#!/bin/bash # a basic test for omjournal. # addd 2016-03-18 by RGerhards, released under ASL 2.0 . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init . $srcdir/diag.sh require-journalctl generate_conf add_conf ' module(load="../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp") module(load="../plugins/omjournal/.libs/omjournal") input(type="imtcp" port="0" listenPortFileName="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.tcpflood_port") action(type="omjournal") ' startup tcpflood -m1 -M "\"<133>2011-03-01T11:22:12Z host tag msgh RsysLoG-TESTBENCH $COOKIE\"" ./msleep 500 shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown # if we reach this, we have at least not aborted journalctl -r -t rsyslogd: |grep "RsysLoG-TESTBENCH $COOKIE" if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then echo "error: cookie $COOKIE not found. Head of journal:" journalctl -r -t rsyslogd: | head exit 1 fi exit_test