path: root/src/bootstrap/bin/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/bin/ b/src/bootstrap/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a3cc6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bootstrap/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+//! Shim which is passed to Cargo as "rustc" when running the bootstrap.
+//! This shim will take care of some various tasks that our build process
+//! requires that Cargo can't quite do through normal configuration:
+//! 1. When compiling build scripts and build dependencies, we need a guaranteed
+//! full standard library available. The only compiler which actually has
+//! this is the snapshot, so we detect this situation and always compile with
+//! the snapshot compiler.
+//! 2. We pass a bunch of `--cfg` and other flags based on what we're compiling
+//! (and this slightly differs based on a whether we're using a snapshot or
+//! not), so we do that all here.
+//! This may one day be replaced by RUSTFLAGS, but the dynamic nature of
+//! switching compilers for the bootstrap and for build scripts will probably
+//! never get replaced.
+use std::env;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::process::{Child, Command};
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::time::Instant;
+fn main() {
+ let args = env::args_os().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ // Detect whether or not we're a build script depending on whether --target
+ // is passed (a bit janky...)
+ let target =|w| &*w[0] == "--target").and_then(|w| w[1].to_str());
+ let version = args.iter().find(|w| &**w == "-vV");
+ let verbose = match env::var("RUSTC_VERBOSE") {
+ Ok(s) => usize::from_str(&s).expect("RUSTC_VERBOSE should be an integer"),
+ Err(_) => 0,
+ };
+ // Use a different compiler for build scripts, since there may not yet be a
+ // libstd for the real compiler to use. However, if Cargo is attempting to
+ // determine the version of the compiler, the real compiler needs to be
+ // used. Currently, these two states are differentiated based on whether
+ // --target and -vV is/isn't passed.
+ let (rustc, libdir) = if target.is_none() && version.is_none() {
+ } else {
+ };
+ let stage = env::var("RUSTC_STAGE").expect("RUSTC_STAGE was not set");
+ let sysroot = env::var_os("RUSTC_SYSROOT").expect("RUSTC_SYSROOT was not set");
+ let on_fail = env::var_os("RUSTC_ON_FAIL").map(Command::new);
+ let rustc = env::var_os(rustc).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{:?} was not set", rustc));
+ let libdir = env::var_os(libdir).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{:?} was not set", libdir));
+ let mut dylib_path = dylib_path();
+ dylib_path.insert(0, PathBuf::from(&libdir));
+ let mut cmd = Command::new(rustc);
+ cmd.args(&args).env(dylib_path_var(), env::join_paths(&dylib_path).unwrap());
+ // Get the name of the crate we're compiling, if any.
+ let crate_name =
+|args| args[0] == "--crate-name").and_then(|args| args[1].to_str());
+ if let Some(crate_name) = crate_name {
+ if let Some(target) = env::var_os("RUSTC_TIME") {
+ if target == "all"
+ || target.into_string().unwrap().split(',').any(|c| c.trim() == crate_name)
+ {
+ cmd.arg("-Ztime");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Print backtrace in case of ICE
+ if env::var("RUSTC_BACKTRACE_ON_ICE").is_ok() && env::var("RUST_BACKTRACE").is_err() {
+ cmd.env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1");
+ }
+ if let Ok(lint_flags) = env::var("RUSTC_LINT_FLAGS") {
+ cmd.args(lint_flags.split_whitespace());
+ }
+ if target.is_some() {
+ // The stage0 compiler has a special sysroot distinct from what we
+ // actually downloaded, so we just always pass the `--sysroot` option,
+ // unless one is already set.
+ if !args.iter().any(|arg| arg == "--sysroot") {
+ cmd.arg("--sysroot").arg(&sysroot);
+ }
+ // If we're compiling specifically the `panic_abort` crate then we pass
+ // the `-C panic=abort` option. Note that we do not do this for any
+ // other crate intentionally as this is the only crate for now that we
+ // ship with panic=abort.
+ //
+ // This... is a bit of a hack how we detect this. Ideally this
+ // information should be encoded in the crate I guess? Would likely
+ // require an RFC amendment to RFC 1513, however.
+ //
+ // `compiler_builtins` are unconditionally compiled with panic=abort to
+ // workaround undefined references to `rust_eh_unwind_resume` generated
+ // otherwise, see issue
+ if crate_name == Some("panic_abort")
+ || crate_name == Some("compiler_builtins") && stage != "0"
+ {
+ cmd.arg("-C").arg("panic=abort");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // FIXME(rust-lang/cargo#5754) we shouldn't be using special env vars
+ // here, but rather Cargo should know what flags to pass rustc itself.
+ // Override linker if necessary.
+ if let Ok(host_linker) = env::var("RUSTC_HOST_LINKER") {
+ cmd.arg(format!("-Clinker={}", host_linker));
+ }
+ if env::var_os("RUSTC_HOST_FUSE_LD_LLD").is_some() {
+ cmd.arg("-Clink-args=-fuse-ld=lld");
+ }
+ if let Ok(s) = env::var("RUSTC_HOST_CRT_STATIC") {
+ if s == "true" {
+ cmd.arg("-C").arg("target-feature=+crt-static");
+ }
+ if s == "false" {
+ cmd.arg("-C").arg("target-feature=-crt-static");
+ }
+ }
+ // Cargo doesn't pass RUSTFLAGS to proc_macros:
+ //
+ // Thus, if we are on stage 0, we explicitly set `--cfg=bootstrap`.
+ // We also declare that the flag is expected, which is mainly needed for
+ // later stages so that they don't warn about #[cfg(bootstrap)],
+ // but enabling it for stage 0 too lets any warnings, if they occur,
+ // occur more early on, e.g. about #[cfg(bootstrap = "foo")].
+ if stage == "0" {
+ cmd.arg("--cfg=bootstrap");
+ }
+ cmd.arg("-Zunstable-options");
+ cmd.arg("--check-cfg=values(bootstrap)");
+ }
+ if let Ok(map) = env::var("RUSTC_DEBUGINFO_MAP") {
+ cmd.arg("--remap-path-prefix").arg(&map);
+ }
+ // Force all crates compiled by this compiler to (a) be unstable and (b)
+ // allow the `rustc_private` feature to link to other unstable crates
+ // also in the sysroot. We also do this for host crates, since those
+ // may be proc macros, in which case we might ship them.
+ if env::var_os("RUSTC_FORCE_UNSTABLE").is_some() && (stage != "0" || target.is_some()) {
+ cmd.arg("-Z").arg("force-unstable-if-unmarked");
+ }
+ if let Ok(flags) = env::var("MAGIC_EXTRA_RUSTFLAGS") {
+ for flag in flags.split(' ') {
+ cmd.arg(flag);
+ }
+ }
+ let is_test = args.iter().any(|a| a == "--test");
+ if verbose > 2 {
+ let rust_env_vars =
+ env::vars().filter(|(k, _)| k.starts_with("RUST") || k.starts_with("CARGO"));
+ let prefix = if is_test { "[RUSTC-SHIM] rustc --test" } else { "[RUSTC-SHIM] rustc" };
+ let prefix = match crate_name {
+ Some(crate_name) => format!("{} {}", prefix, crate_name),
+ None => prefix.to_string(),
+ };
+ for (i, (k, v)) in rust_env_vars.enumerate() {
+ eprintln!("{} env[{}]: {:?}={:?}", prefix, i, k, v);
+ }
+ eprintln!("{} working directory: {}", prefix, env::current_dir().unwrap().display());
+ eprintln!(
+ "{} command: {:?}={:?} {:?}",
+ prefix,
+ dylib_path_var(),
+ env::join_paths(&dylib_path).unwrap(),
+ cmd,
+ );
+ eprintln!("{} sysroot: {:?}", prefix, sysroot);
+ eprintln!("{} libdir: {:?}", prefix, libdir);
+ }
+ let start = Instant::now();
+ let (child, status) = {
+ let errmsg = format!("\nFailed to run:\n{:?}\n-------------", cmd);
+ let mut child = cmd.spawn().expect(&errmsg);
+ let status = child.wait().expect(&errmsg);
+ (child, status)
+ };
+ if env::var_os("RUSTC_PRINT_STEP_TIMINGS").is_some()
+ || env::var_os("RUSTC_PRINT_STEP_RUSAGE").is_some()
+ {
+ if let Some(crate_name) = crate_name {
+ let dur = start.elapsed();
+ // If the user requested resource usage data, then
+ // include that in addition to the timing output.
+ let rusage_data =
+ env::var_os("RUSTC_PRINT_STEP_RUSAGE").and_then(|_| format_rusage_data(child));
+ eprintln!(
+ "[RUSTC-TIMING] {} test:{} {}.{:03}{}{}",
+ crate_name,
+ is_test,
+ dur.as_secs(),
+ dur.subsec_millis(),
+ if rusage_data.is_some() { " " } else { "" },
+ rusage_data.unwrap_or(String::new()),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if status.success() {
+ std::process::exit(0);
+ // note: everything below here is unreachable. do not put code that
+ // should run on success, after this block.
+ }
+ if verbose > 0 {
+ println!("\nDid not run successfully: {}\n{:?}\n-------------", status, cmd);
+ }
+ if let Some(mut on_fail) = on_fail {
+ on_fail.status().expect("Could not run the on_fail command");
+ }
+ // Preserve the exit code. In case of signal, exit with 0xfe since it's
+ // awkward to preserve this status in a cross-platform way.
+ match status.code() {
+ Some(i) => std::process::exit(i),
+ None => {
+ eprintln!("rustc exited with {}", status);
+ std::process::exit(0xfe);
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(all(not(unix), not(windows)))]
+// In the future we can add this for more platforms
+fn format_rusage_data(_child: Child) -> Option<String> {
+ None
+fn format_rusage_data(child: Child) -> Option<String> {
+ use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle;
+ use winapi::um::{processthreadsapi, psapi, timezoneapi};
+ let handle = child.as_raw_handle();
+ macro_rules! try_bool {
+ ($e:expr) => {
+ if $e != 1 {
+ return None;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ let mut user_filetime = Default::default();
+ let mut user_time = Default::default();
+ let mut kernel_filetime = Default::default();
+ let mut kernel_time = Default::default();
+ let mut memory_counters = psapi::PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS::default();
+ unsafe {
+ try_bool!(processthreadsapi::GetProcessTimes(
+ handle,
+ &mut Default::default(),
+ &mut Default::default(),
+ &mut kernel_filetime,
+ &mut user_filetime,
+ ));
+ try_bool!(timezoneapi::FileTimeToSystemTime(&user_filetime, &mut user_time));
+ try_bool!(timezoneapi::FileTimeToSystemTime(&kernel_filetime, &mut kernel_time));
+ // Unlike on Linux with RUSAGE_CHILDREN, this will only return memory information for the process
+ // with the given handle and none of that process's children.
+ try_bool!(psapi::GetProcessMemoryInfo(
+ handle as _,
+ &mut memory_counters as *mut _ as _,
+ std::mem::size_of::<psapi::PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX>() as u32,
+ ));
+ }
+ // Guide on interpreting these numbers:
+ //
+ let peak_working_set = memory_counters.PeakWorkingSetSize / 1024;
+ let peak_page_file = memory_counters.PeakPagefileUsage / 1024;
+ let peak_paged_pool = memory_counters.QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage / 1024;
+ let peak_nonpaged_pool = memory_counters.QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage / 1024;
+ Some(format!(
+ "user: {USER_SEC}.{USER_USEC:03} \
+ sys: {SYS_SEC}.{SYS_USEC:03} \
+ peak working set (kb): {PEAK_WORKING_SET} \
+ peak page file usage (kb): {PEAK_PAGE_FILE} \
+ peak paged pool usage (kb): {PEAK_PAGED_POOL} \
+ peak non-paged pool usage (kb): {PEAK_NONPAGED_POOL} \
+ page faults: {PAGE_FAULTS}",
+ USER_SEC = user_time.wSecond + (user_time.wMinute * 60),
+ USER_USEC = user_time.wMilliseconds,
+ SYS_SEC = kernel_time.wSecond + (kernel_time.wMinute * 60),
+ SYS_USEC = kernel_time.wMilliseconds,
+ PEAK_WORKING_SET = peak_working_set,
+ PEAK_PAGE_FILE = peak_page_file,
+ PEAK_PAGED_POOL = peak_paged_pool,
+ PEAK_NONPAGED_POOL = peak_nonpaged_pool,
+ PAGE_FAULTS = memory_counters.PageFaultCount,
+ ))
+/// Tries to build a string with human readable data for several of the rusage
+/// fields. Note that we are focusing mainly on data that we believe to be
+/// supplied on Linux (the `rusage` struct has other fields in it but they are
+/// currently unsupported by Linux).
+fn format_rusage_data(_child: Child) -> Option<String> {
+ let rusage: libc::rusage = unsafe {
+ let mut recv = std::mem::zeroed();
+ // -1 is RUSAGE_CHILDREN, which means to get the rusage for all children
+ // (and grandchildren, etc) processes that have respectively terminated
+ // and been waited for.
+ let retval = libc::getrusage(-1, &mut recv);
+ if retval != 0 {
+ return None;
+ }
+ recv
+ };
+ // Mac OS X reports the maxrss in bytes, not kb.
+ let divisor = if env::consts::OS == "macos" { 1024 } else { 1 };
+ let maxrss = (rusage.ru_maxrss + (divisor - 1)) / divisor;
+ let mut init_str = format!(
+ "user: {USER_SEC}.{USER_USEC:03} \
+ sys: {SYS_SEC}.{SYS_USEC:03} \
+ max rss (kb): {MAXRSS}",
+ USER_SEC = rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec,
+ USER_USEC = rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec,
+ SYS_SEC = rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec,
+ SYS_USEC = rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec,
+ MAXRSS = maxrss
+ );
+ // The remaining rusage stats vary in platform support. So we treat
+ // uniformly zero values in each category as "not worth printing", since it
+ // either means no events of that type occurred, or that the platform
+ // does not support it.
+ let minflt = rusage.ru_minflt;
+ let majflt = rusage.ru_majflt;
+ if minflt != 0 || majflt != 0 {
+ init_str.push_str(&format!(" page reclaims: {} page faults: {}", minflt, majflt));
+ }
+ let inblock = rusage.ru_inblock;
+ let oublock = rusage.ru_oublock;
+ if inblock != 0 || oublock != 0 {
+ init_str.push_str(&format!(" fs block inputs: {} fs block outputs: {}", inblock, oublock));
+ }
+ let nvcsw = rusage.ru_nvcsw;
+ let nivcsw = rusage.ru_nivcsw;
+ if nvcsw != 0 || nivcsw != 0 {
+ init_str.push_str(&format!(
+ " voluntary ctxt switches: {} involuntary ctxt switches: {}",
+ nvcsw, nivcsw
+ ));
+ }
+ return Some(init_str);