Format: Upstream-Name: cbindgen Upstream-Contact: Emilio Cobos Álvarez Jeff Muizelaar Kartikaya Gupta Ryan Hunt Source: Files: * Copyright: FIXME (overlay) UNKNOWN-YEARS Emilio Cobos Álvarez FIXME (overlay) UNKNOWN-YEARS Jeff Muizelaar FIXME (overlay) UNKNOWN-YEARS Kartikaya Gupta FIXME (overlay) UNKNOWN-YEARS Ryan Hunt License: MPL-2.0 Comment: FIXME (overlay): Since upstream copyright years are not available in Cargo.toml, they were extracted from the upstream Git repository. This may not be correct information so you should review and fix this before uploading to the archive. Files: debian/* Copyright: 2018-2024 Debian Rust Maintainers 2018-2024 Sylvestre Ledru License: MPL-2.0 License: MPL-2.0 Debian systems provide the MPL 2.0 in /usr/share/common-licenses/MPL-2.0