path: root/compiler/rustc_typeck/src/check/fn_ctxt/
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rustc_typeck/src/check/fn_ctxt/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rustc_typeck/src/check/fn_ctxt/ b/compiler/rustc_typeck/src/check/fn_ctxt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7602f2550..000000000
--- a/compiler/rustc_typeck/src/check/fn_ctxt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-use std::cmp;
-use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
-use rustc_middle::ty::error::TypeError;
-rustc_index::newtype_index! {
- pub(crate) struct ExpectedIdx {
- DEBUG_FORMAT = "ExpectedIdx({})",
- }
-rustc_index::newtype_index! {
- pub(crate) struct ProvidedIdx {
- DEBUG_FORMAT = "ProvidedIdx({})",
- }
-impl ExpectedIdx {
- pub fn to_provided_idx(self) -> ProvidedIdx {
- ProvidedIdx::from_usize(self.as_usize())
- }
-// An issue that might be found in the compatibility matrix
-enum Issue {
- /// The given argument is the invalid type for the input
- Invalid(usize),
- /// There is a missing input
- Missing(usize),
- /// There's a superfluous argument
- Extra(usize),
- /// Two arguments should be swapped
- Swap(usize, usize),
- /// Several arguments should be reordered
- Permutation(Vec<Option<usize>>),
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub(crate) enum Compatibility<'tcx> {
- Compatible,
- Incompatible(Option<TypeError<'tcx>>),
-/// Similar to `Issue`, but contains some extra information
-pub(crate) enum Error<'tcx> {
- /// The provided argument is the invalid type for the expected input
- Invalid(ProvidedIdx, ExpectedIdx, Compatibility<'tcx>),
- /// There is a missing input
- Missing(ExpectedIdx),
- /// There's a superfluous argument
- Extra(ProvidedIdx),
- /// Two arguments should be swapped
- Swap(ProvidedIdx, ProvidedIdx, ExpectedIdx, ExpectedIdx),
- /// Several arguments should be reordered
- Permutation(Vec<(ExpectedIdx, ProvidedIdx)>),
-pub(crate) struct ArgMatrix<'tcx> {
- /// Maps the indices in the `compatibility_matrix` rows to the indices of
- /// the *user provided* inputs
- provided_indices: Vec<ProvidedIdx>,
- /// Maps the indices in the `compatibility_matrix` columns to the indices
- /// of the *expected* args
- expected_indices: Vec<ExpectedIdx>,
- /// The first dimension (rows) are the remaining user provided inputs to
- /// match and the second dimension (cols) are the remaining expected args
- /// to match
- compatibility_matrix: Vec<Vec<Compatibility<'tcx>>>,
-impl<'tcx> ArgMatrix<'tcx> {
- pub(crate) fn new<F: FnMut(ProvidedIdx, ExpectedIdx) -> Compatibility<'tcx>>(
- provided_count: usize,
- expected_input_count: usize,
- mut is_compatible: F,
- ) -> Self {
- let compatibility_matrix = (0..provided_count)
- .map(|i| {
- (0..expected_input_count)
- .map(|j| is_compatible(ProvidedIdx::from_usize(i), ExpectedIdx::from_usize(j)))
- .collect()
- })
- .collect();
- ArgMatrix {
- provided_indices: (0..provided_count).map(ProvidedIdx::from_usize).collect(),
- expected_indices: (0..expected_input_count).map(ExpectedIdx::from_usize).collect(),
- compatibility_matrix,
- }
- }
- /// Remove a given input from consideration
- fn eliminate_provided(&mut self, idx: usize) {
- self.provided_indices.remove(idx);
- self.compatibility_matrix.remove(idx);
- }
- /// Remove a given argument from consideration
- fn eliminate_expected(&mut self, idx: usize) {
- self.expected_indices.remove(idx);
- for row in &mut self.compatibility_matrix {
- row.remove(idx);
- }
- }
- /// "satisfy" an input with a given arg, removing both from consideration
- fn satisfy_input(&mut self, provided_idx: usize, expected_idx: usize) {
- self.eliminate_provided(provided_idx);
- self.eliminate_expected(expected_idx);
- }
- // Returns a `Vec` of (user input, expected arg) of matched arguments. These
- // are inputs on the remaining diagonal that match.
- fn eliminate_satisfied(&mut self) -> Vec<(ProvidedIdx, ExpectedIdx)> {
- let num_args = cmp::min(self.provided_indices.len(), self.expected_indices.len());
- let mut eliminated = vec![];
- for i in (0..num_args).rev() {
- if matches!(self.compatibility_matrix[i][i], Compatibility::Compatible) {
- eliminated.push((self.provided_indices[i], self.expected_indices[i]));
- self.satisfy_input(i, i);
- }
- }
- eliminated
- }
- // Find some issue in the compatibility matrix
- fn find_issue(&self) -> Option<Issue> {
- let mat = &self.compatibility_matrix;
- let ai = &self.expected_indices;
- let ii = &self.provided_indices;
- for i in 0..cmp::max(ai.len(), ii.len()) {
- // If we eliminate the last row, any left-over inputs are considered missing
- if i >= mat.len() {
- return Some(Issue::Missing(i));
- }
- // If we eliminate the last column, any left-over arguments are extra
- if mat[i].len() == 0 {
- return Some(Issue::Extra(i));
- }
- // Make sure we don't pass the bounds of our matrix
- let is_arg = i < ai.len();
- let is_input = i < ii.len();
- if is_arg && is_input && matches!(mat[i][i], Compatibility::Compatible) {
- // This is a satisfied input, so move along
- continue;
- }
- let mut useless = true;
- let mut unsatisfiable = true;
- if is_arg {
- for j in 0..ii.len() {
- // If we find at least one input this argument could satisfy
- // this argument isn't unsatisfiable
- if matches!(mat[j][i], Compatibility::Compatible) {
- unsatisfiable = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if is_input {
- for j in {
- // If we find at least one argument that could satisfy this input
- // this argument isn't useless
- if matches!(mat[i][j], Compatibility::Compatible) {
- useless = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- match (is_input, is_arg, useless, unsatisfiable) {
- // If an argument is unsatisfied, and the input in its position is useless
- // then the most likely explanation is that we just got the types wrong
- (true, true, true, true) => return Some(Issue::Invalid(i)),
- // Otherwise, if an input is useless, then indicate that this is an extra argument
- (true, _, true, _) => return Some(Issue::Extra(i)),
- // Otherwise, if an argument is unsatisfiable, indicate that it's missing
- (_, true, _, true) => return Some(Issue::Missing(i)),
- (true, true, _, _) => {
- // The argument isn't useless, and the input isn't unsatisfied,
- // so look for a parameter we might swap it with
- // We look for swaps explicitly, instead of just falling back on permutations
- // so that cases like (A,B,C,D) given (B,A,D,C) show up as two swaps,
- // instead of a large permutation of 4 elements.
- for j in 0..cmp::min(ai.len(), ii.len()) {
- if i == j || matches!(mat[j][j], Compatibility::Compatible) {
- continue;
- }
- if matches!(mat[i][j], Compatibility::Compatible)
- && matches!(mat[j][i], Compatibility::Compatible)
- {
- return Some(Issue::Swap(i, j));
- }
- }
- }
- _ => {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- // We didn't find any of the individual issues above, but
- // there might be a larger permutation of parameters, so we now check for that
- // by checking for cycles
- // We use a double option at position i in this vec to represent:
- // - None: We haven't computed anything about this argument yet
- // - Some(None): This argument definitely doesn't participate in a cycle
- // - Some(Some(x)): the i-th argument could permute to the x-th position
- let mut permutation: Vec<Option<Option<usize>>> = vec![None; mat.len()];
- let mut permutation_found = false;
- for i in 0..mat.len() {
- if permutation[i].is_some() {
- // We've already decided whether this argument is or is not in a loop
- continue;
- }
- let mut stack = vec![];
- let mut j = i;
- let mut last = i;
- let mut is_cycle = true;
- loop {
- stack.push(j);
- // Look for params this one could slot into
- let compat: Vec<_> =
- mat[j]
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .filter_map(|(i, c)| {
- if matches!(c, Compatibility::Compatible) { Some(i) } else { None }
- })
- .collect();
- if compat.len() != 1 {
- // this could go into multiple slots, don't bother exploring both
- is_cycle = false;
- break;
- }
- j = compat[0];
- if stack.contains(&j) {
- last = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if stack.len() <= 2 {
- // If we encounter a cycle of 1 or 2 elements, we'll let the
- // "satisfy" and "swap" code above handle those
- is_cycle = false;
- }
- // We've built up some chain, some of which might be a cycle
- // ex: [1,2,3,4]; last = 2; j = 2;
- // So, we want to mark 4, 3, and 2 as part of a permutation
- permutation_found = is_cycle;
- while let Some(x) = stack.pop() {
- if is_cycle {
- permutation[x] = Some(Some(j));
- j = x;
- if j == last {
- // From here on out, we're a tail leading into a cycle,
- // not the cycle itself
- is_cycle = false;
- }
- } else {
- // Some(None) ensures we save time by skipping this argument again
- permutation[x] = Some(None);
- }
- }
- }
- if permutation_found {
- // Map unwrap to remove the first layer of Some
- let final_permutation: Vec<Option<usize>> =
- permutation.into_iter().map(|x| x.unwrap()).collect();
- return Some(Issue::Permutation(final_permutation));
- }
- return None;
- }
- // Obviously, detecting exact user intention is impossible, so the goal here is to
- // come up with as likely of a story as we can to be helpful.
- //
- // We'll iteratively removed "satisfied" input/argument pairs,
- // then check for the cases above, until we've eliminated the entire grid
- //
- // We'll want to know which arguments and inputs these rows and columns correspond to
- // even after we delete them.
- pub(crate) fn find_errors(
- mut self,
- ) -> (Vec<Error<'tcx>>, IndexVec<ExpectedIdx, Option<ProvidedIdx>>) {
- let provided_arg_count = self.provided_indices.len();
- let mut errors: Vec<Error<'tcx>> = vec![];
- // For each expected argument, the matched *actual* input
- let mut matched_inputs: IndexVec<ExpectedIdx, Option<ProvidedIdx>> =
- IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, self.expected_indices.len());
- // Before we start looking for issues, eliminate any arguments that are already satisfied,
- // so that an argument which is already spoken for by the input it's in doesn't
- // spill over into another similarly typed input
- // ex:
- // fn some_func(_a: i32, _b: i32) {}
- // some_func(1, "");
- // Without this elimination, the first argument causes the second argument
- // to show up as both a missing input and extra argument, rather than
- // just an invalid type.
- for (provided, expected) in self.eliminate_satisfied() {
- matched_inputs[expected] = Some(provided);
- }
- while !self.provided_indices.is_empty() || !self.expected_indices.is_empty() {
- match self.find_issue() {
- Some(Issue::Invalid(idx)) => {
- let compatibility = self.compatibility_matrix[idx][idx].clone();
- let input_idx = self.provided_indices[idx];
- let arg_idx = self.expected_indices[idx];
- self.satisfy_input(idx, idx);
- errors.push(Error::Invalid(input_idx, arg_idx, compatibility));
- }
- Some(Issue::Extra(idx)) => {
- let input_idx = self.provided_indices[idx];
- self.eliminate_provided(idx);
- errors.push(Error::Extra(input_idx));
- }
- Some(Issue::Missing(idx)) => {
- let arg_idx = self.expected_indices[idx];
- self.eliminate_expected(idx);
- errors.push(Error::Missing(arg_idx));
- }
- Some(Issue::Swap(idx, other)) => {
- let input_idx = self.provided_indices[idx];
- let other_input_idx = self.provided_indices[other];
- let arg_idx = self.expected_indices[idx];
- let other_arg_idx = self.expected_indices[other];
- let (min, max) = (cmp::min(idx, other), cmp::max(idx, other));
- self.satisfy_input(min, max);
- // Subtract 1 because we already removed the "min" row
- self.satisfy_input(max - 1, min);
- errors.push(Error::Swap(input_idx, other_input_idx, arg_idx, other_arg_idx));
- matched_inputs[other_arg_idx] = Some(input_idx);
- matched_inputs[arg_idx] = Some(other_input_idx);
- }
- Some(Issue::Permutation(args)) => {
- let mut idxs: Vec<usize> = args.iter().filter_map(|&a| a).collect();
- let mut real_idxs: IndexVec<ProvidedIdx, Option<(ExpectedIdx, ProvidedIdx)>> =
- IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, provided_arg_count);
- for (src, dst) in
- args.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(src, dst)||dst| (src, dst)))
- {
- let src_input_idx = self.provided_indices[src];
- let dst_input_idx = self.provided_indices[dst];
- let dest_arg_idx = self.expected_indices[dst];
- real_idxs[src_input_idx] = Some((dest_arg_idx, dst_input_idx));
- matched_inputs[dest_arg_idx] = Some(src_input_idx);
- }
- idxs.sort();
- idxs.reverse();
- for i in idxs {
- self.satisfy_input(i, i);
- }
- errors.push(Error::Permutation(real_idxs.into_iter().flatten().collect()));
- }
- None => {
- // We didn't find any issues, so we need to push the algorithm forward
- // First, eliminate any arguments that currently satisfy their inputs
- for (inp, arg) in self.eliminate_satisfied() {
- matched_inputs[arg] = Some(inp);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- return (errors, matched_inputs);
- }