#!/bin/bash # Test for queue data persisting at shutdown. We use the actual driver # to carry out multiple tests with different queue modes # added 2009-05-27 by Rgerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under GPLv3 echo =============================================================================== echo \[daqueue-persist.sh\]: test data persisting at shutdown echo TEST is currently DISABLE because it is unstable exit 77 echo mode linkedList $srcdir/daqueue-persist-drvr.sh LinkedList echo mode fixedArray $srcdir/daqueue-persist-drvr.sh FixedArray # the disk test should not fail, however, the config is extreme and using # it more or less is a config error echo Disk $srcdir/daqueue-persist-drvr.sh Disk # we do not test Direct mode because this absolute can not work in direct mode # (maybe we should do a fail-type of test?)