path: root/vendor/ungrammar/rust.ungram
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-17 12:02:58 +0000
commit698f8c2f01ea549d77d7dc3338a12e04c11057b9 (patch)
tree173a775858bd501c378080a10dca74132f05bc50 /vendor/ungrammar/rust.ungram
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1.64.0+dfsg1.upstream/1.64.0+dfsg1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/ungrammar/rust.ungram')
1 files changed, 664 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/ungrammar/rust.ungram b/vendor/ungrammar/rust.ungram
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb58486ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/ungrammar/rust.ungram
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+// Rust Un-Grammar.
+// This grammar specifies the structure of Rust's concrete syntax tree.
+// It does not specify parsing rules (ambiguities, precedence, etc are out of scope).
+// Tokens are processed -- contextual keywords are recognised, compound operators glued.
+// Legend:
+// // -- comment
+// Name = -- non-terminal definition
+// 'ident' -- token (terminal)
+// A B -- sequence
+// A | B -- alternation
+// A* -- zero or more repetition
+// A? -- zero or one repetition
+// (A) -- same as A
+// label:A -- suggested name for field of AST node
+// Names, Paths and Macros //
+Name =
+ 'ident' | 'self'
+NameRef =
+ 'ident' | 'int_number' | 'self' | 'super' | 'crate' | 'Self'
+Lifetime =
+ 'lifetime_ident'
+Path =
+ (qualifier:Path '::')? segment:PathSegment
+PathSegment =
+ '::'? NameRef
+| NameRef GenericArgList?
+| NameRef ParamList RetType?
+| '<' PathType ('as' PathType)? '>'
+GenericArgList =
+ '::'? '<' (GenericArg (',' GenericArg)* ','?)? '>'
+GenericArg =
+ TypeArg
+| AssocTypeArg
+| LifetimeArg
+| ConstArg
+TypeArg =
+ Type
+AssocTypeArg =
+ NameRef GenericParamList? (':' TypeBoundList | '=' Type)
+LifetimeArg =
+ Lifetime
+ConstArg =
+ Expr
+MacroCall =
+ Attr* Path '!' TokenTree ';'?
+TokenTree =
+ '(' ')'
+| '{' '}'
+| '[' ']'
+MacroItems =
+ Item*
+MacroStmts =
+ statements:Stmt*
+ Expr?
+// Items //
+SourceFile =
+ 'shebang'?
+ Attr*
+ Item*
+Item =
+ Const
+| Enum
+| ExternBlock
+| ExternCrate
+| Fn
+| Impl
+| MacroCall
+| MacroRules
+| MacroDef
+| Module
+| Static
+| Struct
+| Trait
+| TypeAlias
+| Union
+| Use
+MacroRules =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'macro_rules' '!' Name
+ TokenTree
+MacroDef =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'macro' Name args:TokenTree?
+ body:TokenTree
+Module =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'mod' Name
+ (ItemList | ';')
+ItemList =
+ '{' Attr* Item* '}'
+ExternCrate =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'extern' 'crate' NameRef Rename? ';'
+Rename =
+ 'as' (Name | '_')
+Use =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'use' UseTree ';'
+UseTree =
+ (Path? '::')? ('*' | UseTreeList)
+| Path Rename?
+UseTreeList =
+ '{' (UseTree (',' UseTree)* ','?)? '}'
+Fn =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'default'? 'const'? 'async'? 'unsafe'? Abi?
+ 'fn' Name GenericParamList? ParamList RetType? WhereClause?
+ (body:BlockExpr | ';')
+Abi =
+ 'extern' 'string'?
+ParamList =
+ '('(
+ SelfParam
+ | (SelfParam ',')? (Param (',' Param)* ','?)?
+ )')'
+| '|' (Param (',' Param)* ','?)? '|'
+SelfParam =
+ Attr* (
+ ('&' Lifetime?)? 'mut'? Name
+ | 'mut'? Name ':' Type
+ )
+Param =
+ Attr* (
+ Pat (':' Type)?
+ | Type
+ | '...'
+ )
+RetType =
+ '->' Type
+TypeAlias =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'default'?
+ 'type' Name GenericParamList? (':' TypeBoundList?)? WhereClause?
+ ('=' Type)? ';'
+Struct =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'struct' Name GenericParamList? (
+ WhereClause? (RecordFieldList | ';')
+ | TupleFieldList WhereClause? ';'
+ )
+RecordFieldList =
+ '{' fields:(RecordField (',' RecordField)* ','?)? '}'
+RecordField =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ Name ':' Type
+TupleFieldList =
+ '(' fields:(TupleField (',' TupleField)* ','?)? ')'
+TupleField =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ Type
+FieldList =
+ RecordFieldList
+| TupleFieldList
+Enum =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'enum' Name GenericParamList? WhereClause?
+ VariantList
+VariantList =
+ '{' (Variant (',' Variant)* ','?)? '}'
+Variant =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ Name FieldList? ('=' Expr)?
+Union =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'union' Name GenericParamList? WhereClause?
+ RecordFieldList
+// A Data Type.
+// Not used directly in the grammar, but handy to have anyway.
+Adt =
+ Enum
+| Struct
+| Union
+Const =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'default'?
+ 'const' (Name | '_') ':' Type
+ ('=' body:Expr)? ';'
+Static =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'static' 'mut'? Name ':' Type
+ ('=' body:Expr)? ';'
+Trait =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'unsafe'? 'auto'?
+ 'trait' Name GenericParamList? (':' TypeBoundList?)? WhereClause?
+ AssocItemList
+AssocItemList =
+ '{' Attr* AssocItem* '}'
+AssocItem =
+ Const
+| Fn
+| MacroCall
+| TypeAlias
+Impl =
+ Attr* Visibility?
+ 'default'? 'unsafe'?
+ 'impl' GenericParamList? ('const'? '!'? trait:Type 'for')? self_ty:Type WhereClause?
+ AssocItemList
+ExternBlock =
+ Attr* 'unsafe'? Abi ExternItemList
+ExternItemList =
+ '{' Attr* ExternItem* '}'
+ExternItem =
+ Fn
+| MacroCall
+| Static
+| TypeAlias
+GenericParamList =
+ '<' (GenericParam (',' GenericParam)* ','?)? '>'
+GenericParam =
+ ConstParam
+| LifetimeParam
+| TypeParam
+TypeParam =
+ Attr* Name (':' TypeBoundList?)?
+ ('=' default_type:Type)?
+ConstParam =
+ Attr* 'const' Name ':' Type
+ ('=' default_val:Expr)?
+LifetimeParam =
+ Attr* Lifetime (':' TypeBoundList?)?
+WhereClause =
+ 'where' predicates:(WherePred (',' WherePred)* ','?)
+WherePred =
+ ('for' GenericParamList)? (Lifetime | Type) ':' TypeBoundList?
+Visibility =
+ 'pub' ('(' 'in'? Path ')')?
+Attr =
+ '#' '!'? '[' Meta ']'
+Meta =
+ Path ('=' Expr | TokenTree)?
+// Statements and Expressions //
+Stmt =
+ ';'
+| ExprStmt
+| Item
+| LetStmt
+LetStmt =
+ Attr* 'let' Pat (':' Type)?
+ '=' initializer:Expr
+ LetElse?
+ ';'
+LetElse =
+ 'else' BlockExpr
+ExprStmt =
+ Expr ';'?
+Expr =
+ ArrayExpr
+| AwaitExpr
+| BinExpr
+| BlockExpr
+| BoxExpr
+| BreakExpr
+| CallExpr
+| CastExpr
+| ClosureExpr
+| ContinueExpr
+| FieldExpr
+| ForExpr
+| IfExpr
+| IndexExpr
+| Literal
+| LoopExpr
+| MacroCall
+| MacroStmts
+| MatchExpr
+| MethodCallExpr
+| ParenExpr
+| PathExpr
+| PrefixExpr
+| RangeExpr
+| RecordExpr
+| RefExpr
+| ReturnExpr
+| TryExpr
+| TupleExpr
+| WhileExpr
+| YieldExpr
+| LetExpr
+| UnderscoreExpr
+Literal =
+ Attr* value:(
+ 'int_number' | 'float_number'
+ | 'string' | 'raw_string'
+ | 'byte_string' | 'raw_byte_string'
+ | 'true' | 'false'
+ | 'char' | 'byte'
+ )
+PathExpr =
+ Attr* Path
+StmtList =
+ '{'
+ Attr*
+ statements:Stmt*
+ tail_expr:Expr?
+ '}'
+RefExpr =
+ Attr* '&' ('raw' | 'mut' | 'const') Expr
+TryExpr =
+ Attr* Expr '?'
+BlockExpr =
+ Attr* Label? ('try' | 'unsafe' | 'async' | 'const') StmtList
+PrefixExpr =
+ Attr* op:('-' | '!' | '*') Expr
+BinExpr =
+ Attr*
+ lhs:Expr
+ op:(
+ '||' | '&&'
+ | '==' | '!=' | '<=' | '>=' | '<' | '>'
+ | '+' | '*' | '-' | '/' | '%' | '<<' | '>>' | '^' | '|' | '&'
+ | '=' | '+=' | '/=' | '*=' | '%=' | '>>=' | '<<=' | '-=' | '|=' | '&=' | '^='
+ )
+ rhs:Expr
+CastExpr =
+ Attr* Expr 'as' Type
+ParenExpr =
+ Attr* '(' Attr* Expr ')'
+ArrayExpr =
+ Attr* '[' Attr* (
+ (Expr (',' Expr)* ','?)?
+ | Expr ';' Expr
+ ) ']'
+IndexExpr =
+ Attr* base:Expr '[' index:Expr ']'
+TupleExpr =
+ Attr* '(' Attr* fields:(Expr (',' Expr)* ','?)? ')'
+RecordExpr =
+ Path RecordExprFieldList
+RecordExprFieldList =
+ '{'
+ Attr*
+ fields:(RecordExprField (',' RecordExprField)* ','?)?
+ ('..' spread:Expr?)?
+ '}'
+RecordExprField =
+ Attr* (NameRef ':')? Expr
+CallExpr =
+ Attr* Expr ArgList
+ArgList =
+ '(' args:(Expr (',' Expr)* ','?)? ')'
+MethodCallExpr =
+ Attr* receiver:Expr '.' NameRef GenericArgList? ArgList
+FieldExpr =
+ Attr* Expr '.' NameRef
+ClosureExpr =
+ Attr* 'static'? 'async'? 'move'? ParamList RetType?
+ body:Expr
+IfExpr =
+ Attr* 'if' condition:Expr then_branch:BlockExpr
+ ('else' else_branch:(IfExpr | BlockExpr))?
+LoopExpr =
+ Attr* Label? 'loop'
+ loop_body:BlockExpr
+ForExpr =
+ Attr* Label? 'for' Pat 'in' iterable:Expr
+ loop_body:BlockExpr
+WhileExpr =
+ Attr* Label? 'while' condition:Expr
+ loop_body:BlockExpr
+Label =
+ Lifetime ':'
+BreakExpr =
+ Attr* 'break' Lifetime? Expr?
+ContinueExpr =
+ Attr* 'continue' Lifetime?
+RangeExpr =
+ Attr* start:Expr? op:('..' | '..=') end:Expr?
+MatchExpr =
+ Attr* 'match' Expr MatchArmList
+MatchArmList =
+ '{'
+ Attr*
+ arms:MatchArm*
+ '}'
+MatchArm =
+ Attr* Pat guard:MatchGuard? '=>' Expr ','?
+MatchGuard =
+ 'if' condition:Expr
+ReturnExpr =
+ Attr* 'return' Expr?
+YieldExpr =
+ Attr* 'yield' Expr?
+LetExpr =
+ Attr* 'let' Pat '=' Expr
+UnderscoreExpr =
+ Attr* '_'
+AwaitExpr =
+ Attr* Expr '.' 'await'
+BoxExpr =
+ Attr* 'box' Expr
+// Types //
+Type =
+ ArrayType
+| DynTraitType
+| FnPtrType
+| ForType
+| ImplTraitType
+| InferType
+| MacroType
+| NeverType
+| ParenType
+| PathType
+| PtrType
+| RefType
+| SliceType
+| TupleType
+ParenType =
+ '(' Type ')'
+NeverType =
+ '!'
+MacroType =
+ MacroCall
+PathType =
+ Path
+TupleType =
+ '(' fields:(Type (',' Type)* ','?)? ')'
+PtrType =
+ '*' ('const' | 'mut') Type
+RefType =
+ '&' Lifetime? 'mut'? Type
+ArrayType =
+ '[' Type ';' Expr ']'
+SliceType =
+ '[' Type ']'
+InferType =
+ '_'
+FnPtrType =
+ 'const'? 'async'? 'unsafe'? Abi? 'fn' ParamList RetType?
+ForType =
+ 'for' GenericParamList Type
+ImplTraitType =
+ 'impl' TypeBoundList
+DynTraitType =
+ 'dyn' TypeBoundList
+TypeBoundList =
+ bounds:(TypeBound ('+' TypeBound)* '+'?)
+TypeBound =
+ Lifetime
+| ('?' | '~' 'const')? Type
+// Patterns //
+Pat =
+ IdentPat
+| BoxPat
+| RestPat
+| LiteralPat
+| MacroPat
+| OrPat
+| ParenPat
+| PathPat
+| WildcardPat
+| RangePat
+| RecordPat
+| RefPat
+| SlicePat
+| TuplePat
+| TupleStructPat
+| ConstBlockPat
+LiteralPat =
+ Literal
+IdentPat =
+ Attr* 'ref'? 'mut'? Name ('@' Pat)?
+WildcardPat =
+ '_'
+RangePat =
+ // 1..
+ start:Pat op:('..' | '..=')
+ // 1..2
+ | start:Pat op:('..' | '..=') end:Pat
+ // ..2
+ | op:('..' | '..=') end:Pat
+RefPat =
+ '&' 'mut'? Pat
+RecordPat =
+ Path RecordPatFieldList
+RecordPatFieldList =
+ '{'
+ fields:(RecordPatField (',' RecordPatField)* ','?)?
+ RestPat?
+ '}'
+RecordPatField =
+ Attr* (NameRef ':')? Pat
+TupleStructPat =
+ Path '(' fields:(Pat (',' Pat)* ','?)? ')'
+TuplePat =
+ '(' fields:(Pat (',' Pat)* ','?)? ')'
+ParenPat =
+ '(' Pat ')'
+SlicePat =
+ '[' (Pat (',' Pat)* ','?)? ']'
+PathPat =
+ Path
+OrPat =
+ (Pat ('|' Pat)* '|'?)
+BoxPat =
+ 'box' Pat
+RestPat =
+ Attr* '..'
+MacroPat =
+ MacroCall
+ConstBlockPat =
+ 'const' BlockExpr