#!/bin/bash # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under ASL 2.0 . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init #export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nologfuncflow noprintmutexaction nostdout" #export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.debuglog" export ES_PORT=19200 export NUMMESSAGES=100 # export RSTB_GLOBAL_INPUT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT=120000 override_test_timeout 120 #export USE_VALGRIND="YES" # to enable this to run under valgrind ensure_elasticsearch_ready --no-start # change settings to cause bulk rejection errors case "$ES_DOWNLOAD" in elasticsearch-5.*) es_option="thread_pool.bulk" es_mapping_uses_type=true es_search_type="test-type" ;; *) es_option="thread_pool.write" es_mapping_uses_type=false es_search_type="_doc" ;; esac cat >> $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml < 0 then { # retry case if ($.omes!status == 200) or ($.omes!status == 201) or (($.omes!status == 409) and ($.omes!writeoperation == "create")) then { reset $.sendrec = 0; # successful } if ($.omes!writeoperation == "unknown") or (strlen($.omes!error!type) == 0) or (strlen($.omes!error!reason) == 0) then { call error_es reset $.sendrec = 0; } if ($.omes!status == 400) or ($.omes!status < 200) then { call error_es reset $.sendrec = 0; } if strlen($!notmessage) > 0 then { set $.extrafield = "notmessage"; } else { set $.extrafield = "message"; } } if $.sendrec == 1 then { if strlen($.omes!_id) > 0 then { set $.es_msg_id = $.omes!_id; } else { # NOTE: in production code, use $uuid - depends on rsyslog being compiled with --enable-uuid set $.es_msg_id = $.msgnum; } action(type="omelasticsearch" server="" serverport="'${ES_PORT:-19200}'" template="tpl" writeoperation="create" bulkid="id-template" dynbulkid="on" bulkmode="on" retryfailures="on" retryruleset="try_es" searchType="'${es_search_type}'" searchIndex="rsyslog_testbench") } } if $msg contains "msgnum:" then { call try_es } action(type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG'") ' if [ "$es_mapping_uses_type" = true ]; then curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT localhost:${ES_PORT:-19200}/rsyslog_testbench/ -d '{ "mappings": { "test-type": { "properties": { "msgnum": { "type": "integer" } } } } } ' | $PYTHON -mjson.tool else # we add 10 shards so we're more likely to get queue rejections curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT localhost:${ES_PORT:-19200}/rsyslog_testbench/ -d '{ "settings": { "index.number_of_shards": 10 }, "mappings": { "properties": { "msgnum": { "type": "integer" } } } } ' | $PYTHON -mjson.tool fi #export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nostdout noprintmutexaction" #export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="debug.log" startup if [ -n "${USE_GDB:-}" ] ; then echo attach gdb here sleep 54321 || : fi success=50 badarg=50 ./msleep 5000 injectmsg 0 $NUMMESSAGES ./msleep 1500; cat $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG # debuging - we sometimes miss 1 message wait_content '"response.success": 50' $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/es-stats.log wait_content '"response.badargument": 50' $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/es-stats.log shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown es_getdata $NUMMESSAGES $ES_PORT rc=$? stop_elasticsearch cleanup_elasticsearch if [ -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.work ] ; then < $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.work \ $PYTHON -c ' import sys,json try: # Python 2 forward compatibility range = xrange except NameError: pass records = int(sys.argv[1]) extra_recs = open(sys.argv[2], "w") missing_recs = open(sys.argv[3], "w") expectedrecs = {} rc = 0 nextra = 0 nmissing = 0 for ii in range(0, records*2, 2): ss = "{:08}".format(ii) expectedrecs[ss] = ss for item in json.load(sys.stdin)["hits"]["hits"]: msgnum = item["_source"]["msgnum"] if msgnum in expectedrecs: del expectedrecs[msgnum] else: extra_recs.write("FAIL: found unexpected msgnum {} in record\n".format(msgnum)) nextra += 1 for item in expectedrecs: missing_recs.write("FAIL: msgnum {} was missing in Elasticsearch\n".format(item)) nmissing += 1 if nextra > 0: print("FAIL: Found {} unexpected records - see {} for the full list.".format(nextra, sys.argv[2])) rc = 1 if nmissing > 0: print("FAIL: Found {} missing records - see {} for the full list.".format(nmissing, sys.argv[3])) rc = 1 sys.exit(rc) ' $success ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/extra_records ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/missing_records || { rc=$?; errmsg="FAIL: found unexpected or missing records in Elasticsearch"; } if [ $rc = 0 ] ; then echo "good - no missing or unexpected records were found in Elasticsearch" fi else errmsg="FAIL: elasticsearch output file $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.work not found" rc=1 fi if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-stats.log ] ; then $PYTHON < ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-stats.log -c ' import sys,json success = int(sys.argv[1]) badarg = int(sys.argv[2]) lasthsh = {} rc = 0 for line in sys.stdin: jstart = line.find("{") if jstart >= 0: hsh = json.loads(line[jstart:]) if hsh["name"] == "omelasticsearch": lasthsh = hsh actualsuccess = lasthsh["response.success"] actualbadarg = lasthsh["response.badargument"] actualrej = lasthsh["response.bulkrejection"] actualsubmitted = lasthsh["submitted"] if actualsuccess != success: print("FAIL: expected {} successful responses but omelasticsearch stats reported {}".format(success, actualsuccess)) rc = 1 if actualbadarg != badarg: print("FAIL: expected {} bad argument errors but omelasticsearch stats reported {}".format(badarg, actualbadarg)) rc = 1 if actualrej == 0: print("FAIL: there were no bulk index rejections reported by Elasticsearch") rc = 1 if actualsuccess + actualbadarg + actualrej != actualsubmitted: print("FAIL: The sum of the number of successful responses and bad argument errors and bulk index rejections {} did not equal the number of requests actually submitted to Elasticsearch {}".format(actualsuccess + actualbadarg + actualrej, actualsubmitted)) rc = 1 sys.exit(rc) ' $success $badarg || { rc=$?; errmsg="FAIL: expected responses not found in ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-stats.log"; } if [ $rc = 0 ] ; then echo "good - all expected stats were found in Elasticsearch stats file ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-stats.log" fi else errmsg="FAIL: stats file ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-stats.log not found" rc=1 fi if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log ] ; then found=0 for ii in $(seq --format="x%08.f" 1 2 $(expr 2 \* $badarg)) ; do if grep -q '^[$][!]:{.*"msgnum": "'$ii'"' ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log ; then (( found++ )) else errmsg="FAIL: missing message $ii in ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log" rc=1 fi done if [ $found -ne $badarg ] ; then errmsg="FAIL: found only $found of $badarg messages in ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log" rc=1 fi if grep -q '^[$][.]:{.*"omes": {' ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log ; then : else errmsg="FAIL: es response info not found in ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log" rc=1 fi if grep -q '^[$][.]:{.*"status": 400' ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log ; then : else errmsg="FAIL: status 400 not found in ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log" rc=1 fi else errmsg="FAIL: bulk error file ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log not found" rc=1 fi if [ $rc -eq 0 ] ; then echo tests completed successfully else cat $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-stats.log ] ; then cat ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-stats.log fi if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log ] ; then cat ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool/es-bulk-errors.log fi printf '\n%s\n' "$errmsg" error_exit 1 fi exit_test