#!/bin/bash # This is part of the rsyslog testbench, licensed under ASL 2.0 . $srcdir/diag.sh check-inotify-only . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init check_command_available logrotate export TESTMESSAGES=10000 export RETRIES=50 export TESTMESSAGESFULL=19999 generate_conf add_conf ' $WorkDirectory '$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.spool /* Filter out busy debug output */ global( debug.whitelist="off" debug.files=["rainerscript.c", "ratelimit.c", "ruleset.c", "main Q", "msg.c", "../action.c"] ) module( load="../plugins/imfile/.libs/imfile" mode="inotify" PollingInterval="1") input(type="imfile" File="./'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.input.*.log" Tag="file:" Severity="error" Facility="local7" addMetadata="on" reopenOnTruncate="on" ) $template outfmt,"%msg:F,58:2%\n" if $msg contains "msgnum:" then action( type="omfile" file=`echo $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG` template="outfmt" ) ' # Write logrotate config file echo '"./'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.input.*.log" { rotate 7 create daily missingok notifempty compress copytruncate }' > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.logrotate # generate input file first. ./inputfilegen -m $TESTMESSAGES > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.input.1.log ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.input* startup # Wait until testmessages are processed by imfile! wait_file_lines $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG $TESTMESSAGES $RETRIES # Logrotate on logfile logrotate --state $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.logrotate.state -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.logrotate # generate more input after logrotate into new logfile ./inputfilegen -m $TESTMESSAGES -i $TESTMESSAGES >> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.input.1.log ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.input* echo ls ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool: ls -l ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.spool msgcount=$((2* TESTMESSAGES)) wait_file_lines $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG $msgcount $RETRIES shutdown_when_empty # shut down rsyslogd when done processing messages wait_shutdown # we need to wait until rsyslogd is finished! seq_check 0 $TESTMESSAGESFULL exit_test