/* imdocker.c * This is an implementation of the docker container log input module. It uses the * Docker API in order to stream all container logs available on a host. Will also * update relevant container metadata. * * Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 the rsyslog project. * * This file is part of rsyslog. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * -or- * see COPYING.ASL20 in the source distribution * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifdef __sun #define _XPG4_2 #endif #include "config.h" #include "rsyslog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cfsysline.h" /* access to config file objects */ #include "unicode-helper.h" #include "module-template.h" #include "srUtils.h" /* some utility functions */ #include "errmsg.h" #include "net.h" #include "glbl.h" #include "msg.h" #include "parser.h" #include "prop.h" #include "debug.h" #include "statsobj.h" #include "datetime.h" #include "ratelimit.h" #include "hashtable.h" #include "hashtable_itr.h" #if !defined(_AIX) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-enum" #endif MODULE_TYPE_INPUT MODULE_TYPE_NOKEEP MODULE_CNFNAME("imdocker") extern int Debug; #define USE_MULTI_LINE #undef ENABLE_DEBUG_BYTE_BUFFER /* defines */ #define DOCKER_TAG_NAME "docker:" #define DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID_PARSE_NAME "Id" #define DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAMES_PARSE_NAME "Names" #define DOCKER_CONTAINER_IMAGEID_PARSE_NAME "ImageID" #define DOCKER_CONTAINER_CREATED_PARSE_NAME "Created" #define DOCKER_CONTAINER_LABELS_PARSE_NAME "Labels" /* label defines */ #define DOCKER_CONTAINER_LABEL_KEY_STARTREGEX "imdocker.startregex" /* DEFAULT VALUES */ #define DFLT_pollingInterval 60 /* polling interval in seconds */ #define DFLT_retrieveNewLogsFromStart 1/* Process newly found containers logs from start */ #define DFLT_containersLimit 25 /* maximum number of containers */ #define DFLT_trimLineOverBytes 4194304 /* limit log lines to the value - 4MB default */ #define DFLT_bEscapeLF 1 /* whether line feeds should be escaped */ #define DFLT_SEVERITY pri2sev(LOG_INFO) #define DFLT_FACILITY pri2fac(LOG_USER) enum { dst_invalid = -1, dst_stdin, dst_stdout, dst_stderr, dst_stream_type_count } docker_stream_type_t; /* imdocker specific structs */ typedef struct imdocker_buf_s { uchar *data; size_t len; size_t data_size; } imdocker_buf_t; typedef struct docker_cont_logs_buf_s { imdocker_buf_t *buf; int8_t stream_type; size_t bytes_remaining; } docker_cont_logs_buf_t; struct docker_cont_logs_inst_s; typedef rsRetVal (*submitmsg_funcptr) (struct docker_cont_logs_inst_s *pInst, docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pBufdata, const uchar* pszTag); typedef submitmsg_funcptr SubmitMsgFuncPtr; /* curl request instance */ typedef struct docker_cont_logs_req_s { CURL *curl; docker_cont_logs_buf_t* data_bufs[dst_stream_type_count]; SubmitMsgFuncPtr submitMsg; } docker_cont_logs_req_t; typedef struct imdocker_req_s { CURL *curl; imdocker_buf_t *buf; } imdocker_req_t; typedef struct docker_container_info_s { uchar *name; uchar *image_id; uint64_t created; /* json string container labels */ uchar *json_str_labels; } docker_container_info_t; typedef struct docker_cont_logs_inst_s { char *id; char short_id[12]; docker_container_info_t *container_info; docker_cont_logs_req_t *logsReq; uchar *start_regex; regex_t start_preg; /* compiled version of start_regex */ uint32_t prevSegEnd; } docker_cont_logs_inst_t; typedef struct docker_cont_log_instances_s { struct hashtable* ht_container_log_insts; pthread_mutex_t mut; CURLM *curlm; /* track the latest created container */ uint64_t last_container_created; uchar *last_container_id; time_t time_started; } docker_cont_log_instances_t; /* FORWARD DEFINITIONS */ /* imdocker_buf_t */ static rsRetVal imdockerBufNew(imdocker_buf_t **ppThis); static void imdockerBufDestruct(imdocker_buf_t *pThis); /* docker_cont_logs_buf_t */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogsBufNew(docker_cont_logs_buf_t **ppThis); static void dockerContLogsBufDestruct(docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pThis); static rsRetVal dockerContLogsBufWrite(docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pThis, const uchar *pdata, size_t write_size); /* imdocker_req_t */ static rsRetVal imdockerReqNew(imdocker_req_t **ppThis); static void imdockerReqDestruct(imdocker_req_t *pThis); /* docker_cont_logs_req_t */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogsReqNew(docker_cont_logs_req_t **ppThis, SubmitMsgFuncPtr submitMsg); static void dockerContLogsReqDestruct(docker_cont_logs_req_t *pThis); /* docker_cont_logs_inst_t */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogsInstNew(docker_cont_logs_inst_t **ppThis, const char* id, docker_container_info_t *container_info, SubmitMsgFuncPtr submitMsg); static void dockerContLogsInstDestruct(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pThis); static rsRetVal dockerContLogsInstSetUrlById (sbool isInit, docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pThis, CURLM *curlm, const char* containerId); /* docker_cont_log_instances_t */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsNew(docker_cont_log_instances_t **ppThis); static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsDestruct(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis); static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsGet(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis, docker_cont_logs_inst_t** ppContLogsInst, const char *id); static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsPrint(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis); static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsAdd(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis, docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pContLogsReqInst); static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsRemove(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis, const char *id); /* docker_container_info_t */ static rsRetVal dockerContainerInfoNew(docker_container_info_t **pThis); static void dockerContainerInfoDestruct(docker_container_info_t *pThis); /* utility functions */ static CURLcode docker_get(imdocker_req_t *req, const char* url); static char* dupDockerContainerName(const char* pname); static rsRetVal SubmitMsg(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst, docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pBufData, const uchar* pszTag); /* support multi-line */ static rsRetVal SubmitMsg2(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst, docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pBufData, const uchar* pszTag); static size_t imdocker_container_list_curlCB(void *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *buffer); static size_t imdocker_container_logs_curlCB(void *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *buffer); static sbool get_stream_info(const uchar* data, size_t size, int8_t *stream_type, size_t *payload_size); static int8_t is_valid_stream_type(int8_t stream_type); /* Module static data */ DEF_IMOD_STATIC_DATA DEFobjCurrIf(glbl) DEFobjCurrIf(prop) DEFobjCurrIf(parser) DEFobjCurrIf(datetime) DEFobjCurrIf(statsobj) statsobj_t *modStats; STATSCOUNTER_DEF(ctrSubmit, mutCtrSubmit) STATSCOUNTER_DEF(ctrLostRatelimit, mutCtrLostRatelimit) STATSCOUNTER_DEF(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError) const char* DFLT_dockerAPIUnixSockAddr = "/var/run/docker.sock"; const char* DFLT_dockerAPIAdd = "http://localhost:2375"; const char* DFLT_apiVersionStr = "v1.27"; const char* DFLT_listContainersOptions = ""; const char* DFLT_getContainerLogOptions = "timestamps=0&follow=1&stdout=1&stderr=1&tail=1"; const char* DFLT_getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail = "timestamps=0&follow=1&stdout=1&stderr=1"; /* Overall module configuration structure here. */ struct modConfData_s { rsconf_t *pConf; /* our overall config object */ uchar *apiVersionStr; uchar *listContainersOptions; uchar *getContainerLogOptions; uchar *getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail; int iPollInterval; /* in seconds */ uchar *dockerApiUnixSockAddr; uchar *dockerApiAddr; sbool retrieveNewLogsFromStart; int containersLimit; int trimLineOverBytes; int iDfltSeverity; int iDfltFacility; sbool bEscapeLf; }; static modConfData_t *loadModConf = NULL; static modConfData_t *runModConf = NULL; static prop_t *pInputName = NULL; /* our inputName currently is always "imdocker", and this will hold it */ static prop_t *pLocalHostIP = NULL; /* a pseudo-constant propterty for */ static ratelimit_t *ratelimiter = NULL; /* module-global parameters */ static struct cnfparamdescr modpdescr[] = { { "apiversionstr", eCmdHdlrString, 0 }, { "dockerapiunixsockaddr", eCmdHdlrString, 0 }, { "dockerapiaddr", eCmdHdlrString, 0 }, { "listcontainersoptions", eCmdHdlrString, 0 }, { "getcontainerlogoptions", eCmdHdlrString, 0 }, { "pollinginterval", eCmdHdlrPositiveInt, 0 }, { "retrievenewlogsfromstart", eCmdHdlrBinary, 0 }, { "trimlineoverbytes", eCmdHdlrPositiveInt, 0 }, { "defaultseverity", eCmdHdlrSeverity, 0 }, { "defaultfacility", eCmdHdlrFacility, 0 }, { "escapelf", eCmdHdlrBinary, 0 }, }; static struct cnfparamblk modpblk = { CNFPARAMBLK_VERSION, sizeof(modpdescr)/sizeof(struct cnfparamdescr), modpdescr }; static int bLegacyCnfModGlobalsPermitted; /* are legacy module-global config parameters permitted? */ /* imdocker specific functions */ static rsRetVal imdockerBufNew(imdocker_buf_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; imdocker_buf_t *pThis = (imdocker_buf_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(imdocker_buf_t)); if (!pThis) { return RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } *ppThis = pThis; RETiRet; } static void imdockerBufDestruct(imdocker_buf_t *pThis) { if (pThis) { if (pThis->data) { free(pThis->data); pThis->data = NULL; } free(pThis); } } static rsRetVal dockerContLogsBufNew(docker_cont_logs_buf_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pThis = (docker_cont_logs_buf_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(docker_cont_logs_buf_t)); if (pThis && (iRet = imdockerBufNew(&pThis->buf)) == RS_RET_OK) { pThis->stream_type = dst_invalid; pThis->bytes_remaining = 0; *ppThis = pThis; } else { dockerContLogsBufDestruct(pThis); } RETiRet; } static void dockerContLogsBufDestruct(docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pThis) { if (pThis) { if (pThis->buf) { imdockerBufDestruct(pThis->buf); } free(pThis); } } static rsRetVal dockerContLogsBufWrite(docker_cont_logs_buf_t *const pThis, const uchar *const pdata, const size_t write_size) { DEFiRet; imdocker_buf_t *const mem = pThis->buf; if (mem->len + write_size + 1 > mem->data_size) { uchar *const pbuf = realloc(mem->data, mem->len + write_size + 1); if(pbuf == NULL) { LogError(errno, RS_RET_ERR, "%s() - realloc failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } mem->data = pbuf; mem->data_size = mem->len+ write_size + 1; } /* copy the bytes, and advance pdata */ memcpy(&(mem->data[mem->len]), pdata, write_size); mem->len += write_size; mem->data[mem->len] = '\0'; if (write_size > pThis->bytes_remaining) { pThis->bytes_remaining = 0; } else { pThis->bytes_remaining -= write_size; } finalize_it: RETiRet; } rsRetVal imdockerReqNew(imdocker_req_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; imdocker_req_t *pThis = (imdocker_req_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(imdocker_req_t)); CHKmalloc(pThis); pThis->curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!pThis->curl) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } CHKiRet(imdockerBufNew(&(pThis->buf))); *ppThis = pThis; finalize_it: if (iRet != RS_RET_OK && pThis) { imdockerReqDestruct(pThis); } RETiRet; } void imdockerReqDestruct(imdocker_req_t *pThis) { if (pThis) { if (pThis->buf) { imdockerBufDestruct(pThis->buf); } if (pThis->curl) { curl_easy_cleanup(pThis->curl); pThis->curl = NULL; } free(pThis); } } static rsRetVal dockerContLogsReqNew(docker_cont_logs_req_t **ppThis, SubmitMsgFuncPtr submitMsg) { DEFiRet; docker_cont_logs_req_t *pThis = (docker_cont_logs_req_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(docker_cont_logs_req_t)); CHKmalloc(pThis); pThis->submitMsg = submitMsg; pThis->curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!pThis->curl) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } for (int i = 0; i < dst_stream_type_count; i ++) { CHKiRet(dockerContLogsBufNew(&pThis->data_bufs[i])); } *ppThis = pThis; finalize_it: if (iRet != RS_RET_OK) { if (pThis) { dockerContLogsReqDestruct(pThis); } } RETiRet; } static void dockerContLogsReqDestruct(docker_cont_logs_req_t *pThis) { if (pThis) { for (int i = 0; i < dst_stream_type_count; i++) { dockerContLogsBufDestruct(pThis->data_bufs[i]); } if (pThis->curl) { curl_easy_cleanup(pThis->curl); pThis->curl=NULL; } free(pThis); } } /** * debugging aide */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogsInstPrint(docker_cont_logs_inst_t * pThis) { DEFiRet; DBGPRINTF("\t container id: %s\n", pThis->id); char* pUrl = NULL; curl_easy_getinfo(pThis->logsReq->curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &pUrl); DBGPRINTF("\t container url: %s\n", pUrl); RETiRet; } static void dockerContLogsInstDestruct(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pThis) { if (pThis) { if (pThis->id) { free((void*)pThis->id); } if (pThis->container_info) { dockerContainerInfoDestruct(pThis->container_info); } if (pThis->logsReq) { dockerContLogsReqDestruct(pThis->logsReq); } if (pThis->start_regex) { free(pThis->start_regex); regfree(&pThis->start_preg); } free(pThis); } } static rsRetVal parseLabels(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *inst, const uchar* json) { DEFiRet; /* parse out if we need to do special handling for mult-line */ DBGPRINTF("%s() - parsing json=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, json); struct fjson_object *json_obj = fjson_tokener_parse((const char*)json); struct fjson_object_iterator it = fjson_object_iter_begin(json_obj); struct fjson_object_iterator itEnd = fjson_object_iter_end(json_obj); while (!fjson_object_iter_equal(&it, &itEnd)) { if (Debug) { DBGPRINTF("%s - \t%s: '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), fjson_object_get_string(fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it))); } if (strcmp(fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), DOCKER_CONTAINER_LABEL_KEY_STARTREGEX) == 0) { inst->start_regex = (uchar*)strdup(fjson_object_get_string(fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it))); // compile the regex for future use. int err = regcomp(&inst->start_preg, fjson_object_get_string(fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it)), REG_EXTENDED); if (err != 0) { char errbuf[512]; regerror(err, &inst->start_preg, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); LogError(0, err, "%s() - error in startregex compile: %s", __FUNCTION__, errbuf); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } } fjson_object_iter_next(&it); } finalize_it: if (json_obj) { json_object_put(json_obj); } RETiRet; } static rsRetVal dockerContLogsInstNew(docker_cont_logs_inst_t **ppThis, const char* id, docker_container_info_t *container_info, SubmitMsgFuncPtr submitMsg) { DEFiRet; docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pThis = NULL; CHKmalloc(pThis = calloc(1, sizeof(docker_cont_logs_inst_t))); pThis->id = strdup((char*)id); strncpy((char*) pThis->short_id, id, sizeof(pThis->short_id)-1); CHKiRet(dockerContLogsReqNew(&pThis->logsReq, submitMsg)); /* make a copy */ if (container_info) { CHKiRet(dockerContainerInfoNew(&pThis->container_info)); if (container_info->image_id) { pThis->container_info->image_id = (uchar*)strdup((char*)container_info->image_id); } if (container_info->name) { const char *pname = (const char*)container_info->name; /* removes un-needed characters */ pThis->container_info->name = (uchar*)dupDockerContainerName(pname); } if (container_info->json_str_labels) { pThis->container_info->json_str_labels = (uchar*)strdup((char*)container_info->json_str_labels); } pThis->container_info->created = container_info->created; } pThis->start_regex = NULL; pThis->prevSegEnd = 0; /* initialize based on labels found */ if (pThis->container_info && pThis->container_info->json_str_labels) { parseLabels(pThis, pThis->container_info->json_str_labels); } *ppThis = pThis; finalize_it: if (iRet != RS_RET_OK) { if (pThis) { dockerContLogsInstDestruct(pThis); } } RETiRet; } static rsRetVal dockerContLogsInstSetUrl(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pThis, CURLM *curlm, const char* pUrl) { DEFiRet; CURLcode ccode = CURLE_OK; CURLMcode mcode = CURLM_OK; if (curlm) { docker_cont_logs_req_t *req = pThis->logsReq; if (!runModConf->dockerApiAddr) { ccode = curl_easy_setopt(req->curl, CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH, runModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr); if (ccode != CURLE_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } } ccode = curl_easy_setopt(req->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, imdocker_container_logs_curlCB); if (ccode != CURLE_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } ccode = curl_easy_setopt(req->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, pThis); if (ccode != CURLE_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } ccode = curl_easy_setopt(pThis->logsReq->curl, CURLOPT_URL, pUrl); if (ccode != CURLE_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: could not set url - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } ccode = curl_easy_setopt(pThis->logsReq->curl, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, pThis->id); if (ccode != CURLE_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: could not set private data - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } mcode = curl_multi_add_handle(curlm, pThis->logsReq->curl); if (mcode != CURLM_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: error curl_multi_add_handle ret- %d:%s\n", mcode, curl_multi_strerror(mcode)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } } finalize_it: if (ccode != CURLE_OK) { STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); } RETiRet; } static rsRetVal dockerContLogsInstSetUrlById (sbool isInit, docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pThis, CURLM *curlm, const char* containerId) { char url[256]; const uchar* container_log_options = runModConf->getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail; if (isInit || !runModConf->retrieveNewLogsFromStart) { container_log_options = runModConf->getContainerLogOptions; } const uchar* pApiAddr = (uchar*)"http:"; if (runModConf->dockerApiAddr) { pApiAddr = runModConf->dockerApiAddr; } snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/%s/containers/%s/logs?%s", pApiAddr, runModConf->apiVersionStr, containerId, container_log_options); DBGPRINTF("%s() - url: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, url); return dockerContLogsInstSetUrl(pThis, curlm, url); } /* special destructor for hashtable object. */ static void dockerContLogReqsDestructForHashtable(void *pData) { docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pThis = (docker_cont_logs_inst_t *) pData; dockerContLogsInstDestruct(pThis); } static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsNew(docker_cont_log_instances_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis = calloc(1, sizeof(docker_cont_log_instances_t)); CHKmalloc(pThis); CHKmalloc(pThis->ht_container_log_insts = create_hashtable(7, hash_from_string, key_equals_string, dockerContLogReqsDestructForHashtable)); CHKiConcCtrl(pthread_mutex_init(&pThis->mut, NULL)); pThis->curlm = curl_multi_init(); if (!pThis->curlm) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } *ppThis = pThis; finalize_it: if (iRet != RS_RET_OK) { if (pThis) { dockerContLogReqsDestruct(pThis); } } RETiRet; } static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsDestruct(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis) { DEFiRet; if (pThis) { if (pThis->ht_container_log_insts) { pthread_mutex_lock(&pThis->mut); hashtable_destroy(pThis->ht_container_log_insts, 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pThis->mut); } if (pThis->last_container_id) { free(pThis->last_container_id); } curl_multi_cleanup(pThis->curlm); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pThis->mut); free(pThis); } RETiRet; } /* NOTE: not thread safe - used internally to update container log requests */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsGet(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis, docker_cont_logs_inst_t** ppContLogsInst, const char *id) { DEFiRet; if (ppContLogsInst && id) { docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pSearchObj = hashtable_search(pThis->ht_container_log_insts, (void*)id); if (!pSearchObj) { return RS_RET_NOT_FOUND; } *ppContLogsInst = pSearchObj; } RETiRet; } /* debug print * * NOTE: not thread safe * */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsPrint(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis) { DEFiRet; int count = 0; count = hashtable_count(pThis->ht_container_log_insts); if (count) { int ret = 0; struct hashtable_itr *itr = hashtable_iterator(pThis->ht_container_log_insts); DBGPRINTF("%s() - All container instances, count=%d...\n", __FUNCTION__, count); do { docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pObj = hashtable_iterator_value(itr); dockerContLogsInstPrint(pObj); ret = hashtable_iterator_advance(itr); } while (ret); free (itr); DBGPRINTF("End of container instances.\n"); } RETiRet; } /* NOTE: not thread safe */ static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsAdd(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis, docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pContLogsReqInst) { DEFiRet; if (!pContLogsReqInst) { return RS_RET_ERR; } uchar *keyName = (uchar*)strdup((char*)pContLogsReqInst->id); if (keyName) { docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pFind; if (RS_RET_NOT_FOUND == dockerContLogReqsGet(pThis, &pFind, (void*)keyName)) { if (!hashtable_insert(pThis->ht_container_log_insts, keyName, pContLogsReqInst)) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } keyName = NULL; } } finalize_it: free(keyName); RETiRet; } static rsRetVal dockerContLogReqsRemove(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pThis, const char *id) { DEFiRet; if (pThis && id) { CHKiConcCtrl(pthread_mutex_lock(&pThis->mut)); docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pRemoved = hashtable_remove(pThis->ht_container_log_insts, (void*)id); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pThis->mut); if (pRemoved) { dockerContLogsInstDestruct(pRemoved); } else { iRet = RS_RET_NOT_FOUND; } } finalize_it: RETiRet; } static rsRetVal dockerContainerInfoNew(docker_container_info_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; docker_container_info_t* pThis = calloc(1, sizeof(docker_container_info_t)); CHKmalloc(pThis); *ppThis = pThis; finalize_it: RETiRet; } static void dockerContainerInfoDestruct(docker_container_info_t *pThis) { if (pThis) { if (pThis->image_id) { free(pThis->image_id); } if (pThis->name) { free(pThis->name); } if (pThis->json_str_labels) { free(pThis->json_str_labels); } free(pThis); } } BEGINbeginCnfLoad CODESTARTbeginCnfLoad dbgprintf("imdocker: beginCnfLoad\n"); loadModConf = pModConf; pModConf->pConf = pConf; /* init our settings */ loadModConf->iPollInterval = DFLT_pollingInterval; /* in seconds */ loadModConf->retrieveNewLogsFromStart = DFLT_retrieveNewLogsFromStart; loadModConf->containersLimit = DFLT_containersLimit; loadModConf->trimLineOverBytes = DFLT_trimLineOverBytes; loadModConf->bEscapeLf = DFLT_bEscapeLF; /* Use the default url */ loadModConf->apiVersionStr = NULL; loadModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr = NULL; loadModConf->dockerApiAddr = NULL; loadModConf->listContainersOptions = NULL; loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions = NULL; loadModConf->getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail = NULL; loadModConf->iDfltFacility = DFLT_FACILITY; loadModConf->iDfltSeverity = DFLT_SEVERITY; ENDbeginCnfLoad BEGINsetModCnf struct cnfparamvals *pvals = NULL; int i; CODESTARTsetModCnf pvals = nvlstGetParams(lst, &modpblk, NULL); if(pvals == NULL) { LogError(0, RS_RET_MISSING_CNFPARAMS, "error processing module " "config parameters [module(...)]"); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MISSING_CNFPARAMS); } if (Debug) { dbgprintf("module (global) param blk for imdocker:\n"); cnfparamsPrint(&modpblk, pvals); } for(i = 0 ; i < modpblk.nParams ; ++i) { dbgprintf("%s() - iteration %d\n", __FUNCTION__,i); dbgprintf("%s() - modpblk descr: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, modpblk.descr[i].name); if(!pvals[i].bUsed) continue; if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "pollinginterval")) { loadModConf->iPollInterval = (int) pvals[i].val.d.n; } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "containterlimit")) { loadModConf->containersLimit = (int) pvals[i].val.d.n; } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "trimlineoverbytes")) { loadModConf->trimLineOverBytes = (int) pvals[i].val.d.n; } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "listcontainersoptions")) { loadModConf->listContainersOptions = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL); } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "getcontainerlogoptions")) { loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL); /* also intialize the non-tail version */ size_t offset = 0; char buf[256]; size_t buf_size = sizeof(buf); strncpy(buf, (char*)loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions, buf_size-1); size_t option_str_len = strlen((char*)loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions); uchar *option_str = calloc(1, option_str_len); CHKmalloc(option_str); const char *search_str = "tail="; size_t search_str_len = strlen(search_str); char *token = strtok(buf, "&"); while (token != NULL) { if (strncmp(token, search_str, search_str_len) == 0) { token = strtok(NULL, "&"); continue; } int len = strlen(token); if (offset + len + 1 >= option_str_len) { break; } int bytes = snprintf((char*)option_str + offset, (option_str_len - offset), "%s&", token); if (bytes <= 0) { break; } offset += bytes; token = strtok(NULL, "&"); } loadModConf->getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail = option_str; } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "dockerapiunixsockaddr")) { loadModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL); } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "dockerapiaddr")) { loadModConf->dockerApiAddr = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL); } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "apiversionstr")) { loadModConf->apiVersionStr = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[i].val.d.estr, NULL); } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "retrievenewlogsfromstart")) { loadModConf->retrieveNewLogsFromStart = (sbool) pvals[i].val.d.n; } else if (!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "defaultseverity")) { loadModConf->iDfltSeverity = (int) pvals[i].val.d.n; } else if (!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "defaultfacility")) { loadModConf->iDfltFacility = (int) pvals[i].val.d.n; } else if(!strcmp(modpblk.descr[i].name, "escapelf")) { loadModConf->bEscapeLf = (sbool) pvals[i].val.d.n; } else { LogError(0, RS_RET_INVALID_PARAMS, "imdocker: program error, non-handled " "param '%s' in setModCnf\n", modpblk.descr[i].name); } } /* disable legacy module-global config directives */ bLegacyCnfModGlobalsPermitted = 0; finalize_it: if(pvals != NULL) cnfparamvalsDestruct(pvals, &modpblk); ENDsetModCnf BEGINendCnfLoad CODESTARTendCnfLoad ENDendCnfLoad BEGINcheckCnf CODESTARTcheckCnf ENDcheckCnf BEGINactivateCnf CODESTARTactivateCnf if (!loadModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr) { loadModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr = (uchar*) strdup(DFLT_dockerAPIUnixSockAddr); } if (!loadModConf->apiVersionStr) { loadModConf->apiVersionStr = (uchar*) strdup(DFLT_apiVersionStr); } if (!loadModConf->listContainersOptions) { loadModConf->listContainersOptions = (uchar*) strdup(DFLT_listContainersOptions); } if (!loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions) { loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions = (uchar*) strdup(DFLT_getContainerLogOptions); } if (!loadModConf->getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail) { loadModConf->getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail = (uchar*) strdup(DFLT_getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail); } runModConf = loadModConf; /* support statistics gathering */ CHKiRet(statsobj.Construct(&modStats)); CHKiRet(statsobj.SetName(modStats, UCHAR_CONSTANT("imdocker"))); CHKiRet(statsobj.SetOrigin(modStats, UCHAR_CONSTANT("imdocker"))); STATSCOUNTER_INIT(ctrSubmit, mutCtrSubmit); CHKiRet(statsobj.AddCounter(modStats, UCHAR_CONSTANT("submitted"), ctrType_IntCtr, CTR_FLAG_RESETTABLE, &ctrSubmit)); STATSCOUNTER_INIT(ctrLostRatelimit, mutCtrLostRatelimit); CHKiRet(statsobj.AddCounter(modStats, UCHAR_CONSTANT("ratelimit.discarded"), ctrType_IntCtr, CTR_FLAG_RESETTABLE, &ctrLostRatelimit)); STATSCOUNTER_INIT(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); CHKiRet(statsobj.AddCounter(modStats, UCHAR_CONSTANT("curl.errors"), ctrType_IntCtr, CTR_FLAG_RESETTABLE, &ctrCurlError)); CHKiRet(statsobj.ConstructFinalize(modStats)); /* end stats */ finalize_it: ENDactivateCnf BEGINfreeCnf CODESTARTfreeCnf if (loadModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr) { free(loadModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr); } if (loadModConf->dockerApiAddr) { free(loadModConf->dockerApiAddr); } if (loadModConf->apiVersionStr) { free(loadModConf->apiVersionStr); } if (loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions) { free(loadModConf->getContainerLogOptions); } if (loadModConf->getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail) { free(loadModConf->getContainerLogOptionsWithoutTail); } if (loadModConf->listContainersOptions) { free(loadModConf->listContainersOptions); } statsobj.Destruct(&modStats); ENDfreeCnf static rsRetVal addDockerMetaData(const uchar* container_id, docker_container_info_t* pinfo, smsg_t *pMsg) { const uchar *names[4] = { (const uchar*) DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID_PARSE_NAME, (const uchar*) DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAMES_PARSE_NAME, (const uchar*) DOCKER_CONTAINER_IMAGEID_PARSE_NAME, (const uchar*) DOCKER_CONTAINER_LABELS_PARSE_NAME }; const uchar * empty_str= (const uchar*) ""; const uchar *id = container_id ? container_id : empty_str; const uchar *name = pinfo->name ? pinfo->name : empty_str; const uchar *image_id = pinfo->image_id ? pinfo->image_id : empty_str; const uchar *json_str_labels = pinfo->json_str_labels ? pinfo->json_str_labels : empty_str; const uchar *values[4] = { id, name, image_id, json_str_labels }; return msgAddMultiMetadata(pMsg, names, values, 4); } static rsRetVal enqMsg(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst, uchar *msg, size_t len, const uchar *pszTag, int facility, int severity, struct timeval *tp) { struct syslogTime st; smsg_t *pMsg; DEFiRet; if (!msg) { return RS_RET_ERR; } if (tp == NULL) { CHKiRet(msgConstruct(&pMsg)); } else { datetime.timeval2syslogTime(tp, &st, TIME_IN_LOCALTIME); CHKiRet(msgConstructWithTime(&pMsg, &st, tp->tv_sec)); } MsgSetFlowControlType(pMsg, eFLOWCTL_LIGHT_DELAY); MsgSetInputName(pMsg, pInputName); MsgSetRawMsg(pMsg, (char*)msg, len); if (loadModConf->bEscapeLf) { parser.SanitizeMsg(pMsg); } else { /* Perform some of the SanitizeMsg operations here - specifically: * - remove NULL character at end of message. * - drop trailing LFs. * See SanitizeMsg() for more info. */ size_t lenMsg = pMsg->iLenRawMsg; uchar *pszMsg = pMsg->pszRawMsg; if(pszMsg[lenMsg-1] == '\0') { DBGPRINTF("dropped NULL at very end of message\n"); lenMsg--; } if(glbl.GetParserDropTrailingLFOnReception(loadModConf->pConf) && lenMsg > 0 && pszMsg[lenMsg-1] == '\n') { DBGPRINTF("dropped LF at very end of message (DropTrailingLF is set)\n"); lenMsg--; pszMsg[lenMsg] = '\0'; } pMsg->iLenRawMsg = lenMsg; } MsgSetMSGoffs(pMsg, 0); /* we do not have a header... */ MsgSetRcvFrom(pMsg, glbl.GetLocalHostNameProp()); if (pLocalHostIP) { MsgSetRcvFromIP(pMsg, pLocalHostIP); } MsgSetHOSTNAME(pMsg, glbl.GetLocalHostName(), ustrlen(glbl.GetLocalHostName())); MsgSetTAG(pMsg, pszTag, ustrlen(pszTag)); pMsg->iFacility = facility; pMsg->iSeverity = severity; /* docker container metadata */ addDockerMetaData((const uchar*)pInst->short_id, pInst->container_info, pMsg); const char *name = (const char*)pInst->container_info->name; DBGPRINTF("imdocker: %s - %s:%s\n", __FUNCTION__, name, msg); CHKiRet(ratelimitAddMsg(ratelimiter, NULL, pMsg)); STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrSubmit, mutCtrSubmit); finalize_it: if (iRet == RS_RET_DISCARDMSG) STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrLostRatelimit, mutCtrLostRatelimit) RETiRet; } static int8_t is_valid_stream_type(int8_t stream_type) { return (dst_invalid < stream_type && stream_type < dst_stream_type_count); } /* For use to get docker specific stream information */ static sbool get_stream_info(const uchar* data, size_t size, int8_t *stream_type, size_t *payload_size) { if (size < 8 || !data || !stream_type || !payload_size) { return 0; } const uchar* pdata = data; *stream_type = pdata[0]; pdata += 4; uint32_t len = 0; memcpy(&len, pdata, sizeof(len)); *payload_size = ntohl(len); return 1; } #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_BYTE_BUFFER static void debug_byte_buffer(const uchar* data, size_t size) { if (Debug) { DBGPRINTF("%s() - ENTER, size=%lu\n", __FUNCTION__, size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { DBGPRINTF("0x%02x,", data[i]); } DBGPRINTF("\n"); } } #endif /** * imdocker_container_list_curlCB * * Callback function for CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION to get * the results of a docker api call to list all containers. * */ static size_t imdocker_container_list_curlCB(void *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *buffer) { DEFiRet; size_t realsize = size*nmemb; uchar *pbuf=NULL; imdocker_buf_t *mem = (imdocker_buf_t*)buffer; if ((pbuf = realloc(mem->data, mem->len + realsize + 1)) == NULL) { LogError(errno, RS_RET_ERR, "%s() - realloc failed!\n", __FUNCTION__); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } mem->data = pbuf; mem->data_size = mem->len + realsize + 1; memcpy(&(mem->data[mem->len]), data, realsize); mem->len += realsize; mem->data[mem->len] = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_BYTE_BUFFER debug_byte_buffer((const uchar*) data, realsize); #endif finalize_it: if (iRet != RS_RET_OK) { return 0; } return realsize; } static rsRetVal SubmitMultiLineMsg(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst, docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pBufData, const uchar* pszTag, size_t len) { DEFiRet; imdocker_buf_t *mem = (imdocker_buf_t*)pBufData->buf; DBGPRINTF("%s() {type=%d, len=%u} %s\n", __FUNCTION__, pBufData->stream_type, (unsigned int)mem->len, mem->data); uchar* message = (uchar*)mem->data; int facility = loadModConf->iDfltFacility; int severity = pBufData->stream_type == dst_stderr ? LOG_ERR : loadModConf->iDfltSeverity; enqMsg(pInst, message, len, (const uchar*)pszTag, facility, severity, NULL); size_t size = mem->len - pInst->prevSegEnd; memmove(mem->data, mem->data+pInst->prevSegEnd, size); mem->data[len] = '\0'; mem->len = size; pBufData->bytes_remaining = 0; RETiRet; } static rsRetVal SubmitMsgWithStartRegex(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst, docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pBufData, const uchar* pszTag) { imdocker_buf_t *mem = (imdocker_buf_t*)pBufData->buf; /* must be null terminated string */ assert(mem->data[mem->len] == 0 || mem->data[mem->len] == '\0'); const char* thisLine = (const char*) mem->data; if (pInst->prevSegEnd) { thisLine = (const char*) mem->data+pInst->prevSegEnd; } DBGPRINTF("prevSeg: %d, thisLine: '%s'\n", pInst->prevSegEnd, thisLine); DBGPRINTF("line(s) so far: '%s'\n", mem->data); /* check if this line is a start of multi-line message */ regex_t *start_preg = (pInst->start_regex == NULL) ? NULL : &pInst->start_preg; const int isStartMatch = start_preg ? !regexec(start_preg, (char*)thisLine, 0, NULL, 0) : 0; if (isStartMatch && pInst->prevSegEnd != 0) { SubmitMultiLineMsg(pInst, pBufData, pszTag, pInst->prevSegEnd); pInst->prevSegEnd = 0; FINALIZE; } else { /* just continue parsing using same buffer */ pInst->prevSegEnd = mem->len; } finalize_it: return RS_RET_OK; } static rsRetVal SubmitMsg2(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst, docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pBufData, const uchar* pszTag) { imdocker_buf_t *mem = (imdocker_buf_t*)pBufData->buf; DBGPRINTF("%s() - {type=%d, len=%u} %s\n", __FUNCTION__, pBufData->stream_type, (unsigned int)mem->len, mem->data); if (pInst->start_regex) { SubmitMsgWithStartRegex(pInst, pBufData, pszTag); } else { SubmitMsg(pInst, pBufData, pszTag); } return RS_RET_OK; } static rsRetVal SubmitMsg(docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst, docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pBufData, const uchar* pszTag) { imdocker_buf_t *mem = (imdocker_buf_t*)pBufData->buf; DBGPRINTF("%s() - {type=%d, len=%u} %s\n", __FUNCTION__, pBufData->stream_type, (unsigned int)mem->len, mem->data); uchar* message = mem->data; int facility = loadModConf->iDfltFacility; int severity = pBufData->stream_type == dst_stderr ? LOG_ERR : loadModConf->iDfltSeverity; enqMsg(pInst, message, mem->len, (const uchar*)pszTag, facility, severity, NULL); /* clear existing buffer. */ mem->len = 0; memset(mem->data, 0, mem->data_size); pBufData->bytes_remaining = 0; return RS_RET_OK; } /** imdocker_container_logs_curlCB * * Callback function for CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, gets container logs * * The main container log stream handler. This function is registerred with curl to * as callback to handle container log streaming. It follows the docker stream protocol * as described in the docker container logs api. As per docker's api documentation, * Docker Stream format: * When the TTY setting is disabled in POST /containers/create, the stream over the * hijacked connected is multiplexed to separate out stdout and stderr. The stream * consists of a series of frames, each containing a header and a payload. * * The header contains the information which the stream writes (stdout or stderr). It also * contains the size of the associated frame encoded in the last four bytes (uint32). * * It is encoded on the first eight bytes like this: * * header := [8]byte{STREAM_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, SIZE1, SIZE2, SIZE3, SIZE4} * STREAM_TYPE can be: * 0: stdin (is written on stdout) * 1: stdout * 2: stderr * * Docker sends out data in 16KB sized frames, however with the addition of a header * of 8 bytes, a frame may be split into 2 chunks by curl. The 2nd chunk will only * contain enough data to complete the frame (8 leftever bytes). Including the header, * this amounts to 16 bytes; 8 bytes for the header, and 8 bytes for the remaining frame * data. * */ static size_t imdocker_container_logs_curlCB(void *data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *buffer) { DEFiRet; const uint8_t frame_size = 8; const char imdocker_eol_char = '\n'; int8_t stream_type = dst_invalid; docker_cont_logs_inst_t* pInst = (docker_cont_logs_inst_t*) buffer; docker_cont_logs_req_t* req = pInst->logsReq; size_t realsize = size*nmemb; const uchar* pdata = data; size_t write_size = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_BYTE_BUFFER debug_byte_buffer((const uchar*) data, realsize); #endif if (req->data_bufs[dst_stdout]->bytes_remaining || req->data_bufs[dst_stderr]->bytes_remaining) { /* on continuation, stream types should matches with previous */ if (req->data_bufs[dst_stdout]->bytes_remaining) { if (req->data_bufs[dst_stderr]->bytes_remaining != 0) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } } else if (req->data_bufs[dst_stderr]->bytes_remaining) { if (req->data_bufs[dst_stdout]->bytes_remaining != 0) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } } stream_type = req->data_bufs[dst_stdout]->bytes_remaining ? dst_stdout : dst_stderr; docker_cont_logs_buf_t *pDataBuf = req->data_bufs[stream_type]; /* read off the remaining bytes */ DBGPRINTF("Chunk continuation, remaining bytes: type: %d, " "bytes remaining: %u, realsize: %u, data pos: %u\n", stream_type, (unsigned int)pDataBuf->bytes_remaining, (unsigned int)realsize, (unsigned int)pDataBuf->buf->len); write_size = MIN(pDataBuf->bytes_remaining, realsize); CHKiRet(dockerContLogsBufWrite(pDataBuf, pdata, write_size)); /* submit it */ if (pDataBuf->bytes_remaining == 0) { imdocker_buf_t *mem = pDataBuf->buf; if (mem->data[mem->len-1] == imdocker_eol_char) { const char* szContainerId = NULL; CURLcode ccode; if(CURLE_OK != (ccode = curl_easy_getinfo(req->curl, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, &szContainerId))) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: could not get private data req[%p] - %d:%s\n", req->curl, ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } req->submitMsg(pInst, pDataBuf, (const uchar*)DOCKER_TAG_NAME); } } pdata += write_size; } /* not enough room left */ if ((size_t)(pdata - (const uchar*)data) >= realsize) { return (pdata - (const uchar*)data); } size_t payload_size = 0; const uchar* pread = pdata + frame_size; docker_cont_logs_buf_t* pDataBuf = NULL; if (get_stream_info(pdata, realsize, &stream_type, &payload_size) && is_valid_stream_type(stream_type)) { pDataBuf = req->data_bufs[stream_type]; pDataBuf->stream_type = stream_type; pDataBuf->bytes_remaining = payload_size; write_size = MIN(payload_size, realsize - frame_size); } else { /* copy all the data and submit to prevent data loss */ stream_type = req->data_bufs[dst_stderr]->bytes_remaining ? dst_stderr : dst_stdout; pDataBuf = req->data_bufs[stream_type]; pDataBuf->stream_type = stream_type; /* just write everything out */ pDataBuf->bytes_remaining = 0; write_size = realsize; pread = pdata; } /* allocate the expected payload size */ CHKiRet(dockerContLogsBufWrite(pDataBuf, pread, write_size)); if (pDataBuf->bytes_remaining == 0) { DBGPRINTF("%s() - write size is same as payload_size\n", __FUNCTION__); req->submitMsg(pInst, pDataBuf, (const uchar*)DOCKER_TAG_NAME); } finalize_it: if (iRet != RS_RET_OK) { return 0; } return realsize; } CURLcode docker_get(imdocker_req_t *req, const char* url) { CURLcode ccode; if (!runModConf->dockerApiAddr) { if ((ccode = curl_easy_setopt(req->curl, CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH, runModConf->dockerApiUnixSockAddr)) != CURLE_OK) { STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); return ccode; } } if ((ccode = curl_easy_setopt(req->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, imdocker_container_list_curlCB)) != CURLE_OK) { STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); return ccode; } if ((ccode = curl_easy_setopt(req->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, req->buf)) != CURLE_OK) { STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); return ccode; } if ((ccode = curl_easy_setopt(req->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url)) != CURLE_OK) { STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: curl_easy_setopt(CURLOPT_URL) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); return ccode; } CURLcode response = curl_easy_perform(req->curl); return response; } static char* dupDockerContainerName(const char* pname) { int len = strlen(pname); if (len >= 2 && *pname == '/') { /* skip '/' character */ return strdup(pname+1); } else { return strdup(pname); } } static rsRetVal process_json(sbool isInit, const char* json, docker_cont_log_instances_t *pInstances) { DEFiRet; struct fjson_object *json_obj = NULL; int mut_locked = 0; DBGPRINTF("%s() - parsing json=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, json); if (!pInstances) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); } json_obj = fjson_tokener_parse(json); if (!json_obj || !fjson_object_is_type(json_obj, fjson_type_array)) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); } int length = fjson_object_array_length(json_obj); /* LOCK the update process. */ CHKiConcCtrl(pthread_mutex_lock(&pInstances->mut)); mut_locked = 1; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { fjson_object* p_json_elm = json_object_array_get_idx(json_obj, i); DBGPRINTF("element: %d...\n", i); if (p_json_elm) { const char *containerId=NULL; docker_container_info_t containerInfo = { .name=NULL, .image_id=NULL, .created=0, .json_str_labels=NULL }; struct fjson_object_iterator it = fjson_object_iter_begin(p_json_elm); struct fjson_object_iterator itEnd = fjson_object_iter_end(p_json_elm); while (!fjson_object_iter_equal(&it, &itEnd)) { if (Debug) { DBGPRINTF("\t%s: '%s'\n", fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), fjson_object_get_string(fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it))); } if (strcmp(fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID_PARSE_NAME) == 0) { containerId = fjson_object_get_string(fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it)); } else if (strcmp(fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAMES_PARSE_NAME) == 0) { int names_array_length = fjson_object_array_length(fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it)); if (names_array_length) { fjson_object* names_elm = json_object_array_get_idx(fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it), 0); containerInfo.name = (uchar*)fjson_object_get_string(names_elm); } } else if (strcmp(fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), DOCKER_CONTAINER_IMAGEID_PARSE_NAME) == 0) { containerInfo.image_id = (uchar*)fjson_object_get_string( fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it) ); } else if (strcmp(fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), DOCKER_CONTAINER_CREATED_PARSE_NAME) == 0) { containerInfo.created = fjson_object_get_int64( fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it) ); } else if (strcmp(fjson_object_iter_peek_name(&it), DOCKER_CONTAINER_LABELS_PARSE_NAME) == 0) { containerInfo.json_str_labels = (uchar*) fjson_object_get_string( fjson_object_iter_peek_value(&it) ); DBGPRINTF("labels: %s\n", containerInfo.json_str_labels); } fjson_object_iter_next(&it); } if (containerId) { docker_cont_logs_inst_t *pInst = NULL; iRet = dockerContLogReqsGet(pInstances, &pInst, containerId); if (iRet == RS_RET_NOT_FOUND) { #ifdef USE_MULTI_LINE if (dockerContLogsInstNew(&pInst, containerId, &containerInfo, SubmitMsg2) #else if (dockerContLogsInstNew(&pInst, containerId, &containerInfo, SubmitMsg) #endif == RS_RET_OK) { if (pInstances->last_container_created < containerInfo.created) { pInstances->last_container_created = containerInfo.created; if (pInstances->last_container_id) { free(pInstances->last_container_id); } pInstances->last_container_id = (uchar*)strdup(containerId); DBGPRINTF("last_container_id updated: ('%s', %u)\n", pInstances->last_container_id, (unsigned)pInstances->last_container_created); } CHKiRet(dockerContLogsInstSetUrlById(isInit, pInst, pInstances->curlm, containerId)); CHKiRet(dockerContLogReqsAdd(pInstances, pInst)); } } } } } finalize_it: if (mut_locked) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&pInstances->mut); } if (json_obj) { json_object_put(json_obj); } RETiRet; } static rsRetVal getContainerIds(sbool isInit, docker_cont_log_instances_t *pInstances, const char* url) { DEFiRet; imdocker_req_t *req=NULL; CHKiRet(imdockerReqNew(&req)); CURLcode response = docker_get(req, url); if (response != CURLE_OK) { DBGPRINTF("%s() - curl response: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, response); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } CHKiRet(process_json(isInit, (const char*)req->buf->data, pInstances)); finalize_it: if (req) { imdockerReqDestruct(req); } RETiRet; } static rsRetVal getContainerIdsAndAppend(sbool isInit, docker_cont_log_instances_t *pInstances) { DEFiRet; char url[256]; const uchar* pApiAddr = (uchar*)"http:"; if (runModConf->dockerApiAddr) { pApiAddr = runModConf->dockerApiAddr; } /* * TODO: consider if we really need 'isInit' parameter. I suspect we don't need it * and i'm almost certain Travis CI will complain its not used. */ if (pInstances->last_container_id) { snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/%s/containers/json?%s&filters={\"since\":[\"%s\"]}", pApiAddr, runModConf->apiVersionStr, runModConf->listContainersOptions, pInstances->last_container_id); } else { snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/%s/containers/json?%s", pApiAddr, runModConf->apiVersionStr, runModConf->listContainersOptions); } DBGPRINTF("listcontainers url: %s\n", url); CHKiRet(getContainerIds(isInit, pInstances, (const char*)url)); if (Debug) { dockerContLogReqsPrint(pInstances); } finalize_it: RETiRet; } static void cleanupCompletedContainerRequests(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pInstances) { // clean up int rc=0, msgs_left=0; CURLMsg *msg=NULL; CURL *pCurl; while ((msg = curl_multi_info_read(pInstances->curlm, &msgs_left))) { if (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) { pCurl = msg->easy_handle; rc = msg->data.result; if (rc != CURLE_OK) { STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: %s() - curl error code: %d:%s\n", __FUNCTION__, rc, curl_multi_strerror(rc)); continue; } CURLcode ccode; if (Debug) { long http_status=0; curl_easy_getinfo(pCurl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_status); DBGPRINTF("http status: %lu\n", http_status); } curl_multi_remove_handle(pInstances->curlm, pCurl); const char* szContainerId = NULL; if ((ccode = curl_easy_getinfo(pCurl, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, &szContainerId)) == CURLE_OK) { DBGPRINTF("container disconnected: %s\n", szContainerId); dockerContLogReqsRemove(pInstances, szContainerId); DBGPRINTF("container removed...\n"); } else { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "imdocker: private data not found " "curl_easy_setopt(CURLINFO_PRIVATE) error - %d:%s\n", ccode, curl_easy_strerror(ccode)); STATSCOUNTER_INC(ctrCurlError, mutCtrCurlError); } } } } static rsRetVal processAndPollContainerLogs(docker_cont_log_instances_t *pInstances) { DEFiRet; int count=0; count = hashtable_count(pInstances->ht_container_log_insts); DBGPRINTF("%s() - container instances: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, count); int still_running=0; curl_multi_perform(pInstances->curlm, &still_running); do { int numfds = 0; int res = curl_multi_wait(pInstances->curlm, NULL, 0, 1000, &numfds); if (res != CURLM_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_ERR, "error: curl_multi_wait() numfds=%d, res=%d:%s\n", numfds, res, curl_multi_strerror(res)); return res; } int prev_still_running = still_running; curl_multi_perform(pInstances->curlm, &still_running); if (prev_still_running > still_running) { cleanupCompletedContainerRequests(pInstances); } } while (still_running && glbl.GetGlobalInputTermState() == 0); cleanupCompletedContainerRequests(pInstances); RETiRet; } static void* getContainersTask(void *pdata) { docker_cont_log_instances_t *pInstances = (docker_cont_log_instances_t*) pdata; while(glbl.GetGlobalInputTermState() == 0) { srSleep(runModConf->iPollInterval, 10); getContainerIdsAndAppend(false, pInstances); } return pdata; } /* This function is called to gather input. */ BEGINrunInput rsRetVal localRet = RS_RET_OK; docker_cont_log_instances_t *pInstances=NULL; pthread_t thrd_id; /* the worker's thread ID */ pthread_attr_t thrd_attr; int get_containers_thread_initialized = 0; time_t now; CODESTARTrunInput datetime.GetTime(&now); CHKiRet(ratelimitNew(&ratelimiter, "imdocker", NULL)); curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); localRet = dockerContLogReqsNew(&pInstances); if (localRet != RS_RET_OK) { return localRet; } pInstances->time_started = now; /* get all current containers now */ CHKiRet(getContainerIdsAndAppend(true, pInstances)); /* using default stacksize */ CHKiConcCtrl(pthread_attr_init(&thrd_attr)); CHKiConcCtrl(pthread_create(&thrd_id, &thrd_attr, getContainersTask, pInstances)); get_containers_thread_initialized = 1; while(glbl.GetGlobalInputTermState() == 0) { CHKiRet(processAndPollContainerLogs(pInstances)); if (glbl.GetGlobalInputTermState() == 0) { /* exited from processAndPollContainerLogs, sleep before retrying */ srSleep(1, 10); } } finalize_it: if (get_containers_thread_initialized) { pthread_kill(thrd_id, SIGTTIN); pthread_join(thrd_id, NULL); pthread_attr_destroy(&thrd_attr); } if (pInstances) { dockerContLogReqsDestruct(pInstances); } if (ratelimiter) { ratelimitDestruct(ratelimiter); } ENDrunInput BEGINwillRun CODESTARTwillRun ENDwillRun BEGINafterRun CODESTARTafterRun ENDafterRun BEGINmodExit CODESTARTmodExit if(pInputName != NULL) prop.Destruct(&pInputName); if(pLocalHostIP != NULL) prop.Destruct(&pLocalHostIP); objRelease(parser, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(prop, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(statsobj, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(datetime, CORE_COMPONENT); ENDmodExit BEGINisCompatibleWithFeature CODESTARTisCompatibleWithFeature if(eFeat == sFEATURENonCancelInputTermination) iRet = RS_RET_OK; ENDisCompatibleWithFeature BEGINqueryEtryPt CODESTARTqueryEtryPt CODEqueryEtryPt_STD_IMOD_QUERIES CODEqueryEtryPt_STD_CONF2_QUERIES CODEqueryEtryPt_STD_CONF2_setModCnf_QUERIES CODEqueryEtryPt_IsCompatibleWithFeature_IF_OMOD_QUERIES ENDqueryEtryPt BEGINmodInit() CODESTARTmodInit *ipIFVersProvided = CURR_MOD_IF_VERSION; /* we only support the current interface specification */ CODEmodInit_QueryRegCFSLineHdlr CHKiRet(objUse(glbl, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(prop, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(statsobj, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(datetime, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(parser, CORE_COMPONENT)); DBGPRINTF("imdocker version %s initializing\n", VERSION); /* we need to create the inputName property (only once during our lifetime) */ CHKiRet(prop.Construct(&pInputName)); CHKiRet(prop.SetString(pInputName, UCHAR_CONSTANT("imdocker"), sizeof("imdocker") - 1)); CHKiRet(prop.ConstructFinalize(pInputName)); ENDmodInit