path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3846f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+extern crate cbindgen;
+use cbindgen::*;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::Read;
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::process::Command;
+use std::{env, fs, str};
+// Set automatically by cargo for integration tests
+static CBINDGEN_PATH: &str = env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_cbindgen");
+fn style_str(style: Style) -> &'static str {
+ match style {
+ Style::Both => "both",
+ Style::Tag => "tag",
+ Style::Type => "type",
+ }
+fn run_cbindgen(
+ path: &Path,
+ output: Option<&Path>,
+ language: Language,
+ cpp_compat: bool,
+ style: Option<Style>,
+ generate_depfile: bool,
+) -> (Vec<u8>, Option<String>) {
+ assert!(
+ !(output.is_none() && generate_depfile),
+ "generating a depfile requires outputting to a path"
+ );
+ let program = Path::new(CBINDGEN_PATH);
+ let mut command = Command::new(program);
+ if let Some(output) = output {
+ command.arg("--output").arg(output);
+ }
+ let cbindgen_depfile = if generate_depfile {
+ let depfile = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
+ command.arg("--depfile").arg(depfile.path());
+ Some(depfile)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ match language {
+ Language::Cxx => {}
+ Language::C => {
+ command.arg("--lang").arg("c");
+ if cpp_compat {
+ command.arg("--cpp-compat");
+ }
+ }
+ Language::Cython => {
+ command.arg("--lang").arg("cython");
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(style) = style {
+ command.arg("--style").arg(style_str(style));
+ }
+ let config = path.with_extension("toml");
+ if config.exists() {
+ command.arg("--config").arg(config);
+ }
+ command.arg(path);
+ println!("Running: {:?}", command);
+ let cbindgen_output = command.output().expect("failed to execute process");
+ assert!(
+ cbindgen_output.status.success(),
+ "cbindgen failed: {:?} with error: {}",
+ output,
+ str::from_utf8(&cbindgen_output.stderr).unwrap_or_default()
+ );
+ let bindings = if let Some(output_path) = output {
+ let mut bindings = Vec::new();
+ // Ignore errors here, we have assertions on the expected output later.
+ let _ = File::open(output_path).map(|mut file| {
+ let _ = file.read_to_end(&mut bindings);
+ });
+ bindings
+ } else {
+ cbindgen_output.stdout
+ };
+ let depfile_contents = if let Some(mut depfile) = cbindgen_depfile {
+ let mut raw = Vec::new();
+ depfile.read_to_end(&mut raw).unwrap();
+ Some(
+ str::from_utf8(raw.as_slice())
+ .expect("Invalid encoding encountered in depfile")
+ .into(),
+ )
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ (bindings, depfile_contents)
+fn compile(
+ cbindgen_output: &Path,
+ tests_path: &Path,
+ tmp_dir: &Path,
+ language: Language,
+ style: Option<Style>,
+ skip_warning_as_error: bool,
+) {
+ let cc = match language {
+ Language::Cxx => env::var("CXX").unwrap_or_else(|_| "g++".to_owned()),
+ Language::C => env::var("CC").unwrap_or_else(|_| "gcc".to_owned()),
+ Language::Cython => env::var("CYTHON").unwrap_or_else(|_| "cython".to_owned()),
+ };
+ let file_name = cbindgen_output
+ .file_name()
+ .expect("cbindgen output should be a file");
+ let mut object = tmp_dir.join(file_name);
+ object.set_extension("o");
+ let mut command = Command::new(cc);
+ match language {
+ Language::Cxx | Language::C => {
+ command.arg("-D").arg("DEFINED");
+ command.arg("-I").arg(tests_path);
+ command.arg("-Wall");
+ if !skip_warning_as_error {
+ command.arg("-Werror");
+ }
+ // `swift_name` is not recognzied by gcc.
+ command.arg("-Wno-attributes");
+ // clang warns about unused const variables.
+ command.arg("-Wno-unused-const-variable");
+ // clang also warns about returning non-instantiated templates (they could
+ // be specialized, but they're not so it's fine).
+ command.arg("-Wno-return-type-c-linkage");
+ // deprecated warnings should not be errors as it's intended
+ command.arg("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
+ if let Language::Cxx = language {
+ // enum class is a c++11 extension which makes g++ on macos 10.14 error out
+ // inline variables are are a c++17 extension
+ command.arg("-std=c++17");
+ // Prevents warnings when compiling .c files as c++.
+ command.arg("-x").arg("c++");
+ if let Ok(extra_flags) = env::var("CXXFLAGS") {
+ command.args(extra_flags.split_whitespace());
+ }
+ } else if let Ok(extra_flags) = env::var("CFLAGS") {
+ command.args(extra_flags.split_whitespace());
+ }
+ if let Some(style) = style {
+ command.arg("-D");
+ command.arg(format!(
+ style_str(style).to_uppercase()
+ ));
+ }
+ command.arg("-o").arg(&object);
+ command.arg("-c").arg(cbindgen_output);
+ }
+ Language::Cython => {
+ command.arg("-Wextra");
+ if !skip_warning_as_error {
+ // Our tests contain code that is deprecated in Cython 3.0.
+ // Allowing warnings buys a little time.
+ // command.arg("-Werror");
+ }
+ command.arg("-3");
+ command.arg("-o").arg(&object);
+ command.arg(cbindgen_output);
+ }
+ }
+ println!("Running: {:?}", command);
+ let out = command.output().expect("failed to compile");
+ assert!(out.status.success(), "Output failed to compile: {:?}", out);
+ if object.exists() {
+ fs::remove_file(object).unwrap();
+ }
+const SKIP_WARNING_AS_ERROR_SUFFIX: &str = ".skip_warning_as_error";
+fn run_compile_test(
+ name: &'static str,
+ path: &Path,
+ tmp_dir: &Path,
+ language: Language,
+ cpp_compat: bool,
+ style: Option<Style>,
+ cbindgen_outputs: &mut HashSet<Vec<u8>>,
+) {
+ let crate_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
+ let tests_path = Path::new(&crate_dir).join("tests");
+ let mut generated_file = tests_path.join("expectations");
+ fs::create_dir_all(&generated_file).unwrap();
+ let style_ext = style
+ // Cython is sensitive to dots, so we can't include any dots.
+ .map(|style| match style {
+ Style::Both => "_both",
+ Style::Tag => "_tag",
+ Style::Type => "",
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_default();
+ let lang_ext = match language {
+ Language::Cxx => ".cpp",
+ Language::C if cpp_compat => ".compat.c",
+ Language::C => ".c",
+ // cbindgen is supposed to generate declaration files (`.pxd`), but `cython` compiler
+ // is extension-sensitive and won't work on them, so we use implementation files (`.pyx`)
+ // in the test suite.
+ Language::Cython => ".pyx",
+ };
+ let skip_warning_as_error = name.rfind(SKIP_WARNING_AS_ERROR_SUFFIX).is_some();
+ let source_file =
+ format!("{}{}{}", name, style_ext, lang_ext).replace(SKIP_WARNING_AS_ERROR_SUFFIX, "");
+ generated_file.push(source_file);
+ let (output_file, generate_depfile) = if env::var_os("CBINDGEN_TEST_VERIFY").is_some() {
+ (None, false)
+ } else {
+ (
+ Some(generated_file.as_path()),
+ // --depfile does not work in combination with expanding yet, so we blacklist expanding tests.
+ !(name.contains("expand") || name.contains("bitfield")),
+ )
+ };
+ let (cbindgen_output, depfile_contents) = run_cbindgen(
+ path,
+ output_file,
+ language,
+ cpp_compat,
+ style,
+ generate_depfile,
+ );
+ if generate_depfile {
+ let depfile = depfile_contents.expect("No depfile generated");
+ assert!(!depfile.is_empty());
+ let mut rules = depfile.split(':');
+ let target ="No target found");
+ assert_eq!(target, generated_file.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap());
+ let sources =;
+ // All the tests here only have one sourcefile.
+ assert!(
+ sources.contains(path.to_str().unwrap()),
+ "Path: {:?}, Depfile contents: {}",
+ path,
+ depfile
+ );
+ assert_eq!(rules.count(), 0, "More than 1 rule in the depfile");
+ }
+ if cbindgen_outputs.contains(&cbindgen_output) {
+ // We already generated an identical file previously.
+ if env::var_os("CBINDGEN_TEST_VERIFY").is_some() {
+ assert!(!generated_file.exists());
+ } else if generated_file.exists() {
+ fs::remove_file(&generated_file).unwrap();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if env::var_os("CBINDGEN_TEST_VERIFY").is_some() {
+ let prev_cbindgen_output = fs::read(&generated_file).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(cbindgen_output, prev_cbindgen_output);
+ } else {
+ fs::write(&generated_file, &cbindgen_output).unwrap();
+ }
+ cbindgen_outputs.insert(cbindgen_output);
+ if env::var_os("CBINDGEN_TEST_NO_COMPILE").is_some() {
+ return;
+ }
+ compile(
+ &generated_file,
+ &tests_path,
+ tmp_dir,
+ language,
+ style,
+ skip_warning_as_error,
+ );
+ if language == Language::C && cpp_compat {
+ compile(
+ &generated_file,
+ &tests_path,
+ tmp_dir,
+ Language::Cxx,
+ style,
+ skip_warning_as_error,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+fn test_file(name: &'static str, filename: &'static str) {
+ let test = Path::new(filename);
+ let tmp_dir = tempfile::Builder::new()
+ .prefix("cbindgen-test-output")
+ .tempdir()
+ .expect("Creating tmp dir failed");
+ let tmp_dir = tmp_dir.path();
+ // Run tests in deduplication priority order. C++ compatibility tests are run first,
+ // otherwise we would lose the C++ compiler run if they were deduplicated.
+ let mut cbindgen_outputs = HashSet::new();
+ for cpp_compat in &[true, false] {
+ for style in &[Style::Type, Style::Tag, Style::Both] {
+ run_compile_test(
+ name,
+ test,
+ tmp_dir,
+ Language::C,
+ *cpp_compat,
+ Some(*style),
+ &mut cbindgen_outputs,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ run_compile_test(
+ name,
+ test,
+ tmp_dir,
+ Language::Cxx,
+ /* cpp_compat = */ false,
+ None,
+ &mut HashSet::new(),
+ );
+ // `Style::Both` should be identical to `Style::Tag` for Cython.
+ let mut cbindgen_outputs = HashSet::new();
+ for style in &[Style::Type, Style::Tag] {
+ run_compile_test(
+ name,
+ test,
+ tmp_dir,
+ Language::Cython,
+ /* cpp_compat = */ false,
+ Some(*style),
+ &mut cbindgen_outputs,
+ );
+ }
+macro_rules! test_file {
+ ($test_function_name:ident, $name:expr, $file:tt) => {
+ #[test]
+ fn $test_function_name() {
+ test_file($name, $file);
+ }
+ };
+// This file is generated by
+include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));