#!/bin/bash # This is part of the rsyslog testbench, licensed under ASL 2.0 # This test tests imfile endmsg.regex. . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init . $srcdir/diag.sh check-inotify export IMFILECHECKTIMEOUT="60" export IMFILELASTINPUTLINES="6" mkdir $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.statefiles generate_conf add_conf ' module(load="../plugins/imfile/.libs/imfile") module(load="../plugins/mmnormalize/.libs/mmnormalize") input(type="imfile" statefile.directory="'${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}'.statefiles" File="./'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.*.input" Tag="file:" addMetadata="on" escapelf="off" endmsg.regex="(^[^ ]+ (stdout|stderr) F )|(\\n\"}$)") if $msg startswith "{" then { action(type="mmnormalize" rulebase="'$srcdir/imfile-endmsg.regex.json.rulebase'") foreach ($.ii in $!multilinejson) do { if strlen($!@timestamp) == 0 then { set $!@timestamp = $.ii!time; } if strlen($!stream) == 0 then { set $!stream = $.ii!stream; } if strlen($!log) == 0 then { set $!log = $.ii!log; } else { reset $!log = $!log & $.ii!log; } } unset $!multilinejson; } else { action(type="mmnormalize" rulebase="'$srcdir/imfile-endmsg.regex.crio.rulebase'") foreach ($.ii in $!multilinecrio) do { if strlen($!@timestamp) == 0 then { set $!@timestamp = $.ii!time; } if strlen($!stream) == 0 then { set $!stream = $.ii!stream; } if strlen($!log) == 0 then { set $!log = $.ii!log; } else { reset $!log = $!log & $.ii!log; } } unset $!multilinecrio; } template(name="outfmt" type="list") { property(name="$!all-json-plain") constant(value="\n") } if $msg contains "msgnum:" then action( type="omfile" file=`echo $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG` template="outfmt" ) ' if [ "${USE_VALGRIND:-false}" == "true" ] ; then startup_vg else startup fi if [ -n "${USE_GDB:-}" ] ; then echo attach gdb here sleep 54321 || : fi # write the beginning of the file echo 'date stdout P msgnum:0' > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:0"}' > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input echo 'date stdout F msgnum:1' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:1\n"}' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input echo 'date stdout F msgnum:2' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:2\n"}' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input # sleep a little to give rsyslog a chance to begin processing if [ -n "${USE_GDB:-}" ] ; then sleep 54321 || : else sleep 1 fi echo 'date stdout P msgnum:3' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:3"}' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input echo 'date stdout P msgnum:4' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:4"}' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input echo 'date stdout P msgnum:5' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:5"}' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input # give it time to finish if [ -n "${USE_GDB:-}" ] ; then sleep 54321 || : else sleep 1 fi echo 'date stdout F msgnum:6' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:6\n"}' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input echo 'date stdout P msgnum:7' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.crio.input echo '{"time":"date", "stream":"stdout", "log":"msgnum:7"}' >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.json.input content_check_with_count "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME" $IMFILELASTINPUTLINES $IMFILECHECKTIMEOUT shutdown_when_empty # shut down rsyslogd when done processing messages if [ "${USE_VALGRIND:-false}" == "true" ] ; then wait_shutdown_vg check_exit_vg else wait_shutdown # we need to wait until rsyslogd is finished! fi # give it time to write the output file sleep 1 ## check if we have the correct number of messages NUMLINES=$(wc -l $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG | awk '{print $1}' 2>/dev/null) rc=0 if [ ! $NUMLINES -eq $IMFILELASTINPUTLINES ]; then echo "ERROR: expecting $IMFILELASTINPUTLINES lines, got $NUMLINES" rc=1 fi ## check if all the data we expect to get in the file is there for string in "metadata.*filename.*json[.]input.*msgnum:0msgnum:1" \ "metadata.*filename.*crio[.]input.*msgnum:0msgnum:1" \ "metadata.*filename.*json[.]input.*msgnum:2" \ "metadata.*filename.*crio[.]input.*msgnum:2" \ "metadata.*filename.*json[.]input.*msgnum:3msgnum:4msgnum:5msgnum:6" \ "metadata.*filename.*crio[.]input.*msgnum:3msgnum:4msgnum:5msgnum:6" ; do if grep "$string" $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then : # ok else echo "Error: the expected string '$string' not found" rc=1 fi done if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then cat $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG exit 1 fi ## if we got here, all is good :) exit_test