#!/usr/bin/env bash # added 2023-04-20 by Théo Bertin, released under ASL 2.0 ## Uncomment for debugging #export RS_REDIR=-d . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init # Start redis once to be able to generate configuration start_redis redis_command "RPUSH mykey message1" redis_command "RPUSH mykey message2" redis_command "RPUSH mykey message3" generate_conf add_conf ' global(localhostname="server") module(load="../contrib/imhiredis/.libs/imhiredis") template(name="outfmt" type="string" string="%$/num% %msg%\n") input(type="imhiredis" server="" port="'$REDIS_RANDOM_PORT'" key="mykey" mode="queue" ruleset="redis") ruleset(name="redis") { set $/num = cnum($/num + 1); action(type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG'" template="outfmt") } action(type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG'" template="outfmt") ' startup wait_content '3 message1' # Stop Redis and wait a short moment for imhiredis to notice Redis went down stop_redis rst_msleep 1500 start_redis redis_command "RPUSH mykey message4" redis_command "RPUSH mykey message5" redis_command "RPUSH mykey message6" wait_content '4 message6' shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown stop_redis content_check '1 message3' content_check '2 message2' content_check '3 message1' content_check 'sleeping 10 seconds before retrying' content_check '4 message6' content_check '5 message5' content_check '6 message4' # Removes generated configuration file, log and pid files cleanup_redis exit_test