path: root/library/core/src/num/flt2dec
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diff --git a/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..576386054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+//! Decodes a floating-point value into individual parts and error ranges.
+use crate::num::dec2flt::float::RawFloat;
+use crate::num::FpCategory;
+/// Decoded unsigned finite value, such that:
+/// - The original value equals to `mant * 2^exp`.
+/// - Any number from `(mant - minus) * 2^exp` to `(mant + plus) * 2^exp` will
+/// round to the original value. The range is inclusive only when
+/// `inclusive` is `true`.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Decoded {
+ /// The scaled mantissa.
+ pub mant: u64,
+ /// The lower error range.
+ pub minus: u64,
+ /// The upper error range.
+ pub plus: u64,
+ /// The shared exponent in base 2.
+ pub exp: i16,
+ /// True when the error range is inclusive.
+ ///
+ /// In IEEE 754, this is true when the original mantissa was even.
+ pub inclusive: bool,
+/// Decoded unsigned value.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum FullDecoded {
+ /// Not-a-number.
+ Nan,
+ /// Infinities, either positive or negative.
+ Infinite,
+ /// Zero, either positive or negative.
+ Zero,
+ /// Finite numbers with further decoded fields.
+ Finite(Decoded),
+/// A floating point type which can be `decode`d.
+pub trait DecodableFloat: RawFloat + Copy {
+ /// The minimum positive normalized value.
+ fn min_pos_norm_value() -> Self;
+impl DecodableFloat for f32 {
+ fn min_pos_norm_value() -> Self {
+ }
+impl DecodableFloat for f64 {
+ fn min_pos_norm_value() -> Self {
+ }
+/// Returns a sign (true when negative) and `FullDecoded` value
+/// from given floating point number.
+pub fn decode<T: DecodableFloat>(v: T) -> (/*negative?*/ bool, FullDecoded) {
+ let (mant, exp, sign) = v.integer_decode();
+ let even = (mant & 1) == 0;
+ let decoded = match v.classify() {
+ FpCategory::Nan => FullDecoded::Nan,
+ FpCategory::Infinite => FullDecoded::Infinite,
+ FpCategory::Zero => FullDecoded::Zero,
+ FpCategory::Subnormal => {
+ // neighbors: (mant - 2, exp) -- (mant, exp) -- (mant + 2, exp)
+ // Float::integer_decode always preserves the exponent,
+ // so the mantissa is scaled for subnormals.
+ FullDecoded::Finite(Decoded { mant, minus: 1, plus: 1, exp, inclusive: even })
+ }
+ FpCategory::Normal => {
+ let minnorm = <T as DecodableFloat>::min_pos_norm_value().integer_decode();
+ if mant == minnorm.0 {
+ // neighbors: (maxmant, exp - 1) -- (minnormmant, exp) -- (minnormmant + 1, exp)
+ // where maxmant = minnormmant * 2 - 1
+ FullDecoded::Finite(Decoded {
+ mant: mant << 2,
+ minus: 1,
+ plus: 2,
+ exp: exp - 2,
+ inclusive: even,
+ })
+ } else {
+ // neighbors: (mant - 1, exp) -- (mant, exp) -- (mant + 1, exp)
+ FullDecoded::Finite(Decoded {
+ mant: mant << 1,
+ minus: 1,
+ plus: 1,
+ exp: exp - 1,
+ inclusive: even,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ (sign < 0, decoded)
diff --git a/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50e2f7052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//! The exponent estimator.
+/// Finds `k_0` such that `10^(k_0-1) < mant * 2^exp <= 10^(k_0+1)`.
+/// This is used to approximate `k = ceil(log_10 (mant * 2^exp))`;
+/// the true `k` is either `k_0` or `k_0+1`.
+pub fn estimate_scaling_factor(mant: u64, exp: i16) -> i16 {
+ // 2^(nbits-1) < mant <= 2^nbits if mant > 0
+ let nbits = 64 - (mant - 1).leading_zeros() as i64;
+ // 1292913986 = floor(2^32 * log_10 2)
+ // therefore this always underestimates (or is exact), but not much.
+ (((nbits + exp as i64) * 1292913986) >> 32) as i16
diff --git a/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ff2e8c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+Floating-point number to decimal conversion routines.
+# Problem statement
+We are given the floating-point number `v = f * 2^e` with an integer `f`,
+and its bounds `minus` and `plus` such that any number between `v - minus` and
+`v + plus` will be rounded to `v`. For the simplicity we assume that
+this range is exclusive. Then we would like to get the unique decimal
+representation `V = 0.d[0..n-1] * 10^k` such that:
+- `d[0]` is non-zero.
+- It's correctly rounded when parsed back: `v - minus < V < v + plus`.
+ Furthermore it is shortest such one, i.e., there is no representation
+ with less than `n` digits that is correctly rounded.
+- It's closest to the original value: `abs(V - v) <= 10^(k-n) / 2`. Note that
+ there might be two representations satisfying this uniqueness requirement,
+ in which case some tie-breaking mechanism is used.
+We will call this mode of operation as to the *shortest* mode. This mode is used
+when there is no additional constraint, and can be thought as a "natural" mode
+as it matches the ordinary intuition (it at least prints `0.1f32` as "0.1").
+We have two more modes of operation closely related to each other. In these modes
+we are given either the number of significant digits `n` or the last-digit
+limitation `limit` (which determines the actual `n`), and we would like to get
+the representation `V = 0.d[0..n-1] * 10^k` such that:
+- `d[0]` is non-zero, unless `n` was zero in which case only `k` is returned.
+- It's closest to the original value: `abs(V - v) <= 10^(k-n) / 2`. Again,
+ there might be some tie-breaking mechanism.
+When `limit` is given but not `n`, we set `n` such that `k - n = limit`
+so that the last digit `d[n-1]` is scaled by `10^(k-n) = 10^limit`.
+If such `n` is negative, we clip it to zero so that we will only get `k`.
+We are also limited by the supplied buffer. This limitation is used to print
+the number up to given number of fractional digits without knowing
+the correct `k` beforehand.
+We will call the mode of operation requiring `n` as to the *exact* mode,
+and one requiring `limit` as to the *fixed* mode. The exact mode is a subset of
+the fixed mode: the sufficiently large last-digit limitation will eventually fill
+the supplied buffer and let the algorithm to return.
+# Implementation overview
+It is easy to get the floating point printing correct but slow (Russ Cox has
+[demonstrated]( how it's easy), or incorrect but
+fast (naïve division and modulo). But it is surprisingly hard to print
+floating point numbers correctly *and* efficiently.
+There are two classes of algorithms widely known to be correct.
+- The "Dragon" family of algorithm is first described by Guy L. Steele Jr. and
+ Jon L. White. They rely on the fixed-size big integer for their correctness.
+ A slight improvement was found later, which is posthumously described by
+ Robert G. Burger and R. Kent Dybvig. David Gay's `dtoa.c` routine is
+ a popular implementation of this strategy.
+- The "Grisu" family of algorithm is first described by Florian Loitsch.
+ They use very cheap integer-only procedure to determine the close-to-correct
+ representation which is at least guaranteed to be shortest. The variant,
+ Grisu3, actively detects if the resulting representation is incorrect.
+We implement both algorithms with necessary tweaks to suit our requirements.
+In particular, published literatures are short of the actual implementation
+difficulties like how to avoid arithmetic overflows. Each implementation,
+available in `strategy::dragon` and `strategy::grisu` respectively,
+extensively describes all necessary justifications and many proofs for them.
+(It is still difficult to follow though. You have been warned.)
+Both implementations expose two public functions:
+- `format_shortest(decoded, buf)`, which always needs at least
+ `MAX_SIG_DIGITS` digits of buffer. Implements the shortest mode.
+- `format_exact(decoded, buf, limit)`, which accepts as small as
+ one digit of buffer. Implements exact and fixed modes.
+They try to fill the `u8` buffer with digits and returns the number of digits
+written and the exponent `k`. They are total for all finite `f32` and `f64`
+inputs (Grisu internally falls back to Dragon if necessary).
+The rendered digits are formatted into the actual string form with
+four functions:
+- `to_shortest_str` prints the shortest representation, which can be padded by
+ zeroes to make *at least* given number of fractional digits.
+- `to_shortest_exp_str` prints the shortest representation, which can be
+ padded by zeroes when its exponent is in the specified ranges,
+ or can be printed in the exponential form such as `1.23e45`.
+- `to_exact_exp_str` prints the exact representation with given number of
+ digits in the exponential form.
+- `to_exact_fixed_str` prints the fixed representation with *exactly*
+ given number of fractional digits.
+They all return a slice of preallocated `Part` array, which corresponds to
+the individual part of strings: a fixed string, a part of rendered digits,
+a number of zeroes or a small (`u16`) number. The caller is expected to
+provide a large enough buffer and `Part` array, and to assemble the final
+string from resulting `Part`s itself.
+All algorithms and formatting functions are accompanied by extensive tests
+in `coretests::num::flt2dec` module. It also shows how to use individual
+// while this is extensively documented, this is in principle private which is
+// only made public for testing. do not expose us.
+ feature = "flt2dec",
+ reason = "internal routines only exposed for testing",
+ issue = "none"
+pub use self::decoder::{decode, DecodableFloat, Decoded, FullDecoded};
+use super::fmt::{Formatted, Part};
+use crate::mem::MaybeUninit;
+pub mod decoder;
+pub mod estimator;
+/// Digit-generation algorithms.
+pub mod strategy {
+ pub mod dragon;
+ pub mod grisu;
+/// The minimum size of buffer necessary for the shortest mode.
+/// It is a bit non-trivial to derive, but this is one plus the maximal number of
+/// significant decimal digits from formatting algorithms with the shortest result.
+/// The exact formula is `ceil(# bits in mantissa * log_10 2 + 1)`.
+pub const MAX_SIG_DIGITS: usize = 17;
+/// When `d` contains decimal digits, increase the last digit and propagate carry.
+/// Returns a next digit when it causes the length to change.
+pub fn round_up(d: &mut [u8]) -> Option<u8> {
+ match d.iter().rposition(|&c| c != b'9') {
+ Some(i) => {
+ // d[i+1..n] is all nines
+ d[i] += 1;
+ for j in i + 1..d.len() {
+ d[j] = b'0';
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ None if d.len() > 0 => {
+ // 999..999 rounds to 1000..000 with an increased exponent
+ d[0] = b'1';
+ for j in 1..d.len() {
+ d[j] = b'0';
+ }
+ Some(b'0')
+ }
+ None => {
+ // an empty buffer rounds up (a bit strange but reasonable)
+ Some(b'1')
+ }
+ }
+/// Formats given decimal digits `0.<...buf...> * 10^exp` into the decimal form
+/// with at least given number of fractional digits. The result is stored to
+/// the supplied parts array and a slice of written parts is returned.
+/// `frac_digits` can be less than the number of actual fractional digits in `buf`;
+/// it will be ignored and full digits will be printed. It is only used to print
+/// additional zeroes after rendered digits. Thus `frac_digits` of 0 means that
+/// it will only print given digits and nothing else.
+fn digits_to_dec_str<'a>(
+ buf: &'a [u8],
+ exp: i16,
+ frac_digits: usize,
+ parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
+) -> &'a [Part<'a>] {
+ assert!(!buf.is_empty());
+ assert!(buf[0] > b'0');
+ assert!(parts.len() >= 4);
+ // if there is the restriction on the last digit position, `buf` is assumed to be
+ // left-padded with the virtual zeroes. the number of virtual zeroes, `nzeroes`,
+ // equals to `max(0, exp + frac_digits - buf.len())`, so that the position of
+ // the last digit `exp - buf.len() - nzeroes` is no more than `-frac_digits`:
+ //
+ // |<-virtual->|
+ // |<---- buf ---->| zeroes | exp
+ // 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ x 10
+ // | | |
+ // 10^exp 10^(exp-buf.len()) 10^(exp-buf.len()-nzeroes)
+ //
+ // `nzeroes` is individually calculated for each case in order to avoid overflow.
+ if exp <= 0 {
+ // the decimal point is before rendered digits: [0.][000...000][1234][____]
+ let minus_exp = -(exp as i32) as usize;
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
+ parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(minus_exp));
+ parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(buf));
+ if frac_digits > buf.len() && frac_digits - buf.len() > minus_exp {
+ parts[3] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero((frac_digits - buf.len()) - minus_exp));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..4`.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..4]) }
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..3`.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..3]) }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let exp = exp as usize;
+ if exp < buf.len() {
+ // the decimal point is inside rendered digits: [12][.][34][____]
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[..exp]));
+ parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"."));
+ parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[exp..]));
+ if frac_digits > buf.len() - exp {
+ parts[3] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits - (buf.len() - exp)));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..4`.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..4]) }
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..3`.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..3]) }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // the decimal point is after rendered digits: [1234][____0000] or [1234][__][.][__].
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(buf));
+ parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(exp - buf.len()));
+ if frac_digits > 0 {
+ parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"."));
+ parts[3] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..4`.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..4]) }
+ } else {
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Formats the given decimal digits `0.<...buf...> * 10^exp` into the exponential
+/// form with at least the given number of significant digits. When `upper` is `true`,
+/// the exponent will be prefixed by `E`; otherwise that's `e`. The result is
+/// stored to the supplied parts array and a slice of written parts is returned.
+/// `min_digits` can be less than the number of actual significant digits in `buf`;
+/// it will be ignored and full digits will be printed. It is only used to print
+/// additional zeroes after rendered digits. Thus, `min_digits == 0` means that
+/// it will only print the given digits and nothing else.
+fn digits_to_exp_str<'a>(
+ buf: &'a [u8],
+ exp: i16,
+ min_ndigits: usize,
+ upper: bool,
+ parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
+) -> &'a [Part<'a>] {
+ assert!(!buf.is_empty());
+ assert!(buf[0] > b'0');
+ assert!(parts.len() >= 6);
+ let mut n = 0;
+ parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[..1]));
+ n += 1;
+ if buf.len() > 1 || min_ndigits > 1 {
+ parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"."));
+ parts[n + 1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[1..]));
+ n += 2;
+ if min_ndigits > buf.len() {
+ parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(min_ndigits - buf.len()));
+ n += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // 0.1234 x 10^exp = 1.234 x 10^(exp-1)
+ let exp = exp as i32 - 1; // avoid underflow when exp is i16::MIN
+ if exp < 0 {
+ parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"E-" } else { b"e-" }));
+ parts[n + 1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Num(-exp as u16));
+ } else {
+ parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"E" } else { b"e" }));
+ parts[n + 1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Num(exp as u16));
+ }
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..n + 2`.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..n + 2]) }
+/// Sign formatting options.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum Sign {
+ /// Prints `-` for any negative value.
+ Minus, // -inf -1 -0 0 1 inf nan
+ /// Prints `-` for any negative value, or `+` otherwise.
+ MinusPlus, // -inf -1 -0 +0 +1 +inf nan
+/// Returns the static byte string corresponding to the sign to be formatted.
+/// It can be either `""`, `"+"` or `"-"`.
+fn determine_sign(sign: Sign, decoded: &FullDecoded, negative: bool) -> &'static str {
+ match (*decoded, sign) {
+ (FullDecoded::Nan, _) => "",
+ (_, Sign::Minus) => {
+ if negative {
+ "-"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ }
+ (_, Sign::MinusPlus) => {
+ if negative {
+ "-"
+ } else {
+ "+"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Formats the given floating point number into the decimal form with at least
+/// given number of fractional digits. The result is stored to the supplied parts
+/// array while utilizing given byte buffer as a scratch. `upper` is currently
+/// unused but left for the future decision to change the case of non-finite values,
+/// i.e., `inf` and `nan`. The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign`
+/// (which can be an empty string if no sign is rendered).
+/// `format_shortest` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
+/// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
+/// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_shortest` for this.
+/// `frac_digits` can be less than the number of actual fractional digits in `v`;
+/// it will be ignored and full digits will be printed. It is only used to print
+/// additional zeroes after rendered digits. Thus `frac_digits` of 0 means that
+/// it will only print given digits and nothing else.
+/// The byte buffer should be at least `MAX_SIG_DIGITS` bytes long.
+/// There should be at least 4 parts available, due to the worst case like
+/// `[+][0.][0000][2][0000]` with `frac_digits = 10`.
+pub fn to_shortest_str<'a, T, F>(
+ mut format_shortest: F,
+ v: T,
+ sign: Sign,
+ frac_digits: usize,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
+) -> Formatted<'a>
+ T: DecodableFloat,
+ F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
+ assert!(parts.len() >= 4);
+ assert!(buf.len() >= MAX_SIG_DIGITS);
+ let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
+ let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
+ match full_decoded {
+ FullDecoded::Nan => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Infinite => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Zero => {
+ if frac_digits > 0 {
+ // [0.][0000]
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
+ parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) },
+ }
+ } else {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
+ let (buf, exp) = format_shortest(decoded, buf);
+ Formatted { sign, parts: digits_to_dec_str(buf, exp, frac_digits, parts) }
+ }
+ }
+/// Formats the given floating point number into the decimal form or
+/// the exponential form, depending on the resulting exponent. The result is
+/// stored to the supplied parts array while utilizing given byte buffer
+/// as a scratch. `upper` is used to determine the case of non-finite values
+/// (`inf` and `nan`) or the case of the exponent prefix (`e` or `E`).
+/// The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign` (which can be
+/// an empty string if no sign is rendered).
+/// `format_shortest` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
+/// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
+/// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_shortest` for this.
+/// The `dec_bounds` is a tuple `(lo, hi)` such that the number is formatted
+/// as decimal only when `10^lo <= V < 10^hi`. Note that this is the *apparent* `V`
+/// instead of the actual `v`! Thus any printed exponent in the exponential form
+/// cannot be in this range, avoiding any confusion.
+/// The byte buffer should be at least `MAX_SIG_DIGITS` bytes long.
+/// There should be at least 6 parts available, due to the worst case like
+/// `[+][1][.][2345][e][-][6]`.
+pub fn to_shortest_exp_str<'a, T, F>(
+ mut format_shortest: F,
+ v: T,
+ sign: Sign,
+ dec_bounds: (i16, i16),
+ upper: bool,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
+) -> Formatted<'a>
+ T: DecodableFloat,
+ F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
+ assert!(parts.len() >= 6);
+ assert!(buf.len() >= MAX_SIG_DIGITS);
+ assert!(dec_bounds.0 <= dec_bounds.1);
+ let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
+ let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
+ match full_decoded {
+ FullDecoded::Nan => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Infinite => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Zero => {
+ parts[0] = if dec_bounds.0 <= 0 && 0 < dec_bounds.1 {
+ MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"))
+ } else {
+ MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"0E0" } else { b"0e0" }))
+ };
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
+ let (buf, exp) = format_shortest(decoded, buf);
+ let vis_exp = exp as i32 - 1;
+ let parts = if dec_bounds.0 as i32 <= vis_exp && vis_exp < dec_bounds.1 as i32 {
+ digits_to_dec_str(buf, exp, 0, parts)
+ } else {
+ digits_to_exp_str(buf, exp, 0, upper, parts)
+ };
+ Formatted { sign, parts }
+ }
+ }
+/// Returns a rather crude approximation (upper bound) for the maximum buffer size
+/// calculated from the given decoded exponent.
+/// The exact limit is:
+/// - when `exp < 0`, the maximum length is `ceil(log_10 (5^-exp * (2^64 - 1)))`.
+/// - when `exp >= 0`, the maximum length is `ceil(log_10 (2^exp * (2^64 - 1)))`.
+/// `ceil(log_10 (x^exp * (2^64 - 1)))` is less than `ceil(log_10 (2^64 - 1)) +
+/// ceil(exp * log_10 x)`, which is in turn less than `20 + (1 + exp * log_10 x)`.
+/// We use the facts that `log_10 2 < 5/16` and `log_10 5 < 12/16`, which is
+/// enough for our purposes.
+/// Why do we need this? `format_exact` functions will fill the entire buffer
+/// unless limited by the last digit restriction, but it is possible that
+/// the number of digits requested is ridiculously large (say, 30,000 digits).
+/// The vast majority of buffer will be filled with zeroes, so we don't want to
+/// allocate all the buffer beforehand. Consequently, for any given arguments,
+/// 826 bytes of buffer should be sufficient for `f64`. Compare this with
+/// the actual number for the worst case: 770 bytes (when `exp = -1074`).
+fn estimate_max_buf_len(exp: i16) -> usize {
+ 21 + ((if exp < 0 { -12 } else { 5 } * exp as i32) as usize >> 4)
+/// Formats given floating point number into the exponential form with
+/// exactly given number of significant digits. The result is stored to
+/// the supplied parts array while utilizing given byte buffer as a scratch.
+/// `upper` is used to determine the case of the exponent prefix (`e` or `E`).
+/// The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign` (which can be
+/// an empty string if no sign is rendered).
+/// `format_exact` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
+/// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
+/// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_exact` for this.
+/// The byte buffer should be at least `ndigits` bytes long unless `ndigits` is
+/// so large that only the fixed number of digits will be ever written.
+/// (The tipping point for `f64` is about 800, so 1000 bytes should be enough.)
+/// There should be at least 6 parts available, due to the worst case like
+/// `[+][1][.][2345][e][-][6]`.
+pub fn to_exact_exp_str<'a, T, F>(
+ mut format_exact: F,
+ v: T,
+ sign: Sign,
+ ndigits: usize,
+ upper: bool,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
+) -> Formatted<'a>
+ T: DecodableFloat,
+ F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>], i16) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
+ assert!(parts.len() >= 6);
+ assert!(ndigits > 0);
+ let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
+ let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
+ match full_decoded {
+ FullDecoded::Nan => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Infinite => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Zero => {
+ if ndigits > 1 {
+ // [0.][0000][e0]
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
+ parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(ndigits - 1));
+ parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"E0" } else { b"e0" }));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..3`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..3]) },
+ }
+ } else {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"0E0" } else { b"0e0" }));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
+ let maxlen = estimate_max_buf_len(decoded.exp);
+ assert!(buf.len() >= ndigits || buf.len() >= maxlen);
+ let trunc = if ndigits < maxlen { ndigits } else { maxlen };
+ let (buf, exp) = format_exact(decoded, &mut buf[..trunc], i16::MIN);
+ Formatted { sign, parts: digits_to_exp_str(buf, exp, ndigits, upper, parts) }
+ }
+ }
+/// Formats given floating point number into the decimal form with exactly
+/// given number of fractional digits. The result is stored to the supplied parts
+/// array while utilizing given byte buffer as a scratch. `upper` is currently
+/// unused but left for the future decision to change the case of non-finite values,
+/// i.e., `inf` and `nan`. The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign`
+/// (which can be an empty string if no sign is rendered).
+/// `format_exact` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
+/// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
+/// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_exact` for this.
+/// The byte buffer should be enough for the output unless `frac_digits` is
+/// so large that only the fixed number of digits will be ever written.
+/// (The tipping point for `f64` is about 800, and 1000 bytes should be enough.)
+/// There should be at least 4 parts available, due to the worst case like
+/// `[+][0.][0000][2][0000]` with `frac_digits = 10`.
+pub fn to_exact_fixed_str<'a, T, F>(
+ mut format_exact: F,
+ v: T,
+ sign: Sign,
+ frac_digits: usize,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
+) -> Formatted<'a>
+ T: DecodableFloat,
+ F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>], i16) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
+ assert!(parts.len() >= 4);
+ let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
+ let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
+ match full_decoded {
+ FullDecoded::Nan => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Infinite => {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Zero => {
+ if frac_digits > 0 {
+ // [0.][0000]
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
+ parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) },
+ }
+ } else {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
+ let maxlen = estimate_max_buf_len(decoded.exp);
+ assert!(buf.len() >= maxlen);
+ // it *is* possible that `frac_digits` is ridiculously large.
+ // `format_exact` will end rendering digits much earlier in this case,
+ // because we are strictly limited by `maxlen`.
+ let limit = if frac_digits < 0x8000 { -(frac_digits as i16) } else { i16::MIN };
+ let (buf, exp) = format_exact(decoded, &mut buf[..maxlen], limit);
+ if exp <= limit {
+ // the restriction couldn't been met, so this should render like zero no matter
+ // `exp` was. this does not include the case that the restriction has been met
+ // only after the final rounding-up; it's a regular case with `exp = limit + 1`.
+ debug_assert_eq!(buf.len(), 0);
+ if frac_digits > 0 {
+ // [0.][0000]
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
+ parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) },
+ }
+ } else {
+ parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"));
+ Formatted {
+ sign,
+ // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
+ parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Formatted { sign, parts: digits_to_dec_str(buf, exp, frac_digits, parts) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/strategy/ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/strategy/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ced5971e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/strategy/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+//! Almost direct (but slightly optimized) Rust translation of Figure 3 of "Printing
+//! Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately"[^1].
+//! [^1]: Burger, R. G. and Dybvig, R. K. 1996. Printing floating-point numbers
+//! quickly and accurately. SIGPLAN Not. 31, 5 (May. 1996), 108-116.
+use crate::cmp::Ordering;
+use crate::mem::MaybeUninit;
+use crate::num::bignum::Big32x40 as Big;
+use crate::num::bignum::Digit32 as Digit;
+use crate::num::flt2dec::estimator::estimate_scaling_factor;
+use crate::num::flt2dec::{round_up, Decoded, MAX_SIG_DIGITS};
+static POW10: [Digit; 10] =
+ [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000];
+static TWOPOW10: [Digit; 10] =
+ [2, 20, 200, 2000, 20000, 200000, 2000000, 20000000, 200000000, 2000000000];
+// precalculated arrays of `Digit`s for 10^(2^n)
+static POW10TO16: [Digit; 2] = [0x6fc10000, 0x2386f2];
+static POW10TO32: [Digit; 4] = [0, 0x85acef81, 0x2d6d415b, 0x4ee];
+static POW10TO64: [Digit; 7] = [0, 0, 0xbf6a1f01, 0x6e38ed64, 0xdaa797ed, 0xe93ff9f4, 0x184f03];
+static POW10TO128: [Digit; 14] = [
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2e953e01, 0x3df9909, 0xf1538fd, 0x2374e42f, 0xd3cff5ec, 0xc404dc08, 0xbccdb0da,
+ 0xa6337f19, 0xe91f2603, 0x24e,
+static POW10TO256: [Digit; 27] = [
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x982e7c01, 0xbed3875b, 0xd8d99f72, 0x12152f87, 0x6bde50c6, 0xcf4a6e70,
+ 0xd595d80f, 0x26b2716e, 0xadc666b0, 0x1d153624, 0x3c42d35a, 0x63ff540e, 0xcc5573c0, 0x65f9ef17,
+ 0x55bc28f2, 0x80dcc7f7, 0xf46eeddc, 0x5fdcefce, 0x553f7,
+pub fn mul_pow10(x: &mut Big, n: usize) -> &mut Big {
+ debug_assert!(n < 512);
+ if n & 7 != 0 {
+ x.mul_small(POW10[n & 7]);
+ }
+ if n & 8 != 0 {
+ x.mul_small(POW10[8]);
+ }
+ if n & 16 != 0 {
+ x.mul_digits(&POW10TO16);
+ }
+ if n & 32 != 0 {
+ x.mul_digits(&POW10TO32);
+ }
+ if n & 64 != 0 {
+ x.mul_digits(&POW10TO64);
+ }
+ if n & 128 != 0 {
+ x.mul_digits(&POW10TO128);
+ }
+ if n & 256 != 0 {
+ x.mul_digits(&POW10TO256);
+ }
+ x
+fn div_2pow10(x: &mut Big, mut n: usize) -> &mut Big {
+ let largest = POW10.len() - 1;
+ while n > largest {
+ x.div_rem_small(POW10[largest]);
+ n -= largest;
+ }
+ x.div_rem_small(TWOPOW10[n]);
+ x
+// only usable when `x < 16 * scale`; `scaleN` should be `scale.mul_small(N)`
+fn div_rem_upto_16<'a>(
+ x: &'a mut Big,
+ scale: &Big,
+ scale2: &Big,
+ scale4: &Big,
+ scale8: &Big,
+) -> (u8, &'a mut Big) {
+ let mut d = 0;
+ if *x >= *scale8 {
+ x.sub(scale8);
+ d += 8;
+ }
+ if *x >= *scale4 {
+ x.sub(scale4);
+ d += 4;
+ }
+ if *x >= *scale2 {
+ x.sub(scale2);
+ d += 2;
+ }
+ if *x >= *scale {
+ x.sub(scale);
+ d += 1;
+ }
+ debug_assert!(*x < *scale);
+ (d, x)
+/// The shortest mode implementation for Dragon.
+pub fn format_shortest<'a>(
+ d: &Decoded,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+) -> (/*digits*/ &'a [u8], /*exp*/ i16) {
+ // the number `v` to format is known to be:
+ // - equal to `mant * 2^exp`;
+ // - preceded by `(mant - 2 * minus) * 2^exp` in the original type; and
+ // - followed by `(mant + 2 * plus) * 2^exp` in the original type.
+ //
+ // obviously, `minus` and `plus` cannot be zero. (for infinities, we use out-of-range values.)
+ // also we assume that at least one digit is generated, i.e., `mant` cannot be zero too.
+ //
+ // this also means that any number between `low = (mant - minus) * 2^exp` and
+ // `high = (mant + plus) * 2^exp` will map to this exact floating point number,
+ // with bounds included when the original mantissa was even (i.e., `!mant_was_odd`).
+ assert!(d.mant > 0);
+ assert!(d.minus > 0);
+ assert!( > 0);
+ assert!(d.mant.checked_add(;
+ assert!(d.mant.checked_sub(d.minus).is_some());
+ assert!(buf.len() >= MAX_SIG_DIGITS);
+ // `a.cmp(&b) < rounding` is `if d.inclusive {a <= b} else {a < b}`
+ let rounding = if d.inclusive { Ordering::Greater } else { Ordering::Equal };
+ // estimate `k_0` from original inputs satisfying `10^(k_0-1) < high <= 10^(k_0+1)`.
+ // the tight bound `k` satisfying `10^(k-1) < high <= 10^k` is calculated later.
+ let mut k = estimate_scaling_factor(d.mant +, d.exp);
+ // convert `{mant, plus, minus} * 2^exp` into the fractional form so that:
+ // - `v = mant / scale`
+ // - `low = (mant - minus) / scale`
+ // - `high = (mant + plus) / scale`
+ let mut mant = Big::from_u64(d.mant);
+ let mut minus = Big::from_u64(d.minus);
+ let mut plus = Big::from_u64(;
+ let mut scale = Big::from_small(1);
+ if d.exp < 0 {
+ scale.mul_pow2(-d.exp as usize);
+ } else {
+ mant.mul_pow2(d.exp as usize);
+ minus.mul_pow2(d.exp as usize);
+ plus.mul_pow2(d.exp as usize);
+ }
+ // divide `mant` by `10^k`. now `scale / 10 < mant + plus <= scale * 10`.
+ if k >= 0 {
+ mul_pow10(&mut scale, k as usize);
+ } else {
+ mul_pow10(&mut mant, -k as usize);
+ mul_pow10(&mut minus, -k as usize);
+ mul_pow10(&mut plus, -k as usize);
+ }
+ // fixup when `mant + plus > scale` (or `>=`).
+ // we are not actually modifying `scale`, since we can skip the initial multiplication instead.
+ // now `scale < mant + plus <= scale * 10` and we are ready to generate digits.
+ //
+ // note that `d[0]` *can* be zero, when `scale - plus < mant < scale`.
+ // in this case rounding-up condition (`up` below) will be triggered immediately.
+ if scale.cmp(mant.clone().add(&plus)) < rounding {
+ // equivalent to scaling `scale` by 10
+ k += 1;
+ } else {
+ mant.mul_small(10);
+ minus.mul_small(10);
+ plus.mul_small(10);
+ }
+ // cache `(2, 4, 8) * scale` for digit generation.
+ let mut scale2 = scale.clone();
+ scale2.mul_pow2(1);
+ let mut scale4 = scale.clone();
+ scale4.mul_pow2(2);
+ let mut scale8 = scale.clone();
+ scale8.mul_pow2(3);
+ let mut down;
+ let mut up;
+ let mut i = 0;
+ loop {
+ // invariants, where `d[0..n-1]` are digits generated so far:
+ // - `v = mant / scale * 10^(k-n-1) + d[0..n-1] * 10^(k-n)`
+ // - `v - low = minus / scale * 10^(k-n-1)`
+ // - `high - v = plus / scale * 10^(k-n-1)`
+ // - `(mant + plus) / scale <= 10` (thus `mant / scale < 10`)
+ // where `d[i..j]` is a shorthand for `d[i] * 10^(j-i) + ... + d[j-1] * 10 + d[j]`.
+ // generate one digit: `d[n] = floor(mant / scale) < 10`.
+ let (d, _) = div_rem_upto_16(&mut mant, &scale, &scale2, &scale4, &scale8);
+ debug_assert!(d < 10);
+ buf[i] = MaybeUninit::new(b'0' + d);
+ i += 1;
+ // this is a simplified description of the modified Dragon algorithm.
+ // many intermediate derivations and completeness arguments are omitted for convenience.
+ //
+ // start with modified invariants, as we've updated `n`:
+ // - `v = mant / scale * 10^(k-n) + d[0..n-1] * 10^(k-n)`
+ // - `v - low = minus / scale * 10^(k-n)`
+ // - `high - v = plus / scale * 10^(k-n)`
+ //
+ // assume that `d[0..n-1]` is the shortest representation between `low` and `high`,
+ // i.e., `d[0..n-1]` satisfies both of the following but `d[0..n-2]` doesn't:
+ // - `low < d[0..n-1] * 10^(k-n) < high` (bijectivity: digits round to `v`); and
+ // - `abs(v / 10^(k-n) - d[0..n-1]) <= 1/2` (the last digit is correct).
+ //
+ // the second condition simplifies to `2 * mant <= scale`.
+ // solving invariants in terms of `mant`, `low` and `high` yields
+ // a simpler version of the first condition: `-plus < mant < minus`.
+ // since `-plus < 0 <= mant`, we have the correct shortest representation
+ // when `mant < minus` and `2 * mant <= scale`.
+ // (the former becomes `mant <= minus` when the original mantissa is even.)
+ //
+ // when the second doesn't hold (`2 * mant > scale`), we need to increase the last digit.
+ // this is enough for restoring that condition: we already know that
+ // the digit generation guarantees `0 <= v / 10^(k-n) - d[0..n-1] < 1`.
+ // in this case, the first condition becomes `-plus < mant - scale < minus`.
+ // since `mant < scale` after the generation, we have `scale < mant + plus`.
+ // (again, this becomes `scale <= mant + plus` when the original mantissa is even.)
+ //
+ // in short:
+ // - stop and round `down` (keep digits as is) when `mant < minus` (or `<=`).
+ // - stop and round `up` (increase the last digit) when `scale < mant + plus` (or `<=`).
+ // - keep generating otherwise.
+ down = mant.cmp(&minus) < rounding;
+ up = scale.cmp(mant.clone().add(&plus)) < rounding;
+ if down || up {
+ break;
+ } // we have the shortest representation, proceed to the rounding
+ // restore the invariants.
+ // this makes the algorithm always terminating: `minus` and `plus` always increases,
+ // but `mant` is clipped modulo `scale` and `scale` is fixed.
+ mant.mul_small(10);
+ minus.mul_small(10);
+ plus.mul_small(10);
+ }
+ // rounding up happens when
+ // i) only the rounding-up condition was triggered, or
+ // ii) both conditions were triggered and tie breaking prefers rounding up.
+ if up && (!down || *mant.mul_pow2(1) >= scale) {
+ // if rounding up changes the length, the exponent should also change.
+ // it seems that this condition is very hard to satisfy (possibly impossible),
+ // but we are just being safe and consistent here.
+ // SAFETY: we initialized that memory above.
+ if let Some(c) = round_up(unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_mut(&mut buf[..i]) }) {
+ buf[i] = MaybeUninit::new(c);
+ i += 1;
+ k += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // SAFETY: we initialized that memory above.
+ (unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&buf[..i]) }, k)
+/// The exact and fixed mode implementation for Dragon.
+pub fn format_exact<'a>(
+ d: &Decoded,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ limit: i16,
+) -> (/*digits*/ &'a [u8], /*exp*/ i16) {
+ assert!(d.mant > 0);
+ assert!(d.minus > 0);
+ assert!( > 0);
+ assert!(d.mant.checked_add(;
+ assert!(d.mant.checked_sub(d.minus).is_some());
+ // estimate `k_0` from original inputs satisfying `10^(k_0-1) < v <= 10^(k_0+1)`.
+ let mut k = estimate_scaling_factor(d.mant, d.exp);
+ // `v = mant / scale`.
+ let mut mant = Big::from_u64(d.mant);
+ let mut scale = Big::from_small(1);
+ if d.exp < 0 {
+ scale.mul_pow2(-d.exp as usize);
+ } else {
+ mant.mul_pow2(d.exp as usize);
+ }
+ // divide `mant` by `10^k`. now `scale / 10 < mant <= scale * 10`.
+ if k >= 0 {
+ mul_pow10(&mut scale, k as usize);
+ } else {
+ mul_pow10(&mut mant, -k as usize);
+ }
+ // fixup when `mant + plus >= scale`, where `plus / scale = 10^-buf.len() / 2`.
+ // in order to keep the fixed-size bignum, we actually use `mant + floor(plus) >= scale`.
+ // we are not actually modifying `scale`, since we can skip the initial multiplication instead.
+ // again with the shortest algorithm, `d[0]` can be zero but will be eventually rounded up.
+ if *div_2pow10(&mut scale.clone(), buf.len()).add(&mant) >= scale {
+ // equivalent to scaling `scale` by 10
+ k += 1;
+ } else {
+ mant.mul_small(10);
+ }
+ // if we are working with the last-digit limitation, we need to shorten the buffer
+ // before the actual rendering in order to avoid double rounding.
+ // note that we have to enlarge the buffer again when rounding up happens!
+ let mut len = if k < limit {
+ // oops, we cannot even produce *one* digit.
+ // this is possible when, say, we've got something like 9.5 and it's being rounded to 10.
+ // we return an empty buffer, with an exception of the later rounding-up case
+ // which occurs when `k == limit` and has to produce exactly one digit.
+ 0
+ } else if ((k as i32 - limit as i32) as usize) < buf.len() {
+ (k - limit) as usize
+ } else {
+ buf.len()
+ };
+ if len > 0 {
+ // cache `(2, 4, 8) * scale` for digit generation.
+ // (this can be expensive, so do not calculate them when the buffer is empty.)
+ let mut scale2 = scale.clone();
+ scale2.mul_pow2(1);
+ let mut scale4 = scale.clone();
+ scale4.mul_pow2(2);
+ let mut scale8 = scale.clone();
+ scale8.mul_pow2(3);
+ for i in 0..len {
+ if mant.is_zero() {
+ // following digits are all zeroes, we stop here
+ // do *not* try to perform rounding! rather, fill remaining digits.
+ for c in &mut buf[i..len] {
+ *c = MaybeUninit::new(b'0');
+ }
+ // SAFETY: we initialized that memory above.
+ return (unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&buf[..len]) }, k);
+ }
+ let mut d = 0;
+ if mant >= scale8 {
+ mant.sub(&scale8);
+ d += 8;
+ }
+ if mant >= scale4 {
+ mant.sub(&scale4);
+ d += 4;
+ }
+ if mant >= scale2 {
+ mant.sub(&scale2);
+ d += 2;
+ }
+ if mant >= scale {
+ mant.sub(&scale);
+ d += 1;
+ }
+ debug_assert!(mant < scale);
+ debug_assert!(d < 10);
+ buf[i] = MaybeUninit::new(b'0' + d);
+ mant.mul_small(10);
+ }
+ }
+ // rounding up if we stop in the middle of digits
+ // if the following digits are exactly 5000..., check the prior digit and try to
+ // round to even (i.e., avoid rounding up when the prior digit is even).
+ let order = mant.cmp(scale.mul_small(5));
+ if order == Ordering::Greater
+ || (order == Ordering::Equal
+ // SAFETY: `buf[len-1]` is initialized.
+ && (len == 0 || unsafe { buf[len - 1].assume_init() } & 1 == 1))
+ {
+ // if rounding up changes the length, the exponent should also change.
+ // but we've been requested a fixed number of digits, so do not alter the buffer...
+ // SAFETY: we initialized that memory above.
+ if let Some(c) = round_up(unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_mut(&mut buf[..len]) }) {
+ // ...unless we've been requested the fixed precision instead.
+ // we also need to check that, if the original buffer was empty,
+ // the additional digit can only be added when `k == limit` (edge case).
+ k += 1;
+ if k > limit && len < buf.len() {
+ buf[len] = MaybeUninit::new(c);
+ len += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // SAFETY: we initialized that memory above.
+ (unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&buf[..len]) }, k)
diff --git a/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/strategy/ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/strategy/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4cb51c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/core/src/num/flt2dec/strategy/
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+//! Rust adaptation of the Grisu3 algorithm described in "Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly
+//! and Accurately with Integers"[^1]. It uses about 1KB of precomputed table, and in turn, it's
+//! very quick for most inputs.
+//! [^1]: Florian Loitsch. 2010. Printing floating-point numbers quickly and
+//! accurately with integers. SIGPLAN Not. 45, 6 (June 2010), 233-243.
+use crate::mem::MaybeUninit;
+use crate::num::diy_float::Fp;
+use crate::num::flt2dec::{round_up, Decoded, MAX_SIG_DIGITS};
+// see the comments in `format_shortest_opt` for the rationale.
+pub const ALPHA: i16 = -60;
+pub const GAMMA: i16 = -32;
+# the following Python code generates this table:
+for i in xrange(-308, 333, 8):
+ if i >= 0: f = 10**i; e = 0
+ else: f = 2**(80-4*i) // 10**-i; e = 4 * i - 80
+ l = f.bit_length()
+ f = ((f << 64 >> (l-1)) + 1) >> 1; e += l - 64
+ print ' (%#018x, %5d, %4d),' % (f, e, i)
+pub static CACHED_POW10: [(u64, i16, i16); 81] = [
+ // (f, e, k)
+ (0xe61acf033d1a45df, -1087, -308),
+ (0xab70fe17c79ac6ca, -1060, -300),
+ (0xff77b1fcbebcdc4f, -1034, -292),
+ (0xbe5691ef416bd60c, -1007, -284),
+ (0x8dd01fad907ffc3c, -980, -276),
+ (0xd3515c2831559a83, -954, -268),
+ (0x9d71ac8fada6c9b5, -927, -260),
+ (0xea9c227723ee8bcb, -901, -252),
+ (0xaecc49914078536d, -874, -244),
+ (0x823c12795db6ce57, -847, -236),
+ (0xc21094364dfb5637, -821, -228),
+ (0x9096ea6f3848984f, -794, -220),
+ (0xd77485cb25823ac7, -768, -212),
+ (0xa086cfcd97bf97f4, -741, -204),
+ (0xef340a98172aace5, -715, -196),
+ (0xb23867fb2a35b28e, -688, -188),
+ (0x84c8d4dfd2c63f3b, -661, -180),
+ (0xc5dd44271ad3cdba, -635, -172),
+ (0x936b9fcebb25c996, -608, -164),
+ (0xdbac6c247d62a584, -582, -156),
+ (0xa3ab66580d5fdaf6, -555, -148),
+ (0xf3e2f893dec3f126, -529, -140),
+ (0xb5b5ada8aaff80b8, -502, -132),
+ (0x87625f056c7c4a8b, -475, -124),
+ (0xc9bcff6034c13053, -449, -116),
+ (0x964e858c91ba2655, -422, -108),
+ (0xdff9772470297ebd, -396, -100),
+ (0xa6dfbd9fb8e5b88f, -369, -92),
+ (0xf8a95fcf88747d94, -343, -84),
+ (0xb94470938fa89bcf, -316, -76),
+ (0x8a08f0f8bf0f156b, -289, -68),
+ (0xcdb02555653131b6, -263, -60),
+ (0x993fe2c6d07b7fac, -236, -52),
+ (0xe45c10c42a2b3b06, -210, -44),
+ (0xaa242499697392d3, -183, -36),
+ (0xfd87b5f28300ca0e, -157, -28),
+ (0xbce5086492111aeb, -130, -20),
+ (0x8cbccc096f5088cc, -103, -12),
+ (0xd1b71758e219652c, -77, -4),
+ (0x9c40000000000000, -50, 4),
+ (0xe8d4a51000000000, -24, 12),
+ (0xad78ebc5ac620000, 3, 20),
+ (0x813f3978f8940984, 30, 28),
+ (0xc097ce7bc90715b3, 56, 36),
+ (0x8f7e32ce7bea5c70, 83, 44),
+ (0xd5d238a4abe98068, 109, 52),
+ (0x9f4f2726179a2245, 136, 60),
+ (0xed63a231d4c4fb27, 162, 68),
+ (0xb0de65388cc8ada8, 189, 76),
+ (0x83c7088e1aab65db, 216, 84),
+ (0xc45d1df942711d9a, 242, 92),
+ (0x924d692ca61be758, 269, 100),
+ (0xda01ee641a708dea, 295, 108),
+ (0xa26da3999aef774a, 322, 116),
+ (0xf209787bb47d6b85, 348, 124),
+ (0xb454e4a179dd1877, 375, 132),
+ (0x865b86925b9bc5c2, 402, 140),
+ (0xc83553c5c8965d3d, 428, 148),
+ (0x952ab45cfa97a0b3, 455, 156),
+ (0xde469fbd99a05fe3, 481, 164),
+ (0xa59bc234db398c25, 508, 172),
+ (0xf6c69a72a3989f5c, 534, 180),
+ (0xb7dcbf5354e9bece, 561, 188),
+ (0x88fcf317f22241e2, 588, 196),
+ (0xcc20ce9bd35c78a5, 614, 204),
+ (0x98165af37b2153df, 641, 212),
+ (0xe2a0b5dc971f303a, 667, 220),
+ (0xa8d9d1535ce3b396, 694, 228),
+ (0xfb9b7cd9a4a7443c, 720, 236),
+ (0xbb764c4ca7a44410, 747, 244),
+ (0x8bab8eefb6409c1a, 774, 252),
+ (0xd01fef10a657842c, 800, 260),
+ (0x9b10a4e5e9913129, 827, 268),
+ (0xe7109bfba19c0c9d, 853, 276),
+ (0xac2820d9623bf429, 880, 284),
+ (0x80444b5e7aa7cf85, 907, 292),
+ (0xbf21e44003acdd2d, 933, 300),
+ (0x8e679c2f5e44ff8f, 960, 308),
+ (0xd433179d9c8cb841, 986, 316),
+ (0x9e19db92b4e31ba9, 1013, 324),
+ (0xeb96bf6ebadf77d9, 1039, 332),
+pub const CACHED_POW10_FIRST_E: i16 = -1087;
+pub const CACHED_POW10_LAST_E: i16 = 1039;
+pub fn cached_power(alpha: i16, gamma: i16) -> (i16, Fp) {
+ let offset = CACHED_POW10_FIRST_E as i32;
+ let range = (CACHED_POW10.len() as i32) - 1;
+ let domain = (CACHED_POW10_LAST_E - CACHED_POW10_FIRST_E) as i32;
+ let idx = ((gamma as i32) - offset) * range / domain;
+ let (f, e, k) = CACHED_POW10[idx as usize];
+ debug_assert!(alpha <= e && e <= gamma);
+ (k, Fp { f, e })
+/// Given `x > 0`, returns `(k, 10^k)` such that `10^k <= x < 10^(k+1)`.
+pub fn max_pow10_no_more_than(x: u32) -> (u8, u32) {
+ debug_assert!(x > 0);
+ const X9: u32 = 10_0000_0000;
+ const X8: u32 = 1_0000_0000;
+ const X7: u32 = 1000_0000;
+ const X6: u32 = 100_0000;
+ const X5: u32 = 10_0000;
+ const X4: u32 = 1_0000;
+ const X3: u32 = 1000;
+ const X2: u32 = 100;
+ const X1: u32 = 10;
+ if x < X4 {
+ if x < X2 {
+ if x < X1 { (0, 1) } else { (1, X1) }
+ } else {
+ if x < X3 { (2, X2) } else { (3, X3) }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if x < X6 {
+ if x < X5 { (4, X4) } else { (5, X5) }
+ } else if x < X8 {
+ if x < X7 { (6, X6) } else { (7, X7) }
+ } else {
+ if x < X9 { (8, X8) } else { (9, X9) }
+ }
+ }
+/// The shortest mode implementation for Grisu.
+/// It returns `None` when it would return an inexact representation otherwise.
+pub fn format_shortest_opt<'a>(
+ d: &Decoded,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+) -> Option<(/*digits*/ &'a [u8], /*exp*/ i16)> {
+ assert!(d.mant > 0);
+ assert!(d.minus > 0);
+ assert!( > 0);
+ assert!(d.mant.checked_add(;
+ assert!(d.mant.checked_sub(d.minus).is_some());
+ assert!(buf.len() >= MAX_SIG_DIGITS);
+ assert!(d.mant + < (1 << 61)); // we need at least three bits of additional precision
+ // start with the normalized values with the shared exponent
+ let plus = Fp { f: d.mant +, e: d.exp }.normalize();
+ let minus = Fp { f: d.mant - d.minus, e: d.exp }.normalize_to(plus.e);
+ let v = Fp { f: d.mant, e: d.exp }.normalize_to(plus.e);
+ // find any `cached = 10^minusk` such that `ALPHA <= minusk + plus.e + 64 <= GAMMA`.
+ // since `plus` is normalized, this means `2^(62 + ALPHA) <= plus * cached < 2^(64 + GAMMA)`;
+ // given our choices of `ALPHA` and `GAMMA`, this puts `plus * cached` into `[4, 2^32)`.
+ //
+ // it is obviously desirable to maximize `GAMMA - ALPHA`,
+ // so that we don't need many cached powers of 10, but there are some considerations:
+ //
+ // 1. we want to keep `floor(plus * cached)` within `u32` since it needs a costly division.
+ // (this is not really avoidable, remainder is required for accuracy estimation.)
+ // 2. the remainder of `floor(plus * cached)` repeatedly gets multiplied by 10,
+ // and it should not overflow.
+ //
+ // the first gives `64 + GAMMA <= 32`, while the second gives `10 * 2^-ALPHA <= 2^64`;
+ // -60 and -32 is the maximal range with this constraint, and V8 also uses them.
+ let (minusk, cached) = cached_power(ALPHA - plus.e - 64, GAMMA - plus.e - 64);
+ // scale fps. this gives the maximal error of 1 ulp (proved from Theorem 5.1).
+ let plus = plus.mul(&cached);
+ let minus = minus.mul(&cached);
+ let v = v.mul(&cached);
+ debug_assert_eq!(plus.e, minus.e);
+ debug_assert_eq!(plus.e, v.e);
+ // +- actual range of minus
+ // | <---|---------------------- unsafe region --------------------------> |
+ // | | |
+ // | |<--->| | <--------------- safe region ---------------> | |
+ // | | | | | |
+ // |1 ulp|1 ulp| |1 ulp|1 ulp| |1 ulp|1 ulp|
+ // |<--->|<--->| |<--->|<--->| |<--->|<--->|
+ // |-----|-----|-------...-------|-----|-----|-------...-------|-----|-----|
+ // | minus | | v | | plus |
+ // minus1 minus0 v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp plus0 plus1
+ //
+ // above `minus`, `v` and `plus` are *quantized* approximations (error < 1 ulp).
+ // as we don't know the error is positive or negative, we use two approximations spaced equally
+ // and have the maximal error of 2 ulps.
+ //
+ // the "unsafe region" is a liberal interval which we initially generate.
+ // the "safe region" is a conservative interval which we only accept.
+ // we start with the correct repr within the unsafe region, and try to find the closest repr
+ // to `v` which is also within the safe region. if we can't, we give up.
+ let plus1 = plus.f + 1;
+ // let plus0 = plus.f - 1; // only for explanation
+ // let minus0 = minus.f + 1; // only for explanation
+ let minus1 = minus.f - 1;
+ let e = -plus.e as usize; // shared exponent
+ // divide `plus1` into integral and fractional parts.
+ // integral parts are guaranteed to fit in u32, since cached power guarantees `plus < 2^32`
+ // and normalized `plus.f` is always less than `2^64 - 2^4` due to the precision requirement.
+ let plus1int = (plus1 >> e) as u32;
+ let plus1frac = plus1 & ((1 << e) - 1);
+ // calculate the largest `10^max_kappa` no more than `plus1` (thus `plus1 < 10^(max_kappa+1)`).
+ // this is an upper bound of `kappa` below.
+ let (max_kappa, max_ten_kappa) = max_pow10_no_more_than(plus1int);
+ let mut i = 0;
+ let exp = max_kappa as i16 - minusk + 1;
+ // Theorem 6.2: if `k` is the greatest integer s.t. `0 <= y mod 10^k <= y - x`,
+ // then `V = floor(y / 10^k) * 10^k` is in `[x, y]` and one of the shortest
+ // representations (with the minimal number of significant digits) in that range.
+ //
+ // find the digit length `kappa` between `(minus1, plus1)` as per Theorem 6.2.
+ // Theorem 6.2 can be adopted to exclude `x` by requiring `y mod 10^k < y - x` instead.
+ // (e.g., `x` = 32000, `y` = 32777; `kappa` = 2 since `y mod 10^3 = 777 < y - x = 777`.)
+ // the algorithm relies on the later verification phase to exclude `y`.
+ let delta1 = plus1 - minus1;
+ // let delta1int = (delta1 >> e) as usize; // only for explanation
+ let delta1frac = delta1 & ((1 << e) - 1);
+ // render integral parts, while checking for the accuracy at each step.
+ let mut kappa = max_kappa as i16;
+ let mut ten_kappa = max_ten_kappa; // 10^kappa
+ let mut remainder = plus1int; // digits yet to be rendered
+ loop {
+ // we always have at least one digit to render, as `plus1 >= 10^kappa`
+ // invariants:
+ // - `delta1int <= remainder < 10^(kappa+1)`
+ // - `plus1int = d[0..n-1] * 10^(kappa+1) + remainder`
+ // (it follows that `remainder = plus1int % 10^(kappa+1)`)
+ // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`. both are scaled by `2^-e`.
+ let q = remainder / ten_kappa;
+ let r = remainder % ten_kappa;
+ debug_assert!(q < 10);
+ buf[i] = MaybeUninit::new(b'0' + q as u8);
+ i += 1;
+ let plus1rem = ((r as u64) << e) + plus1frac; // == (plus1 % 10^kappa) * 2^e
+ if plus1rem < delta1 {
+ // `plus1 % 10^kappa < delta1 = plus1 - minus1`; we've found the correct `kappa`.
+ let ten_kappa = (ten_kappa as u64) << e; // scale 10^kappa back to the shared exponent
+ return round_and_weed(
+ // SAFETY: we initialized that memory above.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_mut(&mut buf[..i]) },
+ exp,
+ plus1rem,
+ delta1,
+ plus1 - v.f,
+ ten_kappa,
+ 1,
+ );
+ }
+ // break the loop when we have rendered all integral digits.
+ // the exact number of digits is `max_kappa + 1` as `plus1 < 10^(max_kappa+1)`.
+ if i > max_kappa as usize {
+ debug_assert_eq!(ten_kappa, 1);
+ debug_assert_eq!(kappa, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ // restore invariants
+ kappa -= 1;
+ ten_kappa /= 10;
+ remainder = r;
+ }
+ // render fractional parts, while checking for the accuracy at each step.
+ // this time we rely on repeated multiplications, as division will lose the precision.
+ let mut remainder = plus1frac;
+ let mut threshold = delta1frac;
+ let mut ulp = 1;
+ loop {
+ // the next digit should be significant as we've tested that before breaking out
+ // invariants, where `m = max_kappa + 1` (# of digits in the integral part):
+ // - `remainder < 2^e`
+ // - `plus1frac * 10^(n-m) = d[m..n-1] * 2^e + remainder`
+ remainder *= 10; // won't overflow, `2^e * 10 < 2^64`
+ threshold *= 10;
+ ulp *= 10;
+ // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`.
+ // both are scaled by `2^e / 10^kappa`, so the latter is implicit here.
+ let q = remainder >> e;
+ let r = remainder & ((1 << e) - 1);
+ debug_assert!(q < 10);
+ buf[i] = MaybeUninit::new(b'0' + q as u8);
+ i += 1;
+ if r < threshold {
+ let ten_kappa = 1 << e; // implicit divisor
+ return round_and_weed(
+ // SAFETY: we initialized that memory above.
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_mut(&mut buf[..i]) },
+ exp,
+ r,
+ threshold,
+ (plus1 - v.f) * ulp,
+ ten_kappa,
+ ulp,
+ );
+ }
+ // restore invariants
+ kappa -= 1;
+ remainder = r;
+ }
+ // we've generated all significant digits of `plus1`, but not sure if it's the optimal one.
+ // for example, if `minus1` is 3.14153... and `plus1` is 3.14158..., there are 5 different
+ // shortest representation from 3.14154 to 3.14158 but we only have the greatest one.
+ // we have to successively decrease the last digit and check if this is the optimal repr.
+ // there are at most 9 candidates (..1 to ..9), so this is fairly quick. ("rounding" phase)
+ //
+ // the function checks if this "optimal" repr is actually within the ulp ranges,
+ // and also, it is possible that the "second-to-optimal" repr can actually be optimal
+ // due to the rounding error. in either cases this returns `None`. ("weeding" phase)
+ //
+ // all arguments here are scaled by the common (but implicit) value `k`, so that:
+ // - `remainder = (plus1 % 10^kappa) * k`
+ // - `threshold = (plus1 - minus1) * k` (and also, `remainder < threshold`)
+ // - `plus1v = (plus1 - v) * k` (and also, `threshold > plus1v` from prior invariants)
+ // - `ten_kappa = 10^kappa * k`
+ // - `ulp = 2^-e * k`
+ fn round_and_weed(
+ buf: &mut [u8],
+ exp: i16,
+ remainder: u64,
+ threshold: u64,
+ plus1v: u64,
+ ten_kappa: u64,
+ ulp: u64,
+ ) -> Option<(&[u8], i16)> {
+ assert!(!buf.is_empty());
+ // produce two approximations to `v` (actually `plus1 - v`) within 1.5 ulps.
+ // the resulting representation should be the closest representation to both.
+ //
+ // here `plus1 - v` is used since calculations are done with respect to `plus1`
+ // in order to avoid overflow/underflow (hence the seemingly swapped names).
+ let plus1v_down = plus1v + ulp; // plus1 - (v - 1 ulp)
+ let plus1v_up = plus1v - ulp; // plus1 - (v + 1 ulp)
+ // decrease the last digit and stop at the closest representation to `v + 1 ulp`.
+ let mut plus1w = remainder; // plus1w(n) = plus1 - w(n)
+ {
+ let last = buf.last_mut().unwrap();
+ // we work with the approximated digits `w(n)`, which is initially equal to `plus1 -
+ // plus1 % 10^kappa`. after running the loop body `n` times, `w(n) = plus1 -
+ // plus1 % 10^kappa - n * 10^kappa`. we set `plus1w(n) = plus1 - w(n) =
+ // plus1 % 10^kappa + n * 10^kappa` (thus `remainder = plus1w(0)`) to simplify checks.
+ // note that `plus1w(n)` is always increasing.
+ //
+ // we have three conditions to terminate. any of them will make the loop unable to
+ // proceed, but we then have at least one valid representation known to be closest to
+ // `v + 1 ulp` anyway. we will denote them as TC1 through TC3 for brevity.
+ //
+ // TC1: `w(n) <= v + 1 ulp`, i.e., this is the last repr that can be the closest one.
+ // this is equivalent to `plus1 - w(n) = plus1w(n) >= plus1 - (v + 1 ulp) = plus1v_up`.
+ // combined with TC2 (which checks if `w(n+1)` is valid), this prevents the possible
+ // overflow on the calculation of `plus1w(n)`.
+ //
+ // TC2: `w(n+1) < minus1`, i.e., the next repr definitely does not round to `v`.
+ // this is equivalent to `plus1 - w(n) + 10^kappa = plus1w(n) + 10^kappa >
+ // plus1 - minus1 = threshold`. the left hand side can overflow, but we know
+ // `threshold > plus1v`, so if TC1 is false, `threshold - plus1w(n) >
+ // threshold - (plus1v - 1 ulp) > 1 ulp` and we can safely test if
+ // `threshold - plus1w(n) < 10^kappa` instead.
+ //
+ // TC3: `abs(w(n) - (v + 1 ulp)) <= abs(w(n+1) - (v + 1 ulp))`, i.e., the next repr is
+ // no closer to `v + 1 ulp` than the current repr. given `z(n) = plus1v_up - plus1w(n)`,
+ // this becomes `abs(z(n)) <= abs(z(n+1))`. again assuming that TC1 is false, we have
+ // `z(n) > 0`. we have two cases to consider:
+ //
+ // - when `z(n+1) >= 0`: TC3 becomes `z(n) <= z(n+1)`. as `plus1w(n)` is increasing,
+ // `z(n)` should be decreasing and this is clearly false.
+ // - when `z(n+1) < 0`:
+ // - TC3a: the precondition is `plus1v_up < plus1w(n) + 10^kappa`. assuming TC2 is
+ // false, `threshold >= plus1w(n) + 10^kappa` so it cannot overflow.
+ // - TC3b: TC3 becomes `z(n) <= -z(n+1)`, i.e., `plus1v_up - plus1w(n) >=
+ // plus1w(n+1) - plus1v_up = plus1w(n) + 10^kappa - plus1v_up`. the negated TC1
+ // gives `plus1v_up > plus1w(n)`, so it cannot overflow or underflow when
+ // combined with TC3a.
+ //
+ // consequently, we should stop when `TC1 || TC2 || (TC3a && TC3b)`. the following is
+ // equal to its inverse, `!TC1 && !TC2 && (!TC3a || !TC3b)`.
+ while plus1w < plus1v_up
+ && threshold - plus1w >= ten_kappa
+ && (plus1w + ten_kappa < plus1v_up
+ || plus1v_up - plus1w >= plus1w + ten_kappa - plus1v_up)
+ {
+ *last -= 1;
+ debug_assert!(*last > b'0'); // the shortest repr cannot end with `0`
+ plus1w += ten_kappa;
+ }
+ }
+ // check if this representation is also the closest representation to `v - 1 ulp`.
+ //
+ // this is simply same to the terminating conditions for `v + 1 ulp`, with all `plus1v_up`
+ // replaced by `plus1v_down` instead. overflow analysis equally holds.
+ if plus1w < plus1v_down
+ && threshold - plus1w >= ten_kappa
+ && (plus1w + ten_kappa < plus1v_down
+ || plus1v_down - plus1w >= plus1w + ten_kappa - plus1v_down)
+ {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // now we have the closest representation to `v` between `plus1` and `minus1`.
+ // this is too liberal, though, so we reject any `w(n)` not between `plus0` and `minus0`,
+ // i.e., `plus1 - plus1w(n) <= minus0` or `plus1 - plus1w(n) >= plus0`. we utilize the facts
+ // that `threshold = plus1 - minus1` and `plus1 - plus0 = minus0 - minus1 = 2 ulp`.
+ if 2 * ulp <= plus1w && plus1w <= threshold - 4 * ulp { Some((buf, exp)) } else { None }
+ }
+/// The shortest mode implementation for Grisu with Dragon fallback.
+/// This should be used for most cases.
+pub fn format_shortest<'a>(
+ d: &Decoded,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+) -> (/*digits*/ &'a [u8], /*exp*/ i16) {
+ use crate::num::flt2dec::strategy::dragon::format_shortest as fallback;
+ // SAFETY: The borrow checker is not smart enough to let us use `buf`
+ // in the second branch, so we launder the lifetime here. But we only re-use
+ // `buf` if `format_shortest_opt` returned `None` so this is okay.
+ match format_shortest_opt(d, unsafe { &mut *(buf as *mut _) }) {
+ Some(ret) => ret,
+ None => fallback(d, buf),
+ }
+/// The exact and fixed mode implementation for Grisu.
+/// It returns `None` when it would return an inexact representation otherwise.
+pub fn format_exact_opt<'a>(
+ d: &Decoded,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ limit: i16,
+) -> Option<(/*digits*/ &'a [u8], /*exp*/ i16)> {
+ assert!(d.mant > 0);
+ assert!(d.mant < (1 << 61)); // we need at least three bits of additional precision
+ assert!(!buf.is_empty());
+ // normalize and scale `v`.
+ let v = Fp { f: d.mant, e: d.exp }.normalize();
+ let (minusk, cached) = cached_power(ALPHA - v.e - 64, GAMMA - v.e - 64);
+ let v = v.mul(&cached);
+ // divide `v` into integral and fractional parts.
+ let e = -v.e as usize;
+ let vint = (v.f >> e) as u32;
+ let vfrac = v.f & ((1 << e) - 1);
+ // both old `v` and new `v` (scaled by `10^-k`) has an error of < 1 ulp (Theorem 5.1).
+ // as we don't know the error is positive or negative, we use two approximations
+ // spaced equally and have the maximal error of 2 ulps (same to the shortest case).
+ //
+ // the goal is to find the exactly rounded series of digits that are common to
+ // both `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`, so that we are maximally confident.
+ // if this is not possible, we don't know which one is the correct output for `v`,
+ // so we give up and fall back.
+ //
+ // `err` is defined as `1 ulp * 2^e` here (same to the ulp in `vfrac`),
+ // and we will scale it whenever `v` gets scaled.
+ let mut err = 1;
+ // calculate the largest `10^max_kappa` no more than `v` (thus `v < 10^(max_kappa+1)`).
+ // this is an upper bound of `kappa` below.
+ let (max_kappa, max_ten_kappa) = max_pow10_no_more_than(vint);
+ let mut i = 0;
+ let exp = max_kappa as i16 - minusk + 1;
+ // if we are working with the last-digit limitation, we need to shorten the buffer
+ // before the actual rendering in order to avoid double rounding.
+ // note that we have to enlarge the buffer again when rounding up happens!
+ let len = if exp <= limit {
+ // oops, we cannot even produce *one* digit.
+ // this is possible when, say, we've got something like 9.5 and it's being rounded to 10.
+ //
+ // in principle we can immediately call `possibly_round` with an empty buffer,
+ // but scaling `max_ten_kappa << e` by 10 can result in overflow.
+ // thus we are being sloppy here and widen the error range by a factor of 10.
+ // this will increase the false negative rate, but only very, *very* slightly;
+ // it can only matter noticeably when the mantissa is bigger than 60 bits.
+ //
+ // SAFETY: `len=0`, so the obligation of having initialized this memory is trivial.
+ return unsafe {
+ possibly_round(buf, 0, exp, limit, v.f / 10, (max_ten_kappa as u64) << e, err << e)
+ };
+ } else if ((exp as i32 - limit as i32) as usize) < buf.len() {
+ (exp - limit) as usize
+ } else {
+ buf.len()
+ };
+ debug_assert!(len > 0);
+ // render integral parts.
+ // the error is entirely fractional, so we don't need to check it in this part.
+ let mut kappa = max_kappa as i16;
+ let mut ten_kappa = max_ten_kappa; // 10^kappa
+ let mut remainder = vint; // digits yet to be rendered
+ loop {
+ // we always have at least one digit to render
+ // invariants:
+ // - `remainder < 10^(kappa+1)`
+ // - `vint = d[0..n-1] * 10^(kappa+1) + remainder`
+ // (it follows that `remainder = vint % 10^(kappa+1)`)
+ // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`. both are scaled by `2^-e`.
+ let q = remainder / ten_kappa;
+ let r = remainder % ten_kappa;
+ debug_assert!(q < 10);
+ buf[i] = MaybeUninit::new(b'0' + q as u8);
+ i += 1;
+ // is the buffer full? run the rounding pass with the remainder.
+ if i == len {
+ let vrem = ((r as u64) << e) + vfrac; // == (v % 10^kappa) * 2^e
+ // SAFETY: we have initialized `len` many bytes.
+ return unsafe {
+ possibly_round(buf, len, exp, limit, vrem, (ten_kappa as u64) << e, err << e)
+ };
+ }
+ // break the loop when we have rendered all integral digits.
+ // the exact number of digits is `max_kappa + 1` as `plus1 < 10^(max_kappa+1)`.
+ if i > max_kappa as usize {
+ debug_assert_eq!(ten_kappa, 1);
+ debug_assert_eq!(kappa, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ // restore invariants
+ kappa -= 1;
+ ten_kappa /= 10;
+ remainder = r;
+ }
+ // render fractional parts.
+ //
+ // in principle we can continue to the last available digit and check for the accuracy.
+ // unfortunately we are working with the finite-sized integers, so we need some criterion
+ // to detect the overflow. V8 uses `remainder > err`, which becomes false when
+ // the first `i` significant digits of `v - 1 ulp` and `v` differ. however this rejects
+ // too many otherwise valid input.
+ //
+ // since the later phase has a correct overflow detection, we instead use tighter criterion:
+ // we continue til `err` exceeds `10^kappa / 2`, so that the range between `v - 1 ulp` and
+ // `v + 1 ulp` definitely contains two or more rounded representations. this is same to
+ // the first two comparisons from `possibly_round`, for the reference.
+ let mut remainder = vfrac;
+ let maxerr = 1 << (e - 1);
+ while err < maxerr {
+ // invariants, where `m = max_kappa + 1` (# of digits in the integral part):
+ // - `remainder < 2^e`
+ // - `vfrac * 10^(n-m) = d[m..n-1] * 2^e + remainder`
+ // - `err = 10^(n-m)`
+ remainder *= 10; // won't overflow, `2^e * 10 < 2^64`
+ err *= 10; // won't overflow, `err * 10 < 2^e * 5 < 2^64`
+ // divide `remainder` by `10^kappa`.
+ // both are scaled by `2^e / 10^kappa`, so the latter is implicit here.
+ let q = remainder >> e;
+ let r = remainder & ((1 << e) - 1);
+ debug_assert!(q < 10);
+ buf[i] = MaybeUninit::new(b'0' + q as u8);
+ i += 1;
+ // is the buffer full? run the rounding pass with the remainder.
+ if i == len {
+ // SAFETY: we have initialized `len` many bytes.
+ return unsafe { possibly_round(buf, len, exp, limit, r, 1 << e, err) };
+ }
+ // restore invariants
+ remainder = r;
+ }
+ // further calculation is useless (`possibly_round` definitely fails), so we give up.
+ return None;
+ // we've generated all requested digits of `v`, which should be also same to corresponding
+ // digits of `v - 1 ulp`. now we check if there is a unique representation shared by
+ // both `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`; this can be either same to generated digits, or
+ // to the rounded-up version of those digits. if the range contains multiple representations
+ // of the same length, we cannot be sure and should return `None` instead.
+ //
+ // all arguments here are scaled by the common (but implicit) value `k`, so that:
+ // - `remainder = (v % 10^kappa) * k`
+ // - `ten_kappa = 10^kappa * k`
+ // - `ulp = 2^-e * k`
+ //
+ // SAFETY: the first `len` bytes of `buf` must be initialized.
+ unsafe fn possibly_round(
+ buf: &mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ mut len: usize,
+ mut exp: i16,
+ limit: i16,
+ remainder: u64,
+ ten_kappa: u64,
+ ulp: u64,
+ ) -> Option<(&[u8], i16)> {
+ debug_assert!(remainder < ten_kappa);
+ // 10^kappa
+ // : : :<->: :
+ // : : : : :
+ // :|1 ulp|1 ulp| :
+ // :|<--->|<--->| :
+ // ----|-----|-----|----
+ // | v |
+ // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
+ //
+ // (for the reference, the dotted line indicates the exact value for
+ // possible representations in given number of digits.)
+ //
+ // error is too large that there are at least three possible representations
+ // between `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`. we cannot determine which one is correct.
+ if ulp >= ten_kappa {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // 10^kappa
+ // :<------->:
+ // : :
+ // : |1 ulp|1 ulp|
+ // : |<--->|<--->|
+ // ----|-----|-----|----
+ // | v |
+ // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
+ //
+ // in fact, 1/2 ulp is enough to introduce two possible representations.
+ // (remember that we need a unique representation for both `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp`.)
+ // this won't overflow, as `ulp < ten_kappa` from the first check.
+ if ten_kappa - ulp <= ulp {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // remainder
+ // :<->| :
+ // : | :
+ // :<--------- 10^kappa ---------->:
+ // | : | :
+ // |1 ulp|1 ulp| :
+ // |<--->|<--->| :
+ // ----|-----|-----|------------------------
+ // | v |
+ // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
+ //
+ // if `v + 1 ulp` is closer to the rounded-down representation (which is already in `buf`),
+ // then we can safely return. note that `v - 1 ulp` *can* be less than the current
+ // representation, but as `1 ulp < 10^kappa / 2`, this condition is enough:
+ // the distance between `v - 1 ulp` and the current representation
+ // cannot exceed `10^kappa / 2`.
+ //
+ // the condition equals to `remainder + ulp < 10^kappa / 2`.
+ // since this can easily overflow, first check if `remainder < 10^kappa / 2`.
+ // we've already verified that `ulp < 10^kappa / 2`, so as long as
+ // `10^kappa` did not overflow after all, the second check is fine.
+ if ten_kappa - remainder > remainder && ten_kappa - 2 * remainder >= 2 * ulp {
+ // SAFETY: our caller initialized that memory.
+ return Some((unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&buf[..len]) }, exp));
+ }
+ // :<------- remainder ------>| :
+ // : | :
+ // :<--------- 10^kappa --------->:
+ // : | | : |
+ // : |1 ulp|1 ulp|
+ // : |<--->|<--->|
+ // -----------------------|-----|-----|-----
+ // | v |
+ // v - 1 ulp v + 1 ulp
+ //
+ // on the other hands, if `v - 1 ulp` is closer to the rounded-up representation,
+ // we should round up and return. for the same reason we don't need to check `v + 1 ulp`.
+ //
+ // the condition equals to `remainder - ulp >= 10^kappa / 2`.
+ // again we first check if `remainder > ulp` (note that this is not `remainder >= ulp`,
+ // as `10^kappa` is never zero). also note that `remainder - ulp <= 10^kappa`,
+ // so the second check does not overflow.
+ if remainder > ulp && ten_kappa - (remainder - ulp) <= remainder - ulp {
+ if let Some(c) =
+ // SAFETY: our caller must have initialized that memory.
+ round_up(unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_mut(&mut buf[..len]) })
+ {
+ // only add an additional digit when we've been requested the fixed precision.
+ // we also need to check that, if the original buffer was empty,
+ // the additional digit can only be added when `exp == limit` (edge case).
+ exp += 1;
+ if exp > limit && len < buf.len() {
+ buf[len] = MaybeUninit::new(c);
+ len += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // SAFETY: we and our caller initialized that memory.
+ return Some((unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&buf[..len]) }, exp));
+ }
+ // otherwise we are doomed (i.e., some values between `v - 1 ulp` and `v + 1 ulp` are
+ // rounding down and others are rounding up) and give up.
+ None
+ }
+/// The exact and fixed mode implementation for Grisu with Dragon fallback.
+/// This should be used for most cases.
+pub fn format_exact<'a>(
+ d: &Decoded,
+ buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
+ limit: i16,
+) -> (/*digits*/ &'a [u8], /*exp*/ i16) {
+ use crate::num::flt2dec::strategy::dragon::format_exact as fallback;
+ // SAFETY: The borrow checker is not smart enough to let us use `buf`
+ // in the second branch, so we launder the lifetime here. But we only re-use
+ // `buf` if `format_exact_opt` returned `None` so this is okay.
+ match format_exact_opt(d, unsafe { &mut *(buf as *mut _) }, limit) {
+ Some(ret) => ret,
+ None => fallback(d, buf, limit),
+ }