impstats: Generate Periodic Statistics of Internal Counters
=========================== ===========================================================================
**Module Name:** **impstats**
**Author:** `Rainer Gerhards `_
=========================== ===========================================================================
This module provides periodic output of rsyslog internal counters.
The set of available counters will be output as a set of syslog
messages. This output is periodic, with the interval being configurable
(default is 5 minutes). Be sure that your configuration records the
counter messages (default is syslog.=info). Besides logging to the
regular syslog stream, the module can also be configured to write
statistics data into a (local) file.
When logging to the regular syslog stream, impstats records are emitted
just like regular log messages. As such,
counters increase when processing these messages. This must be taken into
consideration when testing and troubleshooting.
Note that loading this module has some impact on rsyslog performance.
Depending on settings, this impact may be noticeable for high-load
environments, but in general the overhead is pretty light.
**Note that there is a** `rsyslog statistics online
analyzer `_ **available.** It
can be given a impstats-generated file and will return problems it
detects. Note that the analyzer cannot replace a human in getting things
right, but it is expected to be a good aid in starting to understand and
gain information from the pstats logs.
The rsyslog website has an overview of available `rsyslog
statistic counters `_.
When browsing this page, please be sure to take note of which rsyslog
version is required to provide a specific counter. Counters are
continuously being added, and older versions do not support everything.
Notable Features
- :ref:`impstats-statistic-counter`
Configuration Parameters
The configuration parameters for this module are designed for tailoring
the method and process for outputting the rsyslog statistics to file.
.. note::
Parameter names are case-insensitive.
.. note::
This module supports module parameters, only.
Module Parameters
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"integer", "300", "no", "none"
Sets the interval, in **seconds** at which messages are generated.
Please note that the actual interval may be a bit longer. We do not
try to be precise and so the interval is actually a sleep period
which is entered after generating all messages. So the actual
interval is what is configured here plus the actual time required to
generate messages. In general, the difference should not really
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"integer", "5", "no", "none"
The numerical syslog facility code to be used for generated
messages. Default is 5 (syslog). This is useful for filtering
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"integer", "6", "no", "none"
The numerical syslog severity code to be used for generated
messages. Default is 6 (info).This is useful for filtering messages.
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"binary", "off", "no", "none"
When set to "on", counters are automatically reset after they are
emitted. In that case, the contain only deltas to the last value
emitted. When set to "off", counters always accumulate their values.
Note that in auto-reset mode not all counters can be reset. Some
counters (like queue size) are directly obtained from internal object
and cannot be modified. Also, auto-resetting introduces some
additional slight inaccuracies due to the multi-threaded nature of
rsyslog and the fact that for performance reasons it cannot serialize
access to counter variables. As an alternative to auto-reset mode,
you can use rsyslog's statistics manipulation scripts to create delta
values from the regular statistic logs. This is the suggested method
if deltas are not necessarily needed in real-time.
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"word", "legacy", "no", "none"
.. versionadded:: 8.16.0
Specifies the format of emitted stats messages. The default of
"legacy" is compatible with pre v6-rsyslog. The other options provide
support for structured formats (note the "cee" is actually "project
lumberjack" logging).
The json-elasticsearch format supports the broken ElasticSearch
JSON implementation. ES 2.0 no longer supports valid JSON and
disallows dots inside names. The "json-elasticsearch" format
option replaces those dots by the bang ("!") character. So
"discarded.full" becomes "discarded!full".
Options: json/json-elasticsearch/cee/legacy
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"binary", "on", "no", "none"
This is a boolean setting specifying if data should be sent to the
usual syslog stream. This is useful if custom formatting or more
elaborate processing is desired. However, output is placed under the
same restrictions as regular syslog data, especially in regard to the
queue position (stats data may sit for an extended period of time in
queues if they are full). If set "off", then you cannot bind the module to
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"word", "none", "no", "none"
If specified, statistics data is written to the specified file. For
robustness, this should be a local file. The file format cannot be
customized, it consists of a date header, followed by a colon,
followed by the actual statistics record, all on one line. Only very
limited error handling is done, so if things go wrong stats records
will probably be lost. Logging to file an be a useful alternative if
for some reasons (e.g. full queues) the regular syslog stream method
shall not be used solely. Note that turning on file logging does NOT
turn off syslog logging. If that is desired log.syslog="off" must be
explicitly set.
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"string", "none", "no", "none"
Binds the listener to a specific :doc:`ruleset <../../concepts/multi_ruleset>`.
**Note** that setting ``ruleset`` and ``log.syslog="off"`` are mutually
exclusive because syslog stream processing must be enabled to use a ruleset.
.. csv-table::
:header: "type", "default", "mandatory", "|FmtObsoleteName| directive"
:widths: auto
:class: parameter-table
"binary", "off", "no", "none"
.. versionadded:: 8.4.1
This is a utility setting for folks who post-process impstats logs
and would like to know the begin and end of a block of statistics.
When "bracketing" is set to "on", impstats issues a "BEGIN" message
before the first counter is issued, then all counter values
are issued, and then an "END" message follows. As such, if and only if messages
are kept in sequence, a block of stats counts can easily be identified
by those BEGIN and END messages.
**Note well:** in general, sequence of syslog messages is **not**
strict and is not ordered in sequence of message generation. There
are various occasion that can cause message reordering, some
examples are:
* using multiple threads
* using UDP forwarding
* using relay systems, especially with buffering enabled
* using disk-assisted queues
This is not a problem with rsyslog, but rather the way a concurrent
world works. For strict order, a specific order predicate (e.g. a
sufficiently fine-grained timestamp) must be used.
As such, BEGIN and END records may actually indicate the begin and
end of a block of statistics - or they may *not*. Any order is possible
in theory. So the bracketing option does not in all cases work as
expected. This is the reason why it is turned off by default.
*However*, bracketing may still be useful for many use cases. First
and foremost, while there are many scenarios in which messages become
reordered, in practice it happens relatively seldom. So most of the
time the statistics records will come in as expected and actually
will be bracketed by the BEGIN and END messages. Consequently, if
an application can handle occasional out-of-order delivery (e.g. by
graceful degradation), bracketing may actually be a great solution.
It is, however, very important to know and
handle out of order delivery. For most real-world deployments,
a good way to handle it is to ignore unexpected
records and use the previous values for ones missing in the current
block. To guard against two or more blocks being mixed, it may also
be a good idea to never reset a value to a lower bound, except when
that lower bound is seen consistently (which happens due to a
restart). Note that such lower bound logic requires *resetCounters*
to be set to off.
.. _impstats-statistic-counter:
Statistic Counter
The impstats plugin gathers some internal :doc:`statistics <../rsyslog_statistic_counter>`.
They have different names depending on the actual statistics. Obviously, they do not
relate to the plugin itself but rather to a broader object – most notably the
rsyslog process itself. The "resource-usage" counter maintains process
statistics. They base on the getrusage() system call. The counters are
named like getrusage returned data members. So for details, looking them
up in "man getrusage" is highly recommended, especially as value may be
different depending on the platform. A getrusage() call is done immediately
before the counter is emitted. The following individual counters are
- ``utime`` - this is the user time in microseconds (thus the timeval structure combined)
- ``stime`` - again, time given in microseconds
- ``maxrss``
- ``minflt``
- ``majflt``
- ``inblock``
- ``outblock``
- ``nvcsw``
- ``nivcsw``
- ``openfiles`` - number of file handles used by rsyslog; includes actual files, sockets and others
Caveats/Known Bugs
- This module MUST be loaded right at the top of rsyslog.conf,
otherwise stats may not get turned on in all places.
Load module, send stats data to syslog stream
This activates the module and records messages to /var/log/rsyslog-stats
in 10 minute intervals:
.. code-block:: none
# to actually gather the data:
syslog.=debug /var/log/rsyslog-stats
Load module, send stats data to local file
Here, the default interval of 5 minutes is used. However, this time, stats
data is NOT emitted to the syslog stream but to a local file instead.
.. code-block:: none
# need to turn log stream logging off!
Load module, send stats data to local file and syslog stream
Here we log to both the regular syslog log stream as well as a
file. Within the log stream, we forward the data records to another
.. code-block:: none
syslog.=debug @central.example.net
Explanation of output
Example output for illustration::
Sep 17 11:43:49 localhost rsyslogd-pstats: imuxsock: submitted=16
Sep 17 11:43:49 localhost rsyslogd-pstats: main Q: size=1 enqueued=2403 full=0 maxqsize=2
All objects are shown in the results with a separate counter, one object per
Line 1: shows details for
- ``imuxsock``, an object
- ``submitted=16``, a counter showing that 16 messages were received by the
imuxsock object.
Line 2: shows details for the main queue:
- ``main Q``, an object
- ``size``, messages in the queue
- ``enqueued``, all received messages thus far
- ``full``, how often was the queue was full
- ``maxqsize``, the maximum amount of messages that have passed through the
queue since rsyslog was started
See Also
- `rsyslog statistics
counter `_
- `impstats delayed or
lost `_ - cause and