path: root/vendor/tracing-subscriber/src/fmt/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:11:38 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:12:43 +0000
commitcf94bdc0742c13e2a0cac864c478b8626b266e1b (patch)
tree044670aa50cc5e2b4229aa0b6b3df6676730c0a6 /vendor/tracing-subscriber/src/fmt/
parentAdding debian version 1.65.0+dfsg1-2. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.66.0+dfsg1.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/tracing-subscriber/src/fmt/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1324 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/tracing-subscriber/src/fmt/ b/vendor/tracing-subscriber/src/fmt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6a6ac40..000000000
--- a/vendor/tracing-subscriber/src/fmt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1324 +0,0 @@
-//! A `Subscriber` for formatting and logging `tracing` data.
-//! # Overview
-//! [`tracing`] is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs with context-aware,
-//! structured, event-based diagnostic information. This crate provides an
-//! implementation of the [`Subscriber`] trait that records `tracing`'s `Event`s
-//! and `Span`s by formatting them as text and logging them to stdout.
-//! # Usage
-//! First, add this to your `Cargo.toml` file:
-//! ```toml
-//! [dependencies]
-//! tracing-subscriber = "0.3"
-//! ```
-//! *Compiler support: [requires `rustc` 1.49+][msrv]*
-//! [msrv]: super#supported-rust-versions
-//! Add the following to your executable to initialize the default subscriber:
-//! ```rust
-//! use tracing_subscriber;
-//! tracing_subscriber::fmt::init();
-//! ```
-//! ## Filtering Events with Environment Variables
-//! The default subscriber installed by `init` enables you to filter events
-//! at runtime using environment variables (using the [`EnvFilter`]).
-//! The filter syntax is a superset of the [`env_logger`] syntax.
-//! For example:
-//! - Setting `RUST_LOG=debug` enables all `Span`s and `Event`s
-//! set to the log level `DEBUG` or higher
-//! - Setting `RUST_LOG=my_crate=trace` enables `Span`s and `Event`s
-//! in `my_crate` at all log levels
-//! **Note**: This should **not** be called by libraries. Libraries should use
-//! [`tracing`] to publish `tracing` `Event`s.
-//! # Configuration
-//! You can configure a subscriber instead of using the defaults with
-//! the following functions:
-//! ### Subscriber
-//! The [`FmtSubscriber`] formats and records `tracing` events as line-oriented logs.
-//! You can create one by calling:
-//! ```rust
-//! let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
-//! // ... add configuration
-//! .finish();
-//! ```
-//! You can find the configuration methods for [`FmtSubscriber`] in
-//! [`SubscriberBuilder`].
-//! ## Formatters
-//! The output format used by the layer and subscriber in this module is
-//! represented by implementing the [`FormatEvent`] trait, and can be
-//! customized. This module provides a number of formatter implementations:
-//! * [`format::Full`]: The default formatter. This emits human-readable,
-//! single-line logs for each event that occurs, with the current span context
-//! displayed before the formatted representation of the event. See
-//! [here](format::Full#example-output) for sample output.
-//! * [`format::Compact`]: A variant of the default formatter, optimized for
-//! short line lengths. Fields from the current span context are appended to
-//! the fields of the formatted event. See
-//! [here](format::Compact#example-output) for sample output.
-//! * [`format::Pretty`]: Emits excessively pretty, multi-line logs, optimized
-//! for human readability. This is primarily intended to be used in local
-//! development and debugging, or for command-line applications, where
-//! automated analysis and compact storage of logs is less of a priority than
-//! readability and visual appeal. See [here](format::Pretty#example-output)
-//! for sample output.
-//! * [`format::Json`]: Outputs newline-delimited JSON logs. This is intended
-//! for production use with systems where structured logs are consumed as JSON
-//! by analysis and viewing tools. The JSON output is not optimized for human
-//! readability. See [here](format::Json#example-output) for sample output.
-//! ### Customizing Formatters
-//! The formatting of log lines for spans and events is controlled by two
-//! traits, [`FormatEvent`] and [`FormatFields`]. The [`FormatEvent`] trait
-//! determines the overall formatting of the log line, such as what information
-//! from the event's metadata and span context is included and in what order.
-//! The [`FormatFields`] trait determines how fields &mdash; both the event's
-//! fields and fields on spans &mdash; are formatted.
-//! The [`fmt::format`] module provides several types which implement these traits,
-//! many of which expose additional configuration options to customize their
-//! output. The [`format::Format`] type implements common configuration used by
-//! all the formatters provided in this crate, and can be used as a builder to
-//! set specific formatting settings. For example:
-//! ```
-//! use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
-//! // Configure a custom event formatter
-//! let format = fmt::format()
-//! .with_level(false) // don't include levels in formatted output
-//! .with_target(false) // don't include targets
-//! .with_thread_ids(true) // include the thread ID of the current thread
-//! .with_thread_names(true) // include the name of the current thread
-//! .compact(); // use the `Compact` formatting style.
-//! // Create a `fmt` subscriber that uses our custom event format, and set it
-//! // as the default.
-//! tracing_subscriber::fmt()
-//! .event_format(format)
-//! .init();
-//! ```
-//! However, if a specific output format is needed, other crates can
-//! also implement [`FormatEvent`] and [`FormatFields`]. See those traits'
-//! documentation for details on how to implement them.
-//! ## Filters
-//! If you want to filter the `tracing` `Events` based on environment
-//! variables, you can use the [`EnvFilter`] as follows:
-//! ```rust
-//! use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
-//! let filter = EnvFilter::from_default_env();
-//! ```
-//! As mentioned above, the [`EnvFilter`] allows `Span`s and `Event`s to
-//! be filtered at runtime by setting the `RUST_LOG` environment variable.
-//! You can find the other available [`filter`]s in the documentation.
-//! ### Using Your Subscriber
-//! Finally, once you have configured your `Subscriber`, you need to
-//! configure your executable to use it.
-//! A subscriber can be installed globally using:
-//! ```rust
-//! use tracing;
-//! use tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber;
-//! let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::new();
-//! tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber)
-//! .map_err(|_err| eprintln!("Unable to set global default subscriber"));
-//! // Note this will only fail if you try to set the global default
-//! // subscriber multiple times
-//! ```
-//! ### Composing Layers
-//! Composing an [`EnvFilter`] `Layer` and a [format `Layer`][super::fmt::Layer]:
-//! ```rust
-//! use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, EnvFilter};
-//! use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
-//! let fmt_layer = fmt::layer()
-//! .with_target(false);
-//! let filter_layer = EnvFilter::try_from_default_env()
-//! .or_else(|_| EnvFilter::try_new("info"))
-//! .unwrap();
-//! tracing_subscriber::registry()
-//! .with(filter_layer)
-//! .with(fmt_layer)
-//! .init();
-//! ```
-//! [`EnvFilter`]: super::filter::EnvFilter
-//! [`env_logger`]:
-//! [`filter`]: super::filter
-//! [`FmtSubscriber`]: Subscriber
-//! [`Subscriber`]:
-//! [`tracing`]:
-//! [`fmt::format`]: mod@crate::fmt::format
-use std::{any::TypeId, error::Error, io};
-use tracing_core::{span, subscriber::Interest, Event, Metadata};
-mod fmt_layer;
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub mod format;
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub mod time;
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub mod writer;
-pub use fmt_layer::{FmtContext, FormattedFields, Layer};
-use crate::layer::Layer as _;
-use crate::util::SubscriberInitExt;
-use crate::{
- filter::LevelFilter,
- layer,
- registry::{LookupSpan, Registry},
-pub use self::{
- format::{format, FormatEvent, FormatFields},
- time::time,
- writer::{MakeWriter, TestWriter},
-/// A `Subscriber` that logs formatted representations of `tracing` events.
-/// This consists of an inner `Formatter` wrapped in a layer that performs filtering.
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub struct Subscriber<
- N = format::DefaultFields,
- E = format::Format<format::Full>,
- F = LevelFilter,
- W = fn() -> io::Stdout,
-> {
- inner: layer::Layered<F, Formatter<N, E, W>>,
-/// A `Subscriber` that logs formatted representations of `tracing` events.
-/// This type only logs formatted events; it does not perform any filtering.
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub type Formatter<
- N = format::DefaultFields,
- E = format::Format<format::Full>,
- W = fn() -> io::Stdout,
-> = layer::Layered<fmt_layer::Layer<Registry, N, E, W>, Registry>;
-/// Configures and constructs `Subscriber`s.
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub struct SubscriberBuilder<
- N = format::DefaultFields,
- E = format::Format<format::Full>,
- F = LevelFilter,
- W = fn() -> io::Stdout,
-> {
- filter: F,
- inner: Layer<Registry, N, E, W>,
-/// Returns a new [`SubscriberBuilder`] for configuring a [formatting subscriber].
-/// This is essentially shorthand for [`SubscriberBuilder::default()]`.
-/// # Examples
-/// Using [`init`] to set the default subscriber:
-/// ```rust
-/// tracing_subscriber::fmt().init();
-/// ```
-/// Configuring the output format:
-/// ```rust
-/// tracing_subscriber::fmt()
-/// // Configure formatting settings.
-/// .with_target(false)
-/// .with_timer(tracing_subscriber::fmt::time::uptime())
-/// .with_level(true)
-/// // Set the subscriber as the default.
-/// .init();
-/// ```
-/// [`try_init`] returns an error if the default subscriber could not be set:
-/// ```rust
-/// use std::error::Error;
-/// fn init_subscriber() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
-/// tracing_subscriber::fmt()
-/// // Configure the subscriber to emit logs in JSON format.
-/// .json()
-/// // Configure the subscriber to flatten event fields in the output JSON objects.
-/// .flatten_event(true)
-/// // Set the subscriber as the default, returning an error if this fails.
-/// .try_init()?;
-/// Ok(())
-/// }
-/// ```
-/// Rather than setting the subscriber as the default, [`finish`] _returns_ the
-/// constructed subscriber, which may then be passed to other functions:
-/// ```rust
-/// let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
-/// .with_max_level(tracing::Level::DEBUG)
-/// .compact()
-/// .finish();
-/// tracing::subscriber::with_default(subscriber, || {
-/// // the subscriber will only be set as the default
-/// // inside this closure...
-/// })
-/// ```
-/// [formatting subscriber]: Subscriber
-/// [`SubscriberBuilder::default()`]: SubscriberBuilder::default
-/// [`init`]: SubscriberBuilder::init()
-/// [`try_init`]: SubscriberBuilder::try_init()
-/// [`finish`]: SubscriberBuilder::finish()
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub fn fmt() -> SubscriberBuilder {
- SubscriberBuilder::default()
-/// Returns a new [formatting layer] that can be [composed] with other layers to
-/// construct a [`Subscriber`].
-/// This is a shorthand for the equivalent [`Layer::default()`] function.
-/// [formatting layer]: Layer
-/// [composed]: crate::layer
-/// [`Layer::default()`]: Layer::default
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "fmt", feature = "std"))))]
-pub fn layer<S>() -> Layer<S> {
- Layer::default()
-impl Subscriber {
- /// The maximum [verbosity level] that is enabled by a `Subscriber` by
- /// default.
- ///
- /// This can be overridden with the [`SubscriberBuilder::with_max_level`] method.
- ///
- /// [verbosity level]: tracing_core::Level
- /// [`SubscriberBuilder::with_max_level`]: SubscriberBuilder::with_max_level
- pub const DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL: LevelFilter = LevelFilter::INFO;
- /// Returns a new `SubscriberBuilder` for configuring a format subscriber.
- pub fn builder() -> SubscriberBuilder {
- SubscriberBuilder::default()
- }
- /// Returns a new format subscriber with the default configuration.
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- Default::default()
- }
-impl Default for Subscriber {
- fn default() -> Self {
- SubscriberBuilder::default().finish()
- }
-// === impl Subscriber ===
-impl<N, E, F, W> tracing_core::Subscriber for Subscriber<N, E, F, W>
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- E: FormatEvent<Registry, N> + 'static,
- F: layer::Layer<Formatter<N, E, W>> + 'static,
- W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
- layer::Layered<F, Formatter<N, E, W>>: tracing_core::Subscriber,
- fmt_layer::Layer<Registry, N, E, W>: layer::Layer<Registry>,
- #[inline]
- fn register_callsite(&self, meta: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Interest {
- self.inner.register_callsite(meta)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn enabled(&self, meta: &Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
- self.inner.enabled(meta)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn new_span(&self, attrs: &span::Attributes<'_>) -> span::Id {
- self.inner.new_span(attrs)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn record(&self, span: &span::Id, values: &span::Record<'_>) {
- self.inner.record(span, values)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn record_follows_from(&self, span: &span::Id, follows: &span::Id) {
- self.inner.record_follows_from(span, follows)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn event_enabled(&self, event: &Event<'_>) -> bool {
- self.inner.event_enabled(event)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn event(&self, event: &Event<'_>) {
- self.inner.event(event);
- }
- #[inline]
- fn enter(&self, id: &span::Id) {
- // TODO: add on_enter hook
- self.inner.enter(id);
- }
- #[inline]
- fn exit(&self, id: &span::Id) {
- self.inner.exit(id);
- }
- #[inline]
- fn current_span(&self) -> span::Current {
- self.inner.current_span()
- }
- #[inline]
- fn clone_span(&self, id: &span::Id) -> span::Id {
- self.inner.clone_span(id)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn try_close(&self, id: span::Id) -> bool {
- self.inner.try_close(id)
- }
- #[inline]
- fn max_level_hint(&self) -> Option<tracing_core::LevelFilter> {
- self.inner.max_level_hint()
- }
- unsafe fn downcast_raw(&self, id: TypeId) -> Option<*const ()> {
- if id == TypeId::of::<Self>() {
- Some(self as *const Self as *const ())
- } else {
- self.inner.downcast_raw(id)
- }
- }
-impl<'a, N, E, F, W> LookupSpan<'a> for Subscriber<N, E, F, W>
- layer::Layered<F, Formatter<N, E, W>>: LookupSpan<'a>,
- type Data = <layer::Layered<F, Formatter<N, E, W>> as LookupSpan<'a>>::Data;
- fn span_data(&'a self, id: &span::Id) -> Option<Self::Data> {
- self.inner.span_data(id)
- }
-// ===== impl SubscriberBuilder =====
-impl Default for SubscriberBuilder {
- fn default() -> Self {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: Subscriber::DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL,
- inner: Default::default(),
- }
- }
-impl<N, E, F, W> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, F, W>
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- E: FormatEvent<Registry, N> + 'static,
- W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
- F: layer::Layer<Formatter<N, E, W>> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- fmt_layer::Layer<Registry, N, E, W>: layer::Layer<Registry> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- /// Finish the builder, returning a new `FmtSubscriber`.
- pub fn finish(self) -> Subscriber<N, E, F, W> {
- let subscriber = self.inner.with_subscriber(Registry::default());
- Subscriber {
- inner: self.filter.with_subscriber(subscriber),
- }
- }
- /// Install this Subscriber as the global default if one is
- /// not already set.
- ///
- /// If the `tracing-log` feature is enabled, this will also install
- /// the LogTracer to convert `Log` records into `tracing` `Event`s.
- ///
- /// # Errors
- /// Returns an Error if the initialization was unsuccessful, likely
- /// because a global subscriber was already installed by another
- /// call to `try_init`.
- pub fn try_init(self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
- use crate::util::SubscriberInitExt;
- self.finish().try_init()?;
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Install this Subscriber as the global default.
- ///
- /// If the `tracing-log` feature is enabled, this will also install
- /// the LogTracer to convert `Log` records into `tracing` `Event`s.
- ///
- /// # Panics
- /// Panics if the initialization was unsuccessful, likely because a
- /// global subscriber was already installed by another call to `try_init`.
- pub fn init(self) {
- self.try_init()
- .expect("Unable to install global subscriber")
- }
-impl<N, E, F, W> From<SubscriberBuilder<N, E, F, W>> for tracing_core::Dispatch
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- E: FormatEvent<Registry, N> + 'static,
- W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
- F: layer::Layer<Formatter<N, E, W>> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- fmt_layer::Layer<Registry, N, E, W>: layer::Layer<Registry> + Send + Sync + 'static,
- fn from(builder: SubscriberBuilder<N, E, F, W>) -> tracing_core::Dispatch {
- tracing_core::Dispatch::new(builder.finish())
- }
-impl<N, L, T, F, W> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W>
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- /// Use the given [`timer`] for log message timestamps.
- ///
- /// See the [`time` module] for the provided timer implementations.
- ///
- /// Note that using the `"time`"" feature flag enables the
- /// additional time formatters [`UtcTime`] and [`LocalTime`], which use the
- /// [`time` crate] to provide more sophisticated timestamp formatting
- /// options.
- ///
- /// [`timer`]: time::FormatTime
- /// [`time` module]: mod@time
- /// [`UtcTime`]: time::UtcTime
- /// [`LocalTime`]: time::LocalTime
- /// [`time` crate]:
- pub fn with_timer<T2>(self, timer: T2) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T2>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.with_timer(timer),
- }
- }
- /// Do not emit timestamps with log messages.
- pub fn without_time(self) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, ()>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.without_time(),
- }
- }
- /// Configures how synthesized events are emitted at points in the [span
- /// lifecycle][lifecycle].
- ///
- /// The following options are available:
- ///
- /// - `FmtSpan::NONE`: No events will be synthesized when spans are
- /// created, entered, exited, or closed. Data from spans will still be
- /// included as the context for formatted events. This is the default.
- /// - `FmtSpan::NEW`: An event will be synthesized when spans are created.
- /// - `FmtSpan::ENTER`: An event will be synthesized when spans are entered.
- /// - `FmtSpan::EXIT`: An event will be synthesized when spans are exited.
- /// - `FmtSpan::CLOSE`: An event will be synthesized when a span closes. If
- /// [timestamps are enabled][time] for this formatter, the generated
- /// event will contain fields with the span's _busy time_ (the total
- /// time for which it was entered) and _idle time_ (the total time that
- /// the span existed but was not entered).
- /// - `FmtSpan::ACTIVE`: An event will be synthesized when spans are entered
- /// or exited.
- /// - `FmtSpan::FULL`: Events will be synthesized whenever a span is
- /// created, entered, exited, or closed. If timestamps are enabled, the
- /// close event will contain the span's busy and idle time, as
- /// described above.
- ///
- /// The options can be enabled in any combination. For instance, the following
- /// will synthesize events whenever spans are created and closed:
- ///
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::FmtSpan;
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
- ///
- /// let subscriber = fmt()
- /// .with_span_events(FmtSpan::NEW | FmtSpan::CLOSE)
- /// .finish();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// Note that the generated events will only be part of the log output by
- /// this formatter; they will not be recorded by other `Subscriber`s or by
- /// `Layer`s added to this subscriber.
- ///
- /// [lifecycle]:
- /// [time]: SubscriberBuilder::without_time()
- pub fn with_span_events(self, kind: format::FmtSpan) -> Self {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_span_events(kind),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Enable ANSI encoding for formatted events.
- #[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
- #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ansi")))]
- pub fn with_ansi(self, ansi: bool) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_ansi(ansi),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not an event's target is displayed.
- pub fn with_target(
- self,
- display_target: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_target(display_target),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not an event's [source code file path][file] is
- /// displayed.
- ///
- /// [file]: tracing_core::Metadata::file
- pub fn with_file(
- self,
- display_filename: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_file(display_filename),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not an event's [source code line number][line] is
- /// displayed.
- ///
- /// [line]: tracing_core::Metadata::line
- pub fn with_line_number(
- self,
- display_line_number: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_line_number(display_line_number),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not an event's level is displayed.
- pub fn with_level(
- self,
- display_level: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_level(display_level),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not the [name] of the current thread is displayed
- /// when formatting events.
- ///
- /// [name]: std::thread#naming-threads
- pub fn with_thread_names(
- self,
- display_thread_names: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_thread_names(display_thread_names),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not the [thread ID] of the current thread is displayed
- /// when formatting events.
- ///
- /// [thread ID]: std::thread::ThreadId
- pub fn with_thread_ids(
- self,
- display_thread_ids: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<L, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- inner: self.inner.with_thread_ids(display_thread_ids),
- ..self
- }
- }
- /// Sets the subscriber being built to use a less verbose formatter.
- ///
- /// See [`format::Compact`].
- pub fn compact(self) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, format::Format<format::Compact, T>, F, W>
- where
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.compact(),
- }
- }
- /// Sets the subscriber being built to use an [excessively pretty, human-readable formatter](crate::fmt::format::Pretty).
- #[cfg(feature = "ansi")]
- #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ansi")))]
- pub fn pretty(
- self,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<format::Pretty, format::Format<format::Pretty, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.pretty(),
- }
- }
- /// Sets the subscriber being built to use a JSON formatter.
- ///
- /// See [`format::Json`][super::fmt::format::Json]
- #[cfg(feature = "json")]
- #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
- pub fn json(
- self,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, F, W>
- where
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.json(),
- }
- }
-#[cfg(feature = "json")]
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "json")))]
-impl<T, F, W> SubscriberBuilder<format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, F, W> {
- /// Sets the json subscriber being built to flatten event metadata.
- ///
- /// See [`format::Json`][super::fmt::format::Json]
- pub fn flatten_event(
- self,
- flatten_event: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.flatten_event(flatten_event),
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not the JSON subscriber being built will include the current span
- /// in formatted events.
- ///
- /// See [`format::Json`][super::fmt::format::Json]
- pub fn with_current_span(
- self,
- display_current_span: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.with_current_span(display_current_span),
- }
- }
- /// Sets whether or not the JSON subscriber being built will include a list (from
- /// root to leaf) of all currently entered spans in formatted events.
- ///
- /// See [`format::Json`][super::fmt::format::Json]
- pub fn with_span_list(
- self,
- display_span_list: bool,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<format::JsonFields, format::Format<format::Json, T>, F, W> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.with_span_list(display_span_list),
- }
- }
-#[cfg(feature = "env-filter")]
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "env-filter")))]
-impl<N, E, W> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, crate::EnvFilter, W>
- Formatter<N, E, W>: tracing_core::Subscriber + 'static,
- /// Configures the subscriber being built to allow filter reloading at
- /// runtime.
- pub fn with_filter_reloading(
- self,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, crate::reload::Layer<crate::EnvFilter, Formatter<N, E, W>>, W>
- {
- let (filter, _) = crate::reload::Layer::new(self.filter);
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter,
- inner: self.inner,
- }
- }
-#[cfg(feature = "env-filter")]
-#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "env-filter")))]
-impl<N, E, W> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, crate::reload::Layer<crate::EnvFilter, Formatter<N, E, W>>, W>
- Formatter<N, E, W>: tracing_core::Subscriber + 'static,
- /// Returns a `Handle` that may be used to reload the constructed subscriber's
- /// filter.
- pub fn reload_handle(&self) -> crate::reload::Handle<crate::EnvFilter, Formatter<N, E, W>> {
- self.filter.handle()
- }
-impl<N, E, F, W> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, F, W> {
- /// Sets the field formatter that the subscriber being built will use to record
- /// fields.
- ///
- /// For example:
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format;
- /// use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
- ///
- /// let formatter =
- /// // Construct a custom formatter for `Debug` fields
- /// format::debug_fn(|writer, field, value| write!(writer, "{}: {:?}", field, value))
- /// // Use the `tracing_subscriber::MakeFmtExt` trait to wrap the
- /// // formatter so that a delimiter is added between fields.
- /// .delimited(", ");
- ///
- /// let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
- /// .fmt_fields(formatter)
- /// .finish();
- /// # drop(subscriber)
- /// ```
- pub fn fmt_fields<N2>(self, fmt_fields: N2) -> SubscriberBuilder<N2, E, F, W>
- where
- N2: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.fmt_fields(fmt_fields),
- }
- }
- /// Sets the [`EnvFilter`] that the subscriber will use to determine if
- /// a span or event is enabled.
- ///
- /// Note that this method requires the "env-filter" feature flag to be enabled.
- ///
- /// If a filter was previously set, or a maximum level was set by the
- /// [`with_max_level`] method, that value is replaced by the new filter.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Setting a filter based on the value of the `RUST_LOG` environment
- /// variable:
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, EnvFilter};
- ///
- /// fmt()
- /// .with_env_filter(EnvFilter::from_default_env())
- /// .init();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// Setting a filter based on a pre-set filter directive string:
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
- ///
- /// fmt()
- /// .with_env_filter("my_crate=info,my_crate::my_mod=debug,[my_span]=trace")
- /// .init();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// Adding additional directives to a filter constructed from an env var:
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter}};
- ///
- /// # fn filter() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
- /// let filter = EnvFilter::try_from_env("MY_CUSTOM_FILTER_ENV_VAR")?
- /// // Set the base level when not matched by other directives to WARN.
- /// .add_directive(LevelFilter::WARN.into())
- /// // Set the max level for `my_crate::my_mod` to DEBUG, overriding
- /// // any directives parsed from the env variable.
- /// .add_directive("my_crate::my_mod=debug".parse()?);
- ///
- /// fmt()
- /// .with_env_filter(filter)
- /// .try_init()?;
- /// # Ok(())}
- /// ```
- /// [`EnvFilter`]: super::filter::EnvFilter
- /// [`with_max_level`]: SubscriberBuilder::with_max_level()
- #[cfg(feature = "env-filter")]
- #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "env-filter")))]
- pub fn with_env_filter(
- self,
- filter: impl Into<crate::EnvFilter>,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, crate::EnvFilter, W>
- where
- Formatter<N, E, W>: tracing_core::Subscriber + 'static,
- {
- let filter = filter.into();
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter,
- inner: self.inner,
- }
- }
- /// Sets the maximum [verbosity level] that will be enabled by the
- /// subscriber.
- ///
- /// If the max level has already been set, or a [`EnvFilter`] was added by
- /// [`with_env_filter`], this replaces that configuration with the new
- /// maximum level.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Enable up to the `DEBUG` verbosity level:
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
- /// use tracing::Level;
- ///
- /// fmt()
- /// .with_max_level(Level::DEBUG)
- /// .init();
- /// ```
- /// This subscriber won't record any spans or events!
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, filter::LevelFilter};
- ///
- /// let subscriber = fmt()
- /// .with_max_level(LevelFilter::OFF)
- /// .finish();
- /// ```
- /// [verbosity level]: tracing_core::Level
- /// [`EnvFilter`]: struct@crate::filter::EnvFilter
- /// [`with_env_filter`]: fn@Self::with_env_filter
- pub fn with_max_level(
- self,
- filter: impl Into<LevelFilter>,
- ) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, LevelFilter, W> {
- let filter = filter.into();
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter,
- inner: self.inner,
- }
- }
- /// Sets the [event formatter][`FormatEvent`] that the subscriber being built
- /// will use to format events that occur.
- ///
- /// The event formatter may be any type implementing the [`FormatEvent`]
- /// trait, which is implemented for all functions taking a [`FmtContext`], a
- /// [`Writer`], and an [`Event`].
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Setting a type implementing [`FormatEvent`] as the formatter:
- ///
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format;
- ///
- /// let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
- /// .event_format(format().compact())
- /// .finish();
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [`Writer`]: struct@self::format::Writer
- pub fn event_format<E2>(self, fmt_event: E2) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E2, F, W>
- where
- E2: FormatEvent<Registry, N> + 'static,
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.event_format(fmt_event),
- }
- }
- /// Sets the [`MakeWriter`] that the subscriber being built will use to write events.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Using `stderr` rather than `stdout`:
- ///
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
- /// use std::io;
- ///
- /// fmt()
- /// .with_writer(io::stderr)
- /// .init();
- /// ```
- pub fn with_writer<W2>(self, make_writer: W2) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, F, W2>
- where
- W2: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.with_writer(make_writer),
- }
- }
- /// Configures the subscriber to support [`libtest`'s output capturing][capturing] when used in
- /// unit tests.
- ///
- /// See [`TestWriter`] for additional details.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Using [`TestWriter`] to let `cargo test` capture test output. Note that we do not install it
- /// globally as it may cause conflicts.
- ///
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
- /// use tracing::subscriber;
- ///
- /// subscriber::set_default(
- /// fmt()
- /// .with_test_writer()
- /// .finish()
- /// );
- /// ```
- ///
- /// [capturing]:
- ///
- /// [`TestWriter`]: writer::TestWriter
- pub fn with_test_writer(self) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, F, TestWriter> {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.with_writer(TestWriter::default()),
- }
- }
- /// Updates the event formatter by applying a function to the existing event formatter.
- ///
- /// This sets the event formatter that the subscriber being built will use to record fields.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Updating an event formatter:
- ///
- /// ```rust
- /// let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
- /// .map_event_format(|e| e.compact())
- /// .finish();
- /// ```
- pub fn map_event_format<E2>(self, f: impl FnOnce(E) -> E2) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E2, F, W>
- where
- E2: FormatEvent<Registry, N> + 'static,
- N: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.map_event_format(f),
- }
- }
- /// Updates the field formatter by applying a function to the existing field formatter.
- ///
- /// This sets the field formatter that the subscriber being built will use to record fields.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Updating a field formatter:
- ///
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing_subscriber::field::MakeExt;
- /// let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
- /// .map_fmt_fields(|f| f.debug_alt())
- /// .finish();
- /// ```
- pub fn map_fmt_fields<N2>(self, f: impl FnOnce(N) -> N2) -> SubscriberBuilder<N2, E, F, W>
- where
- N2: for<'writer> FormatFields<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.map_fmt_fields(f),
- }
- }
- /// Updates the [`MakeWriter`] by applying a function to the existing [`MakeWriter`].
- ///
- /// This sets the [`MakeWriter`] that the subscriber being built will use to write events.
- ///
- /// # Examples
- ///
- /// Redirect output to stderr if level is <= WARN:
- ///
- /// ```rust
- /// use tracing::Level;
- /// use tracing_subscriber::fmt::{self, writer::MakeWriterExt};
- ///
- /// let stderr = std::io::stderr.with_max_level(Level::WARN);
- /// let layer = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
- /// .map_writer(move |w| stderr.or_else(w))
- /// .finish();
- /// ```
- pub fn map_writer<W2>(self, f: impl FnOnce(W) -> W2) -> SubscriberBuilder<N, E, F, W2>
- where
- W2: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
- {
- SubscriberBuilder {
- filter: self.filter,
- inner: self.inner.map_writer(f),
- }
- }
-/// Install a global tracing subscriber that listens for events and
-/// filters based on the value of the [`RUST_LOG` environment variable],
-/// if one is not already set.
-/// If the `tracing-log` feature is enabled, this will also install
-/// the [`LogTracer`] to convert `log` records into `tracing` `Event`s.
-/// This is shorthand for
-/// ```rust
-/// # fn doc() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
-/// tracing_subscriber::fmt().try_init()
-/// # }
-/// ```
-/// # Errors
-/// Returns an Error if the initialization was unsuccessful,
-/// likely because a global subscriber was already installed by another
-/// call to `try_init`.
-/// [`LogTracer`]:
-/// [`RUST_LOG` environment variable]: crate::filter::EnvFilter::DEFAULT_ENV
-pub fn try_init() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
- let builder = Subscriber::builder();
- #[cfg(feature = "env-filter")]
- let builder = builder.with_env_filter(crate::EnvFilter::from_default_env());
- // If `env-filter` is disabled, remove the default max level filter from the
- // subscriber; it will be added to the `Targets` filter instead if no filter
- // is set in `RUST_LOG`.
- // Replacing the default `LevelFilter` with an `EnvFilter` would imply this,
- // but we can't replace the builder's filter with a `Targets` filter yet.
- #[cfg(not(feature = "env-filter"))]
- let builder = builder.with_max_level(LevelFilter::TRACE);
- let subscriber = builder.finish();
- #[cfg(not(feature = "env-filter"))]
- let subscriber = {
- use crate::{filter::Targets, layer::SubscriberExt};
- use std::{env, str::FromStr};
- let targets = match env::var("RUST_LOG") {
- Ok(var) => Targets::from_str(&var)
- .map_err(|e| {
- eprintln!("Ignoring `RUST_LOG={:?}`: {}", var, e);
- })
- .unwrap_or_default(),
- Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => {
- Targets::new().with_default(Subscriber::DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL)
- }
- Err(e) => {
- eprintln!("Ignoring `RUST_LOG`: {}", e);
- Targets::new().with_default(Subscriber::DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL)
- }
- };
- subscriber.with(targets)
- };
- subscriber.try_init().map_err(Into::into)
-/// Install a global tracing subscriber that listens for events and
-/// filters based on the value of the [`RUST_LOG` environment variable].
-/// If the `tracing-log` feature is enabled, this will also install
-/// the LogTracer to convert `Log` records into `tracing` `Event`s.
-/// This is shorthand for
-/// ```rust
-/// tracing_subscriber::fmt().init()
-/// ```
-/// # Panics
-/// Panics if the initialization was unsuccessful, likely because a
-/// global subscriber was already installed by another call to `try_init`.
-/// [`RUST_LOG` environment variable]: crate::filter::EnvFilter::DEFAULT_ENV
-pub fn init() {
- try_init().expect("Unable to install global subscriber")
-mod test {
- use crate::{
- filter::LevelFilter,
- fmt::{
- format::{self, Format},
- time,
- writer::MakeWriter,
- Subscriber,
- },
- };
- use std::{
- io,
- sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard, TryLockError},
- };
- use tracing_core::dispatcher::Dispatch;
- pub(crate) struct MockWriter {
- buf: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>,
- }
- impl MockWriter {
- pub(crate) fn new(buf: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>) -> Self {
- Self { buf }
- }
- pub(crate) fn map_error<Guard>(err: TryLockError<Guard>) -> io::Error {
- match err {
- TryLockError::WouldBlock => io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock),
- TryLockError::Poisoned(_) => io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::Other),
- }
- }
- pub(crate) fn buf(&self) -> io::Result<MutexGuard<'_, Vec<u8>>> {
- self.buf.try_lock().map_err(Self::map_error)
- }
- }
- impl io::Write for MockWriter {
- fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
- self.buf()?.write(buf)
- }
- fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
- self.buf()?.flush()
- }
- }
- #[derive(Clone, Default)]
- pub(crate) struct MockMakeWriter {
- buf: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>,
- }
- impl MockMakeWriter {
- pub(crate) fn new(buf: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>) -> Self {
- Self { buf }
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "json")]
- pub(crate) fn buf(&self) -> MutexGuard<'_, Vec<u8>> {
- self.buf.lock().unwrap()
- }
- pub(crate) fn get_string(&self) -> String {
- let mut buf = self.buf.lock().expect("lock shouldn't be poisoned");
- let string = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[..])
- .expect("formatter should not have produced invalid utf-8")
- .to_owned();
- buf.clear();
- string
- }
- }
- impl<'a> MakeWriter<'a> for MockMakeWriter {
- type Writer = MockWriter;
- fn make_writer(&'a self) -> Self::Writer {
- MockWriter::new(self.buf.clone())
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn impls() {
- let f = Format::default().with_timer(time::Uptime::default());
- let subscriber = Subscriber::builder().event_format(f).finish();
- let _dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
- let f = format::Format::default();
- let subscriber = Subscriber::builder().event_format(f).finish();
- let _dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
- let f = format::Format::default().compact();
- let subscriber = Subscriber::builder().event_format(f).finish();
- let _dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
- }
- #[test]
- fn subscriber_downcasts() {
- let subscriber = Subscriber::builder().finish();
- let dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
- assert!(dispatch.downcast_ref::<Subscriber>().is_some());
- }
- #[test]
- fn subscriber_downcasts_to_parts() {
- let subscriber = Subscriber::new();
- let dispatch = Dispatch::new(subscriber);
- assert!(dispatch.downcast_ref::<format::DefaultFields>().is_some());
- assert!(dispatch.downcast_ref::<LevelFilter>().is_some());
- assert!(dispatch.downcast_ref::<format::Format>().is_some())
- }
- #[test]
- fn is_lookup_span() {
- fn assert_lookup_span<T: for<'a> crate::registry::LookupSpan<'a>>(_: T) {}
- let subscriber = Subscriber::new();
- assert_lookup_span(subscriber)
- }