#!/bin/bash # addd 2017-03-06 by RGerhards, released under ASL 2.0 # Note: we need to inject a somewhat larger number of messages in order # to ensure that we receive some messages in the actual output file, # as batching can (validly) cause a larger loss in the non-writable # file . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init generate_conf add_conf ' global(umask="0077") template(name="outfmt" type="string" string="%msg:F,58:2%\n") :msg, contains, "msgnum:" { action(type="omfile" template="outfmt" file=`echo $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG`) } ' startup injectmsg 0 1 shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown if [ `ls -l $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG|$RS_HEADCMD -c 10 ` != "-rw-------" ]; then echo "invalid file permission (umask), $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG has:" ls -l $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG error_exit 1 fi; exit_test