#!/bin/bash # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under ASL 2.0 . ${srcdir:=.}/diag.sh init printf 'using TLS driver: %s\n' ${RS_TLS_DRIVER:=gtls} export NUMMESSAGES=1 # export QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC=wait_file_lines # uncomment for debugging support: #export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nostdout noprintmutexaction" generate_conf export PORT_RCVR="$(get_free_port)" add_conf ' global( # debug.whitelist="on" # debug.files=["imdtls.c", "modules.c", "errmsg.c", "action.c"] ) module( load="../plugins/imdtls/.libs/imdtls" ) input( type="imdtls" port="'$PORT_RCVR'" tls.cacert="'$srcdir'/tls-certs/ca.pem" tls.mycert="'$srcdir'/tls-certs/cert.pem" tls.myprivkey="'$srcdir'/tls-certs/key.pem" tls.authmode="certvalid" tls.permittedpeer="rsyslog" ) action(type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG'") ' startup export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.sender.debuglog" #valgrind="valgrind" generate_conf 2 add_conf ' global( # debug.whitelist="on" # debug.files=["omdtls.c", "modules.c", "errmsg.c", "action.c"] ) # impstats in order to gain insight into error cases module(load="../plugins/impstats/.libs/impstats" log.file="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.pstats'" interval="1" log.syslog="off") $imdiagInjectDelayMode full # Load modules module( load="../plugins/omdtls/.libs/omdtls" ) local4.* { action( name="omdtls" type="omdtls" target="" port="'$PORT_RCVR'" action.resumeInterval="1" action.resumeRetryCount="2" ) stop } action( type="omfile" file="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.othermsg'") ' 2 startup 2 # now inject the messages into instance 2. It will connect to instance 1, # and that instance will record the data. injectmsg2 # shut down sender when everything is sent, receiver continues to run concurrently shutdown_when_empty 2 wait_shutdown 2 # now it is time to stop the receiver as well shutdown_when_empty wait_shutdown # Kindly check for a failed session content_check "OpenSSL Error Stack" content_check "peer did not return a certificate" exit_test