path: root/compiler/rustc_expand/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_expand/src/ b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d5d6ee07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/rustc_expand/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+use crate::expand::{AstFragment, AstFragmentKind};
+use rustc_ast as ast;
+use rustc_ast::mut_visit::*;
+use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
+use rustc_span::source_map::DUMMY_SP;
+use rustc_span::symbol::Ident;
+use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
+use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
+pub fn placeholder(
+ kind: AstFragmentKind,
+ id: ast::NodeId,
+ vis: Option<ast::Visibility>,
+) -> AstFragment {
+ fn mac_placeholder() -> ast::MacCall {
+ ast::MacCall {
+ path: ast::Path { span: DUMMY_SP, segments: Vec::new(), tokens: None },
+ args: P(ast::MacArgs::Empty),
+ prior_type_ascription: None,
+ }
+ }
+ let ident = Ident::empty();
+ let attrs = Vec::new();
+ let vis = vis.unwrap_or(ast::Visibility {
+ span: DUMMY_SP,
+ kind: ast::VisibilityKind::Inherited,
+ tokens: None,
+ });
+ let span = DUMMY_SP;
+ let expr_placeholder = || {
+ P(ast::Expr {
+ id,
+ span,
+ attrs: ast::AttrVec::new(),
+ kind: ast::ExprKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()),
+ tokens: None,
+ })
+ };
+ let ty =
+ || P(ast::Ty { id, kind: ast::TyKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()), span, tokens: None });
+ let pat =
+ || P(ast::Pat { id, kind: ast::PatKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()), span, tokens: None });
+ match kind {
+ AstFragmentKind::Crate => AstFragment::Crate(ast::Crate {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ items: Default::default(),
+ spans: ast::ModSpans { inner_span: span, ..Default::default() },
+ id,
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ }),
+ AstFragmentKind::Expr => AstFragment::Expr(expr_placeholder()),
+ AstFragmentKind::OptExpr => AstFragment::OptExpr(Some(expr_placeholder())),
+ AstFragmentKind::Items => AstFragment::Items(smallvec![P(ast::Item {
+ id,
+ span,
+ ident,
+ vis,
+ attrs,
+ kind: ast::ItemKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()),
+ tokens: None,
+ })]),
+ AstFragmentKind::TraitItems => AstFragment::TraitItems(smallvec![P(ast::AssocItem {
+ id,
+ span,
+ ident,
+ vis,
+ attrs,
+ kind: ast::AssocItemKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()),
+ tokens: None,
+ })]),
+ AstFragmentKind::ImplItems => AstFragment::ImplItems(smallvec![P(ast::AssocItem {
+ id,
+ span,
+ ident,
+ vis,
+ attrs,
+ kind: ast::AssocItemKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()),
+ tokens: None,
+ })]),
+ AstFragmentKind::ForeignItems => {
+ AstFragment::ForeignItems(smallvec![P(ast::ForeignItem {
+ id,
+ span,
+ ident,
+ vis,
+ attrs,
+ kind: ast::ForeignItemKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()),
+ tokens: None,
+ })])
+ }
+ AstFragmentKind::Pat => AstFragment::Pat(P(ast::Pat {
+ id,
+ span,
+ kind: ast::PatKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()),
+ tokens: None,
+ })),
+ AstFragmentKind::Ty => AstFragment::Ty(P(ast::Ty {
+ id,
+ span,
+ kind: ast::TyKind::MacCall(mac_placeholder()),
+ tokens: None,
+ })),
+ AstFragmentKind::Stmts => AstFragment::Stmts(smallvec![{
+ let mac = P(ast::MacCallStmt {
+ mac: mac_placeholder(),
+ style: ast::MacStmtStyle::Braces,
+ attrs: ast::AttrVec::new(),
+ tokens: None,
+ });
+ ast::Stmt { id, span, kind: ast::StmtKind::MacCall(mac) }
+ }]),
+ AstFragmentKind::Arms => AstFragment::Arms(smallvec![ast::Arm {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ body: expr_placeholder(),
+ guard: None,
+ id,
+ pat: pat(),
+ span,
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ }]),
+ AstFragmentKind::ExprFields => AstFragment::ExprFields(smallvec![ast::ExprField {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ expr: expr_placeholder(),
+ id,
+ ident,
+ is_shorthand: false,
+ span,
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ }]),
+ AstFragmentKind::PatFields => AstFragment::PatFields(smallvec![ast::PatField {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ id,
+ ident,
+ is_shorthand: false,
+ pat: pat(),
+ span,
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ }]),
+ AstFragmentKind::GenericParams => AstFragment::GenericParams(smallvec![{
+ ast::GenericParam {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ bounds: Default::default(),
+ id,
+ ident,
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ kind: ast::GenericParamKind::Lifetime,
+ colon_span: None,
+ }
+ }]),
+ AstFragmentKind::Params => AstFragment::Params(smallvec![ast::Param {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ id,
+ pat: pat(),
+ span,
+ ty: ty(),
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ }]),
+ AstFragmentKind::FieldDefs => AstFragment::FieldDefs(smallvec![ast::FieldDef {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ id,
+ ident: None,
+ span,
+ ty: ty(),
+ vis,
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ }]),
+ AstFragmentKind::Variants => AstFragment::Variants(smallvec![ast::Variant {
+ attrs: Default::default(),
+ data: ast::VariantData::Struct(Default::default(), false),
+ disr_expr: None,
+ id,
+ ident,
+ span,
+ vis,
+ is_placeholder: true,
+ }]),
+ }
+pub struct PlaceholderExpander {
+ expanded_fragments: FxHashMap<ast::NodeId, AstFragment>,
+impl PlaceholderExpander {
+ pub fn add(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId, mut fragment: AstFragment) {
+ fragment.mut_visit_with(self);
+ self.expanded_fragments.insert(id, fragment);
+ }
+ fn remove(&mut self, id: ast::NodeId) -> AstFragment {
+ self.expanded_fragments.remove(&id).unwrap()
+ }
+impl MutVisitor for PlaceholderExpander {
+ fn flat_map_arm(&mut self, arm: ast::Arm) -> SmallVec<[ast::Arm; 1]> {
+ if arm.is_placeholder {
+ self.remove(
+ } else {
+ noop_flat_map_arm(arm, self)
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_expr_field(&mut self, field: ast::ExprField) -> SmallVec<[ast::ExprField; 1]> {
+ if field.is_placeholder {
+ self.remove(
+ } else {
+ noop_flat_map_expr_field(field, self)
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_pat_field(&mut self, fp: ast::PatField) -> SmallVec<[ast::PatField; 1]> {
+ if fp.is_placeholder {
+ self.remove(
+ } else {
+ noop_flat_map_pat_field(fp, self)
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_generic_param(
+ &mut self,
+ param: ast::GenericParam,
+ ) -> SmallVec<[ast::GenericParam; 1]> {
+ if param.is_placeholder {
+ self.remove(
+ } else {
+ noop_flat_map_generic_param(param, self)
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_param(&mut self, p: ast::Param) -> SmallVec<[ast::Param; 1]> {
+ if p.is_placeholder {
+ self.remove(
+ } else {
+ noop_flat_map_param(p, self)
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_field_def(&mut self, sf: ast::FieldDef) -> SmallVec<[ast::FieldDef; 1]> {
+ if sf.is_placeholder {
+ self.remove(
+ } else {
+ noop_flat_map_field_def(sf, self)
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_variant(&mut self, variant: ast::Variant) -> SmallVec<[ast::Variant; 1]> {
+ if variant.is_placeholder {
+ self.remove(
+ } else {
+ noop_flat_map_variant(variant, self)
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_item(&mut self, item: P<ast::Item>) -> SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]> {
+ match item.kind {
+ ast::ItemKind::MacCall(_) => self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_flat_map_item(item, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_trait_item(&mut self, item: P<ast::AssocItem>) -> SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]> {
+ match item.kind {
+ ast::AssocItemKind::MacCall(_) => self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_flat_map_assoc_item(item, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_impl_item(&mut self, item: P<ast::AssocItem>) -> SmallVec<[P<ast::AssocItem>; 1]> {
+ match item.kind {
+ ast::AssocItemKind::MacCall(_) => self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_flat_map_assoc_item(item, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_foreign_item(
+ &mut self,
+ item: P<ast::ForeignItem>,
+ ) -> SmallVec<[P<ast::ForeignItem>; 1]> {
+ match item.kind {
+ ast::ForeignItemKind::MacCall(_) => self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_flat_map_foreign_item(item, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &mut P<ast::Expr>) {
+ match expr.kind {
+ ast::ExprKind::MacCall(_) => *expr = self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_visit_expr(expr, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn filter_map_expr(&mut self, expr: P<ast::Expr>) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
+ match expr.kind {
+ ast::ExprKind::MacCall(_) => self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_filter_map_expr(expr, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn flat_map_stmt(&mut self, stmt: ast::Stmt) -> SmallVec<[ast::Stmt; 1]> {
+ let (style, mut stmts) = match stmt.kind {
+ ast::StmtKind::MacCall(mac) => (, self.remove(,
+ _ => return noop_flat_map_stmt(stmt, self),
+ };
+ if style == ast::MacStmtStyle::Semicolon {
+ // Implement the proposal described in
+ //
+ //
+ // The macro invocation expands to the list of statements. If the
+ // list of statements is empty, then 'parse' the trailing semicolon
+ // on the original invocation as an empty statement. That is:
+ //
+ // `empty();` is parsed as a single `StmtKind::Empty`
+ //
+ // If the list of statements is non-empty, see if the final
+ // statement already has a trailing semicolon.
+ //
+ // If it doesn't have a semicolon, then 'parse' the trailing
+ // semicolon from the invocation as part of the final statement,
+ // using `stmt.add_trailing_semicolon()`
+ //
+ // If it does have a semicolon, then 'parse' the trailing semicolon
+ // from the invocation as a new StmtKind::Empty
+ // FIXME: We will need to preserve the original semicolon token and
+ // span as part of #15701
+ let empty_stmt =
+ ast::Stmt { id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID, kind: ast::StmtKind::Empty, span: DUMMY_SP };
+ if let Some(stmt) = stmts.pop() {
+ if stmt.has_trailing_semicolon() {
+ stmts.push(stmt);
+ stmts.push(empty_stmt);
+ } else {
+ stmts.push(stmt.add_trailing_semicolon());
+ }
+ } else {
+ stmts.push(empty_stmt);
+ }
+ }
+ stmts
+ }
+ fn visit_pat(&mut self, pat: &mut P<ast::Pat>) {
+ match pat.kind {
+ ast::PatKind::MacCall(_) => *pat = self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_visit_pat(pat, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &mut P<ast::Ty>) {
+ match ty.kind {
+ ast::TyKind::MacCall(_) => *ty = self.remove(,
+ _ => noop_visit_ty(ty, self),
+ }
+ }
+ fn visit_crate(&mut self, krate: &mut ast::Crate) {
+ if krate.is_placeholder {
+ *krate = self.remove(;
+ } else {
+ noop_visit_crate(krate, self)
+ }
+ }