#!/bin/bash # version of qdrouterd to use for test QDROUTERD_VERSION=${QDROUTERD_VERSION:-1.7.0} # Use of containers isn't necessary for CI, and might not be # useful for devs, depending on platform availability. # If not using a container for the test, the # package will be installed using the platform # package manager. #USE_CONTAINER=${USE_CONTAINER:-false} #CONTAINER_URL=${CONTAINER_URL:-quay.io/interconnectedcloud/qdrouterd:$QDROUTERD_VERSION} if ! type -p qdrouterd ; then echo no qdrouterd found in PATH $PATH - skipping test exit 0 fi ver=$( qdrouterd --version ) if [ "$ver" = $QDROUTERD_VERSION ] ; then echo found qdrouterd version $ver - continuing else echo found qdrouterd version $ver but expected version $QDROUTERD_VERSION - skipping test exit 0 fi AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV=${AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV:-/usr/share/proton-0.28.0/examples/python/simple_recv.py} if [ -f $AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV ] ; then echo found $AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV else echo no amqp client $AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV - skipping test exit 0 fi AMQP_PYTHON=${AMQP_PYTHON:-python} if $AMQP_PYTHON $AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV --help > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then : # good elif python3 $AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV --help > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then AMQP_PYTHON=python3 else echo missing python modules for $AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV - skipping test exit 0 fi amqp_simple_recv() { # $1 is host:port (or amqp url if applicable) # $2 is target (e.g. amq.rsyslogtest) # $3 is number of messages to read stdbuf -o 0 $AMQP_PYTHON $AMQP_SIMPLE_RECV -a $1/$2 -m $3 }