path: root/src/doc/book/nostarch/
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
commit698f8c2f01ea549d77d7dc3338a12e04c11057b9 (patch)
tree173a775858bd501c378080a10dca74132f05bc50 /src/doc/book/nostarch/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1.64.0+dfsg1.upstream/1.64.0+dfsg1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/doc/book/nostarch/')
1 files changed, 919 insertions, 0 deletions
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+This file is periodically generated from the content in the `/src/`
+directory, so all fixes need to be made in `/src/`.
+# Enums and Pattern Matching
+In this chapter we’ll look at *enumerations*, also referred to as *enums*.
+Enums allow you to define a type by enumerating its possible *variants*. First,
+we’ll define and use an enum to show how an enum can encode meaning along with
+data. Next, we’ll explore a particularly useful enum, called `Option`, which
+expresses that a value can be either something or nothing. Then we’ll look at
+how pattern matching in the `match` expression makes it easy to run different
+code for different values of an enum. Finally, we’ll cover how the `if let`
+construct is another convenient and concise idiom available to handle enums in
+your code.
+<!--- The above about algebraic data types feels pretty niche. Should it get
+the "expert aside" treatment that some of the early texts gets? /JT --->
+<!-- I decided to just remove the paragraph this comment was about. /Carol -->
+## Defining an Enum
+<!--- I added this first line, it seems like this is what we're saying? Maybe
+summarize what enums are better suited for: when you know all possible outcomes
+and that the outcomes must be distinct from each other? I was hoping to
+generalize their usage early. Edit: reading on, I can see that might be tricky,
+so ignore this if so! /LC --->
+<!-- I made a slight edit to the first line here, what do you think? I don't
+think "enums are an alternative to structs" was quite right, because that
+sounded like in any situation, you could choose either enum or struct according
+to your preferences, but what I'd like the reader to come away with is that
+some situations are better expressed with enums; others with structs. /Carol -->
+<!-- I think this makes sense! I wonder if there's more we could add to give an
+idea of why we're contrasting them with structs, to give the reader a point of
+reference. What do you think JT? Would more explanation here be redundant? /LC
+<!--- Here's my try for a framing, using our earlier Rectangle example:
+Where structs give you a way of grouping together related fields and data, like
+a `Rectangle` with its `width` and `height`, we don't yet have a way of saying
+a values is one of a possible set of values. For example, we may want to say
+that Rectangle is one of a set of possible shapes. To do this, Rust allows us
+to encode these possibilities as an enum. Let's look at...
+/JT --->
+<!-- I've generally taken JT's suggestion with a few edits. I'm a little
+concerned that we won't ever actually make a `Shape` enum with variants
+`Rectangle`, `Circle`, and `Triangle`? Is that a problem, Liz? /Carol -->
+Where structs give you a way of grouping together related fields and data, like
+a `Rectangle` with its `width` and `height`, enums give you a way of saying a
+value is one of a possible set of values. For example, we may want to say that
+`Rectangle` is one of a set of possible shapes that also includes `Circle` and
+`Triangle`. To do this, Rust allows us to encode these possibilities as an enum.
+Let’s look at a situation we might want to express in code and see why enums
+are useful and more appropriate than structs in this case. Say we need to work
+with IP addresses. Currently, two major standards are used for IP addresses:
+version four and version six. Because these are the only possibilities for an
+IP address that our program will come across, we can *enumerate* all possible
+variants, which is where enumeration gets its name.
+Any IP address can be either a version four or a version six address, but not
+both at the same time. That property of IP addresses makes the enum data
+structure appropriate, because an enum value can only be one of its variants.
+Both version four and version six addresses are still fundamentally IP
+addresses, so they should be treated as the same type when the code is handling
+situations that apply to any kind of IP address.
+We can express this concept in code by defining an `IpAddrKind` enumeration and
+listing the possible kinds an IP address can be, `V4` and `V6`. These are the
+variants of the enum:
+enum IpAddrKind {
+ V4,
+ V6,
+`IpAddrKind` is now a custom data type that we can use elsewhere in our code.
+### Enum Values
+We can create instances of each of the two variants of `IpAddrKind` like this:
+let four = IpAddrKind::V4;
+let six = IpAddrKind::V6;
+Note that the variants of the enum are namespaced under its identifier, and we
+use a double colon to separate the two. This is useful because now both values
+`IpAddrKind::V4` and `IpAddrKind::V6` are of the same type: `IpAddrKind`. We
+can then, for instance, define a function that takes any `IpAddrKind`:
+fn route(ip_kind: IpAddrKind) {}
+And we can call this function with either variant:
+Using enums has even more advantages. Thinking more about our IP address type,
+at the moment we don’t have a way to store the actual IP address *data*; we
+only know what *kind* it is. Given that you just learned about structs in
+Chapter 5, you might be tempted to tackle this problem with structs as shown in
+Listing 6-1.
+enum IpAddrKind {
+ V4,
+ V6,
+struct IpAddr {
+ kind: IpAddrKind,
+ address: String,
+let home = IpAddr {
+ kind: IpAddrKind::V4,
+ address: String::from(""),
+let loopback = IpAddr {
+ kind: IpAddrKind::V6,
+ address: String::from("::1"),
+Listing 6-1: Storing the data and `IpAddrKind` variant of an IP address using a
+Here, we’ve defined a struct `IpAddr` that has two fields: a `kind` field that
+is of type `IpAddrKind` (the enum we defined previously) and an `address` field
+of type `String`. We have two instances of this struct. The first is `home`,
+and it has the value `IpAddrKind::V4` as its `kind` with associated address
+data of ``. The second instance is `loopback`. It has the other
+variant of `IpAddrKind` as its `kind` value, `V6`, and has address `::1`
+associated with it. We’ve used a struct to bundle the `kind` and `address`
+values together, so now the variant is associated with the value.
+However, representing the same concept using just an enum is more concise:
+rather than an enum inside a struct, we can put data directly into each enum
+variant. This new definition of the `IpAddr` enum says that both `V4` and `V6`
+variants will have associated `String` values:
+enum IpAddr {
+ V4(String),
+ V6(String),
+let home = IpAddr::V4(String::from(""));
+let loopback = IpAddr::V6(String::from("::1"));
+We attach data to each variant of the enum directly, so there is no need for an
+extra struct. Here it’s also easier to see another detail of how enums work:
+the name of each enum variant that we define also becomes a function that
+constructs an instance of the enum. That is, `IpAddr::V4()` is a function call
+that takes a `String` argument and returns an instance of the `IpAddr` type. We
+automatically get this constructor function defined as a result of defining the
+There’s another advantage to using an enum rather than a struct: each variant
+can have different types and amounts of associated data. Version four type IP
+addresses will always have four numeric components that will have values
+between 0 and 255. If we wanted to store `V4` addresses as four `u8` values but
+still express `V6` addresses as one `String` value, we wouldn’t be able to with
+a struct. Enums handle this case with ease:
+enum IpAddr {
+ V4(u8, u8, u8, u8),
+ V6(String),
+let home = IpAddr::V4(127, 0, 0, 1);
+let loopback = IpAddr::V6(String::from("::1"));
+We’ve shown several different ways to define data structures to store version
+four and version six IP addresses. However, as it turns out, wanting to store
+IP addresses and encode which kind they are is so common that the standard
+library has a definition we can use! Let’s look at how the standard library
+defines `IpAddr`: it has the exact enum and variants that we’ve defined and
+used, but it embeds the address data inside the variants in the form of two
+different structs, which are defined differently for each variant:
+struct Ipv4Addr {
+ // --snip--
+struct Ipv6Addr {
+ // --snip--
+enum IpAddr {
+ V4(Ipv4Addr),
+ V6(Ipv6Addr),
+This code illustrates that you can put any kind of data inside an enum variant:
+strings, numeric types, or structs, for example. You can even include another
+enum! Also, standard library types are often not much more complicated than
+what you might come up with.
+Note that even though the standard library contains a definition for `IpAddr`,
+we can still create and use our own definition without conflict because we
+haven’t brought the standard library’s definition into our scope. We’ll talk
+more about bringing types into scope in Chapter 7.
+Let’s look at another example of an enum in Listing 6-2: this one has a wide
+variety of types embedded in its variants.
+enum Message {
+ Quit,
+ Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
+ Write(String),
+ ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),
+Listing 6-2: A `Message` enum whose variants each store different amounts and
+types of values
+This enum has four variants with different types:
+* `Quit` has no data associated with it at all.
+* `Move` has named fields like a struct does.
+* `Write` includes a single `String`.
+* `ChangeColor` includes three `i32` values.
+Defining an enum with variants such as the ones in Listing 6-2 is similar to
+defining different kinds of struct definitions, except the enum doesn’t use the
+`struct` keyword and all the variants are grouped together under the `Message`
+type. The following structs could hold the same data that the preceding enum
+variants hold:
+struct QuitMessage; // unit struct
+struct MoveMessage {
+ x: i32,
+ y: i32,
+struct WriteMessage(String); // tuple struct
+struct ChangeColorMessage(i32, i32, i32); // tuple struct
+But if we used the different structs, which each have their own type, we
+couldn’t as easily define a function to take any of these kinds of messages as
+we could with the `Message` enum defined in Listing 6-2, which is a single type.
+<!--- We're also hinting at pattern matching complexity if we use the struct
+method. Should we call it out and mention the pattern matching chapter?
+/JT --->
+<!-- If readers don't have experience with pattern matching, I don't think this
+will resonate with them, so I'm not going to mention it here. /Carol -->
+There is one more similarity between enums and structs: just as we’re able to
+define methods on structs using `impl`, we’re also able to define methods on
+enums. Here’s a method named `call` that we could define on our `Message` enum:
+impl Message {
+ fn call(&self) {
+ // method body would be defined here
+ }
+let m = Message::Write(String::from("hello"));;
+The body of the method would use `self` to get the value that we called the
+method on. In this example, we’ve created a variable `m` that has the value
+`Message::Write(String::from("hello"))`, and that is what `self` will be in the
+body of the `call` method when `` runs.
+Let’s look at another enum in the standard library that is very common and
+useful: `Option`.
+### The `Option` Enum and Its Advantages Over Null Values
+This section explores a case study of `Option`, which is another enum defined
+by the standard library. The `Option` type encodes the very common scenario in
+which a value could be something or it could be nothing.
+For example, if you request the first of a list containing items, you would get
+a value. If you request the first item of an empty list, you would get nothing.
+Expressing this concept in terms of the type system means the compiler can
+check whether you’ve handled all the cases you should be handling; this
+functionality can prevent bugs that are extremely common in other programming
+Programming language design is often thought of in terms of which features you
+include, but the features you exclude are important too. Rust doesn’t have the
+null feature that many other languages have. *Null* is a value that means there
+is no value there. In languages with null, variables can always be in one of
+two states: null or not-null.
+In his 2009 presentation “Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake,” Tony
+Hoare, the inventor of null, has this to say:
+> I call it my billion-dollar mistake. At that time, I was designing the first
+> comprehensive type system for references in an object-oriented language. My
+> goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with
+> checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn’t resist the
+> temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to
+> implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system
+> crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in
+> the last forty years.
+The problem with null values is that if you try to use a null value as a
+not-null value, you’ll get an error of some kind. Because this null or not-null
+property is pervasive, it’s extremely easy to make this kind of error.
+However, the concept that null is trying to express is still a useful one: a
+null is a value that is currently invalid or absent for some reason.
+The problem isn’t really with the concept but with the particular
+implementation. As such, Rust does not have nulls, but it does have an enum
+that can encode the concept of a value being present or absent. This enum is
+`Option<T>`, and it is defined by the standard library
+as follows:
+enum Option<T> {
+ None,
+ Some(T),
+The `Option<T>` enum is so useful that it’s even included in the prelude; you
+don’t need to bring it into scope explicitly. Its variants are also included in
+the prelude: you can use `Some` and `None` directly without the `Option::`
+prefix. The `Option<T>` enum is still just a regular enum, and `Some(T)` and
+`None` are still variants of type `Option<T>`.
+The `<T>` syntax is a feature of Rust we haven’t talked about yet. It’s a
+generic type parameter, and we’ll cover generics in more detail in Chapter 10.
+For now, all you need to know is that `<T>` means the `Some` variant of the
+`Option` enum can hold one piece of data of any type, and that each concrete
+type that gets used in place of `T` makes the overall `Option<T>` type a
+different type. Here are some examples of using `Option` values to hold number
+types and string types:
+let some_number = Some(5);
+let some_char = Some('e');
+let absent_number: Option<i32> = None;
+<!--- I would maybe do the above more explicitly as:
+let some_number = Some(5);
+let some_number2: Option<i32> = Some(5);
+The types of `some_number` and `some_number2` in the above are identical.
+Using `Some("a string")` we're going to open the door to references in
+generic positions (which we still need to build up to). We talk a little about
+Option<&str> below, but I don't think it helps explain the enum concept.
+/JT --->
+<!-- I changed the above to use `char` rather than string slice, but we're
+trying to show that options holding different types are themselves different
+types below, so I didn't want to make them both `i32`. /Carol -->
+The type of `some_number` is `Option<i32>`. The type of `some_char` is
+`Option<char>`, which is a different type. Rust can infer these types because
+we’ve specified a value inside the `Some` variant. For `absent_number`, Rust
+requires us to annotate the overall `Option` type: the compiler can’t infer the
+type that the corresponding `Some` variant will hold by looking only at a
+`None` value. Here, we tell Rust that we mean for `absent_number` to be of type
+When we have a `Some` value, we know that a value is present and the value is
+held within the `Some`. When we have a `None` value, in some sense, it means
+the same thing as null: we don’t have a valid value. So why is having
+`Option<T>` any better than having null?
+In short, because `Option<T>` and `T` (where `T` can be any type) are different
+types, the compiler won’t let us use an `Option<T>` value as if it were
+definitely a valid value. For example, this code won’t compile because it’s
+trying to add an `i8` to an `Option<i8>`:
+let x: i8 = 5;
+let y: Option<i8> = Some(5);
+let sum = x + y;
+If we run this code, we get an error message like this:
+$ cargo run
+ Compiling enums v0.1.0 (file:///projects/enums)
+error[E0277]: cannot add `Option<i8>` to `i8`
+ --> src/
+ |
+5 | let sum = x + y;
+ | ^ no implementation for `i8 + Option<i8>`
+ |
+ = help: the trait `Add<Option<i8>>` is not implemented for `i8`
+Intense! In effect, this error message means that Rust doesn’t understand how
+to add an `i8` and an `Option<i8>`, because they’re different types. When we
+have a value of a type like `i8` in Rust, the compiler will ensure that we
+always have a valid value. We can proceed confidently without having to check
+for null before using that value. Only when we have an `Option<i8>` (or
+whatever type of value we’re working with) do we have to worry about possibly
+not having a value, and the compiler will make sure we handle that case before
+using the value.
+In other words, you have to convert an `Option<T>` to a `T` before you can
+perform `T` operations with it. Generally, this helps catch one of the most
+common issues with null: assuming that something isn’t null when it actually
+Eliminating the risk of incorrectly assuming a not-null value helps you to be
+more confident in your code. In order to have a value that can possibly be
+null, you must explicitly opt in by making the type of that value `Option<T>`.
+Then, when you use that value, you are required to explicitly handle the case
+when the value is null. Everywhere that a value has a type that isn’t an
+`Option<T>`, you *can* safely assume that the value isn’t null. This was a
+deliberate design decision for Rust to limit null’s pervasiveness and increase
+the safety of Rust code.
+So, how do you get the `T` value out of a `Some` variant when you have a value
+of type `Option<T>` so you can use that value? The `Option<T>` enum has a large
+number of methods that are useful in a variety of situations; you can check
+them out in its documentation. Becoming familiar with the methods on
+`Option<T>` will be extremely useful in your journey with Rust.
+In general, in order to use an `Option<T>` value, you want to have code that
+will handle each variant. You want some code that will run only when you have a
+`Some(T)` value, and this code is allowed to use the inner `T`. You want some
+other code to run if you have a `None` value, and that code doesn’t have a `T`
+value available. The `match` expression is a control flow construct that does
+just this when used with enums: it will run different code depending on which
+variant of the enum it has, and that code can use the data inside the matching
+## The `match` Control Flow Construct
+Rust has an extremely powerful control flow construct called `match` that allows
+you to compare a value against a series of patterns and then execute code based
+on which pattern matches. Patterns can be made up of literal values, variable
+names, wildcards, and many other things; Chapter 18 covers all the different
+kinds of patterns and what they do. The power of `match` comes from the
+expressiveness of the patterns and the fact that the compiler confirms that all
+possible cases are handled.
+Think of a `match` expression as being like a coin-sorting machine: coins slide
+down a track with variously sized holes along it, and each coin falls through
+the first hole it encounters that it fits into. In the same way, values go
+through each pattern in a `match`, and at the first pattern the value “fits,”
+the value falls into the associated code block to be used during execution.
+Speaking of coins, let’s use them as an example using `match`! We can write a
+function that takes an unknown United States coin and, in a similar way as the
+counting machine, determines which coin it is and return its value in cents, as
+shown here in Listing 6-3.
+[1]enum Coin {
+ Penny,
+ Nickel,
+ Dime,
+ Quarter,
+fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
+ match coin {
+ Coin::Penny => 1,
+ Coin::Nickel => 5,
+ Coin::Dime => 10,
+ Coin::Quarter => 25,
+ }
+Listing 6-3: An enum and a `match` expression that has the variants of the enum
+as its patterns
+Let’s break down the `match` in the `value_in_cents` function. First, we list
+the `match` keyword followed by an expression, which in this case is the value
+`coin`. This seems very similar to an expression used with `if`, but there’s a
+big difference: with `if`, the expression needs to return a Boolean value, but
+here, it can return any type. The type of `coin` in this example is the `Coin`
+enum that we defined at [1].
+Next are the `match` arms. An arm has two parts: a pattern and some code. The
+first arm here has a pattern that is the value `Coin::Penny` and then the `=>`
+operator that separates the pattern and the code to run. The code in this case
+is just the value `1`. Each arm is separated from the next with a comma.
+<!--- Tiny nit, though not sure how to phrase it. Arms are separated by commas
+in this example, though if you use blocks instead of simple values you won't use
+commas. We see this happen in the next example.
+/JT --->
+<!-- I clarified in the paragraph before the next example. You *can* use commas
+even if there's curly brackets, but people don't usually. /Carol -->
+When the `match` expression executes, it compares the resulting value against
+the pattern of each arm, in order. If a pattern matches the value, the code
+associated with that pattern is executed. If that pattern doesn’t match the
+value, execution continues to the next arm, much as in a coin-sorting machine.
+We can have as many arms as we need: in Listing 6-3, our `match` has four arms.
+The code associated with each arm is an expression, and the resulting value of
+the expression in the matching arm is the value that gets returned for the
+entire `match` expression.
+We don't typically use curly brackets if the match arm code is short, as it is
+in Listing 6-3 where each arm just returns a value. If you want to run multiple
+lines of code in a match arm, you must use curly brackets, and the comma
+following the arm is then optional. For example, the following code prints
+“Lucky penny!” every time the method is called with a `Coin::Penny`, but still
+returns the last value of the block, `1`:
+fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
+ match coin {
+ Coin::Penny => {
+ println!("Lucky penny!");
+ 1
+ }
+ Coin::Nickel => 5,
+ Coin::Dime => 10,
+ Coin::Quarter => 25,
+ }
+### Patterns that Bind to Values
+Another useful feature of match arms is that they can bind to the parts of the
+values that match the pattern. This is how we can extract values out of enum
+As an example, let’s change one of our enum variants to hold data inside it.
+From 1999 through 2008, the United States minted quarters with different
+designs for each of the 50 states on one side. No other coins got state
+designs, so only quarters have this extra value. We can add this information to
+our `enum` by changing the `Quarter` variant to include a `UsState` value stored
+inside it, which we’ve done here in Listing 6-4.
+#[derive(Debug)] // so we can inspect the state in a minute
+enum UsState {
+ Alabama,
+ Alaska,
+ // --snip--
+enum Coin {
+ Penny,
+ Nickel,
+ Dime,
+ Quarter(UsState),
+Listing 6-4: A `Coin` enum in which the `Quarter` variant also holds a
+`UsState` value
+Let’s imagine that a friend is trying to collect all 50 state quarters. While
+we sort our loose change by coin type, we’ll also call out the name of the
+state associated with each quarter so if it’s one our friend doesn’t have, they
+can add it to their collection.
+In the match expression for this code, we add a variable called `state` to the
+pattern that matches values of the variant `Coin::Quarter`. When a
+`Coin::Quarter` matches, the `state` variable will bind to the value of that
+quarter’s state. Then we can use `state` in the code for that arm, like so:
+fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
+ match coin {
+ Coin::Penny => 1,
+ Coin::Nickel => 5,
+ Coin::Dime => 10,
+ Coin::Quarter(state) => {
+ println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);
+ 25
+ }
+ }
+If we were to call `value_in_cents(Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska))`, `coin`
+would be `Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska)`. When we compare that value with each
+of the match arms, none of them match until we reach `Coin::Quarter(state)`. At
+that point, the binding for `state` will be the value `UsState::Alaska`. We can
+then use that binding in the `println!` expression, thus getting the inner
+state value out of the `Coin` enum variant for `Quarter`.
+### Matching with `Option<T>`
+In the previous section, we wanted to get the inner `T` value out of the `Some`
+case when using `Option<T>`; we can also handle `Option<T>` using `match` as we
+did with the `Coin` enum! Instead of comparing coins, we’ll compare the
+variants of `Option<T>`, but the way that the `match` expression works remains
+the same.
+Let’s say we want to write a function that takes an `Option<i32>` and, if
+there’s a value inside, adds 1 to that value. If there isn’t a value inside,
+the function should return the `None` value and not attempt to perform any
+This function is very easy to write, thanks to `match`, and will look like
+Listing 6-5.
+fn plus_one(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
+ match x {
+ None => None,
+ Some(i) => Some(i + 1),
+ }
+let five = Some(5);
+let six = plus_one(five);
+let none = plus_one(None);
+Listing 6-5: A function that uses a `match` expression on an `Option<i32>`
+Let’s examine the first execution of `plus_one` in more detail. When we call
+`plus_one(five)`, the variable `x` in the body of `plus_one` will have the
+value `Some(5)`. We then compare that against each match arm.
+None => None,
+The `Some(5)` value doesn’t match the pattern `None`, so we continue to the
+next arm.
+Some(i) => Some(i + 1),
+Does `Some(5)` match `Some(i)`? Why yes it does! We have the same variant. The
+`i` binds to the value contained in `Some`, so `i` takes the value `5`. The
+code in the match arm is then executed, so we add 1 to the value of `i` and
+create a new `Some` value with our total `6` inside.
+Now let’s consider the second call of `plus_one` in Listing 6-5, where `x` is
+`None`. We enter the `match` and compare to the first arm.
+None => None,
+It matches! There’s no value to add to, so the program stops and returns the
+`None` value on the right side of `=>`. Because the first arm matched, no other
+arms are compared.
+Combining `match` and enums is useful in many situations. You’ll see this
+pattern a lot in Rust code: `match` against an enum, bind a variable to the
+data inside, and then execute code based on it. It’s a bit tricky at first, but
+once you get used to it, you’ll wish you had it in all languages. It’s
+consistently a user favorite.
+### Matches Are Exhaustive
+There’s one other aspect of `match` we need to discuss: the arms’ patterns must
+cover all possibilities. Consider this version of our `plus_one` function,
+which has a bug and won’t compile:
+fn plus_one(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
+ match x {
+ Some(i) => Some(i + 1),
+ }
+We didn’t handle the `None` case, so this code will cause a bug. Luckily, it’s
+a bug Rust knows how to catch. If we try to compile this code, we’ll get this
+$ cargo run
+ Compiling enums v0.1.0 (file:///projects/enums)
+error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `None` not covered
+ --> src/
+ |
+3 | match x {
+ | ^ pattern `None` not covered
+ |
+ = help: ensure that all possible cases are being handled, possibly by adding wildcards or more match arms
+ = note: the matched value is of type `Option<i32>`
+Rust knows that we didn’t cover every possible case and even knows which
+pattern we forgot! Matches in Rust are *exhaustive*: we must exhaust every last
+possibility in order for the code to be valid. Especially in the case of
+`Option<T>`, when Rust prevents us from forgetting to explicitly handle the
+`None` case, it protects us from assuming that we have a value when we might
+have null, thus making the billion-dollar mistake discussed earlier impossible.
+### Catch-all Patterns and the `_` Placeholder
+Using enums, we can also take special actions for a few particular values, but
+for all other values take one default action. Imagine we’re implementing a game
+where, if you roll a 3 on a dice roll, your player doesn’t move, but instead
+gets a new fancy hat. If you roll a 7, your player loses a fancy hat. For all
+other values, your player moves that number of spaces on the game board. Here’s
+a `match` that implements that logic, with the result of the dice roll
+hardcoded rather than a random value, and all other logic represented by
+functions without bodies because actually implementing them is out of scope for
+this example:
+let dice_roll = 9;
+match dice_roll {
+ 3 => add_fancy_hat(),
+ 7 => remove_fancy_hat(),
+ other => move_player(other),
+fn add_fancy_hat() {}
+fn remove_fancy_hat() {}
+fn move_player(num_spaces: u8) {}
+For the first two arms, the patterns are the literal values 3 and 7. For the
+last arm that covers every other possible value, the pattern is the variable
+we’ve chosen to name `other`. The code that runs for the `other` arm uses the
+variable by passing it to the `move_player` function.
+This code compiles, even though we haven’t listed all the possible values a
+`u8` can have, because the last pattern will match all values not specifically
+listed. This catch-all pattern meets the requirement that `match` must be
+exhaustive. Note that we have to put the catch-all arm last because the
+patterns are evaluated in order. If we put the catch-all arm earlier, the other
+arms would never run, so Rust will warn us if we add arms after a catch-all!
+Rust also has a pattern we can use when we want a catch-all but don’t want to
+*use* the value in the catch-all pattern: `_` is a special pattern that matches
+any value and does not bind to that value. This tells Rust we aren’t going to
+use the value, so Rust won’t warn us about an unused variable.
+Let’s change the rules of the game: now, if you roll anything other than a 3 or
+a 7, you must roll again. We no longer need to use the catch-all value, so we
+can change our code to use `_` instead of the variable named `other`:
+let dice_roll = 9;
+match dice_roll {
+ 3 => add_fancy_hat(),
+ 7 => remove_fancy_hat(),
+ _ => reroll(),
+fn add_fancy_hat() {}
+fn remove_fancy_hat() {}
+fn reroll() {}
+This example also meets the exhaustiveness requirement because we’re explicitly
+ignoring all other values in the last arm; we haven’t forgotten anything.
+Finally, we’ll change the rules of the game one more time, so that nothing else
+happens on your turn if you roll anything other than a 3 or a 7. We can express
+that by using the unit value (the empty tuple type we mentioned in “The Tuple
+Type” section) as the code that goes with the `_` arm:
+let dice_roll = 9;
+match dice_roll {
+ 3 => add_fancy_hat(),
+ 7 => remove_fancy_hat(),
+ _ => (),
+fn add_fancy_hat() {}
+fn remove_fancy_hat() {}
+Here, we’re telling Rust explicitly that we aren’t going to use any other value
+that doesn’t match a pattern in an earlier arm, and we don’t want to run any
+code in this case.
+There’s more about patterns and matching that we’ll cover in Chapter 18. For
+now, we’re going to move on to the `if let` syntax, which can be useful in
+situations where the `match` expression is a bit wordy.
+## Concise Control Flow with `if let`
+The `if let` syntax lets you combine `if` and `let` into a less verbose way to
+handle values that match one pattern while ignoring the rest. Consider the
+program in Listing 6-6 that matches on an `Option<u8>` value in the `config_max`
+variable but only wants to execute code if the value is the `Some` variant.
+let config_max = Some(3u8);
+match config_max {
+ Some(max) => println!("The maximum is configured to be {}", max),
+ _ => (),
+Listing 6-6: A `match` that only cares about executing code when the value is
+If the value is `Some`, we print out the value in the `Some` variant by binding
+the value to the variable `max` in the pattern. We don’t want to do anything
+with the `None` value. To satisfy the `match` expression, we have to add `_ =>
+()` after processing just one variant, which is annoying boilerplate code to
+Instead, we could write this in a shorter way using `if let`. The following
+code behaves the same as the `match` in Listing 6-6:
+let config_max = Some(3u8);
+if let Some(max) = config_max {
+ println!("The maximum is configured to be {}", max);
+The syntax `if let` takes a pattern and an expression separated by an equal
+sign. It works the same way as a `match`, where the expression is given to the
+`match` and the pattern is its first arm. In this case, the pattern is
+`Some(max)`, and the `max` binds to the value inside the `Some`. We can then
+use `max` in the body of the `if let` block in the same way as we used `max` in
+the corresponding `match` arm. The code in the `if let` block isn’t run if the
+value doesn’t match the pattern.
+Using `if let` means less typing, less indentation, and less boilerplate code.
+However, you lose the exhaustive checking that `match` enforces. Choosing
+between `match` and `if let` depends on what you’re doing in your particular
+situation and whether gaining conciseness is an appropriate trade-off for
+losing exhaustive checking.
+In other words, you can think of `if let` as syntax sugar for a `match` that
+runs code when the value matches one pattern and then ignores all other values.
+We can include an `else` with an `if let`. The block of code that goes with the
+`else` is the same as the block of code that would go with the `_` case in the
+`match` expression that is equivalent to the `if let` and `else`. Recall the
+`Coin` enum definition in Listing 6-4, where the `Quarter` variant also held a
+`UsState` value. If we wanted to count all non-quarter coins we see while also
+announcing the state of the quarters, we could do that with a `match`
+expression like this:
+let mut count = 0;
+match coin {
+ Coin::Quarter(state) => println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state),
+ _ => count += 1,
+Or we could use an `if let` and `else` expression like this:
+let mut count = 0;
+if let Coin::Quarter(state) = coin {
+ println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);
+} else {
+ count += 1;
+If you have a situation in which your program has logic that is too verbose to
+express using a `match`, remember that `if let` is in your Rust toolbox as well.
+## Summary
+We’ve now covered how to use enums to create custom types that can be one of a
+set of enumerated values. We’ve shown how the standard library’s `Option<T>`
+type helps you use the type system to prevent errors. When enum values have
+data inside them, you can use `match` or `if let` to extract and use those
+values, depending on how many cases you need to handle.
+Your Rust programs can now express concepts in your domain using structs and
+enums. Creating custom types to use in your API ensures type safety: the
+compiler will make certain your functions get only values of the type each
+function expects.
+In order to provide a well-organized API to your users that is straightforward
+to use and only exposes exactly what your users will need, let’s now turn to
+Rust’s modules.
+<!--- I'm of two minds whether `?` should squeeze in here? We talk about `if
+let` but then switch topics next chapter and talk about modules. In the wild,
+I'd bet `?` would be as common, perhaps more common, than `if let`.
+But I'll defer to your pedagogy plan. Just wanted to share the thought.
+/JT --->
+<!-- Yeah introducing `?` here would be a big change; I don't want to talk
+about that until we've talked about `Result` even though you can use `?` on
+`Option` now, because `?` is still way more common with `Result`. /Carol -->