#!/bin/bash # # this shell script provides commands to the common diag system. It enables # test scripts to wait for certain conditions and initiate certain actions. # needs support in config file. # NOTE: this file should be included with ". diag.sh", as it otherwise is # not always able to convey back states to the upper-level test driver # begun 2009-05-27 by rgerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under GPLv3 # # This file can be customized to environment specifics via environment # variables: # SUDO either blank, or the command to use for sudo (usually "sudo"). # This env var is sometimes used to increase the chance that we # get extra information, e.g. when trying to analyze running # processes. Bottom line: if sudo is possible and you are OK with # the testbench utilizing this, use # export SUDO=sudo # to activate the extra functionality. # RS_SORTCMD Sort command to use (must support $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT option). If unset, # "sort" is used. E.g. Solaris needs "gsort" # RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT option to use for numerical sort, If unset "-g" is used. # RS_CMPCMD cmp command to use. If unset, "cmd" is used. # E.g. Solaris needs "gcmp" # RS_HEADCMD head command to use. If unset, "head" is used. # E.g. Solaris needs "ghead" # RSTB_GLOBAL_INPUT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT # global input timeout shutdown, default 60000 (60) sec. This should # only be set specifically if there is good need to do so, e.g. if # a test needs to timeout. # USE_VALGRIND if set to "YES", the test will be run under valgrind control, with # "default" settings (memcheck including leak check, termination on error). # This permits to have valgrind and non-valgrind versions of the same test # without the need to write it twice: just have a 2-liner -vg.sh which # does: # export USE_VALGRIND="YES" # source original-test.sh # sample can be seen in imjournal-basic[.vg].sh # You may also use USE_VALGRIND="YES-NOLEAK" to request valgrind without # leakcheck (this sometimes is needed). # ABORT_ALL_ON_TEST_FAIL # if set to "YES" and one test fails, all others are not executed but skipped. # This is useful in long-running CI jobs where we are happy with seeing the # first failure (to save time). # # # EXIT STATES # 0 - ok # 1 - FAIL # 77 - SKIP # 100 - Testbench failure export TB_ERR_TIMEOUT=101 # 177 - internal state: test failed, but in a way that makes us strongly believe # this is caused by environment. This will lead to exit 77 (SKIP), but report # the failure if failure reporting is active # environment variables: # USE_AUTO_DEBUG "on" --> enables automatic debugging, anything else # turns it off # diag system internal environment variables # these variables are for use by test scripts - they CANNOT be # overridden by the user # TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS enables to set extra options for tcpflood, usually # used in tests that have a common driver where it # is too hard to set these options otherwise # CONFIG export ZOOPIDFILE="$(pwd)/zookeeper.pid" #valgrind="valgrind --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --log-fd=1" #valgrind="valgrind --tool=callgrind" # for kcachegrind profiling # **** use the line below for very hard to find leaks! ***** #valgrind="valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --log-fd=1" #valgrind="valgrind --tool=drd --log-fd=1" #valgrind="valgrind --tool=helgrind --log-fd=1 --suppressions=$srcdir/linux_localtime_r.supp --gen-suppressions=all" #valgrind="valgrind --tool=exp-ptrcheck --log-fd=1" #set -o xtrace #export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nologfuncflow noprintmutexaction nostdout" #export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="log" TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP=400 # timeout for start/stop rsyslogd in tenths (!) of a second 400 => 40 sec # note that 40sec for the startup should be sufficient even on very slow machines. we changed this from 2min on 2017-12-12 TB_TEST_TIMEOUT=90 # number of seconds after which test checks timeout (eg. waits) TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME=${TEST_MAX_RUNTIME:-580} # maximum runtime in seconds for a test; # default TEST_MAX_RUNTIME e.g. for long-running tests or special # testbench use. Testbench will abort test # after that time (iff it has a chance to, not strictly enforced) # Note: 580 is slightly below the rsyslog-ci required max non-stdout writing timeout # This is usually at 600 (10 minutes) and processes will be force-terminated if they # go over it. This is especially bad because we do not receive notifications in this # case. export RSYSLOG_DEBUG_TIMEOUTS_TO_STDERR="on" # we want to know when we loose messages due to timeouts if [ "$TESTTOOL_DIR" == "" ]; then export TESTTOOL_DIR="${srcdir:-.}" fi # newer functionality is preferably introduced via bash functions # rgerhards, 2018-07-03 rsyslog_testbench_test_url_access() { local missing_requirements= if ! hash curl 2>/dev/null ; then missing_requirements="'curl' is missing in PATH; Make sure you have cURL installed! Skipping test ..." fi if [ -n "${missing_requirements}" ]; then printf '%s\n' "${missing_requirements}" exit 77 fi local http_endpoint="$1" if ! curl --fail --max-time 30 "${http_endpoint}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "HTTP endpoint '${http_endpoint}' is not reachable. Skipping test ..." exit 77 else echo "HTTP endpoint '${http_endpoint}' is reachable! Starting test ..." fi } # function to skip a test on a specific platform # $1 is what we check in uname, $2 (optional) is a reason message skip_platform() { if [ "$(uname)" == "$1" ]; then printf 'platform is "%s" - test does not work under "%s"\n' "$(uname)" "$1" if [ "$2" != "" ]; then printf 'reason: %s\n' "$2" fi exit 77 fi } # function to skip a test if TSAN is enabled # This is necessary as TSAN does not properly handle thread creation # after fork() - which happens regularly in rsyslog if backgrounding # is activated. # $1 is the reason why TSAN is not supported # note: we depend on CFLAGS to properly reflect build options (what # usually is the case when the testbench is run) skip_TSAN() { if [[ "$CFLAGS" == *"sanitize=thread"* ]]; then printf 'test incompatible with TSAN because of %s\n' "$1" exit 77 fi } # a consistent format to output testbench timestamps tb_timestamp() { printf '%s[%s] ' "$(date +%H:%M:%S)" "$(( $(date +%s) - TB_STARTTEST ))" } # override the test timeout, but only if the new value is higher # than the previous one. This is necessary for slow test systems # $1 is timeout in seconds override_test_timeout() { if [ "${1:=0}" == "" ]; then printf 'FAIL: invalid testbench call, override_test_timeout needs value\n' error_exit 100 fi if [ "$1" -gt "$TB_TEST_TIMEOUT" ]; then TB_TEST_TIMEOUT=$1 printf 'info: TB_TEST_TIMEOUT increased to %s\n' "$TB_TEST_TIMEOUT" fi } # set special tests status. States ($1) are: # unreliable -- as the name says, test does not work reliably; $2 must be github issue URL # depending on CI configuration, "unreliable" tests are skipped and not failed # or not executed at all. Test reports may also be amended to github issue. test_status() { if [ "$1" == "unreliable" ]; then if [ "$2" == "" ]; then printf 'TESTBENCH_ERROR: github issue URL must be given\n' error_exit 100 fi export TEST_STATUS="$1" export TEST_GITHUB_ISSUE="$2" else printf 'TESTBENCH_ERROR: test_status "%s" unknown\n' "$1" error_exit 100 fi } setvar_RS_HOSTNAME() { printf '### Obtaining HOSTNAME (prerequisite, not actual test) ###\n' generate_conf "" add_conf 'module(load="../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp") input(type="imtcp" port="0" listenPortFileName="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.tcpflood_port") $template hostname,"%hostname%" local0.* ./'${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}'.HOSTNAME;hostname ' rm -f "${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.HOSTNAME" startup "" tcpflood -m1 -M "\"<128>\"" shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown "" export RS_HOSTNAME="$(cat ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.HOSTNAME)" rm -f "${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.HOSTNAME" echo HOSTNAME is: $RS_HOSTNAME } # begin a new testconfig # 2018-09-07: Incremented inputs.timeout.shutdown to 60000 because kafka tests may not be # finished under stress otherwise # $1 is the instance id, if given generate_conf() { if [ "$RSTB_GLOBAL_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT" == "" ]; then RSTB_GLOBAL_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT="10000" fi if [ "$RSTB_GLOBAL_INPUT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT" == "" ]; then RSTB_GLOBAL_INPUT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT="60000" fi if [ "$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_SHUTDOWN" == "" ]; then RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_SHUTDOWN="20000" fi if [ "$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_ENQUEUE" == "" ]; then RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_ENQUEUE="20000" fi export TCPFLOOD_PORT="$(get_free_port)" if [ "$1" == "" ]; then export TESTCONF_NM="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}_" # this basename is also used by instance 2! export RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.out.log" export RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}_2.out.log" export RSYSLOG_PIDBASE="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}:" # also used by instance 2! mkdir $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool fi echo 'module(load="../plugins/imdiag/.libs/imdiag") global(inputs.timeout.shutdown="'$RSTB_GLOBAL_INPUT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT'" default.action.queue.timeoutshutdown="'$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_SHUTDOWN'" default.action.queue.timeoutEnqueue="'$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_ENQUEUE'") # use legacy-style for the following settings so that we can override if needed $MainmsgQueueTimeoutEnqueue 20000 $MainmsgQueueTimeoutShutdown '$RSTB_GLOBAL_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT' $IMDiagListenPortFileName '$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$1.port' $IMDiagServerRun 0 $IMDiagAbortTimeout '$TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME' :syslogtag, contains, "rsyslogd" ./'${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}$1'.started ###### end of testbench instrumentation part, test conf follows:' > ${TESTCONF_NM}$1.conf } # add more data to config file. Note: generate_conf must have been called # $1 is config fragment, $2 the instance id, if given add_conf() { printf '%s' "$1" >> ${TESTCONF_NM}$2.conf } rst_msleep() { $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep $1 } # compare file to expected exact content # $1 is file to compare, default $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG cmp_exact() { filename=${1:-"$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"} if [ "$filename" == "" ]; then printf 'Testbench ERROR, cmp_exact() does not have a filename at ALL!\n' error_exit 100 fi if [ "$EXPECTED" == "" ]; then printf 'Testbench ERROR, cmp_exact() needs to have env var EXPECTED set!\n' error_exit 100 fi printf '%s\n' "$EXPECTED" | cmp - "$filename" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then printf 'invalid response generated\n' printf '################# %s is:\n' "$filename" cat -n $filename printf '################# EXPECTED was:\n' cat -n <<< "$EXPECTED" printf '\n#################### diff is:\n' diff - "$filename" <<< "$EXPECTED" error_exit 1 fi; } # code common to all startup...() functions startup_common() { instance= if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then CONF_FILE="${TESTCONF_NM}2.conf" instance=2 elif [ "$1" == "" ] || [ "$1" == "1" ]; then CONF_FILE="${TESTCONF_NM}.conf" else CONF_FILE="$srcdir/testsuites/$1" instance=$2 fi # we need to remove the imdiag port file as there are some # tests that start multiple times. These may get the old port # number if the file still exists AND timing is bad so that # imdiag does not generate the port file quickly enough on # startup. rm -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$instance.port if [ ! -f $CONF_FILE ]; then echo "ERROR: config file '$CONF_FILE' not found!" error_exit 1 fi echo config $CONF_FILE is: cat -n $CONF_FILE } # wait for appearance of a specific pid file, given as $1 wait_startup_pid() { if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "FAIL: testbench bug: wait_startup_called without \$1" error_exit 100 fi while test ! -f $1; do $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on startup (pid file %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1" ls -l "$1" ps -fp $($SUDO cat "$1") error_exit 1 fi done printf '%s %s found, pid %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1" "$(cat $1)" } # special version of wait_startup_pid() for rsyslog startup wait_rsyslog_startup_pid() { wait_startup_pid $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid } # wait for startup of an arbitrary process # $1 - pid file name # $2 - startup file name (optional, only checked if given) wait_process_startup() { wait_startup_pid $1.pid i=0 if [ "$2" != "" ]; then while test ! -f "$2"; do $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds ps -p $(cat $1.pid) &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "ABORT! pid in $1 no longer active during startup!" error_exit 1 fi (( i++ )) if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on file %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$2" error_exit 1 fi done printf '%s %s seen, associated pid %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$2" "$(cat $1)" fi } # wait for the pid in $1 to terminate, abort on timeout wait_pid_termination() { out_pid="$1" if [[ "$out_pid" == "" ]]; then printf 'TESTBENCH error: pidfile name not specified in wait_pid_termination\n' error_exit 100 fi terminated=0 while [[ $terminated -eq 0 ]]; do ps -p $out_pid &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then terminated=1 fi $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on shutdown (pid %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $out_pid ps -fp $out_pid printf 'Instance is possibly still running and may need manual cleanup.\n' error_exit 1 fi done unset terminated unset out_pid } # wait for file $1 to exist AND be non-empty # $1 : file to wait for # $2 (optional): error message to show if timeout occurs wait_file_exists() { echo waiting for file $1 i=0 while true; do if [ -f $1 ] && [ "$(cat $1 2> /dev/null)" != "" ]; then break fi $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds ((i++)) if test $i -gt $TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP; then echo "ABORT! Timeout waiting for file $1" ls -l $1 if [ "$2" != "" ]; then echo "$2" fi error_exit 1 fi done } # kafka special wait function: we wait for the output file in order # to ensure Kafka/Zookeeper is actually ready to go. This is NOT # a generic check function and must only used with those kafka tests # that actually need it. kafka_wait_group_coordinator() { echo We are waiting for kafka/zookeeper being ready to deliver messages wait_file_exists $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG " Non-existence of $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG can be caused by a problem inside zookeeper. If debug output in the receiver is enabled, one may see this message: \"GroupCoordinator response error: Broker: Group coordinator not available\" In this case you may want to do a web search and/or have a look at https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/issues/799 The question, of course, is if there is nevertheless a problem in imkafka. Usually, the wait we do inside the testbench is sufficient to handle all Zookeeper/Kafka startup. So if the issue reoccurs, it is suggested to enable debug output in the receiver and check for actual problems. " } # check if kafka itself failed. $1 is the message file name. kafka_check_broken_broker() { failed=0 if grep "Broker transport failure" < "$1" ; then failed=1 fi if grep "broker connections are down" < "$1" ; then failed=1 fi if [ $failed -eq 1 ]; then printf '\n\nenvironment-induced test error - kafka broker failed - skipping test\n' printf 'content of %s:\n' "$1" cat -n "$1" error_exit 177 fi } # inject messages via kafkacat tool (for imkafka tests) # $1 == "--wait" means wait for rsyslog to receive TESTMESSAGES lines in RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG # $TESTMESSAGES contains number of messages to inject # $RANDTOPIC contains topic to produce to injectmsg_kafkacat() { if [ "$1" == "--wait" ]; then wait="YES" shift fi if [ "$TESTMESSAGES" == "" ]; then printf 'TESTBENCH ERROR: TESTMESSAGES env var not set!\n' error_exit 1 fi MAXATONCE=25000 # how many msgs should kafkacat send? - hint: current version errs out above ~70000 i=1 while (( i<=TESTMESSAGES )); do currmsgs=0 while ((i <= $TESTMESSAGES && currmsgs != MAXATONCE)); do printf ' msgnum:%8.8d\n' $i; i=$((i + 1)) currmsgs=$((currmsgs+1)) done > "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.in" set -e kafkacat -P -b localhost:29092 -t $RANDTOPIC <"$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.in" 2>&1 | tee >$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log set +e printf 'kafkacat injected %d msgs so far\n' $((i - 1)) kafka_check_broken_broker $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log check_not_present "ERROR" $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log cat $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log done if [ "$wait" == "YES" ]; then wait_seq_check "$@" fi } # wait for rsyslogd startup ($1 is the instance) wait_startup() { wait_rsyslog_startup_pid $1 while test ! -f ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}$1.started; do $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds ps -p $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "ABORT! rsyslog pid no longer active during startup!" error_exit 1 stacktrace fi if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting startup file %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.started" error_exit 1 fi done echo "$(tb_timestamp) rsyslogd$1 startup msg seen, pid " $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) wait_file_exists $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$1.port eval export IMDIAG_PORT$1=$(cat $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$1.port) eval PORT='$IMDIAG_PORT'$1 echo "imdiag$1 port: $PORT" if [ "$PORT" == "" ]; then echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: imdiag port not found!" ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME* exit 100 fi } # reassign ports after rsyslog startup; must be called from all # functions that startup rsyslog reassign_ports() { if grep -q 'listenPortFileName="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'\.tcpflood_port"' $CONF_FILE; then assign_tcpflood_port $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.tcpflood_port fi if grep -q '$InputTCPServerListenPortFile.*\.tcpflood_port' $CONF_FILE; then assign_tcpflood_port $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.tcpflood_port fi } # start rsyslogd with default params. $1 is the config file name to use # returns only after successful startup, $2 is the instance (blank or 2!) # RS_REDIR maybe set to redirect rsyslog output # env var RSTB_DAEMONIZE" == "YES" means rsyslogd shall daemonize itself; # any other value or unset means it does not do that. startup() { if [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES" ]; then startup_vg "$1" "$2" return elif [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES-NOLEAK" ]; then startup_vg_noleak "$1" "$2" return fi startup_common "$1" "$2" if [ "$RSTB_DAEMONIZE" == "YES" ]; then n_option="" else n_option="-n" fi eval LD_PRELOAD=$RSYSLOG_PRELOAD $valgrind ../tools/rsyslogd -C $n_option -i$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$instance.pid -M../runtime/.libs:../.libs -f$CONF_FILE $RS_REDIR & wait_startup $instance reassign_ports } # assign TCPFLOOD_PORT from port file # $1 - port file assign_tcpflood_port() { wait_file_exists "$1" export TCPFLOOD_PORT=$(cat "$1") echo "TCPFLOOD_PORT now: $TCPFLOOD_PORT" if [ "$TCPFLOOD_PORT" == "" ]; then echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: TCPFLOOD_PORT not found!" ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME* exit 100 fi } # assign TCPFLOOD_PORT2 from port file # $1 - port file assign_tcpflood_port2() { wait_file_exists "$1" export TCPFLOOD_PORT2=$(cat "$1") echo "TCPFLOOD_PORT2 now: $TCPFLOOD_PORT2" if [ "$TCPFLOOD_PORT2" == "" ]; then echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: TCPFLOOD_PORT2 not found!" ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME* exit 100 fi } # assign RS_PORT from port file - this is meant as generic way to # obtain additional port variables # $1 - port file assign_rs_port() { wait_file_exists "$1" export RS_PORT=$(cat "$1") echo "RS_PORT now: $RS_PORT" if [ "$RS_PORT" == "" ]; then echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: RS_PORT not found!" ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME* exit 100 fi } # wait for a file to exist, then export it's content to env var # intended to be used for very small files, e.g. listenPort files # $1 - env var name # $2 - port file assign_file_content() { wait_file_exists "$2" content=$(cat "$2") if [ "$content" == "" ]; then echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: get_file content had empty file $2" ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME* exit 100 fi eval export $1="$content" printf 'exported: %s=%s\n' $1 "$content" } # same as startup_vg, BUT we do NOT wait on the startup message! startup_vg_waitpid_only() { startup_common "$1" "$2" if [ "$RS_TESTBENCH_LEAK_CHECK" == "" ]; then RS_TESTBENCH_LEAK_CHECK=full fi # add --keep-debuginfo=yes for hard to find cases; this cannot be used generally, # because it is only supported by newer versions of valgrind (else CI will fail # on older platforms). LD_PRELOAD=$RSYSLOG_PRELOAD valgrind $RS_TEST_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS $RS_TESTBENCH_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS --suppressions=$srcdir/known_issues.supp ${EXTRA_VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS:-} --gen-suppressions=all --log-fd=1 --error-exitcode=10 --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --leak-check=$RS_TESTBENCH_LEAK_CHECK ../tools/rsyslogd -C -n -i$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$instance.pid -M../runtime/.libs:../.libs -f$CONF_FILE & wait_rsyslog_startup_pid $1 } # start rsyslogd with default params under valgrind control. $1 is the config file name to use # returns only after successful startup, $2 is the instance (blank or 2!) startup_vg() { startup_vg_waitpid_only $1 $2 wait_startup $instance reassign_ports } # same as startup-vg, except that --leak-check is set to "none". This # is meant to be used in cases where we have to deal with libraries (and such # that) we don't can influence and where we cannot provide suppressions as # they are platform-dependent. In that case, we can't test for leak checks # (obviously), but we can check for access violations, what still is useful. startup_vg_noleak() { RS_TESTBENCH_LEAK_CHECK=no startup_vg "$@" } # same as startup-vgthread, BUT we do NOT wait on the startup message! startup_vgthread_waitpid_only() { startup_common "$1" "$2" valgrind --tool=helgrind $RS_TEST_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS $RS_TESTBENCH_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS --log-fd=1 --error-exitcode=10 --suppressions=$srcdir/linux_localtime_r.supp --suppressions=$srcdir/known_issues.supp ${EXTRA_VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS:-} --suppressions=$srcdir/CI/gcov.supp --gen-suppressions=all ../tools/rsyslogd -C -n -i$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$2.pid -M../runtime/.libs:../.libs -f$CONF_FILE & wait_rsyslog_startup_pid $2 } # start rsyslogd with default params under valgrind thread debugger control. # $1 is the config file name to use, $2 is the instance (blank or 2!) # returns only after successful startup startup_vgthread() { startup_vgthread_waitpid_only $1 $2 wait_startup $2 reassign_ports } # inject messages via our inject interface (imdiag) # $1 is start message number, env var NUMMESSAGES is number of messages to inject injectmsg() { if [ "$3" != "" ] ; then printf 'error: injectmsg only has two arguments, extra arg is %s\n' "$3" fi msgs=${2:-$NUMMESSAGES} echo injecting $msgs messages echo injectmsg "${1:-0}" "$msgs" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? } # inject messages in INSTANCE 2 via our inject interface (imdiag) injectmsg2() { msgs=${2:-$NUMMESSAGES} echo injecting $msgs messages into instance 2 echo injectmsg "${1:-0}" "$msgs" $3 $4 | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit $? # TODO: some return state checking? (does it really make sense here?) } # inject literal payload via our inject interface (imdiag) injectmsg_literal() { printf 'injecting msg payload: %s\n' "$1" sed -e 's/^/injectmsg literal /g' <<< "$1" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? } # inject literal payload via our inject interface (imdiag) injectmsg_file() { printf 'injecting msg payload: %s\n' "$1" sed -e 's/^/injectmsg literal /g' < "$1" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? } # show the current main queue size. $1 is the instance. get_mainqueuesize() { if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then echo getmainmsgqueuesize | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit $? else echo getmainmsgqueuesize | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? fi } # get pid of rsyslog instance $1 getpid() { printf '%s' "$(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid)" } # grep for (partial) content. $1 is the content to check for, $2 the file to check # option --check-only just returns success/fail but does not terminate on fail # this is meant for checking during queue shutdown processing. # option --regex is understood, in which case $1 is a regex content_check() { if [ "$1" == "--check-only" ]; then check_only="yes" shift else check_only="no" fi if [ "$1" == "--regex" ]; then grep_opt= shift else grep_opt=-F fi if [ "$1" == "--output-results" ]; then output_results="yes" shift else output_results="no" fi file=${2:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} if ! grep -q $grep_opt -- "$1" < "${file}"; then if [ "$check_only" == "yes" ]; then printf 'content_check did not yet succeed\n' return 1 fi printf '\n============================================================\n' printf 'FILE "%s" content:\n' "$file" cat -n ${file} printf 'FAIL: content_check failed to find "%s"\n' "$1" error_exit 1 else if [ "$output_results" == "yes" ]; then # Output GREP results echo "SUCCESS: content_check found results for '$1'\n" grep "$1" "${file}" fi fi if [ "$check_only" == "yes" ]; then return 0 fi } # grep for (partial) content. this checks the count of the content # $1 is the content to check for # $2 required count # $3 the file to check (if default not used) # option --regex is understood, in which case $1 is a regex content_count_check() { if [ "$1" == "--regex" ]; then grep_opt= shift else grep_opt=-F fi file=${3:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} count=$(grep -c $grep_opt -- "$1" <${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}) if [ ${count:=0} -ne "$2" ]; then grep -c -F -- "$1" <${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} printf '\n============================================================\n' printf 'FILE "%s" content:\n' "$file" cat -n ${file} printf 'FAIL: content count required %d but was %d\n' "$2" $count printf 'FAIL: content_check failed to find "%s"\n' "$1" error_exit 1 fi } # $1 - content to check for # $2 - number of times content must appear # $3 - timeout (default: 1) content_check_with_count() { timeoutend=${3:-1} timecounter=0 while [ $timecounter -lt $timeoutend ]; do (( timecounter=timecounter+1 )) count=0 if [ -f "${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}" ]; then count=$(grep -c -F -- "$1" <${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}) fi if [ ${count:=0} -eq $2 ]; then echo content_check_with_count SUCCESS, \"$1\" occurred $2 times break else if [ "$timecounter" == "$timeoutend" ]; then shutdown_when_empty "" wait_shutdown "" echo "$(tb_timestamp)" content_check_with_count failed, expected \"$1\" to occur $2 times, but found it "$count" times echo file $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG content is: if [ $(wc -l < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG") -gt 10000 ]; then printf 'truncation, we have %d lines, which is way too much\n' \ $(wc -l < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG") printf 'showing first and last 5000 lines\n' head -n 5000 < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG" print '\n ... CUT ..................................................\n\n' tail -n 5000 < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG" else cat -n "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG" fi error_exit 1 else printf '%s content_check_with_count, try %d have %d, wait for %d, search for: "%s"\n' \ "$(tb_timestamp)" "$timecounter" "$count" "$2" "$1" $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 1000 fi fi printf '%s **** content_check_with_count DEBUG (timeout %s, need %s lines):\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$3" "$2" # rger: REMOVE ME when problems are fixed if [ -f "${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}" ]; then cat -n "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"; fi done } custom_content_check() { grep -qF -- "$1" < $2 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo FAIL: custom_content_check failed to find "'$1'" inside "'$2'" echo "file contents:" cat -n $2 error_exit 1 fi } # check that given content $1 is not present in file $2 (default: RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG) # regular expressions may be used check_not_present() { if [ "$2" == "" ]; then file=$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG else file="$2" fi grep -q -- "$1" < "$file" if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then echo FAIL: check_not present found echo $1 echo inside file $file of $(wc -l < $file) lines echo samples: cat -n "$file" | grep -- "$1" | head -10 error_exit 1 fi } # check if mainqueue spool files exist, if not abort (we just check .qi). check_mainq_spool() { printf 'There must exist some files now:\n' ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool printf '.qi file:\n' cat $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/mainq.qi if [ ! -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/mainq.qi ]; then printf 'error: mainq.qi does not exist where expected to do so!\n' error_exit 1 fi } # check that no spool file exists. Abort if they do. # This situation must exist after a successful termination of rsyslog # where the disk queue has properly been drained and shut down. check_spool_empty() { if [ "$(ls $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/* 2> /dev/null)" != "" ]; then printf 'error: spool files exists where they are not permitted to do so:\n' ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/* error_exit 1 fi } # general helper for imjournal tests: check that we got hold of the # injected test message. This is pretty lengthy as the journal has played # "a bit" with us and also seems to sometimes have a heavy latency in # forwarding messages. So let's centralize the check code. # # $TESTMSG must contain the test message check_journal_testmsg_received() { printf 'checking that journal indeed contains test message - may take a short while...\n' # search reverse, gets us to our message (much) faster .... if it is there... journalctl -a -r | grep -qF "$TESTMSG" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then print 'SKIP: cannot read journal - our testmessage not found via journalctl\n' exit 77 fi printf 'journal contains test message\n' echo "INFO: $(wc -l < $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG) lines in $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG" grep -qF "$TESTMSG" < $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAIL: $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG content (tail -n200):" tail -n200 $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG echo "=======" echo "searching journal for testbench messages:" journalctl -a | grep -qF "TestBenCH-RSYSLog imjournal" echo "=======" echo "NOTE: showing only last 200 lines, may be insufficient on busy systems!" echo "last entries from journal:" journalctl -an 200 echo "=======" echo "NOTE: showing only last 200 lines, may be insufficient on busy systems!" echo "However, the test check all of the journal, we are just limiting the output" echo "to 200 lines to not spam CI systems too much." echo "=======" echo "FAIL: imjournal test message could not be found!" echo "Expected message content was:" echo "$TESTMSG" error_exit 1 fi; } # checks that among the open files found in /proc//fd/* # there is or is not, depending on the calling mode, # a link with the specified suffix in the target name check_fd_for_pid() { local pid="$1" mode="$2" suffix="$3" target seen seen="false" for fd in $(echo /proc/$pid/fd/*); do target="$(readlink -m "$fd")" if [[ "$target" != *$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME* ]]; then continue fi if ((i % 10 == 0)); then echo "INFO: check target='$target'" fi if [[ "$target" == *$suffix ]]; then seen="true" if [[ "$mode" == "exists" ]]; then echo "PASS: check fd for pid=$pid mode='$mode' suffix='$suffix'" return 0 fi fi done if [[ "$seen" == "false" ]] && [[ "$mode" == "absent" ]]; then echo "PASS: check fd for pid=$pid mode='$mode' suffix='$suffix'" return 0 fi echo "FAIL: check fd for pid=$pid mode='$mode' suffix='$suffix'" if [[ "$mode" != "ignore" ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } # wait for main message queue to be empty. $1 is the instance. # we run in a loop to ensure rsyslog is *really* finished when a # function for the "finished predicate" is defined. This is done # by setting env var QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC to the bash # function name. wait_queueempty() { while [ $(date +%s) -le $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; do if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then echo WaitMainQueueEmpty | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit $? else echo WaitMainQueueEmpty | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? fi if [ "$QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC" == "" ]; then return else if $QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC ; then return fi fi done error_exit $TB_ERR_TIMEOUT } # shut rsyslogd down when main queue is empty. $1 is the instance. shutdown_when_empty() { echo Shutting down instance ${1:-1} wait_queueempty $1 if [ "$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE" == "" ]; then echo "RSYSLOG_PIDBASE is EMPTY! - bug in test? (instance $1)" error_exit 1 fi cp $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid.save $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 500 # wait a bit (think about slow testbench machines!) kill $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) # note: we do not wait for the actual termination! } # shut rsyslogd down without emptying the queue. $2 is the instance. shutdown_immediate() { pidfile=$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE${1:-}.pid cp $pidfile $pidfile.save kill $(cat $pidfile) } # actually, we wait for rsyslog.pid to be deleted. # $1 is the instance wait_shutdown() { if [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES" ] || [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES-NOLEAK" ]; then wait_shutdown_vg "$1" return fi out_pid=$(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid.save) printf '%s wait on shutdown of %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$out_pid" if [[ "$out_pid" == "" ]] then terminated=1 else terminated=0 fi while [[ $terminated -eq 0 ]]; do ps -p $out_pid &> /dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then terminated=1 fi $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then printf '%s wait_shutdown ABORT! Timeout waiting on shutdown (pid %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $out_pid ps -fp $out_pid echo "Instance is possibly still running and may need" echo "manual cleanup." echo "TRYING TO capture status via gdb from hanging process" $SUDO gdb ../tools/rsyslogd <<< "attach $out_pid set pagination off inf thr thread apply all bt quit" echo "trying to kill -9 process" kill -9 $out_pid error_exit 1 fi done unset terminated unset out_pid if [ "$(ls core.* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then printf 'ABORT! core file exists (maybe from a parallel run!)\n' pwd ls -l core.* error_exit 1 fi } # wait for HUP to complete. $1 is the instance # note: there is a slight chance HUP was not completed. This can happen if it takes # the system very long (> 500ms) to receive the HUP and set the internal flag # variable. aka "very very low probability". await_HUP_processed() { if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then echo AwaitHUPComplete | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -pIMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit $? else echo AwaitHUPComplete | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? fi } # wait for all pending lookup table reloads to complete $1 is the instance. await_lookup_table_reload() { if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then echo AwaitLookupTableReload | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -pIMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit $? else echo AwaitLookupTableReload | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? fi } # $1 filename, default $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG # $2 expected nbr of lines, default $NUMMESSAGES # $3 timeout in seconds # options (need to be specified in THIS ORDER if multiple given): # --delay ms -- if given, delay to use between retries # --abort-on-oversize -- error_exit if more lines than expected are present # --count-function func -- function to call to obtain current count # this permits to override the default predicate and makes # the wait really universally usable. wait_file_lines() { delay=200 if [ "$1" == "--delay" ]; then delay="$2" shift 2 fi abort_oversize=NO if [ "$1" == "--abort-on-oversize" ]; then abort_oversize="YES" shift fi count_function= if [ "$1" == "--count-function" ]; then count_function="$2" shift 2 fi interrupt_connection=NO if [ "$1" == "--interrupt-connection" ]; then interrupt_connection="YES" interrupt_host="$2" interrupt_port="$3" interrupt_tick="$4" shift 4 lastcurrent_time=0 fi timeout=${3:-$TB_TEST_TIMEOUT} timeoutbegin=$(date +%s) timeoutend=$(( timeoutbegin + timeout )) # TODO: change this to support odl mode, if needed: timeoutend=${3:-200} file=${1:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} waitlines=${2:-$NUMMESSAGES} while true ; do count=0 if [ "$count_function" == "" ]; then if [ -f "$file" ]; then if [ "$COUNT_FILE_IS_ZIPPED" == "yes" ]; then issue_HUP "" count=$(gunzip < "$file" | wc -l) else count=$(wc -l < "$file") fi fi else count=$($count_function) fi if [ ${count} -gt $waitlines ]; then if [ $abort_oversize == "YES" ] && [ ${count} -gt $waitlines ]; then printf 'FAIL: wait_file_lines, too many lines, expected %d, current %s, took %s seconds\n' \ $waitlines $count "$(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin ))" error_exit 1 else printf 'wait_file_lines success, target %d or more lines, have %d, took %d seconds\n' \ "$waitlines" $count "$(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin ))" return fi fi if [ ${count} -eq $waitlines ]; then echo wait_file_lines success, have $waitlines lines, took $(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin )) seconds, file "$file" break else if [ $(date +%s) -ge $timeoutend ]; then echo wait_file_lines failed, expected $waitlines got $count after $timeoutend retries, took $(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin )) seconds error_exit 1 else echo $(date +%H:%M:%S) wait_file_lines waiting, expected $waitlines, current $count lines current_time=$(date +%s) if [ $interrupt_connection == "YES" ] && [ $current_time -gt $lastcurrent_time ] && [ $((current_time % $interrupt_tick)) -eq 0 ] && [ ${count} -gt 1 ]; then # Interrupt Connection - requires root and linux kernel >= 4.9 in order to work! echo wait_file_lines Interrupt Connection on ${interrupt_host}:${interrupt_port} sudo ss -K dst ${interrupt_host} dport = ${interrupt_port} fi lastcurrent_time=$current_time $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep $delay fi fi done } # wait until seq_check succeeds. This is used to synchronize various # testbench timing-related issues, most importantly rsyslog shutdown # all parameters are passed to seq_check wait_seq_check() { timeoutend=$(( $(date +%s) + TB_TEST_TIMEOUT )) if [ "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" == "" ]; then filename="$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG" else filename="$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" fi while true ; do if [ "$PRE_SEQ_CHECK_FUNC" != "" ]; then $PRE_SEQ_CHECK_FUNC fi if [ "${filename##.*}" != "gz" ]; then if [ -f "$filename" ]; then count=$(wc -l < "$filename") fi fi seq_check --check-only "$@" #&>/dev/null ret=$? if [ $ret == 0 ]; then printf 'wait_seq_check success (%d lines)\n' "$count" break else if [ $(date +%s) -ge $timeoutend ]; then printf 'wait_seq_check failed, no success before timeout\n' error_exit 1 else printf 'wait_seq_check waiting (%d lines)\n' $count $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 500 fi fi done unset count } # wait until some content appears in the specified file. # This is used to synchronize various # testbench timing-related issues, most importantly rsyslog shutdown # all parameters are passed to seq_check # $1 - content to search for # $2 - file to check wait_content() { file=${2:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} timeoutend=$(( $(date +%s) + TB_TEST_TIMEOUT )) count=0 while true ; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then count=$(wc -l < "$file") if grep -q "$1" < "$file"; then printf 'expected content found, continue test (%d lines)\n' "$count" break fi fi if [ $(date +%s) -ge $timeoutend ]; then printf 'wait_content failed, no success before timeout (%d lines)\n' "$count" printf 'searched content was:\n%s\n' "$1" error_exit 1 else printf 'wait_content still waiting... (%d lines)\n' "$count" tail "$file" $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 500 fi done unset count } assert_content_missing() { grep -qF -- "$1" < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then echo content-missing assertion failed, some line matched pattern "'$1'" error_exit 1 fi } custom_assert_content_missing() { grep -qF -- "$1" < $2 if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then echo content-missing assertion failed, some line in "'$2'" matched pattern "'$1'" cat -n "$2" error_exit 1 fi } # shut rsyslogd down when main queue is empty. $1 is the instance. issue_HUP() { if [ "$1" == "--sleep" ]; then sleeptime="$2" shift 2 else sleeptime=1000 fi kill -HUP $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) printf 'HUP issued to pid %d - waiting for it to become processed\n' \ $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) await_HUP_processed #$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep $sleeptime } # actually, we wait for rsyslog.pid to be deleted. $1 is the instance wait_shutdown_vg() { wait $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) export RSYSLOGD_EXIT=$? echo rsyslogd run exited with $RSYSLOGD_EXIT if [ "$(ls vgcore.* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then printf 'ABORT! core file exists:\n' ls -l vgcore.* error_exit 1 fi if [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES" ] || [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES-NOLEAK" ]; then check_exit_vg fi } check_file_exists() { if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then printf 'FAIL: file "%s" must exist, but does not\n' "$1" error_exit 1 fi } check_file_not_exists() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then printf 'FILE %s CONTENT:\n' "$1" cat -n -- "$1" printf 'FAIL: file "%s" must NOT exist, but does\n' "$1" error_exit 1 fi } # check exit code for valgrind error check_exit_vg(){ if [ "$RSYSLOGD_EXIT" -eq "10" ]; then printf 'valgrind run FAILED with exceptions - terminating\n' error_exit 1 fi } # do cleanup during exit processing do_cleanup() { if [ "$(type -t test_error_exit_handler)" == "function" ]; then test_error_exit_handler fi if [ -f $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE.pid ]; then printf 'rsyslog pid file still exists, trying to shutdown...\n' shutdown_immediate "" fi if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_PIDBASE}1.pid ]; then printf 'rsyslog pid file still exists, trying to shutdown...\n' shutdown_immediate 1 fi if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_PIDBASE}2.pid ]; then printf 'rsyslog pid file still exists, trying to shutdown...\n' shutdown_immediate 2 fi } # this is called if we had an error and need to abort. Here, we # try to gather as much information as possible. That's most important # for systems like Travis-CI where we cannot debug on the machine itself. # our $1 is the to-be-used exit code. if $2 is "stacktrace", call gdb. # # NOTE: if a function test_error_exit_handler is defined, error_exit will # call it immediately before termination. This may be used to cleanup # some things or emit additional diagnostic information. error_exit() { if [ $1 -eq $TB_ERR_TIMEOUT ]; then printf '%s Test %s exceeded max runtime of %d seconds\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0" $TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME fi if [ "$(ls core* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then echo trying to obtain crash location info echo note: this may not be the correct file, check it CORE=$(ls core*) echo "bt" >> gdb.in echo "q" >> gdb.in gdb ../tools/rsyslogd $CORE -batch -x gdb.in CORE= rm gdb.in fi if [[ "$2" == 'stacktrace' || ( ! -e IN_AUTO_DEBUG && "$USE_AUTO_DEBUG" == 'on' ) ]]; then if [ "$(ls core* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then CORE=$(ls core*) printf 'trying to analyze core "%s" for main rsyslogd binary\n' "$CORE" printf 'note: this may not be the correct file, check it\n' $SUDO gdb ../tools/rsyslogd "$CORE" -batch <<- EOF bt echo === THREAD INFO === info thread echo === thread apply all bt full === thread apply all bt full q EOF $SUDO gdb ./tcpflood "$CORE" -batch <<- EOF bt echo === THREAD INFO === info thread echo === thread apply all bt full === thread apply all bt full q EOF fi fi if [[ ! -e IN_AUTO_DEBUG && "$USE_AUTO_DEBUG" == 'on' ]]; then touch IN_AUTO_DEBUG # OK, we have the testname and can re-run under valgrind echo re-running under valgrind control current_test="./$(basename $0)" # this path is probably wrong -- theinric $current_test # wait a little bit so that valgrind can finish $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000 # next let's try us to get a debug log RSYSLOG_DEBUG_SAVE=$RSYSLOG_DEBUG export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nologfuncflow noprintmutexaction" $current_test $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000 RSYSLOG_DEBUG=$RSYSLOG_DEBUG_SAVE rm IN_AUTO_DEBUG fi # output listening ports as a temporary debug measure (2018-09-08 rgerhards), now disables, but not yet removed (2018-10-22) #if [ $(uname) == "Linux" ]; then # netstat -tlp #else # netstat #fi # Extended debug output for dependencies started by testbench if [ "$EXTRA_EXITCHECK" == 'dumpkafkalogs' ] && [ "$TEST_OUTPUT" == "VERBOSE" ]; then # Dump Zookeeper log dump_zookeeper_serverlog # Dump Kafka log dump_kafka_serverlog fi # Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances kafka_exit_handling "false" # Ensure redis instance is stopped if [ -n "$REDIS_DYN_DIR" ]; then stop_redis fi error_stats $1 # Report error to rsyslog testbench stats do_cleanup exitval=$1 if [ "$TEST_STATUS" == "unreliable" ] && [ "$1" -ne 100 ]; then # TODO: log github issue printf 'Test flagged as unreliable, exiting with SKIP. Original exit code was %d\n' "$1" printf 'GitHub ISSUE: %s\n' "$TEST_GITHUB_ISSUE" exitval=77 else if [ "$1" -eq 177 ]; then exitval=77 fi fi printf '%s FAIL: Test %s (took %s seconds)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0" "$(( $(date +%s) - TB_STARTTEST ))" if [ $exitval -ne 77 ]; then echo $0 > testbench_test_failed_rsyslog fi exit $exitval } # skip a test; do cleanup when we detect it is necessary skip_test(){ do_cleanup exit 77 } # Helper function to call rsyslog project test error script # $1 is the exit code error_stats() { if [ "$RSYSLOG_STATSURL" == "" ]; then printf 'not reporting failure as RSYSLOG_STATSURL is not set\n' else echo reporting failure to $RSYSLOG_STATSURL testname=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "$RSYSLOG_TESTNAME") testenv=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "${VCS_SLUG:-$PWD}") testmachine=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "$HOSTNAME") logurl=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "${CI_BUILD_URL:-}") wget -nv -O/dev/null $RSYSLOG_STATSURL\?Testname=$testname\&Testenv=$testenv\&Testmachine=$testmachine\&exitcode=${1:-1}\&logurl=$logurl\&rndstr=jnxv8i34u78fg23 fi } # do the usual sequence check to see if everything was properly received. # $4... are just to have the ability to pass in more options... # add -v to chkseq if you need more verbose output # argument --check-only can be used to simply do a check without abort in fail case # env var SEQ_CHECK_FILE permits to override file name to check # env var SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS provide the ability to add extra options for check program seq_check() { if [ "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" == "" ]; then SEQ_CHECK_FILE="$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG" fi if [ "$1" == "--check-only" ]; then check_only="YES" shift else check_only="NO" fi if [ "$1" == "" ]; then if [ "$NUMMESSAGES" == "" ]; then printf 'FAIL: seq_check called without parameters but NUMMESSAGES is unset!\n' error_exit 100 fi # use default parameters startnum=0 endnum=$(( NUMMESSAGES - 1 )) else startnum=$1 endnum=$2 fi if [ ! -f "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" ]; then if [ "$check_only" == "YES" ]; then return 1 fi printf 'FAIL: %s does not exist in seq_check!\n' "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" error_exit 1 fi if [ "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE##*.}" == "gz" ]; then gunzip -c "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" | $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT | ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS elif [ "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE##*.}" == "zst" ]; then ls -l "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" unzstd < "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" | $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT | ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS else $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT < "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" | ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS fi ret=$? if [ "$check_only" == "YES" ]; then return $ret fi if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then if [ "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE##*.}" == "gz" ]; then gunzip -c "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" | $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT \ | ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS \ > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log elif [ "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE##*.}" == "zst" ]; then unzstd < "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" | $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT \ | ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS \ > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log else $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT < ${SEQ_CHECK_FILE} \ > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log fi echo "sequence error detected in $SEQ_CHECK_FILE" echo "number of lines in file: $(wc -l $SEQ_CHECK_FILE)" echo "sorted data has been placed in error.log, first 10 lines are:" cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | head -10 echo "---last 10 lines are:" cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | tail -10 echo "UNSORTED data, first 10 lines are:" cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | head -10 echo "---last 10 lines are:" cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | tail -10 # for interactive testing, create a static filename. We know this may get # mangled during a parallel test run mv -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log error.log error_exit 1 fi return 0 } # do the usual sequence check to see if everything was properly received. This is # a duplicateof seq-check, but we could not change its calling conventions without # breaking a lot of exitings test cases, so we preferred to duplicate the code here. # $4... are just to have the ability to pass in more options... # add -v to chkseq if you need more verbose output seq_check2() { $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT < ${RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG} | ./chkseq -s$1 -e$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo "sequence error detected" error_exit 1 fi } # do the usual sequence check, but for gzip files # $4... are just to have the ability to pass in more options... gzip_seq_check() { if [ "$1" == "" ]; then if [ "$NUMMESSAGES" == "" ]; then printf 'FAIL: gzip_seq_check called without parameters but NUMMESSAGES is unset!\n' error_exit 100 fi # use default parameters startnum=0 endnum=$(( NUMMESSAGES - 1 )) else startnum=$1 endnum=$2 fi ls -l ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} gunzip < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} | $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT | ./chkseq -v -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo "sequence error detected" error_exit 1 fi } # do a tcpflood run and check if it worked params are passed to tcpflood tcpflood() { if [ "$1" == "--check-only" ]; then check_only="yes" shift else check_only="no" fi eval ./tcpflood -p$TCPFLOOD_PORT "$@" $TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS res=$? if [ "$check_only" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$res" -ne "0" ]; then echo "error during tcpflood on port ${TCPFLOOD_PORT}! But test continues..." fi return 0 else if [ "$res" -ne "0" ]; then echo "error during tcpflood on port ${TCPFLOOD_PORT}! see ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}.save for what was written" cp ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}.save error_exit 1 stacktrace fi fi } # cleanup # detect any left-over hanging instance exit_test() { nhanging=0 #for pid in $(ps -eo pid,args|grep '/tools/[r]syslogd ' |sed -e 's/\( *\)\([0-9]*\).*/\2/'); #do #echo "ERROR: left-over instance $pid, killing it" # ps -fp $pid # pwd # printf "we do NOT kill the instance as this does not work with multiple\n" # printf "builds per machine - this message is now informational to show prob exists!\n" # #kill -9 $pid # let "nhanging++" #done if test $nhanging -ne 0 then echo "ABORT! hanging instances left at exit" #error_exit 1 #exit 77 # for now, just skip - TODO: reconsider when supporting -j fi # now real cleanup rm -f rsyslog.action.*.include rm -f work rsyslog.out.* xlate*.lkp_tbl rm -rf test-logdir stat-file1 rm -f rsyslog.conf.tlscert stat-file1 rsyslog.empty imfile-state:* rm -f ${TESTCONF_NM}.conf rm -f tmp.qi nocert rm -fr $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME* # delete all of our dynamic files unset TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS # Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances kafka_exit_handling "true" # Ensure redis is stopped stop_redis printf '%s Test %s SUCCESSFUL (took %s seconds)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0" "$(( $(date +%s) - TB_STARTTEST ))" echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exit 0 } # finds a free port that we can bind a listener to # Obviously, any solution is race as another process could start # just after us and grab the same port. However, in practice it seems # to work pretty well. In any case, we should probably call this as # late as possible before the usage of the port. get_free_port() { $PYTHON -c 'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind(("", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()' } # return the inode number of file $1; file MUST exist get_inode() { if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then printf 'FAIL: file "%s" does not exist in get_inode\n' "$1" error_exit 100 fi $PYTHON -c 'import os; import stat; print(os.lstat("'$1'")[stat.ST_INO])' } # check that logger supports -d option, if not skip test # right now this is a bit dirty, we check distros which do not support it check_logger_has_option_d() { skip_platform "FreeBSD" "We need logger -d option, which we do not have on FreeBSD" skip_platform "SunOS" "We need logger -d option, which we do not have on (all flavors of) Solaris" # check also the case for busybox logger --help 2>&1 | head -n1 | grep -q BusyBox if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "We need logger -d option, which we do not have have on Busybox" exit 77 fi } require_relpEngineSetTLSLibByName() { ./have_relpEngineSetTLSLibByName if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "relpEngineSetTLSLibByName API not available. Test stopped" exit 77 fi; } require_relpEngineVersion() { if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "require_relpEngineVersion missing required parameter (minimum version required)" exit 1 else ./check_relpEngineVersion $1 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "relpEngineVersion too OLD. Test stopped" exit 77 fi; fi } # check if command $1 is available - will exit 77 when not OK check_command_available() { have_cmd=0 if [ "$1" == "timeout" ]; then if timeout --version &>/dev/null ; then have_cmd=1 fi else command -v $1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then have_cmd=1 fi fi if [ $have_cmd -eq 0 ] ; then printf 'Testbench requires unavailable command: %s\n' "$1" exit 77 # do NOT error_exit here! fi } # sort the output file just like we normally do it, but do not call # seqchk. This is needed for some operations where we need the sort # result for some preprocessing. Note that a later seqchk will sort # again, but that's not an issue. presort() { rm -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.presort $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.presort } #START: ext kafka config #dep_cache_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_cache) export RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD=apache-zookeeper-3.9.1-bin.tar.gz dep_cache_dir=$(pwd)/.dep_cache dep_zk_url=https://downloads.apache.org/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.9.1/$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD dep_zk_cached_file=$dep_cache_dir/$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD export RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD=kafka_2.13-2.8.0.tgz dep_kafka_url="https://www.rsyslog.com/files/download/rsyslog/$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD" dep_kafka_cached_file=$dep_cache_dir/$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD if [ -z "$ES_DOWNLOAD" ]; then export ES_DOWNLOAD=elasticsearch-7.14.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz fi if [ -z "$ES_PORT" ]; then export ES_PORT=19200 fi dep_es_cached_file="$dep_cache_dir/$ES_DOWNLOAD" # kafka (including Zookeeper) dep_kafka_dir_xform_pattern='s#^[^/]\+#kafka#g' dep_zk_dir_xform_pattern='s#^[^/]\+#zk#g' dep_es_dir_xform_pattern='s#^[^/]\+#es#g' #dep_kafka_log_dump=$(readlink -f rsyslog.out.kafka.log) # TODO Make dynamic work dir for multiple instances #dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_dir=$(pwd)/.dep_wrk #dep_kafka_work_dir=$dep_work_dir/kafka #dep_zk_work_dir=$dep_work_dir/zk #END: ext kafka config kafka_exit_handling() { # Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances if [[ "$EXTRA_EXIT" == 'kafka' ]]; then echo "stop kafka instance" stop_kafka '.dep_wrk' $1 echo "stop zookeeper instance" stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk' $1 fi # Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances if [[ "$EXTRA_EXIT" == 'kafkamulti' ]]; then echo "stop kafka instances" stop_kafka '.dep_wrk1' $1 stop_kafka '.dep_wrk2' $1 stop_kafka '.dep_wrk3' $1 echo "stop zookeeper instances" stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk1' $1 stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk2' $1 stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk3' $1 fi } download_kafka() { if [ ! -d $dep_cache_dir ]; then echo "Creating dependency cache dir $dep_cache_dir" mkdir $dep_cache_dir fi if [ ! -f $dep_zk_cached_file ]; then if [ -f /local_dep_cache/$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD ]; then printf 'Zookeeper: satisfying dependency %s from system cache.\n' "$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD" cp /local_dep_cache/$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD $dep_zk_cached_file else echo "Downloading zookeeper" echo wget -q $dep_zk_url -O $dep_zk_cached_file wget -q $dep_zk_url -O $dep_zk_cached_file if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo error during wget, retry: wget $dep_zk_url -O $dep_zk_cached_file if [ $? -ne 0 ] then error_exit 1 fi fi fi fi if [ ! -f $dep_kafka_cached_file ]; then if [ -f /local_dep_cache/$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD ]; then printf 'Kafka: satisfying dependency %s from system cache.\n' "$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD" cp /local_dep_cache/$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD $dep_kafka_cached_file else echo "Downloading kafka" wget -q $dep_kafka_url -O $dep_kafka_cached_file if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo error during wget, retry: wget $dep_kafka_url -O $dep_kafka_cached_file if [ $? -ne 0 ] then rm $dep_kafka_cached_file # a 0-size file may be left over error_exit 1 fi fi fi fi } stop_kafka() { if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ]; then return fi i=0 if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server.properties" else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1) if [[ ".dep_wrk" != "$1" ]]; then dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server$1.properties" else dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server.properties" fi fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, no action needed" else # shellcheck disable=SC2009 - we do not grep on the process name! kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') echo "Stopping Kafka instance $1 ($dep_work_kafka_config/$kafkapid)" kill $kafkapid # Check if kafka instance went down! while true; do # shellcheck disable=SC2009 - we do not grep on the process name! kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "" != "$kafkapid" ]]; then $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds if test $i -gt $TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP; then echo "Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config (PID $kafkapid) still running - Performing hard shutdown (-9)" kill -9 $kafkapid break fi (( i++ )) else # Break the loop break fi done if [[ "$2" == 'true' ]]; then # Process shutdown, do cleanup now cleanup_kafka $1 fi fi } cleanup_kafka() { if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1) fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, no action needed" else echo "Cleanup Kafka instance $1" rm -rf $dep_work_dir/kafka fi } stop_zookeeper() { if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ]; then return fi i=0 if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_tk_config="zoo.cfg" else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1) if [[ ".dep_wrk" != "$1" ]]; then dep_work_tk_config="zoo$1.cfg" else dep_work_tk_config="zoo.cfg" fi fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/zk ]; then echo "Zookeeper work-dir $dep_work_dir/zk does not exist, no action needed" else # Get Zookeeper pid instance zkpid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_tk_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') echo "Stopping Zookeeper instance $1 ($dep_work_tk_config/$zkpid)" kill $zkpid # Check if Zookeeper instance went down! zkpid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_tk_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "" != "$zkpid" ]]; then while true; do zkpid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_tk_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "" != "$zkpid" ]]; then $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds if test $i -gt $TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP; then echo "Zookeeper instance $dep_work_tk_config (PID $zkpid) still running - Performing hard shutdown (-9)" kill -9 $zkpid break fi (( i++ )) else break fi done fi if [[ "$2" == 'true' ]]; then # Process shutdown, do cleanup now cleanup_zookeeper $1 fi rm "$ZOOPIDFILE" fi } cleanup_zookeeper() { if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1) fi rm -rf $dep_work_dir/zk } start_zookeeper() { if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ] && [ -f "$ZOOPIDFILE" ]; then if kill -0 "$(cat "$ZOOPIDFILE")"; then printf 'zookeeper already running, no need to start\n' return else printf 'INFO: zookeeper pidfile %s exists, but zookeeper not running\n' "$ZOOPIDFILE" printf 'deleting pid file\n' rm -f "$ZOOPIDFILE" fi fi if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_tk_config="zoo.cfg" else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1) dep_work_tk_config="zoo$1.cfg" fi if [ ! -f $dep_zk_cached_file ]; then echo "Dependency-cache does not have zookeeper package, did you download dependencies?" error_exit 77 fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir ]; then echo "Creating dependency working directory" mkdir -p $dep_work_dir fi if [ -d $dep_work_dir/zk ]; then (cd $dep_work_dir/zk && ./bin/zkServer.sh stop) $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 2000 fi rm -rf $dep_work_dir/zk (cd $dep_work_dir && tar -zxvf $dep_zk_cached_file --xform $dep_zk_dir_xform_pattern --show-transformed-names) > /dev/null cp -f $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_tk_config $dep_work_dir/zk/conf/zoo.cfg echo "Starting Zookeeper instance $1" (cd $dep_work_dir/zk && ./bin/zkServer.sh start) wait_startup_pid "$ZOOPIDFILE" } start_kafka() { printf '%s starting kafka\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" # Force IPv4 usage of Kafka! export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx256m" # we need to take care for smaller CI systems! export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=True" if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server.properties" else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $1) dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server$1.properties" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2009 - we do not grep on the process name! kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ] && [ "$kafkapid" != "" ]; then printf 'kafka already running, no need to start\n' return fi if [ ! -f $dep_kafka_cached_file ]; then echo "Dependency-cache does not have kafka package, did you download dependencies?" error_exit 77 fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir ]; then echo "Creating dependency working directory" mkdir -p $dep_work_dir fi rm -rf $dep_work_dir/kafka ( cd $dep_work_dir && tar -zxvf $dep_kafka_cached_file --xform $dep_kafka_dir_xform_pattern --show-transformed-names) > /dev/null cp -f $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_kafka_config $dep_work_dir/kafka/config/ #if [ "$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')" != "" ]; then echo "Starting Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config" (cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon ./config/$dep_work_kafka_config) $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000 # Check if kafka instance came up! # shellcheck disable=SC2009 - we do not grep on the process name! kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "" != "$kafkapid" ]]; then echo "Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config (PID $kafkapid) started ... " else echo "Starting Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config, SECOND ATTEMPT!" (cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon ./config/$dep_work_kafka_config) $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000 # shellcheck disable=SC2009 - we do not grep on the process name! kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "" != "$kafkapid" ]]; then echo "Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config (PID $kafkapid) started ... " else echo "Failed to start Kafka instance for $dep_work_kafka_config" echo "displaying all kafka logs now:" for logfile in $dep_work_dir/logs/*; do echo "FILE: $logfile" cat $logfile done error_exit 77 fi fi } create_kafka_topic() { if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $2) fi if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then dep_work_port='2181' else dep_work_port=$3 fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, did you start kafka?" exit 1 fi if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then echo "Topic-name not provided." exit 1 fi # we need to make sure replication has is working. So let's loop until no more # errors (or timeout) - see also: https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/issues/3045 timeout_ready=100 # roughly 10 sec is_retry=0 i=0 while true; do text=$(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --create --topic $1 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2 ) grep "Error.* larger than available brokers: 0" <<<"$text" res=$? if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then echo looks like brokers are available - continue... break fi $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds (( i++ )) if test $i -gt $timeout_ready; then echo "ENV ERROR: kafka brokers did not come up:" cat -n <<< $text if [ $is_retry == 1 ]; then echo "SKIPing test as the env is not ready for it" exit 177 fi echo "RETRYING kafka startup, doing shutdown and startup" stop_zookeeper ""; stop_kafka "" start_zookeeper ""; start_kafka "" echo "READY for RETRY" is_retry=1 i=0 fi done # we *assume* now all goes well (cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --alter --topic $1 --delete-config retention.ms) (cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --alter --topic $1 --delete-config retention.bytes) } delete_kafka_topic() { if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$2) fi if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then dep_work_port='2181' else dep_work_port=$3 fi echo "deleting kafka-topic $1" (cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --delete --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --topic $1) } dump_kafka_topic() { if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_kafka_log_dump=$(readlink -f rsyslog.out.kafka.log) else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$2) dep_kafka_log_dump=$(readlink -f rsyslog.out.kafka$2.log) fi if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then dep_work_port='2181' else dep_work_port=$3 fi echo "dumping kafka-topic $1" if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then echo "Kafka work-dir does not exist, did you start kafka?" exit 1 fi if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then echo "Topic-name not provided." exit 1 fi (cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --timeout-ms 2000 --from-beginning --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --topic $1 > $dep_kafka_log_dump) } dump_kafka_serverlog() { if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1) fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, no kafka debuglog" else echo "Dumping server.log from Kafka instance $1" echo "=========================================" cat $dep_work_dir/kafka/logs/server.log echo "=========================================" printf 'non-info is:\n' grep --invert-match '^\[.* INFO ' $dep_work_dir/kafka/logs/server.log | grep '^\[' fi } dump_zookeeper_serverlog() { if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) else dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1) fi echo "Dumping zookeeper.out from Zookeeper instance $1" echo "=========================================" cat $dep_work_dir/zk/zookeeper.out echo "=========================================" printf 'non-info is:\n' grep --invert-match '^\[.* INFO ' $dep_work_dir/zk/zookeeper.out | grep '^\[' } # download elasticsearch files, if necessary download_elasticsearch() { if [ ! -d $dep_cache_dir ]; then echo "Creating dependency cache dir $dep_cache_dir" mkdir $dep_cache_dir fi if [ ! -f $dep_es_cached_file ]; then if [ -f /local_dep_cache/$ES_DOWNLOAD ]; then printf 'ElasticSearch: satisfying dependency %s from system cache.\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD" cp /local_dep_cache/$ES_DOWNLOAD $dep_es_cached_file else dep_es_url="https://www.rsyslog.com/files/download/rsyslog/$ES_DOWNLOAD" printf 'ElasticSearch: satisfying dependency %s from %s\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD" "$dep_es_url" wget -q $dep_es_url -O $dep_es_cached_file fi fi } # prepare elasticsearch execution environment # this also stops any previous elasticsearch instance, if found prepare_elasticsearch() { stop_elasticsearch # stop if it is still running # Heap Size (limit to 128MB for testbench! default is way to HIGH) export ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx128m" dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_es_config="es.yml" dep_work_es_pidfile="es.pid" if [ ! -f $dep_es_cached_file ]; then echo "Dependency-cache does not have elasticsearch package, did " echo "you download dependencies?" error_exit 100 fi if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir ]; then echo "Creating dependency working directory" mkdir -p $dep_work_dir fi if [ -d $dep_work_dir/es ]; then if [ -e $dep_work_es_pidfile ]; then es_pid=$(cat $dep_work_es_pidfile) kill -SIGTERM $es_pid wait_pid_termination $es_pid fi fi rm -rf $dep_work_dir/es echo TEST USES ELASTICSEARCH BINARY $dep_es_cached_file (cd $dep_work_dir && tar -zxf $dep_es_cached_file --xform $dep_es_dir_xform_pattern --show-transformed-names) > /dev/null if [ -n "${ES_PORT:-}" ] ; then rm -f $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml sed "s/^http.port:.*\$/http.port: ${ES_PORT}/" $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_es_config > $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml if [ "$ES_DOWNLOAD" != "elasticsearch-6.0.0.tar.gz" ]; then printf 'xpack.security.enabled: false\n' >> $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml fi else cp -f $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_es_config $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml fi # Avoid deprecated parameter, new option introduced with 6.7 echo "Setting transport tcp option to ${ES_PORT_OPTION:-transport.tcp.port}" sed -i "s/transport.tcp.port/${ES_PORT_OPTION:-transport.tcp.port}/g" "$dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml" if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/es/data ]; then echo "Creating elastic search directories" mkdir -p $dep_work_dir/es/data mkdir -p $dep_work_dir/es/logs mkdir -p $dep_work_dir/es/tmp fi echo ElasticSearch prepared for use in test. } # ensure that a basic, suitable instance of elasticsearch is running. This is part # of an effort to avoid restarting elasticsearch more often than necessary. ensure_elasticsearch_ready() { if printf '%s:%s:%s\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD" "$ES_PORT" "$(cat es.pid)" \ | cmp -b - elasticsearch.running then printf 'Elasticsearch already running, NOT restarting it\n' else cat elasticsearch.running cleanup_elasticsearch dep_es_cached_file="$dep_cache_dir/$ES_DOWNLOAD" download_elasticsearch prepare_elasticsearch if [ "$1" != "--no-start" ]; then start_elasticsearch printf '%s:%s:%s\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD" "$ES_PORT" "$(cat es.pid)" > elasticsearch.running fi fi if [ "$1" != "--no-start" ]; then printf 'running elasticsearch instance: %s\n' "$(cat elasticsearch.running)" init_elasticsearch fi } # $2, if set, is the number of additional ES instances start_elasticsearch() { # Heap Size (limit to 256MB for testbench! defaults is way to HIGH) export ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx256m" dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_es_config="es.yml" dep_work_es_pidfile="$(pwd)/es.pid" echo "Starting ElasticSearch" # THIS IS THE ACTUAL START of ES $dep_work_dir/es/bin/elasticsearch -p $dep_work_es_pidfile -d $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 2000 wait_startup_pid $dep_work_es_pidfile printf 'elasticsearch pid is %s\n' "$(cat $dep_work_es_pidfile)" # Wait for startup with hardcoded timeout timeoutend=120 timeseconds=0 # Loop until elasticsearch port is reachable or until # timeout is reached! until [ "$(curl --silent --show-error --connect-timeout 1 http://localhost:${ES_PORT:-19200} | grep 'rsyslog-testbench')" != "" ]; do echo "--- waiting for ES startup: $timeseconds seconds" $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 1000 (( timeseconds=timeseconds + 1 )) if [ "$timeseconds" -gt "$timeoutend" ]; then echo "--- TIMEOUT ( $timeseconds ) reached!!!" if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/es ]; then echo "ElasticSearch $dep_work_dir/es does not exist, no ElasticSearch debuglog" else echo "Dumping rsyslog-testbench.log from ElasticSearch instance $1" echo "=========================================" cat $dep_work_dir/es/logs/rsyslog-testbench.log echo "=========================================" # printf 'non-info is:\n' # grep --invert-match '^\[.* INFO ' $dep_work_dir/kafka/logs/server.log | grep '^\[' fi error_exit 1 fi done $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 2000 echo ES startup succeeded } # read data from ES to a local file so that we can process # $1 - number of records (ES does not return all records unless you tell it explicitly). # $2 - ES port es_getdata() { curl --silent -XPUT --show-error -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "http://localhost:${2:-$ES_PORT}/rsyslog_testbench/_settings" -d '{ "index" : { "max_result_window" : '${1:-$NUMMESSAGES}' } }' # refresh to ensure we get the latest data curl --silent localhost:${2:-$ES_PORT}/rsyslog_testbench/_refresh curl --silent localhost:${2:-$ES_PORT}/rsyslog_testbench/_search?size=${1:-$NUMMESSAGES} > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.work $PYTHON $srcdir/es_response_get_msgnum.py > ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} } # a standard method to support shutdown & queue empty check for a wide range # of elasticsearch tests. This works if we assume that ES has delivered messages # to the default location. es_shutdown_empty_check() { es_getdata $NUMMESSAGES $ES_PORT lines=$(wc -l < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG") if [ "$lines" -eq $NUMMESSAGES ]; then printf '%s es_shutdown_empty_check: success, have %d lines\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $lines return 0 fi printf '%s es_shutdown_empty_check: have %d lines, expecting %d\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $lines $NUMMESSAGES return 1 } stop_elasticsearch() { dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir) dep_work_es_pidfile="es.pid" rm elasticsearch.running if [ -e $dep_work_es_pidfile ]; then es_pid=$(cat $dep_work_es_pidfile) printf 'stopping ES with pid %d\n' $es_pid kill -SIGTERM $es_pid wait_pid_termination $es_pid fi } # cleanup es leftovers when it is being stopped cleanup_elasticsearch() { dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk) dep_work_es_pidfile="es.pid" stop_elasticsearch rm -f $dep_work_es_pidfile rm -rf $dep_work_dir/es } # initialize local Elasticsearch *testbench* instance for the next # test. NOTE: do NOT put anything useful on that instance! init_elasticsearch() { curl --silent -XDELETE localhost:${ES_PORT:-9200}/rsyslog_testbench } omhttp_start_server() { # Args: 1=port 2=server args # Args 2 and up are passed along as is to omhttp_server.py omhttp_server_py=$srcdir/omhttp_server.py if [ ! -f $omhttp_server_py ]; then echo "Cannot find ${omhttp_server_py} for omhttp test" error_exit 1 fi if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then omhttp_server_port="8080" else omhttp_server_port="$1" fi # Create work directory for parallel tests omhttp_work_dir=$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME/omhttp omhttp_server_pidfile="${omhttp_work_dir}/omhttp_server.pid" omhttp_server_logfile="${omhttp_work_dir}/omhttp_server.log" mkdir -p ${omhttp_work_dir} server_args="-p $omhttp_server_port ${*:2} --port-file $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.omhttp_server_lstnport.file" timeout 30m $PYTHON ${omhttp_server_py} ${server_args} >> ${omhttp_server_logfile} 2>&1 & if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to start omhttp test server." rm -rf $omhttp_work_dir error_exit 1 fi omhttp_server_pid=$! wait_file_exists "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.omhttp_server_lstnport.file" omhttp_server_lstnport="$(cat $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.omhttp_server_lstnport.file)" echo ${omhttp_server_pid} > ${omhttp_server_pidfile} echo "Started omhttp test server with args ${server_args} with pid ${omhttp_server_pid}, port {$omhttp_server_lstnport}" } omhttp_stop_server() { # Args: None omhttp_work_dir=$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME/omhttp if [ ! -d $omhttp_work_dir ]; then echo "omhttp server $omhttp_work_dir does not exist, no action needed" else echo "Stopping omhttp server" kill -9 $(cat ${omhttp_work_dir}/omhttp_server.pid) > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $omhttp_work_dir fi } omhttp_get_data() { # Args: 1=port 2=endpoint 3=batchformat(optional) if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then omhttp_server_port=8080 else omhttp_server_port=$1 fi if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then omhttp_path="" else omhttp_path=$2 fi # The test server returns a json encoded array of strings containing whatever omhttp sent to it in each request python_init="import json, sys; dat = json.load(sys.stdin)" python_print="print('\n'.join(out))" if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then # dat = ['{"msgnum":"1"}, '{"msgnum":"2"}', '{"msgnum":"3"}', '{"msgnum":"4"}'] python_parse="$python_init; out = [json.loads(l)['msgnum'] for l in dat]; $python_print" else if [ "x$3" == "xjsonarray" ]; then # dat = ['[{"msgnum":"1"},{"msgnum":"2"}]', '[{"msgnum":"3"},{"msgnum":"4"}]'] python_parse="$python_init; out = [l['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in json.loads(a)]; $python_print" elif [ "x$3" == "xnewline" ]; then # dat = ['{"msgnum":"1"}\n{"msgnum":"2"}', '{"msgnum":"3"}\n{"msgnum":"4"}'] python_parse="$python_init; out = [json.loads(l)['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in a.split('\n')]; $python_print" elif [ "x$3" == "xkafkarest" ]; then # dat = ['{"records":[{"value":{"msgnum":"1"}},{"value":{"msgnum":"2"}}]}', # '{"records":[{"value":{"msgnum":"3"}},{"value":{"msgnum":"4"}}]}'] python_parse="$python_init; out = [l['value']['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in json.loads(a)['records']]; $python_print" elif [ "x$3" == "xlokirest" ]; then # dat = ['{"streams":[{"msgnum":"1"},{"msgnum":"2"}]}', # '{"streams":[{"msgnum":"3"},{"msgnum":"4"}]}'] python_parse="$python_init; out = [l['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in json.loads(a)['streams']]; $python_print" else # use newline parsing as default python_parse="$python_init; out = [json.loads(l)['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in a.split('\n')]; $python_print" fi fi omhttp_url="localhost:${omhttp_server_port}/${omhttp_path}" curl -s ${omhttp_url} \ | $PYTHON -c "${python_parse}" | sort -n \ > ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} } # prepare MySQL for next test # each test receives its own database so that we also can run in parallel mysql_prep_for_test() { mysql -u rsyslog --password=testbench -e "CREATE DATABASE $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME; " mysql -u rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \ -e "CREATE TABLE SystemEvents (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, CustomerID bigint,ReceivedAt datetime NULL,DeviceReportedTime datetime NULL,Facility smallint NULL,Priority smallint NULL,FromHost varchar(60) NULL,Message text,NTSeverity int NULL,Importance int NULL,EventSource varchar(60),EventUser varchar(60) NULL,EventCategory int NULL,EventID int NULL,EventBinaryData text NULL,MaxAvailable int NULL,CurrUsage int NULL,MinUsage int NULL,MaxUsage int NULL,InfoUnitID int NULL,SysLogTag varchar(60),EventLogType varchar(60),GenericFileName VarChar(60),SystemID int NULL); CREATE TABLE SystemEventsProperties (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,SystemEventID int NULL,ParamName varchar(255) NULL,ParamValue text NULL);" mysql --user=rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \ -e "truncate table SystemEvents;" # TEST ONLY: #mysql -s --user=rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \ #-e "select substring(Message,9,8) from SystemEvents;" # END TEST printf 'mysql ready for test, database: %s\n' $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME } # get data from mysql DB so that we can do seq_check on it. mysql_get_data() { # note "-s" is required to suppress the select "field header" mysql -s --user=rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \ -e "select substring(Message,9,8) from SystemEvents;" \ > $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG 2> "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.mysqlerr" grep -iv "Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure." < "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.mysqlerr" } # cleanup any temp data from mysql test # if we do not do this, we may run out of disk space # especially in container environment. mysql_cleanup_test() { mysql --user=rsyslog --password=testbench -e "drop database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME;" \ 2>&1 | grep -iv "Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure." } start_redis() { check_command_available redis-server export REDIS_DYN_CONF="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.redis.conf" export REDIS_DYN_DIR="$(pwd)/${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}-redis" # Only set a random port if not set (useful when Redis must be restarted during a test) if [ -z "$REDIS_RANDOM_PORT" ]; then export REDIS_RANDOM_PORT="$(get_free_port)" fi cp $srcdir/testsuites/redis.conf $REDIS_DYN_CONF mkdir -p $REDIS_DYN_DIR sed -itemp "s++${REDIS_DYN_DIR}+g" $REDIS_DYN_CONF sed -itemp "s++${REDIS_RANDOM_PORT}+g" $REDIS_DYN_CONF # Start the server echo "Starting redis with conf file $REDIS_DYN_CONF" redis-server $REDIS_DYN_CONF & $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 2000 # Wait for Redis to be fully up timeoutend=10 until nc -w1 -z $REDIS_RANDOM_PORT; do echo "Waiting for Redis to start..." $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 1000 (( timeseconds=timeseconds + 2 )) if [ "$timeseconds" -gt "$timeoutend" ]; then echo "--- TIMEOUT ( $timeseconds ) reached!!!" if [ ! -d ${REDIS_DYN_DIR}/redis.log ]; then echo "no Redis logs" else echo "Dumping ${REDIS_DYN_DIR}/redis.log" echo "=========================================" cat ${REDIS_DYN_DIR}/redis.log echo "=========================================" fi error_exit 1 fi done } cleanup_redis() { if [ -d ${REDIS_DYN_DIR} ]; then rm -rf ${REDIS_DYN_DIR} fi if [ -f ${REDIS_DYN_CONF} ]; then rm -f ${REDIS_DYN_CONF} fi } stop_redis() { if [ -f "$REDIS_DYN_DIR/redis.pid" ]; then redispid=$(cat $REDIS_DYN_DIR/redis.pid) echo "Stopping Redis instance" kill $redispid i=0 # Check if redis instance went down! while [ -f $REDIS_DYN_DIR/redis.pid ]; do redispid=$(cat $REDIS_DYN_DIR/redis.pid) if [[ "" != "$redispid" ]]; then $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds if test $i -gt $TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP; then echo "redis server (PID $redispid) still running - Performing hard shutdown (-9)" kill -9 $redispid break fi (( i++ )) else # Break the loop break fi done fi } redis_command() { check_command_available redis-cli if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "redis_command: no command provided!" error_exit 1 fi printf "$1\n" | redis-cli -p "$REDIS_RANDOM_PORT" } # $1 - replacement string # $2 - start search string # $3 - file name # $4 - expected value first_column_sum_check() { sum=$(grep "$2" < "$3" | sed -e "$1" | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}') if [ "x${sum}" != "x$4" ]; then printf '\n============================================================\n' echo FAIL: sum of first column with edit-expr "'$1'" run over lines from file "'$3'" matched by "'$2'" equals "'$sum'" which is NOT equal to EXPECTED value of "'$4'" echo "file contents:" cat $3 error_exit 1 fi } # # Helper functions to start/stop python snmp trap receiver # snmp_start_trapreceiver() { # Args: 1=port 2=outputfilename # Args 2 and up are passed along as is to snmptrapreceiver.py snmptrapreceiver=$srcdir/snmptrapreceiver.py if [ ! -f ${snmptrapreceiver} ]; then echo "Cannot find ${snmptrapreceiver} for omsnmp test" error_exit 1 fi if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then snmp_server_port="10162" else snmp_server_port="$1" fi if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then output_file="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.snmp.out" else output_file="$2" fi # Create work directory for parallel tests snmp_work_dir=${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}/snmptrapreceiver snmp_server_pidfile="${snmp_work_dir}/snmp_server.pid" snmp_server_logfile="${snmp_work_dir}/snmp_server.log" mkdir -p ${snmp_work_dir} server_args="${snmp_server_port} ${output_file}" $PYTHON ${snmptrapreceiver} ${server_args} ${snmp_server_logfile} >> ${snmp_server_logfile} 2>&1 & if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to start snmptrapreceiver." rm -rf ${snmp_work_dir} error_exit 1 fi snmp_server_pid=$! echo ${snmp_server_pid} > ${snmp_server_pidfile} while test ! -s "${snmp_server_logfile}"; do $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on startup (pid file %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1" ls -l "$1" ps -fp $(cat "$1") snmp_stop_trapreceiver error_exit 1 # else # echo "waiting...${snmp_server_logfile}..." fi done echo "Started snmptrapreceiver with args ${server_args} with pid ${snmp_server_pid}" } snmp_stop_trapreceiver() { # Args: None snmp_work_dir=${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}/snmptrapreceiver if [ ! -d ${snmp_work_dir} ]; then echo "snmptrapreceiver server ${snmp_work_dir} does not exist, no action needed" else echo "Stopping snmptrapreceiver server" kill -9 $(cat ${snmp_work_dir}/snmp_server.pid) > /dev/null 2>&1 # Done at testexit already!: rm -rf ${snmp_work_dir} fi } wait_for_stats_flush() { echo "will wait for stats push" emitmsg=0 while [[ ! -f $1 ]]; do if [ $((++emitmsg % 10)) == 0 ]; then echo waiting for stats file "'$1'" to be created fi $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 done prev_count=$(grep -c 'BEGIN$' <$1) new_count=$prev_count start_loop="$(date +%s)" emit_waiting=0 while [[ "x$prev_count" == "x$new_count" ]]; do # busy spin, because it allows as close timing-coordination # in actual test run as possible if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on stats push\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1" error_exit 1 else # waiting for 1000 is heuristically "sufficiently but not too # frequent" enough if [ $((++emit_waiting)) == 1000 ]; then printf 'still waiting for stats push...\n' emit_waiting=0 fi fi new_count=$(grep -c 'BEGIN$' <"$1") done echo "stats push registered" } # Check file exists and is of a particular size # $1 - file to check # $2 - size to check file_size_check() { local size=$(ls -l $1 | awk {'print $5'}) if [ "${size}" != "${2}" ]; then printf 'File:[%s] has unexpected size. Expected:[%d], Size:[%d]\n', $1 $2 $size error_exit 1 fi return 0 } case $1 in 'init') $srcdir/killrsyslog.sh # kill rsyslogd if it runs for some reason source set-envvars # for (solaris) load debugging, uncomment next 2 lines: #export LD_DEBUG=all #ldd ../tools/rsyslogd # environment debug #find / -name "librelp.so*" #ps -ef |grep syslog #netstat -a | grep LISTEN # cleanup of hanging instances from previous runs # practice has shown this is pretty useful! #for pid in $(ps -eo pid,args|grep '/tools/[r]syslogd ' |sed -e 's/\( *\)\([0-9]*\).*/\2/'); #do #echo "ERROR: left-over previous instance $pid, killing it" #ps -fp $pid #pwd #kill -9 $pid #done # end cleanup # some default names (later to be set in other parts, once we support fully # parallel tests) export RSYSLOG_DFLT_LOG_INTERNAL=1 # testbench needs internal messages logged internally! if [ -f testbench_test_failed_rsyslog ] && [ "$ABORT_ALL_ON_TEST_FAIL" == "YES" ]; then echo NOT RUNNING TEST as previous test $(cat testbench_test_failed_rsyslog) failed. exit 77 fi if [ "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME" != "" ]; then echo "FAIL: \$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME already set in init" echo "hint: was init accidentally called twice?" exit 2 fi export RSYSLOG_DYNNAME="rstb_$(./test_id $(basename $0))$(tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head --bytes 4)" export RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.out.log" export RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}_2.out.log" export RSYSLOG_PIDBASE="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}:" # also used by instance 2! #export IMDIAG_PORT=13500 DELETE ME #export IMDIAG_PORT2=13501 DELETE ME #export TCPFLOOD_PORT=13514 DELETE ME # Extra Variables for Test statistic reporting export RSYSLOG_TESTNAME=$(basename $0) # we create one file with the test name, so that we know what was # left over if "make distcheck" complains touch $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME-$(basename $0).test_id if [ -z $RS_SORTCMD ]; then RS_SORTCMD="sort" fi if [ -z $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT ]; then if [ "$(uname)" == "AIX" ]; then RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT=-n else RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT=-g fi fi if [ -z $RS_CMPCMD ]; then RS_CMPCMD="cmp" fi if [ -z $RS_HEADCMD ]; then RS_HEADCMD="head" fi # we assume TZ is set, else most test will fail. So let's ensure # this really is the case if [ -z $TZ ]; then echo "testbench: TZ env var not set, setting it to UTC" export TZ=UTC fi ulimit -c unlimited &> /dev/null # at least try to get core dumps export TB_STARTTEST=$(date +%s) printf '%s\n' '------------------------------------------------------------' printf '%s Test: %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0" printf '%s\n' '------------------------------------------------------------' rm -f xlate*.lkp_tbl rm -f log log* # RSyslog debug output rm -f work rm -rf test-logdir stat-file1 rm -f rsyslog.empty imfile-state:* omkafka-failed.data rm -f tmp.qi nocert rm -f core.* vgcore.* core* # Note: rsyslog.action.*.include must NOT be deleted, as it # is used to setup some parameters BEFORE calling init. This # happens in chained test scripts. Delete on exit is fine, # though. # note: TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS MUST NOT be unset in init, because # some tests need to set it BEFORE calling init to accommodate # their generic test drivers. if [ "$TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS" != '' ] ; then echo TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS set: $TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS fi if [ "$USE_AUTO_DEBUG" != 'on' ] ; then rm -f IN_AUTO_DEBUG fi if [ -e IN_AUTO_DEBUG ]; then export valgrind="valgrind --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --suppressions=$srcdir/known_issues.supp ${EXTRA_VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS:-} --log-fd=1" fi ;; 'check-ipv6-available') # check if IPv6 - will exit 77 when not OK if ip address > /dev/null ; then cmd="ip address" else cmd="ifconfig -a" fi echo command used for ipv6 detection: $cmd $cmd | grep ::1 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then printf 'this test requires an active IPv6 stack, which we do not have here\n' error_exit 77 fi ;; 'kill-immediate') # kill rsyslog unconditionally kill -9 $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE.pid) # note: we do not wait for the actual termination! ;; 'ensure-no-process-exists') ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -qF "$2" if [ "x$?" == "x0" ]; then echo "assertion failed: process with name-fragment matching '$2' found" error_exit 1 fi ;; 'grep-check') # grep for "$EXPECTED" present in rsyslog.log - env var must be set # before this method is called grep "$EXPECTED" ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "GREP FAIL: ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} content:" cat ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} echo "GREP FAIL: expected text not found:" echo "$EXPECTED" error_exit 1 fi; ;; 'block-stats-flush') echo blocking stats flush echo "blockStatsReporting" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? ;; 'await-stats-flush-after-block') echo unblocking stats flush and waiting for it echo "awaitStatsReport" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? ;; 'allow-single-stats-flush-after-block-and-wait-for-it') echo blocking stats flush echo "awaitStatsReport block_again" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $? ;; 'wait-for-dyn-stats-reset') echo "will wait for dyn-stats-reset" while [[ ! -f $2 ]]; do echo waiting for stats file "'$2'" to be created $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 done prev_purged=$(grep -F 'origin=dynstats' < $2 | grep -F "${3}.purge_triggered=" | sed -e 's/.\+.purge_triggered=//g' | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}') new_purged=$prev_purged while [[ "x$prev_purged" == "x$new_purged" ]]; do new_purged=$(grep -F 'origin=dynstats' < "$2" | grep -F "${3}.purge_triggered=" | sed -e 's/.\+\.purge_triggered=//g' | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}') # busy spin, because it allows as close timing-coordination in actual test run as possible $TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 10 done echo "dyn-stats reset for bucket ${3} registered" ;; 'assert-first-column-sum-greater-than') sum=$(grep $3 <$4| sed -e $2 | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}') if [ ! $sum -gt $5 ]; then echo sum of first column with edit-expr "'$2'" run over lines from file "'$4'" matched by "'$3'" equals "'$sum'" which is smaller than expected lower-limit of "'$5'" echo "file contents:" cat $4 error_exit 1 fi ;; 'content-pattern-check') grep -q "$2" < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo content-check failed, not every line matched pattern "'$2'" echo "file contents:" cat -n $4 error_exit 1 fi ;; 'require-journalctl') # check if journalctl exists on the system if ! hash journalctl 2>/dev/null ; then echo "journalctl command missing, skipping test" exit 77 fi ;; 'check-inotify') # Check for inotify/fen support if [ -n "$(find /usr/include -name 'inotify.h' -print -quit)" ]; then echo [inotify mode] elif [ -n "$(find /usr/include/sys/ -name 'port.h' -print -quit)" ]; then grep -qF "PORT_SOURCE_FILE" < /usr/include/sys/port.h if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo [port.h found but FEN API not implemented , skipping...] exit 77 # FEN API not available, skip this test fi echo [fen mode] else echo [inotify/fen not supported, skipping...] exit 77 # no inotify available, skip this test fi ;; 'check-inotify-only') # Check for ONLY inotify support if [ -n "$(find /usr/include -name 'inotify.h' -print -quit)" ]; then echo [inotify mode] else echo [inotify not supported, skipping...] exit 77 # no inotify available, skip this test fi ;; *) echo "TESTBENCH error: invalid argument" $1 exit 100 esac