path: root/src/tools/rust-analyzer/docs/dev/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
commit698f8c2f01ea549d77d7dc3338a12e04c11057b9 (patch)
tree173a775858bd501c378080a10dca74132f05bc50 /src/tools/rust-analyzer/docs/dev/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1.64.0+dfsg1.upstream/1.64.0+dfsg1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 761 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rust-analyzer/docs/dev/ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/docs/dev/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5040643d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rust-analyzer/docs/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+<!--- hash: 2a188defec26cc7c
+If you need to change the above hash to make the test pass, please check if you
+need to adjust this doc as well and ping this issue:
+# LSP Extensions
+This document describes LSP extensions used by rust-analyzer.
+It's a best effort document, when in doubt, consult the source (and send a PR with clarification ;-) ).
+We aim to upstream all non Rust-specific extensions to the protocol, but this is not a top priority.
+All capabilities are enabled via the `experimental` field of `ClientCapabilities` or `ServerCapabilities`.
+Requests which we hope to upstream live under `experimental/` namespace.
+Requests, which are likely to always remain specific to `rust-analyzer` are under `rust-analyzer/` namespace.
+If you want to be notified about the changes to this document, subscribe to [#4604](
+## UTF-8 offsets
+rust-analyzer supports clangd's extension for opting into UTF-8 as the coordinate space for offsets (by default, LSP uses UTF-16 offsets).
+## Configuration in `initializationOptions`
+**Upstream Issue:**
+The `initializationOptions` field of the `InitializeParams` of the initialization request should contain the `"rust-analyzer"` section of the configuration.
+`rust-analyzer` normally sends a `"workspace/configuration"` request with `{ "items": ["rust-analyzer"] }` payload.
+However, the server can't do this during initialization.
+At the same time some essential configuration parameters are needed early on, before servicing requests.
+For this reason, we ask that `initializationOptions` contains the configuration, as if the server did make a `"workspace/configuration"` request.
+If a language client does not know about `rust-analyzer`'s configuration options it can get sensible defaults by doing any of the following:
+ * Not sending `initializationOptions`
+ * Sending `"initializationOptions": null`
+ * Sending `"initializationOptions": {}`
+## Snippet `TextEdit`
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Client Capability:** `{ "snippetTextEdit": boolean }`
+If this capability is set, `WorkspaceEdit`s returned from `codeAction` requests and `TextEdit`s returned from `textDocument/onTypeFormatting` requests might contain `SnippetTextEdit`s instead of usual `TextEdit`s:
+interface SnippetTextEdit extends TextEdit {
+ insertTextFormat?: InsertTextFormat;
+ annotationId?: ChangeAnnotationIdentifier;
+export interface TextDocumentEdit {
+ textDocument: OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
+ edits: (TextEdit | SnippetTextEdit)[];
+When applying such code action or text edit, the editor should insert snippet, with tab stops and placeholder.
+At the moment, rust-analyzer guarantees that only a single edit will have `InsertTextFormat.Snippet`.
+### Example
+"Add `derive`" code action transforms `struct S;` into `#[derive($0)] struct S;`
+### Unresolved Questions
+* Where exactly are `SnippetTextEdit`s allowed (only in code actions at the moment)?
+* Can snippets span multiple files (so far, no)?
+## `CodeAction` Groups
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Client Capability:** `{ "codeActionGroup": boolean }`
+If this capability is set, `CodeAction`s returned from the server contain an additional field, `group`:
+interface CodeAction {
+ title: string;
+ group?: string;
+ ...
+All code-actions with the same `group` should be grouped under single (extendable) entry in lightbulb menu.
+The set of actions `[ { title: "foo" }, { group: "frobnicate", title: "bar" }, { group: "frobnicate", title: "baz" }]` should be rendered as
+ +-------------+
+ | foo |
+ +-------------+-----+
+ | frobnicate >| bar |
+ +-------------+-----+
+ | baz |
+ +-----+
+Alternatively, selecting `frobnicate` could present a user with an additional menu to choose between `bar` and `baz`.
+### Example
+fn main() {
+ let x: Entry/*cursor here*/ = todo!();
+Invoking code action at this position will yield two code actions for importing `Entry` from either `collections::HashMap` or `collection::BTreeMap`, grouped under a single "import" group.
+### Unresolved Questions
+* Is a fixed two-level structure enough?
+* Should we devise a general way to encode custom interaction protocols for GUI refactorings?
+## Parent Module
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "parentModule": boolean }`
+This request is sent from client to server to handle "Goto Parent Module" editor action.
+**Method:** `experimental/parentModule`
+**Request:** `TextDocumentPositionParams`
+**Response:** `Location | Location[] | LocationLink[] | null`
+### Example
+// src/
+mod foo;
+// src/
+/* cursor here*/
+`experimental/parentModule` returns a single `Link` to the `mod foo;` declaration.
+### Unresolved Question
+* An alternative would be to use a more general "gotoSuper" request, which would work for super methods, super classes and super modules.
+ This is the approach IntelliJ Rust is taking.
+ However, experience shows that super module (which generally has a feeling of navigation between files) should be separate.
+ If you want super module, but the cursor happens to be inside an overridden function, the behavior with single "gotoSuper" request is surprising.
+## Join Lines
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "joinLines": boolean }`
+This request is sent from client to server to handle "Join Lines" editor action.
+**Method:** `experimental/joinLines`
+interface JoinLinesParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier,
+ /// Currently active selections/cursor offsets.
+ /// This is an array to support multiple cursors.
+ ranges: Range[],
+**Response:** `TextEdit[]`
+### Example
+fn main() {
+ /*cursor here*/let x = {
+ 92
+ };
+`experimental/joinLines` yields (curly braces are automagically removed)
+fn main() {
+ let x = 92;
+### Unresolved Question
+* What is the position of the cursor after `joinLines`?
+ Currently, this is left to editor's discretion, but it might be useful to specify on the server via snippets.
+ However, it then becomes unclear how it works with multi cursor.
+## On Enter
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "onEnter": boolean }`
+This request is sent from client to server to handle the <kbd>Enter</kbd> key press.
+**Method:** `experimental/onEnter`
+**Request:**: `TextDocumentPositionParams`
+### Example
+fn main() {
+ // Some /*cursor here*/ docs
+ let x = 92;
+`experimental/onEnter` returns the following snippet
+fn main() {
+ // Some
+ // $0 docs
+ let x = 92;
+The primary goal of `onEnter` is to handle automatic indentation when opening a new line.
+This is not yet implemented.
+The secondary goal is to handle fixing up syntax, like continuing doc strings and comments, and escaping `\n` in string literals.
+As proper cursor positioning is raison-d'etat for `onEnter`, it uses `SnippetTextEdit`.
+### Unresolved Question
+* How to deal with synchronicity of the request?
+ One option is to require the client to block until the server returns the response.
+ Another option is to do a OT-style merging of edits from client and server.
+ A third option is to do a record-replay: client applies heuristic on enter immediately, then applies all user's keypresses.
+ When the server is ready with the response, the client rollbacks all the changes and applies the recorded actions on top of the correct response.
+* How to deal with multiple carets?
+* Should we extend this to arbitrary typed events and not just `onEnter`?
+## Structural Search Replace (SSR)
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "ssr": boolean }`
+This request is sent from client to server to handle structural search replace -- automated syntax tree based transformation of the source.
+**Method:** `experimental/ssr`
+interface SsrParams {
+ /// Search query.
+ /// The specific syntax is specified outside of the protocol.
+ query: string,
+ /// If true, only check the syntax of the query and don't compute the actual edit.
+ parseOnly: boolean,
+ /// The current text document. This and `position` will be used to determine in what scope
+ /// paths in `query` should be resolved.
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
+ /// Position where SSR was invoked.
+ position: Position;
+ /// Current selections. Search/replace will be restricted to these if non-empty.
+ selections: Range[];
+### Example
+SSR with query `foo($a, $b) ==>> ($a).foo($b)` will transform, eg `foo(y + 5, z)` into `(y + 5).foo(z)`.
+### Unresolved Question
+* Probably needs search without replace mode
+* Needs a way to limit the scope to certain files.
+## Matching Brace
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "matchingBrace": boolean }`
+This request is sent from client to server to handle "Matching Brace" editor action.
+**Method:** `experimental/matchingBrace`
+interface MatchingBraceParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier,
+ /// Position for each cursor
+ positions: Position[],
+### Example
+fn main() {
+ let x: Vec<()>/*cursor here*/ = vec![]
+`experimental/matchingBrace` yields the position of `<`.
+In many cases, matching braces can be handled by the editor.
+However, some cases (like disambiguating between generics and comparison operations) need a real parser.
+Moreover, it would be cool if editors didn't need to implement even basic language parsing
+### Unresolved Question
+* Should we return a nested brace structure, to allow paredit-like actions of jump *out* of the current brace pair?
+ This is how `SelectionRange` request works.
+* Alternatively, should we perhaps flag certain `SelectionRange`s as being brace pairs?
+## Runnables
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "runnables": { "kinds": string[] } }`
+This request is sent from client to server to get the list of things that can be run (tests, binaries, `cargo check -p`).
+**Method:** `experimental/runnables`
+interface RunnablesParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
+ /// If null, compute runnables for the whole file.
+ position?: Position;
+**Response:** `Runnable[]`
+interface Runnable {
+ label: string;
+ /// If this Runnable is associated with a specific function/module, etc, the location of this item
+ location?: LocationLink;
+ /// Running things is necessary technology specific, `kind` needs to be advertised via server capabilities,
+ // the type of `args` is specific to `kind`. The actual running is handled by the client.
+ kind: string;
+ args: any;
+rust-analyzer supports only one `kind`, `"cargo"`. The `args` for `"cargo"` look like this:
+ workspaceRoot?: string;
+ cargoArgs: string[];
+ cargoExtraArgs: string[];
+ executableArgs: string[];
+ expectTest?: boolean;
+ overrideCargo?: string;
+## Open External Documentation
+This request is sent from client to server to get a URL to documentation for the symbol under the cursor, if available.
+**Method** `experimental/externalDocs`
+**Request:**: `TextDocumentPositionParams`
+**Response** `string | null`
+## Analyzer Status
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/analyzerStatus`
+interface AnalyzerStatusParams {
+ /// If specified, show dependencies of the current file.
+ textDocument?: TextDocumentIdentifier;
+**Response:** `string`
+Returns internal status message, mostly for debugging purposes.
+## Reload Workspace
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/reloadWorkspace`
+**Request:** `null`
+**Response:** `null`
+Reloads project information (that is, re-executes `cargo metadata`).
+## Server Status
+**Experimental Client Capability:** `{ "serverStatusNotification": boolean }`
+**Method:** `experimental/serverStatus`
+interface ServerStatusParams {
+ /// `ok` means that the server is completely functional.
+ ///
+ /// `warning` means that the server is partially functional.
+ /// It can answer correctly to most requests, but some results
+ /// might be wrong due to, for example, some missing dependencies.
+ ///
+ /// `error` means that the server is not functional. For example,
+ /// there's a fatal build configuration problem. The server might
+ /// still give correct answers to simple requests, but most results
+ /// will be incomplete or wrong.
+ health: "ok" | "warning" | "error",
+ /// Is there any pending background work which might change the status?
+ /// For example, are dependencies being downloaded?
+ quiescent: boolean,
+ /// Explanatory message to show on hover.
+ message?: string,
+This notification is sent from server to client.
+The client can use it to display *persistent* status to the user (in modline).
+It is similar to the `showMessage`, but is intended for stares rather than point-in-time events.
+Note that this functionality is intended primarily to inform the end user about the state of the server.
+In particular, it's valid for the client to completely ignore this extension.
+Clients are discouraged from but are allowed to use the `health` status to decide if it's worth sending a request to the server.
+## Syntax Tree
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/syntaxTree`
+interface SyntaxTreeParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier,
+ range?: Range,
+**Response:** `string`
+Returns textual representation of a parse tree for the file/selected region.
+Primarily for debugging, but very useful for all people working on rust-analyzer itself.
+## View Hir
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/viewHir`
+**Request:** `TextDocumentPositionParams`
+**Response:** `string`
+Returns a textual representation of the HIR of the function containing the cursor.
+For debugging or when working on rust-analyzer itself.
+## View File Text
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/viewFileText`
+**Request:** `TextDocumentIdentifier`
+**Response:** `string`
+Returns the text of a file as seen by the server.
+This is for debugging file sync problems.
+## View ItemTree
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/viewItemTree`
+interface ViewItemTreeParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier,
+**Response:** `string`
+Returns a textual representation of the `ItemTree` of the currently open file, for debugging.
+## View Crate Graph
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/viewCrateGraph`
+interface ViewCrateGraphParams {
+ full: boolean,
+**Response:** `string`
+Renders rust-analyzer's crate graph as an SVG image.
+If `full` is `true`, the graph includes non-workspace crates ( dependencies as well as sysroot crates).
+## Shuffle Crate Graph
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/shuffleCrateGraph`
+**Request:** `null`
+Shuffles the crate IDs in the crate graph, for debugging purposes.
+## Expand Macro
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/expandMacro`
+interface ExpandMacroParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier,
+ position: Position,
+interface ExpandedMacro {
+ name: string,
+ expansion: string,
+Expands macro call at a given position.
+## Hover Actions
+**Experimental Client Capability:** `{ "hoverActions": boolean }`
+If this capability is set, `Hover` request returned from the server might contain an additional field, `actions`:
+interface Hover {
+ ...
+ actions?: CommandLinkGroup[];
+interface CommandLink extends Command {
+ /**
+ * A tooltip for the command, when represented in the UI.
+ */
+ tooltip?: string;
+interface CommandLinkGroup {
+ title?: string;
+ commands: CommandLink[];
+Such actions on the client side are appended to a hover bottom as command links:
+ +-----------------------------+
+ | Hover content |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------------+
+ | _Action1_ | _Action2_ | <- first group, no TITLE
+ +-----------------------------+
+ | TITLE _Action1_ | _Action2_ | <- second group
+ +-----------------------------+
+ ...
+## Open Cargo.toml
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "openCargoToml": boolean }`
+This request is sent from client to server to open the current project's Cargo.toml
+**Method:** `experimental/openCargoToml`
+**Request:** `OpenCargoTomlParams`
+**Response:** `Location | null`
+### Example
+// Cargo.toml
+// src/
+/* cursor here*/
+`experimental/openCargoToml` returns a single `Link` to the start of the `[package]` keyword.
+## Related tests
+This request is sent from client to server to get the list of tests for the specified position.
+**Method:** `rust-analyzer/relatedTests`
+**Request:** `TextDocumentPositionParams`
+**Response:** `TestInfo[]`
+interface TestInfo {
+ runnable: Runnable;
+## Hover Range
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** { "hoverRange": boolean }
+This extension allows passing a `Range` as a `position` field of `HoverParams`.
+The primary use-case is to use the hover request to show the type of the expression currently selected.
+interface HoverParams extends WorkDoneProgressParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
+ position: Range | Position;
+Whenever the client sends a `Range`, it is understood as the current selection and any hover included in the range will show the type of the expression if possible.
+### Example
+fn main() {
+ let expression = $01 + 2 * 3$0;
+Triggering a hover inside the selection above will show a result of `i32`.
+## Move Item
+**Upstream Issue:**
+This request is sent from client to server to move item under cursor or selection in some direction.
+**Method:** `experimental/moveItem`
+**Request:** `MoveItemParams`
+**Response:** `SnippetTextEdit[]`
+export interface MoveItemParams {
+ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier,
+ range: Range,
+ direction: Direction
+export const enum Direction {
+ Up = "Up",
+ Down = "Down"
+## Workspace Symbols Filtering
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Server Capability:** `{ "workspaceSymbolScopeKindFiltering": boolean }`
+Extends the existing `workspace/symbol` request with ability to filter symbols by broad scope and kind of symbol.
+If this capability is set, `workspace/symbol` parameter gains two new optional fields:
+interface WorkspaceSymbolParams {
+ /**
+ * Return only the symbols defined in the specified scope.
+ */
+ searchScope?: WorkspaceSymbolSearchScope;
+ /**
+ * Return only the symbols of specified kinds.
+ */
+ searchKind?: WorkspaceSymbolSearchKind;
+ ...
+const enum WorkspaceSymbolSearchScope {
+ Workspace = "workspace",
+ WorkspaceAndDependencies = "workspaceAndDependencies"
+const enum WorkspaceSymbolSearchKind {
+ OnlyTypes = "onlyTypes",
+ AllSymbols = "allSymbols"
+## Client Commands
+**Upstream Issue:**
+**Experimental Client Capability:** `{ "commands?": ClientCommandOptions }`
+Certain LSP types originating on the server, notably code lenses, embed commands.
+Commands can be serviced either by the server or by the client.
+However, the server doesn't know which commands are available on the client.
+This extensions allows the client to communicate this info.
+export interface ClientCommandOptions {
+ /**
+ * The commands to be executed on the client
+ */
+ commands: string[];