#!/bin/bash # Test for automatic creation of dynafile directories # note that we use the ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool directory, because it is handled by diag.sh # in any case, so we do not need to add any extra new test dir. # added 2009-11-30 by Rgerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under ASL 2.0 . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init generate_conf add_conf ' # set spool locations and switch queue to disk-only mode $WorkDirectory '$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.spool $MainMsgQueueFilename mainq $MainMsgQueueType disk $CreateDirs off $template dynfile,'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.OUT_LOG *.* ?dynfile ' startup injectmsg 0 1 # a single message is sufficient shutdown_when_empty # shut down rsyslogd when done processing messages wait_shutdown if [ -e $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.logdir/$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG ] then echo "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.logdir or logfile WAS created where not permitted to!" error-exit 1 fi exit_test