#!/bin/bash # added 2018-10-22 by rgerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under ASL 2.0 . $srcdir/diag.sh init export RSTB_GLOBAL_INPUT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT=5000 # 5sec generate_conf add_conf ' main_queue(queue.type="direct") module(load="../plugins/imkafka/.libs/imkafka") input( type="imkafka" ruleset="kafka" topic="irrelevant" broker="localhost:29092" consumergroup="default" confParam=[ "socket.timeout.ms=5000", "socket.keepalive.enable=true" ] ) template(name="outfmt" type="string" string="%msg:F,58:2%\n") ruleset(name="kafka") { action( type="omfile" file=`echo $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG` template="outfmt" ) } action( type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG.syslog.log'" template="outfmt" ) ' export RSTB_DAEMONIZE="YES" startup shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown # the main point is to see if we can terminate, so no further checks down here! exit_test