#!/bin/bash # This test tries tests DiscardMark / DiscardSeverity queue settings with omfwd with IMUXSOCK input # added 2021-09-02 by alorbach. Released under ASL 2.0 . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init skip_platform "SunOS" "We have no ATOMIC BUILTINS, so OverallQueueSize counting of imdiag is NOT threadsafe and the counting will fail on SunOS" ./syslog_caller -fsyslog_inject-l -m0 > /dev/null 2>&1 no_liblogging_stdlog=$? if [ $no_liblogging_stdlog -ne 0 ];then echo "liblogging-stdlog not available - skipping test" exit 77 fi # export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nologfuncflow noprintmutexaction nostdout" export NUMMESSAGES=100000 export PORT_RCVR="$(get_free_port)" export STATSFILE="$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.stats" export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.debuglog" generate_conf add_conf ' global( debug.whitelist="on" debug.files=["imdiag.c", "queue.c"] ) template(name="testformat" type="list") { constant(value="{ ") property(name="timereported" dateFormat="unixtimestamp" format="jsonf") constant(value=", ") property(name="syslogseverity-text" format="jsonf") constant(value=", ") property(name="programname" format="jsonf") constant(value=", ") property(name="msg" format="jsonf") constant(value=" }\n") } template(name="outfmt" type="string" string="%msg:F,58:2%\n") # IMUX Input socket module(load="../plugins/imuxsock/.libs/imuxsock" sysSock.use="off") input(type="imuxsock" Socket="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'-testbench_socket") # Note: stats module module(load="../plugins/impstats/.libs/impstats" log.file="'$STATSFILE'" interval="1" ruleset="stats") main_queue( queue.timeoutshutdown="10000" # queue.timeoutEnqueue="20" # queue.discardSeverity="3" ) ruleset(name="stats") { stop # nothing to do here } if $msg contains "test message nbr" then action( type="omfwd" Target="" Port="'$PORT_RCVR'" Protocol="tcp" TCP_Framing="octet-counted" ResendLastMSGOnReconnect="on" Template="testformat" queue.discardMark="100" queue.discardSeverity="3" # queue.timeoutEnqueue="5" queue.type="linkedlist" ) ' ./minitcpsrv -t127.0.0.1 -p$PORT_RCVR -f $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG & BGPROCESS=$! echo background tcp dummy receiver process id is $BGPROCESS # now do the usual run startup # Use syslog_caller ./syslog_caller -m$NUMMESSAGES -C "uxsock:$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME-testbench_socket" shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown # note: minitcpsrv shuts down automatically if the connection is closed! # check output file generation, should contain at least 100 logs check_file_exists "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG" check_file_exists "$STATSFILE" content_check --regex --output-results "action-1-builtin:omfwd queue: origin=core.queue size=.* enqueued=100000 full=0 discarded.full=0 discarded.nf=.* maxqsize=100" $STATSFILE exit_test