path: root/library/std/src/sys/solid/abi/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/std/src/sys/solid/abi/')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/std/src/sys/solid/abi/ b/library/std/src/sys/solid/abi/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb06a6dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/std/src/sys/solid/abi/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+use crate::os::raw::{c_char, c_uint, c_void};
+pub use libc::{c_int, c_long, size_t, ssize_t, suseconds_t, time_t, timeval};
+pub const SOLID_NET_ERR_BASE: c_int = -2000;
+pub const AF_INET6: i32 = 10;
+pub const AF_INET: i32 = 2;
+pub const IPPROTO_IP: i32 = 0;
+pub const IPPROTO_IPV6: i32 = 41;
+pub const IPPROTO_TCP: i32 = 6;
+pub const IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: i32 = 12;
+pub const IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: i32 = 13;
+pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP: i32 = 19;
+pub const IPV6_V6ONLY: i32 = 27;
+pub const IP_TTL: i32 = 2;
+pub const IP_MULTICAST_TTL: i32 = 5;
+pub const IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: i32 = 7;
+pub const IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: i32 = 3;
+pub const IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: i32 = 4;
+pub const SHUT_RD: i32 = 0;
+pub const SHUT_RDWR: i32 = 2;
+pub const SHUT_WR: i32 = 1;
+pub const SOCK_DGRAM: i32 = 2;
+pub const SOCK_STREAM: i32 = 1;
+pub const SOL_SOCKET: i32 = 4095;
+pub const SO_BROADCAST: i32 = 32;
+pub const SO_ERROR: i32 = 4103;
+pub const SO_RCVTIMEO: i32 = 4102;
+pub const SO_REUSEADDR: i32 = 4;
+pub const SO_SNDTIMEO: i32 = 4101;
+pub const SO_LINGER: i32 = 128;
+pub const TCP_NODELAY: i32 = 1;
+pub const MSG_PEEK: c_int = 1;
+pub const FIONBIO: c_long = 0x8008667eu32 as c_long;
+pub const EAI_NONAME: i32 = -2200;
+pub const EAI_SERVICE: i32 = -2201;
+pub const EAI_FAIL: i32 = -2202;
+pub const EAI_MEMORY: i32 = -2203;
+pub const EAI_FAMILY: i32 = -2204;
+pub type sa_family_t = u8;
+pub type socklen_t = u32;
+pub type in_addr_t = u32;
+pub type in_port_t = u16;
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct in_addr {
+ pub s_addr: in_addr_t,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct in6_addr {
+ pub s6_addr: [u8; 16],
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct ip_mreq {
+ pub imr_multiaddr: in_addr,
+ pub imr_interface: in_addr,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct ipv6_mreq {
+ pub ipv6mr_multiaddr: in6_addr,
+ pub ipv6mr_interface: c_uint,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct msghdr {
+ pub msg_name: *mut c_void,
+ pub msg_namelen: socklen_t,
+ pub msg_iov: *mut iovec,
+ pub msg_iovlen: c_int,
+ pub msg_control: *mut c_void,
+ pub msg_controllen: socklen_t,
+ pub msg_flags: c_int,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct sockaddr {
+ pub sa_len: u8,
+ pub sa_family: sa_family_t,
+ pub sa_data: [c_char; 14usize],
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct sockaddr_in {
+ pub sin_len: u8,
+ pub sin_family: sa_family_t,
+ pub sin_port: in_port_t,
+ pub sin_addr: in_addr,
+ pub sin_zero: [c_char; 8usize],
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct sockaddr_in6 {
+ pub sin6_len: u8,
+ pub sin6_family: sa_family_t,
+ pub sin6_port: in_port_t,
+ pub sin6_flowinfo: u32,
+ pub sin6_addr: in6_addr,
+ pub sin6_scope_id: u32,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct sockaddr_storage {
+ pub s2_len: u8,
+ pub ss_family: sa_family_t,
+ pub s2_data1: [c_char; 2usize],
+ pub s2_data2: [u32; 3usize],
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct addrinfo {
+ pub ai_flags: c_int,
+ pub ai_family: c_int,
+ pub ai_socktype: c_int,
+ pub ai_protocol: c_int,
+ pub ai_addrlen: socklen_t,
+ pub ai_addr: *mut sockaddr,
+ pub ai_canonname: *mut c_char,
+ pub ai_next: *mut addrinfo,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct linger {
+ pub l_onoff: c_int,
+ pub l_linger: c_int,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct iovec {
+ pub iov_base: *mut c_void,
+ pub iov_len: usize,
+/// This value can be chosen by an application
+pub const SOLID_NET_FD_SETSIZE: usize = 1;
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct fd_set {
+ pub num_fds: usize,
+ pub fds: [c_int; SOLID_NET_FD_SETSIZE],
+extern "C" {
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_StrError"]
+ pub fn strerror(errnum: c_int) -> *const c_char;
+ pub fn SOLID_NET_GetLastError() -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Accept"]
+ pub fn accept(s: c_int, addr: *mut sockaddr, addrlen: *mut socklen_t) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Bind"]
+ pub fn bind(s: c_int, name: *const sockaddr, namelen: socklen_t) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Connect"]
+ pub fn connect(s: c_int, name: *const sockaddr, namelen: socklen_t) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Close"]
+ pub fn close(s: c_int) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Dup"]
+ pub fn dup(s: c_int) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_GetPeerName"]
+ pub fn getpeername(s: c_int, name: *mut sockaddr, namelen: *mut socklen_t) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_GetSockName"]
+ pub fn getsockname(s: c_int, name: *mut sockaddr, namelen: *mut socklen_t) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_GetSockOpt"]
+ pub fn getsockopt(
+ s: c_int,
+ level: c_int,
+ optname: c_int,
+ optval: *mut c_void,
+ optlen: *mut socklen_t,
+ ) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_SetSockOpt"]
+ pub fn setsockopt(
+ s: c_int,
+ level: c_int,
+ optname: c_int,
+ optval: *const c_void,
+ optlen: socklen_t,
+ ) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Ioctl"]
+ pub fn ioctl(s: c_int, cmd: c_long, argp: *mut c_void) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Listen"]
+ pub fn listen(s: c_int, backlog: c_int) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Recv"]
+ pub fn recv(s: c_int, mem: *mut c_void, len: size_t, flags: c_int) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Read"]
+ pub fn read(s: c_int, mem: *mut c_void, len: size_t) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Readv"]
+ pub fn readv(s: c_int, bufs: *const iovec, bufcnt: c_int) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_RecvFrom"]
+ pub fn recvfrom(
+ s: c_int,
+ mem: *mut c_void,
+ len: size_t,
+ flags: c_int,
+ from: *mut sockaddr,
+ fromlen: *mut socklen_t,
+ ) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Send"]
+ pub fn send(s: c_int, mem: *const c_void, len: size_t, flags: c_int) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_SendMsg"]
+ pub fn sendmsg(s: c_int, message: *const msghdr, flags: c_int) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_SendTo"]
+ pub fn sendto(
+ s: c_int,
+ mem: *const c_void,
+ len: size_t,
+ flags: c_int,
+ to: *const sockaddr,
+ tolen: socklen_t,
+ ) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Shutdown"]
+ pub fn shutdown(s: c_int, how: c_int) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Socket"]
+ pub fn socket(domain: c_int, type_: c_int, protocol: c_int) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Write"]
+ pub fn write(s: c_int, mem: *const c_void, len: size_t) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Writev"]
+ pub fn writev(s: c_int, bufs: *const iovec, bufcnt: c_int) -> ssize_t;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_FreeAddrInfo"]
+ pub fn freeaddrinfo(ai: *mut addrinfo);
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_GetAddrInfo"]
+ pub fn getaddrinfo(
+ nodename: *const c_char,
+ servname: *const c_char,
+ hints: *const addrinfo,
+ res: *mut *mut addrinfo,
+ ) -> c_int;
+ #[link_name = "SOLID_NET_Select"]
+ pub fn select(
+ maxfdp1: c_int,
+ readset: *mut fd_set,
+ writeset: *mut fd_set,
+ exceptset: *mut fd_set,
+ timeout: *mut timeval,
+ ) -> c_int;