path: root/plugins/omudpspoof/omudpspoof.c
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1 files changed, 819 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/omudpspoof/omudpspoof.c b/plugins/omudpspoof/omudpspoof.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c4f9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/omudpspoof/omudpspoof.c
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+/* omudpspoof.c
+ *
+ * This is a udp-based output module that support spoofing.
+ *
+ * This file builds on UDP spoofing code contributed by
+ * David Lang <>. I then created a "real" rsyslog module
+ * out of that code and omfwd. I decided to make it a separate module because
+ * omfwd already mixes up too many things (TCP & UDP & a different modes,
+ * this has historic reasons), it would not be a good idea to also add
+ * spoofing to it. And, looking at the requirements, there is little in
+ * common between omfwd and this module.
+ *
+ * Note: I have briefly checked libnet source code and I somewhat have the feeling
+ * that under some circumstances we may get into trouble with the lib. For
+ * example, it registers an atexit() handler, which should not play nicely
+ * with our dynamically loaded modules. Anyhow, I refrain from looking deeper
+ * at libnet code, especially as testing does not show any real issues. If some
+ * occur, it may be easier to modify libnet for dynamic load environments than
+ * using a work-around (as a side not, libnet looks somewhat unmaintained, the CVS
+ * I can see on sourceforge dates has no updates done less than 7 years ago).
+ * On the other hand, it looks like libnet is thread safe (at least is appropriately
+ * compiled, which I hope the standard packages are). So I do not guard calls to
+ * it with my own mutex calls.
+ * rgerhards, 2009-07-10
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009 David Lang (spoofing code)
+ * Copyright 2009-2016 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
+ *
+ * This file is part of rsyslog.
+ *
+ * Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Rsyslog. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "rsyslog.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <fnmatch.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "syslogd-types.h"
+#include "srUtils.h"
+#include "net.h"
+#include "template.h"
+#include "msg.h"
+#include "cfsysline.h"
+#include "module-template.h"
+#include "glbl.h"
+#include "errmsg.h"
+#include "dirty.h"
+#include "unicode-helper.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include <libnet.h>
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1
+#define __BSD_SOURCE 1
+#define __FAVOR_BSD 1
+/* internal structures
+ */
+typedef struct _instanceData {
+ uchar *tplName; /* name of assigned template */
+ uchar *host;
+ uchar *port;
+ uchar *sourceTpl;
+ int mtu;
+ u_short sourcePortStart; /* for sorce port iteration */
+ u_short sourcePortEnd;
+ int bReportLibnetInitErr; /* help prevent multiple error messages on init err */
+} instanceData;
+typedef struct wrkrInstanceData {
+ instanceData *pData;
+ libnet_t *libnet_handle;
+ u_short sourcePort;
+ int *pSockArray; /* sockets to use for UDP */
+ struct addrinfo *f_addr;
+ char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE];
+} wrkrInstanceData_t;
+#define DFLT_SOURCE_PORT_END 42000
+typedef struct configSettings_s {
+ uchar *tplName; /* name of the default template to use */
+ uchar *pszSourceNameTemplate; /* name of the template containing the spoofing address */
+ uchar *pszTargetHost;
+ uchar *pszTargetPort;
+ int iSourcePortStart;
+ int iSourcePortEnd;
+} configSettings_t;
+static configSettings_t cs;
+/* action (instance) parameters */
+static struct cnfparamdescr actpdescr[] = {
+ { "target", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 1 },
+ { "port", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 0 },
+ { "sourcetemplate", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 0 },
+ { "sourceport.start", eCmdHdlrInt, 0 },
+ { "sourceport.end", eCmdHdlrInt, 0 },
+ { "mtu", eCmdHdlrInt, 0 },
+ { "template", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 0 }
+static struct cnfparamblk actpblk =
+ sizeof(actpdescr)/sizeof(struct cnfparamdescr),
+ actpdescr
+ };
+/* module-global parameters */
+static struct cnfparamdescr modpdescr[] = {
+ { "template", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 0 },
+static struct cnfparamblk modpblk =
+ sizeof(modpdescr)/sizeof(struct cnfparamdescr),
+ modpdescr
+ };
+struct modConfData_s {
+ rsconf_t *pConf; /* our overall config object */
+ uchar *tplName; /* default template */
+static modConfData_t *loadModConf = NULL;/* modConf ptr to use for the current load process */
+static modConfData_t *runModConf = NULL;/* modConf ptr to use for the current exec process */
+BEGINinitConfVars /* (re)set config variables to default values */
+ cs.tplName = NULL;
+ cs.pszSourceNameTemplate = NULL;
+ cs.pszTargetHost = NULL;
+ cs.pszTargetPort = NULL;
+ cs.iSourcePortStart = DFLT_SOURCE_PORT_START;
+ cs.iSourcePortEnd = DFLT_SOURCE_PORT_END;
+/* add some variables needed for libnet */
+pthread_mutex_t mutLibnet;
+/* forward definitions */
+static rsRetVal doTryResume(wrkrInstanceData_t *pWrkrData);
+/* this function gets the default template. It coordinates action between
+ * old-style and new-style configuration parts.
+ */
+static uchar*
+ if(loadModConf != NULL && loadModConf->tplName != NULL)
+ return loadModConf->tplName;
+ else if(cs.tplName == NULL)
+ return (uchar*)"RSYSLOG_TraditionalForwardFormat";
+ else
+ return cs.tplName;
+/* set the default template to be used
+ * This is a module-global parameter, and as such needs special handling. It needs to
+ * be coordinated with values set via the v2 config system (rsyslog v6+). What we do
+ * is we do not permit this directive after the v2 config system has been used to set
+ * the parameter.
+ */
+static rsRetVal
+setLegacyDfltTpl(void __attribute__((unused)) *pVal, uchar* newVal)
+ DEFiRet;
+ if(loadModConf != NULL && loadModConf->tplName != NULL) {
+ free(newVal);
+ LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "omudpspoof default template already set via module "
+ "global parameter - can no longer be changed");
+ }
+ free(cs.tplName);
+ cs.tplName = newVal;
+ RETiRet;
+/* Close the UDP sockets.
+ * rgerhards, 2009-05-29
+ */
+static rsRetVal
+closeUDPSockets(wrkrInstanceData_t *pWrkrData)
+ DEFiRet;
+ if(pWrkrData->pSockArray != NULL) {
+ net.closeUDPListenSockets(pWrkrData->pSockArray);
+ pWrkrData->pSockArray = NULL;
+ freeaddrinfo(pWrkrData->f_addr);
+ pWrkrData->f_addr = NULL;
+ }
+ RETiRet;
+/* get the syslog forward port
+ * We may change the implementation to try to lookup the port
+ * if it is unspecified. So far, we use the IANA default auf 514.
+ * rgerhards, 2007-06-28
+ */
+static inline uchar *getFwdPt(instanceData *pData)
+ return (pData->port == NULL) ? UCHAR_CONSTANT("514") : pData->port;
+ loadModConf = pModConf;
+ pModConf->pConf = pConf;
+ pModConf->tplName = NULL;
+ struct cnfparamvals *pvals = NULL;
+ int i;
+ pvals = nvlstGetParams(lst, &modpblk, NULL);
+ if(pvals == NULL) {
+ LogError(0, RS_RET_MISSING_CNFPARAMS, "error processing module "
+ "config parameters [module(...)]");
+ }
+ if(Debug) {
+ dbgprintf("module (global) param blk for omudpspoof:\n");
+ cnfparamsPrint(&modpblk, pvals);
+ }
+ for(i = 0 ; i < modpblk.nParams ; ++i) {
+ if(!pvals[i].bUsed)
+ continue;
+ if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "template")) {
+ loadModConf->tplName = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL);
+ if(cs.tplName != NULL) {
+ LogError(0, RS_RET_DUP_PARAM, "omudpspoof: warning: default template "
+ "was already set via legacy directive - may lead to inconsistent "
+ "results.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ dbgprintf("omudpspoof: program error, non-handled "
+ "param '%s' in beginCnfLoad\n", modpblk.descr[i].name);
+ }
+ }
+ if(pvals != NULL)
+ cnfparamvalsDestruct(pvals, &modpblk);
+ loadModConf = NULL; /* done loading */
+ /* free legacy config vars */
+ free(cs.tplName);
+ cs.tplName = NULL;
+ runModConf = pModConf;
+ free(pModConf->tplName);
+ pData->mtu = 1500;
+ pData->bReportLibnetInitErr = 1;
+ pWrkrData->libnet_handle = NULL;
+ pWrkrData->sourcePort = pData->sourcePortStart;
+ if(eFeat == sFEATURERepeatedMsgReduction)
+ iRet = RS_RET_OK;
+ /* final cleanup */
+ free(pData->tplName);
+ free(pData->port);
+ free(pData->host);
+ free(pData->sourceTpl);
+ closeUDPSockets(pWrkrData);
+ if(pWrkrData->libnet_handle != NULL)
+ libnet_destroy(pWrkrData->libnet_handle);
+ DBGPRINTF("%s", pData->host);
+/* Send a message via UDP
+ * Note: libnet is not thread-safe, so we need to ensure that only one
+ * instance ever is calling libnet code.
+ * rgehards, 2007-12-20
+ */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
+static rsRetVal
+UDPSend(wrkrInstanceData_t *pWrkrData, uchar *pszSourcename, char *msg, size_t len)
+ struct addrinfo *r;
+ int lsent = 0;
+ int bSendSuccess;
+ instanceData *pData;
+ struct sockaddr_in *tempaddr,source_ip;
+ libnet_ptag_t ip;
+ libnet_ptag_t udp;
+ sbool bNeedUnlock = 0;
+ /* hdrOffs = fragmentation flags + offset (in bytes)
+ * divided by 8 */
+ unsigned msgOffs, hdrOffs;
+ unsigned maxPktLen, pktLen, udpPktLen;
+ uint16_t ip_id;
+ DEFiRet;
+ if(pWrkrData->pSockArray == NULL) {
+ CHKiRet(doTryResume(pWrkrData));
+ }
+ pData = pWrkrData->pData;
+ if(len > 65528) {
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: msg with length %d truncated to 64k: '%.768s'\n",
+ (int) len, msg);
+ len = 65528;
+ }
+ ip = udp = 0;
+ if(pWrkrData->sourcePort++ >= pData->sourcePortEnd){
+ pWrkrData->sourcePort = pData->sourcePortStart;
+ }
+ /* We need a non-zero id number for the IP headers,
+ * otherwise libnet will increase it after each
+ * build_ipv4, breaking the fragments */
+ ip_id = (uint16_t)libnet_get_prand(LIBNET_PR16);
+ inet_pton(AF_INET, (char*)pszSourcename, &(source_ip.sin_addr));
+ bSendSuccess = RSFALSE;
+ d_pthread_mutex_lock(&mutLibnet);
+ bNeedUnlock = 1;
+ for (r = pWrkrData->f_addr; r && bSendSuccess == RSFALSE ; r = r->ai_next) {
+ tempaddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)r->ai_addr;
+ /* Getting max payload size (must be multiple of 8) */
+ maxPktLen = (pData->mtu - LIBNET_IPV4_H) & ~0x07;
+ msgOffs = 0;
+ /* We're doing (payload size - UDP header size) and not
+ * checking if it's a multiple of 8 because we know the
+ * header is 8 bytes long */
+ if(len > (maxPktLen - LIBNET_UDP_H) ) {
+ hdrOffs = IP_MF;
+ pktLen = maxPktLen - LIBNET_UDP_H;
+ udpPktLen = len;
+ } else {
+ hdrOffs = 0;
+ pktLen = len;
+ udpPktLen = len;
+ }
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: stage 1: MF:%d, msgOffs %d, hdrOffs %d, pktLen %d, udpPktLen %d, maxPktLen %d\n",
+ (hdrOffs & IP_MF) >> 13, (hdrOffs & 0x1FFF) << 3, hdrOffs, pktLen, udpPktLen, maxPktLen);
+ libnet_clear_packet(pWrkrData->libnet_handle);
+ /* note: libnet does need ports in host order NOT in network byte order! -- rgerhards, 2009-11-12 */
+ udp = libnet_build_udp(
+ pWrkrData->sourcePort, /* source port */
+ ntohs(tempaddr->sin_port), /* destination port */
+ udpPktLen+LIBNET_UDP_H, /* packet length - use the FULL UDP Packet Length here */
+ 0, /* checksum */
+ (u_char*)msg, /* payload */
+ pktLen, /* payload size */
+ pWrkrData->libnet_handle, /* libnet handle */
+ udp); /* libnet id */
+ if (udp == -1) {
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: can't build UDP header: %s\n",
+ libnet_geterror(pWrkrData->libnet_handle));
+ }
+ ip = libnet_build_ipv4(
+ LIBNET_IPV4_H+LIBNET_UDP_H+pktLen, /* length */
+ 0, /* TOS */
+ ip_id, /* IP ID */
+ hdrOffs, /* IP Frag */
+ 64, /* TTL */
+ IPPROTO_UDP, /* protocol */
+ 0, /* checksum */
+ source_ip.sin_addr.s_addr,
+ tempaddr->sin_addr.s_addr,
+ NULL, /* payload */
+ 0, /* payload size */
+ pWrkrData->libnet_handle, /* libnet handle */
+ ip); /* libnet id */
+ if (ip == -1) {
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: can't build IP header: %s\n",
+ libnet_geterror(pWrkrData->libnet_handle));
+ }
+ // Disable UDP Checksum CALC if Packjet exceeds MTU
+ if(len > (maxPktLen - LIBNET_UDP_H) ) {
+ libnet_toggle_checksum(pWrkrData->libnet_handle, udp, 1);
+ }
+ /* Write it to the wire. */
+ lsent = libnet_write(pWrkrData->libnet_handle);
+ if(lsent != (int) (LIBNET_IPV4_H+LIBNET_UDP_H+pktLen)) {
+ /* note: access to fd is a libnet internal. If a newer version of libnet does
+ * not expose that member, we should simply remove it. However, while it is there
+ * it is useful for consolidating with strace output.
+ */
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: write error (total len %d): pktLen %d, sent %d, fd %d: %s\n",
+ (int) len, LIBNET_IPV4_H+LIBNET_UDP_H+pktLen, lsent, pWrkrData->libnet_handle->fd,
+ libnet_geterror(pWrkrData->libnet_handle));
+ if(lsent != -1) {
+ bSendSuccess = RSTRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bSendSuccess = RSTRUE;
+ }
+ msgOffs += pktLen;
+ /* We need to get rid of the UDP header to build the other fragments */
+ libnet_clear_packet(pWrkrData->libnet_handle);
+ while(len > msgOffs ) { /* loop until all payload is sent */
+ /* check if there will be more fragments */
+ if((len - msgOffs) > maxPktLen) {
+ /* In IP's eyes, the UDP header in the first packet
+ * needs to be in the offset, so we add its size to
+ * the payload offset here */
+ hdrOffs = IP_MF + (msgOffs + LIBNET_UDP_H)/8;
+ pktLen = maxPktLen;
+ } else {
+ /* See above */
+ hdrOffs = (msgOffs + LIBNET_UDP_H)/8;
+ pktLen = len - msgOffs;
+ }
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: stage 2: MF:%d, hdrOffs %d, pktLen %d\n",
+ (hdrOffs & IP_MF) >> 13, (hdrOffs & 0x1FFF) << 3, pktLen);
+ ip = libnet_build_ipv4(
+ LIBNET_IPV4_H + pktLen, /* length */
+ 0, /* TOS */
+ ip_id, /* IP ID */
+ hdrOffs, /* IP Frag */
+ 64, /* TTL */
+ IPPROTO_UDP, /* protocol */
+ 0, /* checksum */
+ source_ip.sin_addr.s_addr,
+ tempaddr->sin_addr.s_addr,
+ (uint8_t*)(msg+msgOffs), /* payload */
+ pktLen, /* payload size */
+ pWrkrData->libnet_handle, /* libnet handle */
+ ip); /* libnet id */
+ if (ip == -1) {
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: can't build IP fragment header: %s\n",
+ libnet_geterror(pWrkrData->libnet_handle));
+ }
+ /* Write it to the wire. */
+ lsent = libnet_write(pWrkrData->libnet_handle);
+ if(lsent != (int) (LIBNET_IPV4_H+pktLen)) {
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: fragment write error len %d, sent %d: %s\n",
+ (int) (LIBNET_IPV4_H+LIBNET_UDP_H+len), lsent,
+ libnet_geterror(pWrkrData->libnet_handle));
+ bSendSuccess = RSFALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ msgOffs += pktLen;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) {
+ if(pWrkrData->libnet_handle != NULL) {
+ libnet_destroy(pWrkrData->libnet_handle);
+ pWrkrData->libnet_handle = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bNeedUnlock) {
+ d_pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutLibnet);
+ }
+ RETiRet;
+#ifdef _GNUC__
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+/* try to resume connection if it is not ready
+ * rgerhards, 2007-08-02
+ */
+static rsRetVal doTryResume(wrkrInstanceData_t *pWrkrData)
+ int iErr;
+ struct addrinfo *res;
+ struct addrinfo hints;
+ instanceData *pData;
+ DEFiRet;
+ if(pWrkrData->pSockArray != NULL)
+ pData = pWrkrData->pData;
+ if(pWrkrData->libnet_handle == NULL) {
+ /* Initialize the libnet library. Root priviledges are required.
+ * this initializes a IPv4 socket to use for forging UDP packets.
+ */
+ pWrkrData->libnet_handle = libnet_init(
+ LIBNET_RAW4, /* injection type */
+ NULL, /* network interface */
+ pWrkrData->errbuf); /* errbuf */
+ if(pWrkrData->libnet_handle == NULL) {
+ if(pData->bReportLibnetInitErr) {
+ LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR_LIBNET_INIT, "omudpsoof: error "
+ "initializing libnet - are you running as root?");
+ pData->bReportLibnetInitErr = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: libnit_init() ok\n");
+ pData->bReportLibnetInitErr = 1;
+ /* The remote address is not yet known and needs to be obtained */
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof trying resume for '%s'\n", pData->host);
+ memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+ /* port must be numeric, because config file syntax requires this */
+ hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICSERV;
+ hints.ai_family = glbl.GetDefPFFamily(runModConf->pConf);
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
+ if((iErr = (getaddrinfo((char*)pData->host, (char*)getFwdPt(pData), &hints, &res))) != 0) {
+ DBGPRINTF("could not get addrinfo for hostname '%s':'%s': %d%s\n",
+ pData->host, getFwdPt(pData), iErr, gai_strerror(iErr));
+ }
+ DBGPRINTF("%s found, resuming.\n", pData->host);
+ pWrkrData->f_addr = res;
+ pWrkrData->pSockArray = net.create_udp_socket((uchar*)pData->host, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
+ if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) {
+ if(pWrkrData->f_addr != NULL) {
+ freeaddrinfo(pWrkrData->f_addr);
+ pWrkrData->f_addr = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ RETiRet;
+ iRet = doTryResume(pWrkrData);
+ char *psz; /* temporary buffering */
+ unsigned l;
+ int iMaxLine;
+ CHKiRet(doTryResume(pWrkrData));
+ DBGPRINTF(" %s:%s/omudpspoof, src '%s', msg strt '%.256s'\n", pWrkrData->pData->host,
+ getFwdPt(pWrkrData->pData), ppString[1], ppString[0]);
+ iMaxLine = glbl.GetMaxLine(runModConf->pConf);
+ psz = (char*) ppString[0];
+ l = strlen((char*) psz);
+ if((int) l > iMaxLine)
+ l = iMaxLine;
+ CHKiRet(UDPSend(pWrkrData, ppString[1], psz, l));
+static void
+setInstParamDefaults(instanceData *pData)
+ pData->tplName = NULL;
+ pData->sourcePortStart = DFLT_SOURCE_PORT_START;
+ pData->sourcePortEnd = DFLT_SOURCE_PORT_END;
+ pData->host = NULL;
+ pData->port = NULL;
+ pData->sourceTpl = (uchar*) strdup("RSYSLOG_omudpspoofDfltSourceTpl");
+ pData->mtu = 1500;
+ struct cnfparamvals *pvals;
+ uchar *tplToUse;
+ int i;
+ DBGPRINTF("newActInst (omudpspoof)\n");
+ pvals = nvlstGetParams(lst, &actpblk, NULL);
+ if(pvals == NULL) {
+ LogError(0, RS_RET_MISSING_CNFPARAMS, "omudpspoof: mandatory "
+ "parameters missing");
+ }
+ if(Debug) {
+ dbgprintf("action param blk in omudpspoof:\n");
+ cnfparamsPrint(&actpblk, pvals);
+ }
+ CHKiRet(createInstance(&pData));
+ setInstParamDefaults(pData);
+ for(i = 0 ; i < actpblk.nParams ; ++i) {
+ if(!pvals[i].bUsed)
+ continue;
+ if(!strcmp(actpblk.descr[i].name, "target")) {
+ pData->host = (uchar*) es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL);
+ } else if(!strcmp(actpblk.descr[i].name, "port")) {
+ pData->port = (uchar*) es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL);
+ } else if(!strcmp(actpblk.descr[i].name, "sourcetemplate")) {
+ free(pData->sourceTpl);
+ pData->sourceTpl = (uchar*) es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL);
+ } else if(!strcmp(actpblk.descr[i].name, "sourceport.start")) {
+ pData->sourcePortStart = (int) pvals[i].val.d.n;
+ } else if(!strcmp(actpblk.descr[i].name, "sourceport.end")) {
+ pData->sourcePortEnd = pvals[i].val.d.n;
+ } else if(!strcmp(actpblk.descr[i].name, "mtu")) {
+ pData->mtu = pvals[i].val.d.n;
+ } else if(!strcmp(actpblk.descr[i].name, "template")) {
+ pData->tplName = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL);
+ } else {
+ DBGPRINTF("omudpspoof: program error, non-handled "
+ "param '%s'\n", actpblk.descr[i].name);
+ }
+ }
+ tplToUse = ustrdup((pData->tplName == NULL) ? getDfltTpl() : pData->tplName);
+ CHKiRet(OMSRsetEntry(*ppOMSR, 0, tplToUse, OMSR_NO_RQD_TPL_OPTS));
+ CHKiRet(OMSRsetEntry(*ppOMSR, 1, ustrdup(pData->sourceTpl), OMSR_NO_RQD_TPL_OPTS));
+ cnfparamvalsDestruct(pvals, &actpblk);
+ uchar *sourceTpl;
+ /* first check if this config line is actually for us */
+ if(strncmp((char*) p, ":omudpspoof:", sizeof(":omudpspoof:") - 1)) {
+ }
+ /* ok, if we reach this point, we have something for us */
+ p += sizeof(":omudpspoof:") - 1; /* eat indicator sequence (-1 because of '\0'!) */
+ CHKiRet(createInstance(&pData));
+ sourceTpl = (cs.pszSourceNameTemplate == NULL) ? UCHAR_CONSTANT("RSYSLOG_omudpspoofDfltSourceTpl")
+ : cs.pszSourceNameTemplate;
+ if(cs.pszTargetHost == NULL) {
+ LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "No $ActionOMUDPSpoofTargetHost given, can not continue "
+ "with this action.");
+ }
+ /* fill instance properties */
+ CHKmalloc(pData->host = ustrdup(cs.pszTargetHost));
+ if(cs.pszTargetPort == NULL)
+ pData->port = NULL;
+ else
+ CHKmalloc(pData->port = ustrdup(cs.pszTargetPort));
+ CHKiRet(OMSRsetEntry(*ppOMSR, 1, ustrdup(sourceTpl), OMSR_NO_RQD_TPL_OPTS));
+ pData->sourcePortStart = cs.iSourcePortStart;
+ pData->sourcePortEnd = cs.iSourcePortEnd;
+ /* process template */
+ CHKiRet(cflineParseTemplateName(&p, *ppOMSR, 0, OMSR_NO_RQD_TPL_OPTS,
+ (cs.tplName == NULL) ? (uchar*)"RSYSLOG_TraditionalForwardFormat" : cs.tplName));
+/* a common function to free our configuration variables - used both on exit
+ * and on $ResetConfig processing. -- rgerhards, 2008-05-16
+ */
+static void
+ free(cs.tplName);
+ cs.tplName = NULL;
+ free(cs.pszTargetHost);
+ cs.pszTargetHost = NULL;
+ free(cs.pszTargetPort);
+ cs.pszTargetPort = NULL;
+ /* destroy the libnet state needed for forged UDP sources */
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutLibnet);
+ /* release what we no longer need */
+ objRelease(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT);
+ objRelease(net, LM_NET_FILENAME);
+ freeConfigVars();
+/* Reset config variables for this module to default values.
+ * rgerhards, 2008-03-28
+ */
+static rsRetVal resetConfigVariables(uchar __attribute__((unused)) *pp, void __attribute__((unused)) *pVal)
+ freeConfigVars();
+ /* we now must reset all non-string values */
+ cs.iSourcePortStart = DFLT_SOURCE_PORT_START;
+ cs.iSourcePortEnd = DFLT_SOURCE_PORT_END;
+ return RS_RET_OK;
+ *ipIFVersProvided = CURR_MOD_IF_VERSION; /* we only support the current interface specification */
+ CHKiRet(objUse(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT));
+ CHKiRet(objUse(net,LM_NET_FILENAME));
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutLibnet, NULL);
+ CHKiRet(regCfSysLineHdlr((uchar *)"actionomudpspoofdefaulttemplate", 0, eCmdHdlrGetWord,
+ setLegacyDfltTpl, NULL, NULL));
+ CHKiRet(regCfSysLineHdlr((uchar *)"actionomudpspoofsourcenametemplate", 0, eCmdHdlrGetWord, NULL,
+ &cs.pszSourceNameTemplate, NULL));
+ CHKiRet(regCfSysLineHdlr((uchar *)"actionomudpspooftargethost", 0, eCmdHdlrGetWord, NULL,
+ &cs.pszTargetHost, NULL));
+ CHKiRet(regCfSysLineHdlr((uchar *)"actionomudpspooftargetport", 0, eCmdHdlrGetWord, NULL,
+ &cs.pszTargetPort, NULL));
+ CHKiRet(regCfSysLineHdlr((uchar *)"actionomudpspoofsourceportstart", 0, eCmdHdlrInt, NULL,
+ &cs.iSourcePortStart, NULL));
+ CHKiRet(regCfSysLineHdlr((uchar *)"actionomudpspoofsourceportend", 0, eCmdHdlrInt, NULL,
+ &cs.iSourcePortEnd, NULL));
+ CHKiRet(omsdRegCFSLineHdlr((uchar *)"resetconfigvariables", 1, eCmdHdlrCustomHandler, resetConfigVariables,
+/* vim:set ai:
+ */