#!/bin/bash # This test stresses the DA queue disk subsystem with multiple threads. # To do so, the in-memory queues are deliberately sized very small. # NOTE: depending on circumstances, this test frequently starts the # DAWorkerPool, which shuffles messages over from the main queue to # the DA queue. It terminates when we reach low water mark. This can # happen in our test. So the DA worker pool thread is, depending on # timing, started and shut down multiple times. This is not a problem # indication! # The pstats display is for manual review - it helps to see how many # messages actually went to the DA queue. # Copyright (C) 2019-10-28 by Rainer Gerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under ASL 2.0 export ES_DOWNLOAD=elasticsearch-6.0.0.tar.gz . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init export ES_PORT=19200 export NUMMESSAGES=25000 export QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC=es_shutdown_empty_check ensure_elasticsearch_ready generate_conf add_conf ' global(workDirectory="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.spool") template(name="tpl" type="string" string="{\"msgnum\":\"%msg:F,58:2%\"}") main_queue(queue.size="2000") module(load="../plugins/impstats/.libs/impstats" log.syslog="off" log.file="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.pstats" interval="1") module(load="../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp") module(load="../plugins/omelasticsearch/.libs/omelasticsearch") input(type="imtcp" port="0" listenPortFileName="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.tcpflood_port") :msg, contains, "msgnum:" { action(type="omelasticsearch" name="act-es" template="tpl" server="" serverport="'$ES_PORT'" searchIndex="rsyslog_testbench" bulkmode="on" queue.lowwatermark="250" queue.highwatermark="1500" queue.type="linkedList" queue.size="2000" queue.dequeueBatchSize="64" queue.workerThreads="4" queue.fileName="actq" queue.workerThreadMinimumMessages="64") } ' startup tcpflood -m$NUMMESSAGES # use tcpflood to get better async processing than injectmsg! shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown echo FOR MANUAL REVIEW: pstats tail $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.pstats | grep maxqsize es_getdata $NUMMESSAGES $ES_PORT seq_check exit_test