path: root/runtime/net.h
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diff --git a/runtime/net.h b/runtime/net.h
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index 0000000..88d2df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/net.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+/* Definitions for network-related stuff.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2007-2016 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
+ *
+ * This file is part of the rsyslog runtime library.
+ *
+ * The rsyslog runtime library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * The rsyslog runtime library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with the rsyslog runtime library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
+ * A copy of the LGPL can be found in the file "COPYING.LESSER" in this distribution.
+ */
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h> /* this is needed on HP UX -- rgerhards, 2008-03-04 */
+typedef enum _TCPFRAMINGMODE {
+ TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_STUFFING = 0, /* traditional LF-delimited */
+ TCP_FRAMING_OCTET_COUNTING = 1 /* -transport-tls like octet count */
+#define F_SET(where, flag) ((where)|=(flag))
+#define F_ISSET(where, flag) (((where)&(flag))==(flag))
+#define F_UNSET(where, flag) ((where)&=~(flag))
+#define ADDR_NAME 0x01 /* address is hostname wildcard) */
+#define ADDR_PRI6 0x02 /* use IPv6 address prior to IPv4 when resolving */
+/* portability: incase IP_FREEBIND is not defined */
+#ifndef IP_FREEBIND
+#define IP_FREEBIND 0
+/* defines for IP_FREEBIND, currently being used in imudp */
+#define IPFREEBIND_DISABLED 0x00 /* don't enable IP_FREEBIND in sock option */
+#define IPFREEBIND_ENABLED_NO_LOG 0x01 /* enable IP_FREEBIND but no warn on success */
+#define IPFREEBIND_ENABLED_WITH_LOG 0x02 /* enable IP_FREEBIND and warn on success */
+#ifdef OS_BSD
+# ifndef _KERNEL
+# define s6_addr32 __u6_addr.__u6_addr32
+# endif
+struct NetAddr {
+ uint8_t flags;
+ union {
+ struct sockaddr *NetAddr;
+ char *HostWildcard;
+ } addr;
+ /* this shall prevent compiler errors due to undefined name */
+# define SO_BSDCOMPAT 0
+/* IPv6 compatibility layer for older platforms
+ * We need to handle a few things different if we are running
+ * on an older platform which does not support all the glory
+ * of IPv6. We try to limit toll on features and reliability,
+ * but obviously it is better to run rsyslog on a platform that
+ * supports everything...
+ * rgerhards, 2007-06-22
+ */
+# define AI_NUMERICSERV 0
+#define SALEN(sa) ((sa)->sa_len)
+static inline size_t __attribute__((unused))
+SALEN(struct sockaddr *sa) {
+ switch (sa->sa_family) {
+ case AF_INET: return (sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
+ case AF_INET6: return (sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6));
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+struct AllowedSenders {
+ struct NetAddr allowedSender; /* ip address allowed */
+ uint8_t SignificantBits; /* defines how many bits should be discarded (eqiv to mask) */
+ struct AllowedSenders *pNext;
+/* this structure is a helper to implement wildcards in permittedPeers_t. It specifies
+ * the domain component and the matching mode.
+ * rgerhards, 2008-05-27
+ */
+struct permittedPeerWildcard_s {
+ uchar *pszDomainPart;
+ size_t lenDomainPart;
+ enum {
+ PEER_WILDCARD_NONE = 0, /**< no wildcard in this entry */
+ PEER_WILDCARD_AT_START = 1, /**< wildcard at start of entry (*name) */
+ PEER_WILDCARD_AT_END = 2, /**< wildcard at end of entry (name*) */
+ PEER_WILDCARD_MATCH_ALL = 3, /**< only * wildcard, matches all values */
+ PEER_WILDCARD_EMPTY_COMPONENT = 4/**< special case: domain component empty (e.g. "..") */
+ } wildcardType;
+ permittedPeerWildcard_t *pNext;
+/* for fingerprints and hostnames, we need to have a temporary linked list of
+ * permitted values. Unforutnately, we must also duplicate this in the netstream
+ * drivers. However, this is the best interim solution (with the least effort).
+ * A clean implementation requires that we have more capable variables and the
+ * full-fledged scripting engine available. So we have opted to do the interim
+ * solution so that our users can begin to enjoy authenticated TLS. The next step
+ * (hopefully) is to enhance RainerScript. -- rgerhards, 2008-05-19
+ */
+struct permittedPeers_s {
+ uchar *pszID;
+ enum {
+ PERM_PEER_TYPE_UNDECIDED = 0, /**< we have not yet decided the type (fine in some auth modes) */
+ PERM_PEER_TYPE_PLAIN = 1, /**< just plain text contained */
+ PERM_PEER_TYPE_WILDCARD = 2, /**< wildcards are contained, wildcard struture is filled */
+ } etryType;
+ permittedPeers_t *pNext;
+ permittedPeerWildcard_t *pWildcardRoot; /**< root of the wildcard, NULL if not initialized */
+ permittedPeerWildcard_t *pWildcardLast; /**< end of the wildcard list, NULL if not initialized */
+/* interfaces */
+BEGINinterface(net) /* name must also be changed in ENDinterface macro! */
+ rsRetVal (*cvthname)(struct sockaddr_storage *f, prop_t **localName, prop_t **fqdn, prop_t **ip);
+ /* things to go away after proper modularization */
+ rsRetVal (*addAllowedSenderLine)(char* pName, uchar** ppRestOfConfLine);
+ void (*PrintAllowedSenders)(int iListToPrint);
+ void (*clearAllowedSenders)(uchar*);
+ void (*debugListenInfo)(int fd, char *type);
+ int *(*create_udp_socket)(uchar *hostname, uchar *LogPort, int bIsServer, int rcvbuf, int sndbuf,
+ int ipfreebind, char *device);
+ void (*closeUDPListenSockets)(int *finet);
+ int (*isAllowedSender)(uchar *pszType, struct sockaddr *pFrom, const char *pszFromHost); /* deprecated! */
+ rsRetVal (*getLocalHostname)(rsconf_t *const, uchar**);
+ int (*should_use_so_bsdcompat)(void);
+ /* permitted peer handling should be replaced by something better (see comments above) */
+ rsRetVal (*AddPermittedPeer)(permittedPeers_t **ppRootPeer, uchar *pszID);
+ rsRetVal (*DestructPermittedPeers)(permittedPeers_t **ppRootPeer);
+ rsRetVal (*PermittedPeerWildcardMatch)(permittedPeers_t *pPeer, const uchar *pszNameToMatch, int *pbIsMatching);
+ /* v5 interface additions */
+ int (*CmpHost)(struct sockaddr_storage *, struct sockaddr_storage*, size_t);
+ /* v6 interface additions - 2009-11-16 */
+ rsRetVal (*HasRestrictions)(uchar *, int *bHasRestrictions);
+ int (*isAllowedSender2)(uchar *pszType, struct sockaddr *pFrom, const char *pszFromHost, int bChkDNS);
+ /* v7 interface additions - 2012-03-06 */
+ rsRetVal (*GetIFIPAddr)(uchar *szif, int family, uchar *pszbuf, int lenBuf);
+ /* v8 cvthname() signature change -- rgerhards, 2013-01-18 */
+ /* v9 create_udp_socket() signature change -- dsahern, 2016-11-11 */
+ /* v10 moved data members to rsconf_t -- alakatos, 2021-12-29 */
+#define netCURR_IF_VERSION 10 /* increment whenever you change the interface structure! */
+/* prototypes */
+/* the name of our library binary */
+#define LM_NET_FILENAME "lmnet"
+#endif /* #ifndef INCLUDED_NET_H */