale_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_locale_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/types.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_types_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_types_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "netdb.h" "ac_cv_header_netdb_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_netdb_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_NETDB_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "malloc.h" "ac_cv_header_malloc_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_malloc_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MALLOC_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "float.h" "ac_cv_header_float_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_float_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FLOAT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "limits.h" "ac_cv_header_limits_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_limits_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "iconv.h" "ac_cv_header_iconv_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_iconv_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ICONV_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "libcharset.h" "ac_cv_header_libcharset_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_libcharset_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBCHARSET_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "langinfo.h" "ac_cv_header_langinfo_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_langinfo_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LANGINFO_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "mcheck.h" "ac_cv_header_mcheck_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_mcheck_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MCHECK_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/acl.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_acl_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_acl_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_ACL_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "acl/libacl.h" "ac_cv_header_acl_libacl_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_acl_libacl_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ACL_LIBACL_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "attr/xattr.h" "ac_cv_header_attr_xattr_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_attr_xattr_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ATTR_XATTR_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/xattr.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_xattr_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_xattr_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/extattr.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_extattr_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_extattr_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_EXTATTR_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "dl.h" "ac_cv_header_dl_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_dl_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_DL_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "popt.h" "ac_cv_header_popt_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_popt_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_POPT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "popt/popt.h" "ac_cv_header_popt_popt_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_popt_popt_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_POPT_POPT_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "linux/falloc.h" "ac_cv_header_linux_falloc_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_linux_falloc_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LINUX_FALLOC_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "netinet/in_systm.h" "ac_cv_header_netinet_in_systm_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_netinet_in_systm_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_NETINET_IN_SYSTM_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "netgroup.h" "ac_cv_header_netgroup_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_netgroup_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_NETGROUP_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "zlib.h" "ac_cv_header_zlib_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_zlib_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ZLIB_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "xxhash.h" "ac_cv_header_xxhash_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_xxhash_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_XXHASH_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "openssl/md4.h" "ac_cv_header_openssl_md4_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_openssl_md4_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_OPENSSL_MD4_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "openssl/md5.h" "ac_cv_header_openssl_md5_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_openssl_md5_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "zstd.h" "ac_cv_header_zstd_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_zstd_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ZSTD_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "lz4.h" "ac_cv_header_lz4_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_lz4_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LZ4_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/file.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_file_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_file_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_FILE_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "bsd/string.h" "ac_cv_header_bsd_string_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_bsd_string_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_BSD_STRING_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "netinet/ip.h" "ac_cv_header_netinet_ip_h" "#include <netinet/in.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_netinet_ip_h" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_NETINET_IP_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether sys/types.h defines makedev" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether sys/types.h defines makedev... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+main (void)
+return makedev(0, 0);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ if grep sys/sysmacros.h conftest.err >/dev/null; then
+ ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev=no
+ else
+ ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev=yes
+ fi
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev = no; then
+ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/mkdev.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_mkdev_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_mkdev_h" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define MAJOR_IN_MKDEV 1" >>confdefs.h
+ if test $ac_cv_header_sys_mkdev_h = no; then
+ ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "sys/sysmacros.h" "ac_cv_header_sys_sysmacros_h" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_sys_sysmacros_h" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define MAJOR_IN_SYSMACROS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ fi
+ac_config_headers="$ac_config_headers config.h"
+PACKAGE_VERSION=`sed -n 's/.*RSYNC_VERSION.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' <$srcdir/version.h`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Configuring rsync $PACKAGE_VERSION" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: Configuring rsync $PACKAGE_VERSION" >&6;}
+ # Make sure we can run config.sub.
+$SHELL "${ac_aux_dir}config.sub" sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ as_fn_error $? "cannot run $SHELL ${ac_aux_dir}config.sub" "$LINENO" 5
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking build system type" >&5
+printf %s "checking build system type... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_build+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_build_alias=$build_alias
+test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
+ ac_build_alias=`$SHELL "${ac_aux_dir}config.guess"`
+test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
+ as_fn_error $? "cannot guess build type; you must specify one" "$LINENO" 5
+ac_cv_build=`$SHELL "${ac_aux_dir}config.sub" $ac_build_alias` ||
+ as_fn_error $? "$SHELL ${ac_aux_dir}config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_build" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_build" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_build in
+*-*-*) ;;
+*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical build" "$LINENO" 5;;
+ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-'
+set x $ac_cv_build
+shift; shift
+# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*,
+# except with old shells:
+case $build_os in *\ *) build_os=`echo "$build_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking host system type" >&5
+printf %s "checking host system type... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_host+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$host_alias" = x; then
+ ac_cv_host=$ac_cv_build
+ ac_cv_host=`$SHELL "${ac_aux_dir}config.sub" $host_alias` ||
+ as_fn_error $? "$SHELL ${ac_aux_dir}config.sub $host_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_host" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_host" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_host in
+*-*-*) ;;
+*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical host" "$LINENO" 5;;
+ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-'
+set x $ac_cv_host
+shift; shift
+# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*,
+# except with old shells:
+case $host_os in *\ *) host_os=`echo "$host_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
+# We must decide this before testing the compiler.
+# Please allow this to default to yes, so that your users have more
+# chance of getting a useful stack trace if problems occur.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to include debugging symbols" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to include debugging symbols... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-debug was given.
+if test ${enable_debug+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_debug;
+if test x"$enable_debug" = x"no"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+ # leave ac_cv_prog_cc_g alone; AC_PROG_CC will try to include -g if it can
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}gcc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}gcc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then
+ ac_ct_CC=$CC
+ # Extract the first word of "gcc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy gcc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="gcc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+ CC=""
+ else
+ case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+ CC=$ac_ct_CC
+ fi
+ CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC"
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}cc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}cc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}cc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ fi
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "cc", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy cc; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+ ac_prog_rejected=no
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ if test "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
+ ac_prog_rejected=yes
+ continue
+ fi
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="cc"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test $ac_prog_rejected = yes; then
+ # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
+ set dummy $ac_cv_prog_CC
+ shift
+ if test $# != 0; then
+ # We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
+ # However, it has the same basename, so the bogon will be chosen
+ # first if we set CC to just the basename; use the full file name.
+ shift
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$as_dir$ac_word${1+' '}$@"
+ fi
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ for ac_prog in cl.exe
+ do
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ test -n "$CC" && break
+ done
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ ac_ct_CC=$CC
+ for ac_prog in cl.exe
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_prog"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ test -n "$ac_ct_CC" && break
+ if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+ CC=""
+ else
+ case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+ CC=$ac_ct_CC
+ fi
+if test -z "$CC"; then
+ if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ # Extract the first word of "${ac_tool_prefix}clang", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy ${ac_tool_prefix}clang; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="$CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CC="${ac_tool_prefix}clang"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_CC"; then
+ ac_ct_CC=$CC
+ # Extract the first word of "clang", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy clang; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="$ac_ct_CC" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CC="clang"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CC"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_ct_CC" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ if test "x$ac_ct_CC" = x; then
+ CC=""
+ else
+ case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+ CC=$ac_ct_CC
+ fi
+ CC="$ac_cv_prog_CC"
+test -z "$CC" && { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "no acceptable C compiler found in \$PATH
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C compiler version" >&5
+set X $ac_compile
+for ac_option in --version -v -V -qversion -version; do
+ { { ac_try="$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5") 2>conftest.err
+ ac_status=$?
+ if test -s conftest.err; then
+ sed '10a\
+... rest of stderr output deleted ...
+ 10q' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+ cat conftest.er1 >&5
+ fi
+ rm -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the compiler supports GNU C" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+ choke me
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_compiler_gnu=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_compiler_gnu=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
+if test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes; then
+ GCC=yes
+ GCC=
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC accepts -g" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether $CC accepts -g... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_g+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_save_c_werror_flag=$ac_c_werror_flag
+ ac_c_werror_flag=yes
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=no
+ CFLAGS="-g"
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
+ CFLAGS="-g"
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_g=yes
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ ac_c_werror_flag=$ac_save_c_werror_flag
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_g" >&6; }
+if test $ac_test_CFLAGS; then
+ CFLAGS=$ac_save_CFLAGS
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_cc_g = yes; then
+ if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+ CFLAGS="-g -O2"
+ else
+ CFLAGS="-g"
+ fi
+ if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+ CFLAGS="-O2"
+ else
+ fi
+if test x$ac_prog_cc_stdc = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CC option to enable C11 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CC option to enable C11 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_c11+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c11=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -std=gnu11
+ CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c11=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11" >&6; }
+ CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c11"
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc=$ac_cv_prog_cc_c11
+ ac_prog_cc_stdc=c11
+if test x$ac_prog_cc_stdc = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CC option to enable C99 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CC option to enable C99 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_c99+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c99=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -std=gnu99 -std=c99 -c99 -qlanglvl=extc1x -qlanglvl=extc99 -AC99 -D_STDC_C99=
+ CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c99=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99" >&6; }
+ CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c99"
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc=$ac_cv_prog_cc_c99
+ ac_prog_cc_stdc=c99
+if test x$ac_prog_cc_stdc = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CC option to enable C89 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CC option to enable C89 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cc_c89+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -qlanglvl=extc89 -qlanglvl=ansi -std -Ae "-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE" "-Xc -D__EXTENSIONS__"
+ CC="$ac_save_CC $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_c89=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89" >&6; }
+ CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_c89"
+ ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc=$ac_cv_prog_cc_c89
+ ac_prog_cc_stdc=c89
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to run the C preprocessor" >&5
+printf %s "checking how to run the C preprocessor... " >&6; }
+# On Suns, sometimes $CPP names a directory.
+if test -n "$CPP" && test -d "$CPP"; then
+ CPP=
+if test -z "$CPP"; then
+ if test ${ac_cv_prog_CPP+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ # Double quotes because $CC needs to be expanded
+ for CPP in "$CC -E" "$CC -E -traditional-cpp" cpp /lib/cpp
+ do
+ ac_preproc_ok=false
+for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes
+ # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc
+ # with a fresh cross-compiler works.
+ # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
+ # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <limits.h>
+ Syntax error
+if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ # Broken: fails on valid input.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext
+ # OK, works on sane cases. Now check whether nonexistent headers
+ # can be detected and how.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
+if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"
+then :
+ # Broken: success on invalid input.
+else $as_nop
+ # Passes both tests.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext
+# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped.
+rm -f conftest.i conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+if $ac_preproc_ok
+then :
+ break
+ done
+ ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP
+ CPP=$ac_cv_prog_CPP
+ ac_cv_prog_CPP=$CPP
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CPP" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CPP" >&6; }
+for ac_c_preproc_warn_flag in '' yes
+ # Use a header file that comes with gcc, so configuring glibc
+ # with a fresh cross-compiler works.
+ # On the NeXT, cc -E runs the code through the compiler's parser,
+ # not just through cpp. "Syntax error" is here to catch this case.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <limits.h>
+ Syntax error
+if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ # Broken: fails on valid input.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext
+ # OK, works on sane cases. Now check whether nonexistent headers
+ # can be detected and how.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
+if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"
+then :
+ # Broken: success on invalid input.
+else $as_nop
+ # Passes both tests.
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext
+# Because of `break', _AC_PREPROC_IFELSE's cleaning code was skipped.
+rm -f conftest.i conftest.err conftest.$ac_ext
+if $ac_preproc_ok
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "C preprocessor \"$CPP\" fails sanity check
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+if test -z "$CXX"; then
+ if test -n "$CCC"; then
+ else
+ if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+ for ac_prog in g++ c++ gpp aCC CC cxx cc++ cl.exe FCC KCC RCC xlC_r xlC clang++
+ do
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_CXX+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$CXX"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CXX="$CXX" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_CXX="$ac_tool_prefix$ac_prog"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$CXX"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $CXX" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$CXX" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ test -n "$CXX" && break
+ done
+if test -z "$CXX"; then
+ ac_ct_CXX=$CXX
+ for ac_prog in g++ c++ gpp aCC CC cxx cc++ cl.exe FCC KCC RCC xlC_r xlC clang++
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CXX+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$ac_ct_CXX"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CXX="$ac_ct_CXX" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_CXX="$ac_prog"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$ac_ct_CXX"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_ct_CXX" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_ct_CXX" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ test -n "$ac_ct_CXX" && break
+ if test "x$ac_ct_CXX" = x; then
+ CXX="g++"
+ else
+ case $cross_compiling:$ac_tool_warned in
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet" >&2;}
+ac_tool_warned=yes ;;
+ CXX=$ac_ct_CXX
+ fi
+ fi
+# Provide some information about the compiler.
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C++ compiler version" >&5
+set X $ac_compile
+for ac_option in --version -v -V -qversion; do
+ { { ac_try="$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5"
+case "(($ac_try" in
+ *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;;
+ *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;;
+eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\""
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5
+ (eval "$ac_compiler $ac_option >&5") 2>conftest.err
+ ac_status=$?
+ if test -s conftest.err; then
+ sed '10a\
+... rest of stderr output deleted ...
+ 10q' conftest.err >conftest.er1
+ cat conftest.er1 >&5
+ fi
+ rm -f conftest.er1 conftest.err
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
+ test $ac_status = 0; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether the compiler supports GNU C++" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether the compiler supports GNU C++... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+ choke me
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_compiler_gnu=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_compiler_gnu=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu" >&6; }
+if test $ac_compiler_gnu = yes; then
+ GXX=yes
+ GXX=
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CXX accepts -g" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether $CXX accepts -g... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cxx_g+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_save_cxx_werror_flag=$ac_cxx_werror_flag
+ ac_cxx_werror_flag=yes
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_g=no
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_g=yes
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cxx_werror_flag=$ac_save_cxx_werror_flag
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_g=yes
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ ac_cxx_werror_flag=$ac_save_cxx_werror_flag
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_g" >&6; }
+if test $ac_test_CXXFLAGS; then
+elif test $ac_cv_prog_cxx_g = yes; then
+ if test "$GXX" = yes; then
+ CXXFLAGS="-g -O2"
+ else
+ fi
+ if test "$GXX" = yes; then
+ else
+ fi
+if test x$ac_prog_cxx_stdcxx = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CXX option to enable C++11 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CXX option to enable C++11 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cxx_11+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_11=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -std=gnu++11 -std=gnu++0x -std=c++11 -std=c++0x -qlanglvl=extended0x -AA
+ CXX="$ac_save_CXX $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11" >&6; }
+ CXX="$CXX $ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11"
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_stdcxx=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx11
+ ac_prog_cxx_stdcxx=cxx11
+if test x$ac_prog_cxx_stdcxx = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $CXX option to enable C++98 features" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $CXX option to enable C++98 features... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_cxx_98+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_98=no
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+for ac_arg in '' -std=gnu++98 -std=c++98 -qlanglvl=extended -AA
+ CXX="$ac_save_CXX $ac_arg"
+ if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98=$ac_arg
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ test "x$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98" != "xno" && break
+rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98" = xno
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unsupported" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unsupported" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ if test "x$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98" = x
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: none needed" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "none needed" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98" >&6; }
+ CXX="$CXX $ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98"
+ ac_cv_prog_cxx_stdcxx=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cxx98
+ ac_prog_cxx_stdcxx=cxx98
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+for ac_prog in gawk mawk nawk awk
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_AWK+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$AWK"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_AWK="$AWK" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_AWK="$ac_prog"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+if test -n "$AWK"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $AWK" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$AWK" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ test -n "$AWK" && break
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for grep that handles long lines and -e" >&5
+printf %s "checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_path_GREP+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -z "$GREP"; then
+ ac_path_GREP_found=false
+ # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST
+for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_prog in grep ggrep
+ do
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ ac_path_GREP="$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"
+ as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_GREP" || continue
+# Check for GNU ac_path_GREP and select it if it is found.
+ # Check for GNU $ac_path_GREP
+case `"$ac_path_GREP" --version 2>&1` in
+ ac_cv_path_GREP="$ac_path_GREP" ac_path_GREP_found=:;;
+ ac_count=0
+ printf %s 0123456789 >""
+ while :
+ do
+ cat "" "" >"conftest.tmp"
+ mv "conftest.tmp" ""
+ cp "" ""
+ printf "%s\n" 'GREP' >> ""
+ "$ac_path_GREP" -e 'GREP$' -e '-(cannot match)-' < "" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break
+ diff "conftest.out" "" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
+ as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val
+ if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_GREP_max-0}; then
+ # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one
+ ac_cv_path_GREP="$ac_path_GREP"
+ ac_path_GREP_max=$ac_count
+ fi
+ # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough
+ test $ac_count -gt 10 && break
+ done
+ rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;;
+ $ac_path_GREP_found && break 3
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ if test -z "$ac_cv_path_GREP"; then
+ as_fn_error $? "no acceptable grep could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+ ac_cv_path_GREP=$GREP
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_GREP" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_path_GREP" >&6; }
+ GREP="$ac_cv_path_GREP"
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for egrep" >&5
+printf %s "checking for egrep... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_path_EGREP+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if echo a | $GREP -E '(a|b)' >/dev/null 2>&1
+ then ac_cv_path_EGREP="$GREP -E"
+ else
+ if test -z "$EGREP"; then
+ ac_path_EGREP_found=false
+ # Loop through the user's path and test for each of PROGNAME-LIST
+for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_prog in egrep
+ do
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ ac_path_EGREP="$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"
+ as_fn_executable_p "$ac_path_EGREP" || continue
+# Check for GNU ac_path_EGREP and select it if it is found.
+ # Check for GNU $ac_path_EGREP
+case `"$ac_path_EGREP" --version 2>&1` in
+ ac_cv_path_EGREP="$ac_path_EGREP" ac_path_EGREP_found=:;;
+ ac_count=0
+ printf %s 0123456789 >""
+ while :
+ do
+ cat "" "" >"conftest.tmp"
+ mv "conftest.tmp" ""
+ cp "" ""
+ printf "%s\n" 'EGREP' >> ""
+ "$ac_path_EGREP" 'EGREP$' < "" >"conftest.out" 2>/dev/null || break
+ diff "conftest.out" "" >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
+ as_fn_arith $ac_count + 1 && ac_count=$as_val
+ if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_EGREP_max-0}; then
+ # Best one so far, save it but keep looking for a better one
+ ac_cv_path_EGREP="$ac_path_EGREP"
+ ac_path_EGREP_max=$ac_count
+ fi
+ # 10*(2^10) chars as input seems more than enough
+ test $ac_count -gt 10 && break
+ done
+ rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;;
+ $ac_path_EGREP_found && break 3
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ if test -z "$ac_cv_path_EGREP"; then
+ as_fn_error $? "no acceptable egrep could be found in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/usr/xpg4/bin" "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+ ac_cv_path_EGREP=$EGREP
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_EGREP" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_path_EGREP" >&6; }
+ EGREP="$ac_cv_path_EGREP"
+ # Find a good install program. We prefer a C program (faster),
+# so one script is as good as another. But avoid the broken or
+# incompatible versions:
+# SysV /etc/install, /usr/sbin/install
+# SunOS /usr/etc/install
+# IRIX /sbin/install
+# AIX /bin/install
+# AmigaOS /C/install, which installs bootblocks on floppy discs
+# AIX 4 /usr/bin/installbsd, which doesn't work without a -g flag
+# AFS /usr/afsws/bin/install, which mishandles nonexistent args
+# SVR4 /usr/ucb/install, which tries to use the nonexistent group "staff"
+# OS/2's system install, which has a completely different semantic
+# ./install, which can be erroneously created by make from ./
+# Reject install programs that cannot install multiple files.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a BSD-compatible install" >&5
+printf %s "checking for a BSD-compatible install... " >&6; }
+if test -z "$INSTALL"; then
+if test ${ac_cv_path_install+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ # Account for fact that we put trailing slashes in our PATH walk.
+case $as_dir in #((
+ ./ | /[cC]/* | \
+ /etc/* | /usr/sbin/* | /usr/etc/* | /sbin/* | /usr/afsws/bin/* | \
+ ?:[\\/]os2[\\/]install[\\/]* | ?:[\\/]OS2[\\/]INSTALL[\\/]* | \
+ /usr/ucb/* ) ;;
+ *)
+ # OSF1 and SCO ODT 3.0 have their own names for install.
+ # Don't use installbsd from OSF since it installs stuff as root
+ # by default.
+ for ac_prog in ginstall scoinst install; do
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ if test $ac_prog = install &&
+ grep dspmsg "$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # AIX install. It has an incompatible calling convention.
+ :
+ elif test $ac_prog = install &&
+ grep pwplus "$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # program-specific install script used by HP pwplus--don't use.
+ :
+ else
+ rm -rf conftest.two conftest.dir
+ echo one >
+ echo two > conftest.two
+ mkdir conftest.dir
+ if "$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" -c conftest.two "`pwd`/conftest.dir/" &&
+ test -s && test -s conftest.two &&
+ test -s conftest.dir/ &&
+ test -s conftest.dir/conftest.two
+ then
+ ac_cv_path_install="$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext -c"
+ break 3
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ ;;
+ done
+rm -rf conftest.two conftest.dir
+ if test ${ac_cv_path_install+y}; then
+ INSTALL=$ac_cv_path_install
+ else
+ # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. Don't cache a
+ # value for INSTALL within a source directory, because that will
+ # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
+ # removed, or if the value is a relative name.
+ INSTALL=$ac_install_sh
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $INSTALL" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$INSTALL" >&6; }
+# Use test -z because SunOS4 sh mishandles braces in ${var-val}.
+# It thinks the first close brace ends the variable substitution.
+test -z "$INSTALL_DATA" && INSTALL_DATA='${INSTALL} -m 644'
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for a race-free mkdir -p" >&5
+printf %s "checking for a race-free mkdir -p... " >&6; }
+if test -z "$MKDIR_P"; then
+ if test ${ac_cv_path_mkdir+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+for as_dir in $PATH$PATH_SEPARATOR/opt/sfw/bin
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_prog in mkdir gmkdir; do
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" || continue
+ case `"$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" --version 2>&1` in #(
+ 'mkdir ('*'coreutils) '* | \
+ 'BusyBox '* | \
+ 'mkdir (fileutils) '4.1*)
+ ac_cv_path_mkdir=$as_dir$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext
+ break 3;;
+ esac
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ test -d ./--version && rmdir ./--version
+ if test ${ac_cv_path_mkdir+y}; then
+ MKDIR_P="$ac_cv_path_mkdir -p"
+ else
+ # As a last resort, use the slow shell script. Don't cache a
+ # value for MKDIR_P within a source directory, because that will
+ # break other packages using the cache if that directory is
+ # removed, or if the value is a relative name.
+ MKDIR_P="$ac_install_sh -d"
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MKDIR_P" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$MKDIR_P" >&6; }
+# Extract the first word of "perl", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy perl; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_path_PERL+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ case $PERL in
+ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
+ ac_cv_path_PERL="$PERL" # Let the user override the test with a path.
+ ;;
+ *)
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_path_PERL="$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+if test -n "$PERL"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $PERL" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$PERL" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+# Extract the first word of "python3", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy python3; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_path_PYTHON3+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ case $PYTHON3 in
+ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
+ ac_cv_path_PYTHON3="$PYTHON3" # Let the user override the test with a path.
+ ;;
+ *)
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_path_PYTHON3="$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+if test -n "$PYTHON3"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $PYTHON3" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$PYTHON3" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define _GNU_SOURCE 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test x"$ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc" = x"no"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: rsync requires an ANSI C compiler and you do not seem to have one" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: rsync requires an ANSI C compiler and you do not seem to have one" >&2;}
+# Check whether --enable-profile was given.
+if test ${enable_profile+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_profile;
+if test x"$enable_profile" = x"yes"; then
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if md2man can create manpages" >&5
+printf %s "checking if md2man can create manpages... " >&6; }
+if test x"$ac_cv_path_PYTHON3" = x; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no - python3 not found" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no - python3 not found" >&6; }
+ md2man_works=no
+ md2man_out=`"$srcdir/md2man" --test "$srcdir/" 2>&1`
+ if test $? = 0; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+ md2man_works=yes
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ md2man_works=no
+ echo "$md2man_out"
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if we require man-page building" >&5
+printf %s "checking if we require man-page building... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-md2man was given.
+if test ${enable_md2man+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_md2man;
+if test x"$enable_md2man" != x"no"; then
+ if test -f "$srcdir/rsync.1"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: optional" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "optional" >&6; }
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: required" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "required" >&6; }
+ if test x"$md2man_works" = x"no"; then
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- You need python3 and either the cmarkgfm OR commonmark python3 lib in order"
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl to build manpages based on the git source (manpages are included in the"
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl official release tar files)."
+ no_lib="$no_lib md2man"
+ fi
+ fi
+ MAKE_MAN=man
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+# Specifically, this turns on panic_action handling.
+# Check whether --enable-maintainer-mode was given.
+if test ${enable_maintainer_mode+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_maintainer_mode;
+if test x"$enable_maintainer_mode" = x"yes"; then
+# This is needed for our included version of popt. Kind of silly, but
+# I don't want our version too far out of sync.
+# If GCC, turn on warnings.
+if test x"$GCC" = x"yes"; then
+# Check whether --with-openssl-conf was given.
+if test ${with_openssl_conf+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_openssl_conf;
+case "$with_openssl_conf" in
+ *^-/a-zA-Z0-9.,=@+_*) as_fn_error $? "Invalid path given to --with-openssl-conf" "$LINENO" 5 ;;
+ /*) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DSET_OPENSSL_CONF=$with_openssl_conf" ;;
+ no|'') ;;
+ yes) as_fn_error $? "No path given to --with-openssl-conf" "$LINENO" 5 ;;
+ *) as_fn_error $? "Non absolute path given to --with-openssl-conf" "$LINENO" 5 ;;
+# Check whether --with-rrsync was given.
+if test ${with_rrsync+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_rrsync;
+if test x"$with_rrsync" != x"yes"; then
+ with_rrsync=no
+ MAKE_RRSYNC='rrsync'
+ MAKE_RRSYNC_1='rrsync.1'
+ GEN_RRSYNC='rrsync.1 rrsync.1.html'
+# Check whether --with-included-popt was given.
+if test ${with_included_popt+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_included_popt;
+# Check whether --with-included-zlib was given.
+if test ${with_included_zlib+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_included_zlib;
+# Check whether --with-secluded-args was given.
+if test ${with_secluded_args+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_secluded_args;
+if test x"$with_secluded_args" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define RSYNC_USE_SECLUDED_ARGS 1" >>confdefs.h
+# Check whether --with-rsync-path was given.
+if test ${with_rsync_path+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_rsync_path; RSYNC_PATH="$with_rsync_path"
+else $as_nop
+ RSYNC_PATH="rsync"
+printf "%s\n" "#define RSYNC_PATH \"$RSYNC_PATH\"" >>confdefs.h
+# Check whether --with-rsyncd-conf was given.
+if test ${with_rsyncd_conf+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_rsyncd_conf; if test ! -z "$with_rsyncd_conf" ; then
+ case $with_rsyncd_conf in
+ yes|no)
+ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="/etc/rsyncd.conf"
+ ;;
+ /*)
+ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="$with_rsyncd_conf"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ as_fn_error $? "You must specify an absolute path to --with-rsyncd-conf=PATH" "$LINENO" 5
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="/etc/rsyncd.conf"
+ fi
+else $as_nop
+ RSYNCD_SYSCONF="/etc/rsyncd.conf"
+printf "%s\n" "#define RSYNCD_SYSCONF \"$RSYNCD_SYSCONF\"" >>confdefs.h
+# Check whether --with-rsh was given.
+if test ${with_rsh+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_rsh;
+# Extract the first word of "remsh", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy remsh; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_prog_HAVE_REMSH+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test -n "$HAVE_REMSH"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_HAVE_REMSH="$HAVE_REMSH" # Let the user override the test.
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_prog_HAVE_REMSH="1"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ test -z "$ac_cv_prog_HAVE_REMSH" && ac_cv_prog_HAVE_REMSH="0"
+if test -n "$HAVE_REMSH"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $HAVE_REMSH" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$HAVE_REMSH" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test x$HAVE_REMSH = x1; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_REMSH 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test x"$with_rsh" != x; then
+ RSYNC_RSH="$with_rsh"
+ RSYNC_RSH="ssh"
+printf "%s\n" "#define RSYNC_RSH \"$RSYNC_RSH\"" >>confdefs.h
+# Some programs on solaris are only found in /usr/xpg4/bin (or work better than others versions).
+# Extract the first word of "sh", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy sh; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_path_SHELL_PATH+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ case $SHELL_PATH in
+ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
+ ac_cv_path_SHELL_PATH="$SHELL_PATH" # Let the user override the test with a path.
+ ;;
+ *)
+for as_dir in /usr/xpg4/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_path_SHELL_PATH="$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ test -z "$ac_cv_path_SHELL_PATH" && ac_cv_path_SHELL_PATH="/bin/sh"
+ ;;
+if test -n "$SHELL_PATH"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $SHELL_PATH" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$SHELL_PATH" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+# Extract the first word of "fakeroot", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy fakeroot; ac_word=$2
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+printf %s "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_path_FAKEROOT_PATH+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ case $FAKEROOT_PATH in
+ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)
+ ac_cv_path_FAKEROOT_PATH="$FAKEROOT_PATH" # Let the user override the test with a path.
+ ;;
+ *)
+for as_dir in /usr/xpg4/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
+ if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then
+ ac_cv_path_FAKEROOT_PATH="$as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ test -z "$ac_cv_path_FAKEROOT_PATH" && ac_cv_path_FAKEROOT_PATH="/usr/bin/fakeroot"
+ ;;
+if test -n "$FAKEROOT_PATH"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $FAKEROOT_PATH" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$FAKEROOT_PATH" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+# Check whether --with-nobody-user was given.
+if test ${with_nobody_user+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_nobody_user; NOBODY_USER="$with_nobody_user"
+else $as_nop
+ NOBODY_USER="nobody"
+# Check whether --with-nobody-group was given.
+if test ${with_nobody_group+y}
+then :
+ withval=$with_nobody_group; NOBODY_GROUP="$with_nobody_group"
+if test x"$with_nobody_group" = x; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking the group for user \"nobody\"" >&5
+printf %s "checking the group for user \"nobody\"... " >&6; }
+ if grep '^nobody:' /etc/group >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ elif grep '^nogroup:' /etc/group >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ NOBODY_GROUP=nogroup
+ else
+ NOBODY_GROUP=nobody # test for others?
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $NOBODY_GROUP" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$NOBODY_GROUP" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define NOBODY_USER \"$NOBODY_USER\"" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define NOBODY_GROUP \"$NOBODY_GROUP\"" >>confdefs.h
+# rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-roll-simd was given.
+if test ${enable_roll_simd+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_roll_simd;
+# Clag is crashing with -g -O2, so we'll get rid of -g for now.
+CXXFLAGS=`echo "$CXXFLAGS" | sed 's/-g //'`
+if test x"$enable_roll_simd" = x""; then
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *linux*) ;;
+ *) enable_roll_simd=no ;;
+ esac
+if test x"$enable_roll_simd" != x"no"; then
+ # For x86-64 SIMD, g++ >=5 or clang++ >=7 is required
+ if test x"$host_cpu" = x"x86_64" || test x"$host_cpu" = x"amd64"; then
+ ac_ext=cpp
+ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ if test x"$host" = x"$build"; then
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error $? "cannot run test program while cross compiling
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <immintrin.h>
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_ssse3(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_sse2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_avx2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("ssse3"))) int test_ssse3(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("sse2"))) int test_sse2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("avx2"))) int test_avx2(int x) { return x; }
+typedef long long __m128i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(16), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+typedef long long __m256i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(32), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) void more_testing(char* buf, int len) { }
+__attribute__ ((target("ssse3"))) void more_testing(char* buf, int len)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (len-32); i+=32) {
+ __m128i in8_1, in8_2;
+ in8_1 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i + 16]);
+ }
+main (void)
+if (test_ssse3(42) != 42 || test_sse2(42) != 42 || test_avx2(42) != 42) exit(1);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ CXX_OK=yes
+else $as_nop
+ CXX_OK=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ else
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <immintrin.h>
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_ssse3(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_sse2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) int test_avx2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("ssse3"))) int test_ssse3(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("sse2"))) int test_sse2(int x) { return x; }
+__attribute__ ((target("avx2"))) int test_avx2(int x) { return x; }
+typedef long long __m128i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(16), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+typedef long long __m256i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(32), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) void more_testing(char* buf, int len) { }
+__attribute__ ((target("ssse3"))) void more_testing(char* buf, int len)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (len-32); i+=32) {
+ __m128i in8_1, in8_2;
+ in8_1 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i + 16]);
+ }
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ CXX_OK=yes
+else $as_nop
+ CXX_OK=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ fi
+ ac_ext=c
+ac_cpp='$CPP $CPPFLAGS'
+ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5'
+ac_link='$CC -o conftest$ac_exeext $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5'
+ if test x"$CXX_OK" = x"yes"; then
+ # AC_MSG_RESULT() is called below.
+ ROLL_SIMD="$host_cpu"
+ elif test x"$enable_roll_simd" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: error" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "error" >&6; }
+ as_fn_error $? "The rolling-checksum SIMD compilation test failed.
+Omit --enable-roll-simd to continue without it." "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+ elif test x"$enable_roll_simd" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unavailable" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unavailable" >&6; }
+ as_fn_error $? "The rolling-checksum SIMD optimizations are currently x86_64|amd64 only.
+Omit --enable-roll-simd to continue without it." "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+if test x"$ROLL_SIMD" != x""; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes ($ROLL_SIMD)" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes ($ROLL_SIMD)" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define USE_ROLL_SIMD 1" >>confdefs.h
+ # We only use c++ for its target attribute dispatching, disable unneeded bulky features
+ CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti"
+ # Apple often has "g++" as a symlink for clang. Try to find out the truth.
+ CXX_VERSION=`$CXX --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 2`
+ case "$CXX_VERSION" in
+ *clang*) CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-slp-vectorize" ;; # avoid a performance hit
+ esac
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if assembler accepts noexecstack" >&5
+printf %s "checking if assembler accepts noexecstack... " >&6; }
+CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wa,--noexecstack"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ NOEXECSTACK='-Wa,--noexecstack' ; { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ NOEXECSTACK='' ; { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+# arrgh. libc in some old debian version screwed up the largefile
+# stuff, getting byte range locking wrong
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for broken largefile support" >&5
+printf %s "checking for broken largefile support... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_LARGEFILE+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_LARGEFILE=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+# include <fcntl.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H
+# include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+int main(void)
+ struct flock lock;
+ int status;
+ char tpl[32] = "/tmp/locktest.XXXXXX";
+ int fd = mkstemp(tpl);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ strcpy(tpl, "conftest.dat");
+ fd = open(tpl, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600);
+ }
+ lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+ lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ lock.l_start = 0;
+ lock.l_len = 1;
+ lock.l_pid = 0;
+ fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&lock);
+ if (fork() == 0) {
+ lock.l_start = 1;
+ _exit(fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&lock) == 0);
+ }
+ wait(&status);
+ unlink(tpl);
+ return WEXITSTATUS(status);
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_LARGEFILE" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_LARGEFILE" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_LARGEFILE" != x"yes"; then
+ # Check whether --enable-largefile was given.
+if test ${enable_largefile+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_largefile;
+if test "$enable_largefile" != no; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for special C compiler options needed for large files" >&5
+printf %s "checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sys_largefile_CC+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_sys_largefile_CC=no
+ if test "$GCC" != yes; then
+ ac_save_CC=$CC
+ while :; do
+ # IRIX 6.2 and later do not support large files by default,
+ # so use the C compiler's -n32 option if that helps.
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ /* Check that off_t can represent 2**63 - 1 correctly.
+ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807,
+ since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers
+ incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */
+#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31))
+ int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721
+ && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1)
+ ? 1 : -1];
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ break
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ CC="$CC -n32"
+ if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_sys_largefile_CC=' -n32'; break
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam
+ break
+ done
+ CC=$ac_save_CC
+ rm -f conftest.$ac_ext
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sys_largefile_CC" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sys_largefile_CC" >&6; }
+ if test "$ac_cv_sys_largefile_CC" != no; then
+ CC=$CC$ac_cv_sys_largefile_CC
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files" >&5
+printf %s "checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ while :; do
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ /* Check that off_t can represent 2**63 - 1 correctly.
+ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807,
+ since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers
+ incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */
+#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31))
+ int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721
+ && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1)
+ ? 1 : -1];
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits=no; break
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ /* Check that off_t can represent 2**63 - 1 correctly.
+ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807,
+ since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers
+ incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */
+#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31))
+ int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721
+ && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1)
+ ? 1 : -1];
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits=64; break
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits=unknown
+ break
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits in #(
+ no | unknown) ;;
+ *)
+printf "%s\n" "#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS $ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits" >>confdefs.h
+rm -rf conftest*
+ if test $ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits = unknown; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for _LARGE_FILES value needed for large files" >&5
+printf %s "checking for _LARGE_FILES value needed for large files... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sys_large_files+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ while :; do
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ /* Check that off_t can represent 2**63 - 1 correctly.
+ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807,
+ since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers
+ incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */
+#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31))
+ int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721
+ && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1)
+ ? 1 : -1];
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_sys_large_files=no; break
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#define _LARGE_FILES 1
+#include <sys/types.h>
+ /* Check that off_t can represent 2**63 - 1 correctly.
+ We can't simply define LARGE_OFF_T to be 9223372036854775807,
+ since some C++ compilers masquerading as C compilers
+ incorrectly reject 9223372036854775807. */
+#define LARGE_OFF_T (((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31) - 1 + ((off_t) 1 << 31 << 31))
+ int off_t_is_large[(LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483629 == 721
+ && LARGE_OFF_T % 2147483647 == 1)
+ ? 1 : -1];
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_sys_large_files=1; break
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ ac_cv_sys_large_files=unknown
+ break
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sys_large_files" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sys_large_files" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_sys_large_files in #(
+ no | unknown) ;;
+ *)
+printf "%s\n" "#define _LARGE_FILES $ac_cv_sys_large_files" >>confdefs.h
+rm -rf conftest*
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable ipv6" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable ipv6... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-ipv6 was given.
+if test ${enable_ipv6+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_ipv6; case "$enableval" in
+ no)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ ;;
+ *) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define INET6 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ esac
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+ /* AF_INET6 availability check */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+ if (socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0) < 0)
+ exit(1);
+ else
+ exit(0);
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define INET6 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+# Check whether --enable-locale was given.
+if test ${enable_locale+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_locale;
+if test x"$enable_locale" != x"no"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "#define CONFIG_LOCALE 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to call shutdown on all sockets" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to call shutdown on all sockets... " >&6; }
+case $host_os in
+ *cygwin* ) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SHUTDOWN_ALL_SOCKETS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ * ) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; };;
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable use of openssl crypto library" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable use of openssl crypto library... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-openssl was given.
+if test ${enable_openssl+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_openssl;
+if test x"$enable_openssl" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_openssl_md4_h" = x"yes" && test x"$ac_cv_header_openssl_md5_h" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing MD5_Init" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing MD5_Init... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_MD5_Init+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char MD5_Init ();
+main (void)
+return MD5_Init ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' crypto
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_MD5_Init=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_MD5_Init+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_MD5_Init+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_MD5_Init=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_MD5_Init" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_MD5_Init" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+ printf "%s\n" "#define USE_OPENSSL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ enable_openssl=yes
+else $as_nop
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find MD5_Init function in openssl crypto lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib openssl"
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find openssl/md4.h and openssl/md5.h for openssl crypto lib support."
+ no_lib="$no_lib openssl"
+ fi
+ if test x"$enable_md5_asm" != x"yes"; then
+ enable_md5_asm=no
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable MD5 ASM optimizations" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable MD5 ASM optimizations... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-md5-asm was given.
+if test ${enable_md5_asm+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_md5_asm;
+if test x"$enable_md5_asm" = x""; then
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *linux*) ;;
+ *) enable_md5_asm=no ;;
+ esac
+if test x"$enable_md5_asm" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$host_cpu" = x"x86_64" || test x"$host_cpu" = x"amd64"; then
+ MD5_ASM="$host_cpu"
+ elif test x"$enable_md5_asm" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: unavailable" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "unavailable" >&6; }
+ as_fn_error $? "The ASM optimizations are currently x86_64|amd64 only.
+Omit --enable-md5-asm to continue without it." "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+if test x"$MD5_ASM" != x""; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes ($MD5_ASM)" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes ($MD5_ASM)" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define USE_MD5_ASM 1" >>confdefs.h
+ MD5_ASM='$(MD5_ASM_'"$MD5_ASM)"
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable rolling-checksum ASM optimizations" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable rolling-checksum ASM optimizations... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-roll-asm was given.
+if test ${enable_roll_asm+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_roll_asm;
+if test x"$ROLL_SIMD" = x""; then
+ enable_roll_asm=no
+if test x"$enable_roll_asm" = x"yes"; then
+ ROLL_ASM="$host_cpu"
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes ($ROLL_ASM)" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes ($ROLL_ASM)" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define USE_ROLL_ASM 1" >>confdefs.h
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable xxhash checksum support" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable xxhash checksum support... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-xxhash was given.
+if test ${enable_xxhash+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_xxhash;
+if test x"$enable_xxhash" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_xxhash_h" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing XXH64_createState" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing XXH64_createState... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_XXH64_createState+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char XXH64_createState ();
+main (void)
+return XXH64_createState ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' xxhash
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_XXH64_createState=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_XXH64_createState+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_XXH64_createState+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_XXH64_createState=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_XXH64_createState" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_XXH64_createState" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_XXHASH 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find XXH64_createState function in xxhash lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib xxhash"
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find xxhash.h for xxhash checksum support.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib xxhash"
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable zstd compression" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable zstd compression... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-zstd was given.
+if test ${enable_zstd+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_zstd;
+if test x"$enable_zstd" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_zstd_h" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing ZSTD_minCLevel" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing ZSTD_minCLevel... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_ZSTD_minCLevel+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char ZSTD_minCLevel ();
+main (void)
+return ZSTD_minCLevel ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' zstd
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_ZSTD_minCLevel=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_ZSTD_minCLevel+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_ZSTD_minCLevel+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_ZSTD_minCLevel=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_ZSTD_minCLevel" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_ZSTD_minCLevel" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ZSTD 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find ZSTD_minCLevel function in zstd lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib zstd"
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find zstd.h for zstd compression support.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib zstd"
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to enable LZ4 compression" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to enable LZ4 compression... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-lz4 was given.
+if test ${enable_lz4+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_lz4;
+if test x"$enable_lz4" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$ac_cv_header_lz4_h" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing LZ4_compress_default" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing LZ4_compress_default... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_LZ4_compress_default+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char LZ4_compress_default ();
+main (void)
+return LZ4_compress_default ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' lz4
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_LZ4_compress_default=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_LZ4_compress_default+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_LZ4_compress_default+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_LZ4_compress_default=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_LZ4_compress_default" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_LZ4_compress_default" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_LZ4 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find LZ4_compress_default function in lz4 lib.";
+ no_lib="$no_lib lz4"
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ err_msg="$err_msg$nl- Failed to find lz4.h for lz4 compression support."
+ no_lib="$no_lib lz4"
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+if test x"$no_lib" != x; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Configure found the following issues:"
+ echo "$err_msg"
+ echo ""
+ echo "See the INSTALL file for hints on how to install the missing libraries and/or"
+ echo "how to generate (or fetch) manpages:"
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "To disable one or more features, the relevant configure options are:"
+ for lib in $no_lib; do
+ echo " --disable-$lib"
+ done
+ echo ""
+ as_fn_error $? "Aborting configure run" "$LINENO" 5
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if makedev takes 3 args" >&5
+printf %s "checking if makedev takes 3 args... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS=no
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mkdev.h>
+# if !defined makedev && (defined mkdev || defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__)
+# define makedev mkdev
+# endif
+#elif defined MAJOR_IN_SYSMACROS
+#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
+int main(void)
+ dev_t dev = makedev(0, 5, 7);
+ if (major(dev) != 5 || minor(dev) != 7)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define MAKEDEV_TAKES_3_ARGS 1" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of int" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of int... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_int+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (int))" "ac_cv_sizeof_int" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_int" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (int)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_int=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_int" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_int" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_INT $ac_cv_sizeof_int" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of long" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of long... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_long+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (long))" "ac_cv_sizeof_long" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_long" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (long)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_long=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_long" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_long" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_LONG $ac_cv_sizeof_long" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of long long" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of long long... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_long_long+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (long long))" "ac_cv_sizeof_long_long" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_long_long" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (long long)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_long_long=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_long_long" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_long_long" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG $ac_cv_sizeof_long_long" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of short" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of short... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_short+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (short))" "ac_cv_sizeof_short" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_short" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (short)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_short=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_short" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_short" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_SHORT $ac_cv_sizeof_short" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of int16_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of int16_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_int16_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (int16_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_int16_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_int16_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (int16_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_int16_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_int16_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_int16_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_INT16_T $ac_cv_sizeof_int16_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of uint16_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of uint16_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_uint16_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (uint16_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_uint16_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_uint16_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (uint16_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_uint16_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_uint16_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_uint16_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_UINT16_T $ac_cv_sizeof_uint16_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of int32_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of int32_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_int32_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (int32_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_int32_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_int32_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (int32_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_int32_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_int32_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_int32_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_INT32_T $ac_cv_sizeof_int32_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of uint32_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of uint32_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_uint32_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (uint32_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_uint32_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_uint32_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (uint32_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_uint32_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_uint32_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_uint32_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_UINT32_T $ac_cv_sizeof_uint32_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of int64_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of int64_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_int64_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (int64_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_int64_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_int64_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (int64_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_int64_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_int64_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_int64_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_INT64_T $ac_cv_sizeof_int64_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of off_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of off_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_off_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (off_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_off_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_off_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (off_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_off_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_off_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_off_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_OFF_T $ac_cv_sizeof_off_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of off64_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of off64_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_off64_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (off64_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_off64_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_off64_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (off64_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_off64_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_off64_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_off64_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_OFF64_T $ac_cv_sizeof_off64_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of time_t" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of time_t... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_time_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (time_t))" "ac_cv_sizeof_time_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_time_t" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (time_t)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_time_t=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_time_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_time_t" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_TIME_T $ac_cv_sizeof_time_t" >>confdefs.h
+# The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
+# version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
+# declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+# This bug is HP SR number 8606223364.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking size of char*" >&5
+printf %s "checking size of char*... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_sizeof_charp+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if ac_fn_c_compute_int "$LINENO" "(long int) (sizeof (char*))" "ac_cv_sizeof_charp" "$ac_includes_default"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$ac_cv_type_charp" = yes; then
+ { { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;}
+as_fn_error 77 "cannot compute sizeof (char*)
+See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; }
+ else
+ ac_cv_sizeof_charp=0
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_sizeof_charp" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_sizeof_charp" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIZEOF_CHARP $ac_cv_sizeof_charp" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for inline" >&5
+printf %s "checking for inline... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_c_inline+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_c_inline=no
+for ac_kw in inline __inline__ __inline; do
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+typedef int foo_t;
+static $ac_kw foo_t static_foo (void) {return 0; }
+$ac_kw foo_t foo (void) {return 0; }
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_c_inline=$ac_kw
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ test "$ac_cv_c_inline" != no && break
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_inline" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_c_inline" >&6; }
+case $ac_cv_c_inline in
+ inline | yes) ;;
+ *)
+ case $ac_cv_c_inline in
+ no) ac_val=;;
+ *) ac_val=$ac_cv_c_inline;;
+ esac
+ cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#define inline $ac_val
+ ;;
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for long double with more range or precision than double" >&5
+printf %s "checking for long double with more range or precision than double... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_type_long_double_wider+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <float.h>
+ long double const a[] =
+ {
+ };
+ long double
+ f (long double x)
+ {
+ return ((x + (unsigned long int) 10) * (-1 / x) + a[0]
+ + (x ? f (x) : 'c'));
+ }
+main (void)
+static int test_array [1 - 2 * !((0 < ((DBL_MAX_EXP < LDBL_MAX_EXP)
+ && (int) LDBL_EPSILON == 0
+ )];
+test_array [0] = 0;
+return test_array [0];
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_type_long_double_wider=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_type_long_double_wider=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_type_long_double_wider" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_type_long_double_wider" >&6; }
+ if test $ac_cv_type_long_double_wider = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE_WIDER 1" >>confdefs.h
+ fi
+if test $ac_cv_c_long_double = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for uid_t in sys/types.h" >&5
+printf %s "checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_type_uid_t+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+ $EGREP "uid_t" >/dev/null 2>&1
+then :
+ ac_cv_type_uid_t=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_type_uid_t=no
+rm -rf conftest*
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_type_uid_t" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_type_uid_t" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_type_uid_t = no; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define uid_t int" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define gid_t int" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "mode_t" "ac_cv_type_mode_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_mode_t" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MODE_T 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "off_t" "ac_cv_type_off_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_off_t" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_OFF_T 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "size_t" "ac_cv_type_size_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_size_t" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SIZE_T 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "pid_t" "ac_cv_type_pid_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_pid_t" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_PID_T 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "id_t" "ac_cv_type_id_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_id_t" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ID_T 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test "$cross_compiling" = no; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking type of array argument to getgroups" >&5
+printf %s "checking type of array argument to getgroups... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_type_getgroups+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ ac_cv_type_getgroups=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Thanks to Mike Rendell for this test. */
+#define NGID 256
+#undef MAX
+#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+main (void)
+ gid_t gidset[NGID];
+ int i, n;
+ union { gid_t gval; long int lval; } val;
+ val.lval = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < NGID; i++)
+ gidset[i] = val.gval;
+ n = getgroups (sizeof (gidset) / MAX (sizeof (int), sizeof (gid_t)) - 1,
+ gidset);
+ /* Exit non-zero if getgroups seems to require an array of ints. This
+ happens when gid_t is short int but getgroups modifies an array
+ of ints. */
+ return n > 0 && gidset[n] != val.gval;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_type_getgroups=gid_t
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_type_getgroups=int
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+if test $ac_cv_type_getgroups = cross; then
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <unistd.h>
+if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+ $EGREP "getgroups.*int.*gid_t" >/dev/null 2>&1
+then :
+ ac_cv_type_getgroups=gid_t
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_type_getgroups=int
+rm -rf conftest*
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_type_getgroups" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_type_getgroups" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define GETGROUPS_T $ac_cv_type_getgroups" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define GETGROUPS_T gid_t" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct stat" "st_rdev" "ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_rdev" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_rdev" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_RDEV 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct stat" "st_mtimensec" "ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_mtimensec" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_mtimensec" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_MTIMENSEC 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct stat" "st_mtimespec.tv_nsec" "ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_mtimespec_tv_nsec" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_mtimespec_tv_nsec" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_MTIMESPEC_TV_NSEC 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct stat" "st_mtim.tv_nsec" "ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_mtim_tv_nsec" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_mtim_tv_nsec" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_MTIM_TV_NSEC 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "socklen_t" "ac_cv_type_socklen_t" "#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_socklen_t" = xyes
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for socklen_t equivalent" >&5
+printf %s "checking for socklen_t equivalent... " >&6; }
+ if test ${rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ # Systems have either "struct sockaddr *" or
+ # "void *" as the second argument to getpeername
+ rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv=
+ for arg2 in "struct sockaddr" void; do
+ for t in int size_t unsigned long "unsigned long"; do
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+ int getpeername (int, $arg2 *, $t *);
+main (void)
+ $t len;
+ getpeername(0,0,&len);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv="$t"
+ break
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ done
+ done
+ if test "x$rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv" = x; then
+ as_fn_error $? "Cannot find a type to use in place of socklen_t" "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define socklen_t $rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for errno in errno.h" >&5
+printf %s "checking for errno in errno.h... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_errno+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <errno.h>
+main (void)
+int i = errno
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_errno=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_have_errno_decl=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_errno" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_errno" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_errno" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ERRNO_DECL 1" >>confdefs.h
+# The following test taken from the cvs sources
+# If we can't find connect, try looking in -lsocket, -lnsl, and -linet.
+# These need checks to be before checks for any other functions that
+# might be in the same libraries.
+# The Irix 5 has connect and gethostbyname, but Irix 5 also has
+# which has a bad implementation of gethostbyname (it
+# only looks in /etc/hosts), so we only look for -lsocket if we need
+# it.
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "connect" "ac_cv_func_connect"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_connect" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_CONNECT 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_connect" = x"no"; then
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-lnsl*) ;;
+ *) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for printf in -lnsl_s" >&5
+printf %s "checking for printf in -lnsl_s... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_nsl_s_printf+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lnsl_s $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char printf ();
+main (void)
+return printf ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_nsl_s_printf=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_nsl_s_printf=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_nsl_s_printf" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_nsl_s_printf" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_nsl_s_printf" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBNSL_S 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lnsl_s $LIBS"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-lnsl*) ;;
+ *) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for printf in -lnsl" >&5
+printf %s "checking for printf in -lnsl... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_nsl_printf+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lnsl $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char printf ();
+main (void)
+return printf ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_nsl_printf=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_nsl_printf=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_nsl_printf" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_nsl_printf" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_nsl_printf" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBNSL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lnsl $LIBS"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-lsocket*) ;;
+ *) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for connect in -lsocket" >&5
+printf %s "checking for connect in -lsocket... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_socket_connect+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lsocket $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char connect ();
+main (void)
+return connect ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_socket_connect=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_socket_connect=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_socket_connect" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_socket_connect" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_socket_connect" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBSOCKET 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lsocket $LIBS"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "$LIBS" in
+ *-linet*) ;;
+ *) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for connect in -linet" >&5
+printf %s "checking for connect in -linet... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_inet_connect+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-linet $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char connect ();
+main (void)
+return connect ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_inet_connect=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_inet_connect=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_inet_connect" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_inet_connect" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_inet_connect" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBINET 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-linet $LIBS"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test x"$ac_cv_lib_socket_connect" = x"yes" ||
+ test x"$ac_cv_lib_inet_connect" = x"yes"; then
+ # ac_cv_func_connect=yes
+ # don't! it would cause AC_CHECK_FUNC to succeed next time configure is run
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_CONNECT 1" >>confdefs.h
+ fi
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing inet_ntop" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing inet_ntop... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_inet_ntop+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char inet_ntop ();
+main (void)
+return inet_ntop ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' resolv
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_inet_ntop=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_inet_ntop+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_inet_ntop+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_inet_ntop=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_inet_ntop" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_inet_ntop" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+# For OS X, Solaris, HP-UX, etc.: figure out if -liconv is needed. We'll
+# accept either iconv_open or libiconv_open, since some include files map
+# the former to the latter.
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing iconv_open" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing iconv_open... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_iconv_open+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char iconv_open ();
+main (void)
+return iconv_open ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' iconv
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_iconv_open=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_iconv_open+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_iconv_open+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_iconv_open=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_iconv_open" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_iconv_open" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for library containing libiconv_open" >&5
+printf %s "checking for library containing libiconv_open... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_search_libiconv_open+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_func_search_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char libiconv_open ();
+main (void)
+return libiconv_open ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+for ac_lib in '' iconv
+ if test -z "$ac_lib"; then
+ ac_res="none required"
+ else
+ ac_res=-l$ac_lib
+ LIBS="-l$ac_lib $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+ if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_search_libiconv_open=$ac_res
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext
+ if test ${ac_cv_search_libiconv_open+y}
+then :
+ break
+if test ${ac_cv_search_libiconv_open+y}
+then :
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_search_libiconv_open=no
+rm conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_search_libiconv_open" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_search_libiconv_open" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_res" != no
+then :
+ test "$ac_res" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_res $LIBS"
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for iconv declaration" >&5
+printf %s "checking for iconv declaration... " >&6; }
+if test ${am_cv_proto_iconv+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iconv.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
+size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);
+size_t iconv();
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1=""
+else $as_nop
+ am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1="const"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ am_cv_proto_iconv="extern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1 char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);"
+ am_cv_proto_iconv=`echo "$am_cv_proto_iconv" | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/( /(/'`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: ${ac_t:-
+ }$am_cv_proto_iconv" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "${ac_t:-
+ }$am_cv_proto_iconv" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define ICONV_CONST $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "inet_ntop" "ac_cv_func_inet_ntop"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_inet_ntop" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_INET_NTOP 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ case " $LIBOBJS " in
+ *" inet_ntop.$ac_objext "* ) ;;
+ *) LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS inet_ntop.$ac_objext"
+ ;;
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "inet_pton" "ac_cv_func_inet_pton"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_inet_pton" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_INET_PTON 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ case " $LIBOBJS " in
+ *" inet_pton.$ac_objext "* ) ;;
+ *) LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS inet_pton.$ac_objext"
+ ;;
+cv=`echo "struct addrinfo" | sed 'y%./+- %__p__%'`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for struct addrinfo" >&5
+printf %s "checking for struct addrinfo... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${ac_cv_type_$cv+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <netdb.h>
+main (void)
+struct addrinfo foo;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=no"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ac_foo=`eval echo \\$ac_cv_type_$cv`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_foo" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_foo" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_foo" = yes; then
+ ac_tr_hdr=HAVE_`echo struct addrinfo | sed 'y%abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./- %ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____%'`
+if false; then
+ ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "struct addrinfo" "ac_cv_type_struct_addrinfo" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_struct_addrinfo" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_ADDRINFO 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define $ac_tr_hdr 1" >>confdefs.h
+cv=`echo "struct sockaddr_storage" | sed 'y%./+- %__p__%'`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for struct sockaddr_storage" >&5
+printf %s "checking for struct sockaddr_storage... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${ac_cv_type_$cv+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+main (void)
+struct sockaddr_storage foo;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=no"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ac_foo=`eval echo \\$ac_cv_type_$cv`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_foo" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_foo" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_foo" = yes; then
+ ac_tr_hdr=HAVE_`echo struct sockaddr_storage | sed 'y%abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./- %ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____%'`
+if false; then
+ ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "struct sockaddr_storage" "ac_cv_type_struct_sockaddr_storage" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_struct_sockaddr_storage" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_STORAGE 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define $ac_tr_hdr 1" >>confdefs.h
+# Irix 6.5 has getaddrinfo but not the corresponding defines, so use
+# builtin getaddrinfo if one of the defines don't exist
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether defines needed by getaddrinfo exist" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether defines needed by getaddrinfo exist... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_GETADDR_DEFINES+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
+#include <netdb.h>
+#ifdef AI_PASSIVE
+if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 |
+ $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1
+then :
+else $as_nop
+rm -rf conftest*
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_GETADDR_DEFINES" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_GETADDR_DEFINES" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_GETADDR_DEFINES" = x"yes" && test x"$ac_cv_type_struct_addrinfo" = x"yes"
+then :
+ # Tru64 UNIX has getaddrinfo() but has it renamed in libc as
+ # something else so we must include <netdb.h> to get the
+ # redefinition.
+ for ac_func in getaddrinfo
+do :
+ ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getaddrinfo" "ac_cv_func_getaddrinfo"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getaddrinfo" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETADDRINFO 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for getaddrinfo by including <netdb.h>" >&5
+printf %s "checking for getaddrinfo by including <netdb.h>... " >&6; }
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+main (void)
+getaddrinfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETADDRINFO 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ case " $LIBOBJS " in
+ *" getaddrinfo.$ac_objext "* ) ;;
+ *) LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS getaddrinfo.$ac_objext"
+ ;;
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+else $as_nop
+ case " $LIBOBJS " in
+ *" getaddrinfo.$ac_objext "* ) ;;
+ *) LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS getaddrinfo.$ac_objext"
+ ;;
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct sockaddr" "sa_len" "ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_sa_len" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_sa_len" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SOCKADDR_LEN 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct sockaddr_in" "sin_len" "ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_in_sin_len" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_in_sin_len" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN_LEN 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct sockaddr_un" "sun_len" "ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_un_sun_len" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_un_sun_len" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SOCKADDR_UN_LEN 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_member "$LINENO" "struct sockaddr_in6" "sin6_scope_id" "ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_in6_sin6_scope_id" "
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+if test "x$ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_in6_sin6_scope_id" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SCOPE_ID 1" >>confdefs.h
+cv=`echo "struct stat64" | sed 'y%./+- %__p__%'`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for struct stat64" >&5
+printf %s "checking for struct stat64... " >&6; }
+if eval test \${ac_cv_type_$cv+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <stddef.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# endif
+main (void)
+struct stat64 foo;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=yes"
+else $as_nop
+ eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=no"
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+ac_foo=`eval echo \\$ac_cv_type_$cv`
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_foo" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_foo" >&6; }
+if test "$ac_foo" = yes; then
+ ac_tr_hdr=HAVE_`echo struct stat64 | sed 'y%abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./- %ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____%'`
+if false; then
+ ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "struct stat64" "ac_cv_type_struct_stat64" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_struct_stat64" = xyes
+then :
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_STAT64 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define $ac_tr_hdr 1" >>confdefs.h
+# if we can't find strcasecmp, look in -lresolv (for Unixware at least)
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strcasecmp" "ac_cv_func_strcasecmp"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strcasecmp" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRCASECMP 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_strcasecmp" = x"no"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for strcasecmp in -lresolv" >&5
+printf %s "checking for strcasecmp in -lresolv... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_resolv_strcasecmp+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lresolv $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char strcasecmp ();
+main (void)
+return strcasecmp ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_resolv_strcasecmp=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_resolv_strcasecmp=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_resolv_strcasecmp" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_resolv_strcasecmp" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_resolv_strcasecmp" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBRESOLV 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lresolv $LIBS"
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "aclsort" "ac_cv_func_aclsort"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_aclsort" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ACLSORT 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_aclsort" = x"no"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for aclsort in -lsec" >&5
+printf %s "checking for aclsort in -lsec... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_sec_aclsort+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lsec $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char aclsort ();
+main (void)
+return aclsort ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_sec_aclsort=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_sec_aclsort=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_sec_aclsort" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_sec_aclsort" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_sec_aclsort" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBSEC 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lsec $LIBS"
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether utime accepts a null argument" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether utime accepts a null argument... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_func_utime_null+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ rm -f; >
+# Sequent interprets utime(file, 0) to mean use start of epoch. Wrong.
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ ac_cv_func_utime_null='guessing yes'
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+ #ifdef HAVE_UTIME_H
+ # include <utime.h>
+ #endif
+main (void)
+struct stat s, t;
+ return ! (stat ("", &s) == 0
+ && utime ("", 0) == 0
+ && stat ("", &t) == 0
+ && t.st_mtime >= s.st_mtime
+ && t.st_mtime - s.st_mtime < 120);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_func_utime_null=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_func_utime_null=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_func_utime_null" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_func_utime_null" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_utime_null" != xno; then
+ ac_cv_func_utime_null=yes
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UTIME_NULL 1" >>confdefs.h
+rm -f
+ac_fn_c_check_type "$LINENO" "size_t" "ac_cv_type_size_t" "$ac_includes_default"
+if test "x$ac_cv_type_size_t" = xyes
+then :
+else $as_nop
+printf "%s\n" "#define size_t unsigned int" >>confdefs.h
+# The Ultrix 4.2 mips builtin alloca declared by alloca.h only works
+# for constant arguments. Useless!
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for working alloca.h" >&5
+printf %s "checking for working alloca.h... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_working_alloca_h+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <alloca.h>
+main (void)
+char *p = (char *) alloca (2 * sizeof (int));
+ if (p) return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_working_alloca_h=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_working_alloca_h=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_working_alloca_h" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_working_alloca_h" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_working_alloca_h = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for alloca" >&5
+printf %s "checking for alloca... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_func_alloca_works+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test $ac_cv_working_alloca_h = yes; then
+ ac_cv_func_alloca_works=yes
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#ifndef alloca
+# ifdef __GNUC__
+# define alloca __builtin_alloca
+# elif defined _MSC_VER
+# include <malloc.h>
+# define alloca _alloca
+# else
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+# endif
+void *alloca (size_t);
+# endif
+main (void)
+char *p = (char *) alloca (1);
+ if (p) return 0;
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_func_alloca_works=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_func_alloca_works=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_func_alloca_works" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_func_alloca_works" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_func_alloca_works = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1" >>confdefs.h
+ # The SVR3 libPW and SVR4 libucb both contain incompatible functions
+# that cause trouble. Some versions do not even contain alloca or
+# contain a buggy version. If you still want to use their alloca,
+# use ar to extract alloca.o from them instead of compiling alloca.c.
+printf "%s\n" "#define C_ALLOCA 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking stack direction for C alloca" >&5
+printf %s "checking stack direction for C alloca... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_c_stack_direction+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ ac_cv_c_stack_direction=0
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+find_stack_direction (int *addr, int depth)
+ int dir, dummy = 0;
+ if (! addr)
+ addr = &dummy;
+ *addr = addr < &dummy ? 1 : addr == &dummy ? 0 : -1;
+ dir = depth ? find_stack_direction (addr, depth - 1) : 0;
+ return dir + dummy;
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+ return find_stack_direction (0, argc + !argv + 20) < 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_c_stack_direction=1
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_c_stack_direction=-1
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_c_stack_direction" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_c_stack_direction" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define STACK_DIRECTION $ac_cv_c_stack_direction" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "waitpid" "ac_cv_func_waitpid"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_waitpid" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_WAITPID 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "wait4" "ac_cv_func_wait4"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_wait4" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_WAIT4 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getcwd" "ac_cv_func_getcwd"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getcwd" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETCWD 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "chown" "ac_cv_func_chown"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_chown" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_CHOWN 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "chmod" "ac_cv_func_chmod"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_chmod" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_CHMOD 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "lchmod" "ac_cv_func_lchmod"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_lchmod" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LCHMOD 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "mknod" "ac_cv_func_mknod"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_mknod" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MKNOD 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "mkfifo" "ac_cv_func_mkfifo"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_mkfifo" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MKFIFO 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "fchmod" "ac_cv_func_fchmod"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_fchmod" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FCHMOD 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "fstat" "ac_cv_func_fstat"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_fstat" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FSTAT 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "ftruncate" "ac_cv_func_ftruncate"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_ftruncate" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FTRUNCATE 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strchr" "ac_cv_func_strchr"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strchr" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRCHR 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "readlink" "ac_cv_func_readlink"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_readlink" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_READLINK 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "link" "ac_cv_func_link"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_link" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LINK 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "utime" "ac_cv_func_utime"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_utime" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UTIME 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "utimes" "ac_cv_func_utimes"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_utimes" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UTIMES 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "lutimes" "ac_cv_func_lutimes"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_lutimes" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LUTIMES 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strftime" "ac_cv_func_strftime"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strftime" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRFTIME 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "chflags" "ac_cv_func_chflags"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_chflags" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_CHFLAGS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getattrlist" "ac_cv_func_getattrlist"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getattrlist" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETATTRLIST 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "mktime" "ac_cv_func_mktime"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_mktime" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MKTIME 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "innetgr" "ac_cv_func_innetgr"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_innetgr" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_INNETGR 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "linkat" "ac_cv_func_linkat"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_linkat" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LINKAT 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "memmove" "ac_cv_func_memmove"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_memmove" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "lchown" "ac_cv_func_lchown"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_lchown" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LCHOWN 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "vsnprintf" "ac_cv_func_vsnprintf"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_vsnprintf" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "snprintf" "ac_cv_func_snprintf"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_snprintf" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "vasprintf" "ac_cv_func_vasprintf"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_vasprintf" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_VASPRINTF 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "asprintf" "ac_cv_func_asprintf"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_asprintf" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ASPRINTF 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "setsid" "ac_cv_func_setsid"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_setsid" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETSID 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strpbrk" "ac_cv_func_strpbrk"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strpbrk" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRPBRK 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strlcat" "ac_cv_func_strlcat"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strlcat" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRLCAT 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strlcpy" "ac_cv_func_strlcpy"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strlcpy" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRLCPY 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strtol" "ac_cv_func_strtol"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strtol" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRTOL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "mallinfo" "ac_cv_func_mallinfo"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_mallinfo" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MALLINFO 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "mallinfo2" "ac_cv_func_mallinfo2"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_mallinfo2" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MALLINFO2 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getgroups" "ac_cv_func_getgroups"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getgroups" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETGROUPS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "setgroups" "ac_cv_func_setgroups"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_setgroups" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETGROUPS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "geteuid" "ac_cv_func_geteuid"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_geteuid" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETEUID 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getegid" "ac_cv_func_getegid"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getegid" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETEGID 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "setlocale" "ac_cv_func_setlocale"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_setlocale" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETLOCALE 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "setmode" "ac_cv_func_setmode"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_setmode" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETMODE 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "open64" "ac_cv_func_open64"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_open64" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_OPEN64 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "lseek64" "ac_cv_func_lseek64"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_lseek64" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LSEEK64 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "mkstemp64" "ac_cv_func_mkstemp64"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_mkstemp64" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MKSTEMP64 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "mtrace" "ac_cv_func_mtrace"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_mtrace" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_MTRACE 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "va_copy" "ac_cv_func_va_copy"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_va_copy" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_VA_COPY 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "__va_copy" "ac_cv_func___va_copy"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func___va_copy" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE___VA_COPY 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "seteuid" "ac_cv_func_seteuid"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_seteuid" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETEUID 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "strerror" "ac_cv_func_strerror"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_strerror" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRERROR 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "putenv" "ac_cv_func_putenv"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_putenv" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_PUTENV 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "iconv_open" "ac_cv_func_iconv_open"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_iconv_open" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ICONV_OPEN 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "locale_charset" "ac_cv_func_locale_charset"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_locale_charset" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LOCALE_CHARSET 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "nl_langinfo" "ac_cv_func_nl_langinfo"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_nl_langinfo" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_NL_LANGINFO 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getxattr" "ac_cv_func_getxattr"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getxattr" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETXATTR 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "extattr_get_link" "ac_cv_func_extattr_get_link"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_extattr_get_link" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_EXTATTR_GET_LINK 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "sigaction" "ac_cv_func_sigaction"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_sigaction" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SIGACTION 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "sigprocmask" "ac_cv_func_sigprocmask"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_sigprocmask" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SIGPROCMASK 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "setattrlist" "ac_cv_func_setattrlist"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_setattrlist" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETATTRLIST 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getgrouplist" "ac_cv_func_getgrouplist"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getgrouplist" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETGROUPLIST 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "initgroups" "ac_cv_func_initgroups"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_initgroups" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_INITGROUPS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "utimensat" "ac_cv_func_utimensat"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_utimensat" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UTIMENSAT 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "posix_fallocate" "ac_cv_func_posix_fallocate"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_posix_fallocate" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "attropen" "ac_cv_func_attropen"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_attropen" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ATTROPEN 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "setvbuf" "ac_cv_func_setvbuf"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_setvbuf" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETVBUF 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "nanosleep" "ac_cv_func_nanosleep"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_nanosleep" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_NANOSLEEP 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "usleep" "ac_cv_func_usleep"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_usleep" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_USLEEP 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "setenv" "ac_cv_func_setenv"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_setenv" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SETENV 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "unsetenv" "ac_cv_func_unsetenv"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_unsetenv" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UNSETENV 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_iconv_open" != x"yes"; then
+ ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "libiconv_open" "ac_cv_func_libiconv_open"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_libiconv_open" = xyes
+then :
+ ac_cv_func_iconv_open=yes; printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ICONV_OPEN 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for useable fallocate" >&5
+printf %s "checking for useable fallocate... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_have_fallocate+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+main (void)
+fallocate(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_have_fallocate=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_have_fallocate=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_have_fallocate" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_have_fallocate" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_have_fallocate" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FALLOCATE 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE" >&5
+printf %s "checking for FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE... " >&6; }
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+ #include <linux/falloc.h>
+ #error FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE is missing
+ #endif
+if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE" >&5
+printf %s "checking for FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE... " >&6; }
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+ #include <linux/falloc.h>
+ #error FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE is missing
+ #endif
+if ac_fn_c_try_cpp "$LINENO"
+then :
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+rm -f conftest.err conftest.i conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for SYS_fallocate" >&5
+printf %s "checking for SYS_fallocate... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+main (void)
+syscall(SYS_fallocate, 0, 0, (loff_t)0, (loff_t)0);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_have_sys_fallocate" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SYS_FALLOCATE 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test x"$ac_cv_func_posix_fallocate" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether posix_fallocate is efficient" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether posix_fallocate is efficient... " >&6; }
+ case $host_os in
+ *cygwin*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "yes" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_EFFICIENT_POSIX_FALLOCATE 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ *)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getpgrp" "ac_cv_func_getpgrp"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getpgrp" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETPGRP 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "tcgetpgrp" "ac_cv_func_tcgetpgrp"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_tcgetpgrp" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_TCGETPGRP 1" >>confdefs.h
+if test $ac_cv_func_getpgrp = yes; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether getpgrp requires zero arguments" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether getpgrp requires zero arguments... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ # Use it with a single arg.
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+getpgrp (0);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=no
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=yes
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void" >&6; }
+if test $ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define GETPGRP_VOID 1" >>confdefs.h
+# Check whether --enable-iconv-open was given.
+if test ${enable_iconv_open+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_iconv_open;
+else $as_nop
+ enable_iconv_open=$ac_cv_func_iconv_open
+if test x"$enable_iconv_open" != x"no"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define USE_ICONV_OPEN 1" >>confdefs.h
+# Check whether --enable-iconv was given.
+if test ${enable_iconv+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_iconv;
+else $as_nop
+ enable_iconv=$enable_iconv_open
+if test x"$enable_iconv" != x"no"; then
+ if test x"$enable_iconv" = x"yes"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "#define ICONV_OPTION NULL" >>confdefs.h
+ else
+ printf "%s\n" "#define ICONV_OPTION \"$enable_iconv\"" >>confdefs.h
+ fi
+printf "%s\n" "#define UTF8_CHARSET \"UTF-8\"" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether chown() modifies symlinks" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether chown() modifies symlinks... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink=no
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+int main(void) {
+ char const *dangling_symlink = "conftest.dangle";
+ unlink(dangling_symlink);
+ if (symlink("", dangling_symlink) < 0) abort();
+ if (chown(dangling_symlink, getuid(), getgid()) < 0 && errno == ENOENT) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink" >&6; }
+if test $rsync_cv_chown_modifies_symlink = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define CHOWN_MODIFIES_SYMLINK 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether link() can hard-link symlinks" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether link() can hard-link symlinks... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink=no
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+# include <fcntl.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_SYS_FCNTL_H
+# include <sys/fcntl.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define FILENAME "conftest.dangle"
+int main(void) {
+ unlink(FILENAME);
+ if (symlink("", FILENAME) < 0) abort();
+ unlink(FILENAME "2");
+ if (linkat(AT_FDCWD, FILENAME, AT_FDCWD, FILENAME "2", 0) < 0) return 1;
+ if (link(FILENAME, FILENAME "2") < 0) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink" >&6; }
+if test $rsync_cv_can_hardlink_symlink = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define CAN_HARDLINK_SYMLINK 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether link() can hard-link special files" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether link() can hard-link special files... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special=no
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define FILENAME "conftest.fifi"
+int main(void) {
+ unlink(FILENAME);
+ if (mkfifo(FILENAME, 0777) < 0) abort();
+ unlink(FILENAME "2");
+ if (link(FILENAME, FILENAME "2") < 0) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special" >&6; }
+if test $rsync_cv_can_hardlink_special = yes; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define CAN_HARDLINK_SPECIAL 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for working socketpair" >&5
+printf %s "checking for working socketpair... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+int main(void) {
+ int fd[2];
+ return (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd) != -1) ? 0 : 1;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_SOCKETPAIR" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SOCKETPAIR 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "getpass" "ac_cv_func_getpass"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func_getpass" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETPASS 1" >>confdefs.h
+else $as_nop
+ case " $LIBOBJS " in
+ *" getpass.$ac_objext "* ) ;;
+ *) LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS getpass.$ac_objext"
+ ;;
+if test x"$with_included_popt" != x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for poptGetContext in -lpopt" >&5
+printf %s "checking for poptGetContext in -lpopt... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_popt_poptGetContext+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lpopt $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char poptGetContext ();
+main (void)
+return poptGetContext ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_popt_poptGetContext=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_popt_poptGetContext=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_popt_poptGetContext" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_popt_poptGetContext" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_popt_poptGetContext" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBPOPT 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lpopt $LIBS"
+else $as_nop
+ with_included_popt=yes
+if test x"$ac_cv_header_popt_popt_h" = x"yes"; then
+ # If the system has /usr/include/popt/popt.h, we enable the
+ # included popt because an attempt to "#include <popt/popt.h>"
+ # would use our included header file anyway (due to -I.), and
+ # might conflict with the system popt.
+ with_included_popt=yes
+elif test x"$ac_cv_header_popt_h" != x"yes"; then
+ with_included_popt=yes
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to use included libpopt" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to use included libpopt... " >&6; }
+if test x"$with_included_popt" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $srcdir/popt" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$srcdir/popt" >&6; }
+ BUILD_POPT='$(popt_OBJS)'
+ CFLAGS="-I$srcdir/popt $CFLAGS"
+ if test x"$ALLOCA" != x
+ then
+ # this can be removed when/if we add an included alloca.c;
+ # see autoconf documentation on AC_FUNC_ALLOCA
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: included libpopt will use malloc, not alloca (which wastes a small amount of memory)" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: included libpopt will use malloc, not alloca (which wastes a small amount of memory)" >&2;}
+ fi
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+# We default to using our zlib unless --with-included-zlib=no is given.
+if test x"$with_included_zlib" != x"no"; then
+ with_included_zlib=yes
+elif test x"$ac_cv_header_zlib_h" != x"yes"; then
+ with_included_zlib=yes
+if test x"$with_included_zlib" != x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for deflateParams in -lz" >&5
+printf %s "checking for deflateParams in -lz... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_z_deflateParams+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lz $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char deflateParams ();
+main (void)
+return deflateParams ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_z_deflateParams=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_z_deflateParams=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_z_deflateParams" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_z_deflateParams" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_z_deflateParams" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBZ 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lz $LIBS"
+else $as_nop
+ with_included_zlib=yes
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to use included zlib" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to use included zlib... " >&6; }
+if test x"$with_included_zlib" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $srcdir/zlib" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$srcdir/zlib" >&6; }
+ BUILD_ZLIB='$(zlib_OBJS)'
+ CFLAGS="-I$srcdir/zlib $CFLAGS"
+printf "%s\n" "#define EXTERNAL_ZLIB 1" >>confdefs.h
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for unsigned char" >&5
+printf %s "checking for unsigned char... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+main (void)
+signed char *s = (signed char *)""
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_SIGNED_CHAR_OK" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define SIGNED_CHAR_OK 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for broken readdir" >&5
+printf %s "checking for broken readdir... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+int main(void) { struct dirent *di; DIR *d = opendir("."); di = readdir(d);
+if (di && di->d_name[-2] == '.' && di->d_name[-1] == 0 &&
+di->d_name[0] == 0) return 0; return 1;}
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR=yes
+else $as_nop
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_BROKEN_READDIR 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for utimbuf" >&5
+printf %s "checking for utimbuf... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <utime.h>
+main (void)
+struct utimbuf tbuf; tbuf.actime = 0; tbuf.modtime = 1; return utime("foo.c",&tbuf);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF=yes
+else $as_nop
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_STRUCT_UTIMBUF 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if gettimeofday takes tz argument" >&5
+printf %s "checking if gettimeofday takes tz argument... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+main (void)
+struct timeval tv; return gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ" != x"no"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY_TZ 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for C99 vsnprintf" >&5
+printf %s "checking for C99 vsnprintf... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+void foo(const char *format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ int len;
+ static char buf[] = "12345678901234567890";
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ len = vsnprintf(0, 0, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if (len != 5) exit(1);
+ if (snprintf(buf, 3, "hello") != 5 || strcmp(buf, "he") != 0) exit(1);
+int main(void) { foo("hello"); return 0; }
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF=no
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for secure mkstemp" >&5
+printf %s "checking for secure mkstemp... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+int main(void) {
+ struct stat st;
+ char tpl[20]="/tmp/test.XXXXXX";
+ int fd = mkstemp(tpl);
+ if (fd == -1) return 1;
+ unlink(tpl);
+ if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0) return 1;
+ if ((st.st_mode & 0777) != 0600) return 1;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP=yes
+else $as_nop
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP" = x"yes"; then
+ case $host_os in
+ hpux*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: Skipping broken HP-UX mkstemp() -- using mktemp() instead" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: Skipping broken HP-UX mkstemp() -- using mktemp() instead" >&2;}
+ ;;
+ *)
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ esac
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if mknod creates FIFOs" >&5
+printf %s "checking if mknod creates FIFOs... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+int main(void) { int rc, ec; char *fn = "fifo-test";
+unlink(fn); rc = mknod(fn,S_IFIFO,0600); ec = errno; unlink(fn);
+if (rc) {printf("(%d %d) ",rc,ec); return ec;}
+return 0;}
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS=yes
+else $as_nop
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS 1" >>confdefs.h
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if mknod creates sockets" >&5
+printf %s "checking if mknod creates sockets... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes
+then :
+ rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS=cross
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+int main(void) { int rc, ec; char *fn = "sock-test";
+unlink(fn); rc = mknod(fn,S_IFSOCK,0600); ec = errno; unlink(fn);
+if (rc) {printf("(%d %d) ",rc,ec); return ec;}
+return 0;}
+if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"
+then :
+else $as_nop
+rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \
+ conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS 1" >>confdefs.h
+# The following test was mostly taken from the tcl/tk plus patches
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether -c -o works" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether -c -o works... " >&6; }
+if test ${rsync_cv_DASHC_WORKS_WITH_DASHO+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+rm -rf conftest*
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+int main(void) { return 0; }
+${CC-cc} -c -o conftest..o conftest.$ac_ext
+if test -f conftest..o; then
+rm -rf conftest*
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_cv_DASHC_WORKS_WITH_DASHO" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_cv_DASHC_WORKS_WITH_DASHO" >&6; }
+if test x"$rsync_cv_DASHC_WORKS_WITH_DASHO" = x"yes"; then
+ OBJ_SAVE="#"
+ CC_SHOBJ_FLAG='-o $@'
+ OBJ_SAVE=' @b=`basename $@ .o`;rm -f $$b.o.sav;if test -f $$b.o; then mv $$b.o $$b.o.sav;fi;'
+ OBJ_RESTORE=' @b=`basename $@ .o`;if test "$$b.o" != "$@"; then mv $$b.o $@; if test -f $$b.o.sav; then mv $$b.o.sav $$b.o; fi; fi'
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "_acl" "ac_cv_func__acl"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func__acl" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE__ACL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "__acl" "ac_cv_func___acl"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func___acl" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE___ACL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "_facl" "ac_cv_func__facl"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func__facl" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE__FACL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "__facl" "ac_cv_func___facl"
+if test "x$ac_cv_func___facl" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE___FACL 1" >>confdefs.h
+# check for ACL support
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to support ACLs" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to support ACLs... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-acl-support was given.
+if test ${enable_acl_support+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_acl_support;
+if test x"$enable_acl_support" = x"no"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *sysv5*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using UnixWare ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using UnixWare ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_UNIXWARE_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ solaris*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using solaris ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using solaris ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SOLARIS_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ *irix*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using IRIX ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using IRIX ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_IRIX_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ *aix*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using AIX ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using AIX ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_AIX_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ *osf*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using Tru64 ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using Tru64 ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_TRU64_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="$LIBS -lpacl"
+ ;;
+ darwin*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using OS X ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using OS X ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_OSX_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ *hpux*|*nsk*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using HPUX ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using HPUX ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_HPUX_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ *)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: running tests:" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "running tests:" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for acl_get_file in -lacl" >&5
+printf %s "checking for acl_get_file in -lacl... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_acl_acl_get_file+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lacl $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char acl_get_file ();
+main (void)
+return acl_get_file ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_acl_acl_get_file=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_acl_acl_get_file=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_acl_acl_get_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_acl_acl_get_file" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_acl_acl_get_file" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBACL 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lacl $LIBS"
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ACL support" >&5
+printf %s "checking for ACL support... " >&6; }
+if test ${samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_SYS_ACL_H
+#include <sys/acl.h>
+main (void)
+ acl_t acl; int entry_id; acl_entry_t *entry_p; return acl_get_entry( acl, entry_id, entry_p);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS=yes
+else $as_nop
+ samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS" >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking ACL test results" >&5
+printf %s "checking ACL test results... " >&6; }
+ if test x"$samba_cv_HAVE_POSIX_ACLS" = x"yes"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using posix ACLs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using posix ACLs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_POSIX_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_ACLS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for acl_get_perm_np" >&5
+printf %s "checking for acl_get_perm_np... " >&6; }
+if test ${samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_SYS_ACL_H
+#include <sys/acl.h>
+main (void)
+ acl_permset_t permset_d; acl_perm_t perm; return acl_get_perm_np( permset_d, perm);
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP=yes
+else $as_nop
+ samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP" >&6; }
+ if test x"$samba_cv_HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP" = x"yes"; then
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP 1" >>confdefs.h
+ fi
+ else
+ if test x"$enable_acl_support" = x"yes"; then
+ as_fn_error $? "Failed to find ACL support" "$LINENO" 5
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: No ACL support found" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "No ACL support found" >&6; }
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# check for extended attribute support
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to support extended attributes" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether to support extended attributes... " >&6; }
+# Check whether --enable-xattr-support was given.
+if test ${enable_xattr_support+y}
+then :
+ enableval=$enable_xattr_support;
+else $as_nop
+ case "$ac_cv_func_getxattr$ac_cv_func_extattr_get_link$ac_cv_func_attropen" in
+ *yes*) enable_xattr_support=maybe ;;
+ *) enable_xattr_support=no ;;
+ esac
+if test x"$enable_xattr_support" = x"no"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "no" >&6; }
+ case "$host_os" in
+ *linux*|*netbsd*|*cygwin*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using Linux xattrs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using Linux xattrs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LINUX_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define NO_SYMLINK_USER_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for getxattr in -lattr" >&5
+printf %s "checking for getxattr in -lattr... " >&6; }
+if test ${ac_cv_lib_attr_getxattr+y}
+then :
+ printf %s "(cached) " >&6
+else $as_nop
+ ac_check_lib_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+LIBS="-lattr $LIBS"
+cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+/* Override any GCC internal prototype to avoid an error.
+ Use char because int might match the return type of a GCC
+ builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */
+char getxattr ();
+main (void)
+return getxattr ();
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ ac_cv_lib_attr_getxattr=yes
+else $as_nop
+ ac_cv_lib_attr_getxattr=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_lib_attr_getxattr" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$ac_cv_lib_attr_getxattr" >&6; }
+if test "x$ac_cv_lib_attr_getxattr" = xyes
+then :
+ printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_LIBATTR 1" >>confdefs.h
+ LIBS="-lattr $LIBS"
+ ;;
+ darwin*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using OS X xattrs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using OS X xattrs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_OSX_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define NO_DEVICE_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define NO_SPECIAL_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ freebsd*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using FreeBSD extattrs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using FreeBSD extattrs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_FREEBSD_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ solaris*)
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: Using Solaris xattrs" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "Using Solaris xattrs" >&6; }
+printf "%s\n" "#define HAVE_SOLARIS_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ printf "%s\n" "#define SUPPORT_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+printf "%s\n" "#define NO_SYMLINK_XATTRS 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test x"$enable_xattr_support" = x"yes"; then
+ as_fn_error $? "Failed to find extended attribute support" "$LINENO" 5
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: No extended attribute support found" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "No extended attribute support found" >&6; }
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+if test x"$enable_acl_support" = x"no" || test x"$enable_xattr_support" = x"no" || test x"$enable_iconv" = x"no"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $CC supports -Wno-unused-parameter" >&5
+printf %s "checking whether $CC supports -Wno-unused-parameter... " >&6; }
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-unused-parameter"
+ cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext
+/* end confdefs.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+main (void)
+ ;
+ return 0;
+if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"
+then :
+ rsync_warn_flag=yes
+else $as_nop
+ rsync_warn_flag=no
+rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam \
+ conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $rsync_warn_flag" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$rsync_warn_flag" >&6; }
+ if test x"$rsync_warn_flag" = x"no"; then
+ fi
+case "$CC" in
+' checker'*|checker*)
+printf "%s\n" "#define FORCE_FD_ZERO_MEMSET 1" >>confdefs.h
+ ;;
+ac_config_files="$ac_config_files Makefile lib/dummy zlib/dummy popt/dummy shconfig"
+cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF
+# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
+# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
+# scripts and configure runs, see configure's option --config-cache.
+# It is not useful on other systems. If it contains results you don't
+# want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
+# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it
+# the --recheck option to rerun configure.
+# `ac_cv_env_foo' variables (set or unset) will be overridden when
+# loading this file, other *unset* `ac_cv_foo' will be assigned the
+# following values.
+# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
+# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient.
+# So, we kill variables containing newlines.
+# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
+# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
+ for ac_var in `(set) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p'`; do
+ eval ac_val=\$$ac_var
+ case $ac_val in #(
+ *${as_nl}*)
+ case $ac_var in #(
+ *_cv_*) { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: cache variable $ac_var contains a newline" >&2;} ;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_var in #(
+ _ | IFS | as_nl) ;; #(
+ BASH_ARGV | BASH_SOURCE) eval $ac_var= ;; #(
+ *) { eval $ac_var=; unset $ac_var;} ;;
+ esac ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ (set) 2>&1 |
+ case $as_nl`(ac_space=' '; set) 2>&1` in #(
+ *${as_nl}ac_space=\ *)
+ # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes: double-quote
+ # substitution turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \.
+ sed -n \
+ "s/'/'\\\\''/g;
+ s/^\\([_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1='\\2'/p"
+ ;; #(
+ *)
+ # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes.
+ sed -n "/^[_$as_cr_alnum]*_cv_[_$as_cr_alnum]*=/p"
+ ;;
+ esac |
+ sort
+) |
+ sed '
+ /^ac_cv_env_/b end
+ t clear
+ :clear
+ s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*[{}].*\)$/test ${\1+y} || &/
+ t end
+ s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)$/\1=${\1=\2}/
+ :end' >>confcache
+if diff "$cache_file" confcache >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else
+ if test -w "$cache_file"; then
+ if test "x$cache_file" != "x/dev/null"; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: updating cache $cache_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: updating cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+ if test ! -f "$cache_file" || test -h "$cache_file"; then
+ cat confcache >"$cache_file"
+ else
+ case $cache_file in #(
+ */* | ?:*)
+ mv -f confcache "$cache_file"$$ &&
+ mv -f "$cache_file"$$ "$cache_file" ;; #(
+ *)
+ mv -f confcache "$cache_file" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: not updating unwritable cache $cache_file" >&6;}
+ fi
+rm -f confcache
+test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
+# Let make expand exec_prefix.
+test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
+for ac_i in : $LIBOBJS; do test "x$ac_i" = x: && continue
+ # 1. Remove the extension, and $U if already installed.
+ ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//'
+ ac_i=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_i" | sed "$ac_script"`
+ # 2. Prepend LIBOBJDIR. When used with automake>=1.10 LIBOBJDIR
+ # will be set to the directory where LIBOBJS objects are built.
+ as_fn_append ac_libobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i\$U.$ac_objext"
+ as_fn_append ac_ltlibobjs " \${LIBOBJDIR}$ac_i"'$U.lo'
+: "${CONFIG_STATUS=./config.status}"
+ac_clean_files="$ac_clean_files $CONFIG_STATUS"
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: creating $CONFIG_STATUS" >&6;}
+cat >$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1
+#! $SHELL
+# Generated by $as_me.
+# Run this file to recreate the current configuration.
+# Compiler output produced by configure, useful for debugging
+# configure, is in config.log if it exists.
+export SHELL
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ASEOF || as_write_fail=1
+## -------------------- ##
+## M4sh Initialization. ##
+## -------------------- ##
+# Be more Bourne compatible
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+if test ${ZSH_VERSION+y} && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1
+then :
+ emulate sh
+ # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
+ alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+else $as_nop
+ case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #(
+ *posix*) :
+ set -o posix ;; #(
+ *) :
+ ;;
+# Reset variables that may have inherited troublesome values from
+# the environment.
+# IFS needs to be set, to space, tab, and newline, in precisely that order.
+# (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would have the
+# side effect of setting IFS to empty, thus disabling word splitting.)
+# Quoting is to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
+export as_nl
+IFS=" "" $as_nl"
+PS1='$ '
+PS2='> '
+PS4='+ '
+# Ensure predictable behavior from utilities with locale-dependent output.
+export LC_ALL
+export LANGUAGE
+# We cannot yet rely on "unset" to work, but we need these variables
+# to be unset--not just set to an empty or harmless value--now, to
+# avoid bugs in old shells (e.g. pre-3.0 UWIN ksh). This construct
+# also avoids known problems related to "unset" and subshell syntax
+# in other old shells (e.g. bash 2.01 and pdksh 5.2.14).
+do eval test \${$as_var+y} \
+ && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || :
+# Ensure that fds 0, 1, and 2 are open.
+if (exec 3>&0) 2>/dev/null; then :; else exec 0</dev/null; fi
+if (exec 3>&1) 2>/dev/null; then :; else exec 1>/dev/null; fi
+if (exec 3>&2) ; then :; else exec 2>/dev/null; fi
+# The user is always right.
+if ${PATH_SEPARATOR+false} :; then
+ (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
+ (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ }
+# Find who we are. Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
+case $0 in #((
+ *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
+for as_dir in $PATH
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ case $as_dir in #(((
+ '') as_dir=./ ;;
+ */) ;;
+ *) as_dir=$as_dir/ ;;
+ esac
+ test -r "$as_dir$0" && as_myself=$as_dir$0 && break
+ done
+ ;;
+# We did not find ourselves, most probably we were run as `sh COMMAND'
+# in which case we are not to be found in the path.
+if test "x$as_myself" = x; then
+ as_myself=$0
+if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
+ exit 1
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are
+# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the
+# script with STATUS, using 1 if that was 0.
+as_fn_error ()
+ as_status=$1; test $as_status -eq 0 && as_status=1
+ if test "$4"; then
+ as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$3"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: $2" >&$4
+ fi
+ printf "%s\n" "$as_me: error: $2" >&2
+ as_fn_exit $as_status
+} # as_fn_error
+# as_fn_set_status STATUS
+# -----------------------
+# Set $? to STATUS, without forking.
+as_fn_set_status ()
+ return $1
+} # as_fn_set_status
+# as_fn_exit STATUS
+# -----------------
+# Exit the shell with STATUS, even in a "trap 0" or "set -e" context.
+as_fn_exit ()
+ set +e
+ as_fn_set_status $1
+ exit $1
+} # as_fn_exit
+# as_fn_unset VAR
+# ---------------
+# Portably unset VAR.
+as_fn_unset ()
+ { eval $1=; unset $1;}
+# as_fn_append VAR VALUE
+# ----------------------
+# Append the text in VALUE to the end of the definition contained in VAR. Take
+# advantage of any shell optimizations that allow amortized linear growth over
+# repeated appends, instead of the typical quadratic growth present in naive
+# implementations.
+if (eval "as_var=1; as_var+=2; test x\$as_var = x12") 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ eval 'as_fn_append ()
+ {
+ eval $1+=\$2
+ }'
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_append ()
+ {
+ eval $1=\$$1\$2
+ }
+fi # as_fn_append
+# as_fn_arith ARG...
+# ------------------
+# Perform arithmetic evaluation on the ARGs, and store the result in the
+# global $as_val. Take advantage of shells that can avoid forks. The arguments
+# must be portable across $(()) and expr.
+if (eval "test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2") 2>/dev/null
+then :
+ eval 'as_fn_arith ()
+ {
+ as_val=$(( $* ))
+ }'
+else $as_nop
+ as_fn_arith ()
+ {
+ as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1`
+ }
+fi # as_fn_arith
+if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+ test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+ as_expr=expr
+ as_expr=false
+if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
+ as_basename=basename
+ as_basename=false
+if (as_dir=`dirname -- /` && test "X$as_dir" = X/) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ as_dirname=dirname
+ as_dirname=false
+as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
+$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
+ X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+ X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+printf "%s\n" X/"$0" |
+ sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ s/.*/./; q'`
+# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
+# Determine whether it's possible to make 'echo' print without a newline.
+# These variables are no longer used directly by Autoconf, but are AC_SUBSTed
+# for compatibility with existing Makefiles.
+case `echo -n x` in #(((((
+ case `echo 'xy\c'` in
+ *c*) ECHO_T=' ';; # ECHO_T is single tab character.
+ xy) ECHO_C='\c';;
+ *) echo `echo ksh88 bug on AIX 6.1` > /dev/null
+ ECHO_T=' ';;
+ esac;;
+ ECHO_N='-n';;
+# For backward compatibility with old third-party macros, we provide
+# the shell variables $as_echo and $as_echo_n. New code should use
+# AS_ECHO(["message"]) and AS_ECHO_N(["message"]), respectively.
+as_echo='printf %s\n'
+as_echo_n='printf %s'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.file
+if test -d conf$$.dir; then
+ rm -f conf$$.dir/conf$$.file
+ rm -f conf$$.dir
+ mkdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+if (echo >conf$$.file) 2>/dev/null; then
+ if ln -s conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+ as_ln_s='ln -s'
+ # ... but there are two gotchas:
+ # 1) On MSYS, both `ln -s file dir' and `ln file dir' fail.
+ # 2) DJGPP < 2.04 has no symlinks; `ln -s' creates a wrapper executable.
+ # In both cases, we have to default to `cp -pR'.
+ ln -s conf$$.file conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null && test ! -f conf$$.exe ||
+ as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+ elif ln conf$$.file conf$$ 2>/dev/null; then
+ as_ln_s=ln
+ else
+ as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+ fi
+ as_ln_s='cp -pR'
+rm -f conf$$ conf$$.exe conf$$.dir/conf$$.file conf$$.file
+rmdir conf$$.dir 2>/dev/null
+# as_fn_mkdir_p
+# -------------
+# Create "$as_dir" as a directory, including parents if necessary.
+as_fn_mkdir_p ()
+ case $as_dir in #(
+ -*) as_dir=./$as_dir;;
+ esac
+ test -d "$as_dir" || eval $as_mkdir_p || {
+ as_dirs=
+ while :; do
+ case $as_dir in #(
+ *\'*) as_qdir=`printf "%s\n" "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'(
+ *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
+ esac
+ as_dirs="'$as_qdir' $as_dirs"
+ as_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$as_dir" ||
+$as_expr X"$as_dir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+ X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+ X"$as_dir" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+ X"$as_dir" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+printf "%s\n" X"$as_dir" |
+ sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\).*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ s/.*/./; q'`
+ test -d "$as_dir" && break
+ done
+ test -z "$as_dirs" || eval "mkdir $as_dirs"
+ } || test -d "$as_dir" || as_fn_error $? "cannot create directory $as_dir"
+} # as_fn_mkdir_p
+if mkdir -p . 2>/dev/null; then
+ as_mkdir_p='mkdir -p "$as_dir"'
+ test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
+ as_mkdir_p=false
+# as_fn_executable_p FILE
+# -----------------------
+# Test if FILE is an executable regular file.
+as_fn_executable_p ()
+ test -f "$1" && test -x "$1"
+} # as_fn_executable_p
+as_test_x='test -x'
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid CPP name.
+as_tr_cpp="eval sed 'y%*$as_cr_letters%P$as_cr_LETTERS%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+# Sed expression to map a string onto a valid variable name.
+as_tr_sh="eval sed 'y%*+%pp%;s%[^_$as_cr_alnum]%_%g'"
+exec 6>&1
+## ----------------------------------- ##
+## Main body of $CONFIG_STATUS script. ##
+## ----------------------------------- ##
+test $as_write_fail = 0 && chmod +x $CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# Save the log message, to keep $0 and so on meaningful, and to
+# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
+# values after options handling.
+This file was extended by rsync $as_me, which was
+generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71. Invocation command line was
+ $ $0 $@
+on `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`
+case $ac_config_files in *"
+"*) set x $ac_config_files; shift; ac_config_files=$*;;
+case $ac_config_headers in *"
+"*) set x $ac_config_headers; shift; ac_config_headers=$*;;
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# Files that config.status was made for.
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+\`$as_me' instantiates files and other configuration actions
+from templates according to the current configuration. Unless the files
+and actions are specified as TAGs, all are instantiated by default.
+Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [TAG]...
+ -h, --help print this help, then exit
+ -V, --version print version number and configuration settings, then exit
+ --config print configuration, then exit
+ -q, --quiet, --silent
+ do not print progress messages
+ -d, --debug don't remove temporary files
+ --recheck update $as_me by reconfiguring in the same conditions
+ --file=FILE[:TEMPLATE]
+ instantiate the configuration file FILE
+ --header=FILE[:TEMPLATE]
+ instantiate the configuration header FILE
+Configuration files:
+Configuration headers:
+Report bugs to <>."
+ac_cs_config=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_configure_args" | sed "$ac_safe_unquote"`
+ac_cs_config_escaped=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_cs_config" | sed "s/^ //; s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+rsync config.status
+configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.71,
+ with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
+Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This config.status script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it."
+test -n "\$AWK" || AWK=awk
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# The default lists apply if the user does not specify any file.
+while test $# != 0
+ case $1 in
+ --*=?*)
+ ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
+ ac_optarg=`expr "X$1" : 'X[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
+ ac_shift=:
+ ;;
+ --*=)
+ ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
+ ac_optarg=
+ ac_shift=:
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ac_option=$1
+ ac_optarg=$2
+ ac_shift=shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_option in
+ # Handling of the options.
+ -recheck | --recheck | --rechec | --reche | --rech | --rec | --re | --r)
+ ac_cs_recheck=: ;;
+ --version | --versio | --versi | --vers | --ver | --ve | --v | -V )
+ printf "%s\n" "$ac_cs_version"; exit ;;
+ --config | --confi | --conf | --con | --co | --c )
+ printf "%s\n" "$ac_cs_config"; exit ;;
+ --debug | --debu | --deb | --de | --d | -d )
+ debug=: ;;
+ --file | --fil | --fi | --f )
+ $ac_shift
+ case $ac_optarg in
+ *\'*) ac_optarg=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_optarg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+ '') as_fn_error $? "missing file argument" ;;
+ esac
+ as_fn_append CONFIG_FILES " '$ac_optarg'"
+ ac_need_defaults=false;;
+ --header | --heade | --head | --hea )
+ $ac_shift
+ case $ac_optarg in
+ *\'*) ac_optarg=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_optarg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
+ esac
+ as_fn_append CONFIG_HEADERS " '$ac_optarg'"
+ ac_need_defaults=false;;
+ --he | --h)
+ # Conflict between --help and --header
+ as_fn_error $? "ambiguous option: \`$1'
+Try \`$0 --help' for more information.";;
+ --help | --hel | -h )
+ printf "%s\n" "$ac_cs_usage"; exit ;;
+ -q | -quiet | --quiet | --quie | --qui | --qu | --q \
+ | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil | --si | --s)
+ ac_cs_silent=: ;;
+ # This is an error.
+ -*) as_fn_error $? "unrecognized option: \`$1'
+Try \`$0 --help' for more information." ;;
+ *) as_fn_append ac_config_targets " $1"
+ ac_need_defaults=false ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if $ac_cs_silent; then
+ exec 6>/dev/null
+ ac_configure_extra_args="$ac_configure_extra_args --silent"
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+if \$ac_cs_recheck; then
+ set X $SHELL '$0' $ac_configure_args \$ac_configure_extra_args --no-create --no-recursion
+ shift
+ \printf "%s\n" "running CONFIG_SHELL=$SHELL \$*" >&6
+ exec "\$@"
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+exec 5>>config.log
+ echo
+ sed 'h;s/./-/g;s/^.../## /;s/...$/ ##/;p;x;p;x' <<_ASBOX
+## Running $as_me. ##
+ printf "%s\n" "$ac_log"
+} >&5
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# Handling of arguments.
+for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets
+ case $ac_config_target in
+ "config.h") CONFIG_HEADERS="$CONFIG_HEADERS config.h" ;;
+ "Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile" ;;
+ "lib/dummy") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES lib/dummy" ;;
+ "zlib/dummy") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES zlib/dummy" ;;
+ "popt/dummy") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES popt/dummy" ;;
+ "shconfig") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES shconfig" ;;
+ *) as_fn_error $? "invalid argument: \`$ac_config_target'" "$LINENO" 5;;
+ esac
+# If the user did not use the arguments to specify the items to instantiate,
+# then the envvar interface is used. Set only those that are not.
+# We use the long form for the default assignment because of an extremely
+# bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3.
+if $ac_need_defaults; then
+ test ${CONFIG_FILES+y} || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files
+ test ${CONFIG_HEADERS+y} || CONFIG_HEADERS=$config_headers
+# Have a temporary directory for convenience. Make it in the build tree
+# simply because there is no reason against having it here, and in addition,
+# creating and moving files from /tmp can sometimes cause problems.
+# Hook for its removal unless debugging.
+# Note that there is a small window in which the directory will not be cleaned:
+# after its creation but before its name has been assigned to `$tmp'.
+$debug ||
+ tmp= ac_tmp=
+ trap 'exit_status=$?
+ : "${ac_tmp:=$tmp}"
+ { test ! -d "$ac_tmp" || rm -fr "$ac_tmp"; } && exit $exit_status
+' 0
+ trap 'as_fn_exit 1' 1 2 13 15
+# Create a (secure) tmp directory for tmp files.
+ tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "./confXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` &&
+ test -d "$tmp"
+} ||
+ tmp=./conf$$-$RANDOM
+ (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp")
+} || as_fn_error $? "cannot create a temporary directory in ." "$LINENO" 5
+# Set up the scripts for CONFIG_FILES section.
+# No need to generate them if there are no CONFIG_FILES.
+# This happens for instance with `./config.status config.h'.
+if test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"; then
+ac_cr=`echo X | tr X '\015'`
+# On cygwin, bash can eat \r inside `` if the user requested igncr.
+# But we know of no other shell where ac_cr would be empty at this
+# point, so we can use a bashism as a fallback.
+if test "x$ac_cr" = x; then
+ eval ac_cr=\$\'\\r\'
+ac_cs_awk_cr=`$AWK 'BEGIN { print "a\rb" }' </dev/null 2>/dev/null`
+if test "$ac_cs_awk_cr" = "a${ac_cr}b"; then
+ ac_cs_awk_cr='\\r'
+ ac_cs_awk_cr=$ac_cr
+echo 'BEGIN {' >"$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" &&
+ echo "cat >conf$$subs.awk <<_ACEOF" &&
+ echo "$ac_subst_vars" | sed 's/.*/&!$&$ac_delim/' &&
+ echo "_ACEOF"
+} >conf$$ ||
+ as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+ac_delim_num=`echo "$ac_subst_vars" | grep -c '^'`
+ac_delim='%!_!# '
+for ac_last_try in false false false false false :; do
+ . ./conf$$ ||
+ as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+ ac_delim_n=`sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.awk | grep -c X`
+ if test $ac_delim_n = $ac_delim_num; then
+ break
+ elif $ac_last_try; then
+ as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+ else
+ ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! "
+ fi
+rm -f conf$$
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<\\_ACAWK &&
+sed -n '
+s/^/S["/; s/!.*/"]=/
+t repl
+t delim
+t more1
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/\\n"\\/
+b repl
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/
+t nl
+t more2
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"/
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"\\/
+t delim
+' <conf$$subs.awk | sed '
+ N
+ s/\n//
+' >>$CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1
+rm -f conf$$subs.awk
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>"\$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" <<_ACAWK &&
+ for (key in S) S_is_set[key] = 1
+ FS = ""
+ line = $ 0
+ nfields = split(line, field, "@")
+ substed = 0
+ len = length(field[1])
+ for (i = 2; i < nfields; i++) {
+ key = field[i]
+ keylen = length(key)
+ if (S_is_set[key]) {
+ value = S[key]
+ line = substr(line, 1, len) "" value "" substr(line, len + keylen + 3)
+ len += length(value) + length(field[++i])
+ substed = 1
+ } else
+ len += 1 + keylen
+ }
+ print line
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+if sed "s/$ac_cr//" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ sed "s/$ac_cr\$//; s/$ac_cr/$ac_cs_awk_cr/g"
+ cat
+fi < "$ac_tmp/subs1.awk" > "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \
+ || as_fn_error $? "could not setup config files machinery" "$LINENO" 5
+# VPATH may cause trouble with some makes, so we remove sole $(srcdir),
+# ${srcdir} and @srcdir@ entries from VPATH if srcdir is ".", strip leading and
+# trailing colons and then remove the whole line if VPATH becomes empty
+# (actually we leave an empty line to preserve line numbers).
+if test "x$srcdir" = x.; then
+ ac_vpsub='/^[ ]*VPATH[ ]*=[ ]*/{
+s/[ ]*$/:/
+s/\(=[ ]*\).*/\1/
+s/^[^=]*=[ ]*$//
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES"
+# Set up the scripts for CONFIG_HEADERS section.
+# No need to generate them if there are no CONFIG_HEADERS.
+# This happens for instance with `./config.status Makefile'.
+if test -n "$CONFIG_HEADERS"; then
+cat >"$ac_tmp/defines.awk" <<\_ACAWK ||
+# Transform confdefs.h into an awk script `defines.awk', embedded as
+# here-document in config.status, that substitutes the proper values into
+# to produce config.h.
+# Create a delimiter string that does not exist in confdefs.h, to ease
+# handling of long lines.
+ac_delim='%!_!# '
+for ac_last_try in false false :; do
+ ac_tt=`sed -n "/$ac_delim/p" confdefs.h`
+ if test -z "$ac_tt"; then
+ break
+ elif $ac_last_try; then
+ as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_HEADERS" "$LINENO" 5
+ else
+ ac_delim="$ac_delim!$ac_delim _$ac_delim!! "
+ fi
+# For the awk script, D is an array of macro values keyed by name,
+# likewise P contains macro parameters if any. Preserve backslash
+# newline sequences.
+sed -n '
+t rset
+s/^[ ]*#[ ]*define[ ][ ]*/ /
+t def
+t bsnl
+s/^ \('"$ac_word_re"'\)\(([^()]*)\)[ ]*\(.*\)/P["\1"]="\2"\
+D["\1"]=" \3"/p
+s/^ \('"$ac_word_re"'\)[ ]*\(.*\)/D["\1"]=" \2"/p
+s/^ \('"$ac_word_re"'\)\(([^()]*)\)[ ]*\(.*\)/P["\1"]="\2"\
+D["\1"]=" \3\\\\\\n"\\/p
+t cont
+s/^ \('"$ac_word_re"'\)[ ]*\(.*\)/D["\1"]=" \2\\\\\\n"\\/p
+t cont
+t clear
+t bsnlc
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/"/p
+s/["\\]/\\&/g; s/^/"/; s/$/\\\\\\n"\\/p
+b cont
+' <confdefs.h | sed '
+"/g' >>$CONFIG_STATUS || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+ for (key in D) D_is_set[key] = 1
+ FS = ""
+/^[\t ]*#[\t ]*(define|undef)[\t ]+$ac_word_re([\t (]|\$)/ {
+ line = \$ 0
+ split(line, arg, " ")
+ if (arg[1] == "#") {
+ defundef = arg[2]
+ mac1 = arg[3]
+ } else {
+ defundef = substr(arg[1], 2)
+ mac1 = arg[2]
+ }
+ split(mac1, mac2, "(") #)
+ macro = mac2[1]
+ prefix = substr(line, 1, index(line, defundef) - 1)
+ if (D_is_set[macro]) {
+ # Preserve the white space surrounding the "#".
+ print prefix "define", macro P[macro] D[macro]
+ next
+ } else {
+ # Replace #undef with comments. This is necessary, for example,
+ # in the case of _POSIX_SOURCE, which is predefined and required
+ # on some systems where configure will not decide to define it.
+ if (defundef == "undef") {
+ print "/*", prefix defundef, macro, "*/"
+ next
+ }
+ }
+{ print }
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+ as_fn_error $? "could not setup config headers machinery" "$LINENO" 5
+fi # test -n "$CONFIG_HEADERS"
+for ac_tag
+ case $ac_tag in
+ :[FHLC]) ac_mode=$ac_tag; continue;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_mode$ac_tag in
+ :[FHL]*:*);;
+ :L* | :C*:*) as_fn_error $? "invalid tag \`$ac_tag'" "$LINENO" 5;;
+ :[FH]-) ac_tag=-:-;;
+ :[FH]*) ac_tag=$ac_tag:$;;
+ esac
+ ac_save_IFS=$IFS
+ IFS=:
+ set x $ac_tag
+ IFS=$ac_save_IFS
+ shift
+ ac_file=$1
+ shift
+ case $ac_mode in
+ :L) ac_source=$1;;
+ :[FH])
+ ac_file_inputs=
+ for ac_f
+ do
+ case $ac_f in
+ -) ac_f="$ac_tmp/stdin";;
+ *) # Look for the file first in the build tree, then in the source tree
+ # (if the path is not absolute). The absolute path cannot be DOS-style,
+ # because $ac_f cannot contain `:'.
+ test -f "$ac_f" ||
+ case $ac_f in
+ [\\/$]*) false;;
+ *) test -f "$srcdir/$ac_f" && ac_f="$srcdir/$ac_f";;
+ esac ||
+ as_fn_error 1 "cannot find input file: \`$ac_f'" "$LINENO" 5;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_f in *\'*) ac_f=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_f" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; esac
+ as_fn_append ac_file_inputs " '$ac_f'"
+ done
+ # Let's still pretend it is `configure' which instantiates (i.e., don't
+ # use $as_me), people would be surprised to read:
+ # /* config.h. Generated by config.status. */
+ configure_input='Generated from '`
+ printf "%s\n" "$*" | sed 's|^[^:]*/||;s|:[^:]*/|, |g'
+ `' by configure.'
+ if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then
+ configure_input="$ac_file. $configure_input"
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: creating $ac_file" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: creating $ac_file" >&6;}
+ fi
+ # Neutralize special characters interpreted by sed in replacement strings.
+ case $configure_input in #(
+ *\&* | *\|* | *\\* )
+ ac_sed_conf_input=`printf "%s\n" "$configure_input" |
+ sed 's/[\\\\&|]/\\\\&/g'`;; #(
+ *) ac_sed_conf_input=$configure_input;;
+ esac
+ case $ac_tag in
+ *:-:* | *:-) cat >"$ac_tmp/stdin" \
+ || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5 ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ac_dir=`$as_dirname -- "$ac_file" ||
+$as_expr X"$ac_file" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \
+ X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \
+ X"$ac_file" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+ X"$ac_file" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+printf "%s\n" X"$ac_file" |
+ sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\/\)$/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ /^X\(\/\).*/{
+ s//\1/
+ q
+ }
+ s/.*/./; q'`
+ as_dir="$ac_dir"; as_fn_mkdir_p
+ ac_builddir=.
+case "$ac_dir" in
+.) ac_dir_suffix= ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+ ac_dir_suffix=/`printf "%s\n" "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'`
+ # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
+ ac_top_builddir_sub=`printf "%s\n" "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'`
+ case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
+ "") ac_top_builddir_sub=. ac_top_build_prefix= ;;
+ *) ac_top_build_prefix=$ac_top_builddir_sub/ ;;
+ esac ;;
+# for backward compatibility:
+case $srcdir in
+ .) # We are building in place.
+ ac_srcdir=.
+ ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_builddir_sub
+ ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd ;;
+ [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]* ) # Absolute name.
+ ac_srcdir=$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix;
+ ac_top_srcdir=$srcdir
+ ac_abs_top_srcdir=$srcdir ;;
+ *) # Relative name.
+ ac_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir$ac_dir_suffix
+ ac_top_srcdir=$ac_top_build_prefix$srcdir
+ ac_abs_top_srcdir=$ac_pwd/$srcdir ;;
+ case $ac_mode in
+ :F)
+ #
+ #
+ case $INSTALL in
+ [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ac_INSTALL=$INSTALL ;;
+ *) ac_INSTALL=$ac_top_build_prefix$INSTALL ;;
+ esac
+ case $MKDIR_P in
+ [\\/$]* | ?:[\\/]* ) ;;
+ */*) ac_MKDIR_P=$ac_top_build_prefix$MKDIR_P ;;
+ esac
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+# If the template does not know about datarootdir, expand it.
+# FIXME: This hack should be removed a few years after 2.60.
+ac_datarootdir_hack=; ac_datarootdir_seen=
+/datarootdir/ {
+ p
+ q
+case `eval "sed -n \"\$ac_sed_dataroot\" $ac_file_inputs"` in
+*datarootdir*) ac_datarootdir_seen=yes;;
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file_inputs seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" >&2;}
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+ ac_datarootdir_hack='
+ s&@datadir@&$datadir&g
+ s&@docdir@&$docdir&g
+ s&@infodir@&$infodir&g
+ s&@localedir@&$localedir&g
+ s&@mandir@&$mandir&g
+ s&\\\${datarootdir}&$datarootdir&g' ;;
+# Neutralize VPATH when `$srcdir' = `.'.
+# Shell code in might set extrasub.
+# FIXME: do we really want to maintain this feature?
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
+s|@configure_input@|$ac_sed_conf_input|;t t
+s&@top_builddir@&$ac_top_builddir_sub&;t t
+s&@top_build_prefix@&$ac_top_build_prefix&;t t
+s&@srcdir@&$ac_srcdir&;t t
+s&@abs_srcdir@&$ac_abs_srcdir&;t t
+s&@top_srcdir@&$ac_top_srcdir&;t t
+s&@abs_top_srcdir@&$ac_abs_top_srcdir&;t t
+s&@builddir@&$ac_builddir&;t t
+s&@abs_builddir@&$ac_abs_builddir&;t t
+s&@abs_top_builddir@&$ac_abs_top_builddir&;t t
+s&@INSTALL@&$ac_INSTALL&;t t
+s&@MKDIR_P@&$ac_MKDIR_P&;t t
+eval sed \"\$ac_sed_extra\" "$ac_file_inputs" | $AWK -f "$ac_tmp/subs.awk" \
+ >$ac_tmp/out || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5
+test -z "$ac_datarootdir_hack$ac_datarootdir_seen" &&
+ { ac_out=`sed -n '/\${datarootdir}/p' "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -n "$ac_out"; } &&
+ { ac_out=`sed -n '/^[ ]*datarootdir[ ]*:*=/p' \
+ "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -z "$ac_out"; } &&
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
+which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: $ac_file contains a reference to the variable \`datarootdir'
+which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&2;}
+ rm -f "$ac_tmp/stdin"
+ case $ac_file in
+ -) cat "$ac_tmp/out" && rm -f "$ac_tmp/out";;
+ *) rm -f "$ac_file" && mv "$ac_tmp/out" "$ac_file";;
+ esac \
+ || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5
+ ;;
+ :H)
+ #
+ #
+ if test x"$ac_file" != x-; then
+ {
+ printf "%s\n" "/* $configure_input */" >&1 \
+ && eval '$AWK -f "$ac_tmp/defines.awk"' "$ac_file_inputs"
+ } >"$ac_tmp/config.h" \
+ || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5
+ if diff "$ac_file" "$ac_tmp/config.h" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_file is unchanged" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: $ac_file is unchanged" >&6;}
+ else
+ rm -f "$ac_file"
+ mv "$ac_tmp/config.h" "$ac_file" \
+ || as_fn_error $? "could not create $ac_file" "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+ else
+ printf "%s\n" "/* $configure_input */" >&1 \
+ && eval '$AWK -f "$ac_tmp/defines.awk"' "$ac_file_inputs" \
+ || as_fn_error $? "could not create -" "$LINENO" 5
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+done # for ac_tag
+as_fn_exit 0
+test $ac_write_fail = 0 ||
+ as_fn_error $? "write failure creating $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
+# configure is writing to config.log, and then calls config.status.
+# config.status does its own redirection, appending to config.log.
+# Unfortunately, on DOS this fails, as config.log is still kept open
+# by configure, so config.status won't be able to write to it; its
+# output is simply discarded. So we exec the FD to /dev/null,
+# effectively closing config.log, so it can be properly (re)opened and
+# appended to by config.status. When coming back to configure, we
+# need to make the FD available again.
+if test "$no_create" != yes; then
+ ac_cs_success=:
+ ac_config_status_args=
+ test "$silent" = yes &&
+ ac_config_status_args="$ac_config_status_args --quiet"
+ exec 5>/dev/null
+ $SHELL $CONFIG_STATUS $ac_config_status_args || ac_cs_success=false
+ exec 5>>config.log
+ # Use ||, not &&, to avoid exiting from the if with $? = 1, which
+ # would make configure fail if this is the last instruction.
+ $ac_cs_success || as_fn_exit 1
+if test -n "$ac_unrecognized_opts" && test "$enable_option_checking" != no; then
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&5
+printf "%s\n" "$as_me: WARNING: unrecognized options: $ac_unrecognized_opts" >&2;}
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: " >&5
+printf "%s\n" "" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: rsync $PACKAGE_VERSION configuration successful" >&5
+printf "%s\n" " rsync $PACKAGE_VERSION configuration successful" >&6; }
+{ printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: " >&5
+printf "%s\n" "" >&6; }
diff --git a/connection.c b/connection.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1039115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/connection.c
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Support the max connections option.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+/* A simple routine to do connection counting. This returns 1 on success
+ * and 0 on failure, with errno also being set if the open() failed (errno
+ * will be 0 if the lock request failed). */
+int claim_connection(char *fname, int max_connections)
+ int fd, i;
+ if (max_connections == 0)
+ return 1;
+ if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600)) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Find a free spot. */
+ for (i = 0; i < max_connections; i++) {
+ if (lock_range(fd, i*4, 4))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ /* A lock failure needs to return an errno of 0. */
+ errno = 0;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/csprotocol.txt b/csprotocol.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba09ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csprotocol.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+This is kind of informal and may be wrong, but it helped me. It's
+basically a summary of clientserver.c and authenticate.c.
+ -- Martin Pool <>
+This is the protocol used for rsync --daemon; i.e. connections to port
+873 rather than invocations over a remote shell.
+When the server accepts a connection, it prints a newline-terminated
+greeting line:
+ @RSYNCD: <version>.<subprotocol> <digest1> <digestN>
+The <version> is the numeric version (see PROTOCOL_VERSION in rsync.h)
+The <subprotocol> is the numeric subprotocol version (which is 0 for a
+final protocol version, as the SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION define discusses).
+The <digestN> names are the authentication digest algorithms that the
+daemon supports, listed in order of preference.
+An rsync prior to 3.2.7 omits the digest names. An rsync prior to 3.0.0
+also omits the period and the <subprotocol> value. Since a final
+protocol has a subprotocol value of 0, a missing subprotocol value is
+assumed to be 0 for any protocol prior to 30. It is considered a fatal
+error for protocol 30 and above to omit it. It is considered a fatal
+error for protocol 32 and above to omit the digest name list (currently
+31 is the newest protocol).
+The daemon expects to see a similar greeting line back from the client.
+Once received, the daemon follows the opening line with a free-format
+text message-of-the-day (if any is defined).
+The server is now in the connected state. The client can either send
+the command:
+ #list
+(to get a listing of modules) or the name of a module. After this, the
+connection is now bound to a particular module. Access per host for
+this module is now checked, as is per-module connection limits.
+If authentication is required to use this module, the server will say:
+ @RSYNCD: AUTHREQD <challenge>
+where <challenge> is a random string of base64 characters. The client
+must respond with:
+ <user> <response>
+The <user> is the username they claim to be. The <response> is the
+base64 form of the digest hash of the challenge+password string. The
+chosen digest method is the most preferred client method that is also in
+the server's list. If no digest list was explicitly provided, the side
+expecting a list assumes the other side provided either the single name
+"md5" (for a negotiated protocol 30 or 31), or the single name "md4"
+(for an older protocol).
+At this point the server applies all remaining constraints before
+handing control to the client, including switching uid/gid, setting up
+include and exclude lists, moving to the root of the module, and doing
+If the login is acceptable, then the server will respond with
+The client now writes some rsync options, as if it were remotely
+executing the command. The server parses these arguments as if it had
+just been invoked with them, but they're added to the existing state.
+So if the client specifies a list of files to be included or excluded,
+they'll defer to existing limits specified in the server
+At this point the client and server both switch to using a
+multiplexing layer across the socket. The main point of this is to
+allow the server to asynchronously pass errors back, while still
+allowing streamed and pipelined data.
+Unfortunately, the multiplex protocol is not used at every stage. We
+start up in plain socket mode and then change over by calling
+io_start_buffering. Of course both the client and the server have to
+do this at the same point.
+The server then talks to the client as normal across the socket,
+passing checksums, file lists and so on. For documentation of that,
+stay tuned (or write it yourself!).
+Protocol version changes
+31 (2013-09-28, 3.1.0)
+ Initial release of protocol 31 had no changes. Rsync 3.2.7
+ introduced the suffixed list of digest names on the greeting
+ line. The presence of the list is allowed even if the greeting
+ indicates an older protocol version number.
+30 (2007-10-04, 3.0.0pre1)
+ The use of a ".<subprotocol>" number was added to
+ @RSYNCD: <version>.<subprotocol>
+25 (2001-08-20, 2.4.7pre2)
+ Send an explicit "@RSYNC EXIT" command at the end of the
+ module listing. We never intentionally end the transmission
+ by just closing the socket anymore.
diff --git a/daemon-parm.awk b/daemon-parm.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad52e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon-parm.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# The caller must pass arg: daemon-parm.txt
+# The resulting code is output into daemon-parm.h
+ heading = "/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! It is auto-generated from a list of values in " ARGV[1] "! */\n\n"
+ sect = psect = defines = accessors = prior_ptype = ""
+ parms = "\nstatic struct parm_struct parm_table[] = {"
+ comment_fmt = "\n/********** %s **********/\n"
+ tdstruct = "typedef struct {"
+/^\s*$/ { next }
+/^#/ { next }
+/^Globals:/ {
+ if (defines != "") {
+ print "The Globals section must come first!"
+ defines = ""
+ exit
+ }
+ defines = tdstruct
+ values = "\nstatic const all_vars Defaults = {\n { /* Globals: */\n"
+ exps = exp_values = sprintf(comment_fmt, "EXP")
+ sect = "GLOBAL"
+ psect = ", P_GLOBAL, &Vars.g."
+ next
+/^Locals:/ {
+ if (sect == "") {
+ print "The Locals section must come after the Globals!"
+ exit
+ }
+ defines = defines exps "} global_vars;\n\n" tdstruct
+ values = values exp_values "\n }, { /* Locals: */\n"
+ exps = exp_values = sprintf(comment_fmt, "EXP")
+ sect = "LOCAL"
+ psect = ", P_LOCAL, &Vars.l."
+ next
+ ptype = $1
+ name = $2
+ $1 = $2 = ""
+ sub(/^[ \t]+/, "")
+ if (ptype != prior_ptype) {
+ comment = sprintf(comment_fmt, ptype)
+ defines = defines comment
+ values = values comment
+ parms = parms "\n"
+ accessors = accessors "\n"
+ prior_ptype = ptype
+ }
+ if (ptype == "STRING" || ptype == "PATH") {
+ atype = "STRING"
+ vtype = "char*"
+ } else if (ptype ~ /BOOL/) {
+ atype = vtype = "BOOL"
+ } else if (ptype == "CHAR") {
+ atype = "CHAR"
+ vtype = "char"
+ } else {
+ atype = "INTEGER"
+ vtype = "int"
+ }
+ # The name might be var_name|public_name
+ pubname = name
+ sub(/\|.*/, "", name)
+ sub(/.*\|/, "", pubname)
+ gsub(/_/, " ", pubname)
+ gsub(/-/, "", name)
+ if (ptype == "ENUM")
+ enum = "enum_" name
+ else
+ enum = "NULL"
+ defines = defines "\t" vtype " " name ";\n"
+ values = values "\t" $0 ", /* " name " */\n"
+ parms = parms " {\"" pubname "\", P_" ptype psect name ", " enum ", 0},\n"
+ accessors = accessors "FN_" sect "_" atype "(lp_" name ", " name ")\n"
+ if (vtype == "char*") {
+ exps = exps "\tBOOL " name "_EXP;\n"
+ exp_values = exp_values "\tFalse, /* " name "_EXP */\n"
+ }
+ next
+/./ {
+ print "Extraneous line:" $0
+ defines = ""
+ exit
+END {
+ if (sect != "" && defines != "") {
+ defines = defines exps "} local_vars;\n\n"
+ defines = defines tdstruct "\n\tglobal_vars g;\n\tlocal_vars l;\n} all_vars;\n"
+ values = values exp_values "\n }\n};\n\nstatic all_vars Vars;\n"
+ parms = parms "\n {NULL, P_BOOL, P_NONE, NULL, NULL, 0}\n};\n"
+ print heading defines values parms accessors > "daemon-parm.h"
+ } else {
+ print "Failed to parse the data in " ARGV[1]
+ exit 1
+ }
diff --git a/daemon-parm.txt b/daemon-parm.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6903417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon-parm.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Globals: ================================================================
+STRING bind_address|address NULL
+STRING daemon_chroot NULL
+STRING daemon_gid NULL
+STRING daemon_uid NULL
+STRING motd_file NULL
+STRING pid_file NULL
+STRING socket_options NULL
+INTEGER listen_backlog 5
+INTEGER rsync_port|port 0
+BOOL proxy_protocol False
+Locals: =================================================================
+STRING auth_users NULL
+STRING charset NULL
+STRING comment NULL
+STRING early_exec NULL
+STRING exclude NULL
+STRING exclude_from NULL
+STRING hosts_allow NULL
+STRING hosts_deny NULL
+STRING include NULL
+STRING include_from NULL
+STRING incoming_chmod NULL
+STRING log_file NULL
+STRING log_format "%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %l"
+STRING name_converter NULL
+STRING outgoing_chmod NULL
+STRING post-xfer_exec NULL
+STRING pre-xfer_exec NULL
+STRING refuse_options NULL
+STRING secrets_file NULL
+STRING syslog_tag "rsyncd"
+PATH temp_dir NULL
+INTEGER max_connections 0
+INTEGER max_verbosity 1
+INTEGER timeout 0
+ENUM syslog_facility LOG_DAEMON
+BOOL fake_super False
+BOOL forward_lookup True
+BOOL ignore_errors False
+BOOL ignore_nonreadable False
+BOOL list True
+BOOL read_only True
+BOOL reverse_lookup True
+BOOL strict_modes True
+BOOL transfer_logging False
+BOOL write_only False
+BOOL3 munge_symlinks Unset
+BOOL3 numeric_ids Unset
+BOOL3 open_noatime Unset
+BOOL3 use_chroot Unset
diff --git a/define-from-md.awk b/define-from-md.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f7f2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/define-from-md.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# The caller must pass args: -v hfile=NAME
+ heading = "/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! It is auto-generated from a list of values in " ARGV[1] "! */"
+ if (hfile ~ /compress/) {
+ define = "#define DEFAULT_DONT_COMPRESS"
+ prefix = "*."
+ } else {
+ define = "#define DEFAULT_CVSIGNORE"
+ prefix = ""
+ }
+ value_list = ""
+/^ > [^ ]+$/ {
+ gsub(/`/, "")
+ if (value_list != "") value_list = value_list " "
+ value_list = value_list prefix $2
+ next
+value_list ~ /\.gz / && hfile ~ /compress/ {
+ exit
+value_list ~ /SCCS / && hfile ~ /cvsignore/ {
+ exit
+value_list = ""
+END {
+ if (value_list != "")
+ print heading "\n\n" define " \"" value_list "\"" > hfile
+ else {
+ print "Failed to find a value list in " ARGV[1] " for " hfile
+ exit 1
+ }
diff --git a/delete.c b/delete.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a29485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/delete.c
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Deletion routines used in rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+extern int am_root;
+extern int make_backups;
+extern int max_delete;
+extern char *backup_dir;
+extern char *backup_suffix;
+extern int backup_suffix_len;
+extern struct stats stats;
+int ignore_perishable = 0;
+int non_perishable_cnt = 0;
+int skipped_deletes = 0;
+static inline int is_backup_file(char *fn)
+ int k = strlen(fn) - backup_suffix_len;
+ return k > 0 && strcmp(fn+k, backup_suffix) == 0;
+/* The directory is about to be deleted: if DEL_RECURSE is given, delete all
+ * its contents, otherwise just checks for content. Returns DR_SUCCESS or
+ * DR_NOT_EMPTY. Note that fname must point to a MAXPATHLEN buffer! (The
+ * buffer is used for recursion, but returned unchanged.)
+ */
+static enum delret delete_dir_contents(char *fname, uint16 flags)
+ struct file_list *dirlist;
+ enum delret ret;
+ unsigned remainder;
+ void *save_filters;
+ int j, dlen;
+ char *p;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(DEL, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "delete_dir_contents(%s) flags=%d\n",
+ fname, flags);
+ }
+ dlen = strlen(fname);
+ save_filters = push_local_filters(fname, dlen);
+ non_perishable_cnt = 0;
+ dirlist = get_dirlist(fname, dlen, 0);
+ ret = non_perishable_cnt ? DR_NOT_EMPTY : DR_SUCCESS;
+ if (!dirlist->used)
+ goto done;
+ if (!(flags & DEL_RECURSE)) {
+ ret = DR_NOT_EMPTY;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ p = fname + dlen;
+ if (dlen != 1 || *fname != '/')
+ *p++ = '/';
+ remainder = MAXPATHLEN - (p - fname);
+ /* We do our own recursion, so make delete_item() non-recursive. */
+ for (j = dirlist->used; j--; ) {
+ struct file_struct *fp = dirlist->files[j];
+ if (fp->flags & FLAG_MOUNT_DIR && S_ISDIR(fp->mode)) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(DEL, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "mount point, %s, pins parent directory\n",
+ f_name(fp, NULL));
+ }
+ ret = DR_NOT_EMPTY;
+ continue;
+ }
+ strlcpy(p, fp->basename, remainder);
+ if (!(fp->mode & S_IWUSR) && !am_root && fp->flags & FLAG_OWNED_BY_US)
+ do_chmod(fname, fp->mode | S_IWUSR);
+ /* Save stack by recursing to ourself directly. */
+ if (S_ISDIR(fp->mode)) {
+ if (delete_dir_contents(fname, flags | DEL_RECURSE) != DR_SUCCESS)
+ ret = DR_NOT_EMPTY;
+ }
+ if (delete_item(fname, fp->mode, flags) != DR_SUCCESS)
+ ret = DR_NOT_EMPTY;
+ }
+ fname[dlen] = '\0';
+ done:
+ flist_free(dirlist);
+ pop_local_filters(save_filters);
+ if (ret == DR_NOT_EMPTY) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "cannot delete non-empty directory: %s\n",
+ fname);
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* Delete a file or directory. If DEL_RECURSE is set in the flags, this will
+ * delete recursively.
+ *
+ * Note that fbuf must point to a MAXPATHLEN buffer if the mode indicates it's
+ * a directory! (The buffer is used for recursion, but returned unchanged.)
+ */
+enum delret delete_item(char *fbuf, uint16 mode, uint16 flags)
+ enum delret ret;
+ char *what;
+ int ok;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(DEL, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "delete_item(%s) mode=%o flags=%d\n",
+ fbuf, (int)mode, (int)flags);
+ }
+ if (flags & DEL_NO_UID_WRITE)
+ do_chmod(fbuf, mode | S_IWUSR);
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode) && !(flags & DEL_DIR_IS_EMPTY)) {
+ /* This only happens on the first call to delete_item() since
+ * delete_dir_contents() always calls us w/DEL_DIR_IS_EMPTY. */
+ ignore_perishable = 1;
+ /* If DEL_RECURSE is not set, this just reports emptiness. */
+ ret = delete_dir_contents(fbuf, flags);
+ ignore_perishable = 0;
+ if (ret == DR_NOT_EMPTY || ret == DR_AT_LIMIT)
+ goto check_ret;
+ /* OK: try to delete the directory. */
+ }
+ if (!(flags & DEL_MAKE_ROOM) && max_delete >= 0 && stats.deleted_files >= max_delete) {
+ skipped_deletes++;
+ return DR_AT_LIMIT;
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode)) {
+ what = "rmdir";
+ ok = do_rmdir(fbuf) == 0;
+ } else {
+ if (make_backups > 0 && !(flags & DEL_FOR_BACKUP) && (backup_dir || !is_backup_file(fbuf))) {
+ what = "make_backup";
+ ok = make_backup(fbuf, True);
+ if (ok == 2) {
+ what = "unlink";
+ ok = robust_unlink(fbuf) == 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ what = "unlink";
+ ok = robust_unlink(fbuf) == 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok) {
+ if (!(flags & DEL_MAKE_ROOM)) {
+ log_delete(fbuf, mode);
+ stats.deleted_files++;
+ if (S_ISREG(mode)) {
+ /* Nothing more to count */
+ } else if (S_ISDIR(mode))
+ stats.deleted_dirs++;
+ else if (S_ISLNK(mode))
+ stats.deleted_symlinks++;
+ else if (IS_DEVICE(mode))
+ stats.deleted_symlinks++;
+ else
+ stats.deleted_specials++;
+ }
+ ret = DR_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode) && errno == ENOTEMPTY) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "cannot delete non-empty directory: %s\n",
+ fbuf);
+ ret = DR_NOT_EMPTY;
+ } else if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "delete_file: %s(%s) failed",
+ what, fbuf);
+ ret = DR_FAILURE;
+ } else
+ ret = DR_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ check_ret:
+ if (ret != DR_SUCCESS && flags & DEL_MAKE_ROOM) {
+ const char *desc;
+ switch (flags & DEL_MAKE_ROOM) {
+ case DEL_FOR_FILE: desc = "regular file"; break;
+ case DEL_FOR_DIR: desc = "directory"; break;
+ case DEL_FOR_SYMLINK: desc = "symlink"; break;
+ case DEL_FOR_DEVICE: desc = "device file"; break;
+ case DEL_FOR_SPECIAL: desc = "special file"; break;
+ default: exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); /* IMPOSSIBLE */
+ }
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "could not make way for %s %s: %s\n",
+ flags & DEL_FOR_BACKUP ? "backup" : "new",
+ desc, fbuf);
+ }
+ return ret;
+uint16 get_del_for_flag(uint16 mode)
+ if (S_ISREG(mode))
+ return DEL_FOR_FILE;
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode))
+ return DEL_FOR_DIR;
+ if (S_ISLNK(mode))
+ if (IS_DEVICE(mode))
+ return DEL_FOR_DEVICE;
+ if (IS_SPECIAL(mode))
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); /* IMPOSSIBLE */
diff --git a/doc/README-SGML b/doc/README-SGML
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce5a8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README-SGML
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Handling the rsync SGML documentation
+rsync documentation is now primarily in Docbook format. Docbook is an
+SGML/XML documentation format that is becoming standard on free
+operating systems. It's also used for Samba documentation.
+The SGML files are source code that can be translated into various
+useful output formats, primarily PDF, HTML, Postscript and plain text.
+To do this transformation on Debian, you should install the
+docbook-utils package. Having done that, you can say
+ docbook2pdf rsync.sgml
+and so on.
+On other systems you probably need James Clark's "sp" and "JadeTeX"
+packages. Work it out for yourself and send a note to the mailing
diff --git a/doc/profile.txt b/doc/profile.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b911d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/profile.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Notes on rsync profiling
+strlcpy is hot:
+ 0.00 0.00 1/7735635 push_dir [68]
+ 0.00 0.00 1/7735635 pop_dir [71]
+ 0.00 0.00 1/7735635 send_file_list [15]
+ 0.01 0.00 18857/7735635 send_files [4]
+ 0.04 0.00 129260/7735635 send_file_entry [18]
+ 0.04 0.00 129260/7735635 make_file [20]
+ 0.04 0.00 141666/7735635 send_directory <cycle 1> [36]
+ 2.29 0.00 7316589/7735635 f_name [13]
+[14] 11.7 2.42 0.00 7735635 strlcpy [14]
+Here's the top few functions:
+ 46.23 9.57 9.57 13160929 0.00 0.00 mdfour64
+ 14.78 12.63 3.06 13160929 0.00 0.00 copy64
+ 11.69 15.05 2.42 7735635 0.00 0.00 strlcpy
+ 10.05 17.13 2.08 41438 0.05 0.38 sum_update
+ 4.11 17.98 0.85 13159996 0.00 0.00 mdfour_update
+ 1.50 18.29 0.31 file_compare
+ 1.45 18.59 0.30 129261 0.00 0.01 send_file_entry
+ 1.23 18.84 0.26 2557585 0.00 0.00 f_name
+ 1.11 19.07 0.23 1483750 0.00 0.00 u_strcmp
+ 1.11 19.30 0.23 118129 0.00 0.00 writefd_unbuffered
+ 0.92 19.50 0.19 1085011 0.00 0.00 writefd
+ 0.43 19.59 0.09 156987 0.00 0.00 read_timeout
+ 0.43 19.68 0.09 129261 0.00 0.00 clean_fname
+ 0.39 19.75 0.08 32887 0.00 0.38 matched
+ 0.34 19.82 0.07 1 70.00 16293.92 send_files
+ 0.29 19.89 0.06 129260 0.00 0.00 make_file
+ 0.29 19.95 0.06 75430 0.00 0.00 read_unbuffered
+mdfour could perhaps be made faster:
+/* NOTE: This code makes no attempt to be fast! */
+There might be an optimized version somewhere that we can borrow.
diff --git a/doc/rsync.sgml b/doc/rsync.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f90059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/rsync.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
+<book id="rsync">
+ <bookinfo>
+ <title>rsync</title>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>1996 -- 2002</year>
+ <holder>Martin Pool</holder>
+ <holder>Andrew Tridgell</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Martin</firstname>
+ <surname>Pool</surname>
+ </author>
+ </bookinfo>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <para>rsync is a flexible program for efficiently copying files or
+ directory trees.
+ <para>rsync has many options to select which files will be copied
+ and how they are to be transferred. It may be used as an
+ alternative to ftp, http, scp or rcp.
+ <para>The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just
+ the differences between two sets of files across the network link,
+ using an efficient checksum-search algorithm described in the
+ technical report that accompanies this package.</para>
+ <para>Some of the additional features of rsync are:</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>support for copying links, devices, owners, groups and
+ permissions
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ exclude and exclude-from options similar to GNU tar
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ a CVS exclude mode for ignoring the same files that CVS would ignore
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ can use any transparent remote shell, including rsh or ssh
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ does not require root privileges
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ pipelining of file transfers to minimize latency costs
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ support for anonymous or authenticated rsync servers (ideal for
+ mirroring)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Using rsync</title>
+ <section>
+ <title>
+ Introductory example
+ </title>
+ <para>
+ Probably the most common case of rsync usage is to copy files
+ to or from a remote machine using
+ <application>ssh</application> as a network transport. In
+ this situation rsync is a good alternative to
+ <application>scp</application>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The most commonly used arguments for rsync are
+ </para>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-v</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Be verbose. Primarily, display the name of each file as it is copied.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-a</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Reproduce the structure and attributes of the origin files as exactly
+ as possible: this includes copying subdirectories, symlinks, special
+ files, ownership and permissions. (@xref{Attributes to
+ copy}.)
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ <para><option>-v </option>
+ <para><option>-z</option>
+ Compress network traffic, using a modified version of the
+ @command{zlib} library.</para>
+ <para><option>-P</option>
+ Display a progress indicator while files are transferred. This should
+ normally be omitted if rsync is not run on a terminal.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Local and remote</title>
+ <para>There are six different ways of using rsync. They
+ are:</para>
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ for copying local files. This is invoked when neither
+ source nor destination path contains a @code{:} separator
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ for copying from the local machine to a remote machine using
+ a remote shell program as the transport (such as rsh or
+ ssh). This is invoked when the destination path contains a
+ single @code{:} separator.
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ for copying from a remote machine to the local machine
+ using a remote shell program. This is invoked when the source
+ contains a @code{:} separator.
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ for copying from a remote rsync server to the local
+ machine. This is invoked when the source path contains a @code{::}
+ separator or a @code{rsync://} URL.
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ for copying from the local machine to a remote rsync
+ server. This is invoked when the destination path contains a @code{::}
+ separator.
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ for listing files on a remote machine. This is done the
+ same way as rsync transfers except that you leave off the
+ local destination.
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ <para>
+Note that in all cases (other than listing) at least one of the source
+and destination paths must be local.
+ <para>
+Any one invocation of rsync makes a copy in a single direction. rsync
+currently has no equivalent of @command{ftp}'s interactive mode.
+@cindex @sc{nfs}
+@cindex network filesystems
+@cindex remote filesystems
+ <para>
+rsync's network protocol is generally faster at copying files than
+network filesystems such as @sc{nfs} or @sc{cifs}. It is better to
+run rsync on the file server either as a daemon or over ssh than
+running rsync giving the network directory.
+ </para>
+ </section>
+ </chapter>
+ <chapter>
+ <title>Frequently asked questions</title>
+ <qandaset>
+ <!-- one of (QANDADIV QANDAENTRY) -->
+ <qandaentry>
+ <question>
+ <para>Are there mailing lists for rsync?
+ </question>
+ <answer>
+ <para>Yes, and you can subscribe and unsubscribe through a
+ web interface at
+ <ulink
+ url=""></ulink>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If you are having trouble with the mailing list, please
+ send mail to the administrator
+ <email></email>
+ not to the list itself.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The mailing list archives are searchable. Use
+ <ulink url="">Google</ulink> and prepend
+ the search with <userinput>
+ rsync</userinput>, plus relevant keywords.
+ </para>
+ </answer>
+ </qandaentry>
+ <qandaentry>
+ <question>
+ <para>
+ Why is rsync so much bigger when I build it with
+ <command>gcc</command>?
+ </para>
+ </question>
+ <answer>
+ <para>
+ On gcc, rsync builds by default with debug symbols
+ included. If you strip both executables, they should end
+ up about the same size. (Use <command>make
+ install-strip</command>.)
+ </para>
+ </answer>
+ </qandaentry>
+ <qandaentry>
+ <question>
+ <para>Is rsync useful for a single large file like an ISO image?</para>
+ </question>
+ <answer>
+ <para>
+ Yes, but note the following:
+ <para>
+ Background: A common use of rsync is to update a file (or set of files) in one location from a more
+ correct or up-to-date copy in another location, taking advantage of portions of the files that are
+ identical to speed up the process. (Note that rsync will transfer a file in its entirety if no copy
+ exists at the destination.)
+ <para>
+ (This discussion is written in terms of updating a local copy of a file from a correct file in a
+ remote location, although rsync can work in either direction.)
+ <para>
+ The file to be updated (the local file) must be in a destination directory that has enough space for
+ two copies of the file. (In addition, keep an extra copy of the file to be updated in a different
+ location for safety -- see the discussion (below) about rsync's behavior when the rsync process is
+ interrupted before completion.)
+ <para>
+ The local file must have the same name as the remote file being sync'd to (I think?). If you are
+ trying to upgrade an iso from, for example, beta1 to beta2, rename the local file to the same name
+ as the beta2 file. *(This is a useful thing to do -- only the changed portions will be
+ transmitted.)*
+ <para>
+ The extra copy of the local file kept in a different location is because of rsync's behavior if
+ interrupted before completion:
+ <para>
+ * If you specify the --partial option and rsync is interrupted, rsync will save the partially
+ rsync'd file and throw away the original local copy. (The partially rsync'd file is correct but
+ truncated.) If rsync is restarted, it will not have a local copy of the file to check for duplicate
+ blocks beyond the section of the file that has already been rsync'd, thus the remainder of the rsync
+ process will be a "pure transfer" of the file rather than taking advantage of the rsync algorithm.
+ <para>
+ * If you don't specify the --partial option and rsync is interrupted, rsync will throw away the
+ partially rsync'd file, and, when rsync is restarted starts the rsync process over from the
+ beginning.
+ <para>
+ Which of these is most desirable depends on the degree of commonality between the local and remote
+ copies of the file *and how much progress was made before the interruption*.
+ <para>
+ The ideal approach after an interruption would be to create a new file by taking the original file
+ and deleting a portion equal in size to the portion already rsync'd and then appending *the
+ remaining* portion to the portion of the file that has already been rsync'd. (There has been some
+ discussion about creating an option to do this automatically.)
+ The --compare-dest option is useful when transferring multiple files, but is of no benefit in
+ transferring a single file. (AFAIK)
+ *Other potentially useful information can be found at:
+ -[3]
+ This answer, formatted with "real" bullets, can be found at:
+ -[4]*
+ </para>
+ </answer>
+ </qandaentry>
+ </qandaset>
+ </chapter>
+ <appendix>
+ <title>Other Resources</title>
+ <para><ulink url=""></ulink></para>
+ </appendix>
diff --git a/errcode.h b/errcode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9824a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/errcode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Error codes returned by rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* If you change these, please also update the string mappings in log.c and
+ * the EXIT VALUES in rsync.yo. */
+#define RERR_OK 0
+#define RERR_SYNTAX 1 /* syntax or usage error */
+#define RERR_PROTOCOL 2 /* protocol incompatibility */
+#define RERR_FILESELECT 3 /* errors selecting input/output files, dirs */
+#define RERR_UNSUPPORTED 4 /* requested action not supported */
+#define RERR_STARTCLIENT 5 /* error starting client-server protocol */
+#define RERR_SOCKETIO 10 /* error in socket IO */
+#define RERR_FILEIO 11 /* error in file IO */
+#define RERR_STREAMIO 12 /* error in rsync protocol data stream */
+#define RERR_MESSAGEIO 13 /* errors with program diagnostics */
+#define RERR_IPC 14 /* error in IPC code */
+#define RERR_CRASHED 15 /* sibling crashed */
+#define RERR_TERMINATED 16 /* sibling terminated abnormally */
+#define RERR_SIGNAL1 19 /* status returned when sent SIGUSR1 */
+#define RERR_SIGNAL 20 /* status returned when sent SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP */
+#define RERR_WAITCHILD 21 /* some error returned by waitpid() */
+#define RERR_MALLOC 22 /* error allocating core memory buffers */
+#define RERR_PARTIAL 23 /* partial transfer */
+#define RERR_VANISHED 24 /* file(s) vanished on sender side */
+#define RERR_DEL_LIMIT 25 /* skipped some deletes due to --max-delete */
+#define RERR_TIMEOUT 30 /* timeout in data send/receive */
+#define RERR_CONTIMEOUT 35 /* timeout waiting for daemon connection */
+/* Although it doesn't seem to be specified anywhere,
+ * ssh and the shell seem to return these values:
+ *
+ * 124 if the command exited with status 255
+ * 125 if the command is killed by a signal
+ * 126 if the command cannot be run
+ * 127 if the command is not found
+ *
+ * and we could use this to give a better explanation if the remote
+ * command is not found.
+ */
+#define RERR_CMD_FAILED 124
+#define RERR_CMD_KILLED 125
+#define RERR_CMD_RUN 126
+#define RERR_CMD_NOTFOUND 127
diff --git a/exclude.c b/exclude.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe55b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exclude.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1697 @@
+ * The filter include/exclude routines.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Andrew Tridgell <>
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_generator;
+extern int eol_nulls;
+extern int io_error;
+extern int xfer_dirs;
+extern int recurse;
+extern int local_server;
+extern int prune_empty_dirs;
+extern int ignore_perishable;
+extern int relative_paths;
+extern int delete_mode;
+extern int delete_excluded;
+extern int cvs_exclude;
+extern int sanitize_paths;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int trust_sender_args;
+extern int module_id;
+extern char curr_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+extern unsigned int curr_dir_len;
+extern unsigned int module_dirlen;
+filter_rule_list filter_list = { .debug_type = "" };
+filter_rule_list cvs_filter_list = { .debug_type = " [global CVS]" };
+filter_rule_list daemon_filter_list = { .debug_type = " [daemon]" };
+filter_rule_list implied_filter_list = { .debug_type = " [implied]" };
+int saw_xattr_filter = 0;
+int trust_sender_args = 0;
+int trust_sender_filter = 0;
+/* Need room enough for ":MODS " prefix plus some room to grow. */
+#define MAX_RULE_PREFIX (16)
+#define SLASH_WILD3_SUFFIX "/***"
+/* The dirbuf is set by push_local_filters() to the current subdirectory
+ * relative to curr_dir that is being processed. The path always has a
+ * trailing slash appended, and the variable dirbuf_len contains the length
+ * of this path prefix. The path is always absolute. */
+static char dirbuf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+static unsigned int dirbuf_len = 0;
+static int dirbuf_depth;
+/* This is True when we're scanning parent dirs for per-dir merge-files. */
+static BOOL parent_dirscan = False;
+/* This array contains a list of all the currently active per-dir merge
+ * files. This makes it easier to save the appropriate values when we
+ * "push" down into each subdirectory. */
+static filter_rule **mergelist_parents;
+static int mergelist_cnt = 0;
+static int mergelist_size = 0;
+#define LOCAL_RULE 1
+#define REMOTE_RULE 2
+static uchar cur_elide_value = REMOTE_RULE;
+/* Each filter_list_struct describes a singly-linked list by keeping track
+ * of both the head and tail pointers. The list is slightly unusual in that
+ * a parent-dir's content can be appended to the end of the local list in a
+ * special way: the last item in the local list has its "next" pointer set
+ * to point to the inherited list, but the local list's tail pointer points
+ * at the end of the local list. Thus, if the local list is empty, the head
+ * will be pointing at the inherited content but the tail will be NULL. To
+ * help you visualize this, here are the possible list arrangements:
+ *
+ * Completely Empty Local Content Only
+ * ================================== ====================================
+ * head -> NULL head -> Local1 -> Local2 -> NULL
+ * tail -> NULL tail -------------^
+ *
+ * Inherited Content Only Both Local and Inherited Content
+ * ================================== ====================================
+ * head -> Parent1 -> Parent2 -> NULL head -> L1 -> L2 -> P1 -> P2 -> NULL
+ * tail -> NULL tail ---------^
+ *
+ * This means that anyone wanting to traverse the whole list to use it just
+ * needs to start at the head and use the "next" pointers until it goes
+ * NULL. To add new local content, we insert the item after the tail item
+ * and update the tail (obviously, if "tail" was NULL, we insert it at the
+ * head). To clear the local list, WE MUST NOT FREE THE INHERITED CONTENT
+ * because it is shared between the current list and our parent list(s).
+ * The easiest way to handle this is to simply truncate the list after the
+ * tail item and then free the local list from the head. When inheriting
+ * the list for a new local dir, we just save off the filter_list_struct
+ * values (so we can pop back to them later) and set the tail to NULL.
+ */
+static void teardown_mergelist(filter_rule *ex)
+ int j;
+ if (!ex->u.mergelist)
+ return;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] deactivating mergelist #%d%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), mergelist_cnt - 1,
+ ex->u.mergelist->debug_type);
+ }
+ free(ex->u.mergelist->debug_type);
+ free(ex->u.mergelist);
+ for (j = 0; j < mergelist_cnt; j++) {
+ if (mergelist_parents[j] == ex) {
+ mergelist_parents[j] = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (mergelist_cnt && mergelist_parents[mergelist_cnt-1] == NULL)
+ mergelist_cnt--;
+static void free_filter(filter_rule *ex)
+ if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE)
+ teardown_mergelist(ex);
+ free(ex->pattern);
+ free(ex);
+static void free_filters(filter_rule *ent)
+ while (ent) {
+ filter_rule *next = ent->next;
+ free_filter(ent);
+ ent = next;
+ }
+/* Build a filter structure given a filter pattern. The value in "pat"
+ * is not null-terminated. "rule" is either held or freed, so the
+ * caller should not free it. */
+static void add_rule(filter_rule_list *listp, const char *pat, unsigned int pat_len,
+ filter_rule *rule, int xflags)
+ const char *cp;
+ unsigned int pre_len, suf_len, slash_cnt = 0;
+ char *mention_rule_suffix;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 1) && pat_len && (pat[pat_len-1] == ' ' || pat[pat_len-1] == '\t'))
+ mention_rule_suffix = " -- CAUTION: trailing whitespace!";
+ else
+ mention_rule_suffix = DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2) ? "" : NULL;
+ if (mention_rule_suffix) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] add_rule(%s%.*s%s)%s%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), get_rule_prefix(rule, pat, 0, NULL),
+ (int)pat_len, pat, (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_DIRECTORY) ? "/" : "",
+ listp->debug_type, mention_rule_suffix);
+ }
+ /* These flags also indicate that we're reading a list that
+ * needs to be filtered now, not post-filtered later. */
+ && (rule->rflags & FILTRULES_SIDES)
+ /* This filter applies only to the other side. Drop it. */
+ free_filter(rule);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pat_len > 1 && pat[pat_len-1] == '/') {
+ pat_len--;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_DIRECTORY;
+ }
+ for (cp = pat; cp < pat + pat_len; cp++) {
+ if (*cp == '/')
+ slash_cnt++;
+ }
+ if (!(rule->rflags & (FILTRULE_ABS_PATH | FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE))
+ && ((xflags & (XFLG_ANCHORED2ABS|XFLG_ABS_IF_SLASH) && *pat == '/')
+ || (xflags & XFLG_ABS_IF_SLASH && slash_cnt))) {
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_ABS_PATH;
+ if (*pat == '/')
+ pre_len = dirbuf_len - module_dirlen - 1;
+ else
+ pre_len = 0;
+ } else
+ pre_len = 0;
+ /* The daemon wants dir-exclude rules to get an appended "/" + "***". */
+ if (xflags & XFLG_DIR2WILD3
+ rule->rflags &= ~FILTRULE_DIRECTORY;
+ suf_len = sizeof SLASH_WILD3_SUFFIX - 1;
+ } else
+ suf_len = 0;
+ rule->pattern = new_array(char, pre_len + pat_len + suf_len + 1);
+ if (pre_len) {
+ memcpy(rule->pattern, dirbuf + module_dirlen, pre_len);
+ for (cp = rule->pattern; cp < rule->pattern + pre_len; cp++) {
+ if (*cp == '/')
+ slash_cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ rule->elide = 0;
+ strlcpy(rule->pattern + pre_len, pat, pat_len + 1);
+ pat_len += pre_len;
+ if (suf_len) {
+ memcpy(rule->pattern + pat_len, SLASH_WILD3_SUFFIX, suf_len+1);
+ pat_len += suf_len;
+ slash_cnt++;
+ }
+ if (strpbrk(rule->pattern, "*[?")) {
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_WILD;
+ if ((cp = strstr(rule->pattern, "**")) != NULL) {
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_WILD2;
+ /* If the pattern starts with **, note that. */
+ if (cp == rule->pattern)
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_WILD2_PREFIX;
+ /* If the pattern ends with ***, note that. */
+ if (pat_len >= 3
+ && rule->pattern[pat_len-3] == '*'
+ && rule->pattern[pat_len-2] == '*'
+ && rule->pattern[pat_len-1] == '*')
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_WILD3_SUFFIX;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE) {
+ filter_rule_list *lp;
+ unsigned int len;
+ int i;
+ if ((cp = strrchr(rule->pattern, '/')) != NULL)
+ cp++;
+ else
+ cp = rule->pattern;
+ /* If the local merge file was already mentioned, don't
+ * add it again. */
+ for (i = 0; i < mergelist_cnt; i++) {
+ filter_rule *ex = mergelist_parents[i];
+ const char *s;
+ if (!ex)
+ continue;
+ s = strrchr(ex->pattern, '/');
+ if (s)
+ s++;
+ else
+ s = ex->pattern;
+ len = strlen(s);
+ if (len == pat_len - (cp - rule->pattern) && memcmp(s, cp, len) == 0) {
+ free_filter(rule);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ lp = new_array0(filter_rule_list, 1);
+ if (asprintf(&lp->debug_type, " [per-dir %s]", cp) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("add_rule");
+ rule->u.mergelist = lp;
+ if (mergelist_cnt == mergelist_size) {
+ mergelist_size += 5;
+ mergelist_parents = realloc_array(mergelist_parents, filter_rule *, mergelist_size);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] activating mergelist #%d%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), mergelist_cnt, lp->debug_type);
+ }
+ mergelist_parents[mergelist_cnt++] = rule;
+ } else
+ rule->u.slash_cnt = slash_cnt;
+ if (!listp->tail) {
+ rule->next = listp->head;
+ listp->head = listp->tail = rule;
+ } else {
+ rule->next = listp->tail->next;
+ listp->tail->next = rule;
+ listp->tail = rule;
+ }
+/* If the wildcards failed, the remote shell might give us a file matching the literal
+ * wildcards. Since "*" & "?" already match themselves, this just needs to deal with
+ * failed "[foo]" idioms.
+ */
+static void maybe_add_literal_brackets_rule(filter_rule const *based_on, int arg_len)
+ filter_rule *rule;
+ const char *arg = based_on->pattern, *cp;
+ char *p;
+ int cnt = 0;
+ if (arg_len < 0)
+ arg_len = strlen(arg);
+ for (cp = arg; *cp; cp++) {
+ if (*cp == '\\' && cp[1]) {
+ cp++;
+ } else if (*cp == '[')
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ if (!cnt)
+ return;
+ rule = new0(filter_rule);
+ rule->rflags = based_on->rflags;
+ rule->u.slash_cnt = based_on->u.slash_cnt;
+ p = rule->pattern = new_array(char, arg_len + cnt + 1);
+ for (cp = arg; *cp; ) {
+ if (*cp == '\\' && cp[1]) {
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ } else if (*cp == '[')
+ *p++ = '\\';
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ }
+ *p++ = '\0';
+ rule->next = implied_filter_list.head;
+ implied_filter_list.head = rule;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] add_implied_include(%s%s)\n", who_am_i(), rule->pattern,
+ rule->rflags & FILTRULE_DIRECTORY ? "/" : "");
+ }
+static char *partial_string_buf = NULL;
+static int partial_string_len = 0;
+void implied_include_partial_string(const char *s_start, const char *s_end)
+ partial_string_len = s_end - s_start;
+ if (partial_string_len <= 0 || partial_string_len >= MAXPATHLEN) { /* too-large should be impossible... */
+ partial_string_len = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!partial_string_buf)
+ partial_string_buf = new_array(char, MAXPATHLEN);
+ memcpy(partial_string_buf, s_start, partial_string_len);
+void free_implied_include_partial_string()
+ if (partial_string_buf) {
+ if (partial_string_len)
+ add_implied_include("", 0);
+ free(partial_string_buf);
+ partial_string_buf = NULL;
+ }
+ partial_string_len = 0; /* paranoia */
+/* Each arg the client sends to the remote sender turns into an implied include
+ * that the receiver uses to validate the file list from the sender. */
+void add_implied_include(const char *arg, int skip_daemon_module)
+ int arg_len, saw_wild = 0, saw_live_open_brkt = 0, backslash_cnt = 0;
+ int slash_cnt = 0;
+ const char *cp;
+ char *p;
+ if (trust_sender_args)
+ return;
+ if (partial_string_len) {
+ arg_len = strlen(arg);
+ if (partial_string_len + arg_len >= MAXPATHLEN) {
+ partial_string_len = 0;
+ return; /* Should be impossible... */
+ }
+ memcpy(partial_string_buf + partial_string_len, arg, arg_len + 1);
+ partial_string_len = 0;
+ arg = partial_string_buf;
+ }
+ if (skip_daemon_module) {
+ if ((cp = strchr(arg, '/')) != NULL)
+ arg = cp + 1;
+ else
+ arg = "";
+ }
+ if (relative_paths) {
+ if ((cp = strstr(arg, "/./")) != NULL)
+ arg = cp + 3;
+ } else if ((cp = strrchr(arg, '/')) != NULL) {
+ arg = cp + 1;
+ }
+ if (*arg == '.' && arg[1] == '\0')
+ arg++;
+ arg_len = strlen(arg);
+ if (arg_len) {
+ char *new_pat;
+ if (strpbrk(arg, "*[?")) {
+ /* We need to add room to escape backslashes if wildcard chars are present. */
+ for (cp = arg; (cp = strchr(cp, '\\')) != NULL; cp++)
+ arg_len++;
+ saw_wild = 1;
+ }
+ arg_len++; /* Leave room for the prefixed slash */
+ p = new_pat = new_array(char, arg_len + 1);
+ *p++ = '/';
+ slash_cnt++;
+ for (cp = arg; *cp; ) {
+ switch (*cp) {
+ case '\\':
+ if (cp[1] == ']') {
+ if (!saw_wild)
+ cp++; /* A \] in a non-wild filter causes a problem, so drop the \ . */
+ } else if (!strchr("*[?", cp[1])) {
+ backslash_cnt++;
+ if (saw_wild)
+ *p++ = '\\';
+ }
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if (p[-1] == '/') { /* This is safe because of the initial slash. */
+ if (*++cp == '\0') {
+ slash_cnt--;
+ p--;
+ }
+ } else if (cp[1] == '\0') {
+ cp++;
+ } else {
+ slash_cnt++;
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ if (p[-1] == '/') {
+ if (cp[1] == '/') {
+ cp += 2;
+ if (!*cp) {
+ slash_cnt--;
+ p--;
+ }
+ } else if (cp[1] == '\0') {
+ cp++;
+ slash_cnt--;
+ p--;
+ } else
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ } else
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ saw_live_open_brkt = 1;
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *p = '\0';
+ arg_len = p - new_pat;
+ if (!arg_len)
+ free(new_pat);
+ else {
+ filter_rule *rule = new0(filter_rule);
+ rule->rflags = FILTRULE_INCLUDE + (saw_wild ? FILTRULE_WILD : 0);
+ rule->u.slash_cnt = slash_cnt;
+ arg = rule->pattern = new_pat;
+ if (!implied_filter_list.head)
+ implied_filter_list.head = implied_filter_list.tail = rule;
+ else {
+ rule->next = implied_filter_list.head;
+ implied_filter_list.head = rule;
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] add_implied_include(%s)\n", who_am_i(), arg);
+ if (saw_live_open_brkt)
+ maybe_add_literal_brackets_rule(rule, arg_len);
+ if (relative_paths && slash_cnt) {
+ int sub_slash_cnt = slash_cnt;
+ while ((p = strrchr(new_pat, '/')) != NULL && p != new_pat) {
+ filter_rule const *ent;
+ filter_rule *R_rule;
+ int found = 0;
+ *p = '\0';
+ for (ent = implied_filter_list.head; ent; ent = ent->next) {
+ if (ent != rule && strcmp(ent->pattern, new_pat) == 0) {
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ *p = '/';
+ break; /* We added all parent dirs already */
+ }
+ R_rule = new0(filter_rule);
+ /* Check if our sub-path has wildcards or escaped backslashes */
+ if (saw_wild && strpbrk(new_pat, "*[?\\"))
+ R_rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_WILD;
+ R_rule->pattern = strdup(new_pat);
+ R_rule->u.slash_cnt = --sub_slash_cnt;
+ R_rule->next = implied_filter_list.head;
+ implied_filter_list.head = R_rule;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] add_implied_include(%s/)\n",
+ who_am_i(), R_rule->pattern);
+ }
+ if (saw_live_open_brkt)
+ maybe_add_literal_brackets_rule(R_rule, -1);
+ }
+ for (p = new_pat; sub_slash_cnt < slash_cnt; sub_slash_cnt++) {
+ p += strlen(p);
+ *p = '/';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (recurse || xfer_dirs) {
+ /* Now create a rule with an added "/" & "**" or "*" at the end */
+ filter_rule *rule = new0(filter_rule);
+ if (recurse)
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_WILD2;
+ /* We must leave enough room for / * * \0. */
+ if (!saw_wild && backslash_cnt) {
+ /* We are appending a wildcard, so now the backslashes need to be escaped. */
+ p = rule->pattern = new_array(char, arg_len + backslash_cnt + 3 + 1);
+ for (cp = arg; *cp; ) { /* Note that arg_len != 0 because backslash_cnt > 0 */
+ if (*cp == '\\')
+ *p++ = '\\';
+ *p++ = *cp++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ p = rule->pattern = new_array(char, arg_len + 3 + 1);
+ if (arg_len) {
+ memcpy(p, arg, arg_len);
+ p += arg_len;
+ }
+ }
+ *p++ = '/';
+ *p++ = '*';
+ if (recurse)
+ *p++ = '*';
+ *p = '\0';
+ rule->u.slash_cnt = slash_cnt + 1;
+ rule->next = implied_filter_list.head;
+ implied_filter_list.head = rule;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] add_implied_include(%s)\n", who_am_i(), rule->pattern);
+ if (saw_live_open_brkt)
+ maybe_add_literal_brackets_rule(rule, p - rule->pattern);
+ }
+/* This frees any non-inherited items, leaving just inherited items on the list. */
+static void pop_filter_list(filter_rule_list *listp)
+ filter_rule *inherited;
+ if (!listp->tail)
+ return;
+ inherited = listp->tail->next;
+ /* Truncate any inherited items from the local list. */
+ listp->tail->next = NULL;
+ /* Now free everything that is left. */
+ free_filters(listp->head);
+ listp->head = inherited;
+ listp->tail = NULL;
+/* This returns an expanded (absolute) filename for the merge-file name if
+ * the name has any slashes in it OR if the parent_dirscan var is True;
+ * otherwise it returns the original merge_file name. If the len_ptr value
+ * is non-NULL the merge_file name is limited by the referenced length
+ * value and will be updated with the length of the resulting name. We
+ * always return a name that is null terminated, even if the merge_file
+ * name was not. */
+static char *parse_merge_name(const char *merge_file, unsigned int *len_ptr,
+ unsigned int prefix_skip)
+ static char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char *fn, tmpbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ unsigned int fn_len;
+ if (!parent_dirscan && *merge_file != '/') {
+ /* Return the name unchanged it doesn't have any slashes. */
+ if (len_ptr) {
+ const char *p = merge_file + *len_ptr;
+ while (--p > merge_file && *p != '/') {}
+ if (p == merge_file) {
+ strlcpy(buf, merge_file, *len_ptr + 1);
+ return buf;
+ }
+ } else if (strchr(merge_file, '/') == NULL)
+ return (char *)merge_file;
+ }
+ fn = *merge_file == '/' ? buf : tmpbuf;
+ if (sanitize_paths) {
+ const char *r = prefix_skip ? "/" : NULL;
+ /* null-terminate the name if it isn't already */
+ if (len_ptr && merge_file[*len_ptr]) {
+ char *to = fn == buf ? tmpbuf : buf;
+ strlcpy(to, merge_file, *len_ptr + 1);
+ merge_file = to;
+ }
+ if (!sanitize_path(fn, merge_file, r, dirbuf_depth, SP_DEFAULT)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "merge-file name overflows: %s\n",
+ merge_file);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fn_len = strlen(fn);
+ } else {
+ strlcpy(fn, merge_file, len_ptr ? *len_ptr + 1 : MAXPATHLEN);
+ fn_len = clean_fname(fn, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ }
+ /* If the name isn't in buf yet, it wasn't absolute. */
+ if (fn != buf) {
+ int d_len = dirbuf_len - prefix_skip;
+ if (d_len + fn_len >= MAXPATHLEN) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "merge-file name overflows: %s\n", fn);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(buf, dirbuf + prefix_skip, d_len);
+ memcpy(buf + d_len, fn, fn_len + 1);
+ fn_len = clean_fname(buf, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ }
+ if (len_ptr)
+ *len_ptr = fn_len;
+ return buf;
+/* Sets the dirbuf and dirbuf_len values. */
+void set_filter_dir(const char *dir, unsigned int dirlen)
+ unsigned int len;
+ if (*dir != '/') {
+ memcpy(dirbuf, curr_dir, curr_dir_len);
+ dirbuf[curr_dir_len] = '/';
+ len = curr_dir_len + 1;
+ if (len + dirlen >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ dirlen = 0;
+ } else
+ len = 0;
+ memcpy(dirbuf + len, dir, dirlen);
+ dirbuf[dirlen + len] = '\0';
+ dirbuf_len = clean_fname(dirbuf, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (dirbuf_len > 1 && dirbuf[dirbuf_len-1] == '.'
+ && dirbuf[dirbuf_len-2] == '/')
+ dirbuf_len -= 2;
+ if (dirbuf_len != 1)
+ dirbuf[dirbuf_len++] = '/';
+ dirbuf[dirbuf_len] = '\0';
+ if (sanitize_paths)
+ dirbuf_depth = count_dir_elements(dirbuf + module_dirlen);
+/* This routine takes a per-dir merge-file entry and finishes its setup.
+ * If the name has a path portion then we check to see if it refers to a
+ * parent directory of the first transfer dir. If it does, we scan all the
+ * dirs from that point through the parent dir of the transfer dir looking
+ * for the per-dir merge-file in each one. */
+static BOOL setup_merge_file(int mergelist_num, filter_rule *ex,
+ filter_rule_list *lp)
+ char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char *x, *y, *pat = ex->pattern;
+ unsigned int len;
+ if (!(x = parse_merge_name(pat, NULL, 0)) || *x != '/')
+ return 0;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] performing parent_dirscan for mergelist #%d%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), mergelist_num, lp->debug_type);
+ }
+ y = strrchr(x, '/');
+ *y = '\0';
+ ex->pattern = strdup(y+1);
+ if (!*x)
+ x = "/";
+ if (*x == '/')
+ strlcpy(buf, x, MAXPATHLEN);
+ else
+ pathjoin(buf, MAXPATHLEN, dirbuf, x);
+ len = clean_fname(buf, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (len != 1 && len < MAXPATHLEN-1) {
+ buf[len++] = '/';
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* This ensures that the specified dir is a parent of the transfer. */
+ for (x = buf, y = dirbuf; *x && *x == *y; x++, y++) {}
+ if (*x)
+ y += strlen(y); /* nope -- skip the scan */
+ parent_dirscan = True;
+ while (*y) {
+ char save[MAXPATHLEN];
+ strlcpy(save, y, MAXPATHLEN);
+ *y = '\0';
+ dirbuf_len = y - dirbuf;
+ strlcpy(x, ex->pattern, MAXPATHLEN - (x - buf));
+ parse_filter_file(lp, buf, ex, XFLG_ANCHORED2ABS);
+ if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_INHERIT) {
+ /* Free the undesired rules to clean up any per-dir
+ * mergelists they defined. Otherwise pop_local_filters
+ * may crash trying to restore nonexistent state for
+ * those mergelists. */
+ free_filters(lp->head);
+ lp->head = NULL;
+ }
+ lp->tail = NULL;
+ strlcpy(y, save, MAXPATHLEN);
+ while ((*x++ = *y++) != '/') {}
+ }
+ parent_dirscan = False;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] completed parent_dirscan for mergelist #%d%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), mergelist_num, lp->debug_type);
+ }
+ free(pat);
+ return 1;
+struct local_filter_state {
+ int mergelist_cnt;
+ filter_rule_list mergelists[1];
+/* Each time rsync changes to a new directory it call this function to
+ * handle all the per-dir merge-files. The "dir" value is the current path
+ * relative to curr_dir (which might not be null-terminated). We copy it
+ * into dirbuf so that we can easily append a file name on the end. */
+void *push_local_filters(const char *dir, unsigned int dirlen)
+ struct local_filter_state *push;
+ int i;
+ set_filter_dir(dir, dirlen);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] pushing local filters for %s\n",
+ who_am_i(), dirbuf);
+ }
+ if (!mergelist_cnt) {
+ /* No old state to save and no new merge files to push. */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ push = (struct local_filter_state *)new_array(char,
+ sizeof (struct local_filter_state)
+ + (mergelist_cnt-1) * sizeof (filter_rule_list));
+ push->mergelist_cnt = mergelist_cnt;
+ for (i = 0; i < mergelist_cnt; i++) {
+ filter_rule *ex = mergelist_parents[i];
+ if (!ex)
+ continue;
+ memcpy(&push->mergelists[i], ex->u.mergelist, sizeof (filter_rule_list));
+ }
+ /* Note: parse_filter_file() might increase mergelist_cnt, so keep
+ * this loop separate from the above loop. */
+ for (i = 0; i < mergelist_cnt; i++) {
+ filter_rule *ex = mergelist_parents[i];
+ filter_rule_list *lp;
+ if (!ex)
+ continue;
+ lp = ex->u.mergelist;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] pushing mergelist #%d%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), i, lp->debug_type);
+ }
+ lp->tail = NULL; /* Switch any local rules to inherited. */
+ if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_INHERIT)
+ lp->head = NULL;
+ if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_FINISH_SETUP) {
+ ex->rflags &= ~FILTRULE_FINISH_SETUP;
+ if (setup_merge_file(i, ex, lp))
+ set_filter_dir(dir, dirlen);
+ }
+ if (strlcpy(dirbuf + dirbuf_len, ex->pattern,
+ MAXPATHLEN - dirbuf_len) < MAXPATHLEN - dirbuf_len) {
+ parse_filter_file(lp, dirbuf, ex,
+ } else {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "cannot add local filter rules in long-named directory: %s\n",
+ full_fname(dirbuf));
+ }
+ dirbuf[dirbuf_len] = '\0';
+ }
+ return (void*)push;
+void pop_local_filters(void *mem)
+ struct local_filter_state *pop = (struct local_filter_state *)mem;
+ int i;
+ int old_mergelist_cnt = pop ? pop->mergelist_cnt : 0;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] popping local filters\n", who_am_i());
+ for (i = mergelist_cnt; i-- > 0; ) {
+ filter_rule *ex = mergelist_parents[i];
+ filter_rule_list *lp;
+ if (!ex)
+ continue;
+ lp = ex->u.mergelist;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] popping mergelist #%d%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), i, lp->debug_type);
+ }
+ pop_filter_list(lp);
+ if (i >= old_mergelist_cnt && lp->head) {
+ /* This mergelist does not exist in the state to be restored, but it
+ * still has inherited rules. This can sometimes happen if a per-dir
+ * merge file calls setup_merge_file() in push_local_filters() and that
+ * leaves some inherited rules that aren't in the pushed list state. */
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] freeing parent_dirscan filters of mergelist #%d%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), i, ex->u.mergelist->debug_type);
+ }
+ pop_filter_list(lp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pop)
+ return; /* No state to restore. */
+ for (i = 0; i < old_mergelist_cnt; i++) {
+ filter_rule *ex = mergelist_parents[i];
+ if (!ex)
+ continue;
+ memcpy(ex->u.mergelist, &pop->mergelists[i], sizeof (filter_rule_list));
+ }
+ free(pop);
+void change_local_filter_dir(const char *dname, int dlen, int dir_depth)
+ static int cur_depth = -1;
+ static void *filt_array[MAXPATHLEN/2+1];
+ if (!dname) {
+ for ( ; cur_depth >= 0; cur_depth--) {
+ if (filt_array[cur_depth]) {
+ pop_local_filters(filt_array[cur_depth]);
+ filt_array[cur_depth] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(dir_depth < MAXPATHLEN/2+1);
+ for ( ; cur_depth >= dir_depth; cur_depth--) {
+ if (filt_array[cur_depth]) {
+ pop_local_filters(filt_array[cur_depth]);
+ filt_array[cur_depth] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ cur_depth = dir_depth;
+ filt_array[cur_depth] = push_local_filters(dname, dlen);
+static int rule_matches(const char *fname, filter_rule *ex, int name_flags)
+ int slash_handling, str_cnt = 0, anchored_match = 0;
+ int ret_match = ex->rflags & FILTRULE_NEGATE ? 0 : 1;
+ char *p, *pattern = ex->pattern;
+ const char *strings[16]; /* more than enough */
+ const char *name = fname + (*fname == '/');
+ if (!*name || ex->elide == cur_elide_value)
+ return 0;
+ if (!(name_flags & NAME_IS_XATTR) ^ !(ex->rflags & FILTRULE_XATTR))
+ return 0;
+ if (!ex->u.slash_cnt && !(ex->rflags & FILTRULE_WILD2)) {
+ /* If the pattern does not have any slashes AND it does
+ * not have a "**" (which could match a slash), then we
+ * just match the name portion of the path. */
+ if ((p = strrchr(name,'/')) != NULL)
+ name = p+1;
+ } else if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_ABS_PATH && *fname != '/'
+ && curr_dir_len > module_dirlen + 1) {
+ /* If we're matching against an absolute-path pattern,
+ * we need to prepend our full path info. */
+ strings[str_cnt++] = curr_dir + module_dirlen + 1;
+ strings[str_cnt++] = "/";
+ } else if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_WILD2_PREFIX && *fname != '/') {
+ /* Allow "**"+"/" to match at the start of the string. */
+ strings[str_cnt++] = "/";
+ }
+ strings[str_cnt++] = name;
+ if (name_flags & NAME_IS_DIR) {
+ /* Allow a trailing "/"+"***" to match the directory. */
+ if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_WILD3_SUFFIX)
+ strings[str_cnt++] = "/";
+ } else if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_DIRECTORY)
+ return !ret_match;
+ strings[str_cnt] = NULL;
+ if (*pattern == '/') {
+ anchored_match = 1;
+ pattern++;
+ }
+ if (!anchored_match && ex->u.slash_cnt
+ && !(ex->rflags & FILTRULE_WILD2)) {
+ /* A non-anchored match with an infix slash and no "**"
+ * needs to match the last slash_cnt+1 name elements. */
+ slash_handling = ex->u.slash_cnt + 1;
+ } else if (!anchored_match && !(ex->rflags & FILTRULE_WILD2_PREFIX)
+ && ex->rflags & FILTRULE_WILD2) {
+ /* A non-anchored match with an infix or trailing "**" (but not
+ * a prefixed "**") needs to try matching after every slash. */
+ slash_handling = -1;
+ } else {
+ /* The pattern matches only at the start of the path or name. */
+ slash_handling = 0;
+ }
+ if (ex->rflags & FILTRULE_WILD) {
+ if (wildmatch_array(pattern, strings, slash_handling))
+ return ret_match;
+ } else if (str_cnt > 1) {
+ if (litmatch_array(pattern, strings, slash_handling))
+ return ret_match;
+ } else if (anchored_match) {
+ if (strcmp(name, pattern) == 0)
+ return ret_match;
+ } else {
+ int l1 = strlen(name);
+ int l2 = strlen(pattern);
+ if (l2 <= l1 &&
+ strcmp(name+(l1-l2),pattern) == 0 &&
+ (l1==l2 || name[l1-(l2+1)] == '/')) {
+ return ret_match;
+ }
+ }
+ return !ret_match;
+static void report_filter_result(enum logcode code, char const *name,
+ filter_rule const *ent,
+ int name_flags, const char *type)
+ int log_level = am_sender || am_generator ? 1 : 3;
+ /* If a trailing slash is present to match only directories,
+ * then it is stripped out by add_rule(). So as a special
+ * case we add it back in the log output. */
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, log_level)) {
+ static char *actions[2][2]
+ = { {"show", "hid"}, {"risk", "protect"} };
+ const char *w = who_am_i();
+ const char *t = name_flags & NAME_IS_XATTR ? "xattr"
+ : name_flags & NAME_IS_DIR ? "directory"
+ : "file";
+ rprintf(code, "[%s] %sing %s %s because of pattern %s%s%s\n",
+ w, actions[*w=='g'][!(ent->rflags & FILTRULE_INCLUDE)],
+ t, name, ent->pattern,
+ ent->rflags & FILTRULE_DIRECTORY ? "/" : "", type);
+ }
+/* This function is used to check if a file should be included/excluded
+ * from the list of files based on its name and type etc. The value of
+ * filter_level is set to either SERVER_FILTERS or ALL_FILTERS. */
+int name_is_excluded(const char *fname, int name_flags, int filter_level)
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head && check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, fname, name_flags) < 0) {
+ if (!(name_flags & NAME_IS_XATTR))
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (filter_level != ALL_FILTERS)
+ return 0;
+ if (filter_list.head && check_filter(&filter_list, FINFO, fname, name_flags) < 0)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+int check_server_filter(filter_rule_list *listp, enum logcode code, const char *name, int name_flags)
+ int ret;
+ cur_elide_value = LOCAL_RULE;
+ ret = check_filter(listp, code, name, name_flags);
+ cur_elide_value = REMOTE_RULE;
+ return ret;
+/* Return -1 if file "name" is defined to be excluded by the specified
+ * exclude list, 1 if it is included, and 0 if it was not matched. */
+int check_filter(filter_rule_list *listp, enum logcode code,
+ const char *name, int name_flags)
+ filter_rule *ent;
+ for (ent = listp->head; ent; ent = ent->next) {
+ if (ignore_perishable && ent->rflags & FILTRULE_PERISHABLE)
+ continue;
+ if (ent->rflags & FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE) {
+ int rc = check_filter(ent->u.mergelist, code, name, name_flags);
+ if (rc)
+ return rc;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ent->rflags & FILTRULE_CVS_IGNORE) {
+ int rc = check_filter(&cvs_filter_list, code, name, name_flags);
+ if (rc)
+ return rc;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rule_matches(name, ent, name_flags)) {
+ report_filter_result(code, name, ent, name_flags, listp->debug_type);
+ return ent->rflags & FILTRULE_INCLUDE ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#define RULE_STRCMP(s,r) rule_strcmp((s), (r), sizeof (r) - 1)
+static const uchar *rule_strcmp(const uchar *str, const char *rule, int rule_len)
+ if (strncmp((char*)str, rule, rule_len) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (isspace(str[rule_len]) || str[rule_len] == '_' || !str[rule_len])
+ return str + rule_len - 1;
+ if (str[rule_len] == ',')
+ return str + rule_len;
+ return NULL;
+/* Gets the next include/exclude rule from *rulestr_ptr and advances
+ * *rulestr_ptr to point beyond it. Stores the pattern's start (within
+ * *rulestr_ptr) and length in *pat_ptr and *pat_len_ptr, and returns a newly
+ * allocated filter_rule containing the rest of the information. Returns
+ * NULL if there are no more rules in the input.
+ *
+ * The template provides defaults for the new rule to inherit, and the
+ * template rflags and the xflags additionally affect parsing. */
+static filter_rule *parse_rule_tok(const char **rulestr_ptr,
+ const filter_rule *template, int xflags,
+ const char **pat_ptr, unsigned int *pat_len_ptr)
+ const uchar *s = (const uchar *)*rulestr_ptr;
+ filter_rule *rule;
+ unsigned int len;
+ if (template->rflags & FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT) {
+ /* Skip over any initial whitespace. */
+ while (isspace(*s))
+ s++;
+ /* Update to point to real start of rule. */
+ *rulestr_ptr = (const char *)s;
+ }
+ if (!*s)
+ return NULL;
+ rule = new0(filter_rule);
+ /* Inherit from the template. Don't inherit FILTRULES_SIDES; we check
+ * that later. */
+ rule->rflags = template->rflags & FILTRULES_FROM_CONTAINER;
+ /* Figure out what kind of a filter rule "s" is pointing at. Note
+ * that if FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES is set, the rule is either an include
+ * or an exclude based on the inheritance of the FILTRULE_INCLUDE
+ * flag (above). XFLG_OLD_PREFIXES indicates a compatibility mode
+ * for old include/exclude patterns where just "+ " and "- " are
+ * allowed as optional prefixes. */
+ if (template->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES) {
+ if (*s == '!' && template->rflags & FILTRULE_CVS_IGNORE)
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_CLEAR_LIST; /* Tentative! */
+ } else if (xflags & XFLG_OLD_PREFIXES) {
+ if (*s == '-' && s[1] == ' ') {
+ rule->rflags &= ~FILTRULE_INCLUDE;
+ s += 2;
+ } else if (*s == '+' && s[1] == ' ') {
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_INCLUDE;
+ s += 2;
+ } else if (*s == '!')
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_CLEAR_LIST; /* Tentative! */
+ } else {
+ char ch = 0;
+ BOOL prefix_specifies_side = False;
+ switch (*s) {
+ case 'c':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "clear")) != NULL)
+ ch = '!';
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "dir-merge")) != NULL)
+ ch = ':';
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "exclude")) != NULL)
+ ch = '-';
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "hide")) != NULL)
+ ch = 'H';
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "include")) != NULL)
+ ch = '+';
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "merge")) != NULL)
+ ch = '.';
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "protect")) != NULL)
+ ch = 'P';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "risk")) != NULL)
+ ch = 'R';
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if ((s = RULE_STRCMP(s, "show")) != NULL)
+ ch = 'S';
+ break;
+ default:
+ ch = *s;
+ if (s[1] == ',')
+ s++;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (ch) {
+ case ':':
+ trust_sender_filter = 1;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE
+ case '.':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_INCLUDE;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_INCLUDE;
+ case 'H':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_SENDER_SIDE;
+ prefix_specifies_side = True;
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_INCLUDE;
+ case 'P':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_RECEIVER_SIDE;
+ prefix_specifies_side = True;
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_CLEAR_LIST;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unknown filter rule: `%s'\n", *rulestr_ptr);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ while (ch != '!' && *++s && *s != ' ' && *s != '_') {
+ if (template->rflags & FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT && isspace(*s)) {
+ s--;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (*s) {
+ default:
+ invalid:
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "invalid modifier '%c' at position %d in filter rule: %s\n",
+ *s, (int)(s - (const uchar *)*rulestr_ptr), *rulestr_ptr);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ case '-':
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_ABS_PATH;
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ /* Negation really goes with the pattern, so it
+ * isn't useful as a merge-file default. */
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE)
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_NEGATE;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES || prefix_specifies_side)
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ if (!(rule->rflags & FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE))
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_EXCLUDE_SELF;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (!(rule->rflags & FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE))
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_NO_INHERIT;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_PERISHABLE;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if (prefix_specifies_side)
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_RECEIVER_SIDE;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (prefix_specifies_side)
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_SENDER_SIDE;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ if (!(rule->rflags & FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE))
+ goto invalid;
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_XATTR;
+ saw_xattr_filter = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*s)
+ s++;
+ }
+ if (template->rflags & FILTRULES_SIDES) {
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULES_SIDES) {
+ /* The filter and template both specify side(s). This
+ * is dodgy (and won't work correctly if the template is
+ * a one-sided per-dir merge rule), so reject it. */
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "specified-side merge file contains specified-side filter: %s\n",
+ *rulestr_ptr);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ rule->rflags |= template->rflags & FILTRULES_SIDES;
+ }
+ if (template->rflags & FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT) {
+ const uchar *cp = s;
+ /* Token ends at whitespace or the end of the string. */
+ while (!isspace(*cp) && *cp != '\0')
+ cp++;
+ len = cp - s;
+ } else
+ len = strlen((char*)s);
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_CLEAR_LIST) {
+ if (!(rule->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES)
+ && !(xflags & XFLG_OLD_PREFIXES) && len) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "'!' rule has trailing characters: %s\n", *rulestr_ptr);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (len > 1)
+ rule->rflags &= ~FILTRULE_CLEAR_LIST;
+ } else if (!len && !(rule->rflags & FILTRULE_CVS_IGNORE)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "unexpected end of filter rule: %s\n", *rulestr_ptr);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ /* --delete-excluded turns an un-modified include/exclude into a sender-side rule. */
+ if (delete_excluded
+ rule->rflags |= FILTRULE_SENDER_SIDE;
+ *pat_ptr = (const char *)s;
+ *pat_len_ptr = len;
+ *rulestr_ptr = *pat_ptr + len;
+ return rule;
+static void get_cvs_excludes(uint32 rflags)
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ char *p, fname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ if (initialized)
+ return;
+ initialized = 1;
+ parse_filter_str(&cvs_filter_list, default_cvsignore(),
+ rule_template(rflags | (protocol_version >= 30 ? FILTRULE_PERISHABLE : 0)),
+ 0);
+ p = module_id >= 0 && lp_use_chroot(module_id) ? "/" : getenv("HOME");
+ if (p && pathjoin(fname, MAXPATHLEN, p, ".cvsignore") < MAXPATHLEN)
+ parse_filter_file(&cvs_filter_list, fname, rule_template(rflags), 0);
+ parse_filter_str(&cvs_filter_list, getenv("CVSIGNORE"), rule_template(rflags), 0);
+const filter_rule *rule_template(uint32 rflags)
+ static filter_rule template; /* zero-initialized */
+ template.rflags = rflags;
+ return &template;
+void parse_filter_str(filter_rule_list *listp, const char *rulestr,
+ const filter_rule *template, int xflags)
+ filter_rule *rule;
+ const char *pat;
+ unsigned int pat_len;
+ if (!rulestr)
+ return;
+ while (1) {
+ uint32 new_rflags;
+ /* Remember that the returned string is NOT '\0' terminated! */
+ if (!(rule = parse_rule_tok(&rulestr, template, xflags, &pat, &pat_len)))
+ break;
+ if (pat_len >= MAXPATHLEN) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "discarding over-long filter: %.*s\n",
+ (int)pat_len, pat);
+ free_continue:
+ free_filter(rule);
+ continue;
+ }
+ new_rflags = rule->rflags;
+ if (new_rflags & FILTRULE_CLEAR_LIST) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "[%s] clearing filter list%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), listp->debug_type);
+ }
+ pop_filter_list(listp);
+ listp->head = NULL;
+ goto free_continue;
+ }
+ if (new_rflags & FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE) {
+ if (!pat_len) {
+ pat = ".cvsignore";
+ pat_len = 10;
+ }
+ if (new_rflags & FILTRULE_EXCLUDE_SELF) {
+ const char *name;
+ filter_rule *excl_self;
+ excl_self = new0(filter_rule);
+ /* Find the beginning of the basename and add an exclude for it. */
+ for (name = pat + pat_len; name > pat && name[-1] != '/'; name--) {}
+ add_rule(listp, name, (pat + pat_len) - name, excl_self, 0);
+ rule->rflags &= ~FILTRULE_EXCLUDE_SELF;
+ }
+ if (new_rflags & FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE) {
+ if (parent_dirscan) {
+ const char *p;
+ unsigned int len = pat_len;
+ if ((p = parse_merge_name(pat, &len, module_dirlen)))
+ add_rule(listp, p, len, rule, 0);
+ else
+ free_filter(rule);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ const char *p;
+ unsigned int len = pat_len;
+ if ((p = parse_merge_name(pat, &len, 0)))
+ parse_filter_file(listp, p, rule, XFLG_FATAL_ERRORS);
+ free_filter(rule);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ add_rule(listp, pat, pat_len, rule, xflags);
+ if (new_rflags & FILTRULE_CVS_IGNORE
+ && !(new_rflags & FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE))
+ get_cvs_excludes(new_rflags);
+ }
+void parse_filter_file(filter_rule_list *listp, const char *fname, const filter_rule *template, int xflags)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char line[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ char *eob = line + sizeof line - 1;
+ BOOL word_split = (template->rflags & FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT) != 0;
+ if (!fname || !*fname)
+ return;
+ if (*fname != '-' || fname[1] || am_server) {
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head) {
+ strlcpy(line, fname, sizeof line);
+ clean_fname(line, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, line, 0) < 0)
+ fp = NULL;
+ else
+ fp = fopen(line, "rb");
+ } else
+ fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
+ } else
+ fp = stdin;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FILTER, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] parse_filter_file(%s,%x,%x)%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), fname, template->rflags, xflags,
+ fp ? "" : " [not found]");
+ }
+ if (!fp) {
+ if (xflags & XFLG_FATAL_ERRORS) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno,
+ "failed to open %sclude file %s",
+ template->rflags & FILTRULE_INCLUDE ? "in" : "ex",
+ fname);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ dirbuf[dirbuf_len] = '\0';
+ while (1) {
+ char *s = line;
+ int ch, overflow = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ if ((ch = getc(fp)) == EOF) {
+ if (ferror(fp) && errno == EINTR) {
+ clearerr(fp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (word_split && isspace(ch))
+ break;
+ if (eol_nulls? !ch : (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r'))
+ break;
+ if (s < eob)
+ *s++ = ch;
+ else
+ overflow = 1;
+ }
+ if (overflow) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "discarding over-long filter: %s...\n", line);
+ s = line;
+ }
+ *s = '\0';
+ /* Skip an empty token and (when line parsing) comments. */
+ if (*line && (word_split || (*line != ';' && *line != '#')))
+ parse_filter_str(listp, line, template, xflags);
+ if (ch == EOF)
+ break;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+/* If the "for_xfer" flag is set, the prefix is made compatible with the
+ * current protocol_version (if possible) or a NULL is returned (if not
+ * possible). */
+char *get_rule_prefix(filter_rule *rule, const char *pat, int for_xfer,
+ unsigned int *plen_ptr)
+ static char buf[MAX_RULE_PREFIX+1];
+ char *op = buf;
+ int legal_len = for_xfer && protocol_version < 29 ? 1 : MAX_RULE_PREFIX-1;
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE) {
+ if (legal_len == 1)
+ return NULL;
+ *op++ = ':';
+ } else if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_INCLUDE)
+ *op++ = '+';
+ else if (legal_len != 1
+ || ((*pat == '-' || *pat == '+') && pat[1] == ' '))
+ *op++ = '-';
+ else
+ legal_len = 0;
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_ABS_PATH)
+ *op++ = '/';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_NEGATE)
+ *op++ = '!';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_CVS_IGNORE)
+ *op++ = 'C';
+ else {
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_INHERIT)
+ *op++ = 'n';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT)
+ *op++ = 'w';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES) {
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_INCLUDE)
+ *op++ = '+';
+ else
+ *op++ = '-';
+ }
+ }
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_EXCLUDE_SELF)
+ *op++ = 'e';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_XATTR)
+ *op++ = 'x';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_SENDER_SIDE
+ && (!for_xfer || protocol_version >= 29))
+ *op++ = 's';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_RECEIVER_SIDE
+ && (!for_xfer || protocol_version >= 29
+ || (delete_excluded && am_sender)))
+ *op++ = 'r';
+ if (rule->rflags & FILTRULE_PERISHABLE) {
+ if (!for_xfer || protocol_version >= 30)
+ *op++ = 'p';
+ else if (am_sender)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (op - buf > legal_len)
+ return NULL;
+ if (legal_len)
+ *op++ = ' ';
+ *op = '\0';
+ if (plen_ptr)
+ *plen_ptr = op - buf;
+ return buf;
+static void send_rules(int f_out, filter_rule_list *flp)
+ filter_rule *ent;
+ for (ent = flp->head; ent; ent = ent->next) {
+ unsigned int len, plen, dlen;
+ int elide = 0;
+ char *p;
+ /* Note we need to check delete_excluded here in addition to
+ * the code in parse_rule_tok() because some rules may have
+ * been added before we found the --delete-excluded option.
+ * We must also elide any CVS merge-file rules to avoid a
+ * backward compatibility problem, and we elide any no-prefix
+ * merge files as an optimization (since they can only have
+ * include/exclude rules). */
+ if (ent->rflags & FILTRULE_SENDER_SIDE)
+ elide = am_sender ? LOCAL_RULE : REMOTE_RULE;
+ if (ent->rflags & FILTRULE_RECEIVER_SIDE)
+ elide = elide ? 0 : am_sender ? REMOTE_RULE : LOCAL_RULE;
+ else if (delete_excluded && !elide
+ && (!(ent->rflags & FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE)
+ || ent->rflags & FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES))
+ elide = am_sender ? LOCAL_RULE : REMOTE_RULE;
+ ent->elide = elide;
+ if (elide == LOCAL_RULE)
+ continue;
+ if (ent->rflags & FILTRULE_CVS_IGNORE
+ && !(ent->rflags & FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE)) {
+ int f = am_sender || protocol_version < 29 ? f_out : -2;
+ send_rules(f, &cvs_filter_list);
+ if (f == f_out)
+ continue;
+ }
+ p = get_rule_prefix(ent, ent->pattern, 1, &plen);
+ if (!p) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "filter rules are too modern for remote rsync.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (f_out < 0)
+ continue;
+ len = strlen(ent->pattern);
+ dlen = ent->rflags & FILTRULE_DIRECTORY ? 1 : 0;
+ if (!(plen + len + dlen))
+ continue;
+ write_int(f_out, plen + len + dlen);
+ if (plen)
+ write_buf(f_out, p, plen);
+ write_buf(f_out, ent->pattern, len);
+ if (dlen)
+ write_byte(f_out, '/');
+ }
+/* This is only called by the client. */
+void send_filter_list(int f_out)
+ int receiver_wants_list = prune_empty_dirs
+ || (delete_mode && (!delete_excluded || protocol_version >= 29));
+ if (local_server || (am_sender && !receiver_wants_list))
+ f_out = -1;
+ if (cvs_exclude && am_sender) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 29)
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, ":C", rule_template(0), 0);
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, "-C", rule_template(0), 0);
+ }
+ send_rules(f_out, &filter_list);
+ if (f_out >= 0)
+ write_int(f_out, 0);
+ if (cvs_exclude) {
+ if (!am_sender || protocol_version < 29)
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, ":C", rule_template(0), 0);
+ if (!am_sender)
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, "-C", rule_template(0), 0);
+ }
+/* This is only called by the server. */
+void recv_filter_list(int f_in)
+ char line[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ int xflags = protocol_version >= 29 ? 0 : XFLG_OLD_PREFIXES;
+ int receiver_wants_list = prune_empty_dirs
+ || (delete_mode && (!delete_excluded || protocol_version >= 29));
+ unsigned int len;
+ if (!local_server && (am_sender || receiver_wants_list)) {
+ while ((len = read_int(f_in)) != 0) {
+ if (len >= sizeof line)
+ overflow_exit("recv_rules");
+ read_sbuf(f_in, line, len);
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, line, rule_template(0), xflags);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cvs_exclude) {
+ if (local_server || am_sender || protocol_version < 29)
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, ":C", rule_template(0), 0);
+ if (local_server || am_sender)
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, "-C", rule_template(0), 0);
+ }
+ if (local_server) /* filter out any rules that aren't for us. */
+ send_rules(-1, &filter_list);
diff --git a/fileio.c b/fileio.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f80af19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fileio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ * File IO utilities used in rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+#ifndef ENODATA
+/* We want all reads to be aligned on 1K boundaries. */
+#define ALIGN_BOUNDARY 1024
+/* How far past the boundary is an offset? */
+#define ALIGNED_OVERSHOOT(oft) ((oft) & (ALIGN_BOUNDARY-1))
+/* Round up a length to the next boundary */
+#define ALIGNED_LENGTH(len) ((((len) - 1) | (ALIGN_BOUNDARY-1)) + 1)
+extern int sparse_files;
+OFF_T preallocated_len = 0;
+static OFF_T sparse_seek = 0;
+static OFF_T sparse_past_write = 0;
+int sparse_end(int f, OFF_T size)
+ int ret;
+ sparse_past_write = 0;
+ if (!sparse_seek)
+ return 0;
+ ret = do_ftruncate(f, size);
+ if (do_lseek(f, sparse_seek-1, SEEK_CUR) != size-1)
+ ret = -1;
+ else {
+ do {
+ ret = write(f, "", 1);
+ } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);
+ ret = ret <= 0 ? -1 : 0;
+ }
+ sparse_seek = 0;
+ return ret;
+/* Note that the offset is just the caller letting us know where
+ * the current file position is in the file. The use_seek arg tells
+ * us that we should seek over matching data instead of writing it. */
+static int write_sparse(int f, int use_seek, OFF_T offset, const char *buf, int len)
+ int l1 = 0, l2 = 0;
+ int ret;
+ for (l1 = 0; l1 < len && buf[l1] == 0; l1++) {}
+ for (l2 = 0; l2 < len-l1 && buf[len-(l2+1)] == 0; l2++) {}
+ sparse_seek += l1;
+ if (l1 == len)
+ return len;
+ if (sparse_seek) {
+ if (sparse_past_write >= preallocated_len) {
+ if (do_lseek(f, sparse_seek, SEEK_CUR) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ } else if (do_punch_hole(f, sparse_past_write, sparse_seek) < 0) {
+ sparse_seek = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ sparse_seek = l2;
+ sparse_past_write = offset + len - l2;
+ if (use_seek) {
+ /* The in-place data already matches. */
+ if (do_lseek(f, len - (l1+l2), SEEK_CUR) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return len;
+ }
+ while ((ret = write(f, buf + l1, len - (l1+l2))) <= 0) {
+ if (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ sparse_seek = 0;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (ret != (int)(len - (l1+l2))) {
+ sparse_seek = 0;
+ return l1+ret;
+ }
+ return len;
+static char *wf_writeBuf;
+static size_t wf_writeBufSize;
+static size_t wf_writeBufCnt;
+int flush_write_file(int f)
+ int ret = 0;
+ char *bp = wf_writeBuf;
+ while (wf_writeBufCnt > 0) {
+ if ((ret = write(f, bp, wf_writeBufCnt)) < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ wf_writeBufCnt -= ret;
+ bp += ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* write_file does not allow incomplete writes. It loops internally
+ * until len bytes are written or errno is set. Note that use_seek and
+ * offset are only used in sparse processing (see write_sparse()). */
+int write_file(int f, int use_seek, OFF_T offset, const char *buf, int len)
+ int ret = 0;
+ while (len > 0) {
+ int r1;
+ if (sparse_files > 0) {
+ int len1 = MIN(len, SPARSE_WRITE_SIZE);
+ r1 = write_sparse(f, use_seek, offset, buf, len1);
+ offset += r1;
+ } else {
+ if (!wf_writeBuf) {
+ wf_writeBufSize = WRITE_SIZE * 8;
+ wf_writeBufCnt = 0;
+ wf_writeBuf = new_array(char, wf_writeBufSize);
+ }
+ r1 = (int)MIN((size_t)len, wf_writeBufSize - wf_writeBufCnt);
+ if (r1) {
+ memcpy(wf_writeBuf + wf_writeBufCnt, buf, r1);
+ wf_writeBufCnt += r1;
+ }
+ if (wf_writeBufCnt == wf_writeBufSize) {
+ if (flush_write_file(f) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!r1 && len)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (r1 <= 0) {
+ if (ret > 0)
+ return ret;
+ return r1;
+ }
+ len -= r1;
+ buf += r1;
+ ret += r1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* An in-place update found identical data at an identical location. We either
+ * just seek past it, or (for an in-place sparse update), we give the data to
+ * the sparse processor with the use_seek flag set. */
+int skip_matched(int fd, OFF_T offset, const char *buf, int len)
+ OFF_T pos;
+ if (sparse_files > 0) {
+ if (write_file(fd, 1, offset, buf, len) != len)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (flush_write_file(fd) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if ((pos = do_lseek(fd, len, SEEK_CUR)) != offset + len) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "lseek returned %s, not %s",
+ big_num(pos), big_num(offset));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* This provides functionality somewhat similar to mmap() but using read().
+ * It gives sliding window access to a file. mmap() is not used because of
+ * the possibility of another program (such as a mailer) truncating the
+ * file thus giving us a SIGBUS. */
+struct map_struct *map_file(int fd, OFF_T len, int32 read_size, int32 blk_size)
+ struct map_struct *map;
+ map = new0(struct map_struct);
+ if (blk_size && (read_size % blk_size))
+ read_size += blk_size - (read_size % blk_size);
+ map->fd = fd;
+ map->file_size = len;
+ map->def_window_size = ALIGNED_LENGTH(read_size);
+ return map;
+/* slide the read window in the file */
+char *map_ptr(struct map_struct *map, OFF_T offset, int32 len)
+ OFF_T window_start, read_start;
+ int32 window_size, read_size, read_offset, align_fudge;
+ if (len == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (len < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "invalid len passed to map_ptr: %ld\n",
+ (long)len);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ /* in most cases the region will already be available */
+ if (offset >= map->p_offset && offset+len <= map->p_offset+map->p_len)
+ return map->p + (offset - map->p_offset);
+ /* nope, we are going to have to do a read. Work out our desired window */
+ align_fudge = (int32)ALIGNED_OVERSHOOT(offset);
+ window_start = offset - align_fudge;
+ window_size = map->def_window_size;
+ if (window_start + window_size > map->file_size)
+ window_size = (int32)(map->file_size - window_start);
+ if (window_size < len + align_fudge)
+ window_size = ALIGNED_LENGTH(len + align_fudge);
+ /* make sure we have allocated enough memory for the window */
+ if (window_size > map->p_size) {
+ map->p = realloc_array(map->p, char, window_size);
+ map->p_size = window_size;
+ }
+ /* Now try to avoid re-reading any bytes by reusing any bytes from the previous buffer. */
+ if (window_start >= map->p_offset && window_start < map->p_offset + map->p_len
+ && window_start + window_size >= map->p_offset + map->p_len) {
+ read_start = map->p_offset + map->p_len;
+ read_offset = (int32)(read_start - window_start);
+ read_size = window_size - read_offset;
+ memmove(map->p, map->p + (map->p_len - read_offset), read_offset);
+ } else {
+ read_start = window_start;
+ read_size = window_size;
+ read_offset = 0;
+ }
+ if (read_size <= 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "invalid read_size of %ld in map_ptr\n",
+ (long)read_size);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if (map->p_fd_offset != read_start) {
+ OFF_T ret = do_lseek(map->fd, read_start, SEEK_SET);
+ if (ret != read_start) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "lseek returned %s, not %s",
+ big_num(ret), big_num(read_start));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ map->p_fd_offset = read_start;
+ }
+ map->p_offset = window_start;
+ map->p_len = window_size;
+ while (read_size > 0) {
+ int32 nread = read(map->fd, map->p + read_offset, read_size);
+ if (nread <= 0) {
+ if (!map->status)
+ map->status = nread ? errno : ENODATA;
+ /* The best we can do is zero the buffer -- the file
+ * has changed mid transfer! */
+ memset(map->p + read_offset, 0, read_size);
+ break;
+ }
+ map->p_fd_offset += nread;
+ read_offset += nread;
+ read_size -= nread;
+ }
+ return map->p + align_fudge;
+int unmap_file(struct map_struct *map)
+ int ret;
+ if (map->p) {
+ free(map->p);
+ map->p = NULL;
+ }
+ ret = map->status;
+#if 0 /* I don't think we really need this. */
+ force_memzero(map, sizeof map[0]);
+ free(map);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/flist.c b/flist.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65b459b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3410 @@
+ * Generate and receive file lists.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "rounding.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+#include "io.h"
+extern int am_root;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_generator;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int always_checksum;
+extern int module_id;
+extern int ignore_errors;
+extern int numeric_ids;
+extern int quiet;
+extern int recurse;
+extern int use_qsort;
+extern int xfer_dirs;
+extern int filesfrom_fd;
+extern int one_file_system;
+extern int copy_devices;
+extern int copy_dirlinks;
+extern int preserve_uid;
+extern int preserve_gid;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int preserve_links;
+extern int preserve_hard_links;
+extern int preserve_devices;
+extern int preserve_specials;
+extern int delete_during;
+extern int missing_args;
+extern int eol_nulls;
+extern int atimes_ndx;
+extern int crtimes_ndx;
+extern int relative_paths;
+extern int implied_dirs;
+extern int ignore_perishable;
+extern int non_perishable_cnt;
+extern int prune_empty_dirs;
+extern int copy_links;
+extern int copy_unsafe_links;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int sanitize_paths;
+extern int munge_symlinks;
+extern int use_safe_inc_flist;
+extern int need_unsorted_flist;
+extern int sender_symlink_iconv;
+extern int output_needs_newline;
+extern int sender_keeps_checksum;
+extern int trust_sender_filter;
+extern int unsort_ndx;
+extern uid_t our_uid;
+extern struct stats stats;
+extern char *filesfrom_host;
+extern char *usermap, *groupmap;
+extern struct name_num_item *file_sum_nni;
+extern char curr_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+extern struct chmod_mode_struct *chmod_modes;
+extern filter_rule_list filter_list, implied_filter_list, daemon_filter_list;
+extern int filesfrom_convert;
+extern iconv_t ic_send, ic_recv;
+#define PTR_SIZE (sizeof (struct file_struct *))
+int io_error;
+int flist_csum_len;
+dev_t filesystem_dev; /* used to implement -x */
+struct file_list *cur_flist, *first_flist, *dir_flist;
+int send_dir_ndx = -1, send_dir_depth = -1;
+int flist_cnt = 0; /* how many (non-tmp) file list objects exist */
+int file_total = 0; /* total of all active items over all file-lists */
+int file_old_total = 0; /* total of active items that will soon be gone */
+int flist_eof = 0; /* all the file-lists are now known */
+int xfer_flags_as_varint = 0;
+#define NORMAL_NAME 0
+#define DOTDIR_NAME 2
+#define MISSING_NAME 3
+/* Starting from protocol version 26, we always use 64-bit ino_t and dev_t
+ * internally, even if this platform does not allow files to have 64-bit inums.
+ * The only exception is if we're on a platform with no 64-bit type at all.
+ *
+ * Because we use read_longint() to get these off the wire, if you transfer
+ * devices or (for protocols < 30) hardlinks with dev or inum > 2**32 to a
+ * machine with no 64-bit types then you will get an overflow error.
+ *
+ * Note that if you transfer devices from a 64-bit-devt machine (say, Solaris)
+ * to a 32-bit-devt machine (say, Linux-2.2/x86) then the device numbers will
+ * be truncated. But it's a kind of silly thing to do anyhow. */
+/* The tmp_* vars are used as a cache area by make_file() to store data
+ * that the sender doesn't need to remember in its file list. The data
+ * will survive just long enough to be used by send_file_entry(). */
+static dev_t tmp_rdev;
+static int64 tmp_dev = -1, tmp_ino;
+static char tmp_sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+static char empty_sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+static int flist_count_offset; /* for --delete --progress */
+static int show_filelist_progress;
+static struct file_list *flist_new(int flags, const char *msg);
+static void flist_sort_and_clean(struct file_list *flist, int strip_root);
+static void output_flist(struct file_list *flist);
+void init_flist(void)
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 4)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "FILE_STRUCT_LEN=%d, EXTRA_LEN=%d\n",
+ }
+ /* Note that this isn't identical to file_sum_len in the case of CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC: */
+ flist_csum_len = csum_len_for_type(file_sum_nni->num, 1);
+ show_filelist_progress = INFO_GTE(FLIST, 1) && xfer_dirs && !am_server && !inc_recurse;
+static void start_filelist_progress(char *kind)
+ if (quiet)
+ return;
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s ... ", kind);
+ output_needs_newline = 1;
+ rflush(FINFO);
+static void emit_filelist_progress(int count)
+ if (quiet)
+ return;
+ if (output_needs_newline == 2) /* avoid a newline in the middle of this filelist-progress output */
+ output_needs_newline = 0;
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, " %d files...\r", count);
+ output_needs_newline = 2;
+static void maybe_emit_filelist_progress(int count)
+ if (INFO_GTE(FLIST, 2) && show_filelist_progress && (count % 100) == 0)
+ emit_filelist_progress(count);
+static void finish_filelist_progress(const struct file_list *flist)
+ output_needs_newline = 0;
+ if (INFO_GTE(FLIST, 2)) {
+ /* This overwrites the progress line */
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%d file%sto consider\n",
+ flist->used, flist->used == 1 ? " " : "s ");
+ } else {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "done\n");
+ }
+void show_flist_stats(void)
+ /* Nothing yet */
+/* Stat either a symlink or its referent, depending on the settings of
+ * copy_links, copy_unsafe_links, etc. Returns -1 on error, 0 on success.
+ *
+ * If path is the name of a symlink, then the linkbuf buffer (which must hold
+ * MAXPATHLEN chars) will be set to the symlink's target string.
+ *
+ * The stat structure pointed to by stp will contain information about the
+ * link or the referent as appropriate, if they exist. */
+static int readlink_stat(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp, char *linkbuf)
+ if (link_stat(path, stp, copy_dirlinks) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode)) {
+ int llen = do_readlink(path, linkbuf, MAXPATHLEN - 1);
+ if (llen < 0)
+ return -1;
+ linkbuf[llen] = '\0';
+ if (copy_unsafe_links && unsafe_symlink(linkbuf, path)) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(SYMSAFE, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,"copying unsafe symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n",
+ path, linkbuf);
+ }
+ return x_stat(path, stp, NULL);
+ }
+ if (munge_symlinks && am_sender && llen > SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN
+ && strncmp(linkbuf, SYMLINK_PREFIX, SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN) == 0) {
+ memmove(linkbuf, linkbuf + SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN,
+ llen - SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return x_stat(path, stp, NULL);
+int link_stat(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp, int follow_dirlinks)
+ if (copy_links)
+ return x_stat(path, stp, NULL);
+ if (x_lstat(path, stp, NULL) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (follow_dirlinks && S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode)) {
+ if (x_stat(path, &st, NULL) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+ *stp = st;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return x_stat(path, stp, NULL);
+static inline int path_is_daemon_excluded(char *path, int ignore_filename)
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head) {
+ char *slash = path;
+ while ((slash = strchr(slash+1, '/')) != NULL) {
+ int ret;
+ *slash = '\0';
+ ret = check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, path, 1);
+ *slash = '/';
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ignore_filename
+ && check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, path, 1) < 0) {
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline int is_excluded(const char *fname, int is_dir, int filter_level)
+ return name_is_excluded(fname, is_dir ? NAME_IS_DIR : NAME_IS_FILE, filter_level);
+static void send_directory(int f, struct file_list *flist,
+ char *fbuf, int len, int flags);
+static const char *pathname, *orig_dir;
+static int pathname_len;
+/* Make sure flist can hold at least flist->used + extra entries. */
+static void flist_expand(struct file_list *flist, int extra)
+ struct file_struct **new_ptr;
+ if (flist->used + extra <= flist->malloced)
+ return;
+ if (flist->malloced < FLIST_START)
+ flist->malloced = FLIST_START;
+ else if (flist->malloced >= FLIST_LINEAR)
+ flist->malloced += FLIST_LINEAR;
+ else if (flist->malloced < FLIST_START_LARGE/16)
+ flist->malloced *= 4;
+ else
+ flist->malloced *= 2;
+ /* In case count jumped or we are starting the list
+ * with a known size just set it. */
+ if (flist->malloced < flist->used + extra)
+ flist->malloced = flist->used + extra;
+ new_ptr = realloc_array(flist->files, struct file_struct *, flist->malloced);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 1) && flist->files) {
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "[%s] expand file_list pointer array to %s bytes, did%s move\n",
+ who_am_i(),
+ big_num(sizeof flist->files[0] * flist->malloced),
+ (new_ptr == flist->files) ? " not" : "");
+ }
+ flist->files = new_ptr;
+static void flist_done_allocating(struct file_list *flist)
+ void *ptr = pool_boundary(flist->file_pool, 8*1024);
+ if (flist->pool_boundary == ptr)
+ flist->pool_boundary = NULL; /* list didn't use any pool memory */
+ else
+ flist->pool_boundary = ptr;
+/* Call this with EITHER (1) "file, NULL, 0" to chdir() to the file's
+ * F_PATHNAME(), or (2) "NULL, dir, dirlen" to chdir() to the supplied dir,
+ * with dir == NULL taken to be the starting directory, and dirlen < 0
+ * indicating that strdup(dir) should be called and then the -dirlen length
+ * value checked to ensure that it is not daemon-excluded. */
+int change_pathname(struct file_struct *file, const char *dir, int dirlen)
+ if (dirlen < 0) {
+ char *cpy = strdup(dir);
+ if (*cpy != '/')
+ change_dir(orig_dir, CD_SKIP_CHDIR);
+ if (path_is_daemon_excluded(cpy, 0))
+ goto chdir_error;
+ dir = cpy;
+ dirlen = -dirlen;
+ } else {
+ if (file) {
+ if (pathname == F_PATHNAME(file))
+ return 1;
+ dir = F_PATHNAME(file);
+ if (dir)
+ dirlen = strlen(dir);
+ } else if (pathname == dir)
+ return 1;
+ if (dir && *dir != '/')
+ change_dir(orig_dir, CD_SKIP_CHDIR);
+ }
+ pathname = dir;
+ pathname_len = dirlen;
+ if (!dir)
+ dir = orig_dir;
+ if (!change_dir(dir, CD_NORMAL)) {
+ chdir_error:
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "change_dir %s failed", full_fname(dir));
+ if (dir != orig_dir)
+ change_dir(orig_dir, CD_NORMAL);
+ pathname = NULL;
+ pathname_len = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void send_file_entry(int f, const char *fname, struct file_struct *file,
+ const char *symlink_name, int symlink_len,
+ int ndx, int first_ndx)
+ static time_t modtime, atime;
+ static time_t crtime;
+ static mode_t mode;
+ static int64 dev;
+ static dev_t rdev;
+ static uint32 rdev_major;
+ static uid_t uid;
+ static gid_t gid;
+ static const char *user_name, *group_name;
+ static char lastname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int first_hlink_ndx = -1;
+ int l1, l2;
+ int xflags;
+ /* Initialize starting value of xflags and adjust counts. */
+ if (S_ISREG(file->mode))
+ xflags = 0;
+ else if (S_ISDIR(file->mode)) {
+ stats.num_dirs++;
+ if (protocol_version >= 30) {
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_CONTENT_DIR)
+ xflags = file->flags & FLAG_TOP_DIR;
+ else if (file->flags & FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR)
+ else
+ } else
+ xflags = file->flags & FLAG_TOP_DIR; /* FLAG_TOP_DIR == XMIT_TOP_DIR */
+ } else {
+ if (S_ISLNK(file->mode))
+ stats.num_symlinks++;
+ else if (IS_DEVICE(file->mode))
+ stats.num_devices++;
+ else if (IS_SPECIAL(file->mode))
+ stats.num_specials++;
+ xflags = 0;
+ }
+ if (file->mode == mode)
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_MODE;
+ else
+ mode = file->mode;
+ if (preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 28) {
+ if (tmp_rdev == rdev)
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28;
+ else
+ rdev = tmp_rdev;
+ } else {
+ rdev = tmp_rdev;
+ if ((uint32)major(rdev) == rdev_major)
+ else
+ rdev_major = major(rdev);
+ if (protocol_version < 30 && (uint32)minor(rdev) <= 0xFFu)
+ xflags |= XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30;
+ }
+ } else if (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode) && protocol_version < 31) {
+ /* Special files don't need an rdev number, so just make
+ * the historical transmission of the value efficient. */
+ if (protocol_version < 28)
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28;
+ else {
+ rdev = MAKEDEV(rdev_major, 0);
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ xflags |= XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30;
+ }
+ } else if (protocol_version < 28)
+ rdev = MAKEDEV(0, 0);
+ if (!preserve_uid || ((uid_t)F_OWNER(file) == uid && *lastname))
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_UID;
+ else {
+ uid = F_OWNER(file);
+ if (!numeric_ids) {
+ user_name = add_uid(uid);
+ if (inc_recurse && user_name)
+ }
+ }
+ if (!preserve_gid || ((gid_t)F_GROUP(file) == gid && *lastname))
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_GID;
+ else {
+ gid = F_GROUP(file);
+ if (!numeric_ids) {
+ group_name = add_gid(gid);
+ if (inc_recurse && group_name)
+ }
+ }
+ if (file->modtime == modtime)
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_TIME;
+ else
+ modtime = file->modtime;
+ if (NSEC_BUMP(file) && protocol_version >= 31)
+ xflags |= XMIT_MOD_NSEC;
+ if (atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(mode)) {
+ if (F_ATIME(file) == atime)
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_ATIME;
+ else
+ atime = F_ATIME(file);
+ }
+ if (crtimes_ndx) {
+ crtime = F_CRTIME(file);
+ if (crtime == modtime)
+ }
+ if (tmp_dev != -1) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 30) {
+ struct ht_int64_node *np = idev_find(tmp_dev, tmp_ino);
+ first_hlink_ndx = (int32)(long)np->data; /* is -1 when new */
+ if (first_hlink_ndx < 0) {
+ np->data = (void*)(long)(first_ndx + ndx);
+ xflags |= XMIT_HLINK_FIRST;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 1)) {
+ if (first_hlink_ndx >= 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] #%d hard-links #%d (%sabbrev)\n",
+ who_am_i(), first_ndx + ndx, first_hlink_ndx,
+ first_hlink_ndx >= first_ndx ? "" : "un");
+ } else if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] dev:inode for #%d is %s:%s\n",
+ who_am_i(), first_ndx + ndx,
+ big_num(tmp_dev), big_num(tmp_ino));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (tmp_dev == dev) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 28)
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_DEV_pre30;
+ } else
+ dev = tmp_dev;
+ }
+ xflags |= XMIT_HLINKED;
+ }
+ for (l1 = 0;
+ lastname[l1] && (fname[l1] == lastname[l1]) && (l1 < 255);
+ l1++) {}
+ l2 = strlen(fname+l1);
+ if (l1 > 0)
+ xflags |= XMIT_SAME_NAME;
+ if (l2 > 255)
+ xflags |= XMIT_LONG_NAME;
+ /* We must avoid sending a flag value of 0 (or an initial byte of
+ * 0 for the older xflags protocol) or it will signal the end of
+ * the list. Note that the use of XMIT_TOP_DIR on a non-dir has
+ * no meaning, so it's a harmless way to add a bit to the first
+ * flag byte. */
+ if (xfer_flags_as_varint)
+ write_varint(f, xflags ? xflags : XMIT_EXTENDED_FLAGS);
+ else if (protocol_version >= 28) {
+ if (!xflags && !S_ISDIR(mode))
+ xflags |= XMIT_TOP_DIR;
+ if ((xflags & 0xFF00) || !xflags) {
+ write_shortint(f, xflags);
+ } else
+ write_byte(f, xflags);
+ } else {
+ if (!(xflags & 0xFF))
+ xflags |= S_ISDIR(mode) ? XMIT_LONG_NAME : XMIT_TOP_DIR;
+ write_byte(f, xflags);
+ }
+ if (xflags & XMIT_SAME_NAME)
+ write_byte(f, l1);
+ if (xflags & XMIT_LONG_NAME)
+ write_varint30(f, l2);
+ else
+ write_byte(f, l2);
+ write_buf(f, fname + l1, l2);
+ if (first_hlink_ndx >= 0) {
+ write_varint(f, first_hlink_ndx);
+ if (first_hlink_ndx >= first_ndx)
+ goto the_end;
+ }
+ write_varlong30(f, F_LENGTH(file), 3);
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_TIME)) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ write_varlong(f, modtime, 4);
+ else
+ write_int(f, modtime);
+ }
+ if (xflags & XMIT_MOD_NSEC)
+ write_varint(f, F_MOD_NSEC(file));
+ if (crtimes_ndx && !(xflags & XMIT_CRTIME_EQ_MTIME))
+ write_varlong(f, crtime, 4);
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_MODE))
+ write_int(f, to_wire_mode(mode));
+ if (atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(mode) && !(xflags & XMIT_SAME_ATIME))
+ write_varlong(f, atime, 4);
+ if (preserve_uid && !(xflags & XMIT_SAME_UID)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ write_int(f, uid);
+ else {
+ write_varint(f, uid);
+ if (xflags & XMIT_USER_NAME_FOLLOWS) {
+ int len = strlen(user_name);
+ write_byte(f, len);
+ write_buf(f, user_name, len);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_gid && !(xflags & XMIT_SAME_GID)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ write_int(f, gid);
+ else {
+ write_varint(f, gid);
+ if (xflags & XMIT_GROUP_NAME_FOLLOWS) {
+ int len = strlen(group_name);
+ write_byte(f, len);
+ write_buf(f, group_name, len);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode))
+ || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode) && protocol_version < 31)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 28) {
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28))
+ write_int(f, (int)rdev);
+ } else {
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_MAJOR))
+ write_varint30(f, major(rdev));
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ write_varint(f, minor(rdev));
+ else if (xflags & XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30)
+ write_byte(f, minor(rdev));
+ else
+ write_int(f, minor(rdev));
+ }
+ }
+ if (symlink_len) {
+ write_varint30(f, symlink_len);
+ write_buf(f, symlink_name, symlink_len);
+ }
+ if (tmp_dev != -1 && protocol_version < 30) {
+ /* Older protocols expect the dev number to be transmitted
+ * 1-incremented so that it is never zero. */
+ if (protocol_version < 26) {
+ /* 32-bit dev_t and ino_t */
+ write_int(f, (int32)(dev+1));
+ write_int(f, (int32)tmp_ino);
+ } else {
+ /* 64-bit dev_t and ino_t */
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_DEV_pre30))
+ write_longint(f, dev+1);
+ write_longint(f, tmp_ino);
+ }
+ }
+ if (always_checksum && (S_ISREG(mode) || protocol_version < 28)) {
+ const char *sum;
+ if (S_ISREG(mode))
+ sum = tmp_sum;
+ else {
+ /* Prior to 28, we sent a useless set of nulls. */
+ sum = empty_sum;
+ }
+ write_buf(f, sum, flist_csum_len);
+ }
+ the_end:
+ strlcpy(lastname, fname, MAXPATHLEN);
+ if (S_ISREG(mode) || S_ISLNK(mode))
+ stats.total_size += F_LENGTH(file);
+static struct file_struct *recv_file_entry(int f, struct file_list *flist, int xflags)
+ static int64 modtime, atime;
+ static time_t crtime;
+ static mode_t mode;
+ static int64 dev;
+ static dev_t rdev;
+ static uint32 rdev_major;
+ static uid_t uid;
+ static gid_t gid;
+ static uint16 gid_flags;
+ static char lastname[MAXPATHLEN], *lastdir;
+ static int lastdir_depth, lastdir_len = -1;
+ static unsigned int del_hier_name_len = 0;
+ static int in_del_hier = 0;
+ char thisname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ unsigned int l1 = 0, l2 = 0;
+ int alloc_len, basename_len, linkname_len;
+ int extra_len = file_extra_cnt * EXTRA_LEN;
+ int first_hlink_ndx = -1;
+ char real_ISREG_entry;
+ int64 file_length;
+#ifdef CAN_SET_NSEC
+ uint32 modtime_nsec;
+ const char *basename;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ alloc_pool_t *pool;
+ char *bp;
+ if (xflags & XMIT_SAME_NAME)
+ l1 = read_byte(f);
+ if (xflags & XMIT_LONG_NAME)
+ l2 = read_varint30(f);
+ else
+ l2 = read_byte(f);
+ if (l2 >= MAXPATHLEN - l1) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "overflow: xflags=0x%x l1=%d l2=%d lastname=%s [%s]\n",
+ xflags, l1, l2, lastname, who_am_i());
+ overflow_exit("recv_file_entry");
+ }
+ strlcpy(thisname, lastname, l1 + 1);
+ read_sbuf(f, &thisname[l1], l2);
+ thisname[l1 + l2] = 0;
+ /* Abuse basename_len for a moment... */
+ basename_len = strlcpy(lastname, thisname, MAXPATHLEN);
+ if (ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1) {
+ xbuf outbuf, inbuf;
+ INIT_CONST_XBUF(outbuf, thisname);
+ INIT_XBUF(inbuf, lastname, basename_len, (size_t)-1);
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_recv, &inbuf, &outbuf, ICB_INIT) < 0) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_UTF8,
+ "[%s] cannot convert filename: %s (%s)\n",
+ who_am_i(), lastname, strerror(errno));
+ outbuf.len = 0;
+ }
+ thisname[outbuf.len] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (*thisname
+ && (clean_fname(thisname, CFN_REFUSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS) < 0 || (!relative_paths && *thisname == '/'))) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ABORTING due to unsafe pathname from sender: %s\n", thisname);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if (sanitize_paths)
+ sanitize_path(thisname, thisname, "", 0, SP_DEFAULT);
+ if ((basename = strrchr(thisname, '/')) != NULL) {
+ int len = basename++ - thisname;
+ if (len != lastdir_len || memcmp(thisname, lastdir, len) != 0) {
+ lastdir = new_array(char, len + 1);
+ memcpy(lastdir, thisname, len);
+ lastdir[len] = '\0';
+ lastdir_len = len;
+ lastdir_depth = count_dir_elements(lastdir);
+ }
+ } else
+ basename = thisname;
+ basename_len = strlen(basename) + 1; /* count the '\0' */
+ if (protocol_version >= 30
+ first_hlink_ndx = read_varint(f);
+ if (first_hlink_ndx < 0 || first_hlink_ndx >= flist->ndx_start + flist->used) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "hard-link reference out of range: %d (%d)\n",
+ first_hlink_ndx, flist->ndx_start + flist->used);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] #%d hard-links #%d (%sabbrev)\n",
+ who_am_i(), flist->used+flist->ndx_start, first_hlink_ndx,
+ first_hlink_ndx >= flist->ndx_start ? "" : "un");
+ }
+ if (first_hlink_ndx >= flist->ndx_start) {
+ struct file_struct *first = flist->files[first_hlink_ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ file_length = F_LENGTH(first);
+ modtime = first->modtime;
+#ifdef CAN_SET_NSEC
+ modtime_nsec = F_MOD_NSEC_or_0(first);
+ mode = first->mode;
+ if (atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(mode))
+ atime = F_ATIME(first);
+ if (crtimes_ndx)
+ crtime = F_CRTIME(first);
+ if (preserve_uid)
+ uid = F_OWNER(first);
+ if (preserve_gid)
+ gid = F_GROUP(first);
+ if (preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) {
+ uint32 *devp = F_RDEV_P(first);
+ rdev_major = DEV_MAJOR(devp);
+ rdev = MAKEDEV(rdev_major, DEV_MINOR(devp));
+ extra_len += DEV_EXTRA_CNT * EXTRA_LEN;
+ }
+ if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(mode))
+ linkname_len = strlen(F_SYMLINK(first)) + 1;
+ else
+ linkname_len = 0;
+ real_ISREG_entry = S_ISREG(mode) ? 1 : 0;
+ goto create_object;
+ }
+ }
+ file_length = read_varlong30(f, 3);
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_TIME)) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 30) {
+ modtime = read_varlong(f, 4);
+ if (!am_generator && (int64)(time_t)modtime != modtime) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "Time value of %s truncated on receiver.\n",
+ lastname);
+ }
+ } else
+ modtime = read_uint(f);
+ }
+ if (xflags & XMIT_MOD_NSEC)
+#ifndef CAN_SET_NSEC
+ (void)read_varint(f);
+ modtime_nsec = read_varint(f);
+ else
+ modtime_nsec = 0;
+ if (crtimes_ndx) {
+ if (xflags & XMIT_CRTIME_EQ_MTIME)
+ crtime = modtime;
+ else
+ crtime = read_varlong(f, 4);
+ if (!am_generator && (int64)(time_t)crtime != crtime) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "Create time value of %s truncated on receiver.\n",
+ lastname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_MODE))
+ mode = from_wire_mode(read_int(f));
+ if (atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(mode) && !(xflags & XMIT_SAME_ATIME)) {
+ atime = read_varlong(f, 4);
+ if (!am_generator && (int64)(time_t)atime != atime) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "Access time value of %s truncated on receiver.\n",
+ lastname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (chmod_modes && !S_ISLNK(mode) && mode)
+ mode = tweak_mode(mode, chmod_modes);
+ if (preserve_uid && !(xflags & XMIT_SAME_UID)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ uid = (uid_t)read_int(f);
+ else {
+ uid = (uid_t)read_varint(f);
+ if (xflags & XMIT_USER_NAME_FOLLOWS)
+ uid = recv_user_name(f, uid);
+ else if (inc_recurse && am_root && (!numeric_ids || usermap))
+ uid = match_uid(uid);
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_gid && !(xflags & XMIT_SAME_GID)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ gid = (gid_t)read_int(f);
+ else {
+ gid = (gid_t)read_varint(f);
+ gid_flags = 0;
+ gid = recv_group_name(f, gid, &gid_flags);
+ else if (inc_recurse && (!am_root || !numeric_ids || groupmap))
+ gid = match_gid(gid, &gid_flags);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode))
+ || (preserve_specials && IS_SPECIAL(mode) && protocol_version < 31)) {
+ if (protocol_version < 28) {
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28))
+ rdev = (dev_t)read_int(f);
+ } else {
+ uint32 rdev_minor;
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_RDEV_MAJOR))
+ rdev_major = read_varint30(f);
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ rdev_minor = read_varint(f);
+ else if (xflags & XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30)
+ rdev_minor = read_byte(f);
+ else
+ rdev_minor = read_int(f);
+ rdev = MAKEDEV(rdev_major, rdev_minor);
+ }
+ if (IS_DEVICE(mode))
+ extra_len += DEV_EXTRA_CNT * EXTRA_LEN;
+ file_length = 0;
+ } else if (protocol_version < 28)
+ rdev = MAKEDEV(0, 0);
+ if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(mode)) {
+ linkname_len = read_varint30(f) + 1; /* count the '\0' */
+ if (linkname_len <= 0 || linkname_len > MAXPATHLEN) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "overflow: linkname_len=%d\n",
+ linkname_len - 1);
+ overflow_exit("recv_file_entry");
+ }
+ /* We don't know how much extra room we need to convert
+ * the as-yet-unread symlink data, so let's hope that a
+ * double-size buffer is plenty. */
+ if (sender_symlink_iconv)
+ linkname_len *= 2;
+ if (munge_symlinks)
+ linkname_len += SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN;
+ }
+ else
+ linkname_len = 0;
+ if (copy_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) {
+ /* This is impossible in the official release, but some pre-release patches
+ * didn't convert the device into a file before sending, so we'll do it here
+ * (even though the length is typically 0 and any checksum data is zeros). */
+ mode = S_IFREG | (mode & ACCESSPERMS);
+ modtime = time(NULL); /* The mtime on the device is not up-to-date, so set it to "now". */
+ real_ISREG_entry = 0;
+ } else
+ real_ISREG_entry = S_ISREG(mode) ? 1 : 0;
+ create_object:
+ if (preserve_hard_links) {
+ if (protocol_version < 28 && real_ISREG_entry)
+ xflags |= XMIT_HLINKED;
+ if (xflags & XMIT_HLINKED)
+ extra_len += (inc_recurse+1) * EXTRA_LEN;
+ }
+ /* Directories need an extra int32 for the default ACL. */
+ if (preserve_acls && S_ISDIR(mode))
+ extra_len += EXTRA_LEN;
+ if (always_checksum && S_ISREG(mode))
+ extra_len += SUM_EXTRA_CNT * EXTRA_LEN;
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 >= 8
+ if (file_length > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(mode))
+ extra_len += EXTRA_LEN;
+#ifdef CAN_SET_NSEC
+ if (modtime_nsec)
+ extra_len += EXTRA_LEN;
+ if (file_length < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Offset underflow: file-length is negative\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if (*thisname == '/' ? thisname[1] != '.' || thisname[2] != '\0' : *thisname != '.' || thisname[1] != '\0') {
+ int filt_flags = S_ISDIR(mode) ? NAME_IS_DIR : NAME_IS_FILE;
+ if (!trust_sender_filter /* a per-dir filter rule means we must trust the sender's filtering */
+ && filter_list.head && check_server_filter(&filter_list, FINFO, thisname, filt_flags) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: rejecting excluded file-list name: %s\n", thisname);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if (implied_filter_list.head && check_filter(&implied_filter_list, FINFO, thisname, filt_flags) <= 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: rejecting unrequested file-list name: %s\n", thisname);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse && S_ISDIR(mode)) {
+ if (one_file_system) {
+ /* Room to save the dir's device for -x */
+ extra_len += DEV_EXTRA_CNT * EXTRA_LEN;
+ }
+ pool = dir_flist->file_pool;
+ } else
+ pool = flist->file_pool;
+ if (extra_len & (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN))
+ extra_len = (extra_len | (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN)) + EXTRA_LEN;
+ alloc_len = FILE_STRUCT_LEN + extra_len + basename_len
+ + linkname_len;
+ bp = pool_alloc(pool, alloc_len, "recv_file_entry");
+ memset(bp, 0, extra_len + FILE_STRUCT_LEN);
+ bp += extra_len;
+ file = (struct file_struct *)bp;
+ memcpy(bp, basename, basename_len);
+ if (xflags & XMIT_HLINKED
+ && !S_ISLNK(mode)
+ && !IS_SPECIAL(mode) && !IS_DEVICE(mode)
+ )
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINKED;
+ file->modtime = (time_t)modtime;
+#ifdef CAN_SET_NSEC
+ if (modtime_nsec) {
+ file->flags |= FLAG_MOD_NSEC;
+ F_MOD_NSEC(file) = modtime_nsec;
+ }
+ file->len32 = (uint32)file_length;
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 >= 8
+ if (file_length > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(mode)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Offset overflow: attempted 64-bit file-length\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ file->flags |= FLAG_LENGTH64;
+ F_HIGH_LEN(file) = (uint32)(file_length >> 32);
+ }
+ file->mode = mode;
+ if (preserve_uid)
+ F_OWNER(file) = uid;
+ if (preserve_gid) {
+ F_GROUP(file) = gid;
+ file->flags |= gid_flags;
+ }
+ if (atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(mode))
+ F_ATIME(file) = atime;
+ if (crtimes_ndx)
+ F_CRTIME(file) = crtime;
+ if (unsort_ndx)
+ F_NDX(file) = flist->used + flist->ndx_start;
+ if (basename != thisname) {
+ file->dirname = lastdir;
+ F_DEPTH(file) = lastdir_depth + 1;
+ } else
+ F_DEPTH(file) = 1;
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode)) {
+ if (basename_len == 1+1 && *basename == '.') /* +1 for '\0' */
+ F_DEPTH(file)--;
+ if (protocol_version >= 30) {
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_NO_CONTENT_DIR)) {
+ if (xflags & XMIT_TOP_DIR)
+ file->flags |= FLAG_TOP_DIR;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ } else if (xflags & XMIT_TOP_DIR)
+ file->flags |= FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR;
+ } else if (xflags & XMIT_TOP_DIR) {
+ in_del_hier = recurse;
+ del_hier_name_len = F_DEPTH(file) == 0 ? 0 : l1 + l2;
+ if (relative_paths && del_hier_name_len > 2
+ && lastname[del_hier_name_len-1] == '.'
+ && lastname[del_hier_name_len-2] == '/')
+ del_hier_name_len -= 2;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_TOP_DIR | FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ } else if (in_del_hier) {
+ if (!relative_paths || !del_hier_name_len
+ || (l1 >= del_hier_name_len
+ && lastname[del_hier_name_len] == '/'))
+ file->flags |= FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ else
+ in_del_hier = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_devices && IS_DEVICE(mode)) {
+ uint32 *devp = F_RDEV_P(file);
+ DEV_MAJOR(devp) = major(rdev);
+ DEV_MINOR(devp) = minor(rdev);
+ }
+ if (linkname_len) {
+ bp += basename_len;
+ if (first_hlink_ndx >= flist->ndx_start) {
+ struct file_struct *first = flist->files[first_hlink_ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ memcpy(bp, F_SYMLINK(first), linkname_len);
+ } else {
+ if (munge_symlinks) {
+ strlcpy(bp, SYMLINK_PREFIX, linkname_len);
+ linkname_len -= SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN;
+ }
+ if (sender_symlink_iconv) {
+ xbuf outbuf, inbuf;
+ alloc_len = linkname_len;
+ linkname_len /= 2;
+ /* Read the symlink data into the end of our double-sized
+ * buffer and then convert it into the right spot. */
+ INIT_XBUF(inbuf, bp + alloc_len - linkname_len,
+ linkname_len - 1, (size_t)-1);
+ read_sbuf(f, inbuf.buf, inbuf.len);
+ INIT_XBUF(outbuf, bp, 0, alloc_len);
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_recv, &inbuf, &outbuf, ICB_INIT) < 0) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "[%s] cannot convert symlink data for: %s (%s)\n",
+ who_am_i(), full_fname(thisname), strerror(errno));
+ bp = (char*)file->basename;
+ *bp++ = '\0';
+ outbuf.len = 0;
+ }
+ bp[outbuf.len] = '\0';
+ } else
+ read_sbuf(f, bp, linkname_len - 1);
+ if (sanitize_paths && !munge_symlinks && *bp)
+ sanitize_path(bp, bp, "", lastdir_depth, SP_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_hard_links && xflags & XMIT_HLINKED) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 30) {
+ if (xflags & XMIT_HLINK_FIRST) {
+ F_HL_GNUM(file) = flist->ndx_start + flist->used;
+ } else
+ F_HL_GNUM(file) = first_hlink_ndx;
+ } else {
+ static int32 cnt = 0;
+ struct ht_int64_node *np;
+ int64 ino;
+ int32 ndx;
+ if (protocol_version < 26) {
+ dev = read_int(f);
+ ino = read_int(f);
+ } else {
+ if (!(xflags & XMIT_SAME_DEV_pre30))
+ dev = read_longint(f);
+ ino = read_longint(f);
+ }
+ np = idev_find(dev, ino);
+ ndx = (int32)(long)np->data; /* is -1 when new */
+ if (ndx < 0) {
+ np->data = (void*)(long)cnt;
+ ndx = cnt++;
+ }
+ F_HL_GNUM(file) = ndx;
+ }
+ }
+ if (always_checksum && (real_ISREG_entry || protocol_version < 28)) {
+ if (real_ISREG_entry)
+ bp = F_SUM(file);
+ else {
+ /* Prior to 28, we get a useless set of nulls. */
+ bp = tmp_sum;
+ }
+ if (first_hlink_ndx >= flist->ndx_start) {
+ struct file_struct *first = flist->files[first_hlink_ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ memcpy(bp, F_SUM(first), flist_csum_len);
+ } else
+ read_buf(f, bp, flist_csum_len);
+ }
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(mode))
+ receive_acl(f, file);
+ if (preserve_xattrs)
+ receive_xattr(f, file);
+ if (S_ISREG(mode) || S_ISLNK(mode))
+ stats.total_size += file_length;
+ return file;
+/* Create a file_struct for a named file by reading its stat() information
+ * and performing extensive checks against global options.
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to the new file struct, or NULL if there was an error
+ * or this file should be excluded.
+ *
+ * Note: Any error (here or in send_file_name) that results in the omission of
+ * an existent source file from the file list should set
+ * "io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL" to avoid deletion of the file from the
+ * destination if --delete is on. */
+struct file_struct *make_file(const char *fname, struct file_list *flist,
+ STRUCT_STAT *stp, int flags, int filter_level)
+ static char *lastdir;
+ static int lastdir_len = -1;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ char thisname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char linkname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int alloc_len, basename_len, linkname_len;
+ int extra_len = file_extra_cnt * EXTRA_LEN;
+ const char *basename;
+ alloc_pool_t *pool;
+ char *bp;
+ if (strlcpy(thisname, fname, sizeof thisname) >= sizeof thisname) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "skipping overly long name: %s\n", fname);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ clean_fname(thisname, 0);
+ if (sanitize_paths)
+ sanitize_path(thisname, thisname, "", 0, SP_DEFAULT);
+ if (stp && (S_ISDIR(stp->st_mode) || IS_MISSING_FILE(*stp))) {
+ /* This is needed to handle a "symlink/." with a --relative
+ * dir, or a request to delete a specific file. */
+ st = *stp;
+ *linkname = '\0'; /* make IBM code checker happy */
+ } else if (readlink_stat(thisname, &st, linkname) != 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ /* See if file is excluded before reporting an error. */
+ if (filter_level != NO_FILTERS
+ && (is_excluded(thisname, 0, filter_level)
+ || is_excluded(thisname, 1, filter_level))) {
+ if (ignore_perishable && save_errno != ENOENT)
+ non_perishable_cnt++;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (save_errno == ENOENT) {
+ /* When our options tell us to follow a symlink that
+ * points nowhere, tell the user about the symlink
+ * instead of giving a "vanished" message. We only
+ * dereference a symlink if one of the --copy*links
+ * options was specified, so there's no need for the
+ * extra lstat() if one of these options isn't on. */
+ if ((copy_links || copy_unsafe_links || copy_dirlinks)
+ && x_lstat(thisname, &st, NULL) == 0
+ && S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "symlink has no referent: %s\n",
+ full_fname(thisname));
+ } else
+ {
+ enum logcode c = am_daemon && protocol_version < 28
+ io_error |= IOERR_VANISHED;
+ rprintf(c, "file has vanished: %s\n",
+ full_fname(thisname));
+ }
+ } else {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, save_errno, "readlink_stat(%s) failed",
+ full_fname(thisname));
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ } else if (IS_MISSING_FILE(st)) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "skipping file with bogus (zero) st_mode: %s\n",
+ full_fname(thisname));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (filter_level == NO_FILTERS)
+ goto skip_filters;
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!xfer_dirs) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "skipping directory %s\n", thisname);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* -x only affects dirs because we need to avoid recursing
+ * into a mount-point directory, not to avoid copying a
+ * symlinked file if -L (or similar) was specified. */
+ if (one_file_system && st.st_dev != filesystem_dev
+ if (one_file_system > 1) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(MOUNT, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "[%s] skipping mount-point dir %s\n",
+ who_am_i(), thisname);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ flags |= FLAG_MOUNT_DIR;
+ flags &= ~FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ }
+ } else
+ flags &= ~FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ if (is_excluded(thisname, S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) != 0, filter_level)) {
+ if (ignore_perishable)
+ non_perishable_cnt++;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (lp_ignore_nonreadable(module_id)) {
+ if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))
+ if (access(thisname, R_OK) != 0)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ skip_filters:
+ /* Only divert a directory in the main transfer. */
+ if (flist) {
+ if (flist->prev && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)
+ && flags & FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS) {
+ /* Room for parent/sibling/next-child info. */
+ if (relative_paths)
+ extra_len += PTR_EXTRA_CNT * EXTRA_LEN;
+ pool = dir_flist->file_pool;
+ } else
+ pool = flist->file_pool;
+ } else {
+ /* Directories need an extra int32 for the default ACL. */
+ if (preserve_acls && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+ extra_len += EXTRA_LEN;
+ pool = NULL;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] make_file(%s,*,%d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), thisname, filter_level);
+ }
+ if ((basename = strrchr(thisname, '/')) != NULL) {
+ int len = basename++ - thisname;
+ if (len != lastdir_len || memcmp(thisname, lastdir, len) != 0) {
+ lastdir = new_array(char, len + 1);
+ memcpy(lastdir, thisname, len);
+ lastdir[len] = '\0';
+ lastdir_len = len;
+ }
+ } else
+ basename = thisname;
+ basename_len = strlen(basename) + 1; /* count the '\0' */
+ linkname_len = S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) ? strlen(linkname) + 1 : 0;
+ linkname_len = 0;
+ if (copy_devices && am_sender && IS_DEVICE(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (st.st_size == 0) {
+ int fd = do_open(fname, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if (fd >= 0) {
+ st.st_size = get_device_size(fd, fname);
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ }
+ st.st_mode = S_IFREG | (st.st_mode & ACCESSPERMS);
+ st.st_mtime = time(NULL); /* The mtime on the device is not up-to-date, so set it to "now". */
+ }
+ if (st.ST_MTIME_NSEC && protocol_version >= 31)
+ extra_len += EXTRA_LEN;
+ if (st.st_size > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
+ extra_len += EXTRA_LEN;
+ if (always_checksum && am_sender && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ file_checksum(thisname, &st, tmp_sum);
+ if (sender_keeps_checksum)
+ extra_len += SUM_EXTRA_CNT * EXTRA_LEN;
+ }
+ if (extra_len & (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN))
+ extra_len = (extra_len | (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN)) + EXTRA_LEN;
+ alloc_len = FILE_STRUCT_LEN + extra_len + basename_len
+ + linkname_len;
+ if (pool)
+ bp = pool_alloc(pool, alloc_len, "make_file");
+ else
+ bp = new_array(char, alloc_len);
+ memset(bp, 0, extra_len + FILE_STRUCT_LEN);
+ bp += extra_len;
+ file = (struct file_struct *)bp;
+ memcpy(bp, basename, basename_len);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && flist && flist->prev) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 28
+ ? (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && st.st_nlink > 1)
+ : S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ tmp_dev = (int64)st.st_dev;
+ tmp_ino = (int64)st.st_ino;
+ } else
+ tmp_dev = -1;
+ }
+ if (IS_DEVICE(st.st_mode)) {
+ tmp_rdev = st.st_rdev;
+ st.st_size = 0;
+ } else if (IS_SPECIAL(st.st_mode))
+ st.st_size = 0;
+ file->flags = flags;
+ file->modtime = st.st_mtime;
+ if (st.ST_MTIME_NSEC && protocol_version >= 31) {
+ file->flags |= FLAG_MOD_NSEC;
+ F_MOD_NSEC(file) = st.ST_MTIME_NSEC;
+ }
+ file->len32 = (uint32)st.st_size;
+ if (st.st_size > 0xFFFFFFFFu && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ file->flags |= FLAG_LENGTH64;
+ F_HIGH_LEN(file) = (uint32)(st.st_size >> 32);
+ }
+ file->mode = st.st_mode;
+ if (preserve_uid)
+ F_OWNER(file) = st.st_uid;
+ if (preserve_gid)
+ F_GROUP(file) = st.st_gid;
+ if (am_generator && st.st_uid == our_uid)
+ file->flags |= FLAG_OWNED_BY_US;
+ if (atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ F_ATIME(file) = st.st_atime;
+ if (crtimes_ndx)
+ F_CRTIME(file) = get_create_time(fname, &st);
+ if (basename != thisname)
+ file->dirname = lastdir;
+ if (linkname_len)
+ memcpy(bp + basename_len, linkname, linkname_len);
+ if (am_sender)
+ F_PATHNAME(file) = pathname;
+ else if (!pool)
+ F_DEPTH(file) = extra_len / EXTRA_LEN;
+ if (basename_len == 0+1) {
+ if (!pool)
+ unmake_file(file);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (sender_keeps_checksum && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
+ memcpy(F_SUM(file), tmp_sum, flist_csum_len);
+ if (unsort_ndx)
+ F_NDX(file) = stats.num_dirs;
+ return file;
+OFF_T get_device_size(int fd, const char *fname)
+ OFF_T off = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if (off == (OFF_T) -1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to get device size via seek: %s", fname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to seek device back to start: %s", fname);
+ return off;
+/* Only called for temporary file_struct entries created by make_file(). */
+void unmake_file(struct file_struct *file)
+ free(REQ_EXTRA(file, F_DEPTH(file)));
+static struct file_struct *send_file_name(int f, struct file_list *flist,
+ const char *fname, STRUCT_STAT *stp,
+ int flags, int filter_level)
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ file = make_file(fname, flist, stp, flags, filter_level);
+ if (!file)
+ return NULL;
+ if (chmod_modes && !S_ISLNK(file->mode) && file->mode)
+ file->mode = tweak_mode(file->mode, chmod_modes);
+ if (f >= 0) {
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ const char *symlink_name;
+ int symlink_len;
+ char symlink_buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+#if defined SUPPORT_ACLS || defined SUPPORT_XATTRS
+ stat_x sx;
+ init_stat_x(&sx);
+ if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ symlink_name = F_SYMLINK(file);
+ symlink_len = strlen(symlink_name);
+ if (symlink_len == 0) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "skipping symlink with 0-length value: %s\n",
+ full_fname(fbuf));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ symlink_name = NULL;
+ symlink_len = 0;
+ }
+ if (ic_send != (iconv_t)-1) {
+ xbuf outbuf, inbuf;
+ INIT_CONST_XBUF(outbuf, fbuf);
+ if (file->dirname) {
+ INIT_XBUF_STRLEN(inbuf, (char*)file->dirname);
+ outbuf.size -= 2; /* Reserve room for '/' & 1 more char. */
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_send, &inbuf, &outbuf, ICB_INIT) < 0)
+ goto convert_error;
+ outbuf.size += 2;
+ fbuf[outbuf.len++] = '/';
+ }
+ INIT_XBUF_STRLEN(inbuf, (char*)file->basename);
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_send, &inbuf, &outbuf, ICB_INIT) < 0) {
+ convert_error:
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "[%s] cannot convert filename: %s (%s)\n",
+ who_am_i(), f_name(file, fbuf), strerror(errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fbuf[outbuf.len] = '\0';
+ if (symlink_len && sender_symlink_iconv) {
+ INIT_XBUF(inbuf, (char*)symlink_name, symlink_len, (size_t)-1);
+ INIT_CONST_XBUF(outbuf, symlink_buf);
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_send, &inbuf, &outbuf, ICB_INIT) < 0) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "[%s] cannot convert symlink data for: %s (%s)\n",
+ who_am_i(), full_fname(fbuf), strerror(errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ symlink_buf[outbuf.len] = '\0';
+ symlink_name = symlink_buf;
+ symlink_len = outbuf.len;
+ }
+ } else
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ = file->mode;
+ if (get_acl(fname, &sx) < 0) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ = file->mode;
+ if (get_xattr(fname, &sx) < 0) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ send_file_entry(f, fbuf, file,
+ symlink_name, symlink_len,
+ flist->used, flist->ndx_start);
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ send_acl(f, &sx);
+ free_acl(&sx);
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ F_XATTR(file) = send_xattr(f, &sx);
+ free_xattr(&sx);
+ }
+ }
+ maybe_emit_filelist_progress(flist->used + flist_count_offset);
+ flist_expand(flist, 1);
+ flist->files[flist->used++] = file;
+ return file;
+static void send_if_directory(int f, struct file_list *flist,
+ struct file_struct *file,
+ char *fbuf, unsigned int ol,
+ int flags)
+ char is_dot_dir = fbuf[ol-1] == '.' && (ol == 1 || fbuf[ol-2] == '/');
+ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode)
+ && !(file->flags & FLAG_MOUNT_DIR) && f_name(file, fbuf)) {
+ void *save_filters;
+ unsigned int len = strlen(fbuf);
+ if (len > 1 && fbuf[len-1] == '/')
+ fbuf[--len] = '\0';
+ save_filters = push_local_filters(fbuf, len);
+ send_directory(f, flist, fbuf, len, flags);
+ pop_local_filters(save_filters);
+ fbuf[ol] = '\0';
+ if (is_dot_dir)
+ fbuf[ol-1] = '.';
+ }
+static int file_compare(const void *file1, const void *file2)
+ return f_name_cmp(*(struct file_struct **)file1,
+ *(struct file_struct **)file2);
+/* The guts of a merge-sort algorithm. This was derived from the glibc
+ * version, but I (Wayne) changed the merge code to do less copying and
+ * to require only half the amount of temporary memory. */
+static void fsort_tmp(struct file_struct **fp, size_t num,
+ struct file_struct **tmp)
+ struct file_struct **f1, **f2, **t;
+ size_t n1, n2;
+ n1 = num / 2;
+ n2 = num - n1;
+ f1 = fp;
+ f2 = fp + n1;
+ if (n1 > 1)
+ fsort_tmp(f1, n1, tmp);
+ if (n2 > 1)
+ fsort_tmp(f2, n2, tmp);
+ while (f_name_cmp(*f1, *f2) <= 0) {
+ if (!--n1)
+ return;
+ f1++;
+ }
+ t = tmp;
+ memcpy(t, f1, n1 * PTR_SIZE);
+ *f1++ = *f2++, n2--;
+ while (n1 > 0 && n2 > 0) {
+ if (f_name_cmp(*t, *f2) <= 0)
+ *f1++ = *t++, n1--;
+ else
+ *f1++ = *f2++, n2--;
+ }
+ if (n1 > 0)
+ memcpy(f1, t, n1 * PTR_SIZE);
+/* This file-struct sorting routine makes sure that any identical names in
+ * the file list stay in the same order as they were in the original list.
+ * This is particularly vital in inc_recurse mode where we expect a sort
+ * on the flist to match the exact order of a sort on the dir_flist. */
+static void fsort(struct file_struct **fp, size_t num)
+ if (num <= 1)
+ return;
+ if (use_qsort)
+ qsort(fp, num, PTR_SIZE, file_compare);
+ else {
+ struct file_struct **tmp = new_array(struct file_struct *, (num+1) / 2);
+ fsort_tmp(fp, num, tmp);
+ free(tmp);
+ }
+/* We take an entire set of sibling dirs from the sorted flist and link them
+ * into the tree, setting the appropriate parent/child/sibling pointers. */
+static void add_dirs_to_tree(int parent_ndx, struct file_list *from_flist,
+ int dir_cnt)
+ int i;
+ int32 *dp = NULL;
+ int32 *parent_dp = parent_ndx < 0 ? NULL
+ : F_DIR_NODE_P(dir_flist->sorted[parent_ndx]);
+ /* The sending side is adding entries to dir_flist in sorted order, so sorted & files are the same. */
+ flist_expand(dir_flist, dir_cnt);
+ dir_flist->sorted = dir_flist->files;
+ for (i = 0; dir_cnt; i++) {
+ struct file_struct *file = from_flist->sorted[i];
+ if (!S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ continue;
+ dir_flist->files[dir_flist->used++] = file;
+ dir_cnt--;
+ if (file->basename[0] == '.' && file->basename[1] == '\0')
+ continue;
+ if (dp)
+ DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp) = dir_flist->used - 1;
+ else if (parent_dp)
+ DIR_FIRST_CHILD(parent_dp) = dir_flist->used - 1;
+ else
+ send_dir_ndx = dir_flist->used - 1;
+ dp = F_DIR_NODE_P(file);
+ DIR_PARENT(dp) = parent_ndx;
+ DIR_FIRST_CHILD(dp) = -1;
+ }
+ if (dp)
+ DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp) = -1;
+static void interpret_stat_error(const char *fname, int is_dir)
+ if (errno == ENOENT) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_VANISHED;
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "%s has vanished: %s\n",
+ is_dir ? "directory" : "file", full_fname(fname));
+ } else {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "link_stat %s failed",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ }
+/* This function is normally called by the sender, but the receiving side also
+ * calls it from get_dirlist() with f set to -1 so that we just construct the
+ * file list in memory without sending it over the wire. Also, get_dirlist()
+ * might call this with f set to -2, which also indicates that local filter
+ * rules should be ignored. */
+static void send_directory(int f, struct file_list *flist, char *fbuf, int len,
+ int flags)
+ struct dirent *di;
+ unsigned remainder;
+ char *p;
+ DIR *d;
+ int divert_dirs = (flags & FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS) != 0;
+ int start = flist->used;
+ int filter_level = f == -2 ? SERVER_FILTERS : ALL_FILTERS;
+ assert(flist != NULL);
+ if (!(d = opendir(fbuf))) {
+ if (errno == ENOENT) {
+ if (am_sender) /* Can abuse this for vanished error w/ENOENT: */
+ interpret_stat_error(fbuf, True);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (errno == ENOTDIR && (flags & FLAG_PERHAPS_DIR))
+ return;
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "opendir %s failed", full_fname(fbuf));
+ return;
+ }
+ p = fbuf + len;
+ if (len == 1 && *fbuf == '/')
+ remainder = MAXPATHLEN - 1;
+ else if (len < MAXPATHLEN-1) {
+ *p++ = '/';
+ *p = '\0';
+ remainder = MAXPATHLEN - (len + 1);
+ } else
+ remainder = 0;
+ for (errno = 0, di = readdir(d); di; errno = 0, di = readdir(d)) {
+ unsigned name_len;
+ char *dname = d_name(di);
+ if (dname[0] == '.' && (dname[1] == '\0'
+ || (dname[1] == '.' && dname[2] == '\0')))
+ continue;
+ name_len = strlcpy(p, dname, remainder);
+ if (name_len >= remainder) {
+ char save = fbuf[len];
+ fbuf[len] = '\0';
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "filename overflows max-path len by %u: %s/%s\n",
+ name_len - remainder + 1, fbuf, dname);
+ fbuf[len] = save;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (dname[0] == '\0') {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "cannot send file with empty name in %s\n",
+ full_fname(fbuf));
+ continue;
+ }
+ send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, NULL, flags, filter_level);
+ }
+ fbuf[len] = '\0';
+ if (errno) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "readdir(%s)", full_fname(fbuf));
+ }
+ closedir(d);
+ if (f >= 0 && recurse && !divert_dirs) {
+ int i, end = flist->used - 1;
+ /* send_if_directory() bumps flist->used, so use "end". */
+ for (i = start; i <= end; i++)
+ send_if_directory(f, flist, flist->files[i], fbuf, len, flags);
+ }
+static void send_implied_dirs(int f, struct file_list *flist, char *fname,
+ char *start, char *limit, int flags, char name_type)
+ static char lastpath[MAXPATHLEN] = "";
+ static int lastpath_len = 0;
+ static struct file_struct *lastpath_struct = NULL;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ item_list *relname_list;
+ relnamecache **rnpp;
+ int len, need_new_dir, depth = 0;
+ filter_rule_list save_filter_list = filter_list;
+ filter_list.head = filter_list.tail = NULL; /* Don't filter implied dirs. */
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ if (lastpath_struct && F_PATHNAME(lastpath_struct) == pathname
+ && lastpath_len == limit - fname
+ && strncmp(lastpath, fname, lastpath_len) == 0)
+ need_new_dir = 0;
+ else
+ need_new_dir = 1;
+ } else {
+ char *tp = fname, *lp = lastpath;
+ /* Skip any initial directories in our path that we
+ * have in common with lastpath. */
+ assert(start == fname);
+ for ( ; ; tp++, lp++) {
+ if (tp == limit) {
+ if (*lp == '/' || *lp == '\0')
+ goto done;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*lp != *tp)
+ break;
+ if (*tp == '/') {
+ start = tp;
+ depth++;
+ }
+ }
+ need_new_dir = 1;
+ }
+ if (need_new_dir) {
+ int save_copy_links = copy_links;
+ int save_xfer_dirs = xfer_dirs;
+ char *slash;
+ copy_links = xfer_dirs = 1;
+ *limit = '\0';
+ for (slash = start; (slash = strchr(slash+1, '/')) != NULL; ) {
+ *slash = '\0';
+ file = send_file_name(f, flist, fname, NULL, flags, ALL_FILTERS);
+ depth++;
+ if (!inc_recurse && file && S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ change_local_filter_dir(fname, strlen(fname), depth);
+ *slash = '/';
+ }
+ file = send_file_name(f, flist, fname, NULL, flags, ALL_FILTERS);
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ if (file && !S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ file = NULL;
+ lastpath_struct = file;
+ } else if (file && S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ change_local_filter_dir(fname, strlen(fname), ++depth);
+ strlcpy(lastpath, fname, sizeof lastpath);
+ lastpath_len = limit - fname;
+ *limit = '/';
+ copy_links = save_copy_links;
+ xfer_dirs = save_xfer_dirs;
+ if (!inc_recurse)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (!lastpath_struct)
+ goto done; /* dir must have vanished */
+ len = strlen(limit+1);
+ memcpy(&relname_list, F_DIR_RELNAMES_P(lastpath_struct), sizeof relname_list);
+ if (!relname_list) {
+ relname_list = new0(item_list);
+ memcpy(F_DIR_RELNAMES_P(lastpath_struct), &relname_list, sizeof relname_list);
+ }
+ rnpp = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(relname_list, relnamecache *, 32);
+ *rnpp = (relnamecache*)new_array(char, RELNAMECACHE_LEN + len + 1);
+ (*rnpp)->name_type = name_type;
+ strlcpy((*rnpp)->fname, limit+1, len + 1);
+ filter_list = save_filter_list;
+static NORETURN void fatal_unsafe_io_error(void)
+ /* This (sadly) can only happen when pushing data because
+ * the sender does not know about what kind of delete
+ * is in effect on the receiving side when pulling. */
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "FATAL I/O ERROR: dying to avoid a --delete-%s issue with a pre-3.0.7 receiver.\n",
+ delete_during == 2 ? "delay" : "during");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+static void send1extra(int f, struct file_struct *file, struct file_list *flist)
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ item_list *relname_list;
+ int len, dlen, flags = FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS | FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ size_t j;
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ dlen = strlen(fbuf);
+ if (!change_pathname(file, NULL, 0))
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ change_local_filter_dir(fbuf, dlen, send_dir_depth);
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_CONTENT_DIR) {
+ if (one_file_system) {
+ if (link_stat(fbuf, &st, copy_dirlinks) != 0) {
+ interpret_stat_error(fbuf, True);
+ return;
+ }
+ filesystem_dev = st.st_dev;
+ }
+ send_directory(f, flist, fbuf, dlen, flags);
+ }
+ if (!relative_paths)
+ return;
+ memcpy(&relname_list, F_DIR_RELNAMES_P(file), sizeof relname_list);
+ if (!relname_list)
+ return;
+ for (j = 0; j < relname_list->count; j++) {
+ char *slash;
+ relnamecache *rnp = ((relnamecache**)relname_list->items)[j];
+ char name_type = rnp->name_type;
+ fbuf[dlen] = '/';
+ len = strlcpy(fbuf + dlen + 1, rnp->fname, sizeof fbuf - dlen - 1);
+ free(rnp);
+ if (len >= (int)sizeof fbuf)
+ continue; /* Impossible... */
+ slash = strchr(fbuf+dlen+1, '/');
+ if (slash) {
+ send_implied_dirs(f, flist, fbuf, fbuf+dlen+1, slash, flags, name_type);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (name_type != NORMAL_NAME) {
+ if (name_type == MISSING_NAME)
+ memset(&st, 0, sizeof st);
+ else if (link_stat(fbuf, &st, 1) != 0) {
+ interpret_stat_error(fbuf, True);
+ continue;
+ }
+ send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, &st, FLAG_TOP_DIR | flags, ALL_FILTERS);
+ } else
+ send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, NULL, FLAG_TOP_DIR | flags, ALL_FILTERS);
+ }
+ free(relname_list);
+static void write_end_of_flist(int f, int send_io_error)
+ if (xfer_flags_as_varint) {
+ write_varint(f, 0);
+ write_varint(f, send_io_error ? io_error : 0);
+ } else if (send_io_error) {
+ write_varint(f, io_error);
+ } else
+ write_byte(f, 0);
+void send_extra_file_list(int f, int at_least)
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ int64 start_write;
+ uint16 prev_flags;
+ int save_io_error = io_error;
+ if (flist_eof)
+ return;
+ if (at_least < 0)
+ at_least = file_total - file_old_total + 1;
+ /* Keep sending data until we have the requested number of
+ * files in the upcoming file-lists. */
+ while (file_total - file_old_total < at_least) {
+ struct file_struct *file = dir_flist->sorted[send_dir_ndx];
+ int dir_ndx, dstart = stats.num_dirs;
+ const char *pathname = F_PATHNAME(file);
+ int32 *dp;
+ flist = flist_new(0, "send_extra_file_list");
+ start_write = stats.total_written;
+ if (unsort_ndx)
+ dir_ndx = F_NDX(file);
+ else
+ dir_ndx = send_dir_ndx;
+ write_ndx(f, NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - dir_ndx);
+ flist->parent_ndx = send_dir_ndx; /* the sending side must remember the sorted ndx value */
+ send1extra(f, file, flist);
+ prev_flags = file->flags;
+ dp = F_DIR_NODE_P(file);
+ /* If there are any duplicate directory names that follow, we
+ * send all the dirs together in one file-list. The dir_flist
+ * tree links all the child subdirs onto the last dup dir. */
+ while ((dir_ndx = DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp)) >= 0
+ && dir_flist->sorted[dir_ndx]->flags & FLAG_DUPLICATE) {
+ send_dir_ndx = dir_ndx;
+ file = dir_flist->sorted[dir_ndx];
+ /* Try to avoid some duplicate scanning of identical dirs. */
+ if (F_PATHNAME(file) == pathname && prev_flags & FLAG_CONTENT_DIR)
+ file->flags &= ~FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ send1extra(f, file, flist);
+ prev_flags = file->flags;
+ dp = F_DIR_NODE_P(file);
+ }
+ if (io_error == save_io_error || ignore_errors)
+ write_end_of_flist(f, 0);
+ else if (use_safe_inc_flist)
+ write_end_of_flist(f, 1);
+ else {
+ if (delete_during)
+ fatal_unsafe_io_error();
+ write_end_of_flist(f, 0);
+ }
+ if (need_unsorted_flist) {
+ flist->sorted = new_array(struct file_struct *, flist->used);
+ memcpy(flist->sorted, flist->files, flist->used * PTR_SIZE);
+ } else
+ flist->sorted = flist->files;
+ flist_sort_and_clean(flist, 0);
+ add_dirs_to_tree(send_dir_ndx, flist, stats.num_dirs - dstart);
+ flist_done_allocating(flist);
+ file_total += flist->used;
+ stats.flist_size += stats.total_written - start_write;
+ stats.num_files += flist->used;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ output_flist(flist);
+ if (DIR_FIRST_CHILD(dp) >= 0) {
+ send_dir_ndx = DIR_FIRST_CHILD(dp);
+ send_dir_depth++;
+ } else {
+ while (DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp) < 0) {
+ if ((send_dir_ndx = DIR_PARENT(dp)) < 0) {
+ write_ndx(f, NDX_FLIST_EOF);
+ flist_eof = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist_eof=1\n", who_am_i());
+ change_local_filter_dir(NULL, 0, 0);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ send_dir_depth--;
+ file = dir_flist->sorted[send_dir_ndx];
+ dp = F_DIR_NODE_P(file);
+ }
+ send_dir_ndx = DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(dp);
+ }
+ }
+ finish:
+ if (io_error != save_io_error && protocol_version == 30 && !ignore_errors)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_IO_ERROR, io_error);
+struct file_list *send_file_list(int f, int argc, char *argv[])
+ static const char *lastdir;
+ static int lastdir_len = -1;
+ int len, dirlen;
+ char *p, *dir;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ struct timeval start_tv, end_tv;
+ int64 start_write;
+ int use_ff_fd = 0;
+ int disable_buffering, reenable_multiplex = -1;
+ int flags = recurse ? FLAG_CONTENT_DIR : 0;
+ int reading_remotely = filesfrom_host != NULL;
+ int rl_flags = (reading_remotely ? 0 : RL_DUMP_COMMENTS)
+ | (filesfrom_convert ? RL_CONVERT : 0)
+ | (eol_nulls || reading_remotely ? RL_EOL_NULLS : 0);
+ int implied_dot_dir = 0;
+ rprintf(FLOG, "building file list\n");
+ if (show_filelist_progress)
+ start_filelist_progress("building file list");
+ else if (inc_recurse && INFO_GTE(FLIST, 1) && !am_server)
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "sending incremental file list\n");
+ start_write = stats.total_written;
+ gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL);
+ if (relative_paths && protocol_version >= 30)
+ implied_dirs = 1; /* We send flagged implied dirs */
+ if (preserve_hard_links && protocol_version >= 30 && !cur_flist)
+ init_hard_links();
+ flist = cur_flist = flist_new(0, "send_file_list");
+ flist_expand(flist, FLIST_START_LARGE);
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ dir_flist = flist_new(FLIST_TEMP, "send_file_list");
+ flist_expand(dir_flist, FLIST_START_LARGE);
+ flags |= FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS;
+ } else
+ dir_flist = cur_flist;
+ disable_buffering = io_start_buffering_out(f);
+ if (filesfrom_fd >= 0) {
+ if (argv[0] && !change_dir(argv[0], CD_NORMAL)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "change_dir %s failed",
+ full_fname(argv[0]));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ if (protocol_version < 31) {
+ /* Older protocols send the files-from data w/o packaging
+ * it in multiplexed I/O packets, so temporarily switch
+ * to buffered I/O to match this behavior. */
+ reenable_multiplex = io_end_multiplex_in(MPLX_TO_BUFFERED);
+ }
+ use_ff_fd = 1;
+ }
+ if (!orig_dir)
+ orig_dir = strdup(curr_dir);
+ while (1) {
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN], *fn, name_type;
+ if (use_ff_fd) {
+ if (read_line(filesfrom_fd, fbuf, sizeof fbuf, rl_flags) == 0)
+ break;
+ sanitize_path(fbuf, fbuf, "", 0, SP_KEEP_DOT_DIRS);
+ } else {
+ if (argc-- == 0)
+ break;
+ strlcpy(fbuf, *argv++, MAXPATHLEN);
+ if (sanitize_paths)
+ sanitize_path(fbuf, fbuf, "", 0, SP_KEEP_DOT_DIRS);
+ }
+ len = strlen(fbuf);
+ if (relative_paths) {
+ /* We clean up fbuf below. */
+ name_type = NORMAL_NAME;
+ } else if (!len || fbuf[len - 1] == '/') {
+ if (len == 2 && fbuf[0] == '.') {
+ /* Turn "./" into just "." rather than "./." */
+ fbuf[--len] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ if (len + 1 >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ overflow_exit("send_file_list");
+ fbuf[len++] = '.';
+ fbuf[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ name_type = DOTDIR_NAME;
+ } else if (len > 1 && fbuf[len-1] == '.' && fbuf[len-2] == '.'
+ && (len == 2 || fbuf[len-3] == '/')) {
+ if (len + 2 >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ overflow_exit("send_file_list");
+ fbuf[len++] = '/';
+ fbuf[len++] = '.';
+ fbuf[len] = '\0';
+ name_type = DOTDIR_NAME;
+ } else if (fbuf[len-1] == '.' && (len == 1 || fbuf[len-2] == '/'))
+ name_type = DOTDIR_NAME;
+ else
+ name_type = NORMAL_NAME;
+ dir = NULL;
+ if (!relative_paths) {
+ p = strrchr(fbuf, '/');
+ if (p) {
+ *p = '\0';
+ if (p == fbuf)
+ dir = "/";
+ else
+ dir = fbuf;
+ len -= p - fbuf + 1;
+ fn = p + 1;
+ } else
+ fn = fbuf;
+ } else {
+ if ((p = strstr(fbuf, "/./")) != NULL) {
+ *p = '\0';
+ if (p == fbuf)
+ dir = "/";
+ else {
+ dir = fbuf;
+ clean_fname(dir, 0);
+ }
+ fn = p + 3;
+ while (*fn == '/')
+ fn++;
+ if (!*fn)
+ *--fn = '\0'; /* ensure room for '.' */
+ } else
+ fn = fbuf;
+ /* A leading ./ can be used in relative mode to affect
+ * the dest dir without its name being in the path. */
+ if (*fn == '.' && fn[1] == '/' && fn[2] && !implied_dot_dir)
+ implied_dot_dir = -1;
+ len = clean_fname(fn, CFN_KEEP_TRAILING_SLASH
+ if (len == 1) {
+ if (fn[0] == '/') {
+ fn = "/.";
+ len = 2;
+ name_type = DOTDIR_NAME;
+ } else if (fn[0] == '.')
+ name_type = DOTDIR_NAME;
+ } else if (fn[len-1] == '/') {
+ fn[--len] = '\0';
+ if (len == 1 && *fn == '.')
+ name_type = DOTDIR_NAME;
+ else
+ name_type = SLASH_ENDING_NAME;
+ }
+ /* Reject a ".." dir in the active part of the path. */
+ for (p = fn; (p = strstr(p, "..")) != NULL; p += 2) {
+ if ((p[2] == '/' || p[2] == '\0')
+ && (p == fn || p[-1] == '/')) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "found \"..\" dir in relative path: %s\n",
+ fn);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!*fn) {
+ len = 1;
+ fn = ".";
+ name_type = DOTDIR_NAME;
+ }
+ dirlen = dir ? strlen(dir) : 0;
+ if (dirlen != lastdir_len || memcmp(lastdir, dir, dirlen) != 0) {
+ if (!change_pathname(NULL, dir, -dirlen))
+ goto bad_path;
+ lastdir = pathname;
+ lastdir_len = pathname_len;
+ } else if (!change_pathname(NULL, lastdir, lastdir_len)) {
+ bad_path:
+ if (implied_dot_dir < 0)
+ implied_dot_dir = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (implied_dot_dir < 0) {
+ implied_dot_dir = 1;
+ send_file_name(f, flist, ".", NULL, (flags | FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR) & ~FLAG_CONTENT_DIR, ALL_FILTERS);
+ }
+ if (fn != fbuf)
+ memmove(fbuf, fn, len + 1);
+ if (link_stat(fbuf, &st, copy_dirlinks || name_type != NORMAL_NAME) != 0
+ || (name_type != DOTDIR_NAME && is_excluded(fbuf, S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) != 0, SERVER_FILTERS))
+ || (relative_paths && path_is_daemon_excluded(fbuf, 1))) {
+ if (errno != ENOENT || missing_args == 0) {
+ /* This is a transfer error, but inhibit deletion
+ * only if we might be omitting an existing file. */
+ if (errno != ENOENT)
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "link_stat %s failed",
+ full_fname(fbuf));
+ continue;
+ } else if (missing_args == 1) {
+ /* Just ignore the arg. */
+ continue;
+ } else /* (missing_args == 2) */ {
+ /* Send the arg as a "missing" entry with
+ * mode 0, which tells the generator to delete it. */
+ memset(&st, 0, sizeof st);
+ }
+ }
+ /* A dot-dir should not be excluded! */
+ if (name_type != DOTDIR_NAME && st.st_mode != 0
+ && is_excluded(fbuf, S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) != 0, ALL_FILTERS))
+ continue;
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !xfer_dirs) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "skipping directory %s\n", fbuf);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse && relative_paths && *fbuf) {
+ if ((p = strchr(fbuf+1, '/')) != NULL) {
+ if (p - fbuf == 1 && *fbuf == '.') {
+ if ((fn = strchr(p+1, '/')) != NULL)
+ p = fn;
+ } else
+ fn = p;
+ send_implied_dirs(f, flist, fbuf, fbuf, p, flags,
+ IS_MISSING_FILE(st) ? MISSING_NAME : name_type);
+ if (fn == p)
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (implied_dirs && (p=strrchr(fbuf,'/')) && p != fbuf) {
+ /* Send the implied directories at the start of the
+ * source spec, so we get their permissions right. */
+ send_implied_dirs(f, flist, fbuf, fbuf, p, flags, 0);
+ }
+ if (one_file_system)
+ filesystem_dev = st.st_dev;
+ if (recurse || (xfer_dirs && name_type != NORMAL_NAME)) {
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ file = send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, &st,
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ if (name_type == DOTDIR_NAME) {
+ if (send_dir_depth < 0) {
+ send_dir_depth = 0;
+ change_local_filter_dir(fbuf, len, send_dir_depth);
+ }
+ send_directory(f, flist, fbuf, len, flags);
+ }
+ } else
+ send_if_directory(f, flist, file, fbuf, len, flags);
+ } else
+ send_file_name(f, flist, fbuf, &st, flags, NO_FILTERS);
+ }
+ if (reenable_multiplex >= 0)
+ io_start_multiplex_in(reenable_multiplex);
+ gettimeofday(&end_tv, NULL);
+ stats.flist_buildtime = (int64)(end_tv.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec) * 1000
+ + (end_tv.tv_usec - start_tv.tv_usec) / 1000;
+ if (stats.flist_buildtime == 0)
+ stats.flist_buildtime = 1;
+ start_tv = end_tv;
+ /* Indicate end of file list */
+ if (io_error == 0 || ignore_errors)
+ write_end_of_flist(f, 0);
+ else if (use_safe_inc_flist)
+ write_end_of_flist(f, 1);
+ else {
+ if (delete_during && inc_recurse)
+ fatal_unsafe_io_error();
+ write_end_of_flist(f, 0);
+ }
+ if (preserve_hard_links && protocol_version >= 30 && !inc_recurse)
+ idev_destroy();
+ if (show_filelist_progress)
+ finish_filelist_progress(flist);
+ gettimeofday(&end_tv, NULL);
+ stats.flist_xfertime = (int64)(end_tv.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec) * 1000
+ + (end_tv.tv_usec - start_tv.tv_usec) / 1000;
+ /* When converting names, both sides keep an unsorted file-list array
+ * because the names will differ on the sending and receiving sides
+ * (both sides will use the unsorted index number for each item). */
+ /* Sort the list without removing any duplicates. This allows the
+ * receiving side to ask for whatever name it kept. For incremental
+ * recursion mode, the sender marks duplicate dirs so that it can
+ * send them together in a single file-list. */
+ if (need_unsorted_flist) {
+ flist->sorted = new_array(struct file_struct *, flist->used);
+ memcpy(flist->sorted, flist->files, flist->used * PTR_SIZE);
+ } else
+ flist->sorted = flist->files;
+ flist_sort_and_clean(flist, 0);
+ file_total += flist->used;
+ file_old_total += flist->used;
+ if (numeric_ids <= 0 && !inc_recurse)
+ send_id_lists(f);
+ /* send the io_error flag */
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ write_int(f, ignore_errors ? 0 : io_error);
+ else if (!use_safe_inc_flist && io_error && !ignore_errors)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_IO_ERROR, io_error);
+ if (disable_buffering)
+ io_end_buffering_out(IOBUF_FREE_BUFS);
+ stats.flist_size = stats.total_written - start_write;
+ stats.num_files = flist->used;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ output_flist(flist);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "send_file_list done\n");
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ send_dir_depth = 1;
+ add_dirs_to_tree(-1, flist, stats.num_dirs);
+ if (!file_total || strcmp(flist->sorted[flist->low]->basename, ".") != 0)
+ flist->parent_ndx = -1;
+ flist_done_allocating(flist);
+ if (send_dir_ndx < 0) {
+ write_ndx(f, NDX_FLIST_EOF);
+ flist_eof = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist_eof=1\n", who_am_i());
+ }
+ else if (file_total == 1) {
+ /* If we're creating incremental file-lists and there
+ * was just 1 item in the first file-list, send 1 more
+ * file-list to check if this is a 1-file xfer. */
+ send_extra_file_list(f, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ flist_eof = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist_eof=1\n", who_am_i());
+ }
+ return flist;
+struct file_list *recv_file_list(int f, int dir_ndx)
+ const char *good_dirname = NULL;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ int dstart, flags;
+ int64 start_read;
+ if (!first_flist) {
+ if (show_filelist_progress)
+ start_filelist_progress("receiving file list");
+ else if (inc_recurse && INFO_GTE(FLIST, 1) && !am_server)
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "receiving incremental file list\n");
+ rprintf(FLOG, "receiving file list\n");
+ if (usermap)
+ parse_name_map(usermap, True);
+ if (groupmap)
+ parse_name_map(groupmap, False);
+ }
+ start_read = stats.total_read;
+ if (preserve_hard_links && !first_flist)
+ init_hard_links();
+ flist = flist_new(0, "recv_file_list");
+ flist_expand(flist, FLIST_START_LARGE);
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ if (flist->ndx_start == 1) {
+ dir_flist = flist_new(FLIST_TEMP, "recv_file_list");
+ flist_expand(dir_flist, FLIST_START_LARGE);
+ }
+ dstart = dir_flist->used;
+ } else {
+ dir_flist = flist;
+ dstart = 0;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ if (xfer_flags_as_varint) {
+ if ((flags = read_varint(f)) == 0) {
+ int err = read_varint(f);
+ if (!ignore_errors)
+ io_error |= err;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((flags = read_byte(f)) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (protocol_version >= 28 && (flags & XMIT_EXTENDED_FLAGS))
+ flags |= read_byte(f) << 8;
+ int err;
+ if (!use_safe_inc_flist) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid flist flag: %x\n", flags);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ err = read_varint(f);
+ if (!ignore_errors)
+ io_error |= err;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ flist_expand(flist, 1);
+ file = recv_file_entry(f, flist, flags);
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ static const char empty_dir[] = "\0";
+ const char *cur_dir = file->dirname ? file->dirname : empty_dir;
+ if (relative_paths && *cur_dir == '/')
+ cur_dir++;
+ if (cur_dir != good_dirname) {
+ const char *d = dir_ndx >= 0 ? f_name(dir_flist->files[dir_ndx], NULL) : empty_dir;
+ if (strcmp(cur_dir, d) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "ABORTING due to invalid path from sender: %s/%s\n",
+ cur_dir, file->basename);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ good_dirname = cur_dir;
+ }
+ }
+ if (S_ISREG(file->mode)) {
+ /* Already counted */
+ } else if (S_ISDIR(file->mode)) {
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ flist_expand(dir_flist, 1);
+ dir_flist->files[dir_flist->used++] = file;
+ }
+ stats.num_dirs++;
+ } else if (S_ISLNK(file->mode))
+ stats.num_symlinks++;
+ else if (IS_DEVICE(file->mode))
+ stats.num_symlinks++;
+ else
+ stats.num_specials++;
+ flist->files[flist->used++] = file;
+ maybe_emit_filelist_progress(flist->used);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 2)) {
+ char *name = f_name(file, NULL);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "recv_file_name(%s)\n", NS(name));
+ }
+ }
+ file_total += flist->used;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "received %d names\n", flist->used);
+ if (show_filelist_progress)
+ finish_filelist_progress(flist);
+ if (need_unsorted_flist) {
+ /* Create an extra array of index pointers that we can sort for
+ * the generator's use (for wading through the files in sorted
+ * order and for calling flist_find()). We keep the "files"
+ * list unsorted for our exchange of index numbers with the
+ * other side (since their names may not sort the same). */
+ flist->sorted = new_array(struct file_struct *, flist->used);
+ memcpy(flist->sorted, flist->files, flist->used * PTR_SIZE);
+ if (inc_recurse && dir_flist->used > dstart) {
+ static int dir_flist_malloced = 0;
+ if (dir_flist_malloced < dir_flist->malloced) {
+ dir_flist->sorted = realloc_array(dir_flist->sorted,
+ struct file_struct *,
+ dir_flist->malloced);
+ dir_flist_malloced = dir_flist->malloced;
+ }
+ memcpy(dir_flist->sorted + dstart, dir_flist->files + dstart,
+ (dir_flist->used - dstart) * PTR_SIZE);
+ fsort(dir_flist->sorted + dstart, dir_flist->used - dstart);
+ }
+ } else {
+ flist->sorted = flist->files;
+ if (inc_recurse && dir_flist->used > dstart) {
+ dir_flist->sorted = dir_flist->files;
+ fsort(dir_flist->sorted + dstart, dir_flist->used - dstart);
+ }
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ flist_done_allocating(flist);
+ else if (f >= 0) {
+ recv_id_list(f, flist);
+ flist_eof = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist_eof=1\n", who_am_i());
+ }
+ /* The --relative option sends paths with a leading slash, so we need
+ * to specify the strip_root option here. We rejected leading slashes
+ * for a non-relative transfer in recv_file_entry(). */
+ flist_sort_and_clean(flist, relative_paths);
+ if (protocol_version < 30) {
+ /* Recv the io_error flag */
+ int err = read_int(f);
+ if (!ignore_errors)
+ io_error |= err;
+ } else if (inc_recurse && flist->ndx_start == 1) {
+ if (!file_total || strcmp(flist->sorted[flist->low]->basename, ".") != 0)
+ flist->parent_ndx = -1;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ output_flist(flist);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "recv_file_list done\n");
+ stats.flist_size += stats.total_read - start_read;
+ stats.num_files += flist->used;
+ return flist;
+/* This is only used once by the receiver if the very first file-list
+ * has exactly one item in it. */
+void recv_additional_file_list(int f)
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ int ndx = read_ndx(f);
+ if (ndx == NDX_FLIST_EOF) {
+ flist_eof = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist_eof=1\n", who_am_i());
+ change_local_filter_dir(NULL, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx;
+ if (ndx < 0 || ndx >= dir_flist->used) {
+ ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx;
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "[%s] Invalid dir index: %d (%d - %d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), ndx, NDX_FLIST_OFFSET,
+ NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - dir_flist->used + 1);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] receiving flist for dir %d\n",
+ who_am_i(), ndx);
+ }
+ flist = recv_file_list(f, ndx);
+ flist->parent_ndx = ndx;
+ }
+/* Search for an identically-named item in the file list. Note that the
+ * items must agree in their directory-ness, or no match is returned. */
+int flist_find(struct file_list *flist, struct file_struct *f)
+ int low = flist->low, high = flist->high;
+ int diff, mid, mid_up;
+ while (low <= high) {
+ mid = (low + high) / 2;
+ if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[mid]))
+ mid_up = mid;
+ else {
+ /* Scan for the next non-empty entry using the cached
+ * distance values. If the value isn't fully up-to-
+ * date, update it. */
+ mid_up = mid + F_DEPTH(flist->sorted[mid]);
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[mid_up])) {
+ do {
+ mid_up += F_DEPTH(flist->sorted[mid_up]);
+ } while (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[mid_up]));
+ F_DEPTH(flist->sorted[mid]) = mid_up - mid;
+ }
+ if (mid_up > high) {
+ /* If there's nothing left above us, set high to
+ * a non-empty entry below us and continue. */
+ high = mid - (int)flist->sorted[mid]->len32;
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[high])) {
+ do {
+ high -= (int)flist->sorted[high]->len32;
+ } while (!F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[high]));
+ flist->sorted[mid]->len32 = mid - high;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ diff = f_name_cmp(flist->sorted[mid_up], f);
+ if (diff == 0) {
+ if (protocol_version < 29
+ && S_ISDIR(flist->sorted[mid_up]->mode)
+ != S_ISDIR(f->mode))
+ return -1;
+ return mid_up;
+ }
+ if (diff < 0)
+ low = mid_up + 1;
+ else
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* Search for a name in the file list. You must specify want_dir_match as:
+ * 1=match directories, 0=match non-directories, or -1=match either. */
+int flist_find_name(struct file_list *flist, const char *fname, int want_dir_match)
+ static struct file_struct *f;
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ const char *slash = strrchr(fname, '/');
+ const char *basename = slash ? slash+1 : fname;
+ if (!f)
+ f = (struct file_struct*)new_array(char, FILE_STRUCT_LEN + MAXPATHLEN + 1);
+ memset(f, 0, FILE_STRUCT_LEN);
+ memcpy((void*)f->basename, basename, strlen(basename)+1);
+ if (slash) {
+ strlcpy(fbuf, fname, slash - fname + 1);
+ f->dirname = fbuf;
+ } else
+ f->dirname = NULL;
+ f->mode = want_dir_match > 0 ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG;
+ if (want_dir_match < 0)
+ return flist_find_ignore_dirness(flist, f);
+ return flist_find(flist, f);
+/* Search for an identically-named item in the file list. Differs from
+ * flist_find in that an item that agrees with "f" in directory-ness is
+ * preferred but one that does not is still found. */
+int flist_find_ignore_dirness(struct file_list *flist, struct file_struct *f)
+ mode_t save_mode;
+ int ndx;
+ /* First look for an item that agrees in directory-ness. */
+ ndx = flist_find(flist, f);
+ if (ndx >= 0)
+ return ndx;
+ /* Temporarily flip f->mode to look for an item of opposite
+ * directory-ness. */
+ save_mode = f->mode;
+ f->mode = S_ISDIR(f->mode) ? S_IFREG : S_IFDIR;
+ ndx = flist_find(flist, f);
+ f->mode = save_mode;
+ return ndx;
+ * Free up any resources a file_struct has allocated
+ * and clear the file.
+ */
+void clear_file(struct file_struct *file)
+ /* The +1 zeros out the first char of the basename. */
+ memset(file, 0, FILE_STRUCT_LEN + 1);
+ /* In an empty entry, F_DEPTH() is an offset to the next non-empty
+ * entry. Likewise for len32 in the opposite direction. We assume
+ * that we're alone for now since flist_find() will adjust the counts
+ * it runs into that aren't up-to-date. */
+ file->len32 = F_DEPTH(file) = 1;
+/* Allocate a new file list. */
+static struct file_list *flist_new(int flags, const char *msg)
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ flist = new0(struct file_list);
+ if (flags & FLIST_TEMP) {
+ if (!(flist->file_pool = pool_create(SMALL_EXTENT, 0, _out_of_memory, POOL_INTERN)))
+ out_of_memory(msg);
+ } else {
+ /* This is a doubly linked list with prev looping back to
+ * the end of the list, but the last next pointer is NULL. */
+ if (!first_flist) {
+ if (!(flist->file_pool = pool_create(NORMAL_EXTENT, 0, _out_of_memory, POOL_INTERN)))
+ out_of_memory(msg);
+ flist->ndx_start = flist->flist_num = inc_recurse ? 1 : 0;
+ first_flist = cur_flist = flist->prev = flist;
+ } else {
+ struct file_list *prev = first_flist->prev;
+ flist->file_pool = first_flist->file_pool;
+ flist->ndx_start = prev->ndx_start + prev->used + 1;
+ flist->flist_num = prev->flist_num + 1;
+ flist->prev = prev;
+ prev->next = first_flist->prev = flist;
+ }
+ flist->pool_boundary = pool_boundary(flist->file_pool, 0);
+ flist_cnt++;
+ }
+ return flist;
+/* Free up all elements in a flist. */
+void flist_free(struct file_list *flist)
+ if (!flist->prev) {
+ /* Was FLIST_TEMP dir-list. */
+ } else if (flist == flist->prev) {
+ first_flist = cur_flist = NULL;
+ file_total = 0;
+ flist_cnt = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (flist == cur_flist)
+ cur_flist = flist->next;
+ if (flist == first_flist)
+ first_flist = first_flist->next;
+ else {
+ flist->prev->next = flist->next;
+ if (!flist->next)
+ flist->next = first_flist;
+ }
+ flist->next->prev = flist->prev;
+ file_total -= flist->used;
+ flist_cnt--;
+ }
+ if (!flist->prev || !flist_cnt)
+ pool_destroy(flist->file_pool);
+ else
+ pool_free_old(flist->file_pool, flist->pool_boundary);
+ if (flist->sorted && flist->sorted != flist->files)
+ free(flist->sorted);
+ free(flist->files);
+ free(flist);
+/* This routine ensures we don't have any duplicate names in our file list.
+ * duplicate names can cause corruption because of the pipelining. */
+static void flist_sort_and_clean(struct file_list *flist, int strip_root)
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int i, prev_i;
+ if (!flist)
+ return;
+ if (flist->used == 0) {
+ flist->high = -1;
+ flist->low = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ fsort(flist->sorted, flist->used);
+ if (!am_sender || inc_recurse) {
+ for (i = prev_i = 0; i < flist->used; i++) {
+ if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[i])) {
+ prev_i = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ flist->low = prev_i;
+ } else {
+ i = prev_i = flist->used - 1;
+ flist->low = 0;
+ }
+ while (++i < flist->used) {
+ int j;
+ struct file_struct *file = flist->sorted[i];
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(file))
+ continue;
+ if (f_name_cmp(file, flist->sorted[prev_i]) == 0)
+ j = prev_i;
+ else if (protocol_version >= 29 && S_ISDIR(file->mode)) {
+ int save_mode = file->mode;
+ /* Make sure that this directory doesn't duplicate a
+ * non-directory earlier in the list. */
+ flist->high = prev_i;
+ file->mode = S_IFREG;
+ j = flist_find(flist, file);
+ file->mode = save_mode;
+ } else
+ j = -1;
+ if (j >= 0) {
+ int keep, drop;
+ /* If one is a dir and the other is not, we want to
+ * keep the dir because it might have contents in the
+ * list. Otherwise keep the first one. */
+ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode)) {
+ struct file_struct *fp = flist->sorted[j];
+ if (!S_ISDIR(fp->mode))
+ keep = i, drop = j;
+ else {
+ if (am_sender)
+ file->flags |= FLAG_DUPLICATE;
+ else { /* Make sure we merge our vital flags. */
+ fp->flags |= file->flags & (FLAG_TOP_DIR|FLAG_CONTENT_DIR);
+ fp->flags &= file->flags | ~FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR;
+ }
+ keep = j, drop = i;
+ }
+ } else
+ keep = j, drop = i;
+ if (!am_sender) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(DUP, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "removing duplicate name %s from file list (%d)\n",
+ f_name(file, fbuf), drop + flist->ndx_start);
+ }
+ clear_file(flist->sorted[drop]);
+ }
+ if (keep == i) {
+ if (flist->low == drop) {
+ for (j = drop + 1;
+ j < i && !F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[j]);
+ j++) {}
+ flist->low = j;
+ }
+ prev_i = i;
+ }
+ } else
+ prev_i = i;
+ }
+ flist->high = prev_i;
+ if (strip_root) {
+ /* We need to strip off the leading slashes for relative
+ * paths, but this must be done _after_ the sorting phase. */
+ for (i = flist->low; i <= flist->high; i++) {
+ struct file_struct *file = flist->sorted[i];
+ if (!file->dirname)
+ continue;
+ while (*file->dirname == '/')
+ file->dirname++;
+ if (!*file->dirname)
+ file->dirname = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (prune_empty_dirs && !am_sender) {
+ int j, prev_depth = 0;
+ prev_i = 0; /* It's OK that this isn't really true. */
+ for (i = flist->low; i <= flist->high; i++) {
+ struct file_struct *fp, *file = flist->sorted[i];
+ /* This temporarily abuses the F_DEPTH() value for a
+ * directory that is in a chain that might get pruned.
+ * We restore the old value if it gets a reprieve. */
+ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode) && F_DEPTH(file)) {
+ /* Dump empty dirs when coming back down. */
+ for (j = prev_depth; j >= F_DEPTH(file); j--) {
+ fp = flist->sorted[prev_i];
+ if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0)
+ break;
+ prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1;
+ clear_file(fp);
+ }
+ prev_depth = F_DEPTH(file);
+ if (is_excluded(f_name(file, fbuf), 1, ALL_FILTERS)) {
+ /* Keep dirs through this dir. */
+ for (j = prev_depth-1; ; j--) {
+ fp = flist->sorted[prev_i];
+ if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0)
+ break;
+ prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1;
+ F_DEPTH(fp) = j;
+ }
+ } else
+ F_DEPTH(file) = -prev_i-1;
+ prev_i = i;
+ } else {
+ /* Keep dirs through this non-dir. */
+ for (j = prev_depth; ; j--) {
+ fp = flist->sorted[prev_i];
+ if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0)
+ break;
+ prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1;
+ F_DEPTH(fp) = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Dump all remaining empty dirs. */
+ while (1) {
+ struct file_struct *fp = flist->sorted[prev_i];
+ if (F_DEPTH(fp) >= 0)
+ break;
+ prev_i = -F_DEPTH(fp)-1;
+ clear_file(fp);
+ }
+ for (i = flist->low; i <= flist->high; i++) {
+ if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[i]))
+ break;
+ }
+ flist->low = i;
+ for (i = flist->high; i >= flist->low; i--) {
+ if (F_IS_ACTIVE(flist->sorted[i]))
+ break;
+ }
+ flist->high = i;
+ }
+static void output_flist(struct file_list *flist)
+ char uidbuf[16], gidbuf[16], depthbuf[16];
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ const char *root, *dir, *slash, *name, *trail;
+ const char *who = who_am_i();
+ int i;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist start=%d, used=%d, low=%d, high=%d\n",
+ who, flist->ndx_start, flist->used, flist->low, flist->high);
+ for (i = 0; i < flist->used; i++) {
+ file = flist->files[i];
+ if ((am_root || am_sender) && uid_ndx) {
+ snprintf(uidbuf, sizeof uidbuf, " uid=%u",
+ F_OWNER(file));
+ } else
+ *uidbuf = '\0';
+ if (gid_ndx) {
+ static char parens[] = "(\0)\0\0\0";
+ char *pp = parens + (file->flags & FLAG_SKIP_GROUP ? 0 : 3);
+ snprintf(gidbuf, sizeof gidbuf, " gid=%s%u%s",
+ pp, F_GROUP(file), pp + 2);
+ } else
+ *gidbuf = '\0';
+ if (!am_sender)
+ snprintf(depthbuf, sizeof depthbuf, "%d", F_DEPTH(file));
+ if (F_IS_ACTIVE(file)) {
+ root = am_sender ? NS(F_PATHNAME(file)) : depthbuf;
+ if ((dir = file->dirname) == NULL)
+ dir = slash = "";
+ else
+ slash = "/";
+ name = file->basename;
+ trail = S_ISDIR(file->mode) ? "/" : "";
+ } else
+ root = dir = slash = name = trail = "";
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "[%s] i=%d %s %s%s%s%s mode=0%o len=%s%s%s flags=%x\n",
+ who, i + flist->ndx_start,
+ root, dir, slash, name, trail,
+ (int)file->mode, comma_num(F_LENGTH(file)),
+ uidbuf, gidbuf, file->flags);
+ }
+enum fnc_state { s_DIR, s_SLASH, s_BASE, s_TRAILING };
+enum fnc_type { t_PATH, t_ITEM };
+static int found_prefix;
+/* Compare the names of two file_struct entities, similar to how strcmp()
+ * would do if it were operating on the joined strings.
+ *
+ * Some differences beginning with protocol_version 29: (1) directory names
+ * are compared with an assumed trailing slash so that they compare in a
+ * way that would cause them to sort immediately prior to any content they
+ * may have; (2) a directory of any name compares after a non-directory of
+ * any name at the same depth; (3) a directory with name "." compares prior
+ * to anything else. These changes mean that a directory and a non-dir
+ * with the same name will not compare as equal (protocol_version >= 29).
+ *
+ * The dirname component can be an empty string, but the basename component
+ * cannot (and never is in the current codebase). The basename component
+ * may be NULL (for a removed item), in which case it is considered to be
+ * after any existing item. */
+int f_name_cmp(const struct file_struct *f1, const struct file_struct *f2)
+ int dif;
+ const uchar *c1, *c2;
+ enum fnc_state state1, state2;
+ enum fnc_type type1, type2;
+ enum fnc_type t_path = protocol_version >= 29 ? t_PATH : t_ITEM;
+ if (!f1 || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f1)) {
+ if (!f2 || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f2))
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!f2 || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f2))
+ return 1;
+ c1 = (uchar*)f1->dirname;
+ c2 = (uchar*)f2->dirname;
+ if (c1 == c2)
+ c1 = c2 = NULL;
+ if (!c1) {
+ type1 = S_ISDIR(f1->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM;
+ c1 = (const uchar*)f1->basename;
+ if (type1 == t_PATH && *c1 == '.' && !c1[1]) {
+ type1 = t_ITEM;
+ state1 = s_TRAILING;
+ c1 = (uchar*)"";
+ } else
+ state1 = s_BASE;
+ } else {
+ type1 = t_path;
+ state1 = s_DIR;
+ }
+ if (!c2) {
+ type2 = S_ISDIR(f2->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM;
+ c2 = (const uchar*)f2->basename;
+ if (type2 == t_PATH && *c2 == '.' && !c2[1]) {
+ type2 = t_ITEM;
+ state2 = s_TRAILING;
+ c2 = (uchar*)"";
+ } else
+ state2 = s_BASE;
+ } else {
+ type2 = t_path;
+ state2 = s_DIR;
+ }
+ if (type1 != type2)
+ return type1 == t_PATH ? 1 : -1;
+ do {
+ if (!*c1) {
+ switch (state1) {
+ case s_DIR:
+ state1 = s_SLASH;
+ c1 = (uchar*)"/";
+ break;
+ case s_SLASH:
+ type1 = S_ISDIR(f1->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM;
+ c1 = (const uchar*)f1->basename;
+ if (type1 == t_PATH && *c1 == '.' && !c1[1]) {
+ type1 = t_ITEM;
+ state1 = s_TRAILING;
+ c1 = (uchar*)"";
+ } else
+ state1 = s_BASE;
+ break;
+ case s_BASE:
+ state1 = s_TRAILING;
+ if (type1 == t_PATH) {
+ c1 = (uchar*)"/";
+ break;
+ }
+ case s_TRAILING:
+ type1 = t_ITEM;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*c2 && type1 != type2)
+ return type1 == t_PATH ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ if (!*c2) {
+ switch (state2) {
+ case s_DIR:
+ state2 = s_SLASH;
+ c2 = (uchar*)"/";
+ break;
+ case s_SLASH:
+ type2 = S_ISDIR(f2->mode) ? t_path : t_ITEM;
+ c2 = (const uchar*)f2->basename;
+ if (type2 == t_PATH && *c2 == '.' && !c2[1]) {
+ type2 = t_ITEM;
+ state2 = s_TRAILING;
+ c2 = (uchar*)"";
+ } else
+ state2 = s_BASE;
+ break;
+ case s_BASE:
+ state2 = s_TRAILING;
+ if (type2 == t_PATH) {
+ c2 = (uchar*)"/";
+ break;
+ }
+ case s_TRAILING:
+ found_prefix = 1;
+ if (!*c1)
+ return 0;
+ type2 = t_ITEM;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (type1 != type2)
+ return type1 == t_PATH ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ } while ((dif = (int)*c1++ - (int)*c2++) == 0);
+ return dif;
+/* Returns 1 if f1's filename has all of f2's filename as a prefix. This does
+ * not match if f2's basename is not an exact match of a path element in f1.
+ * E.g. /path/foo is not a prefix of /path/foobar/baz, but /path/foobar is. */
+int f_name_has_prefix(const struct file_struct *f1, const struct file_struct *f2)
+ found_prefix = 0;
+ f_name_cmp(f1, f2);
+ return found_prefix;
+char *f_name_buf(void)
+ static char names[5][MAXPATHLEN];
+ static unsigned int n;
+ n = (n + 1) % (sizeof names / sizeof names[0]);
+ return names[n];
+/* Return a copy of the full filename of a flist entry, using the indicated
+ * buffer or one of 5 static buffers if fbuf is NULL. No size-checking is
+ * done because we checked the size when creating the file_struct entry.
+ */
+char *f_name(const struct file_struct *f, char *fbuf)
+ if (!f || !F_IS_ACTIVE(f))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!fbuf)
+ fbuf = f_name_buf();
+ if (f->dirname) {
+ int len = strlen(f->dirname);
+ memcpy(fbuf, f->dirname, len);
+ fbuf[len] = '/';
+ strlcpy(fbuf + len + 1, f->basename, MAXPATHLEN - (len + 1));
+ } else
+ strlcpy(fbuf, f->basename, MAXPATHLEN);
+ return fbuf;
+/* Do a non-recursive scan of the named directory, possibly ignoring all
+ * exclude rules except for the daemon's. If "dlen" is >=0, it is the length
+ * of the dirname string, and also indicates that "dirname" is a MAXPATHLEN
+ * buffer (the functions we call will append names onto the end, but the old
+ * dir value will be restored on exit). */
+struct file_list *get_dirlist(char *dirname, int dlen, int flags)
+ struct file_list *dirlist;
+ char dirbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int save_recurse = recurse;
+ int save_xfer_dirs = xfer_dirs;
+ int save_prune_empty_dirs = prune_empty_dirs;
+ int senddir_fd = flags & GDL_IGNORE_FILTER_RULES ? -2 : -1;
+ int senddir_flags = FLAG_CONTENT_DIR;
+ if (dlen < 0) {
+ dlen = strlcpy(dirbuf, dirname, MAXPATHLEN);
+ if (dlen >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ return NULL;
+ dirname = dirbuf;
+ }
+ dirlist = flist_new(FLIST_TEMP, "get_dirlist");
+ if (flags & GDL_PERHAPS_DIR)
+ senddir_flags |= FLAG_PERHAPS_DIR;
+ recurse = 0;
+ xfer_dirs = 1;
+ send_directory(senddir_fd, dirlist, dirname, dlen, senddir_flags);
+ xfer_dirs = save_xfer_dirs;
+ recurse = save_recurse;
+ flist_count_offset += dirlist->used;
+ prune_empty_dirs = 0;
+ dirlist->sorted = dirlist->files;
+ flist_sort_and_clean(dirlist, 0);
+ prune_empty_dirs = save_prune_empty_dirs;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ output_flist(dirlist);
+ return dirlist;
diff --git a/generator.c b/generator.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c4a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2434 @@
+ * Routines that are exclusive to the generator process.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int do_xfers;
+extern int stdout_format_has_i;
+extern int logfile_format_has_i;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int relative_paths;
+extern int implied_dirs;
+extern int keep_dirlinks;
+extern int write_devices;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int preserve_links;
+extern int preserve_devices;
+extern int preserve_specials;
+extern int preserve_hard_links;
+extern int preserve_executability;
+extern int preserve_perms;
+extern int preserve_mtimes;
+extern int omit_dir_times;
+extern int omit_link_times;
+extern int delete_mode;
+extern int delete_before;
+extern int delete_during;
+extern int delete_after;
+extern int missing_args;
+extern int msgdone_cnt;
+extern int ignore_errors;
+extern int remove_source_files;
+extern int delay_updates;
+extern int update_only;
+extern int human_readable;
+extern int ignore_existing;
+extern int ignore_non_existing;
+extern int want_xattr_optim;
+extern int modify_window;
+extern int inplace;
+extern int append_mode;
+extern int make_backups;
+extern int csum_length;
+extern int ignore_times;
+extern int size_only;
+extern OFF_T max_size;
+extern OFF_T min_size;
+extern int io_error;
+extern int flist_eof;
+extern int allowed_lull;
+extern int sock_f_out;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int file_total;
+extern int fuzzy_basis;
+extern int always_checksum;
+extern int flist_csum_len;
+extern char *partial_dir;
+extern int alt_dest_type;
+extern int whole_file;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int read_batch;
+extern int write_batch;
+extern int safe_symlinks;
+extern int32 block_size;
+extern int unsort_ndx;
+extern int max_delete;
+extern int force_delete;
+extern int one_file_system;
+extern int skipped_deletes;
+extern dev_t filesystem_dev;
+extern mode_t orig_umask;
+extern uid_t our_uid;
+extern char *tmpdir;
+extern char *basis_dir[MAX_BASIS_DIRS+1];
+extern struct file_list *cur_flist, *first_flist, *dir_flist;
+extern filter_rule_list filter_list, daemon_filter_list;
+int maybe_ATTRS_REPORT = 0;
+int maybe_ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME = 0;
+static dev_t dev_zero;
+static int deldelay_size = 0, deldelay_cnt = 0;
+static char *deldelay_buf = NULL;
+static int deldelay_fd = -1;
+static int loopchk_limit;
+static int dir_tweaking;
+static int symlink_timeset_failed_flags;
+static int need_retouch_dir_times;
+static int need_retouch_dir_perms;
+static const char *solo_file = NULL;
+/* Forward declarations. */
+static void handle_skipped_hlink(struct file_struct *file, int itemizing,
+ enum logcode code, int f_out);
+#define EARLY_DELAY_DONE_MSG() (!delay_updates)
+#define EARLY_DELETE_DONE_MSG() (!(delete_during == 2 || delete_after))
+static int start_delete_delay_temp(void)
+ char fnametmp[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int save_dry_run = dry_run;
+ dry_run = 0;
+ if (!get_tmpname(fnametmp, "deldelay", False)
+ || (deldelay_fd = do_mkstemp(fnametmp, 0600)) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "NOTE: Unable to create delete-delay temp file%s.\n",
+ inc_recurse ? "" : " -- switching to --delete-after");
+ delete_during = 0;
+ delete_after = !inc_recurse;
+ dry_run = save_dry_run;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ unlink(fnametmp);
+ dry_run = save_dry_run;
+ return 1;
+static int flush_delete_delay(void)
+ if (deldelay_fd < 0 && !start_delete_delay_temp())
+ return 0;
+ if (write(deldelay_fd, deldelay_buf, deldelay_cnt) != deldelay_cnt) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "flush of delete-delay buffer");
+ delete_during = 0;
+ delete_after = !inc_recurse;
+ close(deldelay_fd);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ deldelay_cnt = 0;
+ return 1;
+static int remember_delete(struct file_struct *file, const char *fname, int flags)
+ int len;
+ if (deldelay_cnt == deldelay_size && !flush_delete_delay())
+ return 0;
+ if (flags & DEL_NO_UID_WRITE)
+ deldelay_buf[deldelay_cnt++] = '!';
+ while (1) {
+ len = snprintf(deldelay_buf + deldelay_cnt, deldelay_size - deldelay_cnt,
+ "%x %s%c", (int)file->mode, fname, '\0');
+ if ((deldelay_cnt += len) <= deldelay_size)
+ break;
+ deldelay_cnt -= len;
+ if (!flush_delete_delay())
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int read_delay_line(char *buf, int *flags_p)
+ static int read_pos = 0;
+ unsigned int mode;
+ int j, len;
+ char *bp, *past_space;
+ while (1) {
+ for (j = read_pos; j < deldelay_cnt && deldelay_buf[j]; j++) {}
+ if (j < deldelay_cnt)
+ break;
+ if (deldelay_fd < 0) {
+ if (j > read_pos)
+ goto invalid_data;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ deldelay_cnt -= read_pos;
+ if (deldelay_cnt == deldelay_size)
+ goto invalid_data;
+ if (deldelay_cnt && read_pos) {
+ memmove(deldelay_buf, deldelay_buf + read_pos,
+ deldelay_cnt);
+ }
+ len = read(deldelay_fd, deldelay_buf + deldelay_cnt,
+ deldelay_size - deldelay_cnt);
+ if (len == 0) {
+ if (deldelay_cnt) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: unexpected EOF in delete-delay file.\n");
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (len < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno,
+ "reading delete-delay file");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ deldelay_cnt += len;
+ read_pos = 0;
+ }
+ bp = deldelay_buf + read_pos;
+ if (*bp == '!') {
+ bp++;
+ *flags_p = DEL_NO_UID_WRITE;
+ } else
+ *flags_p = 0;
+ if (sscanf(bp, "%x ", &mode) != 1) {
+ invalid_data:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: invalid data in delete-delay file.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ past_space = strchr(bp, ' ') + 1;
+ len = j - read_pos - (past_space - bp) + 1; /* count the '\0' */
+ read_pos = j + 1;
+ if (len > MAXPATHLEN) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: filename too long in delete-delay file.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* The caller needs the name in a MAXPATHLEN buffer, so we copy it
+ * instead of returning a pointer to our buffer. */
+ memcpy(buf, past_space, len);
+ return mode;
+static void do_delayed_deletions(char *delbuf)
+ int mode, flags;
+ if (deldelay_fd >= 0) {
+ if (deldelay_cnt && !flush_delete_delay())
+ return;
+ lseek(deldelay_fd, 0, 0);
+ }
+ while ((mode = read_delay_line(delbuf, &flags)) >= 0)
+ delete_item(delbuf, mode, flags | DEL_RECURSE);
+ if (deldelay_fd >= 0)
+ close(deldelay_fd);
+/* This function is used to implement per-directory deletion, and is used by
+ * all the --delete-WHEN options. Note that the fbuf pointer must point to a
+ * MAXPATHLEN buffer with the name of the directory in it (the functions we
+ * call will append names onto the end, but the old dir value will be restored
+ * on exit). */
+static void delete_in_dir(char *fbuf, struct file_struct *file, dev_t fs_dev)
+ static int already_warned = 0;
+ static struct hashtable *dev_tbl;
+ struct file_list *dirlist;
+ char delbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int dlen, i;
+ if (!fbuf) {
+ change_local_filter_dir(NULL, 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(DEL, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "delete_in_dir(%s)\n", fbuf);
+ if (allowed_lull)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH);
+ if (io_error & IOERR_GENERAL && !ignore_errors) {
+ if (already_warned)
+ return;
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion\n");
+ already_warned = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ dlen = strlen(fbuf);
+ change_local_filter_dir(fbuf, dlen, F_DEPTH(file));
+ if (one_file_system) {
+ if (!dev_tbl)
+ dev_tbl = hashtable_create(16, HT_KEY64);
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_TOP_DIR) {
+ hashtable_find(dev_tbl, fs_dev+1, "");
+ filesystem_dev = fs_dev;
+ } else if (filesystem_dev != fs_dev) {
+ if (!hashtable_find(dev_tbl, fs_dev+1, NULL))
+ return;
+ filesystem_dev = fs_dev; /* it's a prior top-dir dev */
+ }
+ }
+ dirlist = get_dirlist(fbuf, dlen, 0);
+ /* If an item in dirlist is not found in flist, delete it
+ * from the filesystem. */
+ for (i = dirlist->used; i--; ) {
+ struct file_struct *fp = dirlist->files[i];
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(fp))
+ continue;
+ if (fp->flags & FLAG_MOUNT_DIR && S_ISDIR(fp->mode)) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(MOUNT, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "cannot delete mount point: %s\n",
+ f_name(fp, NULL));
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Here we want to match regardless of file type. Replacement
+ * of a file with one of another type is handled separately by
+ * a delete_item call with a DEL_MAKE_ROOM flag. */
+ if (flist_find_ignore_dirness(cur_flist, fp) < 0) {
+ int flags = DEL_RECURSE;
+ if (!(fp->mode & S_IWUSR) && !am_root && fp->flags & FLAG_OWNED_BY_US)
+ flags |= DEL_NO_UID_WRITE;
+ f_name(fp, delbuf);
+ if (delete_during == 2) {
+ if (!remember_delete(fp, delbuf, flags))
+ break;
+ } else
+ delete_item(delbuf, fp->mode, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ flist_free(dirlist);
+/* This deletes any files on the receiving side that are not present on the
+ * sending side. This is used by --delete-before and --delete-after. */
+static void do_delete_pass(void)
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int j;
+ /* dry_run is incremented when the destination doesn't exist yet. */
+ if (dry_run > 1 || list_only)
+ return;
+ for (j = 0; j < cur_flist->used; j++) {
+ struct file_struct *file = cur_flist->sorted[j];
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(file))
+ continue;
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ if (!(file->flags & FLAG_CONTENT_DIR)) {
+ change_local_filter_dir(fbuf, strlen(fbuf), F_DEPTH(file));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(DEL, 1) && file->flags & FLAG_TOP_DIR)
+ rprintf(FINFO, "deleting in %s\n", fbuf);
+ if (link_stat(fbuf, &st, keep_dirlinks) < 0
+ || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+ continue;
+ delete_in_dir(fbuf, file, st.st_dev);
+ }
+ delete_in_dir(NULL, NULL, dev_zero);
+ if (INFO_GTE(FLIST, 2) && !am_server)
+ rprintf(FINFO, " \r");
+static inline int mtime_differs(STRUCT_STAT *stp, struct file_struct *file)
+ return !same_time(stp->st_mtime, stp->ST_MTIME_NSEC, file->modtime, F_MOD_NSEC_or_0(file));
+ return !same_time(stp->st_mtime, 0, file->modtime, 0);
+static inline int any_time_differs(stat_x *sxp, struct file_struct *file, UNUSED(const char *fname))
+ int differs = mtime_differs(&sxp->st, file);
+ if (!differs && crtimes_ndx) {
+ if (sxp->crtime == 0)
+ sxp->crtime = get_create_time(fname, &sxp->st);
+ differs = !same_time(sxp->crtime, 0, F_CRTIME(file), 0);
+ }
+ return differs;
+static inline int perms_differ(struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp)
+ if (preserve_perms)
+ return !BITS_EQUAL(sxp->st.st_mode, file->mode, CHMOD_BITS);
+ if (preserve_executability)
+ return (sxp->st.st_mode & 0111 ? 1 : 0) ^ (file->mode & 0111 ? 1 : 0);
+ return 0;
+static inline int ownership_differs(struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp)
+ if (am_root && uid_ndx && sxp->st.st_uid != (uid_t)F_OWNER(file))
+ return 1;
+ if (gid_ndx && !(file->flags & FLAG_SKIP_GROUP) && sxp->st.st_gid != (gid_t)F_GROUP(file))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static inline int acls_differ(const char *fname, struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp)
+ if (preserve_acls) {
+ if (!ACL_READY(*sxp))
+ get_acl(fname, sxp);
+ if (set_acl(NULL, file, sxp, file->mode))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline int xattrs_differ(const char *fname, struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp)
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ if (!XATTR_READY(*sxp))
+ get_xattr(fname, sxp);
+ if (xattr_diff(file, sxp, 0))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int unchanged_attrs(const char *fname, struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp)
+ if (S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ if (preserve_mtimes && !omit_link_times && any_time_differs(sxp, file, fname))
+ return 0;
+ if (perms_differ(file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+ if (ownership_differs(file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+#if defined SUPPORT_ACLS && 0 /* no current symlink-ACL support */
+ if (acls_differ(fname, file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+#if defined SUPPORT_XATTRS && !defined NO_SYMLINK_XATTRS
+ if (xattrs_differ(fname, file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (preserve_mtimes && any_time_differs(sxp, file, fname))
+ return 0;
+ if (perms_differ(file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+ if (ownership_differs(file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+ if (acls_differ(fname, file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+ if (xattrs_differ(fname, file, sxp))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+void itemize(const char *fnamecmp, struct file_struct *file, int ndx, int statret,
+ stat_x *sxp, int32 iflags, uchar fnamecmp_type,
+ const char *xname)
+ if (statret >= 0) { /* A from-dest-dir statret can == 1! */
+ int keep_time = !preserve_mtimes ? 0
+ : S_ISDIR(file->mode) ? !omit_dir_times
+ : S_ISLNK(file->mode) ? !omit_link_times
+ : 1;
+ if (S_ISREG(file->mode) && F_LENGTH(file) != sxp->st.st_size)
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_SIZE;
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_TIME_FAILED) { /* symlinks only */
+ if (iflags & ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE)
+ iflags |= symlink_timeset_failed_flags;
+ } else if (keep_time
+ ? mtime_differs(&sxp->st, file)
+ && (!(iflags & ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS) || *xname))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_TIME;
+ if (atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(file->mode) && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)
+ && !same_time(F_ATIME(file), 0, sxp->st.st_atime, 0))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_ATIME;
+ if (crtimes_ndx) {
+ if (sxp->crtime == 0)
+ sxp->crtime = get_create_time(fnamecmp, &sxp->st);
+ if (!same_time(sxp->crtime, 0, F_CRTIME(file), 0))
+ }
+ if (S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ ;
+ } else
+ if (preserve_perms) {
+ if (!BITS_EQUAL(sxp->st.st_mode, file->mode, CHMOD_BITS))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_PERMS;
+ } else if (preserve_executability
+ && ((sxp->st.st_mode & 0111 ? 1 : 0) ^ (file->mode & 0111 ? 1 : 0)))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_PERMS;
+ if (uid_ndx && am_root && (uid_t)F_OWNER(file) != sxp->st.st_uid)
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_OWNER;
+ if (gid_ndx && !(file->flags & FLAG_SKIP_GROUP) && sxp->st.st_gid != (gid_t)F_GROUP(file))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_GROUP;
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ if (!ACL_READY(*sxp))
+ get_acl(fnamecmp, sxp);
+ if (set_acl(NULL, file, sxp, file->mode))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_ACL;
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ if (!XATTR_READY(*sxp))
+ get_xattr(fnamecmp, sxp);
+ if (xattr_diff(file, sxp, 1))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_XATTR;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (preserve_xattrs && xattr_diff(file, NULL, 1))
+ iflags |= ITEM_REPORT_XATTR;
+ iflags |= ITEM_IS_NEW;
+ }
+ iflags &= 0xffff;
+ || stdout_format_has_i > 1 || (xname && *xname)) && !read_batch) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ if (ndx >= 0)
+ write_ndx(sock_f_out, ndx);
+ write_shortint(sock_f_out, iflags);
+ write_byte(sock_f_out, fnamecmp_type);
+ if (iflags & ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS)
+ write_vstring(sock_f_out, xname, strlen(xname));
+ if (preserve_xattrs && do_xfers
+ int fd = iflags & ITEM_REPORT_XATTR
+ && !(want_xattr_optim && BITS_SET(iflags, ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS|ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE))
+ ? sock_f_out : -1;
+ send_xattr_request(NULL, file, fd);
+ }
+ } else if (ndx >= 0) {
+ enum logcode code = logfile_format_has_i ? FINFO : FCLIENT;
+ log_item(code, file, iflags, xname);
+ }
+ }
+static enum filetype get_file_type(mode_t mode)
+ if (S_ISREG(mode))
+ return FT_REG;
+ if (S_ISLNK(mode))
+ return FT_SYMLINK;
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode))
+ return FT_DIR;
+ if (IS_SPECIAL(mode))
+ return FT_SPECIAL;
+ if (IS_DEVICE(mode))
+ return FT_DEVICE;
+/* Perform our quick-check heuristic for determining if a file is unchanged. */
+int quick_check_ok(enum filetype ftype, const char *fn, struct file_struct *file, STRUCT_STAT *st)
+ switch (ftype) {
+ case FT_REG:
+ if (st->st_size != F_LENGTH(file))
+ return 0;
+ /* If always_checksum is set then we use the checksum instead
+ * of the file mtime to determine whether to sync. */
+ if (always_checksum > 0) {
+ char sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+ file_checksum(fn, st, sum);
+ return memcmp(sum, F_SUM(file), flist_csum_len) == 0;
+ }
+ if (size_only > 0)
+ return 1;
+ if (ignore_times)
+ return 0;
+ if (mtime_differs(st, file))
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case FT_DIR:
+ break;
+ case FT_SYMLINK: {
+ char lnk[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int len = do_readlink(fn, lnk, MAXPATHLEN-1);
+ if (len <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ lnk[len] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(lnk, F_SYMLINK(file)) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ case FT_SPECIAL:
+ if (!BITS_EQUAL(file->mode, st->st_mode, _S_IFMT))
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case FT_DEVICE: {
+ uint32 *devp = F_RDEV_P(file);
+ if (st->st_rdev != MAKEDEV(DEV_MAJOR(devp), DEV_MINOR(devp)))
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * set (initialize) the size entries in the per-file sum_struct
+ * calculating dynamic block and checksum sizes.
+ *
+ * This is only called from generate_and_send_sums() but is a separate
+ * function to encapsulate the logic.
+ *
+ * The block size is a rounded square root of file length.
+ *
+ * The checksum size is determined according to:
+ * blocksum_bits = BLOCKSUM_BIAS + 2*log2(file_len) - log2(block_len)
+ * provided by Donovan Baarda which gives a probability of rsync
+ * algorithm corrupting data and falling back using the whole md4
+ * checksums.
+ *
+ * This might be made one of several selectable heuristics.
+ */
+static void sum_sizes_sqroot(struct sum_struct *sum, int64 len)
+ int32 blength;
+ int s2length;
+ int64 l;
+ if (len < 0) {
+ /* The file length overflowed our int64 var, so we can't process this file. */
+ sum->count = -1; /* indicate overflow error */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (block_size)
+ blength = block_size;
+ else if (len <= BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE)
+ blength = BLOCK_SIZE;
+ else {
+ int32 max_blength = protocol_version < 30 ? OLD_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE : MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ int32 c;
+ int cnt;
+ for (c = 1, l = len, cnt = 0; l >>= 2; c <<= 1, cnt++) {}
+ if (c < 0 || c >= max_blength)
+ blength = max_blength;
+ else {
+ blength = 0;
+ do {
+ blength |= c;
+ if (len < (int64)blength * blength)
+ blength &= ~c;
+ c >>= 1;
+ } while (c >= 8); /* round to multiple of 8 */
+ blength = MAX(blength, BLOCK_SIZE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (protocol_version < 27) {
+ s2length = csum_length;
+ } else if (csum_length == SUM_LENGTH) {
+ s2length = SUM_LENGTH;
+ } else {
+ int32 c;
+ int b = BLOCKSUM_BIAS;
+ for (l = len; l >>= 1; b += 2) {}
+ for (c = blength; (c >>= 1) && b; b--) {}
+ /* add a bit, subtract rollsum, round up. */
+ s2length = (b + 1 - 32 + 7) / 8; /* --optimize in compiler-- */
+ s2length = MAX(s2length, csum_length);
+ s2length = MIN(s2length, SUM_LENGTH);
+ }
+ sum->flength = len;
+ sum->blength = blength;
+ sum->s2length = s2length;
+ sum->remainder = (int32)(len % blength);
+ sum->count = (int32)(l = (len / blength) + (sum->remainder != 0));
+ if ((int64)sum->count != l)
+ sum->count = -1;
+ if (sum->count && DEBUG_GTE(DELTASUM, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "count=%s rem=%ld blength=%ld s2length=%d flength=%s\n",
+ big_num(sum->count), (long)sum->remainder, (long)sum->blength,
+ sum->s2length, big_num(sum->flength));
+ }
+ * Generate and send a stream of signatures/checksums that describe a buffer
+ *
+ * Generate approximately one checksum every block_len bytes.
+ */
+static int generate_and_send_sums(int fd, OFF_T len, int f_out, int f_copy)
+ int32 i;
+ struct map_struct *mapbuf;
+ struct sum_struct sum;
+ OFF_T offset = 0;
+ sum_sizes_sqroot(&sum, len);
+ if (sum.count < 0)
+ return -1;
+ write_sum_head(f_out, &sum);
+ if (append_mode > 0 && f_copy < 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (len > 0)
+ mapbuf = map_file(fd, len, MAX_MAP_SIZE, sum.blength);
+ else
+ mapbuf = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < sum.count; i++) {
+ int32 n1 = (int32)MIN(len, (OFF_T)sum.blength);
+ char *map = map_ptr(mapbuf, offset, n1);
+ char sum2[SUM_LENGTH];
+ uint32 sum1;
+ len -= n1;
+ offset += n1;
+ if (f_copy >= 0) {
+ full_write(f_copy, map, n1);
+ if (append_mode > 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ sum1 = get_checksum1(map, n1);
+ get_checksum2(map, n1, sum2);
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "chunk[%s] offset=%s len=%ld sum1=%08lx\n",
+ big_num(i), big_num(offset - n1), (long)n1,
+ (unsigned long)sum1);
+ }
+ write_int(f_out, sum1);
+ write_buf(f_out, sum2, sum.s2length);
+ }
+ if (mapbuf)
+ unmap_file(mapbuf);
+ return 0;
+/* Try to find a filename in the same dir as "fname" with a similar name. */
+static struct file_struct *find_fuzzy(struct file_struct *file, struct file_list *dirlist_array[], uchar *fnamecmp_type_ptr)
+ int fname_len, fname_suf_len;
+ const char *fname_suf, *fname = file->basename;
+ uint32 lowest_dist = 25 << 16; /* ignore a distance greater than 25 */
+ int i, j;
+ struct file_struct *lowest_fp = NULL;
+ fname_len = strlen(fname);
+ fname_suf = find_filename_suffix(fname, fname_len, &fname_suf_len);
+ /* Try to find an exact size+mtime match first. */
+ for (i = 0; i < fuzzy_basis; i++) {
+ struct file_list *dirlist = dirlist_array[i];
+ if (!dirlist)
+ continue;
+ for (j = 0; j < dirlist->used; j++) {
+ struct file_struct *fp = dirlist->files[j];
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(fp))
+ continue;
+ if (!S_ISREG(fp->mode) || !F_LENGTH(fp) || fp->flags & FLAG_FILE_SENT)
+ continue;
+ if (F_LENGTH(fp) == F_LENGTH(file) && same_time(fp->modtime, 0, file->modtime, 0)) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FUZZY, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "fuzzy size/modtime match for %s\n", f_name(fp, NULL));
+ *fnamecmp_type_ptr = FNAMECMP_FUZZY + i;
+ return fp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < fuzzy_basis; i++) {
+ struct file_list *dirlist = dirlist_array[i];
+ if (!dirlist)
+ continue;
+ for (j = 0; j < dirlist->used; j++) {
+ struct file_struct *fp = dirlist->files[j];
+ const char *suf, *name;
+ int len, suf_len;
+ uint32 dist;
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(fp))
+ continue;
+ if (!S_ISREG(fp->mode) || !F_LENGTH(fp) || fp->flags & FLAG_FILE_SENT)
+ continue;
+ name = fp->basename;
+ len = strlen(name);
+ suf = find_filename_suffix(name, len, &suf_len);
+ dist = fuzzy_distance(name, len, fname, fname_len, lowest_dist);
+ /* Add some extra weight to how well the suffixes match unless we've already disqualified
+ * this file based on a heuristic. */
+ if (dist < 0xFFFF0000U) {
+ dist += fuzzy_distance(suf, suf_len, fname_suf, fname_suf_len, 0xFFFF0000U) * 10;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FUZZY, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "fuzzy distance for %s = %d.%05d\n",
+ f_name(fp, NULL), (int)(dist>>16), (int)(dist&0xFFFF));
+ }
+ if (dist <= lowest_dist) {
+ lowest_dist = dist;
+ lowest_fp = fp;
+ *fnamecmp_type_ptr = FNAMECMP_FUZZY + i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return lowest_fp;
+/* Copy a file found in our --copy-dest handling. */
+static int copy_altdest_file(const char *src, const char *dest, struct file_struct *file)
+ char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ const char *copy_to, *partialptr;
+ int save_preserve_xattrs = preserve_xattrs;
+ int ok, fd_w;
+ if (inplace) {
+ /* Let copy_file open the destination in place. */
+ fd_w = -1;
+ copy_to = dest;
+ } else {
+ fd_w = open_tmpfile(buf, dest, file);
+ if (fd_w < 0)
+ return -1;
+ copy_to = buf;
+ }
+ cleanup_set(copy_to, NULL, NULL, -1, -1);
+ if (copy_file(src, copy_to, fd_w, file->mode) < 0) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(COPY, 1)) {
+ rsyserr(FINFO, errno, "copy_file %s => %s",
+ full_fname(src), copy_to);
+ }
+ /* Try to clean up. */
+ unlink(copy_to);
+ cleanup_disable();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ partialptr = partial_dir ? partial_dir_fname(dest) : NULL;
+ preserve_xattrs = 0; /* xattrs were copied with file */
+ ok = finish_transfer(dest, copy_to, src, partialptr, file, 1, 0);
+ preserve_xattrs = save_preserve_xattrs;
+ cleanup_disable();
+ return ok ? 0 : -1;
+/* This is only called for regular files. We return -2 if we've finished
+ * handling the file, -1 if no dest-linking occurred, or a non-negative
+ * value if we found an alternate basis file. If we're called with the
+ * find_exact_for_existing flag, the destination file already exists, so
+ * we only try to find an exact alt-dest match. In this case, the returns
+ * are only -2 & -1 (both as above). */
+static int try_dests_reg(struct file_struct *file, char *fname, int ndx,
+ char *cmpbuf, stat_x *sxp, int find_exact_for_existing,
+ int itemizing, enum logcode code)
+ STRUCT_STAT real_st = sxp->st;
+ int best_match = -1;
+ int match_level = 0;
+ int j = 0;
+ do {
+ pathjoin(cmpbuf, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[j], fname);
+ if (link_stat(cmpbuf, &sxp->st, 0) < 0 || !S_ISREG(sxp->st.st_mode))
+ continue;
+ if (match_level == 0) {
+ best_match = j;
+ match_level = 1;
+ }
+ if (!quick_check_ok(FT_REG, cmpbuf, file, &sxp->st))
+ continue;
+ if (match_level == 1) {
+ best_match = j;
+ match_level = 2;
+ }
+ if (unchanged_attrs(cmpbuf, file, sxp)) {
+ best_match = j;
+ match_level = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ free_stat_x(sxp);
+ } while (basis_dir[++j] != NULL);
+ if (!match_level)
+ goto got_nothing_for_ya;
+ if (j != best_match) {
+ j = best_match;
+ pathjoin(cmpbuf, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[j], fname);
+ if (link_stat(cmpbuf, &sxp->st, 0) < 0)
+ goto got_nothing_for_ya;
+ }
+ if (match_level == 3 && alt_dest_type != COPY_DEST) {
+ if (find_exact_for_existing) {
+ if (alt_dest_type == LINK_DEST && real_st.st_dev == sxp->st.st_dev && real_st.st_ino == sxp->st.st_ino)
+ return -1;
+ if (do_unlink(fname) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
+ goto got_nothing_for_ya;
+ }
+ if (alt_dest_type == LINK_DEST) {
+ if (!hard_link_one(file, fname, cmpbuf, 1))
+ goto try_a_copy;
+ if (atimes_ndx)
+ set_file_attrs(fname, file, sxp, NULL, 0);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, &sxp->st, itemizing, code, j);
+ if (!maybe_ATTRS_REPORT && (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) || stdout_format_has_i > 1)) {
+ itemize(cmpbuf, file, ndx, 1, sxp,
+ 0, "");
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ if (itemizing)
+ itemize(cmpbuf, file, ndx, 0, sxp, 0, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && maybe_ATTRS_REPORT)
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s is uptodate\n", fname);
+ return -2;
+ }
+ if (find_exact_for_existing)
+ goto got_nothing_for_ya;
+ if (match_level >= 2) {
+ try_a_copy: /* Copy the file locally. */
+ if (!dry_run && copy_altdest_file(cmpbuf, fname, file) < 0) {
+ if (find_exact_for_existing) /* Can get here via hard-link failure */
+ goto got_nothing_for_ya;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (itemizing)
+ itemize(cmpbuf, file, ndx, 0, sxp, ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE, 0, NULL);
+ if (maybe_ATTRS_REPORT
+ && ((!itemizing && INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) && match_level == 2)
+ || (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && match_level == 3))) {
+ code = match_level == 3 ? FCLIENT : FINFO;
+ rprintf(code, "%s%s\n", fname,
+ match_level == 3 ? " is uptodate" : "");
+ }
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, &sxp->st, itemizing, code, -1);
+ return -2;
+ }
+ sxp->st = real_st;
+ return -1;
+/* This is only called for non-regular files. We return -2 if we've finished
+ * handling the file, or -1 if no dest-linking occurred, or a non-negative
+ * value if we found an alternate basis file. */
+static int try_dests_non(struct file_struct *file, char *fname, int ndx,
+ char *cmpbuf, stat_x *sxp, int itemizing,
+ enum logcode code)
+ int best_match = -1;
+ int match_level = 0;
+ enum filetype ftype = get_file_type(file->mode);
+ int j = 0;
+ if (ftype == FT_SYMLINK)
+ return -1;
+ if (ftype == FT_REG || ftype == FT_UNSUPPORTED) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "internal: try_dests_non() called with invalid mode (%o)\n",
+ (int)file->mode);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ do {
+ pathjoin(cmpbuf, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[j], fname);
+ if (link_stat(cmpbuf, &sxp->st, 0) < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (ftype != get_file_type(sxp->st.st_mode))
+ continue;
+ if (match_level < 1) {
+ match_level = 1;
+ best_match = j;
+ }
+ if (!quick_check_ok(ftype, cmpbuf, file, &sxp->st))
+ continue;
+ if (match_level < 2) {
+ match_level = 2;
+ best_match = j;
+ }
+ if (unchanged_attrs(cmpbuf, file, sxp)) {
+ match_level = 3;
+ best_match = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (basis_dir[++j] != NULL);
+ if (!match_level)
+ return -1;
+ if (j != best_match) {
+ j = best_match;
+ pathjoin(cmpbuf, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[j], fname);
+ if (link_stat(cmpbuf, &sxp->st, 0) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (match_level == 3) {
+ if (alt_dest_type == LINK_DEST
+ && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)
+ && !IS_SPECIAL(file->mode) && !IS_DEVICE(file->mode)
+ && !S_ISDIR(file->mode)) {
+ if (do_link(cmpbuf, fname) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "failed to hard-link %s with %s",
+ cmpbuf, fname);
+ return j;
+ }
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, NULL, itemizing, code, -1);
+ } else
+ match_level = 2;
+ if (itemizing && stdout_format_has_i
+ && (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) || stdout_format_has_i > 1)) {
+ int chg = alt_dest_type == COMPARE_DEST && ftype != FT_DIR ? 0
+ : ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE + (match_level == 3 ? ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS : 0);
+ char *lp = match_level == 3 ? "" : NULL;
+ itemize(cmpbuf, file, ndx, 0, sxp, chg + ITEM_MATCHED, 0, lp);
+ }
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && maybe_ATTRS_REPORT) {
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s%s is uptodate\n",
+ fname, ftype == FT_DIR ? "/" : "");
+ }
+ return -2;
+ }
+ return j;
+static void list_file_entry(struct file_struct *f)
+ char permbuf[PERMSTRING_SIZE];
+ const char *mtime_str = timestring(f->modtime);
+ int size_width = human_readable ? 14 : 11;
+ int mtime_width = 1 + strlen(mtime_str);
+ int atime_width = atimes_ndx ? mtime_width : 0;
+ int crtime_width = crtimes_ndx ? mtime_width : 0;
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(f)) {
+ /* this can happen if duplicate names were removed */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* TODO: indicate '+' if the entry has an ACL. */
+ if (missing_args == 2 && f->mode == 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%-*s %s\n",
+ 10 + 1 + size_width + mtime_width + atime_width + crtime_width, "*missing",
+ f_name(f, NULL));
+ } else {
+ const char *atime_str = atimes_ndx && !S_ISDIR(f->mode) ? timestring(F_ATIME(f)) : "";
+ const char *crtime_str = crtimes_ndx ? timestring(F_CRTIME(f)) : "";
+ const char *arrow, *lnk;
+ permstring(permbuf, f->mode);
+ if (preserve_links && S_ISLNK(f->mode)) {
+ arrow = " -> ";
+ lnk = F_SYMLINK(f);
+ } else
+ arrow = lnk = "";
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s %*s %s%*s%*s %s%s%s\n",
+ permbuf, size_width, human_num(F_LENGTH(f)),
+ timestring(f->modtime), atime_width, atime_str, crtime_width, crtime_str,
+ f_name(f, NULL), arrow, lnk);
+ }
+static int phase = 0;
+static int dflt_perms;
+static int implied_dirs_are_missing;
+/* Helper for recv_generator's skip_dir and dry_missing_dir tests. */
+static BOOL is_below(struct file_struct *file, struct file_struct *subtree)
+ return F_DEPTH(file) > F_DEPTH(subtree)
+ && (!implied_dirs_are_missing || f_name_has_prefix(file, subtree));
+/* Acts on the indicated item in cur_flist whose name is fname. If a dir,
+ * make sure it exists, and has the right permissions/timestamp info. For
+ * all other non-regular files (symlinks, etc.) we create them here. For
+ * regular files that have changed, we try to find a basis file and then
+ * start sending checksums. The ndx is the file's unique index value.
+ *
+ * The fname parameter must point to a MAXPATHLEN buffer! (e.g it gets
+ * passed to delete_item(), which can use it during a recursive delete.)
+ *
+ * Note that f_out is set to -1 when doing final directory-permission and
+ * modification-time repair. */
+static void recv_generator(char *fname, struct file_struct *file, int ndx,
+ int itemizing, enum logcode code, int f_out)
+ static const char *parent_dirname = "";
+ static struct file_struct *prior_dir_file = NULL;
+ /* Missing dir not created due to --dry-run; will still be scanned. */
+ static struct file_struct *dry_missing_dir = NULL;
+ /* Missing dir whose contents are skipped altogether due to
+ * --ignore-non-existing, daemon exclude, or mkdir failure. */
+ static struct file_struct *skip_dir = NULL;
+ static struct file_list *fuzzy_dirlist[MAX_BASIS_DIRS+1];
+ static int need_fuzzy_dirlist = 0;
+ struct file_struct *fuzzy_file = NULL;
+ int fd = -1, f_copy = -1;
+ stat_x sx, real_sx;
+ STRUCT_STAT partial_st;
+ struct file_struct *back_file = NULL;
+ int statret, real_ret, stat_errno;
+ char *fnamecmp, *partialptr, *backupptr = NULL;
+ char fnamecmpbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ uchar fnamecmp_type;
+ int del_opts = delete_mode || force_delete ? DEL_RECURSE : 0;
+ enum filetype stype, ftype = get_file_type(file->mode);
+ int is_dir = ftype != FT_DIR ? 0
+ : inc_recurse && ndx != cur_flist->ndx_start - 1 ? -1
+ : 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(GENR, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "recv_generator(%s,%d)\n", fname, ndx);
+ if (list_only) {
+ if (is_dir < 0
+ || (is_dir && !implied_dirs && file->flags & FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR))
+ return;
+ list_file_entry(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ maybe_ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME = always_checksum ? ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME : 0;
+ if (skip_dir) {
+ if (is_below(file, skip_dir)) {
+ if (is_dir)
+ file->flags |= FLAG_MISSING_DIR;
+ else if (F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ handle_skipped_hlink(file, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ return;
+ }
+ skip_dir = NULL;
+ }
+ init_stat_x(&sx);
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head && (*fname != '.' || fname[1])) {
+ if (check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, fname, is_dir) < 0) {
+ if (is_dir < 0)
+ return;
+ if (F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ handle_skipped_hlink(file, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "ERROR: daemon refused to receive %s \"%s\"\n",
+ is_dir ? "directory" : "file", fname);
+ if (is_dir)
+ goto skipping_dir_contents;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dry_run > 1 || (dry_missing_dir && is_below(file, dry_missing_dir))) {
+ int i;
+ parent_is_dry_missing:
+ for (i = 0; i < fuzzy_basis; i++) {
+ if (fuzzy_dirlist[i]) {
+ flist_free(fuzzy_dirlist[i]);
+ fuzzy_dirlist[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ parent_dirname = "";
+ statret = -1;
+ stat_errno = ENOENT;
+ } else {
+ const char *dn = file->dirname ? file->dirname : ".";
+ dry_missing_dir = NULL;
+ if (parent_dirname != dn && strcmp(parent_dirname, dn) != 0) {
+ /* Each parent dir must be in the file list or the flist data is bad.
+ * Optimization: most of the time the parent dir will be the last dir
+ * this function was asked to process in the file list. */
+ if (!inc_recurse
+ && (*dn != '.' || dn[1]) /* Avoid an issue with --relative and the "." dir. */
+ && (!prior_dir_file || strcmp(dn, f_name(prior_dir_file, NULL)) != 0)) {
+ int ok = 0, j = flist_find_name(cur_flist, dn, -1);
+ if (j >= 0) {
+ struct file_struct *f = cur_flist->sorted[j];
+ if (S_ISDIR(f->mode) || (missing_args == 2 && !file->mode && !f->mode))
+ ok = 1;
+ }
+ /* The --delete-missing-args option can actually put invalid entries into
+ * the file list, so if that option was specified, we'll just complain about
+ * it and allow it. */
+ if (!ok && missing_args == 2 && file->mode == 0 && j < 0)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "WARNING: parent dir is absent in the file list: %s\n", dn);
+ else if (!ok) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ABORTING due to invalid path from sender: %s/%s\n",
+ dn, file->basename);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (relative_paths && !implied_dirs && file->mode != 0
+ && do_stat(dn, & < 0) {
+ if (dry_run)
+ goto parent_is_dry_missing;
+ if (make_path(fname, MKP_DROP_NAME | MKP_SKIP_SLASH) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "recv_generator: mkdir %s failed",
+ full_fname(dn));
+ }
+ }
+ if (fuzzy_basis) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < fuzzy_basis; i++) {
+ if (fuzzy_dirlist[i]) {
+ flist_free(fuzzy_dirlist[i]);
+ fuzzy_dirlist[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ need_fuzzy_dirlist = 1;
+ }
+ if (!preserve_perms)
+ dflt_perms = default_perms_for_dir(dn);
+ }
+ parent_dirname = dn;
+ statret = link_stat(fname, &, keep_dirlinks && is_dir);
+ stat_errno = errno;
+ }
+ if (missing_args == 2 && file->mode == 0) {
+ if (filter_list.head && check_filter(&filter_list, FINFO, fname, is_dir) < 0)
+ return;
+ if (statret == 0)
+ delete_item(fname,, del_opts);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ignore_non_existing > 0 && statret == -1 && stat_errno == ENOENT) {
+ if (is_dir) {
+ if (is_dir < 0)
+ return;
+ skip_dir = file;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_MISSING_DIR;
+ }
+ else if (F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ handle_skipped_hlink(file, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ if (INFO_GTE(SKIP, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "not creating new %s \"%s\"\n",
+ is_dir ? "directory" : "file", fname);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (statret == 0 && !( & S_IWUSR)
+ && !am_root && == our_uid)
+ del_opts |= DEL_NO_UID_WRITE;
+ if (statret == 0)
+ stype = get_file_type(;
+ else
+ if (ignore_existing > 0 && statret == 0
+ && (!is_dir || stype != FT_DIR)) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(SKIP, 1) && is_dir >= 0) {
+ const char *suf = "";
+ if (INFO_GTE(SKIP, 2)) {
+ if (ftype != stype)
+ suf = " (type change)";
+ else if (!quick_check_ok(ftype, fname, file, &
+ suf = always_checksum ? " (sum change)" : " (file change)";
+ else if (!unchanged_attrs(fname, file, &sx))
+ suf = " (attr change)";
+ else
+ suf = " (uptodate)";
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s exists%s\n", fname, suf);
+ }
+ if (F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ handle_skipped_hlink(file, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fnamecmp = fname;
+ if (is_dir) {
+ mode_t added_perms;
+ if (!implied_dirs && file->flags & FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR)
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (am_root < 0) {
+ /* For --fake-super, the dir must be useable by the copying
+ * user, just like it would be for root. */
+ added_perms = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR;
+ } else
+ added_perms = 0;
+ if (is_dir < 0) {
+ if (!preserve_mtimes || omit_dir_times)
+ goto cleanup;
+ /* In inc_recurse mode we want to make sure any missing
+ * directories get created while we're still processing
+ * the parent dir (which allows us to touch the parent
+ * dir's mtime right away). We will handle the dir in
+ * full later (right before we handle its contents). */
+ if (statret == 0
+ && (stype == FT_DIR
+ || delete_item(fname,, del_opts | DEL_FOR_DIR) != 0))
+ goto cleanup; /* Any errors get reported later. */
+ if (do_mkdir(fname, (file->mode|added_perms) & 0700) == 0)
+ file->flags |= FLAG_DIR_CREATED;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* The file to be received is a directory, so we need
+ * to prepare appropriately. If there is already a
+ * file of that name and it is *not* a directory, then
+ * we need to delete it. If it doesn't exist, then
+ * (perhaps recursively) create it. */
+ if (statret == 0 && stype != FT_DIR) {
+ if (delete_item(fname,, del_opts | DEL_FOR_DIR) != 0)
+ goto skipping_dir_contents;
+ statret = -1;
+ }
+ if (dry_run && statret != 0) {
+ if (!dry_missing_dir)
+ dry_missing_dir = file;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_MISSING_DIR;
+ }
+ init_stat_x(&real_sx);
+ =;
+ real_ret = statret;
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_DIR_CREATED)
+ statret = -1;
+ if (!preserve_perms) { /* See comment in non-dir code below. */
+ file->mode = dest_mode(file->mode,, dflt_perms, statret == 0);
+ }
+ if (statret != 0 && basis_dir[0] != NULL) {
+ int j = try_dests_non(file, fname, ndx, fnamecmpbuf, &sx, itemizing, code);
+ if (j == -2) {
+ itemizing = 0;
+ code = FNONE;
+ statret = 1;
+ } else if (j >= 0) {
+ statret = 1;
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ if (itemizing && f_out != -1) {
+ itemize(fnamecmp, file, ndx, statret, &sx,
+ statret ? ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE : 0, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ if (real_ret != 0 && do_mkdir(fname,file->mode|added_perms) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
+ if (!relative_paths || errno != ENOENT
+ || make_path(fname, MKP_DROP_NAME | MKP_SKIP_SLASH) < 0
+ || (do_mkdir(fname, file->mode|added_perms) < 0 && errno != EEXIST)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "recv_generator: mkdir %s failed",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ skipping_dir_contents:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***\n");
+ skip_dir = file;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_MISSING_DIR;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs && statret == 1)
+ copy_xattrs(fnamecmpbuf, fname);
+ if (set_file_attrs(fname, file, real_ret ? NULL : &real_sx, NULL, 0)
+ && INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) && code != FNONE && f_out != -1)
+ rprintf(code, "%s/\n", fname);
+ /* We need to ensure that the dirs in the transfer have both
+ * readable and writable permissions during the time we are
+ * putting files within them. This is then restored to the
+ * former permissions after the transfer is done. */
+#ifdef HAVE_CHMOD
+ if (!am_root && (file->mode & S_IRWXU) != S_IRWXU && dir_tweaking) {
+ mode_t mode = file->mode | S_IRWXU;
+ if (do_chmod(fname, mode) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "failed to modify permissions on %s",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ }
+ need_retouch_dir_perms = 1;
+ }
+ if (real_ret != 0 && one_file_system)
+ = filesystem_dev;
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ if (one_file_system) {
+ uint32 *devp = F_DIR_DEV_P(file);
+ DEV_MAJOR(devp) = major(;
+ DEV_MINOR(devp) = minor(;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (delete_during && f_out != -1 && !phase
+ && !(file->flags & FLAG_MISSING_DIR)) {
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_CONTENT_DIR)
+ delete_in_dir(fname, file,;
+ else
+ change_local_filter_dir(fname, strlen(fname), F_DEPTH(file));
+ }
+ prior_dir_file = file;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ /* If we're not preserving permissions, change the file-list's
+ * mode based on the local permissions and some heuristics. */
+ if (!preserve_perms) {
+ int exists = statret == 0 && stype != FT_DIR;
+ file->mode = dest_mode(file->mode,, dflt_perms, exists);
+ }
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_HLINK_NOT_FIRST(file)
+ && hard_link_check(file, ndx, fname, statret, &sx, itemizing, code))
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (preserve_links && ftype == FT_SYMLINK) {
+ const char *sl = F_SYMLINK(file);
+ if (safe_symlinks && unsafe_symlink(sl, fname)) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 1)) {
+ if (solo_file) {
+ /* fname contains the destination path, but we
+ * want to report the source path. */
+ fname = f_name(file, NULL);
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "ignoring unsafe symlink \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n",
+ fname, sl);
+ }
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (statret == 0) {
+ if (stype == FT_SYMLINK && quick_check_ok(stype, fname, file, & {
+ /* The link is pointing to the right place. */
+ set_file_attrs(fname, file, &sx, NULL, maybe_ATTRS_REPORT);
+ if (itemizing)
+ itemize(fname, file, ndx, 0, &sx, 0, 0, NULL);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, &, itemizing, code, -1);
+ if (remove_source_files == 1)
+ goto return_with_success;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ } else if (basis_dir[0] != NULL) {
+ int j = try_dests_non(file, fname, ndx, fnamecmpbuf, &sx, itemizing, code);
+ if (j == -2) {
+ if (alt_dest_type == LINK_DEST) {
+ /* Resort to --copy-dest behavior. */
+ } else
+ if (alt_dest_type != COPY_DEST)
+ goto cleanup;
+ itemizing = 0;
+ code = FNONE;
+ } else if (j >= 0) {
+ statret = 1;
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ if (atomic_create(file, fname, sl, NULL, MAKEDEV(0, 0), &sx, statret == 0 ? DEL_FOR_SYMLINK : 0)) {
+ set_file_attrs(fname, file, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ if (itemizing) {
+ if (statret == 0 && stype != FT_SYMLINK)
+ statret = -1;
+ itemize(fnamecmp, file, ndx, statret, &sx,
+ }
+ if (code != FNONE && INFO_GTE(NAME, 1))
+ rprintf(code, "%s -> %s\n", fname, sl);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, NULL, itemizing, code, -1);
+ /* This does not check remove_source_files == 1
+ * because this is one of the items that the old
+ * --remove-sent-files option would remove. */
+ if (remove_source_files)
+ goto return_with_success;
+ }
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if ((am_root && preserve_devices && ftype == FT_DEVICE)
+ || (preserve_specials && ftype == FT_SPECIAL)) {
+ dev_t rdev;
+ int del_for_flag;
+ if (ftype == FT_DEVICE) {
+ uint32 *devp = F_RDEV_P(file);
+ rdev = MAKEDEV(DEV_MAJOR(devp), DEV_MINOR(devp));
+ del_for_flag = DEL_FOR_DEVICE;
+ } else {
+ rdev = 0;
+ del_for_flag = DEL_FOR_SPECIAL;
+ }
+ if (statret == 0) {
+ if (ftype != stype)
+ statret = -1;
+ else if (quick_check_ok(ftype, fname, file, & {
+ /* The device or special file is identical. */
+ set_file_attrs(fname, file, &sx, NULL, maybe_ATTRS_REPORT);
+ if (itemizing)
+ itemize(fname, file, ndx, 0, &sx, 0, 0, NULL);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, &, itemizing, code, -1);
+ if (remove_source_files == 1)
+ goto return_with_success;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ } else if (basis_dir[0] != NULL) {
+ int j = try_dests_non(file, fname, ndx, fnamecmpbuf, &sx, itemizing, code);
+ if (j == -2) {
+ if (alt_dest_type == LINK_DEST) {
+ /* Resort to --copy-dest behavior. */
+ } else
+ if (alt_dest_type != COPY_DEST)
+ goto cleanup;
+ itemizing = 0;
+ code = FNONE;
+ } else if (j >= 0) {
+ statret = 1;
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(GENR, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "mknod(%s, 0%o, [%ld,%ld])\n",
+ fname, (int)file->mode,
+ (long)major(rdev), (long)minor(rdev));
+ }
+ if (atomic_create(file, fname, NULL, NULL, rdev, &sx, del_for_flag)) {
+ set_file_attrs(fname, file, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ if (itemizing) {
+ itemize(fnamecmp, file, ndx, statret, &sx,
+ }
+ if (code != FNONE && INFO_GTE(NAME, 1))
+ rprintf(code, "%s\n", fname);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, NULL, itemizing, code, -1);
+ if (remove_source_files == 1)
+ goto return_with_success;
+ }
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (ftype != FT_REG) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(NONREG, 1)) {
+ if (solo_file)
+ fname = f_name(file, NULL);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "skipping non-regular file \"%s\"\n", fname);
+ }
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (max_size >= 0 && F_LENGTH(file) > max_size) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(SKIP, 1)) {
+ if (solo_file)
+ fname = f_name(file, NULL);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s is over max-size\n", fname);
+ }
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (min_size >= 0 && F_LENGTH(file) < min_size) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(SKIP, 1)) {
+ if (solo_file)
+ fname = f_name(file, NULL);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s is under min-size\n", fname);
+ }
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (update_only > 0 && statret == 0 && file->modtime - < modify_window) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(SKIP, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s is newer\n", fname);
+ if (F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ handle_skipped_hlink(file, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_FNAME;
+ if (statret == 0 && !(stype == FT_REG || (write_devices && stype == FT_DEVICE))) {
+ if (delete_item(fname,, del_opts | DEL_FOR_FILE) != 0)
+ goto cleanup;
+ statret = -1;
+ stat_errno = ENOENT;
+ }
+ if (basis_dir[0] != NULL && (statret != 0 || alt_dest_type != COPY_DEST)) {
+ int j = try_dests_reg(file, fname, ndx, fnamecmpbuf, &sx, statret == 0, itemizing, code);
+ if (j == -2) {
+ if (remove_source_files == 1)
+ goto return_with_success;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (j >= 0) {
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ fnamecmp_type = j;
+ statret = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ init_stat_x(&real_sx);
+ =; /* Don't copy xattr/acl pointers, as they would free wrong. */
+ real_ret = statret;
+ if (partial_dir && (partialptr = partial_dir_fname(fname)) != NULL
+ && link_stat(partialptr, &partial_st, 0) == 0
+ && S_ISREG(partial_st.st_mode)) {
+ if (statret != 0)
+ goto prepare_to_open;
+ } else
+ partialptr = NULL;
+ if (statret != 0 && fuzzy_basis) {
+ if (need_fuzzy_dirlist) {
+ const char *dn = file->dirname ? file->dirname : ".";
+ int i;
+ strlcpy(fnamecmpbuf, dn, sizeof fnamecmpbuf);
+ for (i = 0; i < fuzzy_basis; i++) {
+ if (i && pathjoin(fnamecmpbuf, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[i-1], dn) >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ continue;
+ fuzzy_dirlist[i] = get_dirlist(fnamecmpbuf, -1, GDL_IGNORE_FILTER_RULES | GDL_PERHAPS_DIR);
+ if (fuzzy_dirlist[i] && fuzzy_dirlist[i]->used == 0) {
+ flist_free(fuzzy_dirlist[i]);
+ fuzzy_dirlist[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ need_fuzzy_dirlist = 0;
+ }
+ /* Sets fnamecmp_type to FNAMECMP_FUZZY or above. */
+ fuzzy_file = find_fuzzy(file, fuzzy_dirlist, &fnamecmp_type);
+ if (fuzzy_file) {
+ f_name(fuzzy_file, fnamecmpbuf);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FUZZY, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "fuzzy basis selected for %s: %s\n",
+ fname, fnamecmpbuf);
+ }
+ = F_LENGTH(fuzzy_file);
+ statret = 0;
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ }
+ }
+ if (statret != 0) {
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_HLINK_NOT_LAST(file)) {
+ cur_flist->in_progress++;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (stat_errno == ENOENT)
+ goto notify_others;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, stat_errno, "recv_generator: failed to stat %s",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (write_devices && IS_DEVICE( && == 0) {
+ /* This early open into fd skips the regular open below. */
+ if ((fd = do_open(fnamecmp, O_RDONLY, 0)) >= 0)
+ = = get_device_size(fd, fnamecmp);
+ }
+ if (fnamecmp_type <= FNAMECMP_BASIS_DIR_HIGH)
+ ;
+ else if (fnamecmp_type >= FNAMECMP_FUZZY)
+ ;
+ else if (quick_check_ok(FT_REG, fnamecmp, file, & {
+ if (partialptr) {
+ do_unlink(partialptr);
+ handle_partial_dir(partialptr, PDIR_DELETE);
+ }
+ set_file_attrs(fname, file, &sx, NULL, maybe_ATTRS_REPORT | maybe_ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME);
+ if (itemizing)
+ itemize(fnamecmp, file, ndx, statret, &sx, 0, 0, NULL);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, &, itemizing, code, -1);
+ if (remove_source_files != 1)
+ goto cleanup;
+ return_with_success:
+ if (!dry_run)
+ send_msg_success(fname, ndx);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (append_mode > 0 && >= F_LENGTH(file)) {
+ if (F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ handle_skipped_hlink(file, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ prepare_to_open:
+ if (partialptr) {
+ = partial_st;
+ fnamecmp = partialptr;
+ fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_PARTIAL_DIR;
+ statret = 0;
+ }
+ if (!do_xfers)
+ goto notify_others;
+ if (read_batch || whole_file) {
+ if (inplace && make_backups > 0 && fnamecmp_type == FNAMECMP_FNAME) {
+ if (!(backupptr = get_backup_name(fname)))
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (!(back_file = make_file(fname, NULL, NULL, 0, NO_FILTERS)))
+ goto pretend_missing;
+ if (copy_file(fname, backupptr, -1, back_file->mode) < 0) {
+ unmake_file(back_file);
+ back_file = NULL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ goto notify_others;
+ }
+ if (fuzzy_dirlist[0]) {
+ int j = flist_find(fuzzy_dirlist[0], file);
+ if (j >= 0) /* don't use changing file as future fuzzy basis */
+ fuzzy_dirlist[0]->files[j]->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT;
+ }
+ /* open the file */
+ if (fd < 0 && (fd = do_open(fnamecmp, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to open %s, continuing",
+ full_fname(fnamecmp));
+ pretend_missing:
+ /* pretend the file didn't exist */
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_HLINK_NOT_LAST(file)) {
+ cur_flist->in_progress++;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ statret = real_ret = -1;
+ goto notify_others;
+ }
+ if (inplace && make_backups > 0 && fnamecmp_type == FNAMECMP_FNAME) {
+ if (!(backupptr = get_backup_name(fname))) {
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!(back_file = make_file(fname, NULL, NULL, 0, NO_FILTERS))) {
+ goto pretend_missing;
+ }
+ if (robust_unlink(backupptr) && errno != ENOENT) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "unlink %s",
+ full_fname(backupptr));
+ unmake_file(back_file);
+ back_file = NULL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if ((f_copy = do_open(backupptr, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "open %s", full_fname(backupptr));
+ unmake_file(back_file);
+ back_file = NULL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_BACKUP;
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO, "gen mapped %s of size %s\n",
+ fnamecmp, big_num(;
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO, "generating and sending sums for %d\n", ndx);
+ notify_others:
+ if (remove_source_files && !delay_updates && !phase && !dry_run)
+ increment_active_files(ndx, itemizing, code);
+ if (inc_recurse && (!dry_run || write_batch < 0))
+ cur_flist->in_progress++;
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ file->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT;
+ write_ndx(f_out, ndx);
+ if (itemizing) {
+ int iflags = ITEM_TRANSFER;
+ if (always_checksum > 0)
+ if (fnamecmp_type != FNAMECMP_FNAME)
+ if (fnamecmp_type >= FNAMECMP_FUZZY)
+ itemize(fnamecmp, file, -1, real_ret, &real_sx, iflags, fnamecmp_type,
+ fuzzy_file ? fuzzy_file->basename : NULL);
+ free_stat_x(&real_sx);
+ }
+ if (!do_xfers) {
+ if (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file))
+ finish_hard_link(file, fname, ndx, &, itemizing, code, -1);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (read_batch)
+ goto cleanup;
+ if (statret != 0 || whole_file)
+ write_sum_head(f_out, NULL);
+ else if ( <= 0) {
+ write_sum_head(f_out, NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (generate_and_send_sums(fd,, f_out, f_copy) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FWARNING,
+ "WARNING: file is too large for checksum sending: %s\n",
+ fnamecmp);
+ write_sum_head(f_out, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ cleanup:
+ if (fd >= 0)
+ close(fd);
+ if (back_file) {
+ int save_preserve_xattrs = preserve_xattrs;
+ if (f_copy >= 0)
+ close(f_copy);
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ copy_xattrs(fname, backupptr);
+ preserve_xattrs = 0;
+ }
+ set_file_attrs(backupptr, back_file, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ preserve_xattrs = save_preserve_xattrs;
+ if (INFO_GTE(BACKUP, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "backed up %s to %s\n",
+ fname, backupptr);
+ }
+ unmake_file(back_file);
+ }
+ free_stat_x(&sx);
+/* If we are replacing an existing hard link, symlink, device, or special file,
+ * create a temp-name item and rename it into place. A symlimk specifies slnk,
+ * a hard link specifies hlnk, otherwise we create a device based on rdev.
+ * Specify 0 for the del_for_flag if there is not a file to replace. This
+ * returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. */
+int atomic_create(struct file_struct *file, char *fname, const char *slnk, const char *hlnk,
+ dev_t rdev, stat_x *sxp, int del_for_flag)
+ char tmpname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ const char *create_name;
+ int skip_atomic, dir_in_the_way = del_for_flag && S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode);
+ if (!del_for_flag || dir_in_the_way || tmpdir || !get_tmpname(tmpname, fname, True))
+ skip_atomic = 1;
+ else
+ skip_atomic = 0;
+ if (del_for_flag) {
+ if (make_backups > 0 && !dir_in_the_way) {
+ if (!make_backup(fname, skip_atomic))
+ return 0;
+ } else if (skip_atomic) {
+ int del_opts = delete_mode || force_delete ? DEL_RECURSE : 0;
+ if (delete_item(fname, sxp->st.st_mode, del_opts | del_for_flag) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ create_name = skip_atomic ? fname : tmpname;
+ if (slnk) {
+ if (do_symlink(slnk, create_name) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "symlink %s -> \"%s\" failed",
+ full_fname(create_name), slnk);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else if (hlnk) {
+ if (!hard_link_one(file, create_name, hlnk, 0))
+ return 0;
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (do_mknod(create_name, file->mode, rdev) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "mknod %s failed",
+ full_fname(create_name));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!skip_atomic) {
+ if (do_rename(tmpname, fname) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "rename %s -> \"%s\" failed",
+ full_fname(tmpname), full_fname(fname));
+ do_unlink(tmpname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void handle_skipped_hlink(struct file_struct *file, int itemizing,
+ enum logcode code, int f_out)
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int new_last_ndx;
+ struct file_list *save_flist = cur_flist;
+ /* If we skip the last item in a chain of links and there was a
+ * prior non-skipped hard-link waiting to finish, finish it now. */
+ if ((new_last_ndx = skip_hard_link(file, &cur_flist)) < 0)
+ return;
+ file = cur_flist->files[new_last_ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start];
+ cur_flist->in_progress--; /* undo prior increment */
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ recv_generator(fbuf, file, new_last_ndx, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ cur_flist = save_flist;
+static void touch_up_dirs(struct file_list *flist, int ndx)
+ static int counter = 0;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ char *fname;
+ BOOL fix_dir_perms;
+ int i, start, end;
+ if (ndx < 0) {
+ start = 0;
+ end = flist->used - 1;
+ } else
+ start = end = ndx;
+ /* Fix any directory permissions that were modified during the
+ * transfer and/or re-set any tweaked modified-time values. */
+ for (i = start; i <= end; i++, counter++) {
+ file = flist->files[i];
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(file))
+ continue;
+ if (!S_ISDIR(file->mode)
+ || (!implied_dirs && file->flags & FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR))
+ continue;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(TIME, 2)) {
+ fname = f_name(file, NULL);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "touch_up_dirs: %s (%d)\n",
+ NS(fname), i);
+ }
+ /* Be sure not to retouch permissions with --fake-super. */
+ fix_dir_perms = !am_root && !(file->mode & S_IWUSR);
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_MISSING_DIR || !(need_retouch_dir_times || fix_dir_perms))
+ continue;
+ fname = f_name(file, NULL);
+ if (fix_dir_perms)
+ do_chmod(fname, file->mode);
+ if (need_retouch_dir_times) {
+ if (link_stat(fname, &st, 0) == 0 && mtime_differs(&st, file)) {
+ st.st_mtime = file->modtime;
+ st.ST_MTIME_NSEC = F_MOD_NSEC_or_0(file);
+ set_times(fname, &st);
+ }
+ }
+ if (counter >= loopchk_limit) {
+ if (allowed_lull)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH);
+ else
+ maybe_flush_socket(0);
+ counter = 0;
+ }
+ }
+void check_for_finished_files(int itemizing, enum logcode code, int check_redo)
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int ndx;
+ while (1) {
+ if (preserve_hard_links && (ndx = get_hlink_num()) != -1) {
+ int send_failed = (ndx == -2);
+ if (send_failed)
+ ndx = get_hlink_num();
+ flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx, "check_for_finished_files.1");
+ file = flist->files[ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ assert(file->flags & FLAG_HLINKED);
+ if (send_failed)
+ handle_skipped_hlink(file, itemizing, code, sock_f_out);
+ else
+ finish_hard_link(file, f_name(file, fbuf), ndx, NULL, itemizing, code, -1);
+ flist->in_progress--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (check_redo && (ndx = get_redo_num()) != -1) {
+ OFF_T save_max_size = max_size;
+ OFF_T save_min_size = min_size;
+ csum_length = SUM_LENGTH;
+ max_size = -1;
+ min_size = -1;
+ ignore_existing = -ignore_existing;
+ ignore_non_existing = -ignore_non_existing;
+ update_only = -update_only;
+ always_checksum = -always_checksum;
+ size_only = -size_only;
+ append_mode = -append_mode;
+ make_backups = -make_backups; /* avoid dup backup w/inplace */
+ ignore_times++;
+ flist = cur_flist;
+ cur_flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx, "check_for_finished_files.2");
+ file = cur_flist->files[ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start];
+ if (solo_file)
+ strlcpy(fbuf, solo_file, sizeof fbuf);
+ else
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ recv_generator(fbuf, file, ndx, itemizing, code, sock_f_out);
+ cur_flist->to_redo--;
+ cur_flist = flist;
+ csum_length = SHORT_SUM_LENGTH;
+ max_size = save_max_size;
+ min_size = save_min_size;
+ ignore_existing = -ignore_existing;
+ ignore_non_existing = -ignore_non_existing;
+ update_only = -update_only;
+ always_checksum = -always_checksum;
+ size_only = -size_only;
+ append_mode = -append_mode;
+ make_backups = -make_backups;
+ ignore_times--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cur_flist == first_flist)
+ break;
+ /* We only get here if inc_recurse is enabled. */
+ if (first_flist->in_progress || first_flist->to_redo)
+ break;
+ write_ndx(sock_f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ if (!read_batch && !flist_eof) {
+ int old_total = 0;
+ for (flist = first_flist; flist != cur_flist; flist = flist->next)
+ old_total += flist->used;
+ maybe_flush_socket(!flist_eof && file_total - old_total < MIN_FILECNT_LOOKAHEAD/2);
+ }
+ if (delete_during == 2 || !dir_tweaking) {
+ /* Skip directory touch-up. */
+ } else if (first_flist->parent_ndx >= 0)
+ touch_up_dirs(dir_flist, first_flist->parent_ndx);
+ flist_free(first_flist); /* updates first_flist */
+ }
+void generate_files(int f_out, const char *local_name)
+ int i, ndx, next_loopchk = 0;
+ char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int itemizing;
+ enum logcode code;
+ int save_info_flist = info_levels[INFO_FLIST];
+ int save_info_progress = info_levels[INFO_PROGRESS];
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ itemizing = 1;
+ maybe_ATTRS_REPORT = stdout_format_has_i ? 0 : ATTRS_REPORT;
+ code = logfile_format_has_i ? FNONE : FLOG;
+ } else if (am_daemon) {
+ itemizing = logfile_format_has_i && do_xfers;
+ code = itemizing || !do_xfers ? FCLIENT : FINFO;
+ } else if (!am_server) {
+ itemizing = stdout_format_has_i;
+ maybe_ATTRS_REPORT = stdout_format_has_i ? 0 : ATTRS_REPORT;
+ code = itemizing ? FNONE : FINFO;
+ } else {
+ itemizing = 0;
+ code = FINFO;
+ }
+ solo_file = local_name;
+ dir_tweaking = !(list_only || solo_file || dry_run);
+ need_retouch_dir_times = preserve_mtimes && !omit_dir_times;
+ loopchk_limit = allowed_lull ? allowed_lull * 5 : 200;
+ symlink_timeset_failed_flags = ITEM_REPORT_TIME
+ | (protocol_version >= 30 || !am_server ? ITEM_REPORT_TIMEFAIL : 0);
+ implied_dirs_are_missing = relative_paths && !implied_dirs && protocol_version < 30;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(GENR, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "generator starting pid=%d\n", (int)getpid());
+ if (delete_before && !solo_file && cur_flist->used > 0)
+ do_delete_pass();
+ if (delete_during == 2) {
+ deldelay_size = BIGPATHBUFLEN * 4;
+ deldelay_buf = new_array(char, deldelay_size);
+ }
+ info_levels[INFO_FLIST] = info_levels[INFO_PROGRESS] = 0;
+ if (append_mode > 0 || whole_file < 0)
+ whole_file = 0;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "delta-transmission %s\n",
+ whole_file
+ ? "disabled for local transfer or --whole-file"
+ : "enabled");
+ }
+ dflt_perms = (ACCESSPERMS & ~orig_umask);
+ do {
+ if (preserve_hard_links && inc_recurse) {
+ while (!flist_eof && file_total < MIN_FILECNT_LOOKAHEAD/2)
+ wait_for_receiver();
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse && cur_flist->parent_ndx >= 0) {
+ struct file_struct *fp = dir_flist->files[cur_flist->parent_ndx];
+ if (solo_file)
+ strlcpy(fbuf, solo_file, sizeof fbuf);
+ else
+ f_name(fp, fbuf);
+ ndx = cur_flist->ndx_start - 1;
+ recv_generator(fbuf, fp, ndx, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ if (delete_during && dry_run < 2 && !list_only
+ && !(fp->flags & FLAG_MISSING_DIR)) {
+ if (fp->flags & FLAG_CONTENT_DIR) {
+ dev_t dirdev;
+ if (one_file_system) {
+ uint32 *devp = F_DIR_DEV_P(fp);
+ dirdev = MAKEDEV(DEV_MAJOR(devp), DEV_MINOR(devp));
+ } else
+ dirdev = MAKEDEV(0, 0);
+ delete_in_dir(fbuf, fp, dirdev);
+ } else
+ change_local_filter_dir(fbuf, strlen(fbuf), F_DEPTH(fp));
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = cur_flist->low; i <= cur_flist->high; i++) {
+ struct file_struct *file = cur_flist->sorted[i];
+ if (!F_IS_ACTIVE(file))
+ continue;
+ if (unsort_ndx)
+ ndx = F_NDX(file);
+ else
+ ndx = i + cur_flist->ndx_start;
+ if (solo_file)
+ strlcpy(fbuf, solo_file, sizeof fbuf);
+ else
+ f_name(file, fbuf);
+ recv_generator(fbuf, file, ndx, itemizing, code, f_out);
+ check_for_finished_files(itemizing, code, 0);
+ if (i + cur_flist->ndx_start >= next_loopchk) {
+ if (allowed_lull)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH);
+ else
+ maybe_flush_socket(0);
+ next_loopchk += loopchk_limit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!inc_recurse) {
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ break;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ check_for_finished_files(itemizing, code, 1);
+ if (cur_flist->next || flist_eof)
+ break;
+ wait_for_receiver();
+ }
+ } while ((cur_flist = cur_flist->next) != NULL);
+ if (delete_during)
+ delete_in_dir(NULL, NULL, dev_zero);
+ phase++;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(GENR, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "generate_files phase=%d\n", phase);
+ while (1) {
+ check_for_finished_files(itemizing, code, 1);
+ if (msgdone_cnt)
+ break;
+ wait_for_receiver();
+ }
+ phase++;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(GENR, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "generate_files phase=%d\n", phase);
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ /* Reduce round-trip lag-time for a useless delay-updates phase. */
+ if (protocol_version >= 29 && EARLY_DELAY_DONE_MSG())
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ if (protocol_version >= 31 && EARLY_DELETE_DONE_MSG()) {
+ if ((INFO_GTE(STATS, 2) && (delete_mode || force_delete)) || read_batch)
+ write_del_stats(f_out);
+ if (EARLY_DELAY_DONE_MSG()) /* Can't send this before delay */
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ }
+ /* Read MSG_DONE for the redo phase (and any prior messages). */
+ while (1) {
+ check_for_finished_files(itemizing, code, 0);
+ if (msgdone_cnt > 1)
+ break;
+ wait_for_receiver();
+ }
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ phase++;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(GENR, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "generate_files phase=%d\n", phase);
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ if (protocol_version >= 31 && EARLY_DELETE_DONE_MSG())
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ }
+ /* Read MSG_DONE for delay-updates phase & prior messages. */
+ while (msgdone_cnt == 2)
+ wait_for_receiver();
+ }
+ info_levels[INFO_FLIST] = save_info_flist;
+ info_levels[INFO_PROGRESS] = save_info_progress;
+ if (delete_during == 2)
+ do_delayed_deletions(fbuf);
+ if (delete_after && !solo_file && file_total > 0)
+ do_delete_pass();
+ if (max_delete >= 0 && skipped_deletes) {
+ rprintf(FWARNING,
+ "Deletions stopped due to --max-delete limit (%d skipped)\n",
+ skipped_deletes);
+ io_error |= IOERR_DEL_LIMIT;
+ }
+ if (protocol_version >= 31) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(STATS, 2) || read_batch)
+ write_del_stats(f_out);
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ }
+ /* Read MSG_DONE for late-delete phase & prior messages. */
+ while (msgdone_cnt == 3)
+ wait_for_receiver();
+ }
+ if ((need_retouch_dir_perms || need_retouch_dir_times)
+ && dir_tweaking && (!inc_recurse || delete_during == 2))
+ touch_up_dirs(dir_flist, -1);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(GENR, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "generate_files finished\n");
diff --git a/getfsdev.c b/getfsdev.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc8c65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getfsdev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include "rsync.h"
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int ret;
+ while (--argc > 0) {
+#ifdef USE_STAT64_FUNCS
+ ret = stat64(*++argv, &st);
+ ret = stat(*++argv, &st);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to stat `%s'\n", *argv);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ printf("%ld/%ld\n", (long)major(st.st_dev), (long)minor(st.st_dev));
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/getgroups.c b/getgroups.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a37ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getgroups.c
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * Print out the gids of all groups for the current user. This is like
+ * `id -G` on Linux, but it's too hard to find a portable equivalent.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+ int main(UNUSED(int argc), UNUSED(char *argv[]))
+ int n, i;
+ gid_t *list;
+ gid_t gid = MY_GID();
+ int gid_in_list = 0;
+ if ((n = getgroups(0, NULL)) < 0) {
+ perror("getgroups");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ n = 0;
+ list = (gid_t*)malloc(sizeof (gid_t) * (n + 1));
+ if (!list) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "out of memory!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (n > 0)
+ n = getgroups(n, list);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ printf("%lu ", (unsigned long)list[i]);
+ if (list[i] == gid)
+ gid_in_list = 1;
+ }
+ /* The default gid might not be in the list on some systems. */
+ if (!gid_in_list)
+ printf("%lu", (unsigned long)gid);
+ printf("\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/hashtable.c b/hashtable.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc4e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hashtable.c
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+ * Routines to provide a memory-efficient hashtable.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#define HASH_LOAD_LIMIT(size) ((size)*3/4)
+struct hashtable *hashtable_create(int size, int key64)
+ int req = size;
+ struct hashtable *tbl;
+ int node_size = key64 ? sizeof (struct ht_int64_node)
+ : sizeof (struct ht_int32_node);
+ /* Pick a power of 2 that can hold the requested size. */
+ if (size & (size-1) || size < 16) {
+ size = 16;
+ while (size < req)
+ size *= 2;
+ }
+ tbl = new(struct hashtable);
+ tbl->nodes = new_array0(char, size * node_size);
+ tbl->size = size;
+ tbl->entries = 0;
+ tbl->node_size = node_size;
+ tbl->key64 = key64 ? 1 : 0;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HASH, 1)) {
+ char buf[32];
+ if (req != size)
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "req: %d, ", req);
+ else
+ *buf = '\0';
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] created hashtable %lx (%ssize: %d, keys: %d-bit)\n",
+ who_am_i(), (long)tbl, buf, size, key64 ? 64 : 32);
+ }
+ return tbl;
+void hashtable_destroy(struct hashtable *tbl)
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HASH, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] destroyed hashtable %lx (size: %d, keys: %d-bit)\n",
+ who_am_i(), (long)tbl, tbl->size, tbl->key64 ? 64 : 32);
+ }
+ free(tbl->nodes);
+ free(tbl);
+/* Returns the node that holds the indicated key if it exists. When it does not
+ * exist, it returns either NULL (when data_when_new is NULL), or it returns a
+ * new node with its node->data set to the indicated value.
+ *
+ * If your code doesn't know the data value for a new node in advance (usually
+ * because it doesn't know if a node is new or not) you should pass in a unique
+ * (non-0) value that you can use to check if the returned node is new. You can
+ * then overwrite the data with any value you want (even 0) since it only needs
+ * to be different than whatever data_when_new value you use later on.
+ *
+ * This return is a void* just because it might be pointing at a ht_int32_node
+ * or a ht_int64_node, and that makes the caller's assignment a little easier. */
+void *hashtable_find(struct hashtable *tbl, int64 key, void *data_when_new)
+ int key64 = tbl->key64;
+ struct ht_int32_node *node;
+ uint32 ndx;
+ if (key64 ? key == 0 : (int32)key == 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Internal hashtable error: illegal key supplied!\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ }
+ if (data_when_new && tbl->entries > HASH_LOAD_LIMIT(tbl->size)) {
+ void *old_nodes = tbl->nodes;
+ int size = tbl->size * 2;
+ int i;
+ tbl->nodes = new_array0(char, size * tbl->node_size);
+ tbl->size = size;
+ tbl->entries = 0;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HASH, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] growing hashtable %lx (size: %d, keys: %d-bit)\n",
+ who_am_i(), (long)tbl, size, key64 ? 64 : 32);
+ }
+ for (i = size / 2; i-- > 0; ) {
+ struct ht_int32_node *move_node = HT_NODE(tbl, old_nodes, i);
+ int64 move_key = HT_KEY(move_node, key64);
+ if (move_key == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (move_node->data)
+ hashtable_find(tbl, move_key, move_node->data);
+ else {
+ node = hashtable_find(tbl, move_key, "");
+ node->data = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ free(old_nodes);
+ }
+ if (!key64) {
+ /* Based on Jenkins One-at-a-time hash. */
+ uchar buf[4], *keyp = buf;
+ int i;
+ SIVALu(buf, 0, key);
+ for (ndx = 0, i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ ndx += keyp[i];
+ ndx += (ndx << 10);
+ ndx ^= (ndx >> 6);
+ }
+ ndx += (ndx << 3);
+ ndx ^= (ndx >> 11);
+ ndx += (ndx << 15);
+ } else {
+ /* Based on Jenkins hashword() from lookup3.c. */
+ uint32 a, b, c;
+ /* Set up the internal state */
+ a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + (8 << 2);
+#define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k)) ^ ((x)>>(32-(k))))
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 >= 8
+ b += (uint32)(key >> 32);
+ a += (uint32)key;
+ c ^= b; c -= rot(b, 14);
+ a ^= c; a -= rot(c, 11);
+ b ^= a; b -= rot(a, 25);
+ c ^= b; c -= rot(b, 16);
+ a ^= c; a -= rot(c, 4);
+ b ^= a; b -= rot(a, 14);
+ c ^= b; c -= rot(b, 24);
+#undef rot
+ ndx = c;
+ }
+ /* If it already exists, return the node. If we're not
+ * allocating, return NULL if the key is not found. */
+ while (1) {
+ int64 nkey;
+ ndx &= tbl->size - 1;
+ node = HT_NODE(tbl, tbl->nodes, ndx);
+ nkey = HT_KEY(node, key64);
+ if (nkey == key)
+ return node;
+ if (nkey == 0) {
+ if (!data_when_new)
+ return NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ ndx++;
+ }
+ /* Take over this empty spot and then return the node. */
+ if (key64)
+ ((struct ht_int64_node*)node)->key = key;
+ else
+ node->key = (int32)key;
+ node->data = data_when_new;
+ tbl->entries++;
+ return node;
+# define HASH_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+# define HASH_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lookup3.c, by Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain.
+ These are functions for producing 32-bit hashes for hash table lookup.
+ hash_word(), hashlittle(), hashlittle2(), hashbig(), mix(), and final()
+ are externally useful functions. Routines to test the hash are included
+ if SELF_TEST is defined. You can use this free for any purpose. It's in
+ the public domain. It has no warranty.
+ You probably want to use hashlittle(). hashlittle() and hashbig()
+ hash byte arrays. hashlittle() is is faster than hashbig() on
+ little-endian machines. Intel and AMD are little-endian machines.
+ On second thought, you probably want hashlittle2(), which is identical to
+ hashlittle() except it returns two 32-bit hashes for the price of one.
+ You could implement hashbig2() if you wanted but I haven't bothered here.
+ If you want to find a hash of, say, exactly 7 integers, do
+ a = i1; b = i2; c = i3;
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ a += i4; b += i5; c += i6;
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ a += i7;
+ final(a,b,c);
+ then use c as the hash value. If you have a variable length array of
+ 4-byte integers to hash, use hash_word(). If you have a byte array (like
+ a character string), use hashlittle(). If you have several byte arrays, or
+ a mix of things, see the comments above hashlittle().
+ Why is this so big? I read 12 bytes at a time into 3 4-byte integers,
+ then mix those integers. This is fast (you can do a lot more thorough
+ mixing with 12*3 instructions on 3 integers than you can with 3 instructions
+ on 1 byte), but shoehorning those bytes into integers efficiently is messy.
+#define hashsize(n) ((uint32_t)1<<(n))
+#define hashmask(n) (hashsize(n)-1)
+#define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k)) | ((x)>>(32-(k))))
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ mix -- mix 3 32-bit values reversibly.
+ This is reversible, so any information in (a,b,c) before mix() is
+ still in (a,b,c) after mix().
+ If four pairs of (a,b,c) inputs are run through mix(), or through
+ mix() in reverse, there are at least 32 bits of the output that
+ are sometimes the same for one pair and different for another pair.
+ This was tested for:
+ * pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination
+ of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
+ (a,b,c).
+ * "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^. For + and -, I transformed
+ the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
+ is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
+ difference.
+ * the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or
+ all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
+ Some k values for my "a-=c; a^=rot(c,k); c+=b;" arrangement that
+ satisfy this are
+ 4 6 8 16 19 4
+ 9 15 3 18 27 15
+ 14 9 3 7 17 3
+ Well, "9 15 3 18 27 15" didn't quite get 32 bits diffing
+ for "differ" defined as + with a one-bit base and a two-bit delta. I
+ used to choose
+ the operations, constants, and arrangements of the variables.
+ This does not achieve avalanche. There are input bits of (a,b,c)
+ that fail to affect some output bits of (a,b,c), especially of a. The
+ most thoroughly mixed value is c, but it doesn't really even achieve
+ avalanche in c.
+ This allows some parallelism. Read-after-writes are good at doubling
+ the number of bits affected, so the goal of mixing pulls in the opposite
+ direction as the goal of parallelism. I did what I could. Rotates
+ seem to cost as much as shifts on every machine I could lay my hands
+ on, and rotates are much kinder to the top and bottom bits, so I used
+ rotates.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define mix(a,b,c) \
+{ \
+ a -= c; a ^= rot(c, 4); c += b; \
+ b -= a; b ^= rot(a, 6); a += c; \
+ c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 8); b += a; \
+ a -= c; a ^= rot(c,16); c += b; \
+ b -= a; b ^= rot(a,19); a += c; \
+ c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 4); b += a; \
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ final -- final mixing of 3 32-bit values (a,b,c) into c
+ Pairs of (a,b,c) values differing in only a few bits will usually
+ produce values of c that look totally different. This was tested for
+ * pairs that differed by one bit, by two bits, in any combination
+ of top bits of (a,b,c), or in any combination of bottom bits of
+ (a,b,c).
+ * "differ" is defined as +, -, ^, or ~^. For + and -, I transformed
+ the output delta to a Gray code (a^(a>>1)) so a string of 1's (as
+ is commonly produced by subtraction) look like a single 1-bit
+ difference.
+ * the base values were pseudorandom, all zero but one bit set, or
+ all zero plus a counter that starts at zero.
+ These constants passed:
+ 14 11 25 16 4 14 24
+ 12 14 25 16 4 14 24
+ and these came close:
+ 4 8 15 26 3 22 24
+ 10 8 15 26 3 22 24
+ 11 8 15 26 3 22 24
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define final(a,b,c) \
+{ \
+ c ^= b; c -= rot(b,14); \
+ a ^= c; a -= rot(c,11); \
+ b ^= a; b -= rot(a,25); \
+ c ^= b; c -= rot(b,16); \
+ a ^= c; a -= rot(c,4); \
+ b ^= a; b -= rot(a,14); \
+ c ^= b; c -= rot(b,24); \
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ hashlittle() -- hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value
+ k : the key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)
+ length : the length of the key, counting by bytes
+ val2 : IN: can be any 4-byte value OUT: second 32 bit hash.
+ Returns a 32-bit value. Every bit of the key affects every bit of
+ the return value. Two keys differing by one or two bits will have
+ totally different hash values. Note that the return value is better
+ mixed than val2, so use that first.
+ The best hash table sizes are powers of 2. There is no need to do
+ mod a prime (mod is sooo slow!). If you need less than 32 bits,
+ use a bitmask. For example, if you need only 10 bits, do
+ h = (h & hashmask(10));
+ In which case, the hash table should have hashsize(10) elements.
+ If you are hashing n strings (uint8_t **)k, do it like this:
+ for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = hashlittle( k[i], len[i], h);
+ By Bob Jenkins, 2006. You may use this
+ code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial. It's free.
+ Use for hash table lookup, or anything where one collision in 2^^32 is
+ acceptable. Do NOT use for cryptographic purposes.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define NON_ZERO_32(x) ((x) ? (x) : (uint32_t)1)
+#define NON_ZERO_64(x, y) ((x) || (y) ? (y) | (int64)(x) << 32 | (y) : (int64)1)
+uint32_t hashlittle(const void *key, size_t length)
+ uint32_t a,b,c; /* internal state */
+ union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u; /* needed for Mac Powerbook G4 */
+ /* Set up the internal state */
+ a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length);
+ u.ptr = key;
+ if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
+ const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key; /* read 32-bit chunks */
+ const uint8_t *k8;
+ /*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+ while (length > 12)
+ {
+ a += k[0];
+ b += k[1];
+ c += k[2];
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ length -= 12;
+ k += 3;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+ k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+ switch(length)
+ {
+ case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+ case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<8; /* fall through */
+ case 9 : c+=k8[8]; /* fall through */
+ case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+ case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<8; /* fall through */
+ case 5 : b+=k8[4]; /* fall through */
+ case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+ case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<8; /* fall through */
+ case 1 : a+=k8[0]; break;
+ case 0 : return NON_ZERO_32(c);
+ }
+ } else if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x1) == 0)) {
+ const uint16_t *k = (const uint16_t *)key; /* read 16-bit chunks */
+ const uint8_t *k8;
+ /*--------------- all but last block: aligned reads and different mixing */
+ while (length > 12)
+ {
+ a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ length -= 12;
+ k += 6;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+ k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+ switch(length)
+ {
+ case 12: c+=k[4]+(((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+ b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 10: c+=k[4];
+ b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 9 : c+=k8[8]; /* fall through */
+ case 8 : b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 6 : b+=k[2];
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 5 : b+=k8[4]; /* fall through */
+ case 4 : a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 2 : a+=k[0];
+ break;
+ case 1 : a+=k8[0];
+ break;
+ case 0 : return NON_ZERO_32(c); /* zero length requires no mixing */
+ }
+ } else { /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
+ const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
+ /*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+ while (length > 12)
+ {
+ a += k[0];
+ a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+ a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+ a += ((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+ b += k[4];
+ b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+ b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+ b += ((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+ c += k[8];
+ c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+ c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+ c += ((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ length -= 12;
+ k += 12;
+ }
+ /*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
+ switch(length) /* all the case statements fall through */
+ {
+ case 12: c+=((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+ case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+ case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+ case 9 : c+=k[8];
+ case 8 : b+=((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+ case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+ case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+ case 5 : b+=k[4];
+ case 4 : a+=((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+ case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+ case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+ case 1 : a+=k[0];
+ break;
+ case 0 : return NON_ZERO_32(c);
+ }
+ }
+ final(a,b,c);
+ return NON_ZERO_32(c);
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 >= 8
+ * hashlittle2: return 2 32-bit hash values joined into an int64.
+ *
+ * This is identical to hashlittle(), except it returns two 32-bit hash
+ * values instead of just one. This is good enough for hash table
+ * lookup with 2^^64 buckets, or if you want a second hash if you're not
+ * happy with the first, or if you want a probably-unique 64-bit ID for
+ * the key. *pc is better mixed than *pb, so use *pc first. If you want
+ * a 64-bit value do something like "*pc + (((uint64_t)*pb)<<32)".
+ */
+int64 hashlittle2(const void *key, size_t length)
+ uint32_t a,b,c; /* internal state */
+ union { const void *ptr; size_t i; } u; /* needed for Mac Powerbook G4 */
+ /* Set up the internal state */
+ a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + ((uint32_t)length);
+ u.ptr = key;
+ if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x3) == 0)) {
+ const uint32_t *k = (const uint32_t *)key; /* read 32-bit chunks */
+ const uint8_t *k8;
+ /*------ all but last block: aligned reads and affect 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+ while (length > 12)
+ {
+ a += k[0];
+ b += k[1];
+ c += k[2];
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ length -= 12;
+ k += 3;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+ k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+ switch(length)
+ {
+ case 12: c+=k[2]; b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+ case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k8[9])<<8; /* fall through */
+ case 9 : c+=k8[8]; /* fall through */
+ case 8 : b+=k[1]; a+=k[0]; break;
+ case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[5])<<8; /* fall through */
+ case 5 : b+=k8[4]; /* fall through */
+ case 4 : a+=k[0]; break;
+ case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[1])<<8; /* fall through */
+ case 1 : a+=k8[0]; break;
+ case 0 : return NON_ZERO_64(b, c);
+ }
+ } else if (HASH_LITTLE_ENDIAN && ((u.i & 0x1) == 0)) {
+ const uint16_t *k = (const uint16_t *)key; /* read 16-bit chunks */
+ const uint8_t *k8;
+ /*--------------- all but last block: aligned reads and different mixing */
+ while (length > 12)
+ {
+ a += k[0] + (((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ b += k[2] + (((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ c += k[4] + (((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ length -= 12;
+ k += 6;
+ }
+ /*----------------------------- handle the last (probably partial) block */
+ k8 = (const uint8_t *)k;
+ switch(length)
+ {
+ case 12: c+=k[4]+(((uint32_t)k[5])<<16);
+ b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k8[10])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 10: c+=k[4];
+ b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 9 : c+=k8[8]; /* fall through */
+ case 8 : b+=k[2]+(((uint32_t)k[3])<<16);
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k8[6])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 6 : b+=k[2];
+ a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 5 : b+=k8[4]; /* fall through */
+ case 4 : a+=k[0]+(((uint32_t)k[1])<<16);
+ break;
+ case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k8[2])<<16; /* fall through */
+ case 2 : a+=k[0];
+ break;
+ case 1 : a+=k8[0];
+ break;
+ case 0 : return NON_ZERO_64(b, c); /* zero length strings require no mixing */
+ }
+ } else { /* need to read the key one byte at a time */
+ const uint8_t *k = (const uint8_t *)key;
+ /*--------------- all but the last block: affect some 32 bits of (a,b,c) */
+ while (length > 12)
+ {
+ a += k[0];
+ a += ((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+ a += ((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+ a += ((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+ b += k[4];
+ b += ((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+ b += ((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+ b += ((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+ c += k[8];
+ c += ((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+ c += ((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+ c += ((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+ mix(a,b,c);
+ length -= 12;
+ k += 12;
+ }
+ /*-------------------------------- last block: affect all 32 bits of (c) */
+ switch(length) /* all the case statements fall through */
+ {
+ case 12: c+=((uint32_t)k[11])<<24;
+ case 11: c+=((uint32_t)k[10])<<16;
+ case 10: c+=((uint32_t)k[9])<<8;
+ case 9 : c+=k[8];
+ case 8 : b+=((uint32_t)k[7])<<24;
+ case 7 : b+=((uint32_t)k[6])<<16;
+ case 6 : b+=((uint32_t)k[5])<<8;
+ case 5 : b+=k[4];
+ case 4 : a+=((uint32_t)k[3])<<24;
+ case 3 : a+=((uint32_t)k[2])<<16;
+ case 2 : a+=((uint32_t)k[1])<<8;
+ case 1 : a+=k[0];
+ break;
+ case 0 : return NON_ZERO_64(b, c);
+ }
+ }
+ final(a,b,c);
+ return NON_ZERO_64(b, c);
+#define hashlittle2(key, len) hashlittle(key, len)
diff --git a/help-from-md.awk b/help-from-md.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1900797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/help-from-md.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# The caller must pass args: -v hfile=help-NAME.h
+ heading = "/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! It is auto-generated from the option list in " ARGV[1] "! */"
+ findcomment = hfile
+ sub("\\.", "\\.", findcomment)
+ findcomment = "\\[comment\\].*" findcomment
+ backtick_cnt = 0
+ prints = ""
+/^```/ {
+ backtick_cnt++
+ next
+foundcomment {
+ if (backtick_cnt > 1) exit
+ if (backtick_cnt == 1) {
+ gsub(/"/, "\\\"")
+ prints = prints "\n rprintf(F,\"" $0 "\\n\");"
+ }
+ next
+$0 ~ findcomment {
+ foundcomment = 1
+ backtick_cnt = 0
+END {
+ if (foundcomment && backtick_cnt > 1)
+ print heading "\n" prints > hfile
+ else {
+ print "Failed to find " hfile " section in " ARGV[1]
+ exit 1
+ }
diff --git a/hlink.c b/hlink.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20291f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hlink.c
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+ * Routines to support hard-linking.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int do_xfers;
+extern int alt_dest_type;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int remove_source_files;
+extern int stdout_format_has_i;
+extern int maybe_ATTRS_REPORT;
+extern int unsort_ndx;
+extern char *basis_dir[MAX_BASIS_DIRS+1];
+extern struct file_list *cur_flist;
+/* Starting with protocol 30, we use a simple hashtable on the sending side
+ * for hashing the st_dev and st_ino info. The receiving side gets told
+ * (via flags and a "group index") which items are hard-linked together, so
+ * we can avoid the pool of dev+inode data. For incremental recursion mode,
+ * the receiver will use a ndx hash to remember old pathnames. */
+static void *data_when_new = "";
+static struct hashtable *dev_tbl;
+static struct hashtable *prior_hlinks;
+static struct file_list *hlink_flist;
+void init_hard_links(void)
+ if (am_sender || protocol_version < 30)
+ dev_tbl = hashtable_create(16, HT_KEY64);
+ else if (inc_recurse)
+ prior_hlinks = hashtable_create(1024, HT_KEY32);
+struct ht_int64_node *idev_find(int64 dev, int64 ino)
+ static struct ht_int64_node *dev_node = NULL;
+ /* Note that some OSes have a dev == 0, so increment to avoid storing a 0. */
+ if (!dev_node || dev_node->key != dev+1) {
+ /* We keep a separate hash table of inodes for every device. */
+ dev_node = hashtable_find(dev_tbl, dev+1, data_when_new);
+ if (dev_node->data == data_when_new) {
+ dev_node->data = hashtable_create(512, HT_KEY64);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] created hashtable for dev %s\n",
+ who_am_i(), big_num(dev));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hashtable_find(dev_node->data, ino, (void*)-1L);
+void idev_destroy(void)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < dev_tbl->size; i++) {
+ struct ht_int32_node *node = HT_NODE(dev_tbl, dev_tbl->nodes, i);
+ if (node->data)
+ hashtable_destroy(node->data);
+ }
+ hashtable_destroy(dev_tbl);
+static int hlink_compare_gnum(int *int1, int *int2)
+ struct file_struct *f1 = hlink_flist->sorted[*int1];
+ struct file_struct *f2 = hlink_flist->sorted[*int2];
+ int32 gnum1 = F_HL_GNUM(f1);
+ int32 gnum2 = F_HL_GNUM(f2);
+ if (gnum1 != gnum2)
+ return gnum1 > gnum2 ? 1 : -1;
+ return *int1 > *int2 ? 1 : -1;
+static void match_gnums(int32 *ndx_list, int ndx_count)
+ int32 from, prev;
+ struct file_struct *file, *file_next;
+ struct ht_int32_node *node = NULL;
+ int32 gnum, gnum_next;
+ qsort(ndx_list, ndx_count, sizeof ndx_list[0], (int (*)()) hlink_compare_gnum);
+ for (from = 0; from < ndx_count; from++) {
+ file = hlink_flist->sorted[ndx_list[from]];
+ gnum = F_HL_GNUM(file);
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ node = hashtable_find(prior_hlinks, gnum, data_when_new);
+ if (node->data == data_when_new) {
+ node->data = new_array0(char, 5);
+ assert(gnum >= hlink_flist->ndx_start);
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_FIRST;
+ prev = -1;
+ } else if (CVAL(node->data, 0) == 0) {
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ prev = IVAL(node->data, 1);
+ flist = flist_for_ndx(prev, NULL);
+ if (flist)
+ flist->files[prev - flist->ndx_start]->flags &= ~FLAG_HLINK_LAST;
+ else {
+ /* We skipped all prior files in this
+ * group, so mark this as a "first". */
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_FIRST;
+ prev = -1;
+ }
+ } else
+ prev = -1;
+ } else {
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_FIRST;
+ prev = -1;
+ }
+ for ( ; from < ndx_count-1; file = file_next, gnum = gnum_next, from++) { /*SHARED ITERATOR*/
+ file_next = hlink_flist->sorted[ndx_list[from+1]];
+ gnum_next = F_HL_GNUM(file_next);
+ if (gnum != gnum_next)
+ break;
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = prev;
+ /* The linked list uses over-the-wire ndx values. */
+ if (unsort_ndx)
+ prev = F_NDX(file);
+ else
+ prev = ndx_list[from] + hlink_flist->ndx_start;
+ }
+ if (prev < 0 && !inc_recurse) {
+ /* Disable hard-link bit and set DONE so that
+ * HLINK_BUMP()-dependent values are unaffected. */
+ file->flags &= ~(FLAG_HLINKED | FLAG_HLINK_FIRST);
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_DONE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_LAST;
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = prev;
+ if (inc_recurse && CVAL(node->data, 0) == 0) {
+ if (unsort_ndx)
+ prev = F_NDX(file);
+ else
+ prev = ndx_list[from] + hlink_flist->ndx_start;
+ SIVAL(node->data, 1, prev);
+ }
+ }
+/* Analyze the hard-links in the file-list by creating a list of all the
+ * items that have hlink data, sorting them, and matching up identical
+ * values into clusters. These will be a single linked list from last
+ * to first when we're done. */
+void match_hard_links(struct file_list *flist)
+ if (!list_only && flist->used) {
+ int i, ndx_count = 0;
+ int32 *ndx_list;
+ ndx_list = new_array(int32, flist->used);
+ for (i = 0; i < flist->used; i++) {
+ if (F_IS_HLINKED(flist->sorted[i]))
+ ndx_list[ndx_count++] = i;
+ }
+ hlink_flist = flist;
+ if (ndx_count)
+ match_gnums(ndx_list, ndx_count);
+ free(ndx_list);
+ }
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ idev_destroy();
+static int maybe_hard_link(struct file_struct *file, int ndx,
+ char *fname, int statret, stat_x *sxp,
+ const char *oldname, STRUCT_STAT *old_stp,
+ const char *realname, int itemizing, enum logcode code)
+ if (statret == 0) {
+ if (sxp->st.st_dev == old_stp->st_dev
+ && sxp->st.st_ino == old_stp->st_ino) {
+ if (itemizing) {
+ itemize(fname, file, ndx, statret, sxp,
+ 0, "");
+ }
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && maybe_ATTRS_REPORT)
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s is uptodate\n", fname);
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_DONE;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (atomic_create(file, fname, NULL, oldname, MAKEDEV(0, 0), sxp, statret == 0 ? DEL_FOR_FILE : 0)) {
+ if (itemizing) {
+ itemize(fname, file, ndx, statret, sxp,
+ realname);
+ }
+ if (code != FNONE && INFO_GTE(NAME, 1))
+ rprintf(code, "%s => %s\n", fname, realname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* Figure out if a prior entry is still there or if we just have a
+ * cached name for it. */
+static char *check_prior(struct file_struct *file, int gnum,
+ int *prev_ndx_p, struct file_list **flist_p)
+ struct file_struct *fp;
+ struct ht_int32_node *node;
+ int prev_ndx = F_HL_PREV(file);
+ while (1) {
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ if (prev_ndx < 0
+ || (flist = flist_for_ndx(prev_ndx, NULL)) == NULL)
+ break;
+ fp = flist->files[prev_ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ if (!(fp->flags & FLAG_SKIP_HLINK)) {
+ *prev_ndx_p = prev_ndx;
+ *flist_p = flist;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = prev_ndx = F_HL_PREV(fp);
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse
+ && (node = hashtable_find(prior_hlinks, gnum, NULL)) != NULL) {
+ assert(node->data != NULL);
+ if (CVAL(node->data, 0) != 0) {
+ *prev_ndx_p = -1;
+ *flist_p = NULL;
+ return node->data;
+ }
+ /* The prior file must have been skipped. */
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = -1;
+ }
+ *prev_ndx_p = -1;
+ *flist_p = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+/* Only called if FLAG_HLINKED is set and FLAG_HLINK_FIRST is not. Returns:
+ * 0 = process the file, 1 = skip the file, -1 = error occurred. */
+int hard_link_check(struct file_struct *file, int ndx, char *fname,
+ int statret, stat_x *sxp, int itemizing,
+ enum logcode code)
+ STRUCT_STAT prev_st;
+ char namebuf[MAXPATHLEN], altbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char *realname, *prev_name;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ int gnum = inc_recurse ? F_HL_GNUM(file) : -1;
+ int prev_ndx;
+ prev_name = realname = check_prior(file, gnum, &prev_ndx, &flist);
+ if (!prev_name) {
+ struct file_struct *prev_file;
+ if (!flist) {
+ /* The previous file was skipped, so this one is
+ * treated as if it were the first in its group. */
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "hlink for %d (%s,%d): virtual first\n",
+ ndx, f_name(file, NULL), gnum);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ prev_file = flist->files[prev_ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ /* Is the previous link not complete yet? */
+ if (!(prev_file->flags & FLAG_HLINK_DONE)) {
+ /* Is the previous link being transferred? */
+ if (prev_file->flags & FLAG_FILE_SENT) {
+ /* Add ourselves to the list of files that will
+ * be updated when the transfer completes, and
+ * mark ourself as waiting for the transfer. */
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = F_HL_PREV(prev_file);
+ F_HL_PREV(prev_file) = ndx;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT;
+ cur_flist->in_progress++;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "hlink for %d (%s,%d): waiting for %d\n",
+ ndx, f_name(file, NULL), gnum, F_HL_PREV(file));
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "hlink for %d (%s,%d): looking for a leader\n",
+ ndx, f_name(file, NULL), gnum);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* There is a finished file to link with! */
+ if (!(prev_file->flags & FLAG_HLINK_FIRST)) {
+ /* The previous previous is FIRST when prev is not. */
+ prev_name = realname = check_prior(prev_file, gnum, &prev_ndx, &flist);
+ /* Update our previous pointer to point to the FIRST. */
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = prev_ndx;
+ }
+ if (!prev_name) {
+ int alt_dest;
+ assert(flist != NULL);
+ prev_file = flist->files[prev_ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ /* F_HL_PREV() is alt_dest value when DONE && FIRST. */
+ alt_dest = F_HL_PREV(prev_file);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "hlink for %d (%s,%d): found flist match (alt %d)\n",
+ ndx, f_name(file, NULL), gnum, alt_dest);
+ }
+ if (alt_dest >= 0 && dry_run) {
+ pathjoin(namebuf, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[alt_dest],
+ f_name(prev_file, NULL));
+ prev_name = namebuf;
+ realname = f_name(prev_file, altbuf);
+ } else {
+ prev_name = f_name(prev_file, namebuf);
+ realname = prev_name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(HLINK, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "hlink for %d (%s,%d): leader is %d (%s)\n",
+ ndx, f_name(file, NULL), gnum, prev_ndx, prev_name);
+ }
+ if (link_stat(prev_name, &prev_st, 0) < 0) {
+ if (!dry_run || errno != ENOENT) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "stat %s failed", full_fname(prev_name));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* A new hard-link will get a new dev & inode, so approximate
+ * those values in dry-run mode by zeroing them. */
+ memset(&prev_st, 0, sizeof prev_st);
+ }
+ if (statret < 0 && basis_dir[0] != NULL) {
+ /* If we match an alt-dest item, we don't output this as a change. */
+ char cmpbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ stat_x alt_sx;
+ int j = 0;
+ init_stat_x(&alt_sx);
+ do {
+ pathjoin(cmpbuf, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[j], fname);
+ if (link_stat(cmpbuf, &, 0) < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (alt_dest_type == LINK_DEST) {
+ if (prev_st.st_dev !=
+ || prev_st.st_ino !=
+ continue;
+ statret = 1;
+ if (stdout_format_has_i == 0
+ || (!INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && stdout_format_has_i < 2)) {
+ itemizing = 0;
+ code = FNONE;
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && maybe_ATTRS_REPORT)
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s is uptodate\n", fname);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!quick_check_ok(FT_REG, cmpbuf, file, &
+ continue;
+ statret = 1;
+ if (unchanged_attrs(cmpbuf, file, &alt_sx))
+ break;
+ } while (basis_dir[++j] != NULL);
+ if (statret == 1) {
+ sxp->st =;
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ free_acl(sxp);
+ if (!ACL_READY(alt_sx))
+ get_acl(cmpbuf, sxp);
+ else {
+ sxp->acc_acl = alt_sx.acc_acl;
+ sxp->def_acl = alt_sx.def_acl;
+ alt_sx.acc_acl = alt_sx.def_acl = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ free_xattr(sxp);
+ if (!XATTR_READY(alt_sx))
+ get_xattr(cmpbuf, sxp);
+ else {
+ sxp->xattr = alt_sx.xattr;
+ alt_sx.xattr = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ free_stat_x(&alt_sx);
+ }
+ if (maybe_hard_link(file, ndx, fname, statret, sxp, prev_name, &prev_st,
+ realname, itemizing, code) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (remove_source_files == 1 && do_xfers)
+ send_msg_success(fname, ndx);
+ return 1;
+int hard_link_one(struct file_struct *file, const char *fname,
+ const char *oldname, int terse)
+ if (do_link(oldname, fname) < 0) {
+ enum logcode code;
+ if (terse) {
+ if (!INFO_GTE(NAME, 1))
+ return 0;
+ code = FINFO;
+ } else
+ code = FERROR_XFER;
+ rsyserr(code, errno, "link %s => %s failed",
+ full_fname(fname), oldname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_DONE;
+ return 1;
+void finish_hard_link(struct file_struct *file, const char *fname, int fin_ndx,
+ STRUCT_STAT *stp, int itemizing, enum logcode code,
+ int alt_dest)
+ stat_x prev_sx;
+ char prev_name[MAXPATHLEN], alt_name[MAXPATHLEN];
+ const char *our_name;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ int prev_statret, ndx, prev_ndx = F_HL_PREV(file);
+ if (stp == NULL && prev_ndx >= 0) {
+ if (link_stat(fname, &st, 0) < 0 && !dry_run) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "stat %s failed",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ return;
+ }
+ stp = &st;
+ }
+ /* FIRST combined with DONE means we were the first to get done. */
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = alt_dest;
+ if (alt_dest >= 0 && dry_run) {
+ pathjoin(alt_name, MAXPATHLEN, basis_dir[alt_dest],
+ f_name(file, NULL));
+ our_name = alt_name;
+ } else
+ our_name = fname;
+ init_stat_x(&prev_sx);
+ while ((ndx = prev_ndx) >= 0) {
+ int val;
+ flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx, "finish_hard_link");
+ file = flist->files[ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ file->flags = (file->flags & ~FLAG_HLINK_FIRST) | FLAG_HLINK_DONE;
+ prev_ndx = F_HL_PREV(file);
+ F_HL_PREV(file) = fin_ndx;
+ prev_statret = link_stat(f_name(file, prev_name), &, 0);
+ val = maybe_hard_link(file, ndx, prev_name, prev_statret, &prev_sx,
+ our_name, stp, fname, itemizing, code);
+ flist->in_progress--;
+ free_stat_x(&prev_sx);
+ if (val < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (remove_source_files == 1 && do_xfers)
+ send_msg_success(fname, ndx);
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ int gnum = F_HL_GNUM(file);
+ struct ht_int32_node *node = hashtable_find(prior_hlinks, gnum, NULL);
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unable to find a hlink node for %d (%s)\n", gnum, f_name(file, prev_name));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ }
+ if (node->data == NULL) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Hlink node data for %d is NULL (%s)\n", gnum, f_name(file, prev_name));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ }
+ if (CVAL(node->data, 0) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Hlink node data for %d already has path=%s (%s)\n",
+ gnum, (char*)node->data, f_name(file, prev_name));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ }
+ free(node->data);
+ node->data = strdup(our_name);
+ }
+int skip_hard_link(struct file_struct *file, struct file_list **flist_p)
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ int prev_ndx;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_SKIP_HLINK;
+ if (!(file->flags & FLAG_HLINK_LAST))
+ return -1;
+ check_prior(file, F_HL_GNUM(file), &prev_ndx, &flist);
+ if (prev_ndx >= 0) {
+ file = flist->files[prev_ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ if (file->flags & (FLAG_HLINK_DONE|FLAG_FILE_SENT))
+ return -1;
+ file->flags |= FLAG_HLINK_LAST;
+ *flist_p = flist;
+ }
+ return prev_ndx;
diff --git a/ifuncs.h b/ifuncs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..956fc22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ifuncs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* Inline functions for rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+static inline void
+alloc_xbuf(xbuf *xb, size_t sz)
+ xb->buf = new_array(char, sz);
+ xb->size = sz;
+ xb->len = xb->pos = 0;
+static inline void
+realloc_xbuf(xbuf *xb, size_t sz)
+ char *bf = realloc_array(xb->buf, char, sz);
+ xb->buf = bf;
+ xb->size = sz;
+static inline void
+free_xbuf(xbuf *xb)
+ if (xb->buf)
+ free(xb->buf);
+ memset(xb, 0, sizeof (xbuf));
+static inline int
+to_wire_mode(mode_t mode)
+#if _S_IFLNK != 0120000
+ if (S_ISLNK(mode))
+ return (mode & ~(_S_IFMT)) | 0120000;
+ return mode;
+static inline mode_t
+from_wire_mode(int mode)
+#if _S_IFLNK != 0120000
+ if ((mode & (_S_IFMT)) == 0120000)
+ return (mode & ~(_S_IFMT)) | _S_IFLNK;
+ return mode;
+static inline char *
+d_name(struct dirent *di)
+ return (di->d_name - 2);
+ return di->d_name;
+static inline void
+init_stat_x(stat_x *sx_p)
+ sx_p->crtime = 0;
+ sx_p->acc_acl = sx_p->def_acl = NULL;
+ sx_p->xattr = NULL;
+static inline void
+free_stat_x(stat_x *sx_p)
+ {
+ extern int preserve_acls;
+ if (preserve_acls)
+ free_acl(sx_p);
+ }
+ {
+ extern int preserve_xattrs;
+ if (preserve_xattrs)
+ free_xattr(sx_p);
+ }
+static inline char *my_strdup(const char *str, const char *file, int line)
+ int len = strlen(str)+1;
+ char *buf = my_alloc(NULL, len, 1, file, line);
+ memcpy(buf, str, len);
+ return buf;
diff --git a/install-sh b/install-sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c409fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install-sh
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# install - install a program, script, or datafile
+# This comes from X11R5.
+# Calling this script install-sh is preferred over, to prevent
+# `make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it
+# when there is no Makefile.
+# This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written
+# from scratch.
+# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script
+# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it.
+# put in absolute paths if you don't have them in your path; or use env. vars.
+chmodcmd="$chmodprog 0755"
+rmcmd="$rmprog -f"
+while [ x"$1" != x ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -c) instcmd="$cpprog"
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ -d) dir_arg=true
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ -m) chmodcmd="$chmodprog $2"
+ shift
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2"
+ shift
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2"
+ shift
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ -s) stripcmd="$stripprog"
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ -t=*) transformarg=`echo $1 | sed 's/-t=//'`
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ -b=*) transformbasename=`echo $1 | sed 's/-b=//'`
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ *) if [ x"$src" = x ]
+ then
+ src=$1
+ else
+ # this colon is to work around a 386BSD /bin/sh bug
+ :
+ dst=$1
+ fi
+ shift
+ continue;;
+ esac
+if [ x"$src" = x ]
+ echo "install: no input file specified"
+ exit 1
+ true
+if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]; then
+ dst=$src
+ src=""
+ if [ -d $dst ]; then
+ instcmd=:
+ else
+ instcmd=mkdir
+ fi
+# Waiting for this to be detected by the "$instcmd $src $dsttmp" command
+# might cause directories to be created, which would be especially bad
+# if $src (and thus $dsttmp) contains '*'.
+ if [ -f $src ] || [ -d $src ]
+ then
+ true
+ else
+ echo "install: $src does not exist"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ x"$dst" = x ]
+ then
+ echo "install: no destination specified"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ true
+ fi
+# If destination is a directory, append the input filename; if your system
+# does not like double slashes in filenames, you may need to add some logic
+ if [ -d $dst ]
+ then
+ dst="$dst"/`basename $src`
+ else
+ true
+ fi
+## this sed command emulates the dirname command
+dstdir=`echo $dst | sed -e 's,[^/]*$,,;s,/$,,;s,^$,.,'`
+# Make sure that the destination directory exists.
+# this part is taken from Noah Friedman's mkinstalldirs script
+# Skip lots of stat calls in the usual case.
+if [ ! -d "$dstdir" ]; then
+# Some sh's can't handle IFS=/ for some reason.
+set - `echo ${dstdir} | sed -e 's@/@%@g' -e 's@^%@/@'`
+while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do
+ pathcomp="${pathcomp}${1}"
+ shift
+ if [ ! -d "${pathcomp}" ] ;
+ then
+ $mkdirprog "${pathcomp}"
+ else
+ true
+ fi
+ pathcomp="${pathcomp}/"
+if [ x"$dir_arg" != x ]
+ $doit $instcmd $dst &&
+ if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dst; else true ; fi &&
+ if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dst; else true ; fi &&
+ if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dst; else true ; fi &&
+ if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dst; else true ; fi
+# If we're going to rename the final executable, determine the name now.
+ if [ x"$transformarg" = x ]
+ then
+ dstfile=`basename $dst`
+ else
+ dstfile=`basename $dst $transformbasename |
+ sed $transformarg`$transformbasename
+ fi
+# don't allow the sed command to completely eliminate the filename
+ if [ x"$dstfile" = x ]
+ then
+ dstfile=`basename $dst`
+ else
+ true
+ fi
+# Make a temp file name in the proper directory.
+ dsttmp=$dstdir/_inst.$$_
+# Move or copy the file name to the temp name
+ $doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp &&
+ trap "rm -f ${dsttmp}" 0 &&
+# and set any options; do chmod last to preserve setuid bits
+# If any of these fail, we abort the whole thing. If we want to
+# ignore errors from any of these, just make sure not to ignore
+# errors from the above "$doit $instcmd $src $dsttmp" command.
+ if [ x"$chowncmd" != x ]; then $doit $chowncmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
+ if [ x"$chgrpcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chgrpcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
+ if [ x"$stripcmd" != x ]; then $doit $stripcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
+ if [ x"$chmodcmd" != x ]; then $doit $chmodcmd $dsttmp; else true;fi &&
+# Now rename the file to the real destination.
+ $doit $rmcmd -f $dstdir/$dstfile &&
+ $doit $mvcmd $dsttmp $dstdir/$dstfile
+fi &&
+exit 0
diff --git a/inums.h b/inums.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b421d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inums.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* Inline functions for rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+static inline char *
+big_num(int64 num)
+ return do_big_num(num, 0, NULL);
+static inline char *
+comma_num(int64 num)
+ extern int human_readable;
+ return do_big_num(num, human_readable != 0, NULL);
+static inline char *
+human_num(int64 num)
+ extern int human_readable;
+ return do_big_num(num, human_readable, NULL);
+static inline char *
+big_dnum(double dnum, int decimal_digits)
+ return do_big_dnum(dnum, 0, decimal_digits);
+static inline char *
+comma_dnum(double dnum, int decimal_digits)
+ extern int human_readable;
+ return do_big_dnum(dnum, human_readable != 0, decimal_digits);
+static inline char *
+human_dnum(double dnum, int decimal_digits)
+ extern int human_readable;
+ return do_big_dnum(dnum, human_readable, decimal_digits);
diff --git a/io.c b/io.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a99ac0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2460 @@
+ * Socket and pipe I/O utilities used in rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* Rsync provides its own multiplexing system, which is used to send
+ * stderr and stdout over a single socket.
+ *
+ * For historical reasons this is off during the start of the
+ * connection, but it's switched on quite early using
+ * io_start_multiplex_out() and io_start_multiplex_in(). */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+/** If no timeout is specified then use a 60 second select timeout */
+#define SELECT_TIMEOUT 60
+extern int bwlimit;
+extern size_t bwlimit_writemax;
+extern int io_timeout;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_receiver;
+extern int am_generator;
+extern int local_server;
+extern int msgs2stderr;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int io_error;
+extern int batch_fd;
+extern int eol_nulls;
+extern int flist_eof;
+extern int file_total;
+extern int file_old_total;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int read_batch;
+extern int compat_flags;
+extern int protect_args;
+extern int checksum_seed;
+extern int daemon_connection;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int remove_source_files;
+extern int preserve_hard_links;
+extern BOOL extra_flist_sending_enabled;
+extern BOOL flush_ok_after_signal;
+extern struct stats stats;
+extern time_t stop_at_utime;
+extern struct file_list *cur_flist;
+extern int filesfrom_convert;
+extern iconv_t ic_send, ic_recv;
+int csum_length = SHORT_SUM_LENGTH; /* initial value */
+int allowed_lull = 0;
+int msgdone_cnt = 0;
+int forward_flist_data = 0;
+BOOL flist_receiving_enabled = False;
+/* Ignore an EOF error if non-zero. See whine_about_eof(). */
+int kluge_around_eof = 0;
+int got_kill_signal = -1; /* is set to 0 only after multiplexed I/O starts */
+int sock_f_in = -1;
+int sock_f_out = -1;
+int64 total_data_read = 0;
+int64 total_data_written = 0;
+char num_dev_ino_buf[4 + 8 + 8];
+static struct {
+ xbuf in, out, msg;
+ int in_fd;
+ int out_fd; /* Both "out" and "msg" go to this fd. */
+ int in_multiplexed;
+ unsigned out_empty_len;
+ size_t raw_data_header_pos; /* in the out xbuf */
+ size_t raw_flushing_ends_before; /* in the out xbuf */
+ size_t raw_input_ends_before; /* in the in xbuf */
+} iobuf = { .in_fd = -1, .out_fd = -1 };
+static time_t last_io_in;
+static time_t last_io_out;
+static int write_batch_monitor_in = -1;
+static int write_batch_monitor_out = -1;
+static int ff_forward_fd = -1;
+static int ff_reenable_multiplex = -1;
+static char ff_lastchar = '\0';
+static xbuf ff_xb = EMPTY_XBUF;
+static xbuf iconv_buf = EMPTY_XBUF;
+static int select_timeout = SELECT_TIMEOUT;
+static int active_filecnt = 0;
+static OFF_T active_bytecnt = 0;
+static int first_message = 1;
+static char int_byte_extra[64] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* (00 - 3F)/4 */
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* (40 - 7F)/4 */
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* (80 - BF)/4 */
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, /* (C0 - FF)/4 */
+/* Our I/O buffers are sized with no bits on in the lowest byte of the "size"
+ * (indeed, our rounding of sizes in 1024-byte units assures more than this).
+ * This allows the code that is storing bytes near the physical end of a
+ * circular buffer to temporarily reduce the buffer's size (in order to make
+ * some storing idioms easier), while also making it simple to restore the
+ * buffer's actual size when the buffer's "pos" wraps around to the start (we
+ * just round the buffer's size up again). */
+#define IOBUF_WAS_REDUCED(siz) ((siz) & 0xFF)
+#define IOBUF_RESTORE_SIZE(siz) (((siz) | 0xFF) + 1)
+#define IN_MULTIPLEXED (iobuf.in_multiplexed != 0)
+#define IN_MULTIPLEXED_AND_READY (iobuf.in_multiplexed > 0)
+#define OUT_MULTIPLEXED (iobuf.out_empty_len != 0)
+#define PIO_NEED_INPUT (1<<0) /* The *_NEED_* flags are mutually exclusive. */
+#define PIO_NEED_OUTROOM (1<<1)
+#define PIO_NEED_MSGROOM (1<<2)
+#define PIO_CONSUME_INPUT (1<<4) /* Must becombined with PIO_NEED_INPUT. */
+#define REMOTE_OPTION_ERROR "rsync: on remote machine: -"
+#define REMOTE_OPTION_ERROR2 ": unknown option"
+#define FILESFROM_BUFLEN 2048
+enum festatus { FES_SUCCESS, FES_REDO, FES_NO_SEND };
+static flist_ndx_list redo_list, hlink_list;
+static void read_a_msg(void);
+static void drain_multiplex_messages(void);
+static void sleep_for_bwlimit(int bytes_written);
+static void check_timeout(BOOL allow_keepalive, int keepalive_flags)
+ time_t t, chk;
+ /* On the receiving side, the generator is now the one that decides
+ * when a timeout has occurred. When it is sifting through a lot of
+ * files looking for work, it will be sending keep-alive messages to
+ * the sender, and even though the receiver won't be sending/receiving
+ * anything (not even keep-alive messages), the successful writes to
+ * the sender will keep things going. If the receiver is actively
+ * receiving data, it will ensure that the generator knows that it is
+ * not idle by sending the generator keep-alive messages (since the
+ * generator might be blocked trying to send checksums, it needs to
+ * know that the receiver is active). Thus, as long as one or the
+ * other is successfully doing work, the generator will not timeout. */
+ if (!io_timeout)
+ return;
+ t = time(NULL);
+ if (allow_keepalive) {
+ /* This may put data into iobuf.msg w/o flushing. */
+ maybe_send_keepalive(t, keepalive_flags);
+ }
+ if (!last_io_in)
+ last_io_in = t;
+ if (am_receiver)
+ return;
+ chk = MAX(last_io_out, last_io_in);
+ if (t - chk >= io_timeout) {
+ if (am_server)
+ msgs2stderr = 1;
+ rprintf(FERROR, "[%s] io timeout after %d seconds -- exiting\n",
+ who_am_i(), (int)(t-chk));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_TIMEOUT);
+ }
+/* It's almost always an error to get an EOF when we're trying to read from the
+ * network, because the protocol is (for the most part) self-terminating.
+ *
+ * There is one case for the receiver when it is at the end of the transfer
+ * (hanging around reading any keep-alive packets that might come its way): if
+ * the sender dies before the generator's kill-signal comes through, we can end
+ * up here needing to loop until the kill-signal arrives. In this situation,
+ * kluge_around_eof will be < 0.
+ *
+ * There is another case for older protocol versions (< 24) where the module
+ * listing was not terminated, so we must ignore an EOF error in that case and
+ * exit. In this situation, kluge_around_eof will be > 0. */
+static NORETURN void whine_about_eof(BOOL allow_kluge)
+ if (kluge_around_eof && allow_kluge) {
+ int i;
+ if (kluge_around_eof > 0)
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ /* If we're still here after 10 seconds, exit with an error. */
+ for (i = 10*1000/20; i--; )
+ msleep(20);
+ }
+ rprintf(FERROR, RSYNC_NAME ": connection unexpectedly closed "
+ "(%s bytes received so far) [%s]\n",
+ big_num(stats.total_read), who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+/* Do a safe read, handling any needed looping and error handling.
+ * Returns the count of the bytes read, which will only be different
+ * from "len" if we encountered an EOF. This routine is not used on
+ * the socket except very early in the transfer. */
+static size_t safe_read(int fd, char *buf, size_t len)
+ size_t got = 0;
+ assert(fd != iobuf.in_fd);
+ while (1) {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ fd_set r_fds, e_fds;
+ int cnt;
+ FD_ZERO(&r_fds);
+ FD_SET(fd, &r_fds);
+ FD_ZERO(&e_fds);
+ FD_SET(fd, &e_fds);
+ tv.tv_sec = select_timeout;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ cnt = select(fd+1, &r_fds, NULL, &e_fds, &tv);
+ if (cnt <= 0) {
+ if (cnt < 0 && errno == EBADF) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "safe_read select failed");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ check_timeout(1, MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*if (FD_ISSET(fd, &e_fds))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "select exception on fd %d\n", fd); */
+ if (FD_ISSET(fd, &r_fds)) {
+ ssize_t n = read(fd, buf + got, len - got);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] safe_read(%d)=%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), fd, (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)n);
+ }
+ if (n == 0)
+ break;
+ if (n < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "safe_read failed to read %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes",
+ (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)len);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ if ((got += (size_t)n) == len)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return got;
+static const char *what_fd_is(int fd)
+ static char buf[20];
+ if (fd == sock_f_out)
+ return "socket";
+ else if (fd == iobuf.out_fd)
+ return "message fd";
+ else if (fd == batch_fd)
+ return "batch file";
+ else {
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "fd %d", fd);
+ return buf;
+ }
+/* Do a safe write, handling any needed looping and error handling.
+ * Returns only if everything was successfully written. This routine
+ * is not used on the socket except very early in the transfer. */
+static void safe_write(int fd, const char *buf, size_t len)
+ ssize_t n;
+ assert(fd != iobuf.out_fd);
+ n = write(fd, buf, len);
+ if ((size_t)n == len)
+ return;
+ if (n < 0) {
+ if (errno != EINTR && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN) {
+ write_failed:
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno,
+ "safe_write failed to write %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes to %s",
+ (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)len, what_fd_is(fd));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ } else {
+ buf += n;
+ len -= n;
+ }
+ while (len) {
+ struct timeval tv;
+ fd_set w_fds;
+ int cnt;
+ FD_ZERO(&w_fds);
+ FD_SET(fd, &w_fds);
+ tv.tv_sec = select_timeout;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ cnt = select(fd + 1, NULL, &w_fds, NULL, &tv);
+ if (cnt <= 0) {
+ if (cnt < 0 && errno == EBADF) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "safe_write select failed on %s", what_fd_is(fd));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if (io_timeout)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (FD_ISSET(fd, &w_fds)) {
+ n = write(fd, buf, len);
+ if (n < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ goto write_failed;
+ }
+ buf += n;
+ len -= n;
+ }
+ }
+/* This is only called when files-from data is known to be available. We read
+ * a chunk of data and put it into the output buffer. */
+static void forward_filesfrom_data(void)
+ ssize_t len;
+ len = read(ff_forward_fd, ff_xb.buf + ff_xb.len, ff_xb.size - ff_xb.len);
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ if (len == 0 || errno != EINTR) {
+ /* Send end-of-file marker */
+ ff_forward_fd = -1;
+ write_buf(iobuf.out_fd, "\0\0", ff_lastchar ? 2 : 1);
+ free_xbuf(&ff_xb);
+ if (ff_reenable_multiplex >= 0)
+ io_start_multiplex_out(ff_reenable_multiplex);
+ free_implied_include_partial_string();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] files-from read=%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)len);
+ }
+ len += ff_xb.len;
+ if (!eol_nulls) {
+ char *s = ff_xb.buf + len;
+ /* Transform CR and/or LF into '\0' */
+ while (s-- > ff_xb.buf) {
+ if (*s == '\n' || *s == '\r')
+ *s = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ if (ff_lastchar)
+ ff_xb.pos = 0;
+ else {
+ char *s = ff_xb.buf;
+ /* Last buf ended with a '\0', so don't let this buf start with one. */
+ while (len && *s == '\0')
+ s++, len--;
+ ff_xb.pos = s - ff_xb.buf;
+ }
+ if (filesfrom_convert && len) {
+ char *sob = ff_xb.buf + ff_xb.pos, *s = sob;
+ char *eob = sob + len;
+ if (ff_lastchar == '\0')
+ flags |= ICB_INIT;
+ /* Convert/send each null-terminated string separately, skipping empties. */
+ while (s != eob) {
+ if (*s++ == '\0') {
+ ff_xb.len = s - sob - 1;
+ add_implied_include(sob, 0);
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_send, &ff_xb, &iobuf.out, flags) < 0)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); /* impossible? */
+ write_buf(iobuf.out_fd, s-1, 1); /* Send the '\0'. */
+ while (s != eob && *s == '\0')
+ s++;
+ sob = s;
+ ff_xb.pos = sob - ff_xb.buf;
+ flags |= ICB_INIT;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((ff_xb.len = s - sob) == 0)
+ ff_lastchar = '\0';
+ else {
+ /* Handle a partial string specially, saving any incomplete chars. */
+ implied_include_partial_string(sob, s);
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_send, &ff_xb, &iobuf.out, flags) < 0) {
+ if (errno == E2BIG)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL); /* impossible? */
+ if (ff_xb.pos)
+ memmove(ff_xb.buf, ff_xb.buf + ff_xb.pos, ff_xb.len);
+ }
+ ff_lastchar = 'x'; /* Anything non-zero. */
+ }
+ } else
+ if (len) {
+ char *f = ff_xb.buf + ff_xb.pos;
+ char *t = ff_xb.buf;
+ char *eob = f + len;
+ char *cur = t;
+ /* Eliminate any multi-'\0' runs. */
+ while (f != eob) {
+ if (!(*t++ = *f++)) {
+ add_implied_include(cur, 0);
+ cur = t;
+ while (f != eob && *f == '\0')
+ f++;
+ }
+ }
+ implied_include_partial_string(cur, t);
+ ff_lastchar = f[-1];
+ if ((len = t - ff_xb.buf) != 0) {
+ /* This will not circle back to perform_io() because we only get
+ * called when there is plenty of room in the output buffer. */
+ write_buf(iobuf.out_fd, ff_xb.buf, len);
+ }
+ }
+void reduce_iobuf_size(xbuf *out, size_t new_size)
+ if (new_size < out->size) {
+ /* Avoid weird buffer interactions by only outputting this to stderr. */
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 4)) {
+ const char *name = out == &iobuf.out ? "iobuf.out"
+ : out == &iobuf.msg ? "iobuf.msg"
+ : NULL;
+ if (name) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] reduced size of %s (-%d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), name, (int)(out->size - new_size));
+ }
+ }
+ out->size = new_size;
+ }
+void restore_iobuf_size(xbuf *out)
+ if (IOBUF_WAS_REDUCED(out->size)) {
+ size_t new_size = IOBUF_RESTORE_SIZE(out->size);
+ /* Avoid weird buffer interactions by only outputting this to stderr. */
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 4)) {
+ const char *name = out == &iobuf.out ? "iobuf.out"
+ : out == &iobuf.msg ? "iobuf.msg"
+ : NULL;
+ if (name) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] restored size of %s (+%d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), name, (int)(new_size - out->size));
+ }
+ }
+ out->size = new_size;
+ }
+static void handle_kill_signal(BOOL flush_ok)
+ got_kill_signal = -1;
+ flush_ok_after_signal = flush_ok;
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SIGNAL);
+/* Perform buffered input and/or output until specified conditions are met.
+ * When given a "needed" read or write request, this returns without doing any
+ * I/O if the needed input bytes or write space is already available. Once I/O
+ * is needed, this will try to do whatever reading and/or writing is currently
+ * possible, up to the maximum buffer allowances, no matter if this is a read
+ * or write request. However, the I/O stops as soon as the required input
+ * bytes or output space is available. If this is not a read request, the
+ * routine may also do some advantageous reading of messages from a multiplexed
+ * input source (which ensures that we don't jam up with everyone in their
+ * "need to write" code and nobody reading the accumulated data that would make
+ * writing possible).
+ *
+ * The, .out and .msg buffers are all circular. Callers need to be
+ * aware that some data copies will need to be split when the bytes wrap around
+ * from the end to the start. In order to help make writing into the output
+ * buffers easier for some operations (such as the use of SIVAL() into the
+ * buffer) a buffer may be temporarily shortened by a small amount, but the
+ * original size will be automatically restored when the .pos wraps to the
+ * start. See also the 3 raw_* iobuf vars that are used in the handling of
+ * MSG_DATA bytes as they are read-from/written-into the buffers.
+ *
+ * When writing, we flush data in the following priority order:
+ *
+ * 1. Finish writing any in-progress MSG_DATA sequence from iobuf.out.
+ *
+ * 2. Write out all the messages from the message buf (if iobuf.msg is active).
+ * Yes, this means that a PIO_NEED_OUTROOM call will completely flush any
+ * messages before getting to the iobuf.out flushing (except for rule 1).
+ *
+ * 3. Write out the raw data from iobuf.out, possibly filling in the multiplexed
+ * MSG_DATA header that was pre-allocated (when output is multiplexed).
+ *
+ * TODO: items for possible future work:
+ *
+ * - Make this routine able to read the generator-to-receiver batch flow?
+ *
+ * Unlike the old routines that this replaces, it is OK to read ahead as far as
+ * we can because the read_a_msg() routine now reads its bytes out of the input
+ * buffer. In the old days, only raw data was in the input buffer, and any
+ * unused raw data in the buf would prevent the reading of socket data. */
+static char *perform_io(size_t needed, int flags)
+ fd_set r_fds, e_fds, w_fds;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int cnt, max_fd;
+ size_t empty_buf_len = 0;
+ xbuf *out;
+ char *data;
+ if ( == 0 && != 0) {
+ if (iobuf.raw_input_ends_before)
+ iobuf.raw_input_ends_before -=;
+ = 0;
+ }
+ switch (flags & PIO_NEED_FLAGS) {
+ /* We never resize the circular input buffer. */
+ if ( < needed) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "need to read %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes,"
+ " is only %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes.\n",
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] perform_io(%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d, %sinput)\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)needed, flags & PIO_CONSUME_INPUT ? "consume&" : "");
+ }
+ break;
+ /* We never resize the circular output buffer. */
+ if (iobuf.out.size - iobuf.out_empty_len < needed) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "need to write %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes,"
+ " iobuf.out.buf is only %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes.\n",
+ (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)needed, (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)(iobuf.out.size - iobuf.out_empty_len));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] perform_io(%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d,"
+ " outroom) needs to flush %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)needed,
+ iobuf.out.len + needed > iobuf.out.size
+ ? (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)(iobuf.out.len + needed - iobuf.out.size) : (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)0);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* We never resize the circular message buffer. */
+ if (iobuf.msg.size < needed) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "need to write %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes,"
+ " iobuf.msg.buf is only %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes.\n",
+ (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)needed, (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)iobuf.msg.size);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] perform_io(%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d,"
+ " msgroom) needs to flush %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)needed,
+ iobuf.msg.len + needed > iobuf.msg.size
+ ? (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)(iobuf.msg.len + needed - iobuf.msg.size) : (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] perform_io(%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d, %d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)needed, flags);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ switch (flags & PIO_NEED_FLAGS) {
+ if ( >= needed)
+ goto double_break;
+ break;
+ /* Note that iobuf.out_empty_len doesn't factor into this check
+ * because iobuf.out.len already holds any needed header len. */
+ if (iobuf.out.len + needed <= iobuf.out.size)
+ goto double_break;
+ break;
+ if (iobuf.msg.len + needed <= iobuf.msg.size)
+ goto double_break;
+ break;
+ }
+ max_fd = -1;
+ FD_ZERO(&r_fds);
+ FD_ZERO(&e_fds);
+ if (iobuf.in_fd >= 0 && - {
+ if (!read_batch || batch_fd >= 0) {
+ FD_SET(iobuf.in_fd, &r_fds);
+ FD_SET(iobuf.in_fd, &e_fds);
+ }
+ if (iobuf.in_fd > max_fd)
+ max_fd = iobuf.in_fd;
+ }
+ /* Only do more filesfrom processing if there is enough room in the out buffer. */
+ if (ff_forward_fd >= 0 && iobuf.out.size - iobuf.out.len > FILESFROM_BUFLEN*2) {
+ FD_SET(ff_forward_fd, &r_fds);
+ if (ff_forward_fd > max_fd)
+ max_fd = ff_forward_fd;
+ }
+ FD_ZERO(&w_fds);
+ if (iobuf.out_fd >= 0) {
+ if (iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before
+ || (!iobuf.msg.len && iobuf.out.len > iobuf.out_empty_len && !(flags & PIO_NEED_MSGROOM))) {
+ if (OUT_MULTIPLEXED && !iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before) {
+ /* The iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before value can point off the end
+ * of the iobuf.out buffer for a while, for easier subtracting. */
+ iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before = iobuf.out.pos + iobuf.out.len;
+ SIVAL(iobuf.out.buf + iobuf.raw_data_header_pos, 0,
+ ((MPLEX_BASE + (int)MSG_DATA)<<24) + iobuf.out.len - 4);
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] send_msg(%d, %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), (int)MSG_DATA, (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)iobuf.out.len - 4);
+ }
+ /* reserve room for the next MSG_DATA header */
+ iobuf.raw_data_header_pos = iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before;
+ if (iobuf.raw_data_header_pos >= iobuf.out.size)
+ iobuf.raw_data_header_pos -= iobuf.out.size;
+ else if (iobuf.raw_data_header_pos + 4 > iobuf.out.size) {
+ /* The 4-byte header won't fit at the end of the buffer,
+ * so we'll temporarily reduce the output buffer's size
+ * and put the header at the start of the buffer. */
+ reduce_iobuf_size(&iobuf.out, iobuf.raw_data_header_pos);
+ iobuf.raw_data_header_pos = 0;
+ }
+ /* Yes, it is possible for this to make len > size for a while. */
+ iobuf.out.len += 4;
+ }
+ empty_buf_len = iobuf.out_empty_len;
+ out = &iobuf.out;
+ } else if (iobuf.msg.len) {
+ empty_buf_len = 0;
+ out = &iobuf.msg;
+ } else
+ out = NULL;
+ if (out) {
+ FD_SET(iobuf.out_fd, &w_fds);
+ if (iobuf.out_fd > max_fd)
+ max_fd = iobuf.out_fd;
+ }
+ } else
+ out = NULL;
+ if (max_fd < 0) {
+ switch (flags & PIO_NEED_FLAGS) {
+ = 0;
+ if (kluge_around_eof == 2)
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ if (iobuf.in_fd == -2)
+ whine_about_eof(True);
+ rprintf(FERROR, "error in perform_io: no fd for input.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ msgs2stderr = 1;
+ drain_multiplex_messages();
+ if (iobuf.out_fd == -2)
+ whine_about_eof(True);
+ rprintf(FERROR, "error in perform_io: no fd for output.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ default:
+ /* No stated needs, so I guess this is OK. */
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (got_kill_signal > 0)
+ handle_kill_signal(True);
+ if (extra_flist_sending_enabled) {
+ if (file_total - file_old_total < MAX_FILECNT_LOOKAHEAD && IN_MULTIPLEXED_AND_READY)
+ tv.tv_sec = 0;
+ else {
+ extra_flist_sending_enabled = False;
+ tv.tv_sec = select_timeout;
+ }
+ } else
+ tv.tv_sec = select_timeout;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ cnt = select(max_fd + 1, &r_fds, &w_fds, &e_fds, &tv);
+ if (cnt <= 0) {
+ if (cnt < 0 && errno == EBADF) {
+ msgs2stderr = 1;
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ }
+ if (extra_flist_sending_enabled) {
+ extra_flist_sending_enabled = False;
+ send_extra_file_list(sock_f_out, -1);
+ extra_flist_sending_enabled = !flist_eof;
+ } else
+ check_timeout((flags & PIO_NEED_INPUT) != 0, 0);
+ FD_ZERO(&r_fds); /* Just in case... */
+ FD_ZERO(&w_fds);
+ }
+ if (iobuf.in_fd >= 0 && FD_ISSET(iobuf.in_fd, &r_fds)) {
+ size_t len, pos = +;
+ ssize_t n;
+ if (pos >= {
+ pos -=;
+ len = -;
+ } else
+ len = - pos;
+ if ((n = read(iobuf.in_fd, + pos, len)) <= 0) {
+ if (n == 0) {
+ /* Signal that input has become invalid. */
+ if (!read_batch || batch_fd < 0 || am_generator)
+ iobuf.in_fd = -2;
+ batch_fd = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN)
+ n = 0;
+ else {
+ /* Don't write errors on a dead socket. */
+ if (iobuf.in_fd == sock_f_in) {
+ if (am_sender)
+ msgs2stderr = 1;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_SOCKET, errno, "read error");
+ } else
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "read error");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ }
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] recv=%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)n);
+ }
+ if (io_timeout) {
+ last_io_in = time(NULL);
+ if (io_timeout && flags & PIO_NEED_INPUT)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(last_io_in, 0);
+ }
+ stats.total_read += n;
+ += n;
+ }
+ if (stop_at_utime && time(NULL) >= stop_at_utime) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "stopping at requested limit\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_TIMEOUT);
+ }
+ if (out && FD_ISSET(iobuf.out_fd, &w_fds)) {
+ size_t len = iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before ? iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before - out->pos : out->len;
+ ssize_t n;
+ if (bwlimit_writemax && len > bwlimit_writemax)
+ len = bwlimit_writemax;
+ if (out->pos + len > out->size)
+ len = out->size - out->pos;
+ if ((n = write(iobuf.out_fd, out->buf + out->pos, len)) <= 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN)
+ n = 0;
+ else {
+ /* Don't write errors on a dead socket. */
+ msgs2stderr = 1;
+ iobuf.out_fd = -2;
+ iobuf.out.len = iobuf.msg.len = iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before = 0;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_SOCKET, errno, "write error");
+ drain_multiplex_messages();
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ }
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] %s sent=%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), out == &iobuf.out ? "out" : "msg", (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)n);
+ }
+ if (io_timeout)
+ last_io_out = time(NULL);
+ stats.total_written += n;
+ if (bwlimit_writemax)
+ sleep_for_bwlimit(n);
+ if ((out->pos += n) == out->size) {
+ if (iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before)
+ iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before -= out->size;
+ out->pos = 0;
+ restore_iobuf_size(out);
+ } else if (out->pos == iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before)
+ iobuf.raw_flushing_ends_before = 0;
+ if ((out->len -= n) == empty_buf_len) {
+ out->pos = 0;
+ restore_iobuf_size(out);
+ if (empty_buf_len)
+ iobuf.raw_data_header_pos = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (got_kill_signal > 0)
+ handle_kill_signal(True);
+ /* We need to help prevent deadlock by doing what reading
+ * we can whenever we are here trying to write. */
+ while (!iobuf.raw_input_ends_before && > 512)
+ read_a_msg();
+ if (flist_receiving_enabled && > 512)
+ wait_for_receiver(); /* generator only */
+ }
+ if (ff_forward_fd >= 0 && FD_ISSET(ff_forward_fd, &r_fds)) {
+ /* This can potentially flush all output and enable
+ * multiplexed output, so keep this last in the loop
+ * and be sure to not cache anything that would break
+ * such a change. */
+ forward_filesfrom_data();
+ }
+ }
+ double_break:
+ if (got_kill_signal > 0)
+ handle_kill_signal(True);
+ data = +;
+ if (flags & PIO_CONSUME_INPUT) {
+ -= needed;
+ += needed;
+ if ( == iobuf.raw_input_ends_before)
+ iobuf.raw_input_ends_before = 0;
+ if ( >= {
+ -=;
+ if (iobuf.raw_input_ends_before)
+ iobuf.raw_input_ends_before -=;
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+static void raw_read_buf(char *buf, size_t len)
+ size_t pos =;
+ char *data = perform_io(len, PIO_INPUT_AND_CONSUME);
+ if ( <= pos && len) {
+ size_t siz = len -;
+ memcpy(buf, data, siz);
+ memcpy(buf + siz,,;
+ } else
+ memcpy(buf, data, len);
+static int32 raw_read_int(void)
+ char *data, buf[4];
+ if ( - >= 4)
+ data = perform_io(4, PIO_INPUT_AND_CONSUME);
+ else
+ raw_read_buf(data = buf, 4);
+ return IVAL(data, 0);
+void noop_io_until_death(void)
+ char buf[1024];
+ if (! || !iobuf.out.buf || iobuf.in_fd < 0 || iobuf.out_fd < 0 || kluge_around_eof)
+ return;
+ /* If we're talking to a daemon over a socket, don't short-circuit this logic */
+ if (msgs2stderr && daemon_connection >= 0)
+ return;
+ kluge_around_eof = 2;
+ /* Setting an I/O timeout ensures that if something inexplicably weird
+ * happens, we won't hang around forever. */
+ if (!io_timeout)
+ set_io_timeout(60);
+ while (1)
+ read_buf(iobuf.in_fd, buf, sizeof buf);
+/* Buffer a message for the multiplexed output stream. Is not used for (normal) MSG_DATA. */
+int send_msg(enum msgcode code, const char *buf, size_t len, int convert)
+ char *hdr;
+ size_t needed, pos;
+ BOOL want_debug = DEBUG_GTE(IO, 1) && convert >= 0 && (msgs2stderr == 1 || code != MSG_INFO);
+ return 0;
+ if (want_debug) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] send_msg(%d, %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), (int)code, (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)len);
+ }
+ /* When checking for enough free space for this message, we need to
+ * make sure that there is space for the 4-byte header, plus we'll
+ * assume that we may waste up to 3 bytes (if the header doesn't fit
+ * at the physical end of the buffer). */
+ if (convert > 0 && ic_send == (iconv_t)-1)
+ convert = 0;
+ if (convert > 0) {
+ /* Ensuring double-size room leaves space for maximal conversion expansion. */
+ needed = len*2 + 4 + 3;
+ } else
+ needed = len + 4 + 3;
+ if (iobuf.msg.len + needed > iobuf.msg.size) {
+ if (am_sender)
+ perform_io(needed, PIO_NEED_MSGROOM);
+ else { /* We sometimes allow the iobuf.msg size to increase to avoid a deadlock. */
+ size_t old_size = iobuf.msg.size;
+ restore_iobuf_size(&iobuf.msg);
+ realloc_xbuf(&iobuf.msg, iobuf.msg.size * 2);
+ if (iobuf.msg.pos + iobuf.msg.len > old_size)
+ memcpy(iobuf.msg.buf + old_size, iobuf.msg.buf, iobuf.msg.pos + iobuf.msg.len - old_size);
+ }
+ }
+ pos = iobuf.msg.pos + iobuf.msg.len; /* Must be set after any flushing. */
+ if (pos >= iobuf.msg.size)
+ pos -= iobuf.msg.size;
+ else if (pos + 4 > iobuf.msg.size) {
+ /* The 4-byte header won't fit at the end of the buffer,
+ * so we'll temporarily reduce the message buffer's size
+ * and put the header at the start of the buffer. */
+ reduce_iobuf_size(&iobuf.msg, pos);
+ pos = 0;
+ }
+ hdr = iobuf.msg.buf + pos;
+ iobuf.msg.len += 4; /* Allocate room for the coming header bytes. */
+ if (convert > 0) {
+ xbuf inbuf;
+ INIT_XBUF(inbuf, (char*)buf, len, (size_t)-1);
+ len = iobuf.msg.len;
+ iconvbufs(ic_send, &inbuf, &iobuf.msg,
+ if (inbuf.len > 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "overflowed iobuf.msg buffer in send_msg");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ len = iobuf.msg.len - len;
+ } else
+ {
+ size_t siz;
+ if ((pos += 4) == iobuf.msg.size)
+ pos = 0;
+ /* Handle a split copy if we wrap around the end of the circular buffer. */
+ if (pos >= iobuf.msg.pos && (siz = iobuf.msg.size - pos) < len) {
+ memcpy(iobuf.msg.buf + pos, buf, siz);
+ memcpy(iobuf.msg.buf, buf + siz, len - siz);
+ } else
+ memcpy(iobuf.msg.buf + pos, buf, len);
+ iobuf.msg.len += len;
+ }
+ SIVAL(hdr, 0, ((MPLEX_BASE + (int)code)<<24) + len);
+ if (want_debug && convert > 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] converted msg len=%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)len);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void send_msg_int(enum msgcode code, int num)
+ char numbuf[4];
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(IO, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] send_msg_int(%d, %d)\n", who_am_i(), (int)code, num);
+ SIVAL(numbuf, 0, num);
+ send_msg(code, numbuf, 4, -1);
+void send_msg_success(const char *fname, int num)
+ if (local_server) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(IO, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] send_msg_success(%d)\n", who_am_i(), num);
+ if (stat(fname, &st) < 0)
+ memset(&st, 0, sizeof (STRUCT_STAT));
+ SIVAL(num_dev_ino_buf, 0, num);
+ SIVAL64(num_dev_ino_buf, 4, st.st_dev);
+ SIVAL64(num_dev_ino_buf, 4+8, st.st_ino);
+ send_msg(MSG_SUCCESS, num_dev_ino_buf, sizeof num_dev_ino_buf, -1);
+ } else
+ send_msg_int(MSG_SUCCESS, num);
+static void got_flist_entry_status(enum festatus status, int ndx)
+ struct file_list *flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx, "got_flist_entry_status");
+ if (remove_source_files) {
+ active_filecnt--;
+ active_bytecnt -= F_LENGTH(flist->files[ndx - flist->ndx_start]);
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ flist->in_progress--;
+ switch (status) {
+ if (remove_source_files) {
+ if (local_server)
+ send_msg(MSG_SUCCESS, num_dev_ino_buf, sizeof num_dev_ino_buf, -1);
+ else
+ send_msg_int(MSG_SUCCESS, ndx);
+ }
+ case FES_NO_SEND:
+ if (preserve_hard_links) {
+ struct file_struct *file = flist->files[ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ if (F_IS_HLINKED(file)) {
+ if (status == FES_NO_SEND)
+ flist_ndx_push(&hlink_list, -2); /* indicates a failure follows */
+ flist_ndx_push(&hlink_list, ndx);
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ flist->in_progress++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case FES_REDO:
+ if (read_batch) {
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ flist->in_progress++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ flist->to_redo++;
+ flist_ndx_push(&redo_list, ndx);
+ break;
+ }
+/* Note the fds used for the main socket (which might really be a pipe
+ * for a local transfer, but we can ignore that). */
+void io_set_sock_fds(int f_in, int f_out)
+ sock_f_in = f_in;
+ sock_f_out = f_out;
+void set_io_timeout(int secs)
+ io_timeout = secs;
+ allowed_lull = (io_timeout + 1) / 2;
+ if (!io_timeout || allowed_lull > SELECT_TIMEOUT)
+ select_timeout = SELECT_TIMEOUT;
+ else
+ select_timeout = allowed_lull;
+ if (read_batch)
+ allowed_lull = 0;
+static void check_for_d_option_error(const char *msg)
+ static char rsync263_opts[] = "BCDHIKLPRSTWabceghlnopqrtuvxz";
+ char *colon;
+ int saw_d = 0;
+ if (*msg != 'r'
+ || strncmp(msg, REMOTE_OPTION_ERROR, sizeof REMOTE_OPTION_ERROR - 1) != 0)
+ return;
+ msg += sizeof REMOTE_OPTION_ERROR - 1;
+ if (*msg == '-' || (colon = strchr(msg, ':')) == NULL
+ || strncmp(colon, REMOTE_OPTION_ERROR2, sizeof REMOTE_OPTION_ERROR2 - 1) != 0)
+ return;
+ for ( ; *msg != ':'; msg++) {
+ if (*msg == 'd')
+ saw_d = 1;
+ else if (*msg == 'e')
+ break;
+ else if (strchr(rsync263_opts, *msg) == NULL)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (saw_d) {
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "*** Try using \"--old-d\" if remote rsync is <= 2.6.3 ***\n");
+ }
+/* This is used by the generator to limit how many file transfers can
+ * be active at once when --remove-source-files is specified. Without
+ * this, sender-side deletions were mostly happening at the end. */
+void increment_active_files(int ndx, int itemizing, enum logcode code)
+ while (1) {
+ /* TODO: tune these limits? */
+ int limit = active_bytecnt >= 128*1024 ? 10 : 50;
+ if (active_filecnt < limit)
+ break;
+ check_for_finished_files(itemizing, code, 0);
+ if (active_filecnt < limit)
+ break;
+ wait_for_receiver();
+ }
+ active_filecnt++;
+ active_bytecnt += F_LENGTH(cur_flist->files[ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start]);
+int get_redo_num(void)
+ return flist_ndx_pop(&redo_list);
+int get_hlink_num(void)
+ return flist_ndx_pop(&hlink_list);
+/* When we're the receiver and we have a local --files-from list of names
+ * that needs to be sent over the socket to the sender, we have to do two
+ * things at the same time: send the sender a list of what files we're
+ * processing and read the incoming file+info list from the sender. We do
+ * this by making recv_file_list() call forward_filesfrom_data(), which
+ * will ensure that we forward data to the sender until we get some data
+ * for recv_file_list() to use. */
+void start_filesfrom_forwarding(int fd)
+ if (protocol_version < 31 && OUT_MULTIPLEXED) {
+ /* Older protocols send the files-from data w/o packaging
+ * it in multiplexed I/O packets, so temporarily switch
+ * to buffered I/O to match this behavior. */
+ iobuf.msg.pos = iobuf.msg.len = 0; /* Be extra sure no messages go out. */
+ ff_reenable_multiplex = io_end_multiplex_out(MPLX_TO_BUFFERED);
+ }
+ ff_forward_fd = fd;
+ alloc_xbuf(&ff_xb, FILESFROM_BUFLEN);
+/* Read a line into the "buf" buffer. */
+int read_line(int fd, char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int flags)
+ char ch, *s, *eob;
+ if (flags & RL_CONVERT && iconv_buf.size < bufsiz)
+ realloc_xbuf(&iconv_buf, ROUND_UP_1024(bufsiz) + 1024);
+ start:
+ s = flags & RL_CONVERT ? iconv_buf.buf : buf;
+ s = buf;
+ eob = s + bufsiz - 1;
+ while (1) {
+ /* We avoid read_byte() for files because files can return an EOF. */
+ if (fd == iobuf.in_fd)
+ ch = read_byte(fd);
+ else if (safe_read(fd, &ch, 1) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (flags & RL_EOL_NULLS ? ch == '\0' : (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n')) {
+ /* Skip empty lines if dumping comments. */
+ if (flags & RL_DUMP_COMMENTS && s == buf)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (s < eob)
+ *s++ = ch;
+ }
+ *s = '\0';
+ if (flags & RL_DUMP_COMMENTS && (*buf == '#' || *buf == ';'))
+ goto start;
+ if (flags & RL_CONVERT) {
+ xbuf outbuf;
+ INIT_XBUF(outbuf, buf, 0, bufsiz);
+ iconv_buf.pos = 0;
+ iconv_buf.len = s - iconv_buf.buf;
+ iconvbufs(ic_recv, &iconv_buf, &outbuf,
+ outbuf.buf[outbuf.len] = '\0';
+ return outbuf.len;
+ }
+ return s - buf;
+void read_args(int f_in, char *mod_name, char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int rl_nulls,
+ char ***argv_p, int *argc_p, char **request_p)
+ int maxargs = MAX_ARGS;
+ int dot_pos = 0, argc = 0, request_len = 0;
+ char **argv, *p;
+ int rl_flags = (rl_nulls ? RL_EOL_NULLS : 0);
+ rl_flags |= (protect_args && ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1 ? RL_CONVERT : 0);
+ argv = new_array(char *, maxargs);
+ if (mod_name && !protect_args)
+ argv[argc++] = "rsyncd";
+ if (request_p)
+ *request_p = NULL;
+ while (1) {
+ if (read_line(f_in, buf, bufsiz, rl_flags) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (argc == maxargs-1) {
+ maxargs += MAX_ARGS;
+ argv = realloc_array(argv, char *, maxargs);
+ }
+ if (dot_pos) {
+ if (request_p && request_len < 1024) {
+ int len = strlen(buf);
+ if (request_len)
+ request_p[0][request_len++] = ' ';
+ *request_p = realloc_array(*request_p, char, request_len + len + 1);
+ memcpy(*request_p + request_len, buf, len + 1);
+ request_len += len;
+ }
+ if (mod_name)
+ glob_expand_module(mod_name, buf, &argv, &argc, &maxargs);
+ else
+ glob_expand(buf, &argv, &argc, &maxargs);
+ } else {
+ p = strdup(buf);
+ argv[argc++] = p;
+ if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '\0')
+ dot_pos = argc;
+ }
+ }
+ argv[argc] = NULL;
+ glob_expand(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ *argc_p = argc;
+ *argv_p = argv;
+BOOL io_start_buffering_out(int f_out)
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_start_buffering_out(%d)\n", who_am_i(), f_out);
+ if (iobuf.out.buf) {
+ if (iobuf.out_fd == -1)
+ iobuf.out_fd = f_out;
+ else
+ assert(f_out == iobuf.out_fd);
+ return False;
+ }
+ alloc_xbuf(&iobuf.out, ROUND_UP_1024(IO_BUFFER_SIZE * 2));
+ iobuf.out_fd = f_out;
+ return True;
+BOOL io_start_buffering_in(int f_in)
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_start_buffering_in(%d)\n", who_am_i(), f_in);
+ if ( {
+ if (iobuf.in_fd == -1)
+ iobuf.in_fd = f_in;
+ else
+ assert(f_in == iobuf.in_fd);
+ return False;
+ }
+ alloc_xbuf(&, ROUND_UP_1024(IO_BUFFER_SIZE));
+ iobuf.in_fd = f_in;
+ return True;
+void io_end_buffering_in(BOOL free_buffers)
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_end_buffering_in(IOBUF_%s_BUFS)\n",
+ who_am_i(), free_buffers ? "FREE" : "KEEP");
+ }
+ if (free_buffers)
+ free_xbuf(&;
+ else
+ = = 0;
+ iobuf.in_fd = -1;
+void io_end_buffering_out(BOOL free_buffers)
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_end_buffering_out(IOBUF_%s_BUFS)\n",
+ who_am_i(), free_buffers ? "FREE" : "KEEP");
+ }
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ if (free_buffers) {
+ free_xbuf(&iobuf.out);
+ free_xbuf(&iobuf.msg);
+ }
+ iobuf.out_fd = -1;
+void maybe_flush_socket(int important)
+ if (flist_eof && iobuf.out.buf && iobuf.out.len > iobuf.out_empty_len
+ && (important || time(NULL) - last_io_out >= 5))
+ io_flush(NORMAL_FLUSH);
+/* Older rsync versions used to send either a MSG_NOOP (protocol 30) or a
+ * raw-data-based keep-alive (protocol 29), both of which implied forwarding of
+ * the message through the sender. Since the new timeout method does not need
+ * any forwarding, we just send an empty MSG_DATA message, which works with all
+ * rsync versions. This avoids any message forwarding, and leaves the raw-data
+ * stream alone (since we can never be quite sure if that stream is in the
+ * right state for a keep-alive message). */
+void maybe_send_keepalive(time_t now, int flags)
+ if (flags & MSK_ACTIVE_RECEIVER)
+ last_io_in = now; /* Fudge things when we're working hard on the files. */
+ /* Early in the transfer (before the receiver forks) the receiving side doesn't
+ * care if it hasn't sent data in a while as long as it is receiving data (in
+ * fact, a pre-3.1.0 rsync would die if we tried to send it a keep alive during
+ * this time). So, if we're an early-receiving proc, just return and let the
+ * incoming data determine if we timeout. */
+ if (!am_sender && !am_receiver && !am_generator)
+ return;
+ if (now - last_io_out >= allowed_lull) {
+ /* The receiver is special: it only sends keep-alive messages if it is
+ * actively receiving data. Otherwise, it lets the generator timeout. */
+ if (am_receiver && now - last_io_in >= io_timeout)
+ return;
+ if (!iobuf.msg.len && iobuf.out.len == iobuf.out_empty_len)
+ send_msg(MSG_DATA, "", 0, 0);
+ if (!(flags & MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH)) {
+ /* Let the caller worry about writing out the data. */
+ } else if (iobuf.msg.len)
+ perform_io(iobuf.msg.size - iobuf.msg.len + 1, PIO_NEED_MSGROOM);
+ else if (iobuf.out.len > iobuf.out_empty_len)
+ io_flush(NORMAL_FLUSH);
+ }
+void start_flist_forward(int ndx)
+ write_int(iobuf.out_fd, ndx);
+ forward_flist_data = 1;
+void stop_flist_forward(void)
+ forward_flist_data = 0;
+/* Read a message from a multiplexed source. */
+static void read_a_msg(void)
+ char data[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ int tag, val;
+ size_t msg_bytes;
+ /* This ensures that perform_io() does not try to do any message reading
+ * until we've read all of the data for this message. We should also
+ * try to avoid calling things that will cause data to be written via
+ * perform_io() prior to this being reset to 1. */
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = -1;
+ tag = raw_read_int();
+ msg_bytes = tag & 0xFFFFFF;
+ tag = (tag >> 24) - MPLEX_BASE;
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] got msg=%d, len=%" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d\n",
+ who_am_i(), (int)tag, (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)msg_bytes);
+ }
+ switch (tag) {
+ case MSG_DATA:
+ assert(iobuf.raw_input_ends_before == 0);
+ /* Though this does not yet read the data, we do mark where in
+ * the buffer the msg data will end once it is read. It is
+ * possible that this points off the end of the buffer, in
+ * which case the gradual reading of the input stream will
+ * cause this value to wrap around and eventually become real. */
+ if (msg_bytes)
+ iobuf.raw_input_ends_before = + msg_bytes;
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ break;
+ case MSG_STATS:
+ if (msg_bytes != sizeof stats.total_read || !am_generator)
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ raw_read_buf((char*)&stats.total_read, sizeof stats.total_read);
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ break;
+ case MSG_REDO:
+ if (msg_bytes != 4 || !am_generator)
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ val = raw_read_int();
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ got_flist_entry_status(FES_REDO, val);
+ break;
+ case MSG_IO_ERROR:
+ if (msg_bytes != 4)
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ val = raw_read_int();
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ io_error |= val;
+ if (am_receiver)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_IO_ERROR, val);
+ break;
+ if (msg_bytes != 4 || am_server || am_generator)
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ val = raw_read_int();
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ if (!io_timeout || io_timeout > val) {
+ if (INFO_GTE(MISC, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Setting --timeout=%d to match server\n", val);
+ set_io_timeout(val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MSG_NOOP:
+ /* Support protocol-30 keep-alive method. */
+ if (msg_bytes != 0)
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ if (am_sender)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH);
+ break;
+ if (msg_bytes >= sizeof data)
+ goto overflow;
+ if (am_generator) {
+ raw_read_buf(data, msg_bytes);
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ send_msg(MSG_DELETED, data, msg_bytes, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1) {
+ xbuf outbuf, inbuf;
+ char ibuf[512];
+ int add_null = 0;
+ int flags = ICB_INCLUDE_BAD | ICB_INIT;
+ INIT_CONST_XBUF(outbuf, data);
+ INIT_XBUF(inbuf, ibuf, 0, (size_t)-1);
+ while (msg_bytes) {
+ size_t len = msg_bytes > sizeof ibuf - inbuf.len ? sizeof ibuf - inbuf.len : msg_bytes;
+ raw_read_buf(ibuf + inbuf.len, len);
+ inbuf.pos = 0;
+ inbuf.len += len;
+ if (!(msg_bytes -= len) && !ibuf[inbuf.len-1])
+ inbuf.len--, add_null = 1;
+ if (iconvbufs(ic_send, &inbuf, &outbuf, flags) < 0) {
+ if (errno == E2BIG)
+ goto overflow;
+ /* Buffer ended with an incomplete char, so move the
+ * bytes to the start of the buffer and continue. */
+ memmove(ibuf, ibuf + inbuf.pos, inbuf.len);
+ }
+ flags &= ~ICB_INIT;
+ }
+ if (add_null) {
+ if (outbuf.len == outbuf.size)
+ goto overflow;
+ outbuf.buf[outbuf.len++] = '\0';
+ }
+ msg_bytes = outbuf.len;
+ } else
+ raw_read_buf(data, msg_bytes);
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ /* A directory name was sent with the trailing null */
+ if (msg_bytes > 0 && !data[msg_bytes-1])
+ log_delete(data, S_IFDIR);
+ else {
+ data[msg_bytes] = '\0';
+ log_delete(data, S_IFREG);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (msg_bytes != (local_server ? 4+8+8 : 4)) {
+ invalid_msg:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "invalid multi-message %d:%lu [%s%s]\n",
+ tag, (unsigned long)msg_bytes, who_am_i(),
+ inc_recurse ? "/inc" : "");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ raw_read_buf(num_dev_ino_buf, msg_bytes);
+ val = IVAL(num_dev_ino_buf, 0);
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ if (am_generator)
+ got_flist_entry_status(FES_SUCCESS, val);
+ else
+ successful_send(val);
+ break;
+ case MSG_NO_SEND:
+ if (msg_bytes != 4)
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ val = raw_read_int();
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ if (am_generator)
+ got_flist_entry_status(FES_NO_SEND, val);
+ else
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, val);
+ break;
+ case MSG_ERROR_UTF8:
+ case MSG_CLIENT:
+ case MSG_LOG:
+ if (!am_generator)
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ if (tag == MSG_ERROR_SOCKET)
+ msgs2stderr = 1;
+ case MSG_INFO:
+ case MSG_ERROR:
+ if (msg_bytes >= sizeof data) {
+ overflow:
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "multiplexing overflow %d:%lu [%s%s]\n",
+ tag, (unsigned long)msg_bytes, who_am_i(),
+ inc_recurse ? "/inc" : "");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ raw_read_buf(data, msg_bytes);
+ /* We don't set in_multiplexed value back to 1 before writing this message
+ * because the write might loop back and read yet another message, over and
+ * over again, while waiting for room to put the message in the msg buffer. */
+ rwrite((enum logcode)tag, data, msg_bytes, !am_generator);
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ if (first_message) {
+ if (list_only && !am_sender && tag == 1 && msg_bytes < sizeof data) {
+ data[msg_bytes] = '\0';
+ check_for_d_option_error(data);
+ }
+ first_message = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (msg_bytes == 4)
+ val = raw_read_int();
+ else if (msg_bytes == 0)
+ val = 0;
+ else
+ goto invalid_msg;
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] got MSG_ERROR_EXIT with %" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d bytes\n",
+ who_am_i(), (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)msg_bytes);
+ }
+ if (msg_bytes == 0) {
+ if (!am_sender && !am_generator) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] sending MSG_ERROR_EXIT (len 0)\n",
+ who_am_i());
+ }
+ send_msg(MSG_ERROR_EXIT, "", 0, 0);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ }
+ } else if (protocol_version >= 31) {
+ if (am_generator || am_receiver) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] sending MSG_ERROR_EXIT with exit_code %d\n",
+ who_am_i(), val);
+ }
+ send_msg_int(MSG_ERROR_EXIT, val);
+ } else {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] sending MSG_ERROR_EXIT (len 0)\n",
+ who_am_i());
+ }
+ send_msg(MSG_ERROR_EXIT, "", 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send a negative linenum so that we don't end up
+ * with a duplicate exit message. */
+ _exit_cleanup(val, __FILE__, 0 - __LINE__);
+ default:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "unexpected tag %d [%s%s]\n",
+ tag, who_am_i(), inc_recurse ? "/inc" : "");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ assert(iobuf.in_multiplexed > 0);
+static void drain_multiplex_messages(void)
+ if (iobuf.raw_input_ends_before) {
+ size_t raw_len = iobuf.raw_input_ends_before -;
+ iobuf.raw_input_ends_before = 0;
+ if (raw_len >= {
+ = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ -= raw_len;
+ if (( += raw_len) >=
+ -=;
+ }
+ read_a_msg();
+ }
+void wait_for_receiver(void)
+ if (!iobuf.raw_input_ends_before)
+ read_a_msg();
+ if (iobuf.raw_input_ends_before) {
+ int ndx = read_int(iobuf.in_fd);
+ if (ndx < 0) {
+ switch (ndx) {
+ flist_eof = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist_eof=1\n", who_am_i());
+ break;
+ case NDX_DONE:
+ msgdone_cnt++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ flist_receiving_enabled = False;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] receiving flist for dir %d\n",
+ who_am_i(), ndx);
+ }
+ flist = recv_file_list(iobuf.in_fd, ndx);
+ flist->parent_ndx = ndx;
+ if (preserve_hard_links)
+ match_hard_links(flist);
+ flist_receiving_enabled = True;
+ }
+ }
+unsigned short read_shortint(int f)
+ char b[2];
+ read_buf(f, b, 2);
+ return (UVAL(b, 1) << 8) + UVAL(b, 0);
+int32 read_int(int f)
+ char b[4];
+ int32 num;
+ read_buf(f, b, 4);
+ num = IVAL(b, 0);
+#if SIZEOF_INT32 > 4
+ if (num & (int32)0x80000000)
+ num |= ~(int32)0xffffffff;
+ return num;
+uint32 read_uint(int f)
+ char b[4];
+ read_buf(f, b, 4);
+ return IVAL(b, 0);
+int32 read_varint(int f)
+ union {
+ char b[5];
+ int32 x;
+ } u;
+ uchar ch;
+ int extra;
+ u.x = 0;
+ ch = read_byte(f);
+ extra = int_byte_extra[ch / 4];
+ if (extra) {
+ uchar bit = ((uchar)1<<(8-extra));
+ if (extra >= (int)sizeof u.b) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Overflow in read_varint()\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ read_buf(f, u.b, extra);
+ u.b[extra] = ch & (bit-1);
+ } else
+ u.b[0] = ch;
+ u.x = IVAL(u.b,0);
+#if SIZEOF_INT32 > 4
+ if (u.x & (int32)0x80000000)
+ u.x |= ~(int32)0xffffffff;
+ return u.x;
+int64 read_varlong(int f, uchar min_bytes)
+ union {
+ char b[9];
+ int64 x;
+ } u;
+ char b2[8];
+ int extra;
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 < 8
+ memset(u.b, 0, 8);
+ u.x = 0;
+ read_buf(f, b2, min_bytes);
+ memcpy(u.b, b2+1, min_bytes-1);
+ extra = int_byte_extra[CVAL(b2, 0) / 4];
+ if (extra) {
+ uchar bit = ((uchar)1<<(8-extra));
+ if (min_bytes + extra > (int)sizeof u.b) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Overflow in read_varlong()\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ read_buf(f, u.b + min_bytes - 1, extra);
+ u.b[min_bytes + extra - 1] = CVAL(b2, 0) & (bit-1);
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 < 8
+ if (min_bytes + extra > 5 || u.b[4] || CVAL(u.b,3) & 0x80) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Integer overflow: attempted 64-bit offset\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ } else
+ u.b[min_bytes + extra - 1] = CVAL(b2, 0);
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 < 8
+ u.x = IVAL(u.b,0);
+ u.x = IVAL64(u.b,0);
+ return u.x;
+int64 read_longint(int f)
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 >= 8
+ char b[9];
+ int32 num = read_int(f);
+ if (num != (int32)0xffffffff)
+ return num;
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 < 8
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Integer overflow: attempted 64-bit offset\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ read_buf(f, b, 8);
+ return IVAL(b,0) | (((int64)IVAL(b,4))<<32);
+/* Debugging note: this will be named read_buf_() when using an external zlib. */
+void read_buf(int f, char *buf, size_t len)
+ if (f != iobuf.in_fd) {
+ if (safe_read(f, buf, len) != len)
+ whine_about_eof(False); /* Doesn't return. */
+ goto batch_copy;
+ }
+ raw_read_buf(buf, len);
+ total_data_read += len;
+ if (forward_flist_data)
+ write_buf(iobuf.out_fd, buf, len);
+ batch_copy:
+ if (f == write_batch_monitor_in)
+ safe_write(batch_fd, buf, len);
+ return;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ size_t siz;
+ while (!iobuf.raw_input_ends_before)
+ read_a_msg();
+ siz = MIN(len, iobuf.raw_input_ends_before -;
+ if (siz >=
+ siz =;
+ raw_read_buf(buf, siz);
+ total_data_read += siz;
+ if (forward_flist_data)
+ write_buf(iobuf.out_fd, buf, siz);
+ if (f == write_batch_monitor_in)
+ safe_write(batch_fd, buf, siz);
+ if ((len -= siz) == 0)
+ break;
+ buf += siz;
+ }
+void read_sbuf(int f, char *buf, size_t len)
+ read_buf(f, buf, len);
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+uchar read_byte(int f)
+ uchar c;
+ read_buf(f, (char*)&c, 1);
+ return c;
+int read_vstring(int f, char *buf, int bufsize)
+ int len = read_byte(f);
+ if (len & 0x80)
+ len = (len & ~0x80) * 0x100 + read_byte(f);
+ if (len >= bufsize) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "over-long vstring received (%d > %d)\n",
+ len, bufsize - 1);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (len)
+ read_buf(f, buf, len);
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ return len;
+/* Populate a sum_struct with values from the socket. This is
+ * called by both the sender and the receiver. */
+void read_sum_head(int f, struct sum_struct *sum)
+ int32 max_blength = protocol_version < 30 ? OLD_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE : MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ sum->count = read_int(f);
+ if (sum->count < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid checksum count %ld [%s]\n",
+ (long)sum->count, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ sum->blength = read_int(f);
+ if (sum->blength < 0 || sum->blength > max_blength) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid block length %ld [%s]\n",
+ (long)sum->blength, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ sum->s2length = protocol_version < 27 ? csum_length : (int)read_int(f);
+ if (sum->s2length < 0 || sum->s2length > MAX_DIGEST_LEN) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid checksum length %d [%s]\n",
+ sum->s2length, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ sum->remainder = read_int(f);
+ if (sum->remainder < 0 || sum->remainder > sum->blength) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid remainder length %ld [%s]\n",
+ (long)sum->remainder, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+/* Send the values from a sum_struct over the socket. Set sum to
+ * NULL if there are no checksums to send. This is called by both
+ * the generator and the sender. */
+void write_sum_head(int f, struct sum_struct *sum)
+ static struct sum_struct null_sum;
+ if (sum == NULL)
+ sum = &null_sum;
+ write_int(f, sum->count);
+ write_int(f, sum->blength);
+ if (protocol_version >= 27)
+ write_int(f, sum->s2length);
+ write_int(f, sum->remainder);
+/* Sleep after writing to limit I/O bandwidth usage.
+ *
+ * @todo Rather than sleeping after each write, it might be better to
+ * use some kind of averaging. The current algorithm seems to always
+ * use a bit less bandwidth than specified, because it doesn't make up
+ * for slow periods. But arguably this is a feature. In addition, we
+ * ought to take the time used to write the data into account.
+ *
+ * During some phases of big transfers (file FOO is uptodate) this is
+ * called with a small bytes_written every time. As the kernel has to
+ * round small waits up to guarantee that we actually wait at least the
+ * requested number of microseconds, this can become grossly inaccurate.
+ * We therefore keep track of the bytes we've written over time and only
+ * sleep when the accumulated delay is at least 1 tenth of a second. */
+static void sleep_for_bwlimit(int bytes_written)
+ static struct timeval prior_tv;
+ static long total_written = 0;
+ struct timeval tv, start_tv;
+ long elapsed_usec, sleep_usec;
+#define ONE_SEC 1000000L /* # of microseconds in a second */
+ total_written += bytes_written;
+ gettimeofday(&start_tv, NULL);
+ if (prior_tv.tv_sec) {
+ elapsed_usec = (start_tv.tv_sec - prior_tv.tv_sec) * ONE_SEC
+ + (start_tv.tv_usec - prior_tv.tv_usec);
+ total_written -= (int64)elapsed_usec * bwlimit / (ONE_SEC/1024);
+ if (total_written < 0)
+ total_written = 0;
+ }
+ sleep_usec = total_written * (ONE_SEC/1024) / bwlimit;
+ if (sleep_usec < ONE_SEC / 10) {
+ prior_tv = start_tv;
+ return;
+ }
+ tv.tv_sec = sleep_usec / ONE_SEC;
+ tv.tv_usec = sleep_usec % ONE_SEC;
+ select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+ gettimeofday(&prior_tv, NULL);
+ elapsed_usec = (prior_tv.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec) * ONE_SEC
+ + (prior_tv.tv_usec - start_tv.tv_usec);
+ total_written = (sleep_usec - elapsed_usec) * bwlimit / (ONE_SEC/1024);
+void io_flush(int flush_type)
+ if (iobuf.out.len > iobuf.out_empty_len) {
+ if (flush_type == FULL_FLUSH) /* flush everything in the output buffers */
+ perform_io(iobuf.out.size - iobuf.out_empty_len, PIO_NEED_OUTROOM);
+ else if (flush_type == NORMAL_FLUSH) /* flush at least 1 byte */
+ perform_io(iobuf.out.size - iobuf.out.len + 1, PIO_NEED_OUTROOM);
+ /* MSG_FLUSH: flush iobuf.msg only */
+ }
+ if (iobuf.msg.len)
+ perform_io(iobuf.msg.size, PIO_NEED_MSGROOM);
+void write_shortint(int f, unsigned short x)
+ char b[2];
+ b[0] = (char)x;
+ b[1] = (char)(x >> 8);
+ write_buf(f, b, 2);
+void write_int(int f, int32 x)
+ char b[4];
+ SIVAL(b, 0, x);
+ write_buf(f, b, 4);
+void write_varint(int f, int32 x)
+ char b[5];
+ uchar bit;
+ int cnt;
+ SIVAL(b, 1, x);
+ for (cnt = 4; cnt > 1 && b[cnt] == 0; cnt--) {}
+ bit = ((uchar)1<<(7-cnt+1));
+ if (CVAL(b, cnt) >= bit) {
+ cnt++;
+ *b = ~(bit-1);
+ } else if (cnt > 1)
+ *b = b[cnt] | ~(bit*2-1);
+ else
+ *b = b[1];
+ write_buf(f, b, cnt);
+void write_varlong(int f, int64 x, uchar min_bytes)
+ char b[9];
+ uchar bit;
+ int cnt = 8;
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 >= 8
+ SIVAL64(b, 1, x);
+ SIVAL(b, 1, x);
+ if (x <= 0x7FFFFFFF && x >= 0)
+ memset(b + 5, 0, 4);
+ else {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Integer overflow: attempted 64-bit offset\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ while (cnt > min_bytes && b[cnt] == 0)
+ cnt--;
+ bit = ((uchar)1<<(7-cnt+min_bytes));
+ if (CVAL(b, cnt) >= bit) {
+ cnt++;
+ *b = ~(bit-1);
+ } else if (cnt > min_bytes)
+ *b = b[cnt] | ~(bit*2-1);
+ else
+ *b = b[cnt];
+ write_buf(f, b, cnt);
+ * Note: int64 may actually be a 32-bit type if ./configure couldn't find any
+ * 64-bit types on this platform.
+ */
+void write_longint(int f, int64 x)
+ char b[12], * const s = b+4;
+ SIVAL(s, 0, x);
+ if (x <= 0x7FFFFFFF && x >= 0) {
+ write_buf(f, s, 4);
+ return;
+ }
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 < 8
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Integer overflow: attempted 64-bit offset\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ memset(b, 0xFF, 4);
+ SIVAL(s, 4, x >> 32);
+ write_buf(f, b, 12);
+void write_bigbuf(int f, const char *buf, size_t len)
+ size_t half_max = (iobuf.out.size - iobuf.out_empty_len) / 2;
+ while (len > half_max + 1024) {
+ write_buf(f, buf, half_max);
+ buf += half_max;
+ len -= half_max;
+ }
+ write_buf(f, buf, len);
+void write_buf(int f, const char *buf, size_t len)
+ size_t pos, siz;
+ if (f != iobuf.out_fd) {
+ safe_write(f, buf, len);
+ goto batch_copy;
+ }
+ if (iobuf.out.len + len > iobuf.out.size)
+ perform_io(len, PIO_NEED_OUTROOM);
+ pos = iobuf.out.pos + iobuf.out.len; /* Must be set after any flushing. */
+ if (pos >= iobuf.out.size)
+ pos -= iobuf.out.size;
+ /* Handle a split copy if we wrap around the end of the circular buffer. */
+ if (pos >= iobuf.out.pos && (siz = iobuf.out.size - pos) < len) {
+ memcpy(iobuf.out.buf + pos, buf, siz);
+ memcpy(iobuf.out.buf, buf + siz, len - siz);
+ } else
+ memcpy(iobuf.out.buf + pos, buf, len);
+ iobuf.out.len += len;
+ total_data_written += len;
+ batch_copy:
+ if (f == write_batch_monitor_out)
+ safe_write(batch_fd, buf, len);
+/* Write a string to the connection */
+void write_sbuf(int f, const char *buf)
+ write_buf(f, buf, strlen(buf));
+void write_byte(int f, uchar c)
+ write_buf(f, (char *)&c, 1);
+void write_vstring(int f, const char *str, int len)
+ uchar lenbuf[3], *lb = lenbuf;
+ if (len > 0x7F) {
+ if (len > 0x7FFF) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "attempting to send over-long vstring (%d > %d)\n",
+ len, 0x7FFF);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ *lb++ = len / 0x100 + 0x80;
+ }
+ *lb = len;
+ write_buf(f, (char*)lenbuf, lb - lenbuf + 1);
+ if (len)
+ write_buf(f, str, len);
+/* Send a file-list index using a byte-reduction method. */
+void write_ndx(int f, int32 ndx)
+ static int32 prev_positive = -1, prev_negative = 1;
+ int32 diff, cnt = 0;
+ char b[6];
+ if (protocol_version < 30 || read_batch) {
+ write_int(f, ndx);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Send NDX_DONE as a single-byte 0 with no side effects. Send
+ * negative nums as a positive after sending a leading 0xFF. */
+ if (ndx >= 0) {
+ diff = ndx - prev_positive;
+ prev_positive = ndx;
+ } else if (ndx == NDX_DONE) {
+ *b = 0;
+ write_buf(f, b, 1);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ b[cnt++] = (char)0xFF;
+ ndx = -ndx;
+ diff = ndx - prev_negative;
+ prev_negative = ndx;
+ }
+ /* A diff of 1 - 253 is sent as a one-byte diff; a diff of 254 - 32767
+ * or 0 is sent as a 0xFE + a two-byte diff; otherwise we send 0xFE
+ * & all 4 bytes of the (non-negative) num with the high-bit set. */
+ if (diff < 0xFE && diff > 0)
+ b[cnt++] = (char)diff;
+ else if (diff < 0 || diff > 0x7FFF) {
+ b[cnt++] = (char)0xFE;
+ b[cnt++] = (char)((ndx >> 24) | 0x80);
+ b[cnt++] = (char)ndx;
+ b[cnt++] = (char)(ndx >> 8);
+ b[cnt++] = (char)(ndx >> 16);
+ } else {
+ b[cnt++] = (char)0xFE;
+ b[cnt++] = (char)(diff >> 8);
+ b[cnt++] = (char)diff;
+ }
+ write_buf(f, b, cnt);
+/* Receive a file-list index using a byte-reduction method. */
+int32 read_ndx(int f)
+ static int32 prev_positive = -1, prev_negative = 1;
+ int32 *prev_ptr, num;
+ char b[4];
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ return read_int(f);
+ read_buf(f, b, 1);
+ if (CVAL(b, 0) == 0xFF) {
+ read_buf(f, b, 1);
+ prev_ptr = &prev_negative;
+ } else if (CVAL(b, 0) == 0)
+ return NDX_DONE;
+ else
+ prev_ptr = &prev_positive;
+ if (CVAL(b, 0) == 0xFE) {
+ read_buf(f, b, 2);
+ if (CVAL(b, 0) & 0x80) {
+ b[3] = CVAL(b, 0) & ~0x80;
+ b[0] = b[1];
+ read_buf(f, b+1, 2);
+ num = IVAL(b, 0);
+ } else
+ num = (UVAL(b,0)<<8) + UVAL(b,1) + *prev_ptr;
+ } else
+ num = UVAL(b, 0) + *prev_ptr;
+ *prev_ptr = num;
+ if (prev_ptr == &prev_negative)
+ num = -num;
+ return num;
+/* Read a line of up to bufsiz-1 characters into buf. Strips
+ * the (required) trailing newline and all carriage returns.
+ * Returns 1 for success; 0 for I/O error or truncation. */
+int read_line_old(int fd, char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int eof_ok)
+ assert(fd != iobuf.in_fd);
+ bufsiz--; /* leave room for the null */
+ while (bufsiz > 0) {
+ if (safe_read(fd, buf, 1) == 0) {
+ if (eof_ok)
+ break;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (*buf == '\0')
+ return 0;
+ if (*buf == '\n')
+ break;
+ if (*buf != '\r') {
+ buf++;
+ bufsiz--;
+ }
+ }
+ *buf = '\0';
+ return bufsiz > 0;
+void io_printf(int fd, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ char buf[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ int len;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if (len < 0)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ if (len >= (int)sizeof buf) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "io_printf() was too long for the buffer.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ write_sbuf(fd, buf);
+/* Setup for multiplexing a MSG_* stream with the data stream. */
+void io_start_multiplex_out(int fd)
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_start_multiplex_out(%d)\n", who_am_i(), fd);
+ if (!iobuf.msg.buf)
+ alloc_xbuf(&iobuf.msg, ROUND_UP_1024(IO_BUFFER_SIZE));
+ iobuf.out_empty_len = 4; /* See also OUT_MULTIPLEXED */
+ io_start_buffering_out(fd);
+ got_kill_signal = 0;
+ iobuf.raw_data_header_pos = iobuf.out.pos + iobuf.out.len;
+ iobuf.out.len += 4;
+/* Setup for multiplexing a MSG_* stream with the data stream. */
+void io_start_multiplex_in(int fd)
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_start_multiplex_in(%d)\n", who_am_i(), fd);
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 1; /* See also IN_MULTIPLEXED */
+ io_start_buffering_in(fd);
+int io_end_multiplex_in(int mode)
+ int ret = iobuf.in_multiplexed ? iobuf.in_fd : -1;
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_end_multiplex_in(mode=%d)\n", who_am_i(), mode);
+ iobuf.in_multiplexed = 0;
+ if (mode == MPLX_SWITCHING)
+ iobuf.raw_input_ends_before = 0;
+ else
+ assert(iobuf.raw_input_ends_before == 0);
+ if (mode != MPLX_TO_BUFFERED)
+ io_end_buffering_in(mode);
+ return ret;
+int io_end_multiplex_out(int mode)
+ int ret = iobuf.out_empty_len ? iobuf.out_fd : -1;
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1 && DEBUG_GTE(IO, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] io_end_multiplex_out(mode=%d)\n", who_am_i(), mode);
+ if (mode != MPLX_TO_BUFFERED)
+ io_end_buffering_out(mode);
+ else
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ iobuf.out.len = 0;
+ iobuf.out_empty_len = 0;
+ if (got_kill_signal > 0) /* Just in case... */
+ handle_kill_signal(False);
+ got_kill_signal = -1;
+ return ret;
+void start_write_batch(int fd)
+ /* Some communication has already taken place, but we don't
+ * enable batch writing until here so that we can write a
+ * canonical record of the communication even though the
+ * actual communication so far depends on whether a daemon
+ * is involved. */
+ write_int(batch_fd, protocol_version);
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ write_varint(batch_fd, compat_flags);
+ write_int(batch_fd, checksum_seed);
+ if (am_sender)
+ write_batch_monitor_out = fd;
+ else
+ write_batch_monitor_in = fd;
+void stop_write_batch(void)
+ write_batch_monitor_out = -1;
+ write_batch_monitor_in = -1;
diff --git a/io.h b/io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd3b752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+extern int protocol_version;
+static inline int32
+read_varint30(int f)
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ return read_int(f);
+ return read_varint(f);
+static inline int64
+read_varlong30(int f, uchar min_bytes)
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ return read_longint(f);
+ return read_varlong(f, min_bytes);
+static inline void
+write_varint30(int f, int32 x)
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ write_int(f, x);
+ else
+ write_varint(f, x);
+static inline void
+write_varlong30(int f, int64 x, uchar min_bytes)
+ if (protocol_version < 30)
+ write_longint(f, x);
+ else
+ write_varlong(f, x, min_bytes);
diff --git a/itypes.h b/itypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a7111f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/itypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* Inline functions for rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+static inline int
+isDigit(const char *ptr)
+ return isdigit(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+isHexDigit(const char *ptr)
+ return isxdigit(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+isPrint(const char *ptr)
+ return isprint(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+isSpace(const char *ptr)
+ return isspace(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+isAlNum(const char *ptr)
+ return isalnum(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+isLower(const char *ptr)
+ return islower(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+isUpper(const char *ptr)
+ return isupper(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+toLower(const char *ptr)
+ return tolower(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+static inline int
+toUpper(const char *ptr)
+ return toupper(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
diff --git a/latest-year.h b/latest-year.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e8efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latest-year.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#define LATEST_YEAR "2022"
diff --git a/lib/addrinfo.h b/lib/addrinfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9f672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/addrinfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+PostgreSQL Database Management System
+(formerly known as Postgres, then as Postgres95)
+Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2005, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+Portions Copyright (c) 1994, The Regents of the University of California
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
+is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph
+and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
+ *
+ * getaddrinfo.h
+ * Support getaddrinfo() on platforms that don't have it.
+ *
+ * Note: we use our own routines on platforms that don't HAVE_STRUCT_ADDRINFO,
+ * whether or not the library routine getaddrinfo() can be found. This
+ * policy is needed because on some platforms a manually installed libbind.a
+ * may provide getaddrinfo(), yet the system headers may not provide the
+ * struct definitions needed to call it. To avoid conflict with the libbind
+ * definition in such cases, we rename our routines to pg_xxx() via macros.
+ *
+ * This code will also work on platforms where struct addrinfo is defined
+ * in the system headers but no getaddrinfo() can be located.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#ifndef ADDRINFO_H
+#define ADDRINFO_H
+/* Various macros that ought to be in <netdb.h>, but might not be */
+#ifndef EAI_FAIL
+#define EAI_BADFLAGS (-1)
+#define EAI_NONAME (-2)
+#define EAI_AGAIN (-3)
+#define EAI_FAIL (-4)
+#define EAI_FAMILY (-6)
+#define EAI_SOCKTYPE (-7)
+#define EAI_SERVICE (-8)
+#define EAI_MEMORY (-10)
+#define EAI_SYSTEM (-11)
+#endif /* !EAI_FAIL */
+#ifndef AI_PASSIVE
+#define AI_PASSIVE 0x0001
+ * some platforms don't support AI_NUMERICHOST; define as zero if using
+ * the system version of getaddrinfo...
+ */
+#define AI_NUMERICHOST 0x0004
+#define AI_CANONNAME 0
+#define AI_CANONNAME 0x0008
+#define AI_NUMERICSERV 0x0010
+#ifndef NI_NOFQDN
+#define NI_NOFQDN 4
+#ifndef NI_NAMEREQD
+#define NI_NAMEREQD 8
+#ifndef NI_DGRAM
+#define NI_DGRAM 16
+#ifndef NI_MAXHOST
+#define NI_MAXHOST 1025
+#ifndef NI_MAXSERV
+#define NI_MAXSERV 32
+struct addrinfo
+ int ai_flags;
+ int ai_family;
+ int ai_socktype;
+ int ai_protocol;
+ size_t ai_addrlen;
+ struct sockaddr *ai_addr;
+ char *ai_canonname;
+ struct addrinfo *ai_next;
+struct sockaddr_storage {
+ unsigned short ss_family;
+ unsigned long ss_align;
+ char ss_padding[128 - sizeof (unsigned long)];
+/* Rename private copies per comments above */
+#ifdef getaddrinfo
+#undef getaddrinfo
+#define getaddrinfo pg_getaddrinfo
+#ifdef freeaddrinfo
+#undef freeaddrinfo
+#define freeaddrinfo pg_freeaddrinfo
+#ifdef gai_strerror
+#undef gai_strerror
+#define gai_strerror pg_gai_strerror
+#ifdef getnameinfo
+#undef getnameinfo
+#define getnameinfo pg_getnameinfo
+extern int getaddrinfo(const char *node, const char *service,
+ const struct addrinfo * hints, struct addrinfo ** res);
+extern void freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo * res);
+extern const char *gai_strerror(int errcode);
+extern int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr * sa, socklen_t salen,
+ char *node, size_t nodelen,
+ char *service, size_t servicelen, int flags);
+#endif /* !HAVE_GETADDRINFO */
+#endif /* ADDRINFO_H */
diff --git a/lib/compat.c b/lib/compat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..513d79b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ * Reimplementations of standard functions for platforms that don't have them.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+static char number_separator;
+char get_number_separator(void)
+ if (!number_separator) {
+ char buf[32];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%f", 3.14);
+ if (strchr(buf, '.') != NULL)
+ number_separator = ',';
+ else
+ number_separator = '.';
+ }
+ return number_separator;
+char get_decimal_point(void)
+ return get_number_separator() == ',' ? '.' : ',';
+#ifndef HAVE_GETCWD
+ char *getcwd(char *buf, int size)
+ return getwd(buf);
+ pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *statptr, int options)
+#ifdef HAVE_WAIT4
+ return wait4(pid, statptr, options, NULL);
+ /* If wait4 is also not available, try wait3 for SVR3 variants */
+ /* Less ideal because can't actually request a specific pid */
+ /* At least the WNOHANG option is supported */
+ /* Code borrowed from apache fragment written by */
+ int tmp_pid, dummystat;;
+ if (kill(pid, 0) == -1) {
+ errno = ECHILD;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (statptr == NULL)
+ statptr = &dummystat;
+ while (((tmp_pid = wait3(statptr, options, 0)) != pid) &&
+ (tmp_pid != -1) && (tmp_pid != 0) && (pid != -1))
+ ;
+ return tmp_pid;
+ void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
+ bcopy((char *) src, (char *) dest, n);
+ return dest;
+ * Find the first occurrence in @p s of any character in @p accept.
+ *
+ * Derived from glibc
+ **/
+ char *strpbrk(const char *s, const char *accept)
+ while (*s != '\0') {
+ const char *a = accept;
+ while (*a != '\0') {
+ if (*a++ == *s) return (char *)s;
+ }
+ ++s;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Like strncpy but does not 0 fill the buffer and always null
+ * terminates.
+ *
+ * @param bufsize is the size of the destination buffer.
+ *
+ * @return index of the terminating byte.
+ **/
+ size_t strlcpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t bufsize)
+ size_t len = strlen(s);
+ size_t ret = len;
+ if (bufsize > 0) {
+ if (len >= bufsize)
+ len = bufsize-1;
+ memcpy(d, s, len);
+ d[len] = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * Like strncat() but does not 0 fill the buffer and always null
+ * terminates.
+ *
+ * @param bufsize length of the buffer, which should be one more than
+ * the maximum resulting string length.
+ **/
+ size_t strlcat(char *d, const char *s, size_t bufsize)
+ size_t len1 = strlen(d);
+ size_t len2 = strlen(s);
+ size_t ret = len1 + len2;
+ if (len1 < bufsize - 1) {
+ if (len2 >= bufsize - len1)
+ len2 = bufsize - len1 - 1;
+ memcpy(d+len1, s, len2);
+ d[len1+len2] = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* some systems don't take the 2nd argument */
+int sys_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv)
+ return gettimeofday(tv, NULL);
+ return gettimeofday(tv);
+/* Return the int64 number as a string. If the human_flag arg is non-zero,
+ * we may output the number in K, M, G, or T units. If we don't add a unit
+ * suffix, we will append the fract string, if it is non-NULL. We can
+ * return up to 4 buffers at a time. */
+char *do_big_num(int64 num, int human_flag, const char *fract)
+ static char bufs[4][128]; /* more than enough room */
+ static unsigned int n;
+ char *s;
+ int len, negated;
+ if (human_flag && !number_separator)
+ (void)get_number_separator();
+ n = (n + 1) % (sizeof bufs / sizeof bufs[0]);
+ if (human_flag > 1) {
+ int mult = human_flag == 2 ? 1000 : 1024;
+ if (num >= mult || num <= -mult) {
+ double dnum = (double)num / mult;
+ char units;
+ if (num < 0)
+ dnum = -dnum;
+ if (dnum < mult)
+ units = 'K';
+ else if ((dnum /= mult) < mult)
+ units = 'M';
+ else if ((dnum /= mult) < mult)
+ units = 'G';
+ else if ((dnum /= mult) < mult)
+ units = 'T';
+ else {
+ dnum /= mult;
+ units = 'P';
+ }
+ if (num < 0)
+ dnum = -dnum;
+ snprintf(bufs[n], sizeof bufs[0], "%.2f%c", dnum, units);
+ return bufs[n];
+ }
+ }
+ s = bufs[n] + sizeof bufs[0] - 1;
+ if (fract) {
+ len = strlen(fract);
+ s -= len;
+ strlcpy(s, fract, len + 1);
+ } else
+ *s = '\0';
+ len = 0;
+ if (!num)
+ *--s = '0';
+ if (num < 0) {
+ /* A maximum-size negated number can't fit as a positive,
+ * so do one digit in negated form to start us off. */
+ *--s = (char)(-(num % 10)) + '0';
+ num = -(num / 10);
+ len++;
+ negated = 1;
+ } else
+ negated = 0;
+ while (num) {
+ if (human_flag) {
+ if (len == 3) {
+ *--s = number_separator;
+ len = 1;
+ } else
+ len++;
+ }
+ *--s = (char)(num % 10) + '0';
+ num /= 10;
+ }
+ if (negated)
+ *--s = '-';
+ return s;
+/* Return the double number as a string. If the human_flag option is > 1,
+ * we may output the number in K, M, G, or T units. The buffer we use for
+ * our result is either a single static buffer defined here, or a buffer
+ * we get from do_big_num(). */
+char *do_big_dnum(double dnum, int human_flag, int decimal_digits)
+ static char tmp_buf[128];
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 >= 8
+ char *fract;
+ snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof tmp_buf, "%.*f", decimal_digits, dnum);
+ if (!human_flag || (dnum < 1000.0 && dnum > -1000.0))
+ return tmp_buf;
+ for (fract = tmp_buf+1; isDigit(fract); fract++) {}
+ return do_big_num((int64)dnum, human_flag, fract);
+ /* A big number might lose digits converting to a too-short int64,
+ * so let's just return the raw double conversion. */
+ snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof tmp_buf, "%.*f", decimal_digits, dnum);
+ return tmp_buf;
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b26a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This is a dummy file to ensure that the lib directory gets created
+by configure when a VPATH is used.
diff --git a/lib/getaddrinfo.c b/lib/getaddrinfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96d7a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/getaddrinfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+PostgreSQL Database Management System
+(formerly known as Postgres, then as Postgres95)
+Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2005, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+Portions Copyright (c) 1994, The Regents of the University of California
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
+is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph
+and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
+ *
+ * getaddrinfo.c
+ * Support getaddrinfo() on platforms that don't have it.
+ *
+ * We also supply getnameinfo() here, assuming that the platform will have
+ * it if and only if it has getaddrinfo(). If this proves false on some
+ * platform, we'll need to split this file and provide a separate configure
+ * test for getnameinfo().
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Jeremy Allison.
+ * Modified to return multiple IPv4 addresses for Samba.
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#ifndef SMB_MALLOC
+#define SMB_MALLOC(s) malloc(s)
+#ifndef SMB_STRDUP
+#define SMB_STRDUP(s) strdup(s)
+#ifndef HOST_NAME_MAX
+#define HOST_NAME_MAX 255
+static int check_hostent_err(struct hostent *hp)
+#ifndef INET6
+ extern int h_errno;
+ if (!hp) {
+ switch (h_errno) {
+ case NO_DATA:
+ return EAI_NONAME;
+ case TRY_AGAIN:
+ return EAI_AGAIN;
+ default:
+ return EAI_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hp->h_name || hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET) {
+ return EAI_FAIL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static char *canon_name_from_hostent(struct hostent *hp,
+ int *perr)
+ char *ret = NULL;
+ *perr = check_hostent_err(hp);
+ if (*perr) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = SMB_STRDUP(hp->h_name);
+ if (!ret) {
+ *perr = EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static char *get_my_canon_name(int *perr)
+ char name[HOST_NAME_MAX+1];
+ if (gethostname(name, HOST_NAME_MAX) == -1) {
+ *perr = EAI_FAIL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Ensure null termination. */
+ name[HOST_NAME_MAX] = '\0';
+ return canon_name_from_hostent(gethostbyname(name), perr);
+static char *get_canon_name_from_addr(struct in_addr ip,
+ int *perr)
+ return canon_name_from_hostent(
+ gethostbyaddr((void *)&ip, sizeof ip, AF_INET),
+ perr);
+static struct addrinfo *alloc_entry(const struct addrinfo *hints,
+ struct in_addr ip,
+ unsigned short port)
+ struct sockaddr_in *psin = NULL;
+ struct addrinfo *ai = SMB_MALLOC(sizeof(*ai));
+ if (!ai) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(ai, '\0', sizeof(*ai));
+ psin = SMB_MALLOC(sizeof(*psin));
+ if (!psin) {
+ free(ai);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(psin, '\0', sizeof(*psin));
+ psin->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ psin->sin_port = htons(port);
+ psin->sin_addr = ip;
+ ai->ai_flags = 0;
+ ai->ai_family = AF_INET;
+ ai->ai_socktype = hints->ai_socktype;
+ ai->ai_protocol = hints->ai_protocol;
+ ai->ai_addrlen = sizeof(*psin);
+ ai->ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *) psin;
+ ai->ai_canonname = NULL;
+ ai->ai_next = NULL;
+ return ai;
+ * get address info for a single ipv4 address.
+ *
+ * Bugs: - servname can only be a number, not text.
+ */
+static int getaddr_info_single_addr(const char *service,
+ uint32 addr,
+ const struct addrinfo *hints,
+ struct addrinfo **res)
+ struct addrinfo *ai = NULL;
+ struct in_addr ip;
+ unsigned short port = 0;
+ if (service) {
+ port = (unsigned short)atoi(service);
+ }
+ ip.s_addr = htonl(addr);
+ ai = alloc_entry(hints, ip, port);
+ if (!ai) {
+ return EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ /* If we're asked for the canonical name,
+ * make sure it returns correctly. */
+ if (!(hints->ai_flags & AI_NUMERICSERV) &&
+ hints->ai_flags & AI_CANONNAME) {
+ int err;
+ if (addr == INADDR_LOOPBACK || addr == INADDR_ANY) {
+ ai->ai_canonname = get_my_canon_name(&err);
+ } else {
+ ai->ai_canonname =
+ get_canon_name_from_addr(ip,&err);
+ }
+ if (ai->ai_canonname == NULL) {
+ freeaddrinfo(ai);
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ *res = ai;
+ return 0;
+ * get address info for multiple ipv4 addresses.
+ *
+ * Bugs: - servname can only be a number, not text.
+ */
+static int getaddr_info_name(const char *node,
+ const char *service,
+ const struct addrinfo *hints,
+ struct addrinfo **res)
+ struct addrinfo *listp = NULL, *prevp = NULL;
+ char **pptr = NULL;
+ int err;
+ struct hostent *hp = NULL;
+ unsigned short port = 0;
+ if (service) {
+ port = (unsigned short)atoi(service);
+ }
+ hp = gethostbyname(node);
+ err = check_hostent_err(hp);
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ for(pptr = hp->h_addr_list; *pptr; pptr++) {
+ struct in_addr ip = *(struct in_addr *)*pptr;
+ struct addrinfo *ai = alloc_entry(hints, ip, port);
+ if (!ai) {
+ freeaddrinfo(listp);
+ return EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ if (!listp) {
+ listp = ai;
+ prevp = ai;
+ ai->ai_canonname = SMB_STRDUP(hp->h_name);
+ if (!ai->ai_canonname) {
+ freeaddrinfo(listp);
+ return EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ } else {
+ prevp->ai_next = ai;
+ prevp = ai;
+ }
+ }
+ *res = listp;
+ return 0;
+ * get address info for ipv4 sockets.
+ *
+ * Bugs: - servname can only be a number, not text.
+ */
+int getaddrinfo(const char *node,
+ const char *service,
+ const struct addrinfo * hintp,
+ struct addrinfo ** res)
+ struct addrinfo hints;
+ /* Setup the hints struct. */
+ if (hintp == NULL) {
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ } else {
+ memcpy(&hints, hintp, sizeof(hints));
+ }
+ if (hints.ai_family != AF_INET && hints.ai_family != AF_UNSPEC) {
+ return EAI_FAMILY;
+ }
+ if (hints.ai_socktype == 0) {
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ }
+ if (!node && !service) {
+ return EAI_NONAME;
+ }
+ if (node) {
+ if (node[0] == '\0') {
+ return getaddr_info_single_addr(service,
+ &hints,
+ res);
+ } else if (hints.ai_flags & AI_NUMERICHOST) {
+ struct in_addr ip;
+ if (inet_pton(AF_INET, node, &ip) <= 0)
+ return EAI_FAIL;
+ return getaddr_info_single_addr(service,
+ ntohl(ip.s_addr),
+ &hints,
+ res);
+ } else {
+ return getaddr_info_name(node,
+ service,
+ &hints,
+ res);
+ }
+ } else if (hints.ai_flags & AI_PASSIVE) {
+ return getaddr_info_single_addr(service,
+ &hints,
+ res);
+ }
+ return getaddr_info_single_addr(service,
+ &hints,
+ res);
+void freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo *res)
+ struct addrinfo *next = NULL;
+ for (;res; res = next) {
+ next = res->ai_next;
+ if (res->ai_canonname) {
+ free(res->ai_canonname);
+ }
+ if (res->ai_addr) {
+ free(res->ai_addr);
+ }
+ free(res);
+ }
+const char *gai_strerror(int errcode)
+ int hcode;
+ switch (errcode)
+ {
+ case EAI_NONAME:
+ hcode = HOST_NOT_FOUND;
+ break;
+ case EAI_AGAIN:
+ hcode = TRY_AGAIN;
+ break;
+ case EAI_FAIL:
+ default:
+ hcode = NO_RECOVERY;
+ break;
+ }
+ return hstrerror(hcode);
+#else /* !HAVE_HSTRERROR */
+ switch (errcode)
+ {
+ case EAI_NONAME:
+ return "Unknown host";
+ case EAI_AGAIN:
+ return "Host name lookup failure";
+ return "Invalid argument";
+#ifdef EAI_FAMILY
+ case EAI_FAMILY:
+ return "Address family not supported";
+#ifdef EAI_MEMORY
+ case EAI_MEMORY:
+ return "Not enough memory";
+#ifdef EAI_NODATA
+ case EAI_NODATA:
+ return "No host data of that type was found";
+ return "Class type not found";
+ return "Socket type not supported";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown server error";
+ }
+#endif /* HAVE_HSTRERROR */
+static int gethostnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa,
+ char *node,
+ size_t nodelen,
+ int flags)
+ int ret = -1;
+ char *p = NULL;
+ if (!(flags & NI_NUMERICHOST)) {
+ struct hostent *hp = gethostbyaddr(
+ (void *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr,
+ sizeof (struct in_addr),
+ sa->sa_family);
+ ret = check_hostent_err(hp);
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ /* Name looked up successfully. */
+ ret = snprintf(node, nodelen, "%s", hp->h_name);
+ if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= nodelen) {
+ return EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ if (flags & NI_NOFQDN) {
+ p = strchr(node,'.');
+ if (p) {
+ *p = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (flags & NI_NAMEREQD) {
+ /* If we require a name and didn't get one,
+ * automatically fail. */
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise just fall into the numeric host code... */
+ }
+ p = inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr);
+ ret = snprintf(node, nodelen, "%s", p);
+ if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= nodelen) {
+ return EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int getservicenameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa,
+ char *service,
+ size_t servicelen,
+ int flags)
+ int ret = -1;
+ int port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_port);
+ if (!(flags & NI_NUMERICSERV)) {
+ struct servent *se = getservbyport(
+ port,
+ (flags & NI_DGRAM) ? "udp" : "tcp");
+ if (se && se->s_name) {
+ /* Service name looked up successfully. */
+ ret = snprintf(service, servicelen, "%s", se->s_name);
+ if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= servicelen) {
+ return EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise just fall into the numeric service code... */
+ }
+ ret = snprintf(service, servicelen, "%d", port);
+ if (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= servicelen) {
+ return EAI_MEMORY;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Convert an ipv4 address to a hostname.
+ *
+ * Bugs: - No IPv6 support.
+ */
+int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen,
+ char *node, size_t nodelen,
+ char *service, size_t servicelen, int flags)
+ /* Invalid arguments. */
+ if (sa == NULL || (node == NULL && service == NULL)) {
+ return EAI_FAIL;
+ }
+ if (sa->sa_family != AF_INET) {
+ return EAI_FAIL;
+ }
+ if (salen < (socklen_t)sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)) {
+ return EAI_FAIL;
+ }
+ if (node) {
+ int ret = gethostnameinfo(sa, node, nodelen, flags);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (service) {
+ return getservicenameinfo(sa, service, servicelen, flags);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/lib/getpass.c b/lib/getpass.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea3126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/getpass.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * An implementation of getpass for systems that lack one.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Roman Donchenko
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include "rsync.h"
+char *getpass(const char *prompt)
+ static char password[256];
+ BOOL tty_changed = False, read_success;
+ struct termios tty_old, tty_new;
+ FILE *in = stdin, *out = stderr;
+ FILE *tty = fopen("/dev/tty", "w+");
+ if (tty)
+ in = out = tty;
+ if (tcgetattr(fileno(in), &tty_old) == 0) {
+ tty_new = tty_old;
+ tty_new.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ISIG);
+ if (tcsetattr(fileno(in), TCSAFLUSH, &tty_new) == 0)
+ tty_changed = True;
+ }
+ if (!tty_changed)
+ fputs("(WARNING: will be visible) ", out);
+ fputs(prompt, out);
+ fflush(out);
+ read_success = fgets(password, sizeof password, in) != NULL;
+ /* Print the newline that hasn't been echoed. */
+ fputc('\n', out);
+ if (tty_changed)
+ tcsetattr(fileno(in), TCSAFLUSH, &tty_old);
+ if (tty)
+ fclose(tty);
+ if (read_success) {
+ /* Remove the trailing newline. */
+ size_t password_len = strlen(password);
+ if (password_len && password[password_len - 1] == '\n')
+ password[password_len - 1] = '\0';
+ return password;
+ }
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/lib/inet_ntop.c b/lib/inet_ntop.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be7368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inet_ntop.c
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Internet Software Consortium.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#define NS_INT16SZ 2
+#define NS_IN6ADDRSZ 16
+ * WARNING: Don't even consider trying to compile this on a system where
+ * sizeof(int) < 4. sizeof(int) > 4 is fine; all the world's not a VAX.
+ */
+static const char *inet_ntop4(const unsigned char *src, char *dst,
+ size_t size);
+#ifdef AF_INET6
+static const char *inet_ntop6(const unsigned char *src, char *dst,
+ size_t size);
+/* char *
+ * isc_net_ntop(af, src, dst, size)
+ * convert a network format address to presentation format.
+ * return:
+ * pointer to presentation format address (`dst'), or NULL (see errno).
+ * author:
+ * Paul Vixie, 1996.
+ */
+const char *
+inet_ntop(int af, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size)
+ switch (af) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ return (inet_ntop4(src, dst, size));
+#ifdef AF_INET6
+ case AF_INET6:
+ return (inet_ntop6(src, dst, size));
+ default:
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+/* const char *
+ * inet_ntop4(src, dst, size)
+ * format an IPv4 address
+ * return:
+ * `dst' (as a const)
+ * notes:
+ * (1) uses no statics
+ * (2) takes a unsigned char* not an in_addr as input
+ * author:
+ * Paul Vixie, 1996.
+ */
+static const char *
+inet_ntop4(const unsigned char *src, char *dst, size_t size)
+ static const char *fmt = "%u.%u.%u.%u";
+ char tmp[sizeof ""];
+ size_t len;
+ len = snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, fmt, src[0], src[1], src[2], src[3]);
+ if (len >= size) {
+ errno = ENOSPC;
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ memcpy(dst, tmp, len + 1);
+ return (dst);
+/* const char *
+ * isc_inet_ntop6(src, dst, size)
+ * convert IPv6 binary address into presentation (printable) format
+ * author:
+ * Paul Vixie, 1996.
+ */
+#ifdef AF_INET6
+static const char *
+inet_ntop6(const unsigned char *src, char *dst, size_t size)
+ /*
+ * Note that int32_t and int16_t need only be "at least" large enough
+ * to contain a value of the specified size. On some systems, like
+ * Crays, there is no such thing as an integer variable with 16 bits.
+ * Keep this in mind if you think this function should have been coded
+ * to use pointer overlays. All the world's not a VAX.
+ */
+ char tmp[sizeof "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:"], *tp;
+ struct { int base, len; } best, cur;
+ unsigned int words[NS_IN6ADDRSZ / NS_INT16SZ];
+ int i, inc;
+ /*
+ * Preprocess:
+ * Copy the input (bytewise) array into a wordwise array.
+ * Find the longest run of 0x00's in src[] for :: shorthanding.
+ */
+ memset(words, '\0', sizeof words);
+ for (i = 0; i < NS_IN6ADDRSZ; i++)
+ words[i / 2] |= (src[i] << ((1 - (i % 2)) << 3));
+ best.base = -1;
+ cur.base = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < (NS_IN6ADDRSZ / NS_INT16SZ); i++) {
+ if (words[i] == 0) {
+ if (cur.base == -1)
+ cur.base = i, cur.len = 1;
+ else
+ cur.len++;
+ } else {
+ if (cur.base != -1) {
+ if (best.base == -1 || cur.len > best.len)
+ best = cur;
+ cur.base = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cur.base != -1) {
+ if (best.base == -1 || cur.len > best.len)
+ best = cur;
+ }
+ if (best.base != -1 && best.len < 2)
+ best.base = -1;
+ /*
+ * Format the result.
+ */
+ tp = tmp;
+ for (i = 0; i < (NS_IN6ADDRSZ / NS_INT16SZ); i++) {
+ /* Are we inside the best run of 0x00's? */
+ if (best.base != -1 && i >= best.base &&
+ i < (best.base + best.len)) {
+ if (i == best.base)
+ *tp++ = ':';
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Are we following an initial run of 0x00s or any real hex? */
+ if (i != 0)
+ *tp++ = ':';
+ /* Is this address an encapsulated IPv4? */
+ if (i == 6 && best.base == 0 &&
+ (best.len == 6 || (best.len == 5 && words[5] == 0xffff))) {
+ if (!inet_ntop4(src+12, tp, sizeof tmp - (tp - tmp)))
+ return (NULL);
+ tp += strlen(tp);
+ break;
+ }
+ inc = snprintf(tp, 5, "%x", words[i]);
+ assert(inc < 5);
+ tp += inc;
+ }
+ /* Was it a trailing run of 0x00's? */
+ if (best.base != -1 && (best.base + best.len) ==
+ *tp++ = ':';
+ *tp++ = '\0';
+ /*
+ * Check for overflow, copy, and we're done.
+ */
+ if ((size_t)(tp - tmp) > size) {
+ errno = ENOSPC;
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ memcpy(dst, tmp, tp - tmp);
+ return (dst);
+#endif /* AF_INET6 */
diff --git a/lib/inet_pton.c b/lib/inet_pton.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a0be88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/inet_pton.c
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Internet Software Consortium.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#define NS_INT16SZ 2
+#define NS_INADDRSZ 4
+#define NS_IN6ADDRSZ 16
+ * WARNING: Don't even consider trying to compile this on a system where
+ * sizeof(int) < 4. sizeof(int) > 4 is fine; all the world's not a VAX.
+ */
+static int inet_pton4(const char *src, unsigned char *dst);
+#ifdef INET6
+static int inet_pton6(const char *src, unsigned char *dst);
+/* int
+ * inet_pton(af, src, dst)
+ * convert from presentation format (which usually means ASCII printable)
+ * to network format (which is usually some kind of binary format).
+ * return:
+ * 1 if the address was valid for the specified address family
+ * 0 if the address wasn't valid (`dst' is untouched in this case)
+ * -1 if some other error occurred (`dst' is untouched in this case, too)
+ * author:
+ * Paul Vixie, 1996.
+ */
+inet_pton(int af,
+ const char *src,
+ void *dst)
+ switch (af) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ return (inet_pton4(src, dst));
+#ifdef INET6
+ case AF_INET6:
+ return (inet_pton6(src, dst));
+ default:
+ return (-1);
+ }
+/* int
+ * inet_pton4(src, dst)
+ * like inet_aton() but without all the hexadecimal and shorthand.
+ * return:
+ * 1 if `src' is a valid dotted quad, else 0.
+ * notice:
+ * does not touch `dst' unless it's returning 1.
+ * author:
+ * Paul Vixie, 1996.
+ */
+static int
+inet_pton4(src, dst)
+ const char *src;
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ static const char digits[] = "0123456789";
+ int saw_digit, octets, ch;
+ unsigned char tmp[NS_INADDRSZ], *tp;
+ saw_digit = 0;
+ octets = 0;
+ *(tp = tmp) = 0;
+ while ((ch = *src++) != '\0') {
+ const char *pch;
+ if ((pch = strchr(digits, ch)) != NULL) {
+ unsigned int new = *tp * 10 + (pch - digits);
+ if (new > 255)
+ return (0);
+ *tp = new;
+ if (! saw_digit) {
+ if (++octets > 4)
+ return (0);
+ saw_digit = 1;
+ }
+ } else if (ch == '.' && saw_digit) {
+ if (octets == 4)
+ return (0);
+ *++tp = 0;
+ saw_digit = 0;
+ } else
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (octets < 4)
+ return (0);
+ memcpy(dst, tmp, NS_INADDRSZ);
+ return (1);
+/* int
+ * inet_pton6(src, dst)
+ * convert presentation level address to network order binary form.
+ * return:
+ * 1 if `src' is a valid [RFC1884 2.2] address, else 0.
+ * notice:
+ * (1) does not touch `dst' unless it's returning 1.
+ * (2) :: in a full address is silently ignored.
+ * credit:
+ * inspired by Mark Andrews.
+ * author:
+ * Paul Vixie, 1996.
+ */
+#ifdef INET6
+static int
+inet_pton6(src, dst)
+ const char *src;
+ unsigned char *dst;
+ static const char xdigits_l[] = "0123456789abcdef",
+ xdigits_u[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ unsigned char tmp[NS_IN6ADDRSZ], *tp, *endp, *colonp;
+ const char *xdigits, *curtok;
+ int ch, saw_xdigit;
+ unsigned int val;
+ memset((tp = tmp), '\0', NS_IN6ADDRSZ);
+ endp = tp + NS_IN6ADDRSZ;
+ colonp = NULL;
+ /* Leading :: requires some special handling. */
+ if (*src == ':')
+ if (*++src != ':')
+ return (0);
+ curtok = src;
+ saw_xdigit = 0;
+ val = 0;
+ while ((ch = *src++) != '\0') {
+ const char *pch;
+ if ((pch = strchr((xdigits = xdigits_l), ch)) == NULL)
+ pch = strchr((xdigits = xdigits_u), ch);
+ if (pch != NULL) {
+ val <<= 4;
+ val |= (pch - xdigits);
+ if (val > 0xffff)
+ return (0);
+ saw_xdigit = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ch == ':') {
+ curtok = src;
+ if (!saw_xdigit) {
+ if (colonp)
+ return (0);
+ colonp = tp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tp + NS_INT16SZ > endp)
+ return (0);
+ *tp++ = (unsigned char) (val >> 8) & 0xff;
+ *tp++ = (unsigned char) val & 0xff;
+ saw_xdigit = 0;
+ val = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ch == '.' && ((tp + NS_INADDRSZ) <= endp) &&
+ inet_pton4(curtok, tp) > 0) {
+ tp += NS_INADDRSZ;
+ saw_xdigit = 0;
+ break; /* '\0' was seen by inet_pton4(). */
+ }
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (saw_xdigit) {
+ if (tp + NS_INT16SZ > endp)
+ return (0);
+ *tp++ = (unsigned char) (val >> 8) & 0xff;
+ *tp++ = (unsigned char) val & 0xff;
+ }
+ if (colonp != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Since some memmove()'s erroneously fail to handle
+ * overlapping regions, we'll do the shift by hand.
+ */
+ const int n = tp - colonp;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ endp[- i] = colonp[n - i];
+ colonp[n - i] = 0;
+ }
+ tp = endp;
+ }
+ if (tp != endp)
+ return (0);
+ memcpy(dst, tmp, NS_IN6ADDRSZ);
+ return (1);
diff --git a/lib/md-defines.h b/lib/md-defines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ef6a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/md-defines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* Keep this simple so both C and ASM can use it */
+/* These allow something like CFLAGS=-DDISABLE_SHA512_DIGEST */
+#define MD4_DIGEST_LEN 16
+#define MD5_DIGEST_LEN 16
+#if defined SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH
+#elif defined SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH
+#elif defined SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH
+#define CSUM_CHUNK 64
+#define CSUM_gone -1
+#define CSUM_NONE 0
+#define CSUM_MD4_ARCHAIC 1
+#define CSUM_MD4_BUSTED 2
+#define CSUM_MD4_OLD 3
+#define CSUM_MD4 4
+#define CSUM_MD5 5
+#define CSUM_XXH64 6
+#define CSUM_XXH3_64 7
+#define CSUM_XXH3_128 8
+#define CSUM_SHA1 9
+#define CSUM_SHA256 10
+#define CSUM_SHA512 11
diff --git a/lib/md5-asm-x86_64.S b/lib/md5-asm-x86_64.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3737058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/md5-asm-x86_64.S
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+ * x86-64 optimized assembler MD5 implementation
+ *
+ * Author: Marc Bevand, 2004
+ *
+ * This code was placed in the public domain by the author. The original
+ * publication can be found at:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * No modifications were made aside from changing the function and file names.
+ * The MD5_CTX structure as expected here (from OpenSSL) is binary compatible
+ * with the md_context used by rsync, for the fields accessed.
+ *
+ * Benchmarks (in MB/s) C ASM
+ * - Intel Atom D2700 302 334
+ * - Intel i7-7700hq 351 376
+ * - AMD ThreadRipper 2950x 728 784
+ *
+ * The original code was also incorporated into OpenSSL. It has since been
+ * modified there. Those changes have not been made here due to licensing
+ * incompatibilities. Benchmarks of those changes on the above CPUs did not
+ * show any significant difference in performance, though.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "md-defines.h"
+#ifdef USE_MD5_ASM /* { */
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#define md5_process_asm _md5_process_asm
+.align 16
+.globl md5_process_asm
+ push %rbp
+ push %rbx
+ push %r12
+ push %r13 # not really useful (r13 is unused)
+ push %r14
+ push %r15
+ # rdi = arg #1 (ctx, MD5_CTX pointer)
+ # rsi = arg #2 (ptr, data pointer)
+ # rdx = arg #3 (nbr, number of 16-word blocks to process)
+ mov %rdi, %rbp # rbp = ctx
+ shl $6, %rdx # rdx = nbr in bytes
+ lea (%rsi,%rdx), %rdi # rdi = end
+ mov 0*4(%rbp), %eax # eax = ctx->A
+ mov 1*4(%rbp), %ebx # ebx = ctx->B
+ mov 2*4(%rbp), %ecx # ecx = ctx->C
+ mov 3*4(%rbp), %edx # edx = ctx->D
+ # end is 'rdi'
+ # ptr is 'rsi'
+ # A is 'eax'
+ # B is 'ebx'
+ # C is 'ecx'
+ # D is 'edx'
+ cmp %rdi, %rsi # cmp end with ptr
+ je 1f # jmp if ptr == end
+ # BEGIN of loop over 16-word blocks
+2: # save old values of A, B, C, D
+ mov %eax, %r8d
+ mov %ebx, %r9d
+ mov %ecx, %r14d
+ mov %edx, %r15d
+ mov 0*4(%rsi), %r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -680876936(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 1*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[1] */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $7, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -389564586(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 2*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[2] */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $12, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea 606105819(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 3*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[3] */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $17, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -1044525330(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 4*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[4] */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $22, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -176418897(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 5*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[5] */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $7, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea 1200080426(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 6*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[6] */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $12, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -1473231341(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 7*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[7] */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $17, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -45705983(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 8*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[8] */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $22, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea 1770035416(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 9*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[9] */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $7, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -1958414417(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 10*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[10] */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $12, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -42063(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 11*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[11] */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $17, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -1990404162(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 12*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[12] */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $22, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea 1804603682(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 13*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[13] */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $7, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -40341101(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 14*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[14] */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $12, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea -1502002290(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 15*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[15] */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $17, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ lea 1236535329(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* x & ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ mov 0*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $22, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ mov 1*4(%rsi), %r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[1] */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ mov %edx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -165796510(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 6*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[6] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %r12d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ecx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ rol $5, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -1069501632(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 11*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[11] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %r12d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ebx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ rol $9, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea 643717713(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 0*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %r12d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %eax, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ rol $14, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -373897302(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 5*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[5] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %r12d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %edx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ rol $20, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -701558691(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 10*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[10] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %r12d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ecx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ rol $5, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea 38016083(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 15*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[15] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %r12d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ebx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ rol $9, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -660478335(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 4*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[4] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %r12d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %eax, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ rol $14, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -405537848(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 9*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[9] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %r12d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %edx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ rol $20, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea 568446438(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 14*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[14] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %r12d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ecx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ rol $5, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -1019803690(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 3*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[3] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %r12d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ebx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ rol $9, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -187363961(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 8*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[8] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %r12d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %eax, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ rol $14, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea 1163531501(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 13*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[13] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %r12d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %edx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ rol $20, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -1444681467(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ebx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ecx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 2*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[2] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ add %r12d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ecx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ecx */
+ rol $5, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -51403784(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %eax, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %ebx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 7*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[7] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ add %r12d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %ebx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %ebx */
+ rol $9, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea 1735328473(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %edx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %eax, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 12*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[12] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ add %r12d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %eax, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %eax */
+ rol $14, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ not %r11d /* not z */
+ lea -1926607734(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ and %ecx, %r12d /* x & z */
+ and %edx, %r11d /* y & (not z) */
+ mov 0*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ or %r11d, %r12d /* (y & (not z)) | (x & z) */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ add %r12d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov %edx, %r12d /* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */
+ rol $20, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ mov 5*4(%rsi), %r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[5] */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ecx */
+ lea -378558(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 8*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[8] */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $4, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ebx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea -2022574463(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 11*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[11] */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $11, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %eax */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea 1839030562(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 14*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[14] */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $16, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %edx */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea -35309556(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 1*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[1] */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $23, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ecx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ lea -1530992060(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 4*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[4] */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $4, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ebx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea 1272893353(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 7*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[7] */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $11, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %eax */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea -155497632(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 10*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[10] */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $16, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %edx */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea -1094730640(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 13*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[13] */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $23, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ecx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ lea 681279174(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 0*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $4, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ebx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea -358537222(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 3*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[3] */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $11, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %eax */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea -722521979(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 6*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[6] */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $16, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %edx */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea 76029189(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 9*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[9] */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $23, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ecx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ lea -640364487(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 12*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[12] */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ rol $4, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ebx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea -421815835(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 15*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[15] */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $11, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %eax */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea 530742520(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 2*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[2] */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $16, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %edx */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea -995338651(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ mov 0*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* z ^ ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* x ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ rol $23, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ mov %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) y' = %ecx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ mov 0*4(%rsi), %r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %edx*/
+ lea -198630844(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ebx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov 7*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[7] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $6, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea 1126891415(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %eax, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 14*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[14] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $10, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea -1416354905(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %edx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 5*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[5] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $15, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea -57434055(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ecx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 12*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[12] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $21, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ lea 1700485571(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ebx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov 3*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[3] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $6, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea -1894986606(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %eax, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 10*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[10] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $10, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea -1051523(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %edx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 1*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[1] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $15, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea -2054922799(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ecx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 8*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[8] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $21, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ lea 1873313359(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ebx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov 15*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[15] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $6, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea -30611744(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %eax, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 6*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[6] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $10, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea -1560198380(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %edx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 13*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[13] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $15, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea 1309151649(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ecx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 4*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[4] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $21, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ lea -145523070(%eax,%r10d),%eax /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ebx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %eax /* dst += ... */
+ mov 11*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[11] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $6, %eax /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ecx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ecx */
+ add %ebx, %eax /* dst += x */
+ lea -1120210379(%edx,%r10d),%edx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %eax, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %edx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 2*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[2] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $10, %edx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %ebx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %ebx */
+ add %eax, %edx /* dst += x */
+ lea 718787259(%ecx,%r10d),%ecx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %edx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ecx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 9*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[9] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $15, %ecx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %eax, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %eax */
+ add %edx, %ecx /* dst += x */
+ lea -343485551(%ebx,%r10d),%ebx /* Const + dst + ... */
+ or %ecx, %r11d /* x | ... */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* y ^ ... */
+ add %r11d, %ebx /* dst += ... */
+ mov 0*4(%rsi),%r10d /* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */
+ mov $0xffffffff, %r11d
+ rol $21, %ebx /* dst <<< s */
+ xor %edx, %r11d /* (NEXT STEP) not z' = not %edx */
+ add %ecx, %ebx /* dst += x */
+ # add old values of A, B, C, D
+ add %r8d, %eax
+ add %r9d, %ebx
+ add %r14d, %ecx
+ add %r15d, %edx
+ # loop control
+ add $64, %rsi # ptr += 64
+ cmp %rdi, %rsi # cmp end with ptr
+ jb 2b # jmp if ptr < end
+ # END of loop over 16-word blocks
+ mov %eax, 0*4(%rbp) # ctx->A = A
+ mov %ebx, 1*4(%rbp) # ctx->B = B
+ mov %ecx, 2*4(%rbp) # ctx->C = C
+ mov %edx, 3*4(%rbp) # ctx->D = D
+ pop %r15
+ pop %r14
+ pop %r13 # not really useful (r13 is unused)
+ pop %r12
+ pop %rbx
+ pop %rbp
+ ret
+#endif /* } USE_MD5_ASM */
diff --git a/lib/md5.c b/lib/md5.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36c5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/md5.c
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * RFC 1321 compliant MD5 implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Christophe Devine
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+void md5_begin(md_context *ctx)
+ ctx->A = 0x67452301;
+ ctx->B = 0xEFCDAB89;
+ ctx->C = 0x98BADCFE;
+ ctx->D = 0x10325476;
+ ctx->totalN = ctx->totalN2 = 0;
+static void md5_process(md_context *ctx, const uchar data[CSUM_CHUNK])
+ uint32 X[16], A, B, C, D;
+ A = ctx->A;
+ B = ctx->B;
+ C = ctx->C;
+ D = ctx->D;
+ X[0] = IVALu(data, 0);
+ X[1] = IVALu(data, 4);
+ X[2] = IVALu(data, 8);
+ X[3] = IVALu(data, 12);
+ X[4] = IVALu(data, 16);
+ X[5] = IVALu(data, 20);
+ X[6] = IVALu(data, 24);
+ X[7] = IVALu(data, 28);
+ X[8] = IVALu(data, 32);
+ X[9] = IVALu(data, 36);
+ X[10] = IVALu(data, 40);
+ X[11] = IVALu(data, 44);
+ X[12] = IVALu(data, 48);
+ X[13] = IVALu(data, 52);
+ X[14] = IVALu(data, 56);
+ X[15] = IVALu(data, 60);
+#define S(x,n) ((x << n) | ((x & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> (32 - n)))
+#define P(a,b,c,d,k,s,t) a += F(b,c,d) + X[k] + t, a = S(a,s) + b
+#define F(x,y,z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
+ P(A, B, C, D, 0, 7, 0xD76AA478);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 1, 12, 0xE8C7B756);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 2, 17, 0x242070DB);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 3, 22, 0xC1BDCEEE);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 4, 7, 0xF57C0FAF);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 5, 12, 0x4787C62A);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 6, 17, 0xA8304613);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 7, 22, 0xFD469501);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 8, 7, 0x698098D8);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 9, 12, 0x8B44F7AF);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 10, 17, 0xFFFF5BB1);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 11, 22, 0x895CD7BE);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 12, 7, 0x6B901122);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 13, 12, 0xFD987193);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 14, 17, 0xA679438E);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 15, 22, 0x49B40821);
+#undef F
+#define F(x,y,z) (y ^ (z & (x ^ y)))
+ P(A, B, C, D, 1, 5, 0xF61E2562);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 6, 9, 0xC040B340);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 11, 14, 0x265E5A51);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 0, 20, 0xE9B6C7AA);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 5, 5, 0xD62F105D);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 10, 9, 0x02441453);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 15, 14, 0xD8A1E681);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 4, 20, 0xE7D3FBC8);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 9, 5, 0x21E1CDE6);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 14, 9, 0xC33707D6);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 3, 14, 0xF4D50D87);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 8, 20, 0x455A14ED);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 13, 5, 0xA9E3E905);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 2, 9, 0xFCEFA3F8);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 7, 14, 0x676F02D9);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 12, 20, 0x8D2A4C8A);
+#undef F
+#define F(x,y,z) (x ^ y ^ z)
+ P(A, B, C, D, 5, 4, 0xFFFA3942);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 8, 11, 0x8771F681);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 11, 16, 0x6D9D6122);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 14, 23, 0xFDE5380C);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 1, 4, 0xA4BEEA44);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 4, 11, 0x4BDECFA9);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 7, 16, 0xF6BB4B60);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 10, 23, 0xBEBFBC70);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 13, 4, 0x289B7EC6);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 0, 11, 0xEAA127FA);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 3, 16, 0xD4EF3085);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 6, 23, 0x04881D05);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 9, 4, 0xD9D4D039);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 12, 11, 0xE6DB99E5);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 15, 16, 0x1FA27CF8);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 2, 23, 0xC4AC5665);
+#undef F
+#define F(x,y,z) (y ^ (x | ~z))
+ P(A, B, C, D, 0, 6, 0xF4292244);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 7, 10, 0x432AFF97);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 14, 15, 0xAB9423A7);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 5, 21, 0xFC93A039);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 12, 6, 0x655B59C3);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 3, 10, 0x8F0CCC92);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 10, 15, 0xFFEFF47D);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 1, 21, 0x85845DD1);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 8, 6, 0x6FA87E4F);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 15, 10, 0xFE2CE6E0);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 6, 15, 0xA3014314);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 13, 21, 0x4E0811A1);
+ P(A, B, C, D, 4, 6, 0xF7537E82);
+ P(D, A, B, C, 11, 10, 0xBD3AF235);
+ P(C, D, A, B, 2, 15, 0x2AD7D2BB);
+ P(B, C, D, A, 9, 21, 0xEB86D391);
+#undef F
+ ctx->A += A;
+ ctx->B += B;
+ ctx->C += C;
+ ctx->D += D;
+#ifdef USE_MD5_ASM
+#if CSUM_CHUNK != 64
+#error The MD5 ASM code does not support CSUM_CHUNK != 64
+extern void md5_process_asm(md_context *ctx, const void *data, size_t num);
+void md5_update(md_context *ctx, const uchar *input, uint32 length)
+ uint32 left, fill;
+ if (!length)
+ return;
+ left = ctx->totalN & 0x3F;
+ fill = CSUM_CHUNK - left;
+ ctx->totalN += length;
+ ctx->totalN &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ if (ctx->totalN < length)
+ ctx->totalN2++;
+ if (left && length >= fill) {
+ memcpy(ctx->buffer + left, input, fill);
+ md5_process(ctx, ctx->buffer);
+ length -= fill;
+ input += fill;
+ left = 0;
+ }
+#ifdef USE_MD5_ASM /* { */
+ if (length >= CSUM_CHUNK) {
+ uint32 chunks = length / CSUM_CHUNK;
+ md5_process_asm(ctx, input, chunks);
+ length -= chunks * CSUM_CHUNK;
+ input += chunks * CSUM_CHUNK;
+ }
+#else /* } { */
+ while (length >= CSUM_CHUNK) {
+ md5_process(ctx, input);
+ length -= CSUM_CHUNK;
+ input += CSUM_CHUNK;
+ }
+#endif /* } */
+ if (length)
+ memcpy(ctx->buffer + left, input, length);
+static uchar md5_padding[CSUM_CHUNK] = { 0x80 };
+void md5_result(md_context *ctx, uchar digest[MD5_DIGEST_LEN])
+ uint32 last, padn;
+ uint32 high, low;
+ uchar msglen[8];
+ high = (ctx->totalN >> 29)
+ | (ctx->totalN2 << 3);
+ low = (ctx->totalN << 3);
+ SIVALu(msglen, 0, low);
+ SIVALu(msglen, 4, high);
+ last = ctx->totalN & 0x3F;
+ padn = last < 56 ? 56 - last : 120 - last;
+ md5_update(ctx, md5_padding, padn);
+ md5_update(ctx, msglen, 8);
+ SIVALu(digest, 0, ctx->A);
+ SIVALu(digest, 4, ctx->B);
+ SIVALu(digest, 8, ctx->C);
+ SIVALu(digest, 12, ctx->D);
+#ifdef TEST_MD5 /* { */
+void get_md5(uchar *out, const uchar *input, int n)
+ md_context ctx;
+ md5_begin(&ctx);
+ md5_update(&ctx, input, n);
+ md5_result(&ctx, out);
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ * those are the standard RFC 1321 test vectors
+ */
+static struct {
+ char *str, *md5;
+} tests[] = {
+ { "",
+ "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" },
+ { "a",
+ "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661" },
+ { "abc",
+ "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72" },
+ { "message digest",
+ "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0" },
+ { "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
+ "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b" },
+ { "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
+ "d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f" },
+ { "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
+ "57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a" },
+ { NULL, NULL }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ FILE *f;
+ int i, j;
+ char output[33];
+ md_context ctx;
+ uchar buf[1000];
+ uchar md5sum[MD5_DIGEST_LEN];
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ printf("\nMD5 Validation Tests:\n\n");
+ for (i = 0; tests[i].str; i++) {
+ char *str = tests[i].str;
+ char *chk = tests[i].md5;
+ printf(" Test %d ", i + 1);
+ get_md5(md5sum, str, strlen(str));
+ for (j = 0; j < MD5_DIGEST_LEN; j++)
+ sprintf(output + j * 2, "%02x", md5sum[j]);
+ if (memcmp(output, chk, 32)) {
+ printf("failed!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("passed.\n");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (--argc) {
+ if (!(f = fopen(*++argv, "rb"))) {
+ perror("fopen");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ md5_begin(&ctx);
+ while ((i = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, f)) > 0)
+ md5_update(&ctx, buf, i);
+ md5_result(&ctx, md5sum);
+ for (j = 0; j < MD5_DIGEST_LEN; j++)
+ printf("%02x", md5sum[j]);
+ printf(" %s\n", *argv);
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* } */
diff --git a/lib/mdfour.c b/lib/mdfour.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6203658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mdfour.c
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ * Unix SMB/Netbios implementation.
+ * Version 1.9.
+ * An implementation of MD4 designed for use in the SMB authentication protocol.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+/* NOTE: This code makes no attempt to be fast!
+ *
+ * It assumes that a int is at least 32 bits long. */
+static md_context *m;
+#define MASK32 (0xffffffff)
+#define F(X,Y,Z) ((((X)&(Y)) | ((~(X))&(Z))))
+#define G(X,Y,Z) ((((X)&(Y)) | ((X)&(Z)) | ((Y)&(Z))))
+#define H(X,Y,Z) (((X)^(Y)^(Z)))
+#define lshift(x,s) (((((x)<<(s))&MASK32) | (((x)>>(32-(s)))&MASK32)))
+#define ROUND1(a,b,c,d,k,s) a = lshift((a + F(b,c,d) + M[k])&MASK32, s)
+#define ROUND2(a,b,c,d,k,s) a = lshift((a + G(b,c,d) + M[k] + 0x5A827999)&MASK32,s)
+#define ROUND3(a,b,c,d,k,s) a = lshift((a + H(b,c,d) + M[k] + 0x6ED9EBA1)&MASK32,s)
+/* this applies md4 to 64 byte chunks */
+static void mdfour64(uint32 *M)
+ uint32 AA, BB, CC, DD;
+ uint32 A,B,C,D;
+ A = m->A; B = m->B; C = m->C; D = m->D;
+ AA = A; BB = B; CC = C; DD = D;
+ ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 0, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 1, 7);
+ ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 2, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 3, 19);
+ ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 4, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 5, 7);
+ ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 6, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 7, 19);
+ ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 8, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 9, 7);
+ ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 10, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 11, 19);
+ ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 12, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 13, 7);
+ ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 14, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 15, 19);
+ ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 0, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 4, 5);
+ ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 8, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 12, 13);
+ ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 1, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 5, 5);
+ ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 9, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 13, 13);
+ ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 2, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 6, 5);
+ ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 10, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 14, 13);
+ ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 3, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 7, 5);
+ ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 11, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 15, 13);
+ ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 0, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 8, 9);
+ ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 4, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 12, 15);
+ ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 2, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 10, 9);
+ ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 6, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 14, 15);
+ ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 1, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 9, 9);
+ ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 5, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 13, 15);
+ ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 3, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 11, 9);
+ ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 7, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 15, 15);
+ A += AA; B += BB;
+ C += CC; D += DD;
+ A &= MASK32; B &= MASK32;
+ C &= MASK32; D &= MASK32;
+ m->A = A; m->B = B; m->C = C; m->D = D;
+static void copy64(uint32 *M, const uchar *in)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < MD4_DIGEST_LEN; i++) {
+ M[i] = (in[i*4+3] << 24) | (in[i*4+2] << 16)
+ | (in[i*4+1] << 8) | (in[i*4+0] << 0);
+ }
+static void copy4(uchar *out,uint32 x)
+ out[0] = x&0xFF;
+ out[1] = (x>>8)&0xFF;
+ out[2] = (x>>16)&0xFF;
+ out[3] = (x>>24)&0xFF;
+void mdfour_begin(md_context *md)
+ md->A = 0x67452301;
+ md->B = 0xefcdab89;
+ md->C = 0x98badcfe;
+ md->D = 0x10325476;
+ md->totalN = 0;
+ md->totalN2 = 0;
+static void mdfour_tail(const uchar *in, uint32 length)
+ uchar buf[128];
+ uint32 M[16];
+ extern int protocol_version;
+ /*
+ * Count total number of bits, modulo 2^64
+ */
+ m->totalN += length << 3;
+ if (m->totalN < (length << 3))
+ m->totalN2++;
+ m->totalN2 += length >> 29;
+ memset(buf, 0, 128);
+ if (length)
+ memcpy(buf, in, length);
+ buf[length] = 0x80;
+ if (length <= 55) {
+ copy4(buf+56, m->totalN);
+ /*
+ * Prior to protocol version 27 only the number of bits
+ * modulo 2^32 was included. MD4 requires the number
+ * of bits modulo 2^64, which was fixed starting with
+ * protocol version 27.
+ */
+ if (protocol_version >= 27)
+ copy4(buf+60, m->totalN2);
+ copy64(M, buf);
+ mdfour64(M);
+ } else {
+ copy4(buf+120, m->totalN);
+ /*
+ * Prior to protocol version 27 only the number of bits
+ * modulo 2^32 was included. MD4 requires the number
+ * of bits modulo 2^64, which was fixed starting with
+ * protocol version 27.
+ */
+ if (protocol_version >= 27)
+ copy4(buf+124, m->totalN2);
+ copy64(M, buf);
+ mdfour64(M);
+ copy64(M, buf+64);
+ mdfour64(M);
+ }
+void mdfour_update(md_context *md, const uchar *in, uint32 length)
+ uint32 M[16];
+ m = md;
+ if (length == 0)
+ mdfour_tail(in, length);
+ while (length >= 64) {
+ copy64(M, in);
+ mdfour64(M);
+ in += 64;
+ length -= 64;
+ m->totalN += 64 << 3;
+ if (m->totalN < 64 << 3)
+ m->totalN2++;
+ }
+ if (length)
+ mdfour_tail(in, length);
+void mdfour_result(md_context *md, uchar digest[MD4_DIGEST_LEN])
+ m = md;
+ copy4(digest, m->A);
+ copy4(digest+4, m->B);
+ copy4(digest+8, m->C);
+ copy4(digest+12, m->D);
+void mdfour(uchar digest[MD4_DIGEST_LEN], uchar *in, int length)
+ md_context md;
+ mdfour_begin(&md);
+ mdfour_update(&md, in, length);
+ mdfour_result(&md, digest);
+int protocol_version = 28;
+static void file_checksum1(char *fname)
+ int fd, i, was_multiple_of_64 = 1;
+ md_context md;
+ uchar buf[64*1024], sum[MD4_DIGEST_LEN];
+ fd = open(fname,O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ perror("fname");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ mdfour_begin(&md);
+ while (1) {
+ int n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf);
+ if (n <= 0)
+ break;
+ was_multiple_of_64 = !(n % 64);
+ mdfour_update(&md, buf, n);
+ }
+ if (was_multiple_of_64 && protocol_version >= 27)
+ mdfour_update(&md, buf, 0);
+ close(fd);
+ mdfour_result(&md, sum);
+ for (i = 0; i < MD4_DIGEST_LEN; i++)
+ printf("%02X", sum[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ while (--argc)
+ file_checksum1(*++argv);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/lib/mdigest.h b/lib/mdigest.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d52ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mdigest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* The include file for both the MD4 and MD5 routines. */
+#include <openssl/sha.h>
+#include <openssl/evp.h>
+#include "md-defines.h"
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 A, B, C, D;
+ uint32 totalN; /* bit count, lower 32 bits */
+ uint32 totalN2; /* bit count, upper 32 bits */
+ uchar buffer[CSUM_CHUNK];
+} md_context;
+void mdfour_begin(md_context *md);
+void mdfour_update(md_context *md, const uchar *in, uint32 length);
+void mdfour_result(md_context *md, uchar digest[MD4_DIGEST_LEN]);
+void md5_begin(md_context *ctx);
+void md5_update(md_context *ctx, const uchar *input, uint32 length);
+void md5_result(md_context *ctx, uchar digest[MD5_DIGEST_LEN]);
diff --git a/lib/permstring.c b/lib/permstring.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab8e26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/permstring.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * A single utility routine.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+/* Produce a string representation of Unix mode bits like that used by ls(1).
+ * The "buf" buffer must be at least 11 characters. */
+void permstring(char *perms, mode_t mode)
+ static const char *perm_map = "rwxrwxrwx";
+ int i;
+ strlcpy(perms, "----------", 11);
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+ if (mode & (1 << i))
+ perms[9-i] = perm_map[8-i];
+ }
+ /* Handle setuid/sticky bits. You might think the indices are
+ * off by one, but remember there's a type char at the
+ * start. */
+ if (mode & S_ISUID)
+ perms[3] = (mode & S_IXUSR) ? 's' : 'S';
+ if (mode & S_ISGID)
+ perms[6] = (mode & S_IXGRP) ? 's' : 'S';
+#ifdef S_ISVTX
+ if (mode & S_ISVTX)
+ perms[9] = (mode & S_IXOTH) ? 't' : 'T';
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode))
+ perms[0] = 'd';
+ else if (S_ISLNK(mode))
+ perms[0] = 'l';
+ else if (S_ISBLK(mode))
+ perms[0] = 'b';
+ else if (S_ISCHR(mode))
+ perms[0] = 'c';
+ else if (S_ISSOCK(mode))
+ perms[0] = 's';
+ else if (S_ISFIFO(mode))
+ perms[0] = 'p';
diff --git a/lib/permstring.h b/lib/permstring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b996f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/permstring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+void permstring(char *perms, mode_t mode);
diff --git a/lib/pool_alloc.3 b/lib/pool_alloc.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..128c1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pool_alloc.3
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+.ds d \-\^\-
+.ds o \fR[\fP
+.ds c \fR]\fP
+.ds | \fR|\fP D
+\\.B \*d\\$1
+.. DI
+\\.BI \*d\\$1 \\$2
+.. DR
+\\.BR \*d\\$1 \\$2
+.. Di
+\\.BI \*d\\$1 " \\$2"
+.. Db
+\\.B \*d\\$1 " \\$2"
+.. Df
+\\.B \*d\*ono\*c\\$1
+.. See
+See \fB\\$1\fP for details.
+.. SeeIn
+See \fB\\$1\fP in \fB\\$2\fP for details.
+pool_alloc, pool_free, pool_free_old, pool_talloc, pool_tfree, pool_create, pool_destroy, pool_boundary
+\- Allocate and free memory in managed allocation pools.
+.B #include "pool_alloc.h"
+\fBstruct alloc_pool *pool_create(size_t \fIsize\fB, size_t \fIquantum\fB, void (*\fIbomb\fB)(char*,char*,int), int \fIflags\fB);
+\fBvoid pool_destroy(struct alloc_pool *\fIpool\fB);
+\fBvoid *pool_alloc(struct alloc_pool *\fIpool\fB, size_t \fIsize\fB, char *\fImsg\fB);
+\fBvoid pool_free(struct alloc_pool *\fIpool\fB, size_t \fIsize\fB, void *\fIaddr\fB);
+\fBvoid pool_free_old(struct alloc_pool *\fIpool\fB, void *\fIaddr\fB);
+\fBvoid *pool_talloc(struct alloc_pool *\fIpool\fB, \fItype\fB), int \fIcount\fB, char *\fImsg\fB);
+\fBvoid pool_tfree(struct alloc_pool *\fIpool\fB, \fItype\fB, int \fIcount\fB, void *\fIaddr\fB);
+\fBvoid pool_boundary(struct alloc_pool *\fIpool\fB, sise_t \fIsize\fB);
+The pool allocation routines use
+.B malloc()
+for underlying memory management.
+What allocation pools do is cause memory within a given pool
+to be allocated in large contiguous blocks
+(called extents) that will be reusable when freed. Unlike
+.BR malloc() ,
+the allocations are not managed individually.
+Instead, each extent tracks the total free memory within the
+extent. Each extent can either be used to allocate memory
+or to manage the freeing of memory within that extent.
+When an extent has less free memory than a given
+allocation request, the current extent ceases to be used
+for allocation. See also the
+.B pool_boundary()
+This form of memory management is suited to large numbers of small
+related allocations that are held for a while
+and then freed as a group.
+Because the
+underlying allocations are done in large contiguous extents,
+when an extent is freed, it can release a large enough
+contiguous block of memory to allow the memory to be returned
+to the OS for use by whatever program needs it.
+You can allocate from one or more memory pools and/or
+.B malloc()
+all at the same time without interfering with how pools work.
+.B pool_create()
+Creates an allocation pool for subsequent calls to the pool
+allocation functions.
+When an extent is created for allocations it will be
+.I size
+Allocations from the pool have their sizes rounded up to a
+multiple of
+.I quantum
+bytes in length.
+.B 0
+.I quantum
+will produce a quantum that should meet maximal alignment
+on most platforms.
+is set in the
+.IR flags ,
+allocations will be aligned to addresses that are a
+multiple of
+.IR quantum .
+may be specified for the
+.I bomb
+function pointer if it is not needed. (See the
+.B pool_alloc()
+function for how it is used.)
+is set in the
+.IR flags ,
+all allocations from the pool will be initialized to zeros.
+If either
+is specified in the
+.IR flags ,
+each extent's data structure will be allocated at the start of the
+.IR size -length
+buffer (rather than as a separate, non-pool allocation), with the
+former extending the
+.I size
+to hold the structure, and the latter subtracting the structure's
+length from the indicated
+.IR size .
+.B pool_destroy()
+destroys an allocation
+.I pool
+and frees all its associated memory.
+.B pool_alloc()
+.I size
+bytes from the specified
+.IR pool .
+.I size
+.BR 0 ,
+.I quantum
+bytes will be allocated.
+If the pool has been created without
+every chunk of memory that is returned will be suitably aligned.
+You can use this with the default
+.I quantum
+size to ensure that all memory can store a variable of any type.
+If the requested memory cannot be allocated, the
+.I bomb()
+function will be called with
+.I msg
+as its sole argument (if the function was defined at the time
+the pool was created), and then a
+address is returned (assuming that the bomb function didn't exit).
+.B pool_free()
+.I size
+bytes pointed to by an
+.I addr
+that was previously allocated in the specified
+.IR pool .
+.I size
+.BR 0 ,
+.I quantum
+bytes will be freed.
+The memory freed within an extent will not be reusable until
+all of the memory in that extent has been freed with one
+exception: the most recent pool allocation may be freed back
+into the pool prior to making any further allocations.
+If enough free calls are made to indicate that an extent has no
+remaining allocated objects (as computed by the total freed size for
+an extent), its memory will be completely freed back to the system.
+.I addr
+no memory will be freed, but subsequent allocations will come
+from a new extent.
+.B pool_free_old()
+takes a boundary
+.I addr
+value that was returned by
+.B pool_boundary()
+and frees up any extents in the
+.I pool
+that have data allocated from that point backward in time.
+NOTE: you must NOT mix calls to both
+.B pool_free
+.B pool_free_old
+on the same pool!
+.B pool_boundary()
+asks for a boundary value that can be sent to
+.B pool_free_old()
+at a later time to free up all memory allocated prior to a particular
+moment in time.
+If the extent that holds the boundary point has allocations from after the
+boundary point, it will not be freed until a future
+.B pool_free_old()
+call encompasses the entirety of the extent's data.
+.I len
+is non-zero, the call will also check if the active extent has at least
+that much free memory available in it, and if not, it will mark the
+extent as inactive, forcing a new extent to be used for future allocations.
+(You can specify -1 for
+.I len
+if you want to force a new extent to start.)
+.B pool_talloc()
+is a macro that takes a
+.I type
+and a
+.I count
+instead of a
+.IR size .
+It casts the return value to the correct pointer type.
+.B pool_tfree
+is a macro that calls
+.B pool_free
+on memory that was allocated by
+.BR pool_talloc() .
+.B pool_create()
+returns a pointer to
+.BR "struct alloc_pool" .
+.B pool_alloc()
+.B pool_talloc()
+return pointers to the allocated memory,
+or NULL if the request fails.
+The return type of
+.B pool_alloc()
+will normally require casting to the desired type but
+.B pool_talloc()
+will returns a pointer of the requested
+.IR type .
+.B pool_boundary()
+returns a pointer that should only be used in a call to
+.BR pool_free_old() .
+.BR pool_free() ,
+.BR pool_free_old() ,
+.B pool_tfree()
+.B pool_destroy()
+return no value.
+pool_alloc was created by J.W. Schultz of Pegasystems Technologies.
diff --git a/lib/pool_alloc.c b/lib/pool_alloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a7245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pool_alloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+#include "rsync.h"
+#define POOL_DEF_EXTENT (32 * 1024)
+#define POOL_QALIGN_P2 (1<<16) /* power-of-2 qalign */
+struct alloc_pool
+ size_t size; /* extent size */
+ size_t quantum; /* allocation quantum */
+ struct pool_extent *extents; /* top extent is "live" */
+ void (*bomb)(); /* called if malloc fails */
+ int flags;
+ /* statistical data */
+ unsigned long e_created; /* extents created */
+ unsigned long e_freed; /* extents destroyed */
+ int64 n_allocated; /* calls to alloc */
+ int64 n_freed; /* calls to free */
+ int64 b_allocated; /* cum. bytes allocated */
+ int64 b_freed; /* cum. bytes freed */
+struct pool_extent
+ struct pool_extent *next;
+ void *start; /* starting address */
+ size_t free; /* free bytecount */
+ size_t bound; /* trapped free bytes */
+struct align_test {
+ uchar foo;
+ union {
+ int64 i;
+ void *p;
+ } bar;
+#define MINALIGN offsetof(struct align_test, bar)
+/* Temporarily cast a void* var into a char* var when adding an offset (to
+ * keep some compilers from complaining about the pointer arithmetic). */
+#define PTR_ADD(b,o) ( (void*) ((char*)(b) + (o)) )
+pool_create(size_t size, size_t quantum, void (*bomb)(const char*, const char*, int), int flags)
+ struct alloc_pool *pool;
+ if ((MINALIGN & (MINALIGN - 1)) != (0)) {
+ if (bomb)
+ (*bomb)("Compiler error: MINALIGN is not a power of 2", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(pool = new0(struct alloc_pool)))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!size)
+ if (!quantum)
+ quantum = MINALIGN;
+ if (flags & POOL_INTERN) {
+ if (size <= sizeof (struct pool_extent))
+ size = quantum;
+ else
+ size -= sizeof (struct pool_extent);
+ flags |= POOL_PREPEND;
+ }
+ if (quantum <= 1)
+ flags = (flags | POOL_NO_QALIGN) & ~POOL_QALIGN_P2;
+ else if (!(flags & POOL_NO_QALIGN)) {
+ if (size % quantum)
+ size += quantum - size % quantum;
+ /* If quantum is a power of 2, we'll avoid using modulus. */
+ if (!(quantum & (quantum - 1)))
+ flags |= POOL_QALIGN_P2;
+ }
+ pool->size = size;
+ pool->quantum = quantum;
+ pool->bomb = bomb;
+ pool->flags = flags;
+ return pool;
+pool_destroy(alloc_pool_t p)
+ struct alloc_pool *pool = (struct alloc_pool *) p;
+ struct pool_extent *cur, *next;
+ if (!pool)
+ return;
+ for (cur = pool->extents; cur; cur = next) {
+ next = cur->next;
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_PREPEND)
+ free(PTR_ADD(cur->start, -sizeof (struct pool_extent)));
+ else {
+ free(cur->start);
+ free(cur);
+ }
+ }
+ free(pool);
+void *
+pool_alloc(alloc_pool_t p, size_t len, const char *bomb_msg)
+ struct alloc_pool *pool = (struct alloc_pool *) p;
+ if (!pool)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!len)
+ len = pool->quantum;
+ else if (pool->flags & POOL_QALIGN_P2) {
+ if (len & (pool->quantum - 1))
+ len += pool->quantum - (len & (pool->quantum - 1));
+ } else if (!(pool->flags & POOL_NO_QALIGN)) {
+ if (len % pool->quantum)
+ len += pool->quantum - len % pool->quantum;
+ }
+ if (len > pool->size)
+ goto bomb_out;
+ if (!pool->extents || len > pool->extents->free) {
+ void *start;
+ size_t asize;
+ struct pool_extent *ext;
+ asize = pool->size;
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_PREPEND)
+ asize += sizeof (struct pool_extent);
+ if (!(start = new_array(char, asize)))
+ goto bomb_out;
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_CLEAR)
+ memset(start, 0, asize);
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_PREPEND) {
+ ext = start;
+ start = PTR_ADD(start, sizeof (struct pool_extent));
+ } else if (!(ext = new(struct pool_extent)))
+ goto bomb_out;
+ ext->start = start;
+ ext->free = pool->size;
+ ext->bound = 0;
+ ext->next = pool->extents;
+ pool->extents = ext;
+ pool->e_created++;
+ }
+ pool->n_allocated++;
+ pool->b_allocated += len;
+ pool->extents->free -= len;
+ return PTR_ADD(pool->extents->start, pool->extents->free);
+ bomb_out:
+ if (pool->bomb)
+ (*pool->bomb)(bomb_msg, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return NULL;
+/* This function allows you to declare memory in the pool that you are done
+ * using. If you free all the memory in a pool's extent, that extent will
+ * be freed. */
+pool_free(alloc_pool_t p, size_t len, void *addr)
+ struct alloc_pool *pool = (struct alloc_pool *)p;
+ struct pool_extent *cur, *prev;
+ if (!pool)
+ return;
+ if (!addr) {
+ /* A NULL addr starts a fresh extent for new allocations. */
+ if ((cur = pool->extents) != NULL && cur->free != pool->size) {
+ cur->bound += cur->free;
+ cur->free = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!len)
+ len = pool->quantum;
+ else if (pool->flags & POOL_QALIGN_P2) {
+ if (len & (pool->quantum - 1))
+ len += pool->quantum - (len & (pool->quantum - 1));
+ } else if (!(pool->flags & POOL_NO_QALIGN)) {
+ if (len % pool->quantum)
+ len += pool->quantum - len % pool->quantum;
+ }
+ pool->n_freed++;
+ pool->b_freed += len;
+ for (prev = NULL, cur = pool->extents; cur; prev = cur, cur = cur->next) {
+ if (addr >= cur->start
+ && addr < PTR_ADD(cur->start, pool->size))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!cur)
+ return;
+ if (!prev) {
+ /* The "live" extent is kept ready for more allocations. */
+ if (cur->free + cur->bound + len >= pool->size) {
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_CLEAR) {
+ memset(PTR_ADD(cur->start, cur->free), 0,
+ pool->size - cur->free);
+ }
+ cur->free = pool->size;
+ cur->bound = 0;
+ } else if (addr == PTR_ADD(cur->start, cur->free)) {
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_CLEAR)
+ memset(addr, 0, len);
+ cur->free += len;
+ } else
+ cur->bound += len;
+ } else {
+ cur->bound += len;
+ if (cur->free + cur->bound >= pool->size) {
+ prev->next = cur->next;
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_PREPEND)
+ free(PTR_ADD(cur->start, -sizeof (struct pool_extent)));
+ else {
+ free(cur->start);
+ free(cur);
+ }
+ pool->e_freed++;
+ } else if (prev != pool->extents) {
+ /* Move the extent to be the first non-live extent. */
+ prev->next = cur->next;
+ cur->next = pool->extents->next;
+ pool->extents->next = cur;
+ }
+ }
+/* This allows you to declare that the given address marks the edge of some
+ * pool memory that is no longer needed. Any extents that hold only data
+ * older than the boundary address are freed. NOTE: You MUST NOT USE BOTH
+ * pool_free() and pool_free_old() on the same pool!! */
+pool_free_old(alloc_pool_t p, void *addr)
+ struct alloc_pool *pool = (struct alloc_pool *)p;
+ struct pool_extent *cur, *prev, *next;
+ if (!pool || !addr)
+ return;
+ for (prev = NULL, cur = pool->extents; cur; prev = cur, cur = cur->next) {
+ if (addr >= cur->start
+ && addr < PTR_ADD(cur->start, pool->size))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!cur)
+ return;
+ if (addr == PTR_ADD(cur->start, cur->free)) {
+ if (prev) {
+ prev->next = NULL;
+ next = cur;
+ } else {
+ /* The most recent live extent can just be reset. */
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_CLEAR)
+ memset(addr, 0, pool->size - cur->free);
+ cur->free = pool->size;
+ cur->bound = 0;
+ next = cur->next;
+ cur->next = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ next = cur->next;
+ cur->next = NULL;
+ }
+ while ((cur = next) != NULL) {
+ next = cur->next;
+ if (pool->flags & POOL_PREPEND)
+ free(PTR_ADD(cur->start, -sizeof (struct pool_extent)));
+ else {
+ free(cur->start);
+ free(cur);
+ }
+ pool->e_freed++;
+ }
+/* If the current extent doesn't have "len" free space in it, mark it as full
+ * so that the next alloc will start a new extent. If len is (size_t)-1, this
+ * bump will always occur. The function returns a boundary address that can
+ * be used with pool_free_old(), or a NULL if no memory is allocated. */
+void *
+pool_boundary(alloc_pool_t p, size_t len)
+ struct alloc_pool *pool = (struct alloc_pool *)p;
+ struct pool_extent *cur;
+ if (!pool || !pool->extents)
+ return NULL;
+ cur = pool->extents;
+ if (cur->free < len) {
+ cur->bound += cur->free;
+ cur->free = 0;
+ }
+ return PTR_ADD(cur->start, cur->free);
+#define FDPRINT(label, value) \
+ do { \
+ int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, label, value); \
+ if (write(fd, buf, len) != len) \
+ ret = -1; \
+ } while (0)
+#define FDEXTSTAT(ext) \
+ do { \
+ int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, " %12ld %5ld\n", \
+ (long)ext->free, (long)ext->bound); \
+ if (write(fd, buf, len) != len) \
+ ret = -1; \
+ } while (0)
+pool_stats(alloc_pool_t p, int fd, int summarize)
+ struct alloc_pool *pool = (struct alloc_pool *) p;
+ struct pool_extent *cur;
+ char buf[BUFSIZ];
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (!pool)
+ return ret;
+ FDPRINT(" Extent size: %12ld\n", (long) pool->size);
+ FDPRINT(" Alloc quantum: %12ld\n", (long) pool->quantum);
+ FDPRINT(" Extents created: %12ld\n", pool->e_created);
+ FDPRINT(" Extents freed: %12ld\n", pool->e_freed);
+ FDPRINT(" Alloc count: %12.0f\n", (double) pool->n_allocated);
+ FDPRINT(" Free Count: %12.0f\n", (double) pool->n_freed);
+ FDPRINT(" Bytes allocated: %12.0f\n", (double) pool->b_allocated);
+ FDPRINT(" Bytes freed: %12.0f\n", (double) pool->b_freed);
+ if (summarize)
+ return ret;
+ if (!pool->extents)
+ return ret;
+ if (write(fd, "\n", 1) != 1)
+ ret = -1;
+ for (cur = pool->extents; cur; cur = cur->next)
+ return ret;
diff --git a/lib/pool_alloc.h b/lib/pool_alloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2805921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pool_alloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <stddef.h>
+#define POOL_CLEAR (1<<0) /* zero fill allocations */
+#define POOL_NO_QALIGN (1<<1) /* don't align data to quanta */
+#define POOL_INTERN (1<<2) /* Allocate extent structures */
+#define POOL_PREPEND (1<<3) /* or prepend to extent data */
+typedef void *alloc_pool_t;
+alloc_pool_t pool_create(size_t size, size_t quantum, void (*bomb)(const char*, const char*, int), int flags);
+void pool_destroy(alloc_pool_t pool);
+void *pool_alloc(alloc_pool_t pool, size_t size, const char *bomb_msg);
+void pool_free(alloc_pool_t pool, size_t size, void *addr);
+void pool_free_old(alloc_pool_t pool, void *addr);
+void *pool_boundary(alloc_pool_t pool, size_t size);
+#define pool_talloc(pool, type, count, bomb_msg) \
+ ((type *)pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(type) * count, bomb_msg))
+#define pool_tfree(pool, type, count, addr) \
+ (pool_free(pool, sizeof(type) * count, addr))
diff --git a/lib/snprintf.c b/lib/snprintf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c0529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/snprintf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1512 @@
+ * NOTE: If you change this file, please merge it into rsync, samba, etc.
+ */
+ * Copyright Patrick Powell 1995
+ * This code is based on code written by Patrick Powell (
+ * It may be used for any purpose as long as this notice remains intact
+ * on all source code distributions
+ */
+ * Original:
+ * Patrick Powell Tue Apr 11 09:48:21 PDT 1995
+ * A bombproof version of doprnt (dopr) included.
+ * Sigh. This sort of thing is always nasty do deal with. Note that
+ * the version here does not include floating point...
+ *
+ * snprintf() is used instead of sprintf() as it does limit checks
+ * for string length. This covers a nasty loophole.
+ *
+ * The other functions are there to prevent NULL pointers from
+ * causing nasty effects.
+ *
+ * More Recently:
+ * Brandon Long <> 9/15/96 for mutt 0.43
+ * This was ugly. It is still ugly. I opted out of floating point
+ * numbers, but the formatter understands just about everything
+ * from the normal C string format, at least as far as I can tell from
+ * the Solaris 2.5 printf(3S) man page.
+ *
+ * Brandon Long <> 10/22/97 for mutt 0.87.1
+ * Ok, added some minimal floating point support, which means this
+ * probably requires libm on most operating systems. Don't yet
+ * support the exponent (e,E) and sigfig (g,G). Also, fmtint()
+ * was pretty badly broken, it just wasn't being exercised in ways
+ * which showed it, so that's been fixed. Also, formatted the code
+ * to mutt conventions, and removed dead code left over from the
+ * original. Also, there is now a builtin-test, just compile with:
+ * gcc -I.. -DTEST_SNPRINTF -o snprintf snprintf.c -lm
+ * and run snprintf for results.
+ *
+ * Thomas Roessler <> 01/27/98 for mutt 0.89i
+ * The PGP code was using unsigned hexadecimal formats.
+ * Unfortunately, unsigned formats simply didn't work.
+ *
+ * Michael Elkins <> 03/05/98 for mutt 0.90.8
+ * The original code assumed that both snprintf() and vsnprintf() were
+ * missing. Some systems only have snprintf() but not vsnprintf(), so
+ * the code is now broken down under HAVE_SNPRINTF and HAVE_VSNPRINTF.
+ *
+ * Andrew Tridgell ( Oct 1998
+ * fixed handling of %.0f
+ * added test for HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE
+ *
+ *,, April 2001
+ * got rid of fcvt code (twas buggy and made testing harder)
+ * added C99 semantics
+ *
+ * date: 2002/12/19 19:56:31; author: herb; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0
+ * actually print args for %g and %e
+ *
+ * date: 2002/06/03 13:37:52; author: jmcd; state: Exp; lines: +8 -0
+ * Since includes.h isn't included here, VA_COPY has to be defined here. I don't
+ * see any include file that is guaranteed to be here, so I'm defining it
+ * locally. Fixes AIX and Solaris builds.
+ *
+ * date: 2002/06/03 03:07:24; author: tridge; state: Exp; lines: +5 -13
+ * put the ifdef for HAVE_VA_COPY in one place rather than in lots of
+ * functions
+ *
+ * date: 2002/05/17 14:51:22; author: jmcd; state: Exp; lines: +21 -4
+ * Fix usage of va_list passed as an arg. Use __va_copy before using it
+ * when it exists.
+ *
+ * date: 2002/04/16 22:38:04; author: idra; state: Exp; lines: +20 -14
+ * Fix incorrect zpadlen handling in fmtfp.
+ * Thanks to Ollie Oldham <> for spotting it.
+ * few mods to make it easier to compile the tests.
+ * added the "Ollie" test to the floating point ones.
+ *
+ * Martin Pool ( April 2003
+ * Remove NO_CONFIG_H so that the test case can be built within a source
+ * tree with less trouble.
+ * Remove unnecessary SAFE_FREE() definition.
+ *
+ * Martin Pool ( May 2003
+ * Put in a prototype for dummy_snprintf() to quiet compiler warnings.
+ *
+ * Move #endif to make sure VA_COPY, LDOUBLE, etc are defined even
+ * if the C library has some snprintf functions already.
+ *
+ * Darren Tucker ( 2005
+ * Fix bug allowing read overruns of the source string with "%.*s"
+ * Usually harmless unless the read runs outside the process' allocation
+ * (eg if your malloc does guard pages) in which case it will segfault.
+ * From OpenSSH. Also added test for same.
+ *
+ * Simo Sorce ( Jan 2006
+ *
+ * Add support for position independent parameters
+ * fix fmtstr now it conforms to sprintf wrt min.max
+ *
+ **************************************************************/
+#include "config.h"
+#ifdef TEST_SNPRINTF /* need math library headers for testing */
+/* In test mode, we pretend that this system doesn't have any snprintf
+ * functions, regardless of what config.h says. */
+# include <math.h>
+#endif /* TEST_SNPRINTF */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_CTYPE_H
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_SNPRINTF) && defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF) && defined(HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF)
+/* only include stdio.h if we are not re-defining snprintf or vsnprintf */
+#include <stdio.h>
+ /* make the compiler happy with an empty file */
+ void dummy_snprintf(void);
+ void dummy_snprintf(void) {}
+#endif /* HAVE_SNPRINTF, etc */
+#include <stddef.h>
+#define LDOUBLE long double
+#define LDOUBLE double
+#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1
+#define LLONG long long
+#define LLONG long
+#ifndef VA_COPY
+#if defined HAVE_VA_COPY || defined va_copy
+#define VA_COPY(dest, src) va_copy(dest, src)
+#ifdef HAVE___VA_COPY
+#define VA_COPY(dest, src) __va_copy(dest, src)
+#define VA_COPY(dest, src) (dest) = (src)
+/* yes this really must be a ||. Don't muck with this (tridge) */
+#if !defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF) || !defined(HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF)
+ * dopr(): poor man's version of doprintf
+ */
+/* format read states */
+#define DP_S_DEFAULT 0
+#define DP_S_FLAGS 1
+#define DP_S_MIN 2
+#define DP_S_DOT 3
+#define DP_S_MAX 4
+#define DP_S_MOD 5
+#define DP_S_CONV 6
+#define DP_S_DONE 7
+/* format flags - Bits */
+#define DP_F_MINUS (1 << 0)
+#define DP_F_PLUS (1 << 1)
+#define DP_F_SPACE (1 << 2)
+#define DP_F_NUM (1 << 3)
+#define DP_F_ZERO (1 << 4)
+#define DP_F_UP (1 << 5)
+#define DP_F_UNSIGNED (1 << 6)
+/* Conversion Flags */
+#define DP_C_CHAR 1
+#define DP_C_SHORT 2
+#define DP_C_LONG 3
+#define DP_C_LDOUBLE 4
+#define DP_C_LLONG 5
+#define DP_C_SIZET 6
+/* Chunk types */
+#define CNK_FMT_STR 0
+#define CNK_INT 1
+#define CNK_OCTAL 2
+#define CNK_UINT 3
+#define CNK_HEX 4
+#define CNK_FLOAT 5
+#define CNK_CHAR 6
+#define CNK_STRING 7
+#define CNK_PTR 8
+#define CNK_NUM 9
+#define CNK_PRCNT 10
+#define char_to_int(p) ((p)- '0')
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(p,q) (((p) >= (q)) ? (p) : (q))
+struct pr_chunk {
+ int type; /* chunk type */
+ int num; /* parameter number */
+ int min;
+ int max;
+ int flags;
+ int cflags;
+ int start;
+ int len;
+ LLONG value;
+ LDOUBLE fvalue;
+ char *strvalue;
+ void *pnum;
+ struct pr_chunk *min_star;
+ struct pr_chunk *max_star;
+ struct pr_chunk *next;
+struct pr_chunk_x {
+ struct pr_chunk **chunks;
+ int num;
+static int dopr(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format,
+ va_list args_in);
+static void fmtstr(char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen,
+ char *value, int flags, int min, int max);
+static void fmtint(char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen,
+ LLONG value, int base, int min, int max, int flags);
+static void fmtfp(char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen,
+ LDOUBLE fvalue, int min, int max, int flags);
+static void dopr_outch(char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen, char c);
+static struct pr_chunk *new_chunk(void);
+static int add_cnk_list_entry(struct pr_chunk_x **list,
+ int max_num, struct pr_chunk *chunk);
+static int dopr(char *buffer, size_t maxlen, const char *format, va_list args_in)
+ char ch;
+ int state;
+ int pflag;
+ int pnum;
+ int pfirst;
+ size_t currlen;
+ va_list args;
+ const char *base;
+ struct pr_chunk *chunks = NULL;
+ struct pr_chunk *cnk = NULL;
+ struct pr_chunk_x *clist = NULL;
+ int max_pos;
+ int ret = -1;
+ VA_COPY(args, args_in);
+ state = DP_S_DEFAULT;
+ pfirst = 1;
+ pflag = 0;
+ pnum = 0;
+ max_pos = 0;
+ base = format;
+ ch = *format++;
+ /* retrieve the string structure as chunks */
+ while (state != DP_S_DONE) {
+ if (ch == '\0')
+ state = DP_S_DONE;
+ switch(state) {
+ case DP_S_DEFAULT:
+ if (cnk) {
+ cnk->next = new_chunk();
+ cnk = cnk->next;
+ } else {
+ cnk = new_chunk();
+ }
+ if (!cnk) goto done;
+ if (!chunks) chunks = cnk;
+ if (ch == '%') {
+ state = DP_S_FLAGS;
+ ch = *format++;
+ } else {
+ cnk->type = CNK_FMT_STR;
+ cnk->start = format - base -1;
+ while ((ch != '\0') && (ch != '%')) ch = *format++;
+ cnk->len = format - base - cnk->start -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DP_S_FLAGS:
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '-':
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_MINUS;
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_PLUS;
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ case ' ':
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_SPACE;
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_NUM;
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ case '0':
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_ZERO;
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ /* internationalization not supported yet */
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ state = DP_S_MIN;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DP_S_MIN:
+ if (isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
+ cnk->min = 10 * cnk->min + char_to_int (ch);
+ ch = *format++;
+ } else if (ch == '$') {
+ if (!pfirst && !pflag) {
+ /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (pfirst) {
+ pfirst = 0;
+ pflag = 1;
+ }
+ if (cnk->min == 0) /* what ?? */
+ goto done;
+ cnk->num = cnk->min;
+ cnk->min = 0;
+ ch = *format++;
+ } else if (ch == '*') {
+ if (pfirst) pfirst = 0;
+ cnk->min_star = new_chunk();
+ if (!cnk->min_star) /* out of memory :-( */
+ goto done;
+ cnk->min_star->type = CNK_INT;
+ if (pflag) {
+ int num;
+ ch = *format++;
+ if (!isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
+ /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (num = 0; isdigit((unsigned char)ch); ch = *format++) {
+ num = 10 * num + char_to_int(ch);
+ }
+ cnk->min_star->num = num;
+ if (ch != '$') /* what ?? */
+ goto done;
+ } else {
+ cnk->min_star->num = ++pnum;
+ }
+ max_pos = add_cnk_list_entry(&clist, max_pos, cnk->min_star);
+ if (max_pos == 0) /* out of memory :-( */
+ goto done;
+ ch = *format++;
+ state = DP_S_DOT;
+ } else {
+ if (pfirst) pfirst = 0;
+ state = DP_S_DOT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DP_S_DOT:
+ if (ch == '.') {
+ state = DP_S_MAX;
+ ch = *format++;
+ } else {
+ state = DP_S_MOD;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DP_S_MAX:
+ if (isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
+ if (cnk->max < 0)
+ cnk->max = 0;
+ cnk->max = 10 * cnk->max + char_to_int (ch);
+ ch = *format++;
+ } else if (ch == '$') {
+ if (!pfirst && !pflag) {
+ /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (cnk->max <= 0) /* what ?? */
+ goto done;
+ cnk->num = cnk->max;
+ cnk->max = -1;
+ ch = *format++;
+ } else if (ch == '*') {
+ cnk->max_star = new_chunk();
+ if (!cnk->max_star) /* out of memory :-( */
+ goto done;
+ cnk->max_star->type = CNK_INT;
+ if (pflag) {
+ int num;
+ ch = *format++;
+ if (!isdigit((unsigned char)ch)) {
+ /* parameters must be all positioned or none */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (num = 0; isdigit((unsigned char)ch); ch = *format++) {
+ num = 10 * num + char_to_int(ch);
+ }
+ cnk->max_star->num = num;
+ if (ch != '$') /* what ?? */
+ goto done;
+ } else {
+ cnk->max_star->num = ++pnum;
+ }
+ max_pos = add_cnk_list_entry(&clist, max_pos, cnk->max_star);
+ if (max_pos == 0) /* out of memory :-( */
+ goto done;
+ ch = *format++;
+ state = DP_S_MOD;
+ } else {
+ state = DP_S_MOD;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DP_S_MOD:
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'h':
+ cnk->cflags = DP_C_SHORT;
+ ch = *format++;
+ if (ch == 'h') {
+ cnk->cflags = DP_C_CHAR;
+ ch = *format++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ cnk->cflags = DP_C_LONG;
+ ch = *format++;
+ if (ch == 'l') { /* It's a long long */
+ cnk->cflags = DP_C_LLONG;
+ ch = *format++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ cnk->cflags = DP_C_LDOUBLE;
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ cnk->cflags = DP_C_SIZET;
+ ch = *format++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ state = DP_S_CONV;
+ break;
+ case DP_S_CONV:
+ if (cnk->num == 0) cnk->num = ++pnum;
+ max_pos = add_cnk_list_entry(&clist, max_pos, cnk);
+ if (max_pos == 0) /* out of memory :-( */
+ goto done;
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'i':
+ cnk->type = CNK_INT;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ cnk->type = CNK_OCTAL;
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_UNSIGNED;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ cnk->type = CNK_UINT;
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_UNSIGNED;
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_UP;
+ case 'x':
+ cnk->type = CNK_HEX;
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_UNSIGNED;
+ break;
+ case 'A':
+ /* hex float not supported yet */
+ case 'E':
+ case 'G':
+ case 'F':
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_UP;
+ case 'a':
+ /* hex float not supported yet */
+ case 'e':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ cnk->type = CNK_FLOAT;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ cnk->type = CNK_CHAR;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ cnk->type = CNK_STRING;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ cnk->type = CNK_PTR;
+ cnk->flags |= DP_F_UNSIGNED;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ cnk->type = CNK_NUM;
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ cnk->type = CNK_PRCNT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Unknown, bail out*/
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ch = *format++;
+ state = DP_S_DEFAULT;
+ break;
+ case DP_S_DONE:
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* hmm? */
+ break; /* some picky compilers need this */
+ }
+ }
+ /* retrieve the format arguments */
+ for (pnum = 0; pnum < max_pos; pnum++) {
+ int i;
+ if (clist[pnum].num == 0) {
+ /* ignoring a parameter should not be permitted
+ * all parameters must be matched at least once
+ * BUT seem some system ignore this rule ...
+ * at least my glibc based system does --SSS
+ */
+ printf("parameter at position %d not used\n", pnum+1);
+ /* eat the parameter */
+ va_arg (args, int);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ if (clist[pnum].chunks[0]->type != clist[pnum].chunks[i]->type) {
+ /* nooo noo no!
+ * all the references to a parameter
+ * must be of the same type
+ */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ cnk = clist[pnum].chunks[0];
+ switch (cnk->type) {
+ case CNK_INT:
+ if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT)
+ cnk->value = va_arg (args, int);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
+ cnk->value = va_arg (args, long int);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
+ cnk->value = va_arg (args, LLONG);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
+ cnk->value = va_arg (args, ssize_t);
+ else
+ cnk->value = va_arg (args, int);
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ clist[pnum].chunks[i]->value = cnk->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CNK_OCTAL:
+ case CNK_UINT:
+ case CNK_HEX:
+ if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT)
+ cnk->value = va_arg (args, unsigned int);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
+ cnk->value = (unsigned long int)va_arg (args, unsigned long int);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
+ cnk->value = (LLONG)va_arg (args, unsigned LLONG);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
+ cnk->value = (size_t)va_arg (args, size_t);
+ else
+ cnk->value = (unsigned int)va_arg (args, unsigned int);
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ clist[pnum].chunks[i]->value = cnk->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CNK_FLOAT:
+ if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LDOUBLE)
+ cnk->fvalue = va_arg (args, LDOUBLE);
+ else
+ cnk->fvalue = va_arg (args, double);
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ clist[pnum].chunks[i]->fvalue = cnk->fvalue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CNK_CHAR:
+ cnk->value = va_arg (args, int);
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ clist[pnum].chunks[i]->value = cnk->value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CNK_STRING:
+ cnk->strvalue = va_arg (args, char *);
+ if (!cnk->strvalue) cnk->strvalue = "(NULL)";
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ clist[pnum].chunks[i]->strvalue = cnk->strvalue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CNK_PTR:
+ cnk->strvalue = va_arg (args, void *);
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ clist[pnum].chunks[i]->strvalue = cnk->strvalue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CNK_NUM:
+ if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_CHAR)
+ cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, char *);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT)
+ cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, short int *);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
+ cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, long int *);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
+ cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, LLONG *);
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
+ cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, ssize_t *);
+ else
+ cnk->pnum = va_arg (args, int *);
+ for (i = 1; i < clist[pnum].num; i++) {
+ clist[pnum].chunks[i]->pnum = cnk->pnum;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CNK_PRCNT:
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* what ?? */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ /* print out the actual string from chunks */
+ currlen = 0;
+ cnk = chunks;
+ while (cnk) {
+ int len, min, max;
+ if (cnk->min_star) min = cnk->min_star->value;
+ else min = cnk->min;
+ if (cnk->max_star) max = cnk->max_star->value;
+ else max = cnk->max;
+ switch (cnk->type) {
+ case CNK_FMT_STR:
+ if (maxlen != 0 && maxlen > currlen) {
+ if (maxlen > (currlen + cnk->len)) len = cnk->len;
+ else len = maxlen - currlen;
+ memcpy(&(buffer[currlen]), &(base[cnk->start]), len);
+ }
+ currlen += cnk->len;
+ break;
+ case CNK_INT:
+ case CNK_UINT:
+ fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value, 10, min, max, cnk->flags);
+ break;
+ case CNK_OCTAL:
+ fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value, 8, min, max, cnk->flags);
+ break;
+ case CNK_HEX:
+ fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value, 16, min, max, cnk->flags);
+ break;
+ case CNK_FLOAT:
+ fmtfp (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->fvalue, min, max, cnk->flags);
+ break;
+ case CNK_CHAR:
+ dopr_outch (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->value);
+ break;
+ case CNK_STRING:
+ if (max == -1) {
+ max = strlen(cnk->strvalue);
+ }
+ fmtstr (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, cnk->strvalue, cnk->flags, min, max);
+ break;
+ case CNK_PTR:
+ fmtint (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, (long)(cnk->strvalue), 16, min, max, cnk->flags);
+ break;
+ case CNK_NUM:
+ if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_CHAR)
+ *((char *)(cnk->pnum)) = (char)currlen;
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SHORT)
+ *((short int *)(cnk->pnum)) = (short int)currlen;
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LONG)
+ *((long int *)(cnk->pnum)) = (long int)currlen;
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_LLONG)
+ *((LLONG *)(cnk->pnum)) = (LLONG)currlen;
+ else if (cnk->cflags == DP_C_SIZET)
+ *((ssize_t *)(cnk->pnum)) = (ssize_t)currlen;
+ else
+ *((int *)(cnk->pnum)) = (int)currlen;
+ break;
+ case CNK_PRCNT:
+ dopr_outch (buffer, &currlen, maxlen, '%');
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* what ?? */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ cnk = cnk->next;
+ }
+ if (maxlen != 0) {
+ if (currlen < maxlen - 1)
+ buffer[currlen] = '\0';
+ else if (maxlen > 0)
+ buffer[maxlen - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ ret = currlen;
+ va_end(args);
+ while (chunks) {
+ cnk = chunks->next;
+ free(chunks);
+ chunks = cnk;
+ }
+ if (clist) {
+ for (pnum = 0; pnum < max_pos; pnum++) {
+ if (clist[pnum].chunks) free(clist[pnum].chunks);
+ }
+ free(clist);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void fmtstr(char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen,
+ char *value, int flags, int min, int max)
+ int padlen, strln; /* amount to pad */
+ int cnt = 0;
+ printf("fmtstr min=%d max=%d s=[%s]\n", min, max, value);
+ if (value == 0) {
+ value = "<NULL>";
+ }
+ for (strln = 0; strln < max && value[strln]; ++strln); /* strlen */
+ padlen = min - strln;
+ if (padlen < 0)
+ padlen = 0;
+ if (flags & DP_F_MINUS)
+ padlen = -padlen; /* Left Justify */
+ while (padlen > 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
+ --padlen;
+ }
+ while (*value && (cnt < max)) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, *value++);
+ ++cnt;
+ }
+ while (padlen < 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
+ ++padlen;
+ }
+/* Have to handle DP_F_NUM (ie 0x and 0 alternates) */
+static void fmtint(char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen,
+ LLONG value, int base, int min, int max, int flags)
+ int signvalue = 0;
+ unsigned LLONG uvalue;
+ char convert[20];
+ int place = 0;
+ int spadlen = 0; /* amount to space pad */
+ int zpadlen = 0; /* amount to zero pad */
+ int caps = 0;
+ if (max < 0)
+ max = 0;
+ uvalue = value;
+ if(!(flags & DP_F_UNSIGNED)) {
+ if( value < 0 ) {
+ signvalue = '-';
+ uvalue = -value;
+ } else {
+ if (flags & DP_F_PLUS) /* Do a sign (+/i) */
+ signvalue = '+';
+ else if (flags & DP_F_SPACE)
+ signvalue = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & DP_F_UP) caps = 1; /* Should characters be upper case? */
+ do {
+ convert[place++] =
+ (caps? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef")
+ [uvalue % (unsigned)base ];
+ uvalue = (uvalue / (unsigned)base );
+ } while(uvalue && (place < 20));
+ if (place == 20) place--;
+ convert[place] = 0;
+ zpadlen = max - place;
+ spadlen = min - MAX (max, place) - (signvalue ? 1 : 0);
+ if (zpadlen < 0) zpadlen = 0;
+ if (spadlen < 0) spadlen = 0;
+ if (flags & DP_F_ZERO) {
+ zpadlen = MAX(zpadlen, spadlen);
+ spadlen = 0;
+ }
+ if (flags & DP_F_MINUS)
+ spadlen = -spadlen; /* Left Justifty */
+ printf("zpad: %d, spad: %d, min: %d, max: %d, place: %d\n",
+ zpadlen, spadlen, min, max, place);
+ /* Spaces */
+ while (spadlen > 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
+ --spadlen;
+ }
+ /* Sign */
+ if (signvalue)
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, signvalue);
+ /* Zeros */
+ if (zpadlen > 0) {
+ while (zpadlen > 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '0');
+ --zpadlen;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Digits */
+ while (place > 0)
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, convert[--place]);
+ /* Left Justified spaces */
+ while (spadlen < 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
+ ++spadlen;
+ }
+static LDOUBLE abs_val(LDOUBLE value)
+ LDOUBLE result = value;
+ if (value < 0)
+ result = -value;
+ return result;
+static LDOUBLE POW10(int exp)
+ LDOUBLE result = 1;
+ while (exp) {
+ result *= 10;
+ exp--;
+ }
+ return result;
+static LLONG ROUND(LDOUBLE value)
+ LLONG intpart;
+ intpart = (LLONG)value;
+ value = value - intpart;
+ if (value >= 0.5) intpart++;
+ return intpart;
+/* a replacement for modf that doesn't need the math library. Should
+ be portable, but slow */
+static double my_modf(double x0, double *iptr)
+ int i;
+ LLONG l=0;
+ double x = x0;
+ double f = 1.0;
+ for (i=0;i<100;i++) {
+ l = (long)x;
+ if (l <= (x+1) && l >= (x-1)) break;
+ x *= 0.1;
+ f *= 10.0;
+ }
+ if (i == 100) {
+ /* yikes! the number is beyond what we can handle. What do we do? */
+ (*iptr) = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (i != 0) {
+ double i2;
+ double ret;
+ ret = my_modf(x0-l*f, &i2);
+ (*iptr) = l*f + i2;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ (*iptr) = l;
+ return x - (*iptr);
+static void fmtfp (char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen,
+ LDOUBLE fvalue, int min, int max, int flags)
+ int signvalue = 0;
+ double ufvalue;
+ char iconvert[311];
+ char fconvert[311];
+ int iplace = 0;
+ int fplace = 0;
+ int padlen = 0; /* amount to pad */
+ int zpadlen = 0;
+ int caps = 0;
+ int idx;
+ double intpart;
+ double fracpart;
+ double temp;
+ /*
+ * AIX manpage says the default is 0, but Solaris says the default
+ * is 6, and sprintf on AIX defaults to 6
+ */
+ if (max < 0)
+ max = 6;
+ ufvalue = abs_val (fvalue);
+ if (fvalue < 0) {
+ signvalue = '-';
+ } else {
+ if (flags & DP_F_PLUS) { /* Do a sign (+/i) */
+ signvalue = '+';
+ } else {
+ if (flags & DP_F_SPACE)
+ signvalue = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ if (flags & DP_F_UP) caps = 1; /* Should characters be upper case? */
+#if 0
+ if (max == 0) ufvalue += 0.5; /* if max = 0 we must round */
+ /*
+ * Sorry, we only support 9 digits past the decimal because of our
+ * conversion method
+ */
+ if (max > 9)
+ max = 9;
+ /* We "cheat" by converting the fractional part to integer by
+ * multiplying by a factor of 10
+ */
+ temp = ufvalue;
+ my_modf(temp, &intpart);
+ fracpart = ROUND((POW10(max)) * (ufvalue - intpart));
+ if (fracpart >= POW10(max)) {
+ intpart++;
+ fracpart -= POW10(max);
+ }
+ /* Convert integer part */
+ do {
+ temp = intpart*0.1;
+ my_modf(temp, &intpart);
+ idx = (int) ((temp -intpart +0.05)* 10.0);
+ /* idx = (int) (((double)(temp*0.1) -intpart +0.05) *10.0); */
+ /* printf ("%llf, %f, %x\n", temp, intpart, idx); */
+ iconvert[iplace++] =
+ (caps? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef")[idx];
+ } while (intpart && (iplace < 311));
+ if (iplace == 311) iplace--;
+ iconvert[iplace] = 0;
+ /* Convert fractional part */
+ if (fracpart)
+ {
+ do {
+ temp = fracpart*0.1;
+ my_modf(temp, &fracpart);
+ idx = (int) ((temp -fracpart +0.05)* 10.0);
+ /* idx = (int) ((((temp/10) -fracpart) +0.05) *10); */
+ /* printf ("%lf, %lf, %ld\n", temp, fracpart, idx ); */
+ fconvert[fplace++] =
+ (caps? "0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef")[idx];
+ } while(fracpart && (fplace < 311));
+ if (fplace == 311) fplace--;
+ }
+ fconvert[fplace] = 0;
+ /* -1 for decimal point, another -1 if we are printing a sign */
+ padlen = min - iplace - max - 1 - ((signvalue) ? 1 : 0);
+ zpadlen = max - fplace;
+ if (zpadlen < 0) zpadlen = 0;
+ if (padlen < 0)
+ padlen = 0;
+ if (flags & DP_F_MINUS)
+ padlen = -padlen; /* Left Justifty */
+ if ((flags & DP_F_ZERO) && (padlen > 0)) {
+ if (signvalue) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, signvalue);
+ --padlen;
+ signvalue = 0;
+ }
+ while (padlen > 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '0');
+ --padlen;
+ }
+ }
+ while (padlen > 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
+ --padlen;
+ }
+ if (signvalue)
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, signvalue);
+ while (iplace > 0)
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, iconvert[--iplace]);
+ printf("fmtfp: fplace=%d zpadlen=%d\n", fplace, zpadlen);
+ /*
+ * Decimal point. This should probably use locale to find the correct
+ * char to print out.
+ */
+ if (max > 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '.');
+ while (zpadlen > 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, '0');
+ --zpadlen;
+ }
+ while (fplace > 0)
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, fconvert[--fplace]);
+ }
+ while (padlen < 0) {
+ dopr_outch (buffer, currlen, maxlen, ' ');
+ ++padlen;
+ }
+static void dopr_outch(char *buffer, size_t *currlen, size_t maxlen, char c)
+ if (*currlen < maxlen) {
+ buffer[(*currlen)] = c;
+ }
+ (*currlen)++;
+static struct pr_chunk *new_chunk(void) {
+ struct pr_chunk *new_c = (struct pr_chunk *)malloc(sizeof(struct pr_chunk));
+ if (!new_c)
+ return NULL;
+ new_c->type = 0;
+ new_c->num = 0;
+ new_c->min = 0;
+ new_c->min_star = NULL;
+ new_c->max = -1;
+ new_c->max_star = NULL;
+ new_c->flags = 0;
+ new_c->cflags = 0;
+ new_c->start = 0;
+ new_c->len = 0;
+ new_c->value = 0;
+ new_c->fvalue = 0;
+ new_c->strvalue = NULL;
+ new_c->pnum = NULL;
+ new_c->next = NULL;
+ return new_c;
+static int add_cnk_list_entry(struct pr_chunk_x **list,
+ int max_num, struct pr_chunk *chunk) {
+ struct pr_chunk_x *l;
+ struct pr_chunk **c;
+ int max;
+ int cnum;
+ int i, pos;
+ if (chunk->num > max_num) {
+ max = chunk->num;
+ if (*list == NULL) {
+ l = (struct pr_chunk_x *)malloc(sizeof(struct pr_chunk_x) * max);
+ pos = 0;
+ } else {
+ l = (struct pr_chunk_x *)realloc(*list, sizeof(struct pr_chunk_x) * max);
+ pos = max_num;
+ }
+ if (l == NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+ if ((*list)[i].chunks) free((*list)[i].chunks);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (i = pos; i < max; i++) {
+ l[i].chunks = NULL;
+ l[i].num = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ l = *list;
+ max = max_num;
+ }
+ i = chunk->num - 1;
+ cnum = l[i].num + 1;
+ if (l[i].chunks == NULL) {
+ c = (struct pr_chunk **)malloc(sizeof(struct pr_chunk *) * cnum);
+ } else {
+ c = (struct pr_chunk **)realloc(l[i].chunks, sizeof(struct pr_chunk *) * cnum);
+ }
+ if (c == NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+ if (l[i].chunks) free(l[i].chunks);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ c[l[i].num] = chunk;
+ l[i].chunks = c;
+ l[i].num = cnum;
+ *list = l;
+ return max;
+ int rsync_vsnprintf (char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list args)
+ return dopr(str, count, fmt, args);
+#define vsnprintf rsync_vsnprintf
+/* yes this really must be a ||. Don't muck with this (tridge)
+ *
+ * The logic for these two is that we need our own definition if the
+ * OS *either* has no definition of *sprintf, or if it does have one
+ * that doesn't work properly according to the autoconf test.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAVE_SNPRINTF) || !defined(HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF)
+int rsync_snprintf(char *str,size_t count,const char *fmt,...)
+ size_t ret;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ ret = vsnprintf(str, count, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return ret;
+#define snprintf rsync_snprintf
+ int vasprintf(char **ptr, const char *format, va_list ap)
+ int ret;
+ va_list ap2;
+ VA_COPY(ap2, ap);
+ ret = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, ap2);
+ va_end(ap2);
+ if (ret < 0) return ret;
+ (*ptr) = (char *)malloc(ret+1);
+ if (!*ptr) return -1;
+ VA_COPY(ap2, ap);
+ ret = vsnprintf(*ptr, ret+1, format, ap2);
+ va_end(ap2);
+ return ret;
+ int asprintf(char **ptr, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ int ret;
+ *ptr = NULL;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ ret = vasprintf(ptr, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return ret;
+ int sprintf(char *str,const char *fmt,...);
+ int printf(const char *fmt,...);
+ int main (void)
+ char buf1[1024];
+ char buf2[1024];
+ char *buf3;
+ char *fp_fmt[] = {
+ "%1.1f",
+ "%-1.5f",
+ "%1.5f",
+ "%123.9f",
+ "%10.5f",
+ "% 10.5f",
+ "%+22.9f",
+ "%+4.9f",
+ "%01.3f",
+ "%4f",
+ "%3.1f",
+ "%3.2f",
+ "%.0f",
+ "%f",
+ "%-8.8f",
+ "%-9.9f",
+ };
+ double fp_nums[] = { 6442452944.1234, -1.5, 134.21, 91340.2, 341.1234, 203.9, 0.96, 0.996,
+ 0.9996, 1.996, 4.136, 5.030201, 0.00205,
+ /* END LIST */ 0};
+ char *int_fmt[] = {
+ "%-1.5d",
+ "%1.5d",
+ "%123.9d",
+ "%5.5d",
+ "%10.5d",
+ "% 10.5d",
+ "%+22.33d",
+ "%01.3d",
+ "%4d",
+ "%d",
+ };
+ long int_nums[] = { -1, 134, 91340, 341, 0203, 1234567890, 0};
+ char *str_fmt[] = {
+ "%10.5s",
+ "%-10.5s",
+ "%5.10s",
+ "%-5.10s",
+ "%10.1s",
+ "%0.10s",
+ "%10.0s",
+ "%1.10s",
+ "%s",
+ "%.1s",
+ "%.10s",
+ "%10s",
+ };
+ char *str_vals[] = {"hello", "a", "", "a longer string", NULL};
+ char *ll_fmt[] = {
+ "%llu",
+ };
+ LLONG ll_nums[] = { 134, 91340, 341, 0203, 1234567890, 128006186140000000LL, 0};
+ int x, y;
+ int fail = 0;
+ int num = 0;
+ int l1, l2;
+ char *ss_fmt[] = {
+ "%zd",
+ "%zu",
+ };
+ size_t ss_nums[] = {134, 91340, 123456789, 0203, 1234567890, 0};
+ printf ("Testing snprintf format codes against system sprintf...\n");
+ for (x = 0; fp_fmt[x] ; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; fp_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), fp_fmt[x], fp_nums[y]);
+ l2 = sprintf (buf2, fp_fmt[x], fp_nums[y]);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ fp_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (x = 0; int_fmt[x] ; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; int_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), int_fmt[x], int_nums[y]);
+ l2 = sprintf (buf2, int_fmt[x], int_nums[y]);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ int_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (x = 0; str_fmt[x] ; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; str_vals[y] != 0 ; y++) {
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), str_fmt[x], str_vals[y]);
+ l2 = sprintf (buf2, str_fmt[x], str_vals[y]);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ str_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (x = 0; ll_fmt[x] ; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; ll_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), ll_fmt[x], ll_nums[y]);
+ l2 = sprintf (buf2, ll_fmt[x], ll_nums[y]);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ ll_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+#define BUFSZ 2048
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ if ((buf3 = malloc(BUFSZ)) == NULL) {
+ fail++;
+ } else {
+ num++;
+ memset(buf3, 'a', BUFSZ);
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%.*s", 1, buf3);
+ buf1[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(buf1, "a") != 0) {
+ printf("length limit buf1 '%s' expected 'a'\n", buf1);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ }
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
+ l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%4$*4$d %2$s %3$*4$.*4$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
+ l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%4$*4$d %2$s %3$*4$.*4$f", 3, "pos test", 12.3456, 9);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ "%4$*1$d %2$s %3$*1$.*1$f", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ for (x = 0; ss_fmt[x] ; x++) {
+ for (y = 0; ss_nums[y] != 0 ; y++) {
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), ss_fmt[x], ss_nums[y]);
+ l2 = sprintf (buf2, ss_fmt[x], ss_nums[y]);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp (buf1, buf2) || (l1 != l2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ ss_fmt[x], l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%lld", (LLONG)1234567890);
+ l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%lld", (LLONG)1234567890);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ "%lld", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ buf1[0] = buf2[0] = '\0';
+ l1 = snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%Lf", (LDOUBLE)890.1234567890123);
+ l2 = sprintf(buf2, "%Lf", (LDOUBLE)890.1234567890123);
+ buf1[1023] = buf2[1023] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
+ printf("snprintf doesn't match Format: %s\n\tsnprintf(%d) = [%s]\n\t sprintf(%d) = [%s]\n",
+ "%Lf", l1, buf1, l2, buf2);
+ fail++;
+ }
+ printf ("%d tests failed out of %d.\n", fail, num);
+ printf("seeing how many digits we support\n");
+ {
+ double v0 = 0.12345678901234567890123456789012345678901;
+ for (x=0; x<100; x++) {
+ double p = pow(10, x);
+ double r = v0*p;
+ snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%1.1f", r);
+ sprintf(buf2, "%1.1f", r);
+ if (strcmp(buf1, buf2)) {
+ printf("we seem to support %d digits\n", x-1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* TEST_SNPRINTF */
diff --git a/lib/sysacls.c b/lib/sysacls.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5abe40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sysacls.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2802 @@
+ * Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
+ * Based on the Samba ACL support code.
+ * Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 2000.
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * The permission functions have been changed to get/set all bits via
+ * one call. Some functions that rsync doesn't need were also removed.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "sysacls.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#undef DEBUG
+#define DEBUG(x, y)
+void SAFE_FREE(void *mem)
+ if (mem)
+ free(mem);
+ This file wraps all differing system ACL interfaces into a consistent
+ one based on the POSIX interface. It also returns the correct errors
+ for older UNIX systems that don't support ACLs.
+ The interfaces that each ACL implementation must support are as follows :
+ int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T theacl, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p)
+ int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *pacl, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *pentry)
+ int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, uint32 bits)
+ int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acltype, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *path)
+ int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T posix_acl)
+#if defined(HAVE_POSIX_ACLS) /*--------------------------------------------*/
+/* Identity mapping - easy. */
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T the_acl, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ return acl_get_entry(the_acl, entry_id, entry_p);
+int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p)
+ return acl_get_tag_type(entry_d, tag_type_p);
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ return acl_get_file(path_p, type);
+#if 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ return acl_get_fd(fd);
+#if defined(HAVE_ACL_GET_PERM_NP)
+#define acl_get_perm(p, b) acl_get_perm_np(p, b)
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ acl_permset_t permset;
+ if (acl_get_tag_type(entry, tag_type_p) != 0
+ || acl_get_permset(entry, &permset) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ *bits_p = (acl_get_perm(permset, ACL_READ) ? 4 : 0)
+ | (acl_get_perm(permset, ACL_WRITE) ? 2 : 0)
+ | (acl_get_perm(permset, ACL_EXECUTE) ? 1 : 0);
+ if (*tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_USER || *tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_GROUP) {
+ void *qual;
+ if ((qual = acl_get_qualifier(entry)) == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ *u_g_id_p = *(id_t*)qual;
+ acl_free(qual);
+ }
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ return acl_init(count);
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *pacl, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *pentry)
+ return acl_create_entry(pacl, pentry);
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ if (acl_set_tag_type(entry, tag_type) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (tag_type == SMB_ACL_USER || tag_type == SMB_ACL_GROUP) {
+ if (acl_set_qualifier(entry, (void*)&u_g_id) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return sys_acl_set_access_bits(entry, bits);
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, uint32 bits)
+ acl_permset_t permset;
+ int rc;
+ if ((rc = acl_get_permset(entry, &permset)) != 0)
+ return rc;
+ acl_clear_perms(permset);
+ if (bits & 4)
+ acl_add_perm(permset, ACL_READ);
+ if (bits & 2)
+ acl_add_perm(permset, ACL_WRITE);
+ if (bits & 1)
+ acl_add_perm(permset, ACL_EXECUTE);
+ return acl_set_permset(entry, permset);
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_valid(theacl);
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acltype, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_set_file(name, acltype, theacl);
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_set_fd(fd, theacl);
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *name)
+ return acl_delete_def_file(name);
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T the_acl)
+ return acl_free(the_acl);
+#elif defined(HAVE_TRU64_ACLS) /*--------------------------------------------*/
+ * The interface to DEC/Compaq Tru64 UNIX ACLs
+ * is based on Draft 13 of the POSIX spec which is
+ * slightly different from the Draft 16 interface.
+ *
+ * Also, some of the permset manipulation functions
+ * such as acl_clear_perm() and acl_add_perm() appear
+ * to be broken on Tru64 so we have to manipulate
+ * the permission bits in the permset directly.
+ */
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T the_acl, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry;
+ if (entry_id == SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY && acl_first_entry(the_acl) != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ errno = 0;
+ if ((entry = acl_get_entry(the_acl)) != NULL) {
+ *entry_p = entry;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return errno ? -1 : 0;
+int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p)
+ return acl_get_tag_type(entry_d, tag_type_p);
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ return acl_get_file((char *)path_p, type);
+#if 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ return acl_get_fd(fd, ACL_TYPE_ACCESS);
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ acl_permset_t permset;
+ if (acl_get_tag_type(entry, tag_type_p) != 0
+ || acl_get_permset(entry, &permset) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ *bits_p = *permset & 7; /* Tru64 doesn't have acl_get_perm() */
+ if (*tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_USER || *tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_GROUP) {
+ void *qual;
+ if ((qual = acl_get_qualifier(entry)) == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ *u_g_id_p = *(id_t*)qual;
+ acl_free_qualifier(qual, *tag_type_p);
+ }
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ return acl_init(count);
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *pacl, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *pentry)
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry;
+ if ((entry = acl_create_entry(pacl)) == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *pentry = entry;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ if (acl_set_tag_type(entry, tag_type) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (tag_type == SMB_ACL_USER || tag_type == SMB_ACL_GROUP) {
+ if (acl_set_qualifier(entry, (void*)&u_g_id) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return sys_acl_set_access_bits(entry, bits);
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, uint32 bits)
+ acl_permset_t permset;
+ int rc;
+ if ((rc = acl_get_permset(entry, &permset)) != 0)
+ return rc;
+ *permset = bits & 7;
+ return acl_set_permset(entry, permset);
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ acl_entry_t entry;
+ return acl_valid(theacl, &entry);
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acltype, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_set_file((char *)name, acltype, theacl);
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_set_fd(fd, ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, theacl);
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *name)
+ return acl_delete_def_file((char *)name);
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T the_acl)
+ return acl_free(the_acl);
+#elif defined(HAVE_UNIXWARE_ACLS) || defined(HAVE_SOLARIS_ACLS) /*-----------*/
+ * Donated by Michael Davidson <md@sco.COM> for UnixWare / OpenUNIX.
+ * Modified by Toomas Soome <> for Solaris.
+ */
+ * Note that while this code implements sufficient functionality
+ * to support the sys_acl_* interfaces it does not provide all
+ * of the semantics of the POSIX ACL interfaces.
+ *
+ * In particular, an ACL entry descriptor (SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T) returned
+ * from a call to sys_acl_get_entry() should not be assumed to be
+ * valid after calling any of the following functions, which may
+ * reorder the entries in the ACL.
+ *
+ * sys_acl_valid()
+ * sys_acl_set_file()
+ * sys_acl_set_fd()
+ */
+ * The only difference between Solaris and UnixWare / OpenUNIX is
+ * that the #defines for the ACL operations have different names
+ */
+#if defined(HAVE_UNIXWARE_ACLS)
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T acl_d, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ if (entry_id != SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY && entry_id != SMB_ACL_NEXT_ENTRY) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (entry_p == NULL) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (entry_id == SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY) {
+ acl_d->next = 0;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->next < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->next >= acl_d->count) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *entry_p = &acl_d->acl[acl_d->next++];
+ return 1;
+int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *type_p)
+ *type_p = entry_d->a_type;
+ return 0;
+ * There is no way of knowing what size the ACL returned by
+ * GETACL will be unless you first call GETACLCNT which means
+ * making an additional system call.
+ *
+ * In the hope of avoiding the cost of the additional system
+ * call in most cases, we initially allocate enough space for
+ * an ACL with INITIAL_ACL_SIZE entries. If this turns out to
+ * be too small then we use GETACLCNT to find out the actual
+ * size, reallocate the ACL buffer, and then call GETACL again.
+ */
+#define INITIAL_ACL_SIZE 16
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ int count; /* # of ACL entries allocated */
+ int naccess; /* # of access ACL entries */
+ int ndefault; /* # of default ACL entries */
+ if (type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS && type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_init(count)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If there isn't enough space for the ACL entries we use
+ * GETACLCNT to determine the actual number of ACL entries
+ * reallocate and try again. This is in a loop because it
+ * is possible that someone else could modify the ACL and
+ * increase the number of entries between the call to
+ * GETACLCNT and the call to GETACL.
+ */
+ while ((count = acl(path_p, GETACL, count, &acl_d->acl[0])) < 0
+ && errno == ENOSPC) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ if ((count = acl(path_p, GETACLCNT, 0, NULL)) < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_init(count)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count < 0) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * calculate the number of access and default ACL entries
+ *
+ * Note: we assume that the acl() system call returned a
+ * well formed ACL which is sorted so that all of the
+ * access ACL entries precede any default ACL entries
+ */
+ for (naccess = 0; naccess < count; naccess++) {
+ if (acl_d->acl[naccess].a_type & ACL_DEFAULT)
+ break;
+ }
+ ndefault = count - naccess;
+ /*
+ * if the caller wants the default ACL we have to copy
+ * the entries down to the start of the acl[] buffer
+ * and mask out the ACL_DEFAULT flag from the type field
+ */
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = naccess; i < ndefault; i++, j++) {
+ acl_d->acl[i] = acl_d->acl[j];
+ acl_d->acl[i].a_type &= ~ACL_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ acl_d->count = ndefault;
+ } else {
+ acl_d->count = naccess;
+ }
+ return acl_d;
+#if 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ int count; /* # of ACL entries allocated */
+ int naccess; /* # of access ACL entries */
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_init(count)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ while ((count = facl(fd, GETACL, count, &acl_d->acl[0])) < 0
+ && errno == ENOSPC) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ if ((count = facl(fd, GETACLCNT, 0, NULL)) < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_init(count)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count < 0) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * calculate the number of access ACL entries
+ */
+ for (naccess = 0; naccess < count; naccess++) {
+ if (acl_d->acl[naccess].a_type & ACL_DEFAULT)
+ break;
+ }
+ acl_d->count = naccess;
+ return acl_d;
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ *tag_type_p = entry->a_type;
+ *bits_p = entry->a_perm;
+ if (*tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_USER || *tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ *u_g_id_p = entry->a_id;
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ SMB_ACL_T a;
+ if (count < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * note that since the definition of the structure pointed
+ * to by the SMB_ACL_T includes the first element of the
+ * acl[] array, this actually allocates an ACL with room
+ * for (count+1) entries
+ */
+ if ((a = (SMB_ACL_T)SMB_MALLOC(sizeof a[0] + count * sizeof (struct acl))) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ a->size = count + 1;
+ a->count = 0;
+ a->next = -1;
+ return a;
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *acl_p, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d;
+ if (acl_p == NULL || entry_p == NULL || (acl_d = *acl_p) == NULL) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->count >= acl_d->size) {
+ errno = ENOSPC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ entry_d = &acl_d->acl[acl_d->count++];
+ entry_d->a_type = 0;
+ entry_d->a_id = -1;
+ entry_d->a_perm = 0;
+ *entry_p = entry_d;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ entry->a_type = tag_type;
+ if (tag_type == SMB_ACL_USER || tag_type == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ entry->a_id = u_g_id;
+ entry->a_perm = bits;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, uint32 bits)
+ entry_d->a_perm = bits;
+ return 0;
+ * sort the ACL and check it for validity
+ *
+ * if it's a minimal ACL with only 4 entries then we
+ * need to recalculate the mask permissions to make
+ * sure that they are the same as the GROUP_OBJ
+ * permissions as required by the UnixWare acl() system call.
+ *
+ * (note: since POSIX allows minimal ACLs which only contain
+ * 3 entries - ie there is no mask entry - we should, in theory,
+ * check for this and add a mask entry if necessary - however
+ * we "know" that the caller of this interface always specifies
+ * a mask so, in practice "this never happens" (tm) - if it *does*
+ * happen aclsort() will fail and return an error and someone will
+ * have to fix it ...)
+ */
+static int acl_sort(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ int fixmask = (acl_d->count <= 4);
+ if (aclsort(acl_d->count, fixmask, acl_d->acl) != 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ return acl_sort(acl_d);
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type, SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ struct stat s;
+ struct acl *acl_p;
+ int acl_count;
+ struct acl *acl_buf = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ if (type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS && type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_sort(acl_d) != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ acl_p = &acl_d->acl[0];
+ acl_count = acl_d->count;
+ /*
+ * if it's a directory there is extra work to do
+ * since the acl() system call will replace both
+ * the access ACLs and the default ACLs (if any)
+ */
+ if (stat(name, &s) != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
+ SMB_ACL_T acc_acl;
+ SMB_ACL_T def_acl;
+ SMB_ACL_T tmp_acl;
+ int i;
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS) {
+ acc_acl = acl_d;
+ def_acl = tmp_acl = sys_acl_get_file(name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT);
+ } else {
+ def_acl = acl_d;
+ acc_acl = tmp_acl = sys_acl_get_file(name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS);
+ }
+ if (tmp_acl == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * allocate a temporary buffer for the complete ACL
+ */
+ acl_count = acc_acl->count + def_acl->count;
+ acl_p = acl_buf = SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(struct acl, acl_count);
+ if (acl_buf == NULL) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(tmp_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * copy the access control and default entries into the buffer
+ */
+ memcpy(&acl_buf[0], &acc_acl->acl[0],
+ acc_acl->count * sizeof acl_buf[0]);
+ memcpy(&acl_buf[acc_acl->count], &def_acl->acl[0],
+ def_acl->count * sizeof acl_buf[0]);
+ /*
+ * set the ACL_DEFAULT flag on the default entries
+ */
+ for (i = acc_acl->count; i < acl_count; i++) {
+ acl_buf[i].a_type |= ACL_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ sys_acl_free_acl(tmp_acl);
+ } else if (type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ret = acl(name, SETACL, acl_count, acl_p);
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_buf);
+ return ret;
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ if (acl_sort(acl_d) != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return facl(fd, SETACL, acl_d->count, &acl_d->acl[0]);
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *path)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ int ret;
+ /*
+ * fetching the access ACL and rewriting it has
+ * the effect of deleting the default ACL
+ */
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_get_file(path, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS)) == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ret = acl(path, SETACL, acl_d->count, acl_d->acl);
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ return ret;
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_d);
+ return 0;
+#elif defined(HAVE_HPUX_ACLS) /*---------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef HAVE_DL_H
+#include <dl.h>
+ * Based on the Solaris/SCO code - with modifications.
+ */
+ * Note that while this code implements sufficient functionality
+ * to support the sys_acl_* interfaces it does not provide all
+ * of the semantics of the POSIX ACL interfaces.
+ *
+ * In particular, an ACL entry descriptor (SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T) returned
+ * from a call to sys_acl_get_entry() should not be assumed to be
+ * valid after calling any of the following functions, which may
+ * reorder the entries in the ACL.
+ *
+ * sys_acl_valid()
+ * sys_acl_set_file()
+ * sys_acl_set_fd()
+ */
+/* This checks if the POSIX ACL system call is defined */
+/* which basically corresponds to whether JFS 3.3 or */
+/* higher is installed. If acl() was called when it */
+/* isn't defined, it causes the process to core dump */
+/* so it is important to check this and avoid acl() */
+/* calls if it isn't there. */
+#ifdef __TANDEM
+inline int do_acl(const char *path_p, int cmd, int nentries, struct acl *aclbufp)
+ return acl((char*)path_p, cmd, nentries, aclbufp);
+#define acl(p,c,n,a) do_acl(p,c,n,a)
+static BOOL hpux_acl_call_presence(void)
+#ifndef __TANDEM
+ shl_t handle = NULL;
+ void *value;
+ int ret_val=0;
+ static BOOL already_checked=0;
+ if (already_checked)
+ return True;
+ ret_val = shl_findsym(&handle, "acl", TYPE_PROCEDURE, &value);
+ if (ret_val != 0) {
+ DEBUG(5, ("hpux_acl_call_presence: shl_findsym() returned %d, errno = %d, error %s\n",
+ ret_val, errno, strerror(errno)));
+ DEBUG(5, ("hpux_acl_call_presence: acl() system call is not present. Check if you have JFS 3.3 and above?\n"));
+ return False;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("hpux_acl_call_presence: acl() system call is present. We have JFS 3.3 or above \n"));
+ already_checked = True;
+ return True;
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T acl_d, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ if (entry_id != SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY && entry_id != SMB_ACL_NEXT_ENTRY) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (entry_p == NULL) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (entry_id == SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY) {
+ acl_d->next = 0;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->next < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->next >= acl_d->count) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *entry_p = &acl_d->acl[acl_d->next++];
+ return 1;
+int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *type_p)
+ *type_p = entry_d->a_type;
+ return 0;
+ * There is no way of knowing what size the ACL returned by
+ * ACL_GET will be unless you first call ACL_CNT which means
+ * making an additional system call.
+ *
+ * In the hope of avoiding the cost of the additional system
+ * call in most cases, we initially allocate enough space for
+ * an ACL with INITIAL_ACL_SIZE entries. If this turns out to
+ * be too small then we use ACL_CNT to find out the actual
+ * size, reallocate the ACL buffer, and then call ACL_GET again.
+ */
+#define INITIAL_ACL_SIZE 16
+#define NACLENTRIES 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ int count; /* # of ACL entries allocated */
+ int naccess; /* # of access ACL entries */
+ int ndefault; /* # of default ACL entries */
+ if (hpux_acl_call_presence() == False) {
+ /* Looks like we don't have the acl() system call on HPUX.
+ * May be the system doesn't have the latest version of JFS.
+ */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS && type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_init(count)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If there isn't enough space for the ACL entries we use
+ * ACL_CNT to determine the actual number of ACL entries
+ * reallocate and try again. This is in a loop because it
+ * is possible that someone else could modify the ACL and
+ * increase the number of entries between the call to
+ * ACL_CNT and the call to ACL_GET.
+ */
+ while ((count = acl(path_p, ACL_GET, count, &acl_d->acl[0])) < 0 && errno == ENOSPC) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ if ((count = acl(path_p, ACL_CNT, NACLENTRIES, NULL)) < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_init(count)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count < 0) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * calculate the number of access and default ACL entries
+ *
+ * Note: we assume that the acl() system call returned a
+ * well formed ACL which is sorted so that all of the
+ * access ACL entries precede any default ACL entries
+ */
+ for (naccess = 0; naccess < count; naccess++) {
+ if (acl_d->acl[naccess].a_type & ACL_DEFAULT)
+ break;
+ }
+ ndefault = count - naccess;
+ /*
+ * if the caller wants the default ACL we have to copy
+ * the entries down to the start of the acl[] buffer
+ * and mask out the ACL_DEFAULT flag from the type field
+ */
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = naccess; i < ndefault; i++, j++) {
+ acl_d->acl[i] = acl_d->acl[j];
+ acl_d->acl[i].a_type &= ~ACL_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ acl_d->count = ndefault;
+ } else {
+ acl_d->count = naccess;
+ }
+ return acl_d;
+#if 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ /*
+ * HPUX doesn't have the facl call. Fake it using the path.... JRA.
+ */
+ files_struct *fsp = file_find_fd(fd);
+ if (fsp == NULL) {
+ errno = EBADF;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We know we're in the same conn context. So we
+ * can use the relative path.
+ */
+ return sys_acl_get_file(fsp->fsp_name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS);
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ *tag_type_p = entry->a_type;
+ *bits_p = entry->a_perm;
+ if (*tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_USER || *tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ *u_g_id_p = entry->a_id;
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ SMB_ACL_T a;
+ if (count < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * note that since the definition of the structure pointed
+ * to by the SMB_ACL_T includes the first element of the
+ * acl[] array, this actually allocates an ACL with room
+ * for (count+1) entries
+ */
+ if ((a = (SMB_ACL_T)SMB_MALLOC(sizeof a[0] + count * sizeof (struct acl))) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ a->size = count + 1;
+ a->count = 0;
+ a->next = -1;
+ return a;
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *acl_p, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d;
+ if (acl_p == NULL || entry_p == NULL || (acl_d = *acl_p) == NULL) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->count >= acl_d->size) {
+ errno = ENOSPC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ entry_d = &acl_d->acl[acl_d->count++];
+ entry_d->a_type = 0;
+ entry_d->a_id = -1;
+ entry_d->a_perm = 0;
+ *entry_p = entry_d;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ entry->a_type = tag_type;
+ if (tag_type == SMB_ACL_USER || tag_type == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ entry->a_id = u_g_id;
+ entry->a_perm = bits;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, uint32 bits)
+ entry_d->a_perm = bits;
+ return 0;
+/* Structure to capture the count for each type of ACE. */
+struct hpux_acl_types {
+ int n_user;
+ int n_def_user;
+ int n_user_obj;
+ int n_def_user_obj;
+ int n_group;
+ int n_def_group;
+ int n_group_obj;
+ int n_def_group_obj;
+ int n_other;
+ int n_other_obj;
+ int n_def_other_obj;
+ int n_class_obj;
+ int n_def_class_obj;
+ int n_illegal_obj;
+/* count_obj:
+ * Counts the different number of objects in a given array of ACL
+ * structures.
+ * Inputs:
+ *
+ * acl_count - Count of ACLs in the array of ACL structures.
+ * aclp - Array of ACL structures.
+ * acl_type_count - Pointer to acl_types structure. Should already be
+ * allocated.
+ * Output:
+ *
+ * acl_type_count - This structure is filled up with counts of various
+ * acl types.
+ */
+static void hpux_count_obj(int acl_count, struct acl *aclp, struct hpux_acl_types *acl_type_count)
+ int i;
+ memset(acl_type_count, 0, sizeof (struct hpux_acl_types));
+ for (i = 0; i < acl_count; i++) {
+ switch (aclp[i].a_type) {
+ case USER:
+ acl_type_count->n_user++;
+ break;
+ case USER_OBJ:
+ acl_type_count->n_user_obj++;
+ break;
+ case DEF_USER_OBJ:
+ acl_type_count->n_def_user_obj++;
+ break;
+ case GROUP:
+ acl_type_count->n_group++;
+ break;
+ case GROUP_OBJ:
+ acl_type_count->n_group_obj++;
+ break;
+ acl_type_count->n_def_group_obj++;
+ break;
+ case OTHER_OBJ:
+ acl_type_count->n_other_obj++;
+ break;
+ acl_type_count->n_def_other_obj++;
+ break;
+ case CLASS_OBJ:
+ acl_type_count->n_class_obj++;
+ break;
+ acl_type_count->n_def_class_obj++;
+ break;
+ case DEF_USER:
+ acl_type_count->n_def_user++;
+ break;
+ case DEF_GROUP:
+ acl_type_count->n_def_group++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ acl_type_count->n_illegal_obj++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* swap_acl_entries: Swaps two ACL entries.
+ *
+ * Inputs: aclp0, aclp1 - ACL entries to be swapped.
+ */
+static void hpux_swap_acl_entries(struct acl *aclp0, struct acl *aclp1)
+ struct acl temp_acl;
+ temp_acl.a_type = aclp0->a_type;
+ temp_acl.a_id = aclp0->a_id;
+ temp_acl.a_perm = aclp0->a_perm;
+ aclp0->a_type = aclp1->a_type;
+ aclp0->a_id = aclp1->a_id;
+ aclp0->a_perm = aclp1->a_perm;
+ aclp1->a_type = temp_acl.a_type;
+ aclp1->a_id = temp_acl.a_id;
+ aclp1->a_perm = temp_acl.a_perm;
+/* prohibited_duplicate_type
+ * Identifies if given ACL type can have duplicate entries or
+ * not.
+ *
+ * Inputs: acl_type - ACL Type.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ *
+ * Return..
+ *
+ * True - If the ACL type matches any of the prohibited types.
+ * False - If the ACL type doesn't match any of the prohibited types.
+ */
+static BOOL hpux_prohibited_duplicate_type(int acl_type)
+ switch (acl_type) {
+ case USER:
+ case GROUP:
+ case DEF_USER:
+ case DEF_GROUP:
+ return True;
+ default:
+ return False;
+ }
+/* get_needed_class_perm
+ * Returns the permissions of a ACL structure only if the ACL
+ * type matches one of the pre-determined types for computing
+ * CLASS_OBJ permissions.
+ *
+ * Inputs: aclp - Pointer to ACL structure.
+ */
+static int hpux_get_needed_class_perm(struct acl *aclp)
+ switch (aclp->a_type) {
+ case USER:
+ case GROUP_OBJ:
+ case GROUP:
+ case DEF_USER_OBJ:
+ case DEF_USER:
+ case DEF_GROUP:
+ return aclp->a_perm;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* acl_sort for HPUX.
+ * Sorts the array of ACL structures as per the description in
+ * aclsort man page. Refer to aclsort man page for more details
+ *
+ * Inputs:
+ *
+ * acl_count - Count of ACLs in the array of ACL structures.
+ * calclass - If this is not zero, then we compute the CLASS_OBJ
+ * permissions.
+ * aclp - Array of ACL structures.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ *
+ * aclp - Sorted array of ACL structures.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ *
+ * Returns 0 for success -1 for failure. Prints a message to the Samba
+ * debug log in case of failure.
+ */
+static int hpux_acl_sort(int acl_count, int calclass, struct acl *aclp)
+#if !defined(HAVE_HPUX_ACLSORT)
+ /*
+ * The aclsort() system call is available on the latest HPUX General
+ * Patch Bundles. So for HPUX, we developed our version of acl_sort
+ * function. Because, we don't want to update to a new
+ * HPUX GR bundle just for aclsort() call.
+ */
+ struct hpux_acl_types acl_obj_count;
+ int n_class_obj_perm = 0;
+ int i, j;
+ if (!acl_count) {
+ DEBUG(10, ("Zero acl count passed. Returning Success\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (aclp == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Null ACL pointer in hpux_acl_sort. Returning Failure. \n"));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Count different types of ACLs in the ACLs array */
+ hpux_count_obj(acl_count, aclp, &acl_obj_count);
+ /* There should be only one entry each of type USER_OBJ, GROUP_OBJ,
+ */
+ if (acl_obj_count.n_user_obj != 1
+ || acl_obj_count.n_group_obj != 1
+ || acl_obj_count.n_class_obj != 1
+ || acl_obj_count.n_other_obj != 1) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("hpux_acl_sort: More than one entry or no entries for \
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* If any of the default objects are present, there should be only
+ * one of them each.
+ */
+ if (acl_obj_count.n_def_user_obj > 1 || acl_obj_count.n_def_group_obj > 1
+ || acl_obj_count.n_def_other_obj > 1 || acl_obj_count.n_def_class_obj > 1) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("hpux_acl_sort: More than one entry for DEF_CLASS_OBJ \
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* We now have proper number of OBJ and DEF_OBJ entries. Now sort the acl
+ * structures.
+ *
+ * Sorting crieteria - First sort by ACL type. If there are multiple entries of
+ * same ACL type, sort by ACL id.
+ *
+ * I am using the trivial kind of sorting method here because, performance isn't
+ * really effected by the ACLs feature. More over there aren't going to be more
+ * than 17 entries on HPUX.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < acl_count; i++) {
+ for (j = i+1; j < acl_count; j++) {
+ if (aclp[i].a_type > aclp[j].a_type) {
+ /* ACL entries out of order, swap them */
+ hpux_swap_acl_entries((aclp+i), (aclp+j));
+ } else if (aclp[i].a_type == aclp[j].a_type) {
+ /* ACL entries of same type, sort by id */
+ if (aclp[i].a_id > aclp[j].a_id) {
+ hpux_swap_acl_entries((aclp+i), (aclp+j));
+ } else if (aclp[i].a_id == aclp[j].a_id) {
+ /* We have a duplicate entry. */
+ if (hpux_prohibited_duplicate_type(aclp[i].a_type)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("hpux_acl_sort: Duplicate entry: Type(hex): %x Id: %d\n",
+ aclp[i].a_type, aclp[i].a_id));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* set the class obj permissions to the computed one. */
+ if (calclass) {
+ int n_class_obj_index = -1;
+ for (i = 0;i < acl_count; i++) {
+ n_class_obj_perm |= hpux_get_needed_class_perm((aclp+i));
+ if (aclp[i].a_type == CLASS_OBJ)
+ n_class_obj_index = i;
+ }
+ aclp[n_class_obj_index].a_perm = n_class_obj_perm;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return aclsort(acl_count, calclass, aclp);
+ * sort the ACL and check it for validity
+ *
+ * if it's a minimal ACL with only 4 entries then we
+ * need to recalculate the mask permissions to make
+ * sure that they are the same as the GROUP_OBJ
+ * permissions as required by the UnixWare acl() system call.
+ *
+ * (note: since POSIX allows minimal ACLs which only contain
+ * 3 entries - ie there is no mask entry - we should, in theory,
+ * check for this and add a mask entry if necessary - however
+ * we "know" that the caller of this interface always specifies
+ * a mask so, in practice "this never happens" (tm) - if it *does*
+ * happen aclsort() will fail and return an error and someone will
+ * have to fix it ...)
+ */
+static int acl_sort(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ int fixmask = (acl_d->count <= 4);
+ if (hpux_acl_sort(acl_d->count, fixmask, acl_d->acl) != 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ return acl_sort(acl_d);
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type, SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ struct stat s;
+ struct acl *acl_p;
+ int acl_count;
+ struct acl *acl_buf = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ if (hpux_acl_call_presence() == False) {
+ /* Looks like we don't have the acl() system call on HPUX.
+ * May be the system doesn't have the latest version of JFS.
+ */
+ errno=ENOSYS;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS && type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_sort(acl_d) != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ acl_p = &acl_d->acl[0];
+ acl_count = acl_d->count;
+ /*
+ * if it's a directory there is extra work to do
+ * since the acl() system call will replace both
+ * the access ACLs and the default ACLs (if any)
+ */
+ if (stat(name, &s) != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
+ SMB_ACL_T acc_acl;
+ SMB_ACL_T def_acl;
+ SMB_ACL_T tmp_acl;
+ int i;
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS) {
+ acc_acl = acl_d;
+ def_acl = tmp_acl = sys_acl_get_file(name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT);
+ } else {
+ def_acl = acl_d;
+ acc_acl = tmp_acl = sys_acl_get_file(name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS);
+ }
+ if (tmp_acl == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * allocate a temporary buffer for the complete ACL
+ */
+ acl_count = acc_acl->count + def_acl->count;
+ acl_p = acl_buf = SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(struct acl, acl_count);
+ if (acl_buf == NULL) {
+ sys_acl_free_acl(tmp_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * copy the access control and default entries into the buffer
+ */
+ memcpy(&acl_buf[0], &acc_acl->acl[0],
+ acc_acl->count * sizeof acl_buf[0]);
+ memcpy(&acl_buf[acc_acl->count], &def_acl->acl[0],
+ def_acl->count * sizeof acl_buf[0]);
+ /*
+ * set the ACL_DEFAULT flag on the default entries
+ */
+ for (i = acc_acl->count; i < acl_count; i++) {
+ acl_buf[i].a_type |= ACL_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ sys_acl_free_acl(tmp_acl);
+ } else if (type != SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ret = acl(name, ACL_SET, acl_count, acl_p);
+ if (acl_buf) {
+ free(acl_buf);
+ }
+ return ret;
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ /*
+ * HPUX doesn't have the facl call. Fake it using the path.... JRA.
+ */
+ files_struct *fsp = file_find_fd(fd);
+ if (fsp == NULL) {
+ errno = EBADF;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (acl_sort(acl_d) != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We know we're in the same conn context. So we
+ * can use the relative path.
+ */
+ return sys_acl_set_file(fsp->fsp_name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, acl_d);
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *path)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ int ret;
+ /*
+ * fetching the access ACL and rewriting it has
+ * the effect of deleting the default ACL
+ */
+ if ((acl_d = sys_acl_get_file(path, SMB_ACL_TYPE_ACCESS)) == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ret = acl(path, ACL_SET, acl_d->count, acl_d->acl);
+ sys_acl_free_acl(acl_d);
+ return ret;
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ free(acl_d);
+ return 0;
+#elif defined(HAVE_IRIX_ACLS) /*---------------------------------------------*/
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T acl_d, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ if (entry_id != SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY && entry_id != SMB_ACL_NEXT_ENTRY) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (entry_p == NULL) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (entry_id == SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY) {
+ acl_d->next = 0;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->next < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->next >= acl_d->aclp->acl_cnt) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *entry_p = &acl_d->aclp->acl_entry[acl_d->next++];
+ return 1;
+int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *type_p)
+ *type_p = entry_d->ae_tag;
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ SMB_ACL_T a;
+ if ((a = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct SMB_ACL_T)) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((a->aclp = acl_get_file(path_p, type)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ a->next = -1;
+ a->freeaclp = True;
+ return a;
+#if 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ SMB_ACL_T a;
+ if ((a = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct SMB_ACL_T)) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((a->aclp = acl_get_fd(fd)) == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ a->next = -1;
+ a->freeaclp = True;
+ return a;
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ *tag_type_p = entry->ae_tag;
+ *bits_p = entry->ae_perm;
+ if (*tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_USER || *tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ *u_g_id_p = entry->ae_id;
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ SMB_ACL_T a;
+ if (count < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if ((a = (SMB_ACL_T)SMB_MALLOC(sizeof a[0] + sizeof (struct acl))) == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ a->next = -1;
+ a->freeaclp = False;
+ a->aclp = (struct acl *)((char *)a + sizeof a[0]);
+ a->aclp->acl_cnt = 0;
+ return a;
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *acl_p, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ SMB_ACL_T acl_d;
+ SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d;
+ if (acl_p == NULL || entry_p == NULL || (acl_d = *acl_p) == NULL) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (acl_d->aclp->acl_cnt >= ACL_MAX_ENTRIES) {
+ errno = ENOSPC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ entry_d = &acl_d->aclp->acl_entry[acl_d->aclp->acl_cnt++];
+ entry_d->ae_tag = 0;
+ entry_d->ae_id = 0;
+ entry_d->ae_perm = 0;
+ *entry_p = entry_d;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ entry->ae_tag = tag_type;
+ if (tag_type == SMB_ACL_USER || tag_type == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ entry->ae_id = u_g_id;
+ entry->ae_perm = bits;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, uint32 bits)
+ entry_d->ae_perm = bits;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ return acl_valid(acl_d->aclp);
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type, SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ return acl_set_file(name, type, acl_d->aclp);
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ return acl_set_fd(fd, acl_d->aclp);
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *name)
+ return acl_delete_def_file(name);
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T acl_d)
+ if (acl_d->freeaclp) {
+ acl_free(acl_d->aclp);
+ }
+ acl_free(acl_d);
+ return 0;
+#elif defined(HAVE_AIX_ACLS) /*----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Donated by Medha Date,, for IBM */
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T theacl, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ struct acl_entry_link *link;
+ int keep_going;
+ if (entry_id == SMB_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY)
+ theacl->count = 0;
+ else if (entry_id != SMB_ACL_NEXT_ENTRY) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("This is the count: %d\n", theacl->count));
+ /* Check if count was previously set to -1. *
+ * If it was, that means we reached the end *
+ * of the acl last time. */
+ if (theacl->count == -1)
+ return 0;
+ link = theacl;
+ /* To get to the next acl, traverse linked list until index *
+ * of acl matches the count we are keeping. This count is *
+ * incremented each time we return an acl entry. */
+ for (keep_going = 0; keep_going < theacl->count; keep_going++)
+ link = link->nextp;
+ *entry_p = link->entryp;
+#if 0
+ {
+ struct new_acl_entry *entry = *entry_p;
+ DEBUG(10, ("*entry_p is %lx\n", (long)entry));
+ DEBUG(10, ("*entry_p->ace_access is %d\n", entry->ace_access));
+ }
+ /* Increment count */
+ theacl->count++;
+ if (link->nextp == NULL)
+ theacl->count = -1;
+ return 1;
+int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p)
+ /* Initialize tag type */
+ *tag_type_p = -1;
+ DEBUG(10, ("the tagtype is %d\n", entry_d->ace_id->id_type));
+ /* Depending on what type of entry we have, *
+ * return tag type. */
+ switch (entry_d->ace_id->id_type) {
+ case ACEID_USER:
+ *tag_type_p = SMB_ACL_USER;
+ break;
+ *tag_type_p = SMB_ACL_GROUP;
+ break;
+ *tag_type_p = entry_d->ace_id->id_type;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ struct acl *file_acl = (struct acl *)NULL;
+ struct acl_entry *acl_entry;
+ struct new_acl_entry *new_acl_entry;
+ struct ace_id *idp;
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry_link;
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry_link_head;
+ int i;
+ int rc = 0;
+ /* AIX has no DEFAULT */
+ if (type == SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+#ifdef ENOTSUP
+ errno = ENOTSUP;
+ errno = ENOSYS;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Get the acl using statacl */
+ DEBUG(10, ("Entering sys_acl_get_file\n"));
+ DEBUG(10, ("path_p is %s\n", path_p));
+ file_acl = (struct acl *)SMB_MALLOC(BUFSIZ);
+ if (file_acl == NULL) {
+ errno=ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in AIX sys_acl_get_file: %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(file_acl, 0, BUFSIZ);
+ rc = statacl((char *)path_p, 0, file_acl, BUFSIZ);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("statacl returned %d with errno %d\n", rc, errno));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("Got facl and returned it\n"));
+ /* Point to the first acl entry in the acl */
+ acl_entry = file_acl->acl_ext;
+ /* Begin setting up the head of the linked list *
+ * that will be used for the storing the acl *
+ * in a way that is useful for the posix_acls.c *
+ * code. */
+ acl_entry_link_head = acl_entry_link = sys_acl_init(0);
+ if (acl_entry_link_head == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct new_acl_entry);
+ if (acl_entry_link->entryp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in AIX sys_acl_get_file is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry is %d\n", acl_entry));
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_last(file_acl) id %d\n", acl_last(file_acl)));
+ /* Check if the extended acl bit is on. *
+ * If it isn't, do not show the *
+ * contents of the acl since AIX intends *
+ * the extended info to remain unused */
+ if (file_acl->acl_mode & S_IXACL){
+ /* while we are not pointing to the very end */
+ while (acl_entry < acl_last(file_acl)) {
+ /* before we malloc anything, make sure this is */
+ /* a valid acl entry and one that we want to map */
+ idp = id_nxt(acl_entry->ace_id);
+ if ((acl_entry->ace_type == ACC_SPECIFY || acl_entry->ace_type == ACC_PERMIT)
+ && idp != id_last(acl_entry)) {
+ acl_entry = acl_nxt(acl_entry);
+ continue;
+ }
+ idp = acl_entry->ace_id;
+ /* Check if this is the first entry in the linked list. *
+ * The first entry needs to keep prevp pointing to NULL *
+ * and already has entryp allocated. */
+ if (acl_entry_link_head->count != 0) {
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct acl_entry_link);
+ if (acl_entry_link->nextp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in AIX sys_acl_get_file is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp->prevp = acl_entry_link;
+ acl_entry_link = acl_entry_link->nextp;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct new_acl_entry);
+ if (acl_entry_link->entryp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in AIX sys_acl_get_file is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_len = acl_entry->ace_len;
+ /* Don't really need this since all types are going *
+ * to be specified but, it's better than leaving it 0 */
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_type = acl_entry->ace_type;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access = acl_entry->ace_access;
+ memcpy(acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id, idp, sizeof (struct ace_id));
+ /* The access in the acl entries must be left shifted by *
+ * three bites, because they will ultimately be compared *
+ * to S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, and S_IXUSR. */
+ switch (acl_entry->ace_type){
+ case ACC_PERMIT:
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access = acl_entry->ace_access;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access <<= 6;
+ acl_entry_link_head->count++;
+ break;
+ case ACC_DENY:
+ /* Since there is no way to return a DENY acl entry *
+ * change to PERMIT and then shift. */
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry->ace_access is %d\n", acl_entry->ace_access));
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access = ~acl_entry->ace_access & 7;
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access is %d\n", acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access));
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access <<= 6;
+ acl_entry_link_head->count++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry = %d\n", acl_entry));
+ DEBUG(10, ("The ace_type is %d\n", acl_entry->ace_type));
+ acl_entry = acl_nxt(acl_entry);
+ }
+ } /* end of if enabled */
+ /* Since owner, group, other acl entries are not *
+ * part of the acl entries in an acl, they must *
+ * be dummied up to become part of the list. */
+ for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ DEBUG(10, ("i is %d\n", i));
+ if (acl_entry_link_head->count != 0) {
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct acl_entry_link);
+ if (acl_entry_link->nextp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in AIX sys_acl_get_file is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp->prevp = acl_entry_link;
+ acl_entry_link = acl_entry_link->nextp;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct new_acl_entry);
+ if (acl_entry_link->entryp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in AIX sys_acl_get_file is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = NULL;
+ new_acl_entry = acl_entry_link->entryp;
+ idp = new_acl_entry->ace_id;
+ new_acl_entry->ace_len = sizeof (struct acl_entry);
+ new_acl_entry->ace_type = ACC_PERMIT;
+ idp->id_len = sizeof (struct ace_id);
+ DEBUG(10, ("idp->id_len = %d\n", idp->id_len));
+ memset(idp->id_data, 0, sizeof (uid_t));
+ switch (i) {
+ case 2:
+ new_acl_entry->ace_access = file_acl->g_access << 6;
+ idp->id_type = SMB_ACL_GROUP_OBJ;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ new_acl_entry->ace_access = file_acl->o_access << 6;
+ idp->id_type = SMB_ACL_OTHER;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ new_acl_entry->ace_access = file_acl->u_access << 6;
+ idp->id_type = SMB_ACL_USER_OBJ;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link_head->count++;
+ DEBUG(10, ("new_acl_entry->ace_access = %d\n", new_acl_entry->ace_access));
+ }
+ acl_entry_link_head->count = 0;
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return acl_entry_link_head;
+#if 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ struct acl *file_acl = (struct acl *)NULL;
+ struct acl_entry *acl_entry;
+ struct new_acl_entry *new_acl_entry;
+ struct ace_id *idp;
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry_link;
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry_link_head;
+ int i;
+ int rc = 0;
+ /* Get the acl using fstatacl */
+ DEBUG(10, ("Entering sys_acl_get_fd\n"));
+ DEBUG(10, ("fd is %d\n", fd));
+ file_acl = (struct acl *)SMB_MALLOC(BUFSIZ);
+ if (file_acl == NULL) {
+ errno=ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_get_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(file_acl, 0, BUFSIZ);
+ rc = fstatacl(fd, 0, file_acl, BUFSIZ);
+ if (rc == -1) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("The fstatacl call returned %d with errno %d\n", rc, errno));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("Got facl and returned it\n"));
+ /* Point to the first acl entry in the acl */
+ acl_entry = file_acl->acl_ext;
+ /* Begin setting up the head of the linked list *
+ * that will be used for the storing the acl *
+ * in a way that is useful for the posix_acls.c *
+ * code. */
+ acl_entry_link_head = acl_entry_link = sys_acl_init(0);
+ if (acl_entry_link_head == NULL){
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct new_acl_entry);
+ if (acl_entry_link->entryp == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_get_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry is %d\n", acl_entry));
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_last(file_acl) id %d\n", acl_last(file_acl)));
+ /* Check if the extended acl bit is on. *
+ * If it isn't, do not show the *
+ * contents of the acl since AIX intends *
+ * the extended info to remain unused */
+ if (file_acl->acl_mode & S_IXACL){
+ /* while we are not pointing to the very end */
+ while (acl_entry < acl_last(file_acl)) {
+ /* before we malloc anything, make sure this is */
+ /* a valid acl entry and one that we want to map */
+ idp = id_nxt(acl_entry->ace_id);
+ if ((acl_entry->ace_type == ACC_SPECIFY ||
+ (acl_entry->ace_type == ACC_PERMIT)) && (idp != id_last(acl_entry))) {
+ acl_entry = acl_nxt(acl_entry);
+ continue;
+ }
+ idp = acl_entry->ace_id;
+ /* Check if this is the first entry in the linked list. *
+ * The first entry needs to keep prevp pointing to NULL *
+ * and already has entryp allocated. */
+ if (acl_entry_link_head->count != 0) {
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct acl_entry_link);
+ if (acl_entry_link->nextp == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_get_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp->prevp = acl_entry_link;
+ acl_entry_link = acl_entry_link->nextp;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct new_acl_entry);
+ if (acl_entry_link->entryp == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_get_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_len = acl_entry->ace_len;
+ /* Don't really need this since all types are going *
+ * to be specified but, it's better than leaving it 0 */
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_type = acl_entry->ace_type;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access = acl_entry->ace_access;
+ memcpy(acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id, idp, sizeof (struct ace_id));
+ /* The access in the acl entries must be left shifted by *
+ * three bites, because they will ultimately be compared *
+ * to S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, and S_IXUSR. */
+ switch (acl_entry->ace_type){
+ case ACC_PERMIT:
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access = acl_entry->ace_access;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access <<= 6;
+ acl_entry_link_head->count++;
+ break;
+ case ACC_DENY:
+ /* Since there is no way to return a DENY acl entry *
+ * change to PERMIT and then shift. */
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry->ace_access is %d\n", acl_entry->ace_access));
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access = ~acl_entry->ace_access & 7;
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access is %d\n", acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access));
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access <<= 6;
+ acl_entry_link_head->count++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("acl_entry = %d\n", acl_entry));
+ DEBUG(10, ("The ace_type is %d\n", acl_entry->ace_type));
+ acl_entry = acl_nxt(acl_entry);
+ }
+ } /* end of if enabled */
+ /* Since owner, group, other acl entries are not *
+ * part of the acl entries in an acl, they must *
+ * be dummied up to become part of the list. */
+ for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ DEBUG(10, ("i is %d\n", i));
+ if (acl_entry_link_head->count != 0){
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct acl_entry_link);
+ if (acl_entry_link->nextp == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_get_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp->prevp = acl_entry_link;
+ acl_entry_link = acl_entry_link->nextp;
+ acl_entry_link->entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct new_acl_entry);
+ if (acl_entry_link->entryp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_get_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ acl_entry_link->nextp = NULL;
+ new_acl_entry = acl_entry_link->entryp;
+ idp = new_acl_entry->ace_id;
+ new_acl_entry->ace_len = sizeof (struct acl_entry);
+ new_acl_entry->ace_type = ACC_PERMIT;
+ idp->id_len = sizeof (struct ace_id);
+ DEBUG(10, ("idp->id_len = %d\n", idp->id_len));
+ memset(idp->id_data, 0, sizeof (uid_t));
+ switch (i) {
+ case 2:
+ new_acl_entry->ace_access = file_acl->g_access << 6;
+ idp->id_type = SMB_ACL_GROUP_OBJ;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ new_acl_entry->ace_access = file_acl->o_access << 6;
+ idp->id_type = SMB_ACL_OTHER;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ new_acl_entry->ace_access = file_acl->u_access << 6;
+ idp->id_type = SMB_ACL_USER_OBJ;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ acl_entry_link_head->count++;
+ DEBUG(10, ("new_acl_entry->ace_access = %d\n", new_acl_entry->ace_access));
+ }
+ acl_entry_link_head->count = 0;
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ return acl_entry_link_head;
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ uint *permset;
+ if (sys_acl_get_tag_type(entry, tag_type_p) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (*tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_USER || *tag_type_p == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ memcpy(u_g_id_p, entry->ace_id->id_data, sizeof (id_t));
+ permset = &entry->ace_access;
+ DEBUG(10, ("*permset is %d\n", *permset));
+ *bits_p = (*permset & S_IRUSR ? 4 : 0)
+ | (*permset & S_IWUSR ? 2 : 0)
+ | (*permset & S_IXUSR ? 1 : 0);
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ struct acl_entry_link *theacl = NULL;
+ if (count < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("Entering sys_acl_init\n"));
+ theacl = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct acl_entry_link);
+ if (theacl == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_init is %d\n", errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ theacl->count = 0;
+ theacl->nextp = NULL;
+ theacl->prevp = NULL;
+ theacl->entryp = NULL;
+ DEBUG(10, ("Exiting sys_acl_init\n"));
+ return theacl;
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *pacl, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *pentry)
+ struct acl_entry_link *theacl;
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entryp;
+ struct acl_entry_link *temp_entry = NULL;
+ int counting;
+ DEBUG(10, ("Entering the sys_acl_create_entry\n"));
+ theacl = acl_entryp = *pacl;
+ /* Get to the end of the acl before adding entry */
+ for (counting = 0; counting < theacl->count; counting++){
+ DEBUG(10, ("The acl_entryp is %d\n", acl_entryp));
+ temp_entry = acl_entryp;
+ acl_entryp = acl_entryp->nextp;
+ }
+ if (theacl->count != 0){
+ temp_entry->nextp = acl_entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct acl_entry_link);
+ if (acl_entryp == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_create_entry is %d\n", errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("The acl_entryp is %d\n", acl_entryp));
+ acl_entryp->prevp = temp_entry;
+ DEBUG(10, ("The acl_entryp->prevp is %d\n", acl_entryp->prevp));
+ }
+ *pentry = acl_entryp->entryp = SMB_MALLOC_P(struct new_acl_entry);
+ if (*pentry == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_create_entry is %d\n", errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memset(*pentry, 0, sizeof (struct new_acl_entry));
+ acl_entryp->entryp->ace_len = sizeof (struct acl_entry);
+ acl_entryp->entryp->ace_type = ACC_PERMIT;
+ acl_entryp->entryp->ace_id->id_len = sizeof (struct ace_id);
+ acl_entryp->nextp = NULL;
+ theacl->count++;
+ DEBUG(10, ("Exiting sys_acl_create_entry\n"));
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ entry->ace_id->id_type = tag_type;
+ DEBUG(10, ("The tag type is %d\n", entry->ace_id->id_type));
+ if (tag_type == SMB_ACL_USER || tag_type == SMB_ACL_GROUP)
+ memcpy(entry->ace_id->id_data, &u_g_id, sizeof (id_t));
+ entry->ace_access = bits;
+ DEBUG(10, ("entry->ace_access = %d\n", entry->ace_access));
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, uint32 bits)
+ DEBUG(10, ("Starting AIX sys_acl_set_permset\n"));
+ entry->ace_access = bits;
+ DEBUG(10, ("entry->ace_access = %d\n", entry->ace_access));
+ DEBUG(10, ("Ending AIX sys_acl_set_permset\n"));
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ int user_obj = 0;
+ int group_obj = 0;
+ int other_obj = 0;
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry;
+ for (acl_entry=theacl; acl_entry != NULL; acl_entry = acl_entry->nextp) {
+ user_obj += (acl_entry->entryp->ace_id->id_type == SMB_ACL_USER_OBJ);
+ group_obj += (acl_entry->entryp->ace_id->id_type == SMB_ACL_GROUP_OBJ);
+ other_obj += (acl_entry->entryp->ace_id->id_type == SMB_ACL_OTHER);
+ }
+ DEBUG(10, ("user_obj=%d, group_obj=%d, other_obj=%d\n", user_obj, group_obj, other_obj));
+ if (user_obj != 1 || group_obj != 1 || other_obj != 1)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acltype, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry_link = NULL;
+ struct acl *file_acl = NULL;
+ struct acl *file_acl_temp = NULL;
+ struct acl_entry *acl_entry = NULL;
+ struct ace_id *ace_id = NULL;
+ uint id_type;
+ uint user_id;
+ uint acl_length;
+ uint rc;
+ DEBUG(10, ("Entering sys_acl_set_file\n"));
+ DEBUG(10, ("File name is %s\n", name));
+ /* AIX has no default ACL */
+ if (acltype == SMB_ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT)
+ return 0;
+ acl_length = BUFSIZ;
+ file_acl = (struct acl *)SMB_MALLOC(BUFSIZ);
+ if (file_acl == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_set_file is %d\n", errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memset(file_acl, 0, BUFSIZ);
+ file_acl->acl_len = ACL_SIZ;
+ file_acl->acl_mode = S_IXACL;
+ for (acl_entry_link=theacl; acl_entry_link != NULL; acl_entry_link = acl_entry_link->nextp) {
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access >>= 6;
+ id_type = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_type;
+ switch (id_type) {
+ file_acl->u_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ continue;
+ file_acl->g_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ continue;
+ file_acl->o_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ continue;
+ case SMB_ACL_MASK:
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((file_acl->acl_len + sizeof (struct acl_entry)) > acl_length) {
+ acl_length += sizeof (struct acl_entry);
+ file_acl_temp = (struct acl *)SMB_MALLOC(acl_length);
+ if (file_acl_temp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_set_file is %d\n", errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memcpy(file_acl_temp, file_acl, file_acl->acl_len);
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ file_acl = file_acl_temp;
+ }
+ acl_entry = (struct acl_entry *)((char *)file_acl + file_acl->acl_len);
+ file_acl->acl_len += sizeof (struct acl_entry);
+ acl_entry->ace_len = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_len;
+ acl_entry->ace_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ /* In order to use this, we'll need to wait until we can get denies */
+ /* if (!acl_entry->ace_access && acl_entry->ace_type == ACC_PERMIT)
+ acl_entry->ace_type = ACC_SPECIFY; */
+ acl_entry->ace_type = ACC_SPECIFY;
+ ace_id = acl_entry->ace_id;
+ ace_id->id_type = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_type;
+ DEBUG(10, ("The id type is %d\n", ace_id->id_type));
+ ace_id->id_len = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_len;
+ memcpy(&user_id, acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_data, sizeof (uid_t));
+ memcpy(acl_entry->ace_id->id_data, &user_id, sizeof (uid_t));
+ }
+ rc = chacl((char*)name, file_acl, file_acl->acl_len);
+ DEBUG(10, ("errno is %d\n", errno));
+ DEBUG(10, ("return code is %d\n", rc));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ DEBUG(10, ("Exiting the sys_acl_set_file\n"));
+ return rc;
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry_link = NULL;
+ struct acl *file_acl = NULL;
+ struct acl *file_acl_temp = NULL;
+ struct acl_entry *acl_entry = NULL;
+ struct ace_id *ace_id = NULL;
+ uint id_type;
+ uint user_id;
+ uint acl_length;
+ uint rc;
+ DEBUG(10, ("Entering sys_acl_set_fd\n"));
+ acl_length = BUFSIZ;
+ file_acl = (struct acl *)SMB_MALLOC(BUFSIZ);
+ if (file_acl == NULL) {
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_set_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memset(file_acl, 0, BUFSIZ);
+ file_acl->acl_len = ACL_SIZ;
+ file_acl->acl_mode = S_IXACL;
+ for (acl_entry_link=theacl; acl_entry_link != NULL; acl_entry_link = acl_entry_link->nextp) {
+ acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access >>= 6;
+ id_type = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_type;
+ DEBUG(10, ("The id_type is %d\n", id_type));
+ switch (id_type) {
+ file_acl->u_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ continue;
+ file_acl->g_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ continue;
+ file_acl->o_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ continue;
+ case SMB_ACL_MASK:
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((file_acl->acl_len + sizeof (struct acl_entry)) > acl_length) {
+ acl_length += sizeof (struct acl_entry);
+ file_acl_temp = (struct acl *)SMB_MALLOC(acl_length);
+ if (file_acl_temp == NULL) {
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error in sys_acl_set_fd is %d\n", errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memcpy(file_acl_temp, file_acl, file_acl->acl_len);
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ file_acl = file_acl_temp;
+ }
+ acl_entry = (struct acl_entry *)((char *)file_acl + file_acl->acl_len);
+ file_acl->acl_len += sizeof (struct acl_entry);
+ acl_entry->ace_len = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_len;
+ acl_entry->ace_access = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_access;
+ /* In order to use this, we'll need to wait until we can get denies */
+ /* if (!acl_entry->ace_access && acl_entry->ace_type == ACC_PERMIT)
+ acl_entry->ace_type = ACC_SPECIFY; */
+ acl_entry->ace_type = ACC_SPECIFY;
+ ace_id = acl_entry->ace_id;
+ ace_id->id_type = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_type;
+ DEBUG(10, ("The id type is %d\n", ace_id->id_type));
+ ace_id->id_len = acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_len;
+ memcpy(&user_id, acl_entry_link->entryp->ace_id->id_data, sizeof (uid_t));
+ memcpy(ace_id->id_data, &user_id, sizeof (uid_t));
+ }
+ rc = fchacl(fd, file_acl, file_acl->acl_len);
+ DEBUG(10, ("errno is %d\n", errno));
+ DEBUG(10, ("return code is %d\n", rc));
+ SAFE_FREE(file_acl);
+ DEBUG(10, ("Exiting sys_acl_set_fd\n"));
+ return rc;
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(UNUSED(const char *name))
+ /* AIX has no default ACL */
+ return 0;
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T posix_acl)
+ struct acl_entry_link *acl_entry_link;
+ for (acl_entry_link = posix_acl->nextp; acl_entry_link->nextp != NULL; acl_entry_link = acl_entry_link->nextp) {
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_entry_link->prevp->entryp);
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_entry_link->prevp);
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_entry_link->prevp->entryp);
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_entry_link->prevp);
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_entry_link->entryp);
+ SAFE_FREE(acl_entry_link);
+ return 0;
+#elif defined(HAVE_OSX_ACLS) /*----------------------------------------------*/
+#define OSX_BROKEN_GETENTRY /* returns 0 instead of 1 */
+#include <membership.h>
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T the_acl, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p)
+ int ret = acl_get_entry(the_acl, entry_id, entry_p);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ ret = 1;
+ else if (ret == -1 && errno == 22)
+ ret = 0;
+ return ret;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type)
+ if (type == ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ errno = ENOTSUP;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ errno = 0;
+ return acl_get_file(path_p, type);
+#if 0
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd)
+ return acl_get_fd(fd);
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p)
+ uuid_t *uup;
+ acl_tag_t tag;
+ acl_flagset_t flagset;
+ acl_permset_t permset;
+ uint32 bits, fb, bb, pb;
+ int id_type = -1;
+ int rc;
+ if (acl_get_tag_type(entry, &tag) != 0
+ || acl_get_flagset_np(entry, &flagset) != 0
+ || acl_get_permset(entry, &permset) != 0
+ || (uup = acl_get_qualifier(entry)) == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ rc = mbr_uuid_to_id(*uup, u_g_id_p, &id_type);
+ acl_free(uup);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ return rc;
+ if (id_type == ID_TYPE_UID)
+ *tag_type_p = SMB_ACL_USER;
+ else
+ *tag_type_p = SMB_ACL_GROUP;
+ bits = tag == ACL_EXTENDED_ALLOW ? 1 : 0;
+ for (fb = (1u<<4), bb = (1u<<1); bb < (1u<<12); fb *= 2, bb *= 2) {
+ if (acl_get_flag_np(flagset, fb) == 1)
+ bits |= bb;
+ }
+ for (pb = (1u<<1), bb = (1u<<12); bb < (1u<<25); pb *= 2, bb *= 2) {
+ if (acl_get_perm_np(permset, pb) == 1)
+ bits |= bb;
+ }
+ *bits_p = bits;
+ return 0;
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count)
+ return acl_init(count);
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *pacl, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *pentry)
+ return acl_create_entry(pacl, pentry);
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tag_type, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id)
+ acl_flagset_t flagset;
+ acl_permset_t permset;
+ uint32 fb, bb, pb;
+ int is_user = tag_type == SMB_ACL_USER;
+ uuid_t uu;
+ int rc;
+ tag_type = bits & 1 ? ACL_EXTENDED_ALLOW : ACL_EXTENDED_DENY;
+ if (acl_get_flagset_np(entry, &flagset) != 0
+ || acl_get_permset(entry, &permset) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ acl_clear_flags_np(flagset);
+ acl_clear_perms(permset);
+ for (fb = (1u<<4), bb = (1u<<1); bb < (1u<<12); fb *= 2, bb *= 2) {
+ if (bits & bb)
+ acl_add_flag_np(flagset, fb);
+ }
+ for (pb = (1u<<1), bb = (1u<<12); bb < (1u<<25); pb *= 2, bb *= 2) {
+ if (bits & bb)
+ acl_add_perm(permset, pb);
+ }
+ if (is_user)
+ rc = mbr_uid_to_uuid(u_g_id, uu);
+ else
+ rc = mbr_gid_to_uuid(u_g_id, uu);
+ if (rc != 0)
+ return rc;
+ if (acl_set_tag_type(entry, tag_type) != 0
+ || acl_set_qualifier(entry, &uu) != 0
+ || acl_set_permset(entry, permset) != 0
+ || acl_set_flagset_np(entry, flagset) != 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, uint32 bits)
+ return -1; /* Not needed for OS X. */
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_valid(theacl);
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acltype, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_set_file(name, acltype, theacl);
+#if 0
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T theacl)
+ return acl_set_fd(fd, theacl);
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *name)
+ return acl_delete_def_file(name);
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T the_acl)
+ return acl_free(the_acl);
+#else /* No ACLs. */
+#error No ACL functions defined for this platform!
+ Deliberately outside the ACL defines. Return 1 if this is a "no acls"
+ errno, 0 if not.
+int no_acl_syscall_error(int err)
+ if (err == ENOENT)
+ return 1; /* Weird problem with directory ACLs. */
+#if defined(ENOSYS)
+ if (err == ENOSYS) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+#if defined(ENOTSUP)
+ if (err == ENOTSUP) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (err == EINVAL) {
+ * isn't valid, then the ACLs must be non-POSIX. */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* SUPPORT_ACLS */
diff --git a/lib/sysacls.h b/lib/sysacls.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c069597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sysacls.h
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+ * Unix SMB/Netbios implementation.
+ * Version 2.2.x
+ * Portable SMB ACL interface
+ * Copyright (C) Jeremy Allison 2000
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#ifdef HAVE_SYS_ACL_H
+#include <sys/acl.h>
+#include <acl/libacl.h>
+#define SMB_MALLOC(cnt) new_array(char, cnt)
+#define SMB_MALLOC_P(obj) new_array(obj, 1)
+#define SMB_MALLOC_ARRAY(obj, cnt) new_array(obj, cnt)
+#define SMB_REALLOC(mem, cnt) realloc_array(mem, char, cnt)
+#define slprintf snprintf
+#if defined HAVE_POSIX_ACLS /*-----------------------------------------------*/
+/* This is an identity mapping (just remove the SMB_). */
+#define SMB_ACL_TAG_T acl_tag_t
+#define SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acl_type_t
+/* Types of ACLs. */
+#define SMB_ACL_T acl_t
+#define SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T acl_entry_t
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_OBJ_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#elif defined HAVE_TRU64_ACLS /*---------------------------------------------*/
+/* This is for DEC/Compaq Tru64 UNIX */
+#define SMB_ACL_TAG_T acl_tag_t
+#define SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acl_type_t
+/* Types of ACLs. */
+#define SMB_ACL_T acl_t
+#define SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T acl_entry_t
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_OBJ_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#elif defined HAVE_UNIXWARE_ACLS || defined HAVE_SOLARIS_ACLS /*-------------*/
+/* Donated by Michael Davidson <md@sco.COM> for UnixWare / OpenUNIX.
+ * Modified by Toomas Soome <> for Solaris. */
+/* SVR4.2 ES/MP ACLs */
+typedef int SMB_ACL_TAG_T;
+typedef int SMB_ACL_TYPE_T;
+/* Types of ACLs. */
+typedef struct SMB_ACL_T {
+ int size;
+ int count;
+ int next;
+ struct acl acl[1];
+} *SMB_ACL_T;
+typedef struct acl *SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T;
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_OBJ_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+#elif defined HAVE_HPUX_ACLS /*----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Based on the Solaris & UnixWare code. */
+#ifndef __TANDEM
+#undef GROUP
+#include <sys/aclv.h>
+/* SVR4.2 ES/MP ACLs */
+typedef int SMB_ACL_TAG_T;
+typedef int SMB_ACL_TYPE_T;
+/* Types of ACLs. */
+typedef struct SMB_ACL_T {
+ int size;
+ int count;
+ int next;
+ struct acl acl[1];
+} *SMB_ACL_T;
+typedef struct acl *SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T;
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_OBJ_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#elif defined HAVE_IRIX_ACLS /*----------------------------------------------*/
+/* IRIX ACLs */
+#define SMB_ACL_TAG_T acl_tag_t
+#define SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acl_type_t
+/* Types of ACLs. */
+typedef struct SMB_ACL_T {
+ int next;
+ BOOL freeaclp;
+ struct acl *aclp;
+} *SMB_ACL_T;
+#define SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T acl_entry_t
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_OBJ_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#elif defined HAVE_AIX_ACLS /*-----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Donated by Medha Date,, for IBM */
+#include "/usr/include/acl.h"
+struct acl_entry_link{
+ struct acl_entry_link *prevp;
+ struct new_acl_entry *entryp;
+ struct acl_entry_link *nextp;
+ int count;
+struct new_acl_entry{
+ unsigned short ace_len;
+ unsigned short ace_type;
+ unsigned int ace_access;
+ struct ace_id ace_id[1];
+#define SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T struct new_acl_entry*
+#define SMB_ACL_T struct acl_entry_link*
+#define SMB_ACL_TAG_T unsigned short
+#define SMB_ACL_TYPE_T int
+/* Types of ACLs. */
+#define SMB_ACL_USER_OBJ 3
+#define SMB_ACL_GROUP_OBJ 4
+#define SMB_ACL_OTHER 5
+#define SMB_ACL_MASK 6
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_OBJ_BITS (4 | 2 | 1)
+#elif defined(HAVE_OSX_ACLS) /*----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Special handling for OS X ACLs */
+#define SMB_ACL_TAG_T acl_tag_t
+#define SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acl_type_t
+#define SMB_ACL_T acl_t
+#define SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T acl_entry_t
+#define SMB_ACL_USER 1
+#define SMB_ACL_GROUP 2
+#define SMB_ACL_VALID_NAME_BITS ((1<<25)-1)
+/*#undef SMB_ACL_NEED_SORT*/
+#else /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Unknown platform. */
+#error Cannot handle ACLs on this platform!
+int sys_acl_get_entry(SMB_ACL_T the_acl, int entry_id, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *entry_p);
+int sys_acl_get_tag_type(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p);
+int sys_acl_get_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T *tag_type_p, uint32 *bits_p, id_t *u_g_id_p);
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file(const char *path_p, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type);
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd(int fd);
+SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_init(int count);
+int sys_acl_create_entry(SMB_ACL_T *pacl, SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T *pentry);
+int sys_acl_set_info(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, SMB_ACL_TAG_T tagtype, uint32 bits, id_t u_g_id);
+int sys_acl_set_access_bits(SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry, uint32 bits);
+int sys_acl_valid(SMB_ACL_T theacl);
+int sys_acl_set_file(const char *name, SMB_ACL_TYPE_T acltype, SMB_ACL_T theacl);
+int sys_acl_set_fd(int fd, SMB_ACL_T theacl);
+int sys_acl_delete_def_file(const char *name);
+int sys_acl_free_acl(SMB_ACL_T the_acl);
+int no_acl_syscall_error(int err);
+#endif /* SUPPORT_ACLS */
diff --git a/lib/sysxattrs.c b/lib/sysxattrs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca08d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sysxattrs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Extended attribute support for rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ * Written by Jay Fenlason.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "sysxattrs.h"
+#define GETXATTR_FETCH_LIMIT (64*1024*1024)
+#if defined HAVE_LINUX_XATTRS
+ssize_t sys_lgetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ return lgetxattr(path, name, value, size);
+ssize_t sys_fgetxattr(int filedes, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ return fgetxattr(filedes, name, value, size);
+int sys_lsetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const void *value, size_t size)
+ return lsetxattr(path, name, value, size, 0);
+int sys_lremovexattr(const char *path, const char *name)
+ return lremovexattr(path, name);
+ssize_t sys_llistxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
+ return llistxattr(path, list, size);
+ssize_t sys_lgetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ ssize_t len = getxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);
+ /* If we're retrieving data, handle resource forks > 64MB specially */
+ if (value != NULL && len == GETXATTR_FETCH_LIMIT && (size_t)len < size) {
+ /* getxattr will only return 64MB of data at a time, need to call again with a new offset */
+ u_int32_t offset = len;
+ size_t data_retrieved = len;
+ while (data_retrieved < size) {
+ len = getxattr(path, name, (char*)value + offset, size - data_retrieved, offset, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);
+ if (len <= 0)
+ break;
+ data_retrieved += len;
+ offset += (u_int32_t)len;
+ }
+ len = data_retrieved;
+ }
+ return len;
+ssize_t sys_fgetxattr(int filedes, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ return fgetxattr(filedes, name, value, size, 0, 0);
+int sys_lsetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const void *value, size_t size)
+ return setxattr(path, name, value, size, 0, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);
+int sys_lremovexattr(const char *path, const char *name)
+ return removexattr(path, name, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);
+ssize_t sys_llistxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
+ return listxattr(path, list, size, XATTR_NOFOLLOW);
+ssize_t sys_lgetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ return extattr_get_link(path, EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER, name, value, size);
+ssize_t sys_fgetxattr(int filedes, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ return extattr_get_fd(filedes, EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER, name, value, size);
+int sys_lsetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const void *value, size_t size)
+ return extattr_set_link(path, EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER, name, value, size);
+int sys_lremovexattr(const char *path, const char *name)
+ return extattr_delete_link(path, EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER, name);
+ssize_t sys_llistxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
+ unsigned char keylen;
+ ssize_t off, len = extattr_list_link(path, EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER, list, size);
+ if (len <= 0 || (size_t)len > size)
+ return len;
+ /* FreeBSD puts a single-byte length before each string, with no '\0'
+ * terminator. We need to change this into a series of null-terminted
+ * strings. Since the size is the same, we can simply transform the
+ * output in place. */
+ for (off = 0; off < len; off += keylen + 1) {
+ keylen = ((unsigned char*)list)[off];
+ if (off + keylen >= len) {
+ /* Should be impossible, but kernel bugs happen! */
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memmove(list+off, list+off+1, keylen);
+ list[off+keylen] = '\0';
+ }
+ return len;
+static ssize_t read_xattr(int attrfd, void *buf, size_t buflen)
+ ssize_t ret;
+ if (fstat(attrfd, &sb) < 0)
+ ret = -1;
+ else if (sb.st_size > SSIZE_MAX) {
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ ret = -1;
+ } else if (buflen == 0)
+ ret = sb.st_size;
+ else if (sb.st_size > buflen) {
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ ret = -1;
+ } else {
+ size_t bufpos;
+ for (bufpos = 0; bufpos < sb.st_size; ) {
+ ssize_t cnt = read(attrfd, (char*)buf + bufpos, sb.st_size - bufpos);
+ if (cnt <= 0) {
+ if (cnt < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ bufpos = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ bufpos += cnt;
+ }
+ ret = bufpos;
+ }
+ close(attrfd);
+ return ret;
+ssize_t sys_lgetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ int attrfd;
+ if ((attrfd = attropen(path, name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+ errno = ENOATTR;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return read_xattr(attrfd, value, size);
+ssize_t sys_fgetxattr(int filedes, const char *name, void *value, size_t size)
+ int attrfd;
+ if ((attrfd = openat(filedes, name, O_RDONLY|O_XATTR, 0)) < 0) {
+ errno = ENOATTR;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return read_xattr(attrfd, value, size);
+int sys_lsetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const void *value, size_t size)
+ int attrfd;
+ size_t bufpos;
+ mode_t mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP;
+ if ((attrfd = attropen(path, name, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, mode)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ for (bufpos = 0; bufpos < size; ) {
+ ssize_t cnt = write(attrfd, (char*)value + bufpos, size);
+ if (cnt <= 0) {
+ if (cnt < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ bufpos = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ bufpos += cnt;
+ }
+ close(attrfd);
+ return bufpos > 0 ? 0 : -1;
+int sys_lremovexattr(const char *path, const char *name)
+ int attrdirfd;
+ int ret;
+ if ((attrdirfd = attropen(path, ".", O_RDONLY)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ ret = unlinkat(attrdirfd, name, 0);
+ close(attrdirfd);
+ return ret;
+ssize_t sys_llistxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size)
+ int attrdirfd;
+ DIR *dirp;
+ struct dirent *dp;
+ ssize_t ret = 0;
+ if ((attrdirfd = attropen(path, ".", O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
+ errno = ENOTSUP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((dirp = fdopendir(attrdirfd)) == NULL) {
+ close(attrdirfd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while ((dp = readdir(dirp))) {
+ int len = strlen(dp->d_name);
+ if (dp->d_name[0] == '.' && (len == 1 || (len == 2 && dp->d_name[1] == '.')))
+ continue;
+ if (len == 11 && dp->d_name[0] == 'S' && strncmp(dp->d_name, "SUNWattr_r", 10) == 0
+ && (dp->d_name[10] == 'o' || dp->d_name[10] == 'w'))
+ continue;
+ ret += len + 1;
+ if ((size_t)ret > size) {
+ if (size == 0)
+ continue;
+ ret = -1;
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ break;
+ }
+ memcpy(list, dp->d_name, len+1);
+ list += len+1;
+ }
+ closedir(dirp);
+ close(attrdirfd);
+ return ret;
+#error You need to create xattr compatibility functions.
+#endif /* SUPPORT_XATTRS */
diff --git a/lib/sysxattrs.h b/lib/sysxattrs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..024bbd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sysxattrs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#if defined HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H
+#include <sys/xattr.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_ATTR_XATTR_H
+#include <attr/xattr.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_SYS_EXTATTR_H
+#include <sys/extattr.h>
+/* Linux 2.4 does not define this as a distinct errno value: */
+#ifndef ENOATTR
+ssize_t sys_lgetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, void *value, size_t size);
+ssize_t sys_fgetxattr(int filedes, const char *name, void *value, size_t size);
+int sys_lsetxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const void *value, size_t size);
+int sys_lremovexattr(const char *path, const char *name);
+ssize_t sys_llistxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size);
+/* No xattrs available */
diff --git a/lib/wildmatch.c b/lib/wildmatch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a1731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/wildmatch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+** Do shell-style pattern matching for ?, \, [], and * characters.
+** It is 8bit clean.
+** Written by Rich $alz, mirror!rs, Wed Nov 26 19:03:17 EST 1986.
+** Rich $alz is now <>.
+** Modified by Wayne Davison to special-case '/' matching, to make '**'
+** work differently than '*', and to fix the character-class code.
+#include "rsync.h"
+/* What character marks an inverted character class? */
+#define NEGATE_CLASS '!'
+#define NEGATE_CLASS2 '^'
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#define ABORT_ALL -1
+#define CC_EQ(class, len, litmatch) ((len) == sizeof (litmatch)-1 \
+ && *(class) == *(litmatch) \
+ && strncmp((char*)class, litmatch, len) == 0)
+#if defined STDC_HEADERS || !defined isascii
+# define ISASCII(c) 1
+# define ISASCII(c) isascii(c)
+#ifdef isblank
+# define ISBLANK(c) (ISASCII(c) && isblank(c))
+# define ISBLANK(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
+#ifdef isgraph
+# define ISGRAPH(c) (ISASCII(c) && isgraph(c))
+# define ISGRAPH(c) (ISASCII(c) && isprint(c) && !isspace(c))
+#define ISPRINT(c) (ISASCII(c) && isprint(c))
+#define ISDIGIT(c) (ISASCII(c) && isdigit(c))
+#define ISALNUM(c) (ISASCII(c) && isalnum(c))
+#define ISALPHA(c) (ISASCII(c) && isalpha(c))
+#define ISCNTRL(c) (ISASCII(c) && iscntrl(c))
+#define ISLOWER(c) (ISASCII(c) && islower(c))
+#define ISPUNCT(c) (ISASCII(c) && ispunct(c))
+#define ISSPACE(c) (ISASCII(c) && isspace(c))
+#define ISUPPER(c) (ISASCII(c) && isupper(c))
+#define ISXDIGIT(c) (ISASCII(c) && isxdigit(c))
+int wildmatch_iteration_count;
+static int force_lower_case = 0;
+/* Match pattern "p" against the a virtually-joined string consisting
+ * of "text" and any strings in array "a". */
+static int dowild(const uchar *p, const uchar *text, const uchar*const *a)
+ uchar p_ch;
+ wildmatch_iteration_count++;
+ for ( ; (p_ch = *p) != '\0'; text++, p++) {
+ int matched, special;
+ uchar t_ch, prev_ch;
+ while ((t_ch = *text) == '\0') {
+ if (*a == NULL) {
+ if (p_ch != '*')
+ return ABORT_ALL;
+ break;
+ }
+ text = *a++;
+ }
+ if (force_lower_case && ISUPPER(t_ch))
+ t_ch = tolower(t_ch);
+ switch (p_ch) {
+ case '\\':
+ /* Literal match with following character. Note that the test
+ * in "default" handles the p[1] == '\0' failure case. */
+ p_ch = *++p;
+ default:
+ if (t_ch != p_ch)
+ return FALSE;
+ continue;
+ case '?':
+ /* Match anything but '/'. */
+ if (t_ch == '/')
+ return FALSE;
+ continue;
+ case '*':
+ if (*++p == '*') {
+ while (*++p == '*') {}
+ special = TRUE;
+ } else
+ special = FALSE;
+ if (*p == '\0') {
+ /* Trailing "**" matches everything. Trailing "*" matches
+ * only if there are no more slash characters. */
+ if (!special) {
+ do {
+ if (strchr((char*)text, '/') != NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ } while ((text = *a++) != NULL);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ if (t_ch == '\0') {
+ if ((text = *a++) == NULL)
+ break;
+ t_ch = *text;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((matched = dowild(p, text, a)) != FALSE) {
+ if (!special || matched != ABORT_TO_STARSTAR)
+ return matched;
+ } else if (!special && t_ch == '/')
+ t_ch = *++text;
+ }
+ return ABORT_ALL;
+ case '[':
+ p_ch = *++p;
+ if (p_ch == NEGATE_CLASS2)
+ p_ch = NEGATE_CLASS;
+ /* Assign literal TRUE/FALSE because of "matched" comparison. */
+ special = p_ch == NEGATE_CLASS? TRUE : FALSE;
+ if (special) {
+ /* Inverted character class. */
+ p_ch = *++p;
+ }
+ prev_ch = 0;
+ matched = FALSE;
+ do {
+ if (!p_ch)
+ return ABORT_ALL;
+ if (p_ch == '\\') {
+ p_ch = *++p;
+ if (!p_ch)
+ return ABORT_ALL;
+ if (t_ch == p_ch)
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (p_ch == '-' && prev_ch && p[1] && p[1] != ']') {
+ p_ch = *++p;
+ if (p_ch == '\\') {
+ p_ch = *++p;
+ if (!p_ch)
+ return ABORT_ALL;
+ }
+ if (t_ch <= p_ch && t_ch >= prev_ch)
+ matched = TRUE;
+ p_ch = 0; /* This makes "prev_ch" get set to 0. */
+ } else if (p_ch == '[' && p[1] == ':') {
+ const uchar *s;
+ int i;
+ for (s = p += 2; (p_ch = *p) && p_ch != ']'; p++) {} /*SHARED ITERATOR*/
+ if (!p_ch)
+ return ABORT_ALL;
+ i = p - s - 1;
+ if (i < 0 || p[-1] != ':') {
+ /* Didn't find ":]", so treat like a normal set. */
+ p = s - 2;
+ p_ch = '[';
+ if (t_ch == p_ch)
+ matched = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (CC_EQ(s,i, "alnum")) {
+ if (ISALNUM(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "alpha")) {
+ if (ISALPHA(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "blank")) {
+ if (ISBLANK(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "cntrl")) {
+ if (ISCNTRL(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "digit")) {
+ if (ISDIGIT(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "graph")) {
+ if (ISGRAPH(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "lower")) {
+ if (ISLOWER(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "print")) {
+ if (ISPRINT(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "punct")) {
+ if (ISPUNCT(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "space")) {
+ if (ISSPACE(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "upper")) {
+ if (ISUPPER(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else if (CC_EQ(s,i, "xdigit")) {
+ if (ISXDIGIT(t_ch))
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } else /* malformed [:class:] string */
+ return ABORT_ALL;
+ p_ch = 0; /* This makes "prev_ch" get set to 0. */
+ } else if (t_ch == p_ch)
+ matched = TRUE;
+ } while (prev_ch = p_ch, (p_ch = *++p) != ']');
+ if (matched == special || t_ch == '/')
+ return FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ if (*text)
+ return FALSE;
+ } while ((text = *a++) != NULL);
+ return TRUE;
+/* Match literal string "s" against the a virtually-joined string consisting
+ * of "text" and any strings in array "a". */
+static int doliteral(const uchar *s, const uchar *text, const uchar*const *a)
+ for ( ; *s != '\0'; text++, s++) {
+ while (*text == '\0') {
+ if ((text = *a++) == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (*text != *s)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ do {
+ if (*text)
+ return FALSE;
+ } while ((text = *a++) != NULL);
+ return TRUE;
+/* Return the last "count" path elements from the concatenated string.
+ * We return a string pointer to the start of the string, and update the
+ * array pointer-pointer to point to any remaining string elements. */
+static const uchar *trailing_N_elements(const uchar*const **a_ptr, int count)
+ const uchar*const *a = *a_ptr;
+ const uchar*const *first_a = a;
+ while (*a)
+ a++;
+ while (a != first_a) {
+ const uchar *s = *--a;
+ s += strlen((char*)s);
+ while (--s >= *a) {
+ if (*s == '/' && !--count) {
+ *a_ptr = a+1;
+ return s+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count == 1) {
+ *a_ptr = a+1;
+ return *a;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* Match the "pattern" against the "text" string. */
+int wildmatch(const char *pattern, const char *text)
+ static const uchar *nomore[1]; /* A NULL pointer. */
+ wildmatch_iteration_count = 0;
+ return dowild((const uchar*)pattern, (const uchar*)text, nomore) == TRUE;
+/* Match the "pattern" against the forced-to-lower-case "text" string. */
+int iwildmatch(const char *pattern, const char *text)
+ static const uchar *nomore[1]; /* A NULL pointer. */
+ int ret;
+ wildmatch_iteration_count = 0;
+ force_lower_case = 1;
+ ret = dowild((const uchar*)pattern, (const uchar*)text, nomore) == TRUE;
+ force_lower_case = 0;
+ return ret;
+/* Match pattern "p" against the a virtually-joined string consisting
+ * of all the pointers in array "texts" (which has a NULL pointer at the
+ * end). The int "where" can be 0 (normal matching), > 0 (match only
+ * the trailing N slash-separated filename components of "texts"), or < 0
+ * (match the "pattern" at the start or after any slash in "texts"). */
+int wildmatch_array(const char *pattern, const char*const *texts, int where)
+ const uchar *p = (const uchar*)pattern;
+ const uchar*const *a = (const uchar*const*)texts;
+ const uchar *text;
+ int matched;
+ wildmatch_iteration_count = 0;
+ if (where > 0)
+ text = trailing_N_elements(&a, where);
+ else
+ text = *a++;
+ if (!text)
+ return FALSE;
+ if ((matched = dowild(p, text, a)) != TRUE && where < 0
+ && matched != ABORT_ALL) {
+ while (1) {
+ if (*text == '\0') {
+ if ((text = (uchar*)*a++) == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*text++ == '/' && (matched = dowild(p, text, a)) != FALSE
+ && matched != ABORT_TO_STARSTAR)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return matched == TRUE;
+/* Match literal string "s" against the a virtually-joined string consisting
+ * of all the pointers in array "texts" (which has a NULL pointer at the
+ * end). The int "where" can be 0 (normal matching), or > 0 (match
+ * only the trailing N slash-separated filename components of "texts"). */
+int litmatch_array(const char *string, const char*const *texts, int where)
+ const uchar *s = (const uchar*)string;
+ const uchar*const *a = (const uchar* const*)texts;
+ const uchar *text;
+ if (where > 0)
+ text = trailing_N_elements(&a, where);
+ else
+ text = *a++;
+ if (!text)
+ return FALSE;
+ return doliteral(s, text, a) == TRUE;
diff --git a/lib/wildmatch.h b/lib/wildmatch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f1a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/wildmatch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* wildmatch.h */
+int wildmatch(const char *pattern, const char *text);
+int iwildmatch(const char *pattern, const char *text);
+int wildmatch_array(const char *pattern, const char*const *texts, int where);
+int litmatch_array(const char *string, const char*const *texts, int where);
diff --git a/loadparm.c b/loadparm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3906bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loadparm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ *
+ * This is based on loadparm.c from Samba, written by Andrew Tridgell
+ * and Karl Auer. Some of the changes are:
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ */
+/* Load parameters.
+ *
+ * This module provides suitable callback functions for the params
+ * module. It builds the internal table of section details which is
+ * then used by the rest of the server.
+ *
+ * To add a parameter:
+ *
+ * 1) add it to the global_vars or local_vars structure definition
+ * 2) add it to the parm_table
+ * 3) add it to the list of available functions (eg: using FN_GLOBAL_STRING())
+ * 4) initialise it in the Defaults static structure
+ *
+ * Notes:
+ * The configuration file is processed sequentially for speed. For this
+ * reason, there is a fair bit of sequence-dependent code here - ie., code
+ * which assumes that certain things happen before others. In particular, the
+ * code which happens at the boundary between sections is delicately poised,
+ * so be careful!
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "default-dont-compress.h"
+extern item_list dparam_list;
+#define strequal(a, b) (strcasecmp(a, b)==0)
+#ifndef LOG_DAEMON
+#define LOG_DAEMON 0
+/* the following are used by loadparm for option lists */
+typedef enum {
+} parm_type;
+typedef enum {
+} parm_class;
+struct enum_list {
+ int value;
+ char *name;
+struct parm_struct {
+ char *label;
+ parm_type type;
+ parm_class class;
+ void *ptr;
+ struct enum_list *enum_list;
+ unsigned flags;
+#ifndef GLOBAL_NAME
+#define GLOBAL_NAME "global"
+/* some helpful bits */
+#define iSECTION(i) ((local_vars*)section_list.items)[i]
+#define LP_SNUM_OK(i) ((i) >= 0 && (i) < (int)section_list.count)
+#define SECTION_PTR(s, p) (((char*)(s)) + (ptrdiff_t)(((char*)(p))-(char*)&Vars.l))
+/* Stack of "Vars" values used by the &include directive. */
+static item_list Vars_stack = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+/* The array of section values that holds all the defined modules. */
+static item_list section_list = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+static int iSectionIndex = -1;
+static BOOL bInGlobalSection = True;
+static struct enum_list enum_syslog_facility[] = {
+#ifdef LOG_AUTH
+ { LOG_AUTH, "auth" },
+ { LOG_AUTHPRIV, "authpriv" },
+#ifdef LOG_CRON
+ { LOG_CRON, "cron" },
+#ifdef LOG_DAEMON
+ { LOG_DAEMON, "daemon" },
+#ifdef LOG_FTP
+ { LOG_FTP, "ftp" },
+#ifdef LOG_KERN
+ { LOG_KERN, "kern" },
+#ifdef LOG_LPR
+ { LOG_LPR, "lpr" },
+#ifdef LOG_MAIL
+ { LOG_MAIL, "mail" },
+#ifdef LOG_NEWS
+ { LOG_NEWS, "news" },
+#ifdef LOG_AUTH
+ { LOG_AUTH, "security" },
+#ifdef LOG_SYSLOG
+ { LOG_SYSLOG, "syslog" },
+#ifdef LOG_USER
+ { LOG_USER, "user" },
+#ifdef LOG_UUCP
+ { LOG_UUCP, "uucp" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL0
+ { LOG_LOCAL0, "local0" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL1
+ { LOG_LOCAL1, "local1" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL2
+ { LOG_LOCAL2, "local2" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL3
+ { LOG_LOCAL3, "local3" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL4
+ { LOG_LOCAL4, "local4" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL5
+ { LOG_LOCAL5, "local5" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL6
+ { LOG_LOCAL6, "local6" },
+#ifdef LOG_LOCAL7
+ { LOG_LOCAL7, "local7" },
+ { -1, NULL }
+/* Expand %VAR% references. Any unknown vars or unrecognized
+ * syntax leaves the raw chars unchanged. */
+static char *expand_vars(const char *str)
+ char *buf, *t;
+ const char *f;
+ int bufsize;
+ if (!str || !strchr(str, '%'))
+ return (char *)str; /* TODO change return value to const char* at some point. */
+ bufsize = strlen(str) + 2048;
+ buf = new_array(char, bufsize+1); /* +1 for trailing '\0' */
+ for (t = buf, f = str; bufsize && *f; ) {
+ if (*f == '%' && isUpper(f+1)) {
+ char *percent = strchr(f+1, '%');
+ if (percent && percent - f < bufsize) {
+ char *val;
+ strlcpy(t, f+1, percent - f);
+ val = getenv(t);
+ if (val) {
+ int len = strlcpy(t, val, bufsize+1);
+ if (len > bufsize)
+ break;
+ bufsize -= len;
+ t += len;
+ f = percent + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ bufsize--;
+ }
+ *t = '\0';
+ if (*f) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Overflowed buf in expand_vars() trying to expand: %s\n", str);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
+ }
+ if (bufsize && (buf = realloc(buf, t - buf + 1)) == NULL)
+ out_of_memory("expand_vars");
+ return buf;
+/* Each "char* foo" has an associated "BOOL foo_EXP" that tracks if the string has been expanded yet or not. */
+/* NOTE: use this function and all the FN_{GLOBAL,LOCAL} ones WITHOUT a trailing semicolon! */
+#define RETURN_EXPANDED(val) {if (!val ## _EXP) {val = expand_vars(val); val ## _EXP = True;} return val ? val : "";}
+/* In this section all the functions that are used to access the
+ * parameters from the rest of the program are defined. */
+#define FN_GLOBAL_STRING(fn_name, val) \
+ char *fn_name(void) RETURN_EXPANDED(Vars.g.val)
+#define FN_GLOBAL_BOOL(fn_name, val) \
+ BOOL fn_name(void) {return Vars.g.val;}
+#define FN_GLOBAL_CHAR(fn_name, val) \
+ char fn_name(void) {return Vars.g.val;}
+#define FN_GLOBAL_INTEGER(fn_name, val) \
+ int fn_name(void) {return Vars.g.val;}
+#define FN_LOCAL_STRING(fn_name, val) \
+ char *fn_name(int i) {if (LP_SNUM_OK(i) && iSECTION(i).val) RETURN_EXPANDED(iSECTION(i).val) else RETURN_EXPANDED(Vars.l.val)}
+#define FN_LOCAL_BOOL(fn_name, val) \
+ BOOL fn_name(int i) {return LP_SNUM_OK(i)? iSECTION(i).val : Vars.l.val;}
+#define FN_LOCAL_CHAR(fn_name, val) \
+ char fn_name(int i) {return LP_SNUM_OK(i)? iSECTION(i).val : Vars.l.val;}
+#define FN_LOCAL_INTEGER(fn_name, val) \
+ int fn_name(int i) {return LP_SNUM_OK(i)? iSECTION(i).val : Vars.l.val;}
+/* The following include file contains:
+ *
+ * typedef global_vars - describes global (ie., server-wide) parameters.
+ * typedef local_vars - describes a single section.
+ * typedef all_vars - a combination of global_vars & local_vars.
+ * all_vars Defaults - the default values for all the variables.
+ * all_vars Vars - the currently configured values for all the variables.
+ * struct parm_struct parm_table - the strings & variables for the parser.
+ * FN_{LOCAL,GLOBAL}_{TYPE}() definition for all the lp_var_name() accessors.
+ */
+#include "daemon-parm.h"
+/* Initialise the Default all_vars structure. */
+void reset_daemon_vars(void)
+ memcpy(&Vars, &Defaults, sizeof Vars);
+/* Assign a copy of v to *s. Handles NULL strings. We don't worry
+ * about overwriting a malloc'd string because the long-running
+ * (port-listening) daemon only loads the config file once, and the
+ * per-job (forked or xinitd-ran) daemon only re-reads the file at
+ * the start, so any lost memory is inconsequential. */
+static inline void string_set(char **s, const char *v)
+ *s = v ? strdup(v) : NULL;
+/* Copy local_vars into a new section. No need to strdup since we don't free. */
+static void copy_section(local_vars *psectionDest, local_vars *psectionSource)
+ memcpy(psectionDest, psectionSource, sizeof psectionDest[0]);
+/* Initialise a section to the defaults. */
+static void init_section(local_vars *psection)
+ memset(psection, 0, sizeof (local_vars));
+ copy_section(psection, &Vars.l);
+/* Do a case-insensitive, whitespace-ignoring string equality check. */
+static int strwiEQ(char *psz1, char *psz2)
+ /* If one or both strings are NULL, we return equality right away. */
+ if (psz1 == psz2)
+ return 1;
+ if (psz1 == NULL || psz2 == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ /* sync the strings on first non-whitespace */
+ while (1) {
+ while (isSpace(psz1))
+ psz1++;
+ while (isSpace(psz2))
+ psz2++;
+ if (*psz1 == '\0' || *psz2 == '\0')
+ break;
+ if (toUpper(psz1) != toUpper(psz2))
+ break;
+ psz1++;
+ psz2++;
+ }
+ return *psz1 == *psz2;
+/* Find a section by name. Otherwise works like get_section. */
+static int getsectionbyname(char *name)
+ int i;
+ for (i = section_list.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (strwiEQ(iSECTION(i).name, name))
+ break;
+ }
+ return i;
+/* Add a new section to the sections array w/the default values. */
+static int add_a_section(char *name)
+ int i;
+ local_vars *s;
+ /* it might already exist */
+ if (name) {
+ i = getsectionbyname(name);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ return i;
+ }
+ i = section_list.count;
+ s = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&section_list, local_vars, 2);
+ init_section(s);
+ if (name)
+ string_set(&s->name, name);
+ return i;
+/* Map a parameter's string representation to something we can use.
+ * Returns False if the parameter string is not recognised, else TRUE. */
+static int map_parameter(char *parmname)
+ int iIndex;
+ if (*parmname == '-')
+ return -1;
+ for (iIndex = 0; parm_table[iIndex].label; iIndex++) {
+ if (strwiEQ(parm_table[iIndex].label, parmname))
+ return iIndex;
+ }
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Unknown Parameter encountered: \"%s\"\n", parmname);
+ return -1;
+/* Set a boolean variable from the text value stored in the passed string.
+ * Returns True in success, False if the passed string does not correctly
+ * represent a boolean. */
+static BOOL set_boolean(BOOL *pb, char *parmvalue, int allow_unset)
+ if (strwiEQ(parmvalue, "yes") || strwiEQ(parmvalue, "true") || strwiEQ(parmvalue, "1"))
+ *pb = True;
+ else if (strwiEQ(parmvalue, "no") || strwiEQ(parmvalue, "false") || strwiEQ(parmvalue, "0"))
+ *pb = False;
+ else if (allow_unset && (strwiEQ(parmvalue, "unset") || strwiEQ(parmvalue, "-1")))
+ *pb = Unset;
+ else {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Badly formed boolean in configuration file: \"%s\".\n", parmvalue);
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+/* Process a parameter. */
+static BOOL do_parameter(char *parmname, char *parmvalue)
+ int parmnum, i;
+ void *parm_ptr; /* where we are going to store the result */
+ void *def_ptr;
+ char *cp;
+ parmnum = map_parameter(parmname);
+ if (parmnum < 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "IGNORING unknown parameter \"%s\"\n", parmname);
+ return True;
+ }
+ def_ptr = parm_table[parmnum].ptr;
+ if (bInGlobalSection)
+ parm_ptr = def_ptr;
+ else {
+ if (parm_table[parmnum].class == P_GLOBAL) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Global parameter %s found in module section!\n", parmname);
+ return True;
+ }
+ parm_ptr = SECTION_PTR(&iSECTION(iSectionIndex), def_ptr);
+ }
+ /* now switch on the type of variable it is */
+ switch (parm_table[parmnum].type) {
+ case P_PATH:
+ case P_STRING:
+ /* delay expansion of %VAR% strings */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* expand any %VAR% strings now */
+ parmvalue = expand_vars(parmvalue);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (parm_table[parmnum].type) {
+ case P_BOOL:
+ set_boolean(parm_ptr, parmvalue, False);
+ break;
+ case P_BOOL3:
+ set_boolean(parm_ptr, parmvalue, True);
+ break;
+ case P_BOOLREV:
+ set_boolean(parm_ptr, parmvalue, False);
+ *(BOOL *)parm_ptr = ! *(BOOL *)parm_ptr;
+ break;
+ case P_INTEGER:
+ *(int *)parm_ptr = atoi(parmvalue);
+ break;
+ case P_CHAR:
+ *(char *)parm_ptr = *parmvalue;
+ break;
+ case P_OCTAL:
+ sscanf(parmvalue, "%o", (unsigned int *)parm_ptr);
+ break;
+ case P_PATH:
+ string_set(parm_ptr, parmvalue);
+ if ((cp = *(char**)parm_ptr) != NULL) {
+ int len = strlen(cp);
+ while (len > 1 && cp[len-1] == '/') len--;
+ cp[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_STRING:
+ string_set(parm_ptr, parmvalue);
+ break;
+ case P_ENUM:
+ for (i=0; parm_table[parmnum].enum_list[i].name; i++) {
+ if (strequal(parmvalue, parm_table[parmnum].enum_list[i].name)) {
+ *(int *)parm_ptr = parm_table[parmnum].enum_list[i].value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!parm_table[parmnum].enum_list[i].name) {
+ if (atoi(parmvalue) > 0)
+ *(int *)parm_ptr = atoi(parmvalue);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return True;
+/* Process a new section (rsync module).
+ * Returns True on success, False on failure. */
+static BOOL do_section(char *sectionname)
+ BOOL isglobal;
+ if (*sectionname == ']') { /* A special push/pop/reset directive from params.c */
+ bInGlobalSection = 1;
+ if (strcmp(sectionname+1, "push") == 0) {
+ all_vars *vp = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&Vars_stack, all_vars, 2);
+ memcpy(vp, &Vars, sizeof Vars);
+ } else if (strcmp(sectionname+1, "pop") == 0
+ || strcmp(sectionname+1, "reset") == 0) {
+ all_vars *vp = ((all_vars*)Vars_stack.items) + Vars_stack.count - 1;
+ if (!Vars_stack.count)
+ return False;
+ memcpy(&Vars, vp, sizeof Vars);
+ if (sectionname[1] == 'p')
+ Vars_stack.count--;
+ } else
+ return False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ isglobal = strwiEQ(sectionname, GLOBAL_NAME);
+ /* At the end of the global section, add any --dparam items. */
+ if (bInGlobalSection && !isglobal) {
+ if (!section_list.count)
+ set_dparams(0);
+ }
+ /* if we've just struck a global section, note the fact. */
+ bInGlobalSection = isglobal;
+ /* check for multiple global sections */
+ if (bInGlobalSection)
+ return True;
+#if 0
+ /* If we have a current section, tidy it up before moving on. */
+ if (iSectionIndex >= 0) {
+ /* Add any tidy work as needed ... */
+ if (problem)
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (strchr(sectionname, '/') != NULL) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Warning: invalid section name in configuration file: %s\n", sectionname);
+ return False;
+ }
+ if ((iSectionIndex = add_a_section(sectionname)) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Failed to add a new module\n");
+ bInGlobalSection = True;
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+/* Load the modules from the config file. Return True on success,
+ * False on failure. */
+int lp_load(char *pszFname, int globals_only)
+ bInGlobalSection = True;
+ reset_daemon_vars();
+ /* We get sections first, so have to start 'behind' to make up. */
+ iSectionIndex = -1;
+ return pm_process(pszFname, globals_only ? NULL : do_section, do_parameter);
+BOOL set_dparams(int syntax_check_only)
+ char *equal, *val, **params = dparam_list.items;
+ unsigned j;
+ for (j = 0; j < dparam_list.count; j++) {
+ equal = strchr(params[j], '='); /* options.c verified this */
+ *equal = '\0';
+ if (syntax_check_only) {
+ if (map_parameter(params[j]) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unknown parameter \"%s\"\n", params[j]);
+ *equal = '=';
+ return False;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (val = equal+1; isSpace(val); val++) {}
+ do_parameter(params[j], val);
+ }
+ *equal = '=';
+ }
+ return True;
+/* Return the max number of modules (sections). */
+int lp_num_modules(void)
+ return section_list.count;
+/* Return the number of the module with the given name, or -1 if it doesn't
+ * exist. Note that this is a DIFFERENT ANIMAL from the internal function
+ * getsectionbyname()! This works ONLY if all sections have been loaded,
+ * and does not copy the found section. */
+int lp_number(char *name)
+ int i;
+ for (i = section_list.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (strcmp(lp_name(i), name) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return i;
diff --git a/log.c b/log.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4ba1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/log.c
@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+ * Logging and utility functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Andrew Tridgell <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_generator;
+extern int local_server;
+extern int quiet;
+extern int module_id;
+extern int allow_8bit_chars;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int always_checksum;
+extern int preserve_mtimes;
+extern int msgs2stderr;
+extern int stdout_format_has_i;
+extern int stdout_format_has_o_or_i;
+extern int logfile_format_has_i;
+extern int logfile_format_has_o_or_i;
+extern int receiver_symlink_times;
+extern int64 total_data_written;
+extern int64 total_data_read;
+extern mode_t orig_umask;
+extern char *auth_user;
+extern char *stdout_format;
+extern char *logfile_format;
+extern char *logfile_name;
+extern iconv_t ic_chck;
+extern iconv_t ic_recv;
+extern char curr_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+extern char *full_module_path;
+extern unsigned int module_dirlen;
+extern char sender_file_sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+extern const char undetermined_hostname[];
+extern struct name_num_item *xfer_sum_nni, *file_sum_nni;
+static int log_initialised;
+static int logfile_was_closed;
+static FILE *logfile_fp;
+struct stats stats;
+int got_xfer_error = 0;
+int output_needs_newline = 0;
+int send_msgs_to_gen = 0;
+static int64 initial_data_written;
+static int64 initial_data_read;
+struct {
+ int code;
+ char const *name;
+} const rerr_names[] = {
+ { RERR_SYNTAX , "syntax or usage error" },
+ { RERR_PROTOCOL , "protocol incompatibility" },
+ { RERR_FILESELECT , "errors selecting input/output files, dirs" },
+ { RERR_UNSUPPORTED, "requested action not supported" },
+ { RERR_STARTCLIENT, "error starting client-server protocol" },
+ { RERR_SOCKETIO , "error in socket IO" },
+ { RERR_FILEIO , "error in file IO" },
+ { RERR_STREAMIO , "error in rsync protocol data stream" },
+ { RERR_MESSAGEIO , "errors with program diagnostics" },
+ { RERR_IPC , "error in IPC code" },
+ { RERR_CRASHED , "sibling process crashed" },
+ { RERR_TERMINATED , "sibling process terminated abnormally" },
+ { RERR_SIGNAL1 , "received SIGUSR1" },
+ { RERR_SIGNAL , "received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP" },
+ { RERR_WAITCHILD , "waitpid() failed" },
+ { RERR_MALLOC , "error allocating core memory buffers" },
+ { RERR_PARTIAL , "some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors)" },
+ { RERR_VANISHED , "some files vanished before they could be transferred" },
+ { RERR_DEL_LIMIT , "the --max-delete limit stopped deletions" },
+ { RERR_TIMEOUT , "timeout in data send/receive" },
+ { RERR_CONTIMEOUT , "timeout waiting for daemon connection" },
+ { RERR_CMD_FAILED , "remote shell failed" },
+ { RERR_CMD_KILLED , "remote shell killed" },
+ { RERR_CMD_RUN , "remote command could not be run" },
+ { RERR_CMD_NOTFOUND,"remote command not found" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+ * Map from rsync error code to name, or return NULL.
+ */
+static char const *rerr_name(int code)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; rerr_names[i].name; i++) {
+ if (rerr_names[i].code == code)
+ return rerr_names[i].name;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void logit(int priority, const char *buf)
+ if (logfile_was_closed)
+ logfile_reopen();
+ if (logfile_fp) {
+ fprintf(logfile_fp, "%s [%d] %s", timestring(time(NULL)), (int)getpid(), buf);
+ fflush(logfile_fp);
+ } else {
+ syslog(priority, "%s", buf);
+ }
+static void syslog_init()
+ int options = LOG_PID;
+#ifdef LOG_NDELAY
+ options |= LOG_NDELAY;
+#ifdef LOG_DAEMON
+ openlog(lp_syslog_tag(module_id), options, lp_syslog_facility(module_id));
+ openlog(lp_syslog_tag(module_id), options);
+#ifndef LOG_NDELAY
+ logit(LOG_INFO, "rsyncd started\n");
+static void logfile_open(void)
+ mode_t old_umask = umask(022 | orig_umask);
+ logfile_fp = fopen(logfile_name, "a");
+ umask(old_umask);
+ if (!logfile_fp) {
+ int fopen_errno = errno;
+ /* Rsync falls back to using syslog on failure. */
+ syslog_init();
+ rsyserr(FERROR, fopen_errno,
+ "failed to open log-file %s", logfile_name);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Ignoring \"log file\" setting.\n");
+ logfile_name = "";
+ }
+void log_init(int restart)
+ if (log_initialised) {
+ if (!restart) /* Note: a restart only happens with am_daemon */
+ return;
+ assert(logfile_name); /* all am_daemon procs got at least an empty string */
+ if (strcmp(logfile_name, lp_log_file(module_id)) != 0) {
+ if (logfile_fp) {
+ fclose(logfile_fp);
+ logfile_fp = NULL;
+ } else
+ closelog();
+ logfile_name = NULL;
+ } else if (*logfile_name)
+ return; /* unchanged, non-empty "log file" names */
+ else if (lp_syslog_facility(-1) != lp_syslog_facility(module_id)
+ || strcmp(lp_syslog_tag(-1), lp_syslog_tag(module_id)) != 0)
+ closelog();
+ else
+ return; /* unchanged syslog settings */
+ } else
+ log_initialised = 1;
+ /* This looks pointless, but it is needed in order for the
+ * C library on some systems to fetch the timezone info
+ * before the chroot. */
+ timestring(time(NULL));
+ /* Optionally use a log file instead of syslog. (Non-daemon
+ * rsyncs will have already set logfile_name, as needed.) */
+ if (am_daemon && !logfile_name)
+ logfile_name = lp_log_file(module_id);
+ if (logfile_name && *logfile_name)
+ logfile_open();
+ else
+ syslog_init();
+/* Note that this close & reopen idiom intentionally ignores syslog logging. */
+void logfile_close(void)
+ if (logfile_fp) {
+ logfile_was_closed = 1;
+ fclose(logfile_fp);
+ logfile_fp = NULL;
+ }
+void logfile_reopen(void)
+ if (logfile_was_closed) {
+ logfile_was_closed = 0;
+ logfile_open();
+ }
+static void filtered_fwrite(FILE *f, const char *in_buf, int in_len, int use_isprint, char end_char)
+ char outbuf[1024], *ob = outbuf;
+ const char *end = in_buf + in_len;
+ while (in_buf < end) {
+ if (ob - outbuf >= (int)sizeof outbuf - 10) {
+ if (fwrite(outbuf, ob - outbuf, 1, f) != 1)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ ob = outbuf;
+ }
+ if ((in_buf < end - 4 && *in_buf == '\\' && in_buf[1] == '#'
+ && isDigit(in_buf + 2) && isDigit(in_buf + 3) && isDigit(in_buf + 4))
+ || (*in_buf != '\t' && ((use_isprint && !isPrint(in_buf)) || *(uchar*)in_buf < ' ')))
+ ob += snprintf(ob, 6, "\\#%03o", *(uchar*)in_buf++);
+ else
+ *ob++ = *in_buf++;
+ }
+ if (end_char) /* The "- 10" above means that there is always room for one more char here. */
+ *ob++ = end_char;
+ if (ob != outbuf && fwrite(outbuf, ob - outbuf, 1, f) != 1)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+/* this is the underlying (unformatted) rsync debugging function. Call
+ * it with FINFO, FERROR_*, FWARNING, FLOG, or FCLIENT. Note: recursion
+ * can happen with certain fatal conditions. */
+void rwrite(enum logcode code, const char *buf, int len, int is_utf8)
+ char trailing_CR_or_NL;
+ FILE *f = msgs2stderr == 1 ? stderr : stdout;
+ iconv_t ic = is_utf8 && ic_recv != (iconv_t)-1 ? ic_recv : ic_chck;
+ iconv_t ic = ic_chck;
+ if (len < 0)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1) {
+ /* A normal daemon can get msgs2stderr set if the socket is busted, so we
+ * change the message destination into an FLOG message in order to try to
+ * get some info about an abnormal-exit into the log file. An rsh daemon
+ * can have this set via user request, so we'll leave the code alone so
+ * that the msg gets logged and then sent to stderr after that. */
+ if (am_daemon > 0 && code != FCLIENT)
+ code = FLOG;
+ } else if (send_msgs_to_gen) {
+ assert(!is_utf8);
+ /* Pass the message to our sibling in native charset. */
+ send_msg((enum msgcode)code, buf, len, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (code == FERROR_SOCKET) /* This gets simplified for a non-sibling. */
+ code = FERROR;
+ else if (code == FERROR_UTF8) {
+ is_utf8 = 1;
+ code = FERROR;
+ }
+ if (code == FCLIENT)
+ code = FINFO;
+ else if (am_daemon || logfile_name) {
+ static int in_block;
+ char msg[2048];
+ int priority = code == FINFO || code == FLOG ? LOG_INFO : LOG_WARNING;
+ if (in_block)
+ return;
+ in_block = 1;
+ if (!log_initialised)
+ log_init(0);
+ strlcpy(msg, buf, MIN((int)sizeof msg, len + 1));
+ logit(priority, msg);
+ in_block = 0;
+ if (code == FLOG || (am_daemon && !am_server))
+ return;
+ } else if (code == FLOG)
+ return;
+ switch (code) {
+ got_xfer_error = 1;
+ case FERROR:
+ case FWARNING:
+ f = stderr;
+ break;
+ case FINFO:
+ if (quiet)
+ return;
+ break;
+ /*case FLOG:*/
+ /*case FCLIENT:*/
+ /*case FERROR_UTF8:*/
+ /*case FERROR_SOCKET:*/
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "Bad logcode in rwrite(): %d [%s]\n", (int)code, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ }
+ if (am_server && msgs2stderr != 1 && (msgs2stderr != 2 || f != stderr)) {
+ enum msgcode msg = (enum msgcode)code;
+ if (protocol_version < 30) {
+ if (msg == MSG_ERROR)
+ else if (msg == MSG_WARNING)
+ msg = MSG_INFO;
+ }
+ /* Pass the message to the non-server side. */
+ if (send_msg(msg, buf, len, !is_utf8))
+ return;
+ if (am_daemon > 0) {
+ /* TODO: can we send the error to the user somehow? */
+ return;
+ }
+ f = stderr;
+ }
+ if (output_needs_newline) {
+ fputc('\n', f);
+ output_needs_newline = 0;
+ }
+ trailing_CR_or_NL = len && (buf[len-1] == '\n' || buf[len-1] == '\r') ? buf[--len] : '\0';
+ if (len && buf[0] == '\r') {
+ fputc('\r', f);
+ buf++;
+ len--;
+ }
+ if (ic != (iconv_t)-1) {
+ xbuf outbuf, inbuf;
+ char convbuf[1024];
+ int ierrno;
+ INIT_CONST_XBUF(outbuf, convbuf);
+ INIT_XBUF(inbuf, (char*)buf, len, (size_t)-1);
+ while (inbuf.len) {
+ iconvbufs(ic, &inbuf, &outbuf, inbuf.pos ? 0 : ICB_INIT);
+ ierrno = errno;
+ if (outbuf.len) {
+ char trailing = inbuf.len ? '\0' : trailing_CR_or_NL;
+ filtered_fwrite(f, convbuf, outbuf.len, 0, trailing);
+ if (trailing) {
+ trailing_CR_or_NL = '\0';
+ fflush(f);
+ }
+ outbuf.len = 0;
+ }
+ /* Log one byte of illegal/incomplete sequence and continue with
+ * the next character. Check that the buffer is non-empty for the
+ * sake of robustness. */
+ if ((ierrno == EILSEQ || ierrno == EINVAL) && inbuf.len) {
+ fprintf(f, "\\#%03o", CVAL(inbuf.buf, inbuf.pos++));
+ inbuf.len--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (trailing_CR_or_NL) {
+ fputc(trailing_CR_or_NL, f);
+ fflush(f);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ filtered_fwrite(f, buf, len, !allow_8bit_chars, trailing_CR_or_NL);
+ if (trailing_CR_or_NL)
+ fflush(f);
+ }
+/* This is the rsync debugging function. Call it with FINFO, FERROR_*,
+void rprintf(enum logcode code, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ char buf[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ size_t len;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ /* Deal with buffer overruns. Instead of panicking, just
+ * truncate the resulting string. (Note that configure ensures
+ * that we have a vsnprintf() that doesn't ever return -1.) */
+ if (len > sizeof buf - 1) {
+ static const char ellipsis[] = "[...]";
+ /* Reset length, and zero-terminate the end of our buffer */
+ len = sizeof buf - 1;
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ /* Copy the ellipsis to the end of the string, but give
+ * us one extra character:
+ *
+ * v--- null byte at buf[sizeof buf - 1]
+ * abcdefghij0
+ * -> abcd[...]00 <-- now two null bytes at end
+ *
+ * If the input format string has a trailing newline,
+ * we copy it into that extra null; if it doesn't, well,
+ * all we lose is one byte. */
+ memcpy(buf+len-sizeof ellipsis, ellipsis, sizeof ellipsis);
+ if (format[strlen(format)-1] == '\n') {
+ buf[len-1] = '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ rwrite(code, buf, len, 0);
+/* This is like rprintf, but it also tries to print some
+ * representation of the error code. Normally errcode = errno.
+ *
+ * Unlike rprintf, this always adds a newline and there should not be
+ * one in the format string.
+ *
+ * Note that since strerror might involve dynamically loading a
+ * message catalog we need to call it once before chroot-ing. */
+void rsyserr(enum logcode code, int errcode, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ char buf[BIGPATHBUFLEN];
+ size_t len;
+ len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, RSYNC_NAME ": [%s] ", who_am_i());
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ len += vsnprintf(buf + len, sizeof buf - len, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if (len < sizeof buf) {
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, sizeof buf - len,
+ ": %s (%d)\n", strerror(errcode), errcode);
+ }
+ if (len >= sizeof buf)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ rwrite(code, buf, len, 0);
+void rflush(enum logcode code)
+ FILE *f;
+ if (am_daemon || code == FLOG)
+ return;
+ if (!am_server && (code == FINFO || code == FCLIENT))
+ f = stdout;
+ else
+ f = stderr;
+ fflush(f);
+void remember_initial_stats(void)
+ initial_data_read = total_data_read;
+ initial_data_written = total_data_written;
+/* A generic logging routine for send/recv, with parameter substitiution. */
+static void log_formatted(enum logcode code, const char *format, const char *op,
+ struct file_struct *file, const char *fname, int iflags,
+ const char *hlink)
+ char buf[MAXPATHLEN+1024], buf2[MAXPATHLEN], fmt[32];
+ char *p, *s, *c;
+ const char *n;
+ size_t len, total;
+ int64 b;
+ *fmt = '%';
+ /* We expand % codes one by one in place in buf. We don't
+ * copy in the terminating null of the inserted strings, but
+ * rather keep going until we reach the null of the format. */
+ total = strlcpy(buf, format, sizeof buf);
+ if (total > MAXPATHLEN) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "log-format string is WAY too long!\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ }
+ buf[total++] = '\n';
+ buf[total] = '\0';
+ for (p = buf; (p = strchr(p, '%')) != NULL; ) {
+ int humanize = 0;
+ s = p++;
+ c = fmt + 1;
+ while (*p == '\'') {
+ humanize++;
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (*p == '-')
+ *c++ = *p++;
+ while (isDigit(p) && c - fmt < (int)(sizeof fmt) - 8)
+ *c++ = *p++;
+ while (*p == '\'') {
+ humanize++;
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (!*p)
+ break;
+ *c = '\0';
+ n = NULL;
+ /* Note for %h and %a: it doesn't matter what fd we pass to
+ * client_{name,addr} because rsync_module will already have
+ * forced the answer to be cached (assuming, of course, for %h
+ * that lp_reverse_lookup(module_id) is true). */
+ switch (*p) {
+ case 'h':
+ if (am_daemon) {
+ n = lp_reverse_lookup(module_id)
+ ? client_name(0) : undetermined_hostname;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ if (am_daemon)
+ n = client_addr(0);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ strlcat(fmt, "s", sizeof fmt);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof buf2, fmt,
+ do_big_num(F_LENGTH(file), humanize, NULL));
+ n = buf2;
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ strlcat(fmt, "u", sizeof fmt);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof buf2, fmt,
+ uid_ndx ? F_OWNER(file) : 0);
+ n = buf2;
+ break;
+ case 'G':
+ if (!gid_ndx || file->flags & FLAG_SKIP_GROUP)
+ n = "DEFAULT";
+ else {
+ strlcat(fmt, "u", sizeof fmt);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof buf2, fmt,
+ F_GROUP(file));
+ n = buf2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ strlcat(fmt, "d", sizeof fmt);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof buf2, fmt, (int)getpid());
+ n = buf2;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ n = c = timestring(file->modtime);
+ while ((c = strchr(c, ' ')) != NULL)
+ *c = '-';
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ permstring(c, file->mode);
+ n = c + 1; /* skip the type char */
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ n = op;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (fname) {
+ c = f_name_buf();
+ strlcpy(c, fname, MAXPATHLEN);
+ } else
+ c = f_name(file, NULL);
+ if (am_sender && F_PATHNAME(file)) {
+ pathjoin(buf2, sizeof buf2,
+ F_PATHNAME(file), c);
+ clean_fname(buf2, 0);
+ if (fmt[1]) {
+ strlcpy(c, buf2, MAXPATHLEN);
+ n = c;
+ } else
+ n = buf2;
+ } else if (am_daemon && *c != '/') {
+ pathjoin(buf2, sizeof buf2,
+ curr_dir + module_dirlen, c);
+ clean_fname(buf2, 0);
+ if (fmt[1]) {
+ strlcpy(c, buf2, MAXPATHLEN);
+ n = c;
+ } else
+ n = buf2;
+ } else {
+ clean_fname(c, 0);
+ n = c;
+ }
+ if (*n == '/')
+ n++;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (fname) {
+ c = f_name_buf();
+ strlcpy(c, fname, MAXPATHLEN);
+ } else
+ c = f_name(file, NULL);
+ if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ strlcat(c, "/", MAXPATHLEN);
+ n = c;
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ if (hlink && *hlink) {
+ n = hlink;
+ strlcpy(buf2, " => ", sizeof buf2);
+ } else if (S_ISLNK(file->mode) && !fname) {
+ n = F_SYMLINK(file);
+ strlcpy(buf2, " -> ", sizeof buf2);
+ } else {
+ n = "";
+ if (!fmt[1])
+ break;
+ strlcpy(buf2, " ", sizeof buf2);
+ }
+ strlcat(fmt, "s", sizeof fmt);
+ snprintf(buf2 + 4, sizeof buf2 - 4, fmt, n);
+ n = buf2;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ n = lp_name(module_id);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ n = timestring(time(NULL));
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ n = full_module_path;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ n = auth_user;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'c':
+ if (!(iflags & ITEM_TRANSFER))
+ b = 0;
+ else if ((!!am_sender) ^ (*p == 'c'))
+ b = total_data_written - initial_data_written;
+ else
+ b = total_data_read - initial_data_read;
+ strlcat(fmt, "s", sizeof fmt);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof buf2, fmt,
+ do_big_num(b, humanize, NULL));
+ n = buf2;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ n = NULL;
+ if (S_ISREG(file->mode)) {
+ if (always_checksum)
+ n = sum_as_hex(file_sum_nni->num, F_SUM(file), 1);
+ else if (iflags & ITEM_TRANSFER)
+ n = sum_as_hex(xfer_sum_nni->num, sender_file_sum, 0);
+ }
+ if (!n) {
+ int sum_len = csum_len_for_type(always_checksum ? file_sum_nni->num : xfer_sum_nni->num,
+ always_checksum);
+ memset(buf2, ' ', sum_len*2);
+ buf2[sum_len*2] = '\0';
+ n = buf2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if (iflags & ITEM_DELETED) {
+ n = "*deleting ";
+ break;
+ }
+ n = c = buf2 + MAXPATHLEN - 32;
+ c[0] = iflags & ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE
+ ? iflags & ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS ? 'h' : 'c'
+ : !(iflags & ITEM_TRANSFER) ? '.'
+ : !local_server && *op == 's' ? '<' : '>';
+ if (S_ISLNK(file->mode)) {
+ c[1] = 'L';
+ c[3] = '.';
+ c[4] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_TIME) ? '.'
+ : !preserve_mtimes || !receiver_symlink_times
+ || (iflags & ITEM_REPORT_TIMEFAIL) ? 'T' : 't';
+ } else {
+ c[1] = S_ISDIR(file->mode) ? 'd'
+ : IS_SPECIAL(file->mode) ? 'S'
+ : IS_DEVICE(file->mode) ? 'D' : 'f';
+ c[3] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_SIZE) ? '.' : 's';
+ c[4] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_TIME) ? '.'
+ : !preserve_mtimes ? 'T' : 't';
+ }
+ c[2] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_CHANGE) ? '.' : 'c';
+ c[5] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_PERMS) ? '.' : 'p';
+ c[6] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_OWNER) ? '.' : 'o';
+ c[7] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_GROUP) ? '.' : 'g';
+ c[8] = !(iflags & (ITEM_REPORT_ATIME|ITEM_REPORT_CRTIME)) ? '.'
+ : iflags & ITEM_REPORT_ATIME ? 'u' : 'n';
+ c[9] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_ACL) ? '.' : 'a';
+ c[10] = !(iflags & ITEM_REPORT_XATTR) ? '.' : 'x';
+ c[11] = '\0';
+ if (iflags & (ITEM_IS_NEW|ITEM_MISSING_DATA)) {
+ char ch = iflags & ITEM_IS_NEW ? '+' : '?';
+ int i;
+ for (i = 2; c[i]; i++)
+ c[i] = ch;
+ } else if (c[0] == '.' || c[0] == 'h' || c[0] == 'c') {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 2; c[i]; i++) {
+ if (c[i] != '.')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!c[i]) {
+ for (i = 2; c[i]; i++)
+ c[i] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* "n" is the string to be inserted in place of this % code. */
+ if (!n)
+ continue;
+ if (n != buf2 && fmt[1]) {
+ strlcat(fmt, "s", sizeof fmt);
+ snprintf(buf2, sizeof buf2, fmt, n);
+ n = buf2;
+ }
+ len = strlen(n);
+ /* Subtract the length of the escape from the string's size. */
+ total -= p - s + 1;
+ if (len + total >= (size_t)sizeof buf) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "buffer overflow expanding %%%c -- exiting\n",
+ p[0]);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MESSAGEIO);
+ }
+ /* Shuffle the rest of the string along to make space for n */
+ if (len != (size_t)(p - s + 1))
+ memmove(s + len, p + 1, total - (s - buf) + 1);
+ total += len;
+ /* Insert the contents of string "n", but NOT its null. */
+ if (len)
+ memcpy(s, n, len);
+ /* Skip over inserted string; continue looking */
+ p = s + len;
+ }
+ rwrite(code, buf, total, 0);
+/* Return 1 if the format escape is in the log-format string (e.g. look for
+ * the 'b' in the "%9b" format escape). */
+int log_format_has(const char *format, char esc)
+ const char *p;
+ if (!format)
+ return 0;
+ for (p = format; (p = strchr(p, '%')) != NULL; ) {
+ for (p++; *p == '\''; p++) {} /*SHARED ITERATOR*/
+ if (*p == '-')
+ p++;
+ while (isDigit(p))
+ p++;
+ while (*p == '\'') p++;
+ if (!*p)
+ break;
+ if (*p == esc)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Log the transfer of a file. If the code is FCLIENT, the output just goes
+ * to stdout. If it is FLOG, it just goes to the log file. Otherwise we
+ * output to both. */
+void log_item(enum logcode code, struct file_struct *file, int iflags, const char *hlink)
+ const char *s_or_r = am_sender ? "send" : "recv";
+ if (code != FLOG && stdout_format && !am_server)
+ log_formatted(FCLIENT, stdout_format, s_or_r, file, NULL, iflags, hlink);
+ if (code != FCLIENT && logfile_format && *logfile_format)
+ log_formatted(FLOG, logfile_format, s_or_r, file, NULL, iflags, hlink);
+void maybe_log_item(struct file_struct *file, int iflags, int itemizing, const char *buf)
+ int significant_flags = iflags & SIGNIFICANT_ITEM_FLAGS;
+ int see_item = itemizing && (significant_flags || *buf
+ || stdout_format_has_i > 1 || (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && stdout_format_has_i));
+ int local_change = iflags & ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE && significant_flags;
+ if (am_server) {
+ if (logfile_name && !dry_run && see_item
+ && (significant_flags || logfile_format_has_i))
+ log_item(FLOG, file, iflags, buf);
+ } else if (see_item || local_change || *buf
+ || (S_ISDIR(file->mode) && significant_flags)) {
+ enum logcode code = significant_flags || logfile_format_has_i ? FINFO : FCLIENT;
+ log_item(code, file, iflags, buf);
+ }
+void log_delete(const char *fname, int mode)
+ static struct file_struct *file = NULL;
+ int len = strlen(fname);
+ const char *fmt;
+ if (!file) {
+ int extra_len = (file_extra_cnt + 2) * EXTRA_LEN;
+ char *bp;
+ if (extra_len & (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN))
+ extra_len = (extra_len | (EXTRA_ROUNDING * EXTRA_LEN)) + EXTRA_LEN;
+ bp = new_array0(char, FILE_STRUCT_LEN + extra_len + 1);
+ bp += extra_len;
+ file = (struct file_struct *)bp;
+ }
+ file->mode = mode;
+ if (am_server && protocol_version >= 29 && len < MAXPATHLEN) {
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode))
+ len++; /* directories include trailing null */
+ send_msg(MSG_DELETED, fname, len, am_generator);
+ } else if (!INFO_GTE(DEL, 1) && !stdout_format)
+ ;
+ else {
+ fmt = stdout_format_has_o_or_i ? stdout_format : "deleting %n";
+ log_formatted(FCLIENT, fmt, "del.", file, fname, ITEM_DELETED, NULL);
+ }
+ if (!logfile_name || dry_run || !logfile_format)
+ return;
+ fmt = logfile_format_has_o_or_i ? logfile_format : "deleting %n";
+ log_formatted(FLOG, fmt, "del.", file, fname, ITEM_DELETED, NULL);
+ * Called when the transfer is interrupted for some reason.
+ *
+ * Code is one of the RERR_* codes from errcode.h, or terminating
+ * successfully.
+ */
+void log_exit(int code, const char *file, int line)
+ /* The receiving side's stats are split between 2 procs until the
+ * end of the run, so only the sender can output non-final info. */
+ if (code == 0 || am_sender) {
+ rprintf(FLOG,"sent %s bytes received %s bytes total size %s\n",
+ big_num(stats.total_written),
+ big_num(stats.total_read),
+ big_num(stats.total_size));
+ }
+ if (code != 0 && am_server != 2) {
+ const char *name;
+ name = rerr_name(code);
+ if (!name)
+ name = "unexplained error";
+ /* VANISHED is not an error, only a warning */
+ if (code == RERR_VANISHED) {
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "rsync warning: %s (code %d) at %s(%d) [%s=%s]\n",
+ name, code, src_file(file), line, who_am_i(), rsync_version());
+ } else {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync error: %s (code %d) at %s(%d) [%s=%s]\n",
+ name, code, src_file(file), line, who_am_i(), rsync_version());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/m4/have_type.m4 b/m4/have_type.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12fc719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/have_type.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+cv=`echo "$1" | sed 'y%./+- %__p__%'`
+[[$1 foo;]])],
+[eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=yes"],
+[eval "ac_cv_type_$cv=no"]))dnl
+ac_foo=`eval echo \\$ac_cv_type_$cv`
+if test "$ac_foo" = yes; then
+ ac_tr_hdr=HAVE_`echo $1 | sed 'y%abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./- %ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____%'`
+if false; then
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($ac_tr_hdr, 1, [Define if you have type `$1'])
diff --git a/m4/header_major_fixed.m4 b/m4/header_major_fixed.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f156aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/header_major_fixed.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether sys/types.h defines makedev,
+ ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev,
+[AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[@%:@include <sys/types.h>]],
+ [[return makedev(0, 0);]])],
+ [if grep sys/sysmacros.h conftest.err >/dev/null; then
+ ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev=no
+ else
+ ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev=yes
+ fi],
+ [ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev=no])
+if test $ac_cv_header_sys_types_h_makedev = no; then
+ [Define to 1 if `major', `minor', and `makedev' are
+ declared in <mkdev.h>.])])
+ if test $ac_cv_header_sys_mkdev_h = no; then
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/sysmacros.h,
+ [Define to 1 if `major', `minor', and `makedev'
+ are declared in <sysmacros.h>.])])
+ fi
diff --git a/m4/socklen_t.m4 b/m4/socklen_t.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ca6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/socklen_t.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+dnl Check for socklen_t: historically on BSD it is an int, and in
+dnl POSIX 1g it is a type of its own, but some platforms use different
+dnl types for the argument to getsockopt, getpeername, etc. So we
+dnl have to test to find something that will work.
+dnl This is no good, because passing the wrong pointer on C compilers is
+dnl likely to only generate a warning, not an error. We don't call this at
+dnl the moment.
+ AC_CHECK_TYPE([socklen_t], ,[
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for socklen_t equivalent])
+ AC_CACHE_VAL([rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv],
+ [
+ # Systems have either "struct sockaddr *" or
+ # "void *" as the second argument to getpeername
+ rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv=
+ for arg2 in "struct sockaddr" void; do
+ for t in int size_t unsigned long "unsigned long"; do
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+ int getpeername (int, $arg2 *, $t *);
+ ]],[[
+ $t len;
+ getpeername(0,0,&len);
+ ]])],[
+ rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv="$t"
+ break
+ ])
+ done
+ done
+ if test "x$rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv" = x; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find a type to use in place of socklen_t])
+ fi
+ ])
+ AC_MSG_RESULT($rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv)
+ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(socklen_t, $rsync_cv_socklen_t_equiv,
+ [type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined])],
+ [#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>])
diff --git a/m4/validate_cache_system_type.m4 b/m4/validate_cache_system_type.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb3b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/m4/validate_cache_system_type.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+dnl if the cache file is inconsistent with the current host,
+dnl target and build system types, execute CMD or print a default
+dnl error message.
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([config.cache system type])
+ if { test x"${ac_cv_host_system_type+set}" = x"set" &&
+ test x"$ac_cv_host_system_type" != x"$host"; } ||
+ { test x"${ac_cv_build_system_type+set}" = x"set" &&
+ test x"$ac_cv_build_system_type" != x"$build"; } ||
+ { test x"${ac_cv_target_system_type+set}" = x"set" &&
+ test x"$ac_cv_target_system_type" != x"$target"; }; then
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([different])
+ ifelse($#, 1, [$1],
+ [AC_MSG_ERROR(["you must remove config.cache and restart configure"])])
+ else
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([same])
+ fi
+ ac_cv_host_system_type="$host"
+ ac_cv_build_system_type="$build"
+ ac_cv_target_system_type="$target"
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2a7b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1864 @@
+ * The startup routines, including main(), for rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Andrew Tridgell <>
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#if defined CONFIG_LOCALE && defined HAVE_LOCALE_H
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <popt.h>
+#ifdef __TANDEM
+#include <floss.h(floss_execlp)>
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int io_timeout;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int blocking_io;
+extern int always_checksum;
+extern int remove_source_files;
+extern int output_needs_newline;
+extern int called_from_signal_handler;
+extern int need_messages_from_generator;
+extern int kluge_around_eof;
+extern int got_xfer_error;
+extern int old_style_args;
+extern int msgs2stderr;
+extern int module_id;
+extern int read_only;
+extern int copy_links;
+extern int copy_dirlinks;
+extern int copy_unsafe_links;
+extern int keep_dirlinks;
+extern int preserve_hard_links;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int mkpath_dest_arg;
+extern int file_total;
+extern int recurse;
+extern int xfer_dirs;
+extern int protect_args;
+extern int relative_paths;
+extern int sanitize_paths;
+extern int curr_dir_depth;
+extern int curr_dir_len;
+extern int module_id;
+extern int rsync_port;
+extern int whole_file;
+extern int read_batch;
+extern int write_batch;
+extern int batch_fd;
+extern int sock_f_in;
+extern int sock_f_out;
+extern int filesfrom_fd;
+extern int connect_timeout;
+extern int send_msgs_to_gen;
+extern dev_t filesystem_dev;
+extern pid_t cleanup_child_pid;
+extern size_t bwlimit_writemax;
+extern unsigned int module_dirlen;
+extern BOOL flist_receiving_enabled;
+extern BOOL want_progress_now;
+extern BOOL shutting_down;
+extern int backup_dir_len;
+extern int basis_dir_cnt;
+extern int default_af_hint;
+extern int stdout_format_has_i;
+extern struct stats stats;
+extern char *stdout_format;
+extern char *logfile_format;
+extern char *filesfrom_host;
+extern char *partial_dir;
+extern char *rsync_path;
+extern char *shell_cmd;
+extern char *password_file;
+extern char *backup_dir;
+extern char *copy_as;
+extern char *tmpdir;
+extern char curr_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+extern char backup_dir_buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+extern char *basis_dir[MAX_BASIS_DIRS+1];
+extern struct file_list *first_flist;
+extern filter_rule_list daemon_filter_list, implied_filter_list;
+uid_t our_uid;
+gid_t our_gid;
+int am_receiver = 0; /* Only set to 1 after the receiver/generator fork. */
+int am_generator = 0; /* Only set to 1 after the receiver/generator fork. */
+int local_server = 0;
+int daemon_connection = 0; /* 0 = no daemon, 1 = daemon via remote shell, -1 = daemon via socket */
+mode_t orig_umask = 0;
+int batch_gen_fd = -1;
+int sender_keeps_checksum = 0;
+int raw_argc, cooked_argc;
+char **raw_argv, **cooked_argv;
+/* There's probably never more than at most 2 outstanding child processes,
+ * but set it higher, just in case. */
+# define SIGACTMASK(n,h) SIGACTION(n,h), sigaddset(&sigmask,(n))
+# else
+# define SIGACTMASK(n,h) SIGACTION(n,h)
+# endif
+static struct sigaction sigact;
+struct pid_status {
+ pid_t pid;
+ int status;
+} pid_stat_table[MAXCHILDPROCS];
+static time_t starttime, endtime;
+static int64 total_read, total_written;
+static void show_malloc_stats(void);
+/* Works like waitpid(), but if we already harvested the child pid in our
+ * remember_children(), we succeed instead of returning an error. */
+pid_t wait_process(pid_t pid, int *status_ptr, int flags)
+ pid_t waited_pid;
+ do {
+ waited_pid = waitpid(pid, status_ptr, flags);
+ } while (waited_pid == -1 && errno == EINTR);
+ if (waited_pid == -1 && errno == ECHILD) {
+ /* Status of requested child no longer available: check to
+ * see if it was processed by remember_children(). */
+ int cnt;
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXCHILDPROCS; cnt++) {
+ if (pid == pid_stat_table[cnt].pid) {
+ *status_ptr = pid_stat_table[cnt].status;
+ pid_stat_table[cnt].pid = 0;
+ return pid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return waited_pid;
+int shell_exec(const char *cmd)
+ char *shell = getenv("RSYNC_SHELL");
+ int status;
+ pid_t pid;
+ if (!shell)
+ return system(cmd);
+ if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ execlp(shell, shell, "-c", cmd, NULL);
+ _exit(1);
+ }
+ int ret = wait_process(pid, &status, 0);
+ return ret < 0 ? -1 : status;
+/* Wait for a process to exit, calling io_flush while waiting. */
+static void wait_process_with_flush(pid_t pid, int *exit_code_ptr)
+ pid_t waited_pid;
+ int status;
+ while ((waited_pid = wait_process(pid, &status, WNOHANG)) == 0) {
+ msleep(20);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ }
+ /* TODO: If the child exited on a signal, then log an
+ * appropriate error message. Perhaps we should also accept a
+ * message describing the purpose of the child. Also indicate
+ * this to the caller so that they know something went wrong. */
+ if (waited_pid < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "waitpid");
+ *exit_code_ptr = RERR_WAITCHILD;
+ } else if (!WIFEXITED(status)) {
+ if (WCOREDUMP(status))
+ *exit_code_ptr = RERR_CRASHED;
+ else
+ if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
+ *exit_code_ptr = RERR_TERMINATED;
+ else
+ *exit_code_ptr = RERR_WAITCHILD;
+ } else
+ *exit_code_ptr = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+void write_del_stats(int f)
+ if (read_batch)
+ write_int(f, NDX_DEL_STATS);
+ else
+ write_ndx(f, NDX_DEL_STATS);
+ write_varint(f, stats.deleted_files - stats.deleted_dirs
+ - stats.deleted_symlinks - stats.deleted_devices
+ - stats.deleted_specials);
+ write_varint(f, stats.deleted_dirs);
+ write_varint(f, stats.deleted_symlinks);
+ write_varint(f, stats.deleted_devices);
+ write_varint(f, stats.deleted_specials);
+void read_del_stats(int f)
+ stats.deleted_files = read_varint(f);
+ stats.deleted_files += stats.deleted_dirs = read_varint(f);
+ stats.deleted_files += stats.deleted_symlinks = read_varint(f);
+ stats.deleted_files += stats.deleted_devices = read_varint(f);
+ stats.deleted_files += stats.deleted_specials = read_varint(f);
+static void become_copy_as_user()
+ char *gname;
+ uid_t uid;
+ gid_t gid;
+ if (!copy_as)
+ return;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CMD, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] copy_as=%s\n", who_am_i(), copy_as);
+ if ((gname = strchr(copy_as, ':')) != NULL)
+ *gname++ = '\0';
+ if (!user_to_uid(copy_as, &uid, True)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid copy-as user: %s\n", copy_as);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (gname) {
+ if (!group_to_gid(gname, &gid, True)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid copy-as group: %s\n", gname);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct passwd *pw;
+ if ((pw = getpwuid(uid)) == NULL) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "getpwuid failed");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ gid = pw->pw_gid;
+ }
+ if (setgid(gid) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "setgid failed");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (setgroups(1, &gid)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "setgroups failed");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (!gname && initgroups(copy_as, gid) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "initgroups failed");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (setuid(uid) < 0
+ || seteuid(uid) < 0
+ ) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "setuid failed");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ our_uid = MY_UID();
+ our_gid = MY_GID();
+ am_root = (our_uid == ROOT_UID);
+ if (gname)
+ gname[-1] = ':';
+/* This function gets called from all 3 processes. We want the client side
+ * to actually output the text, but the sender is the only process that has
+ * all the stats we need. So, if we're a client sender, we do the report.
+ * If we're a server sender, we write the stats on the supplied fd. If
+ * we're the client receiver we read the stats from the supplied fd and do
+ * the report. All processes might also generate a set of debug stats, if
+ * the verbose level is high enough (this is the only thing that the
+ * generator process and the server receiver ever do here). */
+static void handle_stats(int f)
+ endtime = time(NULL);
+ /* Cache two stats because the read/write code can change it. */
+ total_read = stats.total_read;
+ total_written = stats.total_written;
+ if (INFO_GTE(STATS, 3)) {
+ /* These come out from every process */
+ show_malloc_stats();
+ show_flist_stats();
+ }
+ if (am_generator)
+ return;
+ if (am_daemon) {
+ if (f == -1 || !am_sender)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (am_server) {
+ if (am_sender) {
+ write_varlong30(f, total_read, 3);
+ write_varlong30(f, total_written, 3);
+ write_varlong30(f, stats.total_size, 3);
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ write_varlong30(f, stats.flist_buildtime, 3);
+ write_varlong30(f, stats.flist_xfertime, 3);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* this is the client */
+ if (f < 0 && !am_sender) /* e.g. when we got an empty file list. */
+ ;
+ else if (!am_sender) {
+ /* Read the first two in opposite order because the meaning of
+ * read/write swaps when switching from sender to receiver. */
+ total_written = read_varlong30(f, 3);
+ total_read = read_varlong30(f, 3);
+ stats.total_size = read_varlong30(f, 3);
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ stats.flist_buildtime = read_varlong30(f, 3);
+ stats.flist_xfertime = read_varlong30(f, 3);
+ }
+ } else if (write_batch) {
+ /* The --read-batch process is going to be a client
+ * receiver, so we need to give it the stats. */
+ write_varlong30(batch_fd, total_read, 3);
+ write_varlong30(batch_fd, total_written, 3);
+ write_varlong30(batch_fd, stats.total_size, 3);
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ write_varlong30(batch_fd, stats.flist_buildtime, 3);
+ write_varlong30(batch_fd, stats.flist_xfertime, 3);
+ }
+ }
+static void output_itemized_counts(const char *prefix, int *counts)
+ static char *labels[] = { "reg", "dir", "link", "dev", "special" };
+ char buf[1024], *pre = " (";
+ int j, len = 0;
+ int total = counts[0];
+ if (total) {
+ counts[0] -= counts[1] + counts[2] + counts[3] + counts[4];
+ for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
+ if (counts[j]) {
+ len += snprintf(buf+len, sizeof buf - len - 2,
+ "%s%s: %s",
+ pre, labels[j], comma_num(counts[j]));
+ pre = ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ buf[len++] = ')';
+ }
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s: %s%s\n", prefix, comma_num(total), buf);
+static const char *bytes_per_sec_human_dnum(void)
+ if (starttime == (time_t)-1 || endtime == (time_t)-1)
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ return human_dnum((total_written + total_read) / (0.5 + (endtime - starttime)), 2);
+static void output_summary(void)
+ if (INFO_GTE(STATS, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "\n");
+ output_itemized_counts("Number of files", &stats.num_files);
+ if (protocol_version >= 29)
+ output_itemized_counts("Number of created files", &stats.created_files);
+ if (protocol_version >= 31)
+ output_itemized_counts("Number of deleted files", &stats.deleted_files);
+ rprintf(FINFO,"Number of regular files transferred: %s\n",
+ comma_num(stats.xferred_files));
+ rprintf(FINFO,"Total file size: %s bytes\n",
+ human_num(stats.total_size));
+ rprintf(FINFO,"Total transferred file size: %s bytes\n",
+ human_num(stats.total_transferred_size));
+ rprintf(FINFO,"Literal data: %s bytes\n",
+ human_num(stats.literal_data));
+ rprintf(FINFO,"Matched data: %s bytes\n",
+ human_num(stats.matched_data));
+ rprintf(FINFO,"File list size: %s\n",
+ human_num(stats.flist_size));
+ if (stats.flist_buildtime) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "File list generation time: %s seconds\n",
+ comma_dnum((double)stats.flist_buildtime / 1000, 3));
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "File list transfer time: %s seconds\n",
+ comma_dnum((double)stats.flist_xfertime / 1000, 3));
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO,"Total bytes sent: %s\n",
+ human_num(total_written));
+ rprintf(FINFO,"Total bytes received: %s\n",
+ human_num(total_read));
+ }
+ if (INFO_GTE(STATS, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "\n");
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "sent %s bytes received %s bytes %s bytes/sec\n",
+ human_num(total_written), human_num(total_read),
+ bytes_per_sec_human_dnum());
+ rprintf(FINFO, "total size is %s speedup is %s%s\n",
+ human_num(stats.total_size),
+ comma_dnum((double)stats.total_size / (total_written+total_read), 2),
+ write_batch < 0 ? " (BATCH ONLY)" : dry_run ? " (DRY RUN)" : "");
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ * If our C library can get malloc statistics, then show them to FINFO
+ **/
+static void show_malloc_stats(void)
+ struct MEM_ALLOC_INFO mi = MEM_ALLOC_INFO(); /* mallinfo or mallinfo2 */
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "\n");
+ rprintf(FINFO, RSYNC_NAME "[%d] (%s%s%s) heap statistics:\n",
+ (int)getpid(), am_server ? "server " : "",
+ am_daemon ? "daemon " : "", who_am_i());
+#define PRINT_ALLOC_NUM(title, descr, num) \
+ rprintf(FINFO, " %-11s%10" SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "d (" descr ")\n", \
+ title ":", (SIZE_T_FMT_CAST)(num));
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("arena", "bytes from sbrk", mi.arena);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("ordblks", "chunks not in use", mi.ordblks);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("smblks", "free fastbin blocks", mi.smblks);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("hblks", "chunks from mmap", mi.hblks);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("hblkhd", "bytes from mmap", mi.hblkhd);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("allmem", "bytes from sbrk + mmap", mi.arena + mi.hblkhd);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("usmblks", "always 0", mi.usmblks);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("fsmblks", "bytes in freed fastbin blocks", mi.fsmblks);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("uordblks", "bytes used", mi.uordblks);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("fordblks", "bytes free", mi.fordblks);
+ PRINT_ALLOC_NUM("keepcost", "bytes in releasable chunk", mi.keepcost);
+#endif /* MEM_ALLOC_INFO */
+/* Start the remote shell. cmd may be NULL to use the default. */
+static pid_t do_cmd(char *cmd, char *machine, char *user, char **remote_argv, int remote_argc,
+ int *f_in_p, int *f_out_p)
+ int i, argc = 0;
+ char *args[MAX_ARGS], *need_to_free = NULL;
+ pid_t pid;
+ int dash_l_set = 0;
+ if (!read_batch && !local_server) {
+ char *t, *f, in_quote = '\0';
+ char *rsh_env = getenv(RSYNC_RSH_ENV);
+ if (!cmd)
+ cmd = rsh_env;
+ if (!cmd)
+ cmd = RSYNC_RSH;
+ cmd = need_to_free = strdup(cmd);
+ for (t = f = cmd; *f; f++) {
+ if (*f == ' ')
+ continue;
+ /* Comparison leaves rooms for server_options(). */
+ if (argc >= MAX_ARGS - MAX_SERVER_ARGS)
+ goto arg_overflow;
+ args[argc++] = t;
+ while (*f != ' ' || in_quote) {
+ if (!*f) {
+ if (in_quote) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "Missing trailing-%c in remote-shell command.\n",
+ in_quote);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ f--;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*f == '\'' || *f == '"') {
+ if (!in_quote) {
+ in_quote = *f++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*f == in_quote && *++f != in_quote) {
+ in_quote = '\0';
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ }
+ *t++ = '\0';
+ }
+ /* NOTE: must preserve t == start of command name until the end of the args handling! */
+ if ((t = strrchr(cmd, '/')) != NULL)
+ t++;
+ else
+ t = cmd;
+ /* Check to see if we've already been given '-l user' in the remote-shell command. */
+ for (i = 0; i < argc-1; i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(args[i], "-l") && args[i+1][0] != '-')
+ dash_l_set = 1;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_REMSH
+ /* remsh (on HPUX) takes the arguments the other way around */
+ args[argc++] = machine;
+ if (user && !(daemon_connection && dash_l_set)) {
+ args[argc++] = "-l";
+ args[argc++] = user;
+ }
+ if (user && !(daemon_connection && dash_l_set)) {
+ args[argc++] = "-l";
+ args[argc++] = user;
+ }
+#ifdef AF_INET
+ if (default_af_hint == AF_INET && strcmp(t, "ssh") == 0)
+ args[argc++] = "-4"; /* we're using ssh so we can add a -4 option */
+#ifdef AF_INET6
+ if (default_af_hint == AF_INET6 && strcmp(t, "ssh") == 0)
+ args[argc++] = "-6"; /* we're using ssh so we can add a -6 option */
+ args[argc++] = machine;
+ args[argc++] = rsync_path;
+ if (blocking_io < 0 && (strcmp(t, "rsh") == 0 || strcmp(t, "remsh") == 0))
+ blocking_io = 1;
+ if (daemon_connection > 0) {
+ args[argc++] = "--server";
+ args[argc++] = "--daemon";
+ } else
+ server_options(args, &argc);
+ if (argc >= MAX_ARGS - 2)
+ goto arg_overflow;
+ }
+ args[argc++] = ".";
+ if (!daemon_connection) {
+ while (remote_argc > 0) {
+ if (argc >= MAX_ARGS - 1) {
+ arg_overflow:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "internal: args[] overflowed in do_cmd()\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ args[argc++] = safe_arg(NULL, *remote_argv++);
+ remote_argc--;
+ }
+ }
+ args[argc] = NULL;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CMD, 2)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "cmd[%d]=%s ", i, args[i]);
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "\n");
+ }
+ if (read_batch) {
+ int from_gen_pipe[2];
+ set_allow_inc_recurse();
+ if (fd_pair(from_gen_pipe) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "pipe");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ batch_gen_fd = from_gen_pipe[0];
+ *f_out_p = from_gen_pipe[1];
+ *f_in_p = batch_fd;
+ pid = (pid_t)-1; /* no child pid */
+ setup_iconv();
+ } else if (local_server) {
+ /* If the user didn't request --[no-]whole-file, force
+ * it on, but only if we're not batch processing. */
+ if (whole_file < 0 && !write_batch)
+ whole_file = 1;
+ set_allow_inc_recurse();
+ pid = local_child(argc, args, f_in_p, f_out_p, child_main);
+ setup_iconv();
+ } else {
+ pid = piped_child(args, f_in_p, f_out_p);
+ setup_iconv();
+ if (protect_args && !daemon_connection)
+ send_protected_args(*f_out_p, args);
+ }
+ if (need_to_free)
+ free(need_to_free);
+ return pid;
+/* Older versions turn an empty string as a reference to the current directory.
+ * We now treat this as an error unless --old-args was used. */
+static char *dot_dir_or_error()
+ if (old_style_args || am_server)
+ return ".";
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Empty destination arg specified (use \".\" or see --old-args).\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+/* The receiving side operates in one of two modes:
+ *
+ * 1. it receives any number of files into a destination directory,
+ * placing them according to their names in the file-list.
+ *
+ * 2. it receives a single file and saves it using the name in the
+ * destination path instead of its file-list name. This requires a
+ * "local name" for writing out the destination file.
+ *
+ * So, our task is to figure out what mode/local-name we need.
+ * For mode 1, we change into the destination directory and return NULL.
+ * For mode 2, we change into the directory containing the destination
+ * file (if we aren't already there) and return the local-name. */
+static char *get_local_name(struct file_list *flist, char *dest_path)
+ int statret, trailing_slash;
+ char *cp;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "get_local_name count=%d %s\n",
+ file_total, NS(dest_path));
+ }
+ if (!dest_path || list_only)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!*dest_path)
+ dest_path = dot_dir_or_error();
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head) {
+ char *slash = strrchr(dest_path, '/');
+ if (slash && (slash[1] == '\0' || (slash[1] == '.' && slash[2] == '\0')))
+ *slash = '\0';
+ else
+ slash = NULL;
+ if ((*dest_path != '.' || dest_path[1] != '\0')
+ && (check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, dest_path, 0) < 0
+ || check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, dest_path, 1) < 0)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: daemon has excluded destination \"%s\"\n",
+ dest_path);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ if (slash)
+ *slash = '/';
+ }
+ /* See what currently exists at the destination. */
+ statret = do_stat(dest_path, &st);
+ cp = strrchr(dest_path, '/');
+ trailing_slash = cp && !cp[1];
+ if (mkpath_dest_arg && statret < 0 && (cp || file_total > 1)) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ int ret = make_path(dest_path, file_total > 1 && !trailing_slash ? 0 : MKP_DROP_NAME);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto mkdir_error;
+ if (ret && (INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) || stdout_format_has_i)) {
+ if (file_total == 1 || trailing_slash)
+ *cp = '\0';
+ rprintf(FINFO, "created %d director%s for %s\n", ret, ret == 1 ? "y" : "ies", dest_path);
+ if (file_total == 1 || trailing_slash)
+ *cp = '/';
+ }
+ if (ret)
+ statret = do_stat(dest_path, &st);
+ else
+ errno = save_errno;
+ }
+ if (statret == 0) {
+ /* If the destination is a dir, enter it and use mode 1. */
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!change_dir(dest_path, CD_NORMAL)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "change_dir#1 %s failed",
+ full_fname(dest_path));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ filesystem_dev = st.st_dev; /* ensures --force works right w/-x */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (file_total > 1) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "ERROR: destination must be a directory when"
+ " copying more than 1 file\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ if (file_total == 1 && S_ISDIR(flist->files[0]->mode)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "ERROR: cannot overwrite non-directory"
+ " with a directory\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ } else if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ /* If we don't know what's at the destination, fail. */
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "ERROR: cannot stat destination %s",
+ full_fname(dest_path));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ /* If we need a destination directory because the transfer is not
+ * of a single non-directory or the user has requested one via a
+ * destination path ending in a slash, create one and use mode 1. */
+ if (file_total > 1 || trailing_slash) {
+ if (trailing_slash)
+ *cp = '\0'; /* Lop off the final slash (if any). */
+ if (statret == 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: destination path is not a directory\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (do_mkdir(dest_path, ACCESSPERMS) != 0) {
+ mkdir_error:
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "mkdir %s failed",
+ full_fname(dest_path));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if (flist->high >= flist->low
+ && strcmp(flist->files[flist->low]->basename, ".") == 0)
+ flist->files[0]->flags |= FLAG_DIR_CREATED;
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) || stdout_format_has_i)
+ rprintf(FINFO, "created directory %s\n", dest_path);
+ if (dry_run) {
+ /* Indicate that dest dir doesn't really exist. */
+ dry_run++;
+ }
+ if (!change_dir(dest_path, dry_run > 1 ? CD_SKIP_CHDIR : CD_NORMAL)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "change_dir#2 %s failed",
+ full_fname(dest_path));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, we are writing a single file, possibly on top of an
+ * existing non-directory. Change to the item's parent directory
+ * (if it has a path component), return the basename of the
+ * destination file as the local name, and use mode 2. */
+ if (!cp)
+ return dest_path;
+ if (cp == dest_path)
+ dest_path = "/";
+ *cp = '\0';
+ if (!change_dir(dest_path, CD_NORMAL)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "change_dir#3 %s failed",
+ full_fname(dest_path));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ *cp = '/';
+ return cp + 1;
+/* This function checks on our alternate-basis directories. If we're in
+ * dry-run mode and the destination dir does not yet exist, we'll try to
+ * tweak any dest-relative paths to make them work for a dry-run (the
+ * destination dir must be in curr_dir[] when this function is called).
+ * We also warn about any arg that is non-existent or not a directory. */
+static void check_alt_basis_dirs(void)
+ char *slash = strrchr(curr_dir, '/');
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < basis_dir_cnt; j++) {
+ char *bdir = basis_dir[j];
+ int bd_len = strlen(bdir);
+ if (bd_len > 1 && bdir[bd_len-1] == '/')
+ bdir[--bd_len] = '\0';
+ if (dry_run > 1 && *bdir != '/') {
+ int len = curr_dir_len + 1 + bd_len + 1;
+ char *new = new_array(char, len);
+ if (slash && strncmp(bdir, "../", 3) == 0) {
+ /* We want to remove only one leading "../" prefix for
+ * the directory we couldn't create in dry-run mode:
+ * this ensures that any other ".." references get
+ * evaluated the same as they would for a live copy. */
+ *slash = '\0';
+ pathjoin(new, len, curr_dir, bdir + 3);
+ *slash = '/';
+ } else
+ pathjoin(new, len, curr_dir, bdir);
+ basis_dir[j] = bdir = new;
+ }
+ if (do_stat(bdir, &st) < 0)
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "%s arg does not exist: %s\n", alt_dest_opt(0), bdir);
+ else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "%s arg is not a dir: %s\n", alt_dest_opt(0), bdir);
+ }
+/* This is only called by the sender. */
+static void read_final_goodbye(int f_in, int f_out)
+ int i, iflags, xlen;
+ uchar fnamecmp_type;
+ char xname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ shutting_down = True;
+ if (protocol_version < 29)
+ i = read_int(f_in);
+ else {
+ i = read_ndx_and_attrs(f_in, f_out, &iflags, &fnamecmp_type, xname, &xlen);
+ if (protocol_version >= 31 && i == NDX_DONE) {
+ if (am_sender)
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ else {
+ if (batch_gen_fd >= 0) {
+ while (read_int(batch_gen_fd) != NDX_DEL_STATS) {}
+ read_del_stats(batch_gen_fd);
+ }
+ write_int(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ }
+ i = read_ndx_and_attrs(f_in, f_out, &iflags, &fnamecmp_type, xname, &xlen);
+ }
+ }
+ if (i != NDX_DONE) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid packet at end of run (%d) [%s]\n",
+ i, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+static void do_server_sender(int f_in, int f_out, int argc, char *argv[])
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ char *dir;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(SEND, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "server_sender starting pid=%d\n", (int)getpid());
+ if (am_daemon && lp_write_only(module_id)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: module is write only\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (am_daemon && read_only && remove_source_files) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "ERROR: --remove-%s-files cannot be used with a read-only module\n",
+ remove_source_files == 1 ? "source" : "sent");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (argc < 1) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: do_server_sender called without args\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ become_copy_as_user();
+ dir = argv[0];
+ if (!relative_paths) {
+ if (!change_dir(dir, CD_NORMAL)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "change_dir#3 %s failed",
+ full_fname(dir));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ }
+ argc--;
+ argv++;
+ if (argc == 0 && (recurse || xfer_dirs || list_only)) {
+ argc = 1;
+ argv--;
+ argv[0] = ".";
+ }
+ flist = send_file_list(f_out,argc,argv);
+ if (!flist || flist->used == 0) {
+ /* Make sure input buffering is off so we can't hang in noop_io_until_death(). */
+ io_end_buffering_in(0);
+ /* TODO: we should really exit in a more controlled manner. */
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ }
+ io_start_buffering_in(f_in);
+ send_files(f_in, f_out);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ handle_stats(f_out);
+ if (protocol_version >= 24)
+ read_final_goodbye(f_in, f_out);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+static int do_recv(int f_in, int f_out, char *local_name)
+ int pid;
+ int exit_code = 0;
+ int error_pipe[2];
+ /* The receiving side mustn't obey this, or an existing symlink that
+ * points to an identical file won't be replaced by the referent. */
+ copy_links = copy_dirlinks = copy_unsafe_links = 0;
+ if (preserve_hard_links && !inc_recurse)
+ match_hard_links(first_flist);
+ if (fd_pair(error_pipe) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "pipe failed in do_recv");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (backup_dir) {
+ int ret;
+ if (backup_dir_len > 1)
+ backup_dir_buf[backup_dir_len-1] = '\0';
+ ret = do_stat(backup_dir_buf, &st);
+ if (ret != 0 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "The backup-dir is not a directory: %s\n", backup_dir_buf);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Failed to stat %s: %s\n", backup_dir_buf, strerror(errno));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if (INFO_GTE(BACKUP, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "(new) backup_dir is %s\n", backup_dir_buf);
+ } else if (INFO_GTE(BACKUP, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "backup_dir is %s\n", backup_dir_buf);
+ if (backup_dir_len > 1)
+ backup_dir_buf[backup_dir_len-1] = '/';
+ }
+ if (tmpdir) {
+ int ret = do_stat(tmpdir, &st);
+ if (ret < 0 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "The temp-dir is not a directory: %s\n", tmpdir);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (errno == ENOENT) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "The temp-dir does not exist: %s\n", tmpdir);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Failed to stat temp-dir %s: %s\n", tmpdir, strerror(errno));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ }
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ if ((pid = do_fork()) == -1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "fork failed in do_recv");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ am_receiver = 1;
+ send_msgs_to_gen = am_server;
+ close(error_pipe[0]);
+ /* We can't let two processes write to the socket at one time. */
+ io_end_multiplex_out(MPLX_SWITCHING);
+ if (f_in != f_out)
+ close(f_out);
+ sock_f_out = -1;
+ f_out = error_pipe[1];
+ bwlimit_writemax = 0; /* receiver doesn't need to do this */
+ if (read_batch)
+ io_start_buffering_in(f_in);
+ io_start_multiplex_out(f_out);
+ recv_files(f_in, f_out, local_name);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ handle_stats(f_in);
+ if (output_needs_newline) {
+ fputc('\n', stdout);
+ output_needs_newline = 0;
+ }
+ write_int(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ send_msg(MSG_STATS, (char*)&stats.total_read, sizeof stats.total_read, 0);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ /* Handle any keep-alive packets from the post-processing work
+ * that the generator does. */
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ kluge_around_eof = -1;
+ /* This should only get stopped via a USR2 signal. */
+ read_final_goodbye(f_in, f_out);
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid packet at end of run [%s]\n",
+ who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ /* Finally, we go to sleep until our parent kills us with a
+ * USR2 signal. We sleep for a short time, as on some OSes
+ * a signal won't interrupt a sleep! */
+ while (1)
+ msleep(20);
+ }
+ am_generator = 1;
+ implied_filter_list.head = implied_filter_list.tail = NULL;
+ flist_receiving_enabled = True;
+ io_end_multiplex_in(MPLX_SWITCHING);
+ if (write_batch && !am_server)
+ stop_write_batch();
+ close(error_pipe[1]);
+ if (f_in != f_out)
+ close(f_in);
+ sock_f_in = -1;
+ f_in = error_pipe[0];
+ io_start_buffering_out(f_out);
+ io_start_multiplex_in(f_in);
+ if (preserve_hard_links && inc_recurse) {
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ for (flist = first_flist; flist; flist = flist->next)
+ match_hard_links(flist);
+ }
+ generate_files(f_out, local_name);
+ handle_stats(-1);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ shutting_down = True;
+ if (protocol_version >= 24) {
+ /* send a final goodbye message */
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ }
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ kill(pid, SIGUSR2);
+ wait_process_with_flush(pid, &exit_code);
+ return exit_code;
+static void do_server_recv(int f_in, int f_out, int argc, char *argv[])
+ int exit_code;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ char *local_name = NULL;
+ int negated_levels;
+ if (filesfrom_fd >= 0 && msgs2stderr != 1 && protocol_version < 31) {
+ /* We can't mix messages with files-from data on the socket,
+ * so temporarily turn off info/debug messages. */
+ negate_output_levels();
+ negated_levels = 1;
+ } else
+ negated_levels = 0;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "server_recv(%d) starting pid=%d\n", argc, (int)getpid());
+ if (am_daemon && read_only) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,"ERROR: module is read only\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ return;
+ }
+ become_copy_as_user();
+ if (argc > 0) {
+ char *dir = argv[0];
+ argc--;
+ argv++;
+ if (!am_daemon && !change_dir(dir, CD_NORMAL)) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "change_dir#4 %s failed",
+ full_fname(dir));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ }
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ io_start_multiplex_in(f_in);
+ else
+ io_start_buffering_in(f_in);
+ recv_filter_list(f_in);
+ if (filesfrom_fd >= 0) {
+ /* We need to send the files-from names to the sender at the
+ * same time that we receive the file-list from them, so we
+ * need the IO routines to automatically write out the names
+ * onto our f_out socket as we read the file-list. This
+ * avoids both deadlock and extra delays/buffers. */
+ start_filesfrom_forwarding(filesfrom_fd);
+ filesfrom_fd = -1;
+ }
+ flist = recv_file_list(f_in, -1);
+ if (!flist) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,"server_recv: recv_file_list error\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse && file_total == 1)
+ recv_additional_file_list(f_in);
+ if (negated_levels)
+ negate_output_levels();
+ if (argc > 0)
+ local_name = get_local_name(flist,argv[0]);
+ /* Now that we know what our destination directory turned out to be,
+ * we can sanitize the --link-/copy-/compare-dest args correctly. */
+ if (sanitize_paths) {
+ char **dir_p;
+ for (dir_p = basis_dir; *dir_p; dir_p++)
+ *dir_p = sanitize_path(NULL, *dir_p, NULL, curr_dir_depth, SP_DEFAULT);
+ if (partial_dir)
+ partial_dir = sanitize_path(NULL, partial_dir, NULL, curr_dir_depth, SP_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ check_alt_basis_dirs();
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head) {
+ char **dir_p;
+ filter_rule_list *elp = &daemon_filter_list;
+ for (dir_p = basis_dir; *dir_p; dir_p++) {
+ char *dir = *dir_p;
+ if (*dir == '/')
+ dir += module_dirlen;
+ if (check_filter(elp, FLOG, dir, 1) < 0)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ }
+ if (partial_dir && *partial_dir == '/'
+ && check_filter(elp, FLOG, partial_dir + module_dirlen, 1) < 0) {
+ options_rejected:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Your options have been rejected by the server.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ }
+ exit_code = do_recv(f_in, f_out, local_name);
+ exit_cleanup(exit_code);
+int child_main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ start_server(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, argc, argv);
+ return 0;
+void start_server(int f_in, int f_out, int argc, char *argv[])
+ set_nonblocking(f_in);
+ set_nonblocking(f_out);
+ io_set_sock_fds(f_in, f_out);
+ setup_protocol(f_out, f_in);
+ if (protocol_version >= 23)
+ io_start_multiplex_out(f_out);
+ if (am_daemon && io_timeout && protocol_version >= 31)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_IO_TIMEOUT, io_timeout);
+ if (am_sender) {
+ keep_dirlinks = 0; /* Must be disabled on the sender. */
+ if (need_messages_from_generator)
+ io_start_multiplex_in(f_in);
+ else
+ io_start_buffering_in(f_in);
+ recv_filter_list(f_in);
+ do_server_sender(f_in, f_out, argc, argv);
+ } else
+ do_server_recv(f_in, f_out, argc, argv);
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+/* This is called once the connection has been negotiated. It is used
+ * for rsyncd, remote-shell, and local connections. */
+int client_run(int f_in, int f_out, pid_t pid, int argc, char *argv[])
+ struct file_list *flist = NULL;
+ int exit_code = 0, exit_code2 = 0;
+ char *local_name = NULL;
+ cleanup_child_pid = pid;
+ if (!read_batch) {
+ set_nonblocking(f_in);
+ set_nonblocking(f_out);
+ }
+ io_set_sock_fds(f_in, f_out);
+ setup_protocol(f_out,f_in);
+ /* We set our stderr file handle to blocking because ssh might have
+ * set it to non-blocking. This can be particularly troublesome if
+ * stderr is a clone of stdout, because ssh would have set our stdout
+ * to non-blocking at the same time (which can easily cause us to lose
+ * output from our print statements). This kluge shouldn't cause ssh
+ * any problems for how we use it. Note also that we delayed setting
+ * this until after the above protocol setup so that we know for sure
+ * that ssh is done twiddling its file descriptors. */
+ set_blocking(STDERR_FILENO);
+ if (am_sender) {
+ keep_dirlinks = 0; /* Must be disabled on the sender. */
+ if (always_checksum
+ && (log_format_has(stdout_format, 'C')
+ || log_format_has(logfile_format, 'C')))
+ sender_keeps_checksum = 1;
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ io_start_multiplex_out(f_out);
+ else
+ io_start_buffering_out(f_out);
+ if (protocol_version >= 31 || (!filesfrom_host && protocol_version >= 23))
+ io_start_multiplex_in(f_in);
+ else
+ io_start_buffering_in(f_in);
+ send_filter_list(f_out);
+ if (filesfrom_host)
+ filesfrom_fd = f_in;
+ if (write_batch && !am_server)
+ start_write_batch(f_out);
+ become_copy_as_user();
+ flist = send_file_list(f_out, argc, argv);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO,"file list sent\n");
+ if (protocol_version < 31 && filesfrom_host && protocol_version >= 23)
+ io_start_multiplex_in(f_in);
+ io_flush(NORMAL_FLUSH);
+ send_files(f_in, f_out);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ handle_stats(-1);
+ if (protocol_version >= 24)
+ read_final_goodbye(f_in, f_out);
+ if (pid != -1) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(EXIT, 2))
+ rprintf(FINFO,"client_run waiting on %d\n", (int) pid);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ wait_process_with_flush(pid, &exit_code);
+ }
+ output_summary();
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ exit_cleanup(exit_code);
+ }
+ if (!read_batch) {
+ if (protocol_version >= 23)
+ io_start_multiplex_in(f_in);
+ if (need_messages_from_generator)
+ io_start_multiplex_out(f_out);
+ else
+ io_start_buffering_out(f_out);
+ }
+ become_copy_as_user();
+ send_filter_list(read_batch ? -1 : f_out);
+ if (filesfrom_fd >= 0) {
+ start_filesfrom_forwarding(filesfrom_fd);
+ filesfrom_fd = -1;
+ }
+ if (write_batch && !am_server)
+ start_write_batch(f_in);
+ flist = recv_file_list(f_in, -1);
+ if (inc_recurse && file_total == 1)
+ recv_additional_file_list(f_in);
+ if (flist && flist->used > 0) {
+ local_name = get_local_name(flist, argv[0]);
+ check_alt_basis_dirs();
+ exit_code2 = do_recv(f_in, f_out, local_name);
+ } else {
+ handle_stats(-1);
+ output_summary();
+ }
+ if (pid != -1) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO,"client_run2 waiting on %d\n", (int) pid);
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ wait_process_with_flush(pid, &exit_code);
+ }
+ return MAX(exit_code, exit_code2);
+static void dup_argv(char *argv[])
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
+ argv[i] = strdup(argv[i]);
+/* Start a client for either type of remote connection. Work out
+ * whether the arguments request a remote shell or rsyncd connection,
+ * and call the appropriate connection function, then run_client.
+ *
+ * Calls either start_socket_client (for sockets) or do_cmd and
+ * client_run (for ssh). */
+static int start_client(int argc, char *argv[])
+ char *p, *shell_machine = NULL, *shell_user = NULL;
+ char **remote_argv;
+ int remote_argc, env_port = rsync_port;
+ int f_in, f_out;
+ int ret;
+ pid_t pid;
+ /* Don't clobber argv[] so that ps(1) can still show the right
+ * command line. */
+ dup_argv(argv);
+ if (!read_batch) { /* for read_batch, NO source is specified */
+ char *path = check_for_hostspec(argv[0], &shell_machine, &rsync_port);
+ if (path) { /* source is remote */
+ char *dummy_host;
+ int dummy_port = 0;
+ *argv = path;
+ remote_argv = argv;
+ remote_argc = argc;
+ argv += argc - 1;
+ if (argc == 1 || **argv == ':')
+ argc = 0; /* no dest arg */
+ else if (check_for_hostspec(*argv, &dummy_host, &dummy_port)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "The source and destination cannot both be remote.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ } else {
+ remote_argc--; /* don't count dest */
+ argc = 1;
+ }
+ if (filesfrom_host && *filesfrom_host && strcmp(filesfrom_host, shell_machine) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--files-from hostname is not the same as the transfer hostname\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ am_sender = 0;
+ if (rsync_port)
+ daemon_connection = shell_cmd ? 1 : -1;
+ } else { /* source is local, check dest arg */
+ am_sender = 1;
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ p = argv[--argc];
+ if (!*p)
+ p = dot_dir_or_error();
+ remote_argv = argv + argc;
+ } else {
+ static char *dotarg[1] = { "." };
+ p = dotarg[0];
+ remote_argv = dotarg;
+ }
+ remote_argc = 1;
+ path = check_for_hostspec(p, &shell_machine, &rsync_port);
+ if (path && filesfrom_host && *filesfrom_host && strcmp(filesfrom_host, shell_machine) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--files-from hostname is not the same as the transfer hostname\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (!path) { /* no hostspec found, so src & dest are local */
+ local_server = 1;
+ if (filesfrom_host) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--files-from cannot be remote when the transfer is local\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ shell_machine = NULL;
+ rsync_port = 0;
+ } else { /* hostspec was found, so dest is remote */
+ argv[argc] = path;
+ if (rsync_port)
+ daemon_connection = shell_cmd ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* read_batch */
+ local_server = 1;
+ if (check_for_hostspec(argv[argc-1], &shell_machine, &rsync_port)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "remote destination is not allowed with --read-batch\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ remote_argv = argv += argc - 1;
+ remote_argc = argc = 1;
+ rsync_port = 0;
+ }
+ /* A local transfer doesn't unbackslash anything, so leave the args alone. */
+ if (local_server)
+ old_style_args = 2;
+ if (!rsync_port && remote_argc && !**remote_argv) /* Turn an empty arg into a dot dir. */
+ *remote_argv = ".";
+ if (am_sender) {
+ char *dummy_host;
+ int dummy_port = rsync_port;
+ int i;
+ if (!argv[0][0])
+ goto invalid_empty;
+ /* For local source, extra source args must not have hostspec. */
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (!argv[i][0]) {
+ invalid_empty:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Empty source arg specified.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (check_for_hostspec(argv[i], &dummy_host, &dummy_port)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unexpected remote arg: %s\n", argv[i]);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ char *dummy_host;
+ int dummy_port = rsync_port;
+ int i;
+ if (filesfrom_fd < 0)
+ add_implied_include(remote_argv[0], daemon_connection);
+ /* For remote source, any extra source args must have either
+ * the same hostname or an empty hostname. */
+ for (i = 1; i < remote_argc; i++) {
+ char *arg = check_for_hostspec(remote_argv[i], &dummy_host, &dummy_port);
+ if (!arg) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unexpected local arg: %s\n", remote_argv[i]);
+ rprintf(FERROR, "If arg is a remote file/dir, prefix it with a colon (:).\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (*dummy_host && strcmp(dummy_host, shell_machine) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "All source args must come from the same machine.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (rsync_port != dummy_port) {
+ if (!rsync_port || !dummy_port)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "All source args must use the same hostspec format.\n");
+ else
+ rprintf(FERROR, "All source args must use the same port number.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (!rsync_port && !*arg) /* Turn an empty arg into a dot dir. */
+ arg = ".";
+ remote_argv[i] = arg;
+ add_implied_include(arg, daemon_connection);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rsync_port < 0)
+ rsync_port = RSYNC_PORT;
+ else
+ env_port = rsync_port;
+ if (daemon_connection < 0)
+ return start_socket_client(shell_machine, remote_argc, remote_argv, argc, argv);
+ if (password_file && !daemon_connection) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "The --password-file option may only be "
+ "used when accessing an rsync daemon.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (connect_timeout) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "The --contimeout option may only be "
+ "used when connecting to an rsync daemon.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (shell_machine) {
+ p = strrchr(shell_machine,'@');
+ if (p) {
+ *p = 0;
+ shell_user = shell_machine;
+ shell_machine = p+1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CMD, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,"cmd=%s machine=%s user=%s path=%s\n",
+ NS(shell_cmd), NS(shell_machine), NS(shell_user),
+ NS(remote_argv[0]));
+ }
+ if (daemon_connection)
+ set_env_num("RSYNC_PORT", env_port);
+ (void)env_port;
+ pid = do_cmd(shell_cmd, shell_machine, shell_user, remote_argv, remote_argc, &f_in, &f_out);
+ /* if we're running an rsync server on the remote host over a
+ * remote shell command, we need to do the RSYNCD protocol first */
+ if (daemon_connection) {
+ int tmpret;
+ tmpret = start_inband_exchange(f_in, f_out, shell_user, remote_argc, remote_argv);
+ if (tmpret < 0)
+ return tmpret;
+ }
+ ret = client_run(f_in, f_out, pid, argc, argv);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ return ret;
+static void sigusr1_handler(UNUSED(int val))
+ called_from_signal_handler = 1;
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SIGNAL1);
+static void sigusr2_handler(UNUSED(int val))
+ if (!am_server)
+ output_summary();
+ close_all();
+ if (got_xfer_error)
+ _exit(RERR_PARTIAL);
+ _exit(0);
+#if defined SIGINFO || defined SIGVTALRM
+static void siginfo_handler(UNUSED(int val))
+ if (!am_server && !INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 1))
+ want_progress_now = True;
+void remember_children(UNUSED(int val))
+#ifdef WNOHANG
+ int cnt, status;
+ pid_t pid;
+ /* An empty waitpid() loop was put here by Tridge and we could never
+ * get him to explain why he put it in, so rather than taking it
+ * out we're instead saving the child exit statuses for later use.
+ * The waitpid() loop presumably eliminates all possibility of leaving
+ * zombie children, maybe that's why he did it. */
+ while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0) {
+ /* save the child's exit status */
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXCHILDPROCS; cnt++) {
+ if (pid_stat_table[cnt].pid == 0) {
+ pid_stat_table[cnt].pid = pid;
+ pid_stat_table[cnt].status = status;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ signal(SIGCHLD, remember_children);
+ * This routine catches signals and tries to send them to gdb.
+ *
+ * Because it's called from inside a signal handler it ought not to
+ * use too many library routines.
+ *
+ * @todo Perhaps use "screen -X" instead/as well, to help people
+ * debugging without easy access to X. Perhaps use an environment
+ * variable, or just call a script?
+ *
+ * @todo The /proc/ magic probably only works on Linux (and
+ * Solaris?) Can we be more portable?
+ **/
+const char *get_panic_action(void)
+ const char *cmd_fmt = getenv("RSYNC_PANIC_ACTION");
+ if (cmd_fmt)
+ return cmd_fmt;
+ return "xterm -display :0 -T Panic -n Panic -e gdb /proc/%d/exe %d";
+ * Handle a fatal signal by launching a debugger, controlled by $RSYNC_PANIC_ACTION.
+ *
+ * This signal handler is only installed if we were configured with
+ * --enable-maintainer-mode. Perhaps it should always be on and we
+ * should just look at the environment variable, but I'm a bit leery
+ * of a signal sending us into a busy loop.
+ **/
+static void rsync_panic_handler(UNUSED(int whatsig))
+ char cmd_buf[300];
+ int ret, pid_int = getpid();
+ snprintf(cmd_buf, sizeof cmd_buf, get_panic_action(), pid_int, pid_int);
+ /* Unless we failed to execute gdb, we allow the process to
+ * continue. I'm not sure if that's right. */
+ ret = shell_exec(cmd_buf);
+ if (ret)
+ _exit(ret);
+static void unset_env_var(const char *var)
+ unsetenv(var);
+ char *mem;
+ if (asprintf(&mem, "%s=", var) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("unset_env_var");
+ putenv(mem);
+ (void)var;
+int main(int argc,char *argv[])
+ int ret;
+ raw_argc = argc;
+ raw_argv = argv;
+ sigset_t sigmask;
+ sigemptyset(&sigmask);
+# endif
+ sigact.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler);
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGUSR2, sigusr2_handler);
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGCHLD, remember_children);
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGSEGV, rsync_panic_handler);
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGFPE, rsync_panic_handler);
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGABRT, rsync_panic_handler);
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGBUS, rsync_panic_handler);
+#ifdef SIGINFO
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGINFO, siginfo_handler);
+ SIGACTMASK(SIGVTALRM, siginfo_handler);
+ starttime = time(NULL);
+ our_uid = MY_UID();
+ our_gid = MY_GID();
+ am_root = our_uid == ROOT_UID;
+ unset_env_var("DISPLAY");
+#if defined USE_OPENSSL && defined SET_OPENSSL_CONF
+#define TO_STR2(x) #x
+#define TO_STR(x) TO_STR2(x)
+ /* ./configure --with-openssl-conf=/etc/ssl/openssl-rsync.cnf
+ * defines SET_OPENSSL_CONF as that unquoted pathname. */
+ if (!getenv("OPENSSL_CONF")) /* Don't override it if it's already set. */
+#undef TO_STR
+#undef TO_STR2
+ memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
+ /* Even a non-daemon runs needs the default config values to be set, e.g.
+ * lp_dont_compress() is queried when no --skip-compress option is set. */
+ reset_daemon_vars();
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ usage(FERROR);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ /* Get the umask for use in permission calculations. We no longer set
+ * it to zero; that is ugly and pointless now that all the callers that
+ * relied on it have been reeducated to work with default ACLs. */
+ umask(orig_umask = umask(0));
+#if defined CONFIG_LOCALE && defined HAVE_SETLOCALE
+ setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
+ setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
+ if (!parse_arguments(&argc, (const char ***) &argv)) {
+ option_error();
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (write_batch
+ && poptDupArgv(argc, (const char **)argv, &cooked_argc, (const char ***)&cooked_argv) != 0)
+ out_of_memory("main");
+ sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigmask, NULL);
+ /* Ignore SIGPIPE; we consistently check error codes and will
+ * see the EPIPE. */
+#ifdef SIGXFSZ
+ /* Initialize change_dir() here because on some old systems getcwd
+ * (implemented by forking "pwd" and reading its output) doesn't
+ * work when there are other child processes. Also, on all systems
+ * that implement getcwd that way "pwd" can't be found after chroot. */
+ change_dir(NULL, CD_NORMAL);
+ if ((write_batch || read_batch) && !am_server) {
+ open_batch_files(); /* sets batch_fd */
+ if (read_batch)
+ read_stream_flags(batch_fd);
+ else
+ write_stream_flags(batch_fd);
+ }
+ if (write_batch < 0)
+ dry_run = 1;
+ if (am_server) {
+ setup_iconv();
+ } else if (am_daemon)
+ return daemon_main();
+ if (am_server && protect_args) {
+ char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ protect_args = 2;
+ read_args(STDIN_FILENO, NULL, buf, sizeof buf, 1, &argv, &argc, NULL);
+ if (!parse_arguments(&argc, (const char ***) &argv)) {
+ option_error();
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc < 1) {
+ usage(FERROR);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (am_server) {
+ set_nonblocking(STDIN_FILENO);
+ set_nonblocking(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (am_daemon)
+ return start_daemon(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO);
+ start_server(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, argc, argv);
+ }
+ ret = start_client(argc, argv);
+ if (ret == -1)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STARTCLIENT);
+ else
+ exit_cleanup(ret);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/match.c b/match.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6243994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/match.c
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+ * Block matching used by the file-transfer code.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+extern int checksum_seed;
+extern int append_mode;
+extern struct name_num_item *xfer_sum_nni;
+extern int xfer_sum_len;
+int updating_basis_file;
+char sender_file_sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+static int false_alarms;
+static int hash_hits;
+static int matches;
+static int64 data_transfer;
+static int total_false_alarms;
+static int total_hash_hits;
+static int total_matches;
+extern struct stats stats;
+static uint32 tablesize;
+static int32 *hash_table;
+#define SUM2HASH2(s1,s2) (((s1) + (s2)) & 0xFFFF)
+#define SUM2HASH(sum) SUM2HASH2((sum)&0xFFFF,(sum)>>16)
+#define BIG_SUM2HASH(sum) ((sum)%tablesize)
+static void build_hash_table(struct sum_struct *s)
+ static uint32 alloc_size;
+ int32 i;
+ /* Dynamically calculate the hash table size so that the hash load
+ * for big files is about 80%. A number greater than the traditional
+ * size must be odd or s2 will not be able to span the entire set. */
+ tablesize = (uint32)(s->count/8) * 10 + 11;
+ if (tablesize < TRADITIONAL_TABLESIZE)
+ if (tablesize > alloc_size || tablesize < alloc_size - 16*1024) {
+ if (hash_table)
+ free(hash_table);
+ hash_table = new_array(int32, tablesize);
+ alloc_size = tablesize;
+ }
+ memset(hash_table, 0xFF, tablesize * sizeof hash_table[0]);
+ if (tablesize == TRADITIONAL_TABLESIZE) {
+ for (i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
+ uint32 t = SUM2HASH(s->sums[i].sum1);
+ s->sums[i].chain = hash_table[t];
+ hash_table[t] = i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
+ uint32 t = BIG_SUM2HASH(s->sums[i].sum1);
+ s->sums[i].chain = hash_table[t];
+ hash_table[t] = i;
+ }
+ }
+static OFF_T last_match;
+/* Transmit a literal and/or match token.
+ *
+ * This delightfully-named function is called either when we find a
+ * match and need to transmit all the unmatched data leading up to it,
+ * or when we get bored of accumulating literal data and just need to
+ * transmit it. As a result of this second case, it is called even if
+ * we have not matched at all!
+ *
+ * If i >= 0, the number of a matched token. If < 0, indicates we have
+ * only literal data. A -1 will send a 0-token-int too, and a -2 sends
+ * only literal data, w/o any token-int. */
+static void matched(int f, struct sum_struct *s, struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T offset, int32 i)
+ int32 n = (int32)(offset - last_match); /* max value: block_size (int32) */
+ int32 j;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(DELTASUM, 2) && i >= 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "match at %s last_match=%s j=%d len=%ld n=%ld\n",
+ big_num(offset), big_num(last_match), i,
+ (long)s->sums[i].len, (long)n);
+ }
+ send_token(f, i, buf, last_match, n, i < 0 ? 0 : s->sums[i].len);
+ data_transfer += n;
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ stats.matched_data += s->sums[i].len;
+ n += s->sums[i].len;
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j += CHUNK_SIZE) {
+ int32 n1 = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE, n - j);
+ sum_update(map_ptr(buf, last_match + j, n1), n1);
+ }
+ if (i >= 0)
+ last_match = offset + s->sums[i].len;
+ else
+ last_match = offset;
+ if (buf && INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 1))
+ show_progress(last_match, buf->file_size);
+static void hash_search(int f,struct sum_struct *s,
+ struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T len)
+ OFF_T offset, aligned_offset, end;
+ int32 k, want_i, aligned_i, backup;
+ char sum2[SUM_LENGTH];
+ uint32 s1, s2, sum;
+ int more;
+ schar *map;
+ /* want_i is used to encourage adjacent matches, allowing the RLL
+ * coding of the output to work more efficiently. */
+ want_i = 0;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "hash search b=%ld len=%s\n",
+ (long)s->blength, big_num(len));
+ }
+ k = (int32)MIN(len, (OFF_T)s->blength);
+ map = (schar *)map_ptr(buf, 0, k);
+ sum = get_checksum1((char *)map, k);
+ s1 = sum & 0xFFFF;
+ s2 = sum >> 16;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "sum=%.8x k=%ld\n", sum, (long)k);
+ offset = aligned_offset = aligned_i = 0;
+ end = len + 1 - s->sums[s->count-1].len;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "hash search s->blength=%ld len=%s count=%s\n",
+ (long)s->blength, big_num(len), big_num(s->count));
+ }
+ do {
+ int done_csum2 = 0;
+ uint32 hash_entry;
+ int32 i, *prev;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "offset=%s sum=%04x%04x\n",
+ big_num(offset), s2 & 0xFFFF, s1 & 0xFFFF);
+ }
+ if (tablesize == TRADITIONAL_TABLESIZE) {
+ hash_entry = SUM2HASH2(s1,s2);
+ if ((i = hash_table[hash_entry]) < 0)
+ goto null_hash;
+ sum = (s1 & 0xffff) | (s2 << 16);
+ } else {
+ sum = (s1 & 0xffff) | (s2 << 16);
+ hash_entry = BIG_SUM2HASH(sum);
+ if ((i = hash_table[hash_entry]) < 0)
+ goto null_hash;
+ }
+ prev = &hash_table[hash_entry];
+ hash_hits++;
+ do {
+ int32 l;
+ /* When updating in-place, the chunk's offset must be
+ * either >= our offset or identical data at that offset.
+ * Remove any bypassed entries that we can never use. */
+ if (updating_basis_file && s->sums[i].offset < offset
+ && !(s->sums[i].flags & SUMFLG_SAME_OFFSET)) {
+ *prev = s->sums[i].chain;
+ continue;
+ }
+ prev = &s->sums[i].chain;
+ if (sum != s->sums[i].sum1)
+ continue;
+ /* also make sure the two blocks are the same length */
+ l = (int32)MIN((OFF_T)s->blength, len-offset);
+ if (l != s->sums[i].len)
+ continue;
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "potential match at %s i=%ld sum=%08x\n",
+ big_num(offset), (long)i, sum);
+ }
+ if (!done_csum2) {
+ map = (schar *)map_ptr(buf,offset,l);
+ get_checksum2((char *)map,l,sum2);
+ done_csum2 = 1;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(sum2,s->sums[i].sum2,s->s2length) != 0) {
+ false_alarms++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* When updating in-place, the best possible match is
+ * one with an identical offset, so we prefer that over
+ * the adjacent want_i optimization. */
+ if (updating_basis_file) {
+ /* All the generator's chunks start at blength boundaries. */
+ while (aligned_offset < offset) {
+ aligned_offset += s->blength;
+ aligned_i++;
+ }
+ if ((offset == aligned_offset
+ || (sum == 0 && l == s->blength && aligned_offset + l <= len))
+ && aligned_i < s->count) {
+ if (i != aligned_i) {
+ if (sum != s->sums[aligned_i].sum1
+ || l != s->sums[aligned_i].len
+ || memcmp(sum2, s->sums[aligned_i].sum2, s->s2length) != 0)
+ goto check_want_i;
+ i = aligned_i;
+ }
+ if (offset != aligned_offset) {
+ /* We've matched some zeros in a spot that is also zeros
+ * further along in the basis file, if we find zeros ahead
+ * in the sender's file, we'll output enough literal data
+ * to re-align with the basis file, and get back to seeking
+ * instead of writing. */
+ backup = (int32)(aligned_offset - last_match);
+ if (backup < 0)
+ backup = 0;
+ map = (schar *)map_ptr(buf, aligned_offset - backup, l + backup)
+ + backup;
+ sum = get_checksum1((char *)map, l);
+ if (sum != s->sums[i].sum1)
+ goto check_want_i;
+ get_checksum2((char *)map, l, sum2);
+ if (memcmp(sum2, s->sums[i].sum2, s->s2length) != 0)
+ goto check_want_i;
+ /* OK, we have a re-alignment match. Bump the offset
+ * forward to the new match point. */
+ offset = aligned_offset;
+ }
+ /* This identical chunk is in the same spot in the old and new file. */
+ s->sums[i].flags |= SUMFLG_SAME_OFFSET;
+ want_i = i;
+ }
+ }
+ check_want_i:
+ /* we've found a match, but now check to see
+ * if want_i can hint at a better match. */
+ if (i != want_i && want_i < s->count
+ && (!updating_basis_file || s->sums[want_i].offset >= offset
+ || s->sums[want_i].flags & SUMFLG_SAME_OFFSET)
+ && sum == s->sums[want_i].sum1
+ && memcmp(sum2, s->sums[want_i].sum2, s->s2length) == 0) {
+ /* we've found an adjacent match - the RLL coder
+ * will be happy */
+ i = want_i;
+ }
+ want_i = i + 1;
+ matched(f,s,buf,offset,i);
+ offset += s->sums[i].len - 1;
+ k = (int32)MIN((OFF_T)s->blength, len-offset);
+ map = (schar *)map_ptr(buf, offset, k);
+ sum = get_checksum1((char *)map, k);
+ s1 = sum & 0xFFFF;
+ s2 = sum >> 16;
+ matches++;
+ break;
+ } while ((i = s->sums[i].chain) >= 0);
+ null_hash:
+ backup = (int32)(offset - last_match);
+ /* We sometimes read 1 byte prior to last_match... */
+ if (backup < 0)
+ backup = 0;
+ /* Trim off the first byte from the checksum */
+ more = offset + k < len;
+ map = (schar *)map_ptr(buf, offset - backup, k + more + backup) + backup;
+ s1 -= map[0] + CHAR_OFFSET;
+ s2 -= k * (map[0]+CHAR_OFFSET);
+ /* Add on the next byte (if there is one) to the checksum */
+ if (more) {
+ s1 += map[k] + CHAR_OFFSET;
+ s2 += s1;
+ } else
+ --k;
+ /* By matching early we avoid re-reading the
+ data 3 times in the case where a token
+ match comes a long way after last
+ match. The 3 reads are caused by the
+ running match, the checksum update and the
+ literal send. */
+ if (backup >= s->blength+CHUNK_SIZE && end-offset > CHUNK_SIZE)
+ matched(f, s, buf, offset - s->blength, -2);
+ } while (++offset < end);
+ matched(f, s, buf, len, -1);
+ map_ptr(buf, len-1, 1);
+ * Scan through a origin file, looking for sections that match
+ * checksums from the generator, and transmit either literal or token
+ * data.
+ *
+ * Also calculates the MD4 checksum of the whole file, using the md
+ * accumulator. This is transmitted with the file as protection
+ * against corruption on the wire.
+ *
+ * @param s Checksums received from the generator. If <tt>s->count ==
+ * 0</tt>, then there are actually no checksums for this file.
+ *
+ * @param len Length of the file to send.
+ **/
+void match_sums(int f, struct sum_struct *s, struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T len)
+ last_match = 0;
+ false_alarms = 0;
+ hash_hits = 0;
+ matches = 0;
+ data_transfer = 0;
+ sum_init(xfer_sum_nni, checksum_seed);
+ if (append_mode > 0) {
+ if (append_mode == 2) {
+ OFF_T j = 0;
+ for (j = CHUNK_SIZE; j < s->flength; j += CHUNK_SIZE) {
+ if (buf && INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 1))
+ show_progress(last_match, buf->file_size);
+ sum_update(map_ptr(buf, last_match, CHUNK_SIZE),
+ last_match = j;
+ }
+ if (last_match < s->flength) {
+ int32 n = (int32)(s->flength - last_match);
+ if (buf && INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 1))
+ show_progress(last_match, buf->file_size);
+ sum_update(map_ptr(buf, last_match, n), n);
+ }
+ }
+ last_match = s->flength;
+ s->count = 0;
+ }
+ if (len > 0 && s->count > 0) {
+ build_hash_table(s);
+ rprintf(FINFO,"built hash table\n");
+ hash_search(f, s, buf, len);
+ rprintf(FINFO,"done hash search\n");
+ } else {
+ OFF_T j;
+ /* by doing this in pieces we avoid too many seeks */
+ for (j = last_match + CHUNK_SIZE; j < len; j += CHUNK_SIZE)
+ matched(f, s, buf, j, -2);
+ matched(f, s, buf, len, -1);
+ }
+ sum_end(sender_file_sum);
+ /* If we had a read error, send a bad checksum. We use all bits
+ * off as long as the checksum doesn't happen to be that, in
+ * which case we turn the last 0 bit into a 1. */
+ if (buf && buf->status != 0) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < xfer_sum_len && sender_file_sum[i] == 0; i++) {}
+ memset(sender_file_sum, 0, xfer_sum_len);
+ if (i == xfer_sum_len)
+ sender_file_sum[i-1]++;
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO,"sending file_sum\n");
+ write_buf(f, sender_file_sum, xfer_sum_len);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "false_alarms=%d hash_hits=%d matches=%d\n",
+ false_alarms, hash_hits, matches);
+ }
+ total_hash_hits += hash_hits;
+ total_false_alarms += false_alarms;
+ total_matches += matches;
+ stats.literal_data += data_transfer;
+void match_report(void)
+ return;
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "total: matches=%d hash_hits=%d false_alarms=%d data=%s\n",
+ total_matches, total_hash_hits, total_false_alarms,
+ big_num(stats.literal_data));
diff --git a/maybe-make-man b/maybe-make-man
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0dc1730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maybe-make-man
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+if [ $# != 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+srcdir=`dirname "$0"`
+if [ ! -f "$flagfile" ]; then
+ # We test our smallest manpage just to see if the python setup works.
+ if "$srcdir/md-convert" --test "$srcdir/" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ touch $flagfile
+ else
+ outname=`echo "$inname" | sed 's/\.md$//'`
+ if [ -f "$outname" ]; then
+ exit 0
+ elif [ -f "$srcdir/$outname" ]; then
+ echo "Copying $srcdir/$outname"
+ cp -p "$srcdir/$outname" .
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: $outname cannot be created."
+ if [ -f "$HOME/build_farm/build_test.fns" ]; then
+ exit 0 # No exit errorno to avoid a build failure in the samba build farm
+ else
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+"$srcdir/md-convert" "$srcdir/$inname"
diff --git a/md-convert b/md-convert
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a48689a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/md-convert
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This script transforms markdown files into html and (optionally) nroff. The
+# output files are written into the current directory named for the input file
+# without the .md suffix and either the .html suffix or no suffix.
+# If the input .md file has a section number at the end of the name (e.g.,
+# a nroff file is also output ( -> PROJ.NUM).
+# The markdown input format has one extra extension: if a numbered list starts
+# at 0, it is turned into a description list. The dl's dt tag is taken from the
+# contents of the first tag inside the li, which is usually a p, code, or
+# strong tag.
+# The cmarkgfm or commonmark lib is used to transforms the input file into
+# html. Then, the html.parser is used as a state machine that lets us tweak
+# the html and (optionally) output nroff data based on the html tags.
+# If the string @USE_GFM_PARSER@ exists in the file, the string is removed and
+# a github-flavored-markup parser is used to parse the file.
+# The man-page .md files also get the vars @VERSION@, @BINDIR@, and @LIBDIR@
+# substituted. Some of these values depend on the Makefile $(prefix) (see the
+# generated Makefile). If the maintainer wants to build files for /usr/local
+# while creating release-ready man-page files for /usr, use the environment to
+# Copyright (C) 2020 - 2021 Wayne Davison
+# This program is freely redistributable.
+import os, sys, re, argparse, subprocess, time
+from html.parser import HTMLParser
+VALID_PAGES = 'README INSTALL COPYING rsync.1 rrsync.1 rsync-ssl.1 rsyncd.conf.5'.split()
+CONSUMES_TXT = set('h1 h2 h3 p li pre'.split())
+HTML_START = """\
+<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
+<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
+body {
+ max-width: 50em;
+ margin: auto;
+body, b, strong, u {
+ font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
+a.tgt { font-face: symbol; font-weight: 400; font-size: 70%; visibility: hidden; text-decoration: none; color: #ddd; padding: 0 4px; border: 0; }
+a.tgt:after { content: '🔗'; }
+a.tgt:hover { color: #444; background-color: #eaeaea; }
+h1:hover > a.tgt, h2:hover > a.tgt, h3:hover > a.tgt, dt:hover > a.tgt { visibility: visible; }
+code {
+ font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ white-space: pre;
+pre code {
+ display: block;
+ font-weight: normal;
+blockquote pre code {
+ background: #f1f1f1;
+dd p:first-of-type {
+ margin-block-start: 0em;
+table {
+ border-color: grey;
+ border-spacing: 0;
+tr {
+ border-top: 1px solid grey;
+tr:nth-child(2n) {
+ background-color: #f6f8fa;
+th, td {
+ border: 1px solid #dfe2e5;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding-left: 1em;
+ padding-right: 1em;
+MAN_HTML_END = """\
+<div style="float: right"><p><i>%s</i></p></div>
+HTML_END = """\
+MAN_START = r"""
+.TH "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "User Commands"
+.\" prefix=%s
+MAN_END = """\
+NORM_FONT = ('\1', r"\fP")
+BOLD_FONT = ('\2', r"\fB")
+UNDR_FONT = ('\3', r"\fI")
+NBR_DASH = ('\4', r"\-")
+NBR_SPACE = ('\xa0', r"\ ")
+FILENAME_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P<fn>(?P<srcdir>.+/)?(?P<name>(?P<prog>[^/]+?)(\.(?P<sect>\d+))?)\.md)$')
+ASSIGNMENT_RE = re.compile(r'^(\w+)=(.+)')
+VER_RE = re.compile(r'^#define\s+RSYNC_VERSION\s+"(\d.+?)"', re.M)
+TZ_RE = re.compile(r'^#define\s+MAINTAINER_TZ_OFFSET\s+(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)', re.M)
+VAR_REF_RE = re.compile(r'\$\{(\w+)\}')
+VERSION_RE = re.compile(r' (\d[.\d]+)[, ]')
+BIN_CHARS_RE = re.compile(r'[\1-\7]+')
+SPACE_DOUBLE_DASH_RE = re.compile(r'\s--(\s)')
+NON_SPACE_SINGLE_DASH_RE = re.compile(r'(^|\W)-')
+WHITESPACE_RE = re.compile(r'\s')
+CODE_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(r'[%s]([^=%s]+)[=%s]' % (BOLD_FONT[0], NORM_FONT[0], NORM_FONT[0]))
+NBR_DASH_RE = re.compile(r'[%s]' % NBR_DASH[0])
+INVALID_TARGET_CHARS_RE = re.compile(r'[^-A-Za-z0-9._]')
+INVALID_START_CHAR_RE = re.compile(r'^([^A-Za-z0-9])')
+MANIFY_LINESTART_RE = re.compile(r"^(['.])", flags=re.M)
+md_parser = None
+env_subs = { }
+warning_count = 0
+def main():
+ for mdfn in args.mdfiles:
+ parse_md_file(mdfn)
+ if args.test:
+ print("The test was successful.")
+def parse_md_file(mdfn):
+ fi = FILENAME_RE.match(mdfn)
+ if not fi:
+ die('Failed to parse a md input file name:', mdfn)
+ fi = argparse.Namespace(**fi.groupdict())
+ fi.want_manpage = not not fi.sect
+ if fi.want_manpage:
+ fi.title = fi.prog + '(' + fi.sect + ') manpage'
+ else:
+ fi.title = fi.prog + ' for rsync'
+ if fi.want_manpage:
+ if not env_subs:
+ find_man_substitutions()
+ prog_ver = 'rsync ' + env_subs['VERSION']
+ if fi.prog != 'rsync':
+ prog_ver = fi.prog + ' from ' + prog_ver
+ fi.man_headings = (fi.prog, fi.sect, env_subs['date'], prog_ver, env_subs['prefix'])
+ with open(mdfn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ txt =
+ use_gfm_parser = '@USE_GFM_PARSER@' in txt
+ if use_gfm_parser:
+ txt = txt.replace('@USE_GFM_PARSER@', '')
+ if fi.want_manpage:
+ txt = (txt.replace('@VERSION@', env_subs['VERSION'])
+ .replace('@BINDIR@', env_subs['bindir'])
+ .replace('@LIBDIR@', env_subs['libdir']))
+ if use_gfm_parser:
+ if not gfm_parser:
+ die('Input file requires cmarkgfm parser:', mdfn)
+ fi.html_in = gfm_parser(txt)
+ else:
+ fi.html_in = md_parser(txt)
+ txt = None
+ TransformHtml(fi)
+ if args.test:
+ return
+ output_list = [ ( + '.html', fi.html_out) ]
+ if fi.want_manpage:
+ output_list += [ (, fi.man_out) ]
+ for fn, txt in output_list:
+ if args.dest and args.dest != '.':
+ fn = os.path.join(args.dest, fn)
+ if os.path.lexists(fn):
+ os.unlink(fn)
+ print("Wrote:", fn)
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ fh.write(txt)
+def find_man_substitutions():
+ srcdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/'
+ mtime = 0
+ git_dir = srcdir + '.git'
+ if os.path.lexists(git_dir):
+ mtime = int(subprocess.check_output(['git', '--git-dir', git_dir, 'log', '-1', '--format=%at']))
+ # Allow "prefix" to be overridden via the environment:
+ env_subs['prefix'] = os.environ.get('RSYNC_OVERRIDE_PREFIX', None)
+ if args.test:
+ env_subs['VERSION'] = '1.0.0'
+ env_subs['bindir'] = '/usr/bin'
+ env_subs['libdir'] = '/usr/lib/rsync'
+ tz_offset = 0
+ else:
+ for fn in (srcdir + 'version.h', 'Makefile'):
+ try:
+ st = os.lstat(fn)
+ except OSError:
+ die('Failed to find', srcdir + fn)
+ if not mtime:
+ mtime = st.st_mtime
+ with open(srcdir + 'version.h', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ txt =
+ m =
+ env_subs['VERSION'] =
+ m = # the tzdata lib may not be installed, so we use a simple hour offset
+ tz_offset = float( * 60 * 60
+ with open('Makefile', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ m = ASSIGNMENT_RE.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ var, val = (,
+ if var == 'prefix' and env_subs[var] is not None:
+ continue
+ while
+ val = VAR_REF_RE.sub(lambda m: env_subs[], val)
+ env_subs[var] = val
+ if var == 'srcdir':
+ break
+ env_subs['date'] = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', time.gmtime(mtime + tz_offset)).lstrip('0')
+def html_via_commonmark(txt):
+ return commonmark.HtmlRenderer().render(commonmark.Parser().parse(txt))
+class TransformHtml(HTMLParser):
+ def __init__(self, fi):
+ HTMLParser.__init__(self, convert_charrefs=True)
+ self.fn = fi.fn
+ st = self.state = argparse.Namespace(
+ list_state = [ ],
+ p_macro = ".P\n",
+ at_first_tag_in_li = False,
+ at_first_tag_in_dd = False,
+ dt_from = None,
+ in_pre = False,
+ in_code = False,
+ html_out = [ HTML_START.replace('%TITLE%', fi.title) ],
+ man_out = [ ],
+ txt = '',
+ want_manpage = fi.want_manpage,
+ created_hashtags = set(),
+ derived_hashtags = set(),
+ referenced_hashtags = set(),
+ bad_hashtags = set(),
+ latest_targets = [ ],
+ opt_prefix = 'opt',
+ a_txt_start = None,
+ target_suf = '',
+ )
+ if st.want_manpage:
+ st.man_out.append(MAN_START % fi.man_headings)
+ if '</table>' in fi.html_in:
+ st.html_out[0] = st.html_out[0].replace('</style>', TABLE_STYLE + '</style>')
+ self.feed(fi.html_in)
+ fi.html_in = None
+ if st.want_manpage:
+ st.html_out.append(MAN_HTML_END % env_subs['date'])
+ st.html_out.append(HTML_END)
+ st.man_out.append(MAN_END)
+ fi.html_out = ''.join(st.html_out)
+ st.html_out = None
+ fi.man_out = ''.join(st.man_out)
+ st.man_out = None
+ for tgt, txt in st.derived_hashtags:
+ derived = txt2target(txt, tgt)
+ if derived not in st.created_hashtags:
+ txt = BIN_CHARS_RE.sub('', txt.replace(NBR_DASH[0], '-').replace(NBR_SPACE[0], ' '))
+ warn('Unknown derived hashtag link in', self.fn, 'based on:', (tgt, txt))
+ for bad in st.bad_hashtags:
+ if bad in st.created_hashtags:
+ warn('Missing "#" in hashtag link in', self.fn + ':', bad)
+ else:
+ warn('Unknown non-hashtag link in', self.fn + ':', bad)
+ for bad in st.referenced_hashtags - st.created_hashtags:
+ warn('Unknown hashtag link in', self.fn + ':', '#' + bad)
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs_list):
+ st = self.state
+ if args.debug:
+ self.output_debug('START', (tag, attrs_list))
+ if st.at_first_tag_in_li:
+ if st.list_state[-1] == 'dl':
+ st.dt_from = tag
+ if tag == 'p':
+ tag = 'dt'
+ else:
+ st.html_out.append('<dt>')
+ elif tag == 'p':
+ st.at_first_tag_in_dd = True # Kluge to suppress a .P at the start of an li.
+ st.at_first_tag_in_li = False
+ if tag == 'p':
+ if not st.at_first_tag_in_dd:
+ st.man_out.append(st.p_macro)
+ elif tag == 'li':
+ st.at_first_tag_in_li = True
+ lstate = st.list_state[-1]
+ if lstate == 'dl':
+ return
+ if lstate == 'o':
+ st.man_out.append(".IP o\n")
+ else:
+ st.man_out.append(".IP " + str(lstate) + ".\n")
+ st.list_state[-1] += 1
+ elif tag == 'blockquote':
+ st.man_out.append(".RS 4\n")
+ elif tag == 'pre':
+ st.in_pre = True
+ st.man_out.append(st.p_macro + ".nf\n")
+ elif tag == 'code' and not st.in_pre:
+ st.in_code = True
+ st.txt += BOLD_FONT[0]
+ elif tag == 'strong' or tag == 'b':
+ st.txt += BOLD_FONT[0]
+ elif tag == 'em' or tag == 'i':
+ if st.want_manpage:
+ tag = 'u' # Change it into underline to be more like the manpage
+ st.txt += UNDR_FONT[0]
+ elif tag == 'ol':
+ start = 1
+ for var, val in attrs_list:
+ if var == 'start':
+ start = int(val) # We only support integers.
+ break
+ if st.list_state:
+ st.man_out.append(".RS\n")
+ if start == 0:
+ tag = 'dl'
+ attrs_list = [ ]
+ st.list_state.append('dl')
+ else:
+ st.list_state.append(start)
+ st.man_out.append(st.p_macro)
+ st.p_macro = ".IP\n"
+ elif tag == 'ul':
+ st.man_out.append(st.p_macro)
+ if st.list_state:
+ st.man_out.append(".RS\n")
+ st.p_macro = ".IP\n"
+ st.list_state.append('o')
+ elif tag == 'hr':
+ st.man_out.append(".l\n")
+ st.html_out.append("<hr />")
+ return
+ elif tag == 'a':
+ st.a_href = None
+ for var, val in attrs_list:
+ if var == 'href':
+ if val.startswith(('https://', 'http://', 'mailto:', 'ftp:')):
+ pass # nothing to check
+ elif '#' in val:
+ pg, tgt = val.split('#', 1)
+ if pg and pg not in VALID_PAGES or '#' in tgt:
+ st.bad_hashtags.add(val)
+ elif tgt in ('', 'opt', 'dopt'):
+ st.a_href = val
+ elif pg == '':
+ st.referenced_hashtags.add(tgt)
+ if tgt in st.latest_targets:
+ warn('Found link to the current section in', self.fn + ':', val)
+ elif val not in VALID_PAGES:
+ st.bad_hashtags.add(val)
+ st.a_txt_start = len(st.txt)
+ st.html_out.append('<' + tag + ''.join(' ' + var + '="' + htmlify(val) + '"' for var, val in attrs_list) + '>')
+ st.at_first_tag_in_dd = False
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ st = self.state
+ if args.debug:
+ self.output_debug('END', (tag,))
+ if tag in CONSUMES_TXT or st.dt_from == tag:
+ txt = st.txt.strip()
+ st.txt = ''
+ else:
+ txt = None
+ add_to_txt = None
+ if tag == 'h1':
+ tgt = txt
+ target_suf = ''
+ if tgt.startswith('NEWS for '):
+ m =
+ if m:
+ tgt =
+ st.target_suf = '-' + tgt
+ self.add_targets(tag, tgt)
+ elif tag == 'h2':
+ st.man_out.append(st.p_macro + '.SH "' + manify(txt) + '"\n')
+ self.add_targets(tag, txt, st.target_suf)
+ st.opt_prefix = 'dopt' if txt == 'DAEMON OPTIONS' else 'opt'
+ elif tag == 'h3':
+ st.man_out.append(st.p_macro + '.SS "' + manify(txt) + '"\n')
+ self.add_targets(tag, txt, st.target_suf)
+ elif tag == 'p':
+ if st.dt_from == 'p':
+ tag = 'dt'
+ st.man_out.append('.IP "' + manify(txt) + '"\n')
+ if txt.startswith(BOLD_FONT[0]):
+ self.add_targets(tag, txt)
+ st.dt_from = None
+ elif txt != '':
+ st.man_out.append(manify(txt) + "\n")
+ elif tag == 'li':
+ if st.list_state[-1] == 'dl':
+ if st.at_first_tag_in_li:
+ die("Invalid 0. -> td translation")
+ tag = 'dd'
+ if txt != '':
+ st.man_out.append(manify(txt) + "\n")
+ st.at_first_tag_in_li = False
+ elif tag == 'blockquote':
+ st.man_out.append(".RE\n")
+ elif tag == 'pre':
+ st.in_pre = False
+ st.man_out.append(manify(txt) + "\\n")
+ elif (tag == 'code' and not st.in_pre):
+ st.in_code = False
+ add_to_txt = NORM_FONT[0]
+ elif tag == 'strong' or tag == 'b':
+ add_to_txt = NORM_FONT[0]
+ elif tag == 'em' or tag == 'i':
+ if st.want_manpage:
+ tag = 'u' # Change it into underline to be more like the manpage
+ add_to_txt = NORM_FONT[0]
+ elif tag == 'ol' or tag == 'ul':
+ if st.list_state.pop() == 'dl':
+ tag = 'dl'
+ if st.list_state:
+ st.man_out.append(".RE\n")
+ else:
+ st.p_macro = ".P\n"
+ st.at_first_tag_in_dd = False
+ elif tag == 'hr':
+ return
+ elif tag == 'a':
+ if st.a_href:
+ atxt = st.txt[st.a_txt_start:]
+ find = 'href="' + st.a_href + '"'
+ for j in range(len(st.html_out)-1, 0, -1):
+ if find in st.html_out[j]:
+ pg, tgt = st.a_href.split('#', 1)
+ derived = txt2target(atxt, tgt)
+ if pg == '':
+ if derived in st.latest_targets:
+ warn('Found link to the current section in', self.fn + ':', st.a_href)
+ st.derived_hashtags.add((tgt, atxt))
+ st.html_out[j] = st.html_out[j].replace(find, 'href="' + pg + '#' + derived + '"')
+ break
+ else:
+ die('INTERNAL ERROR: failed to find href in html data:', find)
+ st.html_out.append('</' + tag + '>')
+ if add_to_txt:
+ if txt is None:
+ st.txt += add_to_txt
+ else:
+ txt += add_to_txt
+ if st.dt_from == tag:
+ st.man_out.append('.IP "' + manify(txt) + '"\n')
+ st.html_out.append('</dt><dd>')
+ st.at_first_tag_in_dd = True
+ st.dt_from = None
+ elif tag == 'dt':
+ st.html_out.append('<dd>')
+ st.at_first_tag_in_dd = True
+ def handle_data(self, txt):
+ st = self.state
+ if '](' in txt:
+ warn('Malformed link in', self.fn + ':', txt)
+ if args.debug:
+ self.output_debug('DATA', (txt,))
+ if st.in_pre:
+ html = htmlify(txt)
+ else:
+ txt = SPACE_DOUBLE_DASH_RE.sub(NBR_SPACE[0] + r'--\1', txt).replace('--', NBR_DASH[0]*2)
+ txt = NON_SPACE_SINGLE_DASH_RE.sub(r'\1' + NBR_DASH[0], txt)
+ html = htmlify(txt)
+ if st.in_code:
+ txt = WHITESPACE_RE.sub(NBR_SPACE[0], txt)
+ html = html.replace(NBR_DASH[0], '-').replace(NBR_SPACE[0], ' ') # <code> is non-breaking in CSS
+ st.html_out.append(html.replace(NBR_SPACE[0], '&nbsp;').replace(NBR_DASH[0], '-&#8288;'))
+ st.txt += txt
+ def add_targets(self, tag, txt, suf=None):
+ st = self.state
+ tag = '<' + tag + '>'
+ targets = CODE_BLOCK_RE.findall(txt)
+ if not targets:
+ targets = [ txt ]
+ tag_pos = 0
+ for txt in targets:
+ txt = txt2target(txt, st.opt_prefix)
+ if not txt:
+ continue
+ if suf:
+ txt += suf
+ if txt in st.created_hashtags:
+ for j in range(2, 1000):
+ chk = txt + '-' + str(j)
+ if chk not in st.created_hashtags:
+ print('Made link target unique:', chk)
+ txt = chk
+ break
+ if tag_pos == 0:
+ tag_pos -= 1
+ while st.html_out[tag_pos] != tag:
+ tag_pos -= 1
+ st.html_out[tag_pos] = tag[:-1] + ' id="' + txt + '">'
+ st.html_out.append('<a href="#' + txt + '" class="tgt"></a>')
+ tag_pos -= 1 # take into account the append
+ else:
+ st.html_out[tag_pos] = '<span id="' + txt + '"></span>' + st.html_out[tag_pos]
+ st.created_hashtags.add(txt)
+ st.latest_targets = targets
+ def output_debug(self, event, extra):
+ import pprint
+ st = self.state
+ if args.debug < 2:
+ st = argparse.Namespace(**vars(st))
+ if len(st.html_out) > 2:
+ st.html_out = ['...'] + st.html_out[-2:]
+ if len(st.man_out) > 2:
+ st.man_out = ['...'] + st.man_out[-2:]
+ print(event, extra)
+ pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(vars(st))
+def txt2target(txt, opt_prefix):
+ txt = txt.strip().rstrip(':')
+ m =
+ if m:
+ txt =
+ txt = NBR_DASH_RE.sub('-', txt)
+ txt = BIN_CHARS_RE.sub('', txt)
+ txt = INVALID_TARGET_CHARS_RE.sub('_', txt)
+ if opt_prefix and txt.startswith('-'):
+ txt = opt_prefix + txt
+ else:
+ txt = INVALID_START_CHAR_RE.sub(r't\1', txt)
+ return txt
+def manify(txt):
+ return MANIFY_LINESTART_RE.sub(r'\&\1', txt.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ .replace(NBR_SPACE[0], NBR_SPACE[1])
+ .replace(NBR_DASH[0], NBR_DASH[1])
+ .replace(NORM_FONT[0], NORM_FONT[1])
+ .replace(BOLD_FONT[0], BOLD_FONT[1])
+ .replace(UNDR_FONT[0], UNDR_FONT[1]))
+def htmlify(txt):
+ return txt.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;').replace('"', '&quot;')
+def warn(*msg):
+ print(*msg, file=sys.stderr)
+ global warning_count
+ warning_count += 1
+def die(*msg):
+ warn(*msg)
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert markdown into html and (optionally) nroff. Each input filename must have a .md suffix, which is changed to .html for the output filename. If the input filename ends with (e.g. then a nroff file is also output with the input filename's .md suffix removed (e.g. foo.1).", add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help="Just test the parsing without outputting any files.")
+ parser.add_argument('--dest', metavar='DIR', help="Create files in DIR instead of the current directory.")
+ parser.add_argument('--debug', '-D', action='count', default=0, help='Output copious info on the html parsing. Repeat for even more.')
+ parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ parser.add_argument("mdfiles", metavar='', nargs='+', help="One or more .md files to convert.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ import cmarkgfm
+ md_parser = cmarkgfm.markdown_to_html
+ gfm_parser = cmarkgfm.github_flavored_markdown_to_html
+ except:
+ try:
+ import commonmark
+ md_parser = html_via_commonmark
+ except:
+ die("Failed to find cmarkgfm or commonmark for python3.")
+ gfm_parser = None
+ main()
+ if warning_count:
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/md2man b/md2man
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5d1a8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/md2man
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+md-convert \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mkgitver b/mkgitver
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0102b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkgitver
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+srcdir=`dirname $0`
+if [ ! -f git-version.h ]; then
+ touch git-version.h
+if test -d "$srcdir/.git" || test -f "$srcdir/.git"; then
+ gitver=`git describe --abbrev=8 2>/dev/null`
+ # NOTE: I'm avoiding "|" in sed since I'm not sure if sed -r is portable and "\|" fails on some OSes.
+ verchk=`echo "$gitver-" | sed -n '/^v3\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\(pre[0-9]*\)*-/p'`
+ if [ -n "$verchk" ]; then
+ echo "#define RSYNC_GITVER \"$gitver\"" >
+ if ! diff git-version.h >/dev/null; then
+ echo "Updating git-version.h"
+ mv git-version.h
+ else
+ rm
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/mkproto.awk b/mkproto.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2e927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkproto.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+ while ((getline i < "proto.h") > 0) old_protos = old_protos ? old_protos "\n" i : i
+ close("proto.h")
+ protos = "/* This file is automatically generated with \"make proto\". DO NOT EDIT */\n"
+inheader {
+ protos = protos "\n" ((inheader = /\)[ \t]*$/ ? 0 : 1) ? $0 : $0 ";")
+ next
+/^FN_(LOCAL|GLOBAL)_[^(]+\([^,()]+/ {
+ local = /^FN_LOCAL/
+ gsub(/^FN_(LOC|GLOB)AL_|,.*$/, "")
+ sub(/^BOOL\(/, "BOOL ")
+ sub(/^CHAR\(/, "char ")
+ sub(/^INTEGER\(/, "int ")
+ sub(/^STRING\(/, "char *")
+ protos = protos "\n" $0 (local ? "(int module_id);" : "(void);")
+ next
+/^static|^extern|;/||!/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]* / { next }
+/\(.*\)[ \t]*$/ {
+ protos = protos "\n" $0 ";"
+ next
+/\(/ {
+ inheader = 1
+ protos = protos "\n" $0
+END {
+ if (old_protos != protos) print protos > "proto.h"
+ system("touch proto.h-tstamp")
diff --git a/options.c b/options.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d38bbe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/options.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3116 @@
+ * Command-line (and received via daemon-socket) option parsing.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Andrew Tridgell <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include <popt.h>
+extern int module_id;
+extern int local_server;
+extern int sanitize_paths;
+extern int trust_sender_args;
+extern int trust_sender_filter;
+extern unsigned int module_dirlen;
+extern filter_rule_list filter_list;
+extern filter_rule_list daemon_filter_list;
+int make_backups = 0;
+ * If 1, send the whole file as literal data rather than trying to
+ * create an incremental diff.
+ *
+ * If -1, then look at whether we're local or remote and go by that.
+ *
+ * @sa disable_deltas_p()
+ **/
+int whole_file = -1;
+int append_mode = 0;
+int keep_dirlinks = 0;
+int copy_dirlinks = 0;
+int copy_links = 0;
+int copy_devices = 0;
+int write_devices = 0;
+int preserve_links = 0;
+int preserve_hard_links = 0;
+int preserve_acls = 0;
+int preserve_xattrs = 0;
+int preserve_perms = 0;
+int preserve_executability = 0;
+int preserve_devices = 0;
+int preserve_specials = 0;
+int preserve_uid = 0;
+int preserve_gid = 0;
+int preserve_mtimes = 0;
+int preserve_atimes = 0;
+int preserve_crtimes = 0;
+int omit_dir_times = 0;
+int omit_link_times = 0;
+int trust_sender = 0;
+int update_only = 0;
+int open_noatime = 0;
+int cvs_exclude = 0;
+int dry_run = 0;
+int do_xfers = 1;
+int do_fsync = 0;
+int ignore_times = 0;
+int delete_mode = 0;
+int delete_during = 0;
+int delete_before = 0;
+int delete_after = 0;
+int delete_excluded = 0;
+int remove_source_files = 0;
+int one_file_system = 0;
+int protocol_version = PROTOCOL_VERSION;
+int sparse_files = 0;
+int preallocate_files = 0;
+int do_compression = 0;
+int do_compression_level = CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED;
+int am_root = 0; /* 0 = normal, 1 = root, 2 = --super, -1 = --fake-super */
+int am_server = 0;
+int am_sender = 0;
+int am_starting_up = 1;
+int relative_paths = -1;
+int implied_dirs = 1;
+int missing_args = 0; /* 0 = FERROR_XFER, 1 = ignore, 2 = delete */
+int numeric_ids = 0;
+int msgs2stderr = 2; /* Default: send errors to stderr for local & remote-shell transfers */
+int saw_stderr_opt = 0;
+int allow_8bit_chars = 0;
+int force_delete = 0;
+int io_timeout = 0;
+int prune_empty_dirs = 0;
+int use_qsort = 0;
+char *files_from = NULL;
+int filesfrom_fd = -1;
+char *filesfrom_host = NULL;
+int eol_nulls = 0;
+int protect_args = -1;
+int old_style_args = -1;
+int human_readable = 1;
+int recurse = 0;
+int mkpath_dest_arg = 0;
+int allow_inc_recurse = 1;
+int xfer_dirs = -1;
+int am_daemon = 0;
+int connect_timeout = 0;
+int keep_partial = 0;
+int safe_symlinks = 0;
+int copy_unsafe_links = 0;
+int munge_symlinks = 0;
+int size_only = 0;
+int daemon_bwlimit = 0;
+int bwlimit = 0;
+int fuzzy_basis = 0;
+size_t bwlimit_writemax = 0;
+int ignore_existing = 0;
+int ignore_non_existing = 0;
+int need_messages_from_generator = 0;
+int max_delete = INT_MIN;
+OFF_T max_size = -1;
+OFF_T min_size = -1;
+int ignore_errors = 0;
+int modify_window = 0;
+int blocking_io = -1;
+int checksum_seed = 0;
+int inplace = 0;
+int delay_updates = 0;
+int32 block_size = 0;
+time_t stop_at_utime = 0;
+char *skip_compress = NULL;
+char *copy_as = NULL;
+item_list dparam_list = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+/** Network address family. **/
+int default_af_hint
+#ifdef INET6
+ = 0; /* Any protocol */
+ = AF_INET; /* Must use IPv4 */
+# ifdef AF_INET6
+# undef AF_INET6
+# endif
+# define AF_INET6 AF_INET /* make -6 option a no-op */
+/** Do not go into the background when run as --daemon. Good
+ * for debugging and required for running as a service on W32,
+ * or under Unix process-monitors. **/
+int no_detach
+#if defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__
+ = 1;
+ = 0;
+int write_batch = 0;
+int read_batch = 0;
+int backup_dir_len = 0;
+int backup_suffix_len;
+unsigned int backup_dir_remainder;
+char *backup_suffix = NULL;
+char *tmpdir = NULL;
+char *partial_dir = NULL;
+char *basis_dir[MAX_BASIS_DIRS+1];
+char *config_file = NULL;
+char *shell_cmd = NULL;
+char *logfile_name = NULL;
+char *logfile_format = NULL;
+char *stdout_format = NULL;
+char *password_file = NULL;
+char *early_input_file = NULL;
+char *rsync_path = RSYNC_PATH;
+char *backup_dir = NULL;
+char backup_dir_buf[MAXPATHLEN];
+char *sockopts = NULL;
+char *usermap = NULL;
+char *groupmap = NULL;
+int rsync_port = 0;
+int alt_dest_type = 0;
+int basis_dir_cnt = 0;
+#define DEFAULT_MAX_ALLOC (1024L * 1024 * 1024)
+size_t max_alloc = DEFAULT_MAX_ALLOC;
+char *max_alloc_arg;
+static int version_opt_cnt = 0;
+static int remote_option_alloc = 0;
+int remote_option_cnt = 0;
+const char **remote_options = NULL;
+const char *checksum_choice = NULL;
+const char *compress_choice = NULL;
+int quiet = 0;
+int output_motd = 1;
+int log_before_transfer = 0;
+int stdout_format_has_i = 0;
+int stdout_format_has_o_or_i = 0;
+int logfile_format_has_i = 0;
+int logfile_format_has_o_or_i = 0;
+int always_checksum = 0;
+int list_only = 0;
+#define MAX_BATCH_NAME_LEN 256 /* Must be less than MAXPATHLEN-13 */
+char *batch_name = NULL;
+int need_unsorted_flist = 0;
+char *iconv_opt =
+struct chmod_mode_struct *chmod_modes = NULL;
+static const char *debug_verbosity[] = {
+ /*0*/ NULL,
+ /*1*/ NULL,
+#define MAX_VERBOSITY ((int)(sizeof debug_verbosity / sizeof debug_verbosity[0]) - 1)
+static const char *info_verbosity[1+MAX_VERBOSITY] = {
+ /*0*/ "NONREG",
+#define MAX_OUT_LEVEL 4 /* The largest N allowed for any flagN word. */
+short info_levels[COUNT_INFO], debug_levels[COUNT_DEBUG];
+#define DEFAULT_PRIORITY 0 /* Default/implied/--verbose set values. */
+#define HELP_PRIORITY 1 /* The help output uses this level. */
+#define USER_PRIORITY 2 /* User-specified via --info or --debug */
+#define LIMIT_PRIORITY 3 /* Overriding priority when limiting values. */
+#define W_CLI (1<<0) /* client side */
+#define W_SRV (1<<1) /* server side */
+#define W_SND (1<<2) /* sending side */
+#define W_REC (1<<3) /* receiving side */
+struct output_struct {
+ char *name; /* The name of the info/debug flag. */
+ char *help; /* The description of the info/debug flag. */
+ uchar namelen; /* The length of the name string. */
+ uchar flag; /* The flag's value, for consistency check. */
+ uchar where; /* Bits indicating where the flag is used. */
+ uchar priority; /* See *_PRIORITY defines. */
+#define INFO_WORD(flag, where, help) { #flag, help, sizeof #flag - 1, INFO_##flag, where, 0 }
+static struct output_struct info_words[COUNT_INFO+1] = {
+ INFO_WORD(BACKUP, W_REC, "Mention files backed up"),
+ INFO_WORD(COPY, W_REC, "Mention files copied locally on the receiving side"),
+ INFO_WORD(DEL, W_REC, "Mention deletions on the receiving side"),
+ INFO_WORD(FLIST, W_CLI, "Mention file-list receiving/sending (levels 1-2)"),
+ INFO_WORD(MISC, W_SND|W_REC, "Mention miscellaneous information (levels 1-2)"),
+ INFO_WORD(MOUNT, W_SND|W_REC, "Mention mounts that were found or skipped"),
+ INFO_WORD(NAME, W_SND|W_REC, "Mention 1) updated file/dir names, 2) unchanged names"),
+ INFO_WORD(NONREG, W_REC, "Mention skipped non-regular files (default 1, 0 disables)"),
+ INFO_WORD(PROGRESS, W_CLI, "Mention 1) per-file progress or 2) total transfer progress"),
+ INFO_WORD(REMOVE, W_SND, "Mention files removed on the sending side"),
+ INFO_WORD(SKIP, W_REC, "Mention files skipped due to transfer overrides (levels 1-2)"),
+ INFO_WORD(STATS, W_CLI|W_SRV, "Mention statistics at end of run (levels 1-3)"),
+ INFO_WORD(SYMSAFE, W_SND|W_REC, "Mention symlinks that are unsafe"),
+ { NULL, "--info", 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+#define DEBUG_WORD(flag, where, help) { #flag, help, sizeof #flag - 1, DEBUG_##flag, where, 0 }
+static struct output_struct debug_words[COUNT_DEBUG+1] = {
+ DEBUG_WORD(ACL, W_SND|W_REC, "Debug extra ACL info"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(BACKUP, W_REC, "Debug backup actions (levels 1-2)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(BIND, W_CLI, "Debug socket bind actions"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(CHDIR, W_CLI|W_SRV, "Debug when the current directory changes"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(CONNECT, W_CLI, "Debug connection events (levels 1-2)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(CMD, W_CLI, "Debug commands+options that are issued (levels 1-2)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(DEL, W_REC, "Debug delete actions (levels 1-3)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(DELTASUM, W_SND|W_REC, "Debug delta-transfer checksumming (levels 1-4)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(DUP, W_REC, "Debug weeding of duplicate names"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(EXIT, W_CLI|W_SRV, "Debug exit events (levels 1-3)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(FILTER, W_SND|W_REC, "Debug filter actions (levels 1-3)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(FLIST, W_SND|W_REC, "Debug file-list operations (levels 1-4)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(FUZZY, W_REC, "Debug fuzzy scoring (levels 1-2)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(GENR, W_REC, "Debug generator functions"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(HASH, W_SND|W_REC, "Debug hashtable code"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(HLINK, W_SND|W_REC, "Debug hard-link actions (levels 1-3)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(ICONV, W_CLI|W_SRV, "Debug iconv character conversions (levels 1-2)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(IO, W_CLI|W_SRV, "Debug I/O routines (levels 1-4)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(NSTR, W_CLI|W_SRV, "Debug negotiation strings"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(OWN, W_REC, "Debug ownership changes in users & groups (levels 1-2)"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(PROTO, W_CLI|W_SRV, "Debug protocol information"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(RECV, W_REC, "Debug receiver functions"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(SEND, W_SND, "Debug sender functions"),
+ DEBUG_WORD(TIME, W_REC, "Debug setting of modified times (levels 1-2)"),
+ { NULL, "--debug", 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+static int verbose = 0;
+static int do_stats = 0;
+static int do_progress = 0;
+static int daemon_opt; /* sets am_daemon after option error-reporting */
+static int F_option_cnt = 0;
+static int modify_window_set;
+static int itemize_changes = 0;
+static int refused_delete, refused_archive_part, refused_compress;
+static int refused_partial, refused_progress, refused_delete_before;
+static int refused_delete_during;
+static int refused_inplace, refused_no_iconv;
+static BOOL usermap_via_chown, groupmap_via_chown;
+static char *outbuf_mode;
+static char *bwlimit_arg, *max_size_arg, *min_size_arg;
+static char tmp_partialdir[] = ".~tmp~";
+/** Local address to bind. As a character string because it's
+ * interpreted by the IPv6 layer: should be a numeric IP4 or IP6
+ * address, or a hostname. **/
+char *bind_address;
+static void output_item_help(struct output_struct *words);
+/* This constructs a string that represents all the options set for either
+ * the --info or --debug setting, skipping any implied options (by -v, etc.).
+ * This is used both when conveying the user's options to the server, and
+ * when the help output wants to tell the user what options are implied. */
+static char *make_output_option(struct output_struct *words, short *levels, uchar where)
+ char *str = words == info_words ? "--info=" : "--debug=";
+ int j, counts[MAX_OUT_LEVEL+1], pos, skipped = 0, len = 0, max = 0, lev = 0;
+ int word_count = words == info_words ? COUNT_INFO : COUNT_DEBUG;
+ char *buf;
+ memset(counts, 0, sizeof counts);
+ for (j = 0; words[j].name; j++) {
+ if (words[j].flag != j) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync: internal error on %s%s: %d != %d\n",
+ words == info_words ? "INFO_" : "DEBUG_",
+ words[j].name, words[j].flag, j);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if (!(words[j].where & where))
+ continue;
+ if (words[j].priority == DEFAULT_PRIORITY) {
+ /* Implied items don't need to be mentioned. */
+ skipped++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ len += len ? 1 : strlen(str);
+ len += strlen(words[j].name);
+ len += levels[j] == 1 ? 0 : 1;
+ if (words[j].priority == HELP_PRIORITY)
+ continue; /* no abbreviating for help */
+ assert(levels[j] <= MAX_OUT_LEVEL);
+ if (++counts[levels[j]] > max) {
+ /* Determine which level has the most items. */
+ lev = levels[j];
+ max = counts[lev];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Sanity check the COUNT_* define against the length of the table. */
+ if (j != word_count) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "rsync: internal error: %s is wrong! (%d != %d)\n",
+ words == info_words ? "COUNT_INFO" : "COUNT_DEBUG",
+ j, word_count);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if (!len)
+ return NULL;
+ len++;
+ buf = new_array(char, len);
+ pos = 0;
+ if (skipped || max < 5)
+ lev = -1;
+ else {
+ if (lev == 0)
+ pos += snprintf(buf, len, "%sNONE", str);
+ else if (lev == 1)
+ pos += snprintf(buf, len, "%sALL", str);
+ else
+ pos += snprintf(buf, len, "%sALL%d", str, lev);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; words[j].name && pos < len; j++) {
+ if (words[j].priority == DEFAULT_PRIORITY || levels[j] == lev || !(words[j].where & where))
+ continue;
+ if (pos)
+ buf[pos++] = ',';
+ else
+ pos += strlcpy(buf+pos, str, len-pos);
+ if (pos < len)
+ pos += strlcpy(buf+pos, words[j].name, len-pos);
+ /* Level 1 is implied by the name alone. */
+ if (levels[j] != 1 && pos < len)
+ buf[pos++] = '0' + levels[j];
+ }
+ buf[pos] = '\0';
+ return buf;
+static void parse_output_words(struct output_struct *words, short *levels, const char *str, uchar priority)
+ const char *s;
+ int j, len, lev;
+ for ( ; str; str = s) {
+ if ((s = strchr(str, ',')) != NULL)
+ len = s++ - str;
+ else
+ len = strlen(str);
+ if (!len)
+ continue;
+ if (!isDigit(str)) {
+ while (len && isDigit(str+len-1))
+ len--;
+ }
+ lev = isDigit(str+len) ? atoi(str+len) : 1;
+ if (lev > MAX_OUT_LEVEL)
+ lev = MAX_OUT_LEVEL;
+ if (len == 4 && strncasecmp(str, "help", 4) == 0) {
+ output_item_help(words);
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ }
+ if (len == 4 && strncasecmp(str, "none", 4) == 0)
+ len = lev = 0;
+ else if (len == 3 && strncasecmp(str, "all", 3) == 0)
+ len = 0;
+ for (j = 0; words[j].name; j++) {
+ if (!len
+ || (len == words[j].namelen && strncasecmp(str, words[j].name, len) == 0)) {
+ if (priority >= words[j].priority) {
+ words[j].priority = priority;
+ levels[j] = lev;
+ }
+ if (len)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (len && !words[j].name && !am_server) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unknown %s item: \"%.*s\"\n",
+ words[j].help, len, str);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ }
+/* Tell the user what all the info or debug flags mean. */
+static void output_item_help(struct output_struct *words)
+ short *levels = words == info_words ? info_levels : debug_levels;
+ const char **verbosity = words == info_words ? info_verbosity : debug_verbosity;
+ char buf[128], *opt, *fmt = "%-10s %s\n";
+ int j;
+ reset_output_levels();
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Use OPT or OPT1 for level 1 output, OPT2 for level 2, etc.; OPT0 silences.\n");
+ rprintf(FINFO, "\n");
+ for (j = 0; words[j].name; j++)
+ rprintf(FINFO, fmt, words[j].name, words[j].help);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "\n");
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Set all %s options (e.g. all%d)",
+ words[j].help, MAX_OUT_LEVEL);
+ rprintf(FINFO, fmt, "ALL", buf);
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "Silence all %s options (same as all0)",
+ words[j].help);
+ rprintf(FINFO, fmt, "NONE", buf);
+ rprintf(FINFO, fmt, "HELP", "Output this help message");
+ rprintf(FINFO, "\n");
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Options added at each level of verbosity:\n");
+ for (j = 0; j <= MAX_VERBOSITY; j++) {
+ parse_output_words(words, levels, verbosity[j], HELP_PRIORITY);
+ opt = make_output_option(words, levels, W_CLI|W_SRV|W_SND|W_REC);
+ if (opt) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%d) %s\n", j, strchr(opt, '=')+1);
+ free(opt);
+ }
+ reset_output_levels();
+ }
+/* The --verbose option now sets info+debug flags. */
+static void set_output_verbosity(int level, uchar priority)
+ int j;
+ if (level > MAX_VERBOSITY)
+ level = MAX_VERBOSITY;
+ for (j = 0; j <= level; j++) {
+ parse_output_words(info_words, info_levels, info_verbosity[j], priority);
+ parse_output_words(debug_words, debug_levels, debug_verbosity[j], priority);
+ }
+/* Limit the info+debug flag levels given a verbose-option level limit. */
+void limit_output_verbosity(int level)
+ short info_limits[COUNT_INFO], debug_limits[COUNT_DEBUG];
+ int j;
+ if (level > MAX_VERBOSITY)
+ return;
+ memset(info_limits, 0, sizeof info_limits);
+ memset(debug_limits, 0, sizeof debug_limits);
+ /* Compute the level limits in the above arrays. */
+ for (j = 0; j <= level; j++) {
+ parse_output_words(info_words, info_limits, info_verbosity[j], LIMIT_PRIORITY);
+ parse_output_words(debug_words, debug_limits, debug_verbosity[j], LIMIT_PRIORITY);
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < COUNT_INFO; j++) {
+ if (info_levels[j] > info_limits[j])
+ info_levels[j] = info_limits[j];
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < COUNT_DEBUG; j++) {
+ if (debug_levels[j] > debug_limits[j])
+ debug_levels[j] = debug_limits[j];
+ }
+void reset_output_levels(void)
+ int j;
+ memset(info_levels, 0, sizeof info_levels);
+ memset(debug_levels, 0, sizeof debug_levels);
+ for (j = 0; j < COUNT_INFO; j++)
+ info_words[j].priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
+ for (j = 0; j < COUNT_DEBUG; j++)
+ debug_words[j].priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
+void negate_output_levels(void)
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < COUNT_INFO; j++)
+ info_levels[j] *= -1;
+ for (j = 0; j < COUNT_DEBUG; j++)
+ debug_levels[j] *= -1;
+static struct poptOption long_options[] = {
+ /* longName, shortName, argInfo, argPtr, value, descrip, argDesc */
+ {"help", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_HELP, 0, 0 },
+ {"version", 'V', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'V', 0, 0},
+ {"verbose", 'v', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'v', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-verbose", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &verbose, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-v", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &verbose, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"info", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_INFO, 0, 0 },
+ {"debug", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_DEBUG, 0, 0 },
+ {"stderr", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_STDERR, 0, 0 },
+ {"msgs2stderr", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &msgs2stderr, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-msgs2stderr", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &msgs2stderr, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"quiet", 'q', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'q', 0, 0 },
+ {"motd", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &output_motd, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-motd", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &output_motd, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"stats", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &do_stats, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"human-readable", 'h', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'h', 0, 0},
+ {"no-human-readable",0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &human_readable, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"no-h", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &human_readable, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"dry-run", 'n', POPT_ARG_NONE, &dry_run, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"archive", 'a', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'a', 0, 0 },
+ {"recursive", 'r', POPT_ARG_VAL, &recurse, 2, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-recursive", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &recurse, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-r", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &recurse, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"inc-recursive", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &allow_inc_recurse, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-inc-recursive", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &allow_inc_recurse, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"i-r", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &allow_inc_recurse, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-i-r", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &allow_inc_recurse, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"dirs", 'd', POPT_ARG_VAL, &xfer_dirs, 2, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-dirs", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &xfer_dirs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-d", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &xfer_dirs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"old-dirs", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &xfer_dirs, 4, 0, 0 },
+ {"old-d", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &xfer_dirs, 4, 0, 0 },
+ {"perms", 'p', POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_perms, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-perms", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_perms, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-p", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_perms, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"executability", 'E', POPT_ARG_NONE, &preserve_executability, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"acls", 'A', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'A', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-acls", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_acls, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-A", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_acls, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"xattrs", 'X', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'X', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-xattrs", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_xattrs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-X", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_xattrs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"times", 't', POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_mtimes, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-times", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_mtimes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-t", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_mtimes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"atimes", 'U', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'U', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-atimes", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_atimes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-U", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_atimes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"open-noatime", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &open_noatime, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-open-noatime", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &open_noatime, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"crtimes", 'N', POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_crtimes, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-crtimes", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_crtimes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-N", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_crtimes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"omit-dir-times", 'O', POPT_ARG_VAL, &omit_dir_times, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-omit-dir-times",0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &omit_dir_times, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-O", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &omit_dir_times, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"omit-link-times", 'J', POPT_ARG_VAL, &omit_link_times, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-omit-link-times",0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &omit_link_times, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-J", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &omit_link_times, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"modify-window", '@', POPT_ARG_INT, &modify_window, OPT_MODIFY_WINDOW, 0, 0 },
+ {"super", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &am_root, 2, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-super", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &am_root, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"fake-super", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &am_root, -1, 0, 0 },
+ {"owner", 'o', POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_uid, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-owner", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_uid, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-o", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_uid, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"group", 'g', POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_gid, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-group", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_gid, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-g", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_gid, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {0, 'D', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'D', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-D", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_NO_D, 0, 0 },
+ {"devices", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_devices, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-devices", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_devices, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"copy-devices", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &copy_devices, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"write-devices", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &write_devices, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-write-devices", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &write_devices, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"specials", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_specials, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-specials", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_specials, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"links", 'l', POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_links, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-links", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_links, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-l", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_links, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"copy-links", 'L', POPT_ARG_NONE, &copy_links, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"copy-unsafe-links",0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &copy_unsafe_links, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"safe-links", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &safe_symlinks, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"munge-links", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &munge_symlinks, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-munge-links", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &munge_symlinks, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"copy-dirlinks", 'k', POPT_ARG_NONE, &copy_dirlinks, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"keep-dirlinks", 'K', POPT_ARG_NONE, &keep_dirlinks, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"hard-links", 'H', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'H', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-hard-links", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_hard_links, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-H", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &preserve_hard_links, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"relative", 'R', POPT_ARG_VAL, &relative_paths, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-relative", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &relative_paths, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-R", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &relative_paths, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"implied-dirs", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &implied_dirs, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-implied-dirs", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &implied_dirs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"i-d", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &implied_dirs, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-i-d", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &implied_dirs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"chmod", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_CHMOD, 0, 0 },
+ {"ignore-times", 'I', POPT_ARG_NONE, &ignore_times, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"size-only", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &size_only, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"one-file-system", 'x', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'x', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-one-file-system",0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &one_file_system, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-x", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &one_file_system, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"update", 'u', POPT_ARG_NONE, &update_only, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"existing", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &ignore_non_existing, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"ignore-non-existing",0,POPT_ARG_NONE, &ignore_non_existing, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"ignore-existing", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &ignore_existing, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"max-size", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &max_size_arg, OPT_MAX_SIZE, 0, 0 },
+ {"min-size", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &min_size_arg, OPT_MIN_SIZE, 0, 0 },
+ {"max-alloc", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &max_alloc_arg, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"sparse", 'S', POPT_ARG_VAL, &sparse_files, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-sparse", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &sparse_files, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-S", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &sparse_files, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"preallocate", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &preallocate_files, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"inplace", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &inplace, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-inplace", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &inplace, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"append", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_APPEND, 0, 0 },
+ {"append-verify", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &append_mode, 2, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-append", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &append_mode, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"del", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &delete_during, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"delete", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &delete_mode, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"delete-before", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &delete_before, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"delete-during", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &delete_during, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"delete-delay", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &delete_during, 2, 0, 0 },
+ {"delete-after", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &delete_after, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"delete-excluded", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &delete_excluded, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"delete-missing-args",0,POPT_BIT_SET, &missing_args, 2, 0, 0 },
+ {"ignore-missing-args",0,POPT_BIT_SET, &missing_args, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"remove-sent-files",0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &remove_source_files, 2, 0, 0 }, /* deprecated */
+ {"remove-source-files",0,POPT_ARG_VAL, &remove_source_files, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"force", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &force_delete, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-force", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &force_delete, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"ignore-errors", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &ignore_errors, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-ignore-errors", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &ignore_errors, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"max-delete", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &max_delete, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {0, 'F', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'F', 0, 0 },
+ {"filter", 'f', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_FILTER, 0, 0 },
+ {"exclude", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_EXCLUDE, 0, 0 },
+ {"include", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_INCLUDE, 0, 0 },
+ {"exclude-from", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_EXCLUDE_FROM, 0, 0 },
+ {"include-from", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_INCLUDE_FROM, 0, 0 },
+ {"cvs-exclude", 'C', POPT_ARG_NONE, &cvs_exclude, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"whole-file", 'W', POPT_ARG_VAL, &whole_file, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-whole-file", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &whole_file, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-W", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &whole_file, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"checksum", 'c', POPT_ARG_VAL, &always_checksum, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-checksum", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &always_checksum, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-c", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &always_checksum, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"checksum-choice", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &checksum_choice, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"cc", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &checksum_choice, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"block-size", 'B', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_BLOCK_SIZE, 0, 0 },
+ {"compare-dest", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_COMPARE_DEST, 0, 0 },
+ {"copy-dest", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_COPY_DEST, 0, 0 },
+ {"link-dest", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_LINK_DEST, 0, 0 },
+ {"fuzzy", 'y', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'y', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-fuzzy", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &fuzzy_basis, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-y", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &fuzzy_basis, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"compress", 'z', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'z', 0, 0 },
+ {"old-compress", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_OLD_COMPRESS, 0, 0 },
+ {"new-compress", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_NEW_COMPRESS, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-compress", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_NO_COMPRESS, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-z", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_NO_COMPRESS, 0, 0 },
+ {"compress-choice", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &compress_choice, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"zc", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &compress_choice, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"skip-compress", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &skip_compress, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"compress-level", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &do_compression_level, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"zl", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &do_compression_level, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {0, 'P', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'P', 0, 0 },
+ {"progress", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &do_progress, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-progress", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &do_progress, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"partial", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &keep_partial, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-partial", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &keep_partial, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"partial-dir", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &partial_dir, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"delay-updates", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &delay_updates, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-delay-updates", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &delay_updates, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"prune-empty-dirs",'m', POPT_ARG_VAL, &prune_empty_dirs, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-prune-empty-dirs",0,POPT_ARG_VAL, &prune_empty_dirs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-m", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &prune_empty_dirs, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"log-file", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &logfile_name, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"log-file-format", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &logfile_format, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"out-format", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &stdout_format, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"log-format", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &stdout_format, 0, 0, 0 }, /* DEPRECATED */
+ {"itemize-changes", 'i', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'i', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-itemize-changes",0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &itemize_changes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-i", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &itemize_changes, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"bwlimit", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &bwlimit_arg, OPT_BWLIMIT, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-bwlimit", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &bwlimit, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"backup", 'b', POPT_ARG_VAL, &make_backups, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-backup", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &make_backups, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"backup-dir", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &backup_dir, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"suffix", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &backup_suffix, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"list-only", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &list_only, 2, 0, 0 },
+ {"read-batch", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &batch_name, OPT_READ_BATCH, 0, 0 },
+ {"write-batch", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &batch_name, OPT_WRITE_BATCH, 0, 0 },
+ {"only-write-batch", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &batch_name, OPT_ONLY_WRITE_BATCH, 0, 0 },
+ {"files-from", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &files_from, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"from0", '0', POPT_ARG_VAL, &eol_nulls, 1, 0, 0},
+ {"no-from0", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &eol_nulls, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"old-args", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_OLD_ARGS, 0, 0},
+ {"no-old-args", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &old_style_args, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"secluded-args", 's', POPT_ARG_VAL, &protect_args, 1, 0, 0},
+ {"no-secluded-args", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &protect_args, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"protect-args", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &protect_args, 1, 0, 0},
+ {"no-protect-args", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &protect_args, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"no-s", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &protect_args, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"trust-sender", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &trust_sender, 1, 0, 0},
+ {"numeric-ids", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &numeric_ids, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-numeric-ids", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &numeric_ids, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"usermap", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_USERMAP, 0, 0 },
+ {"groupmap", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_GROUPMAP, 0, 0 },
+ {"chown", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_CHOWN, 0, 0 },
+ {"timeout", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &io_timeout, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-timeout", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &io_timeout, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"contimeout", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &connect_timeout, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-contimeout", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &connect_timeout, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"fsync", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &do_fsync, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"stop-after", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_STOP_AFTER, 0, 0 },
+ {"time-limit", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_STOP_AFTER, 0, 0 }, /* earlier stop-after name */
+ {"stop-at", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_STOP_AT, 0, 0 },
+ {"rsh", 'e', POPT_ARG_STRING, &shell_cmd, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"rsync-path", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &rsync_path, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"temp-dir", 'T', POPT_ARG_STRING, &tmpdir, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"iconv", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &iconv_opt, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-iconv", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_NO_ICONV, 0, 0 },
+ {"ipv4", '4', POPT_ARG_VAL, &default_af_hint, AF_INET, 0, 0 },
+ {"ipv6", '6', POPT_ARG_VAL, &default_af_hint, AF_INET6, 0, 0 },
+ {"8-bit-output", '8', POPT_ARG_VAL, &allow_8bit_chars, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-8-bit-output", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &allow_8bit_chars, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-8", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &allow_8bit_chars, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"mkpath", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &mkpath_dest_arg, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-mkpath", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &mkpath_dest_arg, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"qsort", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &use_qsort, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"copy-as", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &copy_as, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"address", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &bind_address, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"port", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &rsync_port, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"sockopts", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &sockopts, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"password-file", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &password_file, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"early-input", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &early_input_file, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"blocking-io", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &blocking_io, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-blocking-io", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &blocking_io, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"outbuf", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &outbuf_mode, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"remote-option", 'M', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, 'M', 0, 0 },
+ {"protocol", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &protocol_version, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"checksum-seed", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &checksum_seed, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"server", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_SERVER, 0, 0 },
+ {"sender", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_SENDER, 0, 0 },
+ /* All the following options switch us into daemon-mode option-parsing. */
+ {"config", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_DAEMON, 0, 0 },
+ {"daemon", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_DAEMON, 0, 0 },
+ {"dparam", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, OPT_DAEMON, 0, 0 },
+ {"detach", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_DAEMON, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-detach", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, OPT_DAEMON, 0, 0 },
+ {0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0}
+static struct poptOption long_daemon_options[] = {
+ /* longName, shortName, argInfo, argPtr, value, descrip, argDesc */
+ {"address", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &bind_address, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"bwlimit", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &daemon_bwlimit, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"config", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &config_file, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"daemon", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &daemon_opt, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"dparam", 'M', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, 'M', 0, 0 },
+ {"ipv4", '4', POPT_ARG_VAL, &default_af_hint, AF_INET, 0, 0 },
+ {"ipv6", '6', POPT_ARG_VAL, &default_af_hint, AF_INET6, 0, 0 },
+ {"detach", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &no_detach, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-detach", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &no_detach, 1, 0, 0 },
+ {"log-file", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &logfile_name, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"log-file-format", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &logfile_format, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"port", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &rsync_port, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"sockopts", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &sockopts, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"protocol", 0, POPT_ARG_INT, &protocol_version, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"server", 0, POPT_ARG_NONE, &am_server, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"temp-dir", 'T', POPT_ARG_STRING, &tmpdir, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"verbose", 'v', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'v', 0, 0 },
+ {"no-verbose", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &verbose, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"no-v", 0, POPT_ARG_VAL, &verbose, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"help", 'h', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'h', 0, 0 },
+ {0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0}
+static char err_buf[200];
+ * Store the option error message, if any, so that we can log the
+ * connection attempt (which requires parsing the options), and then
+ * show the error later on.
+ **/
+void option_error(void)
+ if (!err_buf[0]) {
+ strlcpy(err_buf, "Error parsing options: option may "
+ "be supported on client but not on server?\n",
+ sizeof err_buf);
+ }
+ rprintf(FERROR, RSYNC_NAME ": %s", err_buf);
+ io_flush(MSG_FLUSH);
+ msleep(20);
+static void parse_one_refuse_match(int negated, const char *ref, const struct poptOption *list_end)
+ struct poptOption *op;
+ char shortName[2];
+ int is_wild = strpbrk(ref, "*?[") != NULL;
+ int found_match = 0;
+ shortName[1] = '\0';
+ if (strcmp("a", ref) == 0 || strcmp("archive", ref) == 0) {
+ ref = "[ardlptgoD]";
+ is_wild = 1;
+ }
+ for (op = long_options; op != list_end; op++) {
+ *shortName = op->shortName;
+ if ((op->longName && wildmatch(ref, op->longName))
+ || (*shortName && wildmatch(ref, shortName))) {
+ if (op->descrip[1] == '*')
+ op->descrip = negated ? "a*" : "r*";
+ else if (!is_wild)
+ op->descrip = negated ? "a=" : "r=";
+ found_match = 1;
+ if (!is_wild)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_match)
+ rprintf(FLOG, "No match for refuse-options string \"%s\"\n", ref);
+ * Tweak the option table to disable all options that the rsyncd.conf
+ * file has told us to refuse.
+ **/
+static void set_refuse_options(void)
+ struct poptOption *op, *list_end = NULL;
+ char *cp, *ref = lp_refuse_options(module_id);
+ int negated;
+ if (!ref)
+ ref = "";
+ if (!am_daemon)
+ ref = "";
+ /* We abuse the descrip field in poptOption to make it easy to flag which options
+ * are refused (since we don't use it otherwise). Start by marking all options
+ * as "a"ccepted with a few options also marked as non-wild. */
+ for (op = long_options; ; op++) {
+ const char *longName = op->longName ? op->longName : "";
+ if (!op->longName && !op->shortName) {
+ list_end = op;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!am_daemon
+ || op->shortName == 'e' /* Required for compatibility flags */
+ || op->shortName == '0' /* --from0 just modifies --files-from, so refuse that instead (or not) */
+ || op->shortName == 's' /* --secluded-args is always OK */
+ || op->shortName == 'n' /* --dry-run is always OK */
+ || strcmp("iconv", longName) == 0
+ || strcmp("no-iconv", longName) == 0
+ || strcmp("checksum-seed", longName) == 0
+ || strcmp("copy-devices", longName) == 0 /* disable wild-match (it gets refused below) */
+ || strcmp("write-devices", longName) == 0 /* disable wild-match (it gets refused below) */
+ || strcmp("log-format", longName) == 0 /* aka out-format (NOT log-file-format) */
+ || strcmp("sender", longName) == 0
+ || strcmp("server", longName) == 0)
+ op->descrip = "a="; /* exact-match only */
+ else
+ op->descrip = "a*"; /* wild-card-able */
+ }
+ assert(list_end != NULL);
+ if (am_daemon) { /* Refused by default, but can be accepted via a negated exact match. */
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "copy-devices", list_end);
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "write-devices", list_end);
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ while (*ref == ' ') ref++;
+ if (!*ref)
+ break;
+ if ((cp = strchr(ref, ' ')) != NULL)
+ *cp = '\0';
+ negated = *ref == '!';
+ if (negated && ref[1])
+ ref++;
+ parse_one_refuse_match(negated, ref, list_end);
+ if (!cp)
+ break;
+ *cp = ' ';
+ ref = cp + 1;
+ }
+ if (am_daemon) {
+ if (!*lp_charset(module_id))
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "iconv", list_end);
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "log-file*", list_end);
+ }
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "atimes", list_end);
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "link-dest", list_end);
+#ifndef HAVE_MKTIME
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "stop-at", list_end);
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "iconv", list_end);
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "outbuf", list_end);
+ parse_one_refuse_match(0, "crtimes", list_end);
+ /* Now we use the descrip values to actually mark the options for refusal. */
+ for (op = long_options; op != list_end; op++) {
+ int refused = op->descrip[0] == 'r';
+ op->descrip = NULL;
+ if (!refused)
+ continue;
+ if (op->argInfo == POPT_ARG_VAL)
+ op->argInfo = POPT_ARG_NONE;
+ op->val = (op - long_options) + OPT_REFUSED_BASE;
+ /* The following flags are set to let us easily check an implied option later in the code. */
+ switch (op->shortName) {
+ case 'r': case 'd': case 'l': case 'p':
+ case 't': case 'g': case 'o': case 'D':
+ refused_archive_part = op->val;
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ refused_compress = op->val;
+ break;
+ case '\0':
+ if (strcmp("delete", op->longName) == 0)
+ refused_delete = op->val;
+ else if (strcmp("delete-before", op->longName) == 0)
+ refused_delete_before = op->val;
+ else if (strcmp("delete-during", op->longName) == 0)
+ refused_delete_during = op->val;
+ else if (strcmp("partial", op->longName) == 0)
+ refused_partial = op->val;
+ else if (strcmp("progress", op->longName) == 0)
+ refused_progress = op->val;
+ else if (strcmp("inplace", op->longName) == 0)
+ refused_inplace = op->val;
+ else if (strcmp("no-iconv", op->longName) == 0)
+ refused_no_iconv = op->val;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static int count_args(const char **argv)
+ int i = 0;
+ if (argv) {
+ while (argv[i] != NULL)
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i;
+/* If the size_arg is an invalid string or the value is < min_value, an error
+ * is put into err_buf & the return is -1. Note that this parser does NOT
+ * support negative numbers, so a min_value < 0 doesn't make any sense. */
+static ssize_t parse_size_arg(const char *size_arg, char def_suf, const char *opt_name,
+ ssize_t min_value, ssize_t max_value, BOOL unlimited_0)
+ int reps, mult, len;
+ const char *arg, *err = "invalid", *min_max = NULL;
+ ssize_t limit = -1, size = 1;
+ for (arg = size_arg; isDigit(arg); arg++) {}
+ if (*arg == '.' || *arg == get_decimal_point()) /* backward compatibility: always allow '.' */
+ for (arg++; isDigit(arg); arg++) {}
+ switch (*arg && *arg != '+' && *arg != '-' ? *arg++ : def_suf) {
+ case 'b': case 'B':
+ reps = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'k': case 'K':
+ reps = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'm': case 'M':
+ reps = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'g': case 'G':
+ reps = 3;
+ break;
+ case 't': case 'T':
+ reps = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'p': case 'P':
+ reps = 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto failure;
+ }
+ if (*arg == 'b' || *arg == 'B')
+ mult = 1000, arg++;
+ else if (!*arg || *arg == '+' || *arg == '-')
+ mult = 1024;
+ else if (strncasecmp(arg, "ib", 2) == 0)
+ mult = 1024, arg += 2;
+ else
+ goto failure;
+ while (reps--)
+ size *= mult;
+ size *= atof(size_arg);
+ if ((*arg == '+' || *arg == '-') && arg[1] == '1' && arg != size_arg)
+ size += atoi(arg), arg += 2;
+ if (*arg)
+ goto failure;
+ if (size < 0 || (max_value >= 0 && size > max_value)) {
+ err = "too large";
+ min_max = "max";
+ limit = max_value;
+ goto failure;
+ }
+ if (size < min_value && (!unlimited_0 || size != 0)) {
+ err = "too small";
+ min_max = "min";
+ limit = min_value;
+ goto failure;
+ }
+ return size;
+ len = snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf - 1, "--%s=%s is %s", opt_name, size_arg, err);
+ if (min_max && limit >= 0 && len < (int)sizeof err_buf - 10) {
+ len += snprintf(err_buf + len, sizeof err_buf - len - 1, " (%s: %s%s)",
+ min_max, do_big_num(limit, 3, NULL),
+ unlimited_0 && min_max[1] == 'i' ? " or 0 for unlimited" : "");
+ }
+ err_buf[len] = '\n';
+ err_buf[len+1] = '\0';
+ return -1;
+/* Allow the user to specify a time in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm while
+ * also allowing abbreviated data. For instance, if the time is omitted,
+ * it defaults to midnight. If the date is omitted, it defaults to the
+ * next possible date in the future with the specified time. Even the
+ * year or year-month can be omitted, again defaulting to the next date
+ * in the future that matches the specified information. A 2-digit year
+ * is also OK, as is using '/' instead of '-'. */
+static time_t parse_time(const char *arg)
+ const char *cp;
+ time_t val, now = time(NULL);
+ struct tm t, *today = localtime(&now);
+ int in_date, old_mday, n;
+ memset(&t, 0, sizeof t);
+ t.tm_year = t.tm_mon = t.tm_mday = -1;
+ t.tm_hour = t.tm_min = t.tm_isdst = -1;
+ cp = arg;
+ if (*cp == 'T' || *cp == 't' || *cp == ':') {
+ in_date = *cp == ':' ? 0 : -1;
+ cp++;
+ } else
+ in_date = 1;
+ for ( ; ; cp++) {
+ if (!isDigit(cp))
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ n = 0;
+ do {
+ n = n * 10 + *cp++ - '0';
+ } while (isDigit(cp));
+ if (*cp == ':')
+ in_date = 0;
+ if (in_date > 0) {
+ if (t.tm_year != -1)
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ t.tm_year = t.tm_mon;
+ t.tm_mon = t.tm_mday;
+ t.tm_mday = n;
+ if (!*cp)
+ break;
+ if (*cp == 'T' || *cp == 't') {
+ if (!cp[1])
+ break;
+ in_date = -1;
+ } else if (*cp != '-' && *cp != '/')
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (t.tm_hour != -1)
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ t.tm_hour = t.tm_min;
+ t.tm_min = n;
+ if (!*cp) {
+ if (in_date < 0)
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*cp != ':')
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ in_date = 0;
+ }
+ in_date = 0;
+ if (t.tm_year < 0) {
+ t.tm_year = today->tm_year;
+ in_date = 1;
+ } else if (t.tm_year < 100) {
+ while (t.tm_year < today->tm_year)
+ t.tm_year += 100;
+ } else
+ t.tm_year -= 1900;
+ if (t.tm_mon < 0) {
+ t.tm_mon = today->tm_mon;
+ in_date = 2;
+ } else
+ t.tm_mon--;
+ if (t.tm_mday < 0) {
+ t.tm_mday = today->tm_mday;
+ in_date = 3;
+ }
+ n = 0;
+ if (t.tm_min < 0) {
+ t.tm_hour = t.tm_min = 0;
+ } else if (t.tm_hour < 0) {
+ if (in_date != 3)
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ in_date = 0;
+ t.tm_hour = today->tm_hour;
+ n = 60*60;
+ }
+ /* Note that mktime() might change a too-large tm_mday into the start of
+ * the following month which we need to undo in the following code! */
+ old_mday = t.tm_mday;
+ if (t.tm_hour > 23 || t.tm_min > 59
+ || t.tm_mon < 0 || t.tm_mon >= 12
+ || t.tm_mday < 1 || t.tm_mday > 31
+ || (val = mktime(&t)) == (time_t)-1)
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ while (in_date && (val <= now || t.tm_mday < old_mday)) {
+ switch (in_date) {
+ case 3:
+ old_mday = ++t.tm_mday;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (t.tm_mday < old_mday)
+ t.tm_mday = old_mday; /* The month already got bumped forward */
+ else if (++t.tm_mon == 12) {
+ t.tm_mon = 0;
+ t.tm_year++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (t.tm_mday < old_mday) {
+ /* mon==1 mday==29 got bumped to mon==2 */
+ if (t.tm_mon != 2 || old_mday != 29)
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ t.tm_mon = 1;
+ t.tm_mday = 29;
+ }
+ t.tm_year++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((val = mktime(&t)) == (time_t)-1) {
+ /* This code shouldn't be needed, as mktime() should auto-round to the next month. */
+ if (in_date != 3 || t.tm_mday <= 28)
+ return (time_t)-1;
+ t.tm_mday = old_mday = 1;
+ in_date = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n) {
+ while (val <= now)
+ val += n;
+ }
+ return val;
+static void create_refuse_error(int which)
+ const char *msg;
+ if (am_daemon)
+ msg = "The server is configured to refuse";
+ else if (am_server)
+ msg = "The server does not support";
+ else
+ msg = "This rsync does not support";
+ /* The "which" value is the index + OPT_REFUSED_BASE. */
+ struct poptOption *op = &long_options[which - OPT_REFUSED_BASE];
+ int n = snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf, "%s --%s\n", msg, op->longName) - 1;
+ if (op->shortName)
+ snprintf(err_buf + n, sizeof err_buf - n, " (-%c)\n", op->shortName);
+/* This is used to make sure that --daemon & --server cannot be aliased to
+ * something else. These options have always disabled popt aliases for the
+ * parsing of a daemon or server command-line, but we have to make sure that
+ * these options cannot vanish so that the alias disabling can take effect. */
+static void popt_unalias(poptContext con, const char *opt)
+ struct poptAlias unalias;
+ memset(&unalias, 0, sizeof unalias);
+ unalias.longName = opt + 2; /* point past the leading "--" */
+ unalias.argc = 1;
+ unalias.argv = new_array0(const char*, 2);
+ unalias.argv[0] = strdup(opt);
+ poptAddAlias(con, unalias, 0);
+char *alt_dest_opt(int type)
+ if (!type)
+ type = alt_dest_type;
+ switch (type) {
+ return "--compare-dest";
+ case COPY_DEST:
+ return "--copy-dest";
+ case LINK_DEST:
+ return "--link-dest";
+ default:
+ NOISY_DEATH("Unknown alt_dest_opt type");
+ }
+ * Process command line arguments. Called on both local and remote.
+ *
+ * @retval 1 if all options are OK; with globals set to appropriate
+ * values
+ *
+ * @retval 0 on error, with err_buf containing an explanation
+ **/
+int parse_arguments(int *argc_p, const char ***argv_p)
+ static poptContext pc;
+ const char *arg, **argv = *argv_p;
+ int argc = *argc_p;
+ int opt, want_dest_type;
+ int orig_protect_args = protect_args;
+ if (argc == 0) {
+ strlcpy(err_buf, "argc is zero!\n", sizeof err_buf);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ set_refuse_options();
+ if (!am_daemon && protect_args <= 0 && (arg = getenv("RSYNC_ICONV")) != NULL && *arg)
+ iconv_opt = strdup(arg);
+ /* TODO: Call poptReadDefaultConfig; handle errors. */
+ /* The context leaks in case of an error, but if there's a
+ * problem we always exit anyhow. */
+ if (pc)
+ poptFreeContext(pc);
+ pc = poptGetContext(RSYNC_NAME, argc, argv, long_options, 0);
+ if (!am_server) {
+ poptReadDefaultConfig(pc, 0);
+ popt_unalias(pc, "--daemon");
+ popt_unalias(pc, "--server");
+ }
+ while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) {
+ /* most options are handled automatically by popt;
+ * only special cases are returned and listed here. */
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'V':
+ version_opt_cnt++;
+ break;
+ case OPT_SERVER:
+ if (!am_server) {
+ /* Disable popt aliases on the server side and
+ * then start parsing the options again. */
+ poptFreeContext(pc);
+ pc = poptGetContext(RSYNC_NAME, argc, argv, long_options, 0);
+ am_server = 1;
+ }
+ iconv_opt = NULL;
+ break;
+ case OPT_SENDER:
+ if (!am_server) {
+ usage(FERROR);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ am_sender = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPT_DAEMON:
+ if (am_daemon) {
+ strlcpy(err_buf,
+ "Attempt to hack rsync thwarted!\n",
+ sizeof err_buf);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ iconv_opt = NULL;
+ protect_args = 0;
+ poptFreeContext(pc);
+ pc = poptGetContext(RSYNC_NAME, argc, argv, long_daemon_options, 0);
+ while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) {
+ char **cpp;
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'h':
+ daemon_usage(FINFO);
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ case 'M':
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ if (!strchr(arg, '=')) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "--dparam value is missing an '=': %s\n",
+ arg);
+ goto daemon_error;
+ }
+ cpp = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&dparam_list, char *, 4);
+ *cpp = strdup(arg);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ verbose++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "rsync: %s: %s (in daemon mode)\n",
+ poptBadOption(pc, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS),
+ poptStrerror(opt));
+ goto daemon_error;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dparam_list.count && !set_dparams(1))
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ if (tmpdir && strlen(tmpdir) >= MAXPATHLEN - 10) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "the --temp-dir path is WAY too long.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!daemon_opt) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Daemon option(s) used without --daemon.\n");
+ daemon_error:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "(Type \"rsync --daemon --help\" for assistance with daemon mode.)\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ *argv_p = argv = poptGetArgs(pc);
+ *argc_p = argc = count_args(argv);
+ am_starting_up = 0;
+ daemon_opt = 0;
+ am_daemon = 1;
+ return 1;
+ /* The value has already been set by popt, but
+ * we need to remember that we're using a
+ * non-default setting. */
+ modify_window_set = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPT_FILTER:
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, poptGetOptArg(pc),
+ rule_template(0), 0);
+ break;
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, poptGetOptArg(pc),
+ rule_template(0), XFLG_OLD_PREFIXES);
+ break;
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, poptGetOptArg(pc),
+ break;
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ if (sanitize_paths)
+ arg = sanitize_path(NULL, arg, NULL, 0, SP_DEFAULT);
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head) {
+ int rej;
+ char *cp = strdup(arg);
+ if (!*cp)
+ rej = 1;
+ else {
+ char *dir = cp + (*cp == '/' ? module_dirlen : 0);
+ clean_fname(dir, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ rej = check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, dir, 0) < 0;
+ }
+ free(cp);
+ if (rej)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ }
+ parse_filter_file(&filter_list, arg,
+ rule_template(opt == OPT_INCLUDE_FROM ? FILTRULE_INCLUDE : 0),
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ if (refused_archive_part) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_archive_part);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!recurse) /* preserve recurse == 2 */
+ recurse = 1;
+ preserve_links = 1;
+ preserve_perms = 1;
+ preserve_mtimes = 1;
+ preserve_gid = 1;
+ preserve_uid = 1;
+ preserve_devices = 1;
+ preserve_specials = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ preserve_devices = preserve_specials = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPT_NO_D:
+ preserve_devices = preserve_specials = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ human_readable++;
+ break;
+ case 'H':
+ preserve_hard_links++;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ itemize_changes++;
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ if (++preserve_atimes > 1)
+ open_noatime = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ verbose++;
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ fuzzy_basis++;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ quiet++;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ one_file_system++;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ switch (++F_option_cnt) {
+ case 1:
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list,": /.rsync-filter",rule_template(0),0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list,"- .rsync-filter",rule_template(0),0);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ if (refused_partial || refused_progress) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_partial ? refused_partial : refused_progress);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ do_progress = 1;
+ keep_partial = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ do_compression++;
+ break;
+ compress_choice = "zlib";
+ break;
+ compress_choice = "zlibx";
+ break;
+ do_compression = 0;
+ compress_choice = NULL;
+ break;
+ case OPT_OLD_ARGS:
+ if (old_style_args <= 0)
+ old_style_args = 1;
+ else
+ old_style_args++;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ if (*arg != '-') {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "Remote option must start with a dash: %s\n", arg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (remote_option_cnt+2 >= remote_option_alloc) {
+ remote_option_alloc += 16;
+ remote_options = realloc_array(remote_options,
+ const char *, remote_option_alloc);
+ if (!remote_option_cnt)
+ remote_options[0] = "ARG0";
+ }
+ remote_options[++remote_option_cnt] = arg;
+ remote_options[remote_option_cnt+1] = NULL;
+ break;
+ /* batch_name is already set */
+ write_batch = 1;
+ break;
+ /* batch_name is already set */
+ write_batch = -1;
+ break;
+ /* batch_name is already set */
+ read_batch = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPT_NO_ICONV:
+ iconv_opt = NULL;
+ break;
+ case OPT_BLOCK_SIZE: {
+ /* We may not know the real protocol_version at this point if this is the client
+ * option parsing, but we still want to check it so that the client can specify
+ * a --protocol=29 option with a larger block size. */
+ int max_blength = protocol_version < 30 ? OLD_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE : MAX_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ ssize_t size;
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ if ((size = parse_size_arg(arg, 'b', "block-size", 0, max_blength, False)) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ block_size = (int32)size;
+ break;
+ }
+ case OPT_MAX_SIZE:
+ if ((max_size = parse_size_arg(max_size_arg, 'b', "max-size", 0, -1, False)) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ max_size_arg = strdup(do_big_num(max_size, 0, NULL));
+ break;
+ case OPT_MIN_SIZE:
+ if ((min_size = parse_size_arg(min_size_arg, 'b', "min-size", 0, -1, False)) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ min_size_arg = strdup(do_big_num(min_size, 0, NULL));
+ break;
+ case OPT_BWLIMIT: {
+ ssize_t size = parse_size_arg(bwlimit_arg, 'K', "bwlimit", 512, -1, True);
+ if (size < 0)
+ return 0;
+ bwlimit_arg = strdup(do_big_num(size, 0, NULL));
+ bwlimit = (size + 512) / 1024;
+ break;
+ }
+ case OPT_APPEND:
+ if (am_server)
+ append_mode++;
+ else
+ append_mode = 1;
+ break;
+ want_dest_type = LINK_DEST;
+ goto set_dest_dir;
+ want_dest_type = COPY_DEST;
+ goto set_dest_dir;
+ want_dest_type = COMPARE_DEST;
+ set_dest_dir:
+ if (alt_dest_type && alt_dest_type != want_dest_type) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "ERROR: the %s option conflicts with the %s option\n",
+ alt_dest_opt(want_dest_type), alt_dest_opt(0));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ alt_dest_type = want_dest_type;
+ if (basis_dir_cnt >= MAX_BASIS_DIRS) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "ERROR: at most %d %s args may be specified\n",
+ MAX_BASIS_DIRS, alt_dest_opt(0));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* We defer sanitizing this arg until we know what
+ * our destination directory is going to be. */
+ basis_dir[basis_dir_cnt++] = (char *)poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ break;
+ case OPT_CHMOD:
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ if (!parse_chmod(arg, &chmod_modes)) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "Invalid argument passed to --chmod (%s)\n",
+ arg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPT_INFO:
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ parse_output_words(info_words, info_levels, arg, USER_PRIORITY);
+ break;
+ case OPT_DEBUG:
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ parse_output_words(debug_words, debug_levels, arg, USER_PRIORITY);
+ break;
+ if (usermap) {
+ if (usermap_via_chown) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--usermap conflicts with prior --chown.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "You can only specify --usermap once.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ usermap = (char *)poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ usermap_via_chown = False;
+ preserve_uid = 1;
+ break;
+ if (groupmap) {
+ if (groupmap_via_chown) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--groupmap conflicts with prior --chown.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "You can only specify --groupmap once.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ groupmap = (char *)poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ groupmap_via_chown = False;
+ preserve_gid = 1;
+ break;
+ case OPT_CHOWN: {
+ const char *chown = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ int len;
+ if ((arg = strchr(chown, ':')) != NULL)
+ len = arg++ - chown;
+ else
+ len = strlen(chown);
+ if (len) {
+ if (usermap) {
+ if (!usermap_via_chown) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--chown conflicts with prior --usermap.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "You can only specify a user-affecting --chown once.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (asprintf(&usermap, "*:%.*s", len, chown) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("parse_arguments");
+ usermap_via_chown = True;
+ preserve_uid = 1;
+ }
+ if (arg && *arg) {
+ if (groupmap) {
+ if (!groupmap_via_chown) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--chown conflicts with prior --groupmap.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "You can only specify a group-affecting --chown once.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (asprintf(&groupmap, "*:%s", arg) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("parse_arguments");
+ groupmap_via_chown = True;
+ preserve_gid = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case OPT_HELP:
+ usage(FINFO);
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ case 'A':
+ preserve_acls = 1;
+ preserve_perms = 1;
+ break;
+ /* FIXME: this should probably be ignored with a
+ * warning and then countermeasures taken to
+ * restrict group and other access in the presence
+ * of any more restrictive ACLs, but this is safe
+ * for now */
+ snprintf(err_buf,sizeof(err_buf),
+ "ACLs are not supported on this %s\n",
+ am_server ? "server" : "client");
+ return 0;
+ case 'X':
+ preserve_xattrs++;
+ break;
+ snprintf(err_buf,sizeof(err_buf),
+ "extended attributes are not supported on this %s\n",
+ am_server ? "server" : "client");
+ return 0;
+ case OPT_STOP_AFTER: {
+ long val;
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ stop_at_utime = time(NULL);
+ if ((val = atol(arg) * 60) <= 0 || LONG_MAX - val < stop_at_utime || (long)(time_t)val != val) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf, "invalid --stop-after value: %s\n", arg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ stop_at_utime += val;
+ break;
+ }
+ case OPT_STOP_AT:
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ if ((stop_at_utime = parse_time(arg)) == (time_t)-1) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf, "invalid --stop-at format: %s\n", arg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (stop_at_utime <= time(NULL)) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf, "--stop-at time is not in the future: %s\n", arg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPT_STDERR: {
+ int len;
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ len = strlen(arg);
+ if (len && strncmp("errors", arg, len) == 0)
+ msgs2stderr = 2;
+ else if (len && strncmp("all", arg, len) == 0)
+ msgs2stderr = 1;
+ else if (len && strncmp("client", arg, len) == 0)
+ msgs2stderr = 0;
+ else {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--stderr mode \"%s\" is not one of errors, all, or client\n", arg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ saw_stderr_opt = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ /* A large opt value means that set_refuse_options()
+ * turned this option off. */
+ if (opt >= OPT_REFUSED_BASE) {
+ create_refuse_error(opt);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf, "%s%s: %s\n",
+ am_server ? "on remote machine: " : "",
+ poptBadOption(pc, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS),
+ poptStrerror(opt));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr != 2)
+ saw_stderr_opt = 1;
+ if (version_opt_cnt) {
+ print_rsync_version(version_opt_cnt > 1 && !am_server ? FNONE : FINFO);
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ }
+ if (!max_alloc_arg) {
+ max_alloc_arg = getenv("RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC");
+ if (max_alloc_arg && !*max_alloc_arg)
+ max_alloc_arg = NULL;
+ }
+ if (max_alloc_arg) {
+ ssize_t size = parse_size_arg(max_alloc_arg, 'B', "max-alloc", 1024*1024, -1, True);
+ if (size < 0)
+ return 0;
+ max_alloc = size;
+ }
+ if (old_style_args < 0) {
+ if (!am_server && protect_args <= 0 && (arg = getenv("RSYNC_OLD_ARGS")) != NULL && *arg) {
+ protect_args = 0;
+ old_style_args = atoi(arg);
+ } else
+ old_style_args = 0;
+ } else if (old_style_args) {
+ if (protect_args > 0) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--secluded-args conflicts with --old-args.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ protect_args = 0;
+ }
+ if (protect_args < 0) {
+ if (am_server)
+ protect_args = 0;
+ else if ((arg = getenv("RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS")) != NULL && *arg)
+ protect_args = atoi(arg) ? 1 : 0;
+ else {
+ protect_args = 1;
+ protect_args = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (checksum_choice && strcasecmp(checksum_choice, "auto") != 0 && strcasecmp(checksum_choice, "auto,auto") != 0) {
+ /* Call this early to verify the args and figure out if we need to force
+ * --whole-file. Note that the parse function will get called again later,
+ * just in case an "auto" choice needs to know the protocol_version. */
+ parse_checksum_choice(0);
+ } else
+ checksum_choice = NULL;
+ if (human_readable > 1 && argc == 2 && !am_server) {
+ /* Allow the old meaning of 'h' (--help) on its own. */
+ usage(FINFO);
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ }
+ if (!compress_choice && do_compression > 1)
+ compress_choice = "zlibx";
+ if (compress_choice && strcasecmp(compress_choice, "auto") != 0)
+ parse_compress_choice(0); /* Twiddles do_compression and can possibly NULL-out compress_choice. */
+ else
+ compress_choice = NULL;
+ if (do_compression || do_compression_level != CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
+ if (!do_compression)
+ do_compression = CPRES_AUTO;
+ if (do_compression && refused_compress) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_compress);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (outbuf_mode && !am_server) {
+ int mode = *(uchar *)outbuf_mode;
+ if (islower(mode))
+ mode = toupper(mode);
+ fflush(stdout); /* Just in case... */
+ switch (mode) {
+ case 'N': /* None */
+ case 'U': /* Unbuffered */
+ mode = _IONBF;
+ break;
+ case 'L': /* Line */
+ mode = _IOLBF;
+ break;
+ case 'B': /* Block */
+ case 'F': /* Full */
+ mode = _IOFBF;
+ break;
+ default:
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "Invalid --outbuf setting -- specify N, L, or B.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, mode, 0);
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1) { /* Are all messages going to stderr? */
+ /* Make stderr line buffered for better sharing of the stream. */
+ fflush(stderr); /* Just in case... */
+ setvbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
+ }
+ set_output_verbosity(verbose, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
+ if (do_stats) {
+ parse_output_words(info_words, info_levels,
+ verbose > 1 ? "stats3" : "stats2", DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
+ }
+ if (iconv_opt && protect_args != 2) {
+ if (!am_server && strcmp(iconv_opt, "-") == 0)
+ iconv_opt = NULL;
+ else
+ need_unsorted_flist = 1;
+ }
+ if (refused_no_iconv && !iconv_opt) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_no_iconv);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (fuzzy_basis > 1)
+ fuzzy_basis = basis_dir_cnt + 1;
+ /* Don't let the client reset protect_args if it was already processed */
+ if (orig_protect_args == 2 && am_server)
+ protect_args = orig_protect_args;
+ if (protect_args == 1 && am_server)
+ return 1;
+ *argv_p = argv = poptGetArgs(pc);
+ *argc_p = argc = count_args(argv);
+ if (preserve_links && !am_sender) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "symlinks are not supported on this %s\n",
+ am_server ? "server" : "client");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (preserve_hard_links) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "hard links are not supported on this %s\n",
+ am_server ? "server" : "client");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (am_root < 0 && preserve_xattrs > 1) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--fake-super conflicts with -XX\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (am_root < 0) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--fake-super requires an rsync with extended attributes enabled\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (write_batch && read_batch) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--write-batch and --read-batch can not be used together\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (write_batch > 0 || read_batch) {
+ if (am_server) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "ignoring --%s-batch option sent to server\n",
+ write_batch ? "write" : "read");
+ /* We don't actually exit_cleanup(), so that we can
+ * still service older version clients that still send
+ * batch args to server. */
+ read_batch = write_batch = 0;
+ batch_name = NULL;
+ } else if (dry_run)
+ write_batch = 0;
+ } else if (write_batch < 0 && dry_run)
+ write_batch = 0;
+ if (read_batch && files_from) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--read-batch cannot be used with --files-from\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (read_batch && remove_source_files) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--read-batch cannot be used with --remove-%s-files\n",
+ remove_source_files == 1 ? "source" : "sent");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (batch_name && strlen(batch_name) > MAX_BATCH_NAME_LEN) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "the batch-file name must be %d characters or less.\n",
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (tmpdir && strlen(tmpdir) >= MAXPATHLEN - 10) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "the --temp-dir path is WAY too long.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (max_delete < 0 && max_delete != INT_MIN) {
+ /* Negative numbers are treated as "no deletions". */
+ max_delete = 0;
+ }
+ if (files_from) {
+ if (recurse == 1) /* preserve recurse == 2 */
+ recurse = 0;
+ if (xfer_dirs < 0)
+ xfer_dirs = 1;
+ }
+ if (argc < 2 && !read_batch && !am_server)
+ list_only |= 1;
+ if (xfer_dirs >= 4) {
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, "- /*/*", rule_template(0), 0);
+ recurse = xfer_dirs = 1;
+ } else if (recurse)
+ xfer_dirs = 1;
+ else if (xfer_dirs < 0)
+ xfer_dirs = list_only ? 1 : 0;
+ if (relative_paths < 0)
+ relative_paths = files_from? 1 : 0;
+ if (!relative_paths)
+ implied_dirs = 0;
+ if (delete_before + !!delete_during + delete_after > 1) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "You may not combine multiple --delete-WHEN options.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (delete_before || delete_during || delete_after)
+ delete_mode = 1;
+ else if (delete_mode || delete_excluded) {
+ /* Only choose now between before & during if one is refused. */
+ if (refused_delete_before) {
+ if (!refused_delete_during)
+ delete_during = 1;
+ else {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_delete_before);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (refused_delete_during)
+ delete_before = 1;
+ delete_mode = 1;
+ }
+ if (!xfer_dirs && delete_mode) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--delete does not work without --recursive (-r) or --dirs (-d).\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (missing_args == 3) /* simplify if both options were specified */
+ missing_args = 2;
+ if (refused_delete && (delete_mode || missing_args == 2)) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_delete);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (remove_source_files) {
+ /* We only want to infer this refusal of --remove-source-files
+ * via the refusal of "delete", not any of the "delete-FOO"
+ * options. */
+ if (refused_delete && am_sender) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_delete);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ need_messages_from_generator = 1;
+ }
+ if (munge_symlinks && !am_daemon) {
+ char prefix[SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN]; /* NOT +1 ! */
+ strlcpy(prefix, SYMLINK_PREFIX, sizeof prefix); /* trim the trailing slash */
+ if (do_stat(prefix, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Symlink munging is unsafe when a %s directory exists.\n",
+ prefix);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sanitize_paths) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = argc; i-- > 0; )
+ argv[i] = sanitize_path(NULL, argv[i], "", 0, SP_KEEP_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (tmpdir)
+ tmpdir = sanitize_path(NULL, tmpdir, NULL, 0, SP_DEFAULT);
+ if (backup_dir)
+ backup_dir = sanitize_path(NULL, backup_dir, NULL, 0, SP_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head && !am_sender) {
+ filter_rule_list *elp = &daemon_filter_list;
+ if (tmpdir) {
+ char *dir;
+ if (!*tmpdir)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ dir = tmpdir + (*tmpdir == '/' ? module_dirlen : 0);
+ clean_fname(dir, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (check_filter(elp, FLOG, dir, 1) < 0)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ }
+ if (backup_dir) {
+ char *dir;
+ if (!*backup_dir)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ dir = backup_dir + (*backup_dir == '/' ? module_dirlen : 0);
+ clean_fname(dir, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (check_filter(elp, FLOG, dir, 1) < 0)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!backup_suffix)
+ backup_suffix = backup_dir ? "" : BACKUP_SUFFIX;
+ backup_suffix_len = strlen(backup_suffix);
+ if (strchr(backup_suffix, '/') != NULL) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--suffix cannot contain slashes: %s\n",
+ backup_suffix);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (backup_dir) {
+ size_t len;
+ make_backups = 1; /* --backup-dir implies --backup */
+ while (*backup_dir == '.' && backup_dir[1] == '/')
+ backup_dir += 2;
+ if (*backup_dir == '.' && backup_dir[1] == '\0')
+ backup_dir++;
+ len = strlcpy(backup_dir_buf, backup_dir, sizeof backup_dir_buf);
+ if (len > sizeof backup_dir_buf - 128) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "the --backup-dir path is WAY too long.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ backup_dir_len = (int)len;
+ if (!backup_dir_len) {
+ backup_dir_len = -1;
+ backup_dir = NULL;
+ } else if (backup_dir_buf[backup_dir_len - 1] != '/') {
+ backup_dir_buf[backup_dir_len++] = '/';
+ backup_dir_buf[backup_dir_len] = '\0';
+ }
+ backup_dir_remainder = sizeof backup_dir_buf - backup_dir_len;
+ }
+ if (backup_dir) {
+ /* No need for a suffix or a protect rule. */
+ } else if (!backup_suffix_len && (!am_server || !am_sender)) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--suffix cannot be empty %s\n", backup_dir_len < 0
+ ? "when --backup-dir is the same as the dest dir"
+ : "without a --backup-dir");
+ return 0;
+ } else if (make_backups && delete_mode && !delete_excluded && !am_server) {
+ snprintf(backup_dir_buf, sizeof backup_dir_buf,
+ "P *%s", backup_suffix);
+ parse_filter_str(&filter_list, backup_dir_buf, rule_template(0), 0);
+ }
+ if (make_backups && !backup_dir)
+ omit_dir_times = -1; /* Implied, so avoid -O to sender. */
+ if (stdout_format) {
+ if (am_server && log_format_has(stdout_format, 'I'))
+ stdout_format_has_i = 2;
+ else if (log_format_has(stdout_format, 'i'))
+ stdout_format_has_i = itemize_changes | 1;
+ if (!log_format_has(stdout_format, 'b')
+ && !log_format_has(stdout_format, 'c')
+ && !log_format_has(stdout_format, 'C'))
+ log_before_transfer = !am_server;
+ } else if (itemize_changes) {
+ stdout_format = "%i %n%L";
+ stdout_format_has_i = itemize_changes;
+ log_before_transfer = !am_server;
+ }
+ if (do_progress && !am_server) {
+ if (!log_before_transfer && INFO_EQ(NAME, 0))
+ parse_output_words(info_words, info_levels, "name", DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
+ parse_output_words(info_words, info_levels, "flist2,progress", DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
+ }
+ if (dry_run)
+ do_xfers = 0;
+ set_io_timeout(io_timeout);
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) && !stdout_format) {
+ stdout_format = "%n%L";
+ log_before_transfer = !am_server;
+ }
+ if (stdout_format_has_i || log_format_has(stdout_format, 'o'))
+ stdout_format_has_o_or_i = 1;
+ if (logfile_name && !am_daemon) {
+ if (!logfile_format) {
+ logfile_format = "%i %n%L";
+ logfile_format_has_i = logfile_format_has_o_or_i = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (log_format_has(logfile_format, 'i'))
+ logfile_format_has_i = 1;
+ if (logfile_format_has_i || log_format_has(logfile_format, 'o'))
+ logfile_format_has_o_or_i = 1;
+ }
+ log_init(0);
+ } else if (!am_daemon)
+ logfile_format = NULL;
+ if (daemon_bwlimit && (!bwlimit || bwlimit > daemon_bwlimit))
+ bwlimit = daemon_bwlimit;
+ if (bwlimit) {
+ bwlimit_writemax = (size_t)bwlimit * 128;
+ if (bwlimit_writemax < 512)
+ bwlimit_writemax = 512;
+ }
+ if (append_mode) {
+ if (whole_file > 0) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--append cannot be used with --whole-file\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (refused_inplace) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_inplace);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inplace = 1;
+ }
+ if (write_devices) {
+ if (refused_inplace) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_inplace);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ inplace = 1;
+ }
+ if (delay_updates && !partial_dir)
+ partial_dir = tmp_partialdir;
+ if (inplace) {
+ if (partial_dir) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--%s cannot be used with --%s\n",
+ append_mode ? "append" : "inplace",
+ delay_updates ? "delay-updates" : "partial-dir");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* --inplace implies --partial for refusal purposes, but we
+ * clear the keep_partial flag for internal logic purposes. */
+ if (refused_partial) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_partial);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ keep_partial = 0;
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "--%s is not supported on this %s\n",
+ append_mode ? "append" : "inplace",
+ am_server ? "server" : "client");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (keep_partial && !partial_dir && !am_server) {
+ if ((arg = getenv("RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR")) != NULL && *arg)
+ partial_dir = strdup(arg);
+ }
+ if (partial_dir) {
+ if (*partial_dir)
+ clean_fname(partial_dir, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (!*partial_dir || strcmp(partial_dir, ".") == 0)
+ partial_dir = NULL;
+ if (!partial_dir && refused_partial) {
+ create_refuse_error(refused_partial);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ keep_partial = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (files_from) {
+ char *h, *p;
+ int q;
+ if (argc > 2 || (!am_daemon && !am_server && argc == 1)) {
+ usage(FERROR);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(files_from, "-") == 0) {
+ filesfrom_fd = 0;
+ if (am_server)
+ filesfrom_host = ""; /* reading from socket */
+ } else if ((p = check_for_hostspec(files_from, &h, &q)) != 0) {
+ if (am_server) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "The --files-from sent to the server cannot specify a host.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ files_from = p;
+ filesfrom_host = h;
+ if (strcmp(files_from, "-") == 0) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "Invalid --files-from remote filename\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sanitize_paths)
+ files_from = sanitize_path(NULL, files_from, NULL, 0, SP_DEFAULT);
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head) {
+ char *dir;
+ if (!*files_from)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ dir = files_from + (*files_from == '/' ? module_dirlen : 0);
+ clean_fname(dir, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, dir, 0) < 0)
+ goto options_rejected;
+ }
+ filesfrom_fd = open(files_from, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
+ if (filesfrom_fd < 0) {
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "failed to open files-from file %s: %s\n",
+ files_from, strerror(errno));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (trust_sender || am_server || read_batch)
+ trust_sender_args = trust_sender_filter = 1;
+ else if (old_style_args || filesfrom_host != NULL)
+ trust_sender_args = 1;
+ am_starting_up = 0;
+ return 1;
+ options_rejected:
+ snprintf(err_buf, sizeof err_buf,
+ "Your options have been rejected by the server.\n");
+ return 0;
+static char SPLIT_ARG_WHEN_OLD[1];
+ * Do backslash quoting of any weird chars in "arg", append the resulting
+ * string to the end of the "opt" (which gets a "=" appended if it is not
+ * an empty or NULL string), and return the (perhaps malloced) result.
+ * If opt is NULL, arg is considered a filename arg that allows wildcards.
+ * If it is "" or any other value, it is considered an option.
+ **/
+char *safe_arg(const char *opt, const char *arg)
+#define SHELL_CHARS "!#$&;|<>(){}\"' \t\\"
+#define WILD_CHARS "*?[]" /* We don't allow remote brace expansion */
+ BOOL is_filename_arg = !opt;
+ char *escapes = is_filename_arg ? SHELL_CHARS : WILD_CHARS SHELL_CHARS;
+ BOOL escape_leading_dash = is_filename_arg && *arg == '-';
+ BOOL escape_leading_tilde = 0;
+ int len1 = opt && *opt ? strlen(opt) + 1 : 0;
+ int len2 = strlen(arg);
+ int extras = escape_leading_dash ? 2 : 0;
+ char *ret;
+ if (!protect_args && old_style_args < 2 && (!old_style_args || (!is_filename_arg && opt != SPLIT_ARG_WHEN_OLD))) {
+ const char *f;
+ if (!trust_sender_args && *arg == '~'
+ && ((relative_paths && !strstr(arg, "/./"))
+ || !strchr(arg, '/'))) {
+ extras++;
+ escape_leading_tilde = 1;
+ }
+ for (f = arg; *f; f++) {
+ if (strchr(escapes, *f))
+ extras++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!len1 && !extras)
+ return (char*)arg;
+ ret = new_array(char, len1 + len2 + extras + 1);
+ if (len1) {
+ memcpy(ret, opt, len1-1);
+ ret[len1-1] = '=';
+ }
+ if (escape_leading_dash) {
+ ret[len1++] = '.';
+ ret[len1++] = '/';
+ extras -= 2;
+ }
+ if (!extras)
+ memcpy(ret + len1, arg, len2);
+ else {
+ const char *f = arg;
+ char *t = ret + len1;
+ if (escape_leading_tilde)
+ *t++ = '\\';
+ while (*f) {
+ if (*f == '\\') {
+ if (!is_filename_arg || !strchr(WILD_CHARS, f[1]))
+ *t++ = '\\';
+ } else if (strchr(escapes, *f))
+ *t++ = '\\';
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ }
+ }
+ ret[len1+len2+extras] = '\0';
+ return ret;
+ * Construct a filtered list of options to pass through from the
+ * client to the server.
+ *
+ * This involves setting options that will tell the server how to
+ * behave, and also filtering out options that are processed only
+ * locally.
+ **/
+void server_options(char **args, int *argc_p)
+ static char argstr[64];
+ int ac = *argc_p;
+ uchar where;
+ char *arg;
+ int i, x;
+ /* This should always remain first on the server's command-line. */
+ args[ac++] = "--server";
+ if (!am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--sender";
+ x = 1;
+ argstr[0] = '-';
+ if (protect_args)
+ argstr[x++] = 's';
+ for (i = 0; i < verbose; i++)
+ argstr[x++] = 'v';
+ if (quiet && msgs2stderr)
+ argstr[x++] = 'q';
+ if (make_backups)
+ argstr[x++] = 'b';
+ if (update_only)
+ argstr[x++] = 'u';
+ if (!do_xfers) /* Note: NOT "dry_run"! */
+ argstr[x++] = 'n';
+ if (preserve_links)
+ argstr[x++] = 'l';
+ if ((xfer_dirs >= 2 && xfer_dirs < 4)
+ || (xfer_dirs && !recurse && (list_only || (delete_mode && am_sender))))
+ argstr[x++] = 'd';
+ if (am_sender) {
+ if (keep_dirlinks)
+ argstr[x++] = 'K';
+ if (prune_empty_dirs)
+ argstr[x++] = 'm';
+ if (omit_dir_times > 0)
+ argstr[x++] = 'O';
+ if (omit_link_times)
+ argstr[x++] = 'J';
+ if (fuzzy_basis) {
+ argstr[x++] = 'y';
+ if (fuzzy_basis > 1)
+ argstr[x++] = 'y';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copy_links)
+ argstr[x++] = 'L';
+ if (copy_dirlinks)
+ argstr[x++] = 'k';
+ }
+ if (whole_file > 0)
+ argstr[x++] = 'W';
+ /* We don't need to send --no-whole-file, because it's the
+ * default for remote transfers, and in any case old versions
+ * of rsync will not understand it. */
+ if (preserve_hard_links) {
+ argstr[x++] = 'H';
+ if (preserve_hard_links > 1)
+ argstr[x++] = 'H';
+ }
+ if (preserve_uid)
+ argstr[x++] = 'o';
+ if (preserve_gid)
+ argstr[x++] = 'g';
+ if (preserve_devices) /* ignore preserve_specials here */
+ argstr[x++] = 'D';
+ if (preserve_mtimes)
+ argstr[x++] = 't';
+ if (preserve_atimes) {
+ argstr[x++] = 'U';
+ if (preserve_atimes > 1)
+ argstr[x++] = 'U';
+ }
+ if (preserve_crtimes)
+ argstr[x++] = 'N';
+ if (preserve_perms)
+ argstr[x++] = 'p';
+ else if (preserve_executability && am_sender)
+ argstr[x++] = 'E';
+ if (preserve_acls)
+ argstr[x++] = 'A';
+ if (preserve_xattrs) {
+ argstr[x++] = 'X';
+ if (preserve_xattrs > 1)
+ argstr[x++] = 'X';
+ }
+ if (recurse)
+ argstr[x++] = 'r';
+ if (always_checksum)
+ argstr[x++] = 'c';
+ if (cvs_exclude)
+ argstr[x++] = 'C';
+ if (ignore_times)
+ argstr[x++] = 'I';
+ if (relative_paths)
+ argstr[x++] = 'R';
+ if (one_file_system) {
+ argstr[x++] = 'x';
+ if (one_file_system > 1)
+ argstr[x++] = 'x';
+ }
+ if (sparse_files)
+ argstr[x++] = 'S';
+ if (do_compression == CPRES_ZLIB)
+ argstr[x++] = 'z';
+ set_allow_inc_recurse();
+ /* This '\0'-terminates argstr and makes sure it didn't overflow. */
+ x += maybe_add_e_option(argstr + x, (int)sizeof argstr - x);
+ if (x > 1)
+ args[ac++] = argstr;
+ if (iconv_opt) {
+ char *set = strchr(iconv_opt, ',');
+ if (set)
+ set++;
+ else
+ set = iconv_opt;
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--iconv", set);
+ }
+ if (protect_args && !local_server) /* unprotected args stop here */
+ args[ac++] = NULL;
+ if (list_only > 1)
+ args[ac++] = "--list-only";
+ /* This makes sure that the remote rsync can handle deleting with -d
+ * sans -r because the --no-r option was added at the same time. */
+ if (xfer_dirs && !recurse && delete_mode && am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--no-r";
+ if (do_compression && do_compression_level != CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
+ if (asprintf(&arg, "--compress-level=%d", do_compression_level) < 0)
+ goto oom;
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ }
+ if (preserve_devices) {
+ /* Note: sending "--devices" would not be backward-compatible. */
+ if (!preserve_specials)
+ args[ac++] = "--no-specials"; /* -D is already set. */
+ } else if (preserve_specials)
+ args[ac++] = "--specials";
+ /* The server side doesn't use our log-format, but in certain
+ * circumstances they need to know a little about the option. */
+ if (stdout_format && am_sender) {
+ /* Use --log-format, not --out-format, for compatibility. */
+ if (stdout_format_has_i > 1)
+ args[ac++] = "--log-format=%i%I";
+ else if (stdout_format_has_i)
+ args[ac++] = "--log-format=%i";
+ else if (stdout_format_has_o_or_i)
+ args[ac++] = "--log-format=%o";
+ else if (!verbose)
+ args[ac++] = "--log-format=X";
+ }
+ if (msgs2stderr == 1)
+ args[ac++] = "--msgs2stderr";
+ else if (msgs2stderr == 0)
+ args[ac++] = "--no-msgs2stderr";
+ if (block_size) {
+ if (asprintf(&arg, "-B%u", (int)block_size) < 0)
+ goto oom;
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ }
+ if (io_timeout) {
+ if (asprintf(&arg, "--timeout=%d", io_timeout) < 0)
+ goto oom;
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ }
+ if (bwlimit) {
+ if (asprintf(&arg, "--bwlimit=%d", bwlimit) < 0)
+ goto oom;
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ }
+ if (backup_dir) {
+ /* This split idiom allows for ~/path expansion via the shell. */
+ args[ac++] = "--backup-dir";
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("", backup_dir);
+ }
+ /* Only send --suffix if it specifies a non-default value. */
+ if (strcmp(backup_suffix, backup_dir ? "" : BACKUP_SUFFIX) != 0)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--suffix", backup_suffix);
+ if (checksum_choice)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--checksum-choice", checksum_choice);
+ if (do_compression == CPRES_ZLIBX)
+ args[ac++] = "--new-compress";
+ else if (compress_choice && do_compression == CPRES_ZLIB)
+ args[ac++] = "--old-compress";
+ else if (compress_choice)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--compress-choice", compress_choice);
+ if (am_sender) {
+ if (max_delete > 0) {
+ if (asprintf(&arg, "--max-delete=%d", max_delete) < 0)
+ goto oom;
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ } else if (max_delete == 0)
+ args[ac++] = "--max-delete=-1";
+ if (min_size >= 0)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--min-size", min_size_arg);
+ if (max_size >= 0)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--max-size", max_size_arg);
+ if (delete_before)
+ args[ac++] = "--delete-before";
+ else if (delete_during == 2)
+ args[ac++] = "--delete-delay";
+ else if (delete_during)
+ args[ac++] = "--delete-during";
+ else if (delete_after)
+ args[ac++] = "--delete-after";
+ else if (delete_mode && !delete_excluded)
+ args[ac++] = "--delete";
+ if (delete_excluded)
+ args[ac++] = "--delete-excluded";
+ if (force_delete)
+ args[ac++] = "--force";
+ if (write_batch < 0)
+ args[ac++] = "--only-write-batch=X";
+ if (am_root > 1)
+ args[ac++] = "--super";
+ if (size_only)
+ args[ac++] = "--size-only";
+ if (do_stats)
+ args[ac++] = "--stats";
+ } else {
+ if (skip_compress)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--skip-compress", skip_compress);
+ }
+ if (max_alloc_arg && max_alloc != DEFAULT_MAX_ALLOC)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--max-alloc", max_alloc_arg);
+ /* --delete-missing-args needs the cooperation of both sides, but
+ * the sender can handle --ignore-missing-args by itself. */
+ if (missing_args == 2)
+ args[ac++] = "--delete-missing-args";
+ else if (missing_args == 1 && !am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--ignore-missing-args";
+ if (modify_window_set && am_sender) {
+ char *fmt = modify_window < 0 ? "-@%d" : "--modify-window=%d";
+ if (asprintf(&arg, fmt, modify_window) < 0)
+ goto oom;
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ }
+ if (checksum_seed) {
+ if (asprintf(&arg, "--checksum-seed=%d", checksum_seed) < 0)
+ goto oom;
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ }
+ if (partial_dir && am_sender) {
+ if (partial_dir != tmp_partialdir) {
+ args[ac++] = "--partial-dir";
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("", partial_dir);
+ }
+ if (delay_updates)
+ args[ac++] = "--delay-updates";
+ } else if (keep_partial && am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--partial";
+ if (ignore_errors)
+ args[ac++] = "--ignore-errors";
+ if (copy_unsafe_links)
+ args[ac++] = "--copy-unsafe-links";
+ if (safe_symlinks)
+ args[ac++] = "--safe-links";
+ if (numeric_ids)
+ args[ac++] = "--numeric-ids";
+ if (use_qsort)
+ args[ac++] = "--use-qsort";
+ if (am_sender) {
+ if (usermap)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--usermap", usermap);
+ if (groupmap)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("--groupmap", groupmap);
+ if (ignore_existing)
+ args[ac++] = "--ignore-existing";
+ /* Backward compatibility: send --existing, not --ignore-non-existing. */
+ if (ignore_non_existing)
+ args[ac++] = "--existing";
+ if (tmpdir) {
+ args[ac++] = "--temp-dir";
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("", tmpdir);
+ }
+ if (do_fsync)
+ args[ac++] = "--fsync";
+ if (basis_dir[0]) {
+ /* the server only needs this option if it is not the sender,
+ * and it may be an older version that doesn't know this
+ * option, so don't send it if client is the sender.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < basis_dir_cnt; i++) {
+ args[ac++] = alt_dest_opt(0);
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("", basis_dir[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* What flags do we need to send to the other side? */
+ where = (am_server ? W_CLI : W_SRV) | (am_sender ? W_REC : W_SND);
+ arg = make_output_option(info_words, info_levels, where);
+ if (arg)
+ args[ac++] = arg;
+ if (append_mode) {
+ if (append_mode > 1)
+ args[ac++] = "--append";
+ args[ac++] = "--append";
+ } else if (inplace) {
+ args[ac++] = "--inplace";
+ /* Work around a bug in older rsync versions (on the remote side) for --inplace --sparse */
+ if (sparse_files && !whole_file && am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--no-W";
+ }
+ if (files_from && (!am_sender || filesfrom_host)) {
+ if (filesfrom_host) {
+ args[ac++] = "--files-from";
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg("", files_from);
+ if (eol_nulls)
+ args[ac++] = "--from0";
+ } else {
+ args[ac++] = "--files-from=-";
+ args[ac++] = "--from0";
+ }
+ if (!relative_paths)
+ args[ac++] = "--no-relative";
+ }
+ /* It's OK that this checks the upper-bound of the protocol_version. */
+ if (relative_paths && !implied_dirs && (!am_sender || protocol_version >= 30))
+ args[ac++] = "--no-implied-dirs";
+ if (write_devices && am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--write-devices";
+ if (remove_source_files == 1)
+ args[ac++] = "--remove-source-files";
+ else if (remove_source_files)
+ args[ac++] = "--remove-sent-files";
+ if (copy_devices && !am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--copy-devices";
+ if (preallocate_files && am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--preallocate";
+ if (open_noatime && preserve_atimes <= 1)
+ args[ac++] = "--open-noatime";
+ if (mkpath_dest_arg && am_sender)
+ args[ac++] = "--mkpath";
+ if (ac > MAX_SERVER_ARGS) { /* Not possible... */
+ rprintf(FERROR, "argc overflow in server_options().\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
+ }
+ if (remote_option_cnt) {
+ int j;
+ if (ac + remote_option_cnt > MAX_SERVER_ARGS) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "too many remote options specified.\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ for (j = 1; j <= remote_option_cnt; j++)
+ args[ac++] = safe_arg(SPLIT_ARG_WHEN_OLD, remote_options[j]);
+ }
+ *argc_p = ac;
+ return;
+ oom:
+ out_of_memory("server_options");
+int maybe_add_e_option(char *buf, int buf_len)
+ int x = 0;
+ /* We don't really know the actual protocol_version at this point,
+ * but checking the pre-negotiated value allows the user to use a
+ * --protocol=29 override to avoid the use of this -eFLAGS opt. */
+ if (protocol_version >= 30 && buf_len > 0) {
+ /* We make use of the -e option to let the server know about
+ * any pre-release protocol version && some behavior flags. */
+ buf[x++] = 'e';
+ if (protocol_version == PROTOCOL_VERSION)
+ x += snprintf(buf + x, buf_len - x, "%d.%d", PROTOCOL_VERSION, SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ else
+ buf[x++] = '.';
+ if (allow_inc_recurse)
+ buf[x++] = 'i';
+ buf[x++] = 'L'; /* symlink time-setting support */
+ buf[x++] = 's'; /* symlink iconv translation support */
+ buf[x++] = 'f'; /* flist I/O-error safety support */
+ buf[x++] = 'x'; /* xattr hardlink optimization not desired */
+ buf[x++] = 'C'; /* support checksum seed order fix */
+ buf[x++] = 'I'; /* support inplace_partial behavior */
+ buf[x++] = 'v'; /* use varint for flist & compat flags; negotiate checksum */
+ buf[x++] = 'u'; /* include name of uid 0 & gid 0 in the id map */
+ /* NOTE: Avoid using 'V' -- it was represented with the high bit of a write_byte() that became a write_varint(). */
+ }
+ if (x >= buf_len) { /* Not possible... */
+ rprintf(FERROR, "overflow in add_e_flags().\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
+ }
+ buf[x] = '\0';
+ return x;
+/* If str points to a valid hostspec, return allocated memory containing the
+ * [USER@]HOST part of the string, and set the path_start_ptr to the part of
+ * the string after the host part. Otherwise, return NULL. If port_ptr is
+ * non-NULL, we must be parsing an rsync:// URL hostname, and we will set
+ * *port_ptr if a port number is found. Note that IPv6 IPs will have their
+ * (required for parsing) [ and ] chars elided from the returned string. */
+static char *parse_hostspec(char *str, char **path_start_ptr, int *port_ptr)
+ char *s, *host_start = str;
+ int hostlen = 0, userlen = 0;
+ char *ret;
+ for (s = str; ; s++) {
+ if (!*s) {
+ /* It is only OK if we run out of string with rsync:// */
+ if (!port_ptr)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!hostlen)
+ hostlen = s - host_start;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*s == ':' || *s == '/') {
+ if (!hostlen)
+ hostlen = s - host_start;
+ if (*s++ == '/') {
+ if (!port_ptr)
+ return NULL;
+ } else if (port_ptr) {
+ *port_ptr = atoi(s);
+ while (isDigit(s)) s++;
+ if (*s && *s++ != '/')
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*s == '@') {
+ userlen = s - str + 1;
+ host_start = s + 1;
+ } else if (*s == '[') {
+ if (s != host_start++)
+ return NULL;
+ while (*s && *s != ']' && *s != '/') s++; /*SHARED ITERATOR*/
+ hostlen = s - host_start;
+ if (*s != ']' || (s[1] && s[1] != '/' && s[1] != ':') || !hostlen)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ *path_start_ptr = s;
+ ret = new_array(char, userlen + hostlen + 1);
+ if (userlen)
+ strlcpy(ret, str, userlen + 1);
+ strlcpy(ret + userlen, host_start, hostlen + 1);
+ return ret;
+/* Look for a HOST specification of the form "HOST:PATH", "HOST::PATH", or
+ * "rsync://HOST:PORT/PATH". If found, *host_ptr will be set to some allocated
+ * memory with the HOST. If a daemon-accessing spec was specified, the value
+ * of *port_ptr will contain a non-0 port number, otherwise it will be set to
+ * 0. The return value is a pointer to the PATH. Note that the HOST spec can
+ * be an IPv6 literal address enclosed in '[' and ']' (such as "[::1]" or
+ * "[::ffff:]") which is returned without the '[' and ']'. */
+char *check_for_hostspec(char *s, char **host_ptr, int *port_ptr)
+ char *path;
+ if (port_ptr && strncasecmp(URL_PREFIX, s, strlen(URL_PREFIX)) == 0) {
+ *host_ptr = parse_hostspec(s + strlen(URL_PREFIX), &path, port_ptr);
+ if (*host_ptr) {
+ if (!*port_ptr)
+ *port_ptr = -1; /* -1 indicates they want the default */
+ return path;
+ }
+ }
+ *host_ptr = parse_hostspec(s, &path, NULL);
+ if (!*host_ptr)
+ return NULL;
+ if (*path == ':') {
+ if (port_ptr && !*port_ptr)
+ *port_ptr = -1;
+ return path + 1;
+ }
+ if (port_ptr)
+ *port_ptr = 0;
+ return path;
diff --git a/packaging/auto-Makefile b/packaging/auto-Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f2e258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/auto-Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+TARGETS := all install install-ssl-daemon install-all install-strip conf gen gensend reconfigure restatus \
+ proto man clean cleantests distclean test check check29 check30 installcheck splint \
+ doxygen doxygen-upload finddead rrsync
+.PHONY: $(TARGETS) auto-prep
+$(TARGETS): auto-prep
+ make -C build $@
+ @if test x`packaging/prep-auto-dir` = x; then echo "auto-build-save is not setup"; exit 1; fi
+ @echo 'Build branch: '`readlink build/.branch | tr % /`
diff --git a/packaging/branch-from-patch b/packaging/branch-from-patch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..440b583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/branch-from-patch
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
+# This script turns one or more diff files in the patches dir (which is
+# expected to be a checkout of the rsync-patches git repo) into a branch
+# in the main rsync git checkout. This allows the applied patch to be
+# merged with the latest rsync changes and tested. To update the diff
+# with the resulting changes, see the patch-update script.
+import os, sys, re, argparse, glob
+sys.path = ['packaging'] + sys.path
+from pkglib import *
+def main():
+ global created, info, local_branch
+ cur_branch, args.base_branch = check_git_state(args.base_branch, not args.skip_check, args.patches_dir)
+ local_branch = get_patch_branches(args.base_branch)
+ if args.delete_local_branches:
+ for name in sorted(local_branch):
+ branch = f"patch/{args.base_branch}/{name}"
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'branch', '-D', branch])
+ local_branch = set()
+ if args.add_missing:
+ for fn in sorted(glob.glob(f"{args.patches_dir}/*.diff")):
+ name = re.sub(r'\.diff$', '', re.sub(r'.+/', '', fn))
+ if name not in local_branch and fn not in args.patch_files:
+ args.patch_files.append(fn)
+ if not args.patch_files:
+ return
+ for fn in args.patch_files:
+ if not fn.endswith('.diff'):
+ die(f"Filename is not a .diff file: {fn}")
+ if not os.path.isfile(fn):
+ die(f"File not found: {fn}")
+ scanned = set()
+ info = { }
+ patch_list = [ ]
+ for fn in args.patch_files:
+ m = re.match(r'^(?P<dir>.*?)(?P<name>[^/]+)\.diff$', fn)
+ patch = argparse.Namespace(**m.groupdict())
+ if in scanned:
+ continue
+ patch.fn = fn
+ lines = [ ]
+ commit_hash = None
+ with open(patch.fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ m = re.match(r'^based-on: (\S+)', line)
+ if m:
+ commit_hash = m[1]
+ break
+ if (re.match(r'^index .*\.\..* \d', line)
+ or re.match(r'^diff --git ', line)
+ or re.match(r'^--- (old|a)/', line)):
+ break
+ lines.append(re.sub(r'\s*\Z', "\n", line, 1))
+ info_txt = ''.join(lines).strip() + "\n"
+ lines = None
+ parent = args.base_branch
+ patches = re.findall(r'patch -p1 <%s/(\S+)\.diff' % args.patches_dir, info_txt)
+ if patches:
+ last = patches.pop()
+ if last !=
+ warn(f"No identity patch line in {patch.fn}")
+ patches.append(last)
+ if patches:
+ parent = patches.pop()
+ if parent not in scanned:
+ diff_fn = patch.dir + parent + '.diff'
+ if not os.path.isfile(diff_fn):
+ die(f"Failed to find parent of {patch.fn}: {parent}")
+ # Add parent to args.patch_files so that we will look for the
+ # parent's parent. Any duplicates will be ignored.
+ args.patch_files.append(diff_fn)
+ else:
+ warn(f"No patch lines found in {patch.fn}")
+ info[] = [ parent, info_txt, commit_hash ]
+ patch_list.append(patch)
+ created = set()
+ for patch in patch_list:
+ create_branch(patch)
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'checkout', args.base_branch])
+def create_branch(patch):
+ if in created:
+ return
+ created.add(
+ parent, info_txt, commit_hash = info[]
+ parent = argparse.Namespace(dir=patch.dir, name=parent, fn=patch.dir + parent + '.diff')
+ if == args.base_branch:
+ parent_branch = commit_hash if commit_hash else args.base_branch
+ else:
+ create_branch(parent)
+ parent_branch = '/'.join(['patch', args.base_branch,])
+ branch = '/'.join(['patch', args.base_branch,])
+ print("\n" + '=' * 64)
+ print(f"Processing {branch} ({parent_branch})")
+ if in local_branch:
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'branch', '-D', branch])
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch, parent_branch])
+ info_fn = 'PATCH.' +
+ with open(info_fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ fh.write(info_txt)
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'add', info_fn])
+ with open(patch.fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ patch_txt =
+ cmd_run('patch -p1'.split(), input=patch_txt)
+ for fn in glob.glob('*.orig') + glob.glob('*/*.orig'):
+ os.unlink(fn)
+ pos = 0
+ new_file_re = re.compile(r'\nnew file mode (?P<mode>\d+)\s+--- /dev/null\s+\+\+\+ b/(?P<fn>.+)')
+ while True:
+ m =, pos)
+ if not m:
+ break
+ os.chmod(m['fn'], int(m['mode'], 8))
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'add', m['fn']])
+ pos = m.end()
+ while True:
+ cmd_chk('git status'.split())
+ ans = input('Press Enter to commit, Ctrl-C to abort, or type a wild-name to add a new file: ')
+ if ans == '':
+ break
+ cmd_chk("git add " + ans, shell=True)
+ while True:
+ s = cmd_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', f"Creating branch from {}.diff."])
+ if not s.returncode:
+ break
+ s = cmd_run(['/bin/zsh'])
+ if s.returncode:
+ die('Aborting due to shell error code')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create a git patch branch from an rsync patch file.", add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('--branch', '-b', dest='base_branch', metavar='BASE_BRANCH', default='master', help="The branch the patch is based on. Default: master.")
+ parser.add_argument('--add-missing', '-a', action='store_true', help="Add a branch for every patches/*.diff that doesn't have a branch.")
+ parser.add_argument('--skip-check', action='store_true', help="Skip the check that ensures starting with a clean branch.")
+ parser.add_argument('--delete', dest='delete_local_branches', action='store_true', help="Delete all the local patch/BASE/* branches, not just the ones that are being recreated.")
+ parser.add_argument('--patches-dir', '-p', metavar='DIR', default='patches', help="Override the location of the rsync-patches dir. Default: patches.")
+ parser.add_argument('patch_files', metavar='patches/DIFF_FILE', nargs='*', help="Specify what patch diff files to process. Default: all of them.")
+ parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et ft=python
diff --git a/packaging/cull-options b/packaging/cull-options
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e71818c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/cull-options
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This script outputs either perl or python code that parses all possible options
+# that the code in options.c might send to the server. The resulting code is then
+# included in the rrsync script.
+import re, argparse
+short_no_arg = { }
+short_with_num = { '@': 1 }
+long_opts = { # These include some extra long-args that BackupPC uses:
+ 'block-size': 1,
+ 'daemon': -1,
+ 'debug': 1,
+ 'fake-super': 0,
+ 'fuzzy': 0,
+ 'group': 0,
+ 'hard-links': 0,
+ 'ignore-times': 0,
+ 'info': 1,
+ 'links': 0,
+ 'log-file': 3,
+ 'munge-links': 0,
+ 'no-munge-links': -1,
+ 'one-file-system': 0,
+ 'owner': 0,
+ 'perms': 0,
+ 'recursive': 0,
+ 'stderr': 1,
+ 'times': 0,
+ 'copy-devices': -1,
+ 'write-devices': -1,
+ }
+def main():
+ last_long_opt = None
+ with open('../options.c') as fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ m ="argstr\[x\+\+\] = '([^.ie])'", line)
+ if m:
+ short_no_arg[] = 1
+ last_long_opt = None
+ continue
+ m ='asprintf\([^,]+, "-([a-zA-Z0-9])\%l?[ud]"', line)
+ if m:
+ short_with_num[] = 1
+ last_long_opt = None
+ continue
+ m ='args\[ac\+\+\] = "--([^"=]+)"', line)
+ if m:
+ last_long_opt =
+ if last_long_opt not in long_opts:
+ long_opts[last_long_opt] = 0
+ else:
+ last_long_opt = None
+ continue
+ if last_long_opt:
+ m ='args\[ac\+\+\] = safe_arg\("", ([^[("\s]+)\);', line)
+ if m:
+ long_opts[last_long_opt] = 2
+ last_long_opt = None
+ continue
+ if 'args[ac++] = ' in line:
+ last_long_opt = None
+ m ='return "--([^"]+-dest)";', line)
+ if m:
+ long_opts[] = 2
+ last_long_opt = None
+ continue
+ m ='asprintf\([^,]+, "--([^"=]+)=', line)
+ if not m:
+ m ='args\[ac\+\+\] = "--([^"=]+)=', line)
+ if not m:
+ m ='args\[ac\+\+\] = safe_arg\("--([^"=]+)"', line)
+ if not m:
+ m ='fmt = .*: "--([^"=]+)=', line)
+ if m:
+ long_opts[] = 1
+ last_long_opt = None
+ long_opts['files-from'] = 3
+ txt = """\
+### START of options data produced by the cull-options script. ###
+# To disable a short-named option, add its letter to this string:
+ txt += str_assign('short_disabled', 's') + "\n"
+ txt += '# These are also disabled when the restricted dir is not "/":\n'
+ txt += str_assign('short_disabled_subdir', 'KLk') + "\n"
+ txt += '# These are all possible short options that we will accept (when not disabled above):\n'
+ txt += str_assign('short_no_arg', ''.join(sorted(short_no_arg)), 'DO NOT REMOVE ANY')
+ txt += str_assign('short_with_num', ''.join(sorted(short_with_num)), 'DO NOT REMOVE ANY')
+ txt += """
+# To disable a long-named option, change its value to a -1. The values mean:
+# 0 = the option has no arg; 1 = the arg doesn't need any checking; 2 = only
+# check the arg when receiving; and 3 = always check the arg.
+ print(txt, end='')
+ if args.python:
+ print("long_opts = {")
+ sep = ':'
+ else:
+ print("our %long_opt = (")
+ sep = ' =>'
+ for opt in sorted(long_opts):
+ if opt.startswith(('min-', 'max-')):
+ val = 1
+ else:
+ val = long_opts[opt]
+ print(' ', repr(opt) + sep, str(val) + ',')
+ if args.python:
+ print("}")
+ else:
+ print(");")
+ print("\n### END of options data produced by the cull-options script. ###")
+def str_assign(name, val, comment=None):
+ comment = ' # ' + comment if comment else ''
+ if args.python:
+ return name + ' = ' + repr(val) + comment + "\n"
+ return 'our $' + name + ' = ' + repr(val) + ';' + comment + "\n"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Output culled rsync options for rrsync.", add_help=False)
+ out_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ out_group.add_argument('--perl', action='store_true', help="Output perl code.")
+ out_group.add_argument('--python', action='store_true', help="Output python code (the default).")
+ parser.add_argument('--help', '-h', action='help', help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.perl:
+ args.python = True
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/packaging/lsb/rsync.spec b/packaging/lsb/rsync.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d7aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/lsb/rsync.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Summary: A fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
+Name: rsync
+Version: 3.2.7
+%define fullversion %{version}
+Release: 1
+%define srcdir src
+Group: Applications/Internet
+License: GPL
+Prefix: %{_prefix}
+BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-root
+%package ssl-daemon
+Summary: An stunnel config file to support ssl rsync daemon connections.
+Group: Applications/Internet
+Requires: rsync, stunnel >= 4
+Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can
+copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a
+remote rsync daemon. It offers a large number of options that control
+every aspect of its behavior and permit very flexible specification of the
+set of files to be copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm,
+which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the
+differences between the source files and the existing files in the
+destination. Rsync is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an
+improved copy command for everyday use.
+%description ssl-daemon
+Provides a config file for stunnel that will (if you start your stunnel
+service) cause stunnel to listen for ssl rsync-daemon connections and run
+"rsync --daemon" to handle them.
+# Choose one -- setup source only, or setup source + rsync-patches:
+%setup -q -n rsync-%{fullversion}
+#%setup -q -b1 -n rsync-%{fullversion}
+# If you you used "%setup -q -b1 ...", choose the patches you wish to apply:
+#patch -p1 <patches/acls.diff
+#patch -p1 <patches/xattrs.diff
+#patch -p1 <patches/remote-option.diff
+#patch -p1 <patches/db.diff
+# Avoid extra perl dependencies for scripts going into doc dir.
+chmod -x support/*
+make install install-ssl-daemon DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/xinetd.d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rsync-ssl/certs
+install -m 644 packaging/lsb/rsync.xinetd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/xinetd.d/rsync
+%doc COPYING support/ tech_report.tex
+%config(noreplace) /etc/xinetd.d/rsync
+%files ssl-daemon
+%config(noreplace) /etc/stunnel/rsyncd.conf
+%dir /etc/rsync-ssl/certs
+* Thu Oct 20 2022 Wayne Davison <>
+Released 3.2.7.
+* Fri Mar 21 2008 Wayne Davison <>
+Added installation of /etc/xinetd.d/rsync file and some commented-out
+lines that demonstrate how to use the rsync-patches tar file.
diff --git a/packaging/lsb/rsync.xinetd b/packaging/lsb/rsync.xinetd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63fc11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/lsb/rsync.xinetd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# default: off
+# description: The rsync server is a good addition to an ftp server, as it
+# allows crc checksumming etc.
+service rsync
+ disable = yes
+ socket_type = stream
+ wait = no
+ user = root
+ server = /usr/bin/rsync
+ server_args = --daemon
+ log_on_failure += USERID
diff --git a/packaging/openssl-rsync.cnf b/packaging/openssl-rsync.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7432285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/openssl-rsync.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This config file can be used with rsync to enable legacy digests
+# (such as MD4) by using the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable.
+# See rsync's configure --with-openssl-conf=/path/name option.
+openssl_conf = openssl_init
+providers = provider_sect
+default = default_sect
+legacy = legacy_sect
+activate = 1
+activate = 1
diff --git a/packaging/patch-update b/packaging/patch-update
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fd56a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/patch-update
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
+# This script is used to turn one or more of the "patch/BASE/*" branches
+# into one or more diffs in the "patches" directory. Pass the option
+# --gen if you want generated files in the diffs. Pass the name of
+# one or more diffs if you want to just update a subset of all the
+# diffs.
+import os, sys, re, argparse, time, shutil
+sys.path = ['packaging'] + sys.path
+from pkglib import *
+ './prepare-source'.split(),
+ 'cd build && if test -f config.status ; then ./config.status ; else ../configure ; fi',
+ 'make -C build gen'.split(),
+ ]
+TMP_DIR = "patches.gen"
+os.environ['GIT_MERGE_AUTOEDIT'] = 'no'
+def main():
+ global master_commit, parent_patch, description, completed, last_touch
+ if not os.path.isdir(args.patches_dir):
+ die(f'No "{args.patches_dir}" directory was found.')
+ if not os.path.isdir('.git'):
+ die('No ".git" directory present in the current dir.')
+ starting_branch, args.base_branch = check_git_state(args.base_branch, not args.skip_check, args.patches_dir)
+ master_commit = latest_git_hash(args.base_branch)
+ if cmd_txt_chk(['packaging/prep-auto-dir']).out == '':
+ die('You must setup an auto-build-save dir to use this script.')
+ if args.gen:
+ if os.path.lexists(TMP_DIR):
+ die(f'"{TMP_DIR}" must not exist in the current directory.')
+ gen_files = get_gen_files()
+ os.mkdir(TMP_DIR, 0o700)
+ for cmd in MAKE_GEN_CMDS:
+ cmd_chk(cmd)
+ cmd_chk(['rsync', '-a', *gen_files, f'{TMP_DIR}/master/'])
+ last_touch = int(time.time())
+ # Start by finding all patches so that we can load all possible parents.
+ patches = sorted(list(get_patch_branches(args.base_branch)))
+ parent_patch = { }
+ description = { }
+ for patch in patches:
+ branch = f"patch/{args.base_branch}/{patch}"
+ desc = ''
+ proc = cmd_pipe(['git', 'diff', '-U1000', f"{args.base_branch}...{branch}", '--', f"PATCH.{patch}"])
+ in_diff = False
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ if in_diff:
+ if not re.match(r'^[ +]', line):
+ continue
+ line = line[1:]
+ m ='patch -p1 <patches/(\S+)\.diff', line)
+ if m and m[1] != patch:
+ parpat = parent_patch[patch] = m[1]
+ if not parpat in patches:
+ die(f"Parent of {patch} is not a local branch: {parpat}")
+ desc += line
+ elif re.match(r'^@@ ', line):
+ in_diff = True
+ description[patch] = desc
+ proc.communicate()
+ if args.patch_files: # Limit the list of patches to actually process
+ valid_patches = patches
+ patches = [ ]
+ for fn in args.patch_files:
+ name = re.sub(r'\.diff$', '', re.sub(r'.+/', '', fn))
+ if name not in valid_patches:
+ die(f"Local branch not available for patch: {name}")
+ patches.append(name)
+ completed = set()
+ for patch in patches:
+ if patch in completed:
+ continue
+ if not update_patch(patch):
+ break
+ if args.gen:
+ shutil.rmtree(TMP_DIR)
+ while last_touch >= int(time.time()):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'checkout', starting_branch])
+ cmd_chk(['packaging/prep-auto-dir'], discard='output')
+def update_patch(patch):
+ global last_touch
+ completed.add(patch) # Mark it as completed early to short-circuit any (bogus) dependency loops.
+ parent = parent_patch.get(patch, None)
+ if parent:
+ if parent not in completed:
+ if not update_patch(parent):
+ return 0
+ based_on = parent = f"patch/{args.base_branch}/{parent}"
+ else:
+ parent = args.base_branch
+ based_on = master_commit
+ print(f"======== {patch} ========")
+ while args.gen and last_touch >= int(time.time()):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ branch = f"patch/{args.base_branch}/{patch}"
+ s = cmd_run(['git', 'checkout', branch])
+ if s.returncode != 0:
+ return 0
+ s = cmd_run(['git', 'merge', based_on])
+ ok = s.returncode == 0
+ skip_shell = False
+ if not ok or args.cmd or args.make or
+ cmd_chk(['packaging/prep-auto-dir'], discard='output')
+ if not ok:
+ print(f'"git merge {based_on}" incomplete -- please fix.')
+ if not run_a_shell(parent, patch):
+ return 0
+ if not args.make and not args.cmd:
+ skip_shell = True
+ if args.make:
+ if cmd_run(['packaging/smart-make']).returncode != 0:
+ if not run_a_shell(parent, patch):
+ return 0
+ if not args.cmd:
+ skip_shell = True
+ if args.cmd:
+ if cmd_run(args.cmd).returncode != 0:
+ if not run_a_shell(parent, patch):
+ return 0
+ skip_shell = True
+ if and not skip_shell:
+ if not run_a_shell(parent, patch):
+ return 0
+ with open(f"{args.patches_dir}/{patch}.diff", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ fh.write(description[patch])
+ fh.write(f"\nbased-on: {based_on}\n")
+ if args.gen:
+ gen_files = get_gen_files()
+ for cmd in MAKE_GEN_CMDS:
+ cmd_chk(cmd)
+ cmd_chk(['rsync', '-a', *gen_files, f"{TMP_DIR}/{patch}/"])
+ else:
+ gen_files = [ ]
+ last_touch = int(time.time())
+ proc = cmd_pipe(['git', 'diff', based_on])
+ skipping = False
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ if skipping:
+ if not re.match(r'^diff --git a/', line):
+ continue
+ skipping = False
+ elif re.match(r'^diff --git a/PATCH', line):
+ skipping = True
+ continue
+ if not re.match(r'^index ', line):
+ fh.write(line)
+ proc.communicate()
+ if args.gen:
+ e_tmp_dir = re.escape(TMP_DIR)
+ diff_re = re.compile(r'^(diff -Nurp) %s/[^/]+/(.*?) %s/[^/]+/(.*)' % (e_tmp_dir, e_tmp_dir))
+ minus_re = re.compile(r'^\-\-\- %s/[^/]+/([^\t]+)\t.*' % e_tmp_dir)
+ plus_re = re.compile(r'^\+\+\+ %s/[^/]+/([^\t]+)\t.*' % e_tmp_dir)
+ if parent == args.base_branch:
+ parent_dir = 'master'
+ else:
+ m ='([^/]+)$', parent)
+ parent_dir = m[1]
+ proc = cmd_pipe(['diff', '-Nurp', f"{TMP_DIR}/{parent_dir}", f"{TMP_DIR}/{patch}"])
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ line = diff_re.sub(r'\1 a/\2 b/\3', line)
+ line = minus_re.sub(r'--- a/\1', line)
+ line = plus_re.sub(r'+++ b/\1', line)
+ fh.write(line)
+ proc.communicate()
+ return 1
+def run_a_shell(parent, patch):
+ m ='([^/]+)$', parent)
+ parent_dir = m[1]
+ os.environ['PS1'] = f"[{parent_dir}] {patch}: "
+ while True:
+ s = cmd_run([os.environ.get('SHELL', '/bin/sh')])
+ if s.returncode != 0:
+ ans = input("Abort? [n/y] ")
+ if re.match(r'^y', ans, flags=re.I):
+ return False
+ continue
+ cur_branch, is_clean, status_txt = check_git_status(0)
+ if is_clean:
+ break
+ print(status_txt, end='')
+ cmd_run('rm -f build/*.o build/*/*.o')
+ return True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Turn a git branch back into a diff files in the patches dir.", add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('--branch', '-b', dest='base_branch', metavar='BASE_BRANCH', default='master', help="The branch the patch is based on. Default: master.")
+ parser.add_argument('--skip-check', action='store_true', help="Skip the check that ensures starting with a clean branch.")
+ parser.add_argument('--make', '-m', action='store_true', help="Run the smart-make script in every patch branch.")
+ parser.add_argument('--cmd', '-c', help="Run a command in every patch branch.")
+ parser.add_argument('--shell', '-s', action='store_true', help="Launch a shell for every patch/BASE/* branch updated, not just when a conflict occurs.")
+ parser.add_argument('--gen', metavar='DIR', nargs='?', const='', help='Include generated files. Optional DIR value overrides the default of using the "patches" dir.')
+ parser.add_argument('--patches-dir', '-p', metavar='DIR', default='patches', help="Override the location of the rsync-patches dir. Default: patches.")
+ parser.add_argument('patch_files', metavar='patches/DIFF_FILE', nargs='*', help="Specify what patch diff files to process. Default: all of them.")
+ parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.gen == '':
+ args.gen = args.patches_dir
+ elif args.gen is not None:
+ args.patches_dir = args.gen
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et ft=python
diff --git a/packaging/ b/packaging/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4c5741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+import os, sys, re, subprocess, argparse
+# This python3 library provides a few helpful routines that are
+# used by the latest packaging scripts.
+default_encoding = 'utf-8'
+# Output the msg args to stderr. Accepts all the args that print() accepts.
+def warn(*msg):
+ print(*msg, file=sys.stderr)
+# Output the msg args to stderr and die with a non-zero return-code.
+# Accepts all the args that print() accepts.
+def die(*msg):
+ warn(*msg)
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Set this to an encoding name or set it to None to avoid the default encoding idiom.
+def set_default_encoding(enc):
+ default_encoding = enc
+# Set shell=True if the cmd is a string; sets a default encoding unless raw=True was specified.
+def _tweak_opts(cmd, opts, **maybe_set_args):
+ def _maybe_set(o, **msa): # Only set a value if the user didn't already set it.
+ for var, val in msa.items():
+ if var not in o:
+ o[var] = val
+ opts = opts.copy()
+ _maybe_set(opts, **maybe_set_args)
+ if isinstance(cmd, str):
+ _maybe_set(opts, shell=True)
+ want_raw = opts.pop('raw', False)
+ if default_encoding and not want_raw:
+ _maybe_set(opts, encoding=default_encoding)
+ capture = opts.pop('capture', None)
+ if capture:
+ if capture == 'stdout':
+ _maybe_set(opts, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ elif capture == 'stderr':
+ _maybe_set(opts, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ elif capture == 'output':
+ _maybe_set(opts, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ elif capture == 'combined':
+ _maybe_set(opts, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ discard = opts.pop('discard', None)
+ if discard:
+ # We DO want to override any already set stdout|stderr values (unlike above).
+ if discard == 'stdout' or discard == 'output':
+ opts['stdout'] = subprocess.DEVNULL
+ if discard == 'stderr' or discard == 'output':
+ opts['stderr'] = subprocess.DEVNULL
+ return opts
+# This does a normal with some auto-args added to make life easier.
+def cmd_run(cmd, **opts):
+ return, **_tweak_opts(cmd, opts))
+# Like cmd_run() with a default check=True specified.
+def cmd_chk(cmd, **opts):
+ return, **_tweak_opts(cmd, opts, check=True))
+# Capture stdout in a string and return an object with out, err, and rc (return code).
+# It defaults to capture='stdout' (so err is empty) but can be overridden using
+# capture='combined' or capture='output' (the latter populates the err value).
+def cmd_txt(cmd, **opts):
+ input = opts.pop('input', None)
+ if input is not None:
+ opts['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **_tweak_opts(cmd, opts, capture='stdout'))
+ out, err = proc.communicate(input=input)
+ return argparse.Namespace(out=out, err=err, rc=proc.returncode)
+# Just like calling cmd_txt() except that it raises an error if the command has a non-0 return code.
+# The raised error includes the cmd, the return code, and the captured output.
+def cmd_txt_chk(cmd, **opts):
+ ct = cmd_txt(cmd, **opts)
+ if ct.rc != 0:
+ cmd_err = f'Command "{cmd}" returned non-0 exit status "{ct.rc}" and output:\n{ct.out}{ct.err}'
+ raise Exception(cmd_err)
+ return ct
+# Starts a piped-output command of stdout (by default) and leaves it up to you to read
+# the output and call communicate() on the returned object.
+def cmd_pipe(cmd, **opts):
+ return subprocess.Popen(cmd, **_tweak_opts(cmd, opts, capture='stdout'))
+# Runs a "git status" command and dies if the checkout is not clean (the
+# arg fatal_unless_clean can be used to make that non-fatal. Returns a
+# tuple of the current branch, the is_clean flag, and the status text.
+def check_git_status(fatal_unless_clean=True, subdir='.'):
+ status_txt = cmd_txt_chk(f"cd '{subdir}' && git status").out
+ is_clean ='\nnothing to commit.+working (directory|tree) clean', status_txt) != None
+ if not is_clean and fatal_unless_clean:
+ if subdir == '.':
+ subdir = ''
+ else:
+ subdir = f" *{subdir}*"
+ die(f"The{subdir} checkout is not clean:\n" + status_txt)
+ m = re.match(r'^(?:# )?On branch (.+)\n', status_txt)
+ cur_branch = m[1] if m else None
+ return (cur_branch, is_clean, status_txt)
+# Calls check_git_status() on the current git checkout and (optionally) a subdir path's
+# checkout. Use fatal_unless_clean to indicate if an unclean checkout is fatal or not.
+# The master_branch arg indicates what branch we want both checkouts to be using, and
+# if the branch is wrong the user is given the option of either switching to the right
+# branch or aborting.
+def check_git_state(master_branch, fatal_unless_clean=True, check_extra_dir=None):
+ cur_branch = check_git_status(fatal_unless_clean)[0]
+ branch = re.sub(r'^patch/([^/]+)/[^/]+$', r'\1', cur_branch) # change patch/BRANCH/PATCH_NAME into BRANCH
+ if branch != master_branch:
+ print(f"The checkout is not on the {master_branch} branch.")
+ if master_branch != 'master':
+ sys.exit(1)
+ ans = input(f"Do you want me to continue with --branch={branch}? [n] ")
+ if not ans or not re.match(r'^y', ans, flags=re.I):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ master_branch = branch
+ if check_extra_dir and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(check_extra_dir, '.git')):
+ branch = check_git_status(fatal_unless_clean, check_extra_dir)[0]
+ if branch != master_branch:
+ print(f"The *{check_extra_dir}* checkout is on branch {branch}, not branch {master_branch}.")
+ ans = input(f"Do you want to change it to branch {master_branch}? [n] ")
+ if not ans or not re.match(r'^y', ans, flags=re.I):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ subdir.check_call(f"cd {check_extra_dir} && git checkout '{master_branch}'", shell=True)
+ return (cur_branch, master_branch)
+# Return the git hash of the most recent commit.
+def latest_git_hash(branch):
+ out = cmd_txt_chk(['git', 'log', '-1', '--no-color', branch]).out
+ m ='^commit (\S+)', out, flags=re.M)
+ if not m:
+ die(f"Unable to determine commit hash for master branch: {branch}")
+ return m[1]
+# Return a set of all branch names that have the format "patch/BASE_BRANCH/NAME"
+# for the given base_branch string. Just the NAME portion is put into the set.
+def get_patch_branches(base_branch):
+ branches = set()
+ proc = cmd_pipe('git branch -l'.split())
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ m =' patch/([^/]+)/(.+)', line)
+ if m and m[1] == base_branch:
+ branches.add(m[2])
+ proc.communicate()
+ return branches
+def mandate_gensend_hook():
+ hook = '.git/hooks/pre-push'
+ if not os.path.exists(hook):
+ print('Creating hook file:', hook)
+ cmd_chk(['./rsync', '-a', 'packaging/pre-push', hook])
+ else:
+ ct = cmd_txt(['grep', 'make gensend', hook], discard='output')
+ if ct.rc:
+ die('Please add a "make gensend" into your', hook, 'script.')
+# Snag the GENFILES values out of the Makefile file and return them as a list.
+def get_gen_files(want_dir_plus_list=False):
+ cont_re = re.compile(r'\\\n')
+ gen_files = [ ]
+ auto_dir = os.path.join('auto-build-save', cmd_txt('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').out.strip().replace('/', '%'))
+ with open(auto_dir + '/Makefile', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ if not gen_files:
+ chk = re.sub(r'^GENFILES=', '', line)
+ if line == chk:
+ continue
+ line = chk
+ m ='\\$', line)
+ line = re.sub(r'^\s+|\s*\\\n?$|\s+$', '', line)
+ gen_files += line.split()
+ if not m:
+ break
+ if want_dir_plus_list:
+ return (auto_dir, gen_files)
+ return [ os.path.join(auto_dir, fn) for fn in gen_files ]
+def get_rsync_version():
+ with open('version.h', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ txt =
+ m = re.match(r'^#define\s+RSYNC_VERSION\s+"(\d.+?)"', txt)
+ if m:
+ return m[1]
+ die("Unable to find RSYNC_VERSION define in version.h")
+def get_NEWS_version_info():
+ rel_re = re.compile(r'^\| \S{2} \w{3} \d{4}\s+\|\s+(?P<ver>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+\|\s+(?P<pdate>\d{2} \w{3} \d{4})?\s+\|\s+(?P<pver>\d+)\s+\|')
+ last_version = last_protocol_version = None
+ pdate = { }
+ with open('', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ if not last_version: # Find the first non-dev|pre version with a release date.
+ m ='rsync (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) .*\d\d\d\d', line)
+ if m:
+ last_version = m[1]
+ m = rel_re.match(line)
+ if m:
+ if m['pdate']:
+ pdate[m['ver']] = m['pdate']
+ if m['ver'] == last_version:
+ last_protocol_version = m['pver']
+ if not last_protocol_version:
+ die(f"Unable to determine protocol_version for {last_version}.")
+ return last_version, last_protocol_version, pdate
+def get_protocol_versions():
+ protocol_version = subprotocol_version = None
+ with open('rsync.h', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ m = re.match(r'^#define\s+PROTOCOL_VERSION\s+(\d+)', line)
+ if m:
+ protocol_version = m[1]
+ continue
+ m = re.match(r'^#define\s+SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION\s+(\d+)', line)
+ if m:
+ subprotocol_version = m[1]
+ break
+ if not protocol_version:
+ die("Unable to determine the current PROTOCOL_VERSION.")
+ if not subprotocol_version:
+ die("Unable to determine the current SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION.")
+ return protocol_version, subprotocol_version
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/packaging/pre-push b/packaging/pre-push
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a71369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/pre-push
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+cat >/dev/null # Just discard stdin data
+if [[ -f /proc/$PPID/cmdline ]]; then
+ while read -d $'\0' arg ; do
+ if [[ "$arg" == '--tags' ]] ; then
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done </proc/$PPID/cmdline
+branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
+if [[ "$branch" = master && "$*" == *github* ]]; then
+ make gensend
diff --git a/packaging/prep-auto-dir b/packaging/prep-auto-dir
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b67f390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/prep-auto-dir
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# This script will setup the build dir based on the current git branch and the
+# directory auto-build-save/$BRANCH. We don't use a symlink for the build dir
+# because we want to maximize the ccache reuse, so all builds must happen in
+# the same real dir. When a dir is moved out of auto-build-save/$BRANCH to the
+# build dir, it is replaced with a symlink so that it can still be found under
+# that dir. The build dir also gets a .branch -> $BRANCH symlink so that we
+# can figure out the current build dir's branch.
+# To get started, just clone the rsync git repo and create the auto-build-save
+# dir. If you have an existing git checkout and it is not in a pristine state,
+# run "make distclean" before creating the auto-build-save dir.
+if test -d $auto_top && test -d .git; then
+ desired_branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | tr / %`
+ if test "$desired_branch" = HEAD; then
+ echo "ERROR: switch to the right build dir manually when in detached HEAD mode." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ auto_dir="$auto_top/$desired_branch"
+ if test -d build; then
+ cur_branch=`readlink build/.branch`
+ else
+ cur_branch='/'
+ fi
+ if test "$desired_branch" != "$cur_branch"; then
+ if test "$cur_branch" != /; then
+ rm -f "$auto_top/$cur_branch"
+ mv build "$auto_top/$cur_branch"
+ fi
+ test -d "$auto_dir" || mkdir "$auto_dir"
+ test -h "$auto_dir/.branch" || ln -s "$desired_branch" "$auto_dir/.branch"
+ mv "$auto_dir" build
+ ln -s ../build "$auto_dir"
+ fi
+ if test ! -h Makefile; then
+ rm -f Makefile
+ ln -s packaging/auto-Makefile Makefile
+ fi
+ echo $desired_branch
diff --git a/packaging/release-rsync b/packaging/release-rsync
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..511e90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/release-rsync
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
+# This script expects the directory ~/samba-rsync-ftp to exist and to be a
+# copy of the /home/ftp/pub/rsync dir on When the script is done,
+# the git repository in the current directory will be updated, and the local
+# ~/samba-rsync-ftp dir will be ready to be rsynced to
+import os, sys, re, argparse, glob, shutil, signal
+from datetime import datetime
+from getpass import getpass
+sys.path = ['packaging'] + sys.path
+from pkglib import *
+os.environ['LESS'] = 'mqeiXR'; # Make sure that -F is turned off and -R is turned on.
+dest = os.environ['HOME'] + '/samba-rsync-ftp'
+ORIGINAL_PATH = os.environ['PATH']
+def main():
+ if not os.path.isfile('packaging/release-rsync'):
+ die('You must run this script from the top of your rsync checkout.')
+ now =
+ cl_today = now.strftime('* %a %b %d %Y')
+ year = now.strftime('%Y')
+ ztoday = now.strftime('%d %b %Y')
+ today = ztoday.lstrip('0')
+ mandate_gensend_hook()
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+ if cmd_txt_chk(['packaging/prep-auto-dir']).out == '':
+ die('You must setup an auto-build-save dir to use this script.');
+ auto_dir, gen_files = get_gen_files(True)
+ gen_pathnames = [ os.path.join(auto_dir, fn) for fn in gen_files ]
+ dash_line = '=' * 74
+ print(f"""\
+== This will release a new version of rsync onto an unsuspecting world. ==
+ with open('build/rsync.1') as fh:
+ for line in fh:
+ if line.startswith(r'.\" prefix='):
+ doc_prefix = line.split('=')[1].strip()
+ if doc_prefix != '/usr':
+ warn(f"*** The documentation was built with prefix {doc_prefix} instead of /usr ***")
+ die("*** Read the md2man script for a way to override this. ***")
+ break
+ if line.startswith('.P'):
+ die("Failed to find the prefix comment at the start of the rsync.1 manpage.")
+ if not os.path.isdir(dest):
+ die(dest, "dest does not exist")
+ if not os.path.isdir('.git'):
+ die("There is no .git dir in the current directory.")
+ if os.path.lexists('a'):
+ die('"a" must not exist in the current directory.')
+ if os.path.lexists('b'):
+ die('"b" must not exist in the current directory.')
+ if os.path.lexists('patches.gen'):
+ die('"patches.gen" must not exist in the current directory.')
+ check_git_state(args.master_branch, True, 'patches')
+ curversion = get_rsync_version()
+ # All version values are strings!
+ lastversion, last_protocol_version, pdate = get_NEWS_version_info()
+ protocol_version, subprotocol_version = get_protocol_versions()
+ version = curversion
+ m ='pre(\d+)', version)
+ if m:
+ version = re.sub(r'pre\d+', 'pre' + str(int(m[1]) + 1), version)
+ else:
+ version = version.replace('dev', 'pre1')
+ ans = input(f"Please enter the version number of this release: [{version}] ")
+ if ans == '.':
+ version = re.sub(r'pre\d+', '', version)
+ elif ans != '':
+ version = ans
+ if not re.match(r'^[\d.]+(pre\d+)?$', version):
+ die(f'Invalid version: "{version}"')
+ v_ver = 'v' + version
+ rsync_ver = 'rsync-' + version
+ if os.path.lexists(rsync_ver):
+ die(f'"{rsync_ver}" must not exist in the current directory.')
+ out = cmd_txt_chk(['git', 'tag', '-l', v_ver]).out
+ if out != '':
+ print(f"Tag {v_ver} already exists.")
+ ans = input("\nDelete tag or quit? [Q/del] ")
+ if not re.match(r'^del', ans, flags=re.I):
+ die("Aborted")
+ cmd_chk(['git', 'tag', '-d', v_ver])
+ if os.path.isdir('patches/.git'):
+ cmd_chk(f"cd patches && git tag -d '{v_ver}'")
+ version = re.sub(r'[-.]*pre[-.]*', 'pre', version)
+ if 'pre' in version and not curversion.endswith('dev'):
+ lastversion = curversion
+ ans = input(f"Enter the previous version to produce a patch against: [{lastversion}] ")
+ if ans != '':
+ lastversion = ans
+ lastversion = re.sub(r'[-.]*pre[-.]*', 'pre', lastversion)
+ rsync_lastver = 'rsync-' + lastversion
+ if os.path.lexists(rsync_lastver):
+ die(f'"{rsync_lastver}" must not exist in the current directory.')
+ m ='(pre\d+)', version)
+ pre = m[1] if m else ''
+ release = '0.1' if pre else '1'
+ ans = input(f"Please enter the RPM release number of this release: [{release}] ")
+ if ans != '':
+ release = ans
+ if pre:
+ release += '.' + pre
+ finalversion = re.sub(r'pre\d+', '', version)
+ proto_changed = protocol_version != last_protocol_version
+ if proto_changed:
+ if finalversion in pdate:
+ proto_change_date = pdate[finalversion]
+ else:
+ while True:
+ ans = input("On what date did the protocol change to {protocol_version} get checked in? (dd Mmm yyyy) ")
+ if re.match(r'^\d\d \w\w\w \d\d\d\d$', ans):
+ break
+ proto_change_date = ans
+ else:
+ proto_change_date = ' ' * 11
+ if 'pre' in lastversion:
+ if not pre:
+ die("You should not diff a release version against a pre-release version.")
+ srcdir = srcdiffdir = lastsrcdir = 'src-previews'
+ skipping = ' ** SKIPPING **'
+ elif pre:
+ srcdir = srcdiffdir = 'src-previews'
+ lastsrcdir = 'src'
+ skipping = ' ** SKIPPING **'
+ else:
+ srcdir = lastsrcdir = 'src'
+ srcdiffdir = 'src-diffs'
+ skipping = ''
+ print(f"""
+version is "{version}"
+lastversion is "{lastversion}"
+dest is "{dest}"
+curdir is "{curdir}"
+srcdir is "{srcdir}"
+srcdiffdir is "{srcdiffdir}"
+lastsrcdir is "{lastsrcdir}"
+release is "{release}"
+About to:
+ - tweak SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION in rsync.h, if needed
+ - tweak the version in version.h and the spec files
+ - tweak to ensure header values are correct
+ - generate,, and proto.h
+ - page through the differences
+ ans = input("<Press Enter to continue> ")
+ specvars = {
+ 'Version:': finalversion,
+ 'Release:': release,
+ '%define fullversion': f'%{{version}}{pre}',
+ 'Released': version + '.',
+ '%define srcdir': srcdir,
+ }
+ tweak_files = 'version.h rsync.h'.split()
+ tweak_files += glob.glob('packaging/*.spec')
+ tweak_files += glob.glob('packaging/*/*.spec')
+ for fn in tweak_files:
+ with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ old_txt = txt =
+ if fn == 'version.h':
+ x_re = re.compile(r'^(#define RSYNC_VERSION).*', re.M)
+ msg = f"Unable to update RSYNC_VERSION in {fn}"
+ txt = replace_or_die(x_re, r'\1 "%s"' % version, txt, msg)
+ elif '.spec' in fn:
+ for var, val in specvars.items():
+ x_re = re.compile(r'^%s .*' % re.escape(var), re.M)
+ txt = replace_or_die(x_re, var + ' ' + val, txt, f"Unable to update {var} in {fn}")
+ x_re = re.compile(r'^\* \w\w\w \w\w\w \d\d \d\d\d\d (.*)', re.M)
+ txt = replace_or_die(x_re, r'%s \1' % cl_today, txt, f"Unable to update ChangeLog header in {fn}")
+ elif fn == 'rsync.h':
+ x_re = re.compile('(#define\s+SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION)\s+(\d+)')
+ repl = lambda m: m[1] + ' ' + ('0' if not pre or not proto_changed else '1' if m[2] == '0' else m[2])
+ txt = replace_or_die(x_re, repl, txt, f"Unable to find SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION define in {fn}")
+ elif fn == '':
+ efv = re.escape(finalversion)
+ x_re = re.compile(r'^# NEWS for rsync %s \(UNRELEASED\)\s+## Changes in this version:\n' % efv
+ + r'(\n### PROTOCOL NUMBER:\s+- The protocol number was changed to \d+\.\n)?')
+ rel_day = 'UNRELEASED' if pre else today
+ repl = (f'# NEWS for rsync {finalversion} ({rel_day})\n\n'
+ + '## Changes in this version:\n')
+ if proto_changed:
+ repl += f'\n### PROTOCOL NUMBER:\n\n - The protocol number was changed to {protocol_version}.\n'
+ good_top = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '(UNRELEASED)', repl, 1)
+ msg = f"The top lines of {fn} are not in the right format. It should be:\n" + good_top
+ txt = replace_or_die(x_re, repl, txt, msg)
+ x_re = re.compile(r'^(\| )(\S{2} \S{3} \d{4})(\s+\|\s+%s\s+\| ).{11}(\s+\| )\S{2}(\s+\|+)$' % efv, re.M)
+ repl = lambda m: m[1] + (m[2] if pre else ztoday) + m[3] + proto_change_date + m[4] + protocol_version + m[5]
+ txt = replace_or_die(x_re, repl, txt, f'Unable to find "| ?? ??? {year} | {finalversion} | ... |" line in {fn}')
+ else:
+ die(f"Unrecognized file in tweak_files: {fn}")
+ if txt != old_txt:
+ print(f"Updating {fn}")
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ fh.write(txt)
+ cmd_chk(['packaging/year-tweak'])
+ print(dash_line)
+ cmd_run("git diff".split())
+ srctar_name = f"{rsync_ver}.tar.gz"
+ pattar_name = f"rsync-patches-{version}.tar.gz"
+ diff_name = f"{rsync_lastver}-{version}.diffs.gz"
+ srctar_file = os.path.join(dest, srcdir, srctar_name)
+ pattar_file = os.path.join(dest, srcdir, pattar_name)
+ diff_file = os.path.join(dest, srcdiffdir, diff_name)
+ lasttar_file = os.path.join(dest, lastsrcdir, rsync_lastver + '.tar.gz')
+ print(f"""\
+About to:
+ - git commit all changes
+ - run a full build, ensuring that the manpages & are up-to-date
+ - merge the {args.master_branch} branch into the patch/{args.master_branch}/* branches
+ - update the files in the "patches" dir and OPTIONALLY (if you type 'y') to
+ run patch-update with the --make option (which opens a shell on error)
+ ans = input("<Press Enter OR 'y' to continue> ")
+ s = cmd_run(['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', f'Preparing for release of {version} [buildall]'])
+ if s.returncode:
+ die('Aborting')
+ cmd_chk('touch && packaging/smart-make && make gen')
+ print('Creating any missing patch branches.')
+ s = cmd_run(f'packaging/branch-from-patch --branch={args.master_branch} --add-missing')
+ if s.returncode:
+ die('Aborting')
+ print('Updating files in "patches" dir ...')
+ s = cmd_run(f'packaging/patch-update --branch={args.master_branch}')
+ if s.returncode:
+ die('Aborting')
+ if re.match(r'^y', ans, re.I):
+ print(f'\nRunning smart-make on all "patch/{args.master_branch}/*" branches ...')
+ cmd_run(f"packaging/patch-update --branch={args.master_branch} --skip-check --make")
+ if os.path.isdir('patches/.git'):
+ s = cmd_run(f"cd patches && git commit -a -m 'The patches for {version}.'")
+ if s.returncode:
+ die('Aborting')
+ print(f"""\
+About to:
+ - create signed tag for this release: {v_ver}
+ - create release diffs, "{diff_name}"
+ - create release tar, "{srctar_name}"
+ - generate {rsync_ver}/patches/* files
+ - create patches tar, "{pattar_name}"
+ - update top-level,, TODO, and ChangeLog
+ - update top-level rsync*.html manpages
+ - gpg-sign the release files
+ - update hard-linked top-level release files{skipping}
+ ans = input("<Press Enter to continue> ")
+ # TODO: is there a better way to ensure that our passphrase is in the agent?
+ cmd_run("touch TeMp; gpg --sign TeMp; rm TeMp*")
+ out = cmd_txt(f"git tag -s -m 'Version {version}.' {v_ver}", capture='combined').out
+ print(out, end='')
+ if 'bad passphrase' in out or 'failed' in out:
+ die('Aborting')
+ if os.path.isdir('patches/.git'):
+ out = cmd_txt(f"cd patches && git tag -s -m 'Version {version}.' {v_ver}", capture='combined').out
+ print(out, end='')
+ if 'bad passphrase' in out or 'failed' in out:
+ die('Aborting')
+ os.environ['PATH'] = ORIGINAL_PATH
+ # Extract the generated files from the old tar.
+ tweaked_gen_files = [ os.path.join(rsync_lastver, fn) for fn in gen_files ]
+ cmd_run(['tar', 'xzf', lasttar_file, *tweaked_gen_files])
+ os.rename(rsync_lastver, 'a')
+ print(f"Creating {diff_file} ...")
+ cmd_chk(['rsync', '-a', *gen_pathnames, 'b/'])
+ sed_script = r's:^((---|\+\+\+) [ab]/[^\t]+)\t.*:\1:' # CAUTION: must not contain any single quotes!
+ cmd_chk(f"(git diff v{lastversion} {v_ver} -- ':!.github'; diff -upN a b | sed -r '{sed_script}') | gzip -9 >{diff_file}")
+ shutil.rmtree('a')
+ os.rename('b', rsync_ver)
+ print(f"Creating {srctar_file} ...")
+ cmd_chk(f"git archive --format=tar --prefix={rsync_ver}/ {v_ver} | tar xf -")
+ cmd_chk(f"support/git-set-file-times --quiet --prefix={rsync_ver}/")
+ cmd_chk(['fakeroot', 'tar', 'czf', srctar_file, '--exclude=.github', rsync_ver])
+ shutil.rmtree(rsync_ver)
+ print(f'Updating files in "{rsync_ver}/patches" dir ...')
+ os.mkdir(rsync_ver, 0o755)
+ os.mkdir(f"{rsync_ver}/patches", 0o755)
+ cmd_chk(f"packaging/patch-update --skip-check --branch={args.master_branch} --gen={rsync_ver}/patches".split())
+ print(f"Creating {pattar_file} ...")
+ cmd_chk(['fakeroot', 'tar', 'chzf', pattar_file, rsync_ver + '/patches'])
+ shutil.rmtree(rsync_ver)
+ print(f"Updating the other files in {dest} ...")
+ md_files = ''.split()
+ html_files = [ fn for fn in gen_pathnames if fn.endswith('.html') ]
+ cmd_chk(['rsync', '-a', *md_files, *html_files, dest])
+ cmd_chk(["./md-convert", "--dest", dest, *md_files])
+ cmd_chk(f"git log --name-status | gzip -9 >{dest}/ChangeLog.gz")
+ for fn in (srctar_file, pattar_file, diff_file):
+ asc_fn = fn + '.asc'
+ if os.path.lexists(asc_fn):
+ os.unlink(asc_fn)
+ res = cmd_run(['gpg', '--batch', '-ba', fn])
+ if res.returncode != 0 and res.returncode != 2:
+ die("gpg signing failed")
+ if not pre:
+ for find in f'{dest}/rsync-*.gz {dest}/rsync-*.asc {dest}/src-previews/rsync-*diffs.gz*'.split():
+ for fn in glob.glob(find):
+ os.unlink(fn)
+ top_link = [
+ srctar_file, f"{srctar_file}.asc",
+ pattar_file, f"{pattar_file}.asc",
+ diff_file, f"{diff_file}.asc",
+ ]
+ for fn in top_link:
+, re.sub(r'/src(-\w+)?/', '/', fn))
+ print(f"""\
+Local changes are done. When you're satisfied, push the git repository
+and rsync the release files. Remember to announce the release on *BOTH* and (and the web)!
+def replace_or_die(regex, repl, txt, die_msg):
+ m =
+ if not m:
+ die(die_msg)
+ return regex.sub(repl, txt, 1)
+def signal_handler(sig, frame):
+ die("\nAborting due to SIGINT.")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prepare a new release of rsync in the git repo & ftp dir.", add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('--branch', '-b', dest='master_branch', default='master', help="The branch to release. Default: master.")
+ parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et ft=python
diff --git a/packaging/smart-make b/packaging/smart-make
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3826432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/smart-make
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+set -e
+export LANG=C
+if test x"$branch" = x; then
+ srcdir=.
+ cd build
+ srcdir=..
+if test -f; then
+ cp -p
+ touch
+if test -f .fetch; then
+ $srcdir/prepare-source fetch
+ $srcdir/prepare-source
+if diff >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo " is unchanged."
+ rm
+ echo " has CHANGED."
+ if test -f config.status; then
+ ./config.status --recheck
+ else
+ $srcdir/configure
+ fi
+make all
+if test x"$1" = x"check"; then
+ make check
diff --git a/packaging/solaris/ b/packaging/solaris/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c035a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/solaris/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Shell script for building Solaris package of rsync
+# Author: Jens Apel <>
+# License: GPL
+# BASEDIR is /usr/local and should be the same as the
+# --prefix parameter of configure
+# this script should be copied under
+# packaging/solaris/5.8/
+# Definitions start here
+# you can edit this, if you like
+# The Package name under which rsync will b installed
+# Extract common info requires for the 'info' part of the package.
+# This should be made generic and generated by the configure script
+# but for now it is hard coded
+ARCH=`uname -p`
+# Definitions end here
+# Please do not edit below this line or you know what you do.
+## Start by faking root install
+echo "Creating install directory (fake $BASEDIR)..."
+mkdir $FAKE_ROOT
+# copy the binary and the man page to their places
+mkdir $FAKE_ROOT/bin
+mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/doc/rsync
+mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/man/man1
+mkdir -p $FAKE_ROOT/man/man5
+cp ../../../rsync $FAKE_ROOT/bin/rsync
+cp ../../../rsync.1 $FAKE_ROOT/man/man1/rsync.1
+cp ../../../rsyncd.conf.5 $FAKE_ROOT/man/man5/rsyncd.conf.5
+cp ../../../ $FAKE_ROOT/doc/rsync/
+cp ../../../COPYING $FAKE_ROOT/doc/rsync/COPYING
+cp ../../../tech_report.pdf $FAKE_ROOT/doc/rsync/tech_report.pdf
+## Build info file
+echo "Building pkginfo file..."
+cat > $FAKE_ROOT/pkginfo << EOF_INFO
+DESC="Program for efficient remote updates of files."
+VENDOR="Samba Team URL:"
+## Build prototype file
+cat > $FAKE_ROOT/prototype << EOFPROTO
+i copyright=COPYING
+i pkginfo=pkginfo
+d none bin 0755 bin bin
+f none bin/rsync 0755 bin bin
+d none doc 0755 bin bin
+d none doc/$NAME 0755 bin bin
+f none doc/$NAME/ 0644 bin bin
+f none doc/$NAME/COPYING 0644 bin bin
+f none doc/$NAME/tech_report.pdf 0644 bin bin
+d none man 0755 bin bin
+d none man/man1 0755 bin bin
+f none man/man1/rsync.1 0644 bin bin
+d none man/man5 0755 bin bin
+f none man/man5/rsyncd.conf.5 0644 bin bin
+## And now build the package.
+echo "Building package.."
+pkgmk -d . -r . -f ./prototype -o
+pkgtrans -os . $OUTPUTFILE $PKGNAME
+cd ..
+# Comment this out if you want to see, which file structure has been created
+rm -rf $FAKE_ROOT
diff --git a/packaging/systemd/rsync.service b/packaging/systemd/rsync.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a867ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/systemd/rsync.service
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Description=fast remote file copy program daemon
+Documentation=man:rsync(1) man:rsyncd.conf(5)
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/rsync --daemon --no-detach
+# Citing
+# [...] Using ssh is recommended for its security features.
+# Alternatively, rsync can run in `daemon' mode, listening on a socket.
+# This is generally used for public file distribution, [...]
+# So let's assume some extra security is more than welcome here. We do full
+# system protection (which makes /usr, /boot, & /etc read-only) and hide
+# devices. To override these defaults, it's best to do so in the drop-in
+# directory, often done via `systemctl edit rsync.service`. The file needs
+# just the bare minimum of the right [heading] and override values.
+# See systemd.unit(5) and search for "drop-in" for full details.
diff --git a/packaging/systemd/rsync.socket b/packaging/systemd/rsync.socket
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bceefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/systemd/rsync.socket
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Description=socket for fast remote file copy program daemon
diff --git a/packaging/systemd/rsync@.service b/packaging/systemd/rsync@.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63ba0c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/systemd/rsync@.service
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Description=fast remote file copy program daemon
+ExecStart=-/usr/bin/rsync --daemon
+# Citing
+# [...] Using ssh is recommended for its security features.
+# Alternatively, rsync can run in `daemon' mode, listening on a socket.
+# This is generally used for public file distribution, [...]
+# So let's assume some extra security is more than welcome here. We do full
+# system protection (which makes /usr, /boot, & /etc read-only) and hide
+# devices. To override these defaults, it's best to do so in the drop-in
+# directory, often done via `systemctl edit rsync@.service`. The file needs
+# just the bare minimum of the right [heading] and override values.
+# See systemd.unit(5) and search for "drop-in" for full details.
diff --git a/packaging/var-checker b/packaging/var-checker
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f17c69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/var-checker
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
+# This script checks the *.c files for extraneous "extern" variables,
+# for vars that are defined but not used, and for inconsistent array
+# sizes. Run it from inside the main rsync directory.
+import os, sys, re, argparse, glob
+VARS_RE = re.compile(r'^(?!(?:extern|enum)\s)([a-zA-Z]\S*\s+.*);', re.M)
+EXTERNS_RE = re.compile(r'^extern\s+(.*);', re.M)
+sizes = { }
+def main():
+ add_syscall_c = set('t_stub.c t_unsafe.c tls.c trimslash.c'.split())
+ add_util_c = set('t_stub.c t_unsafe.c'.split())
+ if not os.path.exists('syscall.c'):
+ if os.path.exists('var-checker'):
+ os.chdir('..')
+ else:
+ print("Couldn't find the source dir.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ syscall_c = slurp_file('syscall.c', True)
+ util_c = slurp_file('util1.c', True)
+ for fn in sorted(glob.glob('*.c')):
+ txt = slurp_file(fn)
+ var_list = parse_vars(fn, VARS_RE.findall(txt))
+ extern_list = parse_vars(fn, EXTERNS_RE.findall(txt))
+ if not var_list and not extern_list:
+ continue
+ if fn in add_syscall_c:
+ txt += syscall_c
+ if fn in add_util_c:
+ txt += util_c
+ txt = re.sub(r'INFO_GTE', 'info_levels ', txt)
+ txt = re.sub(r'DEBUG_GTE', 'debug_levels ', txt)
+ txt = re.sub(r'SIGACTION\(', 'sigact (', txt)
+ find = '|'.join([ re.escape(x) for x in var_list + extern_list ])
+ var_re = re.compile(r'(?<!\sstruct )\b(%s)(?!\w)' % find)
+ found = { x: 0 for x in var_list + extern_list }
+ for var in var_re.findall(txt):
+ found[var] += 1
+ for var in sorted(var_list + extern_list):
+ if found[var] == 1:
+ vtype = 'var' if var in var_list else 'extern'
+ print(fn, f'has extraneous {vtype}: "{var}"')
+def slurp_file(fn, drop_externs=False):
+ with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ txt =
+ if drop_externs:
+ txt = EXTERNS_RE.sub('', txt)
+ return txt
+def parse_vars(fn, lines):
+ ret = [ ]
+ for line in lines:
+ line = re.sub(r'\s*\{.*\}', '', line)
+ line = re.sub(r'\s*\(.*\)', '', line)
+ for item in re.split(r'\s*,\s*', line):
+ item = re.sub(r'\s*=.*', '', item)
+ m ='(?P<var>\w+)(?P<sz>\[.*?\])?$', item)
+ if not m:
+ print(f"Bogus match? ({item})")
+ continue
+ if m['sz']:
+ if m['var'] in sizes:
+ if sizes[m['var']] != m['sz']:
+ var = m['var']
+ print(fn, f'has inconsistent size for "{var}":', m['sz'], 'vs', sizes[var])
+ else:
+ sizes[m['var']] = m['sz']
+ ret.append(m['var'])
+ return ret
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check the *.c files for extraneous extern vars.', add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et ft=python
diff --git a/packaging/year-tweak b/packaging/year-tweak
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..69d2f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/year-tweak
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This uses the output from "support/git-set-file-times --list" to discern
+# the last-modified year of each *.c & *.h file and updates the copyright
+# year if it isn't set right.
+import sys, os, re, argparse, subprocess
+from datetime import datetime
+MAINTAINER_NAME = 'Wayne Davison'
+def main():
+ latest_year = '2000'
+ proc = subprocess.Popen('support/git-set-file-times --list'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ m = re.match(r'^\S\s+(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)\S+\s+\S+\s+(?P<fn>.+)', line)
+ if not m:
+ print("Failed to parse line from git-set-file-times:", line)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ m = argparse.Namespace(**m.groupdict())
+ if m.year > latest_year:
+ latest_year = m.year
+ if m.fn.startswith('zlib/') or m.fn.startswith('popt/'):
+ continue
+ if'\.(c|h|sh|test)$', m.fn):
+ maybe_edit_copyright_year(m.fn, m.year)
+ proc.communicate()
+ fn = 'latest-year.h'
+ with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ old_txt =
+ txt = f'#define LATEST_YEAR "{latest_year}"\n'
+ if txt != old_txt:
+ print(f"Updating {fn} with year {latest_year}")
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ fh.write(txt)
+def maybe_edit_copyright_year(fn, year):
+ opening_lines = [ ]
+ copyright_line = None
+ with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ for lineno, line in enumerate(fh):
+ opening_lines.append(line)
+ if lineno > 3 and not'\S', line):
+ break
+ m = re.match(r'^(?P<pre>.*Copyright\s+\S+\s+)(?P<year>\d\d\d\d(?:-\d\d\d\d)?(,\s+\d\d\d\d)*)(?P<suf>.+)', line)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ copyright_line = argparse.Namespace(**m.groupdict())
+ copyright_line.lineno = len(opening_lines)
+ copyright_line.is_maintainer_line = MAINTAINER_NAME in copyright_line.suf
+ copyright_line.txt = line
+ if copyright_line.is_maintainer_line:
+ break
+ if not copyright_line:
+ return
+ if copyright_line.is_maintainer_line:
+ cyears = copyright_line.year.split('-')
+ if year == cyears[0]:
+ cyears = [ year ]
+ else:
+ cyears = [ cyears[0], year ]
+ txt = copyright_line.pre + '-'.join(cyears) + MAINTAINER_SUF
+ if txt == copyright_line.txt:
+ return
+ opening_lines[copyright_line.lineno - 1] = txt
+ else:
+ if fn.startswith('lib/') or fn.startswith('testsuite/'):
+ return
+ txt = copyright_line.pre + year + MAINTAINER_SUF
+ opening_lines[copyright_line.lineno - 1] += txt
+ remaining_txt =
+ print(f"Updating {fn} with year {year}")
+ with open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
+ fh.write(''.join(opening_lines))
+ fh.write(remaining_txt)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Grab the year of last mod for our c & h files and make sure the Copyright comment is up-to-date.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/params.c b/params.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8a8f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/params.c
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+/* This modules is based on the params.c module from Samba, written by Karl Auer
+ and much modified by Christopher Hertel. */
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ *
+ * Module name: params
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ *
+ * This module performs lexical analysis and initial parsing of a
+ * Windows-like parameter file. It recognizes and handles four token
+ * types: section-name, parameter-name, parameter-value, and
+ * end-of-file. Comments and line continuation are handled
+ * internally.
+ *
+ * The entry point to the module is function pm_process(). This
+ * function opens the source file, calls the Parse() function to parse
+ * the input, and then closes the file when either the EOF is reached
+ * or a fatal error is encountered.
+ *
+ * A sample parameter file might look like this:
+ *
+ * [section one]
+ * parameter one = value string
+ * parameter two = another value
+ * [section two]
+ * new parameter = some value or t'other
+ *
+ * The parameter file is divided into sections by section headers:
+ * section names enclosed in square brackets (eg. [section one]).
+ * Each section contains parameter lines, each of which consist of a
+ * parameter name and value delimited by an equal sign. Roughly, the
+ * syntax is:
+ *
+ * <file> :== { <section> } EOF
+ *
+ * <section> :== <section header> { <parameter line> }
+ *
+ * <section header> :== '[' NAME ']'
+ *
+ * <parameter line> :== NAME '=' VALUE '\n'
+ *
+ * Blank lines and comment lines are ignored. Comment lines are lines
+ * beginning with either a semicolon (';') or a pound sign ('#').
+ *
+ * All whitespace in section names and parameter names is compressed
+ * to single spaces. Leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from
+ * both names and values.
+ *
+ * Only the first equals sign in a parameter line is significant.
+ * Parameter values may contain equals signs, square brackets and
+ * semicolons. Internal whitespace is retained in parameter values,
+ * with the exception of the '\r' character, which is stripped for
+ * historic reasons. Parameter names may not start with a left square
+ * bracket, an equal sign, a pound sign, or a semicolon, because these
+ * are used to identify other tokens.
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ * Constants...
+ */
+#define BUFR_INC 1024
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ * Variables...
+ *
+ * bufr - pointer to a global buffer. This is probably a kludge,
+ * but it was the nicest kludge I could think of (for now).
+ * bSize - The size of the global buffer <bufr>.
+ */
+static char *bufr = NULL;
+static int bSize = 0;
+static BOOL (*the_sfunc)(char *);
+static BOOL (*the_pfunc)(char *, char *);
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
+ * Functions...
+ */
+static int EatWhitespace( FILE *InFile )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan past whitespace (see ctype(3C)) and return the first non-whitespace
+ * character, or newline, or EOF.
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ *
+ * Output: The next non-whitespace character in the input stream.
+ *
+ * Notes: Because the config files use a line-oriented grammar, we
+ * explicitly exclude the newline character from the list of
+ * whitespace characters.
+ * - Note that both EOF (-1) and the nul character ('\0') are
+ * considered end-of-file markers.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ int c;
+ for( c = getc( InFile ); isspace( c ) && ('\n' != c); c = getc( InFile ) )
+ ;
+ return( c );
+ } /* EatWhitespace */
+static int EatComment( FILE *InFile )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan to the end of a comment.
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ *
+ * Output: The character that marks the end of the comment. Normally,
+ * this will be a newline, but it *might* be an EOF.
+ *
+ * Notes: Because the config files use a line-oriented grammar, we
+ * explicitly exclude the newline character from the list of
+ * whitespace characters.
+ * - Note that both EOF (-1) and the nul character ('\0') are
+ * considered end-of-file markers.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ int c;
+ for( c = getc( InFile ); ('\n'!=c) && (EOF!=c) && (c>0); c = getc( InFile ) )
+ ;
+ return( c );
+ } /* EatComment */
+static int Continuation( char *line, int pos )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan backwards within a string to discover if the last non-whitespace
+ * character is a line-continuation character ('\\').
+ *
+ * Input: line - A pointer to a buffer containing the string to be
+ * scanned.
+ * pos - This is taken to be the offset of the end of the
+ * string. This position is *not* scanned.
+ *
+ * Output: The offset of the '\\' character if it was found, or -1 to
+ * indicate that it was not.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ pos--;
+ while( pos >= 0 && isSpace(line + pos) )
+ pos--;
+ return( ((pos >= 0) && ('\\' == line[pos])) ? pos : -1 );
+ } /* Continuation */
+static BOOL Section( FILE *InFile, BOOL (*sfunc)(char *) )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan a section name, and pass the name to function sfunc().
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ * sfunc - Pointer to the function to be called if the section
+ * name is successfully read.
+ *
+ * Output: True if the section name was read and True was returned from
+ * <sfunc>. False if <sfunc> failed or if a lexical error was
+ * encountered.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ int c;
+ int i;
+ int end;
+ char *func = "params.c:Section() -";
+ i = 0; /* <i> is the offset of the next free byte in bufr[] and */
+ end = 0; /* <end> is the current "end of string" offset. In most */
+ /* cases these will be the same, but if the last */
+ /* character written to bufr[] is a space, then <end> */
+ /* will be one less than <i>. */
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); /* We've already got the '['. Scan */
+ /* past initial white space. */
+ while( (EOF != c) && (c > 0) )
+ {
+ /* Check that the buffer is big enough for the next character. */
+ if( i > (bSize - 2) )
+ {
+ bSize += BUFR_INC;
+ bufr = realloc_array( bufr, char, bSize );
+ }
+ /* Handle a single character. */
+ switch( c )
+ {
+ case ']': /* Found the closing bracket. */
+ bufr[end] = '\0';
+ if( 0 == end ) /* Don't allow an empty name. */
+ {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Empty section name in config file.\n", func );
+ return( False );
+ }
+ if( !sfunc( bufr ) ) /* Got a valid name. Deal with it. */
+ return( False );
+ (void)EatComment( InFile ); /* Finish off the line. */
+ return( True );
+ case '\n': /* Got newline before closing ']'. */
+ i = Continuation( bufr, i ); /* Check for line continuation. */
+ if( i < 0 )
+ {
+ bufr[end] = '\0';
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Badly formed line in config file: %s\n",
+ func, bufr );
+ return( False );
+ }
+ end = ( (i > 0) && (' ' == bufr[i - 1]) ) ? (i - 1) : (i);
+ c = getc( InFile ); /* Continue with next line. */
+ break;
+ default: /* All else are a valid name chars. */
+ if( isspace( c ) ) /* One space per whitespace region. */
+ {
+ bufr[end] = ' ';
+ i = end + 1;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ }
+ else /* All others copy verbatim. */
+ {
+ bufr[i++] = c;
+ end = i;
+ c = getc( InFile );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* We arrive here if we've met the EOF before the closing bracket. */
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Unexpected EOF in the config file: %s\n", func, bufr );
+ return( False );
+ } /* Section */
+static BOOL Parameter( FILE *InFile, BOOL (*pfunc)(char *, char *), int c )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan a parameter name and value, and pass these two fields to pfunc().
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - The input source.
+ * pfunc - A pointer to the function that will be called to
+ * process the parameter, once it has been scanned.
+ * c - The first character of the parameter name, which
+ * would have been read by Parse(). Unlike a comment
+ * line or a section header, there is no lead-in
+ * character that can be discarded.
+ *
+ * Output: True if the parameter name and value were scanned and processed
+ * successfully, else False.
+ *
+ * Notes: This function is in two parts. The first loop scans the
+ * parameter name. Internal whitespace is compressed, and an
+ * equal sign (=) terminates the token. Leading and trailing
+ * whitespace is discarded. The second loop scans the parameter
+ * value. When both have been successfully identified, they are
+ * passed to pfunc() for processing.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ int i = 0; /* Position within bufr. */
+ int end = 0; /* bufr[end] is current end-of-string. */
+ int vstart = 0; /* Starting position of the parameter value. */
+ char *func = "params.c:Parameter() -";
+ /* Read the parameter name. */
+ while( 0 == vstart ) /* Loop until we've found the start of the value. */
+ {
+ if( i > (bSize - 2) ) /* Ensure there's space for next char. */
+ {
+ bSize += BUFR_INC;
+ bufr = realloc_array( bufr, char, bSize );
+ }
+ switch( c )
+ {
+ case '=': /* Equal sign marks end of param name. */
+ if( 0 == end ) /* Don't allow an empty name. */
+ {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Invalid parameter name in config file.\n", func );
+ return( False );
+ }
+ bufr[end++] = '\0'; /* Mark end of string & advance. */
+ i = vstart = end; /* New string starts here. */
+ c = EatWhitespace(InFile);
+ break;
+ case '\n': /* Find continuation char, else error. */
+ i = Continuation( bufr, i );
+ if( i < 0 )
+ {
+ bufr[end] = '\0';
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Ignoring badly formed line in config file: %s\n",
+ func, bufr );
+ return( True );
+ }
+ end = ( (i > 0) && (' ' == bufr[i - 1]) ) ? (i - 1) : (i);
+ c = getc( InFile ); /* Read past eoln. */
+ break;
+ case '\0': /* Shouldn't have EOF within param name. */
+ case EOF:
+ bufr[i] = '\0';
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Unexpected end-of-file at: %s\n", func, bufr );
+ return( True );
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ /* A directive divides at the first space or tab. */
+ if (*bufr == '&') {
+ bufr[end++] = '\0';
+ i = vstart = end;
+ c = EatWhitespace(InFile);
+ if (c == '=')
+ c = EatWhitespace(InFile);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if( isspace( c ) ) /* One ' ' per whitespace region. */
+ {
+ bufr[end] = ' ';
+ i = end + 1;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ }
+ else /* All others verbatim. */
+ {
+ bufr[i++] = c;
+ end = i;
+ c = getc( InFile );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now parse the value. */
+ while( (EOF !=c) && (c > 0) )
+ {
+ if( i > (bSize - 2) ) /* Make sure there's enough room. */
+ {
+ bSize += BUFR_INC;
+ bufr = realloc_array( bufr, char, bSize );
+ }
+ switch( c )
+ {
+ case '\r': /* Explicitly remove '\r' because the older */
+ c = getc( InFile ); /* version called fgets_slash() which also */
+ break; /* removes them. */
+ case '\n': /* Marks end of value unless there's a '\'. */
+ i = Continuation( bufr, i );
+ if( i < 0 )
+ c = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ for( end = i; end >= 0 && isSpace(bufr + end); end-- )
+ ;
+ c = getc( InFile );
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* All others verbatim. Note that spaces do */
+ bufr[i++] = c; /* not advance <end>. This allows trimming */
+ if( !isspace( c ) ) /* of whitespace at the end of the line. */
+ end = i;
+ c = getc( InFile );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bufr[end] = '\0'; /* End of value. */
+ return( pfunc( bufr, &bufr[vstart] ) ); /* Pass name & value to pfunc(). */
+ } /* Parameter */
+static int name_cmp(const void *n1, const void *n2)
+ return strcmp(*(char * const *)n1, *(char * const *)n2);
+static int include_config(char *include, int manage_globals)
+ char *match = manage_globals ? "*.conf" : "*.inc";
+ int ret;
+ if (do_stat(include, &sb) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "unable to stat config file \"%s\"", include);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {
+ if (manage_globals && the_sfunc)
+ the_sfunc("]push");
+ ret = pm_process(include, the_sfunc, the_pfunc);
+ if (manage_globals && the_sfunc)
+ the_sfunc("]pop");
+ } else if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
+ char buf[MAXPATHLEN], **bpp;
+ item_list conf_list;
+ struct dirent *di;
+ size_t j;
+ DIR *d;
+ if (!(d = opendir(include))) {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "unable to open config dir \"%s\"", include);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memset(&conf_list, 0, sizeof conf_list);
+ while ((di = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+ char *dname = d_name(di);
+ if (!wildmatch(match, dname))
+ continue;
+ bpp = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&conf_list, char *, 32);
+ pathjoin(buf, sizeof buf, include, dname);
+ *bpp = strdup(buf);
+ }
+ closedir(d);
+ if (!(bpp = conf_list.items))
+ return 1;
+ if (conf_list.count > 1)
+ qsort(bpp, conf_list.count, sizeof (char *), name_cmp);
+ for (j = 0, ret = 1; j < conf_list.count; j++) {
+ if (manage_globals && the_sfunc)
+ the_sfunc(j == 0 ? "]push" : "]reset");
+ if ((ret = pm_process(bpp[j], the_sfunc, the_pfunc)) != 1)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (manage_globals && the_sfunc)
+ the_sfunc("]pop");
+ for (j = 0; j < conf_list.count; j++)
+ free(bpp[j]);
+ free(bpp);
+ } else
+ ret = 0;
+ return ret;
+static int parse_directives(char *name, char *val)
+ if (strcasecmp(name, "&include") == 0)
+ return include_config(val, 1);
+ if (strcasecmp(name, "&merge") == 0)
+ return include_config(val, 0);
+ rprintf(FLOG, "Unknown directive: %s.\n", name);
+ return 0;
+static int Parse( FILE *InFile,
+ BOOL (*sfunc)(char *),
+ BOOL (*pfunc)(char *, char *) )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Scan & parse the input.
+ *
+ * Input: InFile - Input source.
+ * sfunc - Function to be called when a section name is scanned.
+ * See Section().
+ * pfunc - Function to be called when a parameter is scanned.
+ * See Parameter().
+ *
+ * Output: 1 if the file was successfully scanned, 2 if the file was
+ * scanned until a section header with no section function, else 0.
+ *
+ * Notes: The input can be viewed in terms of 'lines'. There are four
+ * types of lines:
+ * Blank - May contain whitespace, otherwise empty.
+ * Comment - First non-whitespace character is a ';' or '#'.
+ * The remainder of the line is ignored.
+ * Section - First non-whitespace character is a '['.
+ * Parameter - The default case.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ int c;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ while( (EOF != c) && (c > 0) )
+ {
+ switch( c )
+ {
+ case '\n': /* Blank line. */
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ case ';': /* Comment line. */
+ case '#':
+ c = EatComment( InFile );
+ break;
+ case '[': /* Section Header. */
+ if (!sfunc)
+ return 2;
+ if( !Section( InFile, sfunc ) )
+ return 0;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ case '\\': /* Bogus backslash. */
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ case '&': /* Handle directives */
+ the_sfunc = sfunc;
+ the_pfunc = pfunc;
+ c = Parameter( InFile, parse_directives, c );
+ if (c != 1)
+ return c;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ default: /* Parameter line. */
+ if( !Parameter( InFile, pfunc, c ) )
+ return 0;
+ c = EatWhitespace( InFile );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } /* Parse */
+static FILE *OpenConfFile( char *FileName )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Open a config file.
+ *
+ * Input: FileName - The pathname of the config file to be opened.
+ *
+ * Output: A pointer of type (FILE *) to the opened file, or NULL if the
+ * file could not be opened.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ FILE *OpenedFile;
+ char *func = "params.c:OpenConfFile() -";
+ if( NULL == FileName || 0 == *FileName )
+ {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s No config filename specified.\n", func);
+ return( NULL );
+ }
+ OpenedFile = fopen( FileName, "r" );
+ if( NULL == OpenedFile )
+ {
+ rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "unable to open config file \"%s\"",
+ FileName);
+ }
+ return( OpenedFile );
+ } /* OpenConfFile */
+int pm_process( char *FileName,
+ BOOL (*sfunc)(char *),
+ BOOL (*pfunc)(char *, char *) )
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ * Process the named parameter file.
+ *
+ * Input: FileName - The pathname of the parameter file to be opened.
+ * sfunc - A pointer to a function that will be called when
+ * a section name is discovered.
+ * pfunc - A pointer to a function that will be called when
+ * a parameter name and value are discovered.
+ *
+ * Output: 1 if the file was successfully parsed, 2 if parsing ended at a
+ * section header w/o a section function, else 0.
+ *
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
+ */
+ {
+ int result;
+ FILE *InFile;
+ char *func = "params.c:pm_process() -";
+ InFile = OpenConfFile( FileName ); /* Open the config file. */
+ if( NULL == InFile )
+ return( False );
+ if( NULL != bufr ) /* If we already have a buffer */
+ result = Parse( InFile, sfunc, pfunc ); /* (recursive call), then just */
+ /* use it. */
+ else /* If we don't have a buffer */
+ { /* allocate one, then parse, */
+ bSize = BUFR_INC; /* then free. */
+ bufr = new_array( char, bSize );
+ result = Parse( InFile, sfunc, pfunc );
+ free( bufr );
+ bufr = NULL;
+ bSize = 0;
+ }
+ fclose(InFile);
+ if( !result ) /* Generic failure. */
+ {
+ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Failed. Error returned from params.c:parse().\n", func);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+ } /* pm_process */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/pipe.c b/pipe.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e5f038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipe.c
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ * Routines used to setup various kinds of inter-process pipes.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int blocking_io;
+extern int filesfrom_fd;
+extern int munge_symlinks;
+extern char *logfile_name;
+extern int remote_option_cnt;
+extern const char **remote_options;
+extern struct chmod_mode_struct *chmod_modes;
+ * Create a child connected to us via its stdin/stdout.
+ *
+ * This is derived from CVS code
+ *
+ * Note that in the child STDIN is set to blocking and STDOUT
+ * is set to non-blocking. This is necessary as rsh relies on stdin being blocking
+ * and ssh relies on stdout being non-blocking
+ *
+ * If blocking_io is set then use blocking io on both fds. That can be
+ * used to cope with badly broken rsh implementations like the one on
+ * Solaris.
+ **/
+pid_t piped_child(char **command, int *f_in, int *f_out)
+ pid_t pid;
+ int to_child_pipe[2];
+ int from_child_pipe[2];
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CMD, 1))
+ print_child_argv("opening connection using:", command);
+ if (fd_pair(to_child_pipe) < 0 || fd_pair(from_child_pipe) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "pipe");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ pid = do_fork();
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "fork");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ if (dup2(to_child_pipe[0], STDIN_FILENO) < 0
+ || close(to_child_pipe[1]) < 0
+ || close(from_child_pipe[0]) < 0
+ || dup2(from_child_pipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Failed to dup/close");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (to_child_pipe[0] != STDIN_FILENO)
+ close(to_child_pipe[0]);
+ if (from_child_pipe[1] != STDOUT_FILENO)
+ close(from_child_pipe[1]);
+ set_blocking(STDIN_FILENO);
+ if (blocking_io > 0)
+ set_blocking(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ execvp(command[0], command);
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Failed to exec %s", command[0]);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (close(from_child_pipe[1]) < 0 || close(to_child_pipe[0]) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Failed to close");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ *f_in = from_child_pipe[0];
+ *f_out = to_child_pipe[1];
+ return pid;
+/* This function forks a child which calls child_main(). First,
+ * however, it has to establish communication paths to and from the
+ * newborn child. It creates two socket pairs -- one for writing to
+ * the child (from the parent) and one for reading from the child
+ * (writing to the parent). Since that's four socket ends, each
+ * process has to close the two ends it doesn't need. The remaining
+ * two socket ends are retained for reading and writing. In the
+ * child, the STDIN and STDOUT file descriptors refer to these
+ * sockets. In the parent, the function arguments f_in and f_out are
+ * set to refer to these sockets. */
+pid_t local_child(int argc, char **argv, int *f_in, int *f_out,
+ int (*child_main)(int, char*[]))
+ pid_t pid;
+ int to_child_pipe[2];
+ int from_child_pipe[2];
+ /* The parent process is always the sender for a local rsync. */
+ assert(am_sender);
+ if (fd_pair(to_child_pipe) < 0 || fd_pair(from_child_pipe) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "pipe");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ pid = do_fork();
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "fork");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ am_sender = 0;
+ am_server = 1;
+ filesfrom_fd = -1;
+ munge_symlinks = 0; /* Each side needs its own option. */
+ chmod_modes = NULL; /* Let the sending side handle this. */
+ /* Let the client side handle this. */
+ if (logfile_name) {
+ logfile_name = NULL;
+ logfile_close();
+ }
+ if (remote_option_cnt) {
+ int rc = remote_option_cnt + 1;
+ const char **rv = remote_options;
+ if (!parse_arguments(&rc, &rv)) {
+ option_error();
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dup2(to_child_pipe[0], STDIN_FILENO) < 0
+ || close(to_child_pipe[1]) < 0
+ || close(from_child_pipe[0]) < 0
+ || dup2(from_child_pipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Failed to dup/close");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (to_child_pipe[0] != STDIN_FILENO)
+ close(to_child_pipe[0]);
+ if (from_child_pipe[1] != STDOUT_FILENO)
+ close(from_child_pipe[1]);
+ setup_iconv();
+ child_main(argc, argv);
+ }
+ if (close(from_child_pipe[1]) < 0 || close(to_child_pipe[0]) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Failed to close");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ *f_in = from_child_pipe[0];
+ *f_out = to_child_pipe[1];
+ return pid;
diff --git a/popt/CHANGES b/popt/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db16a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+1.5 -> 1.6
+ - add ability to perform callbacks for every, not just first, match.
+1.3 -> 1.5
+ - heavy dose of const's
+ - poptParseArgvString() now NULL terminates the list
+1.2.3 -> 1.3
+ - added support for single -
+ - misc bug fixes
+ - portability improvements
+1.2.2 -> 1.2.3
+ - fixed memset() in help message generation (Dale Hawkins)
+ - added extern "C" stuff to popt.h for C++ compilers (Dale Hawkins)
+ - const'ified poptParseArgvString (Jeff Garzik)
+1.2.1 -> 1.2.2
+ - fixed bug in chaind alias happens which seems to have only
+ affected --triggers in rpm
+ - added POPT_ARG_VAL
+ - popt.3 installed by default
+1.2 -> 1.2.1
+ - added POPT_ARG_INTL_DOMAIN (Elliot Lee)
+ - updated Makefile's to be more GNUish (Elliot Lee)
+1.1 -> 1.2
+ - added popt.3 man page (Robert Lynch)
+ - don't use mmap anymore (its lack of portability isn't worth the
+ trouble)
+ - added test script
+ - added support for exec
+ - removed support for *_POPT_ALIASES env variable -- it was a bad
+ idea
+ - reorganized into multiple source files
+ - added automatic help generation, POPT_AUTOHELP
+ - added table callbacks
+ - added table inclusion
+ - updated man page for new features
+ - added test scripts
+1.0 -> 1.1
+ - moved to autoconf (Fred Fish)
+ - added STRERROR replacement (Norbert Warmuth)
+ - added const keywords (Bruce Perens)
diff --git a/popt/COPYING b/popt/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c7ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 1998 Red Hat Software
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be
+used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
+in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.
diff --git a/popt/README b/popt/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b5205b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/README
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+This is the popt command line option parsing library. While it is similiar
+to getopt(3), it contains a number of enhancements, including:
+ 1) popt is fully reentrant
+ 2) popt can parse arbitrary argv[] style arrays while
+ getopt(2) makes this quite difficult
+ 3) popt allows users to alias command line arguments
+ 4) popt provides convience functions for parsing strings
+ into argv[] style arrays
+popt is used by rpm, the Red Hat install program, and many other Red Hat
+utilities, all of which provide excellent examples of how to use popt.
+Complete documentation on popt is available in (included in this
+tarball), which is excerpted with permission from the book "Linux
+Application Development" by Michael K. Johnson and Erik Troan (availble
+from Addison Wesley in May, 1998).
+Comments on popt should be addressed to
diff --git a/popt/README.rsync b/popt/README.rsync
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf54d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/README.rsync
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This is a perfectly ordinary copy of libpopt. It is only used on platforms
+that do not have a sufficiently up-to-date copy of their own. If you build
+rsync on a platform which has popt, this directory should not be used. (You
+can control that using the --with-included-popt configure flag.)
diff --git a/popt/ b/popt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/
diff --git a/popt/findme.c b/popt/findme.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac4cbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/findme.c
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \file popt/findme.c
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2002 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#include "system.h"
+#include "findme.h"
+const char * findProgramPath(const char * argv0)
+ char * path = getenv("PATH");
+ char * pathbuf;
+ char * start, * chptr;
+ char * buf;
+ size_t bufsize;
+ if (argv0 == NULL) return NULL; /* XXX can't happen */
+ /* If there is a / in the argv[0], it has to be an absolute path */
+ if (strchr(argv0, '/'))
+ return xstrdup(argv0);
+ if (path == NULL) return NULL;
+ bufsize = strlen(path) + 1;
+ start = pathbuf = alloca(bufsize);
+ if (pathbuf == NULL) return NULL; /* XXX can't happen */
+ strlcpy(pathbuf, path, bufsize);
+ bufsize += sizeof "/" - 1 + strlen(argv0);
+ buf = malloc(bufsize);
+ if (buf == NULL) return NULL; /* XXX can't happen */
+ chptr = NULL;
+ /*@-branchstate@*/
+ do {
+ if ((chptr = strchr(start, ':')))
+ *chptr = '\0';
+ snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%s/%s", start, argv0);
+ if (!access(buf, X_OK))
+ return buf;
+ if (chptr)
+ start = chptr + 1;
+ else
+ start = NULL;
+ } while (start && *start);
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ free(buf);
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/popt/findme.h b/popt/findme.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a016b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/findme.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \file popt/findme.h
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2000 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#ifndef H_FINDME
+#define H_FINDME
+ * Return absolute path to executable by searching PATH.
+ * @param argv0 name of executable
+ * @return (malloc'd) absolute path to executable (or NULL)
+ */
+/*@null@*/ const char * findProgramPath(/*@null@*/ const char * argv0)
+ /*@*/;
diff --git a/popt/popt.c b/popt/popt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d927f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/popt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \file popt/popt.c
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2002 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#undef MYDEBUG
+#include "system.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "findme.h"
+#include "poptint.h"
+#ifndef DBL_EPSILON
+#define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16
+#ifdef MYDEBUG
+int _popt_debug = 0;
+#if !defined(HAVE_STRERROR) && !defined(__LCLINT__)
+static char * strerror(int errno)
+ extern int sys_nerr;
+ extern char * sys_errlist[];
+ if ((0 <= errno) && (errno < sys_nerr))
+ return sys_errlist[errno];
+ else
+ return POPT_("unknown errno");
+#ifdef MYDEBUG
+static void prtcon(const char *msg, poptContext con)
+ if (msg) fprintf(stderr, "%s", msg);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\tcon %p os %p nextCharArg \"%s\" nextArg \"%s\" argv[%d] \"%s\"\n",
+ con, con->os,
+ (con->os->nextCharArg ? con->os->nextCharArg : ""),
+ (con->os->nextArg ? con->os->nextArg : ""),
+ con->os->next,
+ (con->os->argv && con->os->argv[con->os->next]
+ ? con->os->argv[con->os->next] : ""));
+void poptSetExecPath(poptContext con, const char * path, int allowAbsolute)
+ con->execPath = _free(con->execPath);
+ con->execPath = xstrdup(path);
+ con->execAbsolute = allowAbsolute;
+ /*@-nullstate@*/ /* LCL: con->execPath not NULL */
+ return;
+ /*@=nullstate@*/
+static void invokeCallbacksPRE(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * opt)
+ /*@globals internalState@*/
+ /*@modifies internalState@*/
+ if (opt != NULL)
+ for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) {
+ if (opt->arg == NULL) continue; /* XXX program error. */
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ void * arg = opt->arg;
+ /* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+ if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+ /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */
+ invokeCallbacksPRE(con, arg);
+ } else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK &&
+ (opt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_PRE))
+ { /*@-castfcnptr@*/
+ poptCallbackType cb = (poptCallbackType)opt->arg;
+ /*@=castfcnptr@*/
+ /* Perform callback. */
+ /*@-noeffectuncon @*/
+ cb(con, POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_PRE, NULL, NULL, opt->descrip);
+ /*@=noeffectuncon @*/
+ }
+ }
+static void invokeCallbacksPOST(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * opt)
+ /*@globals internalState@*/
+ /*@modifies internalState@*/
+ if (opt != NULL)
+ for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) {
+ if (opt->arg == NULL) continue; /* XXX program error. */
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ void * arg = opt->arg;
+ /* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+ if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+ /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */
+ invokeCallbacksPOST(con, arg);
+ } else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK &&
+ (opt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_POST))
+ { /*@-castfcnptr@*/
+ poptCallbackType cb = (poptCallbackType)opt->arg;
+ /*@=castfcnptr@*/
+ /* Perform callback. */
+ /*@-noeffectuncon @*/
+ cb(con, POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_POST, NULL, NULL, opt->descrip);
+ /*@=noeffectuncon @*/
+ }
+ }
+static void invokeCallbacksOPTION(poptContext con,
+ const struct poptOption * opt,
+ const struct poptOption * myOpt,
+ /*@null@*/ const void * myData, int shorty)
+ /*@globals internalState@*/
+ /*@modifies internalState@*/
+ const struct poptOption * cbopt = NULL;
+ if (opt != NULL)
+ for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ void * arg = opt->arg;
+ /* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+ if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+ /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */
+ if (opt->arg != NULL) /* XXX program error */
+ invokeCallbacksOPTION(con, opt->arg, myOpt, myData, shorty);
+ } else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK &&
+ !(opt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_SKIPOPTION)) {
+ /* Save callback info. */
+ cbopt = opt;
+ } else if (cbopt != NULL &&
+ ((myOpt->shortName && opt->shortName && shorty &&
+ myOpt->shortName == opt->shortName) ||
+ (myOpt->longName && opt->longName &&
+ /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: opt->longName != NULL */
+ !strcmp(myOpt->longName, opt->longName)))
+ /*@=nullpass@*/
+ )
+ { /*@-castfcnptr@*/
+ poptCallbackType cb = (poptCallbackType)cbopt->arg;
+ /*@=castfcnptr@*/
+ const void * cbData = (cbopt->descrip ? cbopt->descrip : myData);
+ /* Perform callback. */
+ if (cb != NULL) { /* XXX program error */
+ /*@-noeffectuncon @*/
+ con->os->nextArg, cbData);
+ /*@=noeffectuncon @*/
+ }
+ /* Terminate (unless explcitly continuing). */
+ if (!(cbopt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_CONTINUE))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+poptContext poptGetContext(const char * name, int argc, const char ** argv,
+ const struct poptOption * options, int flags)
+ poptContext con = malloc(sizeof(*con));
+ if (con == NULL) return NULL; /* XXX can't happen */
+ memset(con, 0, sizeof(*con));
+ con->os = con->optionStack;
+ con->os->argc = argc;
+ /*@-dependenttrans -assignexpose@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */
+ con->os->argv = argv;
+ /*@=dependenttrans =assignexpose@*/
+ con->os->argb = NULL;
+ if (!(flags & POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST))
+ con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */
+ con->leftovers = calloc( (argc + 1), sizeof(*con->leftovers) );
+ /*@-dependenttrans -assignexpose@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */
+ con->options = options;
+ /*@=dependenttrans =assignexpose@*/
+ con->aliases = NULL;
+ con->numAliases = 0;
+ con->flags = flags;
+ con->execs = NULL;
+ con->numExecs = 0;
+ con->finalArgvAlloced = argc * 2;
+ con->finalArgv = calloc( con->finalArgvAlloced, sizeof(*con->finalArgv) );
+ con->execAbsolute = 1;
+ con->arg_strip = NULL;
+ if (getenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT") || getenv("POSIX_ME_HARDER"))
+ if (name) {
+ size_t bufsize = strlen(name) + 1;
+ char * t = malloc(bufsize);
+ if (t) {
+ strlcpy(t, name, bufsize);
+ con->appName = t;
+ }
+ }
+ /*@-internalglobs@*/
+ invokeCallbacksPRE(con, con->options);
+ /*@=internalglobs@*/
+ return con;
+static void cleanOSE(/*@special@*/ struct optionStackEntry *os)
+ /*@uses os @*/
+ /*@releases os->nextArg, os->argv, os->argb @*/
+ /*@modifies os @*/
+ os->nextArg = _free(os->nextArg);
+ os->argv = _free(os->argv);
+ os->argb = PBM_FREE(os->argb);
+void poptResetContext(poptContext con)
+ int i;
+ if (con == NULL) return;
+ while (con->os > con->optionStack) {
+ cleanOSE(con->os--);
+ }
+ con->os->argb = PBM_FREE(con->os->argb);
+ con->os->currAlias = NULL;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ con->os->nextArg = NULL;
+ con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */
+ con->numLeftovers = 0;
+ con->nextLeftover = 0;
+ con->restLeftover = 0;
+ con->doExec = NULL;
+ if (con->finalArgv != NULL)
+ for (i = 0; i < con->finalArgvCount; i++) {
+ /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ /* FIX: typedef double indirection. */
+ con->finalArgv[i] = _free(con->finalArgv[i]);
+ /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/
+ }
+ con->finalArgvCount = 0;
+ con->arg_strip = PBM_FREE(con->arg_strip);
+ /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: con->finalArgv != NULL */
+ return;
+ /*@=nullstate@*/
+/* Only one of longName, shortName should be set, not both. */
+static int handleExec(/*@special@*/ poptContext con,
+ /*@null@*/ const char * longName, char shortName)
+ /*@uses con->execs, con->numExecs, con->flags, con->doExec,
+ con->finalArgv, con->finalArgvAlloced, con->finalArgvCount @*/
+ /*@modifies con @*/
+ poptItem item;
+ int i;
+ if (con->execs == NULL || con->numExecs <= 0) /* XXX can't happen */
+ return 0;
+ for (i = con->numExecs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ item = con->execs + i;
+ if (longName && !(item->option.longName &&
+ !strcmp(longName, item->option.longName)))
+ continue;
+ else if (shortName != item->option.shortName)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i < 0) return 0;
+ if (con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC)
+ return 1;
+ if (con->doExec == NULL) {
+ con->doExec = con->execs + i;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* We already have an exec to do; remember this option for next
+ time 'round */
+ if ((con->finalArgvCount + 1) >= (con->finalArgvAlloced)) {
+ con->finalArgvAlloced += 10;
+ con->finalArgv = realloc(con->finalArgv,
+ sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * con->finalArgvAlloced);
+ }
+ i = con->finalArgvCount++;
+ if (con->finalArgv != NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ { size_t bufsize = (longName ? strlen(longName) : 0) + 3;
+ char *s = malloc(bufsize);
+ if (s != NULL) { /* XXX can't happen */
+ if (longName)
+ snprintf(s, bufsize, "--%s", longName);
+ else
+ snprintf(s, bufsize, "-%c", shortName);
+ con->finalArgv[i] = s;
+ } else
+ con->finalArgv[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: con->finalArgv[] == NULL */
+ return 1;
+ /*@=nullstate@*/
+/* Only one of longName, shortName may be set at a time */
+static int handleAlias(/*@special@*/ poptContext con,
+ /*@null@*/ const char * longName, char shortName,
+ /*@exposed@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * nextCharArg)
+ /*@uses con->aliases, con->numAliases, con->optionStack, con->os,
+ con->os->currAlias, con->os->currAlias->option.longName @*/
+ /*@modifies con @*/
+ poptItem item = con->os->currAlias;
+ int rc;
+ int i;
+ if (item) {
+ if (longName && (item->option.longName &&
+ !strcmp(longName, item->option.longName)))
+ return 0;
+ if (shortName && shortName == item->option.shortName)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (con->aliases == NULL || con->numAliases <= 0) /* XXX can't happen */
+ return 0;
+ for (i = con->numAliases - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ item = con->aliases + i;
+ if (longName && !(item->option.longName &&
+ !strcmp(longName, item->option.longName)))
+ continue;
+ else if (shortName != item->option.shortName)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i < 0) return 0;
+ if ((con->os - con->optionStack + 1) == POPT_OPTION_DEPTH)
+ if (nextCharArg && *nextCharArg)
+ con->os->nextCharArg = nextCharArg;
+ con->os++;
+ con->os->next = 0;
+ con->os->stuffed = 0;
+ con->os->nextArg = NULL;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ con->os->currAlias = con->aliases + i;
+ rc = poptDupArgv(con->os->currAlias->argc, con->os->currAlias->argv,
+ &con->os->argc, &con->os->argv);
+ con->os->argb = NULL;
+ return (rc ? rc : 1);
+/*@-bounds -boundswrite @*/
+static int execCommand(poptContext con)
+ /*@globals internalState @*/
+ /*@modifies internalState @*/
+ poptItem item = con->doExec;
+ const char ** argv;
+ int argc = 0;
+ if (item == NULL) /*XXX can't happen*/
+ if (item->argv == NULL || item->argc < 1 ||
+ (!con->execAbsolute && strchr(item->argv[0], '/')))
+ argv = malloc(sizeof(*argv) *
+ (6 + item->argc + con->numLeftovers + con->finalArgvCount));
+ if (argv == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_MALLOC;
+ if (!strchr(item->argv[0], '/') && con->execPath != NULL) {
+ size_t bufsize = strlen(con->execPath) + strlen(item->argv[0]) + sizeof "/";
+ char *s = alloca(bufsize);
+ snprintf(s, bufsize, "%s/%s", con->execPath, item->argv[0]);
+ argv[argc] = s;
+ } else
+ argv[argc] = findProgramPath(item->argv[0]);
+ if (argv[argc++] == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_NOARG;
+ if (item->argc > 1) {
+ memcpy(argv + argc, item->argv + 1, sizeof(*argv) * (item->argc - 1));
+ argc += (item->argc - 1);
+ }
+ if (con->finalArgv != NULL && con->finalArgvCount > 0) {
+ memcpy(argv + argc, con->finalArgv,
+ sizeof(*argv) * con->finalArgvCount);
+ argc += con->finalArgvCount;
+ }
+ if (con->leftovers != NULL && con->numLeftovers > 0) {
+ memcpy(argv + argc, con->leftovers, sizeof(*argv) * con->numLeftovers);
+ argc += con->numLeftovers;
+ }
+ argv[argc] = NULL;
+ {
+#ifdef __hpux
+ int rc = setresgid(getgid(), getgid(),-1);
+ if (rc) return POPT_ERROR_ERRNO;
+ rc = setresuid(getuid(), getuid(),-1);
+ if (rc) return POPT_ERROR_ERRNO;
+ * XXX " ... on BSD systems setuid() should be preferred over setreuid()"
+ * XXX sez' Timur Bakeyev <>
+ * XXX from Norbert Warmuth <>
+ */
+#if defined(HAVE_SETUID)
+ int rc = setgid(getgid());
+ if (rc) return POPT_ERROR_ERRNO;
+ rc = setuid(getuid());
+ if (rc) return POPT_ERROR_ERRNO;
+#elif defined (HAVE_SETREUID)
+ int rc = setregid(getgid(), getgid());
+ if (rc) return POPT_ERROR_ERRNO;
+ rc = setreuid(getuid(), getuid());
+ if (rc) return POPT_ERROR_ERRNO;
+ ; /* Can't drop privileges */
+ }
+ if (argv[0] == NULL)
+#ifdef MYDEBUG
+if (_popt_debug)
+ { const char ** avp;
+ fprintf(stderr, "==> execvp(%s) argv[%d]:", argv[0], argc);
+ for (avp = argv; *avp; avp++)
+ fprintf(stderr, " '%s'", *avp);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ execvp(argv[0], (char *const *)argv);
+/*@=bounds =boundswrite @*/
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ static const struct poptOption *
+findOption(const struct poptOption * opt, /*@null@*/ const char * longName,
+ char shortName,
+ /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ poptCallbackType * callback,
+ /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ const void ** callbackData,
+ int singleDash)
+ /*@modifies *callback, *callbackData */
+ const struct poptOption * cb = NULL;
+ /* This happens when a single - is given */
+ if (singleDash && !shortName && (longName && *longName == '\0'))
+ shortName = '-';
+ for (; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ const struct poptOption * opt2;
+ void * arg = opt->arg;
+ /* XXX sick hack to preserve pretense of ABI. */
+ if (arg == poptHelpOptions) arg = poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+ /* Recurse on included sub-tables. */
+ if (arg == NULL) continue; /* XXX program error */
+ opt2 = findOption(arg, longName, shortName, callback,
+ callbackData, singleDash);
+ if (opt2 == NULL) continue;
+ /* Sub-table data will be inheirited if no data yet. */
+ if (!(callback && *callback)) return opt2;
+ if (!(callbackData && *callbackData == NULL)) return opt2;
+ /*@-observertrans -dependenttrans @*/
+ *callbackData = opt->descrip;
+ /*@=observertrans =dependenttrans @*/
+ return opt2;
+ } else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK) {
+ cb = opt;
+ } else if (longName && opt->longName &&
+ (!singleDash || (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH)) &&
+ /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: opt->longName != NULL */
+ !strcmp(longName, opt->longName))
+ /*@=nullpass@*/
+ {
+ break;
+ } else if (shortName && shortName == opt->shortName) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!opt->longName && !opt->shortName)
+ return NULL;
+ /*@-modobserver -mods @*/
+ if (callback) *callback = NULL;
+ if (callbackData) *callbackData = NULL;
+ if (cb) {
+ if (callback)
+ /*@-castfcnptr@*/
+ *callback = (poptCallbackType)cb->arg;
+ /*@=castfcnptr@*/
+ if (!(cb->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_INC_DATA)) {
+ if (callbackData)
+ /*@-observertrans@*/ /* FIX: typedef double indirection. */
+ *callbackData = cb->descrip;
+ /*@=observertrans@*/
+ }
+ }
+ /*@=modobserver =mods @*/
+ return opt;
+static const char * findNextArg(/*@special@*/ poptContext con,
+ unsigned argx, int delete_arg)
+ /*@uses con->optionStack, con->os,
+ con->os->next, con->os->argb, con->os->argc, con->os->argv @*/
+ /*@modifies con @*/
+ struct optionStackEntry * os = con->os;
+ const char * arg;
+ do {
+ int i;
+ arg = NULL;
+ while (os->next == os->argc && os > con->optionStack) os--;
+ if (os->next == os->argc && os == con->optionStack) break;
+ if (os->argv != NULL)
+ for (i = os->next; i < os->argc; i++) {
+ /*@-sizeoftype@*/
+ if (os->argb && PBM_ISSET(i, os->argb))
+ /*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
+ if (*os->argv[i] == '-')
+ /*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
+ if (--argx > 0)
+ /*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
+ arg = os->argv[i];
+ if (delete_arg) {
+ if (os->argb == NULL) os->argb = PBM_ALLOC(os->argc);
+ if (os->argb != NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ PBM_SET(i, os->argb);
+ }
+ /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
+ /*@=sizeoftype@*/
+ }
+ if (os > con->optionStack) os--;
+ } while (arg == NULL);
+ return arg;
+static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ const char *
+expandNextArg(/*@special@*/ poptContext con, const char * s)
+ /*@uses con->optionStack, con->os,
+ con->os->next, con->os->argb, con->os->argc, con->os->argv @*/
+ /*@modifies con @*/
+ const char * a = NULL;
+ size_t alen, pos;
+ char *t, *te;
+ size_t tn = strlen(s) + 1;
+ char c;
+ te = t = malloc(tn);;
+ if (t == NULL) return NULL; /* XXX can't happen */
+ while ((c = *s++) != '\0') {
+ switch (c) {
+#if 0 /* XXX can't do this */
+ case '\\': /* escape */
+ c = *s++;
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ case '!':
+ if (!(s[0] == '#' && s[1] == ':' && s[2] == '+'))
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ /* XXX Make sure that findNextArg deletes only next arg. */
+ if (a == NULL) {
+ if ((a = findNextArg(con, 1, 1)) == NULL)
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ }
+ s += 3;
+ alen = strlen(a);
+ tn += alen;
+ pos = te - t;
+ t = realloc(t, tn);
+ te = t + pos;
+ memcpy(te, a, alen+1); te += alen;
+ continue;
+ /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ default:
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ }
+ *te++ = c;
+ }
+ *te = '\0';
+ t = realloc(t, strlen(t) + 1); /* XXX memory leak, hard to plug */
+ return t;
+static void poptStripArg(/*@special@*/ poptContext con, int which)
+ /*@uses con->arg_strip, con->optionStack @*/
+ /*@defines con->arg_strip @*/
+ /*@modifies con @*/
+ /*@-sizeoftype@*/
+ if (con->arg_strip == NULL)
+ con->arg_strip = PBM_ALLOC(con->optionStack[0].argc);
+ if (con->arg_strip != NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ PBM_SET(which, con->arg_strip);
+ /*@=sizeoftype@*/
+ /*@-compdef@*/ /* LCL: con->arg_strip udefined? */
+ return;
+ /*@=compdef@*/
+int poptSaveLong(long * arg, int argInfo, long aLong)
+ /* XXX Check alignment, may fail on funky platforms. */
+ if (arg == NULL || (((unsigned long)arg) & (sizeof(*arg)-1)))
+ if (argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_NOT)
+ aLong = ~aLong;
+ switch (argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_LOGICALOPS) {
+ case 0:
+ *arg = aLong;
+ break;
+ *arg |= aLong;
+ break;
+ *arg &= aLong;
+ break;
+ *arg ^= aLong;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*@notreached@*/ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int poptSaveInt(/*@null@*/ int * arg, int argInfo, long aLong)
+ /* XXX Check alignment, may fail on funky platforms. */
+ if (arg == NULL || (((unsigned long)arg) & (sizeof(*arg)-1)))
+ if (argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_NOT)
+ aLong = ~aLong;
+ switch (argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_LOGICALOPS) {
+ case 0:
+ *arg = aLong;
+ break;
+ *arg |= aLong;
+ break;
+ *arg &= aLong;
+ break;
+ *arg ^= aLong;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*@notreached@*/ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* returns 'val' element, -1 on last item, POPT_ERROR_* on error */
+int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext con)
+ const struct poptOption * opt = NULL;
+ int done = 0;
+ if (con == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ while (!done) {
+ const char * origOptString = NULL;
+ poptCallbackType cb = NULL;
+ const void * cbData = NULL;
+ const char * longArg = NULL;
+ int canstrip = 0;
+ int shorty = 0;
+ while (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc
+ && con->os > con->optionStack) {
+ cleanOSE(con->os--);
+ }
+ if (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc) {
+ /*@-internalglobs@*/
+ invokeCallbacksPOST(con, con->options);
+ /*@=internalglobs@*/
+ if (con->doExec) return execCommand(con);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Process next long option */
+ if (!con->os->nextCharArg) {
+ char * localOptString, * optString;
+ int thisopt;
+ /*@-sizeoftype@*/
+ if (con->os->argb && PBM_ISSET(con->os->next, con->os->argb)) {
+ con->os->next++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*@=sizeoftype@*/
+ thisopt = con->os->next;
+ if (con->os->argv != NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ origOptString = con->os->argv[con->os->next++];
+ if (origOptString == NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ if (con->restLeftover || *origOptString != '-') {
+ con->restLeftover = 1;
+ if (con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_ARG_OPTS) {
+ con->os->nextArg = xstrdup(origOptString);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (con->leftovers != NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers++] = origOptString;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Make a copy we can hack at */
+ { size_t bufsize = strlen(origOptString) + 1;
+ localOptString = optString = alloca(bufsize);
+ if (optString == NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ strlcpy(optString, origOptString, bufsize);
+ }
+ if (optString[0] == '\0')
+ if (optString[1] == '-' && !optString[2]) {
+ con->restLeftover = 1;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ char *oe;
+ int singleDash;
+ optString++;
+ if (*optString == '-')
+ singleDash = 0, optString++;
+ else
+ singleDash = 1;
+ /* XXX aliases with arg substitution need "--alias=arg" */
+ if (handleAlias(con, optString, '\0', NULL))
+ continue;
+ if (handleExec(con, optString, '\0'))
+ continue;
+ /* Check for "--long=arg" option. */
+ for (oe = optString; *oe && *oe != '='; oe++)
+ {};
+ if (*oe == '=') {
+ *oe++ = '\0';
+ /* XXX longArg is mapped back to persistent storage. */
+ longArg = origOptString + (oe - localOptString);
+ } else
+ oe = NULL;
+ opt = findOption(con->options, optString, '\0', &cb, &cbData,
+ singleDash);
+ if (!opt && !singleDash)
+ if (!opt && oe)
+ oe[-1] = '='; /* restore overwritten '=' */
+ }
+ if (!opt) {
+ con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString + 1;
+ longArg = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (con->os == con->optionStack &&
+ opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_STRIP)
+ {
+ canstrip = 1;
+ poptStripArg(con, thisopt);
+ }
+ shorty = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Process next short option */
+ /*@-branchstate@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */
+ if (con->os->nextCharArg) {
+ origOptString = con->os->nextCharArg;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ if (handleAlias(con, NULL, *origOptString, origOptString + 1))
+ continue;
+ if (handleExec(con, NULL, *origOptString)) {
+ /* Restore rest of short options for further processing */
+ origOptString++;
+ if (*origOptString != '\0')
+ con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString;
+ continue;
+ }
+ opt = findOption(con->options, NULL, *origOptString, &cb,
+ &cbData, 0);
+ if (!opt)
+ shorty = 1;
+ origOptString++;
+ if (*origOptString != '\0')
+ con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString;
+ }
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ if (opt == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_BADOPT; /* XXX can't happen */
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_NONE
+ || (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_VAL) {
+ if (longArg || (con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->nextCharArg[0] == '='))
+ if (opt->arg) {
+ long val = (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_VAL ? opt->val : 1;
+ if (poptSaveInt((int *)opt->arg, opt->argInfo, val))
+ }
+ } else {
+ con->os->nextArg = _free(con->os->nextArg);
+ /*@-usedef@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */
+ if (longArg) {
+ /*@=usedef@*/
+ longArg = expandNextArg(con, longArg);
+ con->os->nextArg = longArg;
+ } else if (con->os->nextCharArg) {
+ longArg = expandNextArg(con, con->os->nextCharArg + (con->os->nextCharArg[0] == '='));
+ con->os->nextArg = longArg;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ } else {
+ while (con->os->next == con->os->argc &&
+ con->os > con->optionStack) {
+ cleanOSE(con->os--);
+ }
+ if (con->os->next == con->os->argc) {
+ if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL))
+ /*@-compdef@*/ /* FIX: con->os->argv not defined */
+ /*@=compdef@*/
+ con->os->nextArg = NULL;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Make sure this isn't part of a short arg or the
+ * result of an alias expansion.
+ */
+ if (con->os == con->optionStack &&
+ (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_STRIP) &&
+ canstrip) {
+ poptStripArg(con, con->os->next);
+ }
+ if (con->os->argv != NULL) { /* XXX can't happen */
+ /* XXX watchout: subtle side-effects live here. */
+ longArg = con->os->argv[con->os->next++];
+ longArg = expandNextArg(con, longArg);
+ con->os->nextArg = longArg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ longArg = NULL;
+ if (opt->arg) {
+ switch (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) {
+ /* XXX memory leak, hard to plug */
+ *((const char **) opt->arg) = (con->os->nextArg)
+ ? xstrdup(con->os->nextArg) : NULL;
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ case POPT_ARG_INT:
+ { long aLong = 0;
+ char *end;
+ if (con->os->nextArg) {
+ aLong = strtol(con->os->nextArg, &end, 0);
+ if (!(end && *end == '\0'))
+ }
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_LONG) {
+ if (aLong == LONG_MIN || aLong == LONG_MAX)
+ if (poptSaveLong((long *)opt->arg, opt->argInfo, aLong))
+ } else {
+ if (aLong > INT_MAX || aLong < INT_MIN)
+ if (poptSaveInt((int *)opt->arg, opt->argInfo, aLong))
+ }
+ } /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ { double aDouble = 0.0;
+ char *end;
+ if (con->os->nextArg) {
+ /*@-mods@*/
+ int saveerrno = errno;
+ errno = 0;
+ aDouble = strtod(con->os->nextArg, &end);
+ if (errno == ERANGE)
+ errno = saveerrno;
+ /*@=mods@*/
+ if (*end != '\0')
+ }
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_DOUBLE) {
+ *((double *) opt->arg) = aDouble;
+ } else {
+#define MY_ABS(a) ((((a) - 0.0) < DBL_EPSILON) ? -(a) : (a))
+ if ((MY_ABS(aDouble) - FLT_MAX) > DBL_EPSILON)
+ if ((FLT_MIN - MY_ABS(aDouble)) > DBL_EPSILON)
+ *((float *) opt->arg) = aDouble;
+ }
+ } /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stdout,
+ POPT_("option type (%d) not implemented in popt\n"),
+ (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK));
+ /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cb) {
+ /*@-internalglobs@*/
+ invokeCallbacksOPTION(con, con->options, opt, cbData, shorty);
+ /*@=internalglobs@*/
+ } else if (opt->val && ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) != POPT_ARG_VAL))
+ done = 1;
+ if ((con->finalArgvCount + 2) >= (con->finalArgvAlloced)) {
+ con->finalArgvAlloced += 10;
+ con->finalArgv = realloc(con->finalArgv,
+ sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * con->finalArgvAlloced);
+ }
+ if (con->finalArgv != NULL)
+ { ssize_t bufsize = (opt->longName ? strlen(opt->longName) : 0) + 3;
+ char *s = malloc(bufsize);
+ if (s != NULL) { /* XXX can't happen */
+ if (opt->longName)
+ snprintf(s, bufsize, "%s%s",
+ ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH) ? "-" : "--"),
+ opt->longName);
+ else
+ snprintf(s, bufsize, "-%c", opt->shortName);
+ con->finalArgv[con->finalArgvCount++] = s;
+ } else
+ con->finalArgv[con->finalArgvCount++] = NULL;
+ }
+ if (opt->arg && (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_NONE)
+ /*@-ifempty@*/ ; /*@=ifempty@*/
+ else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_VAL)
+ /*@-ifempty@*/ ; /*@=ifempty@*/
+ else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) != POPT_ARG_NONE) {
+ if (con->finalArgv != NULL && con->os->nextArg)
+ con->finalArgv[con->finalArgvCount++] =
+ /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: con->os->nextArg != NULL */
+ xstrdup(con->os->nextArg);
+ /*@=nullpass@*/
+ }
+ }
+ return (opt ? opt->val : -1); /* XXX can't happen */
+const char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext con)
+ const char * ret = NULL;
+ /*@-branchstate@*/
+ if (con) {
+ ret = con->os->nextArg;
+ con->os->nextArg = NULL;
+ }
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ return ret;
+const char * poptGetArg(poptContext con)
+ const char * ret = NULL;
+ if (con && con->leftovers != NULL && con->nextLeftover < con->numLeftovers)
+ ret = con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover++];
+ return ret;
+const char * poptPeekArg(poptContext con)
+ const char * ret = NULL;
+ if (con && con->leftovers != NULL && con->nextLeftover < con->numLeftovers)
+ ret = con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover];
+ return ret;
+const char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext con)
+ if (con == NULL ||
+ con->leftovers == NULL || con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover)
+ return NULL;
+ /* some apps like [like RPM ;-) ] need this NULL terminated */
+ con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers] = NULL;
+ /*@-nullret -nullstate @*/ /* FIX: typedef double indirection. */
+ return (con->leftovers + con->nextLeftover);
+ /*@=nullret =nullstate @*/
+poptContext poptFreeContext(poptContext con)
+ poptItem item;
+ int i;
+ if (con == NULL) return con;
+ poptResetContext(con);
+ con->os->argb = _free(con->os->argb);
+ if (con->aliases != NULL)
+ for (i = 0; i < con->numAliases; i++) {
+ item = con->aliases + i;
+ /*@-modobserver -observertrans -dependenttrans@*/
+ item->option.longName = _free(item->option.longName);
+ item->option.descrip = _free(item->option.descrip);
+ item->option.argDescrip = _free(item->option.argDescrip);
+ /*@=modobserver =observertrans =dependenttrans@*/
+ item->argv = _free(item->argv);
+ }
+ con->aliases = _free(con->aliases);
+ if (con->execs != NULL)
+ for (i = 0; i < con->numExecs; i++) {
+ item = con->execs + i;
+ /*@-modobserver -observertrans -dependenttrans@*/
+ item->option.longName = _free(item->option.longName);
+ item->option.descrip = _free(item->option.descrip);
+ item->option.argDescrip = _free(item->option.argDescrip);
+ /*@=modobserver =observertrans =dependenttrans@*/
+ item->argv = _free(item->argv);
+ }
+ con->execs = _free(con->execs);
+ con->leftovers = _free(con->leftovers);
+ con->finalArgv = _free(con->finalArgv);
+ con->appName = _free(con->appName);
+ con->otherHelp = _free(con->otherHelp);
+ con->execPath = _free(con->execPath);
+ con->arg_strip = PBM_FREE(con->arg_strip);
+ con = _free(con);
+ return con;
+int poptAddAlias(poptContext con, struct poptAlias alias,
+ /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(int flags))
+ poptItem item = (poptItem) alloca(sizeof(*item));
+ memset(item, 0, sizeof(*item));
+ item->option.longName = alias.longName;
+ item->option.shortName = alias.shortName;
+ item->option.argInfo = POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN;
+ item->option.arg = 0;
+ item->option.val = 0;
+ item->option.descrip = NULL;
+ item->option.argDescrip = NULL;
+ item->argc = alias.argc;
+ item->argv = alias.argv;
+ return poptAddItem(con, item, 0);
+/*@-mustmod@*/ /* LCL: con not modified? */
+int poptAddItem(poptContext con, poptItem newItem, int flags)
+ poptItem * items, item;
+ int * nitems;
+ switch (flags) {
+ case 1:
+ items = &con->execs;
+ nitems = &con->numExecs;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ items = &con->aliases;
+ nitems = &con->numAliases;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 1;
+ /*@notreached@*/ break;
+ }
+ *items = realloc((*items), ((*nitems) + 1) * sizeof(**items));
+ if ((*items) == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ item = (*items) + (*nitems);
+ item->option.longName =
+ (newItem->option.longName ? xstrdup(newItem->option.longName) : NULL);
+ item->option.shortName = newItem->option.shortName;
+ item->option.argInfo = newItem->option.argInfo;
+ item->option.arg = newItem->option.arg;
+ item->option.val = newItem->option.val;
+ item->option.descrip =
+ (newItem->option.descrip ? xstrdup(newItem->option.descrip) : NULL);
+ item->option.argDescrip =
+ (newItem->option.argDescrip ? xstrdup(newItem->option.argDescrip) : NULL);
+ item->argc = newItem->argc;
+ item->argv = newItem->argv;
+ (*nitems)++;
+ return 0;
+const char * poptBadOption(poptContext con, int flags)
+ struct optionStackEntry * os = NULL;
+ if (con != NULL)
+ os = (flags & POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS) ? con->optionStack : con->os;
+ /*@-nullderef@*/ /* LCL: os->argv != NULL */
+ return (os && os->argv ? os->argv[os->next - 1] : NULL);
+ /*@=nullderef@*/
+const char * poptStrerror(const int error)
+ switch (error) {
+ return POPT_("missing argument");
+ return POPT_("option does not take an argument");
+ return POPT_("unknown option");
+ return POPT_("mutually exclusive logical operations requested");
+ return POPT_("opt->arg should not be NULL");
+ return POPT_("aliases nested too deeply");
+ return POPT_("error in parameter quoting");
+ return POPT_("invalid numeric value");
+ return POPT_("number too large or too small");
+ return POPT_("memory allocation failed");
+ return strerror(errno);
+ default:
+ return POPT_("unknown error");
+ }
+int poptStuffArgs(poptContext con, const char ** argv)
+ int argc;
+ int rc;
+ if ((con->os - con->optionStack) == POPT_OPTION_DEPTH)
+ for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++)
+ {};
+ con->os++;
+ con->os->next = 0;
+ con->os->nextArg = NULL;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ con->os->currAlias = NULL;
+ rc = poptDupArgv(argc, argv, &con->os->argc, &con->os->argv);
+ con->os->argb = NULL;
+ con->os->stuffed = 1;
+ return rc;
+const char * poptGetInvocationName(poptContext con)
+ return (con->os->argv ? con->os->argv[0] : "");
+int poptStrippedArgv(poptContext con, int argc, char ** argv)
+ int numargs = argc;
+ int j = 1;
+ int i;
+ /*@-sizeoftype@*/
+ if (con->arg_strip)
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (PBM_ISSET(i, con->arg_strip))
+ numargs--;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (con->arg_strip && PBM_ISSET(i, con->arg_strip))
+ continue;
+ argv[j] = (j < numargs) ? argv[i] : NULL;
+ j++;
+ }
+ /*@=sizeoftype@*/
+ return numargs;
diff --git a/popt/popt.h b/popt/popt.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d85f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/popt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+/** \file popt/popt.h
+ * \ingroup popt
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2000 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#ifndef H_POPT
+#define H_POPT
+#include <stdio.h> /* for FILE * */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \name Arg type identifiers
+ */
+#define POPT_ARG_NONE 0 /*!< no arg */
+#define POPT_ARG_STRING 1 /*!< arg will be saved as string */
+#define POPT_ARG_INT 2 /*!< arg will be converted to int */
+#define POPT_ARG_LONG 3 /*!< arg will be converted to long */
+#define POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE 4 /*!< arg points to table */
+#define POPT_ARG_CALLBACK 5 /*!< table-wide callback... must be
+ set first in table; arg points
+ to callback, descrip points to
+ callback data to pass */
+#define POPT_ARG_INTL_DOMAIN 6 /*!< set the translation domain
+ for this table and any
+ included tables; arg points
+ to the domain string */
+#define POPT_ARG_VAL 7 /*!< arg should take value val */
+#define POPT_ARG_FLOAT 8 /*!< arg will be converted to float */
+#define POPT_ARG_DOUBLE 9 /*!< arg will be converted to double */
+#define POPT_ARG_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \name Arg modifiers
+ */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH 0x80000000 /*!< allow -longoption */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN 0x40000000 /*!< don't show in help/usage */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_STRIP 0x20000000 /*!< strip this arg from argv(only applies to long args) */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL 0x10000000 /*!< arg may be missing */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_OR 0x08000000 /*!< arg will be or'ed */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_NOR 0x09000000 /*!< arg will be nor'ed */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_AND 0x04000000 /*!< arg will be and'ed */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_NAND 0x05000000 /*!< arg will be nand'ed */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_XOR 0x02000000 /*!< arg will be xor'ed */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_NOT 0x01000000 /*!< arg will be negated */
+ /*!< set arg bit(s) */
+ /*!< clear arg bit(s) */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT 0x00800000 /*!< show default value in --help */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \name Callback modifiers
+ */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_PRE 0x80000000 /*!< call the callback before parse */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_POST 0x40000000 /*!< call the callback after parse */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_INC_DATA 0x20000000 /*!< use data from the include line,
+ not the subtable */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_SKIPOPTION 0x10000000 /*!< don't callback with option */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_CONTINUE 0x08000000 /*!< continue callbacks with option */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \name Error return values
+ */
+#define POPT_ERROR_NOARG -10 /*!< missing argument */
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADOPT -11 /*!< unknown option */
+#define POPT_ERROR_UNWANTEDARG -12 /*!< option does not take an argument */
+#define POPT_ERROR_OPTSTOODEEP -13 /*!< aliases nested too deeply */
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADQUOTE -15 /*!< error in paramter quoting */
+#define POPT_ERROR_ERRNO -16 /*!< errno set, use strerror(errno) */
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADNUMBER -17 /*!< invalid numeric value */
+#define POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW -18 /*!< number too large or too small */
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADOPERATION -19 /*!< mutually exclusive logical operations requested */
+#define POPT_ERROR_NULLARG -20 /*!< opt->arg should not be NULL */
+#define POPT_ERROR_MALLOC -21 /*!< memory allocation failed */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \name poptBadOption() flags
+ */
+#define POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS (1 << 0) /*!< don't go into an alias */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \name poptGetContext() flags
+ */
+#define POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC (1 << 0) /*!< ignore exec expansions */
+#define POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST (1 << 1) /*!< pay attention to argv[0] */
+#define POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER (1 << 2) /*!< options can't follow args */
+#define POPT_CONTEXT_ARG_OPTS (1 << 4) /*!< return args as options with value 0 */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ */
+struct poptOption {
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char * longName; /*!< may be NULL */
+ char shortName; /*!< may be NUL */
+ int argInfo;
+/*@shared@*/ /*@null@*/
+ void * arg; /*!< depends on argInfo */
+ int val; /*!< 0 means don't return, just update flag */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char * descrip; /*!< description for autohelp -- may be NULL */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char * argDescrip; /*!< argument description for autohelp */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * A popt alias argument for poptAddAlias().
+ */
+struct poptAlias {
+/*@owned@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char * longName; /*!< may be NULL */
+ char shortName; /*!< may be NUL */
+ int argc;
+ const char ** argv; /*!< must be free()able */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * A popt alias or exec argument for poptAddItem().
+ */
+typedef struct poptItem_s {
+ struct poptOption option; /*!< alias/exec name(s) and description. */
+ int argc; /*!< (alias) no. of args. */
+ const char ** argv; /*!< (alias) args, must be free()able. */
+} * poptItem;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \name Auto-generated help/usage
+ */
+ * Empty table marker to enable displaying popt alias/exec options.
+ */
+/*@unchecked@*/ /*@observer@*/
+extern struct poptOption poptAliasOptions[];
+#define POPT_AUTOALIAS { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, poptAliasOptions, \
+ 0, "Options implemented via popt alias/exec:", NULL },
+ * Auto help table options.
+ */
+/*@unchecked@*/ /*@observer@*/
+extern struct poptOption poptHelpOptions[];
+/*@unchecked@*/ /*@observer@*/
+extern struct poptOption * poptHelpOptionsI18N;
+#define POPT_AUTOHELP { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, poptHelpOptions, \
+ 0, "Help options:", NULL },
+#define POPT_TABLEEND { NULL, '\0', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL }
+/** \ingroup popt
+ */
+typedef /*@abstract@*/ struct poptContext_s * poptContext;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ */
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+/*@-exporttype -typeuse@*/
+typedef struct poptOption * poptOption;
+/*@=exporttype =typeuse@*/
+enum poptCallbackReason {
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Table callback prototype.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param reason reason for callback
+ * @param opt option that triggered callback
+ * @param arg @todo Document.
+ * @param data @todo Document.
+ */
+typedef void (*poptCallbackType) (poptContext con,
+ enum poptCallbackReason reason,
+ /*@null@*/ const struct poptOption * opt,
+ /*@null@*/ const char * arg,
+ /*@null@*/ const void * data)
+ /*@globals internalState @*/
+ /*@modifies internalState @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Initialize popt context.
+ * @param name context name (usually argv[0] program name)
+ * @param argc no. of arguments
+ * @param argv argument array
+ * @param options address of popt option table
+ * @param flags or'd POPT_CONTEXT_* bits
+ * @return initialized popt context
+ */
+/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
+poptContext poptGetContext(
+ /*@dependent@*/ /*@keep@*/ const char * name,
+ int argc, /*@dependent@*/ /*@keep@*/ const char ** argv,
+ /*@dependent@*/ /*@keep@*/ const struct poptOption * options,
+ int flags)
+ /*@*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Reinitialize popt context.
+ * @param con context
+ */
+void poptResetContext(/*@null@*/poptContext con)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Return value of next option found.
+ * @param con context
+ * @return next option val, -1 on last item, POPT_ERROR_* on error
+ */
+int poptGetNextOpt(/*@null@*/poptContext con)
+ /*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
+ /*@modifies con, fileSystem, internalState @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Return next option argument (if any).
+ * @param con context
+ * @return option argument, NULL if no argument is available
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ /*@unused@*/
+const char * poptGetOptArg(/*@null@*/poptContext con)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Return next argument.
+ * @param con context
+ * @return next argument, NULL if no argument is available
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ /*@unused@*/
+const char * poptGetArg(/*@null@*/poptContext con)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Peek at current argument.
+ * @param con context
+ * @return current argument, NULL if no argument is available
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ /*@unused@*/
+const char * poptPeekArg(/*@null@*/poptContext con)
+ /*@*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Return remaining arguments.
+ * @param con context
+ * @return argument array, NULL terminated
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
+const char ** poptGetArgs(/*@null@*/poptContext con)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Return the option which caused the most recent error.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param flags
+ * @return offending option
+ */
+const char * poptBadOption(/*@null@*/poptContext con, int flags)
+ /*@*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Destroy context.
+ * @param con context
+ * @return NULL always
+ */
+poptContext poptFreeContext( /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ poptContext con)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Add arguments to context.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param argv argument array, NULL terminated
+ * @return 0 on success, POPT_ERROR_OPTSTOODEEP on failure
+ */
+int poptStuffArgs(poptContext con, /*@keep@*/ const char ** argv)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Add alias to context.
+ * @todo Pass alias by reference, not value.
+ * @deprecated Use poptAddItem instead.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param alias alias to add
+ * @param flags (unused)
+ * @return 0 on success
+ */
+int poptAddAlias(poptContext con, struct poptAlias alias, int flags)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Add alias/exec item to context.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param newItem alias/exec item to add
+ * @param flags 0 for alias, 1 for exec
+ * @return 0 on success
+ */
+int poptAddItem(poptContext con, poptItem newItem, int flags)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Read configuration file.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param fn file name to read
+ * @return 0 on success, POPT_ERROR_ERRNO on failure
+ */
+int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext con, const char * fn)
+ /*@globals errno, fileSystem, internalState @*/
+ /*@modifies con->execs, con->numExecs,
+ errno, fileSystem, internalState @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Read default configuration from /etc/popt and $HOME/.popt.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param useEnv (unused)
+ * @return 0 on success, POPT_ERROR_ERRNO on failure
+ */
+int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext con, /*@unused@*/ int useEnv)
+ /*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
+ /*@modifies con->execs, con->numExecs,
+ fileSystem, internalState @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Duplicate an argument array.
+ * @note: The argument array is malloc'd as a single area, so only argv must
+ * be free'd.
+ *
+ * @param argc no. of arguments
+ * @param argv argument array
+ * @retval argcPtr address of returned no. of arguments
+ * @retval argvPtr address of returned argument array
+ * @return 0 on success, POPT_ERROR_NOARG on failure
+ */
+int poptDupArgv(int argc, /*@null@*/ const char **argv,
+ /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ int * argcPtr,
+ /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ const char *** argvPtr)
+ /*@modifies *argcPtr, *argvPtr @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Parse a string into an argument array.
+ * The parse allows ', ", and \ quoting, but ' is treated the same as " and
+ * both may include \ quotes.
+ * @note: The argument array is malloc'd as a single area, so only argv must
+ * be free'd.
+ *
+ * @param s string to parse
+ * @retval argcPtr address of returned no. of arguments
+ * @retval argvPtr address of returned argument array
+ */
+int poptParseArgvString(const char * s,
+ /*@out@*/ int * argcPtr, /*@out@*/ const char *** argvPtr)
+ /*@modifies *argcPtr, *argvPtr @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Parses an input configuration file and returns an string that is a
+ * command line. For use with popt. You must free the return value when done.
+ *
+ * Given the file:
+# this line is ignored
+ # this one too
+ bbb
+ ccc
+this_is = fdsafdas
+ bad_line=
+ reall bad line
+ reall bad line = again
+5555= 55555
+ test = with lots of spaces
+* The result is:
+--aaa --bbb --ccc --bla="bla" --this_is="fdsafdas" --5555="55555" --test="with lots of spaces"
+* Passing this to poptParseArgvString() yields an argv of:
+'--test=with lots of spaces'
+ *
+ * @bug NULL is returned if file line is too long.
+ * @bug Silently ignores invalid lines.
+ *
+ * @param fp file handle to read
+ * @param *argstrp return string of options (malloc'd)
+ * @param flags unused
+ * @return 0 on success
+ * @see poptParseArgvString
+ */
+int poptConfigFileToString(FILE *fp, /*@out@*/ char ** argstrp, int flags)
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, *argstrp, fileSystem @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Return formatted error string for popt failure.
+ * @param error popt error
+ * @return error string
+ */
+const char * poptStrerror(const int error)
+ /*@*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Limit search for executables.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param path single path to search for executables
+ * @param allowAbsolute absolute paths only?
+ */
+void poptSetExecPath(poptContext con, const char * path, int allowAbsolute)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Print detailed description of options.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param fp ouput file handle
+ * @param flags (unused)
+ */
+void poptPrintHelp(poptContext con, FILE * fp, /*@unused@*/ int flags)
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Print terse description of options.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param fp ouput file handle
+ * @param flags (unused)
+ */
+void poptPrintUsage(poptContext con, FILE * fp, /*@unused@*/ int flags)
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Provide text to replace default "[OPTION...]" in help/usage output.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param text replacement text
+ */
+void poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptContext con, const char * text)
+ /*@modifies con @*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Return argv[0] from context.
+ * @param con context
+ * @return argv[0]
+ */
+const char * poptGetInvocationName(poptContext con)
+ /*@*/;
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * Shuffle argv pointers to remove stripped args, returns new argc.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param argc no. of args
+ * @param argv arg vector
+ * @return new argc
+ */
+int poptStrippedArgv(poptContext con, int argc, char ** argv)
+ /*@modifies *argv @*/;
+ * Save a long, performing logical operation with value.
+ * @warning Alignment check may be too strict on certain platorms.
+ * @param arg integer pointer, aligned on int boundary.
+ * @param argInfo logical operation (see POPT_ARGFLAG_*)
+ * @param aLong value to use
+ */
+int poptSaveLong(/*@null@*/ long * arg, int argInfo, long aLong)
+ /*@modifies *arg @*/
+ /*@requires maxSet(arg) >= 0 /\ maxRead(arg) == 0 @*/;
+ * Save an integer, performing logical operation with value.
+ * @warning Alignment check may be too strict on certain platorms.
+ * @param arg integer pointer, aligned on int boundary.
+ * @param argInfo logical operation (see POPT_ARGFLAG_*)
+ * @param aLong value to use
+ */
+int poptSaveInt(/*@null@*/ int * arg, int argInfo, long aLong)
+ /*@modifies *arg @*/
+ /*@requires maxSet(arg) >= 0 /\ maxRead(arg) == 0 @*/;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/popt/poptconfig.c b/popt/poptconfig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9733d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/poptconfig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \file popt/poptconfig.c
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2002 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#include "system.h"
+#include "poptint.h"
+/*@access poptContext @*/
+/*@-compmempass@*/ /* FIX: item->option.longName kept, not dependent. */
+static void configLine(poptContext con, char * line)
+ /*@modifies con @*/
+ size_t nameLength;
+ const char * entryType;
+ const char * opt;
+ poptItem item = (poptItem) alloca(sizeof(*item));
+ int i, j;
+ if (con->appName == NULL)
+ return;
+ nameLength = strlen(con->appName);
+ memset(item, 0, sizeof(*item));
+ if (strncmp(line, con->appName, nameLength)) return;
+ line += nameLength;
+ if (*line == '\0' || !isSpace(line)) return;
+ while (*line != '\0' && isSpace(line)) line++;
+ entryType = line;
+ while (*line == '\0' || !isSpace(line)) line++;
+ *line++ = '\0';
+ while (*line != '\0' && isSpace(line)) line++;
+ if (*line == '\0') return;
+ opt = line;
+ while (*line == '\0' || !isSpace(line)) line++;
+ *line++ = '\0';
+ while (*line != '\0' && isSpace(line)) line++;
+ if (*line == '\0') return;
+ /*@-temptrans@*/ /* FIX: line alias is saved */
+ if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == '-')
+ item->option.longName = opt + 2;
+ else if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[2] == '\0')
+ item->option.shortName = opt[1];
+ /*@=temptrans@*/
+ if (poptParseArgvString(line, &item->argc, &item->argv)) return;
+ /*@-modobserver@*/
+ item->option.argInfo = POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < item->argc; i++, j++) {
+ const char * f;
+ if (!strncmp(item->argv[i], "--POPTdesc=", sizeof("--POPTdesc=")-1)) {
+ f = item->argv[i] + sizeof("--POPTdesc=");
+ if (f[0] == '$' && f[1] == '"') f++;
+ item->option.descrip = f;
+ item->option.argInfo &= ~POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN;
+ j--;
+ } else
+ if (!strncmp(item->argv[i], "--POPTargs=", sizeof("--POPTargs=")-1)) {
+ f = item->argv[i] + sizeof("--POPTargs=");
+ if (f[0] == '$' && f[1] == '"') f++;
+ item->option.argDescrip = f;
+ item->option.argInfo &= ~POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN;
+ item->option.argInfo |= POPT_ARG_STRING;
+ j--;
+ } else
+ if (j != i)
+ item->argv[j] = item->argv[i];
+ }
+ if (j != i) {
+ item->argv[j] = NULL;
+ item->argc = j;
+ }
+ /*@=modobserver@*/
+ /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: item->argv[] may be NULL */
+ if (!strcmp(entryType, "alias"))
+ (void) poptAddItem(con, item, 0);
+ else if (!strcmp(entryType, "exec"))
+ (void) poptAddItem(con, item, 1);
+ /*@=nullstate@*/
+int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext con, const char * fn)
+ const char * file, * chptr, * end;
+ char * buf;
+/*@dependent@*/ char * dst;
+ int fd, rc;
+ off_t fileLength;
+ fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return (errno == ENOENT ? 0 : POPT_ERROR_ERRNO);
+ fileLength = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if (fileLength == -1 || lseek(fd, 0, 0) == -1) {
+ rc = errno;
+ (void) close(fd);
+ errno = rc;
+ }
+ file = alloca(fileLength + 1);
+ if (read(fd, (char *)file, fileLength) != fileLength) {
+ rc = errno;
+ (void) close(fd);
+ errno = rc;
+ }
+ if (close(fd) == -1)
+ dst = buf = alloca(fileLength + 1);
+ chptr = file;
+ end = (file + fileLength);
+ /*@-infloops@*/ /* LCL: can't detect chptr++ */
+ while (chptr < end) {
+ switch (*chptr) {
+ case '\n':
+ *dst = '\0';
+ dst = buf;
+ while (*dst && isSpace(dst)) dst++;
+ if (*dst && *dst != '#')
+ configLine(con, dst);
+ chptr++;
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ case '\\':
+ *dst++ = *chptr++;
+ if (chptr < end) {
+ if (*chptr == '\n')
+ dst--, chptr++;
+ /* \ at the end of a line does not insert a \n */
+ else
+ *dst++ = *chptr++;
+ }
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ default:
+ *dst++ = *chptr++;
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*@=infloops@*/
+ return 0;
+int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext con, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(int useEnv))
+ char * fn, * home;
+ int rc;
+ if (con->appName == NULL) return 0;
+ rc = poptReadConfigFile(con, "/etc/popt");
+ if (rc) return rc;
+ if ((home = getenv("HOME"))) {
+ size_t bufsize = strlen(home) + 20;
+ fn = alloca(bufsize);
+ if (fn == NULL) return 0;
+ snprintf(fn, bufsize, "%s/.popt", home);
+ rc = poptReadConfigFile(con, fn);
+ if (rc) return rc;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/popt/popthelp.c b/popt/popthelp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a00976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/popthelp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \file popt/popthelp.c
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2002 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#include "system.h"
+/*#define POPT_WCHAR_HACK*/
+#include <wchar.h> /* for mbsrtowcs */
+/*@access mbstate_t @*/
+#include "poptint.h"
+/*@access poptContext@*/
+ * Display arguments.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param foo (unused)
+ * @param key option(s)
+ * @param arg (unused)
+ * @param data (unused)
+ */
+static void displayArgs(poptContext con,
+ /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(enum poptCallbackReason foo),
+ struct poptOption * key,
+ /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(const char * arg), /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(void * data))
+ /*@globals fileSystem@*/
+ /*@modifies fileSystem@*/
+ if (key->shortName == '?')
+ poptPrintHelp(con, stdout, 0);
+ else
+ poptPrintUsage(con, stdout, 0);
+ exit(0);
+#ifdef NOTYET
+static int show_option_defaults = 0;
+ * Empty table marker to enable displaying popt alias/exec options.
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/
+struct poptOption poptAliasOptions[] = {
+ * Auto help table options.
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/
+struct poptOption poptHelpOptions[] = {
+ { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_CALLBACK, (void *)&displayArgs, '\0', NULL, NULL },
+ { "help", '?', 0, NULL, '?', N_("Show this help message"), NULL },
+ { "usage", '\0', 0, NULL, 'u', N_("Display brief usage message"), NULL },
+} ;
+/*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/
+static struct poptOption poptHelpOptions2[] = {
+ { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_CALLBACK, (void *)&displayArgs, '\0', NULL, NULL },
+ { "help", '?', 0, NULL, '?', N_("Show this help message"), NULL },
+ { "usage", '\0', 0, NULL, 'u', N_("Display brief usage message"), NULL },
+#ifdef NOTYET
+ { "defaults", '\0', POPT_ARG_NONE, &show_option_defaults, 0,
+ N_("Display option defaults in message"), NULL },
+} ;
+/*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/
+struct poptOption * poptHelpOptionsI18N = poptHelpOptions2;
+ * @param table option(s)
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ static const char *
+getTableTranslationDomain(/*@null@*/ const struct poptOption *table)
+ /*@*/
+ const struct poptOption *opt;
+ if (table != NULL)
+ for (opt = table; opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg; opt++) {
+ if (opt->argInfo == POPT_ARG_INTL_DOMAIN)
+ return opt->arg;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * @param opt option(s)
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ */
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ static const char *
+getArgDescrip(const struct poptOption * opt,
+ /*@-paramuse@*/ /* FIX: i18n macros disabled with lclint */
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain))
+ /*@=paramuse@*/
+ /*@*/
+ if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK)) return NULL;
+ if (opt == (poptHelpOptions + 1) || opt == (poptHelpOptions + 2))
+ if (opt->argDescrip) return POPT_(opt->argDescrip);
+ if (opt->argDescrip) return D_(translation_domain, opt->argDescrip);
+ switch (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) {
+ /*case POPT_ARG_NONE: return POPT_("NONE");*/ /* impossible */
+#ifdef DYING
+ case POPT_ARG_VAL: return POPT_("VAL");
+ case POPT_ARG_VAL: return NULL;
+ case POPT_ARG_INT: return POPT_("INT");
+ case POPT_ARG_LONG: return POPT_("LONG");
+ case POPT_ARG_STRING: return POPT_("STRING");
+ case POPT_ARG_FLOAT: return POPT_("FLOAT");
+ case POPT_ARG_DOUBLE: return POPT_("DOUBLE");
+ default: return POPT_("ARG");
+ }
+ * Display default value for an option.
+ * @param lineLength display positions remaining
+ * @param opt option(s)
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ * @return
+ */
+static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ char *
+singleOptionDefaultValue(size_t lineLength,
+ const struct poptOption * opt,
+ /*@-paramuse@*/ /* FIX: i18n macros disabled with lclint */
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain))
+ /*@=paramuse@*/
+ /*@*/
+ const char * defstr = D_(translation_domain, "default");
+ size_t limit, bufsize = 4*lineLength + 1;
+ char * le = malloc(bufsize);
+ char * l = le;
+ if (le == NULL) return NULL; /* XXX can't happen */
+ *le++ = '(';
+ le += strlcpy(le, defstr, bufsize - 3);
+ *le++ = ':';
+ *le++ = ' ';
+ limit = bufsize - (le - l) - 1; /* -1 for closing paren */
+ if (opt->arg) /* XXX programmer error */
+ switch (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) {
+ case POPT_ARG_VAL:
+ case POPT_ARG_INT:
+ { long aLong = *((int *)opt->arg);
+ le += snprintf(le, limit, "%ld", aLong);
+ } break;
+ { long aLong = *((long *)opt->arg);
+ le += snprintf(le, limit, "%ld", aLong);
+ } break;
+ { double aDouble = *((float *)opt->arg);
+ le += snprintf(le, limit, "%g", aDouble);
+ } break;
+ { double aDouble = *((double *)opt->arg);
+ le += snprintf(le, limit, "%g", aDouble);
+ } break;
+ { const char * s = *(const char **)opt->arg;
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ le += strlcpy(le, "null", limit);
+ } else {
+ size_t len;
+ limit -= 2; /* make room for quotes */
+ *le++ = '"';
+ len = strlcpy(le, s, limit);
+ if (len >= limit) {
+ le += limit - 3 - 1;
+ *le++ = '.'; *le++ = '.'; *le++ = '.';
+ } else
+ le += len;
+ *le++ = '"';
+ }
+ } break;
+ default:
+ l = _free(l);
+ return NULL;
+ /*@notreached@*/ break;
+ }
+ *le++ = ')';
+ *le = '\0';
+ return l;
+ * Display help text for an option.
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ * @param maxLeftCol largest argument display width
+ * @param opt option(s)
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ */
+static void singleOptionHelp(FILE * fp, size_t maxLeftCol,
+ const struct poptOption * opt,
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain))
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/
+ size_t indentLength = maxLeftCol + 5;
+ size_t lineLength = 79 - indentLength;
+ const char * help = D_(translation_domain, opt->descrip);
+ const char * argDescrip = getArgDescrip(opt, translation_domain);
+ size_t helpLength;
+ char * defs = NULL;
+ char * left;
+ size_t lelen, limit;
+ size_t nb = maxLeftCol + 1;
+ int displaypad = 0;
+ /* Make sure there's more than enough room in target buffer. */
+ if (opt->longName) nb += strlen(opt->longName);
+ if (argDescrip) nb += strlen(argDescrip);
+ left = malloc(nb);
+ if (left == NULL) return; /* XXX can't happen */
+ left[0] = '\0';
+ left[maxLeftCol] = '\0';
+ if (opt->longName && opt->shortName)
+ snprintf(left, nb, "-%c, %s%s", opt->shortName,
+ ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH) ? "-" : "--"),
+ opt->longName);
+ else if (opt->shortName != '\0')
+ snprintf(left, nb, "-%c", opt->shortName);
+ else if (opt->longName)
+ snprintf(left, nb, "%s%s",
+ ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH) ? "-" : "--"),
+ opt->longName);
+ if (!*left) goto out;
+ if (argDescrip) {
+ char * le = left + strlen(left);
+ if (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL)
+ *le++ = '[';
+ /* Choose type of output */
+ /*@-branchstate@*/
+ if (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT) {
+ defs = singleOptionDefaultValue(lineLength, opt, translation_domain);
+ if (defs) {
+ size_t bufsize = (help ? strlen(help) : 0) + sizeof " " + strlen(defs);
+ char * t = malloc(bufsize);
+ if (t) {
+ snprintf(t, bufsize, "%s %s", help ? help : "", defs);
+ defs = _free(defs);
+ }
+ defs = t;
+ }
+ }
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ if (opt->argDescrip == NULL) {
+ switch (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) {
+ break;
+ case POPT_ARG_VAL:
+#ifdef NOTNOW /* XXX pug ugly nerdy output */
+ { long aLong = opt->val;
+ int ops = (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_LOGICALOPS);
+ int negate = (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_NOT);
+ /* Don't bother displaying typical values */
+ if (!ops && (aLong == 0L || aLong == 1L || aLong == -1L))
+ break;
+ *le++ = '[';
+ switch (ops) {
+ *le++ = '|';
+ /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
+ *le++ = '&';
+ /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
+ *le++ = '^';
+ /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
+ default:
+ /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
+ }
+ *le++ = (opt->longName != NULL ? '=' : ' ');
+ if (negate) *le++ = '~';
+ /*@-formatconst@*/
+ limit = nb - (le - left);
+ lelen = snprintf(le, limit, (ops ? "0x%lx" : "%ld"), aLong);
+ le += lelen >= limit ? limit - 1 : lelen;
+ /*@=formatconst@*/
+ *le++ = ']';
+ }
+ break;
+ case POPT_ARG_INT:
+ *le++ = (opt->longName != NULL ? '=' : ' ');
+ limit = nb - (le - left);
+ lelen = strlcpy(le, argDescrip, limit);
+ le += lelen >= limit ? limit - 1 : lelen;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *le++ = '=';
+ limit = nb - (le - left);
+ lelen = strlcpy(le, argDescrip, limit);
+ if (lelen >= limit)
+ lelen = limit - 1;
+ le += lelen;
+ { const char * scopy = argDescrip;
+ mbstate_t t;
+ size_t n;
+ memset ((void *)&t, '\0', sizeof (t)); /* In initial state. */
+ /* Determine number of characters. */
+ n = mbsrtowcs (NULL, &scopy, strlen(scopy), &t);
+ displaypad = (int) (lelen-n);
+ }
+ }
+ if (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL)
+ *le++ = ']';
+ *le = '\0';
+ }
+ if (help)
+ fprintf(fp," %-*s ", (int)maxLeftCol+displaypad, left);
+ else {
+ fprintf(fp," %s\n", left);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ left = _free(left);
+ if (defs) {
+ help = defs;
+ defs = NULL;
+ }
+ helpLength = strlen(help);
+ while (helpLength > lineLength) {
+ const char * ch;
+ char format[16];
+ ch = help + lineLength - 1;
+ while (ch > help && !isSpace(ch)) ch--;
+ if (ch == help) break; /* give up */
+ while (ch > (help + 1) && isSpace(ch)) ch--;
+ ch++;
+ snprintf(format, sizeof format, "%%.%ds\n%%%ds", (int) (ch - help), (int) indentLength);
+ /*@-formatconst@*/
+ fprintf(fp, format, help, " ");
+ /*@=formatconst@*/
+ help = ch;
+ while (isSpace(help) && *help) help++;
+ helpLength = strlen(help);
+ }
+ if (helpLength) fprintf(fp, "%s\n", help);
+ /*@-dependenttrans@*/
+ defs = _free(defs);
+ /*@=dependenttrans@*/
+ left = _free(left);
+ * Find display width for longest argument string.
+ * @param opt option(s)
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ * @return display width
+ */
+static size_t maxArgWidth(const struct poptOption * opt,
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain))
+ /*@*/
+ size_t max = 0;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ const char * s;
+ if (opt != NULL)
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ if (opt->arg) /* XXX program error */
+ len = maxArgWidth(opt->arg, translation_domain);
+ if (len > max) max = len;
+ } else if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN)) {
+ len = sizeof(" ")-1;
+ if (opt->shortName != '\0') len += sizeof("-X")-1;
+ if (opt->shortName != '\0' && opt->longName) len += sizeof(", ")-1;
+ if (opt->longName) {
+ len += ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH)
+ ? sizeof("-")-1 : sizeof("--")-1);
+ len += strlen(opt->longName);
+ }
+ s = getArgDescrip(opt, translation_domain);
+ /* XXX Calculate no. of display characters. */
+ if (s) {
+ const char * scopy = s;
+ mbstate_t t;
+ size_t n;
+ memset ((void *)&t, '\0', sizeof (t)); /* In initial state. */
+ /* Determine number of characters. */
+ n = mbsrtowcs (NULL, &scopy, strlen(scopy), &t);
+ len += sizeof("=")-1 + n;
+ }
+ if (s)
+ len += sizeof("=")-1 + strlen(s);
+ if (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL) len += sizeof("[]")-1;
+ if (len > max) max = len;
+ }
+ opt++;
+ }
+ return max;
+ * Display popt alias and exec help.
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ * @param items alias/exec array
+ * @param nitems no. of alias/exec entries
+ * @param left largest argument display width
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ */
+static void itemHelp(FILE * fp,
+ /*@null@*/ poptItem items, int nitems, size_t left,
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain))
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/
+ poptItem item;
+ int i;
+ if (items != NULL)
+ for (i = 0, item = items; i < nitems; i++, item++) {
+ const struct poptOption * opt;
+ opt = &item->option;
+ if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
+ !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN))
+ singleOptionHelp(fp, left, opt, translation_domain);
+ }
+ * Display help text for a table of options.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ * @param table option(s)
+ * @param left largest argument display width
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ */
+static void singleTableHelp(poptContext con, FILE * fp,
+ /*@null@*/ const struct poptOption * table, size_t left,
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain))
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/
+ const struct poptOption * opt;
+ const char *sub_transdom;
+ if (table == poptAliasOptions) {
+ itemHelp(fp, con->aliases, con->numAliases, left, NULL);
+ itemHelp(fp, con->execs, con->numExecs, left, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (table != NULL)
+ for (opt = table; (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg); opt++) {
+ if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
+ !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN))
+ singleOptionHelp(fp, left, opt, translation_domain);
+ }
+ if (table != NULL)
+ for (opt = table; (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg); opt++) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) != POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
+ continue;
+ sub_transdom = getTableTranslationDomain(opt->arg);
+ if (sub_transdom == NULL)
+ sub_transdom = translation_domain;
+ if (opt->descrip)
+ fprintf(fp, "\n%s\n", D_(sub_transdom, opt->descrip));
+ singleTableHelp(con, fp, opt->arg, left, sub_transdom);
+ }
+ * @param con context
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ */
+static int showHelpIntro(poptContext con, FILE * fp)
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/
+ int len = 6;
+ const char * fn;
+ fprintf(fp, POPT_("Usage:"));
+ if (!(con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST)) {
+ /*@-nullderef -type@*/ /* LCL: wazzup? */
+ fn = con->optionStack->argv[0];
+ /*@=nullderef =type@*/
+ if (fn == NULL) return len;
+ if (strchr(fn, '/')) fn = strrchr(fn, '/') + 1;
+ fprintf(fp, " %s", fn);
+ len += strlen(fn) + 1;
+ }
+ return len;
+void poptPrintHelp(poptContext con, FILE * fp, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(int flags))
+ size_t leftColWidth;
+ (void) showHelpIntro(con, fp);
+ if (con->otherHelp)
+ fprintf(fp, " %s\n", con->otherHelp);
+ else
+ fprintf(fp, " %s\n", POPT_("[OPTION...]"));
+ leftColWidth = maxArgWidth(con->options, NULL);
+ singleTableHelp(con, fp, con->options, leftColWidth, NULL);
+ * Display usage text for an option.
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ * @param cursor current display position
+ * @param opt option(s)
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ */
+static size_t singleOptionUsage(FILE * fp, size_t cursor,
+ const struct poptOption * opt,
+ /*@null@*/ const char *translation_domain)
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/
+ size_t len = 4;
+ char shortStr[2] = { '\0', '\0' };
+ const char * item = shortStr;
+ const char * argDescrip = getArgDescrip(opt, translation_domain);
+ if (opt->shortName != '\0' && opt->longName != NULL) {
+ len += 2;
+ if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH)) len++;
+ len += strlen(opt->longName);
+ } else if (opt->shortName != '\0') {
+ len++;
+ shortStr[0] = opt->shortName;
+ shortStr[1] = '\0';
+ } else if (opt->longName) {
+ len += strlen(opt->longName);
+ if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH)) len++;
+ item = opt->longName;
+ }
+ if (len == 4) return cursor;
+ /* XXX Calculate no. of display characters. */
+ if (argDescrip) {
+ const char * scopy = argDescrip;
+ mbstate_t t;
+ size_t n;
+ memset ((void *)&t, '\0', sizeof (t)); /* In initial state. */
+ /* Determine number of characters. */
+ n = mbsrtowcs (NULL, &scopy, strlen(scopy), &t);
+ len += sizeof("=")-1 + n;
+ }
+ if (argDescrip)
+ len += sizeof("=")-1 + strlen(argDescrip);
+ if ((cursor + len) > 79) {
+ fprintf(fp, "\n ");
+ cursor = 7;
+ }
+ if (opt->longName && opt->shortName) {
+ fprintf(fp, " [-%c|-%s%s%s%s]",
+ opt->shortName, ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH) ? "" : "-"),
+ opt->longName,
+ (argDescrip ? " " : ""),
+ (argDescrip ? argDescrip : ""));
+ } else {
+ fprintf(fp, " [-%s%s%s%s]",
+ ((opt->shortName || (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH)) ? "" : "-"),
+ item,
+ (argDescrip ? (opt->shortName != '\0' ? " " : "=") : ""),
+ (argDescrip ? argDescrip : ""));
+ }
+ return cursor + len + 1;
+ * Display popt alias and exec usage.
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ * @param cursor current display position
+ * @param item alias/exec array
+ * @param nitems no. of ara/exec entries
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ */
+static size_t itemUsage(FILE * fp, size_t cursor,
+ /*@null@*/ poptItem item, int nitems,
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain))
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/
+ int i;
+ /*@-branchstate@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */
+ if (item != NULL)
+ for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++, item++) {
+ const struct poptOption * opt;
+ opt = &item->option;
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INTL_DOMAIN) {
+ translation_domain = (const char *)opt->arg;
+ } else if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
+ !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN)) {
+ cursor = singleOptionUsage(fp, cursor, opt, translation_domain);
+ }
+ }
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ return cursor;
+ * Keep track of option tables already processed.
+ */
+typedef struct poptDone_s {
+ int nopts;
+ int maxopts;
+ const void ** opts;
+} * poptDone;
+ * Display usage text for a table of options.
+ * @param con context
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ * @param cursor current display position
+ * @param opt option(s)
+ * @param translation_domain translation domain
+ * @param done tables already processed
+ * @return
+ */
+static size_t singleTableUsage(poptContext con, FILE * fp, size_t cursor,
+ /*@null@*/ const struct poptOption * opt,
+ /*@null@*/ UNUSED(const char * translation_domain),
+ /*@null@*/ poptDone done)
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *fp, done, fileSystem @*/
+ /*@-branchstate@*/ /* FIX: W2DO? */
+ if (opt != NULL)
+ for (; (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) ; opt++) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INTL_DOMAIN) {
+ translation_domain = (const char *)opt->arg;
+ } else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ if (done) {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < done->nopts; i++) {
+ const void * that = done->opts[i];
+ if (that == NULL || that != opt->arg)
+ /*@innercontinue@*/ continue;
+ /*@innerbreak@*/ break;
+ }
+ /* Skip if this table has already been processed. */
+ if (opt->arg == NULL || i < done->nopts)
+ continue;
+ if (done->nopts < done->maxopts)
+ done->opts[done->nopts++] = (const void *) opt->arg;
+ }
+ cursor = singleTableUsage(con, fp, cursor, opt->arg,
+ translation_domain, done);
+ } else if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
+ !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN)) {
+ cursor = singleOptionUsage(fp, cursor, opt, translation_domain);
+ }
+ }
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ return cursor;
+ * Return concatenated short options for display.
+ * @todo Sub-tables should be recursed.
+ * @param opt option(s)
+ * @param fp output file handle
+ * @retval str concatenation of short options
+ * @return length of display string
+ */
+static int showShortOptions(const struct poptOption * opt, FILE * fp,
+ /*@null@*/ char * str)
+ /*@globals fileSystem @*/
+ /*@modifies *str, *fp, fileSystem @*/
+ /*@requires maxRead(str) >= 0 @*/
+ /* bufsize larger then the ascii set, lazy alloca on top level call. */
+ char * s = (str != NULL ? str : memset(alloca(300), 0, 300));
+ int len = 0;
+ if (s == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (opt != NULL)
+ for (; (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg); opt++) {
+ if (opt->shortName && !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK))
+ s[strlen(s)] = opt->shortName;
+ else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
+ if (opt->arg) /* XXX program error */
+ len = showShortOptions(opt->arg, fp, s);
+ }
+ /* On return to top level, print the short options, return print length. */
+ if (s == str && *s != '\0') {
+ fprintf(fp, " [-%s]", s);
+ len = strlen(s) + sizeof(" [-]")-1;
+ }
+ return len;
+void poptPrintUsage(poptContext con, FILE * fp, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(int flags))
+ poptDone done = memset(alloca(sizeof(*done)), 0, sizeof(*done));
+ size_t cursor;
+ done->nopts = 0;
+ done->maxopts = 64;
+ cursor = done->maxopts * sizeof(*done->opts);
+ done->opts = memset(alloca(cursor), 0, cursor);
+ /*@-keeptrans@*/
+ done->opts[done->nopts++] = (const void *) con->options;
+ /*@=keeptrans@*/
+ cursor = showHelpIntro(con, fp);
+ cursor += showShortOptions(con->options, fp, NULL);
+ cursor = singleTableUsage(con, fp, cursor, con->options, NULL, done);
+ cursor = itemUsage(fp, cursor, con->aliases, con->numAliases, NULL);
+ cursor = itemUsage(fp, cursor, con->execs, con->numExecs, NULL);
+ if (con->otherHelp) {
+ cursor += strlen(con->otherHelp) + 1;
+ if (cursor > 79) fprintf(fp, "\n ");
+ fprintf(fp, " %s", con->otherHelp);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+void poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptContext con, const char * text)
+ con->otherHelp = _free(con->otherHelp);
+ con->otherHelp = xstrdup(text);
diff --git a/popt/poptint.h b/popt/poptint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bec7c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/poptint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \file popt/poptint.h
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2000 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#ifndef H_POPTINT
+#define H_POPTINT
+ * Wrapper to free(3), hides const compilation noise, permit NULL, return NULL.
+ * @param p memory to free
+ * @retval NULL always
+ */
+/*@unused@*/ static inline /*@null@*/ void *
+_free(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ const void * p)
+ /*@modifies p @*/
+ if (p != NULL) free((void *)p);
+ return NULL;
+static inline int
+isSpace(const char *ptr)
+ return isspace(*(unsigned char *)ptr);
+/* Bit mask macros. */
+/*@-exporttype -redef @*/
+typedef unsigned int __pbm_bits;
+/*@=exporttype =redef @*/
+#define __PBM_NBITS (8 * sizeof (__pbm_bits))
+#define __PBM_IX(d) ((d) / __PBM_NBITS)
+#define __PBM_MASK(d) ((__pbm_bits) 1 << (((unsigned)(d)) % __PBM_NBITS))
+/*@-exporttype -redef @*/
+typedef struct {
+ __pbm_bits bits[1];
+} pbm_set;
+/*@=exporttype =redef @*/
+#define __PBM_BITS(set) ((set)->bits)
+#define PBM_ALLOC(d) calloc(__PBM_IX (d) + 1, sizeof(__pbm_bits))
+#define PBM_FREE(s) _free(s);
+#define PBM_SET(d, s) (__PBM_BITS (s)[__PBM_IX (d)] |= __PBM_MASK (d))
+#define PBM_CLR(d, s) (__PBM_BITS (s)[__PBM_IX (d)] &= ~__PBM_MASK (d))
+#define PBM_ISSET(d, s) ((__PBM_BITS (s)[__PBM_IX (d)] & __PBM_MASK (d)) != 0)
+struct optionStackEntry {
+ int argc;
+/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char ** argv;
+/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
+ pbm_set * argb;
+ int next;
+/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char * nextArg;
+/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char * nextCharArg;
+/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/
+ poptItem currAlias;
+ int stuffed;
+struct poptContext_s {
+ struct optionStackEntry optionStack[POPT_OPTION_DEPTH];
+ struct optionStackEntry * os;
+/*@owned@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char ** leftovers;
+ int numLeftovers;
+ int nextLeftover;
+ const struct poptOption * options;
+ int restLeftover;
+/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char * appName;
+/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
+ poptItem aliases;
+ int numAliases;
+ int flags;
+/*@owned@*/ /*@null@*/
+ poptItem execs;
+ int numExecs;
+/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
+ const char ** finalArgv;
+ int finalArgvCount;
+ int finalArgvAlloced;
+/*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/
+ poptItem doExec;
+ const char * execPath;
+ int execAbsolute;
+/*@only@*/ /*@relnull@*/
+ const char * otherHelp;
+ pbm_set * arg_strip;
+#include <libintl.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_GETTEXT) && !defined(__LCLINT__)
+#define _(foo) gettext(foo)
+#define _(foo) foo
+#if defined(HAVE_DCGETTEXT) && !defined(__LCLINT__)
+#define D_(dom, str) dgettext(dom, str)
+#define POPT_(foo) D_("popt", foo)
+#define D_(dom, str) str
+#define POPT_(foo) foo
+#define N_(foo) foo
diff --git a/popt/poptparse.c b/popt/poptparse.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e003a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/poptparse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+/** \ingroup popt
+ * \file popt/poptparse.c
+ */
+/* (C) 1998-2002 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ */
+#include "system.h"
+#include "poptint.h"
+int poptDupArgv(int argc, const char **argv,
+ int * argcPtr, const char *** argvPtr)
+ size_t nb = (argc + 1) * sizeof(*argv);
+ const char ** argv2;
+ char * dst;
+ int i;
+ if (argc <= 0 || argv == NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (argv[i] == NULL)
+ nb += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
+ }
+ dst = malloc(nb);
+ if (dst == NULL) /* XXX can't happen */
+ argv2 = (void *) dst;
+ dst += (argc + 1) * sizeof(*argv);
+ /*@-branchstate@*/
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ argv2[i] = dst;
+ dst += strlcpy(dst, argv[i], nb) + 1;
+ }
+ /*@=branchstate@*/
+ argv2[argc] = NULL;
+ if (argvPtr) {
+ *argvPtr = argv2;
+ } else {
+ free(argv2);
+ argv2 = NULL;
+ }
+ if (argcPtr)
+ *argcPtr = argc;
+ return 0;
+int poptParseArgvString(const char * s, int * argcPtr, const char *** argvPtr)
+ const char * src;
+ char quote = '\0';
+ int argvAlloced = POPT_ARGV_ARRAY_GROW_DELTA;
+ const char ** argv = malloc(sizeof(*argv) * argvAlloced);
+ int argc = 0;
+ int buflen = strlen(s) + 1;
+ char * buf = memset(alloca(buflen), 0, buflen);
+ if (argv == NULL) return rc;
+ argv[argc] = buf;
+ for (src = s; *src != '\0'; src++) {
+ if (quote == *src) {
+ quote = '\0';
+ } else if (quote != '\0') {
+ if (*src == '\\') {
+ src++;
+ if (!*src) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (*src != quote) *buf++ = '\\';
+ }
+ *buf++ = *src;
+ } else if (isSpace(src)) {
+ if (*argv[argc] != '\0') {
+ buf++, argc++;
+ if (argc == argvAlloced) {
+ argv = realloc(argv, sizeof(*argv) * argvAlloced);
+ if (argv == NULL) goto exit;
+ }
+ argv[argc] = buf;
+ }
+ } else switch (*src) {
+ case '"':
+ case '\'':
+ quote = *src;
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ case '\\':
+ src++;
+ if (!*src) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /*@fallthrough@*/
+ default:
+ *buf++ = *src;
+ /*@switchbreak@*/ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strlen(argv[argc])) {
+ argc++, buf++;
+ }
+ rc = poptDupArgv(argc, argv, argcPtr, argvPtr);
+ if (argv) free(argv);
+ return rc;
+/* still in the dev stage.
+ * return values, perhaps 1== file erro
+ * 2== line to long
+ * 3== umm.... more?
+ */
+int poptConfigFileToString(FILE *fp, char ** argstrp, /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(int flags))
+ char line[999];
+ char * argstr;
+ char * p;
+ char * q;
+ char * x;
+ int t;
+ int argvlen = 0;
+ size_t maxlinelen = sizeof(line);
+ size_t linelen;
+ int maxargvlen = 480;
+ int linenum = 0;
+ *argstrp = NULL;
+ /* | this_is = our_line
+ * p q x
+ */
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ argstr = calloc(maxargvlen, sizeof(*argstr));
+ if (argstr == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_MALLOC;
+ while (fgets(line, (int)maxlinelen, fp) != NULL) {
+ linenum++;
+ p = line;
+ /* loop until first non-space char or EOL */
+ while( *p != '\0' && isSpace(p) )
+ p++;
+ linelen = strlen(p);
+ if (linelen >= maxlinelen-1) {
+ free(argstr);
+ return POPT_ERROR_OVERFLOW; /* XXX line too long */
+ }
+ if (*p == '\0' || *p == '\n') continue; /* line is empty */
+ if (*p == '#') continue; /* comment line */
+ q = p;
+ while (*q != '\0' && (!isSpace(q)) && *q != '=')
+ q++;
+ if (isSpace(q)) {
+ /* a space after the name, find next non space */
+ *q++='\0';
+ while( *q != '\0' && isSpace(q) ) q++;
+ }
+ if (*q == '\0') {
+ /* single command line option (ie, no name=val, just name) */
+ q[-1] = '\0'; /* kill off newline from fgets() call */
+ argvlen += (t = q - p) + (sizeof(" --")-1);
+ if (argvlen >= maxargvlen) {
+ maxargvlen = (t > maxargvlen) ? t*2 : maxargvlen*2;
+ argstr = realloc(argstr, maxargvlen);
+ if (argstr == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_MALLOC;
+ }
+ strlcat(argstr, " --", maxargvlen);
+ strlcat(argstr, p, maxargvlen);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*q != '=')
+ continue; /* XXX for now, silently ignore bogus line */
+ /* *q is an equal sign. */
+ *q++ = '\0';
+ /* find next non-space letter of value */
+ while (*q != '\0' && isSpace(q))
+ q++;
+ if (*q == '\0')
+ continue; /* XXX silently ignore missing value */
+ /* now, loop and strip all ending whitespace */
+ x = p + linelen;
+ while (isSpace(--x))
+ *x = 0; /* null out last char if space (including fgets() NL) */
+ /* rest of line accept */
+ t = x - p;
+ argvlen += t + (sizeof("' --='")-1);
+ if (argvlen >= maxargvlen) {
+ maxargvlen = (t > maxargvlen) ? t*2 : maxargvlen*2;
+ argstr = realloc(argstr, maxargvlen);
+ if (argstr == NULL) return POPT_ERROR_MALLOC;
+ }
+ strlcat(argstr, " --", maxargvlen);
+ strlcat(argstr, p, maxargvlen);
+ strlcat(argstr, "=\"", maxargvlen);
+ strlcat(argstr, q, maxargvlen);
+ strlcat(argstr, "\"", maxargvlen);
+ }
+ *argstrp = argstr;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/popt/system.h b/popt/system.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25c22da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/popt/system.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#if defined (__GLIBC__) && defined(__LCLINT__)
+extern __const __int32_t *__ctype_tolower;
+extern __const __int32_t *__ctype_toupper;
+#ifdef __TANDEM
+# include <floss.h(floss_execvp,floss_read)>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <mcheck.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <stddef.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# endif
+# if !defined STDC_HEADERS && defined HAVE_MEMORY_H
+# include <memory.h>
+# endif
+# include <string.h>
+# include <strings.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+#define __attribute__(x)
+#ifdef __NeXT
+/* access macros are not declared in non posix mode in unistd.h -
+ don't try to use posix on NeXTstep 3.3 ! */
+#include <libc.h>
+#if defined(__LCLINT__)
+/*@-declundef -incondefs @*/ /* LCL: missing annotation */
+/*@only@*/ /*@out@*/
+void * alloca (size_t __size)
+ /*@ensures MaxSet(result) == (__size - 1) @*/
+ /*@*/;
+/*@=declundef =incondefs @*/
+/* AIX requires this to be the first thing in the file. */
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+# include <alloca.h>
+# else
+# ifdef _AIX
+#pragma alloca
+# else
+# ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA
+# ifndef alloca /* predefined by HP cc +Olibcalls */
+char *alloca(size_t size);
+# endif
+# else
+# ifdef alloca
+# undef alloca
+# endif
+# define alloca(sz) malloc(sz) /* Kludge this for now */
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+#elif !defined(alloca)
+#define alloca __builtin_alloca
+size_t strlcpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t bufsize);
+size_t strlcat(char *d, const char *s, size_t bufsize);
+#if HAVE_MCHECK_H && defined(__GNUC__)
+static inline char *
+xstrdup(const char *s)
+ size_t memsize = strlen(s) + 1;
+ char *ptr = malloc(memsize);
+ if (!ptr) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "virtual memory exhausted.\n");
+ }
+ strlcpy(ptr, s, memsize);
+ return ptr;
+#define xstrdup(_str) strdup(_str)
+#endif /* HAVE_MCHECK_H && defined(__GNUC__) */
+#if HAVE___SECURE_GETENV && !defined(__LCLINT__)
+#define getenv(_s) __secure_getenv(_s)
+#if !defined HAVE_SNPRINTF || !defined HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF
+#define snprintf rsync_snprintf
+int snprintf(char *str,size_t count,const char *fmt,...);
+#define UNUSED(x) x __attribute__((__unused__))
+#define PACKAGE "rsync"
+#include "popt.h"
diff --git a/prepare-source b/prepare-source
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a4e78e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prepare-source
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Either use autoconf and autoheader to create and
+# or (optionally) fetch the latest development versions of generated files.
+# Specify one action or more than one to provide a fall-back:
+# build build the config files [the default w/no arg]
+# fetch fetch the latest dev autoconfig files
+# fetchgen fetch all the latest dev generated files (including manpages)
+# fetchSRC fetch the latest dev source files [NON-GENERATED FILES]
+# The script stops after the first successful action.
+dir=`dirname $0`
+if test x"$dir" = x; then
+ dir=.
+if test "$dir" = '.'; then
+ branch=`packaging/prep-auto-dir` || exit 1
+ if test x"$branch" != x; then
+ cd build || exit 1
+ dir=..
+ fi
+if test "$dir" != '.'; then
+ for lnk in m4; do
+ if test ! -h $lnk; then
+ rm -f $lnk # Just in case
+ ln -s "$dir/$lnk" $lnk
+ fi
+ done
+ for fn in aclocal.m4; do
+ test ! -f $fn && test -f "$dir/$fn" && cp -p "$dir/$fn" $fn
+ done
+if test $# = 0; then
+ set -- build
+for action in "${@}"; do
+ case "$action" in
+ build|make)
+ make -f "$dir/prepare-source.mak"
+ ;;
+ fetch|fetchgen)
+ if test "$action" = fetchgen; then
+ match='*'
+ else
+ match='[ca]*'
+ fi
+ $dir/rsync-ssl -iipc --no-motd "rsync://$match" ./
+ test $? != 0 && continue
+ sleep 1 # The following files need to be newer than aclocal.m4
+ touch
+ ;;
+ fetchSRC)
+ ./rsync-ssl -iipr --no-motd --exclude=/.git/ rsync:// .
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown action: $action"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if test $? = 0; then
+ exit
+ fi
+exit 1
diff --git a/prepare-source.mak b/prepare-source.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12027cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prepare-source.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.PHONY: conf
+aclocal.m4: m4/*.m4
+ aclocal -I m4
+ aclocal.m4
+ autoconf -o
+ aclocal.m4
+ autoheader && touch
diff --git a/progress.c b/progress.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87207fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/progress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ * Routines to output progress information during a file transfer.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+extern int am_server;
+extern int flist_eof;
+extern int quiet;
+extern int need_unsorted_flist;
+extern int output_needs_newline;
+extern int stdout_format_has_i;
+extern struct stats stats;
+extern struct file_list *cur_flist;
+BOOL want_progress_now = False;
+#define GETPGRP_ARG
+#define GETPGRP_ARG 0
+struct progress_history {
+ struct timeval time;
+ OFF_T ofs;
+static struct progress_history ph_start;
+static struct progress_history ph_list[PROGRESS_HISTORY_SECS];
+static int newest_hpos, oldest_hpos;
+static int current_file_index;
+static unsigned long msdiff(struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t2)
+ return (t2->tv_sec - t1->tv_sec) * 1000L
+ + (t2->tv_usec - t1->tv_usec) / 1000;
+ * @param ofs Current position in file
+ * @param size Total size of file
+ * @param is_last True if this is the last time progress will be
+ * printed for this file, so we should output a newline. (Not
+ * necessarily the same as all bytes being received.)
+ **/
+static void rprint_progress(OFF_T ofs, OFF_T size, struct timeval *now, int is_last)
+ char rembuf[64], eol[128];
+ const char *units;
+ unsigned long diff;
+ double rate, remain;
+ int pct;
+ if (is_last) {
+ int len = snprintf(eol, sizeof eol,
+ " (xfr#%d, %s-chk=%d/%d)\n",
+ stats.xferred_files, flist_eof ? "to" : "ir",
+ stats.num_files - current_file_index - 1,
+ stats.num_files);
+ if (INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 2)) {
+ static int last_len = 0;
+ /* Drop \n and pad with spaces if line got shorter. */
+ if (last_len < --len)
+ last_len = len;
+ eol[last_len] = '\0';
+ while (last_len > len)
+ eol[--last_len] = ' ';
+ is_last = 0;
+ }
+ /* Compute stats based on the starting info. */
+ if (!ph_start.time.tv_sec || !(diff = msdiff(&ph_start.time, now)))
+ diff = 1;
+ rate = (double) (ofs - ph_start.ofs) * 1000.0 / diff / 1024.0;
+ /* Switch to total time taken for our last update. */
+ remain = (double) diff / 1000.0;
+ } else {
+ strlcpy(eol, " ", sizeof eol);
+ /* Compute stats based on recent progress. */
+ if (!(diff = msdiff(&ph_list[oldest_hpos].time, now)))
+ diff = 1;
+ rate = (double) (ofs - ph_list[oldest_hpos].ofs) * 1000.0 / diff / 1024.0;
+ remain = rate ? (double) (size - ofs) / rate / 1000.0 : 0.0;
+ }
+ if (rate > 1024*1024) {
+ rate /= 1024.0 * 1024.0;
+ units = "GB/s";
+ } else if (rate > 1024) {
+ rate /= 1024.0;
+ units = "MB/s";
+ } else {
+ units = "kB/s";
+ }
+ if (remain < 0 || remain > 9999.0 * 3600.0)
+ strlcpy(rembuf, " ??:??:??", sizeof rembuf);
+ else {
+ snprintf(rembuf, sizeof rembuf, "%4u:%02u:%02u",
+ (unsigned int) (remain / 3600.0),
+ (unsigned int) (remain / 60.0) % 60,
+ (unsigned int) remain % 60);
+ }
+ output_needs_newline = 0;
+ pct = ofs == size ? 100 : (int) (100.0 * ofs / size);
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "\r%15s %3d%% %7.2f%s %s%s",
+ human_num(ofs), pct, rate, units, rembuf, eol);
+ if (!is_last && !quiet) {
+ output_needs_newline = 1;
+ rflush(FCLIENT);
+ }
+void progress_init(void)
+ if (!am_server && !INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 1)) {
+ struct timeval now;
+ gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+ ph_start.time.tv_sec = now.tv_sec;
+ ph_start.time.tv_usec = now.tv_usec;
+ }
+void set_current_file_index(struct file_struct *file, int ndx)
+ if (!file)
+ current_file_index = cur_flist->used + cur_flist->ndx_start - 1;
+ else if (need_unsorted_flist)
+ current_file_index = flist_find(cur_flist, file) + cur_flist->ndx_start;
+ else
+ current_file_index = ndx;
+ current_file_index -= cur_flist->flist_num;
+void instant_progress(const char *fname)
+ /* We only get here if want_progress_now is True */
+ if (!stdout_format_has_i && !INFO_GTE(NAME, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s\n", fname);
+ end_progress(0);
+ want_progress_now = False;
+void end_progress(OFF_T size)
+ if (!am_server) {
+ struct timeval now;
+ gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+ if (INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 2) || want_progress_now) {
+ rprint_progress(stats.total_transferred_size,
+ stats.total_size, &now, True);
+ } else {
+ rprint_progress(size, size, &now, True);
+ memset(&ph_start, 0, sizeof ph_start);
+ }
+ }
+void show_progress(OFF_T ofs, OFF_T size)
+ struct timeval now;
+#if defined HAVE_GETPGRP && defined HAVE_TCGETPGRP
+ static pid_t pgrp = -1;
+ pid_t tc_pgrp;
+ if (am_server)
+ return;
+#if defined HAVE_GETPGRP && defined HAVE_TCGETPGRP
+ if (pgrp == -1)
+ pgrp = getpgrp(GETPGRP_ARG);
+ gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+ if (INFO_GTE(PROGRESS, 2)) {
+ ofs = stats.total_transferred_size - size + ofs;
+ size = stats.total_size;
+ }
+ if (!ph_start.time.tv_sec) {
+ int i;
+ /* Try to guess the real starting time when the sender started
+ * to send us data by using the time we last received some data
+ * in the last file (if it was recent enough). */
+ if (msdiff(&ph_list[newest_hpos].time, &now) <= 1500) {
+ ph_start.time = ph_list[newest_hpos].time;
+ ph_start.ofs = 0;
+ } else {
+ ph_start.time.tv_sec = now.tv_sec;
+ ph_start.time.tv_usec = now.tv_usec;
+ ph_start.ofs = ofs;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < PROGRESS_HISTORY_SECS; i++)
+ ph_list[i] = ph_start;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (msdiff(&ph_list[newest_hpos].time, &now) < 1000)
+ return;
+ newest_hpos = oldest_hpos;
+ oldest_hpos = (oldest_hpos + 1) % PROGRESS_HISTORY_SECS;
+ ph_list[newest_hpos].time.tv_sec = now.tv_sec;
+ ph_list[newest_hpos].time.tv_usec = now.tv_usec;
+ ph_list[newest_hpos].ofs = ofs;
+ }
+#if defined HAVE_GETPGRP && defined HAVE_TCGETPGRP
+ tc_pgrp = tcgetpgrp(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (tc_pgrp != pgrp && tc_pgrp != -1)
+ return;
+ rprint_progress(ofs, size, &now, False);
diff --git a/receiver.c b/receiver.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9d7e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/receiver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,980 @@
+ * Routines only used by the receiving process.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int do_xfers;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int log_before_transfer;
+extern int stdout_format_has_i;
+extern int logfile_format_has_i;
+extern int want_xattr_optim;
+extern int csum_length;
+extern int read_batch;
+extern int write_batch;
+extern int batch_gen_fd;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int relative_paths;
+extern int preserve_hard_links;
+extern int preserve_perms;
+extern int write_devices;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int do_fsync;
+extern int basis_dir_cnt;
+extern int make_backups;
+extern int cleanup_got_literal;
+extern int remove_source_files;
+extern int append_mode;
+extern int sparse_files;
+extern int preallocate_files;
+extern int keep_partial;
+extern int checksum_seed;
+extern int whole_file;
+extern int inplace;
+extern int inplace_partial;
+extern int allowed_lull;
+extern int delay_updates;
+extern BOOL want_progress_now;
+extern mode_t orig_umask;
+extern struct stats stats;
+extern char *tmpdir;
+extern char *partial_dir;
+extern char *basis_dir[MAX_BASIS_DIRS+1];
+extern char sender_file_sum[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+extern struct file_list *cur_flist, *first_flist, *dir_flist;
+extern filter_rule_list daemon_filter_list;
+extern OFF_T preallocated_len;
+extern struct name_num_item *xfer_sum_nni;
+extern int xfer_sum_len;
+static struct bitbag *delayed_bits = NULL;
+static int phase = 0, redoing = 0;
+static flist_ndx_list batch_redo_list;
+/* This is non-0 when we are updating the basis file or an identical copy: */
+static int updating_basis_or_equiv;
+#define TMPNAME_SUFFIX_LEN ((int)sizeof TMPNAME_SUFFIX - 1)
+#define MAX_UNIQUE_NUMBER 999999
+#define MAX_UNIQUE_LOOP 100
+/* get_tmpname() - create a tmp filename for a given filename
+ *
+ * If a tmpdir is defined, use that as the directory to put it in. Otherwise,
+ * the tmp filename is in the same directory as the given name. Note that
+ * there may be no directory at all in the given name!
+ *
+ * The tmp filename is basically the given filename with a dot prepended, and
+ * .XXXXXX appended (for mkstemp() to put its unique gunk in). We take care
+ * to not exceed either the MAXPATHLEN or NAME_MAX, especially the last, as
+ * the basename basically becomes 8 characters longer. In such a case, the
+ * original name is shortened sufficiently to make it all fit.
+ *
+ * If the make_unique arg is True, the XXXXXX string is replaced with a unique
+ * string that doesn't exist at the time of the check. This is intended to be
+ * used for creating hard links, symlinks, devices, and special files, since
+ * normal files should be handled by mkstemp() for safety.
+ *
+ * Of course, the only reason the file is based on the original name is to
+ * make it easier to figure out what purpose a temp file is serving when a
+ * transfer is in progress. */
+int get_tmpname(char *fnametmp, const char *fname, BOOL make_unique)
+ int maxname, length = 0;
+ const char *f;
+ char *suf;
+ if (tmpdir) {
+ /* Note: this can't overflow, so the return value is safe */
+ length = strlcpy(fnametmp, tmpdir, MAXPATHLEN - 2);
+ fnametmp[length++] = '/';
+ }
+ if ((f = strrchr(fname, '/')) != NULL) {
+ ++f;
+ if (!tmpdir) {
+ length = f - fname;
+ /* copy up to and including the slash */
+ strlcpy(fnametmp, fname, length + 1);
+ }
+ } else
+ f = fname;
+ if (!tmpdir) { /* using a tmpdir avoids the leading dot on our temp names */
+ if (*f == '.') /* avoid an extra leading dot for OS X's sake */
+ f++;
+ fnametmp[length++] = '.';
+ }
+ /* The maxname value is bufsize, and includes space for the '\0'.
+ * NAME_MAX needs an extra -1 for the name's leading dot. */
+ if (maxname < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "temporary filename too long: %s\n", fname);
+ fnametmp[0] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (maxname) {
+ int added = strlcpy(fnametmp + length, f, maxname);
+ if (added >= maxname)
+ added = maxname - 1;
+ suf = fnametmp + length + added;
+ /* Trim any dangling high-bit chars if the first-trimmed char (if any) is
+ * also a high-bit char, just in case we cut into a multi-byte sequence.
+ * We are guaranteed to stop because of the leading '.' we added. */
+ if ((int)f[added] & 0x80) {
+ while ((int)suf[-1] & 0x80)
+ suf--;
+ }
+ /* trim one trailing dot before our suffix's dot */
+ if (suf[-1] == '.')
+ suf--;
+ } else
+ suf = fnametmp + length - 1; /* overwrite the leading dot with suffix's dot */
+ if (make_unique) {
+ static unsigned counter_limit;
+ unsigned counter;
+ if (!counter_limit) {
+ counter_limit = (unsigned)getpid() + MAX_UNIQUE_LOOP;
+ if (counter_limit > MAX_UNIQUE_NUMBER || counter_limit < MAX_UNIQUE_LOOP)
+ counter_limit = MAX_UNIQUE_LOOP;
+ }
+ counter = counter_limit - MAX_UNIQUE_LOOP;
+ /* This doesn't have to be very good because we don't need
+ * to worry about someone trying to guess the values: all
+ * a conflict will do is cause a device, special file, hard
+ * link, or symlink to fail to be created. Also: avoid
+ * using mktemp() due to gcc's annoying warning. */
+ while (1) {
+ snprintf(suf, TMPNAME_SUFFIX_LEN+1, ".%d", counter);
+ if (access(fnametmp, 0) < 0)
+ break;
+ if (++counter >= counter_limit)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else
+ return 1;
+/* Opens a temporary file for writing.
+ * Success: Writes name into fnametmp, returns fd.
+ * Failure: Clobbers fnametmp, returns -1.
+ * Calling cleanup_set() is the caller's job. */
+int open_tmpfile(char *fnametmp, const char *fname, struct file_struct *file)
+ int fd;
+ mode_t added_perms;
+ if (!get_tmpname(fnametmp, fname, False))
+ return -1;
+ if (am_root < 0) {
+ /* For --fake-super, the file must be useable by the copying
+ * user, just like it would be for root. */
+ added_perms = S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR;
+ } else {
+ /* For a normal copy, we need to be able to tweak things like xattrs. */
+ added_perms = S_IWUSR;
+ }
+ /* We initially set the perms without the setuid/setgid bits or group
+ * access to ensure that there is no race condition. They will be
+ * correctly updated after the right owner and group info is set.
+ * (Thanks to for pointing this out.) */
+ fd = do_mkstemp(fnametmp, (file->mode|added_perms) & INITACCESSPERMS);
+#if 0
+ /* In most cases parent directories will already exist because their
+ * information should have been previously transferred, but that may
+ * not be the case with -R */
+ if (fd == -1 && relative_paths && errno == ENOENT
+ && make_path(fnametmp, MKP_SKIP_SLASH | MKP_DROP_NAME) == 0) {
+ /* Get back to name with XXXXXX in it. */
+ get_tmpname(fnametmp, fname, False);
+ fd = do_mkstemp(fnametmp, (file->mode|added_perms) & INITACCESSPERMS);
+ }
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "mkstemp %s failed",
+ full_fname(fnametmp));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return fd;
+static int receive_data(int f_in, char *fname_r, int fd_r, OFF_T size_r,
+ const char *fname, int fd, struct file_struct *file, int inplace_sizing)
+ static char file_sum1[MAX_DIGEST_LEN];
+ struct map_struct *mapbuf;
+ struct sum_struct sum;
+ int32 len;
+ OFF_T total_size = F_LENGTH(file);
+ OFF_T offset = 0;
+ OFF_T offset2;
+ char *data;
+ int32 i;
+ char *map = NULL;
+ if (preallocate_files && fd != -1 && total_size > 0 && (!inplace_sizing || total_size > size_r)) {
+ /* Try to preallocate enough space for file's eventual length. Can
+ * reduce fragmentation on filesystems like ext4, xfs, and NTFS. */
+ if ((preallocated_len = do_fallocate(fd, 0, total_size)) < 0)
+ rsyserr(FWARNING, errno, "do_fallocate %s", full_fname(fname));
+ } else
+ if (inplace_sizing) {
+ /* The most compatible way to create a sparse file is to start with no length. */
+ if (sparse_files > 0 && whole_file && fd >= 0 && do_ftruncate(fd, 0) == 0)
+ preallocated_len = 0;
+ else
+ preallocated_len = size_r;
+ } else
+ preallocated_len = 0;
+ read_sum_head(f_in, &sum);
+ if (fd_r >= 0 && size_r > 0) {
+ int32 read_size = MAX(sum.blength * 2, 16*1024);
+ mapbuf = map_file(fd_r, size_r, read_size, sum.blength);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "recv mapped %s of size %s\n",
+ fname_r, big_num(size_r));
+ }
+ } else
+ mapbuf = NULL;
+ sum_init(xfer_sum_nni, checksum_seed);
+ if (append_mode > 0) {
+ OFF_T j;
+ sum.flength = (OFF_T)sum.count * sum.blength;
+ if (sum.remainder)
+ sum.flength -= sum.blength - sum.remainder;
+ if (append_mode == 2 && mapbuf) {
+ for (j = CHUNK_SIZE; j < sum.flength; j += CHUNK_SIZE) {
+ show_progress(offset, total_size);
+ sum_update(map_ptr(mapbuf, offset, CHUNK_SIZE),
+ offset = j;
+ }
+ if (offset < sum.flength) {
+ int32 len = (int32)(sum.flength - offset);
+ show_progress(offset, total_size);
+ sum_update(map_ptr(mapbuf, offset, len), len);
+ }
+ }
+ offset = sum.flength;
+ if (fd != -1 && (j = do_lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET)) != offset) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "lseek of %s returned %s, not %s",
+ full_fname(fname), big_num(j), big_num(offset));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ }
+ while ((i = recv_token(f_in, &data)) != 0) {
+ show_progress(offset, total_size);
+ if (allowed_lull)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH | MSK_ACTIVE_RECEIVER);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,"data recv %d at %s\n",
+ i, big_num(offset));
+ }
+ stats.literal_data += i;
+ cleanup_got_literal = 1;
+ sum_update(data, i);
+ if (fd != -1 && write_file(fd, 0, offset, data, i) != i)
+ goto report_write_error;
+ offset += i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ i = -(i+1);
+ offset2 = i * (OFF_T)sum.blength;
+ len = sum.blength;
+ if (i == (int)sum.count-1 && sum.remainder != 0)
+ len = sum.remainder;
+ stats.matched_data += len;
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "chunk[%d] of size %ld at %s offset=%s%s\n",
+ i, (long)len, big_num(offset2), big_num(offset),
+ updating_basis_or_equiv && offset == offset2 ? " (seek)" : "");
+ }
+ if (mapbuf) {
+ map = map_ptr(mapbuf,offset2,len);
+ see_token(map, len);
+ sum_update(map, len);
+ }
+ if (updating_basis_or_equiv) {
+ if (offset == offset2 && fd != -1) {
+ if (skip_matched(fd, offset, map, len) < 0)
+ goto report_write_error;
+ offset += len;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fd != -1 && map && write_file(fd, 0, offset, map, len) != (int)len)
+ goto report_write_error;
+ offset += len;
+ }
+ if (fd != -1 && offset > 0) {
+ if (sparse_files > 0) {
+ if (sparse_end(fd, offset) != 0)
+ goto report_write_error;
+ } else if (flush_write_file(fd) < 0) {
+ report_write_error:
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "write failed on %s", full_fname(fname));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ }
+ /* inplace: New data could be shorter than old data.
+ * preallocate_files: total_size could have been an overestimate.
+ * Cut off any extra preallocated zeros from dest file. */
+ if ((inplace_sizing || preallocated_len > offset) && fd != -1 && !IS_DEVICE(file->mode)) {
+ if (do_ftruncate(fd, offset) < 0)
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "ftruncate failed on %s", full_fname(fname));
+ }
+ end_progress(total_size);
+ sum_end(file_sum1);
+ if (do_fsync && fd != -1 && fsync(fd) != 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "fsync failed on %s", full_fname(fname));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if (mapbuf)
+ unmap_file(mapbuf);
+ read_buf(f_in, sender_file_sum, xfer_sum_len);
+ rprintf(FINFO,"got file_sum\n");
+ if (fd != -1 && memcmp(file_sum1, sender_file_sum, xfer_sum_len) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+static void discard_receive_data(int f_in, struct file_struct *file)
+ receive_data(f_in, NULL, -1, 0, NULL, -1, file, 0);
+static void handle_delayed_updates(char *local_name)
+ char *fname, *partialptr;
+ int ndx;
+ for (ndx = -1; (ndx = bitbag_next_bit(delayed_bits, ndx)) >= 0; ) {
+ struct file_struct *file = cur_flist->files[ndx];
+ fname = local_name ? local_name : f_name(file, NULL);
+ if ((partialptr = partial_dir_fname(fname)) != NULL) {
+ if (make_backups > 0 && !make_backup(fname, False))
+ continue;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "renaming %s to %s\n",
+ partialptr, fname);
+ }
+ /* We don't use robust_rename() here because the
+ * partial-dir must be on the same drive. */
+ if (do_rename(partialptr, fname) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "rename failed for %s (from %s)",
+ full_fname(fname), partialptr);
+ } else {
+ if (remove_source_files || (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file)))
+ send_msg_success(fname, ndx);
+ handle_partial_dir(partialptr, PDIR_DELETE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void no_batched_update(int ndx, BOOL is_redo)
+ struct file_list *flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx, "no_batched_update");
+ struct file_struct *file = flist->files[ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "(No batched update for%s \"%s\")\n",
+ is_redo ? " resend of" : "", f_name(file, NULL));
+ if (inc_recurse && !dry_run)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+static int we_want_redo(int desired_ndx)
+ static int redo_ndx = -1;
+ while (redo_ndx < desired_ndx) {
+ if (redo_ndx >= 0)
+ no_batched_update(redo_ndx, True);
+ if ((redo_ndx = flist_ndx_pop(&batch_redo_list)) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (redo_ndx == desired_ndx) {
+ redo_ndx = -1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int gen_wants_ndx(int desired_ndx, int flist_num)
+ static int next_ndx = -1;
+ static int done_cnt = 0;
+ static BOOL got_eof = False;
+ if (got_eof)
+ return 0;
+ /* TODO: integrate gen-reading I/O into perform_io() so this is not needed? */
+ io_flush(FULL_FLUSH);
+ while (next_ndx < desired_ndx) {
+ if (inc_recurse && flist_num <= done_cnt)
+ return 0;
+ if (next_ndx >= 0)
+ no_batched_update(next_ndx, False);
+ if ((next_ndx = read_int(batch_gen_fd)) < 0) {
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ done_cnt++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ got_eof = True;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (next_ndx == desired_ndx) {
+ next_ndx = -1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * main routine for receiver process.
+ *
+ * Receiver process runs on the same host as the generator process. */
+int recv_files(int f_in, int f_out, char *local_name)
+ int fd1,fd2;
+ int iflags, xlen;
+ char *fname, fbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char xname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char *fnametmp, fnametmpbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char *fnamecmp, *partialptr;
+ char fnamecmpbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
+ uchar fnamecmp_type;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ int itemizing = am_server ? logfile_format_has_i : stdout_format_has_i;
+ enum logcode log_code = log_before_transfer ? FLOG : FINFO;
+ int max_phase = protocol_version >= 29 ? 2 : 1;
+ int dflt_perms = (ACCESSPERMS & ~orig_umask);
+ const char *parent_dirname = "";
+ int ndx, recv_ok, one_inplace;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "recv_files(%d) starting\n", cur_flist->used);
+ if (delay_updates)
+ delayed_bits = bitbag_create(cur_flist->used + 1);
+ if (whole_file < 0)
+ whole_file = 0;
+ progress_init();
+ while (1) {
+ cleanup_disable();
+ /* This call also sets cur_flist. */
+ ndx = read_ndx_and_attrs(f_in, f_out, &iflags, &fnamecmp_type,
+ xname, &xlen);
+ if (ndx == NDX_DONE) {
+ if (!am_server && cur_flist) {
+ set_current_file_index(NULL, 0);
+ end_progress(0);
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse && first_flist) {
+ if (read_batch) {
+ ndx = first_flist->used + first_flist->ndx_start;
+ gen_wants_ndx(ndx, first_flist->flist_num);
+ }
+ flist_free(first_flist);
+ if (first_flist)
+ continue;
+ } else if (read_batch && first_flist) {
+ ndx = first_flist->used;
+ gen_wants_ndx(ndx, first_flist->flist_num);
+ }
+ if (++phase > max_phase)
+ break;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "recv_files phase=%d\n", phase);
+ if (phase == 2 && delay_updates)
+ handle_delayed_updates(local_name);
+ write_int(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start >= 0)
+ file = cur_flist->files[ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start];
+ else
+ file = dir_flist->files[cur_flist->parent_ndx];
+ fname = local_name ? local_name : f_name(file, fbuf);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "recv_files(%s)\n", fname);
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head && (*fname != '.' || fname[1] != '\0')) {
+ int filt_flags = S_ISDIR(file->mode) ? NAME_IS_DIR : NAME_IS_FILE;
+ if (check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, fname, filt_flags) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ERROR: rejecting file transfer request for daemon excluded file: %s\n",
+ fname);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs && iflags & ITEM_REPORT_XATTR && do_xfers
+ && !(want_xattr_optim && BITS_SET(iflags, ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS|ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE)))
+ recv_xattr_request(file, f_in);
+ if (!(iflags & ITEM_TRANSFER)) {
+ maybe_log_item(file, iflags, itemizing, xname);
+ if (preserve_xattrs && iflags & ITEM_REPORT_XATTR && do_xfers
+ set_file_attrs(fname, file, NULL, fname, 0);
+ if (iflags & ITEM_IS_NEW) {
+ stats.created_files++;
+ if (S_ISREG(file->mode)) {
+ /* Nothing further to count. */
+ } else if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ stats.created_dirs++;
+ else if (S_ISLNK(file->mode))
+ stats.created_symlinks++;
+ else if (IS_DEVICE(file->mode))
+ stats.created_devices++;
+ else
+ stats.created_specials++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (phase == 2) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "got transfer request in phase 2 [%s]\n",
+ who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_FILE_SENT) {
+ if (csum_length == SHORT_SUM_LENGTH) {
+ if (keep_partial && !partial_dir)
+ make_backups = -make_backups; /* prevents double backup */
+ if (append_mode)
+ sparse_files = -sparse_files;
+ append_mode = -append_mode;
+ csum_length = SUM_LENGTH;
+ redoing = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (csum_length != SHORT_SUM_LENGTH) {
+ if (keep_partial && !partial_dir)
+ make_backups = -make_backups;
+ if (append_mode)
+ sparse_files = -sparse_files;
+ append_mode = -append_mode;
+ csum_length = SHORT_SUM_LENGTH;
+ redoing = 0;
+ }
+ if (iflags & ITEM_IS_NEW)
+ stats.created_files++;
+ }
+ if (!am_server)
+ set_current_file_index(file, ndx);
+ stats.xferred_files++;
+ stats.total_transferred_size += F_LENGTH(file);
+ cleanup_got_literal = 0;
+ if (read_batch) {
+ int wanted = redoing
+ ? we_want_redo(ndx)
+ : gen_wants_ndx(ndx, cur_flist->flist_num);
+ if (!wanted) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "(Skipping batched update for%s \"%s\")\n",
+ redoing ? " resend of" : "",
+ fname);
+ discard_receive_data(f_in, file);
+ file->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ remember_initial_stats();
+ if (!do_xfers) { /* log the transfer */
+ log_item(FCLIENT, file, iflags, NULL);
+ if (read_batch)
+ discard_receive_data(f_in, file);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (write_batch < 0) {
+ log_item(FCLIENT, file, iflags, NULL);
+ if (!am_server)
+ discard_receive_data(f_in, file);
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ send_msg_success(fname, ndx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ partialptr = partial_dir ? partial_dir_fname(fname) : fname;
+ if (protocol_version >= 29) {
+ switch (fnamecmp_type) {
+ fnamecmp = fname;
+ break;
+ fnamecmp = partialptr;
+ break;
+ fnamecmp = get_backup_name(fname);
+ break;
+ if (file->dirname) {
+ pathjoin(fnamecmpbuf, sizeof fnamecmpbuf, file->dirname, xname);
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ } else
+ fnamecmp = xname;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (fnamecmp_type > FNAMECMP_FUZZY && fnamecmp_type-FNAMECMP_FUZZY <= basis_dir_cnt) {
+ fnamecmp_type -= FNAMECMP_FUZZY + 1;
+ if (file->dirname) {
+ stringjoin(fnamecmpbuf, sizeof fnamecmpbuf,
+ basis_dir[fnamecmp_type], "/", file->dirname, "/", xname, NULL);
+ } else
+ pathjoin(fnamecmpbuf, sizeof fnamecmpbuf, basis_dir[fnamecmp_type], xname);
+ } else if (fnamecmp_type >= basis_dir_cnt) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "invalid basis_dir index: %d.\n",
+ fnamecmp_type);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ } else
+ pathjoin(fnamecmpbuf, sizeof fnamecmpbuf, basis_dir[fnamecmp_type], fname);
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!fnamecmp || (daemon_filter_list.head
+ && check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, fnamecmp, 0) < 0)) {
+ fnamecmp = fname;
+ fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_FNAME;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Reminder: --inplace && --partial-dir are never
+ * enabled at the same time. */
+ if (inplace && make_backups > 0) {
+ if (!(fnamecmp = get_backup_name(fname)))
+ fnamecmp = fname;
+ else
+ fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_BACKUP;
+ } else if (partial_dir && partialptr)
+ fnamecmp = partialptr;
+ else
+ fnamecmp = fname;
+ }
+ /* open the file */
+ fd1 = do_open(fnamecmp, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if (fd1 == -1 && protocol_version < 29) {
+ if (fnamecmp != fname) {
+ fnamecmp = fname;
+ fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_FNAME;
+ fd1 = do_open(fnamecmp, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ }
+ if (fd1 == -1 && basis_dir[0]) {
+ /* pre-29 allowed only one alternate basis */
+ pathjoin(fnamecmpbuf, sizeof fnamecmpbuf,
+ basis_dir[0], fname);
+ fnamecmp = fnamecmpbuf;
+ fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_BASIS_DIR_LOW;
+ fd1 = do_open(fnamecmp, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ one_inplace = inplace_partial && fnamecmp_type == FNAMECMP_PARTIAL_DIR;
+ updating_basis_or_equiv = one_inplace
+ || (inplace && (fnamecmp == fname || fnamecmp_type == FNAMECMP_BACKUP));
+ if (fd1 == -1) {
+ st.st_mode = 0;
+ st.st_size = 0;
+ } else if (do_fstat(fd1,&st) != 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "fstat %s failed",
+ full_fname(fnamecmp));
+ discard_receive_data(f_in, file);
+ close(fd1);
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fd1 != -1 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && fnamecmp == fname) {
+ /* this special handling for directories
+ * wouldn't be necessary if robust_rename()
+ * and the underlying robust_unlink could cope
+ * with directories
+ */
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "recv_files: %s is a directory\n",
+ full_fname(fnamecmp));
+ discard_receive_data(f_in, file);
+ close(fd1);
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (write_devices && IS_DEVICE(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (fd1 != -1 && st.st_size == 0)
+ st.st_size = get_device_size(fd1, fname);
+ /* Mark the file entry as a device so that we don't try to truncate it later on. */
+ file->mode = S_IFBLK | (file->mode & ACCESSPERMS);
+ } else if (fd1 != -1 && !(S_ISREG(st.st_mode))) {
+ close(fd1);
+ fd1 = -1;
+ }
+ /* If we're not preserving permissions, change the file-list's
+ * mode based on the local permissions and some heuristics. */
+ if (!preserve_perms) {
+ int exists = fd1 != -1;
+ const char *dn = file->dirname ? file->dirname : ".";
+ if (parent_dirname != dn
+ && strcmp(parent_dirname, dn) != 0) {
+ dflt_perms = default_perms_for_dir(dn);
+ parent_dirname = dn;
+ }
+ file->mode = dest_mode(file->mode, st.st_mode, dflt_perms, exists);
+ }
+ /* We now check to see if we are writing the file "inplace" */
+ if (inplace || one_inplace) {
+ fnametmp = one_inplace ? partialptr : fname;
+ fd2 = do_open(fnametmp, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0600);
+#ifdef linux
+ if (fd2 == -1 && errno == EACCES) {
+ /* Maybe the error was due to protected_regular setting? */
+ fd2 = do_open(fname, O_WRONLY, 0600);
+ }
+ if (fd2 == -1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "open %s failed",
+ full_fname(fnametmp));
+ } else if (updating_basis_or_equiv)
+ cleanup_set(NULL, NULL, file, fd1, fd2);
+ } else {
+ fnametmp = fnametmpbuf;
+ fd2 = open_tmpfile(fnametmp, fname, file);
+ if (fd2 != -1)
+ cleanup_set(fnametmp, partialptr, file, fd1, fd2);
+ }
+ if (fd2 == -1) {
+ discard_receive_data(f_in, file);
+ if (fd1 != -1)
+ close(fd1);
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* log the transfer */
+ if (log_before_transfer)
+ log_item(FCLIENT, file, iflags, NULL);
+ else if (!am_server && INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) && INFO_EQ(PROGRESS, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s\n", fname);
+ /* recv file data */
+ recv_ok = receive_data(f_in, fnamecmp, fd1, st.st_size, fname, fd2, file, inplace || one_inplace);
+ log_item(log_code, file, iflags, NULL);
+ if (want_progress_now)
+ instant_progress(fname);
+ if (fd1 != -1)
+ close(fd1);
+ if (close(fd2) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "close failed on %s",
+ full_fname(fnametmp));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if ((recv_ok && (!delay_updates || !partialptr)) || inplace) {
+ if (partialptr == fname)
+ partialptr = NULL;
+ if (!finish_transfer(fname, fnametmp, fnamecmp, partialptr, file, recv_ok, 1))
+ recv_ok = -1;
+ else if (fnamecmp == partialptr) {
+ if (!one_inplace)
+ do_unlink(partialptr);
+ handle_partial_dir(partialptr, PDIR_DELETE);
+ }
+ } else if (keep_partial && partialptr && (!one_inplace || delay_updates)) {
+ if (!handle_partial_dir(partialptr, PDIR_CREATE)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "Unable to create partial-dir for %s -- discarding %s.\n",
+ local_name ? local_name : f_name(file, NULL),
+ recv_ok ? "completed file" : "partial file");
+ do_unlink(fnametmp);
+ recv_ok = -1;
+ } else if (!finish_transfer(partialptr, fnametmp, fnamecmp, NULL,
+ file, recv_ok, !partial_dir))
+ recv_ok = -1;
+ else if (delay_updates && recv_ok) {
+ bitbag_set_bit(delayed_bits, ndx);
+ recv_ok = 2;
+ } else
+ partialptr = NULL;
+ } else if (!one_inplace)
+ do_unlink(fnametmp);
+ cleanup_disable();
+ if (read_batch)
+ file->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT;
+ switch (recv_ok) {
+ case 2:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (remove_source_files || inc_recurse || (preserve_hard_links && F_IS_HLINKED(file)))
+ send_msg_success(fname, ndx);
+ break;
+ case 0: {
+ enum logcode msgtype = redoing ? FERROR_XFER : FWARNING;
+ if (msgtype == FERROR_XFER || INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) || stdout_format_has_i) {
+ char *errstr, *redostr, *keptstr;
+ if (!(keep_partial && partialptr) && !inplace)
+ keptstr = "discarded";
+ else if (partial_dir)
+ keptstr = "put into partial-dir";
+ else
+ keptstr = "retained";
+ if (msgtype == FERROR_XFER) {
+ errstr = "ERROR";
+ redostr = "";
+ } else {
+ errstr = "WARNING";
+ redostr = read_batch ? " (may try again)"
+ : " (will try again)";
+ }
+ rprintf(msgtype,
+ "%s: %s failed verification -- update %s%s.\n",
+ errstr, local_name ? f_name(file, NULL) : fname,
+ keptstr, redostr);
+ }
+ if (!redoing) {
+ if (read_batch)
+ flist_ndx_push(&batch_redo_list, ndx);
+ send_msg_int(MSG_REDO, ndx);
+ file->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT;
+ } else if (inc_recurse)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+ break;
+ }
+ case -1:
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (make_backups < 0)
+ make_backups = -make_backups;
+ if (phase == 2 && delay_updates) /* for protocol_version < 29 */
+ handle_delayed_updates(local_name);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO,"recv_files finished\n");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/rounding.c b/rounding.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc353a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rounding.c
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * A pre-compilation helper program to aid in the creation of rounding.h.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#define SIZEOF(x) ((long int)sizeof (x))
+struct test {
+ union file_extras extras[ARRAY_LEN];
+ int64 test;
+#define ACTUAL_SIZE SIZEOF(struct test)
+#define EXPECTED_SIZE (SIZEOF(union file_extras) * ARRAY_LEN + SIZEOF(int64))
+ int main(UNUSED(int argc), UNUSED(char *argv[]))
+ static int test_array[1 - 2 * (ACTUAL_SIZE != EXPECTED_SIZE)];
+ test_array[0] = 0;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/rrsync.1 b/rrsync.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74f9d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rrsync.1
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+.TH "rrsync" "1" "20 Oct 2022" "rrsync from rsync 3.2.7" "User Commands"
+.\" prefix=/usr
+rrsync \- a script to setup restricted rsync users via ssh logins
+rrsync [-ro|-rw] [-munge] [-no-del] [-no-lock] DIR
+The single non-option argument specifies the restricted \fIDIR\fP to use. It can be
+relative to the user's home directory or an absolute path.
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at
+A user's ssh login can be restricted to only allow the running of an rsync
+transfer in one of two easy ways:
+.IP o
+forcing the running of the rrsync script
+.IP o
+forcing the running of an rsync daemon-over-ssh command.
+Both of these setups use a feature of ssh that allows a command to be forced to
+run instead of an interactive shell. However, if the user's home shell is bash,
+please see BASH SECURITY ISSUE for a potential issue.
+To use the rrsync script, edit the user's \fB~/.ssh/authorized_keys\fP file and add
+a prefix like one of the following (followed by a space) in front of each
+ssh-key line that should be restricted:
+.RS 4
+command="rrsync DIR"
+command="rrsync -ro DIR"
+command="rrsync -munge -no-del DIR"
+Then, ensure that the rrsync script has your desired option restrictions. You
+may want to copy the script to a local bin dir with a unique name if you want
+to have multiple configurations. One or more rrsync options can be specified
+prior to the \fIDIR\fP if you want to further restrict the transfer.
+To use an rsync daemon setup, edit the user's \fB~/.ssh/authorized_keys\fP file and
+add a prefix like one of the following (followed by a space) in front of each
+ssh-key line that should be restricted:
+.RS 4
+command="rsync --server --daemon ."
+command="rsync --server --daemon --config=/PATH/TO/rsyncd.conf ."
+Then, ensure that the rsyncd.conf file is created with one or more module names
+with the appropriate path and option restrictions. If rsync's
+\fB\-\-config\fP option is omitted, it defaults to \fB~/rsyncd.conf\fP.
+See the \fBrsyncd.conf\fP(5) manpage for details of how to
+configure an rsync daemon.
+When using rrsync, there can be just one restricted dir per authorized key. A
+daemon setup, on the other hand, allows multiple module names inside the config
+file, each one with its own path setting.
+The remainder of this manpage is dedicated to using the rrsync script.
+.IP "\fB\-ro\fP"
+Allow only reading from the DIR. Implies \fB\-no-del\fP and
+.IP "\fB\-wo\fP"
+Allow only writing to the DIR.
+.IP "\fB\-munge\fP"
+Enable rsync's \fB\-\-munge-links\fP on the server side.
+.IP "\fB\-no-del\fP"
+Disable rsync's \fB\-\-delete*\fP and \fB\-\-remove*\fP options.
+.IP "\fB\-no-lock\fP"
+Avoid the single-run (per-user) lock check. Useful with \fB\-munge\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-help\fP, \fB\-h\fP"
+Output this help message and exit.
+The rrsync script validates the path arguments it is sent to try to restrict
+them to staying within the specified DIR.
+The rrsync script rejects rsync's \fB\-\-copy-links\fP option (by
+default) so that a copy cannot dereference a symlink within the DIR to get to a
+file outside the DIR.
+The rrsync script rejects rsync's \fB\-\-protect-args\fP (\fB\-s\fP) option
+because it would allow options to be sent to the server-side that the script
+cannot check. If you want to support \fB\-\-protect-args\fP, use a daemon-over-ssh
+The rrsync script accepts just a subset of rsync's options that the real rsync
+uses when running the server command. A few extra convenience options are also
+included to help it to interact with BackupPC and accept some convenient user
+The script (or a copy of it) can be manually edited if you want it to customize
+the option handling.
+If your users have bash set as their home shell, bash may try to be overly
+helpful and ensure that the user's login bashrc files are run prior to
+executing the forced command. This can be a problem if the user can somehow
+update their home bashrc files, perhaps via the restricted copy, a shared home
+directory, or something similar.
+One simple way to avoid the issue is to switch the user to a simpler shell,
+such as dash. When choosing the new home shell, make sure that you're not
+choosing bash in disguise, as it is unclear if it avoids the security issue.
+Another potential fix is to ensure that the user's home directory is not a
+shared mount and that they have no means of copying files outside of their
+restricted directories. This may require you to force the enabling of symlink
+munging on the server side.
+A future version of openssh may have a change to the handling of forced
+commands that allows it to avoid using the user's home shell.
+The \fB~/.ssh/authorized_keys\fP file might have lines in it like this:
+.RS 4
+command="rrsync client/logs" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAzG...
+command="rrsync -ro results" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAmk...
+\fBrsync\fP(1), \fBrsyncd.conf\fP(5)
+This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.
+rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+COPYING for details.
+An rsync web site is available at and its github
+project is
+The original rrsync perl script was written by Joe Smith. Many people have
+later contributed to it. The python version was created by Wayne Davison.
diff --git a/rrsync.1.html b/rrsync.1.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f88ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rrsync.1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+<title>rrsync(1) manpage</title>
+<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
+<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
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+ max-width: 50em;
+ margin: auto;
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+a.tgt:after { content: '🔗'; }
+a.tgt:hover { color: #444; background-color: #eaeaea; }
+h1:hover > a.tgt, h2:hover > a.tgt, h3:hover > a.tgt, dt:hover > a.tgt { visibility: visible; }
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+<h2 id="NAME">NAME<a href="#NAME" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>rrsync -&#8288; a script to setup restricted rsync users via ssh logins</p>
+<h2 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS<a href="#SYNOPSIS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<pre><code>rrsync [-ro|-rw] [-munge] [-no-del] [-no-lock] DIR
+<p>The single non-option argument specifies the restricted <u>DIR</u> to use. It can be
+relative to the user's home directory or an absolute path.</p>
+<p>The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION<a href="#DESCRIPTION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>A user's ssh login can be restricted to only allow the running of an rsync
+transfer in one of two easy ways:</p>
+<li>forcing the running of the rrsync script</li>
+<li>forcing the running of an rsync daemon-over-ssh command.</li>
+<p>Both of these setups use a feature of ssh that allows a command to be forced to
+run instead of an interactive shell. However, if the user's home shell is bash,
+please see <a href="#BASH_SECURITY_ISSUE">BASH SECURITY ISSUE</a> for a potential issue.</p>
+<p>To use the rrsync script, edit the user's <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> file and add
+a prefix like one of the following (followed by a space) in front of each
+ssh-key line that should be restricted:</p>
+<pre><code>command=&quot;rrsync DIR&quot;
+command=&quot;rrsync -ro DIR&quot;
+command=&quot;rrsync -munge -no-del DIR&quot;
+<p>Then, ensure that the rrsync script has your desired option restrictions. You
+may want to copy the script to a local bin dir with a unique name if you want
+to have multiple configurations. One or more rrsync options can be specified
+prior to the <u>DIR</u> if you want to further restrict the transfer.</p>
+<p>To use an rsync daemon setup, edit the user's <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> file and
+add a prefix like one of the following (followed by a space) in front of each
+ssh-key line that should be restricted:</p>
+<pre><code>command=&quot;rsync --server --daemon .&quot;
+command=&quot;rsync --server --daemon --config=/PATH/TO/rsyncd.conf .&quot;
+<p>Then, ensure that the rsyncd.conf file is created with one or more module names
+with the appropriate path and option restrictions. If rsync's
+<a href="rsync.1#dopt--config"><code>--config</code></a> option is omitted, it defaults to <code>~/rsyncd.conf</code>.
+See the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5"><strong>rsyncd.conf</strong>(5)</a> manpage for details of how to
+configure an rsync daemon.</p>
+<p>When using rrsync, there can be just one restricted dir per authorized key. A
+daemon setup, on the other hand, allows multiple module names inside the config
+file, each one with its own path setting.</p>
+<p>The remainder of this manpage is dedicated to using the rrsync script.</p>
+<h2 id="OPTIONS">OPTIONS<a href="#OPTIONS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<dt id="opt-ro"><code>-ro</code><a href="#opt-ro" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Allow only reading from the DIR. Implies <a href="#opt-no-del"><code>-no-del</code></a> and
+<a href="#opt-no-lock"><code>-no-lock</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt-wo"><code>-wo</code><a href="#opt-wo" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Allow only writing to the DIR.</p>
+<dt id="opt-munge"><code>-munge</code><a href="#opt-munge" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Enable rsync's <a href="rsync.1#opt--munge-links"><code>--munge-links</code></a> on the server side.</p>
+<dt id="opt-no-del"><code>-no-del</code><a href="#opt-no-del" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Disable rsync's <code>--delete*</code> and <code>--remove*</code> options.</p>
+<dt id="opt-no-lock"><code>-no-lock</code><a href="#opt-no-lock" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Avoid the single-run (per-user) lock check. Useful with <a href="#opt-munge"><code>-munge</code></a>.</p>
+<span id="opt-h"></span><dt id="opt-help"><code>-help</code>, <code>-h</code><a href="#opt-help" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Output this help message and exit.</p>
+<p>The rrsync script validates the path arguments it is sent to try to restrict
+them to staying within the specified DIR.</p>
+<p>The rrsync script rejects rsync's <a href="rsync.1#opt--copy-links"><code>--copy-links</code></a> option (by
+default) so that a copy cannot dereference a symlink within the DIR to get to a
+file outside the DIR.</p>
+<p>The rrsync script rejects rsync's <a href="rsync.1#opt--protect-args"><code>--protect-args</code></a> (<code>-s</code>) option
+because it would allow options to be sent to the server-side that the script
+cannot check. If you want to support <code>--protect-args</code>, use a daemon-over-ssh
+<p>The rrsync script accepts just a subset of rsync's options that the real rsync
+uses when running the server command. A few extra convenience options are also
+included to help it to interact with BackupPC and accept some convenient user
+<p>The script (or a copy of it) can be manually edited if you want it to customize
+the option handling.</p>
+<p>If your users have bash set as their home shell, bash may try to be overly
+helpful and ensure that the user's login bashrc files are run prior to
+executing the forced command. This can be a problem if the user can somehow
+update their home bashrc files, perhaps via the restricted copy, a shared home
+directory, or something similar.</p>
+<p>One simple way to avoid the issue is to switch the user to a simpler shell,
+such as dash. When choosing the new home shell, make sure that you're not
+choosing bash in disguise, as it is unclear if it avoids the security issue.</p>
+<p>Another potential fix is to ensure that the user's home directory is not a
+shared mount and that they have no means of copying files outside of their
+restricted directories. This may require you to force the enabling of symlink
+munging on the server side.</p>
+<p>A future version of openssh may have a change to the handling of forced
+commands that allows it to avoid using the user's home shell.</p>
+<h2 id="EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES<a href="#EXAMPLES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> file might have lines in it like this:</p>
+<pre><code>command=&quot;rrsync client/logs&quot; ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAzG...
+command=&quot;rrsync -ro results&quot; ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAmk...
+<h2 id="FILES">FILES<a href="#FILES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<h2 id="SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO<a href="#SEE_ALSO" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p><a href="rsync.1"><strong>rsync</strong>(1)</a>, <a href="rsyncd.conf.5"><strong>rsyncd.conf</strong>(5)</a></p>
+<h2 id="VERSION">VERSION<a href="#VERSION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.</p>
+<h2 id="CREDITS">CREDITS<a href="#CREDITS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+<a href="COPYING">COPYING</a> for details.</p>
+<p>An rsync web site is available at <a href=""></a> and its github
+project is <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR<a href="#AUTHOR" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The original rrsync perl script was written by Joe Smith. Many people have
+later contributed to it. The python version was created by Wayne Davison.</p>
+<div style="float: right"><p><i>20 Oct 2022</i></p></div>
diff --git a/rsync-ssl b/rsync-ssl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..56ee7df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync-ssl
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script uses openssl, gnutls, or stunnel to secure an rsync daemon connection.
+# By default this script takes rsync args and hands them off to the actual
+# rsync command with an --rsh option that makes it open an SSL connection to an
+# rsync daemon. See the rsync-ssl manpage for usage details and env variables.
+# When the first arg is --HELPER, we are being used by rsync as an --rsh helper
+# script, and the args are (note the trailing dot):
+# rsync-ssl --HELPER HOSTNAME rsync --server --daemon .
+# --HELPER is not a user-facing option, so it is not documented in the manpage.
+# The first SSL setup was based on:
+# Note that an stunnel connection requires at least version 4.x of stunnel.
+function rsync_ssl_run {
+ case "$*" in
+ *rsync://*) ;;
+ *::*) ;;
+ *)
+ echo "You must use rsync-ssl with a daemon-style hostname." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ exec rsync --rsh="$0 --HELPER" "${@}"
+function rsync_ssl_helper {
+ if [[ -z "$RSYNC_SSL_TYPE" ]]; then
+ found=`path_search openssl stunnel4 stunnel` || exit 1
+ if [[ "$found" == */openssl ]]; then
+ RSYNC_SSL_TYPE=openssl
+ elif [[ "$found" == */gnutls-cli ]]; then
+ else
+ RSYNC_SSL_TYPE=stunnel
+ fi
+ fi
+ case "$RSYNC_SSL_TYPE" in
+ openssl)
+ if [[ -z "$RSYNC_SSL_OPENSSL" ]]; then
+ RSYNC_SSL_OPENSSL=`path_search openssl` || exit 1
+ fi
+ optsep=' '
+ ;;
+ gnutls)
+ if [[ -z "$RSYNC_SSL_GNUTLS" ]]; then
+ RSYNC_SSL_GNUTLS=`path_search gnutls-cli` || exit 1
+ fi
+ optsep=' '
+ ;;
+ stunnel)
+ if [[ -z "$RSYNC_SSL_STUNNEL" ]]; then
+ RSYNC_SSL_STUNNEL=`path_search stunnel4 stunnel` || exit 1
+ fi
+ optsep=' = '
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "The RSYNC_SSL_TYPE specifies an unknown type: $RSYNC_SSL_TYPE" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ -z "$RSYNC_SSL_CERT" ]]; then
+ certopt=""
+ gnutls_cert_opt=""
+ else
+ certopt="-cert$optsep$RSYNC_SSL_CERT"
+ gnutls_cert_opt="--x509certfile=$RSYNC_SSL_CERT"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$RSYNC_SSL_KEY" ]]; then
+ keyopt=""
+ gnutls_key_opt=""
+ else
+ keyopt="-key$optsep$RSYNC_SSL_KEY"
+ gnutls_key_opt="--x509keyfile=$RSYNC_SSL_KEY"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT+x} ]]; then
+ # RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT unset - default CA set AND verify:
+ # openssl:
+ caopt="-verify_return_error -verify 4"
+ # gnutls:
+ gnutls_opts=""
+ # stunnel:
+ # Since there is no way of using the default CA certificate collection,
+ # we cannot do any verification. Thus, stunnel should really only be
+ # used if nothing else is available.
+ cafile=""
+ verify=""
+ elif [[ "$RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT" == "" ]]; then
+ # RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT set but empty -do NO verifications:
+ # openssl:
+ caopt="-verify 1"
+ # gnutls:
+ gnutls_opts="--insecure"
+ # stunnel:
+ cafile=""
+ verify="verifyChain = no"
+ else
+ # RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT set - use CA AND verify:
+ # openssl:
+ caopt="-CAfile $RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT -verify_return_error -verify 4"
+ # gnutls:
+ gnutls_opts="--x509cafile=$RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT"
+ # stunnel:
+ cafile="CAfile = $RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT"
+ verify="verifyChain = yes"
+ fi
+ port="${RSYNC_PORT:-0}"
+ if [[ "$port" == 0 ]]; then
+ port="${RSYNC_SSL_PORT:-874}"
+ fi
+ # If the user specified USER@HOSTNAME::module, then rsync passes us
+ # the -l USER option too, so we must be prepared to ignore it.
+ if [[ "$1" == "-l" ]]; then
+ shift 2
+ fi
+ hostname="$1"
+ shift
+ if [[ -z "$hostname" || "$1" != rsync || "$2" != --server || "$3" != --daemon ]]; then
+ echo "Usage: rsync-ssl --HELPER HOSTNAME rsync --server --daemon ." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ $RSYNC_SSL_TYPE == openssl ]]; then
+ exec $RSYNC_SSL_OPENSSL s_client $caopt $certopt $keyopt -quiet -verify_quiet -servername $hostname -verify_hostname $hostname -connect $hostname:$port
+ elif [[ $RSYNC_SSL_TYPE == gnutls ]]; then
+ exec $RSYNC_SSL_GNUTLS --logfile=/dev/null $gnutls_cert_opt $gnutls_key_opt $gnutls_opts $hostname:$port
+ else
+ # came up with this no-tmpfile calling syntax:
+ exec $RSYNC_SSL_STUNNEL -fd 10 11<&0 <<EOF 10<&0 0<&11 11<&-
+foreground = yes
+debug = crit
+connect = $hostname:$port
+client = yes
+TIMEOUTclose = 0
+ fi
+function path_search {
+ IFS=:
+ for prog in "${@}"; do
+ for dir in $PATH; do
+ [[ -z "$dir" ]] && dir=.
+ if [[ -f "$dir/$prog" && -x "$dir/$prog" ]]; then
+ echo "$dir/$prog"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ echo "Failed to find on your path: $*" 1>&2
+ echo "See the rsync-ssl manpage for configuration assistance." 1>&2
+ return 1
+if [[ "$#" == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Usage: rsync-ssl [--type=SSL_TYPE] RSYNC_ARG [...]" 1>&2
+ echo "The SSL_TYPE can be openssl or stunnel"
+ exit 1
+if [[ "$1" = --help || "$1" = -h ]]; then
+ exec rsync --help
+if [[ "$1" == --HELPER ]]; then
+ shift
+ rsync_ssl_helper "${@}"
+if [[ "$1" == --type=* ]]; then
+ export RSYNC_SSL_TYPE="${1/--type=/}"
+ shift
+rsync_ssl_run "${@}"
diff --git a/rsync-ssl.1 b/rsync-ssl.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f5ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync-ssl.1
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+.TH "rsync-ssl" "1" "20 Oct 2022" "rsync-ssl from rsync 3.2.7" "User Commands"
+.\" prefix=/usr
+rsync-ssl \- a helper script for connecting to an ssl rsync daemon
+rsync-ssl [--type=SSL_TYPE] RSYNC_ARGS
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at
+The rsync-ssl script helps you to run an rsync copy to/from an rsync daemon
+that requires ssl connections.
+The script requires that you specify an rsync-daemon arg in the style of either
+\fBhostname::\fP (with 2 colons) or \fBrsync://hostname/\fP. The default port used for
+connecting is 874 (one higher than the normal 873) unless overridden in the
+environment. You can specify an overriding port via \fB\-\-port\fP or by including
+it in the normal spot in the URL format, though both of those require your
+rsync version to be at least 3.2.0.
+If the \fBfirst\fP arg is a \fB\-\-type=SSL_TYPE\fP option, the script will only use
+that particular program to open an ssl connection instead of trying to find an
+openssl or stunnel executable via a simple heuristic (assuming that the
+\fBRSYNC_SSL_TYPE\fP environment variable is not set as well\ \-\- see below). This
+option must specify one of \fBopenssl\fP or \fBstunnel\fP. The equal sign is
+required for this particular option.
+All the other options are passed through to the rsync command, so consult the
+\fBrsync\fP(1) manpage for more information on how it works.
+The ssl helper scripts are affected by the following environment variables:
+Specifies the program type that should be used to open the ssl connection.
+It must be one of \fBopenssl\fP or \fBstunnel\fP. The \fB\-\-type=SSL_TYPE\fP option
+overrides this, when specified.
+If specified, the value is the port number that is used as the default when
+the user does not specify a port in their rsync command. When not
+specified, the default port number is 874. (Note that older rsync versions
+(prior to 3.2.0) did not communicate an overriding port number value to the
+helper script.)
+If specified, the value is a filename that contains a certificate to use
+for the connection.
+If specified, the value is a filename that contains a key for the provided
+certificate to use for the connection.
+If specified, the value is a filename that contains a certificate authority
+certificate that is used to validate the connection.
+Specifies the openssl executable to run when the connection type is set to
+openssl. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for "openssl".
+Specifies the gnutls-cli executable to run when the connection type is set
+to gnutls. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for "gnutls-cli".
+Specifies the stunnel executable to run when the connection type is set to
+stunnel. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched first for "stunnel4" and
+then for "stunnel".
+.RS 4
+rsync-ssl -aiv dest
+.RS 4
+rsync-ssl --type=openssl -aiv dest
+.RS 4
+rsync-ssl -aiv --port 9874 dest
+.RS 4
+rsync-ssl -aiv rsync:// dest
+For help setting up an SSL/TLS supporting rsync, see the instructions in
+\fBrsync\fP(1), \fBrsyncd.conf\fP(5)
+Note that using an stunnel connection requires at least version 4 of stunnel,
+which should be the case on modern systems. Also, it does not verify a
+connection against the CA certificate collection, so it only encrypts the
+connection without any cert validation unless you have specified the
+certificate environment options.
+This script also supports a \fB\-\-type=gnutls\fP option, but at the time of this
+release the gnutls-cli command was dropping output, making it unusable. If
+that bug has been fixed in your version, feel free to put gnutls into an
+exported RSYNC_SSL_TYPE environment variable to make its use the default.
+Please report bugs! See the web site at
+This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.
+Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+COPYING for details.
+A web site is available at The site includes an
+FAQ-O-Matic which may cover questions unanswered by this manual page.
+This manpage was written by Wayne Davison.
+Mailing lists for support and development are available at
diff --git a/rsync-ssl.1.html b/rsync-ssl.1.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682a7e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync-ssl.1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<title>rsync-ssl(1) manpage</title>
+<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
+<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
+body {
+ max-width: 50em;
+ margin: auto;
+body, b, strong, u {
+ font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
+a.tgt { font-face: symbol; font-weight: 400; font-size: 70%; visibility: hidden; text-decoration: none; color: #ddd; padding: 0 4px; border: 0; }
+a.tgt:after { content: '🔗'; }
+a.tgt:hover { color: #444; background-color: #eaeaea; }
+h1:hover > a.tgt, h2:hover > a.tgt, h3:hover > a.tgt, dt:hover > a.tgt { visibility: visible; }
+code {
+ font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ white-space: pre;
+pre code {
+ display: block;
+ font-weight: normal;
+blockquote pre code {
+ background: #f1f1f1;
+dd p:first-of-type {
+ margin-block-start: 0em;
+<h2 id="NAME">NAME<a href="#NAME" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>rsync-ssl -&#8288; a helper script for connecting to an ssl rsync daemon</p>
+<h2 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS<a href="#SYNOPSIS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<pre><code>rsync-ssl [--type=SSL_TYPE] RSYNC_ARGS
+<p>The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION<a href="#DESCRIPTION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The rsync-ssl script helps you to run an rsync copy to/from an rsync daemon
+that requires ssl connections.</p>
+<p>The script requires that you specify an rsync-daemon arg in the style of either
+<code>hostname::</code> (with 2 colons) or <code>rsync://hostname/</code>. The default port used for
+connecting is 874 (one higher than the normal 873) unless overridden in the
+environment. You can specify an overriding port via <code>--port</code> or by including
+it in the normal spot in the URL format, though both of those require your
+rsync version to be at least 3.2.0.</p>
+<h2 id="OPTIONS">OPTIONS<a href="#OPTIONS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>If the <strong>first</strong> arg is a <code>--type=SSL_TYPE</code> option, the script will only use
+that particular program to open an ssl connection instead of trying to find an
+openssl or stunnel executable via a simple heuristic (assuming that the
+<code>RSYNC_SSL_TYPE</code> environment variable is not set as well&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; see below). This
+option must specify one of <code>openssl</code> or <code>stunnel</code>. The equal sign is
+required for this particular option.</p>
+<p>All the other options are passed through to the rsync command, so consult the
+<strong>rsync</strong>(1) manpage for more information on how it works.</p>
+<p>The ssl helper scripts are affected by the following environment variables:</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_TYPE"><code>RSYNC_SSL_TYPE</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_TYPE" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Specifies the program type that should be used to open the ssl connection.
+It must be one of <code>openssl</code> or <code>stunnel</code>. The <code>--type=SSL_TYPE</code> option
+overrides this, when specified.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_PORT"><code>RSYNC_SSL_PORT</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_PORT" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>If specified, the value is the port number that is used as the default when
+the user does not specify a port in their rsync command. When not
+specified, the default port number is 874. (Note that older rsync versions
+(prior to 3.2.0) did not communicate an overriding port number value to the
+helper script.)</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_CERT"><code>RSYNC_SSL_CERT</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_CERT" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>If specified, the value is a filename that contains a certificate to use
+for the connection.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_KEY"><code>RSYNC_SSL_KEY</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_KEY" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>If specified, the value is a filename that contains a key for the provided
+certificate to use for the connection.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT"><code>RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_CA_CERT" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>If specified, the value is a filename that contains a certificate authority
+certificate that is used to validate the connection.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_OPENSSL"><code>RSYNC_SSL_OPENSSL</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_OPENSSL" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Specifies the openssl executable to run when the connection type is set to
+openssl. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for &quot;openssl&quot;.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_GNUTLS"><code>RSYNC_SSL_GNUTLS</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_GNUTLS" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Specifies the gnutls-cli executable to run when the connection type is set
+to gnutls. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for &quot;gnutls-cli&quot;.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SSL_STUNNEL"><code>RSYNC_SSL_STUNNEL</code><a href="#RSYNC_SSL_STUNNEL" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Specifies the stunnel executable to run when the connection type is set to
+stunnel. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched first for &quot;stunnel4&quot; and
+then for &quot;stunnel&quot;.</p>
+<h2 id="EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES<a href="#EXAMPLES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<pre><code>rsync-ssl -aiv dest
+<pre><code>rsync-ssl --type=openssl -aiv dest
+<pre><code>rsync-ssl -aiv --port 9874 dest
+<pre><code>rsync-ssl -aiv rsync:// dest
+<h2 id="THE_SERVER_SIDE">THE SERVER SIDE<a href="#THE_SERVER_SIDE" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>For help setting up an SSL/TLS supporting rsync, see the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5#SSL_TLS_Daemon_Setup">instructions in
+<h2 id="SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO<a href="#SEE_ALSO" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p><a href="rsync.1"><strong>rsync</strong>(1)</a>, <a href="rsyncd.conf.5"><strong>rsyncd.conf</strong>(5)</a></p>
+<h2 id="CAVEATS">CAVEATS<a href="#CAVEATS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Note that using an stunnel connection requires at least version 4 of stunnel,
+which should be the case on modern systems. Also, it does not verify a
+connection against the CA certificate collection, so it only encrypts the
+connection without any cert validation unless you have specified the
+certificate environment options.</p>
+<p>This script also supports a <code>--type=gnutls</code> option, but at the time of this
+release the gnutls-cli command was dropping output, making it unusable. If
+that bug has been fixed in your version, feel free to put gnutls into an
+exported RSYNC_SSL_TYPE environment variable to make its use the default.</p>
+<h2 id="BUGS">BUGS<a href="#BUGS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Please report bugs! See the web site at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="VERSION">VERSION<a href="#VERSION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.</p>
+<h2 id="CREDITS">CREDITS<a href="#CREDITS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+<a href="COPYING">COPYING</a> for details.</p>
+<p>A web site is available at <a href=""></a>. The site includes an
+FAQ-O-Matic which may cover questions unanswered by this manual page.</p>
+<h2 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR<a href="#AUTHOR" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>This manpage was written by Wayne Davison.</p>
+<p>Mailing lists for support and development are available at
+<a href=""></a>.</p>
+<div style="float: right"><p><i>20 Oct 2022</i></p></div>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f1e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+## NAME
+rsync-ssl - a helper script for connecting to an ssl rsync daemon
+rsync-ssl [--type=SSL_TYPE] RSYNC_ARGS
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <>.
+The rsync-ssl script helps you to run an rsync copy to/from an rsync daemon
+that requires ssl connections.
+The script requires that you specify an rsync-daemon arg in the style of either
+`hostname::` (with 2 colons) or `rsync://hostname/`. The default port used for
+connecting is 874 (one higher than the normal 873) unless overridden in the
+environment. You can specify an overriding port via `--port` or by including
+it in the normal spot in the URL format, though both of those require your
+rsync version to be at least 3.2.0.
+If the **first** arg is a `--type=SSL_TYPE` option, the script will only use
+that particular program to open an ssl connection instead of trying to find an
+openssl or stunnel executable via a simple heuristic (assuming that the
+`RSYNC_SSL_TYPE` environment variable is not set as well -- see below). This
+option must specify one of `openssl` or `stunnel`. The equal sign is
+required for this particular option.
+All the other options are passed through to the rsync command, so consult the
+**rsync**(1) manpage for more information on how it works.
+The ssl helper scripts are affected by the following environment variables:
+ Specifies the program type that should be used to open the ssl connection.
+ It must be one of `openssl` or `stunnel`. The `--type=SSL_TYPE` option
+ overrides this, when specified.
+ If specified, the value is the port number that is used as the default when
+ the user does not specify a port in their rsync command. When not
+ specified, the default port number is 874. (Note that older rsync versions
+ (prior to 3.2.0) did not communicate an overriding port number value to the
+ helper script.)
+ If specified, the value is a filename that contains a certificate to use
+ for the connection.
+ If specified, the value is a filename that contains a key for the provided
+ certificate to use for the connection.
+ If specified, the value is a filename that contains a certificate authority
+ certificate that is used to validate the connection.
+ Specifies the openssl executable to run when the connection type is set to
+ openssl. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for "openssl".
+ Specifies the gnutls-cli executable to run when the connection type is set
+ to gnutls. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for "gnutls-cli".
+ Specifies the stunnel executable to run when the connection type is set to
+ stunnel. If unspecified, the $PATH is searched first for "stunnel4" and
+ then for "stunnel".
+> rsync-ssl -aiv dest
+> rsync-ssl --type=openssl -aiv dest
+> rsync-ssl -aiv --port 9874 dest
+> rsync-ssl -aiv rsync:// dest
+For help setting up an SSL/TLS supporting rsync, see the [instructions in
+[**rsync**(1)](rsync.1), [**rsyncd.conf**(5)](rsyncd.conf.5)
+Note that using an stunnel connection requires at least version 4 of stunnel,
+which should be the case on modern systems. Also, it does not verify a
+connection against the CA certificate collection, so it only encrypts the
+connection without any cert validation unless you have specified the
+certificate environment options.
+This script also supports a `--type=gnutls` option, but at the time of this
+release the gnutls-cli command was dropping output, making it unusable. If
+that bug has been fixed in your version, feel free to put gnutls into an
+exported RSYNC_SSL_TYPE environment variable to make its use the default.
+## BUGS
+Please report bugs! See the web site at <>.
+This manpage is current for version @VERSION@ of rsync.
+Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+[COPYING](COPYING) for details.
+A web site is available at <>. The site includes an
+FAQ-O-Matic which may cover questions unanswered by this manual page.
+This manpage was written by Wayne Davison.
+Mailing lists for support and development are available at
diff --git a/rsync.1 b/rsync.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a2da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync.1
@@ -0,0 +1,5051 @@
+.TH "rsync" "1" "20 Oct 2022" "rsync 3.2.7" "User Commands"
+.\" prefix=/usr
+rsync \- a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [DEST]
+Access via remote shell:
+ Pull:
+ rsync [OPTION...] [USER@]HOST:SRC... [DEST]
+ Push:
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [USER@]HOST:DEST
+Access via rsync daemon:
+ Pull:
+ rsync [OPTION...] [USER@]HOST::SRC... [DEST]
+ rsync [OPTION...] rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC... [DEST]
+ Push:
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [USER@]HOST::DEST
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST)
+Usages with just one SRC arg and no DEST arg will list the source files instead
+of copying.
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at
+Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy
+locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync
+daemon. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its
+behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be
+copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the
+amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between
+the source files and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely
+used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday
+Rsync finds files that need to be transferred using a "quick check" algorithm
+(by default) that looks for files that have changed in size or in last-modified
+time. Any changes in the other preserved attributes (as requested by options)
+are made on the destination file directly when the quick check indicates that
+the file's data does not need to be updated.
+Some of the additional features of rsync are:
+.IP o
+support for copying links, devices, owners, groups, and permissions
+.IP o
+exclude and exclude-from options similar to GNU tar
+.IP o
+a CVS exclude mode for ignoring the same files that CVS would ignore
+.IP o
+can use any transparent remote shell, including ssh or rsh
+.IP o
+does not require super-user privileges
+.IP o
+pipelining of file transfers to minimize latency costs
+.IP o
+support for anonymous or authenticated rsync daemons (ideal for mirroring)
+Rsync copies files either to or from a remote host, or locally on the current
+host (it does not support copying files between two remote hosts).
+There are two different ways for rsync to contact a remote system: using a
+remote-shell program as the transport (such as ssh or rsh) or contacting an
+rsync daemon directly via TCP. The remote-shell transport is used whenever the
+source or destination path contains a single colon (:) separator after a host
+specification. Contacting an rsync daemon directly happens when the source or
+destination path contains a double colon (::) separator after a host
+specification, OR when an rsync:// URL is specified (see also the USING
+exception to this latter rule).
+As a special case, if a single source arg is specified without a destination,
+the files are listed in an output format similar to "\fBls\ \-l\fP".
+As expected, if neither the source or destination path specify a remote host,
+the copy occurs locally (see also the \fB\-\-list-only\fP option).
+Rsync refers to the local side as the client and the remote side as the server.
+Don't confuse server with an rsync daemon. A daemon is always a server, but a
+server can be either a daemon or a remote-shell spawned process.
+See the file for installation instructions.
+Once installed, you can use rsync to any machine that you can access via a
+remote shell (as well as some that you can access using the rsync daemon-mode
+protocol). For remote transfers, a modern rsync uses ssh for its
+communications, but it may have been configured to use a different remote shell
+by default, such as rsh or remsh.
+You can also specify any remote shell you like, either by using the \fB\-e\fP
+command line option, or by setting the \fBRSYNC_RSH\fP environment variable.
+Note that rsync must be installed on both the source and destination machines.
+You use rsync in the same way you use rcp. You must specify a source and a
+destination, one of which may be remote.
+Perhaps the best way to explain the syntax is with some examples:
+.RS 4
+rsync -t *.c foo:src/
+This would transfer all files matching the pattern \fB*.c\fP from the current
+directory to the directory src on the machine foo. If any of the files already
+exist on the remote system then the rsync remote-update protocol is used to
+update the file by sending only the differences in the data. Note that the
+expansion of wildcards on the command-line (\fB*.c\fP) into a list of files is
+handled by the shell before it runs rsync and not by rsync itself (exactly the
+same as all other Posix-style programs).
+.RS 4
+rsync -avz foo:src/bar /data/tmp
+This would recursively transfer all files from the directory src/bar on the
+machine foo into the /data/tmp/bar directory on the local machine. The files
+are transferred in archive mode, which ensures that symbolic links, devices,
+attributes, permissions, ownerships, etc. are preserved in the transfer.
+Additionally, compression will be used to reduce the size of data portions of
+the transfer.
+.RS 4
+rsync -avz foo:src/bar/ /data/tmp
+A trailing slash on the source changes this behavior to avoid creating an
+additional directory level at the destination. You can think of a trailing /
+on a source as meaning "copy the contents of this directory" as opposed to
+"copy the directory by name", but in both cases the attributes of the
+containing directory are transferred to the containing directory on the
+destination. In other words, each of the following commands copies the files
+in the same way, including their setting of the attributes of /dest/foo:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av /src/foo /dest
+rsync -av /src/foo/ /dest/foo
+Note also that host and module references don't require a trailing slash to
+copy the contents of the default directory. For example, both of these copy
+the remote directory's contents into "/dest":
+.RS 4
+rsync -av host: /dest
+rsync -av host::module /dest
+You can also use rsync in local-only mode, where both the source and
+destination don't have a ':' in the name. In this case it behaves like an
+improved copy command.
+Finally, you can list all the (listable) modules available from a particular
+rsync daemon by leaving off the module name:
+.RS 4
+When you want to copy a directory to a different name, use a trailing slash on
+the source directory to put the contents of the directory into any destination
+directory you like:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai foo/ bar/
+Rsync also has the ability to customize a destination file's name when copying
+a single item. The rules for this are:
+.IP o
+The transfer list must consist of a single item (either a file or an empty
+.IP o
+The final element of the destination path must not exist as a directory
+.IP o
+The destination path must not have been specified with a trailing slash
+Under those circumstances, rsync will set the name of the destination's single
+item to the last element of the destination path. Keep in mind that it is best
+to only use this idiom when copying a file and use the above trailing-slash
+idiom when copying a directory.
+The following example copies the \fBfoo.c\fP file as \fBbar.c\fP in the \fBsave\fP dir
+(assuming that \fBbar.c\fP isn't a directory):
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai src/foo.c save/bar.c
+The single-item copy rule might accidentally bite you if you unknowingly copy a
+single item and specify a destination dir that doesn't exist (without using a
+trailing slash). For example, if \fBsrc/*.c\fP matches one file and \fBsave/dir\fP
+doesn't exist, this will confuse you by naming the destination file \fBsave/dir\fP:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai src/*.c save/dir
+To prevent such an accident, either make sure the destination dir exists or
+specify the destination path with a trailing slash:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai src/*.c save/dir/
+Rsync always sorts the specified filenames into its internal transfer list.
+This handles the merging together of the contents of identically named
+directories, makes it easy to remove duplicate filenames. It can, however,
+confuse someone when the files are transferred in a different order than what
+was given on the command-line.
+If you need a particular file to be transferred prior to another, either
+separate the files into different rsync calls, or consider using
+\fB\-\-delay-updates\fP (which doesn't affect the sorted transfer order, but
+does make the final file-updating phase happen much more rapidly).
+Rsync takes steps to ensure that the file requests that are shared in a
+transfer are protected against various security issues. Most of the potential
+problems arise on the receiving side where rsync takes steps to ensure that the
+list of files being transferred remains within the bounds of what was
+Toward this end, rsync 3.1.2 and later have aborted when a file list contains
+an absolute or relative path that tries to escape out of the top of the
+transfer. Also, beginning with version 3.2.5, rsync does two more safety
+checks of the file list to (1) ensure that no extra source arguments were added
+into the transfer other than those that the client requested and (2) ensure
+that the file list obeys the exclude rules that were sent to the sender.
+For those that don't yet have a 3.2.5 client rsync (or those that want to be
+extra careful), it is safest to do a copy into a dedicated destination
+directory for the remote files when you don't trust the remote host. For
+example, instead of doing an rsync copy into your home directory:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~
+Dedicate a "host1-files" dir to the remote content:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~/host1-files
+See the \fB\-\-trust-sender\fP option for additional details.
+CAUTION: it is not particularly safe to use rsync to copy files from a
+case-preserving filesystem to a case-ignoring filesystem. If you must perform
+such a copy, you should either disable symlinks via \fB\-\-no-links\fP or enable the
+munging of symlinks via \fB\-\-munge-links\fP (and make sure you use the
+right local or remote option). This will prevent rsync from doing potentially
+dangerous things if a symlink name overlaps with a file or directory. It does
+not, however, ensure that you get a full copy of all the files (since that may
+not be possible when the names overlap). A potentially better solution is to
+list all the source files and create a safe list of filenames that you pass to
+the \fB\-\-files-from\fP option. Any files that conflict in name would need
+to be copied to different destination directories using more than one copy.
+While a copy of a case-ignoring filesystem to a case-ignoring filesystem can
+work out fairly well, if no \fB\-\-delete-during\fP or \fB\-\-delete-before\fP option is
+active, rsync can potentially update an existing file on the receiveing side
+without noticing that the upper-/lower-case of the filename should be changed
+to match the sender.
+The syntax for requesting multiple files from a remote host is done by
+specifying additional remote-host args in the same style as the first, or with
+the hostname omitted. For instance, all these work:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiv host:file1 :file2 host:file{3,4} /dest/
+rsync -aiv host::modname/file{1,2} host::modname/extra /dest/
+rsync -aiv host::modname/first ::extra-file{1,2} /dest/
+Note that a daemon connection only supports accessing one module per copy
+command, so if the start of a follow-up path doesn't begin with the
+modname of the first path, it is assumed to be a path in the module (such as
+the extra-file1 & extra-file2 that are grabbed above).
+Really old versions of rsync (2.6.9 and before) only allowed specifying one
+remote-source arg, so some people have instead relied on the remote-shell
+performing space splitting to break up an arg into multiple paths. Such
+unintuitive behavior is no longer supported by default (though you can request
+it, as described below).
+Starting in 3.2.4, filenames are passed to a remote shell in such a way as to
+preserve the characters you give it. Thus, if you ask for a file with spaces
+in the name, that's what the remote rsync looks for:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiv host:'a simple file.pdf' /dest/
+If you use scripts that have been written to manually apply extra quoting to
+the remote rsync args (or to require remote arg splitting), you can ask rsync
+to let your script handle the extra escaping. This is done by either adding
+the \fB\-\-old-args\fP option to the rsync runs in the script (which requires
+a new rsync) or exporting RSYNC_OLD_ARGS=1 and RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS=0
+(which works with old or new rsync versions).
+It is also possible to use rsync without a remote shell as the transport. In
+this case you will directly connect to a remote rsync daemon, typically using
+TCP port 873. (This obviously requires the daemon to be running on the remote
+section below for information on that.)
+Using rsync in this way is the same as using it with a remote shell except
+.IP o
+Use either double-colon syntax or rsync:// URL syntax instead of the
+single-colon (remote shell) syntax.
+.IP o
+The first element of the "path" is actually a module name.
+.IP o
+Additional remote source args can use an abbreviated syntax that omits the
+hostname and/or the module name, as discussed in ADVANCED USAGE.
+.IP o
+The remote daemon may print a "message of the day" when you connect.
+.IP o
+If you specify only the host (with no module or path) then a list of
+accessible modules on the daemon is output.
+.IP o
+If you specify a remote source path but no destination, a listing of the
+matching files on the remote daemon is output.
+.IP o
+The \fB\-\-rsh\fP (\fB\-e\fP) option must be omitted to avoid changing the
+connection style from using a socket connection to USING RSYNC-DAEMON
+An example that copies all the files in a remote module named "src":
+.RS 4
+rsync -av host::src /dest
+Some modules on the remote daemon may require authentication. If so, you will
+receive a password prompt when you connect. You can avoid the password prompt
+by setting the environment variable \fBRSYNC_PASSWORD\fP to the password you
+want to use or using the \fB\-\-password-file\fP option. This may be useful
+when scripting rsync.
+WARNING: On some systems environment variables are visible to all users. On
+those systems using \fB\-\-password-file\fP is recommended.
+You may establish the connection via a web proxy by setting the environment
+variable \fBRSYNC_PROXY\fP to a hostname:port pair pointing to your web proxy.
+Note that your web proxy's configuration must support proxy connections to port
+You may also establish a daemon connection using a program as a proxy by
+setting the environment variable \fBRSYNC_CONNECT_PROG\fP to the commands you
+wish to run in place of making a direct socket connection. The string may
+contain the escape "%H" to represent the hostname specified in the rsync
+command (so use "%%" if you need a single "%" in your string). For example:
+.RS 4
+export RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG='ssh proxyhost nc %H 873'
+rsync -av targethost1::module/src/ /dest/
+rsync -av rsync://targethost2/module/src/ /dest/
+The command specified above uses ssh to run nc (netcat) on a proxyhost, which
+forwards all data to port 873 (the rsync daemon) on the targethost (%H).
+Note also that if the \fBRSYNC_SHELL\fP environment variable is set, that
+program will be used to run the \fBRSYNC_CONNECT_PROG\fP command instead of using
+the default shell of the \fBsystem()\fP call.
+It is sometimes useful to use various features of an rsync daemon (such as
+named modules) without actually allowing any new socket connections into a
+system (other than what is already required to allow remote-shell access).
+Rsync supports connecting to a host using a remote shell and then spawning a
+single-use "daemon" server that expects to read its config file in the home dir
+of the remote user. This can be useful if you want to encrypt a daemon-style
+transfer's data, but since the daemon is started up fresh by the remote user,
+you may not be able to use features such as chroot or change the uid used by
+the daemon. (For another way to encrypt a daemon transfer, consider using ssh
+to tunnel a local port to a remote machine and configure a normal rsync daemon
+on that remote host to only allow connections from "localhost".)
+From the user's perspective, a daemon transfer via a remote-shell connection
+uses nearly the same command-line syntax as a normal rsync-daemon transfer,
+with the only exception being that you must explicitly set the remote shell
+program on the command-line with the \fB\-\-rsh=COMMAND\fP option. (Setting the
+RSYNC_RSH in the environment will not turn on this functionality.) For example:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av --rsh=ssh host::module /dest
+If you need to specify a different remote-shell user, keep in mind that the
+user@ prefix in front of the host is specifying the rsync-user value (for a
+module that requires user-based authentication). This means that you must give
+the '\-l user' option to ssh when specifying the remote-shell, as in this
+example that uses the short version of the \fB\-\-rsh\fP option:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av -e "ssh -l ssh-user" rsync-user@host::module /dest
+The "ssh-user" will be used at the ssh level; the "rsync-user" will be used to
+log-in to the "module".
+In this setup, the daemon is started by the ssh command that is accessing the
+system (which can be forced via the \fB~/.ssh/authorized_keys\fP file, if desired).
+However, when accessing a daemon directly, it needs to be started beforehand.
+In order to connect to an rsync daemon, the remote system needs to have a
+daemon already running (or it needs to have configured something like inetd to
+spawn an rsync daemon for incoming connections on a particular port). For full
+information on how to start a daemon that will handling incoming socket
+connections, see the \fBrsyncd.conf\fP(5) manpage\ \-\- that is
+the config file for the daemon, and it contains the full details for how to run
+the daemon (including stand-alone and inetd configurations).
+If you're using one of the remote-shell transports for the transfer, there is
+no need to manually start an rsync daemon.
+Here are some examples of how rsync can be used.
+To backup a home directory, which consists of large MS Word files and mail
+folders, a per-user cron job can be used that runs this each day:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiz . bkhost:backup/joe/
+To move some files from a remote host to the local host, you could run:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiv --remove-source-files rhost:/tmp/{file1,file2}.c ~/src/
+Here is a short summary of the options available in rsync. Each option also
+has its own detailed description later in this manpage.
+--verbose, -v increase verbosity
+--info=FLAGS fine-grained informational verbosity
+--debug=FLAGS fine-grained debug verbosity
+--stderr=e|a|c change stderr output mode (default: errors)
+--quiet, -q suppress non-error messages
+--no-motd suppress daemon-mode MOTD
+--checksum, -c skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size
+--archive, -a archive mode is -rlptgoD (no -A,-X,-U,-N,-H)
+--no-OPTION turn off an implied OPTION (e.g. --no-D)
+--recursive, -r recurse into directories
+--relative, -R use relative path names
+--no-implied-dirs don't send implied dirs with --relative
+--backup, -b make backups (see --suffix & --backup-dir)
+--backup-dir=DIR make backups into hierarchy based in DIR
+--suffix=SUFFIX backup suffix (default ~ w/o --backup-dir)
+--update, -u skip files that are newer on the receiver
+--inplace update destination files in-place
+--append append data onto shorter files
+--append-verify --append w/old data in file checksum
+--dirs, -d transfer directories without recursing
+--old-dirs, --old-d works like --dirs when talking to old rsync
+--mkpath create destination's missing path components
+--links, -l copy symlinks as symlinks
+--copy-links, -L transform symlink into referent file/dir
+--copy-unsafe-links only "unsafe" symlinks are transformed
+--safe-links ignore symlinks that point outside the tree
+--munge-links munge symlinks to make them safe & unusable
+--copy-dirlinks, -k transform symlink to dir into referent dir
+--keep-dirlinks, -K treat symlinked dir on receiver as dir
+--hard-links, -H preserve hard links
+--perms, -p preserve permissions
+--executability, -E preserve executability
+--chmod=CHMOD affect file and/or directory permissions
+--acls, -A preserve ACLs (implies --perms)
+--xattrs, -X preserve extended attributes
+--owner, -o preserve owner (super-user only)
+--group, -g preserve group
+--devices preserve device files (super-user only)
+--copy-devices copy device contents as a regular file
+--write-devices write to devices as files (implies --inplace)
+--specials preserve special files
+-D same as --devices --specials
+--times, -t preserve modification times
+--atimes, -U preserve access (use) times
+--open-noatime avoid changing the atime on opened files
+--crtimes, -N preserve create times (newness)
+--omit-dir-times, -O omit directories from --times
+--omit-link-times, -J omit symlinks from --times
+--super receiver attempts super-user activities
+--fake-super store/recover privileged attrs using xattrs
+--sparse, -S turn sequences of nulls into sparse blocks
+--preallocate allocate dest files before writing them
+--dry-run, -n perform a trial run with no changes made
+--whole-file, -W copy files whole (w/o delta-xfer algorithm)
+--checksum-choice=STR choose the checksum algorithm (aka --cc)
+--one-file-system, -x don't cross filesystem boundaries
+--block-size=SIZE, -B force a fixed checksum block-size
+--rsh=COMMAND, -e specify the remote shell to use
+--rsync-path=PROGRAM specify the rsync to run on remote machine
+--existing skip creating new files on receiver
+--ignore-existing skip updating files that exist on receiver
+--remove-source-files sender removes synchronized files (non-dir)
+--del an alias for --delete-during
+--delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs
+--delete-before receiver deletes before xfer, not during
+--delete-during receiver deletes during the transfer
+--delete-delay find deletions during, delete after
+--delete-after receiver deletes after transfer, not during
+--delete-excluded also delete excluded files from dest dirs
+--ignore-missing-args ignore missing source args without error
+--delete-missing-args delete missing source args from destination
+--ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors
+--force force deletion of dirs even if not empty
+--max-delete=NUM don't delete more than NUM files
+--max-size=SIZE don't transfer any file larger than SIZE
+--min-size=SIZE don't transfer any file smaller than SIZE
+--max-alloc=SIZE change a limit relating to memory alloc
+--partial keep partially transferred files
+--partial-dir=DIR put a partially transferred file into DIR
+--delay-updates put all updated files into place at end
+--prune-empty-dirs, -m prune empty directory chains from file-list
+--numeric-ids don't map uid/gid values by user/group name
+--usermap=STRING custom username mapping
+--groupmap=STRING custom groupname mapping
+--chown=USER:GROUP simple username/groupname mapping
+--timeout=SECONDS set I/O timeout in seconds
+--contimeout=SECONDS set daemon connection timeout in seconds
+--ignore-times, -I don't skip files that match size and time
+--size-only skip files that match in size
+--modify-window=NUM, -@ set the accuracy for mod-time comparisons
+--temp-dir=DIR, -T create temporary files in directory DIR
+--fuzzy, -y find similar file for basis if no dest file
+--compare-dest=DIR also compare destination files relative to DIR
+--copy-dest=DIR ... and include copies of unchanged files
+--link-dest=DIR hardlink to files in DIR when unchanged
+--compress, -z compress file data during the transfer
+--compress-choice=STR choose the compression algorithm (aka --zc)
+--compress-level=NUM explicitly set compression level (aka --zl)
+--skip-compress=LIST skip compressing files with suffix in LIST
+--cvs-exclude, -C auto-ignore files in the same way CVS does
+--filter=RULE, -f add a file-filtering RULE
+-F same as --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'
+ repeated: --filter='- .rsync-filter'
+--exclude=PATTERN exclude files matching PATTERN
+--exclude-from=FILE read exclude patterns from FILE
+--include=PATTERN don't exclude files matching PATTERN
+--include-from=FILE read include patterns from FILE
+--files-from=FILE read list of source-file names from FILE
+--from0, -0 all *-from/filter files are delimited by 0s
+--old-args disable the modern arg-protection idiom
+--secluded-args, -s use the protocol to safely send the args
+--trust-sender trust the remote sender's file list
+--copy-as=USER[:GROUP] specify user & optional group for the copy
+--address=ADDRESS bind address for outgoing socket to daemon
+--port=PORT specify double-colon alternate port number
+--sockopts=OPTIONS specify custom TCP options
+--blocking-io use blocking I/O for the remote shell
+--outbuf=N|L|B set out buffering to None, Line, or Block
+--stats give some file-transfer stats
+--8-bit-output, -8 leave high-bit chars unescaped in output
+--human-readable, -h output numbers in a human-readable format
+--progress show progress during transfer
+-P same as --partial --progress
+--itemize-changes, -i output a change-summary for all updates
+--remote-option=OPT, -M send OPTION to the remote side only
+--out-format=FORMAT output updates using the specified FORMAT
+--log-file=FILE log what we're doing to the specified FILE
+--log-file-format=FMT log updates using the specified FMT
+--password-file=FILE read daemon-access password from FILE
+--early-input=FILE use FILE for daemon's early exec input
+--list-only list the files instead of copying them
+--bwlimit=RATE limit socket I/O bandwidth
+--stop-after=MINS Stop rsync after MINS minutes have elapsed
+--stop-at=y-m-dTh:m Stop rsync at the specified point in time
+--fsync fsync every written file
+--write-batch=FILE write a batched update to FILE
+--only-write-batch=FILE like --write-batch but w/o updating dest
+--read-batch=FILE read a batched update from FILE
+--protocol=NUM force an older protocol version to be used
+--iconv=CONVERT_SPEC request charset conversion of filenames
+--checksum-seed=NUM set block/file checksum seed (advanced)
+--ipv4, -4 prefer IPv4
+--ipv6, -6 prefer IPv6
+--version, -V print the version + other info and exit
+--help, -h (*) show this help (* -h is help only on its own)
+Rsync can also be run as a daemon, in which case the following options are
+--daemon run as an rsync daemon
+--address=ADDRESS bind to the specified address
+--bwlimit=RATE limit socket I/O bandwidth
+--config=FILE specify alternate rsyncd.conf file
+--dparam=OVERRIDE, -M override global daemon config parameter
+--no-detach do not detach from the parent
+--port=PORT listen on alternate port number
+--log-file=FILE override the "log file" setting
+--log-file-format=FMT override the "log format" setting
+--sockopts=OPTIONS specify custom TCP options
+--verbose, -v increase verbosity
+--ipv4, -4 prefer IPv4
+--ipv6, -6 prefer IPv6
+--help, -h show this help (when used with --daemon)
+Rsync accepts both long (double-dash + word) and short (single-dash + letter)
+options. The full list of the available options are described below. If an
+option can be specified in more than one way, the choices are comma-separated.
+Some options only have a long variant, not a short.
+If the option takes a parameter, the parameter is only listed after the long
+variant, even though it must also be specified for the short. When specifying
+a parameter, you can either use the form \fB\-\-option=param\fP, \fB\-\-option\ param\fP,
+\fB\-o=param\fP, \fB\-o\ param\fP, or \fB\-oparam\fP (the latter choices assume that your
+option has a short variant).
+The parameter may need to be quoted in some manner for it to survive the
+shell's command-line parsing. Also keep in mind that a leading tilde (\fB~\fP) in
+a pathname is substituted by your shell, so make sure that you separate the
+option name from the pathname using a space if you want the local shell to
+expand it.
+.IP "\fB\-\-help\fP"
+Print a short help page describing the options available in rsync and exit.
+You can also use \fB\-h\fP for \fB\-\-help\fP when it is used without any other
+options (since it normally means \fB\-\-human-readable\fP).
+.IP "\fB\-\-version\fP, \fB\-V\fP"
+Print the rsync version plus other info and exit. When repeated, the
+information is output is a JSON format that is still fairly readable
+(client side only).
+The output includes a list of compiled-in capabilities, a list of
+optimizations, the default list of checksum algorithms, the default list of
+compression algorithms, the default list of daemon auth digests, a link to
+the rsync web site, and a few other items.
+.IP "\fB\-\-verbose\fP, \fB\-v\fP"
+This option increases the amount of information you are given during the
+transfer. By default, rsync works silently. A single \fB\-v\fP will give you
+information about what files are being transferred and a brief summary at
+the end. Two \fB\-v\fP options will give you information on what files are
+being skipped and slightly more information at the end. More than two \fB\-v\fP
+options should only be used if you are debugging rsync.
+The end-of-run summary tells you the number of bytes sent to the remote
+rsync (which is the receiving side on a local copy), the number of bytes
+received from the remote host, and the average bytes per second of the
+transferred data computed over the entire length of the rsync run. The
+second line shows the total size (in bytes), which is the sum of all the
+file sizes that rsync considered transferring. It also shows a "speedup"
+value, which is a ratio of the total file size divided by the sum of the
+sent and received bytes (which is really just a feel-good bigger-is-better
+number). Note that these byte values can be made more (or less)
+human-readable by using the \fB\-\-human-readable\fP (or
+\fB\-\-no-human-readable\fP) options.
+In a modern rsync, the \fB\-v\fP option is equivalent to the setting of groups
+of \fB\-\-info\fP and \fB\-\-debug\fP options. You can choose to use
+these newer options in addition to, or in place of using \fB\-\-verbose\fP, as
+any fine-grained settings override the implied settings of \fB\-v\fP. Both
+\fB\-\-info\fP and \fB\-\-debug\fP have a way to ask for help that
+tells you exactly what flags are set for each increase in verbosity.
+However, do keep in mind that a daemon's "\fBmax\ verbosity\fP" setting will limit
+how high of a level the various individual flags can be set on the daemon
+side. For instance, if the max is 2, then any info and/or debug flag that
+is set to a higher value than what would be set by \fB\-vv\fP will be downgraded
+to the \fB\-vv\fP level in the daemon's logging.
+.IP "\fB\-\-info=FLAGS\fP"
+This option lets you have fine-grained control over the information output
+you want to see. An individual flag name may be followed by a level
+number, with 0 meaning to silence that output, 1 being the default output
+level, and higher numbers increasing the output of that flag (for those
+that support higher levels). Use \fB\-\-info=help\fP to see all the available
+flag names, what they output, and what flag names are added for each
+increase in the verbose level. Some examples:
+.RS 4
+rsync -a --info=progress2 src/ dest/
+rsync -avv --info=stats2,misc1,flist0 src/ dest/
+Note that \fB\-\-info=name\fP's output is affected by the \fB\-\-out-format\fP
+and \fB\-\-itemize-changes\fP (\fB\-i\fP) options. See those options for more
+information on what is output and when.
+This option was added to 3.1.0, so an older rsync on the server side might
+reject your attempts at fine-grained control (if one or more flags needed
+to be send to the server and the server was too old to understand them).
+See also the "\fBmax\ verbosity\fP" caveat above when dealing with a daemon.
+.IP "\fB\-\-debug=FLAGS\fP"
+This option lets you have fine-grained control over the debug output you
+want to see. An individual flag name may be followed by a level number,
+with 0 meaning to silence that output, 1 being the default output level,
+and higher numbers increasing the output of that flag (for those that
+support higher levels). Use \fB\-\-debug=help\fP to see all the available flag
+names, what they output, and what flag names are added for each increase in
+the verbose level. Some examples:
+.RS 4
+rsync -avvv --debug=none src/ dest/
+rsync -avA --del --debug=del2,acl src/ dest/
+Note that some debug messages will only be output when the \fB\-\-stderr=all\fP
+option is specified, especially those pertaining to I/O and buffer debugging.
+Beginning in 3.2.0, this option is no longer auto-forwarded to the server
+side in order to allow you to specify different debug values for each side
+of the transfer, as well as to specify a new debug option that is only
+present in one of the rsync versions. If you want to duplicate the same
+option on both sides, using brace expansion is an easy way to save you some
+typing. This works in zsh and bash:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiv {-M,}--debug=del2 src/ dest/
+.IP "\fB\-\-stderr=errors|all|client\fP"
+This option controls which processes output to stderr and if info messages
+are also changed to stderr. The mode strings can be abbreviated, so feel
+free to use a single letter value. The 3 possible choices are:
+.IP o
+\fBerrors\fP \- (the default) causes all the rsync processes to send an
+error directly to stderr, even if the process is on the remote side of
+the transfer. Info messages are sent to the client side via the protocol
+stream. If stderr is not available (i.e. when directly connecting with a
+daemon via a socket) errors fall back to being sent via the protocol
+.IP o
+\fBall\fP \- causes all rsync messages (info and error) to get written
+directly to stderr from all (possible) processes. This causes stderr to
+become line-buffered (instead of raw) and eliminates the ability to
+divide up the info and error messages by file handle. For those doing
+debugging or using several levels of verbosity, this option can help to
+avoid clogging up the transfer stream (which should prevent any chance of
+a deadlock bug hanging things up). It also allows \fB\-\-debug\fP to
+enable some extra I/O related messages.
+.IP o
+\fBclient\fP \- causes all rsync messages to be sent to the client side
+via the protocol stream. One client process outputs all messages, with
+errors on stderr and info messages on stdout. This \fBwas\fP the default
+in older rsync versions, but can cause error delays when a lot of
+transfer data is ahead of the messages. If you're pushing files to an
+older rsync, you may want to use \fB\-\-stderr=all\fP since that idiom has
+been around for several releases.
+This option was added in rsync 3.2.3. This version also began the
+forwarding of a non-default setting to the remote side, though rsync uses
+the backward-compatible options \fB\-\-msgs2stderr\fP and \fB\-\-no-msgs2stderr\fP to
+represent the \fBall\fP and \fBclient\fP settings, respectively. A newer rsync
+will continue to accept these older option names to maintain compatibility.
+.IP "\fB\-\-quiet\fP, \fB\-q\fP"
+This option decreases the amount of information you are given during the
+transfer, notably suppressing information messages from the remote server.
+This option is useful when invoking rsync from cron.
+.IP "\fB\-\-no-motd\fP"
+This option affects the information that is output by the client at the
+start of a daemon transfer. This suppresses the message-of-the-day (MOTD)
+text, but it also affects the list of modules that the daemon sends in
+response to the "rsync host::" request (due to a limitation in the rsync
+protocol), so omit this option if you want to request the list of modules
+from the daemon.
+.IP "\fB\-\-ignore-times\fP, \fB\-I\fP"
+Normally rsync will skip any files that are already the same size and have
+the same modification timestamp. This option turns off this "quick check"
+behavior, causing all files to be updated.
+This option can be confusing compared to \fB\-\-ignore-existing\fP and
+\fB\-\-ignore-non-existing\fP in that that they cause rsync to transfer
+fewer files, while this option causes rsync to transfer more files.
+.IP "\fB\-\-size-only\fP"
+This modifies rsync's "quick check" algorithm for finding files that need
+to be transferred, changing it from the default of transferring files with
+either a changed size or a changed last-modified time to just looking for
+files that have changed in size. This is useful when starting to use rsync
+after using another mirroring system which may not preserve timestamps
+.IP "\fB\-\-modify-window=NUM\fP, \fB\-@\fP"
+When comparing two timestamps, rsync treats the timestamps as being equal
+if they differ by no more than the modify-window value. The default is 0,
+which matches just integer seconds. If you specify a negative value (and
+the receiver is at least version 3.1.3) then nanoseconds will also be taken
+into account. Specifying 1 is useful for copies to/from MS Windows FAT
+filesystems, because FAT represents times with a 2-second resolution
+(allowing times to differ from the original by up to 1 second).
+If you want all your transfers to default to comparing nanoseconds, you can
+create a \fB~/.popt\fP file and put these lines in it:
+.RS 4
+rsync alias -a -a@-1
+rsync alias -t -t@-1
+With that as the default, you'd need to specify \fB\-\-modify-window=0\fP (aka
+\fB\-@0\fP) to override it and ignore nanoseconds, e.g. if you're copying
+between ext3 and ext4, or if the receiving rsync is older than 3.1.3.
+.IP "\fB\-\-checksum\fP, \fB\-c\fP"
+This changes the way rsync checks if the files have been changed and are in
+need of a transfer. Without this option, rsync uses a "quick check" that
+(by default) checks if each file's size and time of last modification match
+between the sender and receiver. This option changes this to compare a
+128-bit checksum for each file that has a matching size. Generating the
+checksums means that both sides will expend a lot of disk I/O reading all
+the data in the files in the transfer, so this can slow things down
+significantly (and this is prior to any reading that will be done to
+transfer changed files)
+The sending side generates its checksums while it is doing the file-system
+scan that builds the list of the available files. The receiver generates
+its checksums when it is scanning for changed files, and will checksum any
+file that has the same size as the corresponding sender's file: files with
+either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.
+Note that rsync always verifies that each \fItransferred\fP file was correctly
+reconstructed on the receiving side by checking a whole-file checksum that
+is generated as the file is transferred, but that automatic
+after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with this option's
+before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?" check.
+The checksum used is auto-negotiated between the client and the server, but
+can be overridden using either the \fB\-\-checksum-choice\fP (\fB\-\-cc\fP)
+option or an environment variable that is discussed in that option's
+.IP "\fB\-\-archive\fP, \fB\-a\fP"
+This is equivalent to \fB\-rlptgoD\fP. It is a quick way of saying you want
+recursion and want to preserve almost everything. Be aware that it does
+\fBnot\fP include preserving ACLs (\fB\-A\fP), xattrs (\fB\-X\fP), atimes (\fB\-U\fP),
+crtimes (\fB\-N\fP), nor the finding and preserving of hardlinks (\fB\-H\fP).
+The only exception to the above equivalence is when \fB\-\-files-from\fP
+is specified, in which case \fB\-r\fP is not implied.
+.IP "\fB\-\-no-OPTION\fP"
+You may turn off one or more implied options by prefixing the option name
+with "no-". Not all positive options have a negated opposite, but a lot
+do, including those that can be used to disable an implied option (e.g.
+\fB\-\-no-D\fP, \fB\-\-no-perms\fP) or have different defaults in various circumstances
+(e.g. \fB\-\-no-whole-file\fP, \fB\-\-no-blocking-io\fP, \fB\-\-no-dirs\fP). Every
+valid negated option accepts both the short and the long option name after
+the "no-" prefix (e.g. \fB\-\-no-R\fP is the same as \fB\-\-no-relative\fP).
+As an example, if you want to use \fB\-\-archive\fP (\fB\-a\fP) but don't want
+\fB\-\-owner\fP (\fB\-o\fP), instead of converting \fB\-a\fP into \fB\-rlptgD\fP, you
+can specify \fB\-a\ \-\-no-o\fP (aka \fB\-\-archive\ \-\-no-owner\fP).
+The order of the options is important: if you specify \fB\-\-no-r\ \-a\fP, the \fB\-r\fP
+option would end up being turned on, the opposite of \fB\-a\ \-\-no-r\fP. Note
+also that the side-effects of the \fB\-\-files-from\fP option are NOT
+positional, as it affects the default state of several options and slightly
+changes the meaning of \fB\-a\fP (see the \fB\-\-files-from\fP option
+for more details).
+.IP "\fB\-\-recursive\fP, \fB\-r\fP"
+This tells rsync to copy directories recursively. See also
+\fB\-\-dirs\fP (\fB\-d\fP) for an option that allows the scanning of a single
+See the \fB\-\-inc-recursive\fP option for a discussion of the
+incremental recursion for creating the list of files to transfer.
+.IP "\fB\-\-inc-recursive\fP, \fB\-\-i-r\fP"
+This option explicitly enables on incremental recursion when scanning for
+files, which is enabled by default when using the \fB\-\-recursive\fP
+option and both sides of the transfer are running rsync 3.0.0 or newer.
+Incremental recursion uses much less memory than non-incremental, while
+also beginning the transfer more quickly (since it doesn't need to scan the
+entire transfer hierarchy before it starts transferring files). If no
+recursion is enabled in the source files, this option has no effect.
+Some options require rsync to know the full file list, so these options
+disable the incremental recursion mode. These include:
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-delete-before\fP (the old default of \fB\-\-delete\fP)
+.IP o
+.IP o
+.IP o
+In order to make \fB\-\-delete\fP compatible with incremental recursion,
+rsync 3.0.0 made \fB\-\-delete-during\fP the default delete mode (which
+was first added in 2.6.4).
+One side-effect of incremental recursion is that any missing
+sub-directories inside a recursively-scanned directory are (by default)
+created prior to recursing into the sub-dirs. This earlier creation point
+(compared to a non-incremental recursion) allows rsync to then set the
+modify time of the finished directory right away (without having to delay
+that until a bunch of recursive copying has finished). However, these
+early directories don't yet have their completed mode, mtime, or ownership
+set\ \-\- they have more restrictive rights until the subdirectory's copying
+actually begins. This early-creation idiom can be avoided by using the
+\fB\-\-omit-dir-times\fP option.
+Incremental recursion can be disabled using the
+\fB\-\-no-inc-recursive\fP (\fB\-\-no-i-r\fP) option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-no-inc-recursive\fP, \fB\-\-no-i-r\fP"
+Disables the new incremental recursion algorithm of the
+\fB\-\-recursive\fP option. This makes rsync scan the full file list
+before it begins to transfer files. See \fB\-\-inc-recursive\fP for more
+.IP "\fB\-\-relative\fP, \fB\-R\fP"
+Use relative paths. This means that the full path names specified on the
+command line are sent to the server rather than just the last parts of the
+filenames. This is particularly useful when you want to send several
+different directories at the same time. For example, if you used this
+.RS 4
+rsync -av /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+would create a file named baz.c in /tmp/ on the remote machine. If instead
+you used
+.RS 4
+rsync -avR /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+then a file named /tmp/foo/bar/baz.c would be created on the remote
+machine, preserving its full path. These extra path elements are called
+"implied directories" (i.e. the "foo" and the "foo/bar" directories in the
+above example).
+Beginning with rsync 3.0.0, rsync always sends these implied directories as
+real directories in the file list, even if a path element is really a
+symlink on the sending side. This prevents some really unexpected behaviors
+when copying the full path of a file that you didn't realize had a symlink
+in its path. If you want to duplicate a server-side symlink, include both
+the symlink via its path, and referent directory via its real path. If
+you're dealing with an older rsync on the sending side, you may need to use
+the \fB\-\-no-implied-dirs\fP option.
+It is also possible to limit the amount of path information that is sent as
+implied directories for each path you specify. With a modern rsync on the
+sending side (beginning with 2.6.7), you can insert a dot and a slash into
+the source path, like this:
+.RS 4
+rsync -avR /foo/./bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+That would create /tmp/bar/baz.c on the remote machine. (Note that the dot
+must be followed by a slash, so "/foo/." would not be abbreviated.) For
+older rsync versions, you would need to use a chdir to limit the source
+path. For example, when pushing files:
+.RS 4
+(cd /foo; rsync -avR bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/)
+(Note that the parens put the two commands into a sub-shell, so that the
+"cd" command doesn't remain in effect for future commands.) If you're
+pulling files from an older rsync, use this idiom (but only for a
+non-daemon transfer):
+.RS 4
+rsync -avR --rsync-path="cd /foo; rsync" \\
+ remote:bar/baz.c /tmp/
+.IP "\fB\-\-no-implied-dirs\fP"
+This option affects the default behavior of the \fB\-\-relative\fP option. When
+it is specified, the attributes of the implied directories from the source
+names are not included in the transfer. This means that the corresponding
+path elements on the destination system are left unchanged if they exist,
+and any missing implied directories are created with default attributes.
+This even allows these implied path elements to have big differences, such
+as being a symlink to a directory on the receiving side.
+For instance, if a command-line arg or a files-from entry told rsync to
+transfer the file "path/foo/file", the directories "path" and "path/foo"
+are implied when \fB\-\-relative\fP is used. If "path/foo" is a symlink to "bar"
+on the destination system, the receiving rsync would ordinarily delete
+"path/foo", recreate it as a directory, and receive the file into the new
+directory. With \fB\-\-no-implied-dirs\fP, the receiving rsync updates
+"path/foo/file" using the existing path elements, which means that the file
+ends up being created in "path/bar". Another way to accomplish this link
+preservation is to use the \fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP option (which will also affect
+symlinks to directories in the rest of the transfer).
+When pulling files from an rsync older than 3.0.0, you may need to use this
+option if the sending side has a symlink in the path you request and you
+wish the implied directories to be transferred as normal directories.
+.IP "\fB\-\-backup\fP, \fB\-b\fP"
+With this option, preexisting destination files are renamed as each file is
+transferred or deleted. You can control where the backup file goes and
+what (if any) suffix gets appended using the \fB\-\-backup-dir\fP and
+\fB\-\-suffix\fP options.
+If you don't specify \fB\-\-backup-dir\fP:
+.IP 1.
+the \fB\-\-omit-dir-times\fP option will be forced on
+.IP 2.
+the use of \fB\-\-delete\fP (without \fB\-\-delete-excluded\fP),
+causes rsync to add a "protect" filter-rule for the
+backup suffix to the end of all your existing filters that looks like
+this: \fB\-f\ "P\ *~"\fP. This rule prevents previously backed-up files from
+being deleted.
+Note that if you are supplying your own filter rules, you may need to
+manually insert your own exclude/protect rule somewhere higher up in the
+list so that it has a high enough priority to be effective (e.g. if your
+rules specify a trailing inclusion/exclusion of \fB*\fP, the auto-added rule
+would never be reached).
+.IP "\fB\-\-backup-dir=DIR\fP"
+This implies the \fB\-\-backup\fP option, and tells rsync to store all
+backups in the specified directory on the receiving side. This can be used
+for incremental backups. You can additionally specify a backup suffix
+using the \fB\-\-suffix\fP option (otherwise the files backed up in the
+specified directory will keep their original filenames).
+Note that if you specify a relative path, the backup directory will be
+relative to the destination directory, so you probably want to specify
+either an absolute path or a path that starts with "../". If an rsync
+daemon is the receiver, the backup dir cannot go outside the module's path
+hierarchy, so take extra care not to delete it or copy into it.
+.IP "\fB\-\-suffix=SUFFIX\fP"
+This option allows you to override the default backup suffix used with the
+\fB\-\-backup\fP (\fB\-b\fP) option. The default suffix is a \fB~\fP if no
+\fB\-\-backup-dir\fP was specified, otherwise it is an empty string.
+.IP "\fB\-\-update\fP, \fB\-u\fP"
+This forces rsync to skip any files which exist on the destination and have
+a modified time that is newer than the source file. (If an existing
+destination file has a modification time equal to the source file's, it
+will be updated if the sizes are different.)
+Note that this does not affect the copying of dirs, symlinks, or other
+special files. Also, a difference of file format between the sender and
+receiver is always considered to be important enough for an update, no
+matter what date is on the objects. In other words, if the source has a
+directory where the destination has a file, the transfer would occur
+regardless of the timestamps.
+This option is a TRANSFER RULE, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.
+A caution for those that choose to combine \fB\-\-inplace\fP with
+\fB\-\-update\fP: an interrupted transfer will leave behind a partial file on the
+receiving side that has a very recent modified time, so re-running the
+transfer will probably \fBnot\fP continue the interrupted file. As such, it
+is usually best to avoid combining this with \fB\-\-inplace\fP unless you
+have implemented manual steps to handle any interrupted in-progress files.
+.IP "\fB\-\-inplace\fP"
+This option changes how rsync transfers a file when its data needs to be
+updated: instead of the default method of creating a new copy of the file
+and moving it into place when it is complete, rsync instead writes the
+updated data directly to the destination file.
+This has several effects:
+.IP o
+Hard links are not broken. This means the new data will be visible
+through other hard links to the destination file. Moreover, attempts to
+copy differing source files onto a multiply-linked destination file will
+result in a "tug of war" with the destination data changing back and
+.IP o
+In-use binaries cannot be updated (either the OS will prevent this from
+happening, or binaries that attempt to swap-in their data will misbehave
+or crash).
+.IP o
+The file's data will be in an inconsistent state during the transfer and
+will be left that way if the transfer is interrupted or if an update
+.IP o
+A file that rsync cannot write to cannot be updated. While a super user
+can update any file, a normal user needs to be granted write permission
+for the open of the file for writing to be successful.
+.IP o
+The efficiency of rsync's delta-transfer algorithm may be reduced if some
+data in the destination file is overwritten before it can be copied to a
+position later in the file. This does not apply if you use \fB\-\-backup\fP,
+since rsync is smart enough to use the backup file as the basis file for
+the transfer.
+WARNING: you should not use this option to update files that are being
+accessed by others, so be careful when choosing to use this for a copy.
+This option is useful for transferring large files with block-based changes
+or appended data, and also on systems that are disk bound, not network
+bound. It can also help keep a copy-on-write filesystem snapshot from
+diverging the entire contents of a file that only has minor changes.
+The option implies \fB\-\-partial\fP (since an interrupted transfer does
+not delete the file), but conflicts with \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP and
+\fB\-\-delay-updates\fP. Prior to rsync 2.6.4 \fB\-\-inplace\fP was also
+incompatible with \fB\-\-compare-dest\fP and \fB\-\-link-dest\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-append\fP"
+This special copy mode only works to efficiently update files that are
+known to be growing larger where any existing content on the receiving side
+is also known to be the same as the content on the sender. The use of
+\fB\-\-append\fP \fBcan be dangerous\fP if you aren't 100% sure that all the files
+in the transfer are shared, growing files. You should thus use filter
+rules to ensure that you weed out any files that do not fit this criteria.
+Rsync updates these growing file in-place without verifying any of the
+existing content in the file (it only verifies the content that it is
+appending). Rsync skips any files that exist on the receiving side that
+are not shorter than the associated file on the sending side (which means
+that new files are transferred). It also skips any files whose size on the
+sending side gets shorter during the send negotiations (rsync warns about a
+"diminished" file when this happens).
+This does not interfere with the updating of a file's non-content
+attributes (e.g. permissions, ownership, etc.) when the file does not need
+to be transferred, nor does it affect the updating of any directories or
+non-regular files.
+.IP "\fB\-\-append-verify\fP"
+This special copy mode works like \fB\-\-append\fP except that all the
+data in the file is included in the checksum verification (making it less
+efficient but also potentially safer). This option \fBcan be dangerous\fP if
+you aren't 100% sure that all the files in the transfer are shared, growing
+files. See the \fB\-\-append\fP option for more details.
+Note: prior to rsync 3.0.0, the \fB\-\-append\fP option worked like
+\fB\-\-append-verify\fP, so if you are interacting with an older rsync (or the
+transfer is using a protocol prior to 30), specifying either append option
+will initiate an \fB\-\-append-verify\fP transfer.
+.IP "\fB\-\-dirs\fP, \fB\-d\fP"
+Tell the sending side to include any directories that are encountered.
+Unlike \fB\-\-recursive\fP, a directory's contents are not copied unless
+the directory name specified is "." or ends with a trailing slash (e.g.
+".", "dir/.", "dir/", etc.). Without this option or the
+\fB\-\-recursive\fP option, rsync will skip all directories it encounters
+(and output a message to that effect for each one). If you specify both
+\fB\-\-dirs\fP and \fB\-\-recursive\fP, \fB\-\-recursive\fP takes precedence.
+The \fB\-\-dirs\fP option is implied by the \fB\-\-files-from\fP option or the
+\fB\-\-list-only\fP option (including an implied \fB\-\-list-only\fP
+usage) if \fB\-\-recursive\fP wasn't specified (so that directories are
+seen in the listing). Specify \fB\-\-no-dirs\fP (or \fB\-\-no-d\fP) if you want to
+turn this off.
+There is also a backward-compatibility helper option, \fB\-\-old-dirs\fP
+(\fB\-\-old-d\fP) that tells rsync to use a hack of \fB\-r\ \-\-exclude='/*/*'\fP to get
+an older rsync to list a single directory without recursing.
+.IP "\fB\-\-mkpath\fP"
+Create all missing path components of the destination path.
+By default, rsync allows only the final component of the destination path
+to not exist, which is an attempt to help you to validate your destination
+path. With this option, rsync creates all the missing destination-path
+components, just as if \fBmkdir\ \-p\ $DEST_PATH\fP had been run on the receiving
+When specifying a destination path, including a trailing slash ensures that
+the whole path is treated as directory names to be created, even when the
+file list has a single item. See the COPYING TO A DIFFERENT NAME
+section for full details on how rsync decides if a final destination-path
+component should be created as a directory or not.
+If you would like the newly-created destination dirs to match the dirs on
+the sending side, you should be using \fB\-\-relative\fP (\fB\-R\fP) instead
+of \fB\-\-mkpath\fP. For instance, the following two commands result in the same
+destination tree, but only the second command ensures that the
+"some/extra/path" components match the dirs on the sending side:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai --mkpath host:some/extra/path/*.c some/extra/path/
+rsync -aiR host:some/extra/path/*.c ./
+.IP "\fB\-\-links\fP, \fB\-l\fP"
+Add symlinks to the transferred files instead of noisily ignoring them with
+a "non-regular file" warning for each symlink encountered. You can
+alternately silence the warning by specifying \fB\-\-info=nonreg0\fP.
+The default handling of symlinks is to recreate each symlink's unchanged
+value on the receiving side.
+See the SYMBOLIC LINKS section for multi-option info.
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-links\fP, \fB\-L\fP"
+The sender transforms each symlink encountered in the transfer into the
+referent item, following the symlink chain to the file or directory that it
+references. If a symlink chain is broken, an error is output and the file
+is dropped from the transfer.
+This option supersedes any other options that affect symlinks in the
+transfer, since there are no symlinks left in the transfer.
+This option does not change the handling of existing symlinks on the
+receiving side, unlike versions of rsync prior to 2.6.3 which had the
+side-effect of telling the receiving side to also follow symlinks. A
+modern rsync won't forward this option to a remote receiver (since only the
+sender needs to know about it), so this caveat should only affect someone
+using an rsync client older than 2.6.7 (which is when \fB\-L\fP stopped being
+forwarded to the receiver).
+See the \fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP (\fB\-K\fP) if you need a symlink to a
+directory to be treated as a real directory on the receiving side.
+See the SYMBOLIC LINKS section for multi-option info.
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-unsafe-links\fP"
+This tells rsync to copy the referent of symbolic links that point outside
+the copied tree. Absolute symlinks are also treated like ordinary files,
+and so are any symlinks in the source path itself when \fB\-\-relative\fP
+is used.
+Note that the cut-off point is the top of the transfer, which is the part
+of the path that rsync isn't mentioning in the verbose output. If you copy
+"/src/subdir" to "/dest/" then the "subdir" directory is a name inside the
+transfer tree, not the top of the transfer (which is /src) so it is legal
+for created relative symlinks to refer to other names inside the /src and
+/dest directories. If you instead copy "/src/subdir/" (with a trailing
+slash) to "/dest/subdir" that would not allow symlinks to any files outside
+of "subdir".
+Note that safe symlinks are only copied if \fB\-\-links\fP was also
+specified or implied. The \fB\-\-copy-unsafe-links\fP option has no extra effect
+when combined with \fB\-\-copy-links\fP.
+See the SYMBOLIC LINKS section for multi-option info.
+.IP "\fB\-\-safe-links\fP"
+This tells the receiving rsync to ignore any symbolic links in the transfer
+which point outside the copied tree. All absolute symlinks are also
+Since this ignoring is happening on the receiving side, it will still be
+effective even when the sending side has munged symlinks (when it is using
+\fB\-\-munge-links\fP). It also affects deletions, since the file being
+present in the transfer prevents any matching file on the receiver from
+being deleted when the symlink is deemed to be unsafe and is skipped.
+This option must be combined with \fB\-\-links\fP (or
+\fB\-\-archive\fP) to have any symlinks in the transfer to conditionally
+ignore. Its effect is superseded by \fB\-\-copy-unsafe-links\fP.
+Using this option in conjunction with \fB\-\-relative\fP may give
+unexpected results.
+See the SYMBOLIC LINKS section for multi-option info.
+.IP "\fB\-\-munge-links\fP"
+This option affects just one side of the transfer and tells rsync to munge
+symlink values when it is receiving files or unmunge symlink values when it
+is sending files. The munged values make the symlinks unusable on disk but
+allows the original contents of the symlinks to be recovered.
+The server-side rsync often enables this option without the client's
+knowledge, such as in an rsync daemon's configuration file or by an option
+given to the rrsync (restricted rsync) script. When specified on the
+client side, specify the option normally if it is the client side that
+has/needs the munged symlinks, or use \fB\-M\-\-munge-links\fP to give the option
+to the server when it has/needs the munged symlinks. Note that on a local
+transfer, the client is the sender, so specifying the option directly
+unmunges symlinks while specifying it as a remote option munges symlinks.
+This option has no effect when sent to a daemon via \fB\-\-remote-option\fP
+because the daemon configures whether it wants munged symlinks via its
+"\fBmunge\ symlinks\fP" parameter.
+The symlink value is munged/unmunged once it is in the transfer, so any
+option that transforms symlinks into non-symlinks occurs prior to the
+munging/unmunging \fBexcept\fP for \fB\-\-safe-links\fP, which is a choice
+that the receiver makes, so it bases its decision on the munged/unmunged
+value. This does mean that if a receiver has munging enabled, that using
+\fB\-\-safe-links\fP will cause all symlinks to be ignored (since they
+are all absolute).
+The method that rsync uses to munge the symlinks is to prefix each one's
+value with the string "/rsyncd-munged/". This prevents the links from
+being used as long as the directory does not exist. When this option is
+enabled, rsync will refuse to run if that path is a directory or a symlink
+to a directory (though it only checks at startup). See also the
+"munge-symlinks" python script in the support directory of the source code
+for a way to munge/unmunge one or more symlinks in-place.
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-dirlinks\fP, \fB\-k\fP"
+This option causes the sending side to treat a symlink to a directory as
+though it were a real directory. This is useful if you don't want symlinks
+to non-directories to be affected, as they would be using
+Without this option, if the sending side has replaced a directory with a
+symlink to a directory, the receiving side will delete anything that is in
+the way of the new symlink, including a directory hierarchy (as long as
+\fB\-\-force\fP or \fB\-\-delete\fP is in effect).
+See also \fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP for an analogous option for the
+receiving side.
+\fB\-\-copy-dirlinks\fP applies to all symlinks to directories in the source. If
+you want to follow only a few specified symlinks, a trick you can use is to
+pass them as additional source args with a trailing slash, using
+\fB\-\-relative\fP to make the paths match up right. For example:
+.RS 4
+rsync -r --relative src/./ src/./follow-me/ dest/
+This works because rsync calls \fBlstat\fP(2) on the source arg as given, and
+the trailing slash makes \fBlstat\fP(2) follow the symlink, giving rise to a
+directory in the file-list which overrides the symlink found during the
+scan of "src/./".
+See the SYMBOLIC LINKS section for multi-option info.
+.IP "\fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP, \fB\-K\fP"
+This option causes the receiving side to treat a symlink to a directory as
+though it were a real directory, but only if it matches a real directory
+from the sender. Without this option, the receiver's symlink would be
+deleted and replaced with a real directory.
+For example, suppose you transfer a directory "foo" that contains a file
+"file", but "foo" is a symlink to directory "bar" on the receiver. Without
+\fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP, the receiver deletes symlink "foo", recreates it as a
+directory, and receives the file into the new directory. With
+\fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP, the receiver keeps the symlink and "file" ends up in
+One note of caution: if you use \fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP, you must trust all the
+symlinks in the copy or enable the \fB\-\-munge-links\fP option on the
+receiving side! If it is possible for an untrusted user to create their
+own symlink to any real directory, the user could then (on a subsequent
+copy) replace the symlink with a real directory and affect the content of
+whatever directory the symlink references. For backup copies, you are
+better off using something like a bind mount instead of a symlink to modify
+your receiving hierarchy.
+See also \fB\-\-copy-dirlinks\fP for an analogous option for the sending
+See the SYMBOLIC LINKS section for multi-option info.
+.IP "\fB\-\-hard-links\fP, \fB\-H\fP"
+This tells rsync to look for hard-linked files in the source and link
+together the corresponding files on the destination. Without this option,
+hard-linked files in the source are treated as though they were separate
+This option does NOT necessarily ensure that the pattern of hard links on
+the destination exactly matches that on the source. Cases in which the
+destination may end up with extra hard links include the following:
+.IP o
+If the destination contains extraneous hard-links (more linking than what
+is present in the source file list), the copying algorithm will not break
+them explicitly. However, if one or more of the paths have content
+differences, the normal file-update process will break those extra links
+(unless you are using the \fB\-\-inplace\fP option).
+.IP o
+If you specify a \fB\-\-link-dest\fP directory that contains hard
+links, the linking of the destination files against the
+\fB\-\-link-dest\fP files can cause some paths in the destination to
+become linked together due to the \fB\-\-link-dest\fP associations.
+Note that rsync can only detect hard links between files that are inside
+the transfer set. If rsync updates a file that has extra hard-link
+connections to files outside the transfer, that linkage will be broken. If
+you are tempted to use the \fB\-\-inplace\fP option to avoid this breakage, be
+very careful that you know how your files are being updated so that you are
+certain that no unintended changes happen due to lingering hard links (and
+see the \fB\-\-inplace\fP option for more caveats).
+If incremental recursion is active (see \fB\-\-inc-recursive\fP), rsync
+may transfer a missing hard-linked file before it finds that another link
+for that contents exists elsewhere in the hierarchy. This does not affect
+the accuracy of the transfer (i.e. which files are hard-linked together),
+just its efficiency (i.e. copying the data for a new, early copy of a
+hard-linked file that could have been found later in the transfer in
+another member of the hard-linked set of files). One way to avoid this
+inefficiency is to disable incremental recursion using the
+\fB\-\-no-inc-recursive\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-perms\fP, \fB\-p\fP"
+This option causes the receiving rsync to set the destination permissions
+to be the same as the source permissions. (See also the \fB\-\-chmod\fP
+option for a way to modify what rsync considers to be the source
+When this option is \fIoff\fP, permissions are set as follows:
+.IP o
+Existing files (including updated files) retain their existing
+permissions, though the \fB\-\-executability\fP option might change
+just the execute permission for the file.
+.IP o
+New files get their "normal" permission bits set to the source file's
+permissions masked with the receiving directory's default permissions
+(either the receiving process's umask, or the permissions specified via
+the destination directory's default ACL), and their special permission
+bits disabled except in the case where a new directory inherits a setgid
+bit from its parent directory.
+Thus, when \fB\-\-perms\fP and \fB\-\-executability\fP are both disabled, rsync's
+behavior is the same as that of other file-copy utilities, such as \fBcp\fP(1)
+and \fBtar\fP(1).
+In summary: to give destination files (both old and new) the source
+permissions, use \fB\-\-perms\fP. To give new files the destination-default
+permissions (while leaving existing files unchanged), make sure that the
+\fB\-\-perms\fP option is off and use \fB\-\-chmod=ugo=rwX\fP (which ensures
+that all non-masked bits get enabled). If you'd care to make this latter
+behavior easier to type, you could define a popt alias for it, such as
+putting this line in the file \fB~/.popt\fP (the following defines the \fB\-Z\fP
+option, and includes \fB\-\-no-g\fP to use the default group of the destination
+.RS 4
+rsync alias -Z --no-p --no-g --chmod=ugo=rwX
+You could then use this new option in a command such as this one:
+.RS 4
+rsync -avZ src/ dest/
+(Caveat: make sure that \fB\-a\fP does not follow \fB\-Z\fP, or it will re-enable the
+two \fB\-\-no-*\fP options mentioned above.)
+The preservation of the destination's setgid bit on newly-created
+directories when \fB\-\-perms\fP is off was added in rsync 2.6.7. Older rsync
+versions erroneously preserved the three special permission bits for
+newly-created files when \fB\-\-perms\fP was off, while overriding the
+destination's setgid bit setting on a newly-created directory. Default ACL
+observance was added to the ACL patch for rsync 2.6.7, so older (or
+non-ACL-enabled) rsyncs use the umask even if default ACLs are present.
+(Keep in mind that it is the version of the receiving rsync that affects
+these behaviors.)
+.IP "\fB\-\-executability\fP, \fB\-E\fP"
+This option causes rsync to preserve the executability (or
+non-executability) of regular files when \fB\-\-perms\fP is not enabled.
+A regular file is considered to be executable if at least one 'x' is turned
+on in its permissions. When an existing destination file's executability
+differs from that of the corresponding source file, rsync modifies the
+destination file's permissions as follows:
+.IP o
+To make a file non-executable, rsync turns off all its 'x' permissions.
+.IP o
+To make a file executable, rsync turns on each 'x' permission that has a
+corresponding 'r' permission enabled.
+If \fB\-\-perms\fP is enabled, this option is ignored.
+.IP "\fB\-\-acls\fP, \fB\-A\fP"
+This option causes rsync to update the destination ACLs to be the same as
+the source ACLs. The option also implies \fB\-\-perms\fP.
+The source and destination systems must have compatible ACL entries for
+this option to work properly. See the \fB\-\-fake-super\fP option for a
+way to backup and restore ACLs that are not compatible.
+.IP "\fB\-\-xattrs\fP, \fB\-X\fP"
+This option causes rsync to update the destination extended attributes to
+be the same as the source ones.
+For systems that support extended-attribute namespaces, a copy being done
+by a super-user copies all namespaces except system.*. A normal user only
+copies the user.* namespace. To be able to backup and restore non-user
+namespaces as a normal user, see the \fB\-\-fake-super\fP option.
+The above name filtering can be overridden by using one or more filter
+options with the \fBx\fP modifier. When you specify an xattr-affecting
+filter rule, rsync requires that you do your own system/user filtering, as
+well as any additional filtering for what xattr names are copied and what
+names are allowed to be deleted. For example, to skip the system
+namespace, you could specify:
+.RS 4
+--filter='-x system.*'
+To skip all namespaces except the user namespace, you could specify a
+negated-user match:
+.RS 4
+--filter='-x! user.*'
+To prevent any attributes from being deleted, you could specify a
+receiver-only rule that excludes all names:
+.RS 4
+--filter='-xr *'
+Note that the \fB\-X\fP option does not copy rsync's special xattr values (e.g.
+those used by \fB\-\-fake-super\fP) unless you repeat the option (e.g. \fB\-XX\fP).
+This "copy all xattrs" mode cannot be used with \fB\-\-fake-super\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-chmod=CHMOD\fP"
+This option tells rsync to apply one or more comma-separated "chmod" modes
+to the permission of the files in the transfer. The resulting value is
+treated as though it were the permissions that the sending side supplied
+for the file, which means that this option can seem to have no effect on
+existing files if \fB\-\-perms\fP is not enabled.
+In addition to the normal parsing rules specified in the \fBchmod\fP(1)
+manpage, you can specify an item that should only apply to a directory by
+prefixing it with a 'D', or specify an item that should only apply to a
+file by prefixing it with a 'F'. For example, the following will ensure
+that all directories get marked set-gid, that no files are other-writable,
+that both are user-writable and group-writable, and that both have
+consistent executability across all bits:
+.RS 4
+Using octal mode numbers is also allowed:
+.RS 4
+It is also legal to specify multiple \fB\-\-chmod\fP options, as each additional
+option is just appended to the list of changes to make.
+See the \fB\-\-perms\fP and \fB\-\-executability\fP options for how the
+resulting permission value can be applied to the files in the transfer.
+.IP "\fB\-\-owner\fP, \fB\-o\fP"
+This option causes rsync to set the owner of the destination file to be the
+same as the source file, but only if the receiving rsync is being run as
+the super-user (see also the \fB\-\-super\fP and \fB\-\-fake-super\fP
+options). Without this option, the owner of new and/or transferred files
+are set to the invoking user on the receiving side.
+The preservation of ownership will associate matching names by default, but
+may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances (see also the
+\fB\-\-numeric-ids\fP option for a full discussion).
+.IP "\fB\-\-group\fP, \fB\-g\fP"
+This option causes rsync to set the group of the destination file to be the
+same as the source file. If the receiving program is not running as the
+super-user (or if \fB\-\-no-super\fP was specified), only groups that the
+invoking user on the receiving side is a member of will be preserved.
+Without this option, the group is set to the default group of the invoking
+user on the receiving side.
+The preservation of group information will associate matching names by
+default, but may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances
+(see also the \fB\-\-numeric-ids\fP option for a full discussion).
+.IP "\fB\-\-devices\fP"
+This option causes rsync to transfer character and block device files to
+the remote system to recreate these devices. If the receiving rsync is not
+being run as the super-user, rsync silently skips creating the device files
+(see also the \fB\-\-super\fP and \fB\-\-fake-super\fP options).
+By default, rsync generates a "non-regular file" warning for each device
+file encountered when this option is not set. You can silence the warning
+by specifying \fB\-\-info=nonreg0\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-specials\fP"
+This option causes rsync to transfer special files, such as named sockets
+and fifos. If the receiving rsync is not being run as the super-user,
+rsync silently skips creating the special files (see also the
+\fB\-\-super\fP and \fB\-\-fake-super\fP options).
+By default, rsync generates a "non-regular file" warning for each special
+file encountered when this option is not set. You can silence the warning
+by specifying \fB\-\-info=nonreg0\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-D\fP"
+The \fB\-D\fP option is equivalent to "\fB\-\-devices\fP
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-devices\fP"
+This tells rsync to treat a device on the sending side as a regular file,
+allowing it to be copied to a normal destination file (or another device
+if \fB\-\-write-devices\fP was also specified).
+This option is refused by default by an rsync daemon.
+.IP "\fB\-\-write-devices\fP"
+This tells rsync to treat a device on the receiving side as a regular file,
+allowing the writing of file data into a device.
+This option implies the \fB\-\-inplace\fP option.
+Be careful using this, as you should know what devices are present on the
+receiving side of the transfer, especially when running rsync as root.
+This option is refused by default by an rsync daemon.
+.IP "\fB\-\-times\fP, \fB\-t\fP"
+This tells rsync to transfer modification times along with the files and
+update them on the remote system. Note that if this option is not used,
+the optimization that excludes files that have not been modified cannot be
+effective; in other words, a missing \fB\-t\fP (or \fB\-a\fP) will cause the
+next transfer to behave as if it used \fB\-\-ignore-times\fP (\fB\-I\fP),
+causing all files to be updated (though rsync's delta-transfer algorithm
+will make the update fairly efficient if the files haven't actually
+changed, you're much better off using \fB\-t\fP).
+A modern rsync that is using transfer protocol 30 or 31 conveys a modify
+time using up to 8-bytes. If rsync is forced to speak an older protocol
+(perhaps due to the remote rsync being older than 3.0.0) a modify time is
+conveyed using 4-bytes. Prior to 3.2.7, these shorter values could convey
+a date range of 13-Dec-1901 to 19-Jan-2038. Beginning with 3.2.7, these
+4-byte values now convey a date range of 1-Jan-1970 to 7-Feb-2106. If you
+have files dated older than 1970, make sure your rsync executables are
+upgraded so that the full range of dates can be conveyed.
+.IP "\fB\-\-atimes\fP, \fB\-U\fP"
+This tells rsync to set the access (use) times of the destination files to
+the same value as the source files.
+If repeated, it also sets the \fB\-\-open-noatime\fP option, which can help you
+to make the sending and receiving systems have the same access times on the
+transferred files without needing to run rsync an extra time after a file
+is transferred.
+Note that some older rsync versions (prior to 3.2.0) may have been built
+with a pre-release \fB\-\-atimes\fP patch that does not imply
+\fB\-\-open-noatime\fP when this option is repeated.
+.IP "\fB\-\-open-noatime\fP"
+This tells rsync to open files with the O_NOATIME flag (on systems that
+support it) to avoid changing the access time of the files that are being
+transferred. If your OS does not support the O_NOATIME flag then rsync
+will silently ignore this option. Note also that some filesystems are
+mounted to avoid updating the atime on read access even without the
+O_NOATIME flag being set.
+.IP "\fB\-\-crtimes\fP, \fB\-N,\fP"
+This tells rsync to set the create times (newness) of the destination
+files to the same value as the source files.
+.IP "\fB\-\-omit-dir-times\fP, \fB\-O\fP"
+This tells rsync to omit directories when it is preserving modification,
+access, and create times. If NFS is sharing the directories on the receiving
+side, it is a good idea to use \fB\-O\fP. This option is inferred if you use
+\fB\-\-backup\fP without \fB\-\-backup-dir\fP.
+This option also has the side-effect of avoiding early creation of missing
+sub-directories when incremental recursion is enabled, as discussed in the
+\fB\-\-inc-recursive\fP section.
+.IP "\fB\-\-omit-link-times\fP, \fB\-J\fP"
+This tells rsync to omit symlinks when it is preserving modification,
+access, and create times.
+.IP "\fB\-\-super\fP"
+This tells the receiving side to attempt super-user activities even if the
+receiving rsync wasn't run by the super-user. These activities include:
+preserving users via the \fB\-\-owner\fP option, preserving all groups
+(not just the current user's groups) via the \fB\-\-group\fP option, and
+copying devices via the \fB\-\-devices\fP option. This is useful for
+systems that allow such activities without being the super-user, and also
+for ensuring that you will get errors if the receiving side isn't being run
+as the super-user. To turn off super-user activities, the super-user can
+use \fB\-\-no-super\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-fake-super\fP"
+When this option is enabled, rsync simulates super-user activities by
+saving/restoring the privileged attributes via special extended attributes
+that are attached to each file (as needed). This includes the file's owner
+and group (if it is not the default), the file's device info (device &
+special files are created as empty text files), and any permission bits
+that we won't allow to be set on the real file (e.g. the real file gets
+u-s,g-s,o-t for safety) or that would limit the owner's access (since the
+real super-user can always access/change a file, the files we create can
+always be accessed/changed by the creating user). This option also handles
+ACLs (if \fB\-\-acls\fP was specified) and non-user extended attributes
+(if \fB\-\-xattrs\fP was specified).
+This is a good way to backup data without using a super-user, and to store
+ACLs from incompatible systems.
+The \fB\-\-fake-super\fP option only affects the side where the option is used.
+To affect the remote side of a remote-shell connection, use the
+\fB\-\-remote-option\fP (\fB\-M\fP) option:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av -M--fake-super /src/ host:/dest/
+For a local copy, this option affects both the source and the destination.
+If you wish a local copy to enable this option just for the destination
+files, specify \fB\-M\-\-fake-super\fP. If you wish a local copy to enable this
+option just for the source files, combine \fB\-\-fake-super\fP with \fB\-M\-\-super\fP.
+This option is overridden by both \fB\-\-super\fP and \fB\-\-no-super\fP.
+See also the \fBfake\ super\fP setting in the
+daemon's rsyncd.conf file.
+.IP "\fB\-\-sparse\fP, \fB\-S\fP"
+Try to handle sparse files efficiently so they take up less space on the
+destination. If combined with \fB\-\-inplace\fP the file created might
+not end up with sparse blocks with some combinations of kernel version
+and/or filesystem type. If \fB\-\-whole-file\fP is in effect (e.g. for a
+local copy) then it will always work because rsync truncates the file prior
+to writing out the updated version.
+Note that versions of rsync older than 3.1.3 will reject the combination of
+\fB\-\-sparse\fP and \fB\-\-inplace\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-preallocate\fP"
+This tells the receiver to allocate each destination file to its eventual
+size before writing data to the file. Rsync will only use the real
+filesystem-level preallocation support provided by Linux's \fBfallocate\fP(2)
+system call or Cygwin's \fBposix_fallocate\fP(3), not the slow glibc
+implementation that writes a null byte into each block.
+Without this option, larger files may not be entirely contiguous on the
+filesystem, but with this option rsync will probably copy more slowly. If
+the destination is not an extent-supporting filesystem (such as ext4, xfs,
+NTFS, etc.), this option may have no positive effect at all.
+If combined with \fB\-\-sparse\fP, the file will only have sparse blocks
+(as opposed to allocated sequences of null bytes) if the kernel version and
+filesystem type support creating holes in the allocated data.
+.IP "\fB\-\-dry-run\fP, \fB\-n\fP"
+This makes rsync perform a trial run that doesn't make any changes (and
+produces mostly the same output as a real run). It is most commonly used
+in combination with the \fB\-\-verbose\fP (\fB\-v\fP) and/or
+\fB\-\-itemize-changes\fP (\fB\-i\fP) options to see what an rsync command is
+going to do before one actually runs it.
+The output of \fB\-\-itemize-changes\fP is supposed to be exactly the
+same on a dry run and a subsequent real run (barring intentional trickery
+and system call failures); if it isn't, that's a bug. Other output should
+be mostly unchanged, but may differ in some areas. Notably, a dry run does
+not send the actual data for file transfers, so \fB\-\-progress\fP has no
+effect, the "bytes sent", "bytes received", "literal data", and "matched
+data" statistics are too small, and the "speedup" value is equivalent to a
+run where no file transfers were needed.
+.IP "\fB\-\-whole-file\fP, \fB\-W\fP"
+This option disables rsync's delta-transfer algorithm, which causes all
+transferred files to be sent whole. The transfer may be faster if this
+option is used when the bandwidth between the source and destination
+machines is higher than the bandwidth to disk (especially when the "disk"
+is actually a networked filesystem). This is the default when both the
+source and destination are specified as local paths, but only if no
+batch-writing option is in effect.
+.IP "\fB\-\-no-whole-file\fP, \fB\-\-no-W\fP"
+Disable whole-file updating when it is enabled by default for a local
+transfer. This usually slows rsync down, but it can be useful if you are
+trying to minimize the writes to the destination file (if combined with
+\fB\-\-inplace\fP) or for testing the checksum-based update algorithm.
+See also the \fB\-\-whole-file\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-checksum-choice=STR\fP, \fB\-\-cc=STR\fP"
+This option overrides the checksum algorithms. If one algorithm name is
+specified, it is used for both the transfer checksums and (assuming
+\fB\-\-checksum\fP is specified) the pre-transfer checksums. If two
+comma-separated names are supplied, the first name affects the transfer
+checksums, and the second name affects the pre-transfer checksums (\fB\-c\fP).
+The checksum options that you may be able to use are:
+.IP o
+\fBauto\fP (the default automatic choice)
+.IP o
+.IP o
+.IP o
+\fBxxh64\fP (aka \fBxxhash\fP)
+.IP o
+.IP o
+.IP o
+.IP o
+Run \fBrsync\ \-\-version\fP to see the default checksum list compiled into your
+version (which may differ from the list above).
+If "none" is specified for the first (or only) name, the \fB\-\-whole-file\fP
+option is forced on and no checksum verification is performed on the
+transferred data. If "none" is specified for the second (or only) name,
+the \fB\-\-checksum\fP option cannot be used.
+The "auto" option is the default, where rsync bases its algorithm choice on
+a negotiation between the client and the server as follows:
+When both sides of the transfer are at least 3.2.0, rsync chooses the first
+algorithm in the client's list of choices that is also in the server's list
+of choices. If no common checksum choice is found, rsync exits with
+an error. If the remote rsync is too old to support checksum negotiation,
+a value is chosen based on the protocol version (which chooses between MD5
+and various flavors of MD4 based on protocol age).
+The default order can be customized by setting the environment variable
+\fBRSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST\fP to a space-separated list of acceptable checksum
+names. If the string contains a "\fB&\fP" character, it is separated into the
+"client string & server string", otherwise the same string applies to both.
+If the string (or string portion) contains no non-whitespace characters,
+the default checksum list is used. This method does not allow you to
+specify the transfer checksum separately from the pre-transfer checksum,
+and it discards "auto" and all unknown checksum names. A list with only
+invalid names results in a failed negotiation.
+The use of the \fB\-\-checksum-choice\fP option overrides this environment list.
+.IP "\fB\-\-one-file-system\fP, \fB\-x\fP"
+This tells rsync to avoid crossing a filesystem boundary when recursing.
+This does not limit the user's ability to specify items to copy from
+multiple filesystems, just rsync's recursion through the hierarchy of each
+directory that the user specified, and also the analogous recursion on the
+receiving side during deletion. Also keep in mind that rsync treats a
+"bind" mount to the same device as being on the same filesystem.
+If this option is repeated, rsync omits all mount-point directories from
+the copy. Otherwise, it includes an empty directory at each mount-point it
+encounters (using the attributes of the mounted directory because those of
+the underlying mount-point directory are inaccessible).
+If rsync has been told to collapse symlinks (via \fB\-\-copy-links\fP or
+\fB\-\-copy-unsafe-links\fP), a symlink to a directory on another device
+is treated like a mount-point. Symlinks to non-directories are unaffected
+by this option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-ignore-non-existing\fP, \fB\-\-existing\fP"
+This tells rsync to skip creating files (including directories) that do not
+exist yet on the destination. If this option is combined with the
+\fB\-\-ignore-existing\fP option, no files will be updated (which can be
+useful if all you want to do is delete extraneous files).
+This option is a TRANSFER RULE, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.
+.IP "\fB\-\-ignore-existing\fP"
+This tells rsync to skip updating files that already exist on the
+destination (this does \fInot\fP ignore existing directories, or nothing would
+get done). See also \fB\-\-ignore-non-existing\fP.
+This option is a TRANSFER RULE, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.
+This option can be useful for those doing backups using the
+\fB\-\-link-dest\fP option when they need to continue a backup run that
+got interrupted. Since a \fB\-\-link-dest\fP run is copied into a new
+directory hierarchy (when it is used properly), using [\fB\-\-ignore-existing\fP
+will ensure that the already-handled files don't get tweaked (which avoids
+a change in permissions on the hard-linked files). This does mean that
+this option is only looking at the existing files in the destination
+hierarchy itself.
+When \fB\-\-info=skip2\fP is used rsync will output "FILENAME exists
+(INFO)" messages where the INFO indicates one of "type change", "sum
+change" (requires \fB\-c\fP), "file change" (based on the quick check),
+"attr change", or "uptodate". Using \fB\-\-info=skip1\fP (which is also
+implied by 2 \fB\-v\fP options) outputs the exists message without the
+INFO suffix.
+.IP "\fB\-\-remove-source-files\fP"
+This tells rsync to remove from the sending side the files (meaning
+non-directories) that are a part of the transfer and have been successfully
+duplicated on the receiving side.
+Note that you should only use this option on source files that are
+quiescent. If you are using this to move files that show up in a
+particular directory over to another host, make sure that the finished
+files get renamed into the source directory, not directly written into it,
+so that rsync can't possibly transfer a file that is not yet fully written.
+If you can't first write the files into a different directory, you should
+use a naming idiom that lets rsync avoid transferring files that are not
+yet finished (e.g. name the file "" when it is written, rename it to
+"foo" when it is done, and then use the option \fB\-\-exclude='*.new'\fP
+for the rsync transfer).
+Starting with 3.1.0, rsync will skip the sender-side removal (and output an
+error) if the file's size or modify time has not stayed unchanged.
+Starting with 3.2.6, a local rsync copy will ensure that the sender does
+not remove a file the receiver just verified, such as when the user
+accidentally makes the source and destination directory the same path.
+.IP "\fB\-\-delete\fP"
+This tells rsync to delete extraneous files from the receiving side (ones
+that aren't on the sending side), but only for the directories that are
+being synchronized. You must have asked rsync to send the whole directory
+(e.g. "\fBdir\fP" or "\fBdir/\fP") without using a wildcard for the directory's
+contents (e.g. "\fBdir/*\fP") since the wildcard is expanded by the shell and
+rsync thus gets a request to transfer individual files, not the files'
+parent directory. Files that are excluded from the transfer are also
+excluded from being deleted unless you use the \fB\-\-delete-excluded\fP
+option or mark the rules as only matching on the sending side (see the
+include/exclude modifiers in the FILTER RULES section).
+Prior to rsync 2.6.7, this option would have no effect unless
+\fB\-\-recursive\fP was enabled. Beginning with 2.6.7, deletions will
+also occur when \fB\-\-dirs\fP (\fB\-d\fP) is enabled, but only for
+directories whose contents are being copied.
+This option can be dangerous if used incorrectly! It is a very good idea to
+first try a run using the \fB\-\-dry-run\fP (\fB\-n\fP) option to see what
+files are going to be deleted.
+If the sending side detects any I/O errors, then the deletion of any files
+at the destination will be automatically disabled. This is to prevent
+temporary filesystem failures (such as NFS errors) on the sending side from
+causing a massive deletion of files on the destination. You can override
+this with the \fB\-\-ignore-errors\fP option.
+The \fB\-\-delete\fP option may be combined with one of the \-\-delete-WHEN options
+without conflict, as well as \fB\-\-delete-excluded\fP. However, if none
+of the \fB\-\-delete-WHEN\fP options are specified, rsync will choose the
+\fB\-\-delete-during\fP algorithm when talking to rsync 3.0.0 or newer,
+or the \fB\-\-delete-before\fP algorithm when talking to an older rsync.
+See also \fB\-\-delete-delay\fP and \fB\-\-delete-after\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-delete-before\fP"
+Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done before the
+transfer starts. See \fB\-\-delete\fP (which is implied) for more
+details on file-deletion.
+Deleting before the transfer is helpful if the filesystem is tight for
+space and removing extraneous files would help to make the transfer
+possible. However, it does introduce a delay before the start of the
+transfer, and this delay might cause the transfer to timeout (if
+\fB\-\-timeout\fP was specified). It also forces rsync to use the old,
+non-incremental recursion algorithm that requires rsync to scan all the
+files in the transfer into memory at once (see \fB\-\-recursive\fP).
+.IP "\fB\-\-delete-during\fP, \fB\-\-del\fP"
+Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done incrementally
+as the transfer happens. The per-directory delete scan is done right
+before each directory is checked for updates, so it behaves like a more
+efficient \fB\-\-delete-before\fP, including doing the deletions prior to
+any per-directory filter files being updated. This option was first added
+in rsync version 2.6.4. See \fB\-\-delete\fP (which is implied) for more
+details on file-deletion.
+.IP "\fB\-\-delete-delay\fP"
+Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be computed during
+the transfer (like \fB\-\-delete-during\fP), and then removed after the
+transfer completes. This is useful when combined with
+\fB\-\-delay-updates\fP and/or \fB\-\-fuzzy\fP, and is more efficient
+than using \fB\-\-delete-after\fP (but can behave differently, since
+\fB\-\-delete-after\fP computes the deletions in a separate pass after
+all updates are done). If the number of removed files overflows an
+internal buffer, a temporary file will be created on the receiving side to
+hold the names (it is removed while open, so you shouldn't see it during
+the transfer). If the creation of the temporary file fails, rsync will try
+to fall back to using \fB\-\-delete-after\fP (which it cannot do if
+\fB\-\-recursive\fP is doing an incremental scan). See
+\fB\-\-delete\fP (which is implied) for more details on file-deletion.
+.IP "\fB\-\-delete-after\fP"
+Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done after the
+transfer has completed. This is useful if you are sending new
+per-directory merge files as a part of the transfer and you want their
+exclusions to take effect for the delete phase of the current transfer. It
+also forces rsync to use the old, non-incremental recursion algorithm that
+requires rsync to scan all the files in the transfer into memory at once
+(see \fB\-\-recursive\fP). See \fB\-\-delete\fP (which is implied) for
+more details on file-deletion.
+See also the \fB\-\-delete-delay\fP option that might be a faster choice
+for those that just want the deletions to occur at the end of the transfer.
+.IP "\fB\-\-delete-excluded\fP"
+This option turns any unqualified exclude/include rules into server-side
+rules that do not affect the receiver's deletions.
+By default, an exclude or include has both a server-side effect (to "hide"
+and "show" files when building the server's file list) and a receiver-side
+effect (to "protect" and "risk" files when deletions are occurring). Any
+rule that has no modifier to specify what sides it is executed on will be
+instead treated as if it were a server-side rule only, avoiding any
+"protect" effects of the rules.
+A rule can still apply to both sides even with this option specified if the
+rule is given both the sender & receiver modifier letters (e.g., \fB\-f'\-sr\ foo'\fP). Receiver-side protect/risk rules can also be explicitly specified
+to limit the deletions. This saves you from having to edit a bunch of
+\fB\-f'\-\ foo'\fP rules into \fB\-f'\-s\ foo'\fP (aka \fB\-f'H\ foo'\fP) rules (not to mention
+the corresponding includes).
+See the FILTER RULES section for more information. See
+\fB\-\-delete\fP (which is implied) for more details on deletion.
+.IP "\fB\-\-ignore-missing-args\fP"
+When rsync is first processing the explicitly requested source files (e.g.
+command-line arguments or \fB\-\-files-from\fP entries), it is normally
+an error if the file cannot be found. This option suppresses that error,
+and does not try to transfer the file. This does not affect subsequent
+vanished-file errors if a file was initially found to be present and later
+is no longer there.
+.IP "\fB\-\-delete-missing-args\fP"
+This option takes the behavior of the (implied)
+\fB\-\-ignore-missing-args\fP option a step farther: each missing arg
+will become a deletion request of the corresponding destination file on the
+receiving side (should it exist). If the destination file is a non-empty
+directory, it will only be successfully deleted if \fB\-\-force\fP or
+\fB\-\-delete\fP are in effect. Other than that, this option is
+independent of any other type of delete processing.
+The missing source files are represented by special file-list entries which
+display as a "\fB*missing\fP" entry in the \fB\-\-list-only\fP output.
+.IP "\fB\-\-ignore-errors\fP"
+Tells \fB\-\-delete\fP to go ahead and delete files even when there are
+I/O errors.
+.IP "\fB\-\-force\fP"
+This option tells rsync to delete a non-empty directory when it is to be
+replaced by a non-directory. This is only relevant if deletions are not
+active (see \fB\-\-delete\fP for details).
+Note for older rsync versions: \fB\-\-force\fP used to still be required when
+using \fB\-\-delete-after\fP, and it used to be non-functional unless the
+\fB\-\-recursive\fP option was also enabled.
+.IP "\fB\-\-max-delete=NUM\fP"
+This tells rsync not to delete more than NUM files or directories. If that
+limit is exceeded, all further deletions are skipped through the end of the
+transfer. At the end, rsync outputs a warning (including a count of the
+skipped deletions) and exits with an error code of 25 (unless some more
+important error condition also occurred).
+Beginning with version 3.0.0, you may specify \fB\-\-max-delete=0\fP to be warned
+about any extraneous files in the destination without removing any of them.
+Older clients interpreted this as "unlimited", so if you don't know what
+version the client is, you can use the less obvious \fB\-\-max-delete=\-1\fP as a
+backward-compatible way to specify that no deletions be allowed (though
+really old versions didn't warn when the limit was exceeded).
+.IP "\fB\-\-max-size=SIZE\fP"
+This tells rsync to avoid transferring any file that is larger than the
+specified SIZE. A numeric value can be suffixed with a string to indicate
+the numeric units or left unqualified to specify bytes. Feel free to use a
+fractional value along with the units, such as \fB\-\-max-size=1.5m\fP.
+This option is a TRANSFER RULE, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.
+The first letter of a units string can be \fBB\fP (bytes), \fBK\fP (kilo), \fBM\fP
+(mega), \fBG\fP (giga), \fBT\fP (tera), or \fBP\fP (peta). If the string is a single
+char or has "ib" added to it (e.g. "G" or "GiB") then the units are
+multiples of 1024. If you use a two-letter suffix that ends with a "B"
+(e.g. "kb") then you get units that are multiples of 1000. The string's
+letters can be any mix of upper and lower-case that you want to use.
+Finally, if the string ends with either "+1" or "\-1", it is offset by one
+byte in the indicated direction. The largest possible value is usually
+Examples: \fB\-\-max-size=1.5mb-1\fP is 1499999 bytes, and \fB\-\-max-size=2g+1\fP is
+2147483649 bytes.
+Note that rsync versions prior to 3.1.0 did not allow \fB\-\-max-size=0\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-min-size=SIZE\fP"
+This tells rsync to avoid transferring any file that is smaller than the
+specified SIZE, which can help in not transferring small, junk files. See
+the \fB\-\-max-size\fP option for a description of SIZE and other info.
+Note that rsync versions prior to 3.1.0 did not allow \fB\-\-min-size=0\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-max-alloc=SIZE\fP"
+By default rsync limits an individual malloc/realloc to about 1GB in size.
+For most people this limit works just fine and prevents a protocol error
+causing rsync to request massive amounts of memory. However, if you have
+many millions of files in a transfer, a large amount of server memory, and
+you don't want to split up your transfer into multiple parts, you can
+increase the per-allocation limit to something larger and rsync will
+consume more memory.
+Keep in mind that this is not a limit on the total size of allocated
+memory. It is a sanity-check value for each individual allocation.
+See the \fB\-\-max-size\fP option for a description of how SIZE can be
+specified. The default suffix if none is given is bytes.
+Beginning in 3.2.3, a value of 0 specifies no limit.
+You can set a default value using the environment variable
+\fBRSYNC_MAX_ALLOC\fP using the same SIZE values as supported by this
+option. If the remote rsync doesn't understand the \fB\-\-max-alloc\fP option,
+you can override an environmental value by specifying \fB\-\-max-alloc=1g\fP,
+which will make rsync avoid sending the option to the remote side (because
+"1G" is the default).
+.IP "\fB\-\-block-size=SIZE\fP, \fB\-B\fP"
+This forces the block size used in rsync's delta-transfer algorithm to a
+fixed value. It is normally selected based on the size of each file being
+updated. See the technical report for details.
+Beginning in 3.2.3 the SIZE can be specified with a suffix as detailed in
+the \fB\-\-max-size\fP option. Older versions only accepted a byte count.
+.IP "\fB\-\-rsh=COMMAND\fP, \fB\-e\fP"
+This option allows you to choose an alternative remote shell program to use
+for communication between the local and remote copies of rsync. Typically,
+rsync is configured to use ssh by default, but you may prefer to use rsh on
+a local network.
+If this option is used with \fB[user@]host::module/path\fP, then the remote
+shell \fICOMMAND\fP will be used to run an rsync daemon on the remote host, and
+all data will be transmitted through that remote shell connection, rather
+than through a direct socket connection to a running rsync daemon on the
+CONNECTION section above.
+Beginning with rsync 3.2.0, the \fBRSYNC_PORT\fP environment variable will
+be set when a daemon connection is being made via a remote-shell
+connection. It is set to 0 if the default daemon port is being assumed, or
+it is set to the value of the rsync port that was specified via either the
+\fB\-\-port\fP option or a non-empty port value in an \fBrsync://\fP URL.
+This allows the script to discern if a non-default port is being requested,
+allowing for things such as an SSL or stunnel helper script to connect to a
+default or alternate port.
+Command-line arguments are permitted in COMMAND provided that COMMAND is
+presented to rsync as a single argument. You must use spaces (not tabs or
+other whitespace) to separate the command and args from each other, and you
+can use single- and/or double-quotes to preserve spaces in an argument (but
+not backslashes). Note that doubling a single-quote inside a single-quoted
+string gives you a single-quote; likewise for double-quotes (though you
+need to pay attention to which quotes your shell is parsing and which
+quotes rsync is parsing). Some examples:
+.RS 4
+-e 'ssh -p 2234'
+-e 'ssh -o "ProxyCommand nohup ssh firewall nc -w1 %h %p"'
+(Note that ssh users can alternately customize site-specific connect
+options in their .ssh/config file.)
+You can also choose the remote shell program using the \fBRSYNC_RSH\fP
+environment variable, which accepts the same range of values as \fB\-e\fP.
+See also the \fB\-\-blocking-io\fP option which is affected by this
+.IP "\fB\-\-rsync-path=PROGRAM\fP"
+Use this to specify what program is to be run on the remote machine to
+start-up rsync. Often used when rsync is not in the default remote-shell's
+path (e.g. \fB\-\-rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync\fP). Note that PROGRAM is run
+with the help of a shell, so it can be any program, script, or command
+sequence you'd care to run, so long as it does not corrupt the standard-in
+& standard-out that rsync is using to communicate.
+One tricky example is to set a different default directory on the remote
+machine for use with the \fB\-\-relative\fP option. For instance:
+.RS 4
+rsync -avR --rsync-path="cd /a/b && rsync" host:c/d /e/
+.IP "\fB\-\-remote-option=OPTION\fP, \fB\-M\fP"
+This option is used for more advanced situations where you want certain
+effects to be limited to one side of the transfer only. For instance, if
+you want to pass \fB\-\-log-file=FILE\fP and \fB\-\-fake-super\fP to
+the remote system, specify it like this:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av -M --log-file=foo -M--fake-super src/ dest/
+If you want to have an option affect only the local side of a transfer when
+it normally affects both sides, send its negation to the remote side. Like
+.RS 4
+rsync -av -x -M--no-x src/ dest/
+Be cautious using this, as it is possible to toggle an option that will
+cause rsync to have a different idea about what data to expect next over
+the socket, and that will make it fail in a cryptic fashion.
+Note that you should use a separate \fB\-M\fP option for each remote option you
+want to pass. On older rsync versions, the presence of any spaces in the
+remote-option arg could cause it to be split into separate remote args, but
+this requires the use of \fB\-\-old-args\fP in a modern rsync.
+When performing a local transfer, the "local" side is the sender and the
+"remote" side is the receiver.
+Note some versions of the popt option-parsing library have a bug in them
+that prevents you from using an adjacent arg with an equal in it next to a
+short option letter (e.g. \fB\-M\-\-log-file=/tmp/foo\fP). If this bug affects
+your version of popt, you can use the version of popt that is included with
+.IP "\fB\-\-cvs-exclude\fP, \fB\-C\fP"
+This is a useful shorthand for excluding a broad range of files that you
+often don't want to transfer between systems. It uses a similar algorithm
+to CVS to determine if a file should be ignored.
+The exclude list is initialized to exclude the following items (these
+initial items are marked as perishable\ \-\- see the FILTER RULES
+.RS 4
+then, files listed in a $HOME/.cvsignore are added to the list and any
+files listed in the CVSIGNORE environment variable (all cvsignore names are
+delimited by whitespace).
+Finally, any file is ignored if it is in the same directory as a .cvsignore
+file and matches one of the patterns listed therein. Unlike rsync's
+filter/exclude files, these patterns are split on whitespace. See the
+\fBcvs\fP(1) manual for more information.
+If you're combining \fB\-C\fP with your own \fB\-\-filter\fP rules, you should
+note that these CVS excludes are appended at the end of your own rules,
+regardless of where the \fB\-C\fP was placed on the command-line. This makes
+them a lower priority than any rules you specified explicitly. If you want
+to control where these CVS excludes get inserted into your filter rules,
+you should omit the \fB\-C\fP as a command-line option and use a combination of
+\fB\-\-filter=:C\fP and \fB\-\-filter=\-C\fP (either on your
+command-line or by putting the ":C" and "\-C" rules into a filter file with
+your other rules). The first option turns on the per-directory scanning
+for the .cvsignore file. The second option does a one-time import of the
+CVS excludes mentioned above.
+.IP "\fB\-\-filter=RULE\fP, \fB\-f\fP"
+This option allows you to add rules to selectively exclude certain files
+from the list of files to be transferred. This is most useful in
+combination with a recursive transfer.
+You may use as many \fB\-\-filter\fP options on the command line as you like to
+build up the list of files to exclude. If the filter contains whitespace,
+be sure to quote it so that the shell gives the rule to rsync as a single
+argument. The text below also mentions that you can use an underscore to
+replace the space that separates a rule from its arg.
+See the FILTER RULES section for detailed information on this option.
+.IP "\fB\-F\fP"
+The \fB\-F\fP option is a shorthand for adding two \fB\-\-filter\fP rules to
+your command. The first time it is used is a shorthand for this rule:
+.RS 4
+--filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'
+This tells rsync to look for per-directory .rsync-filter files that have
+been sprinkled through the hierarchy and use their rules to filter the
+files in the transfer. If \fB\-F\fP is repeated, it is a shorthand for this
+.RS 4
+--filter='exclude .rsync-filter'
+This filters out the .rsync-filter files themselves from the transfer.
+See the FILTER RULES section for detailed information on how these
+options work.
+.IP "\fB\-\-exclude=PATTERN\fP"
+This option is a simplified form of the \fB\-\-filter\fP option that
+specifies an exclude rule and does not allow the full rule-parsing syntax
+of normal filter rules. This is equivalent to specifying \fB\-f'\-\ PATTERN'\fP.
+See the FILTER RULES section for detailed information on this option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-exclude-from=FILE\fP"
+This option is related to the \fB\-\-exclude\fP option, but it specifies
+a FILE that contains exclude patterns (one per line). Blank lines in the
+file are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with '\fB;\fP' or '\fB#\fP'
+(filename rules that contain those characters are unaffected).
+If a line begins with "\fB\-\ \fP" (dash, space) or "\fB+\ \fP" (plus, space), then
+the type of rule is being explicitly specified as an exclude or an include
+(respectively). Any rules without such a prefix are taken to be an exclude.
+If a line consists of just "\fB!\fP", then the current filter rules are cleared
+before adding any further rules.
+If \fIFILE\fP is '\fB\-\fP', the list will be read from standard input.
+.IP "\fB\-\-include=PATTERN\fP"
+This option is a simplified form of the \fB\-\-filter\fP option that
+specifies an include rule and does not allow the full rule-parsing syntax
+of normal filter rules. This is equivalent to specifying \fB\-f'+\ PATTERN'\fP.
+See the FILTER RULES section for detailed information on this option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-include-from=FILE\fP"
+This option is related to the \fB\-\-include\fP option, but it specifies
+a FILE that contains include patterns (one per line). Blank lines in the
+file are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with '\fB;\fP' or '\fB#\fP'
+(filename rules that contain those characters are unaffected).
+If a line begins with "\fB\-\ \fP" (dash, space) or "\fB+\ \fP" (plus, space), then
+the type of rule is being explicitly specified as an exclude or an include
+(respectively). Any rules without such a prefix are taken to be an include.
+If a line consists of just "\fB!\fP", then the current filter rules are cleared
+before adding any further rules.
+If \fIFILE\fP is '\fB\-\fP', the list will be read from standard input.
+.IP "\fB\-\-files-from=FILE\fP"
+Using this option allows you to specify the exact list of files to transfer
+(as read from the specified FILE or '\fB\-\fP' for standard input). It also
+tweaks the default behavior of rsync to make transferring just the
+specified files and directories easier:
+.IP o
+The \fB\-\-relative\fP (\fB\-R\fP) option is implied, which preserves the
+path information that is specified for each item in the file (use
+\fB\-\-no-relative\fP or \fB\-\-no-R\fP if you want to turn that off).
+.IP o
+The \fB\-\-dirs\fP (\fB\-d\fP) option is implied, which will create
+directories specified in the list on the destination rather than noisily
+skipping them (use \fB\-\-no-dirs\fP or \fB\-\-no-d\fP if you want to turn that off).
+.IP o
+The \fB\-\-archive\fP (\fB\-a\fP) option's behavior does not imply
+\fB\-\-recursive\fP (\fB\-r\fP), so specify it explicitly, if you want it.
+.IP o
+These side-effects change the default state of rsync, so the position of
+the \fB\-\-files-from\fP option on the command-line has no bearing on how other
+options are parsed (e.g. \fB\-a\fP works the same before or after
+\fB\-\-files-from\fP, as does \fB\-\-no-R\fP and all other options).
+The filenames that are read from the FILE are all relative to the source
+dir\ \-\- any leading slashes are removed and no ".." references are allowed
+to go higher than the source dir. For example, take this command:
+.RS 4
+rsync -a --files-from=/tmp/foo /usr remote:/backup
+If /tmp/foo contains the string "bin" (or even "/bin"), the /usr/bin
+directory will be created as /backup/bin on the remote host. If it
+contains "bin/" (note the trailing slash), the immediate contents of the
+directory would also be sent (without needing to be explicitly mentioned in
+the file\ \-\- this began in version 2.6.4). In both cases, if the
+\fB\-r\fP option was enabled, that dir's entire hierarchy would also be
+transferred (keep in mind that \fB\-r\fP needs to be specified
+explicitly with \fB\-\-files-from\fP, since it is not implied by \fB\-a\fP.
+Also note that the effect of the (enabled by default) \fB\-r\fP option
+is to duplicate only the path info that is read from the file\ \-\- it does
+not force the duplication of the source-spec path (/usr in this case).
+In addition, the \fB\-\-files-from\fP file can be read from the remote host
+instead of the local host if you specify a "host:" in front of the file
+(the host must match one end of the transfer). As a short-cut, you can
+specify just a prefix of ":" to mean "use the remote end of the transfer".
+For example:
+.RS 4
+rsync -a --files-from=:/path/file-list src:/ /tmp/copy
+This would copy all the files specified in the /path/file-list file that
+was located on the remote "src" host.
+If the \fB\-\-iconv\fP and \fB\-\-secluded-args\fP options are specified
+and the \fB\-\-files-from\fP filenames are being sent from one host to another,
+the filenames will be translated from the sending host's charset to the
+receiving host's charset.
+NOTE: sorting the list of files in the \fB\-\-files-from\fP input helps rsync to
+be more efficient, as it will avoid re-visiting the path elements that are
+shared between adjacent entries. If the input is not sorted, some path
+elements (implied directories) may end up being scanned multiple times, and
+rsync will eventually unduplicate them after they get turned into file-list
+.IP "\fB\-\-from0\fP, \fB\-0\fP"
+This tells rsync that the rules/filenames it reads from a file are
+terminated by a null ('\\0') character, not a NL, CR, or CR+LF. This
+affects \fB\-\-exclude-from\fP, \fB\-\-include-from\fP,
+\fB\-\-files-from\fP, and any merged files specified in a
+\fB\-\-filter\fP rule. It does not affect \fB\-\-cvs-exclude\fP (since
+all names read from a .cvsignore file are split on whitespace).
+.IP "\fB\-\-old-args\fP"
+This option tells rsync to stop trying to protect the arg values on the
+remote side from unintended word-splitting or other misinterpretation.
+It also allows the client to treat an empty arg as a "." instead of
+generating an error.
+The default in a modern rsync is for "shell-active" characters (including
+spaces) to be backslash-escaped in the args that are sent to the remote
+shell. The wildcard characters \fB*\fP, \fB?\fP, \fB[\fP, & \fB]\fP are not escaped in
+filename args (allowing them to expand into multiple filenames) while being
+protected in option args, such as \fB\-\-usermap\fP.
+If you have a script that wants to use old-style arg splitting in its
+filenames, specify this option once. If the remote shell has a problem
+with any backslash escapes at all, specify this option twice.
+You may also control this setting via the \fBRSYNC_OLD_ARGS\fP environment
+variable. If it has the value "1", rsync will default to a single-option
+setting. If it has the value "2" (or more), rsync will default to a
+repeated-option setting. If it is "0", you'll get the default escaping
+behavior. The environment is always overridden by manually specified
+positive or negative options (the negative is \fB\-\-no-old-args\fP).
+Note that this option also disables the extra safety check added in 3.2.5
+that ensures that a remote sender isn't including extra top-level items in
+the file-list that you didn't request. This side-effect is necessary
+because we can't know for sure what names to expect when the remote shell
+is interpreting the args.
+This option conflicts with the \fB\-\-secluded-args\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-secluded-args\fP, \fB\-s\fP"
+This option sends all filenames and most options to the remote rsync via
+the protocol (not the remote shell command line) which avoids letting the
+remote shell modify them. Wildcards are expanded on the remote host by
+rsync instead of a shell.
+This is similar to the default backslash-escaping of args that was added
+in 3.2.4 (see \fB\-\-old-args\fP) in that it prevents things like space
+splitting and unwanted special-character side-effects. However, it has the
+drawbacks of being incompatible with older rsync versions (prior to 3.0.0)
+and of being refused by restricted shells that want to be able to inspect
+all the option values for safety.
+This option is useful for those times that you need the argument's
+character set to be converted for the remote host, if the remote shell is
+incompatible with the default backslash-escpaing method, or there is some
+other reason that you want the majority of the options and arguments to
+bypass the command-line of the remote shell.
+If you combine this option with \fB\-\-iconv\fP, the args related to the
+remote side will be translated from the local to the remote character-set.
+The translation happens before wild-cards are expanded. See also the
+\fB\-\-files-from\fP option.
+You may also control this setting via the \fBRSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS\fP
+environment variable. If it has a non-zero value, this setting will be
+enabled by default, otherwise it will be disabled by default. Either state
+is overridden by a manually specified positive or negative version of this
+option (note that \fB\-\-no-s\fP and \fB\-\-no-secluded-args\fP are the negative
+versions). This environment variable is also superseded by a non-zero
+\fBRSYNC_OLD_ARGS\fP export.
+This option conflicts with the \fB\-\-old-args\fP option.
+This option used to be called \fB\-\-protect-args\fP (before 3.2.6) and that
+older name can still be used (though specifying it as \fB\-s\fP is always the
+easiest and most compatible choice).
+.IP "\fB\-\-trust-sender\fP"
+This option disables two extra validation checks that a local client
+performs on the file list generated by a remote sender. This option should
+only be used if you trust the sender to not put something malicious in the
+file list (something that could possibly be done via a modified rsync, a
+modified shell, or some other similar manipulation).
+Normally, the rsync client (as of version 3.2.5) runs two extra validation
+checks when pulling files from a remote rsync:
+.IP o
+It verifies that additional arg items didn't get added at the top of the
+.IP o
+It verifies that none of the items in the file list are names that should
+have been excluded (if filter rules were specified).
+Note that various options can turn off one or both of these checks if the
+option interferes with the validation. For instance:
+.IP o
+Using a per-directory filter file reads filter rules that only the server
+knows about, so the filter checking is disabled.
+.IP o
+Using the \fB\-\-old-args\fP option allows the sender to manipulate the
+requested args, so the arg checking is disabled.
+.IP o
+Reading the files-from list from the server side means that the client
+doesn't know the arg list, so the arg checking is disabled.
+.IP o
+Using \fB\-\-read-batch\fP disables both checks since the batch file's
+contents will have been verified when it was created.
+This option may help an under-powered client server if the extra pattern
+matching is slowing things down on a huge transfer. It can also be used to
+work around a currently-unknown bug in the verification logic for a transfer
+from a trusted sender.
+When using this option it is a good idea to specify a dedicated destination
+directory, as discussed in the MULTI-HOST SECURITY section.
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-as=USER[:GROUP]\fP"
+This option instructs rsync to use the USER and (if specified after a
+colon) the GROUP for the copy operations. This only works if the user that
+is running rsync has the ability to change users. If the group is not
+specified then the user's default groups are used.
+This option can help to reduce the risk of an rsync being run as root into
+or out of a directory that might have live changes happening to it and you
+want to make sure that root-level read or write actions of system files are
+not possible. While you could alternatively run all of rsync as the
+specified user, sometimes you need the root-level host-access credentials
+to be used, so this allows rsync to drop root for the copying part of the
+operation after the remote-shell or daemon connection is established.
+The option only affects one side of the transfer unless the transfer is
+local, in which case it affects both sides. Use the
+\fB\-\-remote-option\fP to affect the remote side, such as
+\fB\-M\-\-copy-as=joe\fP. For a local transfer, the lsh (or support file
+provides a local-shell helper script that can be used to allow a
+"localhost:" or "lh:" host-spec to be specified without needing to setup
+any remote shells, allowing you to specify remote options that affect the
+side of the transfer that is using the host-spec (and using hostname "lh"
+avoids the overriding of the remote directory to the user's home dir).
+For example, the following rsync writes the local files as user "joe":
+.RS 4
+sudo rsync -aiv --copy-as=joe host1:backups/joe/ /home/joe/
+This makes all files owned by user "joe", limits the groups to those that
+are available to that user, and makes it impossible for the joe user to do
+a timed exploit of the path to induce a change to a file that the joe user
+has no permissions to change.
+The following command does a local copy into the "dest/" dir as user "joe"
+(assuming you've installed support/lsh into a dir on your $PATH):
+.RS 4
+sudo rsync -aive lsh -M--copy-as=joe src/ lh:dest/
+.IP "\fB\-\-temp-dir=DIR\fP, \fB\-T\fP"
+This option instructs rsync to use DIR as a scratch directory when creating
+temporary copies of the files transferred on the receiving side. The
+default behavior is to create each temporary file in the same directory as
+the associated destination file. Beginning with rsync 3.1.1, the temp-file
+names inside the specified DIR will not be prefixed with an extra dot
+(though they will still have a random suffix added).
+This option is most often used when the receiving disk partition does not
+have enough free space to hold a copy of the largest file in the transfer.
+In this case (i.e. when the scratch directory is on a different disk
+partition), rsync will not be able to rename each received temporary file
+over the top of the associated destination file, but instead must copy it
+into place. Rsync does this by copying the file over the top of the
+destination file, which means that the destination file will contain
+truncated data during this copy. If this were not done this way (even if
+the destination file were first removed, the data locally copied to a
+temporary file in the destination directory, and then renamed into place)
+it would be possible for the old file to continue taking up disk space (if
+someone had it open), and thus there might not be enough room to fit the
+new version on the disk at the same time.
+If you are using this option for reasons other than a shortage of disk
+space, you may wish to combine it with the \fB\-\-delay-updates\fP
+option, which will ensure that all copied files get put into subdirectories
+in the destination hierarchy, awaiting the end of the transfer. If you
+don't have enough room to duplicate all the arriving files on the
+destination partition, another way to tell rsync that you aren't overly
+concerned about disk space is to use the \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP option
+with a relative path; because this tells rsync that it is OK to stash off a
+copy of a single file in a subdir in the destination hierarchy, rsync will
+use the partial-dir as a staging area to bring over the copied file, and
+then rename it into place from there. (Specifying a \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP
+with an absolute path does not have this side-effect.)
+.IP "\fB\-\-fuzzy\fP, \fB\-y\fP"
+This option tells rsync that it should look for a basis file for any
+destination file that is missing. The current algorithm looks in the same
+directory as the destination file for either a file that has an identical
+size and modified-time, or a similarly-named file. If found, rsync uses
+the fuzzy basis file to try to speed up the transfer.
+If the option is repeated, the fuzzy scan will also be done in any matching
+alternate destination directories that are specified via
+\fB\-\-compare-dest\fP, \fB\-\-copy-dest\fP, or \fB\-\-link-dest\fP.
+Note that the use of the \fB\-\-delete\fP option might get rid of any
+potential fuzzy-match files, so either use \fB\-\-delete-after\fP or
+specify some filename exclusions if you need to prevent this.
+.IP "\fB\-\-compare-dest=DIR\fP"
+This option instructs rsync to use \fIDIR\fP on the destination machine as an
+additional hierarchy to compare destination files against doing transfers
+(if the files are missing in the destination directory). If a file is
+found in \fIDIR\fP that is identical to the sender's file, the file will NOT be
+transferred to the destination directory. This is useful for creating a
+sparse backup of just files that have changed from an earlier backup. This
+option is typically used to copy into an empty (or newly created)
+Beginning in version 2.6.4, multiple \fB\-\-compare-dest\fP directories may be
+provided, which will cause rsync to search the list in the order specified
+for an exact match. If a match is found that differs only in attributes, a
+local copy is made and the attributes updated. If a match is not found, a
+basis file from one of the \fIDIRs\fP will be selected to try to speed up the
+If \fIDIR\fP is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+See also \fB\-\-copy-dest\fP and \fB\-\-link-dest\fP.
+NOTE: beginning with version 3.1.0, rsync will remove a file from a
+non-empty destination hierarchy if an exact match is found in one of the
+compare-dest hierarchies (making the end result more closely match a fresh
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-dest=DIR\fP"
+This option behaves like \fB\-\-compare-dest\fP, but rsync will also copy
+unchanged files found in \fIDIR\fP to the destination directory using a local
+copy. This is useful for doing transfers to a new destination while
+leaving existing files intact, and then doing a flash-cutover when all
+files have been successfully transferred.
+Multiple \fB\-\-copy-dest\fP directories may be provided, which will cause rsync
+to search the list in the order specified for an unchanged file. If a
+match is not found, a basis file from one of the \fIDIRs\fP will be selected to
+try to speed up the transfer.
+If \fIDIR\fP is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+See also \fB\-\-compare-dest\fP and \fB\-\-link-dest\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-link-dest=DIR\fP"
+This option behaves like \fB\-\-copy-dest\fP, but unchanged files are
+hard linked from \fIDIR\fP to the destination directory. The files must be
+identical in all preserved attributes (e.g. permissions, possibly
+ownership) in order for the files to be linked together. An example:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av --link-dest=$PWD/prior_dir host:src_dir/ new_dir/
+If files aren't linking, double-check their attributes. Also check if
+some attributes are getting forced outside of rsync's control, such a mount
+option that squishes root to a single user, or mounts a removable drive
+with generic ownership (such as OS X's "Ignore ownership on this volume"
+Beginning in version 2.6.4, multiple \fB\-\-link-dest\fP directories may be
+provided, which will cause rsync to search the list in the order specified
+for an exact match (there is a limit of 20 such directories). If a match
+is found that differs only in attributes, a local copy is made and the
+attributes updated. If a match is not found, a basis file from one of the
+\fIDIRs\fP will be selected to try to speed up the transfer.
+This option works best when copying into an empty destination hierarchy, as
+existing files may get their attributes tweaked, and that can affect
+alternate destination files via hard-links. Also, itemizing of changes can
+get a bit muddled. Note that prior to version 3.1.0, an
+alternate-directory exact match would never be found (nor linked into the
+destination) when a destination file already exists.
+Note that if you combine this option with \fB\-\-ignore-times\fP, rsync will not
+link any files together because it only links identical files together as a
+substitute for transferring the file, never as an additional check after
+the file is updated.
+If \fIDIR\fP is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+See also \fB\-\-compare-dest\fP and \fB\-\-copy-dest\fP.
+Note that rsync versions prior to 2.6.1 had a bug that could prevent
+\fB\-\-link-dest\fP from working properly for a non-super-user when
+\fB\-\-owner\fP (\fB\-o\fP) was specified (or implied). You can work-around
+this bug by avoiding the \fB\-o\fP option (or using \fB\-\-no-o\fP) when sending to an
+old rsync.
+.IP "\fB\-\-compress\fP, \fB\-z\fP"
+With this option, rsync compresses the file data as it is sent to the
+destination machine, which reduces the amount of data being transmitted\ \-\-
+something that is useful over a slow connection.
+Rsync supports multiple compression methods and will choose one for you
+unless you force the choice using the \fB\-\-compress-choice\fP (\fB\-\-zc\fP)
+Run \fBrsync\ \-\-version\fP to see the default compress list compiled into your
+When both sides of the transfer are at least 3.2.0, rsync chooses the first
+algorithm in the client's list of choices that is also in the server's list
+of choices. If no common compress choice is found, rsync exits with
+an error. If the remote rsync is too old to support checksum negotiation,
+its list is assumed to be "zlib".
+The default order can be customized by setting the environment variable
+\fBRSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST\fP to a space-separated list of acceptable
+compression names. If the string contains a "\fB&\fP" character, it is
+separated into the "client string & server string", otherwise the same
+string applies to both. If the string (or string portion) contains no
+non-whitespace characters, the default compress list is used. Any unknown
+compression names are discarded from the list, but a list with only invalid
+names results in a failed negotiation.
+There are some older rsync versions that were configured to reject a \fB\-z\fP
+option and require the use of \fB\-zz\fP because their compression library was
+not compatible with the default zlib compression method. You can usually
+ignore this weirdness unless the rsync server complains and tells you to
+specify \fB\-zz\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-compress-choice=STR\fP, \fB\-\-zc=STR\fP"
+This option can be used to override the automatic negotiation of the
+compression algorithm that occurs when \fB\-\-compress\fP is used. The
+option implies \fB\-\-compress\fP unless "none" was specified, which
+instead implies \fB\-\-no-compress\fP.
+The compression options that you may be able to use are:
+.IP o
+.IP o
+.IP o
+.IP o
+.IP o
+Run \fBrsync\ \-\-version\fP to see the default compress list compiled into your
+version (which may differ from the list above).
+Note that if you see an error about an option named \fB\-\-old-compress\fP or
+\fB\-\-new-compress\fP, this is rsync trying to send the \fB\-\-compress-choice=zlib\fP
+or \fB\-\-compress-choice=zlibx\fP option in a backward-compatible manner that
+more rsync versions understand. This error indicates that the older rsync
+version on the server will not allow you to force the compression type.
+Note that the "zlibx" compression algorithm is just the "zlib" algorithm
+with matched data excluded from the compression stream (to try to make it
+more compatible with an external zlib implementation).
+.IP "\fB\-\-compress-level=NUM\fP, \fB\-\-zl=NUM\fP"
+Explicitly set the compression level to use (see \fB\-\-compress\fP,
+\fB\-z\fP) instead of letting it default. The \fB\-\-compress\fP option is
+implied as long as the level chosen is not a "don't compress" level for the
+compression algorithm that is in effect (e.g. zlib compression treats level
+0 as "off").
+The level values vary depending on the checksum in effect. Because rsync
+will negotiate a checksum choice by default (when the remote rsync is new
+enough), it can be good to combine this option with a
+\fB\-\-compress-choice\fP (\fB\-\-zc\fP) option unless you're sure of the
+choice in effect. For example:
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiv --zc=zstd --zl=22 host:src/ dest/
+For zlib & zlibx compression the valid values are from 1 to 9 with 6 being
+the default. Specifying \fB\-\-zl=0\fP turns compression off, and specifying
+\fB\-\-zl=\-1\fP chooses the default level of 6.
+For zstd compression the valid values are from \-131072 to 22 with 3 being
+the default. Specifying 0 chooses the default of 3.
+For lz4 compression there are no levels, so the value is always 0.
+If you specify a too-large or too-small value, the number is silently
+limited to a valid value. This allows you to specify something like
+\fB\-\-zl=999999999\fP and be assured that you'll end up with the maximum
+compression level no matter what algorithm was chosen.
+If you want to know the compression level that is in effect, specify
+\fB\-\-debug=nstr\fP to see the "negotiated string" results. This will
+report something like "\fBClient\ compress:\ zstd\ (level\ 3)\fP" (along with the
+checksum choice in effect).
+.IP "\fB\-\-skip-compress=LIST\fP"
+\fBNOTE:\fP no compression method currently supports per-file compression
+changes, so this option has no effect.
+Override the list of file suffixes that will be compressed as little as
+possible. Rsync sets the compression level on a per-file basis based on
+the file's suffix. If the compression algorithm has an "off" level, then
+no compression occurs for those files. Other algorithms that support
+changing the streaming level on-the-fly will have the level minimized to
+reduces the CPU usage as much as possible for a matching file.
+The \fBLIST\fP should be one or more file suffixes (without the dot) separated
+by slashes (\fB/\fP). You may specify an empty string to indicate that no files
+should be skipped.
+Simple character-class matching is supported: each must consist of a list
+of letters inside the square brackets (e.g. no special classes, such as
+"[:alpha:]", are supported, and '\-' has no special meaning).
+The characters asterisk (\fB*\fP) and question-mark (\fB?\fP) have no special meaning.
+Here's an example that specifies 6 suffixes to skip (since 1 of the 5 rules
+matches 2 suffixes):
+.RS 4
+The default file suffixes in the skip-compress list in this version of
+rsync are:
+.RS 4
+This list will be replaced by your \fB\-\-skip-compress\fP list in all but one
+situation: a copy from a daemon rsync will add your skipped suffixes to its
+list of non-compressing files (and its list may be configured to a
+different default).
+.IP "\fB\-\-numeric-ids\fP"
+With this option rsync will transfer numeric group and user IDs rather than
+using user and group names and mapping them at both ends.
+By default rsync will use the username and groupname to determine what
+ownership to give files. The special uid 0 and the special group 0 are
+never mapped via user/group names even if the \fB\-\-numeric-ids\fP option is not
+If a user or group has no name on the source system or it has no match on
+the destination system, then the numeric ID from the source system is used
+instead. See also the \fBuse\ chroot\fP setting
+in the rsyncd.conf manpage for some comments on how the chroot setting
+affects rsync's ability to look up the names of the users and groups and
+what you can do about it.
+.IP "\fB\-\-usermap=STRING\fP, \fB\-\-groupmap=STRING\fP"
+These options allow you to specify users and groups that should be mapped
+to other values by the receiving side. The \fBSTRING\fP is one or more
+\fBFROM\fP:\fBTO\fP pairs of values separated by commas. Any matching \fBFROM\fP
+value from the sender is replaced with a \fBTO\fP value from the receiver.
+You may specify usernames or user IDs for the \fBFROM\fP and \fBTO\fP values,
+and the \fBFROM\fP value may also be a wild-card string, which will be
+matched against the sender's names (wild-cards do NOT match against ID
+numbers, though see below for why a '\fB*\fP' matches everything). You may
+instead specify a range of ID numbers via an inclusive range: LOW-HIGH.
+For example:
+.RS 4
+--usermap=0-99:nobody,wayne:admin,*:normal --groupmap=usr:1,1:usr
+The first match in the list is the one that is used. You should specify
+all your user mappings using a single \fB\-\-usermap\fP option, and/or all your
+group mappings using a single \fB\-\-groupmap\fP option.
+Note that the sender's name for the 0 user and group are not transmitted to
+the receiver, so you should either match these values using a 0, or use the
+names in effect on the receiving side (typically "root"). All other
+\fBFROM\fP names match those in use on the sending side. All \fBTO\fP names
+match those in use on the receiving side.
+Any IDs that do not have a name on the sending side are treated as having
+an empty name for the purpose of matching. This allows them to be matched
+via a "\fB*\fP" or using an empty name. For instance:
+.RS 4
+--usermap=:nobody --groupmap=*:nobody
+When the \fB\-\-numeric-ids\fP option is used, the sender does not send any
+names, so all the IDs are treated as having an empty name. This means that
+you will need to specify numeric \fBFROM\fP values if you want to map these
+nameless IDs to different values.
+For the \fB\-\-usermap\fP option to work, the receiver will need to be running as
+a super-user (see also the \fB\-\-super\fP and \fB\-\-fake-super\fP
+options). For the \fB\-\-groupmap\fP option to work, the receiver will need to
+have permissions to set that group.
+Starting with rsync 3.2.4, the \fB\-\-usermap\fP option implies the
+\fB\-\-owner\fP (\fB\-o\fP) option while the \fB\-\-groupmap\fP option implies the
+\fB\-\-group\fP (\fB\-g\fP) option (since rsync needs to have those options
+enabled for the mapping options to work).
+An older rsync client may need to use \fB\-s\fP to avoid a complaint
+about wildcard characters, but a modern rsync handles this automatically.
+.IP "\fB\-\-chown=USER:GROUP\fP"
+This option forces all files to be owned by USER with group GROUP. This is
+a simpler interface than using \fB\-\-usermap\fP & \fB\-\-groupmap\fP
+directly, but it is implemented using those options internally so they
+cannot be mixed. If either the USER or GROUP is empty, no mapping for the
+omitted user/group will occur. If GROUP is empty, the trailing colon may
+be omitted, but if USER is empty, a leading colon must be supplied.
+If you specify "\fB\-\-chown=foo:bar\fP", this is exactly the same as specifying
+"\fB\-\-usermap=*:foo\ \-\-groupmap=*:bar\fP", only easier (and with the same
+implied \fB\-\-owner\fP and/or \fB\-\-group\fP options).
+An older rsync client may need to use \fB\-s\fP to avoid a complaint
+about wildcard characters, but a modern rsync handles this automatically.
+.IP "\fB\-\-timeout=SECONDS\fP"
+This option allows you to set a maximum I/O timeout in seconds. If no data
+is transferred for the specified time then rsync will exit. The default is
+0, which means no timeout.
+.IP "\fB\-\-contimeout=SECONDS\fP"
+This option allows you to set the amount of time that rsync will wait for
+its connection to an rsync daemon to succeed. If the timeout is reached,
+rsync exits with an error.
+.IP "\fB\-\-address=ADDRESS\fP"
+By default rsync will bind to the wildcard address when connecting to an
+rsync daemon. The \fB\-\-address\fP option allows you to specify a specific IP
+address (or hostname) to bind to.
+See also the daemon version of the \fB\-\-address\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-port=PORT\fP"
+This specifies an alternate TCP port number to use rather than the default
+of 873. This is only needed if you are using the double-colon (::) syntax
+to connect with an rsync daemon (since the URL syntax has a way to specify
+the port as a part of the URL).
+See also the daemon version of the \fB\-\-port\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-sockopts=OPTIONS\fP"
+This option can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their
+systems to the utmost degree. You can set all sorts of socket options
+which may make transfers faster (or slower!). Read the manpage for the
+\fBsetsockopt()\fP system call for details on some of the options you may be
+able to set. By default no special socket options are set. This only
+affects direct socket connections to a remote rsync daemon.
+See also the daemon version of the \fB\-\-sockopts\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-blocking-io\fP"
+This tells rsync to use blocking I/O when launching a remote shell
+transport. If the remote shell is either rsh or remsh, rsync defaults to
+using blocking I/O, otherwise it defaults to using non-blocking I/O. (Note
+that ssh prefers non-blocking I/O.)
+.IP "\fB\-\-outbuf=MODE\fP"
+This sets the output buffering mode. The mode can be None (aka
+Unbuffered), Line, or Block (aka Full). You may specify as little as a
+single letter for the mode, and use upper or lower case.
+The main use of this option is to change Full buffering to Line buffering
+when rsync's output is going to a file or pipe.
+.IP "\fB\-\-itemize-changes\fP, \fB\-i\fP"
+Requests a simple itemized list of the changes that are being made to each
+file, including attribute changes. This is exactly the same as specifying
+\fB\-\-out-format='%i\ %n%L'\fP. If you repeat the option, unchanged
+files will also be output, but only if the receiving rsync is at least
+version 2.6.7 (you can use \fB\-vv\fP with older versions of rsync, but that
+also turns on the output of other verbose messages).
+The "%i" escape has a cryptic output that is 11 letters long. The general
+format is like the string \fBYXcstpoguax\fP, where \fBY\fP is replaced by the type
+of update being done, \fBX\fP is replaced by the file-type, and the other
+letters represent attributes that may be output if they are being modified.
+The update types that replace the \fBY\fP are as follows:
+.IP o
+A \fB<\fP means that a file is being transferred to the remote host (sent).
+.IP o
+A \fB>\fP means that a file is being transferred to the local host
+.IP o
+A \fBc\fP means that a local change/creation is occurring for the item (such
+as the creation of a directory or the changing of a symlink, etc.).
+.IP o
+A \fBh\fP means that the item is a hard link to another item (requires
+.IP o
+A \fB.\fP means that the item is not being updated (though it might have
+attributes that are being modified).
+.IP o
+A \fB*\fP means that the rest of the itemized-output area contains a message
+(e.g. "deleting").
+The file-types that replace the \fBX\fP are: \fBf\fP for a file, a \fBd\fP for a
+directory, an \fBL\fP for a symlink, a \fBD\fP for a device, and a \fBS\fP for a
+special file (e.g. named sockets and fifos).
+The other letters in the string indicate if some attributes of the file
+have changed, as follows:
+.IP o
+"\fB.\fP" \- the attribute is unchanged.
+.IP o
+"\fB+\fP" \- the file is newly created.
+.IP o
+"\fB\ \fP" \- all the attributes are unchanged (all dots turn to spaces).
+.IP o
+"\fB?\fP" \- the change is unknown (when the remote rsync is old).
+.IP o
+A letter indicates an attribute is being updated.
+The attribute that is associated with each letter is as follows:
+.IP o
+A \fBc\fP means either that a regular file has a different checksum (requires
+\fB\-\-checksum\fP) or that a symlink, device, or special file has a
+changed value. Note that if you are sending files to an rsync prior to
+3.0.1, this change flag will be present only for checksum-differing
+regular files.
+.IP o
+A \fBs\fP means the size of a regular file is different and will be updated
+by the file transfer.
+.IP o
+A \fBt\fP means the modification time is different and is being updated to
+the sender's value (requires \fB\-\-times\fP). An alternate value of
+\fBT\fP means that the modification time will be set to the transfer time,
+which happens when a file/symlink/device is updated without
+\fB\-\-times\fP and when a symlink is changed and the receiver can't
+set its time. (Note: when using an rsync 3.0.0 client, you might see the
+\fBs\fP flag combined with \fBt\fP instead of the proper \fBT\fP flag for this
+time-setting failure.)
+.IP o
+A \fBp\fP means the permissions are different and are being updated to the
+sender's value (requires \fB\-\-perms\fP).
+.IP o
+An \fBo\fP means the owner is different and is being updated to the sender's
+value (requires \fB\-\-owner\fP and super-user privileges).
+.IP o
+A \fBg\fP means the group is different and is being updated to the sender's
+value (requires \fB\-\-group\fP and the authority to set the group).
+.IP o
+.IP o
+A \fBu\fP|\fBn\fP|\fBb\fP indicates the following information:
+\fBu\fP means the access (use) time is different and is being updated to
+the sender's value (requires \fB\-\-atimes\fP)
+.IP o
+\fBn\fP means the create time (newness) is different and is being updated
+to the sender's value (requires \fB\-\-crtimes\fP)
+.IP o
+\fBb\fP means that both the access and create times are being updated
+.IP o
+The \fBa\fP means that the ACL information is being changed.
+.IP o
+The \fBx\fP means that the extended attribute information is being changed.
+One other output is possible: when deleting files, the "%i" will output the
+string "\fB*deleting\fP" for each item that is being removed (assuming that you
+are talking to a recent enough rsync that it logs deletions instead of
+outputting them as a verbose message).
+.IP "\fB\-\-out-format=FORMAT\fP"
+This allows you to specify exactly what the rsync client outputs to the
+user on a per-update basis. The format is a text string containing
+embedded single-character escape sequences prefixed with a percent (%)
+character. A default format of "%n%L" is assumed if either
+\fB\-\-info=name\fP or \fB\-v\fP is specified (this tells you just the
+name of the file and, if the item is a link, where it points). For a full
+list of the possible escape characters, see the \fBlog\ format\fP setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.
+Specifying the \fB\-\-out-format\fP option implies the \fB\-\-info=name\fP
+option, which will mention each file, dir, etc. that gets updated in a
+significant way (a transferred file, a recreated symlink/device, or a
+touched directory). In addition, if the itemize-changes escape (%i) is
+included in the string (e.g. if the \fB\-\-itemize-changes\fP option was
+used), the logging of names increases to mention any item that is changed
+in any way (as long as the receiving side is at least 2.6.4). See the
+\fB\-\-itemize-changes\fP option for a description of the output of "%i".
+Rsync will output the out-format string prior to a file's transfer unless
+one of the transfer-statistic escapes is requested, in which case the
+logging is done at the end of the file's transfer. When this late logging
+is in effect and \fB\-\-progress\fP is also specified, rsync will also
+output the name of the file being transferred prior to its progress
+information (followed, of course, by the out-format output).
+.IP "\fB\-\-log-file=FILE\fP"
+This option causes rsync to log what it is doing to a file. This is
+similar to the logging that a daemon does, but can be requested for the
+client side and/or the server side of a non-daemon transfer. If specified
+as a client option, transfer logging will be enabled with a default format
+of "%i %n%L". See the \fB\-\-log-file-format\fP option if you wish to
+override this.
+Here's an example command that requests the remote side to log what is
+.RS 4
+rsync -av --remote-option=--log-file=/tmp/rlog src/ dest/
+This is very useful if you need to debug why a connection is closing
+See also the daemon version of the \fB\-\-log-file\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-log-file-format=FORMAT\fP"
+This allows you to specify exactly what per-update logging is put into the
+file specified by the \fB\-\-log-file\fP option (which must also be
+specified for this option to have any effect). If you specify an empty
+string, updated files will not be mentioned in the log file. For a list of
+the possible escape characters, see the \fBlog\ format\fP
+setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.
+The default FORMAT used if \fB\-\-log-file\fP is specified and this
+option is not is '%i %n%L'.
+See also the daemon version of the \fB\-\-log-file-format\fP
+.IP "\fB\-\-stats\fP"
+This tells rsync to print a verbose set of statistics on the file transfer,
+allowing you to tell how effective rsync's delta-transfer algorithm is for
+your data. This option is equivalent to \fB\-\-info=stats2\fP if
+combined with 0 or 1 \fB\-v\fP options, or \fB\-\-info=stats3\fP if
+combined with 2 or more \fB\-v\fP options.
+The current statistics are as follows:
+.IP o
+\fBNumber\ of\ files\fP is the count of all "files" (in the generic sense),
+which includes directories, symlinks, etc. The total count will be
+followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero). For
+example: "(reg: 5, dir: 3, link: 2, dev: 1, special: 1)" lists the totals
+for regular files, directories, symlinks, devices, and special files. If
+any of value is 0, it is completely omitted from the list.
+.IP o
+\fBNumber\ of\ created\ files\fP is the count of how many "files" (generic
+sense) were created (as opposed to updated). The total count will be
+followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero).
+.IP o
+\fBNumber\ of\ deleted\ files\fP is the count of how many "files" (generic
+sense) were deleted. The total count will be
+followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero).
+Note that this line is only output if deletions are in effect, and only
+if protocol 31 is being used (the default for rsync 3.1.x).
+.IP o
+\fBNumber\ of\ regular\ files\ transferred\fP is the count of normal files that
+were updated via rsync's delta-transfer algorithm, which does not include
+dirs, symlinks, etc. Note that rsync 3.1.0 added the word "regular" into
+this heading.
+.IP o
+\fBTotal\ file\ size\fP is the total sum of all file sizes in the transfer.
+This does not count any size for directories or special files, but does
+include the size of symlinks.
+.IP o
+\fBTotal\ transferred\ file\ size\fP is the total sum of all files sizes for
+just the transferred files.
+.IP o
+\fBLiteral\ data\fP is how much unmatched file-update data we had to send to
+the receiver for it to recreate the updated files.
+.IP o
+\fBMatched\ data\fP is how much data the receiver got locally when recreating
+the updated files.
+.IP o
+\fBFile\ list\ size\fP is how big the file-list data was when the sender sent
+it to the receiver. This is smaller than the in-memory size for the file
+list due to some compressing of duplicated data when rsync sends the
+.IP o
+\fBFile\ list\ generation\ time\fP is the number of seconds that the sender
+spent creating the file list. This requires a modern rsync on the
+sending side for this to be present.
+.IP o
+\fBFile\ list\ transfer\ time\fP is the number of seconds that the sender spent
+sending the file list to the receiver.
+.IP o
+\fBTotal\ bytes\ sent\fP is the count of all the bytes that rsync sent from the
+client side to the server side.
+.IP o
+\fBTotal\ bytes\ received\fP is the count of all non-message bytes that rsync
+received by the client side from the server side. "Non-message" bytes
+means that we don't count the bytes for a verbose message that the server
+sent to us, which makes the stats more consistent.
+.IP "\fB\-\-8-bit-output\fP, \fB\-8\fP"
+This tells rsync to leave all high-bit characters unescaped in the output
+instead of trying to test them to see if they're valid in the current
+locale and escaping the invalid ones. All control characters (but never
+tabs) are always escaped, regardless of this option's setting.
+The escape idiom that started in 2.6.7 is to output a literal backslash
+(\fB\\\fP) and a hash (\fB#\fP), followed by exactly 3 octal digits. For example, a
+newline would output as "\fB\\#012\fP". A literal backslash that is in a
+filename is not escaped unless it is followed by a hash and 3 digits (0-9).
+.IP "\fB\-\-human-readable\fP, \fB\-h\fP"
+Output numbers in a more human-readable format. There are 3 possible levels:
+.IP 1.
+output numbers with a separator between each set of 3 digits (either a
+comma or a period, depending on if the decimal point is represented by a
+period or a comma).
+.IP 2.
+output numbers in units of 1000 (with a character suffix for larger
+units\ \-\- see below).
+.IP 3.
+output numbers in units of 1024.
+The default is human-readable level 1. Each \fB\-h\fP option increases the
+level by one. You can take the level down to 0 (to output numbers as pure
+digits) by specifying the \fB\-\-no-human-readable\fP (\fB\-\-no-h\fP) option.
+The unit letters that are appended in levels 2 and 3 are: \fBK\fP (kilo), \fBM\fP
+(mega), \fBG\fP (giga), \fBT\fP (tera), or \fBP\fP (peta). For example, a 1234567-byte
+file would output as 1.23M in level-2 (assuming that a period is your local
+decimal point).
+Backward compatibility note: versions of rsync prior to 3.1.0 do not
+support human-readable level 1, and they default to level 0. Thus,
+specifying one or two \fB\-h\fP options will behave in a comparable manner in
+old and new versions as long as you didn't specify a \fB\-\-no-h\fP option prior
+to one or more \fB\-h\fP options. See the \fB\-\-list-only\fP option for one
+.IP "\fB\-\-partial\fP"
+By default, rsync will delete any partially transferred file if the
+transfer is interrupted. In some circumstances it is more desirable to
+keep partially transferred files. Using the \fB\-\-partial\fP option tells rsync
+to keep the partial file which should make a subsequent transfer of the
+rest of the file much faster.
+.IP "\fB\-\-partial-dir=DIR\fP"
+This option modifies the behavior of the \fB\-\-partial\fP option while
+also implying that it be enabled. This enhanced partial-file method puts
+any partially transferred files into the specified \fIDIR\fP instead of writing
+the partial file out to the destination file. On the next transfer, rsync
+will use a file found in this dir as data to speed up the resumption of the
+transfer and then delete it after it has served its purpose.
+Note that if \fB\-\-whole-file\fP is specified (or implied), any
+partial-dir files that are found for a file that is being updated will
+simply be removed (since rsync is sending files without using rsync's
+delta-transfer algorithm).
+Rsync will create the \fIDIR\fP if it is missing, but just the last dir\ \-\- not
+the whole path. This makes it easy to use a relative path (such as
+"\fB\-\-partial-dir=.rsync-partial\fP") to have rsync create the
+partial-directory in the destination file's directory when it is needed,
+and then remove it again when the partial file is deleted. Note that this
+directory removal is only done for a relative pathname, as it is expected
+that an absolute path is to a directory that is reserved for partial-dir
+If the partial-dir value is not an absolute path, rsync will add an exclude
+rule at the end of all your existing excludes. This will prevent the
+sending of any partial-dir files that may exist on the sending side, and
+will also prevent the untimely deletion of partial-dir items on the
+receiving side. An example: the above \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP option would add the
+equivalent of this "perishable" exclude at the end of any other filter
+rules: \fB\-f\ '\-p\ .rsync-partial/'\fP
+If you are supplying your own exclude rules, you may need to add your own
+exclude/hide/protect rule for the partial-dir because:
+.IP 1.
+the auto-added rule may be ineffective at the end of your other rules, or
+.IP 2.
+you may wish to override rsync's exclude choice.
+For instance, if you want to make rsync clean-up any left-over partial-dirs
+that may be lying around, you should specify \fB\-\-delete-after\fP and
+add a "risk" filter rule, e.g. \fB\-f\ 'R\ .rsync-partial/'\fP. Avoid using
+\fB\-\-delete-before\fP or \fB\-\-delete-during\fP unless you don't
+need rsync to use any of the left-over partial-dir data during the current
+IMPORTANT: the \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP should not be writable by other users or it
+is a security risk! E.g. AVOID "/tmp"!
+You can also set the partial-dir value the \fBRSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR\fP
+environment variable. Setting this in the environment does not force
+\fB\-\-partial\fP to be enabled, but rather it affects where partial
+files go when \fB\-\-partial\fP is specified. For instance, instead of
+using \fB\-\-partial-dir=.rsync-tmp\fP along with \fB\-\-progress\fP, you could
+set \fBRSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR=.rsync-tmp\fP in your environment and then use
+the \fB\-P\fP option to turn on the use of the .rsync-tmp dir for
+partial transfers. The only times that the \fB\-\-partial\fP option does
+not look for this environment value are:
+.IP 1.
+when \fB\-\-inplace\fP was specified (since \fB\-\-inplace\fP
+conflicts with \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP), and
+.IP 2.
+when \fB\-\-delay-updates\fP was specified (see below).
+When a modern rsync resumes the transfer of a file in the partial-dir, that
+partial file is now updated in-place instead of creating yet another
+tmp-file copy (so it maxes out at dest + tmp instead of dest + partial +
+tmp). This requires both ends of the transfer to be at least version
+For the purposes of the daemon-config's "\fBrefuse\ options\fP" setting,
+\fB\-\-partial-dir\fP does \fInot\fP imply \fB\-\-partial\fP. This is so that a
+refusal of the \fB\-\-partial\fP option can be used to disallow the
+overwriting of destination files with a partial transfer, while still
+allowing the safer idiom provided by \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-delay-updates\fP"
+This option puts the temporary file from each updated file into a holding
+directory until the end of the transfer, at which time all the files are
+renamed into place in rapid succession. This attempts to make the updating
+of the files a little more atomic. By default the files are placed into a
+directory named \fB.~tmp~\fP in each file's destination directory, but if
+you've specified the \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP option, that directory will be
+used instead. See the comments in the \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP section for
+a discussion of how this \fB.~tmp~\fP dir will be excluded from the transfer,
+and what you can do if you want rsync to cleanup old \fB.~tmp~\fP dirs that
+might be lying around. Conflicts with \fB\-\-inplace\fP and
+This option implies \fB\-\-no-inc-recursive\fP since it needs the full
+file list in memory in order to be able to iterate over it at the end.
+This option uses more memory on the receiving side (one bit per file
+transferred) and also requires enough free disk space on the receiving side
+to hold an additional copy of all the updated files. Note also that you
+should not use an absolute path to \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP unless:
+.IP 1.
+there is no chance of any of the files in the transfer having the same
+name (since all the updated files will be put into a single directory if
+the path is absolute), and
+.IP 2.
+there are no mount points in the hierarchy (since the delayed updates
+will fail if they can't be renamed into place).
+See also the "atomic-rsync" python script in the "support" subdir for an
+update algorithm that is even more atomic (it uses \fB\-\-link-dest\fP
+and a parallel hierarchy of files).
+.IP "\fB\-\-prune-empty-dirs\fP, \fB\-m\fP"
+This option tells the receiving rsync to get rid of empty directories from
+the file-list, including nested directories that have no non-directory
+children. This is useful for avoiding the creation of a bunch of useless
+directories when the sending rsync is recursively scanning a hierarchy of
+files using include/exclude/filter rules.
+This option can still leave empty directories on the receiving side if you
+make use of TRANSFER_RULES.
+Because the file-list is actually being pruned, this option also affects
+what directories get deleted when a delete is active. However, keep in
+mind that excluded files and directories can prevent existing items from
+being deleted due to an exclude both hiding source files and protecting
+destination files. See the perishable filter-rule option for how to avoid
+You can prevent the pruning of certain empty directories from the file-list
+by using a global "protect" filter. For instance, this option would ensure
+that the directory "emptydir" was kept in the file-list:
+.RS 4
+--filter 'protect emptydir/'
+Here's an example that copies all .pdf files in a hierarchy, only creating
+the necessary destination directories to hold the .pdf files, and ensures
+that any superfluous files and directories in the destination are removed
+(note the hide filter of non-directories being used instead of an exclude):
+.RS 4
+rsync -avm --del --include='*.pdf' -f 'hide,! */' src/ dest
+If you didn't want to remove superfluous destination files, the more
+time-honored options of \fB\-\-include='*/'\ \-\-exclude='*'\fP would work
+fine in place of the hide-filter (if that is more natural to you).
+.IP "\fB\-\-progress\fP"
+This option tells rsync to print information showing the progress of the
+transfer. This gives a bored user something to watch. With a modern rsync
+this is the same as specifying \fB\-\-info=flist2,name,progress\fP, but
+any user-supplied settings for those info flags takes precedence (e.g.
+\fB\-\-info=flist0\ \-\-progress\fP).
+While rsync is transferring a regular file, it updates a progress line that
+looks like this:
+.RS 4
+782448 63% 110.64kB/s 0:00:04
+In this example, the receiver has reconstructed 782448 bytes or 63% of the
+sender's file, which is being reconstructed at a rate of 110.64 kilobytes
+per second, and the transfer will finish in 4 seconds if the current rate
+is maintained until the end.
+These statistics can be misleading if rsync's delta-transfer algorithm is
+in use. For example, if the sender's file consists of the basis file
+followed by additional data, the reported rate will probably drop
+dramatically when the receiver gets to the literal data, and the transfer
+will probably take much longer to finish than the receiver estimated as it
+was finishing the matched part of the file.
+When the file transfer finishes, rsync replaces the progress line with a
+summary line that looks like this:
+.RS 4
+1,238,099 100% 146.38kB/s 0:00:08 (xfr#5, to-chk=169/396)
+In this example, the file was 1,238,099 bytes long in total, the average
+rate of transfer for the whole file was 146.38 kilobytes per second over
+the 8 seconds that it took to complete, it was the 5th transfer of a
+regular file during the current rsync session, and there are 169 more files
+for the receiver to check (to see if they are up-to-date or not) remaining
+out of the 396 total files in the file-list.
+In an incremental recursion scan, rsync won't know the total number of
+files in the file-list until it reaches the ends of the scan, but since it
+starts to transfer files during the scan, it will display a line with the
+text "ir-chk" (for incremental recursion check) instead of "to-chk" until
+the point that it knows the full size of the list, at which point it will
+switch to using "to-chk". Thus, seeing "ir-chk" lets you know that the
+total count of files in the file list is still going to increase (and each
+time it does, the count of files left to check will increase by the number
+of the files added to the list).
+.IP "\fB\-P\fP"
+The \fB\-P\fP option is equivalent to "\fB\-\-partial\fP
+\fB\-\-progress\fP". Its purpose is to make it much easier to specify
+these two options for a long transfer that may be interrupted.
+There is also a \fB\-\-info=progress2\fP option that outputs statistics
+based on the whole transfer, rather than individual files. Use this flag
+without outputting a filename (e.g. avoid \fB\-v\fP or specify
+\fB\-\-info=name0\fP) if you want to see how the transfer is doing
+without scrolling the screen with a lot of names. (You don't need to
+specify the \fB\-\-progress\fP option in order to use
+Finally, you can get an instant progress report by sending rsync a signal
+of either SIGINFO or SIGVTALRM. On BSD systems, a SIGINFO is generated by
+typing a Ctrl+T (Linux doesn't currently support a SIGINFO signal). When
+the client-side process receives one of those signals, it sets a flag to
+output a single progress report which is output when the current file
+transfer finishes (so it may take a little time if a big file is being
+handled when the signal arrives). A filename is output (if needed)
+followed by the \fB\-\-info=progress2\fP format of progress info. If you
+don't know which of the 3 rsync processes is the client process, it's OK to
+signal all of them (since the non-client processes ignore the signal).
+CAUTION: sending SIGVTALRM to an older rsync (pre-3.2.0) will kill it.
+.IP "\fB\-\-password-file=FILE\fP"
+This option allows you to provide a password for accessing an rsync daemon
+via a file or via standard input if \fBFILE\fP is \fB\-\fP. The file should
+contain just the password on the first line (all other lines are ignored).
+Rsync will exit with an error if \fBFILE\fP is world readable or if a
+root-run rsync command finds a non-root-owned file.
+This option does not supply a password to a remote shell transport such as
+ssh; to learn how to do that, consult the remote shell's documentation.
+When accessing an rsync daemon using a remote shell as the transport, this
+option only comes into effect after the remote shell finishes its
+authentication (i.e. if you have also specified a password in the daemon's
+config file).
+.IP "\fB\-\-early-input=FILE\fP"
+This option allows rsync to send up to 5K of data to the "early exec"
+script on its stdin. One possible use of this data is to give the script a
+secret that can be used to mount an encrypted filesystem (which you should
+unmount in the the "post-xfer exec" script).
+The daemon must be at least version 3.2.1.
+.IP "\fB\-\-list-only\fP"
+This option will cause the source files to be listed instead of
+transferred. This option is inferred if there is a single source arg and
+no destination specified, so its main uses are:
+.IP 1.
+to turn a copy command that includes a destination arg into a
+file-listing command, or
+.IP 2.
+to be able to specify more than one source arg. Note: be sure to
+include the destination.
+CAUTION: keep in mind that a source arg with a wild-card is expanded by the
+shell into multiple args, so it is never safe to try to specify a single
+wild-card arg to try to infer this option. A safe example is:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av --list-only foo* dest/
+This option always uses an output format that looks similar to this:
+.RS 4
+drwxrwxr-x 4,096 2022/09/30 12:53:11 support
+-rw-rw-r-- 80 2005/01/11 10:37:37 support/Makefile
+The only option that affects this output style is (as of 3.1.0) the
+\fB\-\-human-readable\fP (\fB\-h\fP) option. The default is to output sizes
+as byte counts with digit separators (in a 14-character-width column).
+Specifying at least one \fB\-h\fP option makes the sizes output with unit
+suffixes. If you want old-style bytecount sizes without digit separators
+(and an 11-character-width column) use \fB\-\-no-h\fP.
+Compatibility note: when requesting a remote listing of files from an rsync
+that is version 2.6.3 or older, you may encounter an error if you ask for a
+non-recursive listing. This is because a file listing implies the
+\fB\-\-dirs\fP option w/o \fB\-\-recursive\fP, and older rsyncs don't
+have that option. To avoid this problem, either specify the \fB\-\-no-dirs\fP
+option (if you don't need to expand a directory's content), or turn on
+recursion and exclude the content of subdirectories: \fB\-r\ \-\-exclude='/*/*'\fP.
+.IP "\fB\-\-bwlimit=RATE\fP"
+This option allows you to specify the maximum transfer rate for the data
+sent over the socket, specified in units per second. The RATE value can be
+suffixed with a string to indicate a size multiplier, and may be a
+fractional value (e.g. \fB\-\-bwlimit=1.5m\fP). If no suffix is specified, the
+value will be assumed to be in units of 1024 bytes (as if "K" or "KiB" had
+been appended). See the \fB\-\-max-size\fP option for a description of
+all the available suffixes. A value of 0 specifies no limit.
+For backward-compatibility reasons, the rate limit will be rounded to the
+nearest KiB unit, so no rate smaller than 1024 bytes per second is
+Rsync writes data over the socket in blocks, and this option both limits
+the size of the blocks that rsync writes, and tries to keep the average
+transfer rate at the requested limit. Some burstiness may be seen where
+rsync writes out a block of data and then sleeps to bring the average rate
+into compliance.
+Due to the internal buffering of data, the \fB\-\-progress\fP option may
+not be an accurate reflection on how fast the data is being sent. This is
+because some files can show up as being rapidly sent when the data is
+quickly buffered, while other can show up as very slow when the flushing of
+the output buffer occurs. This may be fixed in a future version.
+See also the daemon version of the \fB\-\-bwlimit\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-stop-after=MINS\fP, (\fB\-\-time-limit=MINS\fP)"
+This option tells rsync to stop copying when the specified number of
+minutes has elapsed.
+For maximal flexibility, rsync does not communicate this option to the
+remote rsync since it is usually enough that one side of the connection
+quits as specified. This allows the option's use even when only one side
+of the connection supports it. You can tell the remote side about the time
+limit using \fB\-\-remote-option\fP (\fB\-M\fP), should the need arise.
+The \fB\-\-time-limit\fP version of this option is deprecated.
+.IP "\fB\-\-stop-at=y-m-dTh:m\fP"
+This option tells rsync to stop copying when the specified point in time
+has been reached. The date & time can be fully specified in a numeric
+format of year-month-dayThour:minute (e.g. 2000-12-31T23:59) in the local
+timezone. You may choose to separate the date numbers using slashes
+instead of dashes.
+The value can also be abbreviated in a variety of ways, such as specifying
+a 2-digit year and/or leaving off various values. In all cases, the value
+will be taken to be the next possible point in time where the supplied
+information matches. If the value specifies the current time or a past
+time, rsync exits with an error.
+For example, "1-30" specifies the next January 30th (at midnight local
+time), "14:00" specifies the next 2 P.M., "1" specifies the next 1st of the
+month at midnight, "31" specifies the next month where we can stop on its
+31st day, and ":59" specifies the next 59th minute after the hour.
+For maximal flexibility, rsync does not communicate this option to the
+remote rsync since it is usually enough that one side of the connection
+quits as specified. This allows the option's use even when only one side
+of the connection supports it. You can tell the remote side about the time
+limit using \fB\-\-remote-option\fP (\fB\-M\fP), should the need arise. Do
+keep in mind that the remote host may have a different default timezone
+than your local host.
+.IP "\fB\-\-fsync\fP"
+Cause the receiving side to fsync each finished file. This may slow down
+the transfer, but can help to provide peace of mind when updating critical
+.IP "\fB\-\-write-batch=FILE\fP"
+Record a file that can later be applied to another identical destination
+with \fB\-\-read-batch\fP. See the "BATCH MODE" section for details, and
+also the \fB\-\-only-write-batch\fP option.
+This option overrides the negotiated checksum & compress lists and always
+negotiates a choice based on old-school md5/md4/zlib choices. If you want
+a more modern choice, use the \fB\-\-checksum-choice\fP (\fB\-\-cc\fP) and/or
+\fB\-\-compress-choice\fP (\fB\-\-zc\fP) options.
+.IP "\fB\-\-only-write-batch=FILE\fP"
+Works like \fB\-\-write-batch\fP, except that no updates are made on the
+destination system when creating the batch. This lets you transport the
+changes to the destination system via some other means and then apply the
+changes via \fB\-\-read-batch\fP.
+Note that you can feel free to write the batch directly to some portable
+media: if this media fills to capacity before the end of the transfer, you
+can just apply that partial transfer to the destination and repeat the
+whole process to get the rest of the changes (as long as you don't mind a
+partially updated destination system while the multi-update cycle is
+Also note that you only save bandwidth when pushing changes to a remote
+system because this allows the batched data to be diverted from the sender
+into the batch file without having to flow over the wire to the receiver
+(when pulling, the sender is remote, and thus can't write the batch).
+.IP "\fB\-\-read-batch=FILE\fP"
+Apply all of the changes stored in FILE, a file previously generated by
+\fB\-\-write-batch\fP. If \fIFILE\fP is \fB\-\fP, the batch data will be read
+from standard input. See the "BATCH MODE" section for details.
+.IP "\fB\-\-protocol=NUM\fP"
+Force an older protocol version to be used. This is useful for creating a
+batch file that is compatible with an older version of rsync. For
+instance, if rsync 2.6.4 is being used with the \fB\-\-write-batch\fP
+option, but rsync 2.6.3 is what will be used to run the
+\fB\-\-read-batch\fP option, you should use "\-\-protocol=28" when creating
+the batch file to force the older protocol version to be used in the batch
+file (assuming you can't upgrade the rsync on the reading system).
+.IP "\fB\-\-iconv=CONVERT_SPEC\fP"
+Rsync can convert filenames between character sets using this option.
+Using a CONVERT_SPEC of "." tells rsync to look up the default
+character-set via the locale setting. Alternately, you can fully specify
+what conversion to do by giving a local and a remote charset separated by a
+comma in the order \fB\-\-iconv=LOCAL,REMOTE\fP, e.g. \fB\-\-iconv=utf8,iso88591\fP.
+This order ensures that the option will stay the same whether you're
+pushing or pulling files. Finally, you can specify either \fB\-\-no-iconv\fP or
+a CONVERT_SPEC of "\-" to turn off any conversion. The default setting of
+this option is site-specific, and can also be affected via the
+\fBRSYNC_ICONV\fP environment variable.
+For a list of what charset names your local iconv library supports, you can
+run "\fBiconv\ \-\-list\fP".
+If you specify the \fB\-\-secluded-args\fP (\fB\-s\fP) option, rsync will
+translate the filenames you specify on the command-line that are being sent
+to the remote host. See also the \fB\-\-files-from\fP option.
+Note that rsync does not do any conversion of names in filter files
+(including include/exclude files). It is up to you to ensure that you're
+specifying matching rules that can match on both sides of the transfer.
+For instance, you can specify extra include/exclude rules if there are
+filename differences on the two sides that need to be accounted for.
+When you pass an \fB\-\-iconv\fP option to an rsync daemon that allows it, the
+daemon uses the charset specified in its "charset" configuration parameter
+regardless of the remote charset you actually pass. Thus, you may feel
+free to specify just the local charset for a daemon transfer (e.g.
+.IP "\fB\-\-ipv4\fP, \fB\-4\fP or \fB\-\-ipv6\fP, \fB\-6\fP"
+Tells rsync to prefer IPv4/IPv6 when creating sockets or running ssh. This
+affects sockets that rsync has direct control over, such as the outgoing
+socket when directly contacting an rsync daemon, as well as the forwarding
+of the \fB\-4\fP or \fB\-6\fP option to ssh when rsync can deduce that ssh is being
+used as the remote shell. For other remote shells you'll need to specify
+the "\fB\-\-rsh\ SHELL\ \-4\fP" option directly (or whatever IPv4/IPv6 hint options
+it uses).
+See also the daemon version of these options.
+If rsync was compiled without support for IPv6, the \fB\-\-ipv6\fP option will
+have no effect. The \fBrsync\ \-\-version\fP output will contain "\fBno\ IPv6\fP" if
+is the case.
+.IP "\fB\-\-checksum-seed=NUM\fP"
+Set the checksum seed to the integer NUM. This 4 byte checksum seed is
+included in each block and MD4 file checksum calculation (the more modern
+MD5 file checksums don't use a seed). By default the checksum seed is
+generated by the server and defaults to the current \fBtime\fP(). This
+option is used to set a specific checksum seed, which is useful for
+applications that want repeatable block checksums, or in the case where the
+user wants a more random checksum seed. Setting NUM to 0 causes rsync to
+use the default of \fBtime\fP() for checksum seed.
+The options allowed when starting an rsync daemon are as follows:
+.IP "\fB\-\-daemon\fP"
+This tells rsync that it is to run as a daemon. The daemon you start
+running may be accessed using an rsync client using the \fBhost::module\fP or
+\fBrsync://host/module/\fP syntax.
+If standard input is a socket then rsync will assume that it is being run
+via inetd, otherwise it will detach from the current terminal and become a
+background daemon. The daemon will read the config file (rsyncd.conf) on
+each connect made by a client and respond to requests accordingly.
+See the \fBrsyncd.conf\fP(5) manpage for more details.
+.IP "\fB\-\-address=ADDRESS\fP"
+By default rsync will bind to the wildcard address when run as a daemon
+with the \fB\-\-daemon\fP option. The \fB\-\-address\fP option allows you to specify a
+specific IP address (or hostname) to bind to. This makes virtual hosting
+possible in conjunction with the \fB\-\-config\fP option.
+See also the address global option in the
+rsyncd.conf manpage and the client version of the \fB\-\-address\fP
+.IP "\fB\-\-bwlimit=RATE\fP"
+This option allows you to specify the maximum transfer rate for the data
+the daemon sends over the socket. The client can still specify a smaller
+\fB\-\-bwlimit\fP value, but no larger value will be allowed.
+See the client version of the \fB\-\-bwlimit\fP option for some
+extra details.
+.IP "\fB\-\-config=FILE\fP"
+This specifies an alternate config file than the default. This is only
+relevant when \fB\-\-daemon\fP is specified. The default is
+/etc/rsyncd.conf unless the daemon is running over a remote shell program
+and the remote user is not the super-user; in that case the default is
+rsyncd.conf in the current directory (typically $HOME).
+.IP "\fB\-\-dparam=OVERRIDE\fP, \fB\-M\fP"
+This option can be used to set a daemon-config parameter when starting up
+rsync in daemon mode. It is equivalent to adding the parameter at the end
+of the global settings prior to the first module's definition. The
+parameter names can be specified without spaces, if you so desire. For
+.RS 4
+rsync --daemon -M pidfile=/path/
+.IP "\fB\-\-no-detach\fP"
+When running as a daemon, this option instructs rsync to not detach itself
+and become a background process. This option is required when running as a
+service on Cygwin, and may also be useful when rsync is supervised by a
+program such as \fBdaemontools\fP or AIX's \fBSystem\ Resource\ Controller\fP.
+\fB\-\-no-detach\fP is also recommended when rsync is run under a debugger. This
+option has no effect if rsync is run from inetd or sshd.
+.IP "\fB\-\-port=PORT\fP"
+This specifies an alternate TCP port number for the daemon to listen on
+rather than the default of 873.
+See also the client version of the \fB\-\-port\fP option and the
+port global setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.
+.IP "\fB\-\-log-file=FILE\fP"
+This option tells the rsync daemon to use the given log-file name instead
+of using the "\fBlog\ file\fP" setting in the config file.
+See also the client version of the \fB\-\-log-file\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-log-file-format=FORMAT\fP"
+This option tells the rsync daemon to use the given FORMAT string instead
+of using the "\fBlog\ format\fP" setting in the config file. It also enables
+"\fBtransfer\ logging\fP" unless the string is empty, in which case transfer
+logging is turned off.
+See also the client version of the \fB\-\-log-file-format\fP
+.IP "\fB\-\-sockopts\fP"
+This overrides the \fBsocket\ options\fP
+setting in the rsyncd.conf file and has the same syntax.
+See also the client version of the \fB\-\-sockopts\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-verbose\fP, \fB\-v\fP"
+This option increases the amount of information the daemon logs during its
+startup phase. After the client connects, the daemon's verbosity level
+will be controlled by the options that the client used and the
+"\fBmax\ verbosity\fP" setting in the module's config section.
+See also the client version of the \fB\-\-verbose\fP option.
+.IP "\fB\-\-ipv4\fP, \fB\-4\fP or \fB\-\-ipv6\fP, \fB\-6\fP"
+Tells rsync to prefer IPv4/IPv6 when creating the incoming sockets that the
+rsync daemon will use to listen for connections. One of these options may
+be required in older versions of Linux to work around an IPv6 bug in the
+kernel (if you see an "address already in use" error when nothing else is
+using the port, try specifying \fB\-\-ipv6\fP or \fB\-\-ipv4\fP when starting the
+See also the client version of these options.
+If rsync was compiled without support for IPv6, the \fB\-\-ipv6\fP option will
+have no effect. The \fBrsync\ \-\-version\fP output will contain "\fBno\ IPv6\fP" if
+is the case.
+.IP "\fB\-\-help\fP, \fB\-h\fP"
+When specified after \fB\-\-daemon\fP, print a short help page describing the
+options available for starting an rsync daemon.
+The filter rules allow for custom control of several aspects of how files are
+.IP o
+Control which files the sending side puts into the file list that describes
+the transfer hierarchy
+.IP o
+Control which files the receiving side protects from deletion when the file
+is not in the sender's file list
+.IP o
+Control which extended attribute names are skipped when copying xattrs
+The rules are either directly specified via option arguments or they can be
+read in from one or more files. The filter-rule files can even be a part of
+the hierarchy of files being copied, affecting different parts of the tree in
+different ways.
+We will first cover the basics of how include & exclude rules affect what files
+are transferred, ignoring any deletion side-effects. Filter rules mainly
+affect the contents of directories that rsync is "recursing" into, but they can
+also affect a top-level item in the transfer that was specified as a argument.
+The default for any unmatched file/dir is for it to be included in the
+transfer, which puts the file/dir into the sender's file list. The use of an
+exclude rule causes one or more matching files/dirs to be left out of the
+sender's file list. An include rule can be used to limit the effect of an
+exclude rule that is matching too many files.
+The order of the rules is important because the first rule that matches is the
+one that takes effect. Thus, if an early rule excludes a file, no include rule
+that comes after it can have any effect. This means that you must place any
+include overrides somewhere prior to the exclude that it is intended to limit.
+When a directory is excluded, all its contents and sub-contents are also
+excluded. The sender doesn't scan through any of it at all, which can save a
+lot of time when skipping large unneeded sub-trees.
+It is also important to understand that the include/exclude rules are applied
+to every file and directory that the sender is recursing into. Thus, if you
+want a particular deep file to be included, you have to make sure that none of
+the directories that must be traversed on the way down to that file are
+excluded or else the file will never be discovered to be included. As an
+example, if the directory "\fBa/path\fP" was given as a transfer argument and you
+want to ensure that the file "\fBa/path/down/deep/wanted.txt\fP" is a part of the
+transfer, then the sender must not exclude the directories "\fBa/path\fP",
+"\fBa/path/down\fP", or "\fBa/path/down/deep\fP" as it makes it way scanning through
+the file tree.
+When you are working on the rules, it can be helpful to ask rsync to tell you
+what is being excluded/included and why. Specifying \fB\-\-debug=FILTER\fP or (when
+pulling files) \fB\-M\-\-debug=FILTER\fP turns on level 1 of the FILTER debug
+information that will output a message any time that a file or directory is
+included or excluded and which rule it matched. Beginning in 3.2.4 it will
+also warn if a filter rule has trailing whitespace, since an exclude of "foo\ "
+(with a trailing space) will not exclude a file named "foo".
+Exclude and include rules can specify wildcard PATTERN MATCHING RULES
+(similar to shell wildcards) that allow you to match things like a file suffix
+or a portion of a filename.
+A rule can be limited to only affecting a directory by putting a trailing slash
+onto the filename.
+With the following file tree created on the sending side:
+.RS 4
+mkdir x/
+touch x/file.txt
+mkdir x/y/
+touch x/y/file.txt
+touch x/y/zzz.txt
+mkdir x/z/
+touch x/z/file.txt
+Then the following rsync command will transfer the file "\fBx/y/file.txt\fP" and
+the directories needed to hold it, resulting in the path "\fB/tmp/x/y/file.txt\fP"
+existing on the remote host:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai -f'+ x/' -f'+ x/y/' -f'+ x/y/file.txt' -f'- *' x host:/tmp/
+Aside: this copy could also have been accomplished using the \fB\-R\fP
+option (though the 2 commands behave differently if deletions are enabled):
+.RS 4
+rsync -aiR x/y/file.txt host:/tmp/
+The following command does not need an include of the "x" directory because it
+is not a part of the transfer (note the traililng slash). Running this command
+would copy just "\fB/tmp/x/file.txt\fP" because the "y" and "z" dirs get excluded:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai -f'+ file.txt' -f'- *' x/ host:/tmp/x/
+This command would omit the zzz.txt file while copying "x" and everything else
+it contains:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai -f'- zzz.txt' x host:/tmp/
+By default the include & exclude filter rules affect both the sender
+(as it creates its file list)
+and the receiver (as it creates its file lists for calculating deletions). If
+no delete option is in effect, the receiver skips creating the delete-related
+file lists. This two-sided default can be manually overridden so that you are
+only specifying sender rules or receiver rules, as described in the FILTER
+RULES IN DEPTH section.
+When deleting, an exclude protects a file from being removed on the receiving
+side while an include overrides that protection (putting the file at risk of
+deletion). The default is for a file to be at risk\ \-\- its safety depends on it
+matching a corresponding file from the sender.
+An example of the two-sided exclude effect can be illustrated by the copying of
+a C development directory between 2 systems. When doing a touch-up copy, you
+might want to skip copying the built executable and the \fB.o\fP files (sender
+hide) so that the receiving side can build their own and not lose any object
+files that are already correct (receiver protect). For instance:
+.RS 4
+rsync -ai --del -f'- *.o' -f'- cmd' src host:/dest/
+Note that using \fB\-f'\-p\ *.o'\fP is even better than \fB\-f'\-\ *.o'\fP if there is a
+chance that the directory structure may have changed. The "p" modifier is
+One final note, if your shell doesn't mind unexpanded wildcards, you could
+simplify the typing of the filter options by using an underscore in place of
+the space and leaving off the quotes. For instance, \fB\-f\ \-_*.o\ \-f\ \-_cmd\fP (and
+similar) could be used instead of the filter options above.
+Rsync supports old-style include/exclude rules and new-style filter rules. The
+older rules are specified using \fB\-\-include\fP and \fB\-\-exclude\fP as
+well as the \fB\-\-include-from\fP and \fB\-\-exclude-from\fP. These are
+limited in behavior but they don't require a "\-" or "+" prefix. An old-style
+exclude rule is turned into a "\fB\-\ name\fP" filter rule (with no modifiers) and an
+old-style include rule is turned into a "\fB+\ name\fP" filter rule (with no
+Rsync builds an ordered list of filter rules as specified on the command-line
+and/or read-in from files. New style filter rules have the following syntax:
+.RS 4
+You have your choice of using either short or long RULE names, as described
+below. If you use a short-named rule, the ',' separating the RULE from the
+MODIFIERS is optional. The PATTERN or FILENAME that follows (when present)
+must come after either a single space or an underscore (_). Any additional
+spaces and/or underscores are considered to be a part of the pattern name.
+Here are the available rule prefixes:
+.IP "\fBexclude,\ '\-'\fP"
+specifies an exclude pattern that (by default) is both a
+\fBhide\fP and a \fBprotect\fP.
+.IP "\fBinclude,\ '+'\fP"
+specifies an include pattern that (by default) is both a
+\fBshow\fP and a \fBrisk\fP.
+.IP "\fBmerge,\ '.'\fP"
+specifies a merge-file on the client side to read for more
+.IP "\fBdir-merge,\ ':'\fP"
+specifies a per-directory merge-file. Using this kind of
+filter rule requires that you trust the sending side's filter checking, so
+it has the side-effect mentioned under the \fB\-\-trust-sender\fP option.
+.IP "\fBhide,\ 'H'\fP"
+specifies a pattern for hiding files from the transfer.
+Equivalent to a sender-only exclude, so \fB\-f'H\ foo'\fP could also be specified
+as \fB\-f'\-s\ foo'\fP.
+.IP "\fBshow,\ 'S'\fP"
+files that match the pattern are not hidden. Equivalent to a
+sender-only include, so \fB\-f'S\ foo'\fP could also be specified as \fB\-f'+s\ foo'\fP.
+.IP "\fBprotect,\ 'P'\fP"
+specifies a pattern for protecting files from deletion.
+Equivalent to a receiver-only exclude, so \fB\-f'P\ foo'\fP could also be
+specified as \fB\-f'\-r\ foo'\fP.
+.IP "\fBrisk,\ 'R'\fP"
+files that match the pattern are not protected. Equivalent to a
+receiver-only include, so \fB\-f'R\ foo'\fP could also be specified as \fB\-f'+r\ foo'\fP.
+.IP "\fBclear,\ '!'\fP"
+clears the current include/exclude list (takes no arg)
+When rules are being read from a file (using merge or dir-merge), empty lines
+are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with a '\fB#\fP' (filename rules
+that contain a hash character are unaffected).
+Note also that the \fB\-\-filter\fP, \fB\-\-include\fP, and
+\fB\-\-exclude\fP options take one rule/pattern each. To add multiple ones,
+you can repeat the options on the command-line, use the merge-file syntax of
+the \fB\-\-filter\fP option, or the \fB\-\-include-from\fP /
+\fB\-\-exclude-from\fP options.
+Most of the rules mentioned above take an argument that specifies what the rule
+should match. If rsync is recursing through a directory hierarchy, keep in
+mind that each pattern is matched against the name of every directory in the
+descent path as rsync finds the filenames to send.
+The matching rules for the pattern argument take several forms:
+.IP o
+If a pattern contains a \fB/\fP (not counting a trailing slash) or a "\fB**\fP"
+(which can match a slash), then the pattern is matched against the full
+pathname, including any leading directories within the transfer. If the
+pattern doesn't contain a (non-trailing) \fB/\fP or a "\fB**\fP", then it is matched
+only against the final component of the filename or pathname. For example,
+\fBfoo\fP means that the final path component must be "foo" while \fBfoo/bar\fP would
+match the last 2 elements of the path (as long as both elements are within
+the transfer).
+.IP o
+A pattern that ends with a \fB/\fP only matches a directory, not a regular file,
+symlink, or device.
+.IP o
+A pattern that starts with a \fB/\fP is anchored to the start of the transfer
+path instead of the end. For example, \fB/foo/**\fP or \fB/foo/bar/**\fP match only
+leading elements in the path. If the rule is read from a per-directory
+filter file, the transfer path being matched will begin at the level of the
+filter file instead of the top of the transfer. See the section on
+ANCHORING INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERNS for a full discussion of how to
+specify a pattern that matches at the root of the transfer.
+Rsync chooses between doing a simple string match and wildcard matching by
+checking if the pattern contains one of these three wildcard characters: '\fB*\fP',
+\&'\fB?\fP', and '\fB[\fP' :
+.IP o
+a '\fB?\fP' matches any single character except a slash (\fB/\fP).
+.IP o
+a '\fB*\fP' matches zero or more non-slash characters.
+.IP o
+a '\fB**\fP' matches zero or more characters, including slashes.
+.IP o
+a '\fB[\fP' introduces a character class, such as \fB[a-z]\fP or \fB[[:alpha:]]\fP, that
+must match one character.
+.IP o
+a trailing \fB***\fP in the pattern is a shorthand that allows you to match a
+directory and all its contents using a single rule. For example, specifying
+"\fBdir_name/***\fP" will match both the "dir_name" directory (as if "\fBdir_name/\fP"
+had been specified) and everything in the directory (as if "\fBdir_name/**\fP"
+had been specified).
+.IP o
+a backslash can be used to escape a wildcard character, but it is only
+interpreted as an escape character if at least one wildcard character is
+present in the match pattern. For instance, the pattern "\fBfoo\\bar\fP" matches
+that single backslash literally, while the pattern "\fBfoo\\bar*\fP" would need to
+be changed to "\fBfoo\\\\bar*\fP" to avoid the "\fB\\b\fP" becoming just "b".
+Here are some examples of exclude/include matching:
+.IP o
+Option \fB\-f'\-\ *.o'\fP would exclude all filenames ending with \fB.o\fP
+.IP o
+Option \fB\-f'\-\ /foo'\fP would exclude a file (or directory) named foo in the
+transfer-root directory
+.IP o
+Option \fB\-f'\-\ foo/'\fP would exclude any directory named foo
+.IP o
+Option \fB\-f'\-\ foo/*/bar'\fP would exclude any file/dir named bar which is at two
+levels below a directory named foo (if foo is in the transfer)
+.IP o
+Option \fB\-f'\-\ /foo/**/bar'\fP would exclude any file/dir named bar that was two
+or more levels below a top-level directory named foo (note that /foo/bar is
+\fBnot\fP excluded by this)
+.IP o
+Options \fB\-f'+\ */'\ \-f'+\ *.c'\ \-f'\-\ *'\fP would include all directories and .c
+source files but nothing else
+.IP o
+Options \fB\-f'+\ foo/'\ \-f'+\ foo/bar.c'\ \-f'\-\ *'\fP would include only the foo
+directory and foo/bar.c (the foo directory must be explicitly included or it
+would be excluded by the "\fB\-\ *\fP")
+The following modifiers are accepted after an include (+) or exclude (\-) rule:
+.IP o
+A \fB/\fP specifies that the include/exclude rule should be matched against the
+absolute pathname of the current item. For example, \fB\-f'\-/\ /etc/passwd'\fP
+would exclude the passwd file any time the transfer was sending files from
+the "/etc" directory, and "\-/ subdir/foo" would always exclude "foo" when it
+is in a dir named "subdir", even if "foo" is at the root of the current
+.IP o
+A \fB!\fP specifies that the include/exclude should take effect if the pattern
+fails to match. For instance, \fB\-f'\-!\ */'\fP would exclude all non-directories.
+.IP o
+A \fBC\fP is used to indicate that all the global CVS-exclude rules should be
+inserted as excludes in place of the "\-C". No arg should follow.
+.IP o
+An \fBs\fP is used to indicate that the rule applies to the sending side. When a
+rule affects the sending side, it affects what files are put into the
+sender's file list. The default is for a rule to affect both sides unless
+\fB\-\-delete-excluded\fP was specified, in which case default rules become
+sender-side only. See also the hide (H) and show (S) rules, which are an
+alternate way to specify sending-side includes/excludes.
+.IP o
+An \fBr\fP is used to indicate that the rule applies to the receiving side. When
+a rule affects the receiving side, it prevents files from being deleted. See
+the \fBs\fP modifier for more info. See also the protect (P) and risk (R) rules,
+which are an alternate way to specify receiver-side includes/excludes.
+.IP o
+A \fBp\fP indicates that a rule is perishable, meaning that it is ignored in
+directories that are being deleted. For instance, the
+\fB\-\-cvs-exclude\fP (\fB\-C\fP) option's default rules that exclude things
+like "CVS" and "\fB*.o\fP" are marked as perishable, and will not prevent a
+directory that was removed on the source from being deleted on the
+.IP o
+An \fBx\fP indicates that a rule affects xattr names in xattr copy/delete
+operations (and is thus ignored when matching file/dir names). If no
+xattr-matching rules are specified, a default xattr filtering rule is used
+(see the \fB\-\-xattrs\fP option).
+You can merge whole files into your filter rules by specifying either a merge
+(.) or a dir-merge (:) filter rule (as introduced in the FILTER RULES
+section above).
+There are two kinds of merged files\ \-\- single-instance ('.') and per-directory
+(':'). A single-instance merge file is read one time, and its rules are
+incorporated into the filter list in the place of the "." rule. For
+per-directory merge files, rsync will scan every directory that it traverses
+for the named file, merging its contents when the file exists into the current
+list of inherited rules. These per-directory rule files must be created on the
+sending side because it is the sending side that is being scanned for the
+available files to transfer. These rule files may also need to be transferred
+to the receiving side if you want them to affect what files don't get deleted
+Some examples:
+.RS 4
+merge /etc/rsync/default.rules
+\&. /etc/rsync/default.rules
+dir-merge .per-dir-filter
+dir-merge,n- .non-inherited-per-dir-excludes
+:n- .non-inherited-per-dir-excludes
+The following modifiers are accepted after a merge or dir-merge rule:
+.IP o
+A \fB\-\fP specifies that the file should consist of only exclude patterns, with
+no other rule-parsing except for in-file comments.
+.IP o
+A \fB+\fP specifies that the file should consist of only include patterns, with
+no other rule-parsing except for in-file comments.
+.IP o
+A \fBC\fP is a way to specify that the file should be read in a CVS-compatible
+manner. This turns on 'n', 'w', and '\-', but also allows the list-clearing
+token (!) to be specified. If no filename is provided, ".cvsignore" is
+.IP o
+A \fBe\fP will exclude the merge-file name from the transfer; e.g. "dir-merge,e
+\&.rules" is like "dir-merge .rules" and "\- .rules".
+.IP o
+An \fBn\fP specifies that the rules are not inherited by subdirectories.
+.IP o
+A \fBw\fP specifies that the rules are word-split on whitespace instead of the
+normal line-splitting. This also turns off comments. Note: the space that
+separates the prefix from the rule is treated specially, so "\- foo + bar" is
+parsed as two rules (assuming that prefix-parsing wasn't also disabled).
+.IP o
+You may also specify any of the modifiers for the "+" or "\-" rules (above) in
+order to have the rules that are read in from the file default to having that
+modifier set (except for the \fB!\fP modifier, which would not be useful). For
+instance, "merge,\-/ .excl" would treat the contents of .excl as absolute-path
+excludes, while "dir-merge,s .filt" and ":sC" would each make all their
+per-directory rules apply only on the sending side. If the merge rule
+specifies sides to affect (via the \fBs\fP or \fBr\fP modifier or both), then the
+rules in the file must not specify sides (via a modifier or a rule prefix
+such as \fBhide\fP).
+Per-directory rules are inherited in all subdirectories of the directory where
+the merge-file was found unless the 'n' modifier was used. Each subdirectory's
+rules are prefixed to the inherited per-directory rules from its parents, which
+gives the newest rules a higher priority than the inherited rules. The entire
+set of dir-merge rules are grouped together in the spot where the merge-file
+was specified, so it is possible to override dir-merge rules via a rule that
+got specified earlier in the list of global rules. When the list-clearing rule
+("!") is read from a per-directory file, it only clears the inherited rules for
+the current merge file.
+Another way to prevent a single rule from a dir-merge file from being inherited
+is to anchor it with a leading slash. Anchored rules in a per-directory
+merge-file are relative to the merge-file's directory, so a pattern "/foo"
+would only match the file "foo" in the directory where the dir-merge filter
+file was found.
+Here's an example filter file which you'd specify via \fB\-\-filter=".\ file":\fP
+.RS 4
+merge /home/user/.global-filter
+- *.gz
+dir-merge .rules
++ *.[ch]
+- *.o
+- foo*
+This will merge the contents of the /home/user/.global-filter file at the start
+of the list and also turns the ".rules" filename into a per-directory filter
+file. All rules read in prior to the start of the directory scan follow the
+global anchoring rules (i.e. a leading slash matches at the root of the
+If a per-directory merge-file is specified with a path that is a parent
+directory of the first transfer directory, rsync will scan all the parent dirs
+from that starting point to the transfer directory for the indicated
+per-directory file. For instance, here is a common filter (see \fB\-F\fP):
+.RS 4
+--filter=': /.rsync-filter'
+That rule tells rsync to scan for the file .rsync-filter in all directories
+from the root down through the parent directory of the transfer prior to the
+start of the normal directory scan of the file in the directories that are sent
+as a part of the transfer. (Note: for an rsync daemon, the root is always the
+same as the module's "path".)
+Some examples of this pre-scanning for per-directory files:
+.RS 4
+rsync -avF /src/path/ /dest/dir
+rsync -av --filter=': ../../.rsync-filter' /src/path/ /dest/dir
+rsync -av --filter=': .rsync-filter' /src/path/ /dest/dir
+The first two commands above will look for ".rsync-filter" in "/" and "/src"
+before the normal scan begins looking for the file in "/src/path" and its
+subdirectories. The last command avoids the parent-dir scan and only looks for
+the ".rsync-filter" files in each directory that is a part of the transfer.
+If you want to include the contents of a ".cvsignore" in your patterns, you
+should use the rule ":C", which creates a dir-merge of the .cvsignore file, but
+parsed in a CVS-compatible manner. You can use this to affect where the
+\fB\-\-cvs-exclude\fP (\fB\-C\fP) option's inclusion of the per-directory
+\&.cvsignore file gets placed into your rules by putting the ":C" wherever you
+like in your filter rules. Without this, rsync would add the dir-merge rule
+for the .cvsignore file at the end of all your other rules (giving it a lower
+priority than your command-line rules). For example:
+.RS 4
+cat <<EOT | rsync -avC --filter='. -' a/ b
++ foo.o
+- *.old
+rsync -avC --include=foo.o -f :C --exclude='*.old' a/ b
+Both of the above rsync commands are identical. Each one will merge all the
+per-directory .cvsignore rules in the middle of the list rather than at the
+end. This allows their dir-specific rules to supersede the rules that follow
+the :C instead of being subservient to all your rules. To affect the other CVS
+exclude rules (i.e. the default list of exclusions, the contents of
+$HOME/.cvsignore, and the value of $CVSIGNORE) you should omit the \fB\-C\fP
+command-line option and instead insert a "\-C" rule into your filter rules; e.g.
+You can clear the current include/exclude list by using the "!" filter rule (as
+introduced in the FILTER RULES section above). The "current" list is either
+the global list of rules (if the rule is encountered while parsing the filter
+options) or a set of per-directory rules (which are inherited in their own
+sub-list, so a subdirectory can use this to clear out the parent's rules).
+As mentioned earlier, global include/exclude patterns are anchored at the "root
+of the transfer" (as opposed to per-directory patterns, which are anchored at
+the merge-file's directory). If you think of the transfer as a subtree of
+names that are being sent from sender to receiver, the transfer-root is where
+the tree starts to be duplicated in the destination directory. This root
+governs where patterns that start with a / match.
+Because the matching is relative to the transfer-root, changing the trailing
+slash on a source path or changing your use of the \fB\-\-relative\fP option
+affects the path you need to use in your matching (in addition to changing how
+much of the file tree is duplicated on the destination host). The following
+examples demonstrate this.
+Let's say that we want to match two source files, one with an absolute
+path of "/home/me/foo/bar", and one with a path of "/home/you/bar/baz".
+Here is how the various command choices differ for a 2-source transfer:
+.RS 4
+Example cmd: rsync -a /home/me /home/you /dest
++/- pattern: /me/foo/bar
++/- pattern: /you/bar/baz
+Target file: /dest/me/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/you/bar/baz
+.RS 4
+Example cmd: rsync -a /home/me/ /home/you/ /dest
++/- pattern: /foo/bar (note missing "me")
++/- pattern: /bar/baz (note missing "you")
+Target file: /dest/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/bar/baz
+.RS 4
+Example cmd: rsync -a --relative /home/me/ /home/you /dest
++/- pattern: /home/me/foo/bar (note full path)
++/- pattern: /home/you/bar/baz (ditto)
+Target file: /dest/home/me/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/home/you/bar/baz
+.RS 4
+Example cmd: cd /home; rsync -a --relative me/foo you/ /dest
++/- pattern: /me/foo/bar (starts at specified path)
++/- pattern: /you/bar/baz (ditto)
+Target file: /dest/me/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/you/bar/baz
+The easiest way to see what name you should filter is to just look at the
+output when using \fB\-\-verbose\fP and put a / in front of the name (use the
+\fB\-\-dry-run\fP option if you're not yet ready to copy any files).
+Without a delete option, per-directory rules are only relevant on the sending
+side, so you can feel free to exclude the merge files themselves without
+affecting the transfer. To make this easy, the 'e' modifier adds this exclude
+for you, as seen in these two equivalent commands:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av --filter=': .excl' --exclude=.excl host:src/dir /dest
+rsync -av --filter=':e .excl' host:src/dir /dest
+However, if you want to do a delete on the receiving side AND you want some
+files to be excluded from being deleted, you'll need to be sure that the
+receiving side knows what files to exclude. The easiest way is to include the
+per-directory merge files in the transfer and use \fB\-\-delete-after\fP,
+because this ensures that the receiving side gets all the same exclude rules as
+the sending side before it tries to delete anything:
+.RS 4
+rsync -avF --delete-after host:src/dir /dest
+However, if the merge files are not a part of the transfer, you'll need to
+either specify some global exclude rules (i.e. specified on the command line),
+or you'll need to maintain your own per-directory merge files on the receiving
+side. An example of the first is this (assume that the remote .rules files
+exclude themselves):
+.RS 4
+rsync -av --filter=': .rules' --filter='. /my/extra.rules'
+ --delete host:src/dir /dest
+In the above example the extra.rules file can affect both sides of the
+transfer, but (on the sending side) the rules are subservient to the rules
+merged from the .rules files because they were specified after the
+per-directory merge rule.
+In one final example, the remote side is excluding the .rsync-filter files from
+the transfer, but we want to use our own .rsync-filter files to control what
+gets deleted on the receiving side. To do this we must specifically exclude
+the per-directory merge files (so that they don't get deleted) and then put
+rules into the local files to control what else should not get deleted. Like
+one of these commands:
+.RS 4
+rsync -av --filter=':e /.rsync-filter' --delete \\
+ host:src/dir /dest
+rsync -avFF --delete host:src/dir /dest
+In addition to the FILTER RULES that affect the recursive file scans that
+generate the file list on the sending and (when deleting) receiving sides,
+there are transfer rules. These rules affect which files the generator decides
+need to be transferred without the side effects of an exclude filter rule.
+Transfer rules affect only files and never directories.
+Because a transfer rule does not affect what goes into the sender's (and
+receiver's) file list, it cannot have any effect on which files get deleted on
+the receiving side. For example, if the file "foo" is present in the sender's
+list but its size is such that it is omitted due to a transfer rule, the
+receiving side does not request the file. However, its presence in the file
+list means that a delete pass will not remove a matching file named "foo" on
+the receiving side. On the other hand, a server-side exclude (hide) of the
+file "foo" leaves the file out of the server's file list, and absent a
+receiver-side exclude (protect) the receiver will remove a matching file named
+"foo" if deletions are requested.
+Given that the files are still in the sender's file list, the
+\fB\-\-prune-empty-dirs\fP option will not judge a directory as being empty
+even if it contains only files that the transfer rules omitted.
+Similarly, a transfer rule does not have any extra effect on which files are
+deleted on the receiving side, so setting a maximum file size for the transfer
+does not prevent big files from being deleted.
+Examples of transfer rules include the default "quick check" algorithm (which
+compares size & modify time), the \fB\-\-update\fP option, the
+\fB\-\-max-size\fP option, the \fB\-\-ignore-non-existing\fP option, and a
+few others.
+Batch mode can be used to apply the same set of updates to many identical
+systems. Suppose one has a tree which is replicated on a number of hosts. Now
+suppose some changes have been made to this source tree and those changes need
+to be propagated to the other hosts. In order to do this using batch mode,
+rsync is run with the write-batch option to apply the changes made to the
+source tree to one of the destination trees. The write-batch option causes the
+rsync client to store in a "batch file" all the information needed to repeat
+this operation against other, identical destination trees.
+Generating the batch file once saves having to perform the file status,
+checksum, and data block generation more than once when updating multiple
+destination trees. Multicast transport protocols can be used to transfer the
+batch update files in parallel to many hosts at once, instead of sending the
+same data to every host individually.
+To apply the recorded changes to another destination tree, run rsync with the
+read-batch option, specifying the name of the same batch file, and the
+destination tree. Rsync updates the destination tree using the information
+stored in the batch file.
+For your convenience, a script file is also created when the write-batch option
+is used: it will be named the same as the batch file with ".sh" appended. This
+script file contains a command-line suitable for updating a destination tree
+using the associated batch file. It can be executed using a Bourne (or
+Bourne-like) shell, optionally passing in an alternate destination tree
+pathname which is then used instead of the original destination path. This is
+useful when the destination tree path on the current host differs from the one
+used to create the batch file.
+.RS 4
+$ rsync --write-batch=foo -a host:/source/dir/ /adest/dir/
+$ scp foo* remote:
+$ ssh remote ./ /bdest/dir/
+.RS 4
+$ rsync --write-batch=foo -a /source/dir/ /adest/dir/
+$ ssh remote rsync --read-batch=- -a /bdest/dir/ <foo
+In these examples, rsync is used to update /adest/dir/ from /source/dir/ and
+the information to repeat this operation is stored in "foo" and "". The
+host "remote" is then updated with the batched data going into the directory
+/bdest/dir. The differences between the two examples reveals some of the
+flexibility you have in how you deal with batches:
+.IP o
+The first example shows that the initial copy doesn't have to be local\ \-\- you
+can push or pull data to/from a remote host using either the remote-shell
+syntax or rsync daemon syntax, as desired.
+.IP o
+The first example uses the created "" file to get the right rsync
+options when running the read-batch command on the remote host.
+.IP o
+The second example reads the batch data via standard input so that the batch
+file doesn't need to be copied to the remote machine first. This example
+avoids the script because it needed to use a modified
+\fB\-\-read-batch\fP option, but you could edit the script file if you
+wished to make use of it (just be sure that no other option is trying to use
+standard input, such as the \fB\-\-exclude-from=\-\fP option).
+The read-batch option expects the destination tree that it is updating to be
+identical to the destination tree that was used to create the batch update
+fileset. When a difference between the destination trees is encountered the
+update might be discarded with a warning (if the file appears to be up-to-date
+already) or the file-update may be attempted and then, if the file fails to
+verify, the update discarded with an error. This means that it should be safe
+to re-run a read-batch operation if the command got interrupted. If you wish
+to force the batched-update to always be attempted regardless of the file's
+size and date, use the \fB\-I\fP option (when reading the batch). If an
+error occurs, the destination tree will probably be in a partially updated
+state. In that case, rsync can be used in its regular (non-batch) mode of
+operation to fix up the destination tree.
+The rsync version used on all destinations must be at least as new as the one
+used to generate the batch file. Rsync will die with an error if the protocol
+version in the batch file is too new for the batch-reading rsync to handle.
+See also the \fB\-\-protocol\fP option for a way to have the creating rsync
+generate a batch file that an older rsync can understand. (Note that batch
+files changed format in version 2.6.3, so mixing versions older than that with
+newer versions will not work.)
+When reading a batch file, rsync will force the value of certain options to
+match the data in the batch file if you didn't set them to the same as the
+batch-writing command. Other options can (and should) be changed. For
+instance \fB\-\-write-batch\fP changes to \fB\-\-read-batch\fP,
+\fB\-\-files-from\fP is dropped, and the \fB\-\-filter\fP /
+\fB\-\-include\fP / \fB\-\-exclude\fP options are not needed unless one of
+the \fB\-\-delete\fP options is specified.
+The code that creates the file transforms any filter/include/exclude
+options into a single list that is appended as a "here" document to the shell
+script file. An advanced user can use this to modify the exclude list if a
+change in what gets deleted by \fB\-\-delete\fP is desired. A normal user
+can ignore this detail and just use the shell script as an easy way to run the
+appropriate \fB\-\-read-batch\fP command for the batched data.
+The original batch mode in rsync was based on "rsync+", but the latest
+version uses a new implementation.
+Three basic behaviors are possible when rsync encounters a symbolic
+link in the source directory.
+By default, symbolic links are not transferred at all. A message "skipping
+non-regular" file is emitted for any symlinks that exist.
+If \fB\-\-links\fP is specified, then symlinks are added to the transfer
+(instead of being noisily ignored), and the default handling is to recreate
+them with the same target on the destination. Note that \fB\-\-archive\fP
+implies \fB\-\-links\fP.
+If \fB\-\-copy-links\fP is specified, then symlinks are "collapsed" by
+copying their referent, rather than the symlink.
+Rsync can also distinguish "safe" and "unsafe" symbolic links. An example
+where this might be used is a web site mirror that wishes to ensure that the
+rsync module that is copied does not include symbolic links to \fB/etc/passwd\fP in
+the public section of the site. Using \fB\-\-copy-unsafe-links\fP will cause
+any links to be copied as the file they point to on the destination. Using
+\fB\-\-safe-links\fP will cause unsafe links to be omitted by the receiver.
+(Note that you must specify or imply \fB\-\-links\fP for
+\fB\-\-safe-links\fP to have any effect.)
+Symbolic links are considered unsafe if they are absolute symlinks (start with
+\fB/\fP), empty, or if they contain enough ".." components to ascend from the top
+of the transfer.
+Here's a summary of how the symlink options are interpreted. The list is in
+order of precedence, so if your combination of options isn't mentioned, use the
+first line that is a complete subset of your options:
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-links\fP"
+Turn all symlinks into normal files and directories
+(leaving no symlinks in the transfer for any other options to affect).
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-dirlinks\fP"
+Turn just symlinks to directories into real
+directories, leaving all other symlinks to be handled as described below.
+.IP "\fB\-\-links\ \-\-copy-unsafe-links\fP"
+Turn all unsafe symlinks
+into files and create all safe symlinks.
+.IP "\fB\-\-copy-unsafe-links\fP"
+Turn all unsafe symlinks into files, noisily
+skip all safe symlinks.
+.IP "\fB\-\-links\ \-\-safe-links\fP"
+The receiver skips creating
+unsafe symlinks found in the transfer and creates the safe ones.
+.IP "\fB\-\-links\fP"
+Create all symlinks.
+For the effect of \fB\-\-munge-links\fP, see the discussion in that option's
+Note that the \fB\-\-keep-dirlinks\fP option does not effect symlinks in the
+transfer but instead affects how rsync treats a symlink to a directory that
+already exists on the receiving side. See that option's section for a warning.
+Rsync occasionally produces error messages that may seem a little cryptic. The
+one that seems to cause the most confusion is "protocol version mismatch\ \-\- is
+your shell clean?".
+This message is usually caused by your startup scripts or remote shell facility
+producing unwanted garbage on the stream that rsync is using for its transport.
+The way to diagnose this problem is to run your remote shell like this:
+.RS 4
+ssh remotehost /bin/true > out.dat
+then look at out.dat. If everything is working correctly then out.dat should
+be a zero length file. If you are getting the above error from rsync then you
+will probably find that out.dat contains some text or data. Look at the
+contents and try to work out what is producing it. The most common cause is
+incorrectly configured shell startup scripts (such as .cshrc or .profile) that
+contain output statements for non-interactive logins.
+If you are having trouble debugging filter patterns, then try specifying the
+\fB\-vv\fP option. At this level of verbosity rsync will show why each individual
+file is included or excluded.
+.IP o
+\fB0\fP \- Success
+.IP o
+\fB1\fP \- Syntax or usage error
+.IP o
+\fB2\fP \- Protocol incompatibility
+.IP o
+\fB3\fP \- Errors selecting input/output files, dirs
+.IP o
+.IP o
+\fB4\fP \- Requested action not supported. Either:
+an attempt was made to manipulate 64-bit files on a platform that cannot support them
+.IP o
+an option was specified that is supported by the client and not by the server
+.IP o
+\fB5\fP \- Error starting client-server protocol
+.IP o
+\fB6\fP \- Daemon unable to append to log-file
+.IP o
+\fB10\fP \- Error in socket I/O
+.IP o
+\fB11\fP \- Error in file I/O
+.IP o
+\fB12\fP \- Error in rsync protocol data stream
+.IP o
+\fB13\fP \- Errors with program diagnostics
+.IP o
+\fB14\fP \- Error in IPC code
+.IP o
+\fB20\fP \- Received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT
+.IP o
+\fB21\fP \- Some error returned by \fBwaitpid()\fP
+.IP o
+\fB22\fP \- Error allocating core memory buffers
+.IP o
+\fB23\fP \- Partial transfer due to error
+.IP o
+\fB24\fP \- Partial transfer due to vanished source files
+.IP o
+\fB25\fP \- The \-\-max-delete limit stopped deletions
+.IP o
+\fB30\fP \- Timeout in data send/receive
+.IP o
+\fB35\fP \- Timeout waiting for daemon connection
+The CVSIGNORE environment variable supplements any ignore patterns in
+\&.cvsignore files. See the \fB\-\-cvs-exclude\fP option for more details.
+Specify a default \fB\-\-iconv\fP setting using this environment
+variable. First supported in 3.0.0.
+Specify a "1" if you want the \fB\-\-old-args\fP option to be enabled by
+default, a "2" (or more) if you want it to be enabled in the
+repeated-option state, or a "0" to make sure that it is disabled by
+default. When this environment variable is set to a non-zero value, it
+supersedes the \fBRSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS\fP variable.
+This variable is ignored if \fB\-\-old-args\fP, \fB\-\-no-old-args\fP, or
+\fB\-\-secluded-args\fP is specified on the command line.
+First supported in 3.2.4.
+Specify a non-zero numeric value if you want the \fB\-\-secluded-args\fP
+option to be enabled by default, or a zero value to make sure that it is
+disabled by default.
+This variable is ignored if \fB\-\-secluded-args\fP, \fB\-\-no-secluded-args\fP,
+or \fB\-\-old-args\fP is specified on the command line.
+First supported in 3.1.0. Starting in 3.2.4, this variable is ignored if
+\fBRSYNC_OLD_ARGS\fP is set to a non-zero value.
+This environment variable allows you to override the default shell used as
+the transport for rsync. Command line options are permitted after the
+command name, just as in the \fB\-\-rsh\fP (\fB\-e\fP) option.
+This environment variable allows you to redirect your rsync
+client to use a web proxy when connecting to an rsync daemon. You should
+set \fBRSYNC_PROXY\fP to a hostname:port pair.
+This environment variable allows you to set the password for an rsync
+\fBdaemon\fP connection, which avoids the password prompt. Note that this
+does \fBnot\fP supply a password to a remote shell transport such as ssh
+(consult its documentation for how to do that).
+.IP "\fBUSER\fP or \fBLOGNAME\fP"
+The USER or LOGNAME environment variables are used to determine the default
+username sent to an rsync daemon. If neither is set, the username defaults
+to "nobody". If both are set, \fBUSER\fP takes precedence.
+This environment variable specifies the directory to use for a
+\fB\-\-partial\fP transfer without implying that partial transfers be
+enabled. See the \fB\-\-partial-dir\fP option for full details.
+This environment variable allows you to customize the negotiation of the
+compression algorithm by specifying an alternate order or a reduced list of
+names. Use the command \fBrsync\ \-\-version\fP to see the available compression
+names. See the \fB\-\-compress\fP option for full details.
+This environment variable allows you to customize the negotiation of the
+checksum algorithm by specifying an alternate order or a reduced list of
+names. Use the command \fBrsync\ \-\-version\fP to see the available checksum
+names. See the \fB\-\-checksum-choice\fP option for full details.
+This environment variable sets an allocation maximum as if you had used the
+\fB\-\-max-alloc\fP option.
+This environment variable is not read by rsync, but is instead set in
+its sub-environment when rsync is running the remote shell in combination
+with a daemon connection. This allows a script such as
+\fBrsync-ssl\fP to be able to know the port number that the user
+specified on the command line.
+.IP "\fBHOME\fP"
+This environment variable is used to find the user's default .cvsignore
+This environment variable is mainly used in debug setups to set the program
+to use when making a daemon connection. See CONNECTING TO AN RSYNC
+DAEMON for full details.
+This environment variable is mainly used in debug setups to set the program
+to use to run the program specified by \fBRSYNC_CONNECT_PROG\fP. See
+/etc/rsyncd.conf or rsyncd.conf
+\fBrsync-ssl\fP(1), \fBrsyncd.conf\fP(5), \fBrrsync\fP(1)
+.IP o
+Times are transferred as *nix time_t values.
+.IP o
+When transferring to FAT filesystems rsync may re-sync unmodified files. See
+the comments on the \fB\-\-modify-window\fP option.
+.IP o
+File permissions, devices, etc. are transferred as native numerical values.
+.IP o
+See also the comments on the \fB\-\-delete\fP option.
+Please report bugs! See the web site at
+This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.
+The options \fB\-\-server\fP and \fB\-\-sender\fP are used internally by rsync, and should
+never be typed by a user under normal circumstances. Some awareness of these
+options may be needed in certain scenarios, such as when setting up a login
+that can only run an rsync command. For instance, the support directory of the
+rsync distribution has an example script named rrsync (for restricted rsync)
+that can be used with a restricted ssh login.
+Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+COPYING for details.
+An rsync web site is available at The site
+includes an FAQ-O-Matic which may cover questions unanswered by this manual
+The rsync github project is
+We would be delighted to hear from you if you like this program. Please
+contact the mailing-list at
+This program uses the excellent zlib compression library written by Jean-loup
+Gailly and Mark Adler.
+Special thanks go out to: John Van Essen, Matt McCutchen, Wesley W. Terpstra,
+David Dykstra, Jos Backus, Sebastian Krahmer, Martin Pool, and our
+gone-but-not-forgotten compadre, J.W. Schultz.
+Thanks also to Richard Brent, Brendan Mackay, Bill Waite, Stephen Rothwell and
+David Bell. I've probably missed some people, my apologies if I have.
+Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. Many
+people have later contributed to it. It is currently maintained by Wayne
+Mailing lists for support and development are available at
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+<h2 id="NAME">NAME<a href="#NAME" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>rsync -&#8288; a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool</p>
+<h2 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS<a href="#SYNOPSIS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [DEST]
+Access via remote shell:
+ Pull:
+ rsync [OPTION...] [USER@]HOST:SRC... [DEST]
+ Push:
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [USER@]HOST:DEST
+Access via rsync daemon:
+ Pull:
+ rsync [OPTION...] [USER@]HOST::SRC... [DEST]
+ rsync [OPTION...] rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC... [DEST]
+ Push:
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [USER@]HOST::DEST
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST)
+<p>Usages with just one SRC arg and no DEST arg will list the source files instead
+of copying.</p>
+<p>The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION<a href="#DESCRIPTION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy
+locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync
+daemon. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its
+behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be
+copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the
+amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between
+the source files and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely
+used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday
+<p>Rsync finds files that need to be transferred using a &quot;quick check&quot; algorithm
+(by default) that looks for files that have changed in size or in last-modified
+time. Any changes in the other preserved attributes (as requested by options)
+are made on the destination file directly when the quick check indicates that
+the file's data does not need to be updated.</p>
+<p>Some of the additional features of rsync are:</p>
+<li>support for copying links, devices, owners, groups, and permissions</li>
+<li>exclude and exclude-from options similar to GNU tar</li>
+<li>a CVS exclude mode for ignoring the same files that CVS would ignore</li>
+<li>can use any transparent remote shell, including ssh or rsh</li>
+<li>does not require super-user privileges</li>
+<li>pipelining of file transfers to minimize latency costs</li>
+<li>support for anonymous or authenticated rsync daemons (ideal for mirroring)</li>
+<h2 id="GENERAL">GENERAL<a href="#GENERAL" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync copies files either to or from a remote host, or locally on the current
+host (it does not support copying files between two remote hosts).</p>
+<p>There are two different ways for rsync to contact a remote system: using a
+remote-shell program as the transport (such as ssh or rsh) or contacting an
+rsync daemon directly via TCP. The remote-shell transport is used whenever the
+source or destination path contains a single colon (:) separator after a host
+specification. Contacting an rsync daemon directly happens when the source or
+destination path contains a double colon (::) separator after a host
+specification, OR when an rsync:// URL is specified (see also the <a href="#USING_RSYNC-DAEMON_FEATURES_VIA_A_REMOTE-SHELL_CONNECTION">USING
+exception to this latter rule).</p>
+<p>As a special case, if a single source arg is specified without a destination,
+the files are listed in an output format similar to &quot;<code>ls -l</code>&quot;.</p>
+<p>As expected, if neither the source or destination path specify a remote host,
+the copy occurs locally (see also the <a href="#opt--list-only"><code>--list-only</code></a> option).</p>
+<p>Rsync refers to the local side as the client and the remote side as the server.
+Don't confuse server with an rsync daemon. A daemon is always a server, but a
+server can be either a daemon or a remote-shell spawned process.</p>
+<h2 id="SETUP">SETUP<a href="#SETUP" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>See the file for installation instructions.</p>
+<p>Once installed, you can use rsync to any machine that you can access via a
+remote shell (as well as some that you can access using the rsync daemon-mode
+protocol). For remote transfers, a modern rsync uses ssh for its
+communications, but it may have been configured to use a different remote shell
+by default, such as rsh or remsh.</p>
+<p>You can also specify any remote shell you like, either by using the <a href="#opt-e"><code>-e</code></a>
+command line option, or by setting the <a href="#RSYNC_RSH"><code>RSYNC_RSH</code></a> environment variable.</p>
+<p>Note that rsync must be installed on both the source and destination machines.</p>
+<h2 id="USAGE">USAGE<a href="#USAGE" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>You use rsync in the same way you use rcp. You must specify a source and a
+destination, one of which may be remote.</p>
+<p>Perhaps the best way to explain the syntax is with some examples:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -t *.c foo:src/
+<p>This would transfer all files matching the pattern <code>*.c</code> from the current
+directory to the directory src on the machine foo. If any of the files already
+exist on the remote system then the rsync remote-update protocol is used to
+update the file by sending only the differences in the data. Note that the
+expansion of wildcards on the command-line (<code>*.c</code>) into a list of files is
+handled by the shell before it runs rsync and not by rsync itself (exactly the
+same as all other Posix-style programs).</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avz foo:src/bar /data/tmp
+<p>This would recursively transfer all files from the directory src/bar on the
+machine foo into the /data/tmp/bar directory on the local machine. The files
+are transferred in archive mode, which ensures that symbolic links, devices,
+attributes, permissions, ownerships, etc. are preserved in the transfer.
+Additionally, compression will be used to reduce the size of data portions of
+the transfer.</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avz foo:src/bar/ /data/tmp
+<p>A trailing slash on the source changes this behavior to avoid creating an
+additional directory level at the destination. You can think of a trailing /
+on a source as meaning &quot;copy the contents of this directory&quot; as opposed to
+&quot;copy the directory by name&quot;, but in both cases the attributes of the
+containing directory are transferred to the containing directory on the
+destination. In other words, each of the following commands copies the files
+in the same way, including their setting of the attributes of /dest/foo:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av /src/foo /dest
+rsync -av /src/foo/ /dest/foo
+<p>Note also that host and module references don't require a trailing slash to
+copy the contents of the default directory. For example, both of these copy
+the remote directory's contents into &quot;/dest&quot;:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av host: /dest
+rsync -av host::module /dest
+<p>You can also use rsync in local-only mode, where both the source and
+destination don't have a ':' in the name. In this case it behaves like an
+improved copy command.</p>
+<p>Finally, you can list all the (listable) modules available from a particular
+rsync daemon by leaving off the module name:</p>
+<p>When you want to copy a directory to a different name, use a trailing slash on
+the source directory to put the contents of the directory into any destination
+directory you like:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai foo/ bar/
+<p>Rsync also has the ability to customize a destination file's name when copying
+a single item. The rules for this are:</p>
+<li>The transfer list must consist of a single item (either a file or an empty
+<li>The final element of the destination path must not exist as a directory</li>
+<li>The destination path must not have been specified with a trailing slash</li>
+<p>Under those circumstances, rsync will set the name of the destination's single
+item to the last element of the destination path. Keep in mind that it is best
+to only use this idiom when copying a file and use the above trailing-slash
+idiom when copying a directory.</p>
+<p>The following example copies the <code>foo.c</code> file as <code>bar.c</code> in the <code>save</code> dir
+(assuming that <code>bar.c</code> isn't a directory):</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai src/foo.c save/bar.c
+<p>The single-item copy rule might accidentally bite you if you unknowingly copy a
+single item and specify a destination dir that doesn't exist (without using a
+trailing slash). For example, if <code>src/*.c</code> matches one file and <code>save/dir</code>
+doesn't exist, this will confuse you by naming the destination file <code>save/dir</code>:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai src/*.c save/dir
+<p>To prevent such an accident, either make sure the destination dir exists or
+specify the destination path with a trailing slash:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai src/*.c save/dir/
+<p>Rsync always sorts the specified filenames into its internal transfer list.
+This handles the merging together of the contents of identically named
+directories, makes it easy to remove duplicate filenames. It can, however,
+confuse someone when the files are transferred in a different order than what
+was given on the command-line.</p>
+<p>If you need a particular file to be transferred prior to another, either
+separate the files into different rsync calls, or consider using
+<a href="#opt--delay-updates"><code>--delay-updates</code></a> (which doesn't affect the sorted transfer order, but
+does make the final file-updating phase happen much more rapidly).</p>
+<p>Rsync takes steps to ensure that the file requests that are shared in a
+transfer are protected against various security issues. Most of the potential
+problems arise on the receiving side where rsync takes steps to ensure that the
+list of files being transferred remains within the bounds of what was
+<p>Toward this end, rsync 3.1.2 and later have aborted when a file list contains
+an absolute or relative path that tries to escape out of the top of the
+transfer. Also, beginning with version 3.2.5, rsync does two more safety
+checks of the file list to (1) ensure that no extra source arguments were added
+into the transfer other than those that the client requested and (2) ensure
+that the file list obeys the exclude rules that were sent to the sender.</p>
+<p>For those that don't yet have a 3.2.5 client rsync (or those that want to be
+extra careful), it is safest to do a copy into a dedicated destination
+directory for the remote files when you don't trust the remote host. For
+example, instead of doing an rsync copy into your home directory:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~
+<p>Dedicate a &quot;host1-files&quot; dir to the remote content:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~/host1-files
+<p>See the <a href="#opt--trust-sender"><code>--trust-sender</code></a> option for additional details.</p>
+<p>CAUTION: it is not particularly safe to use rsync to copy files from a
+case-preserving filesystem to a case-ignoring filesystem. If you must perform
+such a copy, you should either disable symlinks via <code>--no-links</code> or enable the
+munging of symlinks via <a href="#opt--munge-links"><code>--munge-links</code></a> (and make sure you use the
+right local or remote option). This will prevent rsync from doing potentially
+dangerous things if a symlink name overlaps with a file or directory. It does
+not, however, ensure that you get a full copy of all the files (since that may
+not be possible when the names overlap). A potentially better solution is to
+list all the source files and create a safe list of filenames that you pass to
+the <a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> option. Any files that conflict in name would need
+to be copied to different destination directories using more than one copy.</p>
+<p>While a copy of a case-ignoring filesystem to a case-ignoring filesystem can
+work out fairly well, if no <code>--delete-during</code> or <code>--delete-before</code> option is
+active, rsync can potentially update an existing file on the receiveing side
+without noticing that the upper-/lower-case of the filename should be changed
+to match the sender.</p>
+<h2 id="ADVANCED_USAGE">ADVANCED USAGE<a href="#ADVANCED_USAGE" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The syntax for requesting multiple files from a remote host is done by
+specifying additional remote-host args in the same style as the first, or with
+the hostname omitted. For instance, all these work:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiv host:file1 :file2 host:file{3,4} /dest/
+rsync -aiv host::modname/file{1,2} host::modname/extra /dest/
+rsync -aiv host::modname/first ::extra-file{1,2} /dest/
+<p>Note that a daemon connection only supports accessing one module per copy
+command, so if the start of a follow-up path doesn't begin with the
+modname of the first path, it is assumed to be a path in the module (such as
+the extra-file1 &amp; extra-file2 that are grabbed above).</p>
+<p>Really old versions of rsync (2.6.9 and before) only allowed specifying one
+remote-source arg, so some people have instead relied on the remote-shell
+performing space splitting to break up an arg into multiple paths. Such
+unintuitive behavior is no longer supported by default (though you can request
+it, as described below).</p>
+<p>Starting in 3.2.4, filenames are passed to a remote shell in such a way as to
+preserve the characters you give it. Thus, if you ask for a file with spaces
+in the name, that's what the remote rsync looks for:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiv host:'a simple file.pdf' /dest/
+<p>If you use scripts that have been written to manually apply extra quoting to
+the remote rsync args (or to require remote arg splitting), you can ask rsync
+to let your script handle the extra escaping. This is done by either adding
+the <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a> option to the rsync runs in the script (which requires
+a new rsync) or exporting <a href="#RSYNC_OLD_ARGS">RSYNC_OLD_ARGS</a>=1 and <a href="#RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS">RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS</a>=0
+(which works with old or new rsync versions).</p>
+<p>It is also possible to use rsync without a remote shell as the transport. In
+this case you will directly connect to a remote rsync daemon, typically using
+TCP port 873. (This obviously requires the daemon to be running on the remote
+section below for information on that.)</p>
+<p>Using rsync in this way is the same as using it with a remote shell except
+<li>Use either double-colon syntax or rsync:// URL syntax instead of the
+single-colon (remote shell) syntax.</li>
+<li>The first element of the &quot;path&quot; is actually a module name.</li>
+<li>Additional remote source args can use an abbreviated syntax that omits the
+hostname and/or the module name, as discussed in <a href="#ADVANCED_USAGE">ADVANCED USAGE</a>.</li>
+<li>The remote daemon may print a &quot;message of the day&quot; when you connect.</li>
+<li>If you specify only the host (with no module or path) then a list of
+accessible modules on the daemon is output.</li>
+<li>If you specify a remote source path but no destination, a listing of the
+matching files on the remote daemon is output.</li>
+<li>The <a href="#opt--rsh"><code>--rsh</code></a> (<code>-e</code>) option must be omitted to avoid changing the
+connection style from using a socket connection to <a href="#USING_RSYNC-DAEMON_FEATURES_VIA_A_REMOTE-SHELL_CONNECTION">USING RSYNC-DAEMON
+<p>An example that copies all the files in a remote module named &quot;src&quot;:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av host::src /dest
+<p>Some modules on the remote daemon may require authentication. If so, you will
+receive a password prompt when you connect. You can avoid the password prompt
+by setting the environment variable <a href="#RSYNC_PASSWORD"><code>RSYNC_PASSWORD</code></a> to the password you
+want to use or using the <a href="#opt--password-file"><code>--password-file</code></a> option. This may be useful
+when scripting rsync.</p>
+<p>WARNING: On some systems environment variables are visible to all users. On
+those systems using <a href="#opt--password-file"><code>--password-file</code></a> is recommended.</p>
+<p>You may establish the connection via a web proxy by setting the environment
+variable <a href="#RSYNC_PROXY"><code>RSYNC_PROXY</code></a> to a hostname:port pair pointing to your web proxy.
+Note that your web proxy's configuration must support proxy connections to port
+<p>You may also establish a daemon connection using a program as a proxy by
+setting the environment variable <a href="#RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG"><code>RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG</code></a> to the commands you
+wish to run in place of making a direct socket connection. The string may
+contain the escape &quot;%H&quot; to represent the hostname specified in the rsync
+command (so use &quot;%%&quot; if you need a single &quot;%&quot; in your string). For example:</p>
+<pre><code>export RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG='ssh proxyhost nc %H 873'
+rsync -av targethost1::module/src/ /dest/
+rsync -av rsync://targethost2/module/src/ /dest/
+<p>The command specified above uses ssh to run nc (netcat) on a proxyhost, which
+forwards all data to port 873 (the rsync daemon) on the targethost (%H).</p>
+<p>Note also that if the <a href="#RSYNC_SHELL"><code>RSYNC_SHELL</code></a> environment variable is set, that
+program will be used to run the <code>RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG</code> command instead of using
+the default shell of the <strong>system()</strong> call.</p>
+<p>It is sometimes useful to use various features of an rsync daemon (such as
+named modules) without actually allowing any new socket connections into a
+system (other than what is already required to allow remote-shell access).
+Rsync supports connecting to a host using a remote shell and then spawning a
+single-use &quot;daemon&quot; server that expects to read its config file in the home dir
+of the remote user. This can be useful if you want to encrypt a daemon-style
+transfer's data, but since the daemon is started up fresh by the remote user,
+you may not be able to use features such as chroot or change the uid used by
+the daemon. (For another way to encrypt a daemon transfer, consider using ssh
+to tunnel a local port to a remote machine and configure a normal rsync daemon
+on that remote host to only allow connections from &quot;localhost&quot;.)</p>
+<p>From the user's perspective, a daemon transfer via a remote-shell connection
+uses nearly the same command-line syntax as a normal rsync-daemon transfer,
+with the only exception being that you must explicitly set the remote shell
+program on the command-line with the <a href="#opt--rsh"><code>--rsh=COMMAND</code></a> option. (Setting the
+RSYNC_RSH in the environment will not turn on this functionality.) For example:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av --rsh=ssh host::module /dest
+<p>If you need to specify a different remote-shell user, keep in mind that the
+user@ prefix in front of the host is specifying the rsync-user value (for a
+module that requires user-based authentication). This means that you must give
+the '-&#8288;l user' option to ssh when specifying the remote-shell, as in this
+example that uses the short version of the <a href="#opt--rsh"><code>--rsh</code></a> option:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av -e &quot;ssh -l ssh-user&quot; rsync-user@host::module /dest
+<p>The &quot;ssh-user&quot; will be used at the ssh level; the &quot;rsync-user&quot; will be used to
+log-in to the &quot;module&quot;.</p>
+<p>In this setup, the daemon is started by the ssh command that is accessing the
+system (which can be forced via the <code>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> file, if desired).
+However, when accessing a daemon directly, it needs to be started beforehand.</p>
+<p>In order to connect to an rsync daemon, the remote system needs to have a
+daemon already running (or it needs to have configured something like inetd to
+spawn an rsync daemon for incoming connections on a particular port). For full
+information on how to start a daemon that will handling incoming socket
+connections, see the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5"><strong>rsyncd.conf</strong>(5)</a> manpage&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; that is
+the config file for the daemon, and it contains the full details for how to run
+the daemon (including stand-alone and inetd configurations).</p>
+<p>If you're using one of the remote-shell transports for the transfer, there is
+no need to manually start an rsync daemon.</p>
+<h2 id="EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES<a href="#EXAMPLES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Here are some examples of how rsync can be used.</p>
+<p>To backup a home directory, which consists of large MS Word files and mail
+folders, a per-user cron job can be used that runs this each day:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiz . bkhost:backup/joe/
+<p>To move some files from a remote host to the local host, you could run:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiv --remove-source-files rhost:/tmp/{file1,file2}.c ~/src/
+<h2 id="OPTION_SUMMARY">OPTION SUMMARY<a href="#OPTION_SUMMARY" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Here is a short summary of the options available in rsync. Each option also
+has its own detailed description later in this manpage.</p>
+<pre><code>--verbose, -v increase verbosity
+--info=FLAGS fine-grained informational verbosity
+--debug=FLAGS fine-grained debug verbosity
+--stderr=e|a|c change stderr output mode (default: errors)
+--quiet, -q suppress non-error messages
+--no-motd suppress daemon-mode MOTD
+--checksum, -c skip based on checksum, not mod-time &amp; size
+--archive, -a archive mode is -rlptgoD (no -A,-X,-U,-N,-H)
+--no-OPTION turn off an implied OPTION (e.g. --no-D)
+--recursive, -r recurse into directories
+--relative, -R use relative path names
+--no-implied-dirs don't send implied dirs with --relative
+--backup, -b make backups (see --suffix &amp; --backup-dir)
+--backup-dir=DIR make backups into hierarchy based in DIR
+--suffix=SUFFIX backup suffix (default ~ w/o --backup-dir)
+--update, -u skip files that are newer on the receiver
+--inplace update destination files in-place
+--append append data onto shorter files
+--append-verify --append w/old data in file checksum
+--dirs, -d transfer directories without recursing
+--old-dirs, --old-d works like --dirs when talking to old rsync
+--mkpath create destination's missing path components
+--links, -l copy symlinks as symlinks
+--copy-links, -L transform symlink into referent file/dir
+--copy-unsafe-links only &quot;unsafe&quot; symlinks are transformed
+--safe-links ignore symlinks that point outside the tree
+--munge-links munge symlinks to make them safe &amp; unusable
+--copy-dirlinks, -k transform symlink to dir into referent dir
+--keep-dirlinks, -K treat symlinked dir on receiver as dir
+--hard-links, -H preserve hard links
+--perms, -p preserve permissions
+--executability, -E preserve executability
+--chmod=CHMOD affect file and/or directory permissions
+--acls, -A preserve ACLs (implies --perms)
+--xattrs, -X preserve extended attributes
+--owner, -o preserve owner (super-user only)
+--group, -g preserve group
+--devices preserve device files (super-user only)
+--copy-devices copy device contents as a regular file
+--write-devices write to devices as files (implies --inplace)
+--specials preserve special files
+-D same as --devices --specials
+--times, -t preserve modification times
+--atimes, -U preserve access (use) times
+--open-noatime avoid changing the atime on opened files
+--crtimes, -N preserve create times (newness)
+--omit-dir-times, -O omit directories from --times
+--omit-link-times, -J omit symlinks from --times
+--super receiver attempts super-user activities
+--fake-super store/recover privileged attrs using xattrs
+--sparse, -S turn sequences of nulls into sparse blocks
+--preallocate allocate dest files before writing them
+--dry-run, -n perform a trial run with no changes made
+--whole-file, -W copy files whole (w/o delta-xfer algorithm)
+--checksum-choice=STR choose the checksum algorithm (aka --cc)
+--one-file-system, -x don't cross filesystem boundaries
+--block-size=SIZE, -B force a fixed checksum block-size
+--rsh=COMMAND, -e specify the remote shell to use
+--rsync-path=PROGRAM specify the rsync to run on remote machine
+--existing skip creating new files on receiver
+--ignore-existing skip updating files that exist on receiver
+--remove-source-files sender removes synchronized files (non-dir)
+--del an alias for --delete-during
+--delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs
+--delete-before receiver deletes before xfer, not during
+--delete-during receiver deletes during the transfer
+--delete-delay find deletions during, delete after
+--delete-after receiver deletes after transfer, not during
+--delete-excluded also delete excluded files from dest dirs
+--ignore-missing-args ignore missing source args without error
+--delete-missing-args delete missing source args from destination
+--ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors
+--force force deletion of dirs even if not empty
+--max-delete=NUM don't delete more than NUM files
+--max-size=SIZE don't transfer any file larger than SIZE
+--min-size=SIZE don't transfer any file smaller than SIZE
+--max-alloc=SIZE change a limit relating to memory alloc
+--partial keep partially transferred files
+--partial-dir=DIR put a partially transferred file into DIR
+--delay-updates put all updated files into place at end
+--prune-empty-dirs, -m prune empty directory chains from file-list
+--numeric-ids don't map uid/gid values by user/group name
+--usermap=STRING custom username mapping
+--groupmap=STRING custom groupname mapping
+--chown=USER:GROUP simple username/groupname mapping
+--timeout=SECONDS set I/O timeout in seconds
+--contimeout=SECONDS set daemon connection timeout in seconds
+--ignore-times, -I don't skip files that match size and time
+--size-only skip files that match in size
+--modify-window=NUM, -@ set the accuracy for mod-time comparisons
+--temp-dir=DIR, -T create temporary files in directory DIR
+--fuzzy, -y find similar file for basis if no dest file
+--compare-dest=DIR also compare destination files relative to DIR
+--copy-dest=DIR ... and include copies of unchanged files
+--link-dest=DIR hardlink to files in DIR when unchanged
+--compress, -z compress file data during the transfer
+--compress-choice=STR choose the compression algorithm (aka --zc)
+--compress-level=NUM explicitly set compression level (aka --zl)
+--skip-compress=LIST skip compressing files with suffix in LIST
+--cvs-exclude, -C auto-ignore files in the same way CVS does
+--filter=RULE, -f add a file-filtering RULE
+-F same as --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'
+ repeated: --filter='- .rsync-filter'
+--exclude=PATTERN exclude files matching PATTERN
+--exclude-from=FILE read exclude patterns from FILE
+--include=PATTERN don't exclude files matching PATTERN
+--include-from=FILE read include patterns from FILE
+--files-from=FILE read list of source-file names from FILE
+--from0, -0 all *-from/filter files are delimited by 0s
+--old-args disable the modern arg-protection idiom
+--secluded-args, -s use the protocol to safely send the args
+--trust-sender trust the remote sender's file list
+--copy-as=USER[:GROUP] specify user &amp; optional group for the copy
+--address=ADDRESS bind address for outgoing socket to daemon
+--port=PORT specify double-colon alternate port number
+--sockopts=OPTIONS specify custom TCP options
+--blocking-io use blocking I/O for the remote shell
+--outbuf=N|L|B set out buffering to None, Line, or Block
+--stats give some file-transfer stats
+--8-bit-output, -8 leave high-bit chars unescaped in output
+--human-readable, -h output numbers in a human-readable format
+--progress show progress during transfer
+-P same as --partial --progress
+--itemize-changes, -i output a change-summary for all updates
+--remote-option=OPT, -M send OPTION to the remote side only
+--out-format=FORMAT output updates using the specified FORMAT
+--log-file=FILE log what we're doing to the specified FILE
+--log-file-format=FMT log updates using the specified FMT
+--password-file=FILE read daemon-access password from FILE
+--early-input=FILE use FILE for daemon's early exec input
+--list-only list the files instead of copying them
+--bwlimit=RATE limit socket I/O bandwidth
+--stop-after=MINS Stop rsync after MINS minutes have elapsed
+--stop-at=y-m-dTh:m Stop rsync at the specified point in time
+--fsync fsync every written file
+--write-batch=FILE write a batched update to FILE
+--only-write-batch=FILE like --write-batch but w/o updating dest
+--read-batch=FILE read a batched update from FILE
+--protocol=NUM force an older protocol version to be used
+--iconv=CONVERT_SPEC request charset conversion of filenames
+--checksum-seed=NUM set block/file checksum seed (advanced)
+--ipv4, -4 prefer IPv4
+--ipv6, -6 prefer IPv6
+--version, -V print the version + other info and exit
+--help, -h (*) show this help (* -h is help only on its own)
+<p>Rsync can also be run as a daemon, in which case the following options are
+<pre><code>--daemon run as an rsync daemon
+--address=ADDRESS bind to the specified address
+--bwlimit=RATE limit socket I/O bandwidth
+--config=FILE specify alternate rsyncd.conf file
+--dparam=OVERRIDE, -M override global daemon config parameter
+--no-detach do not detach from the parent
+--port=PORT listen on alternate port number
+--log-file=FILE override the &quot;log file&quot; setting
+--log-file-format=FMT override the &quot;log format&quot; setting
+--sockopts=OPTIONS specify custom TCP options
+--verbose, -v increase verbosity
+--ipv4, -4 prefer IPv4
+--ipv6, -6 prefer IPv6
+--help, -h show this help (when used with --daemon)
+<h2 id="OPTIONS">OPTIONS<a href="#OPTIONS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync accepts both long (double-dash + word) and short (single-dash + letter)
+options. The full list of the available options are described below. If an
+option can be specified in more than one way, the choices are comma-separated.
+Some options only have a long variant, not a short.</p>
+<p>If the option takes a parameter, the parameter is only listed after the long
+variant, even though it must also be specified for the short. When specifying
+a parameter, you can either use the form <code>--option=param</code>, <code>--option param</code>,
+<code>-o=param</code>, <code>-o param</code>, or <code>-oparam</code> (the latter choices assume that your
+option has a short variant).</p>
+<p>The parameter may need to be quoted in some manner for it to survive the
+shell's command-line parsing. Also keep in mind that a leading tilde (<code>~</code>) in
+a pathname is substituted by your shell, so make sure that you separate the
+option name from the pathname using a space if you want the local shell to
+expand it.</p>
+<dt id="opt--help"><code>--help</code><a href="#opt--help" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Print a short help page describing the options available in rsync and exit.
+You can also use <code>-h</code> for <code>--help</code> when it is used without any other
+options (since it normally means <a href="#opt--human-readable"><code>--human-readable</code></a>).</p>
+<span id="opt-V"></span><dt id="opt--version"><code>--version</code>, <code>-V</code><a href="#opt--version" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Print the rsync version plus other info and exit. When repeated, the
+information is output is a JSON format that is still fairly readable
+(client side only).</p>
+<p>The output includes a list of compiled-in capabilities, a list of
+optimizations, the default list of checksum algorithms, the default list of
+compression algorithms, the default list of daemon auth digests, a link to
+the rsync web site, and a few other items.</p>
+<span id="opt-v"></span><dt id="opt--verbose"><code>--verbose</code>, <code>-v</code><a href="#opt--verbose" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option increases the amount of information you are given during the
+transfer. By default, rsync works silently. A single <code>-v</code> will give you
+information about what files are being transferred and a brief summary at
+the end. Two <code>-v</code> options will give you information on what files are
+being skipped and slightly more information at the end. More than two <code>-v</code>
+options should only be used if you are debugging rsync.</p>
+<p>The end-of-run summary tells you the number of bytes sent to the remote
+rsync (which is the receiving side on a local copy), the number of bytes
+received from the remote host, and the average bytes per second of the
+transferred data computed over the entire length of the rsync run. The
+second line shows the total size (in bytes), which is the sum of all the
+file sizes that rsync considered transferring. It also shows a &quot;speedup&quot;
+value, which is a ratio of the total file size divided by the sum of the
+sent and received bytes (which is really just a feel-good bigger-is-better
+number). Note that these byte values can be made more (or less)
+human-readable by using the <a href="#opt--human-readable"><code>--human-readable</code></a> (or
+<code>--no-human-readable</code>) options.</p>
+<p>In a modern rsync, the <code>-v</code> option is equivalent to the setting of groups
+of <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info</code></a> and <a href="#opt--debug"><code>--debug</code></a> options. You can choose to use
+these newer options in addition to, or in place of using <code>--verbose</code>, as
+any fine-grained settings override the implied settings of <code>-v</code>. Both
+<a href="#opt--info"><code>--info</code></a> and <a href="#opt--debug"><code>--debug</code></a> have a way to ask for help that
+tells you exactly what flags are set for each increase in verbosity.</p>
+<p>However, do keep in mind that a daemon's &quot;<code>max verbosity</code>&quot; setting will limit
+how high of a level the various individual flags can be set on the daemon
+side. For instance, if the max is 2, then any info and/or debug flag that
+is set to a higher value than what would be set by <code>-vv</code> will be downgraded
+to the <code>-vv</code> level in the daemon's logging.</p>
+<dt id="opt--info"><code>--info=FLAGS</code><a href="#opt--info" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option lets you have fine-grained control over the information output
+you want to see. An individual flag name may be followed by a level
+number, with 0 meaning to silence that output, 1 being the default output
+level, and higher numbers increasing the output of that flag (for those
+that support higher levels). Use <code>--info=help</code> to see all the available
+flag names, what they output, and what flag names are added for each
+increase in the verbose level. Some examples:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -a --info=progress2 src/ dest/
+rsync -avv --info=stats2,misc1,flist0 src/ dest/
+<p>Note that <code>--info=name</code>'s output is affected by the <a href="#opt--out-format"><code>--out-format</code></a>
+and <a href="#opt--itemize-changes"><code>--itemize-changes</code></a> (<code>-i</code>) options. See those options for more
+information on what is output and when.</p>
+<p>This option was added to 3.1.0, so an older rsync on the server side might
+reject your attempts at fine-grained control (if one or more flags needed
+to be send to the server and the server was too old to understand them).
+See also the &quot;<code>max verbosity</code>&quot; caveat above when dealing with a daemon.</p>
+<dt id="opt--debug"><code>--debug=FLAGS</code><a href="#opt--debug" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option lets you have fine-grained control over the debug output you
+want to see. An individual flag name may be followed by a level number,
+with 0 meaning to silence that output, 1 being the default output level,
+and higher numbers increasing the output of that flag (for those that
+support higher levels). Use <code>--debug=help</code> to see all the available flag
+names, what they output, and what flag names are added for each increase in
+the verbose level. Some examples:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avvv --debug=none src/ dest/
+rsync -avA --del --debug=del2,acl src/ dest/
+<p>Note that some debug messages will only be output when the <a href="#opt--stderr"><code>--stderr=all</code></a>
+option is specified, especially those pertaining to I/O and buffer debugging.</p>
+<p>Beginning in 3.2.0, this option is no longer auto-forwarded to the server
+side in order to allow you to specify different debug values for each side
+of the transfer, as well as to specify a new debug option that is only
+present in one of the rsync versions. If you want to duplicate the same
+option on both sides, using brace expansion is an easy way to save you some
+typing. This works in zsh and bash:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiv {-M,}--debug=del2 src/ dest/
+<dt id="opt--stderr"><code>--stderr=errors|all|client</code><a href="#opt--stderr" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option controls which processes output to stderr and if info messages
+are also changed to stderr. The mode strings can be abbreviated, so feel
+free to use a single letter value. The 3 possible choices are:</p>
+<p><code>errors</code> -&#8288; (the default) causes all the rsync processes to send an
+error directly to stderr, even if the process is on the remote side of
+the transfer. Info messages are sent to the client side via the protocol
+stream. If stderr is not available (i.e. when directly connecting with a
+daemon via a socket) errors fall back to being sent via the protocol
+<p><code>all</code> -&#8288; causes all rsync messages (info and error) to get written
+directly to stderr from all (possible) processes. This causes stderr to
+become line-buffered (instead of raw) and eliminates the ability to
+divide up the info and error messages by file handle. For those doing
+debugging or using several levels of verbosity, this option can help to
+avoid clogging up the transfer stream (which should prevent any chance of
+a deadlock bug hanging things up). It also allows <a href="#opt--debug"><code>--debug</code></a> to
+enable some extra I/O related messages.</p>
+<p><code>client</code> -&#8288; causes all rsync messages to be sent to the client side
+via the protocol stream. One client process outputs all messages, with
+errors on stderr and info messages on stdout. This <strong>was</strong> the default
+in older rsync versions, but can cause error delays when a lot of
+transfer data is ahead of the messages. If you're pushing files to an
+older rsync, you may want to use <code>--stderr=all</code> since that idiom has
+been around for several releases.</p>
+<p>This option was added in rsync 3.2.3. This version also began the
+forwarding of a non-default setting to the remote side, though rsync uses
+the backward-compatible options <code>--msgs2stderr</code> and <code>--no-msgs2stderr</code> to
+represent the <code>all</code> and <code>client</code> settings, respectively. A newer rsync
+will continue to accept these older option names to maintain compatibility.</p>
+<span id="opt-q"></span><dt id="opt--quiet"><code>--quiet</code>, <code>-q</code><a href="#opt--quiet" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option decreases the amount of information you are given during the
+transfer, notably suppressing information messages from the remote server.
+This option is useful when invoking rsync from cron.</p>
+<dt id="opt--no-motd"><code>--no-motd</code><a href="#opt--no-motd" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option affects the information that is output by the client at the
+start of a daemon transfer. This suppresses the message-of-the-day (MOTD)
+text, but it also affects the list of modules that the daemon sends in
+response to the &quot;rsync host::&quot; request (due to a limitation in the rsync
+protocol), so omit this option if you want to request the list of modules
+from the daemon.</p>
+<span id="opt-I"></span><dt id="opt--ignore-times"><code>--ignore-times</code>, <code>-I</code><a href="#opt--ignore-times" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Normally rsync will skip any files that are already the same size and have
+the same modification timestamp. This option turns off this &quot;quick check&quot;
+behavior, causing all files to be updated.</p>
+<p>This option can be confusing compared to <a href="#opt--ignore-existing"><code>--ignore-existing</code></a> and
+<a href="#opt--ignore-non-existing"><code>--ignore-non-existing</code></a> in that that they cause rsync to transfer
+fewer files, while this option causes rsync to transfer more files.</p>
+<dt id="opt--size-only"><code>--size-only</code><a href="#opt--size-only" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This modifies rsync's &quot;quick check&quot; algorithm for finding files that need
+to be transferred, changing it from the default of transferring files with
+either a changed size or a changed last-modified time to just looking for
+files that have changed in size. This is useful when starting to use rsync
+after using another mirroring system which may not preserve timestamps
+<span id="opt-_"></span><dt id="opt--modify-window"><code>--modify-window=NUM</code>, <code>-@</code><a href="#opt--modify-window" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When comparing two timestamps, rsync treats the timestamps as being equal
+if they differ by no more than the modify-window value. The default is 0,
+which matches just integer seconds. If you specify a negative value (and
+the receiver is at least version 3.1.3) then nanoseconds will also be taken
+into account. Specifying 1 is useful for copies to/from MS Windows FAT
+filesystems, because FAT represents times with a 2-second resolution
+(allowing times to differ from the original by up to 1 second).</p>
+<p>If you want all your transfers to default to comparing nanoseconds, you can
+create a <code>~/.popt</code> file and put these lines in it:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync alias -a -a@-1
+rsync alias -t -t@-1
+<p>With that as the default, you'd need to specify <code>--modify-window=0</code> (aka
+<code>-@0</code>) to override it and ignore nanoseconds, e.g. if you're copying
+between ext3 and ext4, or if the receiving rsync is older than 3.1.3.</p>
+<span id="opt-c"></span><dt id="opt--checksum"><code>--checksum</code>, <code>-c</code><a href="#opt--checksum" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This changes the way rsync checks if the files have been changed and are in
+need of a transfer. Without this option, rsync uses a &quot;quick check&quot; that
+(by default) checks if each file's size and time of last modification match
+between the sender and receiver. This option changes this to compare a
+128-bit checksum for each file that has a matching size. Generating the
+checksums means that both sides will expend a lot of disk I/O reading all
+the data in the files in the transfer, so this can slow things down
+significantly (and this is prior to any reading that will be done to
+transfer changed files)</p>
+<p>The sending side generates its checksums while it is doing the file-system
+scan that builds the list of the available files. The receiver generates
+its checksums when it is scanning for changed files, and will checksum any
+file that has the same size as the corresponding sender's file: files with
+either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.</p>
+<p>Note that rsync always verifies that each <u>transferred</u> file was correctly
+reconstructed on the receiving side by checking a whole-file checksum that
+is generated as the file is transferred, but that automatic
+after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with this option's
+before-the-transfer &quot;Does this file need to be updated?&quot; check.</p>
+<p>The checksum used is auto-negotiated between the client and the server, but
+can be overridden using either the <a href="#opt--checksum-choice"><code>--checksum-choice</code></a> (<code>--cc</code>)
+option or an environment variable that is discussed in that option's
+<span id="opt-a"></span><dt id="opt--archive"><code>--archive</code>, <code>-a</code><a href="#opt--archive" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This is equivalent to <code>-rlptgoD</code>. It is a quick way of saying you want
+recursion and want to preserve almost everything. Be aware that it does
+<strong>not</strong> include preserving ACLs (<code>-A</code>), xattrs (<code>-X</code>), atimes (<code>-U</code>),
+crtimes (<code>-N</code>), nor the finding and preserving of hardlinks (<code>-H</code>).</p>
+<p>The only exception to the above equivalence is when <a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a>
+is specified, in which case <a href="#opt-r"><code>-r</code></a> is not implied.</p>
+<dt id="opt--no-OPTION"><code>--no-OPTION</code><a href="#opt--no-OPTION" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>You may turn off one or more implied options by prefixing the option name
+with &quot;no-&quot;. Not all positive options have a negated opposite, but a lot
+do, including those that can be used to disable an implied option (e.g.
+<code>--no-D</code>, <code>--no-perms</code>) or have different defaults in various circumstances
+(e.g. <a href="#opt--no-whole-file"><code>--no-whole-file</code></a>, <code>--no-blocking-io</code>, <code>--no-dirs</code>). Every
+valid negated option accepts both the short and the long option name after
+the &quot;no-&quot; prefix (e.g. <code>--no-R</code> is the same as <code>--no-relative</code>).</p>
+<p>As an example, if you want to use <a href="#opt--archive"><code>--archive</code></a> (<code>-a</code>) but don't want
+<a href="#opt--owner"><code>--owner</code></a> (<code>-o</code>), instead of converting <code>-a</code> into <code>-rlptgD</code>, you
+can specify <code>-a --no-o</code> (aka <code>--archive --no-owner</code>).</p>
+<p>The order of the options is important: if you specify <code>--no-r -a</code>, the <code>-r</code>
+option would end up being turned on, the opposite of <code>-a --no-r</code>. Note
+also that the side-effects of the <a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> option are NOT
+positional, as it affects the default state of several options and slightly
+changes the meaning of <a href="#opt-a"><code>-a</code></a> (see the <a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> option
+for more details).</p>
+<span id="opt-r"></span><dt id="opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code>, <code>-r</code><a href="#opt--recursive" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to copy directories recursively. See also
+<a href="#opt--dirs"><code>--dirs</code></a> (<code>-d</code>) for an option that allows the scanning of a single
+<p>See the <a href="#opt--inc-recursive"><code>--inc-recursive</code></a> option for a discussion of the
+incremental recursion for creating the list of files to transfer.</p>
+<span id="opt--i-r"></span><dt id="opt--inc-recursive"><code>--inc-recursive</code>, <code>--i-r</code><a href="#opt--inc-recursive" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option explicitly enables on incremental recursion when scanning for
+files, which is enabled by default when using the <a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a>
+option and both sides of the transfer are running rsync 3.0.0 or newer.</p>
+<p>Incremental recursion uses much less memory than non-incremental, while
+also beginning the transfer more quickly (since it doesn't need to scan the
+entire transfer hierarchy before it starts transferring files). If no
+recursion is enabled in the source files, this option has no effect.</p>
+<p>Some options require rsync to know the full file list, so these options
+disable the incremental recursion mode. These include:</p>
+<li><a href="#opt--delete-before"><code>--delete-before</code></a> (the old default of <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a>)</li>
+<li><a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a></li>
+<li><a href="#opt--prune-empty-dirs"><code>--prune-empty-dirs</code></a></li>
+<li><a href="#opt--delay-updates"><code>--delay-updates</code></a></li>
+<p>In order to make <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> compatible with incremental recursion,
+rsync 3.0.0 made <a href="#opt--delete-during"><code>--delete-during</code></a> the default delete mode (which
+was first added in 2.6.4).</p>
+<p>One side-effect of incremental recursion is that any missing
+sub-directories inside a recursively-scanned directory are (by default)
+created prior to recursing into the sub-dirs. This earlier creation point
+(compared to a non-incremental recursion) allows rsync to then set the
+modify time of the finished directory right away (without having to delay
+that until a bunch of recursive copying has finished). However, these
+early directories don't yet have their completed mode, mtime, or ownership
+set&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; they have more restrictive rights until the subdirectory's copying
+actually begins. This early-creation idiom can be avoided by using the
+<a href="#opt--omit-dir-times"><code>--omit-dir-times</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>Incremental recursion can be disabled using the
+<a href="#opt--no-inc-recursive"><code>--no-inc-recursive</code></a> (<code>--no-i-r</code>) option.</p>
+<span id="opt--no-i-r"></span><dt id="opt--no-inc-recursive"><code>--no-inc-recursive</code>, <code>--no-i-r</code><a href="#opt--no-inc-recursive" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Disables the new incremental recursion algorithm of the
+<a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a> option. This makes rsync scan the full file list
+before it begins to transfer files. See <a href="#opt--inc-recursive"><code>--inc-recursive</code></a> for more
+<span id="opt-R"></span><dt id="opt--relative"><code>--relative</code>, <code>-R</code><a href="#opt--relative" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Use relative paths. This means that the full path names specified on the
+command line are sent to the server rather than just the last parts of the
+filenames. This is particularly useful when you want to send several
+different directories at the same time. For example, if you used this
+<pre><code>rsync -av /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+<p>would create a file named baz.c in /tmp/ on the remote machine. If instead
+you used</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avR /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+<p>then a file named /tmp/foo/bar/baz.c would be created on the remote
+machine, preserving its full path. These extra path elements are called
+&quot;implied directories&quot; (i.e. the &quot;foo&quot; and the &quot;foo/bar&quot; directories in the
+above example).</p>
+<p>Beginning with rsync 3.0.0, rsync always sends these implied directories as
+real directories in the file list, even if a path element is really a
+symlink on the sending side. This prevents some really unexpected behaviors
+when copying the full path of a file that you didn't realize had a symlink
+in its path. If you want to duplicate a server-side symlink, include both
+the symlink via its path, and referent directory via its real path. If
+you're dealing with an older rsync on the sending side, you may need to use
+the <a href="#opt--no-implied-dirs"><code>--no-implied-dirs</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>It is also possible to limit the amount of path information that is sent as
+implied directories for each path you specify. With a modern rsync on the
+sending side (beginning with 2.6.7), you can insert a dot and a slash into
+the source path, like this:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avR /foo/./bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+<p>That would create /tmp/bar/baz.c on the remote machine. (Note that the dot
+must be followed by a slash, so &quot;/foo/.&quot; would not be abbreviated.) For
+older rsync versions, you would need to use a chdir to limit the source
+path. For example, when pushing files:</p>
+<pre><code>(cd /foo; rsync -avR bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/)
+<p>(Note that the parens put the two commands into a sub-shell, so that the
+&quot;cd&quot; command doesn't remain in effect for future commands.) If you're
+pulling files from an older rsync, use this idiom (but only for a
+non-daemon transfer):</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avR --rsync-path=&quot;cd /foo; rsync&quot; \
+ remote:bar/baz.c /tmp/
+<dt id="opt--no-implied-dirs"><code>--no-implied-dirs</code><a href="#opt--no-implied-dirs" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option affects the default behavior of the <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> option. When
+it is specified, the attributes of the implied directories from the source
+names are not included in the transfer. This means that the corresponding
+path elements on the destination system are left unchanged if they exist,
+and any missing implied directories are created with default attributes.
+This even allows these implied path elements to have big differences, such
+as being a symlink to a directory on the receiving side.</p>
+<p>For instance, if a command-line arg or a files-from entry told rsync to
+transfer the file &quot;path/foo/file&quot;, the directories &quot;path&quot; and &quot;path/foo&quot;
+are implied when <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> is used. If &quot;path/foo&quot; is a symlink to &quot;bar&quot;
+on the destination system, the receiving rsync would ordinarily delete
+&quot;path/foo&quot;, recreate it as a directory, and receive the file into the new
+directory. With <code>--no-implied-dirs</code>, the receiving rsync updates
+&quot;path/foo/file&quot; using the existing path elements, which means that the file
+ends up being created in &quot;path/bar&quot;. Another way to accomplish this link
+preservation is to use the <a href="#opt--keep-dirlinks"><code>--keep-dirlinks</code></a> option (which will also affect
+symlinks to directories in the rest of the transfer).</p>
+<p>When pulling files from an rsync older than 3.0.0, you may need to use this
+option if the sending side has a symlink in the path you request and you
+wish the implied directories to be transferred as normal directories.</p>
+<span id="opt-b"></span><dt id="opt--backup"><code>--backup</code>, <code>-b</code><a href="#opt--backup" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>With this option, preexisting destination files are renamed as each file is
+transferred or deleted. You can control where the backup file goes and
+what (if any) suffix gets appended using the <a href="#opt--backup-dir"><code>--backup-dir</code></a> and
+<a href="#opt--suffix"><code>--suffix</code></a> options.</p>
+<p>If you don't specify <a href="#opt--backup-dir"><code>--backup-dir</code></a>:</p>
+<li>the <a href="#opt--omit-dir-times"><code>--omit-dir-times</code></a> option will be forced on</li>
+<li>the use of <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> (without <a href="#opt--delete-excluded"><code>--delete-excluded</code></a>),
+causes rsync to add a &quot;protect&quot; <a href="#FILTER_RULES">filter-rule</a> for the
+backup suffix to the end of all your existing filters that looks like
+this: <code>-f &quot;P *~&quot;</code>. This rule prevents previously backed-up files from
+being deleted.</li>
+<p>Note that if you are supplying your own filter rules, you may need to
+manually insert your own exclude/protect rule somewhere higher up in the
+list so that it has a high enough priority to be effective (e.g. if your
+rules specify a trailing inclusion/exclusion of <code>*</code>, the auto-added rule
+would never be reached).</p>
+<dt id="opt--backup-dir"><code>--backup-dir=DIR</code><a href="#opt--backup-dir" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This implies the <a href="#opt--backup"><code>--backup</code></a> option, and tells rsync to store all
+backups in the specified directory on the receiving side. This can be used
+for incremental backups. You can additionally specify a backup suffix
+using the <a href="#opt--suffix"><code>--suffix</code></a> option (otherwise the files backed up in the
+specified directory will keep their original filenames).</p>
+<p>Note that if you specify a relative path, the backup directory will be
+relative to the destination directory, so you probably want to specify
+either an absolute path or a path that starts with &quot;../&quot;. If an rsync
+daemon is the receiver, the backup dir cannot go outside the module's path
+hierarchy, so take extra care not to delete it or copy into it.</p>
+<dt id="opt--suffix"><code>--suffix=SUFFIX</code><a href="#opt--suffix" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to override the default backup suffix used with the
+<a href="#opt--backup"><code>--backup</code></a> (<code>-b</code>) option. The default suffix is a <code>~</code> if no
+<a href="#opt--backup-dir"><code>--backup-dir</code></a> was specified, otherwise it is an empty string.</p>
+<span id="opt-u"></span><dt id="opt--update"><code>--update</code>, <code>-u</code><a href="#opt--update" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This forces rsync to skip any files which exist on the destination and have
+a modified time that is newer than the source file. (If an existing
+destination file has a modification time equal to the source file's, it
+will be updated if the sizes are different.)</p>
+<p>Note that this does not affect the copying of dirs, symlinks, or other
+special files. Also, a difference of file format between the sender and
+receiver is always considered to be important enough for an update, no
+matter what date is on the objects. In other words, if the source has a
+directory where the destination has a file, the transfer would occur
+regardless of the timestamps.</p>
+<p>This option is a <a href="#TRANSFER_RULES">TRANSFER RULE</a>, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.</p>
+<p>A caution for those that choose to combine <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> with
+<code>--update</code>: an interrupted transfer will leave behind a partial file on the
+receiving side that has a very recent modified time, so re-running the
+transfer will probably <strong>not</strong> continue the interrupted file. As such, it
+is usually best to avoid combining this with<a href="#opt--inplace"> <code>--inplace</code></a> unless you
+have implemented manual steps to handle any interrupted in-progress files.</p>
+<dt id="opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code><a href="#opt--inplace" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option changes how rsync transfers a file when its data needs to be
+updated: instead of the default method of creating a new copy of the file
+and moving it into place when it is complete, rsync instead writes the
+updated data directly to the destination file.</p>
+<p>This has several effects:</p>
+<li>Hard links are not broken. This means the new data will be visible
+through other hard links to the destination file. Moreover, attempts to
+copy differing source files onto a multiply-linked destination file will
+result in a &quot;tug of war&quot; with the destination data changing back and
+<li>In-use binaries cannot be updated (either the OS will prevent this from
+happening, or binaries that attempt to swap-in their data will misbehave
+or crash).</li>
+<li>The file's data will be in an inconsistent state during the transfer and
+will be left that way if the transfer is interrupted or if an update
+<li>A file that rsync cannot write to cannot be updated. While a super user
+can update any file, a normal user needs to be granted write permission
+for the open of the file for writing to be successful.</li>
+<li>The efficiency of rsync's delta-transfer algorithm may be reduced if some
+data in the destination file is overwritten before it can be copied to a
+position later in the file. This does not apply if you use <a href="#opt--backup"><code>--backup</code></a>,
+since rsync is smart enough to use the backup file as the basis file for
+the transfer.</li>
+<p>WARNING: you should not use this option to update files that are being
+accessed by others, so be careful when choosing to use this for a copy.</p>
+<p>This option is useful for transferring large files with block-based changes
+or appended data, and also on systems that are disk bound, not network
+bound. It can also help keep a copy-on-write filesystem snapshot from
+diverging the entire contents of a file that only has minor changes.</p>
+<p>The option implies <a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a> (since an interrupted transfer does
+not delete the file), but conflicts with <a href="#opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir</code></a> and
+<a href="#opt--delay-updates"><code>--delay-updates</code></a>. Prior to rsync 2.6.4 <code>--inplace</code> was also
+incompatible with <a href="#opt--compare-dest"><code>--compare-dest</code></a> and <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--append"><code>--append</code><a href="#opt--append" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This special copy mode only works to efficiently update files that are
+known to be growing larger where any existing content on the receiving side
+is also known to be the same as the content on the sender. The use of
+<code>--append</code> <strong>can be dangerous</strong> if you aren't 100% sure that all the files
+in the transfer are shared, growing files. You should thus use filter
+rules to ensure that you weed out any files that do not fit this criteria.</p>
+<p>Rsync updates these growing file in-place without verifying any of the
+existing content in the file (it only verifies the content that it is
+appending). Rsync skips any files that exist on the receiving side that
+are not shorter than the associated file on the sending side (which means
+that new files are transferred). It also skips any files whose size on the
+sending side gets shorter during the send negotiations (rsync warns about a
+&quot;diminished&quot; file when this happens).</p>
+<p>This does not interfere with the updating of a file's non-content
+attributes (e.g. permissions, ownership, etc.) when the file does not need
+to be transferred, nor does it affect the updating of any directories or
+non-regular files.</p>
+<dt id="opt--append-verify"><code>--append-verify</code><a href="#opt--append-verify" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This special copy mode works like <a href="#opt--append"><code>--append</code></a> except that all the
+data in the file is included in the checksum verification (making it less
+efficient but also potentially safer). This option <strong>can be dangerous</strong> if
+you aren't 100% sure that all the files in the transfer are shared, growing
+files. See the <a href="#opt--append"><code>--append</code></a> option for more details.</p>
+<p>Note: prior to rsync 3.0.0, the <a href="#opt--append"><code>--append</code></a> option worked like
+<code>--append-verify</code>, so if you are interacting with an older rsync (or the
+transfer is using a protocol prior to 30), specifying either append option
+will initiate an <code>--append-verify</code> transfer.</p>
+<span id="opt-d"></span><dt id="opt--dirs"><code>--dirs</code>, <code>-d</code><a href="#opt--dirs" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Tell the sending side to include any directories that are encountered.
+Unlike <a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a>, a directory's contents are not copied unless
+the directory name specified is &quot;.&quot; or ends with a trailing slash (e.g.
+&quot;.&quot;, &quot;dir/.&quot;, &quot;dir/&quot;, etc.). Without this option or the
+<a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a> option, rsync will skip all directories it encounters
+(and output a message to that effect for each one). If you specify both
+<code>--dirs</code> and <a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a>, <code>--recursive</code> takes precedence.</p>
+<p>The <code>--dirs</code> option is implied by the <a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> option or the
+<a href="#opt--list-only"><code>--list-only</code></a> option (including an implied <a href="#opt--list-only"><code>--list-only</code></a>
+usage) if <a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a> wasn't specified (so that directories are
+seen in the listing). Specify <code>--no-dirs</code> (or <code>--no-d</code>) if you want to
+turn this off.</p>
+<p>There is also a backward-compatibility helper option, <code>--old-dirs</code>
+(<code>--old-d</code>) that tells rsync to use a hack of <code>-r --exclude='/*/*'</code> to get
+an older rsync to list a single directory without recursing.</p>
+<dt id="opt--mkpath"><code>--mkpath</code><a href="#opt--mkpath" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Create all missing path components of the destination path.</p>
+<p>By default, rsync allows only the final component of the destination path
+to not exist, which is an attempt to help you to validate your destination
+path. With this option, rsync creates all the missing destination-path
+components, just as if <code>mkdir -p $DEST_PATH</code> had been run on the receiving
+<p>When specifying a destination path, including a trailing slash ensures that
+the whole path is treated as directory names to be created, even when the
+file list has a single item. See the <a href="#COPYING_TO_A_DIFFERENT_NAME">COPYING TO A DIFFERENT NAME</a>
+section for full details on how rsync decides if a final destination-path
+component should be created as a directory or not.</p>
+<p>If you would like the newly-created destination dirs to match the dirs on
+the sending side, you should be using <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> (<code>-R</code>) instead
+of <code>--mkpath</code>. For instance, the following two commands result in the same
+destination tree, but only the second command ensures that the
+&quot;some/extra/path&quot; components match the dirs on the sending side:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai --mkpath host:some/extra/path/*.c some/extra/path/
+rsync -aiR host:some/extra/path/*.c ./
+<span id="opt-l"></span><dt id="opt--links"><code>--links</code>, <code>-l</code><a href="#opt--links" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Add symlinks to the transferred files instead of noisily ignoring them with
+a &quot;non-regular file&quot; warning for each symlink encountered. You can
+alternately silence the warning by specifying <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=nonreg0</code></a>.</p>
+<p>The default handling of symlinks is to recreate each symlink's unchanged
+value on the receiving side.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#SYMBOLIC_LINKS">SYMBOLIC LINKS</a> section for multi-option info.</p>
+<span id="opt-L"></span><dt id="opt--copy-links"><code>--copy-links</code>, <code>-L</code><a href="#opt--copy-links" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>The sender transforms each symlink encountered in the transfer into the
+referent item, following the symlink chain to the file or directory that it
+references. If a symlink chain is broken, an error is output and the file
+is dropped from the transfer.</p>
+<p>This option supersedes any other options that affect symlinks in the
+transfer, since there are no symlinks left in the transfer.</p>
+<p>This option does not change the handling of existing symlinks on the
+receiving side, unlike versions of rsync prior to 2.6.3 which had the
+side-effect of telling the receiving side to also follow symlinks. A
+modern rsync won't forward this option to a remote receiver (since only the
+sender needs to know about it), so this caveat should only affect someone
+using an rsync client older than 2.6.7 (which is when <code>-L</code> stopped being
+forwarded to the receiver).</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#opt--keep-dirlinks"><code>--keep-dirlinks</code></a> (<code>-K</code>) if you need a symlink to a
+directory to be treated as a real directory on the receiving side.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#SYMBOLIC_LINKS">SYMBOLIC LINKS</a> section for multi-option info.</p>
+<dt id="opt--copy-unsafe-links"><code>--copy-unsafe-links</code><a href="#opt--copy-unsafe-links" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to copy the referent of symbolic links that point outside
+the copied tree. Absolute symlinks are also treated like ordinary files,
+and so are any symlinks in the source path itself when <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a>
+is used.</p>
+<p>Note that the cut-off point is the top of the transfer, which is the part
+of the path that rsync isn't mentioning in the verbose output. If you copy
+&quot;/src/subdir&quot; to &quot;/dest/&quot; then the &quot;subdir&quot; directory is a name inside the
+transfer tree, not the top of the transfer (which is /src) so it is legal
+for created relative symlinks to refer to other names inside the /src and
+/dest directories. If you instead copy &quot;/src/subdir/&quot; (with a trailing
+slash) to &quot;/dest/subdir&quot; that would not allow symlinks to any files outside
+of &quot;subdir&quot;.</p>
+<p>Note that safe symlinks are only copied if <a href="#opt--links"><code>--links</code></a> was also
+specified or implied. The <code>--copy-unsafe-links</code> option has no extra effect
+when combined with <a href="#opt--copy-links"><code>--copy-links</code></a>.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#SYMBOLIC_LINKS">SYMBOLIC LINKS</a> section for multi-option info.</p>
+<dt id="opt--safe-links"><code>--safe-links</code><a href="#opt--safe-links" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells the receiving rsync to ignore any symbolic links in the transfer
+which point outside the copied tree. All absolute symlinks are also
+<p>Since this ignoring is happening on the receiving side, it will still be
+effective even when the sending side has munged symlinks (when it is using
+<a href="#opt--munge-links"><code>--munge-links</code></a>). It also affects deletions, since the file being
+present in the transfer prevents any matching file on the receiver from
+being deleted when the symlink is deemed to be unsafe and is skipped.</p>
+<p>This option must be combined with <a href="#opt--links"><code>--links</code></a> (or
+<a href="#opt--archive"><code>--archive</code></a>) to have any symlinks in the transfer to conditionally
+ignore. Its effect is superseded by <a href="#opt--copy-unsafe-links"><code>--copy-unsafe-links</code></a>.</p>
+<p>Using this option in conjunction with <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> may give
+unexpected results.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#SYMBOLIC_LINKS">SYMBOLIC LINKS</a> section for multi-option info.</p>
+<dt id="opt--munge-links"><code>--munge-links</code><a href="#opt--munge-links" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option affects just one side of the transfer and tells rsync to munge
+symlink values when it is receiving files or unmunge symlink values when it
+is sending files. The munged values make the symlinks unusable on disk but
+allows the original contents of the symlinks to be recovered.</p>
+<p>The server-side rsync often enables this option without the client's
+knowledge, such as in an rsync daemon's configuration file or by an option
+given to the rrsync (restricted rsync) script. When specified on the
+client side, specify the option normally if it is the client side that
+has/needs the munged symlinks, or use <code>-M--munge-links</code> to give the option
+to the server when it has/needs the munged symlinks. Note that on a local
+transfer, the client is the sender, so specifying the option directly
+unmunges symlinks while specifying it as a remote option munges symlinks.</p>
+<p>This option has no effect when sent to a daemon via <a href="#opt--remote-option"><code>--remote-option</code></a>
+because the daemon configures whether it wants munged symlinks via its
+&quot;<code>munge symlinks</code>&quot; parameter.</p>
+<p>The symlink value is munged/unmunged once it is in the transfer, so any
+option that transforms symlinks into non-symlinks occurs prior to the
+munging/unmunging <strong>except</strong> for <a href="#opt--safe-links"><code>--safe-links</code></a>, which is a choice
+that the receiver makes, so it bases its decision on the munged/unmunged
+value. This does mean that if a receiver has munging enabled, that using
+<a href="#opt--safe-links"><code>--safe-links</code></a> will cause all symlinks to be ignored (since they
+are all absolute).</p>
+<p>The method that rsync uses to munge the symlinks is to prefix each one's
+value with the string &quot;/rsyncd-munged/&quot;. This prevents the links from
+being used as long as the directory does not exist. When this option is
+enabled, rsync will refuse to run if that path is a directory or a symlink
+to a directory (though it only checks at startup). See also the
+&quot;munge-symlinks&quot; python script in the support directory of the source code
+for a way to munge/unmunge one or more symlinks in-place.</p>
+<span id="opt-k"></span><dt id="opt--copy-dirlinks"><code>--copy-dirlinks</code>, <code>-k</code><a href="#opt--copy-dirlinks" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes the sending side to treat a symlink to a directory as
+though it were a real directory. This is useful if you don't want symlinks
+to non-directories to be affected, as they would be using
+<a href="#opt--copy-links"><code>--copy-links</code></a>.</p>
+<p>Without this option, if the sending side has replaced a directory with a
+symlink to a directory, the receiving side will delete anything that is in
+the way of the new symlink, including a directory hierarchy (as long as
+<a href="#opt--force"><code>--force</code></a> or <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> is in effect).</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--keep-dirlinks"><code>--keep-dirlinks</code></a> for an analogous option for the
+receiving side.</p>
+<p><code>--copy-dirlinks</code> applies to all symlinks to directories in the source. If
+you want to follow only a few specified symlinks, a trick you can use is to
+pass them as additional source args with a trailing slash, using
+<a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> to make the paths match up right. For example:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -r --relative src/./ src/./follow-me/ dest/
+<p>This works because rsync calls <strong>lstat</strong>(2) on the source arg as given, and
+the trailing slash makes <strong>lstat</strong>(2) follow the symlink, giving rise to a
+directory in the file-list which overrides the symlink found during the
+scan of &quot;src/./&quot;.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#SYMBOLIC_LINKS">SYMBOLIC LINKS</a> section for multi-option info.</p>
+<span id="opt-K"></span><dt id="opt--keep-dirlinks"><code>--keep-dirlinks</code>, <code>-K</code><a href="#opt--keep-dirlinks" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes the receiving side to treat a symlink to a directory as
+though it were a real directory, but only if it matches a real directory
+from the sender. Without this option, the receiver's symlink would be
+deleted and replaced with a real directory.</p>
+<p>For example, suppose you transfer a directory &quot;foo&quot; that contains a file
+&quot;file&quot;, but &quot;foo&quot; is a symlink to directory &quot;bar&quot; on the receiver. Without
+<code>--keep-dirlinks</code>, the receiver deletes symlink &quot;foo&quot;, recreates it as a
+directory, and receives the file into the new directory. With
+<code>--keep-dirlinks</code>, the receiver keeps the symlink and &quot;file&quot; ends up in
+<p>One note of caution: if you use <code>--keep-dirlinks</code>, you must trust all the
+symlinks in the copy or enable the <a href="#opt--munge-links"><code>--munge-links</code></a> option on the
+receiving side! If it is possible for an untrusted user to create their
+own symlink to any real directory, the user could then (on a subsequent
+copy) replace the symlink with a real directory and affect the content of
+whatever directory the symlink references. For backup copies, you are
+better off using something like a bind mount instead of a symlink to modify
+your receiving hierarchy.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--copy-dirlinks"><code>--copy-dirlinks</code></a> for an analogous option for the sending
+<p>See the <a href="#SYMBOLIC_LINKS">SYMBOLIC LINKS</a> section for multi-option info.</p>
+<span id="opt-H"></span><dt id="opt--hard-links"><code>--hard-links</code>, <code>-H</code><a href="#opt--hard-links" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to look for hard-linked files in the source and link
+together the corresponding files on the destination. Without this option,
+hard-linked files in the source are treated as though they were separate
+<p>This option does NOT necessarily ensure that the pattern of hard links on
+the destination exactly matches that on the source. Cases in which the
+destination may end up with extra hard links include the following:</p>
+<li>If the destination contains extraneous hard-links (more linking than what
+is present in the source file list), the copying algorithm will not break
+them explicitly. However, if one or more of the paths have content
+differences, the normal file-update process will break those extra links
+(unless you are using the <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> option).</li>
+<li>If you specify a <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a> directory that contains hard
+links, the linking of the destination files against the
+<a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a> files can cause some paths in the destination to
+become linked together due to the <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a> associations.</li>
+<p>Note that rsync can only detect hard links between files that are inside
+the transfer set. If rsync updates a file that has extra hard-link
+connections to files outside the transfer, that linkage will be broken. If
+you are tempted to use the <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> option to avoid this breakage, be
+very careful that you know how your files are being updated so that you are
+certain that no unintended changes happen due to lingering hard links (and
+see the <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> option for more caveats).</p>
+<p>If incremental recursion is active (see <a href="#opt--inc-recursive"><code>--inc-recursive</code></a>), rsync
+may transfer a missing hard-linked file before it finds that another link
+for that contents exists elsewhere in the hierarchy. This does not affect
+the accuracy of the transfer (i.e. which files are hard-linked together),
+just its efficiency (i.e. copying the data for a new, early copy of a
+hard-linked file that could have been found later in the transfer in
+another member of the hard-linked set of files). One way to avoid this
+inefficiency is to disable incremental recursion using the
+<a href="#opt--no-inc-recursive"><code>--no-inc-recursive</code></a> option.</p>
+<span id="opt-p"></span><dt id="opt--perms"><code>--perms</code>, <code>-p</code><a href="#opt--perms" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes the receiving rsync to set the destination permissions
+to be the same as the source permissions. (See also the <a href="#opt--chmod"><code>--chmod</code></a>
+option for a way to modify what rsync considers to be the source
+<p>When this option is <u>off</u>, permissions are set as follows:</p>
+<li>Existing files (including updated files) retain their existing
+permissions, though the <a href="#opt--executability"><code>--executability</code></a> option might change
+just the execute permission for the file.</li>
+<li>New files get their &quot;normal&quot; permission bits set to the source file's
+permissions masked with the receiving directory's default permissions
+(either the receiving process's umask, or the permissions specified via
+the destination directory's default ACL), and their special permission
+bits disabled except in the case where a new directory inherits a setgid
+bit from its parent directory.</li>
+<p>Thus, when <code>--perms</code> and <a href="#opt--executability"><code>--executability</code></a> are both disabled, rsync's
+behavior is the same as that of other file-copy utilities, such as <strong>cp</strong>(1)
+and <strong>tar</strong>(1).</p>
+<p>In summary: to give destination files (both old and new) the source
+permissions, use <code>--perms</code>. To give new files the destination-default
+permissions (while leaving existing files unchanged), make sure that the
+<code>--perms</code> option is off and use <a href="#opt--chmod"><code>--chmod=ugo=rwX</code></a> (which ensures
+that all non-masked bits get enabled). If you'd care to make this latter
+behavior easier to type, you could define a popt alias for it, such as
+putting this line in the file <code>~/.popt</code> (the following defines the <code>-Z</code>
+option, and includes <code>--no-g</code> to use the default group of the destination
+<pre><code> rsync alias -Z --no-p --no-g --chmod=ugo=rwX
+<p>You could then use this new option in a command such as this one:</p>
+<pre><code> rsync -avZ src/ dest/
+<p>(Caveat: make sure that <code>-a</code> does not follow <code>-Z</code>, or it will re-enable the
+two <code>--no-*</code> options mentioned above.)</p>
+<p>The preservation of the destination's setgid bit on newly-created
+directories when <code>--perms</code> is off was added in rsync 2.6.7. Older rsync
+versions erroneously preserved the three special permission bits for
+newly-created files when <code>--perms</code> was off, while overriding the
+destination's setgid bit setting on a newly-created directory. Default ACL
+observance was added to the ACL patch for rsync 2.6.7, so older (or
+non-ACL-enabled) rsyncs use the umask even if default ACLs are present.
+(Keep in mind that it is the version of the receiving rsync that affects
+these behaviors.)</p>
+<span id="opt-E"></span><dt id="opt--executability"><code>--executability</code>, <code>-E</code><a href="#opt--executability" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to preserve the executability (or
+non-executability) of regular files when <a href="#opt--perms"><code>--perms</code></a> is not enabled.
+A regular file is considered to be executable if at least one 'x' is turned
+on in its permissions. When an existing destination file's executability
+differs from that of the corresponding source file, rsync modifies the
+destination file's permissions as follows:</p>
+<li>To make a file non-executable, rsync turns off all its 'x' permissions.</li>
+<li>To make a file executable, rsync turns on each 'x' permission that has a
+corresponding 'r' permission enabled.</li>
+<p>If <a href="#opt--perms"><code>--perms</code></a> is enabled, this option is ignored.</p>
+<span id="opt-A"></span><dt id="opt--acls"><code>--acls</code>, <code>-A</code><a href="#opt--acls" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to update the destination ACLs to be the same as
+the source ACLs. The option also implies <a href="#opt--perms"><code>--perms</code></a>.</p>
+<p>The source and destination systems must have compatible ACL entries for
+this option to work properly. See the <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a> option for a
+way to backup and restore ACLs that are not compatible.</p>
+<span id="opt-X"></span><dt id="opt--xattrs"><code>--xattrs</code>, <code>-X</code><a href="#opt--xattrs" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to update the destination extended attributes to
+be the same as the source ones.</p>
+<p>For systems that support extended-attribute namespaces, a copy being done
+by a super-user copies all namespaces except system.*. A normal user only
+copies the user.* namespace. To be able to backup and restore non-user
+namespaces as a normal user, see the <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>The above name filtering can be overridden by using one or more filter
+options with the <strong>x</strong> modifier. When you specify an xattr-affecting
+filter rule, rsync requires that you do your own system/user filtering, as
+well as any additional filtering for what xattr names are copied and what
+names are allowed to be deleted. For example, to skip the system
+namespace, you could specify:</p>
+<pre><code>--filter='-x system.*'
+<p>To skip all namespaces except the user namespace, you could specify a
+negated-user match:</p>
+<pre><code>--filter='-x! user.*'
+<p>To prevent any attributes from being deleted, you could specify a
+receiver-only rule that excludes all names:</p>
+<pre><code>--filter='-xr *'
+<p>Note that the <code>-X</code> option does not copy rsync's special xattr values (e.g.
+those used by <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a>) unless you repeat the option (e.g. <code>-XX</code>).
+This &quot;copy all xattrs&quot; mode cannot be used with <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--chmod"><code>--chmod=CHMOD</code><a href="#opt--chmod" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells rsync to apply one or more comma-separated &quot;chmod&quot; modes
+to the permission of the files in the transfer. The resulting value is
+treated as though it were the permissions that the sending side supplied
+for the file, which means that this option can seem to have no effect on
+existing files if <a href="#opt--perms"><code>--perms</code></a> is not enabled.</p>
+<p>In addition to the normal parsing rules specified in the <strong>chmod</strong>(1)
+manpage, you can specify an item that should only apply to a directory by
+prefixing it with a 'D', or specify an item that should only apply to a
+file by prefixing it with a 'F'. For example, the following will ensure
+that all directories get marked set-gid, that no files are other-writable,
+that both are user-writable and group-writable, and that both have
+consistent executability across all bits:</p>
+<p>Using octal mode numbers is also allowed:</p>
+<p>It is also legal to specify multiple <code>--chmod</code> options, as each additional
+option is just appended to the list of changes to make.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#opt--perms"><code>--perms</code></a> and <a href="#opt--executability"><code>--executability</code></a> options for how the
+resulting permission value can be applied to the files in the transfer.</p>
+<span id="opt-o"></span><dt id="opt--owner"><code>--owner</code>, <code>-o</code><a href="#opt--owner" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to set the owner of the destination file to be the
+same as the source file, but only if the receiving rsync is being run as
+the super-user (see also the <a href="#opt--super"><code>--super</code></a> and <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a>
+options). Without this option, the owner of new and/or transferred files
+are set to the invoking user on the receiving side.</p>
+<p>The preservation of ownership will associate matching names by default, but
+may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances (see also the
+<a href="#opt--numeric-ids"><code>--numeric-ids</code></a> option for a full discussion).</p>
+<span id="opt-g"></span><dt id="opt--group"><code>--group</code>, <code>-g</code><a href="#opt--group" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to set the group of the destination file to be the
+same as the source file. If the receiving program is not running as the
+super-user (or if <code>--no-super</code> was specified), only groups that the
+invoking user on the receiving side is a member of will be preserved.
+Without this option, the group is set to the default group of the invoking
+user on the receiving side.</p>
+<p>The preservation of group information will associate matching names by
+default, but may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances
+(see also the <a href="#opt--numeric-ids"><code>--numeric-ids</code></a> option for a full discussion).</p>
+<dt id="opt--devices"><code>--devices</code><a href="#opt--devices" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to transfer character and block device files to
+the remote system to recreate these devices. If the receiving rsync is not
+being run as the super-user, rsync silently skips creating the device files
+(see also the <a href="#opt--super"><code>--super</code></a> and <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a> options).</p>
+<p>By default, rsync generates a &quot;non-regular file&quot; warning for each device
+file encountered when this option is not set. You can silence the warning
+by specifying <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=nonreg0</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--specials"><code>--specials</code><a href="#opt--specials" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to transfer special files, such as named sockets
+and fifos. If the receiving rsync is not being run as the super-user,
+rsync silently skips creating the special files (see also the
+<a href="#opt--super"><code>--super</code></a> and <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a> options).</p>
+<p>By default, rsync generates a &quot;non-regular file&quot; warning for each special
+file encountered when this option is not set. You can silence the warning
+by specifying <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=nonreg0</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt-D"><code>-D</code><a href="#opt-D" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>The <code>-D</code> option is equivalent to &quot;<a href="#opt--devices"><code>--devices</code></a>
+<a href="#opt--specials"><code>--specials</code></a>&quot;.</p>
+<dt id="opt--copy-devices"><code>--copy-devices</code><a href="#opt--copy-devices" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to treat a device on the sending side as a regular file,
+allowing it to be copied to a normal destination file (or another device
+if <code>--write-devices</code> was also specified).</p>
+<p>This option is refused by default by an rsync daemon.</p>
+<dt id="opt--write-devices"><code>--write-devices</code><a href="#opt--write-devices" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to treat a device on the receiving side as a regular file,
+allowing the writing of file data into a device.</p>
+<p>This option implies the <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>Be careful using this, as you should know what devices are present on the
+receiving side of the transfer, especially when running rsync as root.</p>
+<p>This option is refused by default by an rsync daemon.</p>
+<span id="opt-t"></span><dt id="opt--times"><code>--times</code>, <code>-t</code><a href="#opt--times" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to transfer modification times along with the files and
+update them on the remote system. Note that if this option is not used,
+the optimization that excludes files that have not been modified cannot be
+effective; in other words, a missing <code>-t</code> (or <a href="#opt-a"><code>-a</code></a>) will cause the
+next transfer to behave as if it used <a href="#opt--ignore-times"><code>--ignore-times</code></a> (<code>-I</code>),
+causing all files to be updated (though rsync's delta-transfer algorithm
+will make the update fairly efficient if the files haven't actually
+changed, you're much better off using <code>-t</code>).</p>
+<p>A modern rsync that is using transfer protocol 30 or 31 conveys a modify
+time using up to 8-bytes. If rsync is forced to speak an older protocol
+(perhaps due to the remote rsync being older than 3.0.0) a modify time is
+conveyed using 4-bytes. Prior to 3.2.7, these shorter values could convey
+a date range of 13-Dec-1901 to 19-Jan-2038. Beginning with 3.2.7, these
+4-byte values now convey a date range of 1-Jan-1970 to 7-Feb-2106. If you
+have files dated older than 1970, make sure your rsync executables are
+upgraded so that the full range of dates can be conveyed.</p>
+<span id="opt-U"></span><dt id="opt--atimes"><code>--atimes</code>, <code>-U</code><a href="#opt--atimes" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to set the access (use) times of the destination files to
+the same value as the source files.</p>
+<p>If repeated, it also sets the <a href="#opt--open-noatime"><code>--open-noatime</code></a> option, which can help you
+to make the sending and receiving systems have the same access times on the
+transferred files without needing to run rsync an extra time after a file
+is transferred.</p>
+<p>Note that some older rsync versions (prior to 3.2.0) may have been built
+with a pre-release <code>--atimes</code> patch that does not imply
+<a href="#opt--open-noatime"><code>--open-noatime</code></a> when this option is repeated.</p>
+<dt id="opt--open-noatime"><code>--open-noatime</code><a href="#opt--open-noatime" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to open files with the O_NOATIME flag (on systems that
+support it) to avoid changing the access time of the files that are being
+transferred. If your OS does not support the O_NOATIME flag then rsync
+will silently ignore this option. Note also that some filesystems are
+mounted to avoid updating the atime on read access even without the
+O_NOATIME flag being set.</p>
+<span id="opt-N_"></span><dt id="opt--crtimes"><code>--crtimes</code>, <code>-N,</code><a href="#opt--crtimes" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to set the create times (newness) of the destination
+files to the same value as the source files.</p>
+<span id="opt-O"></span><dt id="opt--omit-dir-times"><code>--omit-dir-times</code>, <code>-O</code><a href="#opt--omit-dir-times" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to omit directories when it is preserving modification,
+access, and create times. If NFS is sharing the directories on the receiving
+side, it is a good idea to use <code>-O</code>. This option is inferred if you use
+<a href="#opt--backup"><code>--backup</code></a> without <a href="#opt--backup-dir"><code>--backup-dir</code></a>.</p>
+<p>This option also has the side-effect of avoiding early creation of missing
+sub-directories when incremental recursion is enabled, as discussed in the
+<a href="#opt--inc-recursive"><code>--inc-recursive</code></a> section.</p>
+<span id="opt-J"></span><dt id="opt--omit-link-times"><code>--omit-link-times</code>, <code>-J</code><a href="#opt--omit-link-times" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to omit symlinks when it is preserving modification,
+access, and create times.</p>
+<dt id="opt--super"><code>--super</code><a href="#opt--super" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells the receiving side to attempt super-user activities even if the
+receiving rsync wasn't run by the super-user. These activities include:
+preserving users via the <a href="#opt--owner"><code>--owner</code></a> option, preserving all groups
+(not just the current user's groups) via the <a href="#opt--group"><code>--group</code></a> option, and
+copying devices via the <a href="#opt--devices"><code>--devices</code></a> option. This is useful for
+systems that allow such activities without being the super-user, and also
+for ensuring that you will get errors if the receiving side isn't being run
+as the super-user. To turn off super-user activities, the super-user can
+use <code>--no-super</code>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code><a href="#opt--fake-super" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When this option is enabled, rsync simulates super-user activities by
+saving/restoring the privileged attributes via special extended attributes
+that are attached to each file (as needed). This includes the file's owner
+and group (if it is not the default), the file's device info (device &amp;
+special files are created as empty text files), and any permission bits
+that we won't allow to be set on the real file (e.g. the real file gets
+u-s,g-s,o-t for safety) or that would limit the owner's access (since the
+real super-user can always access/change a file, the files we create can
+always be accessed/changed by the creating user). This option also handles
+ACLs (if <a href="#opt--acls"><code>--acls</code></a> was specified) and non-user extended attributes
+(if <a href="#opt--xattrs"><code>--xattrs</code></a> was specified).</p>
+<p>This is a good way to backup data without using a super-user, and to store
+ACLs from incompatible systems.</p>
+<p>The <code>--fake-super</code> option only affects the side where the option is used.
+To affect the remote side of a remote-shell connection, use the
+<a href="#opt--remote-option"><code>--remote-option</code></a> (<code>-M</code>) option:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av -M--fake-super /src/ host:/dest/
+<p>For a local copy, this option affects both the source and the destination.
+If you wish a local copy to enable this option just for the destination
+files, specify <code>-M--fake-super</code>. If you wish a local copy to enable this
+option just for the source files, combine <code>--fake-super</code> with <code>-M--super</code>.</p>
+<p>This option is overridden by both <a href="#opt--super"><code>--super</code></a> and <code>--no-super</code>.</p>
+<p>See also the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5#fake_super"><code>fake super</code></a> setting in the
+daemon's rsyncd.conf file.</p>
+<span id="opt-S"></span><dt id="opt--sparse"><code>--sparse</code>, <code>-S</code><a href="#opt--sparse" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Try to handle sparse files efficiently so they take up less space on the
+destination. If combined with <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> the file created might
+not end up with sparse blocks with some combinations of kernel version
+and/or filesystem type. If <a href="#opt--whole-file"><code>--whole-file</code></a> is in effect (e.g. for a
+local copy) then it will always work because rsync truncates the file prior
+to writing out the updated version.</p>
+<p>Note that versions of rsync older than 3.1.3 will reject the combination of
+<code>--sparse</code> and <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--preallocate"><code>--preallocate</code><a href="#opt--preallocate" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells the receiver to allocate each destination file to its eventual
+size before writing data to the file. Rsync will only use the real
+filesystem-level preallocation support provided by Linux's <strong>fallocate</strong>(2)
+system call or Cygwin's <strong>posix_fallocate</strong>(3), not the slow glibc
+implementation that writes a null byte into each block.</p>
+<p>Without this option, larger files may not be entirely contiguous on the
+filesystem, but with this option rsync will probably copy more slowly. If
+the destination is not an extent-supporting filesystem (such as ext4, xfs,
+NTFS, etc.), this option may have no positive effect at all.</p>
+<p>If combined with <a href="#opt--sparse"><code>--sparse</code></a>, the file will only have sparse blocks
+(as opposed to allocated sequences of null bytes) if the kernel version and
+filesystem type support creating holes in the allocated data.</p>
+<span id="opt-n"></span><dt id="opt--dry-run"><code>--dry-run</code>, <code>-n</code><a href="#opt--dry-run" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This makes rsync perform a trial run that doesn't make any changes (and
+produces mostly the same output as a real run). It is most commonly used
+in combination with the <a href="#opt--verbose"><code>--verbose</code></a> (<code>-v</code>) and/or
+<a href="#opt--itemize-changes"><code>--itemize-changes</code></a> (<code>-i</code>) options to see what an rsync command is
+going to do before one actually runs it.</p>
+<p>The output of <a href="#opt--itemize-changes"><code>--itemize-changes</code></a> is supposed to be exactly the
+same on a dry run and a subsequent real run (barring intentional trickery
+and system call failures); if it isn't, that's a bug. Other output should
+be mostly unchanged, but may differ in some areas. Notably, a dry run does
+not send the actual data for file transfers, so <a href="#opt--progress"><code>--progress</code></a> has no
+effect, the &quot;bytes sent&quot;, &quot;bytes received&quot;, &quot;literal data&quot;, and &quot;matched
+data&quot; statistics are too small, and the &quot;speedup&quot; value is equivalent to a
+run where no file transfers were needed.</p>
+<span id="opt-W"></span><dt id="opt--whole-file"><code>--whole-file</code>, <code>-W</code><a href="#opt--whole-file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option disables rsync's delta-transfer algorithm, which causes all
+transferred files to be sent whole. The transfer may be faster if this
+option is used when the bandwidth between the source and destination
+machines is higher than the bandwidth to disk (especially when the &quot;disk&quot;
+is actually a networked filesystem). This is the default when both the
+source and destination are specified as local paths, but only if no
+batch-writing option is in effect.</p>
+<span id="opt--no-W"></span><dt id="opt--no-whole-file"><code>--no-whole-file</code>, <code>--no-W</code><a href="#opt--no-whole-file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Disable whole-file updating when it is enabled by default for a local
+transfer. This usually slows rsync down, but it can be useful if you are
+trying to minimize the writes to the destination file (if combined with
+<a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a>) or for testing the checksum-based update algorithm.</p>
+<p>See also the <a href="#opt--whole-file"><code>--whole-file</code></a> option.</p>
+<span id="opt--cc"></span><dt id="opt--checksum-choice"><code>--checksum-choice=STR</code>, <code>--cc=STR</code><a href="#opt--checksum-choice" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option overrides the checksum algorithms. If one algorithm name is
+specified, it is used for both the transfer checksums and (assuming
+<a href="#opt--checksum"><code>--checksum</code></a> is specified) the pre-transfer checksums. If two
+comma-separated names are supplied, the first name affects the transfer
+checksums, and the second name affects the pre-transfer checksums (<code>-c</code>).</p>
+<p>The checksum options that you may be able to use are:</p>
+<li><code>auto</code> (the default automatic choice)</li>
+<li><code>xxh64</code> (aka <code>xxhash</code>)</li>
+<p>Run <code>rsync --version</code> to see the default checksum list compiled into your
+version (which may differ from the list above).</p>
+<p>If &quot;none&quot; is specified for the first (or only) name, the <a href="#opt--whole-file"><code>--whole-file</code></a>
+option is forced on and no checksum verification is performed on the
+transferred data. If &quot;none&quot; is specified for the second (or only) name,
+the <a href="#opt--checksum"><code>--checksum</code></a> option cannot be used.</p>
+<p>The &quot;auto&quot; option is the default, where rsync bases its algorithm choice on
+a negotiation between the client and the server as follows:</p>
+<p>When both sides of the transfer are at least 3.2.0, rsync chooses the first
+algorithm in the client's list of choices that is also in the server's list
+of choices. If no common checksum choice is found, rsync exits with
+an error. If the remote rsync is too old to support checksum negotiation,
+a value is chosen based on the protocol version (which chooses between MD5
+and various flavors of MD4 based on protocol age).</p>
+<p>The default order can be customized by setting the environment variable
+<a href="#RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST"><code>RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST</code></a> to a space-separated list of acceptable checksum
+names. If the string contains a &quot;<code>&amp;</code>&quot; character, it is separated into the
+&quot;client string &amp; server string&quot;, otherwise the same string applies to both.
+If the string (or string portion) contains no non-whitespace characters,
+the default checksum list is used. This method does not allow you to
+specify the transfer checksum separately from the pre-transfer checksum,
+and it discards &quot;auto&quot; and all unknown checksum names. A list with only
+invalid names results in a failed negotiation.</p>
+<p>The use of the <code>--checksum-choice</code> option overrides this environment list.</p>
+<span id="opt-x"></span><dt id="opt--one-file-system"><code>--one-file-system</code>, <code>-x</code><a href="#opt--one-file-system" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to avoid crossing a filesystem boundary when recursing.
+This does not limit the user's ability to specify items to copy from
+multiple filesystems, just rsync's recursion through the hierarchy of each
+directory that the user specified, and also the analogous recursion on the
+receiving side during deletion. Also keep in mind that rsync treats a
+&quot;bind&quot; mount to the same device as being on the same filesystem.</p>
+<p>If this option is repeated, rsync omits all mount-point directories from
+the copy. Otherwise, it includes an empty directory at each mount-point it
+encounters (using the attributes of the mounted directory because those of
+the underlying mount-point directory are inaccessible).</p>
+<p>If rsync has been told to collapse symlinks (via <a href="#opt--copy-links"><code>--copy-links</code></a> or
+<a href="#opt--copy-unsafe-links"><code>--copy-unsafe-links</code></a>), a symlink to a directory on another device
+is treated like a mount-point. Symlinks to non-directories are unaffected
+by this option.</p>
+<span id="opt--existing"></span><dt id="opt--ignore-non-existing"><code>--ignore-non-existing</code>, <code>--existing</code><a href="#opt--ignore-non-existing" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to skip creating files (including directories) that do not
+exist yet on the destination. If this option is combined with the
+<a href="#opt--ignore-existing"><code>--ignore-existing</code></a> option, no files will be updated (which can be
+useful if all you want to do is delete extraneous files).</p>
+<p>This option is a <a href="#TRANSFER_RULES">TRANSFER RULE</a>, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.</p>
+<dt id="opt--ignore-existing"><code>--ignore-existing</code><a href="#opt--ignore-existing" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to skip updating files that already exist on the
+destination (this does <u>not</u> ignore existing directories, or nothing would
+get done). See also <a href="#opt--ignore-non-existing"><code>--ignore-non-existing</code></a>.</p>
+<p>This option is a <a href="#TRANSFER_RULES">TRANSFER RULE</a>, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.</p>
+<p>This option can be useful for those doing backups using the
+<a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a> option when they need to continue a backup run that
+got interrupted. Since a <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a> run is copied into a new
+directory hierarchy (when it is used properly), using [<code>--ignore-existing</code>
+will ensure that the already-handled files don't get tweaked (which avoids
+a change in permissions on the hard-linked files). This does mean that
+this option is only looking at the existing files in the destination
+hierarchy itself.</p>
+<p>When <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=skip2</code></a> is used rsync will output &quot;FILENAME exists
+(INFO)&quot; messages where the INFO indicates one of &quot;type change&quot;, &quot;sum
+change&quot; (requires <a href="#opt-c"><code>-c</code></a>), &quot;file change&quot; (based on the quick check),
+&quot;attr change&quot;, or &quot;uptodate&quot;. Using <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=skip1</code></a> (which is also
+implied by 2 <a href="#opt-v"><code>-v</code></a> options) outputs the exists message without the
+INFO suffix.</p>
+<dt id="opt--remove-source-files"><code>--remove-source-files</code><a href="#opt--remove-source-files" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to remove from the sending side the files (meaning
+non-directories) that are a part of the transfer and have been successfully
+duplicated on the receiving side.</p>
+<p>Note that you should only use this option on source files that are
+quiescent. If you are using this to move files that show up in a
+particular directory over to another host, make sure that the finished
+files get renamed into the source directory, not directly written into it,
+so that rsync can't possibly transfer a file that is not yet fully written.
+If you can't first write the files into a different directory, you should
+use a naming idiom that lets rsync avoid transferring files that are not
+yet finished (e.g. name the file &quot;; when it is written, rename it to
+&quot;foo&quot; when it is done, and then use the option <a href="#opt--exclude"><code>--exclude='*.new'</code></a>
+for the rsync transfer).</p>
+<p>Starting with 3.1.0, rsync will skip the sender-side removal (and output an
+error) if the file's size or modify time has not stayed unchanged.</p>
+<p>Starting with 3.2.6, a local rsync copy will ensure that the sender does
+not remove a file the receiver just verified, such as when the user
+accidentally makes the source and destination directory the same path.</p>
+<dt id="opt--delete"><code>--delete</code><a href="#opt--delete" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to delete extraneous files from the receiving side (ones
+that aren't on the sending side), but only for the directories that are
+being synchronized. You must have asked rsync to send the whole directory
+(e.g. &quot;<code>dir</code>&quot; or &quot;<code>dir/</code>&quot;) without using a wildcard for the directory's
+contents (e.g. &quot;<code>dir/*</code>&quot;) since the wildcard is expanded by the shell and
+rsync thus gets a request to transfer individual files, not the files'
+parent directory. Files that are excluded from the transfer are also
+excluded from being deleted unless you use the <a href="#opt--delete-excluded"><code>--delete-excluded</code></a>
+option or mark the rules as only matching on the sending side (see the
+include/exclude modifiers in the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> section).</p>
+<p>Prior to rsync 2.6.7, this option would have no effect unless
+<a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a> was enabled. Beginning with 2.6.7, deletions will
+also occur when <a href="#opt--dirs"><code>--dirs</code></a> (<code>-d</code>) is enabled, but only for
+directories whose contents are being copied.</p>
+<p>This option can be dangerous if used incorrectly! It is a very good idea to
+first try a run using the <a href="#opt--dry-run"><code>--dry-run</code></a> (<code>-n</code>) option to see what
+files are going to be deleted.</p>
+<p>If the sending side detects any I/O errors, then the deletion of any files
+at the destination will be automatically disabled. This is to prevent
+temporary filesystem failures (such as NFS errors) on the sending side from
+causing a massive deletion of files on the destination. You can override
+this with the <a href="#opt--ignore-errors"><code>--ignore-errors</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>The <code>--delete</code> option may be combined with one of the -&#8288;-&#8288;delete-WHEN options
+without conflict, as well as <a href="#opt--delete-excluded"><code>--delete-excluded</code></a>. However, if none
+of the <code>--delete-WHEN</code> options are specified, rsync will choose the
+<a href="#opt--delete-during"><code>--delete-during</code></a> algorithm when talking to rsync 3.0.0 or newer,
+or the <a href="#opt--delete-before"><code>--delete-before</code></a> algorithm when talking to an older rsync.
+See also <a href="#opt--delete-delay"><code>--delete-delay</code></a> and <a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--delete-before"><code>--delete-before</code><a href="#opt--delete-before" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done before the
+transfer starts. See <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> (which is implied) for more
+details on file-deletion.</p>
+<p>Deleting before the transfer is helpful if the filesystem is tight for
+space and removing extraneous files would help to make the transfer
+possible. However, it does introduce a delay before the start of the
+transfer, and this delay might cause the transfer to timeout (if
+<a href="#opt--timeout"><code>--timeout</code></a> was specified). It also forces rsync to use the old,
+non-incremental recursion algorithm that requires rsync to scan all the
+files in the transfer into memory at once (see <a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a>).</p>
+<span id="opt--del"></span><dt id="opt--delete-during"><code>--delete-during</code>, <code>--del</code><a href="#opt--delete-during" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done incrementally
+as the transfer happens. The per-directory delete scan is done right
+before each directory is checked for updates, so it behaves like a more
+efficient <a href="#opt--delete-before"><code>--delete-before</code></a>, including doing the deletions prior to
+any per-directory filter files being updated. This option was first added
+in rsync version 2.6.4. See <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> (which is implied) for more
+details on file-deletion.</p>
+<dt id="opt--delete-delay"><code>--delete-delay</code><a href="#opt--delete-delay" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be computed during
+the transfer (like <a href="#opt--delete-during"><code>--delete-during</code></a>), and then removed after the
+transfer completes. This is useful when combined with
+<a href="#opt--delay-updates"><code>--delay-updates</code></a> and/or <a href="#opt--fuzzy"><code>--fuzzy</code></a>, and is more efficient
+than using <a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a> (but can behave differently, since
+<a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a> computes the deletions in a separate pass after
+all updates are done). If the number of removed files overflows an
+internal buffer, a temporary file will be created on the receiving side to
+hold the names (it is removed while open, so you shouldn't see it during
+the transfer). If the creation of the temporary file fails, rsync will try
+to fall back to using <a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a> (which it cannot do if
+<a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a> is doing an incremental scan). See
+<a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> (which is implied) for more details on file-deletion.</p>
+<dt id="opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code><a href="#opt--delete-after" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done after the
+transfer has completed. This is useful if you are sending new
+per-directory merge files as a part of the transfer and you want their
+exclusions to take effect for the delete phase of the current transfer. It
+also forces rsync to use the old, non-incremental recursion algorithm that
+requires rsync to scan all the files in the transfer into memory at once
+(see <a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a>). See <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> (which is implied) for
+more details on file-deletion.</p>
+<p>See also the <a href="#opt--delete-delay"><code>--delete-delay</code></a> option that might be a faster choice
+for those that just want the deletions to occur at the end of the transfer.</p>
+<dt id="opt--delete-excluded"><code>--delete-excluded</code><a href="#opt--delete-excluded" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option turns any unqualified exclude/include rules into server-side
+rules that do not affect the receiver's deletions.</p>
+<p>By default, an exclude or include has both a server-side effect (to &quot;hide&quot;
+and &quot;show&quot; files when building the server's file list) and a receiver-side
+effect (to &quot;protect&quot; and &quot;risk&quot; files when deletions are occurring). Any
+rule that has no modifier to specify what sides it is executed on will be
+instead treated as if it were a server-side rule only, avoiding any
+&quot;protect&quot; effects of the rules.</p>
+<p>A rule can still apply to both sides even with this option specified if the
+rule is given both the sender &amp; receiver modifier letters (e.g., <code>-f'-sr foo'</code>). Receiver-side protect/risk rules can also be explicitly specified
+to limit the deletions. This saves you from having to edit a bunch of
+<code>-f'- foo'</code> rules into <code>-f'-s foo'</code> (aka <code>-f'H foo'</code>) rules (not to mention
+the corresponding includes).</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> section for more information. See
+<a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> (which is implied) for more details on deletion.</p>
+<dt id="opt--ignore-missing-args"><code>--ignore-missing-args</code><a href="#opt--ignore-missing-args" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When rsync is first processing the explicitly requested source files (e.g.
+command-line arguments or <a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> entries), it is normally
+an error if the file cannot be found. This option suppresses that error,
+and does not try to transfer the file. This does not affect subsequent
+vanished-file errors if a file was initially found to be present and later
+is no longer there.</p>
+<dt id="opt--delete-missing-args"><code>--delete-missing-args</code><a href="#opt--delete-missing-args" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option takes the behavior of the (implied)
+<a href="#opt--ignore-missing-args"><code>--ignore-missing-args</code></a> option a step farther: each missing arg
+will become a deletion request of the corresponding destination file on the
+receiving side (should it exist). If the destination file is a non-empty
+directory, it will only be successfully deleted if <a href="#opt--force"><code>--force</code></a> or
+<a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> are in effect. Other than that, this option is
+independent of any other type of delete processing.</p>
+<p>The missing source files are represented by special file-list entries which
+display as a &quot;<code>*missing</code>&quot; entry in the <a href="#opt--list-only"><code>--list-only</code></a> output.</p>
+<dt id="opt--ignore-errors"><code>--ignore-errors</code><a href="#opt--ignore-errors" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Tells <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> to go ahead and delete files even when there are
+I/O errors.</p>
+<dt id="opt--force"><code>--force</code><a href="#opt--force" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells rsync to delete a non-empty directory when it is to be
+replaced by a non-directory. This is only relevant if deletions are not
+active (see <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> for details).</p>
+<p>Note for older rsync versions: <code>--force</code> used to still be required when
+using <a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a>, and it used to be non-functional unless the
+<a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a> option was also enabled.</p>
+<dt id="opt--max-delete"><code>--max-delete=NUM</code><a href="#opt--max-delete" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync not to delete more than NUM files or directories. If that
+limit is exceeded, all further deletions are skipped through the end of the
+transfer. At the end, rsync outputs a warning (including a count of the
+skipped deletions) and exits with an error code of 25 (unless some more
+important error condition also occurred).</p>
+<p>Beginning with version 3.0.0, you may specify <code>--max-delete=0</code> to be warned
+about any extraneous files in the destination without removing any of them.
+Older clients interpreted this as &quot;unlimited&quot;, so if you don't know what
+version the client is, you can use the less obvious <code>--max-delete=-1</code> as a
+backward-compatible way to specify that no deletions be allowed (though
+really old versions didn't warn when the limit was exceeded).</p>
+<dt id="opt--max-size"><code>--max-size=SIZE</code><a href="#opt--max-size" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to avoid transferring any file that is larger than the
+specified SIZE. A numeric value can be suffixed with a string to indicate
+the numeric units or left unqualified to specify bytes. Feel free to use a
+fractional value along with the units, such as <code>--max-size=1.5m</code>.</p>
+<p>This option is a <a href="#TRANSFER_RULES">TRANSFER RULE</a>, so don't expect any
+exclude side effects.</p>
+<p>The first letter of a units string can be <code>B</code> (bytes), <code>K</code> (kilo), <code>M</code>
+(mega), <code>G</code> (giga), <code>T</code> (tera), or <code>P</code> (peta). If the string is a single
+char or has &quot;ib&quot; added to it (e.g. &quot;G&quot; or &quot;GiB&quot;) then the units are
+multiples of 1024. If you use a two-letter suffix that ends with a &quot;B&quot;
+(e.g. &quot;kb&quot;) then you get units that are multiples of 1000. The string's
+letters can be any mix of upper and lower-case that you want to use.</p>
+<p>Finally, if the string ends with either &quot;+1&quot; or &quot;-&#8288;1&quot;, it is offset by one
+byte in the indicated direction. The largest possible value is usually
+<p>Examples: <code>--max-size=1.5mb-1</code> is 1499999 bytes, and <code>--max-size=2g+1</code> is
+2147483649 bytes.</p>
+<p>Note that rsync versions prior to 3.1.0 did not allow <code>--max-size=0</code>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--min-size"><code>--min-size=SIZE</code><a href="#opt--min-size" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to avoid transferring any file that is smaller than the
+specified SIZE, which can help in not transferring small, junk files. See
+the <a href="#opt--max-size"><code>--max-size</code></a> option for a description of SIZE and other info.</p>
+<p>Note that rsync versions prior to 3.1.0 did not allow <code>--min-size=0</code>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--max-alloc"><code>--max-alloc=SIZE</code><a href="#opt--max-alloc" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>By default rsync limits an individual malloc/realloc to about 1GB in size.
+For most people this limit works just fine and prevents a protocol error
+causing rsync to request massive amounts of memory. However, if you have
+many millions of files in a transfer, a large amount of server memory, and
+you don't want to split up your transfer into multiple parts, you can
+increase the per-allocation limit to something larger and rsync will
+consume more memory.</p>
+<p>Keep in mind that this is not a limit on the total size of allocated
+memory. It is a sanity-check value for each individual allocation.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#opt--max-size"><code>--max-size</code></a> option for a description of how SIZE can be
+specified. The default suffix if none is given is bytes.</p>
+<p>Beginning in 3.2.3, a value of 0 specifies no limit.</p>
+<p>You can set a default value using the environment variable
+<a href="#RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC"><code>RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC</code></a> using the same SIZE values as supported by this
+option. If the remote rsync doesn't understand the <code>--max-alloc</code> option,
+you can override an environmental value by specifying <code>--max-alloc=1g</code>,
+which will make rsync avoid sending the option to the remote side (because
+&quot;1G&quot; is the default).</p>
+<span id="opt-B"></span><dt id="opt--block-size"><code>--block-size=SIZE</code>, <code>-B</code><a href="#opt--block-size" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This forces the block size used in rsync's delta-transfer algorithm to a
+fixed value. It is normally selected based on the size of each file being
+updated. See the technical report for details.</p>
+<p>Beginning in 3.2.3 the SIZE can be specified with a suffix as detailed in
+the <a href="#opt--max-size"><code>--max-size</code></a> option. Older versions only accepted a byte count.</p>
+<span id="opt-e"></span><dt id="opt--rsh"><code>--rsh=COMMAND</code>, <code>-e</code><a href="#opt--rsh" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to choose an alternative remote shell program to use
+for communication between the local and remote copies of rsync. Typically,
+rsync is configured to use ssh by default, but you may prefer to use rsh on
+a local network.</p>
+<p>If this option is used with <code>[user@]host::module/path</code>, then the remote
+shell <u>COMMAND</u> will be used to run an rsync daemon on the remote host, and
+all data will be transmitted through that remote shell connection, rather
+than through a direct socket connection to a running rsync daemon on the
+CONNECTION</a> section above.</p>
+<p>Beginning with rsync 3.2.0, the <a href="#RSYNC_PORT"><code>RSYNC_PORT</code></a> environment variable will
+be set when a daemon connection is being made via a remote-shell
+connection. It is set to 0 if the default daemon port is being assumed, or
+it is set to the value of the rsync port that was specified via either the
+<a href="#opt--port"><code>--port</code></a> option or a non-empty port value in an <code>rsync://</code> URL.
+This allows the script to discern if a non-default port is being requested,
+allowing for things such as an SSL or stunnel helper script to connect to a
+default or alternate port.</p>
+<p>Command-line arguments are permitted in COMMAND provided that COMMAND is
+presented to rsync as a single argument. You must use spaces (not tabs or
+other whitespace) to separate the command and args from each other, and you
+can use single- and/or double-quotes to preserve spaces in an argument (but
+not backslashes). Note that doubling a single-quote inside a single-quoted
+string gives you a single-quote; likewise for double-quotes (though you
+need to pay attention to which quotes your shell is parsing and which
+quotes rsync is parsing). Some examples:</p>
+<pre><code>-e 'ssh -p 2234'
+-e 'ssh -o &quot;ProxyCommand nohup ssh firewall nc -w1 %h %p&quot;'
+<p>(Note that ssh users can alternately customize site-specific connect
+options in their .ssh/config file.)</p>
+<p>You can also choose the remote shell program using the <a href="#RSYNC_RSH"><code>RSYNC_RSH</code></a>
+environment variable, which accepts the same range of values as <code>-e</code>.</p>
+<p>See also the <a href="#opt--blocking-io"><code>--blocking-io</code></a> option which is affected by this
+<dt id="opt--rsync-path"><code>--rsync-path=PROGRAM</code><a href="#opt--rsync-path" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Use this to specify what program is to be run on the remote machine to
+start-up rsync. Often used when rsync is not in the default remote-shell's
+path (e.g. <code>--rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync</code>). Note that PROGRAM is run
+with the help of a shell, so it can be any program, script, or command
+sequence you'd care to run, so long as it does not corrupt the standard-in
+&amp; standard-out that rsync is using to communicate.</p>
+<p>One tricky example is to set a different default directory on the remote
+machine for use with the <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> option. For instance:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avR --rsync-path=&quot;cd /a/b &amp;&amp; rsync&quot; host:c/d /e/
+<span id="opt-M"></span><dt id="opt--remote-option"><code>--remote-option=OPTION</code>, <code>-M</code><a href="#opt--remote-option" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option is used for more advanced situations where you want certain
+effects to be limited to one side of the transfer only. For instance, if
+you want to pass <a href="#opt--log-file"><code>--log-file=FILE</code></a> and <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a> to
+the remote system, specify it like this:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av -M --log-file=foo -M--fake-super src/ dest/
+<p>If you want to have an option affect only the local side of a transfer when
+it normally affects both sides, send its negation to the remote side. Like
+<pre><code>rsync -av -x -M--no-x src/ dest/
+<p>Be cautious using this, as it is possible to toggle an option that will
+cause rsync to have a different idea about what data to expect next over
+the socket, and that will make it fail in a cryptic fashion.</p>
+<p>Note that you should use a separate <code>-M</code> option for each remote option you
+want to pass. On older rsync versions, the presence of any spaces in the
+remote-option arg could cause it to be split into separate remote args, but
+this requires the use of <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a> in a modern rsync.</p>
+<p>When performing a local transfer, the &quot;local&quot; side is the sender and the
+&quot;remote&quot; side is the receiver.</p>
+<p>Note some versions of the popt option-parsing library have a bug in them
+that prevents you from using an adjacent arg with an equal in it next to a
+short option letter (e.g. <code>-M--log-file=/tmp/foo</code>). If this bug affects
+your version of popt, you can use the version of popt that is included with
+<span id="opt-C"></span><dt id="opt--cvs-exclude"><code>--cvs-exclude</code>, <code>-C</code><a href="#opt--cvs-exclude" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This is a useful shorthand for excluding a broad range of files that you
+often don't want to transfer between systems. It uses a similar algorithm
+to CVS to determine if a file should be ignored.</p>
+<p>The exclude list is initialized to exclude the following items (these
+initial items are marked as perishable&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; see the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a>
+<p>then, files listed in a $HOME/.cvsignore are added to the list and any
+files listed in the CVSIGNORE environment variable (all cvsignore names are
+delimited by whitespace).</p>
+<p>Finally, any file is ignored if it is in the same directory as a .cvsignore
+file and matches one of the patterns listed therein. Unlike rsync's
+filter/exclude files, these patterns are split on whitespace. See the
+<strong>cvs</strong>(1) manual for more information.</p>
+<p>If you're combining <code>-C</code> with your own <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a> rules, you should
+note that these CVS excludes are appended at the end of your own rules,
+regardless of where the <code>-C</code> was placed on the command-line. This makes
+them a lower priority than any rules you specified explicitly. If you want
+to control where these CVS excludes get inserted into your filter rules,
+you should omit the <code>-C</code> as a command-line option and use a combination of
+<a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter=:C</code></a> and <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter=-C</code></a> (either on your
+command-line or by putting the &quot;:C&quot; and &quot;-&#8288;C&quot; rules into a filter file with
+your other rules). The first option turns on the per-directory scanning
+for the .cvsignore file. The second option does a one-time import of the
+CVS excludes mentioned above.</p>
+<span id="opt-f"></span><dt id="opt--filter"><code>--filter=RULE</code>, <code>-f</code><a href="#opt--filter" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to add rules to selectively exclude certain files
+from the list of files to be transferred. This is most useful in
+combination with a recursive transfer.</p>
+<p>You may use as many <code>--filter</code> options on the command line as you like to
+build up the list of files to exclude. If the filter contains whitespace,
+be sure to quote it so that the shell gives the rule to rsync as a single
+argument. The text below also mentions that you can use an underscore to
+replace the space that separates a rule from its arg.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> section for detailed information on this option.</p>
+<dt id="opt-F"><code>-F</code><a href="#opt-F" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>The <code>-F</code> option is a shorthand for adding two <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a> rules to
+your command. The first time it is used is a shorthand for this rule:</p>
+<pre><code>--filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'
+<p>This tells rsync to look for per-directory .rsync-filter files that have
+been sprinkled through the hierarchy and use their rules to filter the
+files in the transfer. If <code>-F</code> is repeated, it is a shorthand for this
+<pre><code>--filter='exclude .rsync-filter'
+<p>This filters out the .rsync-filter files themselves from the transfer.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> section for detailed information on how these
+options work.</p>
+<dt id="opt--exclude"><code>--exclude=PATTERN</code><a href="#opt--exclude" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option is a simplified form of the <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a> option that
+specifies an exclude rule and does not allow the full rule-parsing syntax
+of normal filter rules. This is equivalent to specifying <code>-f'- PATTERN'</code>.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> section for detailed information on this option.</p>
+<dt id="opt--exclude-from"><code>--exclude-from=FILE</code><a href="#opt--exclude-from" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option is related to the <a href="#opt--exclude"><code>--exclude</code></a> option, but it specifies
+a FILE that contains exclude patterns (one per line). Blank lines in the
+file are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with '<code>;</code>' or '<code>#</code>'
+(filename rules that contain those characters are unaffected).</p>
+<p>If a line begins with &quot;<code>- </code>&quot; (dash, space) or &quot;<code>+ </code>&quot; (plus, space), then
+the type of rule is being explicitly specified as an exclude or an include
+(respectively). Any rules without such a prefix are taken to be an exclude.</p>
+<p>If a line consists of just &quot;<code>!</code>&quot;, then the current filter rules are cleared
+before adding any further rules.</p>
+<p>If <u>FILE</u> is '<code>-</code>', the list will be read from standard input.</p>
+<dt id="opt--include"><code>--include=PATTERN</code><a href="#opt--include" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option is a simplified form of the <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a> option that
+specifies an include rule and does not allow the full rule-parsing syntax
+of normal filter rules. This is equivalent to specifying <code>-f'+ PATTERN'</code>.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> section for detailed information on this option.</p>
+<dt id="opt--include-from"><code>--include-from=FILE</code><a href="#opt--include-from" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option is related to the <a href="#opt--include"><code>--include</code></a> option, but it specifies
+a FILE that contains include patterns (one per line). Blank lines in the
+file are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with '<code>;</code>' or '<code>#</code>'
+(filename rules that contain those characters are unaffected).</p>
+<p>If a line begins with &quot;<code>- </code>&quot; (dash, space) or &quot;<code>+ </code>&quot; (plus, space), then
+the type of rule is being explicitly specified as an exclude or an include
+(respectively). Any rules without such a prefix are taken to be an include.</p>
+<p>If a line consists of just &quot;<code>!</code>&quot;, then the current filter rules are cleared
+before adding any further rules.</p>
+<p>If <u>FILE</u> is '<code>-</code>', the list will be read from standard input.</p>
+<dt id="opt--files-from"><code>--files-from=FILE</code><a href="#opt--files-from" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Using this option allows you to specify the exact list of files to transfer
+(as read from the specified FILE or '<code>-</code>' for standard input). It also
+tweaks the default behavior of rsync to make transferring just the
+specified files and directories easier:</p>
+<li>The <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> (<code>-R</code>) option is implied, which preserves the
+path information that is specified for each item in the file (use
+<code>--no-relative</code> or <code>--no-R</code> if you want to turn that off).</li>
+<li>The <a href="#opt--dirs"><code>--dirs</code></a> (<code>-d</code>) option is implied, which will create
+directories specified in the list on the destination rather than noisily
+skipping them (use <code>--no-dirs</code> or <code>--no-d</code> if you want to turn that off).</li>
+<li>The <a href="#opt--archive"><code>--archive</code></a> (<code>-a</code>) option's behavior does not imply
+<a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a> (<code>-r</code>), so specify it explicitly, if you want it.</li>
+<li>These side-effects change the default state of rsync, so the position of
+the <code>--files-from</code> option on the command-line has no bearing on how other
+options are parsed (e.g. <a href="#opt-a"><code>-a</code></a> works the same before or after
+<code>--files-from</code>, as does <code>--no-R</code> and all other options).</li>
+<p>The filenames that are read from the FILE are all relative to the source
+dir&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; any leading slashes are removed and no &quot;..&quot; references are allowed
+to go higher than the source dir. For example, take this command:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -a --files-from=/tmp/foo /usr remote:/backup
+<p>If /tmp/foo contains the string &quot;bin&quot; (or even &quot;/bin&quot;), the /usr/bin
+directory will be created as /backup/bin on the remote host. If it
+contains &quot;bin/&quot; (note the trailing slash), the immediate contents of the
+directory would also be sent (without needing to be explicitly mentioned in
+the file&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; this began in version 2.6.4). In both cases, if the
+<a href="#opt-r"><code>-r</code></a> option was enabled, that dir's entire hierarchy would also be
+transferred (keep in mind that <a href="#opt-r"><code>-r</code></a> needs to be specified
+explicitly with <code>--files-from</code>, since it is not implied by <a href="#opt-a"><code>-a</code></a>.
+Also note that the effect of the (enabled by default) <a href="#opt-r"><code>-r</code></a> option
+is to duplicate only the path info that is read from the file&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; it does
+not force the duplication of the source-spec path (/usr in this case).</p>
+<p>In addition, the <code>--files-from</code> file can be read from the remote host
+instead of the local host if you specify a &quot;host:&quot; in front of the file
+(the host must match one end of the transfer). As a short-cut, you can
+specify just a prefix of &quot;:&quot; to mean &quot;use the remote end of the transfer&quot;.
+For example:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -a --files-from=:/path/file-list src:/ /tmp/copy
+<p>This would copy all the files specified in the /path/file-list file that
+was located on the remote &quot;src&quot; host.</p>
+<p>If the <a href="#opt--iconv"><code>--iconv</code></a> and <a href="#opt--secluded-args"><code>--secluded-args</code></a> options are specified
+and the <code>--files-from</code> filenames are being sent from one host to another,
+the filenames will be translated from the sending host's charset to the
+receiving host's charset.</p>
+<p>NOTE: sorting the list of files in the <code>--files-from</code> input helps rsync to
+be more efficient, as it will avoid re-visiting the path elements that are
+shared between adjacent entries. If the input is not sorted, some path
+elements (implied directories) may end up being scanned multiple times, and
+rsync will eventually unduplicate them after they get turned into file-list
+<span id="opt-0"></span><dt id="opt--from0"><code>--from0</code>, <code>-0</code><a href="#opt--from0" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync that the rules/filenames it reads from a file are
+terminated by a null ('\0') character, not a NL, CR, or CR+LF. This
+affects <a href="#opt--exclude-from"><code>--exclude-from</code></a>, <a href="#opt--include-from"><code>--include-from</code></a>,
+<a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a>, and any merged files specified in a
+<a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a> rule. It does not affect <a href="#opt--cvs-exclude"><code>--cvs-exclude</code></a> (since
+all names read from a .cvsignore file are split on whitespace).</p>
+<dt id="opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code><a href="#opt--old-args" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells rsync to stop trying to protect the arg values on the
+remote side from unintended word-splitting or other misinterpretation.
+It also allows the client to treat an empty arg as a &quot;.&quot; instead of
+generating an error.</p>
+<p>The default in a modern rsync is for &quot;shell-active&quot; characters (including
+spaces) to be backslash-escaped in the args that are sent to the remote
+shell. The wildcard characters <code>*</code>, <code>?</code>, <code>[</code>, &amp; <code>]</code> are not escaped in
+filename args (allowing them to expand into multiple filenames) while being
+protected in option args, such as <a href="#opt--usermap"><code>--usermap</code></a>.</p>
+<p>If you have a script that wants to use old-style arg splitting in its
+filenames, specify this option once. If the remote shell has a problem
+with any backslash escapes at all, specify this option twice.</p>
+<p>You may also control this setting via the <a href="#RSYNC_OLD_ARGS"><code>RSYNC_OLD_ARGS</code></a> environment
+variable. If it has the value &quot;1&quot;, rsync will default to a single-option
+setting. If it has the value &quot;2&quot; (or more), rsync will default to a
+repeated-option setting. If it is &quot;0&quot;, you'll get the default escaping
+behavior. The environment is always overridden by manually specified
+positive or negative options (the negative is <code>--no-old-args</code>).</p>
+<p>Note that this option also disables the extra safety check added in 3.2.5
+that ensures that a remote sender isn't including extra top-level items in
+the file-list that you didn't request. This side-effect is necessary
+because we can't know for sure what names to expect when the remote shell
+is interpreting the args.</p>
+<p>This option conflicts with the <a href="#opt--secluded-args"><code>--secluded-args</code></a> option.</p>
+<span id="opt-s"></span><dt id="opt--secluded-args"><code>--secluded-args</code>, <code>-s</code><a href="#opt--secluded-args" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option sends all filenames and most options to the remote rsync via
+the protocol (not the remote shell command line) which avoids letting the
+remote shell modify them. Wildcards are expanded on the remote host by
+rsync instead of a shell.</p>
+<p>This is similar to the default backslash-escaping of args that was added
+in 3.2.4 (see <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a>) in that it prevents things like space
+splitting and unwanted special-character side-effects. However, it has the
+drawbacks of being incompatible with older rsync versions (prior to 3.0.0)
+and of being refused by restricted shells that want to be able to inspect
+all the option values for safety.</p>
+<p>This option is useful for those times that you need the argument's
+character set to be converted for the remote host, if the remote shell is
+incompatible with the default backslash-escpaing method, or there is some
+other reason that you want the majority of the options and arguments to
+bypass the command-line of the remote shell.</p>
+<p>If you combine this option with <a href="#opt--iconv"><code>--iconv</code></a>, the args related to the
+remote side will be translated from the local to the remote character-set.
+The translation happens before wild-cards are expanded. See also the
+<a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>You may also control this setting via the <a href="#RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS"><code>RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS</code></a>
+environment variable. If it has a non-zero value, this setting will be
+enabled by default, otherwise it will be disabled by default. Either state
+is overridden by a manually specified positive or negative version of this
+option (note that <code>--no-s</code> and <code>--no-secluded-args</code> are the negative
+versions). This environment variable is also superseded by a non-zero
+<a href="#RSYNC_OLD_ARGS"><code>RSYNC_OLD_ARGS</code></a> export.</p>
+<p>This option conflicts with the <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>This option used to be called <code>--protect-args</code> (before 3.2.6) and that
+older name can still be used (though specifying it as <code>-s</code> is always the
+easiest and most compatible choice).</p>
+<dt id="opt--trust-sender"><code>--trust-sender</code><a href="#opt--trust-sender" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option disables two extra validation checks that a local client
+performs on the file list generated by a remote sender. This option should
+only be used if you trust the sender to not put something malicious in the
+file list (something that could possibly be done via a modified rsync, a
+modified shell, or some other similar manipulation).</p>
+<p>Normally, the rsync client (as of version 3.2.5) runs two extra validation
+checks when pulling files from a remote rsync:</p>
+<li>It verifies that additional arg items didn't get added at the top of the
+<li>It verifies that none of the items in the file list are names that should
+have been excluded (if filter rules were specified).</li>
+<p>Note that various options can turn off one or both of these checks if the
+option interferes with the validation. For instance:</p>
+<li>Using a per-directory filter file reads filter rules that only the server
+knows about, so the filter checking is disabled.</li>
+<li>Using the <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a> option allows the sender to manipulate the
+requested args, so the arg checking is disabled.</li>
+<li>Reading the files-from list from the server side means that the client
+doesn't know the arg list, so the arg checking is disabled.</li>
+<li>Using <a href="#opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch</code></a> disables both checks since the batch file's
+contents will have been verified when it was created.</li>
+<p>This option may help an under-powered client server if the extra pattern
+matching is slowing things down on a huge transfer. It can also be used to
+work around a currently-unknown bug in the verification logic for a transfer
+from a trusted sender.</p>
+<p>When using this option it is a good idea to specify a dedicated destination
+directory, as discussed in the <a href="#MULTI-HOST_SECURITY">MULTI-HOST SECURITY</a> section.</p>
+<dt id="opt--copy-as"><code>--copy-as=USER[:GROUP]</code><a href="#opt--copy-as" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option instructs rsync to use the USER and (if specified after a
+colon) the GROUP for the copy operations. This only works if the user that
+is running rsync has the ability to change users. If the group is not
+specified then the user's default groups are used.</p>
+<p>This option can help to reduce the risk of an rsync being run as root into
+or out of a directory that might have live changes happening to it and you
+want to make sure that root-level read or write actions of system files are
+not possible. While you could alternatively run all of rsync as the
+specified user, sometimes you need the root-level host-access credentials
+to be used, so this allows rsync to drop root for the copying part of the
+operation after the remote-shell or daemon connection is established.</p>
+<p>The option only affects one side of the transfer unless the transfer is
+local, in which case it affects both sides. Use the
+<a href="#opt--remote-option"><code>--remote-option</code></a> to affect the remote side, such as
+<code>-M--copy-as=joe</code>. For a local transfer, the lsh (or support file
+provides a local-shell helper script that can be used to allow a
+&quot;localhost:&quot; or &quot;lh:&quot; host-spec to be specified without needing to setup
+any remote shells, allowing you to specify remote options that affect the
+side of the transfer that is using the host-spec (and using hostname &quot;lh&quot;
+avoids the overriding of the remote directory to the user's home dir).</p>
+<p>For example, the following rsync writes the local files as user &quot;joe&quot;:</p>
+<pre><code>sudo rsync -aiv --copy-as=joe host1:backups/joe/ /home/joe/
+<p>This makes all files owned by user &quot;joe&quot;, limits the groups to those that
+are available to that user, and makes it impossible for the joe user to do
+a timed exploit of the path to induce a change to a file that the joe user
+has no permissions to change.</p>
+<p>The following command does a local copy into the &quot;dest/&quot; dir as user &quot;joe&quot;
+(assuming you've installed support/lsh into a dir on your $PATH):</p>
+<pre><code>sudo rsync -aive lsh -M--copy-as=joe src/ lh:dest/
+<span id="opt-T"></span><dt id="opt--temp-dir"><code>--temp-dir=DIR</code>, <code>-T</code><a href="#opt--temp-dir" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option instructs rsync to use DIR as a scratch directory when creating
+temporary copies of the files transferred on the receiving side. The
+default behavior is to create each temporary file in the same directory as
+the associated destination file. Beginning with rsync 3.1.1, the temp-file
+names inside the specified DIR will not be prefixed with an extra dot
+(though they will still have a random suffix added).</p>
+<p>This option is most often used when the receiving disk partition does not
+have enough free space to hold a copy of the largest file in the transfer.
+In this case (i.e. when the scratch directory is on a different disk
+partition), rsync will not be able to rename each received temporary file
+over the top of the associated destination file, but instead must copy it
+into place. Rsync does this by copying the file over the top of the
+destination file, which means that the destination file will contain
+truncated data during this copy. If this were not done this way (even if
+the destination file were first removed, the data locally copied to a
+temporary file in the destination directory, and then renamed into place)
+it would be possible for the old file to continue taking up disk space (if
+someone had it open), and thus there might not be enough room to fit the
+new version on the disk at the same time.</p>
+<p>If you are using this option for reasons other than a shortage of disk
+space, you may wish to combine it with the <a href="#opt--delay-updates"><code>--delay-updates</code></a>
+option, which will ensure that all copied files get put into subdirectories
+in the destination hierarchy, awaiting the end of the transfer. If you
+don't have enough room to duplicate all the arriving files on the
+destination partition, another way to tell rsync that you aren't overly
+concerned about disk space is to use the <a href="#opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir</code></a> option
+with a relative path; because this tells rsync that it is OK to stash off a
+copy of a single file in a subdir in the destination hierarchy, rsync will
+use the partial-dir as a staging area to bring over the copied file, and
+then rename it into place from there. (Specifying a <a href="#opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir</code></a>
+with an absolute path does not have this side-effect.)</p>
+<span id="opt-y"></span><dt id="opt--fuzzy"><code>--fuzzy</code>, <code>-y</code><a href="#opt--fuzzy" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells rsync that it should look for a basis file for any
+destination file that is missing. The current algorithm looks in the same
+directory as the destination file for either a file that has an identical
+size and modified-time, or a similarly-named file. If found, rsync uses
+the fuzzy basis file to try to speed up the transfer.</p>
+<p>If the option is repeated, the fuzzy scan will also be done in any matching
+alternate destination directories that are specified via
+<a href="#opt--compare-dest"><code>--compare-dest</code></a>, <a href="#opt--copy-dest"><code>--copy-dest</code></a>, or <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a>.</p>
+<p>Note that the use of the <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> option might get rid of any
+potential fuzzy-match files, so either use <a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a> or
+specify some filename exclusions if you need to prevent this.</p>
+<dt id="opt--compare-dest"><code>--compare-dest=DIR</code><a href="#opt--compare-dest" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option instructs rsync to use <u>DIR</u> on the destination machine as an
+additional hierarchy to compare destination files against doing transfers
+(if the files are missing in the destination directory). If a file is
+found in <u>DIR</u> that is identical to the sender's file, the file will NOT be
+transferred to the destination directory. This is useful for creating a
+sparse backup of just files that have changed from an earlier backup. This
+option is typically used to copy into an empty (or newly created)
+<p>Beginning in version 2.6.4, multiple <code>--compare-dest</code> directories may be
+provided, which will cause rsync to search the list in the order specified
+for an exact match. If a match is found that differs only in attributes, a
+local copy is made and the attributes updated. If a match is not found, a
+basis file from one of the <u>DIRs</u> will be selected to try to speed up the
+<p>If <u>DIR</u> is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+See also <a href="#opt--copy-dest"><code>--copy-dest</code></a> and <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a>.</p>
+<p>NOTE: beginning with version 3.1.0, rsync will remove a file from a
+non-empty destination hierarchy if an exact match is found in one of the
+compare-dest hierarchies (making the end result more closely match a fresh
+<dt id="opt--copy-dest"><code>--copy-dest=DIR</code><a href="#opt--copy-dest" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option behaves like <a href="#opt--compare-dest"><code>--compare-dest</code></a>, but rsync will also copy
+unchanged files found in <u>DIR</u> to the destination directory using a local
+copy. This is useful for doing transfers to a new destination while
+leaving existing files intact, and then doing a flash-cutover when all
+files have been successfully transferred.</p>
+<p>Multiple <code>--copy-dest</code> directories may be provided, which will cause rsync
+to search the list in the order specified for an unchanged file. If a
+match is not found, a basis file from one of the <u>DIRs</u> will be selected to
+try to speed up the transfer.</p>
+<p>If <u>DIR</u> is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+See also <a href="#opt--compare-dest"><code>--compare-dest</code></a> and <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest=DIR</code><a href="#opt--link-dest" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option behaves like <a href="#opt--copy-dest"><code>--copy-dest</code></a>, but unchanged files are
+hard linked from <u>DIR</u> to the destination directory. The files must be
+identical in all preserved attributes (e.g. permissions, possibly
+ownership) in order for the files to be linked together. An example:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av --link-dest=$PWD/prior_dir host:src_dir/ new_dir/
+<p>If files aren't linking, double-check their attributes. Also check if
+some attributes are getting forced outside of rsync's control, such a mount
+option that squishes root to a single user, or mounts a removable drive
+with generic ownership (such as OS X's &quot;Ignore ownership on this volume&quot;
+<p>Beginning in version 2.6.4, multiple <code>--link-dest</code> directories may be
+provided, which will cause rsync to search the list in the order specified
+for an exact match (there is a limit of 20 such directories). If a match
+is found that differs only in attributes, a local copy is made and the
+attributes updated. If a match is not found, a basis file from one of the
+<u>DIRs</u> will be selected to try to speed up the transfer.</p>
+<p>This option works best when copying into an empty destination hierarchy, as
+existing files may get their attributes tweaked, and that can affect
+alternate destination files via hard-links. Also, itemizing of changes can
+get a bit muddled. Note that prior to version 3.1.0, an
+alternate-directory exact match would never be found (nor linked into the
+destination) when a destination file already exists.</p>
+<p>Note that if you combine this option with <a href="#opt--ignore-times"><code>--ignore-times</code></a>, rsync will not
+link any files together because it only links identical files together as a
+substitute for transferring the file, never as an additional check after
+the file is updated.</p>
+<p>If <u>DIR</u> is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+See also <a href="#opt--compare-dest"><code>--compare-dest</code></a> and <a href="#opt--copy-dest"><code>--copy-dest</code></a>.</p>
+<p>Note that rsync versions prior to 2.6.1 had a bug that could prevent
+<code>--link-dest</code> from working properly for a non-super-user when
+<a href="#opt--owner"><code>--owner</code></a> (<code>-o</code>) was specified (or implied). You can work-around
+this bug by avoiding the <code>-o</code> option (or using <code>--no-o</code>) when sending to an
+old rsync.</p>
+<span id="opt-z"></span><dt id="opt--compress"><code>--compress</code>, <code>-z</code><a href="#opt--compress" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>With this option, rsync compresses the file data as it is sent to the
+destination machine, which reduces the amount of data being transmitted&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288;
+something that is useful over a slow connection.</p>
+<p>Rsync supports multiple compression methods and will choose one for you
+unless you force the choice using the <a href="#opt--compress-choice"><code>--compress-choice</code></a> (<code>--zc</code>)
+<p>Run <code>rsync --version</code> to see the default compress list compiled into your
+<p>When both sides of the transfer are at least 3.2.0, rsync chooses the first
+algorithm in the client's list of choices that is also in the server's list
+of choices. If no common compress choice is found, rsync exits with
+an error. If the remote rsync is too old to support checksum negotiation,
+its list is assumed to be &quot;zlib&quot;.</p>
+<p>The default order can be customized by setting the environment variable
+<a href="#RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST"><code>RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST</code></a> to a space-separated list of acceptable
+compression names. If the string contains a &quot;<code>&amp;</code>&quot; character, it is
+separated into the &quot;client string &amp; server string&quot;, otherwise the same
+string applies to both. If the string (or string portion) contains no
+non-whitespace characters, the default compress list is used. Any unknown
+compression names are discarded from the list, but a list with only invalid
+names results in a failed negotiation.</p>
+<p>There are some older rsync versions that were configured to reject a <code>-z</code>
+option and require the use of <code>-zz</code> because their compression library was
+not compatible with the default zlib compression method. You can usually
+ignore this weirdness unless the rsync server complains and tells you to
+specify <code>-zz</code>.</p>
+<span id="opt--zc"></span><dt id="opt--compress-choice"><code>--compress-choice=STR</code>, <code>--zc=STR</code><a href="#opt--compress-choice" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option can be used to override the automatic negotiation of the
+compression algorithm that occurs when <a href="#opt--compress"><code>--compress</code></a> is used. The
+option implies <a href="#opt--compress"><code>--compress</code></a> unless &quot;none&quot; was specified, which
+instead implies <code>--no-compress</code>.</p>
+<p>The compression options that you may be able to use are:</p>
+<p>Run <code>rsync --version</code> to see the default compress list compiled into your
+version (which may differ from the list above).</p>
+<p>Note that if you see an error about an option named <code>--old-compress</code> or
+<code>--new-compress</code>, this is rsync trying to send the <code>--compress-choice=zlib</code>
+or <code>--compress-choice=zlibx</code> option in a backward-compatible manner that
+more rsync versions understand. This error indicates that the older rsync
+version on the server will not allow you to force the compression type.</p>
+<p>Note that the &quot;zlibx&quot; compression algorithm is just the &quot;zlib&quot; algorithm
+with matched data excluded from the compression stream (to try to make it
+more compatible with an external zlib implementation).</p>
+<span id="opt--zl"></span><dt id="opt--compress-level"><code>--compress-level=NUM</code>, <code>--zl=NUM</code><a href="#opt--compress-level" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Explicitly set the compression level to use (see <a href="#opt--compress"><code>--compress</code></a>,
+<code>-z</code>) instead of letting it default. The <a href="#opt--compress"><code>--compress</code></a> option is
+implied as long as the level chosen is not a &quot;don't compress&quot; level for the
+compression algorithm that is in effect (e.g. zlib compression treats level
+0 as &quot;off&quot;).</p>
+<p>The level values vary depending on the checksum in effect. Because rsync
+will negotiate a checksum choice by default (when the remote rsync is new
+enough), it can be good to combine this option with a
+<a href="#opt--compress-choice"><code>--compress-choice</code></a> (<code>--zc</code>) option unless you're sure of the
+choice in effect. For example:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiv --zc=zstd --zl=22 host:src/ dest/
+<p>For zlib &amp; zlibx compression the valid values are from 1 to 9 with 6 being
+the default. Specifying <code>--zl=0</code> turns compression off, and specifying
+<code>--zl=-1</code> chooses the default level of 6.</p>
+<p>For zstd compression the valid values are from -&#8288;131072 to 22 with 3 being
+the default. Specifying 0 chooses the default of 3.</p>
+<p>For lz4 compression there are no levels, so the value is always 0.</p>
+<p>If you specify a too-large or too-small value, the number is silently
+limited to a valid value. This allows you to specify something like
+<code>--zl=999999999</code> and be assured that you'll end up with the maximum
+compression level no matter what algorithm was chosen.</p>
+<p>If you want to know the compression level that is in effect, specify
+<a href="#opt--debug"><code>--debug=nstr</code></a> to see the &quot;negotiated string&quot; results. This will
+report something like &quot;<code>Client compress: zstd (level 3)</code>&quot; (along with the
+checksum choice in effect).</p>
+<dt id="opt--skip-compress"><code>--skip-compress=LIST</code><a href="#opt--skip-compress" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> no compression method currently supports per-file compression
+changes, so this option has no effect.</p>
+<p>Override the list of file suffixes that will be compressed as little as
+possible. Rsync sets the compression level on a per-file basis based on
+the file's suffix. If the compression algorithm has an &quot;off&quot; level, then
+no compression occurs for those files. Other algorithms that support
+changing the streaming level on-the-fly will have the level minimized to
+reduces the CPU usage as much as possible for a matching file.</p>
+<p>The <strong>LIST</strong> should be one or more file suffixes (without the dot) separated
+by slashes (<code>/</code>). You may specify an empty string to indicate that no files
+should be skipped.</p>
+<p>Simple character-class matching is supported: each must consist of a list
+of letters inside the square brackets (e.g. no special classes, such as
+&quot;[:alpha:]&quot;, are supported, and '-&#8288;' has no special meaning).</p>
+<p>The characters asterisk (<code>*</code>) and question-mark (<code>?</code>) have no special meaning.</p>
+<p>Here's an example that specifies 6 suffixes to skip (since 1 of the 5 rules
+matches 2 suffixes):</p>
+<p>The default file suffixes in the skip-compress list in this version of
+rsync are:</p>
+<p>This list will be replaced by your <code>--skip-compress</code> list in all but one
+situation: a copy from a daemon rsync will add your skipped suffixes to its
+list of non-compressing files (and its list may be configured to a
+different default).</p>
+<dt id="opt--numeric-ids"><code>--numeric-ids</code><a href="#opt--numeric-ids" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>With this option rsync will transfer numeric group and user IDs rather than
+using user and group names and mapping them at both ends.</p>
+<p>By default rsync will use the username and groupname to determine what
+ownership to give files. The special uid 0 and the special group 0 are
+never mapped via user/group names even if the <code>--numeric-ids</code> option is not
+<p>If a user or group has no name on the source system or it has no match on
+the destination system, then the numeric ID from the source system is used
+instead. See also the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5#use_chroot"><code>use chroot</code></a> setting
+in the rsyncd.conf manpage for some comments on how the chroot setting
+affects rsync's ability to look up the names of the users and groups and
+what you can do about it.</p>
+<span id="opt--groupmap"></span><dt id="opt--usermap"><code>--usermap=STRING</code>, <code>--groupmap=STRING</code><a href="#opt--usermap" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>These options allow you to specify users and groups that should be mapped
+to other values by the receiving side. The <strong>STRING</strong> is one or more
+<strong>FROM</strong>:<strong>TO</strong> pairs of values separated by commas. Any matching <strong>FROM</strong>
+value from the sender is replaced with a <strong>TO</strong> value from the receiver.
+You may specify usernames or user IDs for the <strong>FROM</strong> and <strong>TO</strong> values,
+and the <strong>FROM</strong> value may also be a wild-card string, which will be
+matched against the sender's names (wild-cards do NOT match against ID
+numbers, though see below for why a '<code>*</code>' matches everything). You may
+instead specify a range of ID numbers via an inclusive range: LOW-HIGH.
+For example:</p>
+<pre><code>--usermap=0-99:nobody,wayne:admin,*:normal --groupmap=usr:1,1:usr
+<p>The first match in the list is the one that is used. You should specify
+all your user mappings using a single <code>--usermap</code> option, and/or all your
+group mappings using a single <code>--groupmap</code> option.</p>
+<p>Note that the sender's name for the 0 user and group are not transmitted to
+the receiver, so you should either match these values using a 0, or use the
+names in effect on the receiving side (typically &quot;root&quot;). All other
+<strong>FROM</strong> names match those in use on the sending side. All <strong>TO</strong> names
+match those in use on the receiving side.</p>
+<p>Any IDs that do not have a name on the sending side are treated as having
+an empty name for the purpose of matching. This allows them to be matched
+via a &quot;<code>*</code>&quot; or using an empty name. For instance:</p>
+<pre><code>--usermap=:nobody --groupmap=*:nobody
+<p>When the <a href="#opt--numeric-ids"><code>--numeric-ids</code></a> option is used, the sender does not send any
+names, so all the IDs are treated as having an empty name. This means that
+you will need to specify numeric <strong>FROM</strong> values if you want to map these
+nameless IDs to different values.</p>
+<p>For the <code>--usermap</code> option to work, the receiver will need to be running as
+a super-user (see also the <a href="#opt--super"><code>--super</code></a> and <a href="#opt--fake-super"><code>--fake-super</code></a>
+options). For the <code>--groupmap</code> option to work, the receiver will need to
+have permissions to set that group.</p>
+<p>Starting with rsync 3.2.4, the <code>--usermap</code> option implies the
+<a href="#opt--owner"><code>--owner</code></a> (<code>-o</code>) option while the <code>--groupmap</code> option implies the
+<a href="#opt--group"><code>--group</code></a> (<code>-g</code>) option (since rsync needs to have those options
+enabled for the mapping options to work).</p>
+<p>An older rsync client may need to use <a href="#opt-s"><code>-s</code></a> to avoid a complaint
+about wildcard characters, but a modern rsync handles this automatically.</p>
+<dt id="opt--chown"><code>--chown=USER:GROUP</code><a href="#opt--chown" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option forces all files to be owned by USER with group GROUP. This is
+a simpler interface than using <a href="#opt--usermap"><code>--usermap</code></a> &amp; <a href="#opt--groupmap"><code>--groupmap</code></a>
+directly, but it is implemented using those options internally so they
+cannot be mixed. If either the USER or GROUP is empty, no mapping for the
+omitted user/group will occur. If GROUP is empty, the trailing colon may
+be omitted, but if USER is empty, a leading colon must be supplied.</p>
+<p>If you specify &quot;<code>--chown=foo:bar</code>&quot;, this is exactly the same as specifying
+&quot;<code>--usermap=*:foo --groupmap=*:bar</code>&quot;, only easier (and with the same
+implied <a href="#opt--owner"><code>--owner</code></a> and/or <a href="#opt--group"><code>--group</code></a> options).</p>
+<p>An older rsync client may need to use <a href="#opt-s"><code>-s</code></a> to avoid a complaint
+about wildcard characters, but a modern rsync handles this automatically.</p>
+<dt id="opt--timeout"><code>--timeout=SECONDS</code><a href="#opt--timeout" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to set a maximum I/O timeout in seconds. If no data
+is transferred for the specified time then rsync will exit. The default is
+0, which means no timeout.</p>
+<dt id="opt--contimeout"><code>--contimeout=SECONDS</code><a href="#opt--contimeout" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to set the amount of time that rsync will wait for
+its connection to an rsync daemon to succeed. If the timeout is reached,
+rsync exits with an error.</p>
+<dt id="opt--address"><code>--address=ADDRESS</code><a href="#opt--address" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>By default rsync will bind to the wildcard address when connecting to an
+rsync daemon. The <code>--address</code> option allows you to specify a specific IP
+address (or hostname) to bind to.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#dopt--address">the daemon version of the <code>--address</code> option</a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--port"><code>--port=PORT</code><a href="#opt--port" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This specifies an alternate TCP port number to use rather than the default
+of 873. This is only needed if you are using the double-colon (::) syntax
+to connect with an rsync daemon (since the URL syntax has a way to specify
+the port as a part of the URL).</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#dopt--port">the daemon version of the <code>--port</code> option</a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--sockopts"><code>--sockopts=OPTIONS</code><a href="#opt--sockopts" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their
+systems to the utmost degree. You can set all sorts of socket options
+which may make transfers faster (or slower!). Read the manpage for the
+<code>setsockopt()</code> system call for details on some of the options you may be
+able to set. By default no special socket options are set. This only
+affects direct socket connections to a remote rsync daemon.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#dopt--sockopts">the daemon version of the <code>--sockopts</code> option</a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--blocking-io"><code>--blocking-io</code><a href="#opt--blocking-io" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to use blocking I/O when launching a remote shell
+transport. If the remote shell is either rsh or remsh, rsync defaults to
+using blocking I/O, otherwise it defaults to using non-blocking I/O. (Note
+that ssh prefers non-blocking I/O.)</p>
+<dt id="opt--outbuf"><code>--outbuf=MODE</code><a href="#opt--outbuf" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This sets the output buffering mode. The mode can be None (aka
+Unbuffered), Line, or Block (aka Full). You may specify as little as a
+single letter for the mode, and use upper or lower case.</p>
+<p>The main use of this option is to change Full buffering to Line buffering
+when rsync's output is going to a file or pipe.</p>
+<span id="opt-i"></span><dt id="opt--itemize-changes"><code>--itemize-changes</code>, <code>-i</code><a href="#opt--itemize-changes" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Requests a simple itemized list of the changes that are being made to each
+file, including attribute changes. This is exactly the same as specifying
+<a href="#opt--out-format"><code>--out-format='%i %n%L'</code></a>. If you repeat the option, unchanged
+files will also be output, but only if the receiving rsync is at least
+version 2.6.7 (you can use <code>-vv</code> with older versions of rsync, but that
+also turns on the output of other verbose messages).</p>
+<p>The &quot;%i&quot; escape has a cryptic output that is 11 letters long. The general
+format is like the string <code>YXcstpoguax</code>, where <strong>Y</strong> is replaced by the type
+of update being done, <strong>X</strong> is replaced by the file-type, and the other
+letters represent attributes that may be output if they are being modified.</p>
+<p>The update types that replace the <strong>Y</strong> are as follows:</p>
+<li>A <code>&lt;</code> means that a file is being transferred to the remote host (sent).</li>
+<li>A <code>&gt;</code> means that a file is being transferred to the local host
+<li>A <code>c</code> means that a local change/creation is occurring for the item (such
+as the creation of a directory or the changing of a symlink, etc.).</li>
+<li>A <code>h</code> means that the item is a hard link to another item (requires
+<a href="#opt--hard-links"><code>--hard-links</code></a>).</li>
+<li>A <code>.</code> means that the item is not being updated (though it might have
+attributes that are being modified).</li>
+<li>A <code>*</code> means that the rest of the itemized-output area contains a message
+(e.g. &quot;deleting&quot;).</li>
+<p>The file-types that replace the <strong>X</strong> are: <code>f</code> for a file, a <code>d</code> for a
+directory, an <code>L</code> for a symlink, a <code>D</code> for a device, and a <code>S</code> for a
+special file (e.g. named sockets and fifos).</p>
+<p>The other letters in the string indicate if some attributes of the file
+have changed, as follows:</p>
+<li>&quot;<code>.</code>&quot; -&#8288; the attribute is unchanged.</li>
+<li>&quot;<code>+</code>&quot; -&#8288; the file is newly created.</li>
+<li>&quot;<code> </code>&quot; -&#8288; all the attributes are unchanged (all dots turn to spaces).</li>
+<li>&quot;<code>?</code>&quot; -&#8288; the change is unknown (when the remote rsync is old).</li>
+<li>A letter indicates an attribute is being updated.</li>
+<p>The attribute that is associated with each letter is as follows:</p>
+<li>A <code>c</code> means either that a regular file has a different checksum (requires
+<a href="#opt--checksum"><code>--checksum</code></a>) or that a symlink, device, or special file has a
+changed value. Note that if you are sending files to an rsync prior to
+3.0.1, this change flag will be present only for checksum-differing
+regular files.</li>
+<li>A <code>s</code> means the size of a regular file is different and will be updated
+by the file transfer.</li>
+<li>A <code>t</code> means the modification time is different and is being updated to
+the sender's value (requires <a href="#opt--times"><code>--times</code></a>). An alternate value of
+<code>T</code> means that the modification time will be set to the transfer time,
+which happens when a file/symlink/device is updated without
+<a href="#opt--times"><code>--times</code></a> and when a symlink is changed and the receiver can't
+set its time. (Note: when using an rsync 3.0.0 client, you might see the
+<code>s</code> flag combined with <code>t</code> instead of the proper <code>T</code> flag for this
+time-setting failure.)</li>
+<li>A <code>p</code> means the permissions are different and are being updated to the
+sender's value (requires <a href="#opt--perms"><code>--perms</code></a>).</li>
+<li>An <code>o</code> means the owner is different and is being updated to the sender's
+value (requires <a href="#opt--owner"><code>--owner</code></a> and super-user privileges).</li>
+<li>A <code>g</code> means the group is different and is being updated to the sender's
+value (requires <a href="#opt--group"><code>--group</code></a> and the authority to set the group).</li>
+<li>A <code>u</code>|<code>n</code>|<code>b</code> indicates the following information:
+<li><code>u</code> means the access (use) time is different and is being updated to
+the sender's value (requires <a href="#opt--atimes"><code>--atimes</code></a>)</li>
+<li><code>n</code> means the create time (newness) is different and is being updated
+to the sender's value (requires <a href="#opt--crtimes"><code>--crtimes</code></a>)</li>
+<li><code>b</code> means that both the access and create times are being updated</li>
+<li>The <code>a</code> means that the ACL information is being changed.</li>
+<li>The <code>x</code> means that the extended attribute information is being changed.</li>
+<p>One other output is possible: when deleting files, the &quot;%i&quot; will output the
+string &quot;<code>*deleting</code>&quot; for each item that is being removed (assuming that you
+are talking to a recent enough rsync that it logs deletions instead of
+outputting them as a verbose message).</p>
+<dt id="opt--out-format"><code>--out-format=FORMAT</code><a href="#opt--out-format" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This allows you to specify exactly what the rsync client outputs to the
+user on a per-update basis. The format is a text string containing
+embedded single-character escape sequences prefixed with a percent (%)
+character. A default format of &quot;%n%L&quot; is assumed if either
+<a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=name</code></a> or <a href="#opt-v"><code>-v</code></a> is specified (this tells you just the
+name of the file and, if the item is a link, where it points). For a full
+list of the possible escape characters, see the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5#log_format"><code>log format</code></a> setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.</p>
+<p>Specifying the <code>--out-format</code> option implies the <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=name</code></a>
+option, which will mention each file, dir, etc. that gets updated in a
+significant way (a transferred file, a recreated symlink/device, or a
+touched directory). In addition, if the itemize-changes escape (%i) is
+included in the string (e.g. if the <a href="#opt--itemize-changes"><code>--itemize-changes</code></a> option was
+used), the logging of names increases to mention any item that is changed
+in any way (as long as the receiving side is at least 2.6.4). See the
+<a href="#opt--itemize-changes"><code>--itemize-changes</code></a> option for a description of the output of &quot;%i&quot;.</p>
+<p>Rsync will output the out-format string prior to a file's transfer unless
+one of the transfer-statistic escapes is requested, in which case the
+logging is done at the end of the file's transfer. When this late logging
+is in effect and <a href="#opt--progress"><code>--progress</code></a> is also specified, rsync will also
+output the name of the file being transferred prior to its progress
+information (followed, of course, by the out-format output).</p>
+<dt id="opt--log-file"><code>--log-file=FILE</code><a href="#opt--log-file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option causes rsync to log what it is doing to a file. This is
+similar to the logging that a daemon does, but can be requested for the
+client side and/or the server side of a non-daemon transfer. If specified
+as a client option, transfer logging will be enabled with a default format
+of &quot;%i %n%L&quot;. See the <a href="#opt--log-file-format"><code>--log-file-format</code></a> option if you wish to
+override this.</p>
+<p>Here's an example command that requests the remote side to log what is
+<pre><code>rsync -av --remote-option=--log-file=/tmp/rlog src/ dest/
+<p>This is very useful if you need to debug why a connection is closing
+<p>See also <a href="#dopt--log-file">the daemon version of the <code>--log-file</code> option</a>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--log-file-format"><code>--log-file-format=FORMAT</code><a href="#opt--log-file-format" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This allows you to specify exactly what per-update logging is put into the
+file specified by the <a href="#opt--log-file"><code>--log-file</code></a> option (which must also be
+specified for this option to have any effect). If you specify an empty
+string, updated files will not be mentioned in the log file. For a list of
+the possible escape characters, see the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5#log_format"><code>log format</code></a>
+setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.</p>
+<p>The default FORMAT used if <a href="#opt--log-file"><code>--log-file</code></a> is specified and this
+option is not is '%i %n%L'.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#dopt--log-file-format">the daemon version of the <code>--log-file-format</code>
+<dt id="opt--stats"><code>--stats</code><a href="#opt--stats" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to print a verbose set of statistics on the file transfer,
+allowing you to tell how effective rsync's delta-transfer algorithm is for
+your data. This option is equivalent to <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=stats2</code></a> if
+combined with 0 or 1 <a href="#opt-v"><code>-v</code></a> options, or <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=stats3</code></a> if
+combined with 2 or more <a href="#opt-v"><code>-v</code></a> options.</p>
+<p>The current statistics are as follows:</p>
+<li><code>Number of files</code> is the count of all &quot;files&quot; (in the generic sense),
+which includes directories, symlinks, etc. The total count will be
+followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero). For
+example: &quot;(reg: 5, dir: 3, link: 2, dev: 1, special: 1)&quot; lists the totals
+for regular files, directories, symlinks, devices, and special files. If
+any of value is 0, it is completely omitted from the list.</li>
+<li><code>Number of created files</code> is the count of how many &quot;files&quot; (generic
+sense) were created (as opposed to updated). The total count will be
+followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero).</li>
+<li><code>Number of deleted files</code> is the count of how many &quot;files&quot; (generic
+sense) were deleted. The total count will be
+followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero).
+Note that this line is only output if deletions are in effect, and only
+if protocol 31 is being used (the default for rsync 3.1.x).</li>
+<li><code>Number of regular files transferred</code> is the count of normal files that
+were updated via rsync's delta-transfer algorithm, which does not include
+dirs, symlinks, etc. Note that rsync 3.1.0 added the word &quot;regular&quot; into
+this heading.</li>
+<li><code>Total file size</code> is the total sum of all file sizes in the transfer.
+This does not count any size for directories or special files, but does
+include the size of symlinks.</li>
+<li><code>Total transferred file size</code> is the total sum of all files sizes for
+just the transferred files.</li>
+<li><code>Literal data</code> is how much unmatched file-update data we had to send to
+the receiver for it to recreate the updated files.</li>
+<li><code>Matched data</code> is how much data the receiver got locally when recreating
+the updated files.</li>
+<li><code>File list size</code> is how big the file-list data was when the sender sent
+it to the receiver. This is smaller than the in-memory size for the file
+list due to some compressing of duplicated data when rsync sends the
+<li><code>File list generation time</code> is the number of seconds that the sender
+spent creating the file list. This requires a modern rsync on the
+sending side for this to be present.</li>
+<li><code>File list transfer time</code> is the number of seconds that the sender spent
+sending the file list to the receiver.</li>
+<li><code>Total bytes sent</code> is the count of all the bytes that rsync sent from the
+client side to the server side.</li>
+<li><code>Total bytes received</code> is the count of all non-message bytes that rsync
+received by the client side from the server side. &quot;Non-message&quot; bytes
+means that we don't count the bytes for a verbose message that the server
+sent to us, which makes the stats more consistent.</li>
+<span id="opt-8"></span><dt id="opt--8-bit-output"><code>--8-bit-output</code>, <code>-8</code><a href="#opt--8-bit-output" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync to leave all high-bit characters unescaped in the output
+instead of trying to test them to see if they're valid in the current
+locale and escaping the invalid ones. All control characters (but never
+tabs) are always escaped, regardless of this option's setting.</p>
+<p>The escape idiom that started in 2.6.7 is to output a literal backslash
+(<code>\</code>) and a hash (<code>#</code>), followed by exactly 3 octal digits. For example, a
+newline would output as &quot;<code>\#012</code>&quot;. A literal backslash that is in a
+filename is not escaped unless it is followed by a hash and 3 digits (0-9).</p>
+<span id="opt-h"></span><dt id="opt--human-readable"><code>--human-readable</code>, <code>-h</code><a href="#opt--human-readable" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Output numbers in a more human-readable format. There are 3 possible levels:</p>
+<li>output numbers with a separator between each set of 3 digits (either a
+comma or a period, depending on if the decimal point is represented by a
+period or a comma).</li>
+<li>output numbers in units of 1000 (with a character suffix for larger
+units&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; see below).</li>
+<li>output numbers in units of 1024.</li>
+<p>The default is human-readable level 1. Each <code>-h</code> option increases the
+level by one. You can take the level down to 0 (to output numbers as pure
+digits) by specifying the <code>--no-human-readable</code> (<code>--no-h</code>) option.</p>
+<p>The unit letters that are appended in levels 2 and 3 are: <code>K</code> (kilo), <code>M</code>
+(mega), <code>G</code> (giga), <code>T</code> (tera), or <code>P</code> (peta). For example, a 1234567-byte
+file would output as 1.23M in level-2 (assuming that a period is your local
+decimal point).</p>
+<p>Backward compatibility note: versions of rsync prior to 3.1.0 do not
+support human-readable level 1, and they default to level 0. Thus,
+specifying one or two <code>-h</code> options will behave in a comparable manner in
+old and new versions as long as you didn't specify a <code>--no-h</code> option prior
+to one or more <code>-h</code> options. See the <a href="#opt--list-only"><code>--list-only</code></a> option for one
+<dt id="opt--partial"><code>--partial</code><a href="#opt--partial" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>By default, rsync will delete any partially transferred file if the
+transfer is interrupted. In some circumstances it is more desirable to
+keep partially transferred files. Using the <code>--partial</code> option tells rsync
+to keep the partial file which should make a subsequent transfer of the
+rest of the file much faster.</p>
+<dt id="opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir=DIR</code><a href="#opt--partial-dir" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option modifies the behavior of the <a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a> option while
+also implying that it be enabled. This enhanced partial-file method puts
+any partially transferred files into the specified <u>DIR</u> instead of writing
+the partial file out to the destination file. On the next transfer, rsync
+will use a file found in this dir as data to speed up the resumption of the
+transfer and then delete it after it has served its purpose.</p>
+<p>Note that if <a href="#opt--whole-file"><code>--whole-file</code></a> is specified (or implied), any
+partial-dir files that are found for a file that is being updated will
+simply be removed (since rsync is sending files without using rsync's
+delta-transfer algorithm).</p>
+<p>Rsync will create the <u>DIR</u> if it is missing, but just the last dir&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; not
+the whole path. This makes it easy to use a relative path (such as
+&quot;<code>--partial-dir=.rsync-partial</code>&quot;) to have rsync create the
+partial-directory in the destination file's directory when it is needed,
+and then remove it again when the partial file is deleted. Note that this
+directory removal is only done for a relative pathname, as it is expected
+that an absolute path is to a directory that is reserved for partial-dir
+<p>If the partial-dir value is not an absolute path, rsync will add an exclude
+rule at the end of all your existing excludes. This will prevent the
+sending of any partial-dir files that may exist on the sending side, and
+will also prevent the untimely deletion of partial-dir items on the
+receiving side. An example: the above <code>--partial-dir</code> option would add the
+equivalent of this &quot;perishable&quot; exclude at the end of any other filter
+rules: <code>-f '-p .rsync-partial/'</code></p>
+<p>If you are supplying your own exclude rules, you may need to add your own
+exclude/hide/protect rule for the partial-dir because:</p>
+<li>the auto-added rule may be ineffective at the end of your other rules, or</li>
+<li>you may wish to override rsync's exclude choice.</li>
+<p>For instance, if you want to make rsync clean-up any left-over partial-dirs
+that may be lying around, you should specify <a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a> and
+add a &quot;risk&quot; filter rule, e.g. <code>-f 'R .rsync-partial/'</code>. Avoid using
+<a href="#opt--delete-before"><code>--delete-before</code></a> or <a href="#opt--delete-during"><code>--delete-during</code></a> unless you don't
+need rsync to use any of the left-over partial-dir data during the current
+<p>IMPORTANT: the <code>--partial-dir</code> should not be writable by other users or it
+is a security risk! E.g. AVOID &quot;/tmp&quot;!</p>
+<p>You can also set the partial-dir value the <a href="#RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR"><code>RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR</code></a>
+environment variable. Setting this in the environment does not force
+<a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a> to be enabled, but rather it affects where partial
+files go when <a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a> is specified. For instance, instead of
+using <code>--partial-dir=.rsync-tmp</code> along with <a href="#opt--progress"><code>--progress</code></a>, you could
+set <a href="#RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR"><code>RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR=.rsync-tmp</code></a> in your environment and then use
+the <a href="#opt-P"><code>-P</code></a> option to turn on the use of the .rsync-tmp dir for
+partial transfers. The only times that the <a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a> option does
+not look for this environment value are:</p>
+<li>when <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> was specified (since <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a>
+conflicts with <code>--partial-dir</code>), and</li>
+<li>when <a href="#opt--delay-updates"><code>--delay-updates</code></a> was specified (see below).</li>
+<p>When a modern rsync resumes the transfer of a file in the partial-dir, that
+partial file is now updated in-place instead of creating yet another
+tmp-file copy (so it maxes out at dest + tmp instead of dest + partial +
+tmp). This requires both ends of the transfer to be at least version
+<p>For the purposes of the daemon-config's &quot;<code>refuse options</code>&quot; setting,
+<code>--partial-dir</code> does <u>not</u> imply <a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a>. This is so that a
+refusal of the <a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a> option can be used to disallow the
+overwriting of destination files with a partial transfer, while still
+allowing the safer idiom provided by <code>--partial-dir</code>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--delay-updates"><code>--delay-updates</code><a href="#opt--delay-updates" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option puts the temporary file from each updated file into a holding
+directory until the end of the transfer, at which time all the files are
+renamed into place in rapid succession. This attempts to make the updating
+of the files a little more atomic. By default the files are placed into a
+directory named <code>.~tmp~</code> in each file's destination directory, but if
+you've specified the <a href="#opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir</code></a> option, that directory will be
+used instead. See the comments in the <a href="#opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir</code></a> section for
+a discussion of how this <code>.~tmp~</code> dir will be excluded from the transfer,
+and what you can do if you want rsync to cleanup old <code>.~tmp~</code> dirs that
+might be lying around. Conflicts with <a href="#opt--inplace"><code>--inplace</code></a> and
+<a href="#opt--append"><code>--append</code></a>.</p>
+<p>This option implies <a href="#opt--no-inc-recursive"><code>--no-inc-recursive</code></a> since it needs the full
+file list in memory in order to be able to iterate over it at the end.</p>
+<p>This option uses more memory on the receiving side (one bit per file
+transferred) and also requires enough free disk space on the receiving side
+to hold an additional copy of all the updated files. Note also that you
+should not use an absolute path to <a href="#opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir</code></a> unless:</p>
+<li>there is no chance of any of the files in the transfer having the same
+name (since all the updated files will be put into a single directory if
+the path is absolute), and</li>
+<li>there are no mount points in the hierarchy (since the delayed updates
+will fail if they can't be renamed into place).</li>
+<p>See also the &quot;atomic-rsync&quot; python script in the &quot;support&quot; subdir for an
+update algorithm that is even more atomic (it uses <a href="#opt--link-dest"><code>--link-dest</code></a>
+and a parallel hierarchy of files).</p>
+<span id="opt-m"></span><dt id="opt--prune-empty-dirs"><code>--prune-empty-dirs</code>, <code>-m</code><a href="#opt--prune-empty-dirs" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells the receiving rsync to get rid of empty directories from
+the file-list, including nested directories that have no non-directory
+children. This is useful for avoiding the creation of a bunch of useless
+directories when the sending rsync is recursively scanning a hierarchy of
+files using include/exclude/filter rules.</p>
+<p>This option can still leave empty directories on the receiving side if you
+make use of <a href="#TRANSFER_RULES">TRANSFER_RULES</a>.</p>
+<p>Because the file-list is actually being pruned, this option also affects
+what directories get deleted when a delete is active. However, keep in
+mind that excluded files and directories can prevent existing items from
+being deleted due to an exclude both hiding source files and protecting
+destination files. See the perishable filter-rule option for how to avoid
+<p>You can prevent the pruning of certain empty directories from the file-list
+by using a global &quot;protect&quot; filter. For instance, this option would ensure
+that the directory &quot;emptydir&quot; was kept in the file-list:</p>
+<pre><code>--filter 'protect emptydir/'
+<p>Here's an example that copies all .pdf files in a hierarchy, only creating
+the necessary destination directories to hold the .pdf files, and ensures
+that any superfluous files and directories in the destination are removed
+(note the hide filter of non-directories being used instead of an exclude):</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avm --del --include='*.pdf' -f 'hide,! */' src/ dest
+<p>If you didn't want to remove superfluous destination files, the more
+time-honored options of <code>--include='*/' --exclude='*'</code> would work
+fine in place of the hide-filter (if that is more natural to you).</p>
+<dt id="opt--progress"><code>--progress</code><a href="#opt--progress" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells rsync to print information showing the progress of the
+transfer. This gives a bored user something to watch. With a modern rsync
+this is the same as specifying <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=flist2,name,progress</code></a>, but
+any user-supplied settings for those info flags takes precedence (e.g.
+<a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=flist0 --progress</code></a>).</p>
+<p>While rsync is transferring a regular file, it updates a progress line that
+looks like this:</p>
+<pre><code>782448 63% 110.64kB/s 0:00:04
+<p>In this example, the receiver has reconstructed 782448 bytes or 63% of the
+sender's file, which is being reconstructed at a rate of 110.64 kilobytes
+per second, and the transfer will finish in 4 seconds if the current rate
+is maintained until the end.</p>
+<p>These statistics can be misleading if rsync's delta-transfer algorithm is
+in use. For example, if the sender's file consists of the basis file
+followed by additional data, the reported rate will probably drop
+dramatically when the receiver gets to the literal data, and the transfer
+will probably take much longer to finish than the receiver estimated as it
+was finishing the matched part of the file.</p>
+<p>When the file transfer finishes, rsync replaces the progress line with a
+summary line that looks like this:</p>
+<pre><code>1,238,099 100% 146.38kB/s 0:00:08 (xfr#5, to-chk=169/396)
+<p>In this example, the file was 1,238,099 bytes long in total, the average
+rate of transfer for the whole file was 146.38 kilobytes per second over
+the 8 seconds that it took to complete, it was the 5th transfer of a
+regular file during the current rsync session, and there are 169 more files
+for the receiver to check (to see if they are up-to-date or not) remaining
+out of the 396 total files in the file-list.</p>
+<p>In an incremental recursion scan, rsync won't know the total number of
+files in the file-list until it reaches the ends of the scan, but since it
+starts to transfer files during the scan, it will display a line with the
+text &quot;ir-chk&quot; (for incremental recursion check) instead of &quot;to-chk&quot; until
+the point that it knows the full size of the list, at which point it will
+switch to using &quot;to-chk&quot;. Thus, seeing &quot;ir-chk&quot; lets you know that the
+total count of files in the file list is still going to increase (and each
+time it does, the count of files left to check will increase by the number
+of the files added to the list).</p>
+<dt id="opt-P"><code>-P</code><a href="#opt-P" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>The <code>-P</code> option is equivalent to &quot;<a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a>
+<a href="#opt--progress"><code>--progress</code></a>&quot;. Its purpose is to make it much easier to specify
+these two options for a long transfer that may be interrupted.</p>
+<p>There is also a <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=progress2</code></a> option that outputs statistics
+based on the whole transfer, rather than individual files. Use this flag
+without outputting a filename (e.g. avoid <code>-v</code> or specify
+<a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=name0</code></a>) if you want to see how the transfer is doing
+without scrolling the screen with a lot of names. (You don't need to
+specify the <a href="#opt--progress"><code>--progress</code></a> option in order to use
+<a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=progress2</code></a>.)</p>
+<p>Finally, you can get an instant progress report by sending rsync a signal
+of either SIGINFO or SIGVTALRM. On BSD systems, a SIGINFO is generated by
+typing a Ctrl+T (Linux doesn't currently support a SIGINFO signal). When
+the client-side process receives one of those signals, it sets a flag to
+output a single progress report which is output when the current file
+transfer finishes (so it may take a little time if a big file is being
+handled when the signal arrives). A filename is output (if needed)
+followed by the <a href="#opt--info"><code>--info=progress2</code></a> format of progress info. If you
+don't know which of the 3 rsync processes is the client process, it's OK to
+signal all of them (since the non-client processes ignore the signal).</p>
+<p>CAUTION: sending SIGVTALRM to an older rsync (pre-3.2.0) will kill it.</p>
+<dt id="opt--password-file"><code>--password-file=FILE</code><a href="#opt--password-file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to provide a password for accessing an rsync daemon
+via a file or via standard input if <strong>FILE</strong> is <code>-</code>. The file should
+contain just the password on the first line (all other lines are ignored).
+Rsync will exit with an error if <strong>FILE</strong> is world readable or if a
+root-run rsync command finds a non-root-owned file.</p>
+<p>This option does not supply a password to a remote shell transport such as
+ssh; to learn how to do that, consult the remote shell's documentation.
+When accessing an rsync daemon using a remote shell as the transport, this
+option only comes into effect after the remote shell finishes its
+authentication (i.e. if you have also specified a password in the daemon's
+config file).</p>
+<dt id="opt--early-input"><code>--early-input=FILE</code><a href="#opt--early-input" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows rsync to send up to 5K of data to the &quot;early exec&quot;
+script on its stdin. One possible use of this data is to give the script a
+secret that can be used to mount an encrypted filesystem (which you should
+unmount in the the &quot;post-xfer exec&quot; script).</p>
+<p>The daemon must be at least version 3.2.1.</p>
+<dt id="opt--list-only"><code>--list-only</code><a href="#opt--list-only" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option will cause the source files to be listed instead of
+transferred. This option is inferred if there is a single source arg and
+no destination specified, so its main uses are:</p>
+<li>to turn a copy command that includes a destination arg into a
+file-listing command, or</li>
+<li>to be able to specify more than one source arg. Note: be sure to
+include the destination.</li>
+<p>CAUTION: keep in mind that a source arg with a wild-card is expanded by the
+shell into multiple args, so it is never safe to try to specify a single
+wild-card arg to try to infer this option. A safe example is:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av --list-only foo* dest/
+<p>This option always uses an output format that looks similar to this:</p>
+<pre><code>drwxrwxr-x 4,096 2022/09/30 12:53:11 support
+-rw-rw-r-- 80 2005/01/11 10:37:37 support/Makefile
+<p>The only option that affects this output style is (as of 3.1.0) the
+<a href="#opt--human-readable"><code>--human-readable</code></a> (<code>-h</code>) option. The default is to output sizes
+as byte counts with digit separators (in a 14-character-width column).
+Specifying at least one <code>-h</code> option makes the sizes output with unit
+suffixes. If you want old-style bytecount sizes without digit separators
+(and an 11-character-width column) use <code>--no-h</code>.</p>
+<p>Compatibility note: when requesting a remote listing of files from an rsync
+that is version 2.6.3 or older, you may encounter an error if you ask for a
+non-recursive listing. This is because a file listing implies the
+<a href="#opt--dirs"><code>--dirs</code></a> option w/o <a href="#opt--recursive"><code>--recursive</code></a>, and older rsyncs don't
+have that option. To avoid this problem, either specify the <code>--no-dirs</code>
+option (if you don't need to expand a directory's content), or turn on
+recursion and exclude the content of subdirectories: <code>-r --exclude='/*/*'</code>.</p>
+<dt id="opt--bwlimit"><code>--bwlimit=RATE</code><a href="#opt--bwlimit" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to specify the maximum transfer rate for the data
+sent over the socket, specified in units per second. The RATE value can be
+suffixed with a string to indicate a size multiplier, and may be a
+fractional value (e.g. <code>--bwlimit=1.5m</code>). If no suffix is specified, the
+value will be assumed to be in units of 1024 bytes (as if &quot;K&quot; or &quot;KiB&quot; had
+been appended). See the <a href="#opt--max-size"><code>--max-size</code></a> option for a description of
+all the available suffixes. A value of 0 specifies no limit.</p>
+<p>For backward-compatibility reasons, the rate limit will be rounded to the
+nearest KiB unit, so no rate smaller than 1024 bytes per second is
+<p>Rsync writes data over the socket in blocks, and this option both limits
+the size of the blocks that rsync writes, and tries to keep the average
+transfer rate at the requested limit. Some burstiness may be seen where
+rsync writes out a block of data and then sleeps to bring the average rate
+into compliance.</p>
+<p>Due to the internal buffering of data, the <a href="#opt--progress"><code>--progress</code></a> option may
+not be an accurate reflection on how fast the data is being sent. This is
+because some files can show up as being rapidly sent when the data is
+quickly buffered, while other can show up as very slow when the flushing of
+the output buffer occurs. This may be fixed in a future version.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#dopt--bwlimit">the daemon version of the <code>--bwlimit</code> option</a>.</p>
+<span id="opt--time-limit"></span><dt id="opt--stop-after"><code>--stop-after=MINS</code>, (<code>--time-limit=MINS</code>)<a href="#opt--stop-after" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells rsync to stop copying when the specified number of
+minutes has elapsed.</p>
+<p>For maximal flexibility, rsync does not communicate this option to the
+remote rsync since it is usually enough that one side of the connection
+quits as specified. This allows the option's use even when only one side
+of the connection supports it. You can tell the remote side about the time
+limit using <a href="#opt--remote-option"><code>--remote-option</code></a> (<code>-M</code>), should the need arise.</p>
+<p>The <code>--time-limit</code> version of this option is deprecated.</p>
+<dt id="opt--stop-at"><code>--stop-at=y-m-dTh:m</code><a href="#opt--stop-at" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells rsync to stop copying when the specified point in time
+has been reached. The date &amp; time can be fully specified in a numeric
+format of year-month-dayThour:minute (e.g. 2000-12-31T23:59) in the local
+timezone. You may choose to separate the date numbers using slashes
+instead of dashes.</p>
+<p>The value can also be abbreviated in a variety of ways, such as specifying
+a 2-digit year and/or leaving off various values. In all cases, the value
+will be taken to be the next possible point in time where the supplied
+information matches. If the value specifies the current time or a past
+time, rsync exits with an error.</p>
+<p>For example, &quot;1-30&quot; specifies the next January 30th (at midnight local
+time), &quot;14:00&quot; specifies the next 2 P.M., &quot;1&quot; specifies the next 1st of the
+month at midnight, &quot;31&quot; specifies the next month where we can stop on its
+31st day, and &quot;:59&quot; specifies the next 59th minute after the hour.</p>
+<p>For maximal flexibility, rsync does not communicate this option to the
+remote rsync since it is usually enough that one side of the connection
+quits as specified. This allows the option's use even when only one side
+of the connection supports it. You can tell the remote side about the time
+limit using <a href="#opt--remote-option"><code>--remote-option</code></a> (<code>-M</code>), should the need arise. Do
+keep in mind that the remote host may have a different default timezone
+than your local host.</p>
+<dt id="opt--fsync"><code>--fsync</code><a href="#opt--fsync" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Cause the receiving side to fsync each finished file. This may slow down
+the transfer, but can help to provide peace of mind when updating critical
+<dt id="opt--write-batch"><code>--write-batch=FILE</code><a href="#opt--write-batch" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Record a file that can later be applied to another identical destination
+with <a href="#opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch</code></a>. See the &quot;BATCH MODE&quot; section for details, and
+also the <a href="#opt--only-write-batch"><code>--only-write-batch</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>This option overrides the negotiated checksum &amp; compress lists and always
+negotiates a choice based on old-school md5/md4/zlib choices. If you want
+a more modern choice, use the <a href="#opt--checksum-choice"><code>--checksum-choice</code></a> (<code>--cc</code>) and/or
+<a href="#opt--compress-choice"><code>--compress-choice</code></a> (<code>--zc</code>) options.</p>
+<dt id="opt--only-write-batch"><code>--only-write-batch=FILE</code><a href="#opt--only-write-batch" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Works like <a href="#opt--write-batch"><code>--write-batch</code></a>, except that no updates are made on the
+destination system when creating the batch. This lets you transport the
+changes to the destination system via some other means and then apply the
+changes via <a href="#opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch</code></a>.</p>
+<p>Note that you can feel free to write the batch directly to some portable
+media: if this media fills to capacity before the end of the transfer, you
+can just apply that partial transfer to the destination and repeat the
+whole process to get the rest of the changes (as long as you don't mind a
+partially updated destination system while the multi-update cycle is
+<p>Also note that you only save bandwidth when pushing changes to a remote
+system because this allows the batched data to be diverted from the sender
+into the batch file without having to flow over the wire to the receiver
+(when pulling, the sender is remote, and thus can't write the batch).</p>
+<dt id="opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch=FILE</code><a href="#opt--read-batch" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Apply all of the changes stored in FILE, a file previously generated by
+<a href="#opt--write-batch"><code>--write-batch</code></a>. If <u>FILE</u> is <code>-</code>, the batch data will be read
+from standard input. See the &quot;BATCH MODE&quot; section for details.</p>
+<dt id="opt--protocol"><code>--protocol=NUM</code><a href="#opt--protocol" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Force an older protocol version to be used. This is useful for creating a
+batch file that is compatible with an older version of rsync. For
+instance, if rsync 2.6.4 is being used with the <a href="#opt--write-batch"><code>--write-batch</code></a>
+option, but rsync 2.6.3 is what will be used to run the
+<a href="#opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch</code></a> option, you should use &quot;-&#8288;-&#8288;protocol=28&quot; when creating
+the batch file to force the older protocol version to be used in the batch
+file (assuming you can't upgrade the rsync on the reading system).</p>
+<dt id="opt--iconv"><code>--iconv=CONVERT_SPEC</code><a href="#opt--iconv" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Rsync can convert filenames between character sets using this option.
+Using a CONVERT_SPEC of &quot;.&quot; tells rsync to look up the default
+character-set via the locale setting. Alternately, you can fully specify
+what conversion to do by giving a local and a remote charset separated by a
+comma in the order <code>--iconv=LOCAL,REMOTE</code>, e.g. <code>--iconv=utf8,iso88591</code>.
+This order ensures that the option will stay the same whether you're
+pushing or pulling files. Finally, you can specify either <code>--no-iconv</code> or
+a CONVERT_SPEC of &quot;-&#8288;&quot; to turn off any conversion. The default setting of
+this option is site-specific, and can also be affected via the
+<a href="#RSYNC_ICONV"><code>RSYNC_ICONV</code></a> environment variable.</p>
+<p>For a list of what charset names your local iconv library supports, you can
+run &quot;<code>iconv --list</code>&quot;.</p>
+<p>If you specify the <a href="#opt--secluded-args"><code>--secluded-args</code></a> (<code>-s</code>) option, rsync will
+translate the filenames you specify on the command-line that are being sent
+to the remote host. See also the <a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> option.</p>
+<p>Note that rsync does not do any conversion of names in filter files
+(including include/exclude files). It is up to you to ensure that you're
+specifying matching rules that can match on both sides of the transfer.
+For instance, you can specify extra include/exclude rules if there are
+filename differences on the two sides that need to be accounted for.</p>
+<p>When you pass an <code>--iconv</code> option to an rsync daemon that allows it, the
+daemon uses the charset specified in its &quot;charset&quot; configuration parameter
+regardless of the remote charset you actually pass. Thus, you may feel
+free to specify just the local charset for a daemon transfer (e.g.
+<span id="opt-6"></span><span id="opt--ipv6"></span><span id="opt-4"></span><dt id="opt--ipv4"><code>--ipv4</code>, <code>-4</code> or <code>--ipv6</code>, <code>-6</code><a href="#opt--ipv4" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Tells rsync to prefer IPv4/IPv6 when creating sockets or running ssh. This
+affects sockets that rsync has direct control over, such as the outgoing
+socket when directly contacting an rsync daemon, as well as the forwarding
+of the <code>-4</code> or <code>-6</code> option to ssh when rsync can deduce that ssh is being
+used as the remote shell. For other remote shells you'll need to specify
+the &quot;<code>--rsh SHELL -4</code>&quot; option directly (or whatever IPv4/IPv6 hint options
+it uses).</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#dopt--ipv4">the daemon version of these options</a>.</p>
+<p>If rsync was compiled without support for IPv6, the <code>--ipv6</code> option will
+have no effect. The <code>rsync --version</code> output will contain &quot;<code>no IPv6</code>&quot; if
+is the case.</p>
+<dt id="opt--checksum-seed"><code>--checksum-seed=NUM</code><a href="#opt--checksum-seed" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Set the checksum seed to the integer NUM. This 4 byte checksum seed is
+included in each block and MD4 file checksum calculation (the more modern
+MD5 file checksums don't use a seed). By default the checksum seed is
+generated by the server and defaults to the current <strong>time</strong>(). This
+option is used to set a specific checksum seed, which is useful for
+applications that want repeatable block checksums, or in the case where the
+user wants a more random checksum seed. Setting NUM to 0 causes rsync to
+use the default of <strong>time</strong>() for checksum seed.</p>
+<h2 id="DAEMON_OPTIONS">DAEMON OPTIONS<a href="#DAEMON_OPTIONS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The options allowed when starting an rsync daemon are as follows:</p>
+<dt id="dopt--daemon"><code>--daemon</code><a href="#dopt--daemon" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells rsync that it is to run as a daemon. The daemon you start
+running may be accessed using an rsync client using the <code>host::module</code> or
+<code>rsync://host/module/</code> syntax.</p>
+<p>If standard input is a socket then rsync will assume that it is being run
+via inetd, otherwise it will detach from the current terminal and become a
+background daemon. The daemon will read the config file (rsyncd.conf) on
+each connect made by a client and respond to requests accordingly.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5"><strong>rsyncd.conf</strong>(5)</a> manpage for more details.</p>
+<dt id="dopt--address"><code>--address=ADDRESS</code><a href="#dopt--address" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>By default rsync will bind to the wildcard address when run as a daemon
+with the <code>--daemon</code> option. The <code>--address</code> option allows you to specify a
+specific IP address (or hostname) to bind to. This makes virtual hosting
+possible in conjunction with the <code>--config</code> option.</p>
+<p>See also the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5#address">address</a> global option in the
+rsyncd.conf manpage and the <a href="#opt--address">client version of the <code>--address</code>
+<dt id="dopt--bwlimit"><code>--bwlimit=RATE</code><a href="#dopt--bwlimit" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option allows you to specify the maximum transfer rate for the data
+the daemon sends over the socket. The client can still specify a smaller
+<code>--bwlimit</code> value, but no larger value will be allowed.</p>
+<p>See the <a href="#opt--bwlimit">client version of the <code>--bwlimit</code> option</a> for some
+extra details.</p>
+<dt id="dopt--config"><code>--config=FILE</code><a href="#dopt--config" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This specifies an alternate config file than the default. This is only
+relevant when <a href="#dopt--daemon"><code>--daemon</code></a> is specified. The default is
+/etc/rsyncd.conf unless the daemon is running over a remote shell program
+and the remote user is not the super-user; in that case the default is
+rsyncd.conf in the current directory (typically $HOME).</p>
+<span id="dopt-M"></span><dt id="dopt--dparam"><code>--dparam=OVERRIDE</code>, <code>-M</code><a href="#dopt--dparam" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option can be used to set a daemon-config parameter when starting up
+rsync in daemon mode. It is equivalent to adding the parameter at the end
+of the global settings prior to the first module's definition. The
+parameter names can be specified without spaces, if you so desire. For
+<pre><code>rsync --daemon -M pidfile=/path/
+<dt id="dopt--no-detach"><code>--no-detach</code><a href="#dopt--no-detach" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When running as a daemon, this option instructs rsync to not detach itself
+and become a background process. This option is required when running as a
+service on Cygwin, and may also be useful when rsync is supervised by a
+program such as <code>daemontools</code> or AIX's <code>System Resource Controller</code>.
+<code>--no-detach</code> is also recommended when rsync is run under a debugger. This
+option has no effect if rsync is run from inetd or sshd.</p>
+<dt id="dopt--port"><code>--port=PORT</code><a href="#dopt--port" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This specifies an alternate TCP port number for the daemon to listen on
+rather than the default of 873.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--port">the client version of the <code>--port</code> option</a> and the
+<a href="rsyncd.conf.5#port">port</a> global setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.</p>
+<dt id="dopt--log-file"><code>--log-file=FILE</code><a href="#dopt--log-file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells the rsync daemon to use the given log-file name instead
+of using the &quot;<code>log file</code>&quot; setting in the config file.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--log-file">the client version of the <code>--log-file</code> option</a>.</p>
+<dt id="dopt--log-file-format"><code>--log-file-format=FORMAT</code><a href="#dopt--log-file-format" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option tells the rsync daemon to use the given FORMAT string instead
+of using the &quot;<code>log format</code>&quot; setting in the config file. It also enables
+&quot;<code>transfer logging</code>&quot; unless the string is empty, in which case transfer
+logging is turned off.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--log-file-format">the client version of the <code>--log-file-format</code>
+<dt id="dopt--sockopts"><code>--sockopts</code><a href="#dopt--sockopts" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This overrides the <a href="rsyncd.conf.5#socket_options"><code>socket options</code></a>
+setting in the rsyncd.conf file and has the same syntax.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--sockopts">the client version of the <code>--sockopts</code> option</a>.</p>
+<span id="dopt-v"></span><dt id="dopt--verbose"><code>--verbose</code>, <code>-v</code><a href="#dopt--verbose" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This option increases the amount of information the daemon logs during its
+startup phase. After the client connects, the daemon's verbosity level
+will be controlled by the options that the client used and the
+&quot;<code>max verbosity</code>&quot; setting in the module's config section.</p>
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--verbose">the client version of the <code>--verbose</code> option</a>.</p>
+<span id="dopt-6"></span><span id="dopt--ipv6"></span><span id="dopt-4"></span><dt id="dopt--ipv4"><code>--ipv4</code>, <code>-4</code> or <code>--ipv6</code>, <code>-6</code><a href="#dopt--ipv4" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Tells rsync to prefer IPv4/IPv6 when creating the incoming sockets that the
+rsync daemon will use to listen for connections. One of these options may
+be required in older versions of Linux to work around an IPv6 bug in the
+kernel (if you see an &quot;address already in use&quot; error when nothing else is
+using the port, try specifying <code>--ipv6</code> or <code>--ipv4</code> when starting the
+<p>See also <a href="#opt--ipv4">the client version of these options</a>.</p>
+<p>If rsync was compiled without support for IPv6, the <code>--ipv6</code> option will
+have no effect. The <code>rsync --version</code> output will contain &quot;<code>no IPv6</code>&quot; if
+is the case.</p>
+<span id="dopt-h"></span><dt id="dopt--help"><code>--help</code>, <code>-h</code><a href="#dopt--help" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When specified after <code>--daemon</code>, print a short help page describing the
+options available for starting an rsync daemon.</p>
+<h2 id="FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES<a href="#FILTER_RULES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The filter rules allow for custom control of several aspects of how files are
+<li>Control which files the sending side puts into the file list that describes
+the transfer hierarchy</li>
+<li>Control which files the receiving side protects from deletion when the file
+is not in the sender's file list</li>
+<li>Control which extended attribute names are skipped when copying xattrs</li>
+<p>The rules are either directly specified via option arguments or they can be
+read in from one or more files. The filter-rule files can even be a part of
+the hierarchy of files being copied, affecting different parts of the tree in
+different ways.</p>
+<p>We will first cover the basics of how include &amp; exclude rules affect what files
+are transferred, ignoring any deletion side-effects. Filter rules mainly
+affect the contents of directories that rsync is &quot;recursing&quot; into, but they can
+also affect a top-level item in the transfer that was specified as a argument.</p>
+<p>The default for any unmatched file/dir is for it to be included in the
+transfer, which puts the file/dir into the sender's file list. The use of an
+exclude rule causes one or more matching files/dirs to be left out of the
+sender's file list. An include rule can be used to limit the effect of an
+exclude rule that is matching too many files.</p>
+<p>The order of the rules is important because the first rule that matches is the
+one that takes effect. Thus, if an early rule excludes a file, no include rule
+that comes after it can have any effect. This means that you must place any
+include overrides somewhere prior to the exclude that it is intended to limit.</p>
+<p>When a directory is excluded, all its contents and sub-contents are also
+excluded. The sender doesn't scan through any of it at all, which can save a
+lot of time when skipping large unneeded sub-trees.</p>
+<p>It is also important to understand that the include/exclude rules are applied
+to every file and directory that the sender is recursing into. Thus, if you
+want a particular deep file to be included, you have to make sure that none of
+the directories that must be traversed on the way down to that file are
+excluded or else the file will never be discovered to be included. As an
+example, if the directory &quot;<code>a/path</code>&quot; was given as a transfer argument and you
+want to ensure that the file &quot;<code>a/path/down/deep/wanted.txt</code>&quot; is a part of the
+transfer, then the sender must not exclude the directories &quot;<code>a/path</code>&quot;,
+&quot;<code>a/path/down</code>&quot;, or &quot;<code>a/path/down/deep</code>&quot; as it makes it way scanning through
+the file tree.</p>
+<p>When you are working on the rules, it can be helpful to ask rsync to tell you
+what is being excluded/included and why. Specifying <code>--debug=FILTER</code> or (when
+pulling files) <code>-M--debug=FILTER</code> turns on level 1 of the FILTER debug
+information that will output a message any time that a file or directory is
+included or excluded and which rule it matched. Beginning in 3.2.4 it will
+also warn if a filter rule has trailing whitespace, since an exclude of &quot;foo&nbsp;&quot;
+(with a trailing space) will not exclude a file named &quot;foo&quot;.</p>
+<p>Exclude and include rules can specify wildcard <a href="#PATTERN_MATCHING_RULES">PATTERN MATCHING RULES</a>
+(similar to shell wildcards) that allow you to match things like a file suffix
+or a portion of a filename.</p>
+<p>A rule can be limited to only affecting a directory by putting a trailing slash
+onto the filename.</p>
+<p>With the following file tree created on the sending side:</p>
+<pre><code>mkdir x/
+touch x/file.txt
+mkdir x/y/
+touch x/y/file.txt
+touch x/y/zzz.txt
+mkdir x/z/
+touch x/z/file.txt
+<p>Then the following rsync command will transfer the file &quot;<code>x/y/file.txt</code>&quot; and
+the directories needed to hold it, resulting in the path &quot;<code>/tmp/x/y/file.txt</code>&quot;
+existing on the remote host:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai -f'+ x/' -f'+ x/y/' -f'+ x/y/file.txt' -f'- *' x host:/tmp/
+<p>Aside: this copy could also have been accomplished using the <a href="#opt-R"><code>-R</code></a>
+option (though the 2 commands behave differently if deletions are enabled):</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -aiR x/y/file.txt host:/tmp/
+<p>The following command does not need an include of the &quot;x&quot; directory because it
+is not a part of the transfer (note the traililng slash). Running this command
+would copy just &quot;<code>/tmp/x/file.txt</code>&quot; because the &quot;y&quot; and &quot;z&quot; dirs get excluded:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai -f'+ file.txt' -f'- *' x/ host:/tmp/x/
+<p>This command would omit the zzz.txt file while copying &quot;x&quot; and everything else
+it contains:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai -f'- zzz.txt' x host:/tmp/
+<p>By default the include &amp; exclude filter rules affect both the sender
+(as it creates its file list)
+and the receiver (as it creates its file lists for calculating deletions). If
+no delete option is in effect, the receiver skips creating the delete-related
+file lists. This two-sided default can be manually overridden so that you are
+only specifying sender rules or receiver rules, as described in the <a href="#FILTER_RULES_IN_DEPTH">FILTER
+RULES IN DEPTH</a> section.</p>
+<p>When deleting, an exclude protects a file from being removed on the receiving
+side while an include overrides that protection (putting the file at risk of
+deletion). The default is for a file to be at risk&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; its safety depends on it
+matching a corresponding file from the sender.</p>
+<p>An example of the two-sided exclude effect can be illustrated by the copying of
+a C development directory between 2 systems. When doing a touch-up copy, you
+might want to skip copying the built executable and the <code>.o</code> files (sender
+hide) so that the receiving side can build their own and not lose any object
+files that are already correct (receiver protect). For instance:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -ai --del -f'- *.o' -f'- cmd' src host:/dest/
+<p>Note that using <code>-f'-p *.o'</code> is even better than <code>-f'- *.o'</code> if there is a
+chance that the directory structure may have changed. The &quot;p&quot; modifier is
+discussed in <a href="#FILTER_RULE_MODIFIERS">FILTER RULE MODIFIERS</a>.</p>
+<p>One final note, if your shell doesn't mind unexpanded wildcards, you could
+simplify the typing of the filter options by using an underscore in place of
+the space and leaving off the quotes. For instance, <code>-f -_*.o -f -_cmd</code> (and
+similar) could be used instead of the filter options above.</p>
+<p>Rsync supports old-style include/exclude rules and new-style filter rules. The
+older rules are specified using <a href="#opt--include"><code>--include</code></a> and <a href="#opt--exclude"><code>--exclude</code></a> as
+well as the <a href="#opt--include-from"><code>--include-from</code></a> and <a href="#opt--exclude-from"><code>--exclude-from</code></a>. These are
+limited in behavior but they don't require a &quot;-&#8288;&quot; or &quot;+&quot; prefix. An old-style
+exclude rule is turned into a &quot;<code>- name</code>&quot; filter rule (with no modifiers) and an
+old-style include rule is turned into a &quot;<code>+ name</code>&quot; filter rule (with no
+<p>Rsync builds an ordered list of filter rules as specified on the command-line
+and/or read-in from files. New style filter rules have the following syntax:</p>
+<p>You have your choice of using either short or long RULE names, as described
+below. If you use a short-named rule, the ',' separating the RULE from the
+MODIFIERS is optional. The PATTERN or FILENAME that follows (when present)
+must come after either a single space or an underscore (_). Any additional
+spaces and/or underscores are considered to be a part of the pattern name.
+Here are the available rule prefixes:</p>
+<dt><code>exclude, '-'</code></dt><dd> specifies an exclude pattern that (by default) is both a
+<code>hide</code> and a <code>protect</code>.</dd>
+<dt><code>include, '+'</code></dt><dd> specifies an include pattern that (by default) is both a
+<code>show</code> and a <code>risk</code>.</dd>
+<dt><code>merge, '.'</code></dt><dd> specifies a merge-file on the client side to read for more
+<dt><code>dir-merge, ':'</code></dt><dd> specifies a per-directory merge-file. Using this kind of
+filter rule requires that you trust the sending side's filter checking, so
+it has the side-effect mentioned under the <a href="#opt--trust-sender"><code>--trust-sender</code></a> option.</dd>
+<dt><code>hide, 'H'</code></dt><dd> specifies a pattern for hiding files from the transfer.
+Equivalent to a sender-only exclude, so <code>-f'H foo'</code> could also be specified
+as <code>-f'-s foo'</code>.</dd>
+<dt><code>show, 'S'</code></dt><dd> files that match the pattern are not hidden. Equivalent to a
+sender-only include, so <code>-f'S foo'</code> could also be specified as <code>-f'+s foo'</code>.</dd>
+<dt><code>protect, 'P'</code></dt><dd> specifies a pattern for protecting files from deletion.
+Equivalent to a receiver-only exclude, so <code>-f'P foo'</code> could also be
+specified as <code>-f'-r foo'</code>.</dd>
+<dt><code>risk, 'R'</code></dt><dd> files that match the pattern are not protected. Equivalent to a
+receiver-only include, so <code>-f'R foo'</code> could also be specified as <code>-f'+r foo'</code>.</dd>
+<dt><code>clear, '!'</code></dt><dd> clears the current include/exclude list (takes no arg)</dd>
+<p>When rules are being read from a file (using merge or dir-merge), empty lines
+are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with a '<code>#</code>' (filename rules
+that contain a hash character are unaffected).</p>
+<p>Note also that the <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a>, <a href="#opt--include"><code>--include</code></a>, and
+<a href="#opt--exclude"><code>--exclude</code></a> options take one rule/pattern each. To add multiple ones,
+you can repeat the options on the command-line, use the merge-file syntax of
+the <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a> option, or the <a href="#opt--include-from"><code>--include-from</code></a> /
+<a href="#opt--exclude-from"><code>--exclude-from</code></a> options.</p>
+<p>Most of the rules mentioned above take an argument that specifies what the rule
+should match. If rsync is recursing through a directory hierarchy, keep in
+mind that each pattern is matched against the name of every directory in the
+descent path as rsync finds the filenames to send.</p>
+<p>The matching rules for the pattern argument take several forms:</p>
+<li>If a pattern contains a <code>/</code> (not counting a trailing slash) or a &quot;<code>**</code>&quot;
+(which can match a slash), then the pattern is matched against the full
+pathname, including any leading directories within the transfer. If the
+pattern doesn't contain a (non-trailing) <code>/</code> or a &quot;<code>**</code>&quot;, then it is matched
+only against the final component of the filename or pathname. For example,
+<code>foo</code> means that the final path component must be &quot;foo&quot; while <code>foo/bar</code> would
+match the last 2 elements of the path (as long as both elements are within
+the transfer).</li>
+<li>A pattern that ends with a <code>/</code> only matches a directory, not a regular file,
+symlink, or device.</li>
+<li>A pattern that starts with a <code>/</code> is anchored to the start of the transfer
+path instead of the end. For example, <code>/foo/**</code> or <code>/foo/bar/**</code> match only
+leading elements in the path. If the rule is read from a per-directory
+filter file, the transfer path being matched will begin at the level of the
+filter file instead of the top of the transfer. See the section on
+specify a pattern that matches at the root of the transfer.</li>
+<p>Rsync chooses between doing a simple string match and wildcard matching by
+checking if the pattern contains one of these three wildcard characters: '<code>*</code>',
+'<code>?</code>', and '<code>[</code>' :</p>
+<li>a '<code>?</code>' matches any single character except a slash (<code>/</code>).</li>
+<li>a '<code>*</code>' matches zero or more non-slash characters.</li>
+<li>a '<code>**</code>' matches zero or more characters, including slashes.</li>
+<li>a '<code>[</code>' introduces a character class, such as <code>[a-z]</code> or <code>[[:alpha:]]</code>, that
+must match one character.</li>
+<li>a trailing <code>***</code> in the pattern is a shorthand that allows you to match a
+directory and all its contents using a single rule. For example, specifying
+&quot;<code>dir_name/***</code>&quot; will match both the &quot;dir_name&quot; directory (as if &quot;<code>dir_name/</code>&quot;
+had been specified) and everything in the directory (as if &quot;<code>dir_name/**</code>&quot;
+had been specified).</li>
+<li>a backslash can be used to escape a wildcard character, but it is only
+interpreted as an escape character if at least one wildcard character is
+present in the match pattern. For instance, the pattern &quot;<code>foo\bar</code>&quot; matches
+that single backslash literally, while the pattern &quot;<code>foo\bar*</code>&quot; would need to
+be changed to &quot;<code>foo\\bar*</code>&quot; to avoid the &quot;<code>\b</code>&quot; becoming just &quot;b&quot;.</li>
+<p>Here are some examples of exclude/include matching:</p>
+<li>Option <code>-f'- *.o'</code> would exclude all filenames ending with <code>.o</code></li>
+<li>Option <code>-f'- /foo'</code> would exclude a file (or directory) named foo in the
+transfer-root directory</li>
+<li>Option <code>-f'- foo/'</code> would exclude any directory named foo</li>
+<li>Option <code>-f'- foo/*/bar'</code> would exclude any file/dir named bar which is at two
+levels below a directory named foo (if foo is in the transfer)</li>
+<li>Option <code>-f'- /foo/**/bar'</code> would exclude any file/dir named bar that was two
+or more levels below a top-level directory named foo (note that /foo/bar is
+<strong>not</strong> excluded by this)</li>
+<li>Options <code>-f'+ */' -f'+ *.c' -f'- *'</code> would include all directories and .c
+source files but nothing else</li>
+<li>Options <code>-f'+ foo/' -f'+ foo/bar.c' -f'- *'</code> would include only the foo
+directory and foo/bar.c (the foo directory must be explicitly included or it
+would be excluded by the &quot;<code>- *</code>&quot;)</li>
+<p>The following modifiers are accepted after an include (+) or exclude (-&#8288;) rule:</p>
+<li>A <code>/</code> specifies that the include/exclude rule should be matched against the
+absolute pathname of the current item. For example, <code>-f'-/ /etc/passwd'</code>
+would exclude the passwd file any time the transfer was sending files from
+the &quot;/etc&quot; directory, and &quot;-&#8288;/ subdir/foo&quot; would always exclude &quot;foo&quot; when it
+is in a dir named &quot;subdir&quot;, even if &quot;foo&quot; is at the root of the current
+<li>A <code>!</code> specifies that the include/exclude should take effect if the pattern
+fails to match. For instance, <code>-f'-! */'</code> would exclude all non-directories.</li>
+<li>A <code>C</code> is used to indicate that all the global CVS-exclude rules should be
+inserted as excludes in place of the &quot;-&#8288;C&quot;. No arg should follow.</li>
+<li>An <code>s</code> is used to indicate that the rule applies to the sending side. When a
+rule affects the sending side, it affects what files are put into the
+sender's file list. The default is for a rule to affect both sides unless
+<a href="#opt--delete-excluded"><code>--delete-excluded</code></a> was specified, in which case default rules become
+sender-side only. See also the hide (H) and show (S) rules, which are an
+alternate way to specify sending-side includes/excludes.</li>
+<li>An <code>r</code> is used to indicate that the rule applies to the receiving side. When
+a rule affects the receiving side, it prevents files from being deleted. See
+the <code>s</code> modifier for more info. See also the protect (P) and risk (R) rules,
+which are an alternate way to specify receiver-side includes/excludes.</li>
+<li>A <code>p</code> indicates that a rule is perishable, meaning that it is ignored in
+directories that are being deleted. For instance, the
+<a href="#opt--cvs-exclude"><code>--cvs-exclude</code></a> (<code>-C</code>) option's default rules that exclude things
+like &quot;CVS&quot; and &quot;<code>*.o</code>&quot; are marked as perishable, and will not prevent a
+directory that was removed on the source from being deleted on the
+<li>An <code>x</code> indicates that a rule affects xattr names in xattr copy/delete
+operations (and is thus ignored when matching file/dir names). If no
+xattr-matching rules are specified, a default xattr filtering rule is used
+(see the <a href="#opt--xattrs"><code>--xattrs</code></a> option).</li>
+<p>You can merge whole files into your filter rules by specifying either a merge
+(.) or a dir-merge (:) filter rule (as introduced in the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a>
+section above).</p>
+<p>There are two kinds of merged files&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; single-instance ('.') and per-directory
+(':'). A single-instance merge file is read one time, and its rules are
+incorporated into the filter list in the place of the &quot;.&quot; rule. For
+per-directory merge files, rsync will scan every directory that it traverses
+for the named file, merging its contents when the file exists into the current
+list of inherited rules. These per-directory rule files must be created on the
+sending side because it is the sending side that is being scanned for the
+available files to transfer. These rule files may also need to be transferred
+to the receiving side if you want them to affect what files don't get deleted
+<p>Some examples:</p>
+<pre><code>merge /etc/rsync/default.rules
+. /etc/rsync/default.rules
+dir-merge .per-dir-filter
+dir-merge,n- .non-inherited-per-dir-excludes
+:n- .non-inherited-per-dir-excludes
+<p>The following modifiers are accepted after a merge or dir-merge rule:</p>
+<li>A <code>-</code> specifies that the file should consist of only exclude patterns, with
+no other rule-parsing except for in-file comments.</li>
+<li>A <code>+</code> specifies that the file should consist of only include patterns, with
+no other rule-parsing except for in-file comments.</li>
+<li>A <code>C</code> is a way to specify that the file should be read in a CVS-compatible
+manner. This turns on 'n', 'w', and '-&#8288;', but also allows the list-clearing
+token (!) to be specified. If no filename is provided, &quot;.cvsignore&quot; is
+<li>A <code>e</code> will exclude the merge-file name from the transfer; e.g. &quot;dir-merge,e
+.rules&quot; is like &quot;dir-merge .rules&quot; and &quot;-&#8288; .rules&quot;.</li>
+<li>An <code>n</code> specifies that the rules are not inherited by subdirectories.</li>
+<li>A <code>w</code> specifies that the rules are word-split on whitespace instead of the
+normal line-splitting. This also turns off comments. Note: the space that
+separates the prefix from the rule is treated specially, so &quot;-&#8288; foo + bar&quot; is
+parsed as two rules (assuming that prefix-parsing wasn't also disabled).</li>
+<li>You may also specify any of the modifiers for the &quot;+&quot; or &quot;-&#8288;&quot; rules (above) in
+order to have the rules that are read in from the file default to having that
+modifier set (except for the <code>!</code> modifier, which would not be useful). For
+instance, &quot;merge,-&#8288;/ .excl&quot; would treat the contents of .excl as absolute-path
+excludes, while &quot;dir-merge,s .filt&quot; and &quot;:sC&quot; would each make all their
+per-directory rules apply only on the sending side. If the merge rule
+specifies sides to affect (via the <code>s</code> or <code>r</code> modifier or both), then the
+rules in the file must not specify sides (via a modifier or a rule prefix
+such as <code>hide</code>).</li>
+<p>Per-directory rules are inherited in all subdirectories of the directory where
+the merge-file was found unless the 'n' modifier was used. Each subdirectory's
+rules are prefixed to the inherited per-directory rules from its parents, which
+gives the newest rules a higher priority than the inherited rules. The entire
+set of dir-merge rules are grouped together in the spot where the merge-file
+was specified, so it is possible to override dir-merge rules via a rule that
+got specified earlier in the list of global rules. When the list-clearing rule
+(&quot;!&quot;) is read from a per-directory file, it only clears the inherited rules for
+the current merge file.</p>
+<p>Another way to prevent a single rule from a dir-merge file from being inherited
+is to anchor it with a leading slash. Anchored rules in a per-directory
+merge-file are relative to the merge-file's directory, so a pattern &quot;/foo&quot;
+would only match the file &quot;foo&quot; in the directory where the dir-merge filter
+file was found.</p>
+<p>Here's an example filter file which you'd specify via <code>--filter=&quot;. file&quot;:</code></p>
+<pre><code>merge /home/user/.global-filter
+- *.gz
+dir-merge .rules
++ *.[ch]
+- *.o
+- foo*
+<p>This will merge the contents of the /home/user/.global-filter file at the start
+of the list and also turns the &quot;.rules&quot; filename into a per-directory filter
+file. All rules read in prior to the start of the directory scan follow the
+global anchoring rules (i.e. a leading slash matches at the root of the
+<p>If a per-directory merge-file is specified with a path that is a parent
+directory of the first transfer directory, rsync will scan all the parent dirs
+from that starting point to the transfer directory for the indicated
+per-directory file. For instance, here is a common filter (see <a href="#opt-F"><code>-F</code></a>):</p>
+<pre><code>--filter=': /.rsync-filter'
+<p>That rule tells rsync to scan for the file .rsync-filter in all directories
+from the root down through the parent directory of the transfer prior to the
+start of the normal directory scan of the file in the directories that are sent
+as a part of the transfer. (Note: for an rsync daemon, the root is always the
+same as the module's &quot;path&quot;.)</p>
+<p>Some examples of this pre-scanning for per-directory files:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avF /src/path/ /dest/dir
+rsync -av --filter=': ../../.rsync-filter' /src/path/ /dest/dir
+rsync -av --filter=': .rsync-filter' /src/path/ /dest/dir
+<p>The first two commands above will look for &quot;.rsync-filter&quot; in &quot;/&quot; and &quot;/src&quot;
+before the normal scan begins looking for the file in &quot;/src/path&quot; and its
+subdirectories. The last command avoids the parent-dir scan and only looks for
+the &quot;.rsync-filter&quot; files in each directory that is a part of the transfer.</p>
+<p>If you want to include the contents of a &quot;.cvsignore&quot; in your patterns, you
+should use the rule &quot;:C&quot;, which creates a dir-merge of the .cvsignore file, but
+parsed in a CVS-compatible manner. You can use this to affect where the
+<a href="#opt--cvs-exclude"><code>--cvs-exclude</code></a> (<code>-C</code>) option's inclusion of the per-directory
+.cvsignore file gets placed into your rules by putting the &quot;:C&quot; wherever you
+like in your filter rules. Without this, rsync would add the dir-merge rule
+for the .cvsignore file at the end of all your other rules (giving it a lower
+priority than your command-line rules). For example:</p>
+<pre><code>cat &lt;&lt;EOT | rsync -avC --filter='. -' a/ b
++ foo.o
+- *.old
+rsync -avC --include=foo.o -f :C --exclude='*.old' a/ b
+<p>Both of the above rsync commands are identical. Each one will merge all the
+per-directory .cvsignore rules in the middle of the list rather than at the
+end. This allows their dir-specific rules to supersede the rules that follow
+the :C instead of being subservient to all your rules. To affect the other CVS
+exclude rules (i.e. the default list of exclusions, the contents of
+$HOME/.cvsignore, and the value of $CVSIGNORE) you should omit the <code>-C</code>
+command-line option and instead insert a &quot;-&#8288;C&quot; rule into your filter rules; e.g.
+<p>You can clear the current include/exclude list by using the &quot;!&quot; filter rule (as
+introduced in the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> section above). The &quot;current&quot; list is either
+the global list of rules (if the rule is encountered while parsing the filter
+options) or a set of per-directory rules (which are inherited in their own
+sub-list, so a subdirectory can use this to clear out the parent's rules).</p>
+<p>As mentioned earlier, global include/exclude patterns are anchored at the &quot;root
+of the transfer&quot; (as opposed to per-directory patterns, which are anchored at
+the merge-file's directory). If you think of the transfer as a subtree of
+names that are being sent from sender to receiver, the transfer-root is where
+the tree starts to be duplicated in the destination directory. This root
+governs where patterns that start with a / match.</p>
+<p>Because the matching is relative to the transfer-root, changing the trailing
+slash on a source path or changing your use of the <a href="#opt--relative"><code>--relative</code></a> option
+affects the path you need to use in your matching (in addition to changing how
+much of the file tree is duplicated on the destination host). The following
+examples demonstrate this.</p>
+<p>Let's say that we want to match two source files, one with an absolute
+path of &quot;/home/me/foo/bar&quot;, and one with a path of &quot;/home/you/bar/baz&quot;.
+Here is how the various command choices differ for a 2-source transfer:</p>
+<pre><code>Example cmd: rsync -a /home/me /home/you /dest
++/- pattern: /me/foo/bar
++/- pattern: /you/bar/baz
+Target file: /dest/me/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/you/bar/baz
+<pre><code>Example cmd: rsync -a /home/me/ /home/you/ /dest
++/- pattern: /foo/bar (note missing &quot;me&quot;)
++/- pattern: /bar/baz (note missing &quot;you&quot;)
+Target file: /dest/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/bar/baz
+<pre><code>Example cmd: rsync -a --relative /home/me/ /home/you /dest
++/- pattern: /home/me/foo/bar (note full path)
++/- pattern: /home/you/bar/baz (ditto)
+Target file: /dest/home/me/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/home/you/bar/baz
+<pre><code>Example cmd: cd /home; rsync -a --relative me/foo you/ /dest
++/- pattern: /me/foo/bar (starts at specified path)
++/- pattern: /you/bar/baz (ditto)
+Target file: /dest/me/foo/bar
+Target file: /dest/you/bar/baz
+<p>The easiest way to see what name you should filter is to just look at the
+output when using <a href="#opt--verbose"><code>--verbose</code></a> and put a / in front of the name (use the
+<code>--dry-run</code> option if you're not yet ready to copy any files).</p>
+<p>Without a delete option, per-directory rules are only relevant on the sending
+side, so you can feel free to exclude the merge files themselves without
+affecting the transfer. To make this easy, the 'e' modifier adds this exclude
+for you, as seen in these two equivalent commands:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av --filter=': .excl' --exclude=.excl host:src/dir /dest
+rsync -av --filter=':e .excl' host:src/dir /dest
+<p>However, if you want to do a delete on the receiving side AND you want some
+files to be excluded from being deleted, you'll need to be sure that the
+receiving side knows what files to exclude. The easiest way is to include the
+per-directory merge files in the transfer and use <a href="#opt--delete-after"><code>--delete-after</code></a>,
+because this ensures that the receiving side gets all the same exclude rules as
+the sending side before it tries to delete anything:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -avF --delete-after host:src/dir /dest
+<p>However, if the merge files are not a part of the transfer, you'll need to
+either specify some global exclude rules (i.e. specified on the command line),
+or you'll need to maintain your own per-directory merge files on the receiving
+side. An example of the first is this (assume that the remote .rules files
+exclude themselves):</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av --filter=': .rules' --filter='. /my/extra.rules'
+ --delete host:src/dir /dest
+<p>In the above example the extra.rules file can affect both sides of the
+transfer, but (on the sending side) the rules are subservient to the rules
+merged from the .rules files because they were specified after the
+per-directory merge rule.</p>
+<p>In one final example, the remote side is excluding the .rsync-filter files from
+the transfer, but we want to use our own .rsync-filter files to control what
+gets deleted on the receiving side. To do this we must specifically exclude
+the per-directory merge files (so that they don't get deleted) and then put
+rules into the local files to control what else should not get deleted. Like
+one of these commands:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync -av --filter=':e /.rsync-filter' --delete \
+ host:src/dir /dest
+rsync -avFF --delete host:src/dir /dest
+<h2 id="TRANSFER_RULES">TRANSFER RULES<a href="#TRANSFER_RULES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>In addition to the <a href="#FILTER_RULES">FILTER RULES</a> that affect the recursive file scans that
+generate the file list on the sending and (when deleting) receiving sides,
+there are transfer rules. These rules affect which files the generator decides
+need to be transferred without the side effects of an exclude filter rule.
+Transfer rules affect only files and never directories.</p>
+<p>Because a transfer rule does not affect what goes into the sender's (and
+receiver's) file list, it cannot have any effect on which files get deleted on
+the receiving side. For example, if the file &quot;foo&quot; is present in the sender's
+list but its size is such that it is omitted due to a transfer rule, the
+receiving side does not request the file. However, its presence in the file
+list means that a delete pass will not remove a matching file named &quot;foo&quot; on
+the receiving side. On the other hand, a server-side exclude (hide) of the
+file &quot;foo&quot; leaves the file out of the server's file list, and absent a
+receiver-side exclude (protect) the receiver will remove a matching file named
+&quot;foo&quot; if deletions are requested.</p>
+<p>Given that the files are still in the sender's file list, the
+<a href="#opt--prune-empty-dirs"><code>--prune-empty-dirs</code></a> option will not judge a directory as being empty
+even if it contains only files that the transfer rules omitted.</p>
+<p>Similarly, a transfer rule does not have any extra effect on which files are
+deleted on the receiving side, so setting a maximum file size for the transfer
+does not prevent big files from being deleted.</p>
+<p>Examples of transfer rules include the default &quot;quick check&quot; algorithm (which
+compares size &amp; modify time), the <a href="#opt--update"><code>--update</code></a> option, the
+<a href="#opt--max-size"><code>--max-size</code></a> option, the <a href="#opt--ignore-non-existing"><code>--ignore-non-existing</code></a> option, and a
+few others.</p>
+<h2 id="BATCH_MODE">BATCH MODE<a href="#BATCH_MODE" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Batch mode can be used to apply the same set of updates to many identical
+systems. Suppose one has a tree which is replicated on a number of hosts. Now
+suppose some changes have been made to this source tree and those changes need
+to be propagated to the other hosts. In order to do this using batch mode,
+rsync is run with the write-batch option to apply the changes made to the
+source tree to one of the destination trees. The write-batch option causes the
+rsync client to store in a &quot;batch file&quot; all the information needed to repeat
+this operation against other, identical destination trees.</p>
+<p>Generating the batch file once saves having to perform the file status,
+checksum, and data block generation more than once when updating multiple
+destination trees. Multicast transport protocols can be used to transfer the
+batch update files in parallel to many hosts at once, instead of sending the
+same data to every host individually.</p>
+<p>To apply the recorded changes to another destination tree, run rsync with the
+read-batch option, specifying the name of the same batch file, and the
+destination tree. Rsync updates the destination tree using the information
+stored in the batch file.</p>
+<p>For your convenience, a script file is also created when the write-batch option
+is used: it will be named the same as the batch file with &quot;.sh&quot; appended. This
+script file contains a command-line suitable for updating a destination tree
+using the associated batch file. It can be executed using a Bourne (or
+Bourne-like) shell, optionally passing in an alternate destination tree
+pathname which is then used instead of the original destination path. This is
+useful when the destination tree path on the current host differs from the one
+used to create the batch file.</p>
+<pre><code>$ rsync --write-batch=foo -a host:/source/dir/ /adest/dir/
+$ scp foo* remote:
+$ ssh remote ./ /bdest/dir/
+<pre><code>$ rsync --write-batch=foo -a /source/dir/ /adest/dir/
+$ ssh remote rsync --read-batch=- -a /bdest/dir/ &lt;foo
+<p>In these examples, rsync is used to update /adest/dir/ from /source/dir/ and
+the information to repeat this operation is stored in &quot;foo&quot; and &quot;;. The
+host &quot;remote&quot; is then updated with the batched data going into the directory
+/bdest/dir. The differences between the two examples reveals some of the
+flexibility you have in how you deal with batches:</p>
+<li>The first example shows that the initial copy doesn't have to be local&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; you
+can push or pull data to/from a remote host using either the remote-shell
+syntax or rsync daemon syntax, as desired.</li>
+<li>The first example uses the created &quot;; file to get the right rsync
+options when running the read-batch command on the remote host.</li>
+<li>The second example reads the batch data via standard input so that the batch
+file doesn't need to be copied to the remote machine first. This example
+avoids the script because it needed to use a modified
+<a href="#opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch</code></a> option, but you could edit the script file if you
+wished to make use of it (just be sure that no other option is trying to use
+standard input, such as the <a href="#opt--exclude-from"><code>--exclude-from=-</code></a> option).</li>
+<p>The read-batch option expects the destination tree that it is updating to be
+identical to the destination tree that was used to create the batch update
+fileset. When a difference between the destination trees is encountered the
+update might be discarded with a warning (if the file appears to be up-to-date
+already) or the file-update may be attempted and then, if the file fails to
+verify, the update discarded with an error. This means that it should be safe
+to re-run a read-batch operation if the command got interrupted. If you wish
+to force the batched-update to always be attempted regardless of the file's
+size and date, use the <a href="#opt-I"><code>-I</code></a> option (when reading the batch). If an
+error occurs, the destination tree will probably be in a partially updated
+state. In that case, rsync can be used in its regular (non-batch) mode of
+operation to fix up the destination tree.</p>
+<p>The rsync version used on all destinations must be at least as new as the one
+used to generate the batch file. Rsync will die with an error if the protocol
+version in the batch file is too new for the batch-reading rsync to handle.
+See also the <a href="#opt--protocol"><code>--protocol</code></a> option for a way to have the creating rsync
+generate a batch file that an older rsync can understand. (Note that batch
+files changed format in version 2.6.3, so mixing versions older than that with
+newer versions will not work.)</p>
+<p>When reading a batch file, rsync will force the value of certain options to
+match the data in the batch file if you didn't set them to the same as the
+batch-writing command. Other options can (and should) be changed. For
+instance <a href="#opt--write-batch"><code>--write-batch</code></a> changes to <a href="#opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch</code></a>,
+<a href="#opt--files-from"><code>--files-from</code></a> is dropped, and the <a href="#opt--filter"><code>--filter</code></a> /
+<a href="#opt--include"><code>--include</code></a> / <a href="#opt--exclude"><code>--exclude</code></a> options are not needed unless one of
+the <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> options is specified.</p>
+<p>The code that creates the file transforms any filter/include/exclude
+options into a single list that is appended as a &quot;here&quot; document to the shell
+script file. An advanced user can use this to modify the exclude list if a
+change in what gets deleted by <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> is desired. A normal user
+can ignore this detail and just use the shell script as an easy way to run the
+appropriate <a href="#opt--read-batch"><code>--read-batch</code></a> command for the batched data.</p>
+<p>The original batch mode in rsync was based on &quot;rsync+&quot;, but the latest
+version uses a new implementation.</p>
+<h2 id="SYMBOLIC_LINKS">SYMBOLIC LINKS<a href="#SYMBOLIC_LINKS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Three basic behaviors are possible when rsync encounters a symbolic
+link in the source directory.</p>
+<p>By default, symbolic links are not transferred at all. A message &quot;skipping
+non-regular&quot; file is emitted for any symlinks that exist.</p>
+<p>If <a href="#opt--links"><code>--links</code></a> is specified, then symlinks are added to the transfer
+(instead of being noisily ignored), and the default handling is to recreate
+them with the same target on the destination. Note that <a href="#opt--archive"><code>--archive</code></a>
+implies <a href="#opt--links"><code>--links</code></a>.</p>
+<p>If <a href="#opt--copy-links"><code>--copy-links</code></a> is specified, then symlinks are &quot;collapsed&quot; by
+copying their referent, rather than the symlink.</p>
+<p>Rsync can also distinguish &quot;safe&quot; and &quot;unsafe&quot; symbolic links. An example
+where this might be used is a web site mirror that wishes to ensure that the
+rsync module that is copied does not include symbolic links to <code>/etc/passwd</code> in
+the public section of the site. Using <a href="#opt--copy-unsafe-links"><code>--copy-unsafe-links</code></a> will cause
+any links to be copied as the file they point to on the destination. Using
+<a href="#opt--safe-links"><code>--safe-links</code></a> will cause unsafe links to be omitted by the receiver.
+(Note that you must specify or imply <a href="#opt--links"><code>--links</code></a> for
+<a href="#opt--safe-links"><code>--safe-links</code></a> to have any effect.)</p>
+<p>Symbolic links are considered unsafe if they are absolute symlinks (start with
+<code>/</code>), empty, or if they contain enough &quot;..&quot; components to ascend from the top
+of the transfer.</p>
+<p>Here's a summary of how the symlink options are interpreted. The list is in
+order of precedence, so if your combination of options isn't mentioned, use the
+first line that is a complete subset of your options:</p>
+<dt><code>--copy-links</code></dt><dd> Turn all symlinks into normal files and directories
+(leaving no symlinks in the transfer for any other options to affect).</dd>
+<dt><code>--copy-dirlinks</code></dt><dd> Turn just symlinks to directories into real
+directories, leaving all other symlinks to be handled as described below.</dd>
+<dt><code>--links --copy-unsafe-links</code></dt><dd> Turn all unsafe symlinks
+into files and create all safe symlinks.</dd>
+<dt><code>--copy-unsafe-links</code></dt><dd> Turn all unsafe symlinks into files, noisily
+skip all safe symlinks.</dd>
+<dt><code>--links --safe-links</code></dt><dd> The receiver skips creating
+unsafe symlinks found in the transfer and creates the safe ones.</dd>
+<dt><code>--links</code></dt><dd> Create all symlinks.</dd>
+<p>For the effect of <a href="#opt--munge-links"><code>--munge-links</code></a>, see the discussion in that option's
+<p>Note that the <a href="#opt--keep-dirlinks"><code>--keep-dirlinks</code></a> option does not effect symlinks in the
+transfer but instead affects how rsync treats a symlink to a directory that
+already exists on the receiving side. See that option's section for a warning.</p>
+<h2 id="DIAGNOSTICS">DIAGNOSTICS<a href="#DIAGNOSTICS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync occasionally produces error messages that may seem a little cryptic. The
+one that seems to cause the most confusion is &quot;protocol version mismatch&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; is
+your shell clean?&quot;.</p>
+<p>This message is usually caused by your startup scripts or remote shell facility
+producing unwanted garbage on the stream that rsync is using for its transport.
+The way to diagnose this problem is to run your remote shell like this:</p>
+<pre><code>ssh remotehost /bin/true &gt; out.dat
+<p>then look at out.dat. If everything is working correctly then out.dat should
+be a zero length file. If you are getting the above error from rsync then you
+will probably find that out.dat contains some text or data. Look at the
+contents and try to work out what is producing it. The most common cause is
+incorrectly configured shell startup scripts (such as .cshrc or .profile) that
+contain output statements for non-interactive logins.</p>
+<p>If you are having trouble debugging filter patterns, then try specifying the
+<code>-vv</code> option. At this level of verbosity rsync will show why each individual
+file is included or excluded.</p>
+<h2 id="EXIT_VALUES">EXIT VALUES<a href="#EXIT_VALUES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<li><strong>0</strong> -&#8288; Success</li>
+<li><strong>1</strong> -&#8288; Syntax or usage error</li>
+<li><strong>2</strong> -&#8288; Protocol incompatibility</li>
+<li><strong>3</strong> -&#8288; Errors selecting input/output files, dirs</li>
+<li><strong>4</strong> -&#8288; Requested action not supported. Either:
+<li>an attempt was made to manipulate 64-bit files on a platform that cannot support them</li>
+<li>an option was specified that is supported by the client and not by the server</li>
+<li><strong>5</strong> -&#8288; Error starting client-server protocol</li>
+<li><strong>6</strong> -&#8288; Daemon unable to append to log-file</li>
+<li><strong>10</strong> -&#8288; Error in socket I/O</li>
+<li><strong>11</strong> -&#8288; Error in file I/O</li>
+<li><strong>12</strong> -&#8288; Error in rsync protocol data stream</li>
+<li><strong>13</strong> -&#8288; Errors with program diagnostics</li>
+<li><strong>14</strong> -&#8288; Error in IPC code</li>
+<li><strong>20</strong> -&#8288; Received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT</li>
+<li><strong>21</strong> -&#8288; Some error returned by <strong>waitpid()</strong></li>
+<li><strong>22</strong> -&#8288; Error allocating core memory buffers</li>
+<li><strong>23</strong> -&#8288; Partial transfer due to error</li>
+<li><strong>24</strong> -&#8288; Partial transfer due to vanished source files</li>
+<li><strong>25</strong> -&#8288; The -&#8288;-&#8288;max-delete limit stopped deletions</li>
+<li><strong>30</strong> -&#8288; Timeout in data send/receive</li>
+<li><strong>35</strong> -&#8288; Timeout waiting for daemon connection</li>
+<dt id="CVSIGNORE"><code>CVSIGNORE</code><a href="#CVSIGNORE" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>The CVSIGNORE environment variable supplements any ignore patterns in
+.cvsignore files. See the <a href="#opt--cvs-exclude"><code>--cvs-exclude</code></a> option for more details.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_ICONV"><code>RSYNC_ICONV</code><a href="#RSYNC_ICONV" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Specify a default <a href="#opt--iconv"><code>--iconv</code></a> setting using this environment
+variable. First supported in 3.0.0.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_OLD_ARGS"><code>RSYNC_OLD_ARGS</code><a href="#RSYNC_OLD_ARGS" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Specify a &quot;1&quot; if you want the <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a> option to be enabled by
+default, a &quot;2&quot; (or more) if you want it to be enabled in the
+repeated-option state, or a &quot;0&quot; to make sure that it is disabled by
+default. When this environment variable is set to a non-zero value, it
+supersedes the <a href="#RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS"><code>RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS</code></a> variable.</p>
+<p>This variable is ignored if <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a>, <code>--no-old-args</code>, or
+<a href="#opt--secluded-args"><code>--secluded-args</code></a> is specified on the command line.</p>
+<p>First supported in 3.2.4.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS"><code>RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS</code><a href="#RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Specify a non-zero numeric value if you want the <a href="#opt--secluded-args"><code>--secluded-args</code></a>
+option to be enabled by default, or a zero value to make sure that it is
+disabled by default.</p>
+<p>This variable is ignored if <a href="#opt--secluded-args"><code>--secluded-args</code></a>, <code>--no-secluded-args</code>,
+or <a href="#opt--old-args"><code>--old-args</code></a> is specified on the command line.</p>
+<p>First supported in 3.1.0. Starting in 3.2.4, this variable is ignored if
+<a href="#RSYNC_OLD_ARGS"><code>RSYNC_OLD_ARGS</code></a> is set to a non-zero value.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_RSH"><code>RSYNC_RSH</code><a href="#RSYNC_RSH" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable allows you to override the default shell used as
+the transport for rsync. Command line options are permitted after the
+command name, just as in the <a href="#opt--rsh"><code>--rsh</code></a> (<code>-e</code>) option.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_PROXY"><code>RSYNC_PROXY</code><a href="#RSYNC_PROXY" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable allows you to redirect your rsync
+client to use a web proxy when connecting to an rsync daemon. You should
+set <code>RSYNC_PROXY</code> to a hostname:port pair.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_PASSWORD"><code>RSYNC_PASSWORD</code><a href="#RSYNC_PASSWORD" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable allows you to set the password for an rsync
+<strong>daemon</strong> connection, which avoids the password prompt. Note that this
+does <strong>not</strong> supply a password to a remote shell transport such as ssh
+(consult its documentation for how to do that).</p>
+<span id="LOGNAME"></span><dt id="USER"><code>USER</code> or <code>LOGNAME</code><a href="#USER" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>The USER or LOGNAME environment variables are used to determine the default
+username sent to an rsync daemon. If neither is set, the username defaults
+to &quot;nobody&quot;. If both are set, <code>USER</code> takes precedence.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR"><code>RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR</code><a href="#RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable specifies the directory to use for a
+<a href="#opt--partial"><code>--partial</code></a> transfer without implying that partial transfers be
+enabled. See the <a href="#opt--partial-dir"><code>--partial-dir</code></a> option for full details.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST"><code>RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST</code><a href="#RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable allows you to customize the negotiation of the
+compression algorithm by specifying an alternate order or a reduced list of
+names. Use the command <code>rsync --version</code> to see the available compression
+names. See the <a href="#opt--compress"><code>--compress</code></a> option for full details.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST"><code>RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST</code><a href="#RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable allows you to customize the negotiation of the
+checksum algorithm by specifying an alternate order or a reduced list of
+names. Use the command <code>rsync --version</code> to see the available checksum
+names. See the <a href="#opt--checksum-choice"><code>--checksum-choice</code></a> option for full details.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC"><code>RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC</code><a href="#RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable sets an allocation maximum as if you had used the
+<a href="#opt--max-alloc"><code>--max-alloc</code></a> option.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_PORT"><code>RSYNC_PORT</code><a href="#RSYNC_PORT" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable is not read by rsync, but is instead set in
+its sub-environment when rsync is running the remote shell in combination
+with a daemon connection. This allows a script such as
+<a href="rsync-ssl.1"><code>rsync-ssl</code></a> to be able to know the port number that the user
+specified on the command line.</p>
+<dt id="HOME"><code>HOME</code><a href="#HOME" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable is used to find the user's default .cvsignore
+<dt id="RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG"><code>RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG</code><a href="#RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable is mainly used in debug setups to set the program
+to use when making a daemon connection. See <a href="#CONNECTING_TO_AN_RSYNC_DAEMON">CONNECTING TO AN RSYNC
+DAEMON</a> for full details.</p>
+<dt id="RSYNC_SHELL"><code>RSYNC_SHELL</code><a href="#RSYNC_SHELL" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This environment variable is mainly used in debug setups to set the program
+to use to run the program specified by <a href="#RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG"><code>RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG</code></a>. See
+<h2 id="FILES">FILES<a href="#FILES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>/etc/rsyncd.conf or rsyncd.conf</p>
+<h2 id="SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO<a href="#SEE_ALSO" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p><a href="rsync-ssl.1"><strong>rsync-ssl</strong>(1)</a>, <a href="rsyncd.conf.5"><strong>rsyncd.conf</strong>(5)</a>, <a href="rrsync.1"><strong>rrsync</strong>(1)</a></p>
+<h2 id="BUGS">BUGS<a href="#BUGS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<li>Times are transferred as *nix time_t values.</li>
+<li>When transferring to FAT filesystems rsync may re-sync unmodified files. See
+the comments on the <a href="#opt--modify-window"><code>--modify-window</code></a> option.</li>
+<li>File permissions, devices, etc. are transferred as native numerical values.</li>
+<li>See also the comments on the <a href="#opt--delete"><code>--delete</code></a> option.</li>
+<p>Please report bugs! See the web site at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="VERSION">VERSION<a href="#VERSION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.</p>
+<h2 id="INTERNAL_OPTIONS">INTERNAL OPTIONS<a href="#INTERNAL_OPTIONS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The options <code>--server</code> and <code>--sender</code> are used internally by rsync, and should
+never be typed by a user under normal circumstances. Some awareness of these
+options may be needed in certain scenarios, such as when setting up a login
+that can only run an rsync command. For instance, the support directory of the
+rsync distribution has an example script named rrsync (for restricted rsync)
+that can be used with a restricted ssh login.</p>
+<h2 id="CREDITS">CREDITS<a href="#CREDITS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+<a href="COPYING">COPYING</a> for details.</p>
+<p>An rsync web site is available at <a href=""></a>. The site
+includes an FAQ-O-Matic which may cover questions unanswered by this manual
+<p>The rsync github project is <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<p>We would be delighted to hear from you if you like this program. Please
+contact the mailing-list at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<p>This program uses the excellent zlib compression library written by Jean-loup
+Gailly and Mark Adler.</p>
+<h2 id="THANKS">THANKS<a href="#THANKS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Special thanks go out to: John Van Essen, Matt McCutchen, Wesley W. Terpstra,
+David Dykstra, Jos Backus, Sebastian Krahmer, Martin Pool, and our
+gone-but-not-forgotten compadre, J.W. Schultz.</p>
+<p>Thanks also to Richard Brent, Brendan Mackay, Bill Waite, Stephen Rothwell and
+David Bell. I've probably missed some people, my apologies if I have.</p>
+<h2 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR<a href="#AUTHOR" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. Many
+people have later contributed to it. It is currently maintained by Wayne
+<p>Mailing lists for support and development are available at
+<a href=""></a>.</p>
+<div style="float: right"><p><i>20 Oct 2022</i></p></div>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee0a4f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,4842 @@
+## NAME
+rsync - a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [DEST]
+Access via remote shell:
+ Pull:
+ rsync [OPTION...] [USER@]HOST:SRC... [DEST]
+ Push:
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [USER@]HOST:DEST
+Access via rsync daemon:
+ Pull:
+ rsync [OPTION...] [USER@]HOST::SRC... [DEST]
+ rsync [OPTION...] rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC... [DEST]
+ Push:
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... [USER@]HOST::DEST
+ rsync [OPTION...] SRC... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST)
+Usages with just one SRC arg and no DEST arg will list the source files instead
+of copying.
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <>.
+Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy
+locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync
+daemon. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its
+behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be
+copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the
+amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between
+the source files and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely
+used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday
+Rsync finds files that need to be transferred using a "quick check" algorithm
+(by default) that looks for files that have changed in size or in last-modified
+time. Any changes in the other preserved attributes (as requested by options)
+are made on the destination file directly when the quick check indicates that
+the file's data does not need to be updated.
+Some of the additional features of rsync are:
+- support for copying links, devices, owners, groups, and permissions
+- exclude and exclude-from options similar to GNU tar
+- a CVS exclude mode for ignoring the same files that CVS would ignore
+- can use any transparent remote shell, including ssh or rsh
+- does not require super-user privileges
+- pipelining of file transfers to minimize latency costs
+- support for anonymous or authenticated rsync daemons (ideal for mirroring)
+Rsync copies files either to or from a remote host, or locally on the current
+host (it does not support copying files between two remote hosts).
+There are two different ways for rsync to contact a remote system: using a
+remote-shell program as the transport (such as ssh or rsh) or contacting an
+rsync daemon directly via TCP. The remote-shell transport is used whenever the
+source or destination path contains a single colon (:) separator after a host
+specification. Contacting an rsync daemon directly happens when the source or
+destination path contains a double colon (::) separator after a host
+specification, OR when an rsync:// URL is specified (see also the [USING
+exception to this latter rule).
+As a special case, if a single source arg is specified without a destination,
+the files are listed in an output format similar to "`ls -l`".
+As expected, if neither the source or destination path specify a remote host,
+the copy occurs locally (see also the [`--list-only`](#opt) option).
+Rsync refers to the local side as the client and the remote side as the server.
+Don't confuse server with an rsync daemon. A daemon is always a server, but a
+server can be either a daemon or a remote-shell spawned process.
+See the file for installation instructions.
+Once installed, you can use rsync to any machine that you can access via a
+remote shell (as well as some that you can access using the rsync daemon-mode
+protocol). For remote transfers, a modern rsync uses ssh for its
+communications, but it may have been configured to use a different remote shell
+by default, such as rsh or remsh.
+You can also specify any remote shell you like, either by using the [`-e`](#opt)
+command line option, or by setting the [`RSYNC_RSH`](#) environment variable.
+Note that rsync must be installed on both the source and destination machines.
+You use rsync in the same way you use rcp. You must specify a source and a
+destination, one of which may be remote.
+Perhaps the best way to explain the syntax is with some examples:
+> rsync -t *.c foo:src/
+This would transfer all files matching the pattern `*.c` from the current
+directory to the directory src on the machine foo. If any of the files already
+exist on the remote system then the rsync remote-update protocol is used to
+update the file by sending only the differences in the data. Note that the
+expansion of wildcards on the command-line (`*.c`) into a list of files is
+handled by the shell before it runs rsync and not by rsync itself (exactly the
+same as all other Posix-style programs).
+> rsync -avz foo:src/bar /data/tmp
+This would recursively transfer all files from the directory src/bar on the
+machine foo into the /data/tmp/bar directory on the local machine. The files
+are transferred in archive mode, which ensures that symbolic links, devices,
+attributes, permissions, ownerships, etc. are preserved in the transfer.
+Additionally, compression will be used to reduce the size of data portions of
+the transfer.
+> rsync -avz foo:src/bar/ /data/tmp
+A trailing slash on the source changes this behavior to avoid creating an
+additional directory level at the destination. You can think of a trailing /
+on a source as meaning "copy the contents of this directory" as opposed to
+"copy the directory by name", but in both cases the attributes of the
+containing directory are transferred to the containing directory on the
+destination. In other words, each of the following commands copies the files
+in the same way, including their setting of the attributes of /dest/foo:
+> rsync -av /src/foo /dest
+> rsync -av /src/foo/ /dest/foo
+Note also that host and module references don't require a trailing slash to
+copy the contents of the default directory. For example, both of these copy
+the remote directory's contents into "/dest":
+> rsync -av host: /dest
+> rsync -av host::module /dest
+You can also use rsync in local-only mode, where both the source and
+destination don't have a ':' in the name. In this case it behaves like an
+improved copy command.
+Finally, you can list all the (listable) modules available from a particular
+rsync daemon by leaving off the module name:
+> rsync
+When you want to copy a directory to a different name, use a trailing slash on
+the source directory to put the contents of the directory into any destination
+directory you like:
+> rsync -ai foo/ bar/
+Rsync also has the ability to customize a destination file's name when copying
+a single item. The rules for this are:
+- The transfer list must consist of a single item (either a file or an empty
+ directory)
+- The final element of the destination path must not exist as a directory
+- The destination path must not have been specified with a trailing slash
+Under those circumstances, rsync will set the name of the destination's single
+item to the last element of the destination path. Keep in mind that it is best
+to only use this idiom when copying a file and use the above trailing-slash
+idiom when copying a directory.
+The following example copies the `foo.c` file as `bar.c` in the `save` dir
+(assuming that `bar.c` isn't a directory):
+> rsync -ai src/foo.c save/bar.c
+The single-item copy rule might accidentally bite you if you unknowingly copy a
+single item and specify a destination dir that doesn't exist (without using a
+trailing slash). For example, if `src/*.c` matches one file and `save/dir`
+doesn't exist, this will confuse you by naming the destination file `save/dir`:
+> rsync -ai src/*.c save/dir
+To prevent such an accident, either make sure the destination dir exists or
+specify the destination path with a trailing slash:
+> rsync -ai src/*.c save/dir/
+Rsync always sorts the specified filenames into its internal transfer list.
+This handles the merging together of the contents of identically named
+directories, makes it easy to remove duplicate filenames. It can, however,
+confuse someone when the files are transferred in a different order than what
+was given on the command-line.
+If you need a particular file to be transferred prior to another, either
+separate the files into different rsync calls, or consider using
+[`--delay-updates`](#opt) (which doesn't affect the sorted transfer order, but
+does make the final file-updating phase happen much more rapidly).
+Rsync takes steps to ensure that the file requests that are shared in a
+transfer are protected against various security issues. Most of the potential
+problems arise on the receiving side where rsync takes steps to ensure that the
+list of files being transferred remains within the bounds of what was
+Toward this end, rsync 3.1.2 and later have aborted when a file list contains
+an absolute or relative path that tries to escape out of the top of the
+transfer. Also, beginning with version 3.2.5, rsync does two more safety
+checks of the file list to (1) ensure that no extra source arguments were added
+into the transfer other than those that the client requested and (2) ensure
+that the file list obeys the exclude rules that were sent to the sender.
+For those that don't yet have a 3.2.5 client rsync (or those that want to be
+extra careful), it is safest to do a copy into a dedicated destination
+directory for the remote files when you don't trust the remote host. For
+example, instead of doing an rsync copy into your home directory:
+> rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~
+Dedicate a "host1-files" dir to the remote content:
+> rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~/host1-files
+See the [`--trust-sender`](#opt) option for additional details.
+CAUTION: it is not particularly safe to use rsync to copy files from a
+case-preserving filesystem to a case-ignoring filesystem. If you must perform
+such a copy, you should either disable symlinks via `--no-links` or enable the
+munging of symlinks via [`--munge-links`](#opt) (and make sure you use the
+right local or remote option). This will prevent rsync from doing potentially
+dangerous things if a symlink name overlaps with a file or directory. It does
+not, however, ensure that you get a full copy of all the files (since that may
+not be possible when the names overlap). A potentially better solution is to
+list all the source files and create a safe list of filenames that you pass to
+the [`--files-from`](#opt) option. Any files that conflict in name would need
+to be copied to different destination directories using more than one copy.
+While a copy of a case-ignoring filesystem to a case-ignoring filesystem can
+work out fairly well, if no `--delete-during` or `--delete-before` option is
+active, rsync can potentially update an existing file on the receiveing side
+without noticing that the upper-/lower-case of the filename should be changed
+to match the sender.
+The syntax for requesting multiple files from a remote host is done by
+specifying additional remote-host args in the same style as the first, or with
+the hostname omitted. For instance, all these work:
+> rsync -aiv host:file1 :file2 host:file{3,4} /dest/
+> rsync -aiv host::modname/file{1,2} host::modname/extra /dest/
+> rsync -aiv host::modname/first ::extra-file{1,2} /dest/
+Note that a daemon connection only supports accessing one module per copy
+command, so if the start of a follow-up path doesn't begin with the
+modname of the first path, it is assumed to be a path in the module (such as
+the extra-file1 & extra-file2 that are grabbed above).
+Really old versions of rsync (2.6.9 and before) only allowed specifying one
+remote-source arg, so some people have instead relied on the remote-shell
+performing space splitting to break up an arg into multiple paths. Such
+unintuitive behavior is no longer supported by default (though you can request
+it, as described below).
+Starting in 3.2.4, filenames are passed to a remote shell in such a way as to
+preserve the characters you give it. Thus, if you ask for a file with spaces
+in the name, that's what the remote rsync looks for:
+> rsync -aiv host:'a simple file.pdf' /dest/
+If you use scripts that have been written to manually apply extra quoting to
+the remote rsync args (or to require remote arg splitting), you can ask rsync
+to let your script handle the extra escaping. This is done by either adding
+the [`--old-args`](#opt) option to the rsync runs in the script (which requires
+a new rsync) or exporting [RSYNC_OLD_ARGS](#)=1 and [RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS](#)=0
+(which works with old or new rsync versions).
+It is also possible to use rsync without a remote shell as the transport. In
+this case you will directly connect to a remote rsync daemon, typically using
+TCP port 873. (This obviously requires the daemon to be running on the remote
+section below for information on that.)
+Using rsync in this way is the same as using it with a remote shell except
+- Use either double-colon syntax or rsync:// URL syntax instead of the
+ single-colon (remote shell) syntax.
+- The first element of the "path" is actually a module name.
+- Additional remote source args can use an abbreviated syntax that omits the
+ hostname and/or the module name, as discussed in [ADVANCED USAGE](#).
+- The remote daemon may print a "message of the day" when you connect.
+- If you specify only the host (with no module or path) then a list of
+ accessible modules on the daemon is output.
+- If you specify a remote source path but no destination, a listing of the
+ matching files on the remote daemon is output.
+- The [`--rsh`](#opt) (`-e`) option must be omitted to avoid changing the
+ connection style from using a socket connection to [USING RSYNC-DAEMON
+An example that copies all the files in a remote module named "src":
+> rsync -av host::src /dest
+Some modules on the remote daemon may require authentication. If so, you will
+receive a password prompt when you connect. You can avoid the password prompt
+by setting the environment variable [`RSYNC_PASSWORD`](#) to the password you
+want to use or using the [`--password-file`](#opt) option. This may be useful
+when scripting rsync.
+WARNING: On some systems environment variables are visible to all users. On
+those systems using [`--password-file`](#opt) is recommended.
+You may establish the connection via a web proxy by setting the environment
+variable [`RSYNC_PROXY`](#) to a hostname:port pair pointing to your web proxy.
+Note that your web proxy's configuration must support proxy connections to port
+You may also establish a daemon connection using a program as a proxy by
+setting the environment variable [`RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG`](#) to the commands you
+wish to run in place of making a direct socket connection. The string may
+contain the escape "%H" to represent the hostname specified in the rsync
+command (so use "%%" if you need a single "%" in your string). For example:
+> export RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG='ssh proxyhost nc %H 873'
+> rsync -av targethost1::module/src/ /dest/
+> rsync -av rsync://targethost2/module/src/ /dest/
+The command specified above uses ssh to run nc (netcat) on a proxyhost, which
+forwards all data to port 873 (the rsync daemon) on the targethost (%H).
+Note also that if the [`RSYNC_SHELL`](#) environment variable is set, that
+program will be used to run the `RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG` command instead of using
+the default shell of the **system()** call.
+It is sometimes useful to use various features of an rsync daemon (such as
+named modules) without actually allowing any new socket connections into a
+system (other than what is already required to allow remote-shell access).
+Rsync supports connecting to a host using a remote shell and then spawning a
+single-use "daemon" server that expects to read its config file in the home dir
+of the remote user. This can be useful if you want to encrypt a daemon-style
+transfer's data, but since the daemon is started up fresh by the remote user,
+you may not be able to use features such as chroot or change the uid used by
+the daemon. (For another way to encrypt a daemon transfer, consider using ssh
+to tunnel a local port to a remote machine and configure a normal rsync daemon
+on that remote host to only allow connections from "localhost".)
+From the user's perspective, a daemon transfer via a remote-shell connection
+uses nearly the same command-line syntax as a normal rsync-daemon transfer,
+with the only exception being that you must explicitly set the remote shell
+program on the command-line with the [`--rsh=COMMAND`](#opt) option. (Setting the
+RSYNC_RSH in the environment will not turn on this functionality.) For example:
+> rsync -av --rsh=ssh host::module /dest
+If you need to specify a different remote-shell user, keep in mind that the
+user@ prefix in front of the host is specifying the rsync-user value (for a
+module that requires user-based authentication). This means that you must give
+the '-l user' option to ssh when specifying the remote-shell, as in this
+example that uses the short version of the [`--rsh`](#opt) option:
+> rsync -av -e "ssh -l ssh-user" rsync-user@host::module /dest
+The "ssh-user" will be used at the ssh level; the "rsync-user" will be used to
+log-in to the "module".
+In this setup, the daemon is started by the ssh command that is accessing the
+system (which can be forced via the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file, if desired).
+However, when accessing a daemon directly, it needs to be started beforehand.
+In order to connect to an rsync daemon, the remote system needs to have a
+daemon already running (or it needs to have configured something like inetd to
+spawn an rsync daemon for incoming connections on a particular port). For full
+information on how to start a daemon that will handling incoming socket
+connections, see the [**rsyncd.conf**(5)](rsyncd.conf.5) manpage -- that is
+the config file for the daemon, and it contains the full details for how to run
+the daemon (including stand-alone and inetd configurations).
+If you're using one of the remote-shell transports for the transfer, there is
+no need to manually start an rsync daemon.
+Here are some examples of how rsync can be used.
+To backup a home directory, which consists of large MS Word files and mail
+folders, a per-user cron job can be used that runs this each day:
+> rsync -aiz . bkhost:backup/joe/
+To move some files from a remote host to the local host, you could run:
+> rsync -aiv --remove-source-files rhost:/tmp/{file1,file2}.c ~/src/
+Here is a short summary of the options available in rsync. Each option also
+has its own detailed description later in this manpage.
+[comment]: # (help-rsync.h)
+[comment]: # (Keep these short enough that they'll be under 80 chars when indented by 7 chars.)
+--verbose, -v increase verbosity
+--info=FLAGS fine-grained informational verbosity
+--debug=FLAGS fine-grained debug verbosity
+--stderr=e|a|c change stderr output mode (default: errors)
+--quiet, -q suppress non-error messages
+--no-motd suppress daemon-mode MOTD
+--checksum, -c skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size
+--archive, -a archive mode is -rlptgoD (no -A,-X,-U,-N,-H)
+--no-OPTION turn off an implied OPTION (e.g. --no-D)
+--recursive, -r recurse into directories
+--relative, -R use relative path names
+--no-implied-dirs don't send implied dirs with --relative
+--backup, -b make backups (see --suffix & --backup-dir)
+--backup-dir=DIR make backups into hierarchy based in DIR
+--suffix=SUFFIX backup suffix (default ~ w/o --backup-dir)
+--update, -u skip files that are newer on the receiver
+--inplace update destination files in-place
+--append append data onto shorter files
+--append-verify --append w/old data in file checksum
+--dirs, -d transfer directories without recursing
+--old-dirs, --old-d works like --dirs when talking to old rsync
+--mkpath create destination's missing path components
+--links, -l copy symlinks as symlinks
+--copy-links, -L transform symlink into referent file/dir
+--copy-unsafe-links only "unsafe" symlinks are transformed
+--safe-links ignore symlinks that point outside the tree
+--munge-links munge symlinks to make them safe & unusable
+--copy-dirlinks, -k transform symlink to dir into referent dir
+--keep-dirlinks, -K treat symlinked dir on receiver as dir
+--hard-links, -H preserve hard links
+--perms, -p preserve permissions
+--executability, -E preserve executability
+--chmod=CHMOD affect file and/or directory permissions
+--acls, -A preserve ACLs (implies --perms)
+--xattrs, -X preserve extended attributes
+--owner, -o preserve owner (super-user only)
+--group, -g preserve group
+--devices preserve device files (super-user only)
+--copy-devices copy device contents as a regular file
+--write-devices write to devices as files (implies --inplace)
+--specials preserve special files
+-D same as --devices --specials
+--times, -t preserve modification times
+--atimes, -U preserve access (use) times
+--open-noatime avoid changing the atime on opened files
+--crtimes, -N preserve create times (newness)
+--omit-dir-times, -O omit directories from --times
+--omit-link-times, -J omit symlinks from --times
+--super receiver attempts super-user activities
+--fake-super store/recover privileged attrs using xattrs
+--sparse, -S turn sequences of nulls into sparse blocks
+--preallocate allocate dest files before writing them
+--dry-run, -n perform a trial run with no changes made
+--whole-file, -W copy files whole (w/o delta-xfer algorithm)
+--checksum-choice=STR choose the checksum algorithm (aka --cc)
+--one-file-system, -x don't cross filesystem boundaries
+--block-size=SIZE, -B force a fixed checksum block-size
+--rsh=COMMAND, -e specify the remote shell to use
+--rsync-path=PROGRAM specify the rsync to run on remote machine
+--existing skip creating new files on receiver
+--ignore-existing skip updating files that exist on receiver
+--remove-source-files sender removes synchronized files (non-dir)
+--del an alias for --delete-during
+--delete delete extraneous files from dest dirs
+--delete-before receiver deletes before xfer, not during
+--delete-during receiver deletes during the transfer
+--delete-delay find deletions during, delete after
+--delete-after receiver deletes after transfer, not during
+--delete-excluded also delete excluded files from dest dirs
+--ignore-missing-args ignore missing source args without error
+--delete-missing-args delete missing source args from destination
+--ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors
+--force force deletion of dirs even if not empty
+--max-delete=NUM don't delete more than NUM files
+--max-size=SIZE don't transfer any file larger than SIZE
+--min-size=SIZE don't transfer any file smaller than SIZE
+--max-alloc=SIZE change a limit relating to memory alloc
+--partial keep partially transferred files
+--partial-dir=DIR put a partially transferred file into DIR
+--delay-updates put all updated files into place at end
+--prune-empty-dirs, -m prune empty directory chains from file-list
+--numeric-ids don't map uid/gid values by user/group name
+--usermap=STRING custom username mapping
+--groupmap=STRING custom groupname mapping
+--chown=USER:GROUP simple username/groupname mapping
+--timeout=SECONDS set I/O timeout in seconds
+--contimeout=SECONDS set daemon connection timeout in seconds
+--ignore-times, -I don't skip files that match size and time
+--size-only skip files that match in size
+--modify-window=NUM, -@ set the accuracy for mod-time comparisons
+--temp-dir=DIR, -T create temporary files in directory DIR
+--fuzzy, -y find similar file for basis if no dest file
+--compare-dest=DIR also compare destination files relative to DIR
+--copy-dest=DIR ... and include copies of unchanged files
+--link-dest=DIR hardlink to files in DIR when unchanged
+--compress, -z compress file data during the transfer
+--compress-choice=STR choose the compression algorithm (aka --zc)
+--compress-level=NUM explicitly set compression level (aka --zl)
+--skip-compress=LIST skip compressing files with suffix in LIST
+--cvs-exclude, -C auto-ignore files in the same way CVS does
+--filter=RULE, -f add a file-filtering RULE
+-F same as --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'
+ repeated: --filter='- .rsync-filter'
+--exclude=PATTERN exclude files matching PATTERN
+--exclude-from=FILE read exclude patterns from FILE
+--include=PATTERN don't exclude files matching PATTERN
+--include-from=FILE read include patterns from FILE
+--files-from=FILE read list of source-file names from FILE
+--from0, -0 all *-from/filter files are delimited by 0s
+--old-args disable the modern arg-protection idiom
+--secluded-args, -s use the protocol to safely send the args
+--trust-sender trust the remote sender's file list
+--copy-as=USER[:GROUP] specify user & optional group for the copy
+--address=ADDRESS bind address for outgoing socket to daemon
+--port=PORT specify double-colon alternate port number
+--sockopts=OPTIONS specify custom TCP options
+--blocking-io use blocking I/O for the remote shell
+--outbuf=N|L|B set out buffering to None, Line, or Block
+--stats give some file-transfer stats
+--8-bit-output, -8 leave high-bit chars unescaped in output
+--human-readable, -h output numbers in a human-readable format
+--progress show progress during transfer
+-P same as --partial --progress
+--itemize-changes, -i output a change-summary for all updates
+--remote-option=OPT, -M send OPTION to the remote side only
+--out-format=FORMAT output updates using the specified FORMAT
+--log-file=FILE log what we're doing to the specified FILE
+--log-file-format=FMT log updates using the specified FMT
+--password-file=FILE read daemon-access password from FILE
+--early-input=FILE use FILE for daemon's early exec input
+--list-only list the files instead of copying them
+--bwlimit=RATE limit socket I/O bandwidth
+--stop-after=MINS Stop rsync after MINS minutes have elapsed
+--stop-at=y-m-dTh:m Stop rsync at the specified point in time
+--fsync fsync every written file
+--write-batch=FILE write a batched update to FILE
+--only-write-batch=FILE like --write-batch but w/o updating dest
+--read-batch=FILE read a batched update from FILE
+--protocol=NUM force an older protocol version to be used
+--iconv=CONVERT_SPEC request charset conversion of filenames
+--checksum-seed=NUM set block/file checksum seed (advanced)
+--ipv4, -4 prefer IPv4
+--ipv6, -6 prefer IPv6
+--version, -V print the version + other info and exit
+--help, -h (*) show this help (* -h is help only on its own)
+Rsync can also be run as a daemon, in which case the following options are
+[comment]: # (help-rsyncd.h)
+--daemon run as an rsync daemon
+--address=ADDRESS bind to the specified address
+--bwlimit=RATE limit socket I/O bandwidth
+--config=FILE specify alternate rsyncd.conf file
+--dparam=OVERRIDE, -M override global daemon config parameter
+--no-detach do not detach from the parent
+--port=PORT listen on alternate port number
+--log-file=FILE override the "log file" setting
+--log-file-format=FMT override the "log format" setting
+--sockopts=OPTIONS specify custom TCP options
+--verbose, -v increase verbosity
+--ipv4, -4 prefer IPv4
+--ipv6, -6 prefer IPv6
+--help, -h show this help (when used with --daemon)
+Rsync accepts both long (double-dash + word) and short (single-dash + letter)
+options. The full list of the available options are described below. If an
+option can be specified in more than one way, the choices are comma-separated.
+Some options only have a long variant, not a short.
+If the option takes a parameter, the parameter is only listed after the long
+variant, even though it must also be specified for the short. When specifying
+a parameter, you can either use the form `--option=param`, `--option param`,
+`-o=param`, `-o param`, or `-oparam` (the latter choices assume that your
+option has a short variant).
+The parameter may need to be quoted in some manner for it to survive the
+shell's command-line parsing. Also keep in mind that a leading tilde (`~`) in
+a pathname is substituted by your shell, so make sure that you separate the
+option name from the pathname using a space if you want the local shell to
+expand it.
+[comment]: # (Some markup below uses a literal non-breakable space when a backtick string)
+[comment]: # (needs to contain a space since markdown strips spaces from the start/end)
+[comment]: # (An OL starting at 0 is converted into a DL by the parser.)
+0. `--help`
+ Print a short help page describing the options available in rsync and exit.
+ You can also use `-h` for `--help` when it is used without any other
+ options (since it normally means [`--human-readable`](#opt)).
+0. `--version`, `-V`
+ Print the rsync version plus other info and exit. When repeated, the
+ information is output is a JSON format that is still fairly readable
+ (client side only).
+ The output includes a list of compiled-in capabilities, a list of
+ optimizations, the default list of checksum algorithms, the default list of
+ compression algorithms, the default list of daemon auth digests, a link to
+ the rsync web site, and a few other items.
+0. `--verbose`, `-v`
+ This option increases the amount of information you are given during the
+ transfer. By default, rsync works silently. A single `-v` will give you
+ information about what files are being transferred and a brief summary at
+ the end. Two `-v` options will give you information on what files are
+ being skipped and slightly more information at the end. More than two `-v`
+ options should only be used if you are debugging rsync.
+ The end-of-run summary tells you the number of bytes sent to the remote
+ rsync (which is the receiving side on a local copy), the number of bytes
+ received from the remote host, and the average bytes per second of the
+ transferred data computed over the entire length of the rsync run. The
+ second line shows the total size (in bytes), which is the sum of all the
+ file sizes that rsync considered transferring. It also shows a "speedup"
+ value, which is a ratio of the total file size divided by the sum of the
+ sent and received bytes (which is really just a feel-good bigger-is-better
+ number). Note that these byte values can be made more (or less)
+ human-readable by using the [`--human-readable`](#opt) (or
+ `--no-human-readable`) options.
+ In a modern rsync, the `-v` option is equivalent to the setting of groups
+ of [`--info`](#opt) and [`--debug`](#opt) options. You can choose to use
+ these newer options in addition to, or in place of using `--verbose`, as
+ any fine-grained settings override the implied settings of `-v`. Both
+ [`--info`](#opt) and [`--debug`](#opt) have a way to ask for help that
+ tells you exactly what flags are set for each increase in verbosity.
+ However, do keep in mind that a daemon's "`max verbosity`" setting will limit
+ how high of a level the various individual flags can be set on the daemon
+ side. For instance, if the max is 2, then any info and/or debug flag that
+ is set to a higher value than what would be set by `-vv` will be downgraded
+ to the `-vv` level in the daemon's logging.
+0. `--info=FLAGS`
+ This option lets you have fine-grained control over the information output
+ you want to see. An individual flag name may be followed by a level
+ number, with 0 meaning to silence that output, 1 being the default output
+ level, and higher numbers increasing the output of that flag (for those
+ that support higher levels). Use `--info=help` to see all the available
+ flag names, what they output, and what flag names are added for each
+ increase in the verbose level. Some examples:
+ > rsync -a --info=progress2 src/ dest/
+ > rsync -avv --info=stats2,misc1,flist0 src/ dest/
+ Note that `--info=name`'s output is affected by the [`--out-format`](#opt)
+ and [`--itemize-changes`](#opt) (`-i`) options. See those options for more
+ information on what is output and when.
+ This option was added to 3.1.0, so an older rsync on the server side might
+ reject your attempts at fine-grained control (if one or more flags needed
+ to be send to the server and the server was too old to understand them).
+ See also the "`max verbosity`" caveat above when dealing with a daemon.
+0. `--debug=FLAGS`
+ This option lets you have fine-grained control over the debug output you
+ want to see. An individual flag name may be followed by a level number,
+ with 0 meaning to silence that output, 1 being the default output level,
+ and higher numbers increasing the output of that flag (for those that
+ support higher levels). Use `--debug=help` to see all the available flag
+ names, what they output, and what flag names are added for each increase in
+ the verbose level. Some examples:
+ > rsync -avvv --debug=none src/ dest/
+ > rsync -avA --del --debug=del2,acl src/ dest/
+ Note that some debug messages will only be output when the [`--stderr=all`](#opt)
+ option is specified, especially those pertaining to I/O and buffer debugging.
+ Beginning in 3.2.0, this option is no longer auto-forwarded to the server
+ side in order to allow you to specify different debug values for each side
+ of the transfer, as well as to specify a new debug option that is only
+ present in one of the rsync versions. If you want to duplicate the same
+ option on both sides, using brace expansion is an easy way to save you some
+ typing. This works in zsh and bash:
+ > rsync -aiv {-M,}--debug=del2 src/ dest/
+0. `--stderr=errors|all|client`
+ This option controls which processes output to stderr and if info messages
+ are also changed to stderr. The mode strings can be abbreviated, so feel
+ free to use a single letter value. The 3 possible choices are:
+ - `errors` - (the default) causes all the rsync processes to send an
+ error directly to stderr, even if the process is on the remote side of
+ the transfer. Info messages are sent to the client side via the protocol
+ stream. If stderr is not available (i.e. when directly connecting with a
+ daemon via a socket) errors fall back to being sent via the protocol
+ stream.
+ - `all` - causes all rsync messages (info and error) to get written
+ directly to stderr from all (possible) processes. This causes stderr to
+ become line-buffered (instead of raw) and eliminates the ability to
+ divide up the info and error messages by file handle. For those doing
+ debugging or using several levels of verbosity, this option can help to
+ avoid clogging up the transfer stream (which should prevent any chance of
+ a deadlock bug hanging things up). It also allows [`--debug`](#opt) to
+ enable some extra I/O related messages.
+ - `client` - causes all rsync messages to be sent to the client side
+ via the protocol stream. One client process outputs all messages, with
+ errors on stderr and info messages on stdout. This **was** the default
+ in older rsync versions, but can cause error delays when a lot of
+ transfer data is ahead of the messages. If you're pushing files to an
+ older rsync, you may want to use `--stderr=all` since that idiom has
+ been around for several releases.
+ This option was added in rsync 3.2.3. This version also began the
+ forwarding of a non-default setting to the remote side, though rsync uses
+ the backward-compatible options `--msgs2stderr` and `--no-msgs2stderr` to
+ represent the `all` and `client` settings, respectively. A newer rsync
+ will continue to accept these older option names to maintain compatibility.
+0. `--quiet`, `-q`
+ This option decreases the amount of information you are given during the
+ transfer, notably suppressing information messages from the remote server.
+ This option is useful when invoking rsync from cron.
+0. `--no-motd`
+ This option affects the information that is output by the client at the
+ start of a daemon transfer. This suppresses the message-of-the-day (MOTD)
+ text, but it also affects the list of modules that the daemon sends in
+ response to the "rsync host::" request (due to a limitation in the rsync
+ protocol), so omit this option if you want to request the list of modules
+ from the daemon.
+0. `--ignore-times`, `-I`
+ Normally rsync will skip any files that are already the same size and have
+ the same modification timestamp. This option turns off this "quick check"
+ behavior, causing all files to be updated.
+ This option can be confusing compared to [`--ignore-existing`](#opt) and
+ [`--ignore-non-existing`](#opt) in that that they cause rsync to transfer
+ fewer files, while this option causes rsync to transfer more files.
+0. `--size-only`
+ This modifies rsync's "quick check" algorithm for finding files that need
+ to be transferred, changing it from the default of transferring files with
+ either a changed size or a changed last-modified time to just looking for
+ files that have changed in size. This is useful when starting to use rsync
+ after using another mirroring system which may not preserve timestamps
+ exactly.
+0. `--modify-window=NUM`, `-@`
+ When comparing two timestamps, rsync treats the timestamps as being equal
+ if they differ by no more than the modify-window value. The default is 0,
+ which matches just integer seconds. If you specify a negative value (and
+ the receiver is at least version 3.1.3) then nanoseconds will also be taken
+ into account. Specifying 1 is useful for copies to/from MS Windows FAT
+ filesystems, because FAT represents times with a 2-second resolution
+ (allowing times to differ from the original by up to 1 second).
+ If you want all your transfers to default to comparing nanoseconds, you can
+ create a `~/.popt` file and put these lines in it:
+ > rsync alias -a -a@-1
+ > rsync alias -t -t@-1
+ With that as the default, you'd need to specify `--modify-window=0` (aka
+ `-@0`) to override it and ignore nanoseconds, e.g. if you're copying
+ between ext3 and ext4, or if the receiving rsync is older than 3.1.3.
+0. `--checksum`, `-c`
+ This changes the way rsync checks if the files have been changed and are in
+ need of a transfer. Without this option, rsync uses a "quick check" that
+ (by default) checks if each file's size and time of last modification match
+ between the sender and receiver. This option changes this to compare a
+ 128-bit checksum for each file that has a matching size. Generating the
+ checksums means that both sides will expend a lot of disk I/O reading all
+ the data in the files in the transfer, so this can slow things down
+ significantly (and this is prior to any reading that will be done to
+ transfer changed files)
+ The sending side generates its checksums while it is doing the file-system
+ scan that builds the list of the available files. The receiver generates
+ its checksums when it is scanning for changed files, and will checksum any
+ file that has the same size as the corresponding sender's file: files with
+ either a changed size or a changed checksum are selected for transfer.
+ Note that rsync always verifies that each _transferred_ file was correctly
+ reconstructed on the receiving side by checking a whole-file checksum that
+ is generated as the file is transferred, but that automatic
+ after-the-transfer verification has nothing to do with this option's
+ before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?" check.
+ The checksum used is auto-negotiated between the client and the server, but
+ can be overridden using either the [`--checksum-choice`](#opt) (`--cc`)
+ option or an environment variable that is discussed in that option's
+ section.
+0. `--archive`, `-a`
+ This is equivalent to `-rlptgoD`. It is a quick way of saying you want
+ recursion and want to preserve almost everything. Be aware that it does
+ **not** include preserving ACLs (`-A`), xattrs (`-X`), atimes (`-U`),
+ crtimes (`-N`), nor the finding and preserving of hardlinks (`-H`).
+ The only exception to the above equivalence is when [`--files-from`](#opt)
+ is specified, in which case [`-r`](#opt) is not implied.
+0. `--no-OPTION`
+ You may turn off one or more implied options by prefixing the option name
+ with "no-". Not all positive options have a negated opposite, but a lot
+ do, including those that can be used to disable an implied option (e.g.
+ `--no-D`, `--no-perms`) or have different defaults in various circumstances
+ (e.g. [`--no-whole-file`](#opt), `--no-blocking-io`, `--no-dirs`). Every
+ valid negated option accepts both the short and the long option name after
+ the "no-" prefix (e.g. `--no-R` is the same as `--no-relative`).
+ As an example, if you want to use [`--archive`](#opt) (`-a`) but don't want
+ [`--owner`](#opt) (`-o`), instead of converting `-a` into `-rlptgD`, you
+ can specify `-a --no-o` (aka `--archive --no-owner`).
+ The order of the options is important: if you specify `--no-r -a`, the `-r`
+ option would end up being turned on, the opposite of `-a --no-r`. Note
+ also that the side-effects of the [`--files-from`](#opt) option are NOT
+ positional, as it affects the default state of several options and slightly
+ changes the meaning of [`-a`](#opt) (see the [`--files-from`](#opt) option
+ for more details).
+0. `--recursive`, `-r`
+ This tells rsync to copy directories recursively. See also
+ [`--dirs`](#opt) (`-d`) for an option that allows the scanning of a single
+ directory.
+ See the [`--inc-recursive`](#opt) option for a discussion of the
+ incremental recursion for creating the list of files to transfer.
+0. `--inc-recursive`, `--i-r`
+ This option explicitly enables on incremental recursion when scanning for
+ files, which is enabled by default when using the [`--recursive`](#opt)
+ option and both sides of the transfer are running rsync 3.0.0 or newer.
+ Incremental recursion uses much less memory than non-incremental, while
+ also beginning the transfer more quickly (since it doesn't need to scan the
+ entire transfer hierarchy before it starts transferring files). If no
+ recursion is enabled in the source files, this option has no effect.
+ Some options require rsync to know the full file list, so these options
+ disable the incremental recursion mode. These include:
+ - [`--delete-before`](#opt) (the old default of [`--delete`](#opt))
+ - [`--delete-after`](#opt)
+ - [`--prune-empty-dirs`](#opt)
+ - [`--delay-updates`](#opt)
+ In order to make [`--delete`](#opt) compatible with incremental recursion,
+ rsync 3.0.0 made [`--delete-during`](#opt) the default delete mode (which
+ was first added in 2.6.4).
+ One side-effect of incremental recursion is that any missing
+ sub-directories inside a recursively-scanned directory are (by default)
+ created prior to recursing into the sub-dirs. This earlier creation point
+ (compared to a non-incremental recursion) allows rsync to then set the
+ modify time of the finished directory right away (without having to delay
+ that until a bunch of recursive copying has finished). However, these
+ early directories don't yet have their completed mode, mtime, or ownership
+ set -- they have more restrictive rights until the subdirectory's copying
+ actually begins. This early-creation idiom can be avoided by using the
+ [`--omit-dir-times`](#opt) option.
+ Incremental recursion can be disabled using the
+ [`--no-inc-recursive`](#opt) (`--no-i-r`) option.
+0. `--no-inc-recursive`, `--no-i-r`
+ Disables the new incremental recursion algorithm of the
+ [`--recursive`](#opt) option. This makes rsync scan the full file list
+ before it begins to transfer files. See [`--inc-recursive`](#opt) for more
+ info.
+0. `--relative`, `-R`
+ Use relative paths. This means that the full path names specified on the
+ command line are sent to the server rather than just the last parts of the
+ filenames. This is particularly useful when you want to send several
+ different directories at the same time. For example, if you used this
+ command:
+ > rsync -av /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+ would create a file named baz.c in /tmp/ on the remote machine. If instead
+ you used
+ > rsync -avR /foo/bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+ then a file named /tmp/foo/bar/baz.c would be created on the remote
+ machine, preserving its full path. These extra path elements are called
+ "implied directories" (i.e. the "foo" and the "foo/bar" directories in the
+ above example).
+ Beginning with rsync 3.0.0, rsync always sends these implied directories as
+ real directories in the file list, even if a path element is really a
+ symlink on the sending side. This prevents some really unexpected behaviors
+ when copying the full path of a file that you didn't realize had a symlink
+ in its path. If you want to duplicate a server-side symlink, include both
+ the symlink via its path, and referent directory via its real path. If
+ you're dealing with an older rsync on the sending side, you may need to use
+ the [`--no-implied-dirs`](#opt) option.
+ It is also possible to limit the amount of path information that is sent as
+ implied directories for each path you specify. With a modern rsync on the
+ sending side (beginning with 2.6.7), you can insert a dot and a slash into
+ the source path, like this:
+ > rsync -avR /foo/./bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+ That would create /tmp/bar/baz.c on the remote machine. (Note that the dot
+ must be followed by a slash, so "/foo/." would not be abbreviated.) For
+ older rsync versions, you would need to use a chdir to limit the source
+ path. For example, when pushing files:
+ > (cd /foo; rsync -avR bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/)
+ (Note that the parens put the two commands into a sub-shell, so that the
+ "cd" command doesn't remain in effect for future commands.) If you're
+ pulling files from an older rsync, use this idiom (but only for a
+ non-daemon transfer):
+ > rsync -avR --rsync-path="cd /foo; rsync" \
+ > remote:bar/baz.c /tmp/
+0. `--no-implied-dirs`
+ This option affects the default behavior of the [`--relative`](#opt) option. When
+ it is specified, the attributes of the implied directories from the source
+ names are not included in the transfer. This means that the corresponding
+ path elements on the destination system are left unchanged if they exist,
+ and any missing implied directories are created with default attributes.
+ This even allows these implied path elements to have big differences, such
+ as being a symlink to a directory on the receiving side.
+ For instance, if a command-line arg or a files-from entry told rsync to
+ transfer the file "path/foo/file", the directories "path" and "path/foo"
+ are implied when [`--relative`](#opt) is used. If "path/foo" is a symlink to "bar"
+ on the destination system, the receiving rsync would ordinarily delete
+ "path/foo", recreate it as a directory, and receive the file into the new
+ directory. With `--no-implied-dirs`, the receiving rsync updates
+ "path/foo/file" using the existing path elements, which means that the file
+ ends up being created in "path/bar". Another way to accomplish this link
+ preservation is to use the [`--keep-dirlinks`](#opt) option (which will also affect
+ symlinks to directories in the rest of the transfer).
+ When pulling files from an rsync older than 3.0.0, you may need to use this
+ option if the sending side has a symlink in the path you request and you
+ wish the implied directories to be transferred as normal directories.
+0. `--backup`, `-b`
+ With this option, preexisting destination files are renamed as each file is
+ transferred or deleted. You can control where the backup file goes and
+ what (if any) suffix gets appended using the [`--backup-dir`](#opt) and
+ [`--suffix`](#opt) options.
+ If you don't specify [`--backup-dir`](#opt):
+ 1. the [`--omit-dir-times`](#opt) option will be forced on
+ 2. the use of [`--delete`](#opt) (without [`--delete-excluded`](#opt)),
+ causes rsync to add a "protect" [filter-rule](#FILTER_RULES) for the
+ backup suffix to the end of all your existing filters that looks like
+ this: `-f "P *~"`. This rule prevents previously backed-up files from
+ being deleted.
+ Note that if you are supplying your own filter rules, you may need to
+ manually insert your own exclude/protect rule somewhere higher up in the
+ list so that it has a high enough priority to be effective (e.g. if your
+ rules specify a trailing inclusion/exclusion of `*`, the auto-added rule
+ would never be reached).
+0. `--backup-dir=DIR`
+ This implies the [`--backup`](#opt) option, and tells rsync to store all
+ backups in the specified directory on the receiving side. This can be used
+ for incremental backups. You can additionally specify a backup suffix
+ using the [`--suffix`](#opt) option (otherwise the files backed up in the
+ specified directory will keep their original filenames).
+ Note that if you specify a relative path, the backup directory will be
+ relative to the destination directory, so you probably want to specify
+ either an absolute path or a path that starts with "../". If an rsync
+ daemon is the receiver, the backup dir cannot go outside the module's path
+ hierarchy, so take extra care not to delete it or copy into it.
+0. `--suffix=SUFFIX`
+ This option allows you to override the default backup suffix used with the
+ [`--backup`](#opt) (`-b`) option. The default suffix is a `~` if no
+ [`--backup-dir`](#opt) was specified, otherwise it is an empty string.
+0. `--update`, `-u`
+ This forces rsync to skip any files which exist on the destination and have
+ a modified time that is newer than the source file. (If an existing
+ destination file has a modification time equal to the source file's, it
+ will be updated if the sizes are different.)
+ Note that this does not affect the copying of dirs, symlinks, or other
+ special files. Also, a difference of file format between the sender and
+ receiver is always considered to be important enough for an update, no
+ matter what date is on the objects. In other words, if the source has a
+ directory where the destination has a file, the transfer would occur
+ regardless of the timestamps.
+ This option is a [TRANSFER RULE](#TRANSFER_RULES), so don't expect any
+ exclude side effects.
+ A caution for those that choose to combine [`--inplace`](#opt) with
+ `--update`: an interrupted transfer will leave behind a partial file on the
+ receiving side that has a very recent modified time, so re-running the
+ transfer will probably **not** continue the interrupted file. As such, it
+ is usually best to avoid combining this with[ `--inplace`](#opt) unless you
+ have implemented manual steps to handle any interrupted in-progress files.
+0. `--inplace`
+ This option changes how rsync transfers a file when its data needs to be
+ updated: instead of the default method of creating a new copy of the file
+ and moving it into place when it is complete, rsync instead writes the
+ updated data directly to the destination file.
+ This has several effects:
+ - Hard links are not broken. This means the new data will be visible
+ through other hard links to the destination file. Moreover, attempts to
+ copy differing source files onto a multiply-linked destination file will
+ result in a "tug of war" with the destination data changing back and
+ forth.
+ - In-use binaries cannot be updated (either the OS will prevent this from
+ happening, or binaries that attempt to swap-in their data will misbehave
+ or crash).
+ - The file's data will be in an inconsistent state during the transfer and
+ will be left that way if the transfer is interrupted or if an update
+ fails.
+ - A file that rsync cannot write to cannot be updated. While a super user
+ can update any file, a normal user needs to be granted write permission
+ for the open of the file for writing to be successful.
+ - The efficiency of rsync's delta-transfer algorithm may be reduced if some
+ data in the destination file is overwritten before it can be copied to a
+ position later in the file. This does not apply if you use [`--backup`](#opt),
+ since rsync is smart enough to use the backup file as the basis file for
+ the transfer.
+ WARNING: you should not use this option to update files that are being
+ accessed by others, so be careful when choosing to use this for a copy.
+ This option is useful for transferring large files with block-based changes
+ or appended data, and also on systems that are disk bound, not network
+ bound. It can also help keep a copy-on-write filesystem snapshot from
+ diverging the entire contents of a file that only has minor changes.
+ The option implies [`--partial`](#opt) (since an interrupted transfer does
+ not delete the file), but conflicts with [`--partial-dir`](#opt) and
+ [`--delay-updates`](#opt). Prior to rsync 2.6.4 `--inplace` was also
+ incompatible with [`--compare-dest`](#opt) and [`--link-dest`](#opt).
+0. `--append`
+ This special copy mode only works to efficiently update files that are
+ known to be growing larger where any existing content on the receiving side
+ is also known to be the same as the content on the sender. The use of
+ `--append` **can be dangerous** if you aren't 100% sure that all the files
+ in the transfer are shared, growing files. You should thus use filter
+ rules to ensure that you weed out any files that do not fit this criteria.
+ Rsync updates these growing file in-place without verifying any of the
+ existing content in the file (it only verifies the content that it is
+ appending). Rsync skips any files that exist on the receiving side that
+ are not shorter than the associated file on the sending side (which means
+ that new files are transferred). It also skips any files whose size on the
+ sending side gets shorter during the send negotiations (rsync warns about a
+ "diminished" file when this happens).
+ This does not interfere with the updating of a file's non-content
+ attributes (e.g. permissions, ownership, etc.) when the file does not need
+ to be transferred, nor does it affect the updating of any directories or
+ non-regular files.
+0. `--append-verify`
+ This special copy mode works like [`--append`](#opt) except that all the
+ data in the file is included in the checksum verification (making it less
+ efficient but also potentially safer). This option **can be dangerous** if
+ you aren't 100% sure that all the files in the transfer are shared, growing
+ files. See the [`--append`](#opt) option for more details.
+ Note: prior to rsync 3.0.0, the [`--append`](#opt) option worked like
+ `--append-verify`, so if you are interacting with an older rsync (or the
+ transfer is using a protocol prior to 30), specifying either append option
+ will initiate an `--append-verify` transfer.
+0. `--dirs`, `-d`
+ Tell the sending side to include any directories that are encountered.
+ Unlike [`--recursive`](#opt), a directory's contents are not copied unless
+ the directory name specified is "." or ends with a trailing slash (e.g.
+ ".", "dir/.", "dir/", etc.). Without this option or the
+ [`--recursive`](#opt) option, rsync will skip all directories it encounters
+ (and output a message to that effect for each one). If you specify both
+ `--dirs` and [`--recursive`](#opt), `--recursive` takes precedence.
+ The `--dirs` option is implied by the [`--files-from`](#opt) option or the
+ [`--list-only`](#opt) option (including an implied [`--list-only`](#opt)
+ usage) if [`--recursive`](#opt) wasn't specified (so that directories are
+ seen in the listing). Specify `--no-dirs` (or `--no-d`) if you want to
+ turn this off.
+ There is also a backward-compatibility helper option, `--old-dirs`
+ (`--old-d`) that tells rsync to use a hack of `-r --exclude='/*/*'` to get
+ an older rsync to list a single directory without recursing.
+0. `--mkpath`
+ Create all missing path components of the destination path.
+ By default, rsync allows only the final component of the destination path
+ to not exist, which is an attempt to help you to validate your destination
+ path. With this option, rsync creates all the missing destination-path
+ components, just as if `mkdir -p $DEST_PATH` had been run on the receiving
+ side.
+ When specifying a destination path, including a trailing slash ensures that
+ the whole path is treated as directory names to be created, even when the
+ file list has a single item. See the [COPYING TO A DIFFERENT NAME](#)
+ section for full details on how rsync decides if a final destination-path
+ component should be created as a directory or not.
+ If you would like the newly-created destination dirs to match the dirs on
+ the sending side, you should be using [`--relative`](#opt) (`-R`) instead
+ of `--mkpath`. For instance, the following two commands result in the same
+ destination tree, but only the second command ensures that the
+ "some/extra/path" components match the dirs on the sending side:
+ > rsync -ai --mkpath host:some/extra/path/*.c some/extra/path/
+ > rsync -aiR host:some/extra/path/*.c ./
+0. `--links`, `-l`
+ Add symlinks to the transferred files instead of noisily ignoring them with
+ a "non-regular file" warning for each symlink encountered. You can
+ alternately silence the warning by specifying [`--info=nonreg0`](#opt).
+ The default handling of symlinks is to recreate each symlink's unchanged
+ value on the receiving side.
+ See the [SYMBOLIC LINKS](#) section for multi-option info.
+0. `--copy-links`, `-L`
+ The sender transforms each symlink encountered in the transfer into the
+ referent item, following the symlink chain to the file or directory that it
+ references. If a symlink chain is broken, an error is output and the file
+ is dropped from the transfer.
+ This option supersedes any other options that affect symlinks in the
+ transfer, since there are no symlinks left in the transfer.
+ This option does not change the handling of existing symlinks on the
+ receiving side, unlike versions of rsync prior to 2.6.3 which had the
+ side-effect of telling the receiving side to also follow symlinks. A
+ modern rsync won't forward this option to a remote receiver (since only the
+ sender needs to know about it), so this caveat should only affect someone
+ using an rsync client older than 2.6.7 (which is when `-L` stopped being
+ forwarded to the receiver).
+ See the [`--keep-dirlinks`](#opt) (`-K`) if you need a symlink to a
+ directory to be treated as a real directory on the receiving side.
+ See the [SYMBOLIC LINKS](#) section for multi-option info.
+0. `--copy-unsafe-links`
+ This tells rsync to copy the referent of symbolic links that point outside
+ the copied tree. Absolute symlinks are also treated like ordinary files,
+ and so are any symlinks in the source path itself when [`--relative`](#opt)
+ is used.
+ Note that the cut-off point is the top of the transfer, which is the part
+ of the path that rsync isn't mentioning in the verbose output. If you copy
+ "/src/subdir" to "/dest/" then the "subdir" directory is a name inside the
+ transfer tree, not the top of the transfer (which is /src) so it is legal
+ for created relative symlinks to refer to other names inside the /src and
+ /dest directories. If you instead copy "/src/subdir/" (with a trailing
+ slash) to "/dest/subdir" that would not allow symlinks to any files outside
+ of "subdir".
+ Note that safe symlinks are only copied if [`--links`](#opt) was also
+ specified or implied. The `--copy-unsafe-links` option has no extra effect
+ when combined with [`--copy-links`](#opt).
+ See the [SYMBOLIC LINKS](#) section for multi-option info.
+0. `--safe-links`
+ This tells the receiving rsync to ignore any symbolic links in the transfer
+ which point outside the copied tree. All absolute symlinks are also
+ ignored.
+ Since this ignoring is happening on the receiving side, it will still be
+ effective even when the sending side has munged symlinks (when it is using
+ [`--munge-links`](#opt)). It also affects deletions, since the file being
+ present in the transfer prevents any matching file on the receiver from
+ being deleted when the symlink is deemed to be unsafe and is skipped.
+ This option must be combined with [`--links`](#opt) (or
+ [`--archive`](#opt)) to have any symlinks in the transfer to conditionally
+ ignore. Its effect is superseded by [`--copy-unsafe-links`](#opt).
+ Using this option in conjunction with [`--relative`](#opt) may give
+ unexpected results.
+ See the [SYMBOLIC LINKS](#) section for multi-option info.
+0. `--munge-links`
+ This option affects just one side of the transfer and tells rsync to munge
+ symlink values when it is receiving files or unmunge symlink values when it
+ is sending files. The munged values make the symlinks unusable on disk but
+ allows the original contents of the symlinks to be recovered.
+ The server-side rsync often enables this option without the client's
+ knowledge, such as in an rsync daemon's configuration file or by an option
+ given to the rrsync (restricted rsync) script. When specified on the
+ client side, specify the option normally if it is the client side that
+ has/needs the munged symlinks, or use `-M--munge-links` to give the option
+ to the server when it has/needs the munged symlinks. Note that on a local
+ transfer, the client is the sender, so specifying the option directly
+ unmunges symlinks while specifying it as a remote option munges symlinks.
+ This option has no effect when sent to a daemon via [`--remote-option`](#opt)
+ because the daemon configures whether it wants munged symlinks via its
+ "`munge symlinks`" parameter.
+ The symlink value is munged/unmunged once it is in the transfer, so any
+ option that transforms symlinks into non-symlinks occurs prior to the
+ munging/unmunging **except** for [`--safe-links`](#opt), which is a choice
+ that the receiver makes, so it bases its decision on the munged/unmunged
+ value. This does mean that if a receiver has munging enabled, that using
+ [`--safe-links`](#opt) will cause all symlinks to be ignored (since they
+ are all absolute).
+ The method that rsync uses to munge the symlinks is to prefix each one's
+ value with the string "/rsyncd-munged/". This prevents the links from
+ being used as long as the directory does not exist. When this option is
+ enabled, rsync will refuse to run if that path is a directory or a symlink
+ to a directory (though it only checks at startup). See also the
+ "munge-symlinks" python script in the support directory of the source code
+ for a way to munge/unmunge one or more symlinks in-place.
+0. `--copy-dirlinks`, `-k`
+ This option causes the sending side to treat a symlink to a directory as
+ though it were a real directory. This is useful if you don't want symlinks
+ to non-directories to be affected, as they would be using
+ [`--copy-links`](#opt).
+ Without this option, if the sending side has replaced a directory with a
+ symlink to a directory, the receiving side will delete anything that is in
+ the way of the new symlink, including a directory hierarchy (as long as
+ [`--force`](#opt) or [`--delete`](#opt) is in effect).
+ See also [`--keep-dirlinks`](#opt) for an analogous option for the
+ receiving side.
+ `--copy-dirlinks` applies to all symlinks to directories in the source. If
+ you want to follow only a few specified symlinks, a trick you can use is to
+ pass them as additional source args with a trailing slash, using
+ [`--relative`](#opt) to make the paths match up right. For example:
+ > rsync -r --relative src/./ src/./follow-me/ dest/
+ This works because rsync calls **lstat**(2) on the source arg as given, and
+ the trailing slash makes **lstat**(2) follow the symlink, giving rise to a
+ directory in the file-list which overrides the symlink found during the
+ scan of "src/./".
+ See the [SYMBOLIC LINKS](#) section for multi-option info.
+0. `--keep-dirlinks`, `-K`
+ This option causes the receiving side to treat a symlink to a directory as
+ though it were a real directory, but only if it matches a real directory
+ from the sender. Without this option, the receiver's symlink would be
+ deleted and replaced with a real directory.
+ For example, suppose you transfer a directory "foo" that contains a file
+ "file", but "foo" is a symlink to directory "bar" on the receiver. Without
+ `--keep-dirlinks`, the receiver deletes symlink "foo", recreates it as a
+ directory, and receives the file into the new directory. With
+ `--keep-dirlinks`, the receiver keeps the symlink and "file" ends up in
+ "bar".
+ One note of caution: if you use `--keep-dirlinks`, you must trust all the
+ symlinks in the copy or enable the [`--munge-links`](#opt) option on the
+ receiving side! If it is possible for an untrusted user to create their
+ own symlink to any real directory, the user could then (on a subsequent
+ copy) replace the symlink with a real directory and affect the content of
+ whatever directory the symlink references. For backup copies, you are
+ better off using something like a bind mount instead of a symlink to modify
+ your receiving hierarchy.
+ See also [`--copy-dirlinks`](#opt) for an analogous option for the sending
+ side.
+ See the [SYMBOLIC LINKS](#) section for multi-option info.
+0. `--hard-links`, `-H`
+ This tells rsync to look for hard-linked files in the source and link
+ together the corresponding files on the destination. Without this option,
+ hard-linked files in the source are treated as though they were separate
+ files.
+ This option does NOT necessarily ensure that the pattern of hard links on
+ the destination exactly matches that on the source. Cases in which the
+ destination may end up with extra hard links include the following:
+ - If the destination contains extraneous hard-links (more linking than what
+ is present in the source file list), the copying algorithm will not break
+ them explicitly. However, if one or more of the paths have content
+ differences, the normal file-update process will break those extra links
+ (unless you are using the [`--inplace`](#opt) option).
+ - If you specify a [`--link-dest`](#opt) directory that contains hard
+ links, the linking of the destination files against the
+ [`--link-dest`](#opt) files can cause some paths in the destination to
+ become linked together due to the [`--link-dest`](#opt) associations.
+ Note that rsync can only detect hard links between files that are inside
+ the transfer set. If rsync updates a file that has extra hard-link
+ connections to files outside the transfer, that linkage will be broken. If
+ you are tempted to use the [`--inplace`](#opt) option to avoid this breakage, be
+ very careful that you know how your files are being updated so that you are
+ certain that no unintended changes happen due to lingering hard links (and
+ see the [`--inplace`](#opt) option for more caveats).
+ If incremental recursion is active (see [`--inc-recursive`](#opt)), rsync
+ may transfer a missing hard-linked file before it finds that another link
+ for that contents exists elsewhere in the hierarchy. This does not affect
+ the accuracy of the transfer (i.e. which files are hard-linked together),
+ just its efficiency (i.e. copying the data for a new, early copy of a
+ hard-linked file that could have been found later in the transfer in
+ another member of the hard-linked set of files). One way to avoid this
+ inefficiency is to disable incremental recursion using the
+ [`--no-inc-recursive`](#opt) option.
+0. `--perms`, `-p`
+ This option causes the receiving rsync to set the destination permissions
+ to be the same as the source permissions. (See also the [`--chmod`](#opt)
+ option for a way to modify what rsync considers to be the source
+ permissions.)
+ When this option is _off_, permissions are set as follows:
+ - Existing files (including updated files) retain their existing
+ permissions, though the [`--executability`](#opt) option might change
+ just the execute permission for the file.
+ - New files get their "normal" permission bits set to the source file's
+ permissions masked with the receiving directory's default permissions
+ (either the receiving process's umask, or the permissions specified via
+ the destination directory's default ACL), and their special permission
+ bits disabled except in the case where a new directory inherits a setgid
+ bit from its parent directory.
+ Thus, when `--perms` and [`--executability`](#opt) are both disabled, rsync's
+ behavior is the same as that of other file-copy utilities, such as **cp**(1)
+ and **tar**(1).
+ In summary: to give destination files (both old and new) the source
+ permissions, use `--perms`. To give new files the destination-default
+ permissions (while leaving existing files unchanged), make sure that the
+ `--perms` option is off and use [`--chmod=ugo=rwX`](#opt) (which ensures
+ that all non-masked bits get enabled). If you'd care to make this latter
+ behavior easier to type, you could define a popt alias for it, such as
+ putting this line in the file `~/.popt` (the following defines the `-Z`
+ option, and includes `--no-g` to use the default group of the destination
+ dir):
+ > rsync alias -Z --no-p --no-g --chmod=ugo=rwX
+ You could then use this new option in a command such as this one:
+ > rsync -avZ src/ dest/
+ (Caveat: make sure that `-a` does not follow `-Z`, or it will re-enable the
+ two `--no-*` options mentioned above.)
+ The preservation of the destination's setgid bit on newly-created
+ directories when `--perms` is off was added in rsync 2.6.7. Older rsync
+ versions erroneously preserved the three special permission bits for
+ newly-created files when `--perms` was off, while overriding the
+ destination's setgid bit setting on a newly-created directory. Default ACL
+ observance was added to the ACL patch for rsync 2.6.7, so older (or
+ non-ACL-enabled) rsyncs use the umask even if default ACLs are present.
+ (Keep in mind that it is the version of the receiving rsync that affects
+ these behaviors.)
+0. `--executability`, `-E`
+ This option causes rsync to preserve the executability (or
+ non-executability) of regular files when [`--perms`](#opt) is not enabled.
+ A regular file is considered to be executable if at least one 'x' is turned
+ on in its permissions. When an existing destination file's executability
+ differs from that of the corresponding source file, rsync modifies the
+ destination file's permissions as follows:
+ - To make a file non-executable, rsync turns off all its 'x' permissions.
+ - To make a file executable, rsync turns on each 'x' permission that has a
+ corresponding 'r' permission enabled.
+ If [`--perms`](#opt) is enabled, this option is ignored.
+0. `--acls`, `-A`
+ This option causes rsync to update the destination ACLs to be the same as
+ the source ACLs. The option also implies [`--perms`](#opt).
+ The source and destination systems must have compatible ACL entries for
+ this option to work properly. See the [`--fake-super`](#opt) option for a
+ way to backup and restore ACLs that are not compatible.
+0. `--xattrs`, `-X`
+ This option causes rsync to update the destination extended attributes to
+ be the same as the source ones.
+ For systems that support extended-attribute namespaces, a copy being done
+ by a super-user copies all namespaces except system.\*. A normal user only
+ copies the user.\* namespace. To be able to backup and restore non-user
+ namespaces as a normal user, see the [`--fake-super`](#opt) option.
+ The above name filtering can be overridden by using one or more filter
+ options with the **x** modifier. When you specify an xattr-affecting
+ filter rule, rsync requires that you do your own system/user filtering, as
+ well as any additional filtering for what xattr names are copied and what
+ names are allowed to be deleted. For example, to skip the system
+ namespace, you could specify:
+ > --filter='-x system.*'
+ To skip all namespaces except the user namespace, you could specify a
+ negated-user match:
+ > --filter='-x! user.*'
+ To prevent any attributes from being deleted, you could specify a
+ receiver-only rule that excludes all names:
+ > --filter='-xr *'
+ Note that the `-X` option does not copy rsync's special xattr values (e.g.
+ those used by [`--fake-super`](#opt)) unless you repeat the option (e.g. `-XX`).
+ This "copy all xattrs" mode cannot be used with [`--fake-super`](#opt).
+0. `--chmod=CHMOD`
+ This option tells rsync to apply one or more comma-separated "chmod" modes
+ to the permission of the files in the transfer. The resulting value is
+ treated as though it were the permissions that the sending side supplied
+ for the file, which means that this option can seem to have no effect on
+ existing files if [`--perms`](#opt) is not enabled.
+ In addition to the normal parsing rules specified in the **chmod**(1)
+ manpage, you can specify an item that should only apply to a directory by
+ prefixing it with a 'D', or specify an item that should only apply to a
+ file by prefixing it with a 'F'. For example, the following will ensure
+ that all directories get marked set-gid, that no files are other-writable,
+ that both are user-writable and group-writable, and that both have
+ consistent executability across all bits:
+ > --chmod=Dg+s,ug+w,Fo-w,+X
+ Using octal mode numbers is also allowed:
+ > --chmod=D2775,F664
+ It is also legal to specify multiple `--chmod` options, as each additional
+ option is just appended to the list of changes to make.
+ See the [`--perms`](#opt) and [`--executability`](#opt) options for how the
+ resulting permission value can be applied to the files in the transfer.
+0. `--owner`, `-o`
+ This option causes rsync to set the owner of the destination file to be the
+ same as the source file, but only if the receiving rsync is being run as
+ the super-user (see also the [`--super`](#opt) and [`--fake-super`](#opt)
+ options). Without this option, the owner of new and/or transferred files
+ are set to the invoking user on the receiving side.
+ The preservation of ownership will associate matching names by default, but
+ may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances (see also the
+ [`--numeric-ids`](#opt) option for a full discussion).
+0. `--group`, `-g`
+ This option causes rsync to set the group of the destination file to be the
+ same as the source file. If the receiving program is not running as the
+ super-user (or if `--no-super` was specified), only groups that the
+ invoking user on the receiving side is a member of will be preserved.
+ Without this option, the group is set to the default group of the invoking
+ user on the receiving side.
+ The preservation of group information will associate matching names by
+ default, but may fall back to using the ID number in some circumstances
+ (see also the [`--numeric-ids`](#opt) option for a full discussion).
+0. `--devices`
+ This option causes rsync to transfer character and block device files to
+ the remote system to recreate these devices. If the receiving rsync is not
+ being run as the super-user, rsync silently skips creating the device files
+ (see also the [`--super`](#opt) and [`--fake-super`](#opt) options).
+ By default, rsync generates a "non-regular file" warning for each device
+ file encountered when this option is not set. You can silence the warning
+ by specifying [`--info=nonreg0`](#opt).
+0. `--specials`
+ This option causes rsync to transfer special files, such as named sockets
+ and fifos. If the receiving rsync is not being run as the super-user,
+ rsync silently skips creating the special files (see also the
+ [`--super`](#opt) and [`--fake-super`](#opt) options).
+ By default, rsync generates a "non-regular file" warning for each special
+ file encountered when this option is not set. You can silence the warning
+ by specifying [`--info=nonreg0`](#opt).
+0. `-D`
+ The `-D` option is equivalent to "[`--devices`](#opt)
+ [`--specials`](#opt)".
+0. `--copy-devices`
+ This tells rsync to treat a device on the sending side as a regular file,
+ allowing it to be copied to a normal destination file (or another device
+ if `--write-devices` was also specified).
+ This option is refused by default by an rsync daemon.
+0. `--write-devices`
+ This tells rsync to treat a device on the receiving side as a regular file,
+ allowing the writing of file data into a device.
+ This option implies the [`--inplace`](#opt) option.
+ Be careful using this, as you should know what devices are present on the
+ receiving side of the transfer, especially when running rsync as root.
+ This option is refused by default by an rsync daemon.
+0. `--times`, `-t`
+ This tells rsync to transfer modification times along with the files and
+ update them on the remote system. Note that if this option is not used,
+ the optimization that excludes files that have not been modified cannot be
+ effective; in other words, a missing `-t` (or [`-a`](#opt)) will cause the
+ next transfer to behave as if it used [`--ignore-times`](#opt) (`-I`),
+ causing all files to be updated (though rsync's delta-transfer algorithm
+ will make the update fairly efficient if the files haven't actually
+ changed, you're much better off using `-t`).
+ A modern rsync that is using transfer protocol 30 or 31 conveys a modify
+ time using up to 8-bytes. If rsync is forced to speak an older protocol
+ (perhaps due to the remote rsync being older than 3.0.0) a modify time is
+ conveyed using 4-bytes. Prior to 3.2.7, these shorter values could convey
+ a date range of 13-Dec-1901 to 19-Jan-2038. Beginning with 3.2.7, these
+ 4-byte values now convey a date range of 1-Jan-1970 to 7-Feb-2106. If you
+ have files dated older than 1970, make sure your rsync executables are
+ upgraded so that the full range of dates can be conveyed.
+0. `--atimes`, `-U`
+ This tells rsync to set the access (use) times of the destination files to
+ the same value as the source files.
+ If repeated, it also sets the [`--open-noatime`](#opt) option, which can help you
+ to make the sending and receiving systems have the same access times on the
+ transferred files without needing to run rsync an extra time after a file
+ is transferred.
+ Note that some older rsync versions (prior to 3.2.0) may have been built
+ with a pre-release `--atimes` patch that does not imply
+ [`--open-noatime`](#opt) when this option is repeated.
+0. `--open-noatime`
+ This tells rsync to open files with the O_NOATIME flag (on systems that
+ support it) to avoid changing the access time of the files that are being
+ transferred. If your OS does not support the O_NOATIME flag then rsync
+ will silently ignore this option. Note also that some filesystems are
+ mounted to avoid updating the atime on read access even without the
+ O_NOATIME flag being set.
+0. `--crtimes`, `-N,`
+ This tells rsync to set the create times (newness) of the destination
+ files to the same value as the source files.
+0. `--omit-dir-times`, `-O`
+ This tells rsync to omit directories when it is preserving modification,
+ access, and create times. If NFS is sharing the directories on the receiving
+ side, it is a good idea to use `-O`. This option is inferred if you use
+ [`--backup`](#opt) without [`--backup-dir`](#opt).
+ This option also has the side-effect of avoiding early creation of missing
+ sub-directories when incremental recursion is enabled, as discussed in the
+ [`--inc-recursive`](#opt) section.
+0. `--omit-link-times`, `-J`
+ This tells rsync to omit symlinks when it is preserving modification,
+ access, and create times.
+0. `--super`
+ This tells the receiving side to attempt super-user activities even if the
+ receiving rsync wasn't run by the super-user. These activities include:
+ preserving users via the [`--owner`](#opt) option, preserving all groups
+ (not just the current user's groups) via the [`--group`](#opt) option, and
+ copying devices via the [`--devices`](#opt) option. This is useful for
+ systems that allow such activities without being the super-user, and also
+ for ensuring that you will get errors if the receiving side isn't being run
+ as the super-user. To turn off super-user activities, the super-user can
+ use `--no-super`.
+0. `--fake-super`
+ When this option is enabled, rsync simulates super-user activities by
+ saving/restoring the privileged attributes via special extended attributes
+ that are attached to each file (as needed). This includes the file's owner
+ and group (if it is not the default), the file's device info (device &
+ special files are created as empty text files), and any permission bits
+ that we won't allow to be set on the real file (e.g. the real file gets
+ u-s,g-s,o-t for safety) or that would limit the owner's access (since the
+ real super-user can always access/change a file, the files we create can
+ always be accessed/changed by the creating user). This option also handles
+ ACLs (if [`--acls`](#opt) was specified) and non-user extended attributes
+ (if [`--xattrs`](#opt) was specified).
+ This is a good way to backup data without using a super-user, and to store
+ ACLs from incompatible systems.
+ The `--fake-super` option only affects the side where the option is used.
+ To affect the remote side of a remote-shell connection, use the
+ [`--remote-option`](#opt) (`-M`) option:
+ > rsync -av -M--fake-super /src/ host:/dest/
+ For a local copy, this option affects both the source and the destination.
+ If you wish a local copy to enable this option just for the destination
+ files, specify `-M--fake-super`. If you wish a local copy to enable this
+ option just for the source files, combine `--fake-super` with `-M--super`.
+ This option is overridden by both [`--super`](#opt) and `--no-super`.
+ See also the [`fake super`](rsyncd.conf.5#fake_super) setting in the
+ daemon's rsyncd.conf file.
+0. `--sparse`, `-S`
+ Try to handle sparse files efficiently so they take up less space on the
+ destination. If combined with [`--inplace`](#opt) the file created might
+ not end up with sparse blocks with some combinations of kernel version
+ and/or filesystem type. If [`--whole-file`](#opt) is in effect (e.g. for a
+ local copy) then it will always work because rsync truncates the file prior
+ to writing out the updated version.
+ Note that versions of rsync older than 3.1.3 will reject the combination of
+ `--sparse` and [`--inplace`](#opt).
+0. `--preallocate`
+ This tells the receiver to allocate each destination file to its eventual
+ size before writing data to the file. Rsync will only use the real
+ filesystem-level preallocation support provided by Linux's **fallocate**(2)
+ system call or Cygwin's **posix_fallocate**(3), not the slow glibc
+ implementation that writes a null byte into each block.
+ Without this option, larger files may not be entirely contiguous on the
+ filesystem, but with this option rsync will probably copy more slowly. If
+ the destination is not an extent-supporting filesystem (such as ext4, xfs,
+ NTFS, etc.), this option may have no positive effect at all.
+ If combined with [`--sparse`](#opt), the file will only have sparse blocks
+ (as opposed to allocated sequences of null bytes) if the kernel version and
+ filesystem type support creating holes in the allocated data.
+0. `--dry-run`, `-n`
+ This makes rsync perform a trial run that doesn't make any changes (and
+ produces mostly the same output as a real run). It is most commonly used
+ in combination with the [`--verbose`](#opt) (`-v`) and/or
+ [`--itemize-changes`](#opt) (`-i`) options to see what an rsync command is
+ going to do before one actually runs it.
+ The output of [`--itemize-changes`](#opt) is supposed to be exactly the
+ same on a dry run and a subsequent real run (barring intentional trickery
+ and system call failures); if it isn't, that's a bug. Other output should
+ be mostly unchanged, but may differ in some areas. Notably, a dry run does
+ not send the actual data for file transfers, so [`--progress`](#opt) has no
+ effect, the "bytes sent", "bytes received", "literal data", and "matched
+ data" statistics are too small, and the "speedup" value is equivalent to a
+ run where no file transfers were needed.
+0. `--whole-file`, `-W`
+ This option disables rsync's delta-transfer algorithm, which causes all
+ transferred files to be sent whole. The transfer may be faster if this
+ option is used when the bandwidth between the source and destination
+ machines is higher than the bandwidth to disk (especially when the "disk"
+ is actually a networked filesystem). This is the default when both the
+ source and destination are specified as local paths, but only if no
+ batch-writing option is in effect.
+0. `--no-whole-file`, `--no-W`
+ Disable whole-file updating when it is enabled by default for a local
+ transfer. This usually slows rsync down, but it can be useful if you are
+ trying to minimize the writes to the destination file (if combined with
+ [`--inplace`](#opt)) or for testing the checksum-based update algorithm.
+ See also the [`--whole-file`](#opt) option.
+0. `--checksum-choice=STR`, `--cc=STR`
+ This option overrides the checksum algorithms. If one algorithm name is
+ specified, it is used for both the transfer checksums and (assuming
+ [`--checksum`](#opt) is specified) the pre-transfer checksums. If two
+ comma-separated names are supplied, the first name affects the transfer
+ checksums, and the second name affects the pre-transfer checksums (`-c`).
+ The checksum options that you may be able to use are:
+ - `auto` (the default automatic choice)
+ - `xxh128`
+ - `xxh3`
+ - `xxh64` (aka `xxhash`)
+ - `md5`
+ - `md4`
+ - `sha1`
+ - `none`
+ Run `rsync --version` to see the default checksum list compiled into your
+ version (which may differ from the list above).
+ If "none" is specified for the first (or only) name, the [`--whole-file`](#opt)
+ option is forced on and no checksum verification is performed on the
+ transferred data. If "none" is specified for the second (or only) name,
+ the [`--checksum`](#opt) option cannot be used.
+ The "auto" option is the default, where rsync bases its algorithm choice on
+ a negotiation between the client and the server as follows:
+ When both sides of the transfer are at least 3.2.0, rsync chooses the first
+ algorithm in the client's list of choices that is also in the server's list
+ of choices. If no common checksum choice is found, rsync exits with
+ an error. If the remote rsync is too old to support checksum negotiation,
+ a value is chosen based on the protocol version (which chooses between MD5
+ and various flavors of MD4 based on protocol age).
+ The default order can be customized by setting the environment variable
+ [`RSYNC_CHECKSUM_LIST`](#) to a space-separated list of acceptable checksum
+ names. If the string contains a "`&`" character, it is separated into the
+ "client string & server string", otherwise the same string applies to both.
+ If the string (or string portion) contains no non-whitespace characters,
+ the default checksum list is used. This method does not allow you to
+ specify the transfer checksum separately from the pre-transfer checksum,
+ and it discards "auto" and all unknown checksum names. A list with only
+ invalid names results in a failed negotiation.
+ The use of the `--checksum-choice` option overrides this environment list.
+0. `--one-file-system`, `-x`
+ This tells rsync to avoid crossing a filesystem boundary when recursing.
+ This does not limit the user's ability to specify items to copy from
+ multiple filesystems, just rsync's recursion through the hierarchy of each
+ directory that the user specified, and also the analogous recursion on the
+ receiving side during deletion. Also keep in mind that rsync treats a
+ "bind" mount to the same device as being on the same filesystem.
+ If this option is repeated, rsync omits all mount-point directories from
+ the copy. Otherwise, it includes an empty directory at each mount-point it
+ encounters (using the attributes of the mounted directory because those of
+ the underlying mount-point directory are inaccessible).
+ If rsync has been told to collapse symlinks (via [`--copy-links`](#opt) or
+ [`--copy-unsafe-links`](#opt)), a symlink to a directory on another device
+ is treated like a mount-point. Symlinks to non-directories are unaffected
+ by this option.
+0. `--ignore-non-existing`, `--existing`
+ This tells rsync to skip creating files (including directories) that do not
+ exist yet on the destination. If this option is combined with the
+ [`--ignore-existing`](#opt) option, no files will be updated (which can be
+ useful if all you want to do is delete extraneous files).
+ This option is a [TRANSFER RULE](#TRANSFER_RULES), so don't expect any
+ exclude side effects.
+0. `--ignore-existing`
+ This tells rsync to skip updating files that already exist on the
+ destination (this does _not_ ignore existing directories, or nothing would
+ get done). See also [`--ignore-non-existing`](#opt).
+ This option is a [TRANSFER RULE](#TRANSFER_RULES), so don't expect any
+ exclude side effects.
+ This option can be useful for those doing backups using the
+ [`--link-dest`](#opt) option when they need to continue a backup run that
+ got interrupted. Since a [`--link-dest`](#opt) run is copied into a new
+ directory hierarchy (when it is used properly), using [`--ignore-existing`
+ will ensure that the already-handled files don't get tweaked (which avoids
+ a change in permissions on the hard-linked files). This does mean that
+ this option is only looking at the existing files in the destination
+ hierarchy itself.
+ When [`--info=skip2`](#opt) is used rsync will output "FILENAME exists
+ (INFO)" messages where the INFO indicates one of "type change", "sum
+ change" (requires [`-c`](#opt)), "file change" (based on the quick check),
+ "attr change", or "uptodate". Using [`--info=skip1`](#opt) (which is also
+ implied by 2 [`-v`](#opt) options) outputs the exists message without the
+ INFO suffix.
+0. `--remove-source-files`
+ This tells rsync to remove from the sending side the files (meaning
+ non-directories) that are a part of the transfer and have been successfully
+ duplicated on the receiving side.
+ Note that you should only use this option on source files that are
+ quiescent. If you are using this to move files that show up in a
+ particular directory over to another host, make sure that the finished
+ files get renamed into the source directory, not directly written into it,
+ so that rsync can't possibly transfer a file that is not yet fully written.
+ If you can't first write the files into a different directory, you should
+ use a naming idiom that lets rsync avoid transferring files that are not
+ yet finished (e.g. name the file "" when it is written, rename it to
+ "foo" when it is done, and then use the option [`--exclude='*.new'`](#opt)
+ for the rsync transfer).
+ Starting with 3.1.0, rsync will skip the sender-side removal (and output an
+ error) if the file's size or modify time has not stayed unchanged.
+ Starting with 3.2.6, a local rsync copy will ensure that the sender does
+ not remove a file the receiver just verified, such as when the user
+ accidentally makes the source and destination directory the same path.
+0. `--delete`
+ This tells rsync to delete extraneous files from the receiving side (ones
+ that aren't on the sending side), but only for the directories that are
+ being synchronized. You must have asked rsync to send the whole directory
+ (e.g. "`dir`" or "`dir/`") without using a wildcard for the directory's
+ contents (e.g. "`dir/*`") since the wildcard is expanded by the shell and
+ rsync thus gets a request to transfer individual files, not the files'
+ parent directory. Files that are excluded from the transfer are also
+ excluded from being deleted unless you use the [`--delete-excluded`](#opt)
+ option or mark the rules as only matching on the sending side (see the
+ include/exclude modifiers in the [FILTER RULES](#) section).
+ Prior to rsync 2.6.7, this option would have no effect unless
+ [`--recursive`](#opt) was enabled. Beginning with 2.6.7, deletions will
+ also occur when [`--dirs`](#opt) (`-d`) is enabled, but only for
+ directories whose contents are being copied.
+ This option can be dangerous if used incorrectly! It is a very good idea to
+ first try a run using the [`--dry-run`](#opt) (`-n`) option to see what
+ files are going to be deleted.
+ If the sending side detects any I/O errors, then the deletion of any files
+ at the destination will be automatically disabled. This is to prevent
+ temporary filesystem failures (such as NFS errors) on the sending side from
+ causing a massive deletion of files on the destination. You can override
+ this with the [`--ignore-errors`](#opt) option.
+ The `--delete` option may be combined with one of the --delete-WHEN options
+ without conflict, as well as [`--delete-excluded`](#opt). However, if none
+ of the `--delete-WHEN` options are specified, rsync will choose the
+ [`--delete-during`](#opt) algorithm when talking to rsync 3.0.0 or newer,
+ or the [`--delete-before`](#opt) algorithm when talking to an older rsync.
+ See also [`--delete-delay`](#opt) and [`--delete-after`](#opt).
+0. `--delete-before`
+ Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done before the
+ transfer starts. See [`--delete`](#opt) (which is implied) for more
+ details on file-deletion.
+ Deleting before the transfer is helpful if the filesystem is tight for
+ space and removing extraneous files would help to make the transfer
+ possible. However, it does introduce a delay before the start of the
+ transfer, and this delay might cause the transfer to timeout (if
+ [`--timeout`](#opt) was specified). It also forces rsync to use the old,
+ non-incremental recursion algorithm that requires rsync to scan all the
+ files in the transfer into memory at once (see [`--recursive`](#opt)).
+0. `--delete-during`, `--del`
+ Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done incrementally
+ as the transfer happens. The per-directory delete scan is done right
+ before each directory is checked for updates, so it behaves like a more
+ efficient [`--delete-before`](#opt), including doing the deletions prior to
+ any per-directory filter files being updated. This option was first added
+ in rsync version 2.6.4. See [`--delete`](#opt) (which is implied) for more
+ details on file-deletion.
+0. `--delete-delay`
+ Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be computed during
+ the transfer (like [`--delete-during`](#opt)), and then removed after the
+ transfer completes. This is useful when combined with
+ [`--delay-updates`](#opt) and/or [`--fuzzy`](#opt), and is more efficient
+ than using [`--delete-after`](#opt) (but can behave differently, since
+ [`--delete-after`](#opt) computes the deletions in a separate pass after
+ all updates are done). If the number of removed files overflows an
+ internal buffer, a temporary file will be created on the receiving side to
+ hold the names (it is removed while open, so you shouldn't see it during
+ the transfer). If the creation of the temporary file fails, rsync will try
+ to fall back to using [`--delete-after`](#opt) (which it cannot do if
+ [`--recursive`](#opt) is doing an incremental scan). See
+ [`--delete`](#opt) (which is implied) for more details on file-deletion.
+0. `--delete-after`
+ Request that the file-deletions on the receiving side be done after the
+ transfer has completed. This is useful if you are sending new
+ per-directory merge files as a part of the transfer and you want their
+ exclusions to take effect for the delete phase of the current transfer. It
+ also forces rsync to use the old, non-incremental recursion algorithm that
+ requires rsync to scan all the files in the transfer into memory at once
+ (see [`--recursive`](#opt)). See [`--delete`](#opt) (which is implied) for
+ more details on file-deletion.
+ See also the [`--delete-delay`](#opt) option that might be a faster choice
+ for those that just want the deletions to occur at the end of the transfer.
+0. `--delete-excluded`
+ This option turns any unqualified exclude/include rules into server-side
+ rules that do not affect the receiver's deletions.
+ By default, an exclude or include has both a server-side effect (to "hide"
+ and "show" files when building the server's file list) and a receiver-side
+ effect (to "protect" and "risk" files when deletions are occurring). Any
+ rule that has no modifier to specify what sides it is executed on will be
+ instead treated as if it were a server-side rule only, avoiding any
+ "protect" effects of the rules.
+ A rule can still apply to both sides even with this option specified if the
+ rule is given both the sender & receiver modifier letters (e.g., `-f'-sr
+ foo'`). Receiver-side protect/risk rules can also be explicitly specified
+ to limit the deletions. This saves you from having to edit a bunch of
+ `-f'- foo'` rules into `-f'-s foo'` (aka `-f'H foo'`) rules (not to mention
+ the corresponding includes).
+ See the [FILTER RULES](#) section for more information. See
+ [`--delete`](#opt) (which is implied) for more details on deletion.
+0. `--ignore-missing-args`
+ When rsync is first processing the explicitly requested source files (e.g.
+ command-line arguments or [`--files-from`](#opt) entries), it is normally
+ an error if the file cannot be found. This option suppresses that error,
+ and does not try to transfer the file. This does not affect subsequent
+ vanished-file errors if a file was initially found to be present and later
+ is no longer there.
+0. `--delete-missing-args`
+ This option takes the behavior of the (implied)
+ [`--ignore-missing-args`](#opt) option a step farther: each missing arg
+ will become a deletion request of the corresponding destination file on the
+ receiving side (should it exist). If the destination file is a non-empty
+ directory, it will only be successfully deleted if [`--force`](#opt) or
+ [`--delete`](#opt) are in effect. Other than that, this option is
+ independent of any other type of delete processing.
+ The missing source files are represented by special file-list entries which
+ display as a "`*missing`" entry in the [`--list-only`](#opt) output.
+0. `--ignore-errors`
+ Tells [`--delete`](#opt) to go ahead and delete files even when there are
+ I/O errors.
+0. `--force`
+ This option tells rsync to delete a non-empty directory when it is to be
+ replaced by a non-directory. This is only relevant if deletions are not
+ active (see [`--delete`](#opt) for details).
+ Note for older rsync versions: `--force` used to still be required when
+ using [`--delete-after`](#opt), and it used to be non-functional unless the
+ [`--recursive`](#opt) option was also enabled.
+0. `--max-delete=NUM`
+ This tells rsync not to delete more than NUM files or directories. If that
+ limit is exceeded, all further deletions are skipped through the end of the
+ transfer. At the end, rsync outputs a warning (including a count of the
+ skipped deletions) and exits with an error code of 25 (unless some more
+ important error condition also occurred).
+ Beginning with version 3.0.0, you may specify `--max-delete=0` to be warned
+ about any extraneous files in the destination without removing any of them.
+ Older clients interpreted this as "unlimited", so if you don't know what
+ version the client is, you can use the less obvious `--max-delete=-1` as a
+ backward-compatible way to specify that no deletions be allowed (though
+ really old versions didn't warn when the limit was exceeded).
+0. `--max-size=SIZE`
+ This tells rsync to avoid transferring any file that is larger than the
+ specified SIZE. A numeric value can be suffixed with a string to indicate
+ the numeric units or left unqualified to specify bytes. Feel free to use a
+ fractional value along with the units, such as `--max-size=1.5m`.
+ This option is a [TRANSFER RULE](#TRANSFER_RULES), so don't expect any
+ exclude side effects.
+ The first letter of a units string can be `B` (bytes), `K` (kilo), `M`
+ (mega), `G` (giga), `T` (tera), or `P` (peta). If the string is a single
+ char or has "ib" added to it (e.g. "G" or "GiB") then the units are
+ multiples of 1024. If you use a two-letter suffix that ends with a "B"
+ (e.g. "kb") then you get units that are multiples of 1000. The string's
+ letters can be any mix of upper and lower-case that you want to use.
+ Finally, if the string ends with either "+1" or "-1", it is offset by one
+ byte in the indicated direction. The largest possible value is usually
+ `8192P-1`.
+ Examples: `--max-size=1.5mb-1` is 1499999 bytes, and `--max-size=2g+1` is
+ 2147483649 bytes.
+ Note that rsync versions prior to 3.1.0 did not allow `--max-size=0`.
+0. `--min-size=SIZE`
+ This tells rsync to avoid transferring any file that is smaller than the
+ specified SIZE, which can help in not transferring small, junk files. See
+ the [`--max-size`](#opt) option for a description of SIZE and other info.
+ Note that rsync versions prior to 3.1.0 did not allow `--min-size=0`.
+0. `--max-alloc=SIZE`
+ By default rsync limits an individual malloc/realloc to about 1GB in size.
+ For most people this limit works just fine and prevents a protocol error
+ causing rsync to request massive amounts of memory. However, if you have
+ many millions of files in a transfer, a large amount of server memory, and
+ you don't want to split up your transfer into multiple parts, you can
+ increase the per-allocation limit to something larger and rsync will
+ consume more memory.
+ Keep in mind that this is not a limit on the total size of allocated
+ memory. It is a sanity-check value for each individual allocation.
+ See the [`--max-size`](#opt) option for a description of how SIZE can be
+ specified. The default suffix if none is given is bytes.
+ Beginning in 3.2.3, a value of 0 specifies no limit.
+ You can set a default value using the environment variable
+ [`RSYNC_MAX_ALLOC`](#) using the same SIZE values as supported by this
+ option. If the remote rsync doesn't understand the `--max-alloc` option,
+ you can override an environmental value by specifying `--max-alloc=1g`,
+ which will make rsync avoid sending the option to the remote side (because
+ "1G" is the default).
+0. `--block-size=SIZE`, `-B`
+ This forces the block size used in rsync's delta-transfer algorithm to a
+ fixed value. It is normally selected based on the size of each file being
+ updated. See the technical report for details.
+ Beginning in 3.2.3 the SIZE can be specified with a suffix as detailed in
+ the [`--max-size`](#opt) option. Older versions only accepted a byte count.
+0. `--rsh=COMMAND`, `-e`
+ This option allows you to choose an alternative remote shell program to use
+ for communication between the local and remote copies of rsync. Typically,
+ rsync is configured to use ssh by default, but you may prefer to use rsh on
+ a local network.
+ If this option is used with `[user@]host::module/path`, then the remote
+ shell _COMMAND_ will be used to run an rsync daemon on the remote host, and
+ all data will be transmitted through that remote shell connection, rather
+ than through a direct socket connection to a running rsync daemon on the
+ CONNECTION](#) section above.
+ Beginning with rsync 3.2.0, the [`RSYNC_PORT`](#) environment variable will
+ be set when a daemon connection is being made via a remote-shell
+ connection. It is set to 0 if the default daemon port is being assumed, or
+ it is set to the value of the rsync port that was specified via either the
+ [`--port`](#opt) option or a non-empty port value in an `rsync://` URL.
+ This allows the script to discern if a non-default port is being requested,
+ allowing for things such as an SSL or stunnel helper script to connect to a
+ default or alternate port.
+ Command-line arguments are permitted in COMMAND provided that COMMAND is
+ presented to rsync as a single argument. You must use spaces (not tabs or
+ other whitespace) to separate the command and args from each other, and you
+ can use single- and/or double-quotes to preserve spaces in an argument (but
+ not backslashes). Note that doubling a single-quote inside a single-quoted
+ string gives you a single-quote; likewise for double-quotes (though you
+ need to pay attention to which quotes your shell is parsing and which
+ quotes rsync is parsing). Some examples:
+ > -e 'ssh -p 2234'
+ > -e 'ssh -o "ProxyCommand nohup ssh firewall nc -w1 %h %p"'
+ (Note that ssh users can alternately customize site-specific connect
+ options in their .ssh/config file.)
+ You can also choose the remote shell program using the [`RSYNC_RSH`](#)
+ environment variable, which accepts the same range of values as `-e`.
+ See also the [`--blocking-io`](#opt) option which is affected by this
+ option.
+0. `--rsync-path=PROGRAM`
+ Use this to specify what program is to be run on the remote machine to
+ start-up rsync. Often used when rsync is not in the default remote-shell's
+ path (e.g. `--rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync`). Note that PROGRAM is run
+ with the help of a shell, so it can be any program, script, or command
+ sequence you'd care to run, so long as it does not corrupt the standard-in
+ & standard-out that rsync is using to communicate.
+ One tricky example is to set a different default directory on the remote
+ machine for use with the [`--relative`](#opt) option. For instance:
+ > rsync -avR --rsync-path="cd /a/b && rsync" host:c/d /e/
+0. `--remote-option=OPTION`, `-M`
+ This option is used for more advanced situations where you want certain
+ effects to be limited to one side of the transfer only. For instance, if
+ you want to pass [`--log-file=FILE`](#opt) and [`--fake-super`](#opt) to
+ the remote system, specify it like this:
+ > rsync -av -M --log-file=foo -M--fake-super src/ dest/
+ If you want to have an option affect only the local side of a transfer when
+ it normally affects both sides, send its negation to the remote side. Like
+ this:
+ > rsync -av -x -M--no-x src/ dest/
+ Be cautious using this, as it is possible to toggle an option that will
+ cause rsync to have a different idea about what data to expect next over
+ the socket, and that will make it fail in a cryptic fashion.
+ Note that you should use a separate `-M` option for each remote option you
+ want to pass. On older rsync versions, the presence of any spaces in the
+ remote-option arg could cause it to be split into separate remote args, but
+ this requires the use of [`--old-args`](#opt) in a modern rsync.
+ When performing a local transfer, the "local" side is the sender and the
+ "remote" side is the receiver.
+ Note some versions of the popt option-parsing library have a bug in them
+ that prevents you from using an adjacent arg with an equal in it next to a
+ short option letter (e.g. `-M--log-file=/tmp/foo`). If this bug affects
+ your version of popt, you can use the version of popt that is included with
+ rsync.
+0. `--cvs-exclude`, `-C`
+ This is a useful shorthand for excluding a broad range of files that you
+ often don't want to transfer between systems. It uses a similar algorithm
+ to CVS to determine if a file should be ignored.
+ The exclude list is initialized to exclude the following items (these
+ initial items are marked as perishable -- see the [FILTER RULES](#)
+ section):
+ [comment]: # (This list gets used for the default-cvsignore.h file.)
+ > `RCS`
+ > `SCCS`
+ > `CVS`
+ > `CVS.adm`
+ > `RCSLOG`
+ > `cvslog.*`
+ > `tags`
+ > `TAGS`
+ > `.make.state`
+ > `.nse_depinfo`
+ > `*~`
+ > `#*`
+ > `.#*`
+ > `,*`
+ > `_$*`
+ > `*$`
+ > `*.old`
+ > `*.bak`
+ > `*.BAK`
+ > `*.orig`
+ > `*.rej`
+ > `.del-*`
+ > `*.a`
+ > `*.olb`
+ > `*.o`
+ > `*.obj`
+ > `*.so`
+ > `*.exe`
+ > `*.Z`
+ > `*.elc`
+ > `*.ln`
+ > `core`
+ > `.svn/`
+ > `.git/`
+ > `.hg/`
+ > `.bzr/`
+ then, files listed in a $HOME/.cvsignore are added to the list and any
+ files listed in the CVSIGNORE environment variable (all cvsignore names are
+ delimited by whitespace).
+ Finally, any file is ignored if it is in the same directory as a .cvsignore
+ file and matches one of the patterns listed therein. Unlike rsync's
+ filter/exclude files, these patterns are split on whitespace. See the
+ **cvs**(1) manual for more information.
+ If you're combining `-C` with your own [`--filter`](#opt) rules, you should
+ note that these CVS excludes are appended at the end of your own rules,
+ regardless of where the `-C` was placed on the command-line. This makes
+ them a lower priority than any rules you specified explicitly. If you want
+ to control where these CVS excludes get inserted into your filter rules,
+ you should omit the `-C` as a command-line option and use a combination of
+ [`--filter=:C`](#opt) and [`--filter=-C`](#opt) (either on your
+ command-line or by putting the ":C" and "-C" rules into a filter file with
+ your other rules). The first option turns on the per-directory scanning
+ for the .cvsignore file. The second option does a one-time import of the
+ CVS excludes mentioned above.
+0. `--filter=RULE`, `-f`
+ This option allows you to add rules to selectively exclude certain files
+ from the list of files to be transferred. This is most useful in
+ combination with a recursive transfer.
+ You may use as many `--filter` options on the command line as you like to
+ build up the list of files to exclude. If the filter contains whitespace,
+ be sure to quote it so that the shell gives the rule to rsync as a single
+ argument. The text below also mentions that you can use an underscore to
+ replace the space that separates a rule from its arg.
+ See the [FILTER RULES](#) section for detailed information on this option.
+0. `-F`
+ The `-F` option is a shorthand for adding two [`--filter`](#opt) rules to
+ your command. The first time it is used is a shorthand for this rule:
+ > --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'
+ This tells rsync to look for per-directory .rsync-filter files that have
+ been sprinkled through the hierarchy and use their rules to filter the
+ files in the transfer. If `-F` is repeated, it is a shorthand for this
+ rule:
+ > --filter='exclude .rsync-filter'
+ This filters out the .rsync-filter files themselves from the transfer.
+ See the [FILTER RULES](#) section for detailed information on how these
+ options work.
+0. `--exclude=PATTERN`
+ This option is a simplified form of the [`--filter`](#opt) option that
+ specifies an exclude rule and does not allow the full rule-parsing syntax
+ of normal filter rules. This is equivalent to specifying `-f'- PATTERN'`.
+ See the [FILTER RULES](#) section for detailed information on this option.
+0. `--exclude-from=FILE`
+ This option is related to the [`--exclude`](#opt) option, but it specifies
+ a FILE that contains exclude patterns (one per line). Blank lines in the
+ file are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with '`;`' or '`#`'
+ (filename rules that contain those characters are unaffected).
+ If a line begins with "`- `" (dash, space) or "`+ `" (plus, space), then
+ the type of rule is being explicitly specified as an exclude or an include
+ (respectively). Any rules without such a prefix are taken to be an exclude.
+ If a line consists of just "`!`", then the current filter rules are cleared
+ before adding any further rules.
+ If _FILE_ is '`-`', the list will be read from standard input.
+0. `--include=PATTERN`
+ This option is a simplified form of the [`--filter`](#opt) option that
+ specifies an include rule and does not allow the full rule-parsing syntax
+ of normal filter rules. This is equivalent to specifying `-f'+ PATTERN'`.
+ See the [FILTER RULES](#) section for detailed information on this option.
+0. `--include-from=FILE`
+ This option is related to the [`--include`](#opt) option, but it specifies
+ a FILE that contains include patterns (one per line). Blank lines in the
+ file are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with '`;`' or '`#`'
+ (filename rules that contain those characters are unaffected).
+ If a line begins with "`- `" (dash, space) or "`+ `" (plus, space), then
+ the type of rule is being explicitly specified as an exclude or an include
+ (respectively). Any rules without such a prefix are taken to be an include.
+ If a line consists of just "`!`", then the current filter rules are cleared
+ before adding any further rules.
+ If _FILE_ is '`-`', the list will be read from standard input.
+0. `--files-from=FILE`
+ Using this option allows you to specify the exact list of files to transfer
+ (as read from the specified FILE or '`-`' for standard input). It also
+ tweaks the default behavior of rsync to make transferring just the
+ specified files and directories easier:
+ - The [`--relative`](#opt) (`-R`) option is implied, which preserves the
+ path information that is specified for each item in the file (use
+ `--no-relative` or `--no-R` if you want to turn that off).
+ - The [`--dirs`](#opt) (`-d`) option is implied, which will create
+ directories specified in the list on the destination rather than noisily
+ skipping them (use `--no-dirs` or `--no-d` if you want to turn that off).
+ - The [`--archive`](#opt) (`-a`) option's behavior does not imply
+ [`--recursive`](#opt) (`-r`), so specify it explicitly, if you want it.
+ - These side-effects change the default state of rsync, so the position of
+ the `--files-from` option on the command-line has no bearing on how other
+ options are parsed (e.g. [`-a`](#opt) works the same before or after
+ `--files-from`, as does `--no-R` and all other options).
+ The filenames that are read from the FILE are all relative to the source
+ dir -- any leading slashes are removed and no ".." references are allowed
+ to go higher than the source dir. For example, take this command:
+ > rsync -a --files-from=/tmp/foo /usr remote:/backup
+ If /tmp/foo contains the string "bin" (or even "/bin"), the /usr/bin
+ directory will be created as /backup/bin on the remote host. If it
+ contains "bin/" (note the trailing slash), the immediate contents of the
+ directory would also be sent (without needing to be explicitly mentioned in
+ the file -- this began in version 2.6.4). In both cases, if the
+ [`-r`](#opt) option was enabled, that dir's entire hierarchy would also be
+ transferred (keep in mind that [`-r`](#opt) needs to be specified
+ explicitly with `--files-from`, since it is not implied by [`-a`](#opt).
+ Also note that the effect of the (enabled by default) [`-r`](#opt) option
+ is to duplicate only the path info that is read from the file -- it does
+ not force the duplication of the source-spec path (/usr in this case).
+ In addition, the `--files-from` file can be read from the remote host
+ instead of the local host if you specify a "host:" in front of the file
+ (the host must match one end of the transfer). As a short-cut, you can
+ specify just a prefix of ":" to mean "use the remote end of the transfer".
+ For example:
+ > rsync -a --files-from=:/path/file-list src:/ /tmp/copy
+ This would copy all the files specified in the /path/file-list file that
+ was located on the remote "src" host.
+ If the [`--iconv`](#opt) and [`--secluded-args`](#opt) options are specified
+ and the `--files-from` filenames are being sent from one host to another,
+ the filenames will be translated from the sending host's charset to the
+ receiving host's charset.
+ NOTE: sorting the list of files in the `--files-from` input helps rsync to
+ be more efficient, as it will avoid re-visiting the path elements that are
+ shared between adjacent entries. If the input is not sorted, some path
+ elements (implied directories) may end up being scanned multiple times, and
+ rsync will eventually unduplicate them after they get turned into file-list
+ elements.
+0. `--from0`, `-0`
+ This tells rsync that the rules/filenames it reads from a file are
+ terminated by a null ('\\0') character, not a NL, CR, or CR+LF. This
+ affects [`--exclude-from`](#opt), [`--include-from`](#opt),
+ [`--files-from`](#opt), and any merged files specified in a
+ [`--filter`](#opt) rule. It does not affect [`--cvs-exclude`](#opt) (since
+ all names read from a .cvsignore file are split on whitespace).
+0. `--old-args`
+ This option tells rsync to stop trying to protect the arg values on the
+ remote side from unintended word-splitting or other misinterpretation.
+ It also allows the client to treat an empty arg as a "." instead of
+ generating an error.
+ The default in a modern rsync is for "shell-active" characters (including
+ spaces) to be backslash-escaped in the args that are sent to the remote
+ shell. The wildcard characters `*`, `?`, `[`, & `]` are not escaped in
+ filename args (allowing them to expand into multiple filenames) while being
+ protected in option args, such as [`--usermap`](#opt).
+ If you have a script that wants to use old-style arg splitting in its
+ filenames, specify this option once. If the remote shell has a problem
+ with any backslash escapes at all, specify this option twice.
+ You may also control this setting via the [`RSYNC_OLD_ARGS`](#) environment
+ variable. If it has the value "1", rsync will default to a single-option
+ setting. If it has the value "2" (or more), rsync will default to a
+ repeated-option setting. If it is "0", you'll get the default escaping
+ behavior. The environment is always overridden by manually specified
+ positive or negative options (the negative is `--no-old-args`).
+ Note that this option also disables the extra safety check added in 3.2.5
+ that ensures that a remote sender isn't including extra top-level items in
+ the file-list that you didn't request. This side-effect is necessary
+ because we can't know for sure what names to expect when the remote shell
+ is interpreting the args.
+ This option conflicts with the [`--secluded-args`](#opt) option.
+0. `--secluded-args`, `-s`
+ This option sends all filenames and most options to the remote rsync via
+ the protocol (not the remote shell command line) which avoids letting the
+ remote shell modify them. Wildcards are expanded on the remote host by
+ rsync instead of a shell.
+ This is similar to the default backslash-escaping of args that was added
+ in 3.2.4 (see [`--old-args`](#opt)) in that it prevents things like space
+ splitting and unwanted special-character side-effects. However, it has the
+ drawbacks of being incompatible with older rsync versions (prior to 3.0.0)
+ and of being refused by restricted shells that want to be able to inspect
+ all the option values for safety.
+ This option is useful for those times that you need the argument's
+ character set to be converted for the remote host, if the remote shell is
+ incompatible with the default backslash-escpaing method, or there is some
+ other reason that you want the majority of the options and arguments to
+ bypass the command-line of the remote shell.
+ If you combine this option with [`--iconv`](#opt), the args related to the
+ remote side will be translated from the local to the remote character-set.
+ The translation happens before wild-cards are expanded. See also the
+ [`--files-from`](#opt) option.
+ You may also control this setting via the [`RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS`](#)
+ environment variable. If it has a non-zero value, this setting will be
+ enabled by default, otherwise it will be disabled by default. Either state
+ is overridden by a manually specified positive or negative version of this
+ option (note that `--no-s` and `--no-secluded-args` are the negative
+ versions). This environment variable is also superseded by a non-zero
+ [`RSYNC_OLD_ARGS`](#) export.
+ This option conflicts with the [`--old-args`](#opt) option.
+ This option used to be called `--protect-args` (before 3.2.6) and that
+ older name can still be used (though specifying it as `-s` is always the
+ easiest and most compatible choice).
+0. `--trust-sender`
+ This option disables two extra validation checks that a local client
+ performs on the file list generated by a remote sender. This option should
+ only be used if you trust the sender to not put something malicious in the
+ file list (something that could possibly be done via a modified rsync, a
+ modified shell, or some other similar manipulation).
+ Normally, the rsync client (as of version 3.2.5) runs two extra validation
+ checks when pulling files from a remote rsync:
+ - It verifies that additional arg items didn't get added at the top of the
+ transfer.
+ - It verifies that none of the items in the file list are names that should
+ have been excluded (if filter rules were specified).
+ Note that various options can turn off one or both of these checks if the
+ option interferes with the validation. For instance:
+ - Using a per-directory filter file reads filter rules that only the server
+ knows about, so the filter checking is disabled.
+ - Using the [`--old-args`](#opt) option allows the sender to manipulate the
+ requested args, so the arg checking is disabled.
+ - Reading the files-from list from the server side means that the client
+ doesn't know the arg list, so the arg checking is disabled.
+ - Using [`--read-batch`](#opt) disables both checks since the batch file's
+ contents will have been verified when it was created.
+ This option may help an under-powered client server if the extra pattern
+ matching is slowing things down on a huge transfer. It can also be used to
+ work around a currently-unknown bug in the verification logic for a transfer
+ from a trusted sender.
+ When using this option it is a good idea to specify a dedicated destination
+ directory, as discussed in the [MULTI-HOST SECURITY](#) section.
+0. `--copy-as=USER[:GROUP]`
+ This option instructs rsync to use the USER and (if specified after a
+ colon) the GROUP for the copy operations. This only works if the user that
+ is running rsync has the ability to change users. If the group is not
+ specified then the user's default groups are used.
+ This option can help to reduce the risk of an rsync being run as root into
+ or out of a directory that might have live changes happening to it and you
+ want to make sure that root-level read or write actions of system files are
+ not possible. While you could alternatively run all of rsync as the
+ specified user, sometimes you need the root-level host-access credentials
+ to be used, so this allows rsync to drop root for the copying part of the
+ operation after the remote-shell or daemon connection is established.
+ The option only affects one side of the transfer unless the transfer is
+ local, in which case it affects both sides. Use the
+ [`--remote-option`](#opt) to affect the remote side, such as
+ `-M--copy-as=joe`. For a local transfer, the lsh (or support file
+ provides a local-shell helper script that can be used to allow a
+ "localhost:" or "lh:" host-spec to be specified without needing to setup
+ any remote shells, allowing you to specify remote options that affect the
+ side of the transfer that is using the host-spec (and using hostname "lh"
+ avoids the overriding of the remote directory to the user's home dir).
+ For example, the following rsync writes the local files as user "joe":
+ > sudo rsync -aiv --copy-as=joe host1:backups/joe/ /home/joe/
+ This makes all files owned by user "joe", limits the groups to those that
+ are available to that user, and makes it impossible for the joe user to do
+ a timed exploit of the path to induce a change to a file that the joe user
+ has no permissions to change.
+ The following command does a local copy into the "dest/" dir as user "joe"
+ (assuming you've installed support/lsh into a dir on your $PATH):
+ > sudo rsync -aive lsh -M--copy-as=joe src/ lh:dest/
+0. `--temp-dir=DIR`, `-T`
+ This option instructs rsync to use DIR as a scratch directory when creating
+ temporary copies of the files transferred on the receiving side. The
+ default behavior is to create each temporary file in the same directory as
+ the associated destination file. Beginning with rsync 3.1.1, the temp-file
+ names inside the specified DIR will not be prefixed with an extra dot
+ (though they will still have a random suffix added).
+ This option is most often used when the receiving disk partition does not
+ have enough free space to hold a copy of the largest file in the transfer.
+ In this case (i.e. when the scratch directory is on a different disk
+ partition), rsync will not be able to rename each received temporary file
+ over the top of the associated destination file, but instead must copy it
+ into place. Rsync does this by copying the file over the top of the
+ destination file, which means that the destination file will contain
+ truncated data during this copy. If this were not done this way (even if
+ the destination file were first removed, the data locally copied to a
+ temporary file in the destination directory, and then renamed into place)
+ it would be possible for the old file to continue taking up disk space (if
+ someone had it open), and thus there might not be enough room to fit the
+ new version on the disk at the same time.
+ If you are using this option for reasons other than a shortage of disk
+ space, you may wish to combine it with the [`--delay-updates`](#opt)
+ option, which will ensure that all copied files get put into subdirectories
+ in the destination hierarchy, awaiting the end of the transfer. If you
+ don't have enough room to duplicate all the arriving files on the
+ destination partition, another way to tell rsync that you aren't overly
+ concerned about disk space is to use the [`--partial-dir`](#opt) option
+ with a relative path; because this tells rsync that it is OK to stash off a
+ copy of a single file in a subdir in the destination hierarchy, rsync will
+ use the partial-dir as a staging area to bring over the copied file, and
+ then rename it into place from there. (Specifying a [`--partial-dir`](#opt)
+ with an absolute path does not have this side-effect.)
+0. `--fuzzy`, `-y`
+ This option tells rsync that it should look for a basis file for any
+ destination file that is missing. The current algorithm looks in the same
+ directory as the destination file for either a file that has an identical
+ size and modified-time, or a similarly-named file. If found, rsync uses
+ the fuzzy basis file to try to speed up the transfer.
+ If the option is repeated, the fuzzy scan will also be done in any matching
+ alternate destination directories that are specified via
+ [`--compare-dest`](#opt), [`--copy-dest`](#opt), or [`--link-dest`](#opt).
+ Note that the use of the [`--delete`](#opt) option might get rid of any
+ potential fuzzy-match files, so either use [`--delete-after`](#opt) or
+ specify some filename exclusions if you need to prevent this.
+0. `--compare-dest=DIR`
+ This option instructs rsync to use _DIR_ on the destination machine as an
+ additional hierarchy to compare destination files against doing transfers
+ (if the files are missing in the destination directory). If a file is
+ found in _DIR_ that is identical to the sender's file, the file will NOT be
+ transferred to the destination directory. This is useful for creating a
+ sparse backup of just files that have changed from an earlier backup. This
+ option is typically used to copy into an empty (or newly created)
+ directory.
+ Beginning in version 2.6.4, multiple `--compare-dest` directories may be
+ provided, which will cause rsync to search the list in the order specified
+ for an exact match. If a match is found that differs only in attributes, a
+ local copy is made and the attributes updated. If a match is not found, a
+ basis file from one of the _DIRs_ will be selected to try to speed up the
+ transfer.
+ If _DIR_ is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+ See also [`--copy-dest`](#opt) and [`--link-dest`](#opt).
+ NOTE: beginning with version 3.1.0, rsync will remove a file from a
+ non-empty destination hierarchy if an exact match is found in one of the
+ compare-dest hierarchies (making the end result more closely match a fresh
+ copy).
+0. `--copy-dest=DIR`
+ This option behaves like [`--compare-dest`](#opt), but rsync will also copy
+ unchanged files found in _DIR_ to the destination directory using a local
+ copy. This is useful for doing transfers to a new destination while
+ leaving existing files intact, and then doing a flash-cutover when all
+ files have been successfully transferred.
+ Multiple `--copy-dest` directories may be provided, which will cause rsync
+ to search the list in the order specified for an unchanged file. If a
+ match is not found, a basis file from one of the _DIRs_ will be selected to
+ try to speed up the transfer.
+ If _DIR_ is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+ See also [`--compare-dest`](#opt) and [`--link-dest`](#opt).
+0. `--link-dest=DIR`
+ This option behaves like [`--copy-dest`](#opt), but unchanged files are
+ hard linked from _DIR_ to the destination directory. The files must be
+ identical in all preserved attributes (e.g. permissions, possibly
+ ownership) in order for the files to be linked together. An example:
+ > rsync -av --link-dest=$PWD/prior_dir host:src_dir/ new_dir/
+ If files aren't linking, double-check their attributes. Also check if
+ some attributes are getting forced outside of rsync's control, such a mount
+ option that squishes root to a single user, or mounts a removable drive
+ with generic ownership (such as OS X's "Ignore ownership on this volume"
+ option).
+ Beginning in version 2.6.4, multiple `--link-dest` directories may be
+ provided, which will cause rsync to search the list in the order specified
+ for an exact match (there is a limit of 20 such directories). If a match
+ is found that differs only in attributes, a local copy is made and the
+ attributes updated. If a match is not found, a basis file from one of the
+ _DIRs_ will be selected to try to speed up the transfer.
+ This option works best when copying into an empty destination hierarchy, as
+ existing files may get their attributes tweaked, and that can affect
+ alternate destination files via hard-links. Also, itemizing of changes can
+ get a bit muddled. Note that prior to version 3.1.0, an
+ alternate-directory exact match would never be found (nor linked into the
+ destination) when a destination file already exists.
+ Note that if you combine this option with [`--ignore-times`](#opt), rsync will not
+ link any files together because it only links identical files together as a
+ substitute for transferring the file, never as an additional check after
+ the file is updated.
+ If _DIR_ is a relative path, it is relative to the destination directory.
+ See also [`--compare-dest`](#opt) and [`--copy-dest`](#opt).
+ Note that rsync versions prior to 2.6.1 had a bug that could prevent
+ `--link-dest` from working properly for a non-super-user when
+ [`--owner`](#opt) (`-o`) was specified (or implied). You can work-around
+ this bug by avoiding the `-o` option (or using `--no-o`) when sending to an
+ old rsync.
+0. `--compress`, `-z`
+ With this option, rsync compresses the file data as it is sent to the
+ destination machine, which reduces the amount of data being transmitted --
+ something that is useful over a slow connection.
+ Rsync supports multiple compression methods and will choose one for you
+ unless you force the choice using the [`--compress-choice`](#opt) (`--zc`)
+ option.
+ Run `rsync --version` to see the default compress list compiled into your
+ version.
+ When both sides of the transfer are at least 3.2.0, rsync chooses the first
+ algorithm in the client's list of choices that is also in the server's list
+ of choices. If no common compress choice is found, rsync exits with
+ an error. If the remote rsync is too old to support checksum negotiation,
+ its list is assumed to be "zlib".
+ The default order can be customized by setting the environment variable
+ [`RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST`](#) to a space-separated list of acceptable
+ compression names. If the string contains a "`&`" character, it is
+ separated into the "client string & server string", otherwise the same
+ string applies to both. If the string (or string portion) contains no
+ non-whitespace characters, the default compress list is used. Any unknown
+ compression names are discarded from the list, but a list with only invalid
+ names results in a failed negotiation.
+ There are some older rsync versions that were configured to reject a `-z`
+ option and require the use of `-zz` because their compression library was
+ not compatible with the default zlib compression method. You can usually
+ ignore this weirdness unless the rsync server complains and tells you to
+ specify `-zz`.
+0. `--compress-choice=STR`, `--zc=STR`
+ This option can be used to override the automatic negotiation of the
+ compression algorithm that occurs when [`--compress`](#opt) is used. The
+ option implies [`--compress`](#opt) unless "none" was specified, which
+ instead implies `--no-compress`.
+ The compression options that you may be able to use are:
+ - `zstd`
+ - `lz4`
+ - `zlibx`
+ - `zlib`
+ - `none`
+ Run `rsync --version` to see the default compress list compiled into your
+ version (which may differ from the list above).
+ Note that if you see an error about an option named `--old-compress` or
+ `--new-compress`, this is rsync trying to send the `--compress-choice=zlib`
+ or `--compress-choice=zlibx` option in a backward-compatible manner that
+ more rsync versions understand. This error indicates that the older rsync
+ version on the server will not allow you to force the compression type.
+ Note that the "zlibx" compression algorithm is just the "zlib" algorithm
+ with matched data excluded from the compression stream (to try to make it
+ more compatible with an external zlib implementation).
+0. `--compress-level=NUM`, `--zl=NUM`
+ Explicitly set the compression level to use (see [`--compress`](#opt),
+ `-z`) instead of letting it default. The [`--compress`](#opt) option is
+ implied as long as the level chosen is not a "don't compress" level for the
+ compression algorithm that is in effect (e.g. zlib compression treats level
+ 0 as "off").
+ The level values vary depending on the checksum in effect. Because rsync
+ will negotiate a checksum choice by default (when the remote rsync is new
+ enough), it can be good to combine this option with a
+ [`--compress-choice`](#opt) (`--zc`) option unless you're sure of the
+ choice in effect. For example:
+ > rsync -aiv --zc=zstd --zl=22 host:src/ dest/
+ For zlib & zlibx compression the valid values are from 1 to 9 with 6 being
+ the default. Specifying `--zl=0` turns compression off, and specifying
+ `--zl=-1` chooses the default level of 6.
+ For zstd compression the valid values are from -131072 to 22 with 3 being
+ the default. Specifying 0 chooses the default of 3.
+ For lz4 compression there are no levels, so the value is always 0.
+ If you specify a too-large or too-small value, the number is silently
+ limited to a valid value. This allows you to specify something like
+ `--zl=999999999` and be assured that you'll end up with the maximum
+ compression level no matter what algorithm was chosen.
+ If you want to know the compression level that is in effect, specify
+ [`--debug=nstr`](#opt) to see the "negotiated string" results. This will
+ report something like "`Client compress: zstd (level 3)`" (along with the
+ checksum choice in effect).
+0. `--skip-compress=LIST`
+ **NOTE:** no compression method currently supports per-file compression
+ changes, so this option has no effect.
+ Override the list of file suffixes that will be compressed as little as
+ possible. Rsync sets the compression level on a per-file basis based on
+ the file's suffix. If the compression algorithm has an "off" level, then
+ no compression occurs for those files. Other algorithms that support
+ changing the streaming level on-the-fly will have the level minimized to
+ reduces the CPU usage as much as possible for a matching file.
+ The **LIST** should be one or more file suffixes (without the dot) separated
+ by slashes (`/`). You may specify an empty string to indicate that no files
+ should be skipped.
+ Simple character-class matching is supported: each must consist of a list
+ of letters inside the square brackets (e.g. no special classes, such as
+ "[:alpha:]", are supported, and '-' has no special meaning).
+ The characters asterisk (`*`) and question-mark (`?`) have no special meaning.
+ Here's an example that specifies 6 suffixes to skip (since 1 of the 5 rules
+ matches 2 suffixes):
+ > --skip-compress=gz/jpg/mp[34]/7z/bz2
+ The default file suffixes in the skip-compress list in this version of
+ rsync are:
+ [comment]: # (This list gets used for the default-dont-compress.h file.)
+ > 3g2
+ > 3gp
+ > 7z
+ > aac
+ > ace
+ > apk
+ > avi
+ > bz2
+ > deb
+ > dmg
+ > ear
+ > f4v
+ > flac
+ > flv
+ > gpg
+ > gz
+ > iso
+ > jar
+ > jpeg
+ > jpg
+ > lrz
+ > lz
+ > lz4
+ > lzma
+ > lzo
+ > m1a
+ > m1v
+ > m2a
+ > m2ts
+ > m2v
+ > m4a
+ > m4b
+ > m4p
+ > m4r
+ > m4v
+ > mka
+ > mkv
+ > mov
+ > mp1
+ > mp2
+ > mp3
+ > mp4
+ > mpa
+ > mpeg
+ > mpg
+ > mpv
+ > mts
+ > odb
+ > odf
+ > odg
+ > odi
+ > odm
+ > odp
+ > ods
+ > odt
+ > oga
+ > ogg
+ > ogm
+ > ogv
+ > ogx
+ > opus
+ > otg
+ > oth
+ > otp
+ > ots
+ > ott
+ > oxt
+ > png
+ > qt
+ > rar
+ > rpm
+ > rz
+ > rzip
+ > spx
+ > squashfs
+ > sxc
+ > sxd
+ > sxg
+ > sxm
+ > sxw
+ > sz
+ > tbz
+ > tbz2
+ > tgz
+ > tlz
+ > ts
+ > txz
+ > tzo
+ > vob
+ > war
+ > webm
+ > webp
+ > xz
+ > z
+ > zip
+ > zst
+ This list will be replaced by your `--skip-compress` list in all but one
+ situation: a copy from a daemon rsync will add your skipped suffixes to its
+ list of non-compressing files (and its list may be configured to a
+ different default).
+0. `--numeric-ids`
+ With this option rsync will transfer numeric group and user IDs rather than
+ using user and group names and mapping them at both ends.
+ By default rsync will use the username and groupname to determine what
+ ownership to give files. The special uid 0 and the special group 0 are
+ never mapped via user/group names even if the `--numeric-ids` option is not
+ specified.
+ If a user or group has no name on the source system or it has no match on
+ the destination system, then the numeric ID from the source system is used
+ instead. See also the [`use chroot`](rsyncd.conf.5#use_chroot) setting
+ in the rsyncd.conf manpage for some comments on how the chroot setting
+ affects rsync's ability to look up the names of the users and groups and
+ what you can do about it.
+0. `--usermap=STRING`, `--groupmap=STRING`
+ These options allow you to specify users and groups that should be mapped
+ to other values by the receiving side. The **STRING** is one or more
+ **FROM**:**TO** pairs of values separated by commas. Any matching **FROM**
+ value from the sender is replaced with a **TO** value from the receiver.
+ You may specify usernames or user IDs for the **FROM** and **TO** values,
+ and the **FROM** value may also be a wild-card string, which will be
+ matched against the sender's names (wild-cards do NOT match against ID
+ numbers, though see below for why a '`*`' matches everything). You may
+ instead specify a range of ID numbers via an inclusive range: LOW-HIGH.
+ For example:
+ > --usermap=0-99:nobody,wayne:admin,*:normal --groupmap=usr:1,1:usr
+ The first match in the list is the one that is used. You should specify
+ all your user mappings using a single `--usermap` option, and/or all your
+ group mappings using a single `--groupmap` option.
+ Note that the sender's name for the 0 user and group are not transmitted to
+ the receiver, so you should either match these values using a 0, or use the
+ names in effect on the receiving side (typically "root"). All other
+ **FROM** names match those in use on the sending side. All **TO** names
+ match those in use on the receiving side.
+ Any IDs that do not have a name on the sending side are treated as having
+ an empty name for the purpose of matching. This allows them to be matched
+ via a "`*`" or using an empty name. For instance:
+ > --usermap=:nobody --groupmap=*:nobody
+ When the [`--numeric-ids`](#opt) option is used, the sender does not send any
+ names, so all the IDs are treated as having an empty name. This means that
+ you will need to specify numeric **FROM** values if you want to map these
+ nameless IDs to different values.
+ For the `--usermap` option to work, the receiver will need to be running as
+ a super-user (see also the [`--super`](#opt) and [`--fake-super`](#opt)
+ options). For the `--groupmap` option to work, the receiver will need to
+ have permissions to set that group.
+ Starting with rsync 3.2.4, the `--usermap` option implies the
+ [`--owner`](#opt) (`-o`) option while the `--groupmap` option implies the
+ [`--group`](#opt) (`-g`) option (since rsync needs to have those options
+ enabled for the mapping options to work).
+ An older rsync client may need to use [`-s`](#opt) to avoid a complaint
+ about wildcard characters, but a modern rsync handles this automatically.
+0. `--chown=USER:GROUP`
+ This option forces all files to be owned by USER with group GROUP. This is
+ a simpler interface than using [`--usermap`](#opt) & [`--groupmap`](#opt)
+ directly, but it is implemented using those options internally so they
+ cannot be mixed. If either the USER or GROUP is empty, no mapping for the
+ omitted user/group will occur. If GROUP is empty, the trailing colon may
+ be omitted, but if USER is empty, a leading colon must be supplied.
+ If you specify "`--chown=foo:bar`", this is exactly the same as specifying
+ "`--usermap=*:foo --groupmap=*:bar`", only easier (and with the same
+ implied [`--owner`](#opt) and/or [`--group`](#opt) options).
+ An older rsync client may need to use [`-s`](#opt) to avoid a complaint
+ about wildcard characters, but a modern rsync handles this automatically.
+0. `--timeout=SECONDS`
+ This option allows you to set a maximum I/O timeout in seconds. If no data
+ is transferred for the specified time then rsync will exit. The default is
+ 0, which means no timeout.
+0. `--contimeout=SECONDS`
+ This option allows you to set the amount of time that rsync will wait for
+ its connection to an rsync daemon to succeed. If the timeout is reached,
+ rsync exits with an error.
+0. `--address=ADDRESS`
+ By default rsync will bind to the wildcard address when connecting to an
+ rsync daemon. The `--address` option allows you to specify a specific IP
+ address (or hostname) to bind to.
+ See also [the daemon version of the `--address` option](#dopt--address).
+0. `--port=PORT`
+ This specifies an alternate TCP port number to use rather than the default
+ of 873. This is only needed if you are using the double-colon (::) syntax
+ to connect with an rsync daemon (since the URL syntax has a way to specify
+ the port as a part of the URL).
+ See also [the daemon version of the `--port` option](#dopt--port).
+0. `--sockopts=OPTIONS`
+ This option can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their
+ systems to the utmost degree. You can set all sorts of socket options
+ which may make transfers faster (or slower!). Read the manpage for the
+ `setsockopt()` system call for details on some of the options you may be
+ able to set. By default no special socket options are set. This only
+ affects direct socket connections to a remote rsync daemon.
+ See also [the daemon version of the `--sockopts` option](#dopt--sockopts).
+0. `--blocking-io`
+ This tells rsync to use blocking I/O when launching a remote shell
+ transport. If the remote shell is either rsh or remsh, rsync defaults to
+ using blocking I/O, otherwise it defaults to using non-blocking I/O. (Note
+ that ssh prefers non-blocking I/O.)
+0. `--outbuf=MODE`
+ This sets the output buffering mode. The mode can be None (aka
+ Unbuffered), Line, or Block (aka Full). You may specify as little as a
+ single letter for the mode, and use upper or lower case.
+ The main use of this option is to change Full buffering to Line buffering
+ when rsync's output is going to a file or pipe.
+0. `--itemize-changes`, `-i`
+ Requests a simple itemized list of the changes that are being made to each
+ file, including attribute changes. This is exactly the same as specifying
+ [`--out-format='%i %n%L'`](#opt). If you repeat the option, unchanged
+ files will also be output, but only if the receiving rsync is at least
+ version 2.6.7 (you can use `-vv` with older versions of rsync, but that
+ also turns on the output of other verbose messages).
+ The "%i" escape has a cryptic output that is 11 letters long. The general
+ format is like the string `YXcstpoguax`, where **Y** is replaced by the type
+ of update being done, **X** is replaced by the file-type, and the other
+ letters represent attributes that may be output if they are being modified.
+ The update types that replace the **Y** are as follows:
+ - A `<` means that a file is being transferred to the remote host (sent).
+ - A `>` means that a file is being transferred to the local host
+ (received).
+ - A `c` means that a local change/creation is occurring for the item (such
+ as the creation of a directory or the changing of a symlink, etc.).
+ - A `h` means that the item is a hard link to another item (requires
+ [`--hard-links`](#opt)).
+ - A `.` means that the item is not being updated (though it might have
+ attributes that are being modified).
+ - A `*` means that the rest of the itemized-output area contains a message
+ (e.g. "deleting").
+ The file-types that replace the **X** are: `f` for a file, a `d` for a
+ directory, an `L` for a symlink, a `D` for a device, and a `S` for a
+ special file (e.g. named sockets and fifos).
+ The other letters in the string indicate if some attributes of the file
+ have changed, as follows:
+ - "`.`" - the attribute is unchanged.
+ - "`+`" - the file is newly created.
+ - "` `" - all the attributes are unchanged (all dots turn to spaces).
+ - "`?`" - the change is unknown (when the remote rsync is old).
+ - A letter indicates an attribute is being updated.
+ The attribute that is associated with each letter is as follows:
+ - A `c` means either that a regular file has a different checksum (requires
+ [`--checksum`](#opt)) or that a symlink, device, or special file has a
+ changed value. Note that if you are sending files to an rsync prior to
+ 3.0.1, this change flag will be present only for checksum-differing
+ regular files.
+ - A `s` means the size of a regular file is different and will be updated
+ by the file transfer.
+ - A `t` means the modification time is different and is being updated to
+ the sender's value (requires [`--times`](#opt)). An alternate value of
+ `T` means that the modification time will be set to the transfer time,
+ which happens when a file/symlink/device is updated without
+ [`--times`](#opt) and when a symlink is changed and the receiver can't
+ set its time. (Note: when using an rsync 3.0.0 client, you might see the
+ `s` flag combined with `t` instead of the proper `T` flag for this
+ time-setting failure.)
+ - A `p` means the permissions are different and are being updated to the
+ sender's value (requires [`--perms`](#opt)).
+ - An `o` means the owner is different and is being updated to the sender's
+ value (requires [`--owner`](#opt) and super-user privileges).
+ - A `g` means the group is different and is being updated to the sender's
+ value (requires [`--group`](#opt) and the authority to set the group).
+ - A `u`|`n`|`b` indicates the following information:
+ - `u` means the access (use) time is different and is being updated to
+ the sender's value (requires [`--atimes`](#opt))
+ - `n` means the create time (newness) is different and is being updated
+ to the sender's value (requires [`--crtimes`](#opt))
+ - `b` means that both the access and create times are being updated
+ - The `a` means that the ACL information is being changed.
+ - The `x` means that the extended attribute information is being changed.
+ One other output is possible: when deleting files, the "%i" will output the
+ string "`*deleting`" for each item that is being removed (assuming that you
+ are talking to a recent enough rsync that it logs deletions instead of
+ outputting them as a verbose message).
+0. `--out-format=FORMAT`
+ This allows you to specify exactly what the rsync client outputs to the
+ user on a per-update basis. The format is a text string containing
+ embedded single-character escape sequences prefixed with a percent (%)
+ character. A default format of "%n%L" is assumed if either
+ [`--info=name`](#opt) or [`-v`](#opt) is specified (this tells you just the
+ name of the file and, if the item is a link, where it points). For a full
+ list of the possible escape characters, see the [`log
+ format`](rsyncd.conf.5#log_format) setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.
+ Specifying the `--out-format` option implies the [`--info=name`](#opt)
+ option, which will mention each file, dir, etc. that gets updated in a
+ significant way (a transferred file, a recreated symlink/device, or a
+ touched directory). In addition, if the itemize-changes escape (%i) is
+ included in the string (e.g. if the [`--itemize-changes`](#opt) option was
+ used), the logging of names increases to mention any item that is changed
+ in any way (as long as the receiving side is at least 2.6.4). See the
+ [`--itemize-changes`](#opt) option for a description of the output of "%i".
+ Rsync will output the out-format string prior to a file's transfer unless
+ one of the transfer-statistic escapes is requested, in which case the
+ logging is done at the end of the file's transfer. When this late logging
+ is in effect and [`--progress`](#opt) is also specified, rsync will also
+ output the name of the file being transferred prior to its progress
+ information (followed, of course, by the out-format output).
+0. `--log-file=FILE`
+ This option causes rsync to log what it is doing to a file. This is
+ similar to the logging that a daemon does, but can be requested for the
+ client side and/or the server side of a non-daemon transfer. If specified
+ as a client option, transfer logging will be enabled with a default format
+ of "%i %n%L". See the [`--log-file-format`](#opt) option if you wish to
+ override this.
+ Here's an example command that requests the remote side to log what is
+ happening:
+ > rsync -av --remote-option=--log-file=/tmp/rlog src/ dest/
+ This is very useful if you need to debug why a connection is closing
+ unexpectedly.
+ See also [the daemon version of the `--log-file` option](#dopt--log-file).
+0. `--log-file-format=FORMAT`
+ This allows you to specify exactly what per-update logging is put into the
+ file specified by the [`--log-file`](#opt) option (which must also be
+ specified for this option to have any effect). If you specify an empty
+ string, updated files will not be mentioned in the log file. For a list of
+ the possible escape characters, see the [`log format`](rsyncd.conf.5#log_format)
+ setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.
+ The default FORMAT used if [`--log-file`](#opt) is specified and this
+ option is not is '%i %n%L'.
+ See also [the daemon version of the `--log-file-format`
+ option](#dopt--log-file-format).
+0. `--stats`
+ This tells rsync to print a verbose set of statistics on the file transfer,
+ allowing you to tell how effective rsync's delta-transfer algorithm is for
+ your data. This option is equivalent to [`--info=stats2`](#opt) if
+ combined with 0 or 1 [`-v`](#opt) options, or [`--info=stats3`](#opt) if
+ combined with 2 or more [`-v`](#opt) options.
+ The current statistics are as follows:
+ - `Number of files` is the count of all "files" (in the generic sense),
+ which includes directories, symlinks, etc. The total count will be
+ followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero). For
+ example: "(reg: 5, dir: 3, link: 2, dev: 1, special: 1)" lists the totals
+ for regular files, directories, symlinks, devices, and special files. If
+ any of value is 0, it is completely omitted from the list.
+ - `Number of created files` is the count of how many "files" (generic
+ sense) were created (as opposed to updated). The total count will be
+ followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero).
+ - `Number of deleted files` is the count of how many "files" (generic
+ sense) were deleted. The total count will be
+ followed by a list of counts by filetype (if the total is non-zero).
+ Note that this line is only output if deletions are in effect, and only
+ if protocol 31 is being used (the default for rsync 3.1.x).
+ - `Number of regular files transferred` is the count of normal files that
+ were updated via rsync's delta-transfer algorithm, which does not include
+ dirs, symlinks, etc. Note that rsync 3.1.0 added the word "regular" into
+ this heading.
+ - `Total file size` is the total sum of all file sizes in the transfer.
+ This does not count any size for directories or special files, but does
+ include the size of symlinks.
+ - `Total transferred file size` is the total sum of all files sizes for
+ just the transferred files.
+ - `Literal data` is how much unmatched file-update data we had to send to
+ the receiver for it to recreate the updated files.
+ - `Matched data` is how much data the receiver got locally when recreating
+ the updated files.
+ - `File list size` is how big the file-list data was when the sender sent
+ it to the receiver. This is smaller than the in-memory size for the file
+ list due to some compressing of duplicated data when rsync sends the
+ list.
+ - `File list generation time` is the number of seconds that the sender
+ spent creating the file list. This requires a modern rsync on the
+ sending side for this to be present.
+ - `File list transfer time` is the number of seconds that the sender spent
+ sending the file list to the receiver.
+ - `Total bytes sent` is the count of all the bytes that rsync sent from the
+ client side to the server side.
+ - `Total bytes received` is the count of all non-message bytes that rsync
+ received by the client side from the server side. "Non-message" bytes
+ means that we don't count the bytes for a verbose message that the server
+ sent to us, which makes the stats more consistent.
+0. `--8-bit-output`, `-8`
+ This tells rsync to leave all high-bit characters unescaped in the output
+ instead of trying to test them to see if they're valid in the current
+ locale and escaping the invalid ones. All control characters (but never
+ tabs) are always escaped, regardless of this option's setting.
+ The escape idiom that started in 2.6.7 is to output a literal backslash
+ (`\`) and a hash (`#`), followed by exactly 3 octal digits. For example, a
+ newline would output as "`\#012`". A literal backslash that is in a
+ filename is not escaped unless it is followed by a hash and 3 digits (0-9).
+0. `--human-readable`, `-h`
+ Output numbers in a more human-readable format. There are 3 possible levels:
+ 1. output numbers with a separator between each set of 3 digits (either a
+ comma or a period, depending on if the decimal point is represented by a
+ period or a comma).
+ 2. output numbers in units of 1000 (with a character suffix for larger
+ units -- see below).
+ 3. output numbers in units of 1024.
+ The default is human-readable level 1. Each `-h` option increases the
+ level by one. You can take the level down to 0 (to output numbers as pure
+ digits) by specifying the `--no-human-readable` (`--no-h`) option.
+ The unit letters that are appended in levels 2 and 3 are: `K` (kilo), `M`
+ (mega), `G` (giga), `T` (tera), or `P` (peta). For example, a 1234567-byte
+ file would output as 1.23M in level-2 (assuming that a period is your local
+ decimal point).
+ Backward compatibility note: versions of rsync prior to 3.1.0 do not
+ support human-readable level 1, and they default to level 0. Thus,
+ specifying one or two `-h` options will behave in a comparable manner in
+ old and new versions as long as you didn't specify a `--no-h` option prior
+ to one or more `-h` options. See the [`--list-only`](#opt) option for one
+ difference.
+0. `--partial`
+ By default, rsync will delete any partially transferred file if the
+ transfer is interrupted. In some circumstances it is more desirable to
+ keep partially transferred files. Using the `--partial` option tells rsync
+ to keep the partial file which should make a subsequent transfer of the
+ rest of the file much faster.
+0. `--partial-dir=DIR`
+ This option modifies the behavior of the [`--partial`](#opt) option while
+ also implying that it be enabled. This enhanced partial-file method puts
+ any partially transferred files into the specified _DIR_ instead of writing
+ the partial file out to the destination file. On the next transfer, rsync
+ will use a file found in this dir as data to speed up the resumption of the
+ transfer and then delete it after it has served its purpose.
+ Note that if [`--whole-file`](#opt) is specified (or implied), any
+ partial-dir files that are found for a file that is being updated will
+ simply be removed (since rsync is sending files without using rsync's
+ delta-transfer algorithm).
+ Rsync will create the _DIR_ if it is missing, but just the last dir -- not
+ the whole path. This makes it easy to use a relative path (such as
+ "`--partial-dir=.rsync-partial`") to have rsync create the
+ partial-directory in the destination file's directory when it is needed,
+ and then remove it again when the partial file is deleted. Note that this
+ directory removal is only done for a relative pathname, as it is expected
+ that an absolute path is to a directory that is reserved for partial-dir
+ work.
+ If the partial-dir value is not an absolute path, rsync will add an exclude
+ rule at the end of all your existing excludes. This will prevent the
+ sending of any partial-dir files that may exist on the sending side, and
+ will also prevent the untimely deletion of partial-dir items on the
+ receiving side. An example: the above `--partial-dir` option would add the
+ equivalent of this "perishable" exclude at the end of any other filter
+ rules: `-f '-p .rsync-partial/'`
+ If you are supplying your own exclude rules, you may need to add your own
+ exclude/hide/protect rule for the partial-dir because:
+ 1. the auto-added rule may be ineffective at the end of your other rules, or
+ 2. you may wish to override rsync's exclude choice.
+ For instance, if you want to make rsync clean-up any left-over partial-dirs
+ that may be lying around, you should specify [`--delete-after`](#opt) and
+ add a "risk" filter rule, e.g. `-f 'R .rsync-partial/'`. Avoid using
+ [`--delete-before`](#opt) or [`--delete-during`](#opt) unless you don't
+ need rsync to use any of the left-over partial-dir data during the current
+ run.
+ IMPORTANT: the `--partial-dir` should not be writable by other users or it
+ is a security risk! E.g. AVOID "/tmp"!
+ You can also set the partial-dir value the [`RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR`](#)
+ environment variable. Setting this in the environment does not force
+ [`--partial`](#opt) to be enabled, but rather it affects where partial
+ files go when [`--partial`](#opt) is specified. For instance, instead of
+ using `--partial-dir=.rsync-tmp` along with [`--progress`](#opt), you could
+ set [`RSYNC_PARTIAL_DIR=.rsync-tmp`](#) in your environment and then use
+ the [`-P`](#opt) option to turn on the use of the .rsync-tmp dir for
+ partial transfers. The only times that the [`--partial`](#opt) option does
+ not look for this environment value are:
+ 1. when [`--inplace`](#opt) was specified (since [`--inplace`](#opt)
+ conflicts with `--partial-dir`), and
+ 2. when [`--delay-updates`](#opt) was specified (see below).
+ When a modern rsync resumes the transfer of a file in the partial-dir, that
+ partial file is now updated in-place instead of creating yet another
+ tmp-file copy (so it maxes out at dest + tmp instead of dest + partial +
+ tmp). This requires both ends of the transfer to be at least version
+ 3.2.0.
+ For the purposes of the daemon-config's "`refuse options`" setting,
+ `--partial-dir` does _not_ imply [`--partial`](#opt). This is so that a
+ refusal of the [`--partial`](#opt) option can be used to disallow the
+ overwriting of destination files with a partial transfer, while still
+ allowing the safer idiom provided by `--partial-dir`.
+0. `--delay-updates`
+ This option puts the temporary file from each updated file into a holding
+ directory until the end of the transfer, at which time all the files are
+ renamed into place in rapid succession. This attempts to make the updating
+ of the files a little more atomic. By default the files are placed into a
+ directory named `.~tmp~` in each file's destination directory, but if
+ you've specified the [`--partial-dir`](#opt) option, that directory will be
+ used instead. See the comments in the [`--partial-dir`](#opt) section for
+ a discussion of how this `.~tmp~` dir will be excluded from the transfer,
+ and what you can do if you want rsync to cleanup old `.~tmp~` dirs that
+ might be lying around. Conflicts with [`--inplace`](#opt) and
+ [`--append`](#opt).
+ This option implies [`--no-inc-recursive`](#opt) since it needs the full
+ file list in memory in order to be able to iterate over it at the end.
+ This option uses more memory on the receiving side (one bit per file
+ transferred) and also requires enough free disk space on the receiving side
+ to hold an additional copy of all the updated files. Note also that you
+ should not use an absolute path to [`--partial-dir`](#opt) unless:
+ 1. there is no chance of any of the files in the transfer having the same
+ name (since all the updated files will be put into a single directory if
+ the path is absolute), and
+ 2. there are no mount points in the hierarchy (since the delayed updates
+ will fail if they can't be renamed into place).
+ See also the "atomic-rsync" python script in the "support" subdir for an
+ update algorithm that is even more atomic (it uses [`--link-dest`](#opt)
+ and a parallel hierarchy of files).
+0. `--prune-empty-dirs`, `-m`
+ This option tells the receiving rsync to get rid of empty directories from
+ the file-list, including nested directories that have no non-directory
+ children. This is useful for avoiding the creation of a bunch of useless
+ directories when the sending rsync is recursively scanning a hierarchy of
+ files using include/exclude/filter rules.
+ This option can still leave empty directories on the receiving side if you
+ make use of [TRANSFER_RULES](#).
+ Because the file-list is actually being pruned, this option also affects
+ what directories get deleted when a delete is active. However, keep in
+ mind that excluded files and directories can prevent existing items from
+ being deleted due to an exclude both hiding source files and protecting
+ destination files. See the perishable filter-rule option for how to avoid
+ this.
+ You can prevent the pruning of certain empty directories from the file-list
+ by using a global "protect" filter. For instance, this option would ensure
+ that the directory "emptydir" was kept in the file-list:
+ > --filter 'protect emptydir/'
+ Here's an example that copies all .pdf files in a hierarchy, only creating
+ the necessary destination directories to hold the .pdf files, and ensures
+ that any superfluous files and directories in the destination are removed
+ (note the hide filter of non-directories being used instead of an exclude):
+ > rsync -avm --del --include='*.pdf' -f 'hide,! */' src/ dest
+ If you didn't want to remove superfluous destination files, the more
+ time-honored options of `--include='*/' --exclude='*'` would work
+ fine in place of the hide-filter (if that is more natural to you).
+0. `--progress`
+ This option tells rsync to print information showing the progress of the
+ transfer. This gives a bored user something to watch. With a modern rsync
+ this is the same as specifying [`--info=flist2,name,progress`](#opt), but
+ any user-supplied settings for those info flags takes precedence (e.g.
+ [`--info=flist0 --progress`](#opt)).
+ While rsync is transferring a regular file, it updates a progress line that
+ looks like this:
+ > 782448 63% 110.64kB/s 0:00:04
+ In this example, the receiver has reconstructed 782448 bytes or 63% of the
+ sender's file, which is being reconstructed at a rate of 110.64 kilobytes
+ per second, and the transfer will finish in 4 seconds if the current rate
+ is maintained until the end.
+ These statistics can be misleading if rsync's delta-transfer algorithm is
+ in use. For example, if the sender's file consists of the basis file
+ followed by additional data, the reported rate will probably drop
+ dramatically when the receiver gets to the literal data, and the transfer
+ will probably take much longer to finish than the receiver estimated as it
+ was finishing the matched part of the file.
+ When the file transfer finishes, rsync replaces the progress line with a
+ summary line that looks like this:
+ > 1,238,099 100% 146.38kB/s 0:00:08 (xfr#5, to-chk=169/396)
+ In this example, the file was 1,238,099 bytes long in total, the average
+ rate of transfer for the whole file was 146.38 kilobytes per second over
+ the 8 seconds that it took to complete, it was the 5th transfer of a
+ regular file during the current rsync session, and there are 169 more files
+ for the receiver to check (to see if they are up-to-date or not) remaining
+ out of the 396 total files in the file-list.
+ In an incremental recursion scan, rsync won't know the total number of
+ files in the file-list until it reaches the ends of the scan, but since it
+ starts to transfer files during the scan, it will display a line with the
+ text "ir-chk" (for incremental recursion check) instead of "to-chk" until
+ the point that it knows the full size of the list, at which point it will
+ switch to using "to-chk". Thus, seeing "ir-chk" lets you know that the
+ total count of files in the file list is still going to increase (and each
+ time it does, the count of files left to check will increase by the number
+ of the files added to the list).
+0. `-P`
+ The `-P` option is equivalent to "[`--partial`](#opt)
+ [`--progress`](#opt)". Its purpose is to make it much easier to specify
+ these two options for a long transfer that may be interrupted.
+ There is also a [`--info=progress2`](#opt) option that outputs statistics
+ based on the whole transfer, rather than individual files. Use this flag
+ without outputting a filename (e.g. avoid `-v` or specify
+ [`--info=name0`](#opt)) if you want to see how the transfer is doing
+ without scrolling the screen with a lot of names. (You don't need to
+ specify the [`--progress`](#opt) option in order to use
+ [`--info=progress2`](#opt).)
+ Finally, you can get an instant progress report by sending rsync a signal
+ of either SIGINFO or SIGVTALRM. On BSD systems, a SIGINFO is generated by
+ typing a Ctrl+T (Linux doesn't currently support a SIGINFO signal). When
+ the client-side process receives one of those signals, it sets a flag to
+ output a single progress report which is output when the current file
+ transfer finishes (so it may take a little time if a big file is being
+ handled when the signal arrives). A filename is output (if needed)
+ followed by the [`--info=progress2`](#opt) format of progress info. If you
+ don't know which of the 3 rsync processes is the client process, it's OK to
+ signal all of them (since the non-client processes ignore the signal).
+ CAUTION: sending SIGVTALRM to an older rsync (pre-3.2.0) will kill it.
+0. `--password-file=FILE`
+ This option allows you to provide a password for accessing an rsync daemon
+ via a file or via standard input if **FILE** is `-`. The file should
+ contain just the password on the first line (all other lines are ignored).
+ Rsync will exit with an error if **FILE** is world readable or if a
+ root-run rsync command finds a non-root-owned file.
+ This option does not supply a password to a remote shell transport such as
+ ssh; to learn how to do that, consult the remote shell's documentation.
+ When accessing an rsync daemon using a remote shell as the transport, this
+ option only comes into effect after the remote shell finishes its
+ authentication (i.e. if you have also specified a password in the daemon's
+ config file).
+0. `--early-input=FILE`
+ This option allows rsync to send up to 5K of data to the "early exec"
+ script on its stdin. One possible use of this data is to give the script a
+ secret that can be used to mount an encrypted filesystem (which you should
+ unmount in the the "post-xfer exec" script).
+ The daemon must be at least version 3.2.1.
+0. `--list-only`
+ This option will cause the source files to be listed instead of
+ transferred. This option is inferred if there is a single source arg and
+ no destination specified, so its main uses are:
+ 1. to turn a copy command that includes a destination arg into a
+ file-listing command, or
+ 2. to be able to specify more than one source arg. Note: be sure to
+ include the destination.
+ CAUTION: keep in mind that a source arg with a wild-card is expanded by the
+ shell into multiple args, so it is never safe to try to specify a single
+ wild-card arg to try to infer this option. A safe example is:
+ > rsync -av --list-only foo* dest/
+ This option always uses an output format that looks similar to this:
+ > drwxrwxr-x 4,096 2022/09/30 12:53:11 support
+ > -rw-rw-r-- 80 2005/01/11 10:37:37 support/Makefile
+ The only option that affects this output style is (as of 3.1.0) the
+ [`--human-readable`](#opt) (`-h`) option. The default is to output sizes
+ as byte counts with digit separators (in a 14-character-width column).
+ Specifying at least one `-h` option makes the sizes output with unit
+ suffixes. If you want old-style bytecount sizes without digit separators
+ (and an 11-character-width column) use `--no-h`.
+ Compatibility note: when requesting a remote listing of files from an rsync
+ that is version 2.6.3 or older, you may encounter an error if you ask for a
+ non-recursive listing. This is because a file listing implies the
+ [`--dirs`](#opt) option w/o [`--recursive`](#opt), and older rsyncs don't
+ have that option. To avoid this problem, either specify the `--no-dirs`
+ option (if you don't need to expand a directory's content), or turn on
+ recursion and exclude the content of subdirectories: `-r --exclude='/*/*'`.
+0. `--bwlimit=RATE`
+ This option allows you to specify the maximum transfer rate for the data
+ sent over the socket, specified in units per second. The RATE value can be
+ suffixed with a string to indicate a size multiplier, and may be a
+ fractional value (e.g. `--bwlimit=1.5m`). If no suffix is specified, the
+ value will be assumed to be in units of 1024 bytes (as if "K" or "KiB" had
+ been appended). See the [`--max-size`](#opt) option for a description of
+ all the available suffixes. A value of 0 specifies no limit.
+ For backward-compatibility reasons, the rate limit will be rounded to the
+ nearest KiB unit, so no rate smaller than 1024 bytes per second is
+ possible.
+ Rsync writes data over the socket in blocks, and this option both limits
+ the size of the blocks that rsync writes, and tries to keep the average
+ transfer rate at the requested limit. Some burstiness may be seen where
+ rsync writes out a block of data and then sleeps to bring the average rate
+ into compliance.
+ Due to the internal buffering of data, the [`--progress`](#opt) option may
+ not be an accurate reflection on how fast the data is being sent. This is
+ because some files can show up as being rapidly sent when the data is
+ quickly buffered, while other can show up as very slow when the flushing of
+ the output buffer occurs. This may be fixed in a future version.
+ See also [the daemon version of the `--bwlimit` option](#dopt--bwlimit).
+0. `--stop-after=MINS`, (`--time-limit=MINS`)
+ This option tells rsync to stop copying when the specified number of
+ minutes has elapsed.
+ For maximal flexibility, rsync does not communicate this option to the
+ remote rsync since it is usually enough that one side of the connection
+ quits as specified. This allows the option's use even when only one side
+ of the connection supports it. You can tell the remote side about the time
+ limit using [`--remote-option`](#opt) (`-M`), should the need arise.
+ The `--time-limit` version of this option is deprecated.
+0. `--stop-at=y-m-dTh:m`
+ This option tells rsync to stop copying when the specified point in time
+ has been reached. The date & time can be fully specified in a numeric
+ format of year-month-dayThour:minute (e.g. 2000-12-31T23:59) in the local
+ timezone. You may choose to separate the date numbers using slashes
+ instead of dashes.
+ The value can also be abbreviated in a variety of ways, such as specifying
+ a 2-digit year and/or leaving off various values. In all cases, the value
+ will be taken to be the next possible point in time where the supplied
+ information matches. If the value specifies the current time or a past
+ time, rsync exits with an error.
+ For example, "1-30" specifies the next January 30th (at midnight local
+ time), "14:00" specifies the next 2 P.M., "1" specifies the next 1st of the
+ month at midnight, "31" specifies the next month where we can stop on its
+ 31st day, and ":59" specifies the next 59th minute after the hour.
+ For maximal flexibility, rsync does not communicate this option to the
+ remote rsync since it is usually enough that one side of the connection
+ quits as specified. This allows the option's use even when only one side
+ of the connection supports it. You can tell the remote side about the time
+ limit using [`--remote-option`](#opt) (`-M`), should the need arise. Do
+ keep in mind that the remote host may have a different default timezone
+ than your local host.
+0. `--fsync`
+ Cause the receiving side to fsync each finished file. This may slow down
+ the transfer, but can help to provide peace of mind when updating critical
+ files.
+0. `--write-batch=FILE`
+ Record a file that can later be applied to another identical destination
+ with [`--read-batch`](#opt). See the "BATCH MODE" section for details, and
+ also the [`--only-write-batch`](#opt) option.
+ This option overrides the negotiated checksum & compress lists and always
+ negotiates a choice based on old-school md5/md4/zlib choices. If you want
+ a more modern choice, use the [`--checksum-choice`](#opt) (`--cc`) and/or
+ [`--compress-choice`](#opt) (`--zc`) options.
+0. `--only-write-batch=FILE`
+ Works like [`--write-batch`](#opt), except that no updates are made on the
+ destination system when creating the batch. This lets you transport the
+ changes to the destination system via some other means and then apply the
+ changes via [`--read-batch`](#opt).
+ Note that you can feel free to write the batch directly to some portable
+ media: if this media fills to capacity before the end of the transfer, you
+ can just apply that partial transfer to the destination and repeat the
+ whole process to get the rest of the changes (as long as you don't mind a
+ partially updated destination system while the multi-update cycle is
+ happening).
+ Also note that you only save bandwidth when pushing changes to a remote
+ system because this allows the batched data to be diverted from the sender
+ into the batch file without having to flow over the wire to the receiver
+ (when pulling, the sender is remote, and thus can't write the batch).
+0. `--read-batch=FILE`
+ Apply all of the changes stored in FILE, a file previously generated by
+ [`--write-batch`](#opt). If _FILE_ is `-`, the batch data will be read
+ from standard input. See the "BATCH MODE" section for details.
+0. `--protocol=NUM`
+ Force an older protocol version to be used. This is useful for creating a
+ batch file that is compatible with an older version of rsync. For
+ instance, if rsync 2.6.4 is being used with the [`--write-batch`](#opt)
+ option, but rsync 2.6.3 is what will be used to run the
+ [`--read-batch`](#opt) option, you should use "--protocol=28" when creating
+ the batch file to force the older protocol version to be used in the batch
+ file (assuming you can't upgrade the rsync on the reading system).
+0. `--iconv=CONVERT_SPEC`
+ Rsync can convert filenames between character sets using this option.
+ Using a CONVERT_SPEC of "." tells rsync to look up the default
+ character-set via the locale setting. Alternately, you can fully specify
+ what conversion to do by giving a local and a remote charset separated by a
+ comma in the order `--iconv=LOCAL,REMOTE`, e.g. `--iconv=utf8,iso88591`.
+ This order ensures that the option will stay the same whether you're
+ pushing or pulling files. Finally, you can specify either `--no-iconv` or
+ a CONVERT_SPEC of "-" to turn off any conversion. The default setting of
+ this option is site-specific, and can also be affected via the
+ [`RSYNC_ICONV`](#) environment variable.
+ For a list of what charset names your local iconv library supports, you can
+ run "`iconv --list`".
+ If you specify the [`--secluded-args`](#opt) (`-s`) option, rsync will
+ translate the filenames you specify on the command-line that are being sent
+ to the remote host. See also the [`--files-from`](#opt) option.
+ Note that rsync does not do any conversion of names in filter files
+ (including include/exclude files). It is up to you to ensure that you're
+ specifying matching rules that can match on both sides of the transfer.
+ For instance, you can specify extra include/exclude rules if there are
+ filename differences on the two sides that need to be accounted for.
+ When you pass an `--iconv` option to an rsync daemon that allows it, the
+ daemon uses the charset specified in its "charset" configuration parameter
+ regardless of the remote charset you actually pass. Thus, you may feel
+ free to specify just the local charset for a daemon transfer (e.g.
+ `--iconv=utf8`).
+0. `--ipv4`, `-4` or `--ipv6`, `-6`
+ Tells rsync to prefer IPv4/IPv6 when creating sockets or running ssh. This
+ affects sockets that rsync has direct control over, such as the outgoing
+ socket when directly contacting an rsync daemon, as well as the forwarding
+ of the `-4` or `-6` option to ssh when rsync can deduce that ssh is being
+ used as the remote shell. For other remote shells you'll need to specify
+ the "`--rsh SHELL -4`" option directly (or whatever IPv4/IPv6 hint options
+ it uses).
+ See also [the daemon version of these options](#dopt--ipv4).
+ If rsync was compiled without support for IPv6, the `--ipv6` option will
+ have no effect. The `rsync --version` output will contain "`no IPv6`" if
+ is the case.
+0. `--checksum-seed=NUM`
+ Set the checksum seed to the integer NUM. This 4 byte checksum seed is
+ included in each block and MD4 file checksum calculation (the more modern
+ MD5 file checksums don't use a seed). By default the checksum seed is
+ generated by the server and defaults to the current **time**(). This
+ option is used to set a specific checksum seed, which is useful for
+ applications that want repeatable block checksums, or in the case where the
+ user wants a more random checksum seed. Setting NUM to 0 causes rsync to
+ use the default of **time**() for checksum seed.
+The options allowed when starting an rsync daemon are as follows:
+0. `--daemon`
+ This tells rsync that it is to run as a daemon. The daemon you start
+ running may be accessed using an rsync client using the `host::module` or
+ `rsync://host/module/` syntax.
+ If standard input is a socket then rsync will assume that it is being run
+ via inetd, otherwise it will detach from the current terminal and become a
+ background daemon. The daemon will read the config file (rsyncd.conf) on
+ each connect made by a client and respond to requests accordingly.
+ See the [**rsyncd.conf**(5)](rsyncd.conf.5) manpage for more details.
+0. `--address=ADDRESS`
+ By default rsync will bind to the wildcard address when run as a daemon
+ with the `--daemon` option. The `--address` option allows you to specify a
+ specific IP address (or hostname) to bind to. This makes virtual hosting
+ possible in conjunction with the `--config` option.
+ See also the [address](rsyncd.conf.5#address) global option in the
+ rsyncd.conf manpage and the [client version of the `--address`
+ option](#opt--address).
+0. `--bwlimit=RATE`
+ This option allows you to specify the maximum transfer rate for the data
+ the daemon sends over the socket. The client can still specify a smaller
+ `--bwlimit` value, but no larger value will be allowed.
+ See the [client version of the `--bwlimit` option](#opt--bwlimit) for some
+ extra details.
+0. `--config=FILE`
+ This specifies an alternate config file than the default. This is only
+ relevant when [`--daemon`](#dopt) is specified. The default is
+ /etc/rsyncd.conf unless the daemon is running over a remote shell program
+ and the remote user is not the super-user; in that case the default is
+ rsyncd.conf in the current directory (typically $HOME).
+0. `--dparam=OVERRIDE`, `-M`
+ This option can be used to set a daemon-config parameter when starting up
+ rsync in daemon mode. It is equivalent to adding the parameter at the end
+ of the global settings prior to the first module's definition. The
+ parameter names can be specified without spaces, if you so desire. For
+ instance:
+ > rsync --daemon -M pidfile=/path/
+0. `--no-detach`
+ When running as a daemon, this option instructs rsync to not detach itself
+ and become a background process. This option is required when running as a
+ service on Cygwin, and may also be useful when rsync is supervised by a
+ program such as `daemontools` or AIX's `System Resource Controller`.
+ `--no-detach` is also recommended when rsync is run under a debugger. This
+ option has no effect if rsync is run from inetd or sshd.
+0. `--port=PORT`
+ This specifies an alternate TCP port number for the daemon to listen on
+ rather than the default of 873.
+ See also [the client version of the `--port` option](#opt--port) and the
+ [port](rsyncd.conf.5#port) global setting in the rsyncd.conf manpage.
+0. `--log-file=FILE`
+ This option tells the rsync daemon to use the given log-file name instead
+ of using the "`log file`" setting in the config file.
+ See also [the client version of the `--log-file` option](#opt--log-file).
+0. `--log-file-format=FORMAT`
+ This option tells the rsync daemon to use the given FORMAT string instead
+ of using the "`log format`" setting in the config file. It also enables
+ "`transfer logging`" unless the string is empty, in which case transfer
+ logging is turned off.
+ See also [the client version of the `--log-file-format`
+ option](#opt--log-file-format).
+0. `--sockopts`
+ This overrides the [`socket options`](rsyncd.conf.5#socket_options)
+ setting in the rsyncd.conf file and has the same syntax.
+ See also [the client version of the `--sockopts` option](#opt--sockopts).
+0. `--verbose`, `-v`
+ This option increases the amount of information the daemon logs during its
+ startup phase. After the client connects, the daemon's verbosity level
+ will be controlled by the options that the client used and the
+ "`max verbosity`" setting in the module's config section.
+ See also [the client version of the `--verbose` option](#opt--verbose).
+0. `--ipv4`, `-4` or `--ipv6`, `-6`
+ Tells rsync to prefer IPv4/IPv6 when creating the incoming sockets that the
+ rsync daemon will use to listen for connections. One of these options may
+ be required in older versions of Linux to work around an IPv6 bug in the
+ kernel (if you see an "address already in use" error when nothing else is
+ using the port, try specifying `--ipv6` or `--ipv4` when starting the
+ daemon).
+ See also [the client version of these options](#opt--ipv4).
+ If rsync was compiled without support for IPv6, the `--ipv6` option will
+ have no effect. The `rsync --version` output will contain "`no IPv6`" if
+ is the case.
+0. `--help`, `-h`
+ When specified after `--daemon`, print a short help page describing the
+ options available for starting an rsync daemon.
+The filter rules allow for custom control of several aspects of how files are
+- Control which files the sending side puts into the file list that describes
+ the transfer hierarchy
+- Control which files the receiving side protects from deletion when the file
+ is not in the sender's file list
+- Control which extended attribute names are skipped when copying xattrs
+The rules are either directly specified via option arguments or they can be
+read in from one or more files. The filter-rule files can even be a part of
+the hierarchy of files being copied, affecting different parts of the tree in
+different ways.
+We will first cover the basics of how include & exclude rules affect what files
+are transferred, ignoring any deletion side-effects. Filter rules mainly
+affect the contents of directories that rsync is "recursing" into, but they can
+also affect a top-level item in the transfer that was specified as a argument.
+The default for any unmatched file/dir is for it to be included in the
+transfer, which puts the file/dir into the sender's file list. The use of an
+exclude rule causes one or more matching files/dirs to be left out of the
+sender's file list. An include rule can be used to limit the effect of an
+exclude rule that is matching too many files.
+The order of the rules is important because the first rule that matches is the
+one that takes effect. Thus, if an early rule excludes a file, no include rule
+that comes after it can have any effect. This means that you must place any
+include overrides somewhere prior to the exclude that it is intended to limit.
+When a directory is excluded, all its contents and sub-contents are also
+excluded. The sender doesn't scan through any of it at all, which can save a
+lot of time when skipping large unneeded sub-trees.
+It is also important to understand that the include/exclude rules are applied
+to every file and directory that the sender is recursing into. Thus, if you
+want a particular deep file to be included, you have to make sure that none of
+the directories that must be traversed on the way down to that file are
+excluded or else the file will never be discovered to be included. As an
+example, if the directory "`a/path`" was given as a transfer argument and you
+want to ensure that the file "`a/path/down/deep/wanted.txt`" is a part of the
+transfer, then the sender must not exclude the directories "`a/path`",
+"`a/path/down`", or "`a/path/down/deep`" as it makes it way scanning through
+the file tree.
+When you are working on the rules, it can be helpful to ask rsync to tell you
+what is being excluded/included and why. Specifying `--debug=FILTER` or (when
+pulling files) `-M--debug=FILTER` turns on level 1 of the FILTER debug
+information that will output a message any time that a file or directory is
+included or excluded and which rule it matched. Beginning in 3.2.4 it will
+also warn if a filter rule has trailing whitespace, since an exclude of "foo "
+(with a trailing space) will not exclude a file named "foo".
+Exclude and include rules can specify wildcard [PATTERN MATCHING RULES](#)
+(similar to shell wildcards) that allow you to match things like a file suffix
+or a portion of a filename.
+A rule can be limited to only affecting a directory by putting a trailing slash
+onto the filename.
+With the following file tree created on the sending side:
+> mkdir x/
+> touch x/file.txt
+> mkdir x/y/
+> touch x/y/file.txt
+> touch x/y/zzz.txt
+> mkdir x/z/
+> touch x/z/file.txt
+Then the following rsync command will transfer the file "`x/y/file.txt`" and
+the directories needed to hold it, resulting in the path "`/tmp/x/y/file.txt`"
+existing on the remote host:
+> rsync -ai -f'+ x/' -f'+ x/y/' -f'+ x/y/file.txt' -f'- *' x host:/tmp/
+Aside: this copy could also have been accomplished using the [`-R`](#opt)
+option (though the 2 commands behave differently if deletions are enabled):
+> rsync -aiR x/y/file.txt host:/tmp/
+The following command does not need an include of the "x" directory because it
+is not a part of the transfer (note the traililng slash). Running this command
+would copy just "`/tmp/x/file.txt`" because the "y" and "z" dirs get excluded:
+> rsync -ai -f'+ file.txt' -f'- *' x/ host:/tmp/x/
+This command would omit the zzz.txt file while copying "x" and everything else
+it contains:
+> rsync -ai -f'- zzz.txt' x host:/tmp/
+By default the include & exclude filter rules affect both the sender
+(as it creates its file list)
+and the receiver (as it creates its file lists for calculating deletions). If
+no delete option is in effect, the receiver skips creating the delete-related
+file lists. This two-sided default can be manually overridden so that you are
+only specifying sender rules or receiver rules, as described in the [FILTER
+RULES IN DEPTH](#) section.
+When deleting, an exclude protects a file from being removed on the receiving
+side while an include overrides that protection (putting the file at risk of
+deletion). The default is for a file to be at risk -- its safety depends on it
+matching a corresponding file from the sender.
+An example of the two-sided exclude effect can be illustrated by the copying of
+a C development directory between 2 systems. When doing a touch-up copy, you
+might want to skip copying the built executable and the `.o` files (sender
+hide) so that the receiving side can build their own and not lose any object
+files that are already correct (receiver protect). For instance:
+> rsync -ai --del -f'- *.o' -f'- cmd' src host:/dest/
+Note that using `-f'-p *.o'` is even better than `-f'- *.o'` if there is a
+chance that the directory structure may have changed. The "p" modifier is
+discussed in [FILTER RULE MODIFIERS](#).
+One final note, if your shell doesn't mind unexpanded wildcards, you could
+simplify the typing of the filter options by using an underscore in place of
+the space and leaving off the quotes. For instance, `-f -_*.o -f -_cmd` (and
+similar) could be used instead of the filter options above.
+Rsync supports old-style include/exclude rules and new-style filter rules. The
+older rules are specified using [`--include`](#opt) and [`--exclude`](#opt) as
+well as the [`--include-from`](#opt) and [`--exclude-from`](#opt). These are
+limited in behavior but they don't require a "-" or "+" prefix. An old-style
+exclude rule is turned into a "`- name`" filter rule (with no modifiers) and an
+old-style include rule is turned into a "`+ name`" filter rule (with no
+Rsync builds an ordered list of filter rules as specified on the command-line
+and/or read-in from files. New style filter rules have the following syntax:
+You have your choice of using either short or long RULE names, as described
+below. If you use a short-named rule, the ',' separating the RULE from the
+MODIFIERS is optional. The PATTERN or FILENAME that follows (when present)
+must come after either a single space or an underscore (\_). Any additional
+spaces and/or underscores are considered to be a part of the pattern name.
+Here are the available rule prefixes:
+0. `exclude, '-'` specifies an exclude pattern that (by default) is both a
+ `hide` and a `protect`.
+0. `include, '+'` specifies an include pattern that (by default) is both a
+ `show` and a `risk`.
+0. `merge, '.'` specifies a merge-file on the client side to read for more
+ rules.
+0. `dir-merge, ':'` specifies a per-directory merge-file. Using this kind of
+ filter rule requires that you trust the sending side's filter checking, so
+ it has the side-effect mentioned under the [`--trust-sender`](#opt) option.
+0. `hide, 'H'` specifies a pattern for hiding files from the transfer.
+ Equivalent to a sender-only exclude, so `-f'H foo'` could also be specified
+ as `-f'-s foo'`.
+0. `show, 'S'` files that match the pattern are not hidden. Equivalent to a
+ sender-only include, so `-f'S foo'` could also be specified as `-f'+s
+ foo'`.
+0. `protect, 'P'` specifies a pattern for protecting files from deletion.
+ Equivalent to a receiver-only exclude, so `-f'P foo'` could also be
+ specified as `-f'-r foo'`.
+0. `risk, 'R'` files that match the pattern are not protected. Equivalent to a
+ receiver-only include, so `-f'R foo'` could also be specified as `-f'+r
+ foo'`.
+0. `clear, '!'` clears the current include/exclude list (takes no arg)
+When rules are being read from a file (using merge or dir-merge), empty lines
+are ignored, as are whole-line comments that start with a '`#`' (filename rules
+that contain a hash character are unaffected).
+Note also that the [`--filter`](#opt), [`--include`](#opt), and
+[`--exclude`](#opt) options take one rule/pattern each. To add multiple ones,
+you can repeat the options on the command-line, use the merge-file syntax of
+the [`--filter`](#opt) option, or the [`--include-from`](#opt) /
+[`--exclude-from`](#opt) options.
+Most of the rules mentioned above take an argument that specifies what the rule
+should match. If rsync is recursing through a directory hierarchy, keep in
+mind that each pattern is matched against the name of every directory in the
+descent path as rsync finds the filenames to send.
+The matching rules for the pattern argument take several forms:
+- If a pattern contains a `/` (not counting a trailing slash) or a "`**`"
+ (which can match a slash), then the pattern is matched against the full
+ pathname, including any leading directories within the transfer. If the
+ pattern doesn't contain a (non-trailing) `/` or a "`**`", then it is matched
+ only against the final component of the filename or pathname. For example,
+ `foo` means that the final path component must be "foo" while `foo/bar` would
+ match the last 2 elements of the path (as long as both elements are within
+ the transfer).
+- A pattern that ends with a `/` only matches a directory, not a regular file,
+ symlink, or device.
+- A pattern that starts with a `/` is anchored to the start of the transfer
+ path instead of the end. For example, `/foo/**` or `/foo/bar/**` match only
+ leading elements in the path. If the rule is read from a per-directory
+ filter file, the transfer path being matched will begin at the level of the
+ filter file instead of the top of the transfer. See the section on
+ [ANCHORING INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERNS](#) for a full discussion of how to
+ specify a pattern that matches at the root of the transfer.
+Rsync chooses between doing a simple string match and wildcard matching by
+checking if the pattern contains one of these three wildcard characters: '`*`',
+'`?`', and '`[`' :
+- a '`?`' matches any single character except a slash (`/`).
+- a '`*`' matches zero or more non-slash characters.
+- a '`**`' matches zero or more characters, including slashes.
+- a '`[`' introduces a character class, such as `[a-z]` or `[[:alpha:]]`, that
+ must match one character.
+- a trailing `***` in the pattern is a shorthand that allows you to match a
+ directory and all its contents using a single rule. For example, specifying
+ "`dir_name/***`" will match both the "dir_name" directory (as if "`dir_name/`"
+ had been specified) and everything in the directory (as if "`dir_name/**`"
+ had been specified).
+- a backslash can be used to escape a wildcard character, but it is only
+ interpreted as an escape character if at least one wildcard character is
+ present in the match pattern. For instance, the pattern "`foo\bar`" matches
+ that single backslash literally, while the pattern "`foo\bar*`" would need to
+ be changed to "`foo\\bar*`" to avoid the "`\b`" becoming just "b".
+Here are some examples of exclude/include matching:
+- Option `-f'- *.o'` would exclude all filenames ending with `.o`
+- Option `-f'- /foo'` would exclude a file (or directory) named foo in the
+ transfer-root directory
+- Option `-f'- foo/'` would exclude any directory named foo
+- Option `-f'- foo/*/bar'` would exclude any file/dir named bar which is at two
+ levels below a directory named foo (if foo is in the transfer)
+- Option `-f'- /foo/**/bar'` would exclude any file/dir named bar that was two
+ or more levels below a top-level directory named foo (note that /foo/bar is
+ **not** excluded by this)
+- Options `-f'+ */' -f'+ *.c' -f'- *'` would include all directories and .c
+ source files but nothing else
+- Options `-f'+ foo/' -f'+ foo/bar.c' -f'- *'` would include only the foo
+ directory and foo/bar.c (the foo directory must be explicitly included or it
+ would be excluded by the "`- *`")
+The following modifiers are accepted after an include (+) or exclude (-) rule:
+- A `/` specifies that the include/exclude rule should be matched against the
+ absolute pathname of the current item. For example, `-f'-/ /etc/passwd'`
+ would exclude the passwd file any time the transfer was sending files from
+ the "/etc" directory, and "-/ subdir/foo" would always exclude "foo" when it
+ is in a dir named "subdir", even if "foo" is at the root of the current
+ transfer.
+- A `!` specifies that the include/exclude should take effect if the pattern
+ fails to match. For instance, `-f'-! */'` would exclude all non-directories.
+- A `C` is used to indicate that all the global CVS-exclude rules should be
+ inserted as excludes in place of the "-C". No arg should follow.
+- An `s` is used to indicate that the rule applies to the sending side. When a
+ rule affects the sending side, it affects what files are put into the
+ sender's file list. The default is for a rule to affect both sides unless
+ [`--delete-excluded`](#opt) was specified, in which case default rules become
+ sender-side only. See also the hide (H) and show (S) rules, which are an
+ alternate way to specify sending-side includes/excludes.
+- An `r` is used to indicate that the rule applies to the receiving side. When
+ a rule affects the receiving side, it prevents files from being deleted. See
+ the `s` modifier for more info. See also the protect (P) and risk (R) rules,
+ which are an alternate way to specify receiver-side includes/excludes.
+- A `p` indicates that a rule is perishable, meaning that it is ignored in
+ directories that are being deleted. For instance, the
+ [`--cvs-exclude`](#opt) (`-C`) option's default rules that exclude things
+ like "CVS" and "`*.o`" are marked as perishable, and will not prevent a
+ directory that was removed on the source from being deleted on the
+ destination.
+- An `x` indicates that a rule affects xattr names in xattr copy/delete
+ operations (and is thus ignored when matching file/dir names). If no
+ xattr-matching rules are specified, a default xattr filtering rule is used
+ (see the [`--xattrs`](#opt) option).
+You can merge whole files into your filter rules by specifying either a merge
+(.) or a dir-merge (:) filter rule (as introduced in the [FILTER RULES](#)
+section above).
+There are two kinds of merged files -- single-instance ('.') and per-directory
+(':'). A single-instance merge file is read one time, and its rules are
+incorporated into the filter list in the place of the "." rule. For
+per-directory merge files, rsync will scan every directory that it traverses
+for the named file, merging its contents when the file exists into the current
+list of inherited rules. These per-directory rule files must be created on the
+sending side because it is the sending side that is being scanned for the
+available files to transfer. These rule files may also need to be transferred
+to the receiving side if you want them to affect what files don't get deleted
+Some examples:
+> merge /etc/rsync/default.rules
+> . /etc/rsync/default.rules
+> dir-merge .per-dir-filter
+> dir-merge,n- .non-inherited-per-dir-excludes
+> :n- .non-inherited-per-dir-excludes
+The following modifiers are accepted after a merge or dir-merge rule:
+- A `-` specifies that the file should consist of only exclude patterns, with
+ no other rule-parsing except for in-file comments.
+- A `+` specifies that the file should consist of only include patterns, with
+ no other rule-parsing except for in-file comments.
+- A `C` is a way to specify that the file should be read in a CVS-compatible
+ manner. This turns on 'n', 'w', and '-', but also allows the list-clearing
+ token (!) to be specified. If no filename is provided, ".cvsignore" is
+ assumed.
+- A `e` will exclude the merge-file name from the transfer; e.g. "dir-merge,e
+ .rules" is like "dir-merge .rules" and "- .rules".
+- An `n` specifies that the rules are not inherited by subdirectories.
+- A `w` specifies that the rules are word-split on whitespace instead of the
+ normal line-splitting. This also turns off comments. Note: the space that
+ separates the prefix from the rule is treated specially, so "- foo + bar" is
+ parsed as two rules (assuming that prefix-parsing wasn't also disabled).
+- You may also specify any of the modifiers for the "+" or "-" rules (above) in
+ order to have the rules that are read in from the file default to having that
+ modifier set (except for the `!` modifier, which would not be useful). For
+ instance, "merge,-/ .excl" would treat the contents of .excl as absolute-path
+ excludes, while "dir-merge,s .filt" and ":sC" would each make all their
+ per-directory rules apply only on the sending side. If the merge rule
+ specifies sides to affect (via the `s` or `r` modifier or both), then the
+ rules in the file must not specify sides (via a modifier or a rule prefix
+ such as `hide`).
+Per-directory rules are inherited in all subdirectories of the directory where
+the merge-file was found unless the 'n' modifier was used. Each subdirectory's
+rules are prefixed to the inherited per-directory rules from its parents, which
+gives the newest rules a higher priority than the inherited rules. The entire
+set of dir-merge rules are grouped together in the spot where the merge-file
+was specified, so it is possible to override dir-merge rules via a rule that
+got specified earlier in the list of global rules. When the list-clearing rule
+("!") is read from a per-directory file, it only clears the inherited rules for
+the current merge file.
+Another way to prevent a single rule from a dir-merge file from being inherited
+is to anchor it with a leading slash. Anchored rules in a per-directory
+merge-file are relative to the merge-file's directory, so a pattern "/foo"
+would only match the file "foo" in the directory where the dir-merge filter
+file was found.
+Here's an example filter file which you'd specify via `--filter=". file":`
+> merge /home/user/.global-filter
+> - *.gz
+> dir-merge .rules
+> + *.[ch]
+> - *.o
+> - foo*
+This will merge the contents of the /home/user/.global-filter file at the start
+of the list and also turns the ".rules" filename into a per-directory filter
+file. All rules read in prior to the start of the directory scan follow the
+global anchoring rules (i.e. a leading slash matches at the root of the
+If a per-directory merge-file is specified with a path that is a parent
+directory of the first transfer directory, rsync will scan all the parent dirs
+from that starting point to the transfer directory for the indicated
+per-directory file. For instance, here is a common filter (see [`-F`](#opt)):
+> --filter=': /.rsync-filter'
+That rule tells rsync to scan for the file .rsync-filter in all directories
+from the root down through the parent directory of the transfer prior to the
+start of the normal directory scan of the file in the directories that are sent
+as a part of the transfer. (Note: for an rsync daemon, the root is always the
+same as the module's "path".)
+Some examples of this pre-scanning for per-directory files:
+> rsync -avF /src/path/ /dest/dir
+> rsync -av --filter=': ../../.rsync-filter' /src/path/ /dest/dir
+> rsync -av --filter=': .rsync-filter' /src/path/ /dest/dir
+The first two commands above will look for ".rsync-filter" in "/" and "/src"
+before the normal scan begins looking for the file in "/src/path" and its
+subdirectories. The last command avoids the parent-dir scan and only looks for
+the ".rsync-filter" files in each directory that is a part of the transfer.
+If you want to include the contents of a ".cvsignore" in your patterns, you
+should use the rule ":C", which creates a dir-merge of the .cvsignore file, but
+parsed in a CVS-compatible manner. You can use this to affect where the
+[`--cvs-exclude`](#opt) (`-C`) option's inclusion of the per-directory
+.cvsignore file gets placed into your rules by putting the ":C" wherever you
+like in your filter rules. Without this, rsync would add the dir-merge rule
+for the .cvsignore file at the end of all your other rules (giving it a lower
+priority than your command-line rules). For example:
+> ```
+> cat <<EOT | rsync -avC --filter='. -' a/ b
+> + foo.o
+> :C
+> - *.old
+> EOT
+> rsync -avC --include=foo.o -f :C --exclude='*.old' a/ b
+> ```
+Both of the above rsync commands are identical. Each one will merge all the
+per-directory .cvsignore rules in the middle of the list rather than at the
+end. This allows their dir-specific rules to supersede the rules that follow
+the :C instead of being subservient to all your rules. To affect the other CVS
+exclude rules (i.e. the default list of exclusions, the contents of
+$HOME/.cvsignore, and the value of $CVSIGNORE) you should omit the `-C`
+command-line option and instead insert a "-C" rule into your filter rules; e.g.
+You can clear the current include/exclude list by using the "!" filter rule (as
+introduced in the [FILTER RULES](#) section above). The "current" list is either
+the global list of rules (if the rule is encountered while parsing the filter
+options) or a set of per-directory rules (which are inherited in their own
+sub-list, so a subdirectory can use this to clear out the parent's rules).
+As mentioned earlier, global include/exclude patterns are anchored at the "root
+of the transfer" (as opposed to per-directory patterns, which are anchored at
+the merge-file's directory). If you think of the transfer as a subtree of
+names that are being sent from sender to receiver, the transfer-root is where
+the tree starts to be duplicated in the destination directory. This root
+governs where patterns that start with a / match.
+Because the matching is relative to the transfer-root, changing the trailing
+slash on a source path or changing your use of the [`--relative`](#opt) option
+affects the path you need to use in your matching (in addition to changing how
+much of the file tree is duplicated on the destination host). The following
+examples demonstrate this.
+Let's say that we want to match two source files, one with an absolute
+path of "/home/me/foo/bar", and one with a path of "/home/you/bar/baz".
+Here is how the various command choices differ for a 2-source transfer:
+> ```
+> Example cmd: rsync -a /home/me /home/you /dest
+> +/- pattern: /me/foo/bar
+> +/- pattern: /you/bar/baz
+> Target file: /dest/me/foo/bar
+> Target file: /dest/you/bar/baz
+> ```
+> ```
+> Example cmd: rsync -a /home/me/ /home/you/ /dest
+> +/- pattern: /foo/bar (note missing "me")
+> +/- pattern: /bar/baz (note missing "you")
+> Target file: /dest/foo/bar
+> Target file: /dest/bar/baz
+> ```
+> ```
+> Example cmd: rsync -a --relative /home/me/ /home/you /dest
+> +/- pattern: /home/me/foo/bar (note full path)
+> +/- pattern: /home/you/bar/baz (ditto)
+> Target file: /dest/home/me/foo/bar
+> Target file: /dest/home/you/bar/baz
+> ```
+> ```
+> Example cmd: cd /home; rsync -a --relative me/foo you/ /dest
+> +/- pattern: /me/foo/bar (starts at specified path)
+> +/- pattern: /you/bar/baz (ditto)
+> Target file: /dest/me/foo/bar
+> Target file: /dest/you/bar/baz
+> ```
+The easiest way to see what name you should filter is to just look at the
+output when using [`--verbose`](#opt) and put a / in front of the name (use the
+`--dry-run` option if you're not yet ready to copy any files).
+Without a delete option, per-directory rules are only relevant on the sending
+side, so you can feel free to exclude the merge files themselves without
+affecting the transfer. To make this easy, the 'e' modifier adds this exclude
+for you, as seen in these two equivalent commands:
+> rsync -av --filter=': .excl' --exclude=.excl host:src/dir /dest
+> rsync -av --filter=':e .excl' host:src/dir /dest
+However, if you want to do a delete on the receiving side AND you want some
+files to be excluded from being deleted, you'll need to be sure that the
+receiving side knows what files to exclude. The easiest way is to include the
+per-directory merge files in the transfer and use [`--delete-after`](#opt),
+because this ensures that the receiving side gets all the same exclude rules as
+the sending side before it tries to delete anything:
+> rsync -avF --delete-after host:src/dir /dest
+However, if the merge files are not a part of the transfer, you'll need to
+either specify some global exclude rules (i.e. specified on the command line),
+or you'll need to maintain your own per-directory merge files on the receiving
+side. An example of the first is this (assume that the remote .rules files
+exclude themselves):
+> rsync -av --filter=': .rules' --filter='. /my/extra.rules'
+> --delete host:src/dir /dest
+In the above example the extra.rules file can affect both sides of the
+transfer, but (on the sending side) the rules are subservient to the rules
+merged from the .rules files because they were specified after the
+per-directory merge rule.
+In one final example, the remote side is excluding the .rsync-filter files from
+the transfer, but we want to use our own .rsync-filter files to control what
+gets deleted on the receiving side. To do this we must specifically exclude
+the per-directory merge files (so that they don't get deleted) and then put
+rules into the local files to control what else should not get deleted. Like
+one of these commands:
+> ```
+> rsync -av --filter=':e /.rsync-filter' --delete \
+> host:src/dir /dest
+> rsync -avFF --delete host:src/dir /dest
+> ```
+In addition to the [FILTER RULES](#) that affect the recursive file scans that
+generate the file list on the sending and (when deleting) receiving sides,
+there are transfer rules. These rules affect which files the generator decides
+need to be transferred without the side effects of an exclude filter rule.
+Transfer rules affect only files and never directories.
+Because a transfer rule does not affect what goes into the sender's (and
+receiver's) file list, it cannot have any effect on which files get deleted on
+the receiving side. For example, if the file "foo" is present in the sender's
+list but its size is such that it is omitted due to a transfer rule, the
+receiving side does not request the file. However, its presence in the file
+list means that a delete pass will not remove a matching file named "foo" on
+the receiving side. On the other hand, a server-side exclude (hide) of the
+file "foo" leaves the file out of the server's file list, and absent a
+receiver-side exclude (protect) the receiver will remove a matching file named
+"foo" if deletions are requested.
+Given that the files are still in the sender's file list, the
+[`--prune-empty-dirs`](#opt) option will not judge a directory as being empty
+even if it contains only files that the transfer rules omitted.
+Similarly, a transfer rule does not have any extra effect on which files are
+deleted on the receiving side, so setting a maximum file size for the transfer
+does not prevent big files from being deleted.
+Examples of transfer rules include the default "quick check" algorithm (which
+compares size & modify time), the [`--update`](#opt) option, the
+[`--max-size`](#opt) option, the [`--ignore-non-existing`](#opt) option, and a
+few others.
+Batch mode can be used to apply the same set of updates to many identical
+systems. Suppose one has a tree which is replicated on a number of hosts. Now
+suppose some changes have been made to this source tree and those changes need
+to be propagated to the other hosts. In order to do this using batch mode,
+rsync is run with the write-batch option to apply the changes made to the
+source tree to one of the destination trees. The write-batch option causes the
+rsync client to store in a "batch file" all the information needed to repeat
+this operation against other, identical destination trees.
+Generating the batch file once saves having to perform the file status,
+checksum, and data block generation more than once when updating multiple
+destination trees. Multicast transport protocols can be used to transfer the
+batch update files in parallel to many hosts at once, instead of sending the
+same data to every host individually.
+To apply the recorded changes to another destination tree, run rsync with the
+read-batch option, specifying the name of the same batch file, and the
+destination tree. Rsync updates the destination tree using the information
+stored in the batch file.
+For your convenience, a script file is also created when the write-batch option
+is used: it will be named the same as the batch file with ".sh" appended. This
+script file contains a command-line suitable for updating a destination tree
+using the associated batch file. It can be executed using a Bourne (or
+Bourne-like) shell, optionally passing in an alternate destination tree
+pathname which is then used instead of the original destination path. This is
+useful when the destination tree path on the current host differs from the one
+used to create the batch file.
+> $ rsync --write-batch=foo -a host:/source/dir/ /adest/dir/
+> $ scp foo* remote:
+> $ ssh remote ./ /bdest/dir/
+> $ rsync --write-batch=foo -a /source/dir/ /adest/dir/
+> $ ssh remote rsync --read-batch=- -a /bdest/dir/ <foo
+In these examples, rsync is used to update /adest/dir/ from /source/dir/ and
+the information to repeat this operation is stored in "foo" and "". The
+host "remote" is then updated with the batched data going into the directory
+/bdest/dir. The differences between the two examples reveals some of the
+flexibility you have in how you deal with batches:
+- The first example shows that the initial copy doesn't have to be local -- you
+ can push or pull data to/from a remote host using either the remote-shell
+ syntax or rsync daemon syntax, as desired.
+- The first example uses the created "" file to get the right rsync
+ options when running the read-batch command on the remote host.
+- The second example reads the batch data via standard input so that the batch
+ file doesn't need to be copied to the remote machine first. This example
+ avoids the script because it needed to use a modified
+ [`--read-batch`](#opt) option, but you could edit the script file if you
+ wished to make use of it (just be sure that no other option is trying to use
+ standard input, such as the [`--exclude-from=-`](#opt) option).
+The read-batch option expects the destination tree that it is updating to be
+identical to the destination tree that was used to create the batch update
+fileset. When a difference between the destination trees is encountered the
+update might be discarded with a warning (if the file appears to be up-to-date
+already) or the file-update may be attempted and then, if the file fails to
+verify, the update discarded with an error. This means that it should be safe
+to re-run a read-batch operation if the command got interrupted. If you wish
+to force the batched-update to always be attempted regardless of the file's
+size and date, use the [`-I`](#opt) option (when reading the batch). If an
+error occurs, the destination tree will probably be in a partially updated
+state. In that case, rsync can be used in its regular (non-batch) mode of
+operation to fix up the destination tree.
+The rsync version used on all destinations must be at least as new as the one
+used to generate the batch file. Rsync will die with an error if the protocol
+version in the batch file is too new for the batch-reading rsync to handle.
+See also the [`--protocol`](#opt) option for a way to have the creating rsync
+generate a batch file that an older rsync can understand. (Note that batch
+files changed format in version 2.6.3, so mixing versions older than that with
+newer versions will not work.)
+When reading a batch file, rsync will force the value of certain options to
+match the data in the batch file if you didn't set them to the same as the
+batch-writing command. Other options can (and should) be changed. For
+instance [`--write-batch`](#opt) changes to [`--read-batch`](#opt),
+[`--files-from`](#opt) is dropped, and the [`--filter`](#opt) /
+[`--include`](#opt) / [`--exclude`](#opt) options are not needed unless one of
+the [`--delete`](#opt) options is specified.
+The code that creates the file transforms any filter/include/exclude
+options into a single list that is appended as a "here" document to the shell
+script file. An advanced user can use this to modify the exclude list if a
+change in what gets deleted by [`--delete`](#opt) is desired. A normal user
+can ignore this detail and just use the shell script as an easy way to run the
+appropriate [`--read-batch`](#opt) command for the batched data.
+The original batch mode in rsync was based on "rsync+", but the latest
+version uses a new implementation.
+Three basic behaviors are possible when rsync encounters a symbolic
+link in the source directory.
+By default, symbolic links are not transferred at all. A message "skipping
+non-regular" file is emitted for any symlinks that exist.
+If [`--links`](#opt) is specified, then symlinks are added to the transfer
+(instead of being noisily ignored), and the default handling is to recreate
+them with the same target on the destination. Note that [`--archive`](#opt)
+implies [`--links`](#opt).
+If [`--copy-links`](#opt) is specified, then symlinks are "collapsed" by
+copying their referent, rather than the symlink.
+Rsync can also distinguish "safe" and "unsafe" symbolic links. An example
+where this might be used is a web site mirror that wishes to ensure that the
+rsync module that is copied does not include symbolic links to `/etc/passwd` in
+the public section of the site. Using [`--copy-unsafe-links`](#opt) will cause
+any links to be copied as the file they point to on the destination. Using
+[`--safe-links`](#opt) will cause unsafe links to be omitted by the receiver.
+(Note that you must specify or imply [`--links`](#opt) for
+[`--safe-links`](#opt) to have any effect.)
+Symbolic links are considered unsafe if they are absolute symlinks (start with
+`/`), empty, or if they contain enough ".." components to ascend from the top
+of the transfer.
+Here's a summary of how the symlink options are interpreted. The list is in
+order of precedence, so if your combination of options isn't mentioned, use the
+first line that is a complete subset of your options:
+0. `--copy-links` Turn all symlinks into normal files and directories
+ (leaving no symlinks in the transfer for any other options to affect).
+0. `--copy-dirlinks` Turn just symlinks to directories into real
+ directories, leaving all other symlinks to be handled as described below.
+0. `--links --copy-unsafe-links` Turn all unsafe symlinks
+ into files and create all safe symlinks.
+0. `--copy-unsafe-links` Turn all unsafe symlinks into files, noisily
+ skip all safe symlinks.
+0. `--links --safe-links` The receiver skips creating
+ unsafe symlinks found in the transfer and creates the safe ones.
+0. `--links` Create all symlinks.
+For the effect of [`--munge-links`](#opt), see the discussion in that option's
+Note that the [`--keep-dirlinks`](#opt) option does not effect symlinks in the
+transfer but instead affects how rsync treats a symlink to a directory that
+already exists on the receiving side. See that option's section for a warning.
+Rsync occasionally produces error messages that may seem a little cryptic. The
+one that seems to cause the most confusion is "protocol version mismatch -- is
+your shell clean?".
+This message is usually caused by your startup scripts or remote shell facility
+producing unwanted garbage on the stream that rsync is using for its transport.
+The way to diagnose this problem is to run your remote shell like this:
+> ssh remotehost /bin/true > out.dat
+then look at out.dat. If everything is working correctly then out.dat should
+be a zero length file. If you are getting the above error from rsync then you
+will probably find that out.dat contains some text or data. Look at the
+contents and try to work out what is producing it. The most common cause is
+incorrectly configured shell startup scripts (such as .cshrc or .profile) that
+contain output statements for non-interactive logins.
+If you are having trouble debugging filter patterns, then try specifying the
+`-vv` option. At this level of verbosity rsync will show why each individual
+file is included or excluded.
+- **0** - Success
+- **1** - Syntax or usage error
+- **2** - Protocol incompatibility
+- **3** - Errors selecting input/output files, dirs
+- **4** - Requested action not supported. Either:
+ - an attempt was made to manipulate 64-bit files on a platform that cannot support them
+ - an option was specified that is supported by the client and not by the server
+- **5** - Error starting client-server protocol
+- **6** - Daemon unable to append to log-file
+- **10** - Error in socket I/O
+- **11** - Error in file I/O
+- **12** - Error in rsync protocol data stream
+- **13** - Errors with program diagnostics
+- **14** - Error in IPC code
+- **20** - Received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT
+- **21** - Some error returned by **waitpid()**
+- **22** - Error allocating core memory buffers
+- **23** - Partial transfer due to error
+- **24** - Partial transfer due to vanished source files
+- **25** - The --max-delete limit stopped deletions
+- **30** - Timeout in data send/receive
+- **35** - Timeout waiting for daemon connection
+ The CVSIGNORE environment variable supplements any ignore patterns in
+ .cvsignore files. See the [`--cvs-exclude`](#opt) option for more details.
+ Specify a default [`--iconv`](#opt) setting using this environment
+ variable. First supported in 3.0.0.
+ Specify a "1" if you want the [`--old-args`](#opt) option to be enabled by
+ default, a "2" (or more) if you want it to be enabled in the
+ repeated-option state, or a "0" to make sure that it is disabled by
+ default. When this environment variable is set to a non-zero value, it
+ supersedes the [`RSYNC_PROTECT_ARGS`](#) variable.
+ This variable is ignored if [`--old-args`](#opt), `--no-old-args`, or
+ [`--secluded-args`](#opt) is specified on the command line.
+ First supported in 3.2.4.
+ Specify a non-zero numeric value if you want the [`--secluded-args`](#opt)
+ option to be enabled by default, or a zero value to make sure that it is
+ disabled by default.
+ This variable is ignored if [`--secluded-args`](#opt), `--no-secluded-args`,
+ or [`--old-args`](#opt) is specified on the command line.
+ First supported in 3.1.0. Starting in 3.2.4, this variable is ignored if
+ [`RSYNC_OLD_ARGS`](#) is set to a non-zero value.
+ This environment variable allows you to override the default shell used as
+ the transport for rsync. Command line options are permitted after the
+ command name, just as in the [`--rsh`](#opt) (`-e`) option.
+ This environment variable allows you to redirect your rsync
+ client to use a web proxy when connecting to an rsync daemon. You should
+ set `RSYNC_PROXY` to a hostname:port pair.
+ This environment variable allows you to set the password for an rsync
+ **daemon** connection, which avoids the password prompt. Note that this
+ does **not** supply a password to a remote shell transport such as ssh
+ (consult its documentation for how to do that).
+0. `USER` or `LOGNAME`
+ The USER or LOGNAME environment variables are used to determine the default
+ username sent to an rsync daemon. If neither is set, the username defaults
+ to "nobody". If both are set, `USER` takes precedence.
+ This environment variable specifies the directory to use for a
+ [`--partial`](#opt) transfer without implying that partial transfers be
+ enabled. See the [`--partial-dir`](#opt) option for full details.
+ This environment variable allows you to customize the negotiation of the
+ compression algorithm by specifying an alternate order or a reduced list of
+ names. Use the command `rsync --version` to see the available compression
+ names. See the [`--compress`](#opt) option for full details.
+ This environment variable allows you to customize the negotiation of the
+ checksum algorithm by specifying an alternate order or a reduced list of
+ names. Use the command `rsync --version` to see the available checksum
+ names. See the [`--checksum-choice`](#opt) option for full details.
+ This environment variable sets an allocation maximum as if you had used the
+ [`--max-alloc`](#opt) option.
+ This environment variable is not read by rsync, but is instead set in
+ its sub-environment when rsync is running the remote shell in combination
+ with a daemon connection. This allows a script such as
+ [`rsync-ssl`](rsync-ssl.1) to be able to know the port number that the user
+ specified on the command line.
+0. `HOME`
+ This environment variable is used to find the user's default .cvsignore
+ file.
+ This environment variable is mainly used in debug setups to set the program
+ to use when making a daemon connection. See [CONNECTING TO AN RSYNC
+ DAEMON](#) for full details.
+ This environment variable is mainly used in debug setups to set the program
+ to use to run the program specified by [`RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG`](#). See
+ [CONNECTING TO AN RSYNC DAEMON](#) for full details.
+/etc/rsyncd.conf or rsyncd.conf
+[**rsync-ssl**(1)](rsync-ssl.1), [**rsyncd.conf**(5)](rsyncd.conf.5), [**rrsync**(1)](rrsync.1)
+## BUGS
+- Times are transferred as \*nix time_t values.
+- When transferring to FAT filesystems rsync may re-sync unmodified files. See
+ the comments on the [`--modify-window`](#opt) option.
+- File permissions, devices, etc. are transferred as native numerical values.
+- See also the comments on the [`--delete`](#opt) option.
+Please report bugs! See the web site at <>.
+This manpage is current for version @VERSION@ of rsync.
+The options `--server` and `--sender` are used internally by rsync, and should
+never be typed by a user under normal circumstances. Some awareness of these
+options may be needed in certain scenarios, such as when setting up a login
+that can only run an rsync command. For instance, the support directory of the
+rsync distribution has an example script named rrsync (for restricted rsync)
+that can be used with a restricted ssh login.
+Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+[COPYING](COPYING) for details.
+An rsync web site is available at <>. The site
+includes an FAQ-O-Matic which may cover questions unanswered by this manual
+The rsync github project is <>.
+We would be delighted to hear from you if you like this program. Please
+contact the mailing-list at <>.
+This program uses the excellent zlib compression library written by Jean-loup
+Gailly and Mark Adler.
+Special thanks go out to: John Van Essen, Matt McCutchen, Wesley W. Terpstra,
+David Dykstra, Jos Backus, Sebastian Krahmer, Martin Pool, and our
+gone-but-not-forgotten compadre, J.W. Schultz.
+Thanks also to Richard Brent, Brendan Mackay, Bill Waite, Stephen Rothwell and
+David Bell. I've probably missed some people, my apologies if I have.
+Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. Many
+people have later contributed to it. It is currently maintained by Wayne
+Mailing lists for support and development are available at
diff --git a/rsync.c b/rsync.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd288f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync.c
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+ * Routines common to more than one of the rsync processes.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include <libcharset.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_LANGINFO_H && defined HAVE_NL_LANGINFO
+#include <langinfo.h>
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int preserve_perms;
+extern int preserve_executability;
+extern int preserve_mtimes;
+extern int omit_dir_times;
+extern int omit_link_times;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_receiver;
+extern int am_generator;
+extern int am_starting_up;
+extern int allow_8bit_chars;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int got_kill_signal;
+extern int called_from_signal_handler;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int inplace;
+extern int flist_eof;
+extern int file_old_total;
+extern int keep_dirlinks;
+extern int make_backups;
+extern int sanitize_paths;
+extern struct file_list *cur_flist, *first_flist, *dir_flist;
+extern struct chmod_mode_struct *daemon_chmod_modes;
+extern char *iconv_opt;
+#define UPDATED_OWNER (1<<0)
+#define UPDATED_GROUP (1<<1)
+#define UPDATED_MTIME (1<<2)
+#define UPDATED_ATIME (1<<3)
+#define UPDATED_ACLS (1<<4)
+#define UPDATED_MODE (1<<5)
+#define UPDATED_CRTIME (1<<6)
+iconv_t ic_chck = (iconv_t)-1;
+iconv_t ic_send = (iconv_t)-1, ic_recv = (iconv_t)-1;
+# endif
+static const char *default_charset(void)
+ return locale_charset();
+# elif defined HAVE_LANGINFO_H && defined HAVE_NL_LANGINFO
+ return nl_langinfo(CODESET);
+# else
+ return ""; /* Works with (at the very least) gnu iconv... */
+# endif
+void setup_iconv(void)
+ const char *defset = default_charset();
+ const char *charset;
+ char *cp;
+# endif
+ if (!am_server && !allow_8bit_chars) {
+ /* It's OK if this fails... */
+ ic_chck = iconv_open(defset, defset);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(ICONV, 2)) {
+ if (ic_chck == (iconv_t)-1) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "msg checking via isprint()"
+ " (iconv_open(\"%s\", \"%s\") errno: %d)\n",
+ defset, defset, errno);
+ } else {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "msg checking charset: %s\n",
+ defset);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ ic_chck = (iconv_t)-1;
+ if (!iconv_opt)
+ return;
+ if ((cp = strchr(iconv_opt, ',')) != NULL) {
+ if (am_server) /* A local transfer needs this. */
+ iconv_opt = cp + 1;
+ else
+ *cp = '\0';
+ }
+ if (!*iconv_opt || (*iconv_opt == '.' && iconv_opt[1] == '\0'))
+ charset = defset;
+ else
+ charset = iconv_opt;
+ if ((ic_send = iconv_open(UTF8_CHARSET, charset)) == (iconv_t)-1) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "iconv_open(\"%s\", \"%s\") failed\n",
+ UTF8_CHARSET, charset);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if ((ic_recv = iconv_open(charset, UTF8_CHARSET)) == (iconv_t)-1) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "iconv_open(\"%s\", \"%s\") failed\n",
+ charset, UTF8_CHARSET);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(ICONV, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] charset: %s\n",
+ who_am_i(), *charset ? charset : "[LOCALE]");
+ }
+# endif
+/* This function converts the chars in the "in" xbuf into characters in the
+ * "out" xbuf. The ".len" chars of the "in" xbuf is used starting from its
+ * ".pos". The ".size" of the "out" xbuf restricts how many characters can
+ * be stored, starting at its ".pos+.len" position. Note that the last byte
+ * of the "out" xbuf is not used, which reserves space for a trailing '\0'
+ * (though it is up to the caller to store a trailing '\0', as needed).
+ *
+ * We return a 0 on success or a -1 on error. An error also sets errno to
+ * E2BIG, EILSEQ, or EINVAL (see below); otherwise errno will be set to 0.
+ * The "in" xbuf is altered to update ".pos" and ".len". The "out" xbuf has
+ * data appended, and its ".len" incremented (see below for a ".size" note).
+ *
+ * If ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT is set in "flags", the chars going into the "out" xbuf
+ * can wrap around to the start, and the xbuf may have its ".size" reduced
+ * (presumably by 1 byte) if the iconv code doesn't have space to store a
+ * multi-byte character at the physical end of the ".buf" (though no reducing
+ * happens if ".pos" is <= 1, since there is no room to wrap around).
+ *
+ * If ICB_EXPAND_OUT is set in "flags", the "out" xbuf will be allocated if
+ * empty, and (as long as ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT is not set) expanded if too small.
+ * This prevents the return of E2BIG (except for a circular xbuf).
+ *
+ * If ICB_INCLUDE_BAD is set in "flags", any badly-encoded chars are included
+ * verbatim in the "out" xbuf, so EILSEQ will not be returned.
+ *
+ * If ICB_INCLUDE_INCOMPLETE is set in "flags", any incomplete multi-byte
+ * chars are included, which ensures that EINVAL is not returned.
+ *
+ * If ICB_INIT is set, the iconv() conversion state is initialized prior to
+ * processing the characters. */
+int iconvbufs(iconv_t ic, xbuf *in, xbuf *out, int flags)
+ ICONV_CONST char *ibuf;
+ size_t icnt, ocnt, opos;
+ char *obuf;
+ if (!out->size && flags & ICB_EXPAND_OUT) {
+ size_t siz = ROUND_UP_1024(in->len * 2);
+ alloc_xbuf(out, siz);
+ } else if (out->len+1 >= out->size) {
+ /* There is no room to even start storing data. */
+ if (!(flags & ICB_EXPAND_OUT) || flags & ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT) {
+ errno = E2BIG;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ realloc_xbuf(out, out->size + ROUND_UP_1024(in->len * 2));
+ }
+ if (flags & ICB_INIT)
+ iconv(ic, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+ ibuf = in->buf + in->pos;
+ icnt = in->len;
+ opos = out->pos + out->len;
+ if (flags & ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT) {
+ if (opos >= out->size) {
+ opos -= out->size;
+ /* We know that out->pos is not 0 due to the "no room" check
+ * above, so this can't go "negative". */
+ ocnt = out->pos - opos - 1;
+ } else {
+ /* Allow the use of all bytes to the physical end of the buffer
+ * unless pos is 0, in which case we reserve our trailing '\0'. */
+ ocnt = out->size - opos - (out->pos ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ } else
+ ocnt = out->size - opos - 1;
+ obuf = out->buf + opos;
+ while (icnt) {
+ while (iconv(ic, &ibuf, &icnt, &obuf, &ocnt) == (size_t)-1) {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ if (errno == EINVAL) {
+ if (!(flags & ICB_INCLUDE_INCOMPLETE))
+ goto finish;
+ if (!ocnt)
+ goto e2big;
+ } else if (errno == EILSEQ) {
+ if (!(flags & ICB_INCLUDE_BAD))
+ goto finish;
+ if (!ocnt)
+ goto e2big;
+ } else if (errno == E2BIG) {
+ size_t siz;
+ e2big:
+ opos = obuf - out->buf;
+ if (flags & ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT && out->pos > 1 && opos > out->pos) {
+ /* We are in a divided circular buffer at the physical
+ * end with room to wrap to the start. If iconv() refused
+ * to use one or more trailing bytes in the buffer, we
+ * set the size to ignore the unused bytes. */
+ if (opos < out->size)
+ reduce_iobuf_size(out, opos);
+ obuf = out->buf;
+ ocnt = out->pos - 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(flags & ICB_EXPAND_OUT) || flags & ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT) {
+ errno = E2BIG;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ siz = ROUND_UP_1024(in->len * 2);
+ realloc_xbuf(out, out->size + siz);
+ obuf = out->buf + opos;
+ ocnt += siz;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "unexpected error from iconv()");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ *obuf++ = *ibuf++;
+ ocnt--, icnt--;
+ if (!icnt)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ errno = 0;
+ finish:
+ opos = obuf - out->buf;
+ if (flags & ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT && opos < out->pos)
+ opos += out->size;
+ out->len = opos - out->pos;
+ in->len = icnt;
+ in->pos = ibuf - in->buf;
+ return errno ? -1 : 0;
+void send_protected_args(int fd, char *args[])
+ int i;
+ int convert = ic_send != (iconv_t)-1;
+ xbuf outbuf, inbuf;
+ if (convert)
+ alloc_xbuf(&outbuf, 1024);
+ for (i = 0; args[i]; i++) {} /* find first NULL */
+ args[i] = "rsync"; /* set a new arg0 */
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CMD, 1))
+ print_child_argv("protected args:", args + i + 1);
+ do {
+ if (!args[i][0])
+ write_buf(fd, ".", 2);
+ else if (convert) {
+ INIT_XBUF_STRLEN(inbuf, args[i]);
+ iconvbufs(ic_send, &inbuf, &outbuf,
+ outbuf.buf[outbuf.len] = '\0';
+ write_buf(fd, outbuf.buf, outbuf.len + 1);
+ outbuf.len = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ write_buf(fd, args[i], strlen(args[i]) + 1);
+ } while (args[++i]);
+ write_byte(fd, 0);
+ if (convert)
+ free(outbuf.buf);
+int read_ndx_and_attrs(int f_in, int f_out, int *iflag_ptr, uchar *type_ptr, char *buf, int *len_ptr)
+ int len, iflags = 0;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ uchar fnamecmp_type = FNAMECMP_FNAME;
+ int ndx;
+ read_loop:
+ while (1) {
+ ndx = read_ndx(f_in);
+ if (ndx >= 0)
+ break;
+ if (ndx == NDX_DONE)
+ return ndx;
+ if (ndx == NDX_DEL_STATS) {
+ read_del_stats(f_in);
+ if (am_sender && am_server)
+ write_del_stats(f_out);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!inc_recurse || am_sender) {
+ int last;
+ if (first_flist)
+ last = first_flist->prev->ndx_start + first_flist->prev->used - 1;
+ else
+ last = -1;
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "Invalid file index: %d (%d - %d) [%s]\n",
+ ndx, NDX_DONE, last, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (ndx == NDX_FLIST_EOF) {
+ flist_eof = 1;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] flist_eof=1\n", who_am_i());
+ write_int(f_out, NDX_FLIST_EOF);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx;
+ if (ndx < 0 || ndx >= dir_flist->used) {
+ ndx = NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - ndx;
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "Invalid dir index: %d (%d - %d) [%s]\n",
+ NDX_FLIST_OFFSET - dir_flist->used + 1,
+ who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] receiving flist for dir %d\n",
+ who_am_i(), ndx);
+ }
+ /* Send all the data we read for this flist to the generator. */
+ start_flist_forward(ndx);
+ flist = recv_file_list(f_in, ndx);
+ flist->parent_ndx = ndx;
+ stop_flist_forward();
+ }
+ iflags = protocol_version >= 29 ? read_shortint(f_in)
+ /* Support the protocol-29 keep-alive style. */
+ if (protocol_version < 30 && ndx == cur_flist->used && iflags == ITEM_IS_NEW) {
+ if (am_sender)
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH);
+ goto read_loop;
+ }
+ flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx, "read_ndx_and_attrs");
+ if (flist != cur_flist) {
+ cur_flist = flist;
+ if (am_sender) {
+ file_old_total = cur_flist->used;
+ for (flist = first_flist; flist != cur_flist; flist = flist->next)
+ file_old_total += flist->used;
+ }
+ }
+ fnamecmp_type = read_byte(f_in);
+ *type_ptr = fnamecmp_type;
+ if (iflags & ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS) {
+ if ((len = read_vstring(f_in, buf, MAXPATHLEN)) < 0)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ if (sanitize_paths) {
+ sanitize_path(buf, buf, "", 0, SP_DEFAULT);
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ }
+ } else {
+ *buf = '\0';
+ len = -1;
+ }
+ *len_ptr = len;
+ if (iflags & ITEM_TRANSFER) {
+ int i = ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start;
+ if (i < 0 || !S_ISREG(cur_flist->files[i]->mode)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "received request to transfer non-regular file: %d [%s]\n",
+ ndx, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ }
+ *iflag_ptr = iflags;
+ return ndx;
+ free a sums struct
+ */
+void free_sums(struct sum_struct *s)
+ if (s->sums) free(s->sums);
+ free(s);
+/* This is only called when we aren't preserving permissions. Figure out what
+ * the permissions should be and return them merged back into the mode. */
+mode_t dest_mode(mode_t flist_mode, mode_t stat_mode, int dflt_perms,
+ int exists)
+ int new_mode;
+ /* If the file already exists, we'll return the local permissions,
+ * possibly tweaked by the --executability option. */
+ if (exists) {
+ new_mode = (flist_mode & ~CHMOD_BITS) | (stat_mode & CHMOD_BITS);
+ if (preserve_executability && S_ISREG(flist_mode)) {
+ /* If the source file is executable, grant execute
+ * rights to everyone who can read, but ONLY if the
+ * file isn't already executable. */
+ if (!(flist_mode & 0111))
+ new_mode &= ~0111;
+ else if (!(stat_mode & 0111))
+ new_mode |= (new_mode & 0444) >> 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Apply destination default permissions and turn
+ * off special permissions. */
+ new_mode = flist_mode & (~CHMOD_BITS | dflt_perms);
+ }
+ return new_mode;
+static int same_mtime(struct file_struct *file, STRUCT_STAT *st, int extra_accuracy)
+ uint32 f1_nsec = F_MOD_NSEC_or_0(file);
+ uint32 f2_nsec = (uint32)st->ST_MTIME_NSEC;
+ uint32 f1_nsec = 0, f2_nsec = 0;
+ if (extra_accuracy) /* ignore modify_window when setting the time after a transfer or checksum check */
+ return file->modtime == st->st_mtime && f1_nsec == f2_nsec;
+ return same_time(file->modtime, f1_nsec, st->st_mtime , f2_nsec);
+int set_file_attrs(const char *fname, struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp,
+ const char *fnamecmp, int flags)
+ int updated = 0;
+ stat_x sx2;
+ int change_uid, change_gid;
+ mode_t new_mode = file->mode;
+ int inherit;
+ if (!sxp) {
+ if (dry_run)
+ return 1;
+ if (link_stat(fname, &, 0) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "stat %s failed",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ init_stat_x(&sx2);
+ sxp = &sx2;
+ inherit = !preserve_perms;
+ } else
+ inherit = !preserve_perms && file->flags & FLAG_DIR_CREATED;
+ if (inherit && S_ISDIR(new_mode) && sxp->st.st_mode & S_ISGID) {
+ /* We just created this directory and its setgid
+ * bit is on, so make sure it stays on. */
+ new_mode |= S_ISGID;
+ }
+ if (daemon_chmod_modes && !S_ISLNK(new_mode))
+ new_mode = tweak_mode(new_mode, daemon_chmod_modes);
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(file->mode) && !ACL_READY(*sxp))
+ get_acl(fname, sxp);
+ change_uid = am_root && uid_ndx && sxp->st.st_uid != (uid_t)F_OWNER(file);
+ change_gid = gid_ndx && !(file->flags & FLAG_SKIP_GROUP)
+ && sxp->st.st_gid != (gid_t)F_GROUP(file);
+ if (S_ISLNK(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ ;
+ } else
+ if (change_uid || change_gid) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(OWN, 1)) {
+ if (change_uid) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "set uid of %s from %u to %u\n",
+ fname, (unsigned)sxp->st.st_uid, F_OWNER(file));
+ }
+ if (change_gid) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "set gid of %s from %u to %u\n",
+ fname, (unsigned)sxp->st.st_gid, F_GROUP(file));
+ }
+ }
+ if (am_root >= 0) {
+ uid_t uid = change_uid ? (uid_t)F_OWNER(file) : sxp->st.st_uid;
+ gid_t gid = change_gid ? (gid_t)F_GROUP(file) : sxp->st.st_gid;
+ if (do_lchown(fname, uid, gid) != 0) {
+ /* We shouldn't have attempted to change uid
+ * or gid unless have the privilege. */
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "%s %s failed",
+ change_uid ? "chown" : "chgrp",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (uid == (uid_t)-1 && sxp->st.st_uid != (uid_t)-1)
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "uid 4294967295 (-1) is impossible to set on %s\n", full_fname(fname));
+ if (gid == (gid_t)-1 && sxp->st.st_gid != (gid_t)-1)
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "gid 4294967295 (-1) is impossible to set on %s\n", full_fname(fname));
+ /* A lchown had been done, so we need to re-stat if
+ * the destination had the setuid or setgid bits set
+ * (due to the side effect of the chown call). */
+ if (sxp->st.st_mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID)) {
+ link_stat(fname, &sxp->st,
+ keep_dirlinks && S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode));
+ }
+ }
+ if (change_uid)
+ updated |= UPDATED_OWNER;
+ if (change_gid)
+ updated |= UPDATED_GROUP;
+ }
+ if (am_root < 0)
+ set_stat_xattr(fname, file, new_mode);
+ if (preserve_xattrs && fnamecmp)
+ set_xattr(fname, file, fnamecmp, sxp);
+ if ((omit_dir_times && S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode))
+ || (omit_link_times && S_ISLNK(sxp->st.st_mode)))
+ else {
+ if (!preserve_mtimes)
+ flags |= ATTRS_SKIP_MTIME;
+ if (!atimes_ndx || S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode))
+ flags |= ATTRS_SKIP_ATIME;
+ /* Don't set the creation date on the root folder of an HFS+ volume. */
+ if (sxp->st.st_ino == 2 && S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode))
+ }
+ if (sxp != &sx2)
+ memcpy(&, &sxp->st, sizeof;
+ if (!(flags & ATTRS_SKIP_MTIME) && !same_mtime(file, &sxp->st, flags & ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME)) {
+ = file->modtime;
+ = F_MOD_NSEC_or_0(file);
+ updated |= UPDATED_MTIME;
+ }
+ if (!(flags & ATTRS_SKIP_ATIME)) {
+ time_t file_atime = F_ATIME(file);
+ if (flags & ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME || !same_time(sxp->st.st_atime, 0, file_atime, 0)) {
+ = file_atime;
+ = 0;
+ updated |= UPDATED_ATIME;
+ }
+ }
+ if (crtimes_ndx && !(flags & ATTRS_SKIP_CRTIME)) {
+ time_t file_crtime = F_CRTIME(file);
+ if (sxp->crtime == 0)
+ sxp->crtime = get_create_time(fname, &sxp->st);
+ if (!same_time(sxp->crtime, 0L, file_crtime, 0L)) {
+ if (
+ do_setattrlist_crtime(fname, file_crtime) == 0
+#elif defined __CYGWIN__
+ do_SetFileTime(fname, file_crtime) == 0
+#error Unknown crtimes implementation
+ )
+ updated |= UPDATED_CRTIME;
+ }
+ }
+ if (updated & (UPDATED_MTIME|UPDATED_ATIME)) {
+ int ret = set_times(fname, &;
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "failed to set times on %s", full_fname(fname));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (ret > 0) { /* ret == 1 if symlink could not be set */
+ file->flags |= FLAG_TIME_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ /* It's OK to call set_acl() now, even for a dir, as the generator
+ * will enable owner-writability using chmod, if necessary.
+ *
+ * If set_acl() changes permission bits in the process of setting
+ * an access ACL, it changes sxp->st.st_mode so we know whether we
+ * need to chmod(). */
+ if (preserve_acls && !S_ISLNK(new_mode)) {
+ if (set_acl(fname, file, sxp, new_mode) > 0)
+ updated |= UPDATED_ACLS;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_CHMOD
+ if (!BITS_EQUAL(sxp->st.st_mode, new_mode, CHMOD_BITS)) {
+ int ret = am_root < 0 ? 0 : do_chmod(fname, new_mode);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "failed to set permissions on %s",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0) /* ret == 1 if symlink could not be set */
+ updated |= UPDATED_MODE;
+ }
+ if (INFO_GTE(NAME, 2) && flags & ATTRS_REPORT) {
+ if (updated)
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s\n", fname);
+ else
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s is uptodate\n", fname);
+ }
+ cleanup:
+ if (sxp == &sx2)
+ free_stat_x(&sx2);
+ return updated;
+/* This is only called for SIGINT, SIGHUP, and SIGTERM. */
+void sig_int(int sig_num)
+ called_from_signal_handler = 1;
+ /* KLUGE: if the user hits Ctrl-C while ssh is prompting
+ * for a password, then our cleanup's sending of a SIGUSR1
+ * signal to all our children may kill ssh before it has a
+ * chance to restore the tty settings (i.e. turn echo back
+ * on). By sleeping for a short time, ssh gets a bigger
+ * chance to do the right thing. If child processes are
+ * not ssh waiting for a password, then this tiny delay
+ * shouldn't hurt anything. */
+ msleep(400);
+ /* If we're an rsync daemon listener (not a daemon server),
+ * we'll exit with status 0 if we received SIGTERM. */
+ if (am_daemon && !am_server && sig_num == SIGTERM)
+ exit_cleanup(0);
+ /* If the signal arrived on the server side (or for the receiver
+ * process on the client), we want to try to do a controlled shutdown
+ * that lets the client side (generator process) know what happened.
+ * To do this, we set a flag and let the normal process handle the
+ * shutdown. We only attempt this if multiplexed IO is in effect and
+ * we didn't already set the flag. */
+ if (!got_kill_signal && (am_server || am_receiver)) {
+ got_kill_signal = sig_num;
+ called_from_signal_handler = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SIGNAL);
+/* Finish off a file transfer: renaming the file and setting the file's
+ * attributes (e.g. permissions, ownership, etc.). If the robust_rename()
+ * call is forced to copy the temp file and partialptr is both non-NULL and
+ * not an absolute path, we stage the file into the partial-dir and then
+ * rename it into place. This returns 1 on success or 0 on failure. */
+int finish_transfer(const char *fname, const char *fnametmp,
+ const char *fnamecmp, const char *partialptr,
+ struct file_struct *file, int ok_to_set_time,
+ int overwriting_basis)
+ int ret;
+ const char *temp_copy_name = partialptr && *partialptr != '/' ? partialptr : NULL;
+ if (inplace) {
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "finishing %s\n", fname);
+ fnametmp = fname;
+ goto do_set_file_attrs;
+ }
+ if (make_backups > 0 && overwriting_basis) {
+ int ok = make_backup(fname, False);
+ if (!ok)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ if (ok == 1 && fnamecmp == fname)
+ fnamecmp = get_backup_name(fname);
+ }
+ /* Change permissions before putting the file into place. */
+ set_file_attrs(fnametmp, file, NULL, fnamecmp,
+ /* move tmp file over real file */
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(RECV, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "renaming %s to %s\n", fnametmp, fname);
+ ret = robust_rename(fnametmp, fname, temp_copy_name, file->mode);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "%s %s -> \"%s\"",
+ ret == -2 ? "copy" : "rename",
+ full_fname(fnametmp), fname);
+ if (!partialptr || (ret == -2 && temp_copy_name)
+ || robust_rename(fnametmp, partialptr, NULL, file->mode) < 0)
+ do_unlink(fnametmp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ /* The file was moved into place (not copied), so it's done. */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* The file was copied, so tweak the perms of the copied file. If it
+ * was copied to partialptr, move it into its final destination. */
+ fnametmp = temp_copy_name ? temp_copy_name : fname;
+ do_set_file_attrs:
+ set_file_attrs(fnametmp, file, NULL, fnamecmp,
+ if (temp_copy_name) {
+ if (do_rename(fnametmp, fname) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "rename %s -> \"%s\"",
+ full_fname(fnametmp), fname);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ handle_partial_dir(temp_copy_name, PDIR_DELETE);
+ }
+ return 1;
+struct file_list *flist_for_ndx(int ndx, const char *fatal_error_loc)
+ struct file_list *flist = cur_flist;
+ if (!flist && !(flist = first_flist))
+ goto not_found;
+ while (ndx < flist->ndx_start-1) {
+ if (flist == first_flist)
+ goto not_found;
+ flist = flist->prev;
+ }
+ while (ndx >= flist->ndx_start + flist->used) {
+ if (!(flist = flist->next))
+ goto not_found;
+ }
+ return flist;
+ not_found:
+ if (fatal_error_loc) {
+ int first, last;
+ if (first_flist) {
+ first = first_flist->ndx_start - 1;
+ last = first_flist->prev->ndx_start + first_flist->prev->used - 1;
+ } else {
+ first = 0;
+ last = -1;
+ }
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "File-list index %d not in %d - %d (%s) [%s]\n",
+ ndx, first, last, fatal_error_loc, who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+const char *who_am_i(void)
+ if (am_starting_up)
+ return am_server ? "server" : "client";
+ return am_sender ? "sender"
+ : am_generator ? "generator"
+ : am_receiver ? "receiver"
+ : "Receiver"; /* pre-forked receiver */
diff --git a/rsync.h b/rsync.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3709fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1486 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 1996, 2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#define False 0
+#define True 1
+#define Unset (-1) /* Our BOOL values are always an int. */
+#define BLOCK_SIZE 700
+#define RSYNC_NAME "rsync"
+/* RSYNCD_SYSCONF is now set in config.h */
+#define RSYNCD_USERCONF "rsyncd.conf"
+#define DEFAULT_LOCK_FILE "/var/run/rsyncd.lock"
+#define URL_PREFIX "rsync://"
+#define SYMLINK_PREFIX "/rsyncd-munged/" /* This MUST have a trailing slash! */
+#define SYMLINK_PREFIX_LEN ((int)sizeof SYMLINK_PREFIX - 1)
+#define BACKUP_SUFFIX "~"
+/* a non-zero CHAR_OFFSET makes the rolling sum stronger, but is
+ incompatible with older versions :-( */
+#define CHAR_OFFSET 0
+/* These flags are only used during the flist transfer. */
+#define XMIT_TOP_DIR (1<<0)
+#define XMIT_SAME_MODE (1<<1)
+#define XMIT_SAME_RDEV_pre28 (1<<2) /* protocols 20 - 27 */
+#define XMIT_EXTENDED_FLAGS (1<<2) /* protocols 28 - now */
+#define XMIT_SAME_UID (1<<3)
+#define XMIT_SAME_GID (1<<4)
+#define XMIT_SAME_NAME (1<<5)
+#define XMIT_LONG_NAME (1<<6)
+#define XMIT_SAME_TIME (1<<7)
+#define XMIT_SAME_RDEV_MAJOR (1<<8) /* protocols 28 - now (devices only) */
+#define XMIT_NO_CONTENT_DIR (1<<8) /* protocols 30 - now (dirs only) */
+#define XMIT_HLINKED (1<<9) /* protocols 28 - now (non-dirs) */
+#define XMIT_SAME_DEV_pre30 (1<<10) /* protocols 28 - 29 */
+#define XMIT_USER_NAME_FOLLOWS (1<<10) /* protocols 30 - now */
+#define XMIT_RDEV_MINOR_8_pre30 (1<<11) /* protocols 28 - 29 */
+#define XMIT_GROUP_NAME_FOLLOWS (1<<11) /* protocols 30 - now */
+#define XMIT_HLINK_FIRST (1<<12) /* protocols 30 - now (HLINKED files only) */
+#define XMIT_IO_ERROR_ENDLIST (1<<12) /* protocols 31*- now (w/XMIT_EXTENDED_FLAGS) (also protocol 30 w/'f' compat flag) */
+#define XMIT_MOD_NSEC (1<<13) /* protocols 31 - now */
+#define XMIT_SAME_ATIME (1<<14) /* any protocol - restricted by command-line option */
+#define XMIT_UNUSED_15 (1<<15) /* unused flag bit */
+/* The following XMIT flags require an rsync that uses a varint for the flag values */
+#define XMIT_RESERVED_16 (1<<16) /* reserved for future fileflags use */
+#define XMIT_CRTIME_EQ_MTIME (1<<17) /* any protocol - restricted by command-line option */
+/* These flags are used in the live flist data. */
+#define FLAG_TOP_DIR (1<<0) /* sender/receiver/generator */
+#define FLAG_OWNED_BY_US (1<<0) /* generator: set by make_file() for aux flists only */
+#define FLAG_FILE_SENT (1<<1) /* sender/receiver/generator */
+#define FLAG_DIR_CREATED (1<<1) /* generator */
+#define FLAG_CONTENT_DIR (1<<2) /* sender/receiver/generator */
+#define FLAG_MOUNT_DIR (1<<3) /* sender/generator (dirs only) */
+#define FLAG_SKIP_HLINK (1<<3) /* receiver/generator (w/FLAG_HLINKED) */
+#define FLAG_DUPLICATE (1<<4) /* sender */
+#define FLAG_MISSING_DIR (1<<4) /* generator */
+#define FLAG_HLINKED (1<<5) /* receiver/generator (checked on all types) */
+#define FLAG_HLINK_FIRST (1<<6) /* receiver/generator (w/FLAG_HLINKED) */
+#define FLAG_IMPLIED_DIR (1<<6) /* sender/receiver/generator (dirs only) */
+#define FLAG_HLINK_LAST (1<<7) /* receiver/generator */
+#define FLAG_HLINK_DONE (1<<8) /* receiver/generator (checked on all types) */
+#define FLAG_LENGTH64 (1<<9) /* sender/receiver/generator */
+#define FLAG_SKIP_GROUP (1<<10) /* receiver/generator */
+#define FLAG_TIME_FAILED (1<<11)/* generator */
+#define FLAG_MOD_NSEC (1<<12) /* sender/receiver/generator */
+/* These flags are passed to functions but not stored. */
+#define FLAG_DIVERT_DIRS (1<<16) /* sender, but must be unique */
+#define FLAG_PERHAPS_DIR (1<<17) /* generator */
+/* These flags are for get_dirlist(). */
+#define GDL_PERHAPS_DIR (1<<1)
+/* Some helper macros for matching bits. */
+#define BITS_SET(val,bits) (((val) & (bits)) == (bits))
+#define BITS_SETnUNSET(val,onbits,offbits) (((val) & ((onbits)|(offbits))) == (onbits))
+#define BITS_EQUAL(b1,b2,mask) (((unsigned)(b1) & (unsigned)(mask)) \
+ == ((unsigned)(b2) & (unsigned)(mask)))
+/* Update this if you make incompatible changes and ALSO update the
+ * SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION if it is not a final (official) release. */
+/* This is used when working on a new protocol version or for any unofficial
+ * protocol tweaks. It should be a non-zero value for each pre-release repo
+ * change that affects the protocol. The official pre-release versions should
+ * start with 1 (after incrementing the PROTOCOL_VERSION) and go up by 1 for
+ * each new protocol change. For unofficial changes, pick a fairly large
+ * random number that will hopefully not collide with anyone else's unofficial
+ * protocol. It must ALWAYS be 0 when the protocol goes final (and official)
+ * and NEVER before! When rsync negotiates a protocol match, it will only
+ * allow the newest protocol to be used if the SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION matches.
+ * All older protocol versions MUST be compatible with the final, official
+ * release of the protocol, so don't tweak the code to change the protocol
+ * behavior for an older protocol version. */
+/* We refuse to interoperate with versions that are not in this range.
+ * Note that we assume we'll work with later versions: the onus is on
+ * people writing them to make sure that they don't send us anything
+ * we won't understand.
+ *
+ * Interoperation with old but supported protocol versions
+ * should cause a warning to be printed. At a future date
+ * the old protocol will become the minimum and
+ * compatibility code removed.
+ *
+ * There are two possible explanations for the limit at
+ * MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION: either to allow new major-rev versions that
+ * do not interoperate with us, and (more likely) so that we can
+ * detect an attempt to connect rsync to a non-rsync server, which is
+ * unlikely to begin by sending a byte between MIN_PROTOCL_VERSION and
+#define RSYNC_PORT 873
+#define SPARSE_WRITE_SIZE (1024)
+#define WRITE_SIZE (32*1024)
+#define CHUNK_SIZE (32*1024)
+#define MAX_MAP_SIZE (256*1024)
+#define IO_BUFFER_SIZE (32*1024)
+#define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ((int32)1 << 17)
+/* For compatibility with older rsyncs */
+#define OLD_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ((int32)1 << 29)
+#define ROUND_UP_1024(siz) ((siz) & (1024-1) ? ((siz) | (1024-1)) + 1 : (siz))
+#define IOERR_GENERAL (1<<0) /* For backward compatibility, this must == 1 */
+#define IOERR_VANISHED (1<<1)
+#define IOERR_DEL_LIMIT (1<<2)
+#define MAX_ARGS 1000
+#define MAX_BASIS_DIRS 20
+#define COMPARE_DEST 1
+#define COPY_DEST 2
+#define LINK_DEST 3
+#define MPLEX_BASE 7
+#define NO_FILTERS 0
+#define ALL_FILTERS 2
+#define XFLG_FATAL_ERRORS (1<<0)
+#define XFLG_OLD_PREFIXES (1<<1)
+#define XFLG_ANCHORED2ABS (1<<2) /* leading slash indicates absolute */
+#define XFLG_ABS_IF_SLASH (1<<3) /* leading or interior slash is absolute */
+#define XFLG_DIR2WILD3 (1<<4) /* dir/ match gets trailing *** added */
+#define ATTRS_REPORT (1<<0)
+#define ATTRS_SKIP_MTIME (1<<1)
+#define ATTRS_ACCURATE_TIME (1<<2)
+#define ATTRS_SKIP_ATIME (1<<3)
+#define ATTRS_SKIP_CRTIME (1<<5)
+#define MSG_FLUSH 2
+#define FULL_FLUSH 1
+#define NORMAL_FLUSH 0
+#define PDIR_CREATE 1
+#define PDIR_DELETE 0
+/* Note: 0x00 - 0x7F are used for basis_dir[] indexes! */
+#define FNAMECMP_BASIS_DIR_LOW 0x00 /* Must remain 0! */
+#define FNAMECMP_FNAME 0x80
+#define FNAMECMP_BACKUP 0x82
+#define FNAMECMP_FUZZY 0x83
+/* For use by the itemize_changes code */
+#define ITEM_REPORT_ATIME (1<<0)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_CHANGE (1<<1)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_SIZE (1<<2) /* regular files only */
+#define ITEM_REPORT_TIMEFAIL (1<<2) /* symlinks only */
+#define ITEM_REPORT_TIME (1<<3)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_PERMS (1<<4)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_OWNER (1<<5)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_GROUP (1<<6)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_ACL (1<<7)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_XATTR (1<<8)
+#define ITEM_REPORT_CRTIME (1<<10)
+#define ITEM_BASIS_TYPE_FOLLOWS (1<<11)
+#define ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS (1<<12)
+#define ITEM_IS_NEW (1<<13)
+#define ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE (1<<14)
+#define ITEM_TRANSFER (1<<15)
+/* These are outside the range of the transmitted flags. */
+#define ITEM_MISSING_DATA (1<<16) /* used by log_formatted() */
+#define ITEM_DELETED (1<<17) /* used by log_formatted() */
+#define ITEM_MATCHED (1<<18) /* used by itemize() */
+#define CFN_KEEP_DOT_DIRS (1<<0)
+#define CFN_REFUSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS (1<<4)
+#define SP_DEFAULT 0
+#define SP_KEEP_DOT_DIRS (1<<0)
+#define CD_NORMAL 0
+#define CD_SKIP_CHDIR 1
+/* Log-message categories. FLOG only goes to the log file, not the client;
+ * FCLIENT is the opposite. */
+enum logcode {
+ FNONE=0, /* never sent */
+ FERROR_XFER=1, FINFO=2, /* sent over socket for any protocol */
+ FERROR=3, FWARNING=4, /* sent over socket for protocols >= 30 */
+ FERROR_SOCKET=5, FLOG=6, /* only sent via receiver -> generator pipe */
+ FERROR_UTF8=8, /* only sent via receiver -> generator pipe */
+ FCLIENT=7 /* never transmitted (e.g. server converts to FINFO) */
+/* Messages types that are sent over the message channel. The logcode
+ * values must all be present here with identical numbers. */
+enum msgcode {
+ MSG_DATA=0, /* raw data on the multiplexed stream */
+ MSG_ERROR=FERROR, MSG_WARNING=FWARNING, /* protocol-30 remote logging */
+ MSG_ERROR_SOCKET=FERROR_SOCKET, /* sibling logging */
+ MSG_ERROR_UTF8=FERROR_UTF8, /* sibling logging */
+ MSG_LOG=FLOG, MSG_CLIENT=FCLIENT, /* sibling logging */
+ MSG_REDO=9, /* reprocess indicated flist index */
+ MSG_STATS=10, /* message has stats data for generator */
+ MSG_IO_ERROR=22,/* the sending side had an I/O error */
+ MSG_IO_TIMEOUT=33,/* tell client about a daemon's timeout value */
+ MSG_NOOP=42, /* a do-nothing message (legacy protocol-30 only) */
+ MSG_ERROR_EXIT=86, /* synchronize an error exit (siblings and protocol >= 31) */
+ MSG_SUCCESS=100,/* successfully updated indicated flist index */
+ MSG_DELETED=101,/* successfully deleted a file on receiving side */
+ MSG_NO_SEND=102,/* sender failed to open a file we wanted */
+enum filetype {
+#define NDX_DONE -1
+#define NDX_FLIST_EOF -2
+#define NDX_DEL_STATS -3
+#define NDX_FLIST_OFFSET -101
+/* For calling delete_item() and delete_dir_contents(). */
+#define DEL_NO_UID_WRITE (1<<0) /* file/dir has our uid w/o write perm */
+#define DEL_RECURSE (1<<1) /* if dir, delete all contents */
+#define DEL_DIR_IS_EMPTY (1<<2) /* internal delete_FUNCTIONS use only */
+#define DEL_FOR_FILE (1<<3) /* making room for a replacement file */
+#define DEL_FOR_DIR (1<<4) /* making room for a replacement dir */
+#define DEL_FOR_SYMLINK (1<<5) /* making room for a replacement symlink */
+#define DEL_FOR_DEVICE (1<<6) /* making room for a replacement device */
+#define DEL_FOR_SPECIAL (1<<7) /* making room for a replacement special */
+#define DEL_FOR_BACKUP (1<<8) /* the delete is for a backup operation */
+enum delret {
+/* Defines for make_path() */
+#define MKP_DROP_NAME (1<<0) /* drop trailing filename or trailing slash */
+#define MKP_SKIP_SLASH (1<<1) /* skip one or more leading slashes */
+/* Defines for maybe_send_keepalive() */
+#define MSK_ALLOW_FLUSH (1<<0)
+#define MSK_ACTIVE_RECEIVER (1<<1)
+#include "errcode.h"
+#include "config.h"
+/* The default RSYNC_RSH is always set in config.h. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <stddef.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# endif
+# if !defined STDC_HEADERS && defined HAVE_MEMORY_H
+# include <memory.h>
+# endif
+# include <string.h>
+# include <bsd/string.h>
+# include <strings.h>
+# include <inttypes.h>
+# include <stdint.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#if defined HAVE_MALLOC_H && (defined HAVE_MALLINFO || !defined HAVE_STDLIB_H)
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/filio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_CTYPE_H
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_GRP_H
+#include <grp.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_UTIME_H
+#include <utime.h>
+#if defined HAVE_UTIMENSAT || defined HAVE_LUTIMES || defined HAVE_SETATTRLIST
+#if defined HAVE_LCHMOD || defined HAVE_SETATTRLIST
+#define CAN_SET_NSEC 1
+#ifdef CAN_SET_NSEC
+#define ST_MTIME_NSEC st_mtim.tv_nsec
+#define ST_ATIME_NSEC st_atim.tv_nsec
+#define ST_MTIME_NSEC st_mtimensec
+#define ST_ATIME_NSEC st_atimensec
+#define ST_MTIME_NSEC st_mtimespec.tv_nsec
+#define ST_ATIME_NSEC st_atimespec.tv_nsec
+#include <sys/select.h>
+/* apparently AIX needs this for S_ISLNK */
+#ifndef S_ISLNK
+#include <sys/mode.h>
+/* these are needed for the uid/gid mapping code */
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <grp.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <sys/file.h>
+# include <dirent.h>
+# define dirent direct
+# ifdef HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H
+# include <sys/ndir.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef HAVE_SYS_DIR_H
+# include <sys/dir.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef HAVE_NDIR_H
+# include <ndir.h>
+# endif
+#include <sys/mkdev.h>
+# if !defined makedev && (defined mkdev || defined _WIN32 || defined __WIN32__)
+# define makedev mkdev
+# endif
+#elif defined MAJOR_IN_SYSMACROS
+#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
+#define MAKEDEV(devmajor,devminor) makedev(0,devmajor,devminor)
+#ifndef __TANDEM
+#define MAKEDEV(devmajor,devminor) makedev(devmajor,devminor)
+# define major DEV_TO_MAJOR
+# define minor DEV_TO_MINOR
+#ifdef __TANDEM
+# include <floss.h(floss_read,floss_write,floss_fork,floss_execvp)>
+# include <floss.h(floss_getpwuid,floss_select,floss_seteuid)>
+# define S_IEXEC S_IXUSR
+# define ROOT_UID 65535
+# define ROOT_UID 0
+#include <compat.h>
+# include <limits.h>
+#if defined USE_ICONV_OPEN && defined HAVE_ICONV_H
+#include <iconv.h>
+#ifndef ICONV_CONST
+#define ICONV_CONST
+#ifdef iconv_t
+#undef iconv_t
+#define iconv_t int
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "lib/pool_alloc.h"
+#ifndef HAVE_ID_T
+typedef unsigned int id_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_PID_T
+typedef int pid_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_MODE_T
+typedef unsigned int mode_t;
+#ifndef HAVE_OFF_T
+typedef long off_t;
+#undef SIZEOF_OFF_T
+#ifndef HAVE_SIZE_T
+typedef unsigned int size_t;
+#define BOOL int
+#ifndef uchar
+#define uchar unsigned char
+#define schar signed char
+#define schar char
+#ifndef int16
+#if SIZEOF_INT16_T == 2
+# define int16 int16_t
+# define int16 short
+#ifndef uint16
+#if SIZEOF_UINT16_T == 2
+# define uint16 uint16_t
+# define uint16 unsigned int16
+#if !defined __APPLE__ || defined HAVE_GETATTRLIST
+#if defined HAVE_GETATTRLIST || defined __CYGWIN__
+/* Find a variable that is either exactly 32-bits or longer.
+ * If some code depends on 32-bit truncation, it will need to
+ * take special action in a "#if SIZEOF_INT32 > 4" section. */
+#ifndef int32
+#if SIZEOF_INT32_T == 4
+# define int32 int32_t
+# define SIZEOF_INT32 4
+#elif SIZEOF_INT == 4
+# define int32 int
+# define SIZEOF_INT32 4
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4
+# define int32 long
+# define SIZEOF_INT32 4
+#elif SIZEOF_SHORT == 4
+# define int32 short
+# define SIZEOF_INT32 4
+#elif SIZEOF_INT > 4
+# define int32 int
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG > 4
+# define int32 long
+# error Could not find a 32-bit integer variable
+# define SIZEOF_INT32 4
+#ifndef uint32
+#if SIZEOF_UINT32_T == 4
+# define uint32 uint32_t
+# define uint32 unsigned int32
+#if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 8 || !SIZEOF_OFF64_T || !defined HAVE_STRUCT_STAT64
+#define OFF_T off_t
+#define STRUCT_STAT struct stat
+#define OFF_T off64_t
+#define STRUCT_STAT struct stat64
+#define USE_STAT64_FUNCS 1
+/* CAVEAT: on some systems, int64 will really be a 32-bit integer IFF
+ * that's the maximum size the file system can handle and there is no
+ * 64-bit type available. The rsync source must therefore take steps
+ * to ensure that any code that really requires a 64-bit integer has
+ * it (e.g. the checksum code uses two 32-bit integers for its 64-bit
+ * counter). */
+#if SIZEOF_INT64_T == 8
+# define int64 int64_t
+# define SIZEOF_INT64 8
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 8
+# define int64 long
+# define SIZEOF_INT64 8
+#elif SIZEOF_INT == 8
+# define int64 int
+# define SIZEOF_INT64 8
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG_LONG == 8
+# define int64 long long
+# define SIZEOF_INT64 8
+#elif SIZEOF_OFF64_T == 8
+# define int64 off64_t
+# define SIZEOF_INT64 8
+#elif SIZEOF_OFF_T == 8
+# define int64 off_t
+# define SIZEOF_INT64 8
+#elif SIZEOF_INT > 8
+# define int64 int
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG > 8
+# define int64 long
+# define int64 long long
+/* As long as it gets... */
+# define int64 off_t
+#define HT_KEY32 0
+#define HT_KEY64 1
+struct hashtable {
+ void *nodes;
+ int32 size, entries;
+ uint32 node_size;
+ short key64;
+struct ht_int32_node {
+ void *data;
+ int32 key;
+struct ht_int64_node {
+ void *data;
+ int64 key;
+#define HT_NODE(tbl, bkts, i) ((void*)((char*)(bkts) + (i)*(tbl)->node_size))
+#define HT_KEY(node, k64) ((k64)? ((struct ht_int64_node*)(node))->key \
+ : (int64)((struct ht_int32_node*)(node))->key)
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+#define SUM_LENGTH 16
+#define BLOCKSUM_BIAS 10
+#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
+/* We want a roomy line buffer that can hold more than MAXPATHLEN,
+ * and significantly more than an overly short MAXPATHLEN. */
+#if MAXPATHLEN < 4096
+#define BIGPATHBUFLEN (4096+1024)
+#ifndef NAME_MAX
+#define NAME_MAX 255
+#ifndef SIZE_MAX
+#define SIZE_MAX ((size_t)-1)
+#ifndef INADDR_NONE
+#define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffff
+#define IN_LOOPBACKNET 127
+#define ACLS_NEED_MASK 1
+#include <linux/falloc.h>
+#elif defined HAVE_FTRUNCATE
+#else /* !fallocate */
+#if SIZEOF_CHARP == 4
+# define PTRS_ARE_32 1
+# define PTR_EXTRA_CNT 1
+#elif SIZEOF_CHARP == 8
+# define PTRS_ARE_64 1
+# error Character pointers are not 4 or 8 bytes.
+#if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#define SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "z" /* printf supports %zd */
+#define SIZE_T_FMT_CAST size_t
+#define SIZE_T_FMT_MOD "l" /* printf supports %ld */
+#define SIZE_T_FMT_CAST long
+union file_extras {
+ int32 num;
+ uint32 unum;
+#ifdef PTRS_ARE_32
+ const char* ptr;
+union file_extras64 {
+ int64 num;
+#ifdef PTRS_ARE_64
+ const char* ptr;
+struct file_struct {
+ const char *dirname; /* The dir info inside the transfer */
+ time_t modtime; /* When the item was last modified */
+ uint32 len32; /* Lowest 32 bits of the file's length */
+ uint16 mode; /* The item's type and permissions */
+ uint16 flags; /* The FLAG_* bits for this item */
+ const char basename[]; /* The basename (AKA filename) follows */
+ const char basename[1]; /* A kluge that should work like a flexible array */
+extern int file_extra_cnt;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int atimes_ndx;
+extern int crtimes_ndx;
+extern int pathname_ndx;
+extern int depth_ndx;
+extern int uid_ndx;
+extern int gid_ndx;
+extern int acls_ndx;
+extern int xattrs_ndx;
+extern int file_sum_extra_cnt;
+#define FILE_STRUCT_LEN (sizeof (struct file_struct))
+#define FILE_STRUCT_LEN (offsetof(struct file_struct, basename))
+#define EXTRA_LEN (sizeof (union file_extras))
+#define DEV_EXTRA_CNT 2
+#define EXTRA64_CNT ((sizeof (union file_extras64) + EXTRA_LEN - 1) / EXTRA_LEN)
+#define SUM_EXTRA_CNT file_sum_extra_cnt
+#define REQ_EXTRA(f,ndx) ((union file_extras*)(f) - (ndx))
+#define OPT_EXTRA(f,bump) ((union file_extras*)(f) - file_extra_cnt - 1 - (bump))
+/* These are guaranteed to be allocated first in the array so that they
+ * are aligned for direct int64-pointer access. */
+#define REQ_EXTRA64(f,ndx) ((union file_extras64*)REQ_EXTRA(f,ndx))
+#define NSEC_BUMP(f) ((f)->flags & FLAG_MOD_NSEC ? 1 : 0)
+#define LEN64_BUMP(f) ((f)->flags & FLAG_LENGTH64 ? 1 : 0)
+#define START_BUMP(f) (NSEC_BUMP(f) + LEN64_BUMP(f))
+#define HLINK_BUMP(f) ((f)->flags & (FLAG_HLINKED|FLAG_HLINK_DONE) ? inc_recurse+1 : 0)
+#define ACL_BUMP(f) (acls_ndx ? 1 : 0)
+/* The length applies to all items. */
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 < 8
+#define F_LENGTH(f) ((int64)(f)->len32)
+#define F_HIGH_LEN(f) (OPT_EXTRA(f, NSEC_BUMP(f))->unum)
+#define F_LENGTH(f) ((int64)(f)->len32 + ((f)->flags & FLAG_LENGTH64 ? (int64)F_HIGH_LEN(f) << 32 : 0))
+#define F_MOD_NSEC(f) OPT_EXTRA(f, 0)->unum
+#define F_MOD_NSEC_or_0(f) ((f)->flags & FLAG_MOD_NSEC ? F_MOD_NSEC(f) : 0)
+/* If there is a symlink string, it is always right after the basename */
+#define F_SYMLINK(f) ((f)->basename + strlen((f)->basename) + 1)
+/* The sending side always has this available: */
+#ifdef PTRS_ARE_32
+#define F_PATHNAME(f) REQ_EXTRA(f, pathname_ndx)->ptr
+#define F_PATHNAME(f) REQ_EXTRA64(f, pathname_ndx)->ptr
+/* The receiving side always has this available: */
+#define F_DEPTH(f) REQ_EXTRA(f, depth_ndx)->num
+/* When the associated option is on, all entries will have these present: */
+#define F_OWNER(f) REQ_EXTRA(f, uid_ndx)->unum
+#define F_GROUP(f) REQ_EXTRA(f, gid_ndx)->unum
+#define F_ACL(f) REQ_EXTRA(f, acls_ndx)->num
+#define F_XATTR(f) REQ_EXTRA(f, xattrs_ndx)->num
+#define F_NDX(f) REQ_EXTRA(f, unsort_ndx)->num
+#define F_ATIME(f) REQ_EXTRA64(f, atimes_ndx)->num
+#define F_CRTIME(f) REQ_EXTRA64(f, crtimes_ndx)->num
+/* These items are per-entry optional: */
+#define F_HL_GNUM(f) OPT_EXTRA(f, START_BUMP(f))->num /* non-dirs */
+#define F_HL_PREV(f) OPT_EXTRA(f, START_BUMP(f)+inc_recurse)->num /* non-dirs */
+#define F_DIR_NODE_P(f) (&OPT_EXTRA(f, START_BUMP(f) \
+ + DIRNODE_EXTRA_CNT - 1)->num) /* sender dirs */
+ + PTR_EXTRA_CNT - 1)->num) /* sender dirs */
+#define F_DIR_DEFACL(f) OPT_EXTRA(f, START_BUMP(f))->unum /* receiver dirs */
+#define F_DIR_DEV_P(f) (&OPT_EXTRA(f, START_BUMP(f) + ACL_BUMP(f) \
+ + DEV_EXTRA_CNT - 1)->unum) /* receiver dirs */
+/* This optional item might follow an F_HL_*() item. */
+#define F_RDEV_P(f) (&OPT_EXTRA(f, START_BUMP(f) + HLINK_BUMP(f) + DEV_EXTRA_CNT - 1)->unum)
+/* The sum is only present on regular files. */
+#define F_SUM(f) ((char*)OPT_EXTRA(f, START_BUMP(f) + HLINK_BUMP(f) \
+ + SUM_EXTRA_CNT - 1))
+/* Some utility defines: */
+#define F_IS_ACTIVE(f) (f)->basename[0]
+#define F_IS_HLINKED(f) ((f)->flags & FLAG_HLINKED)
+/* These access the F_DIR_DEV_P() and F_RDEV_P() values: */
+#define DEV_MAJOR(a) (a)[0]
+#define DEV_MINOR(a) (a)[1]
+/* These access the F_DIRS_NODE_P() values: */
+#define DIR_PARENT(a) (a)[0]
+#define DIR_FIRST_CHILD(a) (a)[1]
+#define DIR_NEXT_SIBLING(a) (a)[2]
+#define IS_MISSING_FILE(statbuf) ((statbuf).st_mode == 0)
+ * Start the flist array at FLIST_START entries and grow it
+ * by doubling until FLIST_LINEAR then grow by FLIST_LINEAR
+ */
+#define FLIST_START (32)
+#define FLIST_START_LARGE (32 * 1024)
+ * Extent size for allocation pools: A minimum size of 128KB
+ * is needed to mmap them so that freeing will release the
+ * space to the OS.
+ *
+ * Larger sizes reduce leftover fragments and speed free calls
+ * (when they happen). Smaller sizes increase the chance of
+ * freed allocations freeing whole extents.
+ */
+#define NORMAL_EXTENT (256 * 1024)
+#define SMALL_EXTENT (128 * 1024)
+#define FLIST_TEMP (1<<1)
+struct file_list {
+ struct file_list *next, *prev;
+ struct file_struct **files, **sorted;
+ alloc_pool_t file_pool;
+ void *pool_boundary;
+ int used, malloced;
+ int low, high; /* 0-relative index values excluding empties */
+ int ndx_start; /* the start offset for inc_recurse mode */
+ int flist_num; /* 1-relative file_list number or 0 */
+ int parent_ndx; /* dir_flist index of parent directory */
+ int in_progress, to_redo;
+#define SUMFLG_SAME_OFFSET (1<<0)
+struct sum_buf {
+ OFF_T offset; /**< offset in file of this chunk */
+ int32 len; /**< length of chunk of file */
+ uint32 sum1; /**< simple checksum */
+ int32 chain; /**< next hash-table collision */
+ short flags; /**< flag bits */
+ char sum2[SUM_LENGTH]; /**< checksum */
+struct sum_struct {
+ OFF_T flength; /**< total file length */
+ struct sum_buf *sums; /**< points to info for each chunk */
+ int32 count; /**< how many chunks */
+ int32 blength; /**< block_length */
+ int32 remainder; /**< flength % block_length */
+ int s2length; /**< sum2_length */
+struct map_struct {
+ OFF_T file_size; /* File size (from stat) */
+ OFF_T p_offset; /* Window start */
+ OFF_T p_fd_offset; /* offset of cursor in fd ala lseek */
+ char *p; /* Window pointer */
+ int32 p_size; /* Largest window size we allocated */
+ int32 p_len; /* Latest (rounded) window size */
+ int32 def_window_size; /* Default window size */
+ int fd; /* File Descriptor */
+ int status; /* first errno from read errors */
+#define NAME_IS_FILE (0) /* filter name as a file */
+#define NAME_IS_DIR (1<<0) /* filter name as a dir */
+#define NAME_IS_XATTR (1<<2) /* filter name as an xattr */
+#define FILTRULE_WILD (1<<0) /* pattern has '*', '[', and/or '?' */
+#define FILTRULE_WILD2 (1<<1) /* pattern has '**' */
+#define FILTRULE_WILD2_PREFIX (1<<2) /* pattern starts with "**" */
+#define FILTRULE_WILD3_SUFFIX (1<<3) /* pattern ends with "***" */
+#define FILTRULE_ABS_PATH (1<<4) /* path-match on absolute path */
+#define FILTRULE_INCLUDE (1<<5) /* this is an include, not an exclude */
+#define FILTRULE_DIRECTORY (1<<6) /* this matches only directories */
+#define FILTRULE_WORD_SPLIT (1<<7) /* split rules on whitespace */
+#define FILTRULE_NO_INHERIT (1<<8) /* don't inherit these rules */
+#define FILTRULE_NO_PREFIXES (1<<9) /* parse no prefixes from patterns */
+#define FILTRULE_MERGE_FILE (1<<10)/* specifies a file to merge */
+#define FILTRULE_PERDIR_MERGE (1<<11)/* merge-file is searched per-dir */
+#define FILTRULE_EXCLUDE_SELF (1<<12)/* merge-file name should be excluded */
+#define FILTRULE_FINISH_SETUP (1<<13)/* per-dir merge file needs setup */
+#define FILTRULE_NEGATE (1<<14)/* rule matches when pattern does not */
+#define FILTRULE_CVS_IGNORE (1<<15)/* rule was -C or :C */
+#define FILTRULE_SENDER_SIDE (1<<16)/* rule applies to the sending side */
+#define FILTRULE_RECEIVER_SIDE (1<<17)/* rule applies to the receiving side */
+#define FILTRULE_CLEAR_LIST (1<<18)/* this item is the "!" token */
+#define FILTRULE_PERISHABLE (1<<19)/* perishable if parent dir goes away */
+#define FILTRULE_XATTR (1<<20)/* rule only applies to xattr names */
+typedef struct filter_struct {
+ struct filter_struct *next;
+ char *pattern;
+ uint32 rflags;
+ union {
+ int slash_cnt;
+ struct filter_list_struct *mergelist;
+ } u;
+ uchar elide;
+} filter_rule;
+typedef struct filter_list_struct {
+ filter_rule *head;
+ filter_rule *tail;
+ char *debug_type;
+} filter_rule_list;
+struct stats {
+ int64 total_size;
+ int64 total_transferred_size;
+ int64 total_written;
+ int64 total_read;
+ int64 literal_data;
+ int64 matched_data;
+ int64 flist_buildtime;
+ int64 flist_xfertime;
+ int64 flist_size;
+ int num_files, num_dirs, num_symlinks, num_devices, num_specials;
+ int created_files, created_dirs, created_symlinks, created_devices, created_specials;
+ int deleted_files, deleted_dirs, deleted_symlinks, deleted_devices, deleted_specials;
+ int xferred_files;
+struct chmod_mode_struct;
+struct flist_ndx_item {
+ struct flist_ndx_item *next;
+ int ndx;
+typedef struct {
+ struct flist_ndx_item *head, *tail;
+} flist_ndx_list;
+#define EMPTY_ITEM_LIST {NULL, 0, 0}
+typedef struct {
+ void *items;
+ size_t count;
+ size_t malloced;
+} item_list;
+#define EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(lp, type, incr) \
+ (type*)expand_item_list(lp, sizeof (type), #type, incr)
+#define EMPTY_XBUF {NULL, 0, 0, 0}
+typedef struct {
+ char *buf;
+ size_t pos; /* pos = read pos in the buf */
+ size_t len; /* len = chars following pos */
+ size_t size; /* size = total space in buf */
+} xbuf;
+#define INIT_XBUF(xb, str, ln, sz) (xb).buf = (str), (xb).len = (ln), (xb).size = (sz), (xb).pos = 0
+#define INIT_XBUF_STRLEN(xb, str) (xb).buf = (str), (xb).len = strlen((xb).buf), (xb).size = (size_t)-1, (xb).pos = 0
+/* This one is used to make an output xbuf based on a char[] buffer: */
+#define INIT_CONST_XBUF(xb, bf) (xb).buf = (bf), (xb).size = sizeof (bf), (xb).len = (xb).pos = 0
+#define ICB_EXPAND_OUT (1<<0)
+#define ICB_INCLUDE_BAD (1<<1)
+#define ICB_CIRCULAR_OUT (1<<3)
+#define ICB_INIT (1<<4)
+#define IOBUF_KEEP_BUFS 0
+#define IOBUF_FREE_BUFS 1
+#define RL_EOL_NULLS (1<<0)
+#define RL_DUMP_COMMENTS (1<<1)
+#define RL_CONVERT (1<<2)
+typedef struct {
+ char name_type;
+ char fname[]; /* has variable size */
+ char fname[1]; /* A kluge that should work like a flexible array */
+} relnamecache;
+#define RELNAMECACHE_LEN (sizeof (relnamecache))
+#define RELNAMECACHE_LEN (offsetof(relnamecache, fname))
+#include "byteorder.h"
+#include "lib/mdigest.h"
+#include "lib/wildmatch.h"
+#include "lib/permstring.h"
+#include "lib/addrinfo.h"
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+#define __attribute__(x)
+# if __GNUC__ <= 2
+# define NORETURN
+# endif
+#define UNUSED(x) x __attribute__((__unused__))
+#ifndef NORETURN
+#define NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+typedef struct {
+ time_t crtime;
+ struct rsync_acl *acc_acl; /* access ACL */
+ struct rsync_acl *def_acl; /* default ACL */
+ item_list *xattr;
+} stat_x;
+#define ACL_READY(sx) ((sx).acc_acl != NULL)
+#define XATTR_READY(sx) ((sx).xattr != NULL)
+#define CPRES_AUTO (-1)
+#define CPRES_NONE 0
+#define CPRES_ZLIB 1
+#define CPRES_ZLIBX 2
+#define CPRES_LZ4 3
+#define CPRES_ZSTD 4
+#define NSTR_CHECKSUM 0
+#define NSTR_COMPRESS 1
+struct name_num_item {
+ int num, flags;
+ const char *name;
+ struct name_num_item *main_nni;
+struct name_num_obj {
+ const char *type;
+ struct name_num_item *negotiated_nni;
+ uchar *saw;
+ int saw_len;
+ struct name_num_item *list;
+#define read_buf read_buf_
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+#include "proto.h"
+#define x_stat(fn,fst,xst) do_stat(fn,fst)
+#define x_lstat(fn,fst,xst) do_lstat(fn,fst)
+#define x_fstat(fd,fst,xst) do_fstat(fd,fst)
+/* We have replacement versions of these if they're missing. */
+int asprintf(char **ptr, const char *format, ...);
+int vasprintf(char **ptr, const char *format, va_list ap);
+#if !defined HAVE_VSNPRINTF || !defined HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF
+#define vsnprintf rsync_vsnprintf
+int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list args);
+#if !defined HAVE_SNPRINTF || !defined HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF
+#define snprintf rsync_snprintf
+int snprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt,...);
+extern char *sys_errlist[];
+#define strerror(i) sys_errlist[i]
+#ifndef HAVE_STRCHR
+# define strchr index
+# define strrchr rindex
+extern int errno;
+#define SUPPORT_LINKS 1
+#define do_readlink(path, buf, bufsiz) readlink(path, buf, bufsiz)
+#ifdef HAVE_LINK
+#define SIGACTION(n,h) sigact.sa_handler=(h), sigaction((n),&sigact,NULL)
+#define signal(n,h) we_need_to_call_SIGACTION_not_signal(n,h)
+#define SIGACTION(n,h) signal(n,h)
+#define STDIN_FILENO 0
+#define STDOUT_FILENO 1
+#define STDERR_FILENO 2
+#ifndef S_IRUSR
+#define S_IRUSR 0400
+#ifndef S_IWUSR
+#define S_IWUSR 0200
+#define ACCESSPERMS 0777
+#ifndef S_ISVTX
+#define S_ISVTX 0
+#ifndef _S_IFMT
+#define _S_IFMT 0170000
+#ifndef _S_IFLNK
+#define _S_IFLNK 0120000
+#ifndef S_ISLNK
+#define S_ISLNK(mode) (((mode) & (_S_IFMT)) == (_S_IFLNK))
+#ifndef S_ISBLK
+#define S_ISBLK(mode) (((mode) & (_S_IFMT)) == (_S_IFBLK))
+#ifndef S_ISCHR
+#define S_ISCHR(mode) (((mode) & (_S_IFMT)) == (_S_IFCHR))
+#ifndef S_ISSOCK
+#ifdef _S_IFSOCK
+#define S_ISSOCK(mode) (((mode) & (_S_IFMT)) == (_S_IFSOCK))
+#define S_ISSOCK(mode) (0)
+#ifndef S_ISFIFO
+#ifdef _S_IFIFO
+#define S_ISFIFO(mode) (((mode) & (_S_IFMT)) == (_S_IFIFO))
+#define S_ISFIFO(mode) (0)
+#ifndef S_ISDIR
+#define S_ISDIR(mode) (((mode) & (_S_IFMT)) == (_S_IFDIR))
+#ifndef S_ISREG
+#define S_ISREG(mode) (((mode) & (_S_IFMT)) == (_S_IFREG))
+/* work out what fcntl flag to use for non-blocking */
+#ifdef O_NONBLOCK
+#elif defined SYSV
+#define INADDR_LOOPBACK 0x7f000001
+#ifndef INADDR_NONE
+#define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffff
+#define IS_SPECIAL(mode) (S_ISSOCK(mode) || S_ISFIFO(mode))
+#define IS_DEVICE(mode) (S_ISCHR(mode) || S_ISBLK(mode))
+/* Initial mask on permissions given to temporary files. Mask off setuid
+ bits and group access because of potential race-condition security
+ holes, and mask other access because mode 707 is bizarre */
+/* handler for null strings in printf format */
+#define NS(s) ((s)?(s):"<NULL>")
+extern char *do_calloc;
+/* Convenient wrappers for malloc and realloc. Use them. */
+#define new(type) ((type*)my_alloc(NULL, sizeof (type), 1, __FILE__, __LINE__))
+#define new0(type) ((type*)my_alloc(do_calloc, sizeof (type), 1, __FILE__, __LINE__))
+#define realloc_buf(ptr, num) my_alloc((ptr), (num), 1, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define new_array(type, num) ((type*)my_alloc(NULL, (num), sizeof (type), __FILE__, __LINE__))
+#define new_array0(type, num) ((type*)my_alloc(do_calloc, (num), sizeof (type), __FILE__, __LINE__))
+#define realloc_array(ptr, type, num) ((type*)my_alloc((ptr), (num), sizeof (type), __FILE__, __LINE__))
+#undef strdup
+#define strdup(s) my_strdup(s, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define out_of_memory(msg) _out_of_memory(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define overflow_exit(msg) _overflow_exit(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+/* use magic gcc attributes to catch format errors */
+ void rprintf(enum logcode , const char *, ...)
+ __attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3)))
+/* This is just like rprintf, but it also tries to print some
+ * representation of the error code. Normally errcode = errno. */
+void rsyserr(enum logcode, int, const char *, ...)
+ __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)))
+ ;
+/* Make sure that the O_BINARY flag is defined. */
+#ifndef O_BINARY
+#define O_BINARY 0
+size_t strlcpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t bufsize);
+size_t strlcat(char *d, const char *s, size_t bufsize);
+#define WEXITSTATUS(stat) ((int)(((stat)>>8)&0xFF))
+#ifndef WIFEXITED
+#define WIFEXITED(stat) ((int)((stat)&0xFF) == 0)
+#define exit_cleanup(code) _exit_cleanup(code, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define MY_UID() geteuid()
+#define MY_UID() getuid()
+#define MY_GID() getegid()
+#define MY_GID() getgid()
+#undef FD_ZERO
+#define FD_ZERO(fdsetp) memset(fdsetp, 0, sizeof (fd_set))
+extern short info_levels[], debug_levels[];
+#define INFO_GTE(flag, lvl) (info_levels[INFO_##flag] >= (lvl))
+#define INFO_EQ(flag, lvl) (info_levels[INFO_##flag] == (lvl))
+#define DEBUG_GTE(flag, lvl) (debug_levels[DEBUG_##flag] >= (lvl))
+#define DEBUG_EQ(flag, lvl) (debug_levels[DEBUG_##flag] == (lvl))
+#define INFO_BACKUP 0
+#define INFO_DEL (INFO_COPY+1)
+#define INFO_FLIST (INFO_DEL+1)
+#define DEBUG_ACL 0
+#define DEBUG_DEL (DEBUG_CMD+1)
+#define DEBUG_NSTR (DEBUG_IO+1)
+const char *inet_ntop(int af, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size);
+int inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst);
+char *getpass(const char *prompt);
+const char *get_panic_action(void);
+#define NOISY_DEATH(msg) do { \
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s in %s at line %d\n", msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_UNSUPPORTED); \
+} while (0)
+#define MEM_ALLOC_INFO mallinfo2
+#elif defined HAVE_MALLINFO
+#define MEM_ALLOC_INFO mallinfo
diff --git a/rsync3.txt b/rsync3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21f19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsync3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+-*- indented-text -*-
+Notes towards a new version of rsync
+Martin Pool <>, September 2001.
+Good things about the current implementation:
+ - Widely known and adopted.
+ - Fast/efficient, especially for moderately small sets of files over
+ slow links (transoceanic or modem.)
+ - Fairly reliable.
+ - The choice of running over a plain TCP socket or tunneling over
+ ssh.
+ - rsync operations are idempotent: you can always run the same
+ command twice to make sure it worked properly without any fear.
+ (Are there any exceptions?)
+ - Small changes to files cause small deltas.
+ - There is a way to evolve the protocol to some extent.
+ - rdiff and rsync --write-batch allow generation of standalone patch
+ sets. rsync+ is pretty cheesy, though. xdelta seems cleaner.
+ - Process triangle is creative, but seems to provoke OS bugs.
+ - "Morning-after property": you don't need to know anything on the
+ local machine about the state of the remote machine, or about
+ transfers that have been done in the past.
+ - You can easily push or pull simply by switching the order of
+ files.
+ - The "modules" system has some neat features compared to
+ e.g. Apache's per-directory configuration. In particular, because
+ you can set a userid and chroot directory, there is strong
+ protection between different modules. I haven't seen any calls
+ for a more flexible system.
+Bad things about the current implementation:
+ - Persistent and hard-to-diagnose hang bugs remain
+ - Protocol is sketchily documented, tied to this implementation, and
+ hard to modify/extend
+ - Both the program and the protocol assume a single non-interactive
+ one-way transfer
+ - A list of all files are held in memory for the entire transfer,
+ which cripples scalability to large file trees
+ - Opening a new socket for every operation causes problems,
+ especially when running over SSH with password authentication.
+ - Renamed files are not handled: the old file is removed, and the
+ new file created from scratch.
+ - The versioning approach assumes that future versions of the
+ program know about all previous versions, and will do the right
+ thing.
+ - People always get confused about ':' vs '::'
+ - Error messages can be cryptic.
+ - Default behaviour is not intuitive: in too many cases rsync will
+ happily do nothing. Perhaps -a should be the default?
+ - People get confused by trailing slashes, though it's hard to think
+ of another reasonable way to make this necessary distinction
+ between a directory and its contents.
+Protocol philosophy:
+ *The* big difference between protocols like HTTP, FTP, and NFS is
+ that their fundamental operations are "read this file", "delete
+ this file", and "make this directory", whereas rsync is "make this
+ directory like this one".
+Questionable features:
+ These are neat, but not necessarily clean or worth preserving.
+ - The remote rsync can be wrapped by some other program, such as in
+ tridge's rsync-mail scripts. The general feature of sending and
+ retrieving mail over rsync is good, but this is perhaps not the
+ right way to implement it.
+Desirable features:
+ These don't really require architectural changes; they're just
+ something to keep in mind.
+ - Synchronize ACLs and extended attributes
+ - Anonymous servers should be efficient
+ - Code should be portable to non-UNIX systems
+ - Should be possible to document the protocol in RFC form
+ - --dry-run option
+ - IPv6 support. Pretty straightforward.
+ - Allow the basis and destination files to be different. For
+ example, you could use this when you have a CD-ROM and want to
+ download an updated image onto a hard drive.
+ - Efficiently interrupt and restart a transfer. We can write a
+ checkpoint file that says where we're up to in the filesystem.
+ Alternatively, as long as transfers are idempotent, we can just
+ restart the whole thing. [NFSv4]
+ - Scripting support.
+ - Propagate atimes and do not modify them. This is very ugly on
+ Unix. It might be better to try to add O_NOATIME to kernels, and
+ call that.
+ - Unicode. Probably just use UTF-8 for everything.
+ - Open authentication system. Can we use PAM? Is SASL an adequate
+ mapping of PAM to the network, or useful in some other way?
+ - Resume interrupted transfers without the --partial flag. We need
+ to leave the temporary file behind, and then know to use it. This
+ leaves a risk of large temporary files accumulating, which is not
+ good. Perhaps it should be off by default.
+ - tcpwrappers support. Should be trivial; can already be done
+ through tcpd or inetd.
+ - Socks support built in. It's not clear this is any better than
+ just linking against the socks library, though.
+ - When run over SSH, invoke with predictable command-line arguments,
+ so that people can restrict what commands sshd will run. (Is this
+ really required?)
+ - Comparison mode: give a list of which files are new, gone, or
+ different. Set return code depending on whether anything has
+ changed.
+ - Internationalized messages (gettext?)
+ - Optionally use real regexps rather than globs?
+ - Show overall progress. Pretty hard to do, especially if we insist
+ on not scanning the directory tree up front.
+Regression testing:
+ - Support automatic testing.
+ - Have hard internal timeouts against hangs.
+ - Be deterministic.
+ - Measure performance.
+Hard links:
+ At the moment, we can recreate hard links, but it's a bit
+ inefficient: it depends on holding a list of all files in the tree.
+ Every time we see a file with a linkcount >1, we need to search for
+ another known name that has the same (fsid,inum) tuple. We could do
+ that more efficiently by keeping a list of only files with
+ linkcount>1, and removing files from that list as all their names
+ become known.
+Command-line options:
+ We have rather a lot at the moment. We might get more if the tool
+ becomes more flexible. Do we need a .rc or configuration file?
+ That wouldn't really fit with its pattern of use: cp and tar don't
+ have them, though ssh does.
+Scripting issues:
+ - Perhaps support multiple scripting languages: candidates include
+ Perl, Python, Tcl, Scheme (guile?), sh, ...
+ - Simply running a subprocess and looking at its stdout/exit code
+ might be sufficient, though it could also be pretty slow if it's
+ called often.
+ - There are security issues about running remote code, at least if
+ it's not running in the users own account. So we can either
+ disallow it, or use some kind of sandbox system.
+ - Python is a good language, but the syntax is not so good for
+ giving small fragments on the command line.
+ - Tcl is broken Lisp.
+ - Lots of sysadmins know Perl, though Perl can give some bizarre or
+ confusing errors. The built in stat operators and regexps might
+ be useful.
+ - Sadly probably not enough people know Scheme.
+ - sh is hard to embed.
+Scripting hooks:
+ - Whether to transfer a file
+ - What basis file to use
+ - Logging
+ - Whether to allow transfers (for public servers)
+ - Authentication
+ - Locking
+ - Cache
+ - Generating backup path/name.
+ - Post-processing of backups, e.g. to do compression.
+ - After transfer, before replacement: so that we can spit out a diff
+ of what was changed, or kick off some kind of reconciliation
+ process.
+ Rather than talking straight to the filesystem, rsyncd talks through
+ an internal API. Samba has one. Is it useful?
+ - Could be a tidy way to implement cached signatures.
+ - Keep files compressed on disk?
+Interactive interface:
+ - Something like ncFTP, or integration into GNOME-vfs. Probably
+ hold a single socket connection open.
+ - Can either call us as a separate process, or as a library.
+ - The standalone process needs to produce output in a form easily
+ digestible by a calling program, like the --emacs feature some
+ have. Same goes for output: rpm outputs a series of hash symbols,
+ which are easier for a GUI to handle than "\r30% complete"
+ strings.
+ - Yow! emacs support. (You could probably build that already, of
+ course.) I'd like to be able to write a simple script on a remote
+ machine that rsyncs it to my workstation, edits it there, then
+ pushes it back up.
+Pie-in-the-sky features:
+ These might have a severe impact on the protocol, and are not
+ clearly in our core requirements. It looks like in many of them
+ having scripting hooks will allow us
+ - Transport over UDP multicast. The hard part is handling multiple
+ destinations which have different basis files. We can look at
+ multicast-TFTP for inspiration.
+ - Conflict resolution. Possibly general scripting support will be
+ sufficient.
+ - Integrate with locking. It's hard to see a good general solution,
+ because Unix systems have several locking mechanisms, and grabbing
+ the lock from programs that don't expect it could cause deadlocks,
+ timeouts, or other problems. Scripting support might help.
+ - Replicate in place, rather than to a temporary file. This is
+ dangerous in the case of interruption, and it also means that the
+ delta can't refer to blocks that have already been overwritten.
+ On the other hand we could semi-trivially do this at first by
+ simply generating a delta with no copy instructions.
+ - Replicate block devices. Most of the difficulties here are to do
+ with replication in place, though on some systems we will also
+ have to do I/O on block boundaries.
+ - Peer to peer features. Flavour of the year. Can we think about
+ ways for clients to smoothly and voluntarily become servers for
+ content they receive?
+ - Imagine a situation where the destination has a much faster link
+ to the cloud than the source. In this case, Mojo Nation downloads
+ interleaved blocks from several slower servers. The general
+ situation might be a way for a master rsync process to farm out
+ tasks to several subjobs. In this particular case they'd need
+ different sockets. This might be related to multicast.
+Unlikely features:
+ - Allow remote source and destination. If this can be cleanly
+ designed into the protocol, perhaps with the remote machine acting
+ as a kind of echo, then it's good. It's uncommon enough that we
+ don't want to shape the whole protocol around it, though.
+ In fact, in a triangle of machines there are two possibilities:
+ all traffic passes from remote1 to remote2 through local, or local
+ just sets up the transfer and then remote1 talks to remote2. FTP
+ supports the second but it's not clearly good. There are some
+ security problems with being able to instruct one machine to open
+ a connection to another.
+In favour of evolving the protocol:
+ - Keeping compatibility with existing rsync servers will help with
+ adoption and testing.
+ - We should at the very least be able to fall back to the new
+ protocol.
+ - Error handling is not so good.
+In favour of using a new protocol:
+ - Maintaining compatibility might soak up development time that
+ would better go into improving a new protocol.
+ - If we start from scratch, it can be documented as we go, and we
+ can avoid design decisions that make the protocol complex or
+ implementation-bound.
+Error handling:
+ - Errors should come back reliably, and be clearly associated with
+ the particular file that caused the problem.
+ - Some errors ought to cause the whole transfer to abort; some are
+ just warnings. If any errors have occurred, then rsync ought to
+ return an error.
+ - We want to keep the CPU, filesystem, and network as full as
+ possible as much of the time as possible.
+ - We can do nonblocking network IO, but not so for disk.
+ - It makes sense to on the destination be generating signatures and
+ applying patches at the same time.
+ - Can structure this with nonblocking, threads, separate processes,
+ etc.
+ - Mirroring software distributions:
+ - Synchronizing laptop and desktop
+ - NFS filesystem migration/replication. See
+ - Sync with PDA
+ - Network backup systems
+ - CVS filemover
+Conflict resolution:
+ - Requires application-specific knowledge. We want to provide
+ policy, rather than mechanism.
+ - Possibly allowing two-way migration across a single connection
+ would be useful.
+Moved files:
+ - There's no trivial way to detect renamed files, especially if they
+ move between directories.
+ - If we had a picture of the remote directory from last time on
+ either machine, then the inode numbers might give us a hint about
+ files which may have been renamed.
+ - Files that are renamed and not modified can be detected by
+ examining the directory listing, looking for files with the same
+ size/date as the origin.
+Filesystem migration:
+ NFSv4 probably wants to migrate file locks, but that's not really
+ our problem.
+Atomic updates:
+ The NFSv4 working group wants atomic migration. Most of the
+ responsibility for this lies on the NFS server or OS.
+ If migrating a whole tree, then we could do a nearly-atomic rename
+ at the end. This ties in to having separate basis and destination
+ files.
+ There's no way in Unix to replace a whole set of files atomically.
+ However, if we get them all onto the destination machine and then do
+ the updates quickly it would greatly reduce the window.
+ We should aim to work well on machines in use in a year or two.
+ That probably means transfers of many millions of files in one
+ batch, and gigabytes or terabytes of data.
+ For argument's sake: at the low end, we want to sync ten files for a
+ total of 10kb across a 1kB/s link. At the high end, we want to sync
+ 1e9 files for 1TB of data across a 1GB/s link.
+ On the whole CPU usage is not normally a limiting factor, if only
+ because running over SSH burns a lot of cycles on encryption.
+ Perhaps have resource throttling without relying on rlimit.
+ A big attraction of rsync is that there are few round-trip delays:
+ basically only one to get started, and then everything is
+ pipelined. This is a problem with FTP, and NFS (at least up to
+ v3). NFSv4 can pipeline operations, but building on that is
+ probably a bit complicated.
+Related work:
+ -
+ - ProFTPd
+ - Apache
+ - BitTorrent -- p2p mirroring
diff --git a/rsyncd.conf.5 b/rsyncd.conf.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249edd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsyncd.conf.5
@@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+.TH "rsyncd.conf" "5" "20 Oct 2022" "rsyncd.conf from rsync 3.2.7" "User Commands"
+.\" prefix=/usr
+rsyncd.conf \- configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at
+The rsyncd.conf file is the runtime configuration file for rsync when run as an
+rsync daemon.
+The rsyncd.conf file controls authentication, access, logging and available
+The file consists of modules and parameters. A module begins with the name of
+the module in square brackets and continues until the next module begins.
+Modules contain parameters of the form \fBname\ =\ value\fP.
+The file is line-based\ \-\- that is, each newline-terminated line represents
+either a comment, a module name or a parameter.
+Only the first equals sign in a parameter is significant. Whitespace before or
+after the first equals sign is discarded. Leading, trailing and internal
+whitespace in module and parameter names is irrelevant. Leading and trailing
+whitespace in a parameter value is discarded. Internal whitespace within a
+parameter value is retained verbatim.
+Any line \fBbeginning\fP with a hash (\fB#\fP) is ignored, as are lines containing
+only whitespace. (If a hash occurs after anything other than leading
+whitespace, it is considered a part of the line's content.)
+Any line ending in a \fB\\\fP is "continued" on the next line in the customary UNIX
+The values following the equals sign in parameters are all either a string (no
+quotes needed) or a boolean, which may be given as yes/no, 0/1 or true/false.
+Case is not significant in boolean values, but is preserved in string values.
+The rsync daemon is launched by specifying the \fB\-\-daemon\fP option to rsync.
+The daemon must run with root privileges if you wish to use chroot, to bind to
+a port numbered under 1024 (as is the default 873), or to set file ownership.
+Otherwise, it must just have permission to read and write the appropriate data,
+log, and lock files.
+You can launch it either via inetd, as a stand-alone daemon, or from an rsync
+client via a remote shell. If run as a stand-alone daemon then just run the
+command "\fBrsync\ \-\-daemon\fP" from a suitable startup script.
+When run via inetd you should add a line like this to /etc/services:
+.RS 4
+rsync 873/tcp
+and a single line something like this to /etc/inetd.conf:
+.RS 4
+rsync stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/rsync rsyncd --daemon
+Replace "/usr/bin/rsync" with the path to where you have rsync installed on
+your system. You will then need to send inetd a HUP signal to tell it to
+reread its config file.
+Note that you should \fBnot\fP send the rsync daemon a HUP signal to force it to
+reread the \fBrsyncd.conf\fP file. The file is re-read on each client connection.
+The first parameters in the file (before a [module] header) are the global
+parameters. Rsync also allows for the use of a "[global]" module name to
+indicate the start of one or more global-parameter sections (the name must be
+lower case).
+You may also include any module parameters in the global part of the config
+file in which case the supplied value will override the default for that
+You may use references to environment variables in the values of parameters.
+String parameters will have %VAR% references expanded as late as possible (when
+the string is first used in the program), allowing for the use of variables
+that rsync sets at connection time, such as RSYNC_USER_NAME. Non-string
+parameters (such as true/false settings) are expanded when read from the config
+file. If a variable does not exist in the environment, or if a sequence of
+characters is not a valid reference (such as an un-paired percent sign), the
+raw characters are passed through unchanged. This helps with backward
+compatibility and safety (e.g. expanding a non-existent %VAR% to an empty
+string in a path could result in a very unsafe path). The safest way to insert
+a literal % into a value is to use %%.
+.IP "\fBmotd\ file\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify a "message of the day" (MOTD) to display
+to clients on each connect. This usually contains site information and any
+legal notices. The default is no MOTD file. This can be overridden by the
+\fB\-\-dparam=motdfile=FILE\fP command-line option when starting the daemon.
+.IP "\fBpid\ file\fP"
+This parameter tells the rsync daemon to write its process ID to that file.
+The rsync keeps the file locked so that it can know when it is safe to
+overwrite an existing file.
+The filename can be overridden by the \fB\-\-dparam=pidfile=FILE\fP command-line
+option when starting the daemon.
+.IP "\fBport\fP"
+You can override the default port the daemon will listen on by specifying
+this value (defaults to 873). This is ignored if the daemon is being run
+by inetd, and is superseded by the \fB\-\-port\fP command-line option.
+.IP "\fBaddress\fP"
+You can override the default IP address the daemon will listen on by
+specifying this value. This is ignored if the daemon is being run by
+inetd, and is superseded by the \fB\-\-address\fP command-line option.
+.IP "\fBsocket\ options\fP"
+This parameter can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their
+systems to the utmost degree. You can set all sorts of socket options which
+may make transfers faster (or slower!). Read the manpage for the
+\fBsetsockopt()\fP system call for details on some of the options you may be
+able to set. By default no special socket options are set. These settings
+can also be specified via the \fB\-\-sockopts\fP command-line option.
+.IP "\fBlisten\ backlog\fP"
+You can override the default backlog value when the daemon listens for
+connections. It defaults to 5.
+After the global parameters you should define a number of modules, each module
+exports a directory tree as a symbolic name. Modules are exported by specifying
+a module name in square brackets [module] followed by the parameters for that
+module. The module name cannot contain a slash or a closing square bracket.
+If the name contains whitespace, each internal sequence of whitespace will be
+changed into a single space, while leading or trailing whitespace will be
+discarded. Also, the name cannot be "global" as that exact name indicates that
+global parameters follow (see above).
+As with GLOBAL PARAMETERS, you may use references to environment variables in
+the values of parameters. See the GLOBAL PARAMETERS section for more details.
+.IP "\fBcomment\fP"
+This parameter specifies a description string that is displayed next to the
+module name when clients obtain a list of available modules. The default is
+no comment.
+.IP "\fBpath\fP"
+This parameter specifies the directory in the daemon's filesystem to make
+available in this module. You must specify this parameter for each module
+in \fBrsyncd.conf\fP.
+If the value contains a "/./" element then the path will be divided at that
+point into a chroot dir and an inner-chroot subdir. If \fBuse\ chroot\fP
+is set to false, though, the extraneous dot dir is just cleaned out of the
+path. An example of this idiom is:
+.RS 4
+path = /var/rsync/./module1
+This will (when chrooting) chroot to "/var/rsync" and set the inside-chroot
+path to "/module1".
+You may base the path's value off of an environment variable by surrounding
+the variable name with percent signs. You can even reference a variable
+that is set by rsync when the user connects. For example, this would use
+the authorizing user's name in the path:
+.RS 4
+path = /home/%RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+It is fine if the path includes internal spaces\ \-\- they will be retained
+verbatim (which means that you shouldn't try to escape them). If your
+final directory has a trailing space (and this is somehow not something you
+wish to fix), append a trailing slash to the path to avoid losing the
+trailing whitespace.
+.IP "\fBuse\ chroot\fP"
+If "use chroot" is true, the rsync daemon will chroot to the "path" before
+starting the file transfer with the client. This has the advantage of
+extra protection against possible implementation security holes, but it has
+the disadvantages of requiring super-user privileges, of not being able to
+follow symbolic links that are either absolute or outside of the new root
+path, and of complicating the preservation of users and groups by name (see
+If \fBuse\ chroot\fP is not set, it defaults to trying to enable a chroot but
+allows the daemon to continue (after logging a warning) if it fails. The
+one exception to this is when a module's \fBpath\fP has a "/./" chroot
+divider in it\ \-\- this causes an unset value to be treated as true for that
+Prior to rsync 3.2.7, the default value was "true". The new "unset"
+default makes it easier to setup an rsync daemon as a non-root user or to
+run a daemon on a system where chroot fails. Explicitly setting the value
+to "true" in rsyncd.conf will always require the chroot to succeed.
+It is also possible to specify a dot-dir in the module's "path" to
+indicate that you want to chdir to the earlier part of the path and then
+serve files from inside the latter part of the path (with sanitizing and
+default symlink munging). This can be useful if you need some library dirs
+inside the chroot (typically for uid & gid lookups) but don't want to put
+the lib dir into the top of the served path (even though they can be hidden
+with an \fBexclude\fP directive). However, a better choice for a modern
+rsync setup is to use a \fBname\ converter\fP" and try to avoid inner lib
+dirs altogether. See also the \fBdaemon\ chroot\fP parameter, which causes
+rsync to chroot into its own chroot area before doing any path-related
+If the daemon is serving the "/" dir (either directly or due to being
+chrooted to the module's path), rsync does not do any path sanitizing or
+(default) munging.
+When it has to limit access to a particular subdir (either due to chroot
+being disabled or having an inside-chroot path set), rsync will munge
+symlinks (by default) and sanitize paths. Those that dislike munged
+symlinks (and really, really trust their users to not break out of the
+subdir) can disable the symlink munging via the "munge symlinks"
+When rsync is sanitizing paths, it trims ".." path elements from args that
+it believes would escape the module hierarchy. It also substitutes leading
+slashes in absolute paths with the module's path (so that options such as
+\fB\-\-backup-dir\fP & \fB\-\-compare-dest\fP interpret an absolute path as rooted in
+the module's "path" dir).
+When a chroot is in effect \fIand\fP the "name converter" parameter is
+\fInot\fP set, the "numeric ids" parameter will default to being enabled
+(disabling name lookups). This means that if you manually setup
+name-lookup libraries in your chroot (instead of using a name converter)
+that you need to explicitly set \fBnumeric\ ids\ =\ false\fP for rsync to do name
+If you copy library resources into the module's chroot area, you should
+protect them through your OS's normal user/group or ACL settings (to
+prevent the rsync module's user from being able to change them), and then
+hide them from the user's view via "exclude" (see how in the discussion of
+that parameter). However, it's easier and safer to setup a name converter.
+.IP "\fBdaemon\ chroot\fP"
+This parameter specifies a path to which the daemon will chroot before
+beginning communication with clients. Module paths (and any "use chroot"
+settings) will then be related to this one. This lets you choose if you
+want the whole daemon to be chrooted (with this setting), just the
+transfers to be chrooted (with "use chroot"), or both. Keep in mind that
+the "daemon chroot" area may need various OS/lib/etc files installed to
+allow the daemon to function. By default the daemon runs without any
+.IP "\fBproxy\ protocol\fP"
+When this parameter is enabled, all incoming connections must start with a
+V1 or V2 proxy protocol header. If the header is not found, the connection
+is closed.
+Setting this to \fBtrue\fP requires a proxy server to forward source IP
+information to rsync, allowing you to log proper IP/host info and make use
+of client-oriented IP restrictions. The default of \fBfalse\fP means that the
+IP information comes directly from the socket's metadata. If rsync is not
+behind a proxy, this should be disabled.
+\fICAUTION\fP: using this option can be dangerous if you do not ensure that
+only the proxy is allowed to connect to the rsync port. If any non-proxied
+connections are allowed through, the client will be able to use a modified
+rsync to spoof any remote IP address that they desire. You can lock this
+down using something like iptables \fB\-uid-owner\ root\fP rules (for strict
+localhost access), various firewall rules, or you can require password
+authorization so that any spoofing by users will not grant extra access.
+This setting is global. If you need some modules to require this and not
+others, then you will need to setup multiple rsync daemon processes on
+different ports.
+.IP "\fBname\ converter\fP"
+This parameter lets you specify a program that will be run by the rsync
+daemon to do user & group conversions between names & ids. This script
+is started prior to any chroot being setup, and runs as the daemon user
+(not the transfer user). You can specify a fully qualified pathname or
+a program name that is on the $PATH.
+The program can be used to do normal user & group lookups without having to
+put any extra files into the chroot area of the module \fIor\fP you can do
+customized conversions.
+The nameconvert program has access to all of the environment variables that
+are described in the section on \fBpre-xfer\ exec\fP. This is useful if you
+want to customize the conversion using information about the module and/or
+the copy request.
+There is a sample python script in the support dir named "nameconvert" that
+implements the normal user & group lookups. Feel free to customize it or
+just use it as documentation to implement your own.
+.IP "\fBnumeric\ ids\fP"
+Enabling this parameter disables the mapping of users and groups by name
+for the current daemon module. This prevents the daemon from trying to
+load any user/group-related files or libraries. This enabling makes the
+transfer behave as if the client had passed the \fB\-\-numeric-ids\fP
+command-line option. By default, this parameter is enabled for chroot
+modules and disabled for non-chroot modules. Also keep in mind that
+uid/gid preservation requires the module to be running as root (see "uid")
+or for "fake super" to be configured.
+A chroot-enabled module should not have this parameter set to false unless
+you're using a "name converter" program \fIor\fP you've taken steps to ensure
+that the module has the necessary resources it needs to translate names and
+that it is not possible for a user to change those resources.
+.IP "\fBmunge\ symlinks\fP"
+This parameter tells rsync to modify all symlinks in the same way as the
+(non-daemon-affecting) \fB\-\-munge-links\fP command-line option (using a method
+described below). This should help protect your files from user trickery
+when your daemon module is writable. The default is disabled when
+"use chroot" is on with an inside-chroot path of "/", OR if "daemon chroot"
+is on, otherwise it is enabled.
+If you disable this parameter on a daemon that is not read-only, there are
+tricks that a user can play with uploaded symlinks to access
+daemon-excluded items (if your module has any), and, if "use chroot" is
+off, rsync can even be tricked into showing or changing data that is
+outside the module's path (as access-permissions allow).
+The way rsync disables the use of symlinks is to prefix each one with the
+string "/rsyncd-munged/". This prevents the links from being used as long
+as that directory does not exist. When this parameter is enabled, rsync
+will refuse to run if that path is a directory or a symlink to a directory.
+When using the "munge symlinks" parameter in a chroot area that has an
+inside-chroot path of "/", you should add "/rsyncd-munged/" to the exclude
+setting for the module so that a user can't try to create it.
+Note: rsync makes no attempt to verify that any pre-existing symlinks in
+the module's hierarchy are as safe as you want them to be (unless, of
+course, it just copied in the whole hierarchy). If you setup an rsync
+daemon on a new area or locally add symlinks, you can manually protect your
+symlinks from being abused by prefixing "/rsyncd-munged/" to the start of
+every symlink's value. There is a perl script in the support directory of
+the source code named "munge-symlinks" that can be used to add or remove
+this prefix from your symlinks.
+When this parameter is disabled on a writable module and "use chroot" is
+off (or the inside-chroot path is not "/"), incoming symlinks will be
+modified to drop a leading slash and to remove ".." path elements that
+rsync believes will allow a symlink to escape the module's hierarchy.
+There are tricky ways to work around this, though, so you had better trust
+your users if you choose this combination of parameters.
+.IP "\fBcharset\fP"
+This specifies the name of the character set in which the module's
+filenames are stored. If the client uses an \fB\-\-iconv\fP option, the daemon
+will use the value of the "charset" parameter regardless of the character
+set the client actually passed. This allows the daemon to support charset
+conversion in a chroot module without extra files in the chroot area, and
+also ensures that name-translation is done in a consistent manner. If the
+"charset" parameter is not set, the \fB\-\-iconv\fP option is refused, just as if
+"iconv" had been specified via "refuse options".
+If you wish to force users to always use \fB\-\-iconv\fP for a particular module,
+add "no-iconv" to the "refuse options" parameter. Keep in mind that this
+will restrict access to your module to very new rsync clients.
+.IP "\fBmax\ connections\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of simultaneous
+connections you will allow. Any clients connecting when the maximum has
+been reached will receive a message telling them to try later. The default
+is 0, which means no limit. A negative value disables the module. See
+also the "lock file" parameter.
+.IP "\fBlog\ file\fP"
+When the "log file" parameter is set to a non-empty string, the rsync
+daemon will log messages to the indicated file rather than using syslog.
+This is particularly useful on systems (such as AIX) where \fBsyslog()\fP
+doesn't work for chrooted programs. The file is opened before \fBchroot()\fP
+is called, allowing it to be placed outside the transfer. If this value is
+set on a per-module basis instead of globally, the global log will still
+contain any authorization failures or config-file error messages.
+If the daemon fails to open the specified file, it will fall back to using
+syslog and output an error about the failure. (Note that the failure to
+open the specified log file used to be a fatal error.)
+This setting can be overridden by using the \fB\-\-log-file=FILE\fP or
+\fB\-\-dparam=logfile=FILE\fP command-line options. The former overrides all the
+log-file parameters of the daemon and all module settings. The latter sets
+the daemon's log file and the default for all the modules, which still
+allows modules to override the default setting.
+.IP "\fBsyslog\ facility\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify the syslog facility name to use when
+logging messages from the rsync daemon. You may use any standard syslog
+facility name which is defined on your system. Common names are auth,
+authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user,
+uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6 and local7.
+The default is daemon. This setting has no effect if the "log file"
+setting is a non-empty string (either set in the per-modules settings, or
+inherited from the global settings).
+.IP "\fBsyslog\ tag\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify the syslog tag to use when logging
+messages from the rsync daemon. The default is "rsyncd". This setting has
+no effect if the "log file" setting is a non-empty string (either set in
+the per-modules settings, or inherited from the global settings).
+For example, if you wanted each authenticated user's name to be included in
+the syslog tag, you could do something like this:
+.RS 4
+syslog tag = rsyncd.%RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+.IP "\fBmax\ verbosity\fP"
+This parameter allows you to control the maximum amount of verbose
+information that you'll allow the daemon to generate (since the information
+goes into the log file). The default is 1, which allows the client to
+request one level of verbosity.
+This also affects the user's ability to request higher levels of \fB\-\-info\fP
+and \fB\-\-debug\fP logging. If the max value is 2, then no info and/or debug
+value that is higher than what would be set by \fB\-vv\fP will be honored by the
+daemon in its logging. To see how high of a verbosity level you need to
+accept for a particular info/debug level, refer to \fBrsync\ \-\-info=help\fP and
+\fBrsync\ \-\-debug=help\fP. For instance, it takes max-verbosity 4 to be able to
+output debug TIME2 and FLIST3.
+.IP "\fBlock\ file\fP"
+This parameter specifies the file to use to support the "max connections"
+parameter. The rsync daemon uses record locking on this file to ensure that
+the max connections limit is not exceeded for the modules sharing the lock
+file. The default is \fB/var/run/rsyncd.lock\fP.
+.IP "\fBread\ only\fP"
+This parameter determines whether clients will be able to upload files or
+not. If "read only" is true then any attempted uploads will fail. If
+"read only" is false then uploads will be possible if file permissions on
+the daemon side allow them. The default is for all modules to be read only.
+Note that "auth users" can override this setting on a per-user basis.
+.IP "\fBwrite\ only\fP"
+This parameter determines whether clients will be able to download files or
+not. If "write only" is true then any attempted downloads will fail. If
+"write only" is false then downloads will be possible if file permissions
+on the daemon side allow them. The default is for this parameter to be
+Helpful hint: you probably want to specify "refuse options = delete" for a
+write-only module.
+.IP "\fBopen\ noatime\fP"
+When set to True, this parameter tells the rsync daemon to open files with
+the O_NOATIME flag
+(on systems that support it) to avoid changing the access time of the files
+that are being transferred. If your OS does not support the O_NOATIME flag
+then rsync will silently ignore this option. Note also that some
+filesystems are mounted to avoid updating the atime on read access even
+without the O_NOATIME flag being set.
+When set to False, this parameters ensures that files on the server are not
+opened with O_NOATIME.
+When set to Unset (the default) the user controls the setting via
+.IP "\fBlist\fP"
+This parameter determines whether this module is listed when the client
+asks for a listing of available modules. In addition, if this is false,
+the daemon will pretend the module does not exist when a client denied by
+"hosts allow" or "hosts deny" attempts to access it. Realize that if
+"reverse lookup" is disabled globally but enabled for the module, the
+resulting reverse lookup to a potentially client-controlled DNS server may
+still reveal to the client that it hit an existing module. The default is
+for modules to be listable.
+.IP "\fBuid\fP"
+This parameter specifies the user name or user ID that file transfers to
+and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root.
+In combination with the "gid" parameter this determines what file
+permissions are available. The default when run by a super-user is to
+switch to the system's "nobody" user. The default for a non-super-user is
+to not try to change the user. See also the "gid" parameter.
+The RSYNC_USER_NAME environment variable may be used to request that rsync
+run as the authorizing user. For example, if you want a rsync to run as
+the same user that was received for the rsync authentication, this setup is
+.RS 4
+gid = *
+.IP "\fBgid\fP"
+This parameter specifies one or more group names/IDs that will be used when
+accessing the module. The first one will be the default group, and any
+extra ones be set as supplemental groups. You may also specify a "\fB*\fP" as
+the first gid in the list, which will be replaced by all the normal groups
+for the transfer's user (see "uid"). The default when run by a super-user
+is to switch to your OS's "nobody" (or perhaps "nogroup") group with no
+other supplementary groups. The default for a non-super-user is to not
+change any group attributes (and indeed, your OS may not allow a
+non-super-user to try to change their group settings).
+The specified list is normally split into tokens based on spaces and
+commas. However, if the list starts with a comma, then the list is only
+split on commas, which allows a group name to contain a space. In either
+case any leading and/or trailing whitespace is removed from the tokens and
+empty tokens are ignored.
+.IP "\fBdaemon\ uid\fP"
+This parameter specifies a uid under which the daemon will run. The daemon
+usually runs as user root, and when this is left unset the user is left
+unchanged. See also the "uid" parameter.
+.IP "\fBdaemon\ gid\fP"
+This parameter specifies a gid under which the daemon will run. The daemon
+usually runs as group root, and when this is left unset, the group is left
+unchanged. See also the "gid" parameter.
+.IP "\fBfake\ super\fP"
+Setting "fake super = yes" for a module causes the daemon side to behave as
+if the \fB\-\-fake-super\fP command-line option had been specified. This allows
+the full attributes of a file to be stored without having to have the
+daemon actually running as root.
+.IP "\fBfilter\fP"
+The daemon has its own filter chain that determines what files it will let
+the client access. This chain is not sent to the client and is independent
+of any filters the client may have specified. Files excluded by the daemon
+filter chain (\fBdaemon-excluded\fP files) are treated as non-existent if the
+client tries to pull them, are skipped with an error message if the client
+tries to push them (triggering exit code 23), and are never deleted from
+the module. You can use daemon filters to prevent clients from downloading
+or tampering with private administrative files, such as files you may add
+to support uid/gid name translations.
+The daemon filter chain is built from the "filter", "include from",
+"include", "exclude from", and "exclude" parameters, in that order of
+priority. Anchored patterns are anchored at the root of the module. To
+prevent access to an entire subtree, for example, "\fB/secret\fP", you \fBmust\fP
+exclude everything in the subtree; the easiest way to do this is with a
+triple-star pattern like "\fB/secret/***\fP".
+The "filter" parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon filter rules,
+though it is smart enough to know not to split a token at an internal space
+in a rule (e.g. "\fB\-\ /foo\ \ \-\ /bar\fP" is parsed as two rules). You may specify
+one or more merge-file rules using the normal syntax. Only one "filter"
+parameter can apply to a given module in the config file, so put all the
+rules you want in a single parameter. Note that per-directory merge-file
+rules do not provide as much protection as global rules, but they can be
+used to make \fB\-\-delete\fP work better during a client download operation if
+the per-dir merge files are included in the transfer and the client
+requests that they be used.
+.IP "\fBexclude\fP"
+This parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon exclude patterns. As
+with the client \fB\-\-exclude\fP option, patterns can be qualified with "\fB\-\ \fP" or
+"\fB+\ \fP" to explicitly indicate exclude/include. Only one "exclude" parameter
+can apply to a given module. See the "filter" parameter for a description
+of how excluded files affect the daemon.
+.IP "\fBinclude\fP"
+Use an "include" to override the effects of the "exclude" parameter. Only
+one "include" parameter can apply to a given module. See the "filter"
+parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
+.IP "\fBexclude\ from\fP"
+This parameter specifies the name of a file on the daemon that contains
+daemon exclude patterns, one per line. Only one "exclude from" parameter
+can apply to a given module; if you have multiple exclude-from files, you
+can specify them as a merge file in the "filter" parameter. See the
+"filter" parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the
+.IP "\fBinclude\ from\fP"
+Analogue of "exclude from" for a file of daemon include patterns. Only one
+"include from" parameter can apply to a given module. See the "filter"
+parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
+.IP "\fBincoming\ chmod\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings
+that will affect the permissions of all incoming files (files that are
+being received by the daemon). These changes happen after all other
+permission calculations, and this will even override destination-default
+and/or existing permissions when the client does not specify \fB\-\-perms\fP.
+See the description of the \fB\-\-chmod\fP rsync option and the \fBchmod\fP(1)
+manpage for information on the format of this string.
+.IP "\fBoutgoing\ chmod\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings
+that will affect the permissions of all outgoing files (files that are
+being sent out from the daemon). These changes happen first, making the
+sent permissions appear to be different than those stored in the filesystem
+itself. For instance, you could disable group write permissions on the
+server while having it appear to be on to the clients. See the description
+of the \fB\-\-chmod\fP rsync option and the \fBchmod\fP(1) manpage for information
+on the format of this string.
+.IP "\fBauth\ users\fP"
+This parameter specifies a comma and/or space-separated list of
+authorization rules. In its simplest form, you list the usernames that
+will be allowed to connect to this module. The usernames do not need to
+exist on the local system. The rules may contain shell wildcard characters
+that will be matched against the username provided by the client for
+authentication. If "auth users" is set then the client will be challenged
+to supply a username and password to connect to the module. A challenge
+response authentication protocol is used for this exchange. The plain text
+usernames and passwords are stored in the file specified by the
+"secrets file" parameter. The default is for all users to be able to
+connect without a password (this is called "anonymous rsync").
+In addition to username matching, you can specify groupname matching via a
+\&'@' prefix. When using groupname matching, the authenticating username
+must be a real user on the system, or it will be assumed to be a member of
+no groups. For example, specifying "@rsync" will match the authenticating
+user if the named user is a member of the rsync group.
+Finally, options may be specified after a colon (:). The options allow you
+to "deny" a user or a group, set the access to "ro" (read-only), or set the
+access to "rw" (read/write). Setting an auth-rule-specific ro/rw setting
+overrides the module's "read only" setting.
+Be sure to put the rules in the order you want them to be matched, because
+the checking stops at the first matching user or group, and that is the
+only auth that is checked. For example:
+.RS 4
+auth users = joe:deny @guest:deny admin:rw @rsync:ro susan joe sam
+In the above rule, user joe will be denied access no matter what. Any user
+that is in the group "guest" is also denied access. The user "admin" gets
+access in read/write mode, but only if the admin user is not in group
+"guest" (because the admin user-matching rule would never be reached if the
+user is in group "guest"). Any other user who is in group "rsync" will get
+read-only access. Finally, users susan, joe, and sam get the ro/rw setting
+of the module, but only if the user didn't match an earlier group-matching
+If you need to specify a user or group name with a space in it, start your
+list with a comma to indicate that the list should only be split on commas
+(though leading and trailing whitespace will also be removed, and empty
+entries are just ignored). For example:
+.RS 4
+auth users = , joe:deny, @Some Group:deny, admin:rw, @RO Group:ro
+See the description of the secrets file for how you can have per-user
+passwords as well as per-group passwords. It also explains how a user can
+authenticate using their user password or (when applicable) a group
+password, depending on what rule is being authenticated.
+See also the section entitled "USING RSYNC-DAEMON FEATURES VIA A REMOTE
+SHELL CONNECTION" in \fBrsync\fP(1) for information on how handle an
+rsyncd.conf-level username that differs from the remote-shell-level
+username when using a remote shell to connect to an rsync daemon.
+.IP "\fBsecrets\ file\fP"
+This parameter specifies the name of a file that contains the
+username:password and/or @groupname:password pairs used for authenticating
+this module. This file is only consulted if the "auth users" parameter is
+specified. The file is line-based and contains one name:password pair per
+line. Any line has a hash (#) as the very first character on the line is
+considered a comment and is skipped. The passwords can contain any
+characters but be warned that many operating systems limit the length of
+passwords that can be typed at the client end, so you may find that
+passwords longer than 8 characters don't work.
+The use of group-specific lines are only relevant when the module is being
+authorized using a matching "@groupname" rule. When that happens, the user
+can be authorized via either their "username:password" line or the
+"@groupname:password" line for the group that triggered the authentication.
+It is up to you what kind of password entries you want to include, either
+users, groups, or both. The use of group rules in "auth users" does not
+require that you specify a group password if you do not want to use shared
+There is no default for the "secrets file" parameter, you must choose a
+name (such as \fB/etc/rsyncd.secrets\fP). The file must normally not be
+readable by "other"; see "strict modes". If the file is not found or is
+rejected, no logins for an "auth users" module will be possible.
+.IP "\fBstrict\ modes\fP"
+This parameter determines whether or not the permissions on the secrets
+file will be checked. If "strict modes" is true, then the secrets file
+must not be readable by any user ID other than the one that the rsync
+daemon is running under. If "strict modes" is false, the check is not
+performed. The default is true. This parameter was added to accommodate
+rsync running on the Windows operating system.
+.IP "\fBhosts\ allow\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify a list of comma- and/or
+whitespace-separated patterns that are matched against a connecting
+client's hostname and IP address. If none of the patterns match, then the
+connection is rejected.
+Each pattern can be in one of six forms:
+.IP o
+a dotted decimal IPv4 address of the form a.b.c.d, or an IPv6 address of
+the form a:b:c::d:e:f. In this case the incoming machine's IP address
+must match exactly.
+.IP o
+an address/mask in the form ipaddr/n where ipaddr is the IP address and n
+is the number of one bits in the netmask. All IP addresses which match
+the masked IP address will be allowed in.
+.IP o
+an address/mask in the form ipaddr/maskaddr where ipaddr is the IP
+address and maskaddr is the netmask in dotted decimal notation for IPv4,
+or similar for IPv6, e.g. ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: instead of /64. All IP
+addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in.
+.IP o
+a hostname pattern using wildcards. If the hostname of the connecting IP
+(as determined by a reverse lookup) matches the wildcarded name (using
+the same rules as normal Unix filename matching), the client is allowed
+in. This only works if "reverse lookup" is enabled (the default).
+.IP o
+a hostname. A plain hostname is matched against the reverse DNS of the
+connecting IP (if "reverse lookup" is enabled), and/or the IP of the
+given hostname is matched against the connecting IP (if "forward lookup"
+is enabled, as it is by default). Any match will be allowed in.
+.IP o
+an '@' followed by a netgroup name, which will match if the reverse DNS
+of the connecting IP is in the specified netgroup.
+Note IPv6 link-local addresses can have a scope in the address
+.RS 4
+You can also combine "hosts allow" with "hosts deny" as a way to add
+exceptions to your deny list. When both parameters are specified, the
+"hosts allow" parameter is checked first and a match results in the client
+being able to connect. A non-allowed host is then matched against the
+"hosts deny" list to see if it should be rejected. A host that does not
+match either list is allowed to connect.
+The default is no "hosts allow" parameter, which means all hosts can
+.IP "\fBhosts\ deny\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify a list of comma- and/or
+whitespace-separated patterns that are matched against a connecting clients
+hostname and IP address. If the pattern matches then the connection is
+rejected. See the "hosts allow" parameter for more information.
+The default is no "hosts deny" parameter, which means all hosts can
+.IP "\fBreverse\ lookup\fP"
+Controls whether the daemon performs a reverse lookup on the client's IP
+address to determine its hostname, which is used for "hosts allow" &
+"hosts deny" checks and the "%h" log escape. This is enabled by default,
+but you may wish to disable it to save time if you know the lookup will not
+return a useful result, in which case the daemon will use the name
+"UNDETERMINED" instead.
+If this parameter is enabled globally (even by default), rsync performs the
+lookup as soon as a client connects, so disabling it for a module will not
+avoid the lookup. Thus, you probably want to disable it globally and then
+enable it for modules that need the information.
+.IP "\fBforward\ lookup\fP"
+Controls whether the daemon performs a forward lookup on any hostname
+specified in an hosts allow/deny setting. By default this is enabled,
+allowing the use of an explicit hostname that would not be returned by
+reverse DNS of the connecting IP.
+.IP "\fBignore\ errors\fP"
+This parameter tells rsyncd to ignore I/O errors on the daemon when
+deciding whether to run the delete phase of the transfer. Normally rsync
+skips the \fB\-\-delete\fP step if any I/O errors have occurred in order to
+prevent disastrous deletion due to a temporary resource shortage or other
+I/O error. In some cases this test is counter productive so you can use
+this parameter to turn off this behavior.
+.IP "\fBignore\ nonreadable\fP"
+This tells the rsync daemon to completely ignore files that are not
+readable by the user. This is useful for public archives that may have some
+non-readable files among the directories, and the sysadmin doesn't want
+those files to be seen at all.
+.IP "\fBtransfer\ logging\fP"
+This parameter enables per-file logging of downloads and uploads in a
+format somewhat similar to that used by ftp daemons. The daemon always
+logs the transfer at the end, so if a transfer is aborted, no mention will
+be made in the log file.
+If you want to customize the log lines, see the "log format" parameter.
+.IP "\fBlog\ format\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify the format used for logging file
+transfers when transfer logging is enabled. The format is a text string
+containing embedded single-character escape sequences prefixed with a
+percent (%) character. An optional numeric field width may also be
+specified between the percent and the escape letter (e.g.
+"\fB%\-50n\ %8l\ %07p\fP"). In addition, one or more apostrophes may be specified
+prior to a numerical escape to indicate that the numerical value should be
+made more human-readable. The 3 supported levels are the same as for the
+\fB\-\-human-readable\fP command-line option, though the default is for
+human-readability to be off. Each added apostrophe increases the level
+(e.g. "\fB%''l\ %'b\ %f\fP").
+The default log format is "\fB%o\ %h\ [%a]\ %m\ (%u)\ %f\ %l\fP", and a "\fB%t\ [%p]\ \fP"
+is always prefixed when using the "log file" parameter. (A perl script
+that will summarize this default log format is included in the rsync source
+code distribution in the "support" subdirectory: rsyncstats.)
+The single-character escapes that are understood are as follows:
+.IP o
+%a the remote IP address (only available for a daemon)
+.IP o
+%b the number of bytes actually transferred
+.IP o
+%B the permission bits of the file (e.g. rwxrwxrwt)
+.IP o
+%c the total size of the block checksums received for the basis file
+(only when sending)
+.IP o
+%C the full-file checksum if it is known for the file. For older rsync
+protocols/versions, the checksum was salted, and is thus not a useful
+value (and is not displayed when that is the case). For the checksum to
+output for a file, either the \fB\-\-checksum\fP option must be in-effect or
+the file must have been transferred without a salted checksum being used.
+See the \fB\-\-checksum-choice\fP option for a way to choose the algorithm.
+.IP o
+%f the filename (long form on sender; no trailing "/")
+.IP o
+%G the gid of the file (decimal) or "DEFAULT"
+.IP o
+%h the remote host name (only available for a daemon)
+.IP o
+%i an itemized list of what is being updated
+.IP o
+%l the length of the file in bytes
+.IP o
+%L the string "\fB\ \->\ SYMLINK\fP", "\fB\ =>\ HARDLINK\fP", or "" (where \fBSYMLINK\fP
+or \fBHARDLINK\fP is a filename)
+.IP o
+%m the module name
+.IP o
+%M the last-modified time of the file
+.IP o
+%n the filename (short form; trailing "/" on dir)
+.IP o
+%o the operation, which is "send", "recv", or "del." (the latter includes
+the trailing period)
+.IP o
+%p the process ID of this rsync session
+.IP o
+%P the module path
+.IP o
+%t the current date time
+.IP o
+%u the authenticated username or an empty string
+.IP o
+%U the uid of the file (decimal)
+For a list of what the characters mean that are output by "%i", see the
+\fB\-\-itemize-changes\fP option in the rsync manpage.
+Note that some of the logged output changes when talking with older rsync
+versions. For instance, deleted files were only output as verbose messages
+prior to rsync 2.6.4.
+.IP "\fBtimeout\fP"
+This parameter allows you to override the clients choice for I/O timeout
+for this module. Using this parameter you can ensure that rsync won't wait
+on a dead client forever. The timeout is specified in seconds. A value of
+zero means no timeout and is the default. A good choice for anonymous rsync
+daemons may be 600 (giving a 10 minute timeout).
+.IP "\fBrefuse\ options\fP"
+This parameter allows you to specify a space-separated list of rsync
+command-line options that will be refused by your rsync daemon. You may
+specify the full option name, its one-letter abbreviation, or a wild-card
+string that matches multiple options. Beginning in 3.2.0, you can also
+negate a match term by starting it with a "!".
+When an option is refused, the daemon prints an error message and exits.
+For example, this would refuse \fB\-\-checksum\fP (\fB\-c\fP) and all the various
+delete options:
+.RS 4
+refuse options = c delete
+The reason the above refuses all delete options is that the options imply
+\fB\-\-delete\fP, and implied options are refused just like explicit options.
+The use of a negated match allows you to fine-tune your refusals after a
+wild-card, such as this:
+.RS 4
+refuse options = delete-* !delete-during
+Negated matching can also turn your list of refused options into a list of
+accepted options. To do this, begin the list with a "\fB*\fP" (to refuse all
+options) and then specify one or more negated matches to accept. For
+.RS 4
+refuse options = * !a !v !compress*
+Don't worry that the "\fB*\fP" will refuse certain vital options such as
+\fB\-\-dry-run\fP, \fB\-\-server\fP, \fB\-\-no-iconv\fP, \fB\-\-seclude-args\fP, etc. These
+important options are not matched by wild-card, so they must be overridden
+by their exact name. For instance, if you're forcing iconv transfers you
+could use something like this:
+.RS 4
+refuse options = * no-iconv !a !v
+As an additional aid (beginning in 3.2.0), refusing (or "\fB!refusing\fP") the
+"a" or "archive" option also affects all the options that the \fB\-\-archive\fP
+option implies (\fB\-rdlptgoD\fP), but only if the option is matched explicitly
+(not using a wildcard). If you want to do something tricky, you can use
+"\fBarchive*\fP" to avoid this side-effect, but keep in mind that no normal
+rsync client ever sends the actual archive option to the server.
+As an additional safety feature, the refusal of "delete" also refuses
+\fBremove-source-files\fP when the daemon is the sender; if you want the latter
+without the former, instead refuse "\fBdelete-*\fP" as that refuses all the
+delete modes without affecting \fB\-\-remove-source-files\fP. (Keep in mind that
+the client's \fB\-\-delete\fP option typically results in \fB\-\-delete-during\fP.)
+When un-refusing delete options, you should either specify "\fB!delete*\fP" (to
+accept all delete options) or specify a limited set that includes "delete",
+such as:
+.RS 4
+refuse options = * !a !delete !delete-during
+\&... whereas this accepts any delete option except \fB\-\-delete-after\fP:
+.RS 4
+refuse options = * !a !delete* delete-after
+A note on refusing "compress": it may be better to set the "dont compress"
+daemon parameter to "\fB*\fP" and ensure that \fBRSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST=zlib\fP is set
+in the environment of the daemon in order to disable compression silently
+instead of returning an error that forces the client to remove the \fB\-z\fP
+If you are un-refusing the compress option, you may want to match
+"\fB!compress*\fP" if you also want to allow the \fB\-\-compress-level\fP option.
+Note that the "copy-devices" & "write-devices" options are refused by
+default, but they can be explicitly accepted with "\fB!copy-devices\fP" and/or
+"\fB!write-devices\fP". The options "log-file" and "log-file-format" are
+forcibly refused and cannot be accepted.
+Here are all the options that are not matched by wild-cards:
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-server\fP: Required for rsync to even work.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-rsh\fP, \fB\-e\fP: Required to convey compatibility flags to the server.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-out-format\fP: This is required to convey output behavior to a remote
+receiver. While rsync passes the older alias \fB\-\-log-format\fP for
+compatibility reasons, this options should not be confused with
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-sender\fP: Use "write only" parameter instead of refusing this.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-dry-run\fP, \fB\-n\fP: Who would want to disable this?
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-seclude-args\fP, \fB\-s\fP: Is the oldest arg-protection method.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-from0\fP, \fB\-0\fP: Makes it easier to accept/refuse \fB\-\-files-from\fP without
+affecting this helpful modifier.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-iconv\fP: This is auto-disabled based on "charset" parameter.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-no-iconv\fP: Most transfers use this option.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-checksum-seed\fP: Is a fairly rare, safe option.
+.IP o
+\fB\-\-write-devices\fP: Is non-wild but also auto-disabled.
+.IP "\fBdont\ compress\fP"
+\fBNOTE:\fP This parameter currently has no effect except in one instance: if
+it is set to "\fB*\fP" then it minimizes or disables compression for all files
+(for those that don't want to refuse the \fB\-\-compress\fP option completely).
+This parameter allows you to select filenames based on wildcard patterns
+that should not be compressed when pulling files from the daemon (no
+analogous parameter exists to govern the pushing of files to a daemon).
+Compression can be expensive in terms of CPU usage, so it is usually good
+to not try to compress files that won't compress well, such as already
+compressed files.
+The "dont compress" parameter takes a space-separated list of
+case-insensitive wildcard patterns. Any source filename matching one of the
+patterns will be compressed as little as possible during the transfer. If
+the compression algorithm has an "off" level, then no compression occurs
+for those files. If an algorithms has the ability to change the level in
+mid-stream, it will be minimized to reduce the CPU usage as much as
+See the \fB\-\-skip-compress\fP parameter in the \fBrsync\fP(1) manpage for the
+list of file suffixes that are skipped by default if this parameter is not
+.IP "\fBearly\ exec\fP, \fBpre-xfer\ exec\fP, \fBpost-xfer\ exec\fP"
+You may specify a command to be run in the early stages of the connection,
+or right before and/or after the transfer. If the \fBearly\ exec\fP or
+\fBpre-xfer\ exec\fP command returns an error code, the transfer is aborted
+before it begins. Any output from the \fBpre-xfer\ exec\fP command on stdout
+(up to several KB) will be displayed to the user when aborting, but is
+\fInot\fP displayed if the script returns success. The other programs cannot
+send any text to the user. All output except for the \fBpre-xfer\ exec\fP
+stdout goes to the corresponding daemon's stdout/stderr, which is typically
+discarded. See the \fB\-\-no-detatch\fP option for a way to see the daemon's
+output, which can assist with debugging.
+Note that the \fBearly\ exec\fP command runs before any part of the transfer
+request is known except for the module name. This helper script can be
+used to setup a disk mount or decrypt some data into a module dir, but you
+may need to use \fBlock\ file\fP and \fBmax\ connections\fP to avoid concurrency
+issues. If the client rsync specified the \fB\-\-early-input=FILE\fP option, it
+can send up to about 5K of data to the stdin of the early script. The
+stdin will otherwise be empty.
+Note that the \fBpost-xfer\ exec\fP command is still run even if one of the
+other scripts returns an error code. The \fBpre-xfer\ exec\fP command will \fInot\fP
+be run, however, if the \fBearly\ exec\fP command fails.
+The following environment variables will be set, though some are specific
+to the pre-xfer or the post-xfer environment:
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_MODULE_NAME\fP: The name of the module being accessed.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_MODULE_PATH\fP: The path configured for the module.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_HOST_ADDR\fP: The accessing host's IP address.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_HOST_NAME\fP: The accessing host's name.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_USER_NAME\fP: The accessing user's name (empty if no user).
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_PID\fP: A unique number for this transfer.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_REQUEST\fP: (pre-xfer only) The module/path info specified by the
+user. Note that the user can specify multiple source files, so the
+request can be something like "mod/path1 mod/path2", etc.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_ARG#\fP: (pre-xfer only) The pre-request arguments are set in these
+numbered values. RSYNC_ARG0 is always "rsyncd", followed by the options
+that were used in RSYNC_ARG1, and so on. There will be a value of "."
+indicating that the options are done and the path args are beginning\ \-\-
+these contain similar information to RSYNC_REQUEST, but with values
+separated and the module name stripped off.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_EXIT_STATUS\fP: (post-xfer only) the server side's exit value. This
+will be 0 for a successful run, a positive value for an error that the
+server generated, or a \-1 if rsync failed to exit properly. Note that an
+error that occurs on the client side does not currently get sent to the
+server side, so this is not the final exit status for the whole transfer.
+.IP o
+\fBRSYNC_RAW_STATUS\fP: (post-xfer only) the raw exit value from
+Even though the commands can be associated with a particular module, they
+are run using the permissions of the user that started the daemon (not the
+module's uid/gid setting) without any chroot restrictions.
+These settings honor 2 environment variables: use RSYNC_SHELL to set a
+shell to use when running the command (which otherwise uses your
+\fBsystem()\fP call's default shell), and use RSYNC_NO_XFER_EXEC to disable
+both options completely.
+There are currently two config directives available that allow a config file to
+incorporate the contents of other files: \fB&include\fP and \fB&merge\fP. Both allow
+a reference to either a file or a directory. They differ in how segregated the
+file's contents are considered to be.
+The \fB&include\fP directive treats each file as more distinct, with each one
+inheriting the defaults of the parent file, starting the parameter parsing as
+globals/defaults, and leaving the defaults unchanged for the parsing of the
+rest of the parent file.
+The \fB&merge\fP directive, on the other hand, treats the file's contents as if it
+were simply inserted in place of the directive, and thus it can set parameters
+in a module started in another file, can affect the defaults for other files,
+When an \fB&include\fP or \fB&merge\fP directive refers to a directory, it will read in
+all the \fB*.conf\fP or \fB*.inc\fP files (respectively) that are contained inside that
+directory (without any recursive scanning), with the files sorted into alpha
+order. So, if you have a directory named "rsyncd.d" with the files "foo.conf",
+"bar.conf", and "baz.conf" inside it, this directive:
+.RS 4
+&include /path/rsyncd.d
+would be the same as this set of directives:
+.RS 4
+&include /path/rsyncd.d/bar.conf
+&include /path/rsyncd.d/baz.conf
+&include /path/rsyncd.d/foo.conf
+except that it adjusts as files are added and removed from the directory.
+The advantage of the \fB&include\fP directive is that you can define one or more
+modules in a separate file without worrying about unintended side-effects
+between the self-contained module files.
+The advantage of the \fB&merge\fP directive is that you can load config snippets
+that can be included into multiple module definitions, and you can also set
+global values that will affect connections (such as \fBmotd\ file\fP), or globals
+that will affect other include files.
+For example, this is a useful /etc/rsyncd.conf file:
+.RS 4
+port = 873
+log file = /var/log/rsync.log
+pid file = /var/lock/rsync.lock
+&merge /etc/rsyncd.d
+&include /etc/rsyncd.d
+This would merge any \fB/etc/rsyncd.d/*.inc\fP files (for global values that should
+stay in effect), and then include any \fB/etc/rsyncd.d/*.conf\fP files (defining
+modules without any global-value cross-talk).
+The authentication protocol used in rsync is a 128 bit MD4 based challenge
+response system. This is fairly weak protection, though (with at least one
+brute-force hash-finding algorithm publicly available), so if you want really
+top-quality security, then I recommend that you run rsync over ssh. (Yes, a
+future version of rsync will switch over to a stronger hashing method.)
+Also note that the rsync daemon protocol does not currently provide any
+encryption of the data that is transferred over the connection. Only
+authentication is provided. Use ssh as the transport if you want encryption.
+You can also make use of SSL/TLS encryption if you put rsync behind an
+SSL proxy.
+.SH "SSL/TLS Daemon Setup"
+When setting up an rsync daemon for access via SSL/TLS, you will need to
+configure a TCP proxy (such as haproxy or nginx) as the front-end that handles
+the encryption.
+.IP o
+You should limit the access to the backend-rsyncd port to only allow the
+proxy to connect. If it is on the same host as the proxy, then configuring
+it to only listen on localhost is a good idea.
+.IP o
+You should consider turning on the \fBproxy\ protocol\fP rsync-daemon parameter if
+your proxy supports sending that information. The examples below assume that
+this is enabled.
+An example haproxy setup is as follows:
+.RS 4
+frontend fe_rsync-ssl
+ bind :::874 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/
+ mode tcp
+ use_backend be_rsync
+backend be_rsync
+ mode tcp
+ server local-rsync check send-proxy
+An example nginx proxy setup is as follows:
+.RS 4
+stream {
+ server {
+ listen 874 ssl;
+ listen [::]:874 ssl;
+ ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/;
+ ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/;
+ proxy_pass localhost:873;
+ proxy_protocol on; # Requires rsyncd.conf "proxy protocol = true"
+ proxy_timeout 1m;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 5s;
+ }
+A simple rsyncd.conf file that allow anonymous rsync to a ftp area at
+\fB/home/ftp\fP would be:
+.RS 4
+ path = /home/ftp
+ comment = ftp export area
+A more sophisticated example would be:
+.RS 4
+uid = nobody
+gid = nobody
+use chroot = yes
+max connections = 4
+syslog facility = local5
+pid file = /var/run/
+ path = /var/ftp/./pub
+ comment = whole ftp area (approx 6.1 GB)
+ path = /var/ftp/./pub/samba
+ comment = Samba ftp area (approx 300 MB)
+ path = /var/ftp/./pub/rsync
+ comment = rsync ftp area (approx 6 MB)
+ path = /public_html/samba
+ comment = Samba WWW pages (approx 240 MB)
+ path = /data/cvs
+ comment = CVS repository (requires authentication)
+ auth users = tridge, susan
+ secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
+The /etc/rsyncd.secrets file would look something like this:
+.RS 4
+/etc/rsyncd.conf or rsyncd.conf
+\fBrsync\fP(1), \fBrsync-ssl\fP(1)
+Please report bugs! The rsync bug tracking system is online at
+This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.
+Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+COPYING for details.
+An rsync web site is available at and its github
+project is
+Thanks to Warren Stanley for his original idea and patch for the rsync daemon.
+Thanks to Karsten Thygesen for his many suggestions and documentation!
+Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. Many
+people have later contributed to it. It is currently maintained by Wayne
+Mailing lists for support and development are available at
diff --git a/rsyncd.conf.5.html b/rsyncd.conf.5.html
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1205 @@
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+<h2 id="NAME">NAME<a href="#NAME" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>rsyncd.conf -&#8288; configuration file for rsync in daemon mode</p>
+<h2 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS<a href="#SYNOPSIS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION<a href="#DESCRIPTION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The rsyncd.conf file is the runtime configuration file for rsync when run as an
+rsync daemon.</p>
+<p>The rsyncd.conf file controls authentication, access, logging and available
+<h2 id="FILE_FORMAT">FILE FORMAT<a href="#FILE_FORMAT" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>The file consists of modules and parameters. A module begins with the name of
+the module in square brackets and continues until the next module begins.
+Modules contain parameters of the form <code>name = value</code>.</p>
+<p>The file is line-based&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; that is, each newline-terminated line represents
+either a comment, a module name or a parameter.</p>
+<p>Only the first equals sign in a parameter is significant. Whitespace before or
+after the first equals sign is discarded. Leading, trailing and internal
+whitespace in module and parameter names is irrelevant. Leading and trailing
+whitespace in a parameter value is discarded. Internal whitespace within a
+parameter value is retained verbatim.</p>
+<p>Any line <strong>beginning</strong> with a hash (<code>#</code>) is ignored, as are lines containing
+only whitespace. (If a hash occurs after anything other than leading
+whitespace, it is considered a part of the line's content.)</p>
+<p>Any line ending in a <code>\</code> is &quot;continued&quot; on the next line in the customary UNIX
+<p>The values following the equals sign in parameters are all either a string (no
+quotes needed) or a boolean, which may be given as yes/no, 0/1 or true/false.
+Case is not significant in boolean values, but is preserved in string values.</p>
+<p>The rsync daemon is launched by specifying the <code>--daemon</code> option to rsync.</p>
+<p>The daemon must run with root privileges if you wish to use chroot, to bind to
+a port numbered under 1024 (as is the default 873), or to set file ownership.
+Otherwise, it must just have permission to read and write the appropriate data,
+log, and lock files.</p>
+<p>You can launch it either via inetd, as a stand-alone daemon, or from an rsync
+client via a remote shell. If run as a stand-alone daemon then just run the
+command &quot;<code>rsync --daemon</code>&quot; from a suitable startup script.</p>
+<p>When run via inetd you should add a line like this to /etc/services:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync 873/tcp
+<p>and a single line something like this to /etc/inetd.conf:</p>
+<pre><code>rsync stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/rsync rsyncd --daemon
+<p>Replace &quot;/usr/bin/rsync&quot; with the path to where you have rsync installed on
+your system. You will then need to send inetd a HUP signal to tell it to
+reread its config file.</p>
+<p>Note that you should <strong>not</strong> send the rsync daemon a HUP signal to force it to
+reread the <code>rsyncd.conf</code> file. The file is re-read on each client connection.</p>
+<p>The first parameters in the file (before a [module] header) are the global
+parameters. Rsync also allows for the use of a &quot;[global]&quot; module name to
+indicate the start of one or more global-parameter sections (the name must be
+lower case).</p>
+<p>You may also include any module parameters in the global part of the config
+file in which case the supplied value will override the default for that
+<p>You may use references to environment variables in the values of parameters.
+String parameters will have %VAR% references expanded as late as possible (when
+the string is first used in the program), allowing for the use of variables
+that rsync sets at connection time, such as RSYNC_USER_NAME. Non-string
+parameters (such as true/false settings) are expanded when read from the config
+file. If a variable does not exist in the environment, or if a sequence of
+characters is not a valid reference (such as an un-paired percent sign), the
+raw characters are passed through unchanged. This helps with backward
+compatibility and safety (e.g. expanding a non-existent %VAR% to an empty
+string in a path could result in a very unsafe path). The safest way to insert
+a literal % into a value is to use %%.</p>
+<dt id="motd_file"><code>motd file</code><a href="#motd_file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify a &quot;message of the day&quot; (MOTD) to display
+to clients on each connect. This usually contains site information and any
+legal notices. The default is no MOTD file. This can be overridden by the
+<code>--dparam=motdfile=FILE</code> command-line option when starting the daemon.</p>
+<dt id="pid_file"><code>pid file</code><a href="#pid_file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter tells the rsync daemon to write its process ID to that file.
+The rsync keeps the file locked so that it can know when it is safe to
+overwrite an existing file.</p>
+<p>The filename can be overridden by the <code>--dparam=pidfile=FILE</code> command-line
+option when starting the daemon.</p>
+<dt id="port"><code>port</code><a href="#port" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>You can override the default port the daemon will listen on by specifying
+this value (defaults to 873). This is ignored if the daemon is being run
+by inetd, and is superseded by the <code>--port</code> command-line option.</p>
+<dt id="address"><code>address</code><a href="#address" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>You can override the default IP address the daemon will listen on by
+specifying this value. This is ignored if the daemon is being run by
+inetd, and is superseded by the <code>--address</code> command-line option.</p>
+<dt id="socket_options"><code>socket options</code><a href="#socket_options" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their
+systems to the utmost degree. You can set all sorts of socket options which
+may make transfers faster (or slower!). Read the manpage for the
+<strong>setsockopt()</strong> system call for details on some of the options you may be
+able to set. By default no special socket options are set. These settings
+can also be specified via the <code>--sockopts</code> command-line option.</p>
+<dt id="listen_backlog"><code>listen backlog</code><a href="#listen_backlog" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>You can override the default backlog value when the daemon listens for
+connections. It defaults to 5.</p>
+<p>After the global parameters you should define a number of modules, each module
+exports a directory tree as a symbolic name. Modules are exported by specifying
+a module name in square brackets [module] followed by the parameters for that
+module. The module name cannot contain a slash or a closing square bracket.
+If the name contains whitespace, each internal sequence of whitespace will be
+changed into a single space, while leading or trailing whitespace will be
+discarded. Also, the name cannot be &quot;global&quot; as that exact name indicates that
+global parameters follow (see above).</p>
+<p>As with GLOBAL PARAMETERS, you may use references to environment variables in
+the values of parameters. See the GLOBAL PARAMETERS section for more details.</p>
+<dt id="comment"><code>comment</code><a href="#comment" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies a description string that is displayed next to the
+module name when clients obtain a list of available modules. The default is
+no comment.</p>
+<dt id="path"><code>path</code><a href="#path" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies the directory in the daemon's filesystem to make
+available in this module. You must specify this parameter for each module
+in <code>rsyncd.conf</code>.</p>
+<p>If the value contains a &quot;/./&quot; element then the path will be divided at that
+point into a chroot dir and an inner-chroot subdir. If <a href="#use_chroot"><code>use chroot</code></a>
+is set to false, though, the extraneous dot dir is just cleaned out of the
+path. An example of this idiom is:</p>
+<pre><code>path = /var/rsync/./module1
+<p>This will (when chrooting) chroot to &quot;/var/rsync&quot; and set the inside-chroot
+path to &quot;/module1&quot;.</p>
+<p>You may base the path's value off of an environment variable by surrounding
+the variable name with percent signs. You can even reference a variable
+that is set by rsync when the user connects. For example, this would use
+the authorizing user's name in the path:</p>
+<pre><code>path = /home/%RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+<p>It is fine if the path includes internal spaces&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; they will be retained
+verbatim (which means that you shouldn't try to escape them). If your
+final directory has a trailing space (and this is somehow not something you
+wish to fix), append a trailing slash to the path to avoid losing the
+trailing whitespace.</p>
+<dt id="use_chroot"><code>use chroot</code><a href="#use_chroot" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>If &quot;use chroot&quot; is true, the rsync daemon will chroot to the &quot;<a href="#path">path</a>&quot; before
+starting the file transfer with the client. This has the advantage of
+extra protection against possible implementation security holes, but it has
+the disadvantages of requiring super-user privileges, of not being able to
+follow symbolic links that are either absolute or outside of the new root
+path, and of complicating the preservation of users and groups by name (see
+<p>If <code>use chroot</code> is not set, it defaults to trying to enable a chroot but
+allows the daemon to continue (after logging a warning) if it fails. The
+one exception to this is when a module's <a href="#path"><code>path</code></a> has a &quot;/./&quot; chroot
+divider in it&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288; this causes an unset value to be treated as true for that
+<p>Prior to rsync 3.2.7, the default value was &quot;true&quot;. The new &quot;unset&quot;
+default makes it easier to setup an rsync daemon as a non-root user or to
+run a daemon on a system where chroot fails. Explicitly setting the value
+to &quot;true&quot; in rsyncd.conf will always require the chroot to succeed.</p>
+<p>It is also possible to specify a dot-dir in the module's &quot;<a href="#path">path</a>&quot; to
+indicate that you want to chdir to the earlier part of the path and then
+serve files from inside the latter part of the path (with sanitizing and
+default symlink munging). This can be useful if you need some library dirs
+inside the chroot (typically for uid &amp; gid lookups) but don't want to put
+the lib dir into the top of the served path (even though they can be hidden
+with an <a href="#exclude"><code>exclude</code></a> directive). However, a better choice for a modern
+rsync setup is to use a <a href="#name_converter"><code>name converter</code></a>&quot; and try to avoid inner lib
+dirs altogether. See also the <a href="#daemon_chroot"><code>daemon chroot</code></a> parameter, which causes
+rsync to chroot into its own chroot area before doing any path-related
+<p>If the daemon is serving the &quot;/&quot; dir (either directly or due to being
+chrooted to the module's path), rsync does not do any path sanitizing or
+(default) munging.</p>
+<p>When it has to limit access to a particular subdir (either due to chroot
+being disabled or having an inside-chroot path set), rsync will munge
+symlinks (by default) and sanitize paths. Those that dislike munged
+symlinks (and really, really trust their users to not break out of the
+subdir) can disable the symlink munging via the &quot;<a href="#munge_symlinks">munge symlinks</a>&quot;
+<p>When rsync is sanitizing paths, it trims &quot;..&quot; path elements from args that
+it believes would escape the module hierarchy. It also substitutes leading
+slashes in absolute paths with the module's path (so that options such as
+<code>--backup-dir</code> &amp; <code>--compare-dest</code> interpret an absolute path as rooted in
+the module's &quot;<a href="#path">path</a>&quot; dir).</p>
+<p>When a chroot is in effect <u>and</u> the &quot;<a href="#name_converter">name converter</a>&quot; parameter is
+<u>not</u> set, the &quot;<a href="#numeric_ids">numeric ids</a>&quot; parameter will default to being enabled
+(disabling name lookups). This means that if you manually setup
+name-lookup libraries in your chroot (instead of using a name converter)
+that you need to explicitly set <code>numeric ids = false</code> for rsync to do name
+<p>If you copy library resources into the module's chroot area, you should
+protect them through your OS's normal user/group or ACL settings (to
+prevent the rsync module's user from being able to change them), and then
+hide them from the user's view via &quot;<a href="#exclude">exclude</a>&quot; (see how in the discussion of
+that parameter). However, it's easier and safer to setup a name converter.</p>
+<dt id="daemon_chroot"><code>daemon chroot</code><a href="#daemon_chroot" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies a path to which the daemon will chroot before
+beginning communication with clients. Module paths (and any &quot;<a href="#use_chroot">use chroot</a>&quot;
+settings) will then be related to this one. This lets you choose if you
+want the whole daemon to be chrooted (with this setting), just the
+transfers to be chrooted (with &quot;<a href="#use_chroot">use chroot</a>&quot;), or both. Keep in mind that
+the &quot;daemon chroot&quot; area may need various OS/lib/etc files installed to
+allow the daemon to function. By default the daemon runs without any
+<dt id="proxy_protocol"><code>proxy protocol</code><a href="#proxy_protocol" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When this parameter is enabled, all incoming connections must start with a
+V1 or V2 proxy protocol header. If the header is not found, the connection
+is closed.</p>
+<p>Setting this to <code>true</code> requires a proxy server to forward source IP
+information to rsync, allowing you to log proper IP/host info and make use
+of client-oriented IP restrictions. The default of <code>false</code> means that the
+IP information comes directly from the socket's metadata. If rsync is not
+behind a proxy, this should be disabled.</p>
+<p><u>CAUTION</u>: using this option can be dangerous if you do not ensure that
+only the proxy is allowed to connect to the rsync port. If any non-proxied
+connections are allowed through, the client will be able to use a modified
+rsync to spoof any remote IP address that they desire. You can lock this
+down using something like iptables <code>-uid-owner root</code> rules (for strict
+localhost access), various firewall rules, or you can require password
+authorization so that any spoofing by users will not grant extra access.</p>
+<p>This setting is global. If you need some modules to require this and not
+others, then you will need to setup multiple rsync daemon processes on
+different ports.</p>
+<dt id="name_converter"><code>name converter</code><a href="#name_converter" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter lets you specify a program that will be run by the rsync
+daemon to do user &amp; group conversions between names &amp; ids. This script
+is started prior to any chroot being setup, and runs as the daemon user
+(not the transfer user). You can specify a fully qualified pathname or
+a program name that is on the $PATH.</p>
+<p>The program can be used to do normal user &amp; group lookups without having to
+put any extra files into the chroot area of the module <u>or</u> you can do
+customized conversions.</p>
+<p>The nameconvert program has access to all of the environment variables that
+are described in the section on <code>pre-xfer exec</code>. This is useful if you
+want to customize the conversion using information about the module and/or
+the copy request.</p>
+<p>There is a sample python script in the support dir named &quot;nameconvert&quot; that
+implements the normal user &amp; group lookups. Feel free to customize it or
+just use it as documentation to implement your own.</p>
+<dt id="numeric_ids"><code>numeric ids</code><a href="#numeric_ids" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Enabling this parameter disables the mapping of users and groups by name
+for the current daemon module. This prevents the daemon from trying to
+load any user/group-related files or libraries. This enabling makes the
+transfer behave as if the client had passed the <code>--numeric-ids</code>
+command-line option. By default, this parameter is enabled for chroot
+modules and disabled for non-chroot modules. Also keep in mind that
+uid/gid preservation requires the module to be running as root (see &quot;<a href="#uid">uid</a>&quot;)
+or for &quot;<a href="#fake_super">fake super</a>&quot; to be configured.</p>
+<p>A chroot-enabled module should not have this parameter set to false unless
+you're using a &quot;<a href="#name_converter">name converter</a>&quot; program <u>or</u> you've taken steps to ensure
+that the module has the necessary resources it needs to translate names and
+that it is not possible for a user to change those resources.</p>
+<dt id="munge_symlinks"><code>munge symlinks</code><a href="#munge_symlinks" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter tells rsync to modify all symlinks in the same way as the
+(non-daemon-affecting) <code>--munge-links</code> command-line option (using a method
+described below). This should help protect your files from user trickery
+when your daemon module is writable. The default is disabled when
+&quot;<a href="#use_chroot">use chroot</a>&quot; is on with an inside-chroot path of &quot;/&quot;, OR if &quot;<a href="#daemon_chroot">daemon chroot</a>&quot;
+is on, otherwise it is enabled.</p>
+<p>If you disable this parameter on a daemon that is not read-only, there are
+tricks that a user can play with uploaded symlinks to access
+daemon-excluded items (if your module has any), and, if &quot;<a href="#use_chroot">use chroot</a>&quot; is
+off, rsync can even be tricked into showing or changing data that is
+outside the module's path (as access-permissions allow).</p>
+<p>The way rsync disables the use of symlinks is to prefix each one with the
+string &quot;/rsyncd-munged/&quot;. This prevents the links from being used as long
+as that directory does not exist. When this parameter is enabled, rsync
+will refuse to run if that path is a directory or a symlink to a directory.
+When using the &quot;munge symlinks&quot; parameter in a chroot area that has an
+inside-chroot path of &quot;/&quot;, you should add &quot;/rsyncd-munged/&quot; to the exclude
+setting for the module so that a user can't try to create it.</p>
+<p>Note: rsync makes no attempt to verify that any pre-existing symlinks in
+the module's hierarchy are as safe as you want them to be (unless, of
+course, it just copied in the whole hierarchy). If you setup an rsync
+daemon on a new area or locally add symlinks, you can manually protect your
+symlinks from being abused by prefixing &quot;/rsyncd-munged/&quot; to the start of
+every symlink's value. There is a perl script in the support directory of
+the source code named &quot;munge-symlinks&quot; that can be used to add or remove
+this prefix from your symlinks.</p>
+<p>When this parameter is disabled on a writable module and &quot;<a href="#use_chroot">use chroot</a>&quot; is
+off (or the inside-chroot path is not &quot;/&quot;), incoming symlinks will be
+modified to drop a leading slash and to remove &quot;..&quot; path elements that
+rsync believes will allow a symlink to escape the module's hierarchy.
+There are tricky ways to work around this, though, so you had better trust
+your users if you choose this combination of parameters.</p>
+<dt id="charset"><code>charset</code><a href="#charset" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This specifies the name of the character set in which the module's
+filenames are stored. If the client uses an <code>--iconv</code> option, the daemon
+will use the value of the &quot;charset&quot; parameter regardless of the character
+set the client actually passed. This allows the daemon to support charset
+conversion in a chroot module without extra files in the chroot area, and
+also ensures that name-translation is done in a consistent manner. If the
+&quot;charset&quot; parameter is not set, the <code>--iconv</code> option is refused, just as if
+&quot;iconv&quot; had been specified via &quot;<a href="#refuse_options">refuse options</a>&quot;.</p>
+<p>If you wish to force users to always use <code>--iconv</code> for a particular module,
+add &quot;no-iconv&quot; to the &quot;<a href="#refuse_options">refuse options</a>&quot; parameter. Keep in mind that this
+will restrict access to your module to very new rsync clients.</p>
+<dt id="max_connections"><code>max connections</code><a href="#max_connections" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of simultaneous
+connections you will allow. Any clients connecting when the maximum has
+been reached will receive a message telling them to try later. The default
+is 0, which means no limit. A negative value disables the module. See
+also the &quot;<a href="#lock_file">lock file</a>&quot; parameter.</p>
+<dt id="log_file"><code>log file</code><a href="#log_file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When the &quot;log file&quot; parameter is set to a non-empty string, the rsync
+daemon will log messages to the indicated file rather than using syslog.
+This is particularly useful on systems (such as AIX) where <strong>syslog()</strong>
+doesn't work for chrooted programs. The file is opened before <strong>chroot()</strong>
+is called, allowing it to be placed outside the transfer. If this value is
+set on a per-module basis instead of globally, the global log will still
+contain any authorization failures or config-file error messages.</p>
+<p>If the daemon fails to open the specified file, it will fall back to using
+syslog and output an error about the failure. (Note that the failure to
+open the specified log file used to be a fatal error.)</p>
+<p>This setting can be overridden by using the <code>--log-file=FILE</code> or
+<code>--dparam=logfile=FILE</code> command-line options. The former overrides all the
+log-file parameters of the daemon and all module settings. The latter sets
+the daemon's log file and the default for all the modules, which still
+allows modules to override the default setting.</p>
+<dt id="syslog_facility"><code>syslog facility</code><a href="#syslog_facility" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify the syslog facility name to use when
+logging messages from the rsync daemon. You may use any standard syslog
+facility name which is defined on your system. Common names are auth,
+authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user,
+uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6 and local7.
+The default is daemon. This setting has no effect if the &quot;<a href="#log_file">log file</a>&quot;
+setting is a non-empty string (either set in the per-modules settings, or
+inherited from the global settings).</p>
+<dt id="syslog_tag"><code>syslog tag</code><a href="#syslog_tag" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify the syslog tag to use when logging
+messages from the rsync daemon. The default is &quot;rsyncd&quot;. This setting has
+no effect if the &quot;<a href="#log_file">log file</a>&quot; setting is a non-empty string (either set in
+the per-modules settings, or inherited from the global settings).</p>
+<p>For example, if you wanted each authenticated user's name to be included in
+the syslog tag, you could do something like this:</p>
+<pre><code>syslog tag = rsyncd.%RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+<dt id="max_verbosity"><code>max verbosity</code><a href="#max_verbosity" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to control the maximum amount of verbose
+information that you'll allow the daemon to generate (since the information
+goes into the log file). The default is 1, which allows the client to
+request one level of verbosity.</p>
+<p>This also affects the user's ability to request higher levels of <code>--info</code>
+and <code>--debug</code> logging. If the max value is 2, then no info and/or debug
+value that is higher than what would be set by <code>-vv</code> will be honored by the
+daemon in its logging. To see how high of a verbosity level you need to
+accept for a particular info/debug level, refer to <code>rsync --info=help</code> and
+<code>rsync --debug=help</code>. For instance, it takes max-verbosity 4 to be able to
+output debug TIME2 and FLIST3.</p>
+<dt id="lock_file"><code>lock file</code><a href="#lock_file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies the file to use to support the &quot;<a href="#max_connections">max connections</a>&quot;
+parameter. The rsync daemon uses record locking on this file to ensure that
+the max connections limit is not exceeded for the modules sharing the lock
+file. The default is <code>/var/run/rsyncd.lock</code>.</p>
+<dt id="read_only"><code>read only</code><a href="#read_only" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter determines whether clients will be able to upload files or
+not. If &quot;read only&quot; is true then any attempted uploads will fail. If
+&quot;read only&quot; is false then uploads will be possible if file permissions on
+the daemon side allow them. The default is for all modules to be read only.</p>
+<p>Note that &quot;<a href="#auth_users">auth users</a>&quot; can override this setting on a per-user basis.</p>
+<dt id="write_only"><code>write only</code><a href="#write_only" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter determines whether clients will be able to download files or
+not. If &quot;write only&quot; is true then any attempted downloads will fail. If
+&quot;write only&quot; is false then downloads will be possible if file permissions
+on the daemon side allow them. The default is for this parameter to be
+<p>Helpful hint: you probably want to specify &quot;refuse options = delete&quot; for a
+write-only module.</p>
+<dt id="open_noatime"><code>open noatime</code><a href="#open_noatime" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>When set to True, this parameter tells the rsync daemon to open files with
+the O_NOATIME flag
+(on systems that support it) to avoid changing the access time of the files
+that are being transferred. If your OS does not support the O_NOATIME flag
+then rsync will silently ignore this option. Note also that some
+filesystems are mounted to avoid updating the atime on read access even
+without the O_NOATIME flag being set.</p>
+<p>When set to False, this parameters ensures that files on the server are not
+opened with O_NOATIME.</p>
+<p>When set to Unset (the default) the user controls the setting via
+<dt id="list"><code>list</code><a href="#list" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter determines whether this module is listed when the client
+asks for a listing of available modules. In addition, if this is false,
+the daemon will pretend the module does not exist when a client denied by
+&quot;<a href="#hosts_allow">hosts allow</a>&quot; or &quot;<a href="#hosts_deny">hosts deny</a>&quot; attempts to access it. Realize that if
+&quot;<a href="#reverse_lookup">reverse lookup</a>&quot; is disabled globally but enabled for the module, the
+resulting reverse lookup to a potentially client-controlled DNS server may
+still reveal to the client that it hit an existing module. The default is
+for modules to be listable.</p>
+<dt id="uid"><code>uid</code><a href="#uid" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies the user name or user ID that file transfers to
+and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root.
+In combination with the &quot;<a href="#gid">gid</a>&quot; parameter this determines what file
+permissions are available. The default when run by a super-user is to
+switch to the system's &quot;nobody&quot; user. The default for a non-super-user is
+to not try to change the user. See also the &quot;<a href="#gid">gid</a>&quot; parameter.</p>
+<p>The RSYNC_USER_NAME environment variable may be used to request that rsync
+run as the authorizing user. For example, if you want a rsync to run as
+the same user that was received for the rsync authentication, this setup is
+<pre><code>uid = %RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+gid = *
+<dt id="gid"><code>gid</code><a href="#gid" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies one or more group names/IDs that will be used when
+accessing the module. The first one will be the default group, and any
+extra ones be set as supplemental groups. You may also specify a &quot;<code>*</code>&quot; as
+the first gid in the list, which will be replaced by all the normal groups
+for the transfer's user (see &quot;<a href="#uid">uid</a>&quot;). The default when run by a super-user
+is to switch to your OS's &quot;nobody&quot; (or perhaps &quot;nogroup&quot;) group with no
+other supplementary groups. The default for a non-super-user is to not
+change any group attributes (and indeed, your OS may not allow a
+non-super-user to try to change their group settings).</p>
+<p>The specified list is normally split into tokens based on spaces and
+commas. However, if the list starts with a comma, then the list is only
+split on commas, which allows a group name to contain a space. In either
+case any leading and/or trailing whitespace is removed from the tokens and
+empty tokens are ignored.</p>
+<dt id="daemon_uid"><code>daemon uid</code><a href="#daemon_uid" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies a uid under which the daemon will run. The daemon
+usually runs as user root, and when this is left unset the user is left
+unchanged. See also the &quot;<a href="#uid">uid</a>&quot; parameter.</p>
+<dt id="daemon_gid"><code>daemon gid</code><a href="#daemon_gid" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies a gid under which the daemon will run. The daemon
+usually runs as group root, and when this is left unset, the group is left
+unchanged. See also the &quot;<a href="#gid">gid</a>&quot; parameter.</p>
+<dt id="fake_super"><code>fake super</code><a href="#fake_super" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Setting &quot;fake super = yes&quot; for a module causes the daemon side to behave as
+if the <code>--fake-super</code> command-line option had been specified. This allows
+the full attributes of a file to be stored without having to have the
+daemon actually running as root.</p>
+<dt id="filter"><code>filter</code><a href="#filter" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>The daemon has its own filter chain that determines what files it will let
+the client access. This chain is not sent to the client and is independent
+of any filters the client may have specified. Files excluded by the daemon
+filter chain (<code>daemon-excluded</code> files) are treated as non-existent if the
+client tries to pull them, are skipped with an error message if the client
+tries to push them (triggering exit code 23), and are never deleted from
+the module. You can use daemon filters to prevent clients from downloading
+or tampering with private administrative files, such as files you may add
+to support uid/gid name translations.</p>
+<p>The daemon filter chain is built from the &quot;filter&quot;, &quot;<a href="#include_from">include from</a>&quot;,
+&quot;<a href="#include">include</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#exclude_from">exclude from</a>&quot;, and &quot;<a href="#exclude">exclude</a>&quot; parameters, in that order of
+priority. Anchored patterns are anchored at the root of the module. To
+prevent access to an entire subtree, for example, &quot;<code>/secret</code>&quot;, you <strong>must</strong>
+exclude everything in the subtree; the easiest way to do this is with a
+triple-star pattern like &quot;<code>/secret/***</code>&quot;.</p>
+<p>The &quot;filter&quot; parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon filter rules,
+though it is smart enough to know not to split a token at an internal space
+in a rule (e.g. &quot;<code>- /foo - /bar</code>&quot; is parsed as two rules). You may specify
+one or more merge-file rules using the normal syntax. Only one &quot;filter&quot;
+parameter can apply to a given module in the config file, so put all the
+rules you want in a single parameter. Note that per-directory merge-file
+rules do not provide as much protection as global rules, but they can be
+used to make <code>--delete</code> work better during a client download operation if
+the per-dir merge files are included in the transfer and the client
+requests that they be used.</p>
+<dt id="exclude"><code>exclude</code><a href="#exclude" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon exclude patterns. As
+with the client <code>--exclude</code> option, patterns can be qualified with &quot;<code>- </code>&quot; or
+&quot;<code>+ </code>&quot; to explicitly indicate exclude/include. Only one &quot;exclude&quot; parameter
+can apply to a given module. See the &quot;filter&quot; parameter for a description
+of how excluded files affect the daemon.</p>
+<dt id="include"><code>include</code><a href="#include" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Use an &quot;include&quot; to override the effects of the &quot;<a href="#exclude">exclude</a>&quot; parameter. Only
+one &quot;include&quot; parameter can apply to a given module. See the &quot;<a href="#filter">filter</a>&quot;
+parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.</p>
+<dt id="exclude_from"><code>exclude from</code><a href="#exclude_from" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies the name of a file on the daemon that contains
+daemon exclude patterns, one per line. Only one &quot;exclude from&quot; parameter
+can apply to a given module; if you have multiple exclude-from files, you
+can specify them as a merge file in the &quot;<a href="#filter">filter</a>&quot; parameter. See the
+&quot;<a href="#filter">filter</a>&quot; parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the
+<dt id="include_from"><code>include from</code><a href="#include_from" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Analogue of &quot;<a href="#exclude_from">exclude from</a>&quot; for a file of daemon include patterns. Only one
+&quot;include from&quot; parameter can apply to a given module. See the &quot;<a href="#filter">filter</a>&quot;
+parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.</p>
+<dt id="incoming_chmod"><code>incoming chmod</code><a href="#incoming_chmod" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings
+that will affect the permissions of all incoming files (files that are
+being received by the daemon). These changes happen after all other
+permission calculations, and this will even override destination-default
+and/or existing permissions when the client does not specify <code>--perms</code>.
+See the description of the <code>--chmod</code> rsync option and the <strong>chmod</strong>(1)
+manpage for information on the format of this string.</p>
+<dt id="outgoing_chmod"><code>outgoing chmod</code><a href="#outgoing_chmod" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings
+that will affect the permissions of all outgoing files (files that are
+being sent out from the daemon). These changes happen first, making the
+sent permissions appear to be different than those stored in the filesystem
+itself. For instance, you could disable group write permissions on the
+server while having it appear to be on to the clients. See the description
+of the <code>--chmod</code> rsync option and the <strong>chmod</strong>(1) manpage for information
+on the format of this string.</p>
+<dt id="auth_users"><code>auth users</code><a href="#auth_users" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies a comma and/or space-separated list of
+authorization rules. In its simplest form, you list the usernames that
+will be allowed to connect to this module. The usernames do not need to
+exist on the local system. The rules may contain shell wildcard characters
+that will be matched against the username provided by the client for
+authentication. If &quot;auth users&quot; is set then the client will be challenged
+to supply a username and password to connect to the module. A challenge
+response authentication protocol is used for this exchange. The plain text
+usernames and passwords are stored in the file specified by the
+&quot;<a href="#secrets_file">secrets file</a>&quot; parameter. The default is for all users to be able to
+connect without a password (this is called &quot;anonymous rsync&quot;).</p>
+<p>In addition to username matching, you can specify groupname matching via a
+'@' prefix. When using groupname matching, the authenticating username
+must be a real user on the system, or it will be assumed to be a member of
+no groups. For example, specifying &quot;@rsync&quot; will match the authenticating
+user if the named user is a member of the rsync group.</p>
+<p>Finally, options may be specified after a colon (:). The options allow you
+to &quot;deny&quot; a user or a group, set the access to &quot;ro&quot; (read-only), or set the
+access to &quot;rw&quot; (read/write). Setting an auth-rule-specific ro/rw setting
+overrides the module's &quot;<a href="#read_only">read only</a>&quot; setting.</p>
+<p>Be sure to put the rules in the order you want them to be matched, because
+the checking stops at the first matching user or group, and that is the
+only auth that is checked. For example:</p>
+<pre><code>auth users = joe:deny @guest:deny admin:rw @rsync:ro susan joe sam
+<p>In the above rule, user joe will be denied access no matter what. Any user
+that is in the group &quot;guest&quot; is also denied access. The user &quot;admin&quot; gets
+access in read/write mode, but only if the admin user is not in group
+&quot;guest&quot; (because the admin user-matching rule would never be reached if the
+user is in group &quot;guest&quot;). Any other user who is in group &quot;rsync&quot; will get
+read-only access. Finally, users susan, joe, and sam get the ro/rw setting
+of the module, but only if the user didn't match an earlier group-matching
+<p>If you need to specify a user or group name with a space in it, start your
+list with a comma to indicate that the list should only be split on commas
+(though leading and trailing whitespace will also be removed, and empty
+entries are just ignored). For example:</p>
+<pre><code>auth users = , joe:deny, @Some Group:deny, admin:rw, @RO Group:ro
+<p>See the description of the secrets file for how you can have per-user
+passwords as well as per-group passwords. It also explains how a user can
+authenticate using their user password or (when applicable) a group
+password, depending on what rule is being authenticated.</p>
+<p>See also the section entitled &quot;USING RSYNC-DAEMON FEATURES VIA A REMOTE
+SHELL CONNECTION&quot; in <strong>rsync</strong>(1) for information on how handle an
+rsyncd.conf-level username that differs from the remote-shell-level
+username when using a remote shell to connect to an rsync daemon.</p>
+<dt id="secrets_file"><code>secrets file</code><a href="#secrets_file" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter specifies the name of a file that contains the
+username:password and/or @groupname:password pairs used for authenticating
+this module. This file is only consulted if the &quot;<a href="#auth_users">auth users</a>&quot; parameter is
+specified. The file is line-based and contains one name:password pair per
+line. Any line has a hash (#) as the very first character on the line is
+considered a comment and is skipped. The passwords can contain any
+characters but be warned that many operating systems limit the length of
+passwords that can be typed at the client end, so you may find that
+passwords longer than 8 characters don't work.</p>
+<p>The use of group-specific lines are only relevant when the module is being
+authorized using a matching &quot;@groupname&quot; rule. When that happens, the user
+can be authorized via either their &quot;username:password&quot; line or the
+&quot;@groupname:password&quot; line for the group that triggered the authentication.</p>
+<p>It is up to you what kind of password entries you want to include, either
+users, groups, or both. The use of group rules in &quot;<a href="#auth_users">auth users</a>&quot; does not
+require that you specify a group password if you do not want to use shared
+<p>There is no default for the &quot;secrets file&quot; parameter, you must choose a
+name (such as <code>/etc/rsyncd.secrets</code>). The file must normally not be
+readable by &quot;other&quot;; see &quot;<a href="#strict_modes">strict modes</a>&quot;. If the file is not found or is
+rejected, no logins for an &quot;<a href="#auth_users">auth users</a>&quot; module will be possible.</p>
+<dt id="strict_modes"><code>strict modes</code><a href="#strict_modes" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter determines whether or not the permissions on the secrets
+file will be checked. If &quot;strict modes&quot; is true, then the secrets file
+must not be readable by any user ID other than the one that the rsync
+daemon is running under. If &quot;strict modes&quot; is false, the check is not
+performed. The default is true. This parameter was added to accommodate
+rsync running on the Windows operating system.</p>
+<dt id="hosts_allow"><code>hosts allow</code><a href="#hosts_allow" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify a list of comma- and/or
+whitespace-separated patterns that are matched against a connecting
+client's hostname and IP address. If none of the patterns match, then the
+connection is rejected.</p>
+<p>Each pattern can be in one of six forms:</p>
+<li>a dotted decimal IPv4 address of the form a.b.c.d, or an IPv6 address of
+the form a:b:c::d:e:f. In this case the incoming machine's IP address
+must match exactly.</li>
+<li>an address/mask in the form ipaddr/n where ipaddr is the IP address and n
+is the number of one bits in the netmask. All IP addresses which match
+the masked IP address will be allowed in.</li>
+<li>an address/mask in the form ipaddr/maskaddr where ipaddr is the IP
+address and maskaddr is the netmask in dotted decimal notation for IPv4,
+or similar for IPv6, e.g. ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: instead of /64. All IP
+addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in.</li>
+<li>a hostname pattern using wildcards. If the hostname of the connecting IP
+(as determined by a reverse lookup) matches the wildcarded name (using
+the same rules as normal Unix filename matching), the client is allowed
+in. This only works if &quot;<a href="#reverse_lookup">reverse lookup</a>&quot; is enabled (the default).</li>
+<li>a hostname. A plain hostname is matched against the reverse DNS of the
+connecting IP (if &quot;<a href="#reverse_lookup">reverse lookup</a>&quot; is enabled), and/or the IP of the
+given hostname is matched against the connecting IP (if &quot;<a href="#forward_lookup">forward lookup</a>&quot;
+is enabled, as it is by default). Any match will be allowed in.</li>
+<li>an '@' followed by a netgroup name, which will match if the reverse DNS
+of the connecting IP is in the specified netgroup.</li>
+<p>Note IPv6 link-local addresses can have a scope in the address
+<p>You can also combine &quot;hosts allow&quot; with &quot;<a href="#hosts_deny">hosts deny</a>&quot; as a way to add
+exceptions to your deny list. When both parameters are specified, the
+&quot;hosts allow&quot; parameter is checked first and a match results in the client
+being able to connect. A non-allowed host is then matched against the
+&quot;<a href="#hosts_deny">hosts deny</a>&quot; list to see if it should be rejected. A host that does not
+match either list is allowed to connect.</p>
+<p>The default is no &quot;hosts allow&quot; parameter, which means all hosts can
+<dt id="hosts_deny"><code>hosts deny</code><a href="#hosts_deny" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify a list of comma- and/or
+whitespace-separated patterns that are matched against a connecting clients
+hostname and IP address. If the pattern matches then the connection is
+rejected. See the &quot;<a href="#hosts_allow">hosts allow</a>&quot; parameter for more information.</p>
+<p>The default is no &quot;hosts deny&quot; parameter, which means all hosts can
+<dt id="reverse_lookup"><code>reverse lookup</code><a href="#reverse_lookup" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Controls whether the daemon performs a reverse lookup on the client's IP
+address to determine its hostname, which is used for &quot;<a href="#hosts_allow">hosts allow</a>&quot; &amp;
+&quot;<a href="#hosts_deny">hosts deny</a>&quot; checks and the &quot;%h&quot; log escape. This is enabled by default,
+but you may wish to disable it to save time if you know the lookup will not
+return a useful result, in which case the daemon will use the name
+&quot;UNDETERMINED&quot; instead.</p>
+<p>If this parameter is enabled globally (even by default), rsync performs the
+lookup as soon as a client connects, so disabling it for a module will not
+avoid the lookup. Thus, you probably want to disable it globally and then
+enable it for modules that need the information.</p>
+<dt id="forward_lookup"><code>forward lookup</code><a href="#forward_lookup" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>Controls whether the daemon performs a forward lookup on any hostname
+specified in an hosts allow/deny setting. By default this is enabled,
+allowing the use of an explicit hostname that would not be returned by
+reverse DNS of the connecting IP.</p>
+<dt id="ignore_errors"><code>ignore errors</code><a href="#ignore_errors" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter tells rsyncd to ignore I/O errors on the daemon when
+deciding whether to run the delete phase of the transfer. Normally rsync
+skips the <code>--delete</code> step if any I/O errors have occurred in order to
+prevent disastrous deletion due to a temporary resource shortage or other
+I/O error. In some cases this test is counter productive so you can use
+this parameter to turn off this behavior.</p>
+<dt id="ignore_nonreadable"><code>ignore nonreadable</code><a href="#ignore_nonreadable" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This tells the rsync daemon to completely ignore files that are not
+readable by the user. This is useful for public archives that may have some
+non-readable files among the directories, and the sysadmin doesn't want
+those files to be seen at all.</p>
+<dt id="transfer_logging"><code>transfer logging</code><a href="#transfer_logging" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter enables per-file logging of downloads and uploads in a
+format somewhat similar to that used by ftp daemons. The daemon always
+logs the transfer at the end, so if a transfer is aborted, no mention will
+be made in the log file.</p>
+<p>If you want to customize the log lines, see the &quot;<a href="#log_format">log format</a>&quot; parameter.</p>
+<dt id="log_format"><code>log format</code><a href="#log_format" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify the format used for logging file
+transfers when transfer logging is enabled. The format is a text string
+containing embedded single-character escape sequences prefixed with a
+percent (%) character. An optional numeric field width may also be
+specified between the percent and the escape letter (e.g.
+&quot;<code>%-50n %8l %07p</code>&quot;). In addition, one or more apostrophes may be specified
+prior to a numerical escape to indicate that the numerical value should be
+made more human-readable. The 3 supported levels are the same as for the
+<code>--human-readable</code> command-line option, though the default is for
+human-readability to be off. Each added apostrophe increases the level
+(e.g. &quot;<code>%''l %'b %f</code>&quot;).</p>
+<p>The default log format is &quot;<code>%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %l</code>&quot;, and a &quot;<code>%t [%p] </code>&quot;
+is always prefixed when using the &quot;<a href="#log_file">log file</a>&quot; parameter. (A perl script
+that will summarize this default log format is included in the rsync source
+code distribution in the &quot;support&quot; subdirectory: rsyncstats.)</p>
+<p>The single-character escapes that are understood are as follows:</p>
+<li>%a the remote IP address (only available for a daemon)</li>
+<li>%b the number of bytes actually transferred</li>
+<li>%B the permission bits of the file (e.g. rwxrwxrwt)</li>
+<li>%c the total size of the block checksums received for the basis file
+(only when sending)</li>
+<li>%C the full-file checksum if it is known for the file. For older rsync
+protocols/versions, the checksum was salted, and is thus not a useful
+value (and is not displayed when that is the case). For the checksum to
+output for a file, either the <code>--checksum</code> option must be in-effect or
+the file must have been transferred without a salted checksum being used.
+See the <code>--checksum-choice</code> option for a way to choose the algorithm.</li>
+<li>%f the filename (long form on sender; no trailing &quot;/&quot;)</li>
+<li>%G the gid of the file (decimal) or &quot;DEFAULT&quot;</li>
+<li>%h the remote host name (only available for a daemon)</li>
+<li>%i an itemized list of what is being updated</li>
+<li>%l the length of the file in bytes</li>
+<li>%L the string &quot;<code> -&gt; SYMLINK</code>&quot;, &quot;<code> =&gt; HARDLINK</code>&quot;, or &quot;&quot; (where <code>SYMLINK</code>
+or <code>HARDLINK</code> is a filename)</li>
+<li>%m the module name</li>
+<li>%M the last-modified time of the file</li>
+<li>%n the filename (short form; trailing &quot;/&quot; on dir)</li>
+<li>%o the operation, which is &quot;send&quot;, &quot;recv&quot;, or &quot;del.&quot; (the latter includes
+the trailing period)</li>
+<li>%p the process ID of this rsync session</li>
+<li>%P the module path</li>
+<li>%t the current date time</li>
+<li>%u the authenticated username or an empty string</li>
+<li>%U the uid of the file (decimal)</li>
+<p>For a list of what the characters mean that are output by &quot;%i&quot;, see the
+<code>--itemize-changes</code> option in the rsync manpage.</p>
+<p>Note that some of the logged output changes when talking with older rsync
+versions. For instance, deleted files were only output as verbose messages
+prior to rsync 2.6.4.</p>
+<dt id="timeout"><code>timeout</code><a href="#timeout" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to override the clients choice for I/O timeout
+for this module. Using this parameter you can ensure that rsync won't wait
+on a dead client forever. The timeout is specified in seconds. A value of
+zero means no timeout and is the default. A good choice for anonymous rsync
+daemons may be 600 (giving a 10 minute timeout).</p>
+<dt id="refuse_options"><code>refuse options</code><a href="#refuse_options" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>This parameter allows you to specify a space-separated list of rsync
+command-line options that will be refused by your rsync daemon. You may
+specify the full option name, its one-letter abbreviation, or a wild-card
+string that matches multiple options. Beginning in 3.2.0, you can also
+negate a match term by starting it with a &quot;!&quot;.</p>
+<p>When an option is refused, the daemon prints an error message and exits.</p>
+<p>For example, this would refuse <code>--checksum</code> (<code>-c</code>) and all the various
+delete options:</p>
+<pre><code>refuse options = c delete
+<p>The reason the above refuses all delete options is that the options imply
+<code>--delete</code>, and implied options are refused just like explicit options.</p>
+<p>The use of a negated match allows you to fine-tune your refusals after a
+wild-card, such as this:</p>
+<pre><code>refuse options = delete-* !delete-during
+<p>Negated matching can also turn your list of refused options into a list of
+accepted options. To do this, begin the list with a &quot;<code>*</code>&quot; (to refuse all
+options) and then specify one or more negated matches to accept. For
+<pre><code>refuse options = * !a !v !compress*
+<p>Don't worry that the &quot;<code>*</code>&quot; will refuse certain vital options such as
+<code>--dry-run</code>, <code>--server</code>, <code>--no-iconv</code>, <code>--seclude-args</code>, etc. These
+important options are not matched by wild-card, so they must be overridden
+by their exact name. For instance, if you're forcing iconv transfers you
+could use something like this:</p>
+<pre><code>refuse options = * no-iconv !a !v
+<p>As an additional aid (beginning in 3.2.0), refusing (or &quot;<code>!refusing</code>&quot;) the
+&quot;a&quot; or &quot;archive&quot; option also affects all the options that the <code>--archive</code>
+option implies (<code>-rdlptgoD</code>), but only if the option is matched explicitly
+(not using a wildcard). If you want to do something tricky, you can use
+&quot;<code>archive*</code>&quot; to avoid this side-effect, but keep in mind that no normal
+rsync client ever sends the actual archive option to the server.</p>
+<p>As an additional safety feature, the refusal of &quot;delete&quot; also refuses
+<code>remove-source-files</code> when the daemon is the sender; if you want the latter
+without the former, instead refuse &quot;<code>delete-*</code>&quot; as that refuses all the
+delete modes without affecting <code>--remove-source-files</code>. (Keep in mind that
+the client's <code>--delete</code> option typically results in <code>--delete-during</code>.)</p>
+<p>When un-refusing delete options, you should either specify &quot;<code>!delete*</code>&quot; (to
+accept all delete options) or specify a limited set that includes &quot;delete&quot;,
+such as:</p>
+<pre><code>refuse options = * !a !delete !delete-during
+<p>... whereas this accepts any delete option except <code>--delete-after</code>:</p>
+<pre><code>refuse options = * !a !delete* delete-after
+<p>A note on refusing &quot;compress&quot;: it may be better to set the &quot;<a href="#dont_compress">dont compress</a>&quot;
+daemon parameter to &quot;<code>*</code>&quot; and ensure that <code>RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST=zlib</code> is set
+in the environment of the daemon in order to disable compression silently
+instead of returning an error that forces the client to remove the <code>-z</code>
+<p>If you are un-refusing the compress option, you may want to match
+&quot;<code>!compress*</code>&quot; if you also want to allow the <code>--compress-level</code> option.</p>
+<p>Note that the &quot;copy-devices&quot; &amp; &quot;write-devices&quot; options are refused by
+default, but they can be explicitly accepted with &quot;<code>!copy-devices</code>&quot; and/or
+&quot;<code>!write-devices</code>&quot;. The options &quot;log-file&quot; and &quot;log-file-format&quot; are
+forcibly refused and cannot be accepted.</p>
+<p>Here are all the options that are not matched by wild-cards:</p>
+<li><code>--server</code>: Required for rsync to even work.</li>
+<li><code>--rsh</code>, <code>-e</code>: Required to convey compatibility flags to the server.</li>
+<li><code>--out-format</code>: This is required to convey output behavior to a remote
+receiver. While rsync passes the older alias <code>--log-format</code> for
+compatibility reasons, this options should not be confused with
+<li><code>--sender</code>: Use &quot;<a href="#write_only">write only</a>&quot; parameter instead of refusing this.</li>
+<li><code>--dry-run</code>, <code>-n</code>: Who would want to disable this?</li>
+<li><code>--seclude-args</code>, <code>-s</code>: Is the oldest arg-protection method.</li>
+<li><code>--from0</code>, <code>-0</code>: Makes it easier to accept/refuse <code>--files-from</code> without
+affecting this helpful modifier.</li>
+<li><code>--iconv</code>: This is auto-disabled based on &quot;<a href="#charset">charset</a>&quot; parameter.</li>
+<li><code>--no-iconv</code>: Most transfers use this option.</li>
+<li><code>--checksum-seed</code>: Is a fairly rare, safe option.</li>
+<li><code>--write-devices</code>: Is non-wild but also auto-disabled.</li>
+<dt id="dont_compress"><code>dont compress</code><a href="#dont_compress" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> This parameter currently has no effect except in one instance: if
+it is set to &quot;<code>*</code>&quot; then it minimizes or disables compression for all files
+(for those that don't want to refuse the <code>--compress</code> option completely).</p>
+<p>This parameter allows you to select filenames based on wildcard patterns
+that should not be compressed when pulling files from the daemon (no
+analogous parameter exists to govern the pushing of files to a daemon).
+Compression can be expensive in terms of CPU usage, so it is usually good
+to not try to compress files that won't compress well, such as already
+compressed files.</p>
+<p>The &quot;dont compress&quot; parameter takes a space-separated list of
+case-insensitive wildcard patterns. Any source filename matching one of the
+patterns will be compressed as little as possible during the transfer. If
+the compression algorithm has an &quot;off&quot; level, then no compression occurs
+for those files. If an algorithms has the ability to change the level in
+mid-stream, it will be minimized to reduce the CPU usage as much as
+<p>See the <code>--skip-compress</code> parameter in the <strong>rsync</strong>(1) manpage for the
+list of file suffixes that are skipped by default if this parameter is not
+<span id="post-xfer_exec"></span><span id="pre-xfer_exec"></span><dt id="early_exec"><code>early exec</code>, <code>pre-xfer exec</code>, <code>post-xfer exec</code><a href="#early_exec" class="tgt"></a></dt><dd>
+<p>You may specify a command to be run in the early stages of the connection,
+or right before and/or after the transfer. If the <code>early exec</code> or
+<code>pre-xfer exec</code> command returns an error code, the transfer is aborted
+before it begins. Any output from the <code>pre-xfer exec</code> command on stdout
+(up to several KB) will be displayed to the user when aborting, but is
+<u>not</u> displayed if the script returns success. The other programs cannot
+send any text to the user. All output except for the <code>pre-xfer exec</code>
+stdout goes to the corresponding daemon's stdout/stderr, which is typically
+discarded. See the <code>--no-detatch</code> option for a way to see the daemon's
+output, which can assist with debugging.</p>
+<p>Note that the <code>early exec</code> command runs before any part of the transfer
+request is known except for the module name. This helper script can be
+used to setup a disk mount or decrypt some data into a module dir, but you
+may need to use <code>lock file</code> and <code>max connections</code> to avoid concurrency
+issues. If the client rsync specified the <code>--early-input=FILE</code> option, it
+can send up to about 5K of data to the stdin of the early script. The
+stdin will otherwise be empty.</p>
+<p>Note that the <code>post-xfer exec</code> command is still run even if one of the
+other scripts returns an error code. The <code>pre-xfer exec</code> command will <u>not</u>
+be run, however, if the <code>early exec</code> command fails.</p>
+<p>The following environment variables will be set, though some are specific
+to the pre-xfer or the post-xfer environment:</p>
+<li><code>RSYNC_MODULE_NAME</code>: The name of the module being accessed.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_MODULE_PATH</code>: The path configured for the module.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_HOST_ADDR</code>: The accessing host's IP address.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_HOST_NAME</code>: The accessing host's name.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_USER_NAME</code>: The accessing user's name (empty if no user).</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_PID</code>: A unique number for this transfer.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_REQUEST</code>: (pre-xfer only) The module/path info specified by the
+user. Note that the user can specify multiple source files, so the
+request can be something like &quot;mod/path1 mod/path2&quot;, etc.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_ARG#</code>: (pre-xfer only) The pre-request arguments are set in these
+numbered values. RSYNC_ARG0 is always &quot;rsyncd&quot;, followed by the options
+that were used in RSYNC_ARG1, and so on. There will be a value of &quot;.&quot;
+indicating that the options are done and the path args are beginning&nbsp;-&#8288;-&#8288;
+these contain similar information to RSYNC_REQUEST, but with values
+separated and the module name stripped off.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS</code>: (post-xfer only) the server side's exit value. This
+will be 0 for a successful run, a positive value for an error that the
+server generated, or a -&#8288;1 if rsync failed to exit properly. Note that an
+error that occurs on the client side does not currently get sent to the
+server side, so this is not the final exit status for the whole transfer.</li>
+<li><code>RSYNC_RAW_STATUS</code>: (post-xfer only) the raw exit value from
+<p>Even though the commands can be associated with a particular module, they
+are run using the permissions of the user that started the daemon (not the
+module's uid/gid setting) without any chroot restrictions.</p>
+<p>These settings honor 2 environment variables: use RSYNC_SHELL to set a
+shell to use when running the command (which otherwise uses your
+<strong>system()</strong> call's default shell), and use RSYNC_NO_XFER_EXEC to disable
+both options completely.</p>
+<p>There are currently two config directives available that allow a config file to
+incorporate the contents of other files: <code>&amp;include</code> and <code>&amp;merge</code>. Both allow
+a reference to either a file or a directory. They differ in how segregated the
+file's contents are considered to be.</p>
+<p>The <code>&amp;include</code> directive treats each file as more distinct, with each one
+inheriting the defaults of the parent file, starting the parameter parsing as
+globals/defaults, and leaving the defaults unchanged for the parsing of the
+rest of the parent file.</p>
+<p>The <code>&amp;merge</code> directive, on the other hand, treats the file's contents as if it
+were simply inserted in place of the directive, and thus it can set parameters
+in a module started in another file, can affect the defaults for other files,
+<p>When an <code>&amp;include</code> or <code>&amp;merge</code> directive refers to a directory, it will read in
+all the <code>*.conf</code> or <code>*.inc</code> files (respectively) that are contained inside that
+directory (without any recursive scanning), with the files sorted into alpha
+order. So, if you have a directory named &quot;rsyncd.d&quot; with the files &quot;foo.conf&quot;,
+&quot;bar.conf&quot;, and &quot;baz.conf&quot; inside it, this directive:</p>
+<pre><code>&amp;include /path/rsyncd.d
+<p>would be the same as this set of directives:</p>
+<pre><code>&amp;include /path/rsyncd.d/bar.conf
+&amp;include /path/rsyncd.d/baz.conf
+&amp;include /path/rsyncd.d/foo.conf
+<p>except that it adjusts as files are added and removed from the directory.</p>
+<p>The advantage of the <code>&amp;include</code> directive is that you can define one or more
+modules in a separate file without worrying about unintended side-effects
+between the self-contained module files.</p>
+<p>The advantage of the <code>&amp;merge</code> directive is that you can load config snippets
+that can be included into multiple module definitions, and you can also set
+global values that will affect connections (such as <code>motd file</code>), or globals
+that will affect other include files.</p>
+<p>For example, this is a useful /etc/rsyncd.conf file:</p>
+<pre><code>port = 873
+log file = /var/log/rsync.log
+pid file = /var/lock/rsync.lock
+&amp;merge /etc/rsyncd.d
+&amp;include /etc/rsyncd.d
+<p>This would merge any <code>/etc/rsyncd.d/*.inc</code> files (for global values that should
+stay in effect), and then include any <code>/etc/rsyncd.d/*.conf</code> files (defining
+modules without any global-value cross-talk).</p>
+<p>The authentication protocol used in rsync is a 128 bit MD4 based challenge
+response system. This is fairly weak protection, though (with at least one
+brute-force hash-finding algorithm publicly available), so if you want really
+top-quality security, then I recommend that you run rsync over ssh. (Yes, a
+future version of rsync will switch over to a stronger hashing method.)</p>
+<p>Also note that the rsync daemon protocol does not currently provide any
+encryption of the data that is transferred over the connection. Only
+authentication is provided. Use ssh as the transport if you want encryption.</p>
+<p>You can also make use of SSL/TLS encryption if you put rsync behind an
+SSL proxy.</p>
+<h2 id="SSL_TLS_Daemon_Setup">SSL/TLS Daemon Setup<a href="#SSL_TLS_Daemon_Setup" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>When setting up an rsync daemon for access via SSL/TLS, you will need to
+configure a TCP proxy (such as haproxy or nginx) as the front-end that handles
+the encryption.</p>
+<li>You should limit the access to the backend-rsyncd port to only allow the
+proxy to connect. If it is on the same host as the proxy, then configuring
+it to only listen on localhost is a good idea.</li>
+<li>You should consider turning on the <code>proxy protocol</code> rsync-daemon parameter if
+your proxy supports sending that information. The examples below assume that
+this is enabled.</li>
+<p>An example haproxy setup is as follows:</p>
+<pre><code>frontend fe_rsync-ssl
+ bind :::874 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/
+ mode tcp
+ use_backend be_rsync
+backend be_rsync
+ mode tcp
+ server local-rsync check send-proxy
+<p>An example nginx proxy setup is as follows:</p>
+<pre><code>stream {
+ server {
+ listen 874 ssl;
+ listen [::]:874 ssl;
+ ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/;
+ ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/;
+ proxy_pass localhost:873;
+ proxy_protocol on; # Requires rsyncd.conf &quot;proxy protocol = true&quot;
+ proxy_timeout 1m;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 5s;
+ }
+<p>A simple rsyncd.conf file that allow anonymous rsync to a ftp area at
+<code>/home/ftp</code> would be:</p>
+ path = /home/ftp
+ comment = ftp export area
+<p>A more sophisticated example would be:</p>
+<pre><code>uid = nobody
+gid = nobody
+use chroot = yes
+max connections = 4
+syslog facility = local5
+pid file = /var/run/
+ path = /var/ftp/./pub
+ comment = whole ftp area (approx 6.1 GB)
+ path = /var/ftp/./pub/samba
+ comment = Samba ftp area (approx 300 MB)
+ path = /var/ftp/./pub/rsync
+ comment = rsync ftp area (approx 6 MB)
+ path = /public_html/samba
+ comment = Samba WWW pages (approx 240 MB)
+ path = /data/cvs
+ comment = CVS repository (requires authentication)
+ auth users = tridge, susan
+ secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
+<p>The /etc/rsyncd.secrets file would look something like this:</p>
+<h2 id="FILES">FILES<a href="#FILES" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>/etc/rsyncd.conf or rsyncd.conf</p>
+<h2 id="SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO<a href="#SEE_ALSO" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p><a href="rsync.1"><strong>rsync</strong>(1)</a>, <a href="rsync-ssl.1"><strong>rsync-ssl</strong>(1)</a></p>
+<h2 id="BUGS">BUGS<a href="#BUGS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Please report bugs! The rsync bug tracking system is online at
+<a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="VERSION">VERSION<a href="#VERSION" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>This manpage is current for version 3.2.7 of rsync.</p>
+<h2 id="CREDITS">CREDITS<a href="#CREDITS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+<a href="COPYING">COPYING</a> for details.</p>
+<p>An rsync web site is available at <a href=""></a> and its github
+project is <a href=""></a>.</p>
+<h2 id="THANKS">THANKS<a href="#THANKS" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Thanks to Warren Stanley for his original idea and patch for the rsync daemon.
+Thanks to Karsten Thygesen for his many suggestions and documentation!</p>
+<h2 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR<a href="#AUTHOR" class="tgt"></a></h2>
+<p>Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. Many
+people have later contributed to it. It is currently maintained by Wayne
+<p>Mailing lists for support and development are available at
+<a href=""></a>.</p>
+<div style="float: right"><p><i>20 Oct 2022</i></p></div>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91aaf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1273 @@
+## NAME
+rsyncd.conf - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <>.
+The rsyncd.conf file is the runtime configuration file for rsync when run as an
+rsync daemon.
+The rsyncd.conf file controls authentication, access, logging and available
+The file consists of modules and parameters. A module begins with the name of
+the module in square brackets and continues until the next module begins.
+Modules contain parameters of the form `name = value`.
+The file is line-based -- that is, each newline-terminated line represents
+either a comment, a module name or a parameter.
+Only the first equals sign in a parameter is significant. Whitespace before or
+after the first equals sign is discarded. Leading, trailing and internal
+whitespace in module and parameter names is irrelevant. Leading and trailing
+whitespace in a parameter value is discarded. Internal whitespace within a
+parameter value is retained verbatim.
+Any line **beginning** with a hash (`#`) is ignored, as are lines containing
+only whitespace. (If a hash occurs after anything other than leading
+whitespace, it is considered a part of the line's content.)
+Any line ending in a `\` is "continued" on the next line in the customary UNIX
+The values following the equals sign in parameters are all either a string (no
+quotes needed) or a boolean, which may be given as yes/no, 0/1 or true/false.
+Case is not significant in boolean values, but is preserved in string values.
+The rsync daemon is launched by specifying the `--daemon` option to rsync.
+The daemon must run with root privileges if you wish to use chroot, to bind to
+a port numbered under 1024 (as is the default 873), or to set file ownership.
+Otherwise, it must just have permission to read and write the appropriate data,
+log, and lock files.
+You can launch it either via inetd, as a stand-alone daemon, or from an rsync
+client via a remote shell. If run as a stand-alone daemon then just run the
+command "`rsync --daemon`" from a suitable startup script.
+When run via inetd you should add a line like this to /etc/services:
+> rsync 873/tcp
+and a single line something like this to /etc/inetd.conf:
+> rsync stream tcp nowait root @BINDIR@/rsync rsyncd --daemon
+Replace "@BINDIR@/rsync" with the path to where you have rsync installed on
+your system. You will then need to send inetd a HUP signal to tell it to
+reread its config file.
+Note that you should **not** send the rsync daemon a HUP signal to force it to
+reread the `rsyncd.conf` file. The file is re-read on each client connection.
+The first parameters in the file (before a [module] header) are the global
+parameters. Rsync also allows for the use of a "[global]" module name to
+indicate the start of one or more global-parameter sections (the name must be
+lower case).
+You may also include any module parameters in the global part of the config
+file in which case the supplied value will override the default for that
+You may use references to environment variables in the values of parameters.
+String parameters will have %VAR% references expanded as late as possible (when
+the string is first used in the program), allowing for the use of variables
+that rsync sets at connection time, such as RSYNC_USER_NAME. Non-string
+parameters (such as true/false settings) are expanded when read from the config
+file. If a variable does not exist in the environment, or if a sequence of
+characters is not a valid reference (such as an un-paired percent sign), the
+raw characters are passed through unchanged. This helps with backward
+compatibility and safety (e.g. expanding a non-existent %VAR% to an empty
+string in a path could result in a very unsafe path). The safest way to insert
+a literal % into a value is to use %%.
+[comment]: # (An OL starting at 0 is converted into a DL by the parser.)
+0. `motd file`
+ This parameter allows you to specify a "message of the day" (MOTD) to display
+ to clients on each connect. This usually contains site information and any
+ legal notices. The default is no MOTD file. This can be overridden by the
+ `--dparam=motdfile=FILE` command-line option when starting the daemon.
+0. `pid file`
+ This parameter tells the rsync daemon to write its process ID to that file.
+ The rsync keeps the file locked so that it can know when it is safe to
+ overwrite an existing file.
+ The filename can be overridden by the `--dparam=pidfile=FILE` command-line
+ option when starting the daemon.
+0. `port`
+ You can override the default port the daemon will listen on by specifying
+ this value (defaults to 873). This is ignored if the daemon is being run
+ by inetd, and is superseded by the `--port` command-line option.
+0. `address`
+ You can override the default IP address the daemon will listen on by
+ specifying this value. This is ignored if the daemon is being run by
+ inetd, and is superseded by the `--address` command-line option.
+0. `socket options`
+ This parameter can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their
+ systems to the utmost degree. You can set all sorts of socket options which
+ may make transfers faster (or slower!). Read the manpage for the
+ **setsockopt()** system call for details on some of the options you may be
+ able to set. By default no special socket options are set. These settings
+ can also be specified via the `--sockopts` command-line option.
+0. `listen backlog`
+ You can override the default backlog value when the daemon listens for
+ connections. It defaults to 5.
+After the global parameters you should define a number of modules, each module
+exports a directory tree as a symbolic name. Modules are exported by specifying
+a module name in square brackets [module] followed by the parameters for that
+module. The module name cannot contain a slash or a closing square bracket.
+If the name contains whitespace, each internal sequence of whitespace will be
+changed into a single space, while leading or trailing whitespace will be
+discarded. Also, the name cannot be "global" as that exact name indicates that
+global parameters follow (see above).
+As with GLOBAL PARAMETERS, you may use references to environment variables in
+the values of parameters. See the GLOBAL PARAMETERS section for more details.
+0. `comment`
+ This parameter specifies a description string that is displayed next to the
+ module name when clients obtain a list of available modules. The default is
+ no comment.
+0. `path`
+ This parameter specifies the directory in the daemon's filesystem to make
+ available in this module. You must specify this parameter for each module
+ in `rsyncd.conf`.
+ If the value contains a "/./" element then the path will be divided at that
+ point into a chroot dir and an inner-chroot subdir. If [`use chroot`](#)
+ is set to false, though, the extraneous dot dir is just cleaned out of the
+ path. An example of this idiom is:
+ > path = /var/rsync/./module1
+ This will (when chrooting) chroot to "/var/rsync" and set the inside-chroot
+ path to "/module1".
+ You may base the path's value off of an environment variable by surrounding
+ the variable name with percent signs. You can even reference a variable
+ that is set by rsync when the user connects. For example, this would use
+ the authorizing user's name in the path:
+ > path = /home/%RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+ It is fine if the path includes internal spaces -- they will be retained
+ verbatim (which means that you shouldn't try to escape them). If your
+ final directory has a trailing space (and this is somehow not something you
+ wish to fix), append a trailing slash to the path to avoid losing the
+ trailing whitespace.
+0. `use chroot`
+ If "use chroot" is true, the rsync daemon will chroot to the "[path](#)" before
+ starting the file transfer with the client. This has the advantage of
+ extra protection against possible implementation security holes, but it has
+ the disadvantages of requiring super-user privileges, of not being able to
+ follow symbolic links that are either absolute or outside of the new root
+ path, and of complicating the preservation of users and groups by name (see
+ below).
+ If `use chroot` is not set, it defaults to trying to enable a chroot but
+ allows the daemon to continue (after logging a warning) if it fails. The
+ one exception to this is when a module's [`path`](#) has a "/./" chroot
+ divider in it -- this causes an unset value to be treated as true for that
+ module.
+ Prior to rsync 3.2.7, the default value was "true". The new "unset"
+ default makes it easier to setup an rsync daemon as a non-root user or to
+ run a daemon on a system where chroot fails. Explicitly setting the value
+ to "true" in rsyncd.conf will always require the chroot to succeed.
+ It is also possible to specify a dot-dir in the module's "[path](#)" to
+ indicate that you want to chdir to the earlier part of the path and then
+ serve files from inside the latter part of the path (with sanitizing and
+ default symlink munging). This can be useful if you need some library dirs
+ inside the chroot (typically for uid & gid lookups) but don't want to put
+ the lib dir into the top of the served path (even though they can be hidden
+ with an [`exclude`](#) directive). However, a better choice for a modern
+ rsync setup is to use a [`name converter`](#)" and try to avoid inner lib
+ dirs altogether. See also the [`daemon chroot`](#) parameter, which causes
+ rsync to chroot into its own chroot area before doing any path-related
+ chrooting.
+ If the daemon is serving the "/" dir (either directly or due to being
+ chrooted to the module's path), rsync does not do any path sanitizing or
+ (default) munging.
+ When it has to limit access to a particular subdir (either due to chroot
+ being disabled or having an inside-chroot path set), rsync will munge
+ symlinks (by default) and sanitize paths. Those that dislike munged
+ symlinks (and really, really trust their users to not break out of the
+ subdir) can disable the symlink munging via the "[munge symlinks](#)"
+ parameter.
+ When rsync is sanitizing paths, it trims ".." path elements from args that
+ it believes would escape the module hierarchy. It also substitutes leading
+ slashes in absolute paths with the module's path (so that options such as
+ `--backup-dir` & `--compare-dest` interpret an absolute path as rooted in
+ the module's "[path](#)" dir).
+ When a chroot is in effect *and* the "[name converter](#)" parameter is
+ *not* set, the "[numeric ids](#)" parameter will default to being enabled
+ (disabling name lookups). This means that if you manually setup
+ name-lookup libraries in your chroot (instead of using a name converter)
+ that you need to explicitly set `numeric ids = false` for rsync to do name
+ lookups.
+ If you copy library resources into the module's chroot area, you should
+ protect them through your OS's normal user/group or ACL settings (to
+ prevent the rsync module's user from being able to change them), and then
+ hide them from the user's view via "[exclude](#)" (see how in the discussion of
+ that parameter). However, it's easier and safer to setup a name converter.
+0. `daemon chroot`
+ This parameter specifies a path to which the daemon will chroot before
+ beginning communication with clients. Module paths (and any "[use chroot](#)"
+ settings) will then be related to this one. This lets you choose if you
+ want the whole daemon to be chrooted (with this setting), just the
+ transfers to be chrooted (with "[use chroot](#)"), or both. Keep in mind that
+ the "daemon chroot" area may need various OS/lib/etc files installed to
+ allow the daemon to function. By default the daemon runs without any
+ chrooting.
+0. `proxy protocol`
+ When this parameter is enabled, all incoming connections must start with a
+ V1 or V2 proxy protocol header. If the header is not found, the connection
+ is closed.
+ Setting this to `true` requires a proxy server to forward source IP
+ information to rsync, allowing you to log proper IP/host info and make use
+ of client-oriented IP restrictions. The default of `false` means that the
+ IP information comes directly from the socket's metadata. If rsync is not
+ behind a proxy, this should be disabled.
+ _CAUTION_: using this option can be dangerous if you do not ensure that
+ only the proxy is allowed to connect to the rsync port. If any non-proxied
+ connections are allowed through, the client will be able to use a modified
+ rsync to spoof any remote IP address that they desire. You can lock this
+ down using something like iptables `-uid-owner root` rules (for strict
+ localhost access), various firewall rules, or you can require password
+ authorization so that any spoofing by users will not grant extra access.
+ This setting is global. If you need some modules to require this and not
+ others, then you will need to setup multiple rsync daemon processes on
+ different ports.
+0. `name converter`
+ This parameter lets you specify a program that will be run by the rsync
+ daemon to do user & group conversions between names & ids. This script
+ is started prior to any chroot being setup, and runs as the daemon user
+ (not the transfer user). You can specify a fully qualified pathname or
+ a program name that is on the $PATH.
+ The program can be used to do normal user & group lookups without having to
+ put any extra files into the chroot area of the module *or* you can do
+ customized conversions.
+ The nameconvert program has access to all of the environment variables that
+ are described in the section on `pre-xfer exec`. This is useful if you
+ want to customize the conversion using information about the module and/or
+ the copy request.
+ There is a sample python script in the support dir named "nameconvert" that
+ implements the normal user & group lookups. Feel free to customize it or
+ just use it as documentation to implement your own.
+0. `numeric ids`
+ Enabling this parameter disables the mapping of users and groups by name
+ for the current daemon module. This prevents the daemon from trying to
+ load any user/group-related files or libraries. This enabling makes the
+ transfer behave as if the client had passed the `--numeric-ids`
+ command-line option. By default, this parameter is enabled for chroot
+ modules and disabled for non-chroot modules. Also keep in mind that
+ uid/gid preservation requires the module to be running as root (see "[uid](#)")
+ or for "[fake super](#)" to be configured.
+ A chroot-enabled module should not have this parameter set to false unless
+ you're using a "[name converter](#)" program *or* you've taken steps to ensure
+ that the module has the necessary resources it needs to translate names and
+ that it is not possible for a user to change those resources.
+0. `munge symlinks`
+ This parameter tells rsync to modify all symlinks in the same way as the
+ (non-daemon-affecting) `--munge-links` command-line option (using a method
+ described below). This should help protect your files from user trickery
+ when your daemon module is writable. The default is disabled when
+ "[use chroot](#)" is on with an inside-chroot path of "/", OR if "[daemon chroot](#)"
+ is on, otherwise it is enabled.
+ If you disable this parameter on a daemon that is not read-only, there are
+ tricks that a user can play with uploaded symlinks to access
+ daemon-excluded items (if your module has any), and, if "[use chroot](#)" is
+ off, rsync can even be tricked into showing or changing data that is
+ outside the module's path (as access-permissions allow).
+ The way rsync disables the use of symlinks is to prefix each one with the
+ string "/rsyncd-munged/". This prevents the links from being used as long
+ as that directory does not exist. When this parameter is enabled, rsync
+ will refuse to run if that path is a directory or a symlink to a directory.
+ When using the "munge symlinks" parameter in a chroot area that has an
+ inside-chroot path of "/", you should add "/rsyncd-munged/" to the exclude
+ setting for the module so that a user can't try to create it.
+ Note: rsync makes no attempt to verify that any pre-existing symlinks in
+ the module's hierarchy are as safe as you want them to be (unless, of
+ course, it just copied in the whole hierarchy). If you setup an rsync
+ daemon on a new area or locally add symlinks, you can manually protect your
+ symlinks from being abused by prefixing "/rsyncd-munged/" to the start of
+ every symlink's value. There is a perl script in the support directory of
+ the source code named "munge-symlinks" that can be used to add or remove
+ this prefix from your symlinks.
+ When this parameter is disabled on a writable module and "[use chroot](#)" is
+ off (or the inside-chroot path is not "/"), incoming symlinks will be
+ modified to drop a leading slash and to remove ".." path elements that
+ rsync believes will allow a symlink to escape the module's hierarchy.
+ There are tricky ways to work around this, though, so you had better trust
+ your users if you choose this combination of parameters.
+0. `charset`
+ This specifies the name of the character set in which the module's
+ filenames are stored. If the client uses an `--iconv` option, the daemon
+ will use the value of the "charset" parameter regardless of the character
+ set the client actually passed. This allows the daemon to support charset
+ conversion in a chroot module without extra files in the chroot area, and
+ also ensures that name-translation is done in a consistent manner. If the
+ "charset" parameter is not set, the `--iconv` option is refused, just as if
+ "iconv" had been specified via "[refuse options](#)".
+ If you wish to force users to always use `--iconv` for a particular module,
+ add "no-iconv" to the "[refuse options](#)" parameter. Keep in mind that this
+ will restrict access to your module to very new rsync clients.
+0. `max connections`
+ This parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of simultaneous
+ connections you will allow. Any clients connecting when the maximum has
+ been reached will receive a message telling them to try later. The default
+ is 0, which means no limit. A negative value disables the module. See
+ also the "[lock file](#)" parameter.
+0. `log file`
+ When the "log file" parameter is set to a non-empty string, the rsync
+ daemon will log messages to the indicated file rather than using syslog.
+ This is particularly useful on systems (such as AIX) where **syslog()**
+ doesn't work for chrooted programs. The file is opened before **chroot()**
+ is called, allowing it to be placed outside the transfer. If this value is
+ set on a per-module basis instead of globally, the global log will still
+ contain any authorization failures or config-file error messages.
+ If the daemon fails to open the specified file, it will fall back to using
+ syslog and output an error about the failure. (Note that the failure to
+ open the specified log file used to be a fatal error.)
+ This setting can be overridden by using the `--log-file=FILE` or
+ `--dparam=logfile=FILE` command-line options. The former overrides all the
+ log-file parameters of the daemon and all module settings. The latter sets
+ the daemon's log file and the default for all the modules, which still
+ allows modules to override the default setting.
+0. `syslog facility`
+ This parameter allows you to specify the syslog facility name to use when
+ logging messages from the rsync daemon. You may use any standard syslog
+ facility name which is defined on your system. Common names are auth,
+ authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user,
+ uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6 and local7.
+ The default is daemon. This setting has no effect if the "[log file](#)"
+ setting is a non-empty string (either set in the per-modules settings, or
+ inherited from the global settings).
+0. `syslog tag`
+ This parameter allows you to specify the syslog tag to use when logging
+ messages from the rsync daemon. The default is "rsyncd". This setting has
+ no effect if the "[log file](#)" setting is a non-empty string (either set in
+ the per-modules settings, or inherited from the global settings).
+ For example, if you wanted each authenticated user's name to be included in
+ the syslog tag, you could do something like this:
+ > syslog tag = rsyncd.%RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+0. `max verbosity`
+ This parameter allows you to control the maximum amount of verbose
+ information that you'll allow the daemon to generate (since the information
+ goes into the log file). The default is 1, which allows the client to
+ request one level of verbosity.
+ This also affects the user's ability to request higher levels of `--info`
+ and `--debug` logging. If the max value is 2, then no info and/or debug
+ value that is higher than what would be set by `-vv` will be honored by the
+ daemon in its logging. To see how high of a verbosity level you need to
+ accept for a particular info/debug level, refer to `rsync --info=help` and
+ `rsync --debug=help`. For instance, it takes max-verbosity 4 to be able to
+ output debug TIME2 and FLIST3.
+0. `lock file`
+ This parameter specifies the file to use to support the "[max connections](#)"
+ parameter. The rsync daemon uses record locking on this file to ensure that
+ the max connections limit is not exceeded for the modules sharing the lock
+ file. The default is `/var/run/rsyncd.lock`.
+0. `read only`
+ This parameter determines whether clients will be able to upload files or
+ not. If "read only" is true then any attempted uploads will fail. If
+ "read only" is false then uploads will be possible if file permissions on
+ the daemon side allow them. The default is for all modules to be read only.
+ Note that "[auth users](#)" can override this setting on a per-user basis.
+0. `write only`
+ This parameter determines whether clients will be able to download files or
+ not. If "write only" is true then any attempted downloads will fail. If
+ "write only" is false then downloads will be possible if file permissions
+ on the daemon side allow them. The default is for this parameter to be
+ disabled.
+ Helpful hint: you probably want to specify "refuse options = delete" for a
+ write-only module.
+0. `open noatime`
+ When set to True, this parameter tells the rsync daemon to open files with
+ the O_NOATIME flag
+ (on systems that support it) to avoid changing the access time of the files
+ that are being transferred. If your OS does not support the O_NOATIME flag
+ then rsync will silently ignore this option. Note also that some
+ filesystems are mounted to avoid updating the atime on read access even
+ without the O_NOATIME flag being set.
+ When set to False, this parameters ensures that files on the server are not
+ opened with O_NOATIME.
+ When set to Unset (the default) the user controls the setting via
+ `--open-noatime`.
+0. `list`
+ This parameter determines whether this module is listed when the client
+ asks for a listing of available modules. In addition, if this is false,
+ the daemon will pretend the module does not exist when a client denied by
+ "[hosts allow](#)" or "[hosts deny](#)" attempts to access it. Realize that if
+ "[reverse lookup](#)" is disabled globally but enabled for the module, the
+ resulting reverse lookup to a potentially client-controlled DNS server may
+ still reveal to the client that it hit an existing module. The default is
+ for modules to be listable.
+0. `uid`
+ This parameter specifies the user name or user ID that file transfers to
+ and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root.
+ In combination with the "[gid](#)" parameter this determines what file
+ permissions are available. The default when run by a super-user is to
+ switch to the system's "nobody" user. The default for a non-super-user is
+ to not try to change the user. See also the "[gid](#)" parameter.
+ The RSYNC_USER_NAME environment variable may be used to request that rsync
+ run as the authorizing user. For example, if you want a rsync to run as
+ the same user that was received for the rsync authentication, this setup is
+ useful:
+ > uid = %RSYNC_USER_NAME%
+ > gid = *
+0. `gid`
+ This parameter specifies one or more group names/IDs that will be used when
+ accessing the module. The first one will be the default group, and any
+ extra ones be set as supplemental groups. You may also specify a "`*`" as
+ the first gid in the list, which will be replaced by all the normal groups
+ for the transfer's user (see "[uid](#)"). The default when run by a super-user
+ is to switch to your OS's "nobody" (or perhaps "nogroup") group with no
+ other supplementary groups. The default for a non-super-user is to not
+ change any group attributes (and indeed, your OS may not allow a
+ non-super-user to try to change their group settings).
+ The specified list is normally split into tokens based on spaces and
+ commas. However, if the list starts with a comma, then the list is only
+ split on commas, which allows a group name to contain a space. In either
+ case any leading and/or trailing whitespace is removed from the tokens and
+ empty tokens are ignored.
+0. `daemon uid`
+ This parameter specifies a uid under which the daemon will run. The daemon
+ usually runs as user root, and when this is left unset the user is left
+ unchanged. See also the "[uid](#)" parameter.
+0. `daemon gid`
+ This parameter specifies a gid under which the daemon will run. The daemon
+ usually runs as group root, and when this is left unset, the group is left
+ unchanged. See also the "[gid](#)" parameter.
+0. `fake super`
+ Setting "fake super = yes" for a module causes the daemon side to behave as
+ if the `--fake-super` command-line option had been specified. This allows
+ the full attributes of a file to be stored without having to have the
+ daemon actually running as root.
+0. `filter`
+ The daemon has its own filter chain that determines what files it will let
+ the client access. This chain is not sent to the client and is independent
+ of any filters the client may have specified. Files excluded by the daemon
+ filter chain (`daemon-excluded` files) are treated as non-existent if the
+ client tries to pull them, are skipped with an error message if the client
+ tries to push them (triggering exit code 23), and are never deleted from
+ the module. You can use daemon filters to prevent clients from downloading
+ or tampering with private administrative files, such as files you may add
+ to support uid/gid name translations.
+ The daemon filter chain is built from the "filter", "[include from](#)",
+ "[include](#)", "[exclude from](#)", and "[exclude](#)" parameters, in that order of
+ priority. Anchored patterns are anchored at the root of the module. To
+ prevent access to an entire subtree, for example, "`/secret`", you **must**
+ exclude everything in the subtree; the easiest way to do this is with a
+ triple-star pattern like "`/secret/***`".
+ The "filter" parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon filter rules,
+ though it is smart enough to know not to split a token at an internal space
+ in a rule (e.g. "`- /foo - /bar`" is parsed as two rules). You may specify
+ one or more merge-file rules using the normal syntax. Only one "filter"
+ parameter can apply to a given module in the config file, so put all the
+ rules you want in a single parameter. Note that per-directory merge-file
+ rules do not provide as much protection as global rules, but they can be
+ used to make `--delete` work better during a client download operation if
+ the per-dir merge files are included in the transfer and the client
+ requests that they be used.
+0. `exclude`
+ This parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon exclude patterns. As
+ with the client `--exclude` option, patterns can be qualified with "`- `" or
+ "`+ `" to explicitly indicate exclude/include. Only one "exclude" parameter
+ can apply to a given module. See the "filter" parameter for a description
+ of how excluded files affect the daemon.
+0. `include`
+ Use an "include" to override the effects of the "[exclude](#)" parameter. Only
+ one "include" parameter can apply to a given module. See the "[filter](#)"
+ parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
+0. `exclude from`
+ This parameter specifies the name of a file on the daemon that contains
+ daemon exclude patterns, one per line. Only one "exclude from" parameter
+ can apply to a given module; if you have multiple exclude-from files, you
+ can specify them as a merge file in the "[filter](#)" parameter. See the
+ "[filter](#)" parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the
+ daemon.
+0. `include from`
+ Analogue of "[exclude from](#)" for a file of daemon include patterns. Only one
+ "include from" parameter can apply to a given module. See the "[filter](#)"
+ parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
+0. `incoming chmod`
+ This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings
+ that will affect the permissions of all incoming files (files that are
+ being received by the daemon). These changes happen after all other
+ permission calculations, and this will even override destination-default
+ and/or existing permissions when the client does not specify `--perms`.
+ See the description of the `--chmod` rsync option and the **chmod**(1)
+ manpage for information on the format of this string.
+0. `outgoing chmod`
+ This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings
+ that will affect the permissions of all outgoing files (files that are
+ being sent out from the daemon). These changes happen first, making the
+ sent permissions appear to be different than those stored in the filesystem
+ itself. For instance, you could disable group write permissions on the
+ server while having it appear to be on to the clients. See the description
+ of the `--chmod` rsync option and the **chmod**(1) manpage for information
+ on the format of this string.
+0. `auth users`
+ This parameter specifies a comma and/or space-separated list of
+ authorization rules. In its simplest form, you list the usernames that
+ will be allowed to connect to this module. The usernames do not need to
+ exist on the local system. The rules may contain shell wildcard characters
+ that will be matched against the username provided by the client for
+ authentication. If "auth users" is set then the client will be challenged
+ to supply a username and password to connect to the module. A challenge
+ response authentication protocol is used for this exchange. The plain text
+ usernames and passwords are stored in the file specified by the
+ "[secrets file](#)" parameter. The default is for all users to be able to
+ connect without a password (this is called "anonymous rsync").
+ In addition to username matching, you can specify groupname matching via a
+ '@' prefix. When using groupname matching, the authenticating username
+ must be a real user on the system, or it will be assumed to be a member of
+ no groups. For example, specifying "@rsync" will match the authenticating
+ user if the named user is a member of the rsync group.
+ Finally, options may be specified after a colon (:). The options allow you
+ to "deny" a user or a group, set the access to "ro" (read-only), or set the
+ access to "rw" (read/write). Setting an auth-rule-specific ro/rw setting
+ overrides the module's "[read only](#)" setting.
+ Be sure to put the rules in the order you want them to be matched, because
+ the checking stops at the first matching user or group, and that is the
+ only auth that is checked. For example:
+ > auth users = joe:deny @guest:deny admin:rw @rsync:ro susan joe sam
+ In the above rule, user joe will be denied access no matter what. Any user
+ that is in the group "guest" is also denied access. The user "admin" gets
+ access in read/write mode, but only if the admin user is not in group
+ "guest" (because the admin user-matching rule would never be reached if the
+ user is in group "guest"). Any other user who is in group "rsync" will get
+ read-only access. Finally, users susan, joe, and sam get the ro/rw setting
+ of the module, but only if the user didn't match an earlier group-matching
+ rule.
+ If you need to specify a user or group name with a space in it, start your
+ list with a comma to indicate that the list should only be split on commas
+ (though leading and trailing whitespace will also be removed, and empty
+ entries are just ignored). For example:
+ > auth users = , joe:deny, @Some Group:deny, admin:rw, @RO Group:ro
+ See the description of the secrets file for how you can have per-user
+ passwords as well as per-group passwords. It also explains how a user can
+ authenticate using their user password or (when applicable) a group
+ password, depending on what rule is being authenticated.
+ See also the section entitled "USING RSYNC-DAEMON FEATURES VIA A REMOTE
+ SHELL CONNECTION" in **rsync**(1) for information on how handle an
+ rsyncd.conf-level username that differs from the remote-shell-level
+ username when using a remote shell to connect to an rsync daemon.
+0. `secrets file`
+ This parameter specifies the name of a file that contains the
+ username:password and/or @groupname:password pairs used for authenticating
+ this module. This file is only consulted if the "[auth users](#)" parameter is
+ specified. The file is line-based and contains one name:password pair per
+ line. Any line has a hash (#) as the very first character on the line is
+ considered a comment and is skipped. The passwords can contain any
+ characters but be warned that many operating systems limit the length of
+ passwords that can be typed at the client end, so you may find that
+ passwords longer than 8 characters don't work.
+ The use of group-specific lines are only relevant when the module is being
+ authorized using a matching "@groupname" rule. When that happens, the user
+ can be authorized via either their "username:password" line or the
+ "@groupname:password" line for the group that triggered the authentication.
+ It is up to you what kind of password entries you want to include, either
+ users, groups, or both. The use of group rules in "[auth users](#)" does not
+ require that you specify a group password if you do not want to use shared
+ passwords.
+ There is no default for the "secrets file" parameter, you must choose a
+ name (such as `/etc/rsyncd.secrets`). The file must normally not be
+ readable by "other"; see "[strict modes](#)". If the file is not found or is
+ rejected, no logins for an "[auth users](#)" module will be possible.
+0. `strict modes`
+ This parameter determines whether or not the permissions on the secrets
+ file will be checked. If "strict modes" is true, then the secrets file
+ must not be readable by any user ID other than the one that the rsync
+ daemon is running under. If "strict modes" is false, the check is not
+ performed. The default is true. This parameter was added to accommodate
+ rsync running on the Windows operating system.
+0. `hosts allow`
+ This parameter allows you to specify a list of comma- and/or
+ whitespace-separated patterns that are matched against a connecting
+ client's hostname and IP address. If none of the patterns match, then the
+ connection is rejected.
+ Each pattern can be in one of six forms:
+ - a dotted decimal IPv4 address of the form a.b.c.d, or an IPv6 address of
+ the form a:b:c::d:e:f. In this case the incoming machine's IP address
+ must match exactly.
+ - an address/mask in the form ipaddr/n where ipaddr is the IP address and n
+ is the number of one bits in the netmask. All IP addresses which match
+ the masked IP address will be allowed in.
+ - an address/mask in the form ipaddr/maskaddr where ipaddr is the IP
+ address and maskaddr is the netmask in dotted decimal notation for IPv4,
+ or similar for IPv6, e.g. ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: instead of /64. All IP
+ addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in.
+ - a hostname pattern using wildcards. If the hostname of the connecting IP
+ (as determined by a reverse lookup) matches the wildcarded name (using
+ the same rules as normal Unix filename matching), the client is allowed
+ in. This only works if "[reverse lookup](#)" is enabled (the default).
+ - a hostname. A plain hostname is matched against the reverse DNS of the
+ connecting IP (if "[reverse lookup](#)" is enabled), and/or the IP of the
+ given hostname is matched against the connecting IP (if "[forward lookup](#)"
+ is enabled, as it is by default). Any match will be allowed in.
+ - an '@' followed by a netgroup name, which will match if the reverse DNS
+ of the connecting IP is in the specified netgroup.
+ Note IPv6 link-local addresses can have a scope in the address
+ specification:
+ > fe80::1%link1
+ > fe80::%link1/64
+ > fe80::%link1/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::
+ You can also combine "hosts allow" with "[hosts deny](#)" as a way to add
+ exceptions to your deny list. When both parameters are specified, the
+ "hosts allow" parameter is checked first and a match results in the client
+ being able to connect. A non-allowed host is then matched against the
+ "[hosts deny](#)" list to see if it should be rejected. A host that does not
+ match either list is allowed to connect.
+ The default is no "hosts allow" parameter, which means all hosts can
+ connect.
+0. `hosts deny`
+ This parameter allows you to specify a list of comma- and/or
+ whitespace-separated patterns that are matched against a connecting clients
+ hostname and IP address. If the pattern matches then the connection is
+ rejected. See the "[hosts allow](#)" parameter for more information.
+ The default is no "hosts deny" parameter, which means all hosts can
+ connect.
+0. `reverse lookup`
+ Controls whether the daemon performs a reverse lookup on the client's IP
+ address to determine its hostname, which is used for "[hosts allow](#)" &
+ "[hosts deny](#)" checks and the "%h" log escape. This is enabled by default,
+ but you may wish to disable it to save time if you know the lookup will not
+ return a useful result, in which case the daemon will use the name
+ "UNDETERMINED" instead.
+ If this parameter is enabled globally (even by default), rsync performs the
+ lookup as soon as a client connects, so disabling it for a module will not
+ avoid the lookup. Thus, you probably want to disable it globally and then
+ enable it for modules that need the information.
+0. `forward lookup`
+ Controls whether the daemon performs a forward lookup on any hostname
+ specified in an hosts allow/deny setting. By default this is enabled,
+ allowing the use of an explicit hostname that would not be returned by
+ reverse DNS of the connecting IP.
+0. `ignore errors`
+ This parameter tells rsyncd to ignore I/O errors on the daemon when
+ deciding whether to run the delete phase of the transfer. Normally rsync
+ skips the `--delete` step if any I/O errors have occurred in order to
+ prevent disastrous deletion due to a temporary resource shortage or other
+ I/O error. In some cases this test is counter productive so you can use
+ this parameter to turn off this behavior.
+0. `ignore nonreadable`
+ This tells the rsync daemon to completely ignore files that are not
+ readable by the user. This is useful for public archives that may have some
+ non-readable files among the directories, and the sysadmin doesn't want
+ those files to be seen at all.
+0. `transfer logging`
+ This parameter enables per-file logging of downloads and uploads in a
+ format somewhat similar to that used by ftp daemons. The daemon always
+ logs the transfer at the end, so if a transfer is aborted, no mention will
+ be made in the log file.
+ If you want to customize the log lines, see the "[log format](#)" parameter.
+0. `log format`
+ This parameter allows you to specify the format used for logging file
+ transfers when transfer logging is enabled. The format is a text string
+ containing embedded single-character escape sequences prefixed with a
+ percent (%) character. An optional numeric field width may also be
+ specified between the percent and the escape letter (e.g.
+ "`%-50n %8l %07p`"). In addition, one or more apostrophes may be specified
+ prior to a numerical escape to indicate that the numerical value should be
+ made more human-readable. The 3 supported levels are the same as for the
+ `--human-readable` command-line option, though the default is for
+ human-readability to be off. Each added apostrophe increases the level
+ (e.g. "`%''l %'b %f`").
+ The default log format is "`%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %l`", and a "`%t [%p] `"
+ is always prefixed when using the "[log file](#)" parameter. (A perl script
+ that will summarize this default log format is included in the rsync source
+ code distribution in the "support" subdirectory: rsyncstats.)
+ The single-character escapes that are understood are as follows:
+ - %a the remote IP address (only available for a daemon)
+ - %b the number of bytes actually transferred
+ - %B the permission bits of the file (e.g. rwxrwxrwt)
+ - %c the total size of the block checksums received for the basis file
+ (only when sending)
+ - %C the full-file checksum if it is known for the file. For older rsync
+ protocols/versions, the checksum was salted, and is thus not a useful
+ value (and is not displayed when that is the case). For the checksum to
+ output for a file, either the `--checksum` option must be in-effect or
+ the file must have been transferred without a salted checksum being used.
+ See the `--checksum-choice` option for a way to choose the algorithm.
+ - %f the filename (long form on sender; no trailing "/")
+ - %G the gid of the file (decimal) or "DEFAULT"
+ - %h the remote host name (only available for a daemon)
+ - %i an itemized list of what is being updated
+ - %l the length of the file in bytes
+ - %L the string "` -> SYMLINK`", "` => HARDLINK`", or "" (where `SYMLINK`
+ or `HARDLINK` is a filename)
+ - %m the module name
+ - %M the last-modified time of the file
+ - %n the filename (short form; trailing "/" on dir)
+ - %o the operation, which is "send", "recv", or "del." (the latter includes
+ the trailing period)
+ - %p the process ID of this rsync session
+ - %P the module path
+ - %t the current date time
+ - %u the authenticated username or an empty string
+ - %U the uid of the file (decimal)
+ For a list of what the characters mean that are output by "%i", see the
+ `--itemize-changes` option in the rsync manpage.
+ Note that some of the logged output changes when talking with older rsync
+ versions. For instance, deleted files were only output as verbose messages
+ prior to rsync 2.6.4.
+0. `timeout`
+ This parameter allows you to override the clients choice for I/O timeout
+ for this module. Using this parameter you can ensure that rsync won't wait
+ on a dead client forever. The timeout is specified in seconds. A value of
+ zero means no timeout and is the default. A good choice for anonymous rsync
+ daemons may be 600 (giving a 10 minute timeout).
+0. `refuse options`
+ This parameter allows you to specify a space-separated list of rsync
+ command-line options that will be refused by your rsync daemon. You may
+ specify the full option name, its one-letter abbreviation, or a wild-card
+ string that matches multiple options. Beginning in 3.2.0, you can also
+ negate a match term by starting it with a "!".
+ When an option is refused, the daemon prints an error message and exits.
+ For example, this would refuse `--checksum` (`-c`) and all the various
+ delete options:
+ > refuse options = c delete
+ The reason the above refuses all delete options is that the options imply
+ `--delete`, and implied options are refused just like explicit options.
+ The use of a negated match allows you to fine-tune your refusals after a
+ wild-card, such as this:
+ > refuse options = delete-* !delete-during
+ Negated matching can also turn your list of refused options into a list of
+ accepted options. To do this, begin the list with a "`*`" (to refuse all
+ options) and then specify one or more negated matches to accept. For
+ example:
+ > refuse options = * !a !v !compress*
+ Don't worry that the "`*`" will refuse certain vital options such as
+ `--dry-run`, `--server`, `--no-iconv`, `--seclude-args`, etc. These
+ important options are not matched by wild-card, so they must be overridden
+ by their exact name. For instance, if you're forcing iconv transfers you
+ could use something like this:
+ > refuse options = * no-iconv !a !v
+ As an additional aid (beginning in 3.2.0), refusing (or "`!refusing`") the
+ "a" or "archive" option also affects all the options that the `--archive`
+ option implies (`-rdlptgoD`), but only if the option is matched explicitly
+ (not using a wildcard). If you want to do something tricky, you can use
+ "`archive*`" to avoid this side-effect, but keep in mind that no normal
+ rsync client ever sends the actual archive option to the server.
+ As an additional safety feature, the refusal of "delete" also refuses
+ `remove-source-files` when the daemon is the sender; if you want the latter
+ without the former, instead refuse "`delete-*`" as that refuses all the
+ delete modes without affecting `--remove-source-files`. (Keep in mind that
+ the client's `--delete` option typically results in `--delete-during`.)
+ When un-refusing delete options, you should either specify "`!delete*`" (to
+ accept all delete options) or specify a limited set that includes "delete",
+ such as:
+ > refuse options = * !a !delete !delete-during
+ ... whereas this accepts any delete option except `--delete-after`:
+ > refuse options = * !a !delete* delete-after
+ A note on refusing "compress": it may be better to set the "[dont compress](#)"
+ daemon parameter to "`*`" and ensure that `RSYNC_COMPRESS_LIST=zlib` is set
+ in the environment of the daemon in order to disable compression silently
+ instead of returning an error that forces the client to remove the `-z`
+ option.
+ If you are un-refusing the compress option, you may want to match
+ "`!compress*`" if you also want to allow the `--compress-level` option.
+ Note that the "copy-devices" & "write-devices" options are refused by
+ default, but they can be explicitly accepted with "`!copy-devices`" and/or
+ "`!write-devices`". The options "log-file" and "log-file-format" are
+ forcibly refused and cannot be accepted.
+ Here are all the options that are not matched by wild-cards:
+ - `--server`: Required for rsync to even work.
+ - `--rsh`, `-e`: Required to convey compatibility flags to the server.
+ - `--out-format`: This is required to convey output behavior to a remote
+ receiver. While rsync passes the older alias `--log-format` for
+ compatibility reasons, this options should not be confused with
+ `--log-file-format`.
+ - `--sender`: Use "[write only](#)" parameter instead of refusing this.
+ - `--dry-run`, `-n`: Who would want to disable this?
+ - `--seclude-args`, `-s`: Is the oldest arg-protection method.
+ - `--from0`, `-0`: Makes it easier to accept/refuse `--files-from` without
+ affecting this helpful modifier.
+ - `--iconv`: This is auto-disabled based on "[charset](#)" parameter.
+ - `--no-iconv`: Most transfers use this option.
+ - `--checksum-seed`: Is a fairly rare, safe option.
+ - `--write-devices`: Is non-wild but also auto-disabled.
+0. `dont compress`
+ **NOTE:** This parameter currently has no effect except in one instance: if
+ it is set to "`*`" then it minimizes or disables compression for all files
+ (for those that don't want to refuse the `--compress` option completely).
+ This parameter allows you to select filenames based on wildcard patterns
+ that should not be compressed when pulling files from the daemon (no
+ analogous parameter exists to govern the pushing of files to a daemon).
+ Compression can be expensive in terms of CPU usage, so it is usually good
+ to not try to compress files that won't compress well, such as already
+ compressed files.
+ The "dont compress" parameter takes a space-separated list of
+ case-insensitive wildcard patterns. Any source filename matching one of the
+ patterns will be compressed as little as possible during the transfer. If
+ the compression algorithm has an "off" level, then no compression occurs
+ for those files. If an algorithms has the ability to change the level in
+ mid-stream, it will be minimized to reduce the CPU usage as much as
+ possible.
+ See the `--skip-compress` parameter in the **rsync**(1) manpage for the
+ list of file suffixes that are skipped by default if this parameter is not
+ set.
+0. `early exec`, `pre-xfer exec`, `post-xfer exec`
+ You may specify a command to be run in the early stages of the connection,
+ or right before and/or after the transfer. If the `early exec` or
+ `pre-xfer exec` command returns an error code, the transfer is aborted
+ before it begins. Any output from the `pre-xfer exec` command on stdout
+ (up to several KB) will be displayed to the user when aborting, but is
+ _not_ displayed if the script returns success. The other programs cannot
+ send any text to the user. All output except for the `pre-xfer exec`
+ stdout goes to the corresponding daemon's stdout/stderr, which is typically
+ discarded. See the `--no-detatch` option for a way to see the daemon's
+ output, which can assist with debugging.
+ Note that the `early exec` command runs before any part of the transfer
+ request is known except for the module name. This helper script can be
+ used to setup a disk mount or decrypt some data into a module dir, but you
+ may need to use `lock file` and `max connections` to avoid concurrency
+ issues. If the client rsync specified the `--early-input=FILE` option, it
+ can send up to about 5K of data to the stdin of the early script. The
+ stdin will otherwise be empty.
+ Note that the `post-xfer exec` command is still run even if one of the
+ other scripts returns an error code. The `pre-xfer exec` command will _not_
+ be run, however, if the `early exec` command fails.
+ The following environment variables will be set, though some are specific
+ to the pre-xfer or the post-xfer environment:
+ - `RSYNC_MODULE_NAME`: The name of the module being accessed.
+ - `RSYNC_MODULE_PATH`: The path configured for the module.
+ - `RSYNC_HOST_ADDR`: The accessing host's IP address.
+ - `RSYNC_HOST_NAME`: The accessing host's name.
+ - `RSYNC_USER_NAME`: The accessing user's name (empty if no user).
+ - `RSYNC_PID`: A unique number for this transfer.
+ - `RSYNC_REQUEST`: (pre-xfer only) The module/path info specified by the
+ user. Note that the user can specify multiple source files, so the
+ request can be something like "mod/path1 mod/path2", etc.
+ - `RSYNC_ARG#`: (pre-xfer only) The pre-request arguments are set in these
+ numbered values. RSYNC_ARG0 is always "rsyncd", followed by the options
+ that were used in RSYNC_ARG1, and so on. There will be a value of "."
+ indicating that the options are done and the path args are beginning --
+ these contain similar information to RSYNC_REQUEST, but with values
+ separated and the module name stripped off.
+ - `RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS`: (post-xfer only) the server side's exit value. This
+ will be 0 for a successful run, a positive value for an error that the
+ server generated, or a -1 if rsync failed to exit properly. Note that an
+ error that occurs on the client side does not currently get sent to the
+ server side, so this is not the final exit status for the whole transfer.
+ - `RSYNC_RAW_STATUS`: (post-xfer only) the raw exit value from
+ **waitpid()**.
+ Even though the commands can be associated with a particular module, they
+ are run using the permissions of the user that started the daemon (not the
+ module's uid/gid setting) without any chroot restrictions.
+ These settings honor 2 environment variables: use RSYNC_SHELL to set a
+ shell to use when running the command (which otherwise uses your
+ **system()** call's default shell), and use RSYNC_NO_XFER_EXEC to disable
+ both options completely.
+There are currently two config directives available that allow a config file to
+incorporate the contents of other files: `&include` and `&merge`. Both allow
+a reference to either a file or a directory. They differ in how segregated the
+file's contents are considered to be.
+The `&include` directive treats each file as more distinct, with each one
+inheriting the defaults of the parent file, starting the parameter parsing as
+globals/defaults, and leaving the defaults unchanged for the parsing of the
+rest of the parent file.
+The `&merge` directive, on the other hand, treats the file's contents as if it
+were simply inserted in place of the directive, and thus it can set parameters
+in a module started in another file, can affect the defaults for other files,
+When an `&include` or `&merge` directive refers to a directory, it will read in
+all the `*.conf` or `*.inc` files (respectively) that are contained inside that
+directory (without any recursive scanning), with the files sorted into alpha
+order. So, if you have a directory named "rsyncd.d" with the files "foo.conf",
+"bar.conf", and "baz.conf" inside it, this directive:
+> &include /path/rsyncd.d
+would be the same as this set of directives:
+> &include /path/rsyncd.d/bar.conf
+> &include /path/rsyncd.d/baz.conf
+> &include /path/rsyncd.d/foo.conf
+except that it adjusts as files are added and removed from the directory.
+The advantage of the `&include` directive is that you can define one or more
+modules in a separate file without worrying about unintended side-effects
+between the self-contained module files.
+The advantage of the `&merge` directive is that you can load config snippets
+that can be included into multiple module definitions, and you can also set
+global values that will affect connections (such as `motd file`), or globals
+that will affect other include files.
+For example, this is a useful /etc/rsyncd.conf file:
+> port = 873
+> log file = /var/log/rsync.log
+> pid file = /var/lock/rsync.lock
+> &merge /etc/rsyncd.d
+> &include /etc/rsyncd.d
+This would merge any `/etc/rsyncd.d/*.inc` files (for global values that should
+stay in effect), and then include any `/etc/rsyncd.d/*.conf` files (defining
+modules without any global-value cross-talk).
+The authentication protocol used in rsync is a 128 bit MD4 based challenge
+response system. This is fairly weak protection, though (with at least one
+brute-force hash-finding algorithm publicly available), so if you want really
+top-quality security, then I recommend that you run rsync over ssh. (Yes, a
+future version of rsync will switch over to a stronger hashing method.)
+Also note that the rsync daemon protocol does not currently provide any
+encryption of the data that is transferred over the connection. Only
+authentication is provided. Use ssh as the transport if you want encryption.
+You can also make use of SSL/TLS encryption if you put rsync behind an
+SSL proxy.
+## SSL/TLS Daemon Setup
+When setting up an rsync daemon for access via SSL/TLS, you will need to
+configure a TCP proxy (such as haproxy or nginx) as the front-end that handles
+the encryption.
+- You should limit the access to the backend-rsyncd port to only allow the
+ proxy to connect. If it is on the same host as the proxy, then configuring
+ it to only listen on localhost is a good idea.
+- You should consider turning on the `proxy protocol` rsync-daemon parameter if
+ your proxy supports sending that information. The examples below assume that
+ this is enabled.
+An example haproxy setup is as follows:
+> ```
+> frontend fe_rsync-ssl
+> bind :::874 ssl crt /etc/letsencrypt/
+> mode tcp
+> use_backend be_rsync
+> backend be_rsync
+> mode tcp
+> server local-rsync check send-proxy
+> ```
+An example nginx proxy setup is as follows:
+> ```
+> stream {
+> server {
+> listen 874 ssl;
+> listen [::]:874 ssl;
+> ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/;
+> ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/;
+> proxy_pass localhost:873;
+> proxy_protocol on; # Requires rsyncd.conf "proxy protocol = true"
+> proxy_timeout 1m;
+> proxy_connect_timeout 5s;
+> }
+> }
+> ```
+A simple rsyncd.conf file that allow anonymous rsync to a ftp area at
+`/home/ftp` would be:
+> ```
+> [ftp]
+> path = /home/ftp
+> comment = ftp export area
+> ```
+A more sophisticated example would be:
+> ```
+> uid = nobody
+> gid = nobody
+> use chroot = yes
+> max connections = 4
+> syslog facility = local5
+> pid file = /var/run/
+> [ftp]
+> path = /var/ftp/./pub
+> comment = whole ftp area (approx 6.1 GB)
+> [sambaftp]
+> path = /var/ftp/./pub/samba
+> comment = Samba ftp area (approx 300 MB)
+> [rsyncftp]
+> path = /var/ftp/./pub/rsync
+> comment = rsync ftp area (approx 6 MB)
+> [sambawww]
+> path = /public_html/samba
+> comment = Samba WWW pages (approx 240 MB)
+> [cvs]
+> path = /data/cvs
+> comment = CVS repository (requires authentication)
+> auth users = tridge, susan
+> secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
+> ```
+The /etc/rsyncd.secrets file would look something like this:
+> tridge:mypass
+> susan:herpass
+/etc/rsyncd.conf or rsyncd.conf
+[**rsync**(1)](rsync.1), [**rsync-ssl**(1)](rsync-ssl.1)
+## BUGS
+Please report bugs! The rsync bug tracking system is online at
+This manpage is current for version @VERSION@ of rsync.
+Rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+[COPYING](COPYING) for details.
+An rsync web site is available at <> and its github
+project is <>.
+Thanks to Warren Stanley for his original idea and patch for the rsync daemon.
+Thanks to Karsten Thygesen for his many suggestions and documentation!
+Rsync was originally written by Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. Many
+people have later contributed to it. It is currently maintained by Wayne
+Mailing lists for support and development are available at
diff --git a/rsyncsh.txt b/rsyncsh.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93932dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsyncsh.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Copyright (C) 2001 by Martin Pool
+This is a quick hack to build an interactive shell around rsync, the
+same way we have the ftp, lftp and ncftp programs for the FTP
+protocol. The key application for this is connecting to a public
+rsync server, such as, change down through and list
+directories, and finally pull down the file you want.
+rsync is somewhat ill-at-ease as an interactive operation, since every
+network connection is used to carry out exactly one operation. rsync
+kind of "forks across the network" passing the options and filenames
+to operate upon, and the connection is closed when the transfer is
+complete. (This might be fixed in the future, either by adapting the
+current protocol to allow chained operations over a single socket, or
+by writing a new protocol that better supports interactive use.)
+So, rsyncsh runs a new rsync command and opens a new socket for every
+(network-based) command you type.
+This has two consequences. Firstly, there is more command latency
+than is really desirable. More seriously, if the connection cannot be
+done automatically, because for example it uses SSH with a password,
+then you will need to enter the password every time. We might even
+fix this in the future, though, by having a way to automatically feed
+the password to SSH if it's entered once.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c463be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# rsync top-level test script -- this invokes all the other more
+# detailed tests in order. This script can either be called by `make
+# check' or `make installcheck'. `check' runs against the copies of
+# the program and other files in the build directory, and
+# `installcheck' against the installed copy of the program.
+# It can also be called on a single test file using a run like this:
+# preserve_scratch=yes whichtests=itemize.test ./
+# In either case we need to also be able to find the source directory,
+# since we read test scripts and possibly other information from
+# there.
+# Whenever possible, informational messages are written to stdout and
+# error messages to stderr. They're separated out by the build farm
+# display scripts.
+# According to the GNU autoconf manual, the only valid place to set up
+# directory locations is through Make, since users are allowed to (try
+# to) change their mind on the Make command line. So, Make has to
+# pass in all the values we need.
+# For other configured settings we read ./, which tells us
+# about shell commands on this machine and similar things.
+# rsync_bin gives the location of the rsync binary. This is either
+# builddir/rsync if we're testing an uninstalled copy, or
+# install_prefix/bin/rsync if we're testing an installed copy. On the
+# build farm rsync will be installed, but into a scratch /usr.
+# srcdir gives the location of the source tree, which lets us find the
+# build scripts. At the moment we assume we are invoked from the
+# source directory.
+# This script must be invoked from the build directory.
+# A scratch directory, 'testtmp', is used in the build directory to
+# hold per-test subdirectories.
+# This script also uses the $loglevel environment variable. 1 is the
+# default value, and 10 the most verbose. You can set this from the
+# Make command line. It's also set by the build farm to give more
+# detail for failing builds.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Each test case runs in its own shell.
+# Exit codes from tests:
+# 1 tests failed
+# 2 error in starting tests
+# 77 this test skipped (random value unlikely to happen by chance, same as
+# automake)
+# HOWEVER, the overall exit code to the farm is different: we return
+# the *number of tests that failed*, so that it will show up nicely in
+# the overall summary.
+# rsync.fns contains some general setup functions and definitions.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Both this script and the Makefile have to be pretty conservative
+# about which Unix features they use.
+# We cannot count on Make exporting variables to commands, unless
+# they're explicitly given on the command line.
+# Also, we can't count on 'cp -a' or 'mkdir -p', although they're
+# pretty handy (see function makepath for the latter).
+# I think some of the GNU documentation suggests that we shouldn't
+# rely on shell functions. However, the Bash manual seems to say that
+# they're in POSIX 1003.2, and since the build farm relies on them
+# they're probably working on most machines we really care about.
+# You cannot use "function foo {" syntax, but must instead say "foo()
+# {", or it breaks on FreeBSD.
+# BSD machines tend not to have "head" or "seq".
+# You cannot do "export VAR=VALUE" all on one line; the export must be
+# separate from the assignment. (SCO SysV)
+# Don't rely on grep -q, as that doesn't work everywhere -- just redirect
+# stdout to /dev/null to keep it quiet.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# We need a good protection against tests that hang indefinitely.
+# Perhaps some combination of starting them in the background, wait,
+# and kill?
+# Perhaps we need a common way to cleanup tests. At the moment just
+# clobbering the directory when we're done should be enough.
+# If any of the targets fail, then (GNU?) Make returns 2, instead of
+# the return code from the failing command. This is fine, but it
+# means that the build farm just shows "2" for failed tests, not the
+# number of tests that actually failed. For more details we might
+# need to grovel through the log files to find a line saying how many
+# failed.
+set -e
+. "./shconfig"
+# for Solaris
+if [ -d /usr/xpg4/bin ]; then
+ PATH="/usr/xpg4/bin/:$PATH"
+ export PATH
+if [ "x$loglevel" != x ] && [ "$loglevel" -gt 8 ]; then
+ if set -x; then
+ # If it doesn't work the first time, don't keep trying.
+ fi
+if test x"$TOOLDIR" = x; then
+ TOOLDIR=`pwd`
+srcdir=`dirname $0`
+if test x"$srcdir" = x || test x"$srcdir" = x.; then
+ srcdir="$TOOLDIR"
+if test x"$rsync_bin" = x; then
+ rsync_bin="$TOOLDIR/rsync"
+# This allows the user to specify extra rsync options -- use carefully!
+RSYNC="$rsync_bin $*"
+#RSYNC="valgrind $rsync_bin $*"
+if grep -E '^#define HAVE_LUTIMES 1' config.h >/dev/null; then
+if grep -E '#undef CHOWN_MODIFIES_SYMLINK' config.h >/dev/null; then
+echo "============================================================"
+echo "$0 running in $TOOLDIR"
+echo " rsync_bin=$RSYNC"
+echo " srcdir=$srcdir"
+if [ -f /usr/bin/whoami ]; then
+ testuser=`/usr/bin/whoami`
+elif [ -f /usr/ucb/whoami ]; then
+ testuser=`/usr/ucb/whoami`
+elif [ -f /bin/whoami ]; then
+ testuser=`/bin/whoami`
+ testuser=`id -un 2>/dev/null || echo ${LOGNAME:-${USERNAME:-${USER:-'UNKNOWN'}}}`
+echo " testuser=$testuser"
+echo " os=`uname -a`"
+# It must be "yes", not just nonnull
+if [ "x$preserve_scratch" = xyes ]; then
+ echo " preserve_scratch=yes"
+ echo " preserve_scratch=no"
+# Check if setacl/setfacl is around and if it supports the -k or -s option.
+if setacl -k u::7,g::5,o:5 testsuite 2>/dev/null; then
+ setfacl_nodef='setacl -k'
+elif setfacl --help 2>&1 | grep ' -k,\|\[-[a-z]*k' >/dev/null; then
+ setfacl_nodef='setfacl -k'
+elif setfacl -s u::7,g::5,o:5 testsuite 2>/dev/null; then
+ setfacl_nodef='setfacl -s u::7,g::5,o:5'
+ # The "true" command runs successfully, but does nothing.
+ setfacl_nodef=true
+export setfacl_nodef
+if [ ! -f "$rsync_bin" ]; then
+ echo "rsync_bin $rsync_bin is not a file" >&2
+ exit 2
+if [ ! -d "$srcdir" ]; then
+ echo "srcdir $srcdir is not a directory" >&2
+ exit 2
+# Directory that holds the other test subdirs. We create separate dirs
+# inside for each test case, so that they can be left behind in case of
+# failure to aid investigation. We don't remove the testtmp subdir at
+# the end so that it can be configured as a symlink to a filesystem that
+# has ACLs and xattr support enabled (if desired).
+echo " scratchbase=$scratchbase"
+[ -d "$scratchbase" ] || mkdir "$scratchbase"
+export scratchdir suitedir TESTRUN_TIMEOUT
+prep_scratch() {
+ [ -d "$scratchdir" ] && chmod -R u+rwX "$scratchdir" && rm -rf "$scratchdir"
+ mkdir "$scratchdir"
+ # Get rid of default ACLs and dir-setgid to avoid confusing some tests.
+ $setfacl_nodef "$scratchdir" 2>/dev/null || true
+ chmod g-s "$scratchdir"
+ case "$srcdir" in
+ /*) ln -s "$srcdir" "$scratchdir/src" ;;
+ *) ln -s "$TOOLDIR/$srcdir" "$scratchdir/src" ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+maybe_discard_scratch() {
+ [ x"$preserve_scratch" != xyes ] && [ -d "$scratchdir" ] && rm -rf "$scratchdir"
+ return 0
+if [ "x$whichtests" = x ]; then
+ whichtests="*.test"
+ full_run=yes
+ full_run=no
+for testscript in $suitedir/$whichtests; do
+ testbase=`echo $testscript | sed -e 's!.*/!!' -e 's/.test\$//'`
+ scratchdir="$scratchbase/$testbase"
+ prep_scratch
+ case "$testscript" in
+ *hardlinks*) TESTRUN_TIMEOUT=600 ;;
+ esac
+ set +e
+ "$TOOLDIR/"testrun $RUNSHFLAGS "$testscript" >"$scratchdir/test.log" 2>&1
+ result=$?
+ set -e
+ if [ "x$always_log" = xyes ] || ( [ $result != 0 ] && [ $result != 77 ] && [ $result != 78 ] )
+ then
+ echo "----- $testbase log follows"
+ cat "$scratchdir/test.log"
+ echo "----- $testbase log ends"
+ if [ -f "$scratchdir/rsyncd.log" ]; then
+ echo "----- $testbase rsyncd.log follows"
+ cat "$scratchdir/rsyncd.log"
+ echo "----- $testbase rsyncd.log ends"
+ fi
+ fi
+ case $result in
+ 0)
+ echo "PASS $testbase"
+ passed=`expr $passed + 1`
+ maybe_discard_scratch
+ ;;
+ 77)
+ # backticks will fill the whole file onto one line, which is a feature
+ whyskipped=`cat "$scratchdir/whyskipped"`
+ echo "SKIP $testbase ($whyskipped)"
+ skipped_list="$skipped_list,$testbase"
+ skipped=`expr $skipped + 1`
+ maybe_discard_scratch
+ ;;
+ 78)
+ # It failed, but we expected that. don't dump out error logs,
+ # because most users won't want to see them. But do leave
+ # the working directory around.
+ echo "XFAIL $testbase"
+ failed=`expr $failed + 1`
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "FAIL $testbase"
+ failed=`expr $failed + 1`
+ if [ "x$nopersist" = xyes ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ esac
+echo '------------------------------------------------------------'
+echo "----- overall results:"
+echo " $passed passed"
+[ "$failed" -gt 0 ] && echo " $failed failed"
+[ "$skipped" -gt 0 ] && echo " $skipped skipped"
+[ "$missing" -gt 0 ] && echo " $missing missing"
+if [ "$full_run" = yes ] && [ "$expect_skipped" != IGNORE ]; then
+ skipped_list=`echo "$skipped_list" | sed 's/^,//'`
+ echo "----- skipped results:"
+ echo " expected: $expect_skipped"
+ echo " got: $skipped_list"
+ skipped_list=''
+ expect_skipped=''
+echo '------------------------------------------------------------'
+# OK, so expr exits with 0 if the result is neither null nor zero; and
+# 1 if the expression is null or zero. This is the opposite of what
+# we want, and if we just call expr then this script will always fail,
+# because -e is set.
+result=`expr $failed + $missing || true`
+if [ "$result" = 0 ] && [ "$skipped_list" != "$expect_skipped" ]; then
+ result=1
+echo "overall result is $result"
+exit $result
diff --git a/sender.c b/sender.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d4f052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sender.c
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+ * Routines only used by the sending process.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+extern int do_xfers;
+extern int am_server;
+extern int am_daemon;
+extern int local_server;
+extern int inc_recurse;
+extern int log_before_transfer;
+extern int stdout_format_has_i;
+extern int logfile_format_has_i;
+extern int want_xattr_optim;
+extern int csum_length;
+extern int append_mode;
+extern int copy_links;
+extern int io_error;
+extern int flist_eof;
+extern int whole_file;
+extern int allowed_lull;
+extern int copy_devices;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int remove_source_files;
+extern int updating_basis_file;
+extern int make_backups;
+extern int inplace;
+extern int inplace_partial;
+extern int batch_fd;
+extern int write_batch;
+extern int file_old_total;
+extern BOOL want_progress_now;
+extern struct stats stats;
+extern struct file_list *cur_flist, *first_flist, *dir_flist;
+extern char num_dev_ino_buf[4 + 8 + 8];
+BOOL extra_flist_sending_enabled;
+ * @file
+ *
+ * The sender gets checksums from the generator, calculates deltas,
+ * and transmits them to the receiver. The sender process runs on the
+ * machine holding the source files.
+ **/
+ * Receive the checksums for a buffer
+ **/
+static struct sum_struct *receive_sums(int f)
+ struct sum_struct *s = new(struct sum_struct);
+ int lull_mod = protocol_version >= 31 ? 0 : allowed_lull * 5;
+ OFF_T offset = 0;
+ int32 i;
+ read_sum_head(f, s);
+ s->sums = NULL;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "count=%s n=%ld rem=%ld\n",
+ big_num(s->count), (long)s->blength, (long)s->remainder);
+ }
+ if (append_mode > 0) {
+ s->flength = (OFF_T)s->count * s->blength;
+ if (s->remainder)
+ s->flength -= s->blength - s->remainder;
+ return s;
+ }
+ if (s->count == 0)
+ return(s);
+ s->sums = new_array(struct sum_buf, s->count);
+ for (i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
+ s->sums[i].sum1 = read_int(f);
+ read_buf(f, s->sums[i].sum2, s->s2length);
+ s->sums[i].offset = offset;
+ s->sums[i].flags = 0;
+ if (i == s->count-1 && s->remainder != 0)
+ s->sums[i].len = s->remainder;
+ else
+ s->sums[i].len = s->blength;
+ offset += s->sums[i].len;
+ if (lull_mod && !(i % lull_mod))
+ maybe_send_keepalive(time(NULL), True);
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "chunk[%d] len=%d offset=%s sum1=%08x\n",
+ i, s->sums[i].len, big_num(s->sums[i].offset),
+ s->sums[i].sum1);
+ }
+ }
+ s->flength = offset;
+ return s;
+void successful_send(int ndx)
+ char fname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char *failed_op;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ struct file_list *flist;
+ if (!remove_source_files)
+ return;
+ flist = flist_for_ndx(ndx, "successful_send");
+ file = flist->files[ndx - flist->ndx_start];
+ if (!change_pathname(file, NULL, 0))
+ return;
+ f_name(file, fname);
+ if ((copy_links ? do_stat(fname, &st) : do_lstat(fname, &st)) < 0) {
+ failed_op = "re-lstat";
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ if (local_server
+ && (int64)st.st_dev == IVAL64(num_dev_ino_buf, 4)
+ && (int64)st.st_ino == IVAL64(num_dev_ino_buf, 4 + 8)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "ERROR: Skipping sender remove of destination file: %s\n", fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (st.st_size != F_LENGTH(file) || st.st_mtime != file->modtime
+ || (NSEC_BUMP(file) && (uint32)st.ST_MTIME_NSEC != F_MOD_NSEC(file))
+ ) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "ERROR: Skipping sender remove for changed file: %s\n", fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (do_unlink(fname) < 0) {
+ failed_op = "remove";
+ failed:
+ if (errno == ENOENT)
+ rprintf(FINFO, "sender file already removed: %s\n", fname);
+ else
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "sender failed to %s %s", failed_op, fname);
+ } else {
+ if (INFO_GTE(REMOVE, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "sender removed %s\n", fname);
+ }
+static void write_ndx_and_attrs(int f_out, int ndx, int iflags,
+ const char *fname, struct file_struct *file,
+ uchar fnamecmp_type, char *buf, int len)
+ write_ndx(f_out, ndx);
+ if (protocol_version < 29)
+ return;
+ write_shortint(f_out, iflags);
+ write_byte(f_out, fnamecmp_type);
+ if (iflags & ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS)
+ write_vstring(f_out, buf, len);
+ if (preserve_xattrs && iflags & ITEM_REPORT_XATTR && do_xfers
+ && !(want_xattr_optim && BITS_SET(iflags, ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS|ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE)))
+ send_xattr_request(fname, file, f_out);
+void send_files(int f_in, int f_out)
+ int fd = -1;
+ struct sum_struct *s;
+ struct map_struct *mbuf = NULL;
+ char fname[MAXPATHLEN], xname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ const char *path, *slash;
+ uchar fnamecmp_type;
+ int iflags, xlen;
+ struct file_struct *file;
+ int phase = 0, max_phase = protocol_version >= 29 ? 2 : 1;
+ int itemizing = am_server ? logfile_format_has_i : stdout_format_has_i;
+ enum logcode log_code = log_before_transfer ? FLOG : FINFO;
+ int f_xfer = write_batch < 0 ? batch_fd : f_out;
+ int save_io_error = io_error;
+ int ndx, j;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(SEND, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "send_files starting\n");
+ if (whole_file < 0)
+ whole_file = 0;
+ progress_init();
+ while (1) {
+ if (inc_recurse) {
+ send_extra_file_list(f_out, MIN_FILECNT_LOOKAHEAD);
+ extra_flist_sending_enabled = !flist_eof;
+ }
+ /* This call also sets cur_flist. */
+ ndx = read_ndx_and_attrs(f_in, f_out, &iflags, &fnamecmp_type,
+ xname, &xlen);
+ extra_flist_sending_enabled = False;
+ if (ndx == NDX_DONE) {
+ if (!am_server && cur_flist) {
+ set_current_file_index(NULL, 0);
+ end_progress(0);
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse && first_flist) {
+ file_old_total -= first_flist->used;
+ flist_free(first_flist);
+ if (first_flist) {
+ if (first_flist == cur_flist)
+ file_old_total = cur_flist->used;
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (++phase > max_phase)
+ break;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(SEND, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "send_files phase=%d\n", phase);
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (inc_recurse)
+ send_extra_file_list(f_out, MIN_FILECNT_LOOKAHEAD);
+ if (ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start >= 0)
+ file = cur_flist->files[ndx - cur_flist->ndx_start];
+ else
+ file = dir_flist->files[cur_flist->parent_ndx];
+ if (F_PATHNAME(file)) {
+ path = F_PATHNAME(file);
+ slash = "/";
+ } else {
+ path = slash = "";
+ }
+ if (!change_pathname(file, NULL, 0))
+ continue;
+ f_name(file, fname);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(SEND, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "send_files(%d, %s%s%s)\n", ndx, path,slash,fname);
+ if (preserve_xattrs && iflags & ITEM_REPORT_XATTR && do_xfers
+ && !(want_xattr_optim && BITS_SET(iflags, ITEM_XNAME_FOLLOWS|ITEM_LOCAL_CHANGE)))
+ recv_xattr_request(file, f_in);
+ if (!(iflags & ITEM_TRANSFER)) {
+ maybe_log_item(file, iflags, itemizing, xname);
+ write_ndx_and_attrs(f_out, ndx, iflags, fname, file, fnamecmp_type, xname, xlen);
+ if (iflags & ITEM_IS_NEW) {
+ stats.created_files++;
+ if (S_ISREG(file->mode)) {
+ /* Nothing further to count. */
+ } else if (S_ISDIR(file->mode))
+ stats.created_dirs++;
+ else if (S_ISLNK(file->mode))
+ stats.created_symlinks++;
+ else if (IS_DEVICE(file->mode))
+ stats.created_devices++;
+ else
+ stats.created_specials++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (phase == 2) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "got transfer request in phase 2 [%s]\n",
+ who_am_i());
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (file->flags & FLAG_FILE_SENT) {
+ if (csum_length == SHORT_SUM_LENGTH) {
+ /* For inplace: redo phase turns off the backup
+ * flag so that we do a regular inplace send. */
+ make_backups = -make_backups;
+ append_mode = -append_mode;
+ csum_length = SUM_LENGTH;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (csum_length != SHORT_SUM_LENGTH) {
+ make_backups = -make_backups;
+ append_mode = -append_mode;
+ csum_length = SHORT_SUM_LENGTH;
+ }
+ if (iflags & ITEM_IS_NEW)
+ stats.created_files++;
+ }
+ updating_basis_file = (inplace_partial && fnamecmp_type == FNAMECMP_PARTIAL_DIR)
+ || (inplace && (protocol_version >= 29 ? fnamecmp_type == FNAMECMP_FNAME : make_backups <= 0));
+ if (!am_server)
+ set_current_file_index(file, ndx);
+ stats.xferred_files++;
+ stats.total_transferred_size += F_LENGTH(file);
+ remember_initial_stats();
+ if (!do_xfers) { /* log the transfer */
+ log_item(FCLIENT, file, iflags, NULL);
+ write_ndx_and_attrs(f_out, ndx, iflags, fname, file, fnamecmp_type, xname, xlen);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(s = receive_sums(f_in))) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "receive_sums failed\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ fd = do_open(fname, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ if (errno == ENOENT) {
+ enum logcode c = am_daemon && protocol_version < 28 ? FERROR : FWARNING;
+ io_error |= IOERR_VANISHED;
+ rprintf(c, "file has vanished: %s\n",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ } else {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "send_files failed to open %s",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ }
+ free_sums(s);
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* map the local file */
+ if (do_fstat(fd, &st) != 0) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "fstat failed");
+ free_sums(s);
+ close(fd);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if (IS_DEVICE(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!copy_devices) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "attempt to copy device contents without --copy-devices\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (st.st_size == 0)
+ st.st_size = get_device_size(fd, fname);
+ }
+ if (append_mode > 0 && st.st_size < F_LENGTH(file)) {
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "skipped diminished file: %s\n",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ free_sums(s);
+ close(fd);
+ if (protocol_version >= 30)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_NO_SEND, ndx);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (st.st_size) {
+ int32 read_size = MAX(s->blength * 3, MAX_MAP_SIZE);
+ mbuf = map_file(fd, st.st_size, read_size, s->blength);
+ } else
+ mbuf = NULL;
+ rprintf(FINFO, "send_files mapped %s%s%s of size %s\n",
+ path,slash,fname, big_num(st.st_size));
+ }
+ write_ndx_and_attrs(f_out, ndx, iflags, fname, file, fnamecmp_type, xname, xlen);
+ write_sum_head(f_xfer, s);
+ rprintf(FINFO, "calling match_sums %s%s%s\n", path,slash,fname);
+ if (log_before_transfer)
+ log_item(FCLIENT, file, iflags, NULL);
+ else if (!am_server && INFO_GTE(NAME, 1) && INFO_EQ(PROGRESS, 1))
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s\n", fname);
+ set_compression(fname);
+ match_sums(f_xfer, s, mbuf, st.st_size);
+ end_progress(st.st_size);
+ else if (want_progress_now)
+ instant_progress(fname);
+ log_item(log_code, file, iflags, NULL);
+ if (mbuf) {
+ j = unmap_file(mbuf);
+ if (j) {
+ io_error |= IOERR_GENERAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, j,
+ "read errors mapping %s",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ }
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ free_sums(s);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(SEND, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "sender finished %s%s%s\n", path,slash,fname);
+ /* Flag that we actually sent this entry. */
+ file->flags |= FLAG_FILE_SENT;
+ }
+ if (make_backups < 0)
+ make_backups = -make_backups;
+ if (io_error != save_io_error && protocol_version >= 30)
+ send_msg_int(MSG_IO_ERROR, io_error);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(SEND, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "send files finished\n");
+ match_report();
+ write_ndx(f_out, NDX_DONE);
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d1fdc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# This file is processed by config.status to produce config.status,
+# containing autoconf-determined values needed by the test scripts.
diff --git a/simd-checksum-avx2.S b/simd-checksum-avx2.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..549cc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simd-checksum-avx2.S
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#ifdef USE_ROLL_ASM /* { */
+#define CHAR_OFFSET 0 /* Keep this the same as rsync.h, which isn't likely to change. */
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#define get_checksum1_avx2_asm _get_checksum1_avx2_asm
+.intel_syntax noprefix
+ .p2align 5
+ .globl get_checksum1_avx2_asm
+# rdi=*buf, esi=len, edx=i, rcx= *ps1, r8= *ps2
+ vmovd xmm6,[rcx] # load *ps1
+ lea eax, [rsi-128] # at least 128 bytes to process?
+ cmp edx, eax
+ jg .exit
+ lea rax, .mul_T2[rip]
+ vmovntdqa ymm7, [rax] # load T2 multiplication constants
+ vmovntdqa ymm12,[rax+32]# from memory.
+ vpcmpeqd ymm15, ymm15, ymm15 # set all elements to -1.
+#if CHAR_OFFSET != 0
+ mov eax, 32*CHAR_OFFSET
+ vmovd xmm10, eax
+ vpbroadcastd ymm10, xmm10
+ mov eax, 528*CHAR_OFFSET
+ vmovd xmm13, eax
+ vpbroadcastd ymm13, xmm13
+ vpabsb ymm15, ymm15 # set all byte size elements to 1.
+ add rdi, rdx
+ vmovdqu ymm2, [rdi] # preload the first 64 bytes.
+ vmovdqu ymm3, [rdi+32]
+ and esi, ~63 # only needed during final reduction,
+ # done here to avoid a longer nop for
+ # alignment below.
+ add edx, esi
+ shr rsi, 6 # longer opcode for alignment
+ add rdi, 64
+ vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmm1 # reset both partial sums accumulators.
+ vpxor xmm4, xmm4, xmm4
+ mov eax, [r8]
+ .p2align 4 # should fit into the LSD allocation queue.
+ vpmaddubsw ymm0, ymm15, ymm2 # s1 partial sums
+ vpmaddubsw ymm5, ymm15, ymm3
+ vmovdqu ymm8, [rdi] # preload the next
+ vmovdqu ymm9, [rdi+32] # 64 bytes.
+ add rdi, 64
+ vpaddd ymm4, ymm4, ymm6
+ vpaddw ymm5, ymm5, ymm0
+ vpsrld ymm0, ymm5, 16
+ vpaddw ymm5, ymm0, ymm5
+ vpaddd ymm6, ymm5, ymm6
+ vpmaddubsw ymm2, ymm7, ymm2 # s2 partial sums
+ vpmaddubsw ymm3, ymm12, ymm3
+ prefetcht0 [rdi+384] # prefetch 6 cachelines ahead.
+ vpaddw ymm3, ymm2, ymm3
+ vpsrldq ymm2, ymm3, 2
+ vpaddd ymm3, ymm2, ymm3
+ vpaddd ymm1, ymm1, ymm3
+#if CHAR_OFFSET != 0
+ vpaddd ymm6, ymm10, ymm6 # 32*CHAR_OFFSET
+ vpaddd ymm1, ymm13, ymm1 # 528*CHAR_OFFSET
+ vmovdqa ymm2, ymm8 # move the next 64 bytes
+ vmovdqa ymm3, ymm9 # into the right registers
+ sub esi, 1
+ jnz .loop
+ # now we reduce the partial sums.
+ vpslld ymm3, ymm4, 6
+ vpsrldq ymm2, ymm6, 4
+ vpaddd ymm0, ymm3, ymm1
+ vpaddd ymm6, ymm2, ymm6
+ vpsrlq ymm3, ymm0, 32
+ vpsrldq ymm2, ymm6, 8
+ vpaddd ymm0, ymm3, ymm0
+ vpsrldq ymm3, ymm0, 8
+ vpaddd ymm6, ymm2, ymm6
+ vpaddd ymm0, ymm3, ymm0
+ vextracti128 xmm2, ymm6, 0x1
+ vextracti128 xmm1, ymm0, 0x1
+ vpaddd xmm6, xmm2, xmm6
+ vmovd [rcx], xmm6
+ vpaddd xmm1, xmm1, xmm0
+ vmovd ecx, xmm1
+ add eax, ecx
+ mov [r8], eax
+ vzeroupper
+ mov eax, edx
+ ret
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ .align 6
+.section .rodata
+ .p2align 6
+ .byte 64
+ .byte 63
+ .byte 62
+ .byte 61
+ .byte 60
+ .byte 59
+ .byte 58
+ .byte 57
+ .byte 56
+ .byte 55
+ .byte 54
+ .byte 53
+ .byte 52
+ .byte 51
+ .byte 50
+ .byte 49
+ .byte 48
+ .byte 47
+ .byte 46
+ .byte 45
+ .byte 44
+ .byte 43
+ .byte 42
+ .byte 41
+ .byte 40
+ .byte 39
+ .byte 38
+ .byte 37
+ .byte 36
+ .byte 35
+ .byte 34
+ .byte 33
+ .byte 32
+ .byte 31
+ .byte 30
+ .byte 29
+ .byte 28
+ .byte 27
+ .byte 26
+ .byte 25
+ .byte 24
+ .byte 23
+ .byte 22
+ .byte 21
+ .byte 20
+ .byte 19
+ .byte 18
+ .byte 17
+ .byte 16
+ .byte 15
+ .byte 14
+ .byte 13
+ .byte 12
+ .byte 11
+ .byte 10
+ .byte 9
+ .byte 8
+ .byte 7
+ .byte 6
+ .byte 5
+ .byte 4
+ .byte 3
+ .byte 2
+ .byte 1
+#endif /* } USE_ROLL_ASM */
diff --git a/simd-checksum-x86_64.cpp b/simd-checksum-x86_64.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33f26e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simd-checksum-x86_64.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ * SSE2/SSSE3/AVX2-optimized routines to support checksumming of bytes.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Wayne Davison
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Jorrit Jongma
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+ * Optimization target for get_checksum1() was the Intel Atom D2700, the
+ * slowest CPU in the test set and the most likely to be CPU limited during
+ * transfers. The combination of intrinsics was chosen specifically for the
+ * most gain on that CPU, other combinations were occasionally slightly
+ * faster on the others.
+ *
+ * While on more modern CPUs transfers are less likely to be CPU limited
+ * (at least by this specific function), lower CPU usage is always better.
+ * Improvements may still be seen when matching chunks from NVMe storage
+ * even on newer CPUs.
+ *
+ * Benchmarks (in MB/s) C SSE2 SSSE3 AVX2
+ * - Intel Atom D2700 550 750 1000 N/A
+ * - Intel i7-7700hq 1850 2550 4050 6200
+ * - AMD ThreadRipper 2950x 2900 5600 8950 8100
+ *
+ * Curiously the AMD is slower with AVX2 than SSSE3, while the Intel is
+ * significantly faster. AVX2 is kept because it's more likely to relieve
+ * the bottleneck on the slower CPU.
+ *
+ * This optimization for get_checksum1() is intentionally limited to x86-64
+ * as no 32-bit CPU was available for testing. As 32-bit CPUs only have half
+ * the available xmm registers, this optimized version may not be faster than
+ * the pure C version anyway. Note that all x86-64 CPUs support at least SSE2.
+ *
+ * This file is compiled using GCC 4.8+/clang 6+'s C++ front end to allow the
+ * use of the target attribute, selecting the fastest code path based on
+ * dispatch priority (GCC 5) or runtime detection of CPU capabilities (GCC 6+).
+ * GCC 4.x are not supported to ease logic.
+ */
+#ifdef __x86_64__ /* { */
+#ifdef __cplusplus /* { */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#ifdef USE_ROLL_SIMD /* { */
+#include <immintrin.h>
+/* Some clang versions don't like it when you use static with multi-versioned functions: linker errors */
+#ifdef __clang__
+#define MVSTATIC
+#define MVSTATIC static
+// Missing from the headers on gcc 6 and older, clang 8 and older
+typedef long long __m128i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(16), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+typedef long long __m256i_u __attribute__((__vector_size__(32), __may_alias__, __aligned__(1)));
+/* Compatibility macros to let our SSSE3 algorithm run with only SSE2.
+ These used to be neat individual functions with target attributes switching between SSE2 and SSSE3 implementations
+ as needed, but though this works perfectly with GCC, clang fails to inline those properly leading to a near 50%
+ performance drop - combined with static and inline modifiers gets you linker errors and even compiler crashes...
+#define SSE2_INTERLEAVE_ODD_EPI16(a, b) _mm_packs_epi32(_mm_srai_epi32(a, 16), _mm_srai_epi32(b, 16))
+#define SSE2_INTERLEAVE_EVEN_EPI16(a, b) SSE2_INTERLEAVE_ODD_EPI16(_mm_slli_si128(a, 2), _mm_slli_si128(b, 2))
+#define SSE2_MULU_ODD_EPI8(a, b) _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_srli_epi16(a, 8), _mm_srai_epi16(b, 8))
+#define SSE2_MULU_EVEN_EPI8(a, b) _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_and_si128(a, _mm_set1_epi16(0xFF)), _mm_srai_epi16(_mm_slli_si128(b, 1), 8))
+#define SSE2_HADDS_EPI16(a, b) _mm_adds_epi16(SSE2_INTERLEAVE_EVEN_EPI16(a, b), SSE2_INTERLEAVE_ODD_EPI16(a, b))
+#define SSE2_MADDUBS_EPI16(a, b) _mm_adds_epi16(SSE2_MULU_EVEN_EPI8(a, b), SSE2_MULU_ODD_EPI8(a, b))
+#ifndef USE_ROLL_ASM
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) MVSTATIC int32 get_checksum1_avx2_64(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2) { return i; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) MVSTATIC int32 get_checksum1_ssse3_32(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2) { return i; }
+__attribute__ ((target("default"))) MVSTATIC int32 get_checksum1_sse2_32(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2) { return i; }
+ Original loop per 4 bytes:
+ s2 += 4*(s1 + buf[i]) + 3*buf[i+1] + 2*buf[i+2] + buf[i+3] + 10*CHAR_OFFSET;
+ s1 += buf[i] + buf[i+1] + buf[i+2] + buf[i+3] + 4*CHAR_OFFSET;
+ SSE2/SSSE3 loop per 32 bytes:
+ int16 t1[8];
+ int16 t2[8];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ t1[j] = buf[j*4 + i] + buf[j*4 + i+1] + buf[j*4 + i+2] + buf[j*4 + i+3];
+ t2[j] = 4*buf[j*4 + i] + 3*buf[j*4 + i+1] + 2*buf[j*4 + i+2] + buf[j*4 + i+3];
+ }
+ s2 += 32*s1 + (uint32)(
+ 28*t1[0] + 24*t1[1] + 20*t1[2] + 16*t1[3] + 12*t1[4] + 8*t1[5] + 4*t1[6] +
+ t2[0] + t2[1] + t2[2] + t2[3] + t2[4] + t2[5] + t2[6] + t2[7]
+ ) + 528*CHAR_OFFSET;
+ s1 += (uint32)(t1[0] + t1[1] + t1[2] + t1[3] + t1[4] + t1[5] + t1[6] + t1[7]) +
+ */
+__attribute__ ((target("ssse3"))) MVSTATIC int32 get_checksum1_ssse3_32(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2)
+ if (len > 32) {
+ int aligned = ((uintptr_t)buf & 15) == 0;
+ uint32 x[4] = {0};
+ x[0] = *ps1;
+ __m128i ss1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)x);
+ x[0] = *ps2;
+ __m128i ss2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)x);
+ const int16 mul_t1_buf[8] = {28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0};
+ __m128i mul_t1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)mul_t1_buf);
+ for (; i < (len-32); i+=32) {
+ // Load ... 2*[int8*16]
+ __m128i in8_1, in8_2;
+ if (!aligned) {
+ // Synonymous with _mm_loadu_si128 on all but a handful of old CPUs
+ in8_1 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2 = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i + 16]);
+ } else {
+ in8_1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i + 16]);
+ }
+ // (1*buf[i] + 1*buf[i+1]), (1*buf[i+2], 1*buf[i+3]), ... 2*[int16*8]
+ // Fastest, even though multiply by 1
+ __m128i mul_one = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
+ __m128i add16_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(mul_one, in8_1);
+ __m128i add16_2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(mul_one, in8_2);
+ // (4*buf[i] + 3*buf[i+1]), (2*buf[i+2], buf[i+3]), ... 2*[int16*8]
+ __m128i mul_const = _mm_set1_epi32(4 + (3 << 8) + (2 << 16) + (1 << 24));
+ __m128i mul_add16_1 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(mul_const, in8_1);
+ __m128i mul_add16_2 = _mm_maddubs_epi16(mul_const, in8_2);
+ // s2 += 32*s1
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, _mm_slli_epi32(ss1, 5));
+ // [sum(t1[0]..t1[7]), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadds_epi16
+ // Shifting left, then shifting right again and shuffling (rather than just
+ // shifting right as with mul32 below) to cheaply end up with the correct sign
+ // extension as we go from int16 to int32.
+ __m128i sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(add16_1, add16_2);
+ sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_add32, 2));
+ sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_add32, 4));
+ sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_add32, 8));
+ sum_add32 = _mm_srai_epi32(sum_add32, 16);
+ sum_add32 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(sum_add32, 3);
+ // [sum(t2[0]..t2[7]), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadds_epi16
+ __m128i sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(mul_add16_1, mul_add16_2);
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_mul_add32, 2));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_mul_add32, 4));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_mul_add32, 8));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_srai_epi32(sum_mul_add32, 16);
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(sum_mul_add32, 3);
+ // s1 += t1[0] + t1[1] + t1[2] + t1[3] + t1[4] + t1[5] + t1[6] + t1[7]
+ ss1 = _mm_add_epi32(ss1, sum_add32);
+ // s2 += t2[0] + t2[1] + t2[2] + t2[3] + t2[4] + t2[5] + t2[6] + t2[7]
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, sum_mul_add32);
+ // [t1[0] + t1[1], t1[2] + t1[3] ...] [int16*8]
+ // We could've combined this with generating sum_add32 above and
+ // save an instruction but benchmarking shows that as being slower
+ __m128i add16 = _mm_hadds_epi16(add16_1, add16_2);
+ // [t1[0], t1[1], ...] -> [t1[0]*28 + t1[1]*24, ...] [int32*4]
+ __m128i mul32 = _mm_madd_epi16(add16, mul_t1);
+ // [sum(mul32), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadd_epi32
+ mul32 = _mm_add_epi32(mul32, _mm_srli_si128(mul32, 4));
+ mul32 = _mm_add_epi32(mul32, _mm_srli_si128(mul32, 8));
+ // s2 += 28*t1[0] + 24*t1[1] + 20*t1[2] + 16*t1[3] + 12*t1[4] + 8*t1[5] + 4*t1[6]
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, mul32);
+#if CHAR_OFFSET != 0
+ // s1 += 32*CHAR_OFFSET
+ __m128i char_offset_multiplier = _mm_set1_epi32(32 * CHAR_OFFSET);
+ ss1 = _mm_add_epi32(ss1, char_offset_multiplier);
+ // s2 += 528*CHAR_OFFSET
+ char_offset_multiplier = _mm_set1_epi32(528 * CHAR_OFFSET);
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, char_offset_multiplier);
+ }
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i_u*)x, ss1);
+ *ps1 = x[0];
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i_u*)x, ss2);
+ *ps2 = x[0];
+ }
+ return i;
+ Same as SSSE3 version, but using macros defined above to emulate SSSE3 calls that are not available with SSE2.
+ For GCC-only the SSE2 and SSSE3 versions could be a single function calling other functions with the right
+ target attributes to emulate SSSE3 calls on SSE2 if needed, but clang doesn't inline those properly leading
+ to a near 50% performance drop.
+ */
+__attribute__ ((target("sse2"))) MVSTATIC int32 get_checksum1_sse2_32(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2)
+ if (len > 32) {
+ int aligned = ((uintptr_t)buf & 15) == 0;
+ uint32 x[4] = {0};
+ x[0] = *ps1;
+ __m128i ss1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)x);
+ x[0] = *ps2;
+ __m128i ss2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)x);
+ const int16 mul_t1_buf[8] = {28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0};
+ __m128i mul_t1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)mul_t1_buf);
+ for (; i < (len-32); i+=32) {
+ // Load ... 2*[int8*16]
+ __m128i in8_1, in8_2;
+ if (!aligned) {
+ in8_1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i + 16]);
+ } else {
+ in8_1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i + 16]);
+ }
+ // (1*buf[i] + 1*buf[i+1]), (1*buf[i+2], 1*buf[i+3]), ... 2*[int16*8]
+ // Fastest, even though multiply by 1
+ __m128i mul_one = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
+ __m128i add16_1 = SSE2_MADDUBS_EPI16(mul_one, in8_1);
+ __m128i add16_2 = SSE2_MADDUBS_EPI16(mul_one, in8_2);
+ // (4*buf[i] + 3*buf[i+1]), (2*buf[i+2], buf[i+3]), ... 2*[int16*8]
+ __m128i mul_const = _mm_set1_epi32(4 + (3 << 8) + (2 << 16) + (1 << 24));
+ __m128i mul_add16_1 = SSE2_MADDUBS_EPI16(mul_const, in8_1);
+ __m128i mul_add16_2 = SSE2_MADDUBS_EPI16(mul_const, in8_2);
+ // s2 += 32*s1
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, _mm_slli_epi32(ss1, 5));
+ // [sum(t1[0]..t1[7]), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadds_epi16
+ // Shifting left, then shifting right again and shuffling (rather than just
+ // shifting right as with mul32 below) to cheaply end up with the correct sign
+ // extension as we go from int16 to int32.
+ __m128i sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(add16_1, add16_2);
+ sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_add32, 2));
+ sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_add32, 4));
+ sum_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_add32, 8));
+ sum_add32 = _mm_srai_epi32(sum_add32, 16);
+ sum_add32 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(sum_add32, 3);
+ // [sum(t2[0]..t2[7]), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadds_epi16
+ __m128i sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(mul_add16_1, mul_add16_2);
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_mul_add32, 2));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_mul_add32, 4));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm_slli_si128(sum_mul_add32, 8));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_srai_epi32(sum_mul_add32, 16);
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(sum_mul_add32, 3);
+ // s1 += t1[0] + t1[1] + t1[2] + t1[3] + t1[4] + t1[5] + t1[6] + t1[7]
+ ss1 = _mm_add_epi32(ss1, sum_add32);
+ // s2 += t2[0] + t2[1] + t2[2] + t2[3] + t2[4] + t2[5] + t2[6] + t2[7]
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, sum_mul_add32);
+ // [t1[0] + t1[1], t1[2] + t1[3] ...] [int16*8]
+ // We could've combined this with generating sum_add32 above and
+ // save an instruction but benchmarking shows that as being slower
+ __m128i add16 = SSE2_HADDS_EPI16(add16_1, add16_2);
+ // [t1[0], t1[1], ...] -> [t1[0]*28 + t1[1]*24, ...] [int32*4]
+ __m128i mul32 = _mm_madd_epi16(add16, mul_t1);
+ // [sum(mul32), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadd_epi32
+ mul32 = _mm_add_epi32(mul32, _mm_srli_si128(mul32, 4));
+ mul32 = _mm_add_epi32(mul32, _mm_srli_si128(mul32, 8));
+ // s2 += 28*t1[0] + 24*t1[1] + 20*t1[2] + 16*t1[3] + 12*t1[4] + 8*t1[5] + 4*t1[6]
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, mul32);
+#if CHAR_OFFSET != 0
+ // s1 += 32*CHAR_OFFSET
+ __m128i char_offset_multiplier = _mm_set1_epi32(32 * CHAR_OFFSET);
+ ss1 = _mm_add_epi32(ss1, char_offset_multiplier);
+ // s2 += 528*CHAR_OFFSET
+ char_offset_multiplier = _mm_set1_epi32(528 * CHAR_OFFSET);
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, char_offset_multiplier);
+ }
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i_u*)x, ss1);
+ *ps1 = x[0];
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i_u*)x, ss2);
+ *ps2 = x[0];
+ }
+ return i;
+#ifdef USE_ROLL_ASM /* { */
+extern "C" __attribute__ ((target("avx2"))) int32 get_checksum1_avx2_asm(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2);
+#else /* } { */
+ AVX2 loop per 64 bytes:
+ int16 t1[16];
+ int16 t2[16];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
+ t1[j] = buf[j*4 + i] + buf[j*4 + i+1] + buf[j*4 + i+2] + buf[j*4 + i+3];
+ t2[j] = 4*buf[j*4 + i] + 3*buf[j*4 + i+1] + 2*buf[j*4 + i+2] + buf[j*4 + i+3];
+ }
+ s2 += 64*s1 + (uint32)(
+ 60*t1[0] + 56*t1[1] + 52*t1[2] + 48*t1[3] + 44*t1[4] + 40*t1[5] + 36*t1[6] + 32*t1[7] + 28*t1[8] + 24*t1[9] + 20*t1[10] + 16*t1[11] + 12*t1[12] + 8*t1[13] + 4*t1[14] +
+ t2[0] + t2[1] + t2[2] + t2[3] + t2[4] + t2[5] + t2[6] + t2[7] + t2[8] + t2[9] + t2[10] + t2[11] + t2[12] + t2[13] + t2[14] + t2[15]
+ ) + 2080*CHAR_OFFSET;
+ s1 += (uint32)(t1[0] + t1[1] + t1[2] + t1[3] + t1[4] + t1[5] + t1[6] + t1[7] + t1[8] + t1[9] + t1[10] + t1[11] + t1[12] + t1[13] + t1[14] + t1[15]) +
+ */
+__attribute__ ((target("avx2"))) MVSTATIC int32 get_checksum1_avx2_64(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2)
+ if (len > 64) {
+ uint32 x[4] = {0};
+ __m128i ss1 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*ps1);
+ __m128i ss2 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(*ps2);
+ const char mul_t1_buf[16] = {60, 56, 52, 48, 44, 40, 36, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0};
+ __m128i tmp = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*) mul_t1_buf);
+ __m256i mul_t1 = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(tmp);
+ __m256i mul_const = _mm256_broadcastd_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(4 | (3 << 8) | (2 << 16) | (1 << 24)));
+ __m256i mul_one;
+ mul_one = _mm256_abs_epi8(_mm256_cmpeq_epi16(mul_one,mul_one)); // set all vector elements to 1
+ for (; i < (len-64); i+=64) {
+ // Load ... 4*[int8*16]
+ __m256i in8_1, in8_2;
+ __m128i in8_1_low, in8_2_low, in8_1_high, in8_2_high;
+ in8_1_low = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i]);
+ in8_2_low = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i+16]);
+ in8_1_high = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i+32]);
+ in8_2_high = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i_u*)&buf[i+48]);
+ in8_1 = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(in8_1_low), in8_1_high,1);
+ in8_2 = _mm256_inserti128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(in8_2_low), in8_2_high,1);
+ // (1*buf[i] + 1*buf[i+1]), (1*buf[i+2], 1*buf[i+3]), ... 2*[int16*8]
+ // Fastest, even though multiply by 1
+ __m256i add16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(mul_one, in8_1);
+ __m256i add16_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(mul_one, in8_2);
+ // (4*buf[i] + 3*buf[i+1]), (2*buf[i+2], buf[i+3]), ... 2*[int16*8]
+ __m256i mul_add16_1 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(mul_const, in8_1);
+ __m256i mul_add16_2 = _mm256_maddubs_epi16(mul_const, in8_2);
+ // s2 += 64*s1
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, _mm_slli_epi32(ss1, 6));
+ // [sum(t1[0]..t1[7]), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadds_epi16
+ __m256i sum_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(add16_1, add16_2);
+ sum_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm256_srli_epi32(sum_add32, 16));
+ sum_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm256_srli_si256(sum_add32, 4));
+ sum_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_add32, _mm256_srli_si256(sum_add32, 8));
+ // [sum(t2[0]..t2[7]), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadds_epi16
+ __m256i sum_mul_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(mul_add16_1, mul_add16_2);
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm256_srli_epi32(sum_mul_add32, 16));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm256_srli_si256(sum_mul_add32, 4));
+ sum_mul_add32 = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_mul_add32, _mm256_srli_si256(sum_mul_add32, 8));
+ // s1 += t1[0] + t1[1] + t1[2] + t1[3] + t1[4] + t1[5] + t1[6] + t1[7]
+ __m128i sum_add32_hi = _mm256_extracti128_si256(sum_add32, 0x1);
+ ss1 = _mm_add_epi32(ss1, _mm256_castsi256_si128(sum_add32));
+ ss1 = _mm_add_epi32(ss1, sum_add32_hi);
+ // s2 += t2[0] + t2[1] + t2[2] + t2[3] + t2[4] + t2[5] + t2[6] + t2[7]
+ __m128i sum_mul_add32_hi = _mm256_extracti128_si256(sum_mul_add32, 0x1);
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, _mm256_castsi256_si128(sum_mul_add32));
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, sum_mul_add32_hi);
+ // [t1[0] + t1[1], t1[2] + t1[3] ...] [int16*8]
+ // We could've combined this with generating sum_add32 above and
+ // save an instruction but benchmarking shows that as being slower
+ __m256i add16 = _mm256_hadds_epi16(add16_1, add16_2);
+ // [t1[0], t1[1], ...] -> [t1[0]*28 + t1[1]*24, ...] [int32*4]
+ __m256i mul32 = _mm256_madd_epi16(add16, mul_t1);
+ // [sum(mul32), X, X, X] [int32*4]; faster than multiple _mm_hadd_epi32
+ mul32 = _mm256_add_epi32(mul32, _mm256_srli_si256(mul32, 4));
+ mul32 = _mm256_add_epi32(mul32, _mm256_srli_si256(mul32, 8));
+ // prefetch 2 cacheline ahead
+ _mm_prefetch(&buf[i + 160], _MM_HINT_T0);
+ // s2 += 28*t1[0] + 24*t1[1] + 20*t1[2] + 16*t1[3] + 12*t1[4] + 8*t1[5] + 4*t1[6]
+ __m128i mul32_hi = _mm256_extracti128_si256(mul32, 0x1);
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, _mm256_castsi256_si128(mul32));
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, mul32_hi);
+#if CHAR_OFFSET != 0
+ // s1 += 32*CHAR_OFFSET
+ __m128i char_offset_multiplier = _mm_set1_epi32(32 * CHAR_OFFSET);
+ ss1 = _mm_add_epi32(ss1, char_offset_multiplier);
+ // s2 += 528*CHAR_OFFSET
+ char_offset_multiplier = _mm_set1_epi32(528 * CHAR_OFFSET);
+ ss2 = _mm_add_epi32(ss2, char_offset_multiplier);
+ }
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i_u*)x, ss1);
+ *ps1 = x[0];
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i_u*)x, ss2);
+ *ps2 = x[0];
+ }
+ return i;
+#endif /* } !USE_ROLL_ASM */
+static int32 get_checksum1_default_1(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2)
+ uint32 s1 = *ps1;
+ uint32 s2 = *ps2;
+ for (; i < (len-4); i+=4) {
+ s2 += 4*(s1 + buf[i]) + 3*buf[i+1] + 2*buf[i+2] + buf[i+3] + 10*CHAR_OFFSET;
+ s1 += (buf[i+0] + buf[i+1] + buf[i+2] + buf[i+3] + 4*CHAR_OFFSET);
+ }
+ for (; i < len; i++) {
+ s1 += (buf[i]+CHAR_OFFSET); s2 += s1;
+ }
+ *ps1 = s1;
+ *ps2 = s2;
+ return i;
+/* With GCC 10 putting this implementation inside 'extern "C"' causes an
+ assembler error. That worked fine on GCC 5-9 and clang 6-10...
+ */
+static inline uint32 get_checksum1_cpp(char *buf1, int32 len)
+ int32 i = 0;
+ uint32 s1 = 0;
+ uint32 s2 = 0;
+ // multiples of 64 bytes using AVX2 (if available)
+#ifdef USE_ROLL_ASM
+ i = get_checksum1_avx2_asm((schar*)buf1, len, i, &s1, &s2);
+ i = get_checksum1_avx2_64((schar*)buf1, len, i, &s1, &s2);
+ // multiples of 32 bytes using SSSE3 (if available)
+ i = get_checksum1_ssse3_32((schar*)buf1, len, i, &s1, &s2);
+ // multiples of 32 bytes using SSE2 (if available)
+ i = get_checksum1_sse2_32((schar*)buf1, len, i, &s1, &s2);
+ // whatever is left
+ i = get_checksum1_default_1((schar*)buf1, len, i, &s1, &s2);
+ return (s1 & 0xffff) + (s2 << 16);
+extern "C" {
+uint32 get_checksum1(char *buf1, int32 len)
+ return get_checksum1_cpp(buf1, len);
+} // extern "C"
+#pragma clang optimize off
+#pragma GCC push_options
+#pragma GCC optimize ("O0")
+#define ROUNDS 1024
+#define BLOCK_LEN 1024*1024
+static void benchmark(const char* desc, int32 (*func)(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2), schar* buf, int32 len) {
+ struct timespec start, end;
+ uint64_t us;
+ uint32_t cs, s1, s2;
+ int i, next;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &start);
+ for (i = 0; i < ROUNDS; i++) {
+ s1 = s2 = 0;
+ next = func((schar*)buf, len, 0, &s1, &s2);
+ get_checksum1_default_1((schar*)buf, len, next, &s1, &s2);
+ }
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &end);
+ us = next == 0 ? 0 : (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000;
+ cs = next == 0 ? 0 : (s1 & 0xffff) + (s2 << 16);
+ printf("%-5s :: %5.0f MB/s :: %08x\n", desc, us ? (float)(len / (1024 * 1024) * ROUNDS) / ((float)us / 1000000.0f) : 0, cs);
+static int32 get_checksum1_auto(schar* buf, int32 len, int32 i, uint32* ps1, uint32* ps2) {
+ uint32 cs = get_checksum1((char*)buf, len);
+ *ps1 = cs & 0xffff;
+ *ps2 = cs >> 16;
+ return len;
+int main() {
+ int i;
+ unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)aligned_alloc(64,BLOCK_LEN);
+ for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_LEN; i++) buf[i] = (i + (i % 3) + (i % 11)) % 256;
+ benchmark("Auto", get_checksum1_auto, (schar*)buf, BLOCK_LEN);
+ benchmark("Raw-C", get_checksum1_default_1, (schar*)buf, BLOCK_LEN);
+ benchmark("SSE2", get_checksum1_sse2_32, (schar*)buf, BLOCK_LEN);
+ benchmark("SSSE3", get_checksum1_ssse3_32, (schar*)buf, BLOCK_LEN);
+#ifdef USE_ROLL_ASM
+ benchmark("AVX2-ASM", get_checksum1_avx2_asm, (schar*)buf, BLOCK_LEN);
+ benchmark("AVX2", get_checksum1_avx2_64, (schar*)buf, BLOCK_LEN);
+ free(buf);
+ return 0;
+#pragma GCC pop_options
+#pragma clang optimize on
+#endif /* } USE_ROLL_SIMD */
+#endif /* } __cplusplus */
+#endif /* } __x86_64__ */
diff --git a/socket.c b/socket.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2075ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/socket.c
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+ * Socket functions used in rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Andrew Tridgell <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* This file is now converted to use the new-style getaddrinfo()
+ * interface, which supports IPv6 but is also supported on recent
+ * IPv4-only machines. On systems that don't have that interface, we
+ * emulate it using the KAME implementation. */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+extern char *bind_address;
+extern char *sockopts;
+extern int default_af_hint;
+extern int connect_timeout;
+extern int pid_file_fd;
+static struct sigaction sigact;
+static int sock_exec(const char *prog);
+/* Establish a proxy connection on an open socket to a web proxy by using the
+ * CONNECT method. If proxy_user and proxy_pass are not NULL, they are used to
+ * authenticate to the proxy using the "Basic" proxy-authorization protocol. */
+static int establish_proxy_connection(int fd, char *host, int port, char *proxy_user, char *proxy_pass)
+ char *cp, buffer[1024];
+ char *authhdr, authbuf[1024];
+ int len;
+ if (proxy_user && proxy_pass) {
+ stringjoin(buffer, sizeof buffer,
+ proxy_user, ":", proxy_pass, NULL);
+ len = strlen(buffer);
+ if ((len*8 + 5) / 6 >= (int)sizeof authbuf - 3) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "authentication information is too long\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ base64_encode(buffer, len, authbuf, 1);
+ authhdr = "\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic ";
+ } else {
+ *authbuf = '\0';
+ authhdr = "";
+ }
+ len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0%s%s\r\n\r\n", host, port, authhdr, authbuf);
+ assert(len > 0 && len < (int)sizeof buffer);
+ if (write(fd, buffer, len) != len) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to write to proxy");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (cp = buffer; cp < &buffer[sizeof buffer - 1]; cp++) {
+ if (read(fd, cp, 1) != 1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "failed to read from proxy");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (*cp == '\n')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*cp != '\n')
+ cp++;
+ *cp-- = '\0';
+ if (*cp == '\r')
+ *cp = '\0';
+ if (strncmp(buffer, "HTTP/", 5) != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "bad response from proxy -- %s\n",
+ buffer);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (cp = &buffer[5]; isDigit(cp) || *cp == '.'; cp++) {}
+ while (*cp == ' ')
+ cp++;
+ if (*cp != '2') {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "bad response from proxy -- %s\n",
+ buffer);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* throw away the rest of the HTTP header */
+ while (1) {
+ for (cp = buffer; cp < &buffer[sizeof buffer - 1]; cp++) {
+ if (read(fd, cp, 1) != 1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno,
+ "failed to read from proxy");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (*cp == '\n')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cp > buffer && *cp == '\n')
+ cp--;
+ if (cp == buffer && (*cp == '\n' || *cp == '\r'))
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Try to set the local address for a newly-created socket.
+ * Return -1 if this fails. */
+int try_bind_local(int s, int ai_family, int ai_socktype,
+ const char *bind_addr)
+ int error;
+ struct addrinfo bhints, *bres_all, *r;
+ memset(&bhints, 0, sizeof bhints);
+ bhints.ai_family = ai_family;
+ bhints.ai_socktype = ai_socktype;
+ bhints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
+ if ((error = getaddrinfo(bind_addr, NULL, &bhints, &bres_all))) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, RSYNC_NAME ": getaddrinfo %s: %s\n",
+ bind_addr, gai_strerror(error));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (r = bres_all; r; r = r->ai_next) {
+ if (bind(s, r->ai_addr, r->ai_addrlen) == -1)
+ continue;
+ freeaddrinfo(bres_all);
+ return s;
+ }
+ /* no error message; there might be some problem that allows
+ * creation of the socket but not binding, perhaps if the
+ * machine has no ipv6 address of this name. */
+ freeaddrinfo(bres_all);
+ return -1;
+/* connect() timeout handler based on alarm() */
+static void contimeout_handler(UNUSED(int val))
+ connect_timeout = -1;
+/* Open a socket to a tcp remote host with the specified port.
+ *
+ * Based on code from Warren. Proxy support by Stephen Rothwell.
+ * getaddrinfo() rewrite contributed by
+ *
+ * Now that we support IPv6 we need to look up the remote machine's address
+ * first, using af_hint to set a preference for the type of address. Then
+ * depending on whether it has v4 or v6 addresses we try to open a connection.
+ *
+ * The loop allows for machines with some addresses which may not be reachable,
+ * perhaps because we can't e.g. route ipv6 to that network but we can get ip4
+ * packets through.
+ *
+ * bind_addr: local address to use. Normally NULL to bind the wildcard address.
+ *
+ * af_hint: address family, e.g. AF_INET or AF_INET6. */
+int open_socket_out(char *host, int port, const char *bind_addr, int af_hint)
+ int type = SOCK_STREAM;
+ int error, s, j, addr_cnt, *errnos;
+ struct addrinfo hints, *res0, *res;
+ char portbuf[10];
+ char *h, *cp;
+ int proxied = 0;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ char *proxy_user = NULL, *proxy_pass = NULL;
+ /* if we have a RSYNC_PROXY env variable then redirect our
+ * connection via a web proxy at the given address. */
+ h = getenv("RSYNC_PROXY");
+ proxied = h != NULL && *h != '\0';
+ if (proxied) {
+ strlcpy(buffer, h, sizeof buffer);
+ /* Is the USER:PASS@ prefix present? */
+ if ((cp = strrchr(buffer, '@')) != NULL) {
+ *cp++ = '\0';
+ /* The remainder is the HOST:PORT part. */
+ h = cp;
+ if ((cp = strchr(buffer, ':')) == NULL) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "invalid proxy specification: should be USER:PASS@HOST:PORT\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *cp++ = '\0';
+ proxy_user = buffer;
+ proxy_pass = cp;
+ } else {
+ /* The whole buffer is the HOST:PORT part. */
+ h = buffer;
+ }
+ if ((cp = strchr(h, ':')) == NULL) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "invalid proxy specification: should be HOST:PORT\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *cp++ = '\0';
+ strlcpy(portbuf, cp, sizeof portbuf);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CONNECT, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "connection via http proxy %s port %s\n",
+ h, portbuf);
+ }
+ } else {
+ snprintf(portbuf, sizeof portbuf, "%d", port);
+ h = host;
+ }
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
+ hints.ai_family = af_hint;
+ hints.ai_socktype = type;
+ error = getaddrinfo(h, portbuf, &hints, &res0);
+ if (error) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, RSYNC_NAME ": getaddrinfo: %s %s: %s\n",
+ h, portbuf, gai_strerror(error));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (res = res0, addr_cnt = 0; res; res = res->ai_next, addr_cnt++) {}
+ errnos = new_array0(int, addr_cnt);
+ s = -1;
+ /* Try to connect to all addresses for this machine until we get
+ * through. It might e.g. be multi-homed, or have both IPv4 and IPv6
+ * addresses. We need to create a socket for each record, since the
+ * address record tells us what protocol to use to try to connect. */
+ for (res = res0, j = 0; res; res = res->ai_next, j++) {
+ s = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
+ if (s < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (bind_addr
+ && try_bind_local(s, res->ai_family, type,
+ bind_addr) == -1) {
+ close(s);
+ s = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (connect_timeout > 0) {
+ SIGACTION(SIGALRM, contimeout_handler);
+ alarm(connect_timeout);
+ }
+ set_socket_options(s, sockopts);
+ while (connect(s, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
+ if (connect_timeout < 0)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_CONTIMEOUT);
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ close(s);
+ s = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (connect_timeout > 0)
+ alarm(0);
+ if (s < 0) {
+ errnos[j] = errno;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (proxied && establish_proxy_connection(s, host, port, proxy_user, proxy_pass) != 0) {
+ close(s);
+ s = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CONNECT, 2)) {
+ char buf[2048];
+ if ((error = getnameinfo(res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, buf, sizeof buf, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) != 0)
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "*getnameinfo failure: %s*", gai_strerror(error));
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Connected to %s (%s)\n", h, buf);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (s < 0 || DEBUG_GTE(CONNECT, 2)) {
+ char buf[2048];
+ for (res = res0, j = 0; res; res = res->ai_next, j++) {
+ if (errnos[j] == 0)
+ continue;
+ if ((error = getnameinfo(res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, buf, sizeof buf, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) != 0)
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "*getnameinfo failure: %s*", gai_strerror(error));
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errnos[j], "failed to connect to %s (%s)", h, buf);
+ }
+ if (s < 0)
+ s = -1;
+ }
+ freeaddrinfo(res0);
+ free(errnos);
+ return s;
+/* Open an outgoing socket, but allow for it to be intercepted by
+ * $RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG, which will execute a program across a TCP
+ * socketpair rather than really opening a socket.
+ *
+ * We use this primarily in testing to detect TCP flow bugs, but not
+ * cause security problems by really opening remote connections.
+ *
+ * This is based on the Samba LIBSMB_PROG feature.
+ *
+ * bind_addr: local address to use. Normally NULL to get the stack default. */
+int open_socket_out_wrapped(char *host, int port, const char *bind_addr, int af_hint)
+ char *prog = getenv("RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG");
+ if (prog && strchr(prog, '%')) {
+ int hlen = strlen(host);
+ int len = strlen(prog) + 1;
+ char *f, *t;
+ for (f = prog; *f; f++) {
+ if (*f != '%')
+ continue;
+ /* Compute more than enough room. */
+ if (f[1] == '%')
+ f++;
+ else
+ len += hlen;
+ }
+ f = prog;
+ prog = new_array(char, len);
+ for (t = prog; *f; f++) {
+ if (*f == '%') {
+ switch (*++f) {
+ case '%':
+ /* Just skips the extra '%'. */
+ break;
+ case 'H':
+ memcpy(t, host, hlen);
+ t += hlen;
+ continue;
+ default:
+ f--; /* pass % through */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *t++ = *f;
+ }
+ *t = '\0';
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CONNECT, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%sopening tcp connection to %s port %d\n",
+ prog ? "Using RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG instead of " : "",
+ host, port);
+ }
+ if (prog)
+ return sock_exec(prog);
+ return open_socket_out(host, port, bind_addr, af_hint);
+/* Open one or more sockets for incoming data using the specified type,
+ * port, and address.
+ *
+ * The getaddrinfo() call may return several address results, e.g. for
+ * the machine's IPv4 and IPv6 name.
+ *
+ * We return an array of file-descriptors to the sockets, with a trailing
+ * -1 value to indicate the end of the list.
+ *
+ * bind_addr: local address to bind, or NULL to allow it to default. */
+static int *open_socket_in(int type, int port, const char *bind_addr,
+ int af_hint)
+ int one = 1;
+ int s, *socks, maxs, i, ecnt;
+ struct addrinfo hints, *all_ai, *resp;
+ char portbuf[10], **errmsgs;
+ int error;
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
+ hints.ai_family = af_hint;
+ hints.ai_socktype = type;
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
+ snprintf(portbuf, sizeof portbuf, "%d", port);
+ error = getaddrinfo(bind_addr, portbuf, &hints, &all_ai);
+ if (error) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, RSYNC_NAME ": getaddrinfo: bind address %s: %s\n",
+ bind_addr, gai_strerror(error));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Count max number of sockets we might open. */
+ for (maxs = 0, resp = all_ai; resp; resp = resp->ai_next, maxs++) {}
+ socks = new_array(int, maxs + 1);
+ errmsgs = new_array(char *, maxs);
+ /* We may not be able to create the socket, if for example the
+ * machine knows about IPv6 in the C library, but not in the
+ * kernel. */
+ for (resp = all_ai, i = ecnt = 0; resp; resp = resp->ai_next) {
+ s = socket(resp->ai_family, resp->ai_socktype,
+ resp->ai_protocol);
+ if (s == -1) {
+ int r = asprintf(&errmsgs[ecnt++],
+ "socket(%d,%d,%d) failed: %s\n",
+ (int)resp->ai_family, (int)resp->ai_socktype,
+ (int)resp->ai_protocol, strerror(errno));
+ if (r < 0)
+ out_of_memory("open_socket_in");
+ /* See if there's another address that will work... */
+ continue;
+ }
+ setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
+ (char *)&one, sizeof one);
+ if (sockopts)
+ set_socket_options(s, sockopts);
+ else
+ set_socket_options(s, lp_socket_options());
+#ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
+ if (resp->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
+ if (setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char *)&one, sizeof one) < 0
+ && default_af_hint != AF_INET6) {
+ close(s);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now we've got a socket - we need to bind it. */
+ if (bind(s, resp->ai_addr, resp->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
+ /* Nope, try another */
+ int r = asprintf(&errmsgs[ecnt++],
+ "bind() failed: %s (address-family %d)\n",
+ strerror(errno), (int)resp->ai_family);
+ if (r < 0)
+ out_of_memory("open_socket_in");
+ close(s);
+ continue;
+ }
+ socks[i++] = s;
+ }
+ socks[i] = -1;
+ if (all_ai)
+ freeaddrinfo(all_ai);
+ /* Only output the socket()/bind() messages if we were totally
+ * unsuccessful, or if the daemon is being run with -vv. */
+ for (s = 0; s < ecnt; s++) {
+ if (!i || DEBUG_GTE(BIND, 1))
+ rwrite(FLOG, errmsgs[s], strlen(errmsgs[s]), 0);
+ free(errmsgs[s]);
+ }
+ free(errmsgs);
+ if (!i) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,
+ "unable to bind any inbound sockets on port %d\n",
+ port);
+ free(socks);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return socks;
+/* Determine if a file descriptor is in fact a socket. */
+int is_a_socket(int fd)
+ int v;
+ socklen_t l = sizeof (int);
+ /* Parameters to getsockopt, setsockopt etc are very
+ * unstandardized across platforms, so don't be surprised if
+ * there are compiler warnings on e.g. SCO OpenSwerver or AIX.
+ * It seems they all eventually get the right idea.
+ *
+ * Debian says: ``The fifth argument of getsockopt and
+ * setsockopt is in reality an int [*] (and this is what BSD
+ * 4.* and libc4 and libc5 have). Some POSIX confusion
+ * resulted in the present socklen_t. The draft standard has
+ * not been adopted yet, but glibc2 already follows it and
+ * also has socklen_t [*]. See also accept(2).''
+ *
+ * We now return to your regularly scheduled programming. */
+ return getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, (char *)&v, &l) == 0;
+static void sigchld_handler(UNUSED(int val))
+#ifdef WNOHANG
+ while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) {}
+ signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
+void start_accept_loop(int port, int (*fn)(int, int))
+ fd_set deffds;
+ int *sp, maxfd, i;
+ sigact.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;
+ /* open an incoming socket */
+ sp = open_socket_in(SOCK_STREAM, port, bind_address, default_af_hint);
+ if (sp == NULL)
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ /* ready to listen */
+ FD_ZERO(&deffds);
+ for (i = 0, maxfd = -1; sp[i] >= 0; i++) {
+ if (listen(sp[i], lp_listen_backlog()) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "listen() on socket failed");
+#ifdef INET6
+ if (errno == EADDRINUSE && i > 0) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Try using --ipv4 or --ipv6 to avoid this listen() error.\n");
+ }
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SOCKETIO);
+ }
+ FD_SET(sp[i], &deffds);
+ if (maxfd < sp[i])
+ maxfd = sp[i];
+ }
+ /* now accept incoming connections - forking a new process
+ * for each incoming connection */
+ while (1) {
+ fd_set fds;
+ pid_t pid;
+ int fd;
+ struct sockaddr_storage addr;
+ socklen_t addrlen = sizeof addr;
+ /* close log file before the potentially very long select so
+ * file can be trimmed by another process instead of growing
+ * forever */
+ logfile_close();
+#ifdef FD_COPY
+ FD_COPY(&deffds, &fds);
+ fds = deffds;
+ if (select(maxfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 1)
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0, fd = -1; sp[i] >= 0; i++) {
+ if (FD_ISSET(sp[i], &fds)) {
+ fd = accept(sp[i], (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fd < 0)
+ continue;
+ SIGACTION(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
+ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
+ int ret;
+ if (pid_file_fd >= 0)
+ close(pid_file_fd);
+ for (i = 0; sp[i] >= 0; i++)
+ close(sp[i]);
+ /* Re-open log file in child before possibly giving
+ * up privileges (see logfile_close() above). */
+ logfile_reopen();
+ ret = fn(fd, fd);
+ close_all();
+ _exit(ret);
+ } else if (pid < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno,
+ "could not create child server process");
+ close(fd);
+ /* This might have happened because we're
+ * overloaded. Sleep briefly before trying to
+ * accept again. */
+ sleep(2);
+ } else {
+ /* Parent doesn't need this fd anymore. */
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ }
+ char *name;
+ int level;
+ int option;
+ int value;
+ int opttype;
+} socket_options[] = {
+#ifdef SO_SNDBUF
+#ifdef SO_RCVBUF
+ {NULL,0,0,0,0}
+/* Set user socket options. */
+void set_socket_options(int fd, char *options)
+ char *tok;
+ if (!options || !*options)
+ return;
+ options = strdup(options);
+ for (tok = strtok(options, " \t,"); tok; tok = strtok(NULL," \t,")) {
+ int ret=0,i;
+ int value = 1;
+ char *p;
+ int got_value = 0;
+ if ((p = strchr(tok,'='))) {
+ *p = 0;
+ value = atoi(p+1);
+ got_value = 1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; socket_options[i].name; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(socket_options[i].name,tok)==0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!socket_options[i].name) {
+ rprintf(FERROR,"Unknown socket option %s\n",tok);
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (socket_options[i].opttype) {
+ case OPT_BOOL:
+ case OPT_INT:
+ ret = setsockopt(fd,socket_options[i].level,
+ socket_options[i].option,
+ (char *)&value, sizeof (int));
+ break;
+ case OPT_ON:
+ if (got_value)
+ rprintf(FERROR,"syntax error -- %s does not take a value\n",tok);
+ {
+ int on = socket_options[i].value;
+ ret = setsockopt(fd,socket_options[i].level,
+ socket_options[i].option,
+ (char *)&on, sizeof (int));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno,
+ "failed to set socket option %s", tok);
+ }
+ }
+ free(options);
+/* This is like socketpair but uses tcp. The function guarantees that nobody
+ * else can attach to the socket, or if they do that this function fails and
+ * the socket gets closed. Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. The resulting
+ * file descriptors are symmetrical. Currently only for RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG. */
+static int socketpair_tcp(int fd[2])
+ int listener;
+ struct sockaddr_in sock;
+ struct sockaddr_in sock2;
+ socklen_t socklen = sizeof sock;
+ int connect_done = 0;
+ fd[0] = fd[1] = listener = -1;
+ memset(&sock, 0, sizeof sock);
+ if ((listener = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ memset(&sock2, 0, sizeof sock2);
+ sock2.sin_len = sizeof sock2;
+ sock2.sin_family = PF_INET;
+ sock2.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ if (bind(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&sock2, sizeof sock2) != 0
+ || listen(listener, 1) != 0
+ || getsockname(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&sock, &socklen) != 0
+ || (fd[1] = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ set_nonblocking(fd[1]);
+ sock.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+ if (connect(fd[1], (struct sockaddr *)&sock, sizeof sock) == -1) {
+ if (errno != EINPROGRESS)
+ goto failed;
+ } else
+ connect_done = 1;
+ if ((fd[0] = accept(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&sock2, &socklen)) == -1)
+ goto failed;
+ close(listener);
+ listener = -1;
+ set_blocking(fd[1]);
+ if (connect_done == 0) {
+ if (connect(fd[1], (struct sockaddr *)&sock, sizeof sock) != 0 && errno != EISCONN)
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ /* all OK! */
+ return 0;
+ failed:
+ if (fd[0] != -1)
+ close(fd[0]);
+ if (fd[1] != -1)
+ close(fd[1]);
+ if (listener != -1)
+ close(listener);
+ return -1;
+/* Run a program on a local tcp socket, so that we can talk to it's stdin and
+ * stdout. This is used to fake a connection to a daemon for testing -- not
+ * for the normal case of running SSH.
+ *
+ * Returns a socket which is attached to a subprocess running "prog". stdin and
+ * stdout are attached. stderr is left attached to the original stderr. */
+static int sock_exec(const char *prog)
+ pid_t pid;
+ int fd[2];
+ if (socketpair_tcp(fd) != 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "socketpair_tcp failed");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CMD, 1))
+ rprintf(FINFO, "Running socket program: \"%s\"\n", prog);
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "fork");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_IPC);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ close(fd[0]);
+ if (dup2(fd[1], STDIN_FILENO) < 0
+ || dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to run \"%s\"\n", prog);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ exit(shell_exec(prog));
+ }
+ close(fd[1]);
+ return fd[0];
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3fd240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This config for stunnel will start up rsync for an incoming ssl connection.
+foreground = no
+#output = /var/log/stunnel-rsyncd.log
+pid = /var/run/
+socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
+socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1
+#compression = rle
+# This must be root for rsync to use chroot -- rsync will drop permissions:
+setuid = root
+setgid = root
+accept = 874
+# You can set the cert to a combo *.pem file and omit the key, if you like.
+cert = /etc/rsync-ssl/certs/server.crt
+key = /etc/rsync-ssl/certs/server.key
+client = no
+# To allow anyone to try an ssl connection, use this:
+verify = 0
+CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
+# To allow only cert-authorized clients, use something like this instead of the above:
+#verify = 3
+#CAfile = /etc/rsync-ssl/certs/allowed-clients.cert.pem
+exec = @bindir@/rsync
+# You can either share the same config as a normal daemon, or specify a separate config:
+execargs = rsync --server --daemon .
+#execargs = rsync --server --daemon --config=/etc/rsync-ssl/rsyncd.conf .
diff --git a/support/Makefile b/support/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6a1e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+all: savetransfer
+savetransfer: savetransfer.o
+ rm -f *.o savetransfer
diff --git a/support/atomic-rsync b/support/atomic-rsync
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1964090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/atomic-rsync
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This script lets you update a hierarchy of files in an atomic way by
+# first creating a new hierarchy using rsync's --link-dest option, and
+# then swapping the hierarchy into place. **See the usage message for
+# more details and some important caveats!**
+import os, sys, re, subprocess, shutil
+ALT_DEST_ARG_RE = re.compile('^--[a-z][^ =]+-dest(=|$)')
+RSYNC_PROG = '/usr/bin/rsync'
+def main():
+ cmd_args = sys.argv[1:]
+ if '--help' in cmd_args:
+ usage_and_exit()
+ if len(cmd_args) < 2:
+ usage_and_exit(True)
+ dest_dir = cmd_args[-1].rstrip('/')
+ if dest_dir == '' or dest_dir.startswith('-'):
+ usage_and_exit(True)
+ if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir):
+ die(dest_dir, "is not a directory or a symlink to a dir.\nUse --help for help.")
+ bad_args = [ arg for arg in cmd_args if ALT_DEST_ARG_RE.match(arg) ]
+ if bad_args:
+ die("You cannot use the", ' or '.join(bad_args), "option with atomic-rsync.\nUse --help for help.")
+ # We ignore exit-code 24 (file vanished) by default.
+ allowed_exit_codes = '0 ' + os.environ.get('ATOMIC_RSYNC_OK_CODES', '24')
+ try:
+ allowed_exit_codes = set(int(num) for num in re.split(r'[, ]+', allowed_exit_codes) if num != '')
+ except ValueError:
+ die('Invalid integer in ATOMIC_RSYNC_OK_CODES:', allowed_exit_codes[2:])
+ symlink_content = os.readlink(dest_dir) if os.path.islink(dest_dir) else None
+ dest_arg = dest_dir
+ dest_dir = os.path.realpath(dest_dir) # The real destination dir with all symlinks dereferenced
+ if dest_dir == '/':
+ die('You must not use "/" as the destination directory.\nUse --help for help.')
+ old_dir = new_dir = None
+ if symlink_content is not None and dest_dir.endswith(('-1','-2')):
+ if not symlink_content.endswith(dest_dir[-2:]):
+ die("Symlink suffix out of sync with dest_dir name:", symlink_content, 'vs', dest_dir)
+ num = 3 - int(dest_dir[-1]);
+ old_dir = None
+ new_dir = dest_dir[:-1] + str(num)
+ symlink_content = symlink_content[:-1] + str(num)
+ else:
+ old_dir = dest_dir + '~old~'
+ new_dir = dest_dir + '~new~'
+ cmd_args[-1] = new_dir + '/'
+ if old_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(old_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(old_dir)
+ if os.path.isdir(new_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(new_dir)
+ child =[RSYNC_PROG, '--link-dest=' + dest_dir, *cmd_args])
+ if child.returncode not in allowed_exit_codes:
+ die('The rsync copy failed with code', child.returncode, exitcode=child.returncode)
+ if not os.path.isdir(new_dir):
+ die('The rsync copy failed to create:', new_dir)
+ if old_dir is None:
+ atomic_symlink(symlink_content, dest_arg)
+ else:
+ os.rename(dest_dir, old_dir)
+ os.rename(new_dir, dest_dir)
+def atomic_symlink(target, link):
+ newlink = link + "~new~"
+ try:
+ os.unlink(newlink); # Just in case
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ os.symlink(target, newlink)
+ os.rename(newlink, link)
+def usage_and_exit(use_stderr=False):
+ usage_msg = """\
+Usage: atomic-rsync [RSYNC-OPTIONS] [HOST:]/SOURCE/DIR/ /DEST/DIR/
+This script lets you update a hierarchy of files in an atomic way by first
+creating a new hierarchy (using hard-links to leverage the existing files),
+and then swapping the new hierarchy into place. You must be pulling files
+to a local directory, and that directory must already exist. For example:
+ mkdir /local/files-1
+ ln -s files-1 /local/files
+ atomic-rsync -aiv host:/remote/files/ /local/files/
+If /local/files is a symlink to a directory that ends in -1 or -2, the copy
+will go to the alternate suffix and the symlink will be changed to point to
+the new dir. This is a fully atomic update. If the destination is not a
+symlink (or not a symlink to a *-1 or a *-2 directory), this will instead
+create a directory with "~new~" suffixed, move the current directory to a
+name with "~old~" suffixed, and then move the ~new~ directory to the original
+destination name (this double rename is not fully atomic, but is rapid). In
+both cases, the prior destintaion directory will be preserved until the next
+update, at which point it will be deleted.
+By default, rsync exit-code 24 (file vanished) is allowed without halting the
+atomic update. If you want to change that, specify the environment variable
+ATOMIC_RSYNC_OK_CODES with numeric values separated by spaces and/or commas.
+Specify an empty string to only allow a successful copy. An override example:
+ ATOMIC_RSYNC_OK_CODES='23 24' atomic-rsync -aiv host:src/ dest/
+See the errcode.h file for a list of all the exit codes.
+See the "rsync" command for its list of options. You may not use the
+--link-dest, --compare-dest, or --copy-dest options (since this script
+uses --link-dest to make the transfer efficient).
+ print(usage_msg, file=sys.stderr if use_stderr else sys.stdout)
+ sys.exit(1 if use_stderr else 0)
+def die(*args, exitcode=1):
+ print(*args, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(exitcode)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/support/cvs2includes b/support/cvs2includes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fc7f78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/cvs2includes
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This script finds all CVS/Entries files in the current directory and below
+# and creates a local .cvsinclude file with non-inherited rules including each
+# checked-in file. Then, use this option whenever using --cvs-exclude (-C):
+# -f ': .cvsinclude'
+# That ensures that all checked-in files/dirs are included in the transfer.
+# (You could alternately put ": .cvsinclude" into an .rsync-filter file and
+# use the -F option, which is easier to type.)
+# The downside is that you need to remember to re-run cvs2includes whenever
+# you add a new file to the project.
+use strict;
+open(FIND, 'find . -name CVS -type d |') or die $!;
+while (<FIND>) {
+ chomp;
+ s#^\./##;
+ my $entries = "$_/Entries";
+ s/CVS$/.cvsinclude/;
+ my $filter = $_;
+ open(ENTRIES, $entries) or die "Unable to open $entries: $!\n";
+ my @includes;
+ while (<ENTRIES>) {
+ push(@includes, $1) if m#/(.+?)/#;
+ }
+ close ENTRIES;
+ if (@includes) {
+ open(FILTER, ">$filter") or die "Unable to write $filter: $!\n";
+ print FILTER map "+ /$_\n", @includes;
+ close FILTER;
+ print "Updated $filter\n";
+ } elsif (-f $filter) {
+ unlink($filter);
+ print "Removed $filter\n";
+ }
+close FIND;
diff --git a/support/deny-rsync b/support/deny-rsync
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd4da9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/deny-rsync
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Send an error message via the rsync-protocol to a non-daemon client rsync.
+# Usage: deny-rsync "message"
+exit_code=4 # same as a daemon that refuses an option
+# e.g. byte_escape 29 => \035
+function byte_escape {
+ echo -ne "\\0$(printf "%o" $1)"
+if [ "${#msg}" -gt 254 ]; then
+ # truncate a message that is too long for this naive script to handle
+ msg="${msg:0:251}..."
+msglen=$(( ${#msg} + 1 )) # add 1 for the newline we append below
+# Send protocol version. All numbers are LSB-first 4-byte ints.
+echo -ne "$(byte_escape $protocol_version)\\000\\000\\000"
+# Send a zero checksum seed.
+echo -ne "\\000\\000\\000\\000"
+# The following is equivalent to rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "%s\n", $msg).
+# 1. Message header: ((MPLEX_BASE + FERROR_XFER) << 24) + $msglen.
+echo -ne "$(byte_escape $msglen)\\000\\000\\010"
+# 2. The actual data.
+echo -E "$msg"
+# Make sure the client gets our message, not a write failure.
+sleep 1
+exit $exit_code
diff --git a/support/file-attr-restore b/support/file-attr-restore
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e4a21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/file-attr-restore
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This script will parse the output of "find ARG [ARG...] -ls" and
+# apply (at your discretion) the permissions, owner, and group info
+# it reads onto any existing files and dirs (it doesn't try to affect
+# symlinks). Run this with --help (-h) for a usage summary.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+our($p_opt, $o_opt, $g_opt, $map_file, $dry_run, $verbosity, $help_opt);
+&usage if !&GetOptions(
+ 'all|a' => sub { $p_opt = $o_opt = $g_opt = 1 },
+ 'perms|p' => \$p_opt,
+ 'owner|o' => \$o_opt,
+ 'groups|g' => \$g_opt,
+ 'map|m=s' => \$map_file,
+ 'dry-run|n' => \$dry_run,
+ 'help|h' => \$help_opt,
+ 'verbose|v+' => \$verbosity,
+) || $help_opt;
+our(%uid_hash, %gid_hash);
+$" = ', '; # How to join arrays referenced in double-quotes.
+&parse_map_file($map_file) if defined $map_file;
+my $detail_line = qr{
+ ^ \s* \d+ \s+ # ignore inode
+ \d+ \s+ # ignore size
+ ([-bcdlps]) # 1. File type
+ ( [-r][-w][-xsS] # 2. user-permissions
+ [-r][-w][-xsS] # group-permissions
+ [-r][-w][-xtT] ) \s+ # other-permissions
+ \d+ \s+ # ignore number of links
+ (\S+) \s+ # 3. owner
+ (\S+) \s+ # 4. group
+ (?: \d+ \s+ )? # ignore size (when present)
+ \w+ \s+ \d+ \s+ # ignore month and date
+ \d+ (?: : \d+ )? \s+ # ignore time or year
+ ([^\r\n]+) $ # 5. name
+while (<>) {
+ my($type, $perms, $owner, $group, $name) = /$detail_line/;
+ die "Invalid input line $.:\n$_" unless defined $name;
+ die "A filename is not properly escaped:\n$_" unless $name =~ /^[^"\\]*(\\(\d\d\d|\D)[^"\\]*)*$/;
+ my $fn = $name;
+ $fn =~ s/\\(\d+|.)/ eval "\"\\$1\"" /eg;
+ if ($type eq '-') {
+ undef $type unless -f $fn;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'd') {
+ undef $type unless -d $fn;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'b') {
+ undef $type unless -b $fn;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'c') {
+ undef $type unless -c $fn;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'p') {
+ undef $type unless -p $fn;
+ } elsif ($type eq 's') {
+ undef $type unless -S $fn;
+ } else {
+ if ($verbosity) {
+ if ($type eq 'l') {
+ $name =~ s/ -> .*//;
+ $type = 'symlink';
+ } else {
+ $type = "type '$type'";
+ }
+ print "Skipping $name ($type ignored)\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!defined $type) {
+ my $reason = -e _ ? "types don't match" : 'missing';
+ print "Skipping $name ($reason)\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my($cur_mode, $cur_uid, $cur_gid) = (stat(_))[2,4,5];
+ $cur_mode &= 07777;
+ my $highs = join('', $perms =~ /..(.)..(.)..(.)/);
+ $highs =~ tr/-rwxSTst/00001111/;
+ $perms =~ tr/-STrwxst/00011111/;
+ my $mode = $p_opt ? oct('0b' . $highs . $perms) : $cur_mode;
+ my $uid = $o_opt ? $uid_hash{$owner} : $cur_uid;
+ if (!defined $uid) {
+ if ($owner =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $uid = $owner;
+ } else {
+ $uid = getpwnam($owner);
+ }
+ $uid_hash{$owner} = $uid;
+ }
+ my $gid = $g_opt ? $gid_hash{$group} : $cur_gid;
+ if (!defined $gid) {
+ if ($group =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $gid = $group;
+ } else {
+ $gid = getgrnam($group);
+ }
+ $gid_hash{$group} = $gid;
+ }
+ my @changes;
+ if ($mode != $cur_mode) {
+ push(@changes, 'permissions');
+ if (!$dry_run && !chmod($mode, $fn)) {
+ warn "chmod($mode, \"$name\") failed: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($uid != $cur_uid || $gid != $cur_gid) {
+ push(@changes, 'owner') if $uid != $cur_uid;
+ push(@changes, 'group') if $gid != $cur_gid;
+ if (!$dry_run) {
+ if (!chown($uid, $gid, $fn)) {
+ warn "chown($uid, $gid, \"$name\") failed: $!\n";
+ }
+ if (($mode & 06000) && !chmod($mode, $fn)) {
+ warn "post-chown chmod($mode, \"$name\") failed: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@changes) {
+ print "$name: changed @changes\n";
+ } elsif ($verbosity) {
+ print "$name: OK\n";
+ }
+sub parse_map_file
+ my($fn) = @_;
+ open(IN, $fn) or die "Unable to open $fn: $!\n";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^user\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
+ $uid_hash{$1} = $2;
+ } elsif (/^group\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
+ $gid_hash{$1} = $2;
+ } else {
+ die "Invalid line #$. in mapfile `$fn':\n$_";
+ }
+ }
+ close IN;
+sub usage
+ die <<EOT;
+Usage: file-attr-restore [OPTIONS] FILE [FILE...]
+ -a, --all Restore all the attributes (-pog)
+ -p, --perms Restore the permissions
+ -o, --owner Restore the ownership
+ -g, --groups Restore the group
+ -m, --map=FILE Read user/group mappings from FILE
+ -n, --dry-run Don't actually make the changes
+ -v, --verbose Increase verbosity
+ -h, --help Show this help text
+The FILE arg(s) should have been created by running the "find"
+program with "-ls" as the output specifier.
+The input file for the --map option must be in this format:
+ user FROM TO
+ group FROM TO
+The "FROM" should be an user/group mentioned in the input, and the TO
+should be either a uid/gid number, or a local user/group name.
diff --git a/support/files-to-excludes b/support/files-to-excludes
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a28955c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/files-to-excludes
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This script takes an input of filenames and outputs a set of
+# include/exclude directives that can be used by rsync to copy
+# just the indicated files using an --exclude-from=FILE option.
+use strict;
+my %hash;
+while (<>) {
+ chomp;
+ s#^/+##;
+ my $path = '/';
+ while (m#([^/]+/)/*#g) {
+ $path .= $1;
+ print "+ $path\n" unless $hash{$path}++;
+ }
+ if (m#([^/]+)$#) {
+ print "+ $path$1\n";
+ } else {
+ delete $hash{$path};
+ }
+foreach (sort keys %hash) {
+ print "- $_*\n";
+print "- /*\n";
diff --git a/support/git-set-file-times b/support/git-set-file-times
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e06f073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/git-set-file-times
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os, re, argparse, subprocess
+from datetime import datetime
+NULL_COMMIT_RE = re.compile(r'\0\0commit [a-f0-9]{40}$|\0$')
+def main():
+ if not args.git_dir:
+ cmd = 'git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || echo .'
+ top_dir = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, encoding='utf-8').strip()
+ args.git_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, '.git')
+ if not args.prefix:
+ os.chdir(top_dir)
+ git = [ 'git', '--git-dir=' + args.git_dir ]
+ if args.tree:
+ cmd = git + 'ls-tree -z -r --name-only'.split() + [ args.tree ]
+ else:
+ cmd = git + 'ls-files -z'.split()
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
+ out = proc.communicate()[0]
+ ls = set(out.split('\0'))
+ ls.discard('')
+ if not args.tree:
+ # All modified files keep their current mtime.
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(git + 'status -z --no-renames'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
+ out = proc.communicate()[0]
+ for fn in out.split('\0'):
+ if fn == '' or (fn[0] != 'M' and fn[1] != 'M'):
+ continue
+ fn = fn[3:]
+ if args.list:
+ mtime = os.lstat(fn).st_mtime
+ print_line(fn, mtime, mtime)
+ ls.discard(fn)
+ cmd = git + 'log -r --name-only --format=%x00commit%x20%H%n%x00commit_time%x20%ct%n --no-renames -z'.split()
+ if args.tree:
+ cmd.append(args.tree)
+ cmd += ['--'] + args.files
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ line = line.strip()
+ m = re.match(r'^\0commit_time (\d+)$', line)
+ if m:
+ commit_time = int(m[1])
+ elif
+ line = NULL_COMMIT_RE.sub('', line)
+ files = set(fn for fn in line.split('\0') if fn in ls)
+ if not files:
+ continue
+ for fn in files:
+ if args.prefix:
+ fn = args.prefix + fn
+ mtime = os.lstat(fn).st_mtime
+ if args.list:
+ print_line(fn, mtime, commit_time)
+ elif mtime != commit_time:
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print(f"Setting {fn}")
+ os.utime(fn, (commit_time, commit_time), follow_symlinks = False)
+ ls -= files
+ if not ls:
+ break
+ proc.communicate()
+def print_line(fn, mtime, commit_time):
+ if args.list > 1:
+ ts = str(commit_time).rjust(10)
+ else:
+ ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(commit_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ chg = '.' if mtime == commit_time else '*'
+ print(chg, ts, fn)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Set the times of the files in the current git checkout to their last-changed time.", add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('--git-dir', metavar='GIT_DIR', help="The git dir to query (defaults to affecting the current git checkout).")
+ parser.add_argument('--tree', metavar='TREE-ISH', help="The tree-ish to query (defaults to the current branch).")
+ parser.add_argument('--prefix', metavar='PREFIX_STR', help="Prepend the PREFIX_STR to each filename we tweak (defaults to the top of current checkout).")
+ parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', help="Don't output the changed-file information.")
+ parser.add_argument('--list', '-l', action='count', help="List files & times instead of changing them. Repeat for Unix timestamp instead of human readable.")
+ parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILE', nargs='*', help="Specify a subset of checked-out files to tweak.")
+ parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/support/instant-rsyncd b/support/instant-rsyncd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8bcfd00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/instant-rsyncd
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# instant-rsyncd lets you quickly set up and start a simple, unprivileged rsync
+# daemon with a single module in the current directory. I've found it
+# invaluable for quick testing, and I use it when writing a list of commands
+# that people can paste into a terminal to reproduce a daemon-related bug.
+# Sysadmins deploying an rsync daemon for the first time may find it helpful as
+# a starting point.
+# The script asks for the rsyncd user's password twice on stdin, once to set it
+# and once to log in to test the daemon.
+# -- Matt McCutchen <>
+set -e
+echo "This will setup an rsync daemon in $dir"
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ IFS='' read -p 'Module name to create (or return to exit): ' module
+ [ ! "$module" ] && exit
+ module="$1"
+ shift
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ IFS='' read -p 'Port number the daemon should listen on [873]: ' port
+ port="$1"
+ shift
+[ "$port" ] || port=873
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ IFS='' read -p 'User name for authentication (empty for none): ' user
+ user="$1"
+ shift
+if [ "$user" ]; then
+ IFS='' read -s -p 'Desired password: ' password
+ echo
+[ "$rsync" ] || rsync=rsync
+mkdir "$module"
+cat >rsyncd.conf <<EOF
+log file = rsyncd.log
+pid file =
+port = $port
+use chroot = no
+ path = $module
+ read only = false
+if [ "$user" ]; then
+ cat >>rsyncd.conf <<-EOF
+ auth users = $user
+ secrets file = $module.secrets
+ touch "$module".secrets
+ chmod go-rwx "$module".secrets
+ echo "$user:$password" >"$module".secrets
+ user="$user@"
+cat >start <<EOF
+set -e
+cd \`dirname \$0\`
+! [ -e ] || {
+ echo "Is the daemon already running? If not, delete"
+ exit 1
+$rsync --daemon --config=rsyncd.conf
+chmod +x start
+cat >stop <<"EOF"
+set -e
+cd `dirname $0`
+! [ -e ] || kill -s SIGTERM $(<
+chmod +x stop
+if ./start; then
+ sleep .2
+ echo
+ echo "I ran the start command for the daemon. The log file rsyncd.log says:"
+ echo
+ cat rsyncd.log
+ echo
+ echo "You can start and stop it with ./start and ./stop respectively."
+ echo "You can customize the configuration file rsyncd.conf."
+ echo
+ echo "Give rsync the following path to access the module:"
+ echo " $path"
+ echo
+ if [ "$user" ]; then
+ echo "Let's test the daemon now. Enter the password you chose at the prompt."
+ else
+ echo "Let's test the daemon now."
+ fi
+ echo
+ echo '$' $rsync --list-only "$path"
+ $rsync --list-only "$path"
+ echo
+ echo "You should see an empty folder; it's $moduledir."
+ echo "Something went wrong. Do you see an error message?"
diff --git a/support/json-rsync-version b/support/json-rsync-version
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..31fed7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/json-rsync-version
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import sys, argparse, subprocess, json
+ 'asm': 'asm_roll',
+ 'ASM': 'asm_roll',
+ 'hardlink_special': 'hardlink_specials',
+ 'protect_args': 'secluded_args',
+ 'protected_args': 'secluded_args',
+ 'SIMD': 'SIMD_roll',
+ }
+MOVE_OPTIM = set('asm_roll SIMD_roll'.split())
+def main():
+ if not args.rsync or args.rsync == '-':
+ ver_out =
+ else:
+ ver_out = subprocess.check_output([args.rsync, '--version', '--version'], encoding='utf-8').strip()
+ if ver_out.startswith('{'):
+ print(ver_out)
+ return
+ info = { }
+ misplaced_optims = { }
+ for line in ver_out.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('rsync '):
+ prog, vstr, ver, pstr, vstr2, proto = line.split()
+ info['program'] = prog
+ if ver.startswith('v'):
+ ver = ver[1:]
+ info[vstr] = ver
+ if '.' not in proto:
+ proto += '.0'
+ else:
+ proto = proto.replace('.PR', '.')
+ info[pstr] = proto
+ elif line.startswith('Copyright '):
+ info['copyright'] = line[10:]
+ elif line.startswith('Web site: '):
+ info['url'] = line[10:]
+ elif line.startswith(' '):
+ if not saw_comma and ',' in line:
+ saw_comma = True
+ info[sect_name] = { }
+ if saw_comma:
+ for x in line.strip(' ,').split(', '):
+ if ' ' in x:
+ val, var = x.split(' ', 1)
+ if val == 'no':
+ val = False
+ elif val.endswith('-bit'):
+ var = var[:-1] + '_bits'
+ val = int(val.split('-')[0])
+ else:
+ var = x
+ val = True
+ var = var.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_')
+ if var in TWEAK_NAME:
+ var = TWEAK_NAME[var]
+ if sect_name[0] != 'o' and var in MOVE_OPTIM:
+ misplaced_optims[var] = val
+ else:
+ info[sect_name][var] = val
+ else:
+ info[sect_name] += [ x for x in line.split() if not x.startswith('(') ]
+ elif line == '':
+ break
+ else:
+ sect_name = line.strip(' :').replace(' ', '_').lower()
+ info[sect_name] = [ ]
+ saw_comma = False
+ for chk in 'capabilities optimizations'.split():
+ if chk not in info:
+ info[chk] = { }
+ if misplaced_optims:
+ info['optimizations'].update(misplaced_optims)
+ for chk in 'checksum_list compress_list daemon_auth_list'.split():
+ if chk not in info:
+ info[chk] = [ ]
+ info['license'] = 'GPLv3' if ver[0] == '3' else 'GPLv2'
+ info['caveat'] = 'rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY'
+ print(json.dumps(info))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Output rsync's version data in JSON format, even if the rsync doesn't support a native json-output method.", add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('rsync', nargs='?', help="Specify an rsync command to run. Otherwise stdin is consumed.")
+ parser.add_argument("--help", "-h", action="help", help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/support/logfilter b/support/logfilter
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..29cfe69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/logfilter
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Filter the rsync daemon log messages by module name. The log file can be
+# in either syslog format or rsync's own log-file format. Note that the
+# MODULE_NAME parameter is used in a regular-expression match in order to
+# allow regex wildcards to be used. You can also limit the output by
+# directory hierarchy in a module. Examples:
+# logfilter foo /var/log/rsyncd.log # output lines for module foo
+# logfilter foo/dir /var/log/syslog # limit lines to those in dir of foo
+use strict;
+my $match = shift;
+die "Usage: logfilter MODULE_NAME [LOGFILE ...]\n" unless defined $match;
+my $syslog_prefix = '\w\w\w +\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \S+ rsyncd';
+my $rsyncd_prefix = '\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d ';
+my %pids;
+while (<>) {
+ my($pid,$msg) = /^(?:$syslog_prefix|$rsyncd_prefix)\[(\d+)\]:? (.*)/o;
+ next unless defined $pid;
+ my($mod_spec) = $msg =~ /^rsync (?:on|to) (\S+) from /;
+ if (defined $mod_spec) {
+ if ($mod_spec =~ /^$match(\/\S*)?$/o) {
+ $pids{$pid} = 1;
+ } else {
+ delete $pids{$pid};
+ }
+ }
+ next unless $pids{$pid};
+ print $_;
diff --git a/support/lsh b/support/lsh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7b3c065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/lsh
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This is a "local shell" command that works like a remote shell but only for
+# the local host. See the usage message for more details.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use English '-no_match_vars';
+ 'l=s' => \( my $login_name ),
+ '1|2|4|6|A|a|C|f|g|k|M|N|n|q|s|T|t|V|v|X|x|Y' => sub { }, # Ignore
+ 'b|c|D|e|F|i|L|m|O|o|p|R|S|w=s' => sub { }, # Ignore
+ 'no-cd' => \( my $no_chdir ),
+ 'sudo' => \( my $use_sudo ),
+ 'rrsync=s' => \( my $rrsync_dir ),
+ 'rropts=s' => \( my $rrsync_opts ),
+) or &usage;
+&usage unless @ARGV > 1;
+my $host = shift;
+if ($host =~ s/^([^@]+)\@//) {
+ $login_name = $1;
+if ($host eq 'lh') {
+ $no_chdir = 1;
+} elsif ($host ne 'localhost') {
+ die "lsh: unable to connect to host $host\n";
+my ($home_dir, @cmd);
+if ($login_name) {
+ my ($uid, $gid);
+ if ($login_name =~ /\D/) {
+ $uid = getpwnam($login_name);
+ die "Unknown user: $login_name\n" unless defined $uid;
+ } else {
+ $uid = $login_name;
+ }
+ ($login_name, $gid, $home_dir) = (getpwuid($uid))[0,3,7];
+ if ($use_sudo) {
+ unshift @ARGV, "cd '$home_dir' &&" unless $no_chdir;
+ unshift @cmd, qw( sudo -H -u ), $login_name;
+ $no_chdir = 1;
+ } else {
+ my $groups = "$gid $gid";
+ while (my ($grgid, $grmembers) = (getgrent)[2,3]) {
+ if ($grgid != $gid && $grmembers =~ /(^|\s)\Q$login_name\E(\s|$)/o) {
+ $groups .= " $grgid";
+ }
+ }
+ my ($ruid, $euid) = ($UID, $EUID);
+ $GID = $EGID = $groups;
+ $UID = $EUID = $uid;
+ die "Cannot set ruid: $! (use --sudo?)\n" if $UID == $ruid && $ruid != $uid;
+ die "Cannot set euid: $! (use --sudo?)\n" if $EUID == $euid && $euid != $uid;
+ $ENV{USER} = $ENV{USERNAME} = $login_name;
+ $ENV{HOME} = $home_dir;
+ }
+} else {
+ $home_dir = (getpwuid($UID))[7];
+unless ($no_chdir) {
+ chdir $home_dir or die "Unable to chdir to $home_dir: $!\n";
+if ($rrsync_dir) {
+ push @cmd, 'rrsync';
+ if ($rrsync_opts) {
+ foreach my $opt (split(/[ ,]+/, $rrsync_opts)) {
+ $opt = "-$opt" unless $opt =~ /^-/;
+ push @cmd, $opt;
+ }
+ }
+ push @cmd, $rrsync_dir;
+} else {
+ push @cmd, '/bin/sh', '-c', "@ARGV";
+exec @cmd;
+die "Failed to exec: $!\n";
+sub usage
+ die <<EOT;
+Usage: lsh [OPTIONS] localhost|lh COMMAND [...]
+This is a "local shell" command that works like a remote shell but only for the
+local host. This is useful for rsync testing or for running a local copy where
+the sender and the receiver need to use different options (e.g. --fake-super).
+-l USER Choose the USER that lsh tries to become.
+--no-cd Skip the chdir \$HOME (the default with hostname "lh")
+--sudo Use sudo -H -l USER to become root or the specified USER.
+--rrsync=DIR Test rrsync restricted copying without using ssh.
+--rropts=STR The string "munge,no-del,no-lock" would pass 3 options to
+ rrsync (must be combined with --rrsync=DIR).
+The script also ignores a bunch of single-letter ssh options.
diff --git a/support/ b/support/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db03422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This script can be used as a "remote shell" command that is only
+# capable of pretending to connect to "localhost". This is useful
+# for testing or for running a local copy where the sender and the
+# receiver needs to use different options (e.g. --fake-super). If
+# we get a -l USER option, we try to use "sudo -u USER" to run the
+# command. Supports only the hostnames "localhost" and "lh", with
+# the latter implying the --no-cd option.
+do_cd=y # Default path is user's home dir (just like ssh) unless host is "lh".
+while : ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -l) user="$2"; shift; shift ;;
+ -l*) user=`echo "$1" | sed 's/^-l//'`; shift ;;
+ --no-cd) do_cd=n; shift ;;
+ -*) shift ;;
+ localhost) shift; break ;;
+ lh) do_cd=n; shift; break ;;
+ *) echo "lsh: unable to connect to host $1" 1>&2; exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+if [ "$user" ]; then
+ prefix=''
+ if [ $do_cd = y ]; then
+ home=`perl -e "print((getpwnam('$user'))[7])"`
+ prefix="cd '$home' &&"
+ fi
+ sudo -H -u "$user" sh -c "$prefix $*"
+ if [ $do_cd = y ]; then
+ cd || exit 1
+ fi
+ eval "${@}"
diff --git a/support/mapfrom b/support/mapfrom
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88946bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mapfrom
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This helper script makes it easy to use a passwd or group file to map
+# values in a LOCAL transfer. For instance, if you mount a backup that
+# does not have the same passwd setup as the local machine, you can do
+# a copy FROM the backup area as follows and get the differing ID values
+# mapped just like a remote transfer FROM the backed-up machine would do:
+# rsync -av --usermap=`mapfrom /mnt/backup/etc/passwd` \
+# --groupmap=`mapfrom /mnt/backup/etc/group` \
+# /mnt/backup/some/src/ /some/dest/
+while (<>) {
+ push @_, "$2:$1" if /^(\w+):[^:]+:(\d+)/;
+print join(',', @_), "\n";
diff --git a/support/mapto b/support/mapto
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9588752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mapto
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This helper script makes it easy to use a passwd or group file to map
+# values in a LOCAL transfer. For instance, if you mount a backup that
+# does not have the same passwd setup as the local machine, you can do
+# a copy TO the backup area as follows and get the differing ID values
+# mapped just like a remote transfer TO the backed-up machine would do:
+# rsync -av --usermap=`mapto /mnt/backup/etc/passwd` \
+# --groupmap=`mapto /mnt/backup/etc/group` \
+# /some/src/ /mnt/backup/some/dest/
+while (<>) {
+ push @_, "$1:$2" if /^(\w+):[^:]+:(\d+)/;
+print join(',', @_), "\n";
diff --git a/support/mnt-excl b/support/mnt-excl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed7b49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mnt-excl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This script takes a command-line arg of a source directory
+# that will be passed to rsync, and generates a set of excludes
+# that will exclude all mount points from the list. This is
+# useful if you have "bind" mounts since the --one-file-system
+# option won't notice the transition to a different spot on
+# the same disk. For example:
+# mnt-excl /dir | rsync --exclude-from=- ... /dir /dest/
+# mnt-excl /dir/ | rsync --exclude-from=- ... /dir/ /dest/
+# ssh host mnt-excl /dir | rsync --exclude-from=- ... host:/dir /dest/
+# Imagine that /dir/foo is a mount point: the first invocation of
+# mnt-excl would have output /dir/foo, while the second would have
+# output /foo (which are the properly anchored excludes).
+# NOTE: This script expects /proc/mounts to exist, but could be
+# easily adapted to read /etc/mtab or similar.
+# ADDENDUM: The addition of the --filter option (which has support for
+# absolute-anchored excludes) can make this script unneeded in some
+# scenarios. If you don't need delete protection on the receiving side
+# (or if the destination path is identical to the source path), then you
+# can exclude some absolute paths from the transfer based on the mount
+# dirs. For instance:
+# awk '{print $2}' /proc/mounts | grep -v '^/$' | \
+# rsync -avf 'merge,/- -' /dir host:/dest/
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
+my $file = '/proc/mounts';
+my $dir = shift || '/';
+my $trailing_slash = $dir =~ m{./$} ? '/' : '';
+$dir = abs_path($dir) . $trailing_slash;
+$dir =~ s{([^/]*)$}{};
+my $trailing = $1;
+$trailing = '' if $trailing eq '.' || !-d "$dir$trailing";
+$trailing .= '/' if $trailing ne '';
+open(IN, $file) or die "Unable to open $file: $!\n";
+while (<IN>) {
+ $_ = (split)[1];
+ next unless s{^\Q$dir$trailing\E}{}o && $_ ne '';
+ print "- /$trailing$_\n";
+close IN;
diff --git a/support/munge-symlinks b/support/munge-symlinks
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7a5474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/munge-symlinks
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This script will either prefix all symlink values with the string
+# "/rsyncd-munged/" or remove that prefix.
+import os, sys, argparse
+SYMLINK_PREFIX = '/rsyncd-munged/'
+def main():
+ for arg in args.names:
+ if os.path.islink(arg):
+ process_one_arg(arg)
+ elif os.path.isdir(arg):
+ for fn in find_symlinks(arg):
+ process_one_arg(fn)
+ else:
+ print("Arg is not a symlink or a dir:", arg, file=sys.stderr)
+def find_symlinks(path):
+ for entry in os.scandir(path):
+ if entry.is_symlink():
+ yield entry.path
+ elif entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False):
+ yield from find_symlinks(entry.path)
+def process_one_arg(fn):
+ lnk = os.readlink(fn)
+ if args.unmunge:
+ if not lnk.startswith(SYMLINK_PREFIX):
+ return
+ lnk = lnk[PREFIX_LEN:]
+ while args.all and lnk.startswith(SYMLINK_PREFIX):
+ lnk = lnk[PREFIX_LEN:]
+ else:
+ if not args.all and lnk.startswith(SYMLINK_PREFIX):
+ return
+ lnk = SYMLINK_PREFIX + lnk
+ try:
+ os.unlink(fn)
+ except OSError as e:
+ print("Unable to unlink symlink:", str(e), file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ try:
+ os.symlink(lnk, fn)
+ except OSError as e:
+ print("Unable to recreate symlink", fn, '->', lnk + ':', str(e), file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ print(fn, '->', lnk)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ our_desc = """\
+Adds or removes the %s prefix to/from the start of each symlink's value.
+When given the name of a directory, affects all the symlinks in that directory hierarchy.
+ epilog = 'See the "munge symlinks" option in the rsyncd.conf manpage for more details.'
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=our_desc, epilog=epilog, add_help=False)
+ uniq_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ uniq_group.add_argument('--munge', action='store_true', help="Add the prefix to symlinks (the default).")
+ uniq_group.add_argument('--unmunge', action='store_true', help="Remove the prefix from symlinks.")
+ parser.add_argument('--all', action='store_true', help="Always adds the prefix when munging (even if already munged) or removes multiple instances of the prefix when unmunging.")
+ parser.add_argument('--help', '-h', action='help', help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ parser.add_argument('names', metavar='NAME', nargs='+', help="One or more directories and/or symlinks to process.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/support/nameconvert b/support/nameconvert
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ecfe28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/nameconvert
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This implements a simple protocol to do user & group conversions between
+# names & ids. All input and output consists of simple strings with a
+# terminating newline.
+# The requests can be:
+# uid ID_NUM\n -> NAME\n
+# gid ID_NUM\n -> NAME\n
+# usr NAME\n -> ID_NUM\n
+# grp NAME\n -> ID_NUM\n
+# An unknown ID_NUM or NAME results in an empty return value.
+# This is used by an rsync daemon when configured with the "name converter" and
+# (often) "use chroot = true". While this converter uses real user & group
+# lookups you could change it to use any mapping idiom you'd like.
+import sys, argparse, pwd, grp
+def main():
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ try:
+ req, arg = line.rstrip().split(' ', 1)
+ except:
+ req = None
+ try:
+ if req == 'uid':
+ ans = pwd.getpwuid(int(arg)).pw_name
+ elif req == 'gid':
+ ans = grp.getgrgid(int(arg)).gr_name
+ elif req == 'usr':
+ ans = pwd.getpwnam(arg).pw_uid
+ elif req == 'grp':
+ ans = grp.getgrnam(arg).gr_gid
+ else:
+ print("Invalid request", file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except KeyError:
+ ans = ''
+ print(ans, flush=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert users & groups between names & numbers for an rsync daemon.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/support/rrsync b/support/rrsync
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..94c85f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/rrsync
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Restricts rsync to subdirectory declared in .ssh/authorized_keys. See
+# the rrsync man page for details of how to make use of this script.
+# NOTE: install python3 braceexpand to support brace expansion in the args!
+# Originally a perl script by: Joe Smith <> 30-Sep-2004
+# Python version by: Wayne Davison <>
+# You may configure these 2 values to your liking. See also the section of
+# short & long options if you want to disable any options that rsync accepts.
+RSYNC = '/usr/bin/rsync'
+LOGFILE = 'rrsync.log' # NOTE: the file must exist for a line to be appended!
+# The following options are mainly the options that a client rsync can send
+# to the server, and usually just in the one option format that the stock
+# rsync produces. However, there are some additional convenience options
+# added as well, and thus a few options are present in both the short and
+# long lists (such as --group, --owner, and --perms).
+# NOTE when disabling: check for both a short & long version of the option!
+### START of options data produced by the cull-options script. ###
+# To disable a short-named option, add its letter to this string:
+short_disabled = 's'
+# These are also disabled when the restricted dir is not "/":
+short_disabled_subdir = 'KLk'
+# These are all possible short options that we will accept (when not disabled above):
+short_no_arg = 'ACDEHIJKLNORSUWXbcdgklmnopqrstuvxyz' # DO NOT REMOVE ANY
+short_with_num = '@B' # DO NOT REMOVE ANY
+# To disable a long-named option, change its value to a -1. The values mean:
+# 0 = the option has no arg; 1 = the arg doesn't need any checking; 2 = only
+# check the arg when receiving; and 3 = always check the arg.
+long_opts = {
+ 'append': 0,
+ 'backup-dir': 2,
+ 'block-size': 1,
+ 'bwlimit': 1,
+ 'checksum-choice': 1,
+ 'checksum-seed': 1,
+ 'compare-dest': 2,
+ 'compress-choice': 1,
+ 'compress-level': 1,
+ 'copy-dest': 2,
+ 'copy-devices': -1,
+ 'copy-unsafe-links': 0,
+ 'daemon': -1,
+ 'debug': 1,
+ 'delay-updates': 0,
+ 'delete': 0,
+ 'delete-after': 0,
+ 'delete-before': 0,
+ 'delete-delay': 0,
+ 'delete-during': 0,
+ 'delete-excluded': 0,
+ 'delete-missing-args': 0,
+ 'existing': 0,
+ 'fake-super': 0,
+ 'files-from': 3,
+ 'force': 0,
+ 'from0': 0,
+ 'fsync': 0,
+ 'fuzzy': 0,
+ 'group': 0,
+ 'groupmap': 1,
+ 'hard-links': 0,
+ 'iconv': 1,
+ 'ignore-errors': 0,
+ 'ignore-existing': 0,
+ 'ignore-missing-args': 0,
+ 'ignore-times': 0,
+ 'info': 1,
+ 'inplace': 0,
+ 'link-dest': 2,
+ 'links': 0,
+ 'list-only': 0,
+ 'log-file': 3,
+ 'log-format': 1,
+ 'max-alloc': 1,
+ 'max-delete': 1,
+ 'max-size': 1,
+ 'min-size': 1,
+ 'mkpath': 0,
+ 'modify-window': 1,
+ 'msgs2stderr': 0,
+ 'munge-links': 0,
+ 'new-compress': 0,
+ 'no-W': 0,
+ 'no-implied-dirs': 0,
+ 'no-msgs2stderr': 0,
+ 'no-munge-links': -1,
+ 'no-r': 0,
+ 'no-relative': 0,
+ 'no-specials': 0,
+ 'numeric-ids': 0,
+ 'old-compress': 0,
+ 'one-file-system': 0,
+ 'only-write-batch': 1,
+ 'open-noatime': 0,
+ 'owner': 0,
+ 'partial': 0,
+ 'partial-dir': 2,
+ 'perms': 0,
+ 'preallocate': 0,
+ 'recursive': 0,
+ 'remove-sent-files': 0,
+ 'remove-source-files': 0,
+ 'safe-links': 0,
+ 'sender': 0,
+ 'server': 0,
+ 'size-only': 0,
+ 'skip-compress': 1,
+ 'specials': 0,
+ 'stats': 0,
+ 'stderr': 1,
+ 'suffix': 1,
+ 'super': 0,
+ 'temp-dir': 2,
+ 'timeout': 1,
+ 'times': 0,
+ 'use-qsort': 0,
+ 'usermap': 1,
+ 'write-devices': -1,
+### END of options data produced by the cull-options script. ###
+import os, sys, re, argparse, glob, socket, time, subprocess
+from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
+ from braceexpand import braceexpand
+ braceexpand = lambda x: [ DE_BACKSLASH_RE.sub(r'\1', x) ]
+HAS_DOT_DOT_RE = re.compile(r'(^|/)\.\.(/|$)')
+LONG_OPT_RE = re.compile(r'^--([^=]+)(?:=(.*))?$')
+DE_BACKSLASH_RE = re.compile(r'\\(.)')
+def main():
+ if not os.path.isdir(args.dir):
+ die("Restricted directory does not exist!")
+ # The format of the environment variables set by sshd:
+ # rsync --server -vlogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu --etc . ARG # push
+ # rsync --server --sender -vlogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu --etc . ARGS # pull
+ # SSH_CONNECTION (client_ip client_port server_ip server_port):
+ # 64106 22
+ command = os.environ.get('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND', None)
+ if not command:
+ die("Not invoked via sshd")
+ command = command.split(' ', 2)
+ if command[0:1] != ['rsync']:
+ die("SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND does not run rsync")
+ if command[1:2] != ['--server']:
+ die("--server option is not the first arg")
+ command = '' if len(command) < 3 else command[2]
+ global am_sender
+ am_sender = command.startswith("--sender ") # Restrictive on purpose!
+ if and not am_sender:
+ die("sending to read-only server is not allowed")
+ if args.wo and am_sender:
+ die("reading from write-only server is not allowed")
+ if args.wo or not am_sender:
+ long_opts['sender'] = -1
+ if args.no_del:
+ for opt in long_opts:
+ if opt.startswith(('remove', 'delete')):
+ long_opts[opt] = -1
+ if
+ long_opts['log-file'] = -1
+ if args.dir != '/':
+ global short_disabled
+ short_disabled += short_disabled_subdir
+ short_no_arg_re = short_no_arg
+ short_with_num_re = short_with_num
+ if short_disabled:
+ for ltr in short_disabled:
+ short_no_arg_re = short_no_arg_re.replace(ltr, '')
+ short_with_num_re = short_with_num_re.replace(ltr, '')
+ short_disabled_re = re.compile(r'^-[%s]*([%s])' % (short_no_arg_re, short_disabled))
+ short_no_arg_re = re.compile(r'^-(?=.)[%s]*(e\d*\.\w*)?$' % short_no_arg_re)
+ short_with_num_re = re.compile(r'^-[%s]\d+$' % short_with_num_re)
+ log_fh = open(LOGFILE, 'a') if os.path.isfile(LOGFILE) else None
+ try:
+ os.chdir(args.dir)
+ except OSError as e:
+ die('unable to chdir to restricted dir:', str(e))
+ rsync_opts = [ '--server' ]
+ rsync_args = [ ]
+ saw_the_dot_arg = False
+ last_opt = check_type = None
+ for arg in re.findall(r'(?:[^\s\\]+|\\.[^\s\\]*)+', command):
+ if check_type:
+ rsync_opts.append(validated_arg(last_opt, arg, check_type))
+ check_type = None
+ elif saw_the_dot_arg:
+ # NOTE: an arg that starts with a '-' is safe due to our use of "--" in the cmd tuple.
+ try:
+ b_e = braceexpand(arg) # Also removes backslashes
+ except: # Handle errors such as unbalanced braces by just de-backslashing the arg:
+ b_e = [ DE_BACKSLASH_RE.sub(r'\1', arg) ]
+ for xarg in b_e:
+ rsync_args += validated_arg('arg', xarg, wild=True)
+ else: # parsing the option args
+ if arg == '.':
+ saw_the_dot_arg = True
+ continue
+ rsync_opts.append(arg)
+ if short_no_arg_re.match(arg) or short_with_num_re.match(arg):
+ continue
+ disabled = False
+ m = LONG_OPT_RE.match(arg)
+ if m:
+ opt =
+ opt_arg =
+ ct = long_opts.get(opt, None)
+ if ct is None:
+ break # Generate generic failure due to unfinished arg parsing
+ if ct == 0:
+ continue
+ opt = '--' + opt
+ if ct > 0:
+ if opt_arg is not None:
+ rsync_opts[-1] = opt + '=' + validated_arg(opt, opt_arg, ct)
+ else:
+ check_type = ct
+ last_opt = opt
+ continue
+ disabled = True
+ elif short_disabled:
+ m = short_disabled_re.match(arg)
+ if m:
+ disabled = True
+ opt = '-' +
+ if disabled:
+ die("option", opt, "has been disabled on this server.")
+ break # Generate a generic failure
+ if not saw_the_dot_arg:
+ die("invalid rsync-command syntax or options")
+ if args.munge:
+ rsync_opts.append('--munge-links')
+ if not rsync_args:
+ rsync_args = [ '.' ]
+ cmd = (RSYNC, *rsync_opts, '--', '.', *rsync_args)
+ if log_fh:
+ now = time.localtime()
+ host = os.environ.get('SSH_CONNECTION', 'unknown').split()[0] # Drop everything after the IP addr
+ if host.startswith('::ffff:'):
+ host = host[7:]
+ try:
+ host = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.inet_aton(host))
+ except:
+ pass
+ log_fh.write("%02d:%02d:%02d %-16s %s\n" % (now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec, host, str(cmd)))
+ log_fh.close()
+ # NOTE: This assumes that the rsync protocol will not be maliciously hijacked.
+ if args.no_lock:
+ os.execlp(RSYNC, *cmd)
+ die("execlp(", RSYNC, *cmd, ') failed')
+ child =
+ if child.returncode != 0:
+ sys.exit(child.returncode)
+def validated_arg(opt, arg, typ=3, wild=False):
+ if opt != 'arg': # arg values already have their backslashes removed.
+ arg = DE_BACKSLASH_RE.sub(r'\1', arg)
+ orig_arg = arg
+ if arg.startswith('./'):
+ arg = arg[1:]
+ arg = arg.replace('//', '/')
+ if args.dir != '/':
+ if
+ die("do not use .. in", opt, "(anchor the path at the root of your restricted dir)")
+ if arg.startswith('/'):
+ arg = args.dir + arg
+ if wild:
+ got = glob.glob(arg)
+ if not got:
+ got = [ arg ]
+ else:
+ got = [ arg ]
+ ret = [ ]
+ for arg in got:
+ if args.dir != '/' and arg != '.' and (typ == 3 or (typ == 2 and not am_sender)):
+ arg_has_trailing_slash = arg.endswith('/')
+ if arg_has_trailing_slash:
+ arg = arg[:-1]
+ else:
+ arg_has_trailing_slash_dot = arg.endswith('/.')
+ if arg_has_trailing_slash_dot:
+ arg = arg[:-2]
+ real_arg = os.path.realpath(arg)
+ if arg != real_arg and not real_arg.startswith(args.dir_slash):
+ die('unsafe arg:', orig_arg, [arg, real_arg])
+ if arg_has_trailing_slash:
+ arg += '/'
+ elif arg_has_trailing_slash_dot:
+ arg += '/.'
+ if opt == 'arg' and arg.startswith(args.dir_slash):
+ arg = arg[args.dir_slash_len:]
+ if arg == '':
+ arg = '.'
+ ret.append(arg)
+ return ret if wild else ret[0]
+def lock_or_die(dirname):
+ import fcntl
+ global lock_handle
+ lock_handle =, os.O_RDONLY)
+ try:
+ fcntl.flock(lock_handle, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
+ except:
+ die('Another instance of rrsync is already accessing this directory.')
+def die(*msg):
+ print(sys.argv[0], 'error:', *msg, file=sys.stderr)
+ if sys.stdin.isatty():
+ arg_parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+# This class displays the --help to the user on argparse error IFF they're running it interactively.
+class OurArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ def error(self, msg):
+ die(msg)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ our_desc = """Use "man rrsync" to learn how to restrict ssh users to using a restricted rsync command."""
+ arg_parser = OurArgParser(description=our_desc, add_help=False)
+ only_group = arg_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ only_group.add_argument('-ro', action='store_true', help="Allow only reading from the DIR. Implies -no-del and -no-lock.")
+ only_group.add_argument('-wo', action='store_true', help="Allow only writing to the DIR.")
+ arg_parser.add_argument('-munge', action='store_true', help="Enable rsync's --munge-links on the server side.")
+ arg_parser.add_argument('-no-del', action='store_true', help="Disable rsync's --delete* and --remove* options.")
+ arg_parser.add_argument('-no-lock', action='store_true', help="Avoid the single-run (per-user) lock check.")
+ arg_parser.add_argument('-help', '-h', action='help', help="Output this help message and exit.")
+ arg_parser.add_argument('dir', metavar='DIR', help="The restricted directory to use.")
+ args = arg_parser.parse_args()
+ args.dir = os.path.realpath(args.dir)
+ args.dir_slash = args.dir + '/'
+ args.dir_slash_len = len(args.dir_slash)
+ if
+ args.no_del = True
+ elif not args.no_lock:
+ lock_or_die(args.dir)
+ main()
+# vim: sw=4 et
diff --git a/support/ b/support/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f2cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+## NAME
+rrsync - a script to setup restricted rsync users via ssh logins
+rrsync [-ro|-rw] [-munge] [-no-del] [-no-lock] DIR
+The single non-option argument specifies the restricted _DIR_ to use. It can be
+relative to the user's home directory or an absolute path.
+The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics)
+is available at <>.
+A user's ssh login can be restricted to only allow the running of an rsync
+transfer in one of two easy ways:
+* forcing the running of the rrsync script
+* forcing the running of an rsync daemon-over-ssh command.
+Both of these setups use a feature of ssh that allows a command to be forced to
+run instead of an interactive shell. However, if the user's home shell is bash,
+please see [BASH SECURITY ISSUE](#) for a potential issue.
+To use the rrsync script, edit the user's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file and add
+a prefix like one of the following (followed by a space) in front of each
+ssh-key line that should be restricted:
+> ```
+> command="rrsync DIR"
+> command="rrsync -ro DIR"
+> command="rrsync -munge -no-del DIR"
+> ```
+Then, ensure that the rrsync script has your desired option restrictions. You
+may want to copy the script to a local bin dir with a unique name if you want
+to have multiple configurations. One or more rrsync options can be specified
+prior to the _DIR_ if you want to further restrict the transfer.
+To use an rsync daemon setup, edit the user's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file and
+add a prefix like one of the following (followed by a space) in front of each
+ssh-key line that should be restricted:
+> ```
+> command="rsync --server --daemon ."
+> command="rsync --server --daemon --config=/PATH/TO/rsyncd.conf ."
+> ```
+Then, ensure that the rsyncd.conf file is created with one or more module names
+with the appropriate path and option restrictions. If rsync's
+[`--config`](rsync.1#dopt) option is omitted, it defaults to `~/rsyncd.conf`.
+See the [**rsyncd.conf**(5)](rsyncd.conf.5) manpage for details of how to
+configure an rsync daemon.
+When using rrsync, there can be just one restricted dir per authorized key. A
+daemon setup, on the other hand, allows multiple module names inside the config
+file, each one with its own path setting.
+The remainder of this manpage is dedicated to using the rrsync script.
+0. `-ro`
+ Allow only reading from the DIR. Implies [`-no-del`](#opt) and
+ [`-no-lock`](#opt).
+0. `-wo`
+ Allow only writing to the DIR.
+0. `-munge`
+ Enable rsync's [`--munge-links`](rsync.1#opt) on the server side.
+0. `-no-del`
+ Disable rsync's `--delete*` and `--remove*` options.
+0. `-no-lock`
+ Avoid the single-run (per-user) lock check. Useful with [`-munge`](#opt).
+0. `-help`, `-h`
+ Output this help message and exit.
+The rrsync script validates the path arguments it is sent to try to restrict
+them to staying within the specified DIR.
+The rrsync script rejects rsync's [`--copy-links`](rsync.1#opt) option (by
+default) so that a copy cannot dereference a symlink within the DIR to get to a
+file outside the DIR.
+The rrsync script rejects rsync's [`--protect-args`](rsync.1#opt) (`-s`) option
+because it would allow options to be sent to the server-side that the script
+cannot check. If you want to support `--protect-args`, use a daemon-over-ssh
+The rrsync script accepts just a subset of rsync's options that the real rsync
+uses when running the server command. A few extra convenience options are also
+included to help it to interact with BackupPC and accept some convenient user
+The script (or a copy of it) can be manually edited if you want it to customize
+the option handling.
+If your users have bash set as their home shell, bash may try to be overly
+helpful and ensure that the user's login bashrc files are run prior to
+executing the forced command. This can be a problem if the user can somehow
+update their home bashrc files, perhaps via the restricted copy, a shared home
+directory, or something similar.
+One simple way to avoid the issue is to switch the user to a simpler shell,
+such as dash. When choosing the new home shell, make sure that you're not
+choosing bash in disguise, as it is unclear if it avoids the security issue.
+Another potential fix is to ensure that the user's home directory is not a
+shared mount and that they have no means of copying files outside of their
+restricted directories. This may require you to force the enabling of symlink
+munging on the server side.
+A future version of openssh may have a change to the handling of forced
+commands that allows it to avoid using the user's home shell.
+The `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file might have lines in it like this:
+> ```
+> command="rrsync client/logs" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAzG...
+> command="rrsync -ro results" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAmk...
+> ```
+[**rsync**(1)](rsync.1), [**rsyncd.conf**(5)](rsyncd.conf.5)
+This manpage is current for version @VERSION@ of rsync.
+rsync is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file
+[COPYING](COPYING) for details.
+An rsync web site is available at <> and its github
+project is <>.
+The original rrsync perl script was written by Joe Smith. Many people have
+later contributed to it. The python version was created by Wayne Davison.
diff --git a/support/rsync-no-vanished b/support/rsync-no-vanished
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b31a5d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/rsync-no-vanished
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+IGNOREOUT='^(file has vanished: |rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred)'
+# If someone installs this as "rsync", make sure we don't affect a server run.
+for arg in "${@}"; do
+ if [[ "$arg" == --server ]]; then
+ exec $REAL_RSYNC "${@}"
+ exit $? # Not reached
+ fi
+set -o pipefail
+# This filters stderr without merging it with stdout:
+{ $REAL_RSYNC "${@}" 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | grep -E -v "$IGNOREOUT"; ret=${PIPESTATUS[0]}; } 3>&1 1>&2
+if [[ $ret == $IGNOREEXIT ]]; then
+ ret=0
+exit $ret
diff --git a/support/rsync-slash-strip b/support/rsync-slash-strip
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b57e61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/rsync-slash-strip
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script can be used as an rsync command-line filter that strips a single
+# trailing slash from each arg. That treats "src/" the same as "src", thus
+# you need to use "src/." or "src//" for just the contents of the "src" dir.
+# (Note that command-line dir-excludes would need to use "excl//" too.)
+# To use this, name it something like "rs", put it somewhere in your path, and
+# then use "rs" in place of "rsync" when you are typing your copy commands.
+for arg in "${@}"; do
+ if [[ "$arg" == --server ]]; then
+ exec $REAL_RSYNC "${@}"
+ exit $? # Not reached
+ fi
+ if [[ "$arg" == / ]]; then
+ args=("${args[@]}" /)
+ else
+ args=("${args[@]}" "${arg%/}")
+ fi
+exec $REAL_RSYNC "${args[@]}"
diff --git a/support/rsyncstats b/support/rsyncstats
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..99fd545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/rsyncstats
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# This script parses the default logfile format produced by rsync when running
+# as a daemon with transfer logging enabled. It also parses a slightly tweaked
+# version of the default format where %o has been replaced with %i.
+# This script is derived from the xferstats script that comes with wuftpd. See
+# the usage message at the bottom for the options it takes.
+# Andrew Tridgell, October 1998
+use Getopt::Long;
+# You may wish to edit the next line to customize for your default log file.
+$usage_file = "/var/log/rsyncd.log";
+# Edit the following lines for default report settings.
+# Entries defined here will be over-ridden by the command line.
+$hourly_report = 0;
+$domain_report = 0;
+$total_report = 0;
+$depth_limit = 9999;
+$only_section = '';
+&usage if !&GetOptions(
+ 'hourly-report|h' => \$hourly_report,
+ 'domain-report|d' => \$domain_report,
+ 'domain|D:s' => \$only_domain,
+ 'total-report|t' => \$total_report,
+ 'depth-limit|l:i' => \$depth_limit,
+ 'real|r' => \$real,
+ 'anon|a' => \$anon,
+ 'section|s:s' => \$only_section,
+ 'file|f:s' => \$usage_file,
+$anon = 1 if !$real && !$anon;
+open(LOG, $usage_file) || die "Error opening usage log file: $usage_file\n";
+if ($only_domain) {
+ print "Transfer Totals include the '$only_domain' domain only.\n";
+ print "All other domains are filtered out for this report.\n\n";
+if ($only_section) {
+ print "Transfer Totals include the '$only_section' section only.\n";
+ print "All other sections are filtered out for this report.\n\n";
+line: while (<LOG>) {
+my $syslog_prefix = '\w\w\w +\d+ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \S+ rsyncd';
+my $rsyncd_prefix = '\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d ';
+ next unless ($day,$time,$op,$host,$module,$file,$bytes)
+ = m{^
+ ( \w\w\w\s+\d+ | \d+/\d\d/\d\d ) \s+ # day
+ (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) \s+ # time
+ [^[]* \[\d+\]:? \s+ # pid (ignored)
+ (send|recv|[<>]f\S+) \s+ # op (%o or %i)
+ (\S+) \s+ # host
+ \[\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\] \s+ # IP (ignored)
+ (\S+) \s+ # module
+ \(\S*\) \s+ # user (ignored)
+ (.*) \s+ # file name
+ (\d+) # file length in bytes
+ $ }x;
+ # TODO actually divide the data by into send/recv categories
+ if ($op =~ /^>/) {
+ $op = 'send';
+ } elsif ($op =~ /^</) {
+ $op = 'recv';
+ }
+ $daytime = $day;
+ $hour = substr($time,0,2);
+ $file = $module . "/" . $file;
+ $file =~ s|//|/|mg;
+ @path = split(/\//, $file);
+ $pathkey = "";
+ for ($i=0; $i <= $#path && $i <= $depth_limit; $i++) {
+ $pathkey = $pathkey . "/" . $path[$i];
+ }
+ if ($only_section ne '') {
+ next unless (substr($pathkey,0,length($only_section)) eq $only_section);
+ }
+ $host =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ @address = split(/\./, $host);
+ $domain = $address[$#address];
+ if ( int($address[0]) > 0 || $#address < 2 )
+ { $domain = "unresolved"; }
+ if ($only_domain ne '') {
+ next unless (substr($domain,0,length($only_domain)) eq $only_domain);
+ }
+# printf("c=%d day=%s bytes=%d file=%s path=%s\n",
+# $#line, $daytime, $bytes, $file, $pathkey);
+ $xferfiles++; # total files sent
+ $xfertfiles++; # total files sent
+ $xferfiles{$daytime}++; # files per day
+ $groupfiles{$pathkey}++; # per-group accesses
+ $domainfiles{$domain}++;
+ $xferbytes{$daytime} += $bytes; # bytes per day
+ $domainbytes{$domain} += $bytes; # xmit bytes to domain
+ $xferbytes += $bytes; # total bytes sent
+ $groupbytes{$pathkey} += $bytes; # per-group bytes sent
+ $xfertfiles{$hour}++; # files per hour
+ $xfertbytes{$hour} += $bytes; # bytes per hour
+ $xfertbytes += $bytes; # total bytes sent
+close LOG;
+#@syslist = keys %systemfiles;
+@dates = sort datecompare keys %xferbytes;
+if ($xferfiles == 0) {die "There was no data to process.\n";}
+print "TOTALS FOR SUMMARY PERIOD ", $dates[0], " TO ", $dates[$#dates], "\n\n";
+printf("Files Transmitted During Summary Period %12.0f\n", $xferfiles);
+printf("Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period %12.0f\n", $xferbytes);
+#printf("Systems Using Archives %12.0f\n\n", $#syslist+1);
+printf("Average Files Transmitted Daily %12.0f\n",
+ $xferfiles / ($#dates + 1));
+printf("Average Bytes Transmitted Daily %12.0f\n",
+ $xferbytes / ($#dates + 1));
+format top1 =
+Daily Transmission Statistics
+ Number Of Number of Percent Of Percent Of
+ Date Files Sent MB Sent Files Sent Bytes Sent
+--------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
+format line1 =
+@<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>
+$date, $nfiles, $nbytes/(1024*1024), $pctfiles, $pctbytes
+$^ = top1;
+$~ = line1;
+foreach $date (sort datecompare keys %xferbytes) {
+ $nfiles = $xferfiles{$date};
+ $nbytes = $xferbytes{$date};
+ $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xferfiles{$date} / $xferfiles);
+ $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xferbytes{$date} / $xferbytes);
+ write;
+if ($total_report) {
+format top2 =
+Total Transfers from each Archive Section (By bytes)
+ - Percent -
+ Archive Section NFiles MB Files Bytes
+------------------------------------- ------- ----------- ----- -------
+format line2 =
+@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>> @>>>> @>>>>
+$section, $files, $bytes/(1024*1024), $pctfiles, $pctbytes
+$| = 1;
+$- = 0;
+$^ = top2;
+$~ = line2;
+foreach $section (sort bytecompare keys %groupfiles) {
+ $files = $groupfiles{$section};
+ $bytes = $groupbytes{$section};
+ $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $groupbytes{$section} / $xferbytes);
+ $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $groupfiles{$section} / $xferfiles);
+ write;
+if ( $xferfiles < 1 ) { $xferfiles = 1; }
+if ( $xferbytes < 1 ) { $xferbytes = 1; }
+if ($domain_report) {
+format top3 =
+Total Transfer Amount By Domain
+ Number Of Number of Percent Of Percent Of
+Domain Name Files Sent MB Sent Files Sent Bytes Sent
+----------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ----------
+format line3 =
+@<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>
+$domain, $files, $bytes/(1024*1024), $pctfiles, $pctbytes
+$- = 0;
+$^ = top3;
+$~ = line3;
+foreach $domain (sort domnamcompare keys %domainfiles) {
+ if ( $domainsecs{$domain} < 1 ) { $domainsecs{$domain} = 1; }
+ $files = $domainfiles{$domain};
+ $bytes = $domainbytes{$domain};
+ $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $domainfiles{$domain} / $xferfiles);
+ $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100 * $domainbytes{$domain} / $xferbytes);
+ write;
+if ($hourly_report) {
+format top8 =
+Hourly Transmission Statistics
+ Number Of Number of Percent Of Percent Of
+ Time Files Sent MB Sent Files Sent Bytes Sent
+--------------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
+format line8 =
+@<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>
+$hour, $nfiles, $nbytes/(1024*1024), $pctfiles, $pctbytes
+$| = 1;
+$- = 0;
+$^ = top8;
+$~ = line8;
+foreach $hour (sort keys %xfertbytes) {
+ $nfiles = $xfertfiles{$hour};
+ $nbytes = $xfertbytes{$hour};
+ $pctfiles = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xfertfiles{$hour} / $xferfiles);
+ $pctbytes = sprintf("%8.2f", 100*$xfertbytes{$hour} / $xferbytes);
+ write;
+sub datecompare {
+ $a cmp $b;
+sub domnamcompare {
+ $sdiff = length($a) - length($b);
+ ($sdiff < 0) ? -1 : ($sdiff > 0) ? 1 : $a cmp $b;
+sub bytecompare {
+ $bdiff = $groupbytes{$b} - $groupbytes{$a};
+ ($bdiff < 0) ? -1 : ($bdiff > 0) ? 1 : $a cmp $b;
+sub faccompare {
+ $fdiff = $fac{$b} - $fac{$a};
+ ($fdiff < 0) ? -1 : ($fdiff > 0) ? 1 : $a cmp $b;
+sub usage
+ die <<EOT;
+USAGE: rsyncstats [options]
+ -f FILENAME Use FILENAME for the log file.
+ -h Include report on hourly traffic.
+ -d Include report on domain traffic.
+ -t Report on total traffic by section.
+ -D DOMAIN Report only on traffic from DOMAIN.
+ -l DEPTH Set DEPTH of path detail for sections.
+ -s SECTION Set SECTION to report on. For example, "-s /pub"
+ will report only on paths under "/pub".
diff --git a/support/savetransfer.c b/support/savetransfer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808a6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/savetransfer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* This program can record the stream of data flowing to or from a program.
+ * This allows it to be used to check that rsync's data that is flowing
+ * through a remote shell is not being corrupted (for example).
+ *
+ * Usage: savetransfer [-i|-o] OUTPUT_FILE PROGRAM [ARGS...]
+ * -i Save the input going to PROGRAM to the OUTPUT_FILE
+ * -o Save the output coming from PROGRAM to the OUTPUT_FILE
+ *
+ * If you want to capture the flow of data for an rsync command, use one of
+ * the following commands (the resulting files should be identical):
+ *
+ * rsync -av --rsh="savetransfer -i /tmp/to.server ssh"
+ * --rsync-path="savetransfer -i /tmp/from.client rsync" SOURCE DEST
+ *
+ * rsync -av --rsh="savetransfer -o /tmp/from.server ssh"
+ * --rsync-path="savetransfer -o /tmp/to.client rsync" SOURCE DEST
+ *
+ * Note that this program aborts after 30 seconds of inactivity, so you'll need
+ * to change it if that is not enough dead time for your transfer. Also, some
+ * of the above commands will not notice that the transfer is done (if we're
+ * saving the input to a PROGRAM and the PROGRAM goes away: we won't notice
+ * that it's gone unless more data comes in) -- when this happens it will delay
+ * at the end of the transfer until the timeout period expires.
+ */
+#include "../rsync.h"
+static struct sigaction sigact;
+void run_program(char **command);
+char buf[4096];
+int save_data_from_program = 0;
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int fd_file, len;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ fd_set fds;
+ argv++;
+ if (--argc && argv[0][0] == '-') {
+ if (argv[0][1] == 'o')
+ save_data_from_program = 1;
+ else if (argv[0][1] == 'i')
+ save_data_from_program = 0;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ argv++;
+ argc--;
+ }
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: savetransfer [-i|-o] OUTPUT_FILE PROGRAM [ARGS...]\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "-i Save the input going to PROGRAM to the OUTPUT_FILE\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "-o Save the output coming from PROGRAM to the OUTPUT_FILE\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((fd_file = open(*argv, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, 0644)) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write to `%s': %s\n", *argv, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ set_blocking(fd_file);
+ run_program(argv + 1);
+#if defined HAVE_SETMODE && O_BINARY
+ set_nonblocking(STDIN_FILENO);
+ set_blocking(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ while (1) {
+ FD_ZERO(&fds);
+ tv.tv_sec = TIMEOUT_SECONDS;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ if (!select(STDIN_FILENO+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv))
+ break;
+ if (!FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds))
+ break;
+ if ((len = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof buf)) <= 0)
+ break;
+ if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, len) != len) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write data to stdout: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (write(fd_file, buf, len) != len) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write data to fd_file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+run_program(char **command)
+ int pipe_fds[2], ret;
+ pid_t pid;
+ if (pipe(pipe_fds) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "pipe failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ if (save_data_from_program)
+ ret = dup2(pipe_fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
+ else
+ ret = dup2(pipe_fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to dup (in child): %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ close(pipe_fds[0]);
+ close(pipe_fds[1]);
+ set_blocking(STDIN_FILENO);
+ set_blocking(STDOUT_FILENO);
+ execvp(command[0], command);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to exec %s: %s\n", command[0], strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (save_data_from_program)
+ ret = dup2(pipe_fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
+ else
+ ret = dup2(pipe_fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to dup (in parent): %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ close(pipe_fds[0]);
+ close(pipe_fds[1]);
+set_nonblocking(int fd)
+ int val;
+ if ((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1)
+ return;
+ if (!(val & NONBLOCK_FLAG)) {
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val);
+ }
+set_blocking(int fd)
+ int val;
+ if ((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) < 0)
+ return;
+ if (val & NONBLOCK_FLAG) {
+ val &= ~NONBLOCK_FLAG;
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val);
+ }
diff --git a/syscall.c b/syscall.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92074a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syscall.c
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+ * Syscall wrappers to ensure that nothing gets done in dry_run mode
+ * and to handle system peculiarities.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#if !defined MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS && defined HAVE_SYS_UN_H
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <sys/attr.h>
+#if defined HAVE_SYS_FALLOCATE && !defined HAVE_FALLOCATE
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int read_only;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int inplace;
+extern int preallocate_files;
+extern int preserve_perms;
+extern int preserve_executability;
+extern int open_noatime;
+#ifndef S_BLKSIZE
+# if defined hpux || defined __hpux__ || defined __hpux
+# define S_BLKSIZE 1024
+# elif defined _AIX && defined _I386
+# define S_BLKSIZE 4096
+# else
+# define S_BLKSIZE 512
+# endif
+#pragma pack(push, 4)
+struct create_time {
+ uint32 length;
+ struct timespec crtime;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#elif defined __CYGWIN__
+#include <windows.h>
+#define RETURN_ERROR_IF(x,e) \
+ do { \
+ if (x) { \
+ errno = (e); \
+ return -1; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define RETURN_ERROR_IF_RO_OR_LO RETURN_ERROR_IF(read_only || list_only, EROFS)
+int do_unlink(const char *path)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ return unlink(path);
+int do_symlink(const char *lnk, const char *path)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ /* For --fake-super, we create a normal file with mode 0600
+ * and write the lnk into it. */
+ if (am_root < 0) {
+ int ok, len = strlen(lnk);
+ int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return -1;
+ ok = write(fd, lnk, len) == len;
+ if (close(fd) < 0)
+ ok = 0;
+ return ok ? 0 : -1;
+ }
+ return symlink(lnk, path);
+ssize_t do_readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsiz)
+ /* For --fake-super, we read the link from the file. */
+ if (am_root < 0) {
+ int fd = do_open_nofollow(path, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd >= 0) {
+ int len = read(fd, buf, bufsiz);
+ close(fd);
+ return len;
+ }
+ if (errno != ELOOP)
+ return -1;
+ /* A real symlink needs to be turned into a fake one on the receiving
+ * side, so tell the generator that the link has no length. */
+ if (!am_sender)
+ return 0;
+ /* Otherwise fall through and let the sender report the real length. */
+ }
+ return readlink(path, buf, bufsiz);
+#if defined HAVE_LINK || defined HAVE_LINKAT
+int do_link(const char *old_path, const char *new_path)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ return linkat(AT_FDCWD, old_path, AT_FDCWD, new_path, 0);
+ return link(old_path, new_path);
+int do_lchown(const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+#ifndef HAVE_LCHOWN
+#define lchown chown
+ return lchown(path, owner, group);
+int do_mknod(const char *pathname, mode_t mode, dev_t dev)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ /* For --fake-super, we create a normal file with mode 0600. */
+ if (am_root < 0) {
+ int fd = open(pathname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR);
+ if (fd < 0 || close(fd) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+#if !defined MKNOD_CREATES_FIFOS && defined HAVE_MKFIFO
+ if (S_ISFIFO(mode))
+ return mkfifo(pathname, mode);
+#if !defined MKNOD_CREATES_SOCKETS && defined HAVE_SYS_UN_H
+ if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) {
+ int sock;
+ struct sockaddr_un saddr;
+ unsigned int len = strlcpy(saddr.sun_path, pathname, sizeof saddr.sun_path);
+ if (len >= sizeof saddr.sun_path) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ saddr.sun_len = len + 1;
+ saddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ if ((sock = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0
+ || (unlink(pathname) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
+ || (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&saddr, sizeof saddr)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ close(sock);
+#ifdef HAVE_CHMOD
+ return do_chmod(pathname, mode);
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_MKNOD
+ return mknod(pathname, mode, dev);
+ return -1;
+int do_rmdir(const char *pathname)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ return rmdir(pathname);
+int do_open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode)
+ if (flags != O_RDONLY) {
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(dry_run, 0);
+ }
+#ifdef O_NOATIME
+ if (open_noatime)
+ flags |= O_NOATIME;
+ return open(pathname, flags | O_BINARY, mode);
+#ifdef HAVE_CHMOD
+int do_chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode)
+ static int switch_step = 0;
+ int code;
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ switch (switch_step) {
+ case 0:
+ if ((code = lchmod(path, mode & CHMOD_BITS)) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno == ENOSYS)
+ switch_step++;
+ else if (errno != ENOTSUP)
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (S_ISLNK(mode)) {
+# if defined HAVE_SETATTRLIST
+ struct attrlist attrList;
+ uint32_t m = mode & CHMOD_BITS; /* manpage is wrong: not mode_t! */
+ memset(&attrList, 0, sizeof attrList);
+ attrList.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
+ attrList.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_ACCESSMASK;
+ if ((code = setattrlist(path, &attrList, &m, sizeof m, FSOPT_NOFOLLOW)) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno == ENOTSUP)
+ code = 1;
+# else
+ code = 1;
+# endif
+ } else
+ code = chmod(path, mode & CHMOD_BITS); /* DISCOURAGED FUNCTION */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (code != 0 && (preserve_perms || preserve_executability))
+ return code;
+ return 0;
+int do_rename(const char *old_path, const char *new_path)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ return rename(old_path, new_path);
+int do_ftruncate(int fd, OFF_T size)
+ int ret;
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ do {
+ ret = ftruncate(fd, size);
+ } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);
+ return ret;
+void trim_trailing_slashes(char *name)
+ int l;
+ /* Some BSD systems cannot make a directory if the name
+ * contains a trailing slash.
+ * <> */
+ /* Don't change empty string; and also we can't improve on
+ * "/" */
+ l = strlen(name);
+ while (l > 1) {
+ if (name[--l] != '/')
+ break;
+ name[l] = '\0';
+ }
+int do_mkdir(char *path, mode_t mode)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ trim_trailing_slashes(path);
+ return mkdir(path, mode);
+/* like mkstemp but forces permissions */
+int do_mkstemp(char *template, mode_t perms)
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(dry_run, 0);
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(read_only, EROFS);
+ perms |= S_IWUSR;
+#if defined HAVE_SECURE_MKSTEMP && defined HAVE_FCHMOD && (!defined HAVE_OPEN64 || defined HAVE_MKSTEMP64)
+ {
+ int fd = mkstemp(template);
+ if (fd == -1)
+ return -1;
+ if (fchmod(fd, perms) != 0 && preserve_perms) {
+ int errno_save = errno;
+ close(fd);
+ unlink(template);
+ errno = errno_save;
+ return -1;
+ }
+#if defined HAVE_SETMODE && O_BINARY
+ setmode(fd, O_BINARY);
+ return fd;
+ }
+ if (!mktemp(template))
+ return -1;
+ return do_open(template, O_RDWR|O_EXCL|O_CREAT, perms);
+int do_stat(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *st)
+#ifdef USE_STAT64_FUNCS
+ return stat64(path, st);
+ return stat(path, st);
+int do_lstat(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *st)
+# ifdef USE_STAT64_FUNCS
+ return lstat64(path, st);
+# else
+ return lstat(path, st);
+# endif
+ return do_stat(path, st);
+int do_fstat(int fd, STRUCT_STAT *st)
+#ifdef USE_STAT64_FUNCS
+ return fstat64(fd, st);
+ return fstat(fd, st);
+OFF_T do_lseek(int fd, OFF_T offset, int whence)
+#ifdef HAVE_LSEEK64
+#if !SIZEOF_OFF64_T
+ OFF_T lseek64();
+ off64_t lseek64();
+ return lseek64(fd, offset, whence);
+ return lseek(fd, offset, whence);
+int do_setattrlist_times(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ struct attrlist attrList;
+ struct timespec ts[2];
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ /* Yes, this is in the opposite order of utime and similar. */
+ ts[0].tv_sec = stp->st_mtime;
+ ts[0].tv_nsec = stp->ST_MTIME_NSEC;
+ ts[1].tv_sec = stp->st_atime;
+ ts[1].tv_nsec = stp->ST_ATIME_NSEC;
+ memset(&attrList, 0, sizeof attrList);
+ attrList.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
+ attrList.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_MODTIME | ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME;
+ return setattrlist(path, &attrList, ts, sizeof ts, FSOPT_NOFOLLOW);
+int do_setattrlist_crtime(const char *path, time_t crtime)
+ struct attrlist attrList;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ ts.tv_sec = crtime;
+ ts.tv_nsec = 0;
+ memset(&attrList, 0, sizeof attrList);
+ attrList.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
+ attrList.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_CRTIME;
+ return setattrlist(path, &attrList, &ts, sizeof ts, FSOPT_NOFOLLOW);
+#endif /* HAVE_SETATTRLIST */
+time_t get_create_time(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ static struct create_time attrBuf;
+ struct attrlist attrList;
+ (void)stp;
+ memset(&attrList, 0, sizeof attrList);
+ attrList.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
+ attrList.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_CRTIME;
+ if (getattrlist(path, &attrList, &attrBuf, sizeof attrBuf, FSOPT_NOFOLLOW) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ return attrBuf.crtime.tv_sec;
+#elif defined __CYGWIN__
+ (void)path;
+ return stp->st_birthtime;
+#error Unknown crtimes implementation
+#if defined __CYGWIN__
+int do_SetFileTime(const char *path, time_t crtime)
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ int cnt = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, NULL, 0);
+ if (cnt == 0)
+ return -1;
+ WCHAR *pathw = new_array(WCHAR, cnt);
+ if (!pathw)
+ return -1;
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, pathw, cnt);
+ free(pathw);
+ if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ return -1;
+ int64 temp_time = Int32x32To64(crtime, 10000000) + 116444736000000000LL;
+ FILETIME birth_time;
+ birth_time.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)temp_time;
+ birth_time.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(temp_time >> 32);
+ int ok = SetFileTime(handle, &birth_time, NULL, NULL);
+ CloseHandle(handle);
+ return ok ? 0 : -1;
+#endif /* SUPPORT_CRTIMES */
+int do_utimensat(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ struct timespec t[2];
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ t[0].tv_sec = stp->st_atime;
+ t[0].tv_nsec = stp->ST_ATIME_NSEC;
+ t[0].tv_nsec = 0;
+ t[1].tv_sec = stp->st_mtime;
+ t[1].tv_nsec = stp->ST_MTIME_NSEC;
+ t[1].tv_nsec = 0;
+ return utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, t, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW);
+int do_lutimes(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ struct timeval t[2];
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ t[0].tv_sec = stp->st_atime;
+ t[0].tv_usec = stp->ST_ATIME_NSEC / 1000;
+ t[0].tv_usec = 0;
+ t[1].tv_sec = stp->st_mtime;
+ t[1].tv_usec = stp->ST_MTIME_NSEC / 1000;
+ t[1].tv_usec = 0;
+ return lutimes(path, t);
+int do_utimes(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ struct timeval t[2];
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ t[0].tv_sec = stp->st_atime;
+ t[0].tv_usec = stp->ST_ATIME_NSEC / 1000;
+ t[0].tv_usec = 0;
+ t[1].tv_sec = stp->st_mtime;
+ t[1].tv_usec = stp->ST_MTIME_NSEC / 1000;
+ t[1].tv_usec = 0;
+ return utimes(path, t);
+#elif defined HAVE_UTIME
+int do_utime(const char *path, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ struct utimbuf tbuf;
+ time_t t[2];
+ if (dry_run) return 0;
+ tbuf.actime = stp->st_atime;
+ tbuf.modtime = stp->st_mtime;
+ return utime(path, &tbuf);
+# else
+ t[0] = stp->st_atime;
+ t[1] = stp->st_mtime;
+ return utime(path, t);
+# endif
+#error Need utimes or utime function.
+OFF_T do_fallocate(int fd, OFF_T offset, OFF_T length)
+ int opts = inplace || preallocate_files ? DO_FALLOC_OPTIONS : 0;
+ int ret;
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(dry_run, 0);
+ if (length & 1) /* make the length not match the desired length */
+ length++;
+ else
+ length--;
+#if defined HAVE_FALLOCATE
+ ret = fallocate(fd, opts, offset, length);
+#elif defined HAVE_SYS_FALLOCATE
+ ret = syscall(SYS_fallocate, fd, opts, (loff_t)offset, (loff_t)length);
+ ret = posix_fallocate(fd, offset, length);
+#error Coding error in SUPPORT_PREALLOCATION logic.
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ if (opts == 0) {
+ if (do_fstat(fd, &st) < 0)
+ return length;
+ return st.st_blocks * S_BLKSIZE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Punch a hole at pos for len bytes. The current file position must be at pos and will be
+ * changed to be at pos + len. */
+int do_punch_hole(int fd, OFF_T pos, OFF_T len)
+ if (fallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE | FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE, pos, len) == 0) {
+ if (do_lseek(fd, len, SEEK_CUR) != pos + len)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+# endif
+ if (fallocate(fd, FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE, pos, len) == 0) {
+ if (do_lseek(fd, len, SEEK_CUR) != pos + len)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+# endif
+ (void)pos;
+ {
+ char zeros[4096];
+ memset(zeros, 0, sizeof zeros);
+ while (len > 0) {
+ int chunk = len > (int)sizeof zeros ? (int)sizeof zeros : len;
+ int wrote = write(fd, zeros, chunk);
+ if (wrote <= 0) {
+ if (wrote < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ len -= wrote;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int do_open_nofollow(const char *pathname, int flags)
+#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW
+ STRUCT_STAT f_st, l_st;
+ int fd;
+ if (flags != O_RDONLY) {
+ RETURN_ERROR_IF(dry_run, 0);
+#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW
+ /* This function doesn't support write attempts w/o O_NOFOLLOW. */
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+#ifdef O_NOFOLLOW
+ fd = open(pathname, flags|O_NOFOLLOW);
+ if (do_lstat(pathname, &l_st) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (S_ISLNK(l_st.st_mode)) {
+ errno = ELOOP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((fd = open(pathname, flags)) < 0)
+ return fd;
+ if (do_fstat(fd, &f_st) < 0) {
+ close_and_return_error:
+ {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ close(fd);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (l_st.st_dev != f_st.st_dev || l_st.st_ino != f_st.st_ino) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ goto close_and_return_error;
+ }
+ return fd;
diff --git a/t_stub.c b/t_stub.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..085378a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_stub.c
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * This file contains really simple implementations for rsync global
+ * functions, so that module test harnesses can run standalone.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+int do_fsync = 0;
+int inplace = 0;
+int modify_window = 0;
+int preallocate_files = 0;
+int protect_args = 0;
+int module_id = -1;
+int relative_paths = 0;
+int module_dirlen = 0;
+int preserve_xattrs = 0;
+int preserve_perms = 0;
+int preserve_executability = 0;
+int omit_link_times = 0;
+int open_noatime = 0;
+size_t max_alloc = 0; /* max_alloc is needed when combined with util2.o */
+char *partial_dir;
+char *module_dir;
+filter_rule_list daemon_filter_list;
+ void rprintf(UNUSED(enum logcode code), const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ void rsyserr(UNUSED(enum logcode code), int errcode, const char *format, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ fputs(RSYNC_NAME ": ", stderr);
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ fprintf(stderr, ": %s (%d)\n", strerror(errcode), errcode);
+ void _exit_cleanup(int code, const char *file, int line)
+ fprintf(stderr, "exit(%d): %s(%d)\n",
+ code, file, line);
+ exit(code);
+ int check_filter(UNUSED(filter_rule_list *listp), UNUSED(enum logcode code),
+ UNUSED(const char *name), UNUSED(int name_is_dir))
+ /* This function doesn't really get called in this test context, so
+ * just return 0. */
+ return 0;
+ int copy_xattrs(UNUSED(const char *source), UNUSED(const char *dest))
+ return -1;
+ void free_xattr(UNUSED(stat_x *sxp))
+ return;
+ void free_acl(UNUSED(stat_x *sxp))
+ return;
+ char *lp_name(UNUSED(int mod))
+ return NULL;
+ BOOL lp_use_chroot(UNUSED(int mod))
+ return 0;
+ const char *who_am_i(void)
+ return "tester";
+ int csum_len_for_type(int cst, int flg)
+ return cst || !flg ? 16 : 1;
+ int canonical_checksum(int cst)
+ return cst ? 0 : 0;
diff --git a/t_unsafe.c b/t_unsafe.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..010cac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_unsafe.c
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * Test harness for unsafe_symlink(). Not linked into rsync itself.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* Prints either "safe" or "unsafe" depending on the two arguments.
+ * Always returns 0 unless something extraordinary happens. */
+#include "rsync.h"
+int dry_run = 0;
+int am_root = 0;
+int am_sender = 1;
+int read_only = 0;
+int list_only = 0;
+short info_levels[COUNT_INFO], debug_levels[COUNT_DEBUG];
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ if (argc != 3) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usage: t_unsafe LINKDEST SRCDIR\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ printf("%s\n", unsafe_symlink(argv[1], argv[2]) ? "unsafe" : "safe");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/tech_report.tex b/tech_report.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4144990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tech_report.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+\title{The rsync algorithm}
+\author{Andrew Tridgell \quad\quad Paul Mackerras\\
+Department of Computer Science \\
+Australian National University \\
+Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia}
+ This report presents an algorithm for updating a file on one machine
+ to be identical to a file on another machine. We assume that the
+ two machines are connected by a low-bandwidth high-latency
+ bi-directional communications link. The algorithm identifies parts
+ of the source file which are identical to some part of the
+ destination file, and only sends those parts which cannot be matched
+ in this way. Effectively, the algorithm computes a set of
+ differences without having both files on the same machine. The
+ algorithm works best when the files are similar, but will also
+ function correctly and reasonably efficiently when the files are
+ quite different.
+\section{The problem}
+Imagine you have two files, $A$ and $B$, and you wish to update $B$ to be
+the same as $A$. The obvious method is to copy $A$ onto $B$.
+Now imagine that the two files are on machines connected by a slow
+communications link, for example a dialup IP link. If $A$ is large,
+copying $A$ onto $B$ will be slow. To make it faster you could
+compress $A$ before sending it, but that will usually only gain a
+factor of 2 to 4.
+Now assume that $A$ and $B$ are quite similar, perhaps both derived
+from the same original file. To really speed things up you would need
+to take advantage of this similarity. A common method is to send just
+the differences between $A$ and $B$ down the link and then use this
+list of differences to reconstruct the file.
+The problem is that the normal methods for creating a set of
+differences between two files rely on being able to read both files.
+Thus they require that both files are available beforehand at one end
+of the link. If they are not both available on the same machine,
+these algorithms cannot be used (once you had copied the file over,
+you wouldn't need the differences). This is the problem that rsync
+The rsync algorithm efficiently computes which parts of a source file
+match some part of an existing destination file. These parts need not
+be sent across the link; all that is needed is a reference to the part
+of the destination file. Only parts of the source file which are not
+matched in this way need to be sent verbatim. The receiver can then
+construct a copy of the source file using the references to parts of
+the existing destination file and the verbatim material.
+Trivially, the data sent to the receiver can be compressed using any
+of a range of common compression algorithms, for further speed
+\section{The rsync algorithm}
+Suppose we have two general purpose computers $\alpha$ and $\beta$.
+Computer $\alpha$ has access to a file $A$ and $\beta$ has access to
+file $B$, where $A$ and $B$ are ``similar''. There is a slow
+communications link between $\alpha$ and $\beta$.
+The rsync algorithm consists of the following steps:
+\item $\beta$ splits the file $B$ into a series of non-overlapping
+ fixed-sized blocks of size S bytes\footnote{We have found that
+ values of S between 500 and 1000 are quite good for most purposes}.
+ The last block may be shorter than $S$ bytes.
+\item For each of these blocks $\beta$ calculates two checksums:
+ a weak ``rolling'' 32-bit checksum (described below) and a strong
+ 128-bit MD4 checksum.
+\item $\beta$ sends these checksums to $\alpha$.
+\item $\alpha$ searches through $A$ to find all blocks of length $S$
+ bytes (at any offset, not just multiples of $S$) that have the same
+ weak and strong checksum as one of the blocks of $B$. This can be
+ done in a single pass very quickly using a special property of the
+ rolling checksum described below.
+\item $\alpha$ sends $\beta$ a sequence of instructions for
+ constructing a copy of $A$. Each instruction is either a reference
+ to a block of $B$, or literal data. Literal data is sent only for
+ those sections of $A$ which did not match any of the blocks of $B$.
+The end result is that $\beta$ gets a copy of $A$, but only the pieces
+of $A$ that are not found in $B$ (plus a small amount of data for
+checksums and block indexes) are sent over the link. The algorithm
+also only requires one round trip, which minimises the impact of the
+link latency.
+The most important details of the algorithm are the rolling checksum
+and the associated multi-alternate search mechanism which allows the
+all-offsets checksum search to proceed very quickly. These will be
+discussed in greater detail below.
+\section{Rolling checksum}
+The weak rolling checksum used in the rsync algorithm needs to have
+the property that it is very cheap to calculate the checksum of a
+buffer $X_2 .. X_{n+1}$ given the checksum of buffer $X_1 .. X_n$ and
+the values of the bytes $X_1$ and $X_{n+1}$.
+The weak checksum algorithm we used in our implementation was inspired
+by Mark Adler's adler-32 checksum. Our checksum is defined by
+$$ a(k,l) = (\sum_{i=k}^l X_i) \bmod M $$
+$$ b(k,l) = (\sum_{i=k}^l (l-i+1)X_i) \bmod M $$
+$$ s(k,l) = a(k,l) + 2^{16} b(k,l) $$
+where $s(k,l)$ is the rolling checksum of the bytes $X_k \ldots X_l$.
+For simplicity and speed, we use $M = 2^{16}$.
+The important property of this checksum is that successive values can
+be computed very efficiently using the recurrence relations
+$$ a(k+1,l+1) = (a(k,l) - X_k + X_{l+1}) \bmod M $$
+$$ b(k+1,l+1) = (b(k,l) - (l-k+1) X_k + a(k+1,l+1)) \bmod M $$
+Thus the checksum can be calculated for blocks of length S at all
+possible offsets within a file in a ``rolling'' fashion, with very
+little computation at each point.
+Despite its simplicity, this checksum was found to be quite adequate as
+a first-level check for a match of two file blocks. We have found in
+practice that the probability of this checksum matching when the
+blocks are not equal is quite low. This is important because the much
+more expensive strong checksum must be calculated for each block where
+the weak checksum matches.
+\section{Checksum searching}
+Once $\alpha$ has received the list of checksums of the blocks of $B$,
+it must search $A$ for any blocks at any offset that match the
+checksum of some block of $B$. The basic strategy is to compute the
+32-bit rolling checksum for a block of length $S$ starting at each
+byte of $A$ in turn, and for each checksum, search the list for a
+match. To do this our implementation uses a
+simple 3 level searching scheme.
+The first level uses a 16-bit hash of the 32-bit rolling checksum and
+a $2^{16}$ entry hash table. The list of checksum values (i.e., the
+checksums from the blocks of $B$) is sorted according to the 16-bit
+hash of the 32-bit rolling checksum. Each entry in the hash table
+points to the first element of the list for that hash value, or
+contains a null value if no element of the list has that hash value.
+At each offset in the file the 32-bit rolling checksum and its 16-bit
+hash are calculated. If the hash table entry for that hash value is
+not a null value, the second-level check is invoked.
+The second-level check involves scanning the sorted checksum list
+starting with the entry pointed to by the hash table entry, looking
+for an entry whose 32-bit rolling checksum matches the current value.
+The scan terminates when it reaches an entry whose 16-bit hash
+differs. If this search finds a match, the third-level check is
+The third-level check involves calculating the strong checksum for the
+current offset in the file and comparing it with the strong checksum
+value in the current list entry. If the two strong checksums match,
+we assume that we have found a block of $A$ which matches a block of
+$B$. In fact the blocks could be different, but the probability of
+this is microscopic, and in practice this is a reasonable assumption.
+When a match is found, $\alpha$ sends $\beta$ the data in $A$ between
+the current file offset and the end of the previous match, followed by
+the index of the block in $B$ that matched. This data is sent
+immediately a match is found, which allows us to overlap the
+communication with further computation.
+If no match is found at a given offset in the file, the rolling
+checksum is updated to the next offset and the search proceeds. If a
+match is found, the search is restarted at the end of the matched
+block. This strategy saves a considerable amount of computation for
+the common case where the two files are nearly identical. In
+addition, it would be a simple matter to encode the block indexes as
+runs, for the common case where a portion of $A$ matches a series of
+blocks of $B$ in order.
+The above sections describe the process for constructing a copy of one
+file on a remote system. If we have a several files to copy, we can
+gain a considerable latency advantage by pipelining the process.
+This involves $\beta$ initiating two independent processes. One of the
+processes generates and sends the checksums to $\alpha$ while the
+other receives the difference information from $\alpha$ and
+reconstructs the files.
+If the communications link is buffered then these two processes can
+proceed independently and the link should be kept fully utilised in
+both directions for most of the time.
+To test the algorithm, tar files were created of the Linux kernel
+sources for two versions of the kernel. The two kernel versions were
+1.99.10 and 2.0.0. These tar files are approximately 24MB in size and
+are separated by 5 released patch levels.
+Out of the 2441 files in the 1.99.10 release, 291 files had changed in
+the 2.0.0 release, 19 files had been removed and 25 files had been
+A ``diff'' of the two tar files using the standard GNU diff utility
+produced over 32 thousand lines of output totalling 2.1 MB.
+The following table shows the results for rsync between the two files
+with a varying block size.\footnote{All the tests in this section were
+ carried out using rsync version 0.5}
+\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline
+{\bf block} & {\bf matches} & {\bf tag} & {\bf false} & {\bf data} & {\bf written} & {\bf read} \\
+{\bf size} & & {\bf hits} & {\bf alarms} & & & \\ \hline \hline
+300 & 64247 & 3817434 & 948 & 5312200 & 5629158 & 1632284 \\ \hline
+500 & 46989 & 620013 & 64 & 1091900 & 1283906 & 979384 \\ \hline
+700 & 33255 & 571970 & 22 & 1307800 & 1444346 & 699564 \\ \hline
+900 & 25686 & 525058 & 24 & 1469500 & 1575438 & 544124 \\ \hline
+1100 & 20848 & 496844 & 21 & 1654500 & 1740838 & 445204 \\ \hline
+In each case, the CPU time taken was less than the
+time it takes to run ``diff'' on the two files.\footnote{The wall
+ clock time was approximately 2 minutes per run on a 50 MHz SPARC 10
+ running SunOS, using rsh over loopback for communication. GNU diff
+ took about 4 minutes.}
+The columns in the table are as follows:
+\item [block size] The size in bytes of the checksummed blocks.
+\item [matches] The number of times a block of $B$ was found in $A$.
+\item [tag hits] The number of times the 16-bit hash of the rolling
+ checksum matched a hash of one of the checksums from $B$.
+\item [false alarms] The number of times the 32-bit rolling checksum
+ matched but the strong checksum didn't.
+\item [data] The amount of file data transferred verbatim, in bytes.
+\item [written] The total number of bytes written by $\alpha$,
+ including protocol overheads. This is almost all file data.
+\item [read] The total number of bytes read by $\alpha$, including
+ protocol overheads. This is almost all checksum information.
+The results demonstrate that for block sizes above 300 bytes, only a
+small fraction (around 5\%) of the file was transferred. The amount
+transferred was also considerably less than the size of the diff file
+that would have been transferred if the diff/patch method of updating
+a remote file was used.
+The checksums themselves took up a considerable amount of space,
+although much less than the size of the data transferred in each
+case. Each pair of checksums consumes 20 bytes: 4 bytes for the
+rolling checksum plus 16 bytes for the 128-bit MD4 checksum.
+The number of false alarms was less than $1/1000$ of the number of
+true matches, indicating that the 32-bit rolling checksum is quite
+good at screening out false matches.
+The number of tag hits indicates that the second level of the
+checksum search algorithm was invoked about once every 50
+characters. This is quite high because the total number of blocks in
+the file is a large fraction of the size of the tag hash table. For
+smaller files we would expect the tag hit rate to be much closer to
+the number of matches. For extremely large files, we should probably
+increase the size of the hash table.
+The next table shows similar results for a much smaller set of files.
+In this case the files were not packed into a tar file first. Rather,
+rsync was invoked with an option to recursively descend the directory
+tree. The files used were from two source releases of another software
+package called Samba. The total source code size is 1.7 MB and the
+diff between the two releases is 4155 lines long totalling 120 kB.
+\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline
+{\bf block} & {\bf matches} & {\bf tag} & {\bf false} & {\bf data} & {\bf written} & {\bf read} \\
+{\bf size} & & {\bf hits} & {\bf alarms} & & & \\ \hline \hline
+300 & 3727 & 3899 & 0 & 129775 & 153999 & 83948 \\ \hline
+500 & 2158 & 2325 & 0 & 171574 & 189330 & 50908 \\ \hline
+700 & 1517 & 1649 & 0 & 195024 & 210144 & 36828 \\ \hline
+900 & 1156 & 1281 & 0 & 222847 & 236471 & 29048 \\ \hline
+1100 & 921 & 1049 & 0 & 250073 & 262725 & 23988 \\ \hline
+An implementation of rsync which provides a convenient interface
+similar to the common UNIX command rcp has been written and is
+available for download from
diff --git a/testhelp/ b/testhelp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ae71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhelp/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Populate a tree with pseudo-randomly distributed files to test
+# rsync.
+from __future__ import generators
+import random, string, os, os.path
+nfiles = 10000
+depth = 5
+n_children = 20
+n_files = 20
+n_symlinks = 10
+name_chars = string.digits + string.letters
+abuffer = 'a' * 1024
+def random_name_chars():
+ a = ""
+ for i in range(10):
+ a = a + random.choice(name_chars)
+ return a
+def generate_names():
+ n = 0
+ while 1:
+ yield "%05d_%s" % (n, random_name_chars())
+ n += 1
+class TreeBuilder:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.n_children = 20
+ self.n_files = 100
+ self.total_entries = 100000 # long(1e8)
+ self.actual_size = 0
+ self.name_gen = generate_names()
+ self.all_files = []
+ self.all_dirs = []
+ self.all_symlinks = []
+ def random_size(self):
+ return random.lognormvariate(4, 4)
+ def random_symlink_target(self):
+ what = random.choice(['directory', 'file', 'symlink', 'none'])
+ try:
+ if what == 'directory':
+ return random.choice(self.all_dirs)
+ elif what == 'file':
+ return random.choice(self.all_files)
+ elif what == 'symlink':
+ return random.choice(self.all_symlinks)
+ elif what == 'none':
+ return
+ except IndexError:
+ return
+ def can_continue(self):
+ self.total_entries -= 1
+ return self.total_entries > 0
+ def build_tree(self, prefix, depth):
+ """Generate a breadth-first tree"""
+ for count, function in [[n_files, self.make_file],
+ [n_children, self.make_child_recurse],
+ [n_symlinks, self.make_symlink]]:
+ for i in range(count):
+ if not self.can_continue():
+ return
+ name = os.path.join(prefix,
+ function(name, depth)
+ def print_summary(self):
+ print "total bytes: %d" % self.actual_size
+ def make_child_recurse(self, dname, depth):
+ if depth > 1:
+ self.make_dir(dname)
+ self.build_tree(dname, depth-1)
+ def make_dir(self, dname, depth='ignore'):
+ print "%s/" % (dname)
+ os.mkdir(dname)
+ self.all_dirs.append(dname)
+ def make_symlink(self, lname, depth='ignore'):
+ print "%s -> %s" % (lname, self.random_symlink_target())
+ def make_file(self, fname, depth='ignore'):
+ size = long(self.random_size())
+ print "%-70s %d" % (fname, size)
+ f = open(fname, 'w')
+ f.truncate(size)
+ self.fill_file(f, size)
+ self.all_files.append(fname)
+ self.actual_size += size
+ def fill_file(self, f, size):
+ while size > 0:
+ f.write(abuffer[:size])
+ size -= len(abuffer)
+tb = TreeBuilder()
+tb.build_tree('/tmp/foo', 3)
diff --git a/testrun.c b/testrun.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..049e3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testrun.c
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* Run a testsuite script with a timeout. */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS (5*60)
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ pid_t pid;
+ char *timeout_env;
+ int status, timeout_secs, slept = 0;
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: testrun [SHELL_OPTIONS] TESTSUITE_SCRIPT [ARGS]\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((timeout_env = getenv(TIMEOUT_ENV)) != NULL)
+ timeout_secs = atoi(timeout_env);
+ else
+ timeout_secs = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS;
+ if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "TESTRUN ERROR: fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ argv[0] = "sh";
+ execvp(argv[0], argv);
+ fprintf(stderr, "TESTRUN ERROR: failed to exec %s: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno));
+ _exit(1);
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ int ret = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG);
+ if (ret > 0)
+ break;
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(stderr, "TESTRUN ERROR: waitpid failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (slept++ > timeout_secs) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "TESTRUN TIMEOUT: test took over %d seconds.\n", timeout_secs);
+ if (kill(pid, SIGTERM) < 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "TESTRUN ERROR: failed to kill pid %d: %s\n", (int)pid, strerror(errno));
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "TESTRUN INFO: killed pid %d\n", (int)pid);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (!WIFEXITED(status))
+ exit(255);
+ return WEXITSTATUS(status);
diff --git a/testsuite/00-hello.test b/testsuite/00-hello.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd0683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/00-hello.test
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Test some foundational things.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+export RSYNC_RSH
+echo $0 running
+$RSYNC --version || test_fail '--version output failed'
+$RSYNC --info=help || test_fail '--info=help output failed'
+$RSYNC --debug=help || test_fail '--debug=help output failed'
+weird_name="A weird)name"
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+mkdir "$fromdir/$weird_name"
+append_line() {
+ echo "$1"
+ echo "$1" >>"$fromdir/$weird_name/file"
+append_line test1
+checkit "$RSYNC -ai '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+copy_weird() {
+ checkit "$RSYNC $1 --rsync-path='$RSYNC' '$2$fromdir/$weird_name/' '$3$todir/$weird_name'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+append_line test2
+copy_weird '-ai' 'lh:' ''
+append_line test3
+copy_weird '-ai' '' 'lh:'
+append_line test4
+copy_weird '-ais' 'lh:' ''
+append_line test5
+copy_weird '-ais' '' 'lh:'
+echo test6
+touch "$fromdir/one" "$fromdir/two"
+(cd "$fromdir" && $RSYNC -ai --old-args --rsync-path="$RSYNC" lh:'one two' "$todir/")
+if [ ! -f "$todir/one" ] || [ ! -f "$todir/two" ]; then
+ test_fail "old-args copy of 'one two' failed"
+echo test7
+rm "$todir/one" "$todir/two"
+(cd "$fromdir" && RSYNC_OLD_ARGS=1 $RSYNC -ai --rsync-path="$RSYNC" lh:'one two' "$todir/")
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/README.testsuite b/testsuite/README.testsuite
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782cb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/README.testsuite
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+automatic testsuite for rsync -*- text -*-
+We're trying to develop some more substantial tests to prevent rsync
+regressions. Ideally, all code changes or bug reports would come with
+an appropriate test suite.
+You can run these tests by typing "make check" in the build directory.
+The tests will run using the rsync binary in the build directory, so
+you do not need to do "make install" first. Indeed, you probably
+should not install rsync before running the tests.
+If you instead type "make installcheck" then the suite will test the
+rsync binary from its installed location (e.g. /usr/local/bin/rsync).
+You can use this to test a distribution build, or perhaps to run a new
+test suite against an old version of rsync. Note that in accordance
+with the GNU Standards, installcheck does not look for rsync on the
+If the tests pass, you should see a report to that effect. Some tests
+require being root or some other precondition, and so will normally not
+be checked -- look at the test scripts for more information.
+If the tests fail, you will see rather more output. The scratch
+directory will remain in the build directory. It would be useful if
+you could include the log messages when reporting a failure.
+These tests also run automatically on the build farm, and you can see
+the results on
diff --git a/testsuite/acls-default.test b/testsuite/acls-default.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8fba7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/acls-default.test
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that rsync obeys default ACLs. -- Matt McCutchen
+. $suitedir/rsync.fns
+$RSYNC -VV | grep '"ACLs": true' >/dev/null || test_skipped "Rsync is configured without ACL support"
+case "$setfacl_nodef" in
+true) test_skipped "I don't know how to use your setfacl command" ;;
+*-k*) opts='-dm u::7,g::5,o:5' ;;
+*) opts='-m d:u::7,d:g::5,d:o:5' ;;
+setfacl $opts "$scratchdir" || test_skipped "Your filesystem has ACLs disabled"
+# Call as: testit <dirname> <default-acl> <file-expected> <program-expected>
+testit() {
+ todir="$scratchdir/$1"
+ mkdir "$todir"
+ $setfacl_nodef "$todir"
+ if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+ case "$setfacl_nodef" in
+ *-k*) opts="-dm $2" ;;
+ *) opts="-m `echo $2 | sed 's/\([ugom]:\)/d:\1/g'`"
+ esac
+ setfacl $opts "$todir"
+ fi
+ # Make sure we obey ACLs when creating a directory to hold multiple transferred files,
+ # even though the directory itself is outside the transfer
+ $RSYNC -rvv "$scratchdir/dir" "$scratchdir/file" "$scratchdir/program" "$todir/to/"
+ check_perms "$todir/to" $4 "Target $1"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/dir" $4 "Target $1"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/file" $3 "Target $1"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/program" $4 "Target $1"
+ # Make sure get_local_name doesn't mess us up when transferring only one file
+ $RSYNC -rvv "$scratchdir/file" "$todir/to/anotherfile"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/anotherfile" $3 "Target $1"
+ # Make sure we obey default ACLs when not transferring a regular file
+ $RSYNC -rvv "$scratchdir/dir/" "$todir/to/anotherdir/"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/anotherdir" $4 "Target $1"
+mkdir "$scratchdir/dir"
+echo "File!" >"$scratchdir/file"
+echo "#!/bin/sh" >"$scratchdir/program"
+chmod 777 "$scratchdir/dir"
+chmod 666 "$scratchdir/file"
+chmod 777 "$scratchdir/program"
+# Test some target directories
+umask 0077
+testit da777 u::7,g::7,o:7 rw-rw-rw- rwxrwxrwx
+testit da775 u::7,g::7,o:5 rw-rw-r-- rwxrwxr-x
+testit da750 u::7,g::5,o:0 rw-r----- rwxr-x---
+testit da750mask u::7,u:0:7,g::7,m:5,o:0 rw-r----- rwxr-x---
+testit noda1 '' rw------- rwx------
+umask 0000
+testit noda2 '' rw-rw-rw- rwxrwxrwx
+umask 0022
+testit noda3 '' rw-r--r-- rwxr-xr-x
+# Hooray
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/acls.test b/testsuite/acls.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..693da66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/acls.test
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that rsync handles basic ACL preservation.
+. $suitedir/rsync.fns
+$RSYNC -VV | grep '"ACLs": true' >/dev/null || test_skipped "Rsync is configured without ACL support"
+makepath "$fromdir/foo"
+echo something >"$fromdir/file1"
+echo else >"$fromdir/file2"
+files='foo file1 file2'
+case "$setfacl_nodef" in
+ if ! chmod --help 2>&1 | grep -F +a >/dev/null; then
+ test_skipped "I don't know how to use setfacl or chmod for ACLs"
+ fi
+ chmod +a "root allow read,write,execute" "$fromdir/foo" || test_skipped "Your filesystem has ACLs disabled"
+ chmod +a "root allow read,execute" "$fromdir/file1"
+ chmod +a "admin allow read" "$fromdir/file1"
+ chmod +a "daemon allow read,write" "$fromdir/file1"
+ chmod +a "root allow read,execute" "$fromdir/file2"
+ see_acls() {
+ ls -le "${@}"
+ }
+ ;;
+ setfacl -m u:0:7 "$fromdir/foo" || test_skipped "Your filesystem has ACLs disabled"
+ setfacl -m g:1:5 "$fromdir/foo"
+ setfacl -m g:2:1 "$fromdir/foo"
+ setfacl -m g:0:7 "$fromdir/foo"
+ setfacl -m u:2:1 "$fromdir/foo"
+ setfacl -m u:1:5 "$fromdir/foo"
+ setfacl -m u:0:5 "$fromdir/file1"
+ setfacl -m g:0:4 "$fromdir/file1"
+ setfacl -m u:1:6 "$fromdir/file1"
+ setfacl -m u:0:5 "$fromdir/file2"
+ see_acls() {
+ getfacl "${@}"
+ }
+ ;;
+cd "$fromdir"
+$RSYNC -avvA $files "$todir/"
+see_acls $files >"$scratchdir/acls.txt"
+cd "$todir"
+see_acls $files | diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/acls.txt" -
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/alt-dest.test b/testsuite/alt-dest.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2fb5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/alt-dest.test
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync handling of --compare-dest and similar options.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# Build some files/dirs/links to copy
+# Setup the alt and chk dirs
+$RSYNC -av --include=text --include='*/' --exclude='*' "$fromdir/" "$alt1dir/"
+$RSYNC -av --include=etc-ltr-list --include='*/' --exclude='*' "$fromdir/" "$alt2dir/"
+# Create a side dir where there is a candidate destfile of the same name as a sourcefile
+echo "This is a test file" >"$fromdir/likely"
+mkdir "$alt3dir"
+echo "This is a test file" >"$alt3dir/likely"
+sleep 1
+touch "$fromdir/dir/text" "$fromdir/likely"
+$RSYNC -av --exclude=/text --exclude=etc-ltr-list "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+# Let's do it!
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv --no-whole-file \
+ --compare-dest='$alt1dir' --compare-dest='$alt2dir' \
+ '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+rm -rf "$todir"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv --no-whole-file \
+ --copy-dest='$alt1dir' --copy-dest='$alt2dir' \
+ '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# Test that copy_file() works correctly with tmpfiles
+for maybe_inplace in '' --inplace; do
+ rm -rf "$todir"
+ checkit "$RSYNC -av $maybe_inplace --copy-dest='$alt3dir' \
+ '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+ for srchost in '' 'localhost:'; do
+ if [ -z "$srchost" ]; then
+ desthost='localhost:'
+ else
+ desthost=''
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$todir"
+ checkit "$RSYNC -ave '$SSH' --rsync-path='$RSYNC' $maybe_inplace \
+ --copy-dest='$alt3dir' '$srchost$fromdir/' '$desthost$todir/'" \
+ "$fromdir" "$todir"
+ done
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/atimes.test b/testsuite/atimes.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d46eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/atimes.test
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Test rsync copying atimes
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+$RSYNC -VV | grep '"atimes": true' >/dev/null || test_skipped "Rsync is configured without atimes support"
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+touch "$fromdir/foo"
+touch -a -t 200102031717.42 "$fromdir/foo"
+checkit "$RSYNC -rtUgvvv \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/backup.test b/testsuite/backup.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de3867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/backup.test
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that the --backup option works right.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+makepath "$fromdir/deep" "$bakdir/dname"
+cat "$srcdir"/[gr]*.[ch] > "$name1"
+cat "$srcdir"/[et]*.[ch] > "$name2"
+checkit "$RSYNC -ai --info=backup '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+checkit "$RSYNC -ai --info=backup '$fromdir/' '$chkdir/'" "$fromdir" "$chkdir"
+cat "$srcdir"/[fgpr]*.[ch] > "$name1"
+cat "$srcdir"/[etw]*.[ch] > "$name2"
+checktee "$RSYNC -ai --info=backup --no-whole-file --backup '$fromdir/' '$todir/'"
+for fn in deep/name1 deep/name2; do
+ grep "backed up $fn to $fn~" "$outfile" >/dev/null || test_fail "no backup message output for $fn"
+ diff $diffopt "$fromdir/$fn" "$todir/$fn" || test_fail "copy of $fn failed"
+ diff $diffopt "$chkdir/$fn" "$todir/$fn~" || test_fail "backup of $fn to $fn~ failed"
+ mv "$todir/$fn~" "$todir/$fn"
+echo deleted-file >"$todir/dname"
+cp_touch "$todir/dname" "$chkdir"
+checkit "$RSYNC -ai --info=backup --no-whole-file --delete-delay \
+ --backup --backup-dir='$bakdir' '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir" \
+ | tee "$outfile"
+for fn in deep/name1 deep/name2; do
+ grep "backed up $fn to .*/$fn$" "$outfile" >/dev/null || test_fail "no backup message output for $fn"
+diff -r $diffopt "$chkdir" "$bakdir" || test_fail "backup dir contents are bogus"
+rm "$bakdir/dname"
+checkit "$RSYNC -ai --info=backup --del '$fromdir/' '$chkdir/'" "$fromdir" "$chkdir"
+cat "$srcdir"/[efgr]*.[ch] > "$name1"
+cat "$srcdir"/[ew]*.[ch] > "$name2"
+checkit "$RSYNC -ai --info=backup --inplace --no-whole-file --backup --backup-dir='$bakdir' '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir" \
+ | tee "$outfile"
+for fn in deep/name1 deep/name2; do
+ grep "backed up $fn to .*/$fn$" "$outfile" >/dev/null || test_fail "no backup message output for $fn"
+diff -r $diffopt "$chkdir" "$bakdir" || test_fail "backup dir contents are bogus"
+checkit "$RSYNC -ai --info=backup --inplace --no-whole-file '$fromdir/' '$bakdir/'" "$fromdir" "$bakdir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/batch-mode.test b/testsuite/batch-mode.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf4e94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/batch-mode.test
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004 by Chris Shoemaker <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync's --write-batch and --read-batch options
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+cd "$tmpdir"
+# Build chkdir for the daemon tests using a normal rsync and an --exclude.
+$RSYNC -av --exclude=foobar.baz "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+$RSYNC -av --only-write-batch=BATCH --exclude=foobar.baz "$fromdir/" "$todir/missing/"
+test -d "$todir/missing" && test_fail "--only-write-batch should not have created destination dir"
+runtest "--read-batch (only)" 'checkit "$RSYNC -av --read-batch=BATCH \"$todir\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+rm -rf "$todir" BATCH*
+runtest "local --write-batch" 'checkit "$RSYNC -av --write-batch=BATCH \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"'
+rm -rf "$todir"
+runtest "--read-batch" 'checkit "$RSYNC -av --read-batch=BATCH \"$todir\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"'
+RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$RSYNC --config=$conf --daemon"
+rm -rf "$todir"
+runtest "daemon sender --write-batch" 'checkit "$RSYNC -av --write-batch=BATCH rsync://localhost/test-from/ \"$todir\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+rm -rf "$todir"
+runtest "--read-batch from daemon" 'checkit "$RSYNC -av --read-batch=BATCH \"$todir\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+rm -rf "$todir"
+runtest " use of --read-batch" 'checkit "./" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+runtest "do-nothing re-run of batch" 'checkit "./" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+rm -rf "$todir"
+mkdir "$todir" || test_fail "failed to restore empty destination directory"
+runtest "daemon recv --write-batch" 'checkit "\"$ignore23\" $RSYNC -av --write-batch=BATCH \"$fromdir/\" rsync://localhost/test-to" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we pass.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/chgrp.test b/testsuite/chgrp.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..467d402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/chgrp.test
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that rsync with -gr will preserve groups when the user running
+# the test is a member of them. Hopefully they're in at least one
+# test.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# Build some hardlinks
+mygrps="`rsync_getgroups`" || test_fail "Can't get groups"
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+for g in $mygrps; do
+ name="$fromdir/foo-$g"
+ date > "$name"
+ chgrp "$g" "$name" || test_fail "Can't chgrp"
+sleep 2
+checkit "$RSYNC -rtgpvvv '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/chmod-option.test b/testsuite/chmod-option.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddf764c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/chmod-option.test
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that the --chmod option functions correctly.
+. $suitedir/rsync.fns
+# Build some files
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+echo "This is the file" > "$name1"
+echo "This is the other file" > "$name2"
+mkdir "$dir1" "$dir2"
+chmod 4700 "$name1" || test_skipped "Can't chmod"
+chmod 700 "$dir1"
+chmod 770 "$dir2"
+# Copy the files we've created over to another directory
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv '$fromdir/' '$checkdir/'" "$fromdir" "$checkdir"
+# And then manually make the changes which should occur
+umask 002
+chmod ug-s,a+rX "$checkdir"/*
+chmod +w "$checkdir" "$checkdir"/dir*
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv --chmod ug-s,a+rX,D+w '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$checkdir" "$todir"
+rm -r "$fromdir" "$checkdir" "$todir"
+makepath "$todir" "$fromdir/foo"
+touch "$fromdir/bar"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv '$fromdir/' '$checkdir/'" "$fromdir" "$checkdir"
+chmod o+x "$fromdir"/bar
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv --chmod=Fo-x '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$checkdir" "$todir"
+# Tickle a bug in rsync 2.6.8: if you push a new directory with --perms off to
+# a daemon with an incoming chmod, the daemon pretends the directory is a file
+# for the purposes of the second application of the incoming chmod.
+cat >>"$scratchdir/test-rsyncd.conf" <<EOF
+ path = $todir
+ read only = no
+ incoming chmod = Fo-x
+RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$RSYNC --config=$conf --daemon"
+rm -r "$todir"
+makepath "$todir"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv --no-perms '$fromdir/' localhost::test-incoming-chmod/" "$checkdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/chmod-temp-dir.test b/testsuite/chmod-temp-dir.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362d9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/chmod-temp-dir.test
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that various read-only and set[ug]id permissions work properly,
+# even when using a --temp-dir option (which we try to point at a
+# different filesystem than the destination dir).
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+sdev=`$TOOLDIR/getfsdev $scratchdir`
+for tmpdir2 in "${RSYNC_TEST_TMP:-/override-tmp-not-specified}" /run/shm /var/tmp /tmp; do
+ [ -d "$tmpdir2" ] && [ -w "$tmpdir2" ] || continue
+ tdev=`$TOOLDIR/getfsdev "$tmpdir2"`
+ [ x$sdev != x$tdev ] && break
+[ x$sdev = x$tdev ] && test_skipped "Can't find a tmp dir on a different file system"
+chmod 440 "$fromdir/text"
+chmod 500 "$fromdir/dir/text"
+chmod 6450 "$e" || chmod 2450 "$e" || chmod 1450 "$e" || chmod 450 "$e"
+chmod 2670 "$e" || chmod 1670 "$e" || chmod 670 "$e"
+# First a normal copy.
+runtest "normal copy" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avv --temp-dir=\"$tmpdir2\" \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"'
+# Then we update all the files.
+runtest "update copy" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avvI --no-whole-file --temp-dir=\"$tmpdir2\" \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"'
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/chmod.test b/testsuite/chmod.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1646a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/chmod.test
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that various read-only and set[ug]id permissions work properly,
+# even when using a --temp-dir option (which we try to point at a
+# different filesystem than the destination dir).
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+chmod 440 "$fromdir/text"
+chmod 500 "$fromdir/dir/text"
+chmod 6450 "$e" || chmod 2450 "$e" || chmod 1450 "$e" || chmod 450 "$e"
+chmod 2670 "$e" || chmod 1670 "$e" || chmod 670 "$e"
+# First a normal copy.
+runtest "normal copy" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avv \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"'
+# Then we update all the files.
+runtest "update copy" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avvI --no-whole-file \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"'
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/chown.test b/testsuite/chown.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b53413e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/chown.test
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that when rsync is running as root and has -a it correctly sets
+# the ownership of the destination.
+# We don't know what users will be present on this system, so we just
+# use random numeric uids and gids.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+case $0 in
+ $RSYNC -VV | grep '"xattrs": true' >/dev/null || test_skipped "Rsync needs xattrs for fake device tests"
+ RSYNC="$RSYNC --fake-super"
+ TLS_ARGS="$TLS_ARGS --fake-super"
+ case "$HOST_OS" in
+ darwin*)
+ chown() {
+ own=$1
+ shift
+ xattr -s 'rsync.%stat' "100644 0,0 $own" "${@}"
+ }
+ ;;
+ solaris*)
+ chown() {
+ own=$1
+ shift
+ for fn in "${@}"; do
+ runat "$fn" "$SHELL_PATH" <<EOF
+echo "100644 0,0 $own" > rsync.%stat
+ done
+ }
+ ;;
+ freebsd*)
+ chown() {
+ own=$1
+ shift
+ setextattr -h user "rsync.%stat" "100644 0,0 $own" "${@}"
+ }
+ ;;
+ *)
+ chown() {
+ own=$1
+ shift
+ setfattr -n 'user.rsync.%stat' -v "100644 0,0 $own" "${@}"
+ }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ RSYNC="$RSYNC --super"
+ my_uid=`get_testuid`
+ root_uid=`get_rootuid`
+ if test x"$my_uid" = x; then
+ : # If "id" failed, try to continue...
+ elif test x"$my_uid" != x"$root_uid"; then
+ if [ -e "$FAKEROOT_PATH" ]; then
+ echo "Let's try re-running the script under fakeroot..."
+ exec "$FAKEROOT_PATH" "$SHELL_PATH" "$0"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+# Build some hardlinks
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+echo "This is the file" > "$name1"
+echo "This is the other file" > "$name2"
+chown 5000:5002 "$name1" || test_skipped "Can't chown (probably need root)"
+chown 5001:5003 "$name2" || test_skipped "Can't chown (probably need root)"
+cd "$fromdir/.."
+checkit "$RSYNC -aHvv from/ to/" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/crtimes.test b/testsuite/crtimes.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456f0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/crtimes.test
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Test rsync copying create times
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+$RSYNC -VV | grep '"crtimes": true' >/dev/null || test_skipped "Rsync is configured without crtimes support"
+# Setting an older time via touch sets the create time to the mtime.
+# Setting it to a newer time affects just the mtime.
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+echo hiho >"$fromdir/foo"
+touch -t 200101011111.11 "$fromdir"
+touch -t 200202022222.22 "$fromdir"
+touch -t 200111111111.11 "$fromdir/foo"
+touch -t 200212122222.22 "$fromdir/foo"
+checkit "$RSYNC -rtgvvv --crtimes \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/daemon-gzip-download.test b/testsuite/daemon-gzip-download.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57dd820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/daemon-gzip-download.test
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# This test tries to download a tree over a compressed connection from
+# the server. This ought to exercise (exorcise?) a bug in 2.5.3.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$RSYNC --config=$conf --daemon"
+# Build chkdir with a normal rsync and an --exclude.
+$RSYNC -av --exclude=foobar.baz "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avvvvzz localhost::test-from/ '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/daemon-gzip-upload.test b/testsuite/daemon-gzip-upload.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2110ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/daemon-gzip-upload.test
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# We don't really want to start the server listening, because that
+# might interfere with the security or operation of the test machine.
+# Instead we use the fake-connect feature to dynamically assign a pair
+# of ports.
+# This test tries to upload a file over a compressed connection to the
+# server. This ought to exercise (exorcise?) a bug in 2.5.3.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$RSYNC --config=$conf --daemon"
+# Build chkdir with a normal rsync and an --exclude.
+$RSYNC -av --exclude=foobar.baz "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+checkit "'$ignore23' $RSYNC -avvvvzz '$fromdir/' localhost::test-to/" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/daemon.test b/testsuite/daemon.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60aa334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/daemon.test
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# We don't really want to start the server listening, because that
+# might interfere with the security or operation of the test machine.
+# Instead we use the fake-connect feature to dynamically assign a pair
+# of ports.
+# Having started the server we try some basic operations against it:
+# getting a list of module
+# listing files in a module
+# retrieving a module
+# uploading to a module
+# checking the log file
+# password authentication
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+SSH="src/support/ --no-cd"
+FILE_REPL='s/^\([^d][^ ]*\) *\(..........[0-9]\) /\1 \2 /'
+DIR_REPL='s/^\(d[^ ]*\) *[0-9][.,0-9]* /\1 DIR /'
+LS_REPL='s;[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] ;####/##/## ##:##:## ;g'
+makepath "$fromdir/foo" "$fromdir/bar/baz"
+makepath "$todir"
+echo one >"$fromdir/foo/one"
+echo two >"$fromdir/bar/two"
+echo three >"$fromdir/bar/baz/three"
+cd "$scratchdir"
+ln -s test-rsyncd.conf rsyncd.conf
+if test x"$my_uid" = x"$root_uid"; then
+ # Root needs to specify the config file, or it uses /etc/rsyncd.conf.
+ echo "Forcing --config=$conf"
+ confopt=" --config=$conf"
+# These have a space-padded 15-char name, then a tab, then a comment.
+sed 's/NOCOMMENT//' <<EOT >"$chkfile"
+test-from r/o
+test-to r/w
+test-scratch NOCOMMENT
+checkdiff2 "$RSYNC -ve '$SSH' --rsync-path='$RSYNC$confopt' localhost::"
+echo '===='
+RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$RSYNC --config=$conf --daemon"
+checkdiff2 "$RSYNC -v localhost::"
+echo '===='
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -r localhost::test-hidden" \
+ "sed -e '$FILE_REPL' -e '$DIR_REPL' -e '$LS_REPL'" <<EOT
+drwxr-xr-x DIR ####/##/## ##:##:## .
+drwxr-xr-x DIR ####/##/## ##:##:## bar
+-rw-r--r-- 4 ####/##/## ##:##:## bar/two
+drwxr-xr-x DIR ####/##/## ##:##:## bar/baz
+-rw-r--r-- 6 ####/##/## ##:##:## bar/baz/three
+drwxr-xr-x DIR ####/##/## ##:##:## foo
+-rw-r--r-- 4 ####/##/## ##:##:## foo/one
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -r localhost::test-from/f*" \
+ "sed -e '$FILE_REPL' -e '$DIR_REPL' -e '$LS_REPL'" <<EOT
+drwxr-xr-x DIR ####/##/## ##:##:## foo
+-rw-r--r-- 4 ####/##/## ##:##:## foo/one
+diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || test_fail "test 3 failed"
+if $RSYNC -VV | grep '"atimes": true' >/dev/null; then
+ checkdiff "$RSYNC -rU localhost::test-from/f*" \
+ "sed -e '$FILE_REPL' -e '$DIR_REPL' -e '$LS_REPL'" <<EOT
+drwxr-xr-x DIR ####/##/## ##:##:## foo
+-rw-r--r-- 4 ####/##/## ##:##:## ####/##/## ##:##:## foo/one
diff --git a/testsuite/delay-updates.test b/testsuite/delay-updates.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6226b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/delay-updates.test
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Test rsync --delay-updates
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+echo 1 > "$fromdir/foo"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiv --delay-updates \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+mkdir "$todir/.~tmp~"
+echo 2 > "$todir/.~tmp~/foo"
+touch -r .. "$todir/.~tmp~/foo" "$todir/foo"
+echo 3 > "$fromdir/foo"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiv --delay-updates \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/delete.test b/testsuite/delete.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9df7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/delete.test
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync handling of various delete directives.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+makepath "$chkdir" "$todir/extradir" "$todir/emptydir/subdir"
+echo extra >"$todir"/remove1
+echo extra >"$todir"/remove2
+echo extra >"$todir"/extradir/remove3
+echo extra >"$todir"/emptydir/subdir/remove4
+# Create two chk dirs, one with a copy of the source files, and one with
+# what we expect to be left behind by the copy using --remove-source-files.
+# Also, make sure that --dry-run --del doesn't output anything extraneous.
+$RSYNC -av "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/copy/" >"$tmpdir/copy.out" 2>&1
+cat "$tmpdir/copy.out"
+grep -E -v '^(created directory|sent|total size) ' "$tmpdir/copy.out" >"$tmpdir/"
+mv "$tmpdir/" "$tmpdir/copy.out"
+$RSYNC -avn --del "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/copy2/" >"$tmpdir/copy2.out" 2>&1 || true
+cat "$tmpdir/copy2.out"
+grep -E -v '^(created directory|sent|total size) ' "$tmpdir/copy2.out" >"$tmpdir/"
+mv "$tmpdir/" "$tmpdir/copy2.out"
+diff $diffopt "$tmpdir/copy.out" "$tmpdir/copy2.out"
+$RSYNC -av -f 'exclude,! */' "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/empty/"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv --del --remove-source-files '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir/copy" "$todir"
+diff -r "$chkdir/empty" "$fromdir"
+# Make sure that "P" but not "-" per-dir merge-file filters take effect with
+# --delete-excluded.
+cat >"$todir/filters" <<EOF
+P foo
+- bar
+touch "$todir/foo" "$todir/bar" "$todir/baz"
+$RSYNC -r --exclude=baz --filter=': filters' --delete-excluded "$fromdir/" "$todir/"
+test -f "$todir/foo" || test_fail "rsync should NOT have deleted $todir/foo"
+test -f "$todir/bar" && test_fail "rsync SHOULD have deleted $todir/bar"
+test -f "$todir/baz" && test_fail "rsync SHOULD have deleted $todir/baz"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/devices.test b/testsuite/devices.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad5f936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/devices.test
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync handling of devices. This can only run if you're root.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# Build some hardlinks
+case $0 in
+ $RSYNC -VV | grep '"xattrs": true' >/dev/null || test_skipped "Rsync needs xattrs for fake device tests"
+ RSYNC="$RSYNC --fake-super"
+ TLS_ARGS="$TLS_ARGS --fake-super"
+ case "$HOST_OS" in
+ darwin*)
+ mknod() {
+ fn="$1"
+ case "$2" in
+ p) mode=10644 ;;
+ c) mode=20644 ;;
+ b) mode=60644 ;;
+ esac
+ maj="${3:-0}"
+ min="${4:-0}"
+ touch "$fn"
+ xattr -s 'rsync.%stat' "$mode $maj,$min 0:0" "$fn"
+ }
+ ;;
+ solaris*)
+ mknod() {
+ fn="$1"
+ case "$2" in
+ p) mode=10644 ;;
+ c) mode=20644 ;;
+ b) mode=60644 ;;
+ esac
+ maj="${3:-0}"
+ min="${4:-0}"
+ touch "$fn"
+ runat "$fn" "$SHELL_PATH" <<EOF
+echo "$mode $maj,$min 0:0" > rsync.%stat
+ }
+ ;;
+ freebsd*)
+ mknod() {
+ fn="$1"
+ case "$2" in
+ p) mode=10644 ;;
+ c) mode=20644 ;;
+ b) mode=60644 ;;
+ esac
+ maj="${3:-0}"
+ min="${4:-0}"
+ touch "$fn"
+ setextattr -h user "rsync.%stat" "$mode $maj,$min 0:0" "$fn"
+ }
+ ;;
+ *)
+ mknod() {
+ fn="$1"
+ case "$2" in
+ p) mode=10644 ;;
+ c) mode=20644 ;;
+ b) mode=60644 ;;
+ esac
+ maj="${3:-0}"
+ min="${4:-0}"
+ touch "$fn"
+ setfattr -n 'user.rsync.%stat' -v "$mode $maj,$min 0:0" "$fn"
+ }
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ my_uid=`get_testuid`
+ root_uid=`get_rootuid`
+ if test x"$my_uid" = x; then
+ : # If "id" failed, try to continue...
+ elif test x"$my_uid" != x"$root_uid"; then
+ if [ -e "$FAKEROOT_PATH" ]; then
+ echo "Let's try re-running the script under fakeroot..."
+ fi
+ test_skipped "Rsync needs root/fakeroot for device tests"
+ fi
+ ;;
+# TODO: Need to test whether hardlinks are possible on this OS/filesystem
+$RSYNC -VV | grep '"hardlink_specials": true' >/dev/null && CAN_HLINK_SPECIAL=yes || CAN_HLINK_SPECIAL=no
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+mkdir "$todir"
+mknod "$fromdir/char" c 41 67 || test_skipped "Can't create char device node"
+mknod "$fromdir/char2" c 42 68 || test_skipped "Can't create char device node"
+mknod "$fromdir/char3" c 42 69 || test_skipped "Can't create char device node"
+mknod "$fromdir/block" b 42 69 || test_skipped "Can't create block device node"
+mknod "$fromdir/block2" b 42 73 || test_skipped "Can't create block device node"
+mknod "$fromdir/block3" b 105 73 || test_skipped "Can't create block device node"
+if test "$CAN_HLINK_SPECIAL" = yes; then
+ ln "$fromdir/block3" "$fromdir/block3.5"
+ echo "Skipping hard-linked device test..."
+mkfifo "$fromdir/fifo" || mknod "$fromdir/fifo" p || test_skipped "Can't run mkfifo"
+# Work around time rounding/truncating issue by touching both files.
+touch -r "$fromdir/block" "$fromdir/block" "$fromdir/block2"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -ai '$fromdir/block' '$todir/block2'" <<EOT
+cD$all_plus block
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -ai '$fromdir/block2' '$todir/block'" <<EOT
+cD$all_plus block2
+sleep 1
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -Di '$fromdir/block3' '$todir/block'" <<EOT
+cDc.T.$dots block3
+cat >"$chkfile" <<EOT
+.d..t.$dots ./
+cDc.t.$dots block
+cDc...$dots block2
+cD$all_plus block3
+hD$all_plus block3.5 => block3
+cD$all_plus char
+cD$all_plus char2
+cD$all_plus char3
+cS$all_plus fifo
+if test "$CAN_HLINK_SPECIAL" = no; then
+ grep -v block3.5 <"$chkfile" >"$"
+ mv "$" "$chkfile"
+checkdiff2 "$RSYNC -aiHvv '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" v_filt
+echo "check how the directory listings compare with diff:"
+echo ""
+( cd "$fromdir" && rsync_ls_lR . ) > "$tmpdir/ls-from"
+( cd "$todir" && rsync_ls_lR . ) > "$tmpdir/ls-to"
+diff $diffopt "$tmpdir/ls-from" "$tmpdir/ls-to"
+if test "$CAN_HLINK_SPECIAL" = yes; then
+ set -x
+ checkdiff "$RSYNC -aii --link-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$chkdir/'" <<EOT
+created directory $chkdir
+cd$allspace ./
+hD$allspace block
+hD$allspace block2
+hD$allspace block3
+hD$allspace block3.5
+hD$allspace char
+hD$allspace char2
+hD$allspace char3
+hS$allspace fifo
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/dir-sgid.test b/testsuite/dir-sgid.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6b9a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/dir-sgid.test
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that rsync obeys directory setgid. -- Matt McCutchen
+. $suitedir/rsync.fns
+umask 077
+# Call as: testit <dirname> <dirperms> <file-expected> <program-expected> <dir-expected>
+testit() {
+ todir="$scratchdir/$1"
+ mkdir "$todir"
+ chmod $2 "$todir"
+ # Make sure we obey directory setgid when creating a directory to hold multiple transferred files,
+ # even though the directory itself is outside the transfer
+ $RSYNC -rvv "$scratchdir/dir" "$scratchdir/file" "$scratchdir/program" "$todir/to/"
+ check_perms "$todir/to" $5 "Target $1"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/dir" $5 "Target $1"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/file" $3 "Target $1"
+ check_perms "$todir/to/program" $4 "Target $1"
+mkdir "$scratchdir/dir"
+# Cygwin has a persistent default dir ACL that ruins this test.
+case `getfacl "$scratchdir/dir" 2>/dev/null || true` in
+*default:user::*) test_skipped "The default ACL mode interferes with this test" ;;
+echo "File!" >"$scratchdir/file"
+echo "#!/bin/sh" >"$scratchdir/program"
+chmod u=rwx,g=rw,g+s,o=r "$scratchdir/dir" || test_skipped "Can't chmod"
+chmod 664 "$scratchdir/file"
+chmod 775 "$scratchdir/program"
+[ -g "$scratchdir/dir" ] || test_skipped "The directory setgid bit vanished!"
+mkdir "$scratchdir/dir/blah"
+[ -g "$scratchdir/dir/blah" ] || test_skipped "Your filesystem doesn't use directory setgid; maybe it's BSD."
+# Test some target directories
+testit setgid-off 700 rw------- rwx------ rwx------
+testit setgid-on u=rwx,g=rw,g+s,o-rwx rw------- rwx------ rwx--S---
+# Hooray
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/duplicates.test b/testsuite/duplicates.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3317e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/duplicates.test
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync handling of duplicate filenames.
+# It's quite possible that the user might specify the same source file
+# more than once on the command line, perhaps through shell variables
+# or wildcard expansions. It might cause problems for rsync if the
+# same name occurred more than once in the file list, because we might
+# be trying to update the first copy and generate checksums for the
+# second copy at the same time. See clean_flist() for the implementation.
+# We don't need to worry about hardlinks or symlinks. Because we
+# always rename-and-replace the new copy, they can't affect us.
+# This test is not great, because it is a timing-dependent bug.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# Build some hardlinks
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+echo "This is the file" > "$name1"
+ln -s "$name1" "$name2" || test_fail "can't create symlink"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir" \
+ | tee "$outfile"
+# Make sure each file was only copied once...
+if [ `grep -c '^name1$' "$outfile"` != 1 ]; then
+ test_fail "name1 was not copied exactly once"
+if [ `grep -c '^name2 -> ' "$outfile"` != 1 ]; then
+ test_fail "name2 was not copied exactly once"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/exclude-lsh.test b/testsuite/exclude-lsh.test
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..84bc98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/exclude-lsh.test
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+exclude.test \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testsuite/exclude.test b/testsuite/exclude.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b68b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/exclude.test
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync handling of exclude/include directives.
+# Test some of the more obscure wildcard handling of exclude/include
+# processing.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+case $0 in
+ RSYNC_RSH="$scratchdir/src/support/"
+ export RSYNC_RSH
+ rpath=" --rsync-path='$RSYNC'"
+ host='lh:'
+ ;;
+ rpath=''
+ host=''
+ ;;
+# Build some files/dirs/links to copy
+makepath "$fromdir/foo/down/to/you"
+makepath "$fromdir/foo/sub"
+makepath "$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/too"
+makepath "$fromdir/bar/down/to/bar/baz"
+makepath "$fromdir/mid/for/foo/and/that/is/who"
+makepath "$fromdir/new/keep/this"
+makepath "$fromdir/new/lose/this"
+cat >"$fromdir/.filt" <<EOF
+exclude down
+: .filt-temp
+- .filt
+- *.bak
+- *.old
+echo filtered-1 >"$fromdir/foo/file1"
+echo removed >"$fromdir/foo/file2"
+echo cvsout >"$fromdir/foo/file2.old"
+cat >"$fromdir/foo/.filt" <<EOF
+include .filt
+- /file1
+echo not-filtered-1 >"$fromdir/foo/sub/file1"
+cat >"$fromdir/bar/.filt" <<EOF
+- home-cvs-exclude
+dir-merge .filt2
++ to
+echo cvsout >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/home-cvs-exclude"
+cat >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/.filt2" <<EOF
+- .filt2
+cat >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/.filt2" <<EOF
++ *.junk
+echo keeper >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/file1"
+echo cvsout >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/file1.bak"
+echo gone >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/file3"
+echo lost >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/file4"
+echo weird >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/+ file3"
+echo cvsout-but-filtin >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/file4.junk"
+echo smashed >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/to"
+cat >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/bar/.filt2" <<EOF
+- *.deep
+echo filtout >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/bar/baz/file5.deep"
+# This one should be ineffectual
+cat >"$fromdir/mid/.filt2" <<EOF
+- extra
+echo cvsout >"$fromdir/mid/one-in-one-out"
+echo one-in-one-out >"$fromdir/mid/.cvsignore"
+echo cvsin >"$fromdir/mid/one-for-all"
+cat >"$fromdir/mid/.filt" <<EOF
+echo cvsin >"$fromdir/mid/for/one-in-one-out"
+echo expunged >"$fromdir/mid/for/foo/extra"
+echo retained >"$fromdir/mid/for/foo/keep"
+# Setup our test exclude/include files.
+cat >"$excl" <<EOF
+# If the second line of these two lines does anything, it's a bug.
++ **/bar
+- /bar
+# This should match against the whole path, not just the name.
++ foo**too
+# These should float at the end of the path.
++ foo/s?b/
+- foo/*/
+# Test how /** differs from /***
+- new/keep/**
+- new/lose/***
+# Test some normal excludes. Competing lines are paired.
++ t[o]/
+- to
++ file4
+- file[2-9]
+- /mid/for/foo/extra
+cat >"$scratchdir/.cvsignore" <<EOF
+# Start with a check of --prune-empty-dirs:
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" -f -_foo/too/ -f -_foo/down/ -f -_foo/and/ -f -_new/ "$host$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+checkit "$RSYNC -av$rpath --prune-empty-dirs '$host$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+rm -rf "$todir"
+# Add a directory symlink.
+ln -s too "$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/sym"
+# Start to prep an --update test dir
+mkdir "$scratchdir/up1" "$scratchdir/up2"
+touch "$scratchdir/up1/dst-newness" "$scratchdir/up2/src-newness"
+touch "$scratchdir/up1/same-newness" "$scratchdir/up2/same-newness"
+touch "$scratchdir/up1/extra-src" "$scratchdir/up2/extra-dest"
+# Create chkdir with what we expect to be excluded.
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv$rpath '$host$fromdir/' '$chkdir/'" "$fromdir" "$chkdir"
+sleep 1 # Ensures that the rm commands will tweak the directory times.
+rm -r "$chkdir"/foo/down
+rm -r "$chkdir"/mid/for/foo/and
+rm -r "$chkdir"/new/keep/this
+rm -r "$chkdir"/new/lose
+rm "$chkdir"/foo/file[235-9]
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/foo/to "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/foo/file[235-9]
+rm "$chkdir"/mid/for/foo/extra
+# Finish prep for the --update test (run last)
+touch "$scratchdir/up1/src-newness" "$scratchdir/up2/dst-newness"
+# Un-tweak the directory times in our first (weak) exclude test (though
+# it's a good test of the --existing option).
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --existing --include='*/' --exclude='*' "$host$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+# Now, test if rsync excludes the same files.
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv$rpath --exclude-from='$excl' \
+ --delete-during '$host$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+# Modify the chk dir by removing cvs-ignored files and then tweaking the dir times.
+rm "$chkdir"/foo/*.old
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/foo/*.bak
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/foo/*.junk
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/home-cvs-exclude
+rm "$chkdir"/mid/one-in-one-out
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --existing --filter='exclude,! */' "$host$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+# Now, test if rsync excludes the same files, this time with --cvs-exclude
+# and --delete-excluded.
+# The -C option gets applied in a different order when pushing & pulling, so we instead
+# add the 2 --cvs-exclude filter rules (":C" & "-C") via -f to keep the order the same.
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv$rpath --filter='merge $excl' -f:C -f-C --delete-excluded \
+ --delete-during '$host$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+# Modify the chk dir for our merge-exclude test and then tweak the dir times.
+rm "$chkdir"/foo/file1
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/bar/baz/*.deep
+cp_touch "$fromdir"/bar/down/to/foo/*.junk "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/foo
+cp_touch "$fromdir"/bar/down/to/foo/to "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/foo
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --existing -f 'show .filt*' -f 'hide,! */' --del "$host$fromdir/" "$todir/"
+echo retained >"$todir"/bar/down/to/bar/baz/nodel.deep
+cp_touch "$todir"/bar/down/to/bar/baz/nodel.deep "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/bar/baz
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --existing --filter='-! */' "$host$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+# Now, test if rsync excludes the same files, this time with a merge-exclude
+# file.
+checkit "sed '/!/d' '$excl' |
+ $RSYNC -avv$rpath -f dir-merge_.filt -f merge_- \
+ --delete-during '$host$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+# Remove the files that will be deleted.
+rm "$chkdir"/.filt
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/.filt
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/.filt2
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/foo/.filt2
+rm "$chkdir"/bar/down/to/bar/.filt2
+rm "$chkdir"/mid/.filt
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --existing --include='*/' --exclude='*' "$host$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+# Now, try the prior command with --delete-before and some side-specific
+# rules.
+checkit "sed '/!/d' '$excl' |
+ $RSYNC -avv$rpath -f :s_.filt -f .s_- -f P_nodel.deep \
+ --delete-before '$host$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+# Next, we'll test some rule-restricted filter files.
+cat >"$fromdir/bar/down/.excl" <<EOF
+cat >"$fromdir/bar/down/to/foo/.excl" <<EOF
++ file3
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --del "$host$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+rm "$chkdir/bar/down/to/foo/file1.bak"
+rm "$chkdir/bar/down/to/foo/file3"
+rm "$chkdir/bar/down/to/foo/+ file3"
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --existing --filter='-! */' "$host$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" --delete-excluded --exclude='*' "$host$fromdir/" "$todir/"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv$rpath -f dir-merge,-_.excl \
+ '$host$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+relative_opts='--relative --chmod=Du+w --copy-unsafe-links'
+$RSYNC -av --rsync-path="$RSYNC" $relative_opts "$host$fromdir/foo" "$chkdir/"
+rm -rf "$chkdir$fromdir/foo/down"
+$RSYNC -av $relative_opts --existing --filter='-! */' "$fromdir/foo" "$chkdir/"
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv$rpath $relative_opts --exclude='$fromdir/foo/down' \
+ '$host$fromdir/foo' '$todir'" "$chkdir$fromdir/foo" "$todir$fromdir/foo"
+# Now we'll test the --update option.
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -aiiO$rpath --update --info=skip '$host$scratchdir/up1/' '$scratchdir/up2/'" \
+ "grep -v '^\.d$allspace'" <<EOT
+dst-newness is newer
+>f$all_plus extra-src
+.f$allspace same-newness
+>f..t.$dots src-newness
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/executability.test b/testsuite/executability.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f09d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/executability.test
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test the --executability or -E option. -- Matt McCutchen
+. $suitedir/rsync.fns
+# Put some files in the From directory
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+cat <<EOF >"$fromdir/1"
+echo 'Program One!'
+cat <<EOF >"$fromdir/2"
+echo 'Program Two!'
+chmod 1700 "$fromdir/1" || test_skipped "Can't chmod"
+chmod 600 "$fromdir/2"
+$RSYNC -rvv "$fromdir/" "$todir/"
+check_perms "$todir/1" rwx------ 1
+check_perms "$todir/2" rw------- 1
+# Mix up the permissions a bit
+chmod 600 "$fromdir/1"
+chmod 601 "$fromdir/2"
+chmod 604 "$todir/2"
+$RSYNC -rvv "$fromdir/" "$todir/"
+# No -E, so nothing should have changed
+check_perms "$todir/1" rwx------ 2
+check_perms "$todir/2" rw----r-- 2
+$RSYNC -rvvE "$fromdir/" "$todir/"
+# Now things should have happened!
+check_perms "$todir/1" rw------- 3
+check_perms "$todir/2" rwx---r-x 3
+# Hooray
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/files-from.test b/testsuite/files-from.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..207eab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/files-from.test
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2020 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that --files-from=FILE works right.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# This list of files skips the contents of "subsubdir" but includes
+# the contents of "subsubdir2" due to its trailing slash.
+cat >"$scratchdir/filelist" <<EOT
+# Create a chkdir without the content that we expect to be omitted.
+$RSYNC -a --exclude=dir/text --exclude='subsubdir/**' "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+checkit "$RSYNC -av --files-from='$scratchdir/filelist' '$scratchdir' '$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+for filehost in '' 'localhost:'; do
+ for srchost in '' 'localhost:'; do
+ if [ -z "$srchost" ]; then
+ desthost='localhost:'
+ else
+ desthost=''
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$todir"
+ checkit "$RSYNC -avse '$SSH' --rsync-path='$RSYNC' --files-from='$filehost$scratchdir/filelist' '$srchost$scratchdir' '$desthost$todir/'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+ done
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/fuzzy.test b/testsuite/fuzzy.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..101ffd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/fuzzy.test
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync handling of the --fuzzy option.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+mkdir "$todir"
+cp_p "$srcdir"/rsync.c "$fromdir"/rsync.c
+cp_touch "$fromdir"/rsync.c "$todir"/rsync2.c
+sleep 1
+# Let's do it!
+checkit "$RSYNC -avvi --no-whole-file --fuzzy --delete-delay \
+ '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/hands.test b/testsuite/hands.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e265b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/hands.test
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 by Philip Hands <>
+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see COPYING)
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# Main script starts here
+runtest "basic operation" 'checkit "$RSYNC -av \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir/" "$todir"'
+ln "$fromdir/filelist" "$fromdir/dir"
+runtest "hard links" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avH --bwlimit=0 $DEBUG_OPTS \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir/" "$todir"'
+rm "$todir/text"
+runtest "one file" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avH $DEBUG_OPTS \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir/" "$todir"'
+echo "extra line" >> "$todir/text"
+runtest "extra data" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avH $DEBUG_OPTS --no-whole-file \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir/" "$todir"'
+cp "$fromdir/text" "$todir/ThisShouldGo"
+runtest " --delete" 'checkit "$RSYNC --delete -avH $DEBUG_OPTS \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir\"" "$fromdir/" "$todir"'
+cd "$tmpdir"
+rm -rf to from/*dir
+# Do the real copy, touch up the parent-dir's time, and then check the copy.
+$RSYNC -av from/* to/
+checkit "$RSYNC -av --exclude='*' from/ to/" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/hardlinks.test b/testsuite/hardlinks.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af2ea40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/hardlinks.test
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync handling of hardlinks. By default, rsync does not detect
+# hard links and they get sent as separate files. If you specify -H,
+# then hard links are detected and linked together on the receiver.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# Build some hardlinks
+# TODO: Need to test whether hardlinks are possible on this OS/filesystem
+mkdir "$fromdir"
+echo "This is the file" > "$name1"
+ln "$name1" "$name2" || test_skipped "Can't create hardlink"
+ln "$name2" "$name3" || test_fail "Can't create hardlink"
+cp "$name2" "$name4" || test_fail "Can't copy file"
+cat $srcdir/*.c >"$fromdir/text"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aHivv --debug=HLINK5 '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+echo "extra extra" >>"$todir/name1"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aHivv --debug=HLINK5 --no-whole-file '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# Add a new link in a new subdirectory to test that we don't try to link
+# the files before the directory gets created. We also create a bunch of
+# extra files to ensure that an incremental-recursion transfer works across
+# distant files.
+makepath "$fromdir/subdir/down/deep"
+for x in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
+ for y in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do
+ files="$files $x$y"
+ done
+(cd "$fromdir/subdir"; touch $files)
+ln "$name1" "$fromdir/subdir/down/deep/new-file"
+rm "$todir/text"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aHivve '$SSH' --debug=HLINK5 --rsync-path='$RSYNC' '$fromdir/' localhost:'$todir/'" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+# Do some duplicate copies using --link-dest and --copy-dest to test that
+# we hard-link all locally-inherited items.
+checkit "$RSYNC -aHivv --debug=HLINK5 --link-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$chkdir/'" "$todir" "$chkdir"
+rm -rf "$chkdir"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aHivv --debug=HLINK5 --copy-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$chkdir/'" "$fromdir" "$chkdir"
+# Create a hard link that has only one part in the hierarchy.
+echo "This is another file" >"$fromdir/solo"
+ln "$fromdir/solo" "$chkdir/solo" || test_fail "Can't create hardlink"
+# Make sure that the checksum data doesn't slide due to an HLINK_BUMP() change.
+checktee "$RSYNC -aHivc --debug=HLINK5 '$fromdir/' '$chkdir/'"
+grep solo "$outfile" && test_fail "Erroneous copy of solo file occurred!"
+# Make sure there's nothing wrong with sending a single file with -H
+# enabled (this has broken twice so far, so we need this test).
+rm -rf "$todir"
+$RSYNC -aHivv --debug=HLINK5 "$name1" "$todir/"
+diff $diffopt "$name1" "$todir" || test_fail "solo copy of name1 failed"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/itemize.test b/testsuite/itemize.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c57c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/itemize.test
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test the output of various copy commands to ensure itemized output
+# and double-verbose output is correct.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+makepath "$fromdir/foo"
+makepath "$fromdir/bar/baz"
+cp_p "$srcdir/" "$fromdir/foo/config1"
+cp_p "$srcdir/config.sub" "$fromdir/foo/config2"
+cp_p "$srcdir/rsync.h" "$fromdir/bar/baz/rsync"
+chmod 600 "$fromdir"/foo/config? "$fromdir/bar/baz/rsync"
+umask 0
+ln -s ../bar/baz/rsync "$fromdir/foo/sym"
+umask 022
+ln "$fromdir/foo/config1" "$fromdir/foo/extra"
+rm -f "$to2dir"
+# Check if rsync is set to hard-link symlinks.
+if $RSYNC -VV | grep '"hardlink_symlinks": true' >/dev/null; then
+ L=hL
+ sym_dots="$allspace"
+ L_sym_dots=".L$allspace"
+ is_uptodate='is uptodate'
+ touch "$chkfile.extra"
+ L=cL
+ sym_dots="c.t.$dots"
+ L_sym_dots="cL$sym_dots"
+ is_uptodate='-> ../bar/baz/rsync'
+ echo "cL$sym_dots foo/sym $is_uptodate" >"$chkfile.extra"
+# Check if rsync can preserve time on symlinks
+case "$RSYNC" in
+ T=.T
+ ;;
+ if $RSYNC -VV | grep '"symtimes": true' >/dev/null; then
+ T=.t
+ else
+ T=.T
+ fi
+ ;;
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -iplr '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" <<EOT
+created directory $todir
+cd$all_plus ./
+cd$all_plus bar/
+cd$all_plus bar/baz/
+>f$all_plus bar/baz/rsync
+cd$all_plus foo/
+>f$all_plus foo/config1
+>f$all_plus foo/config2
+>f$all_plus foo/extra
+cL$all_plus foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync
+# Ensure there are no accidental directory-time problems.
+$RSYNC -a -f '-! */' "$fromdir/" "$todir"
+cp_p "$srcdir/" "$fromdir/foo/config2"
+chmod 601 "$fromdir/foo/config2"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -iplrH '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" <<EOT
+>f..T.$dots bar/baz/rsync
+>f..T.$dots foo/config1
+>f.sTp$dots foo/config2
+hf..T.$dots foo/extra => foo/config1
+$RSYNC -a -f '-! */' "$fromdir/" "$todir"
+cp_p "$srcdir/config.sub" "$fromdir/foo/config2"
+sleep 1 # For directory mod below to ensure time difference
+rm "$todir/foo/sym"
+umask 0
+ln -s ../bar/baz "$todir/foo/sym"
+umask 022
+chmod 600 "$fromdir/foo/config2"
+chmod 777 "$todir/bar/baz/rsync"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -iplrtc '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" <<EOT$dots bar/baz/rsync
+.d..t.$dots foo/
+.f..t.$dots foo/config1
+>fcstp$dots foo/config2
+cLc$T.$dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync
+cp_p "$srcdir/" "$fromdir/foo/config2"
+chmod 600 "$fromdir/foo/config2"
+# Lack of -t is for unchanged hard-link stress-test!
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -vvplrH '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+bar/baz/rsync is uptodate
+foo/config1 is uptodate
+foo/extra is uptodate
+foo/sym is uptodate
+chmod 747 "$todir/bar/baz/rsync"
+$RSYNC -a -f '-! */' "$fromdir/" "$todir"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -ivvplrtH '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+.d$allspace ./
+.d$allspace bar/
+.d$allspace bar/baz/
+.f...p$dots bar/baz/rsync
+.d$allspace foo/
+.f$allspace foo/config1
+>f..t.$dots foo/config2
+hf$allspace foo/extra
+.L$allspace foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync
+chmod 757 "$todir/foo/config1"
+touch "$todir/foo/config2"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -vplrtH '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+chmod 757 "$todir/foo/config1"
+touch "$todir/foo/config2"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -iplrtH '$fromdir/' '$todir/'" <<EOT
+.f...p$dots foo/config1
+>f..t.$dots foo/config2
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -ivvplrtH --copy-dest=../to '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+cd$allspace ./
+cd$allspace bar/
+cd$allspace bar/baz/
+cf$allspace bar/baz/rsync
+cd$allspace foo/
+cf$allspace foo/config1
+cf$allspace foo/config2
+hf$allspace foo/extra => foo/config1
+cL$sym_dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+cat - "$chkfile.extra" <<EOT >"$chkfile"
+created directory $to2dir
+hf$allspace foo/extra => foo/config1
+checkdiff2 "$RSYNC -iplrtH --copy-dest=../to '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'"
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -vvplrtH --copy-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+./ is uptodate
+bar/ is uptodate
+bar/baz/ is uptodate
+bar/baz/rsync is uptodate
+foo/ is uptodate
+foo/config1 is uptodate
+foo/config2 is uptodate
+foo/sym $is_uptodate
+foo/extra => foo/config1
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -ivvplrtH --link-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+cd$allspace ./
+cd$allspace bar/
+cd$allspace bar/baz/
+hf$allspace bar/baz/rsync
+cd$allspace foo/
+hf$allspace foo/config1
+hf$allspace foo/config2
+hf$allspace foo/extra => foo/config1
+$L$sym_dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+cat - "$chkfile.extra" <<EOT >"$chkfile"
+created directory $to2dir
+checkdiff2 "$RSYNC -iplrtH --dry-run --link-dest=../to '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'"
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+checkdiff2 "$RSYNC -iplrtH --link-dest=../to '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'"
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -vvplrtH --link-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+./ is uptodate
+bar/ is uptodate
+bar/baz/ is uptodate
+bar/baz/rsync is uptodate
+foo/ is uptodate
+foo/config1 is uptodate
+foo/config2 is uptodate
+foo/extra is uptodate
+foo/sym $is_uptodate
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -ivvplrtH --compare-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+cd$allspace ./
+cd$allspace bar/
+cd$allspace bar/baz/
+.f$allspace bar/baz/rsync
+cd$allspace foo/
+.f$allspace foo/config1
+.f$allspace foo/config2
+.f$allspace foo/extra
+$L_sym_dots foo/sym -> ../bar/baz/rsync
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+cat - "$chkfile.extra" <<EOT >"$chkfile"
+created directory $to2dir
+checkdiff2 "$RSYNC -iplrtH --compare-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'"
+rm -rf "$to2dir"
+checkdiff "$RSYNC -vvplrtH --compare-dest='$todir' '$fromdir/' '$to2dir/'" \
+ v_filt <<EOT
+./ is uptodate
+bar/ is uptodate
+bar/baz/ is uptodate
+bar/baz/rsync is uptodate
+foo/ is uptodate
+foo/config1 is uptodate
+foo/config2 is uptodate
+foo/extra is uptodate
+foo/sym $is_uptodate
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/longdir.test b/testsuite/longdir.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d66bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/longdir.test
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Philip Hands <>
+# Copyright (C) 2001 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see COPYING)
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+makepath "$longdir" || test_skipped "unable to create long directory"
+touch "$longdir/1" || test_skipped "unable to create files in long directory"
+date > "$longdir/1"
+if [ -r /etc ]; then
+ ls -la /etc >"$longdir/2"
+ ls -la / >"$longdir/2"
+checkit "$RSYNC --delete -avH '$fromdir/' '$todir'" "$fromdir/" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/merge.test b/testsuite/merge.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17050a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/merge.test
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Make sure we can merge files from multiple directories into one.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# Build some files/dirs/links to copy
+# Use local dirnames to better exercise the arg-parsing code.
+cd "$tmpdir"
+mkdir from1 from2 from3 deep
+mkdir from2/sub1 from3/sub1
+mkdir from3/sub2 from1/dir-and-not-dir
+mkdir chk chk/sub1 chk/sub2 chk/dir-and-not-dir
+echo "one" >from1/one
+cp_touch from1/one from2/one
+cp_touch from1/one from3/one
+echo "two" >from1/two
+echo "three" >from2/three
+echo "four" >from3/four
+echo "five" >from1/five
+echo "six" >from3/six
+echo "sub1" >from2/sub1/uno
+cp_touch from2/sub1/uno from3/sub1/uno
+echo "sub2" >from3/sub1/dos
+echo "sub3" >from2/sub1/tres
+echo "subby" >from3/sub2/subby
+echo "extra" >from1/dir-and-not-dir/inside
+echo "not-dir" >from3/dir-and-not-dir
+echo "arg-test" >deep/arg-test
+echo "shallow" >shallow
+cp_touch from1/one from1/two from2/three from3/four from1/five from3/six chk
+cp_touch deep/arg-test shallow chk
+cp_touch from1/dir-and-not-dir/inside chk/dir-and-not-dir
+cp_touch from2/sub1/uno from3/sub1/dos from2/sub1/tres chk/sub1
+cp_touch from3/sub2/subby chk/sub2
+# Make sure that time has moved on.
+sleep 1
+# Get rid of any directory-time differences
+$RSYNC -av --existing -f 'exclude,! */' from1/ from2/
+$RSYNC -av --existing -f 'exclude,! */' from2/ from3/
+$RSYNC -av --existing -f 'exclude,! */' from1/ chk/
+$RSYNC -av --existing -f 'exclude,! */' from3/ chk/
+checkit "$RSYNC -avv deep/arg-test shallow from1/ from2/ from3/ to/" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/missing.test b/testsuite/missing.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fbf461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/missing.test
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test three bugs fixed by my redoing of the missing_below logic.
+. $suitedir/rsync.fns
+makepath "$fromdir/subdir" "$todir"
+echo data >"$fromdir/subdir/file"
+echo data >"$todir/other"
+# Test 1: Too much "not creating new..." output on a dry run
+$RSYNC -n -r --ignore-non-existing -vv "$fromdir/" "$todir/" | tee "$scratchdir/out"
+if grep 'not creating new.*subdir/file' "$scratchdir/out" >/dev/null; then
+ test_fail 'test 1 failed'
+case "$RSYNC" in
+*protocol=29*) # FIXME can we get past the new flist sanity check in protocol 29?
+ echo "Skipped test 2 for protocol 29."
+ ;;
+ # Test 2: Attempt to make a fuzzy dirlist for a dir not created on a dry run
+ $RSYNC -n -r -R --no-implied-dirs -y "$fromdir/./subdir/file" "$todir/" \
+ || test_fail 'test 2 failed'
+ ;;
+# Test 3: --delete-after pass skipped when last dir is dry-missing
+$RSYNC -n -r --delete-after -i "$fromdir/" "$todir/" | tee "$scratchdir/out"
+grep '^\*deleting * other' "$scratchdir/out" >/dev/null \
+ || test_fail 'test 3 failed'
diff --git a/testsuite/mkpath.test b/testsuite/mkpath.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8046345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/mkpath.test
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+makepath "$fromdir"
+makepath "$todir"
+cp_p "$srcdir/rsync.h" "$fromdir/text"
+cp_p "$srcdir/" "$fromdir/extra"
+cd "$tmpdir"
+# Check that we can create several levels of dest dir
+$RSYNC -aiv --mkpath from/text $deep_dir/new
+test -f $deep_dir/new || test_fail "'new' file not found in $deep_dir dir"
+rm -rf to/foo
+$RSYNC -aiv --mkpath from/text $deep_dir/
+test -f $deep_dir/text || test_fail "'text' file not found in $deep_dir dir"
+rm $deep_dir/text
+# Make sure we can handle an existing path
+mkdir $deep_dir/new
+$RSYNC -aiv --mkpath from/text $deep_dir/new
+test -f $deep_dir/new/text || test_fail "'text' file not found in $deep_dir/new dir"
+# ... and an existing path when an alternate dest filename is specified
+$RSYNC -aiv --mkpath from/text $deep_dir/new/text2
+test -f $deep_dir/new/text2 || test_fail "'text2' file not found in $deep_dir/new dir"
+rm -rf to/foo
+# Try the tests again with multiple source args
+$RSYNC -aiv --mkpath from/ $deep_dir
+test -f $deep_dir/extra || test_fail "'extra' file not found in $deep_dir dir"
+rm -rf to/foo
+$RSYNC -aiv --mkpath from/ $deep_dir/
+test -f $deep_dir/text || test_fail "'text' file not found in $deep_dir dir"
+# Make sure that we can handle no path
+$RSYNC -aiv --mkpath from/text to_text
+test -f to_text || test_fail "'to_text' file not found in current dir"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/protected-regular.test b/testsuite/protected-regular.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40416b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/protected-regular.test
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 by Achim Leitner <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see COPYING)
+# Modern linux systems have the protected_regular feature set to 1 or 2
+# See
+# Make sure we can still write these files in --inplace mode
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+test -f /proc/sys/fs/protected_regular || test_skipped "Can't find protected_regular setting (only available on Linux)"
+pr_lvl=`cat /proc/sys/fs/protected_regular 2>/dev/null` || test_skipped "Can't check if fs.protected_regular is enabled (probably need root)"
+test "$pr_lvl" != 0 || test_skipped "fs.protected_regular is not enabled"
+mkdir "$workdir"
+chmod 1777 "$workdir"
+echo "Source" > "$workdir/src"
+echo "" > "$workdir/dst"
+chown 5001 "$workdir/dst" || test_skipped "Can't chown (probably need root)"
+# Output is only shown in case of an error
+echo "Contents of $workdir:"
+ls -al "$workdir"
+$RSYNC --inplace "$workdir/src" "$workdir/dst" || test_fail
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/relative.test b/testsuite/relative.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5546291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/relative.test
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see COPYING)
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+makepath "$deepdir" "$extradir/$deepstr" "$chkdir"
+echo wowza >"$extrafile"
+$RSYNC -av --existing --include='*/' --exclude='*' "$fromdir/" "$extradir/"
+cd "$fromdir"
+# Main script starts here
+$RSYNC -ai --include=/down/ --exclude='/*' "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
+sleep 1
+runtest "basic relative" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avR ./$deepstr \"$todir\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+ln $deepstr/filelist $deepstr/dir
+ln ../chk/$deepstr/filelist ../chk/$deepstr/dir
+# Work around time rounding/truncating issue by touching both dirs.
+touch -r $deepstr/dir $deepstr/dir ../chk/$deepstr/dir
+runtest "hard links" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avHR ./$deepstr/ \"$todir\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+cp "$deepdir/text" "$todir/$deepstr/ThisShouldGo"
+cp "$deepdir/text" "$todir/$deepstr/dir/ThisShouldGoToo"
+runtest "deletion" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avHR --del ./$deepstr/ \"$todir\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"'
+runtest "non-deletion" 'checkit "$RSYNC -aiHR --del ./$deepstr/ \"$todir\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"' \
+ | tee "$outfile"
+# Make sure no files were deleted
+grep 'deleting ' "$outfile" && test_fail "Erroneous deletions occurred!"
+# Relative with merging.
+$RSYNC -ai "$extradir/down" "$chkdir/"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiR $deepstr '$extrafile' '$todir'" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiR --del $deepstr '$extrafile' '$todir'" "$chkdir" "$todir" \
+ | tee "$outfile"
+# Make sure no files were deleted
+grep 'deleting ' "$outfile" && test_fail "Erroneous deletions occurred! (2)"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/rsync.fns b/testsuite/rsync.fns
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ab97b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/rsync.fns
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001 by Martin Pool <>
+# General-purpose test functions for rsync.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# For itemized output:
+allspace=' '
+dots='.....' # trailing dots after changes
+tab_ch=' ' # a single tab character
+# Berkley's nice.
+if diff -u "$suitedir/rsync.fns" "$suitedir/rsync.fns" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ diffopt="-u"
+ diffopt="-c"
+export HOME
+runtest() {
+ echo $ECHO_N "Test $1: $ECHO_C"
+ if eval "$2"; then
+ echo "$ECHO_T done."
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo "$ECHO_T failed!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+set_cp_destdir() {
+ while test $# -gt 1; do
+ shift
+ done
+ destdir="$1"
+# Perform a "cp -p", making sure that timestamps are really the same,
+# even if the copy rounded microsecond times on the destination file.
+cp_touch() {
+ cp_p "${@}"
+ if test $# -gt 2 || test -d "$2"; then
+ set_cp_destdir "${@}" # sets destdir var
+ while test $# -gt 1; do
+ destname="$destdir/`basename $1`"
+ touch -r "$destname" "$1" "$destname"
+ shift
+ done
+ else
+ touch -r "$2" "$1" "$2"
+ fi
+# Call this if you want to filter (stdin -> stdout) verbose messages (-v or
+# -vv) from an rsync run (whittling the output down to just the file messages).
+# This isn't needed if you use -i without -v.
+v_filt() {
+ sed -e '/^building file list /d' \
+ -e '/^sending incremental file list/d' \
+ -e '/^created directory /d' \
+ -e '/^done$/d' \
+ -e '/ --whole-file$/d' \
+ -e '/^total: /d' \
+ -e '/^client charset: /d' \
+ -e '/^server charset: /d' \
+ -e '/^$/,$d'
+printmsg() {
+ echo "$1"
+rsync_ls_lR() {
+ find "$@" -name .git -prune -o -name auto-build-save -prune -o -print | \
+ sort | sed 's/ /\\ /g' | xargs "$TOOLDIR/tls" $TLS_ARGS
+get_testuid() {
+ uid=`id -u 2>/dev/null || true`
+ case "$uid" in
+ [0-9]*) echo "$uid" ;;
+ *) id 2>/dev/null | sed 's/^[^0-9]*\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/' ;;
+ esac
+get_rootuid() {
+ uid=`id -u root 2>/dev/null || true`
+ case "$uid" in
+ [0-9]*) echo "$uid" ;;
+ *) echo 0 ;;
+ esac
+get_rootgid() {
+ gid=`id -g root 2>/dev/null || true`
+ case "$gid" in
+ [0-9]*) echo "$gid" ;;
+ *) echo 0 ;;
+ esac
+# When copying via "cp -p", we want to ensure that a non-root user does not
+# preserve ownership (we want our files to be created as the testing user).
+# For instance, a Cygwin CI run might have git files owned by a different
+# user than the (admin) user running the tests.
+cp_cmd="cp -p"
+if test x`get_testuid` != x0; then
+ case `cp --help 2>/dev/null` in
+ *--no-preserve=*) cp_cmd="cp -p --no-preserve=ownership" ;;
+ esac
+cp_p() {
+ $cp_cmd "${@}" || test_fail "$cp_cmd failed"
+check_perms() {
+ perms=`"$TOOLDIR/tls" "$1" | sed 's/^[-d]\(.........\).*/\1/'`
+ if test $perms = $2; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo "permissions: $perms on $1"
+ echo "should be: $2"
+ test_fail "failed test $3"
+rsync_getgroups() {
+ "$TOOLDIR/getgroups"
+# Build test directories $todir and $fromdir, with $fromdir full of files.
+hands_setup() {
+ # Clean before creation
+ rm -rf "$fromdir"
+ rm -rf "$todir"
+ [ -d "$tmpdir" ] || mkdir "$tmpdir"
+ [ -d "$fromdir" ] || mkdir "$fromdir"
+ [ -d "$todir" ] || mkdir "$todir"
+ # On some BSD systems, the umask affects the mode of created
+ # symlinks, even though the mode apparently has no effect on how
+ # the links behave in the future, and it cannot be changed using
+ # chmod! rsync always sets its umask to 000 so that it can
+ # accurately recreate permissions, but this script is probably run
+ # with a different umask.
+ # This causes a little problem that "ls -l" of the two will not be
+ # the same. So, we need to set our umask before doing any creations.
+ # set up test data
+ touch "$fromdir/empty"
+ mkdir "$fromdir/emptydir"
+ # a hundred lines of text or so
+ rsync_ls_lR "$srcdir" > "$fromdir/filelist"
+ echo $ECHO_N "This file has no trailing lf$ECHO_C" > "$fromdir/nolf"
+ umask 0
+ ln -s nolf "$fromdir/nolf-symlink"
+ umask 022
+ cat "$srcdir"/*.c > "$fromdir/text"
+ mkdir "$fromdir/dir"
+ cp "$fromdir/text" "$fromdir/dir"
+ mkdir "$fromdir/dir/subdir"
+ echo some data > "$fromdir/dir/subdir/foobar.baz"
+ mkdir "$fromdir/dir/subdir/subsubdir"
+ if [ -r /etc ]; then
+ ls -ltr /etc > "$fromdir/dir/subdir/subsubdir/etc-ltr-list"
+ else
+ ls -ltr / > "$fromdir/dir/subdir/subsubdir/etc-ltr-list"
+ fi
+ mkdir "$fromdir/dir/subdir/subsubdir2"
+ if [ -r /bin ]; then
+ ls -lt /bin > "$fromdir/dir/subdir/subsubdir2/bin-lt-list"
+ else
+ ls -lt / > "$fromdir/dir/subdir/subsubdir2/bin-lt-list"
+ fi
+# echo testing head:
+# ls -lR "$srcdir" | head -10 || echo failed
+# Many machines do not have "mkdir -p", so we have to build up long paths.
+# How boring.
+makepath() {
+ for p in "${@}"; do
+ (echo " makepath $p"
+ # Absolute Unix path.
+ if echo $p | grep '^/' >/dev/null; then
+ cd /
+ fi
+ # This will break if $p contains a space.
+ for c in `echo $p | tr '/' ' '`; do
+ if [ -d "$c" ] || mkdir "$c"; then
+ cd "$c" || return $?
+ else
+ echo "failed to create $c" >&2; return $?
+ fi
+ done)
+ done
+# Run a test (in '$1') then compare directories $2 and $3 to see if
+# there are any difference. If there are, explain them.
+# So normally basically $1 should be an rsync command, and $2 and $3
+# the source and destination directories. This is only good when you
+# expect to transfer the whole directory exactly as is. If some files
+# should be excluded, you might need to use something else.
+checkit() {
+ failed=
+ # We can just write everything to stdout/stderr, because the
+ # wrapper hides it unless there is a problem.
+ case "x$TLS_ARGS" in
+ *--atimes*)
+ ( cd "$2" && rsync_ls_lR . ) > "$tmpdir/ls-from"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "Running: \"$1\""
+ eval "$1"
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status != 0 ]; then
+ failed="$failed status=$status"
+ fi
+ case "x$TLS_ARGS" in
+ *--atimes*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ( cd "$2" && rsync_ls_lR . ) > "$tmpdir/ls-from"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ echo "-------------"
+ echo "check how the directory listings compare with diff:"
+ echo ""
+ ( cd "$3" && rsync_ls_lR . ) > "$tmpdir/ls-to"
+ diff $diffopt "$tmpdir/ls-from" "$tmpdir/ls-to" || failed="$failed dir-diff"
+ echo "-------------"
+ echo "check how the files compare with diff:"
+ echo ""
+ if [ "x$4" != x ]; then
+ echo " === Skipping (as directed) ==="
+ else
+ diff -r $diffopt "$2" "$3" || failed="$failed file-diff"
+ fi
+ echo "-------------"
+ if [ -z "$failed" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ echo "Failed: $failed"
+ return 1
+# Run a test in $1 and make sure it has a zero exit status. Capture the
+# output into $outfile and echo it to stdout.
+checktee() {
+ echo "Running: \"$1\""
+ eval "$1" >"$outfile"
+ status=$?
+ cat "$outfile"
+ if [ $status != 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed: status=$status"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+# Slurp stdin into $chkfile and then call checkdiff2().
+checkdiff() {
+ cat >"$chkfile" # Save off stdin
+ checkdiff2 "${@}"
+# Run a test in $1 and make sure it has a zero exit status. Capture the output
+# into $outfile. If $2 is set, use it to filter the outfile. If resulting
+# outfile differs from the chkfile data, fail with an error.
+checkdiff2() {
+ failed=
+ echo "Running: \"$1\""
+ eval "$1" >"$outfile"
+ status=$?
+ cat "$outfile"
+ if [ $status != 0 ]; then
+ failed="$failed status=$status"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+ eval "cat '$outfile' | $2 >'$'"
+ mv "$" "$outfile"
+ fi
+ diff $diffopt "$chkfile" "$outfile" || failed="$failed output differs"
+ if [ -n "$failed" ]; then
+ echo "Failed:$failed"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+build_rsyncd_conf() {
+ # Build an appropriate configuration file
+ conf="$scratchdir/test-rsyncd.conf"
+ echo "building configuration $conf"
+ port=2612
+ pidfile="$scratchdir/"
+ logfile="$scratchdir/rsyncd.log"
+ hostname=`uname -n`
+ my_uid=`get_testuid`
+ root_uid=`get_rootuid`
+ root_gid=`get_rootgid`
+ uid_setting="uid = $root_uid"
+ gid_setting="gid = $root_gid"
+ if test x"$my_uid" != x"$root_uid"; then
+ # Non-root cannot specify uid & gid settings
+ uid_setting="#$uid_setting"
+ gid_setting="#$gid_setting"
+ fi
+ cat >"$conf" <<EOF
+# rsyncd configuration file autogenerated by $0
+pid file = $pidfile
+use chroot = no
+munge symlinks = no
+hosts allow = localhost $hostname
+log file = $logfile
+transfer logging = yes
+# We don't define log format here so that the test-hidden module will default
+# to the internal static string (since we had a crash trying to tweak it).
+exclude = ? foobar.baz
+max verbosity = 4
+ path = $fromdir
+ log format = %i %h [%a] %m (%u) %l %f%L
+ read only = yes
+ comment = r/o
+ path = $todir
+ log format = %i %h [%a] %m (%u) %l %f%L
+ read only = no
+ comment = r/w
+ path = $scratchdir
+ log format = %i %h [%a] %m (%u) %l %f%L
+ read only = no
+ path = $fromdir
+ list = no
+ # Build a helper script to ignore exit code 23
+ ignore23="$scratchdir/ignore23"
+ echo "building help script $ignore23"
+ cat >"$ignore23" <<'EOT'
+if "${@}"; then
+ exit
+if test $ret = 23; then
+ exit
+exit $ret
+chmod +x "$ignore23"
+build_symlinks() {
+ mkdir "$fromdir"
+ date >"$fromdir/referent"
+ ln -s referent "$fromdir/relative"
+ ln -s "$fromdir/referent" "$fromdir/absolute"
+ ln -s nonexistent "$fromdir/dangling"
+ ln -s "$srcdir/rsync.c" "$fromdir/unsafe"
+test_fail() {
+ echo "$@" >&2
+ exit 1
+test_skipped() {
+ echo "$@" >&2
+ echo "$@" > "$tmpdir/whyskipped"
+ exit 77
+# It failed, but we expected that. Don't dump out error logs,
+# because most users won't want to see them. But do leave
+# the working directory around.
+test_xfail() {
+ echo "$@" >&2
+ exit 78
+# Determine what shell command will appropriately test for links.
+ln -s foo "$scratchdir/testlink"
+for cmd in test /bin/test /usr/bin/test /usr/ucb/bin/test /usr/ucb/test; do
+ for switch in -h -L; do
+ if $cmd $switch "$scratchdir/testlink" 2>/dev/null; then
+ # how nice
+ TEST_SYMLINK_CMD="$cmd $switch"
+ # i wonder if break 2 is portable?
+ break 2
+ fi
+ done
+# ok, now get rid of it
+rm "$scratchdir/testlink"
+if [ "x$TEST_SYMLINK_CMD" = 'x' ]; then
+ test_fail "Couldn't determine how to test for symlinks"
+ echo "Testing for symlinks using '$TEST_SYMLINK_CMD'"
+# Test whether something is a link, allowing for shell peculiarities
+is_a_link() {
+ # note the variable contains the first option and therefore is not quoted
+# We need to set the umask to be reproducible. Note also that when we
+# do some daemon tests as root, we will setuid() and therefore the
+# directory has to be writable by the nobody user in some cases. The
+# best thing is probably to explicitly chmod those directories after
+# creation.
+umask 022
diff --git a/testsuite/ssh-basic.test b/testsuite/ssh-basic.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1559ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/ssh-basic.test
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Philip Hands <>
+# Copyright (C) 2001 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# This script tests ssh, if possible. It's called by
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+if test x"$rsync_enable_ssh_tests" = xyes; then
+ if type ssh >/dev/null; then
+ SSH=ssh
+ fi
+if [ "`$SSH -o'BatchMode yes' localhost echo yes`" != "yes" ]; then
+ test_skipped "Skipping SSH tests because ssh connection to localhost not authorised"
+echo "Using remote shell: $SSH"
+# Create some files for rsync to copy
+runtest "ssh: basic test" 'checkit "$RSYNC -avH -e \"$SSH\" --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC\" \"$fromdir/\" \"localhost:$todir\"" "$fromdir/" "$todir"'
+mv "$todir/text" "$todir/ThisShouldGo"
+runtest "ssh: renamed file" 'checkit "$RSYNC --delete -avH -e \"$SSH\" --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC\" \"$fromdir/\" \"localhost:$todir\"" "$fromdir/" "$todir"'
diff --git a/testsuite/symlink-ignore.test b/testsuite/symlink-ignore.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7055a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/symlink-ignore.test
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test rsync's somewhat over-featured symlink control: the default
+# behaviour is that symlinks should not be copied at all.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+build_symlinks || test_fail "failed to build symlinks"
+# Copy recursively, but without -l or -L or -a, and all the symlinks
+# should be missing.
+$RSYNC -r "$fromdir/" "$todir" || test_fail "$RSYNC returned $?"
+[ -f "$todir/referent" ] || test_fail "referent was not copied"
+[ -d "$todir/from" ] && test_fail "extra level of directories"
+if is_a_link "$todir/dangling"; then
+ test_fail "dangling symlink was copied"
+if is_a_link "$todir/relative"; then
+ test_fail "relative symlink was copied"
+if is_a_link "$todir/absolute"; then
+ test_fail "absolute symlink was copied"
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/trimslash.test b/testsuite/trimslash.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2efaa07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/trimslash.test
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <>
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test tiny function to trim trailing slashes.
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+"$TOOLDIR/trimslash" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/bin/" "/usr/local/bin///" \
+ "//a//" "////" \
+ "/Users/Weird Macintosh Name/// Ooh, translucent plastic/" \
+ > "$scratchdir/slash.out"
+diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/slash.out" - <<EOF
+/Users/Weird Macintosh Name/// Ooh, translucent plastic
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/unsafe-byname.test b/testsuite/unsafe-byname.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e7201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/unsafe-byname.test
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool
+# Call directly into unsafe_symlink and test its handling of various filenames
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+test_unsafe() {
+ # $1 is the target of a symlink
+ # $2 is the directory we're copying
+ # $3 is the expected outcome: "safe" if the link lies within $2,
+ # or "unsafe" otherwise
+ result=`"$TOOLDIR/t_unsafe" "$1" "$2"` || test_fail "Failed to check $1 $2"
+ if [ "$result" != "$3" ]; then
+ test_fail "t_unsafe $1 $2 returned \"$result\", expected \"$3\""
+ fi
+test_unsafe file from safe
+test_unsafe dir/file from safe
+test_unsafe dir/./file from safe
+test_unsafe dir/. from safe
+test_unsafe dir/ from safe
+test_unsafe /etc/passwd from unsafe
+test_unsafe //../etc/passwd from unsafe
+test_unsafe //./etc/passwd from unsafe
+test_unsafe ./foo from safe
+test_unsafe ../foo from unsafe
+test_unsafe ./../foo from unsafe
+test_unsafe .//../foo from unsafe
+test_unsafe ./../foo from/.. unsafe
+test_unsafe ../dest from/dir safe
+test_unsafe ../../dest from//dir unsafe
+test_unsafe ..//../dest from/dir unsafe
+test_unsafe .. from/file safe
+test_unsafe ../.. from/file unsafe
+test_unsafe ..//.. from//file unsafe
+test_unsafe dir/.. from safe
+test_unsafe dir/../.. from unsafe
+test_unsafe dir/..//.. from unsafe
+test_unsafe '' from unsafe
+# Based on tests from unsafe-links by Vladimír Michl
+test_unsafe ../../unsafe/unsafefile from/safe unsafe
+test_unsafe ..//../unsafe/unsafefile from/safe unsafe
+test_unsafe ../files/file1 from/safe safe
+test_unsafe ../../unsafe/unsafefile safe unsafe
+test_unsafe ../files/file1 safe unsafe
+test_unsafe ../../unsafe/unsafefile `pwd`/from/safe safe
+test_unsafe ../files/file1 `pwd`/from/safe safe
diff --git a/testsuite/unsafe-links.test b/testsuite/unsafe-links.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d209eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/unsafe-links.test
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Originally by Vladimír Michl <>
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+test_symlink() {
+ is_a_link "$1" || test_fail "File $1 is not a symlink"
+test_regular() {
+ if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ test_fail "File $1 is not regular file or not exists"
+ fi
+cd "$tmpdir"
+mkdir from
+mkdir "from/safe"
+mkdir "from/unsafe"
+mkdir "from/safe/files"
+mkdir "from/safe/links"
+touch "from/safe/files/file1"
+touch "from/safe/files/file2"
+touch "from/unsafe/unsafefile"
+ln -s ../files/file1 "from/safe/links/"
+ln -s ../files/file2 "from/safe/links/"
+ln -s ../../unsafe/unsafefile "from/safe/links/"
+echo "rsync with relative path and just -a"
+$RSYNC -avv from/safe/ to
+test_symlink to/links/file1
+test_symlink to/links/file2
+test_symlink to/links/unsafefile
+echo "rsync with relative path and -a --copy-links"
+$RSYNC -avv --copy-links from/safe/ to
+test_regular to/links/file1
+test_regular to/links/file2
+test_regular to/links/unsafefile
+echo "rsync with relative path and --copy-unsafe-links"
+$RSYNC -avv --copy-unsafe-links from/safe/ to
+test_symlink to/links/file1
+test_symlink to/links/file2
+test_regular to/links/unsafefile
+rm -rf to
+echo "rsync with relative2 path"
+(cd from; $RSYNC -avv --copy-unsafe-links safe/ ../to)
+test_symlink to/links/file1
+test_symlink to/links/file2
+test_regular to/links/unsafefile
+rm -rf to
+echo "rsync with absolute path"
+$RSYNC -avv --copy-unsafe-links `pwd`/from/safe/ to
+test_symlink to/links/file1
+test_symlink to/links/file2
+test_regular to/links/unsafefile
diff --git a/testsuite/wildmatch.test b/testsuite/wildmatch.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfe7584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/wildmatch.test
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test the wildmatch functionality
+. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
+# This test exercises the wildmatch() function (with no options) and the
+# wildmatch_join() function (using -x and/or -e).
+for opts in "" -x1 "-x1 -e1" "-x1 -e1se" -x2 "-x2 -ese" -x3 "-x3 -e1" -x4 "-x4 -e2e" -x5 "-x5 -es"; do
+ echo Running wildtest with "$opts"
+ "$TOOLDIR/wildtest" $opts "$srcdir/wildtest.txt" >"$scratchdir/wild.out"
+ diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/wild.out" - <<EOF
+No wildmatch errors found.
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/testsuite/xattrs.test b/testsuite/xattrs.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d94d5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/xattrs.test
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
+# Test that rsync handles basic xattr preservation.
+. $suitedir/rsync.fns
+$RSYNC -VV | grep '"xattrs": true' >/dev/null || test_skipped "Rsync is configured without xattr support"
+case "$HOST_OS" in
+ xset() {
+ xnam="$1"
+ xval="$2"
+ shift 2
+ xattr -s "$xnam" "$xval" "${@}"
+ }
+ xls() {
+ xattr -l "${@}" | sed "s/^[ $tab_ch]*//"
+ }
+ RSYNC_PREFIX='rsync'
+ RUSR='rsync.nonuser'
+ ;;
+ xset() {
+ xnam="$1"
+ xval="$2"
+ shift 2
+ for fn in "${@}"; do
+ runat "$fn" "$SHELL_PATH" <<EOF
+echo "${xval}" > "${xnam}"
+ done
+ }
+ xls() {
+ for fn in "${@}"; do
+ runat "$fn" "$SHELL_PATH" <<EOF
+for x in *; do echo "\$x=\`cat \$x\`"; done
+ done
+ }
+ RSYNC_PREFIX='rsync'
+ RUSR='rsync.nonuser'
+ ;;
+ xset() {
+ xnam="$1"
+ xval="$2"
+ shift 2
+ setextattr -h user "$xnam" "$xval" "${@}"
+ }
+ xls() {
+ for f in "${@}"; do lsextattr -q -h user "$f" | tr '[[:space:]]' '\n' | sort | xargs -I % getextattr -h user % "$f"; done
+ }
+ RSYNC_PREFIX='rsync'
+ RUSR='rsync'
+ ;;
+ xset() {
+ xnam="$1"
+ xval="$2"
+ shift 2
+ setfattr -n "$xnam" -v "$xval" "${@}"
+ }
+ xls() {
+ getfattr -d "${@}"
+ }
+ RSYNC_PREFIX='user.rsync'
+ RUSR='user.rsync'
+ ;;
+makepath "$lnkdir" "$fromdir/foo/bar"
+echo now >"$fromdir/file0"
+echo something >"$fromdir/file1"
+echo else >"$fromdir/file2"
+echo deep >"$fromdir/foo/file3"
+echo normal >"$fromdir/file4"
+echo deeper >"$fromdir/foo/bar/file5"
+makepath "$chkdir/foo"
+echo wow >"$chkdir/file1"
+cp_touch "$fromdir/foo/file3" "$chkdir/foo"
+dirs='foo foo/bar'
+files='file0 file1 file2 foo/file3 file4 foo/bar/file5'
+uid_gid=`"$TOOLDIR/tls" "$fromdir/foo" | sed 's/^.* \([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\) .*/\1:\2/'`
+cd "$fromdir"
+xset foo file0 2>/dev/null || test_skipped "Unable to set an xattr"
+xset bar file0
+xset user.short 'this is short' file1
+xset user.long 'this is a long attribute that will be truncated in the initial data send' file1
+xset user.good 'this is good' file1
+xset user.nice 'this is nice' file1
+xset foo file2
+xset bar file2
+xset user.long 'a long attribute for our new file that tests to ensure that this works' file2
+xset user.dir1 'need to test directory xattrs too' foo
+xset user.dir2 'another xattr' foo
+xset user.dir3 'this is one last one for the moment' foo
+xset user.dir4 'another dir test' foo/bar
+xset user.dir5 'one last one' foo/bar
+xset 'new foo' foo/file3 foo/bar/file5
+xset 'new bar' foo/file3 foo/bar/file5
+xset user.long 'this is also a long attribute that will be truncated in the initial data send' foo/file3 foo/bar/file5
+xset $RUSR.equal 'this long attribute should remain the same and not need to be transferred' foo/file3 foo/bar/file5
+xset user.dir0 'old extra value' "$chkdir/foo"
+xset user.dir1 'old dir value' "$chkdir/foo"
+xset user.short 'old short' "$chkdir/file1"
+xset user.extra 'remove me' "$chkdir/file1"
+xset 'old foo' "$chkdir/foo/file3"
+xset $RUSR.equal 'this long attribute should remain the same and not need to be transferred' "$chkdir/foo/file3"
+case $0 in
+ ln foo/bar/file5 foo/bar/file6 || test_skipped "Can't create hardlink"
+ files="$files foo/bar/file6"
+ dashH='-H'
+ altDest='--link-dest'
+ ;;
+ dashH=''
+ altDest='--copy-dest'
+ ;;
+xls $dirs $files >"$scratchdir/xattrs.txt"
+XFILT='-f-x_system.* -f-x_security.*'
+# OK, let's try a simple xattr copy.
+checkit "$RSYNC -avX $XFILT $dashH --super . '$chkdir/'" "$fromdir" "$chkdir"
+cd "$chkdir"
+xls $dirs $files | diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/xattrs.txt" -
+cd "$fromdir"
+if [ -n "$dashH" ]; then
+ for fn in $files; do
+ name=`basename $fn`
+ ln $fn ../lnk/$name
+ done
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiX $XFILT $dashH --super $altDest=../chk . ../to" "$fromdir" "$todir"
+cd "$todir"
+xls $dirs $files | diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/xattrs.txt" -
+[ -n "$dashH" ] && rm -rf "$lnkdir"
+cd "$fromdir"
+rm -rf "$todir"
+xset user.nice 'this is nice, but different' file1
+xls $dirs $files >"$scratchdir/xattrs.txt"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiX $XFILT $dashH --fake-super --link-dest=../chk . ../to" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+cd "$todir"
+xls $dirs $files | diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/xattrs.txt" -
+sed -n -e '/^[^d ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *[^ ][^ ]* *1 /p' "$scratchdir/ls-to" >"$scratchdir/ls-diff-all"
+grep -F -v './file1' "$scratchdir/ls-diff-all" >"$scratchdir/ls-diff" || :
+if [ -s "$scratchdir/ls-diff" ]; then
+ echo "Missing hard links on:"
+ cat "$scratchdir/ls-diff"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -s "$scratchdir/ls-diff-all" ]; then
+ echo "Too many hard links on file1!"
+ exit 1
+cd "$chkdir"
+chmod go-rwx . $dirs $files
+xset user.nice 'this is nice, but different' file1
+xset $RSYNC_PREFIX.%stat "40000 0,0 $uid_gid" $dirs
+xset $RSYNC_PREFIX.%stat "100000 0,0 $uid_gid" $files
+xls $dirs $files >"$scratchdir/xattrs.txt"
+cd "$fromdir"
+rm -rf "$todir"
+# When run by a non-root tester, this checks if no-user-perm files/dirs can be copied.
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiX $XFILT $dashH --fake-super --chmod=a= . ../to" "$chkdir" "$todir" # 2>"$scratchdir/errors.txt"
+cd "$todir"
+xls $dirs $files | diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/xattrs.txt" -
+cd "$fromdir"
+rm -rf "$todir" "$chkdir"
+$RSYNC -aX file1 file2
+$RSYNC -aX file1 file2 ../chk/
+$RSYNC -aX --del ../chk/ .
+$RSYNC -aX file1 ../lnk/
+[ -n "$dashH" ] && ln "$chkdir/file1" ../lnk/extra-link
+xls file1 file2 >"$scratchdir/xattrs.txt"
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiiX $XFILT $dashH $altDest=../lnk . ../to" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+[ -n "$dashH" ] && rm ../lnk/extra-link
+cd "$todir"
+xls file1 file2 | diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/xattrs.txt" -
+cd "$fromdir"
+rm "$todir/file2"
+echo extra >file1
+$RSYNC -aX . ../chk/
+checkit "$RSYNC -aiiX $XFILT . ../to" "$chkdir" "$todir"
+cd "$todir"
+xls file1 file2 | diff $diffopt "$scratchdir/xattrs.txt" -
+# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
+exit 0
diff --git a/tls.c b/tls.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6b0708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tls.c
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ * Trivial ls for comparing two directories after running an rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+/* The problem with using the system's own ls is that some features
+ * have little quirks that make directories look different when for
+ * our purposes they're the same -- for example, the BSD braindamage
+ * about setting the mode on symlinks based on your current umask.
+ *
+ * All the filenames must be given on the command line -- tls does not
+ * even read directories, let alone recurse. The typical usage is
+ * "find|sort|xargs tls".
+ *
+ * The format is not exactly the same as any particular Unix ls(1).
+ *
+ * A key requirement for this program is that the output be "very
+ * reproducible." So we mask away information that can accidentally
+ * change. */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include <popt.h>
+#include "lib/sysxattrs.h"
+#define PROGRAM "tls"
+/* These are to make syscall.o shut up. */
+int dry_run = 0;
+int am_root = 0;
+int am_sender = 1;
+int read_only = 1;
+int list_only = 0;
+int link_times = 0;
+int link_owner = 0;
+int nsec_times = 0;
+#define XSTAT_ATTR "user.rsync.%stat"
+#define XSTAT_ATTR "rsync.%stat"
+static int stat_xattr(const char *fname, STRUCT_STAT *fst)
+ unsigned int mode;
+ int rdev_major, rdev_minor, uid, gid, len;
+ char buf[256];
+ if (am_root >= 0 || IS_DEVICE(fst->st_mode) || IS_SPECIAL(fst->st_mode))
+ return -1;
+ len = sys_lgetxattr(fname, XSTAT_ATTR, buf, sizeof buf - 1);
+ if (len >= (int)sizeof buf) {
+ len = -1;
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ }
+ if (len < 0) {
+ if (errno == ENOTSUP || errno == ENOATTR)
+ return -1;
+ if (errno == EPERM && S_ISLNK(fst->st_mode)) {
+ fst->st_uid = 0;
+ fst->st_gid = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to read xattr %s for %s: %s\n",
+ XSTAT_ATTR, fname, strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ if (sscanf(buf, "%o %d,%d %d:%d",
+ &mode, &rdev_major, &rdev_minor, &uid, &gid) != 5) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Corrupt %s xattr attached to %s: \"%s\"\n",
+ XSTAT_ATTR, fname, buf);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+#if _S_IFLNK != 0120000
+ if ((mode & (_S_IFMT)) == 0120000)
+ mode = (mode & ~(_S_IFMT)) | _S_IFLNK;
+ fst->st_mode = mode;
+ fst->st_rdev = MAKEDEV(rdev_major, rdev_minor);
+ fst->st_uid = uid;
+ fst->st_gid = gid;
+ return 0;
+static int display_atimes = 0;
+static int display_crtimes = 0;
+static void failed(char const *what, char const *where)
+ fprintf(stderr, PROGRAM ": %s %s: %s\n",
+ what, where, strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+static void storetime(char *dest, size_t destsize, time_t t, int nsecs)
+ if (t) {
+ int len;
+ struct tm *mt = gmtime(&t);
+ len = snprintf(dest, destsize,
+ " %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
+ (int)mt->tm_year + 1900,
+ (int)mt->tm_mon + 1,
+ (int)mt->tm_mday,
+ (int)mt->tm_hour,
+ (int)mt->tm_min,
+ (int)mt->tm_sec);
+ if (nsecs >= 0 && len >= 0)
+ snprintf(dest + len, destsize - len, ".%09d", nsecs);
+ } else {
+ int has_nsecs = nsecs >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ int len = MIN(20 + 10*has_nsecs, (int)destsize - 1);
+ memset(dest, ' ', len);
+ dest[len] = '\0';
+ }
+static void list_file(const char *fname)
+ time_t crtime = 0;
+ char permbuf[PERMSTRING_SIZE];
+ char mtimebuf[50];
+ char atimebuf[50];
+ char crtimebuf[50];
+ char linkbuf[4096];
+ int nsecs;
+ if (do_lstat(fname, &buf) < 0)
+ failed("stat", fname);
+ if (display_crtimes && (crtime = get_create_time(fname, &buf)) == 0)
+ failed("get_create_time", fname);
+ if (am_root < 0)
+ stat_xattr(fname, &buf);
+ /* The size of anything but a regular file is probably not
+ * worth thinking about. */
+ if (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
+ buf.st_size = 0;
+ /* On some BSD platforms the mode bits of a symlink are
+ * undefined. Also it tends not to be possible to reset a
+ * symlink's mtime, so we default to ignoring it too. */
+ if (S_ISLNK(buf.st_mode)) {
+ int len;
+ buf.st_mode &= ~0777;
+ if (!link_times)
+ buf.st_mtime = (time_t)0;
+ if (!link_owner)
+ buf.st_uid = buf.st_gid = 0;
+ strlcpy(linkbuf, " -> ", sizeof linkbuf);
+ /* const-cast required for silly UNICOS headers */
+ len = do_readlink((char*)fname, linkbuf+4, sizeof linkbuf - 4);
+ if (len == -1)
+ failed("do_readlink", fname);
+ else
+ /* it's not nul-terminated */
+ linkbuf[4+len] = 0;
+ } else {
+ linkbuf[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ permstring(permbuf, buf.st_mode);
+ if (nsec_times)
+ nsecs = (int)buf.ST_MTIME_NSEC;
+ else
+ nsecs = -1;
+ storetime(mtimebuf, sizeof mtimebuf, buf.st_mtime, nsecs);
+ if (display_atimes)
+ storetime(atimebuf, sizeof atimebuf, S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ? 0 : buf.st_atime, -1);
+ else
+ atimebuf[0] = '\0';
+ if (display_crtimes)
+ storetime(crtimebuf, sizeof crtimebuf, crtime, -1);
+ else
+ crtimebuf[0] = '\0';
+ /* TODO: Perhaps escape special characters in fname? */
+ printf("%s ", permbuf);
+ if (S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode) || S_ISBLK(buf.st_mode)) {
+ printf("%5ld,%6ld", (long)major(buf.st_rdev), (long)minor(buf.st_rdev));
+ } else
+ printf("%15s", do_big_num(buf.st_size, 1, NULL));
+ printf(" %6ld.%-6ld %6ld%s%s%s %s%s\n",
+ (long)buf.st_uid, (long)buf.st_gid, (long)buf.st_nlink,
+ mtimebuf, atimebuf, crtimebuf, fname, linkbuf);
+static struct poptOption long_options[] = {
+ /* longName, shortName, argInfo, argPtr, value, descrip, argDesc */
+ {"atimes", 'U', POPT_ARG_NONE, &display_atimes, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"crtimes", 'N', POPT_ARG_NONE, &display_crtimes, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"link-times", 'l', POPT_ARG_NONE, &link_times, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"link-owner", 'L', POPT_ARG_NONE, &link_owner, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"fake-super", 'f', POPT_ARG_VAL, &am_root, -1, 0, 0 },
+ {"nsec", 's', POPT_ARG_NONE, &nsec_times, 0, 0, 0 },
+ {"help", 'h', POPT_ARG_NONE, 0, 'h', 0, 0 },
+ {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
+static void NORETURN tls_usage(int ret)
+ FILE *F = ret ? stderr : stdout;
+ fprintf(F,"usage: " PROGRAM " [OPTIONS] FILE ...\n");
+ fprintf(F,"Trivial file listing program for portably checking rsync\n");
+ fprintf(F,"\nOptions:\n");
+ fprintf(F," -U, --atimes display access (last-used) times\n");
+ fprintf(F," -N, --crtimes display create times (newness)\n");
+ fprintf(F," -l, --link-times display the time on a symlink\n");
+ fprintf(F," -L, --link-owner display the owner+group on a symlink\n");
+ fprintf(F," -f, --fake-super display attributes including fake-super xattrs\n");
+ fprintf(F," -h, --help show this help\n");
+ exit(ret);
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ poptContext pc;
+ const char **extra_args;
+ int opt;
+ pc = poptGetContext(PROGRAM, argc, (const char **)argv, long_options, 0);
+ while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) {
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'h':
+ tls_usage(0);
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n",
+ poptBadOption(pc, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS),
+ poptStrerror(opt));
+ tls_usage(1);
+ }
+ }
+ extra_args = poptGetArgs(pc);
+ if (!extra_args || *extra_args == NULL)
+ tls_usage(1);
+ for (; *extra_args; extra_args++)
+ list_file(*extra_args);
+ poptFreeContext(pc);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/token.c b/token.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c108b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/token.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+ * Routines used by the file-transfer code.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include <zstd.h>
+#ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4
+#include <lz4.h>
+extern int do_compression;
+extern int protocol_version;
+extern int module_id;
+extern int do_compression_level;
+extern char *skip_compress;
+#ifndef Z_INSERT_ONLY
+static int skip_compression_level; /* The least possible compressing for handling skip-compress files. */
+static int per_file_default_level; /* The default level that each new file gets prior to checking its suffix. */
+struct suffix_tree {
+ struct suffix_tree *sibling;
+ struct suffix_tree *child;
+ char letter, word_end;
+static char *match_list;
+static struct suffix_tree *suftree;
+void init_compression_level(void)
+ int min_level, max_level, def_level, off_level;
+ switch (do_compression) {
+ case CPRES_NONE:
+ return;
+ case CPRES_ZLIB:
+ min_level = 1;
+ max_level = Z_BEST_COMPRESSION;
+ def_level = 6; /* Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION is -1, so set it to the real default */
+ off_level = skip_compression_level = Z_NO_COMPRESSION;
+ if (do_compression_level == Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
+ do_compression_level = def_level;
+ break;
+ case CPRES_ZSTD:
+ min_level = skip_compression_level = ZSTD_minCLevel();
+ max_level = ZSTD_maxCLevel();
+ def_level = ZSTD_CLEVEL_DEFAULT;
+ off_level = CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED;
+ if (do_compression_level == 0)
+ do_compression_level = def_level;
+ break;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4
+ case CPRES_LZ4:
+ min_level = skip_compression_level = 0;
+ max_level = 0;
+ def_level = 0;
+ off_level = CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED;
+ break;
+ default: /* paranoia to prevent missing case values */
+ NOISY_DEATH("Unknown do_compression value");
+ }
+ if (do_compression_level == CLVL_NOT_SPECIFIED)
+ do_compression_level = def_level;
+ else if (do_compression_level == off_level) {
+ do_compression = CPRES_NONE;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We don't bother with any errors or warnings -- just make sure that the values are valid. */
+ if (do_compression_level < min_level)
+ do_compression_level = min_level;
+ else if (do_compression_level > max_level)
+ do_compression_level = max_level;
+static void add_suffix(struct suffix_tree **prior, char ltr, const char *str)
+ struct suffix_tree *node, *newnode;
+ if (ltr == '[') {
+ const char *after = strchr(str, ']');
+ /* Treat "[foo" and "[]" as having a literal '['. */
+ if (after && after++ != str+1) {
+ while ((ltr = *str++) != ']')
+ add_suffix(prior, ltr, after);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for (node = *prior; node; prior = &node->sibling, node = node->sibling) {
+ if (node->letter == ltr) {
+ if (*str)
+ add_suffix(&node->child, *str, str+1);
+ else
+ node->word_end = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (node->letter > ltr)
+ break;
+ }
+ newnode = new(struct suffix_tree);
+ newnode->sibling = node;
+ newnode->child = NULL;
+ newnode->letter = ltr;
+ *prior = newnode;
+ if (*str) {
+ add_suffix(&newnode->child, *str, str+1);
+ newnode->word_end = 0;
+ } else
+ newnode->word_end = 1;
+static void add_nocompress_suffixes(const char *str)
+ char *buf, *t;
+ const char *f = str;
+ buf = new_array(char, strlen(f) + 1);
+ while (*f) {
+ if (*f == '/') {
+ f++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ t = buf;
+ do {
+ if (isUpper(f))
+ *t++ = toLower(f);
+ else
+ *t++ = *f;
+ } while (*++f != '/' && *f);
+ *t++ = '\0';
+ add_suffix(&suftree, *buf, buf+1);
+ }
+ free(buf);
+static void init_set_compression(void)
+ const char *f;
+ char *t, *start;
+ if (skip_compress)
+ add_nocompress_suffixes(skip_compress);
+ /* A non-daemon transfer skips the default suffix list if the
+ * user specified --skip-compress. */
+ if (skip_compress && module_id < 0)
+ f = "";
+ else
+ f = lp_dont_compress(module_id);
+ match_list = t = new_array(char, strlen(f) + 2);
+ per_file_default_level = do_compression_level;
+ while (*f) {
+ if (*f == ' ') {
+ f++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ start = t;
+ do {
+ if (isUpper(f))
+ *t++ = toLower(f);
+ else
+ *t++ = *f;
+ } while (*++f != ' ' && *f);
+ *t++ = '\0';
+ if (t - start == 1+1 && *start == '*') {
+ /* Optimize a match-string of "*". */
+ *match_list = '\0';
+ suftree = NULL;
+ per_file_default_level = skip_compression_level;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Move *.foo items into the stuffix tree. */
+ if (*start == '*' && start[1] == '.' && start[2]
+ && !strpbrk(start+2, ".?*")) {
+ add_suffix(&suftree, start[2], start+3);
+ t = start;
+ }
+ }
+ *t++ = '\0';
+/* determine the compression level based on a wildcard filename list */
+void set_compression(const char *fname)
+#if 0 /* No compression algorithms currently allow mid-stream changing of the level. */
+ const struct suffix_tree *node;
+ const char *s;
+ char ltr;
+ if (!do_compression)
+ return;
+ if (!match_list)
+ init_set_compression();
+#if 0
+ compression_level = per_file_default_level;
+ if (!*match_list && !suftree)
+ return;
+ if ((s = strrchr(fname, '/')) != NULL)
+ fname = s + 1;
+ for (s = match_list; *s; s += strlen(s) + 1) {
+ if (iwildmatch(s, fname)) {
+ compression_level = skip_compression_level;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(node = suftree) || !(s = strrchr(fname, '.'))
+ || s == fname || !(ltr = *++s))
+ return;
+ while (1) {
+ if (isUpper(&ltr))
+ ltr = toLower(&ltr);
+ while (node->letter != ltr) {
+ if (node->letter > ltr)
+ return;
+ if (!(node = node->sibling))
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((ltr = *++s) == '\0') {
+ if (node->word_end)
+ compression_level = skip_compression_level;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(node = node->child))
+ return;
+ }
+ (void)fname;
+/* non-compressing recv token */
+static int32 simple_recv_token(int f, char **data)
+ static int32 residue;
+ static char *buf;
+ int32 n;
+ if (!buf)
+ buf = new_array(char, CHUNK_SIZE);
+ if (residue == 0) {
+ int32 i = read_int(f);
+ if (i <= 0)
+ return i;
+ residue = i;
+ }
+ *data = buf;
+ n = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE,residue);
+ residue -= n;
+ read_buf(f,buf,n);
+ return n;
+/* non-compressing send token */
+static void simple_send_token(int f, int32 token, struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T offset, int32 n)
+ if (n > 0) {
+ int32 len = 0;
+ while (len < n) {
+ int32 n1 = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE, n-len);
+ write_int(f, n1);
+ write_buf(f, map_ptr(buf, offset+len, n1), n1);
+ len += n1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* a -2 token means to send data only and no token */
+ if (token != -2)
+ write_int(f, -(token+1));
+/* Flag bytes in compressed stream are encoded as follows: */
+#define END_FLAG 0 /* that's all folks */
+#define TOKEN_LONG 0x20 /* followed by 32-bit token number */
+#define TOKENRUN_LONG 0x21 /* ditto with 16-bit run count */
+#define DEFLATED_DATA 0x40 /* + 6-bit high len, then low len byte */
+#define TOKEN_REL 0x80 /* + 6-bit relative token number */
+#define TOKENRUN_REL 0xc0 /* ditto with 16-bit run count */
+#define MAX_DATA_COUNT 16383 /* fit 14 bit count into 2 bytes with flags */
+/* zlib.h says that if we want to be able to compress something in a single
+ * call, avail_out must be at least 0.1% larger than avail_in plus 12 bytes.
+ * We'll add in 0.1%+16, just to be safe (and we'll avoid floating point,
+ * to ensure that this is a compile-time value). */
+#define AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(avail_in_size) ((avail_in_size)*1001/1000+16)
+/* For coding runs of tokens */
+static int32 last_token = -1;
+static int32 run_start;
+static int32 last_run_end;
+/* Deflation state */
+static z_stream tx_strm;
+/* Output buffer */
+static char *obuf;
+/* We want obuf to be able to hold both MAX_DATA_COUNT+2 bytes as well as
+ * AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE) bytes, so make sure that it's large enough. */
+/* Send a deflated token */
+static void
+send_deflated_token(int f, int32 token, struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T offset, int32 nb, int32 toklen)
+ static int init_done, flush_pending;
+ int32 n, r;
+ if (last_token == -1) {
+ /* initialization */
+ if (!init_done) {
+ tx_strm.next_in = NULL;
+ tx_strm.zalloc = NULL;
+ tx_strm.zfree = NULL;
+ if (deflateInit2(&tx_strm, per_file_default_level,
+ Z_DEFLATED, -15, 8,
+ rprintf(FERROR, "compression init failed\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ obuf = new_array(char, OBUF_SIZE);
+ init_done = 1;
+ } else
+ deflateReset(&tx_strm);
+ last_run_end = 0;
+ run_start = token;
+ flush_pending = 0;
+ } else if (last_token == -2) {
+ run_start = token;
+ } else if (nb != 0 || token != last_token + 1 || token >= run_start + 65536) {
+ /* output previous run */
+ r = run_start - last_run_end;
+ n = last_token - run_start;
+ if (r >= 0 && r <= 63) {
+ write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_REL: TOKENRUN_REL) + r);
+ } else {
+ write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_LONG: TOKENRUN_LONG));
+ write_int(f, run_start);
+ }
+ if (n != 0) {
+ write_byte(f, n);
+ write_byte(f, n >> 8);
+ }
+ last_run_end = last_token;
+ run_start = token;
+ }
+ last_token = token;
+ if (nb != 0 || flush_pending) {
+ /* deflate the data starting at offset */
+ int flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;
+ tx_strm.avail_in = 0;
+ tx_strm.avail_out = 0;
+ do {
+ if (tx_strm.avail_in == 0 && nb != 0) {
+ /* give it some more input */
+ n = MIN(nb, CHUNK_SIZE);
+ tx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)
+ map_ptr(buf, offset, n);
+ tx_strm.avail_in = n;
+ nb -= n;
+ offset += n;
+ }
+ if (tx_strm.avail_out == 0) {
+ tx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)(obuf + 2);
+ tx_strm.avail_out = MAX_DATA_COUNT;
+ if (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) {
+ /*
+ * We left the last 4 bytes in the
+ * buffer, in case they are the
+ * last 4. Move them to the front.
+ */
+ memcpy(tx_strm.next_out, obuf+MAX_DATA_COUNT-2, 4);
+ tx_strm.next_out += 4;
+ tx_strm.avail_out -= 4;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nb == 0 && token != -2)
+ flush = Z_SYNC_FLUSH;
+ r = deflate(&tx_strm, flush);
+ if (r != Z_OK) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "deflate returned %d\n", r);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ if (nb == 0 || tx_strm.avail_out == 0) {
+ n = MAX_DATA_COUNT - tx_strm.avail_out;
+ if (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH) {
+ /*
+ * We have to trim off the last 4
+ * bytes of output when flushing
+ * (they are just 0, 0, ff, ff).
+ */
+ n -= 4;
+ }
+ if (n > 0) {
+ obuf[0] = DEFLATED_DATA + (n >> 8);
+ obuf[1] = n;
+ write_buf(f, obuf, n+2);
+ }
+ }
+ } while (nb != 0 || tx_strm.avail_out == 0);
+ flush_pending = token == -2;
+ }
+ if (token == -1) {
+ /* end of file - clean up */
+ write_byte(f, END_FLAG);
+ } else if (token != -2 && do_compression == CPRES_ZLIB) {
+ /* Add the data in the current block to the compressor's
+ * history and hash table. */
+ do {
+ /* Break up long sections in the same way that
+ * see_deflate_token() does. */
+ int32 n1 = toklen > 0xffff ? 0xffff : toklen;
+ toklen -= n1;
+ tx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)map_ptr(buf, offset, n1);
+ tx_strm.avail_in = n1;
+ if (protocol_version >= 31) /* Newer protocols avoid a data-duplicating bug */
+ offset += n1;
+ tx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *) obuf;
+ tx_strm.avail_out = AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE);
+ r = deflate(&tx_strm, Z_INSERT_ONLY);
+ if (r != Z_OK || tx_strm.avail_in != 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "deflate on token returned %d (%d bytes left)\n",
+ r, tx_strm.avail_in);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ } while (toklen > 0);
+ }
+/* tells us what the receiver is in the middle of doing */
+static enum { r_init, r_idle, r_running, r_inflating, r_inflated } recv_state;
+/* for inflating stuff */
+static z_stream rx_strm;
+static char *cbuf;
+static char *dbuf;
+/* for decoding runs of tokens */
+static int32 rx_token;
+static int32 rx_run;
+/* Receive a deflated token and inflate it */
+static int32 recv_deflated_token(int f, char **data)
+ static int init_done;
+ static int32 saved_flag;
+ int32 n, flag;
+ int r;
+ for (;;) {
+ switch (recv_state) {
+ case r_init:
+ if (!init_done) {
+ rx_strm.next_out = NULL;
+ rx_strm.zalloc = NULL;
+ rx_strm.zfree = NULL;
+ if (inflateInit2(&rx_strm, -15) != Z_OK) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "inflate init failed\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ cbuf = new_array(char, MAX_DATA_COUNT);
+ dbuf = new_array(char, AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE));
+ init_done = 1;
+ } else {
+ inflateReset(&rx_strm);
+ }
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ rx_token = 0;
+ break;
+ case r_idle:
+ case r_inflated:
+ if (saved_flag) {
+ flag = saved_flag & 0xff;
+ saved_flag = 0;
+ } else
+ flag = read_byte(f);
+ if ((flag & 0xC0) == DEFLATED_DATA) {
+ n = ((flag & 0x3f) << 8) + read_byte(f);
+ read_buf(f, cbuf, n);
+ rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)cbuf;
+ rx_strm.avail_in = n;
+ recv_state = r_inflating;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (recv_state == r_inflated) {
+ /* check previous inflated stuff ended correctly */
+ rx_strm.avail_in = 0;
+ rx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)dbuf;
+ rx_strm.avail_out = AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE);
+ r = inflate(&rx_strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
+ n = AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE) - rx_strm.avail_out;
+ /*
+ * Z_BUF_ERROR just means no progress was
+ * made, i.e. the decompressor didn't have
+ * any pending output for us.
+ */
+ if (r != Z_OK && r != Z_BUF_ERROR) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "inflate flush returned %d (%d bytes)\n",
+ r, n);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ if (n != 0 && r != Z_BUF_ERROR) {
+ /* have to return some more data and
+ save the flag for later. */
+ saved_flag = flag + 0x10000;
+ *data = dbuf;
+ return n;
+ }
+ /*
+ * At this point the decompressor should
+ * be expecting to see the 0, 0, ff, ff bytes.
+ */
+ if (!inflateSyncPoint(&rx_strm)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "decompressor lost sync!\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ rx_strm.avail_in = 4;
+ rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)cbuf;
+ cbuf[0] = cbuf[1] = 0;
+ cbuf[2] = cbuf[3] = (char)0xff;
+ inflate(&rx_strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ }
+ if (flag == END_FLAG) {
+ /* that's all folks */
+ recv_state = r_init;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* here we have a token of some kind */
+ if (flag & TOKEN_REL) {
+ rx_token += flag & 0x3f;
+ flag >>= 6;
+ } else
+ rx_token = read_int(f);
+ if (flag & 1) {
+ rx_run = read_byte(f);
+ rx_run += read_byte(f) << 8;
+ recv_state = r_running;
+ }
+ return -1 - rx_token;
+ case r_inflating:
+ rx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)dbuf;
+ rx_strm.avail_out = AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE);
+ r = inflate(&rx_strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ n = AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE) - rx_strm.avail_out;
+ if (r != Z_OK) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "inflate returned %d (%d bytes)\n", r, n);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ if (rx_strm.avail_in == 0)
+ recv_state = r_inflated;
+ if (n != 0) {
+ *data = dbuf;
+ return n;
+ }
+ break;
+ case r_running:
+ ++rx_token;
+ if (--rx_run == 0)
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ return -1 - rx_token;
+ }
+ }
+ * put the data corresponding to a token that we've just returned
+ * from recv_deflated_token into the decompressor's history buffer.
+ */
+static void see_deflate_token(char *buf, int32 len)
+ int r;
+ int32 blklen;
+ unsigned char hdr[5];
+ rx_strm.avail_in = 0;
+ blklen = 0;
+ hdr[0] = 0;
+ do {
+ if (rx_strm.avail_in == 0 && len != 0) {
+ if (blklen == 0) {
+ /* Give it a fake stored-block header. */
+ rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)hdr;
+ rx_strm.avail_in = 5;
+ blklen = len;
+ if (blklen > 0xffff)
+ blklen = 0xffff;
+ hdr[1] = blklen;
+ hdr[2] = blklen >> 8;
+ hdr[3] = ~hdr[1];
+ hdr[4] = ~hdr[2];
+ } else {
+ rx_strm.next_in = (Bytef *)buf;
+ rx_strm.avail_in = blklen;
+ if (protocol_version >= 31) /* Newer protocols avoid a data-duplicating bug */
+ buf += blklen;
+ len -= blklen;
+ blklen = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ rx_strm.next_out = (Bytef *)dbuf;
+ rx_strm.avail_out = AVAIL_OUT_SIZE(CHUNK_SIZE);
+ r = inflate(&rx_strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
+ if (r != Z_OK && r != Z_BUF_ERROR) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "inflate (token) returned %d\n", r);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ } while (len || rx_strm.avail_out == 0);
+static ZSTD_inBuffer zstd_in_buff;
+static ZSTD_outBuffer zstd_out_buff;
+static ZSTD_CCtx *zstd_cctx;
+static void send_zstd_token(int f, int32 token, struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T offset, int32 nb)
+ static int comp_init_done, flush_pending;
+ ZSTD_EndDirective flush = ZSTD_e_continue;
+ int32 n, r;
+ /* initialization */
+ if (!comp_init_done) {
+ zstd_cctx = ZSTD_createCCtx();
+ if (!zstd_cctx) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "compression init failed\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ obuf = new_array(char, OBUF_SIZE);
+ ZSTD_CCtx_setParameter(zstd_cctx, ZSTD_c_compressionLevel, do_compression_level);
+ zstd_out_buff.dst = obuf + 2;
+ comp_init_done = 1;
+ }
+ if (last_token == -1) {
+ last_run_end = 0;
+ run_start = token;
+ flush_pending = 0;
+ } else if (last_token == -2) {
+ run_start = token;
+ } else if (nb != 0 || token != last_token + 1 || token >= run_start + 65536) {
+ /* output previous run */
+ r = run_start - last_run_end;
+ n = last_token - run_start;
+ if (r >= 0 && r <= 63) {
+ write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_REL: TOKENRUN_REL) + r);
+ } else {
+ write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_LONG: TOKENRUN_LONG));
+ write_int(f, run_start);
+ }
+ if (n != 0) {
+ write_byte(f, n);
+ write_byte(f, n >> 8);
+ }
+ last_run_end = last_token;
+ run_start = token;
+ }
+ last_token = token;
+ if (nb || flush_pending) {
+ zstd_in_buff.src = map_ptr(buf, offset, nb);
+ zstd_in_buff.size = nb;
+ zstd_in_buff.pos = 0;
+ do {
+ if (zstd_out_buff.size == 0) {
+ zstd_out_buff.size = MAX_DATA_COUNT;
+ zstd_out_buff.pos = 0;
+ }
+ /* File ended, flush */
+ if (token != -2)
+ flush = ZSTD_e_flush;
+ r = ZSTD_compressStream2(zstd_cctx, &zstd_out_buff, &zstd_in_buff, flush);
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ZSTD_compressStream returned %d\n", r);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Nothing is sent if the buffer isn't full so avoid smaller
+ * transfers. If a file is finished then we flush the internal
+ * state and send a smaller buffer so that the remote side can
+ * finish the file.
+ */
+ if (zstd_out_buff.pos == zstd_out_buff.size || flush == ZSTD_e_flush) {
+ n = zstd_out_buff.pos;
+ obuf[0] = DEFLATED_DATA + (n >> 8);
+ obuf[1] = n;
+ write_buf(f, obuf, n+2);
+ zstd_out_buff.size = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Loop while the input buffer isn't full consumed or the
+ * internal state isn't fully flushed.
+ */
+ } while (zstd_in_buff.pos < zstd_in_buff.size || r > 0);
+ flush_pending = token == -2;
+ }
+ if (token == -1) {
+ /* end of file - clean up */
+ write_byte(f, END_FLAG);
+ }
+static ZSTD_DCtx *zstd_dctx;
+static int32 recv_zstd_token(int f, char **data)
+ static int decomp_init_done;
+ static int out_buffer_size;
+ int32 n, flag;
+ int r;
+ if (!decomp_init_done) {
+ zstd_dctx = ZSTD_createDCtx();
+ if (!zstd_dctx) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ZSTD_createDStream failed\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ /* Output buffer fits two decompressed blocks */
+ out_buffer_size = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize() * 2;
+ cbuf = new_array(char, MAX_DATA_COUNT);
+ dbuf = new_array(char, out_buffer_size);
+ zstd_in_buff.src = cbuf;
+ zstd_out_buff.dst = dbuf;
+ decomp_init_done = 1;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ switch (recv_state) {
+ case r_init:
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ rx_token = 0;
+ break;
+ case r_idle:
+ flag = read_byte(f);
+ if ((flag & 0xC0) == DEFLATED_DATA) {
+ n = ((flag & 0x3f) << 8) + read_byte(f);
+ read_buf(f, cbuf, n);
+ zstd_in_buff.size = n;
+ zstd_in_buff.pos = 0;
+ recv_state = r_inflating;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flag == END_FLAG) {
+ /* that's all folks */
+ recv_state = r_init;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* here we have a token of some kind */
+ if (flag & TOKEN_REL) {
+ rx_token += flag & 0x3f;
+ flag >>= 6;
+ } else
+ rx_token = read_int(f);
+ if (flag & 1) {
+ rx_run = read_byte(f);
+ rx_run += read_byte(f) << 8;
+ recv_state = r_running;
+ }
+ return -1 - rx_token;
+ case r_inflated: /* zstd doesn't get into this state */
+ break;
+ case r_inflating:
+ zstd_out_buff.size = out_buffer_size;
+ zstd_out_buff.pos = 0;
+ r = ZSTD_decompressStream(zstd_dctx, &zstd_out_buff, &zstd_in_buff);
+ n = zstd_out_buff.pos;
+ if (ZSTD_isError(r)) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "ZSTD decomp returned %d (%d bytes)\n", r, n);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the input buffer is fully consumed and the output
+ * buffer is not full then next step is to read more
+ * data.
+ */
+ if (zstd_in_buff.size == zstd_in_buff.pos && n < out_buffer_size)
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ if (n != 0) {
+ *data = dbuf;
+ return n;
+ }
+ break;
+ case r_running:
+ ++rx_token;
+ if (--rx_run == 0)
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ return -1 - rx_token;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* SUPPORT_ZSTD */
+#ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4
+static void
+send_compressed_token(int f, int32 token, struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T offset, int32 nb)
+ static int init_done, flush_pending;
+ int size = MAX(LZ4_compressBound(CHUNK_SIZE), MAX_DATA_COUNT+2);
+ int32 n, r;
+ if (last_token == -1) {
+ if (!init_done) {
+ obuf = new_array(char, size);
+ init_done = 1;
+ }
+ last_run_end = 0;
+ run_start = token;
+ flush_pending = 0;
+ } else if (last_token == -2) {
+ run_start = token;
+ } else if (nb != 0 || token != last_token + 1 || token >= run_start + 65536) {
+ /* output previous run */
+ r = run_start - last_run_end;
+ n = last_token - run_start;
+ if (r >= 0 && r <= 63) {
+ write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_REL: TOKENRUN_REL) + r);
+ } else {
+ write_byte(f, (n==0? TOKEN_LONG: TOKENRUN_LONG));
+ write_int(f, run_start);
+ }
+ if (n != 0) {
+ write_byte(f, n);
+ write_byte(f, n >> 8);
+ }
+ last_run_end = last_token;
+ run_start = token;
+ }
+ last_token = token;
+ if (nb != 0 || flush_pending) {
+ int available_in, available_out = 0;
+ const char *next_in;
+ do {
+ char *next_out = obuf + 2;
+ if (available_out == 0) {
+ available_in = MIN(nb, MAX_DATA_COUNT);
+ next_in = map_ptr(buf, offset, available_in);
+ } else
+ available_in /= 2;
+ available_out = LZ4_compress_default(next_in, next_out, available_in, size - 2);
+ if (!available_out) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "compress returned %d\n", available_out);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ if (available_out <= MAX_DATA_COUNT) {
+ obuf[0] = DEFLATED_DATA + (available_out >> 8);
+ obuf[1] = available_out;
+ write_buf(f, obuf, available_out + 2);
+ available_out = 0;
+ nb -= available_in;
+ offset += available_in;
+ }
+ } while (nb != 0);
+ flush_pending = token == -2;
+ }
+ if (token == -1) {
+ /* end of file - clean up */
+ write_byte(f, END_FLAG);
+ }
+static int32 recv_compressed_token(int f, char **data)
+ static int init_done;
+ int32 n, flag;
+ int size = MAX(LZ4_compressBound(CHUNK_SIZE), MAX_DATA_COUNT+2);
+ static const char *next_in;
+ static int avail_in;
+ int avail_out;
+ for (;;) {
+ switch (recv_state) {
+ case r_init:
+ if (!init_done) {
+ cbuf = new_array(char, MAX_DATA_COUNT);
+ dbuf = new_array(char, size);
+ init_done = 1;
+ }
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ rx_token = 0;
+ break;
+ case r_idle:
+ flag = read_byte(f);
+ if ((flag & 0xC0) == DEFLATED_DATA) {
+ n = ((flag & 0x3f) << 8) + read_byte(f);
+ read_buf(f, cbuf, n);
+ next_in = (char *)cbuf;
+ avail_in = n;
+ recv_state = r_inflating;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flag == END_FLAG) {
+ /* that's all folks */
+ recv_state = r_init;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* here we have a token of some kind */
+ if (flag & TOKEN_REL) {
+ rx_token += flag & 0x3f;
+ flag >>= 6;
+ } else
+ rx_token = read_int(f);
+ if (flag & 1) {
+ rx_run = read_byte(f);
+ rx_run += read_byte(f) << 8;
+ recv_state = r_running;
+ }
+ return -1 - rx_token;
+ case r_inflating:
+ avail_out = LZ4_decompress_safe(next_in, dbuf, avail_in, size);
+ if (avail_out < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "uncompress failed: %d\n", avail_out);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ *data = dbuf;
+ return avail_out;
+ case r_inflated: /* lz4 doesn't get into this state */
+ break;
+ case r_running:
+ ++rx_token;
+ if (--rx_run == 0)
+ recv_state = r_idle;
+ return -1 - rx_token;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* SUPPORT_LZ4 */
+ * Transmit a verbatim buffer of length @p n followed by a token.
+ * If token == -1 then we have reached EOF
+ * If n == 0 then don't send a buffer
+ */
+void send_token(int f, int32 token, struct map_struct *buf, OFF_T offset,
+ int32 n, int32 toklen)
+ switch (do_compression) {
+ case CPRES_NONE:
+ simple_send_token(f, token, buf, offset, n);
+ break;
+ case CPRES_ZLIB:
+ send_deflated_token(f, token, buf, offset, n, toklen);
+ break;
+ case CPRES_ZSTD:
+ send_zstd_token(f, token, buf, offset, n);
+ break;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4
+ case CPRES_LZ4:
+ send_compressed_token(f, token, buf, offset, n);
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOISY_DEATH("Unknown do_compression value");
+ }
+ * receive a token or buffer from the other end. If the return value is >0 then
+ * it is a data buffer of that length, and *data will point at the data.
+ * if the return value is -i then it represents token i-1
+ * if the return value is 0 then the end has been reached
+ */
+int32 recv_token(int f, char **data)
+ switch (do_compression) {
+ case CPRES_NONE:
+ return simple_recv_token(f,data);
+ case CPRES_ZLIB:
+ return recv_deflated_token(f, data);
+ case CPRES_ZSTD:
+ return recv_zstd_token(f, data);
+#ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4
+ case CPRES_LZ4:
+ return recv_compressed_token(f, data);
+ default:
+ NOISY_DEATH("Unknown do_compression value");
+ }
+ * look at the data corresponding to a token, if necessary
+ */
+void see_token(char *data, int32 toklen)
+ switch (do_compression) {
+ case CPRES_NONE:
+ break;
+ case CPRES_ZLIB:
+ see_deflate_token(data, toklen);
+ break;
+ break;
+ case CPRES_ZSTD:
+ break;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_LZ4
+ case CPRES_LZ4:
+ /*see_uncompressed_token(data, toklen);*/
+ break;
+ default:
+ NOISY_DEATH("Unknown do_compression value");
+ }
diff --git a/trimslash.c b/trimslash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec928c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trimslash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Simple utility used only by the test harness.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Pool
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+/* These are to make syscall.o shut up. */
+int dry_run = 0;
+int am_root = 0;
+int am_sender = 1;
+int read_only = 1;
+int list_only = 0;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int i;
+ if (argc <= 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "trimslash: needs at least one argument\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ trim_trailing_slashes(argv[i]); /* modify in place */
+ printf("%s\n", argv[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/uidlist.c b/uidlist.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99a3467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uidlist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+ * Handle the mapping of uid/gid and user/group names between systems.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+/* If the source username/group does not exist on the target then use
+ * the numeric IDs. Never do any mapping for uid=0 or gid=0 as these
+ * are special. */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "io.h"
+extern int am_root;
+extern int preserve_uid;
+extern int preserve_gid;
+extern int preserve_acls;
+extern int numeric_ids;
+extern int xmit_id0_names;
+extern pid_t namecvt_pid;
+extern gid_t our_gid;
+extern char *usermap;
+extern char *groupmap;
+# ifndef GETGROUPS_T
+# define GETGROUPS_T gid_t
+# endif
+#define NFLAGS_WILD_NAME_MATCH (1<<0)
+#define NFLAGS_NAME_MATCH (1<<1)
+union name_or_id {
+ const char *name;
+ id_t max_id;
+struct idlist {
+ struct idlist *next;
+ union name_or_id u;
+ id_t id, id2;
+ uint16 flags;
+static struct idlist *uidlist, *uidmap;
+static struct idlist *gidlist, *gidmap;
+static inline int id_eq_uid(id_t id, uid_t uid)
+ return id == (id_t)uid;
+static inline int id_eq_gid(id_t id, gid_t gid)
+ return id == (id_t)gid;
+static id_t id_parse(const char *num_str)
+ id_t tmp, num = 0;
+ const char *cp = num_str;
+ while (*cp) {
+ if (!isDigit(cp)) {
+ invalid_num:
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid ID number: %s\n", num_str);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ tmp = num * 10 + *cp++ - '0';
+ if (tmp < num)
+ goto invalid_num;
+ num = tmp;
+ }
+ return num;
+static struct idlist *add_to_list(struct idlist **root, id_t id, union name_or_id noiu,
+ id_t id2, uint16 flags)
+ struct idlist *node = new(struct idlist);
+ node->next = *root;
+ node->u = noiu;
+ node->id = id;
+ node->id2 = id2;
+ node->flags = flags;
+ *root = node;
+ return node;
+/* turn a uid into a user name */
+const char *uid_to_user(uid_t uid)
+ const char *name = NULL;
+ if (namecvt_pid) {
+ id_t id = uid;
+ namecvt_call("uid", &name, &id);
+ } else {
+ struct passwd *pass = getpwuid(uid);
+ if (pass)
+ name = strdup(pass->pw_name);
+ }
+ return name;
+/* turn a gid into a group name */
+const char *gid_to_group(gid_t gid)
+ const char *name = NULL;
+ if (namecvt_pid) {
+ id_t id = gid;
+ namecvt_call("gid", &name, &id);
+ } else {
+ struct group *grp = getgrgid(gid);
+ if (grp)
+ name = strdup(grp->gr_name);
+ }
+ return name;
+/* Parse a user name or (optionally) a number into a uid */
+int user_to_uid(const char *name, uid_t *uid_p, BOOL num_ok)
+ if (!name || !*name)
+ return 0;
+ if (num_ok && name[strspn(name, "0123456789")] == '\0') {
+ *uid_p = id_parse(name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (namecvt_pid) {
+ id_t id;
+ if (!namecvt_call("usr", &name, &id))
+ return 0;
+ *uid_p = id;
+ } else {
+ struct passwd *pass = getpwnam(name);
+ if (!pass)
+ return 0;
+ *uid_p = pass->pw_uid;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Parse a group name or (optionally) a number into a gid */
+int group_to_gid(const char *name, gid_t *gid_p, BOOL num_ok)
+ if (!name || !*name)
+ return 0;
+ if (num_ok && name[strspn(name, "0123456789")] == '\0') {
+ *gid_p = id_parse(name);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (namecvt_pid) {
+ id_t id;
+ if (!namecvt_call("grp", &name, &id))
+ return 0;
+ *gid_p = id;
+ } else {
+ struct group *grp = getgrnam(name);
+ if (!grp)
+ return 0;
+ *gid_p = grp->gr_gid;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int is_in_group(gid_t gid)
+ static gid_t last_in;
+ static int ngroups = -2, last_out = -1;
+ static GETGROUPS_T *gidset;
+ int n;
+ if (gid == last_in && last_out >= 0)
+ return last_out;
+ if (ngroups < -1) {
+ if ((ngroups = getgroups(0, NULL)) < 0)
+ ngroups = 0;
+ gidset = new_array(GETGROUPS_T, ngroups+1);
+ if (ngroups > 0)
+ ngroups = getgroups(ngroups, gidset);
+ /* The default gid might not be in the list on some systems. */
+ for (n = 0; n < ngroups; n++) {
+ if ((gid_t)gidset[n] == our_gid)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (n == ngroups)
+ gidset[ngroups++] = our_gid;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(OWN, 2)) {
+ int pos;
+ char *gidbuf = new_array(char, ngroups*21+32);
+ pos = snprintf(gidbuf, 32, "process has %d gid%s: ", ngroups, ngroups == 1? "" : "s");
+ for (n = 0; n < ngroups; n++) {
+ pos += snprintf(gidbuf+pos, 21, " %d", (int)gidset[n]);
+ }
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%s\n", gidbuf);
+ free(gidbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ last_in = gid;
+ for (n = 0; n < ngroups; n++) {
+ if ((gid_t)gidset[n] == gid)
+ return last_out = 1;
+ }
+ return last_out = 0;
+ return gid == our_gid;
+/* Add a uid/gid to its list of ids. Only called on receiving side. */
+static struct idlist *recv_add_id(struct idlist **idlist_ptr, struct idlist *idmap,
+ id_t id, const char *name)
+ struct idlist *node;
+ union name_or_id noiu;
+ int flag;
+ id_t id2;
+ = name; /* ensure that add_to_list() gets the raw value. */
+ if (!name)
+ name = "";
+ for (node = idmap; node; node = node->next) {
+ if (node->flags & NFLAGS_WILD_NAME_MATCH) {
+ if (!wildmatch(node->, name))
+ continue;
+ } else if (node->flags & NFLAGS_NAME_MATCH) {
+ if (strcmp(node->, name) != 0)
+ continue;
+ } else if (node->u.max_id) {
+ if (id < node->id || id > node->u.max_id)
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ if (node->id != id)
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (node)
+ id2 = node->id2;
+ else if (*name && id) {
+ if (idlist_ptr == &uidlist) {
+ uid_t uid;
+ id2 = user_to_uid(name, &uid, False) ? (id_t)uid : id;
+ } else {
+ gid_t gid;
+ id2 = group_to_gid(name, &gid, False) ? (id_t)gid : id;
+ }
+ } else
+ id2 = id;
+ flag = idlist_ptr == &gidlist && !am_root && !is_in_group(id2) ? FLAG_SKIP_GROUP : 0;
+ node = add_to_list(idlist_ptr, id, noiu, id2, flag);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(OWN, 2)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "%sid %u(%s) maps to %u\n",
+ idlist_ptr == &uidlist ? "u" : "g",
+ (unsigned)id, name, (unsigned)id2);
+ }
+ return node;
+/* this function is a definite candidate for a faster algorithm */
+uid_t match_uid(uid_t uid)
+ static struct idlist *last = NULL;
+ struct idlist *list;
+ if (last && id_eq_uid(last->id, uid))
+ return last->id2;
+ for (list = uidlist; list; list = list->next) {
+ if (id_eq_uid(list->id, uid))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!list)
+ list = recv_add_id(&uidlist, uidmap, uid, NULL);
+ last = list;
+ return list->id2;
+gid_t match_gid(gid_t gid, uint16 *flags_ptr)
+ static struct idlist *last = NULL;
+ struct idlist *list;
+ if (last && id_eq_gid(last->id, gid))
+ list = last;
+ else {
+ for (list = gidlist; list; list = list->next) {
+ if (id_eq_gid(list->id, gid))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!list)
+ list = recv_add_id(&gidlist, gidmap, gid, NULL);
+ last = list;
+ }
+ if (flags_ptr && list->flags & FLAG_SKIP_GROUP)
+ *flags_ptr |= FLAG_SKIP_GROUP;
+ return list->id2;
+/* Add a uid to the list of uids. Only called on sending side. */
+const char *add_uid(uid_t uid)
+ struct idlist *list;
+ struct idlist *node;
+ union name_or_id noiu;
+ for (list = uidlist; list; list = list->next) {
+ if (id_eq_uid(list->id, uid))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ = uid_to_user(uid);
+ node = add_to_list(&uidlist, uid, noiu, 0, 0);
+ return node->;
+/* Add a gid to the list of gids. Only called on sending side. */
+const char *add_gid(gid_t gid)
+ struct idlist *list;
+ struct idlist *node;
+ union name_or_id noiu;
+ for (list = gidlist; list; list = list->next) {
+ if (id_eq_gid(list->id, gid))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ = gid_to_group(gid);
+ node = add_to_list(&gidlist, gid, noiu, 0, 0);
+ return node->;
+static void send_one_name(int f, id_t id, const char *name)
+ int len;
+ if (!name)
+ name = "";
+ if ((len = strlen(name)) > 255) /* Impossible? */
+ len = 255;
+ write_varint30(f, id);
+ write_byte(f, len);
+ if (len)
+ write_buf(f, name, len);
+static void send_one_list(int f, struct idlist *idlist, int usernames)
+ struct idlist *list;
+ /* we send sequences of id/byte-len/name */
+ for (list = idlist; list; list = list->next) {
+ if (list->id && list->
+ send_one_name(f, list->id, list->;
+ }
+ /* Terminate the uid list with 0 (which was excluded above).
+ * A modern rsync also sends the name of id 0. */
+ if (xmit_id0_names)
+ send_one_name(f, 0, usernames ? uid_to_user(0) : gid_to_group(0));
+ else
+ write_varint30(f, 0);
+/* send a complete uid/gid mapping to the peer */
+void send_id_lists(int f)
+ if (preserve_uid || preserve_acls)
+ send_one_list(f, uidlist, 1);
+ if (preserve_gid || preserve_acls)
+ send_one_list(f, gidlist, 0);
+uid_t recv_user_name(int f, uid_t uid)
+ struct idlist *node;
+ int len = read_byte(f);
+ char *name;
+ if (len) {
+ name = new_array(char, len+1);
+ read_sbuf(f, name, len);
+ if (numeric_ids < 0) {
+ free(name);
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+ } else
+ name = NULL;
+ node = recv_add_id(&uidlist, uidmap, uid, name); /* node keeps name's memory */
+ return node->id2;
+gid_t recv_group_name(int f, gid_t gid, uint16 *flags_ptr)
+ struct idlist *node;
+ int len = read_byte(f);
+ char *name;
+ if (len) {
+ name = new_array(char, len+1);
+ read_sbuf(f, name, len);
+ if (numeric_ids < 0) {
+ free(name);
+ name = NULL;
+ }
+ } else
+ name = NULL;
+ node = recv_add_id(&gidlist, gidmap, gid, name); /* node keeps name's memory */
+ if (flags_ptr && node->flags & FLAG_SKIP_GROUP)
+ *flags_ptr |= FLAG_SKIP_GROUP;
+ return node->id2;
+/* recv a complete uid/gid mapping from the peer and map the uid/gid
+ * in the file list to local names */
+void recv_id_list(int f, struct file_list *flist)
+ id_t id;
+ int i;
+ if ((preserve_uid || preserve_acls) && numeric_ids <= 0) {
+ /* read the uid list */
+ while ((id = read_varint30(f)) != 0)
+ recv_user_name(f, id);
+ if (xmit_id0_names)
+ recv_user_name(f, 0);
+ }
+ if ((preserve_gid || preserve_acls) && numeric_ids <= 0) {
+ /* read the gid list */
+ while ((id = read_varint30(f)) != 0)
+ recv_group_name(f, id, NULL);
+ if (xmit_id0_names)
+ recv_group_name(f, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Now convert all the uids/gids from sender values to our values. */
+ if (preserve_acls && (!numeric_ids || usermap || groupmap))
+ match_acl_ids();
+ if (am_root && preserve_uid && (!numeric_ids || usermap)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < flist->used; i++)
+ F_OWNER(flist->files[i]) = match_uid(F_OWNER(flist->files[i]));
+ }
+ if (preserve_gid && (!am_root || !numeric_ids || groupmap)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < flist->used; i++) {
+ F_GROUP(flist->files[i]) = match_gid(F_GROUP(flist->files[i]), &flist->files[i]->flags);
+ }
+ }
+void parse_name_map(char *map, BOOL usernames)
+ struct idlist **idmap_ptr = usernames ? &uidmap : &gidmap;
+ struct idlist **idlist_ptr = usernames ? &uidlist : &gidlist;
+ char *colon, *cp = map + strlen(map);
+ union name_or_id noiu;
+ id_t id1;
+ uint16 flags;
+ /* Parse the list in reverse, so the order in the struct is right. */
+ while (1) {
+ while (cp > map && cp[-1] != ',') cp--;
+ if (!(colon = strchr(cp, ':'))) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "No colon found in --%smap: %s\n",
+ usernames ? "user" : "group", cp);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (!colon[1]) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "No name found after colon --%smap: %s\n",
+ usernames ? "user" : "group", cp);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ *colon = '\0';
+ if (isDigit(cp)) {
+ char *dash = strchr(cp, '-');
+ if (strspn(cp, "0123456789-") != (size_t)(colon - cp)
+ || (dash && (!dash[1] || strchr(dash+1, '-')))) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid number in --%smap: %s\n",
+ usernames ? "user" : "group", cp);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX);
+ }
+ if (dash) {
+ *dash = '\0';
+ noiu.max_id = id_parse(dash+1);
+ } else
+ noiu.max_id = 0;
+ flags = 0;
+ id1 = id_parse(cp);
+ if (dash)
+ *dash = '-';
+ } else if (strpbrk(cp, "*[?")) {
+ = cp;
+ id1 = 0;
+ } else {
+ = cp;
+ id1 = 0;
+ }
+ if (usernames) {
+ uid_t uid;
+ if (user_to_uid(colon+1, &uid, True))
+ add_to_list(idmap_ptr, id1, noiu, uid, flags);
+ else {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unknown --usermap name on receiver: %s\n", colon+1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ gid_t gid;
+ if (group_to_gid(colon+1, &gid, True))
+ add_to_list(idmap_ptr, id1, noiu, gid, flags);
+ else {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Unknown --groupmap name on receiver: %s\n", colon+1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cp == map)
+ break;
+ *--cp = '\0'; /* replace comma */
+ }
+ /* If the sender isn't going to xmit the id0 name, we assume it's "root". */
+ if (!xmit_id0_names)
+ recv_add_id(idlist_ptr, *idmap_ptr, 0, numeric_ids ? NULL : "root");
+const char *getallgroups(uid_t uid, item_list *gid_list)
+ struct passwd *pw;
+ gid_t *gid_array;
+ int size;
+ if ((pw = getpwuid(uid)) == NULL)
+ return "getpwuid failed";
+ gid_list->count = 0; /* We're overwriting any items in the list */
+ (void)EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(gid_list, gid_t, 32);
+ size = gid_list->malloced;
+ /* Get all the process's groups, with the pw_gid group first. */
+ if (getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid, gid_list->items, &size) < 0) {
+ if (size > (int)gid_list->malloced) {
+ gid_list->count = gid_list->malloced;
+ (void)EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(gid_list, gid_t, size);
+ if (getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid, gid_list->items, &size) < 0)
+ size = -1;
+ } else
+ size = -1;
+ if (size < 0)
+ return "getgrouplist failed";
+ }
+ gid_list->count = size;
+ gid_array = gid_list->items;
+ /* Paranoia: is the default group not first in the list? */
+ if (gid_array[0] != pw->pw_gid) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 1; j < size; j++) {
+ if (gid_array[j] == pw->pw_gid)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j == size) { /* The default group wasn't found! */
+ (void)EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(gid_list, gid_t, size+1);
+ gid_array = gid_list->items;
+ }
+ gid_array[j] = gid_array[0];
+ gid_array[0] = pw->pw_gid;
+ }
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/usage.c b/usage.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b59ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ * Some usage & version related functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "latest-year.h"
+#include "git-version.h"
+#include "default-cvsignore.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+extern struct name_num_obj valid_checksums, valid_compressions, valid_auth_checksums;
+static char *istring(const char *fmt, int val)
+ char *str;
+ if (asprintf(&str, fmt, val) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("istring");
+ return str;
+static void print_info_flags(enum logcode f)
+ STRUCT_STAT *dumstat;
+ BOOL as_json = f == FNONE ? 1 : 0; /* We use 1 == first attribute, 2 == need closing array */
+ char line_buf[75], item_buf[32];
+ int line_len, j;
+ char *info_flags[] = {
+ "*Capabilities",
+ istring("%d-bit files", (int)(sizeof (OFF_T) * 8)),
+ istring("%d-bit inums", (int)(sizeof dumstat->st_ino * 8)), /* Don't check ino_t! */
+ istring("%d-bit timestamps", (int)(sizeof (time_t) * 8)),
+ istring("%d-bit long ints", (int)(sizeof (int64) * 8)),
+ "no "
+ "socketpairs",
+ "no "
+ "symlinks",
+ "no "
+ "symtimes",
+ "no "
+ "hardlinks",
+ "no "
+ "hardlink-specials",
+ "no "
+ "hardlink-symlinks",
+#ifndef INET6
+ "no "
+ "IPv6",
+ "no "
+ "atimes",
+ "batchfiles",
+ "no "
+ "inplace",
+ "no "
+ "append",
+ "no "
+ "ACLs",
+ "no "
+ "xattrs",
+ "default "
+ "optional "
+ "secluded-args",
+ "no "
+ "iconv",
+ "no "
+ "prealloc",
+#ifndef HAVE_MKTIME
+ "no "
+ "stop-at",
+ "no "
+ "crtimes",
+ "*Optimizations",
+#ifndef USE_ROLL_SIMD
+ "no "
+ "SIMD-roll",
+#ifndef USE_ROLL_ASM
+ "no "
+ "asm-roll",
+#ifndef USE_OPENSSL
+ "no "
+ "openssl-crypto",
+#ifndef USE_MD5_ASM
+ "no "
+ "asm-MD5",
+ };
+ for (line_len = 0, j = 0; ; j++) {
+ char *str = info_flags[j], *next_nfo = str ? info_flags[j+1] : NULL;
+ int need_comma = next_nfo && *next_nfo != '*' ? 1 : 0;
+ int item_len;
+ if (!str || *str == '*')
+ item_len = 1000;
+ else if (as_json) {
+ char *space = strchr(str, ' ');
+ int is_no = space && strncmp(str, "no ", 3) == 0;
+ int is_bits = space && isDigit(str);
+ char *quot = space && !is_no && !is_bits ? "\"" : "";
+ char *item = space ? space + 1 : str;
+ char *val = !space ? "true" : is_no ? "false" : str;
+ int val_len = !space ? 4 : is_no ? 5 : space - str;
+ if (is_bits && (space = strchr(val, '-')) != NULL)
+ val_len = space - str;
+ item_len = snprintf(item_buf, sizeof item_buf,
+ " \"%s%s\": %s%.*s%s%s", item, is_bits ? "bits" : "",
+ quot, val_len, val, quot, need_comma ? "," : "");
+ if (is_bits)
+ item_buf[strlen(item)+2-1] = '_'; /* Turn the 's' into a '_' */
+ for (space = item; (space = strpbrk(space, " -")) != NULL; space++)
+ item_buf[space - item + 2] = '_';
+ } else
+ item_len = snprintf(item_buf, sizeof item_buf, " %s%s", str, need_comma ? "," : "");
+ if (line_len && line_len + item_len >= (int)sizeof line_buf) {
+ if (as_json)
+ printf(" %s\n", line_buf);
+ else
+ rprintf(f, " %s\n", line_buf);
+ line_len = 0;
+ }
+ if (!str)
+ break;
+ if (*str == '*') {
+ if (as_json) {
+ if (as_json == 2)
+ printf(" }");
+ else
+ as_json = 2;
+ printf(",\n \"%c%s\": {\n", toLower(str+1), str+2);
+ } else
+ rprintf(f, "%s:\n", str+1);
+ } else {
+ strlcpy(line_buf + line_len, item_buf, sizeof line_buf - line_len);
+ line_len += item_len;
+ }
+ }
+ if (as_json == 2)
+ printf(" }");
+static void output_nno_list(enum logcode f, const char *name, struct name_num_obj *nno)
+ char namebuf[64], tmpbuf[256];
+ char *tok, *next_tok, *comma = ",";
+ char *cp;
+ /* Using '(' ensures that we get a trailing "none" but also includes aliases. */
+ get_default_nno_list(nno, tmpbuf, sizeof tmpbuf - 1, '(');
+ if (f != FNONE) {
+ rprintf(f, "%s:\n", name);
+ rprintf(f, " %s\n", tmpbuf);
+ return;
+ }
+ strlcpy(namebuf, name, sizeof namebuf);
+ for (cp = namebuf; *cp; cp++) {
+ if (*cp == ' ')
+ *cp = '_';
+ else if (isUpper(cp))
+ *cp = toLower(cp);
+ }
+ printf(",\n \"%s\": [\n ", namebuf);
+ for (tok = strtok(tmpbuf, " "); tok; tok = next_tok) {
+ next_tok = strtok(NULL, " ");
+ if (*tok != '(') /* Ignore the alises in the JSON output */
+ printf(" \"%s\"%s", tok, comma + (next_tok ? 0 : 1));
+ }
+ printf("\n ]");
+/* A request of f == FNONE wants json on stdout. */
+void print_rsync_version(enum logcode f)
+ char copyright[] = "(C) 1996-" LATEST_YEAR " by Andrew Tridgell, Wayne Davison, and others.";
+ char url[] = "";
+ BOOL first_line = 1;
+#define json_line(name, value) \
+ do { \
+ printf("%c\n \"%s\": \"%s\"", first_line ? '{' : ',', name, value); \
+ first_line = 0; \
+ } while (0)
+ if (f == FNONE) {
+ char verbuf[32];
+ json_line("program", RSYNC_NAME);
+ json_line("version", rsync_version());
+ (void)snprintf(verbuf, sizeof verbuf, "%d.%d", PROTOCOL_VERSION, SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ json_line("protocol", verbuf);
+ json_line("copyright", copyright);
+ json_line("url", url);
+ } else {
+ char *subprotocol = istring(".PR%d", SUBPROTOCOL_VERSION);
+ char *subprotocol = "";
+ rprintf(f, "%s version %s protocol version %d%s\n",
+ RSYNC_NAME, rsync_version(), PROTOCOL_VERSION, subprotocol);
+ rprintf(f, "Copyright %s\n", copyright);
+ rprintf(f, "Web site: %s\n", url);
+ }
+ print_info_flags(f);
+ init_checksum_choices();
+ output_nno_list(f, "Checksum list", &valid_checksums);
+ output_nno_list(f, "Compress list", &valid_compressions);
+ output_nno_list(f, "Daemon auth list", &valid_auth_checksums);
+ if (f == FNONE) {
+ json_line("license", "GPLv3");
+ json_line("caveat", "rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY");
+ printf("\n}\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ rprintf(f, "Panic Action: \"%s\"\n", get_panic_action());
+#if SIZEOF_INT64 < 8
+ rprintf(f, "WARNING: no 64-bit integers on this platform!\n");
+ if (sizeof (int64) != SIZEOF_INT64) {
+ rprintf(f,
+ "WARNING: size mismatch in SIZEOF_INT64 define (%d != %d)\n",
+ (int) SIZEOF_INT64, (int) sizeof (int64));
+ }
+ rprintf(f,"\n");
+ rprintf(f,"rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you\n");
+ rprintf(f,"are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the GNU\n");
+ rprintf(f,"General Public Licence for details.\n");
+void usage(enum logcode F)
+ print_rsync_version(F);
+ rprintf(F,"\n");
+ rprintf(F,"rsync is a file transfer program capable of efficient remote update\n");
+ rprintf(F,"via a fast differencing algorithm.\n");
+ rprintf(F,"\n");
+ rprintf(F,"Usage: rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... DEST\n");
+ rprintf(F," or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST:DEST\n");
+ rprintf(F," or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST::DEST\n");
+ rprintf(F," or rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST\n");
+ rprintf(F," or rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST:SRC [DEST]\n");
+ rprintf(F," or rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST::SRC [DEST]\n");
+ rprintf(F," or rsync [OPTION]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC [DEST]\n");
+ rprintf(F,"The ':' usages connect via remote shell, while '::' & 'rsync://' usages connect\n");
+ rprintf(F,"to an rsync daemon, and require SRC or DEST to start with a module name.\n");
+ rprintf(F,"\n");
+ rprintf(F,"Options\n");
+#include "help-rsync.h"
+ rprintf(F,"\n");
+ rprintf(F,"Use \"rsync --daemon --help\" to see the daemon-mode command-line options.\n");
+ rprintf(F,"Please see the rsync(1) and rsyncd.conf(5) manpages for full documentation.\n");
+ rprintf(F,"See for updates, bug reports, and answers\n");
+void daemon_usage(enum logcode F)
+ print_rsync_version(F);
+ rprintf(F,"\n");
+ rprintf(F,"Usage: rsync --daemon [OPTION]...\n");
+#include "help-rsyncd.h"
+ rprintf(F,"\n");
+ rprintf(F,"If you were not trying to invoke rsync as a daemon, avoid using any of the\n");
+ rprintf(F,"daemon-specific rsync options. See also the rsyncd.conf(5) manpage.\n");
+const char *rsync_version(void)
+ char *ver;
+ return *ver == 'v' ? ver+1 : ver;
+const char *default_cvsignore(void)
diff --git a/util1.c b/util1.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da50ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1705 @@
+ * Utility routines used in rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int module_id;
+extern int do_fsync;
+extern int protect_args;
+extern int modify_window;
+extern int relative_paths;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int omit_link_times;
+extern int preallocate_files;
+extern char *module_dir;
+extern unsigned int module_dirlen;
+extern char *partial_dir;
+extern filter_rule_list daemon_filter_list;
+int sanitize_paths = 0;
+char curr_dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+unsigned int curr_dir_len;
+int curr_dir_depth; /* This is only set for a sanitizing daemon. */
+/* Set a fd into nonblocking mode. */
+void set_nonblocking(int fd)
+ int val;
+ if ((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) == -1)
+ return;
+ if (!(val & NONBLOCK_FLAG)) {
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val);
+ }
+/* Set a fd into blocking mode. */
+void set_blocking(int fd)
+ int val;
+ if ((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)) == -1)
+ return;
+ if (val & NONBLOCK_FLAG) {
+ val &= ~NONBLOCK_FLAG;
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val);
+ }
+ * Create a file descriptor pair - like pipe() but use socketpair if
+ * possible (because of blocking issues on pipes).
+ *
+ * Always set non-blocking.
+ */
+int fd_pair(int fd[2])
+ int ret;
+ ret = socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fd);
+ ret = pipe(fd);
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ set_nonblocking(fd[0]);
+ set_nonblocking(fd[1]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+void print_child_argv(const char *prefix, char **cmd)
+ int cnt = 0;
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s ", prefix);
+ for (; *cmd; cmd++) {
+ /* Look for characters that ought to be quoted. This
+ * is not a great quoting algorithm, but it's
+ * sufficient for a log message. */
+ if (strspn(*cmd, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "0123456789"
+ ",.-_=+@/") != strlen(*cmd)) {
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "\"%s\" ", *cmd);
+ } else {
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, "%s ", *cmd);
+ }
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ rprintf(FCLIENT, " (%d args)\n", cnt);
+/* This returns 0 for success, 1 for a symlink if symlink time-setting
+ * is not possible, or -1 for any other error. */
+int set_times(const char *fname, STRUCT_STAT *stp)
+ static int switch_step = 0;
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(TIME, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO,
+ "set modtime, atime of %s to (%ld) %s, (%ld) %s\n",
+ fname, (long)stp->st_mtime,
+ timestring(stp->st_mtime), (long)stp->st_atime, timestring(stp->st_atime));
+ }
+ switch (switch_step) {
+#include "case_N.h"
+ if (do_setattrlist_times(fname, stp) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno != ENOSYS)
+ return -1;
+ switch_step++;
+#include "case_N.h"
+ if (do_utimensat(fname, stp) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno != ENOSYS)
+ return -1;
+ switch_step++;
+#include "case_N.h"
+ if (do_lutimes(fname, stp) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno != ENOSYS)
+ return -1;
+ switch_step++;
+#include "case_N.h"
+ switch_step++;
+ if (!omit_link_times) {
+ omit_link_times = 1;
+ if (S_ISLNK(stp->st_mode))
+ return 1;
+ }
+#include "case_N.h"
+ if (do_utimes(fname, stp) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (do_utime(fname, stp) == 0)
+ break;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Create any necessary directories in fname. Any missing directories are
+ * created with default permissions. Returns < 0 on error, or the number
+ * of directories created. */
+int make_path(char *fname, int flags)
+ char *end, *p;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (flags & MKP_SKIP_SLASH) {
+ while (*fname == '/')
+ fname++;
+ }
+ while (*fname == '.' && fname[1] == '/')
+ fname += 2;
+ if (flags & MKP_DROP_NAME) {
+ end = strrchr(fname, '/');
+ if (!end || end == fname)
+ return 0;
+ *end = '\0';
+ } else
+ end = fname + strlen(fname);
+ /* Try to find an existing dir, starting from the deepest dir. */
+ for (p = end; ; ) {
+ if (dry_run) {
+ if (do_stat(fname, &st) == 0) {
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+ errno = EEXIST;
+ else
+ errno = ENOTDIR;
+ }
+ } else if (do_mkdir(fname, ACCESSPERMS) == 0) {
+ ret++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ if (errno != EEXIST || (do_stat(fname, &st) == 0 && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)))
+ ret = -ret - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ if (p == fname) {
+ /* We got a relative path that doesn't exist, so assume that '.'
+ * is there and just break out and create the whole thing. */
+ p = NULL;
+ goto double_break;
+ }
+ if (*--p == '/') {
+ if (p == fname) {
+ /* We reached the "/" dir, which we assume is there. */
+ goto double_break;
+ }
+ *p = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double_break:
+ /* Make all the dirs that we didn't find on the way here. */
+ while (p != end) {
+ if (p)
+ *p = '/';
+ else
+ p = fname;
+ p += strlen(p);
+ if (ret < 0) /* Skip mkdir on error, but keep restoring the path. */
+ continue;
+ if (do_mkdir(fname, ACCESSPERMS) < 0)
+ ret = -ret - 1;
+ else
+ ret++;
+ }
+ if (flags & MKP_DROP_NAME)
+ *end = '/';
+ return ret;
+ * Write @p len bytes at @p ptr to descriptor @p desc, retrying if
+ * interrupted.
+ *
+ * @retval len upon success
+ *
+ * @retval <0 write's (negative) error code
+ *
+ * Derived from GNU C's cccp.c.
+ */
+int full_write(int desc, const char *ptr, size_t len)
+ int total_written;
+ total_written = 0;
+ while (len > 0) {
+ int written = write(desc, ptr, len);
+ if (written < 0) {
+ if (errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ return written;
+ }
+ total_written += written;
+ ptr += written;
+ len -= written;
+ }
+ return total_written;
+ * Read @p len bytes at @p ptr from descriptor @p desc, retrying if
+ * interrupted.
+ *
+ * @retval >0 the actual number of bytes read
+ *
+ * @retval 0 for EOF
+ *
+ * @retval <0 for an error.
+ *
+ * Derived from GNU C's cccp.c. */
+static int safe_read(int desc, char *ptr, size_t len)
+ int n_chars;
+ if (len == 0)
+ return len;
+ do {
+ n_chars = read(desc, ptr, len);
+ } while (n_chars < 0 && errno == EINTR);
+ return n_chars;
+/* Remove existing file @dest and reopen, creating a new file with @mode */
+static int unlink_and_reopen(const char *dest, mode_t mode)
+ int ofd;
+ if (robust_unlink(dest) && errno != ENOENT) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "unlink %s", full_fname(dest));
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs)
+ mode |= S_IWUSR;
+ if ((ofd = do_open(dest, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL, mode)) < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, save_errno, "open %s", full_fname(dest));
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return ofd;
+/* Copy contents of file @source to file @dest with mode @mode.
+ *
+ * If @tmpfilefd is < 0, copy_file unlinks @dest and then opens a new
+ * file with name @dest.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, copy_file writes to and closes the provided file
+ * descriptor.
+ *
+ * In either case, if --xattrs are being preserved, the dest file will
+ * have its xattrs set from the source file.
+ *
+ * This is used in conjunction with the --temp-dir, --backup, and
+ * --copy-dest options. */
+int copy_file(const char *source, const char *dest, int tmpfilefd, mode_t mode)
+ int ifd, ofd;
+ char buf[1024 * 8];
+ int len; /* Number of bytes read into `buf'. */
+ OFF_T prealloc_len = 0, offset = 0;
+ if ((ifd = do_open(source, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "open %s", full_fname(source));
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (tmpfilefd >= 0) {
+ ofd = tmpfilefd;
+ } else {
+ ofd = unlink_and_reopen(dest, mode);
+ if (ofd < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ close(ifd);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (preallocate_files) {
+ STRUCT_STAT srcst;
+ /* Try to preallocate enough space for file's eventual length. Can
+ * reduce fragmentation on filesystems like ext4, xfs, and NTFS. */
+ if (do_fstat(ifd, &srcst) < 0)
+ rsyserr(FWARNING, errno, "fstat %s", full_fname(source));
+ else if (srcst.st_size > 0) {
+ prealloc_len = do_fallocate(ofd, 0, srcst.st_size);
+ if (prealloc_len < 0)
+ rsyserr(FWARNING, errno, "do_fallocate %s", full_fname(dest));
+ }
+ }
+ while ((len = safe_read(ifd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) {
+ if (full_write(ofd, buf, len) < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "write %s", full_fname(dest));
+ close(ifd);
+ close(ofd);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ offset += len;
+ }
+ if (len < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "read %s", full_fname(source));
+ close(ifd);
+ close(ofd);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (close(ifd) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FWARNING, errno, "close failed on %s",
+ full_fname(source));
+ }
+ /* Source file might have shrunk since we fstatted it.
+ * Cut off any extra preallocated zeros from dest file. */
+ if (offset < prealloc_len) {
+ /* If we fail to truncate, the dest file may be wrong, so we
+ * must trigger the "partial transfer" error. */
+ if (do_ftruncate(ofd, offset) < 0)
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "ftruncate %s", full_fname(dest));
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "no ftruncate for over-long pre-alloc: %s", full_fname(dest));
+ }
+ if (do_fsync && fsync(ofd) < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "fsync failed on %s", full_fname(dest));
+ close(ofd);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (close(ofd) < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "close failed on %s", full_fname(dest));
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (preserve_xattrs)
+ copy_xattrs(source, dest);
+ return 0;
+#define MAX_RENAMES 1000
+ * Robust unlink: some OS'es (HPUX) refuse to unlink busy files, so
+ * rename to <path>/.rsyncNNN instead.
+ *
+ * Note that successive rsync runs will shuffle the filenames around a
+ * bit as long as the file is still busy; this is because this function
+ * does not know if the unlink call is due to a new file coming in, or
+ * --delete trying to remove old .rsyncNNN files, hence it renames it
+ * each time.
+ **/
+int robust_unlink(const char *fname)
+#ifndef ETXTBSY
+ return do_unlink(fname);
+ static int counter = 1;
+ int rc, pos, start;
+ char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ rc = do_unlink(fname);
+ if (rc == 0 || errno != ETXTBSY)
+ return rc;
+ if ((pos = strlcpy(path, fname, MAXPATHLEN)) >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ pos = MAXPATHLEN - 1;
+ while (pos > 0 && path[pos-1] != '/')
+ pos--;
+ pos += strlcpy(path+pos, ".rsync", MAXPATHLEN-pos);
+ errno = ETXTBSY;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* start where the last one left off to reduce chance of clashes */
+ start = counter;
+ do {
+ snprintf(&path[pos], MAX_RENAMES_DIGITS+1, "%03d", counter);
+ if (++counter >= MAX_RENAMES)
+ counter = 1;
+ } while ((rc = access(path, 0)) == 0 && counter != start);
+ if (INFO_GTE(MISC, 1)) {
+ rprintf(FWARNING, "renaming %s to %s because of text busy\n",
+ fname, path);
+ }
+ /* maybe we should return rename()'s exit status? Nah. */
+ if (do_rename(fname, path) != 0) {
+ errno = ETXTBSY;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Returns 0 on successful rename, 1 if we successfully copied the file
+ * across filesystems, -2 if copy_file() failed, and -1 on other errors.
+ * If partialptr is not NULL and we need to do a copy, copy the file into
+ * the active partial-dir instead of over the destination file. */
+int robust_rename(const char *from, const char *to, const char *partialptr,
+ int mode)
+ int tries = 4;
+ /* A resumed in-place partial-dir transfer might call us with from and
+ * to pointing to the same buf if the transfer failed yet again. */
+ if (from == to)
+ return 0;
+ while (tries--) {
+ if (do_rename(from, to) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ switch (errno) {
+#ifdef ETXTBSY
+ case ETXTBSY:
+ if (robust_unlink(to) != 0) {
+ errno = ETXTBSY;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ errno = ETXTBSY;
+ break;
+ case EXDEV:
+ if (partialptr) {
+ if (!handle_partial_dir(partialptr,PDIR_CREATE))
+ return -2;
+ to = partialptr;
+ }
+ if (copy_file(from, to, -1, mode) != 0)
+ return -2;
+ do_unlink(from);
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+static pid_t all_pids[10];
+static int num_pids;
+/** Fork and record the pid of the child. **/
+pid_t do_fork(void)
+ pid_t newpid = fork();
+ if (newpid != 0 && newpid != -1) {
+ all_pids[num_pids++] = newpid;
+ }
+ return newpid;
+ * Kill all children.
+ *
+ * @todo It would be kind of nice to make sure that they are actually
+ * all our children before we kill them, because their pids may have
+ * been recycled by some other process. Perhaps when we wait for a
+ * child, we should remove it from this array. Alternatively we could
+ * perhaps use process groups, but I think that would not work on
+ * ancient Unix versions that don't support them.
+ **/
+void kill_all(int sig)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_pids; i++) {
+ /* Let's just be a little careful where we
+ * point that gun, hey? See kill(2) for the
+ * magic caused by negative values. */
+ pid_t p = all_pids[i];
+ if (p == getpid())
+ continue;
+ if (p <= 0)
+ continue;
+ kill(p, sig);
+ }
+/** Lock a byte range in a open file */
+int lock_range(int fd, int offset, int len)
+ struct flock lock;
+ lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+ lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ lock.l_start = offset;
+ lock.l_len = len;
+ lock.l_pid = 0;
+ return fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&lock) == 0;
+#define ENSURE_MEMSPACE(buf, type, sz, req) \
+ do { if ((req) > sz) buf = realloc_array(buf, type, sz = MAX(sz * 2, req)); } while(0)
+static inline void call_glob_match(const char *name, int len, int from_glob,
+ char *arg, int abpos, int fbpos);
+static struct glob_data {
+ char *arg_buf, *filt_buf, **argv;
+ int absize, fbsize, maxargs, argc;
+} glob;
+static void glob_match(char *arg, int abpos, int fbpos)
+ int len;
+ char *slash;
+ while (*arg == '.' && arg[1] == '/') {
+ if (fbpos < 0) {
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.filt_buf, char, glob.fbsize, glob.absize);
+ memcpy(glob.filt_buf, glob.arg_buf, abpos + 1);
+ fbpos = abpos;
+ }
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.arg_buf, char, glob.absize, abpos + 3);
+ glob.arg_buf[abpos++] = *arg++;
+ glob.arg_buf[abpos++] = *arg++;
+ glob.arg_buf[abpos] = '\0';
+ }
+ if ((slash = strchr(arg, '/')) != NULL) {
+ *slash = '\0';
+ len = slash - arg;
+ } else
+ len = strlen(arg);
+ if (strpbrk(arg, "*?[")) {
+ struct dirent *di;
+ DIR *d;
+ if (!(d = opendir(abpos ? glob.arg_buf : ".")))
+ return;
+ while ((di = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+ char *dname = d_name(di);
+ if (dname[0] == '.' && (dname[1] == '\0'
+ || (dname[1] == '.' && dname[2] == '\0')))
+ continue;
+ if (!wildmatch(arg, dname))
+ continue;
+ call_glob_match(dname, strlen(dname), 1,
+ slash ? arg + len + 1 : NULL,
+ abpos, fbpos);
+ }
+ closedir(d);
+ } else {
+ call_glob_match(arg, len, 0,
+ slash ? arg + len + 1 : NULL,
+ abpos, fbpos);
+ }
+ if (slash)
+ *slash = '/';
+static inline void call_glob_match(const char *name, int len, int from_glob,
+ char *arg, int abpos, int fbpos)
+ char *use_buf;
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.arg_buf, char, glob.absize, abpos + len + 2);
+ memcpy(glob.arg_buf + abpos, name, len);
+ abpos += len;
+ glob.arg_buf[abpos] = '\0';
+ if (fbpos >= 0) {
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.filt_buf, char, glob.fbsize, fbpos + len + 2);
+ memcpy(glob.filt_buf + fbpos, name, len);
+ fbpos += len;
+ glob.filt_buf[fbpos] = '\0';
+ use_buf = glob.filt_buf;
+ } else
+ use_buf = glob.arg_buf;
+ if (from_glob || (arg && len)) {
+ int is_dir;
+ if (do_stat(glob.arg_buf, &st) != 0)
+ return;
+ is_dir = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) != 0;
+ if (arg && !is_dir)
+ return;
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head
+ && check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, use_buf, is_dir) < 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arg) {
+ glob.arg_buf[abpos++] = '/';
+ glob.arg_buf[abpos] = '\0';
+ if (fbpos >= 0) {
+ glob.filt_buf[fbpos++] = '/';
+ glob.filt_buf[fbpos] = '\0';
+ }
+ glob_match(arg, abpos, fbpos);
+ } else {
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.argv, char *, glob.maxargs, glob.argc + 1);
+ glob.argv[glob.argc++] = strdup(glob.arg_buf);
+ }
+/* This routine performs wild-card expansion of the pathname in "arg". Any
+ * daemon-excluded files/dirs will not be matched by the wildcards. Returns 0
+ * if a wild-card string is the only returned item (due to matching nothing). */
+int glob_expand(const char *arg, char ***argv_p, int *argc_p, int *maxargs_p)
+ int ret, save_argc;
+ char *s;
+ if (!arg) {
+ if (glob.filt_buf)
+ free(glob.filt_buf);
+ free(glob.arg_buf);
+ memset(&glob, 0, sizeof glob);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sanitize_paths)
+ s = sanitize_path(NULL, arg, "", 0, SP_KEEP_DOT_DIRS);
+ else {
+ s = strdup(arg);
+ }
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.arg_buf, char, glob.absize, MAXPATHLEN);
+ *glob.arg_buf = '\0';
+ glob.argc = save_argc = *argc_p;
+ glob.argv = *argv_p;
+ glob.maxargs = *maxargs_p;
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.argv, char *, glob.maxargs, 100);
+ glob_match(s, 0, -1);
+ /* The arg didn't match anything, so add the failed arg to the list. */
+ if (glob.argc == save_argc) {
+ ENSURE_MEMSPACE(glob.argv, char *, glob.maxargs, glob.argc + 1);
+ glob.argv[glob.argc++] = s;
+ ret = 0;
+ } else {
+ free(s);
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ *maxargs_p = glob.maxargs;
+ *argv_p = glob.argv;
+ *argc_p = glob.argc;
+ return ret;
+/* This routine is only used in daemon mode. */
+void glob_expand_module(char *base1, char *arg, char ***argv_p, int *argc_p, int *maxargs_p)
+ char *p, *s;
+ char *base = base1;
+ int base_len = strlen(base);
+ if (!arg || !*arg)
+ return;
+ if (strncmp(arg, base, base_len) == 0)
+ arg += base_len;
+ if (protect_args) {
+ glob_expand(arg, argv_p, argc_p, maxargs_p);
+ return;
+ }
+ arg = strdup(arg);
+ if (asprintf(&base," %s/", base1) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("glob_expand_module");
+ base_len++;
+ for (s = arg; *s; s = p + base_len) {
+ if ((p = strstr(s, base)) != NULL)
+ *p = '\0'; /* split it at this point */
+ glob_expand(s, argv_p, argc_p, maxargs_p);
+ if (!p)
+ break;
+ }
+ free(arg);
+ free(base);
+ * Convert a string to lower case
+ **/
+void strlower(char *s)
+ while (*s) {
+ if (isUpper(s))
+ *s = toLower(s);
+ s++;
+ }
+ * Split a string into tokens based (usually) on whitespace & commas. If the
+ * string starts with a comma (after skipping any leading whitespace), then
+ * splitting is done only on commas. No empty tokens are ever returned. */
+char *conf_strtok(char *str)
+ static int commas_only = 0;
+ if (str) {
+ while (isSpace(str)) str++;
+ if (*str == ',') {
+ commas_only = 1;
+ str++;
+ } else
+ commas_only = 0;
+ }
+ while (commas_only) {
+ char *end, *tok = strtok(str, ",");
+ if (!tok)
+ return NULL;
+ /* Trim just leading and trailing whitespace. */
+ while (isSpace(tok))
+ tok++;
+ end = tok + strlen(tok);
+ while (end > tok && isSpace(end-1))
+ *--end = '\0';
+ if (*tok)
+ return tok;
+ str = NULL;
+ }
+ return strtok(str, " ,\t\r\n");
+/* Join strings p1 & p2 into "dest" with a guaranteed '/' between them. (If
+ * p1 ends with a '/', no extra '/' is inserted.) Returns the length of both
+ * strings + 1 (if '/' was inserted), regardless of whether the null-terminated
+ * string fits into destsize. */
+size_t pathjoin(char *dest, size_t destsize, const char *p1, const char *p2)
+ size_t len = strlcpy(dest, p1, destsize);
+ if (len < destsize - 1) {
+ if (!len || dest[len-1] != '/')
+ dest[len++] = '/';
+ if (len < destsize - 1)
+ len += strlcpy(dest + len, p2, destsize - len);
+ else {
+ dest[len] = '\0';
+ len += strlen(p2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ len += strlen(p2) + 1; /* Assume we'd insert a '/'. */
+ return len;
+/* Join any number of strings together, putting them in "dest". The return
+ * value is the length of all the strings, regardless of whether the null-
+ * terminated whole fits in destsize. Your list of string pointers must end
+ * with a NULL to indicate the end of the list. */
+size_t stringjoin(char *dest, size_t destsize, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ size_t len, ret = 0;
+ const char *src;
+ va_start(ap, destsize);
+ while (1) {
+ if (!(src = va_arg(ap, const char *)))
+ break;
+ len = strlen(src);
+ ret += len;
+ if (destsize > 1) {
+ if (len >= destsize)
+ len = destsize - 1;
+ memcpy(dest, src, len);
+ destsize -= len;
+ dest += len;
+ }
+ }
+ *dest = '\0';
+ va_end(ap);
+ return ret;
+int count_dir_elements(const char *p)
+ int cnt = 0, new_component = 1;
+ while (*p) {
+ if (*p++ == '/')
+ new_component = (*p != '.' || (p[1] != '/' && p[1] != '\0'));
+ else if (new_component) {
+ new_component = 0;
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ return cnt;
+/* Turns multiple adjacent slashes into a single slash (possible exception:
+ * the preserving of two leading slashes at the start), drops all leading or
+ * interior "." elements unless CFN_KEEP_DOT_DIRS is flagged. Will also drop
+ * a trailing '.' after a '/' if CFN_DROP_TRAILING_DOT_DIR is flagged, removes
+ * a trailing slash (perhaps after removing the aforementioned dot) unless
+ * CFN_KEEP_TRAILING_SLASH is flagged, and will also collapse ".." elements
+ * (except at the start) if CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS is flagged. If the
+ * resulting name would be empty, returns ".". */
+int clean_fname(char *name, int flags)
+ char *limit = name - 1, *t = name, *f = name;
+ int anchored;
+ if (!name)
+ return 0;
+#define DOT_IS_DOT_DOT_DIR(bp) (bp[1] == '.' && (bp[2] == '/' || !bp[2]))
+ if ((anchored = *f == '/') != 0) {
+ *t++ = *f++;
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+ /* If there are exactly 2 slashes at the start, preserve
+ * them. Would break daemon excludes unless the paths are
+ * really treated differently, so used this sparingly. */
+ if (*f == '/' && f[1] != '/')
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ } else if (flags & CFN_KEEP_DOT_DIRS && *f == '.' && f[1] == '/') {
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ *t++ = *f++;
+ } else if (flags & CFN_REFUSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS && *f == '.' && DOT_IS_DOT_DOT_DIR(f))
+ return -1;
+ while (*f) {
+ /* discard extra slashes */
+ if (*f == '/') {
+ f++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*f == '.') {
+ /* discard interior "." dirs */
+ if (f[1] == '/' && !(flags & CFN_KEEP_DOT_DIRS)) {
+ f += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (f[1] == '\0' && flags & CFN_DROP_TRAILING_DOT_DIR)
+ break;
+ /* collapse ".." dirs */
+ char *s = t - 1;
+ if (flags & CFN_REFUSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS)
+ return -1;
+ if (s == name && anchored) {
+ f += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ while (s > limit && *--s != '/') {}
+ if (s != t - 1 && (s < name || *s == '/')) {
+ t = s + 1;
+ f += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ limit = t + 2;
+ }
+ }
+ while (*f && (*t++ = *f++) != '/') {}
+ }
+ if (t > name+anchored && t[-1] == '/' && !(flags & CFN_KEEP_TRAILING_SLASH))
+ t--;
+ if (t == name)
+ *t++ = '.';
+ *t = '\0';
+ return t - name;
+/* Make path appear as if a chroot had occurred. This handles a leading
+ * "/" (either removing it or expanding it) and any leading or embedded
+ * ".." components that attempt to escape past the module's top dir.
+ *
+ * If dest is NULL, a buffer is allocated to hold the result. It is legal
+ * to call with the dest and the path (p) pointing to the same buffer, but
+ * rootdir will be ignored to avoid expansion of the string.
+ *
+ * The rootdir string contains a value to use in place of a leading slash.
+ * Specify NULL to get the default of "module_dir".
+ *
+ * The depth var is a count of how many '..'s to allow at the start of the
+ * path.
+ *
+ * We also clean the path in a manner similar to clean_fname() but with a
+ * few differences:
+ *
+ * Turns multiple adjacent slashes into a single slash, gets rid of "." dir
+ * elements (INCLUDING a trailing dot dir), PRESERVES a trailing slash, and
+ * ALWAYS collapses ".." elements (except for those at the start of the
+ * string up to "depth" deep). If the resulting name would be empty,
+ * change it into a ".". */
+char *sanitize_path(char *dest, const char *p, const char *rootdir, int depth, int flags)
+ char *start, *sanp;
+ int rlen = 0, drop_dot_dirs = !relative_paths || !(flags & SP_KEEP_DOT_DIRS);
+ if (dest != p) {
+ int plen = strlen(p); /* the path len INCLUDING any separating slash */
+ if (*p == '/') {
+ if (!rootdir)
+ rootdir = module_dir;
+ rlen = strlen(rootdir);
+ depth = 0;
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (!dest)
+ dest = new_array(char, MAX(rlen + plen + 1, 2));
+ else if (rlen + plen + 1 >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ return NULL;
+ if (rlen) { /* only true if p previously started with a slash */
+ memcpy(dest, rootdir, rlen);
+ if (rlen > 1) /* a rootdir of len 1 is "/", so this avoids a 2nd slash */
+ dest[rlen++] = '/';
+ }
+ }
+ if (drop_dot_dirs) {
+ while (*p == '.' && p[1] == '/')
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ start = sanp = dest + rlen;
+ /* This loop iterates once per filename component in p, pointing at
+ * the start of the name (past any prior slash) for each iteration. */
+ while (*p) {
+ /* discard leading or extra slashes */
+ if (*p == '/') {
+ p++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (drop_dot_dirs) {
+ if (*p == '.' && (p[1] == '/' || p[1] == '\0')) {
+ /* skip "." component */
+ p++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*p == '.' && p[1] == '.' && (p[2] == '/' || p[2] == '\0')) {
+ /* ".." component followed by slash or end */
+ if (depth <= 0 || sanp != start) {
+ p += 2;
+ if (sanp != start) {
+ /* back up sanp one level */
+ --sanp; /* now pointing at slash */
+ while (sanp > start && sanp[-1] != '/')
+ sanp--;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* allow depth levels of .. at the beginning */
+ depth--;
+ /* move the virtual beginning to leave the .. alone */
+ start = sanp + 3;
+ }
+ /* copy one component through next slash */
+ while (*p && (*sanp++ = *p++) != '/') {}
+ }
+ if (sanp == dest) {
+ /* ended up with nothing, so put in "." component */
+ *sanp++ = '.';
+ }
+ *sanp = '\0';
+ return dest;
+/* Like chdir(), but it keeps track of the current directory (in the
+ * global "curr_dir"), and ensures that the path size doesn't overflow.
+ * Also cleans the path using the clean_fname() function. */
+int change_dir(const char *dir, int set_path_only)
+ static int initialised, skipped_chdir;
+ unsigned int len;
+ if (!initialised) {
+ initialised = 1;
+ if (getcwd(curr_dir, sizeof curr_dir - 1) == NULL) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "getcwd()");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILESELECT);
+ }
+ curr_dir_len = strlen(curr_dir);
+ }
+ if (!dir) /* this call was probably just to initialize */
+ return 0;
+ len = strlen(dir);
+ if (len == 1 && *dir == '.' && (!skipped_chdir || set_path_only))
+ return 1;
+ if (*dir == '/') {
+ if (len >= sizeof curr_dir) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!set_path_only && chdir(dir))
+ return 0;
+ skipped_chdir = set_path_only;
+ memcpy(curr_dir, dir, len + 1);
+ } else {
+ unsigned int save_dir_len = curr_dir_len;
+ if (curr_dir_len + 1 + len >= sizeof curr_dir) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!(curr_dir_len && curr_dir[curr_dir_len-1] == '/'))
+ curr_dir[curr_dir_len++] = '/';
+ memcpy(curr_dir + curr_dir_len, dir, len + 1);
+ if (!set_path_only && chdir(curr_dir)) {
+ curr_dir_len = save_dir_len;
+ curr_dir[curr_dir_len] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ skipped_chdir = set_path_only;
+ }
+ curr_dir_len = clean_fname(curr_dir, CFN_COLLAPSE_DOT_DOT_DIRS | CFN_DROP_TRAILING_DOT_DIR);
+ if (sanitize_paths) {
+ if (module_dirlen > curr_dir_len)
+ module_dirlen = curr_dir_len;
+ curr_dir_depth = count_dir_elements(curr_dir + module_dirlen);
+ }
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(CHDIR, 1) && !set_path_only)
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] change_dir(%s)\n", who_am_i(), curr_dir);
+ return 1;
+/* This will make a relative path absolute and clean it up via clean_fname().
+ * Returns the string, which might be newly allocated, or NULL on error. */
+char *normalize_path(char *path, BOOL force_newbuf, unsigned int *len_ptr)
+ unsigned int len;
+ if (*path != '/') { /* Make path absolute. */
+ int len = strlen(path);
+ if (curr_dir_len + 1 + len >= sizeof curr_dir)
+ return NULL;
+ curr_dir[curr_dir_len] = '/';
+ memcpy(curr_dir + curr_dir_len + 1, path, len + 1);
+ path = strdup(curr_dir);
+ curr_dir[curr_dir_len] = '\0';
+ } else if (force_newbuf)
+ path = strdup(path);
+ if (len_ptr)
+ *len_ptr = len;
+ return path;
+ * Return a quoted string with the full pathname of the indicated filename.
+ * The string " (in MODNAME)" may also be appended. The returned pointer
+ * remains valid until the next time full_fname() is called.
+ **/
+char *full_fname(const char *fn)
+ static char *result = NULL;
+ char *m1, *m2, *m3;
+ char *p1, *p2;
+ if (result)
+ free(result);
+ if (*fn == '/')
+ p1 = p2 = "";
+ else {
+ p1 = curr_dir + module_dirlen;
+ for (p2 = p1; *p2 == '/'; p2++) {}
+ if (*p2)
+ p2 = "/";
+ }
+ if (module_id >= 0) {
+ m1 = " (in ";
+ m2 = lp_name(module_id);
+ m3 = ")";
+ } else
+ m1 = m2 = m3 = "";
+ if (asprintf(&result, "\"%s%s%s\"%s%s%s", p1, p2, fn, m1, m2, m3) < 0)
+ out_of_memory("full_fname");
+ return result;
+static char partial_fname[MAXPATHLEN];
+char *partial_dir_fname(const char *fname)
+ char *t = partial_fname;
+ int sz = sizeof partial_fname;
+ const char *fn;
+ if ((fn = strrchr(fname, '/')) != NULL) {
+ fn++;
+ if (*partial_dir != '/') {
+ int len = fn - fname;
+ strncpy(t, fname, len); /* safe */
+ t += len;
+ sz -= len;
+ }
+ } else
+ fn = fname;
+ if ((int)pathjoin(t, sz, partial_dir, fn) >= sz)
+ return NULL;
+ if (daemon_filter_list.head) {
+ t = strrchr(partial_fname, '/');
+ *t = '\0';
+ if (check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, partial_fname, 1) < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ *t = '/';
+ if (check_filter(&daemon_filter_list, FLOG, partial_fname, 0) < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return partial_fname;
+/* If no --partial-dir option was specified, we don't need to do anything
+ * (the partial-dir is essentially '.'), so just return success. */
+int handle_partial_dir(const char *fname, int create)
+ char *fn, *dir;
+ if (fname != partial_fname)
+ return 1;
+ if (!create && *partial_dir == '/')
+ return 1;
+ if (!(fn = strrchr(partial_fname, '/')))
+ return 1;
+ *fn = '\0';
+ dir = partial_fname;
+ if (create) {
+ int statret = do_lstat(dir, &st);
+ if (statret == 0 && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ if (do_unlink(dir) < 0) {
+ *fn = '/';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ statret = -1;
+ }
+ if (statret < 0 && do_mkdir(dir, 0700) < 0) {
+ *fn = '/';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else
+ do_rmdir(dir);
+ *fn = '/';
+ return 1;
+/* Determine if a symlink points outside the current directory tree.
+ * This is considered "unsafe" because e.g. when mirroring somebody
+ * else's machine it might allow them to establish a symlink to
+ * /etc/passwd, and then read it through a web server.
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if unsafe, 0 if safe.
+ *
+ * Null symlinks and absolute symlinks are always unsafe.
+ *
+ * Basically here we are concerned with symlinks whose target contains
+ * "..", because this might cause us to walk back up out of the
+ * transferred directory. We are not allowed to go back up and
+ * reenter.
+ *
+ * "dest" is the target of the symlink in question.
+ *
+ * "src" is the top source directory currently applicable at the level
+ * of the referenced symlink. This is usually the symlink's full path
+ * (including its name), as referenced from the root of the transfer. */
+int unsafe_symlink(const char *dest, const char *src)
+ const char *name, *slash;
+ int depth = 0;
+ /* all absolute and null symlinks are unsafe */
+ if (!dest || !*dest || *dest == '/')
+ return 1;
+ /* find out what our safety margin is */
+ for (name = src; (slash = strchr(name, '/')) != 0; name = slash+1) {
+ /* ".." segment starts the count over. "." segment is ignored. */
+ if (*name == '.' && (name[1] == '/' || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '/'))) {
+ if (name[1] == '.')
+ depth = 0;
+ } else
+ depth++;
+ while (slash[1] == '/') slash++; /* just in case src isn't clean */
+ }
+ if (*name == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '\0')
+ depth = 0;
+ for (name = dest; (slash = strchr(name, '/')) != 0; name = slash+1) {
+ if (*name == '.' && (name[1] == '/' || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '/'))) {
+ if (name[1] == '.') {
+ /* if at any point we go outside the current directory
+ then stop - it is unsafe */
+ if (--depth < 0)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else
+ depth++;
+ while (slash[1] == '/') slash++;
+ }
+ if (*name == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '\0')
+ depth--;
+ return depth < 0;
+/* Return the date and time as a string. Some callers tweak returned buf. */
+char *timestring(time_t t)
+ static int ndx = 0;
+ static char buffers[4][20]; /* We support 4 simultaneous timestring results. */
+ char *TimeBuf = buffers[ndx = (ndx + 1) % 4];
+ struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
+ int len = snprintf(TimeBuf, sizeof buffers[0], "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
+ (int)tm->tm_year + 1900, (int)tm->tm_mon + 1, (int)tm->tm_mday,
+ (int)tm->tm_hour, (int)tm->tm_min, (int)tm->tm_sec);
+ assert(len > 0); /* Silence gcc warning */
+ return TimeBuf;
+/* Determine if two time_t values are equivalent (either exact, or in
+ * the modification timestamp window established by --modify-window).
+ * Returns 1 if the times the "same", or 0 if they are different. */
+int same_time(time_t f1_sec, unsigned long f1_nsec, time_t f2_sec, unsigned long f2_nsec)
+ if (modify_window == 0)
+ return f1_sec == f2_sec;
+ if (modify_window < 0)
+ return f1_sec == f2_sec && f1_nsec == f2_nsec;
+ /* The nanoseconds do not figure into these checks -- time windows don't care about that. */
+ if (f2_sec > f1_sec)
+ return f2_sec - f1_sec <= modify_window;
+ return f1_sec - f2_sec <= modify_window;
+#ifdef __INSURE__XX
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+ This routine is a trick to immediately catch errors when debugging
+ with insure. A xterm with a gdb is popped up when insure catches
+ a error. It is Linux specific.
+int _Insure_trap_error(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6)
+ static int (*fn)();
+ int ret, pid_int = getpid();
+ char *cmd;
+ if (asprintf(&cmd,
+ "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display :0 -T Panic -n Panic -e /bin/sh -c 'cat /tmp/ierrs.*.%d ; "
+ "gdb /proc/%d/exe %d'", pid_int, pid_int, pid_int) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!fn) {
+ static void *h;
+ h = dlopen("/usr/local/parasoft/insure++lite/lib.linux2/", RTLD_LAZY);
+ fn = dlsym(h, "_Insure_trap_error");
+ }
+ ret = fn(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
+ system(cmd);
+ free(cmd);
+ return ret;
+/* Take a filename and filename length and return the most significant
+ * filename suffix we can find. This ignores suffixes such as "~",
+ * ".bak", ".orig", ".~1~", etc. */
+const char *find_filename_suffix(const char *fn, int fn_len, int *len_ptr)
+ const char *suf, *s;
+ BOOL had_tilde;
+ int s_len;
+ /* One or more dots at the start aren't a suffix. */
+ while (fn_len && *fn == '.') fn++, fn_len--;
+ /* Ignore the ~ in a "foo~" filename. */
+ if (fn_len > 1 && fn[fn_len-1] == '~')
+ fn_len--, had_tilde = True;
+ else
+ had_tilde = False;
+ /* Assume we don't find an suffix. */
+ suf = "";
+ *len_ptr = 0;
+ /* Find the last significant suffix. */
+ for (s = fn + fn_len; fn_len > 1; ) {
+ while (*--s != '.' && s != fn) {}
+ if (s == fn)
+ break;
+ s_len = fn_len - (s - fn);
+ fn_len = s - fn;
+ if (s_len == 4) {
+ if (strcmp(s+1, "bak") == 0
+ || strcmp(s+1, "old") == 0)
+ continue;
+ } else if (s_len == 5) {
+ if (strcmp(s+1, "orig") == 0)
+ continue;
+ } else if (s_len > 2 && had_tilde && s[1] == '~' && isDigit(s + 2))
+ continue;
+ *len_ptr = s_len;
+ suf = s;
+ if (s_len == 1)
+ break;
+ /* Determine if the suffix is all digits. */
+ for (s++, s_len--; s_len > 0; s++, s_len--) {
+ if (!isDigit(s))
+ return suf;
+ }
+ /* An all-digit suffix may not be that significant. */
+ s = suf;
+ }
+ return suf;
+/* This is an implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm. It
+ * was implemented to avoid needing a two-dimensional matrix (to save
+ * memory). It was also tweaked to try to factor in the ASCII distance
+ * between changed characters as a minor distance quantity. The normal
+ * Levenshtein units of distance (each signifying a single change between
+ * the two strings) are defined as a "UNIT". */
+#define UNIT (1 << 16)
+uint32 fuzzy_distance(const char *s1, unsigned len1, const char *s2, unsigned len2, uint32 upperlimit)
+ uint32 a[MAXPATHLEN], diag, above, left, diag_inc, above_inc, left_inc;
+ int32 cost;
+ unsigned i1, i2;
+ /* Check to see if the Levenshtein distance must be greater than the
+ * upper limit defined by the previously found lowest distance using
+ * the heuristic that the Levenshtein distance is greater than the
+ * difference in length of the two strings */
+ if ((len1 > len2 ? len1 - len2 : len2 - len1) * UNIT > upperlimit)
+ return 0xFFFFU * UNIT + 1;
+ if (!len1 || !len2) {
+ if (!len1) {
+ s1 = s2;
+ len1 = len2;
+ }
+ for (i1 = 0, cost = 0; i1 < len1; i1++)
+ cost += s1[i1];
+ return (int32)len1 * UNIT + cost;
+ }
+ for (i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++)
+ a[i2] = (i2+1) * UNIT;
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < len1; i1++) {
+ diag = i1 * UNIT;
+ above = (i1+1) * UNIT;
+ for (i2 = 0; i2 < len2; i2++) {
+ left = a[i2];
+ if ((cost = *((uchar*)s1+i1) - *((uchar*)s2+i2)) != 0) {
+ if (cost < 0)
+ cost = UNIT - cost;
+ else
+ cost = UNIT + cost;
+ }
+ diag_inc = diag + cost;
+ left_inc = left + UNIT + *((uchar*)s1+i1);
+ above_inc = above + UNIT + *((uchar*)s2+i2);
+ a[i2] = above = left < above
+ ? (left_inc < diag_inc ? left_inc : diag_inc)
+ : (above_inc < diag_inc ? above_inc : diag_inc);
+ diag = left;
+ }
+ }
+ return a[len2-1];
+#define BB_SLOT_SIZE (16*1024) /* Desired size in bytes */
+#define BB_PER_SLOT_BITS (BB_SLOT_SIZE * 8) /* Number of bits per slot */
+#define BB_PER_SLOT_INTS (BB_SLOT_SIZE / 4) /* Number of int32s per slot */
+struct bitbag {
+ uint32 **bits;
+ int slot_cnt;
+struct bitbag *bitbag_create(int max_ndx)
+ struct bitbag *bb = new(struct bitbag);
+ bb->slot_cnt = (max_ndx + BB_PER_SLOT_BITS - 1) / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ bb->bits = new_array0(uint32*, bb->slot_cnt);
+ return bb;
+void bitbag_set_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int ndx)
+ int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ if (!bb->bits[slot])
+ bb->bits[slot] = new_array0(uint32, BB_PER_SLOT_INTS);
+ bb->bits[slot][ndx/32] |= 1u << (ndx % 32);
+#if 0 /* not needed yet */
+void bitbag_clear_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int ndx)
+ int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ if (!bb->bits[slot])
+ return;
+ bb->bits[slot][ndx/32] &= ~(1u << (ndx % 32));
+int bitbag_check_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int ndx)
+ int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ if (!bb->bits[slot])
+ return 0;
+ return bb->bits[slot][ndx/32] & (1u << (ndx % 32)) ? 1 : 0;
+/* Call this with -1 to start checking from 0. Returns -1 at the end. */
+int bitbag_next_bit(struct bitbag *bb, int after)
+ uint32 bits, mask;
+ int i, ndx = after + 1;
+ int slot = ndx / BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ ndx %= BB_PER_SLOT_BITS;
+ mask = (1u << (ndx % 32)) - 1;
+ for (i = ndx / 32; slot < bb->slot_cnt; slot++, i = mask = 0) {
+ if (!bb->bits[slot])
+ continue;
+ for ( ; i < BB_PER_SLOT_INTS; i++, mask = 0) {
+ if (!(bits = bb->bits[slot][i] & ~mask))
+ continue;
+ /* The xor magic figures out the lowest enabled bit in
+ * bits, and the switch quickly computes log2(bit). */
+ switch (bits ^ (bits & (bits-1))) {
+#define LOG2(n) case 1u << n: return slot*BB_PER_SLOT_BITS + i*32 + n
+ LOG2(0); LOG2(1); LOG2(2); LOG2(3);
+ LOG2(4); LOG2(5); LOG2(6); LOG2(7);
+ LOG2(8); LOG2(9); LOG2(10); LOG2(11);
+ LOG2(12); LOG2(13); LOG2(14); LOG2(15);
+ LOG2(16); LOG2(17); LOG2(18); LOG2(19);
+ LOG2(20); LOG2(21); LOG2(22); LOG2(23);
+ LOG2(24); LOG2(25); LOG2(26); LOG2(27);
+ LOG2(28); LOG2(29); LOG2(30); LOG2(31);
+ }
+ return -1; /* impossible... */
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+void flist_ndx_push(flist_ndx_list *lp, int ndx)
+ struct flist_ndx_item *item;
+ item = new(struct flist_ndx_item);
+ item->next = NULL;
+ item->ndx = ndx;
+ if (lp->tail)
+ lp->tail->next = item;
+ else
+ lp->head = item;
+ lp->tail = item;
+int flist_ndx_pop(flist_ndx_list *lp)
+ struct flist_ndx_item *next;
+ int ndx;
+ if (!lp->head)
+ return -1;
+ ndx = lp->head->ndx;
+ next = lp->head->next;
+ free(lp->head);
+ lp->head = next;
+ if (!next)
+ lp->tail = NULL;
+ return ndx;
+/* Make sure there is room for one more item in the item list. If there
+ * is not, expand the list as indicated by the value of "incr":
+ * - if incr < 0 then increase the malloced size by -1 * incr
+ * - if incr >= 0 then either make the malloced size equal to "incr"
+ * or (if that's not large enough) double the malloced size
+ * After the size check, the list's count is incremented by 1 and a pointer
+ * to the "new" list item is returned.
+ */
+void *expand_item_list(item_list *lp, size_t item_size, const char *desc, int incr)
+ /* First time through, 0 <= 0, so list is expanded. */
+ if (lp->malloced <= lp->count) {
+ void *new_ptr;
+ size_t expand_size;
+ if (incr < 0)
+ expand_size = -incr; /* increase slowly */
+ else if (lp->malloced < (size_t)incr)
+ expand_size = incr - lp->malloced;
+ else if (lp->malloced)
+ expand_size = lp->malloced; /* double in size */
+ else
+ expand_size = 1;
+ if (SIZE_MAX/item_size - expand_size < lp->malloced)
+ overflow_exit("expand_item_list");
+ expand_size += lp->malloced;
+ new_ptr = realloc_buf(lp->items, expand_size * item_size);
+ if (DEBUG_GTE(FLIST, 3)) {
+ rprintf(FINFO, "[%s] expand %s to %s bytes, did%s move\n",
+ who_am_i(), desc, big_num(expand_size * item_size),
+ new_ptr == lp->items ? " not" : "");
+ }
+ lp->items = new_ptr;
+ lp->malloced = expand_size;
+ }
+ return (char*)lp->items + (lp->count++ * item_size);
+/* This zeroing of memory won't be optimized away by the compiler. */
+void force_memzero(void *buf, size_t len)
+ volatile uchar *z = buf;
+ while (len-- > 0)
+ *z++ = '\0';
diff --git a/util2.c b/util2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8609a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * Utility routines used in rsync.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andrew Tridgell
+ * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Martin Pool <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "itypes.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+extern size_t max_alloc;
+char *do_calloc = "42";
+ * Sleep for a specified number of milliseconds.
+ *
+ * Always returns True.
+ **/
+int msleep(int t)
+ struct timespec ts;
+ ts.tv_sec = t / 1000;
+ ts.tv_nsec = (t % 1000) * 1000000L;
+ while (nanosleep(&ts, &ts) < 0 && errno == EINTR) {}
+#elif defined HAVE_USLEEP
+ usleep(t*1000);
+ int tdiff = 0;
+ struct timeval tval, t1, t2;
+ gettimeofday(&t1, NULL);
+ while (tdiff < t) {
+ tval.tv_sec = (t-tdiff)/1000;
+ tval.tv_usec = 1000*((t-tdiff)%1000);
+ errno = 0;
+ select(0,NULL,NULL, NULL, &tval);
+ gettimeofday(&t2, NULL);
+ tdiff = (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec)*1000 +
+ (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)/1000;
+ if (tdiff < 0)
+ t1 = t2; /* Time went backwards, so start over. */
+ }
+ return True;
+void *my_alloc(void *ptr, size_t num, size_t size, const char *file, int line)
+ if (max_alloc && num >= max_alloc/size) {
+ if (!file)
+ return NULL;
+ rprintf(FERROR, "[%s] exceeded --max-alloc=%s setting (file=%s, line=%d)\n",
+ who_am_i(), do_big_num(max_alloc, 0, NULL), src_file(file), line);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
+ }
+ if (!ptr)
+ ptr = malloc(num * size);
+ else if (ptr == do_calloc)
+ ptr = calloc(num, size);
+ else
+ ptr = realloc(ptr, num * size);
+ if (!ptr && file)
+ _out_of_memory("my_alloc caller", file, line);
+ return ptr;
+const char *sum_as_hex(int csum_type, const char *sum, int flist_csum)
+ static char buf[MAX_DIGEST_LEN*2+1];
+ int i, x1, x2;
+ int canonical = canonical_checksum(csum_type);
+ int sum_len = csum_len_for_type(csum_type, flist_csum);
+ char *c;
+ if (!canonical)
+ return NULL;
+ assert(sum_len*2 < (int)sizeof buf);
+ for (i = sum_len, c = buf; --i >= 0; ) {
+ int ndx = canonical < 0 ? sum_len - i - 1 : i;
+ x2 = CVAL(sum, ndx);
+ x1 = x2 >> 4;
+ x2 &= 0xF;
+ *c++ = x1 <= 9 ? x1 + '0' : x1 + 'a' - 10;
+ *c++ = x2 <= 9 ? x2 + '0' : x2 + 'a' - 10;
+ }
+ *c = '\0';
+ return buf;
+NORETURN void _out_of_memory(const char *msg, const char *file, int line)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "[%s] out of memory: %s (file=%s, line=%d)\n", who_am_i(), msg, src_file(file), line);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
+NORETURN void _overflow_exit(const char *msg, const char *file, int line)
+ rprintf(FERROR, "[%s] buffer overflow: %s (file=%s, line=%d)\n", who_am_i(), msg, src_file(file), line);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_MALLOC);
+const char *src_file(const char *file)
+ static const char *util2 = __FILE__;
+ static int prefix = -1;
+ if (prefix < 0) {
+ const char *cp = strrchr(util2, '/');
+ prefix = cp ? cp - util2 + 1 : 0;
+ }
+ if (prefix && strncmp(file, util2, prefix) == 0)
+ return file + prefix;
+ return file;
diff --git a/version.h b/version.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdfce4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#define RSYNC_VERSION "3.2.7"
diff --git a/wildtest.c b/wildtest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bea4ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wildtest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ * Test suite for the wildmatch code.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "lib/wildmatch.c"
+#include <popt.h>
+#include <fnmatch.h>
+int fnmatch_errors = 0;
+int wildmatch_errors = 0;
+typedef char bool;
+int output_iterations = 0;
+int explode_mod = 0;
+int empties_mod = 0;
+int empty_at_start = 0;
+int empty_at_end = 0;
+static struct poptOption long_options[] = {
+ /* longName, shortName, argInfo, argPtr, value, descrip, argDesc */
+ {"iterations", 'i', POPT_ARG_NONE, &output_iterations, 0, 0, 0},
+ {"empties", 'e', POPT_ARG_STRING, 0, 'e', 0, 0},
+ {"explode", 'x', POPT_ARG_INT, &explode_mod, 0, 0, 0},
+ {0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0}
+/* match just at the start of string (anchored tests) */
+static void
+run_test(int line, bool matches,
+ bool same_as_fnmatch,
+ const char *text, const char *pattern)
+ bool matched;
+ bool fn_matched;
+ int flags = strstr(pattern, "**")? 0 : FNM_PATHNAME;
+ if (explode_mod) {
+ char buf[MAXPATHLEN*2], *texts[MAXPATHLEN];
+ int pos = 0, cnt = 0, ndx = 0, len = strlen(text);
+ if (empty_at_start)
+ texts[ndx++] = "";
+ /* An empty string must turn into at least one empty array item. */
+ while (1) {
+ texts[ndx] = buf + ndx * (explode_mod + 1);
+ strlcpy(texts[ndx++], text + pos, explode_mod + 1);
+ if (pos + explode_mod >= len)
+ break;
+ pos += explode_mod;
+ if (!(++cnt % empties_mod))
+ texts[ndx++] = "";
+ }
+ if (empty_at_end)
+ texts[ndx++] = "";
+ texts[ndx] = NULL;
+ matched = wildmatch_array(pattern, (const char**)texts, 0);
+ } else
+ matched = wildmatch(pattern, text);
+ fn_matched = !fnmatch(pattern, text, flags);
+ if (matched != matches) {
+ printf("wildmatch failure on line %d:\n %s\n %s\n expected %s match\n",
+ line, text, pattern, matches? "a" : "NO");
+ wildmatch_errors++;
+ }
+ if (fn_matched != (matches ^ !same_as_fnmatch)) {
+ printf("fnmatch disagreement on line %d:\n %s\n %s\n expected %s match\n",
+ line, text, pattern, matches ^ !same_as_fnmatch? "a" : "NO");
+ fnmatch_errors++;
+ }
+ if (output_iterations) {
+ printf("%d: \"%s\" iterations = %d\n", line, pattern,
+ wildmatch_iteration_count);
+ }
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ char buf[2048], *s, *string[2], *end[2];
+ const char *arg;
+ FILE *fp;
+ int opt, line, i, flag[2];
+ poptContext pc = poptGetContext("wildtest", argc, (const char**)argv,
+ long_options, 0);
+ while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(pc)) != -1) {
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'e':
+ arg = poptGetOptArg(pc);
+ empties_mod = atoi(arg);
+ if (strchr(arg, 's'))
+ empty_at_start = 1;
+ if (strchr(arg, 'e'))
+ empty_at_end = 1;
+ if (!explode_mod)
+ explode_mod = 1024;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n",
+ poptBadOption(pc, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS),
+ poptStrerror(opt));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (explode_mod && !empties_mod)
+ empties_mod = 1024;
+ argv = (char**)poptGetArgs(pc);
+ if (!argv || argv[1]) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: wildtest [OPTIONS] TESTFILE\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((fp = fopen(*argv, "r")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s\n", *argv);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ line = 0;
+ while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
+ line++;
+ if (*buf == '#' || *buf == '\n')
+ continue;
+ for (s = buf, i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
+ if (*s == '1')
+ flag[i] = 1;
+ else if (*s == '0')
+ flag[i] = 0;
+ else
+ flag[i] = -1;
+ if (*++s != ' ' && *s != '\t')
+ flag[i] = -1;
+ if (flag[i] < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid flag syntax on line %d of %s:\n%s",
+ line, *argv, buf);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ while (*++s == ' ' || *s == '\t') {}
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
+ if (*s == '\'' || *s == '"' || *s == '`') {
+ char quote = *s++;
+ string[i] = s;
+ while (*s && *s != quote) s++;
+ if (!*s) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unmatched quote on line %d of %s:\n%s",
+ line, *argv, buf);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ end[i] = s;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!*s || *s == '\n') {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Not enough strings on line %d of %s:\n%s",
+ line, *argv, buf);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ string[i] = s;
+ while (*++s && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != '\n') {}
+ end[i] = s;
+ }
+ while (*++s == ' ' || *s == '\t') {}
+ }
+ *end[0] = *end[1] = '\0';
+ run_test(line, flag[0],
+ flag[1],
+ string[0], string[1]);
+ }
+ if (!wildmatch_errors)
+ fputs("No", stdout);
+ else
+ printf("%d", wildmatch_errors);
+ printf(" wildmatch error%s found.\n", wildmatch_errors == 1? "" : "s");
+ if (!fnmatch_errors)
+ fputs("No", stdout);
+ else
+ printf("%d", fnmatch_errors);
+ printf(" fnmatch error%s found.\n", fnmatch_errors == 1? "" : "s");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/wildtest.txt b/wildtest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42c1678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wildtest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# Input is in the following format (all items white-space separated):
+# The first two items are 1 or 0 indicating if the wildmat call is expected to
+# succeed and if fnmatch works the same way as wildmat, respectively. After
+# that is a text string for the match, and a pattern string. Strings can be
+# quoted (if desired) in either double or single quotes, as well as backticks.
+# MATCH FNMATCH_SAME "text to match" 'pattern to use'
+# Basic wildmat features
+1 1 foo foo
+0 1 foo bar
+1 1 '' ""
+1 1 foo ???
+0 1 foo ??
+1 1 foo *
+1 1 foo f*
+0 1 foo *f
+1 1 foo *foo*
+1 1 foobar *ob*a*r*
+1 1 aaaaaaabababab *ab
+1 1 foo* foo\*
+0 1 foobar foo\*bar
+1 1 f\oo f\\oo
+1 1 ball *[al]?
+0 1 ten [ten]
+1 1 ten **[!te]
+0 1 ten **[!ten]
+1 1 ten t[a-g]n
+0 1 ten t[!a-g]n
+1 1 ton t[!a-g]n
+1 1 ton t[^a-g]n
+1 1 a]b a[]]b
+1 1 a-b a[]-]b
+1 1 a]b a[]-]b
+0 1 aab a[]-]b
+1 1 aab a[]a-]b
+1 1 ] ]
+# Extended slash-matching features
+0 1 foo/baz/bar foo*bar
+1 1 foo/baz/bar foo**bar
+0 1 foo/bar foo?bar
+0 1 foo/bar foo[/]bar
+0 1 foo/bar f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r
+1 1 foo-bar f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r
+0 1 foo **/foo
+1 1 /foo **/foo
+1 1 bar/baz/foo **/foo
+0 1 bar/baz/foo */foo
+0 0 foo/bar/baz **/bar*
+1 1 deep/foo/bar/baz **/bar/*
+0 1 deep/foo/bar/baz/ **/bar/*
+1 1 deep/foo/bar/baz/ **/bar/**
+0 1 deep/foo/bar **/bar/*
+1 1 deep/foo/bar/ **/bar/**
+1 1 foo/bar/baz **/bar**
+1 1 foo/bar/baz/x */bar/**
+0 0 deep/foo/bar/baz/x */bar/**
+1 1 deep/foo/bar/baz/x **/bar/*/*
+# Various additional tests
+0 1 acrt a[c-c]st
+1 1 acrt a[c-c]rt
+0 1 ] [!]-]
+1 1 a [!]-]
+0 1 '' \
+0 1 \ \
+0 1 /\ */\
+1 1 /\ */\\
+1 1 foo foo
+1 1 @foo @foo
+0 1 foo @foo
+1 1 [ab] \[ab]
+1 1 [ab] [[]ab]
+1 1 [ab] [[:]ab]
+0 1 [ab] [[::]ab]
+1 1 [ab] [[:digit]ab]
+1 1 [ab] [\[:]ab]
+1 1 ?a?b \??\?b
+1 1 abc \a\b\c
+0 1 foo ''
+1 1 foo/bar/baz/to **/t[o]
+# Character class tests
+1 1 a1B [[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]
+0 1 a [[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]
+1 1 A [[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]
+1 1 1 [[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]
+0 1 1 [[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]
+1 1 ' ' [[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]
+0 1 . [[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]
+1 1 . [[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]
+1 1 5 [[:xdigit:]]
+1 1 f [[:xdigit:]]
+1 1 D [[:xdigit:]]
+1 1 _ [[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]
+#1 1 … [^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]
+1 1  [^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]
+1 1 . [^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]
+1 1 5 [a-c[:digit:]x-z]
+1 1 b [a-c[:digit:]x-z]
+1 1 y [a-c[:digit:]x-z]
+0 1 q [a-c[:digit:]x-z]
+# Additional tests, including some malformed wildmats
+1 1 ] [\\-^]
+0 1 [ [\\-^]
+1 1 - [\-_]
+1 1 ] [\]]
+0 1 \] [\]]
+0 1 \ [\]]
+0 1 ab a[]b
+0 1 a[]b a[]b
+0 1 ab[ ab[
+0 1 ab [!
+0 1 ab [-
+1 1 - [-]
+0 1 - [a-
+0 1 - [!a-
+1 1 - [--A]
+1 1 5 [--A]
+1 1 ' ' '[ --]'
+1 1 $ '[ --]'
+1 1 - '[ --]'
+0 1 0 '[ --]'
+1 1 - [---]
+1 1 - [------]
+0 1 j [a-e-n]
+1 1 - [a-e-n]
+1 1 a [!------]
+0 1 [ []-a]
+1 1 ^ []-a]
+0 1 ^ [!]-a]
+1 1 [ [!]-a]
+1 1 ^ [a^bc]
+1 1 -b] [a-]b]
+0 1 \ [\]
+1 1 \ [\\]
+0 1 \ [!\\]
+1 1 G [A-\\]
+0 1 aaabbb b*a
+0 1 aabcaa *ba*
+1 1 , [,]
+1 1 , [\\,]
+1 1 \ [\\,]
+1 1 - [,-.]
+0 1 + [,-.]
+0 1 -.] [,-.]
+1 1 2 [\1-\3]
+1 1 3 [\1-\3]
+0 1 4 [\1-\3]
+1 1 \ [[-\]]
+1 1 [ [[-\]]
+1 1 ] [[-\]]
+0 1 - [[-\]]
+# Test recursion and the abort code (use "wildtest -i" to see iteration counts)
+1 1 -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1 -*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*
+0 1 -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1 -*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*
+0 1 -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1 -*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*
+1 1 /adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1 /*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*
+0 1 /adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1 /*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*
+1 1 abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt **/*a*b*g*n*t
+0 1 abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz **/*a*b*g*n*t
diff --git a/xattrs.c b/xattrs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e50a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xattrs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@
+ * Extended Attribute support for rsync.
+ * Written by Jay Fenlason, vaguely based on the ACLs patch.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2022 Wayne Davison
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, visit the website.
+ */
+#include "rsync.h"
+#include "ifuncs.h"
+#include "inums.h"
+#include "lib/sysxattrs.h"
+extern int dry_run;
+extern int am_root;
+extern int am_sender;
+extern int am_generator;
+extern int read_only;
+extern int list_only;
+extern int preserve_xattrs;
+extern int preserve_links;
+extern int preserve_devices;
+extern int preserve_specials;
+extern int checksum_seed;
+extern int saw_xattr_filter;
+extern struct name_num_item *xattr_sum_nni;
+extern int xattr_sum_len;
+#define MAX_FULL_DATUM 32
+#define HAS_PREFIX(str, prfx) (*(str) == *(prfx) && strncmp(str, prfx, sizeof (prfx) - 1) == 0)
+#define XATTR_ABBREV(x) ((size_t)((x).name - (x).datum) < (x).datum_len)
+#define XSTATE_ABBREV 1
+#define XSTATE_DONE 2
+#define XSTATE_TODO 3
+#define USER_PREFIX "user."
+#define UPRE_LEN ((int)sizeof USER_PREFIX - 1)
+#define SYSTEM_PREFIX "system."
+#define SPRE_LEN ((int)sizeof SYSTEM_PREFIX - 1)
+#define MIGHT_NEED_RPRE (am_root <= 0)
+#define RSYNC_PREFIX USER_PREFIX "rsync."
+#define MIGHT_NEED_RPRE am_root
+#define RSYNC_PREFIX "rsync."
+#define RPRE_LEN ((int)sizeof RSYNC_PREFIX - 1)
+#define XSTAT_SUFFIX "stat"
+#define XACC_ACL_SUFFIX "aacl"
+#define XDEF_ACL_SUFFIX "dacl"
+typedef struct {
+ char *datum, *name;
+ size_t datum_len, name_len;
+ int num;
+} rsync_xa;
+struct _rsync_xa_list;
+typedef struct _rsync_xa_list_ref {
+ struct _rsync_xa_list_ref *next;
+ int ndx;
+} rsync_xa_list_ref;
+typedef struct _rsync_xa_list {
+ int ndx;
+ int64 key;
+ item_list xa_items;
+} rsync_xa_list;
+static size_t namebuf_len = 0;
+static char *namebuf = NULL;
+static const rsync_xa_list empty_xa_list = {
+ .xa_items = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST,
+static const item_list empty_xattr = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+static item_list rsync_xal_l = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+static struct hashtable *rsync_xal_h = NULL;
+static size_t prior_xattr_count = (size_t)-1;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void rsync_xal_free(item_list *xalp)
+ size_t i;
+ rsync_xa *rxas = xalp->items;
+ if (!xalp->malloced)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < xalp->count; i++) {
+ free(rxas[i].datum);
+ /*free(rxas[i].name);*/
+ }
+ free(xalp->items);
+void free_xattr(stat_x *sxp)
+ if (!sxp->xattr)
+ return;
+ rsync_xal_free(sxp->xattr);
+ free(sxp->xattr);
+ sxp->xattr = NULL;
+static int rsync_xal_compare_names(const void *x1, const void *x2)
+ const rsync_xa *xa1 = x1;
+ const rsync_xa *xa2 = x2;
+ return strcmp(xa1->name, xa2->name);
+static ssize_t get_xattr_names(const char *fname)
+ ssize_t list_len;
+ int64 arg;
+ if (!namebuf) {
+ namebuf_len = 1024;
+ namebuf = new_array(char, namebuf_len);
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ /* The length returned includes all the '\0' terminators. */
+ list_len = sys_llistxattr(fname, namebuf, namebuf_len);
+ if (list_len >= 0) {
+ if ((size_t)list_len <= namebuf_len)
+ break;
+ } else if (errno == ENOTSUP)
+ return 0;
+ else if (errno != ERANGE) {
+ arg = namebuf_len;
+ got_error:
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "get_xattr_names: llistxattr(%s,%s) failed",
+ full_fname(fname), big_num(arg));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ list_len = sys_llistxattr(fname, NULL, 0);
+ if (list_len < 0) {
+ arg = 0;
+ goto got_error;
+ }
+ if (namebuf_len)
+ free(namebuf);
+ namebuf_len = list_len + 1024;
+ namebuf = new_array(char, namebuf_len);
+ }
+ return list_len;
+/* On entry, the *len_ptr parameter contains the size of the extra space we
+ * should allocate when we create a buffer for the data. On exit, it contains
+ * the length of the datum. */
+static char *get_xattr_data(const char *fname, const char *name, size_t *len_ptr, int no_missing_error)
+ size_t datum_len = sys_lgetxattr(fname, name, NULL, 0);
+ size_t extra_len = *len_ptr;
+ char *ptr;
+ *len_ptr = datum_len;
+ if (datum_len == (size_t)-1) {
+ if (errno == ENOTSUP || no_missing_error)
+ return NULL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "get_xattr_data: lgetxattr(%s,\"%s\",0) failed",
+ full_fname(fname), name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!datum_len && !extra_len)
+ extra_len = 1; /* request non-zero amount of memory */
+ if (SIZE_MAX - datum_len < extra_len)
+ overflow_exit("get_xattr_data");
+ ptr = new_array(char, datum_len + extra_len);
+ if (datum_len) {
+ size_t len = sys_lgetxattr(fname, name, ptr, datum_len);
+ if (len != datum_len) {
+ if (len == (size_t)-1) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "get_xattr_data: lgetxattr(%s,\"%s\",%ld) failed",
+ full_fname(fname), name, (long)datum_len);
+ } else {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER,
+ "get_xattr_data: lgetxattr(%s,\"%s\",%ld) returned %ld\n",
+ full_fname(fname), name,
+ (long)datum_len, (long)len);
+ }
+ free(ptr);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return ptr;
+static int rsync_xal_get(const char *fname, item_list *xalp)
+ ssize_t list_len, name_len;
+ size_t datum_len, name_offset;
+ char *name, *ptr;
+ int user_only = am_sender ? 0 : !am_root;
+ rsync_xa *rxa;
+ int count;
+ /* This puts the name list into the "namebuf" buffer. */
+ if ((list_len = get_xattr_names(fname)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ for (name = namebuf; list_len > 0; name += name_len) {
+ name_len = strlen(name) + 1;
+ list_len -= name_len;
+ if (saw_xattr_filter) {
+ if (name_is_excluded(name, NAME_IS_XATTR, ALL_FILTERS))
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Choose between ignoring the system namespace or (non-root) ignoring any non-user namespace. */
+ else if (user_only ? !HAS_PREFIX(name, USER_PREFIX) : HAS_PREFIX(name, SYSTEM_PREFIX))
+ continue;
+ /* No rsync.%FOO attributes are copied w/o 2 -X options. */
+ if (name_len > RPRE_LEN && name[RPRE_LEN] == '%' && HAS_PREFIX(name, RSYNC_PREFIX)) {
+ if ((am_sender && preserve_xattrs < 2)
+ || (am_root < 0
+ && (strcmp(name+RPRE_LEN+1, XSTAT_SUFFIX) == 0
+ || strcmp(name+RPRE_LEN+1, XACC_ACL_SUFFIX) == 0
+ || strcmp(name+RPRE_LEN+1, XDEF_ACL_SUFFIX) == 0)))
+ continue;
+ }
+ datum_len = name_len; /* Pass extra size to get_xattr_data() */
+ if (!(ptr = get_xattr_data(fname, name, &datum_len, 0)))
+ return -1;
+ if (datum_len > MAX_FULL_DATUM) {
+ /* For large datums, we store a flag and a checksum. */
+ name_offset = 1 + MAX_XATTR_DIGEST_LEN;
+ sum_init(xattr_sum_nni, checksum_seed);
+ sum_update(ptr, datum_len);
+ free(ptr);
+ ptr = new_array(char, name_offset + name_len);
+ sum_end(ptr + 1);
+ } else
+ name_offset = datum_len;
+ rxa = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(xalp, rsync_xa, RSYNC_XAL_INITIAL);
+ rxa->name = ptr + name_offset;
+ memcpy(rxa->name, name, name_len);
+ rxa->datum = ptr;
+ rxa->name_len = name_len;
+ rxa->datum_len = datum_len;
+ }
+ count = xalp->count;
+ rxa = xalp->items;
+ if (count > 1)
+ qsort(rxa, count, sizeof (rsync_xa), rsync_xal_compare_names);
+ for (rxa += count-1; count; count--, rxa--)
+ rxa->num = count;
+ return 0;
+/* Read the xattr(s) for this filename. */
+int get_xattr(const char *fname, stat_x *sxp)
+ sxp->xattr = new(item_list);
+ *sxp->xattr = empty_xattr;
+ if (S_ISREG(sxp->st.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ /* Everyone supports this. */
+ } else if (S_ISLNK(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!preserve_links)
+ return 0;
+ } else if (IS_SPECIAL(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!preserve_specials)
+ return 0;
+ } else if (IS_DEVICE(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ if (!preserve_devices)
+ return 0;
+ } else if (IS_MISSING_FILE(sxp->st))
+ return 0;
+ if (rsync_xal_get(fname, sxp->xattr) < 0) {
+ free_xattr(sxp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int copy_xattrs(const char *source, const char *dest)
+ ssize_t list_len, name_len;
+ size_t datum_len;
+ char *name, *ptr;
+ int user_only = am_sender ? 0 : am_root <= 0;
+ /* This puts the name list into the "namebuf" buffer. */
+ if ((list_len = get_xattr_names(source)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ for (name = namebuf; list_len > 0; name += name_len) {
+ name_len = strlen(name) + 1;
+ list_len -= name_len;
+ if (saw_xattr_filter) {
+ if (name_is_excluded(name, NAME_IS_XATTR, ALL_FILTERS))
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Choose between ignoring the system namespace or (non-root) ignoring any non-user namespace. */
+ else if (user_only ? !HAS_PREFIX(name, USER_PREFIX) : HAS_PREFIX(name, SYSTEM_PREFIX))
+ continue;
+ datum_len = 0;
+ if (!(ptr = get_xattr_data(source, name, &datum_len, 0)))
+ return -1;
+ if (sys_lsetxattr(dest, name, ptr, datum_len) < 0) {
+ int save_errno = errno ? errno : EINVAL;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "copy_xattrs: lsetxattr(%s,\"%s\") failed",
+ full_fname(dest), name);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ free(ptr);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int64 xattr_lookup_hash(const item_list *xalp)
+ const rsync_xa *rxas = xalp->items;
+ size_t i;
+ int64 key = hashlittle2(&xalp->count, sizeof xalp->count);
+ for (i = 0; i < xalp->count; i++) {
+ key += hashlittle2(rxas[i].name, rxas[i].name_len);
+ if (rxas[i].datum_len > MAX_FULL_DATUM)
+ key += hashlittle2(rxas[i].datum, xattr_sum_len);
+ else
+ key += hashlittle2(rxas[i].datum, rxas[i].datum_len);
+ }
+ return key;
+static int find_matching_xattr(const item_list *xalp)
+ const struct ht_int64_node *node;
+ const rsync_xa_list_ref *ref;
+ int64 key;
+ if (rsync_xal_h == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ key = xattr_lookup_hash(xalp);
+ node = hashtable_find(rsync_xal_h, key, NULL);
+ if (node == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (node->data == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ for (ref = node->data; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) {
+ const rsync_xa_list *ptr = rsync_xal_l.items;
+ const rsync_xa *rxas1;
+ const rsync_xa *rxas2 = xalp->items;
+ size_t j;
+ ptr += ref->ndx;
+ rxas1 = ptr->xa_items.items;
+ /* Wrong number of elements? */
+ if (ptr->xa_items.count != xalp->count)
+ continue;
+ /* any elements different? */
+ for (j = 0; j < xalp->count; j++) {
+ if (rxas1[j].name_len != rxas2[j].name_len
+ || rxas1[j].datum_len != rxas2[j].datum_len
+ || strcmp(rxas1[j].name, rxas2[j].name))
+ break;
+ if (rxas1[j].datum_len > MAX_FULL_DATUM) {
+ if (memcmp(rxas1[j].datum + 1,
+ rxas2[j].datum + 1,
+ xattr_sum_len) != 0)
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (memcmp(rxas1[j].datum, rxas2[j].datum,
+ rxas2[j].datum_len))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* no differences found. This is The One! */
+ if (j == xalp->count)
+ return ref->ndx;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* Store *xalp on the end of rsync_xal_l */
+static int rsync_xal_store(item_list *xalp)
+ struct ht_int64_node *node;
+ int ndx = rsync_xal_l.count; /* pre-incremented count */
+ rsync_xa_list *new_list = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&rsync_xal_l, rsync_xa_list, RSYNC_XAL_LIST_INITIAL);
+ rsync_xa_list_ref *new_ref;
+ /* Since the following call starts a new list, we know it will hold the
+ * entire initial-count, not just enough space for one new item. */
+ *new_list = empty_xa_list;
+ (void)EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&new_list->xa_items, rsync_xa, xalp->count);
+ memcpy(new_list->xa_items.items, xalp->items, xalp->count * sizeof (rsync_xa));
+ new_list->xa_items.count = xalp->count;
+ xalp->count = 0;
+ new_list->ndx = ndx;
+ new_list->key = xattr_lookup_hash(&new_list->xa_items);
+ if (rsync_xal_h == NULL)
+ rsync_xal_h = hashtable_create(512, HT_KEY64);
+ new_ref = new0(rsync_xa_list_ref);
+ new_ref->ndx = ndx;
+ node = hashtable_find(rsync_xal_h, new_list->key, new_ref);
+ if (node->data != (void*)new_ref) {
+ rsync_xa_list_ref *ref = node->data;
+ while (ref != NULL) {
+ if (ref->next != NULL) {
+ ref = ref->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ref->next = new_ref;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ndx;
+/* Send the make_xattr()-generated xattr list for this flist entry. */
+int send_xattr(int f, stat_x *sxp)
+ int ndx = find_matching_xattr(sxp->xattr);
+ /* Send 0 (-1 + 1) to indicate that literal xattr data follows. */
+ write_varint(f, ndx + 1);
+ if (ndx < 0) {
+ rsync_xa *rxa;
+ int count = sxp->xattr->count;
+ write_varint(f, count);
+ for (rxa = sxp->xattr->items; count--; rxa++) {
+ size_t name_len = rxa->name_len;
+ const char *name = rxa->name;
+ /* Strip the rsync prefix from disguised namespaces. */
+ if (name_len > RPRE_LEN
+ && am_root < 0
+ && name[RPRE_LEN] != '%' && HAS_PREFIX(name, RSYNC_PREFIX)) {
+ name += RPRE_LEN;
+ name_len -= RPRE_LEN;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Put everything else in the user namespace. */
+ name_len += UPRE_LEN;
+ }
+ write_varint(f, name_len);
+ write_varint(f, rxa->datum_len);
+ if (name_len > rxa->name_len) {
+ write_buf(f, USER_PREFIX, UPRE_LEN);
+ name_len -= UPRE_LEN;
+ }
+ write_buf(f, name, name_len);
+ if (rxa->datum_len > MAX_FULL_DATUM)
+ write_buf(f, rxa->datum + 1, xattr_sum_len);
+ else
+ write_bigbuf(f, rxa->datum, rxa->datum_len);
+ }
+ ndx = rsync_xal_store(sxp->xattr); /* adds item to rsync_xal_l */
+ }
+ return ndx;
+/* Return a flag indicating if we need to change a file's xattrs. If
+ * "find_all" is specified, also mark any abbreviated xattrs that we
+ * need so that send_xattr_request() can tell the sender about them. */
+int xattr_diff(struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp, int find_all)
+ const rsync_xa_list *glst = rsync_xal_l.items;
+ const item_list *lst;
+ rsync_xa *snd_rxa, *rec_rxa;
+ int snd_cnt, rec_cnt;
+ int cmp, same, xattrs_equal = 1;
+ if (sxp && XATTR_READY(*sxp)) {
+ rec_rxa = sxp->xattr->items;
+ rec_cnt = sxp->xattr->count;
+ } else {
+ rec_rxa = NULL;
+ rec_cnt = 0;
+ }
+ if (F_XATTR(file) >= 0) {
+ glst += F_XATTR(file);
+ lst = &glst->xa_items;
+ } else
+ lst = &empty_xattr;
+ snd_rxa = lst->items;
+ snd_cnt = lst->count;
+ /* If the count of the sender's xattrs is different from our
+ * (receiver's) xattrs, the lists are not the same. */
+ if (snd_cnt != rec_cnt) {
+ if (!find_all)
+ return 1;
+ xattrs_equal = 0;
+ }
+ while (snd_cnt) {
+ cmp = rec_cnt ? strcmp(snd_rxa->name, rec_rxa->name) : -1;
+ if (cmp > 0)
+ same = 0;
+ else if (snd_rxa->datum_len > MAX_FULL_DATUM) {
+ same = cmp == 0 && snd_rxa->datum_len == rec_rxa->datum_len
+ && memcmp(snd_rxa->datum + 1, rec_rxa->datum + 1,
+ xattr_sum_len) == 0;
+ /* Flag unrequested items that we need. */
+ if (!same && find_all && snd_rxa->datum[0] == XSTATE_ABBREV)
+ snd_rxa->datum[0] = XSTATE_TODO;
+ } else {
+ same = cmp == 0 && snd_rxa->datum_len == rec_rxa->datum_len
+ && memcmp(snd_rxa->datum, rec_rxa->datum,
+ snd_rxa->datum_len) == 0;
+ }
+ if (!same) {
+ if (!find_all)
+ return 1;
+ xattrs_equal = 0;
+ }
+ if (cmp <= 0) {
+ snd_rxa++;
+ snd_cnt--;
+ }
+ if (cmp >= 0) {
+ rec_rxa++;
+ rec_cnt--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rec_cnt)
+ xattrs_equal = 0;
+ return !xattrs_equal;
+/* When called by the generator (with a NULL fname), this tells the sender
+ * all the abbreviated xattr values we need. When called by the sender
+ * (with a non-NULL fname), we send all the extra xattr data it needs.
+ * The generator may also call with f_out < 0 to just change all the
+ * XSTATE_ABBREV states into XSTATE_DONE. */
+void send_xattr_request(const char *fname, struct file_struct *file, int f_out)
+ const rsync_xa_list *glst = rsync_xal_l.items;
+ const item_list *lst;
+ int cnt, prior_req = 0;
+ rsync_xa *rxa;
+ glst += F_XATTR(file);
+ lst = &glst->xa_items;
+ for (rxa = lst->items, cnt = lst->count; cnt--; rxa++) {
+ if (rxa->datum_len <= MAX_FULL_DATUM)
+ continue;
+ switch (rxa->datum[0]) {
+ /* Items left abbreviated matched the sender's checksum, so
+ * the receiver will cache the local data for future use. */
+ if (am_generator)
+ rxa->datum[0] = XSTATE_DONE;
+ continue;
+ assert(f_out >= 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Flag that we handled this abbreviated item. */
+ rxa->datum[0] = XSTATE_DONE;
+ write_varint(f_out, rxa->num - prior_req);
+ prior_req = rxa->num;
+ if (fname) {
+ size_t len = 0;
+ char *ptr;
+ /* Re-read the long datum. */
+ if (!(ptr = get_xattr_data(fname, rxa->name, &len, 0))) {
+ rprintf(FERROR_XFER, "failed to re-read xattr %s for %s\n", rxa->name, fname);
+ write_varint(f_out, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ write_varint(f_out, len); /* length might have changed! */
+ write_bigbuf(f_out, ptr, len);
+ free(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (f_out >= 0)
+ write_byte(f_out, 0); /* end the list */
+/* When called by the sender, read the request from the generator and mark
+ * any needed xattrs with a flag that lets us know they need to be sent to
+ * the receiver. When called by the receiver, reads the sent data and
+ * stores it in place of its checksum. */
+int recv_xattr_request(struct file_struct *file, int f_in)
+ const rsync_xa_list *glst = rsync_xal_l.items;
+ const item_list *lst;
+ char *old_datum, *name;
+ rsync_xa *rxa;
+ int rel_pos, cnt, num, got_xattr_data = 0;
+ if (F_XATTR(file) < 0) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "recv_xattr_request: internal data error!\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ glst += F_XATTR(file);
+ lst = &glst->xa_items;
+ cnt = lst->count;
+ rxa = lst->items;
+ num = 0;
+ while ((rel_pos = read_varint(f_in)) != 0) {
+ num += rel_pos;
+ if (am_sender) {
+ /* The sender-related num values are only in order on the sender.
+ * We use that order here to scan forward or backward as needed. */
+ if (rel_pos < 0) {
+ while (cnt < (int)lst->count && rxa->num > num) {
+ rxa--;
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (cnt > 1 && rxa->num < num) {
+ rxa++;
+ cnt--;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ int j;
+ /* The receiving side has no known num order, so we just scan
+ * forward (w/wrap) and hope that the next value is near by. */
+ for (j = lst->count; j > 1 && rxa->num != num; j--) {
+ if (--cnt)
+ rxa++;
+ else {
+ cnt = lst->count;
+ rxa = lst->items;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!cnt || rxa->num != num) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "[%s] could not find xattr #%d for %s\n",
+ who_am_i(), num, f_name(file, NULL));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (!XATTR_ABBREV(*rxa) || rxa->datum[0] != XSTATE_ABBREV) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "[%s] internal abbrev error on %s (%s, len=%ld)!\n",
+ who_am_i(), f_name(file, NULL), rxa->name, (long)rxa->datum_len);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_PROTOCOL);
+ }
+ if (am_sender) {
+ rxa->datum[0] = XSTATE_TODO;
+ continue;
+ }
+ old_datum = rxa->datum;
+ rxa->datum_len = read_varint(f_in);
+ if (SIZE_MAX - rxa->name_len < rxa->datum_len)
+ overflow_exit("recv_xattr_request");
+ rxa->datum = new_array(char, rxa->datum_len + rxa->name_len);
+ name = rxa->datum + rxa->datum_len;
+ memcpy(name, rxa->name, rxa->name_len);
+ rxa->name = name;
+ free(old_datum);
+ read_buf(f_in, rxa->datum, rxa->datum_len);
+ got_xattr_data = 1;
+ }
+ return got_xattr_data;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* receive and build the rsync_xattr_lists */
+void receive_xattr(int f, struct file_struct *file)
+ static item_list temp_xattr = EMPTY_ITEM_LIST;
+ int count, num;
+ int need_sort = 0;
+ int need_sort = 1;
+ int ndx = read_varint(f);
+ if (ndx < 0 || (size_t)ndx > rsync_xal_l.count) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "receive_xattr: xa index %d out of"
+ " range for %s\n", ndx, f_name(file, NULL));
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_STREAMIO);
+ }
+ if (ndx != 0) {
+ F_XATTR(file) = ndx - 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((count = read_varint(f)) != 0) {
+ (void)EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&temp_xattr, rsync_xa, count);
+ temp_xattr.count = 0;
+ }
+ for (num = 1; num <= count; num++) {
+ char *ptr, *name;
+ rsync_xa *rxa;
+ size_t name_len = read_varint(f);
+ size_t datum_len = read_varint(f);
+ size_t dget_len = datum_len > MAX_FULL_DATUM ? 1 + (size_t)xattr_sum_len : datum_len;
+ size_t extra_len = MIGHT_NEED_RPRE ? RPRE_LEN : 0;
+ if (SIZE_MAX - dget_len < extra_len || SIZE_MAX - dget_len - extra_len < name_len)
+ overflow_exit("receive_xattr");
+ ptr = new_array(char, dget_len + extra_len + name_len);
+ name = ptr + dget_len + extra_len;
+ read_buf(f, name, name_len);
+ if (name_len < 1 || name[name_len-1] != '\0') {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Invalid xattr name received (missing trailing \\0).\n");
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ if (dget_len == datum_len)
+ read_buf(f, ptr, dget_len);
+ else {
+ read_buf(f, ptr + 1, xattr_sum_len);
+ }
+ if (saw_xattr_filter) {
+ if (name_is_excluded(name, NAME_IS_XATTR, ALL_FILTERS)) {
+ free(ptr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Non-root can only save the user namespace. */
+ if (am_root <= 0 && !HAS_PREFIX(name, USER_PREFIX)) {
+ if (!am_root && !saw_xattr_filter) {
+ free(ptr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ name -= RPRE_LEN;
+ name_len += RPRE_LEN;
+ memcpy(name, RSYNC_PREFIX, RPRE_LEN);
+ need_sort = 1;
+ }
+ /* This OS only has a user namespace, so we either
+ * strip the user prefix, or we put a non-user
+ * namespace inside our rsync hierarchy. */
+ if (HAS_PREFIX(name, USER_PREFIX)) {
+ name += UPRE_LEN;
+ name_len -= UPRE_LEN;
+ } else if (am_root) {
+ name -= RPRE_LEN;
+ name_len += RPRE_LEN;
+ memcpy(name, RSYNC_PREFIX, RPRE_LEN);
+ } else {
+ free(ptr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* No rsync.%FOO attributes are copied w/o 2 -X options. */
+ if (preserve_xattrs < 2 && name_len > RPRE_LEN
+ && name[RPRE_LEN] == '%' && HAS_PREFIX(name, RSYNC_PREFIX)) {
+ free(ptr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ rxa = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&temp_xattr, rsync_xa, 1);
+ rxa->name = name;
+ rxa->datum = ptr;
+ rxa->name_len = name_len;
+ rxa->datum_len = datum_len;
+ rxa->num = num;
+ }
+ if (need_sort && count > 1)
+ qsort(temp_xattr.items, count, sizeof (rsync_xa), rsync_xal_compare_names);
+ ndx = rsync_xal_store(&temp_xattr); /* adds item to rsync_xal_l */
+ F_XATTR(file) = ndx;
+/* Turn the xattr data in stat_x into cached xattr data, setting the index
+ * values in the file struct. */
+void cache_tmp_xattr(struct file_struct *file, stat_x *sxp)
+ int ndx;
+ if (!sxp->xattr)
+ return;
+ if (prior_xattr_count == (size_t)-1)
+ prior_xattr_count = rsync_xal_l.count;
+ ndx = find_matching_xattr(sxp->xattr);
+ if (ndx < 0)
+ rsync_xal_store(sxp->xattr); /* adds item to rsync_xal_l */
+ F_XATTR(file) = ndx;
+void uncache_tmp_xattrs(void)
+ if (prior_xattr_count != (size_t)-1) {
+ rsync_xa_list *xa_list_item = rsync_xal_l.items;
+ rsync_xa_list *xa_list_start = xa_list_item + prior_xattr_count;
+ xa_list_item += rsync_xal_l.count;
+ rsync_xal_l.count = prior_xattr_count;
+ while (xa_list_item-- > xa_list_start) {
+ struct ht_int64_node *node;
+ rsync_xa_list_ref *ref;
+ rsync_xal_free(&xa_list_item->xa_items);
+ if (rsync_xal_h == NULL)
+ continue;
+ node = hashtable_find(rsync_xal_h, xa_list_item->key, NULL);
+ if (node == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (node->data == NULL)
+ continue;
+ ref = node->data;
+ if (xa_list_item->ndx == ref->ndx) {
+ /* xa_list_item is the first in the list. */
+ node->data = ref->next;
+ free(ref);
+ continue;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+ rsync_xa_list_ref *next = ref->next;
+ if (next == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (xa_list_item->ndx == next->ndx) {
+ ref->next = next->next;
+ free(next);
+ break;
+ }
+ ref = next;
+ }
+ }
+ prior_xattr_count = (size_t)-1;
+ }
+static int rsync_xal_set(const char *fname, item_list *xalp,
+ const char *fnamecmp, stat_x *sxp)
+ rsync_xa *rxas = xalp->items;
+ ssize_t list_len;
+ size_t i, len;
+ char *name, *ptr, sum[MAX_XATTR_DIGEST_LEN];
+ int user_only = am_root <= 0;
+ size_t name_len;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* This puts the current name list into the "namebuf" buffer. */
+ if ((list_len = get_xattr_names(fname)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < xalp->count; i++) {
+ name = rxas[i].name;
+ if (XATTR_ABBREV(rxas[i])) {
+ /* See if the fnamecmp version is identical. */
+ len = name_len = rxas[i].name_len;
+ if ((ptr = get_xattr_data(fnamecmp, name, &len, 1)) == NULL) {
+ still_abbrev:
+ if (am_generator)
+ continue;
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Missing abbreviated xattr value, %s, for %s\n",
+ rxas[i].name, full_fname(fname));
+ ret = -1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (len != rxas[i].datum_len) {
+ free(ptr);
+ goto still_abbrev;
+ }
+ sum_init(xattr_sum_nni, checksum_seed);
+ sum_update(ptr, len);
+ sum_end(sum);
+ if (memcmp(sum, rxas[i].datum + 1, xattr_sum_len) != 0) {
+ free(ptr);
+ goto still_abbrev;
+ }
+ if (fname == fnamecmp)
+ ; /* Value is already set when identical */
+ else if (sys_lsetxattr(fname, name, ptr, len) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr(%s,\"%s\") failed",
+ full_fname(fname), name);
+ ret = -1;
+ } else /* make sure caller sets mtime */
+ sxp->st.st_mtime = (time_t)-1;
+ if (am_generator) { /* generator items stay abbreviated */
+ free(ptr);
+ continue;
+ }
+ memcpy(ptr + len, name, name_len);
+ free(rxas[i].datum);
+ rxas[i].name = name = ptr + len;
+ rxas[i].datum = ptr;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (sys_lsetxattr(fname, name, rxas[i].datum, rxas[i].datum_len) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr(%s,\"%s\") failed",
+ full_fname(fname), name);
+ ret = -1;
+ } else /* make sure caller sets mtime */
+ sxp->st.st_mtime = (time_t)-1;
+ }
+ /* Remove any extraneous names. */
+ for (name = namebuf; list_len > 0; name += name_len) {
+ name_len = strlen(name) + 1;
+ list_len -= name_len;
+ if (saw_xattr_filter) {
+ if (name_is_excluded(name, NAME_IS_XATTR, ALL_FILTERS))
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Choose between ignoring the system namespace or (non-root) ignoring any non-user namespace. */
+ else if (user_only ? !HAS_PREFIX(name, USER_PREFIX) : HAS_PREFIX(name, SYSTEM_PREFIX))
+ continue;
+ if (am_root < 0 && name_len > RPRE_LEN && name[RPRE_LEN] == '%' && strcmp(name, XSTAT_ATTR) == 0)
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < xalp->count; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(name, rxas[i].name) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == xalp->count) {
+ if (sys_lremovexattr(fname, name) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "rsync_xal_set: lremovexattr(%s,\"%s\") failed",
+ full_fname(fname), name);
+ ret = -1;
+ } else /* make sure caller sets mtime */
+ sxp->st.st_mtime = (time_t)-1;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* Set extended attributes on indicated filename. */
+int set_xattr(const char *fname, const struct file_struct *file, const char *fnamecmp, stat_x *sxp)
+ rsync_xa_list *glst = rsync_xal_l.items;
+ item_list *lst;
+ int ndx, added_write_perm = 0;
+ if (dry_run)
+ return 1; /* FIXME: --dry-run needs to compute this value */
+ if (read_only || list_only) {
+ errno = EROFS;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (IS_SPECIAL(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ errno = ENOTSUP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (IS_DEVICE(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ errno = ENOTSUP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (S_ISLNK(sxp->st.st_mode)) {
+ errno = ENOTSUP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* If the target file lacks write permission, we try to add it
+ * temporarily so we can change the extended attributes. */
+ if (!am_root
+ && !S_ISLNK(sxp->st.st_mode)
+ && access(fname, W_OK) < 0
+ && do_chmod(fname, (sxp->st.st_mode & CHMOD_BITS) | S_IWUSR) == 0)
+ added_write_perm = 1;
+ ndx = F_XATTR(file);
+ glst += ndx;
+ lst = &glst->xa_items;
+ int return_value = rsync_xal_set(fname, lst, fnamecmp, sxp);
+ if (added_write_perm) /* remove the temporary write permission */
+ do_chmod(fname, sxp->st.st_mode);
+ return return_value;
+char *get_xattr_acl(const char *fname, int is_access_acl, size_t *len_p)
+ const char *name = is_access_acl ? XACC_ACL_ATTR : XDEF_ACL_ATTR;
+ *len_p = 0; /* no extra data alloc needed from get_xattr_data() */
+ return get_xattr_data(fname, name, len_p, 1);
+int set_xattr_acl(const char *fname, int is_access_acl, const char *buf, size_t buf_len)
+ const char *name = is_access_acl ? XACC_ACL_ATTR : XDEF_ACL_ATTR;
+ if (sys_lsetxattr(fname, name, buf, buf_len) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "set_xattr_acl: lsetxattr(%s,\"%s\") failed",
+ full_fname(fname), name);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int del_def_xattr_acl(const char *fname)
+ return sys_lremovexattr(fname, XDEF_ACL_ATTR);
+int get_stat_xattr(const char *fname, int fd, STRUCT_STAT *fst, STRUCT_STAT *xst)
+ unsigned int mode;
+ int rdev_major, rdev_minor, uid, gid, len;
+ char buf[256];
+ if (am_root >= 0 || IS_DEVICE(fst->st_mode) || IS_SPECIAL(fst->st_mode))
+ return -1;
+ if (xst)
+ *xst = *fst;
+ else
+ xst = fst;
+ if (fname) {
+ fd = -1;
+ len = sys_lgetxattr(fname, XSTAT_ATTR, buf, sizeof buf - 1);
+ } else {
+ fname = "fd";
+ len = sys_fgetxattr(fd, XSTAT_ATTR, buf, sizeof buf - 1);
+ }
+ if (len >= (int)sizeof buf) {
+ len = -1;
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ }
+ if (len < 0) {
+ if (errno == ENOTSUP || errno == ENOATTR)
+ return -1;
+ if (errno == EPERM && S_ISLNK(fst->st_mode)) {
+ xst->st_uid = 0;
+ xst->st_gid = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "failed to read xattr %s for %s",
+ XSTAT_ATTR, full_fname(fname));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ if (sscanf(buf, "%o %d,%d %d:%d",
+ &mode, &rdev_major, &rdev_minor, &uid, &gid) != 5) {
+ rprintf(FERROR, "Corrupt %s xattr attached to %s: \"%s\"\n",
+ XSTAT_ATTR, full_fname(fname), buf);
+ exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO);
+ }
+ xst->st_mode = from_wire_mode(mode);
+ xst->st_rdev = MAKEDEV(rdev_major, rdev_minor);
+ xst->st_uid = uid;
+ xst->st_gid = gid;
+ return 0;
+int set_stat_xattr(const char *fname, struct file_struct *file, mode_t new_mode)
+ STRUCT_STAT fst, xst;
+ dev_t rdev;
+ mode_t mode, fmode;
+ if (dry_run)
+ return 0;
+ if (read_only || list_only) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, EROFS, "failed to write xattr %s for %s",
+ XSTAT_ATTR, full_fname(fname));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (x_lstat(fname, &fst, &xst) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno, "failed to re-stat %s",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fst.st_mode &= (_S_IFMT | CHMOD_BITS);
+ fmode = new_mode & (_S_IFMT | CHMOD_BITS);
+ if (IS_DEVICE(fmode)) {
+ uint32 *devp = F_RDEV_P(file);
+ rdev = MAKEDEV(DEV_MAJOR(devp), DEV_MINOR(devp));
+ } else
+ rdev = 0;
+ /* Dump the special permissions and enable full owner access. */
+ mode = (fst.st_mode & _S_IFMT) | (fmode & ACCESSPERMS)
+ | (S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode) ? 0700 : 0600);
+ if (fst.st_mode != mode)
+ do_chmod(fname, mode);
+ if (!IS_DEVICE(fst.st_mode))
+ fst.st_rdev = 0; /* just in case */
+ if (mode == fmode && fst.st_rdev == rdev
+ && fst.st_uid == F_OWNER(file) && fst.st_gid == F_GROUP(file)) {
+ /* xst.st_mode will be 0 if there's no current stat xattr */
+ if (xst.st_mode && sys_lremovexattr(fname, XSTAT_ATTR) < 0) {
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "delete of stat xattr failed for %s",
+ full_fname(fname));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (xst.st_mode != fmode || xst.st_rdev != rdev
+ || xst.st_uid != F_OWNER(file) || xst.st_gid != F_GROUP(file)) {
+ char buf[256];
+ int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%o %u,%u %u:%u",
+ to_wire_mode(fmode),
+ (int)major(rdev), (int)minor(rdev),
+ F_OWNER(file), F_GROUP(file));
+ if (sys_lsetxattr(fname, XSTAT_ATTR, buf, len) < 0) {
+ if (errno == EPERM && S_ISLNK(fst.st_mode))
+ return 0;
+ rsyserr(FERROR_XFER, errno,
+ "failed to write xattr %s for %s",
+ XSTAT_ATTR, full_fname(fname));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int x_stat(const char *fname, STRUCT_STAT *fst, STRUCT_STAT *xst)
+ int ret = do_stat(fname, fst);
+ if ((ret < 0 || get_stat_xattr(fname, -1, fst, xst) < 0) && xst)
+ xst->st_mode = 0;
+ return ret;
+int x_lstat(const char *fname, STRUCT_STAT *fst, STRUCT_STAT *xst)
+ int ret = do_lstat(fname, fst);
+ if ((ret < 0 || get_stat_xattr(fname, -1, fst, xst) < 0) && xst)
+ xst->st_mode = 0;
+ return ret;
+int x_fstat(int fd, STRUCT_STAT *fst, STRUCT_STAT *xst)
+ int ret = do_fstat(fd, fst);
+ if ((ret < 0 || get_stat_xattr(NULL, fd, fst, xst) < 0) && xst)
+ xst->st_mode = 0;
+ return ret;
+#endif /* SUPPORT_XATTRS */
diff --git a/zlib/ChangeLog b/zlib/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f22aaba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+ ChangeLog file for zlib
+Changes in 1.2.8 (28 Apr 2013)
+- Update contrib/minizip/iowin32.c for Windows RT [Vollant]
+- Do not force Z_CONST for C++
+- Clean up contrib/vstudio [Ro§]
+- Correct spelling error in zlib.h
+- Fix mixed line endings in contrib/vstudio
+Changes in (13 Apr 2013)
+- Fix version numbers and DLL names in contrib/vstudio/*/zlib.rc
+Changes in (13 Apr 2013)
+- Change check for a four-byte type back to hexadecimal
+- Fix typo in win32/Makefile.msc
+- Add casts in gzwrite.c for pointer differences
+Changes in (24 Mar 2013)
+- Replace use of unsafe string functions with snprintf if available
+- Avoid including stddef.h on Windows for Z_SOLO compile [Niessink]
+- Fix gzgetc undefine when Z_PREFIX set [Turk]
+- Eliminate use of mktemp in Makefile (not always available)
+- Fix bug in 'F' mode for gzopen()
+- Add inflateGetDictionary() function
+- Correct comment in deflate.h
+- Use _snprintf for snprintf in Microsoft C
+- On Darwin, only use /usr/bin/libtool if libtool is not Apple
+- Delete "--version" file if created by "ar --version" [Richard G.]
+- Fix configure check for veracity of compiler error return codes
+- Fix CMake compilation of static lib for MSVC2010 x64
+- Remove unused variable in infback9.c
+- Fix argument checks in gzlog_compress() and gzlog_write()
+- Clean up the usage of z_const and respect const usage within zlib
+- Clean up examples/gzlog.[ch] comparisons of different types
+- Avoid shift equal to bits in type (caused endless loop)
+- Fix unintialized value bug in gzputc() introduced by const patches
+- Fix memory allocation error in examples/zran.c [Nor]
+- Fix bug where gzopen(), gzclose() would write an empty file
+- Fix bug in gzclose() when gzwrite() runs out of memory
+- Check for input buffer malloc failure in examples/gzappend.c
+- Add note to contrib/blast to use binary mode in stdio
+- Fix comparisons of differently signed integers in contrib/blast
+- Check for invalid code length codes in contrib/puff
+- Fix serious but very rare decompression bug in inftrees.c
+- Update inflateBack() comments, since inflate() can be faster
+- Use underscored I/O function names for WINAPI_FAMILY
+- Add _tr_flush_bits to the external symbols prefixed by --zprefix
+- Add contrib/vstudio/vc10 pre-build step for static only
+- Quote --version-script argument in CMakeLists.txt
+- Don't specify --version-script on Apple platforms in CMakeLists.txt
+- Fix casting error in contrib/testzlib/testzlib.c
+- Fix types in contrib/minizip to match result of get_crc_table()
+- Simplify contrib/vstudio/vc10 with 'd' suffix
+- Add TOP support to win32/Makefile.msc
+- Suport i686 and amd64 assembler builds in CMakeLists.txt
+- Fix typos in the use of _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE in zconf.h
+- Add vc11 and vc12 build files to contrib/vstudio
+- Add gzvprintf() as an undocumented function in zlib
+- Fix configure for Sun shell
+- Remove runtime check in configure for four-byte integer type
+- Add casts and consts to ease user conversion to C++
+- Add man pages for minizip and miniunzip
+- In Makefile uninstall, don't rm if preceding cd fails
+- Do not return Z_BUF_ERROR if deflateParam() has nothing to write
+Changes in 1.2.7 (2 May 2012)
+- Replace use of memmove() with a simple copy for portability
+- Test for existence of strerror
+- Restore gzgetc_ for backward compatibility with 1.2.6
+- Fix build with non-GNU make on Solaris
+- Require gcc 4.0 or later on Mac OS X to use the hidden attribute
+- Include unistd.h for Watcom C
+- Use __WATCOMC__ instead of __WATCOM__
+- Do not use the visibility attribute if NO_VIZ defined
+- Improve the detection of no hidden visibility attribute
+- Avoid using __int64 for gcc or solo compilation
+- Cast to char * in gzprintf to avoid warnings [Zinser]
+- Fix for VAX [Zinser]
+- Don't use library or built-in byte swaps
+- Simplify test and use of gcc hidden attribute
+- Fix bug in gzclose_w() when gzwrite() fails to allocate memory
+- Add "x" (O_EXCL) and "e" (O_CLOEXEC) modes support to gzopen()
+- Fix bug in test/minigzip.c for configure --solo
+- Fix contrib/vstudio project link errors [Mohanathas]
+- Add ability to choose the builder in [Schweda]
+- Add DESTDIR support to mingw32 win32/Makefile.gcc
+- Fix comments in win32/Makefile.gcc for proper usage
+- Allow overriding the default install locations for cmake
+- Generate and install the pkg-config file with cmake
+- Build both a static and a shared version of zlib with cmake
+- Include version symbols for cmake builds
+- If using cmake with MSVC, add the source directory to the includes
+- Remove unneeded EXTRA_CFLAGS from win32/Makefile.gcc [Truta]
+- Move obsolete emx makefile to old [Truta]
+- Allow the use of -Wundef when compiling or using zlib
+- Avoid the use of the -u option with mktemp
+- Improve inflate() documentation on the use of Z_FINISH
+- Recognize clang as gcc
+- Add gzopen_w() in Windows for wide character path names
+- Rename zconf.h in CMakeLists.txt to move it out of the way
+- Add source directory in CMakeLists.txt for building examples
+- Look in build directory for zlib.pc in CMakeLists.txt
+- Remove gzflags from zlibvc.def in vc9 and vc10
+- Fix contrib/minizip compilation in the MinGW environment
+- Update ./configure for Solaris, support --64 [Mooney]
+- Remove -R. from Solaris shared build (possible security issue)
+- Avoid race condition for parallel make (-j) running example
+- Fix type mismatch between get_crc_table() and crc_table
+- Fix parsing of version with "-" in CMakeLists.txt [Snider, Ziegler]
+- Fix the path to in CMakeLists.txt
+- Force the native libtool in Mac OS X to avoid GNU libtool [Beebe]
+- Add instructions to win32/Makefile.gcc for shared install [Torri]
+Changes in (12 Feb 2012)
+- Avoid the use of the Objective-C reserved name "id"
+- Include io.h in gzguts.h for Microsoft compilers
+- Fix problem with ./configure --prefix and gzgetc macro
+- Include gz_header definition when compiling zlib solo
+- Put gzflags() functionality back in zutil.c
+- Avoid library header include in crc32.c for Z_SOLO
+- Use name in GCC_CLASSIC as C compiler for coverage testing, if set
+- Minor cleanup in contrib/minizip/zip.c [Vollant]
+- Update [Zinser]
+- Remove unnecessary gzgetc_ function
+- Use optimized byte swap operations for Microsoft and GNU [Snyder]
+- Fix minor typo in zlib.h comments [Rzesniowiecki]
+Changes in 1.2.6 (29 Jan 2012)
+- Update the Pascal interface in contrib/pascal
+- Fix function numbers for gzgetc_ in zlibvc.def files
+- Fix for contrib/minizip [Schiffer]
+- Fix large-entry detection in minizip on 64-bit systems [Schiffer]
+- Have ./configure use the compiler return code for error indication
+- Fix CMakeLists.txt for cross compilation [McClure]
+- Fix contrib/minizip/zip.c for 64-bit architectures [Dalsnes]
+- Fix compilation of contrib/minizip on FreeBSD [Marquez]
+- Correct suggested usages in win32/Makefile.msc [Shachar, Horvath]
+- Include io.h for Turbo C / Borland C on all platforms [Truta]
+- Make version explicit in contrib/minizip/ [Bosmans]
+- Avoid warning for no encryption in contrib/minizip/zip.c [Vollant]
+- Minor cleanup up contrib/minizip/unzip.c [Vollant]
+- Fix bug when compiling minizip with C++ [Vollant]
+- Protect for long name and extra fields in contrib/minizip [Vollant]
+- Avoid some warnings in contrib/minizip [Vollant]
+- Add -I../.. -L../.. to CFLAGS for minizip and miniunzip
+- Add missing libs to minizip linker command
+- Add support for VPATH builds in contrib/minizip
+- Add an --enable-demos option to contrib/minizip/configure
+- Add the generation of configure.log by ./configure
+- Exit when required parameters not provided to win32/Makefile.gcc
+- Have gzputc return the character written instead of the argument
+- Use the -m option on ldconfig for BSD systems [Tobias]
+- Correct in when deflateResetKeep was added
+Changes in (15 Jan 2012)
+- Restore gzgetc function for binary compatibility
+- Do not use _lseeki64 under Borland C++ [Truta]
+- Update win32/Makefile.msc to build test/*.c [Truta]
+- Remove old/visualc6 given CMakefile and other alternatives
+- Update AS400 build files and documentation [Monnerat]
+- Update win32/Makefile.gcc to build test/*.c [Truta]
+- Permit stronger flushes after Z_BLOCK flushes
+- Avoid extraneous empty blocks when doing empty flushes
+- Permit Z_NULL arguments to deflatePending
+- Allow deflatePrime() to insert bits in the middle of a stream
+- Remove second empty static block for Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH
+- Write out all of the available bits when using Z_BLOCK
+- Insert the first two strings in the hash table after a flush
+Changes in (17 Dec 2011)
+- fix ld error: unable to find version dependency 'ZLIB_1.2.5'
+- use relative symlinks for shared libs
+- Avoid searching past window for Z_RLE strategy
+- Assure that high-water mark initialization is always applied in deflate
+- Add assertions to fill_window() in deflate.c to match comments
+- Update python link in README
+- Correct spelling error in gzread.c
+- Fix bug in gzgets() for a concatenated empty gzip stream
+- Correct error in comment for gz_make()
+- Change gzread() and related to ignore junk after gzip streams
+- Allow gzread() and related to continue after gzclearerr()
+- Allow gzrewind() and gzseek() after a premature end-of-file
+- Simplify gzseek() now that raw after gzip is ignored
+- Change gzgetc() to a macro for speed (~40% speedup in testing)
+- Fix gzclose() to return the actual error last encountered
+- Always add large file support for windows
+- Include zconf.h for windows large file support
+- Include zconf.h.cmakein for windows large file support
+- Update zconf.h.cmakein on make distclean
+- Merge vestigial vsnprintf determination from zutil.h to gzguts.h
+- Clarify how gzopen() appends in zlib.h comments
+- Correct documentation of gzdirect() since junk at end now ignored
+- Add a transparent write mode to gzopen() when 'T' is in the mode
+- Update python link in zlib man page
+- Get inffixed.h and MAKEFIXED result to match
+- Add a ./config --solo option to make zlib subset with no libary use
+- Add undocumented inflateResetKeep() function for CAB file decoding
+- Add --cover option to ./configure for gcc coverage testing
+- Add #define ZLIB_CONST option to use const in the z_stream interface
+- Add comment to gzdopen() in zlib.h to use dup() when using fileno()
+- Note behavior of uncompress() to provide as much data as it can
+- Add files in contrib/minizip to aid in building libminizip
+- Split off AR options in and configure
+- Change ON macro to Z_ARG to avoid application conflicts
+- Facilitate compilation with Borland C++ for pragmas and vsnprintf
+- Include io.h for Turbo C / Borland C++
+- Move example.c and minigzip.c to test/
+- Simplify incomplete code table filling in inflate_table()
+- Remove code from inflate.c and infback.c that is impossible to execute
+- Test the inflate code with full coverage
+- Allow deflateSetDictionary, inflateSetDictionary at any time (in raw)
+- Add deflateResetKeep and fix inflateResetKeep to retain dictionary
+- Fix gzwrite.c to accommodate reduced memory zlib compilation
+- Have inflate() with Z_FINISH avoid the allocation of a window
+- Do not set strm->adler when doing raw inflate
+- Fix gzeof() to behave just like feof() when read is not past end of file
+- Fix bug in gzread.c when end-of-file is reached
+- Avoid use of Z_BUF_ERROR in gz* functions except for premature EOF
+- Document gzread() capability to read concurrently written files
+- Remove hard-coding of resource compiler in CMakeLists.txt [Blammo]
+Changes in (10 Sep 2011)
+- Update FAQ entry on shared builds (#13)
+- Avoid symbolic argument to chmod in
+- Fix bug and add consts in contrib/puff [Oberhumer]
+- Update contrib/puff/zeros.raw test file to have all block types
+- Add full coverage test for puff in contrib/puff/Makefile
+- Fix static-only-build install in
+- Fix bug in unzGetCurrentFileInfo() in contrib/minizip [Kuno]
+- Add libz.a dependency to shared in for parallel builds
+- Spell out "number" (instead of "nb") in zlib.h for total_in, total_out
+- Replace $(...) with `...` in configure for non-bash sh [Bowler]
+- Add darwin* to Darwin* and solaris* to SunOS\ 5* in configure [Groffen]
+- Add solaris* to Linux* in configure to allow gcc use [Groffen]
+- Add *bsd* to Linux* case in configure [Bar-Lev]
+- Add inffast.obj to dependencies in win32/Makefile.msc
+- Correct spelling error in deflate.h [Kohler]
+- Change libzdll.a again to libz.dll.a (!) in win32/Makefile.gcc
+- Add test to configure for GNU C looking for gcc in output of $cc -v
+- Add zlib.pc generation to win32/Makefile.gcc [Weigelt]
+- Fix bug in zlib.h for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS set and _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE not
+- Add comment in zlib.h that adler32_combine with len2 < 0 makes no sense
+- Make NO_DIVIDE option in adler32.c much faster (thanks to John Reiser)
+- Make stronger test in zconf.h to include unistd.h for LFS
+- Apply Darwin patches for 64-bit file offsets to contrib/minizip [Slack]
+- Fix zlib.h LFS support when Z_PREFIX used
+- Add updated as400 support (removed from old) [Monnerat]
+- Avoid deflate sensitivity to volatile input data
+- Avoid division in adler32_combine for NO_DIVIDE
+- Clarify the use of Z_FINISH with deflateBound() amount of space
+- Set binary for output file in puff.c
+- Use u4 type for crc_table to avoid conversion warnings
+- Apply casts in zlib.h to avoid conversion warnings
+- Add OF to prototypes for adler32_combine_ and crc32_combine_ [Miller]
+- Improve inflateSync() documentation to note indeterminancy
+- Add deflatePending() function to return the amount of pending output
+- Correct the spelling of "specification" in FAQ [Randers-Pehrson]
+- Add a check in configure for stdarg.h, use for gzprintf()
+- Check that pointers fit in ints when gzprint() compiled old style
+- Add dummy name before $(SHAREDLIBV) in Makefile [Bar-Lev, Bowler]
+- Delete line in configure that adds -L. libz.a to LDFLAGS [Weigelt]
+- Add debug records in assmebler code [Londer]
+- Update RFC references to use [Li]
+- Add --archs option, use of libtool to configure for Mac OS X [Borstel]
+Changes in 1.2.5 (19 Apr 2010)
+- Disable visibility attribute in win32/Makefile.gcc [Bar-Lev]
+- Default to libdir as sharedlibdir in configure [Nieder]
+- Update copyright dates on modified source files
+- Update trees.c to be able to generate modified trees.h
+- Exit configure for MinGW, suggesting win32/Makefile.gcc
+- Check for NULL path in gz_open [Homurlu]
+Changes in (18 Apr 2010)
+- Set sharedlibdir in configure [Torok]
+- Set LDFLAGS in [Bar-Lev]
+- Avoid mkdir objs race condition in [Bowler]
+- Add ZLIB_INTERNAL in front of internal inter-module functions and arrays
+- Define ZLIB_INTERNAL to hide internal functions and arrays for GNU C
+- Don't use hidden attribute when it is a warning generator (e.g. Solaris)
+Changes in (18 Apr 2010)
+- Fix CROSS_PREFIX executable testing, CHOST extract, mingw* [Torok]
+- Undefine _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE in zconf.h if it is zero, but not if empty
+- Try to use bash or ksh regardless of functionality of /bin/sh
+- Fix configure incompatibility with NetBSD sh
+- Remove attempt to run under bash or ksh since have better NetBSD fix
+- Fix win32/Makefile.gcc for MinGW [Bar-Lev]
+- Add diagnostic messages when using CROSS_PREFIX in configure
+- Added --sharedlibdir option to configure [Weigelt]
+- Use hidden visibility attribute when available [Frysinger]
+Changes in (10 Apr 2010)
+- Only use CROSS_PREFIX in configure for ar and ranlib if they exist
+- Use CROSS_PREFIX for nm [Bar-Lev]
+- Assume _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE defined is equivalent to true
+- Avoid use of undefined symbols in #if with && and ||
+- Make *64 prototypes in gzguts.h consistent with functions
+- Add -shared load option for MinGW in configure [Bowler]
+- Move z_off64_t to public interface, use instead of off64_t
+- Remove ! from shell test in configure (not portable to Solaris)
+- Change +0 macro tests to -0 for possibly increased portability
+Changes in (9 Apr 2010)
+- Add consistent carriage returns to readme.txt's in masmx86 and masmx64
+- Really provide prototypes for *64 functions when building without LFS
+- Only define unlink() in minigzip.c if unistd.h not included
+- Update README to point to contrib/vstudio project files
+- Move projects/vc6 to old/ and remove projects/
+- Include stdlib.h in minigzip.c for setmode() definition under WinCE
+- Clean up assembler builds in win32/Makefile.msc [Rowe]
+- Include sys/types.h for Microsoft for off_t definition
+- Fix memory leak on error in gz_open()
+- Symbolize nm as $NM in configure [Weigelt]
+- Use TEST_LDSHARED instead of LDSHARED to link test programs [Weigelt]
+- Add +0 to _FILE_OFFSET_BITS and _LFS64_LARGEFILE in case not defined
+- Fix bug in gzeof() to take into account unused input data
+- Avoid initialization of structures with variables in puff.c
+- Updated win32/README-WIN32.txt [Rowe]
+Changes in (28 Mar 2010)
+- Remove the use of [a-z] constructs for sed in configure [gentoo 310225]
+- Remove $(SHAREDLIB) from LIBS in [Creech]
+- Restore "for debugging" comment on sprintf() in gzlib.c
+- Remove fdopen for MVS from gzguts.h
+- Put new README-WIN32.txt in win32 [Rowe]
+- Add check for shell to configure and invoke another shell if needed
+- Fix big fat stinking bug in gzseek() on uncompressed files
+- Remove vestigial F_OPEN64 define in zutil.h
+- Set and check the value of _LARGEFILE_SOURCE and _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
+- Avoid errors on non-LFS systems when applications define LFS macros
+- Set EXE to ".exe" in configure for MINGW [Kahle]
+- Match crc32() in crc32.c exactly to the prototype in zlib.h [Sherrill]
+- Add prefix for cross-compilation in win32/makefile.gcc [Bar-Lev]
+- Add DLL install in win32/makefile.gcc [Bar-Lev]
+- Allow Linux* or linux* from uname in configure [Bar-Lev]
+- Allow ldconfig to be redefined in configure and [Bar-Lev]
+- Add cross-compilation prefixes to configure [Bar-Lev]
+- Match type exactly in gz_load() invocation in gzread.c
+- Match type exactly of zcalloc() in zutil.c to zlib.h alloc_func
+- Provide prototypes for *64 functions when building zlib without LFS
+- Don't use -lc when linking shared library on MinGW
+- Remove errno.h check in configure and vestigial errno code in zutil.h
+Changes in 1.2.4 (14 Mar 2010)
+- Fix VER3 extraction in configure for no fourth subversion
+- Update zlib.3, add docs to to make .pdf out of it
+- Add zlib.3.pdf to distribution
+- Don't set error code in gzerror() if passed pointer is NULL
+- Apply destination directory fixes to CMakeLists.txt [Lowman]
+- Move #cmakedefine's to a new
+- Restore zconf.h for builds that don't use configure or cmake
+- Add distclean to dummy Makefile for convenience
+- Update and improve INDEX, README, and FAQ
+- Update CMakeLists.txt for the return of zconf.h [Lowman]
+- Update contrib/vstudio/vc9 and vc10 [Vollant]
+- Change libz.dll.a back to libzdll.a in win32/Makefile.gcc
+- Apply license and readme changes to contrib/asm686 [Raiter]
+- Check file name lengths and add -c option in minigzip.c [Li]
+- Update contrib/amd64 and contrib/masmx86/ [Vollant]
+- Avoid use of "eof" parameter in trees.c to not shadow library variable
+- Update for removal of zlibdefs.h [Zinser]
+- Update assembler code and vstudio projects in contrib [Vollant]
+- Remove outdated assembler code contrib/masm686 and contrib/asm586
+- Remove old vc7 and vc8 from contrib/vstudio
+- Update win32/Makefile.msc, add ZLIB_VER_SUBREVISION [Rowe]
+- Fix memory leaks in gzclose_r() and gzclose_w(), file leak in gz_open()
+- Add contrib/gcc_gvmat64 for longest_match and inflate_fast [Vollant]
+- Remove *64 functions from win32/zlib.def (they're not 64-bit yet)
+- Fix bug in void-returning vsprintf() case in gzwrite.c
+- Fix name change from inflate.h in contrib/inflate86/inffas86.c
+- Check if temporary file exists before removing in [Zinser]
+- Fix make install and uninstall for --static option
+- Fix usage of _MSC_VER in gzguts.h and zutil.h [Truta]
+- Update readme.txt in contrib/masmx64 and masmx86 to assemble
+Changes in (21 Feb 2010)
+- Expunge gzio.c
+- Move as400 build information to old
+- Fix updates in contrib/minizip and contrib/vstudio
+- Add const to vsnprintf test in configure to avoid warnings [Weigelt]
+- Delete zconf.h (made by configure) [Weigelt]
+- Change to per convention [Weigelt]
+- Check for NULL buf in gzgets()
+- Return empty string for gzgets() with len == 1 (like fgets())
+- Fix description of gzgets() in zlib.h for end-of-file, NULL return
+- Update minizip to 1.1 [Vollant]
+- Avoid MSVC loss of data warnings in gzread.c, gzwrite.c
+- Note in zlib.h that gzerror() should be used to distinguish from EOF
+- Remove use of snprintf() from gzlib.c
+- Fix bug in gzseek()
+- Update contrib/vstudio, adding vc9 and vc10 [Kuno, Vollant]
+- Fix zconf.h generation in CMakeLists.txt [Lowman]
+- Improve comments in zconf.h where modified by configure
+Changes in (13 Feb 2010)
+- Clean up text files (tabs, trailing whitespace, etc.) [Oberhumer]
+- Use z_off64_t in gz_zero() and gz_skip() to match state->skip
+- Avoid comparison problem when sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t)
+- Revert to from (live with the clutter)
+- Fix missing error return in gzflush(), add zlib.h note
+- Add *64 functions to [Levin]
+- Fix signed/unsigned comparison in gz_comp()
+- Use SFLAGS when testing shared linking in configure
+- Add --64 option to ./configure to use -m64 with gcc
+- Fix ./configure --help to correctly name options
+- Have make fail if a test fails [Levin]
+- Avoid buffer overrun in contrib/masmx64/gvmat64.asm [Simpson]
+- Remove assembler object files from contrib
+Changes in (24 Jan 2010)
+- Always gzopen() with O_LARGEFILE if available
+- Fix gzdirect() to work immediately after gzopen() or gzdopen()
+- Make gzdirect() more precise when the state changes while reading
+- Improve zlib.h documentation in many places
+- Catch memory allocation failure in gz_open()
+- Complete close operation if seek forward in gzclose_w() fails
+- Return Z_ERRNO from gzclose_r() if close() fails
+- Return Z_STREAM_ERROR instead of EOF for gzclose() being passed NULL
+- Return zero for gzwrite() errors to match zlib.h description
+- Return -1 on gzputs() error to match zlib.h description
+- Add to allow recovery from configure modification [Weigelt]
+- Fix static library permissions in [Weigelt]
+- Avoid warnings in configure tests that hide functionality [Weigelt]
+- Add *BSD and DragonFly to Linux case in configure [gentoo 123571]
+- Change libzdll.a to libz.dll.a in win32/Makefile.gcc [gentoo 288212]
+- Avoid access of uninitialized data for first inflateReset2 call [Gomes]
+- Keep object files in subdirectories to reduce the clutter somewhat
+- Remove default Makefile and zlibdefs.h, add dummy Makefile
+- Add new external functions to Z_PREFIX, remove duplicates, z_z_ -> z_
+- Remove zlibdefs.h completely -- modify zconf.h instead
+Changes in (17 Jan 2010)
+- Avoid void * arithmetic in gzread.c and gzwrite.c
+- Make compilers happier with const char * for gz_error message
+- Avoid unused parameter warning in inflate.c
+- Avoid signed-unsigned comparison warning in inflate.c
+- Indent #pragma's for traditional C
+- Fix usage of strwinerror() in glib.c, change to gz_strwinerror()
+- Correct email address in configure for system options
+- Update and add to contrib/minizip [Zinser]
+- Update [Brown]
+- Fix for Solaris 10 make of example64 and minizip64 [Torok]
+- Apply various fixes to CMakeLists.txt [Lowman]
+- Add checks on len in gzread() and gzwrite()
+- Add error message for no more room for gzungetc()
+- Remove zlib version check in gzwrite()
+- Defer compression of gzprintf() result until need to
+- Use snprintf() in gzdopen() if available
+- Remove USE_MMAP configuration determination (only used by minigzip)
+- Remove examples/pigz.c (available separately)
+- Update examples/gun.c to 1.6
+Changes in (8 Jan 2010)
+- Add space after #if in zutil.h for some compilers
+- Fix relatively harmless bug in deflate_fast() [Exarevsky]
+- Fix same problem in deflate_slow()
+- Add $(SHAREDLIBV) to LIBS in [Brown]
+- Add deflate_rle() for faster Z_RLE strategy run-length encoding
+- Add deflate_huff() for faster Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY encoding
+- Change name of "write" variable in inffast.c to avoid library collisions
+- Fix premature EOF from gzread() in gzio.c [Brown]
+- Use zlib header window size if windowBits is 0 in inflateInit2()
+- Remove compressBound() call in deflate.c to avoid linking compress.o
+- Replace use of errno in gz* with functions, support WinCE [Alves]
+- Provide alternative to perror() in minigzip.c for WinCE [Alves]
+- Don't use _vsnprintf on later versions of MSVC [Lowman]
+- Add CMake build script and input file [Lowman]
+- Update contrib/minizip to 1.1 [Svensson, Vollant]
+- Moved nintendods directory from contrib to .
+- Replace gzio.c with a new set of routines with the same functionality
+- Add gzbuffer(), gzoffset(), gzclose_r(), gzclose_w() as part of above
+- Update contrib/minizip to 1.1b
+- Change gzeof() to return 0 on error instead of -1 to agree with zlib.h
+Changes in (21 Dec 2009)
+- Use old school .SUFFIXES in for FreeBSD compatibility
+- Update comments in configure and for default --shared
+- Fix test -z's in configure [Marquess]
+- Build examplesh and minigzipsh when not testing
+- Change NULL's to Z_NULL's in deflate.c and in comments in zlib.h
+- Import LDFLAGS from the environment in configure
+- Fix configure to populate SFLAGS with discovered CFLAGS options
+- Adapt to the new [Zinser]
+- Add zlib2ansi script for C++ compilation [Marquess]
+- Add _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 test to make test (when applicable)
+- Add AMD64 assembler code for longest match to contrib [Teterin]
+- Include options from $SFLAGS when doing $LDSHARED
+- Simplify 64-bit file support by introducing z_off64_t type
+- Make shared object files in objs directory to work around old Sun cc
+- Use only three-part version number for Darwin shared compiles
+- Add rc option to ar in for when ./configure not run
+- Add -WI,-rpath,. to LDFLAGS for OSF 1 V4*
+- Set LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH for SGI IRIX shared compile
+- Protect against _FILE_OFFSET_BITS being defined when compiling zlib
+- Rename targets allstatic to static and allshared to shared
+- Fix static and shared targets to be independent
+- Correct error return bug in gz_open() by setting state [Brown]
+- Put spaces before ;;'s in configure for better sh compatibility
+- Add pigz.c (parallel implementation of gzip) to examples/
+- Correct constant in crc32.c to UL [Leventhal]
+- Reject negative lengths in crc32_combine()
+- Add inflateReset2() function to work like inflateEnd()/inflateInit2()
+- Include sys/types.h for _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE [Brown]
+- Correct typo in doc/algorithm.txt [Janik]
+- Fix bug in adler32_combine() [Zhu]
+- Catch missing-end-of-block-code error in all inflates and in puff
+ Assures that random input to inflate eventually results in an error
+- Added enough.c (calculation of ENOUGH for inftrees.h) to examples/
+- Update ENOUGH and its usage to reflect discovered bounds
+- Fix gzerror() error report on empty input file [Brown]
+- Add ush casts in trees.c to avoid pedantic runtime errors
+- Fix typo in zlib.h uncompress() description [Reiss]
+- Correct inflate() comments with regard to automatic header detection
+- Remove deprecation comment on Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH (it stays)
+- Put new version of gzlog (2.0) in examples with interruption recovery
+- Add puff compile option to permit invalid distance-too-far streams
+- Add puff TEST command options, ability to read piped input
+- Prototype the *64 functions in zlib.h when _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64, but
+ _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE not defined
+- Fix Z_FULL_FLUSH to truly erase the past by resetting s->strstart
+- Fix deflateSetDictionary() to use all 32K for output consistency
+- Remove extraneous #define MIN_LOOKAHEAD in deflate.c (in deflate.h)
+- Clear bytes after deflate lookahead to avoid use of uninitialized data
+- Change a limit in inftrees.c to be more transparent to Coverity Prevent
+- Update win32/zlib.def with exported symbols from zlib.h
+- Correct spelling errors in zlib.h [Willem, Sobrado]
+- Allow Z_BLOCK for deflate() to force a new block
+- Allow negative bits in inflatePrime() to delete existing bit buffer
+- Add Z_TREES flush option to inflate() to return at end of trees
+- Add inflateMark() to return current state information for random access
+- Add Makefile for NintendoDS to contrib [Costa]
+- Add -w in configure compile tests to avoid spurious warnings [Beucler]
+- Fix typos in zlib.h comments for deflateSetDictionary()
+- Fix EOF detection in transparent gzread() [Maier]
+Changes in (2 October 2006)
+- Make --shared the default for configure, add a --static option
+- Add compile option to permit invalid distance-too-far streams
+- Add inflateUndermine() function which is required to enable above
+- Remove use of "this" variable name for C++ compatibility [Marquess]
+- Add testing of shared library in make test, if shared library built
+- Use ftello() and fseeko() if available instead of ftell() and fseek()
+- Provide two versions of all functions that use the z_off_t type for
+ binary compatibility -- a normal version and a 64-bit offset version,
+ per the Large File Support Extension when _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE is
+ defined; use the 64-bit versions by default when _FILE_OFFSET_BITS
+ is defined to be 64
+- Add a --uname= option to configure to perhaps help with cross-compiling
+Changes in (3 September 2006)
+- Turn off silly Borland warnings [Hay]
+- Use off64_t and define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE when present
+- Fix missing dependency on inffixed.h in
+- Rig configure --shared to build both shared and static [Teredesai, Truta]
+- Remove and instead create a new zlibdefs.h file
+- Fix contrib/minizip/unzip.c non-encrypted after encrypted [Vollant]
+- Add treebuild.xml (see [Weigelt]
+Changes in (16 August 2006)
+- Add watcom directory with OpenWatcom make files [Daniel]
+- Remove #undef of FAR in for MVS [Fedtke]
+- Update [Zinser]
+- Use -fPIC for shared build in configure [Teredesai, Nicholson]
+- Use only major version number for on IRIX and OSF1 [Reinholdtsen]
+- Use fdopen() (not _fdopen()) for Interix in zutil.h [BŠck]
+- Add some FAQ entries about the contrib directory
+- Update the MVS question in the FAQ
+- Avoid extraneous reads after EOF in gzio.c [Brown]
+- Correct spelling of "successfully" in gzio.c [Randers-Pehrson]
+- Add comments to zlib.h about gzerror() usage [Brown]
+- Set extra flags in gzip header in gzopen() like deflate() does
+- Make configure options more compatible with double-dash conventions
+ [Weigelt]
+- Clean up compilation under Solaris SunStudio cc [Rowe, Reinholdtsen]
+- Fix uninstall target in [Truta]
+- Add pkgconfig support [Weigelt]
+- Use $(DESTDIR) macro in [Reinholdtsen, Weigelt]
+- Replace set_data_type() with a more accurate detect_data_type() in
+ trees.c, according to the txtvsbin.txt document [Truta]
+- Swap the order of #include <stdio.h> and #include "zlib.h" in
+ gzio.c, example.c and minigzip.c [Truta]
+- Shut up annoying VS2005 warnings about standard C deprecation [Rowe,
+ Truta] (where?)
+- Fix target "clean" from win32/Makefile.bor [Truta]
+- Create .pdb and .manifest files in win32/makefile.msc [Ziegler, Rowe]
+- Update zlib www home address in win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta]
+- Update contrib/masmx86/inffas32.asm for VS2005 [Vollant, Van Wassenhove]
+- Enable browse info in the "Debug" and "ASM Debug" configurations in
+ the Visual C++ 6 project, and set (non-ASM) "Debug" as default [Truta]
+- Add pkgconfig support [Weigelt]
+ for use in win32/zlib1.rc [Polushin, Rowe, Truta]
+- Add a document that explains the new text detection scheme to
+ doc/txtvsbin.txt [Truta]
+- Add rfc1950.txt, rfc1951.txt and rfc1952.txt to doc/ [Truta]
+- Move algorithm.txt into doc/ [Truta]
+- Synchronize FAQ with website
+- Fix compressBound(), was low for some pathological cases [Fearnley]
+- Take into account wrapper variations in deflateBound()
+- Set examples/zpipe.c input and output to binary mode for Windows
+- Update examples/zlib_how.html with new zpipe.c (also web site)
+- Fix some warnings in examples/gzlog.c and examples/zran.c (it seems
+ that gcc became pickier in 4.0)
+- Add for Linux: "All symbols from zlib-1.1.4 remain
+ un-versioned, the patch adds versioning only for symbols introduced in
+ zlib-1.2.0 or later. It also declares as local those symbols which are
+ not designed to be exported." [Levin]
+- Update Z_PREFIX list in, add --zprefix option to configure
+- Do not initialize global static by default in trees.c, add a response
+ NO_INIT_GLOBAL_POINTERS to initialize them if needed [Marquess]
+- Don't use strerror() in gzio.c under WinCE [Yakimov]
+- Don't use errno.h in zutil.h under WinCE [Yakimov]
+- Move arguments for AR to its usage to allow replacing ar [Marot]
+- Add HAVE_VISIBILITY_PRAGMA in for Mozilla [Randers-Pehrson]
+- Improve inflateInit() and inflateInit2() documentation
+- Fix structure size comment in inflate.h
+- Change configure help option from --h* to --help [Santos]
+Changes in 1.2.3 (18 July 2005)
+- Apply security vulnerability fixes to contrib/infback9 as well
+- Clean up some text files (carriage returns, trailing space)
+- Update testzlib, vstudio, masmx64, and masmx86 in contrib [Vollant]
+Changes in (11 July 2005)
+- Add inflatePrime() function for starting inflation at bit boundary
+- Avoid some Visual C warnings in deflate.c
+- Avoid more silly Visual C warnings in inflate.c and inftrees.c for 64-bit
+ compile
+- Fix some spelling errors in comments [Betts]
+- Correct inflateInit2() error return documentation in zlib.h
+- Add zran.c example of compressed data random access to examples
+ directory, shows use of inflatePrime()
+- Fix cast for assignments to strm->state in inflate.c and infback.c
+- Fix zlibCompileFlags() in zutil.c to use 1L for long shifts [Oberhumer]
+- Move declarations of gf2 functions to right place in crc32.c [Oberhumer]
+- Add cast in trees.c t avoid a warning [Oberhumer]
+- Avoid some warnings in fitblk.c, gun.c, gzjoin.c in examples [Oberhumer]
+- Update [Zinser]
+- Initialize state->write in inflateReset() since copied in inflate_fast()
+- Be more strict on incomplete code sets in inflate_table() and increase
+ ENOUGH and MAXD -- this repairs a possible security vulnerability for
+ invalid inflate input. Thanks to Tavis Ormandy and Markus Oberhumer for
+ discovering the vulnerability and providing test cases.
+- Add ia64 support to configure for HP-UX [Smith]
+- Add error return to gzread() for format or i/o error [Levin]
+- Use malloc.h for OS/2 [Necasek]
+Changes in (27 May 2005)
+- Replace 1U constants in inflate.c and inftrees.c for 64-bit compile
+- Typecast fread() return values in gzio.c [Vollant]
+- Remove trailing space in minigzip.c outmode (VC++ can't deal with it)
+- Fix crc check bug in gzread() after gzungetc() [Heiner]
+- Add the deflateTune() function to adjust internal compression parameters
+- Add a fast gzip decompressor, gun.c, to examples (use of inflateBack)
+- Remove an incorrect assertion in examples/zpipe.c
+- Add C++ wrapper in infback9.h [Donais]
+- Fix bug in inflateCopy() when decoding fixed codes
+- Note in zlib.h how much deflateSetDictionary() actually uses
+- Remove USE_DICT_HEAD in deflate.c (would mess up inflate if used)
+- Add _WIN32_WCE to define WIN32 in [Spencer]
+- Don't include stderr.h or errno.h for _WIN32_WCE in zutil.h [Spencer]
+- Add gzdirect() function to indicate transparent reads
+- Update contrib/minizip [Vollant]
+- Fix compilation of deflate.c when both ASMV and FASTEST [Oberhumer]
+- Add casts in crc32.c to avoid warnings [Oberhumer]
+- Add contrib/masmx64 [Vollant]
+- Update contrib/asm586, asm686, masmx86, testzlib, vstudio [Vollant]
+Changes in (30 December 2004)
+- Replace structure assignments in deflate.c and inflate.c with zmemcpy to
+ avoid implicit memcpy calls (portability for no-library compilation)
+- Increase sprintf() buffer size in gzdopen() to allow for large numbers
+- Add INFLATE_STRICT to check distances against zlib header
+- Improve WinCE errno handling and comments [Chang]
+- Remove comment about no gzip header processing in FAQ
+- Add Z_FIXED strategy option to deflateInit2() to force fixed trees
+- Add updated [Coghlan], update README
+- Create a new "examples" directory, move gzappend.c there, add zpipe.c,
+ fitblk.c, gzlog.[ch], gzjoin.c, and zlib_how.html.
+- Add FAQ entry and comments in deflate.c on uninitialized memory access
+- Add Solaris 9 make options in configure [Gilbert]
+- Allow strerror() usage in gzio.c for STDC
+- Fix DecompressBuf in contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas [ManChesTer]
+- Update contrib/masmx86/inffas32.asm and gvmat32.asm [Vollant]
+- Use z_off_t for adler32_combine() and crc32_combine() lengths
+- Make adler32() much faster for small len
+- Use OS_CODE in deflate() default gzip header
+Changes in (31 October 2004)
+- Allow inflateSetDictionary() call for raw inflate
+- Fix inflate header crc check bug for file names and comments
+- Add deflateSetHeader() and gz_header structure for custom gzip headers
+- Add inflateGetheader() to retrieve gzip headers
+- Add crc32_combine() and adler32_combine() functions
+- Add alloc_func, free_func, in_func, out_func to Z_PREFIX list
+- Use zstreamp consistently in zlib.h (inflate_back functions)
+- Remove GUNZIP condition from definition of inflate_mode in inflate.h
+ and in contrib/inflate86/inffast.S [Truta, Anderson]
+- Add support for AMD64 in contrib/inflate86/inffas86.c [Anderson]
+- Update projects/README.projects and projects/visualc6 [Truta]
+- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta]
+- Avoid warning under NO_GZCOMPRESS in gzio.c; fix typo [Truta]
+- Deprecate Z_ASCII; use Z_TEXT instead [Truta]
+- Use a new algorithm for setting strm->data_type in trees.c [Truta]
+- Do not define an exit() prototype in zutil.c unless DEBUG defined
+- Remove prototype of exit() from zutil.c, example.c, minigzip.c [Truta]
+- Add comment in zlib.h for Z_NO_FLUSH parameter to deflate()
+- Fix Darwin build version identification [Peterson]
+Changes in 1.2.2 (3 October 2004)
+- Update zlib.h comments on gzip in-memory processing
+- Set adler to 1 in inflateReset() to support Java test suite [Walles]
+- Add contrib/dotzlib [Ravn]
+- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta]
+- Update contrib/minizip [Vollant]
+- Move contrib/visual-basic.txt to old/ [Truta]
+- Fix assembler builds in projects/visualc6/ [Truta]
+Changes in (9 September 2004)
+- Update INDEX file
+- Fix trees.c to update strm->data_type (no one ever noticed!)
+- Fix bug in error case in inflate.c, infback.c, and infback9.c [Brown]
+- Add "volatile" to crc table flag declaration (for DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE)
+- Add limited multitasking protection to DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE
+- Add NO_vsnprintf for VMS in zutil.h [Mozilla]
+- Don't declare strerror() under VMS [Mozilla]
+- Add comment to DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE to use get_crc_table() to initialize
+- Update contrib/ada [Anisimkov]
+- Update contrib/minizip [Vollant]
+- Fix configure to not hardcode directories for Darwin [Peterson]
+- Fix gzio.c to not return error on empty files [Brown]
+- Fix indentation; update version in contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas and
+ contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas [Truta]
+- Update mkasm.bat in contrib/masmx86 [Truta]
+- Update contrib/untgz [Truta]
+- Add projects/README.projects [Truta]
+- Add project for MS Visual C++ 6.0 in projects/visualc6 [Cadieux, Truta]
+- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta]
+- Update list of Z_PREFIX symbols in zconf.h [Randers-Pehrson, Truta]
+- Remove an unnecessary assignment to curr in inftrees.c [Truta]
+- Add OS/2 to exe builds in configure [Poltorak]
+- Remove err dummy parameter in zlib.h [Kientzle]
+Changes in (9 January 2004)
+- Update email address in README
+- Several FAQ updates
+- Fix a big fat bug in inftrees.c that prevented decoding valid
+ dynamic blocks with only literals and no distance codes --
+ Thanks to "Hot Emu" for the bug report and sample file
+- Add a note to puff.c on no distance codes case.
+Changes in 1.2.1 (17 November 2003)
+- Remove a tab in contrib/gzappend/gzappend.c
+- Update some interfaces in contrib for new zlib functions
+- Update zlib version number in some contrib entries
+- Add Windows CE definition for ptrdiff_t in zutil.h [Mai, Truta]
+- Support shared libraries on Hurd and KFreeBSD [Brown]
+- Fix error in NO_DIVIDE option of adler32.c
+Changes in (4 November 2003)
+- Update version in contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas and contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas
+- Add experimental NO_DIVIDE #define in adler32.c
+ - Possibly faster on some processors (let me know if it is)
+- Correct Z_BLOCK to not return on first inflate call if no wrap
+- Fix strm->data_type on inflate() return to correctly indicate EOB
+- Add deflatePrime() function for appending in the middle of a byte
+- Add contrib/gzappend for an example of appending to a stream
+- Update win32/DLL_FAQ.txt [Truta]
+- Delete Turbo C comment in README [Truta]
+- Improve some indentation in zconf.h [Truta]
+- Fix infinite loop on bad input in configure script [Church]
+- Fix gzeof() for concatenated gzip files [Johnson]
+- Add example to contrib/visual-basic.txt [Michael B.]
+- Add -p to mkdir's in [vda]
+- Fix configure to properly detect presence or lack of printf functions
+- Add AS400 support [Monnerat]
+- Add a little Cygwin support [Wilson]
+Changes in (21 September 2003)
+- Correct some debug formats in contrib/infback9
+- Cast a type in a debug statement in trees.c
+- Change search and replace delimiter in configure from % to # [Beebe]
+- Update contrib/untgz to 0.2 with various fixes [Truta]
+- Add build support for Amiga [Nikl]
+- Remove some directories in old that have been updated to 1.2
+- Add dylib building for Mac OS X in configure and
+- Remove old distribution stuff from Makefile
+- Update README to point to DLL_FAQ.txt, and add comment on Mac OS X
+- Update links in README
+Changes in (13 September 2003)
+- Minor FAQ updates
+- Update contrib/minizip to 1.00 [Vollant]
+- Remove test of gz functions in example.c when GZ_COMPRESS defined [Truta]
+- Update POSTINC comment for 68060 [Nikl]
+- Add contrib/infback9 with deflate64 decoding (unsupported)
+- For MVS define NO_vsnprintf and undefine FAR [van Burik]
+- Add pragma for fdopen on MVS [van Burik]
+Changes in (8 September 2003)
+- Add OF to inflateBackEnd() declaration in zlib.h
+- Remember start when using gzdopen in the middle of a file
+- Use internal off_t counters in gz* functions to properly handle seeks
+- Perform more rigorous check for distance-too-far in inffast.c
+- Add Z_BLOCK flush option to return from inflate at block boundary
+- Set strm->data_type on return from inflate
+ - Indicate bits unused, if at block boundary, and if in last block
+- Replace size_t with ptrdiff_t in crc32.c, and check for correct size
+- Add condition so old NO_DEFLATE define still works for compatibility
+- FAQ update regarding the Windows DLL [Truta]
+- INDEX update: add qnx entry, remove aix entry [Truta]
+- Install zlib.3 into mandir [Wilson]
+- Move contrib/zlib_dll_FAQ.txt to win32/DLL_FAQ.txt; update [Truta]
+- Adapt the zlib interface to the new DLL convention guidelines [Truta]
+- Introduce ZLIB_WINAPI macro to allow the export of functions using
+ the WINAPI calling convention, for Visual Basic [Vollant, Truta]
+- Update msdos and win32 scripts and makefiles [Truta]
+- Export symbols by name, not by ordinal, in win32/zlib.def [Truta]
+- Add contrib/ada [Anisimkov]
+- Move asm files from contrib/vstudio/vc70_32 to contrib/asm386 [Truta]
+- Rename contrib/asm386 to contrib/masmx86 [Truta, Vollant]
+- Add contrib/masm686 [Truta]
+- Fix offsets in contrib/inflate86 and contrib/masmx86/inffas32.asm
+ [Truta, Vollant]
+- Update contrib/delphi; rename to contrib/pascal; add example [Truta]
+- Remove contrib/delphi2; add a new contrib/delphi [Truta]
+- Avoid inclusion of the nonstandard <memory.h> in contrib/iostream,
+ and fix some method prototypes [Truta]
+- Fix the ZCR_SEED2 constant to avoid warnings in contrib/minizip
+ [Truta]
+- Avoid the use of backslash (\) in contrib/minizip [Vollant]
+- Fix file time handling in contrib/untgz; update makefiles [Truta]
+- Update contrib/vstudio/vc70_32 to comply with the new DLL guidelines
+ [Vollant]
+- Remove contrib/vstudio/vc15_16 [Vollant]
+- Rename contrib/vstudio/vc70_32 to contrib/vstudio/vc7 [Truta]
+- Update README.contrib [Truta]
+- Invert the assignment order of match_head and s->prev[...] in
+- Compare TOO_FAR with 32767 instead of 32768, to avoid 16-bit warnings
+ [Truta]
+- Compare function pointers with 0, not with NULL or Z_NULL [Truta]
+- Fix prototype of syncsearch in inflate.c [Truta]
+- Introduce ASMINF macro to be enabled when using an ASM implementation
+ of inflate_fast [Truta]
+- Modify test_gzio in example.c to take a single file name as a
+ parameter [Truta]
+- Exit the example.c program if gzopen fails [Truta]
+- Add type casts around strlen in example.c [Truta]
+- Remove casting to sizeof in minigzip.c; give a proper type
+ to the variable compared with SUFFIX_LEN [Truta]
+- Update definitions of STDC and STDC99 in zconf.h [Truta]
+- Synchronize zconf.h with the new Windows DLL interface [Truta]
+- Use SYS16BIT instead of __32BIT__ to distinguish between
+ 16- and 32-bit platforms [Truta]
+- Use far memory allocators in small 16-bit memory models for
+ Turbo C [Truta]
+- Add info about the use of ASMV, ASMINF and ZLIB_WINAPI in
+ zlibCompileFlags [Truta]
+- Cygwin has vsnprintf [Wilson]
+- In Windows16, OS_CODE is 0, as in MSDOS [Truta]
+- In Cygwin, OS_CODE is 3 (Unix), not 11 (Windows32) [Wilson]
+Changes in (10 August 2003)
+- Minor FAQ updates
+- Be more strict when checking inflateInit2's windowBits parameter
+- Change NO_GUNZIP compile option to NO_GZIP to cover deflate as well
+- Add gzip wrapper option to deflateInit2 using windowBits
+- Add updated QNX rule in configure and qnx directory [Bonnefoy]
+- Make inflate distance-too-far checks more rigorous
+- Clean up FAR usage in inflate
+- Add casting to sizeof() in gzio.c and minigzip.c
+Changes in (19 July 2003)
+- Fix silly error in gzungetc() implementation [Vollant]
+- Update contrib/minizip and contrib/vstudio [Vollant]
+- Fix printf format in example.c
+- Correct cdecl support in [Anisimkov]
+- Minor FAQ updates
+Changes in (13 July 2003)
+- Add ZLIB_VERNUM in zlib.h for numerical preprocessor comparisons
+- Attempt to avoid warnings in crc32.c for pointer-int conversion
+- Add AIX to configure, remove aix directory [Bakker]
+- Add some casts to minigzip.c
+- Improve checking after insecure sprintf() or vsprintf() calls
+- Remove #elif's from crc32.c
+- Change leave label to inf_leave in inflate.c and infback.c to avoid
+ library conflicts
+- Remove inflate gzip decoding by default--only enable gzip decoding by
+ special request for stricter backward compatibility
+- Add zlibCompileFlags() function to return compilation information
+- More typecasting in deflate.c to avoid warnings
+- Remove leading underscore from _Capital #defines [Truta]
+- Fix configure to link shared library when testing
+- Add some Windows CE target adjustments [Mai]
+- Remove #define ZLIB_DLL in zconf.h [Vollant]
+- Add zlib.3 [Rodgers]
+- Update RFC URL in deflate.c and algorithm.txt [Mai]
+- Add zlib_dll_FAQ.txt to contrib [Truta]
+- Add UL to some constants [Truta]
+- Update minizip and vstudio [Vollant]
+- Remove vestigial NEED_DUMMY_RETURN from
+- Expand use of NO_DUMMY_DECL to avoid all dummy structures
+- Added iostream3 to contrib [Schwardt]
+- Replace rewind() with fseek() for WinCE [Truta]
+- Improve setting of zlib format compression level flags
+ - Report 0 for huffman and rle strategies and for level == 0 or 1
+ - Report 2 only for level == 6
+- Only deal with 64K limit when necessary at compile time [Truta]
+- Allow TOO_FAR check to be turned off at compile time [Truta]
+- Add gzclearerr() function [Souza]
+- Add gzungetc() function
+Changes in (17 March 2003)
+- Add Z_RLE strategy for run-length encoding [Truta]
+ - When Z_RLE requested, restrict matches to distance one
+ - Update zlib.h, minigzip.c, gzopen(), gzdopen() for Z_RLE
+- Correct FASTEST compilation to allow level == 0
+- Clean up what gets compiled for FASTEST
+- Incorporate changes to [Vollant]
+ - Refine detection of Turbo C need for dummy returns
+ - Refine ZLIB_DLL compilation
+ - Include additional header file on VMS for off_t typedef
+- Try to use _vsnprintf where it supplants vsprintf [Vollant]
+- Add some casts in inffast.c
+- Enchance comments in zlib.h on what happens if gzprintf() tries to
+ write more than 4095 bytes before compression
+- Remove unused state from inflateBackEnd()
+- Remove exit(0) from minigzip.c, example.c
+- Get rid of all those darn tabs
+- Add "check" target to that does the same thing as "test"
+- Add "mostlyclean" and "maintainer-clean" targets to
+- Update contrib/inflate86 [Anderson]
+- Update contrib/testzlib, contrib/vstudio, contrib/minizip [Vollant]
+- Add msdos and win32 directories with makefiles [Truta]
+- More additions and improvements to the FAQ
+Changes in 1.2.0 (9 March 2003)
+- New and improved inflate code
+ - About 20% faster
+ - Does not allocate 32K window unless and until needed
+ - Automatically detects and decompresses gzip streams
+ - Raw inflate no longer needs an extra dummy byte at end
+ - Added inflateBack functions using a callback interface--even faster
+ than inflate, useful for file utilities (gzip, zip)
+ - Added inflateCopy() function to record state for random access on
+ externally generated deflate streams (e.g. in gzip files)
+ - More readable code (I hope)
+- New and improved crc32()
+ - About 50% faster, thanks to suggestions from Rodney Brown
+- Add deflateBound() and compressBound() functions
+- Fix memory leak in deflateInit2()
+- Permit setting dictionary for raw deflate (for parallel deflate)
+- Fix const declaration for gzwrite()
+- Check for some malloc() failures in gzio.c
+- Fix bug in gzopen() on single-byte file 0x1f
+- Fix bug in gzread() on concatenated file with 0x1f at end of buffer
+ and next buffer doesn't start with 0x8b
+- Fix uncompress() to return Z_DATA_ERROR on truncated input
+- Free memory at end of example.c
+- Remove MAX #define in trees.c (conflicted with some libraries)
+- Fix static const's in deflate.c, gzio.c, and zutil.[ch]
+- Declare malloc() and free() in gzio.c if STDC not defined
+- Use malloc() instead of calloc() in zutil.c if int big enough
+- Define STDC for AIX
+- Add aix/ with approach for compiling shared library on AIX
+- Add HP-UX support for shared libraries in configure
+- Add OpenUNIX support for shared libraries in configure
+- Use $cc instead of gcc to build shared library
+- Make prefix directory if needed when installing
+- Correct Macintosh avoidance of typedef Byte in zconf.h
+- Correct Turbo C memory allocation when under Linux
+- Use libz.a instead of -lz in Makefile (assure use of compiled library)
+- Update configure to check for snprintf or vsnprintf functions and their
+ return value, warn during make if using an insecure function
+- Fix configure problem with compile-time knowledge of HAVE_UNISTD_H that
+ is lost when library is used--resolution is to build new zconf.h
+- Documentation improvements (in zlib.h):
+ - Document raw deflate and inflate
+ - Update RFCs URL
+ - Point out that zlib and gzip formats are different
+ - Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal
+ - Document string limit for gzprintf() and possible buffer overflow
+ - Note requirement on avail_out when flushing
+ - Note permitted values of flush parameter of inflate()
+- Add some FAQs (and even answers) to the FAQ
+- Add contrib/inflate86/ for x86 faster inflate
+- Add contrib/blast/ for PKWare Data Compression Library decompression
+- Add contrib/puff/ simple inflate for deflate format description
+Changes in 1.1.4 (11 March 2002)
+- ZFREE was repeated on same allocation on some error conditions.
+ This creates a security problem described in
+- Returned incorrect error (Z_MEM_ERROR) on some invalid data
+- Avoid accesses before window for invalid distances with inflate window
+ less than 32K.
+- force windowBits > 8 to avoid a bug in the encoder for a window size
+ of 256 bytes. (A complete fix will be available in 1.1.5).
+Changes in 1.1.3 (9 July 1998)
+- fix "an inflate input buffer bug that shows up on rare but persistent
+ occasions" (Mark)
+- fix gzread and gztell for concatenated .gz files (Didier Le Botlan)
+- fix gzseek(..., SEEK_SET) in write mode
+- fix crc check after a gzeek (Frank Faubert)
+- fix miniunzip when the last entry in a zip file is itself a zip file
+ (J Lillge)
+- add contrib/asm586 and contrib/asm686 (Brian Raiter)
+ See
+- add support for Delphi 3 in contrib/delphi (Bob Dellaca)
+- add support for C++Builder 3 and Delphi 3 in contrib/delphi2 (Davide Moretti)
+- do not exit prematurely in untgz if 0 at start of block (Magnus Holmgren)
+- use macro EXTERN instead of extern to support DLL for BeOS (Sander Stoks)
+- added a FAQ file
+- Support gzdopen on Mac with Metrowerks (Jason Linhart)
+- Do not redefine Byte on Mac (Brad Pettit & Jason Linhart)
+- define SEEK_END too if SEEK_SET is not defined (Albert Chin-A-Young)
+- avoid some warnings with Borland C (Tom Tanner)
+- fix a problem in contrib/minizip/zip.c for 16-bit MSDOS (Gilles Vollant)
+- emulate utime() for WIN32 in contrib/untgz (Gilles Vollant)
+- allow several arguments to configure (Tim Mooney, Frodo Looijaard)
+- use libdir and includedir in (Tim Mooney)
+- support shared libraries on OSF1 V4 (Tim Mooney)
+- remove so_locations in "make clean" (Tim Mooney)
+- fix maketree.c compilation error (Glenn, Mark)
+- Python interface to zlib now in Python 1.5 (Jeremy Hylton)
+- new Makefile.riscos (Rich Walker)
+- initialize static descriptors in trees.c for embedded targets (Nick Smith)
+- use "foo-gz" in example.c for RISCOS and VMS (Nick Smith)
+- add the OS/2 files in too (Andrew Zabolotny)
+- fix fdopen and halloc macros for Microsoft C 6.0 (Tom Lane)
+- fix maketree.c to allow clean compilation of inffixed.h (Mark)
+- fix parameter check in deflateCopy (Gunther Nikl)
+- cleanup trees.c, use compressed_len only in debug mode (Christian Spieler)
+- Many portability patches by Christian Spieler:
+ . zutil.c, zutil.h: added "const" for zmem*
+ . fixed some typos
+ . msdos/Makefile.*: removed zutil.h from some dependency lists
+ . msdos/Makefile.msc: remove "default rtl link library" info from obj files
+ . msdos/Makefile.*: use model-dependent name for the built zlib library
+ . msdos/Makefile.emx, nt/Makefile.emx, nt/Makefile.gcc:
+ new makefiles, for emx (DOS/OS2), emx&rsxnt and mingw32 (Windows 9x / NT)
+- use define instead of typedef for Bytef also for MSC small/medium (Tom Lane)
+- replace __far with _far for better portability (Christian Spieler, Tom Lane)
+- fix test for errno.h in configure (Tim Newsham)
+Changes in 1.1.2 (19 March 98)
+- added contrib/minzip, mini zip and unzip based on zlib (Gilles Vollant)
+ See
+- preinitialize the inflate tables for fixed codes, to make the code
+ completely thread safe (Mark)
+- some simplifications and slight speed-up to the inflate code (Mark)
+- fix gzeof on non-compressed files (Allan Schrum)
+- add -std1 option in configure for OSF1 to fix gzprintf (Martin Mokrejs)
+- use default value of 4K for Z_BUFSIZE for 16-bit MSDOS (Tim Wegner + Glenn)
+- added os2/Makefile.def and os2/zlib.def (Andrew Zabolotny)
+- add shared lib support for UNIX_SV4.2MP (MATSUURA Takanori)
+- do not wrap extern "C" around system includes (Tom Lane)
+- mention zlib binding for TCL in README (Andreas Kupries)
+- added amiga/Makefile.pup for Amiga powerUP SAS/C PPC (Andreas Kleinert)
+- allow "make install prefix=..." even after configure (Glenn Randers-Pehrson)
+- allow "configure --prefix $HOME" (Tim Mooney)
+- remove warnings in example.c and gzio.c (Glenn Randers-Pehrson)
+- move to amiga/
+Changes in 1.1.1 (27 Feb 98)
+- fix macros _tr_tally_* in deflate.h for debug mode (Glenn Randers-Pehrson)
+- remove block truncation heuristic which had very marginal effect for zlib
+ (smaller lit_bufsize than in gzip 1.2.4) and degraded a little the
+ compression ratio on some files. This also allows inlining _tr_tally for
+ matches in deflate_slow.
+- added msdos/Makefile.w32 for WIN32 Microsoft Visual C++ (Bob Frazier)
+Changes in 1.1.0 (24 Feb 98)
+- do not return STREAM_END prematurely in inflate (John Bowler)
+- revert to the zlib 1.0.8 inflate to avoid the gcc 2.8.0 bug (Jeremy Buhler)
+- compile with -DFASTEST to get compression code optimized for speed only
+- in minigzip, try mmap'ing the input file first (Miguel Albrecht)
+- increase size of I/O buffers in minigzip.c and gzio.c (not a big gain
+ on Sun but significant on HP)
+- add a pointer to experimental unzip library in README (Gilles Vollant)
+- initialize variable gcc in configure (Chris Herborth)
+Changes in 1.0.9 (17 Feb 1998)
+- added gzputs and gzgets functions
+- do not clear eof flag in gzseek (Mark Diekhans)
+- fix gzseek for files in transparent mode (Mark Diekhans)
+- do not assume that vsprintf returns the number of bytes written (Jens Krinke)
+- replace EXPORT with ZEXPORT to avoid conflict with other programs
+- added compress2 in zconf.h, zlib.def, zlib.dnt
+- new asm code from Gilles Vollant in contrib/asm386
+- simplify the inflate code (Mark):
+ . Replace ZALLOC's in huft_build() with single ZALLOC in inflate_blocks_new()
+ . ZALLOC the length list in inflate_trees_fixed() instead of using stack
+ . ZALLOC the value area for huft_build() instead of using stack
+ . Simplify Z_FINISH check in inflate()
+- Avoid gcc 2.8.0 comparison bug a little differently than zlib 1.0.8
+- in inftrees.c, avoid cc -O bug on HP (Farshid Elahi)
+- in zconf.h move the ZLIB_DLL stuff earlier to avoid problems with
+ the declaration of FAR (Gilles VOllant)
+- install* with mode 755 (executable) instead of 644 (Marc Lehmann)
+- read_buf buf parameter of type Bytef* instead of charf*
+- zmemcpy parameters are of type Bytef*, not charf* (Joseph Strout)
+- do not redeclare unlink in minigzip.c for WIN32 (John Bowler)
+- fix check for presence of directories in "make install" (Ian Willis)
+Changes in 1.0.8 (27 Jan 1998)
+- fixed offsets in contrib/asm386/gvmat32.asm (Gilles Vollant)
+- fix gzgetc and gzputc for big endian systems (Markus Oberhumer)
+- added compress2() to allow setting the compression level
+- include sys/types.h to get off_t on some systems (Marc Lehmann & QingLong)
+- use constant arrays for the static trees in trees.c instead of computing
+ them at run time (thanks to Ken Raeburn for this suggestion). To create
+ trees.h, compile with GEN_TREES_H and run "make test".
+- check return code of example in "make test" and display result
+- pass minigzip command line options to file_compress
+- simplifying code of inflateSync to avoid gcc 2.8 bug
+- support CC="gcc -Wall" in configure -s (QingLong)
+- avoid a flush caused by ftell in gzopen for write mode (Ken Raeburn)
+- fix test for shared library support to avoid compiler warnings
+- zlib.lib -> zlib.dll in msdos/zlib.rc (Gilles Vollant)
+- check for TARGET_OS_MAC in addition to MACOS (Brad Pettit)
+- do not use fdopen for Metrowerks on Mac (Brad Pettit))
+- add checks for gzputc and gzputc in example.c
+- avoid warnings in gzio.c and deflate.c (Andreas Kleinert)
+- use const for the CRC table (Ken Raeburn)
+- fixed "make uninstall" for shared libraries
+- use Tracev instead of Trace in infblock.c
+- in example.c use correct compressed length for test_sync
+- suppress +vnocompatwarnings in configure for HPUX (not always supported)
+Changes in 1.0.7 (20 Jan 1998)
+- fix gzseek which was broken in write mode
+- return error for gzseek to negative absolute position
+- fix configure for Linux (Chun-Chung Chen)
+- increase stack space for MSC (Tim Wegner)
+- get_crc_table and inflateSyncPoint are EXPORTed (Gilles Vollant)
+- define EXPORTVA for gzprintf (Gilles Vollant)
+- added man page zlib.3 (Rick Rodgers)
+- for contrib/untgz, fix makedir() and improve Makefile
+- check gzseek in write mode in example.c
+- allocate extra buffer for seeks only if gzseek is actually called
+- avoid signed/unsigned comparisons (Tim Wegner, Gilles Vollant)
+- add inflateSyncPoint in zconf.h
+- fix list of exported functions in nt/zlib.dnt and mdsos/zlib.def
+Changes in 1.0.6 (19 Jan 1998)
+- add functions gzprintf, gzputc, gzgetc, gztell, gzeof, gzseek, gzrewind and
+ gzsetparams (thanks to Roland Giersig and Kevin Ruland for some of this code)
+- Fix a deflate bug occurring only with compression level 0 (thanks to
+ Andy Buckler for finding this one).
+- In minigzip, pass transparently also the first byte for .Z files.
+- return Z_BUF_ERROR instead of Z_OK if output buffer full in uncompress()
+- check Z_FINISH in inflate (thanks to Marc Schluper)
+- Implement deflateCopy (thanks to Adam Costello)
+- make static libraries by default in configure, add --shared option.
+- move MSDOS or Windows specific files to directory msdos
+- suppress the notion of partial flush to simplify the interface
+ (but the symbol Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH is kept for compatibility with 1.0.4)
+- suppress history buffer provided by application to simplify the interface
+ (this feature was not implemented anyway in 1.0.4)
+- next_in and avail_in must be initialized before calling inflateInit or
+ inflateInit2
+- add EXPORT in all exported functions (for Windows DLL)
+- added Makefile.nt (thanks to Stephen Williams)
+- added the unsupported "contrib" directory:
+ contrib/asm386/ by Gilles Vollant <>
+ 386 asm code replacing longest_match().
+ contrib/iostream/ by Kevin Ruland <>
+ A C++ I/O streams interface to the zlib gz* functions
+ contrib/iostream2/ by Tyge Løvset <>
+ Another C++ I/O streams interface
+ contrib/untgz/ by "Pedro A. Aranda Guti\irrez" <>
+ A very simple tar.gz file extractor using zlib
+ contrib/visual-basic.txt by Carlos Rios <>
+ How to use compress(), uncompress() and the gz* functions from VB.
+- pass params -f (filtered data), -h (huffman only), -1 to -9 (compression
+ level) in minigzip (thanks to Tom Lane)
+- use const for rommable constants in deflate
+- added test for gzseek and gztell in example.c
+- add undocumented function inflateSyncPoint() (hack for Paul Mackerras)
+- add undocumented function zError to convert error code to string
+ (for Tim Smithers)
+- Allow compilation of gzio with -DNO_DEFLATE to avoid the compression code.
+- Use default memcpy for Symantec MSDOS compiler.
+- Add EXPORT keyword for check_func (needed for Windows DLL)
+- add current directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for "make test"
+- create also a link for
+- added support for FUJITSU UXP/DS (thanks to Toshiaki Nomura)
+- use $(SHAREDLIB) instead of in (for HPUX)
+- added -soname for Linux in configure (Chun-Chung Chen,
+- assign numbers to the exported functions in zlib.def (for Windows DLL)
+- add advice in zlib.h for best usage of deflateSetDictionary
+- work around compiler bug on Atari (cast Z_NULL in call of s->checkfn)
+- allow compilation with ANSI keywords only enabled for TurboC in large model
+- avoid "versionString"[0] (Borland bug)
+- add NEED_DUMMY_RETURN for Borland
+- use variable z_verbose for tracing in debug mode (L. Peter Deutsch).
+- allow compilation with CC
+- defined STDC for OS/2 (David Charlap)
+- limit external names to 8 chars for MVS (Thomas Lund)
+- in minigzip.c, use static buffers only for 16-bit systems
+- fix suffix check for "minigzip -d foo.gz"
+- do not return an error for the 2nd of two consecutive gzflush() (Felix Lee)
+- use _fdopen instead of fdopen for MSC >= 6.0 (Thomas Fanslau)
+- added makelcc.bat for lcc-win32 (Tom St Denis)
+- in Makefile.dj2, use copy and del instead of install and rm (Frank Donahoe)
+- Avoid expanded $Id$. Use "rcs -kb" or "cvs admin -kb" to avoid Id expansion.
+- check for unistd.h in configure (for off_t)
+- remove useless check parameter in inflate_blocks_free
+- avoid useless assignment of s->check to itself in inflate_blocks_new
+- do not flush twice in gzclose (thanks to Ken Raeburn)
+- rename FOPEN as F_OPEN to avoid clash with /usr/include/sys/file.h
+- use NO_ERRNO_H instead of enumeration of operating systems with errno.h
+- work around buggy fclose on pipes for HP/UX
+- support zlib DLL with BORLAND C++ 5.0 (thanks to Glenn Randers-Pehrson)
+- fix configure if CC is already equal to gcc
+Changes in 1.0.5 (3 Jan 98)
+- Fix inflate to terminate gracefully when fed corrupted or invalid data
+- Use const for rommable constants in inflate
+- Eliminate memory leaks on error conditions in inflate
+- Removed some vestigial code in inflate
+- Update web address in README
+Changes in 1.0.4 (24 Jul 96)
+- In very rare conditions, deflate(s, Z_FINISH) could fail to produce an EOF
+ bit, so the decompressor could decompress all the correct data but went
+ on to attempt decompressing extra garbage data. This affected minigzip too.
+- zlibVersion and gzerror return const char* (needed for DLL)
+- port to RISCOS (no fdopen, no multiple dots, no unlink, no fileno)
+- use z_error only for DEBUG (avoid problem with DLLs)
+Changes in 1.0.3 (2 Jul 96)
+- use z_streamp instead of z_stream *, which is now a far pointer in MSDOS
+ small and medium models; this makes the library incompatible with previous
+ versions for these models. (No effect in large model or on other systems.)
+- return OK instead of BUF_ERROR if previous deflate call returned with
+ avail_out as zero but there is nothing to do
+- added memcmp for non STDC compilers
+- define NO_DUMMY_DECL for more Mac compilers (.h files merged incorrectly)
+- define __32BIT__ if __386__ or i386 is defined (pb. with Watcom and SCO)
+- better check for 16-bit mode MSC (avoids problem with Symantec)
+Changes in 1.0.2 (23 May 96)
+- added Windows DLL support
+- added a function zlibVersion (for the DLL support)
+- fixed declarations using Bytef in infutil.c (pb with MSDOS medium model)
+- Bytef is define's instead of typedef'd only for Borland C
+- avoid reading uninitialized memory in example.c
+- mention in README that the zlib format is now RFC1950
+- updated Makefile.dj2
+- added algorithm.doc
+Changes in 1.0.1 (20 May 96) [1.0 skipped to avoid confusion]
+- fix array overlay in deflate.c which sometimes caused bad compressed data
+- fix inflate bug with empty stored block
+- fix MSDOS medium model which was broken in 0.99
+- fix deflateParams() which could generated bad compressed data.
+- Bytef is define'd instead of typedef'ed (work around Borland bug)
+- added an INDEX file
+- new makefiles for DJGPP (Makefile.dj2), 32-bit Borland (Makefile.b32),
+ Watcom (Makefile.wat), Amiga SAS/C (
+- speed up adler32 for modern machines without auto-increment
+- added -ansi for IRIX in configure
+- static_init_done in trees.c is an int
+- define unlink as delete for VMS
+- fix configure for QNX
+- add configure branch for SCO and HPUX
+- avoid many warnings (unused variables, dead assignments, etc...)
+- no fdopen for BeOS
+- fix the Watcom fix for 32 bit mode (define FAR as empty)
+- removed redefinition of Byte for MKWERKS
+- work around an MWKERKS bug (incorrect merge of all .h files)
+Changes in 0.99 (27 Jan 96)
+- allow preset dictionary shared between compressor and decompressor
+- allow compression level 0 (no compression)
+- add deflateParams in zlib.h: allow dynamic change of compression level
+ and compression strategy.
+- test large buffers and deflateParams in example.c
+- add optional "configure" to build zlib as a shared library
+- suppress Makefile.qnx, use configure instead
+- fixed deflate for 64-bit systems (detected on Cray)
+- fixed inflate_blocks for 64-bit systems (detected on Alpha)
+- declare Z_DEFLATED in zlib.h (possible parameter for deflateInit2)
+- always return Z_BUF_ERROR when deflate() has nothing to do
+- deflateInit and inflateInit are now macros to allow version checking
+- prefix all global functions and types with z_ with -DZ_PREFIX
+- make falloc completely reentrant (inftrees.c)
+- fixed very unlikely race condition in ct_static_init
+- free in reverse order of allocation to help memory manager
+- use zlib-1.0/* instead of zlib/* inside the tar.gz
+- make zlib warning-free with "gcc -O3 -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith
+ -Wconversion -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes"
+- allow gzread on concatenated .gz files
+- deflateEnd now returns Z_DATA_ERROR if it was premature
+- deflate is finally (?) fully deterministic (no matches beyond end of input)
+- Document Z_SYNC_FLUSH
+- add uninstall in Makefile
+- Check for __cpluplus in zlib.h
+- Better test in ct_align for partial flush
+- avoid harmless warnings for Borland C++
+- initialize hash_head in deflate.c
+- avoid warning on fdopen (gzio.c) for HP cc -Aa
+- include stdlib.h for STDC compilers
+- include errno.h for Cray
+- ignore error if ranlib doesn't exist
+- call ranlib twice for NeXTSTEP
+- use exec_prefix instead of prefix for libz.a
+- renamed ct_* as _tr_* to avoid conflict with applications
+- clear z->msg in inflateInit2 before any error return
+- initialize opaque in example.c, gzio.c, deflate.c and inflate.c
+- fixed typo in zconf.h (_GNUC__ => __GNUC__)
+- check for WIN32 in zconf.h and zutil.c (avoid farmalloc in 32-bit mode)
+- fix typo in (f$trnlnm -> f$getsyi)
+- in fcalloc, normalize pointer if size > 65520 bytes
+- don't use special fcalloc for 32 bit Borland C++
+- use STDC instead of __GO32__ to avoid redeclaring exit, calloc, etc...
+- use Z_BINARY instead of BINARY
+- document that gzclose after gzdopen will close the file
+- allow "a" as mode in gzopen.
+- fix error checking in gzread
+- allow skipping .gz extra-field on pipes
+- added reference to Perl interface in README
+- put the crc table in FAR data (I dislike more and more the medium model :)
+- added get_crc_table
+- added a dimension to all arrays (Borland C can't count).
+- workaround Borland C bug in declaration of inflate_codes_new & inflate_fast
+- guard against multiple inclusion of *.h (for precompiled header on Mac)
+- Watcom C pretends to be Microsoft C small model even in 32 bit mode.
+- don't use unsized arrays to avoid silly warnings by Visual C++:
+ warning C4746: 'inflate_mask' : unsized array treated as '__far'
+ (what's wrong with far data in far model?).
+- define enum out of inflate_blocks_state to allow compilation with C++
+Changes in 0.95 (16 Aug 95)
+- fix MSDOS small and medium model (now easier to adapt to any compiler)
+- inlined send_bits
+- fix the final (:-) bug for deflate with flush (output was correct but
+ not completely flushed in rare occasions).
+- default window size is same for compression and decompression
+ (it's now sufficient to set MAX_WBITS in zconf.h).
+- voidp -> voidpf and voidnp -> voidp (for consistency with other
+ typedefs and because voidnp was not near in large model).
+Changes in 0.94 (13 Aug 95)
+- support MSDOS medium model
+- fix deflate with flush (could sometimes generate bad output)
+- fix deflateReset (zlib header was incorrectly suppressed)
+- added support for VMS
+- allow a compression level in gzopen()
+- gzflush now calls fflush
+- For deflate with flush, flush even if no more input is provided.
+- rename libgz.a as libz.a
+- avoid complex expression in infcodes.c triggering Turbo C bug
+- work around a problem with gcc on Alpha (in INSERT_STRING)
+- don't use inline functions (problem with some gcc versions)
+- allow renaming of Byte, uInt, etc... with #define.
+- avoid warning about (unused) pointer before start of array in deflate.c
+- avoid various warnings in gzio.c, example.c, infblock.c, adler32.c, zutil.c
+- avoid reserved word 'new' in trees.c
+Changes in 0.93 (25 June 95)
+- temporarily disable inline functions
+- make deflate deterministic
+- give enough lookahead for PARTIAL_FLUSH
+- Set binary mode for stdin/stdout in minigzip.c for OS/2
+- don't even use signed char in inflate (not portable enough)
+- fix inflate memory leak for segmented architectures
+Changes in 0.92 (3 May 95)
+- don't assume that char is signed (problem on SGI)
+- Clear bit buffer when starting a stored block
+- no memcpy on Pyramid
+- suppressed inftest.c
+- optimized fill_window, put longest_match inline for gcc
+- optimized inflate on stored blocks.
+- untabify all sources to simplify patches
+Changes in 0.91 (2 May 95)
+- Default MEM_LEVEL is 8 (not 9 for Unix) as documented in zlib.h
+- Document the memory requirements in zconf.h
+- added "make install"
+- fix sync search logic in inflateSync
+- deflate(Z_FULL_FLUSH) now works even if output buffer too short
+- after inflateSync, don't scare people with just "lo world"
+- added support for DJGPP
+Changes in 0.9 (1 May 95)
+- don't assume that zalloc clears the allocated memory (the TurboC bug
+ was Mark's bug after all :)
+- let again gzread copy uncompressed data unchanged (was working in 0.71)
+- deflate(Z_FULL_FLUSH), inflateReset and inflateSync are now fully implemented
+- added a test of inflateSync in example.c
+- moved MAX_WBITS to zconf.h because users might want to change that.
+- document explicitly that zalloc(64K) on MSDOS must return a normalized
+ pointer (zero offset)
+- added Makefiles for Microsoft C, Turbo C, Borland C++
+- faster crc32()
+Changes in 0.8 (29 April 95)
+- added fast inflate (inffast.c)
+- deflate(Z_FINISH) now returns Z_STREAM_END when done. Warning: this
+ is incompatible with previous versions of zlib which returned Z_OK.
+- work around a TurboC compiler bug (bad code for b << 0, see infutil.h)
+ (actually that was not a compiler bug, see 0.81 above)
+- gzread no longer reads one extra byte in certain cases
+- In gzio destroy(), don't reference a freed structure
+- avoid many warnings for MSDOS
+- avoid the ERROR symbol which is used by MS Windows
+Changes in 0.71 (14 April 95)
+- Fixed more MSDOS compilation problems :( There is still a bug with
+ TurboC large model.
+Changes in 0.7 (14 April 95)
+- Added full inflate support.
+- Simplified the crc32() interface. The pre- and post-conditioning
+ (one's complement) is now done inside crc32(). WARNING: this is
+ incompatible with previous versions; see zlib.h for the new usage.
+Changes in 0.61 (12 April 95)
+- workaround for a bug in TurboC. example and minigzip now work on MSDOS.
+Changes in 0.6 (11 April 95)
+- added minigzip.c
+- added gzdopen to reopen a file descriptor as gzFile
+- added transparent reading of non-gziped files in gzread.
+- fixed bug in gzread (don't read crc as data)
+- fixed bug in destroy (gzio.c) (don't return Z_STREAM_END for gzclose).
+- don't allocate big arrays in the stack (for MSDOS)
+- fix some MSDOS compilation problems
+Changes in 0.5:
+- do real compression in deflate.c. Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH is supported but
+ not yet Z_FULL_FLUSH.
+- support decompression but only in a single step (forced Z_FINISH)
+- added opaque object for zalloc and zfree.
+- added deflateReset and inflateReset
+- added a variable zlib_version for consistency checking.
+- renamed the 'filter' parameter of deflateInit2 as 'strategy'.
+ Added Z_FILTERED and Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY constants.
+Changes in 0.4:
+- avoid "zip" everywhere, use zlib instead of ziplib.
+- suppress Z_BLOCK_FLUSH, interpret Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH as block flush
+ if compression method == 8.
+- added adler32 and crc32
+- renamed deflateOptions as deflateInit2, call one or the other but not both
+- added the method parameter for deflateInit2.
+- added inflateInit2
+- simplied considerably deflateInit and inflateInit by not supporting
+ user-provided history buffer. This is supported only in deflateInit2
+ and inflateInit2.
+Changes in 0.3:
+- prefix all macro names with Z_
+- use Z_FINISH instead of deflateEnd to finish compression.
+- added gzerror()
diff --git a/zlib/README b/zlib/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ca9d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/README
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+zlib 1.2.8 is a general purpose data compression library. All the code is
+thread safe. The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs
+(Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files
+ (zlib format), rfc1951 (deflate format) and
+rfc1952 (gzip format).
+All functions of the compression library are documented in the file zlib.h
+(volunteer to write man pages welcome, contact A usage example
+of the library is given in the file test/example.c which also tests that
+the library is working correctly. Another example is given in the file
+test/minigzip.c. The compression library itself is composed of all source
+files in the root directory.
+To compile all files and run the test program, follow the instructions given at
+the top of In short "./configure; make test", and if that goes
+well, "make install" should work for most flavors of Unix. For Windows, use
+one of the special makefiles in win32/ or contrib/vstudio/ . For VMS, use
+Questions about zlib should be sent to <>, or to Gilles Vollant
+<> for the Windows DLL version. The zlib home page is
+ . Before reporting a problem, please check this site to
+verify that you have the latest version of zlib; otherwise get the latest
+version and check whether the problem still exists or not.
+PLEASE read the zlib FAQ before asking for help.
+Mark Nelson <> wrote an article about zlib for the Jan. 1997
+issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal; a copy of the article is available at
+ .
+The changes made in version 1.2.8 are documented in the file ChangeLog.
+Unsupported third party contributions are provided in directory contrib/ .
+zlib is available in Java using the package, documented at
+ .
+A Perl interface to zlib written by Paul Marquess <> is available
+at CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) sites, including
+ .
+A Python interface to zlib written by A.M. Kuchling <> is
+available in Python 1.5 and later versions, see
+ .
+zlib is built into tcl: .
+An experimental package to read and write files in .zip format, written on top
+of zlib by Gilles Vollant <>, is available in the
+contrib/minizip directory of zlib.
+Notes for some targets:
+- For Windows DLL versions, please see win32/DLL_FAQ.txt
+- For 64-bit Irix, deflate.c must be compiled without any optimization. With
+ -O, one libpng test fails. The test works in 32 bit mode (with the -n32
+ compiler flag). The compiler bug has been reported to SGI.
+- zlib doesn't work with gcc 2.6.3 on a DEC 3000/300LX under OSF/1 2.1 it works
+ when compiled with cc.
+- On Digital Unix 4.0D (formely OSF/1) on AlphaServer, the cc option -std1 is
+ necessary to get gzprintf working correctly. This is done by configure.
+- zlib doesn't work on HP-UX 9.05 with some versions of /bin/cc. It works with
+ other compilers. Use "make test" to check your compiler.
+- gzdopen is not supported on RISCOS or BEOS.
+- For PalmOs, see
+ The deflate format used by zlib was defined by Phil Katz. The deflate and
+ zlib specifications were written by L. Peter Deutsch. Thanks to all the
+ people who reported problems and suggested various improvements in zlib; they
+ are too numerous to cite here.
+Copyright notice:
+ (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler
+If you use the zlib library in a product, we would appreciate *not* receiving
+lengthy legal documents to sign. The sources are provided for free but without
+warranty of any kind. The library has been entirely written by Jean-loup
+Gailly and Mark Adler; it does not include third-party code.
+If you redistribute modified sources, we would appreciate that you include in
+the file ChangeLog history information documenting your changes. Please read
+the FAQ for more information on the distribution of modified source versions.
diff --git a/zlib/README.rsync b/zlib/README.rsync
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5440bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/README.rsync
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+zlib has been adapted slightly for use in rsync. Please don't bother
+the zlib authors with problems related to the use of zlib in rsync as
+any bugs are likely to be our fault and not theirs.
+Specific changes that have been made to zlib for rsync include:
+- add Z_INSERT_ONLY to allow for efficient history updating without
+ actually emitting any data. This is used to compress the matched
+ blocks that don't cross the wire, which gives better compression
+ ratios on the literal data.
+- fixed a number of minor compilation issues. (redefinition of MAX and
+ other such trivial things)
+- include rsync.h to ensure that we get a consistent set of includes
+ for all C code in rsync and to take advantage of autoconf
+As a result of the first item, the streams from rsync's version of
+zlib are *not compatible* with those produced by the upstream version
+of rsync. In other words, if you link rsync against your system's
+copy, it will not be able to interoperate with any other version if
+the -z option is used. (Sorry. Sometimes standard is better than
+The rsync maintainers hope to fix this problem in the future by either
+merging our changes into the upstream version, or backing them out of
+rsync in a way that preserves wire compatibility. But in the meantime
+this version must be maintained in parallel.
diff --git a/zlib/adler32.c b/zlib/adler32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a868f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/adler32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+/* adler32.c -- compute the Adler-32 checksum of a data stream
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2011 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#include "zutil.h"
+#define local static
+local uLong adler32_combine_ OF((uLong adler1, uLong adler2, z_off64_t len2));
+#define BASE 65521 /* largest prime smaller than 65536 */
+#define NMAX 5552
+/* NMAX is the largest n such that 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) <= 2^32-1 */
+#define DO1(buf,i) {adler += (buf)[i]; sum2 += adler;}
+#define DO2(buf,i) DO1(buf,i); DO1(buf,i+1);
+#define DO4(buf,i) DO2(buf,i); DO2(buf,i+2);
+#define DO8(buf,i) DO4(buf,i); DO4(buf,i+4);
+#define DO16(buf) DO8(buf,0); DO8(buf,8);
+/* use NO_DIVIDE if your processor does not do division in hardware --
+ try it both ways to see which is faster */
+#ifdef NO_DIVIDE
+/* note that this assumes BASE is 65521, where 65536 % 65521 == 15
+ (thank you to John Reiser for pointing this out) */
+# define CHOP(a) \
+ do { \
+ unsigned long tmp = a >> 16; \
+ a &= 0xffffUL; \
+ a += (tmp << 4) - tmp; \
+ } while (0)
+# define MOD28(a) \
+ do { \
+ CHOP(a); \
+ if (a >= BASE) a -= BASE; \
+ } while (0)
+# define MOD(a) \
+ do { \
+ CHOP(a); \
+ MOD28(a); \
+ } while (0)
+# define MOD63(a) \
+ do { /* this assumes a is not negative */ \
+ z_off64_t tmp = a >> 32; \
+ a &= 0xffffffffL; \
+ a += (tmp << 8) - (tmp << 5) + tmp; \
+ tmp = a >> 16; \
+ a &= 0xffffL; \
+ a += (tmp << 4) - tmp; \
+ tmp = a >> 16; \
+ a &= 0xffffL; \
+ a += (tmp << 4) - tmp; \
+ if (a >= BASE) a -= BASE; \
+ } while (0)
+# define MOD(a) a %= BASE
+# define MOD28(a) a %= BASE
+# define MOD63(a) a %= BASE
+/* ========================================================================= */
+uLong ZEXPORT adler32(adler, buf, len)
+ uLong adler;
+ const Bytef *buf;
+ uInt len;
+ unsigned long sum2;
+ unsigned n;
+ /* split Adler-32 into component sums */
+ sum2 = (adler >> 16) & 0xffff;
+ adler &= 0xffff;
+ /* in case user likes doing a byte at a time, keep it fast */
+ if (len == 1) {
+ adler += buf[0];
+ if (adler >= BASE)
+ adler -= BASE;
+ sum2 += adler;
+ if (sum2 >= BASE)
+ sum2 -= BASE;
+ return adler | (sum2 << 16);
+ }
+ /* initial Adler-32 value (deferred check for len == 1 speed) */
+ if (buf == Z_NULL)
+ return 1L;
+ /* in case short lengths are provided, keep it somewhat fast */
+ if (len < 16) {
+ while (len--) {
+ adler += *buf++;
+ sum2 += adler;
+ }
+ if (adler >= BASE)
+ adler -= BASE;
+ MOD28(sum2); /* only added so many BASE's */
+ return adler | (sum2 << 16);
+ }
+ /* do length NMAX blocks -- requires just one modulo operation */
+ while (len >= NMAX) {
+ len -= NMAX;
+ n = NMAX / 16; /* NMAX is divisible by 16 */
+ do {
+ DO16(buf); /* 16 sums unrolled */
+ buf += 16;
+ } while (--n);
+ MOD(adler);
+ MOD(sum2);
+ }
+ /* do remaining bytes (less than NMAX, still just one modulo) */
+ if (len) { /* avoid modulos if none remaining */
+ while (len >= 16) {
+ len -= 16;
+ DO16(buf);
+ buf += 16;
+ }
+ while (len--) {
+ adler += *buf++;
+ sum2 += adler;
+ }
+ MOD(adler);
+ MOD(sum2);
+ }
+ /* return recombined sums */
+ return adler | (sum2 << 16);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+local uLong adler32_combine_(adler1, adler2, len2)
+ uLong adler1;
+ uLong adler2;
+ z_off64_t len2;
+ unsigned long sum1;
+ unsigned long sum2;
+ unsigned rem;
+ /* for negative len, return invalid adler32 as a clue for debugging */
+ if (len2 < 0)
+ return 0xffffffffUL;
+ /* the derivation of this formula is left as an exercise for the reader */
+ MOD63(len2); /* assumes len2 >= 0 */
+ rem = (unsigned)len2;
+ sum1 = adler1 & 0xffff;
+ sum2 = rem * sum1;
+ MOD(sum2);
+ sum1 += (adler2 & 0xffff) + BASE - 1;
+ sum2 += ((adler1 >> 16) & 0xffff) + ((adler2 >> 16) & 0xffff) + BASE - rem;
+ if (sum1 >= BASE) sum1 -= BASE;
+ if (sum1 >= BASE) sum1 -= BASE;
+ if (sum2 >= (BASE << 1)) sum2 -= (BASE << 1);
+ if (sum2 >= BASE) sum2 -= BASE;
+ return sum1 | (sum2 << 16);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine(adler1, adler2, len2)
+ uLong adler1;
+ uLong adler2;
+ z_off_t len2;
+ return adler32_combine_(adler1, adler2, len2);
+uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64(adler1, adler2, len2)
+ uLong adler1;
+ uLong adler2;
+ z_off64_t len2;
+ return adler32_combine_(adler1, adler2, len2);
diff --git a/zlib/compress.c b/zlib/compress.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e97626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/compress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* compress.c -- compress a memory buffer
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#include "zlib.h"
+/* ===========================================================================
+ Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. The level
+ parameter has the same meaning as in deflateInit. sourceLen is the byte
+ length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the
+ destination buffer, which must be at least 0.1% larger than sourceLen plus
+ 12 bytes. Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed buffer.
+ compress2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+ memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer,
+ Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid.
+int ZEXPORT compress2 (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, level)
+ Bytef *dest;
+ uLongf *destLen;
+ const Bytef *source;
+ uLong sourceLen;
+ int level;
+ z_stream stream;
+ int err;
+ stream.next_in = (z_const Bytef *)source;
+ stream.avail_in = (uInt)sourceLen;
+#ifdef MAXSEG_64K
+ /* Check for source > 64K on 16-bit machine: */
+ if ((uLong)stream.avail_in != sourceLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
+ stream.next_out = dest;
+ stream.avail_out = (uInt)*destLen;
+ if ((uLong)stream.avail_out != *destLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
+ stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
+ stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
+ stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
+ err = deflateInit(&stream, level);
+ if (err != Z_OK) return err;
+ err = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
+ if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {
+ deflateEnd(&stream);
+ return err == Z_OK ? Z_BUF_ERROR : err;
+ }
+ *destLen = stream.total_out;
+ err = deflateEnd(&stream);
+ return err;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ */
+int ZEXPORT compress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen)
+ Bytef *dest;
+ uLongf *destLen;
+ const Bytef *source;
+ uLong sourceLen;
+ return compress2(dest, destLen, source, sourceLen, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ If the default memLevel or windowBits for deflateInit() is changed, then
+ this function needs to be updated.
+ */
+uLong ZEXPORT compressBound (sourceLen)
+ uLong sourceLen;
+ return sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12) + (sourceLen >> 14) +
+ (sourceLen >> 25) + 13;
diff --git a/zlib/crc32.c b/zlib/crc32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05733f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/crc32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+/* crc32.c -- compute the CRC-32 of a data stream
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, 2010, 2011, 2012 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ *
+ * Thanks to Rodney Brown <> for his contribution of faster
+ * CRC methods: exclusive-oring 32 bits of data at a time, and pre-computing
+ * tables for updating the shift register in one step with three exclusive-ors
+ * instead of four steps with four exclusive-ors. This results in about a
+ * factor of two increase in speed on a Power PC G4 (PPC7455) using gcc -O3.
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+ Note on the use of DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE: there is no mutex or semaphore
+ protection on the static variables used to control the first-use generation
+ of the crc tables. Therefore, if you #define DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE, you should
+ first call get_crc_table() to initialize the tables before allowing more than
+ one thread to use crc32().
+ DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE and MAKECRCH can be #defined to write out crc32.h.
+ */
+#ifdef MAKECRCH
+# include <stdio.h>
+# endif /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+#endif /* MAKECRCH */
+#include "zutil.h" /* for STDC and FAR definitions */
+#define local static
+/* Definitions for doing the crc four data bytes at a time. */
+#if !defined(NOBYFOUR) && defined(Z_U4)
+# define BYFOUR
+#ifdef BYFOUR
+ local unsigned long crc32_little OF((unsigned long,
+ const unsigned char FAR *, unsigned));
+ local unsigned long crc32_big OF((unsigned long,
+ const unsigned char FAR *, unsigned));
+# define TBLS 8
+# define TBLS 1
+#endif /* BYFOUR */
+/* Local functions for crc concatenation */
+local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times OF((unsigned long *mat,
+ unsigned long vec));
+local void gf2_matrix_square OF((unsigned long *square, unsigned long *mat));
+local uLong crc32_combine_ OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, z_off64_t len2));
+local volatile int crc_table_empty = 1;
+local z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256];
+local void make_crc_table OF((void));
+#ifdef MAKECRCH
+ local void write_table OF((FILE *, const z_crc_t FAR *));
+#endif /* MAKECRCH */
+ Generate tables for a byte-wise 32-bit CRC calculation on the polynomial:
+ x^32+x^26+x^23+x^22+x^16+x^12+x^11+x^10+x^8+x^7+x^5+x^4+x^2+x+1.
+ Polynomials over GF(2) are represented in binary, one bit per coefficient,
+ with the lowest powers in the most significant bit. Then adding polynomials
+ is just exclusive-or, and multiplying a polynomial by x is a right shift by
+ one. If we call the above polynomial p, and represent a byte as the
+ polynomial q, also with the lowest power in the most significant bit (so the
+ byte 0xb1 is the polynomial x^7+x^3+x+1), then the CRC is (q*x^32) mod p,
+ where a mod b means the remainder after dividing a by b.
+ This calculation is done using the shift-register method of multiplying and
+ taking the remainder. The register is initialized to zero, and for each
+ incoming bit, x^32 is added mod p to the register if the bit is a one (where
+ x^32 mod p is p+x^32 = x^26+...+1), and the register is multiplied mod p by
+ x (which is shifting right by one and adding x^32 mod p if the bit shifted
+ out is a one). We start with the highest power (least significant bit) of
+ q and repeat for all eight bits of q.
+ The first table is simply the CRC of all possible eight bit values. This is
+ all the information needed to generate CRCs on data a byte at a time for all
+ combinations of CRC register values and incoming bytes. The remaining tables
+ allow for word-at-a-time CRC calculation for both big-endian and little-
+ endian machines, where a word is four bytes.
+local void make_crc_table()
+ z_crc_t c;
+ int n, k;
+ z_crc_t poly; /* polynomial exclusive-or pattern */
+ /* terms of polynomial defining this crc (except x^32): */
+ static volatile int first = 1; /* flag to limit concurrent making */
+ static const unsigned char p[] = {0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12,16,22,23,26};
+ /* See if another task is already doing this (not thread-safe, but better
+ than nothing -- significantly reduces duration of vulnerability in
+ case the advice about DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE is ignored) */
+ if (first) {
+ first = 0;
+ /* make exclusive-or pattern from polynomial (0xedb88320UL) */
+ poly = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < (int)(sizeof(p)/sizeof(unsigned char)); n++)
+ poly |= (z_crc_t)1 << (31 - p[n]);
+ /* generate a crc for every 8-bit value */
+ for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
+ c = (z_crc_t)n;
+ for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
+ c = c & 1 ? poly ^ (c >> 1) : c >> 1;
+ crc_table[0][n] = c;
+ }
+#ifdef BYFOUR
+ /* generate crc for each value followed by one, two, and three zeros,
+ and then the byte reversal of those as well as the first table */
+ for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
+ c = crc_table[0][n];
+ crc_table[4][n] = ZSWAP32(c);
+ for (k = 1; k < 4; k++) {
+ c = crc_table[0][c & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
+ crc_table[k][n] = c;
+ crc_table[k + 4][n] = ZSWAP32(c);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* BYFOUR */
+ crc_table_empty = 0;
+ }
+ else { /* not first */
+ /* wait for the other guy to finish (not efficient, but rare) */
+ while (crc_table_empty)
+ ;
+ }
+#ifdef MAKECRCH
+ /* write out CRC tables to crc32.h */
+ {
+ FILE *out;
+ out = fopen("crc32.h", "w");
+ if (out == NULL) return;
+ fprintf(out, "/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation\n");
+ fprintf(out, " * Generated automatically by crc32.c\n */\n\n");
+ fprintf(out, "local const z_crc_t FAR ");
+ fprintf(out, "crc_table[TBLS][256] =\n{\n {\n");
+ write_table(out, crc_table[0]);
+# ifdef BYFOUR
+ fprintf(out, "#ifdef BYFOUR\n");
+ for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) {
+ fprintf(out, " },\n {\n");
+ write_table(out, crc_table[k]);
+ }
+ fprintf(out, "#endif\n");
+# endif /* BYFOUR */
+ fprintf(out, " }\n};\n");
+ fclose(out);
+ }
+#endif /* MAKECRCH */
+#ifdef MAKECRCH
+local void write_table(out, table)
+ FILE *out;
+ const z_crc_t FAR *table;
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < 256; n++)
+ fprintf(out, "%s0x%08lxUL%s", n % 5 ? "" : " ",
+ (unsigned long)(table[n]),
+ n == 255 ? "\n" : (n % 5 == 4 ? ",\n" : ", "));
+#endif /* MAKECRCH */
+#else /* !DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Tables of CRC-32s of all single-byte values, made by make_crc_table().
+ */
+#include "crc32.h"
+#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+/* =========================================================================
+ * This function can be used by asm versions of crc32()
+ */
+const z_crc_t FAR * ZEXPORT get_crc_table()
+ if (crc_table_empty)
+ make_crc_table();
+#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+ return (const z_crc_t FAR *)crc_table;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+#define DO1 crc = crc_table[0][((int)crc ^ (*buf++)) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8)
+#define DO8 DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1; DO1
+/* ========================================================================= */
+unsigned long ZEXPORT crc32(crc, buf, len)
+ unsigned long crc;
+ const unsigned char FAR *buf;
+ uInt len;
+ if (buf == Z_NULL) return 0UL;
+ if (crc_table_empty)
+ make_crc_table();
+#endif /* DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE */
+#ifdef BYFOUR
+ if (sizeof(void *) == sizeof(ptrdiff_t)) {
+ z_crc_t endian;
+ endian = 1;
+ if (*((unsigned char *)(&endian)))
+ return crc32_little(crc, buf, len);
+ else
+ return crc32_big(crc, buf, len);
+ }
+#endif /* BYFOUR */
+ crc = crc ^ 0xffffffffUL;
+ while (len >= 8) {
+ DO8;
+ len -= 8;
+ }
+ if (len) do {
+ DO1;
+ } while (--len);
+ return crc ^ 0xffffffffUL;
+#ifdef BYFOUR
+/* ========================================================================= */
+#define DOLIT4 c ^= *buf4++; \
+ c = crc_table[3][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[2][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
+ crc_table[1][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[0][c >> 24]
+/* ========================================================================= */
+local unsigned long crc32_little(crc, buf, len)
+ unsigned long crc;
+ const unsigned char FAR *buf;
+ unsigned len;
+ register z_crc_t c;
+ register const z_crc_t FAR *buf4;
+ c = (z_crc_t)crc;
+ c = ~c;
+ while (len && ((ptrdiff_t)buf & 3)) {
+ c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
+ len--;
+ }
+ buf4 = (const z_crc_t FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf;
+ while (len >= 32) {
+ DOLIT32;
+ len -= 32;
+ }
+ while (len >= 4) {
+ len -= 4;
+ }
+ buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4;
+ if (len) do {
+ c = crc_table[0][(c ^ *buf++) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
+ } while (--len);
+ c = ~c;
+ return (unsigned long)c;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+#define DOBIG4 c ^= *buf4++; \
+ c = crc_table[4][c & 0xff] ^ crc_table[5][(c >> 8) & 0xff] ^ \
+ crc_table[6][(c >> 16) & 0xff] ^ crc_table[7][c >> 24]
+/* ========================================================================= */
+local unsigned long crc32_big(crc, buf, len)
+ unsigned long crc;
+ const unsigned char FAR *buf;
+ unsigned len;
+ register z_crc_t c;
+ register const z_crc_t FAR *buf4;
+ c = ZSWAP32((z_crc_t)crc);
+ c = ~c;
+ while (len && ((ptrdiff_t)buf & 3)) {
+ c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
+ len--;
+ }
+ buf4 = (const z_crc_t FAR *)(const void FAR *)buf;
+ while (len >= 32) {
+ DOBIG32;
+ len -= 32;
+ }
+ while (len >= 4) {
+ len -= 4;
+ }
+ buf = (const unsigned char FAR *)buf4;
+ if (len) do {
+ c = crc_table[4][(c >> 24) ^ *buf++] ^ (c << 8);
+ } while (--len);
+ c = ~c;
+ return (unsigned long)(ZSWAP32(c));
+#endif /* BYFOUR */
+#define GF2_DIM 32 /* dimension of GF(2) vectors (length of CRC) */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+local unsigned long gf2_matrix_times(mat, vec)
+ unsigned long *mat;
+ unsigned long vec;
+ unsigned long sum;
+ sum = 0;
+ while (vec) {
+ if (vec & 1)
+ sum ^= *mat;
+ vec >>= 1;
+ mat++;
+ }
+ return sum;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+local void gf2_matrix_square(square, mat)
+ unsigned long *square;
+ unsigned long *mat;
+ int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < GF2_DIM; n++)
+ square[n] = gf2_matrix_times(mat, mat[n]);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+local uLong crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2)
+ uLong crc1;
+ uLong crc2;
+ z_off64_t len2;
+ int n;
+ unsigned long row;
+ unsigned long even[GF2_DIM]; /* even-power-of-two zeros operator */
+ unsigned long odd[GF2_DIM]; /* odd-power-of-two zeros operator */
+ /* degenerate case (also disallow negative lengths) */
+ if (len2 <= 0)
+ return crc1;
+ /* put operator for one zero bit in odd */
+ odd[0] = 0xedb88320UL; /* CRC-32 polynomial */
+ row = 1;
+ for (n = 1; n < GF2_DIM; n++) {
+ odd[n] = row;
+ row <<= 1;
+ }
+ /* put operator for two zero bits in even */
+ gf2_matrix_square(even, odd);
+ /* put operator for four zero bits in odd */
+ gf2_matrix_square(odd, even);
+ /* apply len2 zeros to crc1 (first square will put the operator for one
+ zero byte, eight zero bits, in even) */
+ do {
+ /* apply zeros operator for this bit of len2 */
+ gf2_matrix_square(even, odd);
+ if (len2 & 1)
+ crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(even, crc1);
+ len2 >>= 1;
+ /* if no more bits set, then done */
+ if (len2 == 0)
+ break;
+ /* another iteration of the loop with odd and even swapped */
+ gf2_matrix_square(odd, even);
+ if (len2 & 1)
+ crc1 = gf2_matrix_times(odd, crc1);
+ len2 >>= 1;
+ /* if no more bits set, then done */
+ } while (len2 != 0);
+ /* return combined crc */
+ crc1 ^= crc2;
+ return crc1;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine(crc1, crc2, len2)
+ uLong crc1;
+ uLong crc2;
+ z_off_t len2;
+ return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2);
+uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64(crc1, crc2, len2)
+ uLong crc1;
+ uLong crc2;
+ z_off64_t len2;
+ return crc32_combine_(crc1, crc2, len2);
diff --git a/zlib/crc32.h b/zlib/crc32.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0c778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/crc32.h
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+/* crc32.h -- tables for rapid CRC calculation
+ * Generated automatically by crc32.c
+ */
+local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256] =
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0x77073096UL, 0xee0e612cUL, 0x990951baUL, 0x076dc419UL,
+ 0x706af48fUL, 0xe963a535UL, 0x9e6495a3UL, 0x0edb8832UL, 0x79dcb8a4UL,
+ 0xe0d5e91eUL, 0x97d2d988UL, 0x09b64c2bUL, 0x7eb17cbdUL, 0xe7b82d07UL,
+ 0x90bf1d91UL, 0x1db71064UL, 0x6ab020f2UL, 0xf3b97148UL, 0x84be41deUL,
+ 0x1adad47dUL, 0x6ddde4ebUL, 0xf4d4b551UL, 0x83d385c7UL, 0x136c9856UL,
+ 0x646ba8c0UL, 0xfd62f97aUL, 0x8a65c9ecUL, 0x14015c4fUL, 0x63066cd9UL,
+ 0xfa0f3d63UL, 0x8d080df5UL, 0x3b6e20c8UL, 0x4c69105eUL, 0xd56041e4UL,
+ 0xa2677172UL, 0x3c03e4d1UL, 0x4b04d447UL, 0xd20d85fdUL, 0xa50ab56bUL,
+ 0x35b5a8faUL, 0x42b2986cUL, 0xdbbbc9d6UL, 0xacbcf940UL, 0x32d86ce3UL,
+ 0x45df5c75UL, 0xdcd60dcfUL, 0xabd13d59UL, 0x26d930acUL, 0x51de003aUL,
+ 0xc8d75180UL, 0xbfd06116UL, 0x21b4f4b5UL, 0x56b3c423UL, 0xcfba9599UL,
+ 0xb8bda50fUL, 0x2802b89eUL, 0x5f058808UL, 0xc60cd9b2UL, 0xb10be924UL,
+ 0x2f6f7c87UL, 0x58684c11UL, 0xc1611dabUL, 0xb6662d3dUL, 0x76dc4190UL,
+ 0x01db7106UL, 0x98d220bcUL, 0xefd5102aUL, 0x71b18589UL, 0x06b6b51fUL,
+ 0x9fbfe4a5UL, 0xe8b8d433UL, 0x7807c9a2UL, 0x0f00f934UL, 0x9609a88eUL,
+ 0xe10e9818UL, 0x7f6a0dbbUL, 0x086d3d2dUL, 0x91646c97UL, 0xe6635c01UL,
+ 0x6b6b51f4UL, 0x1c6c6162UL, 0x856530d8UL, 0xf262004eUL, 0x6c0695edUL,
+ 0x1b01a57bUL, 0x8208f4c1UL, 0xf50fc457UL, 0x65b0d9c6UL, 0x12b7e950UL,
+ 0x8bbeb8eaUL, 0xfcb9887cUL, 0x62dd1ddfUL, 0x15da2d49UL, 0x8cd37cf3UL,
+ 0xfbd44c65UL, 0x4db26158UL, 0x3ab551ceUL, 0xa3bc0074UL, 0xd4bb30e2UL,
+ 0x4adfa541UL, 0x3dd895d7UL, 0xa4d1c46dUL, 0xd3d6f4fbUL, 0x4369e96aUL,
+ 0x346ed9fcUL, 0xad678846UL, 0xda60b8d0UL, 0x44042d73UL, 0x33031de5UL,
+ 0xaa0a4c5fUL, 0xdd0d7cc9UL, 0x5005713cUL, 0x270241aaUL, 0xbe0b1010UL,
+ 0xc90c2086UL, 0x5768b525UL, 0x206f85b3UL, 0xb966d409UL, 0xce61e49fUL,
+ 0x5edef90eUL, 0x29d9c998UL, 0xb0d09822UL, 0xc7d7a8b4UL, 0x59b33d17UL,
+ 0x2eb40d81UL, 0xb7bd5c3bUL, 0xc0ba6cadUL, 0xedb88320UL, 0x9abfb3b6UL,
+ 0x03b6e20cUL, 0x74b1d29aUL, 0xead54739UL, 0x9dd277afUL, 0x04db2615UL,
+ 0x73dc1683UL, 0xe3630b12UL, 0x94643b84UL, 0x0d6d6a3eUL, 0x7a6a5aa8UL,
+ 0xe40ecf0bUL, 0x9309ff9dUL, 0x0a00ae27UL, 0x7d079eb1UL, 0xf00f9344UL,
+ 0x8708a3d2UL, 0x1e01f268UL, 0x6906c2feUL, 0xf762575dUL, 0x806567cbUL,
+ 0x196c3671UL, 0x6e6b06e7UL, 0xfed41b76UL, 0x89d32be0UL, 0x10da7a5aUL,
+ 0x67dd4accUL, 0xf9b9df6fUL, 0x8ebeeff9UL, 0x17b7be43UL, 0x60b08ed5UL,
+ 0xd6d6a3e8UL, 0xa1d1937eUL, 0x38d8c2c4UL, 0x4fdff252UL, 0xd1bb67f1UL,
+ 0xa6bc5767UL, 0x3fb506ddUL, 0x48b2364bUL, 0xd80d2bdaUL, 0xaf0a1b4cUL,
+ 0x36034af6UL, 0x41047a60UL, 0xdf60efc3UL, 0xa867df55UL, 0x316e8eefUL,
+ 0x4669be79UL, 0xcb61b38cUL, 0xbc66831aUL, 0x256fd2a0UL, 0x5268e236UL,
+ 0xcc0c7795UL, 0xbb0b4703UL, 0x220216b9UL, 0x5505262fUL, 0xc5ba3bbeUL,
+ 0xb2bd0b28UL, 0x2bb45a92UL, 0x5cb36a04UL, 0xc2d7ffa7UL, 0xb5d0cf31UL,
+ 0x2cd99e8bUL, 0x5bdeae1dUL, 0x9b64c2b0UL, 0xec63f226UL, 0x756aa39cUL,
+ 0x026d930aUL, 0x9c0906a9UL, 0xeb0e363fUL, 0x72076785UL, 0x05005713UL,
+ 0x95bf4a82UL, 0xe2b87a14UL, 0x7bb12baeUL, 0x0cb61b38UL, 0x92d28e9bUL,
+ 0xe5d5be0dUL, 0x7cdcefb7UL, 0x0bdbdf21UL, 0x86d3d2d4UL, 0xf1d4e242UL,
+ 0x68ddb3f8UL, 0x1fda836eUL, 0x81be16cdUL, 0xf6b9265bUL, 0x6fb077e1UL,
+ 0x18b74777UL, 0x88085ae6UL, 0xff0f6a70UL, 0x66063bcaUL, 0x11010b5cUL,
+ 0x8f659effUL, 0xf862ae69UL, 0x616bffd3UL, 0x166ccf45UL, 0xa00ae278UL,
+ 0xd70dd2eeUL, 0x4e048354UL, 0x3903b3c2UL, 0xa7672661UL, 0xd06016f7UL,
+ 0x4969474dUL, 0x3e6e77dbUL, 0xaed16a4aUL, 0xd9d65adcUL, 0x40df0b66UL,
+ 0x37d83bf0UL, 0xa9bcae53UL, 0xdebb9ec5UL, 0x47b2cf7fUL, 0x30b5ffe9UL,
+ 0xbdbdf21cUL, 0xcabac28aUL, 0x53b39330UL, 0x24b4a3a6UL, 0xbad03605UL,
+ 0xcdd70693UL, 0x54de5729UL, 0x23d967bfUL, 0xb3667a2eUL, 0xc4614ab8UL,
+ 0x5d681b02UL, 0x2a6f2b94UL, 0xb40bbe37UL, 0xc30c8ea1UL, 0x5a05df1bUL,
+ 0x2d02ef8dUL
+#ifdef BYFOUR
+ },
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0x191b3141UL, 0x32366282UL, 0x2b2d53c3UL, 0x646cc504UL,
+ 0x7d77f445UL, 0x565aa786UL, 0x4f4196c7UL, 0xc8d98a08UL, 0xd1c2bb49UL,
+ 0xfaefe88aUL, 0xe3f4d9cbUL, 0xacb54f0cUL, 0xb5ae7e4dUL, 0x9e832d8eUL,
+ 0x87981ccfUL, 0x4ac21251UL, 0x53d92310UL, 0x78f470d3UL, 0x61ef4192UL,
+ 0x2eaed755UL, 0x37b5e614UL, 0x1c98b5d7UL, 0x05838496UL, 0x821b9859UL,
+ 0x9b00a918UL, 0xb02dfadbUL, 0xa936cb9aUL, 0xe6775d5dUL, 0xff6c6c1cUL,
+ 0xd4413fdfUL, 0xcd5a0e9eUL, 0x958424a2UL, 0x8c9f15e3UL, 0xa7b24620UL,
+ 0xbea97761UL, 0xf1e8e1a6UL, 0xe8f3d0e7UL, 0xc3de8324UL, 0xdac5b265UL,
+ 0x5d5daeaaUL, 0x44469febUL, 0x6f6bcc28UL, 0x7670fd69UL, 0x39316baeUL,
+ 0x202a5aefUL, 0x0b07092cUL, 0x121c386dUL, 0xdf4636f3UL, 0xc65d07b2UL,
+ 0xed705471UL, 0xf46b6530UL, 0xbb2af3f7UL, 0xa231c2b6UL, 0x891c9175UL,
+ 0x9007a034UL, 0x179fbcfbUL, 0x0e848dbaUL, 0x25a9de79UL, 0x3cb2ef38UL,
+ 0x73f379ffUL, 0x6ae848beUL, 0x41c51b7dUL, 0x58de2a3cUL, 0xf0794f05UL,
+ 0xe9627e44UL, 0xc24f2d87UL, 0xdb541cc6UL, 0x94158a01UL, 0x8d0ebb40UL,
+ 0xa623e883UL, 0xbf38d9c2UL, 0x38a0c50dUL, 0x21bbf44cUL, 0x0a96a78fUL,
+ 0x138d96ceUL, 0x5ccc0009UL, 0x45d73148UL, 0x6efa628bUL, 0x77e153caUL,
+ 0xbabb5d54UL, 0xa3a06c15UL, 0x888d3fd6UL, 0x91960e97UL, 0xded79850UL,
+ 0xc7cca911UL, 0xece1fad2UL, 0xf5facb93UL, 0x7262d75cUL, 0x6b79e61dUL,
+ 0x4054b5deUL, 0x594f849fUL, 0x160e1258UL, 0x0f152319UL, 0x243870daUL,
+ 0x3d23419bUL, 0x65fd6ba7UL, 0x7ce65ae6UL, 0x57cb0925UL, 0x4ed03864UL,
+ 0x0191aea3UL, 0x188a9fe2UL, 0x33a7cc21UL, 0x2abcfd60UL, 0xad24e1afUL,
+ 0xb43fd0eeUL, 0x9f12832dUL, 0x8609b26cUL, 0xc94824abUL, 0xd05315eaUL,
+ 0xfb7e4629UL, 0xe2657768UL, 0x2f3f79f6UL, 0x362448b7UL, 0x1d091b74UL,
+ 0x04122a35UL, 0x4b53bcf2UL, 0x52488db3UL, 0x7965de70UL, 0x607eef31UL,
+ 0xe7e6f3feUL, 0xfefdc2bfUL, 0xd5d0917cUL, 0xcccba03dUL, 0x838a36faUL,
+ 0x9a9107bbUL, 0xb1bc5478UL, 0xa8a76539UL, 0x3b83984bUL, 0x2298a90aUL,
+ 0x09b5fac9UL, 0x10aecb88UL, 0x5fef5d4fUL, 0x46f46c0eUL, 0x6dd93fcdUL,
+ 0x74c20e8cUL, 0xf35a1243UL, 0xea412302UL, 0xc16c70c1UL, 0xd8774180UL,
+ 0x9736d747UL, 0x8e2de606UL, 0xa500b5c5UL, 0xbc1b8484UL, 0x71418a1aUL,
+ 0x685abb5bUL, 0x4377e898UL, 0x5a6cd9d9UL, 0x152d4f1eUL, 0x0c367e5fUL,
+ 0x271b2d9cUL, 0x3e001cddUL, 0xb9980012UL, 0xa0833153UL, 0x8bae6290UL,
+ 0x92b553d1UL, 0xddf4c516UL, 0xc4eff457UL, 0xefc2a794UL, 0xf6d996d5UL,
+ 0xae07bce9UL, 0xb71c8da8UL, 0x9c31de6bUL, 0x852aef2aUL, 0xca6b79edUL,
+ 0xd37048acUL, 0xf85d1b6fUL, 0xe1462a2eUL, 0x66de36e1UL, 0x7fc507a0UL,
+ 0x54e85463UL, 0x4df36522UL, 0x02b2f3e5UL, 0x1ba9c2a4UL, 0x30849167UL,
+ 0x299fa026UL, 0xe4c5aeb8UL, 0xfdde9ff9UL, 0xd6f3cc3aUL, 0xcfe8fd7bUL,
+ 0x80a96bbcUL, 0x99b25afdUL, 0xb29f093eUL, 0xab84387fUL, 0x2c1c24b0UL,
+ 0x350715f1UL, 0x1e2a4632UL, 0x07317773UL, 0x4870e1b4UL, 0x516bd0f5UL,
+ 0x7a468336UL, 0x635db277UL, 0xcbfad74eUL, 0xd2e1e60fUL, 0xf9ccb5ccUL,
+ 0xe0d7848dUL, 0xaf96124aUL, 0xb68d230bUL, 0x9da070c8UL, 0x84bb4189UL,
+ 0x03235d46UL, 0x1a386c07UL, 0x31153fc4UL, 0x280e0e85UL, 0x674f9842UL,
+ 0x7e54a903UL, 0x5579fac0UL, 0x4c62cb81UL, 0x8138c51fUL, 0x9823f45eUL,
+ 0xb30ea79dUL, 0xaa1596dcUL, 0xe554001bUL, 0xfc4f315aUL, 0xd7626299UL,
+ 0xce7953d8UL, 0x49e14f17UL, 0x50fa7e56UL, 0x7bd72d95UL, 0x62cc1cd4UL,
+ 0x2d8d8a13UL, 0x3496bb52UL, 0x1fbbe891UL, 0x06a0d9d0UL, 0x5e7ef3ecUL,
+ 0x4765c2adUL, 0x6c48916eUL, 0x7553a02fUL, 0x3a1236e8UL, 0x230907a9UL,
+ 0x0824546aUL, 0x113f652bUL, 0x96a779e4UL, 0x8fbc48a5UL, 0xa4911b66UL,
+ 0xbd8a2a27UL, 0xf2cbbce0UL, 0xebd08da1UL, 0xc0fdde62UL, 0xd9e6ef23UL,
+ 0x14bce1bdUL, 0x0da7d0fcUL, 0x268a833fUL, 0x3f91b27eUL, 0x70d024b9UL,
+ 0x69cb15f8UL, 0x42e6463bUL, 0x5bfd777aUL, 0xdc656bb5UL, 0xc57e5af4UL,
+ 0xee530937UL, 0xf7483876UL, 0xb809aeb1UL, 0xa1129ff0UL, 0x8a3fcc33UL,
+ 0x9324fd72UL
+ },
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0x01c26a37UL, 0x0384d46eUL, 0x0246be59UL, 0x0709a8dcUL,
+ 0x06cbc2ebUL, 0x048d7cb2UL, 0x054f1685UL, 0x0e1351b8UL, 0x0fd13b8fUL,
+ 0x0d9785d6UL, 0x0c55efe1UL, 0x091af964UL, 0x08d89353UL, 0x0a9e2d0aUL,
+ 0x0b5c473dUL, 0x1c26a370UL, 0x1de4c947UL, 0x1fa2771eUL, 0x1e601d29UL,
+ 0x1b2f0bacUL, 0x1aed619bUL, 0x18abdfc2UL, 0x1969b5f5UL, 0x1235f2c8UL,
+ 0x13f798ffUL, 0x11b126a6UL, 0x10734c91UL, 0x153c5a14UL, 0x14fe3023UL,
+ 0x16b88e7aUL, 0x177ae44dUL, 0x384d46e0UL, 0x398f2cd7UL, 0x3bc9928eUL,
+ 0x3a0bf8b9UL, 0x3f44ee3cUL, 0x3e86840bUL, 0x3cc03a52UL, 0x3d025065UL,
+ 0x365e1758UL, 0x379c7d6fUL, 0x35dac336UL, 0x3418a901UL, 0x3157bf84UL,
+ 0x3095d5b3UL, 0x32d36beaUL, 0x331101ddUL, 0x246be590UL, 0x25a98fa7UL,
+ 0x27ef31feUL, 0x262d5bc9UL, 0x23624d4cUL, 0x22a0277bUL, 0x20e69922UL,
+ 0x2124f315UL, 0x2a78b428UL, 0x2bbade1fUL, 0x29fc6046UL, 0x283e0a71UL,
+ 0x2d711cf4UL, 0x2cb376c3UL, 0x2ef5c89aUL, 0x2f37a2adUL, 0x709a8dc0UL,
+ 0x7158e7f7UL, 0x731e59aeUL, 0x72dc3399UL, 0x7793251cUL, 0x76514f2bUL,
+ 0x7417f172UL, 0x75d59b45UL, 0x7e89dc78UL, 0x7f4bb64fUL, 0x7d0d0816UL,
+ 0x7ccf6221UL, 0x798074a4UL, 0x78421e93UL, 0x7a04a0caUL, 0x7bc6cafdUL,
+ 0x6cbc2eb0UL, 0x6d7e4487UL, 0x6f38fadeUL, 0x6efa90e9UL, 0x6bb5866cUL,
+ 0x6a77ec5bUL, 0x68315202UL, 0x69f33835UL, 0x62af7f08UL, 0x636d153fUL,
+ 0x612bab66UL, 0x60e9c151UL, 0x65a6d7d4UL, 0x6464bde3UL, 0x662203baUL,
+ 0x67e0698dUL, 0x48d7cb20UL, 0x4915a117UL, 0x4b531f4eUL, 0x4a917579UL,
+ 0x4fde63fcUL, 0x4e1c09cbUL, 0x4c5ab792UL, 0x4d98dda5UL, 0x46c49a98UL,
+ 0x4706f0afUL, 0x45404ef6UL, 0x448224c1UL, 0x41cd3244UL, 0x400f5873UL,
+ 0x4249e62aUL, 0x438b8c1dUL, 0x54f16850UL, 0x55330267UL, 0x5775bc3eUL,
+ 0x56b7d609UL, 0x53f8c08cUL, 0x523aaabbUL, 0x507c14e2UL, 0x51be7ed5UL,
+ 0x5ae239e8UL, 0x5b2053dfUL, 0x5966ed86UL, 0x58a487b1UL, 0x5deb9134UL,
+ 0x5c29fb03UL, 0x5e6f455aUL, 0x5fad2f6dUL, 0xe1351b80UL, 0xe0f771b7UL,
+ 0xe2b1cfeeUL, 0xe373a5d9UL, 0xe63cb35cUL, 0xe7fed96bUL, 0xe5b86732UL,
+ 0xe47a0d05UL, 0xef264a38UL, 0xeee4200fUL, 0xeca29e56UL, 0xed60f461UL,
+ 0xe82fe2e4UL, 0xe9ed88d3UL, 0xebab368aUL, 0xea695cbdUL, 0xfd13b8f0UL,
+ 0xfcd1d2c7UL, 0xfe976c9eUL, 0xff5506a9UL, 0xfa1a102cUL, 0xfbd87a1bUL,
+ 0xf99ec442UL, 0xf85cae75UL, 0xf300e948UL, 0xf2c2837fUL, 0xf0843d26UL,
+ 0xf1465711UL, 0xf4094194UL, 0xf5cb2ba3UL, 0xf78d95faUL, 0xf64fffcdUL,
+ 0xd9785d60UL, 0xd8ba3757UL, 0xdafc890eUL, 0xdb3ee339UL, 0xde71f5bcUL,
+ 0xdfb39f8bUL, 0xddf521d2UL, 0xdc374be5UL, 0xd76b0cd8UL, 0xd6a966efUL,
+ 0xd4efd8b6UL, 0xd52db281UL, 0xd062a404UL, 0xd1a0ce33UL, 0xd3e6706aUL,
+ 0xd2241a5dUL, 0xc55efe10UL, 0xc49c9427UL, 0xc6da2a7eUL, 0xc7184049UL,
+ 0xc25756ccUL, 0xc3953cfbUL, 0xc1d382a2UL, 0xc011e895UL, 0xcb4dafa8UL,
+ 0xca8fc59fUL, 0xc8c97bc6UL, 0xc90b11f1UL, 0xcc440774UL, 0xcd866d43UL,
+ 0xcfc0d31aUL, 0xce02b92dUL, 0x91af9640UL, 0x906dfc77UL, 0x922b422eUL,
+ 0x93e92819UL, 0x96a63e9cUL, 0x976454abUL, 0x9522eaf2UL, 0x94e080c5UL,
+ 0x9fbcc7f8UL, 0x9e7eadcfUL, 0x9c381396UL, 0x9dfa79a1UL, 0x98b56f24UL,
+ 0x99770513UL, 0x9b31bb4aUL, 0x9af3d17dUL, 0x8d893530UL, 0x8c4b5f07UL,
+ 0x8e0de15eUL, 0x8fcf8b69UL, 0x8a809decUL, 0x8b42f7dbUL, 0x89044982UL,
+ 0x88c623b5UL, 0x839a6488UL, 0x82580ebfUL, 0x801eb0e6UL, 0x81dcdad1UL,
+ 0x8493cc54UL, 0x8551a663UL, 0x8717183aUL, 0x86d5720dUL, 0xa9e2d0a0UL,
+ 0xa820ba97UL, 0xaa6604ceUL, 0xaba46ef9UL, 0xaeeb787cUL, 0xaf29124bUL,
+ 0xad6fac12UL, 0xacadc625UL, 0xa7f18118UL, 0xa633eb2fUL, 0xa4755576UL,
+ 0xa5b73f41UL, 0xa0f829c4UL, 0xa13a43f3UL, 0xa37cfdaaUL, 0xa2be979dUL,
+ 0xb5c473d0UL, 0xb40619e7UL, 0xb640a7beUL, 0xb782cd89UL, 0xb2cddb0cUL,
+ 0xb30fb13bUL, 0xb1490f62UL, 0xb08b6555UL, 0xbbd72268UL, 0xba15485fUL,
+ 0xb853f606UL, 0xb9919c31UL, 0xbcde8ab4UL, 0xbd1ce083UL, 0xbf5a5edaUL,
+ 0xbe9834edUL
+ },
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0xb8bc6765UL, 0xaa09c88bUL, 0x12b5afeeUL, 0x8f629757UL,
+ 0x37def032UL, 0x256b5fdcUL, 0x9dd738b9UL, 0xc5b428efUL, 0x7d084f8aUL,
+ 0x6fbde064UL, 0xd7018701UL, 0x4ad6bfb8UL, 0xf26ad8ddUL, 0xe0df7733UL,
+ 0x58631056UL, 0x5019579fUL, 0xe8a530faUL, 0xfa109f14UL, 0x42acf871UL,
+ 0xdf7bc0c8UL, 0x67c7a7adUL, 0x75720843UL, 0xcdce6f26UL, 0x95ad7f70UL,
+ 0x2d111815UL, 0x3fa4b7fbUL, 0x8718d09eUL, 0x1acfe827UL, 0xa2738f42UL,
+ 0xb0c620acUL, 0x087a47c9UL, 0xa032af3eUL, 0x188ec85bUL, 0x0a3b67b5UL,
+ 0xb28700d0UL, 0x2f503869UL, 0x97ec5f0cUL, 0x8559f0e2UL, 0x3de59787UL,
+ 0x658687d1UL, 0xdd3ae0b4UL, 0xcf8f4f5aUL, 0x7733283fUL, 0xeae41086UL,
+ 0x525877e3UL, 0x40edd80dUL, 0xf851bf68UL, 0xf02bf8a1UL, 0x48979fc4UL,
+ 0x5a22302aUL, 0xe29e574fUL, 0x7f496ff6UL, 0xc7f50893UL, 0xd540a77dUL,
+ 0x6dfcc018UL, 0x359fd04eUL, 0x8d23b72bUL, 0x9f9618c5UL, 0x272a7fa0UL,
+ 0xbafd4719UL, 0x0241207cUL, 0x10f48f92UL, 0xa848e8f7UL, 0x9b14583dUL,
+ 0x23a83f58UL, 0x311d90b6UL, 0x89a1f7d3UL, 0x1476cf6aUL, 0xaccaa80fUL,
+ 0xbe7f07e1UL, 0x06c36084UL, 0x5ea070d2UL, 0xe61c17b7UL, 0xf4a9b859UL,
+ 0x4c15df3cUL, 0xd1c2e785UL, 0x697e80e0UL, 0x7bcb2f0eUL, 0xc377486bUL,
+ 0xcb0d0fa2UL, 0x73b168c7UL, 0x6104c729UL, 0xd9b8a04cUL, 0x446f98f5UL,
+ 0xfcd3ff90UL, 0xee66507eUL, 0x56da371bUL, 0x0eb9274dUL, 0xb6054028UL,
+ 0xa4b0efc6UL, 0x1c0c88a3UL, 0x81dbb01aUL, 0x3967d77fUL, 0x2bd27891UL,
+ 0x936e1ff4UL, 0x3b26f703UL, 0x839a9066UL, 0x912f3f88UL, 0x299358edUL,
+ 0xb4446054UL, 0x0cf80731UL, 0x1e4da8dfUL, 0xa6f1cfbaUL, 0xfe92dfecUL,
+ 0x462eb889UL, 0x549b1767UL, 0xec277002UL, 0x71f048bbUL, 0xc94c2fdeUL,
+ 0xdbf98030UL, 0x6345e755UL, 0x6b3fa09cUL, 0xd383c7f9UL, 0xc1366817UL,
+ 0x798a0f72UL, 0xe45d37cbUL, 0x5ce150aeUL, 0x4e54ff40UL, 0xf6e89825UL,
+ 0xae8b8873UL, 0x1637ef16UL, 0x048240f8UL, 0xbc3e279dUL, 0x21e91f24UL,
+ 0x99557841UL, 0x8be0d7afUL, 0x335cb0caUL, 0xed59b63bUL, 0x55e5d15eUL,
+ 0x47507eb0UL, 0xffec19d5UL, 0x623b216cUL, 0xda874609UL, 0xc832e9e7UL,
+ 0x708e8e82UL, 0x28ed9ed4UL, 0x9051f9b1UL, 0x82e4565fUL, 0x3a58313aUL,
+ 0xa78f0983UL, 0x1f336ee6UL, 0x0d86c108UL, 0xb53aa66dUL, 0xbd40e1a4UL,
+ 0x05fc86c1UL, 0x1749292fUL, 0xaff54e4aUL, 0x322276f3UL, 0x8a9e1196UL,
+ 0x982bbe78UL, 0x2097d91dUL, 0x78f4c94bUL, 0xc048ae2eUL, 0xd2fd01c0UL,
+ 0x6a4166a5UL, 0xf7965e1cUL, 0x4f2a3979UL, 0x5d9f9697UL, 0xe523f1f2UL,
+ 0x4d6b1905UL, 0xf5d77e60UL, 0xe762d18eUL, 0x5fdeb6ebUL, 0xc2098e52UL,
+ 0x7ab5e937UL, 0x680046d9UL, 0xd0bc21bcUL, 0x88df31eaUL, 0x3063568fUL,
+ 0x22d6f961UL, 0x9a6a9e04UL, 0x07bda6bdUL, 0xbf01c1d8UL, 0xadb46e36UL,
+ 0x15080953UL, 0x1d724e9aUL, 0xa5ce29ffUL, 0xb77b8611UL, 0x0fc7e174UL,
+ 0x9210d9cdUL, 0x2aacbea8UL, 0x38191146UL, 0x80a57623UL, 0xd8c66675UL,
+ 0x607a0110UL, 0x72cfaefeUL, 0xca73c99bUL, 0x57a4f122UL, 0xef189647UL,
+ 0xfdad39a9UL, 0x45115eccUL, 0x764dee06UL, 0xcef18963UL, 0xdc44268dUL,
+ 0x64f841e8UL, 0xf92f7951UL, 0x41931e34UL, 0x5326b1daUL, 0xeb9ad6bfUL,
+ 0xb3f9c6e9UL, 0x0b45a18cUL, 0x19f00e62UL, 0xa14c6907UL, 0x3c9b51beUL,
+ 0x842736dbUL, 0x96929935UL, 0x2e2efe50UL, 0x2654b999UL, 0x9ee8defcUL,
+ 0x8c5d7112UL, 0x34e11677UL, 0xa9362eceUL, 0x118a49abUL, 0x033fe645UL,
+ 0xbb838120UL, 0xe3e09176UL, 0x5b5cf613UL, 0x49e959fdUL, 0xf1553e98UL,
+ 0x6c820621UL, 0xd43e6144UL, 0xc68bceaaUL, 0x7e37a9cfUL, 0xd67f4138UL,
+ 0x6ec3265dUL, 0x7c7689b3UL, 0xc4caeed6UL, 0x591dd66fUL, 0xe1a1b10aUL,
+ 0xf3141ee4UL, 0x4ba87981UL, 0x13cb69d7UL, 0xab770eb2UL, 0xb9c2a15cUL,
+ 0x017ec639UL, 0x9ca9fe80UL, 0x241599e5UL, 0x36a0360bUL, 0x8e1c516eUL,
+ 0x866616a7UL, 0x3eda71c2UL, 0x2c6fde2cUL, 0x94d3b949UL, 0x090481f0UL,
+ 0xb1b8e695UL, 0xa30d497bUL, 0x1bb12e1eUL, 0x43d23e48UL, 0xfb6e592dUL,
+ 0xe9dbf6c3UL, 0x516791a6UL, 0xccb0a91fUL, 0x740cce7aUL, 0x66b96194UL,
+ 0xde0506f1UL
+ },
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0x96300777UL, 0x2c610eeeUL, 0xba510999UL, 0x19c46d07UL,
+ 0x8ff46a70UL, 0x35a563e9UL, 0xa395649eUL, 0x3288db0eUL, 0xa4b8dc79UL,
+ 0x1ee9d5e0UL, 0x88d9d297UL, 0x2b4cb609UL, 0xbd7cb17eUL, 0x072db8e7UL,
+ 0x911dbf90UL, 0x6410b71dUL, 0xf220b06aUL, 0x4871b9f3UL, 0xde41be84UL,
+ 0x7dd4da1aUL, 0xebe4dd6dUL, 0x51b5d4f4UL, 0xc785d383UL, 0x56986c13UL,
+ 0xc0a86b64UL, 0x7af962fdUL, 0xecc9658aUL, 0x4f5c0114UL, 0xd96c0663UL,
+ 0x633d0ffaUL, 0xf50d088dUL, 0xc8206e3bUL, 0x5e10694cUL, 0xe44160d5UL,
+ 0x727167a2UL, 0xd1e4033cUL, 0x47d4044bUL, 0xfd850dd2UL, 0x6bb50aa5UL,
+ 0xfaa8b535UL, 0x6c98b242UL, 0xd6c9bbdbUL, 0x40f9bcacUL, 0xe36cd832UL,
+ 0x755cdf45UL, 0xcf0dd6dcUL, 0x593dd1abUL, 0xac30d926UL, 0x3a00de51UL,
+ 0x8051d7c8UL, 0x1661d0bfUL, 0xb5f4b421UL, 0x23c4b356UL, 0x9995bacfUL,
+ 0x0fa5bdb8UL, 0x9eb80228UL, 0x0888055fUL, 0xb2d90cc6UL, 0x24e90bb1UL,
+ 0x877c6f2fUL, 0x114c6858UL, 0xab1d61c1UL, 0x3d2d66b6UL, 0x9041dc76UL,
+ 0x0671db01UL, 0xbc20d298UL, 0x2a10d5efUL, 0x8985b171UL, 0x1fb5b606UL,
+ 0xa5e4bf9fUL, 0x33d4b8e8UL, 0xa2c90778UL, 0x34f9000fUL, 0x8ea80996UL,
+ 0x18980ee1UL, 0xbb0d6a7fUL, 0x2d3d6d08UL, 0x976c6491UL, 0x015c63e6UL,
+ 0xf4516b6bUL, 0x62616c1cUL, 0xd8306585UL, 0x4e0062f2UL, 0xed95066cUL,
+ 0x7ba5011bUL, 0xc1f40882UL, 0x57c40ff5UL, 0xc6d9b065UL, 0x50e9b712UL,
+ 0xeab8be8bUL, 0x7c88b9fcUL, 0xdf1ddd62UL, 0x492dda15UL, 0xf37cd38cUL,
+ 0x654cd4fbUL, 0x5861b24dUL, 0xce51b53aUL, 0x7400bca3UL, 0xe230bbd4UL,
+ 0x41a5df4aUL, 0xd795d83dUL, 0x6dc4d1a4UL, 0xfbf4d6d3UL, 0x6ae96943UL,
+ 0xfcd96e34UL, 0x468867adUL, 0xd0b860daUL, 0x732d0444UL, 0xe51d0333UL,
+ 0x5f4c0aaaUL, 0xc97c0dddUL, 0x3c710550UL, 0xaa410227UL, 0x10100bbeUL,
+ 0x86200cc9UL, 0x25b56857UL, 0xb3856f20UL, 0x09d466b9UL, 0x9fe461ceUL,
+ 0x0ef9de5eUL, 0x98c9d929UL, 0x2298d0b0UL, 0xb4a8d7c7UL, 0x173db359UL,
+ 0x810db42eUL, 0x3b5cbdb7UL, 0xad6cbac0UL, 0x2083b8edUL, 0xb6b3bf9aUL,
+ 0x0ce2b603UL, 0x9ad2b174UL, 0x3947d5eaUL, 0xaf77d29dUL, 0x1526db04UL,
+ 0x8316dc73UL, 0x120b63e3UL, 0x843b6494UL, 0x3e6a6d0dUL, 0xa85a6a7aUL,
+ 0x0bcf0ee4UL, 0x9dff0993UL, 0x27ae000aUL, 0xb19e077dUL, 0x44930ff0UL,
+ 0xd2a30887UL, 0x68f2011eUL, 0xfec20669UL, 0x5d5762f7UL, 0xcb676580UL,
+ 0x71366c19UL, 0xe7066b6eUL, 0x761bd4feUL, 0xe02bd389UL, 0x5a7ada10UL,
+ 0xcc4add67UL, 0x6fdfb9f9UL, 0xf9efbe8eUL, 0x43beb717UL, 0xd58eb060UL,
+ 0xe8a3d6d6UL, 0x7e93d1a1UL, 0xc4c2d838UL, 0x52f2df4fUL, 0xf167bbd1UL,
+ 0x6757bca6UL, 0xdd06b53fUL, 0x4b36b248UL, 0xda2b0dd8UL, 0x4c1b0aafUL,
+ 0xf64a0336UL, 0x607a0441UL, 0xc3ef60dfUL, 0x55df67a8UL, 0xef8e6e31UL,
+ 0x79be6946UL, 0x8cb361cbUL, 0x1a8366bcUL, 0xa0d26f25UL, 0x36e26852UL,
+ 0x95770cccUL, 0x03470bbbUL, 0xb9160222UL, 0x2f260555UL, 0xbe3bbac5UL,
+ 0x280bbdb2UL, 0x925ab42bUL, 0x046ab35cUL, 0xa7ffd7c2UL, 0x31cfd0b5UL,
+ 0x8b9ed92cUL, 0x1daede5bUL, 0xb0c2649bUL, 0x26f263ecUL, 0x9ca36a75UL,
+ 0x0a936d02UL, 0xa906099cUL, 0x3f360eebUL, 0x85670772UL, 0x13570005UL,
+ 0x824abf95UL, 0x147ab8e2UL, 0xae2bb17bUL, 0x381bb60cUL, 0x9b8ed292UL,
+ 0x0dbed5e5UL, 0xb7efdc7cUL, 0x21dfdb0bUL, 0xd4d2d386UL, 0x42e2d4f1UL,
+ 0xf8b3dd68UL, 0x6e83da1fUL, 0xcd16be81UL, 0x5b26b9f6UL, 0xe177b06fUL,
+ 0x7747b718UL, 0xe65a0888UL, 0x706a0fffUL, 0xca3b0666UL, 0x5c0b0111UL,
+ 0xff9e658fUL, 0x69ae62f8UL, 0xd3ff6b61UL, 0x45cf6c16UL, 0x78e20aa0UL,
+ 0xeed20dd7UL, 0x5483044eUL, 0xc2b30339UL, 0x612667a7UL, 0xf71660d0UL,
+ 0x4d476949UL, 0xdb776e3eUL, 0x4a6ad1aeUL, 0xdc5ad6d9UL, 0x660bdf40UL,
+ 0xf03bd837UL, 0x53aebca9UL, 0xc59ebbdeUL, 0x7fcfb247UL, 0xe9ffb530UL,
+ 0x1cf2bdbdUL, 0x8ac2bacaUL, 0x3093b353UL, 0xa6a3b424UL, 0x0536d0baUL,
+ 0x9306d7cdUL, 0x2957de54UL, 0xbf67d923UL, 0x2e7a66b3UL, 0xb84a61c4UL,
+ 0x021b685dUL, 0x942b6f2aUL, 0x37be0bb4UL, 0xa18e0cc3UL, 0x1bdf055aUL,
+ 0x8def022dUL
+ },
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0x41311b19UL, 0x82623632UL, 0xc3532d2bUL, 0x04c56c64UL,
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+ 0x8ae8effaUL, 0xcbd9f4e3UL, 0x0c4fb5acUL, 0x4d7eaeb5UL, 0x8e2d839eUL,
+ 0xcf1c9887UL, 0x5112c24aUL, 0x1023d953UL, 0xd370f478UL, 0x9241ef61UL,
+ 0x55d7ae2eUL, 0x14e6b537UL, 0xd7b5981cUL, 0x96848305UL, 0x59981b82UL,
+ 0x18a9009bUL, 0xdbfa2db0UL, 0x9acb36a9UL, 0x5d5d77e6UL, 0x1c6c6cffUL,
+ 0xdf3f41d4UL, 0x9e0e5acdUL, 0xa2248495UL, 0xe3159f8cUL, 0x2046b2a7UL,
+ 0x6177a9beUL, 0xa6e1e8f1UL, 0xe7d0f3e8UL, 0x2483dec3UL, 0x65b2c5daUL,
+ 0xaaae5d5dUL, 0xeb9f4644UL, 0x28cc6b6fUL, 0x69fd7076UL, 0xae6b3139UL,
+ 0xef5a2a20UL, 0x2c09070bUL, 0x6d381c12UL, 0xf33646dfUL, 0xb2075dc6UL,
+ 0x715470edUL, 0x30656bf4UL, 0xf7f32abbUL, 0xb6c231a2UL, 0x75911c89UL,
+ 0x34a00790UL, 0xfbbc9f17UL, 0xba8d840eUL, 0x79dea925UL, 0x38efb23cUL,
+ 0xff79f373UL, 0xbe48e86aUL, 0x7d1bc541UL, 0x3c2ade58UL, 0x054f79f0UL,
+ 0x447e62e9UL, 0x872d4fc2UL, 0xc61c54dbUL, 0x018a1594UL, 0x40bb0e8dUL,
+ 0x83e823a6UL, 0xc2d938bfUL, 0x0dc5a038UL, 0x4cf4bb21UL, 0x8fa7960aUL,
+ 0xce968d13UL, 0x0900cc5cUL, 0x4831d745UL, 0x8b62fa6eUL, 0xca53e177UL,
+ 0x545dbbbaUL, 0x156ca0a3UL, 0xd63f8d88UL, 0x970e9691UL, 0x5098d7deUL,
+ 0x11a9ccc7UL, 0xd2fae1ecUL, 0x93cbfaf5UL, 0x5cd76272UL, 0x1de6796bUL,
+ 0xdeb55440UL, 0x9f844f59UL, 0x58120e16UL, 0x1923150fUL, 0xda703824UL,
+ 0x9b41233dUL, 0xa76bfd65UL, 0xe65ae67cUL, 0x2509cb57UL, 0x6438d04eUL,
+ 0xa3ae9101UL, 0xe29f8a18UL, 0x21cca733UL, 0x60fdbc2aUL, 0xafe124adUL,
+ 0xeed03fb4UL, 0x2d83129fUL, 0x6cb20986UL, 0xab2448c9UL, 0xea1553d0UL,
+ 0x29467efbUL, 0x687765e2UL, 0xf6793f2fUL, 0xb7482436UL, 0x741b091dUL,
+ 0x352a1204UL, 0xf2bc534bUL, 0xb38d4852UL, 0x70de6579UL, 0x31ef7e60UL,
+ 0xfef3e6e7UL, 0xbfc2fdfeUL, 0x7c91d0d5UL, 0x3da0cbccUL, 0xfa368a83UL,
+ 0xbb07919aUL, 0x7854bcb1UL, 0x3965a7a8UL, 0x4b98833bUL, 0x0aa99822UL,
+ 0xc9fab509UL, 0x88cbae10UL, 0x4f5def5fUL, 0x0e6cf446UL, 0xcd3fd96dUL,
+ 0x8c0ec274UL, 0x43125af3UL, 0x022341eaUL, 0xc1706cc1UL, 0x804177d8UL,
+ 0x47d73697UL, 0x06e62d8eUL, 0xc5b500a5UL, 0x84841bbcUL, 0x1a8a4171UL,
+ 0x5bbb5a68UL, 0x98e87743UL, 0xd9d96c5aUL, 0x1e4f2d15UL, 0x5f7e360cUL,
+ 0x9c2d1b27UL, 0xdd1c003eUL, 0x120098b9UL, 0x533183a0UL, 0x9062ae8bUL,
+ 0xd153b592UL, 0x16c5f4ddUL, 0x57f4efc4UL, 0x94a7c2efUL, 0xd596d9f6UL,
+ 0xe9bc07aeUL, 0xa88d1cb7UL, 0x6bde319cUL, 0x2aef2a85UL, 0xed796bcaUL,
+ 0xac4870d3UL, 0x6f1b5df8UL, 0x2e2a46e1UL, 0xe136de66UL, 0xa007c57fUL,
+ 0x6354e854UL, 0x2265f34dUL, 0xe5f3b202UL, 0xa4c2a91bUL, 0x67918430UL,
+ 0x26a09f29UL, 0xb8aec5e4UL, 0xf99fdefdUL, 0x3accf3d6UL, 0x7bfde8cfUL,
+ 0xbc6ba980UL, 0xfd5ab299UL, 0x3e099fb2UL, 0x7f3884abUL, 0xb0241c2cUL,
+ 0xf1150735UL, 0x32462a1eUL, 0x73773107UL, 0xb4e17048UL, 0xf5d06b51UL,
+ 0x3683467aUL, 0x77b25d63UL, 0x4ed7facbUL, 0x0fe6e1d2UL, 0xccb5ccf9UL,
+ 0x8d84d7e0UL, 0x4a1296afUL, 0x0b238db6UL, 0xc870a09dUL, 0x8941bb84UL,
+ 0x465d2303UL, 0x076c381aUL, 0xc43f1531UL, 0x850e0e28UL, 0x42984f67UL,
+ 0x03a9547eUL, 0xc0fa7955UL, 0x81cb624cUL, 0x1fc53881UL, 0x5ef42398UL,
+ 0x9da70eb3UL, 0xdc9615aaUL, 0x1b0054e5UL, 0x5a314ffcUL, 0x996262d7UL,
+ 0xd85379ceUL, 0x174fe149UL, 0x567efa50UL, 0x952dd77bUL, 0xd41ccc62UL,
+ 0x138a8d2dUL, 0x52bb9634UL, 0x91e8bb1fUL, 0xd0d9a006UL, 0xecf37e5eUL,
+ 0xadc26547UL, 0x6e91486cUL, 0x2fa05375UL, 0xe836123aUL, 0xa9070923UL,
+ 0x6a542408UL, 0x2b653f11UL, 0xe479a796UL, 0xa548bc8fUL, 0x661b91a4UL,
+ 0x272a8abdUL, 0xe0bccbf2UL, 0xa18dd0ebUL, 0x62defdc0UL, 0x23efe6d9UL,
+ 0xbde1bc14UL, 0xfcd0a70dUL, 0x3f838a26UL, 0x7eb2913fUL, 0xb924d070UL,
+ 0xf815cb69UL, 0x3b46e642UL, 0x7a77fd5bUL, 0xb56b65dcUL, 0xf45a7ec5UL,
+ 0x370953eeUL, 0x763848f7UL, 0xb1ae09b8UL, 0xf09f12a1UL, 0x33cc3f8aUL,
+ 0x72fd2493UL
+ },
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0x376ac201UL, 0x6ed48403UL, 0x59be4602UL, 0xdca80907UL,
+ 0xebc2cb06UL, 0xb27c8d04UL, 0x85164f05UL, 0xb851130eUL, 0x8f3bd10fUL,
+ 0xd685970dUL, 0xe1ef550cUL, 0x64f91a09UL, 0x5393d808UL, 0x0a2d9e0aUL,
+ 0x3d475c0bUL, 0x70a3261cUL, 0x47c9e41dUL, 0x1e77a21fUL, 0x291d601eUL,
+ 0xac0b2f1bUL, 0x9b61ed1aUL, 0xc2dfab18UL, 0xf5b56919UL, 0xc8f23512UL,
+ 0xff98f713UL, 0xa626b111UL, 0x914c7310UL, 0x145a3c15UL, 0x2330fe14UL,
+ 0x7a8eb816UL, 0x4de47a17UL, 0xe0464d38UL, 0xd72c8f39UL, 0x8e92c93bUL,
+ 0xb9f80b3aUL, 0x3cee443fUL, 0x0b84863eUL, 0x523ac03cUL, 0x6550023dUL,
+ 0x58175e36UL, 0x6f7d9c37UL, 0x36c3da35UL, 0x01a91834UL, 0x84bf5731UL,
+ 0xb3d59530UL, 0xea6bd332UL, 0xdd011133UL, 0x90e56b24UL, 0xa78fa925UL,
+ 0xfe31ef27UL, 0xc95b2d26UL, 0x4c4d6223UL, 0x7b27a022UL, 0x2299e620UL,
+ 0x15f32421UL, 0x28b4782aUL, 0x1fdeba2bUL, 0x4660fc29UL, 0x710a3e28UL,
+ 0xf41c712dUL, 0xc376b32cUL, 0x9ac8f52eUL, 0xada2372fUL, 0xc08d9a70UL,
+ 0xf7e75871UL, 0xae591e73UL, 0x9933dc72UL, 0x1c259377UL, 0x2b4f5176UL,
+ 0x72f11774UL, 0x459bd575UL, 0x78dc897eUL, 0x4fb64b7fUL, 0x16080d7dUL,
+ 0x2162cf7cUL, 0xa4748079UL, 0x931e4278UL, 0xcaa0047aUL, 0xfdcac67bUL,
+ 0xb02ebc6cUL, 0x87447e6dUL, 0xdefa386fUL, 0xe990fa6eUL, 0x6c86b56bUL,
+ 0x5bec776aUL, 0x02523168UL, 0x3538f369UL, 0x087faf62UL, 0x3f156d63UL,
+ 0x66ab2b61UL, 0x51c1e960UL, 0xd4d7a665UL, 0xe3bd6464UL, 0xba032266UL,
+ 0x8d69e067UL, 0x20cbd748UL, 0x17a11549UL, 0x4e1f534bUL, 0x7975914aUL,
+ 0xfc63de4fUL, 0xcb091c4eUL, 0x92b75a4cUL, 0xa5dd984dUL, 0x989ac446UL,
+ 0xaff00647UL, 0xf64e4045UL, 0xc1248244UL, 0x4432cd41UL, 0x73580f40UL,
+ 0x2ae64942UL, 0x1d8c8b43UL, 0x5068f154UL, 0x67023355UL, 0x3ebc7557UL,
+ 0x09d6b756UL, 0x8cc0f853UL, 0xbbaa3a52UL, 0xe2147c50UL, 0xd57ebe51UL,
+ 0xe839e25aUL, 0xdf53205bUL, 0x86ed6659UL, 0xb187a458UL, 0x3491eb5dUL,
+ 0x03fb295cUL, 0x5a456f5eUL, 0x6d2fad5fUL, 0x801b35e1UL, 0xb771f7e0UL,
+ 0xeecfb1e2UL, 0xd9a573e3UL, 0x5cb33ce6UL, 0x6bd9fee7UL, 0x3267b8e5UL,
+ 0x050d7ae4UL, 0x384a26efUL, 0x0f20e4eeUL, 0x569ea2ecUL, 0x61f460edUL,
+ 0xe4e22fe8UL, 0xd388ede9UL, 0x8a36abebUL, 0xbd5c69eaUL, 0xf0b813fdUL,
+ 0xc7d2d1fcUL, 0x9e6c97feUL, 0xa90655ffUL, 0x2c101afaUL, 0x1b7ad8fbUL,
+ 0x42c49ef9UL, 0x75ae5cf8UL, 0x48e900f3UL, 0x7f83c2f2UL, 0x263d84f0UL,
+ 0x115746f1UL, 0x944109f4UL, 0xa32bcbf5UL, 0xfa958df7UL, 0xcdff4ff6UL,
+ 0x605d78d9UL, 0x5737bad8UL, 0x0e89fcdaUL, 0x39e33edbUL, 0xbcf571deUL,
+ 0x8b9fb3dfUL, 0xd221f5ddUL, 0xe54b37dcUL, 0xd80c6bd7UL, 0xef66a9d6UL,
+ 0xb6d8efd4UL, 0x81b22dd5UL, 0x04a462d0UL, 0x33cea0d1UL, 0x6a70e6d3UL,
+ 0x5d1a24d2UL, 0x10fe5ec5UL, 0x27949cc4UL, 0x7e2adac6UL, 0x494018c7UL,
+ 0xcc5657c2UL, 0xfb3c95c3UL, 0xa282d3c1UL, 0x95e811c0UL, 0xa8af4dcbUL,
+ 0x9fc58fcaUL, 0xc67bc9c8UL, 0xf1110bc9UL, 0x740744ccUL, 0x436d86cdUL,
+ 0x1ad3c0cfUL, 0x2db902ceUL, 0x4096af91UL, 0x77fc6d90UL, 0x2e422b92UL,
+ 0x1928e993UL, 0x9c3ea696UL, 0xab546497UL, 0xf2ea2295UL, 0xc580e094UL,
+ 0xf8c7bc9fUL, 0xcfad7e9eUL, 0x9613389cUL, 0xa179fa9dUL, 0x246fb598UL,
+ 0x13057799UL, 0x4abb319bUL, 0x7dd1f39aUL, 0x3035898dUL, 0x075f4b8cUL,
+ 0x5ee10d8eUL, 0x698bcf8fUL, 0xec9d808aUL, 0xdbf7428bUL, 0x82490489UL,
+ 0xb523c688UL, 0x88649a83UL, 0xbf0e5882UL, 0xe6b01e80UL, 0xd1dadc81UL,
+ 0x54cc9384UL, 0x63a65185UL, 0x3a181787UL, 0x0d72d586UL, 0xa0d0e2a9UL,
+ 0x97ba20a8UL, 0xce0466aaUL, 0xf96ea4abUL, 0x7c78ebaeUL, 0x4b1229afUL,
+ 0x12ac6fadUL, 0x25c6adacUL, 0x1881f1a7UL, 0x2feb33a6UL, 0x765575a4UL,
+ 0x413fb7a5UL, 0xc429f8a0UL, 0xf3433aa1UL, 0xaafd7ca3UL, 0x9d97bea2UL,
+ 0xd073c4b5UL, 0xe71906b4UL, 0xbea740b6UL, 0x89cd82b7UL, 0x0cdbcdb2UL,
+ 0x3bb10fb3UL, 0x620f49b1UL, 0x55658bb0UL, 0x6822d7bbUL, 0x5f4815baUL,
+ 0x06f653b8UL, 0x319c91b9UL, 0xb48adebcUL, 0x83e01cbdUL, 0xda5e5abfUL,
+ 0xed3498beUL
+ },
+ {
+ 0x00000000UL, 0x6567bcb8UL, 0x8bc809aaUL, 0xeeafb512UL, 0x5797628fUL,
+ 0x32f0de37UL, 0xdc5f6b25UL, 0xb938d79dUL, 0xef28b4c5UL, 0x8a4f087dUL,
+ 0x64e0bd6fUL, 0x018701d7UL, 0xb8bfd64aUL, 0xddd86af2UL, 0x3377dfe0UL,
+ 0x56106358UL, 0x9f571950UL, 0xfa30a5e8UL, 0x149f10faUL, 0x71f8ac42UL,
+ 0xc8c07bdfUL, 0xada7c767UL, 0x43087275UL, 0x266fcecdUL, 0x707fad95UL,
+ 0x1518112dUL, 0xfbb7a43fUL, 0x9ed01887UL, 0x27e8cf1aUL, 0x428f73a2UL,
+ 0xac20c6b0UL, 0xc9477a08UL, 0x3eaf32a0UL, 0x5bc88e18UL, 0xb5673b0aUL,
+ 0xd00087b2UL, 0x6938502fUL, 0x0c5fec97UL, 0xe2f05985UL, 0x8797e53dUL,
+ 0xd1878665UL, 0xb4e03addUL, 0x5a4f8fcfUL, 0x3f283377UL, 0x8610e4eaUL,
+ 0xe3775852UL, 0x0dd8ed40UL, 0x68bf51f8UL, 0xa1f82bf0UL, 0xc49f9748UL,
+ 0x2a30225aUL, 0x4f579ee2UL, 0xf66f497fUL, 0x9308f5c7UL, 0x7da740d5UL,
+ 0x18c0fc6dUL, 0x4ed09f35UL, 0x2bb7238dUL, 0xc518969fUL, 0xa07f2a27UL,
+ 0x1947fdbaUL, 0x7c204102UL, 0x928ff410UL, 0xf7e848a8UL, 0x3d58149bUL,
+ 0x583fa823UL, 0xb6901d31UL, 0xd3f7a189UL, 0x6acf7614UL, 0x0fa8caacUL,
+ 0xe1077fbeUL, 0x8460c306UL, 0xd270a05eUL, 0xb7171ce6UL, 0x59b8a9f4UL,
+ 0x3cdf154cUL, 0x85e7c2d1UL, 0xe0807e69UL, 0x0e2fcb7bUL, 0x6b4877c3UL,
+ 0xa20f0dcbUL, 0xc768b173UL, 0x29c70461UL, 0x4ca0b8d9UL, 0xf5986f44UL,
+ 0x90ffd3fcUL, 0x7e5066eeUL, 0x1b37da56UL, 0x4d27b90eUL, 0x284005b6UL,
+ 0xc6efb0a4UL, 0xa3880c1cUL, 0x1ab0db81UL, 0x7fd76739UL, 0x9178d22bUL,
+ 0xf41f6e93UL, 0x03f7263bUL, 0x66909a83UL, 0x883f2f91UL, 0xed589329UL,
+ 0x546044b4UL, 0x3107f80cUL, 0xdfa84d1eUL, 0xbacff1a6UL, 0xecdf92feUL,
+ 0x89b82e46UL, 0x67179b54UL, 0x027027ecUL, 0xbb48f071UL, 0xde2f4cc9UL,
+ 0x3080f9dbUL, 0x55e74563UL, 0x9ca03f6bUL, 0xf9c783d3UL, 0x176836c1UL,
+ 0x720f8a79UL, 0xcb375de4UL, 0xae50e15cUL, 0x40ff544eUL, 0x2598e8f6UL,
+ 0x73888baeUL, 0x16ef3716UL, 0xf8408204UL, 0x9d273ebcUL, 0x241fe921UL,
+ 0x41785599UL, 0xafd7e08bUL, 0xcab05c33UL, 0x3bb659edUL, 0x5ed1e555UL,
+ 0xb07e5047UL, 0xd519ecffUL, 0x6c213b62UL, 0x094687daUL, 0xe7e932c8UL,
+ 0x828e8e70UL, 0xd49eed28UL, 0xb1f95190UL, 0x5f56e482UL, 0x3a31583aUL,
+ 0x83098fa7UL, 0xe66e331fUL, 0x08c1860dUL, 0x6da63ab5UL, 0xa4e140bdUL,
+ 0xc186fc05UL, 0x2f294917UL, 0x4a4ef5afUL, 0xf3762232UL, 0x96119e8aUL,
+ 0x78be2b98UL, 0x1dd99720UL, 0x4bc9f478UL, 0x2eae48c0UL, 0xc001fdd2UL,
+ 0xa566416aUL, 0x1c5e96f7UL, 0x79392a4fUL, 0x97969f5dUL, 0xf2f123e5UL,
+ 0x05196b4dUL, 0x607ed7f5UL, 0x8ed162e7UL, 0xebb6de5fUL, 0x528e09c2UL,
+ 0x37e9b57aUL, 0xd9460068UL, 0xbc21bcd0UL, 0xea31df88UL, 0x8f566330UL,
+ 0x61f9d622UL, 0x049e6a9aUL, 0xbda6bd07UL, 0xd8c101bfUL, 0x366eb4adUL,
+ 0x53090815UL, 0x9a4e721dUL, 0xff29cea5UL, 0x11867bb7UL, 0x74e1c70fUL,
+ 0xcdd91092UL, 0xa8beac2aUL, 0x46111938UL, 0x2376a580UL, 0x7566c6d8UL,
+ 0x10017a60UL, 0xfeaecf72UL, 0x9bc973caUL, 0x22f1a457UL, 0x479618efUL,
+ 0xa939adfdUL, 0xcc5e1145UL, 0x06ee4d76UL, 0x6389f1ceUL, 0x8d2644dcUL,
+ 0xe841f864UL, 0x51792ff9UL, 0x341e9341UL, 0xdab12653UL, 0xbfd69aebUL,
+ 0xe9c6f9b3UL, 0x8ca1450bUL, 0x620ef019UL, 0x07694ca1UL, 0xbe519b3cUL,
+ 0xdb362784UL, 0x35999296UL, 0x50fe2e2eUL, 0x99b95426UL, 0xfcdee89eUL,
+ 0x12715d8cUL, 0x7716e134UL, 0xce2e36a9UL, 0xab498a11UL, 0x45e63f03UL,
+ 0x208183bbUL, 0x7691e0e3UL, 0x13f65c5bUL, 0xfd59e949UL, 0x983e55f1UL,
+ 0x2106826cUL, 0x44613ed4UL, 0xaace8bc6UL, 0xcfa9377eUL, 0x38417fd6UL,
+ 0x5d26c36eUL, 0xb389767cUL, 0xd6eecac4UL, 0x6fd61d59UL, 0x0ab1a1e1UL,
+ 0xe41e14f3UL, 0x8179a84bUL, 0xd769cb13UL, 0xb20e77abUL, 0x5ca1c2b9UL,
+ 0x39c67e01UL, 0x80fea99cUL, 0xe5991524UL, 0x0b36a036UL, 0x6e511c8eUL,
+ 0xa7166686UL, 0xc271da3eUL, 0x2cde6f2cUL, 0x49b9d394UL, 0xf0810409UL,
+ 0x95e6b8b1UL, 0x7b490da3UL, 0x1e2eb11bUL, 0x483ed243UL, 0x2d596efbUL,
+ 0xc3f6dbe9UL, 0xa6916751UL, 0x1fa9b0ccUL, 0x7ace0c74UL, 0x9461b966UL,
+ 0xf10605deUL
+ }
diff --git a/zlib/deflate.c b/zlib/deflate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cbc4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/deflate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2032 @@
+/* deflate.c -- compress data using the deflation algorithm
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+ *
+ * The "deflation" process depends on being able to identify portions
+ * of the input text which are identical to earlier input (within a
+ * sliding window trailing behind the input currently being processed).
+ *
+ * The most straightforward technique turns out to be the fastest for
+ * most input files: try all possible matches and select the longest.
+ * The key feature of this algorithm is that insertions into the string
+ * dictionary are very simple and thus fast, and deletions are avoided
+ * completely. Insertions are performed at each input character, whereas
+ * string matches are performed only when the previous match ends. So it
+ * is preferable to spend more time in matches to allow very fast string
+ * insertions and avoid deletions. The matching algorithm for small
+ * strings is inspired from that of Rabin & Karp. A brute force approach
+ * is used to find longer strings when a small match has been found.
+ * A similar algorithm is used in comic (by Jan-Mark Wams) and freeze
+ * (by Leonid Broukhis).
+ * A previous version of this file used a more sophisticated algorithm
+ * (by Fiala and Greene) which is guaranteed to run in linear amortized
+ * time, but has a larger average cost, uses more memory and is patented.
+ * However the F&G algorithm may be faster for some highly redundant
+ * files if the parameter max_chain_length (described below) is too large.
+ *
+ *
+ * The idea of lazy evaluation of matches is due to Jan-Mark Wams, and
+ * I found it in 'freeze' written by Leonid Broukhis.
+ * Thanks to many people for bug reports and testing.
+ *
+ *
+ * Deutsch, L.P.,"DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification".
+ * Available in
+ *
+ * A description of the Rabin and Karp algorithm is given in the book
+ * "Algorithms" by R. Sedgewick, Addison-Wesley, p252.
+ *
+ * Fiala,E.R., and Greene,D.H.
+ * Data Compression with Finite Windows, Comm.ACM, 32,4 (1989) 490-595
+ *
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#include "deflate.h"
+#define read_buf dread_buf
+const char deflate_copyright[] =
+ " deflate 1.2.8 Copyright 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler ";
+ If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome
+ in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot
+ include such an acknowledgment, I would appreciate that you keep this
+ copyright string in the executable of your product.
+ */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Function prototypes.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ need_more, /* block not completed, need more input or more output */
+ block_done, /* block flush performed */
+ finish_started, /* finish started, need only more output at next deflate */
+ finish_done /* finish done, accept no more input or output */
+} block_state;
+typedef block_state (*compress_func) OF((deflate_state *s, int flush));
+/* Compression function. Returns the block state after the call. */
+local void fill_window OF((deflate_state *s));
+local block_state deflate_stored OF((deflate_state *s, int flush));
+local block_state deflate_fast OF((deflate_state *s, int flush));
+#ifndef FASTEST
+local block_state deflate_slow OF((deflate_state *s, int flush));
+local block_state deflate_rle OF((deflate_state *s, int flush));
+local block_state deflate_huff OF((deflate_state *s, int flush));
+local void lm_init OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void putShortMSB OF((deflate_state *s, uInt b));
+local void flush_pending OF((z_streamp strm));
+local int read_buf OF((z_streamp strm, Bytef *buf, unsigned size));
+#ifdef ASMV
+ void match_init OF((void)); /* asm code initialization */
+ uInt longest_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match));
+local uInt longest_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+local void check_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos start, IPos match,
+ int length));
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Local data
+ */
+#define NIL 0
+/* Tail of hash chains */
+#ifndef TOO_FAR
+# define TOO_FAR 4096
+/* Matches of length 3 are discarded if their distance exceeds TOO_FAR */
+/* Values for max_lazy_match, good_match and max_chain_length, depending on
+ * the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have been tuned to
+ * exclude worst case performance for pathological files. Better values may be
+ * found for specific files.
+ */
+typedef struct config_s {
+ ush good_length; /* reduce lazy search above this match length */
+ ush max_lazy; /* do not perform lazy search above this match length */
+ ush nice_length; /* quit search above this match length */
+ ush max_chain;
+ compress_func func;
+} config;
+#ifdef FASTEST
+local const config configuration_table[2] = {
+/* good lazy nice chain */
+/* 0 */ {0, 0, 0, 0, deflate_stored}, /* store only */
+/* 1 */ {4, 4, 8, 4, deflate_fast}}; /* max speed, no lazy matches */
+local const config configuration_table[10] = {
+/* good lazy nice chain */
+/* 0 */ {0, 0, 0, 0, deflate_stored}, /* store only */
+/* 1 */ {4, 4, 8, 4, deflate_fast}, /* max speed, no lazy matches */
+/* 2 */ {4, 5, 16, 8, deflate_fast},
+/* 3 */ {4, 6, 32, 32, deflate_fast},
+/* 4 */ {4, 4, 16, 16, deflate_slow}, /* lazy matches */
+/* 5 */ {8, 16, 32, 32, deflate_slow},
+/* 6 */ {8, 16, 128, 128, deflate_slow},
+/* 7 */ {8, 32, 128, 256, deflate_slow},
+/* 8 */ {32, 128, 258, 1024, deflate_slow},
+/* 9 */ {32, 258, 258, 4096, deflate_slow}}; /* max compression */
+/* Note: the deflate() code requires max_lazy >= MIN_MATCH and max_chain >= 4
+ * For deflate_fast() (levels <= 3) good is ignored and lazy has a different
+ * meaning.
+ */
+#define EQUAL 0
+/* result of memcmp for equal strings */
+#ifndef NO_DUMMY_DECL
+struct static_tree_desc_s {int dummy;}; /* for buggy compilers */
+/* rank Z_BLOCK between Z_NO_FLUSH and Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH */
+#define RANK(f) (((f) << 1) - ((f) > 4 ? 9 : 0))
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Update a hash value with the given input byte
+ * IN assertion: all calls to to UPDATE_HASH are made with consecutive
+ * input characters, so that a running hash key can be computed from the
+ * previous key instead of complete recalculation each time.
+ */
+#define UPDATE_HASH(s,h,c) (h = (((h)<<s->hash_shift) ^ (c)) & s->hash_mask)
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Insert string str in the dictionary and set match_head to the previous head
+ * of the hash chain (the most recent string with same hash key). Return
+ * the previous length of the hash chain.
+ * If this file is compiled with -DFASTEST, the compression level is forced
+ * to 1, and no hash chains are maintained.
+ * IN assertion: all calls to to INSERT_STRING are made with consecutive
+ * input characters and the first MIN_MATCH bytes of str are valid
+ * (except for the last MIN_MATCH-1 bytes of the input file).
+ */
+#ifdef FASTEST
+#define INSERT_STRING(s, str, match_head) \
+ (UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[(str) + (MIN_MATCH-1)]), \
+ match_head = s->head[s->ins_h], \
+ s->head[s->ins_h] = (Pos)(str))
+#define INSERT_STRING(s, str, match_head) \
+ (UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[(str) + (MIN_MATCH-1)]), \
+ match_head = s->prev[(str) & s->w_mask] = s->head[s->ins_h], \
+ s->head[s->ins_h] = (Pos)(str))
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize the hash table (avoiding 64K overflow for 16 bit systems).
+ * prev[] will be initialized on the fly.
+ */
+#define CLEAR_HASH(s) \
+ s->head[s->hash_size-1] = NIL; \
+ zmemzero((Bytef *)s->head, (unsigned)(s->hash_size-1)*sizeof(*s->head));
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateInit_(strm, level, version, stream_size)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int level;
+ const char *version;
+ int stream_size;
+ return deflateInit2_(strm, level, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL,
+ Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, version, stream_size);
+ /* To do: ignore strm->next_in if we use it as window */
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy,
+ version, stream_size)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int level;
+ int method;
+ int windowBits;
+ int memLevel;
+ int strategy;
+ const char *version;
+ int stream_size;
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int wrap = 1;
+ static const char my_version[] = ZLIB_VERSION;
+ if (version == Z_NULL || version[0] != my_version[0] ||
+ stream_size != sizeof(z_stream)) {
+ }
+ if (strm == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ strm->msg = Z_NULL;
+ if (strm->zalloc == (alloc_func)0) {
+#ifdef Z_SOLO
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ strm->zalloc = zcalloc;
+ strm->opaque = (voidpf)0;
+ }
+ if (strm->zfree == (free_func)0)
+#ifdef Z_SOLO
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ strm->zfree = zcfree;
+#ifdef FASTEST
+ if (level != 0) level = 1;
+ if (level == Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) level = 6;
+ if (windowBits < 0) { /* suppress zlib wrapper */
+ wrap = 0;
+ windowBits = -windowBits;
+ }
+#ifdef GZIP
+ else if (windowBits > 15) {
+ wrap = 2; /* write gzip wrapper instead */
+ windowBits -= 16;
+ }
+ if (memLevel < 1 || memLevel > MAX_MEM_LEVEL || method != Z_DEFLATED ||
+ windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15 || level < 0 || level > 9 ||
+ strategy < 0 || strategy > Z_FIXED) {
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (windowBits == 8) windowBits = 9; /* until 256-byte window bug fixed */
+ s = (deflate_state *) ZALLOC(strm, 1, sizeof(deflate_state));
+ if (s == Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ strm->state = (struct internal_state FAR *)s;
+ s->strm = strm;
+ s->wrap = wrap;
+ s->gzhead = Z_NULL;
+ s->w_bits = windowBits;
+ s->w_size = 1 << s->w_bits;
+ s->w_mask = s->w_size - 1;
+ s->hash_bits = memLevel + 7;
+ s->hash_size = 1 << s->hash_bits;
+ s->hash_mask = s->hash_size - 1;
+ s->hash_shift = ((s->hash_bits+MIN_MATCH-1)/MIN_MATCH);
+ s->window = (Bytef *) ZALLOC(strm, s->w_size, 2*sizeof(Byte));
+ s->prev = (Posf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->w_size, sizeof(Pos));
+ s->head = (Posf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->hash_size, sizeof(Pos));
+ s->high_water = 0; /* nothing written to s->window yet */
+ s->lit_bufsize = 1 << (memLevel + 6); /* 16K elements by default */
+ /* We overlay pending_buf and sym_buf. This works since the average size
+ * for length/distance pairs over any compressed block is assured to be 31
+ * bits or less.
+ *
+ * Analysis: The longest fixed codes are a length code of 8 bits plus 5
+ * extra bits, for lengths 131 to 257. The longest fixed distance codes are
+ * 5 bits plus 13 extra bits, for distances 16385 to 32768. The longest
+ * possible fixed-codes length/distance pair is then 31 bits total.
+ *
+ * sym_buf starts one-fourth of the way into pending_buf. So there are
+ * three bytes in sym_buf for every four bytes in pending_buf. Each symbol
+ * in sym_buf is three bytes -- two for the distance and one for the
+ * literal/length. As each symbol is consumed, the pointer to the next
+ * sym_buf value to read moves forward three bytes. From that symbol, up to
+ * 31 bits are written to pending_buf. The closest the written pending_buf
+ * bits gets to the next sym_buf symbol to read is just before the last
+ * code is written. At that time, 31*(n-2) bits have been written, just
+ * after 24*(n-2) bits have been consumed from sym_buf. sym_buf starts at
+ * 8*n bits into pending_buf. (Note that the symbol buffer fills when n-1
+ * symbols are written.) The closest the writing gets to what is unread is
+ * then n+14 bits. Here n is lit_bufsize, which is 16384 by default, and
+ * can range from 128 to 32768.
+ *
+ * Therefore, at a minimum, there are 142 bits of space between what is
+ * written and what is read in the overlain buffers, so the symbols cannot
+ * be overwritten by the compressed data. That space is actually 139 bits,
+ * due to the three-bit fixed-code block header.
+ *
+ * That covers the case where either Z_FIXED is specified, forcing fixed
+ * codes, or when the use of fixed codes is chosen, because that choice
+ * results in a smaller compressed block than dynamic codes. That latter
+ * condition then assures that the above analysis also covers all dynamic
+ * blocks. A dynamic-code block will only be chosen to be emitted if it has
+ * fewer bits than a fixed-code block would for the same set of symbols.
+ * Therefore its average symbol length is assured to be less than 31. So
+ * the compressed data for a dynamic block also cannot overwrite the
+ * symbols from which it is being constructed.
+ */
+ s->pending_buf = (uchf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->lit_bufsize, 4);
+ s->pending_buf_size = (ulg)s->lit_bufsize * 4;
+ if (s->window == Z_NULL || s->prev == Z_NULL || s->head == Z_NULL ||
+ s->pending_buf == Z_NULL) {
+ s->status = FINISH_STATE;
+ strm->msg = ERR_MSG(Z_MEM_ERROR);
+ deflateEnd (strm);
+ return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ }
+ s->sym_buf = s->pending_buf + s->lit_bufsize;
+ s->sym_end = (s->lit_bufsize - 1) * 3;
+ /* We avoid equality with lit_bufsize*3 because of wraparound at 64K
+ * on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to
+ * 64K-1 bytes.
+ */
+ s->level = level;
+ s->strategy = strategy;
+ s->method = (Byte)method;
+ return deflateReset(strm);
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary (strm, dictionary, dictLength)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ const Bytef *dictionary;
+ uInt dictLength;
+ deflate_state *s;
+ uInt str, n;
+ int wrap;
+ unsigned avail;
+ z_const unsigned char *next;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL || dictionary == Z_NULL)
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ s = strm->state;
+ wrap = s->wrap;
+ if (wrap == 2 || (wrap == 1 && s->status != INIT_STATE) || s->lookahead)
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ /* when using zlib wrappers, compute Adler-32 for provided dictionary */
+ if (wrap == 1)
+ strm->adler = adler32(strm->adler, dictionary, dictLength);
+ s->wrap = 0; /* avoid computing Adler-32 in read_buf */
+ /* if dictionary would fill window, just replace the history */
+ if (dictLength >= s->w_size) {
+ if (wrap == 0) { /* already empty otherwise */
+ s->strstart = 0;
+ s->block_start = 0L;
+ s->insert = 0;
+ }
+ dictionary += dictLength - s->w_size; /* use the tail */
+ dictLength = s->w_size;
+ }
+ /* insert dictionary into window and hash */
+ avail = strm->avail_in;
+ next = strm->next_in;
+ strm->avail_in = dictLength;
+ strm->next_in = (z_const Bytef *)dictionary;
+ fill_window(s);
+ while (s->lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {
+ str = s->strstart;
+ n = s->lookahead - (MIN_MATCH-1);
+ do {
+ UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]);
+#ifndef FASTEST
+ s->prev[str & s->w_mask] = s->head[s->ins_h];
+ s->head[s->ins_h] = (Pos)str;
+ str++;
+ } while (--n);
+ s->strstart = str;
+ s->lookahead = MIN_MATCH-1;
+ fill_window(s);
+ }
+ s->strstart += s->lookahead;
+ s->block_start = (long)s->strstart;
+ s->insert = s->lookahead;
+ s->lookahead = 0;
+ s->match_length = s->prev_length = MIN_MATCH-1;
+ s->match_available = 0;
+ strm->next_in = next;
+ strm->avail_in = avail;
+ s->wrap = wrap;
+ return Z_OK;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep (strm)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ deflate_state *s;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL ||
+ strm->zalloc == (alloc_func)0 || strm->zfree == (free_func)0) {
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ }
+ strm->total_in = strm->total_out = 0;
+ strm->msg = Z_NULL; /* use zfree if we ever allocate msg dynamically */
+ strm->data_type = Z_UNKNOWN;
+ s = (deflate_state *)strm->state;
+ s->pending = 0;
+ s->pending_out = s->pending_buf;
+ if (s->wrap < 0) {
+ s->wrap = -s->wrap; /* was made negative by deflate(..., Z_FINISH); */
+ }
+ s->status = s->wrap ? INIT_STATE : BUSY_STATE;
+ strm->adler =
+#ifdef GZIP
+ s->wrap == 2 ? crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0) :
+ adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ s->last_flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;
+ _tr_init(s);
+ return Z_OK;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateReset (strm)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int ret;
+ ret = deflateResetKeep(strm);
+ if (ret == Z_OK)
+ lm_init(strm->state);
+ return ret;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateSetHeader (strm, head)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ gz_headerp head;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ if (strm->state->wrap != 2) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ strm->state->gzhead = head;
+ return Z_OK;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflatePending (strm, pending, bits)
+ unsigned *pending;
+ int *bits;
+ z_streamp strm;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ if (pending != Z_NULL)
+ *pending = strm->state->pending;
+ if (bits != Z_NULL)
+ *bits = strm->state->bi_valid;
+ return Z_OK;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflatePrime (strm, bits, value)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int bits;
+ int value;
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int put;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ s = strm->state;
+ if (s->sym_buf < s->pending_out + ((Buf_size + 7) >> 3))
+ return Z_BUF_ERROR;
+ do {
+ put = Buf_size - s->bi_valid;
+ if (put > bits)
+ put = bits;
+ s->bi_buf |= (ush)((value & ((1 << put) - 1)) << s->bi_valid);
+ s->bi_valid += put;
+ _tr_flush_bits(s);
+ value >>= put;
+ bits -= put;
+ } while (bits);
+ return Z_OK;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateParams(strm, level, strategy)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int level;
+ int strategy;
+ deflate_state *s;
+ compress_func func;
+ int err = Z_OK;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ s = strm->state;
+#ifdef FASTEST
+ if (level != 0) level = 1;
+ if (level == Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) level = 6;
+ if (level < 0 || level > 9 || strategy < 0 || strategy > Z_FIXED) {
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ }
+ func = configuration_table[s->level].func;
+ if ((strategy != s->strategy || func != configuration_table[level].func) &&
+ strm->total_in != 0) {
+ /* Flush the last buffer: */
+ err = deflate(strm, Z_BLOCK);
+ if (err == Z_BUF_ERROR && s->pending == 0)
+ err = Z_OK;
+ }
+ if (s->level != level) {
+ s->level = level;
+ s->max_lazy_match = configuration_table[level].max_lazy;
+ s->good_match = configuration_table[level].good_length;
+ s->nice_match = configuration_table[level].nice_length;
+ s->max_chain_length = configuration_table[level].max_chain;
+ }
+ s->strategy = strategy;
+ return err;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateTune(strm, good_length, max_lazy, nice_length, max_chain)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int good_length;
+ int max_lazy;
+ int nice_length;
+ int max_chain;
+ deflate_state *s;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ s = strm->state;
+ s->good_match = good_length;
+ s->max_lazy_match = max_lazy;
+ s->nice_match = nice_length;
+ s->max_chain_length = max_chain;
+ return Z_OK;
+/* =========================================================================
+ * For the default windowBits of 15 and memLevel of 8, this function returns
+ * a close to exact, as well as small, upper bound on the compressed size.
+ * They are coded as constants here for a reason--if the #define's are
+ * changed, then this function needs to be changed as well. The return
+ * value for 15 and 8 only works for those exact settings.
+ *
+ * For any setting other than those defaults for windowBits and memLevel,
+ * the value returned is a conservative worst case for the maximum expansion
+ * resulting from using fixed blocks instead of stored blocks, which deflate
+ * can emit on compressed data for some combinations of the parameters.
+ *
+ * This function could be more sophisticated to provide closer upper bounds for
+ * every combination of windowBits and memLevel. But even the conservative
+ * upper bound of about 14% expansion does not seem onerous for output buffer
+ * allocation.
+ */
+uLong ZEXPORT deflateBound(strm, sourceLen)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ uLong sourceLen;
+ deflate_state *s;
+ uLong complen, wraplen;
+ Bytef *str;
+ /* conservative upper bound for compressed data */
+ complen = sourceLen +
+ ((sourceLen + 7) >> 3) + ((sourceLen + 63) >> 6) + 5;
+ /* if can't get parameters, return conservative bound plus zlib wrapper */
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL)
+ return complen + 6;
+ /* compute wrapper length */
+ s = strm->state;
+ switch (s->wrap) {
+ case 0: /* raw deflate */
+ wraplen = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1: /* zlib wrapper */
+ wraplen = 6 + (s->strstart ? 4 : 0);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* gzip wrapper */
+ wraplen = 18;
+ if (s->gzhead != Z_NULL) { /* user-supplied gzip header */
+ if (s->gzhead->extra != Z_NULL)
+ wraplen += 2 + s->gzhead->extra_len;
+ str = s->gzhead->name;
+ if (str != Z_NULL)
+ do {
+ wraplen++;
+ } while (*str++);
+ str = s->gzhead->comment;
+ if (str != Z_NULL)
+ do {
+ wraplen++;
+ } while (*str++);
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc)
+ wraplen += 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* for compiler happiness */
+ wraplen = 6;
+ }
+ /* if not default parameters, return conservative bound */
+ if (s->w_bits != 15 || s->hash_bits != 8 + 7)
+ return complen + wraplen;
+ /* default settings: return tight bound for that case */
+ return sourceLen + (sourceLen >> 12) + (sourceLen >> 14) +
+ (sourceLen >> 25) + 13 - 6 + wraplen;
+/* =========================================================================
+ * Put a short in the pending buffer. The 16-bit value is put in MSB order.
+ * IN assertion: the stream state is correct and there is enough room in
+ * pending_buf.
+ */
+local void putShortMSB (s, b)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ uInt b;
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)(b >> 8));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)(b & 0xff));
+/* =========================================================================
+ * Flush as much pending output as possible. All deflate() output goes
+ * through this function so some applications may wish to modify it
+ * to avoid allocating a large strm->next_out buffer and copying into it.
+ * (See also read_buf()).
+ */
+local void flush_pending(strm)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ unsigned len;
+ deflate_state *s = strm->state;
+ _tr_flush_bits(s);
+ len = s->pending;
+ if (len > strm->avail_out) len = strm->avail_out;
+ if (len == 0) return;
+ zmemcpy(strm->next_out, s->pending_out, len);
+ strm->next_out += len;
+ s->pending_out += len;
+ strm->total_out += len;
+ strm->avail_out -= len;
+ s->pending -= len;
+ if (s->pending == 0) {
+ s->pending_out = s->pending_buf;
+ }
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflate (strm, flush)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int flush;
+ int old_flush; /* value of flush param for previous deflate call */
+ deflate_state *s;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL ||
+ (flush > Z_BLOCK && flush != Z_INSERT_ONLY) || flush < 0) {
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ }
+ s = strm->state;
+ if (strm->next_out == Z_NULL ||
+ (strm->next_in == Z_NULL && strm->avail_in != 0) ||
+ (s->status == FINISH_STATE && flush != Z_FINISH)) {
+ }
+ if (strm->avail_out == 0) ERR_RETURN(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR);
+ s->strm = strm; /* just in case */
+ old_flush = s->last_flush;
+ s->last_flush = flush;
+ /* Write the header */
+ if (s->status == INIT_STATE) {
+#ifdef GZIP
+ if (s->wrap == 2) {
+ strm->adler = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ put_byte(s, 31);
+ put_byte(s, 139);
+ put_byte(s, 8);
+ if (s->gzhead == Z_NULL) {
+ put_byte(s, 0);
+ put_byte(s, 0);
+ put_byte(s, 0);
+ put_byte(s, 0);
+ put_byte(s, 0);
+ put_byte(s, s->level == 9 ? 2 :
+ (s->strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s->level < 2 ?
+ 4 : 0));
+ put_byte(s, OS_CODE);
+ s->status = BUSY_STATE;
+ }
+ else {
+ put_byte(s, (s->gzhead->text ? 1 : 0) +
+ (s->gzhead->hcrc ? 2 : 0) +
+ (s->gzhead->extra == Z_NULL ? 0 : 4) +
+ (s->gzhead->name == Z_NULL ? 0 : 8) +
+ (s->gzhead->comment == Z_NULL ? 0 : 16)
+ );
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)(s->gzhead->time & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((s->gzhead->time >> 8) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((s->gzhead->time >> 16) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((s->gzhead->time >> 24) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, s->level == 9 ? 2 :
+ (s->strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s->level < 2 ?
+ 4 : 0));
+ put_byte(s, s->gzhead->os & 0xff);
+ if (s->gzhead->extra != Z_NULL) {
+ put_byte(s, s->gzhead->extra_len & 0xff);
+ put_byte(s, (s->gzhead->extra_len >> 8) & 0xff);
+ }
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc)
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, s->pending_buf,
+ s->pending);
+ s->gzindex = 0;
+ s->status = EXTRA_STATE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uInt header = (Z_DEFLATED + ((s->w_bits-8)<<4)) << 8;
+ uInt level_flags;
+ if (s->strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s->level < 2)
+ level_flags = 0;
+ else if (s->level < 6)
+ level_flags = 1;
+ else if (s->level == 6)
+ level_flags = 2;
+ else
+ level_flags = 3;
+ header |= (level_flags << 6);
+ if (s->strstart != 0) header |= PRESET_DICT;
+ header += 31 - (header % 31);
+ s->status = BUSY_STATE;
+ putShortMSB(s, header);
+ /* Save the adler32 of the preset dictionary: */
+ if (s->strstart != 0) {
+ putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler >> 16));
+ putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler & 0xffff));
+ }
+ strm->adler = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef GZIP
+ if (s->status == EXTRA_STATE) {
+ if (s->gzhead->extra != Z_NULL) {
+ uInt beg = s->pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */
+ while (s->gzindex < (s->gzhead->extra_len & 0xffff)) {
+ if (s->pending == s->pending_buf_size) {
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc && s->pending > beg)
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, s->pending_buf + beg,
+ s->pending - beg);
+ flush_pending(strm);
+ beg = s->pending;
+ if (s->pending == s->pending_buf_size)
+ break;
+ }
+ put_byte(s, s->gzhead->extra[s->gzindex]);
+ s->gzindex++;
+ }
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc && s->pending > beg)
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, s->pending_buf + beg,
+ s->pending - beg);
+ if (s->gzindex == s->gzhead->extra_len) {
+ s->gzindex = 0;
+ s->status = NAME_STATE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ s->status = NAME_STATE;
+ }
+ if (s->status == NAME_STATE) {
+ if (s->gzhead->name != Z_NULL) {
+ uInt beg = s->pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */
+ int val;
+ do {
+ if (s->pending == s->pending_buf_size) {
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc && s->pending > beg)
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, s->pending_buf + beg,
+ s->pending - beg);
+ flush_pending(strm);
+ beg = s->pending;
+ if (s->pending == s->pending_buf_size) {
+ val = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ val = s->gzhead->name[s->gzindex++];
+ put_byte(s, val);
+ } while (val != 0);
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc && s->pending > beg)
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, s->pending_buf + beg,
+ s->pending - beg);
+ if (val == 0) {
+ s->gzindex = 0;
+ s->status = COMMENT_STATE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ s->status = COMMENT_STATE;
+ }
+ if (s->status == COMMENT_STATE) {
+ if (s->gzhead->comment != Z_NULL) {
+ uInt beg = s->pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */
+ int val;
+ do {
+ if (s->pending == s->pending_buf_size) {
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc && s->pending > beg)
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, s->pending_buf + beg,
+ s->pending - beg);
+ flush_pending(strm);
+ beg = s->pending;
+ if (s->pending == s->pending_buf_size) {
+ val = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ val = s->gzhead->comment[s->gzindex++];
+ put_byte(s, val);
+ } while (val != 0);
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc && s->pending > beg)
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, s->pending_buf + beg,
+ s->pending - beg);
+ if (val == 0)
+ s->status = HCRC_STATE;
+ }
+ else
+ s->status = HCRC_STATE;
+ }
+ if (s->status == HCRC_STATE) {
+ if (s->gzhead->hcrc) {
+ if (s->pending + 2 > s->pending_buf_size)
+ flush_pending(strm);
+ if (s->pending + 2 <= s->pending_buf_size) {
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)(strm->adler & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((strm->adler >> 8) & 0xff));
+ strm->adler = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ s->status = BUSY_STATE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ s->status = BUSY_STATE;
+ }
+ /* Flush as much pending output as possible */
+ if (s->pending != 0) {
+ flush_pending(strm);
+ if (strm->avail_out == 0) {
+ /* Since avail_out is 0, deflate will be called again with
+ * more output space, but possibly with both pending and
+ * avail_in equal to zero. There won't be anything to do,
+ * but this is not an error situation so make sure we
+ * return OK instead of BUF_ERROR at next call of deflate:
+ */
+ s->last_flush = -1;
+ return Z_OK;
+ }
+ /* Make sure there is something to do and avoid duplicate consecutive
+ * flushes. For repeated and useless calls with Z_FINISH, we keep
+ * returning Z_STREAM_END instead of Z_BUF_ERROR.
+ */
+ } else if (strm->avail_in == 0 && RANK(flush) <= RANK(old_flush) &&
+ flush != Z_FINISH) {
+ }
+ /* User must not provide more input after the first FINISH: */
+ if (s->status == FINISH_STATE && strm->avail_in != 0) {
+ }
+ /* Start a new block or continue the current one.
+ */
+ if (strm->avail_in != 0 || s->lookahead != 0 ||
+ (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH && s->status != FINISH_STATE)) {
+ block_state bstate;
+ bstate = s->strategy == Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY ? deflate_huff(s, flush) :
+ (s->strategy == Z_RLE ? deflate_rle(s, flush) :
+ (*(configuration_table[s->level].func))(s, flush));
+ if (bstate == finish_started || bstate == finish_done) {
+ s->status = FINISH_STATE;
+ }
+ if (bstate == need_more || bstate == finish_started) {
+ if (strm->avail_out == 0) {
+ s->last_flush = -1; /* avoid BUF_ERROR next call, see above */
+ }
+ return Z_OK;
+ /* If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH && avail_out == 0, the next call
+ * of deflate should use the same flush parameter to make sure
+ * that the flush is complete. So we don't have to output an
+ * empty block here, this will be done at next call. This also
+ * ensures that for a very small output buffer, we emit at most
+ * one empty block.
+ */
+ }
+ if (bstate == block_done) {
+ if (flush == Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) {
+ _tr_align(s);
+ } else if (flush != Z_BLOCK) { /* FULL_FLUSH or SYNC_FLUSH */
+ _tr_stored_block(s, (char*)0, 0L, 0);
+ /* For a full flush, this empty block will be recognized
+ * as a special marker by inflate_sync().
+ */
+ if (flush == Z_FULL_FLUSH) {
+ CLEAR_HASH(s); /* forget history */
+ if (s->lookahead == 0) {
+ s->strstart = 0;
+ s->block_start = 0L;
+ s->insert = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ flush_pending(strm);
+ if (strm->avail_out == 0) {
+ s->last_flush = -1; /* avoid BUF_ERROR at next call, see above */
+ return Z_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(strm->avail_out > 0, "bug2");
+ if (flush != Z_FINISH) return Z_OK;
+ if (s->wrap <= 0) return Z_STREAM_END;
+ /* Write the trailer */
+#ifdef GZIP
+ if (s->wrap == 2) {
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)(strm->adler & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((strm->adler >> 8) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((strm->adler >> 16) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((strm->adler >> 24) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)(strm->total_in & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((strm->total_in >> 8) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((strm->total_in >> 16) & 0xff));
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)((strm->total_in >> 24) & 0xff));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler >> 16));
+ putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler & 0xffff));
+ }
+ flush_pending(strm);
+ /* If avail_out is zero, the application will call deflate again
+ * to flush the rest.
+ */
+ if (s->wrap > 0) s->wrap = -s->wrap; /* write the trailer only once! */
+ return s->pending != 0 ? Z_OK : Z_STREAM_END;
+/* ========================================================================= */
+int ZEXPORT deflateEnd (strm)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ int status;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ status = strm->state->status;
+ if (status != INIT_STATE &&
+ status != EXTRA_STATE &&
+ status != NAME_STATE &&
+ status != COMMENT_STATE &&
+ status != HCRC_STATE &&
+ status != BUSY_STATE &&
+ status != FINISH_STATE) {
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Deallocate in reverse order of allocations: */
+ TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->pending_buf);
+ TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->head);
+ TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->prev);
+ TRY_FREE(strm, strm->state->window);
+ ZFREE(strm, strm->state);
+ strm->state = Z_NULL;
+ return status == BUSY_STATE ? Z_DATA_ERROR : Z_OK;
+/* =========================================================================
+ * Copy the source state to the destination state.
+ * To simplify the source, this is not supported for 16-bit MSDOS (which
+ * doesn't have enough memory anyway to duplicate compression states).
+ */
+int ZEXPORT deflateCopy (dest, source)
+ z_streamp dest;
+ z_streamp source;
+#ifdef MAXSEG_64K
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ deflate_state *ds;
+ deflate_state *ss;
+ if (source == Z_NULL || dest == Z_NULL || source->state == Z_NULL) {
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ }
+ ss = source->state;
+ zmemcpy((voidpf)dest, (voidpf)source, sizeof(z_stream));
+ ds = (deflate_state *) ZALLOC(dest, 1, sizeof(deflate_state));
+ if (ds == Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ dest->state = (struct internal_state FAR *) ds;
+ zmemcpy((voidpf)ds, (voidpf)ss, sizeof(deflate_state));
+ ds->strm = dest;
+ ds->window = (Bytef *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->w_size, 2*sizeof(Byte));
+ ds->prev = (Posf *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->w_size, sizeof(Pos));
+ ds->head = (Posf *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->hash_size, sizeof(Pos));
+ ds->pending_buf = (uchf *) ZALLOC(dest, ds->lit_bufsize, 4);
+ if (ds->window == Z_NULL || ds->prev == Z_NULL || ds->head == Z_NULL ||
+ ds->pending_buf == Z_NULL) {
+ deflateEnd (dest);
+ return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* following zmemcpy do not work for 16-bit MSDOS */
+ zmemcpy(ds->window, ss->window, ds->w_size * 2 * sizeof(Byte));
+ zmemcpy((voidpf)ds->prev, (voidpf)ss->prev, ds->w_size * sizeof(Pos));
+ zmemcpy((voidpf)ds->head, (voidpf)ss->head, ds->hash_size * sizeof(Pos));
+ zmemcpy(ds->pending_buf, ss->pending_buf, (uInt)ds->pending_buf_size);
+ ds->pending_out = ds->pending_buf + (ss->pending_out - ss->pending_buf);
+ ds->sym_buf = ds->pending_buf + ds->lit_bufsize;
+ ds->l_desc.dyn_tree = ds->dyn_ltree;
+ ds->d_desc.dyn_tree = ds->dyn_dtree;
+ ds->bl_desc.dyn_tree = ds->bl_tree;
+ return Z_OK;
+#endif /* MAXSEG_64K */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Read a new buffer from the current input stream, update the adler32
+ * and total number of bytes read. All deflate() input goes through
+ * this function so some applications may wish to modify it to avoid
+ * allocating a large strm->next_in buffer and copying from it.
+ * (See also flush_pending()).
+ */
+local int read_buf(strm, buf, size)
+ z_streamp strm;
+ Bytef *buf;
+ unsigned size;
+ unsigned len = strm->avail_in;
+ if (len > size) len = size;
+ if (len == 0) return 0;
+ strm->avail_in -= len;
+ zmemcpy(buf, strm->next_in, len);
+ if (strm->state->wrap == 1) {
+ strm->adler = adler32(strm->adler, buf, len);
+ }
+#ifdef GZIP
+ else if (strm->state->wrap == 2) {
+ strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, buf, len);
+ }
+ strm->next_in += len;
+ strm->total_in += len;
+ return (int)len;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize the "longest match" routines for a new zlib stream
+ */
+local void lm_init (s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ s->window_size = (ulg)2L*s->w_size;
+ /* Set the default configuration parameters:
+ */
+ s->max_lazy_match = configuration_table[s->level].max_lazy;
+ s->good_match = configuration_table[s->level].good_length;
+ s->nice_match = configuration_table[s->level].nice_length;
+ s->max_chain_length = configuration_table[s->level].max_chain;
+ s->strstart = 0;
+ s->block_start = 0L;
+ s->lookahead = 0;
+ s->insert = 0;
+ s->match_length = s->prev_length = MIN_MATCH-1;
+ s->match_available = 0;
+ s->ins_h = 0;
+#ifndef FASTEST
+#ifdef ASMV
+ match_init(); /* initialize the asm code */
+#ifndef FASTEST
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Set match_start to the longest match starting at the given string and
+ * return its length. Matches shorter or equal to prev_length are discarded,
+ * in which case the result is equal to prev_length and match_start is
+ * garbage.
+ * IN assertions: cur_match is the head of the hash chain for the current
+ * string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1
+ * OUT assertion: the match length is not greater than s->lookahead.
+ */
+#ifndef ASMV
+/* For 80x86 and 680x0, an optimized version will be provided in match.asm or
+ * match.S. The code will be functionally equivalent.
+ */
+local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ IPos cur_match; /* current match */
+ unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;/* max hash chain length */
+ register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart; /* current string */
+ register Bytef *match; /* matched string */
+ register int len; /* length of current match */
+ int best_len = s->prev_length; /* best match length so far */
+ int nice_match = s->nice_match; /* stop if match long enough */
+ IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?
+ s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;
+ /* Stop when cur_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code,
+ * we prevent matches with the string of window index 0.
+ */
+ Posf *prev = s->prev;
+ uInt wmask = s->w_mask;
+ /* Compare two bytes at a time. Note: this is not always beneficial.
+ * Try with and without -DUNALIGNED_OK to check.
+ */
+ register Bytef *strend = s->window + s->strstart + MAX_MATCH - 1;
+ register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;
+ register ush scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
+ register Bytef *strend = s->window + s->strstart + MAX_MATCH;
+ register Byte scan_end1 = scan[best_len-1];
+ register Byte scan_end = scan[best_len];
+ /* The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16.
+ * It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary.
+ */
+ Assert(s->hash_bits >= 8 && MAX_MATCH == 258, "Code too clever");
+ /* Do not waste too much time if we already have a good match: */
+ if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {
+ chain_length >>= 2;
+ }
+ /* Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input. This is necessary
+ * to make deflate deterministic.
+ */
+ if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;
+ Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "need lookahead");
+ do {
+ Assert(cur_match < s->strstart, "no future");
+ match = s->window + cur_match;
+ /* Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase
+ * or if the match length is less than 2. Note that the checks below
+ * for insufficient lookahead only occur occasionally for performance
+ * reasons. Therefore uninitialized memory will be accessed, and
+ * conditional jumps will be made that depend on those values.
+ * However the length of the match is limited to the lookahead, so
+ * the output of deflate is not affected by the uninitialized values.
+ */
+#if (defined(UNALIGNED_OK) && MAX_MATCH == 258)
+ /* This code assumes sizeof(unsigned short) == 2. Do not use
+ * UNALIGNED_OK if your compiler uses a different size.
+ */
+ if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
+ *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
+ /* It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they are
+ * always equal when the other bytes match, given that the hash keys
+ * are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8. Compare 2 bytes at a time at
+ * strstart+3, +5, ... up to strstart+257. We check for insufficient
+ * lookahead only every 4th comparison; the 128th check will be made
+ * at strstart+257. If MAX_MATCH-2 is not a multiple of 8, it is
+ * necessary to put more guard bytes at the end of the window, or
+ * to check more often for insufficient lookahead.
+ */
+ Assert(scan[2] == match[2], "scan[2]?");
+ scan++, match++;
+ do {
+ } while (*(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
+ *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
+ *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
+ *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
+ scan < strend);
+ /* The funny "do {}" generates better code on most compilers */
+ /* Here, scan <= window+strstart+257 */
+ Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan");
+ if (*scan == *match) scan++;
+ len = (MAX_MATCH - 1) - (int)(strend-scan);
+ scan = strend - (MAX_MATCH-1);
+#else /* UNALIGNED_OK */
+ if (match[best_len] != scan_end ||
+ match[best_len-1] != scan_end1 ||
+ *match != *scan ||
+ *++match != scan[1]) continue;
+ /* The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made
+ * again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.)
+ * It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they
+ * are always equal when the other bytes match, given that
+ * the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8.
+ */
+ scan += 2, match++;
+ Assert(*scan == *match, "match[2]?");
+ /* We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison;
+ * the 256th check will be made at strstart+258.
+ */
+ do {
+ } while (*++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ scan < strend);
+ Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan");
+ len = MAX_MATCH - (int)(strend - scan);
+ scan = strend - MAX_MATCH;
+#endif /* UNALIGNED_OK */
+ if (len > best_len) {
+ s->match_start = cur_match;
+ best_len = len;
+ if (len >= nice_match) break;
+ scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
+ scan_end1 = scan[best_len-1];
+ scan_end = scan[best_len];
+ }
+ } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
+ && --chain_length != 0);
+ if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;
+ return s->lookahead;
+#endif /* ASMV */
+#else /* FASTEST */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Optimized version for FASTEST only
+ */
+local uInt longest_match(s, cur_match)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ IPos cur_match; /* current match */
+ register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart; /* current string */
+ register Bytef *match; /* matched string */
+ register int len; /* length of current match */
+ register Bytef *strend = s->window + s->strstart + MAX_MATCH;
+ /* The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16.
+ * It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary.
+ */
+ Assert(s->hash_bits >= 8 && MAX_MATCH == 258, "Code too clever");
+ Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "need lookahead");
+ Assert(cur_match < s->strstart, "no future");
+ match = s->window + cur_match;
+ /* Return failure if the match length is less than 2:
+ */
+ if (match[0] != scan[0] || match[1] != scan[1]) return MIN_MATCH-1;
+ /* The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made
+ * again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.)
+ * It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they
+ * are always equal when the other bytes match, given that
+ * the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8.
+ */
+ scan += 2, match += 2;
+ Assert(*scan == *match, "match[2]?");
+ /* We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison;
+ * the 256th check will be made at strstart+258.
+ */
+ do {
+ } while (*++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match &&
+ scan < strend);
+ Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan");
+ len = MAX_MATCH - (int)(strend - scan);
+ if (len < MIN_MATCH) return MIN_MATCH - 1;
+ s->match_start = cur_match;
+ return (uInt)len <= s->lookahead ? (uInt)len : s->lookahead;
+#endif /* FASTEST */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Check that the match at match_start is indeed a match.
+ */
+local void check_match(s, start, match, length)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ IPos start, match;
+ int length;
+ /* check that the match is indeed a match */
+ if (zmemcmp(s->window + match,
+ s->window + start, length) != EQUAL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " start %u, match %u, length %d\n",
+ start, match, length);
+ do {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%c%c", s->window[match++], s->window[start++]);
+ } while (--length != 0);
+ z_error("invalid match");
+ }
+ if (z_verbose > 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\\[%d,%d]", start-match, length);
+ do { putc(s->window[start++], stderr); } while (--length != 0);
+ }
+# define check_match(s, start, match, length)
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Fill the window when the lookahead becomes insufficient.
+ * Updates strstart and lookahead.
+ *
+ * IN assertion: lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD
+ * OUT assertions: strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD
+ * At least one byte has been read, or avail_in == 0; reads are
+ * performed for at least two bytes (required for the zip translate_eol
+ * option -- not supported here).
+ */
+local void fill_window(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ register unsigned n, m;
+ register Posf *p;
+ unsigned more; /* Amount of free space at the end of the window. */
+ uInt wsize = s->w_size;
+ Assert(s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "already enough lookahead");
+ do {
+ more = (unsigned)(s->window_size -(ulg)s->lookahead -(ulg)s->strstart);
+ /* Deal with !@#$% 64K limit: */
+ if (sizeof(int) <= 2) {
+ if (more == 0 && s->strstart == 0 && s->lookahead == 0) {
+ more = wsize;
+ } else if (more == (unsigned)(-1)) {
+ /* Very unlikely, but possible on 16 bit machine if
+ * strstart == 0 && lookahead == 1 (input done a byte at time)
+ */
+ more--;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead,
+ * move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half.
+ */
+ if (s->strstart >= wsize+MAX_DIST(s)) {
+ zmemcpy(s->window, s->window+wsize, (unsigned)wsize);
+ s->match_start -= wsize;
+ s->strstart -= wsize; /* we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST */
+ s->block_start -= (long) wsize;
+ /* Slide the hash table (could be avoided with 32 bit values
+ at the expense of memory usage). We slide even when level == 0
+ to keep the hash table consistent if we switch back to level > 0
+ later. (Using level 0 permanently is not an optimal usage of
+ zlib, so we don't care about this pathological case.)
+ */
+ n = s->hash_size;
+ p = &s->head[n];
+ do {
+ m = *--p;
+ *p = (Pos)(m >= wsize ? m-wsize : NIL);
+ } while (--n);
+ n = wsize;
+#ifndef FASTEST
+ p = &s->prev[n];
+ do {
+ m = *--p;
+ *p = (Pos)(m >= wsize ? m-wsize : NIL);
+ /* If n is not on any hash chain, prev[n] is garbage but
+ * its value will never be used.
+ */
+ } while (--n);
+ more += wsize;
+ }
+ if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) break;
+ /* If there was no sliding:
+ * strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 &&
+ * more == window_size - lookahead - strstart
+ * => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1)
+ * => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2
+ * In the BIG_MEM or MMAP case (not yet supported),
+ * window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD &&
+ * strstart + s->lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD.
+ * Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2.
+ * If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2.
+ */
+ Assert(more >= 2, "more < 2");
+ n = read_buf(s->strm, s->window + s->strstart + s->lookahead, more);
+ s->lookahead += n;
+ /* Initialize the hash value now that we have some input: */
+ if (s->lookahead + s->insert >= MIN_MATCH) {
+ uInt str = s->strstart - s->insert;
+ s->ins_h = s->window[str];
+ UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + 1]);
+#if MIN_MATCH != 3
+ Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times
+ while (s->insert) {
+ UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]);
+#ifndef FASTEST
+ s->prev[str & s->w_mask] = s->head[s->ins_h];
+ s->head[s->ins_h] = (Pos)str;
+ str++;
+ s->insert--;
+ if (s->lookahead + s->insert < MIN_MATCH)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If the whole input has less than MIN_MATCH bytes, ins_h is garbage,
+ * but this is not important since only literal bytes will be emitted.
+ */
+ } while (s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && s->strm->avail_in != 0);
+ /* If the WIN_INIT bytes after the end of the current data have never been
+ * written, then zero those bytes in order to avoid memory check reports of
+ * the use of uninitialized (or uninitialised as Julian writes) bytes by
+ * the longest match routines. Update the high water mark for the next
+ * time through here. WIN_INIT is set to MAX_MATCH since the longest match
+ * routines allow scanning to strstart + MAX_MATCH, ignoring lookahead.
+ */
+ if (s->high_water < s->window_size) {
+ ulg curr = s->strstart + (ulg)(s->lookahead);
+ ulg init;
+ if (s->high_water < curr) {
+ /* Previous high water mark below current data -- zero WIN_INIT
+ * bytes or up to end of window, whichever is less.
+ */
+ init = s->window_size - curr;
+ if (init > WIN_INIT)
+ init = WIN_INIT;
+ zmemzero(s->window + curr, (unsigned)init);
+ s->high_water = curr + init;
+ }
+ else if (s->high_water < (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT) {
+ /* High water mark at or above current data, but below current data
+ * plus WIN_INIT -- zero out to current data plus WIN_INIT, or up
+ * to end of window, whichever is less.
+ */
+ init = (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT - s->high_water;
+ if (init > s->window_size - s->high_water)
+ init = s->window_size - s->high_water;
+ zmemzero(s->window + s->high_water, (unsigned)init);
+ s->high_water += init;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD,
+ "not enough room for search");
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Flush the current block, with given end-of-file flag.
+ * IN assertion: strstart is set to the end of the current match.
+ */
+#define FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY(s, last) { \
+ _tr_flush_block(s, (s->block_start >= 0L ? \
+ (charf *)&s->window[(unsigned)s->block_start] : \
+ (charf *)Z_NULL), \
+ (ulg)((long)s->strstart - s->block_start), \
+ (last)); \
+ s->block_start = s->strstart; \
+ flush_pending(s->strm); \
+ Tracev((stderr,"[FLUSH]")); \
+/* Same but force premature exit if necessary. */
+#define FLUSH_BLOCK(s, last) { \
+ FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY(s, last); \
+ if (s->strm->avail_out == 0) return (last) ? finish_started : need_more; \
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Copy without compression as much as possible from the input stream, return
+ * the current block state.
+ * This function does not insert new strings in the dictionary since
+ * uncompressible data is probably not useful. This function is used
+ * only for the level=0 compression option.
+ * NOTE: this function should be optimized to avoid extra copying from
+ * window to pending_buf.
+ */
+local block_state deflate_stored(s, flush)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int flush;
+ /* Stored blocks are limited to 0xffff bytes, pending_buf is limited
+ * to pending_buf_size, and each stored block has a 5 byte header:
+ */
+ ulg max_block_size = 0xffff;
+ ulg max_start;
+ if (max_block_size > s->pending_buf_size - 5) {
+ max_block_size = s->pending_buf_size - 5;
+ }
+ /* Copy as much as possible from input to output: */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Fill the window as much as possible: */
+ if (s->lookahead <= 1) {
+ Assert(s->strstart < s->w_size+MAX_DIST(s) ||
+ s->block_start >= (long)s->w_size, "slide too late");
+ fill_window(s);
+ if (s->lookahead == 0 && flush == Z_NO_FLUSH) return need_more;
+ if (s->lookahead == 0) break; /* flush the current block */
+ }
+ Assert(s->block_start >= 0L, "block gone");
+ s->strstart += s->lookahead;
+ s->lookahead = 0;
+ if (flush == Z_INSERT_ONLY) {
+ s->block_start = s->strstart;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Emit a stored block if pending_buf will be full: */
+ max_start = s->block_start + max_block_size;
+ if (s->strstart == 0 || (ulg)s->strstart >= max_start) {
+ /* strstart == 0 is possible when wraparound on 16-bit machine */
+ s->lookahead = (uInt)(s->strstart - max_start);
+ s->strstart = (uInt)max_start;
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ }
+ /* Flush if we may have to slide, otherwise block_start may become
+ * negative and the data will be gone:
+ */
+ if (s->strstart - (uInt)s->block_start >= MAX_DIST(s)) {
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ s->insert = 0;
+ if (flush == Z_INSERT_ONLY) {
+ s->block_start = s->strstart;
+ return need_more;
+ }
+ if (flush == Z_FINISH) {
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1);
+ return finish_done;
+ }
+ if ((long)s->strstart > s->block_start)
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ return block_done;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Compress as much as possible from the input stream, return the current
+ * block state.
+ * This function does not perform lazy evaluation of matches and inserts
+ * new strings in the dictionary only for unmatched strings or for short
+ * matches. It is used only for the fast compression options.
+ */
+local block_state deflate_fast(s, flush)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int flush;
+ IPos hash_head; /* head of the hash chain */
+ int bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except
+ * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes
+ * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the
+ * string following the next match.
+ */
+ if (s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {
+ fill_window(s);
+ if (s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush == Z_NO_FLUSH) {
+ return need_more;
+ }
+ if (s->lookahead == 0) break; /* flush the current block */
+ }
+ /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the
+ * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:
+ */
+ hash_head = NIL;
+ if (s->lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {
+ INSERT_STRING(s, s->strstart, hash_head);
+ }
+ if (flush == Z_INSERT_ONLY) {
+ s->strstart++;
+ s->lookahead--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.
+ * At this point we have always match_length < MIN_MATCH
+ */
+ if (hash_head != NIL && s->strstart - hash_head <= MAX_DIST(s)) {
+ /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string
+ * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match
+ * of the string with itself at the start of the input file).
+ */
+ s->match_length = longest_match (s, hash_head);
+ /* longest_match() sets match_start */
+ }
+ if (s->match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {
+ check_match(s, s->strstart, s->match_start, s->match_length);
+ _tr_tally_dist(s, s->strstart - s->match_start,
+ s->match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush);
+ s->lookahead -= s->match_length;
+ /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length
+ * is not too large. This saves time but degrades compression.
+ */
+#ifndef FASTEST
+ if (s->match_length <= s->max_insert_length &&
+ s->lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {
+ s->match_length--; /* string at strstart already in table */
+ do {
+ s->strstart++;
+ INSERT_STRING(s, s->strstart, hash_head);
+ /* strstart never exceeds WSIZE-MAX_MATCH, so there are
+ * always MIN_MATCH bytes ahead.
+ */
+ } while (--s->match_length != 0);
+ s->strstart++;
+ } else
+ {
+ s->strstart += s->match_length;
+ s->match_length = 0;
+ s->ins_h = s->window[s->strstart];
+ UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[s->strstart+1]);
+#if MIN_MATCH != 3
+ Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times
+ /* If lookahead < MIN_MATCH, ins_h is garbage, but it does not
+ * matter since it will be recomputed at next deflate call.
+ */
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* No match, output a literal byte */
+ Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart]));
+ _tr_tally_lit (s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush);
+ s->lookahead--;
+ s->strstart++;
+ }
+ if (bflush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ }
+ if (flush == Z_INSERT_ONLY) {
+ s->block_start = s->strstart;
+ return need_more;
+ }
+ s->insert = s->strstart < MIN_MATCH-1 ? s->strstart : MIN_MATCH-1;
+ if (flush == Z_FINISH) {
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1);
+ return finish_done;
+ }
+ if (s->sym_next)
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ return block_done;
+#ifndef FASTEST
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Same as above, but achieves better compression. We use a lazy
+ * evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is
+ * no better match at the next window position.
+ */
+local block_state deflate_slow(s, flush)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int flush;
+ IPos hash_head; /* head of hash chain */
+ int bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */
+ /* Process the input block. */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except
+ * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes
+ * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the
+ * string following the next match.
+ */
+ if (s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {
+ fill_window(s);
+ if (s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush == Z_NO_FLUSH) {
+ return need_more;
+ }
+ if (s->lookahead == 0) break; /* flush the current block */
+ }
+ /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the
+ * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:
+ */
+ hash_head = NIL;
+ if (s->lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {
+ INSERT_STRING(s, s->strstart, hash_head);
+ }
+ if (flush == Z_INSERT_ONLY) {
+ s->strstart++;
+ s->lookahead--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.
+ */
+ s->prev_length = s->match_length, s->prev_match = s->match_start;
+ s->match_length = MIN_MATCH-1;
+ if (hash_head != NIL && s->prev_length < s->max_lazy_match &&
+ s->strstart - hash_head <= MAX_DIST(s)) {
+ /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string
+ * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match
+ * of the string with itself at the start of the input file).
+ */
+ s->match_length = longest_match (s, hash_head);
+ /* longest_match() sets match_start */
+ if (s->match_length <= 5 && (s->strategy == Z_FILTERED
+#if TOO_FAR <= 32767
+ || (s->match_length == MIN_MATCH &&
+ s->strstart - s->match_start > TOO_FAR)
+ )) {
+ /* If prev_match is also MIN_MATCH, match_start is garbage
+ * but we will ignore the current match anyway.
+ */
+ s->match_length = MIN_MATCH-1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there was a match at the previous step and the current
+ * match is not better, output the previous match:
+ */
+ if (s->prev_length >= MIN_MATCH && s->match_length <= s->prev_length) {
+ uInt max_insert = s->strstart + s->lookahead - MIN_MATCH;
+ /* Do not insert strings in hash table beyond this. */
+ check_match(s, s->strstart-1, s->prev_match, s->prev_length);
+ _tr_tally_dist(s, s->strstart -1 - s->prev_match,
+ s->prev_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush);
+ /* Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match.
+ * strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not
+ * enough lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted in
+ * the hash table.
+ */
+ s->lookahead -= s->prev_length-1;
+ s->prev_length -= 2;
+ do {
+ if (++s->strstart <= max_insert) {
+ INSERT_STRING(s, s->strstart, hash_head);
+ }
+ } while (--s->prev_length != 0);
+ s->match_available = 0;
+ s->match_length = MIN_MATCH-1;
+ s->strstart++;
+ if (bflush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ } else if (s->match_available) {
+ /* If there was no match at the previous position, output a
+ * single literal. If there was a match but the current match
+ * is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal.
+ */
+ Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart-1]));
+ _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart-1], bflush);
+ if (bflush) {
+ }
+ s->strstart++;
+ s->lookahead--;
+ if (s->strm->avail_out == 0) return need_more;
+ } else {
+ /* There is no previous match to compare with, wait for
+ * the next step to decide.
+ */
+ s->match_available = 1;
+ s->strstart++;
+ s->lookahead--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flush == Z_INSERT_ONLY) {
+ s->block_start = s->strstart;
+ return need_more;
+ }
+ Assert (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH, "no flush?");
+ if (s->match_available) {
+ Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart-1]));
+ _tr_tally_lit(s, s->window[s->strstart-1], bflush);
+ s->match_available = 0;
+ }
+ s->insert = s->strstart < MIN_MATCH-1 ? s->strstart : MIN_MATCH-1;
+ if (flush == Z_FINISH) {
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1);
+ return finish_done;
+ }
+ if (s->sym_next)
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ return block_done;
+#endif /* FASTEST */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * For Z_RLE, simply look for runs of bytes, generate matches only of distance
+ * one. Do not maintain a hash table. (It will be regenerated if this run of
+ * deflate switches away from Z_RLE.)
+ */
+local block_state deflate_rle(s, flush)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int flush;
+ int bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */
+ uInt prev; /* byte at distance one to match */
+ Bytef *scan, *strend; /* scan goes up to strend for length of run */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except
+ * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes
+ * for the longest run, plus one for the unrolled loop.
+ */
+ if (s->lookahead <= MAX_MATCH) {
+ fill_window(s);
+ if (s->lookahead <= MAX_MATCH && flush == Z_NO_FLUSH) {
+ return need_more;
+ }
+ if (s->lookahead == 0) break; /* flush the current block */
+ }
+ /* See how many times the previous byte repeats */
+ s->match_length = 0;
+ if (s->lookahead >= MIN_MATCH && s->strstart > 0) {
+ scan = s->window + s->strstart - 1;
+ prev = *scan;
+ if (prev == *++scan && prev == *++scan && prev == *++scan) {
+ strend = s->window + s->strstart + MAX_MATCH;
+ do {
+ } while (prev == *++scan && prev == *++scan &&
+ prev == *++scan && prev == *++scan &&
+ prev == *++scan && prev == *++scan &&
+ prev == *++scan && prev == *++scan &&
+ scan < strend);
+ s->match_length = MAX_MATCH - (int)(strend - scan);
+ if (s->match_length > s->lookahead)
+ s->match_length = s->lookahead;
+ }
+ Assert(scan <= s->window+(uInt)(s->window_size-1), "wild scan");
+ }
+ /* Emit match if have run of MIN_MATCH or longer, else emit literal */
+ if (s->match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {
+ check_match(s, s->strstart, s->strstart - 1, s->match_length);
+ _tr_tally_dist(s, 1, s->match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush);
+ s->lookahead -= s->match_length;
+ s->strstart += s->match_length;
+ s->match_length = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* No match, output a literal byte */
+ Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart]));
+ _tr_tally_lit (s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush);
+ s->lookahead--;
+ s->strstart++;
+ }
+ if (bflush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ }
+ s->insert = 0;
+ if (flush == Z_FINISH) {
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1);
+ return finish_done;
+ }
+ if (s->sym_next)
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ return block_done;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * For Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, do not look for matches. Do not maintain a hash table.
+ * (It will be regenerated if this run of deflate switches away from Huffman.)
+ */
+local block_state deflate_huff(s, flush)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int flush;
+ int bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Make sure that we have a literal to write. */
+ if (s->lookahead == 0) {
+ fill_window(s);
+ if (s->lookahead == 0) {
+ if (flush == Z_NO_FLUSH)
+ return need_more;
+ break; /* flush the current block */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Output a literal byte */
+ s->match_length = 0;
+ Tracevv((stderr,"%c", s->window[s->strstart]));
+ _tr_tally_lit (s, s->window[s->strstart], bflush);
+ s->lookahead--;
+ s->strstart++;
+ if (bflush) FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ }
+ s->insert = 0;
+ if (flush == Z_FINISH) {
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1);
+ return finish_done;
+ }
+ if (s->sym_next)
+ FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0);
+ return block_done;
diff --git a/zlib/deflate.h b/zlib/deflate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a300a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/deflate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+/* deflate.h -- internal compression state
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
+ part of the implementation of the compression library and is
+ subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#ifndef DEFLATE_H
+#define DEFLATE_H
+#include "zutil.h"
+/* define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
+ trailer creation by deflate(). NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
+ the crc code when it is not needed. For shared libraries, gzip encoding
+ should be left enabled. */
+#ifndef NO_GZIP
+# define GZIP
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Internal compression state.
+ */
+#define LENGTH_CODES 29
+/* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */
+#define LITERALS 256
+/* number of literal bytes 0..255 */
+/* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */
+#define D_CODES 30
+/* number of distance codes */
+#define BL_CODES 19
+/* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */
+#define HEAP_SIZE (2*L_CODES+1)
+/* maximum heap size */
+#define MAX_BITS 15
+/* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */
+#define Buf_size 16
+/* size of bit buffer in bi_buf */
+#define INIT_STATE 42
+#define EXTRA_STATE 69
+#define NAME_STATE 73
+#define COMMENT_STATE 91
+#define HCRC_STATE 103
+#define BUSY_STATE 113
+#define FINISH_STATE 666
+/* Stream status */
+/* Data structure describing a single value and its code string. */
+typedef struct ct_data_s {
+ union {
+ ush freq; /* frequency count */
+ ush code; /* bit string */
+ } fc;
+ union {
+ ush dad; /* father node in Huffman tree */
+ ush len; /* length of bit string */
+ } dl;
+} FAR ct_data;
+#define Freq fc.freq
+#define Code fc.code
+#define Dad
+#define Len dl.len
+typedef struct static_tree_desc_s static_tree_desc;
+typedef struct tree_desc_s {
+ ct_data *dyn_tree; /* the dynamic tree */
+ int max_code; /* largest code with non zero frequency */
+ static_tree_desc *stat_desc; /* the corresponding static tree */
+} FAR tree_desc;
+typedef ush Pos;
+typedef Pos FAR Posf;
+typedef unsigned IPos;
+/* A Pos is an index in the character window. We use short instead of int to
+ * save space in the various tables. IPos is used only for parameter passing.
+ */
+typedef struct internal_state {
+ z_streamp strm; /* pointer back to this zlib stream */
+ int status; /* as the name implies */
+ Bytef *pending_buf; /* output still pending */
+ ulg pending_buf_size; /* size of pending_buf */
+ Bytef *pending_out; /* next pending byte to output to the stream */
+ uInt pending; /* nb of bytes in the pending buffer */
+ int wrap; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */
+ gz_headerp gzhead; /* gzip header information to write */
+ uInt gzindex; /* where in extra, name, or comment */
+ Byte method; /* can only be DEFLATED */
+ int last_flush; /* value of flush param for previous deflate call */
+ /* used by deflate.c: */
+ uInt w_size; /* LZ77 window size (32K by default) */
+ uInt w_bits; /* log2(w_size) (8..16) */
+ uInt w_mask; /* w_size - 1 */
+ Bytef *window;
+ /* Sliding window. Input bytes are read into the second half of the window,
+ * and move to the first half later to keep a dictionary of at least wSize
+ * bytes. With this organization, matches are limited to a distance of
+ * wSize-MAX_MATCH bytes, but this ensures that IO is always
+ * performed with a length multiple of the block size. Also, it limits
+ * the window size to 64K, which is quite useful on MSDOS.
+ * To do: use the user input buffer as sliding window.
+ */
+ ulg window_size;
+ /* Actual size of window: 2*wSize, except when the user input buffer
+ * is directly used as sliding window.
+ */
+ Posf *prev;
+ /* Link to older string with same hash index. To limit the size of this
+ * array to 64K, this link is maintained only for the last 32K strings.
+ * An index in this array is thus a window index modulo 32K.
+ */
+ Posf *head; /* Heads of the hash chains or NIL. */
+ uInt ins_h; /* hash index of string to be inserted */
+ uInt hash_size; /* number of elements in hash table */
+ uInt hash_bits; /* log2(hash_size) */
+ uInt hash_mask; /* hash_size-1 */
+ uInt hash_shift;
+ /* Number of bits by which ins_h must be shifted at each input
+ * step. It must be such that after MIN_MATCH steps, the oldest
+ * byte no longer takes part in the hash key, that is:
+ * hash_shift * MIN_MATCH >= hash_bits
+ */
+ long block_start;
+ /* Window position at the beginning of the current output block. Gets
+ * negative when the window is moved backwards.
+ */
+ uInt match_length; /* length of best match */
+ IPos prev_match; /* previous match */
+ int match_available; /* set if previous match exists */
+ uInt strstart; /* start of string to insert */
+ uInt match_start; /* start of matching string */
+ uInt lookahead; /* number of valid bytes ahead in window */
+ uInt prev_length;
+ /* Length of the best match at previous step. Matches not greater than this
+ * are discarded. This is used in the lazy match evaluation.
+ */
+ uInt max_chain_length;
+ /* To speed up deflation, hash chains are never searched beyond this
+ * length. A higher limit improves compression ratio but degrades the
+ * speed.
+ */
+ uInt max_lazy_match;
+ /* Attempt to find a better match only when the current match is strictly
+ * smaller than this value. This mechanism is used only for compression
+ * levels >= 4.
+ */
+# define max_insert_length max_lazy_match
+ /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length is not
+ * greater than this length. This saves time but degrades compression.
+ * max_insert_length is used only for compression levels <= 3.
+ */
+ int level; /* compression level (1..9) */
+ int strategy; /* favor or force Huffman coding*/
+ uInt good_match;
+ /* Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this */
+ int nice_match; /* Stop searching when current match exceeds this */
+ /* used by trees.c: */
+ /* Didn't use ct_data typedef below to suppress compiler warning */
+ struct ct_data_s dyn_ltree[HEAP_SIZE]; /* literal and length tree */
+ struct ct_data_s dyn_dtree[2*D_CODES+1]; /* distance tree */
+ struct ct_data_s bl_tree[2*BL_CODES+1]; /* Huffman tree for bit lengths */
+ struct tree_desc_s l_desc; /* desc. for literal tree */
+ struct tree_desc_s d_desc; /* desc. for distance tree */
+ struct tree_desc_s bl_desc; /* desc. for bit length tree */
+ ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1];
+ /* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */
+ int heap[2*L_CODES+1]; /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */
+ int heap_len; /* number of elements in the heap */
+ int heap_max; /* element of largest frequency */
+ /* The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1]. heap[0] is not used.
+ * The same heap array is used to build all trees.
+ */
+ uch depth[2*L_CODES+1];
+ /* Depth of each subtree used as tie breaker for trees of equal frequency
+ */
+ uchf *sym_buf; /* buffer for distances and literals/lengths */
+ uInt lit_bufsize;
+ /* Size of match buffer for literals/lengths. There are 4 reasons for
+ * limiting lit_bufsize to 64K:
+ * - frequencies can be kept in 16 bit counters
+ * - if compression is not successful for the first block, all input
+ * data is still in the window so we can still emit a stored block even
+ * when input comes from standard input. (This can also be done for
+ * all blocks if lit_bufsize is not greater than 32K.)
+ * - if compression is not successful for a file smaller than 64K, we can
+ * even emit a stored file instead of a stored block (saving 5 bytes).
+ * This is applicable only for zip (not gzip or zlib).
+ * - creating new Huffman trees less frequently may not provide fast
+ * adaptation to changes in the input data statistics. (Take for
+ * example a binary file with poorly compressible code followed by
+ * a highly compressible string table.) Smaller buffer sizes give
+ * fast adaptation but have of course the overhead of transmitting
+ * trees more frequently.
+ * - I can't count above 4
+ */
+ uInt sym_next; /* running index in sym_buf */
+ uInt sym_end; /* symbol table full when sym_next reaches this */
+ ulg opt_len; /* bit length of current block with optimal trees */
+ ulg static_len; /* bit length of current block with static trees */
+ uInt matches; /* number of string matches in current block */
+ uInt insert; /* bytes at end of window left to insert */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ulg compressed_len; /* total bit length of compressed file mod 2^32 */
+ ulg bits_sent; /* bit length of compressed data sent mod 2^32 */
+ ush bi_buf;
+ /* Output buffer. bits are inserted starting at the bottom (least
+ * significant bits).
+ */
+ int bi_valid;
+ /* Number of valid bits in bi_buf. All bits above the last valid bit
+ * are always zero.
+ */
+ ulg high_water;
+ /* High water mark offset in window for initialized bytes -- bytes above
+ * this are set to zero in order to avoid memory check warnings when
+ * longest match routines access bytes past the input. This is then
+ * updated to the new high water mark.
+ */
+} FAR deflate_state;
+/* Output a byte on the stream.
+ * IN assertion: there is enough room in pending_buf.
+ */
+#define put_byte(s, c) {s->pending_buf[s->pending++] = (c);}
+/* Minimum amount of lookahead, except at the end of the input file.
+ * See deflate.c for comments about the MIN_MATCH+1.
+ */
+#define MAX_DIST(s) ((s)->w_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD)
+/* In order to simplify the code, particularly on 16 bit machines, match
+ * distances are limited to MAX_DIST instead of WSIZE.
+ */
+/* Number of bytes after end of data in window to initialize in order to avoid
+ memory checker errors from longest match routines */
+ /* in trees.c */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_init OF((deflate_state *s));
+int ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_tally OF((deflate_state *s, unsigned dist, unsigned lc));
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_block OF((deflate_state *s, charf *buf,
+ ulg stored_len, int last));
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_bits OF((deflate_state *s));
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_align OF((deflate_state *s));
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_stored_block OF((deflate_state *s, charf *buf,
+ ulg stored_len, int last));
+#define d_code(dist) \
+ ((dist) < 256 ? _dist_code[dist] : _dist_code[256+((dist)>>7)])
+/* Mapping from a distance to a distance code. dist is the distance - 1 and
+ * must not have side effects. _dist_code[256] and _dist_code[257] are never
+ * used.
+ */
+#ifndef DEBUG
+/* Inline versions of _tr_tally for speed: */
+#if defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC)
+ extern uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _length_code[];
+ extern uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _dist_code[];
+ extern const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _length_code[];
+ extern const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _dist_code[];
+# define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) \
+ { uch cc = (c); \
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = 0; \
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = 0; \
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = cc; \
+ s->dyn_ltree[cc].Freq++; \
+ flush = (s->sym_next == s->sym_end); \
+ }
+# define _tr_tally_dist(s, distance, length, flush) \
+ { uch len = (length); \
+ ush dist = (distance); \
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = dist; \
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = dist >> 8; \
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = len; \
+ dist--; \
+ s->dyn_ltree[_length_code[len]+LITERALS+1].Freq++; \
+ s->dyn_dtree[d_code(dist)].Freq++; \
+ flush = (s->sym_next == s->sym_end); \
+ }
+# define _tr_tally_lit(s, c, flush) flush = _tr_tally(s, 0, c)
+# define _tr_tally_dist(s, distance, length, flush) \
+ flush = _tr_tally(s, distance, length)
+#endif /* DEFLATE_H */
diff --git a/zlib/ b/zlib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b26a20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This is a dummy file to ensure that the lib directory gets created
+by configure when a VPATH is used.
diff --git a/zlib/gzguts.h b/zlib/gzguts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d87659d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/gzguts.h
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+/* gzguts.h -- zlib internal header definitions for gz* operations
+ * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+# endif
+# endif
+# define ZLIB_INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility ("hidden")))
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "zlib.h"
+#ifdef STDC
+# include <string.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <limits.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+# include <stddef.h>
+#if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_WIN32)
+# include <io.h>
+# define open _open
+# define read _read
+# define write _write
+# define close _close
+#ifdef NO_DEFLATE /* for compatibility with old definition */
+#if defined(STDC99) || (defined(__TURBOC__) && __TURBOC__ >= 0x550)
+# endif
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# endif
+#if defined(MSDOS) && defined(__BORLANDC__) && (BORLANDC > 0x410)
+# endif
+# ifdef MSDOS
+/* vsnprintf may exist on some MS-DOS compilers (DJGPP?),
+ but for now we just assume it doesn't. */
+# define NO_vsnprintf
+# endif
+# ifdef __TURBOC__
+# define NO_vsnprintf
+# endif
+# ifdef WIN32
+/* In Win32, vsnprintf is available as the "non-ANSI" _vsnprintf. */
+# if !defined(vsnprintf) && !defined(NO_vsnprintf)
+# if !defined(_MSC_VER) || ( defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1500 )
+# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifdef __SASC
+# define NO_vsnprintf
+# endif
+# ifdef VMS
+# define NO_vsnprintf
+# endif
+# ifdef __OS400__
+# define NO_vsnprintf
+# endif
+# ifdef __MVS__
+# define NO_vsnprintf
+# endif
+/* unlike snprintf (which is required in C99, yet still not supported by
+ Microsoft more than a decade later!), _snprintf does not guarantee null
+ termination of the result -- however this is only used in gzlib.c where
+ the result is assured to fit in the space provided */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# define snprintf _snprintf
+#ifndef local
+# define local static
+/* compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols */
+/* gz* functions always use library allocation functions */
+#ifndef STDC
+ extern voidp malloc OF((uInt size));
+ extern void free OF((voidpf ptr));
+/* get errno and strerror definition */
+#if defined UNDER_CE
+# include <windows.h>
+# define zstrerror() gz_strwinerror((DWORD)GetLastError())
+# ifndef NO_STRERROR
+# include <errno.h>
+# define zstrerror() strerror(errno)
+# else
+# define zstrerror() "stdio error (consult errno)"
+# endif
+/* provide prototypes for these when building zlib without LFS */
+#if !defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) || _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0 == 0
+ ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *));
+ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzseek64 OF((gzFile, z_off64_t, int));
+ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gztell64 OF((gzFile));
+ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
+/* default memLevel */
+#if MAX_MEM_LEVEL >= 8
+# define DEF_MEM_LEVEL 8
+/* default i/o buffer size -- double this for output when reading (this and
+ twice this must be able to fit in an unsigned type) */
+#define GZBUFSIZE 8192
+/* gzip modes, also provide a little integrity check on the passed structure */
+#define GZ_NONE 0
+#define GZ_READ 7247
+#define GZ_WRITE 31153
+#define GZ_APPEND 1 /* mode set to GZ_WRITE after the file is opened */
+/* values for gz_state how */
+#define LOOK 0 /* look for a gzip header */
+#define COPY 1 /* copy input directly */
+#define GZIP 2 /* decompress a gzip stream */
+/* internal gzip file state data structure */
+typedef struct {
+ /* exposed contents for gzgetc() macro */
+ struct gzFile_s x; /* "x" for exposed */
+ /* x.have: number of bytes available at */
+ /* next output data to deliver or write */
+ /* x.pos: current position in uncompressed data */
+ /* used for both reading and writing */
+ int mode; /* see gzip modes above */
+ int fd; /* file descriptor */
+ char *path; /* path or fd for error messages */
+ unsigned size; /* buffer size, zero if not allocated yet */
+ unsigned want; /* requested buffer size, default is GZBUFSIZE */
+ unsigned char *in; /* input buffer */
+ unsigned char *out; /* output buffer (double-sized when reading) */
+ int direct; /* 0 if processing gzip, 1 if transparent */
+ /* just for reading */
+ int how; /* 0: get header, 1: copy, 2: decompress */
+ z_off64_t start; /* where the gzip data started, for rewinding */
+ int eof; /* true if end of input file reached */
+ int past; /* true if read requested past end */
+ /* just for writing */
+ int level; /* compression level */
+ int strategy; /* compression strategy */
+ /* seek request */
+ z_off64_t skip; /* amount to skip (already rewound if backwards) */
+ int seek; /* true if seek request pending */
+ /* error information */
+ int err; /* error code */
+ char *msg; /* error message */
+ /* zlib inflate or deflate stream */
+ z_stream strm; /* stream structure in-place (not a pointer) */
+} gz_state;
+typedef gz_state FAR *gz_statep;
+/* shared functions */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_error OF((gz_statep, int, const char *));
+#if defined UNDER_CE
+char ZLIB_INTERNAL *gz_strwinerror OF((DWORD error));
+/* GT_OFF(x), where x is an unsigned value, is true if x > maximum z_off64_t
+ value -- needed when comparing unsigned to z_off64_t, which is signed
+ (possible z_off64_t types off_t, off64_t, and long are all signed) */
+#ifdef INT_MAX
+# define GT_OFF(x) (sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t) && (x) > INT_MAX)
+unsigned ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_intmax OF((void));
+# define GT_OFF(x) (sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t) && (x) > gz_intmax())
diff --git a/zlib/inffast.c b/zlib/inffast.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d163d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/inffast.c
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+/* inffast.c -- fast decoding
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, 2010, 2013 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+#include "zutil.h"
+#include "inftrees.h"
+#include "inflate.h"
+#include "inffast.h"
+#ifndef ASMINF
+ Decode literal, length, and distance codes and write out the resulting
+ literal and match bytes until either not enough input or output is
+ available, an end-of-block is encountered, or a data error is encountered.
+ When large enough input and output buffers are supplied to inflate(), for
+ example, a 16K input buffer and a 64K output buffer, more than 95% of the
+ inflate execution time is spent in this routine.
+ Entry assumptions:
+ state->mode == LEN
+ strm->avail_in >= 6
+ strm->avail_out >= 258
+ start >= strm->avail_out
+ state->bits < 8
+ On return, state->mode is one of:
+ LEN -- ran out of enough output space or enough available input
+ TYPE -- reached end of block code, inflate() to interpret next block
+ BAD -- error in block data
+ Notes:
+ - The maximum input bits used by a length/distance pair is 15 bits for the
+ length code, 5 bits for the length extra, 15 bits for the distance code,
+ and 13 bits for the distance extra. This totals 48 bits, or six bytes.
+ Therefore if strm->avail_in >= 6, then there is enough input to avoid
+ checking for available input while decoding.
+ - The maximum bytes that a single length/distance pair can output is 258
+ bytes, which is the maximum length that can be coded. inflate_fast()
+ requires strm->avail_out >= 258 for each loop to avoid checking for
+ output space.
+ */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_fast(strm, start)
+z_streamp strm;
+unsigned start; /* inflate()'s starting value for strm->avail_out */
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ z_const unsigned char FAR *in; /* local strm->next_in */
+ z_const unsigned char FAR *last; /* have enough input while in < last */
+ unsigned char FAR *out; /* local strm->next_out */
+ unsigned char FAR *beg; /* inflate()'s initial strm->next_out */
+ unsigned char FAR *end; /* while out < end, enough space available */
+ unsigned dmax; /* maximum distance from zlib header */
+ unsigned wsize; /* window size or zero if not using window */
+ unsigned whave; /* valid bytes in the window */
+ unsigned wnext; /* window write index */
+ unsigned char FAR *window; /* allocated sliding window, if wsize != 0 */
+ unsigned long hold; /* local strm->hold */
+ unsigned bits; /* local strm->bits */
+ code const FAR *lcode; /* local strm->lencode */
+ code const FAR *dcode; /* local strm->distcode */
+ unsigned lmask; /* mask for first level of length codes */
+ unsigned dmask; /* mask for first level of distance codes */
+ code here; /* retrieved table entry */
+ unsigned op; /* code bits, operation, extra bits, or */
+ /* window position, window bytes to copy */
+ unsigned len; /* match length, unused bytes */
+ unsigned dist; /* match distance */
+ unsigned char FAR *from; /* where to copy match from */
+ /* copy state to local variables */
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ in = strm->next_in;
+ last = in + (strm->avail_in - 5);
+ out = strm->next_out;
+ beg = out - (start - strm->avail_out);
+ end = out + (strm->avail_out - 257);
+ dmax = state->dmax;
+ wsize = state->wsize;
+ whave = state->whave;
+ wnext = state->wnext;
+ window = state->window;
+ hold = state->hold;
+ bits = state->bits;
+ lcode = state->lencode;
+ dcode = state->distcode;
+ lmask = (1U << state->lenbits) - 1;
+ dmask = (1U << state->distbits) - 1;
+ /* decode literals and length/distances until end-of-block or not enough
+ input data or output space */
+ do {
+ if (bits < 15) {
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
+ bits += 8;
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
+ bits += 8;
+ }
+ here = lcode[hold & lmask];
+ dolen:
+ op = (unsigned)(here.bits);
+ hold >>= op;
+ bits -= op;
+ op = (unsigned)(here.op);
+ if (op == 0) { /* literal */
+ Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?
+ "inflate: literal '%c'\n" :
+ "inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here.val));
+ *out++ = (unsigned char)(here.val);
+ }
+ else if (op & 16) { /* length base */
+ len = (unsigned)(here.val);
+ op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */
+ if (op) {
+ if (bits < op) {
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
+ bits += 8;
+ }
+ len += (unsigned)hold & ((1U << op) - 1);
+ hold >>= op;
+ bits -= op;
+ }
+ Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", len));
+ if (bits < 15) {
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
+ bits += 8;
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
+ bits += 8;
+ }
+ here = dcode[hold & dmask];
+ dodist:
+ op = (unsigned)(here.bits);
+ hold >>= op;
+ bits -= op;
+ op = (unsigned)(here.op);
+ if (op & 16) { /* distance base */
+ dist = (unsigned)(here.val);
+ op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */
+ if (bits < op) {
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
+ bits += 8;
+ if (bits < op) {
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*in++) << bits;
+ bits += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ dist += (unsigned)hold & ((1U << op) - 1);
+ if (dist > dmax) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance too far back";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ hold >>= op;
+ bits -= op;
+ Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", dist));
+ op = (unsigned)(out - beg); /* max distance in output */
+ if (dist > op) { /* see if copy from window */
+ op = dist - op; /* distance back in window */
+ if (op > whave) {
+ if (state->sane) {
+ strm->msg =
+ (char *)"invalid distance too far back";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (len <= op - whave) {
+ do {
+ *out++ = 0;
+ } while (--len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ len -= op - whave;
+ do {
+ *out++ = 0;
+ } while (--op > whave);
+ if (op == 0) {
+ from = out - dist;
+ do {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ } while (--len);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ from = window;
+ if (wnext == 0) { /* very common case */
+ from += wsize - op;
+ if (op < len) { /* some from window */
+ len -= op;
+ do {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ } while (--op);
+ from = out - dist; /* rest from output */
+ }
+ }
+ else if (wnext < op) { /* wrap around window */
+ from += wsize + wnext - op;
+ op -= wnext;
+ if (op < len) { /* some from end of window */
+ len -= op;
+ do {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ } while (--op);
+ from = window;
+ if (wnext < len) { /* some from start of window */
+ op = wnext;
+ len -= op;
+ do {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ } while (--op);
+ from = out - dist; /* rest from output */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* contiguous in window */
+ from += wnext - op;
+ if (op < len) { /* some from window */
+ len -= op;
+ do {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ } while (--op);
+ from = out - dist; /* rest from output */
+ }
+ }
+ while (len > 2) {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ len -= 3;
+ }
+ if (len) {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ if (len > 1)
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ from = out - dist; /* copy direct from output */
+ do { /* minimum length is three */
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ len -= 3;
+ } while (len > 2);
+ if (len) {
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ if (len > 1)
+ *out++ = *from++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((op & 64) == 0) { /* 2nd level distance code */
+ here = dcode[here.val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1))];
+ goto dodist;
+ }
+ else {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance code";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((op & 64) == 0) { /* 2nd level length code */
+ here = lcode[here.val + (hold & ((1U << op) - 1))];
+ goto dolen;
+ }
+ else if (op & 32) { /* end-of-block */
+ Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: end of block\n"));
+ state->mode = TYPE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid literal/length code";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (in < last && out < end);
+ /* return unused bytes (on entry, bits < 8, so in won't go too far back) */
+ len = bits >> 3;
+ in -= len;
+ bits -= len << 3;
+ hold &= (1U << bits) - 1;
+ /* update state and return */
+ strm->next_in = in;
+ strm->next_out = out;
+ strm->avail_in = (unsigned)(in < last ? 5 + (last - in) : 5 - (in - last));
+ strm->avail_out = (unsigned)(out < end ?
+ 257 + (end - out) : 257 - (out - end));
+ state->hold = hold;
+ state->bits = bits;
+ return;
+ inflate_fast() speedups that turned out slower (on a PowerPC G3 750CXe):
+ - Using bit fields for code structure
+ - Different op definition to avoid & for extra bits (do & for table bits)
+ - Three separate decoding do-loops for direct, window, and wnext == 0
+ - Special case for distance > 1 copies to do overlapped load and store copy
+ - Explicit branch predictions (based on measured branch probabilities)
+ - Deferring match copy and interspersed it with decoding subsequent codes
+ - Swapping literal/length else
+ - Swapping window/direct else
+ - Larger unrolled copy loops (three is about right)
+ - Moving len -= 3 statement into middle of loop
+ */
+#endif /* !ASMINF */
diff --git a/zlib/inffast.h b/zlib/inffast.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c1aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/inffast.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* inffast.h -- header to use inffast.c
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2010 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
+ part of the implementation of the compression library and is
+ subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
+ */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_fast OF((z_streamp strm, unsigned start));
diff --git a/zlib/inffixed.h b/zlib/inffixed.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d628327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/inffixed.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ /* inffixed.h -- table for decoding fixed codes
+ * Generated automatically by makefixed().
+ */
+ /* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications.
+ It is part of the implementation of this library and is
+ subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
+ */
+ static const code lenfix[512] = {
+ {96,7,0},{0,8,80},{0,8,16},{20,8,115},{18,7,31},{0,8,112},{0,8,48},
+ {0,9,192},{16,7,10},{0,8,96},{0,8,32},{0,9,160},{0,8,0},{0,8,128},
+ {0,8,64},{0,9,224},{16,7,6},{0,8,88},{0,8,24},{0,9,144},{19,7,59},
+ {0,8,120},{0,8,56},{0,9,208},{17,7,17},{0,8,104},{0,8,40},{0,9,176},
+ {0,8,8},{0,8,136},{0,8,72},{0,9,240},{16,7,4},{0,8,84},{0,8,20},
+ {21,8,227},{19,7,43},{0,8,116},{0,8,52},{0,9,200},{17,7,13},{0,8,100},
+ {0,8,36},{0,9,168},{0,8,4},{0,8,132},{0,8,68},{0,9,232},{16,7,8},
+ {0,8,92},{0,8,28},{0,9,152},{20,7,83},{0,8,124},{0,8,60},{0,9,216},
+ {18,7,23},{0,8,108},{0,8,44},{0,9,184},{0,8,12},{0,8,140},{0,8,76},
+ {0,9,248},{16,7,3},{0,8,82},{0,8,18},{21,8,163},{19,7,35},{0,8,114},
+ {0,8,50},{0,9,196},{17,7,11},{0,8,98},{0,8,34},{0,9,164},{0,8,2},
+ {0,8,130},{0,8,66},{0,9,228},{16,7,7},{0,8,90},{0,8,26},{0,9,148},
+ {20,7,67},{0,8,122},{0,8,58},{0,9,212},{18,7,19},{0,8,106},{0,8,42},
+ {0,9,180},{0,8,10},{0,8,138},{0,8,74},{0,9,244},{16,7,5},{0,8,86},
+ {0,8,22},{64,8,0},{19,7,51},{0,8,118},{0,8,54},{0,9,204},{17,7,15},
+ {0,8,102},{0,8,38},{0,9,172},{0,8,6},{0,8,134},{0,8,70},{0,9,236},
+ {16,7,9},{0,8,94},{0,8,30},{0,9,156},{20,7,99},{0,8,126},{0,8,62},
+ {0,9,220},{18,7,27},{0,8,110},{0,8,46},{0,9,188},{0,8,14},{0,8,142},
+ {0,8,78},{0,9,252},{96,7,0},{0,8,81},{0,8,17},{21,8,131},{18,7,31},
+ {0,8,113},{0,8,49},{0,9,194},{16,7,10},{0,8,97},{0,8,33},{0,9,162},
+ {0,8,1},{0,8,129},{0,8,65},{0,9,226},{16,7,6},{0,8,89},{0,8,25},
+ {0,9,146},{19,7,59},{0,8,121},{0,8,57},{0,9,210},{17,7,17},{0,8,105},
+ {0,8,41},{0,9,178},{0,8,9},{0,8,137},{0,8,73},{0,9,242},{16,7,4},
+ {0,8,85},{0,8,21},{16,8,258},{19,7,43},{0,8,117},{0,8,53},{0,9,202},
+ {17,7,13},{0,8,101},{0,8,37},{0,9,170},{0,8,5},{0,8,133},{0,8,69},
+ {0,9,234},{16,7,8},{0,8,93},{0,8,29},{0,9,154},{20,7,83},{0,8,125},
+ {0,8,61},{0,9,218},{18,7,23},{0,8,109},{0,8,45},{0,9,186},{0,8,13},
+ {0,8,141},{0,8,77},{0,9,250},{16,7,3},{0,8,83},{0,8,19},{21,8,195},
+ {19,7,35},{0,8,115},{0,8,51},{0,9,198},{17,7,11},{0,8,99},{0,8,35},
+ {0,9,166},{0,8,3},{0,8,131},{0,8,67},{0,9,230},{16,7,7},{0,8,91},
+ {0,8,27},{0,9,150},{20,7,67},{0,8,123},{0,8,59},{0,9,214},{18,7,19},
+ {0,8,107},{0,8,43},{0,9,182},{0,8,11},{0,8,139},{0,8,75},{0,9,246},
+ {16,7,5},{0,8,87},{0,8,23},{64,8,0},{19,7,51},{0,8,119},{0,8,55},
+ {0,9,206},{17,7,15},{0,8,103},{0,8,39},{0,9,174},{0,8,7},{0,8,135},
+ {0,8,71},{0,9,238},{16,7,9},{0,8,95},{0,8,31},{0,9,158},{20,7,99},
+ {0,8,127},{0,8,63},{0,9,222},{18,7,27},{0,8,111},{0,8,47},{0,9,190},
+ {0,8,15},{0,8,143},{0,8,79},{0,9,254},{96,7,0},{0,8,80},{0,8,16},
+ {20,8,115},{18,7,31},{0,8,112},{0,8,48},{0,9,193},{16,7,10},{0,8,96},
+ {0,8,32},{0,9,161},{0,8,0},{0,8,128},{0,8,64},{0,9,225},{16,7,6},
+ {0,8,88},{0,8,24},{0,9,145},{19,7,59},{0,8,120},{0,8,56},{0,9,209},
+ {17,7,17},{0,8,104},{0,8,40},{0,9,177},{0,8,8},{0,8,136},{0,8,72},
+ {0,9,241},{16,7,4},{0,8,84},{0,8,20},{21,8,227},{19,7,43},{0,8,116},
+ {0,8,52},{0,9,201},{17,7,13},{0,8,100},{0,8,36},{0,9,169},{0,8,4},
+ {0,8,132},{0,8,68},{0,9,233},{16,7,8},{0,8,92},{0,8,28},{0,9,153},
+ {20,7,83},{0,8,124},{0,8,60},{0,9,217},{18,7,23},{0,8,108},{0,8,44},
+ {0,9,185},{0,8,12},{0,8,140},{0,8,76},{0,9,249},{16,7,3},{0,8,82},
+ {0,8,18},{21,8,163},{19,7,35},{0,8,114},{0,8,50},{0,9,197},{17,7,11},
+ {0,8,98},{0,8,34},{0,9,165},{0,8,2},{0,8,130},{0,8,66},{0,9,229},
+ {16,7,7},{0,8,90},{0,8,26},{0,9,149},{20,7,67},{0,8,122},{0,8,58},
+ {0,9,213},{18,7,19},{0,8,106},{0,8,42},{0,9,181},{0,8,10},{0,8,138},
+ {0,8,74},{0,9,245},{16,7,5},{0,8,86},{0,8,22},{64,8,0},{19,7,51},
+ {0,8,118},{0,8,54},{0,9,205},{17,7,15},{0,8,102},{0,8,38},{0,9,173},
+ {0,8,6},{0,8,134},{0,8,70},{0,9,237},{16,7,9},{0,8,94},{0,8,30},
+ {0,9,157},{20,7,99},{0,8,126},{0,8,62},{0,9,221},{18,7,27},{0,8,110},
+ {0,8,46},{0,9,189},{0,8,14},{0,8,142},{0,8,78},{0,9,253},{96,7,0},
+ {0,8,81},{0,8,17},{21,8,131},{18,7,31},{0,8,113},{0,8,49},{0,9,195},
+ {16,7,10},{0,8,97},{0,8,33},{0,9,163},{0,8,1},{0,8,129},{0,8,65},
+ {0,9,227},{16,7,6},{0,8,89},{0,8,25},{0,9,147},{19,7,59},{0,8,121},
+ {0,8,57},{0,9,211},{17,7,17},{0,8,105},{0,8,41},{0,9,179},{0,8,9},
+ {0,8,137},{0,8,73},{0,9,243},{16,7,4},{0,8,85},{0,8,21},{16,8,258},
+ {19,7,43},{0,8,117},{0,8,53},{0,9,203},{17,7,13},{0,8,101},{0,8,37},
+ {0,9,171},{0,8,5},{0,8,133},{0,8,69},{0,9,235},{16,7,8},{0,8,93},
+ {0,8,29},{0,9,155},{20,7,83},{0,8,125},{0,8,61},{0,9,219},{18,7,23},
+ {0,8,109},{0,8,45},{0,9,187},{0,8,13},{0,8,141},{0,8,77},{0,9,251},
+ {16,7,3},{0,8,83},{0,8,19},{21,8,195},{19,7,35},{0,8,115},{0,8,51},
+ {0,9,199},{17,7,11},{0,8,99},{0,8,35},{0,9,167},{0,8,3},{0,8,131},
+ {0,8,67},{0,9,231},{16,7,7},{0,8,91},{0,8,27},{0,9,151},{20,7,67},
+ {0,8,123},{0,8,59},{0,9,215},{18,7,19},{0,8,107},{0,8,43},{0,9,183},
+ {0,8,11},{0,8,139},{0,8,75},{0,9,247},{16,7,5},{0,8,87},{0,8,23},
+ {64,8,0},{19,7,51},{0,8,119},{0,8,55},{0,9,207},{17,7,15},{0,8,103},
+ {0,8,39},{0,9,175},{0,8,7},{0,8,135},{0,8,71},{0,9,239},{16,7,9},
+ {0,8,95},{0,8,31},{0,9,159},{20,7,99},{0,8,127},{0,8,63},{0,9,223},
+ {18,7,27},{0,8,111},{0,8,47},{0,9,191},{0,8,15},{0,8,143},{0,8,79},
+ {0,9,255}
+ };
+ static const code distfix[32] = {
+ {16,5,1},{23,5,257},{19,5,17},{27,5,4097},{17,5,5},{25,5,1025},
+ {21,5,65},{29,5,16385},{16,5,3},{24,5,513},{20,5,33},{28,5,8193},
+ {18,5,9},{26,5,2049},{22,5,129},{64,5,0},{16,5,2},{23,5,385},
+ {19,5,25},{27,5,6145},{17,5,7},{25,5,1537},{21,5,97},{29,5,24577},
+ {16,5,4},{24,5,769},{20,5,49},{28,5,12289},{18,5,13},{26,5,3073},
+ {22,5,193},{64,5,0}
+ };
diff --git a/zlib/inflate.c b/zlib/inflate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9840b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/inflate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1536 @@
+/* inflate.c -- zlib decompression
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2012 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+ * Change history:
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta0 24 Nov 2002
+ * - First version -- complete rewrite of inflate to simplify code, avoid
+ * creation of window when not needed, minimize use of window when it is
+ * needed, make inffast.c even faster, implement gzip decoding, and to
+ * improve code readability and style over the previous zlib inflate code
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta1 25 Nov 2002
+ * - Use pointers for available input and output checking in inffast.c
+ * - Remove input and output counters in inffast.c
+ * - Change inffast.c entry and loop from avail_in >= 7 to >= 6
+ * - Remove unnecessary second byte pull from length extra in inffast.c
+ * - Unroll direct copy to three copies per loop in inffast.c
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta2 4 Dec 2002
+ * - Change external routine names to reduce potential conflicts
+ * - Correct filename to inffixed.h for fixed tables in inflate.c
+ * - Make hbuf[] unsigned char to match parameter type in inflate.c
+ * - Change strm->next_out[-state->offset] to *(strm->next_out - state->offset)
+ * to avoid negation problem on Alphas (64 bit) in inflate.c
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta3 22 Dec 2002
+ * - Add comments on state->bits assertion in inffast.c
+ * - Add comments on op field in inftrees.h
+ * - Fix bug in reuse of allocated window after inflateReset()
+ * - Remove bit fields--back to byte structure for speed
+ * - Remove distance extra == 0 check in inflate_fast()--only helps for lengths
+ * - Change post-increments to pre-increments in inflate_fast(), PPC biased?
+ * - Add compile time option, POSTINC, to use post-increments instead (Intel?)
+ * - Make MATCH copy in inflate() much faster for when inflate_fast() not used
+ * - Use local copies of stream next and avail values, as well as local bit
+ * buffer and bit count in inflate()--for speed when inflate_fast() not used
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta4 1 Jan 2003
+ * - Split ptr - 257 statements in inflate_table() to avoid compiler warnings
+ * - Move a comment on output buffer sizes from inffast.c to inflate.c
+ * - Add comments in inffast.c to introduce the inflate_fast() routine
+ * - Rearrange window copies in inflate_fast() for speed and simplification
+ * - Unroll last copy for window match in inflate_fast()
+ * - Use local copies of window variables in inflate_fast() for speed
+ * - Pull out common wnext == 0 case for speed in inflate_fast()
+ * - Make op and len in inflate_fast() unsigned for consistency
+ * - Add FAR to lcode and dcode declarations in inflate_fast()
+ * - Simplified bad distance check in inflate_fast()
+ * - Added inflateBackInit(), inflateBack(), and inflateBackEnd() in new
+ * source file infback.c to provide a call-back interface to inflate for
+ * programs like gzip and unzip -- uses window as output buffer to avoid
+ * window copying
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta5 1 Jan 2003
+ * - Improved inflateBack() interface to allow the caller to provide initial
+ * input in strm.
+ * - Fixed stored blocks bug in inflateBack()
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta6 4 Jan 2003
+ * - Added comments in inffast.c on effectiveness of POSTINC
+ * - Typecasting all around to reduce compiler warnings
+ * - Changed loops from while (1) or do {} while (1) to for (;;), again to
+ * make compilers happy
+ * - Changed type of window in inflateBackInit() to unsigned char *
+ *
+ * 1.2.beta7 27 Jan 2003
+ * - Changed many types to unsigned or unsigned short to avoid warnings
+ * - Added inflateCopy() function
+ *
+ * 1.2.0 9 Mar 2003
+ * - Changed inflateBack() interface to provide separate opaque descriptors
+ * for the in() and out() functions
+ * - Changed inflateBack() argument and in_func typedef to swap the length
+ * and buffer address return values for the input function
+ * - Check next_in and next_out for Z_NULL on entry to inflate()
+ *
+ * The history for versions after 1.2.0 are in ChangeLog in zlib distribution.
+ */
+#include "zutil.h"
+#include "inftrees.h"
+#include "inflate.h"
+#include "inffast.h"
+# ifndef BUILDFIXED
+# define BUILDFIXED
+# endif
+/* function prototypes */
+local void fixedtables OF((struct inflate_state FAR *state));
+local int updatewindow OF((z_streamp strm, const unsigned char FAR *end,
+ unsigned copy));
+ void makefixed OF((void));
+local unsigned syncsearch OF((unsigned FAR *have, const unsigned char FAR *buf,
+ unsigned len));
+int ZEXPORT inflateResetKeep(strm)
+z_streamp strm;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ strm->total_in = strm->total_out = state->total = 0;
+ strm->msg = Z_NULL;
+ if (state->wrap) /* to support ill-conceived Java test suite */
+ strm->adler = state->wrap & 1;
+ state->mode = HEAD;
+ state->last = 0;
+ state->havedict = 0;
+ state->dmax = 32768U;
+ state->head = Z_NULL;
+ state->hold = 0;
+ state->bits = 0;
+ state->lencode = state->distcode = state->next = state->codes;
+ state->sane = 1;
+ state->back = -1;
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: reset\n"));
+ return Z_OK;
+int ZEXPORT inflateReset(strm)
+z_streamp strm;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ state->wsize = 0;
+ state->whave = 0;
+ state->wnext = 0;
+ return inflateResetKeep(strm);
+int ZEXPORT inflateReset2(strm, windowBits)
+z_streamp strm;
+int windowBits;
+ int wrap;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ /* get the state */
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ /* extract wrap request from windowBits parameter */
+ if (windowBits < 0) {
+ wrap = 0;
+ windowBits = -windowBits;
+ }
+ else {
+ wrap = (windowBits >> 4) + 1;
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+ if (windowBits < 48)
+ windowBits &= 15;
+ }
+ /* set number of window bits, free window if different */
+ if (windowBits && (windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15))
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ if (state->window != Z_NULL && state->wbits != (unsigned)windowBits) {
+ ZFREE(strm, state->window);
+ state->window = Z_NULL;
+ }
+ /* update state and reset the rest of it */
+ state->wrap = wrap;
+ state->wbits = (unsigned)windowBits;
+ return inflateReset(strm);
+int ZEXPORT inflateInit2_(strm, windowBits, version, stream_size)
+z_streamp strm;
+int windowBits;
+const char *version;
+int stream_size;
+ int ret;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (version == Z_NULL || version[0] != ZLIB_VERSION[0] ||
+ stream_size != (int)(sizeof(z_stream)))
+ if (strm == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ strm->msg = Z_NULL; /* in case we return an error */
+ if (strm->zalloc == (alloc_func)0) {
+#ifdef Z_SOLO
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ strm->zalloc = zcalloc;
+ strm->opaque = (voidpf)0;
+ }
+ if (strm->zfree == (free_func)0)
+#ifdef Z_SOLO
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ strm->zfree = zcfree;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)
+ ZALLOC(strm, 1, sizeof(struct inflate_state));
+ if (state == Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: allocated\n"));
+ strm->state = (struct internal_state FAR *)state;
+ state->window = Z_NULL;
+ ret = inflateReset2(strm, windowBits);
+ if (ret != Z_OK) {
+ ZFREE(strm, state);
+ strm->state = Z_NULL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int ZEXPORT inflateInit_(strm, version, stream_size)
+z_streamp strm;
+const char *version;
+int stream_size;
+ return inflateInit2_(strm, DEF_WBITS, version, stream_size);
+int ZEXPORT inflatePrime(strm, bits, value)
+z_streamp strm;
+int bits;
+int value;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ if (bits < 0) {
+ state->hold = 0;
+ state->bits = 0;
+ return Z_OK;
+ }
+ if (bits > 16 || state->bits + bits > 32) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ value &= (1L << bits) - 1;
+ state->hold += value << state->bits;
+ state->bits += bits;
+ return Z_OK;
+ Return state with length and distance decoding tables and index sizes set to
+ fixed code decoding. Normally this returns fixed tables from inffixed.h.
+ If BUILDFIXED is defined, then instead this routine builds the tables the
+ first time it's called, and returns those tables the first time and
+ thereafter. This reduces the size of the code by about 2K bytes, in
+ exchange for a little execution time. However, BUILDFIXED should not be
+ used for threaded applications, since the rewriting of the tables and virgin
+ may not be thread-safe.
+ */
+local void fixedtables(state)
+struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ static int virgin = 1;
+ static code *lenfix, *distfix;
+ static code fixed[544];
+ /* build fixed huffman tables if first call (may not be thread safe) */
+ if (virgin) {
+ unsigned sym, bits;
+ static code *next;
+ /* literal/length table */
+ sym = 0;
+ while (sym < 144) state->lens[sym++] = 8;
+ while (sym < 256) state->lens[sym++] = 9;
+ while (sym < 280) state->lens[sym++] = 7;
+ while (sym < 288) state->lens[sym++] = 8;
+ next = fixed;
+ lenfix = next;
+ bits = 9;
+ inflate_table(LENS, state->lens, 288, &(next), &(bits), state->work);
+ /* distance table */
+ sym = 0;
+ while (sym < 32) state->lens[sym++] = 5;
+ distfix = next;
+ bits = 5;
+ inflate_table(DISTS, state->lens, 32, &(next), &(bits), state->work);
+ /* do this just once */
+ virgin = 0;
+ }
+#else /* !BUILDFIXED */
+# include "inffixed.h"
+#endif /* BUILDFIXED */
+ state->lencode = lenfix;
+ state->lenbits = 9;
+ state->distcode = distfix;
+ state->distbits = 5;
+#include <stdio.h>
+ Write out the inffixed.h that is #include'd above. Defining MAKEFIXED also
+ defines BUILDFIXED, so the tables are built on the fly. makefixed() writes
+ those tables to stdout, which would be piped to inffixed.h. A small program
+ can simply call makefixed to do this:
+ void makefixed(void);
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ makefixed();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Then that can be linked with zlib built with MAKEFIXED defined and run:
+ a.out > inffixed.h
+ */
+void makefixed()
+ unsigned low, size;
+ struct inflate_state state;
+ fixedtables(&state);
+ puts(" /* inffixed.h -- table for decoding fixed codes");
+ puts(" * Generated automatically by makefixed().");
+ puts(" */");
+ puts("");
+ puts(" /* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications.");
+ puts(" It is part of the implementation of this library and is");
+ puts(" subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.");
+ puts(" */");
+ puts("");
+ size = 1U << 9;
+ printf(" static const code lenfix[%u] = {", size);
+ low = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((low % 7) == 0) printf("\n ");
+ printf("{%u,%u,%d}", (low & 127) == 99 ? 64 : state.lencode[low].op,
+ state.lencode[low].bits, state.lencode[low].val);
+ if (++low == size) break;
+ putchar(',');
+ }
+ puts("\n };");
+ size = 1U << 5;
+ printf("\n static const code distfix[%u] = {", size);
+ low = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((low % 6) == 0) printf("\n ");
+ printf("{%u,%u,%d}", state.distcode[low].op, state.distcode[low].bits,
+ state.distcode[low].val);
+ if (++low == size) break;
+ putchar(',');
+ }
+ puts("\n };");
+#endif /* MAKEFIXED */
+ Update the window with the last wsize (normally 32K) bytes written before
+ returning. If window does not exist yet, create it. This is only called
+ when a window is already in use, or when output has been written during this
+ inflate call, but the end of the deflate stream has not been reached yet.
+ It is also called to create a window for dictionary data when a dictionary
+ is loaded.
+ Providing output buffers larger than 32K to inflate() should provide a speed
+ advantage, since only the last 32K of output is copied to the sliding window
+ upon return from inflate(), and since all distances after the first 32K of
+ output will fall in the output data, making match copies simpler and faster.
+ The advantage may be dependent on the size of the processor's data caches.
+ */
+local int updatewindow(strm, end, copy)
+z_streamp strm;
+const Bytef *end;
+unsigned copy;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ unsigned dist;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ /* if it hasn't been done already, allocate space for the window */
+ if (state->window == Z_NULL) {
+ state->window = (unsigned char FAR *)
+ ZALLOC(strm, 1U << state->wbits,
+ sizeof(unsigned char));
+ if (state->window == Z_NULL) return 1;
+ }
+ /* if window not in use yet, initialize */
+ if (state->wsize == 0) {
+ state->wsize = 1U << state->wbits;
+ state->wnext = 0;
+ state->whave = 0;
+ }
+ /* copy state->wsize or less output bytes into the circular window */
+ if (copy >= state->wsize) {
+ zmemcpy(state->window, end - state->wsize, state->wsize);
+ state->wnext = 0;
+ state->whave = state->wsize;
+ }
+ else {
+ dist = state->wsize - state->wnext;
+ if (dist > copy) dist = copy;
+ zmemcpy(state->window + state->wnext, end - copy, dist);
+ copy -= dist;
+ if (copy) {
+ zmemcpy(state->window, end - copy, copy);
+ state->wnext = copy;
+ state->whave = state->wsize;
+ }
+ else {
+ state->wnext += dist;
+ if (state->wnext == state->wsize) state->wnext = 0;
+ if (state->whave < state->wsize) state->whave += dist;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Macros for inflate(): */
+/* check function to use adler32() for zlib or crc32() for gzip */
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+# define UPDATE(check, buf, len) \
+ (state->flags ? crc32(check, buf, len) : adler32(check, buf, len))
+# define UPDATE(check, buf, len) adler32(check, buf, len)
+/* check macros for header crc */
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+# define CRC2(check, word) \
+ do { \
+ hbuf[0] = (unsigned char)(word); \
+ hbuf[1] = (unsigned char)((word) >> 8); \
+ check = crc32(check, hbuf, 2); \
+ } while (0)
+# define CRC4(check, word) \
+ do { \
+ hbuf[0] = (unsigned char)(word); \
+ hbuf[1] = (unsigned char)((word) >> 8); \
+ hbuf[2] = (unsigned char)((word) >> 16); \
+ hbuf[3] = (unsigned char)((word) >> 24); \
+ check = crc32(check, hbuf, 4); \
+ } while (0)
+/* Load registers with state in inflate() for speed */
+#define LOAD() \
+ do { \
+ put = strm->next_out; \
+ left = strm->avail_out; \
+ next = strm->next_in; \
+ have = strm->avail_in; \
+ hold = state->hold; \
+ bits = state->bits; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Restore state from registers in inflate() */
+#define RESTORE() \
+ do { \
+ strm->next_out = put; \
+ strm->avail_out = left; \
+ strm->next_in = next; \
+ strm->avail_in = have; \
+ state->hold = hold; \
+ state->bits = bits; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Clear the input bit accumulator */
+#define INITBITS() \
+ do { \
+ hold = 0; \
+ bits = 0; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Get a byte of input into the bit accumulator, or return from inflate()
+ if there is no input available. */
+#define PULLBYTE() \
+ do { \
+ if (have == 0) goto inf_leave; \
+ have--; \
+ hold += (unsigned long)(*next++) << bits; \
+ bits += 8; \
+ } while (0)
+/* Assure that there are at least n bits in the bit accumulator. If there is
+ not enough available input to do that, then return from inflate(). */
+#define NEEDBITS(n) \
+ do { \
+ while (bits < (unsigned)(n)) \
+ } while (0)
+/* Return the low n bits of the bit accumulator (n < 16) */
+#define BITS(n) \
+ ((unsigned)hold & ((1U << (n)) - 1))
+/* Remove n bits from the bit accumulator */
+#define DROPBITS(n) \
+ do { \
+ hold >>= (n); \
+ bits -= (unsigned)(n); \
+ } while (0)
+/* Remove zero to seven bits as needed to go to a byte boundary */
+#define BYTEBITS() \
+ do { \
+ hold >>= bits & 7; \
+ bits -= bits & 7; \
+ } while (0)
+ inflate() uses a state machine to process as much input data and generate as
+ much output data as possible before returning. The state machine is
+ structured roughly as follows:
+ for (;;) switch (state) {
+ ...
+ case STATEn:
+ if (not enough input data or output space to make progress)
+ return;
+ ... make progress ...
+ state = STATEm;
+ break;
+ ...
+ }
+ so when inflate() is called again, the same case is attempted again, and
+ if the appropriate resources are provided, the machine proceeds to the
+ next state. The NEEDBITS() macro is usually the way the state evaluates
+ whether it can proceed or should return. NEEDBITS() does the return if
+ the requested bits are not available. The typical use of the BITS macros
+ is:
+ ... do something with BITS(n) ...
+ where NEEDBITS(n) either returns from inflate() if there isn't enough
+ input left to load n bits into the accumulator, or it continues. BITS(n)
+ gives the low n bits in the accumulator. When done, DROPBITS(n) drops
+ the low n bits off the accumulator. INITBITS() clears the accumulator
+ and sets the number of available bits to zero. BYTEBITS() discards just
+ enough bits to put the accumulator on a byte boundary. After BYTEBITS()
+ and a NEEDBITS(8), then BITS(8) would return the next byte in the stream.
+ NEEDBITS(n) uses PULLBYTE() to get an available byte of input, or to return
+ if there is no input available. The decoding of variable length codes uses
+ PULLBYTE() directly in order to pull just enough bytes to decode the next
+ code, and no more.
+ Some states loop until they get enough input, making sure that enough
+ state information is maintained to continue the loop where it left off
+ if NEEDBITS() returns in the loop. For example, want, need, and keep
+ would all have to actually be part of the saved state in case NEEDBITS()
+ returns:
+ case STATEw:
+ while (want < need) {
+ keep[want++] = BITS(n);
+ }
+ state = STATEx;
+ case STATEx:
+ As shown above, if the next state is also the next case, then the break
+ is omitted.
+ A state may also return if there is not enough output space available to
+ complete that state. Those states are copying stored data, writing a
+ literal byte, and copying a matching string.
+ When returning, a "goto inf_leave" is used to update the total counters,
+ update the check value, and determine whether any progress has been made
+ during that inflate() call in order to return the proper return code.
+ Progress is defined as a change in either strm->avail_in or strm->avail_out.
+ When there is a window, goto inf_leave will update the window with the last
+ output written. If a goto inf_leave occurs in the middle of decompression
+ and there is no window currently, goto inf_leave will create one and copy
+ output to the window for the next call of inflate().
+ In this implementation, the flush parameter of inflate() only affects the
+ return code (per zlib.h). inflate() always writes as much as possible to
+ strm->next_out, given the space available and the provided input--the effect
+ documented in zlib.h of Z_SYNC_FLUSH. Furthermore, inflate() always defers
+ the allocation of and copying into a sliding window until necessary, which
+ provides the effect documented in zlib.h for Z_FINISH when the entire input
+ stream available. So the only thing the flush parameter actually does is:
+ when flush is set to Z_FINISH, inflate() cannot return Z_OK. Instead it
+ will return Z_BUF_ERROR if it has not reached the end of the stream.
+ */
+int ZEXPORT inflate(strm, flush)
+z_streamp strm;
+int flush;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ z_const unsigned char FAR *next; /* next input */
+ unsigned char FAR *put; /* next output */
+ unsigned have, left; /* available input and output */
+ unsigned long hold; /* bit buffer */
+ unsigned bits; /* bits in bit buffer */
+ unsigned in, out; /* save starting available input and output */
+ unsigned copy; /* number of stored or match bytes to copy */
+ unsigned char FAR *from; /* where to copy match bytes from */
+ code here; /* current decoding table entry */
+ code last; /* parent table entry */
+ unsigned len; /* length to copy for repeats, bits to drop */
+ int ret; /* return code */
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+ unsigned char hbuf[4]; /* buffer for gzip header crc calculation */
+ static const unsigned short order[19] = /* permutation of code lengths */
+ {16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15};
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL || strm->next_out == Z_NULL ||
+ (strm->next_in == Z_NULL && strm->avail_in != 0))
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ if (state->mode == TYPE) state->mode = TYPEDO; /* skip check */
+ LOAD();
+ in = have;
+ out = left;
+ ret = Z_OK;
+ for (;;)
+ switch (state->mode) {
+ case HEAD:
+ if (state->wrap == 0) {
+ state->mode = TYPEDO;
+ break;
+ }
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+ if ((state->wrap & 2) && hold == 0x8b1f) { /* gzip header */
+ state->check = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ CRC2(state->check, hold);
+ state->mode = FLAGS;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->flags = 0; /* expect zlib header */
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL)
+ state->head->done = -1;
+ if (!(state->wrap & 1) || /* check if zlib header allowed */
+ if (
+ ((BITS(8) << 8) + (hold >> 8)) % 31) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"incorrect header check";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (BITS(4) != Z_DEFLATED) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"unknown compression method";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ len = BITS(4) + 8;
+ if (state->wbits == 0)
+ state->wbits = len;
+ else if (len > state->wbits) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid window size";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->dmax = 1U << len;
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: zlib header ok\n"));
+ strm->adler = state->check = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ state->mode = hold & 0x200 ? DICTID : TYPE;
+ break;
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+ case FLAGS:
+ state->flags = (int)(hold);
+ if ((state->flags & 0xff) != Z_DEFLATED) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"unknown compression method";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (state->flags & 0xe000) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"unknown header flags set";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL)
+ state->head->text = (int)((hold >> 8) & 1);
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200) CRC2(state->check, hold);
+ state->mode = TIME;
+ case TIME:
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL)
+ state->head->time = hold;
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200) CRC4(state->check, hold);
+ state->mode = OS;
+ case OS:
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL) {
+ state->head->xflags = (int)(hold & 0xff);
+ state->head->os = (int)(hold >> 8);
+ }
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200) CRC2(state->check, hold);
+ state->mode = EXLEN;
+ case EXLEN:
+ if (state->flags & 0x0400) {
+ state->length = (unsigned)(hold);
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL)
+ state->head->extra_len = (unsigned)hold;
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200) CRC2(state->check, hold);
+ }
+ else if (state->head != Z_NULL)
+ state->head->extra = Z_NULL;
+ state->mode = EXTRA;
+ case EXTRA:
+ if (state->flags & 0x0400) {
+ copy = state->length;
+ if (copy > have) copy = have;
+ if (copy) {
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL &&
+ state->head->extra != Z_NULL &&
+ (len = state->head->extra_len - state->length) <
+ state->head->extra_max) {
+ zmemcpy(state->head->extra + len, next,
+ len + copy > state->head->extra_max ?
+ state->head->extra_max - len : copy);
+ }
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200)
+ state->check = crc32(state->check, next, copy);
+ have -= copy;
+ next += copy;
+ state->length -= copy;
+ }
+ if (state->length) goto inf_leave;
+ }
+ state->length = 0;
+ state->mode = NAME;
+ case NAME:
+ if (state->flags & 0x0800) {
+ if (have == 0) goto inf_leave;
+ copy = 0;
+ do {
+ len = (unsigned)(next[copy++]);
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL &&
+ state->head->name != Z_NULL &&
+ state->length < state->head->name_max)
+ state->head->name[state->length++] = len;
+ } while (len && copy < have);
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200)
+ state->check = crc32(state->check, next, copy);
+ have -= copy;
+ next += copy;
+ if (len) goto inf_leave;
+ }
+ else if (state->head != Z_NULL)
+ state->head->name = Z_NULL;
+ state->length = 0;
+ state->mode = COMMENT;
+ case COMMENT:
+ if (state->flags & 0x1000) {
+ if (have == 0) goto inf_leave;
+ copy = 0;
+ do {
+ len = (unsigned)(next[copy++]);
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL &&
+ state->head->comment != Z_NULL &&
+ state->length < state->head->comm_max)
+ state->head->comment[state->length++] = len;
+ } while (len && copy < have);
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200)
+ state->check = crc32(state->check, next, copy);
+ have -= copy;
+ next += copy;
+ if (len) goto inf_leave;
+ }
+ else if (state->head != Z_NULL)
+ state->head->comment = Z_NULL;
+ state->mode = HCRC;
+ case HCRC:
+ if (state->flags & 0x0200) {
+ if (hold != (state->check & 0xffff)) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"header crc mismatch";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (state->head != Z_NULL) {
+ state->head->hcrc = (int)((state->flags >> 9) & 1);
+ state->head->done = 1;
+ }
+ strm->adler = state->check = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ state->mode = TYPE;
+ break;
+ case DICTID:
+ strm->adler = state->check = ZSWAP32(hold);
+ state->mode = DICT;
+ case DICT:
+ if (state->havedict == 0) {
+ return Z_NEED_DICT;
+ }
+ strm->adler = state->check = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ state->mode = TYPE;
+ case TYPE:
+ if (flush == Z_BLOCK || flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave;
+ case TYPEDO:
+ if (state->last) {
+ state->mode = CHECK;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->last = BITS(1);
+ switch (BITS(2)) {
+ case 0: /* stored block */
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored block%s\n",
+ state->last ? " (last)" : ""));
+ state->mode = STORED;
+ break;
+ case 1: /* fixed block */
+ fixedtables(state);
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: fixed codes block%s\n",
+ state->last ? " (last)" : ""));
+ state->mode = LEN_; /* decode codes */
+ if (flush == Z_TREES) {
+ goto inf_leave;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: /* dynamic block */
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: dynamic codes block%s\n",
+ state->last ? " (last)" : ""));
+ state->mode = TABLE;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid block type";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ }
+ break;
+ case STORED:
+ BYTEBITS(); /* go to byte boundary */
+ if ((hold & 0xffff) != ((hold >> 16) ^ 0xffff)) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid stored block lengths";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->length = (unsigned)hold & 0xffff;
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored length %u\n",
+ state->length));
+ state->mode = COPY_;
+ if (flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave;
+ case COPY_:
+ state->mode = COPY;
+ case COPY:
+ copy = state->length;
+ if (copy) {
+ if (copy > have) copy = have;
+ if (copy > left) copy = left;
+ if (copy == 0) goto inf_leave;
+ zmemcpy(put, next, copy);
+ have -= copy;
+ next += copy;
+ left -= copy;
+ put += copy;
+ state->length -= copy;
+ break;
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: stored end\n"));
+ state->mode = TYPE;
+ break;
+ case TABLE:
+ state->nlen = BITS(5) + 257;
+ state->ndist = BITS(5) + 1;
+ state->ncode = BITS(4) + 4;
+ if (state->nlen > 286 || state->ndist > 30) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"too many length or distance symbols";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: table sizes ok\n"));
+ state->have = 0;
+ state->mode = LENLENS;
+ case LENLENS:
+ while (state->have < state->ncode) {
+ state->lens[order[state->have++]] = (unsigned short)BITS(3);
+ }
+ while (state->have < 19)
+ state->lens[order[state->have++]] = 0;
+ state->next = state->codes;
+ state->lencode = (const code FAR *)(state->next);
+ state->lenbits = 7;
+ ret = inflate_table(CODES, state->lens, 19, &(state->next),
+ &(state->lenbits), state->work);
+ if (ret) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid code lengths set";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: code lengths ok\n"));
+ state->have = 0;
+ state->mode = CODELENS;
+ case CODELENS:
+ while (state->have < state->nlen + state->ndist) {
+ for (;;) {
+ here = state->lencode[BITS(state->lenbits)];
+ if ((unsigned)(here.bits) <= bits) break;
+ }
+ if (here.val < 16) {
+ DROPBITS(here.bits);
+ state->lens[state->have++] = here.val;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (here.val == 16) {
+ NEEDBITS(here.bits + 2);
+ DROPBITS(here.bits);
+ if (state->have == 0) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid bit length repeat";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ len = state->lens[state->have - 1];
+ copy = 3 + BITS(2);
+ }
+ else if (here.val == 17) {
+ NEEDBITS(here.bits + 3);
+ DROPBITS(here.bits);
+ len = 0;
+ copy = 3 + BITS(3);
+ }
+ else {
+ NEEDBITS(here.bits + 7);
+ DROPBITS(here.bits);
+ len = 0;
+ copy = 11 + BITS(7);
+ }
+ if (state->have + copy > state->nlen + state->ndist) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid bit length repeat";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ while (copy--)
+ state->lens[state->have++] = (unsigned short)len;
+ }
+ }
+ /* handle error breaks in while */
+ if (state->mode == BAD) break;
+ /* check for end-of-block code (better have one) */
+ if (state->lens[256] == 0) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid code -- missing end-of-block";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* build code tables -- note: do not change the lenbits or distbits
+ values here (9 and 6) without reading the comments in inftrees.h
+ concerning the ENOUGH constants, which depend on those values */
+ state->next = state->codes;
+ state->lencode = (const code FAR *)(state->next);
+ state->lenbits = 9;
+ ret = inflate_table(LENS, state->lens, state->nlen, &(state->next),
+ &(state->lenbits), state->work);
+ if (ret) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid literal/lengths set";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->distcode = (const code FAR *)(state->next);
+ state->distbits = 6;
+ ret = inflate_table(DISTS, state->lens + state->nlen, state->ndist,
+ &(state->next), &(state->distbits), state->work);
+ if (ret) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distances set";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: codes ok\n"));
+ state->mode = LEN_;
+ if (flush == Z_TREES) goto inf_leave;
+ case LEN_:
+ state->mode = LEN;
+ case LEN:
+ if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) {
+ inflate_fast(strm, out);
+ LOAD();
+ if (state->mode == TYPE)
+ state->back = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->back = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ here = state->lencode[BITS(state->lenbits)];
+ if ((unsigned)(here.bits) <= bits) break;
+ }
+ if (here.op && (here.op & 0xf0) == 0) {
+ last = here;
+ for (;;) {
+ here = state->lencode[last.val +
+ (BITS(last.bits + last.op) >> last.bits)];
+ if ((unsigned)(last.bits + here.bits) <= bits) break;
+ }
+ DROPBITS(last.bits);
+ state->back += last.bits;
+ }
+ DROPBITS(here.bits);
+ state->back += here.bits;
+ state->length = (unsigned)here.val;
+ if ((int)(here.op) == 0) {
+ Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?
+ "inflate: literal '%c'\n" :
+ "inflate: literal 0x%02x\n", here.val));
+ state->mode = LIT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (here.op & 32) {
+ Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: end of block\n"));
+ state->back = -1;
+ state->mode = TYPE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (here.op & 64) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid literal/length code";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15;
+ state->mode = LENEXT;
+ case LENEXT:
+ if (state->extra) {
+ NEEDBITS(state->extra);
+ state->length += BITS(state->extra);
+ DROPBITS(state->extra);
+ state->back += state->extra;
+ }
+ Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: length %u\n", state->length));
+ state->was = state->length;
+ state->mode = DIST;
+ case DIST:
+ for (;;) {
+ here = state->distcode[BITS(state->distbits)];
+ if ((unsigned)(here.bits) <= bits) break;
+ }
+ if ((here.op & 0xf0) == 0) {
+ last = here;
+ for (;;) {
+ here = state->distcode[last.val +
+ (BITS(last.bits + last.op) >> last.bits)];
+ if ((unsigned)(last.bits + here.bits) <= bits) break;
+ }
+ DROPBITS(last.bits);
+ state->back += last.bits;
+ }
+ DROPBITS(here.bits);
+ state->back += here.bits;
+ if (here.op & 64) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance code";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ state->offset = (unsigned)here.val;
+ state->extra = (unsigned)(here.op) & 15;
+ state->mode = DISTEXT;
+ case DISTEXT:
+ if (state->extra) {
+ NEEDBITS(state->extra);
+ state->offset += BITS(state->extra);
+ DROPBITS(state->extra);
+ state->back += state->extra;
+ }
+ if (state->offset > state->dmax) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance too far back";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ Tracevv((stderr, "inflate: distance %u\n", state->offset));
+ state->mode = MATCH;
+ case MATCH:
+ if (left == 0) goto inf_leave;
+ copy = out - left;
+ if (state->offset > copy) { /* copy from window */
+ copy = state->offset - copy;
+ if (copy > state->whave) {
+ if (state->sane) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"invalid distance too far back";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ Trace((stderr, "inflate.c too far\n"));
+ copy -= state->whave;
+ if (copy > state->length) copy = state->length;
+ if (copy > left) copy = left;
+ left -= copy;
+ state->length -= copy;
+ do {
+ *put++ = 0;
+ } while (--copy);
+ if (state->length == 0) state->mode = LEN;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (copy > state->wnext) {
+ copy -= state->wnext;
+ from = state->window + (state->wsize - copy);
+ }
+ else
+ from = state->window + (state->wnext - copy);
+ if (copy > state->length) copy = state->length;
+ }
+ else { /* copy from output */
+ from = put - state->offset;
+ copy = state->length;
+ }
+ if (copy > left) copy = left;
+ left -= copy;
+ state->length -= copy;
+ do {
+ *put++ = *from++;
+ } while (--copy);
+ if (state->length == 0) state->mode = LEN;
+ break;
+ case LIT:
+ if (left == 0) goto inf_leave;
+ *put++ = (unsigned char)(state->length);
+ left--;
+ state->mode = LEN;
+ break;
+ case CHECK:
+ if (state->wrap) {
+ out -= left;
+ strm->total_out += out;
+ state->total += out;
+ if (out)
+ strm->adler = state->check =
+ UPDATE(state->check, put - out, out);
+ out = left;
+ if ((
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+ state->flags ? hold :
+ ZSWAP32(hold)) != state->check) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"incorrect data check";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: check matches trailer\n"));
+ }
+#ifdef GUNZIP
+ state->mode = LENGTH;
+ case LENGTH:
+ if (state->wrap && state->flags) {
+ if (hold != (state->total & 0xffffffffUL)) {
+ strm->msg = (char *)"incorrect length check";
+ state->mode = BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: length matches trailer\n"));
+ }
+ state->mode = DONE;
+ case DONE:
+ ret = Z_STREAM_END;
+ goto inf_leave;
+ case BAD:
+ ret = Z_DATA_ERROR;
+ goto inf_leave;
+ case MEM:
+ return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ case SYNC:
+ default:
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ }
+ /*
+ Return from inflate(), updating the total counts and the check value.
+ If there was no progress during the inflate() call, return a buffer
+ error. Call updatewindow() to create and/or update the window state.
+ Note: a memory error from inflate() is non-recoverable.
+ */
+ inf_leave:
+ if (state->wsize || (out != strm->avail_out && state->mode < BAD &&
+ (state->mode < CHECK || flush != Z_FINISH)))
+ if (updatewindow(strm, strm->next_out, out - strm->avail_out)) {
+ state->mode = MEM;
+ return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ }
+ in -= strm->avail_in;
+ out -= strm->avail_out;
+ strm->total_in += in;
+ strm->total_out += out;
+ state->total += out;
+ if (state->wrap && out)
+ strm->adler = state->check =
+ UPDATE(state->check, strm->next_out - out, out);
+ strm->data_type = state->bits + (state->last ? 64 : 0) +
+ (state->mode == TYPE ? 128 : 0) +
+ (state->mode == LEN_ || state->mode == COPY_ ? 256 : 0);
+ if (((in == 0 && out == 0) || flush == Z_FINISH) && ret == Z_OK)
+ ret = Z_BUF_ERROR;
+ return ret;
+int ZEXPORT inflateEnd(strm)
+z_streamp strm;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL || strm->zfree == (free_func)0)
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ if (state->window != Z_NULL) ZFREE(strm, state->window);
+ ZFREE(strm, strm->state);
+ strm->state = Z_NULL;
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: end\n"));
+ return Z_OK;
+int ZEXPORT inflateGetDictionary(strm, dictionary, dictLength)
+z_streamp strm;
+Bytef *dictionary;
+uInt *dictLength;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ /* check state */
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ /* copy dictionary */
+ if (state->whave && dictionary != Z_NULL) {
+ zmemcpy(dictionary, state->window + state->wnext,
+ state->whave - state->wnext);
+ zmemcpy(dictionary + state->whave - state->wnext,
+ state->window, state->wnext);
+ }
+ if (dictLength != Z_NULL)
+ *dictLength = state->whave;
+ return Z_OK;
+int ZEXPORT inflateSetDictionary(strm, dictionary, dictLength)
+z_streamp strm;
+const Bytef *dictionary;
+uInt dictLength;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ unsigned long dictid;
+ int ret;
+ /* check state */
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ if (state->wrap != 0 && state->mode != DICT)
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ /* check for correct dictionary identifier */
+ if (state->mode == DICT) {
+ dictid = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ dictid = adler32(dictid, dictionary, dictLength);
+ if (dictid != state->check)
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* copy dictionary to window using updatewindow(), which will amend the
+ existing dictionary if appropriate */
+ ret = updatewindow(strm, dictionary + dictLength, dictLength);
+ if (ret) {
+ state->mode = MEM;
+ return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ }
+ state->havedict = 1;
+ Tracev((stderr, "inflate: dictionary set\n"));
+ return Z_OK;
+int ZEXPORT inflateGetHeader(strm, head)
+z_streamp strm;
+gz_headerp head;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ /* check state */
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ if ((state->wrap & 2) == 0) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ /* save header structure */
+ state->head = head;
+ head->done = 0;
+ return Z_OK;
+ Search buf[0..len-1] for the pattern: 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff. Return when found
+ or when out of input. When called, *have is the number of pattern bytes
+ found in order so far, in 0..3. On return *have is updated to the new
+ state. If on return *have equals four, then the pattern was found and the
+ return value is how many bytes were read including the last byte of the
+ pattern. If *have is less than four, then the pattern has not been found
+ yet and the return value is len. In the latter case, syncsearch() can be
+ called again with more data and the *have state. *have is initialized to
+ zero for the first call.
+ */
+local unsigned syncsearch(have, buf, len)
+unsigned FAR *have;
+const unsigned char FAR *buf;
+unsigned len;
+ unsigned got;
+ unsigned next;
+ got = *have;
+ next = 0;
+ while (next < len && got < 4) {
+ if ((int)(buf[next]) == (got < 2 ? 0 : 0xff))
+ got++;
+ else if (buf[next])
+ got = 0;
+ else
+ got = 4 - got;
+ next++;
+ }
+ *have = got;
+ return next;
+int ZEXPORT inflateSync(strm)
+z_streamp strm;
+ unsigned len; /* number of bytes to look at or looked at */
+ unsigned long in, out; /* temporary to save total_in and total_out */
+ unsigned char buf[4]; /* to restore bit buffer to byte string */
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ /* check parameters */
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ if (strm->avail_in == 0 && state->bits < 8) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
+ /* if first time, start search in bit buffer */
+ if (state->mode != SYNC) {
+ state->mode = SYNC;
+ state->hold <<= state->bits & 7;
+ state->bits -= state->bits & 7;
+ len = 0;
+ while (state->bits >= 8) {
+ buf[len++] = (unsigned char)(state->hold);
+ state->hold >>= 8;
+ state->bits -= 8;
+ }
+ state->have = 0;
+ syncsearch(&(state->have), buf, len);
+ }
+ /* search available input */
+ len = syncsearch(&(state->have), strm->next_in, strm->avail_in);
+ strm->avail_in -= len;
+ strm->next_in += len;
+ strm->total_in += len;
+ /* return no joy or set up to restart inflate() on a new block */
+ if (state->have != 4) return Z_DATA_ERROR;
+ in = strm->total_in; out = strm->total_out;
+ inflateReset(strm);
+ strm->total_in = in; strm->total_out = out;
+ state->mode = TYPE;
+ return Z_OK;
+ Returns true if inflate is currently at the end of a block generated by
+ Z_SYNC_FLUSH or Z_FULL_FLUSH. This function is used by one PPP
+ implementation to provide an additional safety check. PPP uses
+ Z_SYNC_FLUSH but removes the length bytes of the resulting empty stored
+ block. When decompressing, PPP checks that at the end of input packet,
+ inflate is waiting for these length bytes.
+ */
+int ZEXPORT inflateSyncPoint(strm)
+z_streamp strm;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ return state->mode == STORED && state->bits == 0;
+int ZEXPORT inflateCopy(dest, source)
+z_streamp dest;
+z_streamp source;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *copy;
+ unsigned char FAR *window;
+ unsigned wsize;
+ /* check input */
+ if (dest == Z_NULL || source == Z_NULL || source->state == Z_NULL ||
+ source->zalloc == (alloc_func)0 || source->zfree == (free_func)0)
+ return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)source->state;
+ /* allocate space */
+ copy = (struct inflate_state FAR *)
+ ZALLOC(source, 1, sizeof(struct inflate_state));
+ if (copy == Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ window = Z_NULL;
+ if (state->window != Z_NULL) {
+ window = (unsigned char FAR *)
+ ZALLOC(source, 1U << state->wbits, sizeof(unsigned char));
+ if (window == Z_NULL) {
+ ZFREE(source, copy);
+ return Z_MEM_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ /* copy state */
+ zmemcpy((voidpf)dest, (voidpf)source, sizeof(z_stream));
+ zmemcpy((voidpf)copy, (voidpf)state, sizeof(struct inflate_state));
+ if (state->lencode >= state->codes &&
+ state->lencode <= state->codes + ENOUGH - 1) {
+ copy->lencode = copy->codes + (state->lencode - state->codes);
+ copy->distcode = copy->codes + (state->distcode - state->codes);
+ }
+ copy->next = copy->codes + (state->next - state->codes);
+ if (window != Z_NULL) {
+ wsize = 1U << state->wbits;
+ zmemcpy(window, state->window, wsize);
+ }
+ copy->window = window;
+ dest->state = (struct internal_state FAR *)copy;
+ return Z_OK;
+int ZEXPORT inflateUndermine(strm, subvert)
+z_streamp strm;
+int subvert;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL) return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ state->sane = !subvert;
+ return Z_OK;
+ state->sane = 1;
+ return Z_DATA_ERROR;
+long ZEXPORT inflateMark(strm)
+z_streamp strm;
+ struct inflate_state FAR *state;
+ if (strm == Z_NULL || strm->state == Z_NULL)
+ return (long)(((unsigned long)0 - 1) << 16);
+ state = (struct inflate_state FAR *)strm->state;
+ return (long)(((unsigned long)((long)state->back)) << 16) +
+ (state->mode == COPY ? state->length :
+ (state->mode == MATCH ? state->was - state->length : 0));
diff --git a/zlib/inflate.h b/zlib/inflate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abe7968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/inflate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* inflate.h -- internal inflate state definition
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2009 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
+ part of the implementation of the compression library and is
+ subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
+ */
+/* define NO_GZIP when compiling if you want to disable gzip header and
+ trailer decoding by inflate(). NO_GZIP would be used to avoid linking in
+ the crc code when it is not needed. For shared libraries, gzip decoding
+ should be left enabled. */
+#ifndef NO_GZIP
+# define GUNZIP
+#ifdef BAD /* For AIX */
+#undef BAD
+/* Possible inflate modes between inflate() calls */
+typedef enum {
+ HEAD, /* i: waiting for magic header */
+ FLAGS, /* i: waiting for method and flags (gzip) */
+ TIME, /* i: waiting for modification time (gzip) */
+ OS, /* i: waiting for extra flags and operating system (gzip) */
+ EXLEN, /* i: waiting for extra length (gzip) */
+ EXTRA, /* i: waiting for extra bytes (gzip) */
+ NAME, /* i: waiting for end of file name (gzip) */
+ COMMENT, /* i: waiting for end of comment (gzip) */
+ HCRC, /* i: waiting for header crc (gzip) */
+ DICTID, /* i: waiting for dictionary check value */
+ DICT, /* waiting for inflateSetDictionary() call */
+ TYPE, /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */
+ TYPEDO, /* i: same, but skip check to exit inflate on new block */
+ STORED, /* i: waiting for stored size (length and complement) */
+ COPY_, /* i/o: same as COPY below, but only first time in */
+ COPY, /* i/o: waiting for input or output to copy stored block */
+ TABLE, /* i: waiting for dynamic block table lengths */
+ LENLENS, /* i: waiting for code length code lengths */
+ CODELENS, /* i: waiting for length/lit and distance code lengths */
+ LEN_, /* i: same as LEN below, but only first time in */
+ LEN, /* i: waiting for length/lit/eob code */
+ LENEXT, /* i: waiting for length extra bits */
+ DIST, /* i: waiting for distance code */
+ DISTEXT, /* i: waiting for distance extra bits */
+ MATCH, /* o: waiting for output space to copy string */
+ LIT, /* o: waiting for output space to write literal */
+ CHECK, /* i: waiting for 32-bit check value */
+ LENGTH, /* i: waiting for 32-bit length (gzip) */
+ DONE, /* finished check, done -- remain here until reset */
+ BAD, /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */
+ MEM, /* got an inflate() memory error -- remain here until reset */
+ SYNC /* looking for synchronization bytes to restart inflate() */
+} inflate_mode;
+ State transitions between above modes -
+ (most modes can go to BAD or MEM on error -- not shown for clarity)
+ Process header:
+ HEAD -> (gzip) or (zlib) or (raw)
+ (gzip) -> FLAGS -> TIME -> OS -> EXLEN -> EXTRA -> NAME -> COMMENT ->
+ (zlib) -> DICTID or TYPE
+ (raw) -> TYPEDO
+ Read deflate blocks:
+ LEN_ -> LEN
+ Read deflate codes in fixed or dynamic block:
+ LIT -> LEN
+ Process trailer:
+ */
+/* state maintained between inflate() calls. Approximately 10K bytes. */
+struct inflate_state {
+ inflate_mode mode; /* current inflate mode */
+ int last; /* true if processing last block */
+ int wrap; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */
+ int havedict; /* true if dictionary provided */
+ int flags; /* gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib) */
+ unsigned dmax; /* zlib header max distance (INFLATE_STRICT) */
+ unsigned long check; /* protected copy of check value */
+ unsigned long total; /* protected copy of output count */
+ gz_headerp head; /* where to save gzip header information */
+ /* sliding window */
+ unsigned wbits; /* log base 2 of requested window size */
+ unsigned wsize; /* window size or zero if not using window */
+ unsigned whave; /* valid bytes in the window */
+ unsigned wnext; /* window write index */
+ unsigned char FAR *window; /* allocated sliding window, if needed */
+ /* bit accumulator */
+ unsigned long hold; /* input bit accumulator */
+ unsigned bits; /* number of bits in "in" */
+ /* for string and stored block copying */
+ unsigned length; /* literal or length of data to copy */
+ unsigned offset; /* distance back to copy string from */
+ /* for table and code decoding */
+ unsigned extra; /* extra bits needed */
+ /* fixed and dynamic code tables */
+ code const FAR *lencode; /* starting table for length/literal codes */
+ code const FAR *distcode; /* starting table for distance codes */
+ unsigned lenbits; /* index bits for lencode */
+ unsigned distbits; /* index bits for distcode */
+ /* dynamic table building */
+ unsigned ncode; /* number of code length code lengths */
+ unsigned nlen; /* number of length code lengths */
+ unsigned ndist; /* number of distance code lengths */
+ unsigned have; /* number of code lengths in lens[] */
+ code FAR *next; /* next available space in codes[] */
+ unsigned short lens[320]; /* temporary storage for code lengths */
+ unsigned short work[288]; /* work area for code table building */
+ code codes[ENOUGH]; /* space for code tables */
+ int sane; /* if false, allow invalid distance too far */
+ int back; /* bits back of last unprocessed length/lit */
+ unsigned was; /* initial length of match */
diff --git a/zlib/inftrees.c b/zlib/inftrees.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..571e810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/inftrees.c
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+/* inftrees.c -- generate Huffman trees for efficient decoding
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+#include "zutil.h"
+#include "inftrees.h"
+#define MAXBITS 15
+const char inflate_copyright[] =
+ " inflate 1.2.8 Copyright 1995-2013 Mark Adler ";
+ If you use the zlib library in a product, an acknowledgment is welcome
+ in the documentation of your product. If for some reason you cannot
+ include such an acknowledgment, I would appreciate that you keep this
+ copyright string in the executable of your product.
+ */
+ Build a set of tables to decode the provided canonical Huffman code.
+ The code lengths are lens[]. The result starts at *table,
+ whose indices are 0..2^bits-1. work is a writable array of at least
+ lens shorts, which is used as a work area. type is the type of code
+ to be generated, CODES, LENS, or DISTS. On return, zero is success,
+ -1 is an invalid code, and +1 means that ENOUGH isn't enough. table
+ on return points to the next available entry's address. bits is the
+ requested root table index bits, and on return it is the actual root
+ table index bits. It will differ if the request is greater than the
+ longest code or if it is less than the shortest code.
+ */
+int ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_table(type, lens, codes, table, bits, work)
+codetype type;
+unsigned short FAR *lens;
+unsigned codes;
+code FAR * FAR *table;
+unsigned FAR *bits;
+unsigned short FAR *work;
+ unsigned len; /* a code's length in bits */
+ unsigned sym; /* index of code symbols */
+ unsigned min, max; /* minimum and maximum code lengths */
+ unsigned root; /* number of index bits for root table */
+ unsigned curr; /* number of index bits for current table */
+ unsigned drop; /* code bits to drop for sub-table */
+ int left; /* number of prefix codes available */
+ unsigned used; /* code entries in table used */
+ unsigned huff; /* Huffman code */
+ unsigned incr; /* for incrementing code, index */
+ unsigned fill; /* index for replicating entries */
+ unsigned low; /* low bits for current root entry */
+ unsigned mask; /* mask for low root bits */
+ code here; /* table entry for duplication */
+ code FAR *next; /* next available space in table */
+ const unsigned short FAR *base; /* base value table to use */
+ const unsigned short FAR *extra; /* extra bits table to use */
+ unsigned match; /* use base and extra for symbol >= match */
+ unsigned short count[MAXBITS+1]; /* number of codes of each length */
+ unsigned short offs[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */
+ static const unsigned short lbase[31] = { /* Length codes 257..285 base */
+ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
+ 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0};
+ static const unsigned short lext[31] = { /* Length codes 257..285 extra */
+ 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18,
+ 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78};
+ static const unsigned short dbase[32] = { /* Distance codes 0..29 base */
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
+ 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
+ 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0};
+ static const unsigned short dext[32] = { /* Distance codes 0..29 extra */
+ 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22,
+ 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27,
+ 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64};
+ /*
+ Process a set of code lengths to create a canonical Huffman code. The
+ code lengths are lens[]. Each length corresponds to the
+ symbols The Huffman code is generated by first sorting the
+ symbols by length from short to long, and retaining the symbol order
+ for codes with equal lengths. Then the code starts with all zero bits
+ for the first code of the shortest length, and the codes are integer
+ increments for the same length, and zeros are appended as the length
+ increases. For the deflate format, these bits are stored backwards
+ from their more natural integer increment ordering, and so when the
+ decoding tables are built in the large loop below, the integer codes
+ are incremented backwards.
+ This routine assumes, but does not check, that all of the entries in
+ lens[] are in the range 0..MAXBITS. The caller must assure this.
+ 1..MAXBITS is interpreted as that code length. zero means that that
+ symbol does not occur in this code.
+ The codes are sorted by computing a count of codes for each length,
+ creating from that a table of starting indices for each length in the
+ sorted table, and then entering the symbols in order in the sorted
+ table. The sorted table is work[], with that space being provided by
+ the caller.
+ The length counts are used for other purposes as well, i.e. finding
+ the minimum and maximum length codes, determining if there are any
+ codes at all, checking for a valid set of lengths, and looking ahead
+ at length counts to determine sub-table sizes when building the
+ decoding tables.
+ */
+ /* accumulate lengths for codes (assumes lens[] all in 0..MAXBITS) */
+ for (len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; len++)
+ count[len] = 0;
+ for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++)
+ count[lens[sym]]++;
+ /* bound code lengths, force root to be within code lengths */
+ root = *bits;
+ for (max = MAXBITS; max >= 1; max--)
+ if (count[max] != 0) break;
+ if (root > max) root = max;
+ if (max == 0) { /* no symbols to code at all */
+ here.op = (unsigned char)64; /* invalid code marker */
+ here.bits = (unsigned char)1;
+ here.val = (unsigned short)0;
+ *(*table)++ = here; /* make a table to force an error */
+ *(*table)++ = here;
+ *bits = 1;
+ return 0; /* no symbols, but wait for decoding to report error */
+ }
+ for (min = 1; min < max; min++)
+ if (count[min] != 0) break;
+ if (root < min) root = min;
+ /* check for an over-subscribed or incomplete set of lengths */
+ left = 1;
+ for (len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {
+ left <<= 1;
+ left -= count[len];
+ if (left < 0) return -1; /* over-subscribed */
+ }
+ if (left > 0 && (type == CODES || max != 1))
+ return -1; /* incomplete set */
+ /* generate offsets into symbol table for each length for sorting */
+ offs[1] = 0;
+ for (len = 1; len < MAXBITS; len++)
+ offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len];
+ /* sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length */
+ for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++)
+ if (lens[sym] != 0) work[offs[lens[sym]]++] = (unsigned short)sym;
+ /*
+ Create and fill in decoding tables. In this loop, the table being
+ filled is at next and has curr index bits. The code being used is huff
+ with length len. That code is converted to an index by dropping drop
+ bits off of the bottom. For codes where len is less than drop + curr,
+ those top drop + curr - len bits are incremented through all values to
+ fill the table with replicated entries.
+ root is the number of index bits for the root table. When len exceeds
+ root, sub-tables are created pointed to by the root entry with an index
+ of the low root bits of huff. This is saved in low to check for when a
+ new sub-table should be started. drop is zero when the root table is
+ being filled, and drop is root when sub-tables are being filled.
+ When a new sub-table is needed, it is necessary to look ahead in the
+ code lengths to determine what size sub-table is needed. The length
+ counts are used for this, and so count[] is decremented as codes are
+ entered in the tables.
+ used keeps track of how many table entries have been allocated from the
+ provided *table space. It is checked for LENS and DIST tables against
+ the constants ENOUGH_LENS and ENOUGH_DISTS to guard against changes in
+ the initial root table size constants. See the comments in inftrees.h
+ for more information.
+ sym increments through all symbols, and the loop terminates when
+ all codes of length max, i.e. all codes, have been processed. This
+ routine permits incomplete codes, so another loop after this one fills
+ in the rest of the decoding tables with invalid code markers.
+ */
+ /* set up for code type */
+ switch (type) {
+ case CODES:
+ base = extra = work; /* dummy value--not used */
+ match = 20;
+ break;
+ case LENS:
+ base = lbase;
+ extra = lext;
+ match = 257;
+ break;
+ default: /* DISTS */
+ base = dbase;
+ extra = dext;
+ match = 0;
+ }
+ /* initialize state for loop */
+ huff = 0; /* starting code */
+ sym = 0; /* starting code symbol */
+ len = min; /* starting code length */
+ next = *table; /* current table to fill in */
+ curr = root; /* current table index bits */
+ drop = 0; /* current bits to drop from code for index */
+ low = (unsigned)(-1); /* trigger new sub-table when len > root */
+ used = 1U << root; /* use root table entries */
+ mask = used - 1; /* mask for comparing low */
+ /* check available table space */
+ if ((type == LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) ||
+ (type == DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS))
+ return 1;
+ /* process all codes and make table entries */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* create table entry */
+ here.bits = (unsigned char)(len - drop);
+ if (work[sym] + 1u < match) {
+ here.op = (unsigned char)0;
+ here.val = work[sym];
+ }
+ else if (work[sym] >= match) {
+ here.op = (unsigned char)(extra[work[sym] - match]);
+ here.val = base[work[sym] - match];
+ }
+ else {
+ here.op = (unsigned char)(32 + 64); /* end of block */
+ here.val = 0;
+ }
+ /* replicate for those indices with low len bits equal to huff */
+ incr = 1U << (len - drop);
+ fill = 1U << curr;
+ min = fill; /* save offset to next table */
+ do {
+ fill -= incr;
+ next[(huff >> drop) + fill] = here;
+ } while (fill != 0);
+ /* backwards increment the len-bit code huff */
+ incr = 1U << (len - 1);
+ while (huff & incr)
+ incr >>= 1;
+ if (incr != 0) {
+ huff &= incr - 1;
+ huff += incr;
+ }
+ else
+ huff = 0;
+ /* go to next symbol, update count, len */
+ sym++;
+ if (--(count[len]) == 0) {
+ if (len == max) break;
+ len = lens[work[sym]];
+ }
+ /* create new sub-table if needed */
+ if (len > root && (huff & mask) != low) {
+ /* if first time, transition to sub-tables */
+ if (drop == 0)
+ drop = root;
+ /* increment past last table */
+ next += min; /* here min is 1 << curr */
+ /* determine length of next table */
+ curr = len - drop;
+ left = (int)(1 << curr);
+ while (curr + drop < max) {
+ left -= count[curr + drop];
+ if (left <= 0) break;
+ curr++;
+ left <<= 1;
+ }
+ /* check for enough space */
+ used += 1U << curr;
+ if ((type == LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) ||
+ (type == DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS))
+ return 1;
+ /* point entry in root table to sub-table */
+ low = huff & mask;
+ (*table)[low].op = (unsigned char)curr;
+ (*table)[low].bits = (unsigned char)root;
+ (*table)[low].val = (unsigned short)(next - *table);
+ }
+ }
+ /* fill in remaining table entry if code is incomplete (guaranteed to have
+ at most one remaining entry, since if the code is incomplete, the
+ maximum code length that was allowed to get this far is one bit) */
+ if (huff != 0) {
+ here.op = (unsigned char)64; /* invalid code marker */
+ here.bits = (unsigned char)(len - drop);
+ here.val = (unsigned short)0;
+ next[huff] = here;
+ }
+ /* set return parameters */
+ *table += used;
+ *bits = root;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/zlib/inftrees.h b/zlib/inftrees.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baa53a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/inftrees.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* inftrees.h -- header to use inftrees.c
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, 2010 Mark Adler
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
+ part of the implementation of the compression library and is
+ subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
+ */
+/* Structure for decoding tables. Each entry provides either the
+ information needed to do the operation requested by the code that
+ indexed that table entry, or it provides a pointer to another
+ table that indexes more bits of the code. op indicates whether
+ the entry is a pointer to another table, a literal, a length or
+ distance, an end-of-block, or an invalid code. For a table
+ pointer, the low four bits of op is the number of index bits of
+ that table. For a length or distance, the low four bits of op
+ is the number of extra bits to get after the code. bits is
+ the number of bits in this code or part of the code to drop off
+ of the bit buffer. val is the actual byte to output in the case
+ of a literal, the base length or distance, or the offset from
+ the current table to the next table. Each entry is four bytes. */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char op; /* operation, extra bits, table bits */
+ unsigned char bits; /* bits in this part of the code */
+ unsigned short val; /* offset in table or code value */
+} code;
+/* op values as set by inflate_table():
+ 00000000 - literal
+ 0000tttt - table link, tttt != 0 is the number of table index bits
+ 0001eeee - length or distance, eeee is the number of extra bits
+ 01100000 - end of block
+ 01000000 - invalid code
+ */
+/* Maximum size of the dynamic table. The maximum number of code structures is
+ 1444, which is the sum of 852 for literal/length codes and 592 for distance
+ codes. These values were found by exhaustive searches using the program
+ examples/enough.c found in the zlib distribtution. The arguments to that
+ program are the number of symbols, the initial root table size, and the
+ maximum bit length of a code. "enough 286 9 15" for literal/length codes
+ returns returns 852, and "enough 30 6 15" for distance codes returns 592.
+ The initial root table size (9 or 6) is found in the fifth argument of the
+ inflate_table() calls in inflate.c and infback.c. If the root table size is
+ changed, then these maximum sizes would be need to be recalculated and
+ updated. */
+#define ENOUGH_LENS 852
+#define ENOUGH_DISTS 592
+/* Type of code to build for inflate_table() */
+typedef enum {
+} codetype;
+int ZLIB_INTERNAL inflate_table OF((codetype type, unsigned short FAR *lens,
+ unsigned codes, code FAR * FAR *table,
+ unsigned FAR *bits, unsigned short FAR *work));
diff --git a/zlib/trees.c b/zlib/trees.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c66770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/trees.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1204 @@
+/* trees.c -- output deflated data using Huffman coding
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly
+ * detect_data_type() function provided freely by Cosmin Truta, 2006
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+ *
+ * The "deflation" process uses several Huffman trees. The more
+ * common source values are represented by shorter bit sequences.
+ *
+ * Each code tree is stored in a compressed form which is itself
+ * a Huffman encoding of the lengths of all the code strings (in
+ * ascending order by source values). The actual code strings are
+ * reconstructed from the lengths in the inflate process, as described
+ * in the deflate specification.
+ *
+ *
+ * Deutsch, L.P.,"'Deflate' Compressed Data Format Specification".
+ * Available in
+ *
+ * Storer, James A.
+ * Data Compression: Methods and Theory, pp. 49-50.
+ * Computer Science Press, 1988. ISBN 0-7167-8156-5.
+ *
+ * Sedgewick, R.
+ * Algorithms, p290.
+ * Addison-Wesley, 1983. ISBN 0-201-06672-6.
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+/* #define GEN_TREES_H */
+#include "deflate.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# include <ctype.h>
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Constants
+ */
+#define MAX_BL_BITS 7
+/* Bit length codes must not exceed MAX_BL_BITS bits */
+#define END_BLOCK 256
+/* end of block literal code */
+#define REP_3_6 16
+/* repeat previous bit length 3-6 times (2 bits of repeat count) */
+#define REPZ_3_10 17
+/* repeat a zero length 3-10 times (3 bits of repeat count) */
+#define REPZ_11_138 18
+/* repeat a zero length 11-138 times (7 bits of repeat count) */
+local const int extra_lbits[LENGTH_CODES] /* extra bits for each length code */
+ = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0};
+local const int extra_dbits[D_CODES] /* extra bits for each distance code */
+ = {0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13};
+local const int extra_blbits[BL_CODES]/* extra bits for each bit length code */
+ = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7};
+local const uch bl_order[BL_CODES]
+ = {16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15};
+/* The lengths of the bit length codes are sent in order of decreasing
+ * probability, to avoid transmitting the lengths for unused bit length codes.
+ */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Local data. These are initialized only once.
+ */
+#define DIST_CODE_LEN 512 /* see definition of array dist_code below */
+#if defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC)
+/* non ANSI compilers may not accept trees.h */
+local ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2];
+/* The static literal tree. Since the bit lengths are imposed, there is no
+ * need for the L_CODES extra codes used during heap construction. However
+ * The codes 286 and 287 are needed to build a canonical tree (see _tr_init
+ * below).
+ */
+local ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES];
+/* The static distance tree. (Actually a trivial tree since all codes use
+ * 5 bits.)
+ */
+uch _dist_code[DIST_CODE_LEN];
+/* Distance codes. The first 256 values correspond to the distances
+ * 3 .. 258, the last 256 values correspond to the top 8 bits of
+ * the 15 bit distances.
+ */
+uch _length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1];
+/* length code for each normalized match length (0 == MIN_MATCH) */
+local int base_length[LENGTH_CODES];
+/* First normalized length for each code (0 = MIN_MATCH) */
+local int base_dist[D_CODES];
+/* First normalized distance for each code (0 = distance of 1) */
+# include "trees.h"
+#endif /* GEN_TREES_H */
+struct static_tree_desc_s {
+ const ct_data *static_tree; /* static tree or NULL */
+ const intf *extra_bits; /* extra bits for each code or NULL */
+ int extra_base; /* base index for extra_bits */
+ int elems; /* max number of elements in the tree */
+ int max_length; /* max bit length for the codes */
+local static_tree_desc static_l_desc =
+{static_ltree, extra_lbits, LITERALS+1, L_CODES, MAX_BITS};
+local static_tree_desc static_d_desc =
+{static_dtree, extra_dbits, 0, D_CODES, MAX_BITS};
+local static_tree_desc static_bl_desc =
+{(const ct_data *)0, extra_blbits, 0, BL_CODES, MAX_BL_BITS};
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Local (static) routines in this file.
+ */
+local void tr_static_init OF((void));
+local void init_block OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void pqdownheap OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *tree, int k));
+local void gen_bitlen OF((deflate_state *s, tree_desc *desc));
+local void gen_codes OF((ct_data *tree, int max_code, ushf *bl_count));
+local void build_tree OF((deflate_state *s, tree_desc *desc));
+local void scan_tree OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *tree, int max_code));
+local void send_tree OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *tree, int max_code));
+local int build_bl_tree OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void send_all_trees OF((deflate_state *s, int lcodes, int dcodes,
+ int blcodes));
+local void compress_block OF((deflate_state *s, const ct_data *ltree,
+ const ct_data *dtree));
+local int detect_data_type OF((deflate_state *s));
+local unsigned bi_reverse OF((unsigned value, int length));
+local void bi_windup OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void bi_flush OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void copy_block OF((deflate_state *s, charf *buf, unsigned len,
+ int header));
+#ifdef GEN_TREES_H
+local void gen_trees_header OF((void));
+#ifndef DEBUG
+# define send_code(s, c, tree) send_bits(s, tree[c].Code, tree[c].Len)
+ /* Send a code of the given tree. c and tree must not have side effects */
+#else /* DEBUG */
+# define send_code(s, c, tree) \
+ { if (z_verbose>2) fprintf(stderr,"\ncd %3d ",(c)); \
+ send_bits(s, tree[c].Code, tree[c].Len); }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Output a short LSB first on the stream.
+ * IN assertion: there is enough room in pendingBuf.
+ */
+#define put_short(s, w) { \
+ put_byte(s, (uch)((w) & 0xff)); \
+ put_byte(s, (uch)((ush)(w) >> 8)); \
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send a value on a given number of bits.
+ * IN assertion: length <= 16 and value fits in length bits.
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+local void send_bits OF((deflate_state *s, int value, int length));
+local void send_bits(s, value, length)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int value; /* value to send */
+ int length; /* number of bits */
+ Tracevv((stderr," l %2d v %4x ", length, value));
+ Assert(length > 0 && length <= 15, "invalid length");
+ s->bits_sent += (ulg)length;
+ /* If not enough room in bi_buf, use (valid) bits from bi_buf and
+ * (16 - bi_valid) bits from value, leaving (width - (16-bi_valid))
+ * unused bits in value.
+ */
+ if (s->bi_valid > (int)Buf_size - length) {
+ s->bi_buf |= (ush)value << s->bi_valid;
+ put_short(s, s->bi_buf);
+ s->bi_buf = (ush)value >> (Buf_size - s->bi_valid);
+ s->bi_valid += length - Buf_size;
+ } else {
+ s->bi_buf |= (ush)value << s->bi_valid;
+ s->bi_valid += length;
+ }
+#else /* !DEBUG */
+#define send_bits(s, value, length) \
+{ int len = length;\
+ if (s->bi_valid > (int)Buf_size - len) {\
+ int val = value;\
+ s->bi_buf |= (ush)val << s->bi_valid;\
+ put_short(s, s->bi_buf);\
+ s->bi_buf = (ush)val >> (Buf_size - s->bi_valid);\
+ s->bi_valid += len - Buf_size;\
+ } else {\
+ s->bi_buf |= (ush)(value) << s->bi_valid;\
+ s->bi_valid += len;\
+ }\
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+/* the arguments must not have side effects */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize the various 'constant' tables.
+ */
+local void tr_static_init()
+#if defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC)
+ static int static_init_done = 0;
+ int n; /* iterates over tree elements */
+ int bits; /* bit counter */
+ int length; /* length value */
+ int code; /* code value */
+ int dist; /* distance index */
+ ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1];
+ /* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */
+ if (static_init_done) return;
+ /* For some embedded targets, global variables are not initialized: */
+ static_l_desc.static_tree = static_ltree;
+ static_l_desc.extra_bits = extra_lbits;
+ static_d_desc.static_tree = static_dtree;
+ static_d_desc.extra_bits = extra_dbits;
+ static_bl_desc.extra_bits = extra_blbits;
+ /* Initialize the mapping length (0..255) -> length code (0..28) */
+ length = 0;
+ for (code = 0; code < LENGTH_CODES-1; code++) {
+ base_length[code] = length;
+ for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_lbits[code]); n++) {
+ _length_code[length++] = (uch)code;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (length == 256, "tr_static_init: length != 256");
+ /* Note that the length 255 (match length 258) can be represented
+ * in two different ways: code 284 + 5 bits or code 285, so we
+ * overwrite length_code[255] to use the best encoding:
+ */
+ _length_code[length-1] = (uch)code;
+ /* Initialize the mapping dist (0..32K) -> dist code (0..29) */
+ dist = 0;
+ for (code = 0 ; code < 16; code++) {
+ base_dist[code] = dist;
+ for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_dbits[code]); n++) {
+ _dist_code[dist++] = (uch)code;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: dist != 256");
+ dist >>= 7; /* from now on, all distances are divided by 128 */
+ for ( ; code < D_CODES; code++) {
+ base_dist[code] = dist << 7;
+ for (n = 0; n < (1<<(extra_dbits[code]-7)); n++) {
+ _dist_code[256 + dist++] = (uch)code;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: 256+dist != 512");
+ /* Construct the codes of the static literal tree */
+ for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) bl_count[bits] = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ while (n <= 143) static_ltree[n++].Len = 8, bl_count[8]++;
+ while (n <= 255) static_ltree[n++].Len = 9, bl_count[9]++;
+ while (n <= 279) static_ltree[n++].Len = 7, bl_count[7]++;
+ while (n <= 287) static_ltree[n++].Len = 8, bl_count[8]++;
+ /* Codes 286 and 287 do not exist, but we must include them in the
+ * tree construction to get a canonical Huffman tree (longest code
+ * all ones)
+ */
+ gen_codes((ct_data *)static_ltree, L_CODES+1, bl_count);
+ /* The static distance tree is trivial: */
+ for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) {
+ static_dtree[n].Len = 5;
+ static_dtree[n].Code = bi_reverse((unsigned)n, 5);
+ }
+ static_init_done = 1;
+# ifdef GEN_TREES_H
+ gen_trees_header();
+# endif
+#endif /* defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC) */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Genererate the file trees.h describing the static trees.
+ */
+#ifdef GEN_TREES_H
+# ifndef DEBUG
+# include <stdio.h>
+# endif
+# define SEPARATOR(i, last, width) \
+ ((i) == (last)? "\n};\n\n" : \
+ ((i) % (width) == (width)-1 ? ",\n" : ", "))
+void gen_trees_header()
+ FILE *header = fopen("trees.h", "w");
+ int i;
+ Assert (header != NULL, "Can't open trees.h");
+ fprintf(header,
+ "/* header created automatically with -DGEN_TREES_H */\n\n");
+ fprintf(header, "local const ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2] = {\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < L_CODES+2; i++) {
+ fprintf(header, "{{%3u},{%3u}}%s", static_ltree[i].Code,
+ static_ltree[i].Len, SEPARATOR(i, L_CODES+1, 5));
+ }
+ fprintf(header, "local const ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES] = {\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < D_CODES; i++) {
+ fprintf(header, "{{%2u},{%2u}}%s", static_dtree[i].Code,
+ static_dtree[i].Len, SEPARATOR(i, D_CODES-1, 5));
+ }
+ fprintf(header, "const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _dist_code[DIST_CODE_LEN] = {\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < DIST_CODE_LEN; i++) {
+ fprintf(header, "%2u%s", _dist_code[i],
+ }
+ fprintf(header,
+ "const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1]= {\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1; i++) {
+ fprintf(header, "%2u%s", _length_code[i],
+ }
+ fprintf(header, "local const int base_length[LENGTH_CODES] = {\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < LENGTH_CODES; i++) {
+ fprintf(header, "%1u%s", base_length[i],
+ }
+ fprintf(header, "local const int base_dist[D_CODES] = {\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < D_CODES; i++) {
+ fprintf(header, "%5u%s", base_dist[i],
+ SEPARATOR(i, D_CODES-1, 10));
+ }
+ fclose(header);
+#endif /* GEN_TREES_H */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize the tree data structures for a new zlib stream.
+ */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_init(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ tr_static_init();
+ s->l_desc.dyn_tree = s->dyn_ltree;
+ s->l_desc.stat_desc = &static_l_desc;
+ s->d_desc.dyn_tree = s->dyn_dtree;
+ s->d_desc.stat_desc = &static_d_desc;
+ s->bl_desc.dyn_tree = s->bl_tree;
+ s->bl_desc.stat_desc = &static_bl_desc;
+ s->bi_buf = 0;
+ s->bi_valid = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->compressed_len = 0L;
+ s->bits_sent = 0L;
+ /* Initialize the first block of the first file: */
+ init_block(s);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize a new block.
+ */
+local void init_block(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int n; /* iterates over tree elements */
+ /* Initialize the trees. */
+ for (n = 0; n < L_CODES; n++) s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) s->dyn_dtree[n].Freq = 0;
+ for (n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++) s->bl_tree[n].Freq = 0;
+ s->dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK].Freq = 1;
+ s->opt_len = s->static_len = 0L;
+ s->sym_next = s->matches = 0;
+#define SMALLEST 1
+/* Index within the heap array of least frequent node in the Huffman tree */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Remove the smallest element from the heap and recreate the heap with
+ * one less element. Updates heap and heap_len.
+ */
+#define pqremove(s, tree, top) \
+ top = s->heap[SMALLEST]; \
+ s->heap[SMALLEST] = s->heap[s->heap_len--]; \
+ pqdownheap(s, tree, SMALLEST); \
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Compares to subtrees, using the tree depth as tie breaker when
+ * the subtrees have equal frequency. This minimizes the worst case length.
+ */
+#define smaller(tree, n, m, depth) \
+ (tree[n].Freq < tree[m].Freq || \
+ (tree[n].Freq == tree[m].Freq && depth[n] <= depth[m]))
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Restore the heap property by moving down the tree starting at node k,
+ * exchanging a node with the smallest of its two sons if necessary, stopping
+ * when the heap property is re-established (each father smaller than its
+ * two sons).
+ */
+local void pqdownheap(s, tree, k)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ ct_data *tree; /* the tree to restore */
+ int k; /* node to move down */
+ int v = s->heap[k];
+ int j = k << 1; /* left son of k */
+ while (j <= s->heap_len) {
+ /* Set j to the smallest of the two sons: */
+ if (j < s->heap_len &&
+ smaller(tree, s->heap[j+1], s->heap[j], s->depth)) {
+ j++;
+ }
+ /* Exit if v is smaller than both sons */
+ if (smaller(tree, v, s->heap[j], s->depth)) break;
+ /* Exchange v with the smallest son */
+ s->heap[k] = s->heap[j]; k = j;
+ /* And continue down the tree, setting j to the left son of k */
+ j <<= 1;
+ }
+ s->heap[k] = v;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Compute the optimal bit lengths for a tree and update the total bit length
+ * for the current block.
+ * IN assertion: the fields freq and dad are set, heap[heap_max] and
+ * above are the tree nodes sorted by increasing frequency.
+ * OUT assertions: the field len is set to the optimal bit length, the
+ * array bl_count contains the frequencies for each bit length.
+ * The length opt_len is updated; static_len is also updated if stree is
+ * not null.
+ */
+local void gen_bitlen(s, desc)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */
+ ct_data *tree = desc->dyn_tree;
+ int max_code = desc->max_code;
+ const ct_data *stree = desc->stat_desc->static_tree;
+ const intf *extra = desc->stat_desc->extra_bits;
+ int base = desc->stat_desc->extra_base;
+ int max_length = desc->stat_desc->max_length;
+ int h; /* heap index */
+ int n, m; /* iterate over the tree elements */
+ int bits; /* bit length */
+ int xbits; /* extra bits */
+ ush f; /* frequency */
+ int overflow = 0; /* number of elements with bit length too large */
+ for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) s->bl_count[bits] = 0;
+ /* In a first pass, compute the optimal bit lengths (which may
+ * overflow in the case of the bit length tree).
+ */
+ tree[s->heap[s->heap_max]].Len = 0; /* root of the heap */
+ for (h = s->heap_max+1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) {
+ n = s->heap[h];
+ bits = tree[tree[n].Dad].Len + 1;
+ if (bits > max_length) bits = max_length, overflow++;
+ tree[n].Len = (ush)bits;
+ /* We overwrite tree[n].Dad which is no longer needed */
+ if (n > max_code) continue; /* not a leaf node */
+ s->bl_count[bits]++;
+ xbits = 0;
+ if (n >= base) xbits = extra[n-base];
+ f = tree[n].Freq;
+ s->opt_len += (ulg)f * (bits + xbits);
+ if (stree) s->static_len += (ulg)f * (stree[n].Len + xbits);
+ }
+ if (overflow == 0) return;
+ Trace((stderr,"\nbit length overflow\n"));
+ /* This happens for example on obj2 and pic of the Calgary corpus */
+ /* Find the first bit length which could increase: */
+ do {
+ bits = max_length-1;
+ while (s->bl_count[bits] == 0) bits--;
+ s->bl_count[bits]--; /* move one leaf down the tree */
+ s->bl_count[bits+1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */
+ s->bl_count[max_length]--;
+ /* The brother of the overflow item also moves one step up,
+ * but this does not affect bl_count[max_length]
+ */
+ overflow -= 2;
+ } while (overflow > 0);
+ /* Now recompute all bit lengths, scanning in increasing frequency.
+ * h is still equal to HEAP_SIZE. (It is simpler to reconstruct all
+ * lengths instead of fixing only the wrong ones. This idea is taken
+ * from 'ar' written by Haruhiko Okumura.)
+ */
+ for (bits = max_length; bits != 0; bits--) {
+ n = s->bl_count[bits];
+ while (n != 0) {
+ m = s->heap[--h];
+ if (m > max_code) continue;
+ if ((unsigned) tree[m].Len != (unsigned) bits) {
+ Trace((stderr,"code %d bits %d->%d\n", m, tree[m].Len, bits));
+ s->opt_len += ((long)bits - (long)tree[m].Len)
+ *(long)tree[m].Freq;
+ tree[m].Len = (ush)bits;
+ }
+ n--;
+ }
+ }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Generate the codes for a given tree and bit counts (which need not be
+ * optimal).
+ * IN assertion: the array bl_count contains the bit length statistics for
+ * the given tree and the field len is set for all tree elements.
+ * OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non
+ * zero code length.
+ */
+local void gen_codes (tree, max_code, bl_count)
+ ct_data *tree; /* the tree to decorate */
+ int max_code; /* largest code with non zero frequency */
+ ushf *bl_count; /* number of codes at each bit length */
+ ush next_code[MAX_BITS+1]; /* next code value for each bit length */
+ ush code = 0; /* running code value */
+ int bits; /* bit index */
+ int n; /* code index */
+ /* The distribution counts are first used to generate the code values
+ * without bit reversal.
+ */
+ for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {
+ next_code[bits] = code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1;
+ }
+ /* Check that the bit counts in bl_count are consistent. The last code
+ * must be all ones.
+ */
+ Assert (code + bl_count[MAX_BITS]-1 == (1<<MAX_BITS)-1,
+ "inconsistent bit counts");
+ Tracev((stderr,"\ngen_codes: max_code %d ", max_code));
+ for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {
+ int len = tree[n].Len;
+ if (len == 0) continue;
+ /* Now reverse the bits */
+ tree[n].Code = bi_reverse(next_code[len]++, len);
+ Tracecv(tree != static_ltree, (stderr,"\nn %3d %c l %2d c %4x (%x) ",
+ n, (isgraph(n) ? n : ' '), len, tree[n].Code, next_code[len]-1));
+ }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Construct one Huffman tree and assigns the code bit strings and lengths.
+ * Update the total bit length for the current block.
+ * IN assertion: the field freq is set for all tree elements.
+ * OUT assertions: the fields len and code are set to the optimal bit length
+ * and corresponding code. The length opt_len is updated; static_len is
+ * also updated if stree is not null. The field max_code is set.
+ */
+local void build_tree(s, desc)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */
+ ct_data *tree = desc->dyn_tree;
+ const ct_data *stree = desc->stat_desc->static_tree;
+ int elems = desc->stat_desc->elems;
+ int n, m; /* iterate over heap elements */
+ int max_code = -1; /* largest code with non zero frequency */
+ int node; /* new node being created */
+ /* Construct the initial heap, with least frequent element in
+ * heap[SMALLEST]. The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1].
+ * heap[0] is not used.
+ */
+ s->heap_len = 0, s->heap_max = HEAP_SIZE;
+ for (n = 0; n < elems; n++) {
+ if (tree[n].Freq != 0) {
+ s->heap[++(s->heap_len)] = max_code = n;
+ s->depth[n] = 0;
+ } else {
+ tree[n].Len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* The pkzip format requires that at least one distance code exists,
+ * and that at least one bit should be sent even if there is only one
+ * possible code. So to avoid special checks later on we force at least
+ * two codes of non zero frequency.
+ */
+ while (s->heap_len < 2) {
+ node = s->heap[++(s->heap_len)] = (max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0);
+ tree[node].Freq = 1;
+ s->depth[node] = 0;
+ s->opt_len--; if (stree) s->static_len -= stree[node].Len;
+ /* node is 0 or 1 so it does not have extra bits */
+ }
+ desc->max_code = max_code;
+ /* The elements heap[heap_len/2+1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree,
+ * establish sub-heaps of increasing lengths:
+ */
+ for (n = s->heap_len/2; n >= 1; n--) pqdownheap(s, tree, n);
+ /* Construct the Huffman tree by repeatedly combining the least two
+ * frequent nodes.
+ */
+ node = elems; /* next internal node of the tree */
+ do {
+ pqremove(s, tree, n); /* n = node of least frequency */
+ m = s->heap[SMALLEST]; /* m = node of next least frequency */
+ s->heap[--(s->heap_max)] = n; /* keep the nodes sorted by frequency */
+ s->heap[--(s->heap_max)] = m;
+ /* Create a new node father of n and m */
+ tree[node].Freq = tree[n].Freq + tree[m].Freq;
+ s->depth[node] = (uch)((s->depth[n] >= s->depth[m] ?
+ s->depth[n] : s->depth[m]) + 1);
+ tree[n].Dad = tree[m].Dad = (ush)node;
+#ifdef DUMP_BL_TREE
+ if (tree == s->bl_tree) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nnode %d(%d), sons %d(%d) %d(%d)",
+ node, tree[node].Freq, n, tree[n].Freq, m, tree[m].Freq);
+ }
+ /* and insert the new node in the heap */
+ s->heap[SMALLEST] = node++;
+ pqdownheap(s, tree, SMALLEST);
+ } while (s->heap_len >= 2);
+ s->heap[--(s->heap_max)] = s->heap[SMALLEST];
+ /* At this point, the fields freq and dad are set. We can now
+ * generate the bit lengths.
+ */
+ gen_bitlen(s, (tree_desc *)desc);
+ /* The field len is now set, we can generate the bit codes */
+ gen_codes ((ct_data *)tree, max_code, s->bl_count);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes
+ * in the bit length tree.
+ */
+local void scan_tree (s, tree, max_code)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */
+ int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */
+ int n; /* iterates over all tree elements */
+ int prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */
+ int curlen; /* length of current code */
+ int nextlen = tree[0].Len; /* length of next code */
+ int count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */
+ int max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */
+ int min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */
+ if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+ tree[max_code+1].Len = (ush)0xffff; /* guard */
+ for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {
+ curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len;
+ if (++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (count < min_count) {
+ s->bl_tree[curlen].Freq += count;
+ } else if (curlen != 0) {
+ if (curlen != prevlen) s->bl_tree[curlen].Freq++;
+ s->bl_tree[REP_3_6].Freq++;
+ } else if (count <= 10) {
+ s->bl_tree[REPZ_3_10].Freq++;
+ } else {
+ s->bl_tree[REPZ_11_138].Freq++;
+ }
+ count = 0; prevlen = curlen;
+ if (nextlen == 0) {
+ max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+ } else if (curlen == nextlen) {
+ max_count = 6, min_count = 3;
+ } else {
+ max_count = 7, min_count = 4;
+ }
+ }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in
+ * bl_tree.
+ */
+local void send_tree (s, tree, max_code)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */
+ int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */
+ int n; /* iterates over all tree elements */
+ int prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */
+ int curlen; /* length of current code */
+ int nextlen = tree[0].Len; /* length of next code */
+ int count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */
+ int max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */
+ int min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */
+ /* tree[max_code+1].Len = -1; */ /* guard already set */
+ if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+ for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {
+ curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len;
+ if (++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (count < min_count) {
+ do { send_code(s, curlen, s->bl_tree); } while (--count != 0);
+ } else if (curlen != 0) {
+ if (curlen != prevlen) {
+ send_code(s, curlen, s->bl_tree); count--;
+ }
+ Assert(count >= 3 && count <= 6, " 3_6?");
+ send_code(s, REP_3_6, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 2);
+ } else if (count <= 10) {
+ send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 3);
+ } else {
+ send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-11, 7);
+ }
+ count = 0; prevlen = curlen;
+ if (nextlen == 0) {
+ max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+ } else if (curlen == nextlen) {
+ max_count = 6, min_count = 3;
+ } else {
+ max_count = 7, min_count = 4;
+ }
+ }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Construct the Huffman tree for the bit lengths and return the index in
+ * bl_order of the last bit length code to send.
+ */
+local int build_bl_tree(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int max_blindex; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */
+ /* Determine the bit length frequencies for literal and distance trees */
+ scan_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, s->l_desc.max_code);
+ scan_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree, s->d_desc.max_code);
+ /* Build the bit length tree: */
+ build_tree(s, (tree_desc *)(&(s->bl_desc)));
+ /* opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except
+ * the lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5+5+4 bits for the counts.
+ */
+ /* Determine the number of bit length codes to send. The pkzip format
+ * requires that at least 4 bit length codes be sent. (appnote.txt says
+ * 3 but the actual value used is 4.)
+ */
+ for (max_blindex = BL_CODES-1; max_blindex >= 3; max_blindex--) {
+ if (s->bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex]].Len != 0) break;
+ }
+ /* Update opt_len to include the bit length tree and counts */
+ s->opt_len += 3*(max_blindex+1) + 5+5+4;
+ Tracev((stderr, "\ndyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld",
+ s->opt_len, s->static_len));
+ return max_blindex;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send the header for a block using dynamic Huffman trees: the counts, the
+ * lengths of the bit length codes, the literal tree and the distance tree.
+ * IN assertion: lcodes >= 257, dcodes >= 1, blcodes >= 4.
+ */
+local void send_all_trees(s, lcodes, dcodes, blcodes)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ int lcodes, dcodes, blcodes; /* number of codes for each tree */
+ int rank; /* index in bl_order */
+ Assert (lcodes >= 257 && dcodes >= 1 && blcodes >= 4, "not enough codes");
+ Assert (lcodes <= L_CODES && dcodes <= D_CODES && blcodes <= BL_CODES,
+ "too many codes");
+ Tracev((stderr, "\nbl counts: "));
+ send_bits(s, lcodes-257, 5); /* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */
+ send_bits(s, dcodes-1, 5);
+ send_bits(s, blcodes-4, 4); /* not -3 as stated in appnote.txt */
+ for (rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++) {
+ Tracev((stderr, "\nbl code %2d ", bl_order[rank]));
+ send_bits(s, s->bl_tree[bl_order[rank]].Len, 3);
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr, "\nbl tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent));
+ send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, lcodes-1); /* literal tree */
+ Tracev((stderr, "\nlit tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent));
+ send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree, dcodes-1); /* distance tree */
+ Tracev((stderr, "\ndist tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent));
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send a stored block
+ */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ charf *buf; /* input block */
+ ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */
+ int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */
+ send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK<<1)+last, 3); /* send block type */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->compressed_len = (s->compressed_len + 3 + 7) & (ulg)~7L;
+ s->compressed_len += (stored_len + 4) << 3;
+ copy_block(s, buf, (unsigned)stored_len, 1); /* with header */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Flush the bits in the bit buffer to pending output (leaves at most 7 bits)
+ */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_bits(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ bi_flush(s);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send one empty static block to give enough lookahead for inflate.
+ * This takes 10 bits, of which 7 may remain in the bit buffer.
+ */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_align(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ send_bits(s, STATIC_TREES<<1, 3);
+ send_code(s, END_BLOCK, static_ltree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->compressed_len += 10L; /* 3 for block type, 7 for EOB */
+ bi_flush(s);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Determine the best encoding for the current block: dynamic trees, static
+ * trees or store, and output the encoded block to the zip file.
+ */
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ charf *buf; /* input block, or NULL if too old */
+ ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */
+ int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */
+ ulg opt_lenb, static_lenb; /* opt_len and static_len in bytes */
+ int max_blindex = 0; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */
+ /* Build the Huffman trees unless a stored block is forced */
+ if (s->level > 0) {
+ /* Check if the file is binary or text */
+ if (s->strm->data_type == Z_UNKNOWN)
+ s->strm->data_type = detect_data_type(s);
+ /* Construct the literal and distance trees */
+ build_tree(s, (tree_desc *)(&(s->l_desc)));
+ Tracev((stderr, "\nlit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld", s->opt_len,
+ s->static_len));
+ build_tree(s, (tree_desc *)(&(s->d_desc)));
+ Tracev((stderr, "\ndist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld", s->opt_len,
+ s->static_len));
+ /* At this point, opt_len and static_len are the total bit lengths of
+ * the compressed block data, excluding the tree representations.
+ */
+ /* Build the bit length tree for the above two trees, and get the index
+ * in bl_order of the last bit length code to send.
+ */
+ max_blindex = build_bl_tree(s);
+ /* Determine the best encoding. Compute the block lengths in bytes. */
+ opt_lenb = (s->opt_len+3+7)>>3;
+ static_lenb = (s->static_len+3+7)>>3;
+ Tracev((stderr, "\nopt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u ",
+ opt_lenb, s->opt_len, static_lenb, s->static_len, stored_len,
+ s->sym_next / 3));
+ if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) opt_lenb = static_lenb;
+ } else {
+ Assert(buf != (char*)0, "lost buf");
+ opt_lenb = static_lenb = stored_len + 5; /* force a stored block */
+ }
+ if (buf != (char*)0) { /* force stored block */
+ if (stored_len+4 <= opt_lenb && buf != (char*)0) {
+ /* 4: two words for the lengths */
+ /* The test buf != NULL is only necessary if LIT_BUFSIZE > WSIZE.
+ * Otherwise we can't have processed more than WSIZE input bytes since
+ * the last block flush, because compression would have been
+ * successful. If LIT_BUFSIZE <= WSIZE, it is never too late to
+ * transform a block into a stored block.
+ */
+ _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last);
+ } else if (static_lenb >= 0) { /* force static trees */
+ } else if (s->strategy == Z_FIXED || static_lenb == opt_lenb) {
+ send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES<<1)+last, 3);
+ compress_block(s, (const ct_data *)static_ltree,
+ (const ct_data *)static_dtree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->compressed_len += 3 + s->static_len;
+ } else {
+ send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES<<1)+last, 3);
+ send_all_trees(s, s->l_desc.max_code+1, s->d_desc.max_code+1,
+ max_blindex+1);
+ compress_block(s, (const ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree,
+ (const ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->compressed_len += 3 + s->opt_len;
+ }
+ Assert (s->compressed_len == s->bits_sent, "bad compressed size");
+ /* The above check is made mod 2^32, for files larger than 512 MB
+ * and uLong implemented on 32 bits.
+ */
+ init_block(s);
+ if (last) {
+ bi_windup(s);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->compressed_len += 7; /* align on byte boundary */
+ }
+ Tracev((stderr,"\ncomprlen %lu(%lu) ", s->compressed_len>>3,
+ s->compressed_len-7*last));
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if
+ * the current block must be flushed.
+ */
+int ZLIB_INTERNAL _tr_tally (s, dist, lc)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ unsigned dist; /* distance of matched string */
+ unsigned lc; /* match length-MIN_MATCH or unmatched char (if dist==0) */
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = dist;
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = dist >> 8;
+ s->sym_buf[s->sym_next++] = lc;
+ if (dist == 0) {
+ /* lc is the unmatched char */
+ s->dyn_ltree[lc].Freq++;
+ } else {
+ s->matches++;
+ /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */
+ dist--; /* dist = match distance - 1 */
+ Assert((ush)dist < (ush)MAX_DIST(s) &&
+ (ush)lc <= (ush)(MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH) &&
+ (ush)d_code(dist) < (ush)D_CODES, "_tr_tally: bad match");
+ s->dyn_ltree[_length_code[lc]+LITERALS+1].Freq++;
+ s->dyn_dtree[d_code(dist)].Freq++;
+ }
+ return (s->sym_next == s->sym_end);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send the block data compressed using the given Huffman trees
+ */
+local void compress_block(s, ltree, dtree)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ const ct_data *ltree; /* literal tree */
+ const ct_data *dtree; /* distance tree */
+ unsigned dist; /* distance of matched string */
+ int lc; /* match length or unmatched char (if dist == 0) */
+ unsigned sx = 0; /* running index in sym_buf */
+ unsigned code; /* the code to send */
+ int extra; /* number of extra bits to send */
+ if (s->sym_next != 0) do {
+ dist = s->sym_buf[sx++] & 0xff;
+ dist += (unsigned)(s->sym_buf[sx++] & 0xff) << 8;
+ lc = s->sym_buf[sx++];
+ if (dist == 0) {
+ send_code(s, lc, ltree); /* send a literal byte */
+ Tracecv(isgraph(lc), (stderr," '%c' ", lc));
+ } else {
+ /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */
+ code = _length_code[lc];
+ send_code(s, code+LITERALS+1, ltree); /* send the length code */
+ extra = extra_lbits[code];
+ if (extra != 0) {
+ lc -= base_length[code];
+ send_bits(s, lc, extra); /* send the extra length bits */
+ }
+ dist--; /* dist is now the match distance - 1 */
+ code = d_code(dist);
+ Assert (code < D_CODES, "bad d_code");
+ send_code(s, code, dtree); /* send the distance code */
+ extra = extra_dbits[code];
+ if (extra != 0) {
+ dist -= base_dist[code];
+ send_bits(s, dist, extra); /* send the extra distance bits */
+ }
+ } /* literal or match pair ? */
+ /* Check that the overlay between pending_buf and sym_buf is ok: */
+ Assert(s->pending < s->lit_bufsize + sx, "pendingBuf overflow");
+ } while (sx < s->sym_next);
+ send_code(s, END_BLOCK, ltree);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Check if the data type is TEXT or BINARY, using the following algorithm:
+ * - TEXT if the two conditions below are satisfied:
+ * a) There are no non-portable control characters belonging to the
+ * "black list" (0..6, 14..25, 28..31).
+ * b) There is at least one printable character belonging to the
+ * "white list" (9 {TAB}, 10 {LF}, 13 {CR}, 32..255).
+ * - BINARY otherwise.
+ * - The following partially-portable control characters form a
+ * "gray list" that is ignored in this detection algorithm:
+ * (7 {BEL}, 8 {BS}, 11 {VT}, 12 {FF}, 26 {SUB}, 27 {ESC}).
+ * IN assertion: the fields Freq of dyn_ltree are set.
+ */
+local int detect_data_type(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ /* black_mask is the bit mask of black-listed bytes
+ * set bits 0..6, 14..25, and 28..31
+ * 0xf3ffc07f = binary 11110011111111111100000001111111
+ */
+ unsigned long black_mask = 0xf3ffc07fUL;
+ int n;
+ /* Check for non-textual ("black-listed") bytes. */
+ for (n = 0; n <= 31; n++, black_mask >>= 1)
+ if ((black_mask & 1) && (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0))
+ return Z_BINARY;
+ /* Check for textual ("white-listed") bytes. */
+ if (s->dyn_ltree[9].Freq != 0 || s->dyn_ltree[10].Freq != 0
+ || s->dyn_ltree[13].Freq != 0)
+ return Z_TEXT;
+ for (n = 32; n < LITERALS; n++)
+ if (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0)
+ return Z_TEXT;
+ /* There are no "black-listed" or "white-listed" bytes:
+ * this stream either is empty or has tolerated ("gray-listed") bytes only.
+ */
+ return Z_BINARY;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Reverse the first len bits of a code, using straightforward code (a faster
+ * method would use a table)
+ * IN assertion: 1 <= len <= 15
+ */
+local unsigned bi_reverse(code, len)
+ unsigned code; /* the value to invert */
+ int len; /* its bit length */
+ register unsigned res = 0;
+ do {
+ res |= code & 1;
+ code >>= 1, res <<= 1;
+ } while (--len > 0);
+ return res >> 1;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Flush the bit buffer, keeping at most 7 bits in it.
+ */
+local void bi_flush(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ if (s->bi_valid == 16) {
+ put_short(s, s->bi_buf);
+ s->bi_buf = 0;
+ s->bi_valid = 0;
+ } else if (s->bi_valid >= 8) {
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)s->bi_buf);
+ s->bi_buf >>= 8;
+ s->bi_valid -= 8;
+ }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Flush the bit buffer and align the output on a byte boundary
+ */
+local void bi_windup(s)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ if (s->bi_valid > 8) {
+ put_short(s, s->bi_buf);
+ } else if (s->bi_valid > 0) {
+ put_byte(s, (Byte)s->bi_buf);
+ }
+ s->bi_buf = 0;
+ s->bi_valid = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->bits_sent = (s->bits_sent+7) & ~7;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Copy a stored block, storing first the length and its
+ * one's complement if requested.
+ */
+local void copy_block(s, buf, len, header)
+ deflate_state *s;
+ charf *buf; /* the input data */
+ unsigned len; /* its length */
+ int header; /* true if block header must be written */
+ bi_windup(s); /* align on byte boundary */
+ if (header) {
+ put_short(s, (ush)len);
+ put_short(s, (ush)~len);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->bits_sent += 2*16;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ s->bits_sent += (ulg)len<<3;
+ while (len--) {
+ put_byte(s, *buf++);
+ }
diff --git a/zlib/trees.h b/zlib/trees.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d35639d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/trees.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* header created automatically with -DGEN_TREES_H */
+local const ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2] = {
+{{ 12},{ 8}}, {{140},{ 8}}, {{ 76},{ 8}}, {{204},{ 8}}, {{ 44},{ 8}},
+{{172},{ 8}}, {{108},{ 8}}, {{236},{ 8}}, {{ 28},{ 8}}, {{156},{ 8}},
+{{ 92},{ 8}}, {{220},{ 8}}, {{ 60},{ 8}}, {{188},{ 8}}, {{124},{ 8}},
+{{252},{ 8}}, {{ 2},{ 8}}, {{130},{ 8}}, {{ 66},{ 8}}, {{194},{ 8}},
+{{ 34},{ 8}}, {{162},{ 8}}, {{ 98},{ 8}}, {{226},{ 8}}, {{ 18},{ 8}},
+{{146},{ 8}}, {{ 82},{ 8}}, {{210},{ 8}}, {{ 50},{ 8}}, {{178},{ 8}},
+{{114},{ 8}}, {{242},{ 8}}, {{ 10},{ 8}}, {{138},{ 8}}, {{ 74},{ 8}},
+{{202},{ 8}}, {{ 42},{ 8}}, {{170},{ 8}}, {{106},{ 8}}, {{234},{ 8}},
+{{ 26},{ 8}}, {{154},{ 8}}, {{ 90},{ 8}}, {{218},{ 8}}, {{ 58},{ 8}},
+{{186},{ 8}}, {{122},{ 8}}, {{250},{ 8}}, {{ 6},{ 8}}, {{134},{ 8}},
+{{ 70},{ 8}}, {{198},{ 8}}, {{ 38},{ 8}}, {{166},{ 8}}, {{102},{ 8}},
+{{230},{ 8}}, {{ 22},{ 8}}, {{150},{ 8}}, {{ 86},{ 8}}, {{214},{ 8}},
+{{ 54},{ 8}}, {{182},{ 8}}, {{118},{ 8}}, {{246},{ 8}}, {{ 14},{ 8}},
+{{142},{ 8}}, {{ 78},{ 8}}, {{206},{ 8}}, {{ 46},{ 8}}, {{174},{ 8}},
+{{110},{ 8}}, {{238},{ 8}}, {{ 30},{ 8}}, {{158},{ 8}}, {{ 94},{ 8}},
+{{222},{ 8}}, {{ 62},{ 8}}, {{190},{ 8}}, {{126},{ 8}}, {{254},{ 8}},
+{{ 1},{ 8}}, {{129},{ 8}}, {{ 65},{ 8}}, {{193},{ 8}}, {{ 33},{ 8}},
+{{161},{ 8}}, {{ 97},{ 8}}, {{225},{ 8}}, {{ 17},{ 8}}, {{145},{ 8}},
+{{ 81},{ 8}}, {{209},{ 8}}, {{ 49},{ 8}}, {{177},{ 8}}, {{113},{ 8}},
+{{241},{ 8}}, {{ 9},{ 8}}, {{137},{ 8}}, {{ 73},{ 8}}, {{201},{ 8}},
+{{ 41},{ 8}}, {{169},{ 8}}, {{105},{ 8}}, {{233},{ 8}}, {{ 25},{ 8}},
+{{153},{ 8}}, {{ 89},{ 8}}, {{217},{ 8}}, {{ 57},{ 8}}, {{185},{ 8}},
+{{121},{ 8}}, {{249},{ 8}}, {{ 5},{ 8}}, {{133},{ 8}}, {{ 69},{ 8}},
+{{197},{ 8}}, {{ 37},{ 8}}, {{165},{ 8}}, {{101},{ 8}}, {{229},{ 8}},
+{{ 21},{ 8}}, {{149},{ 8}}, {{ 85},{ 8}}, {{213},{ 8}}, {{ 53},{ 8}},
+{{181},{ 8}}, {{117},{ 8}}, {{245},{ 8}}, {{ 13},{ 8}}, {{141},{ 8}},
+{{ 77},{ 8}}, {{205},{ 8}}, {{ 45},{ 8}}, {{173},{ 8}}, {{109},{ 8}},
+{{237},{ 8}}, {{ 29},{ 8}}, {{157},{ 8}}, {{ 93},{ 8}}, {{221},{ 8}},
+{{ 61},{ 8}}, {{189},{ 8}}, {{125},{ 8}}, {{253},{ 8}}, {{ 19},{ 9}},
+{{275},{ 9}}, {{147},{ 9}}, {{403},{ 9}}, {{ 83},{ 9}}, {{339},{ 9}},
+{{211},{ 9}}, {{467},{ 9}}, {{ 51},{ 9}}, {{307},{ 9}}, {{179},{ 9}},
+{{435},{ 9}}, {{115},{ 9}}, {{371},{ 9}}, {{243},{ 9}}, {{499},{ 9}},
+{{ 11},{ 9}}, {{267},{ 9}}, {{139},{ 9}}, {{395},{ 9}}, {{ 75},{ 9}},
+{{331},{ 9}}, {{203},{ 9}}, {{459},{ 9}}, {{ 43},{ 9}}, {{299},{ 9}},
+{{171},{ 9}}, {{427},{ 9}}, {{107},{ 9}}, {{363},{ 9}}, {{235},{ 9}},
+{{491},{ 9}}, {{ 27},{ 9}}, {{283},{ 9}}, {{155},{ 9}}, {{411},{ 9}},
+{{ 91},{ 9}}, {{347},{ 9}}, {{219},{ 9}}, {{475},{ 9}}, {{ 59},{ 9}},
+{{315},{ 9}}, {{187},{ 9}}, {{443},{ 9}}, {{123},{ 9}}, {{379},{ 9}},
+{{251},{ 9}}, {{507},{ 9}}, {{ 7},{ 9}}, {{263},{ 9}}, {{135},{ 9}},
+{{391},{ 9}}, {{ 71},{ 9}}, {{327},{ 9}}, {{199},{ 9}}, {{455},{ 9}},
+{{ 39},{ 9}}, {{295},{ 9}}, {{167},{ 9}}, {{423},{ 9}}, {{103},{ 9}},
+{{359},{ 9}}, {{231},{ 9}}, {{487},{ 9}}, {{ 23},{ 9}}, {{279},{ 9}},
+{{151},{ 9}}, {{407},{ 9}}, {{ 87},{ 9}}, {{343},{ 9}}, {{215},{ 9}},
+{{471},{ 9}}, {{ 55},{ 9}}, {{311},{ 9}}, {{183},{ 9}}, {{439},{ 9}},
+{{119},{ 9}}, {{375},{ 9}}, {{247},{ 9}}, {{503},{ 9}}, {{ 15},{ 9}},
+{{271},{ 9}}, {{143},{ 9}}, {{399},{ 9}}, {{ 79},{ 9}}, {{335},{ 9}},
+{{207},{ 9}}, {{463},{ 9}}, {{ 47},{ 9}}, {{303},{ 9}}, {{175},{ 9}},
+{{431},{ 9}}, {{111},{ 9}}, {{367},{ 9}}, {{239},{ 9}}, {{495},{ 9}},
+{{ 31},{ 9}}, {{287},{ 9}}, {{159},{ 9}}, {{415},{ 9}}, {{ 95},{ 9}},
+{{351},{ 9}}, {{223},{ 9}}, {{479},{ 9}}, {{ 63},{ 9}}, {{319},{ 9}},
+{{191},{ 9}}, {{447},{ 9}}, {{127},{ 9}}, {{383},{ 9}}, {{255},{ 9}},
+{{511},{ 9}}, {{ 0},{ 7}}, {{ 64},{ 7}}, {{ 32},{ 7}}, {{ 96},{ 7}},
+{{ 16},{ 7}}, {{ 80},{ 7}}, {{ 48},{ 7}}, {{112},{ 7}}, {{ 8},{ 7}},
+{{ 72},{ 7}}, {{ 40},{ 7}}, {{104},{ 7}}, {{ 24},{ 7}}, {{ 88},{ 7}},
+{{ 56},{ 7}}, {{120},{ 7}}, {{ 4},{ 7}}, {{ 68},{ 7}}, {{ 36},{ 7}},
+{{100},{ 7}}, {{ 20},{ 7}}, {{ 84},{ 7}}, {{ 52},{ 7}}, {{116},{ 7}},
+{{ 3},{ 8}}, {{131},{ 8}}, {{ 67},{ 8}}, {{195},{ 8}}, {{ 35},{ 8}},
+{{163},{ 8}}, {{ 99},{ 8}}, {{227},{ 8}}
+local const ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES] = {
+{{ 0},{ 5}}, {{16},{ 5}}, {{ 8},{ 5}}, {{24},{ 5}}, {{ 4},{ 5}},
+{{20},{ 5}}, {{12},{ 5}}, {{28},{ 5}}, {{ 2},{ 5}}, {{18},{ 5}},
+{{10},{ 5}}, {{26},{ 5}}, {{ 6},{ 5}}, {{22},{ 5}}, {{14},{ 5}},
+{{30},{ 5}}, {{ 1},{ 5}}, {{17},{ 5}}, {{ 9},{ 5}}, {{25},{ 5}},
+{{ 5},{ 5}}, {{21},{ 5}}, {{13},{ 5}}, {{29},{ 5}}, {{ 3},{ 5}},
+{{19},{ 5}}, {{11},{ 5}}, {{27},{ 5}}, {{ 7},{ 5}}, {{23},{ 5}}
+const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _dist_code[DIST_CODE_LEN] = {
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8,
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
+10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
+11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
+12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13,
+13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
+13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
+15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
+15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
+15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 0, 0, 16, 17,
+18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22,
+23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
+27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
+27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
+28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
+28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
+28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
+29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
+29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
+29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29
+const uch ZLIB_INTERNAL _length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1]= {
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12,
+13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
+17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19,
+19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
+21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22,
+22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
+23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
+25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
+27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28
+local const int base_length[LENGTH_CODES] = {
+0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56,
+64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 0
+local const int base_dist[D_CODES] = {
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24,
+ 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768,
+ 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 24576
diff --git a/zlib/zconf.h b/zlib/zconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9987a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/zconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+/* zconf.h -- configuration of the zlib compression library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#ifndef ZCONF_H
+#define ZCONF_H
+ * If you *really* need a unique prefix for all types and library functions,
+ * compile with -DZ_PREFIX. The "standard" zlib should be compiled without it.
+ * Even better than compiling with -DZ_PREFIX would be to use configure to set
+ * this permanently in zconf.h using "./configure --zprefix".
+ */
+#ifdef Z_PREFIX /* may be set to #if 1 by ./configure */
+# define Z_PREFIX_SET
+/* all linked symbols */
+# define _dist_code z__dist_code
+# define _length_code z__length_code
+# define _tr_align z__tr_align
+# define _tr_flush_bits z__tr_flush_bits
+# define _tr_flush_block z__tr_flush_block
+# define _tr_init z__tr_init
+# define _tr_stored_block z__tr_stored_block
+# define _tr_tally z__tr_tally
+# define adler32 z_adler32
+# define adler32_combine z_adler32_combine
+# define adler32_combine64 z_adler32_combine64
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# define compress z_compress
+# define compress2 z_compress2
+# define compressBound z_compressBound
+# endif
+# define crc32 z_crc32
+# define crc32_combine z_crc32_combine
+# define crc32_combine64 z_crc32_combine64
+# define deflate z_deflate
+# define deflateBound z_deflateBound
+# define deflateCopy z_deflateCopy
+# define deflateEnd z_deflateEnd
+# define deflateInit2_ z_deflateInit2_
+# define deflateInit_ z_deflateInit_
+# define deflateParams z_deflateParams
+# define deflatePending z_deflatePending
+# define deflatePrime z_deflatePrime
+# define deflateReset z_deflateReset
+# define deflateResetKeep z_deflateResetKeep
+# define deflateSetDictionary z_deflateSetDictionary
+# define deflateSetHeader z_deflateSetHeader
+# define deflateTune z_deflateTune
+# define deflate_copyright z_deflate_copyright
+# define get_crc_table z_get_crc_table
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# define gz_error z_gz_error
+# define gz_intmax z_gz_intmax
+# define gz_strwinerror z_gz_strwinerror
+# define gzbuffer z_gzbuffer
+# define gzclearerr z_gzclearerr
+# define gzclose z_gzclose
+# define gzclose_r z_gzclose_r
+# define gzclose_w z_gzclose_w
+# define gzdirect z_gzdirect
+# define gzdopen z_gzdopen
+# define gzeof z_gzeof
+# define gzerror z_gzerror
+# define gzflush z_gzflush
+# define gzgetc z_gzgetc
+# define gzgetc_ z_gzgetc_
+# define gzgets z_gzgets
+# define gzoffset z_gzoffset
+# define gzoffset64 z_gzoffset64
+# define gzopen z_gzopen
+# define gzopen64 z_gzopen64
+# ifdef _WIN32
+# define gzopen_w z_gzopen_w
+# endif
+# define gzprintf z_gzprintf
+# define gzvprintf z_gzvprintf
+# define gzputc z_gzputc
+# define gzputs z_gzputs
+# define gzread z_gzread
+# define gzrewind z_gzrewind
+# define gzseek z_gzseek
+# define gzseek64 z_gzseek64
+# define gzsetparams z_gzsetparams
+# define gztell z_gztell
+# define gztell64 z_gztell64
+# define gzungetc z_gzungetc
+# define gzwrite z_gzwrite
+# endif
+# define inflate z_inflate
+# define inflateBack z_inflateBack
+# define inflateBackEnd z_inflateBackEnd
+# define inflateBackInit_ z_inflateBackInit_
+# define inflateCopy z_inflateCopy
+# define inflateEnd z_inflateEnd
+# define inflateGetHeader z_inflateGetHeader
+# define inflateInit2_ z_inflateInit2_
+# define inflateInit_ z_inflateInit_
+# define inflateMark z_inflateMark
+# define inflatePrime z_inflatePrime
+# define inflateReset z_inflateReset
+# define inflateReset2 z_inflateReset2
+# define inflateSetDictionary z_inflateSetDictionary
+# define inflateGetDictionary z_inflateGetDictionary
+# define inflateSync z_inflateSync
+# define inflateSyncPoint z_inflateSyncPoint
+# define inflateUndermine z_inflateUndermine
+# define inflateResetKeep z_inflateResetKeep
+# define inflate_copyright z_inflate_copyright
+# define inflate_fast z_inflate_fast
+# define inflate_table z_inflate_table
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# define uncompress z_uncompress
+# endif
+# define zError z_zError
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# define zcalloc z_zcalloc
+# define zcfree z_zcfree
+# endif
+# define zlibCompileFlags z_zlibCompileFlags
+# define zlibVersion z_zlibVersion
+/* all zlib typedefs in zlib.h and zconf.h */
+# define Byte z_Byte
+# define Bytef z_Bytef
+# define alloc_func z_alloc_func
+# define charf z_charf
+# define free_func z_free_func
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# define gzFile z_gzFile
+# endif
+# define gz_header z_gz_header
+# define gz_headerp z_gz_headerp
+# define in_func z_in_func
+# define intf z_intf
+# define out_func z_out_func
+# define uInt z_uInt
+# define uIntf z_uIntf
+# define uLong z_uLong
+# define uLongf z_uLongf
+# define voidp z_voidp
+# define voidpc z_voidpc
+# define voidpf z_voidpf
+/* all zlib structs in zlib.h and zconf.h */
+# define gz_header_s z_gz_header_s
+# define internal_state z_internal_state
+#if defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(MSDOS)
+# define MSDOS
+#if (defined(OS_2) || defined(__OS2__)) && !defined(OS2)
+# define OS2
+#if defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(WINDOWS)
+# define WINDOWS
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE) || defined(__WIN32__)
+# ifndef WIN32
+# define WIN32
+# endif
+#if (defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WINDOWS)) && !defined(WIN32)
+# if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FLAT__) && !defined(__386__)
+# ifndef SYS16BIT
+# define SYS16BIT
+# endif
+# endif
+ * Compile with -DMAXSEG_64K if the alloc function cannot allocate more
+ * than 64k bytes at a time (needed on systems with 16-bit int).
+ */
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+# define MAXSEG_64K
+#ifdef MSDOS
+# define UNALIGNED_OK
+#ifdef __STDC_VERSION__
+# ifndef STDC
+# define STDC
+# endif
+# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+# ifndef STDC99
+# define STDC99
+# endif
+# endif
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus))
+# define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__))
+# define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(MSDOS) || defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32))
+# define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(OS2) || defined(__HOS_AIX__))
+# define STDC
+#if defined(__OS400__) && !defined(STDC) /* iSeries (formerly AS/400). */
+# define STDC
+#ifndef STDC
+# ifndef const /* cannot use !defined(STDC) && !defined(const) on Mac */
+# define const /* note: need a more gentle solution here */
+# endif
+#if defined(ZLIB_CONST) && !defined(z_const)
+# define z_const const
+# define z_const
+/* Some Mac compilers merge all .h files incorrectly: */
+#if defined(__MWERKS__)||defined(applec)||defined(THINK_C)||defined(__SC__)
+# define NO_DUMMY_DECL
+/* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */
+#ifndef MAX_MEM_LEVEL
+# ifdef MAXSEG_64K
+# define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 8
+# else
+# define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 9
+# endif
+/* Maximum value for windowBits in deflateInit2 and inflateInit2.
+ * WARNING: reducing MAX_WBITS makes minigzip unable to extract .gz files
+ * created by gzip. (Files created by minigzip can still be extracted by
+ * gzip.)
+ */
+#ifndef MAX_WBITS
+# define MAX_WBITS 15 /* 32K LZ77 window */
+/* The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes):
+ (1 << (windowBits+2)) + (1 << (memLevel+9))
+ that is: 128K for windowBits=15 + 128K for memLevel = 8 (default values)
+ plus a few kilobytes for small objects. For example, if you want to reduce
+ the default memory requirements from 256K to 128K, compile with
+ Of course this will generally degrade compression (there's no free lunch).
+ The memory requirements for inflate are (in bytes) 1 << windowBits
+ that is, 32K for windowBits=15 (default value) plus a few kilobytes
+ for small objects.
+ /* Type declarations */
+#ifndef OF /* function prototypes */
+# ifdef STDC
+# define OF(args) args
+# else
+# define OF(args) ()
+# endif
+#ifndef Z_ARG /* function prototypes for stdarg */
+# if defined(STDC) || defined(Z_HAVE_STDARG_H)
+# define Z_ARG(args) args
+# else
+# define Z_ARG(args) ()
+# endif
+/* The following definitions for FAR are needed only for MSDOS mixed
+ * model programming (small or medium model with some far allocations).
+ * This was tested only with MSC; for other MSDOS compilers you may have
+ * to define NO_MEMCPY in zutil.h. If you don't need the mixed model,
+ * just define FAR to be empty.
+ */
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+# if defined(M_I86SM) || defined(M_I86MM)
+ /* MSC small or medium model */
+# define SMALL_MEDIUM
+# ifdef _MSC_VER
+# define FAR _far
+# else
+# define FAR far
+# endif
+# endif
+# if (defined(__SMALL__) || defined(__MEDIUM__))
+ /* Turbo C small or medium model */
+# define SMALL_MEDIUM
+# ifdef __BORLANDC__
+# define FAR _far
+# else
+# define FAR far
+# endif
+# endif
+#if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32)
+ /* If building or using zlib as a DLL, define ZLIB_DLL.
+ * This is not mandatory, but it offers a little performance increase.
+ */
+# ifdef ZLIB_DLL
+# if defined(WIN32) && (!defined(__BORLANDC__) || (__BORLANDC__ >= 0x500))
+# define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllexport)
+# else
+# define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllimport)
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif /* ZLIB_DLL */
+ /* If building or using zlib with the WINAPI/WINAPIV calling convention,
+ * define ZLIB_WINAPI.
+ * Caution: the standard ZLIB1.DLL is NOT compiled using ZLIB_WINAPI.
+ */
+# ifdef ZLIB_WINAPI
+# ifdef FAR
+# undef FAR
+# endif
+# include <windows.h>
+ /* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */
+ /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */
+# ifdef WIN32
+# else
+# endif
+# endif
+#if defined (__BEOS__)
+# ifdef ZLIB_DLL
+# define ZEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+# define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllexport)
+# else
+# define ZEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+# define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllimport)
+# endif
+# endif
+#ifndef ZEXTERN
+# define ZEXTERN extern
+#ifndef ZEXPORT
+# define ZEXPORT
+#ifndef ZEXPORTVA
+# define ZEXPORTVA
+#ifndef FAR
+# define FAR
+#if !defined(__MACTYPES__)
+typedef unsigned char Byte; /* 8 bits */
+typedef unsigned int uInt; /* 16 bits or more */
+typedef unsigned long uLong; /* 32 bits or more */
+ /* Borland C/C++ and some old MSC versions ignore FAR inside typedef */
+# define Bytef Byte FAR
+ typedef Byte FAR Bytef;
+typedef char FAR charf;
+typedef int FAR intf;
+typedef uInt FAR uIntf;
+typedef uLong FAR uLongf;
+#ifdef STDC
+ typedef void const *voidpc;
+ typedef void FAR *voidpf;
+ typedef void *voidp;
+ typedef Byte const *voidpc;
+ typedef Byte FAR *voidpf;
+ typedef Byte *voidp;
+#if !defined(Z_U4) && !defined(Z_SOLO) && defined(STDC)
+# include <limits.h>
+# if (UINT_MAX == 0xffffffffUL)
+# define Z_U4 unsigned
+# elif (ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffffUL)
+# define Z_U4 unsigned long
+# elif (USHRT_MAX == 0xffffffffUL)
+# define Z_U4 unsigned short
+# endif
+#ifdef Z_U4
+ typedef Z_U4 z_crc_t;
+ typedef unsigned long z_crc_t;
+#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H /* may be set to #if 1 by ./configure */
+# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+#ifdef HAVE_STDARG_H /* may be set to #if 1 by ./configure */
+# define Z_HAVE_STDARG_H
+#ifdef STDC
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */
+# endif
+#if defined(STDC) || defined(Z_HAVE_STDARG_H)
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list */
+# endif
+#ifdef _WIN32
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# include <stddef.h> /* for wchar_t */
+# endif
+/* a little trick to accommodate both "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and
+ * "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 1" as requesting 64-bit operations, (even
+ * though the former does not conform to the LFS document), but considering
+ * both "#undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 0" as
+ * equivalently requesting no 64-bit operations
+ */
+#if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && -_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE - -1 == 1
+#if defined(__WATCOMC__) && !defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+# define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
+#ifndef Z_SOLO
+# if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) || defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE)
+# include <unistd.h> /* for SEEK_*, off_t, and _LFS64_LARGEFILE */
+# ifdef VMS
+# include <unixio.h> /* for off_t */
+# endif
+# ifndef z_off_t
+# define z_off_t off_t
+# endif
+# endif
+#if defined(_LFS64_LARGEFILE) && _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0
+# define Z_LFS64
+#if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && defined(Z_LFS64)
+# define Z_LARGE64
+#if defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) && _FILE_OFFSET_BITS-0 == 64 && defined(Z_LFS64)
+# define Z_WANT64
+#if !defined(SEEK_SET) && !defined(Z_SOLO)
+# define SEEK_SET 0 /* Seek from beginning of file. */
+# define SEEK_CUR 1 /* Seek from current position. */
+# define SEEK_END 2 /* Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset" */
+#ifndef z_off_t
+# define z_off_t long
+#if !defined(_WIN32) && defined(Z_LARGE64)
+# define z_off64_t off64_t
+# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(Z_SOLO)
+# define z_off64_t __int64
+# else
+# define z_off64_t z_off_t
+# endif
+/* MVS linker does not support external names larger than 8 bytes */
+#if defined(__MVS__)
+ #pragma map(deflateInit_,"DEIN")
+ #pragma map(deflateInit2_,"DEIN2")
+ #pragma map(deflateEnd,"DEEND")
+ #pragma map(deflateBound,"DEBND")
+ #pragma map(inflateInit_,"ININ")
+ #pragma map(inflateInit2_,"ININ2")
+ #pragma map(inflateEnd,"INEND")
+ #pragma map(inflateSync,"INSY")
+ #pragma map(inflateSetDictionary,"INSEDI")
+ #pragma map(compressBound,"CMBND")
+ #pragma map(inflate_table,"INTABL")
+ #pragma map(inflate_fast,"INFA")
+ #pragma map(inflate_copyright,"INCOPY")
+#endif /* ZCONF_H */
diff --git a/zlib/zlib.h b/zlib/zlib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4536ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/zlib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@
+/* zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library
+ version 1.2.8, April 28th, 2013
+ Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler
+ The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request for
+ Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files
+ (zlib format), rfc1951 (deflate format) and rfc1952 (gzip format).
+#ifndef ZLIB_H
+#define ZLIB_H
+#include "zconf.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define ZLIB_VERSION "1.2.8"
+#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
+#define ZLIB_VER_MAJOR 1
+#define ZLIB_VER_MINOR 2
+ The 'zlib' compression library provides in-memory compression and
+ decompression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed data.
+ This version of the library supports only one compression method (deflation)
+ but other algorithms will be added later and will have the same stream
+ interface.
+ Compression can be done in a single step if the buffers are large enough,
+ or can be done by repeated calls of the compression function. In the latter
+ case, the application must provide more input and/or consume the output
+ (providing more output space) before each call.
+ The compressed data format used by default by the in-memory functions is
+ the zlib format, which is a zlib wrapper documented in RFC 1950, wrapped
+ around a deflate stream, which is itself documented in RFC 1951.
+ The library also supports reading and writing files in gzip (.gz) format
+ with an interface similar to that of stdio using the functions that start
+ with "gz". The gzip format is different from the zlib format. gzip is a
+ gzip wrapper, documented in RFC 1952, wrapped around a deflate stream.
+ This library can optionally read and write gzip streams in memory as well.
+ The zlib format was designed to be compact and fast for use in memory
+ and on communications channels. The gzip format was designed for single-
+ file compression on file systems, has a larger header than zlib to maintain
+ directory information, and uses a different, slower check method than zlib.
+ The library does not install any signal handler. The decoder checks
+ the consistency of the compressed data, so the library should never crash
+ even in case of corrupted input.
+typedef voidpf (*alloc_func) OF((voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size));
+typedef void (*free_func) OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf address));
+struct internal_state;
+typedef struct z_stream_s {
+ z_const Bytef *next_in; /* next input byte */
+ uInt avail_in; /* number of bytes available at next_in */
+ uLong total_in; /* total number of input bytes read so far */
+ Bytef *next_out; /* next output byte should be put there */
+ uInt avail_out; /* remaining free space at next_out */
+ uLong total_out; /* total number of bytes output so far */
+ z_const char *msg; /* last error message, NULL if no error */
+ struct internal_state FAR *state; /* not visible by applications */
+ alloc_func zalloc; /* used to allocate the internal state */
+ free_func zfree; /* used to free the internal state */
+ voidpf opaque; /* private data object passed to zalloc and zfree */
+ int data_type; /* best guess about the data type: binary or text */
+ uLong adler; /* adler32 value of the uncompressed data */
+ uLong reserved; /* reserved for future use */
+} z_stream;
+typedef z_stream FAR *z_streamp;
+ gzip header information passed to and from zlib routines. See RFC 1952
+ for more details on the meanings of these fields.
+typedef struct gz_header_s {
+ int text; /* true if compressed data believed to be text */
+ uLong time; /* modification time */
+ int xflags; /* extra flags (not used when writing a gzip file) */
+ int os; /* operating system */
+ Bytef *extra; /* pointer to extra field or Z_NULL if none */
+ uInt extra_len; /* extra field length (valid if extra != Z_NULL) */
+ uInt extra_max; /* space at extra (only when reading header) */
+ Bytef *name; /* pointer to zero-terminated file name or Z_NULL */
+ uInt name_max; /* space at name (only when reading header) */
+ Bytef *comment; /* pointer to zero-terminated comment or Z_NULL */
+ uInt comm_max; /* space at comment (only when reading header) */
+ int hcrc; /* true if there was or will be a header crc */
+ int done; /* true when done reading gzip header (not used
+ when writing a gzip file) */
+} gz_header;
+typedef gz_header FAR *gz_headerp;
+ The application must update next_in and avail_in when avail_in has dropped
+ to zero. It must update next_out and avail_out when avail_out has dropped
+ to zero. The application must initialize zalloc, zfree and opaque before
+ calling the init function. All other fields are set by the compression
+ library and must not be updated by the application.
+ The opaque value provided by the application will be passed as the first
+ parameter for calls of zalloc and zfree. This can be useful for custom
+ memory management. The compression library attaches no meaning to the
+ opaque value.
+ zalloc must return Z_NULL if there is not enough memory for the object.
+ If zlib is used in a multi-threaded application, zalloc and zfree must be
+ thread safe.
+ On 16-bit systems, the functions zalloc and zfree must be able to allocate
+ exactly 65536 bytes, but will not be required to allocate more than this if
+ the symbol MAXSEG_64K is defined (see zconf.h). WARNING: On MSDOS, pointers
+ returned by zalloc for objects of exactly 65536 bytes *must* have their
+ offset normalized to zero. The default allocation function provided by this
+ library ensures this (see zutil.c). To reduce memory requirements and avoid
+ any allocation of 64K objects, at the expense of compression ratio, compile
+ the library with -DMAX_WBITS=14 (see zconf.h).
+ The fields total_in and total_out can be used for statistics or progress
+ reports. After compression, total_in holds the total size of the
+ uncompressed data and may be saved for use in the decompressor (particularly
+ if the decompressor wants to decompress everything in a single step).
+ /* constants */
+#define Z_NO_FLUSH 0
+#define Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH 1
+#define Z_SYNC_FLUSH 2
+#define Z_FULL_FLUSH 3
+#define Z_FINISH 4
+#define Z_BLOCK 5
+#define Z_TREES 6
+/* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */
+#define Z_INSERT_ONLY 7
+#define Z_OK 0
+#define Z_STREAM_END 1
+#define Z_NEED_DICT 2
+#define Z_ERRNO (-1)
+#define Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)
+#define Z_DATA_ERROR (-3)
+#define Z_MEM_ERROR (-4)
+#define Z_BUF_ERROR (-5)
+#define Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)
+/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values
+ * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.
+ */
+#define Z_BEST_SPEED 1
+/* compression levels */
+#define Z_FILTERED 1
+#define Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY 2
+#define Z_RLE 3
+#define Z_FIXED 4
+/* compression strategy; see deflateInit2() below for details */
+#define Z_BINARY 0
+#define Z_TEXT 1
+#define Z_ASCII Z_TEXT /* for compatibility with 1.2.2 and earlier */
+#define Z_UNKNOWN 2
+/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */
+#define Z_DEFLATED 8
+/* The deflate compression method (the only one supported in this version) */
+#define Z_NULL 0 /* for initializing zalloc, zfree, opaque */
+#define zlib_version zlibVersion()
+/* for compatibility with versions < 1.0.2 */
+ /* basic functions */
+ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT zlibVersion OF((void));
+/* The application can compare zlibVersion and ZLIB_VERSION for consistency.
+ If the first character differs, the library code actually used is not
+ compatible with the zlib.h header file used by the application. This check
+ is automatically made by deflateInit and inflateInit.
+ */
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit OF((z_streamp strm, int level));
+ Initializes the internal stream state for compression. The fields
+ zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller. If
+ zalloc and zfree are set to Z_NULL, deflateInit updates them to use default
+ allocation functions.
+ The compression level must be Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, or between 0 and 9:
+ 1 gives best speed, 9 gives best compression, 0 gives no compression at all
+ (the input data is simply copied a block at a time). Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION
+ requests a default compromise between speed and compression (currently
+ equivalent to level 6).
+ deflateInit returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+ memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if level is not a valid compression level, or
+ Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version (zlib_version) is incompatible
+ with the version assumed by the caller (ZLIB_VERSION). msg is set to null
+ if there is no error message. deflateInit does not perform any compression:
+ this will be done by deflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush));
+ deflate compresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input
+ buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full. It may introduce
+ some output latency (reading input without producing any output) except when
+ forced to flush.
+ The detailed semantics are as follows. deflate performs one or both of the
+ following actions:
+ - Compress more input starting at next_in and update next_in and avail_in
+ accordingly. If not all input can be processed (because there is not
+ enough room in the output buffer), next_in and avail_in are updated and
+ processing will resume at this point for the next call of deflate().
+ - Provide more output starting at next_out and update next_out and avail_out
+ accordingly. This action is forced if the parameter flush is non zero.
+ Forcing flush frequently degrades the compression ratio, so this parameter
+ should be set only when necessary (in interactive applications). Some
+ output may be provided even if flush is not set.
+ Before the call of deflate(), the application should ensure that at least
+ one of the actions is possible, by providing more input and/or consuming more
+ output, and updating avail_in or avail_out accordingly; avail_out should
+ never be zero before the call. The application can consume the compressed
+ output when it wants, for example when the output buffer is full (avail_out
+ == 0), or after each call of deflate(). If deflate returns Z_OK and with
+ zero avail_out, it must be called again after making room in the output
+ buffer because there might be more output pending.
+ Normally the parameter flush is set to Z_NO_FLUSH, which allows deflate to
+ decide how much data to accumulate before producing output, in order to
+ maximize compression.
+ If the parameter flush is set to Z_SYNC_FLUSH, all pending output is
+ flushed to the output buffer and the output is aligned on a byte boundary, so
+ that the decompressor can get all input data available so far. (In
+ particular avail_in is zero after the call if enough output space has been
+ provided before the call.) Flushing may degrade compression for some
+ compression algorithms and so it should be used only when necessary. This
+ completes the current deflate block and follows it with an empty stored block
+ that is three bits plus filler bits to the next byte, followed by four bytes
+ (00 00 ff ff).
+ If flush is set to Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH, all pending output is flushed to the
+ output buffer, but the output is not aligned to a byte boundary. All of the
+ input data so far will be available to the decompressor, as for Z_SYNC_FLUSH.
+ This completes the current deflate block and follows it with an empty fixed
+ codes block that is 10 bits long. This assures that enough bytes are output
+ in order for the decompressor to finish the block before the empty fixed code
+ block.
+ If flush is set to Z_BLOCK, a deflate block is completed and emitted, as
+ for Z_SYNC_FLUSH, but the output is not aligned on a byte boundary, and up to
+ seven bits of the current block are held to be written as the next byte after
+ the next deflate block is completed. In this case, the decompressor may not
+ be provided enough bits at this point in order to complete decompression of
+ the data provided so far to the compressor. It may need to wait for the next
+ block to be emitted. This is for advanced applications that need to control
+ the emission of deflate blocks.
+ If flush is set to Z_FULL_FLUSH, all output is flushed as with
+ Z_SYNC_FLUSH, and the compression state is reset so that decompression can
+ restart from this point if previous compressed data has been damaged or if
+ random access is desired. Using Z_FULL_FLUSH too often can seriously degrade
+ compression.
+ If deflate returns with avail_out == 0, this function must be called again
+ with the same value of the flush parameter and more output space (updated
+ avail_out), until the flush is complete (deflate returns with non-zero
+ avail_out). In the case of a Z_FULL_FLUSH or Z_SYNC_FLUSH, make sure that
+ avail_out is greater than six to avoid repeated flush markers due to
+ avail_out == 0 on return.
+ If the parameter flush is set to Z_FINISH, pending input is processed,
+ pending output is flushed and deflate returns with Z_STREAM_END if there was
+ enough output space; if deflate returns with Z_OK, this function must be
+ called again with Z_FINISH and more output space (updated avail_out) but no
+ more input data, until it returns with Z_STREAM_END or an error. After
+ deflate has returned Z_STREAM_END, the only possible operations on the stream
+ are deflateReset or deflateEnd.
+ Z_FINISH can be used immediately after deflateInit if all the compression
+ is to be done in a single step. In this case, avail_out must be at least the
+ value returned by deflateBound (see below). Then deflate is guaranteed to
+ return Z_STREAM_END. If not enough output space is provided, deflate will
+ not return Z_STREAM_END, and it must be called again as described above.
+ deflate() sets strm->adler to the adler32 checksum of all input read
+ so far (that is, total_in bytes).
+ deflate() may update strm->data_type if it can make a good guess about
+ the input data type (Z_BINARY or Z_TEXT). In doubt, the data is considered
+ binary. This field is only for information purposes and does not affect the
+ compression algorithm in any manner.
+ deflate() returns Z_OK if some progress has been made (more input
+ processed or more output produced), Z_STREAM_END if all input has been
+ consumed and all output has been produced (only when flush is set to
+ Z_FINISH), Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state was inconsistent (for example
+ if next_in or next_out was Z_NULL), Z_BUF_ERROR if no progress is possible
+ (for example avail_in or avail_out was zero). Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not
+ fatal, and deflate() can be called again with more input and more output
+ space to continue compressing.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm));
+ All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed.
+ This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any pending
+ output.
+ deflateEnd returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the
+ stream state was inconsistent, Z_DATA_ERROR if the stream was freed
+ prematurely (some input or output was discarded). In the error case, msg
+ may be set but then points to a static string (which must not be
+ deallocated).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit OF((z_streamp strm));
+ Initializes the internal stream state for decompression. The fields
+ next_in, avail_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by
+ the caller. If next_in is not Z_NULL and avail_in is large enough (the
+ exact value depends on the compression method), inflateInit determines the
+ compression method from the zlib header and allocates all data structures
+ accordingly; otherwise the allocation will be deferred to the first call of
+ inflate. If zalloc and zfree are set to Z_NULL, inflateInit updates them to
+ use default allocation functions.
+ inflateInit returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+ memory, Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version is incompatible with the
+ version assumed by the caller, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the parameters are
+ invalid, such as a null pointer to the structure. msg is set to null if
+ there is no error message. inflateInit does not perform any decompression
+ apart from possibly reading the zlib header if present: actual decompression
+ will be done by inflate(). (So next_in and avail_in may be modified, but
+ next_out and avail_out are unused and unchanged.) The current implementation
+ of inflateInit() does not process any header information -- that is deferred
+ until inflate() is called.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush));
+ inflate decompresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input
+ buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full. It may introduce
+ some output latency (reading input without producing any output) except when
+ forced to flush.
+ The detailed semantics are as follows. inflate performs one or both of the
+ following actions:
+ - Decompress more input starting at next_in and update next_in and avail_in
+ accordingly. If not all input can be processed (because there is not
+ enough room in the output buffer), next_in is updated and processing will
+ resume at this point for the next call of inflate().
+ - Provide more output starting at next_out and update next_out and avail_out
+ accordingly. inflate() provides as much output as possible, until there is
+ no more input data or no more space in the output buffer (see below about
+ the flush parameter).
+ Before the call of inflate(), the application should ensure that at least
+ one of the actions is possible, by providing more input and/or consuming more
+ output, and updating the next_* and avail_* values accordingly. The
+ application can consume the uncompressed output when it wants, for example
+ when the output buffer is full (avail_out == 0), or after each call of
+ inflate(). If inflate returns Z_OK and with zero avail_out, it must be
+ called again after making room in the output buffer because there might be
+ more output pending.
+ The flush parameter of inflate() can be Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_SYNC_FLUSH, Z_FINISH,
+ Z_BLOCK, or Z_TREES. Z_SYNC_FLUSH requests that inflate() flush as much
+ output as possible to the output buffer. Z_BLOCK requests that inflate()
+ stop if and when it gets to the next deflate block boundary. When decoding
+ the zlib or gzip format, this will cause inflate() to return immediately
+ after the header and before the first block. When doing a raw inflate,
+ inflate() will go ahead and process the first block, and will return when it
+ gets to the end of that block, or when it runs out of data.
+ The Z_BLOCK option assists in appending to or combining deflate streams.
+ Also to assist in this, on return inflate() will set strm->data_type to the
+ number of unused bits in the last byte taken from strm->next_in, plus 64 if
+ inflate() is currently decoding the last block in the deflate stream, plus
+ 128 if inflate() returned immediately after decoding an end-of-block code or
+ decoding the complete header up to just before the first byte of the deflate
+ stream. The end-of-block will not be indicated until all of the uncompressed
+ data from that block has been written to strm->next_out. The number of
+ unused bits may in general be greater than seven, except when bit 7 of
+ data_type is set, in which case the number of unused bits will be less than
+ eight. data_type is set as noted here every time inflate() returns for all
+ flush options, and so can be used to determine the amount of currently
+ consumed input in bits.
+ The Z_TREES option behaves as Z_BLOCK does, but it also returns when the
+ end of each deflate block header is reached, before any actual data in that
+ block is decoded. This allows the caller to determine the length of the
+ deflate block header for later use in random access within a deflate block.
+ 256 is added to the value of strm->data_type when inflate() returns
+ immediately after reaching the end of the deflate block header.
+ inflate() should normally be called until it returns Z_STREAM_END or an
+ error. However if all decompression is to be performed in a single step (a
+ single call of inflate), the parameter flush should be set to Z_FINISH. In
+ this case all pending input is processed and all pending output is flushed;
+ avail_out must be large enough to hold all of the uncompressed data for the
+ operation to complete. (The size of the uncompressed data may have been
+ saved by the compressor for this purpose.) The use of Z_FINISH is not
+ required to perform an inflation in one step. However it may be used to
+ inform inflate that a faster approach can be used for the single inflate()
+ call. Z_FINISH also informs inflate to not maintain a sliding window if the
+ stream completes, which reduces inflate's memory footprint. If the stream
+ does not complete, either because not all of the stream is provided or not
+ enough output space is provided, then a sliding window will be allocated and
+ inflate() can be called again to continue the operation as if Z_NO_FLUSH had
+ been used.
+ In this implementation, inflate() always flushes as much output as
+ possible to the output buffer, and always uses the faster approach on the
+ first call. So the effects of the flush parameter in this implementation are
+ on the return value of inflate() as noted below, when inflate() returns early
+ when Z_BLOCK or Z_TREES is used, and when inflate() avoids the allocation of
+ memory for a sliding window when Z_FINISH is used.
+ If a preset dictionary is needed after this call (see inflateSetDictionary
+ below), inflate sets strm->adler to the Adler-32 checksum of the dictionary
+ chosen by the compressor and returns Z_NEED_DICT; otherwise it sets
+ strm->adler to the Adler-32 checksum of all output produced so far (that is,
+ total_out bytes) and returns Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END or an error code as described
+ below. At the end of the stream, inflate() checks that its computed adler32
+ checksum is equal to that saved by the compressor and returns Z_STREAM_END
+ only if the checksum is correct.
+ inflate() can decompress and check either zlib-wrapped or gzip-wrapped
+ deflate data. The header type is detected automatically, if requested when
+ initializing with inflateInit2(). Any information contained in the gzip
+ header is not retained, so applications that need that information should
+ instead use raw inflate, see inflateInit2() below, or inflateBack() and
+ perform their own processing of the gzip header and trailer. When processing
+ gzip-wrapped deflate data, strm->adler32 is set to the CRC-32 of the output
+ producted so far. The CRC-32 is checked against the gzip trailer.
+ inflate() returns Z_OK if some progress has been made (more input processed
+ or more output produced), Z_STREAM_END if the end of the compressed data has
+ been reached and all uncompressed output has been produced, Z_NEED_DICT if a
+ preset dictionary is needed at this point, Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was
+ corrupted (input stream not conforming to the zlib format or incorrect check
+ value), Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream structure was inconsistent (for example
+ next_in or next_out was Z_NULL), Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory,
+ Z_BUF_ERROR if no progress is possible or if there was not enough room in the
+ output buffer when Z_FINISH is used. Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal, and
+ inflate() can be called again with more input and more output space to
+ continue decompressing. If Z_DATA_ERROR is returned, the application may
+ then call inflateSync() to look for a good compression block if a partial
+ recovery of the data is desired.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm));
+ All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed.
+ This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any pending
+ output.
+ inflateEnd returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state
+ was inconsistent. In the error case, msg may be set but then points to a
+ static string (which must not be deallocated).
+ /* Advanced functions */
+ The following functions are needed only in some special applications.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit2 OF((z_streamp strm,
+ int level,
+ int method,
+ int windowBits,
+ int memLevel,
+ int strategy));
+ This is another version of deflateInit with more compression options. The
+ fields next_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the
+ caller.
+ The method parameter is the compression method. It must be Z_DEFLATED in
+ this version of the library.
+ The windowBits parameter is the base two logarithm of the window size
+ (the size of the history buffer). It should be in the range 8..15 for this
+ version of the library. Larger values of this parameter result in better
+ compression at the expense of memory usage. The default value is 15 if
+ deflateInit is used instead.
+ windowBits can also be -8..-15 for raw deflate. In this case, -windowBits
+ determines the window size. deflate() will then generate raw deflate data
+ with no zlib header or trailer, and will not compute an adler32 check value.
+ windowBits can also be greater than 15 for optional gzip encoding. Add
+ 16 to windowBits to write a simple gzip header and trailer around the
+ compressed data instead of a zlib wrapper. The gzip header will have no
+ file name, no extra data, no comment, no modification time (set to zero), no
+ header crc, and the operating system will be set to 255 (unknown). If a
+ gzip stream is being written, strm->adler is a crc32 instead of an adler32.
+ The memLevel parameter specifies how much memory should be allocated
+ for the internal compression state. memLevel=1 uses minimum memory but is
+ slow and reduces compression ratio; memLevel=9 uses maximum memory for
+ optimal speed. The default value is 8. See zconf.h for total memory usage
+ as a function of windowBits and memLevel.
+ The strategy parameter is used to tune the compression algorithm. Use the
+ value Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY for normal data, Z_FILTERED for data produced by a
+ filter (or predictor), Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY to force Huffman encoding only (no
+ string match), or Z_RLE to limit match distances to one (run-length
+ encoding). Filtered data consists mostly of small values with a somewhat
+ random distribution. In this case, the compression algorithm is tuned to
+ compress them better. The effect of Z_FILTERED is to force more Huffman
+ coding and less string matching; it is somewhat intermediate between
+ Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY and Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY. Z_RLE is designed to be almost as
+ fast as Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, but give better compression for PNG image data. The
+ strategy parameter only affects the compression ratio but not the
+ correctness of the compressed output even if it is not set appropriately.
+ Z_FIXED prevents the use of dynamic Huffman codes, allowing for a simpler
+ decoder for special applications.
+ deflateInit2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+ memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if any parameter is invalid (such as an invalid
+ method), or Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version (zlib_version) is
+ incompatible with the version assumed by the caller (ZLIB_VERSION). msg is
+ set to null if there is no error message. deflateInit2 does not perform any
+ compression: this will be done by deflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm,
+ const Bytef *dictionary,
+ uInt dictLength));
+ Initializes the compression dictionary from the given byte sequence
+ without producing any compressed output. When using the zlib format, this
+ function must be called immediately after deflateInit, deflateInit2 or
+ deflateReset, and before any call of deflate. When doing raw deflate, this
+ function must be called either before any call of deflate, or immediately
+ after the completion of a deflate block, i.e. after all input has been
+ consumed and all output has been delivered when using any of the flush
+ compressor and decompressor must use exactly the same dictionary (see
+ inflateSetDictionary).
+ The dictionary should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely
+ to be encountered later in the data to be compressed, with the most commonly
+ used strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a
+ dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can be
+ predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better than
+ with the default empty dictionary.
+ Depending on the size of the compression data structures selected by
+ deflateInit or deflateInit2, a part of the dictionary may in effect be
+ discarded, for example if the dictionary is larger than the window size
+ provided in deflateInit or deflateInit2. Thus the strings most likely to be
+ useful should be put at the end of the dictionary, not at the front. In
+ addition, the current implementation of deflate will use at most the window
+ size minus 262 bytes of the provided dictionary.
+ Upon return of this function, strm->adler is set to the adler32 value
+ of the dictionary; the decompressor may later use this value to determine
+ which dictionary has been used by the compressor. (The adler32 value
+ applies to the whole dictionary even if only a subset of the dictionary is
+ actually used by the compressor.) If a raw deflate was requested, then the
+ adler32 value is not computed and strm->adler is not set.
+ deflateSetDictionary returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if a
+ parameter is invalid (e.g. dictionary being Z_NULL) or the stream state is
+ inconsistent (for example if deflate has already been called for this stream
+ or if not at a block boundary for raw deflate). deflateSetDictionary does
+ not perform any compression: this will be done by deflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateCopy OF((z_streamp dest,
+ z_streamp source));
+ Sets the destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.
+ This function can be useful when several compression strategies will be
+ tried, for example when there are several ways of pre-processing the input
+ data with a filter. The streams that will be discarded should then be freed
+ by calling deflateEnd. Note that deflateCopy duplicates the internal
+ compression state which can be quite large, so this strategy is slow and can
+ consume lots of memory.
+ deflateCopy returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+ enough memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent
+ (such as zalloc being Z_NULL). msg is left unchanged in both source and
+ destination.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateReset OF((z_streamp strm));
+ This function is equivalent to deflateEnd followed by deflateInit,
+ but does not free and reallocate all the internal compression state. The
+ stream will keep the same compression level and any other attributes that
+ may have been set by deflateInit2.
+ deflateReset returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being Z_NULL).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateParams OF((z_streamp strm,
+ int level,
+ int strategy));
+ Dynamically update the compression level and compression strategy. The
+ interpretation of level and strategy is as in deflateInit2. This can be
+ used to switch between compression and straight copy of the input data, or
+ to switch to a different kind of input data requiring a different strategy.
+ If the compression level is changed, the input available so far is
+ compressed with the old level (and may be flushed); the new level will take
+ effect only at the next call of deflate().
+ Before the call of deflateParams, the stream state must be set as for
+ a call of deflate(), since the currently available input may have to be
+ compressed and flushed. In particular, strm->avail_out must be non-zero.
+ deflateParams returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent or if a parameter was invalid, Z_BUF_ERROR if
+ strm->avail_out was zero.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateTune OF((z_streamp strm,
+ int good_length,
+ int max_lazy,
+ int nice_length,
+ int max_chain));
+ Fine tune deflate's internal compression parameters. This should only be
+ used by someone who understands the algorithm used by zlib's deflate for
+ searching for the best matching string, and even then only by the most
+ fanatic optimizer trying to squeeze out the last compressed bit for their
+ specific input data. Read the deflate.c source code for the meaning of the
+ max_lazy, good_length, nice_length, and max_chain parameters.
+ deflateTune() can be called after deflateInit() or deflateInit2(), and
+ returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR for an invalid deflate stream.
+ */
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT deflateBound OF((z_streamp strm,
+ uLong sourceLen));
+ deflateBound() returns an upper bound on the compressed size after
+ deflation of sourceLen bytes. It must be called after deflateInit() or
+ deflateInit2(), and after deflateSetHeader(), if used. This would be used
+ to allocate an output buffer for deflation in a single pass, and so would be
+ called before deflate(). If that first deflate() call is provided the
+ sourceLen input bytes, an output buffer allocated to the size returned by
+ deflateBound(), and the flush value Z_FINISH, then deflate() is guaranteed
+ to return Z_STREAM_END. Note that it is possible for the compressed size to
+ be larger than the value returned by deflateBound() if flush options other
+ than Z_FINISH or Z_NO_FLUSH are used.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflatePending OF((z_streamp strm,
+ unsigned *pending,
+ int *bits));
+ deflatePending() returns the number of bytes and bits of output that have
+ been generated, but not yet provided in the available output. The bytes not
+ provided would be due to the available output space having being consumed.
+ The number of bits of output not provided are between 0 and 7, where they
+ await more bits to join them in order to fill out a full byte. If pending
+ or bits are Z_NULL, then those values are not set.
+ deflatePending returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent.
+ */
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflatePrime OF((z_streamp strm,
+ int bits,
+ int value));
+ deflatePrime() inserts bits in the deflate output stream. The intent
+ is that this function is used to start off the deflate output with the bits
+ leftover from a previous deflate stream when appending to it. As such, this
+ function can only be used for raw deflate, and must be used before the first
+ deflate() call after a deflateInit2() or deflateReset(). bits must be less
+ than or equal to 16, and that many of the least significant bits of value
+ will be inserted in the output.
+ deflatePrime returns Z_OK if success, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough
+ room in the internal buffer to insert the bits, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the
+ source stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateSetHeader OF((z_streamp strm,
+ gz_headerp head));
+ deflateSetHeader() provides gzip header information for when a gzip
+ stream is requested by deflateInit2(). deflateSetHeader() may be called
+ after deflateInit2() or deflateReset() and before the first call of
+ deflate(). The text, time, os, extra field, name, and comment information
+ in the provided gz_header structure are written to the gzip header (xflag is
+ ignored -- the extra flags are set according to the compression level). The
+ caller must assure that, if not Z_NULL, name and comment are terminated with
+ a zero byte, and that if extra is not Z_NULL, that extra_len bytes are
+ available there. If hcrc is true, a gzip header crc is included. Note that
+ the current versions of the command-line version of gzip (up through version
+ 1.3.x) do not support header crc's, and will report that it is a "multi-part
+ gzip file" and give up.
+ If deflateSetHeader is not used, the default gzip header has text false,
+ the time set to zero, and os set to 255, with no extra, name, or comment
+ fields. The gzip header is returned to the default state by deflateReset().
+ deflateSetHeader returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit2 OF((z_streamp strm,
+ int windowBits));
+ This is another version of inflateInit with an extra parameter. The
+ fields next_in, avail_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized
+ before by the caller.
+ The windowBits parameter is the base two logarithm of the maximum window
+ size (the size of the history buffer). It should be in the range 8..15 for
+ this version of the library. The default value is 15 if inflateInit is used
+ instead. windowBits must be greater than or equal to the windowBits value
+ provided to deflateInit2() while compressing, or it must be equal to 15 if
+ deflateInit2() was not used. If a compressed stream with a larger window
+ size is given as input, inflate() will return with the error code
+ Z_DATA_ERROR instead of trying to allocate a larger window.
+ windowBits can also be zero to request that inflate use the window size in
+ the zlib header of the compressed stream.
+ windowBits can also be -8..-15 for raw inflate. In this case, -windowBits
+ determines the window size. inflate() will then process raw deflate data,
+ not looking for a zlib or gzip header, not generating a check value, and not
+ looking for any check values for comparison at the end of the stream. This
+ is for use with other formats that use the deflate compressed data format
+ such as zip. Those formats provide their own check values. If a custom
+ format is developed using the raw deflate format for compressed data, it is
+ recommended that a check value such as an adler32 or a crc32 be applied to
+ the uncompressed data as is done in the zlib, gzip, and zip formats. For
+ most applications, the zlib format should be used as is. Note that comments
+ above on the use in deflateInit2() applies to the magnitude of windowBits.
+ windowBits can also be greater than 15 for optional gzip decoding. Add
+ 32 to windowBits to enable zlib and gzip decoding with automatic header
+ detection, or add 16 to decode only the gzip format (the zlib format will
+ return a Z_DATA_ERROR). If a gzip stream is being decoded, strm->adler is a
+ crc32 instead of an adler32.
+ inflateInit2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+ memory, Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version is incompatible with the
+ version assumed by the caller, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the parameters are
+ invalid, such as a null pointer to the structure. msg is set to null if
+ there is no error message. inflateInit2 does not perform any decompression
+ apart from possibly reading the zlib header if present: actual decompression
+ will be done by inflate(). (So next_in and avail_in may be modified, but
+ next_out and avail_out are unused and unchanged.) The current implementation
+ of inflateInit2() does not process any header information -- that is
+ deferred until inflate() is called.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm,
+ const Bytef *dictionary,
+ uInt dictLength));
+ Initializes the decompression dictionary from the given uncompressed byte
+ sequence. This function must be called immediately after a call of inflate,
+ if that call returned Z_NEED_DICT. The dictionary chosen by the compressor
+ can be determined from the adler32 value returned by that call of inflate.
+ The compressor and decompressor must use exactly the same dictionary (see
+ deflateSetDictionary). For raw inflate, this function can be called at any
+ time to set the dictionary. If the provided dictionary is smaller than the
+ window and there is already data in the window, then the provided dictionary
+ will amend what's there. The application must insure that the dictionary
+ that was used for compression is provided.
+ inflateSetDictionary returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if a
+ parameter is invalid (e.g. dictionary being Z_NULL) or the stream state is
+ inconsistent, Z_DATA_ERROR if the given dictionary doesn't match the
+ expected one (incorrect adler32 value). inflateSetDictionary does not
+ perform any decompression: this will be done by subsequent calls of
+ inflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateGetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm,
+ Bytef *dictionary,
+ uInt *dictLength));
+ Returns the sliding dictionary being maintained by inflate. dictLength is
+ set to the number of bytes in the dictionary, and that many bytes are copied
+ to dictionary. dictionary must have enough space, where 32768 bytes is
+ always enough. If inflateGetDictionary() is called with dictionary equal to
+ Z_NULL, then only the dictionary length is returned, and nothing is copied.
+ Similary, if dictLength is Z_NULL, then it is not set.
+ inflateGetDictionary returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the
+ stream state is inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateSync OF((z_streamp strm));
+ Skips invalid compressed data until a possible full flush point (see above
+ for the description of deflate with Z_FULL_FLUSH) can be found, or until all
+ available input is skipped. No output is provided.
+ inflateSync searches for a 00 00 FF FF pattern in the compressed data.
+ All full flush points have this pattern, but not all occurrences of this
+ pattern are full flush points.
+ inflateSync returns Z_OK if a possible full flush point has been found,
+ Z_BUF_ERROR if no more input was provided, Z_DATA_ERROR if no flush point
+ has been found, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream structure was inconsistent.
+ In the success case, the application may save the current current value of
+ total_in which indicates where valid compressed data was found. In the
+ error case, the application may repeatedly call inflateSync, providing more
+ input each time, until success or end of the input data.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateCopy OF((z_streamp dest,
+ z_streamp source));
+ Sets the destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.
+ This function can be useful when randomly accessing a large stream. The
+ first pass through the stream can periodically record the inflate state,
+ allowing restarting inflate at those points when randomly accessing the
+ stream.
+ inflateCopy returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+ enough memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent
+ (such as zalloc being Z_NULL). msg is left unchanged in both source and
+ destination.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateReset OF((z_streamp strm));
+ This function is equivalent to inflateEnd followed by inflateInit,
+ but does not free and reallocate all the internal decompression state. The
+ stream will keep attributes that may have been set by inflateInit2.
+ inflateReset returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being Z_NULL).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateReset2 OF((z_streamp strm,
+ int windowBits));
+ This function is the same as inflateReset, but it also permits changing
+ the wrap and window size requests. The windowBits parameter is interpreted
+ the same as it is for inflateInit2.
+ inflateReset2 returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being Z_NULL), or if
+ the windowBits parameter is invalid.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflatePrime OF((z_streamp strm,
+ int bits,
+ int value));
+ This function inserts bits in the inflate input stream. The intent is
+ that this function is used to start inflating at a bit position in the
+ middle of a byte. The provided bits will be used before any bytes are used
+ from next_in. This function should only be used with raw inflate, and
+ should be used before the first inflate() call after inflateInit2() or
+ inflateReset(). bits must be less than or equal to 16, and that many of the
+ least significant bits of value will be inserted in the input.
+ If bits is negative, then the input stream bit buffer is emptied. Then
+ inflatePrime() can be called again to put bits in the buffer. This is used
+ to clear out bits leftover after feeding inflate a block description prior
+ to feeding inflate codes.
+ inflatePrime returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN long ZEXPORT inflateMark OF((z_streamp strm));
+ This function returns two values, one in the lower 16 bits of the return
+ value, and the other in the remaining upper bits, obtained by shifting the
+ return value down 16 bits. If the upper value is -1 and the lower value is
+ zero, then inflate() is currently decoding information outside of a block.
+ If the upper value is -1 and the lower value is non-zero, then inflate is in
+ the middle of a stored block, with the lower value equaling the number of
+ bytes from the input remaining to copy. If the upper value is not -1, then
+ it is the number of bits back from the current bit position in the input of
+ the code (literal or length/distance pair) currently being processed. In
+ that case the lower value is the number of bytes already emitted for that
+ code.
+ A code is being processed if inflate is waiting for more input to complete
+ decoding of the code, or if it has completed decoding but is waiting for
+ more output space to write the literal or match data.
+ inflateMark() is used to mark locations in the input data for random
+ access, which may be at bit positions, and to note those cases where the
+ output of a code may span boundaries of random access blocks. The current
+ location in the input stream can be determined from avail_in and data_type
+ as noted in the description for the Z_BLOCK flush parameter for inflate.
+ inflateMark returns the value noted above or -1 << 16 if the provided
+ source stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateGetHeader OF((z_streamp strm,
+ gz_headerp head));
+ inflateGetHeader() requests that gzip header information be stored in the
+ provided gz_header structure. inflateGetHeader() may be called after
+ inflateInit2() or inflateReset(), and before the first call of inflate().
+ As inflate() processes the gzip stream, head->done is zero until the header
+ is completed, at which time head->done is set to one. If a zlib stream is
+ being decoded, then head->done is set to -1 to indicate that there will be
+ no gzip header information forthcoming. Note that Z_BLOCK or Z_TREES can be
+ used to force inflate() to return immediately after header processing is
+ complete and before any actual data is decompressed.
+ The text, time, xflags, and os fields are filled in with the gzip header
+ contents. hcrc is set to true if there is a header CRC. (The header CRC
+ was valid if done is set to one.) If extra is not Z_NULL, then extra_max
+ contains the maximum number of bytes to write to extra. Once done is true,
+ extra_len contains the actual extra field length, and extra contains the
+ extra field, or that field truncated if extra_max is less than extra_len.
+ If name is not Z_NULL, then up to name_max characters are written there,
+ terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than name_max. If
+ comment is not Z_NULL, then up to comm_max characters are written there,
+ terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than comm_max. When any
+ of extra, name, or comment are not Z_NULL and the respective field is not
+ present in the header, then that field is set to Z_NULL to signal its
+ absence. This allows the use of deflateSetHeader() with the returned
+ structure to duplicate the header. However if those fields are set to
+ allocated memory, then the application will need to save those pointers
+ elsewhere so that they can be eventually freed.
+ If inflateGetHeader is not used, then the header information is simply
+ discarded. The header is always checked for validity, including the header
+ CRC if present. inflateReset() will reset the process to discard the header
+ information. The application would need to call inflateGetHeader() again to
+ retrieve the header from the next gzip stream.
+ inflateGetHeader returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+ stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBackInit OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits,
+ unsigned char FAR *window));
+ Initialize the internal stream state for decompression using inflateBack()
+ calls. The fields zalloc, zfree and opaque in strm must be initialized
+ before the call. If zalloc and zfree are Z_NULL, then the default library-
+ derived memory allocation routines are used. windowBits is the base two
+ logarithm of the window size, in the range 8..15. window is a caller
+ supplied buffer of that size. Except for special applications where it is
+ assured that deflate was used with small window sizes, windowBits must be 15
+ and a 32K byte window must be supplied to be able to decompress general
+ deflate streams.
+ See inflateBack() for the usage of these routines.
+ inflateBackInit will return Z_OK on success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if any of
+ the parameters are invalid, Z_MEM_ERROR if the internal state could not be
+ allocated, or Z_VERSION_ERROR if the version of the library does not match
+ the version of the header file.
+typedef unsigned (*in_func) OF((void FAR *,
+ z_const unsigned char FAR * FAR *));
+typedef int (*out_func) OF((void FAR *, unsigned char FAR *, unsigned));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBack OF((z_streamp strm,
+ in_func in, void FAR *in_desc,
+ out_func out, void FAR *out_desc));
+ inflateBack() does a raw inflate with a single call using a call-back
+ interface for input and output. This is potentially more efficient than
+ inflate() for file i/o applications, in that it avoids copying between the
+ output and the sliding window by simply making the window itself the output
+ buffer. inflate() can be faster on modern CPUs when used with large
+ buffers. inflateBack() trusts the application to not change the output
+ buffer passed by the output function, at least until inflateBack() returns.
+ inflateBackInit() must be called first to allocate the internal state
+ and to initialize the state with the user-provided window buffer.
+ inflateBack() may then be used multiple times to inflate a complete, raw
+ deflate stream with each call. inflateBackEnd() is then called to free the
+ allocated state.
+ A raw deflate stream is one with no zlib or gzip header or trailer.
+ This routine would normally be used in a utility that reads zip or gzip
+ files and writes out uncompressed files. The utility would decode the
+ header and process the trailer on its own, hence this routine expects only
+ the raw deflate stream to decompress. This is different from the normal
+ behavior of inflate(), which expects either a zlib or gzip header and
+ trailer around the deflate stream.
+ inflateBack() uses two subroutines supplied by the caller that are then
+ called by inflateBack() for input and output. inflateBack() calls those
+ routines until it reads a complete deflate stream and writes out all of the
+ uncompressed data, or until it encounters an error. The function's
+ parameters and return types are defined above in the in_func and out_func
+ typedefs. inflateBack() will call in(in_desc, &buf) which should return the
+ number of bytes of provided input, and a pointer to that input in buf. If
+ there is no input available, in() must return zero--buf is ignored in that
+ case--and inflateBack() will return a buffer error. inflateBack() will call
+ out(out_desc, buf, len) to write the uncompressed data buf[0..len-1]. out()
+ should return zero on success, or non-zero on failure. If out() returns
+ non-zero, inflateBack() will return with an error. Neither in() nor out()
+ are permitted to change the contents of the window provided to
+ inflateBackInit(), which is also the buffer that out() uses to write from.
+ The length written by out() will be at most the window size. Any non-zero
+ amount of input may be provided by in().
+ For convenience, inflateBack() can be provided input on the first call by
+ setting strm->next_in and strm->avail_in. If that input is exhausted, then
+ in() will be called. Therefore strm->next_in must be initialized before
+ calling inflateBack(). If strm->next_in is Z_NULL, then in() will be called
+ immediately for input. If strm->next_in is not Z_NULL, then strm->avail_in
+ must also be initialized, and then if strm->avail_in is not zero, input will
+ initially be taken from strm->next_in[0 .. strm->avail_in - 1].
+ The in_desc and out_desc parameters of inflateBack() is passed as the
+ first parameter of in() and out() respectively when they are called. These
+ descriptors can be optionally used to pass any information that the caller-
+ supplied in() and out() functions need to do their job.
+ On return, inflateBack() will set strm->next_in and strm->avail_in to
+ pass back any unused input that was provided by the last in() call. The
+ return values of inflateBack() can be Z_STREAM_END on success, Z_BUF_ERROR
+ if in() or out() returned an error, Z_DATA_ERROR if there was a format error
+ in the deflate stream (in which case strm->msg is set to indicate the nature
+ of the error), or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream was not properly initialized.
+ In the case of Z_BUF_ERROR, an input or output error can be distinguished
+ using strm->next_in which will be Z_NULL only if in() returned an error. If
+ strm->next_in is not Z_NULL, then the Z_BUF_ERROR was due to out() returning
+ non-zero. (in() will always be called before out(), so strm->next_in is
+ assured to be defined if out() returns non-zero.) Note that inflateBack()
+ cannot return Z_OK.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBackEnd OF((z_streamp strm));
+ All memory allocated by inflateBackInit() is freed.
+ inflateBackEnd() returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream
+ state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT zlibCompileFlags OF((void));
+/* Return flags indicating compile-time options.
+ Type sizes, two bits each, 00 = 16 bits, 01 = 32, 10 = 64, 11 = other:
+ 1.0: size of uInt
+ 3.2: size of uLong
+ 5.4: size of voidpf (pointer)
+ 7.6: size of z_off_t
+ Compiler, assembler, and debug options:
+ 8: DEBUG
+ 9: ASMV or ASMINF -- use ASM code
+ 10: ZLIB_WINAPI -- exported functions use the WINAPI calling convention
+ 11: 0 (reserved)
+ One-time table building (smaller code, but not thread-safe if true):
+ 12: BUILDFIXED -- build static block decoding tables when needed
+ 13: DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE -- build CRC calculation tables when needed
+ 14,15: 0 (reserved)
+ Library content (indicates missing functionality):
+ 16: NO_GZCOMPRESS -- gz* functions cannot compress (to avoid linking
+ deflate code when not needed)
+ 17: NO_GZIP -- deflate can't write gzip streams, and inflate can't detect
+ and decode gzip streams (to avoid linking crc code)
+ 18-19: 0 (reserved)
+ Operation variations (changes in library functionality):
+ 20: PKZIP_BUG_WORKAROUND -- slightly more permissive inflate
+ 21: FASTEST -- deflate algorithm with only one, lowest compression level
+ 22,23: 0 (reserved)
+ The sprintf variant used by gzprintf (zero is best):
+ 24: 0 = vs*, 1 = s* -- 1 means limited to 20 arguments after the format
+ 25: 0 = *nprintf, 1 = *printf -- 1 means gzprintf() not secure!
+ 26: 0 = returns value, 1 = void -- 1 means inferred string length returned
+ Remainder:
+ 27-31: 0 (reserved)
+ */
+#ifndef Z_SOLO
+ /* utility functions */
+ The following utility functions are implemented on top of the basic
+ stream-oriented functions. To simplify the interface, some default options
+ are assumed (compression level and memory usage, standard memory allocation
+ functions). The source code of these utility functions can be modified if
+ you need special options.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT compress OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen,
+ const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen));
+ Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. sourceLen is
+ the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size
+ of the destination buffer, which must be at least the value returned by
+ compressBound(sourceLen). Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the
+ compressed buffer.
+ compress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+ enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output
+ buffer.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT compress2 OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen,
+ const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen,
+ int level));
+ Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. The level
+ parameter has the same meaning as in deflateInit. sourceLen is the byte
+ length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the
+ destination buffer, which must be at least the value returned by
+ compressBound(sourceLen). Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the
+ compressed buffer.
+ compress2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+ memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer,
+ Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT compressBound OF((uLong sourceLen));
+ compressBound() returns an upper bound on the compressed size after
+ compress() or compress2() on sourceLen bytes. It would be used before a
+ compress() or compress2() call to allocate the destination buffer.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT uncompress OF((Bytef *dest, uLongf *destLen,
+ const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen));
+ Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. sourceLen is
+ the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size
+ of the destination buffer, which must be large enough to hold the entire
+ uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data must have been saved
+ previously by the compressor and transmitted to the decompressor by some
+ mechanism outside the scope of this compression library.) Upon exit, destLen
+ is the actual size of the uncompressed buffer.
+ uncompress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+ enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output
+ buffer, or Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted or incomplete. In
+ the case where there is not enough room, uncompress() will fill the output
+ buffer with the uncompressed data up to that point.
+ /* gzip file access functions */
+ This library supports reading and writing files in gzip (.gz) format with
+ an interface similar to that of stdio, using the functions that start with
+ "gz". The gzip format is different from the zlib format. gzip is a gzip
+ wrapper, documented in RFC 1952, wrapped around a deflate stream.
+typedef struct gzFile_s *gzFile; /* semi-opaque gzip file descriptor */
+ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *path, const char *mode));
+ Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing. The mode parameter is as
+ in fopen ("rb" or "wb") but can also include a compression level ("wb9") or
+ a strategy: 'f' for filtered data as in "wb6f", 'h' for Huffman-only
+ compression as in "wb1h", 'R' for run-length encoding as in "wb1R", or 'F'
+ for fixed code compression as in "wb9F". (See the description of
+ deflateInit2 for more information about the strategy parameter.) 'T' will
+ request transparent writing or appending with no compression and not using
+ the gzip format.
+ "a" can be used instead of "w" to request that the gzip stream that will
+ be written be appended to the file. "+" will result in an error, since
+ reading and writing to the same gzip file is not supported. The addition of
+ "x" when writing will create the file exclusively, which fails if the file
+ already exists. On systems that support it, the addition of "e" when
+ reading or writing will set the flag to close the file on an execve() call.
+ These functions, as well as gzip, will read and decode a sequence of gzip
+ streams in a file. The append function of gzopen() can be used to create
+ such a file. (Also see gzflush() for another way to do this.) When
+ appending, gzopen does not test whether the file begins with a gzip stream,
+ nor does it look for the end of the gzip streams to begin appending. gzopen
+ will simply append a gzip stream to the existing file.
+ gzopen can be used to read a file which is not in gzip format; in this
+ case gzread will directly read from the file without decompression. When
+ reading, this will be detected automatically by looking for the magic two-
+ byte gzip header.
+ gzopen returns NULL if the file could not be opened, if there was
+ insufficient memory to allocate the gzFile state, or if an invalid mode was
+ specified (an 'r', 'w', or 'a' was not provided, or '+' was provided).
+ errno can be checked to determine if the reason gzopen failed was that the
+ file could not be opened.
+ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen OF((int fd, const char *mode));
+ gzdopen associates a gzFile with the file descriptor fd. File descriptors
+ are obtained from calls like open, dup, creat, pipe or fileno (if the file
+ has been previously opened with fopen). The mode parameter is as in gzopen.
+ The next call of gzclose on the returned gzFile will also close the file
+ descriptor fd, just like fclose(fdopen(fd, mode)) closes the file descriptor
+ fd. If you want to keep fd open, use fd = dup(fd_keep); gz = gzdopen(fd,
+ mode);. The duplicated descriptor should be saved to avoid a leak, since
+ gzdopen does not close fd if it fails. If you are using fileno() to get the
+ file descriptor from a FILE *, then you will have to use dup() to avoid
+ double-close()ing the file descriptor. Both gzclose() and fclose() will
+ close the associated file descriptor, so they need to have different file
+ descriptors.
+ gzdopen returns NULL if there was insufficient memory to allocate the
+ gzFile state, if an invalid mode was specified (an 'r', 'w', or 'a' was not
+ provided, or '+' was provided), or if fd is -1. The file descriptor is not
+ used until the next gz* read, write, seek, or close operation, so gzdopen
+ will not detect if fd is invalid (unless fd is -1).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzbuffer OF((gzFile file, unsigned size));
+ Set the internal buffer size used by this library's functions. The
+ default buffer size is 8192 bytes. This function must be called after
+ gzopen() or gzdopen(), and before any other calls that read or write the
+ file. The buffer memory allocation is always deferred to the first read or
+ write. Two buffers are allocated, either both of the specified size when
+ writing, or one of the specified size and the other twice that size when
+ reading. A larger buffer size of, for example, 64K or 128K bytes will
+ noticeably increase the speed of decompression (reading).
+ The new buffer size also affects the maximum length for gzprintf().
+ gzbuffer() returns 0 on success, or -1 on failure, such as being called
+ too late.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzsetparams OF((gzFile file, int level, int strategy));
+ Dynamically update the compression level or strategy. See the description
+ of deflateInit2 for the meaning of these parameters.
+ gzsetparams returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the file was not
+ opened for writing.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzread OF((gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len));
+ Reads the given number of uncompressed bytes from the compressed file. If
+ the input file is not in gzip format, gzread copies the given number of
+ bytes into the buffer directly from the file.
+ After reaching the end of a gzip stream in the input, gzread will continue
+ to read, looking for another gzip stream. Any number of gzip streams may be
+ concatenated in the input file, and will all be decompressed by gzread().
+ If something other than a gzip stream is encountered after a gzip stream,
+ that remaining trailing garbage is ignored (and no error is returned).
+ gzread can be used to read a gzip file that is being concurrently written.
+ Upon reaching the end of the input, gzread will return with the available
+ data. If the error code returned by gzerror is Z_OK or Z_BUF_ERROR, then
+ gzclearerr can be used to clear the end of file indicator in order to permit
+ gzread to be tried again. Z_OK indicates that a gzip stream was completed
+ on the last gzread. Z_BUF_ERROR indicates that the input file ended in the
+ middle of a gzip stream. Note that gzread does not return -1 in the event
+ of an incomplete gzip stream. This error is deferred until gzclose(), which
+ will return Z_BUF_ERROR if the last gzread ended in the middle of a gzip
+ stream. Alternatively, gzerror can be used before gzclose to detect this
+ case.
+ gzread returns the number of uncompressed bytes actually read, less than
+ len for end of file, or -1 for error.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzwrite OF((gzFile file,
+ voidpc buf, unsigned len));
+ Writes the given number of uncompressed bytes into the compressed file.
+ gzwrite returns the number of uncompressed bytes written or 0 in case of
+ error.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf Z_ARG((gzFile file, const char *format, ...));
+ Converts, formats, and writes the arguments to the compressed file under
+ control of the format string, as in fprintf. gzprintf returns the number of
+ uncompressed bytes actually written, or 0 in case of error. The number of
+ uncompressed bytes written is limited to 8191, or one less than the buffer
+ size given to gzbuffer(). The caller should assure that this limit is not
+ exceeded. If it is exceeded, then gzprintf() will return an error (0) with
+ nothing written. In this case, there may also be a buffer overflow with
+ unpredictable consequences, which is possible only if zlib was compiled with
+ the insecure functions sprintf() or vsprintf() because the secure snprintf()
+ or vsnprintf() functions were not available. This can be determined using
+ zlibCompileFlags().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputs OF((gzFile file, const char *s));
+ Writes the given null-terminated string to the compressed file, excluding
+ the terminating null character.
+ gzputs returns the number of characters written, or -1 in case of error.
+ZEXTERN char * ZEXPORT gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len));
+ Reads bytes from the compressed file until len-1 characters are read, or a
+ newline character is read and transferred to buf, or an end-of-file
+ condition is encountered. If any characters are read or if len == 1, the
+ string is terminated with a null character. If no characters are read due
+ to an end-of-file or len < 1, then the buffer is left untouched.
+ gzgets returns buf which is a null-terminated string, or it returns NULL
+ for end-of-file or in case of error. If there was an error, the contents at
+ buf are indeterminate.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputc OF((gzFile file, int c));
+ Writes c, converted to an unsigned char, into the compressed file. gzputc
+ returns the value that was written, or -1 in case of error.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc OF((gzFile file));
+ Reads one byte from the compressed file. gzgetc returns this byte or -1
+ in case of end of file or error. This is implemented as a macro for speed.
+ As such, it does not do all of the checking the other functions do. I.e.
+ it does not check to see if file is NULL, nor whether the structure file
+ points to has been clobbered or not.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzungetc OF((int c, gzFile file));
+ Push one character back onto the stream to be read as the first character
+ on the next read. At least one character of push-back is allowed.
+ gzungetc() returns the character pushed, or -1 on failure. gzungetc() will
+ fail if c is -1, and may fail if a character has been pushed but not read
+ yet. If gzungetc is used immediately after gzopen or gzdopen, at least the
+ output buffer size of pushed characters is allowed. (See gzbuffer above.)
+ The pushed character will be discarded if the stream is repositioned with
+ gzseek() or gzrewind().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzflush OF((gzFile file, int flush));
+ Flushes all pending output into the compressed file. The parameter flush
+ is as in the deflate() function. The return value is the zlib error number
+ (see function gzerror below). gzflush is only permitted when writing.
+ If the flush parameter is Z_FINISH, the remaining data is written and the
+ gzip stream is completed in the output. If gzwrite() is called again, a new
+ gzip stream will be started in the output. gzread() is able to read such
+ concatented gzip streams.
+ gzflush should be called only when strictly necessary because it will
+ degrade compression if called too often.
+ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile file,
+ z_off_t offset, int whence));
+ Sets the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given
+ compressed file. The offset represents a number of bytes in the
+ uncompressed data stream. The whence parameter is defined as in lseek(2);
+ the value SEEK_END is not supported.
+ If the file is opened for reading, this function is emulated but can be
+ extremely slow. If the file is opened for writing, only forward seeks are
+ supported; gzseek then compresses a sequence of zeroes up to the new
+ starting position.
+ gzseek returns the resulting offset location as measured in bytes from
+ the beginning of the uncompressed stream, or -1 in case of error, in
+ particular if the file is opened for writing and the new starting position
+ would be before the current position.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzrewind OF((gzFile file));
+ Rewinds the given file. This function is supported only for reading.
+ gzrewind(file) is equivalent to (int)gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET)
+ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile file));
+ Returns the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the given
+ compressed file. This position represents a number of bytes in the
+ uncompressed data stream, and is zero when starting, even if appending or
+ reading a gzip stream from the middle of a file using gzdopen().
+ gztell(file) is equivalent to gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_CUR)
+ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset OF((gzFile file));
+ Returns the current offset in the file being read or written. This offset
+ includes the count of bytes that precede the gzip stream, for example when
+ appending or when using gzdopen() for reading. When reading, the offset
+ does not include as yet unused buffered input. This information can be used
+ for a progress indicator. On error, gzoffset() returns -1.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzeof OF((gzFile file));
+ Returns true (1) if the end-of-file indicator has been set while reading,
+ false (0) otherwise. Note that the end-of-file indicator is set only if the
+ read tried to go past the end of the input, but came up short. Therefore,
+ just like feof(), gzeof() may return false even if there is no more data to
+ read, in the event that the last read request was for the exact number of
+ bytes remaining in the input file. This will happen if the input file size
+ is an exact multiple of the buffer size.
+ If gzeof() returns true, then the read functions will return no more data,
+ unless the end-of-file indicator is reset by gzclearerr() and the input file
+ has grown since the previous end of file was detected.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzdirect OF((gzFile file));
+ Returns true (1) if file is being copied directly while reading, or false
+ (0) if file is a gzip stream being decompressed.
+ If the input file is empty, gzdirect() will return true, since the input
+ does not contain a gzip stream.
+ If gzdirect() is used immediately after gzopen() or gzdopen() it will
+ cause buffers to be allocated to allow reading the file to determine if it
+ is a gzip file. Therefore if gzbuffer() is used, it should be called before
+ gzdirect().
+ When writing, gzdirect() returns true (1) if transparent writing was
+ requested ("wT" for the gzopen() mode), or false (0) otherwise. (Note:
+ gzdirect() is not needed when writing. Transparent writing must be
+ explicitly requested, so the application already knows the answer. When
+ linking statically, using gzdirect() will include all of the zlib code for
+ gzip file reading and decompression, which may not be desired.)
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzclose OF((gzFile file));
+ Flushes all pending output if necessary, closes the compressed file and
+ deallocates the (de)compression state. Note that once file is closed, you
+ cannot call gzerror with file, since its structures have been deallocated.
+ gzclose must not be called more than once on the same file, just as free
+ must not be called more than once on the same allocation.
+ gzclose will return Z_STREAM_ERROR if file is not valid, Z_ERRNO on a
+ file operation error, Z_MEM_ERROR if out of memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if the
+ last read ended in the middle of a gzip stream, or Z_OK on success.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzclose_r OF((gzFile file));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzclose_w OF((gzFile file));
+ Same as gzclose(), but gzclose_r() is only for use when reading, and
+ gzclose_w() is only for use when writing or appending. The advantage to
+ using these instead of gzclose() is that they avoid linking in zlib
+ compression or decompression code that is not used when only reading or only
+ writing respectively. If gzclose() is used, then both compression and
+ decompression code will be included the application when linking to a static
+ zlib library.
+ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum));
+ Returns the error message for the last error which occurred on the given
+ compressed file. errnum is set to zlib error number. If an error occurred
+ in the file system and not in the compression library, errnum is set to
+ Z_ERRNO and the application may consult errno to get the exact error code.
+ The application must not modify the returned string. Future calls to
+ this function may invalidate the previously returned string. If file is
+ closed, then the string previously returned by gzerror will no longer be
+ available.
+ gzerror() should be used to distinguish errors from end-of-file for those
+ functions above that do not distinguish those cases in their return values.
+ZEXTERN void ZEXPORT gzclearerr OF((gzFile file));
+ Clears the error and end-of-file flags for file. This is analogous to the
+ clearerr() function in stdio. This is useful for continuing to read a gzip
+ file that is being written concurrently.
+#endif /* !Z_SOLO */
+ /* checksum functions */
+ These functions are not related to compression but are exported
+ anyway because they might be useful in applications using the compression
+ library.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32 OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, uInt len));
+ Update a running Adler-32 checksum with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and
+ return the updated checksum. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the
+ required initial value for the checksum.
+ An Adler-32 checksum is almost as reliable as a CRC32 but can be computed
+ much faster.
+ Usage example:
+ uLong adler = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ while (read_buffer(buffer, length) != EOF) {
+ adler = adler32(adler, buffer, length);
+ }
+ if (adler != original_adler) error();
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong adler1, uLong adler2,
+ z_off_t len2));
+ Combine two Adler-32 checksums into one. For two sequences of bytes, seq1
+ and seq2 with lengths len1 and len2, Adler-32 checksums were calculated for
+ each, adler1 and adler2. adler32_combine() returns the Adler-32 checksum of
+ seq1 and seq2 concatenated, requiring only adler1, adler2, and len2. Note
+ that the z_off_t type (like off_t) is a signed integer. If len2 is
+ negative, the result has no meaning or utility.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32 OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len));
+ Update a running CRC-32 with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and return the
+ updated CRC-32. If buf is Z_NULL, this function returns the required
+ initial value for the crc. Pre- and post-conditioning (one's complement) is
+ performed within this function so it shouldn't be done by the application.
+ Usage example:
+ uLong crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+ while (read_buffer(buffer, length) != EOF) {
+ crc = crc32(crc, buffer, length);
+ }
+ if (crc != original_crc) error();
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, z_off_t len2));
+ Combine two CRC-32 check values into one. For two sequences of bytes,
+ seq1 and seq2 with lengths len1 and len2, CRC-32 check values were
+ calculated for each, crc1 and crc2. crc32_combine() returns the CRC-32
+ check value of seq1 and seq2 concatenated, requiring only crc1, crc2, and
+ len2.
+ /* various hacks, don't look :) */
+/* deflateInit and inflateInit are macros to allow checking the zlib version
+ * and the compiler's view of z_stream:
+ */
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, int level,
+ const char *version, int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm,
+ const char *version, int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int level, int method,
+ int windowBits, int memLevel,
+ int strategy, const char *version,
+ int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits,
+ const char *version, int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBackInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits,
+ unsigned char FAR *window,
+ const char *version,
+ int stream_size));
+#define deflateInit(strm, level) \
+ deflateInit_((strm), (level), ZLIB_VERSION, (int)sizeof(z_stream))
+#define inflateInit(strm) \
+ inflateInit_((strm), ZLIB_VERSION, (int)sizeof(z_stream))
+#define deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) \
+ deflateInit2_((strm),(level),(method),(windowBits),(memLevel),\
+ (strategy), ZLIB_VERSION, (int)sizeof(z_stream))
+#define inflateInit2(strm, windowBits) \
+ inflateInit2_((strm), (windowBits), ZLIB_VERSION, \
+ (int)sizeof(z_stream))
+#define inflateBackInit(strm, windowBits, window) \
+ inflateBackInit_((strm), (windowBits), (window), \
+ ZLIB_VERSION, (int)sizeof(z_stream))
+#ifndef Z_SOLO
+/* gzgetc() macro and its supporting function and exposed data structure. Note
+ * that the real internal state is much larger than the exposed structure.
+ * This abbreviated structure exposes just enough for the gzgetc() macro. The
+ * user should not mess with these exposed elements, since their names or
+ * behavior could change in the future, perhaps even capriciously. They can
+ * only be used by the gzgetc() macro. You have been warned.
+ */
+struct gzFile_s {
+ unsigned have;
+ unsigned char *next;
+ z_off64_t pos;
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzgetc_ OF((gzFile file)); /* backward compatibility */
+#ifdef Z_PREFIX_SET
+# undef z_gzgetc
+# define z_gzgetc(g) \
+ ((g)->have ? ((g)->have--, (g)->pos++, *((g)->next)++) : gzgetc(g))
+# define gzgetc(g) \
+ ((g)->have ? ((g)->have--, (g)->pos++, *((g)->next)++) : gzgetc(g))
+/* provide 64-bit offset functions if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE defined, and/or
+ * change the regular functions to 64 bits if _FILE_OFFSET_BITS is 64 (if
+ * both are true, the application gets the *64 functions, and the regular
+ * functions are changed to 64 bits) -- in case these are set on systems
+ * without large file support, _LFS64_LARGEFILE must also be true
+ */
+#ifdef Z_LARGE64
+ ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *));
+ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzseek64 OF((gzFile, z_off64_t, int));
+ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gztell64 OF((gzFile));
+ ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off64_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off64_t));
+#if !defined(ZLIB_INTERNAL) && defined(Z_WANT64)
+# ifdef Z_PREFIX_SET
+# define z_gzopen z_gzopen64
+# define z_gzseek z_gzseek64
+# define z_gztell z_gztell64
+# define z_gzoffset z_gzoffset64
+# define z_adler32_combine z_adler32_combine64
+# define z_crc32_combine z_crc32_combine64
+# else
+# define gzopen gzopen64
+# define gzseek gzseek64
+# define gztell gztell64
+# define gzoffset gzoffset64
+# define adler32_combine adler32_combine64
+# define crc32_combine crc32_combine64
+# endif
+# ifndef Z_LARGE64
+ ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *));
+ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek64 OF((gzFile, z_off_t, int));
+ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell64 OF((gzFile));
+ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+# endif
+ ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen OF((const char *, const char *));
+ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek OF((gzFile, z_off_t, int));
+ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell OF((gzFile));
+ ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset OF((gzFile));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+#else /* Z_SOLO */
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+#endif /* !Z_SOLO */
+/* hack for buggy compilers */
+#if !defined(ZUTIL_H) && !defined(NO_DUMMY_DECL)
+ struct internal_state {int dummy;};
+/* undocumented functions */
+ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT zError OF((int));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateSyncPoint OF((z_streamp));
+ZEXTERN const z_crc_t FAR * ZEXPORT get_crc_table OF((void));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateUndermine OF((z_streamp, int));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateResetKeep OF((z_streamp));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateResetKeep OF((z_streamp));
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(Z_SOLO)
+ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen_w OF((const wchar_t *path,
+ const char *mode));
+#if defined(STDC) || defined(Z_HAVE_STDARG_H)
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORTVA gzvprintf Z_ARG((gzFile file,
+ const char *format,
+ va_list va));
+# endif
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ZLIB_H */
diff --git a/zlib/zutil.c b/zlib/zutil.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbba7b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/zutil.c
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+/* zutil.c -- target dependent utility functions for the compression library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, 2010, 2011, 2012 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#include "zutil.h"
+#ifndef Z_SOLO
+# include "gzguts.h"
+#ifndef NO_DUMMY_DECL
+struct internal_state {int dummy;}; /* for buggy compilers */
+z_const char * const z_errmsg[10] = {
+"need dictionary", /* Z_NEED_DICT 2 */
+"stream end", /* Z_STREAM_END 1 */
+"", /* Z_OK 0 */
+"file error", /* Z_ERRNO (-1) */
+"stream error", /* Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) */
+"data error", /* Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) */
+"insufficient memory", /* Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) */
+"buffer error", /* Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) */
+"incompatible version",/* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) */
+const char * ZEXPORT zlibVersion()
+ return ZLIB_VERSION;
+uLong ZEXPORT zlibCompileFlags()
+ uLong flags;
+ flags = 0;
+ switch ((int)(sizeof(uInt))) {
+ case 2: break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 4: flags += 1; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 8: flags += 2; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ default: flags += 3;
+ }
+ switch ((int)(sizeof(uLong))) {
+ case 2: break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 4: flags += 1 << 2; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 8: flags += 2 << 2; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ default: flags += 3 << 2;
+ }
+ switch ((int)(sizeof(voidpf))) {
+ case 2: break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 4: flags += 1 << 4; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 8: flags += 2 << 4; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ default: flags += 3 << 4;
+ }
+ switch ((int)(sizeof(z_off_t))) {
+ case 2: break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 4: flags += 1 << 6; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ case 8: flags += 2 << 6; break; /* CONSTANT CONDITION */
+ default: flags += 3 << 6;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ flags += 1 << 8;
+#if defined(ASMV) || defined(ASMINF)
+ flags += 1 << 9;
+ flags += 1 << 10;
+ flags += 1 << 12;
+ flags += 1 << 13;
+ flags += 1L << 16;
+#ifdef NO_GZIP
+ flags += 1L << 17;
+ flags += 1L << 20;
+#ifdef FASTEST
+ flags += 1L << 21;
+#if defined(STDC) || defined(Z_HAVE_STDARG_H)
+# ifdef NO_vsnprintf
+ flags += 1L << 25;
+# ifdef HAS_vsprintf_void
+ flags += 1L << 26;
+# endif
+# else
+# ifdef HAS_vsnprintf_void
+ flags += 1L << 26;
+# endif
+# endif
+ flags += 1L << 24;
+# ifdef NO_snprintf
+ flags += 1L << 25;
+# ifdef HAS_sprintf_void
+ flags += 1L << 26;
+# endif
+# else
+# ifdef HAS_snprintf_void
+ flags += 1L << 26;
+# endif
+# endif
+ return flags;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# ifndef verbose
+# define verbose 0
+# endif
+int ZLIB_INTERNAL z_verbose = verbose;
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error (m)
+ char *m;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m);
+ exit(1);
+/* exported to allow conversion of error code to string for compress() and
+ * uncompress()
+ */
+const char * ZEXPORT zError(err)
+ int err;
+ return ERR_MSG(err);
+#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+ /* The Microsoft C Run-Time Library for Windows CE doesn't have
+ * errno. We define it as a global variable to simplify porting.
+ * Its value is always 0 and should not be used.
+ */
+ int errno = 0;
+#ifndef HAVE_MEMCPY
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcpy(dest, source, len)
+ Bytef* dest;
+ const Bytef* source;
+ uInt len;
+ if (len == 0) return;
+ do {
+ *dest++ = *source++; /* ??? to be unrolled */
+ } while (--len != 0);
+int ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcmp(s1, s2, len)
+ const Bytef* s1;
+ const Bytef* s2;
+ uInt len;
+ uInt j;
+ for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
+ if (s1[j] != s2[j]) return 2*(s1[j] > s2[j])-1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemzero(dest, len)
+ Bytef* dest;
+ uInt len;
+ if (len == 0) return;
+ do {
+ *dest++ = 0; /* ??? to be unrolled */
+ } while (--len != 0);
+#ifndef Z_SOLO
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+#ifdef __TURBOC__
+/* Turbo C in 16-bit mode */
+# define MY_ZCALLOC
+/* Turbo C malloc() does not allow dynamic allocation of 64K bytes
+ * and farmalloc(64K) returns a pointer with an offset of 8, so we
+ * must fix the pointer. Warning: the pointer must be put back to its
+ * original form in order to free it, use zcfree().
+ */
+#define MAX_PTR 10
+/* 10*64K = 640K */
+local int next_ptr = 0;
+typedef struct ptr_table_s {
+ voidpf org_ptr;
+ voidpf new_ptr;
+} ptr_table;
+local ptr_table table[MAX_PTR];
+/* This table is used to remember the original form of pointers
+ * to large buffers (64K). Such pointers are normalized with a zero offset.
+ * Since MSDOS is not a preemptive multitasking OS, this table is not
+ * protected from concurrent access. This hack doesn't work anyway on
+ * a protected system like OS/2. Use Microsoft C instead.
+ */
+voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size)
+ voidpf buf = opaque; /* just to make some compilers happy */
+ ulg bsize = (ulg)items*size;
+ /* If we allocate less than 65520 bytes, we assume that farmalloc
+ * will return a usable pointer which doesn't have to be normalized.
+ */
+ if (bsize < 65520L) {
+ buf = farmalloc(bsize);
+ if (*(ush*)&buf != 0) return buf;
+ } else {
+ buf = farmalloc(bsize + 16L);
+ }
+ if (buf == NULL || next_ptr >= MAX_PTR) return NULL;
+ table[next_ptr].org_ptr = buf;
+ /* Normalize the pointer to seg:0 */
+ *((ush*)&buf+1) += ((ush)((uch*)buf-0) + 15) >> 4;
+ *(ush*)&buf = 0;
+ table[next_ptr++].new_ptr = buf;
+ return buf;
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
+ int n;
+ if (*(ush*)&ptr != 0) { /* object < 64K */
+ farfree(ptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Find the original pointer */
+ for (n = 0; n < next_ptr; n++) {
+ if (ptr != table[n].new_ptr) continue;
+ farfree(table[n].org_ptr);
+ while (++n < next_ptr) {
+ table[n-1] = table[n];
+ }
+ next_ptr--;
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = opaque; /* just to make some compilers happy */
+ Assert(0, "zcfree: ptr not found");
+#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
+#ifdef M_I86
+/* Microsoft C in 16-bit mode */
+# define MY_ZCALLOC
+#if (!defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER <= 600))
+# define _halloc halloc
+# define _hfree hfree
+voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size)
+ if (opaque) opaque = 0; /* to make compiler happy */
+ return _halloc((long)items, size);
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
+ if (opaque) opaque = 0; /* to make compiler happy */
+ _hfree(ptr);
+#endif /* M_I86 */
+#endif /* SYS16BIT */
+#ifndef MY_ZCALLOC /* Any system without a special alloc function */
+#ifndef STDC
+extern voidp malloc OF((uInt size));
+extern voidp calloc OF((uInt items, uInt size));
+extern void free OF((voidpf ptr));
+voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc (opaque, items, size)
+ voidpf opaque;
+ unsigned items;
+ unsigned size;
+ if (opaque) items += size - size; /* make compiler happy */
+ return sizeof(uInt) > 2 ? (voidpf)malloc(items * size) :
+ (voidpf)calloc(items, size);
+void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree (opaque, ptr)
+ voidpf opaque;
+ voidpf ptr;
+ free(ptr);
+ if (opaque) return; /* make compiler happy */
+#endif /* MY_ZCALLOC */
+#endif /* !Z_SOLO */
diff --git a/zlib/zutil.h b/zlib/zutil.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..254effd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zlib/zutil.h
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+/* zutil.h -- internal interface and configuration of the compression library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
+ part of the implementation of the compression library and is
+ subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#ifndef ZUTIL_H
+#define ZUTIL_H
+#include "../rsync.h"
+#include "zlib.h"
+#if 0
+#if defined(STDC) && !defined(Z_SOLO)
+# if !(defined(_WIN32_WCE) && defined(_MSC_VER))
+# include <stddef.h>
+# endif
+# include <string.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef Z_SOLO
+ typedef long ptrdiff_t; /* guess -- will be caught if guess is wrong */
+#ifndef local
+# define local static
+/* compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols */
+typedef unsigned char uch;
+typedef uch FAR uchf;
+typedef unsigned short ush;
+typedef ush FAR ushf;
+typedef unsigned long ulg;
+extern z_const char * const z_errmsg[10]; /* indexed by 2-zlib_error */
+/* (size given to avoid silly warnings with Visual C++) */
+#define ERR_MSG(err) z_errmsg[Z_NEED_DICT-(err)]
+#define ERR_RETURN(strm,err) \
+ return (strm->msg = ERR_MSG(err), (err))
+/* To be used only when the state is known to be valid */
+ /* common constants */
+#ifndef DEF_WBITS
+/* default windowBits for decompression. MAX_WBITS is for compression only */
+#if MAX_MEM_LEVEL >= 8
+# define DEF_MEM_LEVEL 8
+/* default memLevel */
+#define STORED_BLOCK 0
+#define STATIC_TREES 1
+#define DYN_TREES 2
+/* The three kinds of block type */
+#define MIN_MATCH 3
+#define MAX_MATCH 258
+/* The minimum and maximum match lengths */
+#define PRESET_DICT 0x20 /* preset dictionary flag in zlib header */
+ /* target dependencies */
+#if defined(MSDOS) || (defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(WIN32))
+# define OS_CODE 0x00
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+# if (__STDC__ == 1) && (defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__COMPACT__))
+ /* Allow compilation with ANSI keywords only enabled */
+ void _Cdecl farfree( void *block );
+ void *_Cdecl farmalloc( unsigned long nbytes );
+# else
+# include <alloc.h>
+# endif
+# else /* MSC or DJGPP */
+# include <malloc.h>
+# endif
+# endif
+#ifdef AMIGA
+# define OS_CODE 0x01
+#if defined(VAXC) || defined(VMS)
+# define OS_CODE 0x02
+# define F_OPEN(name, mode) \
+ fopen((name), (mode), "mbc=60", "ctx=stm", "rfm=fix", "mrs=512")
+#if defined(ATARI) || defined(atarist)
+# define OS_CODE 0x05
+#ifdef OS2
+# define OS_CODE 0x06
+# if defined(M_I86) && !defined(Z_SOLO)
+# include <malloc.h>
+# endif
+#if defined(MACOS) || defined(TARGET_OS_MAC)
+# define OS_CODE 0x07
+# ifndef Z_SOLO
+# if defined(__MWERKS__) && __dest_os != __be_os && __dest_os != __win32_os
+# include <unix.h> /* for fdopen */
+# else
+# ifndef fdopen
+# define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
+#ifdef TOPS20
+# define OS_CODE 0x0a
+#ifdef WIN32
+# ifndef __CYGWIN__ /* Cygwin is Unix, not Win32 */
+# define OS_CODE 0x0b
+# endif
+#ifdef __50SERIES /* Prime/PRIMOS */
+# define OS_CODE 0x0f
+#if defined(_BEOS_) || defined(RISCOS)
+# define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
+#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 600)) && !defined __INTERIX
+# if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+# define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
+ typedef int ptrdiff_t;
+# endif
+# else
+# define fdopen(fd,type) _fdopen(fd,type)
+# endif
+#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(MSDOS)
+ #pragma warn -8004
+ #pragma warn -8008
+ #pragma warn -8066
+/* provide prototypes for these when building zlib without LFS */
+#if !defined(_WIN32) && \
+ (!defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) || _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0 == 0)
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine64 OF((uLong, uLong, z_off_t));
+ /* common defaults */
+#ifndef OS_CODE
+# define OS_CODE 0x03 /* assume Unix */
+#ifndef F_OPEN
+# define F_OPEN(name, mode) fopen((name), (mode))
+ /* functions */
+#if defined(pyr) || defined(Z_SOLO)
+# define NO_MEMCPY
+#if defined(SMALL_MEDIUM) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__SC__)
+ /* Use our own functions for small and medium model with MSC <= 5.0.
+ * You may have to use the same strategy for Borland C (untested).
+ * The __SC__ check is for Symantec.
+ */
+# define NO_MEMCPY
+#if defined(STDC) && !defined(HAVE_MEMCPY) && !defined(NO_MEMCPY)
+# define HAVE_MEMCPY
+# ifdef SMALL_MEDIUM /* MSDOS small or medium model */
+# define zmemcpy _fmemcpy
+# define zmemcmp _fmemcmp
+# define zmemzero(dest, len) _fmemset(dest, 0, len)
+# else
+# define zmemcpy memcpy
+# define zmemcmp memcmp
+# define zmemzero(dest, len) memset(dest, 0, len)
+# endif
+ void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcpy OF((Bytef* dest, const Bytef* source, uInt len));
+ int ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemcmp OF((const Bytef* s1, const Bytef* s2, uInt len));
+ void ZLIB_INTERNAL zmemzero OF((Bytef* dest, uInt len));
+/* Diagnostic functions */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# include <stdio.h>
+ extern int ZLIB_INTERNAL z_verbose;
+ extern void ZLIB_INTERNAL z_error OF((char *m));
+# define Assert(cond,msg) {if(!(cond)) z_error(msg);}
+# define Trace(x) {if (z_verbose>=0) fprintf x ;}
+# define Tracev(x) {if (z_verbose>0) fprintf x ;}
+# define Tracevv(x) {if (z_verbose>1) fprintf x ;}
+# define Tracec(c,x) {if (z_verbose>0 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
+# define Tracecv(c,x) {if (z_verbose>1 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
+# define Assert(cond,msg)
+# define Trace(x)
+# define Tracev(x)
+# define Tracevv(x)
+# define Tracec(c,x)
+# define Tracecv(c,x)
+#ifndef Z_SOLO
+ voidpf ZLIB_INTERNAL zcalloc OF((voidpf opaque, unsigned items,
+ unsigned size));
+ void ZLIB_INTERNAL zcfree OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr));
+#define ZALLOC(strm, items, size) \
+ (*((strm)->zalloc))((strm)->opaque, (items), (size))
+#define ZFREE(strm, addr) (*((strm)->zfree))((strm)->opaque, (voidpf)(addr))
+#define TRY_FREE(s, p) {if (p) ZFREE(s, p);}
+/* Reverse the bytes in a 32-bit value */
+#define ZSWAP32(q) ((((q) >> 24) & 0xff) + (((q) >> 8) & 0xff00) + \
+ (((q) & 0xff00) << 8) + (((q) & 0xff) << 24))
+#endif /* ZUTIL_H */