path: root/tools/pmrfc5424.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/pmrfc5424.c')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pmrfc5424.c b/tools/pmrfc5424.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f682b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pmrfc5424.c
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+/* pmrfc5424.c
+ * This is a parser module for RFC5424-formatted messages.
+ *
+ * NOTE: read comments in module-template.h to understand how this file
+ * works!
+ *
+ * File begun on 2009-11-03 by RGerhards
+ *
+ * Copyright 2007-2015 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
+ *
+ * This file is part of rsyslog.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ * -or-
+ * see COPYING.ASL20 in the source distribution
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "rsyslog.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "syslogd.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "syslogd-types.h"
+#include "template.h"
+#include "msg.h"
+#include "module-template.h"
+#include "glbl.h"
+#include "errmsg.h"
+#include "parser.h"
+#include "datetime.h"
+#include "unicode-helper.h"
+/* internal structures
+ */
+/* config data */
+ if(eFeat == sFEATUREAutomaticSanitazion)
+ iRet = RS_RET_OK;
+ if(eFeat == sFEATUREAutomaticPRIParsing)
+ iRet = RS_RET_OK;
+/* Helper to parseRFCSyslogMsg. This function parses a field up to
+ * (and including) the SP character after it. The field contents is
+ * returned in a caller-provided buffer. The parsepointer is advanced
+ * to after the terminating SP. The caller must ensure that the
+ * provided buffer is large enough to hold the to be extracted value.
+ * Returns 0 if everything is fine or 1 if either the field is not
+ * SP-terminated or any other error occurs. -- rger, 2005-11-24
+ * The function now receives the size of the string and makes sure
+ * that it does not process more than that. The *pLenStr counter is
+ * updated on exit. -- rgerhards, 2009-09-23
+ */
+static int parseRFCField(uchar **pp2parse, uchar *pResult, int *pLenStr)
+ uchar *p2parse;
+ int iRet = 0;
+ assert(pp2parse != NULL);
+ assert(*pp2parse != NULL);
+ assert(pResult != NULL);
+ p2parse = *pp2parse;
+ /* this is the actual parsing loop */
+ while(*pLenStr > 0 && *p2parse != ' ') {
+ *pResult++ = *p2parse++;
+ --(*pLenStr);
+ }
+ if(*pLenStr > 0 && *p2parse == ' ') {
+ ++p2parse; /* eat SP, but only if not at end of string */
+ --(*pLenStr);
+ } else {
+ iRet = 1; /* there MUST be an SP! */
+ }
+ *pResult = '\0';
+ /* set the new parse pointer */
+ *pp2parse = p2parse;
+ return iRet;
+/* Helper to parseRFCSyslogMsg. This function parses the structured
+ * data field of a message. It does NOT parse inside structured data,
+ * just gets the field as whole. Parsing the single entities is left
+ * to other functions. The parsepointer is advanced
+ * to after the terminating SP. The caller must ensure that the
+ * provided buffer is large enough to hold the to be extracted value.
+ * Returns 0 if everything is fine or 1 if either the field is not
+ * SP-terminated or any other error occurs. -- rger, 2005-11-24
+ * The function now receives the size of the string and makes sure
+ * that it does not process more than that. The *pLenStr counter is
+ * updated on exit. -- rgerhards, 2009-09-23
+ */
+static int parseRFCStructuredData(uchar **pp2parse, uchar *pResult, int *pLenStr)
+ uchar *p2parse;
+ int bCont = 1;
+ int iRet = 0;
+ int lenStr;
+ assert(pp2parse != NULL);
+ assert(*pp2parse != NULL);
+ assert(pResult != NULL);
+ p2parse = *pp2parse;
+ lenStr = *pLenStr;
+ /* this is the actual parsing loop
+ * Remeber: structured data starts with [ and includes any characters
+ * until the first ] followed by a SP. There may be spaces inside
+ * structured data. There may also be \] inside the structured data, which
+ * do NOT terminate an element.
+ */
+ if(lenStr == 0 || (*p2parse != '[' && *p2parse != '-'))
+ return 1; /* this is NOT structured data! */
+ if(*p2parse == '-') { /* empty structured data? */
+ *pResult++ = '-';
+ ++p2parse;
+ --lenStr;
+ } else {
+ while(bCont) {
+ if(lenStr < 2) {
+ /* we now need to check if we have only structured data */
+ if(lenStr > 0 && *p2parse == ']') {
+ *pResult++ = *p2parse;
+ p2parse++;
+ lenStr--;
+ bCont = 0;
+ } else {
+ iRet = 1; /* this is not valid! */
+ bCont = 0;
+ }
+ } else if(*p2parse == '\\' && *(p2parse+1) == ']') {
+ /* this is escaped, need to copy both */
+ *pResult++ = *p2parse++;
+ *pResult++ = *p2parse++;
+ lenStr -= 2;
+ } else if(*p2parse == ']' && *(p2parse+1) == ' ') {
+ /* found end, just need to copy the ] and eat the SP */
+ *pResult++ = *p2parse;
+ p2parse += 1;
+ lenStr -= 1;
+ bCont = 0;
+ } else {
+ *pResult++ = *p2parse++;
+ --lenStr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(lenStr > 0 && *p2parse == ' ') {
+ ++p2parse; /* eat SP, but only if not at end of string */
+ --lenStr;
+ } else {
+ iRet = 1; /* there MUST be an SP! */
+ }
+ *pResult = '\0';
+ /* set the new parse pointer */
+ *pp2parse = p2parse;
+ *pLenStr = lenStr;
+ return iRet;
+/* parse a RFC5424-formatted syslog message. This function returns
+ * 0 if processing of the message shall continue and 1 if something
+ * went wrong and this messe should be ignored. This function has been
+ * implemented in the effort to support syslog-protocol. Please note that
+ * the name (parse *RFC*) stems from the hope that syslog-protocol will
+ * some time become an RFC. Do not confuse this with informational
+ * RFC 3164 (which is legacy syslog).
+ *
+ * currently supported format:
+ *
+ *
+ * <PRI> is already stripped when this function is entered. VERSION already
+ * has been confirmed to be "1", but has NOT been stripped from the message.
+ *
+ * rger, 2005-11-24
+ */
+ uchar *p2parse;
+ uchar *pBuf = NULL;
+ int lenMsg;
+ int bContParse = 1;
+ assert(pMsg != NULL);
+ assert(pMsg->pszRawMsg != NULL);
+ p2parse = pMsg->pszRawMsg + pMsg->offAfterPRI; /* point to start of text, after PRI */
+ lenMsg = pMsg->iLenRawMsg - pMsg->offAfterPRI;
+ /* check if we are the right parser */
+ if(lenMsg < 2 || p2parse[0] != '1' || p2parse[1] != ' ') {
+ }
+ DBGPRINTF("Message has RFC5424/syslog-protocol format.\n");
+ setProtocolVersion(pMsg, MSG_RFC5424_PROTOCOL);
+ p2parse += 2;
+ lenMsg -= 2;
+ /* Now get us some memory we can use as a work buffer while parsing.
+ * We simply allocated a buffer sufficiently large to hold all of the
+ * message, so we can not run into any troubles. I think this is
+ * wiser than to use individual buffers.
+ */
+ CHKmalloc(pBuf = malloc(lenMsg + 1));
+ * Validation is not actually done below nor are any errors handled. I have
+ * NOT included this for the current proof of concept. However, it is strongly
+ * advisable to add it when this code actually goes into production.
+ * rgerhards, 2005-11-24
+ */
+ if(lenMsg >= 2 && p2parse[0] == '-' && p2parse[1] == ' ') {
+ memcpy(&pMsg->tTIMESTAMP, &pMsg->tRcvdAt, sizeof(struct syslogTime));
+ p2parse += 2;
+ lenMsg -= 2;
+ } else if(datetime.ParseTIMESTAMP3339(&(pMsg->tTIMESTAMP), &p2parse, &lenMsg) == RS_RET_OK) {
+ if(pMsg->msgFlags & IGNDATE) {
+ /* we need to ignore the msg data, so simply copy over reception date */
+ memcpy(&pMsg->tTIMESTAMP, &pMsg->tRcvdAt, sizeof(struct syslogTime));
+ }
+ } else {
+ DBGPRINTF("no TIMESTAMP detected!\n");
+ bContParse = 0;
+ }
+ /* HOSTNAME */
+ if(bContParse) {
+ parseRFCField(&p2parse, pBuf, &lenMsg);
+ MsgSetHOSTNAME(pMsg, pBuf, ustrlen(pBuf));
+ }
+ /* APP-NAME */
+ if(bContParse) {
+ parseRFCField(&p2parse, pBuf, &lenMsg);
+ MsgSetAPPNAME(pMsg, (char*)pBuf);
+ }
+ /* PROCID */
+ if(bContParse) {
+ parseRFCField(&p2parse, pBuf, &lenMsg);
+ MsgSetPROCID(pMsg, (char*)pBuf);
+ }
+ /* MSGID */
+ if(bContParse) {
+ parseRFCField(&p2parse, pBuf, &lenMsg);
+ MsgSetMSGID(pMsg, (char*)pBuf);
+ }
+ if(bContParse) {
+ parseRFCStructuredData(&p2parse, pBuf, &lenMsg);
+ MsgSetStructuredData(pMsg, (char*)pBuf);
+ }
+ /* MSG */
+ MsgSetMSGoffs(pMsg, p2parse - pMsg->pszRawMsg);
+ if(pBuf != NULL)
+ free(pBuf);
+ /* release what we no longer need */
+ objRelease(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT);
+ objRelease(parser, CORE_COMPONENT);
+ objRelease(datetime, CORE_COMPONENT);
+ *ipIFVersProvided = CURR_MOD_IF_VERSION; /* we only support the current interface specification */
+ CHKiRet(objUse(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT));
+ CHKiRet(objUse(parser, CORE_COMPONENT));
+ CHKiRet(objUse(datetime, CORE_COMPONENT));
+ dbgprintf("rfc5424 parser init called\n");
+ dbgprintf("GetParserName addr %p\n", GetParserName);
+/* vim:set ai:
+ */