#!/bin/bash # This is part of the rsyslog testbench, licensed under ASL 2.0 # imdocker unit tests are enabled with --enable-imdocker-tests . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init export NUMMESSAGES=999 export QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC=wait_file_lines export COOKIE=$(tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 10 | head -n 1) generate_conf add_conf ' template(name="outfmt" type="string" string="%$!metadata!Names% %msg%\n") module(load="../contrib/imdocker/.libs/imdocker" PollingInterval="1" ListContainersOptions="all=true" GetContainerLogOptions="timestamps=0&follow=1&stdout=1&stderr=0") if $!metadata!Names == "'$COOKIE'" then { action(type="omfile" template="outfmt" file="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG'") } ' # launch a docker runtime to generate some logs. # These logs started after start-up should get from beginning docker run \ --name $COOKIE \ -e num_items=$((NUMMESSAGES+1)) \ -l imdocker.startregex=^multi-line: \ alpine \ /bin/sh -c \ 'for i in `seq 1 $num_items`; do printf "multi-line: $i\n line2....\n line3....\n"; done' > /dev/null startup shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown docker container rm $COOKIE content_check_with_count "$COOKIE multi-line:" $NUMMESSAGES 10 ## check if all the data we expect to get in the file is there for i in $(seq 1 $NUMMESSAGES); do grep "$COOKIE multi-line: $i#012 line2....#012 line3...." $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: expecting the string $COOKIE multi-line: item '$i', it's not there" error_exit 1 fi done exit_test