path: root/vendor/windows-metadata/src/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-30 18:31:36 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-05-30 18:31:36 +0000
commite02c5b5930c2c9ba3e5423fe12e2ef0155017297 (patch)
treefd60ebbbb5299e16e5fca8c773ddb74f764760db /vendor/windows-metadata/src/
parentAdding debian version 1.73.0+dfsg1-1. (diff)
Merging upstream version 1.74.1+dfsg1.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/windows-metadata/src/')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/windows-metadata/src/ b/vendor/windows-metadata/src/
index 0e832603c..70a85c5b1 100644
--- a/vendor/windows-metadata/src/
+++ b/vendor/windows-metadata/src/
@@ -1,57 +1,463 @@
+pub mod imp;
-use std::collections::*;
mod attributes;
-mod bindings;
-mod imp;
-pub mod reader;
-pub mod writer;
+mod blob;
+mod codes;
+mod file;
+mod filter;
+mod guid;
+mod row;
+mod r#type;
+mod type_name;
pub use attributes::*;
-use bindings::*;
+pub use blob::Blob;
+pub use codes::*;
+pub use file::*;
+pub use filter::Filter;
+pub use guid::GUID;
use imp::*;
-use std::io::*;
-use std::mem::*;
-use std::ptr::*;
+pub use r#type::Type;
+pub use row::*;
+use std::collections::*;
+pub use type_name::TypeName;
+// TODO: move to riddle
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+pub enum TypeKind {
+ Interface,
+ Class,
+ Enum,
+ Struct,
+ Delegate,
+pub enum Value {
+ Bool(bool),
+ U8(u8),
+ I8(i8),
+ U16(u16),
+ I16(i16),
+ U32(u32),
+ I32(i32),
+ U64(u64),
+ I64(i64),
+ F32(f32),
+ F64(f64),
+ String(String),
+ TypeName(String),
+ TypeRef(TypeDefOrRef),
+ EnumDef(TypeDef, Box<Self>),
+pub struct MethodDefSig {
+ pub call_flags: MethodCallAttributes,
+ pub return_type: Type,
+ pub params: Vec<Type>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub enum Item {
+ Type(TypeDef),
+ Const(Field),
+ // TODO: get rid of the trailing String - that's just a hack to get around a silly Win32 metadata deficiency where parsing method signatures
+ // requires knowing which namespace the method's surrounding interface was defined in.
+ Fn(MethodDef, String),
+pub struct Reader<'a> {
+ files: &'a [File],
+ items: BTreeMap<&'a str, BTreeMap<&'a str, Vec<Item>>>,
-macro_rules! flags {
- ($name:ident, $size:ty) => {
- #[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
- pub struct $name(pub $size);
- impl $name {
- pub fn contains(&self, contains: Self) -> bool {
- *self & contains == contains
+ // TODO: riddle should just avoid nested structs
+ nested: HashMap<TypeDef, BTreeMap<&'a str, TypeDef>>,
+impl<'a> Reader<'a> {
+ pub fn new(files: &'a [File]) -> Self {
+ let mut items = BTreeMap::<&'a str, BTreeMap<&'a str, Vec<Item>>>::new();
+ let mut nested = HashMap::<TypeDef, BTreeMap<&'a str, TypeDef>>::new();
+ for (file_index, file) in files.iter().enumerate() {
+ for def in file.table::<TypeDef>(file_index) {
+ let namespace = files.type_def_namespace(def);
+ if namespace.is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let namespace_items = items.entry(namespace).or_default();
+ let name = files.type_def_name(def);
+ if name == "Apis" {
+ for method in files.type_def_methods(def) {
+ let name = files.method_def_name(method);
+ namespace_items.entry(name).or_default().push(Item::Fn(method, namespace.to_string()));
+ }
+ for field in files.type_def_fields(def) {
+ let name = files.field_name(field);
+ namespace_items.entry(name).or_default().push(Item::Const(field));
+ }
+ } else {
+ namespace_items.entry(trim_tick(name)).or_default().push(Item::Type(def));
+ // TODO: these should all be fields on the Apis class so we don't have to go looking for all of these as well.
+ if files.type_def_extends(def) == Some(TypeName::Enum) && !files.type_def_flags(def).contains(TypeAttributes::WindowsRuntime) && !files.has_attribute(def, "ScopedEnumAttribute") {
+ for field in files.type_def_fields(def).filter(|field| files.field_flags(*field).contains(FieldAttributes::Literal)) {
+ let name = files.field_name(field);
+ namespace_items.entry(name).or_default().push(Item::Const(field));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for key in file.table::<NestedClass>(file_index) {
+ let inner = files.nested_class_inner(key);
+ let outer = files.nested_class_outer(key);
+ let name = files.type_def_name(inner);
+ nested.entry(outer).or_default().insert(name, inner);
- impl std::ops::BitOr for $name {
- type Output = Self;
- fn bitor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
- Self(self.0 | other.0)
+ Self { files, items, nested }
+ }
+ pub fn namespaces(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> + '_ {
+ self.items.keys().copied()
+ }
+ pub fn items(&'a self, filter: &'a Filter) -> impl Iterator<Item = Item> + '_ {
+ self.items.iter().filter(move |(namespace, _)| filter.includes_namespace(namespace)).flat_map(move |(namespace, items)| items.iter().filter(move |(name, _)| filter.includes_type_name(TypeName::new(namespace, name)))).flat_map(move |(_, items)| items).cloned()
+ }
+ pub fn namespace_items(&'a self, namespace: &str, filter: &'a Filter) -> impl Iterator<Item = Item> + '_ {
+ self.items.get_key_value(namespace).into_iter().flat_map(move |(namespace, items)| items.iter().filter(move |(name, _)| filter.includes_type_name(TypeName::new(namespace, name)))).flat_map(move |(_, items)| items).cloned()
+ }
+ fn get_item(&self, type_name: TypeName) -> impl Iterator<Item = Item> + '_ {
+ if let Some(items) = self.items.get(type_name.namespace) {
+ if let Some(items) = items.get( {
+ return Some(items.iter().cloned()).into_iter().flatten();
- impl std::ops::BitAnd for $name {
- type Output = Self;
- fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
- Self(self.0 & other.0)
+ None.into_iter().flatten()
+ }
+ pub fn get_type_def(&self, type_name: TypeName) -> impl Iterator<Item = TypeDef> + '_ {
+ self.get_item(type_name).filter_map(|item| if let Item::Type(def) = item { Some(def) } else { None })
+ }
+ pub fn get_method_def(&self, type_name: TypeName) -> impl Iterator<Item = (MethodDef, String)> + '_ {
+ self.get_item(type_name).filter_map(|item| if let Item::Fn(def, namespace) = item { Some((def, namespace)) } else { None })
+ }
+ pub fn nested_types(&self, type_def: TypeDef) -> impl Iterator<Item = TypeDef> + '_ {
+ self.nested.get(&type_def).map(|map| map.values().copied()).into_iter().flatten()
+ }
+ pub fn attribute_args(&self, row: Attribute) -> Vec<(String, Value)> {
+ let AttributeType::MemberRef(member) = self.row_decode(row, 1);
+ let mut sig = self.member_ref_signature(member);
+ let mut values = self.row_blob(row, 2);
+ let _prolog = values.read_u16();
+ let _this_and_gen_param_count = sig.read_usize();
+ let fixed_arg_count = sig.read_usize();
+ let _ret_type = sig.read_usize();
+ let mut args: Vec<(String, Value)> = Vec::with_capacity(fixed_arg_count);
+ for _ in 0..fixed_arg_count {
+ let arg = match self.type_from_blob(&mut sig, None, &[]) {
+ Type::Bool => Value::Bool(values.read_bool()),
+ Type::I8 => Value::I8(values.read_i8()),
+ Type::U8 => Value::U8(values.read_u8()),
+ Type::I16 => Value::I16(values.read_i16()),
+ Type::U16 => Value::U16(values.read_u16()),
+ Type::I32 => Value::I32(values.read_i32()),
+ Type::U32 => Value::U32(values.read_u32()),
+ Type::I64 => Value::I64(values.read_i64()),
+ Type::U64 => Value::U64(values.read_u64()),
+ Type::String => Value::String(values.read_str().to_string()),
+ Type::TypeName => Value::TypeName(values.read_str().to_string()),
+ Type::TypeDef(def, _) => Value::EnumDef(def, Box::new(values.read_integer(self.type_def_underlying_type(def)))),
+ rest => unimplemented!("{rest:?}"),
+ };
+ args.push((String::new(), arg));
+ }
+ let named_arg_count = values.read_u16();
+ args.reserve(named_arg_count as usize);
+ for _ in 0..named_arg_count {
+ let _id = values.read_u8();
+ let arg_type = values.read_u8();
+ let mut name = values.read_str().to_string();
+ let arg = match arg_type {
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN => Value::Bool(values.read_bool()),
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_I2 => Value::I16(values.read_i16()),
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_I4 => Value::I32(values.read_i32()),
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_U4 => Value::U32(values.read_u32()),
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING => Value::String(values.read_str().to_string()),
+ 0x50 => Value::TypeName(values.read_str().to_string()),
+ 0x55 => {
+ let def = self.get_type_def(TypeName::parse(&name)).next().expect("Type not found");
+ name = values.read_str().into();
+ Value::EnumDef(def, Box::new(values.read_integer(self.type_def_underlying_type(def))))
+ }
+ rest => unimplemented!("{rest:?}"),
+ };
+ args.push((name, arg));
+ }
+ assert_eq!(sig.slice.len(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(values.slice.len(), 0);
+ args
+ }
+ // TODO: enclosing craziness is only needed for nested structs - get rid of those in riddle and this goes away.
+ pub fn field_type(&self, row: Field, enclosing: Option<TypeDef>) -> Type {
+ let mut blob = self.row_blob(row, 2);
+ blob.read_usize();
+ blob.read_modifiers();
+ let def = self.type_from_blob(&mut blob, enclosing, &[]);
+ if self.has_attribute(row, "ConstAttribute") {
+ def.to_const_type().to_const_ptr()
+ } else {
+ def
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn interface_impl_type(&self, row: InterfaceImpl, generics: &[Type]) -> Type {
+ self.type_from_ref(self.row_decode(row, 1), None, generics)
+ }
+ pub fn method_def_signature(&self, method: MethodDef, generics: &[Type]) -> MethodDefSig {
+ let mut blob = self.row_blob(method, 4);
+ let call_flags = MethodCallAttributes(blob.read_usize() as u8);
+ let params = blob.read_usize();
+ let return_type = self.type_from_blob(&mut blob, None, generics);
+ MethodDefSig { call_flags, return_type, params: (0..params).map(|_| self.type_from_blob(&mut blob, None, generics)).collect() }
+ }
+ pub fn method_def_size(&self, method: MethodDef) -> usize {
+ let sig = self.method_def_signature(method, &[]);
+ sig.params.iter().fold(0, |sum, param| sum + std::cmp::max(4, self.type_size(param)))
+ }
+ pub fn type_def_type_name(&self, row: TypeDef) -> TypeName {
+ TypeName::new(self.type_def_namespace(row), self.type_def_name(row))
+ }
+ pub fn type_def_underlying_type(&self, row: TypeDef) -> Type {
+ let field = self.type_def_fields(row).next().expect("Field not found");
+ if let Some(constant) = self.field_constant(field) {
+ self.constant_type(constant)
+ } else {
+ self.field_type(field, Some(row))
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn type_def_kind(&self, row: TypeDef) -> TypeKind {
+ match self.type_def_extends(row) {
+ None => TypeKind::Interface,
+ Some(TypeName::Enum) => TypeKind::Enum,
+ Some(TypeName::Delegate) => TypeKind::Delegate,
+ Some(TypeName::Struct) => TypeKind::Struct,
+ Some(_) => TypeKind::Class,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn type_def_size(&self, def: TypeDef) -> usize {
+ match self.type_def_kind(def) {
+ TypeKind::Struct => {
+ if self.type_def_flags(def).contains(TypeAttributes::ExplicitLayout) {
+ self.type_def_fields(def).map(|field| self.type_size(&self.field_type(field, Some(def)))).max().unwrap_or(1)
+ } else {
+ let mut sum = 0;
+ for field in self.type_def_fields(def) {
+ let size = self.type_size(&self.field_type(field, Some(def)));
+ let align = self.type_align(&self.field_type(field, Some(def)));
+ sum = (sum + (align - 1)) & !(align - 1);
+ sum += size;
+ }
+ sum
+ }
+ TypeKind::Enum => self.type_size(&self.type_def_underlying_type(def)),
+ _ => 4,
- impl std::ops::BitOrAssign for $name {
- fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
- self.0.bitor_assign(other.0)
+ }
+ fn type_def_align(&self, def: TypeDef) -> usize {
+ match self.type_def_kind(def) {
+ TypeKind::Struct => self.type_def_fields(def).map(|field| self.type_align(&self.field_type(field, Some(def)))).max().unwrap_or(1),
+ TypeKind::Enum => self.type_align(&self.type_def_underlying_type(def)),
+ _ => 4,
+ }
+ }
+ fn type_align(&self, ty: &Type) -> usize {
+ match ty {
+ Type::I8 | Type::U8 => 1,
+ Type::I16 | Type::U16 => 2,
+ Type::I64 | Type::U64 | Type::F64 => 8,
+ Type::GUID => 4,
+ Type::TypeDef(def, _) => self.type_def_align(*def),
+ Type::Win32Array(ty, len) => self.type_align(ty) * len,
+ _ => 4,
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: this shouldn't be public - needed to work around Win32 metadata hackery.
+ pub fn type_size(&self, ty: &Type) -> usize {
+ match ty {
+ Type::I8 | Type::U8 => 1,
+ Type::I16 | Type::U16 => 2,
+ Type::I64 | Type::U64 | Type::F64 => 8,
+ Type::GUID => 16,
+ Type::TypeDef(def, _) => self.type_def_size(*def),
+ Type::Win32Array(ty, len) => self.type_size(ty) * len,
+ Type::PrimitiveOrEnum(ty, _) => self.type_size(ty),
+ _ => 4,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn type_def_or_ref(&self, code: TypeDefOrRef) -> TypeName {
+ match code {
+ TypeDefOrRef::TypeDef(row) => TypeName::new(self.type_def_namespace(row), self.type_def_name(row)),
+ TypeDefOrRef::TypeRef(row) => TypeName::new(self.type_ref_namespace(row), self.type_ref_name(row)),
+ rest => unimplemented!("{rest:?}"),
+ }
+ }
+ fn type_from_ref(&self, code: TypeDefOrRef, enclosing: Option<TypeDef>, generics: &[Type]) -> Type {
+ if let TypeDefOrRef::TypeSpec(def) = code {
+ let mut blob = self.type_spec_signature(def);
+ return self.type_from_blob_impl(&mut blob, None, generics);
+ }
+ let mut full_name = self.type_def_or_ref(code);
+ // TODO: remove this
+ for (known_name, kind) in CORE_TYPES {
+ if full_name == known_name {
+ return kind;
- impl std::ops::BitAndAssign for $name {
- fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
- self.0.bitand_assign(other.0)
+ // TODO: remove this
+ for (from, to) in REMAP_TYPES {
+ if full_name == from {
+ full_name = to;
+ break;
- impl std::ops::Not for $name {
- type Output = Self;
- fn not(self) -> Self {
- Self(self.0.not())
+ if let Some(outer) = enclosing {
+ if full_name.namespace.is_empty() {
+ let nested = &self.nested[&outer];
+ let Some(inner) = nested.get( else {
+ panic!("Nested type not found: {}.{}", self.type_def_type_name(outer),;
+ };
+ return Type::TypeDef(*inner, Vec::new());
- };
+ if let Some(def) = self.get_type_def(full_name).next() {
+ Type::TypeDef(def, Vec::new())
+ } else {
+ Type::TypeRef(code)
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: this shouldn't be public
+ pub fn type_from_blob(&self, blob: &mut Blob, enclosing: Option<TypeDef>, generics: &[Type]) -> Type {
+ // Used by WinRT to indicate that a struct input parameter is passed by reference rather than by value on the ABI.
+ let is_const = blob.read_modifiers().iter().any(|def| self.type_def_or_ref(*def) == TypeName::IsConst);
+ // Used by WinRT to indicate an output parameter, but there are other ways to determine this direction so here
+ // it is only used to distinguish between slices and heap-allocated arrays.
+ let is_ref = blob.read_expected(ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF as usize);
+ if blob.read_expected(ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID as usize) {
+ return Type::Void;
+ }
+ let is_array = blob.read_expected(ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY as usize); // Used by WinRT to indicate an array
+ let mut pointers = 0;
+ while blob.read_expected(ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR as usize) {
+ pointers += 1;
+ }
+ let kind = self.type_from_blob_impl(blob, enclosing, generics);
+ if pointers > 0 {
+ Type::MutPtr(Box::new(kind), pointers)
+ } else if is_const {
+ Type::ConstRef(Box::new(kind))
+ } else if is_array {
+ if is_ref {
+ Type::WinrtArrayRef(Box::new(kind))
+ } else {
+ Type::WinrtArray(Box::new(kind))
+ }
+ } else {
+ kind
+ }
+ }
+ fn type_from_blob_impl(&self, blob: &mut Blob, enclosing: Option<TypeDef>, generics: &[Type]) -> Type {
+ let code = blob.read_usize();
+ if let Some(code) = Type::from_code(code) {
+ return code;
+ }
+ match code as u8 {
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE | ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS => self.type_from_ref(TypeDefOrRef::decode(blob.file, blob.read_usize()), enclosing, generics),
+ ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR => generics.get(blob.read_usize()).unwrap_or(&Type::Void).clone(),
+ let kind = self.type_from_blob(blob, enclosing, generics);
+ let _rank = blob.read_usize();
+ let _count = blob.read_usize();
+ let bounds = blob.read_usize();
+ Type::Win32Array(Box::new(kind), bounds)
+ }
+ let type_name = self.type_def_or_ref(TypeDefOrRef::decode(blob.file, blob.read_usize()));
+ let def = self.get_type_def(type_name).next().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Type not found: {}", type_name));
+ let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(blob.read_usize());
+ for _ in 0..args.capacity() {
+ args.push(self.type_from_blob_impl(blob, enclosing, generics));
+ }
+ Type::TypeDef(def, args)
+ }
+ rest => unimplemented!("{rest:?}"),
+ }
+ }
-pub(crate) use flags;
+impl<'a> RowReader<'a> for Reader<'a> {
+ fn row_file<R: AsRow>(&self, row: R) -> &'a File {
+ &self.files[row.to_row().file]
+ }
+fn trim_tick(name: &str) -> &str {
+ if name.as_bytes().iter().rev().nth(1) == Some(&b'`') {
+ &name[ - 2]
+ } else {
+ name
+ }
+// TODO: this should be in riddle's Rust generator if at all - perhaps as convertible types rather than remapped types since there's already some precedent for that.
+pub const REMAP_TYPES: [(TypeName, TypeName); 2] = [(TypeName::D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F, TypeName::Matrix3x2), (TypeName::D3DMATRIX, TypeName::Matrix4x4)];
+// TODO: get rid of at least the second tuple if not the whole thing.
+pub const CORE_TYPES: [(TypeName, Type); 11] = [(TypeName::GUID, Type::GUID), (TypeName::IUnknown, Type::IUnknown), (TypeName::HResult, Type::HRESULT), (TypeName::HRESULT, Type::HRESULT), (TypeName::HSTRING, Type::String), (TypeName::BSTR, Type::BSTR), (TypeName::IInspectable, Type::IInspectable), (TypeName::PSTR, Type::PSTR), (TypeName::PWSTR, Type::PWSTR), (TypeName::Type, Type::TypeName), (TypeName::CHAR, Type::U8)];