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+.. toctree::
+ :glob:
+ v8compatibility
+ v7compatibility
+ v6compatibility
+ v5compatibility
+ v4compatibility
+ v3compatibility
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+Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v3
+*Written by* `Rainer Gerhards <>`_
+Rsyslog aims to be a drop-in replacement for sysklogd. However, version
+3 has some considerable enhancements, which lead to some backward
+compatibility issues both in regard to sysklogd and rsyslog v1 and v2.
+Most of these issues are avoided by default by not specifying the -c
+option on the rsyslog command line. That will enable
+backwards-compatibility mode. However, please note that things may be
+suboptimal in backward compatibility mode, so the advise is to work
+through this document, update your rsyslog.conf, remove the no longer
+supported startup options and then add -c3 as the first option to the
+rsyslog command line. That will enable native mode.
+Please note that rsyslogd helps you during that process by logging
+appropriate messages about compatibility mode and
+backwards-compatibility statements automatically generated. You may
+want your syslogd log for those. They immediately follow rsyslogd's
+startup message.
+With v2 and below, inputs were automatically started together with
+rsyslog. In v3, inputs are optional! They come in the form of plug-in
+modules. **At least one input module must be loaded to make rsyslog do
+any useful work.** The config file directives doc briefly lists which
+config statements are available by which modules.
+It is suggested that input modules be loaded in the top part of the
+config file. Here is an example, also highlighting the most important
+ $ModLoad immark # provides --MARK-- message capability
+ $ModLoad imudp # provides UDP syslog reception
+ $ModLoad imtcp # provides TCP syslog reception
+ $ModLoad imgssapi # provides GSSAPI syslog reception
+ $ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging (e.g. via logger command)
+ $ModLoad imklog # provides kernel logging support (previously done by rklogd)
+Command Line Options
+A number of command line options have been removed. New config file
+directives have been added for them. The -h and -e option have been
+removed even in compatibility mode. They are ignored but an informative
+message is logged. Please note that -h was never supported in v2, but
+was silently ignored. It disappeared some time ago in the final v1
+builds. It can be replaced by applying proper filtering inside
+-c option / Compatibility Mode
+The -c option is new and tells rsyslogd about the desired backward
+compatibility mode. It must always be the first option on the command
+line, as it influences processing of the other options. To use the
+rsyslog v3 native interface, specify -c3. To use compatibility mode ,
+either do not use -c at all or use -c<vers> where vers is the rsyslog
+version that it shall be compatible to. Use -c0 to be command-line
+compatible to sysklogd.
+Please note that rsyslogd issues warning messages if the -c3 command
+line option is not given. This is to alert you that your are running in
+compatibility mode. Compatibility mode interferes with your rsyslog.conf
+commands and may cause some undesired side-effects. It is meant to be
+used with a plain old rsyslog.conf - if you use new features, things
+become messy. So the best advise is to work through this document,
+convert your options and config file and then use rsyslog in native
+mode. In order to aid you in this process, rsyslog logs every
+compatibility-mode config file directive it has generated. So you can
+simply copy them from your logfile and paste them to the config.
+-e Option
+This option is no longer supported, as the "last message repeated n
+times" feature is now turned off by default. We changed this default
+because this feature is causing a lot of trouble and we need to make it
+either go away or change the way it works. For more information, please
+see our dedicated `forum thread on "last message repeated n
+times" <>`_. This
+thread also contains information on how to configure rsyslogd so that it
+continues to support this feature (as long as it is not totally
+-m Option
+The -m command line option is emulated in compatibility mode. To replace
+it, use the following config directives (compatibility mode
+auto-generates them):
+ $ModLoad immark
+ $MarkMessagePeriod 1800 # 30 minutes
+-r Option
+Is no longer available in native mode. However, it is understood in
+compatibility mode (if no -c option is given). Use the ``$UDPSeverRun
+<port>`` config file directives. You can now also set the local address
+the server should listen to via ``$UDPServerAddress <ip>`` config
+The following example configures an UDP syslog server at the local
+address on port 514:
+ $ModLoad imudp
+ $UDPServerAddress # this MUST be before the $UDPServerRun directive!
+ $UDPServerRun 514
+``$UDPServerAddress \*`` means listen on all local interfaces. This is the
+default if no directive is specified.
+Please note that now multiple listeners are supported. For example, you
+can do the following:
+ $ModLoad imudp
+ $UDPServerAddress # this MUST be before the $UDPServerRun directive!
+ $UDPServerRun 514
+ $UDPServerAddress \* # all local interfaces
+ $UDPServerRun 1514
+These config file settings run two listeners: one at and
+one on port 1514, which listens on all local interfaces.
+Default port for UDP (and TCP) Servers
+Please note that with pre-v3 rsyslogd, a service database lookup was
+made when a UDP server was started and no port was configured. Only if
+that failed, the IANA default of 514 was used. For TCP servers, this
+lookup was never done and 514 always used if no specific port was
+configured. For consistency, both TCP and UDP now use port 514 as
+default. If a lookup is desired, you need to specify it in the "Run"
+directive, e.g. "*$UDPServerRun syslog*\ ".
+klogd has (finally) been replaced by a loadable input module. To enable
+klogd functionality, do
+ $ModLoad imklog
+Note that this can not be handled by the compatibility layer, as klogd
+was a separate binary. A limited set of klogd command line settings is
+now supported via rsyslog.conf. That set of configuration directives is
+to be expanded. 
+Output File Syncing
+Rsyslogd tries to keep as compatible to stock syslogd as possible. As
+such, it retained stock syslogd's default of syncing every file write if
+not specified otherwise (by placing a dash in front of the output file
+name). While this was a useful feature in past days where hardware was
+much less reliable and UPS seldom, this no longer is useful in today's
+world. Instead, the syncing is a high performance hit. With it, rsyslogd
+writes files around 50 **times** slower than without it. It also affects
+overall system performance due to the high IO activity. In rsyslog v3,
+syncing has been turned off by default. This is done via a specific
+configuration directive
+ $ActionFileEnableSync on/off
+which is off by
+default. So even if rsyslogd finds sync selector lines, it ignores them
+by default. In order to enable file syncing, the administrator must
+specify ``$ActionFileEnableSync on`` at the top of rsyslog.conf. This
+ensures that syncing only happens in some installations where the
+administrator actually wanted that (performance-intense) feature. In the
+fast majority of cases (if not all), this dramatically increases
+rsyslogd performance without any negative effects.
+Output File Format
+Rsyslog supports high precision RFC 3339 timestamps and puts these into
+local log files by default. This is a departure from previous syslogd
+behaviour. We decided to sacrifice some backward-compatibility in an
+effort to provide a better logging solution. Rsyslog has been supporting
+the high-precision timestamps for over three years as of this writing,
+but nobody used them because they were not default (one may also assume
+that most people didn't even know about them). Now, we are writing the
+great high-precision time stamps, which greatly aid in getting the right
+sequence of logging events. If you do not like that, you can easily turn
+them off by placing
+ $ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat
+right at the start of your rsyslog.conf. This will use the previous
+format. Please note that the name is case-sensitive and must be
+specified exactly as shown above. Please also note that you can of
+course use any other format of your liking. To do so, simply specify the
+template to use or set a new default template via the
+$ActionFileDefaultTemplate directive. Keep in mind, though, that
+templates must be defined before they are used.
+Keep in mind that when receiving messages from remote hosts, the
+timestamp is just as precise as the remote host provided it. In most
+cases, this means you will only a receive a standard timestamp with
+second precision. If rsyslog is running at the remote end, you can
+configure it to provide high-precision timestamps (see below).
+Forwarding Format
+When forwarding messages to remote syslog servers, rsyslogd by default
+uses the plain old syslog format with second-level resolution inside the
+timestamps. We could have made it emit high precision timestamps.
+However, that would have broken almost all receivers, including earlier
+versions of rsyslog. To avoid this hassle, high-precision timestamps
+need to be explicitly enabled. To make this as painless as possible,
+rsyslog comes with a canned template that contains everything necessary.
+ To enable high-precision timestamps, just use:
+ $ActionForwardDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat # for plain TCP and UDP
+ $ActionGSSForwardDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat # for GSS-API
+And, of course, you can always set different forwarding formats by just
+specifying the right template.
+If you are running in a system with only rsyslog 3.12.5 and above in the
+receiver roles, it is suggested to add one (or both) of the above
+statements to the top of your rsyslog.conf (but after the $ModLoad's!) -
+that will enable you to use the best in timestamp support available.
+Please note that when you use this format with other receivers, they
+will probably become pretty confused and not detect the timestamp at
+all. In earlier rsyslog versions, for example, that leads to duplication
+of timestamp and hostname fields and disables the detection of the
+original hostname in a relayed/NATed environment. So use the new format
+with care.
+Queue Modes for the Main Message Queue
+Either "FixedArray" or "LinkedList" is recommended. "Direct" is
+available, but should not be used except for a very good reason
+("Direct" disables queueing and will potentially lead to message loss on
+the input side).
diff --git a/source/compatibility/v4compatibility.rst b/source/compatibility/v4compatibility.rst
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+Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v4
+*Written by* `Rainer Gerhards <>`_
+The changes introduced in rsyslog v4 are numerous, but not very
+intrusive. This document describes things to keep in mind when moving
+from v3 to v4. It does not list enhancements nor does it talk about
+compatibility concerns introduced by v3 (for this, see the `rsyslog v3
+compatibility notes <v3compatibility.html>`_).
+HUP processing
+With v3 and below, rsyslog used the traditional HUP behaviour. That
+meant that all output files are closed and the configuration file is
+re-read and the new configuration applied.
+With a program as simple and static as sysklogd, this was not much of an
+issue. The most important config settings (like udp reception) of a
+traditional syslogd can not be modified via the configuration file. So a
+config file reload only meant setting up a new set of filters. It also
+didn't account as problem that while doing so messages may be lost -
+without any threading and queuing model, a traditional syslogd will
+potentially always loose messages, so it is irrelevant if this happens,
+too, during the short config re-read phase.
+In rsyslog, things are quite different: the program is more or less a
+framework into which loadable modules are loaded as needed for a
+particular configuration. The software that will actually be running is
+tailored via the config file. Thus, a re-read of the config file
+requires a full, very heavy restart, because the software actually
+running with the new config can be totally different from what ran with
+the old config.
+Consequently, the traditional HUP is a very heavy operation and may even
+cause some data loss because queues must be shut down, listeners stopped
+and so on. Some of these operations (depending on their configuration)
+involve intentional message loss. The operation also takes up a lot of
+system resources and needs quite some time (maybe seconds) to be
+completed. During this restart period, the syslog subsystem is not fully
+From the software developer's point of view, the full restart done by a
+HUP is rather complex, especially if user-timeout limits set on action
+completion are taken into consideration (for those in the know: at the
+extreme ends this means we need to cancel threads as a last resort, but
+than we need to make sure that such cancellation does not happen at
+points where it would be fatal for a restart). A regular restart, where
+the process is actually terminated, is much less complex, because the
+operating system does a full cleanup after process termination, so
+rsyslogd does not need to take care for exotic cleanup cases and leave
+that to the OS. In the end result, restart-type HUPs clutter the code,
+increase complexity (read: add bugs) and cost performance.
+On the contrary, a HUP is typically needed for log rotation, and the
+real desire is to close files. This is a non-disruptive and very
+lightweight operation.
+Many people have said that they are used to HUP the syslogd to apply
+configuration changes. This is true, but it is questionable if that
+really justifies all the cost that comes with it. After all, it is the
+difference between typing
+ $ kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
+ $ /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart
+Semantically, both is mostly the same thing. The only difference is that
+with the restart command rsyslogd can spit config error message to
+stderr, so that the user is able to see any problems and fix them. With
+a HUP, we do not have access to stderr and thus can log error messages
+only to their configured destinations; experience tells that most users
+will never find them there. What, by the way, is another strong argument
+against restarting rsyslogd by HUPing it.
+So a restart via HUP is not strictly necessary and most other daemons
+require that a restart command is typed in if a restart is required.
+Rsyslog will follow this paradigm in the next versions, resulting in
+many benefits. In v4, we provide some support for the old-style
+semantics. We introduced a setting $HUPisRestart which may be set to
+"on" (traditional, heavy operation) or "off" (new, lightweight "file
+close only" operation). The initial versions had the default set to
+traditional behavior, but starting with 4.5.1 we are now using the new
+behavior as the default.
+Most importantly, **this may break some scripts**, but my sincere belief
+is that there are very few scripts that automatically **change**
+rsyslog's config and then do a HUP to reload it. Anyhow, if you have
+some of these, it may be a good idea to change them now instead of
+turning restart-type HUPs on. Other than that, one mainly needs to
+change the habit of how to restart rsyslog after a configuration change.
+**Please note that restart-type HUP is deprecated and will go away in
+rsyslog v5.** So it is a good idea to become ready for the new version
+now and also enjoy some of the benefits of the "real restart", like the
+better error-reporting capability.
+Note that code complexity reduction (and thus performance improvement)
+needs the restart-type HUP code to be removed, so these changes can (and
+will) only happen in version 5.
+Note: as always documented, outchannels are an experimental feature that
+may be removed and/or changed in the future. There is one concrete
+change done starting with 4.6.7: let's assume an outchannel "mychannel"
+was defined. Then, this channel could be used inside an
+\*.\* $mychannel
+This is still supported and will remain to be
+supported in v4. However, there is a new variant which explicitly tells
+this is to be handled by omfile. This new syntax is as follows:
+\*.\* :omfile:$mychannel
+Note that future versions, specifically
+starting with v6, the older syntax is no longer supported. So users are
+strongly advised to switch to the new syntax. As an aid to the
+conversion process, rsyslog 4.7.4 and above issue a warning message if
+the old-style directive is seen -- but still accept the old syntax
+without any problems.
diff --git a/source/compatibility/v5compatibility.rst b/source/compatibility/v5compatibility.rst
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+Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v5
+*Written by* `Rainer Gerhards <>`_
+The changes introduced in rsyslog v5 are numerous, but not very
+intrusive. This document describes things to keep in mind when moving
+from v4 to v5. It does not list enhancements nor does it talk about
+compatibility concerns introduced by earlier versions (for this, see
+their respective compatibility documents).
+HUP processing
+The $HUPisRestart directive is supported by some early v5 versions, but
+has been removed in 5.1.3 and above. That means that restart-type HUP
+processing is no longer available. This processing was redundant and had
+a lot a drawbacks. For details, please see the `rsyslog v4 compatibility
+notes <v4compatibility.html>`_ which elaborate on the reasons and the
+(few) things you may need to change.
+Please note that starting with 5.8.11 HUP will also requery the local
+Queue on-disk format
+The queue information file format has been changed. When upgrading from
+v4 to v5, make sure that the queue is emptied and no on-disk structure
+present. We did not go great length in understanding the old format, as
+there was too little demand for that (and it being quite some effort if
+done right).
+Queue Worker Thread Shutdown
+Previous rsyslog versions had the capability to "run" on zero queue
+worker if no work was required. This was done to save a very limited
+number of resources. However, it came at the price of great complexity.
+In v5, we have decided to let a minimum of one worker run all the time.
+The additional resource consumption is probably not noticeable at all,
+however, this enabled us to do some important code cleanups, resulting
+in faster and more reliable code (complex code is hard to maintain and
+error-prone). From the regular user's point of view, this change should
+be barely noticeable. I am including the note for expert users, who will
+notice it in rsyslog debug output and other analysis tools. So it is no
+error if each queue in non-direct mode now always runs at least one
+worker thread.
diff --git a/source/compatibility/v6compatibility.rst b/source/compatibility/v6compatibility.rst
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+Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v6
+This document describes things to keep in mind when moving from v5 to v6. It
+does not list enhancements nor does it talk about compatibility concerns introduced
+by earlier versions (for this, see their respective compatibility documents). Its focus
+is primarily on what you need to know if you used a previous version and want to use the
+current one without hassle.
+Version 6 offers a better config language and some other improvements.
+As the config system has many ties into the rsyslog engine AND all plugins,
+the changes are somewhat intrusive. Note, however, that core processing has
+not been changed much in v6 and will not. So once the configuration is loaded,
+the stability of v6 is quite comparable to v5.
+Property "pri-text"
+Traditionally, this property did not only return the textual form
+of the pri ("local0.err"), but also appended the numerical value to it
+("local0.err<133>"). This sounds odd and was left unnoticed for some years.
+In October 2011, this odd behaviour was brought up on the rsyslog mailing list
+by Gregory K. Ruiz-Ade. Code review showed that the behaviour was intentional,
+but no trace of what the intention was when it was introduced could be found.
+The documentation was also unclear, it said no numerical value was present,
+but the samples had it. We agreed that the additional numerical value is
+of disadvantage. We also guessed that this property is very rarely being used,
+otherwise the problem should have been raised much earlier. However, we
+didn't want to change behaviour in older builds. So v6 was set to clean up
+the situation. In v6, text-pri will always return the textual part only
+("local0.err") and the numerical value will not be contained any longer inside
+the string. If you actually need that value, it can fairly easily be added
+via the template system.
+**If you have used this property previously and relied on the numerical
+part, you need to update your rsyslog configuration files.**
+Plugin ABI
+The plugin interface has considerably been changed to support the new
+config language. All plugins need to be upgraded. This usually does not require
+much coding. However, if the new config language shall be supported, more
+changes must be made to plugin code. All project-supported plugins have been
+upgraded, so this compatibility issue is only of interest for you if you have
+custom plugins or use some user-contributed plugins from the rsyslog project
+that are not maintained by the project itself (omoracle is an example). Please
+expect some further plugin instability during the initial v6 releases.
+RainerScript based rsyslog.conf
+A better config format was the main release target for rsyslog v6. It comes in the
+flavor of so-called RainerScript
+`(why the name RainerScript?)
+RainerScript supports legacy syslog.conf format, much as you know it
+from other syslogds (like sysklogd or the BSD syslogd) as well as previous versions
+of rsyslog. Initial work on RainerScript began in v4, and the if-construct was already
+supported in v4 and v5. Version 6 has now taken this further. After long discussions we
+decided to use the legacy format as a basis, and lightly extend it by native RainerScript
+constructs. The main goal was to make sure that previous knowledge and config systems
+could still be used while offering a much more intuitive and powerful way of configuring
+RainerScript has been implemented from scratch and with new tools (flex/bison, for those in the
+know). Starting with 6.3.3, this new config file processor replaces the legacy one. Note that
+the new processor handles all formats, extended RainerScript as well as legacy syslog.conf format.
+There are some legacy construct that were especially hard to translate. You'll read about them in
+other parts of this document (especially outchannels, which require a format change).
+In v6, all legacy formats are supported. In the long term, we may remove some of the ugly
+rsyslog-specific constructs. Good candidates are all configuration commands starting with
+a dollar sign, like "$ActionFileDefaultTemplate"). However, this will not be the case before
+rsyslog v7 or (much more likely) v8/9. Right now, you also need to use these commands, because
+not all have already been converted to the new RainerScript format.
+In 6.3.3, the new parser is used, but almost none of the extended RainerScript capabilities
+are available. They will incrementally be introduced with the following releases. Note that for
+some features (most importantly if-then-else nested blocks), the v6 core engine is not
+capable enough. It is our aim to provide a much better config language to as many rsyslog
+users as quickly as possible. As such, we refrain from doing big engine changes in v6. This
+in turn means we cannot introduce some features into RainerScript that we really want to see.
+These features will come up with rsyslog v7, which will have even better flow control
+capabilities inside the core engine. Note that v7 will fully support v6 RainerScript.
+Let us also say that the v6 version is not a low-end quick hack: it offers full-fledged
+syslog message processing control, capable of doing the best you can find inside the
+industry. We just say that v7 will come up with even more advanced capabilities.
+Please note that we tried hard to make the RainerScript parser compatible with
+all legacy config files. However, we may have failed in one case or another. So if you
+experience problems during config processing, chances are there may be a problem
+on the rsyslog side. In that case, please let us know.
+Please see the
+`blog post about rsyslog 6.3.3 config format
+for details of what is currently supported.
+compatibility mode
+Compatibility mode (specified via -c option) has been removed. This was a migration aid from
+sysklogd and very early versions of rsyslog. As all major distros now have rsyslog as their
+default, and thus ship rsyslog-compliant config files, there is no longer a need for
+compatibility mode. Removing it provides easier to maintain code. Also, practice has shown
+that many users were confused by compatibility mode (and even some package maintainers got
+it wrong). So this not only cleans up the code but rather removes a frequent source of
+It must be noted, though, that this means rsyslog is no longer a 100% drop-in replacement
+for sysklogd. If you convert an extremely old system, you need to checks its config and
+probably need to apply some very mild changes to the config file.
+abort on config errors
+Previous versions accepted some malformedness inside the config file without aborting. This
+could lead to some uncertainty about which configuration was actually running. In v6 there
+are some situations where config file errors can not be ignored. In these cases rsyslog
+emits error messages to stderr, and then exists with a non-zero exit code. It is important
+to check for those cases as this means log data is potentially lost.
+Please note that
+the root problem is the same for earlier versions as well. With them, it was just harder
+to spot why things went wrong (and if at all).
+Default Batch Sizes
+Due to their positive effect on performance and comparatively low overhead,
+default batch sizes have been increased. Starting with 6.3.4, the action queues
+have a default batch size of 128 messages.
+Default action queue enqueue timeout
+This timeout previously was 2 seconds, and has been reduced to 50ms (starting with 6.5.0). This change
+was made as a long timeout will caused delays in the associated main queue, something
+that was quite unexpected to users. Now, this can still happen, but the effect is much
+less harsh (but still considerable on a busy system). Also, 50ms should be fairly enough
+for most output sources, except when they are really broken (like network disconnect). If
+they are really broken, even a 2second timeout does not help, so we hopefully get the best
+of both worlds with the new timeout. A specific timeout can of course still be configured,
+it is just the timeout that changed.
+Outchannels are a to-be-removed feature of rsyslog, at least as far as the config
+syntax is concerned. Nevertheless, v6 still supports it, but a new syntax is required
+for the action. Let's assume your outchannel is named "channel". The previous syntax was
+ *.* $channel
+This was deprecated in v5 and no longer works in v6. Instead, you need to specify
+ *.* :omfile:$channel
+Note that this syntax is available starting with rsyslog v4. It is important to keep on your
+mind that future versions of rsyslog will require different syntax and/or drop outchannel support
+completely. So if at all possible, avoid using this feature. If you must use it, be prepared for
+future changes and watch announcements very carefully.
+ompipe default template
+Starting with 6.5.0, ompipe does no longer use the omfile default template.
+Instead, the default template must be set via the module load statement.
+An example is
+ module(load="builtin:ompipe" template="myDefaultTemplate")
+For obvious reasons, the default template must be defined somewhere in
+the config file, otherwise errors will happen during the config load
+The omusrmsg module is used to send messages to users. In legacy-legacy
+config format (that is the very old sysklogd style), it was sufficient to use
+just the user name to call this action, like in this example:
+ *.* rgerhards
+This format is very ambiguous and causes headache (see
+`blog post on omusrmsg <>`_
+for details). Thus the format has been superseded by this syntax
+(which is legacy format ;-)):
+ *.* :omusrmsg:rgerhards
+That syntax is supported since later subversions of version 4.
+Rsyslog v6 still supports the legacy-legacy format, but in a very strict
+sense. For example, if multiple users or templates are given, no spaces
+must be included in the action line. For example, this works up to v5, but no
+longer in v6:
+ *.* rgerhards, bgerhards
+To fix it in a way that is compatible with pre-v4, use (note the removed space!):
+ *.* rgerhards,bgerhards
+Of course, it probably is better to understand in native v6 format:
+ *.* action(type="omusrmsg" users="rgerhards, bgerhards")
+As you see, here you may include spaces between user names.
+In the long term, legacy-legacy format will most probably totally disappear,
+so it is a wise decision to change config files at least to the legacy
+format (with ":omusrmsg:" in front of the name).
+Escape Sequences in Script-Based Filters
+In v5, escape sequences were very simplistic. Inside a string, "\x" meant
+"x" with x being any character. This has been changed so that the usual set of
+escapes is supported, must importantly "\n", "\t", "\xhh" (with hh being hex digits)
+and "\ooo" with (o being octal digits). So if one of these sequences was used
+previously, results are obviously different. However, that should not create any
+real problems, because it is hard to envision why someone should have done that
+(why write "\n" when you can also write "n"?).
diff --git a/source/compatibility/v7compatibility.rst b/source/compatibility/v7compatibility.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6a1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/compatibility/v7compatibility.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v7
+This document describes things to keep in mind when moving from v6 to v7. It
+does not list enhancements nor does it talk about compatibility concerns
+introduced by earlier versions (for this, see their respective compatibility
+documents). Its focus is primarily on what you need to know if you used v6
+and want to use v7 without hassle.
+Version 7 builds on the new config language introduced in v6 and extends it.
+Other than v6, it not just only extends the config language, but provides
+considerable changes to core elements as well. The result is much more power and
+ease of use as well (this time that is not contradictionary).
+BSD-Style blocks
+BSD style blocks are no longer supported (for good reason). See the
+`rsyslog BSD blocks info page <>`_
+for more information and how to upgrade your config.
+In rsyslog v6, CEE properties could not be used across disk-based queues. If this was
+done, their content was reset. This was a missing feature in v6. In v7, this feature
+has been implemented. Consequently, situations where the previous behaviour were
+desired need now to be solved differently. We do not think that this will cause any
+problems to anyone, especially as in v6 this was announced as a missing feature.
+omusrmsg: using just a username or "*" is deprecated
+In legacy config format, the asterisk denotes writing the message to all users.
+This is usually used for emergency messages and configured like this:
+ *.emerg *
+Unfortunately, the use of this single character conflicts with other uses, for
+example with the multiplication operator. While rsyslog up to versions v7.4 preserves the meaning of
+asterisk as an action, it is deprecated and will probably be removed in future versions.
+Consequently, a warning message is emitted. To make this warning go away, the action must
+be explicitly given, as follows:
+ *.emerg :omusrmsg:*
+The same holds true for user names. For example
+ *.emerg john
+at a minimum should be rewritten as
+ *.emerg :omusrmsg:john
+Of course, for even more clarity the new RainerScript style of action can
+also be used:
+ *.emerg action(type="omusrmsg" users="john")
+In Rainer's blog, there is more
+`background information on why omusrmsg needed to be changed <>`_
+omruleset and discard (~) action are deprecated
+Both continue to work, but have been replaced by better alternatives.
+The discard action (tilde character) has been replaced by the "stop"
+RainerScript directive. It is considered more intuitive and offers slightly
+better performance.
+The omruleset module has been replaced by the "call" RainerScript directive.
+Call permits to execute a ruleset like a subroutine, and does so with much
+higher performance than omruleset did. Note that omruleset could be run off
+an async queue. This was more a side than a desired effect and is not supported
+by the call statement. If that effect was needed, it can simply be simulated by
+running the called rulesets actions asynchronously (what in any case is the right
+way to handle this).
+Note that the deprecated modules emit warning messages when being used.
+They tell that the construct is deprecated and which statement is to be used
+as replacement. This does **not** affect operations: both modules are still
+fully operational and will not be removed in the v7 timeframe.
+Retries of output plugins that do not do proper replies
+Some output plugins may not be able to detect if their target is capable of
+accepting data again after an error (technically, they always return OK when
+TryResume is called). Previously, the rsyslog core engine suspended such an action
+after 1000 successive failures. This lead to potentially a large amount of
+errors and error messages. Starting with 7.2.1, this has been reduced to 10
+successive failures. This still gives the plugin a chance to recover. In extreme
+cases, a plugin may now enter suspend mode where it previously did not do so.
+In practice, we do NOT expect that.
+omfile: file creation time
+Originally, omfile created files immediately during startup, no matter if
+they were written to or not. In v7, this has changed. Files are only created
+when they are needed for the first time.
+Also, in pre-v7 files were created *before* privileges were dropped. This meant
+that files could be written to locations where the actual desired rsyslog
+user was *not* permitted to. In v7, this has been fixed. This is fix also
+the prime reason that files are now created on demand (which is later in the
+process and after the privilege drop).
+Notes for the 7.3/7.4 branch
+"last message repeated n times" Processing
+This processing has been optimized and moved to the input side. This results
+in usually far better performance and also de-couples different sources
+from the same
+processing. It is now also integrated in to the more generic rate-limiting
+User-Noticable Changes
+The code works almost as before, with two exceptions:
+* The suppression amount can be different, as the new algorithm
+ precisely check's a single source, and while that source is being
+ read. The previous algorithm worked on a set of mixed messages
+ from multiple sources.
+* The previous algorithm wrote a "last message repeated n times" message
+ at least every 60 seconds. For performance reasons, we do no longer do
+ this but write this message only when a new message arrives or rsyslog
+ is shut down.
+Note that the new algorithms needs support from input modules. If old
+modules which do not have the necessary support are used, duplicate
+messages will most probably not be detected. Upgrading the module code is
+simple, and all rsyslog-provided plugins support the new method, so this
+should not be a real problem (crafting a solution would result in rather
+complex code - for a case that most probably would never happen).
+Performance Implications
+In general, the new method enables far faster output processing. However, it
+needs to be noted that the "last message repeated n" processing needs parsed
+messages in order to detect duplicated. Consequently, if it is enabled the
+parser step cannot be deferred to the main queue processing thread and
+thus must be done during input processing. The changes workload distribution
+and may have (good or bad) effect on the overall performance. If you have
+a very high performance installation, it is suggested to check the performance
+profile before deploying the new version.
+**Note:** for high-performance
+environments it is highly recommended NOT to use "last message repeated n times"
+processing but rather the other (more efficient) rate-limiting methods. These
+also do NOT require the parsing step to be done during input processing.
+Stricter string-template Processing
+Previously, no error message for invalid string template parameters
+was generated.
+Rather a malformed template was generated, and error information emitted
+at runtime. However, this could be quite confusing. Note that the new code
+changes user experience: formerly, rsyslog and the affected
+actions properly started up, but the actions did not produce proper
+data. Now, there are startup error messages and the actions are NOT
+executed (due to missing template due to template error).
diff --git a/source/compatibility/v8compatibility.rst b/source/compatibility/v8compatibility.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2abc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/compatibility/v8compatibility.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v8
+This document describes things to keep in mind when moving from v7 to
+v8. It does not list enhancements nor does it talk about compatibility
+concerns introduced by earlier versions (for this, see their respective
+compatibility documents). Its focus is primarily on what you need to
+know if you used v7 and want to use v8 without hassle.
+Version 8 offers a completely rewritten core rsyslog engine. This
+resulted in a number of changes that are visible to users and (plugin)
+developers. Most importantly, pre-v8 plugins **do not longer work** and
+need to be updated to support the new calling interfaces. If you
+developed a plugin, be sure to review the developer section below.
+Mark Messages
+In previous versions, mark messages were by default only processed if an
+action was not executed for some time. The default has now changed, and
+mark messages are now always processed. Note that this enables faster
+processing inside rsyslog. To change to previous behaviour, you need to
+add action.writeAllMarkMessages="off" to the actions in question.
+Untested Modules
+The following modules have been updated and successfully build, but no
+"real" test were conducted. Users of these modules should use extra
+- mmsequence
+- plugins/omgssapi
+- omsnmp
+- mmfields
+- mmpstrucdata
+- plugins/mmaudit
+- ommongodb - larger changes still outstanding
+- ompgsql
+- plugins/omrabbitmq - not project supported
+- plugins/omzmq3 - not project supported
+- plugins/omhdfs (transaction support should be improved, requires sponsor)
+- omuxsock
+In addition to bug reports, success reports are also appreciated for
+these modules (this may save us testing).
+What Developers need to Know
+output plugin interface
+To support the new core engine, the output interface has been
+considerably changed. It is suggested to review some of the
+project-provided plugins for full details. In this doc, we describe the
+most important changes from a high level perspective.
+**Multi-thread awareness required**
+The new engine activates one **worker**\ instance of output actions on
+each worker thread. This means an action has now three types of data:
+- global
+- action-instance - previously known pData, one for each action inside
+ the config
+- worker-action-instance - one for each worker thread (called
+ pWrkrData), note that this is specific to exactly one pData
+The plugin **must** now by multi-threading aware. It may be called by
+multiple threads concurrently, but it is guaranteed that each call is
+for a unique pWrkrData structure. This still permits to write plugins
+easily, but enables the engine to work with much higher performance.
+Note that plugin developers should assume it is the norm that multiple
+concurrent worker action instances are active a the some time.
+**New required entry points**
+In order to support the new threading model, new entry points are
+required. Most importantly, only the plugin knows which data must be
+present in pData and pWrkrData, so it must created and destroy these
+data structures on request of the engine. Note that pWrkrData may be
+destroyed at any time and new ones re-created later. Depending on
+workload structure and configuration, this can happen frequently.
+New entry points are:
+- createWrkrInstance
+- freeWrkrInstance
+The calling interface for these entry points has changed. Basically,
+they now receive a pWrkrData object instead pData. It is assumed that
+createWrkrInstance populates pWrkrData->pData appropriately.
+- beginTransaction
+- doAction
+- endTransaction
+**Changed entry points**
+Some of the existing entry points have been changed.
+The **doAction** entry point formerly got a variable ``iMsgOpts`` which
+is no longer provided. This variable was introduced in early days and
+exposed some internal message state information to the output module.
+Review of all known existing plugins showed that none except omfile ever
+used that variable. And omfile only did so to do some no longer required
+legacy handling.
+In essence, it is highly unlikely that you ever accessed this variable.
+So we expect that nobody actually notices that the variable has gone
+Removal of the variable provides a slight performance gain, as we do no
+longer need to maintain it inside the output system (which leads to less
+CPU instructions and better cache hits).
+**RS\_RET\_SUSPENDED is no longer supported when creating an action
+This means a plugin must not try to establish any connections or the
+like before any of its processing entry points (like beginTransaction or
+doAction) is called. This was generally also the case with v7, but was
+not enforced in all cases. In v8, creating action fails if
+anything but RS\_RET\_OK is returned.
+string generator interface
+Bottom line: string generators need to be changed or will abort.
+The BEGINstrgen() entry point has greatly changed. Instead of two
+parameters for the output buffers, they now receive a single ``iparam``
+pointer, which contains all data items needed. Also, the message pointer
+is now const to "prevent" (accidental) changes to the message via the
+strgen interface.
+Note that strgen modules must now maintain the iparam->lenStr field,
+which must hold the length of the generated string on exit. This is
+necessary as we cache the string sizes in order to reduced strlen()
+calls. Also, the numerical parameters are now unsigned and no longer
+size\_t. This permits us to store them directly into optimized heap
+Specifics for Version 8.3 and 8.4
+Unsupported Command Line Options Removed
+The command line options a, h, m, o, p, g, r, t and c were not
+supported since many versions. However, they spit out an error
+message that they were unsupported. This error message now no
+longer appears, instead the regular usage() display happens.
+This should not have any effect to users.
+Specifics for Version 8.5 and 8.6
+imfile changes
+Starting with 8.5.0, imfile supports wildcards in file names, but
+does do so only in inotify mode. In order to support wildcards, the
+handling of statefile needed to be changed. Most importantly, the
+*statefile* input parameter has been deprecated. See
+:doc:`imfile module documentation <../../configuration/modules/imfile>`
+for more details.
+Command Line Options
+There is a small set of configuration command line options available dating back
+to the dark ages of syslog technology. Setting command-line options is
+distro specific and a hassle for most users. As such, we are phasing out
+these options, and will do so rather quickly.
+Some of them (most notably -l, -s) will completely be removed, as
+feedback so far indicated they are no longer in use. Others will be
+replaced by proper configuration objects.
+**Expect future rsyslog versions to no longer accept those configuration
+command line options.**
+Please see this table to see what to use as a replacement for the
+current options:
+========== ===========================================================================
+**Option** **replacement**
+-4 global(net.ipprotocol="ipv4-only")
+-6 global(net.ipprotocol="ipv6-only")
+-A omfwd input parameter "udp.sendToAll"
+-l dropped, currently no replacement
+-q global(net.aclAddHostnameOnFail="on")
+-Q global(net.aclResolveHostname="off")
+-s dropped, currently no replacement
+-S omrelp action parameter "localclientip"
+-w global(net.permitACLWarning="off")
+-x global(net.enableDNS="off")
+========== ===========================================================================