path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a05a5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# added 2018-12-18 by ludobrands
+# This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under ASL 2.0
+. ${srcdir:=.}/ init
+test_status unreliable ''
+check_command_available kafkacat
+export TESTMESSAGES=100000
+export RANDTOPIC=$(tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 8 | head -n 1)
+# Set EXTRA_EXITCHECK to dump kafka/zookeeperlogfiles on failure only.
+export EXTRA_EXITCHECK=dumpkafkalogs
+export EXTRA_EXIT=kafka
+echo Check and Stop previous instances of kafka/zookeeper
+echo Create kafka/zookeeper instance and $RANDTOPIC topic
+create_kafka_topic $RANDTOPIC '.dep_wrk' '22181'
+# --- Create/Start omkafka sender config
+export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="log"
+add_conf '
+# impstats in order to gain insight into error cases
+ log.file="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.pstats'"
+ interval="1" log.syslog="off")
+main_queue(queue.timeoutactioncompletion="60000" queue.timeoutshutdown="60000")
+$imdiagInjectDelayMode full
+template(name="outfmt" type="string" string="%msg:F,58:2%\n")
+template(name="keyin" type="list"){
+ property(name="$.inkey")
+local4.* {
+ set $.inkey = substring(field($msg,":",2),7,1);
+ action( name="kafka-fwd"
+ type="omkafka"
+ topic="'$RANDTOPIC'"
+ key="keyin"
+ dynaKey="on"
+ broker="localhost:29092"
+ template="outfmt"
+ confParam=[ "compression.codec=none",
+ "",
+ "socket.keepalive.enable=true",
+ "",
+ "queue.buffering.max.messages=10000",
+ "",
+ "message.send.max.retries=1"]
+ topicConfParam=[""]
+ closeTimeout="60000"
+ resubmitOnFailure="on"
+ keepFailedMessages="on"
+ failedMsgFile="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG'-failed-'$RANDTOPIC'.data"
+ action.resumeInterval="1"
+ action.resumeRetryCount="2"
+ queue.saveonshutdown="on"
+ )
+ action( type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG'")
+ stop
+action( type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.othermsg'")
+echo Starting sender instance [omkafka]
+echo Inject messages into rsyslog sender instance
+injectmsg 1 $TESTMESSAGES
+# experimental: wait until kafkacat receives everything
+while [ $timecounter -lt $timeoutend ]; do
+ (( timecounter++ ))
+ kafkacat -b localhost:29092 -e -C -o beginning -t $RANDTOPIC -f '%s' > $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
+ count=$(wc -l < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG})
+ if [ $count -eq $TESTMESSAGESFULL ]; then
+ printf '**** wait-kafka-lines success, have %d lines ****\n\n' "$TESTMESSAGESFULL"
+ kafkacat -b localhost:29092 -e -C -o beginning -t $RANDTOPIC -f '%p %k\n' | sort | uniq > "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG.extra"
+ count=$(wc -l < "${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}.extra")
+ if [ $count -eq 10 ]; then
+ printf '**** partition check success, have 10 partition-key combinations ****\n\n'
+ break
+ else
+ shutdown_when_empty
+ wait_shutdown
+ printf '\n\nERROR: partition check failed, expected 10 got %s\n' "$count"
+ printf '\ņRAW DATA:\n'
+ kafkacat -b localhost:29092 -e -C -o beginning -t $RANDTOPIC -f '%p %k\n'
+ printf '\nCHECKED OUTPUT:\n'
+ cat "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG.extra"
+ error_exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ "x$timecounter" == "x$timeoutend" ]; then
+ echo wait-kafka-lines failed, expected $TESTMESSAGESFULL got $count
+ shutdown_when_empty
+ wait_shutdown
+ error_exit 1
+ else
+ echo wait-file-lines not yet there, currently $count lines
+ printf 'pstats data:\n'
+ # we use tail below to guard against overwhelming the
+ # logs if things go wild
+ tail -n 500 < $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.pstats
+ printf '\n'
+ $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 1000
+ fi
+ fi
+echo end iteration $timecounter
+unset count
+#end experimental
+echo Stopping sender instance [omkafka]
+#kafkacat -b localhost:29092 -e -C -o beginning -t $RANDTOPIC -f '%s' > $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
+#kafkacat -b localhost:29092 -e -C -o beginning -t $RANDTOPIC -f '%p@%o:%k:%s' > $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG.extra
+# Delete topic to remove old traces before
+delete_kafka_topic $RANDTOPIC '.dep_wrk' '22181'
+# Dump Kafka log | uncomment if needed
+# dump_kafka_serverlog
+kafka_check_broken_broker $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.othermsg
+seq_check 1 $TESTMESSAGESFULL -d