#!/bin/bash # part of the rsyslog project, released under ASL 2.0 . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init export NUMMESSAGES=50 # enough to generate big file export MAX_ERROR_SIZE=100 generate_conf add_conf ' $ModLoad ../plugins/ommysql/.libs/ommysql global(errormessagestostderr.maxnumber="5") template(type="string" name="tpl" string="insert into SystemEvents (Message, Facility) values (\"%msg%\", %$!facility%)" option.sql="on") if((not($msg contains "error")) and ($msg contains "msgnum:")) then { set $.num = field($msg, 58, 2); if $.num % 2 == 0 then { set $!facility = $syslogfacility; } else { set $/cntr = 0; } action(type="ommysql" name="mysql_action_errfile_maxsize" server="" template="tpl" db="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'" uid="rsyslog" pwd="testbench" action.errorfile="'$RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG'" action.errorfile.maxsize="'$MAX_ERROR_SIZE'") } ' mysql_prep_for_test startup injectmsg shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown mysql_get_data check_file_exists ${RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG} file_size_check ${RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG} ${MAX_ERROR_SIZE} exit_test