/* modules.c * This is the implementation of syslogd modules object. * This object handles plug-ins and build-in modules of all kind. * * Modules are reference-counted. Anyone who access a module must call * Use() before any function is accessed and Release() when he is done. * When the reference count reaches 0, rsyslog unloads the module (that * may be changed in the future to cache modules). Rsyslog does NOT * unload modules with a reference count > 0, even if the unload * method is called! * * File begun on 2007-07-22 by RGerhards * * Copyright 2007-2018 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of the rsyslog runtime library. * * The rsyslog runtime library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The rsyslog runtime library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the rsyslog runtime library. If not, see . * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. * A copy of the LGPL can be found in the file "COPYING.LESSER" in this distribution. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef OS_BSD # include "libgen.h" #endif #include /* TODO: replace this with the libtools equivalent! */ #include #include #include "rsyslog.h" #include "rainerscript.h" #include "cfsysline.h" #include "rsconf.h" #include "modules.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "parser.h" #include "strgen.h" /* static data */ DEFobjStaticHelpers DEFobjCurrIf(strgen) static modInfo_t *pLoadedModules = NULL; /* list of currently-loaded modules */ static modInfo_t *pLoadedModulesLast = NULL; /* tail-pointer */ /* already dlopen()-ed libs */ static struct dlhandle_s *pHandles = NULL; static uchar *pModDir; /* directory where loadable modules are found */ /* tables for interfacing with the v6 config system */ /* action (instance) parameters */ static struct cnfparamdescr actpdescr[] = { { "load", eCmdHdlrGetWord, 1 } }; static struct cnfparamblk pblk = { CNFPARAMBLK_VERSION, sizeof(actpdescr)/sizeof(struct cnfparamdescr), actpdescr }; typedef rsRetVal (*pModInit_t)(int,int*, rsRetVal(**)(), rsRetVal(*)(), modInfo_t*); /* we provide a set of dummy functions for modules that do not support the * some interfaces. * On the commit feature: As the modules do not support it, they commit each message they * receive, and as such the dummies can always return RS_RET_OK without causing * harm. This simplifies things as in action processing we do not need to check * if the transactional entry points exist. */ static rsRetVal dummyBeginTransaction(__attribute__((unused)) void * dummy) { return RS_RET_OK; } static rsRetVal dummyEndTransaction(__attribute__((unused)) void * dummy) { return RS_RET_OK; } static rsRetVal dummyIsCompatibleWithFeature(__attribute__((unused)) syslogFeature eFeat) { return RS_RET_INCOMPATIBLE; } static rsRetVal dummynewActInst(uchar *modName, struct nvlst __attribute__((unused)) *dummy1, void __attribute__((unused)) **dummy2, omodStringRequest_t __attribute__((unused)) **dummy3) { LogError(0, RS_RET_CONFOBJ_UNSUPPORTED, "config objects are not " "supported by module '%s' -- legacy config options " "MUST be used instead", modName); return RS_RET_CONFOBJ_UNSUPPORTED; } #ifdef DEBUG /* we add some home-grown support to track our users (and detect who does not free us). In * the long term, this should probably be migrated into debug.c (TODO). -- rgerhards, 2008-03-11 */ /* add a user to the current list of users (always at the root) */ static void modUsrAdd(modInfo_t *pThis, const char *pszUsr) { modUsr_t *pUsr; if((pUsr = calloc(1, sizeof(modUsr_t))) == NULL) goto finalize_it; if((pUsr->pszFile = strdup(pszUsr)) == NULL) { free(pUsr); goto finalize_it; } if(pThis->pModUsrRoot != NULL) { pUsr->pNext = pThis->pModUsrRoot; } pThis->pModUsrRoot = pUsr; finalize_it: return; } /* remove a user from the current user list * rgerhards, 2008-03-11 */ static void modUsrDel(modInfo_t *pThis, const char *pszUsr) { modUsr_t *pUsr; modUsr_t *pPrev = NULL; for(pUsr = pThis->pModUsrRoot ; pUsr != NULL ; pUsr = pUsr->pNext) { if(!strcmp(pUsr->pszFile, pszUsr)) break; else pPrev = pUsr; } if(pUsr == NULL) { dbgprintf("oops - tried to delete user %s from module %s and it wasn't registered as one...\n", pszUsr, pThis->pszName); } else { if(pPrev == NULL) { /* This was at the root! */ pThis->pModUsrRoot = pUsr->pNext; } else { pPrev->pNext = pUsr->pNext; } /* free ressources */ free(pUsr->pszFile); free(pUsr); pUsr = NULL; /* just to make sure... */ } } /* print a short list all all source files using the module in question * rgerhards, 2008-03-11 */ static void modUsrPrint(modInfo_t *pThis) { modUsr_t *pUsr; for(pUsr = pThis->pModUsrRoot ; pUsr != NULL ; pUsr = pUsr->pNext) { dbgprintf("\tmodule %s is currently in use by file %s\n", pThis->pszName, pUsr->pszFile); } } /* print all loaded modules and who is accessing them. This is primarily intended * to be called at end of run to detect "module leaks" and who is causing them. * rgerhards, 2008-03-11 */ static void modUsrPrintAll(void) { modInfo_t *pMod; for(pMod = pLoadedModules ; pMod != NULL ; pMod = pMod->pNext) { dbgprintf("printing users of loadable module %s, refcount %u, ptr %p, type %d\n", pMod->pszName, pMod->uRefCnt, pMod, pMod->eType); modUsrPrint(pMod); } } #endif /* #ifdef DEBUG */ /* Construct a new module object */ static rsRetVal moduleConstruct(modInfo_t **pThis) { modInfo_t *pNew; if((pNew = calloc(1, sizeof(modInfo_t))) == NULL) return RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; /* OK, we got the element, now initialize members that should * not be zero-filled. */ *pThis = pNew; return RS_RET_OK; } /* Destructs a module object. The object must not be linked to the * linked list of modules. Please note that all other dependencies on this * modules must have been removed before (e.g. CfSysLineHandlers!) */ static void moduleDestruct(modInfo_t *pThis) { assert(pThis != NULL); free(pThis->pszName); free(pThis->cnfName); if(pThis->pModHdlr != NULL) { # ifdef VALGRIND DBGPRINTF("moduleDestruct: compiled with valgrind, do " "not unload module\n"); # else if(glblUnloadModules) { if(pThis->eKeepType == eMOD_NOKEEP) { dlclose(pThis->pModHdlr); } } else { DBGPRINTF("moduleDestruct: not unloading module " "due to user configuration\n"); } # endif } free(pThis); } /* This enables a module to query the core for specific features. * rgerhards, 2009-04-22 */ static rsRetVal queryCoreFeatureSupport(int *pBool, unsigned uFeat) { DEFiRet; if(pBool == NULL) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_PARAM_ERROR); *pBool = (uFeat & CORE_FEATURE_BATCHING) ? 1 : 0; finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* The following function is the queryEntryPoint for host-based entry points. * Modules may call it to get access to core interface functions. Please note * that utility functions can be accessed via shared libraries - at least this * is my current shool of thinking. * Please note that the implementation as a query interface allows one to take * care of plug-in interface version differences. -- rgerhards, 2007-07-31 * ... but often it better not to use a new interface. So we now add core * functions here that a plugin may request. -- rgerhards, 2009-04-22 */ static rsRetVal queryHostEtryPt(uchar *name, rsRetVal (**pEtryPoint)()) { DEFiRet; if((name == NULL) || (pEtryPoint == NULL)) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_PARAM_ERROR); if(!strcmp((char*) name, "regCfSysLineHdlr")) { *pEtryPoint = regCfSysLineHdlr; } else if(!strcmp((char*) name, "objGetObjInterface")) { *pEtryPoint = objGetObjInterface; } else if(!strcmp((char*) name, "OMSRgetSupportedTplOpts")) { *pEtryPoint = OMSRgetSupportedTplOpts; } else if(!strcmp((char*) name, "queryCoreFeatureSupport")) { *pEtryPoint = queryCoreFeatureSupport; } else { *pEtryPoint = NULL; /* to be on the safe side */ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND); } finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* get the name of a module */ uchar * modGetName(modInfo_t *pThis) { return((pThis->pszName == NULL) ? (uchar*) "" : pThis->pszName); } /* get the state-name of a module. The state name is its name * together with a short description of the module state (which * is pulled from the module itself. * rgerhards, 2007-07-24 * TODO: the actual state name is not yet pulled */ static uchar *modGetStateName(modInfo_t *pThis) { return(modGetName(pThis)); } /* Add a module to the loaded module linked list */ static void ATTR_NONNULL() addModToGlblList(modInfo_t *const pThis) { assert(pThis != NULL); if(pLoadedModules == NULL) { pLoadedModules = pLoadedModulesLast = pThis; } else { /* there already exist entries */ pThis->pPrev = pLoadedModulesLast; pLoadedModulesLast->pNext = pThis; pLoadedModulesLast = pThis; } } /* ready module for config processing. this includes checking if the module * is already in the config, so this function may return errors. Returns a * pointer to the last module inthe current config. That pointer needs to * be passed to addModToCnfLst() when it is called later in the process. */ rsRetVal readyModForCnf(modInfo_t *pThis, cfgmodules_etry_t **ppNew, cfgmodules_etry_t **ppLast) { cfgmodules_etry_t *pNew = NULL; cfgmodules_etry_t *pLast; DEFiRet; assert(pThis != NULL); if(loadConf == NULL) { FINALIZE; /* we are in an early init state */ } /* check for duplicates and, as a side-activity, identify last node */ pLast = loadConf->modules.root; if(pLast != NULL) { while(1) { /* loop broken inside */ if(pLast->pMod == pThis) { DBGPRINTF("module '%s' already in this config\n", modGetName(pThis)); if(strncmp((char*)modGetName(pThis), "builtin:", sizeof("builtin:")-1)) { LogError(0, RS_RET_MODULE_ALREADY_IN_CONF, "module '%s' already in this config, cannot be added\n", modGetName(pThis)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MODULE_ALREADY_IN_CONF); } FINALIZE; } if(pLast->next == NULL) break; pLast = pLast->next; } } /* if we reach this point, pLast is the tail pointer and this module is new * inside the currently loaded config. So, iff it is an input module, let's * pass it a pointer which it can populate with a pointer to its module conf. */ CHKmalloc(pNew = malloc(sizeof(cfgmodules_etry_t))); pNew->canActivate = 1; pNew->next = NULL; pNew->pMod = pThis; if(pThis->beginCnfLoad != NULL) { CHKiRet(pThis->beginCnfLoad(&pNew->modCnf, loadConf)); } *ppLast = pLast; *ppNew = pNew; finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) { if(pNew != NULL) free(pNew); } RETiRet; } /* abort the creation of a module entry without adding it to the * module list. Needed to prevent mem leaks. */ static inline void abortCnfUse(cfgmodules_etry_t **pNew) { if(pNew != NULL) { free(*pNew); *pNew = NULL; } } /* Add a module to the config module list for current loadConf. * Requires last pointer obtained by readyModForCnf(). * The module pointer is handed over to this function. It is no * longer available to caller one we are called. */ rsRetVal ATTR_NONNULL(1) addModToCnfList(cfgmodules_etry_t **const pNew, cfgmodules_etry_t *const pLast) { DEFiRet; assert(*pNew != NULL); if(loadConf == NULL) { abortCnfUse(pNew); FINALIZE; /* we are in an early init state */ } if(pLast == NULL) { loadConf->modules.root = *pNew; } else { /* there already exist entries */ pLast->next = *pNew; } finalize_it: *pNew = NULL; RETiRet; } /* Get the next module pointer - this is used to traverse the list. * The function returns the next pointer or NULL, if there is no next one. * The last object must be provided to the function. If NULL is provided, * it starts at the root of the list. Even in this case, NULL may be * returned - then, the list is empty. * rgerhards, 2007-07-23 */ static modInfo_t *GetNxt(modInfo_t *pThis) { modInfo_t *pNew; if(pThis == NULL) pNew = pLoadedModules; else pNew = pThis->pNext; return(pNew); } /* this function is like GetNxt(), but it returns pointers to * the configmodules entry, which than can be used to obtain the * actual module pointer. Note that it returns those for * modules of specific type only. Only modules from the provided * config are returned. Note that processing speed could be improved, * but this is really not relevant, as config file loading is not really * something we are concerned about in regard to runtime. */ static cfgmodules_etry_t *GetNxtCnfType(rsconf_t *cnf, cfgmodules_etry_t *node, eModType_t rqtdType) { if(node == NULL) { /* start at beginning of module list */ node = cnf->modules.root; } else { node = node->next; } if(rqtdType != eMOD_ANY) { /* if any, we already have the right one! */ while(node != NULL && node->pMod->eType != rqtdType) { node = node->next; } } return node; } /* Find a module with the given conf name and type. Returns NULL if none * can be found, otherwise module found. */ static modInfo_t * FindWithCnfName(rsconf_t *cnf, uchar *name, eModType_t rqtdType) { cfgmodules_etry_t *node; ; for( node = cnf->modules.root ; node != NULL ; node = node->next) { if(node->pMod->eType != rqtdType || node->pMod->cnfName == NULL) continue; if(!strcasecmp((char*)node->pMod->cnfName, (char*)name)) break; } return node == NULL ? NULL : node->pMod; } /* Prepare a module for unloading. * This is currently a dummy, to be filled when we have a plug-in * interface - rgerhards, 2007-08-09 * rgerhards, 2007-11-21: * When this function is called, all instance-data must already have * been destroyed. In the case of output modules, this happens when the * rule set is being destroyed. When we implement other module types, we * need to think how we handle it there (and if we have any instance data). * rgerhards, 2008-03-10: reject unload request if the module has a reference * count > 0. */ static rsRetVal modPrepareUnload(modInfo_t *pThis) { DEFiRet; void *pModCookie; assert(pThis != NULL); if(pThis->uRefCnt > 0) { dbgprintf("rejecting unload of module '%s' because it has a refcount of %d\n", pThis->pszName, pThis->uRefCnt); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MODULE_STILL_REFERENCED); } CHKiRet(pThis->modGetID(&pModCookie)); pThis->modExit(); /* tell the module to get ready for unload */ CHKiRet(unregCfSysLineHdlrs4Owner(pModCookie)); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* Add an already-loaded module to the module linked list. This function does * everything needed to fully initialize the module. */ static rsRetVal doModInit(pModInit_t modInit, uchar *name, void *pModHdlr, modInfo_t **pNewModule) { rsRetVal localRet; modInfo_t *pNew = NULL; uchar *pName; strgen_t *pStrgen; /* used for strgen modules */ rsRetVal (*GetName)(uchar**); rsRetVal (*modGetType)(eModType_t *pType); rsRetVal (*modGetKeepType)(eModKeepType_t *pKeepType); struct dlhandle_s *pHandle = NULL; rsRetVal (*getModCnfName)(uchar **cnfName); uchar *cnfName; DEFiRet; assert(modInit != NULL); if((iRet = moduleConstruct(&pNew)) != RS_RET_OK) { pNew = NULL; FINALIZE; } CHKiRet((*modInit)(CURR_MOD_IF_VERSION, &pNew->iIFVers, &pNew->modQueryEtryPt, queryHostEtryPt, pNew)); if(pNew->iIFVers != CURR_MOD_IF_VERSION) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MISSING_INTERFACE); } /* We now poll the module to see what type it is. We do this only once as this * can never change in the lifetime of an module. -- rgerhards, 2007-12-14 */ CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"getType", &modGetType)); CHKiRet((*modGetType)(&pNew->eType)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"getKeepType", &modGetKeepType)); CHKiRet((*modGetKeepType)(&pNew->eKeepType)); dbgprintf("module %s of type %d being loaded (keepType=%d).\n", name, pNew->eType, pNew->eKeepType); /* OK, we know we can successfully work with the module. So we now fill the * rest of the data elements. First we load the interfaces common to all * module types. */ CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"modGetID", &pNew->modGetID)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"modExit", &pNew->modExit)); localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"isCompatibleWithFeature", &pNew->isCompatibleWithFeature); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) pNew->isCompatibleWithFeature = dummyIsCompatibleWithFeature; else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"setModCnf", &pNew->setModCnf); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) pNew->setModCnf = NULL; else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); /* optional calls for new config system */ localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"getModCnfName", &getModCnfName); if(localRet == RS_RET_OK) { if(getModCnfName(&cnfName) == RS_RET_OK) pNew->cnfName = (uchar*) strdup((char*)cnfName); /**< we do not care if strdup() fails, we can accept that */ else pNew->cnfName = NULL; dbgprintf("module config name is '%s'\n", cnfName); } localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"beginCnfLoad", &pNew->beginCnfLoad); if(localRet == RS_RET_OK) { dbgprintf("module %s supports rsyslog v6 config interface\n", name); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"endCnfLoad", &pNew->endCnfLoad)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"freeCnf", &pNew->freeCnf)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"checkCnf", &pNew->checkCnf)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"activateCnf", &pNew->activateCnf)); localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"activateCnfPrePrivDrop", &pNew->activateCnfPrePrivDrop); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->activateCnfPrePrivDrop = NULL; } else { CHKiRet(localRet); } } else if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->beginCnfLoad = NULL; /* flag as non-present */ } else { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } /* ... and now the module-specific interfaces */ switch(pNew->eType) { case eMOD_IN: CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"runInput", &pNew->mod.im.runInput)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"willRun", &pNew->mod.im.willRun)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"afterRun", &pNew->mod.im.afterRun)); pNew->mod.im.bCanRun = 0; localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"newInpInst", &pNew->mod.im.newInpInst); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->mod.im.newInpInst = NULL; } else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"doHUP", &pNew->doHUP); if(localRet != RS_RET_OK && localRet != RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); break; case eMOD_OUT: CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"freeInstance", &pNew->freeInstance)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"dbgPrintInstInfo", &pNew->dbgPrintInstInfo)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"parseSelectorAct", &pNew->mod.om.parseSelectorAct)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"tryResume", &pNew->tryResume)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"createWrkrInstance", &pNew->mod.om.createWrkrInstance)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"freeWrkrInstance", &pNew->mod.om.freeWrkrInstance)); /* try load optional interfaces */ localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"doHUP", &pNew->doHUP); if(localRet != RS_RET_OK && localRet != RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"doHUPWrkr", &pNew->doHUPWrkr); if(localRet != RS_RET_OK && localRet != RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"SetShutdownImmdtPtr", &pNew->mod.om.SetShutdownImmdtPtr); if(localRet != RS_RET_OK && localRet != RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); pNew->mod.om.supportsTX = 1; localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"beginTransaction", &pNew->mod.om.beginTransaction); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->mod.om.beginTransaction = dummyBeginTransaction; pNew->mod.om.supportsTX = 0; } else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"doAction", &pNew->mod.om.doAction); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->mod.om.doAction = NULL; } else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"commitTransaction", &pNew->mod.om.commitTransaction); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->mod.om.commitTransaction = NULL; } else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } if(pNew->mod.om.doAction == NULL && pNew->mod.om.commitTransaction == NULL) { LogError(0, RS_RET_INVLD_OMOD, "module %s does neither provide doAction() " "nor commitTransaction() interface - cannot " "load", name); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVLD_OMOD); } if(pNew->mod.om.commitTransaction != NULL) { if(pNew->mod.om.doAction != NULL){ LogError(0, RS_RET_INVLD_OMOD, "module %s provides both doAction() " "and commitTransaction() interface, using " "commitTransaction()", name); pNew->mod.om.doAction = NULL; } if(pNew->mod.om.beginTransaction == NULL){ LogError(0, RS_RET_INVLD_OMOD, "module %s provides both commitTransaction() " "but does not provide beginTransaction() - " "cannot load", name); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVLD_OMOD); } } localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"endTransaction", &pNew->mod.om.endTransaction); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->mod.om.endTransaction = dummyEndTransaction; } else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"newActInst", &pNew->mod.om.newActInst); if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->mod.om.newActInst = dummynewActInst; } else if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } break; case eMOD_LIB: break; case eMOD_PARSER: localRet = (*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"parse2", &pNew->mod.pm.parse2); if(localRet == RS_RET_OK) { pNew->mod.pm.parse = NULL; CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"newParserInst", &pNew->mod.pm.newParserInst)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"freeParserInst", &pNew->mod.pm.freeParserInst)); } else if(localRet == RS_RET_MODULE_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND) { pNew->mod.pm.parse2 = NULL; pNew->mod.pm.newParserInst = NULL; pNew->mod.pm.freeParserInst = NULL; CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"parse", &pNew->mod.pm.parse)); } else { ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"GetParserName", &GetName)); CHKiRet(GetName(&pName)); CHKiRet(parserConstructViaModAndName(pNew, pName, NULL)); break; case eMOD_STRGEN: /* first, we need to obtain the strgen object. We could not do that during * init as that would have caused class bootstrap issues which are not * absolutely necessary. Note that we can call objUse() multiple times, it * handles that. */ CHKiRet(objUse(strgen, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"strgen", &pNew->mod.sm.strgen)); CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"GetName", &GetName)); CHKiRet(GetName(&pName)); CHKiRet(strgen.Construct(&pStrgen)); CHKiRet(strgen.SetName(pStrgen, pName)); CHKiRet(strgen.SetModPtr(pStrgen, pNew)); CHKiRet(strgen.ConstructFinalize(pStrgen)); break; case eMOD_FUNCTION: CHKiRet((*pNew->modQueryEtryPt)((uchar*)"getFunctArray", &pNew->mod.fm.getFunctArray)); int version; struct scriptFunct *functArray; pNew->mod.fm.getFunctArray(&version, &functArray); dbgprintf("LLL: %s\n", functArray[0].fname); addMod2List(version, functArray); break; case eMOD_ANY: /* this is mostly to keep the compiler happy! */ DBGPRINTF("PROGRAM ERROR: eMOD_ANY set as module type\n"); assert(0); break; } pNew->pszName = (uchar*) strdup((char*)name); /* we do not care if strdup() fails, we can accept that */ pNew->pModHdlr = pModHdlr; if(pModHdlr == NULL) { pNew->eLinkType = eMOD_LINK_STATIC; } else { pNew->eLinkType = eMOD_LINK_DYNAMIC_LOADED; /* if we need to keep the linked module, save it */ if (pNew->eKeepType == eMOD_KEEP) { /* see if we have this one already */ for (pHandle = pHandles; pHandle; pHandle = pHandle->next) { if (!strcmp((char *)name, (char *)pHandle->pszName)) break; } /* not found, create it */ if (!pHandle) { if((pHandle = malloc(sizeof (*pHandle))) == NULL) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } if((pHandle->pszName = (uchar*) strdup((char*)name)) == NULL) { free(pHandle); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } pHandle->pModHdlr = pModHdlr; pHandle->next = pHandles; pHandles = pHandle; } } } /* we initialized the structure, now let's add it to the linked list of modules */ addModToGlblList(pNew); *pNewModule = pNew; finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) { if(pNew != NULL) moduleDestruct(pNew); *pNewModule = NULL; } RETiRet; } /* Print loaded modules. This is more or less a * debug or test aid, but anyhow I think it's worth it... * This only works if the dbgprintf() subsystem is initialized. * TODO: update for new input modules! */ static void modPrintList(void) { modInfo_t *pMod; pMod = GetNxt(NULL); while(pMod != NULL) { dbgprintf("Loaded Module: Name='%s', IFVersion=%d, ", (char*) modGetName(pMod), pMod->iIFVers); dbgprintf("type="); switch(pMod->eType) { case eMOD_OUT: dbgprintf("output"); break; case eMOD_IN: dbgprintf("input"); break; case eMOD_LIB: dbgprintf("library"); break; case eMOD_PARSER: dbgprintf("parser"); break; case eMOD_STRGEN: dbgprintf("strgen"); break; case eMOD_FUNCTION: dbgprintf("function"); break; case eMOD_ANY: /* this is mostly to keep the compiler happy! */ DBGPRINTF("PROGRAM ERROR: eMOD_ANY set as module type\n"); assert(0); break; } dbgprintf(" module.\n"); dbgprintf("Entry points:\n"); dbgprintf("\tqueryEtryPt: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->modQueryEtryPt); dbgprintf("\tdbgPrintInstInfo: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->dbgPrintInstInfo); dbgprintf("\tfreeInstance: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->freeInstance); dbgprintf("\tbeginCnfLoad: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->beginCnfLoad); dbgprintf("\tSetModCnf: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->setModCnf); dbgprintf("\tcheckCnf: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->checkCnf); dbgprintf("\tactivateCnfPrePrivDrop: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->activateCnfPrePrivDrop); dbgprintf("\tactivateCnf: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->activateCnf); dbgprintf("\tfreeCnf: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->freeCnf); switch(pMod->eType) { case eMOD_OUT: dbgprintf("Output Module Entry Points:\n"); dbgprintf("\tdoAction: %p\n", pMod->mod.om.doAction); dbgprintf("\tparseSelectorAct: %p\n", pMod->mod.om.parseSelectorAct); dbgprintf("\tnewActInst: %p\n", (pMod->mod.om.newActInst == dummynewActInst) ? NULL : pMod->mod.om.newActInst); dbgprintf("\ttryResume: %p\n", pMod->tryResume); dbgprintf("\tdoHUP: %p\n", pMod->doHUP); dbgprintf("\tBeginTransaction: %p\n", ((pMod->mod.om.beginTransaction == dummyBeginTransaction) ? NULL : pMod->mod.om.beginTransaction)); dbgprintf("\tEndTransaction: %p\n", ((pMod->mod.om.endTransaction == dummyEndTransaction) ? NULL : pMod->mod.om.endTransaction)); break; case eMOD_IN: dbgprintf("Input Module Entry Points\n"); dbgprintf("\trunInput: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->mod.im.runInput); dbgprintf("\twillRun: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->mod.im.willRun); dbgprintf("\tafterRun: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->mod.im.afterRun); break; case eMOD_LIB: break; case eMOD_PARSER: dbgprintf("Parser Module Entry Points\n"); dbgprintf("\tparse: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->mod.pm.parse); break; case eMOD_STRGEN: dbgprintf("Strgen Module Entry Points\n"); dbgprintf("\tstrgen: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->mod.sm.strgen); break; case eMOD_FUNCTION: dbgprintf("Function Module Entry Points\n"); dbgprintf("\tgetFunctArray: 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long) pMod->mod.fm.getFunctArray); break; case eMOD_ANY: /* this is mostly to keep the compiler happy! */ break; } dbgprintf("\n"); pMod = GetNxt(pMod); /* done, go next */ } } /* HUP all modules that support it - except for actions, which * need (and have) specialised HUP handling. */ void modDoHUP(void) { modInfo_t *pMod; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutObjGlobalOp); pMod = GetNxt(NULL); while(pMod != NULL) { if(pMod->eType != eMOD_OUT && pMod->doHUP != NULL) { DBGPRINTF("HUPing module %s\n", (char*) modGetName(pMod)); pMod->doHUP(NULL); } pMod = GetNxt(pMod); /* done, go next */ } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutObjGlobalOp); } /* unlink and destroy a module. The caller must provide a pointer to the module * itself as well as one to its immediate predecessor. * rgerhards, 2008-02-26 */ static rsRetVal modUnlinkAndDestroy(modInfo_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; modInfo_t *pThis; assert(ppThis != NULL); pThis = *ppThis; assert(pThis != NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutObjGlobalOp); /* first check if we are permitted to unload */ if(pThis->eType == eMOD_LIB) { if(pThis->uRefCnt > 0) { dbgprintf("module %s NOT unloaded because it still has a refcount of %u\n", pThis->pszName, pThis->uRefCnt); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MODULE_STILL_REFERENCED); } } /* we need to unlink the module before we can destruct it -- rgerhards, 2008-02-26 */ if(pThis->pPrev == NULL) { /* module is root, so we need to set a new root */ pLoadedModules = pThis->pNext; } else { pThis->pPrev->pNext = pThis->pNext; } if(pThis->pNext == NULL) { pLoadedModulesLast = pThis->pPrev; } else { pThis->pNext->pPrev = pThis->pPrev; } /* finally, we are ready for the module to go away... */ dbgprintf("Unloading module %s\n", modGetName(pThis)); CHKiRet(modPrepareUnload(pThis)); *ppThis = pThis->pNext; moduleDestruct(pThis); finalize_it: pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutObjGlobalOp); RETiRet; } /* unload all loaded modules of a specific type (use eMOD_ALL if you want to * unload all module types). The unload happens only if the module is no longer * referenced. So some modules may survive this call. * rgerhards, 2008-03-11 */ static rsRetVal modUnloadAndDestructAll(eModLinkType_t modLinkTypesToUnload) { DEFiRet; modInfo_t *pModCurr; /* module currently being processed */ pModCurr = GetNxt(NULL); while(pModCurr != NULL) { if(modLinkTypesToUnload == eMOD_LINK_ALL || pModCurr->eLinkType == modLinkTypesToUnload) { if(modUnlinkAndDestroy(&pModCurr) == RS_RET_MODULE_STILL_REFERENCED) { pModCurr = GetNxt(pModCurr); } else { /* Note: if the module was successfully unloaded, it has updated the * pModCurr pointer to the next module. However, the unload process may * still have indirectly referenced the pointer list in a way that the * unloaded module is not aware of. So we restart the unload process * to make sure we do not fall into a trap (what we did ;)). The * performance toll is minimal. -- rgerhards, 2008-04-28 */ pModCurr = GetNxt(NULL); } } else { pModCurr = GetNxt(pModCurr); } } RETiRet; } /* find module with given name in global list */ static rsRetVal findModule(uchar *pModName, int iModNameLen, modInfo_t **pMod) { modInfo_t *pModInfo; uchar *pModNameCmp; DEFiRet; pModInfo = GetNxt(NULL); while(pModInfo != NULL) { if(!strncmp((char *) pModName, (char *) (pModNameCmp = modGetName(pModInfo)), iModNameLen) && (!*(pModNameCmp + iModNameLen) || !strcmp((char *) pModNameCmp + iModNameLen, ".so"))) { dbgprintf("Module '%s' found\n", pModName); break; } pModInfo = GetNxt(pModInfo); } *pMod = pModInfo; RETiRet; } /* load a module and initialize it, based on doModLoad() from conf.c * rgerhards, 2008-03-05 * varmojfekoj added support for dynamically loadable modules on 2007-08-13 * rgerhards, 2007-09-25: please note that the non-threadsafe function dlerror() is * called below. This is ok because modules are currently only loaded during * configuration file processing, which is executed on a single thread. Should we * change that design at any stage (what is unlikely), we need to find a * replacement. * rgerhards, 2011-04-27: * Parameter "bConfLoad" tells us if the load was triggered by a config handler, in * which case we need to tie the loaded module to the current config. If bConfLoad == 0, * the system loads a module for internal reasons, this is not directly tied to a * configuration. We could also think if it would be useful to add only certain types * of modules, but the current implementation at least looks simpler. * Note: pvals = NULL means legacy config system */ static rsRetVal ATTR_NONNULL(1) Load(uchar *const pModName, const sbool bConfLoad, struct nvlst *const lst) { size_t iPathLen, iModNameLen; int bHasExtension; void *pModHdlr; pModInit_t pModInit; modInfo_t *pModInfo; cfgmodules_etry_t *pNew = NULL; cfgmodules_etry_t *pLast = NULL; uchar *pModDirCurr, *pModDirNext; int iLoadCnt; struct dlhandle_s *pHandle = NULL; uchar pathBuf[PATH_MAX+1]; uchar *pPathBuf = pathBuf; size_t lenPathBuf = sizeof(pathBuf); rsRetVal localRet; cstr_t *load_err_msg = NULL; DEFiRet; assert(pModName != NULL); DBGPRINTF("Requested to load module '%s'\n", pModName); iModNameLen = strlen((char*)pModName); /* overhead for a full path is potentially 1 byte for a slash, * three bytes for ".so" and one byte for '\0'. */ # define PATHBUF_OVERHEAD 1 + iModNameLen + 3 + 1 pthread_mutex_lock(&mutObjGlobalOp); if(iModNameLen > 3 && !strcmp((char *) pModName + iModNameLen - 3, ".so")) { iModNameLen -= 3; bHasExtension = RSTRUE; } else bHasExtension = RSFALSE; CHKiRet(findModule(pModName, iModNameLen, &pModInfo)); if(pModInfo != NULL) { DBGPRINTF("Module '%s' already loaded\n", pModName); if(bConfLoad) { localRet = readyModForCnf(pModInfo, &pNew, &pLast); if(pModInfo->setModCnf != NULL && localRet == RS_RET_OK) { if(!strncmp((char*)pModName, "builtin:", sizeof("builtin:")-1)) { if(pModInfo->bSetModCnfCalled) { LogError(0, RS_RET_DUP_PARAM, "parameters for built-in module %s already set - ignored\n", pModName); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_DUP_PARAM); } else { /* for built-in moules, we need to call setModConf, * because there is no way to set parameters at load * time for obvious reasons... */ if(lst != NULL) pModInfo->setModCnf(lst); pModInfo->bSetModCnfCalled = 1; } } else { /* regular modules need to be added to conf list (for * builtins, this happend during initial load). */ addModToCnfList(&pNew, pLast); } } } FINALIZE; } pModDirCurr = (uchar *)((pModDir == NULL) ? _PATH_MODDIR : (char *)pModDir); pModDirNext = NULL; pModHdlr = NULL; iLoadCnt = 0; do { /* now build our load module name */ if(*pModName == '/' || *pModName == '.') { if(lenPathBuf < PATHBUF_OVERHEAD) { if(pPathBuf != pathBuf) /* already malloc()ed memory? */ free(pPathBuf); /* we always alloc enough memory for everything we potentiall need to add */ lenPathBuf = PATHBUF_OVERHEAD; CHKmalloc(pPathBuf = malloc(lenPathBuf)); } *pPathBuf = '\0'; /* we do not need to append the path - its already in the module name */ iPathLen = 0; } else { *pPathBuf = '\0'; iPathLen = strlen((char *)pModDirCurr); pModDirNext = (uchar *)strchr((char *)pModDirCurr, ':'); if(pModDirNext) iPathLen = (size_t)(pModDirNext - pModDirCurr); if(iPathLen == 0) { if(pModDirNext) { pModDirCurr = pModDirNext + 1; continue; } break; } else if(iPathLen > lenPathBuf - PATHBUF_OVERHEAD) { if(pPathBuf != pathBuf) /* already malloc()ed memory? */ free(pPathBuf); /* we always alloc enough memory for everything we potentiall need to add */ lenPathBuf = iPathLen + PATHBUF_OVERHEAD; CHKmalloc(pPathBuf = malloc(lenPathBuf)); } memcpy((char *) pPathBuf, (char *)pModDirCurr, iPathLen); if((pPathBuf[iPathLen - 1] != '/')) { /* we have space, made sure in previous check */ pPathBuf[iPathLen++] = '/'; } pPathBuf[iPathLen] = '\0'; if(pModDirNext) pModDirCurr = pModDirNext + 1; } /* ... add actual name ... */ strncat((char *) pPathBuf, (char *) pModName, lenPathBuf - iPathLen - 1); /* now see if we have an extension and, if not, append ".so" */ if(!bHasExtension) { /* we do not have an extension and so need to add ".so" * TODO: I guess this is highly importable, so we should change the * algo over time... -- rgerhards, 2008-03-05 */ strncat((char *) pPathBuf, ".so", lenPathBuf - strlen((char*) pPathBuf) - 1); } /* complete load path constructed, so ... GO! */ dbgprintf("loading module '%s'\n", pPathBuf); /* see if we have this one already */ for (pHandle = pHandles; pHandle; pHandle = pHandle->next) { if (!strcmp((char *)pModName, (char *)pHandle->pszName)) { pModHdlr = pHandle->pModHdlr; break; } } /* not found, try to dynamically link it */ if (!pModHdlr) { pModHdlr = dlopen((char *) pPathBuf, RTLD_NOW); } if(pModHdlr == NULL) { char errmsg[4096]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "%strying to load module %s: %s", (load_err_msg == NULL) ? "" : " //////// ", pPathBuf, dlerror()); if(load_err_msg == NULL) { rsCStrConstructFromszStr(&load_err_msg, (uchar*)errmsg); } else { rsCStrAppendStr(load_err_msg, (uchar*)errmsg); } } iLoadCnt++; } while(pModHdlr == NULL && *pModName != '/' && pModDirNext); if(load_err_msg != NULL) { cstrFinalize(load_err_msg); } if(!pModHdlr) { LogError(0, RS_RET_MODULE_LOAD_ERR_DLOPEN, "could not load module '%s', errors: %s", pModName, (load_err_msg == NULL) ? "NONE SEEN???" : (const char*) cstrGetSzStrNoNULL(load_err_msg)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MODULE_LOAD_ERR_DLOPEN); } if(!(pModInit = (pModInit_t)dlsym(pModHdlr, "modInit"))) { LogError(0, RS_RET_MODULE_LOAD_ERR_NO_INIT, "could not load module '%s', dlsym: %s\n", pPathBuf, dlerror()); dlclose(pModHdlr); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MODULE_LOAD_ERR_NO_INIT); } if((iRet = doModInit(pModInit, (uchar*) pModName, pModHdlr, &pModInfo)) != RS_RET_OK) { LogError(0, RS_RET_MODULE_LOAD_ERR_INIT_FAILED, "could not load module '%s', rsyslog error %d\n", pPathBuf, iRet); dlclose(pModHdlr); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_MODULE_LOAD_ERR_INIT_FAILED); } if(bConfLoad) { readyModForCnf(pModInfo, &pNew, &pLast); if(pModInfo->setModCnf != NULL) { if(lst != NULL) { localRet = pModInfo->setModCnf(lst); if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { LogError(0, localRet, "module '%s', failed processing config parameters", pPathBuf); ABORT_FINALIZE(localRet); } } pModInfo->bSetModCnfCalled = 1; } addModToCnfList(&pNew, pLast); } finalize_it: if(load_err_msg != NULL) { cstrDestruct(&load_err_msg); } if(pPathBuf != pathBuf) /* used malloc()ed memory? */ free(pPathBuf); if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) abortCnfUse(&pNew); free(pNew); /* is NULL again if properly consumed, else clean up */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutObjGlobalOp); RETiRet; } /* the v6+ way of loading modules: process a "module(...)" directive. * rgerhards, 2012-06-20 */ rsRetVal modulesProcessCnf(struct cnfobj *o) { struct cnfparamvals *pvals; uchar *cnfModName = NULL; int typeIdx; DEFiRet; pvals = nvlstGetParams(o->nvlst, &pblk, NULL); if(pvals == NULL) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_ERR); } DBGPRINTF("modulesProcessCnf params:\n"); cnfparamsPrint(&pblk, pvals); typeIdx = cnfparamGetIdx(&pblk, "load"); if(pvals[typeIdx].bUsed == 0) { LogError(0, RS_RET_CONF_RQRD_PARAM_MISSING, "module type missing"); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_CONF_RQRD_PARAM_MISSING); } cnfModName = (uchar*)es_str2cstr(pvals[typeIdx].val.d.estr, NULL); iRet = Load(cnfModName, 1, o->nvlst); finalize_it: free(cnfModName); cnfparamvalsDestruct(pvals, &pblk); RETiRet; } /* set the default module load directory. A NULL value may be provided, in * which case any previous value is deleted but no new one set. The caller-provided * string is duplicated. If it needs to be freed, that's the caller's duty. * rgerhards, 2008-03-07 */ static rsRetVal SetModDir(uchar *pszModDir) { DEFiRet; dbgprintf("setting default module load directory '%s'\n", pszModDir); if(pModDir != NULL) { free(pModDir); } pModDir = (uchar*) strdup((char*)pszModDir); RETiRet; } /* Reference-Counting object access: add 1 to the current reference count. Must be * called by anyone interested in using a module. -- rgerhards, 20080-03-10 */ static rsRetVal Use(const char *srcFile, modInfo_t *pThis) { DEFiRet; assert(pThis != NULL); pThis->uRefCnt++; dbgprintf("source file %s requested reference for module '%s', reference count now %u\n", srcFile, pThis->pszName, pThis->uRefCnt); # ifdef DEBUG modUsrAdd(pThis, srcFile); # endif RETiRet; } /* Reference-Counting object access: subract one from the current refcount. Must * by called by anyone who no longer needs a module. If count reaches 0, the * module is unloaded. -- rgerhards, 20080-03-10 */ static rsRetVal Release(const char *srcFile, modInfo_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; modInfo_t *pThis; assert(ppThis != NULL); pThis = *ppThis; assert(pThis != NULL); if(pThis->uRefCnt == 0) { /* oops, we are already at 0? */ dbgprintf("internal error: module '%s' already has a refcount of 0 (released by %s)!\n", pThis->pszName, srcFile); } else { --pThis->uRefCnt; dbgprintf("file %s released module '%s', reference count now %u\n", srcFile, pThis->pszName, pThis->uRefCnt); # ifdef DEBUG modUsrDel(pThis, srcFile); modUsrPrint(pThis); # endif } if(pThis->uRefCnt == 0) { /* we have a zero refcount, so we must unload the module */ dbgprintf("module '%s' has zero reference count, unloading...\n", pThis->pszName); modUnlinkAndDestroy(&pThis); /* we must NOT do a *ppThis = NULL, because ppThis now points into freed memory! * If in doubt, see obj.c::ReleaseObj() for how we are called. */ } RETiRet; } /* exit our class * rgerhards, 2008-03-11 */ BEGINObjClassExit(module, OBJ_IS_LOADABLE_MODULE) /* CHANGE class also in END MACRO! */ CODESTARTObjClassExit(module) /* release objects we no longer need */ free(pModDir); # ifdef DEBUG modUsrPrintAll(); /* debug aid - TODO: integrate with debug.c, at least the settings! */ # endif ENDObjClassExit(module) /* queryInterface function * rgerhards, 2008-03-05 */ BEGINobjQueryInterface(module) CODESTARTobjQueryInterface(module) if(pIf->ifVersion != moduleCURR_IF_VERSION) { /* check for current version, increment on each change */ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED); } /* ok, we have the right interface, so let's fill it * Please note that we may also do some backwards-compatibility * work here (if we can support an older interface version - that, * of course, also affects the "if" above). */ pIf->GetNxt = GetNxt; pIf->GetNxtCnfType = GetNxtCnfType; pIf->GetName = modGetName; pIf->GetStateName = modGetStateName; pIf->PrintList = modPrintList; pIf->FindWithCnfName = FindWithCnfName; pIf->UnloadAndDestructAll = modUnloadAndDestructAll; pIf->doModInit = doModInit; pIf->SetModDir = SetModDir; pIf->Load = Load; pIf->Use = Use; pIf->Release = Release; finalize_it: ENDobjQueryInterface(module) /* Initialize our class. Must be called as the very first method * before anything else is called inside this class. * rgerhards, 2008-03-05 */ BEGINAbstractObjClassInit(module, 1, OBJ_IS_CORE_MODULE) /* class, version - CHANGE class also in END MACRO! */ uchar *pModPath; /* use any module load path specified in the environment */ if((pModPath = (uchar*) getenv("RSYSLOG_MODDIR")) != NULL) { SetModDir(pModPath); } /* now check if another module path was set via the command line (-M) * if so, that overrides the environment. Please note that we must use * a global setting here because the command line parser can NOT call * into the module object, because it is not initialized at that point. So * instead a global setting is changed and we pick it up as soon as we * initialize -- rgerhards, 2008-04-04 */ if(glblModPath != NULL) { SetModDir(glblModPath); } /* request objects we use */ ENDObjClassInit(module) /* vi:set ai: */